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Posted on 23-07-22, 02:22 (revision 1)
Post: #1 of 1
Since: 07-22-23 Last post: 488 days Last view: 486 days |
Currently working on Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis (GBA). Trying to dump text with Cartographer right now. Table file, totkol.tbl(.txt), the commands file, and the output (names_00*.txt) are here: https://github.com/hobohyperborian/to-tkol-text Powershell command to produce output is: .\Cartographer.exe .\totkol.gba .\totkol_commands.txt names -m Issues with the output: 1. I don't know how to name individual output files something appropriate, like for instance after their block name. 2. I have no idea what is going on with names_002.txt (Character Dialog). It should be all the character dialog in the game, with some sort of event scripting non-printable characters interspersed throughout. Instead it dumps chunks of that text table, with no discernable pattern to the dump. I assume this is due to this table file entry: /ff=<END>\n … but I have no context for which to understand it so I can't debug it in a timely manner. If you scroll to the end of the table using the addresses in the commands file, you can see what text should be at the end of the raw text dump, then if you page down to the end of names_002.txt, you see this text is not present there. Any help figuring out how to use these tools is appreciated. Yes, I did read the manual. edit On re-re-re-reading the manual, I noticed this: End tokens specifed by beginning the entry with a '/' (like /FF=<END>\n\n above) are used I created two table files: 1. For the pointer delimited text, which had an end token as such: /FF=<END>\n 2. For the raw text, which did not have an end token and treated FF like any other value. Doing this, and making each command block in totkol_commands.txt use the correct table file for their text delimiting scheme produced a correct dump for all of them, albeit with a lot of unknown control characters. I did not record what the error was, but if anyone who stumbles across this in the future encounters a choppy or inexplicably chunked raw text dump, this is your solution. Thank you to everyone for your help. |