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    Posted on 20-11-19, 12:06
    Custom title here

    Post: #960 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Master/maido is objectively better than master/slave in every way that matters. I don't know why this is even a debate.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-11-19, 17:57

    Post: #827 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    If Microsucks declared war on your computer silently shoehorned Chredge on your no-longer-supported Win7 sanity box...

    REM Run these from an elevated command prompt!
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\83.0.478.58\Installer"
    setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall

    It really rustles my jimmies when I reboot for the second or third time this year to my long-unused Win7 partition to find a Chredge fullscreen window waiting for "let's get started!" approval. I OWN MY GODDAMNED COMPUTER, YOU FUCKERS!

    There is room for only ONE browser on this thing, and that one is neither a Chrome derivative nor mainline Moz://a. That browser is SeaMonkey, and oh dear, what's this, an update just released a few hours ago? HOT HOT HOT GOD DAMN IT IT BURNS!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-11-19, 22:31
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    Post: #424 of 443
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by MysticLord
    Any time you see someone going on about how arcane xyz minutiae is oppressive to whomever - and that person is not a member of the oppressed group they are supposedly defending - you can rest assured that they are pulling the wool over your eyes about something else.

    I mean, altruism is a thing that exists. It's so common we even have a word for it.

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 20-11-20, 03:33

    Post: #173 of 175
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Screwtape
    Posted by MysticLord
    Any time you see someone going on about how arcane xyz minutiae is oppressive to whomever - and that person is not a member of the oppressed group they are supposedly defending - you can rest assured that they are pulling the wool over your eyes about something else.

    I mean, altruism is a thing that exists. It's so common we even have a word for it.

    Yeah, but it’s not usually altruistic, it’s intended to garner platitudes or credit. The initiator is narcissistic and wants attention. The far right call it “virtue signaling.” I used to refer to it as “offended by proxy.” It actually steals focus from the marginalized party, so it’s indirect discrimination.
    Posted on 20-11-20, 11:38
    Full mod

    Post: #425 of 443
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 1072 days
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    Here's a non-Mozilla news-item for the pile: Starting January 4, 2021, Google will block all sign-ins to Google accounts from embedded browser frameworks. So if you're the kind of person who says "I hate the dumbing-down of modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox, I'll use an alternative like surf or uzbl or something built on QtWebKit", well, good luck. The replies suggest you can keep things working by adding a "yes, I promise I'm only using this browser for OAuth authentication" header to every request, but if you add that to *every* request I suspect Google will clamp down pretty quickly.


    Posted by BearOso
    Yeah, but it’s not usually altruistic, it’s intended to garner platitudes or credit.

    I'm not going to claim that everybody who does that is being altruistic, but it seems equally wrong to claim that nobody is. Very likely most people do it for both altruistic and selfish reasons, with the exact mixture depending on the individual. Accusing people of being selfish doesn't help anyone: the people who are being exclusively selfish already know that, the people who are being at least a little altruistic (or fully altruistic, or even actual members of the group in question who didn't bring up their credentials yet) are going to get angry, and no problems actually get solved.

    Honestly, I think it's a legitimately open question. A century ago, I think people understood and agreed that there were things you might say at home in your parlour that you wouldn't yell on a street-corner, and there were definitely things that shouldn't be printed in the town paper. Nowadays, even casual conversations between friends on Facebook or Twitter or messageboards like this one technically include nearly every human alive today or in the future as part of their potential audience — it's literally impossible to take the entire audience's perspective into account, because some of them aren't even born yet. But just because we can't do everything doesn't mean it's acceptable to do nothing — eventually society will settle on some effective radius of sensitivity, and I wonder what it will be.

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 20-11-21, 03:45

    Post: #174 of 175
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Screwtape

    I'm not going to claim that everybody who does that is being altruistic, but it seems equally wrong to claim that nobody is.

    I’m not claiming that either. This is the internet, so it would be ambiguous if the culprit were anonymous, but if you can look up examples of the person’s personality then you can guess what their intention is. From what I’ve seen I’m clearly pessimistic about the whole notion. I realize that me being that way doesn’t help the issue. I’ll try not to assume so much in the future.
    Posted on 20-11-24, 03:33 (revision 1)

    Post: #830 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    To unfuck (kinda) GiggityHub and other places using Google WebComponents junk on Seamonkey:

    dom.webcomponents.enabled = true

    For whatever reason it ships disabled by default (maybe because it's not easy to support a proprietary moving target properly) but enabling it was good enough for getting GiggityHub's UI actually mostly working properly again.

    There are more hidden switches to enable more HTML5/JS modern junk on Seamonkey, but YMMV, and if shit breaks, you get to keep all the pieces!

    UPDATE: Even with Google's webshit enabled, GiggityHub still breaks at times (for example: failure to render commit info on file/directory listing being the most obvious one to spot). They went full retard with their latest frontend update, but that's to be expected from the brave new Chrome world.

    Semirelated: after reading some old posts, it seems that people at some circles (mainly GH/HN, so basically the people behind the webshit you and me hate the most) really want to see alternate browsers dead and buried. They still FUD their way to discourage people from using Waterfox/Seamonkey/Pale Moon/<insert non-Chrome product here>, and to also discourage web developers from making sensible sites that don't require dozens of megabytes of Javascript bloat that won't work on anything but Chrome and (if you're lucky) latest Firefox. In the case of Pale Moon, their lead devs/contributors (so basically Matt Tobin) don't help with their demented PR toxicity :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-12-03, 00:30

    Post: #834 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    My SM theme of choice (GNOMErunner) has been broken for the 2.53 line:

    - Media player controls are broken. There is a very hacky workaround (just swap the media player stuff with a working set from another SM theme), but you lose native widgets :/
    - Checkboxes are missing from preferences dialog, leading to missing options and prefs corruption (this just bite me hard today on Chatzilla, where after changing something trivial, I ended having to reset everything to defaults. YUCK!). Since Mozilla Suite / Seamonkey theme formats are largely undocumented (the official way on how to make themes is "just copy the default theme and hack it as needed, good luck!"), this is something I can't really fix without the help of an adult someone that knows how to make Mozilla themes :(

    Expecting an update for GNOMErunner is not happening as the developer abandoned it and the source repo got archived, just like pretty much every other Seamonkey-compatible addon that isn't the pdf.js fork. So I guess it means embracing the same fate I already met under Windows: to hell with native, and use whatever pseudo-native lookalike is shipped with the product. Under Linux, SM default leverages on GTK+ to do most of the job, but there are quite few of non-native stuff, like tabs or icons. Speaking of tabs, the sole reason I choose to stick to an unsupported theme was the tab bar height: for whatever reason on the default theme tabs were ridiculously tall (like 40px or something), which somehow triggered OCD on me. But after my disaster with Chatzilla today, I had enough:

    Put this on your userChrome.css:
    /* Remove "Toolbar-Grippies" */
    .toolbar-grippy {
    display: none !important;

    /* Sane tab bar height */
    .tabbrowser-strip, .tabbrowser-tabs, .tabbrowser-tab, .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox, .tabs-alltabs-button {
    max-height: 32px !important;

    Dunno if I had to target all those classes, but at least my tabs now have a sane height. I can live with the Windows-esque red X close button.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-12-03, 18:39

    Post: #835 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
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    Someone made this addon to fix GiggityHub's Google WebComponents®™ shenanigans on non-Chrome, non-Chrome-lookalike browsers, namely Seamonkey and PaleAssholeMoon.

    The fact we now need browser addons to unfuck single websites speak for itself about the sick sad state of the current web. If you're a opensource dev and have your code hosted with GiggityHub, consider defecting to something else (preferably selfhosted, if you can afford or get someone else to pay for it). But then, from what I've heard, all GH "clones" are going down the same deep rabbit hole of sucking the Google dick HARD.

    And yes, for maximum irony, the addon in question is hosted at GH, because life is hard :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-12-19, 10:54 (revision 2)
    Post: #1 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

    Last post: 1386 days
    Last view: 1386 days
    Posted by tomman

    There's also the incident releated to MoonManchild and Tobin trying to block unendorsed forks (MyPal and roytam1's New Moon) from accessing the Pale Moon website basically because Tobin was banned from MSFN. Said XP forks I suspect, rather ironically, make up most of the userbase in the first place. Oh well, looks like someone isn't getting their revenue every time someone uses the DDG search default in those forks anymore due to their idiocy anymore.

    Release notes from Mypal 28.13.1
    The thread indicating the blocking of Pale Moon from anything containing 'Mypal' in its useragent, as well as a bunch of other petty crap showing them up...
    Tobin being hostile purely for someone asking a question.

    Pale Moon is made up of the types of users who think it's cool and nostalgic purely for resembling something like old Firefox and don't give a damn about the people behind the project and who exactly they're supporting; a lot of said people are also the same people who love popularity-farming extreme views everywhere pretending to be on the behalf of everyone (while only truly for themselves) on Twitter, Reddit and Discord.

    On a somewhat related note, I'm genuinely angry with Mozilla's decision to kill off SeaMonkey on the basis that longtime, experienced users don't deserve to have an alternative browser just because a truly FOSS browser is not feasible for their 'look at me, I'm a private browser' bullshit that they've been pulling for the past while or so. Firefox these days reminds me of those crappy Chromium forks that add 'enhanced privacy' and then a week later get called out for sending stuff back to unencrypted servers in third world shithole countries like China. I think the best thing we can all do is support the SeaMonkey project best as we can really and help it get away from Mozilla's ecosystem asap, it's the only viable light of hope in a realm of Browser Hell these days.
    Posted on 20-12-19, 20:04 (revision 1)

    Post: #841 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    IMHO, the biggest problems with Pale Moon are:

    - Total, abysmal, complete failure at PR, exemplified by Matt Tobin, and in a slightly distant second place, Moonchild himself. Arrogance everywhere does not help "onboarding" (oh god, how I hate that hipster term) new users. At least when you get insulted by Moonchild, he (often) does it politely (as ironic as it sounds). But Tobin... oh man, that guy seriously needs to get away from the keyboard, pronto! Here is a fresh gem: once the user exposed his/her specific request, he/she got answers (useful, even!)... and a gratuitous abuse by Tobin as the very last post, because this guy is a plain and simple asshole. FWIW, he is not even an active Pale Moon developer anymore, but he focus more on UXP (their specific fork of XUL) instead, so he should not even be giving Pale Moon support!

    - The project has become Mozilla-lite, with its "you're the user and you're always wrong" attitude. Here is another fresh one from the leader himself. They should get rid of their "Your browser your way" motto, as it clearly stopped applying to their product a long time ago. I get that dealing with countless help petitions from normies and downstream forks force people to grow a thick skin, but come on, that's no excuse to disregard that your product is supposedly aimed at the former Mozilla power user!

    - They don't even want outsiders touching their code base. Thinking on a port for your favorite non-mainstream platform? Better forget about it, or you'll get Tobin F-bombing and looking for the banhammers as soon as you post your .mozconfig. Any deviation of their holy and sacred standards, no matter how much justified is it (say: you have to use a system-supplied library instead of whatever version is shipped with Pale Moon for $PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_REASON[n]) is not to be tolerated by the top two dogs. So much for Free and Open Source Software™ :/

    Every time I try to give the benefit of the doubt to Pale Moon, I end running away in a split second and ensuring the project will never leave my personal shitlist, like anyone that dares selling their soul to the CCP or Silly Valley.


    As for Seamonkey, I'm now lurking on their IRC channel (apparently I'm not the last dinosaur standing on earth, yay~!). It's heartbreaking to see how most broken websites often have its roots onto heavily obfuscated Javascript, often abusing Google-isms because people forgot the sins of our past (*cough*Trident*cough*). Oh, and I managed to see a Status Meeting live and in color (the last of the year, in fact). Here are the latest notes:

    Of interest:
    - 2.53.6 beta 1 should be shipping in the upcoming days. I suspect the stable release would be for early January at best.

    - NPAPI is (finally!) going away. It only survives because of Flash (and indeed, it's the only whitelisted plugin - nothing else will work!). But the clock is about to run out, as the Flash EOL date approaches. On this December 31st, Adobe will remove the installers from their site, and the most recent player plugins are timebombed to stop working on January 12th, 2021. After that? it's dead, Jim. Sure, there are plenty of projects trying to keep Flash alive on the browser, bug oh man, can't just let the thing die for good and stay dead!? Like Yuyuko, the Dreamcast, democracy in Venezuela, [jest]or the 737 MAX[jest]. The standalone projector is not timebombed (AFAIK), so your precious Newgrounds (or for us Touhou fans, IOSYS) .SWFs will stay alive, but far away from our web browsers!

    - The 32-bit builds are on the chopping board - no date is set yet for their dismissal, but upstream Mozilla is no longer testing 32-bit Linux builds. I'm not feeling sad or angry for this, as the web stopped being useful on anything under 4GB RAM due to the insistence of transforming web browsers into fully virtualized operating systems :/

    - Also on the chopping board: DOM Inspector. It will be gone for 2.57 as it is currently FUBAR.

    - The Rust bits are a PITA due to frequent compiler breakages introduced on later versions, so they're stuck on an rather old version of the compiler thanks to Mozilla total and complete disregard to stability of languages?

    - Manpower as usual is severely lacking, hampering further progress...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-12-20, 06:10
    Post: #3 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

    Last post: 1386 days
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    I read the status meeting. I'm more heartbroken not by the fact the web is turning its back on standardisation and good code which Mozilla tried to introduce before version 4.0 became a literal copy of Google Chrome with the tabs-on-top and rapid version releases, but more by the state of the SeaMonkey project as a whole from the lack of 'dinosaurs' (or should I say, 'people with any sense') as you decided to put it.

    x86 should go, yes. Personally I think Apple's proprietary years-behind processor, which will come at a dollar-to-pound pricing here in the UK, should not be a priority at all and should be left out entirely given how anti-consumer Apple are, that's just me though lol.

    I'm using the x64 stable right now and it's decent enough for most websites I visit I guess - will probably be switching to the latest beta once I notice there's a new release, however. Looking forward to what's being output though, I'm sad they're gonna remove heavyweight themes however as I feel like that's a rather defining feature of SeaMonkey, I just hope they can get away from the Mozilla system on time because things indeed look bleak from what I understand reading the wiki page/summary you linked.

    I'm a little bit miffed they're considering Azure as a CDN given well... Micro$hite, but I guess there's a valid reason behind the choice, like the fact it isn't Google or Amazon lol. That said M$ could easily fool around with something to thwart anyone moving away from their ecosystem given their dictatorship over GitHub, though I'm not really technical enough to understand things like that deep down haha.
    Posted on 20-12-21, 22:59
    Custom title here

    Post: #964 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Mei Koyoki

    On a somewhat related note, I'm genuinely angry with Mozilla's decision to kill off SeaMonkey on the basis that longtime, experienced users don't deserve to have an alternative browser just because a truly FOSS browser is not feasible for their 'look at me, I'm a private browser' bullshit that they've been pulling for the past while or so.

    Mozilla never killed off Seamonkey. Seamonkey was never a Mozilla project. They merely stopped providing support to a third-party fork of the discontinued Mozilla project(which was still a dick move).
    But really, in hindsight the writing was on the wall as soon as the Moz/B team took over the Mozilla Foundation. Moz/b\Phoenix\Firebird\Firefox was always terrible, and the people that claim otherwise never used a good browser.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-01-03, 00:32

    Post: #862 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
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    Because some people will never learn from their mistakes...
    Because this soap opera just needed a new season...
    Because I still need more reasons to lose faith in mankind...
    Because Moz://a is run by morons clowns UXtards...

    Behold, another pointless UI redesign: Proton!


    Do the changes in the Proton program increase the number of users who enjoy using Firefox? Conduct an in-product, at-scale survey before and after the changes to document user response in the areas of visual resigned and cohesion.

    Why bother? The echo chamber has been full throttle since Asstralis, they will ignore the results anyway and proceed with their "vision", losing whatever remnants of a so-called "user base" they could still have.
    Way to kill themselves and concede victory to the Browser Dictatorship For Life, Google Fuckin' Chrome!

    We need to sack Baker, sack the SJWs, and bring back sanity to Mozilla ASAP. Make Firefox Great Again!
    Or... even better: Make Suite Great Again.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-03, 04:33
    Custom title here

    Post: #970 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Quickly! We must redesign the interface so no one knows where anything is! That is the best way to retain existing users and attract new ones!

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-01-03, 17:48 (revision 1)
    Post: #34 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

    Last post: 1386 days
    Last view: 1386 days
    Posted by tomman
    Because some people will never learn from their mistakes...
    Because this soap opera just needed a new season...
    Because I still need more reasons to lose faith in mankind...
    Because Moz://a is run by morons clowns UXtards...

    Behold, another pointless UI redesign: Proton!


    Do the changes in the Proton program increase the number of users who enjoy using Firefox? Conduct an in-product, at-scale survey before and after the changes to document user response in the areas of visual resigned and cohesion.

    Why bother? The echo chamber has been full throttle since Asstralis, they will ignore the results anyway and proceed with their "vision", losing whatever remnants of a so-called "user base" they could still have.
    Way to kill themselves and concede victory to the Browser Dictatorship For Life, Google Fuckin' Chrome!

    We need to sack Baker, sack the SJWs, and bring back sanity to Mozilla ASAP. Make Firefox Great Again!
    Or... even better: Make Suite Great Again.

    I honestly suspect that's been their intention since pre-Australis, probably sometime after the whole 'version increment' crap that seemingly served to break the plugin architecture for the longest possible time in order to make the versions look Chromey.

    If SeaMonkey managed to fork the Gecko build they have now and leave it at that, and ignore everything else from upstream from this point onwards regardless of how few are working on the project, it would eventually do them good.
    Posted on 21-01-03, 20:22

    Post: #865 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Moz://a UXtarded art school dropouts priority Numero Uno: figuring out how to prevent users from changing colors and fonts, ensuring their OS defaults are NOT honored at all, because modern software design seems to be a branch from Henry Ford's Design School: "You can have any theme, as long as it is Adwaita with our pixel perfect icons".

    Seriously, this seems to be the priority for Proton from what little I could grep from the publicly available Bugzilla reports: they're already working on using their special snowflake font... and they're concerned of any possible performance impact that such a change could bring! Well, at least they are aware that their special snowflake font might not cover non-English languages...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-03, 21:48
    Post: #39 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

    Last post: 1386 days
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    Jesus I just read that thread and I remembered why I hate Linux GUIs, they look horribly inconsistent. 'Free as in freedom' went out the window for GNOME long ago didn't it, huh.
    Posted on 21-01-03, 22:07

    Post: #867 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
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    Posted by Mei Koyoki
    Jesus I just read that thread and I remembered why I hate Linux GUIs, they look horribly inconsistent. 'Free as in freedom' went out the window for GNOME long ago didn't it, huh.

    Even worse: the GNOMEs breeded with the "iPhone is the only phone ever" kids.

    These are the results. Not pretty, in fact, totally out of place for user interfaces that are supposed to run on PERSONAL COMPUTERS.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-04, 08:59 (revision 1)
    Post: #384 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 470 days
    Last view: 9 days
    So long as I can have bookmarks below the address bar, tab bar below the bookmarks and nothing but the application name/page name in the title bar... I'll be somewhat okay if they leave the ability to edit the UI via CSS.

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
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