
Frequently Asked Questions

What is wrong with you?
Plenty. Explaining the whole what and why of it would go far outside the scope of this section, nay, this very page.
But it’s sexist!
More like sexy. Seriously though, you can play either gender, with any of the common sexual orientations. It’s like the opposite of sexist.
Where’s the yiffin’ at?
If you mean “why is there so little to do when I fuck a character”… Data defiency, to coin a phrase. I hope to expand dong that part.
Can I just go around and brutally kill everything?
If you wish.
Why Visual Studio 2010 Express when you can use 2015 Community?
Because quite frankly I’ve no need for what it has to offer. To be entirely honest, Metro makes me feel ill. The rest is mostly syntactic sugar or stuff I simply have no need for. I have since updated to 2015, but so far neglected to update buildall.bat. While that won’t work until it’s updated, building from the IDE does. and it should compile just as well in VS 2019. buildall.bat should work on 2019, 2015, or 2010.
Why C# though, instead of C++ or…
Because I like it.
But you can’t run C# on Li—
Shush. Shuuush. You can. I can’t guarantee it’ll run quite right, but I semi-regularly give it a whirl on a VM or two, and I can tell you right now it does run. Now take your FUD and eat it.
Is it true that you hacked the Roguelike of the Year poll to win?
It’s not. I didn’t do anything, and those who did acted on their own. Apparently someone felt ToME had mysteriously won by a landslide one time too often…
How easy is it to mod this? Can I, for example, remove the sex?
The game expects some kind of sexual interaction to be possible — you can’t remove the action entirely, but you can make it amount to nothing more than hugs. Patch i18n.tml to replace the “fuck him/her” action with “hug him/her” or whathaveyou, then patch sex.tml to remove the stripping and penetration. That oughta get you halfway through.
How do you fuck things?
First, the target needs to be willing. Second, both you and they must be aroused enough. The interaction menu will show the “fuck him/her” option at that time. You can also enable rape and bring an opponent to their knees to fuck them, but remember that this cuts both ways.
I grabbed the code from Github/Bitbucket and followed the instructions but it won’t build.
You might’ve caught it at a bad time when there’s a legitimate syntax error. You could try to fix it yourself, you could wait for me to realize I broke it, or you could contact me about it in some manner.
Is it supposed to be this small when I run it?
At the default settings, it’ll use an 8 by 16 pixel font, at 80 columns by 25 rows. So it’s only natural that the window is only 640 by 400 pixels. Since December 17 2023, you can build from source to get a “double size” feature that’ll increase this to 1280 by 800.

70 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I don’t even know how to download the game, and I feel like an idiot because of it.

    1. You’re right. I hadn’t gotten to make a new one after migrating. I’m adding one now!

  2. So first, why does the version in the screenshots look different, cus mine looks nothing like that and mine uses f1 not escape to go to the menu, and is there a way to access debug mode? i kinda enjoy breaking stuff for lulz sometimes so just wondering there.

    1. Probably just using an older version. I don’t tend to update the prebuilt binaries very often, but it’s pretty straightforward to build your own. The menu key can be defined by the player, as can they all. As for debug mode, that’s included in debug builds.

      1. ok, so is the there an updated version and a debug version somewhere? kinda new to this, happened to find it on accident and not really sure what all im doing lol, never messed with something like this before

          1. i see, gunna have to try my hand and figure this stuff out lol, thanks for the responses to the dumb questions lol

  3. also, maybe im retarded or somethin, but how in the hell do you edit that ini file, you might want to add that one to the info cus i havent the foggiest idea, not that i mess with this sorta stuff that often

    1. INI files are oldschool and super simple to edit. And Noxico’s is full of documentation (the lines with ; at the start) so unless you didn’t recognize the comment lines for what they are there really isn’t much I can do here.

      1. ok, how about this then, i have no idea what ini files really are, so, how do i prevent this from reverting old settings whenever i close it since i tried to find help, but basically i got the same thing over and over again. saving does not work, which clearly it doesnt but nobody bothers to tell how to get it to change the settings

        1. How about this: from the game, click “Open INI”. That should give you the file in an ordinary text editor. Leave that open, close the game, edit and save the file, and see if the changes took. What you can change is all listed in the lines starting with ;.

          Basic structure of an INI file:

          ; Comment line
          [Section 1]
          Setting A=value
          Setting B=another value

  4. I may be an idiot in not been able to fix this but when I try to build the game I get an error:
    InventoryItem.cs(434,222): error CS1026: ) expected [C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\Noxico-master\Noxico-master\Noxico.csproj]
    Sorry if this is a simple fix

    1. It is a simple fix. All you need is that one missing ) on the specified line. In fact, let me push a fix right now.

  5. Right, so if you thought the other idiot was bad, this ought to be a dozy. I really want to play your game, but there is only the pre-compiled on in the downloads which is from 2016. I’d like to the game as it is now, but the only way to do that is to build it from source. I have not a single damn clue how to build from source. I can download the repo, but now I’ve just got a fuckload of files that does fuck all so what do I do now? I’m guessing there is a specific program I need, but my google-fu doesn’t really get me anywhere. Can you please either make a new pre-compiled version or give a “baby’s first” guide?

    1. Probably could do it on Mono, since it’s been known to run on Mono as well. That’s all I can tell you though.

  6. The game crashes for me whenever I climax with the error: “Could not find a sex choice named “pleasure”. I’m assuming the game built wrong, but I can’t find a way to fix it.

    1. Like I told Buggy, this was my bad. The sex choice is named “climax” but I got overzealous.

  7. With the new build you’ve got in downloads there are a couple of things I’d like to tell, but you don’t really seem to have a place to give bug report, so I figured this will do. I noticed a couple of things from some very quick testing.
    First, player gender seems to be mismatched in the game. I created a basic human female, but the moment I’m dropped in the game, it says “Human, man” and I have a male icon next to the name at the bottom.
    Second, speaking of starting the game. There is a loss of function when you first start the game and you’re looking at the info dump of your characters looks. Clicking and pressing keys does nothing. Only fix is to exit the game and reload.
    Third, and probably the most scary one. The game will, err… rather explosively crash when either you or an NPC reaches an climax during sex leaving this report. Seems you’re missing a reference.

    Exception type: NullReferenceException
    Main message: Could not find a sex choice named “pleasure”.

    Stack trace:
    at Noxico.SexManager.GetResult(String id, Character actor, Character target)
    at Noxico.Character.UpdateSex()
    at Noxico.BoardChar.Update()
    at Noxico.Board.Update(Boolean active, Boolean surrounding)
    at Noxico.Player.EndTurn()
    at Noxico.Player.Update()
    at Noxico.Board.Update(Boolean active, Boolean surrounding)
    at Noxico.NoxicoGame.Update()
    at Noxico.MainForm.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    Background info:
    Noxico 0.1.6
    Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
    64-bit OS, 64-bit process.

    1. I’ve looked into the gender and crash things. One is a broken attempt to force the player’s preferred gender identity to appear, which was broken. The other was a miiildly overzealous replacement of stat names: “Climax” is now “Pleasure”, but the climax state should not have been replaced. This has now been fixed and I’ll take some time to look into the other thing.

  8. I get an error everytime i try to run the exe full game.
    I tried to download the Github too which the build wont work.

    Idk why or what to do.

    If i need any side program or anything to make this work i really would like to know since im completely lost.

    1. First thing to do is to not just say you get an error. I can’t help you unless you’re more specific. Is the error a visible message? If so, what does it say?

  9. Hey, mind posting a small thing going through controls. I pressed all the buttons on my computer and am still confused.

    1. Copied the controls from the Github repo’s README file to a new page on the blog for you.

    1. Set a different font. There’s one that’s 16×16. If you can’t see the settings window, try opening the settings file in a text editor and change the font setting to “16×16-wyse”.

      If that’s still too small for your liking, grab a copy of the font you’d like from the github repo. In the game’s folder, make a folder named “data”. In there, make a “fonts” folder. Scale up the font image you picked in any image editor worth its salt, and save it in that “fonts” folder. You can now edit the settings as above to select it.

  10. Hello there, I am having a slight issue with getting .bat to start. My problem is as follows, it claims there is no specified path? And furthermore, msbuild is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable, or batch file. At this point I get the build failed.

    1. At a glance, I’d say this means you don’t have Visual Studio 2010 installed. If you’d rather use a later version, ignore the .bat file and compile from the IDE instead.

      1. Ok then! I have the most recent unfortunately as I could not find or access the 2010 version, however, let’s assume that I am not the most intelligent human being, what would I do exactly to get it running? Sorry, I’m afraid I am terribly lost.

        1. Well, unless it’s VSCode which I have no clue about, you’d open the .sln file, let it upgrade if needed, then find and click “Build”.

          1. Excellent! I finally got it working, mostly… now I’m getting this exception however?

            Message=An item with the same key has already been added.
            at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
            at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
            at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
            at Noxico.TownGenerator.ToSectorMap(Dictionary`2 sectors) in C:\Users\Downloads\Noxico-mistress\Noxico-mistress\DungeonGenerator.cs:line 728

          2. A bug that was introduced on March 24. I’m looking into it now.

            Update: found it, a check was lost in refactoring. The git repo has been updated.

    1. There is no settings folder because it’s a single file. If you can’t find it, try the in-game settings screen.

      (This thing really needs a way to access the settings screen from the title… There is now.)

    1. Because it doesn’t specify its own, and the root of the site uses a red wizard hat for legacy in-joke reasons.

      Edit: there, now it is different.

  11. Hey just wanted to pop in and grouse about how the start of a game where you get to name the world seems to break if you try to enter your own name a lot of the time. All I want is to amuse myself with the “Land of Family and Fondling.” other than that this project is cool ^_^

  12. I really like the look of this game but can’t actually play it since all of the fonts are too small for me to see.
    I’ve already tried:
    – Setting youtube=true in the .ini. The comments seem to indicate that this should enable fullscreen on my display. Instead it increases the window size a little bit, but not as much as the .ini comment says it should. Either way, the actual game doesn’t scale to fill the window as I was hoping.
    – Doubling the size of one of the base fonts in Paint and rebuilding. This causes the display to resize correctly but all the glyphs are blank.

    Is there anything else I can do to make the game easier to see?

    1. I see you’ve tried one of the options I suggested to Nope. Try the other one instead:

      Set a different font. There’s one that’s 16×16. If you can’t see the settings window, try opening the settings file in a text editor and change the font setting to “16×16-wyse”.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the 16×16 font is still to small for me to see properly, which is why I was trying to add my own.

  13. I get the following exception on line 509 of WinFormHost.cs. It seems the variable cursorPens isn’t defined by that point:
    System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
    en Noxico.MainForm.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
    en System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer)
    en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
    en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
    en System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
    en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    1. That’s a very interesting thing to have happen and I’d like to know what you were doing at the time.

      The flashing cursor pen’s color depends on the game mode (Walking, Aiming, Subscreen). The colors form a three by sixteen grid, one row for each mode, flashing a particular color in sixteen steps, set up when the program starts. There is nowhere in the code where the game mode is set to something besides these three values.

      1. I was simply trying to run the game after compiling it. I solved it by putting the dll files that came with the music zip into the executable’s folder. The project seems interesting, so I’d very much like to know why that did it. It seems the game is written in C#, was this an arbitrary choice? Also, is it still being developed? And how many people are working on it if that’s the case?

        1. I am the only developer right now, I like C#, and I haven’t done much of anything lately because I don’t have the motivation. It’s actually a pretty complex and stupid mental thing.

  14. Hey there. Just want to ask what the game is made from. Im talking about is it a MUD, A RAG, a Ren’Py?

    I tried using Joiplay, Fabilarium, blowtorcha and even Exagear to run this game and its all not working

    I do know an ascii game that did somehow manage to run in android. Its called CDDA that was able to be run in APK form as well as pc application form

    So I want to know more about what this game is so that I can actually play it

    1. It’s none of those things. Check the “About the Game” page. Says there it’s a Roguelike made in C#.

      Not stated on that page is that it’s technically a WinForms application. Despite the name, I have extensively tested it to also run on Linux via Mono. For which you do not need Wine no matter what some may tell you.

  15. I got a couple questions.
    First off, is there a way you can customize your slime character? You can turn into other characters, but I wanna know if there is alternatives.
    Second of all, how do you mod this game? I can’t seem to figure out how to go about it.

    1. Outside of character creation, the intended way to further customize your character is through specific items. Unfortunately, most of those aren’t implemented yet.

      As for mods: Noxico.nox is actually a ZIP file. If you make a folder named “data” in the same place as the game, you can put stuff in there that’ll replace the stuff in Noxico.nox. If it’s a TML file, you can even amend them by using a .tml.patch file instead. The only real limitation is that .NOX files (you can have more than one, which is the intended way to handle mod distribution) and the data folder have to use the same folder structures. After all, they all end up in the same single Virtual File System.

    1. At the standard settings, it’d use an 8×16 font in an 80×25 character window so… I guess it is supposed to be only 640 by 400 pixels.

  16. I tried running the batch file from the GitHub version and it just gives an error. I made sure to get visual studio first.

    1. Was it the right Visual Studio? That batch file assumes VS2010, and even my computer won’t run it anymore. Building from Visual Studio itself is fine, though.

  17. Just thought you’d like to know that Noxico builds without issue using mono’s xbuild on Linux. Just run xbuild noxico.sln and you’re done.

  18. Wow, it took a long long time for me to find this game again! Is it still being developed actively, i’m somewhat curious. I see the blog isn’t being updated, but you do check up on this place every once and a while.

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