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Post: #221 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Shitlist this patch on your next WU visit: KB4493132
This is the "GET HERPES WINDOWS 10 OR DIE!" nagware patch that tells you that Win7 is sentenced to death, due next January.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #222 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Be my guest then.

I don't get why you get really dense on this. Sure, if the project is kept low-key, they can avoid getting impacted by the wrath of Big Ol' M$. But as soon as it gets popular, you're in danger. "Popular" and "low-key" are mutually exclusive - once the cat is out of the bag there is no going back. There are precedents - Microsoft loves monopolies (there is this popular belief that MS benefits every single time someone pirates Windows/Office, and that's true up to a extent), but they are also very protective of their IP. The best you can do for these anonymous guys is to avoid advertising the project as much as possible.

What these guys are doing is ILLEGAL, period. And there are certain big players you don't want to mess with. Sony, Nintendo, Oracle, and of course, Microsoft. Nobody cares if you give away Windows on DVD-Rs to your close friends, but as soon as your custom ISO mods hits the top positions at the download charts, Microsoft will notice them, while wanting their heads served on a silver tray. Nobody wants to deal with lawyers (just ask any of the most notorious PS3 hackers... if you can - Sony did managed to land one of them in jail, and got another barred from using Sony hardware for life!)

I dislike Microsoft as much as the next guy here, but let's get real: it's not if, but WHEN you get caught!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #224 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
graf_chokolo (prominent PS3 hacker) said the very same thing. He only posted anonymous links (free of copyrighted material, I must remember!) through comments on blogposts (he didn't ran his own blogs/websites). He was posting from somewhere in Eastern Europe, where the risks of getting in trouble by messing with foreign IP from non-European corporations were theoretically nil.

He is rotting in jail right now (?), all his computers seized and his life completely ruined just because Sony went nuclear on him, all for absolutely NO crime whatsoever (but Sony deep pockets were good enough to buy a couple courts of "justice"), unlike those guys distributing modded Windows ISOs, where there is an actual crime being committed (unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, unauthorized modification of copyrighted materials).

God damn it, I can't believe I'm defending one of the axis of evil, Microsoft!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #225 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Windows 95 did asked for a key at setup, but it accepted literally anything. Mash any random number sequence in, don't care as the installer will accept it happily. But that was the last major exception. IIRC anything starting at Office 97/Visual Studio 6 will refuse to install without a valid key.

Fun fact: "1111111" is a valid key for Visual Studio 6 Enterprise. Yes, seven straight ones.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-26, 10:40 in Blackouts (revision 4)

Post: #223 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
So yeah, there goes ANOTHER nationwide blackout:

This time, only 3 hours 3 hours followed by another FIVE hours instead of 3 days... but I suspect there will be a three-peat because communism is wonderful.

How to know when a blackout is nationwide? Voltage dips, then "rebounds". 110V peaks at 140V AC, "faux" 220V registers at 260V at the display of my DMM (thankfully every single outlet at this house has surge protectors that cut off the power when the input is out of range). 5 minutes later? Nada, total blackout. Cellphones dead, banks shutdown, water stops flowing, the country comes to a complete stop. UPDATE: On the second one, the pattern was different: a small dip, followed by a steady voltage loss, then a sudden zero.

In the meanwhile Maduro blames once again Trump (which has bigger fish to fry because of his "non-dealings" with the Soviets), while flying Soviets by the planeload to help him Make Cuba Great Again. The LOLOPPOSITION continues with their empty threats because they're good-for-nothing politicians that still naively believe that bloody dictators simply run away. And I still hate everybody on this country for assuming that this is the "new normal".

Waiting for the next big one - it's gonna be great, I tell you!

Remember: at Best Korea, at the holy city of Pyonyang (if you're blessed enough for the Eternal Leaders to let you live there), they have like 3-5 hours of electricity a day (if they're lucky), but at substandard voltage levels. Maybe that's where we're headed now...

I guess I'll keep the DMM plugged to the aircon outlet, as there still are some nasty spikes flowin' on, because those communistoids can't tell apart between a circuit breaker and breaking news.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #226 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
The only installer I've used was of the OSR2-sans-IE4 variety, can't vouch for any others.

As for Windows 98... I don't remember having performed any installs of that one, like, EVER. It was WinMe (as a routine because my Deceleron loved to seriously cream its pants at least twice a year) or Win95 (either in VMs or in my 386SX).

I do remember that for WinMe, MS had already switched to the 25-character keys we've been using since.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-26, 16:05 in Computer Technology News/Discussion (revision 2)

Post: #227 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
For those of us using old Debian at home: Wheezy and Jessie were recently removed from the main mirror network, and this includes the backports repos:

Only architectures currently supported by Jessie LTS remains on the main repo servers (everything else is now archived at, which means that effectively it has become "update to Stretch or die", and there will be no more backports available for Jessie. (Even if your architecture is one of the few still supported by LTS, the clock is running: support ends in June 2020). Nobody cares about Wheezy anymore, and I seriously HOPE you aren't using it now!

The change entered in effect a few days ago, and it took me for surprise when doing a routine apt-get update, when I noticed that the jessie-backports repos were 404ing.

Welp, this means I'll have to update my remaining Jessie laptops to Stretch soon (one of which may not survive the upgrade as it has serious ACPI troubles with 4.x kernels because ACPI is a complete trainwreck built over very questionable foundations), endure MATE GTK3 braindeadness, kiss my last good KDE4 setup goodbye, and in general advance one step further to the death of Linux in the desktop and the personal computer era :/

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-26, 18:19 in Computer Technology News/Discussion

Post: #228 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
I did exactly that for 6 years (December 2006 - September 2012) with my Fedora Core 6 setup, for many, MANY reasons (from proprietary ATi video drivers to newer Fedora versions being complete crap, and a lot of stuff in between)

Needless to say, it was short of being a complete nightmare. At some point it goes from being a fun experience to a unmanageable disaster: some things were low hanging fruit (.rpms for LibreOffice retaining compatibility with ancient distros, building custom kernels were not difficult), others became major annoyances (Firefox stopped being compatible after FF17 or so, building FFmpeg/VLC from scratch required rebuilding a shitton of libraries missing/obsolete on the base distro), to outright impossible tasks (Clementine was flat-out incompatible with everything on FC6, custom built or not).

By then, my bored college student Friday-night-tinkering-nerd days were over: I wanted some stability and the ability to stay up to date without breaking the atom in half. That's when I did the switch to Debian, where things were far more stable and less-breakage-prone than in Red Hat lands. I don't want to go back to those years, no sir! As I've said in countless other threads in the last two incarnations of the bBoards: I'm too old for this crap.

I guess I'll bite the bullet and just update my Dell to Stretch (DSL stability permitting), but only after doing some intense cleanup AND imaging the HDD partition. I run five Debian setups at home:

- Saki, the routerbox (32-bit): The road is already over, as Debian dropped support for i586 CPUs (of which Saki uses one, a Pentium MMX @ 225MHz) with Stretch (this extends to jessie-backports too, so no new kernel fun either). Since I stick to the base repos, I'll be fine until June 2020, after that I guess it will be time for looking for a new distro, or retiring this machine for good :/
- HP laptop (32-bit): Has serious ACPI problems with kernel 4.9 (the latest one available for Jessie through backports), and I doubt the situation would improve with anything newer. I only use this machine for reading my email, so I don't mind sticking with Jessie until the EOL date.
- IBM box I sometimes use as a TV (32-bit): Already running Stretch.
- Dell laptop (64-bit): Time to update to Stretch, damned be the consequences :/
- Asus laptop (64-bit): Already running Stretch, might hop on to Buster when The Freeze happens.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-27, 12:46 in Computer Technology News/Discussion

Post: #229 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by sureanem
No, I mean the opposite. You switch over to Stretch, but make your own... frontports? It should be much less of a maintenance burden, and if you tire of it or it goes to hell upgrading wouldn't be much extra work.

As for the HP laptop, depending on how much you need the battery, you could just disable ACPI.

For Saki, how about Alpine Linux? It might take some tinkering, but it's not the rolling release bleeding edge Russian roulette of Arch.

1) It's the very same thing, basically. Building things like MATE is not trivial (I tried it once back in the sane GNOME2 era... and ended with a broken laptop). I'm getting used to suck, and I've been using the braindamaged GTK3 MATE, so... #FML. (Also: I can afford losing KDE - wonder if Trinity has good enough packages for Stretch, as I've been itching for testing that KDE 3.5 fork for years)

2) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAnope. "Disable ACPI" and "laptops" is like saying "you know, motor oil can be used for cooking because it's oil, right?". Not a chance, dude. Fortunately kernel 3.16 (Jessie's default) works like a champ. This laptop can't run anything past XP anyway, but as long as it boots I'll keep using it for light duties, like reading email or playing VNs.

3) I'll review my options for 2020 (assuming both my computers and me survive by then: looks like it's bad caps season at home again). Fortunately I have enough spare HDDs for experimenting.

Posted by CaptainJistuce
Why not a BSD?

Do I look like a systemd defector? Do I hate myself enough? Am I 20 again?
I'll stick to Linux, dudes and dudettes. I know *BSDs shine at networking tasks. I'm not interested into pursuing a sysadmin career.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-27, 20:23 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #230 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Micro-Soft just cancelled April Fools:

Once again, I'm unsure of which side to take on this:

- April Fools is (mainly) a USA-only thing. In Latam we don't even celebrate our "innocents' day" (which is in December 28, as you already know) the way USAians do. Lately I've been finding most so-called April Fools jokes very tasteless, unfunny, irrelevant to anyone not living in USA, and generally annoying, so getting the whole day shitcanned is not a bad idea (I actually refrain from using the Internet that day: no Slashdot, no Google, no nada), if only to keep our sanity intact.

- But on the other side, getting MS turned into yet another NO FUN ALLOWED zone means the PC/SJW/thought police crowd wins: "someone could get offended!" is the codeword for CENSORSHIP. And you guys already know my strong stance against that shit. Seriously, software development is already a boring snorefest full of broken tools and moronic trends (hi Javascript!), and I miss the days where every decent piece of software came with a funny easter egg embedded (I never got to play Excel 95 Doom, sadly). The last thing we need is THIS.

Sooooo.... I regret from having read the news today :/ (But I'll still stay the hell away from the Internet this next April 1st)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #231 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
If your "cloudy clouds of cloud computer" AKA "DaaS" become a reality, us living at 3rd-world shitholes with barely any access to tech can kiss computers goodbye.

Remember, "DaaS" is made for "not me". So much for "emerging economies", yo. Good luck getting anyone in India embrace this shit.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #232 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Big updates mean big troubles! But that's the life of a non-Windows/non-Mac user (aside of OS upgrades, which are painful for everybody). So here is it, another of my "tomman hates computers" threads!

(did you expected anything else from me?!)
- No Poetteringware™ (systemd/PulseAudio/Red Hat) trashtalking: I know you guys have a secret Poettering dakimakura stashed under your bed, just next to your Stallman-authographed katana. No, seriously, I get his software is controversial and it has caused pain for several of you here (including myself in very specific situations, just like any other piece of software, and when it happens again you will hear me bitching loudly, after picking the pieces and hopefully gluing them again), but that's not the thread for bitching and moaning about how systemd is killing Linux (it isn't), or your conspiracy theories about Red Hat turning Linux into Windows (this is not Slashdot/Phoronix). Make your own threads for that, PLEASE.

- No "why not BSD" suggestions: You guys have a weird taste about platforms where no commercial desktop software will ever run outside of very hacky ways (emulation, compatibility layers), or simply don't use your computers for anything beyond hacking your own code, posting on message boards and reading the news, but I'm too old for such experiments (I stopped being a college student a decade ago). Despite its downfalls, I'm very happy with Linux, and extremely dissapointed with the IT/computer software industry in general (especially since the dawn of the smartphone, where all platforms went onboard into the 737 MAX to Suckville, but crashed in the Atlantic Turd Latrine with no survivors), and no OS switch will fix that. BTW, this rule is not limited to *BSDs: I'm not interested about hearing how close to perfection are Macs, of why Windows 10 does not suck - threads are free so open your own!

- No Mozilla products talk: that's why we have the "Mozilla, *sigh*" thread for.

- You're encouraged to talk about other Linux distros here, but leave the PRO GEAR SPEC Gentoo Ricer at home!

Anyway, on topic: it's release upgrade season! I'm now down to two Jessie boxes at home, which due to its low specs and very specific usage patterns are to stay there until the end of LTS and beyond. Everything else is now running Stretch, but this last migration (the Dell laptop) was a very bumpy ride. After downloading almost 3GB of packages (including a bunch of crud I don't want due to the default "install recommends" policy, like Firefox which managed to sneak in), and surviving another city-wide blackout during the final configure phase (this 10yo battery is still good for emergencies), this Dell got into Stretch... but without a login manager!

My login manager of choice is GDM3. "BUT WHY?! Didn't you hate GNOME with a passion?! YOU HYPOCRITE!" Well, I don't mind using the few sane bits of GNOME, of which GDM is one: it provides me with a Windows-like logon experiency: click my name, enter password, done. kdm is dead, sddm is horrible, and while I use lightdm for prehistoric boxes, this 2006-vintage Dell has more than enough muscle on its T7200 CPU to actually give me the GDM experience instead of a '80s-styled "enter user and password" form. Too bad you still have to install a bunch of GNOME shit just to have a logon display that actually greets you with your full name! See, this is where I intentionally stepped into the mine field all by myself: prior to the upgrade I performed a GNOMEctomy, getting rid of the remnant GNOME bits I don't want to see ever again in my life (CSR window decorations must die in a fire!). "Does it have 'GNOME' on its package name/description? Doesn't break gdm3? Off you go!" I said... but now I was in front of a good ol' console with no logon display.

A look at syslog didn't gave any clues, aside of a "Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused" and a segfaulting "gnome-session-f" process. After wasting my time reading about countless people with the same problem, each with unresolved/open bug reports/StackOverflow questions, and others which came up with myriad of solutions (from reinstall your video driver to rebuild your font cache), none of them applicable to my situation, I turned on debugging on /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf. At a first look, nothing relevant was among the bunch of crap logged on syslog... but after reading the logs like 3 or 4 times, I noticed entries for a missing "gnome.session" file. And sure enough, after comparing with my other Stretch laptop, there indeed was a missing gnome.session which is part of the package gnome-session, one of the victims of my GNOMEctomy! (technically this is a direct dependency, except that any other desktop session providing x-session-manager should work... except that it doesn't!). Reinstalled gnome-session, and all is well again. (The segfault on "gnome-session-f" is not really related: that process is actually "gnome-session-failed", which does nothing but to display a "fuck you, GNOME crashed so go and reboot it yourself because we hate you!". Yes guys, the error message was crashing too! I guess that's part of Official GNOME Policy)

After finishing with the Dell (getting rid of obsolete packages, reinstalling some missing stuff, undoing some minor annoying UI settings on recent MATE versions, and enabling software compositing because -believe it or not- on this old ATi hell, running with it off will result in poor performance, drawing artifacts while dragging windows, among other things!), it was time to update the Asus. Oh boy, :linusfinger.jpg:

Yes, nVidia wants me to throw my (mostly) working 2012-vintage laptop into the dumpster, poisoning your fishes and waters. Turns out that Fermi GPUs are no longer supported by the mainstream driver; support has been moved to the legacy-390.xx branch. Stretch has 390.xx mainstream as the default driver, but the legacy branch is now available via Backports. Except that it isn't useable as-is if you have a Optimus laptop (I've lost count of how many times I've said that "hybrid graphics are a 32X-level mistake", and this is no exception). I don't know how the kool kids of Silly Valley cope nowadays with said setups of the Intel+nVidia+muxless variety, but I'll be sticking to the tried-and-true bumblebee solution.

Long short story: I'll omit my 3-hour long horror story, so here is how to properly switch to the legacy branch so you're ready for when the time to switch to Buster comes:

- Purge primus and bumblebee FIRST - otherwise you will be leaded straight to dependency hell and "would you like to uninstall Xorg too?". Leave bbswitch alone, as it doesn't conflict with anyone else in this mess.
- Purge any nVidia package with the same version number of the currently-installed driver (if you're using the stock Stretch driver, that would be 390.87-8~deb9u1). Leave nvidia-kernel-common installed, as it doesn't get built from the main driver source package.
- Reboot. This is because nouveau will get un-shitlisted and will try to meddle in the way. We already have a non-working GPU, which is preferable to a half-assed crash-prone GPU!
- The version of bumblebee in Stretch is not compatible with the legacy-390.xx branch, so you will need the one from Buster... oh wait, that one depends on a newer version of init-system-helpers too, a package that you should NEVER EVER mess with as it is flagged as "essential" AKA "risk of fatal system breakage!". The only recourse is to backport it yourself to Stretch, but luckily that's very easy: after installing the Debian source package, open bumblebee-3.2.1/debian/control with your trusty editor, and drop the required version of debhelper-compat to 11 (it's set to 12, which introduces the dependency on the newer init-system-helpers, which we don't want to mess with!). The file header should now look like this:
Source: bumblebee
Section: utils
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian NVIDIA Maintainers <>
Aron Xu <>,
Vincent Cheng <>,
Yunqiang Su <>,
Luca Boccassi <>,
debhelper-compat (= 11),
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Standards-Version: 4.3.0

Save, and build your new DEBs (dpkg-source -b -us -uc -tc). You can install bumblebee now, but not bumblebee-nvidia yet! Leave that one for last.
- Install your newfangled legacy drivers. Avoid the glvnd-flavored packages for libgl1 and friends, as those won't work with bumblebee! Remember, you want libgl1-nvidia-legacy-390xx-glx (if you missed it, install it now - let apt-get sort out the required library replacements so we can get rid of the GLVND mess which doesn't play nice with our hybrid graphics disease). Since you're on Fermi, you have no rights for Vulkan so avoid installing those packages too.
- NOW you can reinstall bumblebee-nvidia from the DEB you've built earlier! Keep those files on a safe and handy place just in case.
- Reinstall primus (and if you have Steam and/or Wine, primus-libs:i386)
- Time to reboot again! But before, a final tweak must be made: delete /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json now, otherwise as soon as Xorg/Wayland starts it will load both the Mesa and nVidia EGL drivers (because I DON'T KNOW!?), the latter triggering the loading of the nVidia kernel modules, completely breaking bumblebee/primus and therefore no hybrid graphics for you!
- Test that everything works: primusrun glxgears is the quintessential test for this case, while you keep a syslog/dmesg -w open on a secondary terminal for taking a look at the kernel logs. Disregard any warnings/stackdumps if they begin with "pci 0000:01:00.0: disabling already-disabled device" - that looks like it is a bumblebee bug of some sort.
- If you live in a 1st-world country, go and buy a laptop with a SINGLE GPU, preferably not made by nVidia or AMD!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-29, 20:00 in (Mis)adventures on Debian ((old)stable|testing|aghmyballs) (revision 1)

Post: #233 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
More quick fixes for UI stuff:

- Want to preserve the sanity of good ol' Cleanlooks on your GUI apps? While it's kinda late for GTK3, at least for Qt 5 there is a couple of solutions that can be combined to achieve the perfect look (and most of the feel). Build this, but don't set it up as your default platform theme as the README tells you to do so. Instead you want this for more control, the missing Qt 5 control panel. This one is on Debian, but sadly available for Buster/Sid only. Don't fret - with a trivial modification it's easy to backport to Stretch! Install the sources, modify debian/control to drop the Qt 5.9 minimum requirement (as Stretch ships with 5.7), and build it - despite what the changelog says, it works just fine with Qt 5.7. qt5ct comes with its own platform theme provider, so set it up (the ideal place is your .xprofile file, remember: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct), logoff, log on back, and run your fancy new Qt 5 control panel to specify qt5gtk2 as your Qt theme.

- Continuing with fixes for your Qt apps, this one is now required if you want to run Qt applications with superuser privileges (hopefully using sudo!), due to increased SEKURITAH! thanks to rootless Xorg: just set a variable: sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 yourQtProggyGoesHere
Neglect to run that way and all you're going to get is a barrage of X errors, with the most obvious being a instance of "BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)" from the MIT Shared Memory extension. Apparently what this variable does is to turn off the use of said feature because shared memory is DANGER MINES YOUR CREDIT CARDS ARE IN DANGER!!!! X11 pls.

- Remember: to build Qt 5 apps on a dual Qt4/5 setup, either figure out how to use qtchooser, or install qt5-default to tell Debian that you're indeed going to work mainly with Qt5 stuff, so the symlinks to qmake and friends are properly set up to the correct versions.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #234 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by Screwtape
My problem with LightDM is that when you login, it launches a shell to run all the X11 startup scripts, but it doesn't launch it as a login shell, which means the shell doesn't read ~/.profile. That means any environment variables you set in ~/.profile specifically so that they would be available everywhere (like $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so you can use programs you compiled yourself, or $PAGER and $EDITOR to configure your favourite helper tools) are missing.

The LightDM maintainers have been informed of this deficiency, but apparently it's deliberate because they think ~/.profile is only for textual logins, like on the console or via SSH. I guess that makes sense if you start from the assumption that X11 logins break the whole Unix login model, so why bother trying to choose sensible behaviour. However, it makes sense (to me) to handle all logins in a similar fashion. Also, it's what GDM (probably the most widely-used DM) does and I think XDM (the original "official" DM) too, so they should do it even just for compatibility, if nothing else.

I've always used ~/.xprofile (although never verified if it works with LightDM as I don't have specific use cases for such setups yet), so exactly what's the difference between both files?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-03-30, 17:29 in Dear modern UXtards...

Post: #235 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Dear so-called "journalists of the New Free Media":

If you keep fucking with your websites' design with your Mystery Meat Navigation / Randomized Layouts on devices on MY premises, I'll have to become something even worse that Big Communism that is trying to silence your "voices".

I AM FUCKING SICK of picking fights with my family (particularly with my own mother) every single time your piece-of-shit vomit-inducing site layouts behave at random, leaving me baffled and making my life difficult each time someone complains when "If I click Back, the page does not return!!!", followed by "STOP CALLING ME AN IDIOT!!!" (with no usage of said word from me, because my only possible answer here is "I don't use that site, you can't expect me to know how it works"), and threats of physical violence and broken smartdevices.


This goes TRIPLE to Google developers too - the Incognito mode saga is far from over (Incoquito breaks quite frequently so I had to uninstall it).


There is absolutely NO NEED to break families and the eventual lead to domestic violence due to the inconsistent design choices of an UXtarded art school dropout that should be starving to death in a concentration camp, instead of earning Silly Valley megabucks, or writing so-called "journalism" AKA gossip/FUD/fake news/shit I don't want to read because I don't give a fuck about what's happening around me nowadays since I lost all hopes in mankind a long time ago.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-04-01, 11:04 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 3)

Post: #236 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
April Fools here too!?

Lame, guys. Real lame.

Also, The Daily WTF forums have been doing the exact same prank since they switched board software for the last time (which is: 3 years and counting? EDIT: even they stopped doing that for this year, opting for member name shenanigans)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-04-01, 12:06 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #237 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
I actually like the colorful names.

Gimme a checkbox to keep it enabled all year long, please. I'm serious.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-04-01, 22:47 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #238 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
So... how do you know the product you've bought suck without testing it first?!

$ON¥ pls, get a clue!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-04-02, 22:02 in Blackouts (revision 2)

Post: #239 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Aaaaand... blackouts never stop.

Starting this Sunday at 5:30 VET, I've had exactly 8 hours and a half of power.

Other places (including zones at my own city) have had exactly ZERO hours of power since then.

The commies claim those blackouts are "rolling blackouts" AKA rationing, but everybody and his dog knows that this is total and complete BULL FUCKING SHIT. Yet still, people choose to behave like irrational morons good for nothing.

Yesterday I went to one of the few banks that managed to open (a government-owned one!), to stand at the ATM line to drain whatever funds were remnant on my bank account (I've been unable to work AND get paid since the first blackout, basically). There were like 40 other cardholders at the ATM just in front of me. This particular bank branch was operating off backup generators (since it's located at one of the zones which have been without power since Sunday), and apparently their backup generators were not operating properly. ATMs were going on-and-offline every now and then. What were doing the people at the line, standing in quietly while waiting its turn? NO! Those pigfuckers were brawling between each other for trying to jump the line because they value more the six highly-devaluated VES 500 bills that were being dispensed rather than the fact that THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED CITY WERE WITHOUT POWER AND RUNNING WATER! Unbelievable, but that's Soviet Venezuela for you: the country where the philosophy of "ME, ME, MEEEE!!!!" trumps over basic freedoms. THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE A COUNTRY TO COMMUNISTS, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! Bonus: a military convoy full of blood-thirsty murderers "soldiers" was passing around the same area where this bank is located. Six trucks full of soldiers, food, assault weapons, and even an armored ATV! Two of the trucks stopped, soldiers were watching to the people battling at the ATM, and they did nothing but scoff at us. (This bank did shut their ATMs down today to compensate for their backup generator woes, so no quick cash for you!).

Another asshole (possibly another commie-funded pigfucker) at the bus stop was bitching against those that dared protesting during the blackout. Another young student (possibly at one of those newfangled ideology universities from the regime) was calling against "foreign invasions", South Korea being dirt poor (yet you love your Samsung cellphones and LG aircons, you imbecile!), 9/11 being staged/inside job/insert your favorite conspiracy theory here, and OMGPOOR NORTH KOREA BEING BLOCKADED BY THE COMMIES! You can't even make this shit up: our future is being dearly brainwashed as we talk.

Since next to no banking is possible due to the lack of power and phone/mobile/data coverage, retailers are taking advantage of this: $5 for a bag of ice? $20 for a bunch of vegetables? Meat charged in EUROS!? (for reference, minimum wage here is FIVE MEASLY AMERICAN DOLLARS PER MONTH, far less than any country in the continent. Even Haitians and Cubans -yes, Cubans!- earn MUCH more than us, yet they starve to death!) Once again, welcome to Soviet Venezuela. All of this STRICTLY CASH ONLY! (And forget about cents: all prices are rounded to the next integer) I've yet to see the first USD/EUR/BRL paycheck on my hands, but apparently everybody else does because that's the next logical stage at a very chaotic hyperinflation. So much for (not) engaging in revenue-generating works :/

Speaking about data services? Don't get me started with CANTV: almost all of their internal systems/applications have been down since the first megablackout (the March 7h one). You can't pay your phone, top up your cell service, or report service outages. My phone line will not get fixed, that's a fact. Movilnet CDMA network is de facto gone (it was due for shutdown last December, but in the words of a Movilnet technician: "they're shutting it down every year, but it will actually shutdown itself"), so I already lost one of my cellphones. Only Movistar service has been somewhat reliable here during the blackouts, but YMMV (curiously Movistar is DOWN right now, despite having power service: maybe some shitbag just stole another fiber line mistaking it with precious copper cable).

Don't bother selling your junk at MercadoLibre: Assuming you have Internet to contact your sellers, parcel service shipping prices skyrocketed (about $8-$10 in average), rendering online business unaffordable for everyone. Your only option is to buy local... and hope you have some greenbacks handy, as everybody is charging in those, rather that stacks of sovereign banknotes that noone (but overseas collectors) want.

My computers are feeling the effects of the blackouts in full force: my laptops sometimes have problems to turn on. But Saki, my routerbox, has been badly hit since January (due to a completely unrelated series of blackouts at my zone, but the effects have exacerbated since March 7th): this rock-solid i430VX system started giving troubles at boot, with the GRUB prompt causing the machine to reboot at random. Then, kernel oopses. And yesterday, for the first time EVER, a kernel panic. Checked RAM with every memory checker I could find: nada, those rare 32M EDO SIMMs came up clean. Cleaned up the PSU, nope: 5V is at a solid 4.99V, well within range. Then, I tried the CPU stress apps at UBCD, and sure enough, I managed to get the system to crash. Not reliably, but the kernel errors were the same. Let's see if a CPU swap helps, as I have neither working replacement PSUs of any kind nor a fresh Socket 7 mobo I can use (I did got a working M571 last weekend, but sadly it died during testing - after swapping the famelic P166 CPU with a uncommon 6X86MX, the mobo never came back). Oh, and my trusty Broadcom/Linux-powered ZTE DSL modem is about to give up the ghost, because now it requires to be powercycled several dozen times until it boots correctly. Looks like those CrapXon electrolytic caps are honoring their infamous reputation.

Oh, and my fridge is empty. Not that it matters as I can't afford to buy meat/fish anymore, but it would be pointless anyway as those would get rotten in the next day-long blackout. Extreme temperatures outside (sometimes around 40°C) don't help matters. "Dry your meat" you say. Except that basic kitchen supplies like salt or vinegar have also fallen prey of the hyperinflation too, so you can't afford those anymore too. At least both my meat and fish guys have been willing to give me credit, being in the know that their payments will be delayed... but that's of no help among all this chaos. All credit cards at this house have been maxed out, overdraft, and tightly squeezed dry, but then credit limits are a joke, and we're at the verge of a bank run in any moment now (if your bank is still operating CRT-based NCR ATMs made 15 years ago, recycling VES 2 bills that noone wants for anything -not even as toilet paper-, that pretty much explains the health of our banking system right now). It will be worse than the 1994 one, that's for sure!

Fuck this shit, yo.

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