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This is a complete copy of the Felinese dictionary so far. Its contents have been automatically generated by a script. We currently have 2464 words listed.


  • -a a (affix) feminine suffix
  • -aw aw (affix) adjective modifier
  • -fhra Fra (affix) agent suffix
  • -ir ir (affix) masculine affix
  • -rha Ra (affix) ordinal number
  • -rhuw Ruw (affix) abilitative
  • -tash tash (affix) study of
  • -wen wen (affix) superlative suffix


  • a'ho aho (noun) idiot, fool
  • a'iat aÁt (noun) a
  • abmetaw abmetaw (adjective) constant
  • adfhi adFi (noun/verb) time
  • adfhilim adFilim (noun) caesium
  • adfhiti adFiti (noun) time
  • adfhitiban adFitiban (proper noun) Time Lord
  • adfhitoiba adFitoiba (noun) time magic
  • adora adora (noun) gladiolus
  • adwa adwa (noun/verb) order
  • aelis ælis (noun) chest
  • aelta ælta (adverb) immediately
  • aesh æsh (verb) go beyond
  • aeshahriveipraemithimaerririutslivmriwa æshàriveipræmiþimærririutslivMiwa (adjective) supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  • aeshia æshÁ (proper noun) Asia
  • aeshiaw æshÁw (adjective) asian
  • aeshwen æshwen (adjective) extreme
  • aeshwenim æshwenim (noun) francium
  • aesi æsi (adjective) most
  • aesiaw æsÁw (adverb) mostly
  • aesitur æsitur (noun) industry
  • aesituraw æsituraw (adjective) industrial
  • aevash ævash (verb) read
  • aevoh ævoh (verb) speak
  • aevohtash ævohtash (noun) linguistics
  • afem afem (adjective) positive
  • afhek aFek (proper noun) Apex
  • afhitaw aFitaw (adjective) leather
  • afhitchu aFitCu (noun) dragon. Firrhna native animal, long kept as pets and often depicted as such in old artwork.
  • afhitup aFitup (noun) leather. Usage for clothing is afhi-(clothing name)
  • afol afol (noun) language
  • afrikha afriKa (proper noun) Africa
  • afrikhaw afriKaw (adjective) african
  • ah à (interjection) ah
  • ah? à? (interjection) huh?
  • ahmi'a àmia (proper noun) Ammia
  • ahnadri ànadri (noun) theatre
  • aigrith âGiþ (noun/verb) destroy, destruction
  • aigrithaw âGiþaw (adjective) destructive
  • aigrithfhra âGiþFra (noun) destroyer
  • aikre âkre (verb) break
  • aikreaw âkreaw (adjective) broken
  • airhit âRit (verb) show
  • ais âs (noun) fur
  • aiskli âskli (noun) fur coat
  • aiskli'aw âskliaw (adjective) furry
  • aivilfhie'aw âvilFÉaw (adjective) lesbian, gay, homosexual
  • aivu âvu (noun/adverb) same
  • aivu oe âvu oe (verb) be same
  • aivukin âvukin (noun) twin
  • aiwhura âwhura (noun) tenth month
  • akbaw akbaw (adjective) spotted
  • akbel akbel (adverb) either
  • akbos akbos (noun) spot
  • ake ake (determiner/adjective) other
  • ake'em akeem (noun) alter ego
  • akem akem (verb/adjective) let, allow, allowed
  • akem'rhuw akemRuw (adjective) allowable
  • aklave aklave (noun) side
  • akthir akþir (verb) listen
  • akvilfhie'aw akvilFÉaw (adjective) bisexual. Uncommon. Most felin are this.
  • alahkaw alàkaw (adjective) linear
  • alahke alàke (noun/verb) line
  • alem alem (noun/verb) end
  • alhifol alhifol (proper noun) Alahithian
  • ali ali (determiner) each
  • aliture aliture (adjective) mutual
  • alnar alnar (adverb) maybe not
  • alpaka alpaka (noun) alpaca
  • alraelis alrælis (noun) boot
  • alram alram (interjection/adverb) maybe
  • alroi alroi (noun) back
  • altheran alþeran (noun) town
  • amaea amæa (proper noun) Amaia
  • amafel amafel (noun) midget
  • amalia amalÁ (noun) insult. Generic insult.
  • amasif amasif (noun) shorts
  • amate amate (adjective) short
  • amatemla amatemla (noun) shortbread
  • amatoe amatoe (verb) be short
  • amelt amelt (noun/verb) gun
  • amerikha ameriKa (proper noun) America
  • amerikhaw ameriKaw (adjective) american
  • amhul amhul (noun) second day
  • amie amÉ (noun) friend
  • amie oe amÉ oe (verb) be a friend
  • amielim amÉlim (noun) argon
  • amrethu aMeþu (noun) rocket
  • amruaw aMuaw (adjective) lewd
  • amrue aMue (noun) lewdness
  • amrusurthe aMusurþe (verb) sexting
  • amsira amsira (verb) undress
  • amtha amþa (adjective) odd
  • amthakhi amþaKi (noun) yttrium
  • amthapusahr amþapusàr (proper noun) Venusaur. Strange combination of English and Japanese names.
  • amthasahr amþasàr (proper noun) Bulbasaur. Strange combination of English and Japanese names.
  • amthensahr amþensàr (proper noun) Ivysaur. Strange combination of English and Japanese names.
  • amthui amþui (adjective) interesting
  • amuchi amuCi (verb) play
  • amuchi oe amuCi oe (verb) be played
  • arami arami (verb) ask
  • aramo aramo (noun/verb) answer
  • arhmla aRmla (noun) store
  • ar'hul arhul (noun) fifth day
  • ari ari (noun/verb) kiss
  • arinos arinos (noun) question
  • ariveud ariveud (noun) question mark
  • artash artash (verb) study
  • asurr asurr (pronoun/determiner) this
  • ath (verb) look, watch
  • atha aþa (verb) seem
  • athel aþel (verb) see
  • athfhra aþFra (noun) watcher
  • athi'irna aþiirna (verb) cry in bed
  • athiuk aþiuk (noun) bed
  • athri aþri (adjective) exotic
  • athrinim aþrinim (noun) radium
  • athure aþure (adjective) cold
  • athurelim aþurelim (noun) nitrogen
  • athur'oe aþuroe (verb) be cold
  • athursila aþursila (noun) winter
  • atlawhura atlawhura (noun) first month
  • avis avis (noun) there
  • avlei avlei (noun) truth
  • avleiaw avleÁw (adjective) truthful
  • avoh avoh (verb) tell


  • bachesh baCesh (noun) foot
  • bachi baCi (noun) leg
  • baekaw bækaw (adjective) classy
  • baeki bæki (noun) class
  • baena bæna (verb) rule
  • bahm bàm (noun) bang
  • bahmlim bàmlim (noun) potassium
  • bahu bàu (noun) fragment
  • ban ban (noun) queen, king, lord, king
  • bansiltha bansilþa (noun) castle
  • bari bari (verb) have
  • be be (conjunction) for
  • beisu beisu (noun) humour
  • beit beit (noun/verb) joke
  • belau belau (noun/verb) rust
  • belausuf belausuf (noun) rust-red
  • belausukhi belausuKi (noun) copper
  • belru belru (verb) mature
  • belruaw belruaw (adjective) mature
  • bema bema (noun) pan
  • bemeli bemeli (noun) north
  • bepi bepi (auxiliary) may
  • bhalti bhalti (conjunction) because
  • bihiat bihÁt (noun) b
  • biliku biliku (noun) paper
  • bilitarhmla bilitaRmla (noun) bookstore
  • bilites bilites (noun) book
  • bilku bilku (noun) leaf
  • bilme bilme (adjective) soft
  • bilmoe bilmoe (verb) be soft
  • bilsumih bilsumih (noun) millilitre
  • bilvunoritash bilvunoritash (noun) microbiology
  • bilvus bilvus (verb) magnify
  • bilvuskhi bilvusKi (noun) lutetium
  • bilvusrha bilvusRa (noun) microscope
  • bip bip (noun) beep
  • birh biR (adposition/adjective/adposition) inside, in
  • birh oe biR oe (verb) be inside
  • birhta biRta (adposition) into
  • biri biri (verb) have
  • bitrini bitrini (noun) magazine
  • biumhu biumhu (adjective) charming
  • bliu bliu (noun) breast, pair of breasts
  • bom bom (noun) bump
  • boro boro (verb) take
  • boso boso (verb) get, receive
  • brha bRa (noun) bra. Loanword. Most felin females have no need for a bra, and those that might tend not to.
  • britahfel britàfel (noun/proper noun) english people, english person, Englishman
  • britahfol britàfol (proper noun) English
  • britahn britàn (proper noun) Britain, England
  • britahw britàw (adjective) english, british
  • brrmr brrM (noun/verb) buzz
  • brrumr brruM (noun/verb) vibrate, vibration
  • brrumrfhra brruMFra (noun) vibrator
  • brrumronal brruMonal (noun) vibrator
  • buai buâ (noun) mouth
  • buaroe buaroe (verb) be true
  • buaru buaru (adjective) true, actual
  • buaru shigri buaru shiGi (noun) true love
  • bukha buKa (noun/verb) calculation, calculate
  • bukhafhra buKaFra (noun) calculator
  • bukhatash buKatash (noun) calculus
  • bukhepalru buKepalru (noun) computer work
  • bukheva buKeva (noun) computer
  • bukhifhevi buKiFevi (noun) video game
  • bukhwlim buKwlim (noun) silicon
  • bumka bumka (adjective) hard
  • bumkhi bumKi (noun) manganese
  • bumsa bumsa (noun) cookie
  • buranero buranero (noun) tractor
  • buri buri (adverb) light, lightly
  • burilim burilim (noun) helium


  • chaerisahr Cærisàr (proper noun) Charizard
  • chaermandr Cærmandr (proper noun) Charmander
  • chaermelieo CærmelÉo (proper noun) Charmeleon
  • chaerrnah Cærrnà (noun) deity. More correctly, an avatar of the Will of the Planet, an old belief.
  • chaerrnah wra fhriss Cærrnà wra Friss (noun) water god
  • chaerrnah wra lamri Cærrnà wra laMi (noun) night god
  • chaerrnah wra ruthra Cærrnà wra ruþra (noun) fire god
  • chaerrnah wra shigri Cærrnà wra shiGi (proper noun) Goddess of Love
  • chaerrnah wra thorei Cærrnà wra þorei (noun) earth god
  • chaerrnah wra vi'em Cærrnà wra viem (noun) sky god
  • chaerrnah wra vlirhove Cærrnà wra vliRove (noun) wind god
  • chakre Cakre (verb) press
  • charefhie CareFÉ (noun/verb) masturbation, masturbate
  • charesh Caresh (noun) hand
  • chareshvliratesluntaw Careshvliratesluntaw (adjective) so bored that you do something stupid to relieve the boredom
  • charfhendu CarFendu (noun) torch
  • charhi CaRi (noun) arm
  • charhne CaRne (noun) spirit
  • charhne wra fulriut CaRne wra fulriut (noun) tree spirit
  • charhne wra lufhie CaRne wra luFÉ (noun) succubus
  • charhne wra shigri CaRne wra shiGi (noun) love spirit
  • charkluvie CarkluvÉ (proper noun) Avian
  • charmlive Carmlive (noun) glove
  • charnah Carnà (noun) avatar
  • charseul Carseul (noun/verb) punch
  • charsurthe Carsurþe (verb) handwrite
  • charsurtheaw Carsurþeaw (adjective) handwritten
  • chelin Celin (noun) cheetah. This refers to the felin subtype, not the Earth animal.
  • chi Ci (adposition) to
  • chi athiuk proh Ci aþiuk proh (phrase) go to bed
  • chi avis Ci avis (adposition) to there
  • chial CÁl (noun) eye
  • chiba Ciba (noun/verb) heal, healing
  • chibafhra CibaFra (noun) healer
  • chieta CÉta (noun) cheetah. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the felin subtype.
  • chikha CiKa (noun) click
  • chikhi CiKi (noun) nickel
  • chikhin CiKin (noun) chicken. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the Firrhna native.
  • chirkul Cirkul (noun) year
  • chirma Cirma (noun/verb) shopping, shop
  • chirmafhra CirmaFra (noun) shopper
  • chirr Cirr (noun) chirp
  • chisarhi CisaRi (numeral) fifteen
  • chisarhi-tiksre esnem-shaka-tinemrhi CisaRitiksre esnemshakatineMhi (numeral) million
  • chisu Cisu (verb) smuggle
  • chisufhra CisuFra (noun) smuggler
  • chit Cit (noun) currency. Generic name for currency in general.
  • chloha Cloha (noun) robot
  • chlui Clui (noun) health
  • chluia CluÁ (adjective) healthy


  • dabi dabi (adposition) off
  • dafah dafà (verb/adjective) clean
  • dafahfhra dafàFra (noun) cleaner
  • dahrif dàrif (noun) mach
  • dam dam (adjective) on
  • darmi darmi (noun) cereal
  • debun debun (noun) place
  • debuniat debunÁt (noun) at sign
  • dekahiku dekàiku (noun) dark chocolate
  • dekae dekæ (noun) shadow
  • dekobsuf dekobsuf (adjective) dark brown
  • deku deku (adjective/noun/verb) dark, darken, dark
  • deku oe deku oe (verb) be dark
  • dekuban dekuban (proper noun) Dark Lord
  • dekulavla dekulavla (noun) dark red
  • dekulavuhi dekulavuhi (adjective) dark green
  • dekulithi dekuliþi (adjective) dark blue
  • dekunevla dekunevla (adjective) dark orange
  • delithkhi deliþKi (noun) cobalt
  • delthi delþi (noun) lobe
  • demai demâ (noun) flag
  • denahmev denàmev (noun) contrast
  • devtusi devtusi (noun) bacteria
  • devtusimlithefhra devtusimliþeFra (noun) bacterivore
  • dhati dhati (adposition) despite
  • dhi dhi (conjunction) but
  • difhio diFio (noun) lettuce
  • dindu dindu (noun) spelt. Not actually Triticum spelta but analogous. Often used in muffins.
  • dirh diR (noun) chunk
  • dirhel diRel (noun) belly
  • dirhnal diRnal (noun) hot dog
  • dirhnalsoemla diRnalsoemla (noun) sausage roll
  • diriepatirn dirÉpatirn (noun) tortilla
  • dlamurr dlamurr (adjective) tsundere
  • dlaphem dlaphem (adjective) sweet
  • dlaphem oe dlaphem oe (verb) be sweet
  • dohi dohi (noun) dog
  • doiat doÁt (noun) d
  • do'lahr dolàr (noun) dollar
  • dorie dorÉ (noun) Dorito
  • dorie'evie dorÉevÉ (verb) dorito finger
  • doudhu doudhu (noun) ton
  • dralea dralea (adjective) medical
  • dratu dratu (noun) dragon. Used for dragons in general, as opposed to the Firrhna natives.
  • drid drid (adjective) deep
  • drivla drivla (adjective) infrared. Felin have infra-vision.
  • drumti drumti (verb) grok
  • dueb dueb (noun) bolt
  • duiko duiko (noun) trick
  • dumi dumi (verb) tag
  • dunrhisa dunRisa (noun) pier
  • duprho dupRo (noun) molecule
  • duprhoaw dupRoaw (adjective) molecular
  • duvmronal duvMonal (noun) erection
  • duvri duvri (adjective) erect


  • edefhia edeFÁ (proper noun) Edievia
  • edefhifol edeFifol (proper noun) Edievian
  • efsil efsil (noun) gown
  • eftha efþa (noun/verb) faith, believe
  • ehie ehÉ (pronoun) how
  • e'iat eÁt (noun) e
  • eibulem eibulem (noun) ovary
  • eka eka (determiner/adjective) only
  • ekhi eKi (noun) metal
  • ekhlami eKlami (adverb) tonight
  • ekhsbakh eKsbaK (noun) xbox
  • ekhsiat eKsÁt (noun) x. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • ekhsumi eKsumi (adverb) today
  • ekhuin eKuin (noun) horse
  • ekhuinkit eKuinkit (noun) foal
  • ekiut ekiut (noun/verb) wave
  • eklithe ekliþe (adjective/verb) open
  • eklithoe ekliþoe (verb) be open
  • ekmra ekMa (noun/verb) gesture
  • eksi eksi (noun) size
  • ekuba ekuba (noun) omen
  • ekwata ekwata (noun/verb) tear
  • elanpe elanpe (noun) flesh
  • elav elav (noun) ham
  • elbiti elbiti (adverb) always
  • elheri elheri (adjective) waist-deep
  • elifahe elifàe (verb) think
  • elifahefhra elifàeFra (noun) thinker
  • elimda elimda (noun/verb) adoration, adore
  • elimdafha elimdaFa (adjective) adorable
  • elimfa elimfa (adjective) cute
  • elirihae elirihæ (noun) boot
  • elite elite (adjective) tall
  • elite oe elite oe (verb) be tall
  • elitewen elitewen (adjective) tallest
  • elithofli eliþofli (noun) rainforest
  • elsila elsila (noun) season
  • elsufbi elsufbi (noun) opinion
  • elsufbi'aw elsufbiaw (adjective) opinionated
  • elthae elþæ (adjective/verb) equal
  • elthae oe elþæ oe (verb) be equal
  • elthat elþat (noun) equal sign
  • elthur elþur (verb) pour
  • elus elus (noun) meat
  • elus mlithe elus mliþe (verb) eat meat
  • elusaw elusaw (adjective) meaty
  • elusburan elusburan (noun) farm
  • elusemla elusemla (noun) meatloaf
  • elusmlithefhra elusmliþeFra (noun) carnivore
  • elvuh elvuh (noun) stomach
  • elvuhtash elvuhtash (noun) gastrology
  • em em (adposition/affix) self, auto-
  • emaisut emâsut (noun) imagination
  • emaisutaw emâsutaw (adjective) imaginative
  • emi emi (conjunction) and
  • emi nar emi nar (conjunction) and not
  • emi vi emi vi (conjunction) and then
  • emkathe emkaþe (noun/verb) suicide
  • emkatheaw emkaþeaw (adjective) suicidal
  • emlat emlat (verb) act
  • emlatfhra emlatFra (noun) actor, actress
  • emlir emlir (noun) sport
  • em'mronalari emMonalari (noun) autofellatio
  • emparrmie emparrmÉ (verb) enjoy oneself
  • emprah emprà (noun) emperor. Loanword. Felin don't have emperors — they have councilmen.
  • emrelt eMelt (noun) pistol
  • emvoie emvoÉ (adposition) throughout
  • eptar eptar (verb) apply
  • erdinfi erdinfi (noun) pleasure
  • eret eret (noun) warning
  • ereti ereti (verb) warn
  • erha eRa (determiner/adjective) first
  • erha grewhura eRa Gewhura (proper noun) January. First Gre(gorian) month
  • erhi eRi (numeral) one
  • erhi'aw eRiaw (adjective) lonely
  • erhishenchir eRishenCir (noun) millennium. From 'erhi-tiksre eshenrhi chirkul, '13,000 years'.
  • erhi-tiksre esnehen-shana'e-tilosarhi eRitiksre esnehenshanaetilosaRi (numeral) one hundred thousand
  • eri eri (adjective) far
  • eridathfhra eridaþFra (noun) voyeur
  • eridaw eridaw (adjective) horny
  • erlit erlit (noun) shirt
  • ermi ermi (noun) story
  • erolmi erolmi (noun) tale
  • erolvohfhra erolvohFra (noun) storyteller
  • eshim eshim (noun) council
  • eshimva eshimva (noun) councillor
  • esluno esluno (noun) resolution
  • esne-sha-erhi esneshaeRi (numeral) twenty thousand seven hundred thirty-six
  • esor esor (noun/verb) recognise, recognition
  • esre-shahene-tinehen-nehenrhi esreshàenetinehennehenRi (numeral) five thousand
  • etemetu etemetu (adjective) aimless
  • etha eþa (determiner/adjective) all
  • etha- eþa (affix) all-
  • ethafel eþafel (pronoun) everyone
  • ethafhie'aw eþaFÉaw (adjective) pansexual
  • ethariukh eþariuK (noun) everything
  • ethasurhi eþasuRi (noun) universe. Literally 'the All-Space'
  • ethul eþul (adverb) every day. Contraction of 'etha hul'.
  • eufu eufu (verb) fix
  • eun eun (pronoun) we. Exclusive, i
  • euna euna (pronoun) ours, our, my
  • eunem eunem (pronoun) ourselves, myself


  • fahr fàr (auxiliary) would/should/could/ought
  • fahra fàra (auxiliary) should. EDIT ME...? 'If something, this should be,' as in the sample.
  • fahrenki fàrenki (noun) Ferengi
  • fahri fàri (pronoun/conjunction) when
  • fahro fàro (affix) conditional indicator. EDIT ME? 'If something, this would be,' as in the sample.
  • falair falâr (noun) spirit
  • fash fash (noun) cock
  • favile favile (noun) gender
  • febpa febpa (noun/verb) rot
  • febpaw febpaw (adjective) rotten
  • fecham feCam (noun) jaw
  • fel fel (noun) people, person
  • fela fela (noun) female, woman
  • felchit felCit (noun) currency. Felin currency specifically - the People's Chits.
  • felhru felHu (noun) hermaphrodite. A person born with both male and female genitals was considered doubly-blessed in olden times. This term is a remnant from way back then.
  • felin felin (proper noun) Felin
  • felir felir (noun) male, man
  • felirkhi felirKi (noun) rhodium
  • felirshigri'aw felirshiGiaw (adjective) androsexual
  • felthami felþami (noun) community
  • femom femom (noun) cheese
  • fen fen (noun) parent
  • fena fena (noun) mother
  • fena lufhie biri fena luFÉ biri (verb) have sex with someone's mother
  • fena'aw fenaaw (adjective) motherly
  • fenafhiefhra fenaFÉFra (noun) motherfucker. Has entirely different connotations.
  • fenakina fenakina (noun) aunt
  • fenfen fenfen (noun) grandparent
  • fenfena fenfena (noun) grandmother
  • fenfenir fenfenir (noun) grandfather
  • fenir fenir (noun) father
  • fenir oe fenir oe (verb) be a father
  • fenir'aw feniraw (adjective) fatherly
  • fenirkina fenirkina (noun) aunt
  • fenirkinir fenirkinir (noun) uncle
  • fenkin fenkin (noun) aunt or uncle
  • fenkina fenkina (noun) aunt
  • fenkinir fenkinir (noun) uncle
  • fenrhok fenRok (proper noun) Fenerox
  • feokh feoK (noun) tooth
  • ferhe feRe (pronoun) who
  • ferilo ferilo (verb) join
  • fetahra fetàra (adjective) dark grey
  • fhalaf Falaf (noun) engine
  • fhch FC (abbreviation) ly
  • fhe Fe (adposition) up
  • fhear Fear (adposition) upper
  • fhearkilitaw Fearkilitaw (adjective) superliminal
  • fheave Feave (noun) top
  • fhechas FeCas (verb) climb, go up
  • fheira Feira (verb) awaken, wake, wake up
  • fheiraw Feiraw (adjective) awake
  • fheiul Feiul (noun) hill
  • fhenah Fenà (adjective/noun) light
  • fhenahkhi FenàKi (noun) tungsten
  • fhenchir FenCir (noun) light-year
  • fhendu Fendu (noun) lamp
  • fhenrhete FenRete (noun) halation
  • fhenrhim FenRim (noun) lightning
  • fheve Feve (verb) raise
  • fhevla Fevla (adjective) yellow
  • fhevla oe Fevla oe (verb) be yellow
  • fhevlim Fevlim (noun) sulphur
  • fhevtu Fevtu (adjective) light grey
  • fhie (verb) mate, fuck, sex
  • fhieaw FÉaw (adjective) fucking
  • fhiecharh FÉCaR (noun) succubus
  • fhiefhem're FÉFemre (noun) sex toy
  • fhiefhili FÉFili (noun) sexual attraction
  • fhiemimru FÉmiMu (noun) orgy
  • fhiemithi FÉmiþi (adjective) sexy
  • fhiero FÉro (noun) motorcycle
  • fhiethuaw FÉþuaw (adjective) kinky
  • fhiethui FÉþui (noun) kink
  • fhievma FÉvma (noun) blanket. The 'fhie' part is purely coincidence.
  • fhili Fili (adjective) attractive
  • fhilrus Filrus (adjective) average
  • fhilsiraw Filsiraw (adjective) pretty
  • fhlirifol Flirifol (proper noun) Fliriwul
  • fhorienfol ForÉnfol (noun) vorynthel
  • fhrisahl Frisàl (proper noun) Squirtle
  • fhrisiltha Frisilþa (noun) bathhouse
  • fhrisklave Frisklave (noun) coast
  • fhrisprelith Frispreliþ (noun) bathtub
  • fhriss Friss (noun) water
  • fhrissduprho FrissdupRo (noun) water molecule
  • fhrissiuldirh FrissiuldiR (noun) piece of rock from the sea
  • fhrissiut Frissiut (noun) wave
  • fhrisslero Frisslero (noun) waterwheel
  • fhrisslim Frisslim (noun) hydrogen
  • fhrissruti Frissruti (noun) bathroom
  • fhrissvuhi Frissvuhi (adjective) water green
  • fhrisumi Frisumi (noun/verb) bathe, bath
  • fhrisumifhra FrisumiFra (noun) bather
  • fhrisumifhriss FrisumiFriss (noun) bathwater
  • fhrubka Frubka (noun) bandit
  • fhrubkalim Frubkalim (noun) iodine
  • fhruotha Fruoþa (noun) nipple
  • fhss Fss (noun) hiss
  • fhulmu Fulmu (adjective) difficult
  • fhurai Furâ (proper noun) name of a country
  • fibsu fibsu (noun/verb) layer
  • fiditi fiditi (adverb) sometime
  • fidkel fidkel (adjective) many
  • fidkeli fidkeli (determiner) many
  • fidketi fidketi (adverb) often
  • fidlum fidlum (determiner) much
  • fidmilo fidmilo (noun) koto
  • fidoi fidoi (determiner/adjective) few
  • fidthfel fidþfel (pronoun) someone
  • fidthfel oe fidþfel oe (verb) be someone
  • fidthro fidþro (adjective/determiner) some
  • fidthrul fidþrul (adjective) some day
  • fie'iat fÉÁt (noun) f
  • fihi fihi (noun) giggle
  • fi'io fiio (noun/verb) link
  • filfhu filFu (verb) scare
  • filfhuaw filFuaw (adjective) scared
  • filni filni (verb) hide
  • fimgraifel fimGâfel (proper noun) Floran
  • fiml fiml (noun) plant
  • fimlburan fimlburan (noun) farm
  • fimr fiM (noun) grass
  • fimva fimva (adjective) lucky
  • fiolim fiolim (noun) fluorine
  • fiom fiom (noun/verb) milk
  • fiomaw fiomaw (adjective) milky
  • firrhna firRna (proper noun) name of a planet
  • fithiltha fiþilþa (noun) shelter
  • fithin fiþin (adjective) safe
  • fliavhem flÁvhem (noun) society
  • flui flui (noun) morning
  • fluigrim fluiGim (noun) breakfast
  • foiba foiba (noun) magic
  • foiba'aw foibaaw (adjective) magical
  • foimu foimu (noun) fact
  • foinae foinæ (noun) magician
  • foit foit (noun) chassis, body
  • foitupaw foitupaw (adjective) genetic
  • foitupi foitupi (noun) gene
  • foitupitash foitupitash (noun) genetics
  • fol fol (noun) speech
  • folme folme (noun) word
  • folupi folupi (noun) meme
  • fuhri fuHi (adjective) hypothetical. EDIT ME! 'If something, this could be,' as in the sample.
  • fuifu fuifu (noun) wood
  • fuihuimaw fuihuimaw (adjective) frustrated
  • fuihum fuihum (noun/verb) frustration, frustrate
  • fuihumitaw fuihumitaw (adjective) frustrating
  • fuinal fuinal (noun) stick
  • fuk fuk (interjection) fuck!. Loanword, clearly. The softer ending k implies the speaker knows they're being silly.
  • fulrikal fulrikal (noun) snake
  • fulrisulisafhra fulrisulisaFra (noun) woodcutter
  • fulriusiltha fulriusilþa (noun) treehouse
  • fulriut fulriut (noun) tree
  • fulriut sulisa fulriut sulisa (verb) cut a tree
  • fuola fuola (noun) habit
  • fusah! fusà! (interjection) fuck!
  • fuvofi fuvofi (noun) hyoshigi


  • grafhrisahl GaFrisàl (proper noun) Wartortle
  • grahrow Gàrow (verb) ejaculate
  • grahru Gàru (noun) climax, orgasm
  • grahs Gàs (noun/verb) anger
  • grahsaw Gàsaw (adjective) angry
  • grahvalkan Gàvalkan (noun) Romulan
  • graikhaw GâKaw (adjective) monstrous
  • graikhu GâKu (noun) monster
  • graruh Garuh (noun) war
  • graruh indoi Garuh indoi (noun) warrior face
  • graruhfhra GaruhFra (noun) warrior
  • graruhmuthi Garuhmuþi (noun) art of war
  • greftek Geftek (noun/verb) murder. .
  • grep Gep (verb) search. Yes.
  • grie (interjection) damn it
  • griemre GÉMe (noun) insult. Generic insult.
  • grifth Gifþ (noun) filth
  • griftha Gifþa (noun) filthy
  • grilh Gilh (adjective) bad
  • grilhfel Gilhfel (noun) bad person
  • grilhfiml Gilhfiml (noun) weed
  • grilvlem Gilvlem (noun) nightmare
  • grilvlem biri Gilvlem biri (verb) have a nightmare
  • grinai Ginâ (verb) toss
  • grite Gite (noun/verb) satisfy, satisfaction
  • griteaw Giteaw (adjective) satisfied
  • gritelwa Gitelwa (adjective) satisfying
  • griuhaw Giuhaw (adjective) powered
  • griuhei Giuhei (noun) power, might
  • griuheiaw GiuheÁw (adjective) mighty, powerful
  • griuheiaw graruhfhra GiuheÁw GaruhFra (noun) mighty warrior
  • griuheiwen Giuheiwen (adjective) almighty
  • griuprho GiupRo (noun) ion
  • griurhove GiuRove (noun) storm
  • griuve Giuve (noun) force
  • grohnis Gohnis (verb) guess
  • gruvgri GuvGi (verb) hate
  • gruvgrilim GuvGilim (noun) rubidium


  • haemi hæmi (noun) strategy
  • hafma hafma (noun) ship
  • haptai haptâ (noun) group, set
  • hasel hasel (noun) wall, walls
  • hasimr hasiM (noun) moss
  • hchi hCi (interjection) achoo
  • hemri heMi (adposition/pronoun) where
  • henklave henklave (noun) triangle
  • henmilo henmilo (noun) shamisen
  • henrha henRa (adjective) third
  • henrha grewhura henRa Gewhura (noun) march. Third Gre(gorian) month
  • henrhi henRi (numeral) three
  • hepna hepna (noun) catnip
  • hiathan hÁþan (noun) memory
  • hibme hibme (noun) pillow
  • hielotah hÉlotà (proper noun) Hylotl
  • himevu himevu (noun) firework
  • himre hiMe (noun) volume
  • himva himva (noun) cloud
  • himvalim himvalim (noun) radon
  • hiooman hiooman (noun) human. Insulting
  • hirkoe hirkoe (noun) culture
  • hiuh hiuh (interjection) phew
  • hiurh hiuR (pronoun/determiner) that
  • hlet hlet (verb) sow
  • hletwhura hletwhura (noun) fourth month
  • hoi hoi (interjection) hoj
  • holiewod holÉwod (proper noun) Hollywood
  • hongrie honGÉ (proper noun) Hungary
  • hongrieaw honGÉaw (adjective) hungarian
  • hongriefol honGÉfol (proper noun) Hungarian
  • hotisu hotisu (noun/verb) reveal
  • hraka Haka (noun) lizard
  • hrakafel Hakafel (noun) lizardfolk
  • hrakhu HaKu (proper noun) Haraku
  • hram Ham (noun) chomp
  • hribar Hibar (noun) necklace
  • hrilof Hilof (noun) neck
  • hriuru Hiuru (noun) calf
  • hrive Hive (noun) beauty
  • hrivei Hivei (adjective) handsome, beautiful
  • hrivei oe Hivei oe (verb) be beautiful
  • hriwoth Hiwoþ (noun) scarf
  • hrm Hm (interjection) ahem
  • hrosie HosÉ (noun) elbow
  • hruim Huim (verb) help
  • hruine Huine (adjective) helpful
  • hrume Hume (noun/verb) blessing, bless
  • hrumeaw Humeaw (adjective) blessed
  • hrumgrum HumGum (noun) vroom
  • huiat huÁt (noun) h
  • huil huil (noun) drop
  • huire huire (noun/verb) rain
  • hul hul (noun) day
  • humiar humÁr (noun) mankind, human
  • humiaw humÁw (adjective) human
  • huom huom (noun) snow
  • huom'rihae huomrihæ (noun) snowshoe
  • huprhae hupRæ (noun) prostitute


  • iaem Áem (noun) port
  • iaiat ÁÁt (noun) j. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • ialhi Álhi (noun) head
  • ialhivebi Álhivebi (noun) head covering
  • iapan Ápan (proper noun) Japan
  • iapanaw Ápanaw (adjective) japanese
  • iapanfol Ápanfol (proper noun) Japanese
  • iaralaw Áralaw (adjective) certain
  • iarale Árale (noun) certainty
  • iaraloe Áraloe (verb) be certain
  • iaralri Áralri (interjection) certainly
  • iarbari Árbari (verb) have
  • ibe ibe (noun) seat
  • idhuti idhuti (noun) room
  • iebana Ébana (verb) drown
  • iechae'aw ÉCæaw (adjective) holy
  • iechaporhka ÉCapoRka (interjection) holy shit!
  • i'eia ieÁ (noun) music
  • i'eiaw ieÁw (adjective) musical
  • iela Éla (verb) consider
  • i'eme ieme (noun) chair
  • i'emla iemla (noun) glasses
  • ieran Éran (proper noun) Iran
  • ieranaw Éranaw (adjective) iranian
  • i'esa iesa (verb) repeat
  • ifkei ifkei (noun) disk
  • igrim iGim (noun/noun/verb) feeding, feed, meal
  • igr'rito iGrito (noun) menu
  • igrus iGus (noun) food
  • i'iat iÁt (noun) i
  • iklar iklar (noun) channel
  • ilar ilar (verb) relax
  • ilaraw ilaraw (adjective) relaxed
  • ilaud ilaud (noun/verb) count
  • ilaudrhuw ilaudRuw (adjective) countable
  • ilaw ilaw (adjective) chill
  • ilawhura ilawhura (noun) third month
  • ilerk ilerk (noun) camera
  • ilim ilim (noun/verb) meaning, mean
  • ilrhavile ilRavile (adjective) transgender
  • ilrhut ilRut (verb) transform
  • ilthar ilþar (noun) pie
  • ilthre ilþre (adjective) young
  • ilthre oe ilþre oe (verb) be young
  • ilthrefel ilþrefel (noun) young man
  • ilthrefela ilþrefela (noun) young woman
  • ilthrewakin ilþrewakin (noun) younger sibling
  • ilthrewakina ilþrewakina (noun) younger sister
  • ilthrewakinir ilþrewakinir (noun) younger brother
  • ilturaw ilturaw (adjective) fluffy
  • ilusi ilusi (noun/verb) hope
  • imech imeC (verb) grill
  • imechaw imeCaw (adjective) grilled
  • imechelus imeCelus (adjective) grilled meat
  • imechthi imeCþi (noun) grill
  • imek imek (adjective) bright
  • imeklim imeklim (noun) xenon
  • imekulithi imekuliþi (adjective) light blue
  • imelavla imelavla (noun) bright red
  • imelavlim imelavlim (noun) phosphorus
  • imelavuhi imelavuhi (adjective) light green
  • imenit imenit (adjective) light haired
  • imi imi (adjective) shy
  • imisera imisera (verb) withdraw
  • imo imo (adverb) too
  • imokel imokel (adjective) too many
  • imoleira imoleira (verb) sleep in
  • imolum imolum (adverb) too much
  • imtulae imtulæ (noun) pixel
  • imtuva imtuva (noun) picture
  • inadel inadel (noun) heart. Historical variant of 'indel'.
  • inara inara (noun) mirror
  • inarkhi inarKi (noun) silver
  • indaelis indælis (noun) bonnet
  • indel indel (noun) heart
  • indoi indoi (noun) front, face
  • indoiat indoÁt (noun) emoticon
  • indoinit indoinit (noun) facial hair
  • inkra inkra (noun) future
  • inresh inresh (noun) facepalm. *whap*
  • intiu intiu (noun) science
  • intiuaw intiuaw (adjective) scientific
  • intiufhra intiuFra (noun) scientist
  • ioli ioli (noun) tongue
  • irhe iRe (verb) do
  • irhefol iRefol (noun) verb
  • irholiaw iRolÁw (adjective) gorgeous
  • irifu irifu (noun) speed
  • irna irna (verb) cry
  • isikah isikà (verb) matter
  • iskultu iskultu (noun/verb) poison
  • iskultuaw iskultuaw (adjective) poisonous
  • iskultulim iskultulim (noun) arsenic
  • isoit isoit (adjective) popular
  • isuv isuv (adjective) formal
  • itih itih (verb) be present
  • itonhei itonhei (noun) power
  • itonhekhi itonheKi (noun) cadmium
  • itulei itulei (noun) fame
  • ituleiaw ituleÁw (adjective) famous
  • itus'oe itusoe (verb) be called
  • itusu itusu (noun/verb) name, call, name
  • itusulim itusulim (noun) polonium
  • itusutash itusutash (noun) onomastics
  • iuem iuem (verb) stop
  • iul iul (noun) rock
  • iulkhi iulKi (noun) zirconium
  • iultash iultash (noun) petrology
  • iun iun (pronoun) we. Inclusive
  • iupetah iupetà (proper noun) Jupiter
  • iuranos iuranos (proper noun) Uranus
  • iuro iuro (proper noun) Euro
  • iuropah iuropà (proper noun) Europe
  • iuropahw iuropàw (adjective) european
  • iuso iuso (verb) give
  • iuso em' boro iuso em boro (phrase) give and take
  • iut iut (noun) wave
  • iuthi iuþi (noun) rack
  • ivlem ivlem (noun/verb) dream
  • ivlemaw ivlemaw (adjective) dreaming
  • ivlemfhra ivlemFra (noun) dreamer
  • ivlemi ivlemi (noun) dreaming
  • ivlemkhi ivlemKi (noun) niobium


  • kaelis kælis (proper noun) Caelys
  • kaero kæro (noun/verb) bike, bicycle, bike
  • kahiku kàiku (noun) chocolate
  • kairha kâRa (adjective) second
  • kalbe kalbe (noun/verb) weave, weaving
  • kalbefhra kalbeFra (noun) weaver
  • kalemi kalemi (noun) letter, message
  • kaliforhni kalifoRni (proper noun) California
  • kalomo kalomo (noun) crawl
  • kalomofhra kalomoFra (noun) crawler
  • kameli kameli (noun) south
  • kamti kamti (noun/verb) inform, information
  • kamtiaw kamtÁw (adjective) informative
  • kanada kanada (proper noun) Canada
  • kanadafol kanadafol (proper noun) Canadian
  • kanadaw kanadaw (adjective) canadian
  • kanahsiepa kanàsÉpa (noun/verb) pronounce, pronunciation
  • kaochit kaoCit (noun) currency. Half a chit, fifty cents.
  • kaorthim kaorþim (adverb/noun/verb) half, halve, half
  • kaorthimaw kaorþimaw (adjective) half
  • kapa kapa (noun) basin
  • karha grewhura kaRa Gewhura (proper noun) february. Second Gre(gorian) month
  • kar'hap karhap (noun) pair
  • karhi kaRi (numeral) two
  • karhlaeke kaRlæke (noun) colon
  • karrdi karrdi (noun) problem
  • kasulmi kasulmi (noun) tomorrow
  • katra katra (noun) rose
  • k'bum kbum (interjection) ka-boom
  • keiat keÁt (noun) k
  • kekho keKo (noun) gecko. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal.
  • kekma kekma (noun) land, landmass, land
  • kekmalim kekmalim (noun) boron
  • kemauv kemauv (noun) type, kind
  • kemla kemla (noun/verb) discovery, discover
  • kemlafhra kemlaFra (noun) discoverer
  • keov keov (adjective/determiner) last
  • kermahfol kermàfol (proper noun) German
  • kermahnaw kermànaw (adjective) german
  • kermahni kermàni (proper noun) Germany
  • kesithe kesiþe (verb) close
  • kesunko kesunko (noun) virus
  • ketcha ketCa (noun) ketchup. Loanword.
  • khairosu Kârosu (noun) revenge
  • khaledvoch KaledvoC (proper noun) Excalibur
  • khat Kat (noun) cat
  • khataw Kataw (adjective) catlike. With catlike tread BADUMPADUMP
  • khatfel Katfel (noun) cat person. No self-respecting felin would call themself this.
  • khatfela Katfela (noun) cat lady
  • khatfol Katfol (proper noun) cat/feline language
  • khchulu KCulu (proper noun) Cthulhu
  • khemronal KeMonal (noun) dildo
  • kheras Keras (proper noun) Cerus
  • khevire Kevire (adjective) fake
  • khior Kior (affix/adjective) fast, quick, rapid, fast
  • khislu Kislu (noun) grid
  • khiv Kiv (noun) cell
  • khlafheve KlaFeve (noun) sunrise
  • khlahi Klài (noun) sun
  • khlahideku Klàideku (verb) tan
  • khlahirhove KlàiRove (noun) solar wind
  • khlaholna Klàolna (noun) solar sail
  • khla'hul Klahul (noun) seventh day
  • khratu Kratu (noun/verb) doom
  • khrime Krime (noun/verb) scream
  • khrismas Krismas (proper noun) Christmas. Obvious loanword is festive.
  • khuiat KuÁt (noun) g. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • khukhal KuKal (verb) google
  • khuko Kuko (noun/verb) glue, adhesive, glue
  • khuko'aw Kukoaw (adjective) adhesive
  • khulami Kulami (noun) organism
  • khundam Kundam (noun) spacesuit. Refers to an extravehicular suit of powered armor.
  • khusah Kusà (verb) thank
  • kideri kideri (adjective) far away
  • kieiat kÉÁt (noun) q
  • kihur kihur (noun) subtraction
  • kikit kikit (noun) grandchild
  • kikitr kikitr (noun) grandson
  • kikitta kikitta (noun) granddaughter
  • kilitaw kilitaw (adjective) liminal
  • kin kin (noun) sibling
  • kina kina (noun) sister
  • kina oe kina oe (verb) be a sister
  • kinir kinir (noun) brother
  • kinir oe kinir oe (verb) be a brother
  • kinkit kinkit (noun) nibling, niece or nephew, cousin
  • kinkitir kinkitir (noun) nephew
  • kinkitta kinkitta (noun) niece
  • kinr'aw kinraw (adjective) brotherly
  • kit kit (noun) child
  • kitir kitir (noun) son, boy
  • kitta kitta (noun) daughter, girl
  • kitwhura kitwhura (noun) seventh month
  • kiu kiu (noun) egg
  • kla kla (verb) can
  • klame klame (adjective) civilised
  • klamithe klamiþe (noun) world, planet
  • kleu kleu (noun/verb) struggle
  • klifeltha klifelþa (adjective) pregnant
  • klifeltha oe klifelþa oe (verb) be pregnant
  • klisira klisira (verb) dress
  • kloir kloir (verb) cook
  • kloiraw kloiraw (adjective) cooked
  • kloirfhra kloirFra (noun) cook
  • kloirhuti kloiRuti (noun) kitchen. Literally 'cooking room'.
  • kloirteri kloirteri (noun) smell of food cooking
  • klunae klunæ (noun/verb) win, victory, win
  • klunaeaw klunæaw (adjective) victorious
  • kluvie kluvÉ (noun) bird
  • komisera komisera (verb) outgoing
  • konreb konreb (noun) scoundrel
  • konwakhsiap konwaKsÁp (proper noun) ConWorkShop
  • korn korn (noun) Gorn
  • kosafol kosafol (proper noun) Kauzasian
  • kovin kovin (noun) race
  • kra kra (noun/adverb) now
  • krahih kràih (noun) ejaculate
  • kravchu kravCu (noun) wing
  • kravutekhuin kravuteKuin (noun) alicorn
  • kreikre kreikre (verb) sabotage
  • krevie krevÉ (noun) claw
  • kreviepahiat krevÉpàÁt (noun) rune
  • krevigrim kreviGim (verb) fight
  • krevilim krevilim (noun) thallium
  • krilit krilit (noun) coat
  • kue kue (adposition) by
  • kufhe kuFe (adjective) cultural
  • kuh kuh (noun) mess
  • kulithi kuliþi (adjective) blue
  • kupve kupve (verb) bark
  • kusir kusir (noun) net
  • kuvkhi kuvKi (noun) iron
  • kuvukhuin kuvuKuin (noun) unicorn
  • kuvut kuvut (noun) horn
  • kuvutaw kuvutaw (adjective) horned
  • kveul kveul (noun/adjective) solid
  • kveul oe kveul oe (verb) be solid
  • kvuth kvuþ (verb) die
  • kvuthi kvuþi (noun) death
  • kvuthilim kvuþilim (noun) chlorine
  • kvuthirm kvuþirm (adjective) dead


  • la la (adposition) down
  • laave laave (noun) bottom
  • laavkilitaw laavkilitaw (adjective) subliminal
  • lachi laCi (verb) care
  • lachiba laCiba (verb) nurse
  • lachibafhra laCibaFra (noun) nurse
  • ladue ladue (noun) bow
  • laeama læama (adjective) female
  • laeamhru læamHu (adjective) intersex
  • laeamir læamir (adjective) male
  • laeamkiu læamkiu (noun) testicle. Slang term.
  • laeke læke (noun) dot, point
  • laekraikre lækrâkre (noun) heartbreak
  • laekrui lækrui (noun) heart
  • laelothr læloþr (noun/verb) panic
  • laeon læon (noun) lion. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the felin subtype.
  • laeona læona (noun) lioness. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the felin subtype.
  • lafrha lafRa (noun) hat
  • laihe lâhe (adposition) below
  • laiul lâul (noun) cave
  • laiultash lâultash (noun) speleology
  • lamkhlahi lamKlài (noun) midnight sun
  • lamrath laMaþ (noun) night vision
  • lamri laMi (noun) night
  • lamrimlithe laMimliþe (noun) midnight snack
  • lamrivi'em laMiviem (noun) night sky
  • lamuthu lamuþu (adjective) indigo
  • lamve lamve (verb) leave
  • lamvehi lamvehi (noun) colour of night
  • lan lan lan lan (noun) long-long
  • langri lanGi (noun/verb) approval, approve
  • lasinu lasinu (noun) cake
  • latka'ho latkaho (adjective) stupid
  • latka'hoe latkahoe (verb) be stupid
  • latrei latrei (adverb) again
  • lave lave (verb) lower
  • lavebaeki lavebæki (noun) lower class
  • lavla lavla (adjective) red
  • lavla oe lavla oe (verb) be red
  • lavlanit lavlanit (noun) red hair
  • lavlanitaw lavlanitaw (noun) redhead
  • lavuhi lavuhi (adjective) green
  • lb nar birili lb nar birili (phrase) we are out of toilet paper. LB = luthrik biliku, butt paper.
  • lealin lealin (noun) lion. This refers to the felin subtype, not the Earth animal.
  • leara leara (adposition/conjunction) before
  • learafen learafen (noun) ancestor
  • legro leGo (noun) atom
  • legroaw leGoaw (adjective) atomic
  • legrolim leGolim (noun) barium
  • lehfelva lehfelva (noun) hero, heroine
  • lehfelvaw lehfelvaw (adjective) heroic
  • lehfelvoe lehfelvoe (verb) be a hero
  • leifeti leifeti (noun/verb) drink
  • leifeti'aw leifetiaw (adjective) drinkable
  • leihul leihul (noun) ninth day
  • leira leira (verb) sleep
  • leiraw leiraw (adjective) sleepy
  • leiraw oe leiraw oe (verb) be sleepy
  • leirawvam leirawvam (verb) fall asleep
  • leiruti leiruti (noun) bedroom
  • leisu leisu (adposition/conjunction) after
  • leisuhiurh leisuhiuR (adverb) after that
  • leisulisae leisulisæ (noun) afterbirth, motherfucker
  • leithroa leiþroa (noun) way
  • lero lero (noun) wheel
  • levta levta (adjective) additional
  • liah lÁh (noun/verb) hug
  • liahfhra lÁhFra (noun) hugger
  • liahfhra oe lÁhFra oe (verb) be a hugger
  • liarh lÁR (noun/verb) cuddle
  • liarhfhra lÁRFra (noun) cuddler
  • liatu lÁtu (noun) tail
  • liatufhie lÁtuFÉ (noun) tail sex
  • liatuliah lÁtulÁh (noun) tail hug
  • libeu libeu (noun) table
  • libun libun (noun) screw
  • liebakhuin lÉbaKuin (noun) zebra
  • liebakhuinkit lÉbaKuinkit (noun) zebra foal
  • liebaw lÉbaw (adjective) striped
  • liebos lÉbos (noun) stripe
  • lifahe lifàe (verb) think
  • lifku lifku (adjective) careful
  • lifku oe lifku oe (verb) be careful
  • likosi likosi (noun) region
  • limev limev (adjective) different
  • limev oe limev oe (verb) be different
  • limfel limfel (noun) candidate
  • limsi limsi (noun/verb) choice, choose
  • lipoal lipoal (noun/verb) age
  • lipoaw lipoaw (adjective) aged
  • lira lira (adverb) really
  • liraw liraw (adjective) real
  • liraw oe liraw oe (verb) be real
  • lirus lirus (noun) reality
  • listhe lisþe (verb) test
  • litfho litFo (noun/verb) connect, connection
  • litfhoaw litFoaw (adjective) connected
  • lithei liþei (noun) dwelling
  • litram litram (adjective) weak
  • liumti liumti (noun/verb) understanding, understand
  • livilfhie'aw livilFÉaw (adjective) heterosexual. Uncommon.
  • livmeu livmeu (noun/verb) feast
  • livsu livsu (noun) spice
  • livsuemla livsuemla (noun) gingerbread
  • lobafol lobafol (proper noun) Lojban
  • loema loema (noun) harness. Oh sweetheart no it's not for a horse :D
  • lohenrhi lohenRi (numeral) thirteen
  • loithr loiþr (noun/verb) fear
  • loithrlim loiþrlim (noun) lithium
  • loithru loiþru (adjective) afraid, fearful
  • loithru oe loiþru oe (verb) be afraid
  • lokarha grewhura lokaRa Gewhura (proper noun) december. Twelfth Gre(gorian) month
  • lokarhi lokaRi (numeral) twelve
  • lomeli lomeli (noun) west
  • lonemrhi loneMhi (numeral) fourteen
  • lonerha grewhura loneRa Gewhura (proper noun) november. Eleventh Gre(gorian) month
  • lonerhi loneRi (numeral) eleven
  • losarhi losaRi (numeral) ten
  • losarhlim losaRlim (noun) neon
  • luchote luCote (noun) console
  • luev luev (adverb) very
  • lufemthua lufemþua (noun) testicle
  • lufhie luFÉ (noun) intercourse, sex
  • lufhie biri luFÉ biri (verb) have sex
  • lufhie'aw luFÉaw (adjective) sexual
  • lufhiekuem luFÉkuem (noun) nymphomaniac
  • lufhtrinaw luFtrinaw (adjective) pornographic
  • lufhtrini luFtrini (noun) pornography
  • luiat luÁt (noun) l
  • lukhdi luKdi (adjective) sane
  • lumafma lumafma (noun) submarine
  • lumvith lumviþ (verb) sell
  • lumvithfhra lumviþFra (noun) seller
  • luna luna (proper noun) Moon, Earth's moon
  • lurea lurea (verb) start
  • luskar luskar (noun/verb) mixture, mix
  • luskaraw luskaraw (adjective) mixed
  • luth luþ (adjective) low
  • luthma luþma (noun/proper noun) lowland, The Netherlands
  • luthma'aw luþmaaw (adjective) dutch
  • luthmafel luþmafel (proper noun) Dutchman
  • luthmafol luþmafol (proper noun) Dutch
  • luthrik luþrik (noun) buttocks, ass, buttock
  • luthrindoi luþrindoi (noun) backpfeifengesicht
  • luthrnit luþrnit (noun) bum hair
  • luthwa luþwa (adjective) lower
  • luthwen luþwen (adjective) lowest


  • mabe mabe (verb/adjective/noun) complete, degree
  • maehul mæhul (noun) sixth day
  • maeio mæio (noun) mayonnaise. Loanword.
  • maerri mærri (adjective) sorry
  • maerri oe mærri oe (verb) be sorry
  • maeuni mæuni (verb) capture
  • maevi mævi (noun) star
  • maevikit mævikit (proper noun) Novakid
  • maewhura mæwhura (noun) fifth month
  • mahkros màkros (noun) missile launcher
  • mahr màr (noun/verb) mask
  • mahraw màraw (adjective) masked
  • mahri màri (pronoun) why
  • maio mâo (noun) door
  • maken maken (noun) second
  • maldi maldi (noun) groin
  • manae manæ (proper noun) name of a moon
  • manaelim manælim (noun) selenium
  • mara mara (noun) lotus
  • markhi marKi (noun) gold
  • markhinit marKinit (noun) blond hair
  • markhinitaw marKinitaw (adjective) blond(e)
  • marrlo marrlo (noun) fever
  • marrn marrn (noun) beard
  • marrnaw marrnaw (adjective) bearded
  • marrs marrs (proper noun) Mars
  • marru marru (adverb) both
  • martae martæ (noun/verb) shine
  • martaefhin martæFin (noun) moonlight
  • martaekhi martæKi (noun) chromium
  • martaekhlahi martæKlài (noun) sunlight
  • marterhathu marteRaþu (noun) marble
  • mashachuchu mashaCuCu (proper noun) Massachusetts
  • maues maues (noun) nut
  • meburr meburr (verb) snore
  • megrafma meGafma (noun) airplane
  • megru meGu (verb) fly
  • megrukhi meGuKi (noun) scandium
  • mei'akhte meiaKte (noun) cliché
  • meibo meibo (noun) trope
  • meihe meihe (adposition) above
  • meiki meiki (noun) collar
  • meili meili (adposition) beside
  • meita meita (noun) family
  • meitashigri meitashiGi (verb) love
  • meitatash meitatash (noun) genealogy
  • melais melâs (adjective/verb) custom, customise
  • melei melei (noun/verb) change
  • melhau melhau (noun) segment
  • meli meli (noun) cardinal direction
  • memeli memeli (noun) east
  • memha memha (noun) ear
  • memhir memhir (verb) hear
  • merfu merfu (noun) mass
  • merhumo meRumo (verb) prowl
  • merkurie merkurÉ (proper noun) Mercury
  • mesnissahr mesnissàr (noun) contact list
  • mesukhe mesuKe (pronoun) something
  • mesukh'oe mesuKoe (verb) be something
  • mesul mesul (noun/noun/verb/verb) call, contact, call
  • mesulkhi mesulKi (noun) palladium
  • methai meþâ (noun) silence
  • methe meþe (noun/verb) sound
  • methefolmaw meþefolmaw (adjective) onomatopoeic
  • methefolme meþefolme (noun) onomatopoeia
  • mevebi mevebi (verb/adjective) expose, naked
  • mevebi oe mevebi oe (verb) be naked
  • mevebi'im mevebiim (noun) nude
  • mevebilim mevebilim (noun) astatine
  • meverthifhra meverþiFra (noun) stripper
  • mevus mevus (noun/verb) song, sing
  • mevusfhra mevusFra (noun) singer
  • mevusfhra oe mevusFra oe (verb) be a singer
  • miah! mÁh! (interjection) myeh!. What's going on?
  • miaho mÁho (adjective) silly
  • miaho'e mÁhoe (verb) be silly
  • mibri mibri (noun) stove
  • mieh mÉh (noun) feel
  • mih mih (phrase) hi
  • mihli mihli (interjection) hello
  • mihmie mihmÉ (interjection) howdy
  • minshir minshir (noun) bell
  • mira mira (verb/proper noun) bounce, name of a moon
  • miralim miralim (noun) aluminium
  • miraw miraw (adjective) bouncy
  • mirethe mireþe (verb) blur
  • mir'hul mirhul (noun) first day
  • mirthe mirþe (noun/verb) draw, drawing
  • mirthefhra mirþeFra (noun) drawer
  • mirwhura mirwhura (noun) second month
  • misrelim misrelim (noun) lanthanum
  • misurr misurr (noun/verb) laugh, laughter, laugh
  • mithathaw miþaþaw (adjective) mortal
  • mithathi miþaþi (noun) mortal
  • mithi miþi (noun/adjective) life, lively
  • mlagri mlaGi (verb) like
  • mlithe mliþe (verb) eat
  • mlitherhuw mliþeRuw (adjective) edible
  • mlivebi mlivebi (adjective/noun/verb) covered, cover
  • mlivfefe mlivfefe (phrase) covfefe
  • mobie mobÉ (noun) memory bank
  • mobikhi mobiKi (noun) hafnium
  • moiat moÁt (noun) m
  • moleri moleri (adjective) knee-deep
  • molkli molkli (noun) knee
  • molva molva (noun/verb) classify, class
  • monki monki (noun) monkey. Loanword.
  • moramefhra morameFra (noun) sniper. Mo'mel mriw palru'en, 'mie.
  • morr morr (noun) tile. Also a verb.
  • morre morre (verb) frolic
  • morrol morrol (noun) master/mistress, master
  • mrah (interjection) ouch
  • mrahkna Màkna (noun) armour
  • mrahknakhi MàknaKi (noun) tantalum
  • mrakli Makli (adjective) dirty
  • mralirie MalirÉ (adjective) pleasant
  • mravi Mavi (adjective) fine
  • mreh Meh (interjection) no
  • mreifikhi MeifiKi (noun) rhenium
  • mreifim Meifim (adverb/adjective/noun) boldly, bold, boldness
  • mreiru Meiru (verb/adjective/noun) brave, bravery
  • mreirufel Meirufel (noun) brave person
  • mreirufelva Meirufelva (noun) brave hero
  • mriau MÁu (noun) meow
  • mrid Mid (adjective) done
  • mri'en Mien (noun) pride
  • mri'enaw Mienaw (adjective) proud
  • mriev MÉv (interjection) please
  • mrifek Mifek (noun) dullness
  • mrifekhi MifeKi (noun) technetium
  • mrifel Mifel (noun) partner
  • mrifhi MiFi (noun) spouse. Properly 'preferred partner among multiple'.
  • mrifhia MiFÁ (noun) wife. Uncommon. Properly 'preferred female partner among multiple', like a spouse.
  • mrifhir MiFir (noun) husband. Uncommon. Properly 'preferred male partner among multiple', like a spouse.
  • mrikhi MiKi (noun/verb) appreciation, appreciate
  • mrili Mili (noun) mouth interior
  • mrilifhie MiliFÉ (noun/verb) oral sex
  • mrilifhriss MiliFriss (noun) saliva
  • mrivelus Mivelus (noun) fish
  • mrivla Mivla (noun) fish
  • mriw Miw (adjective) good
  • mriw khrismas Miw Krismas (phrase) merry christmas
  • mriw lamri Miw laMi (phrase) goodnight
  • mriw oe Miw oe (verb) be good
  • mriw rie Miw rÉ (verb) feel good
  • mriwa Miwa (adjective) better
  • mriwfhie MiwFÉ (noun) vigorous sex
  • mriwflui Miwflui (interjection) good morning
  • mriwi Miwi (adjective) best
  • mriwrieaw MiwrÉaw (adjective) feel-good
  • mrmr MM (noun/verb) murmur
  • mrobe Mobe (adjective/noun/verb) thick, thickness, thicken
  • mrobeluthaw Mobeluþaw (adjective) callipygian
  • mroli Moli (noun) vagina
  • mroliari MolÁri (noun) cunnilingus
  • mrolifhie MoliFÉ (noun) vaginal sex
  • mrolisio Molisio (noun) labia
  • mromra MoMa (noun) insult. Generic insult.
  • mronal Monal (noun) penis
  • mronalari Monalari (noun/verb) fellatio, fellate
  • mronhi Monhi (noun) dickhead
  • mronim Monim (noun) dick pic
  • mrorma Morma (noun) dick-for-brains
  • mrow Mow (interjection) boo
  • mrowia MowÁ (interjection) booyah
  • mruchibafhra MuCibaFra (noun) doctor
  • mruevu Muevu (noun) loss
  • mruhrre MuHre (noun/verb) flirt
  • mruhrreaw MuHreaw (adjective) flirtatious
  • mrukha MuKa (noun) octave
  • mruna Muna (noun) oak
  • mrurhot MuRot (noun/verb) brush
  • mruv Muv (adjective) high
  • mruvwa Muvwa (adjective) higher
  • mruvwen Muvwen (adjective) highest
  • muhi muhi (pronoun) what
  • muhi asurr oeia muhi asurr oeÁ (phrase) what is this
  • muhpral muhpral (phrase) what's up. muhi pralchi oeia?
  • muhvtu muhvtu (adjective) grey
  • muhvtulim muhvtulim (noun) germanium
  • mukpae mukpæ (noun/verb) wound
  • mur- mur (affix) yester-
  • mureh mureh (noun) cow
  • murr murr (noun/verb) purr
  • mursulmi mursulmi (noun) yesterday
  • musiu musiu (noun/verb) resolve, resolution
  • muthi muþi (noun) art
  • muthiaw muþÁw (adjective) artful
  • muthifhra muþiFra (noun) artist
  • muthu muþu (adjective) violet, purple
  • muthulim muþulim (noun) bromine
  • muthuti muþuti (noun) art gallery
  • muthve muþve (adjective/noun/verb) hungry, hunger
  • muvi muvi (adjective) slow
  • mviruf mviruf (noun) writing implement


  • naehs næhs (noun) nose
  • naeri næri (adjective) ankle-deep
  • nai (verb) put
  • nakhe naKe (determiner/adjective/interjection/adverb) enough
  • nakhe oe naKe oe (verb) be enough
  • nal nal (noun) rod
  • nar nar (adverb) not
  • nar karrdi nar karrdi (interjection) you're welcome
  • nar oe nar oe (verb) be not
  • nar tleil nar tleil (phrase) i don't know
  • naraevohaw narævohaw (adjective) mute
  • naralem naralem (adjective/noun) endless, endlessness
  • narathelaw naraþelaw (adjective) unseen
  • narathelrhuw naraþelRuw (adjective) invisible
  • narbosolim narbosolim (noun) unobtainium
  • naritaw naritaw (adjective) anonymous. As a proper name: Nartus- with any of the traditional suffixes, for example Nartusir, Nartusne.
  • narkloiraw narkloiraw (adjective) uncooked
  • narmlitherhuw narmliþeRuw (adjective) inedible
  • narnorilith narnoriliþ (noun) abiogenesis
  • narpensow narpensow (adjective) unlimited
  • narsulkais narsulkâs (adjective/noun) inaccurate, inaccuracy
  • narvehi'aw narvehiaw (adjective) colourless
  • narvil narvil (adposition) without
  • naso naso (verb) lose
  • natis natis (noun) ankle
  • nebel nebel (determiner) neither
  • nehenklave nehenklave (noun) octagon
  • nehenrha grewhura nehenRa Gewhura (proper noun) august. Eighth Gre(gorian) month
  • nehenrhi nehenRi (numeral) eight
  • nehveket nehveket (noun) towel
  • nekarha grewhura nekaRa Gewhura (proper noun) july. Seventh Gre(gorian) month
  • nekarhi nekaRi (numeral) seven
  • nekarklave nekarklave (noun) heptagon
  • nemhap nemhap (noun) nibble
  • nemklave nemklave (noun) square
  • nemorthim nemorþim (noun) quarter
  • nemorthimaw nemorþimaw (adjective) quarter
  • nemrha neMha (adjective) fourth
  • nemrha grewhura neMha Gewhura (proper noun) april. Fourth Gre(gorian) month
  • nemrhi neMhi (numeral) four
  • nem-tiksre shaka-tikarhi-tik-satiksre nemtiksre shakatikaRitiksatiksre (numeral) billion
  • nenemrha grewhura neneMha Gewhura (proper noun) september. Ninth Gre(gorian) month
  • nenemrhi neneMhi (numeral) nine
  • nenerha grewhura neneRa Gewhura (proper noun) june. Sixth Gre(gorian) month
  • nenerhi neneRi (numeral) six
  • nenerklave nenerklave (noun) hexagon
  • neptun neptun (proper noun) Neptune
  • nesarha grewhura nesaRa Gewhura (proper noun) may. Fifth Gre(gorian) month
  • nesarhi nesaRi (numeral) five
  • nesarklave nesarklave (noun) pentagon
  • nethae neþæ (adjective) pink
  • nevilfhie'aw nevilFÉaw (adjective) asexual. Uncommon.
  • nevla nevla (noun/adjective) orange
  • nevla putfhilite nevla putFilite (noun) red wine
  • niadie nÁdÉ (noun/verb) combine, combination
  • niarh nÁR (interjection) argh
  • nie (verb) feel
  • nioom nioom (adjective) high
  • nissahr nissàr (noun/verb) list
  • nisu nisu (auxiliary/verb) must, be required
  • nit nit (noun) hair
  • nitaw nitaw (adjective) hairy
  • nitliatu nitlÁtu (noun) ponytail
  • nori nori (noun) biology
  • noritash noritash (noun) biology
  • noritashfhra noritashFra (noun) biologist
  • nuiat nuÁt (noun) n
  • nuri nuri (conjunction) or


  • obnitaw obnitaw (adjective) brunette
  • obsila obsila (noun) autumn
  • obsilarhove obsilaRove (noun) autumn wind
  • obsilku obsilku (noun) autumn leaf
  • obsuf obsuf (adjective) brown
  • obsufnit obsufnit (noun) brunette hair
  • obsufnitaw obsufnitaw (adjective) dark haired
  • odlifhru odliFru (noun) swimsuit
  • odliflui odliflui (noun) beach
  • oe oe (verb) be
  • oefol oefol (noun) noun
  • ofhin oFin (noun) moon
  • ofho oFo (determiner) any
  • ohiat ohÁt (noun) o
  • oi oi (interjection) hey
  • oiftun oiftun (interjection) awesome
  • oiftunaw oiftunaw (adjective) awesome
  • oken oken (noun) hour
  • okum okum (noun) quest
  • olhim olhim (noun/verb) add, addition
  • olithe oliþe (noun/verb) juice
  • olitheaw oliþeaw (adjective) juicy
  • olithefhra oliþeFra (noun) juicer
  • olna olna (noun) sail
  • olnafma olnafma (noun) sailing ship
  • olsita olsita (noun/verb) critique
  • olsitafhra olsitaFra (noun) critic
  • olsud olsud (noun) pet
  • olta olta (verb) add
  • omi omi (adverb) too
  • omkhar omKar (verb) hire
  • omkith omkiþ (verb) buy
  • omkithfhra omkiþFra (noun) buyer
  • op op (noun) meme
  • oredoin oredoin (noun) window
  • ori ori (adverb/determiner) more
  • oritu oritu (verb) wear
  • oritufhra orituFra (noun) wearer
  • orluk orluk (verb) operate
  • ors ors (adposition) under
  • ors _ oe ors _ oe (verb) be under
  • orshoi orshoi (noun) example
  • orthim orþim (noun) division
  • oruit oruit (noun) clothes
  • osu osu (noun/verb) use
  • osufhra osuFra (noun) user
  • osufol osufol (proper noun) proper noun
  • osura osura (noun) usage
  • osutusu osutusu (noun) username
  • oun oun (pronoun) they. For people only. Use uin for animals., he/she/it/they, he/she/it
  • ouna ouna (pronoun) his/her/its, their
  • ounem ounem (pronoun) themselves, himself/herself/itself
  • ovori ovori (adverb) anymore


  • padvu padvu (noun) sauce
  • paelo pælo (noun/verb) disturbance, disturb
  • paeloaw pæloaw (adjective) disturbing
  • paf paf (noun) poof
  • pahiakhis pàÁKis (noun) keyboard
  • pahiat pàÁt (noun) p, character, glyph
  • pahpahf pàpàf (noun) clap
  • paken paken (noun) minute
  • palru palru (noun/verb) work
  • palruti palruti (noun) workshop
  • panchu panCu (noun) underpants. Loanword. Most felin don't wear underpants.
  • panthr panþr (noun) panther. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the felin subtype.
  • parries parrÉs (noun) nightclub
  • parrii parrii (noun) fun
  • parrii'aw parriiaw (adjective) funny
  • parriitur parriitur (noun) entertainment
  • parrmie parrmÉ (noun/verb) enjoy, enjoyment
  • parrmierhuw parrmÉRuw (adjective) enjoyable
  • parrmuthi parrmuþi (noun) art
  • parrnal parrnal (noun) penis. Pet name, lit. joystick.
  • parthi parþi (noun/verb) dance
  • parthifhra parþiFra (noun) dancer
  • pat'hau pathau (noun) arc
  • pathe paþe (verb) forsake
  • patirn patirn (noun/verb) circle
  • patirn mirthe patirn mirþe (verb) draw a circle
  • patirnarthi patirnarþi (noun) circle dance
  • patirnaw patirnaw (adjective) circular
  • pavset pavset (noun/verb) surprise
  • pei pei (noun/verb) whip
  • penbu penbu (verb) farm
  • penbufhra penbuFra (noun) farmer
  • penbufhra oe penbuFra oe (verb) be a farmer
  • penburan penburan (noun) farm
  • penbuvhil penbuvhil (noun) farmland
  • penso penso (noun/verb) limit
  • pensoaw pensoaw (adjective) limited
  • peshil peshil (adverb) behind
  • pichin piCin (noun) pigeon. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the Firrhna native.
  • pildue pildue (noun) crossbow
  • pili pili (adjective/verb) flat, flatten
  • pilisemla pilisemla (noun) flatbread
  • pilke pilke (noun/verb) pump
  • pilp pilp (adjective) flattened
  • pilthar pilþar (noun) type of food/drink, pizza
  • pimla pimla (noun/verb) post
  • pitah pità (noun) file
  • pitahkem pitàkem (noun) filetype
  • pitahtusu pitàtusu (noun) filename
  • pitu pitu (noun) handle
  • plaibmi plâbmi (adjective) pure
  • plaibmoe plâbmoe (verb) be pure
  • plamuthi plamuþi (noun) art
  • plarifol plarifol (noun/verb) conlang
  • plarifolfhra plarifolFra (noun) conlanger
  • plarifolpalruti plarifolpalruti (proper noun) ConWorkShop
  • plariklamifhra plariklamiFra (noun) conworlder
  • plariklamithe plariklamiþe (noun) conworld
  • plarith plariþ (verb) make, create
  • plasi plasi (verb) slip
  • plat plat (verb) freeze
  • plataw plataw (adjective) frozen
  • plaw plaw (noun) ice
  • plawathure plawaþure (adjective) ice cold
  • plemi plemi (verb) slide
  • plerawhura plerawhura (noun) ninth month
  • pliamie plÁmÉ (adjective) friendly
  • pliam'oe plÁmoe (verb) be polite
  • plikh pliK (noun) drip
  • plima plima (noun) belt
  • plirfhie plirFÉ (noun/verb) anal sex
  • plirth plirþ (noun) butthole
  • plirthaw plirþaw (adjective) anal
  • plua plua (adposition) like
  • pluto pluto (proper noun) Pluto
  • poi'elus poielus (noun) chicken meat
  • poiladirh poiladiR (noun) chicken nugget
  • poilavie poilavÉ (noun) chicken. Native animal on Firrhna. It's like a pigeon, but they're good for eating, and so are their eggs., pigeon
  • poipoi poipoi (noun) chicken. Common short form of poilavie.
  • pok pok (noun) pop
  • ponie ponÉ (noun) pony. Loanword.
  • porhka poRka (noun) shit
  • postahmp postàmp (noun) postage stamp. Loanword.
  • potafhivi potaFivi (noun) vodka
  • potasuumi potasuumi (noun) crisp
  • potato potato (noun) potato. Po-tah-toe.
  • pra pra (noun) peace
  • praemithi præmiþi (adjective) exciting
  • pralchi pralCi (adjective) new
  • pralchi oe pralCi oe (verb) be new
  • pralchi ofhin pralCi oFin (noun) new moon
  • pralchir pralCir (noun) new year
  • pralchirprimru pralCirpriMu (proper noun) New Year's Eve
  • pralob pralob (adjective) cool
  • pralsila pralsila (noun) spring
  • prifhem're priFemre (noun) toy
  • prifherito priFerito (noun) game menu
  • prifhevi priFevi (noun/verb) game
  • prih prih (verb) come
  • primetha primeþa (noun) festival
  • primru priMu (noun/verb) party
  • pripri pripri (noun) toy
  • proh proh (verb) go
  • propa propa (noun) cosplay
  • prowh prowh (verb) run
  • prowhfhra prowhFra (noun) runner
  • prowlei prowlei (noun/verb) chase
  • pruibua pruibua (noun/verb) smile
  • pruimi pruimi (adjective) happy
  • pruimi oe pruimi oe (verb) be happy
  • pruimi pralchir pruimi pralCir (phrase) happy new year
  • pruimi ulisulmi pruimi ulisulmi (phrase) happy birthday
  • pruva pruva (verb) grab
  • pruviaw pruvÁw (adjective) cool
  • puim puim (noun/verb) flower
  • puimarhmla puimaRmla (noun) flower shop
  • puimaw puimaw (adjective) flowery
  • puimlim puimlim (noun) indium
  • puimlumvithfhra puimlumviþFra (noun) florist
  • puodri puodri (noun) stage
  • putfetfel putfetfel (noun) drunkard
  • putfetliw putfetliw (adjective) drunk
  • putfhifel putFifel (noun) alcoholic
  • putfhilite putFilite (noun) wine
  • putfhivi putFivi (noun) alcohol
  • putfhiviaw putFivÁw (adjective) alcoholic
  • puvu puvu (noun) insult. Generic playful insult.


  • ra ra (adposition) on top of
  • raewenfhriss ræwenFriss (noun) ocean
  • ra'hul rahul (noun) eighth day
  • rahwa ràwa (verb) rest
  • rai oe râ oe (verb) be home
  • raiflero râflero (noun) tyre
  • raimithe râmiþe (noun) home world
  • raimlitfho râmlitFo (noun) internet
  • raitheran râþeran (noun) home town
  • raiwum râwum (noun) home
  • ralso ralso (verb) kick
  • rarako rarako (noun) chest
  • rathisa raþisa (adverb) already
  • relsulim relsulim (noun) tellurium
  • remki remki (adjective) rare
  • reni reni (noun) rider
  • rhaeraw Ræraw (adjective) automotive
  • rhaero Ræro (noun) car
  • rhaerofhie'eridaw RæroFÉeridaw (adjective) so horny that you do something stupid to get your rocks off
  • rhagrim RaGim (noun/verb) fight
  • rhagrimaw RaGimaw (adjective) fighting
  • rhagrimfhra RaGimFra (noun) fighter
  • rhalir Ralir (noun/verb) wrestle, wrestling
  • rhalirfhra RalirFra (noun) wrestler
  • rhamreiru RaMeiru (noun) bravery
  • rhamrib RaMib (verb) blow
  • rhamu Ramu (noun/verb) breathe, breath
  • rharfel Rarfel (noun) wild cat. Not the animal, but the felin police force, The Wildcats.
  • rhatai Ratâ (noun) task force. Any resemblance to Japanese 'sentai' is entirely intentional.
  • rhathu Raþu (noun) stone
  • rhevie RevÉ (noun/verb) finger
  • rhfia RfÁ (verb) want
  • rhi Ri (interjection) yes
  • rholim Rolim (noun) oxygen
  • rhomurr Romurr (adjective) rough
  • rhomurrfhie biri RomurrFÉ biri (verb) have rough sex
  • rhove Rove (noun) air
  • rhum Rum (noun/verb) lick
  • rhumaraw Rumaraw (adjective) blissful
  • rhumarie RumarÉ (noun) bliss
  • rhumisurr Rumisurr (noun) schadenfreude
  • rhura Rura (noun) pain
  • rhuraw Ruraw (adjective) painful
  • rhuraw oe Ruraw oe (verb) be in pain
  • rhwa Rwa (noun/verb) hunt
  • rhwadohi Rwadohi (noun) hunting dog
  • rhwafhra RwaFra (noun) hunter
  • rhwafhra oe RwaFra oe (verb) be a hunter
  • rhwafhralim RwaFralim (noun) gallium
  • rhwathefhra RwaþeFra (noun) terminator
  • rhwawhura Rwawhura (noun) sixth month
  • riaflite rÁflite (noun) rubber
  • riaflue rÁflue (noun) latex
  • ribel ribel (adjective) tasty
  • rie (verb) feel
  • rihae rihæ (noun) shoe
  • rihlif rihlif (noun) animal
  • rihthafhra rihþaFra (noun) shepherd
  • rihula rihula (noun/adverb) nature, naturally
  • rihulaaw rihulaaw (adjective) natural
  • rihulhrive rihulHive (noun) natural beauty
  • rikhi riKi (noun) box
  • riktha rikþa (interjection) goodbye
  • rilgruf rilGuf (noun) revolution
  • rimesut rimesut (noun) idea
  • risb risb (adposition) outside
  • risb oe risb oe (verb) be outside
  • risbta risbta (adposition) out of
  • rish rish (adposition) from
  • rismroli risMoli (noun) vulva
  • rito rito (noun) menu
  • riukhe riuKe (noun) thing
  • riulki riulki (verb) become
  • riush riush (verb) hold
  • riuth riuþ (verb) hold on to
  • riutsliv riutsliv (verb) exaggerate
  • riutslivfhra riutslivFra (noun) exaggerator
  • rograhkhi roGàKi (noun) ruthenium
  • rograhs roGàs (noun/verb) rage
  • rois rois (adjective) acceptable
  • rruimarh rruimaR (noun) muscle
  • rruimarhaw rruimaRaw (adjective) muscular
  • ruame ruame (adjective/noun) quality
  • ruflimarh ruflimaR (noun) sucker
  • ruflime ruflime (verb) suck
  • ruiat ruÁt (noun) r
  • ruidud ruidud (noun/verb) modification, modify
  • ruidudfhra ruidudFra (noun) modifier
  • ruidudrhuw ruidudRuw (adjective) modifiable
  • ruilit ruilit (noun) jacket
  • ruimem ruimem (noun) resume
  • ruimu ruimu (adposition) about
  • ruimu _ iaraloe ruimu _ Áraloe (verb) be certain about
  • rukhraum ruKraum (adverb) furiously
  • rulfi'io rulfiio (noun) reference
  • rulkathe rulkaþe (verb) kill
  • rulkathefhra rulkaþeFra (noun) killer
  • rulkathrove rulkaþrove (noun) hurricane
  • rulkra rulkra (noun) past
  • rulthe rulþe (noun/verb) translation, translate
  • rulthefhra rulþeFra (noun) translator
  • rultherhuw rulþeRuw (adjective) translatable
  • rulvashel rulvashel (noun/verb) echo
  • rulvaud rulvaud (noun) countdown
  • rulvith rulviþ (adverb) back
  • rumki rumki (noun/verb) lock
  • runfhi runFi (verb) live
  • runfhirm runFirm (adjective) alive
  • runkrahih runkràih (noun) sperm. Felin have biological control of their fertility, hence regular and 'live' sperm.
  • runli runli (adposition) until
  • ruohi ruohi (noun) suit
  • rurma rurma (noun) mind
  • rurthaproh rurþaproh (verb) evacuate
  • rurthau rurþau (noun) emergency
  • ruthra ruþra (noun/verb) fire, burn
  • ruthra'ero ruþraero (noun) fire truck
  • ruthralim ruþralim (noun) magnesium
  • ruthrashigrifhra ruþrashiGiFra (noun) pyromaniac
  • ruthrhamu ruþRamu (verb) breathe fire
  • ruthrhathu ruþRaþu (noun) flint
  • rwath rwaþ (verb) touch


  • saa'ho oe saaho oe (verb) be a fucking idiot
  • saeur sæur (noun/verb) appearance, appear
  • sah (adposition) intensifier. It's a fucking reference!
  • sahl sàl (interjection) thanks
  • sahlhra sàlHa (noun) long as fuck
  • sahmoiad sàmoÁd (noun) samoyed
  • salenia salenÁ (noun) bacon
  • salrho salRo (noun) null
  • salsi salsi (verb) tackle
  • salthu salþu (adjective/noun) dense, density
  • salthukhi salþuKi (noun) osmium
  • sameva sameva (verb) cause, make
  • sanchir sanCir (verb) bite
  • santhuir sanþuir (verb) nibble. Pun.
  • sarha saRa (adjective) zeroth
  • sarhi saRi (numeral) zero
  • satarhn sataRn (proper noun) Saturn
  • sefsipilmrivla sefsipilMivla (noun) ocean sunfish
  • sefsiraw sefsiraw (adjective) ugly
  • sefsiraw oe sefsiraw oe (verb) be ugly
  • sehetha seheþa (noun) coal
  • sehethalim seheþalim (noun) carbon
  • selum selum (noun) growth
  • selumi selumi (verb) grow
  • sembet sembet (noun) oven
  • semfu semfu (noun) bond
  • semka semka (noun/verb) heat
  • semkafhra semkaFra (noun) heater
  • semvabi semvabi (noun/verb) remainder, remain
  • serh seR (determiner) no
  • serhamuaw seRamuaw (adjective) breathless
  • serhfel seRfel (pronoun) no one
  • serhgriuheiaw seRGiuheÁw (adjective) powerless
  • serhnit seRnit (noun) baldness
  • serhnitaw seRnitaw (adjective) bald
  • serhori seRori (adverb) no more
  • serhshigriaw seRshiGÁw (adjective) unloved
  • setiat setÁt (noun) z. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • setmatr setmatr (verb) pounce
  • setra setra (noun/verb) jump
  • setsie setsÉ (verb) leap
  • seul seul (noun/verb) attack
  • seulthi seulþi (verb) strike. Becomes 'spank' with subtext purr.
  • shachit shaCit (noun) currency. Four hundred chits, basically a benjamin.
  • shaer shær (affix/adjective) kilo, huge
  • shaerfhriss shærFriss (noun) sea
  • shaertel shærtel (noun) kilogram
  • shaertolaen shærtolæn (noun) kilometre
  • sha'e-ticha-nemrhi shaetiCaneMhi (numeral) five hundred
  • sha'e-tika-lokarhi shaetikalokaRi (numeral) three hundred
  • sha'e-tinenemrhi shaetineneMhi (numeral) four hundred
  • shahene-tikarhi shàenetikaRi (numeral) eight hundred
  • shahene-tilonem-nehenrhi shàenetilonemnehenRi (numeral) one thousand
  • shahene-tinehen-nemrhi shàenetinehenneMhi (numeral) nine hundred
  • shaka-tilone-lokarhi shakatilonelokaRi (numeral) seven hundred
  • shaka-tines-nehenrhi shakatinesnehenRi (numeral) six hundred
  • shal shal (adjective/affix) big, hecto
  • shalbukhatash shalbuKatash (noun) mathematics
  • shalfhei'alahke shalFeialàke (noun) mountain range
  • shalfheiul shalFeiul (noun) mountain
  • shalfhriss shalFriss (noun) lake
  • shalhraka shalHaka (noun) Cardassian
  • shalkloirkhi shalkloirKi (noun) cauldron
  • shalmelsahl shalmelsàl (proper noun) Blastoise
  • shalo'e-tilone-nehenrhi shaloetilonenehenRi (numeral) three thousand
  • shalprimru shalpriMu (noun/verb) celebration, celebrate
  • shalrae shalræ (adjective) large
  • shalrae'aw shalræaw (adjective) larger
  • shalraewen shalræwen (adjective) largest
  • shalrhfia shalRfÁ (noun) longing
  • shaltheran shalþeran (noun) city
  • shalwa shalwa (adjective) bigger
  • shalwaveud shalwaveud (noun) exclamation mark
  • shalwen shalwen (adjective) biggest
  • shanaka-tilohenrhi shanakatilohenRi (numeral) two thousand
  • shanemchir shanemCir (noun) century. From 'shanemrhi chirkul', 400 years.
  • sharid sharid (verb) arouse
  • sharidaw sharidaw (adjective) aroused
  • sharilim sharilim (noun) antimony
  • sharishigri sharishiGi (noun) erotic love. Literally 'arousing love'.
  • shia shÁ (conjunction) if
  • shigri shiGi (noun/verb) love
  • shigriari shiGÁri (verb) kiss passionately
  • shigriaw shiGÁw (adjective) loved
  • shigriawliahrie shiGÁwlÁHÉ (noun) feeling of embracing a loved one
  • shigriawoe shiGÁwoe (verb) be loved
  • shigrichar shiGiCar (noun) love spirit
  • shigrifhra shiGiFra (noun) lover
  • shigrulkathe shiGulkaþe (noun) yandere
  • shimer shimer (noun) romance
  • shimer'aw shimeraw (adjective) romantic
  • shintanik shintanik (noun) soda. See also Douglas Adams.
  • shirae shiræ (adjective) multiple
  • shirakhivaw khulami shiraKivaw Kulami (noun) multicellular organism
  • shiru shiru (adposition) times
  • shiruw shiruw (noun) multiplication
  • shu shu (determiner) tau. 11.120144341122..., the more popular of the two.
  • siar sÁr (adjective) basic
  • sibeth sibeþ (noun) carpet
  • sibu sibu (adjective) free
  • sieiat sÉÁt (noun) c. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • sifhe siFe (verb) drive
  • sifhefhra siFeFra (noun) driver
  • sifvuar sifvuar (adjective) cruel
  • sihio sihio (noun) lip
  • sihrae siHæ (noun/verb/auxiliary) need
  • sihraeaw siHæaw (adjective) needed
  • sikean sikean (noun) villain
  • silahn silàn (noun) coriander. Loanword.
  • sildue sildue (noun) longbow
  • silher silher (noun) dress
  • silhra silHa (noun/adjective) length, long
  • silhra oe silHa oe (verb) be long
  • silhrwa silHwa (adverb) longer
  • simela simela (noun) dough
  • simlem simlem (noun) crime
  • simlemaw simlemaw (adjective) criminal
  • simlemfhra simlemFra (noun) criminal
  • sindahrfol sindàrfol (noun) xynder
  • sine sine (noun) fastener. The fastener, or zipper, was invented so long before the button that the few buttons on felin clothing are wholly decorative.
  • sinranoi sinranoi (noun) sacrifice
  • sira sira (noun) play
  • siralim siralim (noun) krypton
  • siru siru (noun) trouble
  • sirue sirue (verb) debug
  • siruefhra sirueFra (noun) debugger
  • siulim siulim (noun) sodium
  • sium sium (noun) sadness
  • siumaw siumaw (adjective) sad
  • siumaw oe siumaw oe (verb) be sad
  • skrom skrom (noun/verb) try
  • slei slei (noun) sponge
  • sli sli (affix/adjective) deci, small
  • sli oe sli oe (verb) be small
  • slidohi slidohi (noun) puppy
  • slifhiero sliFÉro (noun) moped
  • slihafma slihafma (noun) boat
  • sliholnafma sliholnafma (noun) sailboat
  • sli'i'eme sliieme (noun) stool
  • slikiu slikiu (noun) small egg
  • sliklamithe sliklamiþe (noun) dwarf planet
  • sliruthra sliruþra (noun) small fire
  • slitheran sliþeran (noun) village
  • slivi slivi (adjective) able
  • sliwa sliwa (adjective) smaller
  • sliwen sliwen (adjective) smallest
  • sliwies sliwÉs (noun) dagger
  • sluni sluni (adjective) capable
  • snek snek (noun) snake. Loanword. May refer to either the Earth animal or the Firrhna native.
  • soemla soemla (noun) bread
  • soemlanal soemlanal (noun) breadstick
  • soihtu soihtu (noun) spandex
  • sok sok (noun) sock
  • sol sol (proper noun) Sun
  • sudva sudva (adjective/verb) ready, prepared, prepare
  • sudva oe sudva oe (verb) be ready, be prepared
  • suerathuva sueraþuva (noun) mirage
  • sueravlei sueravlei (noun) falsehood
  • suerfel suerfel (noun) pretender
  • suerfeokh suerfeoK (noun) denture
  • suerkufhel suerkuFel (noun) weeaboo
  • sueru sueru (adjective) false
  • sueruit sueruit (noun/verb) disguise
  • sueruitaw sueruitaw (adjective) disguised
  • suerutumlim suerutumlim (noun) strontium
  • sugrus suGus (noun) thunder
  • suhr suH (adverb) about
  • suhtik suhtik (adjective/verb) tired, tire
  • suhtik oe suhtik oe (verb) be tired
  • suiat suÁt (noun) s
  • suirel suirel (noun) captain
  • suithma suiþma (noun) treasure
  • sulio'me suliome (noun) okonomiyaki
  • sulion sulion (pronoun) whatever
  • sulisa sulisa (verb) cut down
  • suliud suliud (verb) tie up
  • sulkais sulkâs (noun/adjective) accuracy, accurate
  • sulmi sulmi (noun) day
  • sulvehi sulvehi (noun) colour of day
  • sumih sumih (noun) litre
  • sumlae sumlæ (noun) system
  • surfhir surFir (verb) happen
  • surhi suRi (noun) space
  • surhiaem suRÁem (noun) spaceport
  • surhifhalaf suRiFalaf (noun) ftl drive system
  • surhihafma suRihafma (noun) spaceship, spacecraft
  • surhiromi suRiromi (noun) space travel
  • surhitash suRitash (noun) astronomy
  • surhitashfhra suRitashFra (noun) astronomer
  • surnal surnal (noun) pencil
  • surthe surþe (noun/verb) write, text, writing
  • surthe chi fol surþe Ci fol (noun) text to speech
  • surtheaw surþeaw (adjective) written
  • surthefhra surþeFra (noun) writer
  • surtherhot surþeRot (noun) writing brush
  • surutha suruþa (noun) ninja. 'False-clothed killer' as a weird acronym-like thing, like how 'kunoichi' is 'woman' taken apart.
  • sutkobi sutkobi (noun) clitoris
  • suumi suumi (noun/verb) slice
  • suvuhi suvuhi (adjective) cyan


  • taesdi tæsdi (noun) tentacle
  • tahra tàra (adjective) black
  • tahranit tàranit (noun) black hair
  • tahranitaw tàranitaw (adjective) black haired
  • taigr tâG (noun) tiger. Loanword. Refers to the Earth animal, not the felin subtype.
  • tashir tashir (verb) learn
  • tashiran tashiran (noun) school
  • tashirdhuti tashirdhuti (noun) classroom
  • tashirfhra tashirFra (noun) learner
  • tave tave (adjective) hot
  • tavfhriss tavFriss (noun) hot water
  • tav'oe tavoe (verb) be hot
  • tavsehiuthi tavsehiuþi (noun) barbecue
  • televi televi (noun) television. Loanword.
  • televisira televisira (noun) show
  • terha teRa (proper noun) Earth
  • terma terma (verb) bring
  • teslunt teslunt (noun/verb) bore, boredom
  • tesluntaw tesluntaw (adjective) bored
  • tesluntaw oe tesluntaw oe (verb) be bored
  • teura teura (noun/verb) catch
  • tevchloha tevCloha (proper noun) Glitch
  • tevlim tevlim (noun) bismuth
  • tevlur tevlur (noun) gear, cog
  • tevlurkhi tevlurKi (noun) molybdenum
  • tha þa (interjection) bye
  • thai'e þâe (verb/adjective/noun) annoy, annoying, annoyance
  • thai'eaw þâeaw (adjective) annoyed
  • thaluhr þaluH (verb) collect
  • thaluhrie þaluHÉ (noun) collection
  • thek þek (noun/verb) shot, shoot
  • thek oe þek oe (verb) be shot
  • themua þemua (adjective) united
  • theran þeran (noun) settlement
  • thilba þilba (adverb) therefore
  • thinhul þinhul (noun) fourth day
  • thlin'on þlinon (noun) Klingon
  • thlin'onfol þlinonfol (noun) klingonese
  • thofli þofli (noun) forest
  • thorei þorei (noun) earth
  • thoreiaw þoreÁw (adjective) earthy
  • t'hril tHil (noun) Trill
  • thuir þuir (adjective/affix) tiny, centi
  • thuirfuinal þuirfuinal (noun) toothpick
  • thuirkhat þuirKat (noun) kitten
  • thuirkit þuirkit (noun) baby, infant, toddler
  • thuirtolaen þuirtolæn (noun) centimetre
  • thuk þuk (noun) blood
  • thukaw þukaw (adjective) bloody
  • thuklavla þuklavla (adjective) blood red
  • thukrruimarh þukrruimaR (noun) heart
  • tibel tibel (noun) gram
  • tie'emilo tÉemilo (noun) guitar
  • tie-erhi tÉeRi (numeral) seventeen
  • tiehap tÉhap (noun) byte
  • tie-henrhi tÉhenRi (numeral) nineteen
  • tiehul tÉhul (noun) week
  • tie-karhi tÉkaRi (numeral) eighteen
  • tielin tÉlin (noun) tiger. This refers to the felin subtype, not the Earth animal.
  • tie-lohenrhi tÉlohenRi (numeral) twenty nine
  • tie-lokarhi tÉlokaRi (numeral) twenty eight
  • tie-lonemrhi tÉloneMhi (numeral) thirty
  • tie-lonerhi tÉloneRi (numeral) twenty seven. Mind the number base: this is written 102
  • tie-losarhi tÉlosaRi (numeral) twenty six
  • tie-nehenrhi tÉnehenRi (numeral) twenty four
  • tie-nekarhi tÉnekaRi (numeral) twenty three
  • tie-nemrhi tÉneMhi (numeral) twenty
  • tie-nenemrhi tÉneneMhi (numeral) twenty five
  • tie-nenerhi tÉneneRi (numeral) twenty two
  • tie-nesarhi tÉnesaRi (numeral) twenty one
  • tihen-karhi tihenkaRi (numeral) fifty
  • tihen-lokarhi tihenlokaRi (numeral) sixty
  • tikaichir tikâCir (noun) decade. From 'tikarhi chirkul', 20 years.
  • tikairha grawhura tikâRa Gawhura (proper noun) october. Tenth Gre(gorian) month
  • tika-nehenrhi tikanehenRi (numeral) forty
  • tikrel tikrel (noun) boss
  • tiksre tiksre (noun) myriad
  • tilear tilear (noun/adjective) strength, strong
  • tilear oe tilear oe (verb) be strong
  • tilearkhi tilearKi (noun) titanium
  • tiloka-nehenrhi tilokanehenRi (numeral) two hundred
  • tin tin (noun) ding
  • tina-nenerhi tinaneneRi (numeral) seventy
  • tinehen-karhi tinehenkaRi (numeral) one hundred thirty
  • tinehen-lokarhi tinehenlokaRi (numeral) one hundred forty
  • tineka-nehenrhi tinekanehenRi (numeral) one hundred twenty
  • tinemrhirha tineMhiRa (adjective) twentieth. Mind the number base: this is written 40
  • tinene-lohenrhi tinenelohenRi (numeral) one hundred nine
  • tinene-lokarhi tinenelokaRi (numeral) one hundred eight
  • tinene-lonemrhi tineneloneMhi (numeral) one hundred ten
  • tinene-lonerhi tineneloneRi (numeral) one hundred seven
  • tinene-losarhi tinenelosaRi (numeral) one hundred six
  • tinene-nehenrhi tinenenehenRi (numeral) one hundred four
  • tinene-nekarhi tinenenekaRi (numeral) one hundred three
  • tinene-nemrhi tineneneMhi (numeral/determiner) one hundred, hundred
  • tinene-nenemrhi tineneneneMhi (numeral) one hundred five
  • tinene-nenerhi tineneneneRi (numeral) one hundred two
  • tinene-nesarhi tinenenesaRi (numeral) one hundred one
  • tinesarhi tinesaRi (numeral) eighty
  • tines-losarhi tineslosaRi (numeral) ninety
  • tisarhi tisaRi (numeral) sixteen
  • tiun tiun (pronoun) you
  • tiun athel rhfial tiun aþel RfÁl (phrase) i want to see you
  • tiun shigril tiun shiGil (phrase) i love you
  • tiuna tiuna (pronoun) your
  • tiunem tiunem (pronoun) yourself, yourselves
  • tlei tlei (verb) know
  • toiat toÁt (noun) t
  • tokio tokio (proper noun) Tokyo
  • tolaen tolæn (noun) metre
  • tomadvu tomadvu (noun) tomato sauce
  • tomaho tomào (noun) tomato
  • topai topâ (noun) gag
  • tovpu tovpu (noun) belief
  • tovpumlae tovpumlæ (noun) religion
  • trahae'e tràæe (noun) scum
  • trhuviha tRuviha (noun) fruit
  • tuekatr tuekatr (noun) temperature. Felin measure temperatures in degrees emotue.
  • tuile tuile (adjective) nice
  • tuil'oe tuiloe (verb) be nice
  • tulher tulher (noun) skirt
  • tulsif tulsif (noun) trousers, pants
  • tum tum (noun) brick
  • tumlim tumlim (noun) calcium


  • u'iat uÁt (noun) u
  • uidfhendu uidFendu (noun) electric light
  • uidhaw uidhaw (adjective) electric
  • uidhawkhi uidhawKi (noun) lead
  • uidhei uidhei (noun) electricity
  • uidiuve uidiuve (adverb) several
  • uimbel uimbel (noun/verb) bottle
  • uimbelithefhra uimbeliþeFra (noun) bottle opener
  • uin uin (pronoun) he/she/it. For animals only. Use oun for people., they
  • uina uina (pronoun) their. For animals only. Use ouna for people.
  • uiuad uiuad (verb) scatter
  • ukel ukel (adjective) little
  • ukher uKer (noun/verb) chain up, chain
  • ukhigru uKiGu (noun) obsidian
  • ukhluvie uKluvÉ (proper noun) Avali
  • ukhteraw uKteraw (adjective) smelly
  • ukhteraw oe uKteraw oe (verb) be smelly
  • ukhteri uKteri (noun/verb) smell
  • ulaia ulaÁ (noun) rabbit
  • ulisae ulisæ (noun/verb) birth
  • ulisae iuso ulisæ iuso (verb) give birth
  • ulisae oe ulisæ oe (verb) be born
  • ulisulmi ulisulmi (noun) birthday
  • ulsifhenah ulsiFenà (noun) turn signal
  • ulsir ulsir (verb) turn
  • um um (adposition) at
  • umfenfen umfenfen (noun) great-grandparent
  • umfenfena umfenfena (noun) great-grandmother
  • umfenfenir umfenfenir (noun) great-grandfather
  • umkuem umkuem (noun) maniac
  • umlirhe umliRe (noun) money
  • umthre umþre (adjective) old
  • umthrefel umþrefel (noun) old man
  • umthrefela umþrefela (noun) old woman
  • umthrelipoal umþrelipoal (noun) old age
  • umthroe umþroe (verb) be old
  • untefhriss unteFriss (noun) boiling water
  • unteo unteo (verb) boil
  • upi upi (noun) bit
  • urhies uRÉs (noun) club
  • urhp uRp (noun) burp
  • urko urko (noun/verb) excrement, excrete
  • urkosihrae urkosiHæ (phrase) need to defecate
  • uroum uroum (noun) mistake
  • uroum oe uroum oe (verb) be a mistake
  • urtha urþa (verb/adjective) whiten, white
  • urtha putfhilite urþa putFilite (noun) white wine
  • urthakhi urþaKi (noun) iridium
  • urthlim urþlim (noun/verb) part
  • usilkhat usilKat (noun) housecat
  • usiltha usilþa (noun) house
  • usiti usiti (adverb) never
  • ut ut (affix) negative affix
  • utem utem (adjective/adverb) negative, minus
  • utgrahr utGàr (noun) anticlimax
  • uthasie uþasÉ (noun/verb) command
  • uthra uþra (verb/adjective) warm
  • uthrasila uþrasila (noun) summer
  • uthrawhura uþrawhura (noun) eighth month
  • utlukhdi utluKdi (adjective) insane
  • uvhil uvhil (noun) living room, space
  • uvrus uvrus (noun) rat
  • uwis uwis (noun) here


  • vaelah vælà (verb) score
  • vaetaw vætaw (adjective) normal
  • vaetu vætu (noun) normal
  • vahkis vàkis (noun) bucket
  • valkan valkan (noun) Vulcan
  • vam vam (verb) fall
  • vashel vashel (noun) voice
  • vasmet vasmet (verb) bake
  • vasmetfhra vasmetFra (noun) baker
  • vasum vasum (adjective) according to
  • vebun vebun (noun) gentleness
  • vebunaw vebunaw (adjective) gentle
  • vebunfel vebunfel (noun) gentleman
  • vehi vehi (noun/verb) colour
  • vehi'aw vehiaw (adjective) coloured
  • vehihau vehihau (noun) rainbow
  • vehikhi vehiKi (noun) vanadium
  • vehre veHe (adverb) just
  • veiat veÁt (noun) v
  • veklu veklu (noun) can
  • vemilo vemilo (noun) string
  • vemthero vemþero (noun) truck
  • vemthi vemþi (verb) carry
  • venas venas (proper noun) Venus
  • vespahae vespàæ (noun) alphabet
  • vespahaeaw vespàæaw (adjective) alphabetical
  • veud veud (noun) punctuation
  • veufat veufat (noun) number
  • veuiat veuÁt (noun) letter
  • vi vi (conjunction/adposition) then
  • vi'em viem (noun) sky
  • vieurkosihrae vÉurkosiHæ (noun) diarrhoea
  • vieut vÉut (noun/adjective) liquid
  • vieutkhi vÉutKi (noun) mercury
  • vil vil (adposition) with
  • vilsa vilsa (noun) hay
  • vilve vilve (noun) cheer
  • vim vim (verb) find
  • vium vium (noun) lens
  • viumlim viumlim (noun) beryllium
  • vlathro vlaþro (noun) nothing
  • vlefi vlefi (noun/adjective) curiosity, curious
  • vlira vlira (noun/verb) walk
  • vlirafhra vliraFra (noun) walker
  • vlirathirm vliraþirm (noun) zombie. As in dead tired but still walking. No such thing as the walking dead.
  • vlirathirm oe vliraþirm oe (verb) be a zombie
  • vlirathirmith vliraþirmiþ (verb) zombify
  • vliretu vliretu (noun/verb) wander, wandering
  • vliretufhra vliretuFra (noun) wanderer, hobo
  • vlirheie vliReÉ (noun) whirlwind
  • vlirhovaw vliRovaw (adjective) windy
  • vlirhove vliRove (noun) wind
  • vliromi vliromi (noun/verb) travel
  • vliromifhra vliromiFra (noun) traveller
  • vliromifhra oe vliromiFra oe (verb) be a traveller
  • vofhie voFÉ (noun/verb) advice, advise
  • voie voÉ (adposition) through
  • vol vol (verb) say
  • vrhast vRast (verb) guard
  • vrhastaw vRastaw (adjective) guarded
  • vrhastfhra vRastFra (noun) guard
  • vrhasthes vRasþes (noun) guardian
  • vu vu (determiner) pi. 3.0323221430...
  • vuneat vuneat (adjective) usual
  • vurr vurr (noun) around
  • vurrshra vurrsHa (noun) circumference


  • waeiat wæÁt (noun) y. Refers to the Latin letter.
  • wa'iat waÁt (noun) w
  • waisaevohtash wâsævohtash (noun) historical linguistics
  • waisaw wâsaw (adjective) historical
  • waisel wâsel (noun) history
  • waiseltashfhra wâseltashFra (noun) historian
  • watu watu (verb) forge, smith
  • watufhra watuFra (noun) smith
  • watukhi watuKi (noun) tin
  • webuse webuse (noun) creature
  • whura whura (noun) month
  • wie (noun) wii
  • wies wÉs (noun) sword
  • wiesfuinal wÉsfuinal (noun) spear. Heheh, knife-stick.
  • wieshul wÉshul (noun) third day
  • wihri wiHi (pronoun) which
  • wimh wimh (noun/verb) caress, stroke
  • wirtha wirþa (adjective) intelligent
  • wra wra (adposition) of
  • wrhietacharh wRÉtaCaR (noun) wild spirit
  • wrhietakhat wRÉtaKat (noun) wild cat
  • wrhiethaw wRÉþaw (adjective) wild