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    Posted on 21-01-05, 05:09 (revision 9)
    Post: #44 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

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    sthv,hmjdrghdrsjh,ghxj,gtjgx nb
    Posted on 21-01-05, 08:27
    Post: #184 of 202
    Since: 11-01-18

    Last post: 542 days
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    wow, look at all the edge in that chat log.

    such angst, so teenager.
    Posted on 21-01-05, 13:38 (revision 2)

    Post: #871 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    The day Mozilla dies, I hope I'm gone too.

    Otherwise, I guess I'll take advantage of the fact that my country is becoming a big fat obsolete intranet, and give up all communications. I'd drink sewage rather than defecting to Blink/Webkit. I already barely communicate with people due to my refusal (on moral and technical grounds) to use whatever the "kool kids" do these days (which are diseases like WhatsFuckingApp or UGH Discord), so if Chrome becomes the new IE, it will be easy for me to simply give up and disconnect. I already have enough with the forced WebComponents shenanigans, where web devs can't take their eyes apart from "OOOH SHINY" junk without even considering the consequences.

    Our last hope is SeaMonkey. I do not know if to laugh or cry, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going back to Firefox or giving a chance to AssholeMoon. And certainly I'm not trading up my personal computer for a crippled cellphone.

    PS: stop using Discord, you idiots!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-06, 11:01 (revision 2)
    Post: #45 of 48
    Since: 12-19-20

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    Posted by funkyass
    wow, look at all the edge in that chat log.

    such angst, so teenager.

    guess I should stop hanging around places with actually intelligent and go back to tiktok and tumblr, where I can gloat about my edge and be a whore all day!!!11!1!1!!1
    Posted on 21-01-06, 12:24
    Custom title here

    Post: #971 of 1157
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Mei Koyoki
    Posted by funkyass
    wow, look at all the edge in that chat log.

    such angst, so teenager.

    guess I should stop hanging around places with actually intelligent and go back to tiktok and tumblr, where I can gloat about my edge and be a whore all day!!!11!1!1!!1
    Well, someone takes criticism poorly.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 21-01-06, 16:15

    Post: #873 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    That escalated quickly~

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-06, 17:10

    Post: #537 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    And then it de-escalated again. And it'll stay there.
    Posted on 21-01-06, 20:32 (revision 1)
    Post: #26 of 28
    Since: 12-10-18

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    this account needs to go too
    (also, why can trashed threads be viewed on listposts.php)
    Posted on 21-01-12, 00:18
    Post: #28 of 28
    Since: 12-10-18

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    is this true? found it on this thread for reference:
    Posted on 21-01-12, 18:24 (revision 4)

    Post: #880 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Fake news?

    I'm now a lurker on the Seamonkey IRC channel, and I've yet to see anyone from the Pale Moon "team" there.
    They simply do not talk about each other, basically.

    Seamonkey DOES have a forum, it's at MozillaZine, although that place is doomed due to the impending close of the latter (it seems that MZ has been in autopilot lately, with downtimes becoming common). Incidentally, it seems the Pale Moon guys are also not that welcome at the 'Zine forums - the animosity seems to be mutual.

    UPDATE: Because I had to put the finger into the open wound ask:
    [08:11]   tomman  https://old.reddit.com/r/palemoon/comments/bvf0z4/why_is_pale_moon_forum_so_incredibly_toxic/eps8vwu/ wait, what?
    [08:11] tomman oh man, so many fake news in a single statement
    [08:12] tomman ...or perharps in a single line (the one related to Seamonkey)
    [08:30] WG9s tomman: Yes Tobin's involvement in the SeaMonkey project seems to be confined to trolling here telling people they should be using PaleMoon instead!
    [09:52] njsg And doing anything there probably requires an account
    [11:08] frg_away tomman well he is not involved. For the rest I don't care.

    More reasons for me to stick to Team Seamonkey and pretend Pale Mooned does not exist. Their PR tactics went beyond the point of no return long time ago. My shitlist always have room to grow~

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-14, 08:57 (revision 2)
    Post: #386 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by tomman
    MozillaZine[/url], although that place is doomed due to the impending close of the latter (it seems that MZ has been in autopilot lately, with downtimes becoming common).

    Hence why I've backed up the Firefox tweaks compilation I've compiled over the years (http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3058484&p=14854838#p14854838) to some text files on my HDD's.

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
    Posted on 21-01-18, 19:28

    Post: #887 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    The day Giggityhub (and by extension, Microsoft/Google) sent Pale Moon (and by extension, each and every non-Chrome browser that isn't "latest Firefox version") to eat a bag of dicks:

    Posted by "J.J. - GitHub developer support"
    ... it would be disingenuous of us not to recognise that there is clearly a difference of opinion where our use of custom elements is concerned. GitHub considers this open specification part of a diverse and healthy set of modern web standards. As these standards continue to be adopted and supported by web developers and browser maintainers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge), we will continue to make use of them. For browsers {sic: without support for WebComponents} ..., further degradation is a likelihood.

    I appreciate that this is disappointing and frustrating for you, as the lead developer of one such browser, but we would like to be upfront and honest about the future implications here.

    In other words: "fuck you browser outcasts - Google sez we must chase shiny, and we love shiny so it's Chrome or DIE, so GTFO"

    Related thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22604070 (roughly half of the replies goes with the "alternate browsers are obsolete junk and nobody uses them, so why bother?" meme, which is expected from the HN crowd)

    If you need a big reason to NOT host your sources on Giggityhub, I hope that one is heavyweight enough. Unfortunately most (if not all) source code forges/repos have assumed the same "shiny Javascript" disease as GiggityHub, because that's the Silly Valley 'tude for you (even if said code comes from outside the Valley). Apparently bloating the web with complexity is a signal of a "diverse and healthy set of modern web standards".

    And yet, when all of us "browser outcasts" should unite and tell SV to GIT OUT, the community gets more fragmented than ever due to ego wars. Just like The Year of the Linux Desktop™ meme :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-19, 00:22
    The Thirteenth Doctor

    Post: #543 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Bloat is basically the opposite of healthy. Ask any dietician.
    Posted on 21-01-19, 07:43 (revision 3)
    Post: #388 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 381 days
    Last view: 55 days
    The day Giggityhub (and by extension, Microsoft/Google) sent Pale Moon (and by extension, each and every non-Chrome browser that isn't "latest Firefox version") to eat a bag of dicks:

    Posted by "J.J. - GitHub developer support"
    ... I appreciate that this is disappointing and frustrating for you,


    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
    Posted on 21-01-20, 10:22 (revision 1)

    Post: #888 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 5 days
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    Posted by Nicholas Steel
    The day Giggityhub (and by extension, Microsoft/Google) sent Pale Moon (and by extension, each and every non-Chrome browser that isn't "latest Firefox version") to eat a bag of dicks:

    Posted by "J.J. - GitHub developer support"
    ... I appreciate that this is disappointing and frustrating for you,


    Yes, they appreciate that you're suffering punishment because you chose to deviate from the Holy Way Of Chrome. SV turds are that nice.

    Found another "opensource" bugtracking software you will want to avoid, and it had to be a serial Webcomponents abuser Google product: Monorail.
    Relevant log:
    [11:30]   tomman  https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list fun, more Google Webcomponents blast! (does not work on Seamonkey)
    [11:31] robobox they could have done that in 50 lines of css and another 30 of javascript
    [11:31] tomman Well, I guess I'll add Monorail to my sh*tlist
    [11:31] tomman what's the point of a bugtracker if you can't use it because it's broken?
    [11:32] tomman oh, they have a "View in the old UI" link
    [11:32] tomman ...that it's only a list of projects that redirect you to their borked Webcomponents junk
    [11:33] robobox file a bug on monorail
    [11:34] tomman "Monorail supports all browsers defined in the Chrome Ops guidelines."
    [11:34] tomman OK, they do allow to do that
    [11:34] tomman log me with my Google account.... fine
    [11:35] robobox I only use those for google mail and youtube (although not much worth watching there execpt music)
    [11:35] tomman https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/front_end.md "Chrome, Chredge, whatever browser ships on iDevices because Apple, and I guess latest Firefox"
    [11:36] robobox wonder what they say about SM, if anything
    [11:36] tomman lovely, their compatibility list for Monorail is their "Chrome Infrastructure" list, aka what Google cares
    [11:36] robobox it seems to work in ESR 78
    [11:40] tomman https://bugs.chromium.org/p/monorail/issues/detail?id=8963 HA! I can't even read my own bug report!
    [11:40] tomman LOVELY
    [11:41] tomman so yeah, I guess I'll stick to Trac for when people ask me for a simple, modern bugtracking solution
    [11:42] tomman I can feel myself channeling my inner jwz

    If anyone can tell me when they "appreciate my disappointment", here is the ticket. Not that I can read it because I am one of those "browser non grata" outcasts.

    A broken bugtracker. I thought I had seen everything in this life, but computers remind me every day that suckage has a sub-basement.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-20, 18:33 (revision 1)
    Post: #185 of 202
    Since: 11-01-18

    Last post: 542 days
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    It also doesn't work on FF 60 ESR, which was from 2 years ago, and what Seamonkey is currently based on.

    This is like complaining about doom not running on a 286.
    Posted on 21-01-20, 20:31

    Post: #889 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by funkyass
    It also doesn't work on FF 60 ESR, which was from 2 years ago, and what Seamonkey is currently based on.

    This is like complaining about doom not running on a 286.

    Except that there is a difference: Doom was state of the art when it was released, a groundbreaking game for a whole genre, designed to push hardware of the era to its limits, so if you wanted the best Doom Experience, you had no option but to upgrade that 286 to something GOOD, like a 486DX2 or something. It's a videogame, it's designed to give you pleasure to all your senses (except for taste, and definitely not smell!), but there is a price you have to pay, and if you don't agree, you can still play Commander Keen on your EGA dinosaur while all the other kids in the block beg mom and dad for money for a new sweet cool rig (which also will let them do more).

    Monorail is something more mundane: a bug tracking software. By its very nature, you want your bugtracking solution to be as robust as possible (maybe even more than the software projects you're tracking with it), the very last place where you want to push tech to its limits. Why in the hell a freakin' bugtracker requires WebComponents? What's the benefit other than locking out people using non-Chrome non-mainstream browsers? While it makes sense for Google to dogfood their own software, they actually offer Monorail as a solution you can use for your very own software projects (be it public or private), so locking out "ooooooold" browsers (which actually they aren't old - they just can't keep with their mindless "living standard" webshit crapola) is a very odd (read: disrespectful, assholeish) way to interact with your users. Thankfully, Monorail has plenty of competition (Bugzilla, Trac, Redmine, JIRA -which comes from the Atlassian bloat factory, now with more cloud!-, and nearly every GiggityHub clone) that aren't deeply into this web standards sabotage AKA the endless chase for change for the sake of change.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-20, 22:07
    Post: #186 of 202
    Since: 11-01-18

    Last post: 542 days
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    Doom required and designed around the memory model of the flat model of 386's protected mode. You could rewite the memory management to work on with 286's PM, but it would be next to unplayable, and you'd need to reboot the machine afterwards.

    And the funny thing, support for web components was fully enabled in FF 63, added in FF 59.

    does seamonkey's about config have dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.enabled somewhere?
    Posted on 21-01-20, 22:36 (revision 1)

    Post: #890 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by funkyass
    Doom required and designed around the memory model of the flat model of 386's protected mode. You could rewite the memory management to work on with 286's PM, but it would be next to unplayable, and you'd need to reboot the machine afterwards.

    And the funny thing, support for web components was fully enabled in FF 63, added in FF 59.

    does seamonkey's about config have dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.enabled somewhere?

    Seamonkey has dom.webcomponents.enabled and dom.webcomponents.customelements.enabled, but not that one.

    Anyway, they don't work (I've tested them during the GH saga) as the support is simply not yet there, and there is barely any manpower left to please the Googles. I guess things might improve when 2.57 (which is based off FF60) gets released, but they're far away from anything resembling a beta, much less an stable version. When that happens, most likely Google may have added something new and shiny to the "living standard" (because the W3C has become little more than a rubberstamp for Google's silly additions to the standards), and Webcomponents may have become old news, half the web would still be broken on alternative browsers, and I would still be ranting about the same because the world is fucked up :/

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 21-01-23, 16:05 (revision 1)

    Post: #892 of 1301
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Seamonkey 2.53.6 was released just a few hours ago GO GO GO


    Just a few bugfixes (some security patches backported from FF78ESR), and if you live in Greece it's a good time to switch as they now have a Greek (el) locale. And some internal source plumbing changes to align with SM2.57 build tree in order to ease build transition, I guess.

    No, we aren't Google WebComponents®™ yet!

    UPDATE: The Monorail guys answered to my browser compatiblity ticket!
    Unsurprisingly, their answer was basically following the Party lines:
    Sorry, this website does require web components support. We aim to support the two latest stable versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari as per our browser support guidelines: https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/front_end.md#front_end-development-guidelines

    "Go away, you don't exist!"

    Welcome to the shitlist, Monorail! Get cozy with other abominations like JIRA (product that you can't own anymore because Atlassian went full-Clown).

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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