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Posted on 19-02-04, 15:53 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 3)

Post: #141 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Wow, didn't expected to found love for Discourse over here.

Mailing lists are for Troo UNIX® Way graybeards (they're AWFUL for anything beyond a few messages). JS-rich message boards where "mobile first" is the paradigm for the next 10 years are for hipsters and people with more money than common sense that values "flashy things" over "getting stuff done". Once again, I find nothing wrong with phpBB and its lookalikes (actually Ikonboard-clones? I don't know what was the first message board package implementing this now-standard layout we're using right now here, but I DO remember Ikonboard was the very first I used, at the now defunct Sega Emulation Forums).

There are oh so many reasons of why I despise Discourse and friends (some already exposed by sureanem on his posts):
- JS abuse, leading to piss-poor performance
- "Mobile-first" AKA "your computer/cellphone is too old for that!"
- Infiniscroll™. In fact, I make sure to NEVER EVER visit Infiniscroll-enabled websites once I learn about their usage of this particularly abusive feature. Some "modern" messageboard solutions do allow to switch between Infiniscroll and pagination... sadly Discourse is NOT one of those.
- Waste of vertical space. ONCE AGAIN, I'M NOT BROWSING YOUR MESSAGE BOARD FROM A GODDAMNED CELLPHONE! If I wanted a smaller viewport (which is someting you actually would want on modern big displays, not on 14" laptop panels), I can use this newfangled feature known as "resizable windows", of which pretty much every Real Computer™ made in the last 30 years is capable of.
- Here are oh-so-many reasons to despise Discourse (make sure to read the entire thread, as it contains important background info), from a well-known former setup (they migrated to NodeBB which is more of the same unusable Javascript abominations, although the project lead devs aren't as assholes as Jeff Atwood; still I won't be registering an account there anytime soon unless they decide to switch again to a saner message board solution -I've been a lurker since their Community Server era, which was buggier than a Windows Me setup- but given the topic of that site, having a broken unusable message board is part of the charm... sadly they went over the top with their last two migrations)

Things like Ikonboard/VBulletin/phpBB/ABXD/SMF/whatever hit the sweet spot for me, considering that I'm just a human looking to talk to other humans:
- Sane layouts
- Boards still usable without Javascript (sure, you can't format your messages except by writing yourself the tags, but aside of that you can still interact with the board)
- Tracking of threads/posts you have/haven't read yet
I don't need video embedding/WYSIWYG editors/Iframely/jQuery abuse or other fancy features, all I want is to interact with other human beings!

But then, I'm a dinosaur, yadda yadda yadda...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-04, 17:24 in SD2SNES hardware is getting updated

Post: #142 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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You can always pull a Sega and make a 3264X.

Have fun mixing analog video with that extra cable~

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-04, 19:39 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 1)

Post: #143 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Posted by Nicholas Steel

There are reports that Mozilla has withdrawn Firefox 65.0 because the current release is Causing Certificate Errors for people who use certain antimalware packages like Avast, AVG, and Kaspersky. The relevant security companies are working with Mozilla to release updates that will resolve this issue.

"Mozilla halts Firefox 65 rollout because users are upset that Firefox tells them when they are the subject of a man-in-the-middle attack"

Or alternative:

"Mozilla halts Firefox 65 rollout because it completely ignores the system certificate store and this unsurprisingly causes issues."

From the article: "By default, Firefox 65 will use only use the certificates in their built in browser certificate store. It is possible, though, to enable the ability to also use the antivirus engine's certificate that are created in the Windows certificate store to validate other web sites certificates."

Relevant Bugzilla:

Apparently we can't blame Mozilla this time, but the third-party AV solutions since they're MITMing your HTTPS connections in the name of "SEKURITAH!", causing Firefox to freak out when the browser notices that something is wrong with those bogus certificates inserted by said "security" products. In this case, the solution is pretty easy: get rid of said third-party AV junk, because it should not be meddling into your Secure Sockets Layer - I fail to see the bug here, as much as I despise Mozilla, they're doing what it's supposed to do this time: warning you -the user- that someone else is doing something that it should not do.

Antivirus should stick to scanning files, not to deploying their poisonous tentacles into your web browser core. One more reason to stick to MSE/Defender, if you absolutely need protection - AVG has been shit since forever, and Avast stopped being a good product about a decade or so ago. Now it seems the latter owns the former, which sets the bullshittery level up to 11.

Avast has already disabled their HTTPS hijacking from Mozilla products:
The configuration update in both Avast and Avg (all editions) was published as "190201-06" aprox. 18:00 CET. No action from the user is required. No other browsers are affected, only https scanning in Firefox is disabled. The typical interval between virus database update checks is 4hrs.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-05, 20:07 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 2)

Post: #144 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
International Blockchain Machines Corporation uses computers to track parcels in transit, just like pretty much every postal service in the world has been doing for decades. Buttcoin Idiots Limited are in awe, partying hard, despite the fact no buttcoins were involved in the story. Apparently IBM hasn't learned about this computer file format called "Portable Document Format", so they decided to apply blockchains to a process that doesn't need them just because they no longer sell actual computers of any kind.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-06, 17:34 in Buying a new phone (not safe for tomman) (revision 1)

Post: #145 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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> FirefoxOS phones

Heh, I remember that Telefonica (through their local Movistar branches) tried to push those hard, particularly in Latam.

Nobody wanted them. Even in Soviet Venezuela, where cheap subsidized phones were a endangered species (they're now extinct), people just bought them so they could resell them to random suckers online, thinking non-Android/non-iPhones were scalper-level material. They mostly failed, and now those phones are nowhere to be found.

I think their remnants now live under the disguise of KaiOS, which despise not being marketed as a smartphone platform (rather, they're aimed at cheap carrier subsidized dumbphones with "some" smart features), you still get perfectly rootable Linux-powered devices. Hell, there is even a 4G flip phone in the lineup! (some Alcatel model sold by several prepaid carriers in 'murica)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-08, 17:07 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 1)

Post: #146 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

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It means they're unable to build release binaries (or anything at all) outside of their developer workstations (which for a product as big as a web browser, it's unfeasible if you plan to run automated tests or stuff like that). They were studying their options for rolling their own build infrastructure (they do have access to some hardware elsewhere, which is unusable as of today due to reasons), although I heard they were considering to use Azure (which now seems to give free time for opensource projects), among other things, but so far nothing is set on stone yet.

However, I was completely unaware about the "de-Mozillification" of everything else (with regards to the Bugzilla access). If this becomes true... well, ouch.

Anyway, here are the latest Status Meeting notes:

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-10, 00:21 in Monocultures in Linux and browsers (formerly "Windows 10") (revision 2)

Post: #147 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Microsoft to its users: IE is no longer a web browser, it's a "legacy compatibility solution for when mistakes were made", so STOP USING IE RIGHT NOW, YOU MORONS!

Now, can anyone tell that to all of my banks? All of them still use IE/XP in some form or other, right now, as of February 2019. Almost all of our ATMs still run XP, including every single Wincor-Nixdorf unit deployed in the last 3 years (all 10 of them, considering that our banks can't afford to buy new equipment nowadays). One of them uses IE8 every single time I do a withdrawal, complete with ActiveX joy, Worst Korea style. Another still uses IE6 for no good reason at all, and this one is state-owned, so... *shudders*

Even those that DID upgraded to W7/8/10 still keep their XP/IE shitware inside VMs, ensuring that the cancer will never heal.

Comedy gold material, guys.

MS: "IE is dead, why you keep hurting yourself!"
IE "users": "STFU, you're the last person I want to hear that from!!!"

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-11, 22:51 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #148 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Posted by sureanem

Oh well. I suppose I should just get more RAM. That's the 2019 way to solve things, right?
Every year's solution, going back to at least 1995.

Oh, the irony, just imagine: this gem coming from the mouth of one of those hipster JavaScript Generation douchebags... who shits Electron junk from a Mac.

Name how many Macs currently on sale do allow its RAM to be expanded by the user AFTER purchase date, without involving a reflow oven.

So, in this case, "buy more RAM" translates nicely into "get another $5000 computer".

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-12, 15:00 in Internet numbers bragging thread (revision 7)

Post: #149 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
You know your Internet connection is down the shitter when you can't even run Speedtest anymore.

Yes, once again I'm blessed upon the eternal joys of being a CANTV "customer":
Phone has been dead since yesterday (after coming up from a 8-hour blackout, but that's another -and hopefully unrelated- story!), and DSL is barely working... sometimes minutes at a time, after that modem loses sync and gives up for the next 2-3 hours. Even when it manages to connect, packetloss shots straight up to North Pole!

This only days after joining a certain private torrent tracker with a "seed your shit for 168 hours to avoid a hit-and-run infraction". Fun.

Speaking about modems: those Chinese do know how to build nice things once in a while. My Broadcom/Linux-powered, GPL-infringing ZTE H831A kicks the living ass out of pretty much every other modem ever sold here, except maybe for the legendary Starbridge 305EU -which coincidentally was my very first DSL modem-. Ugly as sin, but hey, it's a MODEM, not a fashion accessory an Apple device! As long as it excels at doing its job, who cares if it's an egg white squareish thing about to go kaboom?! This thing will try its hardest to not lose its way and keep you connected to the world, at any cost, so when you see it losing all hopes for even a shittyass G.dmt link, you know you're in deep trouble :/

EDIT: Repair times are no longer measured in time units, but in hard currency, that is, "how many USD/EUR do you have for that?". Hope all CANTV technicians choke and die on a bag of dicks impregnated in rat poison.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-13, 00:34 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #150 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
While you guys deal with Mozilla's "we know what's better for you" boneheaded decisions, they're too busy wasting their time (and maybe your donations?) working on AI junk nobody wants (but what they think it will make the world better... for software developers) with Ubisoft. YES, the very same Ubisoft as in "uplay" and "broken AAA videogames". Like, what the hell, man...

Just what we needed, machine learning magic to make "bug-free" code...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-13, 02:53 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #151 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Wait, Slashdot does play user-unfriendly tricks on mobile? That's... par for the course, it seems.

I didn't knew since I don't browse the web from anything but Real PCs. Ah well :/

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-13, 10:57 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #152 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Posted by tomman
Wait, Slashdot does play user-unfriendly tricks on mobile? That's... par for the course, it seems.

I didn't knew since I don't browse the web from anything but Real PCs. Ah well :/
I'm using the most personal computer.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-15, 23:23 in Internet numbers bragging thread

Post: #153 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Current state of affairs

Long short story: some shitstain decided he/she couldn't be assed to bring his/her/its trash to the nearest dumpster, so instead decided to burn it in the streets... next to a utility pole and a CANTV cable locker.

The results? Dead phone service for dozens (maybe even hundreds) of customers, in a city with at least SIXTEEN THOUSAND faulty phone lines... including mine (my DSL modem can sync for minutes at a time with HEAVY packetloss, if I'm lucky). And of course, noone inside CANTV gives a flying fuck, unless if generously paid in USD/EUR/BRL (or if you're lucky, a few bricks of high-denomination VES bills). And all of my backup plans are dead: a 3G stick (also provided by CANTV) that refuses to connect because the base stations are crapping its diapers every day, a 3G phone by Movistar with only 25MB (!!!!) for the entire month, and no nearby open WiFis I can leech because MUH PRIVACY/MUH INTERNETS/hate the world.

So yeah, this is most likely the end of the road for me. So long guys, it was a pleasure for me to be a netizen of those message boards for the last 16 years of my life :/

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #154 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
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A minute of silence for the loss of the (2nd) bBoard, on a era where walled gardens are killing communication :/

Long live the (3rd) bBoard!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-20, 01:24 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 3)

Post: #155 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Amazing story there! I'm no airplane nerd, yet I enjoy reading about these things from time to time.

It's a shame none of those Clippers survived, because the California Pacific Clipper should be in a goddamned museum! But as the final part of the article said, Captain Ford wasn't a military hero in the wartime era, so his history (and its crew) wasn't worth a damn at the time :(

Nowadays aviation is a history of numbers, airline closures, and unsellable planes. Wonder if Pan Am had survived well into the 21st century, they could have saved the Airbus A380 from its sure doom (remember: it was Trippe's Pan Am who essentially gave birth to its Boeing counterpart, the mighty 747 jumbo jet). Or maybe not, considering what happened to SSTs (the 2707 went nowhere for oh-so-many reasons -mostly political BS-, the Tu-144 was a unmitigated disaster -it was a miracle that the thing managed to fly, considering its shoddy Soviet engineering-, and the only successful design, the Concorde, barely made into this century, only to have its spotless service history ruined by The Crash™, with 9/11 wiping any chances of a revival not long after that)


In other news, RMS just realized the ultimate fact of his lifetime: paranoid nerds with dubious personal hygiene customs will never be able to get laid. He managed to convince someone at the FSF to blame evil Javascripts at dating sites for that:

Stay classy, RMS! I guess he doesn't shave because Gillette pays "insurance" to some guerrilla in Africa to protect their precious metal mines to make their razors or some similar BS. No, it totally has to be those evil Javascripts on their homepage that take away his rights to have a clean beard.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™

Post: #156 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
> The problem is that the Internet currently runs on advertising money.

Well, it's time to end that bullshit.

Ads are deceptive, intrusive, insensitive, a complete waste of resources, and nobody really needs them. My hate towards advertising has grown so big that I don't even stand ads on the local radio stations anymore (why do you promote luxury cruise ship lines on a country where people can't eat, much less afford transportation?!)

I prefer to see the Internet die rather than stand a single ad anymore.

And this is why I'm not getting rid of my adblockers anytime soon.

Preemptive answer: fuck cryptocurrencies too - "fake money" is not a solution either.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-24, 04:04 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 4)

Post: #157 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Speaking about airplanes noone wants: ever heard about the McDonnell Douglas MD-95?

No? Well, I won't blame you, and that's because when the final incarnation of the legendary DC-9 (if you ever boarded into an jetliner for domestic flights -anywhere outside the Soviet Union- anytime between the 80s and early 00s, chances are it was a DC-9 or any of its descendants) came to fruition, McDD was having a hard time selling its newest plane to airlines around the world - apparently noone was interested into yet another rehash of the already ancient DC-9. Furthermore, being deep in the red at the time didn't really helped business at all, so the MD-95 order book remained kinda empty.

BUT! The aircraft didn't got sent to the scrapyard right away! Instead, this little Seattle-based player founded by some random dude named "William Boeing" came to the rescue, merging with McDD, and saving the project... and that's how the Boeing 717 happened (actually, this is the third aircraft to carry the 717 name; it was initially used for a unrelated military model AND a shortened version of the 707. But none of those used the 717 nameplate when they reached production, unlike the completely alien MD-95). All cool... or not? See, despite having the backing of Seattle's aviation juggernaut deep pockets, airlines still didn't wanted the MD-95 717, yet still Boeing didn't lost the faith, and eventually sales picked up.

Then 9/11 happened, and once again, nobody wanted the 717... or any flying tube in general. The 717 fate was sealed after that: production ceased in 2006, after only delivering 156 units in a unusually short production run of 8 years.

BUT! this story is not over yet!
Enter Delta Airlines, the Atlanta-based airline that showed no interest on the MD-95/717 program at all, yet suddenly found itself surrounded by a few dozen specimens of the model, comprising a large part of the former AirTran Airways fleet (which was both the launch customer AND the final delivery for the program, mind you!), after the 737-exclusive Southwest acquired them and decided to dump the unloved 717s at Delta. The latter, already used to flying good ol' DC-9s until they broke apart actually noticed that the 717 was as good as their founding father, if not better. Today, not only they operate roughly 60% of all 717s ever made, they are STILL trying to get Boeing to bring back the model to production!. Or at least, Delta won't give up until they own each and every 717 ever made... all 156 of them (their current count is at 91, as of the time of this post)

... except for the original MD-95 prototype - the bunch of savages at Boeing scrapped it (because it wasn't a 747 or a Dreamliner), instead of sending it where it belongs, to a museum!

Reading this reminds me of the DC-3, where -according to aviation nerds- the only thing that can replace it is another DC-3 (and yes, that prehistoric thing still fly - just raise your head next time you step foot on Alaska or the Colombian jungle)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-24, 12:14 in Dear modern UXtards... (revision 1)

Post: #158 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
...please, please, pretty please STOP FUCKING WITH YOUR UI DESIGNS, particularly when non-techies/old people that aren't willing to listen to your "reasonable" explanations do interact with your software!

I'm fucking SICK when $MOM gets pissed off every single time she inadvertently messes up stuff on her Android tablet when all she is doing is to read the news on it, just because Googletards decided it was an AWESOME idea to place the goddamned Incognito Mode button just next to the "hamburger" menu on Chrome tabs! (or the "New Incognito Tab" entry very close to the regular "New Tab" entry) No, she is not paying attention when she is focused to read the news. Yes, she gets veeeeery pissed off when she enables Incognito by accident. And yes, I can't get her to understand that this is a deliberate act by Chrome devs and that she should be more careful when touching the display (she is not listening, remember - she is just too busy insulting, calling people "smartass", and getting angry at me because "I refuse" to disable the stupid Incognito mode that supposedly doesn't let her open web pages)

Seriously, Google, and everybody else. CUT IT OFF!
Or choke on a dick, step on a Lego, and die in a fire then.
Since owning this Android tablet at home, I've had nothing but headaches, both with its user and its webshit software cancer :/

Ugh, I'm glad I don't use your awesome piece of shit on any of my computers.
Unfortunately, I have to deal with this particular device (which I don't control) on my network.

And of course, some utter asshole is profiting from naive people that can't bow down to UXtards: seriously, pay money to undo your terrible UI changes?! (And getting your personal data siphoned to Siberia in the meanwhile)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-24, 12:38 in Nintendo Switch emulation is now among us

Post: #159 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Now that you guys just touched the topic, I must say that my main reason to get into emulation was a economical one: I've never been able to buy any console, at all. The only consoles I've ever been owned were:

- a Famiclone that I got as a birthday gift, and that died shortly after that due to a faulty mullticart
- my Genesis, which I got as a hand-me-down from a uncle.

Aside of those, my contact with other consoles have been severely limited: played a bit on my cousin's N64/GBA, and at the college dorms, a little bit of Xbox/X360/PS2/Wii/DS/PSP. That's all. I had no interaction with other consoles (if anything) beyond seeing them behind a sales display)

By the time I was able to earn my own money, I wasn't really into console gaming anymore - a decently spec'd laptop made much more sense for me, and by then my emulation needs have drastically reduced down to a couple Wii/GC games on Dolphin, and the yearly Sonic ROM Hacking contests.

But then, emulation let me discover that there was something between the NES and the N64 (seriously, I was unaware that the SNES existed at all... until 2002, and yes, ZSNES was my emulator of choice as SNES9X was kinda slow on my Celeron shitbox), or that there was a mobile companion for the Dreamcast, or that there were N64/GBA games other than Pokemon and Mario.

I arrived late to the emulation arena (the UltraHLE era was long over), but not that late (I remember downloading 0-day GBA dumps, playing Sonic Advance 2 earlier than anyone else in my country, etc). I miss those good ol' times...

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 19-02-24, 14:12 in Dear modern UXtards...

Post: #160 of 1318
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 9 days
Last view: 3 hours
Posted by sureanem
Posted by tomman


Do you have a source on that, my friend? Because Google sure doesn't seem to agree with you.

The invoice says "Sold by Amazon, LLC. to $YOU", not "Lease contract between $YOU and Alphabet, Inc. d/b/a Google Inc.". Google can cry me a river, but we paid real money in exchange of this Allwinner piece of junk to a third-party entity (which now seens to have a vested interest on smartdevices you no longer own, but I digress).

Posted by sureanem
On a more practical note, have you considered replacing her browser? Naked Browser has a rather nice UI with the menu button safely tucked away in the corner. It's also rather fast.

Yeeeeeah... no, We're not interested into switching browsers:
- She barely learned to use Chrome, and every UI/UX change doesn't really make things easier for her. Learning a completely distinct application is completely out of her comfort zone (which is already as tiny as you can imagine from a 65yo lady with heart/blood pressure problems).
- I would be trading villains, as each and every single cellphone software developer in the world has this goal of becoming your worst enemy. Not a long term solution for our personal sanity.

Ugh, if I ever breed my own offspring, remind me to never leave any kind of "personal computing technology" at their reach.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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    This does not actually go there and I regret nothing.