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    Posted on 19-07-18, 01:31

    Post: #74 of 100
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 1664 days
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    Game state prediction and input prediction are different things and the former is not called the latter. Nobody calls what fighting games with rollback do "input prediction", because it's not.
    Posted on 19-07-18, 02:38
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #522 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1646 days
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    So what exactly _is_ input prediction, if it's not game state prediction and it's not rollback? Is it the same thing as client-side prediction?
    I'm serious, not trying to ask rhetorical questions or anything. The Wikipedia article gives the impression that client-side prediction presupposes rollback and game state prediction. Is this correct?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-07-18, 06:11
    Post: #238 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 381 days
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    Posted by sureanem
    Oh, and as for N64's graphics APIs: supposedly, they map very well to the archaic Glide API, which in turn has shims for OpenGL and friends. So that could very well be a way to go at it. On the other hand, then you get 2+ layers of stacked shims, so that could have all sorts of problems.
    The best graphics plugins for N64 emulators use Glide wrappers for OpenGL.

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
    Posted on 19-07-18, 09:07 (revision 1)

    Post: #75 of 100
    Since: 10-30-18

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    The current best HLE graphics plugin is actually GL-native, GLideN64. Not to be confused with Glide64.
    Posted on 19-07-18, 13:48
    Post: #240 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 381 days
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    I... thought that one used a Glide Wrapper like it's predecessor. Neat that it doesn't.

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
    Posted on 19-07-19, 20:28

    Post: #14 of 17
    Since: 10-29-18

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    I don't think I could've come up with a more confusing name even if I tried.
    Posted on 19-07-20, 09:38

    Post: #151 of 210
    Since: 10-29-18

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    What is input prediction? Please make another thread if you want to talk about it since it's been pointed out that it wouldn't benefit and has nothing to do with a PC port of an N64 game.
    Posted on 19-07-21, 21:42
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #529 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1646 days
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    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-08-03, 02:27 (revision 3)
    Post: #14 of 21
    Since: 11-08-18

    Last post: 1137 days
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    Posted by tomman
    ...now after reading some comments here and there, it seems the biggest roadblock for a possible PC port would be dealing with the rather primitive SGI RSP graphics architecture, it doesn't sound like a walk in the park to essentially rewrite half of the game for OpenGL (I'll pretend DirectX does not exist for this example, but the end result will be the same)

    Couldn't they just use software rendering? Not exactly like Mario 64 is pushing technical boundaries today...
    Posted on 19-08-26, 17:07

    Post: #513 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    It's now official, go clone your gits:


    You need to bring your own retail SM64 ROM for asset extraction, and the Linux distro of your choice.

    I sincerely HOPE that with this, we can actually get ROM hackers to leave the "PJ64 unconsole" well behind, and easily produce hardware-compatible ROM hacks (or even original games!). But then, I guess this also implies getting tool developers to actually care and come up with better tools. Either way, now Mario has the keys to the realm :D

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-07-30, 21:21 (revision 3)

    Post: #747 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    And now fate was met: someone managed to make a native SM64 PC port:
    Or even better: https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64ex (you can actually configure stuff, etc.)

    Now you can run good ol' Super Mario Sixty-Four just like SGI intended: not on a crippled $300 STB, but on an actual 64-bit Unix workstation!
    Forget about borked PJ64_v1.x N64 emulators - the princess is now in another castle. And she still looks the same, but native :P

    (Technical details: the engine is more or less unmodified, apparently they reimplemented the F3DEX ucode on D3D/OGL, and created libultra shims - everything else is compiled as-is, natively)

    In the case of sm64ex, they somehow managed to break the camera even harder: try the Koopa the Quick race at BOB and enjoy frustration because camera completely loses its mind. Oh, and remapping keys isn't straightforward - a Xbox 360 gamepad helps.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 20-07-31, 00:31

    Post: #73 of 105
    Since: 11-13-19

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    Chiming in to point out that this port is also on the AUR as a package there, if you use Arch, btw.

    Oh, and retorting to your comment on fricking T9. I never managed to get the hang of T9 during the years I owned a feature phone, while my little brother handled it just fine. The best I could do was bang out a single sentence in a whole two minutes. Give me a touchscreen full qwerty keyboard any day. Oh, and I don't use my thumbs for this shit, I hold the phone with one hand and tap with my right fore finger. Or if I'm on a tablet, I can do more fingers on both hands.
    Posted on 20-07-31, 02:26
    Custom title here

    Post: #898 of 1157
    Since: 10-30-18

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    I never had reason to use T9 text entry much. Only phone I ever did, the buttons were so stiff and nasty that the actual keyboard was my obstacle more than text-processing.
    And I still hate full QWERTY on a pocket display.

    Non-paid promotional content: I have actually used MessagEase on my Android devices for a few years. I find it very pleasant, with a remarkably mild learning curve, and an excellent use of limited space on a compact touchscreen.
    This is also how I generate utterly alien typos like "e instead of space" sometimes.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 20-07-31, 19:55

    Post: #748 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 5 days
    Last view: 2 hours
    Figured out how to remap keys: the menu is there in the new Options menu (which is compiled by default; press virtual R on pause)

    Default keys are all screwy: START is Space, analog stick is WASD, one of the shift heys are A (or B?), L seems to be R or whatever... but once remapped, all is good again. Except that if you opt-in for the "better camera", you'll have a tougher time playing the game. Ah well, consider it a new experience then. It works better with dual analog sticks. A Xbox 360 gamepad gets a sane mapping, basically the same as Mupen64Plus (right stick = C-keys).

    Oh, and it seems to implement the Shindou Edition improvements: vibration works on my X360 pad - feels weird to feel the breeze in your hands when Mario is fired from a canyon, for example.

    Can't wait once ROM hackers start making magic with this, if they don't want to get bound by the original hardware limitations...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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