Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-04-30, 19:12 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #1 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
and im here playing nethack/command and conquer red alert and minecraft 1.7.10 lol ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-04-30, 19:26 in Various copyrighted stuff is finally becoming public domain (revision 2)
Post: #2 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by tomman i remember the dial up services from the early 00's, it were just shity and costly (bs500 unica pre-paid code card, you could spend that on a complete breakfast at school. with everything an a snack) for something like half a hour of -256kb dialup speed, prior to that we once conected up with a bbs on the late '98 (international fare lol, we downloaded lots of hacking manuals and books we never really read) On the point of this post: yesh, we can use it to make memes yet? i mean, steam willy driving the titanic (with dysney name on it) to an iceberg with the face of the red headed feminazi girl meme gonna be a reality? Also, the Third world Shield Is the main rason why there are soo many russian piracy groups. ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-02, 16:46 in Various copyrighted stuff is finally becoming public domain
Post: #3 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by tomman all telco companies are shitty, the shittiest one its obviusly the goverment one, but the private ones are shitty too, mostly due to the fact they can get any money out of it other than for survival in site, if something on the outside its demaged or stole (mostly these cable black boxes on the posts) they can literally take decades to fix it (unless you pay up to 100$) and still asking you to pay every month without mix Momento!, supercable aun existe? ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-10, 03:30 in Various copyrighted stuff is finally becoming public domain
Post: #4 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by tomman Oh yeah i remember the early 2000's buying spree, the main cableco on my city got depromoted to a shitty local tv channel when inter bough it, although its the only place you can get quality 90's cartoons nowadays. And yes, the point of this is, dont even try to play online, its shitty. changing back to the Thread suject, how long before starwars have to go Mickey to survive? ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-10, 03:35 in Anticipating near future [politics] (revision 1)
Post: #5 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by mnk he could just delet madara from the oilfields and everyone would be happy, except maybe Russian James bond and The eternal Chinese emperor. Now being serious, no, i think everything will be "the same" and when times comes for the elections he will push the "mexico is bad, china is bad, not being nazi is bad" and patriotic Americans will follow him. No, really, what the fuck with you guys over there in the first world? you guys are either overzealous with your shitty patriotism and thinking that no whites are either criminals looking a way into your countries, or just bad people you have to keep watch on, or think that being 3000%gay and bumping feminism everywhere is fine and showing dancing guy in thongs to children and old ladies making out in the open (instead of that in their homes, or secluded/private places on parks ;D) doesn't going to blow back on your face in a few generations. we doesnt need laws against mansplaning, or gender neutral rules on schools, we need to talk about what to do with automation and jobs, and prepare ourselves to that future where we going to need to work by ourselves since we wont find anything else. ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-10, 20:05 in Anticipating near future [politics]
Post: #6 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by sureanem interesting position, just seeing the right as authoritarian and the left as liberal opens the door to "is russia Right or left, because hes obviously authoritarian, anti gay n shit but hes ones who pay soo the extreme leftist parties keep existing" ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-10, 20:15 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #7 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by tomman on the Gaming preservation, hows the scene of java powered applets on old phones that soported it? i remember playing an promotional port of age of empires 3 on an old sony-ericsson, some sort of gta I clone, and some small metroidvanias <3 ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-11, 23:34 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #8 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by sureanem yeah, while regulations are LAX here in memezuela, our internet structure is basically an stone connected to an paper satellite, with cords instead of wires... and an monkey controlling it all, it couldnt support the speeds needed to make these archives aviable on internet. im still supporting the pirate party though (only on secundary elections, they were never meant to take the main positions) ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-11, 23:42 in Anticipating near future [politics]
Post: #9 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Posted by sureanem yeah like the joke of "Soros is paying the feminist extremists groups" when theeconomic group is obviously conservative. geting back to the topic, yeah, i think we are going to get moar nazi shit from Lord annyoning Orange as the elections get closer. Russia and china going to keep their ways, paying people and showing themselves as great nations against imperialism, whilst basically doing soft imperialism/70's backyard diplomacy around the third world, iran going to gain influence and get into the "secret war" with russia/china/usa, and isreael/ ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-11, 23:43 in What are you listening to right now?
Post: #10 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Chiptunes and sabaton, and Chiptnes remixes of sabaton songs. Also more chiptunes mixes. ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-11, 23:48 in What are you listening to right now?
Post: #11 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DHgL5porW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8RX5yAsP0g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah5P5pKbmNo here, some chiptunes, my faborite is zooning residential :D ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-05-22, 23:48 in Blackouts
Post: #12 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
Heres my shit: man, the blackouts, i literally had a 3 day miniblackout for the lulz of the energy provider (the next street to my house had electricity, the whole time, not even timed blackout anymore) ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |
Vladiskovwashere |
Posted on 19-07-23, 23:02 in Blackouts
Post: #13 of 13 Since: 04-30-19 Last post: 1957 days Last view: 1957 days |
the best pàrt of this its that the government explanation can be summed to: "HURRHURR ELECTROMAGNESTATIC MANGASTOmPER ATTACK FROM THE DARK EMPIRE HUR" there are mini blackouts every twenty-thirty minutes right now, and i dont know howlong it going to resist it before another massive blackout happens again. the capital suffered it this time too https://apnews.com/cd341fe1a24546cfa6d5506a33bb47b8 On the brighter news https://www.ammoland.com/2019/03/venezuela-blackouts/#axzz5uXsq6iKt far right jokes are inbound. And yes, memezuela is oficcially the country were hydropower, with bout 80% of the country grid is served by it, so we are a lot more ecologic friendly than most of the first world? https://news.yahoo.com/venezuela-widespread-blackouts-could-normal-155733327.html ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art. |