Fonts marked with "(1252)" are specifically built to be used in SCI Companion -- they match the Win-1252 code page that SCI Companion uses. The original games used parts of DOS-437 and had most of their special characters in the first 31. These Win-1252 conversions are all made by Kawa.
../ 0 - Locksley Thin (1252 WIP).fon 2015-07-22 02:00 2377 Conquests of the Longbow's system font. 0 - Sierra System (1252).fon 2015-07-15 08:23 3447 1 - Sierra Serif (1252).fon 2015-07-09 02:30 3262 1605 Wilco Smallcaps (1252).fon 2015-07-15 07:56 2841 From Space Quest V - The Next Mutation. 2 - Sierra Sans (1252).fon 2015-10-21 04:20 3124 3 - Sierra Small A (1252).fon 2015-07-14 11:28 2757 300 - Wilco Serif (1252 WIP).fon 2017-06-14 10:31 3292 4 - Sierra Small B (1252).fon 2015-07-14 11:29 2769 4115 - Sierra Grande (1252 WIP).fon 2017-06-14 10:22 5539 999 - Sierra Debug (1252).fon 2015-07-16 08:49 2687 Acknowledge TT Brk.fon 2015-07-16 05:52 3384 Conversion of a TTF font. Alpha Beta Brk.fon 2015-08-28 11:55 4200 Conversion of a TTF font. DeluxePaint Comic.fon 2015-08-14 05:10 2403 Conversion of a TTF font. Italian Plumber.fon 2016-06-26 02:07 1495 Conversion of a TTF font. Olympiad EGA.fon 2016-06-26 02:05 4461 Conversion of a TTF font. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2.fon 2016-06-26 01:59 3381 Hand-converted from the game. Press Start 2P.fon 2016-06-26 02:03 2996 Conversion of a TTF font. Press Start K.fon 2016-06-26 02:03 3003 Conversion of a TTF font. Press Start.fon 2016-06-26 02:02 3003 Conversion of a TTF font. PxPlus CGA Thin.fon 2016-06-26 02:07 3017 PxPlus CGA.fon 2017-06-17 03:43 3045 PxPlus VGA.fon 2016-06-26 02:04 4993 Scumm Thick (1252).fon 2018-08-15 03:52 3811 Scumm Thick.fon 2016-03-24 05:43 3659 Hand-converted from Full Throttle. Scumm Thin.fon 2016-03-24 05:41 3096 Hand-converted from Full Throttle. Setback TT Brk.fon 2015-08-28 11:54 4437 Conversion of a TTF font. Tentacle.fon 2017-05-05 05:27 1442 Hand-converted from Day of the Tentacle. Ultima.fon 2016-05-09 02:29 1544 Hand-converted from Ultima 5. Wild Arms 2.fon 2016-06-25 07:49 1815 Hand-converted from Wild Arms 2.