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/* Dictionary */
.tag, .pos-verb::after, .pos-noun::after, .pos-adjective::after, .pos-interjection::after, .pos-proper::after, .pos-numeral::after, .pos-pronoun::after, .pos-phrase::after, .pos-affix::after, .pos-adverb::after, .pos-determiner::after, .pos-conjunction::after, .pos-auxiliary::after, .pos-adposition::after, .pos-abbreviation::after {
font-size: 60%;
margin-left: 0.5em;
padding: 0.20em 0.5em;
position: relative;
top: -0.25em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
color: #ffffff;
.pos-verb::after {
background: #9c27b0;
content: 'verb';
.pos-noun::after {
background: #3f51b5;
content: 'noun';
.pos-adjective::after {
background: #af6c0a;
content: 'adj';
.pos-interjection::after {
background: #ff9800;
content: 'intj';
.pos-proper::after {
background: #673ab7;
content: 'prop';
.pos-numeral::after {
background: #5f8b2d;
content: 'num';
.pos-pronoun::after {
background: #b51b86;
content: 'pron';
.pos-phrase::after {
background: #607d8b;
content: 'phrase';
.pos-affix::after {
background: #726e6e;
content: 'affix';
.pos-adverb::after {
background: #3a831c;
content: 'adv';
.pos-determiner::after {
background: #4caf50;
content: 'det';
.pos-conjunction::after {
background: #b7a92f;
content: 'conj';
.pos-auxiliary::after {
background: #1c8362;
content: 'aux';
.pos-adposition::after {
background: #833a1c;
content: 'adp';
.pos-abbreviation::after {
background: #874493;
content: 'abbr';