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    Posted on 20-08-28, 00:21 (revision 4)

    Post: #763 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    Regarding the ongoing Fireocalypse in Android situation (Fennec v68 -> Fenix v79):

    As you may already be aware, the Chromification of Mozilla is going full throttle (since they DIDN'T sacked the UXtarded art school dropouts UX visionaries). The new "hotness" has the codename of Fenix (that's "phoenix" in Spanish, how ironical), while the former product you and me were still using on our crippled pocket computers was known as Fennec (a species of small fox, but then a "firefox" is a red panda...).

    Fenix was actually being rolled out in stages, culminating with the final master update a few days ago for all users on supported Android versions (which for Fenix means Lollipop/5.0+ and latter - KitKat is no longer supported, and if your device can only run that, chances are Fennec already ran like ass on it), and given the current trends on user interface design across the software industry, people hate the forced dumbing-down and are already complaining loudly all around the Internets. Here's Mozilla update FAQ for Fenix, complete with the expected "We're sorry to hear you hate change, so we will pretend we're listening while we actively ignore you!". Oh, and this pearl that really makes my blood boil:
    Primary Password is replacing Master Password. Firefox is removing terminology from the browser that has been identified as derogatory or exclusionary. Learn more about why we’re making this change.

    Fucking SJWs, stop trying to rewrite the language!!!!
    Yup, the SJW crybabies brigade also survived the latest Mozilla purge as they're a core part of the current Chromification-as-a-service bullshittery.

    Anyway, if this situation looks too familiar to you, it's because we've already been there plenty of times. Sadly there is no Seamonkey/Waterfox/Pale Moon we can defect to, so our options... well, suck:

    - Stick to 68.11.0 forever, which is already deemed "DANGER MINES!!!!"
    - F-Droid has a "sanitized, 100% free" build of Fennec that closely matched upstream releases (a-la Iceweasel). Except that that one is already doomed as Fennec is no more, and even if you wanted a lobotomy to follow the progress of Fenix in a more "free" way, the build system of Fenix relies on quite a few proprietary bits plus a Mozilla-specific Maven repo which F-Droid refuses to trust, which obviously are a no-go for any potential F-Droid release. Unfortunately for F-Droid maintainers, they really have no choice: it's suck it up and patch up the suckage to de-blobify, or leave the repository without an up-to-date web browser (note that they don't offer Chromium-based web browsers - it's Firefux or nothing!). BTW: shame on you, F-Droid, for using the forum software ABOMINATION known as Dischorse Dicksores Discourt Discourse! My Seamonkey cries HARD every time I accidentally land on a Dicksauce-powered board!
    - Consider a non-Gecko way out... which sadly means cementing the Blink monoculture in place. ALL HAIL OUR NEW BROWSER FUHRER, THE ETERNAL CHROME 4LYFE!
    - Some poor, desperate, solitary soul is joining on the insanity that implies pulling a Pale Moon over Fenix (the new core with a hacked-up UI to undo some of the UXtards sabotage). Good luck, as this guy (or gal) is seriously going to need all he/she can get!

    Needless to say, v68.11.0 is my final web browser for cellphones as I'm not upgrading, ever. Thankfully I don't use Google Play, Aurora can't really do autoupdates on its own (which is GOOD), and I don't Internet from my cellphone, except for utterly menial tasks like knowing the current exchange rates or some Wikipedia whenever I'm on the go. For everything else, let this be your umpteenth reminder that cellphones are NOT replacements for Real Personal Computers™!


    Speaking about Pale Moon, I tried to give it a chance. AGAIN. Honestly, for real this time. This Moonchild guy really thinks a lot like me: we both hate the current incarnation of Mozilla, the horrible "cellphones-first-and-only" design culture that it's ruining the Internet and computers in general, software bloat in general, and the whole "all your base belongs to Microsoft Google, OR ELSE!" situation. Unfortunately no two great minds really think alike, and after taking a brief look at Pale Moon forums, I remember why I'm not letting Pale Moon enter my computers, ever. No, it's not due to broken web sites whose shitty developers only care about Google Chrome failing to work at all on Pale Moon. Nope, it goes deeper than that:

    - The whole "PDFs don't belong to web browsers, You're Doing It Wrong!" attitude against pdf.js (I've heard someone came up with an PM-specific pdf.js addon)
    - The *BSD port fiasco ("You must...", which also reminds me that PM fanboys "contributors" can be as outrageously annoying as Moonchild himself, if not more)
    - They claim they listen to their users, getting rid of features noone wants. This is fair, except when said features are functionality people require to forcefully interact with webshit on which they have no options (aside of cellphones, or if you're lucky, a Metro UWP crapp), like WebRTC. This is not DRM (the world will be a better place without Hollywood), this is a feature people need for videoconferencing without having to install a Electron crapp that might not even exist for their platform of choice! (*cough*Linux*cough*) Normally, in the pre-Covidiots age I would have said "fuck WebRTC", but we're in the new normal, and people need to get shit done even if the only tool they have at their reach is... well, a web browser (remember: we're supposed to believe that the browser is the new OS, just like Linux is only a kernel). Most (if not all) mentions of said technological term end in confrontations or derisive answers.
    - THIS. Wow, so we're talking about "doing illegal things" on a thread where people is trying to block ads on an ad-funded commercial video site (an action that it's clearly frowned upon on the ToS you don't read, but nope, every user of youtube-dl is a frickin' criminal whose only goal in life is to pirate everything, because noone ever thought of the idea that videos actually work better on real media player applications, and you can indeed pipe streaming video from The Tubes to your favorite player without a single bit of it touching your HDD platters/SSD cells, therefore respecting the spirit of said ToS of "thou shall not copy that floppy!". Give me a fucking break, you double-standard assholes!
    - Actively discouraging people from going deeper, messing with the code, or in general getting involved if their ultimate goals don't exactly align with their one-and-only vision. Isn't it free and open source software then?!
    - The highly novice-unfriendly attitude of Moonchild and friends towards new users that prefer to open a new thread (your hosting isn't charging you by the thread, right?) instead of getting lost in a forum search that half of the times fail to yield useful results.
    - The anti-Noscript saga ("You're not smart enough to deal with it, therefore it's BANNED FOR EVERYBODY!")
    - I could go on and on and on...

    So yeah, it's Seamonkey for me 'till the very end. And on cellphones, I'll be backing up that precious Fennec .APK for posterity.

    BONUS LINK: When Poetteringware hateboners clash with The Moonchild Way®.
    Turns out that this Matt Tobin guy is an even bigger asshole than Moonchild himself: "do what I say OR ELSE!".
    Another reason to keep Pale Moon the hell away from your *nix distro repositories, because they don't really want users anyway. I can understand the branding restrictions (after all, Mozilla has those too), but the way THIS GUYtries to enforce the rules is abhorrent, to say it politely.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-08-28, 00:45

    Post: #78 of 105
    Since: 11-13-19

    Last post: 1432 days
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    Oh, stop being so triggered.
    Posted on 20-08-28, 02:17
    Custom title here

    Post: #914 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 34 days
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    Please continue being so passionats.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-08-28, 06:07
    Full mod

    Post: #415 of 443
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 1072 days
    Last view: 143 days
    As a counterpoint:

    I've been using Fenix over Fennec since it was nightly-only (in fact, I'm still using the nightly channel). It's a bit annoying that it doesn't support bookmarks or the "Top Sites" list that Desktop Firefox uses, but even on desktop I mostly just type the first letter or two of a site I want to visit from my browsing history. Since Firefox Sync copies my browsing history to my phone, that still works just fine. Also, I've made icons on my home screen for the sites I really want to visit regularly.

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 20-08-28, 08:13 (revision 1)
    Custom title here

    Post: #915 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 34 days
    Last view: 4 days
    Having had too much time today with an unoccupied mind and occupied hands, I've formulated strong opinions on why the phrase "primary password" specifically is a terrible replacement for the master password.

    It changes the implication of the feature, and suggests you will also have to enter a secondary password. Master password implies that it is a single password that controls other passwords.

    They have copy/paste'd the "master->primary" argument from other places without stopping to consider if they are using master in the same context. I would've used the term "central password" or "governing password" if I were going to change this specific instance of master.

    Also, I think everyone is making the wrong stand about the master/slave paradigm in computer science. They should be trying to change slave to maid. THINK OF THE EROTIC COMP SCI FICTION AUTHORS!

    Meanwhile, Master Lock continues to be offensive not for use of the term "master", but because they sell garbage locks by the billions.

    MORE IMPORTANTLY, "endian" is a stupid joke term, it was intended AS a joke term, actually sounds overtly racist(despite its origins), and should never have been adopted as a term of art. Why are we arguing about masters instead of endians?

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-08-28, 08:16
    Post: #6 of 27
    Since: 08-01-20

    Last post: 1298 days
    Last view: 1198 days
    tomman, what are your thoughts on Pale Moon? Is it a worthwhile replacement for Firefox? Is it relatively secure and fast, in your opinion?

    I use it and I like it. It's not slow, the plug-ins work, I haven't had any security issues at all, and it's updated once every month or two.
    Posted on 20-08-28, 08:20
    Custom title here

    Post: #916 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 34 days
    Last view: 4 days
    Posted by MysticLord
    tomman, what are your thoughts on Pale Moon? Is it a worthwhile replacement for Firefox? Is it relatively secure and fast, in your opinion?

    I use it and I like it. It's not slow, the plug-ins work, I haven't had any security issues at all, and it's updated once every month or two.

    I find this funny, because he actually answered this question in his last post.

    Posted by tomman

    Speaking about Pale Moon, I tried to give it a chance. AGAIN. Honestly, for real this time. This Moonchild guy really thinks a lot like me: we both hate the current incarnation of Mozilla, the horrible "cellphones-first-and-only" design culture that it's ruining the Internet and computers in general, software bloat in general, and the whole "all your base belongs to Microsoft Google, OR ELSE!" situation. Unfortunately no two great minds really think alike, and after taking a brief look at Pale Moon forums, I remember why I'm not letting Pale Moon enter my computers, ever. No, it's not due to broken web sites whose shitty developers only care about Google Chrome failing to work at all on Pale Moon. Nope, it goes deeper than that:

    - The whole "PDFs don't belong to web browsers, You're Doing It Wrong!" attitude against pdf.js (I've heard someone came up with an PM-specific pdf.js addon)
    - The *BSD port fiasco ("You must...", which also reminds me that PM fanboys "contributors" can be as outrageously annoying as Moonchild himself, if not more)
    - They claim they listen to their users, getting rid of features noone wants. This is fair, except when said features are functionality people require to forcefully interact with webshit on which they have no options (aside of cellphones, or if you're lucky, a Metro UWP crapp), like WebRTC. This is not DRM (the world will be a better place without Hollywood), this is a feature people need for videoconferencing without having to install a Electron crapp that might not even exist for their platform of choice! (*cough*Linux*cough*) Normally, in the pre-Covidiots age I would have said "fuck WebRTC", but we're in the new normal, and people need to get shit done even if the only tool they have at their reach is... well, a web browser (remember: we're supposed to believe that the browser is the new OS, just like Linux is only a kernel). Most (if not all) mentions of said technological term end in confrontations or derisive answers.
    - THIS. Wow, so we're talking about "doing illegal things" on a thread where people is trying to block ads on an ad-funded commercial video site (an action that it's clearly frowned upon on the ToS you don't read, but nope, every user of youtube-dl is a frickin' criminal whose only goal in life is to pirate everything, because noone ever thought of the idea that videos actually work better on real media player applications, and you can indeed pipe streaming video from The Tubes to your favorite player without a single bit of it touching your HDD platters/SSD cells, therefore respecting the spirit of said ToS of "thou shall not copy that floppy!". Give me a fucking break, you double-standard assholes!
    - Actively discouraging people from going deeper, messing with the code, or in general getting involved if their ultimate goals don't exactly align with their one-and-only vision. Isn't it free and open source software then?!
    - The highly novice-unfriendly attitude of Moonchild and friends towards new users that prefer to open a new thread (your hosting isn't charging you by the thread, right?) instead of getting lost in a forum search that half of the times fail to yield useful results.
    - The anti-Noscript saga ("You're not smart enough to deal with it, therefore it's BANNED FOR EVERYBODY!")
    - I could go on and on and on...

    So yeah, it's Seamonkey for me 'till the very end. And on cellphones, I'll be backing up that precious Fennec .APK for posterity.

    BONUS LINK: When Poetteringware hateboners clash with The Moonchild Way®.
    Turns out that this Matt Tobin guy is an even bigger asshole than Moonchild himself: "do what I say OR ELSE!".
    Another reason to keep Pale Moon the hell away from your *nix distro repositories, because they don't really want users anyway. I can understand the branding restrictions (after all, Mozilla has those too), but the way THIS GUYtries to enforce the rules is abhorrent, to say it politely.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-08-28, 08:41 (revision 2)
    Post: #7 of 27
    Since: 08-01-20

    Last post: 1298 days
    Last view: 1198 days
    I find this funny, because he actually answered this question in his last post.

    I never claimed I was smart.


    BTW Pale Moon can run PDFs just fine with one of the PDF.js add-ons. Getting Windows to recognize Pale Moon as a PDF reader is a different story.

    If we kept people with bizarre beliefs/opinions/sexual-fetishes away from the internet, it would stop functioning within minutes. Sorry tomman, the internet only exists because RMS cares too much about freedom and software to learn that eating your foot flakes in public or advocating for necrophilia is not socially acceptable.

    I'm not being ironic, without these glorious madmen we wouldn't have an internet.
    Posted on 20-08-29, 03:19
    Custom title here

    Post: #917 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 34 days
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    Stallman's got nothing to do with the internet.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-09-19, 21:52

    Post: #89 of 105
    Since: 11-13-19

    Last post: 1432 days
    Last view: 1432 days
    Have fun with your Firefox for Android <v80
    Posted on 20-09-19, 22:57 (revision 1)

    Post: #781 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    Posted by kode54
    Have fun with your Firefox for Android <v80

    I don't even use WiFi on my phone, thanks to A Certain National Telco That Will Never Fix My Goddamned Service™.

    Also: why in the FUCK a WEB BROWSER has to have UPnP support!?!?!?!?
    Not that I care what security researchers say nowadays, as my cellphone (which is running an ancient Android version for which Alcatel/TCL/AT&T will never release security patches) has oh so many flaws you would actually make me a favor if you ever breached into it. Which is not happening because right now I'm actually using said phone as a MODEM to post this answer, instead of leeching from a DANGER MINES "compromised WiFi".

    Anyway, for those actually concerned you can either downgrade to Fenix, or set "browser.casting.enabled" to false - this supposedly kills SSDP and won't let you "cast video to a supported device", something noone has ever asked for. Not me, at least!

    UPDATE: Tested the PoC on my Internet-less WiFi. It works (by default it tries to dial 101 on your dialer). Now disable "browser.casting.enabled", then try again. Exploit no longer works. Nice try, but I'm not downgrading, thanks :P

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-09-20, 01:39

    Post: #90 of 105
    Since: 11-13-19

    Last post: 1432 days
    Last view: 1432 days
    Glad you got that sorted. (I didn't read the article.)
    Posted on 20-10-21, 00:49

    Post: #798 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
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    So, apparently Firefox 82 is now the latest release version.

    They claim some performance gains here and there, but the usual excuse I read on the comments (which aren't "too little,t oo late!") is "butbutbut Chrome is faster!".

    Look, if your excuse to defect from Mozilla to the Blink/Webkit monoculture is "performance", you're a lost cause and one of the many reasons Google is the new Microsoft. Sorry but you and me can't be friends, EVER.

    If I visit a website that slows down my browser, I know that I've just step into a minefield, and such a kind of site is most likely is:

    1) A proof-of-concept of CSS ridiculousness (which aren't serious at all, and are a quite rare scenario)
    2) A bloatfest of "Web 3.0" appy webshit, complete with all the slowest Javascripts they could stash on their hipster framework-of-the-week™, combined with 30 tons of ads and tracking shit (most likely scenario)
    3) Some demoscene production

    If 1), I know you're here for lulz. If 2), that's a website I'm not coming back, EVER, no matter how hard the marketdroids and brainwashed masses are trying to convince me to adopt the latest shiny hotness (social networks, chat applications, imageboards, other "what's a computer, Mom?"/"PLEEEEEZ INSTALL OUR CRAPP!!!" webshit). If 3), I HOPE your work comes with a relevant Bugzilla ticket (which is going to be ignored for the next 15 years, as routine in Mozilla)

    If your website has a "BEST VIEWED IN GOOGLE CHROME" label/tag/button, ROT IN HELL, YOU ASSHOLE.
    We fought hard to break the monoculture when Microsoft pulled the same shit over us, yet... people is giving everything but their underwear to Google, voluntarily.



    Seamonkey is still alive, guys. 2.53.4 was released nearly a month ago.
    2.57 is "barely useable", but unofficial FOR TESTING ONLY DANGER MINES builds are available, and browser/Chatzilla bugreports are welcome:

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-10-21, 02:20

    Post: #172 of 175
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 1422 days
    Last view: 1422 days
    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    They have copy/paste'd the "master->primary" argument from other places without stopping to consider if they are using master in the same context. I would've used the term "central password" or "governing password" if I were going to change this specific instance of master.

    I would probably use the phrase “global password.”

    Regardless, the debate over “master” was brought up by a white guy and I’d wager that nobody of any discriminated group was ever offended over this. It never even occurred to me that this use of “master” could be related to that sort of thing. It’s like a master copy, the ones that all the others copy from, something derived from the master-apprentice relationship, not slavery
    Posted on 20-10-21, 03:53
    Custom title here

    Post: #942 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 34 days
    Last view: 4 days
    "global" is another good one. Pretty much anything except primary.

    And yeah, I feel like there's a bit of kneejerk me-too replacement. Words can have diffrent meanings in diffrent contexts.


    And I stand by my prior claim that we should be replacing "slave" with "maid" instead of "master" with "primary"

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-10-21, 11:35

    Post: #799 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    Remember: they're trying to pull the same "PC vocabulary" BS on other larger projects, like the Linux kernel.

    I guess SJWs have no influence in the Big Iron market, where master/slave terminology is deeply ingrained, and I've yet to hear about any of the large/mid-of-the-pack enterprise vendors to raise this non-problem.

    On the consumer side, PATA drives were discontinued nearly a decade ago, which was the last well known application of those "nasty" words.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-10-31, 19:11 (revision 1)

    Post: #808 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    In this episode of "The Dismembering of Mozilla"...


    Remember MDN? After the CEO realized she could earn more money by sacking the documentation guys, whoever is left at MDN has to led the next step on every successful Valley project: adding value by bringing more insanity to your product, of course! The most notable feature is that they're farming out the MDN docs contribution to GitHub (which currently is in shaky grounds with the entire FOSS community after the youtube-dl drama, except for SV corps that don't give a damn, as usual). Now it seems that if you want to contribute by editing a wiki page, you would have to learn Git (and git gud with Markdown), because they're "pivoting" to a PR model instead of "let documentation guys use WYSIWYG editors as they have done always".

    Remember, despite MDN docs being aimed at developers, we developers SUCK at writing docs! This is why we let other people write our goddamned docs based on what we tell to them about how things work. But nope, that's not how things are done nowadays in the post-PC era. Now everybody must code, hence learn Git and craft your docs using markup codes, like a man?

    Oh, and they're adding more complex hipster crud to their fancy new platform. And they use Pokeymanz analogies to introduce their post, because webdevs are totally into Pokeymanz nowadays. They're also trying to get rid of localized documentation, because the only language that matters is English, of fucking course.

    Butbutbut EVOLUTION!!!!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-11-18, 19:21 (revision 6)

    Post: #825 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
    Last view: 5 hours
    On this episode of "Death and Agony of Moz://a":

    - The HTTPS-only madness is becoming a core feature! Nevermind the fact that intranets exist (I'm NOT installing a cert on my print server, sorry), or that webhosts who still don't let you use anything but expired, hardcoded, selfsigned junk are still a dime a dozen (or in the case of my country, the one and only option if you don't want to rely on resellers who can get their shit cut should the next commie have a tantrum and another pseudo-commie retaliates). Not every site needs HTTPS, people!
    First of all, there are plenty of circumstances in which root is not required to trust a CA. But that's not really the point here: this is all just handwaving away the earlier whining about how governments and ISPs are molesting HTTP traffic. If your government is actively hostile to your communications, overthrow it. If you think J. Random User is going to give a single shit (or even notice) when the telco provider ships a phone update that adds trust to MITM certs, you're completely delusional. So, yes. TLS proxies do break the "guarantees" of HTTPS. It's just software. It can't fix your society. Fortunately, none of that affects me, because my site does not need HTTPS

    (emphasis mine)
    UPDATE: Gotta love how Hackernews' reaction is split on this: half of them want to chop Mozilla's CEO head for forcing them to trust all their DNS queries to Cloudflare and disrupting their home network content filtering, while the other half considers routing around other persons' home network content filtering "reclaiming their basic human rights". So much for MY HOUSE, MY NETWORK, MY RULES :/ (D'OH! is still persona non grata in this house 'til the cold death of the universe)

    - Servo just got another kiss of death, being punted to Apache Foundation's House of Unloved FOSS Linux Foundation. This is like Mercedes-Benz saying they're no longer to build their own engines, and from now on they will outsource them from China. Considering Linux Foundation is basically useless (it's just a "brand" for which many other brands pay a few bucks a year to be listed on a spreadsheet, for no good reason in particular), this move clearly points at Mozilla's C-suite failure to understand what the fucking hell they're supposed to do (hint: FOSS project goal #1 isn't "monetization"). Way to go, Mozilla!

    News from the Seamonkey team!
    Hi everyone,

    Just want to update everyone that SeaMonkey 2.53.5 has been released.

    The team is also following this up with a .1 release due to a bug in the video code (that’s as specific that I can get as I haven’t caught up to what’s going on).


    I have faith in you, guys - you're the last shining beacon of hope in this world of pure raw insanity we call "2020" :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-11-18, 22:31

    Post: #826 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 29 days
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    For those of us using good ol' BIND as a caching DNS server WITH custom RPZ zones for adblocking (what we had before PiHoles and friends, and you can other stuff you can't do with it, like having your own local domain or whatever), if what you want is to secure your outbound DNS queries (as it should be - you can even use D'OH! if you insist) while preserving your state-level dictatorial censorship adblocking definitions, luckily it CAN be done:

    (I insist: the Arch Linux wiki is THE Linux manual, period!)

    Your D'OH! resolver can be something else, like the python "stub" resolver suggested on that wiki page, Cloudflare's spyware cloudflared, or something else - all you need is to let it run on an alternate port, then forward your BIND to that (and disable all other forwarders). Alternatively, forget about D'OH! and use DoT, which IS the official way to actually secure yer queries - it involves using stunnel.

    This, however, does not take in account that D'OH! is a trojan horse, an attack on your privacy, and a stealthy way to get computers disobey you. Sure, the "NXDOMAIN use-application-dns.net" stuff is the "official" way to disable D'OH! on most D'OH!-enabled applications, but just like our good friends at Mozilla have demonstrated us over and over, we're to be treated like morons and all opt-outs have to be taken away. My point is: get ready to engage in a cat-and-mouse war, deploying IP blocks on your routers and the like just to enforce the law that there is only ONE DNS resolver in your house, and that's yours!

    Having said that, it's time to secure my DNS because CANTV belongs to actual communists, while keeping the ad drones away.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-11-19, 07:43 (revision 1)
    Post: #17 of 27
    Since: 08-01-20

    Last post: 1298 days
    Last view: 1198 days
    Posted by tomman
    Remember: they're trying to pull the same "PC vocabulary" BS on other larger projects, like the Linux kernel.

    I guess SJWs have no influence in the Big Iron market, where master/slave terminology is deeply ingrained, and I've yet to hear about any of the large/mid-of-the-pack enterprise vendors to raise this non-problem.

    On the consumer side, PATA drives were discontinued nearly a decade ago, which was the last well known application of those "nasty" words.

    Any time you see someone going on about how arcane xyz minutiae is oppressive to whomever - and that person is not a member of the oppressed group they are supposedly defending - you can rest assured that they are pulling the wool over your eyes about something else.

    Similar to how Wells Fargo and other giant financial corporations now funds LGBTQ+ right parades so now we can forget ever holding them accountable for any of their numerous crimes. I'm not sure which is worse, that they try it or that people fall for it. Funding a pride parade cost's what, $200,000 at most? And they make billions of dollars a year, to say nothing of their vast reserves of wealth.

    There's a sort of fractal dysfunction here - not only do people fall for transparent red herrings and obvious bait, but they bait itself is pathetically minuscule. Imagine that you have pretty much the entire working and middle classes ready to go Pol Pot on bankers, and you refuse to cooperate with the other side of the aisle against the bigger threat because they give 1/10,000th of their wealth to purely performative affirmations of your lifestyle which in no way materially benefit you. It's much easier to deal with society not affirming your beliefs and lifestyles when you own a home, a vehicle, and have no debt; but noooo~, the banks say populism is the devil! Now donate to the DNC and Pokemon-Go to the polls so we can invade Iran and continue to plunder America for shit to sell to China.
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