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Posted on 19-05-14, 18:32 in Cellphone software preservation

Post: #321 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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You should assume that if it runs firmware AND works on Licensed Radio Spectrum™, it HAS to be signed. Sometimes it's even a requirement from carriers too. Things like BREW exist for the benefit of the carriers, not for the OEMs themselves (Nokia particularly hated BREW, and this is a reason of why Verizon rarely sold their phones). And then, there is good ol' "protect MUH IP" paranoia.

"RSA" is commonplace. Except for shit-tier garbage Chinese junkphones, all serious OEMs do sign their firmwares, and those phones often have several layers of security for preventing the run of unsigned/modified firmware. But then, most of the times the security is down to the second stage bootloader: compromise that one and you own the phone. Remember the Wii's signing bug? (Trucha) Well, sometimes that second stage bootloader isn't even signed (this is why hacked bootloaders are a thing), but messing with those is very delicate due to the bricking risks. Sometimes you're lucky and you get a chipset with decent anti-brick measures... but most of the times, a stupid, simple error and it's game over.

Here are a couple .dmj samples pulled from my V9x:!19sjCAaJ!SVM0xqseQRSb_lssiks9370F2mTqmX_OaO6rgdwSnRU
Device IMEI and SD card (a 4GB Kingston microSDHC) VFAT volume ID are in the "dump_info" file. The apps are versions 4 and 5 of Opera Mini. All phone-generated files are there, including recordsets (.rms), JAD files, icons, and even the original .JAD download URLs. I've also included the J2MEST file, which seems to be a registry of all installed apps on the memory card.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #322 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Another website-and-logo processor vulnerability. Damn Intel, where is my new, hardware-fixed i9?!

I stopped caring, just like most people out there. It's quite amuse to read that "Disable JavaScript" is a common mitigation strategy nowadays.

Also, I've always knew HT is a bad idea. Never liked the concept (I'll take full cores rather than "not leaving resources idle", please).

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-15, 11:49 in Computer Technology News/Discussion (revision 1)

Post: #323 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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If you're still using that old Thinkpad or Compaq Evo pizzabox that works with nothing but good ol' WinXP... be aware that there is yet another nasty vulnerability doing the rounds out there. But since the words "wormable" and "exploit" are involved, MS has yet again done the unthinkable: release a security patch for XP... in 2019! Remember: XP was EOL'd for good in 2014, but in the wake of the WannaCry disaster, MS had no option but to release a bunch of emergency patches in 2017 for the living zombie of this OS.

This specific vulnerability does hit Remote Desktop / Terminal Server on all Windows versions up to Win7/2K8R2, but surprisingly not Windows 8.x/10. For W7, the patches are now available through the usual WU channels. For XP/2003, you have to source them from Windows Update Catalog. And for Vista... well, fuck you - why in the hell are you still using Vista!? XP has (mostly) legit excuses, at least.

At this point, MS should just grow a pair and un-EOL XP. People is not going to stop using anytime soon, no matter what you try. It was a great OS, and it still has some potential left. But no, that does clash with their Spy Machine of Terrible Performance known as Windows 10.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-17, 01:53 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #324 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Beyond RFC1918: Additional ranges for private use

If you thought 10.x.x.x/172.16.x.x/192.168.x.x was the textbook definition of lame, you have several other reserved IP ranges you should not (ab)use because they were not meant for anything other than its very specific purposes as defined on its relevant RFCs, but that you can go and use it anyway. If you're lucky, you will not hit weird firmware bugs. If you're very unlucky, your firmware is already abusing of one of said ranges anyway (hi ZTE!).

I now feel the urge to migrate my home LAN to TEST-NET-3, if only because I want a IP that does NOT start with an one.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-17, 02:09 in Building Dolphin on Debian Stable: problems!

Post: #325 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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PSA: As of 2019/05/05, with the merge of this pull request, Dolphin is no longer buildable with GCC under Debian Stretch anymore.

You need a C++17 compiler, period. Clang 3.8 does implement some features, but for full support you need Clang 5.0 at the very least. Dunno if Dolphin is still buildable with Clang 3.8, the answer seems to be "ask me later"...

tl;dr: time to update your distro, buddy~

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-17, 16:17 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #326 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Nicholas Steel
Posted by Sintendo
The 1080p CRT monitor John Carmack used during Quake's development comes to mind.

Odd, indeed.
Very cool, I've only ever laid eyes upon a small number of 16x9 CRT TV's.

I've only seen a SINGLE widescreen tube display in my entire life.

It was in 2011, at a department store. Some 24" flat-tube LG TV I wasn't aware it even existed.
Apparently it wasn't for sale, as it was located at the rear of a seldomly-visited section of said store, and it has no price/specs tag or anything that indicated at "we sell TVs here and you can actually buy this one too!".

I should have snagged a photo if it, as I've yet to see another widescreen CRT display.

Posted by sureanem
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Why does Apple have a /8 block? And why did they buy it in 1990, while they were otherwise engaged in simply not going bankrupt?

Weren't they dirt cheap/free back then?

And there was this reckless "this intertubes thing will never catch on, so let's squander /8s away because nobody cares" attitude back then. Why the DoD still holds so many /8s to this date!? (ranges that they will never relinquish control over due to "national sekuritah" BS just because they still store their routing tables on 8" floppies). Why radio hams had to waste a COMPLETE /8 too?! (AMPRnet, Why Ford Motor Company and an insurance company still have assigned /8s!? (I'm sure your Mustang and its insurance policy doesn't have to be in the public Internet). At least I'm glad that GE turned theirs back to the public interest, albeit very late.

Fun fact: when Cloudflare launched their (and its lesser known brother, public DNS servers, they started receiving gigabytes of rubbish at their end, because a whole load of devices were using this (formerly unused) /8. From test packets sent to to home and enterprise routers completely blackholing the entire /8 space because they were unaware that was NOT barred from use in any RFC.

I'm still pondering the switch to TEST-NET-3, seriously.
All I would need is to edit some stuff at my routerbox (the interfaces file, a couple of scripts, and my local BIND zones), change the IP on my AP, and call it a day.
I don't expect breakage from any of my real PCs (even the Windows 95 one, as I suppose that example networks weren't a thing back then), but as for smartdevices...

Remember: "" now resolves to an actual IP.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-18, 16:57 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #327 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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From the Absurdly Bad Ideas department at Mozilla, here comes this:

BinaryAST is the answer from the JavaScript Frat Boys to address a problem they've caused: slow load times of their massive piles of shitty bloated tracking/framework scripts. Because that's totally what we need: less time from 0 to $COMPLETE_CPU_ASSRAPE. Or, another innovative way to screw up with folks using ad/script blockers because total monetization is a core feature of the modern Web that must be protected at all costs!

Who's on board?
- Mozilla (they don't care about their users)
- Facebook (the kings of tracking and bloated messaging apps)
- Bloomberg (you know, the business newspaper you stopped reading years ago when they started abusing of video autoplay and Infiniscroll™)
- Cloudflare (those are the only ones that have a "mostly legit" reason on this, as bandwidth costs them money)

Interesting to not see Google involved on this, but then they would prefer to download an app for that™ on your Android smartdevices, or maybe some Chrome-specific feature.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-18, 23:34 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #328 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Very interesting article analyzing the strenghts of the original PlayStation against its competition of the era.

- PS1 was an all-around well balanced console, easy to develop for, with reasonable CPU muscle and nice looking 3D graphics. Sony got their stuff right at its first try, and this really paid off. But the console was simply not made for 2D games, making the development of those a problem.
- Oh boy, the Saturn... EVERYTHING was wrong with its INSANE hardware design! (Sega's motto: "the cure to all of your performance woes are MOAR PROCESSORS!!!") Yet... it had a saving grace: it was a pixel-pusher 2D powerhouse, to which nothing else was a match in its generation. The dual VDPs sucked for anything BUT raw 2D performance.
- The N64 had plenty of power to spare, as its raw specs could easily mop the floor with its competition. But all that power was useless when Nintendo locked out themselves out of the use of optical media, leading to smaller and more expensive games. But there was a even deeper design flaw that sent its 3D graphics down the shitter: the microscopic 4KB texture cache. WTF, SGI?!!?!?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 02:05 in Cartoons, imported

Post: #329 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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While doing backups and offloading some junk to the "I won't cry that much if this HDD dies" drive, I found some old shorts from the very first Animator Expo organized by Gainax Studio Khara, back in 2014. Soooo... I'm bored, with nothing to do, so let's watch them before I throw them into the trash move them to the junk drive.

I didn't downloaded all of them, but only the following shorts:

- Carnage: At a first glance, it looks like something I would have watched on MTV in the '90s. That's all I will say about this one. NEXT!

- Gensatsu Gundam: Gundams. Done by some guys that are now at Trigger because they love Gundams. Not for me, sorry. NEXT!

- Hill Climb Girl: Sooooo... when is the TV anime premiering? Seriously, I would watch it, a Licensed Tour De France romcom, despite myself having next no interest in cyclist competitions (not even at the Olympics). By far my favorite of the bunch, gotta love that girl' motivation and guts. And about her rival... now that's a interesting way to concede defeat.

- ME! ME! ME!: This Teddyloid music video became viral back then (most of the people coming to watc the Animation Expo shorts most likely did because of this specific short), and for good reasons - this short got its T's and A's straight. Especially its T's. This is the weirdest pornless porn I've seen in quite some time. Your wet otaku dreams became... a true nightmare, and then some! This shit would work great as a VR title. Not exactly my favorite of the bunch, but I guess a little bit of acid does hit the spot...

- Nishiogikubo: Ah, the girl that wakes up to notice that she has turned into a pocket loli cockroach. And her boyfried has a absolute, irrational fear to insects, so he does its best to kill her. Hilarity ensues, amid an awesome demonstration of athletic prowess from our naked damsel-in-distress looking to survive under her newfound insect form, which manages to evade death over and over and over: from a good ol' rolled magazine slap to her own iPhone. Nonstop action from begin to end, so don't miss this one too!

- The Dragon Dentist: "Dragons cry from their teeth". Spoilers: everybody dies. I don't really get the point of this one...

- Until you come to me: An Evangelion AMV. GET THIS JUNK OUT OF MY FACE NAO! N-E-X-T!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 02:51 in I still HATE smartdevices (revision 1)

Post: #330 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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I'll reply this while I reload the software on Mom's Allfucker tablet for the THIRD time this year:

I hope this kill smartdevices for good.

I won't side with either 'murica or "das evil China".

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 03:16 in I still HATE smartdevices (revision 1)

Post: #331 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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So this Alloser tablet creamed its diapers once again.

This time I went EASY MODO, and got some surprising finds:

- You don't need to do a full format on PhoenixSuit, after all - just do a regular upgrade (which in terms of the preloaded apps will be a "downgrade"). This will save A LOT of time since you will not need to reinstall anything, except for upgrading the system apps. Oh, you will have to re-root too, since the /system partition got restored by the update.

- After upgrading GBoard, it will start bitching and moaning because your Google Play Services are OOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!!, so you get no keyboard until those get up to date. The most effective way is to sideload the update, but if you want to go the official way, let your tablet update the Google Play Store app first, THEN use Apps2SD to visit the Google Play Services app page on the store (yes, there is one, and it will not open if your Play app is too old for whatever reason). THEN you will be able to take the update.

- Something is seriously fucked with the final SuperSU release (2.82). More concretely, its APK. I've got the tablet to reliably crash and bootloop if the APK gets integrated to /system, but if I delete it from there, the bootloops and crashes are GONE! I don't even WANT to know why in the hell this shit happens after so long, but at least I've found something. I guess SuperSU will live from now on as an USER app, so no biggie. Once again, too bad there is no TWRP for those Allshitter tablets (none of the ports I found were compatible with the hardware of this noname "e131h" junk), otherwise I would have already installed Magisk on this thing.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 13:07 in I still HATE smartdevices

Post: #333 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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"e131h" is actually the PCB marking on this thing (also referenced in the build.prop file), and the only bit of data that allowed me to find compatible firmware on Bai-duh. This specific speciment was sold as a "Prontotec 10.1", but it's also known as Aoson (the current ROM I'm using, as the original Prontotec ROM is nowhere to be found), among other non-brands.

When plugged to a PC, they identify as whatever name the reseller wanted to put, or simply as "softwinner". SoC is an quadcore A31s. There were only Jelly Bean and KitKat releases for those things, as GPL-violating, anti-consumer Allcrapper never bothered releasing the required sources for Lollipop (they had already moved onto bigger pieces of shit, just like everybody else in the industry). I've seen TWRP ports for other A31-based tablets, but no way to know if they're compatible (usually the release forum threads reference to broken features or another bunch of gotchas, so I'm wary of testing).

If anything, those things are unbrickable and can boot random ROMs from a SD card instead of eMMC (making testing MUCH easier), but once again, I have no interest. I own no smartdevices, and my interaction with those are far from joyful, despite what other nerds may think.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 13:33 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #334 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Go offline then.

Just like my personal site is doing in a week from now on, and noone will care. Neither I - the day I can afford it again, it will be back. Until then, no big deal. What is dead, it's dead.

Ads are not invasive if done right.

Sponsorship is not for everybody, I'll give you that one.

Buttcoin mining is blocked out of PERFORMANCE reasons - it's MY computer, and you have no right to murder my battery life, turn it into a furnace, or simply deadlocking my browser because I dared visiting your minefield of a "website".

Humans are selfish beings, so get over that and MAYBE we will see the light shining at the end of this murky tunnel.

It's time to take back the control of our web browsers, and the Internet in general. Too bad the tech-illiterate dominate the world and simply don't give a damn on their rights to sane personal computing devices, which has led us to this dire situation. Just like politics in general, where a few with ill intentions rule over the herd of empty brains and conformists.

Did I've mentioned how much I hate politics? And they ruined our computers too! (Yes, I take it very personal)

Anyway, to not derail this thread (AGAIN!), I'll just say FUCK MOZILLA MOZ://A.
We DO need faster browsers, but we also need BETTER developers that don't think into $$$ as the first and only reason for everything! Turning JS into fast-downloading binary blobs is NOT the solution, people!

Time to check out the Status Meetings reports from Seamonkey. Wonder if there is hope for a 2.49.5 release this year... or if at least I can suggest WG9S to compile langpacks for his Seamonkey builds (I miss Adrian Kalla's builds, another casualty of Mozilla being Mozilla)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 14:13 in Cartoons, imported (revision 1)

Post: #332 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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Apparently they closed the Animator Expo site sometime in late 2018 (now all you can see is a notice telling that they're moving the contents elsewhere "shortly"). Bummer :/

EDIT: Those shorts are now officially available in Blu-Ray. Also, someone archived the original web contents here... and the torrent has seeds! I guess I'll complete the watch then.

Seriously, muh Hill Climb Girl anime when?!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 16:10 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #335 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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You sound like one of those guys that would battle against the "right to repair" movement because "we lost this war, give up, embrace the suckyness".

Just like my family and friends do, because each time I tell them why modern smartdevices are piles of junk designed to break, they SCREAM at me that I'm a social resent because I'm living in the middle of the worst era in a communist shithole, and the circumstances were more favorable, I would be already using a $1000 Samsung phone with sealed battery and unrootable Android. (BTW: I just has this discussion with two people over here - suffice to say, it didn't ended well).

Let me get this point straight: that's how we got this world fucked up to this point.

One thing is being pragmatic, but another is being a goddamned conformist, accepting the stats quo because "why bother" or "let me live my life". If we're going to accept the world of suck Big Commie Goverment and Silly Valley is trying to impose on us... well, might as well drink poison and end this suffering.

I flatly REFUSE to accept this "new normal", damned be the consequences, because I know well the difference between "tech progress" and "consumeroid". Why in the hell I have to buy a new PC just to get more RAM or swap a CPU?! Why cellphone batteries have to be buried into a sandwich of glass and glue?! And why in the world a web browser has to provide a full blown OS, capable to run native code?! Instead... we get a new iPhone. And buttcoins. And a 1GB Facebook "app".

Too bad we're pretty much alone on this battle. Still, I will stand up, with or without anyone's help.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 17:48 in PSA: The kilogram has been redefined

Post: #336 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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Last view: 3 hours
> You are about to bump an old thread. This is usually a very bad idea. Please think about what you are about to do before you press the Post button.

This time is actually a GOOD idea: as a reminder, the new reference for the kilogram is now active, starting TODAY.

Have you already recalibrated your calibrators?

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 23:34 in Blackouts

Post: #338 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
And now, Visa and MasterCard just got banned over here by the commies, after the Angry Trump threatened both to leave Venezuela:

My maxed-out Visa with its abysmally low credit limit? DEAD.
All of my Maestro-backed debit cards? USELESS.
Online purchases inside our country in our useless currency? NO MORE.

Instead, the fucktards from the Maduro regime are forcing banks to come up with its own payment processing system, because that's so EASY MODO, yessir! Or force people to use mobile pay apps (no smartdevice? no wireless access? FUCK YOU THEN!), or pay-by-fingerprints (yes, really - biometrics are the rage... and I actually like it, but then a single bank does it, and it's no other but the government-owned shittyass excuse of "bank" known as Banco de Venezuela, where the lines never end and the SMS never arrive).

Good luck getting your shit PCI-DSS certified in 60 days. Or for January 2020. Or ever...
Also, have fun getting hundreds of thousands upgrading POS terminals (several flavors of Verifone, Ingenico, PAX, BBPOS), ATMs (Diebold Nixdorf, NCR), internal bank systems, online payment processors, and the like to remove the Visa/MC dependency. And hope you have a fleet of A380s full of fingerprint scanners and fingerprint-based POS terminals to upgrade the entire network in 60 days!

In other news, nobody wants to murder Maduro and its pals yet.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-20, 23:51 in I still HATE smartdevices (revision 3)

Post: #337 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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The world surely hates me, eh?

$UNCLE came visting with a surprise of the nasty kind: a hand-me-down ZTE Maven 3 because he bought a Samturd, all just because $MOM had to tell my family that my Motos are on its last legs.

"Here, it's yours, EMBRACE THE PROGRESS!"


They could have brought food, maybe computer parts or even hard currency, but nope, here in Soviet Venezuela, a cellphone is everything, and without one you might as well be dead. And it has to be smaaaaaaaaart because we can't be assed to use our collective brains for overthrow the commies, no sir, posting shit to Whatsapp is way more important than actual freedom!

The phone is still resting on its cute black AT&T box (yes, it's carrier-branded - the guy used it for a few days while he waited for his Samturd). I have ZERO desire from bringing it out outside its box, but my family will keep pestering me for a while (I already told me specifically that I'm not doing Whatsapp like, EVER - text me or GTFO). Plus, as it was a family gift, I can't really sell this thing without pissing anyone. Oh, and this shit uses micro SIMs, so I can't just slide my ol' fashioned Movistar mini SIM on it.

Ah, it's a Qualcomm device. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
No Mediatek multiplatform fun, just good ol' Qualcomm prorpietary junk with whatever ZTE uses for flashing their phones (which I guess it must be as terrible as Allwinner or all other China OEMs)
There is no TWRP for it, yet. But from what I've heard, there are modified recovery images for rooting with Magisk, although it depends on the ROM version on it, and the procedure is somewhat risky (apparently gray-market Maven 3s are popular over here since the XDA guide was written by a fellow Soviet Venezuelan, despite being a Deathstar-exclusive model). Even worse: you only get a partial root (i.e. no rw access to /system, so no way to debloat carrier crapware) since noone gives a fuck on this model because either it's not a Samsung or it's a Qualcomm phone, or there are plenty of cheaper and more moddable phones out there. Basically, I got your usual turd (a smartdevice) with a extra coating of suck.

The thing has a removable battery, at least. Too bad it's a smartdevice with no buttons, the UXtarded smartdevice disease, Chinese spyware AND double ration of American spyware.

I still don't lose the hope for getting my Motorolas fixed. At least the V9x, since it does UMTS.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-21, 01:20 in I still HATE smartdevices

Post: #339 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by sureanem
Phone but no food. It's like something out of a bad movie or something.

This comes from the country which was the last stronghold for RIM's BlackBerry, once its largest market outside North America (back in 2009, one out of 3 BBs sold in Latam was in Venezuela, while the rest of the world was already leaving in droves to Android or iPhone, Canada included)

In fact you can still find quite a few of those junks still working over here, despite BB having shutdown nearly every service to them, and with next to no 3rd-party app support: Whatsapp killed its BB app two years ago, and the only ones that cried, bitched and moaned were people from this very country. Android had a HARD time breaking BB's iron grip on both carriers and users, and it wasn't until 2013 or so when the Google platform finally overthrow the king (although it was long after the subsidized phone model died thanks to the looming political/economical collapse that hit the country). iPhones were never a contender, initially due to its AT&T exclusivity, and after that ended, limited availability (Movistar and Digitel sold them in very limited quantities, and only after choosing who would own one in a lottery draw due to "high demand") and high price tags ensured that the land of the Sovereign Bolivar would be a (mostly) Apple-free zone. I DO know a few people using iPhones over here, but those are usually Applefags with too much money for buying a phone, but not enough for committing to a Mac lifestyle (despite wishing for one). $FORMER_BOSS was one, but the crisis forced him to stop upgrading after the iPhone 6.

And yes, traditionally, to the average Soviet Venezuelan, "shiny new phone" >>>> basic necessities.
This hasn't changed since prepaid phones became a thing in late '90s, and still persists until today - just ask anyone that sells unlocked phones (Before cellphones it was "a new car every year", but that fad died sometime around late '00s)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-05-21, 01:26 in Cellphone software preservation

Post: #340 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Just for completeness sake, I took a look at the internal P2K filesystem at my V9x.

This phone came with several preloaded apps, among them, Google Maps. I remember having upgraded it OTA sometime around 2012, which means it should have the .dmj DRM crap. And indeed, there was a .dmj file for it. But after copying it back to my PC, to my surprise the .dmj was completely unencrypted - the phone just changed the .jar extension to .dmj!

This could mean that the phone protects OTA downloaded apps only if stored to the SD card - if installed to the internal memory, it's enough to copy and rename, and there is your preserved .jar. Flaw or by design? Noone cares :P

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