For a playable character type, I need the following things, where applicable, for the Look function:
Facial descriptions, with variants for different skin types (skin, fur, rubber, scales, slime). Placeholders are the color of the skin and hair.
Example: “[His] face is almost entirely equine in appearance, even having {0} fur.” – horse face with fur.
Ears, with variants for having hair and being bald. The single placeholder is a description of the hair, unavailable for the bald variant.
Example: “[His] {0} is parted by a pair of cat ears.” – cat ears with hair.
Wings, with small and large variants. No placeholders.
Tails, with placeholders for skin color, hair color, butt description, and tentacle tips.
Example: “A thick tentacle extends from [his] {2}, ending in a {3}.” – obvious.
Legs, no placeholders.
For a bodytype (making it a possible encounter, and allowing automorphs), a prose description will do.
For a unique NPC, which can have custom Look descriptions, write that description as it should appear.
Post your suggestions on the board.