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    Posted on 22-12-09, 22:48
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    Posted on 22-12-12, 01:45
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    Post: #1115 of 1164
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    Saw a headline about thae announcement that made me laugh.

    "Now that Armored Core is back, Dark Souls players will have to actually git gud"

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    Posted on 23-01-23, 10:47

    Post: #429 of 456
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    Free fangame Holocure gets a major update in a few weeks (2023-02-10)

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 23-11-18, 10:32

    Post: #444 of 456
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    Halflife will be completely free to download until November 20th

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 24-01-28, 17:33

    Post: #447 of 456
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    Horizon Forbidden West (PC): 2024-03-21

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 24-01-31, 19:29

    Post: #1275 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Coming later this 2024: Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua... in English... on Steam!

    This comes on the heels of the (quite pricey) launch of Mahoyo on Steam last December (on which for one regional pricing didn't fucked us raw!). And it only took Type-Moon nearly 2 decades to realize that we baka gaijin pasocon peasants are perfectly milkable as Western console and cellphone gamers to :)

    ALL OF MY MONEY, NASU! HAVE IT! (before the commies kill our international CCs... again!)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-02-03, 10:17
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    Post: #1148 of 1164
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    Never thought I'd see the day.

    In before Valve bans it because school uniforms are sexual content again.

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    Posted on 24-08-05, 12:56 (revision 1)

    Post: #1303 of 1315
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    Available starting this Wednesday on your favorite worldwide pasocon games store.

    The day is here, my homies. Be alive to believe: Nasu wants our money, and we must legalize our ROMz now.

    (Also LOL at the kids complaining on Steam that "this has been Free™ for years!" and "boo, they removed the sex scenes!" - guys, this is not the point, and F/SN wasn't even meant to be a porn game anyway!)

    UPDATE: A remake of F/HA has also been announced. Sweet~ F/HA needs love, despite many demoting it as "merely a non-canon fandisc"

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-08-08, 07:05
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    Post: #1159 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Valve apparently did NOT ban Fate/Stay Night - Realta Nua DX: HD Remaster from showing up on Steam because school uniforms are sexual content. I got my copy!


    And apparently Type-Moon uploaded it with glitched english script files so the wrong audio and character sprites were being loaded for many scenes. Credit where due, they've already fixed it.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 24-08-08, 15:51 (revision 1)

    Post: #1305 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Valve apparently did NOT ban Fate/Stay Night - Realta Nua DX: HD Remaster from showing up on Steam because school uniforms are sexual content. I got my copy!


    And apparently Type-Moon uploaded it with glitched english script files so the wrong audio and character sprites were being loaded for many scenes. Credit where due, they've already fixed it.

    Apparently Fate/Randomizer happened because Type-Moon/Aniplex still conveniently forgets that the world has been speaking Unicode for the last 25 years, and shipped a build that only really worked on ja_JP locales (judging from the initial reviews on Steam, where a popular cure was to switch your entire system locale to Japanese, the bane of any VN enthusiast)
    Glad to know they fixed it promptly.

    UPDATE: Fanboys' most common complaints about this re-release:

    1) "Why should I pay for something I already played for free a decade ago?" (yeah right, why pay for things? Why work? Why do the right thing? AMD should totally give me a free Ryzen because I used a old Am386SX I found for free at a dorm!)
    2) "THEY TUK'ER PORN!/R18 patch when?" (ugh, who cares? Those scenes were cringey and badly shoehorned, and even Nasu himself didn't wanted to do porn on F/SN in the first place - he only did because "sex sells, and we have to sell this thing". Fortunately time proved everybody wrong: you don't need smut to sell quality VNs)
    3) "OMG they renamed Artoria to Altria!!!" (WHO CARES? For a name you only hear mentioned FOUR TIMES total in a VN that takes you several weeks to digest. But I guess nitpickers gonna nitpick)

    In other old visual novel related news, F/SN isn't the only getting the Steam treatment several decades later: another fan favorite is FINALLY turning a old joke into reality - Katawa Shoujo is getting a (free) Steam release after all. Of course, H-scenes are not included by default, but you know where to get the patch for that. Now you can show your Steam friends why Shitzune sucks Hanako best girl.
    (sadly any hopes for KS2 remain tragically dashed, but then... it only took Type-Moon 20 years to redo Tsukihime, so a man can dream!)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-08-14, 11:12 (revision 1)
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    Post: #1162 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by tomman

    UPDATE: Fanboys' most common complaints about this re-release:

    1) "Why should I pay for something I already played for free a decade ago?" (yeah right, why pay for things? Why work? Why do the right thing? AMD should totally give me a free Ryzen because I used a old Am386SX I found for free at a dorm!)

    God, the pirate-everything gang is terrible.

    2) "THEY TUK'ER PORN!/R18 patch when?" (ugh, who cares? Those scenes were cringey and badly shoehorned, and even Nasu himself didn't wanted to do porn on F/SN in the first place - he only did because "sex sells, and we have to sell this thing". Fortunately time proved everybody wrong: you don't need smut to sell quality VNs)

    I think there's one porn scene I think has any purpose in the narrative, and the message can be conveyed better in other ways. There's also only one that doesn't kill my boner, and the two are not the same.
    Also, isn't this the Realta Nua version with more non-H scenes? We traded porn for more of the sassy archery chick!

    3) "OMG they renamed Artoria to Altria!!!" (WHO CARES? For a name you only hear mentioned FOUR TIMES total in a VN that takes you several weeks to digest. But I guess nitpickers gonna nitpick)

    Okay, in fairness... Nasu's insistence that the girl form of Arthur should be romanized as Altria is fucking stupid. It is an objectively wrong localization decision, being mandated by someone that doesn't speak english.

    In other old visual novel related news, F/SN isn't the only getting the Steam treatment several decades later: another fan favorite is FINALLY turning a old joke into reality - Katawa Shoujo is getting a (free) Steam release after all. Of course, H-scenes are not included by default, but you know where to get the patch for that. Now you can show your Steam friends why Shitzune sucks Hanako best girl.
    (sadly any hopes for KS2 remain tragically dashed, but then... it only took Type-Moon 20 years to redo Tsukihime, so a man can dream!)
    Aww yeah! Cripple Dating Sim GET!


    You know, it's funny. I was actually thinking about Katawa Shoujo just a couple days ago and how I never finished it back in the day. I got the deaf girl route, the no-legs girl route, the no-arms girl route... and then ADDed on to something else and never came back.

    I actually got the blade runner route first, solely because of Fate. At the time, I'd recently played it, and I was convinced that it was the norm for these games and death lurked behind every choice. So I was making damn sure I took care of my ticker. NEVER skip exercise, but save beforehand just in case you are overexercising and your heart's about to explode.
    Since "taking care of your health" locks you into the athlete route... well, I was looking for the on-ramp to the "quiet" glasses girl route well after boarding the express train to meetups at the track meet.

    I was always struck by the contrast between the girls' disabilities and their roles in the school. Deaf-mute? This is student council material, for sure. No arms? Meh, we're sure you don't really NEED them to hold a paintbrush. Legs? Meh, you can run without 'em(which was front-page news at the time the game came out, coincidentally)

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    Posted on 24-09-19, 18:51

    Post: #1313 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

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    ~The Saga of Call of Fakemon Palword ~

    Apparently this indie "Pokemon but with guns" game not only has printed a fair amount of dough (despite still being an Early Access title on Steam), it has even called the attention of two gorillas from the gaming industry:

    - Sony (Music, not Interactive) wants to milk the cow so badly, so expect figures and possibly a RATED M FOR MONEY anime someday.

    - Nintendo is not pleased. At all. In fact they have been PISSED since Day One. The saber-rattling came as early as January, but nine months later, the lawsuit has been served. And oh boy, this time Haus o' Mario strategic nukes came from a rather unexpected angle: patent violations. Which ones? Nintendo won't tell Pocketpair which ones, of course, but notice that TPC got a bunch of stupid patents issued and approved recently. Software patents covering gameplay things as silly as "have your 'mon fly yourself between arbitrary points of the map", or "doing things with 'mons using COMPUTERS". Oh, and the lawsuit was served in their own hometurf (for both N/TPC and PP) of Japan, which means Pocketpair may be doomed for real this time.

    I guess there goes the idea of getting your 'merican Pokeymanz as a launch title for the Switch U....

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-10-08, 11:51 (revision 1)

    Post: #456 of 456
    Since: 10-29-18

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    "Flare Nuinui Quest" is a Hololive fangame by Sulpx, currently still available as a free download here: https://sulpx.itch.io/nuinui-quest (139 MiB)

    An updated version is releasing soon on Steam under the Holo Indie fangame agreement, and the free version will then be unavailable.

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
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