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Chloromescalinate or chaedatruie (CædatruÉ in Felinese, literally the god chemical) is the felin sex hormone. It is released with sweat from five different glands — one on the neck, one in each armpit, one at the base of the tail, and one above the genitals. It is described by outsiders as smelling like "a bundle of frankincense, opium, and jasmine, wrapped in a sweaty jockstrap,[1]" but the felin generally describe the smell in one word: "fhie!"


When this chemical is inhaled or comes into contact with the skin, two glands — one in the brain and one at the base of the bladder — begin producing hormones that elevate the heart rate, dilate blood vessels, increase oxygen uptake, and prepare the body for physical activity. Then the felin brain begins to release and soak in sex hormones and endorphins.


Because chloromescalinate is so hard to synthesize, the easiest way to get it is from natural sources. As such, a lot of effort has gone into learning how to effectively sweat a felin. The best way to collect it so far is to attach gland collectors on the neck and armpits of two of them and lock them in a sauna. The chemical is then distilled from the sweat and used in perfumes and (less commonly) cooking.

Use in cooking

The most common dish to use it is "Lovers' Ramen", a ramen style dish made made with the boiled eggs of the Hachika bird, the testicles of the Karinan ram, and the secret ingredient, which in the old days used to be straight-up sweat but is now the distilled and sanitized active chemical. Traditionally served not in restaurants but in hotel rooms and inns, and eaten naked with the assumption that the felin are going straight to bed after dinner.[2]


"Frankincense and jasmine" also describes Kawa's natural body odor.[citation not needed]

  1. Most recently attested by the human staff on MKI's payroll.
  2. According to recipes.hist>loversramen.