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Don’t use the auto-tracer

As an addendum to my previous post on SCI smells, here’s why you shouldn’t use the auto-trace function. Check it out.

This is your brain:

This is your brain on drugs:

Don’t use the auto-tracer. Especially when your source image has a lot of dithering in it, it has no earthly clue how to efficiently import those. Plus, you don’t get any priority or control screen data from it so you’d have to trace that out anyway.

Use tracing images, sure. Get a nice pencil sketch and go to town on it.

We already know they did that back in the day from this hidden background asset in Quest for Glory 2:

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Smells like SCI Spirit

If you’re going to make an adventure game in SCI Companion (or gods forbid SCI Studio) there are certain things that you might want to look out for. Missing them may make your game look somewhat lazy to those who know what to look for.


  1. “Colors” setting: since the template is based on Leisure Suit Larry 3, it inherited the option to specify any combination of 16 window background and text colors.
  2. MT-32 patch: easily missed depending on what you’re testing with, early SCI0 fan games mightn’t have had any MT-32 testing done at all. Thus you might miss that the MT-32 patches are straight from Larry 3 (again), including the startup messages, and your background music may not sound as good as one might hope, with mismatched instruments.
  3. BriPro logo: instead of the Sierra mountain logo, the first character in three out of five included fonts is the letters BP, for Brian Provinciano.
  4. Template Guy: as I like to call him. The dude with the blue shirt and gray pants. He’s the default player character.

You might consider all that to be in the past, considering it literally is, but there’s still projects actively in development that target SCI0/01.


  1. Blueish grays: since this template is based on Space Quest 5, the original version used to have SQ5’s palette as opposed to, say, the default SCI palette. The later template, before I even all but took over the project, had this replaced.
  2. Template Guy: he’s back, and I myself specifically made him so you wouldn’t be stuck with Roger Wilco. Same things apply as in SCI0 though.
  3. The font: by default, the SCI11 template comes with three common fonts and one specific to SQ5, and uses this as the default. It has no distinction between upper and lower case.
  4. Status line: even to this day, the template game includes SQ5’s custom-drawn status line, with the raised border.
  5. Inefficient polygons: a bit technical, might have to go into detail in another post, but early versions of SCI Companion used a rather hackish way to import external polygon data (where can you go, like in my pathfinder woes) which ate a lot of memory for no good reason. Later versions allow you to use the &getpoly command that I added, a bit of syntactic sugar that imports the polygon data in such a way you can’t tell it apart from Sierra’s code if you were to decompile it afterwards.

There’s no BriPro logo in the SCI11 template’s fonts, it’s the Sierra logo, but on the other hand only Leisure Suit Larry 6 has a menu bar despite being an SCI11 game, so you’d rarely if ever get to see it. The MT-32 patch is Sierra’s own near-GM patch, and includes a “SIERRA ON-LINE” message.


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Rules for UTF-8 in SCI11+

  1. It won’t work in ScummVM yet, as nothing uses it yet so I see no reason to add it. Most of the rest of SCI11+’s gimmicks do though.
  2. The internal “draw a string” function, used to write literally anything on to the screen, is where the magic happens: if the current port’s current font has more than 256 glyphs in it, the input string is interpreted as UTF-8. If it does not, things work exactly as usual.
  3. Because combining characters and glyph substitution are not supported and general punctuation like “” and are all the way in the 20002044 range, the General Punctuation block’s glyphs take the place of Combining Diacritical Marks as 03000344.
  4. Similarly, CJK Symbols, Hiragana, and Katakana are moved from 300030FF to 020002FF, where some Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions, and Spacing Modifiers should go.
  5. Those last two points apply to the font data, not the actual text.
  6. The new kernel functions UTF8to16 and UTF16to8 will always consider their inputs to be in Unicode, no matter what the current port’s current font says. Unless you built an SCI11+ with UTF-8 support disabled, in which case none of the above applies and all these two functions do is turn 8-bit values into 16-bit.
  7. The kernel function to turn a string lower or upper case, StrCase, unlike the two I just described, will check the current font and act like it used to same as the “draw a string” function.
  8. The functions to get the lower or upper case version of a character that StrCase ends up using, tolower and toupper, have been extended to cover the full 256-character range. Several maps are included and one can be chosen at build time. We have maps for code page 437, Win-1252, ISO 8859-1, and a fair bit of Unicode.
  9. In general, SCI11+ can be considered to use Unicode 1.1 on account of SCI 1.001.100 dating from 1993, going by the version numbers and release dates for Freddy Pharkas (1.001.095) nd Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1.001.115).
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Sluiceboxes and SetPorts

Today I got a delightful (and long) email from sluicebox, of the ScummVM SCI team. He wrote about a lot of things but one thing stood out and he’s right, I should write about it.

Remember when I fixed the imitation AGI windows in Space Quest 4? There’s something very strange going there that sluicebox pointed out in the email.

If you’ll remember:

(method (open &tmp port temp1)
  ; temp0 was unused so we're taking it for proper SetPorting.
  (= color gColor)
  (= back gBack)
  ; Set our type to ONLY wCustom, not wCustom|wNoSave, and open.
  (= type 128)
  (super open:)
  ; Nothing will have appeared because wCustom don't draw anything, but a port has been set up!
  ; Switch to drawing on the whole screen but also *save the window's port*.
  (= port (SetPort 0))
  (= temp1 1)
  ; ...
  (Graph grUPDATE_BOX lsTop lsLeft lsBottom lsRight 1)
  ; Reset to the window's port.
  (SetPort port)

But if you look at this GitHub commit from ScummVM you’ll see the interesting description

SSCI doesn’t return zero; it doesn’t return anything. This shouldn’t affect any games since no scripts should depend on a non-existent return value, but this discrepancy came up while investigating a fan script that accidentally relies on this.

So I checked the leaked source code that I made SCI11+ from.

global KERNEL(SetPort)
	if (argCount >= 6)
		picWind->port.portRect.top = arg(1);
		picWind->port.portRect.left = arg(2);
		picWind->port.portRect.bottom = arg(3);
		picWind->port.portRect.right = arg(4);
		picWind->port.origin.v = arg(5);
		picWind->port.origin.h = arg(6);
		if (argCount >= 7)
		if (arg(1))
			if ((arg(1)) == -1)

No return value, which is obvious really because the KERNEL define expands to a void function. Return values are instead handled by setting the acc global variable. So lets dig a little deeper.

RSetPort proc	pPtr:word
	mov	ax, pPtr
	mov	rThePort, ax
RSetPort endp

Nothing. It sets the rThePort global and that’s all. There’s an RGetPort function right above that does the opposite, but nothing in the kernel function calls that.

Looking back at my description of BorderWindows, there’s an important difference:

(= oldPort (GetPort))
(SetPort 0)
(Graph grUPDATE_BOX lsTop lsLeft lsBottom lsRight VISUAL)
(SetPort oldPort)

It’s very interesting indeed how this happened to Just Work. Even so, I should probably go back and correct that SQ4 script.

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Pattern pen implementation differences

While looking into something unrelated in Space Quest 3, I noticed that the dirt on the right of the starting screen was drawn differently between DOS SCI and ScummVM. Today I looked into it a little closer, comparing SCI proper, ScummVM, SCI Companion, and SCI Viewer.

Damn, that’s some really tiny differences that you’re not gonna spot just like this. But here they are:

  • In most of them, the mound on the right looks like this:
  • Except in ScummVM, where it looks like this: (and now you know why I looked into this)
  • Below the column in the middle looks like this in SCI and SV:
  • But it looks more like this in SCI Companion and ScummVM alike:
  • The heap on the left is also mildly affected, looking like this in SCI and SV:
  • But it looks like this in SCI Companion and ScummVM:
  • And finally, SV, renowned for being Very Good At This, breaks the one rule — you don’t get to draw white on non-white:

So yeah, a slight difference in where a window border is drawn is the least of your problems.

Update: ScummVM had its pattern table corrected this week. Guess I’ll have to check out the latest nightly, huh? And yes, it does match SCI proper now. Good job everyone!

Bonus update: sluicebox suggested comparing against SCI Studio. Here you go, friend: the mound on the right looks like this in SCI Studio, a distinctive variation, and the bit under the pillar and to the left matched SCI Companion and ScummVM (past tense now),

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String literals

In various programming languages, different quotation marks and such can mean different things. In C/C++ for example, "this" is considered a plain string literal. It can contain various escape codes (\x69, \n, et al), and escaped double quotes (\"), but not raw newlines. A single-quoted literal is not a string at all, but a character literal. In C# meanwhile we have the plain double-quoted string and single-quoted character but also @"this", a variation that does allow raw newlines at the cost of not allowing escapes. In PHP meanwhile, we have double-quoted strings that, in contrast to C, can have raw newlines but also have variable interpolation — "Hi $name" will appear as Hi Mark, assuming that is that variable’s value at the time. Single-quoted strings in PHP don’t do escape sequences or interpolation, and then there’s “heredoc” strings.

SCI also has different types of string literals. Or rather, had, depending on which version you targeted. Double-quoted strings could have escape codes (\42, note the lack of a letter, and of course \n) and raw newlines, but whitespace was folded away on compilation so raw newlines and tabs were entirely for code readability’s sake, requiring a \n at the end of each line that had to have a line break. You could also use curly braces for strings, {like this}, that had exactly the same rules and limitations as double-quotes, except for one difference in storage.

Any string literal in curly braces would be stored as-is in the script resource, while double-quote strings would be stored in a matching text resource and replaced in the compiled code with a look-up key:

(Print "This is an example" #title {Kawa says})

(Yes, I’m aware that the syntax highlighter doesn’t pick up on the braces.)

Assuming this is script #42 just as an example, and this is the first place a double-quoted string appears, the above would be transformed like so:

(Print 42 0 #title {Kawa says})

The original string will be stored in a separate text resource with the same number as the script. This helps cut down memory use.

(Bonus banter: there’s a bug in the original SCI interpreters that was introduced when they added the Message resource format involving hexadecimal numbers where they accidentally used "01234567890ABCDEF", with an extra zero. This messes up any attempt to use a good third of the character set in a message resource, but not an inline string literal, so having \0E in a string literal will produce the intended while the same thing in a message will produce ¤ instead. In SCI11+, this has been corrected to just "0123456789ABCDEF".)

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Tracing in SCI2

Where 16-bit versions of SCI had two blank spaces in their PMachine instruction set, SCI2 introduced the _line_ and _file_ instructions, which the compiler could inject into the final bytecode so that the built-in debugger could then work out exactly which source code line matched the current instruction. Here’s how that goes down in practice.

First we make two test scripts, 42.SC and 69.SC:

(script# 42)
	Test 1
(procedure (Test)
	(Display "This is Test, (42 1).")
(script# 69)
	TestA 0
	TestB 1
	Test 42 1
(procedure (TestA)
	(Display "This is TestA, about to call TestB.")
	(Display "Back in TestA, gonna call (42 1).")
	(Display "Back in TestA.")
(procedure (TestB)
	(Display "This is TestB.")

This may look a mite different from SCI Companion code because despite everything, they are not the same. Now, compiling them both in SC version 4.100, from January 12 1995, and then pulling them back through a disassembler and annotating it a bit, we get this output:

; 42.SC
Test:	_line_	11	;(procedure (Test)
	_file_	"42.sc"
	_line_	12	;	(Display "Hello my darling.")
	lofsa	$6
	callk	Display, 2
	_line_	13	;)
; 69.SC
TestA:	_line_	17	;(procedure (TestA)
	_file_	"69.sc"
	_line_	18	;	(Display "This is TestA, about to call TestB.")
	lofsa	$6
	callk	Display, 2
	_line_	19	;	(TestB)
	call	TestB, 0
	_line_	20	;	(Display "Back in TestA, gonna call (42 1).")
	lofsa	$2a
	callk	Display, 2
	_line_	21	;	(Test)
	calle	Test, 0
	_line_	22	;	(Display "Back in TestA.")
	lofsa	$4a
	callk	Display, 2
	_line_	23	;)
TestB:	_line_	25	;(procedure (TestB)
	_file_	"69.sc"
	_line_	26	;	(Display "This is TestB.")
	lofsa	$59
	callk	Display, 2
	_line_	27	;)

Every time the PMachine encounters a _file_ opcode, it grabs a null-terminated string from the bytecode stream and places it into pm.curSourceFile. Likewise, _line_ takes a 16-bit number and places it into pm.curSourceLineNum. The built-in debugger can then notice when these two values change, find the source file, and display the correct line of code.

But there’s one tiny detail that threw me off initially. Can you see it?

When TestA calls Test, the current source file changes to 69.sc, but it doesn’t change back afterwards.

Although the SCI2 source I have here doesn’t seem to call it, there is in fact a pair of functions to push and pop debug state, preserving the value of pm.curSourceFile and pm.curSourceLineNum across module calls. Which is quite obvious when you think about it. The alternative I can see would be to insert another _file_ opcode after each out-of-module call.

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Separating the Game and Engine

(Originally written 2017-10-07)

To most children of the nineties, “adventure game” was synonymous with “Sierra” and “LucasArts”. When you look at Sierra games like the King’s QuestSpace QuestPolice Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry series, you notice they’re all alike in one particular aspect beyond mere presentation, beyond the fact that they all control the same way: they are all third-person point-and-click adventure games.

Now that’s simplifying a little, since the earliest entries in those series weren’t point-and-click but instead had a text parser. But that doesn’t matter here, not very much.

King's Quest 5 - Crispin's house

We have our background image, our animated main character (henceforth referred to as Ego, in keeping with the script code), other animated characters where called for, a mouse cursor, and the status line. In many Sierra games from King’s Quest 5 on the status line is blank. In earlier games it was not, often displaying the game name and player’s score.

Regardless, we can control Ego in a particular way, and by placing the mouse cursor on the status line, we can summon an icon bar:

Leisure Suit Larry 1 VGA remake, Lefty's Bar exterior. The icon bar is showing.

Click a verb on the left half, then click somewhere in the game screen to act accordingly. Simple. The other three icons open your inventory, allow you to change settings and save/restore, and explain the other buttons. Almost all point-and-click Sierra games work like this.

The important question is, how much of all this is part of the engine, and how much is part of the game? Let’s find out!

As it turns out, the only common aspects that are part of the engine are:

  • The ability to draw backgrounds.
  • The ability to draw animated elements on those backgrounds, while also letting parts of it obscure them.
  • The ability to play sound effects and music on a variety of sound hardware of the time.
  • The ability to draw text.
  • Mouse, keyboard, and joystick input.
  • The ability to save and restore the game state.
  • A simple graphical user interface — windows, buttons, text fields and such.
  • The ability to overrule the way windows look, to change their border style in script.
  • The ability to draw a status line.
  • The ability to tell how to go from one point to another, in various ways.
  • For the later games, the ability to do various color tricks.
  • For the old SCI0 games, the ability to use a pull-down menu bar.
  • For the old SCI0 games, the ability to try and transform an English sentence into recognizable keywords.

That leaves this plethora as purely scripted:

  • What an animated character is.
  • What Ego is and what they can do that other animated characters can’t.
  • What an inventory item is.
  • How to respond to a click.
  • What the icon bar is, and what buttons are on it.
  • What a room is.
  • What literally anything being an abstract “object” is. This covers a lot of ground.
  • For the old SCI0 games, what goes into the menu bar and how to react to its use.
  • For the old SCI0 games, how to invoke the text parser, and how to respond to its results.

The game code can’t tell if you’re using the 320×200 256-color VGA driver or the 640×480 dithered EGA driver, only the abstract “how many colors do we have”, or “how many voices can we play at once” instead of knowing that we specifically use the PC Speaker for music output, or the Roland MT-32.

Those games I listed at the start are all third-person point-and-click adventure games because they all share a common set of scripts that define what an adventure game is. As such, not all Sierra SCI games are adventure games:

Jones in the Fast Lane, employment officeCastle of Dr. Brain, robot programming puzzle
One is a board game, the other a series of puzzles. Dr. Brain shares the user interface scripts common to the rest of them, but Jones is nothing alike. And yet, all of them are the same game engine. The script code is in the same format throughout, as are the audiovisual elements. System calls for the script code to use are the same, all throughout.

Sierra’s Creative Interpreter is not a third-person point-and-click adventure game engine, is what I’m saying.

You could remake Myst in it, after all. If you wanted.

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Script resources – a dyad in the Force, as it were

ZvikaZ recently ran into an issue trying to hack Quest for Glory 1 VGA where they edited a particular script, and it worked fine, but when they then exported the .scr file and put it in a clean QFG1 folder, it broke in a particular way. One particular phrase stood out to me in particular:

There are ‘ch’ strings instead of the numerical values

I had a feeling what the problem might’ve been when I started reading the post but when I saw that part I knew exactly what happened.

Quest for Glory 1 VGA is an SCI11 game. That means the scripts are split up into .scr and .hep pairs, and ZvikaZ only copied the one file instead of both. One of them contains the actual script bytecode, but the other contains the amount of local variables, their default values, information on all the objects in the script, and all the text string literals in the script. It’s called a heap resource because that’s where it’s loaded.

Originally, the script and heap resources were one and the same. When a given script needed to be loaded, it would be loaded into heap memory and kept there until unloaded. And as explained before, a saved game is basically a compressed dump of the entire heap memory area, while hunk space contains all the other resources that the scripts, in turn, refer to. Now imagine for a second a script resource with a single class in it, with a single particularly big method, so that a mere fraction of the script resource describes the class, and contains any near strings and such, and all the rest of it is bytecode. Once loaded, the bytecode can’t be changed — only the class properties and any local variables can be, but all of that bytecode is still part of the heap. There’s only so much heap space available to a game, so as long as that script is resident, that bytecode will take up precious space.

SCI11 split the script resources up so that the bytecode parts would be kept in hunk space instead, swapped in from disk when actually needed by something from the script definitions in heap space. All that space taken up by PMachine bytecode is suddenly no longer part of the heap and this bad boy can fit so many script resources at once. And if your scripts use far text instead of near — text resources referenced by a module/line tuple that get loaded into hunk space, instead of "quoted strings like this" that are part of the script’s heap resource) anything those scripts try to say automatically also doesn’t take as much space. You trade a two-byte pointer for a four-byte tuple, but those numbers in turn may refer to a string of who knows what length. Savings!

ZvikaZ’s target was the script resource for QFG1‘s character creation screen, whose first class is a Room named chAlloc. That name appears in the heap resource. When ZvikaZ changed the script code and recompiled, the heap resource had its contents changed, including where exactly in the file the room’s definition started. Whatever mixed-up monstrosity resulted when ZvikaZ then tried to run the altered 203.scr against an untouched 203.hep didn’t function and notably printed ch instead of numerical statistics.

I’m honestly a little impressed it didn’t “oops” on the spot.

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