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- I don't understand.
- nar liumtil
- I don't speak [language].
- [...]vol nar aevohl
- I only speak a little [language].
- [...]
- Please talk slower.
- mriev, muvi aevohil
- Please repeat that.
- mriev, hiurh i'esail
- Say the second part again.
- kaira urthlim hiurh aevohil
- Pardon?
- [...]
- Could you write that down please?
- hiurh surthe'e klaia?
- Do you speak [another language]?
- [...]vol aevohe'ia?
- Hello.
- mihli
- Good morning.
- mriwflui
- Good day.
- mriwsulmi
- Good evening.
- [...]
- Hello to you too.
- tiun omi mihli
- Good morning to you too.
- tiun omi mriwflui
How are you?
- How are you?
- [...]
- I'm good.
- mriw oel
- I'm fine.
- mravi oel
- I'm not great.
- mriw nar oel
- I'm sick.
- [...]
- And how are you?
- [...]
- What's new?
- muhpral?
- What's up?
- muhpral?
- Excuse me (you're in my way)
- [...]
- Excuse me (sorry to bother you)
- [...]
- Please.
- mriev
- Thank you.
- khusahl
- You're welcome.
- [...]
- No problem.
- nar karrdi
- I'm sorry.
- maerri oel
- It's OK.
- [...]
- I forgive you.
- [...]
- It's nice to meet you.
- [...]
- What's your name?
- muhi tiun itusuia?
- My name is [name].
- euna itusu [...] oen
- Where are you from?
- hemri tiun prihia?
- I'm from [location].
- [...] prihlw
- How old are you?
- ehie umthre oe'eia?
- I'm [number] years old.
- [...]chir umthre oel
- How about you?
- emi tiun?
- This is [name].
- [...] oen
Asking time
- What time is it?
- adfhi kra'eia?
- It is [time of day].
- [...]
- What day is it?
- sulmi kra'eia?
- It is Wednesday, January 21st.
- wieshul, atlawhura 21rha oen
- How much does that cost?
- [...]
- This costs [number] dollars.
- [...]
- I can't afford that.
- [...]
- That's too expensive.
- [...]
- I only have [number].
- [...]
- Would you take [number]?
- [...]
- Can we haggle?
- [...]
- Can I get a discount?
- [...]
- I'll trade you for this.
- [...]
Around town
- Where's the bathroom?
- [...]
- It's downstairs and to the left.
- [...]
- Where is the library?
- [...]
- It's three blocks east.
- [...]
- It's a five minute walk.
- [...]
- It's right behind you.
- [...]
- Where can I find some souvenirs?
- [...]
- Where can you get a drink around here?
- [...]
- Can you recommend a good restaurant?
- [...]
- Do you know any cheap hotels?
- [...]
- I like this.
- asurr mlagril
- I don't like this.
- asurr nar mlagril
- That's not right.
- [...]
- That's great.
- [...]
- That's perfect.
- [...]
- Help!
- hruimil!
- Help me!
- eun hruimil!
- Please help me.
- mriev, eun hruimil.
- Stop!
- iuemil!
- Stop that!
- hiurh iuemil!
- Please stop that.
- mriev, hiurh iuemil.
- Go away!
- prihil!
- Leave me alone!
- lamve!
- Would you like some wine?
- putfhilite rhfia'ia
- Just a little, please.
- ukel, mriev.
- Yes, I'll take the bottle.
- rhi, uimbel borol.
- Can I get you anything?
- [...]
- Can I help you?
- hruine klasenaia?
- Do you want this?
- asurr rfhialia?
- Do you need this?
- asurr sihraeia?
- I need four, please.
- nemrhi sihrael, mriev.
- Yes.
- rhi
- Yes please!
- rhi, mriev
- No.
- mreh
- No thank you.
- mreh, khusahl
- Maybe.
- alram
- I'm not sure.
- nar iaral
- Definitely.
- iaralri
- No way.
- [...]
- Are you sure?
- iaraleia?
- It was good to see you.
- tiun athel mriw oenwa
- See you soon.
- [...]
- See you tomorrow.
- [...]
- See you later.
- [...]
- Goodnight.
- mriw lamri
- Have a good day.
- [...]
- Goodbye (for now).
- riktha
- Goodbye (forever).
- [...]