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    Thread review
    Screwtape Good idea.

    I picked "git subtree", since it copies the content into the repository (so it won't get lost) but preserves the original commit messages, etc. and makes it easy to keep the mirror up-to-date.

    Also, "git subtree" lets you peel a particular subdirectory *out* of a larger repository. That was particularly useful for PeterLemon's CPU tests, since the same repository also contains 300MB of MSU-1 data, which I didn't want to have rattling around.

    Not sure what your policy is (or should be) on archiving entire git repositories rather than loose ROMs, but these seem worthy of inclusion somehow.
    Screwtape Added, thanks!
    Jonas Quinn
    Posted by Screwtape
    If you could spare the time to dig those out, that would be wonderful, thanks!

    That zip includes test ROMs by various authors, not just byuu's.
    Screwtape > Here's a useful discussion / test ROM

    Added, thanks!
    Near Here's a useful discussion / test ROM if we're going to try and build a collection of emulator test ROMs:
    Near I also received a bundle with manual disassembly of many of the test ROMs, but unfortunately I seem to have misplaced it during the move to Japan ... sigh.

    I'm really not very well organized.
    Screwtape If you could spare the time to dig those out, that would be wonderful, thanks!
    Jonas Quinn I should have some of byuu's test roms, including source, lying around somewhere.
    Screwtape Just make sure they're backed up somewhere public, so one day somebody can get a grant from the Digital History department to sort through them, saving you (or your descendants!) the effort. ;)
    Posted by Screwtape I can get around to sorting them out later

    I have thousands of files like that. >_>
    Screwtape Some more, new test ROMs showed up in the Mesen-S thread. I don't think I have the time and energy to chase down and collect test ROMs all over the internet, but I decided to stick 'em in a box for safe-keeping anyway. The tukuyomi collection still has other test ROMs I haven't added yet, mostly because I'm unsure how to name and describe them. But they're safely preserved, so I can get around to sorting them out later.
    Screwtape I don't know how useful or relevant they are, but just in case, I uploaded a few screenshots I made while checking the Performance Core for regressions, while that was under development:

    At the very least, there's a screenshot of NHL '94 and what can go wrong with it, so I guess that's a clue for future SNES emulator developers to look out for.
    Screwtape Assuming you mean the "test_nmi" and "test_irq" ROMs byuu mentions, it looks like "KungFuFurby" has already posted them, but files by those names exist in in the tukuyomi collection.
    creaothceann Do we have the missing test ROMs mentioned in this thread?
    Posted by sureanem
    Maybe take a look at*/

    I haven't forgotten! It's in the TODO list. However, I'm feeling a bit burned out by all the judgment-calls this sort of project requires, so I'm going to work on more straight-forward things for a little while.

    Of course, if *you'd* like to collect that data and send a patch that adds it to the Kit, I'd be more than happy to review your changes and provide advice. Hopefully the existing subdirectories of the sources directory should give you enough examples to work from, but if they don't you can ask about that too.
    ‮strfry("emanresu") Maybe take a look at*/ For instance,
    2007-06-03 - bsnes v0.020 released

    Five months and 43 WIP releases in the making, today I am releasing bsnes v0.020.
    Perhaps you'd be able to complete the changelogs by scraping that site and trying to match by date. But then again, it's inaccurate and error-prone, and there's no hurry.
    Kakashi The next step is to track the emulation progress of every single game as Fitzroy has tested them.
    Screwtape I've added automatically generated lists of history holes to the README in the bsnes-history repo. Basically, if we have an archive with no changelog, or a changelog with no archive, we know the other part is missing. I figure if there's ever a mass effort to get people to dig up old bsnes archives, this'll be a good place for people to start.
    Screwtape >

    I downloaded the SHA256 manifest and used it to check my archive:
    $ sha256sum -c ~/Downloads/bsnes-archive-tukuyomi/SHA256.txt | grep -v "OK$"
    bsnes-068.dmg: FAILED
    sha256sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match

    That's, uh, not quite what I expected.

    Here's what I get when I test the two files I mentioned as corrupted:
    $ 7z t 

    7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
    p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_AU.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (306A9),ASM,AES-NI)

    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 3669928 bytes (3584 KiB)

    Testing archive:
    Path =
    Type = zip
    Physical Size = 3669928

    ERROR: CRC Failed : QtGui4.dll

    Sub items Errors: 1

    Archives with Errors: 1

    Sub items Errors: 1
    $ 7z t bsnes_v073.tar.bz2

    7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
    p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_AU.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (306A9),ASM,AES-NI)

    Scanning the drive for archives:
    1 file, 874627 bytes (855 KiB)

    Testing archive: bsnes_v073.tar.bz2
    Path = bsnes_v073.tar.bz2
    Type = bzip2

    ERROR: Data Error : bsnes_v073.tar

    Sub items Errors: 1

    Archives with Errors: 1

    Sub items Errors: 1

    Also, if it's not too much bother, would you mind uploading a SHA256 manifest for the entire collection, not just the bsnes archives? Now I'm worried about any other corruptions that might have found their way into my copy.

    EDIT: I found some kind of packaging metadata that gives a SHA256sum for bsnes_v073.tar.bz2, which matches the copy in Alcaro's mirror of the old Google Code downloads.
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