tomman |
Posted on 19-01-12, 21:19 in Sales and giveaways
Post: #121 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Free game on Steam: First person platformer, I've never played any of those. And it's available for all platforms -Linux included- so yay~ Offer valid until early Monday 14th or until "supplies run out", whatever happens first. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-13, 01:03 in bSNES beta
Post: #122 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Isn't there that isn't obscure about the NGP(C)? For starters, there is the CPU used, a weirdass Toshiba MCU that nobody but proud drunken Japanese businessman would ever pick... Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-15, 20:44 in Computer Technology News/Discussion (revision 1)
Post: #123 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Your friendly reminder from the engineers at Toshiba that spinning rust storage devices still have plenty of future ahead: Yes, those are your next SWEET SIXTEEN TERABYTES* for your pr0n, RAWMz and Steam backlogs. On helium, no less! I want two, please. *Actually 14.55 TiB. Sadly, beancounters still run the show at Toshiba. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-17, 22:33 in Computer Technology News/Discussion
Post: #124 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Most stuff can be easily redownloaded, like everything on your Steam/GOG/whatever library. But... for some stuff, things are not so easy. Dubbed anime is a good example, particularly for languages not named "US English". Sure, for most licensed titles you can simply buy the DVD/BD and rip those as many times as you want (for out of print titles you may have to resort to eBay and its legion of scalpers and crazy collector nutjobs), but in some markets we aren't that lucky to get releases on physical media of any kind. I have a 1TB HDD dedicated solely for my Latin American Spanish collection - most of it is irreplaceable because of many reasons ("Sony killed Animax LA" being the #1, while "FBI seized Megaupload" and "people in Latam hates torrents" being #2 and #3, respectively), and recently when I emptied an spare HDD with old backups, I decided it would be a good idea to repurpose it to backup the (in some cases already failing) collection of DVD-Rs with years of downloads. ~250 discs managed to fill the HDD, leaving little spare to spare. Then there is my collection of Touhou PV/fan animation/concert/event DVDs (and now BDs, thanks to Manpuku Jinja's HD re-releases of Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~), now weighing exactly 300GiB. I'm not sure if there is a more comprehensive collection than mine, and certainly it has been a massive PITA to build it and take care of it (having random people pop up on my email inbox saying "here are some links to cool shit you're looking for, can I have some of your stuff?" really helps). For example, I'm one of the few people in the world that have complete DVDISOs of each Flowering Night concert ever made (except for 2010 as there was no concert that year, and for the final 2012/2013 concert, as they apparently made no DVDs for those), and not many people are willing to share massive DVD9 images for a very niche event around a (somewhat big) niche videogame franchise. Now you understand why I have backups of my backups, as the other options would be: - Deal with Share/PD/torrent resources that have been unseeded since 2012 - Assume that those Mega links are going to be alive for the next 10 years (won't happen) - Beg around walled Chinese gardens ("ACG boards") with tall paywalls (really, paying for piracy!?) or insane trading requirements and Bai-duh links that are impossible to download nowadays without resorting to install their Chinese spyware and giving them your cellphone number. NO THANKS! - Buy the DVDs yourself (good luck with that™ - doujin productions are the equivalent of "self-destructing culture", most likely that release you have been chasing for has been sold out for years -DECADES at this point-, doujin circles born and die at every Comiket/M3/Reitaisai/VoMas/$FRANCHISE_SPECIFIC_EVENT/$FETISH_SPECIFIC_EVENT/whatever, and not living at Glorious Nihongo is a insurmountable barrier for your average fan) So yeah, the "you can always redownload" is not an option depending on what kind of media/productions are you a fan of. Sometimes, the only answer is being a data hoarder (although a lot of hoarders are selfish beings, and when they or their storage devices die, so does those valuable productions). While 16TB is way overkill for my specific needs, that only applies RIGHT NOW - who knows what I would be collecting five or ten years from now on? (assuming I still have working computers and a Internet connection for then!). And you, random netizens, dwellers of the bBoards, have your specific "HDD-hoarding" collections, be it Touhou, Pearl Jam, midget porn, or every bsnes/higan beta ever made.... Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-20, 19:19 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application (revision 2)
Post: #125 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Now that I've talked quite a bit lately about my two active collections on this board (banknotes and Touhou DVD/BDs), I've noticed that despite having a (mostly) ordered collection, I actually have no idea on what I may (or may not) have. For example, missing video releases or banknotes that I should replace with better condition pieces. If you ask me anything about what any specific piece of my collection, currently I have no option but to actually dive into my stuff and check every piece, one by one. For my Touhou stuff it isn't a big deal, but with my banknotes... well, the collection currently lives in a cardboard box and I would prefer to handle it as little as possible, to prevent damaging any of my pieces (at least until I can get access to better archiving methods). A couple decades ago I had the idea of writing an application for a similar purpose (I used to collect phonecards too), but never went beyond the "make some tables in Access" design phase, and promptly forgot about it. But now I have the urgent need to know exactly what I have, considering that both of my current collections are growing at a slow but steady pace. For the banknotes, take a look at these pages to give you an idea of what information I need to record (no, I do not want Yet Another Money Catalog Website, rather I do need to carry some basic information about any specific design variation ever issued for a particular series, what I do have, what I'm missing, and for those pieces I have, in which conditions -Uncirculated/Very Fine/Good/Fair/whatever-, and any extra attributes like fancy serials and the like). As for the Touhou collection, it isn't simply matter of recording, say, what releases of a particular circle I do have, but also carry basic information about each circle, and since most (if not all) releases are made for specific events, I do need to store that information too - it would be very useful to know, for example, which DVDs came out for any random Summer Comiket. Now you get why an application WITH a real database is needed: most people just resort to Excel (or for the FOSS purists, LO Calc), but a simple spreadsheet won't cut it this time - it would become a mess in no time, plus I HATE spreadsheets for anyting beyond quick calculations or scratchpad uses. Coming up with the database schemas is the easy part - I've already settled on using PostgreSQL for the task: it's simple, robust, is compatible with all major platforms, I've been using it for over a decade, and It Just Works™, plus I already have some ideas in my mind about the schemas design. The hard part is settling on a platform for the frontend. Here are my current requirements for the frontend: - Multiplatform, obviously. - An ol' fashioned desktop application would be ideal, but I'm not opposed to the idea of a web application (I've been doing that for the last five years, so why not?). I don't care at all about cellphones/smartdevices/toys, so no "mobile first" UX wet dreams, sorry. - Single user. This is for myself, and it's going to be installed on a couple PCs max (both connected to the same DB, but never using it at the same time), so things like concurrency control are not required (nor desirable) in this scenario. - I want to keep the DB "decoupled" from the application, should I decide to repurpose it for something else, like a public exhibition of my collections on my website, or something. This means I'm not looking for self-contained solutions like an Access .MDB file. BTW, the PostgreSQL requirement is already set in stone - I'm not looking for alternative DBMSs (MSSQL/anything by Orrible/SQLite, or even worse, hipster junk like NoSQL) - I've already grown used to ORMs so I would like to keep using one, if possible. A banknote is an object with attributes. A DVD ISO is still an object with attributes (in this case, a file), and coming up with hardcoded SQL sentences on your sourcecode is for ANIMALS. And last time I bothered checking myself, I was still an human being. My language of choice is Java, but let's be clear: we're in 2019, Swing stopped being helpful like 10 years ago (and there are very good reasons of why nobody is using Swing for new projects nowadays), and while I could just come up with a JSF/JPA application, bringing up a full blown J2EE Web Profile AS/container is, like, overkill. Sure, I can setup a new WildFly instance in 10 minutes or so, but that's already on the bloaty side for my tastes. And while it seems you can use JPA on desktop applications, I don't really want to deal with Swing AT ALL (much less with things like NetBeans' utterly retarded form designers). I'm open to taking this as an excellent chance to learn something new I could tackle on my resumé, or something. Platforms I've already ruled out, so don't try to be a smartass and bring reasons of why they're wonderful: - Javascript: I've already said I'm not looking for hipster junk!!! If J2EE is overkill, having to deal with Node, Docker and friends is like asking - .NET: As much as I would like to learn C#, the "other platforms" bit is still too crude for my tastes. I want to catalog my shit, not being a unpaid betatester for Microsoft! - Desktop database stuff (Access/LO Base). In the case of Access: EWWW! That's super lame, yo. In the case of LO Base: dealing with ODBC is not fun (particularly outside Windows), and while there has been native PostgreSQL support since the StarOffice SDBC days, every single time I try to interface with PG, things turn out too much to the "bugfest trainwreck" side for me :/ - C++: I know some of you bBoarders are going to tell me "just use hiro", but I have neither the desire nor the motivation to enter the joys of dealing with the oh-so-many C++ language subtleties. You guys enjoy having to bitch and moan about Visual Studio/Clang/GCC every single time a new C++ revision is released, all I want is to catalog my shit! Please notice I'm not ruling out PHP: I still dislike it, people still consider it a terrible language, but I've worked with it in the past so I may use the chance to enjoy the latest shiny stuff which no shared webhost is going to ever deploy, while learning to do things The Right Way™ should my next job demands the use of PHP. Java is not out of the table either, despite the "overkill" concerns. But I'm still open to suggestions! Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-20, 21:28 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 3)
Post: #127 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
In this edition of "OH NO MOZILLA YOU DIDN'T~~!": - Recent editions of Firefox come with a screenshot tool that unlike your trusty Print Screen key, can actually take full page screenshots without requiring to splice up partial shots on Paint (or your favorite equivalent). You can optionally upload the screenshot to Mozilla servers and share it with your friends or whatever. Except for the "optionally" bit: when you hit "Save" after taking the screenshot, it will NOT be saved to a .png file to your HDD as you would expect. No way Jose, that's not how things are done in the post-PC age! Firefox will first upload the screenshot to Mozilla (without your explicit consent!), THEN it will download it back to your PC. You can't make this shit up: Mozilla is uploading your screenshots (maybe with personal/confidential information) to their mothership without even bothering to tell you! All while wasting precious bandwidth for a operation that should be done locally without the intervention of any computer network! Apparently the UXtards call this a "dark pattern" (once again, a stupid term that means everything but that for the rest of the world - a proper term would be "SHIT IMPLEMENTATION"), and after "months of complaints", Mozilla is finally backing down and removing this undesired behavior. - New for Firefox Sixty-Nine: they're now disabling Flash by default. IMO this should have done at least 5 years ago, complete with "UNINSTALL THIS DANGEROUS PIECE OF SHIT NOW!!!" fullscreen warnings. Seriously, we're in 2019, Adobe is EOLing Flash next year, and ever since Hollywood won the browser wars and forced everybody and his dog to implement their DRM poison so you can watch whatever superhero CGI shitfest they pretend to pass nowadays as "entertainment" on your media-consumption devices, there has been no real need for Flash (or browser plugins in general). Please, people, LET FLASH DIE. Its era is long gone, HTML5 is here and while it's a trainwreck, at least you only need ONE set of security vulnerabilities to deal with, not TWO, plus your web browser has been able to render cat videos just fine without the need for extra software since at least half a decade now. If you need to preserve your precious Newgrounds .SWFs, Adobe still offers a browser-agnostic product for rendering them from the comfort and safety of a virtual machine, for free - it's called a standalone projector. And if mistakes were made and you ended with an appliance that can only be maintained through the use of a Flash-enabled webpage, it's time to take your shotgun and go take action! Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-22, 16:38 in Board feature requests/suggestions
Post: #128 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
I thought the solution to boost traffic to message boards was to kill and replace them with a Discord/Slack/Whatsapp/$CELLPHONE_APP monstrosity! As much as I would like to see this turned into a 2001-esque board with fresh posts by the minute, we aren't doing THAT bad. If anything, this means things are far more manageable for the mods/admins :D Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-23, 14:08 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE (revision 1)
Post: #129 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
I can't really call "I played a videogame" to 10 minutes of fooling around on a random ROM in an emulator, but if we strictly stick to the meaning of the phrase, yes, I've played Pepsiman. Yes, the infamous Pepsiman. The game is stupid, controls are awkward (seriously, you can't turn!?!?! Also, controls get inverted when you enter the shed where you exit inside a trashcan, which gets incredibly confusing at first, and even once you get that you should move the "wrong" way, you can't really properly control your character), Pepsiman is insanely WEAK (he can survive 3-4 hits and that's all), although I have no complaints about the cutscenes. I can't believe a visual novel developer actually developed THIS (it would be like asking Kojima to write a Hello Kitty game). Also, I can't believe Western publishers (and PepsiCo itself) let that opportunity pass. But now I get why 20 years ago, every street seller of bootleg PSX games had at least five or six copies of Pepsiman, in a country where the cola wars never really cooled down. Thankfully I'm a Pepsi guy (fuck Coke forever), otherwise I would never ever have bothered trialing this... "game". ... now where is my ice cold Pepsi? I could really have one right now :/ Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-23, 19:32 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 4)
Post: #126 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Apparently the hipsters at MangoDatabases, Inc don't really want you using their "not-really-a-database" thing in The Clown™, unless if you pay them. Initially they did it by releasing their product under the AGPL license, which means if you deploy it to The Clown™ as part of your software, you must opensource everything or cough up and pay them for a commercial license. Nobody took them seriously, so they switched to a homebrew (?) license which basically says the same, but with a "we're serious this time!" clause, or whatever. Now, after reviewing the licensing changes, the Nedflanderists at Fedora decided to give MongoloidDB the proverbial boot in the buttocks since they're not Free Software anymore, which by extension implies that they're out of the next RHEL too. This implies that the next time you go to your favorite Clown Computing™ provider, your choice is to stick to old distros, or bring your own junk. Or, if you're lucky, maybe your Clown Computing™ provider of choice will provide an API-compatible "drop-in" replacement for your specific "I'm too lazy for using a grown up database" needs. At least the folks at The Guardian learned the lesson, but only after their sysadmins kept shooting themselves in their foots for years. Remember, the cure to all your "I Can't Believe It Is Not SQL" woes is "LEARN SQL, YOU IDIOT!" and "apt-get install postgresql". Even MS Access is a far better choice, despite being... well, Access!!! (actually, whatever version of Jet they're using under the hood nowadays) (And yes, the AGPL was one of the two reasons of why I dumped Flying Saucer in favor of Open HTML to PDF for my XHTML->PDF conversions: they use iText as the backend which comes with their "pay up OR ELSE" licensing the minute you generate your first PDF on a server. The second reason was that both the library and the specific iText major version they're using are basically EOL'd at this stage. The top-level API remains essentially unchanged, and the new guy in the block is far faster anyway.) UPDATE: Debian is also considering to remove MongoDB from the next stable too. The new license (SSPL), while technically in compliance with the DFSG terms still manages to run afoul its spirit. The OSI has already rejected the initial version of the SSPL, but don't fret - they're already working on a v2 despite noone actually waiting for it. Once again: friends don't let friends use NoSQL junk. The more I read about this licensing BS, the more it sounds like a Oraclesque move. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-23, 20:19 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #130 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
I also enjoy off-brand cola from time to time. If you ever come to Soviet Venezuela (and don't get robbed/murdered after landing), you should have a Big Cola. Not as good as Pepsi, but the flavor is unique, and still better than Coke. Also, there is a Pepsi I can't enjoy under any circumstances (despite having drinked it for years): Pepsi Light (you may know it in your market as Diet Pepsi). Ugh, that tastes like sewage. Pick any of the sugar-free varieties (Pepsi Max/Zero) any day of the week over "light" flavors, no matter the brand. If you must drink "light", water is a much saner option anyway :P Protip: only no-world-name colas come in 3-liter bottles over here (in fact, it was Big Cola that introduced the form factor nearly 20 years ago). For whatever reason, Coke and Pepsi max out at 2-liter bottles. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-25, 20:19 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application (revision 1)
Post: #131 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Posted by Screwtape That's... not very different than using Access or something as a frontend for your SQL tables. Or sticking to the spreadsheet approach, more likely. If LO Base weren't that buggy (and with zero signs of improving, given that people is either happy with Access or willing to jump ship to a traditional application talking to a database over a wire), I would have pursued that way. Plus, there might be additional functionality I would like to implement (a good case with banknotes: tell if the serial number of your particular specimen is "fancy", and of what kind) would be much easier with an ordinary programming language. Posted by wertigon Your $20 Linux-in-a-stick approach sadly is not compatible with commie shitholes, sorry :/ I don't mind running a "full-stack" (or whatever fancy term the hipsters are using nowadays) solution on my laptops, performance is not of concern here so even my ancient P4s should deal with the workload of a single user filling forms and maybe uploading scans. As for Python, it's on my "would be nice to learn someday" list, so I may give it a try. Will definitely check Django, although from a first look at, looks kinda enterprisey (like J2EE, which I'm trying to avoid). How comfortable is it as an ORM? Any general opinions about it from people that have developed applications with it? Any other beginner-friendly options I could consider? Really, my experience with Python is pretty much nil, and that's something I really have to address... > Gamemaker Studio Let me check... oh, here are several reasons of why that ain't gonna fly with me: - Not really free (they do have a free tier, but they're unclear about its limitations, and I'm not creating an account just to download their installer!) - No Linux version of the IDE. Sorry, I don't develop on Windows. I don't mind about having to run the client from Windows, but I stopped writing code there years ago. - How is their approach for integrating with a PostgreSQL database? ORM features? Or is their solution a lameloid "write a web services layer on another language and use that"? Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-26, 19:06 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application (revision 1)
Post: #132 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Guys, the PostgreSQL requirement is set on stone. The server is already there, listening for connections while barely consuming system resources. I want a real database on which I can trust blindly and that I can easily repurpose or scale should I really want to get serious (like actually uploading my galleries to a public website, or even turn those into a product I could offer to others for free/profit), despite the (initially) short scale. I already know how to deal with this stuff, it isn't like "hey, I got a hammer so let's hammer down some nails!". While I would want a ORM, that's for development comfort - I don't mind getting my hands wet with some raw SQL once in a while, but for the basic tasks (CRUD, basic queries) I prefer to stick to the object-oriented design. Plus, there is the very narrow scope of projects like these: how many free/commercial applications you know aimed at collectors? Not that many, most of them are aimed at things like videos/music (no, I'm not talking about your media player, but about catalogs about your physical collections of shiny plastic discs), and certainly nothing aimed at the specifics of doujin releases ("Comiket 95" tells me more in this context rather than just a release date), and absolutely next to nothing with regards of more popular stuff like banknotes or coins (the few examples I've seen were about other collectors rolling their own so they can post a catalog to their websites) So far, here are my 3 candidates - notice that all three lead to the same way: a web application (at this stage, I'll concede that ol' fashioned desktop software is going the way of the dodo) - Java: I already know the platform (J2EE/JSF) so I could get something simple running up in a few days, but sadly it's on the bloaty side for such a small project like these ones. - PHP: My PHP knowledge is a bit rusty, and I know everybody and his dog loves to hate on PHP (myself included), but hey, "simple" is the keyword here. Plus it would be a nice way to play with PHP7 (any ORM suggestions for PHP?), and deploying PHP webapps is far from the bloatfest of J2EE. - Python: Two votes for Django here, on top of that learning a new (and possibly sane) language can be a good experience I can use for more important purposes in the future. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-28, 18:19 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application
Post: #133 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
I thought PDO (which I've used in the past) was simply a better way to connect to databases and run queries while being able to catch errors as exceptions (seriously - I remember last time I used PDO was to replace someone else code which told nothing when things blew up - with PDO not only it was much easier to do stuff, I was able to actually know what went wrong). In fact, after reviewing the documentation, I see no ORM capabilities whatsoever. What I've found is that ORM libraries DO implement their stuff on top of PDO, that is, they're using it as the backend for interacting with the database (similar to what JPA does with JDBC - in theory you can use JPA without the need of a JDBC driver if you're connecting to something that isn't really a database). Speaking about PHP ORMs, here is what I've found so far: - Propel: Looks pretty simple to get started, although you have to rely on extra tools to initialize configurations and mappings (it can easily RE your current schema to XML files, which... I don't really like that much). I could have some fun with this one. - Doctrine: I like what I see here: the API looks very similar to JPA/Hibernate, which means a smoother learning curve for me. For whatever reason they offer YAML for doing your mappings (aside of XML and class annotations), but aside of that, this is an option I will look into with more detail. - RedBeanPHP: It reaaaaaaaaaaally insists into being in control of your schema (like creating tables and the like), with no option to simply map your entities the ol' fashioned way. I can't see myself devoting time to this one. - Fat-Free Framework: No explicit mappings -> magic™ -> not sure if want. Plus it comes with its full blown "lightweight" framework for templating and stuff, something I'm not actively looking for this time. Progress on this has been very slow, due to constant power and Internet access outages in the last weeks over here (seriously, it's no fun to code with a hand on the keyboard and the other on the power button) - so far all I have is the schema for the Touhou stuff. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-28, 21:35 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application
Post: #134 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Posted by wertigon On JPA you have JPQL which is more or less the same as SQL, and actually that's what I use for most queries. But as soon as you need dynamic queries (say, I may or may not need cars filtered by year, while filtering out by license plate prefixes all the time, unless if I want only a list of all cars driven by Lil' Bobby Tables, on which case I don't care about specifics), it's better to switch to something else (like Criteria API) instead of concatenating SQL/JPQL/whatever weird SQL dialect is offered by your ORM. Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-30, 18:19 in Ideas for coding a collection cataloging application
Post: #135 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Yeah, I get your point, but as long as you know how to use your ORM query API/language, you should rely on your provider to generate optimal SQL queries at the backend. This also implies to be wise when picking your ORM solution to avoid the braindamaged ones. For example, on JPA, both EclipseLink and Hibernate are quite good when generating reasonably structured queries 99.9% of the times, and that's enough to blindly rely on them for your average application (although sometimes they become overly verbose, or generate a suboptimal JOIN once in a while, or completely lose their mind and generate syntactically wrong SQL if you get very creative with your query API calls) I'll take the "use variable names on the queries" feature tho - the Bash-esque way to do it comes very handy at times no matter if we're dealing with SQL or with something else, and sadly that's one of the things you cannot do on languages like C-derivatives without resorting to horrible string concatenation operations (which can easily murder your performance in extreme cases). But then, people will tell you "that's what prepared statements are for, you dummy!" (ORMs basically work what way: their ways to perform queries are nothing but a very intrincate wrapper over prepared statements - turn debug mode on and you will notice it) Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-30, 21:37 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #136 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
While you guys wait for Mozilla to take away your ability to paint your tab bars of any color you want (because "security" or "speed" or whatever lameass excuse their UXtards team shits tomorrow), Chrome is once again trying to pull a Mozilla (or should I call it a "reverse-Chrome" now?): Basically, Google is coming up with a new version for the addons "manifest" format (that is, the file that tells the browser which features/APIs it needs to work), and in the initial drafts they're taking away functionality (because that's how software is developed in the cellphone era, that's why!), including core APIs to adblockers and script blockers. Your favorite adblocker? Dead in the water! Google claims the changes are needed for performance reasons, but why we should believe an advertising company anyway? For now this is just a "proposal". For now. And of course, Mozilla most likely will implement whatever Chrome does :/ In other (un)related news, a Microsoft just told Mozilla to give up and embrace the Chrome way. I don't feel that I belong to this world anymore :/ Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-01-31, 14:47 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #137 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Posted by CaptainJistuce Tell that to whatever is left from the Seamonkey team, which is now down to... what, four or five heads? Oh, regarding SM: there is the current roadmap, according to recent blog posts, forum posts by frg, and Status Meeting notes: - 2.49.5: Coming Soon™, once they figure out how to build it on the new build infrastructure. Supposedly it backports quite a bunch of security fixes from Gecko 60ESR (remember that 2.49 is currently based off Gecko 52ESR) - 2.53: Based on the final XUL version of FF/Gecko (56), but while there are usable unofficial builds available, it's not going to be released as a major version. In fact, it's unclear to me if 2.53 is going to be released at all, given that it has some important regressions (for example l10n is broken, which means no localized versions are possible for that branch right now). If you don't mind sticking to en-US software, I've heard that the current unofficial builds for 2.53 are stable enough for using them as your daily driver, but for me, en-US software on es-WHATEVER hosts sticks like a sore thumb and so I don't even bother. - 2.57: Currently a hodgepodge of XUL and post-XUL code (Gecko 60). Very broken (Mail&News doesn't work at all, among others), you should not use those except for brief testing. But all development is focusing right now on this branch, which most likely will be the final SM version (because there is no life for us thanks to the sorry state of later Gecko versions, product of many API removals, and even if you had a team of unlimited monkeys writing code, it would take a long time to undo the sabotage). The road ends here, and even then we're far away from anything resembling a beta-quality release :/ Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-02-01, 02:48 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 1)
Post: #138 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
Dunno if you ever read my posts about Pale Moon on the old board, but I refuse to use the product from a notorious asshole (Moonchild et al.) that gives yet another "my way or the highway" discourse when you dare using something he personally disapproves (PDF plugins -even if it is pdf.js-, NoScript) and that tries his hardest to tell You're Doing It Wrong™ and should change your ways to please his ideals. I left Firefox for the very same reasons!. Too bad, because otherwise Pale Moon would already be my main browser (with Seamonkey as a emergency backup), but when you can't trust the devs and their ideals, well... sorry, but no. As for Servo, it seems no browser is built on top of it yet (Mozilla is only "borrowing" parts of it for Gecko for now), and in its current status isn't meant to be used by end users anyway. Also, be careful when mentioning the words "stripped-down browser" to me, as I would automatically interpret that as "Chrome-lookalike" and/or "minimalist UI", which are the main reasons of why I left Firefox in first place and why I'm deeply worried about the future of Seamonkey - once it's gone, it means my main door to the Internet will close forever (if the commies don't do it first with their forced blackouts!) Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-02-01, 16:11 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #139 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
"It's not a new browser, except that it's actually a new browser, among other things". I don't mind having a new rendering engine entering the contest - in fact we NEED more challengers! But when "cellphones first" is the target, you already lost my interest. Also, how you deal with iThings, which are solely WebKit by design and by law? (Apple laws, that is!) This is also why those that consider Safari a "challenger" are delusional - it's the very same IE case (system preload, unremovable), but even worse (you have no choice in the case of iDevices). Also... ugh, Discourse. Really, Mozilla?! You had to pick which is probably the WORST forum software package in earth? The one that actually triggers memory and CPU leaks every time I leave a post open for hours in a tab because Some Notorious Asshole thinks this is the future for the next 10 years!? *SIGH* Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |
tomman |
Posted on 19-02-03, 13:07 in SD2SNES hardware is getting updated
Post: #140 of 1318 Since: 10-30-18 Last post: 9 days Last view: 3 hours |
So... MSU2 is gonna be RISC-V powered then? :D Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™ |