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Farrah Furcett
Biographical information
Place of residence North Blackglade City, Thumtus
Physical description
Species Felin
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Furstock Domestic
Real World
Origin Asspull IIIx fantasy computer
Designer Kawa

Farrah Furcett (farrà farset in Felinese) is a yellow-furred, blue-eyed aerobics instructor and the mascot for Kawa's fantasy computer system.


  • Farrah was named by Screwtape.

Game appearances

As the mascot for the Asspull IIIx, Farrah appears on the startup screen and as a playable character in Sokonyan. She is not controllable in the tilemap test, but more appearances are basically a given. Farrah is unlikely to appear outside of this context.