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    Main » Projects » Furnace - a multi system tracker by tildearrow
    Pages: 1
    Posted on 22-06-18, 23:16 (revision 2)
    Post: #32 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 952 days
    Last view: 952 days

    I've played around with it a bit and it seems pretty solid.
    One interesting feature is that you can 'combine' multiple chips into a single song. I could see this being potentially very useful in the case of support for the Mega-CD chip if it was added for instance :P

    Supported systems
    over 50 sound chips - and counting:
    Yamaha FM chips:
    YM2151 (OPM)
    YM2203 (OPN)
    YM2413 (OPLL)
    YM2414 (OPZ) used in Yamaha TX81Z
    YM2608 (OPNA) used in PC-98
    YM2610 (OPNB) used in Neo Geo
    YM2610B (OPNB2)
    YM2612 (OPN2) used in Sega Genesis and FM Towns
    YM3526 (OPL) used in C64 Sound Expander
    YM3812 (OPL2)
    YMF262 (OPL3) with full 4-op support!
    Y8950 (OPL with ADPCM)
    square wave chips:
    AY-3-8910/YM2149(F) used in several computers and game consoles
    Commodore VIC used in the VIC-20
    Microchip AY8930
    TI SN76489 used in Sega Master System and BBC Micro
    PC Speaker
    Philips SAA1099 used in SAM Coupé
    sample chips:
    SegaPCM - all 16 channels
    Capcom QSound
    Yamaha YMZ280B (PCMD8)
    Ricoh RF5C68 used in Sega CD and FM Towns
    OKI MSM6258 and MSM6295
    wavetable chips:
    HuC6280 used in PC Engine
    Konami Bubble System WSG
    Konami SCC/SCC+
    Namco arcade chips (WSG/C15/C30)
    Seta/Allumer X1-010
    NES (Ricoh 2A03/2A07), with additional expansion sound support:
    Konami VRC6
    Konami VRC7
    Famicom Disk System
    Sunsoft 5B
    Namco 163
    Family Noraebang (OPLL)
    SID (6581/8580) used in Commodore 64
    Mikey used in Atari Lynx
    ZX Spectrum beeper (SFX-like engine)
    TIA used in Atari 2600
    Game Boy
    Commander X16 VERA
    tildearrow Sound Unit

    System requirements
    The OS X version works on 10.9 upwards from what I can tell, might run on earlier versions. Dunno what the minimum is for Windows, but it's possible that the x86 version will run on XP according to the author.
    Posted on 22-07-02, 18:17
    Post: #47 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 952 days
    Last view: 952 days

    0.6 beta 1 released the other day, over 2000+ commits since the last stable release. And guess what, lots more systems too, including the RF5C68 from the Mega-CD :D
    Posted on 22-07-03, 00:41
    Custom title here

    Post: #1092 of 1169
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 11 days
    Last view: 4 hours
    "TI SN76489"

    Aww yeah! Get your MSX ColecoVision 99/4a on, baby!

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 22-07-07, 18:51
    Post: #56 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 952 days
    Last view: 952 days
    How did you miss 'Master System' in that list? ;P
    Posted on 22-07-07, 22:51
    Custom title here

    Post: #1096 of 1169
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 11 days
    Last view: 4 hours
    Posted by desudesu
    How did you miss 'Master System' in that list? ;P
    Because I wasn't making a comprehensive list. The strikethrough entries are my self-deprecating mockery of the idea anyone is using this for 99/4a nostalgia.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 22-07-08, 16:35
    Post: #59 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 952 days
    Last view: 952 days
    Ohh, fair :P

    Btw, updated the OP with the new list of systems (again copied from the github). Wonder if anyone's had a play-around with the tracker who knows anything about music because I certainly know sod all about music theory :p
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