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Post: #181 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Oh, that's nice to know.

I don't mind having a classical window+menubar UI for traditional desktop usage. And after having tested PicoDrive's standalone UI, I actually liked it for controller usage: it's very simple, clean, doesn't get on the way, I get a list of filenames rather than a library view (which as I've said elsewhere gets annoying if you have several dozens or even hundreds of games, particularly ROM hacks), and generally, it does the work for me.

But still, the problem with those multi-console emulators is rather simple: too many eggs on the same basket. What I would do if I were a emudev would be group consoles by family, as those usually have similar controller mappings: for example, all Sega consoles share the same basic layout introduced with the SMS, they just kept adding buttons: the Genesis/MD initially added an extra button plus START, then XYZ+Mode; the Saturn was more of the same - even the 3D Pad just added a stick or two. Then they got fancy with the Dreamcast, but aside of the VMU, it was nothing but the Saturn 3D pad, which was a Saturn controller with sticks, which was a Genesis controller with extra buttons, which was a oversized SMS pad with a bunch of extra buttons. For Nintendo consoles, the history is more or less the same.

Model the controller abstraction around families, not "all gamepads are Xbox 360 controllers".

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-02, 01:43 in Revamping my Genesis/MD emulation workbench (revision 1)

Post: #182 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by sureanem
Do you really want for people to put themselves through the pain of writing software for Android, let alone iOS?

As much as I hate to say it, assuming you're writing for PC only, writing Windows-only software is perfectly sufficient. Windows-targeting code runs with native performance on all major platforms, while code targeting OS X or Linux only runs on their respective operating systems.

So we non-Windows users have to suck it up and either buy/pirate Windows just for ONE piece of software, or even worse, deal with another pile of bugs (Wine) that few developers are willing to support (most of them will tell you "why you just don't install Windows?! CLOSED WONTFIX NOTABUG NOLONGERWELCOMEHERE"). Got it.

Look, I get that dealing with UIs and console-specific abstractions are hard to develop (I know, I've been there, there is no silver bullet which will magically make everyone happy). But telling your users "you will use Windows or ELSE!" is a very bad way to keep users... how do hipsters say nowadays, ah, "engaged" to your product. Maybe it works for you since you don't game on Linux, maybe you gave up, or maybe you're willing to support hackishy ways to run your Windows-only emulators under Mac/*nix, but certainly (and I speak from personal experience: for example, running Fusion under Wine was a very VERY hit-or-miss experience, often with a severe performance hit when it worked) I don't.

If anything that means I'll simply ignore Windows-only products and not recommend them to anyone that asks for me to advice, no matter how good is the product. And believe me, there are plenty of developers willing to endure the pains of multiplatform development (there are quite a few on this very board), because we believe that offering choices is worth the efforts. Telling me "Wine offers near-native performance" sounds a lot like those defending Electron "apps" ("hey, it's native!" Except that it isn't).

Anyway, that's not exactly the point of this thread, so I'm not interested into pursuing a discussion regarding the topic.

Back to topic: the Sega Retro wiki claims HazeMD does support the 32X, but said emulator eventually merged into MESS... and that merged into MAME! Cool, another emulator I can add to the list. But on the other side, it's MAME, the least user-friendly emulator ever made :/

Posted by DonJon
Posted by tomman
Now that I have a new 32X emulator (PicoDrive), I feel the need to update this "thing" I did well over a decade ago:

your website is probably the most retro, "old internet" thing I've ever seen, no joke

Simpler times, indeed!

Another fun fact: those test result pages were generated with Excel 2002, which pollutes the resulting HTML with a lot of proprietary garbage, really bloating up those simple tables, because MS considered it was nice for everybody to preserve the original workbook contents, including formulas so you can edit back on Excel, because that's totally what users wanted when exporting anything to HTML to publish on a website. (OpenOffice/LibreOffice doesn't fare much better: you lose document edition capabilities, yet you end with hundreds of kilobytes of highly redundant CSS rules)

But hey, no multimegabyte Javascript frameworks involved!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-02, 12:15 in The Horstmann brace style

Post: #183 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Screwtape
> Vim supports it, and presumably emacs too. Which CLI-based editors don't, you mean?

nano doesn't highlight matching brackets, although it does have a "jump to matching bracket" command.

I know this because I was going to reply to tomman with something like "even nano highlights matching brackets!" and then decided to actually fact-check myself.

Thanks for clearing things up. That shows how much I deal with CLI editors, AKA "nothing" - I only use nano for quick edits and little else, but it's interesting to know that it can actually deal with bracket navigation.

Anyway, my point still stands: if you're writing some code and your editor doesn't support any kind of bracket highlighting/navigation, you should really switch to a better editor.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-02, 17:17 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 3)

Post: #184 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Welcome to the future, where even your TV now needs an AV solution.

No, not AV as in "more cables".
No, not that other AV as in "porn"!
But ye olde' AV as in "antivirus".
Or that's what McAfee Intel is paying Samsung to convince us consumers that we need more bloatware on our freakin' televisions:

if your smart appliance platform, of which you have all the control, are the sole application source, and supposedly vet every single application uploaded, is bad enough to require a freakin' antivirus, then you're Doing Something Really Wrong™. (Also: lolTizen)

Samsung, you're drunk, please stick to making explosive cellphones and washing machines.
And dear appliance industry: we consumers don't give a crap about your razor-thin profit margins, so knock it off with the Smart $APPLIANCE disease, pretty please?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-04, 03:56 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #185 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Posted by BearOso

A TV signal is much worse than DVD quality. DVDs don't have grain, and have much higher resolutions.

In the US, ATSC is 720p or 1080i. DVDs cap out at 480p. Sure, you're more likely to have compression artifacts with OTA TV, but it absolutely has higher resolution than DVD. DVDs will have grain, too, if the camera filming had grain.

lolATSC. Yes, I heard they did revised the standard down the road to switch to better codecs... but you will have to buy new TVs/tuners. AGAIN.

And this is why I'm glad that among the few SANE decisions the commies took over here was to adopt the awesome ISDB-Tb as our digital TV system, with its glorious H.264 video encoding. (See, the "b" is important: thanks to Brazil who hacked up and improved vanilla ISDB-T, we're free from MPEG-2 bitrate waste doom. They also got rid from some insignificant bits, like mandatory DRM/encryption)

If only there were actual content to watch and take advantage of all that cool tech stuff (H.264, interactive apps made in Lua with an optional Java layer noone is going to deploy ever, 1-seg so we can watch blurry QVGA shit on our cellphones for free, unlike you 'muricans where you have to pay for OTA TV!), instead of all that gubmint propaganda poison... What a waste of precious unencrypted MPEG-2 transport streams :/

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-04, 16:58 in Revamping my Genesis/MD emulation workbench

Post: #186 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Heh, I thought I had a complete 32X set.

I even spent the entire week downloading the 32X CD library over this pathetic excuse of DSL connection (seriously, a 6-hour download became a week-long nightmare)... all seven gigabytes (4.4GB compressed) of pure, stinky, rotten garbage straight out from 1994! Six terrible games spread along eleven discs: four of them belonging to Slam City (so a single game has like a third of all discs released!), and the odd case of Fahrenheit where the game was the sole combo pack release ever made, containing both the vanilla SCD and the 32X-enhanced version on the same box, yet both discs are required as a crude form of DRM (the SCD disc acting as a key disc for the 32X version; you can't boot it otherwise). The things I do because I seem to have a weird fixation with the ill-fated mushroom...

And then, turns out there IS an undumped retail game: the Euro version of Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (released there simply as Motherbase). The existing dump is only for the NTSC version - for some reason the PAL release have eluded dumpers for over two decades. The game was officially released in Europe in mid '95, the cart does indeed exist in places nowhere near from cart dumpers (and reportedly it fetches high prices when sold online), and the ROM is unique as the NTSC version is region locked. So much for game preservation efforts there...

PicoDrive doesn't stop surprising me about the quality of its 32X emulation (on which there have been no code commits in over a year), but the last surprise wasn't exactly a good one: the infamous Mars Check Program (often believed to not be compatible with the final retail hardware as it was believed that the program was targeting pre-release hardware, which now looks like it wasn't the case) does a flawless run on it... and then, during one of the SH2 DMA tests (#123 for those curious), the emulator just aborts. For reference, Fusion aces the entire test suite, and there are reports that the ROM indeed also works fine on retail consoles. Every other emulator -including Gens- fails miserably this check.

I was also gladly surprised of finding quite a few pieces of 32X homebrew out there: from your basic "let's draw some bitmaps and spin some figures" demos to full game ports, including Wolfenstein 3D/Spear of Destiny (complete with audio, savegames, and very respectable performance!), Rick Dangerous (through a port of xrick), JPEG/PNG decoders, and music players of all kinds - NSF, SID, YM, and of course, Chilly Willy's MOD players that will put your PWM emulation to shame. There is even a CD32X enabled version of the latter, being a world first as the only homebrew for The Expensive Cable Monster™. Sounds like the mushroom is a interesting target for porting old DOS games, if you can get them to work with the limited RAM storage and slow ROM access times.

Soooo... bMars fucking when, byuu? Shit games deserve to be preserved too!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-05, 00:02 in Revamping my Genesis/MD emulation workbench (revision 1)

Post: #187 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
> Hardly the only example of a missed game. And that missed game happened to turn into an expensive game, that could be a reason. Not everyone can just fork out for a pricey game to dump it.

And there you have a new problem: scalpers and collectors have a big reason for such games to stay undumped, because having a ROM dump in the wild supposedly devalues their prize. While bit rot is not a problem (yet?) for mask ROMs, eventually all copies of the game will disappear, and it will be lost forever. I've seen this happen quite a few times with protos, but I guess that it's just matter of time for retail games to be hit too, given the current insanity around the retrogaming market.

Then there is the case of Surgical Strike, where the current rip comes from a reproduction released in Brazil a couple years ago, from what I was able to read around some sources...

Oh, and notaz just replied me to my bug report on the Mars Check Program: he gave a reasonable technical explanation of why the program crashes (he says the ROM has a bug, it only works on real hardware by sheer chance due to caching, and even a bugfix for the ROM), why this test ROM is useless for most emudevs (it tests for features not used on retail games), and properly fixing this would be one of those cases of "too much for nothing" (in terms of performance and development costs). So there is it - a very reasonable answer from a emudev that know that people downloads his emulator to play videogames, not to mess with obscure corner cases that no commercial game would even exploit. Not great news for accuracy enthusiasts, but no gamer (outside PokéRAWMz hunters) would ever bother running said test ROM in first place (the audio tests are particularly ear-grating)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-05, 00:04 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #188 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Posted by sureanem
Didn't they broadcast anime fansubs on there a while ago?

Ah, there is this state-owned channel (Avila TV) that still does, in true socialist fashion.

But apparently they now pirate Crunchyroll dubs these days, when they're not airing Dragon Ball out of YouTube rips.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-05, 13:00 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #189 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Posted by Nicholas Steel
Posted by creaothceann
Wasn't it omitted because page loads would get very slow?
I... never had an issue with it on Byuu's forum and I'm using an ancient CPU (though with videos performance is largely dependent on the video card and the number of videos simultaneously playing).

The website you linked to only consumes 13% of my CPU and 3% of the GPU.

I've had issues with some websites when I had a Geforce 760 video card like:
* Horizon: Zero Dawn website Multiple Full HD and HD videos auto-playing in the background and can't be paused, 100% GPU utilization and very high CPU utilization. Edit: looks like they've changed it so there's only 1 background video.
* Break image galleries. Often consisted of a lot of auto-playing videos per page so you'd have to scroll through pausing them all if you wanted any to playback correctly. Break is now dead.
* Endless scrolling Joyreactor website design. they ditched that a few years ago.

but it's no longer an issue since I upgraded to the Geforce 1070Ti (and I have very high expectation that a Geforce 1050 (non-Ti) wouldn't break a sweat either). Also Youtube video embeds don't automatically play afaik so other than the time it takes to load video players there shouldn't be much if any performance nor network impact until you click Play?

"Works on my machine" is not a excuse for polluting pages with endless video embeds.
Also: bandwidth. So sorry but no.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-05, 20:44 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #190 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Works for me™.

And now the debate: opt-in or opt-out?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-05, 23:15 in Revamping my Genesis/MD emulation workbench

Post: #191 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
The rumours were real: MAME does indeed run 32X ROMs.

I managed to install MAME 0.182 from Debian Stable, as I can't build anything newer in the meanwhile for as long as I experience those connection woes (Testing/Sid do have the newest 0.206, but I'm not moving there yet this time, mostly for the same reasons). But then, there is no big loss: apparently there have been no improvements to the Genesis/SCD/32X cores since then - apparently Vtech kids junk and weirdass East European computers from the Iron Curtain era have far more followers and curious hackers working on those than the unlovely black mushroom everybody loves to hate :/ Anyway, just added the emulator to my 32X testbench.

MAME also claims support for the SCD32X abomination, except that I didn't managed to get any ISO running under such a setup: it just hangs at the Planet Earth background splash from the SCD BIOS. Regular SCD games do work fine (tested with Sonic 1 Megamix, as this is the only plain SCD game I have at hand right now). Same for 32X games, but don't expect to get homebrew running on this thing anytime soon (most demos and ports I tried didn't went past a black screen), plus performance sometimes takes a nosedive... even on my Sandy Bridge i5, but I guess that's expected from a (supposedly) accuracy-focused emulator.

Also... oh god, MAME. Its reputation as the least user-friendly emulator is still there after all those years! (Last time I used it was like 15 years ago or something). It now comes with a GUI, except that it's a complete clusterfuck of pure unusability! The docs are hardly useful:
3.3 MAME Menus
If you started MAME without any command line parameters, you’ll be shown the game selection menu immediately.
While the keys listed above will let you navigate the menus, you can also use a mouse.
[todo: This needs SERIOUS expansion. Waiting on answer to a few questions..]

Yes, I'm not making this up! The UI shows a list of systems, but all you get is a lovely "you're missing required BIOS/CHD files" every time you try to do something. Soooo... fuck the GUI, I'm walking the CLI path as it seems to be far more useful.

Crash course on how to run Genesis/32X/SCD games on MAME:
0) Figure out what's the name of the system you want to emulate (look here, or run "mame -ll"). Every region is a separate system. Every addon combination is a separate system. Remember, an Euro 32X (32xe) won't run Japanese (32xj) ROMs!
1) Look for the firmware/BIOS files information you're going to need - either run "mame -lx <system>" or, again take a look here.
2) Most likely you already have the required firmware, but not packed as The Gospel According to MAMEdev preaches. Take the XML you generated in the previous step, copy&rename the firmware files (ensure the hashes match!), and zip them to the expected system names (i.e. => 32x_m_bios.bin+32x_s_bios.bin+32x_g_bios.bin). Place that zip file at your MAME ROMs path (which will be $HOME/mame/roms if you're using the stock Debian packages)
3) Now you can play your sucky games: mame 32x -w -video opengl -cart junk.bin
(Or for CDROM games: mame segacd -w -video opengl -cdrm someFMVshit.cue)
4) Use TAB to figure out the key mappings among other things

What a MESS, yo.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-06, 02:01 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #192 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by BearOso
Posted by Covarr

FWIW, ever since they realized they could track and sell our viewing histories, "smart" TVs have generally skewed cheaper than traditional "dumb" TVs. Hooray for corporations using our data to subsidize product sales!

Joke's on them. We don't have to connect the TV to the Internet and it most certainly doesn't have a cellular modem.

But what's the point about buying a "smart TV" then?

I want a dumb TV, just like I've been able to buy since... well, forever!

Give me a panel, several inputs, and a TV tuner. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't even want USB ports on a TV! Leave that job to the pros, that is, media boxes, PCs, and everything else.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-07, 00:18 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #193 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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I don't know, from what he says on his posts, he looks like posting from a 3rd-world shithole like mine (or maybe Brazil, where anything electronic costs an arm and both legs):

- PS4/XBones are uncommon to the point to saying "noone uses them" not being too far from reality
- People stick to simple, AFFORDABLE things. Smart TVs are ridiculously expensive south of the border, y'know...
- "Chink boxes" are not that uncommon, although none of those can stream from Netflix and other legal sources (which is expected, since the penetration of streaming services at such places are still not great)

...however, HDMI is commonplace, and so are newer TVs that are likely to drop VGA ports.

I do know someone with a smart TV (a LG model bought sometime around 2011 or so, when those were the hottest new craze). The TV has never ever been used for anything but broadcast cable channels (in noisy 480i analog!), effectively leaving the smart features in the box, unused. But hey, it looks pretty when hung on the wall!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #194 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Dude, it's time to step away from the computer, for your own good...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-07, 11:49 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #195 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by BearOso
Posted by Nicholas Steel
Samsung has for a while (maybe still do) used Tyzen for their Smart TV's O/S, which is a custom version of Android. It's not compatible with most Android software... our 2016 Samsung TV is also extremely slow & crap performing when doing anything computery.

Tizen actually has nothing to do with Android. It started as a joint effort among a bunch of companies to make an embedded operating system built on Linux. History lesson: The UI uses the EFL, Enlightenment foundation libraries. Enlightenment was the hip X11 window manager before KDE and GNOME brought in the desktop paradigm, and gnome actually used it as its window manager for quite a while before bringing in sawmill.

Some mandatory reading about (how much) Tizen (sucks):
And of course, this TDWTF classic:
Highly suggested to be read from beginning to end. (Also, if you have a forum account there, look for several Samsung-related threads by the same OP, as they're very amusing reads AND shows why you should never look for a coding-related job on Asian electronics megacorps, unless if you love using Excel and Word as bugtrackers)

Basically, Tizen still exists because Korean pride, not because it's actually good (it isn't). Also, don't say bad things about EFL in public, as Rasterman will dispatch the EFL Self-Defense Army to your house to save the honor of his baby!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-12, 18:14 in Blackouts (revision 1)

Post: #196 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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So... here I am, after surviving what it was probably the worst blackout I've seen in my 32 years of life (but I highly suspect it won't be the worst). Almost 96 hours without power (yay rotten expensive food~ Also, trivial things like recharging a battery or getting access to ice become true survival wars), water (thankfully my underground water tank was full), and telcos (for you Javashit devs: ever wondered how it feels to live off the grid? Then come to Soviet Venezuela).

Yes, my DSL is still broken.

And sadly, commies have won this time. Noone in the world gives a flying fuck about us Venezuelans, and why would anyone care? Your trade wars, Brexits and Teslas are far more interesting topics than people dying on a random hellhole which most can't locate in a map. We DID deserve this, for all our egoist, selfish, and nearly homicidal decisions in the last half century.

Anyway, feel free to talk about politics and other shits -- most likely I won't be monitoring this thread for too long, probably after the next blackout... which could be permanent.

Relevant coverage:
(No coverage on Slashdot? Not surprising, as I've said: we're not important for anyone in the world)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-13, 12:08 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #197 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Been replaying the entire 32X library, for the second time in a decade and half or so, while redoing my 32X crashtest thing.

I guess there is a destination worst than being a citizen of this country, but this time I voluntarily boarded the train to Shitville.

Also, I now hate Virtua Racing.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-13, 12:41 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #198 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by creaothceann
Posted by tomman
I now hate Virtua Racing.

Just turn off the audio :)

No, the audio actually makes it bearable! Except for the narrator at the title screen - Sega made the right call to redo the "VIIIIRTUA RACING!!!" voice on the overseas versions.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-14, 17:44 in Blackouts (revision 1)

Post: #199 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
sureanam, please stop posting such BS to this thread, you're starting to sound like anewuser (which surprisingly has yet to post his pro-soviet, er, "I listen to both parties" crapola)

Maduro is a murderer, full stop. He doesn't deserve to flee in a plane just like many dictators have done in the past. Jail would be too good for him. He has to DIE, and his organs and limbs spread around all the Bolivar Plazas in the country.

Also fuck the opposition too, they're a bunch of leeches good for nothing that still believe in "peaceful exits" that will never happen.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-14, 23:01 in Blackouts

Post: #200 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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I do get your point, but that's the same excuse that everybody and his dog is using to do nothing ("we must stay aside" - that's not like the '80s USA which was willing to get rid of commie pigs far less dangerous than Maduro - the current one only worries about TERRIRISM™ and doesn't give a fuck about what happens to us because we aren't a threat to anybody but ourselves, and all we got from the international community is token acts which really don't help us at all), which clearly is a unsustainable position in the short run. As I've just said: the next blackout likely will be permanent and most of us will not survive the ensuing chaos.

While we get that we are likely to repeat the same errors if we get rid of Maduro (and trust me: it will happen because 90% of the Venezuelans are complete and absolute morons; the other 10% are waiting its turn to take advantage of the situation to satisfy their own personal agendas), we STILL may have hope of actually getting back into the rails. Venezuela isn't exactly an Arab hellhole full of hateful people willing to kill between themselves (YET!), but if we let this shit continue without an effective and HARD solution, we might as well become one, and if that happens, well... all bets are off. America only has room for one Cuba, not two.

Remember: we are also becoming the next drug cartel haven too. Mexican mafias don't really like the competition...

If Venezuelans are dumb enough to let another commie asshole to fuck us hard in the ass, well, it's time to send the nukes. There are too many countries in the world, noone will miss a tiny piece of desolated land in their next Geography quiz.

I've lost all hopes at this point. I don't even want to talk at my family anymore (it's split between "I don't care about you anymore", "Maduro will leave the power in the next 3 days, BE POSITIVE!!!" and a lone communistoid that still defends the ill-fated actions of the regime). I've developed a state of anxiety that I never expected to have in my life. I don't even have a outlet to express my frustrations anymore (much less with my faulty DSL which will never -and I repeat, NEVER- get repaired)... except for this messageboard, and even I understand that out of all places, this is not the best place for it.

OH FUCK, POLITICS REALLY PISS ME OFF!!! Politics destroyed my career, disbanded my family and friends, nuked my incomes, are leaving me to starve to death while I fight with this brokenass laptop that didn't even wanted to turn on after 4 days of being without power, and definitely have pretty much ruined my life, my hopes and dreams, and my expectations for the future.

No matter the outcome of all this, I'll never have respect for anyone engaging into a politics career anymore in my life.

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