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Posted on 18-10-30, 17:02 in First!

Post: #1 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by Screwtape
I was tempted to make a post when I signed up, but the board was so clean and fresh and new, I couldn't quite bring myself to do it.

You and me both, brotha. You and me both.

I don't think I could get behind this board if it didn't support jest tags.
Posted on 18-10-31, 20:50 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #2 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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The strategy is to play like an asshole and steal long chains from the opposing team right near the scoring zones.
Posted on 18-10-31, 21:03 in First!

Post: #3 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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The total thread/post count on the front page doesn't match the number of posts and threads publicly visible. I'm gonna go crazy wondering if that number includes private boards (presumably mod/admin boards) or if the mismatch is caused by deleted posts.
Posted on 18-11-02, 15:53 in Emulation is for NERDs. (revision 1)

Post: #4 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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"Your post is too short to have any real meaning. Try a little harder."

Okay fine I guess I'll contribute to the thread in a meaningful way, but let the record show that I'm doing it under protest.

I've been really impressed with the quality of NERD's work. While I don't think the argument could be made that the S/NES MiniClassics feature anywhere near perfect emulation, it's clear they've put in a solid effort to do better than previous Nintendo outings.
Posted on 18-11-02, 15:55 in A trip through the archives: /lab/ [snes]

Post: #5 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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I appreciate you naming several of your demos by the order they were made rather than what they actually do. Gives me warm memories of the GBA piracy scene, and I wish commercial games were named like that.
Posted on 18-11-02, 15:59 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #6 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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The superscript and subscript buttons post HTML tags, which do not work with HTML tags disabled. I tried converting the angle brackets to square brackets to use it as bbcode, but there is no such bbcode and it just rendered it out as plain text.

Recommend reinstalling the board from scratch and see if that fixes it.
Posted on 18-11-02, 20:50 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #7 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by Nicholas Steel
Destiny 2 is free to keep, with the offer lasting until November 18th. It will appear as a Gift in the application after signing in.

What I played of the first game was little more than a glorified skinner box, but I guess it's at least worth a try if it's free.
Posted on 18-11-07, 01:56 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #8 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by CaptainJistuce
When are we going to get the ability to edit other people's posts? That was the biggest missing feature of bBoard2.
Classic video, for posteriority.
Posted on 18-11-07, 16:43 in Something about cheese!

Post: #9 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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The Democrats basically never had a chance of taking the Senate. Too many seats occupied by Republicans were not up for election this year. (Senate terms are six years, but the elections are staggered, so only 1/3 of the US Senate is actually up for election at any given time).

I'm generally satisfied with this outcome. Having one party control the House of Representatives and the other control the Senate leads to a Congress on the whole which will be generally ineffective unless something is really important enough to work together on. IMO that's the ideal Congress.
Posted on 18-11-07, 16:44 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #10 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Stuff isn't getting marked read properly, but it's a good start. That's a minor inconvenience at worst; it's not hard to open all the unread stuff in new tabs and then mark entire board as read.
Posted on 18-11-07, 18:18 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #11 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Did you ever know that you're my hero?
Posted on 18-11-09, 23:15 in First!

Post: #12 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by tomman
Is that a sort of "post number / total post count"?

That's exactly it. The first number is what post number it is among all your own posts among all threads, and the second number is your total post count. It's a little more obvious when you look through an individual member's posts from their profile; that's how I figured out wtf it was, since it's not really intuitive at all.
Posted on 18-11-12, 18:34 in Board feature requests/suggestions

Post: #13 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by Kawa
You earn that ability over time. When you reach 100 posts (as per configuration) or become staff, you get the Title field in the profile editor.

I think I can survive a few months without a "Screw Y'all" title. 100 posts ain'tn't bad at all.
Posted on 18-11-12, 18:36 in Cartoons, imported

Post: #14 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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If anime is to blame for anime culture, I think it's more than fair to say anime was a mistake.
Posted on 18-11-15, 23:04 in First!

Post: #15 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by james4591
Just saw Byuu posted the xfer, so I'll start lurking here posting when I actually am motivated enough to.

If your goal is to lurk, you're off to a bad start. Barely registered and already have two posts; that's just the opposite of lurking.
Posted on 18-11-16, 17:00 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #16 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by Nicholas Steel
Apparently he did have a backup, within the same folder that got recursively deleted. Also attempted some recovery software which only restored the folders and not the files...

I hardly think anything stored on the same physical drive can be called a backup.

What was his plan for if (or, let's face it, when) his hard drive eventually fails? He was playing with fire even without Adobe's help.
Posted on 18-11-16, 17:09 in First!

Post: #17 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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Posted by CaptainJistuce

Also, second place is just first loser.
Posted on 18-11-16, 22:55 in PSA: The kilogram has been redefined

Post: #18 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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xkcd is on the case.
Posted on 18-11-19, 18:05 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #19 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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For casual play, that kind of mechanic is great. It's on par with Mario Kart giving better items to the players in worse positions. It may not make a truly fair game, but it makes for a more exciting and addictive game.

For competitive or tournament play, that's pretty awful. I have trouble taking most popular shooters seriously in any real competitive environment, and this is a good example of why.

So... uh... props to Valve for not pulling any stunts like this with Counter-Strike, I guess?
Posted on 18-11-20, 00:13 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #20 of 63
Since: 10-29-18

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The issue isn't the presence of these kinds of systems, but how they're implemented. I think variable spawn timers are a generally good mechanic and a nice way to prevent the FPS equivalent to a neverending combo. It's the faster captures that are a problem. They don't merely protect a losing team from being curbstomped when they can't get out of their spawn. Rather, they give the losing team a substantial competitive advantage away from their spawn. The difference between a faster spawn and a faster flag cap is a big one, IMO, because the latter specifically makes the moment-to-moment gameplay easier.

Thus the Mario Kart comparison. It doesn't just prevent a player from getting farther behind. Rather, it gives enough of an advantage for a player who is significantly behind not just to catch up but get ahead. That's the difference between a spawn timer and a cap timer, and that's the difference between CS:GO's economy system (which notably still gives winning players a higher bonus than losing players unless the losing team is WAYYYY behind) and Battlefield.
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