Keyboard controls can be changed by editing Noxico.ini
, or from the settings screen.
- (Debug only) F3 dumps the current board to HTML for investigation.
- F12 takes a screenshot.
- Ctrl–R forces a full redraw, just in case.
In gameplay
- Arrow keys move the player character. Bumping into a friendly or neutral character displaces them. Bumping into a hostile attacks them.
- Shift-arrows with a long-range weapon equipped fires in that direction.
- Period (.) makes the PC rest for a turn.
- Enter activates things underneath the PC — there’ll be a little popup in the corner if this is something you can do at the time. Activation could involve picking up dropped loot, looking into a container, taking a nap in a bed, or using an exit.
- Quotes (') opens the inventory screen.
- Slash (/) switches to Interact mode.
- Comma (,) causes the PC to take off in flight or land again, if they have wings.
- Semicolon (;) opens the travel screen.
In Interact mode
- Arrow keys move the cursor — that’s the flashing green rectangle.
- Tab cycles through targets.
- Enter accepts this choice of target and pops up a menu of things you can do.
- Esc breaks out back to regular gameplay.
In a subscreen or popup window
- Tab cycles through controls.
- Enter activates the active control. For a yes/no message box, this equals a yes.
- Esc breaks out to whatever you came from, if allowed. For a yes/no message box, this is a no.
- Arrow keys scroll through list items.
Mouse controls
- Left-click with a message box or action list on screen maps directly to the Enter key, technically the Accept action.
- Left-click on a subscreen control does exactly what you’d think.
- Right-click, likewise, maps to Escape.
- In regular gameplay, left-clicking on a tile makes the PC navigate there.
- Middle-clicking near an edge makes the PC navigate to the edge and then cross.
- Right-clicking is considered equal to switching to Interact mode, aiming at that point, and pressing Enter. That is in fact exactly what happens.
- Turning the scroll wheel in a subscreen or popup actually scrolls through the active list control.
Given an XInput-compatible controller, the game’ll automatically adjust the on-screen key indications to match. Controller maps can’t be edited.