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Posted on 21-05-05, 12:40 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 2)

Post: #941 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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We're in Weirdest Timeline Ever, so here is one of the few good things coming out of COVID-19: a new Touhou game is getting a same-day launch on both physical AND Steam, for the first time EVER (since there will be no Reitaisai or Comiket for quite some time to come, thanks to China Pest):

ZUN is desperate for beer, it seems.

Anyway, onto the new girls! Here is the definitive Class of '21:

- Catgirl! (with money, even!)
- Yorihime 2 Weed smonking dragon (because Yachie was feeling lonely)
- CoD/fintech kappa
- The girl where Cake gets her shiny glass beads
- Foxgirl! (Touhou was seriously due for a new one, leaving aside the manga one-offs)
- Blue Aya
- ZUN doing hard drugs instead of beer (poor Hecatia...) RGB girl, because what Touhou was lacking all these years was a Gamer Grade™ boss!
- EXTRA STAGE: Minecraft, the 2hu (Oh, and she eats dragons. Poor Yachie...)

Oh, and the whole card system, because that's the rage on videogames nowadays. Bring on the pr0n!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-05-09, 00:14 in CGA or Hercules?

Post: #942 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Also, I remember having read about being internal opposition against the PC inside IBM ranks, as they made their mainframes were their bread and butter back then. Some inside IBM really wanted it to fail, hence some of the questionable engineering decisions on the PC design.

Tangential question: How do newest GPUs (without 2D guts at all?) like a $UNLIMITED_MONEY RTX3080Ti deal with DOS-era graphics?

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Post: #943 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by tomman
Kernel 5.10 (which is now available for us Debian Stable plebs via the magic of buster-backports) breaks TRIM on NTFS partitions mounted via ntfs-3g (what else?):

Aaaaand this bug got squashed upstream. For 5.10, you want kernel 5.10.24 at the very least, which thankfully is now shipping on Debian (linux-image-5.10.0-0.bpo.5).

We now return to our scheduled programming of using filesystems on environments they weren't meant for.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-05-12, 16:17 in bsnes for BeOS 5 inc. src (revision 1)

Post: #944 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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If that's your case, unfortunately you're looking for something that does not exist: a port of THE bsnes we use and love was never made to BeOS, as the latter predates the former, and when the first bsnes beta build hit the road, BeOS was long dead commercially.

You may be looking for the Haiku port insteaad, which DOES exist... but only as a RetroArch/libretro core.

EDIT: Final retail BeOS release (R5) was in March 2000, while development on bsnes started on October 2004... over 4 years later, and only for Windows (IIRC), initially. Aside of the libretro core Haiku port, I'm not aware of any known attempt to port bsnes to BeOS.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-05-18, 14:04 in bsnes for Windows 98? (revision 1)

Post: #945 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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For a retrobox, stick to retrosoftware.

While you could run Linux on that Prescott-based Celeron (which is not a good pick for performance-oriented emulators), you will run very tight on the RAM side (even lightweight distros aren't that great nowadays due mostly to software bloat everywhere), and bsnes most likely will run like crap there.

And I say this as a guy that still keeps an ol' Northwood for once-in-a-while Genesis emulation (but using an emulator suitable for toasters, like PicoDrive or Kega Fusion, not the good stuff like BlastEm)

bsnes/higan are in a whole different league, so your use case (running bsnes on an ancient Celeron) is more like to compete in a modern Formula 1 race with a 1993-spec Minardi - not a great car even back then, and a terrible car today.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-05-18, 19:47 in bsnes for Windows 98?

Post: #946 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by creaothceann
Posted by daman
Celeron [...] Win 9x [...] game boy

Does nocash still sell license keys for that?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-05-25, 16:40 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #947 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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One of the few good things to come out of China Pest™: you can now rent your own private jet... for the cost of a standard cattle-class airfare! And on a Emirates plane, no less~

"This 777 is just for you!"

It can't get better than this... well, it could: maybe if it were the elusive private A380 jet...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-02, 00:38 in bsnes for Windows 98?

Post: #948 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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VirtualBox never had host compatibility for Win9x at all, and only features very limited guest compatibility (read: it sucks - for starters InnoTek/Sun/Orrible never made video drivers for the emulated videocard, and the best you can get is VESA using something like VBEMP, which means no 2D acceleration at all which is kinda critical for emulators) for Win9x VMs. So... uh, nope. But if you're feeling masochist, you may want to push your luck with some real ancient Connectix (yes, pre-MS acquisition) Virtual PC build, although I'm not even sure if those had any kind of support for XP guests (maybe W2000?). Oh, and performance will suck, mainly due to the lack of hardware-assisted virtualization.

Unfortunately no emulator which supports TRUE SGB emulation will run at all on Win95/98/Me, or at any acceptable speed under XP/Linux on a Northwood/Prescott-era Celeron. And I wouldn't run ancient versions of emulators (except maybe for nostalgia reasons) if you care about emulation accuracy.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-02, 18:13 in bsnes for Windows 98? (revision 2)

Post: #949 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by daman
But, running XP on Virtualbox on win 98 is even slower than running XP alone.

Uh, did you read my post? VirtualBox will NOT RUN on 9x hosts! Virtual PC (which is another product by another developer) will, but of course it will be SLOW (due to no hardware virtualization on those ancient platforms, among other limitations), basically unusable... and that's assuming XP will even boot on 9x-compatible Virtual PC versions! UPDATE: VPC 4.0 is the only version that supports 9x hosts... and only on Windows Me, and XP is not supported neither as a host nor guest, so nope, BAD END.

So... don't do it. If your goal is legit SGB emulation (especially with bsnes) on ancient Celerons running Windows 98, desist. You've reached a dead end. Stick to SGB borders on suitable GameBoy emulators that can run on that thing, and use bsnes on newer gear, like something with a Core-series CPU.

Or wait until nocash revives NO$SNS (not updated since 2016!), and decides to merge it with NO$GMB (which hasn't been updated in nearly 20 years!), then add SGB support to those... THEN that would be your best bet for retroboxes (as his emulators are tailored for very obsolete hardware/OS combos). Unfortunately the chances of that happening are pretty much ZERO. And you want bsnes anyway, so...

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Posted on 21-06-03, 02:48 in bsnes for Windows 98?

Post: #950 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by NTI
This thread is gradually reaching a point where it's becoming a good candidate to preserve for posterity alongside these ones. Please, don't stop guys.

Nah, needs moar math. And MS Paint charts.

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Posted on 21-06-05, 20:06 in (Mis)adventures on Debian ((old)stable|testing|aghmyballs) (revision 1)

Post: #951 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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So today I went to update code from some random Giggityhub repo, just to met this:
fatal: unable to access '':Failed sending HTTP2 data

A quick search unveiled the perils of sourcing your updates from Backports:
Unfortunately the relevant bug report has been sitting dormant for nearly 2 months:

If you're still on Buster, the solution here is to downgrade the version from buster-backports to buster:
sudo apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls=7.64.0-4+deb10u2

This is the very same curl version that as of now will ship on the next Debian stable. "Can't clone Git repos" looks like a big fat release blocker issue to me, IMO. Someone suggested that this is a upstream bug, and a fix is now available on the next minor version, 7.76. But as we're in the middle of the ice age, this unfortunately looks like a no-go there :/

And libcurl3-gnutls is a hard dependency for like half of my desktop setup, so you can't just get rid of it (there are alternate implementations of SSL support, aside of curl). WTF Debian. And WTF curl!?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-05, 20:09 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #952 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Another day, another shipwreck by the Highly Paid UXtarded art school dropouts at Moz://a.

They changed the UI. AGAIN. Workflows were broken, eyesights were impaired, threats to defect to Googleborg were issued, etc. In the meanwhile, if you still must use Firefucked for whatever reason, disable Proton with browser.proton.enabled = false, but remember, it's a pref for advanced users only, and since Moz://a doesn't want advanced users anymore, said pref will be gone for the next major release. Hope you love taskbar-shaped tabs.

I'm growing too old for this shit, guys.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #953 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Oh, if pulling stuff from backports, watch out for this too:

FFS Debian, it's not even your first rodeo!

(hold onto libglvnd and friends for a while)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-07, 14:48 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #954 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by creaothceann
Arguing against the dev, never gets old (unless you're the dev)

Butbutbut I need bsnes on my celery running Windows 98!!!

Unsolicited anecdotal data: The 3.06GHz Northwood on my IBM TV box handles Sega Genesis just fine... on PicoDrive and Kega Fusion, which we all know have lost the accuracy crown years ago (well, PicoDrive never aimed for it, but for performance on underpowered junk). Haven't tried the good stuff (read: BlastEm) on it (should be fun). I certainly wouldn't try SNES there as I wouldn't accept anything below bsnes quality. And stuff like Dolphin or Mupen64Plus is riiiiight OUT of the question, that's what I have my T7200/i5-2450M for. So yeah, old hardware is fine for the lulz, not for performance quests.

But hey, if "flawless 5FPS slideshows" or "I don't care about half of the graphics being broken because I only run pirated ROMs of the 3 popular games for systems I've never played in first person, so I don't know how they're supposed to look!" count as "it runs perfectly", hey, more power to you.

(Also I would love to live at those places where "Pentium 4s are free", really - in Soviet Venezuela, people still have to pay money for obsolete junk! - last time I bothered checking, people were asking for $50 for garbage-tier Socket 775 Prescott systems, and even Core 2 Duos still go for good money in the land where Ryzens and ARM toys are like alien technology from outer space)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-10, 01:11 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #955 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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The future for the biggest passenger jumbo jet ever is stalled:

While the 747 will be hauling cargo 'till the last one rusts down to the bones (and even beyond! - ask Iran), the A380 is doomed to become soda cans (and fancy collectibles for avgeeks) too soon. Serious design flaws (terribad wing, four obsolete gas-guzzling engines) precludes those fat Eurobirds from entering their golden years as cargo planes (remember: the A380F never left the drawing board). To date, at least 4 have already met their fate with the scrapyard... Hell, Concordes managed to survive far longer than that!

Too bad I'll never fly one, I guess :(

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-14, 22:44 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 2)

Post: #956 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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The latest forge to embrace the Google WebComponents® craze: Gitlab.

Starting today (?) their entire site is broken for us Seamonkey users because they deployed some Google WebComponents®-enabled third party lib update. Now I can't:

- browse files
- view files
- search for issues
- use their editors
- do anything at all with their bloaty site

Welcome to the SHITLIST, GiggityLab!

UPDATE: also broken on Waterfox Classic (and most likely in The Browser That Shall Not Be Named). One of the SM leads even chimed in for all of us:
24 hours later there is still no reply (not even a "CLOSED WONTFIX INSTALLCHROME HEALTHYECOSYSTEM NOLONGERWELCOMEHERE"!), just as expected.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-06-14, 23:23 in I still HATE smartdevices

Post: #957 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Before I lose my cellphone again, it's time to backup stuff other than just photos and some applications. Yeah, time to backup my precious phonebook and years of text messages! In the dark ages of dumbphones, it often involved using bloaty OEM-specific "PC suites" (which naturally didn't worked on anything but Windows PCs), unobtanium data cables, and a couple of virgin sacrifices. Some goat blood also helped. Sometimes.

But we're now on smartdevices, we can do better than that, right? RIGHT?! Not so much: see, since these are Internet-dependent devices (rather than just Internet-enabled), Google insists that you should really add your Google account to the device, so you can enjoy free and easy backups in The Clown™ (where they can share them freely with the NSA/FBI/CIA/CCP/KGB/FSB/Zuck/Jeff Bezos' secretary, but not with you!). Of course that's not happening in this house. Instead, that's what I had to do:

- Contacts: Surprisingly easy - AlcatelTCL's default dialer/contacts app can import and export your contacts to bog standard .VCF files - it even supports exporting them to the SD card - a couple of taps and you're done.

- SMS: UGH. Painful. But that's because F-Droid mostly failed on me:
* SMS Backup+: It can only backup to The Clown™, that is, GMail... or a custom IMAP server, something I'm not in the mood to setup.
* SMS Gate: Should be renamed to Hang Gate, because that's the only thing this app can do well: hanging. And even when you manage to get a backup started, it will insist into dumping each and every SMS to separate text files. Thousands of small text files. On your slow-as-molasses SD card. Nooooooooope.
* Epistolaire: The only one that does something! It can dump your messages to a single JSON blob (in my case, ~1MB for ~2500 texts), and it even offers a companion Python script to convert that to human-readable HTML. Too bad it can't import them back should you get a new phone/factory reset your current device, and it offers absolutely zero configuration options (for example: where to locate the backup!).

If we look outside F-Droid, a Google search turns out to be mostly useless too, but over half of those shitty Android blogs recommend using this bloaty adware crapp, which surprisingly does the job (it can also dump call logs too), and can even RESTORE your texts to a new device too. Unfortunately their XML backup viewer is online only (although it works entirely client-side, I checked).

tl;dr: I ended using both Epistolaire and SMS Backup & Restore - both suck in their own ways, but at least I've got my precious texts saved, despite assholes like Moxie insisting that "message backups are a liability and not a feature".

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Posted on 21-06-28, 05:16 in Near (revision 1)

Post: #958 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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It's even on HN:

...Damn, I have no words about this. I'm coming from a 6-hour city-wide blackout just to learn this.

It's miserable how some parts of mankind love watching the world burn. In the meanwhile, mankind overall has lost another misunderstood genius. Truly horrible, I have nothing else to say.

UPDATE: Oh man, didn't knew his lifetime dream was now a thing:
This only makes the whole situation even more painful...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-07-01, 23:38 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #959 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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JustOff's GiggityHub unfucker addon added support for GiggityLab, and only because the Seamonkey devs are trapped there :/

But in less miserable news, Seamonkey 2.53.8 just shipped yesterday, so GO GO GO!

...unless you use email, in which case you might want to hold a bit for

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 21-07-02, 23:06 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #960 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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No exorcism will fix that plane's biggest problem: it's a Boeing Screamliner

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