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Post: #501 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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I guess I'll have to take a look on that someday... but then your current options for 3D accel are:

1) GPU passthrough: not feasible on a laptop, nVidia blob blocks that unless you're paying good money for a Quadro (hacks do exist), and you need to buy a extra video card that you can't use for anything else
2) GPU virtualization: some newer Intel IGPs can do that (GVT-d), but then it implies buying new (and very specific) hardware. Weirdly enough, neither AMD nor nVidia offer something like that yet!
3) VirtGL: Unfortunately it doesn't do D3D yet, which means no Aero, possible troubles with W8/10 desktops, and no Win32 games - OGL workloads should be fine.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-23, 12:31 in Blackouts

Post: #502 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Congratulations, you've just discovered who is behind the Soviet Venezuelan nomenklatura.

Murder those fuckers too, and MAYBE this shithole would stand a chance of recover--- HAHAHAHAHAHA who am I kidding? That would not be "diplomatic". Keep wasting your time with more token gestures, rest of the planet! Who cares about the next Best Korea in the brewery? In the meanwhile, we're still fucked, and fucking between us (not in the sexual meaning, sadly)

Also: have you shooed away your Soviet Venezuelan defector of the day?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-24, 11:23 in Blackouts

Post: #503 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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> but you clearly aren't in prison, or dead

...yet. But then, the commies don't need any excuse to land you at the hole, then "dissapearing" you, just like it happens to dozens of people every day, from those that dare complaining at the ATM line to political dissidents.

Seriously sureanem, you SHOULD move here, instead to believing whatever weirdass bullshit you love to read.
Just wondering, you already know where I am from, but from what weirdass country are you? Not trying to invade your privacy or dox you, but at least I would like to have a point of comparison (I assume you don't live at USA)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #504 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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The broken Steamlaptop has been busted!

Well, it rebooted at first try. Definitely my most clean Debian dist upgrade to date. Sega 32X Optimus graphics still work fine (and the nVidia blob is still causing some kernel bug when turning off discrete graphics - harmless, but still annoying).

Time to clean up, curse Oracle, reinstall VirtualBox, curse Oracle again, figure out if my Project64 ROMs still run on whatever Mupen64Plus build they ship (apparently it's still 2.5.0, so those non-N64 Mario hacks should work), and call it done.

So, for those following the count at home, I'm at 3xBuster and 2xJessie setups here. The Jessie ones will stay there, even past LTS. I can't believe that I first switched to Debian at hone back in 2012, when Wheezy was still in testing. The very same laptops have been upgraded over and over and over (Wheezy->Jessie->Stretch->Buster), and this time, the upgrade went real smooth. Try doing that with Fedora. Or with Windows :P

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-24, 13:51 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #505 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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From the Apple that made cellphones that failed to work as phones if you held them wrong, we present the credit card that you're storing it wrong:

"you're not supposed to store your iCard next to your other cards, in your very expensive leather wallet, or in anything that isn't a Apple-approved credit card sleeve!"

Why in the hell Apple (or anyone that makes electronics and computers) is now on the credit card biz!?
And who in the fuck cares about how a bank card looks?! Look, mine are ugly (half by design because banks aren't in the pocket art paintings business but in the "making money with YOUR money" realm, half by wear-and-tear due to normal use and abuse), but as long as the PoS/ATM can interact with the EMV IC on it, who cares? (example: my last Visa credit card doesn't even have the shiny silvery coating on the embossed numbers and letters, and our debit cards are printed, not embossed or engraved - better write down those numbers on a safe place because they WILL get erased after a few months of use!)

Oh right, Apple users are a special kind of "special" - next thing I'm going to hear are Applecard users suing Verifone or Diebold-Nixdorf because their PoS terminals and ATMs scratched their delicate pure titanium chip contacts on their solid titanium iCards...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-24, 20:10 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #506 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
And I want my cellphone brand FAR AWAY from my saving accounts, thanks.

Meanwhile, in Soviet Russia, birds and corn lands your airplanes:

...I'm amazed that the plane didn't burst into flames - the pilots are some special class of badassery considering that noone died and that nothing became a blazing fireball.

"any river will be our airport for today, hope you brought your swimsuit... and antibiotics!"

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-24, 20:18 in Building Dolphin on Debian Stable: problems! (revision 1)

Post: #507 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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UPDATE: I've moved to Buster, and Dolphin now builds out of the box with only stock Debian deps and compilers (it ships with GCC 8.3, Clang 7, and Qt 5.11).

So yeah, the answer was "upgrade your distro, buddy" since the very beginning. Buster is still not THAT stale yet, so the advice is still valid.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-24, 20:37 in N64 emulators vs. "PJ64 v1.x" emulators

Post: #508 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
This site (literally the first Google Search result for "super mario 64 rom hacks hardware compatibility") nicely recaps what's wrong with all those broken SM64 hacks that won't work on console (or less broken emulators), alongside with solutions:

Most of them are easy fixes, so someone could come up with an automated patcher. However, there is one (the SetCombine one) that requires some manual intervention, and therefore should be performed by the ROM hacker him/herself.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #509 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
So yeah, something broke. On this very last laptop, notifications stopped working on MATE.

I noticed because I downloaded a file, and instead of the fancy MATE notification, I got a horrible plain unstyled XUL notification from Seamonkey. Checked with the MATE notification settings... just to get a hang, and after a while, a DBus error!

But on my Dell, notifications work fine, so go figure. Maybe I did uninstalled some seemingly-harmless cruft during post-upgrade cleanup? Both laptops have more or less the same packages. Checked the install of mate-notification-daemon, and it was fine. Tried manually invoking the daemon (which lives at /usr/lib/mate-notification-daemon/mate-notification-daemon), and notifications worked for a while... but then the daemon exits after a few seconds of inactivity or so, because it's supposed to be invoked on the fly via DBus. Once it exits, notifications stop working.

Long short story: I have both MATE and KDE installed. I rarely use KDE these days because Plasma 5 is a terminal cancer, and it's too bloated for my older Dell anyway. Both ship with DBus service files for their respective notification daemons (org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service / org.freedesktop.mate.Notifications.service). Turns out that notifications have been working for me by sheer luck all these years, but my luck just ran out, as when DBus finds several providers for the same service, it will pick the first it finds (and not necessarily the newest one it finds, unlike what some people claim that the docs say - this poor guy had the same problem as me but on Fedora). There is a easy way to check who will win on your specific setup:

tomman@himawari:/usr/share/dbus-1/services$ grep -RI 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service:Exec=/usr/bin/plasma_waitforname org.freedesktop.Notifications

Ol' Dell:
tomman@tomman-lp-c2:~$ grep -R 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service:Exec=/usr/bin/plasma_waitforname org.freedesktop.Notifications

grep doesn't seem to care about alphabetical order or file dates - timestamps are consistent across both laptops, since they're both using stock Debian packages:
tomman@tomman-lp-c2:/usr/share/dbus-1/services$ ls -l *Notifications*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115 ene 9 2019 org.freedesktop.mate.Notifications.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 feb 13 2019 org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service

tomman@himawari:/usr/share/dbus-1/services$ ls -l *Notifications*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115 ene 9 2019 org.freedesktop.mate.Notifications.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 feb 13 2019 org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service

...yet on this Asus, the Plasma provider wins. And it starts. And it sits there, frozen. And eventually DBus times out and vomits a completely user-unfriendly error message, and leaves me with a hung notifications daemon and no notifications at all.

Technically the blame lies on MATE, as they refuse to obey the DBus specs and just keep their daemon running session-wide so DBus doesn't have to play the mailman game, ringing doors until it finds someone willing to receive the package. I guess I could go ahead and delete the Plasma notification provider... but on this Asus I actually use KDE once in a blue moon. Or figure out a way to make DBus (and grep and anyone else that only cares about the order in which files were created into the filesystem) to always pick the MATE notification service first...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #510 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
ls -U shows that the MATE provider was created first, yet both grep and DBus pick the Plasma entry!

However, moving the file org.kde.plasma.Notifications.service to org.kde5.plasma.Notifications.service actually changes everything:

tomman@himawari:/usr/share/dbus-1/services$ grep -RI 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde5.plasma.Notifications.service:Exec=/usr/bin/plasma_waitforname org.freedesktop.Notifications

In this case, the MATE provider is seen first, and indeed DBus invokes the MATE provider whenever someones wants to notify something.

WTF Loonix?!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-25, 16:28 in N64 emulators vs. "PJ64 v1.x" emulators (revision 1)

Post: #511 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
...too bad the average ROM hacker answer to all this headache is something like the following:

It's not worth putting the time and effort into updating all of our tools and figuring out how to run hacks on console, likely adding new limitations

Good luck having people run your hacks in 2031, when there are no computers capable to run Project64 1.x outside emulation, and all emus the average user can find are -God forbid- accuracy-focused projects!

But then, it's August 2019, and people are still disregarding those concerns because "hardware is expensive" (it isn't unless you live in a dumpster like my country) and "you're getting this for free so don't bitch" (the fact noone can run your game is a proof that even "free" can be expensive), so I guess that there is a chance for the SM64 ROM hacking scene to implode and start over...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-26, 13:20 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #512 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Because the Javascript kool kids can't stop pissing themselves, here is your Daily NPM Fail:

Coming soon: adblockers for NPM, now with selectable leftpad libraries!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-26, 17:07 in Leaked Super Mario 64 Decompiled Source

Post: #513 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
It's now official, go clone your gits:

You need to bring your own retail SM64 ROM for asset extraction, and the Linux distro of your choice.

I sincerely HOPE that with this, we can actually get ROM hackers to leave the "PJ64 unconsole" well behind, and easily produce hardware-compatible ROM hacks (or even original games!). But then, I guess this also implies getting tool developers to actually care and come up with better tools. Either way, now Mario has the keys to the realm :D

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-26, 21:16 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #514 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Seamonkey master race™

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-28, 17:39 in Misc. software

Post: #515 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Next time you forgot your computer passwords, this guy has your lifesaver ready here:

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-29, 01:09 in [Famicom]Konami QT Adapter finally emulated

Post: #516 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by byuu
it would not be a nice thing to emulate Pier Solar in higan.

Why not?

Is there really only the moral aspect to this? Would like to know why most emudevs run away from the idea of emulating a game that you can't readily buy in its original format right now (but for which there is a "HD" remake version being sold in Steam -among other recent consoles-, which I bought years ago because it has a native Linux version)

FWIW, only PicoDrive somewhat emulates the custom mapper (of which most of it seems to be antipiracy protection) for Pier Solar.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-29, 12:43 in [Famicom]Konami QT Adapter finally emulated

Post: #517 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by Nicholas Steel
Because it would be a slippery slope to implement support for 1 unlicensed game? People would then ask why there's no official support for the other unlicensed games...

That usually would be byuu's case, or anyone else trying to stick solely to licensed hardware.

But outside of higan, Pier Solar is not your typical unlicensed game. The game is/was being still sold, and most of its crew are well known members among the Sega scene in general. Some emudevs have refrained from implementing support for this custom mapper out of respect to the devs, as I understand it. But then, a game is a game and should be preserved (and those Pier Solar carts have known design flaws that could cause premature hardware death due to the usual 3V/5V ROM interfacing without using proper level shifters). So it seems it all boils down to a moral issue (conflict of interest?) rather than a "Licensed Hardware® only, sorry".

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-29, 18:22 in Computer Hardware News

Post: #518 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Unfortunately people still believe that repair is useless, and when it breaks you should go and buy a new device because it's convenient to empty your bank account every time your $1000 cellphone needs a new battery, or when your washing machine starts leaking water.

Also, people that comes from failed nations (communism, etc) tends to associate "repair" with trauma (repair the same things one zillion times, etc.), which is also obviously wrong.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have this:
Too bad being "green" and "politically safe" involves yesterday specs with prices of tomorrow :/

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-08-30, 01:13 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #519 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
From the guy that brought you classics like HNIW and "what this molecule needs are more nitros", here comes a new entry because let's be frank, Derek Lowe's alterego is too busy nitrating all the nitros:

"YO DAWG I herd u liek nitros so we put a BOOM in your BANG!"

Also, it's quite hilarious that one of those molecule structures can be literally read as "O-NO!". Yes, that's what you will be screaming if you ever had to work with those structures that came straight from Hell. Good ol' TNT? Nah, that's EASY MODO. And everybody knows that only kids play at easy modo, right?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-09-02, 13:15 in I still HATE smartdevices (revision 1)

Post: #520 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Fuck WhatsApp and its Suckerborg overlord!

I've tried to keep interactions with this absolutely awful proprietary "messaging" blob down to a minimum (basically: install it on devices that are not mine, and that's all). But then, since the world, my country, and everybody I know IRL is either a moron or is force-influenced by other morons to fall into the network effect, I've found my sanity increasingly questioned by this fucking crapp lately.

$MOM interactions with the crapp are of the latter (her friends pretty much force-installed the crapp, and now she has to use it to talk to family and friends, partly because our phone service is still dead forever, but also because said friends and family conveniently don't want to know better). She barely knows how to type messages (and she gets constantly annoyed by Google's keyboard trying to outsmart her) - anything else involves a very angry call of service to me (for example: attaching pictures, which is an completely non-intuitive task on a crapp where "text after icons" is a taboo UI design cue). So yeah, you can say WhatsApp is helping to destroy this family too (no joking there, sadly, for many reasons)

Reminder: you don't own your text messages on WhatsApp, no matter what they claim about noone else being able to spy on your inane talks.

This fact just bite very hard one of my uncles, which is currently involved in a quite nasty case with his former girlfriend (he lived with the girl for nearly a decade, never married, the bitch pretty much sucked him dry, and recently the girl cheated on him, fled and took with her pretty much everything that wasn't nailed to the floor, then as the icing on the cake, started spreading fake news about him. Pretty much ordinary stuff, straight from any soap opera). He was required to commit evidence of his Whatsapp interactions with this women to The Law™, so he had two options:

- Surrender his cellphone. We all knows what would be the outcome (the phone is stolen "seized forever" by the authorities), even more when we consider that the involved device is a last year's flagship (a Samturd Galaxy S9+)
- The guy is a lawyer, so he found a loophole of sorts that allows him to just provide the Whatsapp-sent media and conversation logs burned on ol' fashioned optical disc media (in this case, a CD-R), so that's the way he choose.

I must give SOME (but not much!) credit to Whatsapp: the media is neatly organized by date - every sent/received file is neatly timestamped on the filename, and even voice messages (which are saved to Opus) are weirdly sorted by week of the year. Piece of cake it was to make some folders by month, and drop the matching files required for the case.

Not so much for the actual conversations. Remember, you don't own your chat history. It's conveniently "protected for your safety". Sure, there is an user-accessible backup blob (a .crypt12 file), but it's crypted, and while the key is on your device, YOU ARE BARRED FROM ACCESSING IT BECAUSE YOU DON'T OWN YOUR FUCKING MESSAGES! Once again, here are your options, all of them awful:

- Root the phone. Not an option here for obvious reasons!
- Hope the phone has an hopelessly old Whatscrapp version installed (one that uses .crypt5 files for which decryption methods do exist that don't involve having access to the key). Yeah, right...
- Use this outdated script, which involves replacing the installed Whatscrap blob with one of said outdated versions. Unfortunately it won't work with newer phones (i.e. anything running Android 7 and later - this Samturd runs 9) due to -you guessed it!- moar sekuritah.
- Pay ransom to a bunch of Soviets that claim to have a forensic method to pull your messages out of your phone.
- Screenshots. Yes, really. Be glad that Farcebook isn't DRM'ing the screenshot feature on your phone just yet! Oh, this also mean you have to make hundreds of screenshots, depending on how large are your logs and your device screen (and in the case of man-women interactions when they're in love, they WILL be large)

Suffice to say, the guy spent nearly half a day screenshotting his exchanges with her now-former (and in the lam) GF. Not fun, and it doesn't help emotions of a broken relationship. AT ALL. But that's Whatscrapp for you.

Did I mentioned that Whatscrapp was the reason BlackBerries finally died over here? (and why the last BB holdovers cried when Farcebook finally shut down the BB version two years ago). Yeah, jumping from the pan into the bonfire, that's how you get communism!

BTW: Samturd phones are absurdly confusing for no good reason at all. Please explain to me why people yearly drop $1K over those shiny turds whith a completely alien UI layer over Android, full of bloatware (why in the hell anyone would need Bixby in Soviet Venezuela?!), and with an stupid curved "edge" display with rounded corners?! My ZTE is a turd on its own merits, but Samturds are a special class of shit on its own.

Man, I can't wait to get my good ol' RAZR fixed so I can drop off this madness! Fuck mobile payments, I WANT MY SANITY BACK!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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