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Aliases Katia Ripofflord
Relatives Astra's Mom
Biographical information
Date of birth 25th of Rhwawhura, 3423
Physical description
Species Felin
Gender Unrevealed
Eye color Cyan
Furstock Domestic
Real World
Origin Twitter
Designer Kawa

"And when you don't take your clothes off when you dance, it's hardly worth the name of 'party'." — Felin Frank Zappa, most certainly

Astra is the protagonist of the short-lived Twitter-based MSPA fanstory AstraQuest.

In said game, they were stuck in their bedroom during one of their parents' many lame parties. The goal was to guide them out without going downstairs, which Letrune, Ravenslofty, Rychen, and st33med managed to do.

When they were eight, Astra found a poster for Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace and thought Ewan McGregor was hunky-looking, for a human. Four years later they saw the actual movie and mildly regretted it.

On the other side of the room, they have a Farrah poster.

Astra has a few Death Stranding figurines in their bookcase. They know nothing about them, calling the Beached Things "gentlemen in distress" and only having a large Ludens figure because they like his style.

They live in an unidentified big city.


  • Astra was named by Ravenslofty. Katia Ripofflord was suggested by Letrune.
  • Astra is one of the few characters in the Firrhna Project with a complete, established, and fixed birth date. This is simply the date the game started, December 9 2019, pulled through Kawa's old converter.
  • It's only on the final panel that we see Astra in color.
  • Alternative names not seen in the story include "Milli",  "Lyri", and "Ruby", the latter of which Ravenslofty jokingly dismissed as there is already a RubyQuest.
  • When he heard of the game, Lancer spun up an elaborate story that could play out involving Astra's Lyri's father has a job at MKI working on a pocket universe and a test subject who rules the place like an angry madgod. Kawa then dismissed the idea with a joke about having made too much dinner, like an asshole.
  • If Astra were a Homestuck character, they would be the Rogue of Space.
Astra as a hypothetical Rogue of Space