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Posted on 19-02-23, 14:24 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)
Post: #21 of 77
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oh god, this is a Wix website: Took 4 seconds to load on Firefox, hijacked my browser back history (had to press alt+left 2-5 times, and Wix has 2 identical history entries), and doesn't load without JS enabled.

All wix sites won't load because of visibility:hidden bullshit, but Firefox Reader manages to extract text from that page. (Disabling CSS via umatrix works too.)
Posted on 19-02-24, 07:08 in Retroarch's (controller) interface is an bad abstraction (revision 1)
Post: #22 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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I don't like how Retroarch closes the program when you press Esc I think only dialogs (and logically speaking, Retroarch's overlay menu) menus should close, not the entire program (without confirmation? I don't remember).

Dolphin asks for confirmation before closing, when you press Esc.

edit: I think i unbound that shortcut pretty soon after downloading retroarch.
Posted on 19-02-26, 05:00 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 3)
Post: #23 of 77
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Posted by creaothceann
Anybody else getting a horrible font display on this site in (desktop) Firefox?


about:config... either font-smoothing or cleartype or something... set mode to -1, 0, or 5. I can't remember which one to use, I'm on Linux and Google Search is filled with complaints and not documentation.

According to, set gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode = 5 to enable "smooth rendering".

List of options at
Posted on 19-02-26, 11:02 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 2)
Post: #24 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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-1 and 0 are *very* different.
-1 makes Firefox specifically enables GDI-style "sharp and colorful" antialiasing for several older Microsoft fonts. (search cleartype to see which fonts)
0 lets DirectWrite decide how to render text (I think it chooses between 4 and 5 based on font size).

Also changing the order of (requires browser restart) will change how the cleartype settings are interpreted, in confusing ways. (Replace content with canvas to change how canvas is rendered.) (I think cairo is slow, especially for pdf.js.)
Posted on 19-03-01, 09:55 in The Horstmann brace style (revision 1)
Post: #25 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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You lose the ability to use a text editor or IDE to comment out the first line (or swap the first line in an indented block with other lines). places trailing commas after each line in a function call or list literal, to explicitly make swapping/commenting elements easy.

I noticed that ruamel.yaml's YAML formatting also makes it hard to comment-out or reorder the first line:

State 1:

- name: Apples
price: 1.5
- name: Onions
price: 2
"2d_identity_matrix": # quotes optional
- - 1

Diff 2: Newline before [maps within lists]. (Neither PyCharm nor ruamel.yaml does this)

name: Apples
price: 1.5
name: Onions
price: 2
- 1

Diff 3: indenting lists within maps. (PyCharm does this, ruamel.yaml does not)

name: Apples
price: 1.5
name: Onions
price: 2
- 1

- All the above parse to the same tree... I think YAML is too permissive.
- There is no "standard" formatting style. I think State 1 confuses people unfamiliar with YAML (like myself at first).
- ruamel.yaml uses State 1.
- The YAML 1.2 spec uses Option 3 completely.
- Pycharm does 3 but not 2 (but it's completely configurable).
- I dislike the first 2 are dumb because you have a Dict[List[Dict]] but the innermost dict is only indented 1 level.

i had a longer post written, but it was off-topic (reflecting on YAML's wonky syntax). New thread maybe?
Post: #26 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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(branching off ) places trailing commas after each line in a function call or list literal, to explicitly make swapping/commenting elements easy.

To the contrary, I noticed that ruamel.yaml's YAML formatting makes it hard to comment-out or reorder the first line:

State 1:

- name: Apples
price: 1.5
- name: Onions
price: 2
"2d_identity_matrix": # quotes optional
- - 1

Diff 2: Newline before [maps within lists]. (Neither PyCharm nor ruamel.yaml does this)

name: Apples
price: 1.5
name: Onions
price: 2
- 1

Diff 3: indenting lists within maps. (PyCharm does this, ruamel.yaml does not)

name: Apples
price: 1.5
name: Onions
price: 2
- 1

- All the above parse to the same tree... I think YAML is too permissive.
- There is no "standard" formatting style. I think State 1 confuses people unfamiliar with YAML (like myself at first).
- ruamel.yaml uses State 1.
- The YAML 1.2 spec uses Option 3, which I like.
- Pycharm does 3 but not 2 (but it's completely configurable).
- I dislike the first 2 are dumb because you have a Dict[List[Dict]] but the innermost dict is only indented 1 level.
One thing I like about YAML is (unlike JSON) you can cleanly represent strongly-typed objects (call it tagged unions, or subclass polymorphism, whatever you prefer):

output: !FFmpegOutputConfig
foo: bar

I use this style in my project . In Python, I store all config as statically-type-hinted attrs/dataclasses. I use ruamel.yaml to serialize the config to YAML files, and expose the names of the config classes to the YAML dump.
My app auto-generates YAML files which are subsequently hand-edited (primarily GUI-edited, ever since I added one). I believe that !Tagged YAML files are more self-documenting and easier for *me* to cross-reference between YAML and source code (when I use my own program).
But it turns out that ever since moving "ffmpeg vs ffplay" to a runtime flag, I only every dump 1 class to any given parameter, and currently have no uses for polymorphism when loading (other than generating type errors at runtime)... But I still feel it's good to have (I have no issues with it, and don't want to rewrite my working code).
I think has a similar "typed/tagged object" feature.
Sadly I feel this "killer feature" of YAML is underutilized.
Rust Serde added support for *reading* YAML tags. But it *writes* them the "dumb" way, abusing a 1-element map to act as a type tag:

time: TimeOfDay: asdf
# is equal to
TimeOfDay: asdf

I can't imagine why. Rust is a type-heavy language with tagged unions as a central concept.
Appveyor also abuses a 1-element map as a type tag:

- exit # run everywhere
- cmd: exit # cmd batch
- sh: exit # bash
- ps: exit # powershell

I could imagine people who only use dynamically typed languages would prefer the above to:

- exit # run everywhere
- !cmd exit # cmd batch
- !sh exit # bash
- !ps exit # powershell
Posted on 19-03-20, 12:56 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #27 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Posted by Screwtape

- Somebody fixed a timer overflow in Qt, then had to wait 2^32 milliseconds (~50 days) to verify the bug was fixed

- Qt clipboards break after 49.7 days.
- Windows 95/98 crashes after 49.7 days. ( )
Posted on 19-03-21, 05:17 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 1)
Post: #28 of 77
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I'd argue that rude maintainers are "unwanted elements" and "antisocial" (but not "incompetent"), which tend to create a hostile environment that drives off other people, regardless of skill level.
Posted on 19-03-22, 07:42 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #29 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Interesting note: The pret Pokemon decompilation project/community primarily operates in a Discord server. (there's a meme about it "not being a community")

One member (don't recall who) has obtained an ancient gcc fork named agbcc, used by Nintendo to compile pokemon games. Since gcc is GPL, after obtaining the agbcc binary, they could tell the company who developed it to release the source code:

I assume that proprietary compilers developed off llvm/clang are neither free to distribute, nor source-available, and anyone trying to distribute them could be C&D'd by companies.

In a way, GPL licensing of gcc has actually meaningfully increased public freedom, and reduced the ability of corporations to stifle this particular community. (The actual decompiled source code repos are probably vulnerable to C&D though.)

Maybe it's somewhat unfortunate that Google is trying to kill gcc for Android.

(I've had a difficult time setting up Eclipse with GCC for TI Launchpad embedded processors. Also somebody offhand said that "nobody uses IDEs for embedded, everyone uses makefiles". Is that true?)
Post: #30 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Netsurf is a "lightweight browser" (though I haven't used it recently, and it's probably incompatible with much of the web).
Posted on 19-03-31, 00:00 in Dear modern UXtards... (revision 6)
Post: #31 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Readability is no longer available.<br> The Readability bookmarking service will shut down on September 30, 2016.
For Google Chrome Users<br> If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to read any web article comfortably, check out Mercury Reader. <br> how do i line break
Posted on 19-03-31, 12:38 in Dear modern UXtards...
Post: #32 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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i checked "disable auto-br" because it was adding excessive space around my [ quote] tags.

Maybe that should be fixed to not happen.
Posted on 19-04-01, 01:49 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #33 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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    <style type="text/css">
html { transform: rotate(0.1deg); }
Whoever did this, I hate you. I spent several minutes looking to see if I had accidentally installed a bad Freetype update, if Firefox's layering system had caused misalignment and font rendering errors, etc.
Posted on 19-04-01, 01:51 in Dear modern UXtards...
Post: #34 of 77
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Posted by sureanem
Posted by jimbo1qaz
i checked "disable auto-br" because it was adding excessive space around my [ quote] tags.

Maybe that should be fixed to not happen.

Look at how it's done in the editor, without leading and trailing linebreaks:

[quote="jimbo1qaz" id="2243"]i checked "disable auto-br" because it was adding excessive space around my [ quote] tags.

Maybe that should be fixed to not happen.[/quote]
your post has extraneous empty space below the quote (and possibly above your code block).
Posted on 19-04-01, 08:29 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #35 of 77
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Apparently "text rotation" causes Firefox to ignore my KDE-wide hinting option (Freetype autohinter) and use "no hinting" instead.
Posted on 19-04-16, 15:53 in (Mis)adventures on Debian ((old)stable|testing|aghmyballs) (revision 1)
Post: #36 of 77
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My (semi-maintained) vgmsplit program depends on libgme (mpyne, not kode54, but I could switch it if I felt like it).

The older release of "system libgme" present in Debian/Ubuntu has a highly inaccurate YM2612 emulator (which I discovered the hard way after downloading the updated version of libgme, compiling vgmsplit with its headers, and running it only to get inaccurate audio out).

My chosen solution (which doesn't require every user to munge around and replace/override their system libraries) was to statically compile and link in libgme. (Sadly this is uncommon and difficult to achieve in Linux.)
Posted on 19-04-17, 18:04 in SNES HD mode 7
Post: #37 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Posted by BearOso
My thought was it probably uses a different algorithm when you know the changes scanline-to-scanline are monotonic. Terranigma's upper blue thing looks glitchy, maybe because the algorithm assumes it's monotonic but it isn't.
Posted on 19-04-17, 22:05 in SNES HD mode 7 (revision 3)
Post: #38 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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xbrz is strictly better than xbr.

Windows 10 Magnifier added xbr (or a very similar upscaler). When you zoom in on ClearType colored text, the edges break down spectacularly. The same fragmented artifacts appear in ScalerTest.exe xbr.

xbrz handles colored edges much better than xbr, with nearly no artifacts.

I'm on Linux, but I can take ScalerTest (not Magnifier) screenshots if anyone wants.

(The difference is more subtle than I remembered, xbr is not as bad and xbrz isn't perfect.)


The most notable differences are the title bar M, 800 and %, and Views "ew".
Posted on 19-04-17, 23:21 in SNES HD mode 7 (revision 1)
Post: #39 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Posted by sureanem
Posted by jimbo1qaz

Those links don't appear to work.

works for me, including in private browsing mode.

I've uploaded to Dropbox too:
Posted on 19-04-18, 18:32 in SNES HD mode 7
Post: #40 of 77
Since: 10-31-18

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Posted by BearOso
I'd just check if any of the parameters of the normal change sign. You create a new interpolation point on that scanline.
That may fail to detect that soccer game, since it goes from zero distortion to nonzero, without a strict sign change? IDK
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