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    Posted on 22-05-30, 20:34 (revision 1)

    Post: #1110 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    How to integrate SeaMonkey with your Debian desktop:

    0) Install SeaMonkey to /opt/seamonkey, make sure your user owns that folder if you want for autoupdates to work.

    1) Integrate with the alternatives system:
    # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-www-browser x-www-browser /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey 80 
    # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gnome-www-browser gnome-www-browser /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey 80

    ### This one is optional, but recommended if you want to directly launch SeaMonkey from a terminal without using the default symlinks
    # update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/seamonkey seamonkey /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey 80

    2) Make a .desktop launcher, either at /usr/share/applications/seamonkey.desktop (systemwide), or ~/.local/share/applications/seamonkey.desktop (per user)
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Web Browser, Email/News Client, HTML Editor, IRC Client
    Exec=/opt/seamonkey/seamonkey %u
    # this one should be a one-liner - had to split to not break the board layout!

    3) MATE will behave stupid when letting you select SeaMonkey as your preferred web browser/email agent. I guess this should solve itself after several logons/logoffs, or whatever. YMMV on other DEs.

    4) Obviously, don't forget to run SeaMonkey and click that magical "I want to be your default web browser and everything else" button when prompted.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-06-16, 22:09 (revision 1)
    Post: #28 of 62
    Since: 01-29-22

    Last post: 838 days
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    Reminds me of a lot of the sentiments in this thread about JS, CloudFlare, TLS and whatnot... here's hoping he does something about WebComponents lol
    Posted on 22-07-11, 22:07

    Post: #1154 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours


    > Adding initial optional chaining [...]
    Sweet! (this is the hideous ?. operator that breaks the other half of the Web not broken by Google WebComponents™)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-08-07, 22:53 (revision 1)

    Post: #1167 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    Nearly every single Discourse-powered forum is now banned broken on SeaMonkey because our non-Apple/Chrome browsers do not fit into Jeff Atwood's 10-year plan. Neither do cheap Android cellphones. Really, the only suitable platforms for Jeff are:

    - iDevices
    - High end Android cellphones
    - High end computers bought in the last 2 years

    Everything else severely disrupts The Vision™, and therefore should be barred from ever accessing a Discourse forum. But since this is Asswood, a simple "your browser is too old, please install Chrome" banner isn't enough - the guy and his staff engages into dirty warfare sabotage tactics:

    - CSS sabotage: html {overflow-y: hidden !important;} kills scrolling.
    - Even if you manage to get past that CSS trap, you'll find that you can't click links because of yet another JS booby trap: jQuery bogus click event handlers! This. Is. WAR.

    Dear Jeff Atwood, the Discourse "cutting edge" development community, and operators of Discourse-powered boards:

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-08-12, 15:42
    Post: #192 of 205
    Since: 11-24-18

    Last post: 128 days
    Last view: 4 hours
    Posted by tomman

    - CSS sabotage: html {overflow-y: hidden !important;} kills scrolling.
    - Even if you manage to get past that CSS trap, you'll find that you can't click links because of yet another JS booby trap: jQuery bogus click event handlers! This. Is. WAR.

    Sounds like it is time to bring out the old user-scripts and user defined CSS again.
    Posted on 22-09-06, 14:27

    Post: #1183 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    It seems the GiggityHub WebComponents® polyfill addon for our beloved browsers has been largely abandoned, and GiggityHub now breaks every other week because of course the Microsoft-payroll crapcoders are too busy pushing hot new untested stuff to production. Instead, there is a new kid in the block: Palefill.

    Don't let the name fool you - it will not only work on Pale Moon, but also on many XUL/UXP-based browsers, including SeaMonkey. It's also designed to be easily extensible via rulesets: just add the domains and required Chromeisms to the ruleset, reinstall (sadly the ruleset isn't user-editable yet), and done. Works fine for GiggityHub... and Pixiv. Mostly.

    The War Against The Googlenet™ marches on...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-09-07, 15:04

    Post: #39 of 40
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 684 days
    Last view: 684 days
    New beta!!!


    Despite web pages getting worse each day (two-thirds of the internet broken because of poorly written javascript garbage or other not compatible crap stuff), it's nice to have a sane browser which in fact follows web standards. For the most part, I will always judge a website and their developers if it works or not on SeaMonkey. (But sadly, I will have to resort to Mozilla Crappyfox because of online tools used at work and important gov services stuff, and even then, they are still half-broken on latest Firefox because it uses exclusive Chrome shit)

    Damn... I have no ideia how mankind got itself so deep down into this hole... Very hard to see any light of hope at seeing web developers to actually care about the quality of their profession, altough neither the market cares about it. At least over here, no company at all gives a damn about good engeneering, they just wanna see things "to work" and are not worried at how it's done, which probably helped to infest web development with this bunch of web con artists. They are paid very well for the garbage they vomit and are even encouraged to learn "react" or whatever is trending nowadays in "career courses", as it is what "the market is after for".
    Posted on 22-09-07, 19:56

    Post: #1184 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    Posted by NTI
    Despite web pages getting worse each day (two-thirds of the internet broken because of poorly written javascript garbage or other not compatible crap stuff), it's nice to have a sane browser which in fact follows web standards.

    And here comes the problem, as the "web standards" these days are largely designed, written, approved and implemented by Google these days. The W3C just rubberstamps them for Google, and Mozilla these days are even lifting Chromium code wholesale to keep up with the latest Chromeisms. You may even say that there are no web standards anymore, but the "standard" is what Chrome does.

    Posted by NTI
    Damn... I have no ideia how mankind got itself so deep down into this hole... Very hard to see any light of hope at seeing web developers to actually care about the quality of their profession, altough neither the market cares about it. At least over here, no company at all gives a damn about good engeneering, they just wanna see things "to work" and are not worried at how it's done, which probably helped to infest web development with this bunch of web con artists. They are paid very well for the garbage they vomit and are even encouraged to learn "react" or whatever is trending nowadays in "career courses", as it is what "the market is after for".

    Welcome to modern IT in a nutshell: nobody cares about efficiency, or how it works under the hood. People only care how fast you go from zero to app. This same crapola is killing native development in favor of more Electron abominations, just because "move fast and break things" and "web is the new native". Quality costs money and it's even a bug, not a feature. After all why are you even using a budget Android phone and a 6-year old laptop instead of a iPhone 14 and a M2-powered Mac?

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-12-10, 22:25

    Post: #1207 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    PSA: If you're using Palefill on SeaMonkey and Giggityhub broke for you (AGAIN), do this:

    1) Downgrade to Palefill 1.23 here
    2) Disable addon autoupdates for Palefill
    3) Pray

    ...this is because Palefill has never really supported any browser other than Pale Moon (and UXP-based web browsers up to some extent), and not anything else. Some changes the way it loads polyfills were introduced recently, leveraging on Pale Moon-isms (gross hacks gated behind PM-specific user prefs), breaking things on SeaMonkey because it doesn't implement said hacks:

    So... yeah, that renders Palefill unusable for us in the near future. And the progress for implementing the Chromeisms required for most of the modern web on SeaMonkey is marching slowly, so I guess the road has become bumpier than usual :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 22-12-11, 00:17

    Post: #40 of 40
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 684 days
    Last view: 684 days
    Thank you, man!! Once again you just saved the day!!!

    Was wondering what happened as Garbagehub just stopped working sanely when downloading stuff. While room to maintain functionality gets tighter each day, I'm willing to hold on as much as I can to honour the good job made by the Seamonkey devs in this sick and condemned world.

    And as a matter of fact, new release out!!

    Sadly, this one breaks the latest working Greasemonkey addon version, but it isn't much of a big lost, as I just used it to remove URL tracking.
    Posted on 22-12-12, 00:54

    Post: #1208 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    Apparently enough stuff has been backported to make Giggityhub more-or-less "work" by just enabling dom.webcomponents.enabled on the latest betas, according to frg.

    I guess it's time to backup my profile and hop again onto the beta train, but at this stage I wish that a deadly pandemic just wipe webshits from the entire planet so the web standards can go back to being STANDARDS, and not a eternal moving target. Alas, that's not happening :/

    If you work with/for the Google Chrome team: DIE.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 23-01-21, 18:05

    Post: #1213 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours


    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 23-01-22, 10:14
    Custom title here

    Post: #1119 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 36 days
    Last view: 6 days
    Posted by tomman


    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 23-01-23, 20:23

    Post: #1214 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    2.53.15 broke good ol' Flashblock.

    Yes, Flash is dead. But Flashblock can also block HTML5 video, which is highly needed nowadays in the era of poor bandwidth and metered fake 4G cellphone networks. Adblockers can achieve the same, but I don't need full-fat uBlock as my current adblocking solution is perfect for my needs.

    Turns out Flashblock was using some long, LONG deprecated Mozilla-proprietary JS feature: getPreventDefault(): https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=691151
    But then, Flashblock has been dead for pretty much almost the same time, so noone bothered checking... until today!

    Simple fix: replace all instances of getPreventDefault() with the standards-compliant defaultPrevented on flashblock.xml/videoblock.xml (inside $ADDON_ROOT/chrome/flashblock.jar!/content/flashblock/). Repack, reinstall, done.

    Or just use my fixed XPI: https://we.tl/t-uNjyaVA2l9
    (link expires in one week - please rehost!)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 23-01-23, 23:22
    Secretly, I'm the Metaknight

    Post: #586 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 168 days
    Last view: 1 hour
    Posted by tomman
    (link expires in one week - please rehost!)
    Posted on 23-07-27, 11:48

    Post: #1247 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    2.53.17 is now on beta... but I'm gonna skip that release.

    Why? Because I've switched (for now) to the nightly builds, and those are already at 2.53.18, which now implements pretty serviceable support for some annoying Chromeisms, including the latest regex vomit (backported from Waterfox) and Google WebComponents® now being enabled by default (but not Shadow DOM yet!) - those two are MANDATORY for most of the modern web since it relies on hipster JS framenotworks.

    Seriously, it's that good. Backup your profiles, and monitor #seamonkey for possible breaking changes and pleas for testing the nightlies and betas - we really need that!


    The latest Chromeism of the week is a particularly NASTY one: Web Environment Integrity:

    Banks, Hollywood, and other Big Corps are gonna love this shit, straight out of the deeply locked jails of cellphones! If you hated your bank because their mobile crapp wouldn't run on your rooted/custom ROM flashed cellphone, they will also now be able to refuse access to their web portals too unless you're using a Legit™ browser/OS combo! This not only hurts alternate/non-Chrome browsers even harder, it even bars Chrome forks or even local builds of Chromium! Welcome to 1984, this is the future we wanted.... NOT!

    If you work for Google and don't QUIT NOW, you deserve all the insults you're getting online for horrible moves like this. No 6-figure salary and stock options are worth killing whatever is left from the freedoms of Internet and computing - might as well switch to making murder machines for the military!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-03-21, 15:18

    Post: #1281 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    I never bothered using release versions of SeaMonkey on my daily driver anymore - the nightlies are Good Enough™ for daily usage given the slow pace of changes. You may want to ask frg and folks on IRC for any late-minute breaking changes (and watch out with your addons!), but these days I just upgrade to the latest nightly once or twice a month.

    From the Chromeisms front, the latest serial offender is Clownflare, as usual - they now have a tradition of breaking any non-Chrome'd browser YEARLY without explanation:

    Two weeks ago, I fell victim to this, and at very sensitive place: one of my banks (to name and shame: a hipster-ish bank that goes under the stupid name of Bancamiga - literally means "FriendlyBank" in English!) decided that it was an AWESOME idea to deploy ClownFart's Browser Integrity Check (which is the most likely reason to get served CF captchas these days if you get caught using a web browser not approved by the Internet Party), and combined with a late minute update by Clownflare, I got effectively locked out from logging in into my bank (where I have, among other things, part of my savings, my one good credit card, and even a international debit card from the very few authorized to be issued in this country, so just closing this account and switching banks would hurt me BADLY). Called the bank, told them that ClownFart got in the middle, got told to pound sand and "upgrade my web browser, clear the cache and cookies, and try again or use a cellphone".

    Even called Venezuela's banking regulator (got the chance to don my Loyal Party Member™ cosplay), telling them that Clownflare not only was getting in the middle, but also the bank got unresponsive AND CF being a California corporation means that this bank is one Executive Order away from breaking the laws (effectively turning this into a potential national security threat, yay~!). They tried initially to dismiss me with the same pathetic excuses as used by the bank ("y u no cellphone?"), but eventually they told me to file a formal complaint letter to the bank, OVER EMAIL, then wait 20 days... and if the bank doesn't favorably reply, I should call again to escalate the complaint (I'm still in the process of gathering enough legal and historical background to write said letter). After some online research, turns out that I wasn't alone - Pale Moon users were being subject to the same ABUSE by Clownflare's latest deployment of Chromeisms... and even worse, they were dismissing Moonchild's formal support ticket (he is a paid CF customer) under bogus arguments. Users complaining at CF's forum (which uses the abomination known as Discourse, so a double whammy for us not using a Jeff Approved™ browser) were also being shooed away, to file useless claims with site operators for a problem caused by CF.

    Incredibly, before we were forced to escalate the complaint to Silly Con Valley's complaint department (aka Hackernews), someone at Clownflare realized the fuckup, and 4 days later I was able to logon into my bank again... and to the other half of the Internet relying on Browser Integrity Check, but only after enduring "you are a human, right?" checks on SeaMonkey because I'm a threat to CF's bottom line, it seems.

    If you work at ClownFart: FUCK YOU. Hope our paths never cross in this life or things will end [censored]. You're a enemy to the Internet and to freedom. Hope you guys get hacked to shreds by [insert your favorite villain here] - mightier evil actors have fallen, and CF won't be the exception!
    Site operators: STOP USING CLOWNFLARE SERVICES FFS! CF doesn't care about security, they care about being in control of everything - they have the MITM power that many governments around the world drool with...
    As for Bancamiga... I was happy with the services of this bank, but not anymore - trust takes forever to build, and seconds to destroy. This case is NOT closed yet, I shall get that formal complaint letter filled promptly, to serve as a warning for the rest of the banking system in Venezuela. (I sincerely hope that if The Angry Cheeto wins again, he bars Clownflare from selling services to my country)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 24-07-22, 01:52

    Post: #1301 of 1315
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 31 days
    Last view: 16 hours
    After almost 2 decades of serving me well, I finally retired my trusty nx9010 from active duty, and that includes email.

    Time to move almost 2 decades of mailboxes that began life many moons ago under some flavor of Outlook Express, then Outlook, then Mozilla Suite, then Thunderbird, and eventually Suite again SeaMonkey. Now that I need the space for a new machine, it means it's time to do what I've been neglecting to do for years: move my email once again. To be fair, this move was long due, since the nx9010 was confined to run SM 2.49.5 because that was the final version that supported XP. Here is a basic outline on what I did to achieve that last move:

    - Download your email as usual on the old system, for one last time.

    - Backup your email folders (usually at $PROFILE/Mail/) and make a backup of that backup, just in case.

    - On the new setup/profile, recreate your accounts using the exact same info (login, etc). Setup them as you had them in your old profile (identities, aliases, server settings, etc.)

    - Close SeaMonkey, go to $PROFILE/Mail/ on the new profile, and for each account you need to restore, enter on its respective mail server dir, delete all the files already there, and copy the set from the same server from your backup in its place. Don't get tempted to do this BEFORE creating the account, as SM will find that the directory exists, and create your account into a new directory as a precaution!

    - Run SeaMonkey again - your mail should be exactly as you left it last time before the switch. Yay~!

    Also, good timing because MICROS~1 started threatening me with a good time: starting next September, you need to switch to Modern™ authentication methods to keep your ability to send and receive email from your Hotmale lookOut account. In other words: MS wants you to upgrade to Windows 11 and install their awesome Outlook app switch to OAuth2... or rather, its slightly wicked implementation of it, because after reading the story of OAuth, it turned out to be a shitty enterprisey standard so bad its original author ragequitted HSRD after seeing what they did with his creation. Anyway, OAuth2 is not supported on 2.49.5, but it's perfectly supported on the 2.53 branch, albeit with some caveats:

    - 2.53.18.x should work for MS, but better use the nightlies (or at least, the recently shipped 2.53.19 beta 1!)

    - You need to fix a couple prefs: open about:prefs, and search for "scope". You will find at least two prefs per each OAuth2-capable account:

    For your Outlook accounts, you will notice the value contains a bunch of URLs that begin with https://outlook.office365.com/ - those will NOT work! Edit them and remove all instances of "365" from the URLs (do NOT modify anything else!!!)
    The pref should look like this now:
    https://outlook.office.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/POP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send offline_access

    - Microsoft will identify SeaMonkey as "Mozilla Thunderbird", since they're piggybacking over TB's app ID - getting one issued by MS is already a kafakesque nightmare.

    Technically, MS also offers app passwords (just like Google), if you have enabled 2FA on your account. But they do not advertise that, they certainly didn't mentioned them on their announcements, and I'm not going to waste a single extra braincell on more security theater. For now. Oh, and MICROS~1 is deprecating the fallback XP-era Outlook web UI that we get on SeaMonkey and other non-Chrome browsers too. You know, the one that actually sips bandwidth and it's SANE (albeit with a very dated style). Fun.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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