Posted on 18-12-26, 02:41 in Board feature requests/suggestions
Post: #1 of 5
Since: 12-26-18

Last post: 1857 days
Last view: 1837 days

my name in the footer is outdated, not that it entirely matters

also, nice vintage ABXD there :P
Posted on 18-12-27, 03:39 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #2 of 5
Since: 12-26-18

Last post: 1857 days
Last view: 1837 days
Posted by wareya
Shadow DOM Version 0 was never supposed to land in browsers except behind super ultra experimental settings, it working in Chrome by default was a serious mistake and Youtube of all things using it is doubly/triply a mistake.

reminds me of that thing I read about Microsoft Office, how it crushed competition by using undocumented Windows APIs that were faster than the 'official', documented way, so their product would be faster than any competitor could be.

might not be the same intent here, but it reminds me of that regardless.

also re: making your own browser

the sheer amount of time and effort it would take to implement most of HTML5, let alone keep up with the forced march of progress for the sake of progress, restricts that market to actors who can muster a large workforce. such actors are companies and have incentive to be rentable. so basically, the current web is within the death grip of capitalism.

I have this idea for an alternate web instead, where we'd keep things simple instead of having everything be a behemoth. small but functional subset of HTML5 and JS. just enough that you can do things without feeling overly prehistorical and without turning into a Hipsterscript shitfest. and, of course, making your own browser would be attainable if you can codez0rz.

Posted on 19-04-14, 12:35 in Dear modern UXtards...
Post: #3 of 5
Since: 12-26-18

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and atleast the adblock-cockblocking code is plain obvious

with more high-profile websites you'll be looking at multi-kilobyte 'minified' (read: obfuscated) JS blobs instead, so good luck finding out what's going on

(if your assets are so big that minifying gives a significant size change, you're doing it wrong anyway)

I recall someone having similar code in their website, and I even came up with a GreaseMonkey script to counter it

but a while later they were confronted on GBAtemp for this, and, after throwing a fit, finally removed the cockblocker
Posted on 19-05-13, 20:36 in Anticipating near future [politics]
Post: #4 of 5
Since: 12-26-18

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Posted by Vladiskovwashere
or think that being 3000%gay and bumping feminism everywhere is fine and showing dancing guy in thongs to children and old ladies making out in the open (instead of that in their homes, or secluded/private places on parks ;D) doesn't going to blow back on your face in a few generations.

trans person here

this can read as 'being gay is baaaad' so I hope that's not what you intended there
Posted on 19-12-18, 23:37 in Anticipating near future [politics] (revision 2)
Post: #5 of 5
Since: 12-26-18

Last post: 1857 days
Last view: 1837 days
Posted by mnk
So on an irrelevant note: being gay is neutral. Believing being transgendered (as opposed to transsexual - genetic accidents and birth defects happen) being different than believing to be Napoleon is very bad.

hello transphobe, please get fucked with something hard and spikey. also: you are completely wrong about all of this, but I know you are just going to ego-trip and keep going around with your dick in your mouth, like all transphobes on the internet.

not too surprised seeing this board.

regardless, I reported that to the staff.
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