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10], --- > "gravityRange" : [0, 0], 4a5,6 > > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", celestial.config 309c309,310 < "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "spaceThreatLevel" : 3 404c405,406 < "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "spaceThreatLevel" : 3 497c499,500 < "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "spaceThreatLevel" : 4 593c596,597 < "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "spaceThreatLevel" : 5 690c694,695 < "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "twinkleTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "spaceThreatLevel" : 6 client.config 7a8,11 > // padding (in tiles) around the window where weather particles will be spawned > // and outside of which particles will be culled > "particleRegionPadding" : 8, > 62a67 > "deployCinematic" : "/cinematics/teleport/deploy_.cinematic", 107c112 < "maxFrameSkip" : 3, --- > "maxFrameSkip" : 2, dungeon_worlds.config 265a266,446 > "playerstation" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "playerstation", > "threatLevel" : 6, > "gravity" : 0, > "airless" : true, > "worldSize" : [1650, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/jupiter.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spaceencounter" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "spaceencounter", > "threatLevel" : 3, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 200], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 150, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 150, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spaceshiptest" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "derelictship", > "threatLevel" : 6, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1300, 200], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 150, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 150, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "pirateship" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "pirateship", > "threatLevel" : 3, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1300, 200], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 150, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 150, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "researchship" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "researchship", > "threatLevel" : 3, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1300, 200], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 150, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 150, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "cultistship" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "cultistship", > "threatLevel" : 3, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1300, 200], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 150, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 150, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spacestation_electronics" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "spacestation_electronics", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spacestation_food" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "spacestation_food", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spacestation_medical" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "spacestation_medical", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "spacestation_weapons" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "spacestation_weapons", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "mechtestbasic" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "mechtestbasic", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > > "mechtestadvanced" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "mechtestadvanced", > "threatLevel" : 5, > "gravity" : 0, > "worldSize" : [1200, 500], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 300, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 300, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"], > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "TopAndBottom", > "biome" : "space" > }, > help.config 60c60 < "cinema" : "Usage /cinema cinematicPath. Plays the specified cinematic for testing.", --- > "cinema" : "Usage /cinema cinematicPath [timestamp]. Plays the specified cinematic for testing, optionally starting at the specified timestamp.", instance_worlds.config 861a862,1249 > "spaceencounter" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "spaceencounter", > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "tempWorldDeleteTime" : 600000, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "spaceshiptest" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "cultistship", > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "pirateship" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "pirateship", > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "tempWorldDeleteTime" : 600000, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "researchship" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "researchship", > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "tempWorldDeleteTime" : 600000, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "cultistship" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "cultistship", > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "tempWorldDeleteTime" : 600000, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "playerstation" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "playerstation", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > "persistent" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "spacestation_electronics" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "spacestation_electronics", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : 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[200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 120, 120] > } > } > }, > > "spacestation_weapons" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "spacestation_weapons", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > "persistent" : true, > > // "tempWorldDeleteTime" : 0, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 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"eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > } > } > }, > > "mechtestadvanced" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "mechtestadvanced", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > } > } > }, > interface.config 105c105 < "size" : [22, 145], --- > "size" : [22, 165], 111,112c111,112 < "pos" : [0, 120], < "poly" : [ [0, 120], [17, 120], [17, 137], [0, 137] ] --- > "pos" : [0, 140], > "poly" : [ [0, 140], [17, 140], [17, 157], [0, 157] ] 119,120c119,120 < "pos" : [0, 100], < "poly" : [ [0, 100], [17, 100], [17, 117], [0, 117] ] --- > "pos" : [0, 120], > "poly" : [ [0, 120], [17, 120], [17, 137], [0, 137] ] 127,128c127,128 < "pos" : [0, 80], < "poly" : [ [0, 80], [17, 80], [17, 97], [0, 97] ] --- > "pos" : [0, 100], > "poly" : [ [0, 100], [17, 100], [17, 117], [0, 117] ] 135,136c135,136 < "pos" : [0, 60], < "poly" : [ [0, 60], [17, 60], [17, 77], [0, 77] ] --- > "pos" : [0, 80], > "poly" : [ [0, 80], [17, 80], [17, 97], [0, 97] ] 143,144c143,144 < "pos" : [0, 40], < "poly" : [ [0, 40], [17, 40], [17, 57], [0, 57] ] --- > "pos" : [0, 60], > "poly" : [ [0, 60], [17, 60], [17, 77], [0, 77] ] 151a152,158 > "pos" : [0, 40], > "poly" : [ [0, 40], [17, 40], [17, 57], [0, 57] ] > }, > "deploy" : { > "base" : "/interface/deploy.png", > "hover" : "/interface/deployhover.png", > "disabled" : "/interface/beamno.png", 154a162,166 > // beam up uses deploy button poly > "beamUp" : { > "base" : "/interface/beamup.png", > "hover" : "/interface/beamuphover.png" > }, 156,158c168,169 < "base" : [ "/interface/beamup.png", "/interface/beamdown.png" ], < "hover" : [ "/interface/beamuphover.png", "/interface/beamdownhover.png" ], < "disabled" : "/interface/beamno.png", --- > "base" : "/interface/beamdown.png", > "hover" : "/interface/beamdownhover.png", 295a307 > "deployText" : "Deploy Mech", metamaterials.config 29c29 < "collisionKind" : "dynamic" --- > "collisionKind" : "block" 35a36,40 > }, > { > "name" : "expansionslot", > "materialId" : 65030, > "collisionKind" : "slippery" player.config 331a332 > { "item" : "railtramstop" }, 333a335 > { "item" : "stationtram" }, 441a444 > "flySpeed" : 0, 449a453,459 > "zeroGMovementParameters" : { > "flySpeed" : 1.5, > "airForce" : 0.75, > "airFriction" : 0, > "bounceFactor" : 0.3 > }, > 671c681,684 < "teleportOutTime" : 0.75, --- > "teleportOutTime" : 1.0, > > "deployInTime" : 0.4, > "deployOutTime" : 2.0, 723a737,776 > }, > > "deploymentConfig" : { > "scripts" : [ > "/scripts/deployment/playermechdeployment.lua" > ], > "scriptDelta" : 1, > > "starterMechSet" : { > "leftArm" : "mecharmflakcannon", > "rightArm" : "mecharmdrill", > "body" : "mechbodyhumanproto", > "booster" : "mechboostersimple", > "legs" : "mechlegssimple" > }, > "speciesStarterMechBody" : { > "apex" : "mechbodyapexproto", > "avian" : "mechbodyavianproto", > "floran" : "mechbodyfloranproto", > "glitch" : "mechbodyglitchproto", > "human" : "mechbodyhumanproto", > "hylotl" : "mechbodyhylotlproto", > "novakid" : "mechbodynovakidproto" > }, > > "enemyDetectRadius" : 80, > "enemyDetectTypeNames" : [ > "trifangle", > "cosmostache", > "chiropterror", > "masteroid", > "masteroidmid", > "masteroidlarge", > "heavydrone", > "omnicannon", > "twigun" > ], > "lowEnergyThreshold" : 0.25, > "lowEnergySound" : "/sfx/interface/mech_energy_low.ogg", > "lowEnergyFlashTime" : 1.0 rendering.config 11a12,14 > // padding (in pixels) around the window where particles will be drawn > "particleRenderWindowPadding" : 64, > sky.config 4d3 < "skyMaxAlpha" : 0.9, 11c10 < "speedupTimer" : 8.0, --- > "speedupTimer" : 1.0, 13c12 < "slowdownTimer" : 8.0, --- > "slowdownTimer" : 1.0, 25a25,34 > "spaceDisembarkOrigin" : { > "offset" : [0, 0], "rotation" : 0.0 > }, > > "spaceDisembarkPath" : [ > { > "offset" : [1000.0, 0], "rotation": 0.0, "time" : 1.0 > } > ], > 35a45,80 > "spaceArrivalOrigin" : { > "offset" : [-1000.0, 0], "rotation" : 0.0 > }, > > "spaceArrivalPath" : [ > { > "offset" : [0, 0], "rotation": 0.0, "time" : 2.0 > } > ], > > // Sped up for testing > // "speedupTimer" : 0.5, > // "flyingTimer" : 1.0, > // "slowdownTimer" : 0.5, > // "flashTimer" : 1.0, > // "disembarkOrigin" : { > // "offset" : [0, 0], "rotation" : 0 > // }, > // > // "disembarkPath" : [ > // { > // // where you're going, how are you rotated in degrees, how much time does it take to get there > // "offset" : [300, 300], "rotation" : -45.0, "time" : 0.5 > // } > // ], > // > // "arrivalOrigin" : { > // "offset" : [-300, 300], "rotation" : 45.0 > // }, > // > // "arrivalPath" : [ > // { > // "offset" : [0, 0], "rotation" : 0, "time" : 0.5 > // } > // ], > 61d105 < "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], 80d123 < "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], 99d141 < "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], 118d159 < "animationSpeedRange" : [0.0, 0.0], terrestrial_worlds.config 49a50,51 > "worldEdgeForceRegions" : "Top", > universeflags.config 56,61d55 < "dungeonId" : "outpost_weaponshop", < "targetInstance" : "outpost", < "targetPosition" : [364, 588] < }, < { < "type" : "placeDungeon", 146a141,150 > } > ] > }, > "outpost_weaponshop" : { > "actions" : [ > { > "type" : "placeDungeon", > "dungeonId" : "outpost_weaponshop", > "targetInstance" : "outpost", > "targetPosition" : [364, 588] universe_server.config 36a37,38 > "queuedFlightWaitTime" : 45.0, > versioning.config 3c3,4 < "WorldMetadata" : 23, --- > "WorldMetadata" : 26, > "System" : 1, 5,6c6,8 < "ClientContext" : 5, < "CelestialChunk" : 10, --- > "TempWorldIndex" : 1, > "ClientContext" : 6, > "CelestialChunk" : 12, 9c11 < "PlayerEntity" : 28, --- > "PlayerEntity" : 29, worldserver.config 79a80,83 > "playerSpaceStartRegionSize" : [6, 8], > "playerSpaceStartDistanceIncrement" : 5, > "playerSpaceStartMaximumTries" : 40, > 91c95,99 < "fallingBlocksImmediateUpwardPropogateProbability" : 0.6 --- > "fallingBlocksImmediateUpwardPropogateProbability" : 0.6, > > "worldEdgeForceRegionHeight" : 15, > "worldEdgeForceRegionVelocity" : 40, > "worldEdgeForceRegionForce" : 2000 worldstorage.config 2c2 < "sectorTimeToLive" : 10.0, --- > "sectorTimeToLive" : [9.0, 11.0], _metadata 2,3d1 < "name" : "base", < "friendlyName" : "Base Game Assets", 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{"key": ""} 224c226 < "entity": "target" --- > "entity": {"key": "target"} 241a244,246 > "list": {"key": "targets"} > }, > "output": { 256c261 < "list": "targets" --- > "list": {"key": "targets"} behaviors\monsters\boss\apeboss\apeboss.behavior 14c14,15 < "/scripts/actions/time.lua" --- > "/scripts/actions/time.lua", > "/scripts/behavior.lua" 19,28d19 < "minX": -15, < "maxX": 15, < "leftEyeOffset": [ < -2.5, < 1 < ], < "rightEyeOffset": [ < 2.5, < 1 < ], 42c33 < "shouldDie": false --- > "shouldDie": {"value": false} 50,52c41,43 < "count": "", < "distance": "", < "monsterType": "apebossprojector" --- > "count": {"key": ""}, > "distance": {"key": ""}, > "monsterType": {"value": "apebossprojector"} 63,64c54,55 < "list": "projectors", < "type": "entity" --- > "list": {"key": "projectors"}, > "type": {"value": "entity"} 76,77c67,68 < "entity": "eachItem", < "message": "startSpawnSequence" --- > "entity": {"key": "eachItem"}, > "message": {"value": "startSpawnSequence"} 87,88c78,79 < 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time we encountered other sentient life and plentiful resources. We were forever changed, enlightened by these discoveries. --- > As our technology improved we were able to travel further into space, and in time we encountered other sentient life and plentiful resources. We were forever changed, enlightened by these discoveries.", 18c18 < We became united in our goal to establish the Terrene Protectorate here on Earth as a bastion of peace and acceptance for all throughout the universe." --- > "We became united in our goal to establish the Terrene Protectorate here on Earth as a bastion of peace and acceptance for all throughout the universe." codex\optionalbosses\bossshockhopper.codex 11c11 < With the SHOCKHOPPER MK I --- > With Dr. Akaggy's SHOCKHOPPER MK I collections\actionfigures.collection 228a229,236 > "triplod" : { > "order" : 56, > "item" : "triplodaf" > }, > "paraspriteaf" : { > "order" : 57, > "item" : "paraspriteaf" > }, 232c240 < "order" : 56, --- > "order" : 58, 236c244 < "order" : 57, --- > "order" : 59, 240c248 < "order" : 58, --- > "order" : 60, 244c252 < "order" : 59, --- > "order" : 61, 248c256 < "order" : 60, --- > "order" : 62, 252c260 < "order" : 61, --- > "order" : 63, 256c264 < "order" : 62, --- > "order" : 64, 260c268 < "order" 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"Gentle Star", < "orangestar" : "Temperate Star", < "yellowstar" : "Radioactive Star", < "bluestar" : "Frozen Star", < "redstar" : "Fiery Star" --- > > "canvasClickCallbacks" : { > "consoleScreenCanvas" : "canvasClickEvent" > }, > "canvasKeyCallbacks" : { > "consoleScreenCanvas" : "canvasKeyEvent" 62,84c745,757 < "travelLineDashLength" : 10, < "travelLineColor" : [255, 255, 255, 100], < "travelLineWidth" : 1, < < "intraSystemFuelcost" : 0, < < "backgroundLayers" : [ < { < "image" : "/interface/cockpit/bgstars.png", < "scale" : 0.5, < "parallax" : 10 < }, < { < "image" : "/interface/cockpit/nebula1.png", < "scale" : 0.5, < "parallax" : 8 < }, < { < "image" : "/interface/cockpit/grid.png", < "scale" : 0.5, < "parallax" : 2.5 < } < ], --- > "scriptWidgetCallbacks" : [ > "addBookmark", > "toggleBookmarks", > "confirmBookmark", > "deleteBookmark", > "cancelBookmark", > > "goToShip", > "goToQuest", > > "toggleCoordinates", > "goToCoordinate", > "coordinateChanged", 86,87c759,760 < "orbitRings" : "/celestial/system/orbitallines/_.png", < "orbitPathScale" : 0.5, --- > "confirmJump", > "cancelJump", 89,102c762 < "systemOrbitScales" : [0.06, 0.1, 0.14, 0.19, 0.23, 0.27, 0.31, 0.35, 0.40, 0.44, 0.48, 0.52], < "systemOrbitPositions" : [ < [273, 0], < [241, 26], < [160, 45], < [-160, 45], < [-241, 26], < [-273, 0], < [-241, -26], < [-140, -48], < [-50, -55], < [50, -55], < [140, -48], < [241, -26] --- > "viewSelection" 105,108c765,766 < "systemNameDrawPosition" : [197, 135], < "systemNameFontSize" : 12, < "systemHoverNameDrawPosition" : [197, 125], < "systemHoverNameFontSize" : 8, --- > "scripts" : [ "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 1, 110c768,775 < "systemCenter" : [197, 75], --- > "planetInfoBox" : { > "height" : 194, > "bookmarkButtonCaption" : { > "add" : "ADD BOOKMARK", > "edit" : "EDIT BOOKMARK", > "disabled" : "CANNOT BOOKMARK" > } > }, 112,113c777,784 < "systemSelectDiameter" : 10, < "systemIndicatorSize" : 14, --- > "clusterInfoBox" : { > "height" : 53, > "iconImage" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/%s.png", > "viewButtonCaption" : { > "enabled" : "VIEW", > "disabled" : "UNEXPLORED" > } > }, 115c786,794 < "planetCenter" : [95, 75], --- > "objectInfoBox" : { > "height" : 96, > "bookmarkButtonCaption" : { > "add" : "ADD BOOKMARK", > "edit" : "EDIT BOOKMARK", > "disabled" : "CANNOT BOOKMARK", > "unexplored" : "UNEXPLORED" > } > }, 117,118c796,805 < "planetMetadataContainerOffset" : [194, 2], < "planetMetadataContainerFile" : "/interface/cockpit/planetinfoframe.png", --- > "systemInfoBox" : { > "startHeight" : 40, > "nameLabelHeight" : 6, > "typeLabelHeight" : 19, > "iconImage" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/%s.png", > "viewButtonCaption" : { > "enabled" : "VIEW", > "disabled" : "UNEXPLORED" > } > }, 120,123c807,893 < "satelliteNameDrawPosition" : [210, 136], < "satelliteNameColor" : [240, 240, 240], < "satelliteNameEmptyText" : "< no planet selected >", < "satelliteNameFontSize" : 8, --- > "visitableTypeDescription" : { > // iron tier 1 > "garden" : [ > "^#76fe68;Lush ^white;foothills mark this landing location. Both flora and fauna are abundant here. A beam site of immeasurable safety.", > "The beam site is located in a tranquil area of great bio-diversity. There are resources here that you could use. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and pleasant land.", > "Readings indicate the landing site is not unfavourable - the area is safe, and lavish with both flora and fauna. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and hospitable place." > ], > > // (a) steel tier 2 > "forest" : [ > "Densely colonized by trees and other flora, this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;landing site is a hospitable location that supports a diversity of life - potentially including your own.", > "Leafy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life, my database indicates that you may encounter woodland creatures.", > "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;forest^white;. Readings indicate that this wooded area is relatively tranquil." > ], > "desert" : [ > "There is limited flora here, but the location does support life. There is also an abundance of sand. Simply put, it is a ^#e6c801;desert^white;.", > "A ^#e6c801;desert^white; area populated by cacti, as well as various animal life. A relatively safe landing site, so long as you avoid the sandstorms.", > "Sand. Readings indicate sand. Also some cacti... but predominantly sand. Given the available information I speculate that the landing site is situated in a ^#e6c801;desert^white;." > ], > > // titanium tier 3 > "snow" : [ > "This chilly landing site is laden with ^#69f1fd;snow^white;. Sundry trees grow here and various animals also thrive in the cold conditions. An excellent place to make snowballs.", > "The landing location is cold, but not perilously so. ^#69f1fd;Snow^white; covers the area and blizzards are a possibility. A hat and gloves may be advisable.", > "This location is relatively chill, and ^#69f1fd;snow^white; lies thickly on the ground. My sensors indicate that there are critters scampering through the soft blanket of white." > ], > "savannah" : [ > "The landing site is situated in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;that is hot and prone to dust storms. It is neither especially pleasant, nor especially dangerous.", > "This area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;is sparsely populated by trees. It is not excessively inhospitable - readings indicate that there is a hare bouncing around.", > "The landing location is located in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland^white;. Trees and shrubs grow sparsely in the heat. A dusty place of wide, flat vistas." > ], > "ocean" : [ > "A planet of deep ^#008aff;oceans^white; and small islands. My readings indicate that aquatic life is abundant and that the islets of the surface are extremely picturesque.", > "An ^#008aff;ocean^white; covered planet spotted with islands and teeming with life. My readings indicate that there is a great deal of activity in the depths of the waters.", > "Floating desert islands pepper the surface of this ^#008aff;ocean^white; planet. An environment of tropical ambiance and aesthetic." > ], > > // (a) durasteel tier 4 > "toxic" : [ > "This planet is ^#06ff00;toxic^white; - the air is putrefied and the oceans are poisonous. ^red;Radiation exceeds safe levels^white; by a factor of thousands.", > "This ^red;highly radioactive^white; planet is a poisonous wilderness inhabited by irradiated lifeforms. It's luminescent surface is ^#06ff00;toxic^white;. An uninviting destination.", > "This is a ^#06ff00;toxic^white; planet replete with ^red;radiation^white;. The noxious oceans are lethally poisonous... May I remind you that other destinations are available." > ], > "jungle" : [ > "The landing site is in a dense ^#12a003;jungle^white;. A menagerie of astounding creatures live amongst the lush flora. It is a shame about the ^red;lethally high levels of radiation^white;.", > "A ^#12a003;jungle^white; landing site densely inhabited by flora and fauna of many kinds. The area is rich with resources but ^red;phenomenally high in radiation^white;.", > "^red;High levels of radiation^white; render this ^#12a003;jungle^white; location an extremely hostile environment and local fauna is similarly unwelcoming." > ], > "alien" : [ > "This is a somewhat risky landing site - ^red;radiation levels are extremely high^white;. However, the ^#7800ff;mutated^white; terrain could be described as darkly whimsical.", > "A landing site characterised by odd flora, aggressive fauna and ^red;sickeningly high levels of radiation^white;. The area's inhabitants are severely ^#7800ff;mutated^white;.", > "The beam location is situated in a ^#7800ff;mutated^white; landscape. The ^red;high levels of radiation^white; create a noxious environment. I advise you to avoid swimming." > ], > > // aegisalt, ferozium, violium tier 5 > "arctic" : [ > "^red;Temperatures at the landing site are dangerously low.^white; You will be beaming onto a small island surrounded by ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. I strongly advise you to wear a scarf.", > "The beam site is ^red;intensely cold^white;: a tiny island in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. There is a 0.025% chance you will mis-beam into the water, quickly succumbing to the awful chill.", > "A site of ^red;dangerously low temperatures^white;. There are few animals here, and no plant-life at all - just forsaken islands in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;." > ], > "tundra" : [ > "A ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; place, formed of ice - the permafrost runs deep here. Snow storms are common, and ^red;temperatures are dangerously low^white;.", > "This ^red;dangerously cold.^white; landing site is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; solid. High likelihood of accidental self-cryopreservation. Protect yourself from the cold.", > "^red;Temperatures at the beam site are dangerously low^white;. The area is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white;, and inhabited only by flora and fauna that are extremely resistant to the cold. " > ], > > // (a) solarium tier 6 > "volcanic" : [ > "The ^#e11212;volcanic^white; landing site is ^red;catastrophically hot^white;. If you wish, I can calculate your likelihood of immediately bursting into flame upon beam down...", > "^#e11212;Volcanic^white; activity blights this planet and the beam site is in an area of particular virulence. The ^red;temperature is far beyond normally survivable levels^white;.", > "The beam site is situated in ^#e11212;volcanic^white; terrain and is ^red;exquisitely hot^white;. Your interest in this place certainly displays your dauntless tenacity." > ], > "midnight" : [ > "This is a ^#e11212;dark^white; world where the sun never rises. The surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;. You should prepare yourself both mentally and physically before landing here.", > "This ^#e11212;dark^white; world is ^red;perilously cold^white;. Strange shadowy figures dwell here, hidden in the unremitting night.", > "Scans show that the surface is ^#e11212;dark^white;. In fact, scans show little else on account of all the darkness. However, I surmise that the surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;." > ], > "scorchedcity" : [ > "The landing location is a ^#b24301;scorched^white; wasteland. The atmospheric ^red;temperature is dangerously high^white;. It is impressively brave of you to consider this destination.", > "The beam site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; and desolate. Little is capable of surviving here as the ^red;temperature is fatally high^white;. People live in the area, but I cannot fathom why.", > "The landing site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; by the ^red;intense heat of the planet's surface^white;. Only a few hardy individuals remain, possibly out of pure habit." > ], > "magma" : [ > "This ^red;dangerously hot^white; planet is chiefly composed of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. Remember, your resilient spirit is admirable, but it is not flame retardant.", > "The planet surface is ^red;dangerously hot^white;. Few creatures eek out an existence amongst the planet's vast oceans of ^#ff1818;magma^white;.", > "The beam site is a tiny island isolated in a sea of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. That you would consider visiting this ^red;searingly hot^white; planet speaks volumes of your fortitude." > ], 125c895,910 < "worldInfoFontSize" : 8, --- > // other > "moon" : [ > "A lonely ^#949493;moon^white; with ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;; the sky is open to the stars, there is fuel below the ground. Likelihood of feeling lonesome and desolate: 92%.", > "This ^#949493;moon^white; supports no life and has ^red;no atmosphere^white;. However, fuel is abundant here - scans indicate that there is a wealth of it buried below the surface. ", > "This vacant ^#949493;moon^white; has ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;, but there are caverns below ground that contain vast fuel deposits. In summation: useful, but not enticing." > ], > "asteroids" : [ > "A bare cluster of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere^white; or life here. Just endless nothingness, with plenty of space for construction.", > "A lifeless band of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; ^red;without atmosphere^white;: drifting through space, anchored to a distant star... A nice place to build a house.", > "A clutch of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; drifting along an elliptical orbit. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere here^white;. Or anything else for that matter..." > ], > "barren" : [ > "This location is ^#999966;barren^white; and lifeless. Readings show there is nothing here. An empty, empty place.", > "This planet is ^#999966;barren^white;, supporting no life of any kind. There is nothing here at all...", > "Readings indicate that the landing site is of unusual hue. Also, that it is a ^#999966;barren^white; location and would be suitable for construction." > ], 127,138c912 < "threatLevelText" : { < "label" : { < "pos" : [359, 70], < "text" : "Threat", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] < }, < "value" : { < "pos" : [359, 59], < "text" : "", < "size" : 8 < } --- > "ancientgateway" : ["An ^#571cff;Ancient Gateway^white; of unknown provenance; an edifice of great power and mystery."] 141c915,929 < "threatLevelToColor" : { --- > "terraformedPlanetDescription" : [ > "This planet has been altered beyond recognition by extensive terraforming.", > "Terraforming has made this planet safe for habitation, though unnatural in appearance.", > "This planet's climate and ecosystems have been dramatically altered by terraforming." > ], > > "worldTypeDescription" : { > "GasGiant" : [ > "A giant ball of gases intermingling with one another. There is simply nothing here to land on.", > "A gas giant. There is no solid substance to this planet, just a collection of swirling gases.", > "Can't land. The crushing pressure and tearing winds of this gas giant would kill you instantly." > ] > }, > > "threatLevelColor" : { 159c947 < "threatLevelToText" : { --- > "threatLevelText" : { 177,322c965,966 < "planetTypeLabel" : { < "pos" : [264, 119], < "text" : "Landing Site Analysis", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] < }, < < "planetTypeToDescription" : { < // iron tier 1 < "garden" : [ "^#76fe68;Lush ^white;foothills mark this landing location. Both flora and fauna are abundant here. A beam site of immeasurable safety.", < "The beam site is located in a tranquil area of great bio-diversity. There are resources here that you could use. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and pleasant land.", < "Readings indicate the landing site is not unfavourable - the area is safe, and lavish with both flora and fauna. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and hospitable place." < ], < // (a) steel tier 2 < "forest" : [ "Densely colonized by trees and other flora, this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;landing site is a hospitable location that supports a diversity of life - potentially including your own.", < "Leafy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life, my database indicates that you may encounter woodland creatures.", < "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;forest^white;. Readings indicate that this wooded area is relatively tranquil." < < ], < "desert" : [ "There is limited flora here, but the location does support life. There is also an abundance of sand. Simply put, it is a ^#e6c801;desert^white;.", < "A ^#e6c801;desert^white; area populated by cacti, as well as various animal life. A relatively safe landing site, so long as you avoid the sandstorms.", < "Sand. Readings indicate sand. Also some cacti... but predominantly sand. Given the available information I speculate that the landing site is situated in a ^#e6c801;desert^white;." < ], < // titanium tier 3 < "snow" : ["This chilly landing site is laden with ^#69f1fd;snow^white;. Sundry trees grow here and various animals also thrive in the cold conditions. An excellent place to make snowballs.", < "The landing location is cold, but not perilously so. ^#69f1fd;Snow^white; covers the area and blizzards are a possibility. A hat and gloves may be advisable.", < "This location is relatively chill, and ^#69f1fd;snow^white; lies thickly on the ground. My sensors indicate that there are critters scampering through the soft blanket of white." < ], < "savannah" : ["The landing site is situated in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;that is hot and prone to dust storms. It is neither especially pleasant, nor especially dangerous.", < "This area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;is sparsely populated by trees. It is not excessively inhospitable - readings indicate that there is a hare bouncing around.", < "The landing location is located in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland^white;. Trees and shrubs grow sparsely in the heat. A dusty place of wide, flat vistas." < ], < "ocean" : ["A planet of deep ^#008aff;oceans^white; and small islands. My readings indicate that aquatic life is abundant and that the islets of the surface are extremely picturesque.", < "An ^#008aff;ocean^white; covered planet spotted with islands and teeming with life. My readings indicate that there is a great deal of activity in the depths of the waters.", < "Floating desert islands pepper the surface of this ^#008aff;ocean^white; planet. An environment of tropical ambiance and aesthetic." < ], < // (a) durasteel tier 4 < "toxic" : ["This planet is ^#06ff00;toxic^white; - the air is putrefied and the oceans are poisonous. ^red;Radiation exceeds safe levels^white; by a factor of thousands.", < "This ^red;highly radioactive^white; planet is a poisonous wilderness inhabited by irradiated lifeforms. It's luminescent surface is ^#06ff00;toxic^white;. An uninviting destination.", < "This is a ^#06ff00;toxic^white; planet replete with ^red;radiation^white;. The noxious oceans are lethally poisonous... May I remind you that other destinations are available." < ], < "jungle" : ["The landing site is in a dense ^#12a003;jungle^white;. A menagerie of astounding creatures live amongst the lush flora. It is a shame about the ^red;lethally high levels of radiation^white;.", < "A ^#12a003;jungle^white; landing site densely inhabited by flora and fauna of many kinds. The area is rich with resources but ^red;phenomenally high in radiation^white;.", < "^red;High levels of radiation^white; render this ^#12a003;jungle^white; location an extremely hostile environment and local fauna is similarly unwelcoming." < ], < "alien" : ["This is a somewhat risky landing site - ^red;radiation levels are extremely high^white;. However, the ^#7800ff;mutated^white; terrain could be described as darkly whimsical.", < "A landing site characterised by odd flora, aggressive fauna and ^red;sickeningly high levels of radiation^white;. The area's inhabitants are severely ^#7800ff;mutated^white;.", < "The beam location is situated in a ^#7800ff;mutated^white; landscape. The ^red;high levels of radiation^white; create a noxious environment. I advise you to avoid swimming." < ], < // aegisalt, ferozium, violium tier 5 < "arctic" : ["^red;Temperatures at the landing site are dangerously low.^white; You will be beaming onto a small island surrounded by ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. I strongly advise you to wear a scarf.", < "The beam site is ^red;intensely cold^white;: a tiny island in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. There is a 0.025% chance you will mis-beam into the water, quickly succumbing to the awful chill.", < "A site of ^red;dangerously low temperatures^white;. There are few animals here, and no plant-life at all - just forsaken islands in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;." < ], < "tundra" : ["A ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; place, formed of ice - the permafrost runs deep here. Snow storms are common, and ^red;temperatures are dangerously low^white;.", < "This ^red;dangerously cold.^white; landing site is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; solid. High likelihood of accidental self-cryopreservation. Protect yourself from the cold.", < "^red;Temperatures at the beam site are dangerously low^white;. The area is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white;, and inhabited only by flora and fauna that are extremely resistant to the cold. " < < ], < // (a) solarium tier 6 < "volcanic" : ["The ^#e11212;volcanic^white; landing site is ^red;catastrophically hot^white;. If you wish, I can calculate your likelihood of immediately bursting into flame upon beam down...", < "^#e11212;Volcanic^white; activity blights this planet and the beam site is in an area of particular virulence. The ^red;temperature is far beyond normally survivable levels^white;.", < "The beam site is situated in ^#e11212;volcanic^white; terrain and is ^red;exquisitely hot^white;. Your interest in this place certainly displays your dauntless tenacity." < ], < "midnight" : ["This is a ^#e11212;dark^white; world where the sun never rises. The surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;. You should prepare yourself both mentally and physically before landing here.", < "This ^#e11212;dark^white; world is ^red;perilously cold^white;. Strange shadowy figures dwell here, hidden in the unremitting night.", < "Scans show that the surface is ^#e11212;dark^white;. In fact, scans show little else on account of all the darkness. However, I surmise that the surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;." < < ], < "scorchedcity" : ["The landing location is a ^#b24301;scorched^white; wasteland. The atmospheric ^red;temperature is dangerously high^white;. It is impressively brave of you to consider this destination.", < "The beam site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; and desolate. Little is capable of surviving here as the ^red;temperature is fatally high^white;. People live in the area, but I cannot fathom why.", < "The landing site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; by the ^red;intense heat of the planet's surface^white;. Only a few hardy individuals remain, possibly out of pure habit." < ], < "magma" : ["This ^red;dangerously hot^white; planet is chiefly composed of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. Remember, your resilient spirit is admirable, but it is not flame retardant.", < "The planet surface is ^red;dangerously hot^white;. Few creatures eek out an existence amongst the planet's vast oceans of ^#ff1818;magma^white;.", < "The beam site is a tiny island isolated in a sea of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. That you would consider visiting this ^red;searingly hot^white; planet speaks volumes of your fortitude." < ], < // other < "moon" : ["A lonely ^#949493;moon^white; with ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;; the sky is open to the stars, there is fuel below the ground. Likelihood of feeling lonesome and desolate: 92%.", < "This ^#949493;moon^white; supports no life and has ^red;no atmosphere^white;. However, fuel is abundant here - scans indicate that there is a wealth of it buried below the surface. ", < "This vacant ^#949493;moon^white; has ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;, but there are caverns below ground that contain vast fuel deposits. In summation: useful, but not enticing." < ], < "asteroids" : ["A bare cluster of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere^white; or life here. Just endless nothingness, with plenty of space for construction.", < "A lifeless band of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; ^red;without atmosphere^white;: drifting through space, anchored to a distant star... A nice place to build a house.", < "A clutch of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; drifting along an elliptical orbit. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere here^white;. Or anything else for that matter..." < ], < "barren" : ["This location is ^#999966;barren^white; and lifeless. Readings show there is nothing here. An empty, empty place.", < "This planet is ^#999966;barren^white;, supporting no life of any kind. There is nothing here at all...", < "Readings indicate that the landing site is of unusual hue. Also, that it is a ^#999966;barren^white; location and would be suitable for construction." < ], < < "ancientgateway" : ["An ^#571cff;Ancient Gateway^white; of unknown provenance; an edifice of great power and mystery."] < }, < < "terraformedPlanetDescription" : [ < "This planet has been altered beyond recognition by extensive terraforming.", < "Terraforming has made this planet safe for habitation, though unnatural in appearance.", < "This planet's climate and ecosystems have been dramatically altered by terraforming." < ], < < "worldTypeToDescription" : { < "gasgiant" : ["A giant ball of gases intermingling with one another. There is simply nothing here to land on.", < "A gas giant. There is no solid substance to this planet, just a collection of swirling gases.", < "Can't land. The crushing pressure and tearing winds of this gas giant would kill you instantly."] < }, < < "dayLengthText" : { < "label" : { < "pos" : [359, 47], < "text" : "Day Cycle", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] < }, < "value" : { < "pos" : [359, 35], < "text" : " Sols", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [ 175, 180, 204 ] < } < }, < < "sizeText" : { < "label" : { < "pos" : [359, 24.5], < "text" : "Planet Size", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] < }, < "value" : { < "pos" : [359, 13], < "text" : " Sectors", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [ 175, 180, 204 ] < } < }, < < "oreText" : { < "pos" : [264, 36], < "text" : "Geological Analysis", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] < }, < < "displayOres" : [ < { < "oreName" : "copper", --- > "displayOres" : { > "copper" : { 326,327c970 < { < "oreName" : "silver", --- > "silver" : { 331,332c974 < { < "oreName" : "gold", --- > "gold" : { 336,337c978 < { < "oreName" : "iron", --- > "iron" : { 341,342c982 < { < "oreName" : "tungsten", --- > "tungsten" : { 346,347c986 < { < "oreName" : "titanium", --- > "titanium" : { 351,352c990 < { < "oreName" : "durasteel", --- > "durasteel" : { 356,357c994 < { < "oreName" : "ferozium", --- > "ferozium" : { 361,362c998 < { < "oreName" : "aegisalt", --- > "aegisalt" : { 366,367c1002 < { < "oreName" : "violium", --- > "violium" : { 371,372c1006 < { < "oreName" : "solarium", --- > "solarium" : { 376,377c1010 < { < "oreName" : "erchius", --- > "erchius" : { 381,387d1013 < ], < < "weatherText" : { < "pos" : [359, 119], < "text" : "Weather", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [140, 164, 228] 481,498c1107,1178 < "planetIndicatorSize" : 40, < "satelliteIndicatorSize" : 25, < "planetSelectDiameter" : 20, < < "planetaryOrbitScales" : [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0], < "planetaryOrbitPositions" : [ < [90, 0], < [75, 30], < [55, 60], < [-55, 60], < [-75, 30], < [-90, 0], < [-75, -30], < [-55, -60], < [-30, -70], < [30, -70], < [55, -60], < [75, -30] --- > "clusterMoons" : { > "none" : "No orbiting bodies", > "singular" : "One orbiting body", > "plural" : "%s orbiting bodies" > }, > > "planetTypeNames" : { > "garden" : "Lush", > "forest" : "Forest", > "desert" : "Desert", > "snow" : "Snowy", > "savannah" : "Savannah", > "ocean" : "Oceanic", > "toxic" : "Toxic", > "jungle" : "Jungle", > "alien" : "Alien", > "arctic" : "Arctic", > "tundra" : "Tundra", > "volcanic" : "Volcanic", > "midnight" : "Midnight", > "scorchedcity" : "Scorched", > "magma" : "Lava", > "moon" : "Lunar", > "asteroids" : "Asteroids", > "barren" : "Barren", > "ancientgateway" : "Gateway" > }, > > "planetTypeColors" : { > "garden" : [0, 200, 0], > "forest" : [50, 150, 50], > "desert" : [255, 255, 0], > "snow" : [255, 255, 255], > "savannah" : [255, 200, 0], > "ocean" : [0, 0, 255], > "toxic" : [0, 255, 0], > "jungle" : [200, 50, 200], > "alien" : [255, 0, 255], > "arctic" : [200, 200, 255], > "tundra" : [180, 180, 180], > "volcanic" : [150, 0, 0], > "midnight" : [150, 150, 150], > "scorchedcity" : [200, 150, 150], > "magma" : [255, 0, 0], > "moon" : [150, 150, 150], > "asteroids" : [150, 150, 150], > "barren" : [150, 150, 150], > "ancientgateway" : [255, 255, 255] > }, > > "starTypeColors" : { > "default" : [255, 255, 255, 255], > "whitestar" : [255, 255, 255, 255], > "bluestar" : [100, 100, 255, 255], > "yellowstar" : [255, 255, 50, 255], > "orangestar" : [255, 150, 50, 255], > "redstar" : [255, 50, 50, 255] > }, > "starTypeNames" : { > "default" : "Mysterious Star", > "whitestar" : "Gentle Star", > "orangestar" : "Temperate Star", > "yellowstar" : "Radioactive Star", > "bluestar" : "Frozen Star", > "redstar" : "Fiery Star" > }, > > "topLeftButtons" : [ > "showBookmarkList", > "goToShip", > "goToQuest", > "showCoordinates" 499a1180,1186 > "topLeftButtonHeight" : 13, > "topLeftSpacing" : 2, > // frames with associated button > "topLeftFrameButtons" : { > "bookmarksFrame" : "showBookmarkList", > "coordinatesFrame" : "showCoordinates" > }, 501,560c1188,1191 < "processingAnimation" : { < "frames" : [ < [6, "/interface/cockpit/processing.png" ] < ], < "duration" : 0.1 < }, < < "ftlOfflineText" : { < "pos" : [4, 2], < "text" : "FTL DRIVE OFFLINE", < "size" : 10, < "color" : [ 255, 0, 0 ] < }, < < "ftlAnimation" : { < "frames" : [ < [36, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump1.png" ], < [36, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump2.png" ], < [36, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump3.png" ], < [36, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump4.png" ], < [36, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump5.png" ], < [20, "/interface/cockpit/consoleanim/consolejump6.png" ] < ], < < "disembark" : [0, 85], < "disembarkLoop" : [86, 90], < "disembarkTime" : 6, < "disembarkLoopTime" : 0.2, < < "speedUp" : [91, 125], < "speedUpLoop" : [126, 130], < "speedUpTime" : 2.5, < "speedUpLoopTime" : 0.2, < < "jump" : [131, 140], < "jumpLoop" : [141, 145], < "jumpTime" : 0.5, < "jumpLoopTime" : 0.2, < < "speedDown" : [146, 163], < "speedDownLoop" : [164, 168], < "speedDownTime" : 1.5, < "speedDownLoopTime" : 0.2, < < "arrive" : [169, 198], < "arriveLoop" : [199, 199], < "arriveTime" : 2, < "arriveLoopTime" : 0.5, < < "textFrames" : [ < [70, "/interface/cockpit/textanim/textscroll1.png" ], < [70, "/interface/cockpit/textanim/textscroll2.png" ], < [70, "/interface/cockpit/textanim/textscroll3.png" ], < [70, "/interface/cockpit/textanim/textscroll4.png" ] < ], < "textRange" : [0, 14], < "textRangeLoop" : [15, 279], < "textTime" : 0.25, < "textLoopTime" : 4.41666666, < "textWaitFrames" : 47 --- > "bookmarks" : { > "newTitle" : "NEW BOOKMARK", > "editTitle" : "EDIT BOOKMARK", > "icon" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/%s.png" 563,700c1194,1220 < "guiConfig" : { < "background" : { < "zlevel" : 0, < "type" : "background", < "fileHeader" : "/interface/cockpit/consoleheader.png", < "fileBody" : "/interface/cockpit/consolebody.png" < }, < "consoleScreenCanvas" : { < "zlevel" : 1, < "type" : "canvas", < "rect" : [1, 79, 395, 233], < "captureMouseEvents" : true < }, < "planetTypeDescription" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [205, 193], < "wrapWidth" : 120, < "zlevel" : 5, < "hAnchor" : "left", < "vAnchor" : "top", < "value" : "???" < }, < "weatherIconLayout" : { < "type" : "layout", < "layoutType" : "flow", < "rect" : [ 330, 158, 387, 196 ], < "spacing" : [ 4, 4 ], < "zlevel" : 5 < }, < "oreIconLayout" : { < "type" : "layout", < "layoutType" : "flow", < "rect" : [ 201, 100, 380, 113 ], < "spacing" : [2, 0], < "zlevel" : 5 < }, < "processingImage" : { < "zlevel" : 5, < "type" : "image", < "centered" : true, < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/processing.png:0", < "position" : [205, 155] < }, < "showBookmarkList" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "button", < "base" : "/interface/cockpit/bookmarksup.png", < "hover" : "/interface/cockpit/bookmarksover.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/cockpit/bookmarksup.png", < "position" : [-3, 42], < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "caption" : "BOOKMARKS", < "fontColor" : [23, 178, 0], < "fontColorDisabled" : [35, 110, 14], 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"hover" : "/interface/cockpit/myshipmover.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/cockpit/myshipup.png", < "position" : [-3, 25], < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "caption" : "SHOW QUEST LOCATION", < "fontColor" : [23, 178, 0], < "fontColorDisabled" : [35, 110, 14], < "textAlign" : "left", < "textOffset" : [12, 0] < }, < "close" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "button", < "base" : "/interface/x.png", < "hover" : "/interface/xhover.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/xpress.png", < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "position" : [378, 239] < }, < "windowtitle" : { < "type" : "title", < "title" : " Navigation Console", < "subtitle" : "^#b9b5b2; Select your destination", < "position" : [74, 260], < "icon" : { < "type" : "image", < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.png", < "position" : [0, 0], < "zlevel" : -1 < } < }, < "initiateJump" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "button", < "base" : "/interface/cockpit/initiatejumpup.png", < "hover" : "/interface/cockpit/initiatejumpover.png", < "pressed" : 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"/interface/bookmarks/scrollarea/vthumb-innerhover.png" < } < } < }, < "children" : { < "bookmarkItemList" : { < "type" : "list", < "callback" : "null", < "schema" : { < "selectedBG" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/selected.png", < "unselectedBG" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", < "spacing" : [0, 2], < "memberSize" : [170, 22], < "listTemplate" : { < "itemButton" : { < "type" : "button", < "callback" : "selectBookmark", < "size" : [170, 22], < "position" : [0, 0], < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "base" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", < "hover" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/selected.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", < "zlevel" : -1 < }, < "icon" : { < "type" : "image", < "position" : [3, 3], < "file" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/barren.png", < "mouseTransparent" : true < }, < "name" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [23, 11], < "hAnchor" : "left", < "width" : 120, < "value" : "Bookmark Name", < "color" : [255, 255, 255], < "mouseTransparent" : true < }, < "planetName" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [23, 3], < "hAnchor" : "left", < "width" : 120, < "value" : "Planet Name", < "color" : [180, 180, 180], < "mouseTransparent" : true < }, < "editButton" : { < "type" : "button", < "callback" : "editBookmark", < "position" : [151, 3], < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "base" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/editup.png", < "hover" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/edithover.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/editup.png" < } < } < } < } < } < } --- > > "visitedTempObjectColor" : [150, 150, 150] > }, > > "sounds" : { > "open" : "/sfx/interface/nav_computer_on.ogg", > "hover" : "/sfx/interface/starving1.ogg", > "startTravel" : "/sfx/interface/keypad_press.ogg", > "failTravel" : "/sfx/interface/nav_examine_off.ogg", > "jump" : "/sfx/interface/warp.ogg", > "zoom" : "/sfx/interface/nav_scanning_loop.ogg", > "pan" : "/sfx/interface/nav_panning_loop.ogg", > "typing" : "/sfx/interface/keypad_press.ogg" interface\confirmation\teleportconfirmation.config 123c123 < "message" : "\n\nAre you ready for me to send you to the Penguin Arms Testing Site to fight the Shockhopper MK I?\n^red;You'll want to have very good equipment for this.", --- > "message" : "\n\nAre you ready for me to send you to my ^orange;arms testing site^white; to fight my Shockhopper MK I?\n^red;You'll want to have very good equipment for this.", 127c127 < "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/objects/outpost/penguinweaponshop/penguinshopportrait.png"} ] --- > "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/quests/outpost/penguinscientistportrait.png"} ] 130c130,160 < "name" : "Penguin" --- > "name" : "Dr. Akaggy" > } > }, > "mechunlock" : { > "paneLayout" : "/interface/windowconfig/portraitconfirmation.config:paneLayout", > "icon" : "/interface/warping/icon.png", > "title" : "Teleport Confirmation", > "subtitle" : "Mech Test Course", > "message" : "\n\nAre you ready for me to deploy you to my ^orange;mech test course^white;? I built it in an abandoned freighter I stumbled upon.", > "okCaption" : "Ready", > "cancelCaption" : "Not now", > "images" : { > "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/quests/outpost/penguinscientistportrait.png"} ] > }, > "labels" : { > "name" : "Dr. Akaggy" > } > }, > "mechupgrade2" : { > "paneLayout" : "/interface/windowconfig/portraitconfirmation.config:paneLayout", > "icon" : "/interface/warping/icon.png", > "title" : "Teleport Confirmation", > "subtitle" : "Advanced Mech Test Course", > "message" : "\n\nAre you ready for me to send you to my ^orange;advanced mech test course^white;? \n^red;You might want to assemble a strong enough mech before you go.", > "okCaption" : "Ready", > "cancelCaption" : "Not now", > "images" : { > "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/quests/outpost/penguinscientistportrait.png"} ] > }, > "labels" : { > "name" : "Dr. Akaggy" interface\easel\signstoregui.config 46c46,55 < "scriptCanvas" : "scriptCanvas" --- > > "canvasClickCallbacks" : { > "scriptCanvas" : "canvasClickEvent" > }, > "canvasKeyCallbacks" : { > "scriptCanvas" : "canvasKeyEvent" > }, > > "scriptWidgetCallbacks" : [ > ] interface\easel\signstoregui.lua 5a6,9 > self.canvas = widget.bindCanvas("scriptCanvas") > > widget.focus("scriptCanvas") > 9c13 < uniqueEaselIdentifier = "Easel@" .. world.entityPosition(console.sourceEntity())[1] .. world.entityPosition(console.sourceEntity())[2] --- > uniqueEaselIdentifier = "Easel@" .. world.entityPosition(pane.sourceEntity())[1] .. world.entityPosition(pane.sourceEntity())[2] 124c128 < dropSpot = world.entityPosition(console.sourceEntity()) --- > dropSpot = world.entityPosition(pane.sourceEntity()) 128c132 < local matchingCabinetList = world.objectQuery({world.entityPosition(console.sourceEntity())[1]+7,world.entityPosition(console.sourceEntity())[2]},1) --- > local matchingCabinetList = world.objectQuery({world.entityPosition(pane.sourceEntity())[1]+7,world.entityPosition(pane.sourceEntity())[2]},1) 132c136 < if self.matchingCabinet == nil then console.dismiss() end --- > if self.matchingCabinet == nil then pane.dismiss() end 151c155 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "storeData", storage, templates) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "storeData", storage, templates) 155c159,161 < local toPointer = console.canvasMousePosition() --- > self.canvas:clear() > > local toPointer = self.canvas:mousePosition() 209c215 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "storeData", storage, templates) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "storeData", storage, templates) 369,384c375,390 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/staticpanels.png", buttonPosition("S:mainStatics"), 1) < --console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/icongrab.png:"["iconGrab"],buttonPosition("iconGrab"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("pixelPress"), 1.5) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signframe.png:"[storage.frameTypesIndex][1], buttonPosition("framePress"), 1.5) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/minisignbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("S:miniBacking"), 1) --(20,6.5) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["backingLeft"], buttonPosition("backingLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["backingRight"], buttonPosition("backingRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["frameLeft"], buttonPosition("frameLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["frameRight"], buttonPosition("frameRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/delete.png:"["frameDelete"], buttonPosition("frameDelete"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/add.png:"["frameAdd"], buttonPosition("frameAdd"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:right"["shiftRight"], buttonPosition("shiftRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:left"["shiftLeft"], buttonPosition("shiftLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:up"["shiftUp"], buttonPosition("shiftUp"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:down"["shiftDown"], buttonPosition("shiftDown"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/wiredicon.png:"["isWired"], buttonPosition("isWired"), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/staticpanels.png", buttonPosition("S:mainStatics"), 1) > --self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/icongrab.png:"["iconGrab"],buttonPosition("iconGrab"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/signbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("pixelPress"), 1.5) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/signframe.png:"[storage.frameTypesIndex][1], buttonPosition("framePress"), 1.5) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/minisignbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("S:miniBacking"), 1) --(20,6.5) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["backingLeft"], buttonPosition("backingLeft"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["backingRight"], buttonPosition("backingRight"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["frameLeft"], buttonPosition("frameLeft"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["frameRight"], buttonPosition("frameRight"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/delete.png:"["frameDelete"], buttonPosition("frameDelete"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/add.png:"["frameAdd"], buttonPosition("frameAdd"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:right"["shiftRight"], buttonPosition("shiftRight"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:left"["shiftLeft"], buttonPosition("shiftLeft"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:up"["shiftUp"], buttonPosition("shiftUp"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:down"["shiftDown"], buttonPosition("shiftDown"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/wiredicon.png:"["isWired"], buttonPosition("isWired"), 1) 388,389c394,395 < console.canvasDrawRect(button4Position("S:lightColor"), convertRGBAtoArray(storage.lightData)) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawRect(button4Position("S:lightColor"), convertRGBAtoArray(storage.lightData)) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) 391c397 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) 397,400c403,406 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit11,buttonPosition("S:digit11"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit12, buttonPosition("S:digit12"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit21,buttonPosition("S:digit21"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit22, buttonPosition("S:digit22"), 1) --(-1,3) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit11,buttonPosition("S:digit11"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit12, buttonPosition("S:digit12"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit21,buttonPosition("S:digit21"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit22, buttonPosition("S:digit22"), 1) --(-1,3) 404,406c410,415 < console.canvasDrawRect( < {buttonPosition("pixelPress")[1]-6+6*x, buttonPosition("pixelPress")[2]-6+6*y, buttonPosition("pixelPress")[1]+6*x, buttonPosition("pixelPress")[2]+6*y}, < convertRGBAtoArray(storage.signPixels[storage.currentFrame][x][y]) ) --- > self.canvas:drawRect({ > buttonPosition("pixelPress")[1]-6+6*x, > buttonPosition("pixelPress")[2]-6+6*y, > buttonPosition("pixelPress")[1]+6*x, > buttonPosition("pixelPress")[2]+6*y}, > convertRGBAtoArray(storage.signPixels[storage.currentFrame][x][y])) 413,416c422,425 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/new.png:"["dumpPress"], buttonPosition("dumpPress"), 1) --(4,8) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/clear.png:"["clearPress"], buttonPosition("clearPress"), 1) --(4,8) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/print.png:"["printPress"], buttonPosition("printPress"), 1) --(8,8) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/undo.png:"["undoPress"], buttonPosition("undoPress"), 1) --(12,8) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/new.png:"["dumpPress"], buttonPosition("dumpPress"), 1) --(4,8) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/clear.png:"["clearPress"], buttonPosition("clearPress"), 1) --(4,8) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/print.png:"["printPress"], buttonPosition("printPress"), 1) --(8,8) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/undo.png:"["undoPress"], buttonPosition("undoPress"), 1) --(12,8) 418,419c427,428 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scaninput.png:"["templateSlotScanButton"], buttonPosition("templateSlotScanButton"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/iconthing.png", buttonPosition("templateSlotCopy"), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/scaninput.png:"["templateSlotScanButton"], buttonPosition("templateSlotScanButton"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/iconthing.png", buttonPosition("templateSlotCopy"), 1) 421c430 < console.canvasDrawImage("/objects/outpost/customsign/"..templates["fromContainer"].currentIcon, vec2.add(buttonPosition("templateSlotCopy"), {1,0}), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/objects/outpost/customsign/"..templates["fromContainer"].currentIcon, vec2.add(buttonPosition("templateSlotCopy"), {1,0}), 1) 424c433 < console.canvasDrawRect(button4Position("templateSlotCopy"), {255,255,255,70}) end --- > self.canvas:drawRect(button4Position("templateSlotCopy"), {255,255,255,70}) end 426c435 < console.canvasDrawText(self.toolTip, {position=buttonPosition("S:toolTip")}, 8, {210,210,210,210}) --- > self.canvas:drawText(self.toolTip, {position=buttonPosition("S:toolTip")}, 8, {210,210,210,210}) 431,434c440,443 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/staticcolor.png", buttonPosition("S:colorStatics"), 1) --(12,8) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/pickericon.png:"["pickToggle"], buttonPosition("pickToggle"), 1) --(19.5,3) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/fillicon.png:"["fillToggle"], buttonPosition("fillToggle"), 1) --(21,3) < console.canvasDrawRect(button4Position("S:colorDisplay"),convertRGBAtoArray(storage.paintColor)) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/staticcolor.png", buttonPosition("S:colorStatics"), 1) --(12,8) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/pickericon.png:"["pickToggle"], buttonPosition("pickToggle"), 1) --(19.5,3) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/fillicon.png:"["fillToggle"], buttonPosition("fillToggle"), 1) --(21,3) > self.canvas:drawRect(button4Position("S:colorDisplay"),convertRGBAtoArray(storage.paintColor)) 441,443c450,452 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/errorpane.png", buttonPosition("S:errorWindow"), 1) < console.canvasDrawText(self.thrownError[2], {position=buttonPosition("S:errorPrompt1")},20,{220,0,0,255}) < console.canvasDrawText(self.thrownError[3], {position=buttonPosition("S:errorPrompt2")},20,{220,0,0,255}) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/errorpane.png", buttonPosition("S:errorWindow"), 1) > self.canvas:drawText(self.thrownError[2], {position=buttonPosition("S:errorPrompt1")},20,{220,0,0,255}) > self.canvas:drawText(self.thrownError[3], {position=buttonPosition("S:errorPrompt2")},20,{220,0,0,255}) 448,449c457,458 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumchart_window.png", buttonPosition("S:spectrumWindow"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumchart.png", buttonPosition("spectrumPress"), 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumchart_window.png", buttonPosition("S:spectrumWindow"), 1) > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumchart.png", buttonPosition("spectrumPress"), 1) 453c462 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumcursor.png", self.showSpectrumCursor[2], 1) --- > self.canvas:drawImage("/interface/easel/spectrumcursor.png", self.showSpectrumCursor[2], 1) 817c826 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "requestSignDrop", dropSpot) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "requestSignDrop", dropSpot) 840c849 < templates["fromContainer"].isWired = true --- > templates["fromContainer"].isWired = true 911c920 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "putInChest", signToPlace, fitSpots[1]) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "putInChest", signToPlace, fitSpots[1]) 916c925 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "putInChest", signToPlace, i) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "putInChest", signToPlace, i) interface\games\fossilgame\fossilgame.lua 9a10,11 > gameCanvas = widget.bindCanvas("gameCanvas") > 12c14 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "setInUse", true) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "setInUse", true) 24c26 < local fossilId = console.sourceEntity() --- > local fossilId = pane.sourceEntity() 44,48c46,49 < for _,material in ipairs(materials) do < local path = root.materialPath(material) < local config = root.assetJson(path) < local texture = util.absolutePath(util.pathDirectory(path), config.renderParameters.texture) < table.insert(self.tileData, {texturePath = texture, variants = config.renderParameters.variants or 1}) --- > for _, material in ipairs(materials) do > local materialConfig = root.materialConfig(material) > local texture = util.absolutePath(util.pathDirectory(materialConfig.path), materialConfig.config.renderParameters.texture) > table.insert(self.tileData, {texturePath = texture, variants = materialConfig.config.renderParameters.variants or 1}) 173c174 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("loseSound")) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("loseSound")) 186c187 < console.dismiss() --- > pane.dismiss() 196c197 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("incompleteSound")) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("incompleteSound")) 204c205 < console.dismiss() --- > pane.dismiss() 212c213 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureFoundSound")) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureFoundSound")) 218c219 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureOpenSound"))) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureOpenSound"))) 236c237 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.treasureItem) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.treasureItem) 239c240 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.fossilItem) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.fossilItem) 251c252 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("winSound")) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("winSound")) 282c283 < console.dismiss() --- > pane.dismiss() 299c300 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("clearRockSound"), 0, 0.5) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("clearRockSound"), 0, 0.5) 314c315 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("clearDirtSound")) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("clearDirtSound")) 348c349 < console.canvasDrawText(action.text, action.parameters, action.size) --- > gameCanvas:drawText(action.text, action.parameters, action.size) 352a354,355 > gameCanvas:clear() > 381,382c384,385 < console.canvasDrawText("EXCAVATION", {position = {230, 183}, width = 88}, 12) < console.canvasDrawText("PROGRESS", {position = {235, 171}, width = 88}, 12) --- > gameCanvas:drawText("EXCAVATION", {position = {230, 183}, width = 88}, 12) > gameCanvas:drawText("PROGRESS", {position = {235, 171}, width = 88}, 12) 387c390 < console.canvasDrawText(self.level.progress .. "/" .. #self.level.fossilTiles, {position = {255, 153}}, 12, progressColor) --- > gameCanvas:drawText(self.level.progress .. "/" .. #self.level.fossilTiles, {position = {255, 153}}, 12, progressColor) 401c404 < console.canvasDrawText(tool.uses, {position = textPos}, 8, textCol) --- > gameCanvas:drawText(tool.uses, {position = textPos}, 8, textCol) 409c412 < local position = console.canvasMousePosition() --- > local position = gameCanvas:mousePosition() 419c422 < console.dismiss() --- > pane.dismiss() 455c458 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "smash") --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "smash") 458c461 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end interface\games\fossilgame\fossilgamegui.config 9c9 < "scriptCanvas" : { --- > "gameCanvas" : { 17a18,24 > "canvasClickCallbacks" : { > "gameCanvas" : "canvasClickEvent" > }, > "canvasKeyCallbacks" : { > "gameCanvas" : "canvasKeyEvent" > }, > 22d28 < "scriptCanvas" : "scriptCanvas", interface\games\fossilgame\level.lua 142c142 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) 160c160 < console.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) --- > pane.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) 186c186 < --- > 197c197 < --- > 209c209 < console.canvasDrawImage(self.treasure.image, {screenX, screenY}, 2) --- > gameCanvas:drawImage(self.treasure.image, {screenX, screenY}, 2) 214c214 < --- > 264c264 < console.canvasDrawRect(quad, color) --- > gameCanvas:drawRect(quad, color) interface\games\fossilgame\sprite.lua 35c35 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.image, texCoords, quad, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.image, texCoords, quad, self.color) interface\games\fossilgame\tileset.lua 86c86 < self:drawTile(x, y, r, self.tileDamage[i+1]) --- > self:drawTile(x, y, r, self.tileDamage[i+1]) 101c101 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, texCoords, quad, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, texCoords, quad, self.color) 103c103 < console.canvasDrawImageRect("/tiles/blockdamage.png", {32,0,40,8}, quad, {255,255,255,150}) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect("/tiles/blockdamage.png", {32,0,40,8}, quad, {255,255,255,150}) 117c117 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 119,120c119,120 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1], yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1], yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 122,123c122,123 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 125c125 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner 131c131 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) 133,134c133,134 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1], yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1], yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge 136,137c136,137 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge 139c139 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner 145c145 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) 147c147 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) 149c149 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) 155c155 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) 157c157 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) 159c159 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) interface\games\fossilgame\tools.lua 62c62 < console.playSound(self.sound[soundIndex], 0, volume) --- > pane.playSound(self.sound[soundIndex], 0, volume) 128c128 < console.canvasDrawRect({screenX, screenY, screenX + self.level.tileSize, screenY + self.level.tileSize}, {255, 255, 255, 100}) --- > gameCanvas:drawRect({screenX, screenY, screenX + self.level.tileSize, screenY + self.level.tileSize}, {255, 255, 255, 100}) 212c212 < console.playSound(self.sound) --- > pane.playSound(self.sound) 298c298 < return uses --- > return uses 326c326 < return uses --- > return uses interface\scripted\cropshipper\cropshippergui.config 208a209 > "cheese", interface\tooltips\armor.tooltip 5c5 < "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/armorbody.png", --- > "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/bodyarmor.png", interface\tooltips\back.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobjects.png" interface\tooltips\base.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\tooltips\bow.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject3.png" interface\tooltips\container.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject2.png" interface\tooltips\door.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\tooltips\eppaugment.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerfood.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject4.png" interface\tooltips\filledcapturepod.tooltip 5c5 < "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/filledcapturepod.png", --- > "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/bodycapturepod.png", interface\tooltips\fishingrod.tooltip 5c5 < "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/fishingrod.png", --- > "fileBody" : "/interface/tooltips/bodyfishingrod.png", interface\tooltips\fishingupgrade.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerfood.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject4.png" interface\tooltips\fistweapon.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobjectextended.png" interface\tooltips\food.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerfood.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject4.png" interface\tooltips\fossil.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobjects.png" interface\tooltips\gun.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject3.png" interface\tooltips\mm.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\tooltips\object.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobjects.png" interface\tooltips\petcollar.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerfood.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject4.png" interface\tooltips\seed.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\tooltips\shield.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobjectextended.png" interface\tooltips\staff.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject2.png" interface\tooltips\sword.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footersword.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject2.png" interface\tooltips\tool.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\tooltips\vehicle.tooltip 6c6 < "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footer.png" --- > "fileFooter" : "/interface/tooltips/footerobject.png" interface\warping\shipteleporter.config 10a11,17 > }, > { > "name" : "Deploy Mech", > "planetName" : "current orbited world", > "warpAction" : "OrbitedWorld", > "deploy" : true, > "icon" : "deploy" 13c20 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } interface\windowconfig\charselection.config 18c18 < "base" : "/interface/cockpit/arrow_Down.png", --- > "base" : "/interface/title/chardown.png", 25c25 < "base" : "/interface/cockpit/arrow_Up.png", --- > "base" : "/interface/title/charup.png", interface\windowconfig\keybindingsmenu.config 158,173d157 < "label" : "Cockpit Up", < "action" : "CockpitUp" < }, < { < "label" : "Cockpit Down", < "action" : "CockpitDown" < }, < { < "label" : "Cockpit Left", < "action" : "CockpitLeft" < }, < { < "label" : "Cockpit Right", < "action" : "CockpitRight" < }, < { interface\windowconfig\teleportdialog.config 96c96,101 < } --- > }, > > "beamPartyMemberLabel" : "Beam to Party Member", > "deployPartyMemberLabel" : "Deploy to Party Member", > "beamPartyMemberIcon" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/beamparty.png", > "deployPartyMemberIcon" : "/interface/bookmarks/icons/deploy.png" items\categories.config 43a44 > "salvageComponent" : "Salvage Component", 54a56,57 > "mechPart" : "Mech Component", > "tradeGoods" : "Trade Goods", items\active\effects\chain.lua 8a9 > local continue = false 15c16,21 < chain.startPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), animationConfig.partPoint(chain.sourcePart, "beamSource")) --- > local beamSource = animationConfig.partPoint(chain.sourcePart, "beamSource") > if beamSource then > chain.startPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), beamSource) > else > continue = true > end 18c24,29 < chain.endPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), animationConfig.partPoint(chain.endPart, "beamEnd")) --- > local beamEnd = animationConfig.partPoint(chain.endPart, "beamEnd") > if beamEnd then > chain.endPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), beamEnd) > else > continue = true > end 21c32 < if not chain.targetEntityId or world.entityExists(chain.targetEntityId) then --- > if not continue and (not chain.targetEntityId or world.entityExists(chain.targetEntityId)) then items\active\fossil\fossilbrush.lua 59c59 < activeItem.interact("ScriptConsole", onFossilId, configData) --- > activeItem.interact("ScriptPane", configData, onFossilId) items\active\unsorted\filledcapturepod\npcpetcapturepod.lua 45c45,47 < if world.entityType(entityId) == "npc" then --- > if player then > player.consumeItem(item.descriptor(), true, true) > else 47,48d48 < elseif world.entityType(entityId) == "player" then < activeItem.takeOwnerItem(item.descriptor()) items\active\unsorted\geode\geode.lua 40,45c40,47 < local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") < local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") < local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") < local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) < for _,item in pairs(treasure) do < activeItem.giveOwnerItem(item) --- > if player then > local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") > local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") > local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") > local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) > for _,item in pairs(treasure) do > player.giveItem(item) > end items\active\unsorted\penguincostume\penguincostume.lua 41,46c41,48 < local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") < local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") < local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") < local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) < for _,item in pairs(treasure) do < activeItem.giveOwnerItem(item) --- > if player then > local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") > local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") > local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") > local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) > for _,item in pairs(treasure) do > player.giveItem(item) > end items\active\unsorted\railplatform\railplatform.lua 32c32 < if world.lineCollision(mcontroller.position(), pos, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then return false end --- > if world.lineCollision(mcontroller.position(), pos, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then return false end 35c35 < return not world.rectCollision(placementRect, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return not world.rectCollision(placementRect, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\rewardbag.lua 41,46c41,48 < local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") < local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") < local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") < local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) < for _,item in pairs(treasure) do < activeItem.giveOwnerItem(item) --- > if player then > local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") > local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") > local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") > local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) > for _,item in pairs(treasure) do > player.giveItem(item) > end items\active\unsorted\superrewardbag\superrewardbag.lua 41,46c41,48 < local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") < local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") < local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") < local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) < for _,item in pairs(treasure) do < activeItem.giveOwnerItem(item) --- > if player then > local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") > local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") > local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") > local treasure = root.createTreasure(pool, level, seed) > for _,item in pairs(treasure) do > player.giveItem(item) > end items\active\vehiclecontroller\vehiclecontroller.lua 121c121 < if world.rectTileCollision(vehicleBounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.rectTileCollision(vehicleBounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then items\active\weapons\boomerang\boomerang.lua 75c75 < local updatedProjectileIds = world.callScriptedEntity(projectileId, "boomerangProjectileIds") --- > local updatedProjectileIds = world.callScriptedEntity(projectileId, "projectileIds") items\active\weapons\fist\punch.lua 29c29 < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then --- > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\powerpunch.lua 19c19 < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then --- > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\snaproot.lua 19c19 < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then --- > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\uppercut.lua 19c19 < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then --- > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then 65c65 < if then --- > if and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\broadsword\downstab\downstab.lua 38c38 < while mcontroller.yVelocity() > self.stabVelocity and not mcontroller.onGround() do --- > while mcontroller.yVelocity() > self.stabVelocity and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() do 53c53,55 < mcontroller.setYVelocity(self.bounceYVelocity) --- > if math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then > mcontroller.setYVelocity(self.bounceYVelocity) > end 61c63,66 < while self.fireMode == "alt" and not mcontroller.onGround() do --- > local stabTimer = self.stances.stab.minStabTime > while (stabTimer > 0 or (self.fireMode == "alt" and self:inGravity())) and not mcontroller.onGround() do > stabTimer = stabTimer - self.dt > 64,66c69,72 < if mcontroller.yVelocity() > 0 then < self:setState(self.hold) < end --- > if self:inGravity() then > if mcontroller.yVelocity() > 0 then > self:setState(self.hold) > end 68c74,75 < damageListener:update() --- > damageListener:update() > end 79a87,91 > > > function Downstab:inGravity() > return math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 > end \ No newline at end of file items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\broadsword\downstab\downstab.weaponability 45a46 > "minStabTime" : 0.2, items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\broadsword\risingslash\risingslash.lua 50c50,52 < mcontroller.controlApproachYVelocity(self.dashSpeed, self.dashControlForce) --- > if math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then > mcontroller.controlApproachYVelocity(self.dashSpeed, self.dashControlForce) > end items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\broadsword\spinslash\superspinslash.lua 35c35 < if self.hover then --- > if self.hover and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\generic\blinkexplosion\blinkexplosion.lua 23c23 < --- > 91c91 < if not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\generic\blinkslash\blinkslash.lua 104c104 < if groundPosition and (not self.requireLineOfSight or not world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), groundPosition, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"})) then --- > if groundPosition and (not self.requireLineOfSight or not world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), groundPosition, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"})) then items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\hammersmash.lua 33,34c33,38 < if self.stances.preslash then < self:setState(self.preslash) --- > if math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 then > if self.stances.preslash then > self:setState(self.preslash) > else > self:setState( > end 36c40 < self:setState( --- > self:setState(self.spin) 95a100,136 > end > > function HammerSmash:spin() > self.weapon:setStance( > self.weapon:updateAim() > > animator.setAnimationState("swoosh", "fire") > animator.playSound("fire") > animator.burstParticleEmitter(self.weapon.elementalType .. "swoosh") > > local direction = -mcontroller.facingDirection() > > local spinTimer = self.stances.spin.spinTimer > while spinTimer > 0 do > spinTimer = spinTimer - self.dt > > local ratio = 1 - ((spinTimer / self.stances.spin.spinTimer) ^ 2) > local angle = ratio * self.stances.spin.spinAngle * direction > mcontroller.setRotation(angle) > > local damageArea = partDamageArea("swoosh") > if damageArea then > self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, poly.rotate(damageArea, angle), self.fireTime) > end > > coroutine.yield() > end > > mcontroller.setRotation(0) > self.cooldownTimer = self:cooldownTime() > end > > function HammerSmash:uninit() > MeleeSlash.uninit(self) > if self.weapon.currentState == self.spin then > mcontroller.setRotation(0) > end items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\hammersmash.weaponability 75a76,79 > }, > "spin" : { > "spinTimer" : 4, > "spinAngle" : 62.8 items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\elementalpillar\elementalpillar.lua 100c100 < if not world.pointTileCollision(position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if not world.pointTileCollision(position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then 113,114c113,114 < < local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(startLine, endLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > > local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(startLine, endLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\groundslam\groundslam.lua 54,63c54,67 < util.wait(self.maxSlamTime, function(dt) < mcontroller.setYVelocity(self.slamSpeed) < local newSlamPosition = self:slamPosition() < if world.lineTileCollision(lastSlamPosition, newSlamPosition) then < local params = copy(self.projectileParameters) < params.powerMultiplier = activeItem.ownerPowerMultiplier() < params.power = params.power * config.getParameter("damageLevelMultiplier") < < world.spawnProjectile(self.projectileType, lastSlamPosition, activeItem.ownerEntityId(), {0,0}, false, params) < return true --- > local slamTime = self:inGravity() and self.maxSlamTime or self.spaceSlamTime > util.wait(slamTime, function(dt) > if self:inGravity() then > mcontroller.setYVelocity(self.slamSpeed) > local newSlamPosition = self:slamPosition() > if world.lineTileCollision(lastSlamPosition, newSlamPosition) then > local params = copy(self.projectileParameters) > params.powerMultiplier = activeItem.ownerPowerMultiplier() > params.power = params.power * config.getParameter("damageLevelMultiplier") > > world.spawnProjectile(self.projectileType, lastSlamPosition, activeItem.ownerEntityId(), {0,0}, false, params) > return true > end > lastSlamPosition = newSlamPosition 65d68 < lastSlamPosition = newSlamPosition 89a93,96 > end > > function GroundSlam:inGravity() > return math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\groundslam\groundslam.weaponability 37a38 > "spaceSlamTime" : 0.2, items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\shockwave\shockwave.lua 114c114 < --- > 134c134 < if world.pointTileCollision(groundPosition, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) and not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.pointTileCollision(groundPosition, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) and not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then items\active\weapons\npc\npcassaultrifle.activeitem 19a20 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcavianbroadsword.activeitem 26a27 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcaxe.activeitem 17a18 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcbow.activeitem 32a33 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcbroadsword.activeitem 16a17 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcbruisersword.activeitem 27a28 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npccultistbroadsword.activeitem 26a27 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npccultistshortsword.activeitem 17a18 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdagger.activeitem 17a18 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdeadbeatassaultrifle.activeitem 19a20 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdeadbeataxe.activeitem 19a20 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npceyesword.activeitem 33a34 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcfeneroxspear.activeitem 26a27 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcfirebow.activeitem 32a33 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcfloranassaultrifle.activeitem 19a20 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npchammer.activeitem 16a17 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcmachinepistol.activeitem 20a21 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcpistol.activeitem 20a21 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcrocketlauncher.activeitem 48a49 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcshortsword.activeitem 17a18 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcshotgun.activeitem 20a21 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcsniperrifle.activeitem 20a21 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcspear.activeitem 21a22 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npctungstenbow.activeitem 32a33 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\npc\npcwrench.activeitem 27a28 > "scriptDelta" : 2, items\active\weapons\other\fireworkgun\fireworkgun.activeitem 40c40 < "projectileType" : ["fireworkgun","fireworkgunblue", "fireworkgunyellow", "fireworkgungreen", "fireworkgunred"], --- > "projectileType" : ["fireworkgun", "fireworkgunblue", "fireworkgunyellow", "fireworkgungreen", "fireworkgunred"], items\active\weapons\other\magnorbs\magnorbs.lua 65a66,69 > if self.shieldTransformTimer > 0 and self.shieldTransformTimer < dt then > setOrbPosition(1) > end > 89,90d92 < < items\armors\backitems\parachutepack\parachutepack.back 15a16 > // DEFAULT 17,26c18,39 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\tough.chest 24a25,32 > // DEFAULT RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, 27,36c35,48 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } --- > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\tough.legs 15a16 > // DEFAULT 17,27c18,39 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < // { "ffca8a" : "888660", "e0975c" : "4c4e37", "a85636" : "26281c", "6f2919" : "0f100b" }, Old Army Green// --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\dark.head 19,29c19,42 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // DEFAULT > { "06ff00" : "06ff00"}, > // BLACK > { "06ff00" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "06ff00" : "808080" }, > // WHITE > { "06ff00" : "e6e6e6" }, > // RED > { "06ff00" : "ff0000" }, > // ORANGE > { "06ff00" : "ff9100" }, > // YELLOW > { "06ff00" : "ffd400" }, > // GREEN > { "06ff00" : "06ff00" }, > // BLUE > { "06ff00" : "0080ff" }, > // PURPLE > { "06ff00" : "b700ff" }, > // PINK > { "06ff00" : "ff00ae" }, > // BROWN > { "06ff00" : "995200" } items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\dark.legs 18,28c18,41 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // DEFAULT > { "06ff00" : "06ff00"}, > // BLACK > { "06ff00" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "06ff00" : "808080" }, > // WHITE > { "06ff00" : "e6e6e6" }, > // RED > { "06ff00" : "ff0000" }, > // ORANGE > { "06ff00" : "ff9100" }, > // YELLOW > { "06ff00" : "ffd400" }, > // GREEN > { "06ff00" : "06ff00" }, > // BLUE > { "06ff00" : "0080ff" }, > // PURPLE > { "06ff00" : "b700ff" }, > // PINK > { "06ff00" : "ff00ae" }, > // BROWN > { "06ff00" : "995200" } items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\darkchest.chest 27,37c27,50 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // DEFAULT > { "06ff00" : "06ff00"}, > // BLACK > { "06ff00" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "06ff00" : "808080" }, > // WHITE > { "06ff00" : "e6e6e6" }, > // RED > { "06ff00" : "ff0000" }, > // ORANGE > { "06ff00" : "ff9100" }, > // YELLOW > { "06ff00" : "ffd400" }, > // GREEN > { "06ff00" : "06ff00" }, > // BLUE > { "06ff00" : "0080ff" }, > // PURPLE > { "06ff00" : "b700ff" }, > // PINK > { "06ff00" : "ff00ae" }, > // BROWN > { "06ff00" : "995200" } items\armors\decorative\costumes\fairy\fairy.back 19,20d18 < // PINK < { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.chest 6c6 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.head 6c6 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.legs 6c6 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.chest 27c27 < "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 37c37 < "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 42c42 < "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.head 19c19 < "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 29c29 < "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 34c34 < "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.legs 18c18 < "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 28c28 < "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 33c33 < "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", --- > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", items\generic\crafting\cellmatter.item 7c7 < "description" : "Cell Matter - it can be used this to craft unspeakable things.", --- > "description" : "Cell Matter - it can be used to craft unspeakable things.", items\generic\food\tier3\pineapplejam.consumable 28,29c28 < "emitters" : [ "drinking" ], < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pineapplejuice" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "drinking" ] items\materials\platinumblock.matitem 12d11 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "platinumblock" ], items\throwables\thorngrenade.thrownitem 28,32c28 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "thorngrenade" < ] --- > } leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions 128a129,153 > // Applies a StatBaseMultiplier to monster health > "spaceMonsterLevelHealthMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 1.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.5], > [4, 6.0], > [5, 8.5], > [6, 11.0], > [7, 16.0] > ], > > // This is used as a straight multiplier of power, unlike some other powerMultiplier > // things which act as a value modifier to the powerMultiplier stat > "spaceMonsterLevelPowerMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 1.00], > [1, 1.00], > [2, 1.75], > [3, 3.50], > [4, 7.00], > [5, 14.0], > [6, 26.0], > [7, 54.0] > ], > monsters\groundMovement.lua 40c40 < if world.rectCollision(jumpRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.rectCollision(jumpRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then 54c54 < if not world.rectCollision(jumpClearanceRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if not world.rectCollision(jumpClearanceRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then 88c88 < if world.rectCollision(blockedRect, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.rectCollision(blockedRect, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then monsters\monster.lua 28d27 < BData:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 30,31c29,31 < self.behavior = root.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), sb.jsonMerge(config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), skillBehaviorConfig())) < self.behaviorState = self.behavior:init(_ENV) --- > self.behavior = behavior.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), sb.jsonMerge(config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), skillBehaviorConfig()), _ENV) > self.board = self.behavior:blackboard() > self.board:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 42c42 < script.setUpdateDelta(1) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(config.getParameter("initialScriptDelta", 5)) 44c44 < self.behaviorTickRate = config.getParameter("behaviorUpdateDelta", 5) --- > self.behaviorTickRate = config.getParameter("behaviorUpdateDelta", 2) 48c48 < BData:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) --- > self.board:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) 57c57 < BData:setEntity("damageSource", notification.sourceEntityId) --- > self.board:setEntity("damageSource", notification.sourceEntityId) 78c78 < self.deathBehavior = root.behavior(deathBehavior, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) --- > self.deathBehavior = behavior.behavior(deathBehavior, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV, self.behavior:blackboard()) 89a90,91 > > monster.setAnimationParameter("chains", config.getParameter("chains")) 92,93d93 < -- This is called in update() using pcall < -- to catch errors 94a95,98 > if config.getParameter("facingMode", "control") == "transformation" then > mcontroller.controlFace(1) > end > 126d129 < 138d140 < BData:clearControls() 141,145d142 < BData:setEntity("self", < BData:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) < BData:setNumber("dt", dt * self.behaviorTickRate) < BData:setNumber("facingDirection", self.facingDirection or mcontroller.facingDirection()) < 147c144,150 < self.behavior:run(self.behaviorState, dt * self.behaviorTickRate) --- > local board = self.behavior:blackboard() > board:setEntity("self", > board:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) > board:setNumber("dt", dt * self.behaviorTickRate) > board:setNumber("facingDirection", self.facingDirection or mcontroller.facingDirection()) > > self.behavior:run(dt * self.behaviorTickRate) 148a152 > BGroup:updateGroups() 150d153 < BData:update() 171,172d173 < < movement() 192c193 < BData:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) --- > self.board:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) 202,203c203 < local deathBehaviorState = self.deathBehavior:init(_ENV) < self.deathBehavior:run(deathBehaviorState, script.updateDt()) --- > self.deathBehavior:run(script.updateDt()) 210a211 > BGroup:uninit() monsters\boss\bossMonster.lua 275c275 < return world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, mcontroller.position()), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, mcontroller.position()), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) 279c279 < if not speed then speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed end --- > if speed then mcontroller.controlParameters({flySpeed = speed}) end 281c281 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(toPosition, speed)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(toPosition) monsters\boss\apebossprojector\apebossprojector.lua 25c25 < --- > 80c80 < -- Then fire --- > -- Then fire 181c181 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toApproach), mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(toApproach) monsters\boss\guardianboss\guardian.lua 23d22 < BData:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 25,26c24,26 < self.behavior = root.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < self.behaviorState = self.behavior:init(_ENV) --- > self.behavior = behavior.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV) > self.board = self.behavior:blackboard() > self.board:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 36c36 < BData:setEntity("damageSource", notification.sourceEntityId) --- > self.board:setEntity("damageSource", notification.sourceEntityId) 95d94 < BData:clearControls() 101,104c100,103 < BData:setEntity("self", < BData:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) < BData:setNumber("dt", dt) < BData:setNumber("facingDirection", self.facingDirection or mcontroller.facingDirection()) --- > self.board:setEntity("self", > self.board:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) > self.board:setNumber("dt", dt) > self.board:setNumber("facingDirection", self.facingDirection or mcontroller.facingDirection()) 108c107 < self.behavior:run(self.behaviorState, dt) --- > self.behavior:run(dt) 110d108 < BData:update() 126,127d123 < < movement() monsters\boss\guardianminion\collidingminion.monstertype 26c26 < "baseTargetRadialVelocity" : -5, --- > "targetRadialVelocity" : -5, monsters\boss\guardianminion\guardianminion.lua 20d19 < self.flySpeed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed 118,119c117,118 < local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(targetPosition, mcontroller.position())) < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(toTarget, self.flySpeed)) --- > local toTarget = world.distance(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > mcontroller.controlFly(toTarget) monsters\bugs\bug.lua 20,21d19 < self.flySpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.flySpeed") < 37c35 < if world.lineTileCollision(position, minGroundLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) or world.liquidAt(minGroundLine) then --- > if world.lineTileCollision(position, minGroundLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) or world.liquidAt(minGroundLine) then 39c37 < elseif not world.lineTileCollision(position, maxGroundLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) or not world.liquidAt(maxGroundLine) then --- > elseif not world.lineTileCollision(position, maxGroundLine, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) or not world.liquidAt(maxGroundLine) then 61c59 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(self.direction, self.flySpeed)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(self.direction) 82c80 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\bugs\ashsprite\ashsprite.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\aurorabee\aurorabee.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\beebug\beebug.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\blueback\blueback.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\brightstripe\brightstripe.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\butterbee\butterbee.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\cinderfly\cinderfly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\dewhopper\dewhopper.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\driftbell\driftbell.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\dustmoth\dustmoth.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\fawnfly\fawnfly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\fireflyspawner\fireflyspawner.monstertype 28,30c28 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\fireygiant\fireygiant.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\flameroach\flameroach.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\flyspawner\flyspawner.monstertype 28,30c28 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\frostfleck\frostfleck.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\frostfly\frostfly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\gasgiant\gasgiant.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\goldbuck\goldbuck.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\greentip\greentip.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\heathugger\heathugger.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\hivehog\hivehog.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\icetip\icetip.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\lavahopper\lavahopper.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\muddancer\muddancer.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\mudstag\mudstag.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\orphanfly\orphanfly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\phoenixfly\phoenixfly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\polarmoth\polarmoth.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\redwing\redwing.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\sandclown\sandclown.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\scuttleploom\scuttleploom.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\seahornet\seahornet.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\shadowmoth\shadowmoth.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\shardwing\shardwing.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\shellcreep\shellcreep.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\snowskater\snowskater.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\stinkjack\stinkjack.monstertype 31,33c31 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\sunskipper\sunskipper.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\thornbee\thornbee.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\tidefly\tidefly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\vineclimber\vineclimber.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\wavebird\wavebird.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\bugs\xenofly\xenofly.monstertype 32,34c32 < "rotationChangeInterval" : 1, < < "flySpeed" : 3 --- > "rotationChangeInterval" : 1 monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.monstertype 102d101 < "power" : 0, monsters\crawlers\oculob\oculob.monstertype 86d85 < "power" : 0, monsters\crawlers\pulpin\pulpin.monstertype 53d52 < "power" : 9, 111d109 < "power" : 0, 123d120 < "power" : 0, monsters\crawlers\tintic\tintic.monstertype 49d48 < "power" : 10, monsters\crawlers\triplod\triplod.monstertype 49d48 < "power" : 5, monsters\dungeon\apexbrainmutant\apexbrainmutant.monstertype 43d42 < "power" : 4, monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\behavior.lua 62c62 < if world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then monsters\dungeon\glitchspider\glitchspider.monstertype 48d47 < "power" : 3, monsters\dungeon\po\behavior.lua 124c124 < return world.rectTileCollision(groundRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return world.rectTileCollision(groundRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) monsters\dungeon\pogolem\pogolem.monstertype 43d42 < "power" : 4, 69d67 < "power" : 2, monsters\flyers\bobfae\bobfae.monstertype 126d125 < "power" : 0, monsters\flyers\paratail\paratail.monstertype 91d90 < "power" : 8, monsters\flyers\pteropod\pteropod.monstertype 46d45 < "power" : 10, monsters\flyers\scandroid\scandroid.monstertype 61d60 < "power" : 10, monsters\flyers\tentaclebomb\tentaclebomb.monstertype 91d90 < "power" : 8, monsters\generated\swimming\swimmingMonster.lua 134c134 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul({ moveDirection[1], moveDirection[2] }, 1000)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(moveDirection) 137c137,138 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul({ moveDirection[1], moveDirection[2] }, self.slowSpeed)) --- > mcontroller.controlParameters({flySpeed = self.slowSpeed}) > mcontroller.controlFly(moveDirection) monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\smallFish.lua 91c91 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul({ self.movement[1], self.movement[2] }, mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(self.movement) monsters\ghosts\ignome\ignome.monstertype 43c43 < "maximumRange" : 10, --- > "maximumRange" : 50, monsters\ghosts\pyromantle\pyromantle.monstertype 59d58 < "power" : 2, monsters\ghosts\tentacleghost\tentacleghost.monstertype 58d57 < "power" : 2, monsters\ghosts\wisper\wisper.monstertype 57d56 < "power" : 2, monsters\mission\kluexsentry\kluexsentry.monstertype 43d42 < "power" : 10, monsters\mission\moontant\moontant.monstertype 47d46 < "power" : 7, monsters\pets\groundPet.lua 7c7 < --- > 225c225 < --- > 359c359 < if world.lineTileCollision({position[1], position[2] + bounds[2] + 1.5}, { position[1] + boundsEdge + direction, position[2] + bounds[2] + 1.5}, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.lineTileCollision({position[1], position[2] + bounds[2] + 1.5}, { position[1] + boundsEdge + direction, position[2] + bounds[2] + 1.5}, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then monsters\walkers\adultpoptop\motherpoptop.monstertype 119c119,120 < "monsterType" : "poptop" --- > "monsterType" : "poptop", > "position" : {"key" : "self"} monsters\walkers\anglure\anglure.monstertype 47d46 < "power" : 7, 95d93 < "power" : 0, monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.monstertype 53d52 < "power" : 8, 95,96c94,96 < "projectileParameters" : {}, < "power" : 0, --- > "projectileParameters" : { > "power" : 0 > }, monsters\walkers\crutter\crutter.monstertype 44d43 < "power" : 10, monsters\walkers\fennix\fennix.monstertype 66d65 < "power" : 10, monsters\walkers\mandraflora\mandraflora.monstertype 95d94 < "power" : 0, monsters\walkers\miasmop\miasmop.monstertype 70d69 < "power" : 5, monsters\walkers\nutmidge\nutmidge.monstertype 129d128 < "power" : 0, monsters\walkers\orbide\orbide.monstertype 112d111 < "power" : 0, monsters\walkers\pipkin\pipkin.monstertype 45d44 < "power" : 12, monsters\walkers\scaveran\scaveran.monstertype 44d43 < "power" : 5, monsters\walkers\smoglin\smoglin.monstertype 47d46 < "power" : 9, monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.monstertype 43d42 < "power" : 10, monsters\walkers\snuffish\snuffish.monstertype 55d54 < "power" : 10, monsters\walkers\sporgus\sporgus.monstertype 45,47c45 < "projectileParameters" : { < }, < "power" : 4, --- > "projectileParameters" : {}, monsters\walkers\voltip\voltip.monstertype 47d46 < "power" : 8, npcs\bmain.lua 28d27 < BData:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 36,37c35,38 < self.behavior = root.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < self.behaviorState = self.behavior:init(_ENV) --- > self.behavior = behavior.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV) > > self.board = self.behavior:blackboard() > self.board:setPosition("spawn", storage.spawnPosition) 41c42 < script.setUpdateDelta(1) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(10) 45c46 < self.behaviorConfig = parseArgs(personality().behaviorConfig, self.behaviorConfig) --- > self.behaviorConfig = applyDefaults(personality().behaviorConfig, self.behaviorConfig) 57,58d57 < self.behaviorTickRate = 10 < self.behaviorTick = math.random(1, self.behaviorTickRate) 147,149c146 < if self.behaviorTick >= self.behaviorTickRate then < self.behaviorTick = self.behaviorTick - self.behaviorTickRate < mcontroller.clearControls() --- > mcontroller.clearControls() 151,163c148,159 < self.tradingEnabled = false < self.setFacingDirection = false < self.primaryFire = false < self.altFire = false < self.controlAggressive = false < self.lounge = false < self.playing = false < self.moving = false < < BData:clearControls() < BData:setEntity("self", < BData:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) < BData:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) --- > self.tradingEnabled = false > self.setFacingDirection = false > self.primaryFire = false > self.altFire = false > self.controlAggressive = false > self.lounge = false > self.playing = false > self.moving = false > > self.board:setEntity("self", > self.board:setPosition("self", mcontroller.position()) > self.board:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) 165,168c161,164 < if self.behavior then < self.behavior:run(self.behaviorState, dt * self.behaviorTickRate) < end < BGroup:updateGroups() --- > if self.behavior then > self.behavior:run(dt) > end > BGroup:updateGroups() 170,192c166,186 < if self.primaryFire then < npc.beginPrimaryFire() < else < npc.endPrimaryFire() < end < if self.altFire then < npc.beginAltFire() < else < npc.endAltFire() < end < if self.controlAggressive then < npc.setAggressive(true) < else < npc.setAggressive(config.getParameter("aggressive", false)) < end < if not self.lounge and npc.isLounging() then < npc.resetLounging() < end < if not self.playing and self.playTarget then < if world.entityExists(self.playTarget) then < world.callScriptedEntity(self.playTarget, "npcToy.notifyNpcPlayEnd", < end < self.playTarget = nil --- > if self.primaryFire then > npc.beginPrimaryFire() > else > npc.endPrimaryFire() > end > if self.altFire then > npc.beginAltFire() > else > npc.endAltFire() > end > if self.controlAggressive then > npc.setAggressive(true) > else > npc.setAggressive(config.getParameter("aggressive", false)) > end > if not self.lounge and npc.isLounging() then > npc.resetLounging() > end > if not self.playing and self.playTarget then > if world.entityExists(self.playTarget) then > world.callScriptedEntity(self.playTarget, "npcToy.notifyNpcPlayEnd", 194,200c188 < < BData:update() < < self.interacted = false < self.damaged = false < self.stunned = false < self.notifications = {} --- > self.playTarget = nil 202d189 < self.behaviorTick = self.behaviorTick + 1 204c191,194 < movement() --- > self.interacted = false > self.damaged = false > self.stunned = false > self.notifications = {} 238c228 < BData:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) --- > self.board:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) 244c234 < BData:setEntity("damageSource", args.sourceId) --- > self.board:setEntity("damageSource", args.sourceId) npcs\merchantpools.config 314a315,374 > "electronicgoodsmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "stickofram" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "currentcorn" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "foodgoodsmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "bread" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "banana" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "medicalgoodsmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "nanowrap" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "redstim" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "militarygoodsmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "throwingknife" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "bomb" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "spacemerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "stickofram" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "currentcorn" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "bread" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "banana" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "nanowrap" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "redstim" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "throwingknife" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "bomb" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "stationmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "stationchair" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationtable" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationlighth" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationlightv" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationbench" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationcrate" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationdoor" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationdoorlarge" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationhatch" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationdisplay" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationhologram" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationceilingvent" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationconsole" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "stationwallpanel" }, "rarity" : 0.2 } > ]] > ], > 604a665,693 > { "item" : { "name" : "mercenarychest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mercenaryhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mercenarylegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverarmorchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverarmorhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverarmorlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "medicchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "medichead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mediclegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "medicback" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "trackerhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "trackerchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "trackerlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldarmorchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldarmorhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldarmorlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "voyagerchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "voyagerhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "voyagerlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "pathfinderchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "pathfinderhead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "pathfinderlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "explorerchest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "explorerlegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "camochest" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "camohead" }, "rarity" : 0.04 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "camolegs" }, "rarity" : 0.04 } > ]], > [5.9, [ npcs\crew\crewmemberpenguinmerc.npctype 13a14,36 > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "legs" : [ > { "name" : "penguinvikinghat", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0,2,3,4] } }, > { "name" : "penguinscanner", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0,2,3] } }, > { "name" : "penguinberet", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0] } }, > { "name" : "penguinbandana", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0] } }, > { "name" : "penguincowboy", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0,1] } }, > { "name" : "penguinhelmet", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0] } } > ], > "primary" : [ "npcpistol" ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcpistol" ] > }, > { > "primary" : [ "npcpistol" ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcpistol" ] > } > ] ] > ] 15c38 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file npcs\mission\penguinscientist.npctype 15,16c15 < "I think I could get that running a little better. I'm going to build the Shockhopper MK II!" < --- > "Thanks for helping me test my mech, friendo! I'll see you back at my workshop!" 19a19,76 > }, > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg" > ] > } 33a91,100 > }, > > "items" : { > "override" : [ > [0, [ > { > "legs" : [ { "name" : "penguinglasses", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0] } } ] > } > ] ] > ] objects\apex\apexapesign\apexapesign.frames 2d1 < objects\apex\apexapesign\apexapesign.object 8a9,12 > "description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "race" : "apex", > 17,20d20 < "description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "race" : "apex", < 26,27d25 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, objects\apex\apexcoolcomputer\apexcoolcomputer.object 23c23,33 < "dualImage" : "", --- > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [-10, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "image" : "", 26c36,38 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "direction" : "right", > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1] ], objects\apex\apexstoragelocker\apexstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\apex\classicglass\classicglass.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexmansion"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexmansion","cooking"], 24,25d23 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, objects\apex\classicplate\classicplate.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexmansion"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexmansion","cooking"], objects\apex\securitycamera\securitycamera.lua 48c48 < local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(tipPosition, laserEndpoint, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}, 1) --- > local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(tipPosition, laserEndpoint, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}, 1) objects\apex\turret\turret.lua 51c51 < local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(tipPosition, laserEndpoint, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}, 1) --- > local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(tipPosition, laserEndpoint, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}, 1) objects\avian\avianstoragelocker\avianstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\biome\foundry\foundryelevator\foundryelevator.animation 7c7,12 < "off" : {}, --- > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/objects/steel_elevator_hit.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } > }, 10c15,16 < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/objects/steel_elevator_loop.ogg" --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/tech/composite_platform_loop.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\biome\foundry\foundryelevator\foundryelevatorlong.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\biome\foundry\foundryelevator\foundryelevatorshort.object 14c14 < --- > 22c22 < --- > 77a78 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\biome\scorchedcity\bombsheltershelf1\bombsheltershelf1.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodenbox_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodenbox_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/cardboardbox_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/cardboardbox_close.ogg" ], objects\biome\scorchedcity\scorchedcitybrokentank\scorchedcitybrokentank.object 30,31c30 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "collision" : "platform" --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\biome\scorchedcity\scorchedcitystoreshelf\scorchedcitystoreshelf.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodenbox_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodenbox_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/cardboardbox_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/cardboardbox_close.ogg" ], objects\bonus\tallchair\tallchair.object 37,38c37,40 < "sitPosition" : [2, 642] < --- > "sitPosition" : [2, 642], > "sitArmorCosmeticOverrides" : { > "head" : "toptophathead" > } objects\clues\apex\minidronerack\minidronerack.animation 9c9 < "frames" : 8, --- > "frames" : 3, objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\avesmingo\wildavesmingoseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\banana\wildbananaseed.object 61c61,62 < "maxImmersion" : 0.084 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.084, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\beakseed\wildbeakseedseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\boltbulb\wildboltbulbseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\boneboo\wildbonebooseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\carrot\wildcarrotseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\chili\wildchiliseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.1 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.1, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\cocoa\wildcocoaseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\coffee\wildcoffeeseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\corn\wildcornseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.1 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.1, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\cotton\wildcottonseed.object 60c60,61 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\crystalplant\wildcrystalplantseed.object 56c56,57 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\currentcorn\wildcurrentcornseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\diodia\wilddiodiaseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\dirturchin\wilddirturchinseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\eggshoot\wildeggshootseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\feathercrown\wildfeathercrownseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\grapes\wildgrapesseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\kiwi\wildkiwiseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.5 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.5, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\neonmelon\wildneonmelonseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\oculemon\wildoculemonseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.17 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.17, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\pearlpea\wildpearlpeaseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\potato\wildpotatoseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\rice\wildriceseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.17 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.17, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\sugarcane\wildsugarcaneseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.1 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.1, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\tomato\wildtomatoseed.object 62c62,63 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\wartweed\wildwartweedseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\farmables\wheat\wildwheatseed.object 57c57,58 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125 --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125, > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false objects\floran\floranstoragelocker\floranstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegamegui.config 36c36,45 < "scriptCanvas" : "scriptCanvas" --- > > "canvasClickCallbacks" : { > "scriptCanvas" : "canvasClickEvent" > }, > "canvasKeyCallbacks" : { > "scriptCanvas" : "canvasKeyEvent" > }, > > "scriptWidgetCallbacks" : [ > ] objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegamegui.lua 102a103,105 > > gameCanvas = widget.bindCanvas("scriptCanvas") > widget.focus("scriptCanvas") 105a109,110 > gameCanvas:clear() > 122c127 < console.canvasDrawText("Congratulations, you escaped the dungeon!", {position = {25, 100}, width = 290, centered = true}, 15, {255, 255, 255, 255}) --- > gameCanvas:drawText("Congratulations, you escaped the dungeon!", {position = {25, 100}, width = 290, centered = true}, 15, {255, 255, 255, 255}) 127,128c132,133 < -- console.canvasDrawRect({0, renderer.height / 2, renderer.width, renderer.height}, {0, 0, 0}) < console.canvasDrawImageRect("/objects/generic/arcadegame/sky.png", {0, 0, 64, 64}, {0 + renderer.position[1], renderer.height / 2 + renderer.position[2], renderer.width + renderer.position[1], renderer.height + renderer.position[2]}) --- > -- gameCanvas:drawRect({0, renderer.height / 2, renderer.width, renderer.height}, {0, 0, 0}) > gameCanvas:drawImageRect("/objects/generic/arcadegame/sky.png", {0, 0, 64, 64}, {0 + renderer.position[1], renderer.height / 2 + renderer.position[2], renderer.width + renderer.position[1], renderer.height + renderer.position[2]}) 132,133c137,138 < -- console.canvasDrawRect({0, 0, renderer.width, renderer.height / 2}, {0, 20, 0}) < console.canvasDrawImageRect("/objects/generic/arcadegame/ground.png", {0, 0, 64, 64}, {0 + renderer.position[1], 0 + renderer.position[2], renderer.width + renderer.position[1], renderer.height / 2 + renderer.position[2]}) --- > -- gameCanvas:drawRect({0, 0, renderer.width, renderer.height / 2}, {0, 20, 0}) > gameCanvas:drawImageRect("/objects/generic/arcadegame/ground.png", {0, 0, 64, 64}, {0 + renderer.position[1], 0 + renderer.position[2], renderer.width + renderer.position[1], renderer.height / 2 + renderer.position[2]}) 137c142 < console.canvasDrawImage("/objects/generic/arcadegame/gui.png", {0, 0}) --- > gameCanvas:drawImage("/objects/generic/arcadegame/gui.png", {0, 0}) 234c239 < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "youwin") --- > world.sendEntityMessage(pane.sourceEntity(), "youwin") objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegameobject.object 50c50 < "interactAction" : "ScriptConsole", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", objects\generic\arcadegame\renderer.lua 41c41 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(texture.image, {textureX, 0, textureX + 1, texture.height}, screenCoords, {wallfade, wallfade, wallfade, 255}) --- > gameCanvas:drawImageRect(texture.image, {textureX, 0, textureX + 1, texture.height}, screenCoords, {wallfade, wallfade, wallfade, 255}) objects\generic\capsulebig\capsulebig.object 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\generic\capsulemed\capsulemed.object 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\generic\capsulesmall\capsulesmall.object 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\generic\cropshipper\cropshipper.lua 60c60 < return not world.rectTileCollision(self.surfaceCheckArea, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return not world.rectTileCollision(self.surfaceCheckArea, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) objects\generic\durasteelelevator\durasteelelevatorlong.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\generic\durasteelelevator\durasteelelevatorshort.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\generic\fairylights\fairylights.object 4d3 < "printable" : true, objects\generic\flaghuman\flaghuman.object 11c11 < "description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", objects\generic\fluorescentlight\fluorescentlight.object 38,51d37 < "image" : "fluorescentlightbottom.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < < "animationParts" : { < "light" : "fluorescentlightbottom.png" < }, < "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], < "direction" : "right", < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < }, < < { 81c67 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 1], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 2], 86c72 < "animationPosition" : [-8, 1], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 2], 90a77,90 > }, > > { > "image" : "fluorescentlightbottom.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > > "animationParts" : { > "light" : "fluorescentlightbottom.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\generic\mechanicalelevator\mechanicalelevatorlong.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\generic\mechanicalelevator\mechanicalelevatorshort.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\generic\torch\torch.object 36c36 < --- > 52c52 < --- > 68c68 < --- > 84c84 < --- > 113,114d112 < < 117c115 < --- > objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorlong.object 76a77 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorshort.object 75a76 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\glitch\anvil\anvil.object 23d22 < "printable" : true, objects\glitch\glitchstoragelocker\glitchstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\human\bunkerbigpanel\bunkerbigpanel.object 15,17c15,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. The readouts suggest this area is inhabitable for humans.", < "humanDescription" : "A bunch of arcane readouts flicker on the monitor. I'm sure someone could understand them... but not me.", < "hylotlDescription" : "According to these monitors, the water in this area is fresh.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. The readings on this monitor indicate they involve the nearest star.", > "humanDescription" : "This middle screen here seems to be analysing the local star. Hint: It's very hot.", > "hylotlDescription" : "According to these monitors, the local star is not in danger of collapsing just yet.", objects\human\bunkerbookcase\bunkerbookcase.object 18,19c18,19 < "humanDescription" : "A bunch of familiar books. There's even a copy of War and Peace. Naturally, it's never been read.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Tomes rich with human history. This one chronicles the life of a man who dressed like a bat and fought crime.", --- > "humanDescription" : "There's a bunch of familiar books written by humans. I wonder how many people read these?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tomes rich with human history. They aren't as well-written as Hylotl books, of course.", objects\human\bunkerlighth\bunkerlighth.object 46c46 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg", objects\human\bunkerlightv\bunkerlightv.object 46c46 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg", objects\human\bunkerpanel1\bunkerpanel1.object 5c5 < "description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", 9,14c9,14 < "apexDescription" : "According to this data, the environment outside is inhabitable.", < "avianDescription" : "This doesn't appear to be very scientific. The reading says the environment is *pretty good I guess*.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran is not very entertained by thisss data.", < "glitchDescription" : "Dismissive. The environment is likely fine for Glitch, regardless of what this says.", < "humanDescription" : "The environment outside is safe for humans. This is good to know, since I've already been hanging out there.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Data on the surrounding environment. Much like Hylotl, humans have to be cautious about the areas which they visit.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This appears to be a panel displaying local sub-proton changes.", > "avianDescription" : "Data is being broadcast to this screen, which is displaying many measurements.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran hasss no time for tiny wordsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This panel is displaying extraordinarily small environmental changes. For what purpose?", > "humanDescription" : "Someone was doing a lot of obscure data analysis with the aid of this screen.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Data on the surrounding environment. The changes measured are on a miniscule level.", objects\human\bunkerpanel2\bunkerpanel2.object 5c5 < "description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 9,15c9,15 < "apexDescription" : "A human with two hearts. Who could have such biology?", < "avianDescription" : "A patient with two hearts. Perhaps humans are evolving.", < "floranDescription" : "This human has two heartsss... how greedy!", < "glitchDescription" : "Mortified. A human with two hearts? In Glitch culture, one with such a manufacturing error would be exterminated.", < "humanDescription" : "This person has two hearts! I wonder if I have two hearts. I have a lot of love to give.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Two hearts in one body. It's no wonder this person had to see a doctor.", < "novakidDescription" : "From the looks of it, this patient had two hearts. That just ain't right.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This screen appears to display a medical diagnostic.", > "avianDescription" : "A scan of what appears to be medical data.", > "floranDescription" : "Screen showsss flesh perssson. Floran wondersss if perssson is trapped inssside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. This appears to be a full-body medical scan. I wonder what was wrong with them?", > "humanDescription" : "A digital medical scan! It's all blue, because blue is the default colour of scientific technology.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A medical scan - judging by the images, it wasn't of a Hylotl.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder what this information was bein' used for?", objects\human\humanstoragelocker\humanstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\human\marinesign\marinesign.object 8c8 < "description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", --- > "description" : "What does USCM stand for, again?", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "A sign promoting the USCM, the human military.", < "avianDescription" : "This area clearly had a human military presence.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign promoting the USCM, a disbanded human military faction.", > "avianDescription" : "This area clearly had a human military presence once.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "United! Systems! Colonial Marines! We're big! We're tough! And our guns are mean! Yeah... never singing that again.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The USCM, huh? These guys didn't like the Terrene Protectorate so much.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't heard o' these guys, but judgin' by the state of this sign, they've been gone a while.", objects\human\prisonstonesign\prisonstonesign.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A bold display of USCM authority.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bold display of USCM authority - not that it means much anymore.", objects\human\vendingmachine\vendingmachine.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","humanbunker","commerce"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","humanbunker","mechanical","commerce"], 9c9 < "price" : 105, --- > "price" : 150, 62a63,65 > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, > 68,70d70 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", < "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, < 93,94c93,94 < "preciseStandPositionLeft" : [-0.5, 0.0], < "preciseStandPositionRight" : [2.0, 0.0], --- > "preciseStandPositionLeft" : [-0.5, 1.0], > "preciseStandPositionRight" : [2.0, 1.0], objects\hylotl\airlockdoor\airlockdoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Door", objects\hylotl\airlockhatch\airlockhatch.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Hatch", objects\hylotl\hylotlstoragelocker\hylotlstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\hylotl\numisign\numisign.object 5c5,6 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "light", > "lightColor" : [180, 180, 180], 7d7 < "lightColor" : [200, 225, 205], 21d20 < 25c24 < "image" : "numisign.png:", --- > "image" : "numisign.png:.", 27,28c26 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "right", 32d29 < 34c31,48 < ] --- > ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "numisign.png", > "fg" : "numisignlit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [-16, -16], > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "interactive" : false, > > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\underwaterlightsmall\underwaterlightsmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "light", 33c33 < --- > 42c42 < --- > objects\mission\bossdoor\bossdoor.object 47a48 > "collisionKind" : "slippery", 49d49 < "platform" : false, objects\mission\lunarbaseconsole\lunarbaseconsole.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","wired"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","electronic","wired"], objects\mission\miningchest\miningchest.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mechanical","storage"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mechanical","storage","mining"], objects\mission\miningcrusher\miningcrusher.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mechanical"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mechanical","mining"], objects\mission\miningdoor\miningdoor.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, objects\mission\miningfence\miningfence.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mining"], objects\mission\mininghazardsign\mininghazardsign.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["human","lunarbase","mining"], objects\mission\miningpowersign\miningpowersign.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, objects\mission\miningskip\miningskip.object 32c32 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [-2, -1], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1] ] 44c44 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [-2, -1], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1] ] objects\mission\miningverticaldoor\miningverticaldoor.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, objects\novakid\frontierwindmill\frontierwindmill.object 4d3 < "printable" : true, objects\novakid\novakidstoragelocker\novakidstoragelocker.object 34,35c34,35 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\outpost\bathroomhanddryer\bathroomhanddryer.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomsink\bathroomsink.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomstall\bathroomstall.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomtrash\bathroomtrash.object 11d10 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomurinal\bathroomurinal.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bench\bench.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\coffeemachine\coffeemachine.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\filingcabinet\filingcabinet.object 11d10 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\fireextinguisher\fireextinguisher.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostairlock\outpostairlock.object 8,10c8,9 < "description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", < "printable" : true, --- > "description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Airlock Door", 43a43,44 > > "sensorConfig" : {}, objects\outpost\outpostairlocklarge\outpostairlocklarge.object 8,10c8,9 < "description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", < "printable" : true, --- > "description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Airlock Door", 44a44,45 > "sensorConfig" : {}, > 46c47 < --- > 59c60 < --- > objects\outpost\outpostbarstool\outpostbarstool.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostbed\outpostbed.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostbutton\outpostbutton.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcabinet\outpostcabinet.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcargocrate\outpostcargocrate.object 12d11 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcargocrateshort\outpostcargocrateshort.object 12d11 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostceilinglight\outpostceilinglight.object 11d10 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostchair\outpostchair.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostconsole\outpostconsole.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcrane\outpostcrane.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostdesk\outpostdesk.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostfridge\outpostfridge.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostgenerator\outpostgenerator.object 12d11 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostkeypad\outpostkeypad.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, 45a45,50 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/outpostbutton.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/outpostbutton.ogg" ] > } > }, objects\outpost\outpostlamp\outpostlamp.object 7d6 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostlight\outpostlight.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostlocker\outpostlocker.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostmicrowave\outpostmicrowave.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostmonitor\outpostmonitor.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostpc\outpostpc.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostpublicchair\outpostpublicchair.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostradardish\outpostradardish.object 11d10 < "printable" : true, 48,49c47 < ], < "scriptDelta" : 0 --- > ] objects\outpost\outpostsecurityconsole\outpostsecurityconsole.object 8,9c8 < "category" : "decorative", < "printable" : true, --- > "category" : "wire", 28c27 < --- > 40c39 < --- > objects\outpost\outpostservicepanel\outpostservicepanel.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostshippingcontainer\outpostshippingcontainer.object 12d11 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostslidingdoor\outpostslidingdoor.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostsmallmonitor\outpostsmallmonitor.object 8d7 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpoststandingdesk\outpoststandingdesk.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outposttable\outposttable.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outposttank\outposttank.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["outpost","mechanical","storage"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["outpost","mechanical"], 9d8 < "printable" : true, 31,32d29 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, 44,45d40 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, objects\outpost\outpostterminal\outpostterminal.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\penguinweaponshop\penguinweaponshop.object 67,73d66 < "offeredQuests" : [ < "penguin2" < ], < "turnInQuests" : [ < "penguin2" < ], < objects\outpost\plasticplant\plasticplant.object 10d9 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\roofvent\roofvent.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\outpost\signstore\signstore.object 19c19 < --- > 28c28 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaceScan" : 0.1, 38c38 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaceScan" : 0.1, 46c46 < "interactAction" : "ScriptConsole", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", objects\outpost\signstore\signstoreobject.lua 26c26 < if item ~= nil and == "customsign" then --- > if item ~= nil and ( == "customsign" or == "wiredcustomsign") then 42c42 < if type(input) ~= "table" then --- > if type(input) ~= "table" then 44c44 < return newinput --- > return newinput 47c47 < for i,j in pairs(input) do --- > for i,j in pairs(input) do objects\outpost\watercooler\watercooler.object 9d8 < "printable" : true, objects\rails\railbumper\railbumper.object 2a3 > "colonyTags" : ["rails"], objects\rails\railsensor\railsensor.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["wired"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["rails","wired"], 48c48 < "scriptDelta" : 10, --- > "scriptDelta" : 5, objects\rails\railstop\railstop.object 2a3 > "colonyTags" : ["rails"], objects\rails\railswitch\railswitch.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["wired"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["rails","wired"], objects\ship\apexcaptainschair\apexcaptainschair.object 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\apexshipdoor\apexshiphatch.object 57,58c57,58 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\apexshiplocker\apexshiplocker.object 37,38c37,38 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\aviancaptainschair\aviancaptainschair.object 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\avianshipdoor\avianshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\avianshiplocker\avianshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\avianteleporter\avianteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\avianteleporterTier0\avianteleporterTier0.object 51,52c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] < --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\boosters\smallboosterflame\smallboosterflame.object 42a43,45 > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/smallboosterflame.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, > objects\ship\boosters\smallboosterflame\smallboosterflameglitch.object 42a43,45 > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/smallboosterflame.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, > objects\ship\boosters\smallboosterflame\smallboosterflamehuman2.object 42a43,45 > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/smallboosterflame.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, > objects\ship\florancaptainschair\florancaptainschair.object 21c21 < --- > 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\floranshipdoor\floranshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\floranshiplocker\floranshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\floranteleporter\floranteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\floranteleporterTier0\floranteleporterTier0.object 51c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\glitchcaptainschair\glitchcaptainschair.object 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\glitchshipdoor\glitchshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\glitchshiplocker\glitchshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\glitchteleporter\glitchteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\glitchteleporterTier0\glitchteleporterTier0.object 51c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\humancaptainschair\humancaptainschair.object 48d47 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", 50,52c49,52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", > > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\humanshipdoor\humanshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\humanshiplocker\humanshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\humanteleporter\humanteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\humanteleporterTier0\humanteleporterTier0.object 51c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\hylotlcaptainschair\hylotlcaptainschair.object 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\hylotlshipdoor\hylotlshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\hylotlshiplocker\hylotlshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\hylotlteleporter\hylotlteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\hylotlteleporterTier0\hylotlteleporterTier0.object 12,16c12,16 < "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. It has no power.", < "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only if it was powered up.", < "floranDescription" : "Teleporter. This one dead.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power.", < "humanDescription" : "A teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This ol' teleporter doesn't seem to be workin'.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", 51c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\novakidcaptainschair\novakidcaptainschair.object 49c49,50 < "interactAction" : "openCockpitInterface", --- > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config", 51,53c52 < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", < "soundEffectRadius" : 1000 --- > "sitFlipDirection" : false objects\ship\novakidshipdoor\novakidshiphatch.object 56,57c56,57 < "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\ship\novakidshiplocker\novakidshiplocker.object 35,36c35,36 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_close.ogg" ], objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\novakidteleporterTier0\novakidteleporterTier0.object 51c51,54 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\ship\teleporter\teleporter.object 18c18 < "category" : "light", --- > "category" : "teleporter", 53a54,56 > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5, objects\ship\teleporterTier0\teleporterTier0.object 52c52,55 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/shipengine.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 objects\spawner\colonydeed\colonydeed.lua 440c440 < local level = tenant.level or world.getProperty("ship.level") or world.threatLevel() --- > local level = tenant.level or getRentLevel() objects\teleporter\returnoutpostteleporter\returnoutpostteleporter.object 39,42c39 < ], < < "scripts" : [ "/objects/teleporter/exitteleporter.lua" ], < "scriptDelta" : 0 --- > ] objects\themed\island\hulagirl\hulagirl.object 3a4 > "printable" : false, 4a6 > "category" : "decorative", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifibed\retroscifibed.object 26c26 < --- > 44c44 < --- > 46c46 < --- > 51,52c51 < "direction" : "left", < "collision" : "platform" --- > "direction" : "left" 59c58 < --- > 61c60 < --- > 66,67c65 < "direction" : "right", < "collision" : "platform" --- > "direction" : "right" 69d66 < objects\themed\wave\waveswitch\waveswitch.object 9,11c9,15 < "flickerDistance" : 0.2, < "flickerStrength" : 0.05, < "flickerTiming" : 4, --- > > "flickerPeriod" : 0.3, > "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.95, > "flickerMaxIntensity" : 1, > "flickerPeriodVariance" : 0.1, > "flickerIntensityVariance" : 0.0, > objects\wired\door\door.lua 3a4,38 > self.sensorConfig = config.getParameter("sensorConfig") > if self.sensorConfig then > self.sensorConfig.detectEntityTypes = self.sensorConfig.detectEntityTypes or {"Player", "Npc"} > self.sensorConfig.detectBoundMode = self.sensorConfig.detectBoundMode or "CollisionArea" > self.sensorConfig.detectDuration = self.sensorConfig.detectDuration or 3 > self.sensorConfig.detectTimer = 0 > local detectArea = self.sensorConfig.detectArea > local pos = object.position() > if not detectArea or detectArea == "horizontal" then > local bb = object.boundBox() > self.sensorConfig.detectArea = { > {bb[1] - 1, bb[2] + 0}, > {bb[3] + 1, bb[4] - 0} > } > elseif detectArea == "vertical" then > local bb = object.boundBox() > self.sensorConfig.detectArea = { > {bb[1] + 1, bb[2] - 4}, > {bb[3] - 1, bb[4] + 4} > } > elseif type(detectArea[2]) == "number" then > --center and radius > self.sensorConfig.detectArea = { > {pos[1] + detectArea[1][1], pos[2] + detectArea[1][2]}, > detectArea[2] > } > elseif type(detectArea[2]) == "table" and #detectArea[2] == 2 then > --rect corner1 and corner2 > self.sensorConfig.detectArea = { > {pos[1] + detectArea[1][1], pos[2] + detectArea[1][2]}, > {pos[1] + detectArea[2][1], pos[2] + detectArea[2][2]} > } > end > end > 22a58 > message.setHandler("closeDoor", function() closeDoor() end) 25a62,85 > function update(dt) > if self.sensorConfig then > self.sensorConfig.detectTimer = math.max(0, self.sensorConfig.detectTimer - dt) > > if not storage.locked and not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > local entityIds = world.entityQuery(self.sensorConfig.detectArea[1], self.sensorConfig.detectArea[2], { > withoutEntityId =, > includedTypes = self.sensorConfig.detectEntityTypes, > boundMode = self.sensorConfig.detectBoundMode > }) > > if #entityIds > 0 then > self.sensorConfig.detectTimer = self.sensorConfig.detectDuration > end > > if self.sensorConfig.detectTimer > 0 then > openDoor() > else > closeDoor() > end > end > end > end > 63c123 < object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true) and not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) and not storage.locked) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true) and not self.sensorConfig and not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) and not storage.locked) 95c155 < elseif object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or storage.locked then --- > elseif object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or storage.locked or self.sensorConfig then objects\wired\ironbeacon\decoyprincess.lua 5c5 < --- > 8c8 < --- > 14,15c14,15 < < return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > > return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) objects\wired\ironbeacon\ironbeacon.lua 5c5 < --- > 8c8 < --- > 14,15c14,15 < < return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > > return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) objects\wired\ironbeacon\jellyboss.lua 5c5 < --- > 8c8 < --- > 14,15c14,15 < < return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > > return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) objects\wired\ironbeacon\robot.lua 5c5 < --- > 8c8 < --- > 14,15c14,15 < < return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > > return not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) objects\wired\movingplatform\movingelevatorlong.objectdisabled 98a99 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\wired\movingplatform\movingelevatorshort.objectdisabled 98a99 > "collisionKind" : "platform", objects\wired\switch\switch.lua 32c32 < if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end --- > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColorOff", {0, 0, 0})) end objects\wreck\wrecktable\wrecktable.object 29,30c29,30 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], > "collision" : "platform" objects\wreck\wreckvendingmachine\wreckvendingmachine.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["wreck","mechanical"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["wreck","mechanical","commerce"], 8c8 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "other", 53,54c53,54 < "preciseStandPositionLeft" : [-0.5, 0.0], < "preciseStandPositionRight" : [2.0, 0.0], --- > "preciseStandPositionLeft" : [-0.5, 1.0], > "preciseStandPositionRight" : [2.0, 1.0], particles\hoverbikedownthrust.particle 16a17 > "collidesLiquid" : false, particles\hoverbikethrust.particle 16a17 > "collidesLiquid" : false, particles\rocketbarrelpuff.particle 14c14 < "layer" : "back", --- > "layer" : "front", particles\tinyrocketsmoke.particle 13c13 < "layer" : "back", --- > "layer" : "middle", plants\trees\forest\foliage\bubbles\bubbles.modularfoliage 5d4 < 10c9 < --- > 98c97 < --- > plants\trees\seatrees\foliage\bubbles\bubbles.modularfoliage 2c2 < "name" : "bubbles", --- > "name" : "seabubbles", 9c9 < --- > 97c97 < --- > player\playereffects.animation 47a48,63 > "deployIn" : { > "frames" : 11, > "cycle" : 0.4, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "none", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tools/despatch_in.ogg" > } > }, > "deployOut" : { > "frames" : 26, > "cycle" : 2.0, > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tools/despatch_out.ogg" > } > }, 110a127,138 > "deployIn" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deploypodin.png:", > "offset" : [0, 6.5] > } > }, > "deployOut" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deploypod.png:", > "offset" : [0, 1] > } > }, 195a224,331 > } > } > ] > }, > > "defaultBurst" : { > "particles" : [ > ] > }, > "beamBurst" : { > "particles" : [ > ] > }, > "deployBurst" : { > "offsetRegion" : [0.0, -2.25, 0.0, -2.25], > "particles" : [ > { > "count" : 20, > "offset" : [0, 1.5], > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/dust2/dust2.animation", > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, -20], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 1], > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 2.0, > "fade" : 1, > "size" : 1, > "layer" : "front", > "timeToLive" : 2.0, > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [10.0, 10.0], > "position" : [3.0, 3.0] > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deployshardleft.png", > "position" : [-1.75, 1.375], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [-5, -20], > "angularVelocity" : 25, > "approach" : [0, 0], > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "destructionTime" : 1.0, > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "angularVelocity" : 0 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deployshardright.png", > "position" : [1.75, 1.375], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [5, -20], > "angularVelocity" : -25, > "approach" : [0, 0], > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "destructionTime" : 1.0, > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "angularVelocity" : 0 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deployshardbottom.png", > "position" : [0.0, 0.0], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, -25], > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "approach" : [0, 0], > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "destructionTime" : 1.0, > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "angularVelocity" : 10 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/animations/deployment/deployshardtop.png", > "position" : [0.0, 4.375], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, -15], > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "approach" : [0, 0], > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "destructionTime" : 1.0, > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "angularVelocity" : 10 > } projectiles\killable.lua 2,4c2 < message.setHandler("kill", function() < projectile.die() < end) --- > message.setHandler("kill", projectile.die) projectiles\physics.config 1156a1157,1158 > "bounceFactor" : 0.2, > 1175a1178,1193 > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "spacemine" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.6, > "bounceFactor" : 0.4, > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.25, -0.25], [0.25, -0.25], [0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 1.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\boomerang.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\boomerang_l6.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\fireboomerang.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\fireboomerang_l6.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\iceboomerang.projectile 32c32 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\iceboomerang_l6.projectile 32c32 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarang.projectile 22c22 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua", "lunarangprojectile.lua" ], --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", "lunarangprojectile.lua" ], projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarangprojectile.lua 38c38 < function boomerangExtra:boomerangProjectileIds() --- > function boomerangExtra:projectileIds() projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarangshard.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ], --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ], projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarangshard_l6.projectile 23c23 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua" ], --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ], projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarang_l6.projectile 22c22 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua", "lunarangprojectile.lua" ], --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", "lunarangprojectile.lua" ], projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\wormerang.projectile 29c29 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua", "wormerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", "wormerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\wormerang_l6.projectile 29c29 < "scripts" : [ "boomerangprojectile.lua", "wormerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", "wormerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\chakram\chakramprojectile.lua 53c53 < function boomerangProjectileIds() --- > function projectileIds() projectiles\activeitems\chakram\hoverchakramprojectile.lua 59c59 < function boomerangProjectileIds() --- > function projectileIds() projectiles\activeitems\grapplehook\grapplehook.lua 4a5 > self.breakOnSlipperyCollision = config.getParameter("breakOnSlipperyCollision") 10a12,13 > elseif self.breakOnSlipperyCollision and mcontroller.isColliding() then > kill() projectiles\activeitems\grapplehook\grapplehook.projectile 21c21,23 < --- > > "breakOnSlipperyCollision" : true, > projectiles\activeitems\magnorb\magnorb.projectile 29c29 < "scripts" : [ "/projectiles/activeitems/boomerang/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua" ] projectiles\activeitems\staff\forcecage\forcecage.projectile 26d25 < "platform" : false, 27a27 > "collisionKind" : "slippery", 31d30 < "platform" : false, 32a32 > "collisionKind" : "slippery", 36d35 < "platform" : false, 37a37 > "collisionKind" : "slippery", 41d40 < "platform" : false, 42a42 > "collisionKind" : "slippery", 57c57 < --- > projectiles\activeitems\staff\pullzone\pullzone.projectile 22a23,24 > > "boundBox" : [-7, -7, 7, 7], 28,29c30,31 < "innerRadius" : 6, < "baseTargetRadialVelocity" : -40, --- > "innerRadius" : 3, > "targetRadialVelocity" : -40, 43c45 < --- > projectiles\activeitems\staff\pushzone\pushzone.projectile 22a23,24 > > "boundBox" : [-7, -7, 7, 7], 28,29c30,31 < "innerRadius" : 6, < "baseTargetRadialVelocity" : 40, --- > "innerRadius" : 3, > "targetRadialVelocity" : 40, 43c45 < --- > projectiles\boss\kluexboss\stoneplatform\pillarplatform.projectile 54c54,55 < ] --- > ], > "collisionKind" : "platform" projectiles\explosions\gravityexplosion\hgravityexplosion.projectile 17a18 > "boundBox" : [-10, -10, 10, 10], 22,23c23,24 < "innerRadius" : 4, < "baseTargetRadialVelocity" : -50, --- > "innerRadius" : 0, > "targetRadialVelocity" : -50, projectiles\explosions\gravityexplosion\ngravityexplosion.projectile 17a18 > "boundBox" : [-10, -10, 10, 10], 22,23c23,24 < "innerRadius" : 4, < "baseTargetRadialVelocity" : 50, --- > "innerRadius" : 0, > "targetRadialVelocity" : 50, projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\fireexplosionknockback.config 96c96 < "color" : "blue" --- > "color" : "red" projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasmabullet\plasmabullet.projectile 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\invisibletentaclefist.projectile 30c30 < "/projectiles/activeitems/boomerang/boomerangprojectile.lua", --- > "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\invisibletentaclefistnosound.projectile 30c30 < "/projectiles/activeitems/boomerang/boomerangprojectile.lua", --- > "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.lua 18c18 < function boomerangExtra:boomerangProjectileIds() --- > function boomerangExtra:projectileIds() projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.projectile 30c30 < "/projectiles/activeitems/boomerang/boomerangprojectile.lua", --- > "/scripts/projectiles/boomerangprojectile.lua", projectiles\throwable\firework3\firework3.projectile 70c70 < "emitters" : [ "defaultorange", "defaultwhite" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultorange" ] projectiles\throwable\firework4\firework4.projectile 14c14 < "emitters" : [ "defaultorange", "defaultwhite" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultorange" ] projectiles\throwable\fireworkgun2\fireworkgun2.projectile 8c8 < "lightColor" : [234, 153, 149], --- > "lightColor" : [234, 153, 49], 46c46 < "emitters" : [ "defaultwhite" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultorange" ] projectiles\throwable\fireworkgun3\fireworkgun3.projectile 14c14 < "emitters" : [ "defaultorange", "defaultwhite" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultorange" ] quests\generated\templates\recruit_guard.questtemplate 24c24 < "ephemeral" : false, --- > "ephemeral" : true, quests\outpost\penguin2.questtemplate 2a3 > "prerequisites" : [ "mechupgrade1" ], 4,6c5,7 < "text" : "Normally I'd be dealin' you some rare weapon upgrades, but my supplier has been too distracted with his ^orange;new experimental weapon^white;. If you could... Destroy it for me, then maybe he'd get back to shipping me my weapon upgrades! ^green;Speak to me when you're ready and I can send you to him^white;!", < "completionText" : "You destroyed my supplier's weapon? Fantastic! Biggy's Reputable Weaponry is now back in business - ^green;come here every day to see what's new^white;!", < "moneyRange" : [50, 50], --- > "text" : "A weapon distributor of mine needs a shipment from me, but I've been busy fixing up my new experimental ^orange;Shockhopper mech^white;. Naturally ^green;I'll need a budding warrior to test it against^white; - catch my drift? Speak to me when you're geared up and ready, and we can go to my ^orange;weapon testing site^white;.", > "completionText" : "Thanks for the intense testing session, friendo - it gave me a lot of useful data! I've also sent out a shipment to my weapon distributor - ^green;his stall should be open right here on the Outpost^white; already.", > "moneyRange" : [500, 500], 16,17c17,18 < "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/objects/outpost/penguinweaponshop/penguinshopportrait.png"} ], < "title" : "Biggy" --- > "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/quests/outpost/penguinscientistportrait.png"} ], > "title" : "Dr. Akaggy" 20,21c21,22 < "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/objects/outpost/penguinweaponshop/penguinshopportrait.png"} ], < "title" : "Biggy" --- > "portrait" : [ {"image" : "/quests/outpost/penguinscientistportrait.png"} ], > "title" : "Dr. Akaggy" 26c27 < "enterInstance" : "Talk to ^orange;Biggy^reset; to go to the ^orange;Testing Site^reset;", --- > "enterInstance" : "Talk to ^orange;Dr. Akaggy^reset; to go to the ^orange;Testing Site^reset;", 28c29 < "turnIn" : "Return to ^orange;Biggy^reset; at the ^orange;Outpost^reset;" --- > "turnIn" : "Return to ^orange;Dr. Akaggy^reset; at the ^orange;Outpost^reset;" 33c34 < "warpEntityUid" : "penguinweaponshop", --- > "warpEntityUid" : "outpostpenguinscientist", 44c45,47 < "turnInEntityUid" : "penguinweaponshop" --- > "turnInEntityUid" : "outpostpenguinscientist", > > "setUniverseFlags" : ["outpost_weaponshop"] quests\scripts\instance.lua 104c104,108 < player.warp(self.warpAction, "beam") --- > if type(self.warpAction) == "string" then > player.warp(self.warpAction, "beam") > elseif type(self.warpAction) == "table" then > player.warp(self.warpAction[1], self.warpAction[2], self.warpAction[3]) > end 173,174c177,178 < end < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > end quests\scripts\main.lua 130a131 > quest.setCanTurnIn(false) quests\scripts\questutil.lua 19a20,24 > local completionPlayerMessages = config.getParameter("completionPlayerMessages", {}) > for _,message in ipairs(completionPlayerMessages) do > world.sendEntityMessage(, message.messageType, table.unpack(message.messageArgs)) > end > 48a54,74 > local giveBlueprints = config.getParameter("giveBlueprints") > if giveBlueprints then > for _,blueprint in ipairs(giveBlueprints) do > player.giveBlueprint(blueprint) > end > end > > local giveSpeciesBlueprints = config.getParameter("giveSpeciesBlueprints") > if giveSpeciesBlueprints then > local playerSpecies = player.species() > if giveSpeciesBlueprints[playerSpecies] then > for _,blueprint in ipairs(giveSpeciesBlueprints[playerSpecies]) do > player.giveBlueprint(blueprint) > end > elseif giveSpeciesBlueprints["default"] then > for _,blueprint in ipairs(giveSpeciesBlueprints["default"]) do > player.giveBlueprint(blueprint) > end > end > end > 88c114 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end quests\scripts\conditions\gather.lua 10c10,15 < return player.hasItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) --- > if root.itemType(self.itemName) == "currency" then > local currency = root.itemConfig(self.itemName).config.currency > return player.currency(currency) >= self.count > else > return player.hasItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) > end 15c20,25 < player.consumeItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) --- > if root.itemType(self.itemName) == "currency" then > local currency = root.itemConfig(self.itemName).config.currency > player.consumeCurrency(currency, self.count) > else > player.consumeItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) > end 23c33,40 < objective = objective:gsub("", player.hasCountOfItem(self.itemName) or 0) --- > local count > if root.itemType(self.itemName) == "currency" then > local currency = root.itemConfig(self.itemName).config.currency > count = player.currency(currency) or 0 > else > count = player.hasCountOfItem(self.itemName) or 0 > end > objective = objective:gsub("", count) quests\scripts\story\gaterepair.lua 220c220 < player.addBookmark(config.getParameter("outpostBookmark")) --- > player.addTeleportBookmark(config.getParameter("outpostBookmark")) quests\story\gaterepair.questtemplate 48,50c48,49 < "type" : "teleport", < "name" : "Outpost - The Ark", < "planetName" : "", --- > "bookmarkName" : "Outpost - The Ark", > "targetName" : "", 52,53c51 < "targetWorld" : "instanceworld:outpost", < "spawnTarget" : "arkteleporter" --- > "target" : ["instanceworld:outpost", "arkteleporter"] 56c54 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } rendering\opengl20.config 46a47 > attribute float vertexParam1; 49a51 > varying float fragmentLightMapMultiplier; 53a56 > fragmentLightMapMultiplier = vertexParam1; 71a75 > varying float fragmentLightMapMultiplier; 113,115c117,124 < vec4 finalColor = texture2D(texture, fragmentTextureCoordinate) * fragmentColor; < if (lightMapEnabled) < finalColor.rgb *= bicubicSample(lightMap, fragmentLightMapCoordinate, 1.0 / lightMapSize).rgb * lightMapMultiplier; --- > vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture, fragmentTextureCoordinate); > if (texColor.a <= 0.0) > discard; > > vec4 finalColor = texColor * fragmentColor; > float finalLightMapMultiplier = fragmentLightMapMultiplier * lightMapMultiplier; > if (lightMapEnabled && finalLightMapMultiplier > 0.0) > finalColor.rgb *= bicubicSample(lightMap, fragmentLightMapCoordinate, 1.0 / lightMapSize).rgb * finalLightMapMultiplier; scripts\behavior.lua 8,13c8 < function repeater(args, nodeId) < local args = parseArgs(args, { < maxLoops = -1, < untilSuccess = false < }) < local maxLoops = BData:getNumber(args.maxLoops) --- > function repeater(args, board, nodeId) 20c15 < until (maxLoops > 0 and loops >= maxLoops) or (result == true and args.untilSuccess) --- > until (args.maxLoops > 0 and loops >= args.maxLoops) or (result == true and args.untilSuccess) 25c20 < function failer(args, nodeId) --- > function failer(args, board, nodeId) 30c25 < function succeeder(args, nodeId) --- > function succeeder(args, board, nodeId) 35c30 < function inverter(args, nodeId) --- > function inverter(args, board, nodeId) 40,46c35,37 < function cooldown(args, nodeId) < local args = parseArgs(args, { < onFail = false, < onSuccess = true < }) < < local time = BData:getNumber("cooldown-"..nodeId) --- > function cooldown(args, board, nodeId) > local key = "cooldown-"..nodeId > local time = board:get("number", key) 53,54c44 < < local cooldown = BData:getNumber(args.cooldown) --- > local cooldown = args.cooldown 58c48 < BData:setNumber("cooldown-"..nodeId, world.time() + cooldown) --- > board:set("number", key, world.time() + cooldown) 63,67c53,59 < function filter(args, nodeId) < local newItems = {} < local items = BData:getList(args.list) < for _,filterItem in pairs(items) do < BData:set(args.type, "filterItem", filterItem) --- > function filter(args, board, nodeId) > if not args.list then return true end > > local i = 1 > while i <= #args.list do > local filterItem = args.list[i] > board:set(args.type, "filterItem", filterItem) 71,72c63,66 < if result == true then < table.insert(newItems, filterItem) --- > if result == false then > table.remove(args.list, i) > else > i = i + 1 75d68 < BData:setList(args.list, newItems) 79,82c72,76 < function each(args, nodeId) < local items = BData:getList(args.list) < for _,filterItem in pairs(items) do < BData:set(args.type, "eachItem", filterItem) --- > function each(args, board, nodeId) > if not args.list then return true end > > for _,each in pairs(args.list) do > board:set(args.type, "eachItem", each) 90,92c84,85 < function optional(args, nodeId) < local run = BData:getBool(args.shouldRun) < if run then --- > function optional(args, board, nodeId) > if args.shouldRun then 100,104c93 < function logResult(args, nodeId) < local args = parseArgs(args, { < text = "Log result: %s" < }) < --- > function logResult(args, board, nodeId) 110,116c99 < function debugNode(args, nodeId) < self.child.debug = true < local result = coroutine.yield() < return result < end < < function limiter(args, nodeId) --- > function limiter(args, board, nodeId) 118c101 < local runs = BData:getNumber("limiter-"..nodeId) or 0 --- > local runs = board:getNumber("limiter-"..nodeId) or 0 124c107 < BData:setNumber("limiter-"..nodeId, runs) --- > board:setNumber("limiter-"..nodeId, runs) 135c118 < coroutine.yield("running") --- > coroutine.yield(nil) 148c131 < coroutine.yield("running") --- > coroutine.yield(nil) 154,156d136 < args = parseArgs(args, { < text = "log info" < }) 165,168c145 < function getStorage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < key = "" < }) --- > function getStorage(args, board) 172,174c149,151 < local setType, name = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, name, value) --- > local output = {} > for _,type in pairs(DataTypes) do > output[type] = value 176c153 < return true --- > return true, output 184,190c161,167 < function setStorage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < key = nil < }) < local getType,index = BData.findType(args) < local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) < storage[args.key] = value --- > function setStorage(args, board) > for _,type in pairs(DataTypes) do > if args[type] then > storage[args.key] = args[type] > break > end > end 199,204c176 < function entityConfigParameter(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < path = "", < default = nil < }) < --- > function entityConfigParameter(args, board) 207,209c179,181 < local setType, name = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, name, value) --- > local output = {} > for _,type in pairs(DataTypes) do > output[type] = value 211c183 < return true --- > return true, output 218,222c190 < function worldProperty(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < property = "" < }) < --- > function worldProperty(args, board) 226,228c194,196 < local setType, name = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, name, value) --- > local output = {} > for _,type in pairs(DataTypes) do > output[type] = value 230c198 < return true --- > return true, output 233,241c201,204 < -- args groupId < -- args name < -- args default < -- output [type] < function groupResource(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < groupId = nil, < name = nil < }) --- > -- param groupId > -- param name > -- [output type list] > function groupResource(args, board) 244d206 < local setType,outputName = BData.findType(output) 246c208 < if setType == nil or value == nil then return false end --- > if value == nil then return false end 248,249c210,214 < BData:set(setType, outputName, value) < return true --- > local output = {} > for _,type in pairs(DataTypes) do > output[type] = value > end > return true, output 252,256c217,219 < function runFunction(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < func = nil, < script = nil < }) --- > -- param func > -- param script > function runFunction(args, board) 271c234 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\pathing.lua 26c26 < if not self:hasPath() and not self.aStar then --- > if not self.hasPath and not self.aStar then 39c39 < --- > 69a70 > self.hasPath = true 79d79 < util.debugText("Looking for path", vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {0, -1}), "yellow") 84a85 > self.hasPath = false 88,91d88 < function PathFinder:hasPath() < return #self.edges > 0 < end < 102c99 < if self:hasPath() and self.stuckTimer > 0.5 then --- > if self.hasPath and self.stuckTimer > 0.5 then 114c111 < if not self:hasPath() then --- > if not self.hasPath then 133c130 < if self:hasPath() then --- > if self.hasPath then 152c149 < local pathOptions = parseArgs(options.pathOptions or {}, { --- > local pathOptions = applyDefaults(options.pathOptions or {}, { 172c169 < newPather.options = parseArgs(options, { --- > newPather.options = applyDefaults(options, { 183a181,183 > newPather.canOpenDoors = config.getParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", false) > newPather.forceWalkingBackwards = config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) > 190c190 < if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then --- > if self.forceWalkingBackwards then 266,271d265 < local edgeDelta = world.distance(, self.edge.source.position) < < util.debugText(self.action, {self.position[1], self.position[2]-2}, "blue") < < local nextEdge = self.finder:lookAhead(1) or {} < local nextAction = nextEdge.action or "None" 273c267 < if config.getParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", false) and not self:openDoors() then --- > if not self:openDoors() then 303d296 < util.debugRect(bounds, "blue") 307c300 < if #closedDoorIds == 0 or not config.getParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", true) then --- > if #closedDoorIds == 0 or not self.canOpenDoors then 477c470,471 < moveX([1], run) --- > local edgeDelta = world.distance(, self.edge.source.position) > moveX(edgeDelta[1], run) 493c487 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(, mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) --- > mcontroller.controlFly( scripts\pathutil.lua 58c58 < --Check if entity is on solid ground (not platforms) --- > --Check if entity is on solid ground (not platforms) 67c67 < return world.rectTileCollision(groundRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return world.rectTileCollision(groundRegion, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) 77a78,142 > > function openDoorsAhead() > local bounds = rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), mcontroller.position()) > bounds[2] = bounds[2] + 0.5 > bounds[4] = bounds[4] - 0.5 > if mcontroller.facingDirection() > 0 then > bounds[1] = bounds[3] > bounds[3] = bounds[3] + 1 > else > bounds[3] = bounds[1] > bounds[1] = bounds[1] - 1 > end > if world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Dynamic"}) then > -- There is a colliding object in the way. See if we can open it > local closedDoorIds = world.entityQuery(rect.ll(bounds), rect.ur(bounds), { includedTypes = {"object"}, callScript = "hasCapability", callScriptArgs = { "closedDoor" } }) > if #closedDoorIds == 0 then > return > else > for _, closedDoorId in pairs(closedDoorIds) do > world.sendEntityMessage(closedDoorId, "openDoor") > end > end > end > end > > function closeDoorsBehind() > local bounds = rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), mcontroller.position()) > bounds[2] = bounds[2] + 0.5 > bounds[4] = bounds[4] - 0.5 > if mcontroller.facingDirection() > 0 then > bounds[3] = bounds[1] - 1 > bounds[1] = bounds[1] - 2 > else > bounds[1] = bounds[3] + 1 > bounds[3] = bounds[3] + 2 > end > if not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Dynamic"}) then > local openDoorIds = world.entityQuery(rect.ll(bounds), rect.ur(bounds), { includedTypes = {"object"}, callScript = "hasCapability", callScriptArgs = { "openDoor" } }) > if #openDoorIds == 0 then > return > else > for _, openDoorId in pairs(openDoorIds) do > local doorBounds = objectBounds(openDoorId) > local npcs = world.entityQuery(rect.ll(doorBounds), rect.ur(doorBounds), {includedTypes = {"npc"}}) > if #npcs == 0 then > world.sendEntityMessage(openDoorId, "closeDoor") > end > end > end > end > end > > function objectBounds(objectId) > local bounds = {9999, 9999, 0, 0} > local spaces = world.objectSpaces(objectId) > for _,space in pairs(spaces) do > bounds = { > math.min(space[1], bounds[1]), > math.min(space[2], bounds[2]), > math.max(space[1] + 1, bounds[3]), > math.max(space[2] + 1, bounds[4]) > } > end > return rect.translate(bounds, world.entityPosition(objectId)) > end \ No newline at end of file scripts\rails.lua 183,184c183,189 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) < self.moving = false --- > -- double check to make sure there's still a rail stop here (and that it's still stopped) > if self:checkTile(self.lastNode.position) == "metamaterial:railstop" then > mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) > self.moving = false > else > self:railResume(self.lastNode.position) > end scripts\rect.lua 27a28,35 > function rect.withSize(min, size) > return {min[1], min[2], min[1] + size[1], min[2] + size[2]} > end > > function rect.withCenter(center, size) > return {center[1] - size[1] / 2, center[2] - size[2] / 2, center[1] + size[1] / 2, center[2] + size[2] / 2} > end > 48a57,67 > function rect.intersects(first, second) > if first[1] > second[3] > or first[3] < second[1] > or first[2] > second[4] > or first[4] < second[2] then > return false > else > return true > end > end > 97a117,130 > end > > function rect.bound(inner, outer) > if inner[4] > outer[4] then > inner = rect.translate(inner, {0, outer[4] - inner[4]}) > elseif inner[2] < outer[2] then > inner = rect.translate(inner, {0, outer[2] - inner[2]}) > end > if inner[3] > outer[3] then > inner = rect.translate(inner, {outer[3] - inner[3], 0}) > elseif inner[1] < outer[1] then > inner = rect.translate(inner, {outer[1] - inner[1], 0}) > end > return inner scripts\sensors.lua 29c29 < return world.pointTileCollision(position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return world.pointTileCollision(position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) 32c32 < return world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > return world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), position, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) scripts\tenant.lua 42c42 < --- > 154,199d153 < end < < function hasGrumbles(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < < return storage.grumbles and #storage.grumbles > 0 < end < < function sayGrumble(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < < if storage.grumbles and #storage.grumbles > 0 then < local grumble = storage.grumbles[math.random(#storage.grumbles)][1] < return sayToEntity({ dialogType = "dialog.tenant.grumbles." .. grumble, entity = "self" }) < end < return false < end < < function spawnRentTreasure(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local promise = world.sendEntityMessage(storage.respawner, "getRent") < while not promise:finished() do < coroutine.yield() < end < < local rent = promise:result() < world.spawnTreasure(position, rent.pool, rent.level) < return true < end < < function replaceNpc(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < npcType = "villager" < }) < < local npcType = args.npcType < if type(npcType) == "table" then < npcType = npcType[math.random(#npcType)] < end < < tenant.setNpcType(npcType) < return true scripts\util.lua 15c15 < if world.pointTileCollision(monster.toAbsolutePosition(sensor), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.pointTileCollision(monster.toAbsolutePosition(sensor), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then 346c346 < function, action) --- > function, action, ...) 351c351 < coroutine.yield() --- > coroutine.yield(nil, ...) 372a373,390 > function util.untilNotNil(func) > local v > while true do > v = func() > if v ~= nil then return v end > coroutine.yield() > end > end > > function util.untilNotEmpty(func) > local v > while true do > v = func() > if v ~= nil and #v > 0 then return v end > coroutine.yield() > end > end > 486c504 < function parseArgs(args, defaults) --- > function applyDefaults(args, defaults) 492a511,519 > function parseArgs(args, defaults) > for k,v in pairs(defaults) do > if args[k] == nil then > error(string.format("No default set for arg %s in: args: %s defaults: %s", k, args, defaults)) > end > end > return args > end > 567a595,614 > function util.easeInOutSin(ratio, initial, delta) > local ratio = ratio * 2 > if ratio < 1 then > return initial + (math.sin((ratio * math.pi / 2) - (math.pi / 2)) + 1.0) * delta / 2 > else > sb.logInfo("%s", math.sin((ratio - 1) * math.pi / 2)) > return initial + (delta / 2) + (math.sin((ratio - 1) * math.pi / 2) * delta / 2) > end > end > > function util.easeInOutExp(ratio, initial, delta, exp) > ratio = ratio * 2 > if ratio < 1 then > return delta / 2 * (ratio ^ exp) + initial > else > local r = 1 - (1 - (ratio - 1)) ^ exp > return initial + (delta / 2) + (r * delta / 2) > end > end > 646c693 < function util.randomFromList(list) --- > function util.randomFromList(list, randomSource) 648c695,699 < return list[math.random(1,#list)] --- > if randomSource then > return list[randomSource:randInt(1, #list)] > else > return list[math.random(1,#list)] > end 718a770,791 > function util.replaceTag(data, tagName, tagValue) > local tagString = "<"..tagName..">" > if type(data) == "table" then > local newData = {} > > for k, v in pairs(data) do > local newKey = k > if type(k) == "string" and k:find(tagString) then > newKey = k:gsub(tagString, tagValue) > end > > newData[newKey] = util.replaceTag(v, tagName, tagValue) > end > > return newData > elseif type(data) == "string" and data:find(tagString) then > return data:gsub(tagString, tagValue) > else > return data > end > end > 867,868c940,947 < self.state = coroutine.wrap(state) < self.state(...) --- > self.state = coroutine.create(state) > self:resume(...) > end > > function FSM:resume(...) > local s, r = coroutine.resume(self.state, ...) > if not s then error(r) end > return r 872c951,953 < return self.state and self.state() --- > if self.state then > return self:resume() > end scripts\vec2.lua 73a74,75 > if angle == 0 then return {vector[1], vector[2]} end > 84c86,87 < return vec2.rotate({magnitude or 1, 0}, angle) --- > magnitude = magnitude or 1 > return {math.cos(angle) * magnitude, math.sin(angle) * magnitude} scripts\versioningutils.lua 113a114,135 > > function compare(t1,t2) > if t1 == t2 then return true end > if type(t1) ~= type(t2) then return false end > if type(t1) ~= "table" then return false end > for k,v in pairs(t1) do > if not compare(v, t2[k]) then return false end > end > for k,v in pairs(t2) do > if not compare(v, t1[k]) then return false end > end > return true > end > > function find(t, predicate) > local current = 0 > for i,value in ipairs(t) do > if predicate(value) then > return value, i > end > end > end scripts\actions\animator.lua 16a17,19 > if fallback == "" then > fallback = nil > end 35,37c38,43 < for stateType,fallback in pairs(self.animateFallbacks) do < if self.animationControls[stateType] == false then < animator.setAnimationState(stateType, fallback) --- > for _,stateType in pairs(util.keys(self.animationControls)) do > local fallback = self.animateFallbacks[stateType] > if not self.animationControls[stateType] then > if fallback then > animator.setAnimationState(stateType, fallback) > end 78,82c84 < function setAnimationState(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < state = nil < }) --- > function setAnimationState(args, board) 86a89 > self.animateFallbacks[args.type] = nil 96,103c99,100 < function animate(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < state = nil, < fallback = nil < }) < < if args.fallback == nil or args.fallback == "" then --- > function animate(args, board) > if args.state == nil or args.state == "" then 115,119c112 < function loopSound(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < sound = nil < }) < --- > function loopSound(args, board) 129,133c122 < function setGlobalTag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < tag = nil < }) --- > function setGlobalTag(args, board) 141a131 > -- param group 145,152c135 < function transform(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < group = nil, < rotation = nil, < rotationCenter = nil, < translation = nil < }) < --- > function transform(args, board) 156,158d138 < local rotation = BData:getNumber(args.rotation) < local rotationCenter = BData:getVec2(args.rotationCenter) < local translation = BData:getVec2(args.translation) 160,161c140,145 < if rotation then < animator.rotateTransformationGroup(, rotation) --- > if args.rotation then > if args.rotationCenter then > animator.rotateTransformationGroup(, args.rotation, args.rotationCenter) > else > animator.rotateTransformationGroup(, args.rotation) > end 163,164c147,148 < if translation then < animator.translateTransformationGroup(, translation) --- > if args.translation then > animator.translateTransformationGroup(, args.translation) 172,175c156 < function resetTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil < }) --- > function resetTransformationGroup(args, board) 184,191c165,166 < function rotateTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil, < angle = 0, < rotationCenter = nil < }) < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < if angle == nil or args.transformationGroup == nil or args.transformationGroup == "" then --- > function rotateTransformationGroup(args, board) > if args.angle == nil or args.transformationGroup == nil or args.transformationGroup == "" then 195,196c170 < local rotationCenter = BData:getVec2(args.rotationCenter) < animator.rotateTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, angle, rotationCenter) --- > animator.rotateTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, args.angle, args.rotationCenter) 200,207c174,177 < function translateTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil, < offset = {0, 0} < }) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < < animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, offset) --- > -- param transformationGroup > -- param offset > function translateTransformationGroup(args, board) > animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, args.offset) 211,218c181,182 < function scaleTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil, < scale = 1 < }) < local scale = BData:getNumber(args.scale) < < animator.scaleTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, scale) --- > function scaleTransformationGroup(args, board) > animator.scaleTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, args.scale) 223,227c187 < function burstParticleEmitter(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < emitter = nil < }) < --- > function burstParticleEmitter(args, board) 236,239c196 < function setParticleEmitterActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < active = true < }) --- > function setParticleEmitterActive(args, board) 247,251c204 < function emitParticles(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < emitter = nil < }) < --- > function emitParticles(args, board) 260,264c213,214 < function playSound(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < sound = nil, < loops = 0 < }) --- > -- param loops > function playSound(args, board) 266,268c216 < < local loops = BData:getNumber(args.loops) < animator.playSound(args.sound, loops) --- > animator.playSound(args.sound, args.loops) 272,276c220,221 < function stopAllSounds(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < sound = nil < }) < --- > -- param sound > function stopAllSounds(args, board) 281,285c226,228 < function setLightActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < light = nil, < active = true < }) --- > -- param light > -- param active > function setLightActive(args, board) scripts\actions\builders.lua 3c3,4 < -- Actions that dynamically build a behavior tree --- > -- Stores behavior trees for this context so they don't need to be rebuilt every time > BuilderTreeCache = {} 6c7 < function sequenceActions(args, output, nodeId, dt) --- > function sequenceActions(args, board, nodeId, dt) 9c10 < local tree = BData:getTable("sequenceActions-"..nodeId) --- > local tree = BuilderTreeCache["sequenceActions-"..nodeId] 16a18,24 > if action.parameters then > for k,v in pairs(action.parameters) do > if type(v) ~= "table" or (v.key == nil and v.value == nil) then > action.parameters[k] = {value = v} > end > end > end 27c35 < cooldown = action.cooldown --- > cooldown = {value = action.cooldown} 36,38c44,45 < local newTree = root.behavior({name = "sequenceActions-"..nodeId, root = sequence, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < tree = {newTree, newTree:init(_ENV)} < BData:setTable("sequenceActions-"..nodeId, tree) --- > tree = behavior.behavior({name = "sequenceActions-"..nodeId, root = sequence, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV, board) > BuilderTreeCache["sequenceActions-"..nodeId] = tree 40c47 < tree[1]:clear() --- > tree:clear() 44c51 < local result = tree[1]:run(tree[2], dt) --- > local result = tree:run(dt) 54c61 < function selectorActions(args, output, nodeId, dt) --- > function selectorActions(args, board, nodeId, dt) 57c64 < local tree = BData:getTable("selectorActions-"..nodeId) --- > local tree = BuilderTreeCache["selectorActions-"..nodeId] 59d65 < local dynamic = BData:getBool(args.dynamic) 62c68 < name = dynamic and "dynamic" or "selector", --- > name = args.dynamic and "dynamic" or "selector", 65a72,78 > if action.parameters then > for k,v in pairs(action.parameters) do > if type(v) ~= "table" or (v.key == nil and v.value == nil) then > action.parameters[k] = {value = v} > end > end > end 76c89 < cooldown = action.cooldown --- > cooldown = {value = action.cooldown} 85,87c98,99 < local newTree = root.behavior({name = "selectorActions-"..nodeId, root = selector, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < tree = {newTree, newTree:init(_ENV)} < BData:setTable("selectorActions-"..nodeId, tree) --- > tree = behavior.behavior({name = "selectorActions-"..nodeId, root = selector, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV, board) > BuilderTreeCache["selectorActions-"..nodeId] = tree 89c101 < tree[1]:clear() --- > tree:clear() 93c105 < local result = tree[1]:run(tree[2], dt) --- > local result = tree:run(dt) 103c115 < function parallelActions(args, output, nodeId, dt) --- > function parallelActions(args, board, nodeId, dt) 106c118 < local tree = BData:getTable("parallelActions-"..nodeId) --- > local tree = BuilderTreeCache["parallelActions-"..nodeId] 113a126,132 > if action.parameters then > for k,v in pairs(action.parameters) do > if type(v) ~= "table" or (v.key == nil and v.value == nil) then > action.parameters[k] = {value = v} > end > end > end 124c143 < cooldown = action.cooldown --- > cooldown = {value = action.cooldown} 134,136c153,154 < local newTree = root.behavior({name = "parallelActions-"..nodeId, root = parallel, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < tree = {newTree, newTree:init(_ENV)} < BData:setTable("parallelActions-"..nodeId, tree) --- > tree = behavior.behavior({name = "parallelActions-"..nodeId, root = parallel, scripts = jarray()}, config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV, board) > BuilderTreeCache["parallelActions-"..nodeId] = tree 138c156 < tree[1]:clear() --- > tree:clear() 142c160 < local result = tree[1]:run(tree[2], dt) --- > local result = tree:run(dt) scripts\actions\container.lua 5c5 < function containerAddItem(args, output) --- > function containerAddItem(args, board) 10c10 < parameters = {} --- > parameters = {} 12,13c12 < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if args.itemName == nil or entityId == nil then return false end --- > if args.itemName == nil or args.entity == nil then return false end 15c14 < if world.containerAddItems(entityId, {name = args.itemName, amount = args.amount, parameters = args.parameters}) then --- > if world.containerAddItems(args.entity, {name = args.itemName, amount = args.amount, parameters = args.parameters}) then scripts\actions\crawling.lua 13,18c13 < function crawl(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "facingDirection", < run = false < }) < --- > function crawl(args, board) 37,38c32 < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end --- > if args.direction == nil then return false end 40c34 < headingAngle = adjustCornerHeading(headingAngle, direction) --- > headingAngle = adjustCornerHeading(headingAngle, args.direction) 44,46d37 < < local moveDirection = vec2.rotate({direction, 0}, headingAngle) < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(math.atan(moveDirection[2], moveDirection[1]), moveSpeed, 2000) 48,49c39,40 < BData:setVec2(output.headingDirection, vec2.withAngle(headingAngle)) < BData:setNumber(output.headingAngle, headingAngle) --- > local moveDirection = vec2.rotate({args.direction, 0}, headingAngle) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(math.atan(moveDirection[2], moveDirection[1]), moveSpeed, 2000) 52c43 < gravityEnabled = false --- > gravityEnabled = false 55c46 < coroutine.yield("running") --- > coroutine.yield(nil, {headingDirection = vec2.withAngle(headingAngle), headingAngle = headingAngle}) 61,64c52 < BData:setVec2(output.headingDirection, {1,0}) < BData:setNumber(output.forwardAngle, 0) < < return false --- > return false, {headingDirection = {1, 0}, forwardAngle = 0} 68,73c56 < function wallSit(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < rotationRate = 0.25, < rotationStepsPerUpdate = 5 < }) < --- > function wallSit(args, board) 84,86d66 < BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, groundDirection) < BData:setNumber(output.forwardAngle, headingAngle) < 88c68 < gravityEnabled = false --- > gravityEnabled = false 90c70 < coroutine.yield("running") --- > coroutine.yield(nil, {groundDirection = groundDirection, forwardAngle = headingAngle}) 93,96c73 < BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, {0,-1}) < BData:setNumber(output.forwardAngle, 0) < < return false --- > return false, {groundDirection = {0, -1}, forwardAngle = 0} 124c101,102 < function findGroundDirection() --- > function findGroundDirection(testDistance) > testDistance = testDistance or 0.25 128c106 < local testPos = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.withAngle(angle, 0.25)) --- > local testPos = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.withAngle(angle, testDistance)) 133c111 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\crew.lua 3,4c3 < function hasRecruiter(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function hasRecruiter(args, board) 9,11c8 < function recruiterEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function recruiterEntity(args, board) 18,22c15 < if output.entity then < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) < end < < return true --- > return true, {entity = entityId} 25,27c18 < function isFollowingRecruiter(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function isFollowingRecruiter(args, board) 31,33c22 < function hasFieldBenefit(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function hasFieldBenefit(args, board) 43,45c32 < function hasCombatBenefit(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function hasCombatBenefit(args, board) 55,56c42 < function triggerFieldBenefit(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function triggerFieldBenefit(args, board) 61,62c47 < function triggerCombatBenefit(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function triggerCombatBenefit(args, board) scripts\actions\dialog.lua 85,87c85 < function receiveClueDialog(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function receiveClueDialog(args, board) 91,93d88 < BData:setTable(output.dialog, dialog) < BData:setEntity(output.source, notification.sourceId) < 96c91 < return true --- > return true, {dialog = dialog, source = notification.sourceId} 102a98 > -- param dialog 104,118c100,102 < function sayToEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dialogType = "converse.dialog", < dialog = nil, < entity = "target", < tags = {} < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < < local dialog = BData:getTable(args.dialog) < if dialog then < dialog = speciesDialog(dialog, entityId) < else < dialog = queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId) < end --- > -- param tags > function sayToEntity(args, board) > local dialog = args.dialog and speciesDialog(args.dialog, args.entity) or queryDialog(args.dialogType, args.entity); 135c119 < if entityId then args.tags.entityname = world.entityName(entityId) end --- > if args.entity then args.tags.entityname = world.entityName(args.entity) end 149,154c133,134 < function inspectEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "target" < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end --- > function inspectEntity(args, board) > if not args.entity or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end 163c143 < local dialog = world.entityDescription(entityId, species) --- > local dialog = world.entityDescription(args.entity, species) 172,179c152,154 < function getDialog(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dialogType = "converse.dialog", < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < self.currentDialog = copy(queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId)) < self.currentDialogTarget = entityId --- > function getDialog(args, board) > self.currentDialog = copy(queryDialog(args.dialogType, args.entity)) > self.currentDialogTarget = args.entity 188,193c163 < function say(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < content = "nil", < tags = {} < }) < --- > function say(args, board) 212,216c182 < function sayNext(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < tags = {} < }) < --- > function sayNext(args, board) 243,246d208 < args = parseArgs(args, { < tags = {} < }) < 248d209 < scripts\actions\entity.lua 13,19c13,14 < function setInteractive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < interactive = true < }) < < local interactive = BData:getBool(args.interactive) < entityTable().setInteractive(interactive) --- > function setInteractive(args, board) > entityTable().setInteractive(args.interactive) 23c18 < function wasInteracted(args, output) --- > function wasInteracted(args, board) 27c22 < function wasDamaged(args, output) --- > function wasDamaged(args, board) 31c26 < function wasStunned(args, output) --- > function wasStunned(args, board) 36,41c31,32 < function setAggressive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < aggressive = false < }) < local aggressive = BData:getBool(args.aggressive) < if aggressive == nil then return false end --- > function setAggressive(args, board) > if args.aggressive == nil then return false end 43c34 < entityTable().setAggressive(aggressive) --- > entityTable().setAggressive(args.aggressive) 47,50c38 < -- param aggressive < function controlAggressive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function controlAggressive(args, board) 56,63c44,47 < function setDamageTeam(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < damageTeam = nil < }) < local damageTeam = BData:getTable(args.damageTeam) < if damageTeam == nil then return false end < < entityTable().setDamageTeam(damageTeam) --- > function setDamageTeam(args, board) > if args.damageTeam == nil then return false end > > entityTable().setDamageTeam(args.damageTeam) 67,73c51,53 < -- param damageTeamType < function isDamageTeam(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < team = nil < }) < --- > -- param type > -- param team > function isDamageTeam(args, board) 75,77c55 < < local team = BData:getNumber( < if team ~= nil and ~= team then --- > if ~= nil and ~= then 88,93c66,67 < function isValidTarget(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end --- > function isValidTarget(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end 95c69 < return entity.isValidTarget(entityId) --- > return entity.isValidTarget(args.entity) 99,108c73,74 < function setDamageOnTouch(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < touchDamage = false < }) < < local touchDamage = BData:getBool(args.touchDamage) < if type(touchDamage) ~= "boolean" then < error(string.format("Invalid type %s for %s with value %s", type(touchDamage), args.touchDamage, touchDamage)) < end < self.touchDamageEnabled = touchDamage --- > function setDamageOnTouch(args, board) > self.touchDamageEnabled = args.touchDamage 112,121c78,79 < function setDying(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < shouldDie = true < }) < < local shouldDie = BData:getBool(args.shouldDie) < if type(shouldDie) ~= "boolean" then < error(string.format("Invalid type %s for %s with value %s", type(shouldDie), args.shouldDie, shouldDie)) < end < self.shouldDie = shouldDie --- > function setDying(args, board) > self.shouldDie = args.shouldDie 126,129c84,85 < function entityInSight(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self" < }) --- > function entityInSight(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end 131,134c87 < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end < < local inSight = entity.entityInSight(entityId) --- > local inSight = entity.entityInSight(args.entity) 140c93 < local liquid = world.liquidAlongLine(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(entityId)) --- > local liquid = world.liquidAlongLine(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(args.entity)) 145c98 < --- > 147c100 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\flying.lua 1,170c1,246 < require "/scripts/poly.lua" < < < -- param keepGroundDistance < -- param keepCeilingDistance < -- param yVelocityVariance < -- param maxXVelocityu < -- param maxYVelocity < function flyAlongGround(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < keepGroundDistance = 10, < keepCeilingDistance = 10, < yVelocityVariance = 0, < maxXVelocity = 8, < maxYVelocity = 4 < }) < < local keepGroundDistance = BData:getNumber(args.keepGroundDistance) < local keepCeilingDistance = BData:getNumber(args.keepCeilingDistance) < local maxXVelocity = BData:getNumber(args.maxXVelocity) < local maxYVelocity = BData:getNumber(args.maxYVelocity) < local baseParameters = mcontroller.baseParameters() < < if not keepGroundDistance or not keepCeilingDistance or not maxXVelocity or not maxYVelocity then return false end < < while true do < local groundLine = poly.translate({{0, 0}, {0, -keepGroundDistance * 2}}, mcontroller.position()) < local ceilingLine = poly.translate({{0, 0}, {0, keepCeilingDistance}}, mcontroller.position()) < local groundPoint = world.lineCollision(groundLine[1], groundLine[2]) or groundLine[2] < local ceilingPoint = world.lineCollision(ceilingLine[1], ceilingLine[2]) or ceilingLine[2] < < -- Find liquid < local x = mcontroller.position()[1] < for y=groundLine[1][2], groundPoint[2], -1 do < y = math.floor(y) < local liquid = world.liquidAt({x, y}) < if liquid then < groundPoint = {x, y + liquid[2]} < break < end < end < < -- Move the ground point up by the height we want to keep, < -- gives us the y position we want to stay around < local groundApproachPoint = vec2.add(groundPoint, {0, keepGroundDistance}) < local keepGroundDistanceFactor = world.distance(groundApproachPoint, mcontroller.position())[2] / keepGroundDistance < < -- Keep away from the ceiling < local keepCeilingDistanceFactor = (-keepCeilingDistance + world.distance(ceilingPoint, mcontroller.position())[2]) / keepCeilingDistance < < local yVelocityFactor = keepGroundDistanceFactor + keepCeilingDistanceFactor < < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({mcontroller.facingDirection() * maxXVelocity, yVelocityFactor * maxYVelocity}, baseParameters.airForce) < < coroutine.yield("running") < end < end < < -- param centerPosition < -- param maxDistance < -- param collisionArea < -- param lerpStep < -- output position < function findAirPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < centerPosition = "self", < maxDistance = 10, < collisionArea = {-1, -1, 1, 1}, < lerpStep = 1 < }) < < local center = BData:getPosition(args.centerPosition) < local maxDistance = BData:getNumber(args.maxDistance) < local lerpStep = BData:getNumber(args.lerpStep) < if center == nil or maxDistance == nil then return false end < < for i = 0, maxDistance, lerpStep do < for a = 0, math.pi*2, math.pi/4 do < local dir = {math.cos(a), math.sin(a)} < local position = vec2.add(center, vec2.mul(dir, i)) < if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(args.collisionArea, position)) then < BData:setPosition(output.position, position) < return true < end < end < end < < return false < end < < -- param position < -- param maxAngle < -- param speed < function flyInGeneralDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = nil, < maxAngle = 30, < speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed < }) < < local direction < while true do < mcontroller.controlDown() < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < local maxAngle = util.toRadians(BData:getNumber(args.maxAngle)) < < local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(position, mcontroller.position())) < if direction == nil or math.acos(, direction)) > maxAngle then < direction = vec2.rotate(toTarget, (util.randomDirection() * math.random() * maxAngle)) < end < < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(direction, speed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) < mcontroller.controlFace(util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) < util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.mul(direction, 10)), "blue") < util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") < < coroutine.yield("running") < end < < return true < end < < < function swarmPosition(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < maxRange = 8, < minMoveDistance = 4, < idleTime = 0.5, < center = nil < }) < < local minMoveDistance, maxRange, idleTime = BData:getNumber(args.minMoveDistance), BData:getNumber(args.maxRange), BData:getNumber(args.idleTime) < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() < < while true do < local center = BData:getPosition( < local position = center < < if world.lineTileCollision(position, mcontroller.position()) then < return false < end < repeat < local distance = math.random(0, maxRange) < local angle = math.random() * math.pi * 2 < local offset = {math.cos(angle) * distance, math.sin(angle) * distance} < position = vec2.add(center, offset) < coroutine.yield("running") < until not world.lineTileCollision(center, position) < and not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, position)) < and world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) > minMoveDistance < < repeat < local toTarget = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toTarget), mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) < < if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(rect.pad(bounds, 0.25), mcontroller.position())) then < return false < end < coroutine.yield("running") < until world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) < 1.0 < < local timer = idleTime < while timer > 0 do < timer = timer - dt < dt = coroutine.yield("running") < end < end < end --- > require "/scripts/poly.lua" > > > -- param keepGroundDistance > -- param keepCeilingDistance > -- param yVelocityVariance > -- param maxXVelocityu > -- param maxYVelocity > function flyAlongGround(args, board) > local baseParameters = mcontroller.baseParameters() > > if not args.keepGroundDistance or not keepCeilingDistance or not args.maxXVelocity or not args.maxYVelocity then return false end > > while true do > local groundLine = poly.translate({{0, 0}, {0, -args.keepGroundDistance * 2}}, mcontroller.position()) > local ceilingLine = poly.translate({{0, 0}, {0, args.keepCeilingDistance}}, mcontroller.position()) > local groundPoint = world.lineCollision(groundLine[1], groundLine[2]) or groundLine[2] > local ceilingPoint = world.lineCollision(ceilingLine[1], ceilingLine[2]) or ceilingLine[2] > > -- Find liquid > local x = mcontroller.position()[1] > for y=groundLine[1][2], groundPoint[2], -1 do > y = math.floor(y) > local liquid = world.liquidAt({x, y}) > if liquid then > groundPoint = {x, y + liquid[2]} > break > end > end > > -- Move the ground point up by the height we want to keep, > -- gives us the y position we want to stay around > local groundApproachPoint = vec2.add(groundPoint, {0, args.keepGroundDistance}) > local keepGroundDistanceFactor = world.distance(groundApproachPoint, mcontroller.position())[2] / args.keepGroundDistance > > -- Keep away from the ceiling > local keepCeilingDistanceFactor = (-args.keepCeilingDistance + world.distance(ceilingPoint, mcontroller.position())[2]) / args.keepCeilingDistance > > local yVelocityFactor = keepGroundDistanceFactor + keepCeilingDistanceFactor > > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({mcontroller.facingDirection() * args.maxXVelocity, yVelocityFactor * args.maxYVelocity}, baseParameters.airForce) > > coroutine.yield() > end > end > > -- param centerPosition > -- param maxDistance > -- param collisionArea > -- param lerpStep > -- output position > function findAirPosition(args, board) > if args.centerPosition == nil or args.maxDistance == nil then return false end > > for i = 0, args.maxDistance, args.lerpStep do > for a = 0, math.pi*2, math.pi/4 do > local dir = {math.cos(a), math.sin(a)} > local position = vec2.add(args.centerPosition, vec2.mul(dir, i)) > if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(args.collisionArea, position)) then > return true, {position = position} > end > end > end > > return false > end > > -- param position > -- param maxAngle > -- param speed > function flyInGeneralDirection(args, board) > local speed = args.speed or mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed > > local direction > while true do > mcontroller.controlDown() > local maxAngle = util.toRadians(args.maxAngle) > > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(args.position, mcontroller.position())) > if direction == nil or math.acos(, direction)) > maxAngle then > direction = vec2.rotate(toTarget, (util.randomDirection() * math.random() * maxAngle)) > end > > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(direction, speed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) > mcontroller.controlFace(util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) > > coroutine.yield() > end > > return true > end > > > function swarmPosition(args, board, _, dt) > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > local position = > > if world.lineTileCollision(position, mcontroller.position()) then > return false > end > repeat > local distance = math.random(0, args.maxRange) > local angle = math.random() * math.pi * 2 > local offset = {math.cos(angle) * distance, math.sin(angle) * distance} > position = vec2.add(, offset) > coroutine.yield() > until not world.lineTileCollision(, position) > and not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, position)) > and world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) > args.minMoveDistance > > repeat > local toTarget = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) > mcontroller.controlFly(toTarget) > > if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(rect.pad(bounds, 0.25), mcontroller.position())) then > return false > end > coroutine.yield() > until world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) < 1.0 > > local timer = args.idleTime > while timer > 0 do > timer = timer - dt > dt = coroutine.yield() > end > return true > end > > -- param entity > -- param turnSpeed > -- output angle > -- output direction > function approachTurn(args, output, _, dt) > local targetPosition = world.entityPosition(args.entity) > local distance = world.magnitude(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > while true do > local toTarget = world.distance(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > local angle = mcontroller.rotation() > > local targetAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) > local diff = util.angleDiff(angle, targetAngle) > if diff ~= 0 then > angle = angle + (util.toDirection(diff) * args.turnSpeed) * dt > if util.angleDiff(angle, targetAngle) * diff < 0 then > angle = targetAngle > end > end > > local collisionRect = rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.withAngle(angle, 0.25))) > if world.rectTileCollision(collisionRect) then > angle = angle + math.pi > mcontroller.setVelocity(vec2.mul(mcontroller.velocity(), -1)) > end > > mcontroller.setRotation(angle) > local speed = ((1 - math.min(0.5, math.abs(diff / math.pi))) ^ 2) * mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.withAngle(angle, speed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce, true) > > coroutine.yield(nil, {angle = angle, direction = direction}) > > targetPosition = world.entityPosition(args.entity) > distance = world.magnitude(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > end > end > > function approachBurn(args, output, _, dt) > local burn = function(toVelocity) > local timer = args.burnTime > local angle = vec2.angle(vec2.sub(toVelocity, mcontroller.velocity())) > while timer > 0 do > timer = timer - dt > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(toVelocity, mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) > coroutine.yield(nil, {burning = true, angle = angle}) > end > end > > local flySpeed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed > > local targetPosition = world.entityPosition(args.entity) > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(targetPosition, entity.position())) > local targetVelocity = world.entityVelocity(args.entity) > > local distance = world.magnitude(entity.position(), targetPosition) > local approach = vec2.add(targetPosition, vec2.mul(toTarget, -args.approachRadius)) > local toApproach = vec2.norm(world.distance(approach, entity.position())) > local approachSpeed = flySpeed + vec2.mag(targetVelocity) > if distance < args.approachRadius * 2 then > local angle = math.atan(args.approachRadius, distance / 2) > local directions = { > vec2.rotate(toTarget, angle), > vec2.rotate(toTarget, -angle) > } > shuffle(directions) > > for _,dir in pairs(directions) do > local test = vec2.add(targetPosition, vec2.mul(dir, args.approachRadius)) > if not world.lineTileCollision(entity.position(), test) then > approach = test > break > end > end > local approachVelocity = vec2.mul(vec2.norm(world.distance(approach, entity.position())), flySpeed) > approachSpeed = vec2.mag(vec2.add(approachVelocity, targetVelocity)) > approach = util.predictedPosition(approach, entity.position(), targetVelocity, approachSpeed) > end > > local toApproach = vec2.norm(world.distance(approach, entity.position())) > burn(vec2.mul(toApproach, approachSpeed)) > > -- while going in roughly the same direction > -- at roughly the same speed > -- and still moving toward the approach position > -- and still within a reasonable range of the target > while, toApproach) > 0.95 > and vec2.mag(mcontroller.velocity()) / approachSpeed > 0.75 > and, entity.position()), toApproach) > 0 do > > world.debugLine(entity.position(), approach, "yellow") > if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), entity.position())) then > return false > end > > coroutine.yield(nil, {burning = false}) > end > > burn(world.entityVelocity(args.entity)) > > return true, {burning = false} > end > > function approachFall(args, output, _, dt) > local flySpeed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed > while true do > local targetPosition = world.entityPosition( > local toTarget = world.distance(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > local airForce = mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce > if, mcontroller.velocity()) < 0 and vec2.mag(toTarget) > args.dampenDistance then > airForce = airForce * args.dampenMultiplier > end > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toTarget), flySpeed), airForce) > > local perpendicular = vec2.angle(toTarget) + math.pi / 2 > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(perpendicular, 0, args.friction, false) > coroutine.yield() > end > end scripts\actions\items.lua 11,17c11,13 < function itemIsObject(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < item = "" < }) < local item = BData:getTable(args.item) < if item == nil then return false end < return root.itemType(itemName(item)) == "object" --- > function itemIsObject(args, board) > if args.item == nil then return false end > return root.itemType(itemName(args.item)) == "object" 23,29c19,20 < args = parseArgs(args, { < item = "", < tag = "" < }) < local item = BData:getTable(args.item) < if item == nil then return false end < return contains(root.itemConfig(itemName(item)).config.tags or {}, args.tag) --- > if args.item == nil then return false end > return contains(root.itemConfig(itemName(args.item)).config.tags or {}, args.tag) scripts\actions\math.lua 6,16c6,8 < function multiply(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < factor = 1 < }) < < local number = BData:getNumber(args.number) < local factor = BData:getNumber(args.factor) < if number == nil or factor == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.result, number * factor) < return true --- > function multiply(args, board) > if args.number == nil or args.factor == nil then return false end > return true, {result = args.number * args.factor} 22,32c14,16 < function add(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < addend = 1 < }) < < local number = BData:getNumber(args.number) < local addend = BData:getNumber(args.addend) < if number == nil or addend == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.result, number + addend) < return true --- > function add(args, board) > if args.number == nil or args.addend == nil then return false end > return true, {result = args.number + args.addend} 38,64c22,24 < function sub(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < first = nil, < second = nil < }) < local first = BData:getNumber(args.first) < local second = BData:getNumber(args.second) < if first == nil or second == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.result, first - second) < return true < end < < -- param min < -- param max < -- param value < -- output number < function clamp(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < min = nil, < max = nil, < value = nil < }) < < local min, max, value = BData:getNumber(args.min, args.max, args.value) < BData:setOutput(util.clamp(value, min, max)) < return true --- > function sub(args, board) > if args.first == nil or args.second == nil then return false end > return true, {result = args.first - args.second} 71,86c31,33 < function vecRotate(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < vector = {1, 0}, < angle = 0, < direction = nil < }) < < local vector = BData:getVec2(args.vector) < local angle < if args.direction then < local direction = vec2.norm(BData:getVec2(args.direction)) < angle = math.atan(direction[2], direction[1]) < else < angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < end < if vector == nil or angle == nil then return false end --- > function vecRotate(args, board) > local angle = args.direction and vec2.angle(args.direction) or args.angle > if args.vector == nil or angle == nil then return false end 88,89c35 < BData:setVec2(output.vector, vec2.rotate(vector, angle)) < return true --- > return true, {vector = vec2.rotate(args.vector, angle)} 93a40 > -- param number --second in number type 95,105c42,45 < function vecMultiply(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < first = nil, < second = nil < }) < < local first = BData:getVec2(args.first) < local second = BData:getVec2(args.second) or BData:getNumber(args.second) < if first == nil or second == nil then return false end < BData:setVec2(output.vector, vec2.mul(first, second)) < return true --- > function vecMultiply(args, board) > local second = args.second or args.number > if args.first == nil or second == nil then return false end > return true, {vector = vec2.mul(args.first, second)} 111,122c51,53 < function vecAdd(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < first = nil, < second = nil < }) < < local first = BData:getVec2(args.first) < local second = BData:getVec2(args.second) < if first == nil or second == nil then return false end < < BData:setVec2(output.vector, vec2.add(first, second)) < return true --- > function vecAdd(args, board) > if args.first == nil or args.second == nil then return false end > return true, {vector = vec2.add(args.first, args.second)} 127,134c58,60 < function vecAngle(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < vector = nil < }) < local vector = BData:getVec2(args.vector) < if vector == nil then return false end < BData:setNumber(output.angle, math.atan(vector[2], vector[1])) < return true --- > function vecAngle(args, board) > if args.vector == nil then return false end > return true, {angle = math.atan(args.vector[2], args.vector[1])} 140,152c66,70 < function random(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < min = 0, < max = 1, < }) < < local min = BData:getNumber(args.min) < local max = BData:getNumber(args.max) < if min == nil or max == nil then return false end < < local rand = math.random() * (max - min) + min < BData:setNumber(output.number, rand) < return true --- > function random(args, board) > if args.min == nil or args.max == nil then return false end > > local rand = math.random() * (args.max - args.min) + args.min > return true, {number = rand} 156,163c74,77 < function chance(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < chance = 0.5, < seed = nil, < seedMix = nil < }) < local chance = BData:getNumber(args.chance) < if chance == nil then return false end --- > -- param seed > -- param seedMix > function chance(args, board) > if args.chance == nil then return false end 167c81 < return sb.staticRandomDouble(seed, args.seedMix) < chance --- > return sb.staticRandomDouble(seed, args.seedMix) < args.chance 170c84 < return sb.makeRandomSource(seed):randd() < chance --- > return sb.makeRandomSource(seed):randd() < args.chance 172c86 < return math.random() < chance --- > return math.random() < args.chance 181,190c95,96 < function lerp(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < min = 0, < max = 1, < ratio = 0 < }) < local min, max, ratio = BData:getNumber(args.min), BData:getNumber(args.max), BData:getNumber(args.ratio) < < BData:setNumber(output.number, interp.linear(ratio, min, max)) < return true --- > function lerp(args, board) > return true, {number = interp.linear(args.ratio, args.min, args.max)} 196,202c102,103 < function ease(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < ratio = nil, < func = "sin" < }) < < local ratio = BData:getNumber(args.ratio) --- > function ease(args, board) > local ratio 204c105 < BData:setNumber(output.ratio, math.sin(ratio * math.pi / 2)) --- > ratio = math.sin(ratio * math.pi / 2) 206c107 < BData:setNumber(output.ratio, math.sin(ratio * math.pi)) --- > ratio = math.sin(ratio * math.pi) 208c109 < BData:setNumber(output.ratio, math.sin(ratio * math.pi * 2 - math.pi / 2) / 2 + 0.5) --- > ratio = math.sin(ratio * math.pi * 2 - math.pi / 2) / 2 + 0.5 210c111 < return true --- > return true, {ratio = ratio} 220,227c121 < args = parseArgs(args, { < first = 1, < second = 0 < }) < < local first = BData:getNumber(args.first) < local second = BData:getNumber(args.second) < if first == nil or second == nil then return false end --- > if args.first == nil or args.second == nil then return false end 229c123 < return first > second --- > return args.first > args.second 234,241c128,129 < function gte(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < first = nil, < second = nil < }) < < local first, second = BData:getNumber(args.first), BData:getNumber(args.second) < return first >= second --- > function gte(args, board) > return args.first >= args.second scripts\actions\merchant.lua 97c97 < --- > 105,108c105 < function addTradableItem(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < item = nil < }) --- > function addTradableItem(args, board) 110,113c107,109 < local itemDescriptor = BData:getTable(args.item) < if not itemDescriptor then return false end < if type(itemDescriptor) == "string" then < itemDescriptor = { name = itemDescriptor } --- > if not args.item then return false end > if type(args.item) == "string" then > args.item = { name = args.item } 118c114 < if compare(item, itemDescriptor) then --- > if compare(item, args.item) then 122c118 < table.insert(storage.extraMerchantItems, itemDescriptor) --- > table.insert(storage.extraMerchantItems, args.item) 155,157c151 < function enableTrading(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function enableTrading(args, board) scripts\actions\monster.lua 2,5c2 < function setForceRegionActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < name = nil < }) --- > function setForceRegionActive(args, board) 13,16c10 < function setDamageSourceActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < name = nil < }) --- > function setDamageSourceActive(args, board) 23,26c17,21 < function setDamageBar(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = "Default" < }) --- > -- param name > function setDamagePartActive(args, board) > table.insert(self.damageParts, > return true > end 27a23 > function setDamageBar(args, board) 33,40c29,30 < function battleMusic(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < enable = true < }) < < local enable = BData:getBool(args.enable) < < if self.musicEnabled ~= enable then --- > function battleMusic(args, board) > if self.musicEnabled ~= args.enable then 50,54c40,41 < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setMusicEnabled", enable) < self.musicEnabled = enable < else < -- Return true to allow spawning of this monster without the stagehand for < -- debugging. --- > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setMusicEnabled", args.enable) > self.musicEnabled = args.enable 63,67c50 < function setActiveSkillName(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < skillName = "" < }) < --- > function setActiveSkillName(args, board, _, dt) 75c58 < function rotate(args, output, _, dt) --- > function rotate(args, board, _, dt) 78,79c61 < vector = nil, < a = 0 --- > vector = nil 85,91c67 < if args.vector then < local vector = vec2.norm(BData:getVec2(args.vector)) < if vector == nil then return false end < goalAngle = math.atan(vector[2], vector[1]) < else < goalAngle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < end --- > goalAngle = args.vector and vec2.angle(args.vector) or args.angle 116,121c92 < function rotateBody(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < angle = nil, < transformationGroup = nil < }) < --- > function rotateBody(args, board) 124c95 < self.rotation = BData:getNumber(args.angle) --- > self.rotation = args.angle 131c102 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\movement.lua 5,38d4 < function movement() < if self.moving then < if self.move and coroutine.status(self.move) ~= "dead" then < local status, result = coroutine.resume(self.move) < if status then < self.moveResult = result < else < error(string.format("Movement error: %s", result)) < end < end < else < self.move = nil < end < end < < function setMovementCoroutine(cor) < self.move = cor < self.moving = true < movement() < end < < -- < -- < < function getDirection(direction) < if direction == "facing" then < return mcontroller.facingDirection() < elseif direction == "back" then < return -mcontroller.facingDirection() < else < return BData:getNumber(direction) < end < end < 43c9 < npc.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction * 5, -5})) --- > npc.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction * 4, -4})) 55a22,25 > --------------------------------- > -- ACTIONS > --------------------------------- > 57a28 > -- param offset 61,66c32,33 < function entityDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self", < target = "entity", < offset = {0,0} < }) --- > function entityDirection(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) or == nil or not world.entityExists( then return false end 68,77c35,36 < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < local targetId = BData:getEntity( < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) or targetId == nil or not world.entityExists(targetId) then return false end < < local toTarget = world.distance(world.entityPosition(targetId), vec2.add(world.entityPosition(entityId), offset)) < BData:setVec2(output.vector, toTarget); < BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) < BData:setNumber(output.yDirection, util.toDirection(toTarget[2])) < return true --- > local toTarget = world.distance(world.entityPosition(, vec2.add(world.entityPosition(args.entity), args.offset)) > return true, {vector = toTarget, direction = util.toDirection(toTarget[1]), yDirection = util.toDirection(toTarget[2])} 85,90c44,46 < function entityAngle(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < entity = "", < heading = 0 < }) --- > -- output direction > function entityAngle(args, board) > if args.position == nil or args.entity == nil then return false end 92,98c48,49 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if position == nil or entityId == nil then return false end < < local heading = BData:getNumber(args.heading) < local toEntity = world.distance(world.entityPosition(entityId), position) < toEntity = vec2.norm(vec2.rotate(toEntity, -heading)) --- > local toEntity = world.distance(world.entityPosition(args.entity), args.position) > toEntity = vec2.norm(vec2.rotate(toEntity, -args.heading)) 100,102c51 < BData:setNumber(output.angle, math.atan(toEntity[2], math.abs(toEntity[1]))) < BData:setNumber(output.direction, toEntity[1]) < return true --- > return true, {angle = math.atan(toEntity[2], math.abs(toEntity[1])), direction = toEntity[1]} 107,112c56 < function move(args, output, node) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = 1, < run = false < }) < --- > function move(args, board, node) 114d57 < local collisionPoly = mcontroller.collisionPoly() 116,136c59,75 < local moveFunc = coroutine.create(function() < local moved = false < while true do < local run = < if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then < if run == true then run = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end < end < < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end < local position = mcontroller.position() < position = {position[1], math.ceil(position[2]) - (bounds[2] % 1)} -- align bottom of the bound box with the ground < < local move = false < -- Check for walls < for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do < --util.debugRect(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir})), "yellow") < if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir}))) then < move = true < break < end --- > while true do > local run = > if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then > if run == true then run = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end > end > > if args.direction == nil then return false end > local position = mcontroller.position() > position = {position[1], math.ceil(position[2]) - (bounds[2] % 1)} -- align bottom of the bound box with the ground > > local move = false > -- Check for walls > for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do > --util.debugRect(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir})), "yellow") > if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {args.direction * 0.2, yDir}))) then > move = true > break 137a77 > end 139,147c79,97 < -- Also specifically check for a dumb collision geometry edge case where the ground goes like: < -- < -- # < -- ###### ###### < -- ############# < local boundsEnd = direction > 0 and bounds[3] or bounds[1] < local wallPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd + direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] + 0.5} < local groundPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd - direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] - 0.5} < if world.pointTileCollision(wallPoint) and not world.pointTileCollision(groundPoint) then --- > -- Also specifically check for a dumb collision geometry edge case where the ground goes like: > -- > -- # > -- ###### ###### > -- ############# > local boundsEnd = args.direction > 0 and bounds[3] or bounds[1] > local wallPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd + args.direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] + 0.5} > local groundPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd - args.direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] - 0.5} > if world.pointTileCollision(wallPoint) and not world.pointTileCollision(groundPoint) then > move = false > end > > -- Check for ground for the entire length of the bound box > -- Makes it so the entity can stop before a ledge > if move then > local boundWidth = bounds[3] - bounds[1] > local groundRect = rect.translate({bounds[1], bounds[2] - 1.0, bounds[3], bounds[2]}, position) > local y = 0 > for x = boundWidth % 1, math.ceil(boundWidth) do 149,165c99,104 < end < < -- Check for ground for the entire length of the bound box < -- Makes it so the entity can stop before a ledge < if move then < local boundWidth = bounds[3] - bounds[1] < local groundRect = rect.translate({bounds[1], bounds[2] - 1.0, bounds[3], bounds[2]}, position) < local y = 0 < for x = boundWidth % 1, math.ceil(boundWidth) do < move = false < for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do < --util.debugRect(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), "blue") < if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Platform"}) then < move = true < y = y + yDir < break < end --- > for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do > --util.debugRect(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), "blue") > if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(groundRect, {args.direction * x, y + yDir}), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Platform"}) then > move = true > y = y + yDir > break 167d105 < if move == false then break end 168a107 > if move == false then break end 170,182d108 < < if move then < moved = true < mcontroller.controlMove(direction, < if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(direction) end < else < if moved then < mcontroller.setXVelocity(0) < mcontroller.clearControls() < end < return false < end < coroutine.yield() 184d109 < end) 186,190c111,114 < setMovementCoroutine(moveFunc) < while true do < self.moving = true < if self.move == moveFunc then < coroutine.yield(self.moveResult) --- > if move then > moved = true > mcontroller.controlMove(args.direction, run) > if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(args.direction) end 191a116,119 > if moved then > mcontroller.setXVelocity(0) > mcontroller.clearControls() > end 193a122 > coroutine.yield() 198,204c127,128 < function canMove(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "facingDirection" < }) < < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end --- > function canMove(args, board) > if args.direction == nil then return false end 206,207c130,131 < local position = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction, 0}) < if direction > 0 then --- > local position = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {args.direction, 0}) > if args.direction > 0 then 212c136 < local groundPosition = findGroundPosition(position, -1, 1, true, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > local groundPosition = findGroundPosition(position, -1, 1, true, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) 221c145 < function isMoving(args, output) --- > function isMoving(args, board) 227,232c151,152 < function controlMove(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "direction", < run = false < }) < --- > function controlMove(args, board) > local run = 234c154 < if == true then = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end --- > if run == true then run = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end 237,238c157 < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end --- > if args.direction == nil then return false end 240c159 < mcontroller.controlMove(direction, --- > mcontroller.controlMove(args.direction, run) 244,245c163 < function controlDown(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function controlDown(args, board) 250,251c168 < function controlCrouch(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function controlCrouch(args, board) 256,257c173 < function controlJump(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function controlJump(args, board) 265,269c181,182 < function setDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = util.randomDirection(), < }) < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) --- > function setDirection(args, board) > local direction = args.direction or util.randomDirection() 272,273c185 < BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(direction)) < return true --- > return true, {direction = util.toDirection(direction)} 278,287c190,192 < function reverseDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "direction" < }) < < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.direction, -direction) < return true --- > function reverseDirection(args, board) > if args.direction == nil then return false end > return true, {direction = -args.direction} 291a197 > -- param runSpeed 298,309c204,205 < function moveToPosition(args, output, node) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "target", < run = false, < runSpeed = nil, < groundPosition = true, < minGround = -5, < maxGround = 5, < avoidLiquid = true, < pathOptions = {} < }) < --- > function moveToPosition(args, board, node) > if args.position == nil then return false end 312,344c208,225 < local options = { < run = BData:getBool(, < pathOptions = args.pathOptions, < movementParameters = {runSpeed = BData:getNumber(args.runSpeed)} < } < < -- local variables for communicating between movement function and action node < local pather = PathMover:new(options) < local moveDirection = 0 < local targetPosition = false < local pathfinding = false < local newPosition = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local avoidLiquid = BData:getBool(args, avoidLiquid) < < local moveFunc = coroutine.create(function() < while true do < mcontroller.clearControls() < if newPosition then < targetPosition = newPosition < newPosition = false < if args.groundPosition then < targetPosition = findGroundPosition(targetPosition, args.minGround, args.maxGround, avoidLiquid) < elseif avoidLiquid then < local liquid = world.liquidAt(rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), targetPosition)) < if liquid and liquid[2] > 0.1 then < targetPosition = nil < end < end < end < if not targetPosition then return false end < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), targetPosition, "yellow") < < local moved = pather:move(targetPosition, script.updateDt()) --- > local pathOptions = applyDefaults(args.pathOptions or {}, { > returnBest = false, > mustEndOnGround = mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityEnabled, > maxDistance = 200, > swimCost = 5, > dropCost = 5, > boundBox = mcontroller.boundBox(), > droppingBoundBox = rect.pad(mcontroller.boundBox(), {0.2, 0}), --Wider bound box for dropping > standingBoundBox = rect.pad(mcontroller.boundBox(), {-0.7, 0}), --Thinner bound box for standing and landing > smallJumpMultiplier = 1 / math.sqrt(2), -- 0.5 multiplier to jump height > jumpDropXMultiplier = 1, > enableWalkSpeedJumps = true, > enableVerticalJumpAirControl = false, > maxFScore = 400, > maxNodesToSearch = 70000, > maxLandingVelocity = -10.0, > liquidJumpCost = 15 > }) 346,348d226 < moveDirection = pather.deltaX < pathfinding = moved == "pathfinding" or moved == false < if not self.setFacingDirection and moveDirection ~= 0 then controlFace(moveDirection) end 350,354c228,236 < if moved == true or moved == false then < mcontroller.clearControls() < return moved < end < coroutine.yield() --- > local lastPosition = false > local targetPosition = {args.position[1], args.position[2]} > > local updateTarget = function() > lastPosition = {args.position[1], args.position[2]} > if args.groundPosition then > targetPosition = findGroundPosition(lastPosition, args.minGround, args.maxGround, args.avoidLiquid) > else > targetPosition = lastPosition 356c238 < end) --- > end 358c240,245 < setMovementCoroutine(moveFunc) --- > updateTarget() > if not targetPosition then > return false > end > local result > mcontroller.startPathMove(targetPosition, pathOptions) 360,368c247,250 < self.moving = true < if self.move == moveFunc then < if self.moveResult ~= true and self.moveResult ~= false then < newPosition = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if newPosition[1] == targetPosition[1] and newPosition[2] == targetPosition[2] then < newPosition = false < end < avoidLiquid = BData:getBool(args.avoidLiquid) < = BData:getBool( --- > if not lastPosition or world.magnitude(args.position, lastPosition) > 2 then > updateTarget() > if not targetPosition then > return false 369a252 > end 371,375c254,263 < BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(moveDirection)) < BData:set("bool", output.pathfinding, pathfinding) < coroutine.yield(self.moveResult) < else < return false --- > local result = mcontroller.pathMoveResult() > if result == false or result == true then > return result > end > mcontroller.controlPathMove(targetPosition, > if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(mcontroller.movingDirection()) end > > openDoorsAhead() > if args.closeDoors then > closeDoorsBehind() 376a265,266 > > coroutine.yield(nil, {pathfinding = mcontroller.pathfinding(), direction = mcontroller.facingDirection()}) 378d267 < end 379a269,270 > return true > end 383,395c274,275 < function setVelocity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < velocity = {0,0}, < x = nil, < y = nil < }) < < local velocity < if args.x and args.y then < velocity = {BData:getNumber(args.x), BData:getNumber(args.y)} < else < velocity = BData:getVec2(args.velocity) < end --- > function setVelocity(args, board) > local velocity = (args.x and args.y) and {args.x, args.y} or args.velocity 405,407c285 < function velocity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function velocity(args, board) 409,413c287 < BData:setVec2(output.velocity, velocity) < BData:setNumber(output.x, velocity[1]) < BData:setNumber(output.y, velocity[2]) < < return true --- > return true, {velocity = velocity, x = velocity[1], y = velocity[2]} 418,428c292,294 < function controlApproachVelocity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < velocity = {0,0}, < force = 500 < }) < < local velocity = BData:getVec2(args.velocity) < local force = BData:getNumber(args.force) < if velocity == nil or force == nil then return false end < < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(velocity, force) --- > function controlApproachVelocity(args, board) > if args.velocity == nil or args.force == nil then return false end > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(args.velocity, args.force) 435,447c301,303 < function controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < angle = 0, < velocity = 0, < force = 500 < }) < < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < local velocity = BData:getNumber(args.velocity) < local force = BData:getNumber(args.force) < if velocity == nil or force == nil or angle == nil then return false end < < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(angle, velocity, force) --- > function controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(args, board) > if args.velocity == nil or args.force == nil or args.angle == nil then return false end > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(args.angle, args.velocity, args.force) 453,457c309,310 < function controlApproachXVelocity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < velocity = 0, < force = 500 < }) --- > function controlApproachXVelocity(args, board) > if args.velocity == nil or args.force == nil then return false end 459,463c312 < local velocity = BData:getNumber(args.velocity) < local force = BData:getNumber(args.force) < if velocity == nil or force == nil then return false end < < mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(velocity, force) --- > mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(args.velocity, args.force) 469,477c318,320 < function faceEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "target", < headingDirection = {1, 0} < }) < local headingDirection = BData:getVec2(args.headingDirection) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end < local position = world.entityPosition(entityId) --- > function faceEntity(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end > local position = world.entityPosition(args.entity) 480c323 < local direction = util.toDirection(, headingDirection)) --- > local direction = util.toDirection(, args.headingDirection)) 488,493c331,332 < function faceDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "direction" < }) < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end --- > function faceDirection(args, board) > if args.direction == nil then return false end 495c334 < controlFace(direction) --- > controlFace(args.direction) 505,511c344,345 < function inLiquid(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < percentage = "percentage" < }) < local percentage = BData:getNumber(args.percentage) or 1.0 < < return mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= percentage --- > function inLiquid(args, board) > return mcontroller.liquidPercentage() >= (args.percentage or 1.0) 517c351 < function flyToPosition(args, output) --- > function flyToPosition(args, board) 520,521c354 < tolerance = 1, < speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed --- > tolerance = 1 525,526c358,359 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if not position then return false end --- > if not args.position then return false end > local speed = args.speed or mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed 528c361 < local distance = world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) --- > local distance = world.magnitude(args.position, mcontroller.position()) 531,534c364 < mcontroller.controlDown() < local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(position, mcontroller.position())) < BData:setVec2(output.vector, toTarget) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) --- > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(args.position, mcontroller.position())) 537,539c367,369 < distance = world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) < util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") < coroutine.yield("running") --- > mcontroller.controlDown() > > coroutine.yield(nil, {vector = toTarget}) 549,563c379,381 < -- param speed < function controlFly(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < vector = {0,0}, < speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed < }) < < local direction < if args.x and args.y then < direction = vec2.norm({BData:getNumber(args.x), BData:getNumber(args.y)}) < else < direction = BData:getVec2(args.vector) < end < < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(direction, args.speed)) --- > function controlFly(args, board) > local v = {args.x or args.vector[1] or 0, args.y or args.vector[2] or 0} > mcontroller.controlFly(v) 567,570c385 < function clearControls(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < --- > function clearControls(args, board) 576,579c391,394 < function controlParameters(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < parameters = {} < }) --- > -- param gravityMultiplier > -- This is glaringly incomplete, could use an argument for every control parameter > function controlParameters(args, board) > args.parameters.gravityMultiplier = args.gravityMultiplier 581,584c396 < local parameters = copy(args.parameters) < parameters.gravityMultiplier = BData:getNumber(args.parameters.gravityMultiplier) < < mcontroller.controlParameters(parameters) --- > mcontroller.controlParameters(args.parameters) 589,593c401 < function controlModifiers(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < modifiers = {} < }) < --- > function controlModifiers(args, board) 606,616c414,415 < function openDoors(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "facing", --Default to opening doors in front < distance = 1.5, < openLocked = false < }) < local openLocked = BData:getBool(args.openLocked) < local direction = getDirection(args.direction) < local distance = BData:getNumber(args.distance) < local position = mcontroller.position() < local opened = true --- > function openDoors(args, board) > local direction = args.direction or mcontroller.facingDirection() --Default to opening doors in front 617a417 > local position = mcontroller.position() 618a419 > local opened = true 621c422 < bounds[3] = bounds[3] + distance --- > bounds[3] = bounds[3] + args.distance 624c425 < bounds[1] = bounds[1] - distance --- > bounds[1] = bounds[1] - args.distance 628d428 < -- There is a colliding object in the way. See if we can open it 629a430 > -- There is a colliding object in the way. See if we can open it 632c433 < if openLocked then --- > if args.openLocked then 652,659c453 < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "back", --Default to opening doors behind < distance = 2.0 < }) < local direction = getDirection(args.direction) < local distance = BData:getNumber(args.distance) < local position = mcontroller.position() < local closed = true --- > local direction = args.direction or -mcontroller.facingDirection() --Default to closing doors behind 660a455 > local position = mcontroller.position() 661a457 > local closed = true 664c460 < bounds[3] = bounds[3] + distance --- > bounds[3] = bounds[3] + args.distance 667c463 < bounds[1] = bounds[1] - distance --- > bounds[1] = bounds[1] - args.distance 691,698c487,488 < function findOuterDoor(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20 < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local doorIds = world.entityQuery(position, args.range, { --- > function findOuterDoor(args, board, _, dt) > local doorIds = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { 724,726c514 < BData:setPosition(output.insidePosition, inside) < BData:setPosition(output.outsidePosition, outside) < return true --- > return true, {insidePosition = inside, outsidePosition = outside} 737,743c525,527 < function setPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < x = nil, < y = nil, < footPosition = false < }) --- > function setPosition(args, board) > local position = (args.x and args.y) and {args.x, args.y} or {args.position[1], args.position[2]} > position = position or mcontroller.position() 745,749c529,530 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local x = BData:getNumber(args.x) < local y = BData:getNumber(args.y) < if position == nil and x == nil and y == nil then < return false --- > if args.footPosition then > position[2] = position[2] - mcontroller.boundBox()[2] 751,759c532 < if position == nil then < position = mcontroller.position() < end < if x == nil then x = position[1] end < if y == nil then y = position[2] end < if BData:getBool(args.footPosition) then < y = y - mcontroller.boundBox()[2] < end < mcontroller.setPosition({x, y}) --- > mcontroller.setPosition(position) 764d536 < args = parseArgs(args, {}) 770,771c542 < function boundBox(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function boundBox(args, board) 773,776c544 < < BData:setVec2(output.min, {bounds[1], bounds[2]}) < BData:setVec2(output.max, {bounds[3], bounds[4]}) < return true --- > return true, {min = {bounds[1], bounds[2]}, max = {bounds[4], bounds[4]}} scripts\actions\notification.lua 1,5c1,2 < function receivedNotification(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil < }) < --- > -- param type > function receivedNotification(args, board) 10,12d6 < if notification.sourceId then BData:setEntity(output.source, notification.sourceId) end < if notification.targetId then BData:setEntity(, notification.targetId) end < if notification.targetPosition then BData:setPosition(output.targetPosition, notification.targetPosition) end 14c8 < return true --- > return true, {source = notification.sourceId, target = notification.targetId, targetPosition = notification.targetPosition} 20,29c14,18 < function sendNotification(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < entity = nil, < target = nil < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < local targetId = BData:getEntity( < if entityId == nil or args.type == nil then return false end --- > -- param type > -- param entity > -- param target > function sendNotification(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or args.type == nil then return false end 33c22 < targetId = targetId, --- > targetId =, 36c25 < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "notify", notification) --- > world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, "notify", notification) 40,52c29,35 < function broadcastNotification(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < position = "self", < range = 20, < entityTypes = {"monster", "npc"}, < target = nil < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition("self") < local range = BData:getNumber(args.range) < local targetId = BData:getEntity( < if args.type == nil or position == nil or range == nil then return false end --- > -- param type > -- param position > -- param range > -- param entityTypes > -- param target > function broadcastNotification(args, board) > if args.type == nil or args.position == nil or args.range == nil then return false end 56c39 < targetId = targetId, --- > targetId =, 59c42 < local notified = world.entityQuery(position, range, { includedTypes = args.entityTypes, callScript = "notify", callScriptArgs = {notification} }) --- > local notified = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { includedTypes = args.entityTypes, callScript = "notify", callScriptArgs = {notification} }) scripts\actions\npc.lua 1,2c1 < function randomizeStatusText(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) --- > function randomizeStatusText(args, board) 16,24c15,17 < function setLounging(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "loungable" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < npc.setLounging(entityId) --- > function setLounging(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > npc.setLounging(args.entity) 29,37c22,25 < function lounge(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < if not npc.isLounging() or npc.loungingIn() ~= entityId then < npc.setLounging(entityId) --- > function lounge(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > if not npc.isLounging() or npc.loungingIn() ~= args.entity then > npc.setLounging(args.entity) 43c31 < function resetLounging(args, output) --- > function resetLounging(args, board) 53,59c41 < function setItemSlot(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < slot = "primary", < itemName = "uncommonrocketlauncher", < level = nil < }) < --- > function setItemSlot(args, board) 77,85c59,61 < args = parseArgs(args, { < itemTable = "", < vanitySlot = false < }) < < local item = BData:getTable(args.itemTable) < local itemName = nil < if type(item) == "table" then < itemName = --- > local itemName > if type(args.item) == "table" then > itemName = 87c63 < itemName = item --- > itemName = args.item 110c86 < npc.setItemSlot(slot, item) --- > npc.setItemSlot(slot, args.item) 112c88 < storage.itemSlots[string.lower(slot)] = item --- > storage.itemSlots[string.lower(slot)] = args.item 118,126c94,95 < function setAimPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < offset = {0,0} < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < if position == nil or offset == nil then return false end --- > function setAimPosition(args, board) > if args.position == nil or args.offset == nil then return false end 128c97 < position = vec2.add(position, offset) --- > local position = vec2.add(args.position, args.offset) 132c101 < --- > 137c106 < function altFire(args, output) --- > function altFire(args, board) 142c111 < function primaryFire(args, output) --- > function primaryFire(args, board) 147c116 < function endPrimaryFire(args, output) --- > function endPrimaryFire(args, board) 153,156c122 < function setDropPools(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dropPools = {} < }) --- > function setDropPools(args, board) 161,164c127,128 < function setDeathParticleBurst(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < deathParticleBurst = nil < }) --- > -- param deathParticleBurst > function setDeathParticleBurst(args, board) 169,172c133,134 < function emote(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < emote = nil < }) --- > -- param emote > function emote(args, board) 174d135 < 179,182c140,141 < function dance(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dance = nil < }) --- > -- param dance > function dance(args, board) 191c150 < function swapItemSlots(args, output) --- > function swapItemSlots(args, board) 204c163 < function hasMeleePrimary(args, output) --- > function hasMeleePrimary(args, board) 209c168 < function hasRangedPrimary(args, output) --- > function hasRangedPrimary(args, board) 214c173 < function hasShield(args, output) --- > function hasShield(args, board) 219c178 < function hasMeleeSheathed(args, output) --- > function hasMeleeSheathed(args, board) 224c183 < function hasRangedSheathed(args, output) --- > function hasRangedSheathed(args, board) 229c188 < function hasShieldSheathed(args, output) --- > function hasShieldSheathed(args, board) 234c193 < function canFire(args, output) --- > function canFire(args, board) 261,263d219 < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < 265,268c221 < < BData:setNumber(output.windup, timing.windup) < BData:setNumber(output.cooldown, timing.cooldown) < return true --- > return true, {windup = timing.windup, cooldown = timing.cooldown} 272,275c225 < function primaryWeaponTag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < tag = nil < }) --- > function primaryWeaponTag(args, board) 284,286c234 < function damageTeam(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function damageTeam(args, board) 288,289c236 < BData:setNumber(output.damageTeam, < return true --- > return true, {damageTeam =} 292,306c239,245 < < function friendlyTargeting(args, output, nodeId, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < queryRange = 50, < trackingRange = 50, < losTime = 8, < broadcastInterval = 2.0, < attackOnSight = {}, < hostileDamageTeam = { type = "enemy", team = 1 } < }) < < local queryRange, trackingRange = BData:getNumber(args.queryRange), BData:getNumber(args.trackingRange) < local losTime, broadcastInterval = BData:getNumber(args.losTime), BData:getNumber(args.broadcastInterval) < local attackOnSight = BData:getList(args.attackOnSight) < --- > -- param queryRange > -- param trackingRange > -- param losTime > -- param broadcastInterval > -- param attackOnSight > -- param hostileDamageTeam > function friendlyTargeting(args, board, nodeId, dt) 308a248 > local attackOnSight = args.attackOnSight or {} 311c251 < local cooldown = BData:getNumber("queryCooldown-"..nodeId) or 0 --- > local cooldown = board:getNumber("queryCooldown-"..nodeId) or 0 313c253 < local queried = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), queryRange, {includedTypes = {"monster", "npc", "player"}, order = "nearest", withoutEntityId =}) --- > local queried = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), args.queryRange, {includedTypes = {"monster", "npc", "player"}, order = "nearest", withoutEntityId =}) 315c255 < BData:setNumber("queryCooldown-"..nodeId, world.time()) --- > board:setNumber("queryCooldown-"..nodeId, world.time()) 325c265 < if world.magnitude(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(entityId)) > trackingRange then --- > if world.magnitude(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(entityId)) > args.trackingRange then 330c270 < outOfSight[entityId] = 8 --- > outOfSight[entityId] = args.losTime 338c278 < if world.magnitude(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(entityId)) > trackingRange --- > if world.magnitude(entity.position(), world.entityPosition(entityId)) > args.trackingRange 358a299 > table.insert(attackOnSight, entityId) 370c311 < world.entityQuery(entity.position(), trackingRange, { includedTypes = {"npc"}, callScript = "notify", callScriptArgs = {notification} }) --- > world.entityQuery(entity.position(), args.trackingRange, { includedTypes = {"npc"}, callScript = "notify", callScriptArgs = {notification} }) 372c313 < local periodicBroadcast = util.interval(broadcastInterval, function() --- > local periodicBroadcast = util.interval(args.broadcastInterval, function() 379,380d319 < attackOnSight = BData:getList(args.attackOnSight) < 415c354 < local damageSource = BData:getEntity("damageSource") --- > local damageSource = board:getEntity("damageSource") 430d368 < BData:setEntity(, targets[1] or outOfSight[1]) 432c370 < --- > 434c372,373 < dt = coroutine.yield() --- > dt = coroutine.yield(nil, {target = targets[1] or outOfSight[1], attackOnSight = attackOnSight}) > attackOnSight = args.attackOnSight or {} 436c375 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\overrides.lua 2a3,5 > -- Stores behavior trees for this context so they don't need to be rebuilt every time > OverridesTreeCache = {} > 47,50c50 < function matchingOverrides(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < overrideName = "" < }) --- > function matchingOverrides(args, board) 61,62c61 < BData:setList(output.list, list) < return true --- > return true, {list = list} 69,74c68 < args = parseArgs(args, { < override = "", < argumentName = "target" < }) < local override = BData:getTable(args.override) < if not override then return false end --- > if not args.override then return false end 76c70 < local uniqueId = override[args.argumentName] --- > local uniqueId = args.override[args.argumentName] 81,82c75 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) < return true --- > return true, {entity = entityId} 88,103c81,84 < function overrideBehavior(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < override = "", < argumentName = "behavior" < }) < local override = BData:getTable(args.override) < if not override then return false end < < BData:setTable(output.behavior, override[args.argumentName]) < return true < end < < function playBehavior(args, output, nodeId, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < behavior = nil < }) --- > function overrideBehavior(args, board) > if not args.override then return false end > return true, {behavior = args.override[args.argumentName]} > end 105,106c86,87 < local behavior = BData:getTable(args.behavior) < if not behavior then return false end --- > function playBehavior(args, board, nodeId, dt) > if not args.behavior then return false end 108c89,90 < local tree = BData:getTable(string.format("playBehavior-%s-%s",, nodeId)) --- > local key = string.format("playBehavior-%s-%s",, nodeId) > local tree = OverridesTreeCache[key] 110,112c92,93 < local newTree = root.behavior(, {}) < tree = {newTree, newTree:init(_ENV)} < BData:setTable(string.format("playBehavior-%s-%s",, nodeId), tree) --- > tree = behavior.behavior(, {}, _ENV, board) > OverridesTreeCache[key] = tree 114c95 < tree[1]:clear() --- > tree:clear() 118c99 < local result = tree[1]:run(tree[2], dt) --- > local result = tree:run(tree, dt) scripts\actions\pets.lua 4,10c4,5 < function hasOwner(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < owner = nil < }) < < local override = BData:getEntity(args.owner) < return (override ~= nil and world.entityExists(override)) or capturable.ownerUuid() ~= nil --- > function hasOwner(args, board) > return (args.owner ~= nil and world.entityExists(args.owner)) or capturable.ownerUuid() ~= nil 15,24c10,12 < function ownerEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < owner = nil < }) < < local entityId < local override = BData:getEntity(args.owner) < if override then < entityId = override < else --- > function ownerEntity(args, board) > local owner = args.owner > if args.owner == nil then 28,33c16 < entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(uuid) < end < if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end < < if output.entity then < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) --- > owner = world.loadUniqueEntity(uuid) 35,36c18,19 < < return true --- > if not owner or not world.entityExists(owner) then return false end > return true, {entity = owner} 41,42d23 < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < 49,53c30 < if output.entity then < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) < end < < return true --- > return true, {entity = entityId} scripts\actions\position.lua 4,15c4,6 < function offsetPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < offset = {0,0} < }) < < local offset < if args.x and args.y then < offset = {BData:getNumber(args.x), BData:getNumber(args.y)} < else < offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < end --- > function offsetPosition(args, board) > local position = args.position or mcontroller.position() > local offset = (args.x and args.y) and {args.x, args.y} or args.offset 17d7 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) 19,21c9 < < BData:setPosition(output.position, vec2.add(position, offset)) < return true --- > return true, {position = vec2.add(position, offset)} 28,43c16,19 < function offsetDirection(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < multiplier = 1, < position = "self", < direction = "direction" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < local multiplier = BData:getNumber(args.multiplier) < if position == nil then return false end < < local offset = {direction * multiplier, 0} < BData:setPosition(output.position, vec2.add(position, offset)) < < return true --- > function offsetDirection(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end > local offset = {args.direction * args.multiplier, 0} > return true, {position = vec2.add(args.position, offset)} 51,66c27,28 < function groundPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < minHeight = -5, < maxHeight = 5, < avoidLiquid = true < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then < return false < end < < position = findGroundPosition(position, args.minHeight, args.maxHeight, args.avoidLiquid) < if position == nil then < return false < end --- > function groundPosition(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 68,69c30,33 < BData:setPosition(output.position, position) < return true --- > local position = findGroundPosition(args.position, args.minHeight, args.maxHeight, args.avoidLiquid) > if position == nil then return false end > > return true, {position = position} 73,80c37,38 < function isInside(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < < local material = world.material(position, "background") --- > function isInside(args, board) > local material = world.material(args.position, "background") 90,104c48,52 < function distance(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < from = "self", < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.from) < local target = BData:getPosition( < if position == nil or target == nil then return false end < < local distance = world.distance(target, position) < BData:setVec2(output.vector, distance) < BData:setNumber(output.x, distance[1]) < BData:setNumber(output.y, distance[2]) < BData:setNumber(output.magnitude, world.magnitude(target, position)) < return true --- > -- output magnitude > function distance(args, board) > if args.from == nil or == nil then return false end > local distance = world.distance(, args.from) > return true, {vector = distance, x = distance[1], y = distance[2], magnitude = world.magnitude(, args.from)} 110,123c58,61 < function inRange(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < target = "spawn", < range = 10 < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local targetPosition = BData:getPosition( < local range = BData:getNumber(args.range) < if position == nil or targetPosition == nil or range == nil then return false end < < local distance = world.magnitude(targetPosition, position) < return distance < range --- > function inRange(args, board) > if args.position == nil or == nil or args.range == nil then return false end > local distance = world.magnitude(, args.position) > return distance < args.range scripts\actions\projectiles.lua 2c2,5 < function parseProjectileConfig(args) --- > > -- Probably the hackiest thing in all the behavior nodes > -- All of these should be node parameters > function parseProjectileConfig(board, args) 4,7c7,18 < parsed.power = BData:getNumber(args.power) < parsed.speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < parsed.timeToLive = BData:getNumber(args.timeToLive) < parsed.animationCycle = BData:getNumber(args.animationCycle) --- > if parsed.power and type(parsed.power) == "string" then > parsed.power = board:getNumber(args.power) > end > if parsed.speed and type(parsed.speed) == "string" then > parsed.speed = board:getNumber(args.speed) > end > if parsed.timeToLive and type(parsed.timeToLive) == "string" then > parsed.timeToLive = board:getNumber(args.timeToLive) > end > if parsed.animationCycle and type(parsed.animationCycle) == "string" then > parsed.animationCycle = board:getNumber(args.animationCycle) > end 36,56c47,50 < function spawnProjectile(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < offset = {0,0}, < projectileType = "bullet-4", < angle = 0, < aimVector = nil, < sourceEntity = "self", < trackSource = false, < projectileConfig = {}, < scalePower = true, < damageRepeatGroup = nil, < uniqueRepeatGroup = true < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < local sourceId = BData:getEntity(args.sourceEntity) < local uniqueRepeatGroup = BData:getBool(args.uniqueRepeatGroup) < < local parameters = parseProjectileConfig(args.projectileConfig or {}) --- > -- param damageRepeatGroup > -- param uniqueRepeatGroup > function spawnProjectile(args, board) > local parameters = parseProjectileConfig(board, args.projectileConfig or {}) 59,67c53,54 < local aimVector < if args.aimVector then < aimVector = BData:getVec2(args.aimVector) < else < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < aimVector = {math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)} < end < < if args.damageRepeatGroup then --- > local aimVector = args.aimVector or vec2.withAngle(args.angle) > if args.damageRepeatGroup and args.damageRepeatGroup ~= "" then 69c56 < if uniqueRepeatGroup then --- > if args.uniqueRepeatGroup then 74c61 < world.spawnProjectile(args.projectileType, vec2.add(position, offset), sourceId, aimVector, args.trackSource, parameters) --- > world.spawnProjectile(args.projectileType, vec2.add(args.position, args.offset), args.sourceEntity, aimVector, args.trackSource, parameters) 78,92c65,72 < < function spawnTargetedProjectile(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < projectileType = nil, < aimVector = {0,0}, < trackSource = false, < parameters = {}, < target = nil < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local aimVector = BData:getVec2(args.aimVector) < local parameters = parseProjectileConfig(args.parameters) < local targetId = BData:getEntity( --- > -- param position > -- param projectileType > -- param aimVector > -- param trackSource > -- param parameters > -- param target > function spawnTargetedProjectile(args, board) > local parameters = copy(args.parameters) 95c75 < if not targetId or not world.entityExists(targetId) then return false end --- > if not or not world.entityExists( then return false end 97,98c77,78 < local projectileId = world.spawnProjectile(args.projectileType, position,, aimVector, args.trackSource, parameters) < world.sendEntityMessage(projectileId, "setTarget", targetId) --- > local projectileId = world.spawnProjectile(args.projectileType, args.position,, args.aimVector, args.trackSource, parameters) > world.sendEntityMessage(projectileId, "setTarget", 104a85 > -- param gravityMultiplier 109,127c90,95 < function projectileAimVector(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < fromPosition = "self", < toPosition = nil, < speed = 0, < collisionCheck = true, < gravityMultiplier = nil, < useHighArc = false < }) < < local fromPosition = BData:getPosition(args.fromPosition) < local toPosition = BData:getPosition(args.toPosition) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < if fromPosition == nil or speed == nil or toPosition == nil then < return false < end < local gravityMultiplier = BData:getNumber(args.gravityMultiplier) or mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityMultiplier < local toTarget = world.distance(toPosition, fromPosition) < local aimVector, foundVector = util.aimVector(toTarget, speed, gravityMultiplier, args.useHighArc) --- > function projectileAimVector(args, board) > if args.fromPosition == nil or args.speed == nil or args.toPosition == nil then return false end > local gravityMultiplier = args.gravityMultiplier or mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityMultiplier > > local toTarget = world.distance(args.toPosition, args.fromPosition) > local aimVector, foundVector = util.aimVector(toTarget, args.speed, gravityMultiplier, args.useHighArc) 133c101 < local velocity = vec2.mul(aimVector, speed) --- > local velocity = vec2.mul(aimVector, args.speed) 142,143d109 < util.debugLine(startArc, step, "red") < util.debugPoly(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), step), "red") 145,147d110 < else < util.debugLine(startArc, step, "yellow") < util.debugPoly(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), step), "yellow") 156,159c119 < BData:setVec2(output.aimVector, aimVector) < BData:setNumber(output.aimAngle, math.atan(aimVector[2], aimVector[1])) < < return true --- > return true, {aimVector = aimVector, aimAngle = vec2.angle(aimVector)} 164,168c124 < function projectileGravityMultiplier(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectileName = nil < }) < --- > function projectileGravityMultiplier(args, board) 170,172c126 < < BData:setNumber(output.gravityMultiplier, root.projectileGravityMultiplier(args.projectileName)) < return true --- > return true, {gravityMultiplier = root.projectileGravityMultiplier(args.projectileName)} scripts\actions\query.lua 9,21c9,10 < function queryEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < entityTypes = {"player", "monster", "npc"}, < orderBy = "nearest", < withoutEntity = "self" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end < local range = BData:getNumber(args.range) < if range == nil then return false end --- > function queryEntity(args, board) > if args.position == nil or args.range == nil then return false end 26c15 < withoutEntityId = BData:getEntity(args.withoutEntity) --- > withoutEntityId = args.withoutEntity 28c17 < local nearEntities = world.entityQuery(position, range, queryArgs) --- > local nearEntities = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, queryArgs) 30,32c19 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, nearEntities[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, nearEntities) < return true --- > return true, {entity = nearEntities[1], list = nearEntities} 43,48c30,31 < function findObject(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < orderBy = "nearest" < }) --- > function findObject(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 50,53c33 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end < < local objects = world.entityQuery(position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"object"}, order = args.orderBy }) --- > local objects = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"object"}, order = args.orderBy }) 65,67c45 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, objects[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, objects) < return true --- > return true, {entity = objects[1], list = objects} 79,89c57,58 < function findLoungable(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < orderBy = "nearest", < orientation = "sit", < unoccupied = true < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end --- > function findLoungable(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 93c62 < withoutEntityId = BData:getEntity(args.withoutEntity) --- > withoutEntityId = args.withoutEntity 95c64 < local loungables = world.loungeableQuery(position, args.range, { orientation = args.orientation }, queryArgs) --- > local loungables = world.loungeableQuery(args.position, args.range, { orientation = args.orientation }, queryArgs) 108,110c77 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, loungables[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, loungables) < return true --- > return true, {entity = loungables[1], list = loungables} 119a87 > -- param exclude 122,131c90,91 < function findMonster(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < type = nil, < orderBy = "nearest" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end --- > function findMonster(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 133c93 < local monsters = world.entityQuery(position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"monster"}, order = args.orderBy }) --- > local monsters = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"monster"}, order = args.orderBy, withoutEntityId = args.exclude }) 145,147c105 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, monsters[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, monsters) < return true --- > return true, {entity = monsters[1], list = monsters} 158,164c116,117 < function findNpc(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < type = nil, < orderBy = "nearest" < }) --- > function findNpc(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 166,169c119 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end < < local npcs = world.entityQuery(position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"npc"}, order = args.orderBy }) --- > local npcs = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"npc"}, order = args.orderBy }) 181,183c131 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, npcs[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, npcs) < return true --- > return true, {entity = npcs[1], list = npcs} 194,203c142,143 < function findStagehand(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < range = 20, < type = nil, < orderBy = "nearest" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end --- > function findStagehand(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 205c145 < local stagehands = world.entityQuery(position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"stagehand"}, order = args.orderBy }) --- > local stagehands = world.entityQuery(args.position, args.range, { includedTypes = {"stagehand"}, order = args.orderBy }) 217,219c157 < BData:setEntity(output.entity, stagehands[1]) < BData:setList(output.list, stagehands) < return true --- > return true, {entity = stagehands[1], list = stagehands} 222c160 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\quests.lua 10,19c10,11 < function fireQuestEvent(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < eventName = "", < source = "", < table = "" < }) < < local source = BData:getEntity(args.source) < local table = BData:getTable(args.table) <, source, table) --- > function fireQuestEvent(args, board) >, args.source, args.table) 23,25c15 < function updateQuestPortrait(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { }) < --- > function updateQuestPortrait(args, board) 31,33c21 < function cancelQuest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { }) < --- > function cancelQuest(args, board) 38,44c26,27 < function questItem(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < parameterName = "", < quest = "" < }) < local quest = BData:getTable( < if not quest or not quest.questId then return false end --- > function questItem(args, board) > if not or not then return false end 46c29 < local paramValue =, args.parameterName) --- > local paramValue =, args.parameterName) 51,56c34,36 < if output.table then < local descriptor = paramValue.item < if type(descriptor) == "string" then < descriptor = { name = descriptor } < end < BData:setTable(output.table, descriptor) --- > local descriptor = paramValue.item > if type(descriptor) == "string" then > descriptor = { name = descriptor } 58c38 < return true --- > return true, {table = descriptor} 61,67c41,42 < function questEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < parameterName = "", < quest = "" < }) < local quest = BData:getTable( < if not quest or not quest.questId then return false end --- > function questEntity(args, board) > if not or not then return false end 69c44 < local paramValue =, args.parameterName) --- > local paramValue =, args.parameterName) 79,82c54 < if output.entity then < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) < end < return true --- > return true, {entity = entityId} 85,92c57 < function sayQuestDialog(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < quest = "override", < dialogType = "", < entity = "target", < extraTags = {} < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) --- > function sayQuestDialog(args, board) 95c60 < dialog = speciesDialog(dialog, entityId) --- > dialog = speciesDialog(dialog, args.entityId) 99,101c64,66 < local quest = BData:getTable( < if type(quest) == "table" and quest.questId then < quest = quest.questId --- > local quest = > if type( == "table" and then > quest = 120,121c85 < function isGivingQuest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { }) --- > function isGivingQuest(args, board) 125,126c89 < function hasQuest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { }) --- > function hasQuest(args, board) 206,207d168 < args = parseArgs(args, { }) < 251,259c212,214 < function getQuestValue(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < quest = "", < name = "" < }) < < local quest = BData:getTable( < if not quest then return false end < local questId = quest.questId or quest --- > function getQuestValue(args, board) > if not then return false end > local questId = or 264,268c219 < local setType, index = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, index, value) < end < return true --- > return true, {list = value, bool = value, number = value} 274,282c225,227 < function setQuestValue(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < quest = "", < name = "" < }) < < local quest = BData:getTable( < if not quest then return false end < local questId = quest.questId or quest --- > function setQuestValue(args, board) > if not then return false end > local questId = or 284,285c229,230 < local getType,index = BData.findType(args) < local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) --- > -- always put args.bool last, it can be false > local value = args.list or args.number or args.bool 294,302c239,241 < function unsetQuestValue(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < quest = "", < name = "" < }) < < local quest = BData:getTable( < if not quest then return false end < local questId = quest.questId or quest --- > function unsetQuestValue(args, board) > if not then return false end > local questId = or scripts\actions\reaction.lua 3a4,6 > -- Stores behavior trees for this context so they don't need to be rebuilt every time > ReactionTreeCache = {} > 37,43c40,42 < function getPersonality(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end < local influence = world.callScriptedEntity(target, "personalityType") --- > function getPersonality(args, board) > if == nil then return false end > local influence = world.callScriptedEntity(, "personalityType") 45,48c44 < if output.influence then < BData:set("influence", output.influence, influence) < end < return true --- > return true, {influence = influence} 54,61c50,51 < function entityRelationship(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < relationship = "", < converse = false, < target = "" < }) < local target = BData:getEntity( < local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId(target) --- > function entityRelationship(args, board) > local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId( 70,78c60,61 < function chooseReaction(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "", < influence = "" < }) < < local influence = BData:get("influence", args.influence) < if influence == nil then return false end < local target = BData:getEntity( --- > function chooseReaction(args, board) > if args.influence == nil then return false end 80c63 < local reactions = getReaction(influence, target) --- > local reactions = getReaction(args.influence, 86,89c69 < if output.reaction then < BData:set("reaction", output.reaction, reaction) < end < return true --- > return true, {reaction = reaction} 114,120c94,95 < function resetReaction(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < < if output.reaction then < BData:set("reaction", output.reaction, nil) < end < return true --- > function resetReaction(args, board) > return true, {reaction = nil} 125,132c100,102 < function isReaction(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < reactionVar = "", < reactionName = "" < }) < local reaction = BData:get("reaction", args.reactionVar) < if reaction == nil then return false end < return reaction == args.reactionName --- > function isReaction(args, board) > if args.reactionVar == nil then return false end > return args.reactionVar == args.reactionName 136,142c106 < function isFinalReaction(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < reaction = "", < influence = "" < }) < local reaction = BData:get("reaction", args.reaction) < local influence = BData:get("influence", args.influence) --- > function isFinalReaction(args, board) 144c108 < if final == reaction or final == influence then --- > if final == args.reaction or final == args.influence then 151a116 > -- output list 153,157c118,120 < function listPopInfluence(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = "" < }) < local value = BData:popList(args.list) --- > function listPopInfluence(args, board) > local list = args.list or jarray() > local value = list[1] 159,163c122,123 < < if output.influence then < BData:set("influence", output.influence, value) < end < return true --- > table.remove(list, 1) > return true, {list = list, influence = value} 167,176c127,131 < function npcToyIsAvailable(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end < if world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.isAvailable") then < if world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.isOwnerOnly") then < return storage.homeBoundary ~= nil and world.polyContains(storage.homeBoundary, world.entityPosition(target)) --- > function npcToyIsAvailable(args, board) > if == nil then return false end > if world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.isAvailable") then > if world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.isOwnerOnly") then > return storage.homeBoundary ~= nil and world.polyContains(storage.homeBoundary, world.entityPosition( 185,190c140 < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end --- > if == nil then return false end 192c142 < local maxNpcs = world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.getMaxNpcs") --- > local maxNpcs = world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.getMaxNpcs") 202,209c152,154 < function npcToyIsPriority(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end < if world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.isPriority") then --- > function npcToyIsPriority(args, board) > if == nil then return false end > if world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.isPriority") then 219,225c164,165 < function npcToyPreciseStandPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end --- > function npcToyPreciseStandPosition(args, board) > if == nil then return false end 227c167 < local standPosition = world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.getPreciseStandPosition") --- > local standPosition = world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.getPreciseStandPosition") 230c170 < local position = world.entityPosition(target) --- > local position = world.entityPosition( 233,242c173 < if output.position then < BData:setPosition(output.position, standPosition) < end < if output.x then < BData:setNumber(output.x, standPosition[1]) < end < if output.y then < BData:setNumber(output.y, standPosition[2]) < end < return true --- > return true, {position = standPosition, x = standPosition[1], y = standPosition[2]} 249,257c180,182 < function npcToyImpreciseStandPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil then return false end < < local standPosition = world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.getImpreciseStandPosition") --- > function npcToyImpreciseStandPosition(args, board) > if == nil then return false end > local standPosition = world.callScriptedEntity(, "npcToy.getImpreciseStandPosition") 260c185 < local position = world.entityPosition(target) --- > local position = world.entityPosition( 263,272c188 < if output.position then < BData:setPosition(output.position, standPosition) < end < if output.x then < BData:setNumber(output.x, standPosition[1]) < end < if output.y then < BData:setNumber(output.y, standPosition[2]) < end < return true --- > return true, {position = standPosition, x = standPosition[1], y = standPosition[2]} 277,284c193,195 < function npcToyPlay(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "" < }) < < local target = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if target == nil then return false end < if not world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.isAvailable") then --- > function npcToyPlay(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > if not world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, "npcToy.isAvailable") then 287,288c198,199 < world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.notifyNpcPlay", < self.playTarget = target --- > world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, "npcToy.notifyNpcPlay", > self.playTarget = args.entity 290,292c201,204 < local influences = world.callScriptedEntity(target, "npcToy.getInfluence") < if influences == nil then return false end < BData:setList(output.influences, influences) --- > local influences = world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, "npcToy.getInfluence") > if influences == nil then > return false > end 300c212 < coroutine.yield() --- > coroutine.yield(nil, {influences = influences}) 302d213 < return true 306,308c217 < function receivedInfluenceNotification(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function receivedInfluenceNotification(args, board) 311,313d219 < if output.influence then < BData:set("influence", output.influence, notification.influence) < end 315c221 < return true --- > return true, {influence = notification.influence} 323,333c229,231 < function sendInfluenceNotification(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < reaction = "", < target = "" < }) < local reaction = BData:get("reaction", args.reaction) < if reaction == nil then return false end < local target = BData:getEntity( < if target == nil or world.entityType(target) == "player" then < return false < end --- > function sendInfluenceNotification(args, board) > if args.reaction == nil then return false end > if == nil or world.entityType( == "player" then return false end 337c235 < targetId = target, --- > targetId =, 339c237 < influence = reaction --- > influence = args.reaction 341c239 < world.callScriptedEntity(target, "notify", notification) --- > world.callScriptedEntity(, "notify", notification) 347,352c245,246 < function setInfluence(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < influence = "" < }) < BData:set("influence", output.influence, args.influence) < return true --- > function setInfluence(args, board) > return true, {influence = args.influence} 356,361c250,251 < function playSimpleReaction(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < reaction = "" < }) < local reaction = BData:get("reaction", args.reaction) < if reaction == nil then return false end --- > function playSimpleReaction(args, board, _, dt) > if args.reaction == nil then return false end 363c253 < local reactionConfig = simpleReactions[reaction] --- > local reactionConfig = simpleReactions[args.reaction] 380,382c270,271 < function playBehaviorReaction(args, output, nodeId, dt) < local reactionName = BData:get("reaction", args.reaction) < local reaction = root.assetJson("/npcs/default_reactions.config:behaviorReactions")[reactionName] --- > function playBehaviorReaction(args, board, nodeId, dt) > local reaction = root.assetJson("/npcs/default_reactions.config:behaviorReactions")[args.reaction] 384c273,274 < local tree = BData:getTable(string.format("playBehaviorReaction-%s-%s", reactionName, nodeId)) --- > local key = string.format("playBehaviorReaction-%s-%s", args.reaction, nodeId) > local tree = ReactionTreeCache[key] 386,388c276,277 < local newTree = root.behavior(reaction.behavior, reaction.parameters or {}) < tree = {newTree, newTree:init(_ENV)} < BData:setTable(string.format("playBehaviorReaction-%s-%s", reactionName, nodeId), tree) --- > tree = behavior.behavior(reaction.behavior, reaction.parameters or {}, _ENV, board) > ReactionTreeCache[key] = tree 390c279 < tree[1]:clear() --- > tree:clear() 394c283 < local result = tree[1]:run(tree[2], dt) --- > local result = tree:run(dt) scripts\actions\sensor.lua 8,25c8,12 < function lineTileCollision(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < offset = {0,0}, < collisionType = {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"} < }) < < local sensorOffset < if args.x and args.y then < sensorOffset = {BData:getNumber(args.x), BData:getNumber(args.y)} < else < sensorOffset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < end < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if sensorOffset == nil or position == nil then return false end < < local targetPosition = vec2.add(position, sensorOffset) < return world.lineTileCollision(position, targetPosition, args.collisionType) --- > function lineTileCollision(args, board) > local sensorOffset = (args.x and args.y) and {args.x, args.y} or args.offset > if sensorOffset == nil or args.position == nil then return false end > local targetPosition = vec2.add(args.position, sensorOffset) > return world.lineTileCollision(args.position, targetPosition, args.collisionType) 28c15 < function visibleToPlayer(args) --- > function visibleToPlayer(args, board) 37,43c24,25 < function wallCollision(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < direction = "facingDirection" < }) < < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if not direction then return false end --- > function wallCollision(args, board) > if not args.direction then return false end 46c28 < if direction > 0 then --- > if args.direction > 0 then 55,56d36 < util.debugRect(bounds, "yellow") < 61,63c41 < function groundCollision(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < --- > function groundCollision(args, board) 71,75c49 < function boundsCollision(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dirVector = nil < }) < local dirVector = BData:getVec2(args.dirVector) --- > function boundsCollision(args, board) 78c52 < if dirVector == nil then --- > if args.dirVector == nil then 80c54 < elseif dirVector[1] > 0 then --- > elseif args.dirVector[1] > 0 then 83c57 < elseif dirVector[1] < 0 then --- > elseif args.dirVector[1] < 0 then 86c60 < elseif dirVector[2] > 0 then --- > elseif args.dirVector[2] > 0 then 100,104c74 < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = nil < }) < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end --- > if args.position == nil then return false end 106c76 < return world.pointTileCollision(position, {"Null","Block","Dynamic"}) --- > return world.pointTileCollision(args.position, {"Null","Block","Dynamic"}) 111,122c81,85 < function lineLiquidCollision(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < startLine = nil, < endLine = nil, < excludeLiquidIds = nil < }) < < local startLine, endLine = BData:getPosition(args.startLine), BData:getPosition(args.endLine) < local excludeLiquidIds = BData:getTable(args.excludeLiquidIds) < local blocks = world.liquidAlongLine(startLine, endLine) < if excludeLiquidIds then < blocks = util.filter(blocks, function(liquid) return not contains(excludeLiquidIds, liquid[2][1]) end) --- > -- param excludeLiquidIds > function lineLiquidCollision(args, board) > local blocks = world.liquidAlongLine(args.startLine, args.endLine) > if args.excludeLiquidIds then > blocks = util.filter(blocks, function(liquid) return not contains(args.excludeLiquidIds, liquid[2][1]) end) scripts\actions\status.lua 3,8c3 < function resourcePercentage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < resource = "health", < percentage = 1 < }) < --- > function resourcePercentage(args, board) 14,20c9,10 < function stat(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < statName = nil < }) < < BData:setNumber(output.value, status.stat(args.statName)) < return true --- > function stat(args, board) > return true, {value = status.stat(args.statName)} 25,30c15 < function setResource(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < resource = "health", < amount = 100 < }) < --- > function setResource(args, board) 37,44c22,23 < function setResourcePercentage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < resource = "health", < percentage = 1 < }) < < local percentage = BData:getNumber(args.percentage) < status.setResourcePercentage(args.resource, percentage) --- > function setResourcePercentage(args, board) > status.setResourcePercentage(args.resource, args.percentage) 50,52c29 < function addEphemeralEffect(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) --- > function addEphemeralEffect(args, board) 55,56c32 < local duration = BData:getNumber(args.duration) < status.addEphemeralEffect(, duration) --- > status.addEphemeralEffect(, args.duration) 61,63c37 < function removeEphemeralEffect(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) --- > function removeEphemeralEffect(args, board) 73,81c47,48 < function addStatModifier(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < category = "default", < stat = nil, < amount = nil < }) < < local amount = BData:getNumber(args.amount) < if args.stat == nil or amount == nil then return false end --- > function addStatModifier(args, board) > if args.stat == nil or args.amount == nil then return false end 83c50 < status.addPersistentEffect(args.category, {stat = args.stat, amount = amount}) --- > status.addPersistentEffect(args.category, {stat = args.stat, amount = args.amount}) 88,92c55 < function clearPersistentEffects(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < category = "default" < }) < --- > function clearPersistentEffects(args, board) 97c60 < function suicide(args, output) --- > function suicide(args, board) scripts\actions\time.lua 7,8d6 < elseif type(time) == "string" then < return BData:getNumber(time) 16,19c14 < function timer(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < time = 1 < }) --- > function timer(args, board, _, dt) 25,27c20 < BData:setNumber(output.ratio, (max - timer) / max) < < dt = coroutine.yield() --- > dt = coroutine.yield(nil, {ratio = (max - timer) / max}) 30c23 < return true --- > return true, {ratio = 1.0} 34,37c27 < function withinTimeRange(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < range = {0,0} < }) --- > function withinTimeRange(args, board) scripts\actions\world.lua 15,19c15,16 < function playersInWorld(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < BData:setList(output.list, world.players()) < return true --- > function playersInWorld(args, board) > return true, {list = world.players()} 23,27c20 < function setUniverseFlag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < flag = nil < }) < --- > function setUniverseFlag(args, board) 35,42c28,30 < function entityAggressive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end < return world.entityAggressive(entityId) --- > function entityAggressive(args, board) > if not args.entity or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end > return world.entityAggressive(args.entity) 46,54c34,36 < function entityExists(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < return world.entityExists(entityId) --- > function entityExists(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > return world.entityExists(args.entity) 59,71c41,45 < function entityPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end < < local position = world.entityPosition(entityId) < BData:setPosition(output.position, position) < BData:setNumber(output.x, position[1]) < BData:setNumber(output.y, position[2]) < return true --- > function entityPosition(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end > > local position = world.entityPosition(args.entity) > return true, {position = position, x = position[1], y = position[2]} 79,87c53,54 < function entityInRange(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < entity = "target" < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local targetId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if targetId == nil or not world.entityExists(targetId) or position == nil then return false end --- > function entityInRange(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) or args.position == nil then return false end 89c56 < local targetPosition = world.entityPosition(targetId) --- > local targetPosition = world.entityPosition(args.entity) 92c59 < return world.magnitude(targetPosition, position) <= BData:getNumber(args.range) --- > return world.magnitude(targetPosition, args.position) <= args.range 94c61 < return math.abs(world.distance(targetPosition, position)[1]) <= BData:getNumber(args.xRange) --- > return math.abs(world.distance(targetPosition, args.position)[1]) <= args.xRange 96c63 < return math.abs(world.distance(targetPosition, position)[2]) <= BData:getNumber(args.yRange) --- > return math.abs(world.distance(targetPosition, args.position)[2]) <= args.yRange 105,111c72 < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "target", < types = {"player", "npc", "monster"} < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or args.types == nil then return false end --- > if args.entity == nil or args.types == nil then return false end 113c74 < local entityType = world.entityType(entityId) --- > local entityType = world.entityType(args.entity) 124,131c85,86 < function entityHealth(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "" < }) < < local entity = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entity == nil then return false end < local health = world.entityHealth(entity) --- > function entityHealth(args, board) > local health = world.entityHealth(args.entity) 134,137c89 < if output.number then < BData:setNumber(output.number, health[1]) < end < return true --- > return true, {number = health[1]} 142,149c94,95 < function entityHealthPercentage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "" < }) < < local entity = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entity == nil then return false end < local health = world.entityHealth(entity) --- > function entityHealthPercentage(args, board) > local health = world.entityHealth(args.entity) 152,155c98 < if output.number then < BData:setNumber(output.number, health[1]/health[2]) < end < return true --- > return true, {number = health[1]/health[2]} 160,167c103,104 < function entityMoney(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "" < }) < < local entity = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entity == nil then return false end < local money = world.entityCurrency(entity, "money") --- > function entityMoney(args, board) > local money = world.entityCurrency(args.entity, "money") 170,173c107 < if output.number then < BData:setNumber(output.number, money) < end < return true --- > return true, {number = money} 178,188c112,115 < function isNpc(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < damageTeam = nil < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < local team = BData:getNumber(args.damageTeam) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < return world.isNpc(entityId, team) --- > function isNpc(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > > return world.isNpc(args.entity, 194,204c121,123 < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < func = nil < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or args.func == nil then return false end < < -- OBS: Only use this locally < -- Might want to use it remotely later, if so change this < return world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, args.func) == true --- > if args.entity == nil or args.func == nil then return false end > > return world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, args.func) == true 209,217c128,130 < function sendEntityMessage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < message = nil, < arguments = {} < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or args.message == nil then return false end --- > -- param arguments > function sendEntityMessage(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or args.message == nil then return false end 219c132 < world.sendEntityMessage(entityId, args.message, table.unpack(args.arguments)) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(args.entity, args.message, table.unpack(args.arguments)) 225,231c138,139 < function loadUniqueEntity(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < uniqueId = nil < }) < < local uniqueId = args.uniqueId < if not uniqueId then return false end --- > function loadUniqueEntity(args, board) > if not args.uniqueId then return false end 233,236c141,142 < local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(uniqueId) < if not world.entityExists(entityId) then < return false < end --- > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(args.uniqueId) > if not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end 238,241c144 < if output.entity then < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) < end < return true --- > return true, {entity = entityId} 244,252c147,150 < -- param entityId < function keepEntityLoaded(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < region = {-4, -4, 4, 4} < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end --- > -- param entity > -- param region > function keepEntityLoaded(args, board) > if args.entity == nil or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end 254c152 < local position = world.entityPosition(entityId) --- > local position = world.entityPosition(args.entity) 261,268c159,161 < function hasSpeciesSpecificDescription(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "target", < species = (entity.entityType() == "npc" and npc.species()) or "human" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end --- > function hasSpeciesSpecificDescription(args, board) > local species = args.species or (entity.entityType() == "npc" and npc.species()) or "human" > if not args.entity or not world.entityExists(args.entity) then return false end 273c166 < return world.entityDescription(entityId, args.species) ~= world.entityDescription(entityId) --- > return world.entityDescription(args.entity, species) ~= world.entityDescription(args.entity) 276,281c169,171 < function entityHoldingWeapon(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end --- > -- param entity > function entityHoldingWeapon(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end 283,284c173,174 < local primaryItem = world.entityHandItem(entityId, "primary") < local altItem = world.entityHandItem(entityId, "alt") --- > local primaryItem = world.entityHandItem(args.entity, "primary") > local altItem = world.entityHandItem(args.entity, "alt") 289,296c179,180 < function entityHandItemTag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < itemTag = nil < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < local primary, alt = world.entityHandItem(entityId, "primary"), world.entityHandItem(entityId, "alt") --- > function entityHandItemTag(args, board) > local primary, alt = world.entityHandItem(args.entity, "primary"), world.entityHandItem(args.entity, "alt") 307,314c191,194 < function loungableOccupied(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "loungable" < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < return world.loungeableOccupied(entityId) == true --- > function loungableOccupied(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > > return world.loungeableOccupied(args.entity) == true 318,324c198,200 < function isLoungeable(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "loungeable" < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < return world.getObjectParameter(entityId, "objectType") == "loungeable" --- > function isLoungeable(args, board) > if args.entity == nil then return false end > return world.getObjectParameter(args.entity, "objectType") == "loungeable" 329,331c205 < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "object" < }) --- > if args.entity == nil then return false end 333,336c207 < local objectId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if objectId == nil then return false end < < world.callScriptedEntity(objectId, "onInteraction", {sourceId =}) --- > world.callScriptedEntity(args.entity, "onInteraction", {sourceId =}) 343,349c214 < function hasItemTag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < objectEntity = nil, < itemName = nil, < tag = "" < }) < --- > function hasItemTag(args, board) 351,352c216 < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.objectEntity) < if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end --- > if not args.objectEntity or not world.entityExists(args.objectEntity) then return false end 354c218 < local tags = world.getObjectParameter(entityId, "itemTags", {}) --- > local tags = world.getObjectParameter(args.objectEntity, "itemTags", {}) 367,389c231,241 < function spawnNpc(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < species = npc and npc.species() or "human", < type = npc and npc.npcType() or "villager", < level = entityLevel(), < damageTeamType = entity.damageTeam().type, < damageTeam = entity.damageTeam().team, < seed = nil, < parameters = {} < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local species = args.species < local npcType = args.type < local level = BData:getNumber(args.level) < local damageTeamType = args.damageTeamType < local damageTeam = args.damageTeam < local seed = BData:getNumber(args.seed) < < local parameters = copy(BData:getTable(args.parameters)) < parameters.damageTeam = damageTeam < parameters.damageTeamType = damageTeamType --- > -- param position > -- param species > -- param type > -- param level > -- param damageTeamType > -- param damageTeam > -- param seed > -- param parameters > function spawnNpc(args, board) > args.parameters.damageTeam = args.damageTeam > args.parameters.damageTeamType = args.damageTeamType 391c243 < if not position or not species or not npcType or not level then --- > if not args.position or not args.species or not args.npcType or not args.level then 395c247 < local entityId = world.spawnNpc(position, species, npcType, level, seed, parameters) --- > local entityId = world.spawnNpc(args.position, args.species, args.npcType, args.level, args.seed, args.parameters) 402a255,259 > -- param damageTeamType > -- param damageTeam > -- param replacement > -- param parameters > -- param inheritParameters 404,420c261,262 < function spawnMonster(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < type = "smallbiped", < level = entityLevel(), < damageTeamType = nil, < damageTeam = nil, < replacement = false, < parameters = {}, < inheritParameters = {} < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local level = BData:getNumber(args.level) < local replacement = BData:getBool(args.replacement) < local inheritParameters = BData:getTable(args.inheritParameters) < if position == nil or args.level == nil then return false end --- > function spawnMonster(args, board) > if args.position == nil then return false end 423c265 < parameters.level = level --- > parameters.level = args.level or entityLevel() 426c268 < parameters.aggressive = config.getParameter("aggressive", true) --- > parameters.aggressive = parameters.aggressive or config.getParameter("aggressive", true) 428c270 < for _, paramName in pairs(inheritParameters) do --- > for _, paramName in pairs(args.inheritParameters) do 432c274 < if replacement then --- > if args.replacement then 448,449c290,291 < local entityId = world.spawnMonster(args.type, position, parameters) < if replacement then --- > local entityId = world.spawnMonster(args.type, args.position, parameters) > if args.replacement then 453c295 < if replacement and parameters.podUuid and capturable then --- > if args.replacement and parameters.podUuid and capturable then 469,471c311 < BData:setEntity(output.entityId, entityId) < < return true --- > return true, {entityId = entityId} 478,485c318 < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < type = "smallbiped", < stagehandConfig = {} < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if position == nil then return false end --- > if args.position == nil then return false end 487c320 < world.spawnStagehand(position, args.type, args.stagehandConfig) --- > world.spawnStagehand(args.position, args.type, args.stagehandConfig) scripts\actions\boss\apeboss.lua 5,14c5 < function spawnProjectors(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < monsterType = "apebossprojector", < count = 4, < distance = 10 < }) < < local count = BData:getNumber(args.count) < local distance = BData:getNumber(args.distance) < --- > function spawnProjectors(args, board) 16,17c7,8 < local stepAngle = (math.pi * 2) / count < for i = 1, count do --- > local stepAngle = (math.pi * 2) / args.count > for i = 1, args.count do 23d13 < BData:setList(output.projectors, projectors) 26c16 < return true --- > return true, {projectors = projectors} 32,40c22 < function projectorHealthPercentage(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectorList = nil, < count = 4 < }) < < local projectors = BData:getList(args.projectorList) < local count = BData:getNumber(args.count) < --- > function projectorHealthPercentage(args, board) 42c24 < for _,projectorId in ipairs(projectors) do --- > for _,projectorId in ipairs(args.projectorList) do 47,48c29 < BData:setNumber(output.healthPercentage, sum / count) < return true --- > return true, {healthPercentage = sum / args.count} 53,61c34,35 < function updateProjectors(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectorList = nil < }) < < local projectors = BData:getList(args.projectorList) < if projectors == nil then return false end < < setLeadProjector(projectors) --- > function updateProjectors(args, board) > if args.projectorList == nil then return false end 62a37 > setLeadProjector(args.projectorList) 67,75c42,43 < function setProjectorSpeeds(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectorList = nil, < speed = 10 < }) < < local projectors = BData:getList(args.projectorList) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < if projectors == nil then return false end --- > function setProjectorSpeeds(args, board) > if args.projectorList == nil then return false end 77,78c45,46 < for _,projectorId in pairs(projectors) do < world.sendEntityMessage(projectorId, "setSpeed", speed) --- > for _,projectorId in pairs(args.projectorList) do > world.sendEntityMessage(projectorId, "setSpeed", args.speed) 85,99c53,58 < function fireProjectorMissiles(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectorList = nil, < power = 10, < target = nil < }) < < local projectors = BData:getList(args.projectorList) < local targetId = BData:getEntity( < local power = BData:getNumber(args.power) < if power == nil or targetId == nil then return false end < < power = power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) < for _,projectorId in pairs(projectors) do < world.sendEntityMessage(projectorId, "fireMissiles", targetId, power) --- > function fireProjectorMissiles(args, board) > if args.power == nil or == nil then return false end > > local power = args.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) > for _,projectorId in pairs(args.projectorList) do > world.sendEntityMessage(projectorId, "fireMissiles",, power) 106,115c65,67 < function launchEnergyFists(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < launchGroups = 1, < power = 10 < }) < < local launchGroups = BData:getNumber(args.launchGroups) < local group = math.random(1, launchGroups) < local power = BData:getNumber(args.power) < power = power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) --- > function launchEnergyFists(args, board) > local group = math.random(1, args.launchGroups) > local power = args.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 126,130c78 < function setScreenStates(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < state = "idle" < }) < --- > function setScreenStates(args, board) scripts\actions\boss\cultistboss.lua 3,19c3,4 < function cultistSphereDash(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < target = nil, < initialOffset = {0, 10}, < speed = 50, < controlForce = 50, < centripetalForce = 50 < }) < < local targetId = BData:getEntity( < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.initialOffset) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < local controlForce = BData:getNumber(args.controlForce) < local centripetalForce = BData:getNumber(args.centripetalForce) < local anchorDistance = BData:getNumber(args.anchorDistance) < < local targetPosition = world.entityPosition(targetId) --- > function cultistSphereDash(args, board) > local targetPosition = world.entityPosition( 37c22 < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(tangential, speed), controlForce) --- > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(tangential, args.speed), args.controlForce) 39c24 < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(vec2.angle(toAnchor), centripetalSpeed, centripetalForce) --- > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(vec2.angle(toAnchor), centripetalSpeed, args.centripetalForce) scripts\actions\boss\eyeboss.lua 4,14c4 < function tentacleMovement(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < tentacleCount = 6, < movement = 0.75, < speedRange = {1.0, 2.0} < }) < < local tentacleCount = BData:getNumber(args.tentacleCount) < local movement = BData:getNumber(args.movement) < local speedRange = BData:getVec2(args.speedRange) < --- > function tentacleMovement(args, board, _, dt) 16c6 < local speeds = util.rep(function() return util.randomInRange(speedRange) end, 6) --- > local speeds = util.rep(function() return util.randomInRange(args.speedRange) end, 6) 20c10 < for i = 1, tentacleCount do --- > for i = 1, args.tentacleCount do 23c13 < if offsets[i] > movement or offsets[i] < 0 then --- > if offsets[i] > args.movement or offsets[i] < 0 then 25c15 < speeds[i] = util.randomInRange(speedRange) --- > speeds[i] = util.randomInRange(args.speedRange) 30c20 < offsets[i] = movement --- > offsets[i] = args.movement 42,48c32,33 < function heartBeat(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < moveTime = 0.2, < moveDelays = {left = 0, middle = 0.1, right = 0.2} < }) < < local moveTime = BData:getNumber(args.moveTime) + args.moveDelays.right --- > function heartBeat(args, board, _, dt) > local moveTime = args.moveTime + args.moveDelays.right 82,88c67 < function spawnMonsterGroup(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < offsetRegion = {-4, -14, 4, -4}, < windup = 1.5 < }) < < local windup = BData:getNumber(args.windup) --- > function spawnMonsterGroup(args, board, _, dt) 93c72 < local timer = windup --- > local timer = args.windup 114,122c93 < function eyeWiggle(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < time = 0.075, < rotation = 0.05 < }) < < local time = BData:getNumber(args.time) < local rotation = BData:getNumber(args.rotation) < --- > function eyeWiggle(args, board, _, dt) 125c96 < while timer < time do --- > while timer < args.time do 127c98 < local ratio = (time - timer) / time --- > local ratio = (args.time - timer) / args.time 129,131c100,102 < {0.25, interp.linear, 0, rotation}, < {0.75, interp.linear, rotation, -rotation}, < {1.0, interp.linear, -rotation, 0} --- > {0.25, interp.linear, 0, args.rotation}, > {0.75, interp.linear, args.rotation, -args.rotation}, > {1.0, interp.linear, -args.rotation, 0} 141,144c112 < function spawnLightShaft(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < --- > function spawnLightShaft(args, board) scripts\actions\boss\guardian.lua 7,15c7 < function spawnMinionGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < minions = {}, < spawnMin = "self", < spawnMax = "self" < }) < < local spawns = BData:getTable(args.minions) < local spawnMin, spawnMax = BData:getVec2(args.spawnMin), BData:getVec2(args.spawnMax) --- > function spawnMinionGroup(args, board) 17c9 < for _,minion in pairs(spawns) do --- > for _,minion in pairs(args.minions) do 24c16 < position = BData:getPosition(minion.position) --- > position = minion.position 31c23 < local spawnArea = rect.fromVec2(spawnMin, spawnMax) --- > local spawnArea = rect.fromVec2(args.spawnMin, args.spawnMax) 44c36 <, function() pointHand("righthand", angle) end) --- >, function() pointHand("righthand", angle) end, {minions = group}) 50d41 < BData:setList(output.minions, group) 55,56c46,47 < end) <, function() pointHand("righthand", angle) end) --- > end, {minions = group}) >, function() pointHand("righthand", angle) end, {minions = group}) 62c53 < return true --- > return true, {minions = group} 67,78c58,61 < function rotateGuardianHand(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < handPart = "righthand", < offset = {0, 0}, < angle = 0 < }) < < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < pointHand(args.handPart, angle) < if offset then < animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.handPart, offset) --- > function rotateGuardianHand(args, board) > pointHand(args.handPart, args.angle) > if args.offset then > animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.handPart, args.offset) 92,110c75 < function guardianBeam(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < handPart = "righthand", < damagePart = "righthand", < beamType = "damage", < bounces = 0, < angle = 0, < offset = {0, 0}, < duration = 4, < power = 10, < maxLength = nil < }) < < local bounces = BData:getNumber(args.bounces) < local duration = BData:getNumber(args.duration) < local maxLength = BData:getNumber(args.maxLength) < local start = BData:getPosition(args.targetPosition) < local power = BData:getNumber(args.power) < --- > function guardianBeam(args, board, _, dt) 112c77 < local totalDuration = BeamWindup + duration + BeamWinddown --- > local totalDuration = BeamWindup + args.duration + BeamWinddown 114,115d78 < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < 120c83 < elseif timer > BeamWindup + duration then --- > elseif timer > BeamWindup + args.duration then 124,127c87,90 < handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, bounces, maxLength) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < if offset then < animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.handPart, offset) --- > handBeam(args.handPart, args.angle, frame, args.beamType, args.bounces, args.maxLength) > > if args.offset then > animator.translateTransformationGroup(args.handPart, args.offset) 130c93 < if timer > BeamWindup and timer < BeamWindup + duration then --- > if timer > BeamWindup and timer < BeamWindup + args.duration then 148,165c111 < args = parseArgs(args, { < handPart = "righthand", < damagePart = "righthand", < beamType = "damage", < bounces = 0, < targetPosition = nil, < angularSpeed = 1, < duration = 1, < power = 10 < }) < < local angularSpeed = BData:getNumber(args.angularSpeed) < local bounces = BData:getNumber(args.bounces) < local windup = BData:getNumber(args.windup) < local duration = BData:getNumber(args.duration) < local start = BData:getPosition(args.targetPosition) < local power = BData:getNumber(args.power) < start = world.lineCollision(entity.position(), start) or start --- > local start = world.lineCollision(entity.position(), args.targetPosition) or args.targetPosition 172c118 < handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, bounces) --- > handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, args.bounces) 178c124 < timer = math.min(timer + dt, duration) --- > timer = math.min(timer + dt, args.duration) 180,182c126,127 < local newPosition = BData:getPosition(args.targetPosition) < local newAngle = vec2.angle(world.distance(newPosition, entity.position())) < angle = angle + (util.toDirection(util.angleDiff(angle, newAngle)) * angularSpeed * dt) --- > local newAngle = vec2.angle(world.distance(args.targetPosition, entity.position())) > angle = angle + (util.toDirection(util.angleDiff(angle, newAngle)) * args.angularSpeed * dt) 184c129 < handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, bounces) --- > handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, args.bounces) 188c133 < until timer == duration --- > until timer == args.duration 194c139 < handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, bounces) --- > handBeam(args.handPart, angle, frame, args.beamType, args.bounces) 198,200c143 < BData:setNumber(output.angle, angle) < < return true --- > return true, {angle = angle} 204,217c147 < function guardianStab(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < angle = 0, < offset = {0, 0}, < windup = 1.0, < windupLength = 5, < stabLength = 10 < }) < < local windup = BData:getNumber(args.windup) < local windupLength = BData:getNumber(args.windupLength) < local stabLength = BData:getNumber(args.stabLength) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < --- > function guardianStab(args, board, _, dt) 221c151 < timer = math.min(timer + dt, windup) --- > timer = math.min(timer + dt, args.windup) 223,224c153 < angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < angle = vec2.angle({math.abs(math.cos(angle)), math.sin(angle)}) --- > angle = vec2.angle({math.abs(math.cos(args.angle)), math.sin(args.angle)}) 227,228c156,157 < animator.translateTransformationGroup("lefthand", vec2.add(offset, vec2.withAngle(angle + math.pi, math.sin((timer / windup) * math.pi / 2) * windupLength))) < if windup - timer < 0.1 then --- > animator.translateTransformationGroup("lefthand", vec2.add(args.offset, vec2.withAngle(angle + math.pi, math.sin((timer / args.windup) * math.pi / 2) * args.windupLength))) > if args.windup - timer < 0.1 then 232c161 < until timer >= windup --- > until timer >= args.windup 242,244c171,173 < local start = vec2.withAngle(angle + math.pi, windupLength) < local stabDistance = vec2.sub(vec2.withAngle(angle, stabLength), start) < animator.translateTransformationGroup("lefthand", vec2.add(offset, vec2.add(start, vec2.mul(stabDistance, timer / stabTime)))) --- > local start = vec2.withAngle(angle + math.pi, args.windupLength) > local stabDistance = vec2.sub(vec2.withAngle(angle, args.stabLength), start) > animator.translateTransformationGroup("lefthand", vec2.add(args.offset, vec2.add(start, vec2.mul(stabDistance, timer / stabTime)))) 249,265c178 < function guardianHandProjectile(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < handPart = "righthand", < projectileType = "guardianpellet", < projectileParameters = {}, < projectileCount = 1, < aimPosition = nil, < fuzzAimPosition = 0, < fixedDistance = false, < fuzzAngle = 0, < fuzzSpeed = 0 < }) < < local aimPosition = BData:getPosition(args.aimPosition) < local projectileCount, fuzzAimPosition, fuzzAngle, fuzzSpeed = BData:getNumber(args.projectileCount), BData:getNumber(args.fuzzAimPosition), BData:getNumber(args.fuzzAngle), BData:getNumber(args.fuzzSpeed) < local fixedDistance = BData:getBool(args.fixedDistance) < local projectileParameters = BData:getTable(args.projectileParameters) --- > function guardianHandProjectile(args, board) 269,274c182,187 < local minMagnitude = fuzzAimPosition + vec2.mag(animator.partPoint(args.handPart, "projectileSource")) < for i = 1, projectileCount do < local params = copy(projectileParameters) < local magnitude = math.max(world.magnitude(aimPosition, entity.position()), minMagnitude) < local fuzzedPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), vec2.withAngle(vec2.angle(world.distance(aimPosition, entity.position())), magnitude)) < fuzzedPosition = vec2.add(fuzzedPosition, vec2.withAngle(math.random() * math.pi * 2, math.sqrt(math.random()) * fuzzAimPosition)) --- > local minMagnitude = args.fuzzAimPosition + vec2.mag(animator.partPoint(args.handPart, "projectileSource")) > for i = 1, args.projectileCount do > local params = copy(args.projectileParameters) > local magnitude = math.max(world.magnitude(args.aimPosition, entity.position()), minMagnitude) > local fuzzedPosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), vec2.withAngle(vec2.angle(world.distance(args.aimPosition, entity.position())), magnitude)) > fuzzedPosition = vec2.add(fuzzedPosition, vec2.withAngle(math.random() * math.pi * 2, math.sqrt(math.random()) * args.fuzzAimPosition)) 277c190 < if fuzzAimPosition == 0 then --- > if args.fuzzAimPosition == 0 then 282c195 < local aimVector = vec2.withAngle(aimAngle + util.randomInRange({-fuzzAngle / 2, fuzzAngle / 2})) --- > local aimVector = vec2.withAngle(aimAngle + util.randomInRange({-args.fuzzAngle / 2, args.fuzzAngle / 2})) 287,288c200,201 < if fuzzSpeed then < projectileSpeed = projectileSpeed + util.randomInRange({-fuzzSpeed / 2, fuzzSpeed / 2}) --- > if args.fuzzSpeed then > projectileSpeed = projectileSpeed + util.randomInRange({-args.fuzzSpeed / 2, args.fuzzSpeed / 2}) 290c203 < if fixedDistance then --- > if args.fixedDistance then 292c205 < params.timeToLive = world.magnitude(aimPosition, sourcePosition) / projectileSpeed --- > params.timeToLive = world.magnitude(args.aimPosition, sourcePosition) / projectileSpeed 335c248 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toTarget), mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) --- > mcontroller.controlFly(toTarget) 338,349c251,254 < function guardianApproach(args, output, _, dt) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = nil, < outerRange = 1, < innerRange = 0 < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local outerRange, innerRange = BData:getNumber(args.outerRange), BData:getNumber(args.innerRange) < < local mag = world.magnitude(position, entity.position()) < if mag > outerRange or mag < innerRange then --- > function guardianApproach(args, board, _, dt) > local mag = world.magnitude(args.position, entity.position()) > if mag > args.outerRange or mag < args.innerRange then > local outerRange, innerRange = args.outerRange, args.innerRange 352c257 < outerRange = innerRange + ((outerRange - innerRange) / 2) --- > outerRange = args.innerRange + ((args.outerRange - args.innerRange) / 2) 354c259 < innerRange = outerRange - ((outerRange - innerRange) / 2) --- > innerRange = args.outerRange - ((args.outerRange - args.innerRange) / 2) 356c261 < local goalRange = mag > outerRange and outerRange or innerRange --- > local goalRange = mag > innerRange and innerRange or innerRange 361c266 < approachFly(position, innerRange) --- > approachFly(args.position, innerRange) 365,366c270 < position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < mag = world.magnitude(position, entity.position()) --- > mag = world.magnitude(args.position, entity.position()) scripts\actions\boss\kluexboss.lua 11,29c11,12 < function spawnFloorProjectiles(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < center = "self", < areaWidth = 20, < projectileCount = 3, < segmentWidth = 4, < power = 10, < projectileType = "iceeruptiontele", < spawnHeight = 0, < timeToLive = nil < }) < < local areaWidth = BData:getNumber(args.areaWidth) < local projectileCount = BData:getNumber(args.projectileCount) < local position = BData:getPosition( < local power = BData:getNumber(args.power) * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) < local segmentWidth = BData:getNumber(args.segmentWidth) < local spawnHeight = BData:getNumber(args.spawnHeight) < local timeToLive = BData:getNumber(args.timeToLive) --- > function spawnFloorProjectiles(args, board) > local power = args.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 31c14 < local segmentCount = math.floor(areaWidth / segmentWidth) --- > local segmentCount = math.floor(args.areaWidth / args.segmentWidth) 33c16 < for i = 1, projectileCount do --- > for i = 1, args.projectileCount do 36c19 < for i = 1, segmentCount - projectileCount do --- > for i = 1, segmentCount - args.projectileCount do 41,43c24,26 < local start = vec2.add(position, {-areaWidth / 2, 0}) < local groundLevel = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(position, vec2.add(position, {0, -50}))[1][2] + 1.0 < local ids = {} --- > local start = vec2.add(, {-args.areaWidth / 2, 0}) > local groundLevel = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(, vec2.add(, {0, -50}))[1][2] + 1.0 > local projectiles = {} 46,47c29,30 < local spawnPosition = vec2.add(start, {i * segmentWidth - (segmentWidth / 2), 0}) < spawnPosition[2] = groundLevel + spawnHeight --- > local spawnPosition = vec2.add(start, {i * args.segmentWidth - (args.segmentWidth / 2), 0}) > spawnPosition[2] = groundLevel + args.spawnHeight 50c33 < timeToLive = timeToLive --- > timeToLive = args.timeToLive 53c36 < table.insert(ids, projectileId) --- > table.insert(projectiles, projectileId) 56d38 < BData:setList(output.projectiles, ids) 58c40 < return true --- > return true, {projectiles = projectiles} 68,85c50,56 < function spawnPillarPlatforms(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < center = "self", < areaWidth = 20, < projectileType = "pillarplatform", < pillarCount = 3, < pillarHeight = 4 < }) < local center = BData:getPosition( < local areaWidth = BData:getNumber(args.areaWidth) < local pillarCount = BData:getNumber(args.pillarCount) < local pillarHeight = BData:getNumber(args.pillarHeight) < if center == nil or areaWidth == nil or pillarCount == nil then return false end < < local groundBlock = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(center, vec2.add(center, {0, -50}))[1] < local projectileSpawnLevel = groundBlock[2] + 1.0 - (pillarHeight / 2) < local start = {center[1] - areaWidth / 2, projectileSpawnLevel} < local spacing = areaWidth / (pillarCount + 1) --- > function spawnPillarPlatforms(args, board) > if == nil or args.areaWidth == nil or args.pillarCount == nil then return false end > > local groundBlock = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(, vec2.add(, {0, -50}))[1] > local projectileSpawnLevel = groundBlock[2] + 1.0 - (args.pillarHeight / 2) > local start = {[1] - args.areaWidth / 2, projectileSpawnLevel} > local spacing = args.areaWidth / (args.pillarCount + 1) 88c59 < for i = 1, pillarCount do --- > for i = 1, args.pillarCount do 93d63 < BData:setList(output.pillars, ids) 95c65 < return true --- > return true, {pillars = ids} scripts\actions\monsters\farmable.lua 29,32c29 < function hasMonsterHarvest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < --- > function hasMonsterHarvest(args, board) 44,47c41 < function dropMonsterHarvest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < }) < --- > function dropMonsterHarvest(args, board) 57c51 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\actions\npc\tonauac.lua 1,14c1,2 < function blessPlayer(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil, < blessings = {}, < duration = 1800, < rotation = 86400 < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < local blessings = BData:getList(args.blessings) < local duration = BData:getNumber(args.duration) < local rotation = BData:getNumber(args.rotation) < local seed = math.floor(os.time() / rotation) < --- > function blessPlayer(args, board) > local seed = math.floor(os.time() / args.rotation) 16,17c4,6 < local blessing = blessings[math.random(1,#blessings)] < world.sendEntityMessage(entityId, "applyStatusEffect", blessing, duration,; --- > > local blessing = args.blessings[math.random(1,#blessings)] > world.sendEntityMessage(args.entity, "applyStatusEffect", blessing, args.duration,; scripts\behavior\bdata.lua 3,18c3,11 < ----------------------------------------------------------- < -- BLACKBOARD < ----------------------------------------------------------- < < BData = { < board = {}, < types = { < "entity", < "position", < "vec2", < "number", < "bool", < "table" < }, < controls = {}, -- controls < debug = false --- > DataTypes = { > "entity", > "position", > "vec2", > "number", > "bool", > "list", > "table", > "string" 21,218c14,21 < function BData:hasType(typeString) < for _,valueType in ipairs(self.types) do < if valueType == typeString then < return true < end < end < return false < end < < function BData:set(typeName, key, value) < self.board[typeName] = self.board[typeName] or {} < if key == nil then return false end < self.board[typeName][key] = value < end < < function BData:get(typeName, key) < if type(key) ~= "string" then return key end < self.board[typeName] = self.board[typeName] or {} < return self.board[typeName][key] < end < < function BData:control(typeName, key, value) < self.controls[typeName] = self.controls[typename] or {} < self.controls[typeName][key] = true < return self:set(typeName, key, value) < end < < function BData:clearControls() < for typeName,controls in pairs(self.controls) do < self.controls[typeName] =, function() return false end) < end < end < < function BData:update() < -- remove controls set to false from the board < for typeName,controls in pairs(self.controls) do < for k,v in pairs(controls) do < if v == false then < self:set(typeName, k, nil) < controls[k] = nil < end < end < end < end < < function BData:setNumber(key, number) < self:set("number", key, number) < end < < function BData:getNumber(key) < if type(key) == "number" then < return key < else < return self:get("number", key) < end < end < < function BData:setEntity(key, entityId) < self:set("entity", key, entityId) < end < < function BData:getEntity(key) < if key == "self" then < return < else < local entityId = nil < if type(key) == "number" then < entityId = key < else < entityId = self:get("entity", key) < end < if entityId and not self.debug and not world.entityExists(entityId) then < return nil < end < return entityId < end < end < < function BData:setBool(key, vector) < self:set("bool", key, vector) < end < < function BData:getBool(key) < if type(key) == "boolean" then < return key < else < return self:get("bool", key) < end < end < < function BData:setVec2(key, vector) < self:set("vec2", key, vector) < end < < function BData:getVec2(key) < if type(key) == "table" then < return {BData:getNumber(key[1]), BData:getNumber(key[2])} < else < return self:get("vec2", key) < end < end < < function BData:setPosition(key, position) < self:set("position", key, position) < end < < function BData:getPosition(key) < if type(key) == "table" then < return key < elseif key == "self" then < return mcontroller.position() < else < return self:get("position", key) < end < end < < function BData:getTable(key) < if type(key) == "table" then < return key < else < return self:get("table", key) < end < end < < function BData:setTable(key, behavior) < self:set("table", key, behavior) < end < < function BData.findType(args) < for k,v in pairs(args) do < if BData:hasType(k) then < return k,v < end < end < end < < function BData:getList(listKey) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < if type(listKey) == "table" then < return listKey < else < return self.lists[listKey] or {} < end < end < < function BData:setList(listKey, list) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < if listKey == nil then return false end < self.lists[listKey] = list < return true < end < < function BData:pushList(listKey, value) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = self.lists[listKey] or {} < table.insert(self.lists[listKey], 1, value) < return true < end < < function BData:pushBackList(listKey, value) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = self.lists[listKey] or {} < table.insert(self.lists[listKey], value) < return true < end < < function BData:popList(listKey) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = self.lists[listKey] or {} < if self.lists[listKey][1] then < local value = self.lists[listKey][1] < table.remove(self.lists[listKey], 1) < return value < end < end < < function BData:peekList(listKey) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = self.lists[listKey] or {} < if self.lists[listKey][1] then < return self.lists[listKey][1] < end < end < < function BData:clearList(listKey) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = {} < return true < end < < function BData:inList(listKey, value) < self.lists = self.lists or {} < self.lists[listKey] = self.lists[listKey] or {} < for _,v in ipairs(self.lists[listKey]) do < if v == value then return true end < end < return false < end --- > ListTypes = { > "entity", > "position", > "vec2", > "number", > "bool", > "string" > } 223,225c26,28 < function setFlag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < BData:set("bool",, true) --- > -- This should really just have an output > function setFlag(args, board) > board:setBool(, true) 230,232c33,35 < function unsetFlag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < BData:set("bool",, false) --- > -- This should really just have an output > function unsetFlag(args, board) > board:setBool(, false) 236,239c39,40 < function controlFlag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < BData:control("bool",, true) < return true --- > function controlFlag(args, board) > return true, {bool = args.bool} 243,249c44,45 < function hasFlag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < return BData:get("bool", == true < end < < function clearAllFlags(args) < BData.board.bool = {} --- > function hasFlag(args, board) > return == true 256,264c52,61 < -- param vector < function listPush(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local getType,index = BData.findType(args) < local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) < if value == nil then return false end < return BData:pushList(args.list, value) --- > -- param vec2 > function listPush(args, board) > local list = args.list or jarray() > for _,type in pairs(ListTypes) do > if args[type] then > table.insert(list, args[type]) > return true, {list = list} > end > end > return false, {list = list} 272,279c69,77 < function listPushBack(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local getType,index = BData.findType(args) < local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) < if value == nil then return false end < return BData:pushBackList(args.list, value) --- > function listPushBack(args, board) > local list = args.list or jarray() > for _,type in pairs(ListTypes) do > if args[type] then > table.insert(list, 1, args[type]) > return true, {list = list} > end > end > return false, {list = list} 287,291c85,87 < function listPop(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local value = BData:popList(args.list) --- > function listPop(args, board) > local list = args.list or jarray() > local value = list[#list] 293,298c89,90 < < local setType,index = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, index, value) < end < return true --- > table.remove(list) > return true, {list = list, entity = value, number = value, position = value, vector = value} 306,310c98,100 < function listGet(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local value = BData:peekList(args.list) --- > function listGet(args, board) > local list = args.list or jarray() > local value = list[#list] 312,317c102 < < local setType,index = BData.findType(output) < if setType then < BData:set(setType, index, value) < end < return true --- > return true, {entity = value, number = value, position = value, vector = value} 322,332c107,109 < function listSize(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local list = BData:getList(args.list) < if list == nil then return false end < < if output.number then < BData:setNumber(output.number, #list) < end < return true --- > function listSize(args, board) > if args.list == nil then return false end > return true, {number = #args.list} 338,347c115,116 < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local list = BData:getList(args.list) < if list == nil then return false end < < if output.list then < BData:setList(output.list, shuffled(list)) < end < return true --- > if args.list == nil then return false end > return true, {list = shuffled(args.list)} 353,357c122 < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local list = BData:getList(args.list) < if list == nil then return false end --- > if args.list == nil then return false end 360c125 < for _,v in pairs(list) do --- > for _,v in pairs(args.list) do 364,365c129 < BData:setList(output.list, reversed) < return true --- > return true, {list = reversed} 374,379c138,148 < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < local getType,index = BData.findType(args) < local value = BData:get(getType, index) < return BData:inList(args.list, value) --- > if args.list == nil or #args.list == 0 then > return false > end > for _,type in pairs(ListTypes) do > if args[type] then > if contains(args.list, args[type]) then > return true > end > end > end > return false 384,387c153 < args = parseArgs(args, { < list = nil < }) < return BData:clearList(args.list) --- > return true, {list = jarray()} 393,398c159 < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "self", < }) < < BData:setEntity(output.entity, BData:getEntity(args.entity)) < return true --- > return true, {entity = args.entity} 402c163 < -- output entity --- > -- output entity ephemeral 404,406c165 < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < BData:control("entity", output.entity, BData:getEntity(args.entity)) < return true --- > return true, {entity = args.entity} 412,420c171,172 < args = parseArgs(args, { < number = 0 < }) < < local number = BData:getNumber(args.number) < if number == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.number, BData:getNumber(args.number)) < return true --- > if args.number == nil then return false end > return true, {number = args.number} 426,442c178,179 < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = nil < }) < < local pos = BData:getPosition(args.position) < if pos == nil then return false end < < BData:setPosition(output.position, copy(pos)) < return true < end < < -- param number < -- output number < function controlNumber(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < BData:control("number", output.number, BData:getNumber(args.number)) < return true --- > if args.pos == nil then return false end > return true, {position = pos} 448,456c185,186 < args = parseArgs(args, { < vector = 0 < }) < < local vector = BData:getVec2(args.vector) < if vector == nil then return false end < < BData:setVec2(output.vector, BData:getVec2(args.vector)) < return true --- > if args.vector == nil then return false end > return true, {vector = args.vector} 463,472c193,194 < args = parseArgs(args, { < vector = nil < }) < < local vector = BData:getVec2(args.vector) < if vector == nil then return false end < < BData:setNumber(output.x, vector[1]) < BData:setNumber(output.y, vector[2]) < return true --- > if args.vector == nil then return false end > return true, {x = args.vector[1], y = args.vector[2]} 475,479c197,199 < function unset(args) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < key = nil < }) --- > -- param type > -- param key > function unset(args, board) 481,482c201 < < BData:set(args.type, args.key, nil) --- > board:set(args.type, args.key, nil) 485a205 > -- param table 487,491c207 < args = parseArgs(args, { < table = nil < }) < BData:setTable(output.table, BData:getTable(args.table)) < return true --- > return true, {table = args.table} scripts\behavior\bgroup.lua 18c18,22 < sb.logInfo("Cannot get position for goal type \"list\"") --- > local sum = {0, 0} > for _,entityId in pairs(goal) do > sum = vec2.add(sum, world.entityPosition(entityId)) > end > return vec2.div(sum, #goal) 144,152d147 < function BGroup:parseGoal(goalType, goal) < if goalType == "entity" then < return BData:getEntity(goal) < elseif goalType == "position" then < return BData:getPosition(goal) < elseif goalType == "list" then < return BData:getList(goal) < end < end 158,162c153,162 < function group(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < unique = false < }) < local unique = BData:getBool(args.unique) --- > function group(args, board) > local groupId = args.groupId > local goal = board:get(args.goalType, args.goal) > if groupId == nil and args.goalType == "list" then > groupId = "list-" > for _,v in pairs(goal) do > groupId = string.format("%s-%s", groupId, v) > end > end > 164c164 < groupId = args.groupId, --- > groupId = groupId, 171c171 < group.goal = BGroup:parseGoal(group.goalType, args.goal) --- > group.goal = goal 175d174 < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) 177c176 < local groupResult = BGroup:joinGroup(group, position, unique) --- > local groupResult = BGroup:joinGroup(group, args.position, args.unique) 180c179 < return true --- > return true, {groupId = group.groupId} 183c182 < return groupResult == true --- > return groupResult == true, {groupId = group.groupId} 186,190c185,186 < function succeedGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < groupId = nil < }) < --- > -- param groupId > function succeedGroup(args, board) 195,202c191,195 < function task(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < groupId = nil, < taskId = nil, < minMembers = nil, < maxMembers = nil < }) < --- > -- param groupId > -- param taskId > -- param minMembers > -- param maxMembers > function task(args, board) species\backernamegen.config 3876c3876,3877 < "David W. DuBois" --- > "David W. DuBois", > "Hyanar" species\humanfemalenamegen.config 6c6 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Abi", "Addison", "Agnes", "Alex", "Alexis", "Alice", "Alysia", "Amity", "Anka", "Anne", "Annice", "Angel", "Annie", "Ariel", "Ashley", "Astra", "Bailey", "Bianka", "Beatriz", "Bee", "Betty", "Blair", "Bobbie", "Carina", "Carla", "Carmen", "Carmine", "Cassie", "Celeste", "Chelle", "Chiara", "Chrisjen", "Cindy", "Daisy", "Dakota", "Dallas", "Daphne", "Darija", "Dawn", "Delia", "Demi", "Devon", "Donna", "Doris", "Ecrin", "Elaine", "Elara", "Ellen", "Emilia", "Emma", "Elsa", "Erin", "Estelle", "Ethna", "Eva", "Evren", "Freya", "Frankie", "Gala", "Gem", "Georgi", "Gerry", "Gina", "Goldie", "Greta", "Gul", "Hadley", "Harriet", "Harley", "Hayley", "Hiba", "Hilda", "Ibbie", "Ida", "Idril", "Inga", "Ira", "Iris", "Irma", "Isolde", "Jeong", "Jaki", "Jantine", "Jazmin", "Jessie", "Jodi", "June", "Jude", "Karin", "Kata", "Kelly", "Kelsey", "Kiki", "Kleio", "Laurie", "Layla", "Leah", "Lenna", "Lili", "Linda", "Lindsay", "Linn", "Lonnie", "Lorene", "Lorette", "Lorna", "Lucy", "Luna", "Lyra", "Malina", "Mallory", "Mara", "Margo", "Mariel", "Marisa", "Maya", "Maytal", "Mette", "Mila", "Milka", "Mimi", "Mina", "Mira", "Misty", "Moira", "Molly", "Montana", "Morgan", "Nalani", "Nasim", "Nell", "Neske", "Neva", "Nevada", "Nona", "Norah", "Olga", "Paris", "Payton", "Peony", "Pia", "Quinn", "Rakel", "Reed", "Remi", "Rene", "Rima", "Rita", "Robin", "Rosa", "Rosie", "Rue", "Saga", "Saige", "Samara", "Sara", "Scout", "Selma", "Shana", "Shay", "Sigrun", "Sita", "Shelby", "Sitara", "Skylar", "Sunny", "Suri", "Suzette", "Sydney", "Star", "Stormy", "Tania", "Taylor", "Tegan", "Telma", "Thyra", "Ursa", "Vera", "Vivi", "Vardah", "Wanda", "Wendy", "Yulia", "Zaray", "Ziv", "Zlata", "Zoe", "Zora" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Abi", "Addison", "Adria", "Agnes", "Alex", "Alexis", "Alice", "Alysia", "Amity", "Anka", "Anne", "Annice", "Angel", "Annie", "Ariel", "Ashley", "Astra", "Bailey", "Bianka", "Beatriz", "Bee", "Betty", "Blair", "Bobbie", "Carina", "Carla", "Carmen", "Carmine", "Cassie", "Celeste", "Chelle", "Chiara", "Chrisjen", "Cindy", "Daisy", "Dakota", "Dallas", "Daphne", "Darija", "Dawn", "Delia", "Demi", "Devon", "Donna", "Doris", "Ecrin", "Elaine", "Elara", "Ellen", "Emilia", "Emma", "Elsa", "Erin", "Estelle", "Ethna", "Eva", "Evren", "Freya", "Frankie", "Gala", "Gem", "Georgi", "Gerry", "Gina", "Goldie", "Greta", "Gul", "Hadley", "Harriet", "Harley", "Hayley", "Hiba", "Hilda", "Ibbie", "Ida", "Idril", "Inga", "Ira", "Iris", "Irma", "Isolde", "Jeong", "Jaki", "Jantine", "Jazmin", "Jessie", "Jodi", "June", "Jude", "Karin", "Kata", "Kelly", "Kelsey", "Kiki", "Kleio", "Laurie", "Layla", "Leah", "Lenna", "Lili", "Linda", "Lindsay", "Linn", "Lonnie", "Lorene", "Lorette", "Lorna", "Lucy", "Luna", "Lyra", "Malina", "Mallory", "Mara", "Margo", "Mariel", "Marisa", "Maya", "Maytal", "Mercia","Mette", "Mila", "Milka", "Mimi", "Mina", "Mira", "Misty", "Moira", "Molly", "Montana", "Morgan", "Nalani", "Nasim", "Nell", "Neske", "Neva", "Nevada", "Nona", "Norah", "Olga", "Paris", "Payton", "Peony", "Pia", "Quinn", "Rakel", "Reed", "Remi", "Rene", "Rima", "Rita", "Robin", "Rosa", "Rosie", "Rue", "Saga", "Saige", "Samara", "Sara", "Scout", "Selma", "Shana", "Shay", "Sigrun", "Sita", "Shelby", "Sitara", "Skylar", "Sunny", "Suri", "Suzette", "Sydney", "Star", "Stormy", "Tania", "Taylor", "Tegan", "Telma", "Thyra", "Ursa", "Vera", "Vivi", "Vardah", "Wanda", "Wendy", "Yulia", "Zaray", "Ziv", "Zlata", "Zoe", "Zora" ] species\penguinoid.config 4,7c4 < // Offset applied to all pieces. Half a pixel up to correct for the humanoid < // frames being an odd number of pixels, so the bottom of the collision poly < // would otherwise be not at a whole pixel boundary. < "globalOffset" : [0.0, 0.5], --- > "globalOffset" : [0, 0], stagehands\coordinator.lua 27,28c27 < self.behavior = root.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) < self.behaviorState = self.behavior:init(_ENV) --- > self.behavior = behavior.behavior(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), _ENV) 39c38 < self.behavior:run(self.behaviorState, dt) --- > self.behavior:run(dt) 121c120 < if not inList(self.goal, value) then --- > if not contains(self.goal, value) then stagehands\bossplanner\bossabilities\miniontriggergroup.bossability 27c27 < "minionGroup" : "triggerMinions" --- > "minionGroup" : {"key": "triggerMinions"} stagehands\bossplanner\bossabilities\spawnminiongroup.bossability 63c63 < "minionGroup" : "minions" --- > "minionGroup" : {"key" : "minions"} stats\fishing_primary.lua 4,5d3 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 46c44 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then stats\monster_primary.lua 6,7d5 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 34,39c32,37 < local elementalStat = root.elementalResistance(damageRequest.damageSourceKind) < local resistance = status.stat(elementalStat) < damage = damage - (resistance * damage) < if resistance ~= 0 and damage > 0 then < hitType = resistance > 0 and "weakhit" or "stronghit" < end --- > local elementalStat = root.elementalResistance(damageRequest.damageSourceKind) > local resistance = status.stat(elementalStat) > damage = damage - (resistance * damage) > if resistance ~= 0 and damage > 0 then > hitType = resistance > 0 and "weakhit" or "stronghit" > end 115c113 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit(true) then stats\npc_primary.lua 5,6d4 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 128c126 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit(true) then stats\player_primary.lua 12,13d11 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 108d105 < 230c227 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit(true) then stats\effects\biomeairless\biomeairless.lua 2d1 < sb.logInfo("Queue radio message for airless") 10c9 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\levitation\levitation.lua 104c104 < collisionSet = {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"} --- > collisionSet = {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"} tech\dash\blinkdash.lua 100c100 < if not world.polyCollision(collisionPoly, testPos, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if not world.polyCollision(collisionPoly, testPos, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then 107c107 < if not world.polyCollision(collisionPoly, oneUp, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if not world.polyCollision(collisionPoly, oneUp, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then tech\dash\dash.lua 28a29,30 > > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") 60c62 < mcontroller.controlParameters({gravityEnabled = false}) --- > mcontroller.setYVelocity(0) 64c66 < animator.setFlipped(mcontroller.facingDirection() == -1) --- > animator.setFlipped(mcontroller.facingDirection() == -1) tech\distortionsphere\aquasphere.lua 12c12 < if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special"] == 1 then --- > if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special1"] then 15c15 < self.specialLast = args.moves["special"] == 1 --- > self.specialLast = args.moves["special1"] 17c17 < if args.moves["special"] ~= 1 then --- > if not args.moves["special1"] then tech\distortionsphere\distortionsphere.lua 21c21 < self.collisionSet = {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"} --- > self.collisionSet = {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"} 35c35 < if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special"] == 1 then --- > if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special1"] then 38c38 < self.specialLast = args.moves["special"] == 1 --- > self.specialLast = args.moves["special1"] 40c40 < if args.moves["special"] ~= 1 then --- > if not args.moves["special1"] then tech\distortionsphere\sonicsphere.lua 31c31 < if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special"] == 1 then --- > if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special1"] then 38c38 < self.specialLast = args.moves["special"] == 1 --- > self.specialLast = args.moves["special1"] 40c40 < if args.moves["special"] ~= 1 then --- > if not args.moves["special1"] then tech\distortionsphere\spikesphere.lua 35c35 < if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special"] == 1 then --- > if not self.specialLast and args.moves["special1"] then 38c38 < self.specialLast = args.moves["special"] == 1 --- > self.specialLast = args.moves["special1"] 40c40 < if args.moves["special"] ~= 1 then --- > if not args.moves["special1"] then tech\jump\multijump.lua 42a43 > and math.abs(world.gravity(mcontroller.position())) > 0 tiles\classicmaterialtemplate.config 2a3,7 > "fullShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [64, 0] > }, 283a289,292 > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["fullShadow", [0, 0]]] tiles\columntemplate.config 2a3,48 > "fullShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [64, 0] > }, > "topShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [0, 0] > }, > "leftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [8, 0] > }, > "bottomShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [16, 0] > }, > "rightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [24, 0] > }, > "topLeftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [32, 0] > }, > "topRightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [40, 0] > }, > "bottomLeftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [48, 0] > }, > "bottomRightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [56, 0] > }, > 25a72,78 > }, > > "icon" : { > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [2, 38], > "colorStride" : [12, 0], > "variantStride" : [0, 48] 29c82 < "representativePiece": "single", --- > "representativePiece": "icon", 60a114,128 > }, > "Shadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows" > } > ] > }, > "NotShadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows", > "inverse" : true > } > ] 67,88c135,197 < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"], < [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["top", [-2, -2]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], < [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["center", [-2, -2]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], < [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["bottom", [-2, -2]]] --- > "subMatches" : [ > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"], > [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] > ], > "haltOnMatch" : true, > "pieces" : [["top", [-2, -2]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], > [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] > ], > "haltOnMatch" : true, > "pieces" : [["center", [-2, -2]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], > [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] > ], > "haltOnMatch" : true, > "pieces" : [["bottom", [-2, -2]]] > }, > { > "pieces" : [["single", [-2, -2]]] > } > ] > }, > > // SHADOWS > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["fullShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["leftShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["rightShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topRightShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] 91c200,201 < "pieces" : [["single", [-2, -2]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomRightShadow", [0, 0]]] tiles\girdertemplate.config 2a3,48 > "fullShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [64, 0] > }, > "topShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [0, 0] > }, > "leftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [8, 0] > }, > "bottomShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [16, 0] > }, > "rightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [24, 0] > }, > "topLeftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [32, 0] > }, > "topRightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [40, 0] > }, > "bottomLeftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [48, 0] > }, > "bottomRightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [56, 0] > }, > 37a84,90 > }, > > "icon" : { > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [11, 1], > "colorStride" : [0, 10], > "variantStride" : [20, 0] 41c94 < "representativePiece": "horizontal", --- > "representativePiece": "icon", 72a126,140 > }, > "Shadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows" > } > ] > }, > "NotShadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows", > "inverse" : true > } > ] 79,83d146 < "matchAnyPoints" : [ < [[1, 0], "EqualsSelf"], < [[-1, 0], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, 86c149,170 < "pieces" : [["horizontal", [0, -1]]] --- > "matchAnyPoints" : [ > [[1, 0], "EqualsSelf"], > [[-1, 0], "EqualsSelf"] > ], > "haltOnSubMatch" : true, > "subMatches" : [ > { > "pieces" : [["horizontal", [0, -1]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] > ], > "pieces" : [["leftcap", [-1, -1]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] > ], > "pieces" : [["rightcap", [8, -1]]] > } > ] 89,90c173,175 < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] --- > "matchAnyPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], > [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] 92c177,194 < "pieces" : [["leftcap", [-1, -1]]] --- > "haltOnSubMatch" : true, > "subMatches" : [ > { > "pieces" : [["vertical", [-1, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] > ], > "pieces" : [["topcap", [-1, -1]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"] > ], > "pieces" : [["bottomcap", [-1, 8]]] > } > ] 95,98c197,201 < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "pieces" : [["rightcap", [8, -1]]] --- > "pieces" : [ > ["vertical", [-1, 0]], > ["topcap", [-1, -1]], > ["bottomcap", [-1, 8]] > ] 101a205,206 > > // SHADOWS 103,124c208,209 < "matchAnyPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "EqualsSelf"], < [[0, -1], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, < "subMatches" : [ < { < "pieces" : [["vertical", [-1, 0]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "pieces" : [["topcap", [-1, -1]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "pieces" : [["bottomcap", [-1, 8]]] < } < ] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["fullShadow", [0, 0]]] 127,131c212,241 < "pieces" : [ < ["vertical", [-1, 0]], < ["topcap", [-1, -1]], < ["bottomcap", [-1, 8]] < ] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["leftShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 0], "Shadows"]], > "pieces" : [["rightShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["topRightShadow", [0, 0]]] > }, > { > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], 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"/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [40, 0] > }, > "bottomLeftShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [48, 0] > }, > "bottomRightShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [56, 0] > }, > 115a162,168 > }, > > "icon" : { > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [68, 36], > "colorStride" : [0, 48], > "variantStride" : [96, 0] 119c172 < "representativePiece": "H", --- > "representativePiece": "icon", 150a204,218 > }, > "Shadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows" > } > ] > }, > "NotShadows" : { > "entries" : [ > { > "type" : "Shadows", > "inverse" : true > } > ] 156d223 < // horizontal 158,163d224 < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"], < [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["H", [-4, -4]]], 164a226 > // horizontal 167c229,230 < [[1, 0], "Empty"] --- > [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"], > [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] 169,215c232,233 < "pieces" : [["capE", [8, -4]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[-1, 0], "Empty"] < ], < "pieces" : [["capW", [-4, -4]]] < } < ] < }, < < // vertical < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"], < [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["V", [-4, -4]]], < "subMatches" : [ < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "Empty"] < ], < "pieces" : [["capN", [-4, 8]]] < }, < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, -1], "Empty"] < ], < "pieces" : [["capS", [-4, -4]]] < } < ] < }, < < // uppers < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, < "subMatches" : [ < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, --- > "haltOnMatch" : true, > "pieces" : [["H", [-4, -4]]], 218,220c236,239 < "requiredLayer" : "foreground", < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["NW", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[1, 0], "Empty"] > ], > "pieces" : [["capE", [8, -4]]] 223c242,245 < "pieces" : [["bgNW", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[-1, 0], "Empty"] > ], > "pieces" : [["capW", [-4, -4]]] 226a249,250 > > // vertical 229c253,254 < [[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] --- > [[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"], > [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] 231c256,257 < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, --- > "haltOnMatch" : true, > "pieces" : [["V", [-4, -4]]], 234,236c260,263 < "requiredLayer" : "foreground", < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["NE", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, 1], "Empty"] > ], > "pieces" : [["capN", [-4, 8]]] 239c266,269 < "pieces" : [["bgNE", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [ > [[0, -1], "Empty"] > ], > "pieces" : [["capS", [-4, -4]]] 243,247d272 < { < "pieces" : [["N", [-4, -4]]] < } < ] < }, 249,255c274 < // downers < { < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnSubMatch" : true, < "subMatches" : [ --- > // uppers 258c277 < [[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"] --- > [[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"] 263,265c282,311 < 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"matchAllPoints" : [ < [[1, 0], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "haltOnMatch" : true, < "pieces" : [["W", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] 315,318c427,428 < "matchAllPoints" : [ < [[-1, 0], "EqualsSelf"] < ], < "pieces" : [["E", [-4, -4]]] --- > "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], > "pieces" : [["bottomRightShadow", [0, 0]]] tiles\railtemplate.config 79a80,86 > }, > > "icon" : { > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [4, 4], > "colorStride" : [0, 16], > "variantStride" : [80, 0] 83c90 < "representativePiece": "H", --- > "representativePiece": "icon", tiles\rowtemplate.config 2a3,48 > "fullShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [64, 0] > }, > "topShadow" : { > "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", > "textureSize" : [8, 8], > "texturePosition" : [0, 0] > }, > 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Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1361" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1362" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1363" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. 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Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1367" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1368" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1369" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3472a3563,3652 > "1370" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1371" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1372" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1373" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1374" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1375" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1376" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1377" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1378" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1379" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3481a3662,3751 > "1380" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1381" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1382" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1383" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1384" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1385" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1386" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1387" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1388" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "hulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1389" : { > "//description" : "A flickering holographic display of an unidentified planet.", > "//name" : "stationhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3489a3760,3849 > "1390" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted screen lit up with lots of blue text.", > "//name" : "stationdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1391" : { > "//description" : "A vent typically used for keeping the air clean aboard space stations.", > "//name" : "stationceilingvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Ceiling Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationceilingvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1392" : { > "//description" : "A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine...", > "//name" : "stationpylon", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Pylon", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationpylon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1393" : { > "//description" : "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship.", > "//name" : "stationwallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationwallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1394" : { > "//description" : "A large computer server rack, with brackets for floor mounting.", > "//name" : "astroserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astroserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1395" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1396" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1397" : { > "//description" : "A panel designed for inside space environments.", > "//name" : "astrowallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrowallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1398" : { > "//description" : "An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port.", > "//name" : "astrovent", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrovent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1399" : { > "//description" : "A compact electronic display monitor.", > "//name" : "astromonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astromonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3507a3868,3955 > "1400" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image indicating a medical station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "//shortdescription" : "Medic Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1401" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of an electronic component, indicating an electronics station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "//shortdescription" : "Electronics Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1402" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of a gun, indicating a weapons station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapons Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1403" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of food utensils, indicating a food station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignfood", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignfood", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1404" : { > "//description" : "A metal sheet with a target painted on. Perfect for practicing your aim.", > "//name" : "shootingtarget", > "//shortdescription" : "Shooting Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shootingtarget", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1405" : { > "//description" : "A fine china bowl.", > "//name" : "classicbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1406" : { > "//description" : "A fine china mug.", > "//name" : "classicmug", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Mug", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicmug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1407" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1408" : { > "//description" : "A console for monitoring the conditions inside an orbiting station.", > "//name" : "playerstationconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "playerstationconsole" > }, > "1409" : { > "//description" : "A hanging mech booster.", > "//name" : "hangingbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "hangingbooster" > }, 3515a3964,4015 > "1410" : { > "//description" : "This metal sign indicates a mech work station.", > "//name" : "mechsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "mechsign" > }, > "1411" : { > "//description" : "A halogen sign for the Letheia corporation.", > "//name" : "letheiasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Letheia Corp Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "letheiasign" > }, > "1412" : { > "//description" : "A screen displaying a series of space-themed photographs.", > "//name" : "spaceslideshow", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Slideshow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "spaceslideshow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1413" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1414" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1415" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine with an interactive narrative game.", > "//name" : "beautifulattempt", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Attempt! Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beautifulattempt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3794c4294 < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", --- > "//description" : "A holiday pole! It's festively striped.", 5722c6222 < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "//description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 6012c6512,6513 < "object" : "numisign" --- > "object" : "numisign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 6789c7290 < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "//description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", 8829c9330 < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", --- > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again?", 9929c10430 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 9938c10439 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 12550a13052,13081 > "1360" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3.png" > }, > "1361" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4.png" > }, > "1362" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2.png" > }, > "1363" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1.png" > }, > "1364" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation2.png" > }, > "1365" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation3.png" > }, > "1366" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation4.png" > }, > "1367" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation5.png" > }, > "1368" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation6.png" > }, > "1369" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation7.png" > }, 12553a13085,13114 > "1370" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation2.png" > }, > "1371" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation3.png" > }, > "1372" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation4.png" > }, > "1373" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation5.png" > }, > "1374" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation6.png" > }, > "1375" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation7.png" > }, > "1376" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation2.png" > }, > "1377" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation3.png" > }, > "1378" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation4.png" > }, > "1379" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation5.png" > }, 12556a13118,13147 > "1380" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation6.png" > }, > "1381" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation7.png" > }, > "1382" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation2.png" > }, > "1383" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation3.png" > }, > "1384" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation4.png" > }, > "1385" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation5.png" > }, > "1386" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation6.png" > }, > "1387" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation7.png" > }, > "1388" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hulagirl.png" > }, > "1389" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationhologram.png" > }, 12559a13151,13180 > "1390" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdisplay.png" > }, > "1391" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationceilingvent.png" > }, > "1392" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationpylon.png" > }, > "1393" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationwallpanel.png" > }, > "1394" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroserver.png" > }, > "1395" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor.png" > }, > "1396" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor_orientation1.png" > }, > "1397" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrowallpanel.png" > }, > "1398" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrovent.png" > }, > "1399" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astromonitor.png" > }, 12565a13187,13216 > "1400" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignmedic.png" > }, > "1401" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignelectronics.png" > }, > "1402" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignweapons.png" > }, > "1403" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignfood.png" > }, > "1404" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shootingtarget.png" > }, > "1405" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbowl.png" > }, > "1406" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicmug.png" > }, > "1407" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcomputer_orientation1.png" > }, > "1408" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/playerstationconsole.png" > }, > "1409" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hangingbooster.png" > }, 12567a13219,13236 > }, > "1410" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechsign.png" > }, > "1411" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/letheiasign.png" > }, > "1412" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spaceslideshow.png" > }, > "1413" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope.png" > }, > "1414" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope_orientation1.png" > }, > "1415" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beautifulattempt.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\door.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 117, --- > "tilecount" : 128, 194a195,221 > "117" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. It has a composite rail running through it.", > "//name" : "outpostrailhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostrailhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. 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Pull it out, it could be legendary!", 193,197c192 < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 551d545 < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", 553,557c547 < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 748c738 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildswordstoneseed.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 868c858 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/swordstoneseed.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\furniture.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 333, --- > "tilecount" : 346, 2293a2294,2346 > "333" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "334" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasstable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding.", > "//name" : "industrialchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A cold metal table, built to survive turbulent trips.", > "//name" : "industrialtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A cheap bed with a sturdy metal frame. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlighth.png" > }, > "428" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechbeacon.png" > }, > "429" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlightv.png" > }, 4774a4989,5018 > "430" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrolight.png" > }, > "431" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame.png" > }, > "432" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame_orientation1.png" > }, > "433" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encounterboosterflame.png" > }, > "434" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2.png" > }, > "435" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation1.png" > }, > "436" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame_orientation2.png" > }, > "437" : { > "image" : 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What could it be used for?", > "//name" : "terraforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Terraforge", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terraforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "Equip and customise your personal mech!", > "//name" : "mechassemblystation", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech Assembly Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechassemblystation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1693a1712,1738 > "300" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here.", > "//name" : "stationvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "This practice target outputs a wire signal until broken.", > "//name" : "wiredtarget", > "//shortdescription" : "Wired Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wiredtarget", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2969a3015,3020 > "298" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/terraforge.png" > }, > "299" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechassemblystation.png" > }, 2974a3026,3034 > }, > "300" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationvendingmachine.png" > }, > "301" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckvendingmachine.png" > }, > "302" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiredtarget.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\pot.json 100d99 < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", 102,105c101 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" --- > "invalid" : "true" 108d103 < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", 110,113c105 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" --- > "invalid" : "true" 125d116 < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", 127,130c118 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" --- > "invalid" : "true" 133d120 < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", 135,138c122 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" --- > "invalid" : "true" 149d132 < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", 151,155c134 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 203d181 < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", 205,209c183 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 592d565 < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", 594,598c567 < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 619d587 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. 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Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 74c74 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\wire.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 204, --- > "tilecount" : 217, 371a372 > "//description" : "...", 373c374,378 < "invalid" : "true" --- > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound Source", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 1023a1029,1072 > "204" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscomputer", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "205" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassdisplay", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.", > "//name" : "industrialdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "An old metal computer tower. 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"object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblewallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "invisiblewallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1895c2007 < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall.png" > }, > "214" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation2.png" > }, > "215" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation3.png" > }, > "216" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/invisiblewallswitch.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apex.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 182, --- > "tilecount" : 186, 819a820,854 > "182" : { > "//description" : "A fine china bowl.", > "//name" : "classicbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A fine china mug.", > "//name" : "classicmug", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Mug", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicmug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A port which modular station expansion pieces can be attached to.", > "//name" : "expansionslot", > "//shortdescription" : "Expansion Slot", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "expansionslot" > }, 1875a1911,1922 > }, > "182" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbowl.png" > }, > "183" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicmug.png" > }, > "184" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcomputer_orientation1.png" > }, > "185" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/expansionslot.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apexmansion.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 58, --- > "tilecount" : 60, 492a493,510 > "58" : { > "//description" : "A fine china bowl.", > "//name" : "classicbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A fine china mug.", > "//name" : "classicmug", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Mug", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicmug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 691a710,715 > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbowl.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicmug.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apexresearchlab.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 50, --- > "tilecount" : 51, 412a413,421 > "50" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 586a596,598 > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcomputer_orientation1.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\christmas.json 277c277 < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", --- > "//description" : "A holiday pole! It's festively striped.", 393c393 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 395c395 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 402c402 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 404c404 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 411c411 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 413c413 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\combat.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 32, --- > "tilecount" : 33, 238a239,247 > "32" : { > "//description" : "A metal sheet with a target painted on. Perfect for practicing your aim.", > "//name" : "shootingtarget", > "//shortdescription" : "Shooting Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shootingtarget", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 370a380,382 > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shootingtarget.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\commerce.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 132, --- > "tilecount" : 145, 349a350,411 > "132" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscrate", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "133" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasstable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A cold metal table, built to survive turbulent trips.", > "//name" : "industrialtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space travel.", > "//name" : "industrialcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A round heavy metal table.", > "//name" : "stationtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here.", > "//name" : "stationvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship.", > "//name" : "stationwallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationwallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 357a420,463 > "140" : { > "//description" : "A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods.", > "//name" : "stationcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A solid, floor mounted working surface.", > "//name" : "astrotable", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrotable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A large container specialized for space transport.", > "//name" : "astrocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A metal bar with with a smoothly polished surface.", > "//name" : "spacebarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spacebarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A halogen sign for the Letheia corporation.", > "//name" : "letheiasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Letheia Corp Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "letheiasign" > }, 1297a1404,1427 > "132" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "133" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "134" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialtable.png" > }, > "135" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcrate.png" > }, > "136" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtable.png" > }, > "137" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationvendingmachine.png" > }, > "138" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckvendingmachine.png" > }, > "139" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationwallpanel.png" > }, 1299a1430,1444 > }, > "140" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationcrate.png" > }, > "141" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrotable.png" > }, > "142" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrocrate.png" > }, > "143" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spacebarbottom.png" > }, > "144" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/letheiasign.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\cooking.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 32, --- > "tilecount" : 36, 240a241,276 > "32" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A fine china bowl.", > "//name" : "classicbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A fine china mug.", > "//name" : "classicmug", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Mug", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicmug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 373a410,421 > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicplate.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicglass.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbowl.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicmug.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\crafting.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 39, --- > "tilecount" : 40, 249a250,258 > "39" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce modular mech components.", > "//name" : "mechcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Mech Part Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 388a398,400 > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechcraftingtable.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\door.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 106, --- > "tilecount" : 119, 87a88,118 > "106" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. It has a composite rail running through it.", > "//name" : "outpostrailhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostrailhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. It has a composite rail running through it.", > "//name" : "outpostrailairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostrailairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outposthatchlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outposthatchlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassdoor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, 95a127,206 > "110" : { > "//description" : "A tough automated door, reinforced to be able to survive intense intergalactic conditions.", > "//name" : "industrialdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A large, sleek automated hatch, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A large sleek hatch that has a built-in rail connector for use with elevators.", > "//name" : "stationrailhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Rail Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationrailhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A large, sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationdoorlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Large Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationdoorlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "This door forms an airtight seal when closed.", > "//name" : "astrodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A port which modular station expansion pieces can be attached to.", > "//name" : "expansionslot", > "//shortdescription" : "Expansion Slot", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "expansionslot" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A port which modular station expansion pieces can be attached to.", > "//name" : "expansionslothorizontal", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Expansion Slot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "expansionslothorizontal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A purple door with an eye, fit for an evil cult.", > "//name" : "cultistdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 259c370 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Hatch", 506c617 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Door", 539c650 < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", --- > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", 541c652 < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock Door", 566c677 < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", --- > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", 568c679 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock Door", 972a1084,1095 > "106" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostrailhatch.png" > }, > "107" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostrailairlock.png" > }, > "108" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outposthatchlarge.png" > }, > "109" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, 974a1098,1124 > }, > "110" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialdoor.png" > }, > "111" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationhatch.png" > }, > "112" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdoor.png" > }, > "113" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationrailhatch.png" > }, > "114" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdoorlarge.png" > }, > "115" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrodoor.png" > }, > "116" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/expansionslot.png" > }, > "117" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/expansionslothorizontal.png" > }, > "118" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cultistdoor.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\electronic.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 107, --- > "tilecount" : 127, 28c28 < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "//description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 92a93,109 > "107" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscomputer", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "108" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassdisplay", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.", > "//name" : "industrialdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 101a119,208 > "110" : { > "//description" : "An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back.", > "//name" : "industrialcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A flickering holographic display of an unidentified planet.", > "//name" : "stationhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted screen lit up with lots of blue text.", > "//name" : "stationdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A compact electronic display monitor.", > "//name" : "astromonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astromonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image indicating a medical station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "//shortdescription" : "Medic Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of an electronic component, indicating an electronics station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "//shortdescription" : "Electronics Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of a gun, indicating a weapons station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapons Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of food utensils, indicating a food station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignfood", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignfood", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 110a218,280 > "120" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A small terminal, with a compact display screen.", > "//name" : "stationconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A large display built to monitor a variety of devices.", > "//name" : "astroconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astroconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce modular mech components.", > "//name" : "mechcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Mech Part Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A screen displaying a series of space-themed photographs.", > "//name" : "spaceslideshow", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Slideshow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "spaceslideshow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine with an interactive narrative game.", > "//name" : "beautifulattempt", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Attempt! Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beautifulattempt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 865c1035 < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "//description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", 962a1133,1141 > "107" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "108" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "109" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialdisplay.png" > }, 965a1145,1174 > "110" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcomputer.png" > }, > "111" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationhologram.png" > }, > "112" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdisplay.png" > }, > "113" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor.png" > }, > "114" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor_orientation1.png" > }, > "115" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astromonitor.png" > }, > "116" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignmedic.png" > }, > "117" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignelectronics.png" > }, > "118" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignweapons.png" > }, > "119" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignfood.png" > }, 967a1177,1197 > }, > "120" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaseconsole.png" > }, > "121" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationconsole.png" > }, > "122" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroconsole.png" > }, > "123" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcomputer_orientation1.png" > }, > "124" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechcraftingtable.png" > }, > "125" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spaceslideshow.png" > }, > "126" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beautifulattempt.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\evil.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 167, --- > "tilecount" : 168, 680a681,689 > "167" : { > "//description" : "A purple door with an eye, fit for an evil cult.", > "//name" : "cultistdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1722a1732,1734 > }, > "167" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cultistdoor.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\human.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 246, --- > "tilecount" : 247, 533c533 < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", --- > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again?", 796c796 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 814c814 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 1019c1019 < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "//description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", 1454a1455,1462 > "246" : { > "//description" : "A console for monitoring the conditions inside an orbiting station.", > "//name" : "playerstationconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "playerstationconsole" > }, 1572c1580 < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "//description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 2660a2669,2671 > }, > "246" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/playerstationconsole.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\humanbunker.json 118c118 < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "//description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 357c357 < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", --- > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again?", 490c490 < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "//description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotl.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 219, --- > "tilecount" : 221, 252c252,253 < "object" : "numisign" --- > "object" : "numisign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 275c276 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Door", 1181a1183,1190 > "219" : { > "//description" : "A halogen sign for the Letheia corporation.", > "//name" : "letheiasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Letheia Corp Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "letheiasign" > }, 1190a1200,1208 > "220" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine with an interactive narrative game.", > "//name" : "beautifulattempt", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Attempt! Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beautifulattempt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1710c1728 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Hatch", 2317a2336,2338 > "219" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/letheiasign.png" > }, 2319a2341,2343 > }, > "220" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beautifulattempt.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotloceancity.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 132, --- > "tilecount" : 133, 337a338,346 > "132" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine with an interactive narrative game.", > "//name" : "beautifulattempt", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Attempt! Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beautifulattempt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 718c727 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Hatch", 967c976,977 < "object" : "numisign" --- > "object" : "numisign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 990c1000 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Door", 1278a1289,1291 > }, > "132" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beautifulattempt.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\light.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 355, --- > "tilecount" : 360, 1961c1961 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 1963c1963 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 2058c2058 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 2060c2060 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 2151c2151 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 2153c2153 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 2500a2501,2540 > "355" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasslight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A metal wall light which emits a sickly orange glow.", > "//name" : "industriallight", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industriallight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A long industrial looking fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "stationlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Station Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A long industrial looking fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "stationlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Station Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stationlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling mounted utility lantern.", > "//name" : "astrolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrolight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2704,2705c2744,2745 < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", --- > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", 2722,2723c2762,2763 < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", --- > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", 3969a4010,4024 > }, > "355" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "356" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industriallight.png" > }, > "357" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlighth.png" > }, > "358" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlightv.png" > }, > "359" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrolight.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\mechanical.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 66, --- > "tilecount" : 70, 566a567,602 > "66" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here.", > "//name" : "stationvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A vent typically used for keeping the air clean aboard space stations.", > "//name" : "stationceilingvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Ceiling Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationceilingvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine...", > "//name" : "stationpylon", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Pylon", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationpylon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 783a820,831 > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationvendingmachine.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationceilingvent.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/vendingmachine.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationpylon.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\mining.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 6, --- > "tilecount" : 10, 61a62,96 > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" 81a117,128 > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningchest.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningcrusher.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningfence.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mininghazardsign.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\misc.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 114, --- > "tilecount" : 158, 157a158,211 > "114" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 165a220,304 > "120" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding.", > "//name" : "industrialchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 174a314,403 > "130" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 183a413,502 > "140" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. 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It doesn't seem very comfortable.", > "//name" : "industrialbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A curved, formal looking metal chair.", > "//name" : "stationchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships.", > "//name" : "astrochair", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrochair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A panel designed for inside space environments.", > "//name" : "astrowallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrowallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 187a507,573 > "150" : { > "//description" : "An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port.", > "//name" : "astrovent", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrovent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A sleek metal bench.", > "//name" : "stationbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship.", > "//name" : "stationwallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationwallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations.", > "//name" : "remoteteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "remoteteleporter" > }, 215c601,602 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 232c619,620 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 240c628,629 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 995a1385,1402 > "114" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3.png" > }, > "115" : { > "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation3.png" > }, > "136" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation4.png" > }, > "137" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation5.png" > }, > "138" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation6.png" > }, > "139" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation7.png" > }, 1004a1472,1501 > "140" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation2.png" > }, > "141" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation3.png" > }, > "142" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation4.png" > }, > "143" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation5.png" > }, > "144" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation6.png" > }, > "145" : { > "image" : 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Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1793" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1794" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1795" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1796" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. It has a composite rail running through it.", > "//name" : "outpostrailhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostrailhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1797" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material. It has a composite rail running through it.", > "//name" : "outpostrailairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostrailairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1798" : { > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outposthatchlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outposthatchlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1799" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 7466a7539,7583 > "1800" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1801" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassdoor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1802" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscomputer", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1803" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscrate", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1804" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1805" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasstable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1806" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscanister", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1807" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasslight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1808" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassdisplay", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1809" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassstoragelocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, 7475,7479c7592,8581 < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", --- > "1810" : { > "//description" : "A metal wall light which emits a sickly orange glow.", > "//name" : "industriallight", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industriallight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1811" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding.", > "//name" : "industrialchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1812" : { > "//description" : "A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.", > "//name" : "industrialdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1813" : { > "//description" : "A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids.", > "//name" : "industrialcanister", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Canister", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcanister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1814" : { > "//description" : "A tough automated door, reinforced to be able to survive intense intergalactic conditions.", > "//name" : "industrialdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1815" : { > "//description" : "A cold metal table, built to survive turbulent trips.", > "//name" : "industrialtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1816" : { > "//description" : "An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back.", > "//name" : "industrialcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1817" : { > "//description" : "A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space travel.", > "//name" : "industrialcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1818" : { > "//description" : "A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light.", > "//name" : "industrialstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "industrialstoragelocker" > }, > "1819" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1820" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1821" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1822" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1823" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1824" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble3_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1825" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1826" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1827" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1828" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1829" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1830" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble4_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 4", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1831" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1832" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1833" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1834" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1835" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1836" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble2_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1837" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1838" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1839" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike1" > }, > "1840" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1841" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1842" : { > "//description" : "A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?", > "//name" : "shipgreeble1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Greeble 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipgreeble1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1843" : { > "//description" : "Calls and stops rail trams", > "//name" : "railtramstop", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Tram Stop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railtramstop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1844" : { > "//description" : "A cheap bed with a sturdy metal frame. It doesn't seem very comfortable.", > "//name" : "industrialbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1845" : { > "//description" : "Equip and customise your personal mech!", > "//name" : "mechassemblystation", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech Assembly Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechassemblystation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1846" : { > "//description" : "A large, sleek automated hatch, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1847" : { > "//description" : "A sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1848" : { > "//description" : "A large sleek hatch that has a built-in rail connector for use with elevators.", > "//name" : "stationrailhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Rail Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationrailhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1849" : { > "//description" : "A large, sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", > "//name" : "stationdoorlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Large Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationdoorlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1850" : { > "//description" : "A round heavy metal table.", > "//name" : "stationtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1851" : { > "//description" : "A flickering holographic display of an unidentified planet.", > "//name" : "stationhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1852" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here.", > "//name" : "stationvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1853" : { > "//description" : "A long industrial looking fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "stationlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Station Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1854" : { > "//description" : "A curved, formal looking metal chair.", > "//name" : "stationchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1855" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted screen lit up with lots of blue text.", > "//name" : "stationdisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationdisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1856" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1857" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1858" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1859" : { > "//description" : "This guidance beacon marks the position of a landing bay.", > "//name" : "mechbeacon", > "//shortdescription" : "Landing Beacon", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "mechbeacon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1860" : { > "//description" : "A vent typically used for keeping the air clean aboard space stations.", > "//name" : "stationceilingvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Ceiling Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationceilingvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1861" : { > "//description" : "A long industrial looking fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "stationlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Station Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stationlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1862" : { > "//description" : "A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine...", > "//name" : "stationpylon", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Pylon", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationpylon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1863" : { > "//description" : "A sleek metal bench.", > "//name" : "stationbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1864" : { > "//description" : "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship.", > "//name" : "stationwallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationwallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1865" : { > "//description" : "A small terminal, with a compact display screen.", > "//name" : "stationconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1866" : { > "//description" : "A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods.", > "//name" : "stationcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1867" : { > "//description" : "A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships.", > "//name" : "astrochair", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrochair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1868" : { > "//description" : "A large computer server rack, with brackets for floor mounting.", > "//name" : "astroserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astroserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1869" : { > "//description" : "A solid, floor mounted working surface.", > "//name" : "astrotable", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrotable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1870" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1871" : { > "//description" : "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", > "//name" : "astroceilingmonitor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Ceiling Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "astroceilingmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1872" : { > "//description" : "A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets.", > "//name" : "astrocabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrocabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1873" : { > "//description" : "This door forms an airtight seal when closed.", > "//name" : "astrodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1874" : { > "//description" : "A panel designed for inside space environments.", > "//name" : "astrowallpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrowallpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1875" : { > "//description" : "An astro panel storage locker.", > "//name" : "astrostoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrostoragelocker" > }, > "1876" : { > "//description" : "An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port.", > "//name" : "astrovent", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrovent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1877" : { > "//description" : "A large container specialized for space transport.", > "//name" : "astrocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1878" : { > "//description" : "A compact electronic display monitor.", > "//name" : "astromonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astromonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1879" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling mounted utility lantern.", > "//name" : "astrolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrolight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1880" : { > "//description" : "A large display built to monitor a variety of devices.", > "//name" : "astroconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astroconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1881" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image indicating a medical station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "//shortdescription" : "Medic Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignmedic", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1882" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of an electronic component, indicating an electronics station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "//shortdescription" : "Electronics Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignelectronics", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1883" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of a gun, indicating a weapons station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapons Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignweapons", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1884" : { > "//description" : "A sign with an image of food utensils, indicating a food station.", > "//name" : "stationtradesignfood", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Station Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stationtradesignfood", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1885" : { > "//description" : "A bed which is designed to perform medical scans.", > "//name" : "stationmedscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Medical Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationmedscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1886" : { > "//description" : "A metal sheet with a target painted on. Perfect for practicing your aim.", > "//name" : "shootingtarget", > "//shortdescription" : "Shooting Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shootingtarget", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1887" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulebig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulebig" > }, > "1888" : { > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulesmall" > }, > "1889" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1890" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "1891" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "1892" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulespace_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Surface-Mounted Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "capsulespace" > }, > "1893" : { > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulemed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulemed" > }, > "1894" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1895" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1896" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encounterboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "encounterboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1897" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1898" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1899" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1900" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1901" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1902" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "encountersmallboosterflame2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1903" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encounterboosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-48", > "object" : "encounterboosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1904" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "encounterbigboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaging Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "encounterbigboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1905" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1906" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1907" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1908" : { > "//description" : "A port which modular station expansion pieces can be attached to.", > "//name" : "expansionslot", > "//shortdescription" : "Expansion Slot", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "expansionslot" > }, > "1909" : { > "//description" : "A console for monitoring the conditions inside an orbiting station.", > "//name" : "playerstationconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "playerstationconsole" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1910" : { > "//description" : "A hanging mech booster.", > "//name" : "hangingbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "hangingbooster" > }, > "1911" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce modular mech components.", > "//name" : "mechcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Mech Part Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", 7481c8583 < "object" : "woodencrate1", --- > "object" : "mechcraftingtable", 7484,7487c8586,8589 < "183" : { < "//description" : "A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant", --- > "1912" : { > "//description" : "This practice target outputs a wire signal until broken.", > "//name" : "wiredtarget", > "//shortdescription" : "Wired Target", 7489,7490c8591,8592 < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", --- > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wiredtarget", 7493,7496c8595,8598 < "184" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", --- > "1913" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblewallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Wall Switch", 7498,7507c8600,8601 < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike1" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", --- > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "invisiblewallswitch", 7510,7514c8604,8608 < "186" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", --- > "1914" : { > "//description" : "A port which modular station expansion pieces can be attached to.", > "//name" : "expansionslothorizontal", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Expansion Slot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", 7516c8610 < "object" : "penguinposter1", --- > "object" : "expansionslothorizontal", 7519,7523c8613,8617 < "187" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", --- > "1915" : { > "//description" : "A metal bar with with a smoothly polished surface.", > "//name" : "spacebarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", 7525c8619 < "object" : "bonetable", --- > "object" : "spacebarbottom", 7528,7536c8622,8634 < "188" : { < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", --- > "1916" : { > "//description" : "Start piece background", > "//name" : "stationbackgroundstart", > "//shortdescription" : "Start piece background", > "imagePositionX" : "-136", > "imagePositionY" : "-136", > "object" : "stationbackgroundstart" > }, > "1917" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations.", > "//name" : "remoteteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", 7538,7539c8636 < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "object" : "remoteteleporter" 7541,7547c8638,8644 < "19" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", --- > "1918" : { > "//description" : "Mech bay piece background", > "//name" : "stationbackgroundmechbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech bay piece background", > "imagePositionX" : "-72", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "stationbackgroundmechbay", 7550,7554c8647,8651 < "190" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", --- > "1919" : { > "//description" : "A legendary testament to early space travel.", > "//name" : "lunarlander", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Lander", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", 7556c8653 < "object" : "neonmelonseed", --- > "object" : "lunarlander", 7559,7562d8655 < "191" : { < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "invalid" : "true" < }, 7570a8664,8708 > "1920" : { > "//description" : "A screen displaying a series of space-themed photographs.", > "//name" : "spaceslideshow", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Slideshow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "spaceslideshow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1921" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1922" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1923" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A braindead bioweapon created by irresponsible human scientists.\"", > "//name" : "paraspriteaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Parasprite Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paraspriteaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1924" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine with an interactive narrative game.", > "//name" : "beautifulattempt", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Attempt! Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beautifulattempt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 7845c8983 < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", --- > "//description" : "A holiday pole! It's festively striped.", 11919,11920c13057,13058 < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", --- > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", 11937,11938c13075,13076 < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", --- > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", 12577c13715 < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", --- > "//description" : "This string of small, twinkling holiday lights is the perfect way to get festive.", 12579c13717 < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Lights", 12881c14019 < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", --- > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", 12883c14021 < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock Door", 13994c15132 < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", --- > "//description" : "This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", 13996c15134 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock Door", 14973a16112 > "//description" : "...", 14975c16114,16118 < "invalid" : "true" --- > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound Source", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 15012c16155,16156 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 15020c16164,16165 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 15028c16173,16174 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 17722a18869,18892 > "1792" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3.png" > }, > "1793" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4.png" > }, > "1794" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2.png" > }, > "1795" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1.png" > }, > "1796" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostrailhatch.png" > }, > "1797" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostrailairlock.png" > }, > "1798" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outposthatchlarge.png" > }, > "1799" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation3.png" > }, 17728a18899,18928 > "1800" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation4.png" > }, > "1801" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1802" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1803" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1804" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1805" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1806" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1807" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1808" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "1809" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, 17731a18932,18961 > "1810" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industriallight.png" > }, > "1811" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialchair.png" > }, > "1812" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialdisplay.png" > }, > "1813" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcanister.png" > }, > "1814" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialdoor.png" > }, > "1815" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialtable.png" > }, > "1816" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcomputer.png" > }, > "1817" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcrate.png" > }, > "1818" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialstoragelocker.png" > }, > "1819" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation2.png" > }, 17734a18965,18994 > "1820" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation3.png" > }, > "1821" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation4.png" > }, > "1822" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation5.png" > }, > "1823" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation6.png" > }, > "1824" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble3_orientation7.png" > }, > "1825" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation2.png" > }, > "1826" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation3.png" > }, > "1827" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation4.png" > }, > "1828" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation5.png" > }, > "1829" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation6.png" > }, 17737a18998,19027 > "1830" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble4_orientation7.png" > }, > "1831" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation2.png" > }, > "1832" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation3.png" > }, > "1833" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation4.png" > }, > "1834" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation5.png" > }, > "1835" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation6.png" > }, > "1836" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble2_orientation7.png" > }, > "1837" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation2.png" > }, > "1838" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation3.png" > }, > "1839" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation4.png" > }, 17740a19031,19060 > "1840" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation5.png" > }, > "1841" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation6.png" > }, > "1842" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipgreeble1_orientation7.png" > }, > "1843" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railtramstop.png" > }, > "1844" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialbed.png" > }, > "1845" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechassemblystation.png" > }, > "1846" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationhatch.png" > }, > "1847" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdoor.png" > }, > "1848" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationrailhatch.png" > }, > "1849" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdoorlarge.png" > }, 17743a19064,19093 > "1850" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtable.png" > }, > "1851" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationhologram.png" > }, > "1852" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationvendingmachine.png" > }, > "1853" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlighth.png" > }, > "1854" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationchair.png" > }, > "1855" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationdisplay.png" > }, > "1856" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield.png" > }, > "1857" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield_orientation2.png" > }, > "1858" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield_orientation3.png" > }, > "1859" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechbeacon.png" > }, 17746a19097,19126 > "1860" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationceilingvent.png" > }, > "1861" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationlightv.png" > }, > "1862" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationpylon.png" > }, > "1863" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationbench.png" > }, > "1864" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationwallpanel.png" > }, > "1865" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationconsole.png" > }, > "1866" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationcrate.png" > }, > "1867" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrochair.png" > }, > "1868" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroserver.png" > }, > "1869" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrotable.png" > }, 17749a19130,19159 > "1870" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor.png" > }, > "1871" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroceilingmonitor_orientation1.png" > }, > "1872" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrocabinet.png" > }, > "1873" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrodoor.png" > }, > "1874" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrowallpanel.png" > }, > "1875" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrostoragelocker.png" > }, > "1876" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrovent.png" > }, > "1877" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrocrate.png" > }, > "1878" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astromonitor.png" > }, > "1879" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrolight.png" > }, 17752a19163,19192 > "1880" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astroconsole.png" > }, > "1881" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignmedic.png" > }, > "1882" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignelectronics.png" > }, > "1883" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignweapons.png" > }, > "1884" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationtradesignfood.png" > }, > "1885" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationmedscanner.png" > }, > "1886" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shootingtarget.png" > }, > "1887" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulebig.png" > }, > "1888" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulesmall.png" > }, > "1889" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulespace.png" > }, 17755a19196,19225 > "1890" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulespace_orientation1.png" > }, > "1891" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulespace_orientation2.png" > }, > "1892" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulespace_orientation3.png" > }, > "1893" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulemed.png" > }, > "1894" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame.png" > }, > "1895" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame_orientation1.png" > }, > "1896" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encounterboosterflame.png" > }, > "1897" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2.png" > }, > "1898" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation1.png" > }, > "1899" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame_orientation2.png" > }, 17761a19232,19261 > "1900" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame_orientation3.png" > }, > "1901" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation2.png" > }, > "1902" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encountersmallboosterflame2_orientation3.png" > }, > "1903" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encounterboosterflamehuman.png" > }, > "1904" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/encounterbigboosterflame.png" > }, > "1905" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall.png" > }, > "1906" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation2.png" > }, > "1907" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation3.png" > }, > "1908" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/expansionslot.png" > }, > "1909" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/playerstationconsole.png" > }, 17764a19265,19294 > "1910" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hangingbooster.png" > }, > "1911" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechcraftingtable.png" > }, > "1912" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiredtarget.png" > }, > "1913" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/invisiblewallswitch.png" > }, > "1914" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/expansionslothorizontal.png" > }, > "1915" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spacebarbottom.png" > }, > "1916" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationbackgroundstart.png" > }, > "1917" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/remoteteleporter.png" > }, > "1918" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationbackgroundmechbay.png" > }, > "1919" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarlander.png" > }, 17767a19298,19312 > "1920" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spaceslideshow.png" > }, > "1921" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope.png" > }, > "1922" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope_orientation1.png" > }, > "1923" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/paraspriteaf.png" > }, > "1924" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beautifulattempt.png" > }, 20415c21960 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/invisiblesound.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 279, --- > "tilecount" : 281, 157c157 < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", --- > "//description" : "It's a screen displaying an old medical scan.", 368c368 < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", --- > "//description" : "This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.", 1194c1194 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 1203c1203 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 1256c1256 < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", --- > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again?", 1712a1713,1720 > "279" : { > "//description" : "This metal sign indicates a mech work station.", > "//name" : "mechsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "mechsign" > }, 1721a1730,1738 > "280" : { > "//description" : "A purple door with an eye, fit for an evil cult.", > "//name" : "cultistdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1841c1858,1859 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 1849c1867,1868 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 1857c1876,1877 < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" --- > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 2995a3016,3018 > "279" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechsign.png" > }, 2997a3021,3023 > }, > "280" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cultistdoor.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\hylotl.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 231, --- > "tilecount" : 232, 922c922 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Hatch", 1267a1268,1275 > "231" : { > "//description" : "A halogen sign for the Letheia corporation.", > "//name" : "letheiasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Letheia Corp Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "letheiasign" > }, 1577c1585 < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Airlock Door", 1607c1615,1616 < "object" : "numisign" --- > "object" : "numisign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 2431a2441,2443 > }, > "231" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/letheiasign.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\container.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 272, --- > "tilecount" : 282, 1674a1675,1730 > "272" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscrate", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "273" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasscanister", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "274" : { > "//name" : "industrialclassstoragelocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids.", > "//name" : "industrialcanister", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Canister", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcanister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space travel.", > "//name" : "industrialcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light.", > "//name" : "industrialstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "industrialstoragelocker" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods.", > "//name" : "stationcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets.", > "//name" : "astrocabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrocabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1683a1740,1756 > "280" : { > "//description" : "An astro panel storage locker.", > "//name" : "astrostoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "astrostoragelocker" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A large container specialized for space transport.", > "//name" : "astrocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2901a2975,2998 > "272" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "273" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "274" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "275" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcanister.png" > }, > "276" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialcrate.png" > }, > "277" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialstoragelocker.png" > }, > "278" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationcrate.png" > }, > "279" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrocabinet.png" > }, 2903a3001,3006 > }, > "280" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrostoragelocker.png" > }, > "281" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrocrate.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\loungeable.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 265, --- > "tilecount" : 278, 1627a1628,1667 > "265" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "industrialclasschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding.", > "//name" : "industrialchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A cheap bed with a sturdy metal frame. It doesn't seem very comfortable.", > "//name" : "industrialbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Industrial Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "industrialbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "Equip and customise your personal mech!", > "//name" : "mechassemblystation", > "//shortdescription" : "Mech Assembly Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechassemblystation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1636a1677,1748 > "270" : { > "//description" : "A curved, formal looking metal chair.", > "//name" : "stationchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A sleek metal bench.", > "//name" : "stationbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships.", > "//name" : "astrochair", > "//shortdescription" : "Astro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "astrochair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A bed which is designed to perform medical scans.", > "//name" : "stationmedscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Station Medical Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stationmedscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A metal bar with with a smoothly polished surface.", > "//name" : "spacebarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spacebarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A legendary testament to early space travel.", > "//name" : "lunarlander", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Lander", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarlander", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", > "//name" : "telescope_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Astronomy Telescope", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "telescope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2859a2972,2986 > "265" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scifisleigh.png" > }, > "266" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "267" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialchair.png" > }, > "268" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/industrialbed.png" > }, > "269" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechassemblystation.png" > }, 2861a2989,3012 > }, > "270" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationchair.png" > }, > "271" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationbench.png" > }, > "272" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/astrochair.png" > }, > "273" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stationmedscanner.png" > }, > "274" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spacebarbottom.png" > }, > "275" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarlander.png" > }, > "276" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope.png" > }, > "277" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/telescope_orientation1.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\physics.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 10, --- > "tilecount" : 16, 26a27,80 > "10" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfieldsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field (Small)", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfieldsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.", > "//name" : "dockingfield_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Docking Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dockingfield", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 105a160,177 > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation2.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfieldsmall_orientation3.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield_orientation2.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dockingfield_orientation3.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 25, --- > "tilecount" : 26, 108c108 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 121c121 < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", --- > "//description" : "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", 162a163,170 > "25" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations.", > "//name" : "remoteteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "remoteteleporter" > }, 275a284,286 > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/remoteteleporter.png" treasure\common.treasurepools 548,550c548 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 557,559c555 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 566,568c562 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 576,578c570 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 586,588c578 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 598,600c588 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredOre"}, 611,614c599,600 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "ironore", 15]} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "ironore", 16]} 620,623c606,607 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "tungstenore", 15]} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "tungstenore", 16]} 629,632c613,614 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 15]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 16]}, 639,642c621,622 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "durasteelore", 15]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "durasteelore", 16]}, 649,654c629,632 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "violiumore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "feroziumore", 15]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "violiumore", 16]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 16]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "feroziumore", 16]}, 661,664c639,640 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "solariumore", 15]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "nonTieredRichOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "solariumore", 16]}, 669a646,665 > "nonTieredOre" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]} > ] > }] > ], > > "nonTieredRichOre" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 16]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 16]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 16]} > ] > }] > ], > 1720,1721d1715 < < treasure\hunting.treasurepools 376a377,386 > "paraspriteHunting" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.997, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, > {"weight" : 0.003, "item" : "paraspriteaf"} > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > } ] > ], > treasure\microdungeons.treasurepools 616a617,634 > ], > > "bookTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bookpiles", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bookpiles", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bookpiles", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bookpiles", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bookpiles", 1]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.4, 2], > [0.2, 3], > [0.2, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : true > }] treasure\monster.treasurepools 332c332 < --- > 599a600,614 > "paraspriteTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, > {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "paraspriteaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > 1913c1928 < "fill" : [ --- > "fill" : [ 1928c1943 < "fill" : [ --- > "fill" : [ 2030c2045 < --- > 2112,2121d2126 < }] < ], < < // ================================ < // Outdated < // ================================ < < "boss4Treasure" : [ < [1, { < "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "endomorphicjelly", 5]}, {"item" : "bossjelly-codex"}] treasure\Missions\miningtreasure1.treasurepools 22,25c22 < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "lunarbaselocker-recipe" }, < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "miningdoor-recipe" }, < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "miningverticaldoor-recipe" }, < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "miningchest-recipe" } --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "lunarbaselocker-recipe" } vehicles\ballista\ballista.lua 13d12 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 25c24 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then vehicles\boat\boat.lua 5d4 < self.specialLast = false 13,14d11 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 89c86 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then vehicles\boat\boat.vehicle 36c36,37 < "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5] --- > "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5], > "cameraFocus" : true 44c45,46 < "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5] --- > "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5], > "cameraFocus" : true 99a102 > "collisionKind" : "platform", vehicles\car\jeep.lua 79,80d78 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 129c127 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbike.lua 78,79d77 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 128c126 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbikegreen.vehicle 51c51,52 < "dance" : "warmhands" --- > "dance" : "warmhands", > "cameraFocus" : true 59c60,61 < "dance" : "typing" --- > "dance" : "typing", > "cameraFocus" : true 64c66 < --- > vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbikekhaki.vehicle 46c46,47 < "dance" : "warmhands" --- > "dance" : "warmhands", > "cameraFocus" : true 54c55,56 < "dance" : "typing" --- > "dance" : "typing", > "cameraFocus" : true 168c170 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbikered.vehicle 50c50,51 < "dance" : "warmhands" --- > "dance" : "warmhands", > "cameraFocus" : true 58c59,60 < "dance" : "typing" --- > "dance" : "typing", > "cameraFocus" : true vehicles\mech\mech.animation 45c45 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gun2.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gatling2.ogg" 63c63 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gun2.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gatling2.ogg" vehicles\mech\mech.lua 4d3 < self.specialLast = false 10d8 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 14c12 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then vehicles\mech\glitchmech\glitchmech.animation 45c45 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gun2.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gatling2.ogg" 63c63 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gun2.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/gun/mech_gatling2.ogg" vehicles\railplatform\compositerailplatform.animation 5c5 < "default" : "onRail", --- > "default" : "off", 7c7,13 < "onRail" : { --- > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/objects/steel_elevator_hit.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } > }, > "on" : { 10c16,20 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/tech/composite_platform_loop.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 27c37 < "onRail" : { --- > "on" : { 30a41,45 > }, > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":offRail" > } 44c59 < "onRail" : { --- > "on" : { 46a62,66 > } > }, > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":offRail" vehicles\railplatform\compositerailplatform.frames 9c9,10 < "default" : "onRail.1" --- > "default" : "onRail.1", > "offRail" : "onRail.4" vehicles\railplatform\compositerailplatform.vehicle 25c25,26 < "ignorePlatformCollision" : true --- > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "physicsEffectCategories" : [] 32a34 > "collisionKind" : "platform", vehicles\railplatform\compositerailplatformfullbright.frames 9c9,10 < "default" : "onRail.1" --- > "default" : "onRail.1", > "offRail" : "onRail.4" vehicles\railplatform\railplatform.lua 6,7d5 < self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 < 23c21 < if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then --- > if mcontroller.atWorldLimit() then 33a32,37 > end > > if self.railRider.onRailType and self.railRider.moving then > animator.setAnimationState("rail", "on") > else > animator.setAnimationState("rail", "off") vehicles\railplatform\rustyrailplatform.animation 5c5 < "default" : "onRail", --- > "default" : "off", 7c7,13 < "onRail" : { --- > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/objects/steel_elevator_hit.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } > }, > "on" : { 10c16,20 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/objects/sewergear.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 26c36 < "onRail" : { --- > "on" : { 28a39,43 > } > }, > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":offRail" vehicles\railplatform\rustyrailplatform.frames 9c9,10 < "default" : "onRail.1" --- > "default" : "onRail.1", > "offRail" : "onRail.4" vehicles\railplatform\rustyrailplatform.vehicle 22c22,23 < "ignorePlatformCollision" : true --- > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "physicsEffectCategories" : [] 29a31 > "collisionKind" : "platform", weather\duststorm\ 5c5 < { --- > { 8d7 < 22c21 < }, --- > }, 39d37 < 51c49 < { --- > { 54,55c52,54 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/darksand/1.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [96, 89, 131], > "size" : 1.0, 57d55 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 59,60d56 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 0.5, weather\sandstorm\ 27,28c27,29 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/sand/1.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [253, 198, 137], > "size" : 1.0, 30d30 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 32,33c32,33 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 0.5, --- > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, 42,43c42,44 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/sand/2.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [198, 156, 109], > "size" : 1.0, 45d45 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 57,58c57,59 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/sand/3.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [199, 178, 154], > "size" : 1.0, 60d60 < "angularVelocity" : 180, weather\snow\ 8,9c8,10 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/1.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [212, 219, 247], > "size" : 1.0, 11d11 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 21,22c21,23 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/2.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [239, 242, 254], > "size" : 1.0, 24d24 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 34,35c34,36 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/3.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [246, 250, 250], > "size" : 1.0, 37d37 < "angularVelocity" : 180, weather\snow\ 8,9c8,10 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/1.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [212, 219, 247], > "size" : 1.0, 21,22c22,24 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/2.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [239, 242, 254], > "size" : 1.0, 34,35c36,38 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/3.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [246, 250, 250], > "size" : 1.0, 37d39 < "angularVelocity" : 180, weather\snowstorm\ 25,26c25,27 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/1.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [212, 219, 247], > "size" : 1.0, 28d28 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 38,39c38,40 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/2.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [239, 242, 254], > "size" : 1.0, 41d41 < "angularVelocity" : 180, 51,52c51,53 < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/particles/snow/3.png", --- > "type" : "ember", > "color" : [246, 250, 250], > "size" : 1.0, 54d54 < "angularVelocity" : 180,