Post: #1 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Have been trying to decide if I want to move away from Windows for a while, and though I'll still probably have a Win7 desktop for game things, for traveling computers and more business-oriented work it's looking more and more like Windows isn't the solution, but the problem.
Posted on 18-11-28, 04:11 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #2 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Posted by KoiMaxx
Posted by creaothceann
I'll believe it when they get recordings that prove the absence of a bear suit.

But isn't the absence of proof the proof of absence itself? :D j/k

Yeah, it's hard when there is no solid evidence either way.
Posted by creaothceann

Comparison of FC2 vs FC5

I was watching it for a while when I read the description where it mentioned FC5 being shown before FC2. So FC2 actually had better realism?

Yeah... kinda sad to see that. Especially from the same company - you would figure they'd just port the tech forward, but I guess not?
Posted on 18-12-03, 18:25 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #3 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Can something that's less than a decade old be a classic?
Posted on 18-12-06, 16:05 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #4 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Posted by CaptainJistuce
Posted by james4591

I guess it's official, men are better at being women than women.
It stands to reason. We're better than women at everything else, there's no reason we SHOULDN'T be better at being women.

And I'm getting flamed into ashes in five...

Hope y'all are joking but I suspect you're not. -_-
Posted on 18-12-22, 20:18 in Something about cheese! (revision 3)

Post: #5 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Posted by james4591
From what I know about Japan, the modern population has put what happened during WW2 behind them. "The past is in the past" philosophy. It was a bad time, but it's in the past. No need to dwell on it. No modern Japanese participated in the conflicts, so it's not their concern. The older generations still tell the stories, but they too have moved on and gotten on with their lives. The American print of Shonen Jump did an article on it about a decade or so ago.

As it turns out, the people who benefit the most from "the past is in the past" are always the dominant group. History is weaponized via forgetfulness, via traditionalist thought and nostalgia for an age that never existed.

You blaming those who are younger than you is very clearly a sign of your own traditionalist thinking, as if using a rotary phone has anything to do with being a functional member of society today.

Watch this:

Posted by DonJon
Well I disagree. I think countries should teach their own history, including and especially the darker parts of it. As far as I read, Japanese war crimes, like the rape of Nanking or unit 731's experiments and killings, are not really taught in Japanese schools like Germany teaches its own ww2 crimes extensively. To say, 'well I wasn't born,it's got nothing to do with me those were just my ancestors' is a way to weasel oneself out of the reality of history as the descendants of victims are still affected even today.

If nothing else, politically speaking, things like the Nanking Massacre denial is not doing any good for Sino-Japanese relations.

Japan was and is a deeply racist, deeply sexist nation, and a big part of that likely comes from their education system sugar-coating history for people. For some, "you can't know what you don't know" holds true, simply because it's very likely a history they were never made aware of. It's one of the most insulated nations and their own policies attempt to ensure that remains true into the foreseeable future.
Posted on 18-12-24, 11:24 in Something about cheese! (revision 2)

Post: #6 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Posted by CaptainJistuce
America is pretty hit-and-miss on our owning up to our mistakes.
History classes go out of their way to remind us of how poorly we treated the indians as the nation expanded across the continent, and actually OVER-compensate and paint the civil war as being entirely and 100% exclusively about slavery(it was definitely the issue everyone could agree on, but not at all the only one).
But on the other hand most americans have no idea that, just as an example, we forcibly relocated japanese-americans to concentration camps during WW2. I grant that WW2 is also around where our US history classes start running out of time and shift into fast-forward, but IT IS KIND OF IMPORTANT.

I'd really prefer if they would start students in US high schools with Zinn's A People's History of the United States, but that's probably too much to ask.

One can safely assume the US government has no interest in empowering its people, given those currently running it.
Posted on 18-12-25, 20:06 in Happy holidays!

Post: #7 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Happy today y'all
Posted on 19-01-01, 11:53 in Happy new year

Post: #8 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Happy new year y'all

Post: #9 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Ah, was wondering what happened. Good to know.

Great to see the new bsnes, really enjoying it!

Post: #10 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Are there ways to use Retroarch cores aside from Retroarch? I pretty much only use it for the PSX emulation since it seems to have the most accurate sound emulation I've been able to find. Not a fan of the GUI, it's a pain to use.

Post: #11 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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Anyone here tried Win10 LTSB or LTSC?
Posted on 19-05-24, 13:46 in Something about cheese!

Post: #12 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

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There's plenty of problems with standardized testing, and there's nothing that's all that "fair" about them, aside from the fact that most take / receive them.

Post: #13 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

Last post: 1969 days
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Am considering purchasing a PC to essentially act as a local server to files I have and am looking for recommendations.

Post: #14 of 14
Since: 11-15-18

Last post: 1969 days
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Thanks all for the advice. Lots of stuff to consider.
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