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Post: #21 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by hunterk
I find it strange that there aren't any prominent non/anti-commercial licenses. I want things I write to be used by individuals, not companies. I don't like that the licensing discussion is driven entirely by big businesses and/or goofballs like RMS who want me to sacrifice my rights for the good of the "user" (be that an individual or a soulless corp).

That is, I'm not familiar with any non-custom licenses that let me put my source out there and let other people build on it and use it without a.) inviting companies to roll up and sell it as soon as they smell a market or b.) get harassed (literally!) by the aforementioned goofballs for being nonfREEEEEEEE.

I want to have my cake and eat it, too, I guess. I just don't understand why "freedom to put a price on other people's work" is considered not just *a* key freedom, but *the* key freedom...

Creative Commons non-commercial will fulfill point A.

Point B will never be fulfilled by a non-commercial license because it is a restriction on end users, so the aforementioned goofballs will always oppose it.
They hate non-commercial licenses even more than they hate non-redistributable closed-source licenses, so you are worse than Microsoft because you corrupt the purity of their holy movement.


Of course, some of them also just hate anything that isn't GPL, so you really can't win.

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Post: #22 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Ah. Oh well.
If nothing else, the Blackjack/Hookers License will provide an interesting new name in the licensing debate.

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Posted on 18-11-07, 01:41 in Board feature requests/suggestions (revision 1)
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Post: #23 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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When are we going to get the ability to edit other people's posts? That was the biggest missing feature of bBoard2.

(Never, unless you're a mod or better. --K)

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Posted on 18-11-07, 02:43 in Board feature requests/suggestions (revision 1)
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Post: #24 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Covarr
Posted by CaptainJistuce
When are we going to get the ability to edit other people's posts? That was the biggest missing feature of bBoard2.

Classic video, for posteriority.

Such nostalgia.

This post was last edited by Covarr.

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Posted on 18-11-07, 05:44 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
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Post: #25 of 1154
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Posted by BearOso
Posted by tomman
I'm glad I don't sell video games for a living...

And they still wonder why all the nerdrage and hategasm after those (non)announcements!?!?

Disclaimer: I've never played any game made by those studios, and will not do so anytime soon.

To be fair, they've been ignoring fan feedback for a while, since Diablo 3.
Surely you mean Diablo 2. The fans ranted about how bad every single change in every single patch was for that one.

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Posted on 18-11-07, 13:27 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #26 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by DonJon
Democrats win U.S. House, GOP retain Senate

wish I was more familiar with the U.S system and what that means for the near future but hopefully it's bad news for the GOP and the 2020 election.
It means some lying snakes were voted out and replaced with snaking liars.

I love how people genuinely believe that the Republican and Democrat parties are different in any meaningful sense. Both of them, at this point, exist solely to consolidate power and serve major corporations. If you are not a Fortune 500 company, neither half of the ratbastard party is working for you.

ON THE UPSIDE, it does mean that the House and Senate are working at cross purposes right now, as they spend time trying to look like there is a meaningful difference between the two parties through showmanship and blocking bills because they came from someone who wears the wrong animal instead of because they disagree in any meaningful way with the bill. This restricts the damage they can do and slows the country's decline.

The fundamental, most important difference between republicans and democrats is that the democrats are a lot better at internet marketing.
And I guess that republican employees are less likely to trash the White House on the way out. The last two democrat presidents have left a lot of disabled office equipment in their wake as their underlings ran around cutting cables and hiding parts.

If neither party puts up a presidential candidate I can in good conscience vote for in 2020, I'll write in Cobra Commander again.
In all fairness, the democrats probably won't make the same mistake of insisting Mrs. Clinton is actually electable and sabotaging insurgencies from candidates that show strong support across party lines and age brackets.

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Posted on 18-11-07, 13:28 in Board feature requests/suggestions
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Post: #27 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Nicholas Steel
Posted by neologix
I also request "View First Unread" rather than "View Most Recent Post" functionality.
+1 if possible.

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Posted on 18-11-07, 23:42 in Board feature requests/suggestions
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Post: #28 of 1154
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Posted by Kawa
I have no idea where to even start with that 😸

Edit: okay so that was a lie in practice. You can click the icon on the left to go the first unread post, and if there's a whole other page after that it'll consider the last post on this page the one you last read.
Hells to the yes!

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Posted on 18-11-08, 01:41 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #29 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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I could bust out ye olde Hitler/Stalin chart if it'd help.

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Posted on 18-11-08, 06:04 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #30 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Screwtape

As an external observer, it seems to me that both parties have their problems, but the Republican party is much scarier because it has the discipline and unity to achieve its worst impulses. The Democrats have a tendency to let the perfect become the enemy of the good, and to get distracted by all the things they *could* be doing rather than the things they *should* be doing.

You have to remember that what the parties SAY they are trying to do and what they ACTUALLY try to do are not the same thing.
The National Democratic Party has found they can promise a lot of utopian idealistic stuff that they don't even TRY to do, and then blame the evil Republicans for blocking measures they never had any intention of implementing.

Both parties will pay lip service to things which matter to actual people while spending most of their efforts on things which benefit large corporations to the detriment of the people.

Here in Australia, we also have a slimy centre-right party and a goofy centre-left party, but we've also got a bunch of minor parties at various points on the spectrum, even some independents, in both the House and the Senate. Sometimes they shoot down good ideas, or make simple things more complex than they ought to be, but often they reign in the worst impulses of the larger parties and pull the conversation towards the needs of the citizens rather than the will of the parties.

The big problem in the US is that the early political parties stepped in and rigged things very early to funnel power to them. Within a few decades, political parties were baked in to most of the state laws and the now-infamous two-party system had arisen. And then they were hoisted by their own petards as they lost enough favor for a third party to gain momentum, and the system they set up to ensure their power rapidly siphoned all of it away to the newcomer. So the rise of a viable third party rapidly leads to the end of one of the existing two parties.

I am glad your country learned from our mistakes.

(And one of the earliest supreme court cases was about political parties changing the laws to consolidate their powers, specifically in regards to the ever-popular electoral college and the then-new idea that one state's electoral votes should all be rewarded to the singular winner of a popular vote. The ruling was that, while it was very much in violation of the spirit of the constitution, it was not in violation of the letter of the law.)

I'm pretty distrustful of patriotism in general, but this is one of the few things that makes me proud of Australia.

The thing about patriotism is that it isn't supposed to be blind adoration of everything your country does. You love your country, so you want it to be the best in the world, so you do what you need to make it better. You don't excuse the faults or pretend they don't exist.

This has, in recent decades, been substituted for you love your country because it is already the best in the world and perfect in every way and only a godless commie would insinuate otherwise.

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Posted on 18-11-09, 05:59 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #31 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Screwtape

The thing is, people get old and die, and groups need to recruit new members. If a group yells "brown people are scary" or "healthcare reform" for long enough, even if the group explicitly intends to do nothing about them, they'll attract new members who do care about those issues and want to do something about them.

And when they fail to do what they promised, they invariably point their finger at the other side and say "It is all because those fascists/commies over there blocked every attempt we made!", while still finding time to agree on anything that fucks individuals over in favor of large corporations(like healthcare "reform", which simply forces most americans to buy a product from the companies that ruined the american healthcare system in the first place and calls it a day)

I guess the real battles in American politics are the party primaries, since the real elections don't give much feedback about what the voters actually want. All the more reason to have your say, I guess.
The democrat primaries are somewhat insular. The party effectively has a large block of reserved votes they can pre-allocate to their chosen candidate("superdelegates", as they call them), making up about 15% of the overall vote, which is part of how they shut down Sanders.

They can do whatever the hell they want, because the presidential primaries are part of the party bureaucracy and not an actual part of national law.

By contrast, the republican primaries DON'T have those reserved votes, and are almost entirely determined by actual vote.
This is how Trump got the nomination despite basically everyone in the party hating him. He really manipulated the media masterfully. Any time it looked like one of the other candidates was going to get good press, Trump said something so monumentally stupid that suddenly all eyes were exclusively on him and the good publicity just rolled by un-noticed.

(It is tempting to write it off as Trump being an ignorant clown with no brain-to-mouth filter, but the timing was so consistently good that I have to believe he was intentionally doing whatever it took to turn cameras away from the competition.)

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Posted on 18-11-09, 12:02 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #32 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Just to round out the 2018 US elections, here's a bunch of articles about people who were in jail, headed to jail, or headed to the morgue when they won the election.

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Posted on 18-11-09, 12:06 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
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Post: #33 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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If you were wondering where Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster wound up, we've got a site that will track its orbit for you, as well as mileage and fuel economy.
It's been almost 375 million miles since it was last serviced. Better get that oil changed soon, Musk!

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Posted on 18-11-10, 02:18 in First!
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Post: #34 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by ncbncb
Maaaan I'm never going to make it to 410 posts again. I was so proud of myself.
I believe in you! You can do it!

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Posted on 18-11-10, 07:57 in bboard archive (revision 1)
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Post: #35 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Screwtape
Currently, the higan docs link to this forum post, but I can't find that thread in the currently-available archive. This page

You were in the bsnes subforum mirror instead of the higan subforum mirror.

Edit: Jinx! Kawa, buy me a Coke! And none of that disgusting diet crap! Real sugar or GTFO!

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Posted on 18-11-10, 10:09 in bboard archive
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Post: #36 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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What is with the ridiculous red level on that image?

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Posted on 18-11-10, 11:42 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #37 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Right, let's get our anime thread rolling again.

When we last met, back in September, I was halfway through Key, The Metal Idol and still had no idea what it was about.
There have been delays. I was two episodes from the end, and then basically couldn't touch it for a month. Tonight, I finish the fight.

I suspect the OVA had production issues near the end. Probably justifiably, as the japanese economy was busy collapsing into a heap of wreckage for the entirety of the show's run, and the era of the OVA was basically over halfway through.
The last two episodes of the fifteen are movie-length affairs instead of half-hour bites, and episode fourteen is just a big wall of people talking to each other, or themselves, as they all explain everything going on and what their part in it is. It is a boring episode, the rapid chain of big plot reveals lack any sense of drama or satisfaction, and it does horrible things for the general feel the show has had up until now.
On the upside, I knew what the show was about by the end of fourteen!

I think they were told they needed to hurry and wrap it up, and several episodes of plot got condensed down into two. At least they got the chance to wrap it up instead of just disappearing like Bubblegum Crisis did.

The final episode is a huge production, but unlike the episode before, it is satisfying. The climax at the Megalodome concert is a big, crazy, surreal mess, but it manages to play out coherently and largely redeems the wall o' text that was episode fourteen(and makes a pretty explicit spoof of the Akira movie's ending just for good measure).
It also includes this in the credits: "Megalodome Audience: All of you watching this video", which made me smile.

I find it difficult to really speak much about the content, because SPOILERS. The show is inscrutable at times, as the writers played their cards close to their chest. But it is a show I don't regret watching.

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Posted on 18-11-10, 22:08 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #38 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by tomman

My first target? Little Witch Academia. Wish me luck~
Good luck, that's a great show.

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Posted on 18-11-11, 04:13 in The Copyleft Bust Up: loopholes, licenses, and realpolitik (revision 1)
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Post: #39 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by hunterk
eyyyy, FSF just advertised for Commons Clause. Maybe I'll start using GPL+Commons Clause...
I particularly like how is complaining that the clause "twists the definitions of commons and sell".
Surely after years of twisting the definitions of words like free, they'd be comfortable with the idea.

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Posted on 18-11-11, 06:13 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #40 of 1154
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Nicholas Steel
I've barely any experience with Anime, but what's some good anime that is also available at ? I got a free 60 day premium membership thing to try out at some point as part of McDonald's Monopoly thing they did where you collect monopoly properties on food items you buy.

* CaptainJistuce looks at list.

I liked Attack on Titan and "Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online".

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