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    Posted on 21-07-08, 02:50 (revision 3)
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    Post: #1007 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 105 days
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    Posted by tomman
    What the hell is wrong with webdevs nowadays!?!??!?!?!
    Same thing wrong with everyone else in the technology field: being compatible with older software and hardware is seen as a bug.

    Websites don't degrade gracefully, they proactively block access. Operating systems aren't tested on hard disks, and put a two-year-old CPU as their minimum requirements. I hear the next ARM design is supposed to strip all support for 32-bit code. And so on.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-07-08, 20:51

    Post: #965 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    I get that supporting "older technologies" can be a burden (hello IE!), buuuuut.... why is the rationale to jump onto every newest shiny piece of tech/fad the very minute it gets released? What happened to the KISS principle?

    I'm still waiting for a reasonable, non-biased answer to the "why Google WebComponents®" question, for example. Instead... we now get more sites that used to work perfectly on nearly every browser under the sun to break in anything that isn't Chrome/"latest Firefox" for no good reason at all in a matter of months, maybe even weeks. Like GitHub/GitLab, or WD's warranty checker form. Oh, and webshits promptly dismissing me with the dreaded "just use latest Chrome/Firefox".

    I mean, 32-bit PCs and Windows XP eventually have to go away, but why overcomplicating the already complicated web standards? Is it a sort of extreme sport that makes those webshits feel eternally young? A very convoluted way for ensuring job security for life? Boredom? Revenge against the world?

    I never thought there would be the day I actually hated computers and tech in general, but here we are :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-07-09, 08:10 (revision 1)
    Custom title here

    Post: #1009 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 105 days
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    Posted by tomman

    I mean, 32-bit PCs and Windows XP eventually have to go away, but why overcomplicating the already complicated web standards? Is it a sort of extreme sport that makes those webshits feel eternally young? A very convoluted way for ensuring job security for life? Boredom? Revenge against the world?
    Personal hypothesis: The people driving stuff now are people who were into computer when they were younger. They tend to have had wealthier histories, and have probably been upgrading computers every couple of years to stay modern since they were children. This is just "how things work" in their eyes. The idea that you would continue to USE a computer that is nearing a decade old, that it could still BE USEFUL, is foreign to them.

    The old guard, though? 1994's MS-DOS 6.22 listed an 8088 with 512 KB of RAM as the minimum system requirements.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-07-09, 14:35

    Post: #356 of 457
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 12 days
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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    The old guard, though? 1994's MS-DOS 6.22 listed an 8088 with 512 KB of RAM as the minimum system requirements.

    It's also written in ASM, which is a relatively slow and therefore costly process.

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 21-07-09, 23:00
    Custom title here

    Post: #1010 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 105 days
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    Posted by creaothceann
    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    The old guard, though? 1994's MS-DOS 6.22 listed an 8088 with 512 KB of RAM as the minimum system requirements.

    It's also written in ASM, which is a relatively slow and therefore costly process.

    True. And modern compilers actually generate more performant assembly than human hands anyways.

    The point was that it was designed to support older hardware, in an era where hardware was changing much faster.
    People can still do this when they want to, but there's increasingly less incentive for them to do so.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-07-09, 23:44

    Post: #966 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Posted by creaothceann
    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    The old guard, though? 1994's MS-DOS 6.22 listed an 8088 with 512 KB of RAM as the minimum system requirements.

    It's also written in ASM, which is a relatively slow and therefore costly process.

    True. And modern compilers actually generate more performant assembly than human hands anyways.

    The point was that it was designed to support older hardware, in an era where hardware was changing much faster.
    People can still do this when they want to, but there's increasingly less incentive for them to do so.

    Modern compilers are nothing short of amazing. But the problem is that developers are switching from highly efficient native code to hundred-megabyte JavaScript abominations running on a JIT engine often trying to do impossible things to struggle achieving 60FPS on a 1080p display for a chat app.

    We have the tools, it's simply that for many people (and corporations), developer time costs Money™, and hardware is usually cheaper than developer time for them. This is why few people bother optimizing their code these days, because the next generation of computers is just around the corner. We end users get the short end of the stick instead. It's a bubble that for the good of everybody, I HOPE it explodes soon...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-07-10, 08:28 (revision 1)

    Post: #357 of 457
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Javascript is unfortunately going to stay as long as we have more than one platform. Right now a developer can write an app/website, and know that the browser developers already created a platform-independent "platform" for them.
    (Virtual machines are not just Java, they go back to the '60s; even on consoles and PCs we had Another World (Out of This World) and SCUMM engine games like Monkey Island etc.)

    byuu/Near had a lot of trouble with platform-independent GUIs, eventually creating his own; most people who do that only do so because they're writing a game.

    EDIT: https://cerebralab.com/The_universal_VM_we_call_browser

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 21-07-10, 11:27
    Just a horrid little beast

    Post: #562 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 237 days
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    Posted by creaothceann
    (Virtual machines are not just Java, they go back to the '60s; even on consoles and PCs we had Another World (Out of This World) and SCUMM engine games like Monkey Island etc.)
    How dare you not mention SCI.
    Posted on 21-07-10, 13:28
    Custom title here

    Post: #1011 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 105 days
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    Posted by Kawa
    Posted by creaothceann
    (Virtual machines are not just Java, they go back to the '60s; even on consoles and PCs we had Another World (Out of This World) and SCUMM engine games like Monkey Island etc.)
    How dare you not mention SCI.
    Or GPL!
    No, not that one. The other one.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-07-24, 00:46

    Post: #974 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    SeaMonkey is now shipping - it not only fix some breakages for those dinosaurs still using email, but also brings some security backports from recent FF versions too.

    And for the first time in ages, the team fixed autoupdates - you can now let Seamonkey update itself!
    (In my case, it... hung, but not before placing the update in place - a quick SIGTERM to the hung seamonkey process brought sanity back)

    GO GO GO GO!

    And for those webshits that still insist into releasing broken GoogleScript®: die in a fire, choke on a dick, step on a Lego... just go away and leave our computers alone. SeaMonkey, Waterfox, and even *gasp* Pale Moon aren't "OLD BROWSERS" - they're ALTERNATIVE BROWSERS - learn the difference, you morons! Better yet: switch to another work line! Ruining computers for the present and future generations doesn't qualify as "Information Technologies".

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-08-30, 03:48 (revision 1)

    Post: #991 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    ChatZilla finally has a network editor, so I can now give Rizon the respect it deserves, instead of /sslserver irc.rizon.net every single time. Yes, IRC is still a thing that isn't run by edgy teens these days, will you stop using Discord now, pretty please?

    No, We Aren't Google WebComponents® Yet, so stop asking!
    (If you're a webshit developer, FFS STOP USING GOOGLE SHINY GARBAGE - your blog doesn't need 4MB of the latest Javascript junk that will only work on latest Chrome!!!!)

    Speaking of Google shiny webshit, here is your webfail of the month:
    I discovered this by pure chance... and a hang (Danbooru now defaults to Ruffle for the few Flash animations still surviving there, and SeaMonkey doesn't like that). While amazingly Ruffle kinda works with the official polyfills (don't ask how - anything involving NPM wants me to get China Pest and die instead), there are a few (easily solvable if you have a clue on where to look) bugs (like being unable to interact with Flash content, which is a big one), but of course they don't care about anything but latest Chrome/Firefox, with the threat of using yet more Google shiny webshit for future releases (wait, they don't do releases at all - you're expected to pull whatever buggy vomit they ship from NPM right now).

    Their "workaround"? "Oh, we can fall back down to an actual Flash Player plugin".
    ...except that browser plugins (NPAPI/PPAPI) are now officially DEAD all across the board (except on AssholeMoon, because their priorities are weird), so instead of giving a hand and helping debug the (not so unlikely) case of the polyfills, we get nothing.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-09-04, 01:06

    Post: #992 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Google finally axed cookie management UI from Chrome... years after Mozilla did it (in a rare twist):

    Hackernews reactions are pathetic, as expected: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28407656
    "Butbutbut you can use the Developer Tools for that!"
    I can think on several issues with that:

    - Developer Tools will only work if you can navigate to the affected site. What if you're trying to work around some unexpected redirect? You never get a chance to deal with the cookies on the affected (sub)domain with devtools!
    - Developer Tools are aimed at... well, developers. Traditional cookie management UIs are usually designed with end users in mind, so for troubleshooting purposes you get an easier way to relay instructions to normal people ("open Data Manager->look for the domain on the list->find the cookie->kill it->you're done!"). In some browsers, developer tools tend to be slow and cramped instead! (Hit F12 or right-click in the page then select "Inspect"->wait until "developer tools" fully wake up->find out where the cookies list is buried on your specific browser release->oh, looks like that tab is hidden -Mozilla!- so figure out where to enable it->wait, cookies are buried under "Storage", who would have known?->ragequit computers forever). But its fiiiiiiiine, since everybody should learn to code!
    - Yes, I know there are browser addons/extensions for fine-grained cookie management... that only hardcore nerds would install! And that can break at any moment the next time Google decides to remove features from the WebExtensions "specs".

    But hey, browser designers know way more than us mere mortals, we're dumb, we have to be protected from ourselves, our use cases are niche so why bother being in control of your goddamned computer?! GAAAAAAH!

    And this is why "niche" players like SeaMonkey matter, people!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-09-16, 14:38 (revision 1)

    Post: #996 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    GiggityLab purposely broke on our "LEGACY OBSOLETE YOU ARE NOBODY" users. AGAIN:
    https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/333598 (open it on a browser supporting the latest Chromeisms™)

    Of course, GiggityLab's answer is nothing short of shortsighted and insulting to those of us still believing in browser choice: "data speaks for itself, you 1%ers on legacy browsers aren't worth the extra effort, you don't exist, go away, but the beauty of GiggityLab is that it is open source so patches merge requests are totally welcome CLOSED WONTFIX USECHROME NOLONGERWELCOMEHERE PLZSENDTEHCODES"

    Mind you, the latest breakage isn't even due to Google WebComponents®, but due to something more mundane: a fancy regex:

    [16:26] tomman well, it seems Gitlab just deployed its latest load of Chromeisms™, as it broke again on Seamonkey (even with JustOff's addon)
    [16:26] tomman SyntaxError: invalid regexp group 21.4fceb368.chunk.js:1:37724
    [16:29] tomman this regex, specifically: Re=/^&(?<iid>\d+)$/
    [16:33] tomman I'm a total moron with regexes, so can anyone please tell me what's wrong with that one?
    [16:51] robobox probably another WebComponents thing
    [17:50] tomman it's a regex, tho...
    [18:01] tomman let's test what that regex actually does...
    [18:01] tomman https://regex101.com/
    [18:02] tomman it matches digits preceded by &, i.e. &12345
    [18:02] tomman and the digits are captured in a named capture group
    [18:02] tomman (the ?<iid> part, "iid" being the actual name)
    [18:05] tomman https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#compatibilidad_del_navegador
    [18:06] tomman ...aaaand that was implemented on Firefox 78
    [18:06] tomman Bummer...
    [18:06] tomman ...at least today I learned something new (and useless... to me!)
    [18:06] tomman if we rewrite the regex as Re=/^&(\d+)$/, it works
    [18:06] IanN_Away tomman: I think frg_Away was looking at the new regular expression stuff
    [18:07] tomman so not exactly a Chromeism™ this time then 😟
    [18:08] IanN_Away tomman: not sure, frg_Away probably has all the gorey details
    [18:09] frg_Away tomman Waterfox Classic has imported it. https://github.com/WaterfoxCo/Waterfox/pull/2229
    [18:09] frg_Away Will öick it next but I am on the parser currently for the optional chaining operator. Trying to get both in but not done in a day 😊
    [18:10] tomman oooh~
    [18:10] tomman Regexes are not my friends anyway 😛
    [18:11] tomman TIL you can name your capture groups - I guess it's easier to remember match.group("foo") instead of match.group(2)
    [18:11] tomman but then you end writing more code!
    [18:12] tomman wtf, Java supports those since Java 7
    [18:12] tomman why bother with naming your capture groups for such a short regex, why why why?!
    [18:13] tomman (it's the one and only group in this example!)

    Unfortunately we have no choice here (regexes can't be polyfilled) unless you want to install more addons to unGoogle the web and tamper with sleazily-coded websitesa, but to wait until our browsers get up to date with the latest JS regex stuff (OK, named capture groups aren't exactly "hot", or even a Chromeism™, but why even bother on JS for trivial expressions!?). With any luck, hopefully we'll see those on SeaMonkey Soon™ (as soon as we manage to clone frg!) - Waterfox already has them on their Classic branch, and Pale Moon could reward some helping hands.


    Speaking about Pale Moon... oh boy, TOBIN!!!

    A clash of assholes (I have no sympathy for Feodor2/Roytam either, given their previous reputation), this gotta be fun.
    Not the first time Tobin threatens license violators (?!) with lawyers... but then, can he afford those, instead of, y'know, in the project which desperately needs developers?

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-10-18, 22:22

    Post: #1008 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    While we wait for SeaMonkey 2.53.10 (beta coming this week, final coming in "late October"), it seems we're navigator non grata for the Google Docs team, as we started getting redirected to a "Use Chrome Update your browser" lockout page.

    The solution? Add a user agent override for Google domains, claiming to be vanilla Firefox. Oh wait, you already have one for unfuck the search pages? Well, bump your browser version on it then - for Docs, you will want at least FF68. Don't forget that there are two version tokens you have to update:

    general.useragent.override.google.com = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0

    Yes, it will STILL complain that you aren't using Chrome your Firefox version is unsupported, but at least it will let you read documents again. Even better, tell people to stop using Google products! Oh wait, you're a minority, go pound sand instead because convenience can't be beaten, at the expense of freedom and interoperability :/


    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-11-22, 18:29 (revision 1)

    Post: #1013 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    SM 2.53.10 shipped last week, now defaulting to a FF68 user agent, to please Google because they are horrible people machines.

    Lately, most of the breakage I've seen from websites on SM are related to:
    1) JS regex stuff (mainly named capture groups and emoji crap)
    2) Misuse of user agent sniffing (that's with YOU, Alphabet!)
    3) Our good ol' friend, Google WebComponents™
    4) CSS Chromeisms
    ...in that exact order.

    The JS regex stuff is fixable, but requires to backport more JS stuff from Firefox, which also means the inevitable break of many old addons, as the legacy crud really gets in the way. For example, .10 broke my (already converted) version of Redirector, requiring me to modify a JS try...catch statement, as conditional catch statements are no longer supported (in fact, they never became a part of ECMAScript, and only survived all these years as a Mozilla-proprietary extension... that finally got the boot a couple years ago, and SM finally caught up with the times).

    In other news... TOBIN!!!
    Don't piss me off, dude... especially NOT TODAY!
    EDIT: Oh god, Tobin-senpai noticed me I'm on the radar. Ewwww..

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-01-06, 18:04 (revision 1)

    Post: #1036 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Mozilla meets buttcoins (and other kinds of fake money). Predictably, twat shitstorm ensues:

    https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1476951030638260225 (original Moz://a tweet)
    https://twitter.com/jwz/status/1478022085737803776 (notorious asshole and former father of Mozilla reacts)
    https://twitter.com/plinss/status/1478135256683143168 (another old Netscape reacts)

    Apparently there is people whose hate towards buttcoins is much MUCH higher than mine, go figure~

    Real or fake money, I wouldn't donate to Moz://a, as they would spend the monies on SJWs, highly paid UXtarded art school dropouts, and its obscenely paid CEO. Donate to non-braindamaged browsers instead! (sorry, only Real Money™ accepted here)

    *** UPDATE: Apparently the shitstorm was so huge that Moz://a gave up with the idea of taking mememoney ...for now?

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-01-29, 08:35
    Post: #1 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 907 days
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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Posted by tomman

    I mean, 32-bit PCs and Windows XP eventually have to go away, but why overcomplicating the already complicated web standards? Is it a sort of extreme sport that makes those webshits feel eternally young? A very convoluted way for ensuring job security for life? Boredom? Revenge against the world?
    Personal hypothesis: The people driving stuff now are people who were into computer when they were younger. They tend to have had wealthier histories, and have probably been upgrading computers every couple of years to stay modern since they were children. This is just "how things work" in their eyes. The idea that you would continue to USE a computer that is nearing a decade old, that it could still BE USEFUL, is foreign to them.

    The old guard, though? 1994's MS-DOS 6.22 listed an 8088 with 512 KB of RAM as the minimum system requirements.

    I feel like this is pretty accurate. There are people I have come across on Discord who literally say "I'm sorry" when they hear my main PC is a HP Compaq 8000 Elite desktop with 4GB RAM and a Core 2 Duo... it's either funny, or sickening, or both, to think they're imagining me struggling when for what it's worth I literally have no issues other than certain modern websites bogging down performance (at least for what I use my PC for).

    Posted by tomman

    Speaking about Pale Moon... oh boy, TOBIN!!!
    A clash of assholes (I have no sympathy for Feodor2/Roytam either, given their previous reputation), this gotta be fun.
    Not the first time Tobin threatens license violators (?!) with lawyers... but then, can he afford those, instead of, y'know, in the project which desperately needs developers?

    It's rather hilarious because the Windows XP hackjobs (to use Tobin terminology, regrettably) by those two are literally the only reason Pale Moon is/was even relevant. Now even the people who may have used Pale Moon because of the whole "Windows XP/Vista being really hip and cool with the weird zoomers" refuse to touch the thing.

    Posted by tomman
    Their "workaround"? "Oh, we can fall back down to an actual Flash Player plugin".
    ...except that browser plugins (NPAPI/PPAPI) are now officially DEAD all across the board (except on AssholeMoon, because their priorities are weird), so instead of giving a hand and helping debug the (not so unlikely) case of the polyfills, we get nothing.

    Pale Moon panders to weird nostalgia people, yet claims not to. It's a weird paradox. The only people I've ever seen using the thing are those within those aforementioned XP circles.

    Unsurprisingly, they're absolutely fucking full of internal drama/infighting, identity politics and neo-communists/socialists (who are more like neo-liberals if anything else), and... it feels like everyone seems to know of somebody within that bubble no matter what because nerd culture is now cool on Twitter (screw the "who to follow" 'feature' and 'recommended' content based on others' following and likes).

    * It's either those or it's Eastern European (usually Slavic) people who want gay people dead. Apparently being transmed is the least popular view in those circles and is literally enough to get you banned in some spaces, pretty ridiculous tbh.

    GO GO GO GO!

    Launch Base Zone reference?

    (I only joined to follow this thread. It's pretty interesting.)
    Posted on 22-01-30, 21:15

    Post: #1044 of 1323
    Since: 10-30-18

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    I do not give a fuck on assholeware projects like Pale Moon.

    My sole interaction with it is when Tobin comes to troll at SeaMonkey's IRC channel once in a blue moon, just because he has a hateboner on the staff (mainly on frg). I don't know how I haven't burst up yet, especially after that time when he tried to put ME against the SM "council", insinuating that I would be a better "boss" (it was an incredibly awkward day for everybody there, but that's Toxic Tobin for you)

    PM has its userbase, that's fine, the more choice the better. But enough is enough, and I'm firmly on "not using assholeware" camp, so for me it's SeaMonkey or bust.

    And to be fair, my Public Enemy Numero Uno right now isn't Pale Moon, but Google and the entirety of Silicon Valley.


    Dear webshits: if you're trying to get all fancy and use emoji regexes, or null coalescing operators (aka "??"), STOP. I've had more and more websites completely break on me due to those stupid "features" while adding ZERO new functionality to your frontends. Better yet, lay down the Javascript crack pipe, and GO LEARN NATIVE DEVELOPMENT AGAIN!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-01-31, 00:31
    Rated M for Magikarp

    Post: #573 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Posted by tomman
    Better yet, lay down the Javascript crack pipe, and GO LEARN NATIVE DEVELOPMENT AGAIN!
    Fuckin' preach!
    Posted on 22-02-01, 20:30
    Post: #3 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 907 days
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    Yeah, I saw you link that post here.

    As for emoji regexes, unsure what you mean... do you mean those crappy autoselectors that often load in huge font files from Twitter/Google servers?

    Meanwhile, it seems somebody has been venting similar frustrations as you about "if it's using JavaScript, it isn't necessary and can probably be done in native code" here: http://pigeonsnest.co.uk/stuff/webshite/index.html - do be warned there's a lot of UK-isms in this person's writing, so it might be slightly difficult to understand some parts for a non-native.
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