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Posted on 24-07-22, 01:52 in Mozilla, *sigh*

Post: #1301 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
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After almost 2 decades of serving me well, I finally retired my trusty nx9010 from active duty, and that includes email.

Time to move almost 2 decades of mailboxes that began life many moons ago under some flavor of Outlook Express, then Outlook, then Mozilla Suite, then Thunderbird, and eventually Suite again SeaMonkey. Now that I need the space for a new machine, it means it's time to do what I've been neglecting to do for years: move my email once again. To be fair, this move was long due, since the nx9010 was confined to run SM 2.49.5 because that was the final version that supported XP. Here is a basic outline on what I did to achieve that last move:

- Download your email as usual on the old system, for one last time.

- Backup your email folders (usually at $PROFILE/Mail/) and make a backup of that backup, just in case.

- On the new setup/profile, recreate your accounts using the exact same info (login, etc). Setup them as you had them in your old profile (identities, aliases, server settings, etc.)

- Close SeaMonkey, go to $PROFILE/Mail/ on the new profile, and for each account you need to restore, enter on its respective mail server dir, delete all the files already there, and copy the set from the same server from your backup in its place. Don't get tempted to do this BEFORE creating the account, as SM will find that the directory exists, and create your account into a new directory as a precaution!

- Run SeaMonkey again - your mail should be exactly as you left it last time before the switch. Yay~!

Also, good timing because MICROS~1 started threatening me with a good time: starting next September, you need to switch to Modern™ authentication methods to keep your ability to send and receive email from your Hotmale lookOut account. In other words: MS wants you to upgrade to Windows 11 and install their awesome Outlook app switch to OAuth2... or rather, its slightly wicked implementation of it, because after reading the story of OAuth, it turned out to be a shitty enterprisey standard so bad its original author ragequitted HSRD after seeing what they did with his creation. Anyway, OAuth2 is not supported on 2.49.5, but it's perfectly supported on the 2.53 branch, albeit with some caveats:

- 2.53.18.x should work for MS, but better use the nightlies (or at least, the recently shipped 2.53.19 beta 1!)

- You need to fix a couple prefs: open about:prefs, and search for "scope". You will find at least two prefs per each OAuth2-capable account:

For your Outlook accounts, you will notice the value contains a bunch of URLs that begin with - those will NOT work! Edit them and remove all instances of "365" from the URLs (do NOT modify anything else!!!)
The pref should look like this now: offline_access

- Microsoft will identify SeaMonkey as "Mozilla Thunderbird", since they're piggybacking over TB's app ID - getting one issued by MS is already a kafakesque nightmare.

Technically, MS also offers app passwords (just like Google), if you have enabled 2FA on your account. But they do not advertise that, they certainly didn't mentioned them on their announcements, and I'm not going to waste a single extra braincell on more security theater. For now. Oh, and MICROS~1 is deprecating the fallback XP-era Outlook web UI that we get on SeaMonkey and other non-Chrome browsers too. You know, the one that actually sips bandwidth and it's SANE (albeit with a very dated style). Fun.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-02, 03:08 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE

Post: #1302 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
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Puyo Puyo games have been present natively on Wintel PC Compatibles decades before Puyo Puyo Tetris, who would have known?

Another pointless "let's run old games in old machines for lulz" exercise:

- Puyo Puyo Sun: works wonderfully even on Windows 95 on a period accurate toaster, and looks sharper and cleaner than in any emulator. Install, apply the translation patch, enjoy.

- Puyo Puyo Fever: One of Sega's response to the "It Runs DooM" craze, because they ported PPF to nearly every platform that can run games. Turns out the PC versions even have the English localization (sans voices) mostly intact on the disc, but Sega didn't bothered keeping the menu option to switch languages. But since the PC versions are straight Dreamcast ports, they use the exact save files (albeit compressed, but not on Mac for some reason!), so all you need is a single-byte patch.

Getting PPF to run on Windows 9x was... more painful than what I expected.
* Sega did two disc releases: 1.x and 2.0. The original 1.x release ISOs from 2004 are unobtanium (despite being listed on Redump!) and they have icky SafeDisc DRM, but you can easily find them in a hacked and prepatched English installer by Puyo Nexus... which will not work properly on 9x due to some leftover URL shortcut file with non-ANSI characters. And turns out you want THIS one because...

* ...there was a re-release in 2008 to improve compatibility with Vista, with version 2.0. This unfortunately came at a cost: 9x compatiblity got broken - Sega didn't even bothered testing anything since the installer will run fine, the game launcher will run... and the game will attempt to run then die with no explanation, no errors, no crashes, no weird exit codes, no nada! And this is the ISO you're likely to find everywhere :/

* The English savefile patching tool runs on 9x, but assumes your savefile lives at %AppData%\SEGA\PuyoF, which is not true for 9x - on those platforms the savefile is right at the game install directory. There is no %AppData% on 9x at all! (a directory exists under C:\WINDOWS\, but no environment var exists). You will need to download a pre-patched save file and drop it on the install dir.

* All other versions (1.x went up to 1.12 aka the Carnival Edition, while 2.0 apparently received some automatic updates too) are lost forever. Don't look for them.

Long short story: install the prepatched Puyo Nexus 1.5 release on a XP or later box, copy the entire install folder to your 9x rig, put your English savefile there too, done. Alternatively, use the 2.0 installer, and get the following files from the prepatched 1.5:
- hglNj.dll
- SegaLauncher.exe (rename it to Launcher.exe)
- Launcher.ini
- PuyoF.exe
- s_launch.exe
- snapcl.dll
- SnapUtil.dll
...and paste them on your 2.0 install folder, overwriting as appropriate.

In both cases you will also need this added into your Windows registry (edit your install path to match yours, mind the double backslashes!):

"Install Path"="C:\SEGA\PuyoF_ver2.0\"

...otherwise the English-patched launcher supplied by Puyo Nexus (s_launcher.exe) will fail to work in weird and wonderful ways.

All this for... yes, native Puyos on platforms nobody cares about in 2024. Sega, you suck.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-05, 12:56 in Upcoming game announcements/news (revision 1)

Post: #1303 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
Last view: 1 day

Available starting this Wednesday on your favorite worldwide pasocon games store.

The day is here, my homies. Be alive to believe: Nasu wants our money, and we must legalize our ROMz now.

(Also LOL at the kids complaining on Steam that "this has been Free™ for years!" and "boo, they removed the sex scenes!" - guys, this is not the point, and F/SN wasn't even meant to be a porn game anyway!)

UPDATE: A remake of F/HA has also been announced. Sweet~ F/HA needs love, despite many demoting it as "merely a non-canon fandisc"

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-06, 20:23 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #1304 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
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The Socket 7 revival project is going well...

Yes, that's my first time painting a PC case. Primer is expensive and that top cover had like 30 coats of ugly beige, so if I close my eyes hard, I'll pretend it's primer... Also, turns out "400ml" of "Matt Black" (sic) spray paint isn't really enough for this job. Still, I like the finish, although I would like to redo some icky spots where dust settled while paint was drying, or when the can decided to run out of everything.

I do actually like how the beige drive faceplates stand on the now all-black case, so I may or may not replace the drives or paint the faceplates too.

All the project now needs is a *proper* PCShits mobo. My M571s are still deader than dead, so is my M538, and the only thing I could find amazingly was a M537DMA33... with bad cache, broken disk DMA, and an apparent allergy to soundcards.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-08, 15:51 in Upcoming game announcements/news (revision 1)

Post: #1305 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
Last view: 1 day
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Valve apparently did NOT ban Fate/Stay Night - Realta Nua DX: HD Remaster from showing up on Steam because school uniforms are sexual content. I got my copy!


And apparently Type-Moon uploaded it with glitched english script files so the wrong audio and character sprites were being loaded for many scenes. Credit where due, they've already fixed it.

Apparently Fate/Randomizer happened because Type-Moon/Aniplex still conveniently forgets that the world has been speaking Unicode for the last 25 years, and shipped a build that only really worked on ja_JP locales (judging from the initial reviews on Steam, where a popular cure was to switch your entire system locale to Japanese, the bane of any VN enthusiast)
Glad to know they fixed it promptly.

UPDATE: Fanboys' most common complaints about this re-release:

1) "Why should I pay for something I already played for free a decade ago?" (yeah right, why pay for things? Why work? Why do the right thing? AMD should totally give me a free Ryzen because I used a old Am386SX I found for free at a dorm!)
2) "THEY TUK'ER PORN!/R18 patch when?" (ugh, who cares? Those scenes were cringey and badly shoehorned, and even Nasu himself didn't wanted to do porn on F/SN in the first place - he only did because "sex sells, and we have to sell this thing". Fortunately time proved everybody wrong: you don't need smut to sell quality VNs)
3) "OMG they renamed Artoria to Altria!!!" (WHO CARES? For a name you only hear mentioned FOUR TIMES total in a VN that takes you several weeks to digest. But I guess nitpickers gonna nitpick)

In other old visual novel related news, F/SN isn't the only getting the Steam treatment several decades later: another fan favorite is FINALLY turning a old joke into reality - Katawa Shoujo is getting a (free) Steam release after all. Of course, H-scenes are not included by default, but you know where to get the patch for that. Now you can show your Steam friends why Shitzune sucks Hanako best girl.
(sadly any hopes for KS2 remain tragically dashed, but then... it only took Type-Moon 20 years to redo Tsukihime, so a man can dream!)

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-10, 23:18 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)

Post: #1306 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
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Tony Hawk's Pro Strcpy

One bug. Many games. All the platforms.

Most notably, this also includes the first legit X360 softmod in, like, ever. (Sadly no hypervisors are being breached this time, but unsigned code is still welcome)

Remember kids: get some massive air, and smash some stacks!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-14, 00:52 in Internet numbers bragging thread

Post: #1307 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
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Keep the nitro going, folks:

~93Mbps? This means I'm maxing out that poor 100Mbit crab chip on that WAN interface. Guess I'll be swapping that card Soon™.

Sadly the bastards didn't upgraded the uplink!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-14, 23:08 in Internet numbers bragging thread

Post: #1308 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
Last view: 1 day
ISP confirmed me we got switched to 100/100M, for the same $25/mo.
After replacing crab chips and restarting things, here is the final outcome:

...yeah, I'm hitting a wall somewhere else, and sadly I found where: CPU.

Turns out a Pentium III 750/100 can easily saturate a 100Mbit link, but only when doing nothing else, like NAT or PPPoE (two things known to be performance killers). Raw tests with iperf yield that the absolute best this thing can do is 300/200M before NAT/PPPoE, where performance gets cut in more than half (notice that this Speedtest result can't even get to 90Mbit - the computer has already run out of free CPU time!). So... yeah, future arrived here earlier than expected, and it wants more muscle.

Options suggested by teh Internets:

- Buy Mikrotik $DEVICE: can't - prices are steep, local stores don't stock them, and a certain EU embargo forbids me from ever touching anything networking made within the EU (Mikrotik is from Latvia, an EU member).

- Buy a Raspberry Pi: can't - the cheapest Pi here is no less than $200, and that's before accessories and other parts! (Electricity savings here are irrelevant)

- Buy a old 1U rack server: can't - even 15 years old junk go for silly money here, not to mention Pratt & Whitney turbofans :D

So, I guess my only way out here is to stick to obsolete hardware from a decade ago, instead from 25 years ago: those refurb Dell USFFs from Honest Abdul's Preloved Computerizers And Kitchen Appliances are CHEAP, he now accepts credit cards, and they even have USB3 ports so all I would need to add are USB to Ethernet dongles. But that's a project for later... or at least until my ISP decides that they're really desperate for customers since the competition is doing 500/500M for $30 next door!

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-15, 02:09 in I have yet to have never seen it all.

Post: #1309 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
Last view: 1 day
Posted by tomman
Posted by tomman
Posted by tomman
Posted by tomman
Milestone Danbooru posts:

#1: shimapan catgirl from a well known h-game series - May 23, 2005
#1M: hot Velma, anime style by a Canadian drawfag - September 20, 2011
#2M: some random shipgirl flashing some panties - May 1st, 2015
#3M: cute mandarin orange foxgirl (she DOES have her own Pixiv tag!) - January 27, 2018
#4M: Pool: Scenery Porn by some baka gaijin - today July 14th, 2020

And just today:

#5M: some VTuber waifu with... bloody boobs - December 23th, 2021

GET #6M: a girl with a dinosaur cat and a octopus in a flooded... thing?! - January 20th, 2023

GET #7M: some girl from a random Chinese cellphone game... with a "do not use this for training your AI!" warning - December 19th, 2023

Continuing with the tradition:
GET #8M: a cropped shot of some vtuber in a swimsuit - August 14th, 2024

>6 years -> <4 years -> <3 years -> >2 years -> 17 months -> 13 months -> 11 months -> 8 months

If I were a statistics jockey, I would be already plotting a nice LINE GOES UP graph, but I can now safely predict that the 9 millonth Danbooru post is due within the next 6 months at this speed.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
Posted on 24-08-20, 03:11 in Internet numbers bragging thread

Post: #1310 of 1310
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 18 days
Last view: 1 day
After melting another Optiplex-sized hole at ye ole' Master Charge, yet another Debian setup this year, disabling Wondershaper (which gets pointless once you get past the magic 100Mbit number), and optimizing some numbers on a box with a hilariously large amount of RAM, here is the end result:

300Mbit? 500Mbit? The full gigabit? BRING IT ON.

Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
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