Sunyellow Ones
Sunyellow Ones | |
Homeworld | Unknown |
Kardashev scale | Broke it |
The Sunyellow Ones are one of the known Precursor Species. All information seem to point to them being one of the kinder species, but their only leftovers are small buildings known as Gifts, strange time-and-space bending artifacts often giving their visitors knowledge on how to fix a societal ill or save their world from a disaster.
As described by Ili Akelen, felin archeologist and sociologist:
"The mythical boogie-fel of the universe. They say their smile blind you, they trick you and you can never leave their home if you accept any gift from them, that the mere sight of them can drive you mad, that their ships are dead suns that burn everyone to ashes, that they are like flowing gold, that they are older than the universe, the controllers, the Powers That Be, the Writers of the Tales, the Authors… And we got confirmation by about five of their reality-screwing Gifts, total.
"What I could not get from them, I found out by others.
"The Nation's historians, after a few years of trading resources, claimed they found one Gift, which turned their mindless machine men into thinking individuals. They think it's bad, and instantly exterminated everyone affected and nuked the entire planet.
"The people from Earth know nothing. According to them, they never even heard about such a species.
"The oldest felin source I could find is a fragmented poem about dreaming of one, and it is from the same cult that thinks Shirmi is a living entity.
"My theory is that these people were one of the precursors who pulled the short end of the straw some time and got shunted into some backwater system nobody can care about any more. Would explain the occasional fantastic tale, but I bet they are not even as important as the various Eldritch-suggestible fel. If anyone finds one, instantly call the Council, so I can get my well-deserved pay raise! I was promised two extra vacation days too, Retnul![1]"
All we know
One of the precursor species describe their meeting with the Sunyellow Ones as this: when the Precursors amassed an armada to conquer the known space, the Sunyellow Ones sent a stern warning not to hurt anyone. When the Precursors decided to send a message by blowing up a sun, the resulting explosion stopped mid-way, turned back, the entire armada lost functionality of all weapons, and being transported into their own home system, wrecked with guilt. The armada is still floating there, and the Precursors retreated from the world to find enlightenment.
Gifts are rare, often unassuming doors. Most adventurers who found one noted that they each had a sort of holographic representation tell them about a test or a puzzle. We do not really know what is in one.
All writing found by the Sunyellow Ones are written in a long, sleek script, often splitting up at individual words, sometimes taking rounds when describing facts.
An example:

This copy of a Sunyellow One script in found on a tablet they left behind. The branched text says the following. Black: To decipher (red: deconstruct) our words, we will (green: reform) translate our (blue: knowledge) (brown: gift).
The translation is mostly correct, albeit it seems to miss some context.
- ↑ (Ms. Akelen's boss)