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    Posted on 19-05-17, 16:17 (revision 1)

    Post: #326 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Nicholas Steel
    Posted by Sintendo
    The 1080p CRT monitor John Carmack used during Quake's development comes to mind.

    Odd, indeed.
    Very cool, I've only ever laid eyes upon a small number of 16x9 CRT TV's.

    I've only seen a SINGLE widescreen tube display in my entire life.

    It was in 2011, at a department store. Some 24" flat-tube LG TV I wasn't aware it even existed.
    Apparently it wasn't for sale, as it was located at the rear of a seldomly-visited section of said store, and it has no price/specs tag or anything that indicated at "we sell TVs here and you can actually buy this one too!".

    I should have snagged a photo if it, as I've yet to see another widescreen CRT display.

    Posted by sureanem
    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Why does Apple have a /8 block? And why did they buy it in 1990, while they were otherwise engaged in simply not going bankrupt?

    Weren't they dirt cheap/free back then?

    And there was this reckless "this intertubes thing will never catch on, so let's squander /8s away because nobody cares" attitude back then. Why the DoD still holds so many /8s to this date!? (ranges that they will never relinquish control over due to "national sekuritah" BS just because they still store their routing tables on 8" floppies). Why radio hams had to waste a COMPLETE /8 too?! (AMPRnet, Why Ford Motor Company and an insurance company still have assigned /8s!? (I'm sure your Mustang and its insurance policy doesn't have to be in the public Internet). At least I'm glad that GE turned theirs back to the public interest, albeit very late.

    Fun fact: when Cloudflare launched their (and its lesser known brother, public DNS servers, they started receiving gigabytes of rubbish at their end, because a whole load of devices were using this (formerly unused) /8. From test packets sent to to home and enterprise routers completely blackholing the entire /8 space because they were unaware that was NOT barred from use in any RFC.

    I'm still pondering the switch to TEST-NET-3, seriously.
    All I would need is to edit some stuff at my routerbox (the interfaces file, a couple of scripts, and my local BIND zones), change the IP on my AP, and call it a day.
    I don't expect breakage from any of my real PCs (even the Windows 95 one, as I suppose that example networks weren't a thing back then), but as for smartdevices...

    Remember: "example.com" now resolves to an actual IP.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-17, 18:42
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #295 of 717
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    Posted by tomman
    And there was this reckless "this intertubes thing will never catch on, so let's squander /8s away because nobody cares" attitude back then. Why the DoD still holds so many /8s to this date!? (ranges that they will never relinquish control over due to "national sekuritah" BS just because they still store their routing tables on 8" floppies). Why radio hams had to waste a COMPLETE /8 too?! (AMPRnet, Why Ford Motor Company and an insurance company still have assigned /8s!? (I'm sure your Mustang and its insurance policy doesn't have to be in the public Internet). At least I'm glad that GE turned theirs back to the public interest, albeit very late.

    Oh wow, I never knew they had so many. 13 /8's, that's over 5.9% of all IPs.
    And then there's the PRC's 330,321,408 IPs (equivalent to 19.7 /8's), another 8.9% down the drain.

    The many new Internet users in countries such as China and India are also driving address exhaustion.

    This is a direct lie, because the Indians aren't "driving" shit, this is just to make up an alibi for a certain other country. They have 0.028 IPs per capita, 34.7 million in total. This is 33% less than the Dutch, a small, irrelevant, EU country whose greatest achievements throughout history are the creation of the world's first speculative market bubble and almost sinking into the sea.
    It would be more factually accurate to rewrite the passage as such:
    The many new Internet users in countries such as China and the Netherlands are also driving address exhaustion.

    Yet nobody would do this. Why? Why do the Dutch of all people get a free pass?

    I'm still pondering the switch to TEST-NET-3, seriously.
    All I would need is to edit some stuff at my routerbox (the interfaces file, a couple of scripts, and my local BIND zones), change the IP on my AP, and call it a day.
    I don't expect breakage from any of my real PCs (even the Windows 95 one, as I suppose that example networks weren't a thing back then), but as for smartdevices...

    You can always do it North Korea style. No routing, no problem!

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-18, 23:34

    Post: #328 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Very interesting article analyzing the strenghts of the original PlayStation against its competition of the era.

    - PS1 was an all-around well balanced console, easy to develop for, with reasonable CPU muscle and nice looking 3D graphics. Sony got their stuff right at its first try, and this really paid off. But the console was simply not made for 2D games, making the development of those a problem.
    - Oh boy, the Saturn... EVERYTHING was wrong with its INSANE hardware design! (Sega's motto: "the cure to all of your performance woes are MOAR PROCESSORS!!!") Yet... it had a saving grace: it was a pixel-pusher 2D powerhouse, to which nothing else was a match in its generation. The dual VDPs sucked for anything BUT raw 2D performance.
    - The N64 had plenty of power to spare, as its raw specs could easily mop the floor with its competition. But all that power was useless when Nintendo locked out themselves out of the use of optical media, leading to smaller and more expensive games. But there was a even deeper design flaw that sent its 3D graphics down the shitter: the microscopic 4KB texture cache. WTF, SGI?!!?!?

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-19, 00:51
    Better than Blackhole

    Post: #224 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Funny. From reading the No$ docs on the PSX and looking at footage I'd say it was better at 2D than 3D.
    Posted on 19-05-19, 06:51

    Post: #61 of 100
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    The tiny texture cache basically only affects how big of a texture you can stuff into the rasterizer at once. It's not VRAM. Sure, 4KB was too tiny, but something like 16KB would have been fine too. Remember that the N64 had a shared rambus.
    Posted on 19-05-19, 06:52
    Custom title here

    Post: #458 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Kawa
    Funny. From reading the No$ docs on the PSX and looking at footage I'd say it was better at 2D than 3D.
    The PS1 was kinda bad at everything. But it was simple and cheap. :P

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-19, 09:07
    You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby

    Post: #225 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    You certainly can't say it's good at 3D with a 1-bit "depth" buffer and nonexistent texture perspective correction 🤔
    Posted on 19-05-20, 21:30

    Post: #137 of 454
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Came across a lecture that mentions byuu.


    [...] As part of the lecturer's research, a Verilog model of the 6502 CPU was implemented in an FPGA and used in a real 6502-based system instead of the original 6502 CPU to perform real-time fault injection experiments. Following the talk, a system with FPGA-implemented CPU will be demonstrated.

    The lecturer, Michael Engel, is professor for Embedded Systems at the Hochschule Coburg. His research focuses on the areas of fault tolerance, embedded system efficiency and embedded operating systems. In his spare time he deals with old Unix systems and operating systems and tries to keep his small private computer museum running.

    Unfortunately only in German.

    My current setup: Super Famicom ("2/1/3" SNS-CPU-1CHIP-02) → SCART → OSSC → StarTech USB3HDCAP → AmaRecTV 3.10
    Posted on 19-05-21, 04:07
    Post: #200 of 426
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 437 days
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    Posted by Kawa
    Funny. From reading the No$ docs on the PSX and looking at footage I'd say it was better at 2D than 3D.
    Is that taking in to account that PS1 games were heavily optimized for CRT colour bleeding to enhance the visuals?

    Also it was really dumb of Sega to entice developers to *not* make 2D games on the Sega Saturn. "3D is the future, it'd look silly to still be making 2d games!" is what they presumably thought.

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
    Posted on 19-05-21, 05:06

    Post: #88 of 166
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Yeah, a lot of good Saturn games never saw the light outside of Japan because Sega's focus on 3D at the time, when the system was not really made with 3D in mind (although it was still very possible to do fairly decent 3D that looked pretty competent next to the PS1).
    Posted on 19-05-21, 05:34

    Post: #341 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Nicholas Steel
    Posted by Kawa
    Funny. From reading the No$ docs on the PSX and looking at footage I'd say it was better at 2D than 3D.
    Is that taking in to account that PS1 games were heavily optimized for CRT colour bleeding to enhance the visuals?

    Also it was really dumb of Sega to entice developers to *not* make 2D games on the Sega Saturn. "3D is the future, it'd look silly to still be making 2d games!" is what they presumably thought.

    That was actually Stolar's Sega of America despising over 2D games because he believed he knew better than the average American gamer, and one of the many, many reasons the Saturn flopped hard outside Japan. The guy really hated the RPG genre, in particular (where the Saturn had quite some decent titles that never saw a chance in North America just because Stolar)

    ...and it was him that came with the famous "Saturn is not our future" remark that eventually led to his firing shortly after (or before?) the launch of the Dreamcast.

    Mind you, prior to landing at Sega, Bernie Stolar was spewing the same shit on Sony, as he was the first VP of the newly-founded SCEA, and his focus was "3D 3D 3D!!!! 2D is oooooooooold!". Imagine if this guy were let to put the red light at Final Fantasy in the West...

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-21, 06:07
    Does not care, will put on the maid outfit

    Post: #226 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Posted by Nicholas Steel
    Is that taking in to account that PS1 games were heavily optimized for CRT colour bleeding to enhance the visuals?
    No, because I'm not talking about how it displays the final product. And no amount of bleeding will fix those issues.
    Posted on 19-05-24, 23:59 (revision 1)

    Post: #345 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    And in America, we have a trailer for the Sonic movie.


    Why bother, Sega?! Cancel the movie, write off a few millions in liabilities, and continue business as usual.
    (In other news, Sega just ruined next Valentine's day)
    No amount of CGI edits will fix this disaster. If only you had listened to your fans...

    Posted by A Slashdot
    Those people are the target audience.

    Regular movie goers have 0 interest in sonic the hedgehog.

    You take the same CGI model from the video games, and you make the movie plot "little johnny finds his grampas enchanged Sega MegaDrive (Genesis in North AMerica!) and he plugs it in and ZAMMO he gets sucked into the Sonic world!"

    That's how you do your fish-out-of-water video game movie.

    Instead we get another soulless attempt to build a "cinematic universe"

    Now THAT'S a proper plot for a videogame-based movie. Hire this guy NAO!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-25, 00:10
    Custom title here

    Post: #462 of 1164
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    Posted by tomman

    Why bother, Sega?! Cancel the movie, write off a few millions in liabilities, and continue business as usual.
    (In other news, Sega just ruined next Valentine's day)
    No amount of CGI edits will fix this disaster. If only you had listened to your fans...

    Sega would if they could. They signed a deal with Hollywood, believing the studio wanted to make a good movie. Hollywood deals usually give the studio total control, with no way for the licensor to stop it. Same reason the Mario movie happened.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-25, 00:14

    Post: #346 of 1313
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    Ah well, will wait for the lawsuits to happen then. At least that will ensure the popcorn will not go to waste.

    In the meanwhile I heard Nintendo just got another License To Print Mon€y™ with its Detective Pikachu movie, as it's doing reasonably well in theaters right now.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-27, 07:19
    Full mod

    Post: #256 of 443
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    > That's how you do your fish-out-of-water video game movie.

    That's totally not how Detective Pikachu goes.

    We've had videogames that use traditional hand-drawn pen-on-paper animation, when will we have a movie created entirely in Deluxe Paint?

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 19-05-29, 23:28
    Custom title here

    Post: #477 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Sonic the Hedgehog movie, improved. By a fan.

    There you go, Paramount. Someone in their garage has done your VFX team's job for you. Tell them to let this guy handle Sonic, and they can focus on making Jim Carrey as round as a beach ball, because Robotnik is hella wrong too.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-31, 02:06

    Post: #36 of 49
    Since: 10-29-18

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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Sonic the Hedgehog movie, improved. By a fan.

    There you go, Paramount. Someone in their garage has done your VFX team's job for you. Tell them to let this guy handle Sonic, and they can focus on making Jim Carrey as round as a beach ball, because Robotnik is hella wrong too.

    1. Already that trailer was better. Too bad he didn't figure out a way to replace the music.

    2. The recommended video annotation card at the end pointed to a short Darkwing Duck in 3D test he made. No sound, but wasn't disappointed.
    Posted on 19-05-31, 21:16
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #345 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    Posted by https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2006/05/everyone_wants_to_ow.html
    If left to grow, these external control systems will fundamentally change your relationship with your computer. They will make your computer much less useful by letting corporations limit what you can do with it. They will make your computer much less reliable because you will no longer have control of what is running on your machine, what it does, and how the various software components interact. At the extreme, they will transform your computer into a glorified boob tube.


    Just because computers were a liberating force in the past doesn't mean they will be in the future. There is enormous political and economic power behind the idea that you shouldn't truly own your computer or your software, despite having paid for it.

    2006, that's even before the iPhone came out.
    Schneier sure knows his stuff.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-06-01, 13:50
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #347 of 717
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    “There is no invasion of privacy at all, because there is no privacy,” attorney Orin Snyder argued in a motion to have a class-action lawsuit against Facebook dismissed in California’s Northern District Court this week.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
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