BearOso |
Posted on 18-11-17, 17:20
Post: #16 of 175 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 1493 days Last view: 1493 days |
It looks like the solder joints for the RGB wires are really close, but your photo doesn't have enough detail. Maybe they're bridged? |
Kakashi |
Posted on 18-11-17, 23:43
Post: #33 of 210 Since: 10-29-18 Last post: 1919 days Last view: 1890 days |
I have a multimeter, here. Is there an easy way to check for continuity between them? (Keep in mind, the guy has checked output using a gamecube scart cable) |
CaptainJistuce |
Posted on 18-11-18, 03:18 (revision 1)
Custom title here
Post: #71 of 1164 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 105 days Last view: 22 days |
Posted by KakashiSet it to measure resistance, and put one probe on each contact. If the result isn't infinity, there's a bridge. --- In UTF-16, where available. --- |
Kakashi |
Posted on 18-11-18, 03:41
Post: #34 of 210 Since: 10-29-18 Last post: 1919 days Last view: 1890 days |
I'm gonna wait until I get a reply to my latest post on this thread and then I'll test everything with a multimeter. Besides, $gf is still asleep and I have D&D in 3 hours. Got a day off tomorrow, so I might be able to get more done then. |
Kakashi |
Posted on 18-11-19, 06:17 (revision 5)
Post: #35 of 210 Since: 10-29-18 Last post: 1919 days Last view: 1890 days |
Here's the pinout of the SCART cable when connected to the Famicom AV: AV -----> SCART 01 (R) ----> ? 02 (G) ----> ? 03 (V+S) -> ? 04 (B) ----> ? 05 (GR) ---> 3, 7, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 06 (GR) ---> (This is bridged to AV 5) 07 (Y) ----> 9 08 (C) ----> ? 09 (V) ----> ? (works on composite multi-out and has continuity with NESRGB V pad) 10 (+5V) -> 11 11 (L-A) --> 1 12 (R-A) --> 5 Pins 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 have no pinout on the SCART end. The guy who installed the NESRGB said he tested my cable, but clearly didn't. My cable connects to the SCART->Mini-DIN convertor that came with the Framemeister, so I'm not sure what I need to buy if I need to get a GameCube SCART cable... UPDATE: Just tested the pinout on my SFC and got the exact same readings. So, if the SFC works with RGB, then the AVFC should. Hence, the next step is to hook up CS# to AV 3. (After I fix the wire on the pallette switch that has now come loose.) |
Kakashi |
Posted on 18-11-20, 10:01
Post: #36 of 210 Since: 10-29-18 Last post: 1919 days Last view: 1890 days |
Aaaaand, here is the answer. |