Posted on 11-14-13, 04:00 am in Bug issue with Ranged weapon


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Since: 11-14-13

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The bug appears to occur when shooting off the map screen when using Ahab's Crosshairs. (I tested it when shooting down into the bottom of the screen when standing outside of a dungeon.


Exception type: IndexOutOfRangeException
Main message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Stack trace:
at Noxico.Board.Draw(Boolean force)
at Noxico.SceneSystem.Engage(Character top, Character bottom, String name, Boolean inDialogue)
at Noxico.BoardChar.Hunt()
at Noxico.BoardChar.ActuallyMove()
at Noxico.BoardChar.Update()
at Noxico.Board.Update(Boolean active, Boolean surrounding)
at Noxico.Player.EndTurn()
at Noxico.Player.Update()
at Noxico.Board.Update(Boolean active, Boolean surrounding)
at Noxico.NoxicoGame.Update()
at Noxico.MainForm.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Background info:
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
32-bit OS, 32-bit process.
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My Documents\Downloads\Noxico
Posted on 11-14-13, 04:13 am in Bug issue with Entering dungeon


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Since: 11-14-13

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Game crashes when entering dungeon (IndexOutOfRangeException). this crash does not occur on every dungeon.

(If this helps- the map changes from the outside area- to a "generating gungeon, please wait" screen, and the lootable items/enemies/player icons are still displayed)

Exception type: IndexOutOfRangeException
Main message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Stack trace:
at Noxico.StoneDungeonGenerator.ToTilemap(Tile[,]& map)
at Noxico.WorldGen.CreateDungeon(Boolean forTravel, String name)
at Noxico.Player.CheckWarps()
at Noxico.Player.Update()
at Noxico.Board.Update(Boolean active, Boolean surrounding)
at Noxico.NoxicoGame.Update()
at Noxico.MainForm.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Background info:
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
32-bit OS, 32-bit process.
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My Documents\Downloads\Noxico

(and on a side note- do all dungeons contain no enemies? loot chests do show up though)
Posted on 12-23-13, 05:37 am in More randomized loot for equipment [coolbeans] (revision 1)


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I am not sure if this suggestion was discussed earlier (I believe it was just about rings). But what if all item slots, as well as some weapons. My thought on this take is to have all items use an "ID" system, such as a string of numbers- or heck, even hex for more combinations, from there, this code is parsed through a decoder and would create all the information needed for it all within the code.

I decided to make a test application, a c# console app, to test how this works, and I am able to generate 10,000,000,000 unique items (1 billion uniques for each item type, so 1Bil rings, 1 bil necklaces, etc.) this allows for unique descriptions for each item (I made a very sloppy switch statement on appending strings, there are better ways to do this, but it gets the job done).

The loot generation can do something to check to see if items are cursed (cannot be removed by normal means) or valuable (gold value * constant so the item is worth more than normal). I did this by pretty much taking random digits, and making some simple algorithm modulus MaxValuesInADigit. One can use these algorithms to ensure that no single item is overpowered, by having the stats inverse to eachother, for example, using "Absolute value of ((some digits of the ID% max) - 1/2*max)" for the strength attribute, but use the "negative absolute value of ((some digits of the ID % max) - 1/2*max) + max" for the speed attribute. using inverse equations will ensure that one cannot get an item with the best stats, for as one stat has a higher value, the other(s) may be lower. For each digit in the item's ID, from 0 to MAX, one can use these simple things for balancing item values:
x=y line: as the ID digit value approach the max number, that stat will be higher
x=-y+Max line: as the digit approach 0, the stat will be higher

Absolute value: as the digit approach the edges, 0 and Max, the value will be higher
-abs+max: as the digit approach 1/2 max, the value will be higher

..and I guess a sin/cos can be used in a way to contrast eachother..
I have a screenshot of the some-what working of the item system here: (yes, the stats are all 0, I only have the descriptions and cursed/valueable item working, as well as not adding a/an properly to displaying the descriptions; the main point of the descriptions, is that each item contains item type, main color, secondary color, material type, metal type, condition, metal condition, weight type, and sharpness- for weapons.)

If you want me to post the code somewhere if you are curious on what I did, I can post the stuff somewhere
Posted on 12-25-13, 08:03 pm in More randomized loot for equipment [coolbeans]


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Since: 11-14-13

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Alright, I will get my code up as soon as possible- but I will say this- I have much better coding practices is mind after I made the console app, such as replacing most of the descriptions (which is hard-coded in), and replacing them with a function that will read a file, and store all the words into a list of items. This way, instead of having a hundred-something lines of code initializing the description arrays, I can just say "Read the colorType.whateverFile, and store all colors into a list".
Posted on 12-27-13, 05:38 am in Broken item: fizzy white potion [resolved] (revision 1)


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Since: 11-14-13

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I have found a item, called fizzy white potion from a loot chest.

It contains a description that says "[inventory_thisis_x]".
When used, the game crashes with the following report:

Exception type: JintException
Main message: Mutate() has been disabled in this build.
------ Stack Trace:
Mutate(2, 15, Random)

Stack trace:
at Jint.JintEngine.Run(Program program, Boolean unwrap)
at Jint.JintEngine.Run(String script, Boolean unwrap)
at Jint.JintEngine.Run(String script)
at Noxico.InventoryItem.RunScript(Token item, String script, Character character, BoardChar boardchar, Action`1 running)
at Noxico.InventoryItem.Use(Character character, Token item, Boolean noConfirm)
at Noxico.InventoryItem.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<Use>b__14()
at Noxico.MessageBox.Handler()
at Noxico.NoxicoGame.Update()
at Noxico.MainForm.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Background info:
Noxico 0.1.3
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
32-bit OS, 32-bit process.
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My Documents\Downloads\noxico-0.1.3-32\Noxico

EDIT: Bubbling yellow potion has [inventory_thisis_x] for a description as well, but it does NOT crash the game when used. however, when used, no dialog box appeared that explains the effects of the potion.


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Since: 11-14-13

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The player can swim as long as he/she wants by traveling by the edge of the areas. this is caused by the swimming % meter resets when going to another area.

(also some dungeons can spawn in the middle of the ocean/giant lake where players cannot reach it- unless there are items/races that can breathe in the water, which would make those dungeons good to have- or even add to the generation that dungeons in bodies of water will be flooded dungeons with most of the floors replaced with water)
Posted on 12-27-13, 06:29 am in Crash: Changeling eating bacon [resolved]


Posts: 7/13
Since: 11-14-13

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When eating bacon as a Changeling, the game crashes. this does not seem to crash when using other food.
Tested 5 times, each time in a different condition (hp not full, location, etc), and all times it crashes when eating bacon.

Exception type: NullReferenceException
Main message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Stack trace:
at Noxico.InventoryItem.Eat(Character gourmand, Token item)
at Noxico.InventoryItem.Use(Character character, Token item, Boolean noConfirm)
at Noxico.InventoryItem.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<Use>b__14()
at Noxico.MessageBox.Handler()
at Noxico.NoxicoGame.Update()
at Noxico.MainForm.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Background info:
Noxico 0.1.3
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
32-bit OS, 32-bit process.
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My Documents\Downloads\noxico-0.1.3-32\Noxico

Posted on 12-27-13, 09:46 pm in Issue: Dungeon Generation: Blocked paths


Posts: 8/13
Since: 11-14-13

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When in a dungeon, sometimes the generation will generate a floor where it is impossible to continue onward to the next area.

Posted on 12-27-13, 09:53 pm in Game breaking bug: Player as slime attacking imp


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Since: 11-14-13

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When I tried to play as a slime, I attacked an imp (first enemy I found. not sure if this crash applies to other enemies)

After killing it, hundreds of error messages show up and slows my computer down. couldn't get a bug report description for this one, but I do have a screenshot (with 801 warning messages spamming my comp)

I have not reproduced this crash, nor do I really want to go through this multiable times.
Posted on 12-27-13, 11:29 pm in Suggestion: Alternate gameplay for deaths


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Since: 11-14-13

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While this may not fit in with the theme for Noxico, and may be just a personal preference, What if the '2 lives before permadeath' mechanic was replaced with something along the lines of the games 'Halls of Degeneration' or 'Flexible Survival', where being defeated by another enemy will add a transformation to the player of the type of the enemy. too many loses will result in a game over.

This method (speaking closer to Halls of Degeneration), will still make losing dangerous due to the player not respawning at their home, and must still fight the enemies after being defeated. in Halls of Degeneration, when a player loses, a dialog appears that explains the type of transformation, and gives the player about half their hp back, before they can move again to flee or continue the combat.
Posted on 03-11-14, 11:12 pm in Ability to test Unstable builds of the game


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Is there a location for users to test unstable versions of the build to help with feedback or debugging with new content? Or do we work with the build posted on the main site for feedback?
Posted on 03-12-14, 11:42 pm in Ability to test Unstable builds of the game


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Thanks for the information. I'll get back to you with any bugs I find.
Posted on 10-16-14, 10:35 pm in Updated build on the website


Posts: 13/13
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I was just wondering if the main website's download link will be updated with a newer build.

I know there is the access to the bitbucket and I can compile the game locally, But I was not sure if there was anything like a latest stable build or something that can be used.
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