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biomes\surface_detached\giantflowers.biome biomes\surface_detached\hive.biome biomes\surface_detached\ice.biome biomes\surface_detached\mushroompatch.biome biomes\surface_detached\oasis.biome biomes\surface_detached\rust.biome biomes\surface_detached\spring.biome biomes\surface_detached\steamspring.biome biomes\surface_detached\swamp.biome biomes\surface_detached\tar.biome biomes\surface_detached\flesh\dripblood1\dripblood1.object biomes\surface_detached\old\charred\charred.biome biomes\surface_detached\old\flowers\flowers.biome biomes\surface_detached\old\rocky\rocky.biome biomes\surface_detached\old\sandstone\sandstone.biome biomes\underground\barrenunderground.biome biomes\underground\moonunderground.biome biomes\underground\underground0a.biome biomes\underground\underground0b.biome biomes\underground\underground0c.biome biomes\underground\underground0d.biome biomes\underground\underground1a.biome biomes\underground\underground1b.biome biomes\underground\underground1c.biome 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cinematics\glitch\intro.cinematic.disabled cinematics\human\intro.cinematic cinematics\human\intro.cinematic.disabled cinematics\hylotl\intro.cinematic cinematics\hylotl\intro.cinematic.disabled [NEW] cinematics\intro\introcomplete.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\intro\introstage.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\intro\introstart.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\licenses\default.frames cinematics\licenses\license1.cinematic cinematics\licenses\license1.png cinematics\licenses\license2.cinematic cinematics\licenses\license2.png cinematics\licenses\license3.cinematic cinematics\licenses\license4.cinematic cinematics\licenses\license5.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\mods\bunny.png [NEW] cinematics\mods\default.frames [NEW] cinematics\mods\modloading.cinematic cinematics\novakid\intro.cinematic cinematics\novakid\intro.cinematic.disabled cinematics\penguin\intro.cinematic cinematics\penguin\intro.cinematic.disabled [NEW] cinematics\repair\repair.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\repair\repair.frames [NEW] cinematics\repair\repair.png cinematics\respawn\spotlight.png [NEW] cinematics\respawn\apex\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\apex\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\avian\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\avian\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\floran\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\floran\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\glitch\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\glitch\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\human\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\human\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\hylotl\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\hylotl\respawnsurvival.cinematic cinematics\respawn\novakid\layer2.png [NEW] cinematics\respawn\novakid\respawncasual.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\respawn\novakid\respawnsurvival.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\story\1.png [NEW] cinematics\story\2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\3.png [NEW] cinematics\story\4.png [NEW] cinematics\story\5.png [NEW] cinematics\story\6.png [NEW] cinematics\story\backTrail.png [NEW] cinematics\story\baronatoutpost.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\story\baronatoutpost.png [NEW] cinematics\story\black.png [NEW] cinematics\story\blackbar.png [NEW] cinematics\story\blackbox.png [NEW] cinematics\story\blackcircle.png [NEW] cinematics\story\building1.png [NEW] cinematics\story\building1b.png [NEW] cinematics\story\building1c.png [NEW] cinematics\story\buildingcracked1a.png [NEW] cinematics\story\buildingcracked1b.png [NEW] cinematics\story\buildings2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\city.png [NEW] cinematics\story\city2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud1.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud10.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud11.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud3.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud4.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud5.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud6.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud7.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud8.png [NEW] cinematics\story\cloud9.png [NEW] cinematics\story\flunghumansleft.png [NEW] cinematics\story\flunghumansright.png [NEW] cinematics\story\graduates.png [NEW] cinematics\story\grand.png [NEW] cinematics\story\hologramattermanipulator.png [NEW] cinematics\story\interiortentacle1.png [NEW] cinematics\story\interiortentacle2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\introship.png [NEW] cinematics\story\koichiatoutpost.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\story\koichiatoutpost.png [NEW] cinematics\story\lanaatoutpost.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\story\lanaatoutpost.png [NEW] cinematics\story\meteor.frames [NEW] cinematics\story\meteor.png [NEW] cinematics\story\meteor2.frames [NEW] cinematics\story\meteor2.png [NEW] cinematics\story\mockup.png [NEW] cinematics\story\moon.png [NEW] cinematics\story\nuruatoutpost.cinematic [NEW] cinematics\story\nuruatoutpost.png [NEW] cinematics\story\othership1.frames [NEW] cinematics\story\othership1.png [NEW] cinematics\story\othership1explode.png [NEW] 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projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstelectric\airburstelectricbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstfire\airburstfire.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstfire\airburstfirebullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstice\airburstice.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstice\airbursticebullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstpoison\airburstpoison.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstpoison\airburstpoisonbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bonethorn\bonethorn.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bouncybullet\bouncybullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-1\bullet-1.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-2\bullet-2.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-3\bullet-3.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-4\bullet-4.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\cactusthorns\cactusthorns.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\carhorn\carhorn.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\chainbullet\chainbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\chainbullet\chainbullet2.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\delayed\delayed.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\explosivebullet\explosivebullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\explosivebullet\piercingexplosivebullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\fast\fast.projectile [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\huntingbullet\huntingbullet.frames [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\huntingbullet\huntingbullet.png [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\huntingbullet\huntingbullet.projectile [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\huntingbullet\icon.png projectiles\guns\bullets\needlerthorns\needlerthorns.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballblue\paintballblue.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballgreen\paintballgreen.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballorange\paintballorange.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballpurple\paintballpurple.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballred\paintballred.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballyellow\paintballyellow.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\pellet\pellet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\piercingbullet\piercingbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\splitbullet\splitbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\standardbullet\standardbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\stickybullet\stickybullet.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\stingergunsting\stingergunsting.projectile [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\tankmuzzleflash\tankmuzzleflash.frames [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\tankmuzzleflash\tankmuzzleflash.png [NEW] projectiles\guns\bullets\tankmuzzleflash\tankmuzzleflash.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\trishot\trishot.projectile projectiles\guns\bullets\turretbullet\turretbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largeelectriccloud.projectile projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largefirecloud.projectile projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largeicecloud.projectile 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projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\iceplasmagrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\iceplasmagrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\poisonplasmagrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\poisonplasmagrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\grenadeimpact\grenadeimpact.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\electricplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\electricplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\fireplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\fireplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\iceplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\iceplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\impactgrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\poisonplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\marioball\marioball.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\mouse\mouse.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\nail\nail.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\nailbomb\nailbomb.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\pig\pig.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\pill\pill.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\electricproximitymine.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\electricproximityminestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\fireproximitymine.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\fireproximityminestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\iceproximitymine.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\iceproximityminestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\poisonproximitymine.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\poisonproximityminestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\proximitymine.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\shock\shock.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\shockbomb\shockbomb.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\shrapnelbomb\shrapnel.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\shrapnelbomb\shrapnelbomb.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\spikeball\spikeball.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\splitter\splitter.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\electricstickygrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\electricstickygrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\firestickygrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\firestickygrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\icestickygrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\icestickygrenadestatus.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\poisonstickygrenade.projectile projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\poisonstickygrenadestatus.projectile 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projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\invisibletentaclefistnosound.projectile [NEW] projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.frames [NEW] projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.lua [NEW] projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.png [NEW] projectiles\guns\tentaclefist\tentaclefist.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\blowdart\blowdart.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\brainbullet\brainbullet.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\brainshock\brainshock.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\bustershot\bustershot.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap1\cellzap1.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap2\cellzap2.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap3\cellzap3.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap4\cellzap4.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap5\cellzap5.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\chargedbustershot\chargedbustershot.projectile projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdart.projectile 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--- > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Moon"} 555,557c638,640 < "regionName" : "Moon", < "orbitRange" : [11, 11], < "bodyProbability" : 1.0, --- > "regionName" : "Tier5Mid", > "orbitRange" : [6, 7], > "bodyProbability" : 0.25, 559c642,644 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "Moon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.9, "item" : "GasGiant"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "AsteroidField"} 561c646,667 < "satelliteTypes" : [] --- > "satelliteTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "Moon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Tier2"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "Tier3"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "Tier5"} > ] > }, > { > "regionName" : "Tier5Outer", > "orbitRange" : [8, 10], > "bodyProbability" : 0.5, > "planetaryTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Tier3"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "AsteroidField"} > ], > "satelliteTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Moon"} > ] 565c671 < "orbitRange" : [12, 12], --- > "orbitRange" : [11, 11], 568c674,678 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "AncientGateway"} --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "AncientGateway"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "AsteroidField"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "Tier5"} 610,612c720,722 < "regionName" : "Tier6", < "orbitRange" : [2, 10], < "bodyProbability" : 0.7, --- > "regionName" : "Tier6Inner", > "orbitRange" : [2, 5], > "bodyProbability" : 0.5, 614,617c724,728 < {"weight" : 0.8, "item" : "Tier6"}, < {"weight" : 0.12, "item" : "GasGiant"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "Barren"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "AsteroidField"} --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : "Tier6"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "AsteroidField"} 620,622c731 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "Tier5"}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "Tier6"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Moon"} --- > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Moon"} 626,628c735,737 < "regionName" : "Moon", < "orbitRange" : [11, 11], < "bodyProbability" : 1.0, --- > "regionName" : "Tier6Mid", > "orbitRange" : [6, 7], > "bodyProbability" : 0.25, 630c739,741 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "Moon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.9, "item" : "GasGiant"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "AsteroidField"} 632c743,764 < "satelliteTypes" : [] --- > "satelliteTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Moon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Tier3"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "Tier6"} > ] > }, > { > "regionName" : "Tier6Outer", > "orbitRange" : [8, 10], > "bodyProbability" : 0.5, > "planetaryTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : "Tier6"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "AsteroidField"} > ], > "satelliteTypes" : [ > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "Moon"} > ] 636c768 < "orbitRange" : [12, 12], --- > "orbitRange" : [11, 11], 639c771,775 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "AncientGateway"} --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "AncientGateway"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "AsteroidField"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "Tier6"} 649,650c785,786 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, < "maxSatelliteCount" : 2, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 1, > "maxSatelliteCount" : 1, 675c811 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 0.35, 688c824 < "imageScale" : 0.125, --- > "imageScale" : 0.1, 693c829 < "imageScale" : 0.15, --- > "imageScale" : 0.125, 701c837 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 0.35, 714c850 < "imageScale" : 0.125, --- > "imageScale" : 0.1, 719c855 < "imageScale" : 0.15, --- > "imageScale" : 0.125, 727c863 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 0.35, 740c876 < "imageScale" : 0.125, --- > "imageScale" : 0.1, 745c881 < "imageScale" : 0.15, --- > "imageScale" : 0.125, 753c889 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 0.35, 766c902 < "imageScale" : 0.125, --- > "imageScale" : 0.1, 771c907 < "imageScale" : 0.15, --- > "imageScale" : 0.125, 779c915 < "satelliteProbability" : 0.15, --- > "satelliteProbability" : 0.35, 787c923 < "terrestrialType" : [ "volcanic", "scorched", "magma" ] --- > "terrestrialType" : [ "volcanic", "scorchedcity", "magma" ] 792c928 < "imageScale" : 0.125, --- > "imageScale" : 0.1, 797c933 < "imageScale" : 0.15, --- > "imageScale" : 0.125, 895,896c1031,1032 < }, < --- > }, > 899c1035 < "maxSatelliteCount" : 4, --- > "maxSatelliteCount" : 3, 904c1040 < "smallImage" : "/celestial/system/planet_small.png" --- > "smallImage" : "/celestial/system/planet_large.png" 909,910c1045,1050 < "imageScale" : 0.15, < "smallImageScale" : 0.9 --- > "imageScale" : 0.16, > "smallImageScale" : 0.5 > }, > { > "imageScale" : 0.18, > "smallImageScale" : 0.5 914c1054 < "smallImageScale" : 1.0 --- > "smallImageScale" : 0.5 931c1071 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 951c1091 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 962c1102 < "terrestrialType" : [ "savannah", "snow", "ocean" ] --- > "terrestrialType" : [ "savannah", "snow" ] 971c1111 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 982c1122 < "terrestrialType" : [ "toxic", "alien", "jungle" ] --- > "terrestrialType" : [ "alien", "jungle" ] 991c1131 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 1002c1142 < "terrestrialType" : [ "arctic", "tundra" ] --- > "terrestrialType" : [ "tundra", "midnight" ] 1011c1151 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 1022c1162 < "terrestrialType" : [ "volcanic", "scorched", "magma", "midnight" ] --- > "terrestrialType" : [ "volcanic", "scorchedcity" ] 1031c1171 < "imageScale" : 0.055, --- > "imageScale" : 0.060, 1045a1186,1193 > { > "imageScale" : 0.035, > "worldSize" : "small" > }, > { > "imageScale" : 0.045, > "worldSize" : "small" > }, client.config 53d52 < "minimumInspectionLight" : 0.0001, 60,61c59,62 < "respawnCinematic" : "/cinematics/respawn//respawn.cinematic", < "warpCinematic" : "/cinematics/teleport.cinematic", --- > "loadingCinematic" : "/cinematics/loading.cinematic", > "introCinematic" : "/cinematics/intro/introstart.cinematic", > "respawnCinematic" : "/cinematics/respawn//respawn.cinematic", > "warpCinematic" : "/cinematics/teleport/teleport_.cinematic", 93,109d93 < "combatTrack" : { < "day" : { < "tracks" : [ "/music/testbattle.ogg" ] < }, < "night" : { < "tracks" : [ "/music/testbattle.ogg" ] < } < }, < "combatTrackMixSettings" : { < // Values are volume, delay, and duration < "grace" : 0.0, < "mixCombatIn" : [0.0, 0, 3], < "mixMusicOut" : [1.0, 0, 3], < "mixCombatOut" : [0, 0, 3], < "mixMusicIn" : [1.0, 0, 3] < }, < 121c105,109 < "luaGcStepMultiplier" : 1.0 --- > "luaGcStepMultiplier" : 1.0, > > "maxFrameSkip" : 3, > "updateTrackWindow" : 0.5, > "windowTitle" : "Starbound - Beta" default_actor_movement.config 4a5 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : false, 8c9 < "maximumCorrection" : 2, --- > "maximumCorrection" : 3, 13a15,17 > "stickyCollision" : false, > "stickyForce" : 0.0, > 61c65,67 < "onGroundSustain" : 0.1, --- > "groundMovementMinimumSustain" : 0.1, > "groundMovementMaximumSustain" : 0.25, > "groundMovementCheckDistance" : 0.75, default_movement.config 6a7 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : false, 10c11,12 < "maximumCorrection" : 2, --- > "maximumCorrection" : 3, > "discontinuityThreshold" : 10, dungeon_worlds.config 2,3c2,3 < "outpost" : { < "primaryDungeon" : "outpost", --- > "museum" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "museum", 6,7c6,7 < "worldSize" : [2000, 1000], < "dungeonBaseHeight" : 500, --- > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, 13,14c13,14 < "hylotlmission1" : { < "primaryDungeon" : "hylotlmission1", --- > "protectorate" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "protectorate", 18,21c18,22 < "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1400, < "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1209, < "biome" : "oceanmission", < "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32] --- > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 495, > "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128], > "biome" : "earth", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 24,25c25,26 < "ancientgateway" : { < "primaryDungeon" : "ancientgateway", --- > "outpost" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "outpost", 27,29c28,30 < "gravity" : 40, < "worldSize" : [1000, 1000], < "dungeonBaseHeight" : 500, --- > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 1000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 750, 32c33,75 < "musicTrack" : "/music/temple-of-kluex.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/planetarium.ogg" > }, > > "arena1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "arena1", > "threatLevel" : 4, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1200, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1115, > "ambientLightLevel" : [200, 200, 200], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/garden_day.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/i-was-the-sun.ogg", > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "arena2" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "arena2", > "threatLevel" : 5, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1200, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1115, > "ambientLightLevel" : [200, 200, 200], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/garden_day.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/i-was-the-sun.ogg", > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "arena3" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "arena3", > "threatLevel" : 6, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1200, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1115, > "ambientLightLevel" : [200, 200, 200], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/garden_day.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/i-was-the-sun.ogg", > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 38c81 < "airless" : true, --- > "airless" : false, 44c87,88 < "musicTrack" : "/music/ocean-battle1.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/ocean-battle1-loop.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 49c93 < "threatLevel" : 4, --- > "threatLevel" : 3, 51c95 < "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], --- > "worldSize" : [3000, 2000], 55c99,113 < "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration2.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/lava-exploration2.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "hylotlmission1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "hylotlmission1", > "threatLevel" : 4, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1400, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1209, > "biome" : "oceanmission", > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "musicTrack" : "/music/the-deep.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 60c118 < "threatLevel" : 4, --- > "threatLevel" : 5, 64c122 < "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1025, --- > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 960, 67c125,126 < "musicTrack" : "/music/casiopeia.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/casiopeia.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 72c131,134 < "threatLevel" : 5, --- > "weatherPool" : [ > [1.0, "storm"] > ], > "threatLevel" : 6, 76c138 < "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1000, --- > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1050, 79c141,166 < "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle1.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle1-loop.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "glitchmission1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "glitchmission1", > "threatLevel" : 6, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1230, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1070, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "biome" : "forest", > "musicTrack" : "", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "ancientgateway" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "ancientgateway", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 40, > "worldSize" : [1000, 1000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 500, > "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/temple-of-kluex.ogg" 83a171,173 > "weatherPool" : [ > [1.0, "snow"] > ], 90,91c180,182 < "biome" : "tundra", < "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle2.ogg" --- > "biome" : "snow", > "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle2-loop.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 96c187,190 < "threatLevel" : 5, --- > "weatherPool" : [ > [1.0, "snowstorm"] > ], > "threatLevel" : 4, 103c197,198 < "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle2.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/crystal-exploration1.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 106,108c201,203 < "monolith" : { < "primaryDungeon" : "monolith", < "threatLevel" : 5, --- > "challengerooms" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "challengerooms", > "threatLevel" : 1, 115c210,211 < "musicTrack" : "/music/temple-of-kluex.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/event-horizon.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 118,119c214,243 < "challengerooms" : { < "primaryDungeon" : "challengerooms", --- > "techchallenge_doublejump" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "techchallenge_doublejump", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 810, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/desert-exploration2.ogg", > "overrideTech" : ["doublejump"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "techchallenge_dash" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "techchallenge_dash", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 810, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "ambientNoises" : "/sfx/environmental/space_loop4.ogg", > "musicTrack" : "/music/desert-exploration2.ogg", > "overrideTech" : ["dash"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] > }, > > "techchallenge_morphball" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "techchallenge_morphball", 127c251,253 < "musicTrack" : "/music/event-horizon.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/desert-exploration2.ogg", > "overrideTech" : ["distortionsphere"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] help.config 2,5c2,7 < "commandProcessor" : { < "help" : "Available commands are: %s. Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.", < "reload" : "Usage /reload. Reloads your local, client side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.", < "serverreload" : "Usage /serverreload. Reloads the remote, server side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.", --- > "basicHelpText" : "Basic commands are: %s", > "adminHelpText" : "Admin commands are: %s", > "debugHelpText" : "Debug commands are: %s", > > "basicCommands" : { > "help" : "Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.", 7,17c9 < "warp" : "Usage /warp warpAction. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, InstanceWorld:worldid::, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world.", < "timewarp" : "Usage /timewarp timeInSeconds. Warp universe time ahead by timeInSeconds.", < "spawnitem" : "Usage /spawnitem itemName [count] [variantParameters]. Spawn the specified item at the mouse cursor. If the item does not exist it will spawn a perfectly generic item. Count expects an integral number. Variant parameters are parameters passed to the item's constructor. They are specified as JSON. Best practice is to surround JSON in single quotes.", < "spawntreasure" : "Usage /spawntreasure poolName [level]. Generates contents of a specified treasurepool at the mouse cursor.", < "spawnmonster" : "Usage /spawnmonster type [level] [variantParameters]. Spawn the specified monster type at the mouse cursor. If level is not specified it takes level 0. Variant parameters are parameters passed to the monster's constructor. They are specified as JSON. Best practice is to surround JSON in single quotes.", < "spawnnpc" : "Usage /spawnnpc species [type] [level]. Spawn an NPC of that specified species. If type is specified it spawns on the specific NPC type (for instance, guard). If level is not specified it takes level 0.", < "spawnstagehand" : "Usage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. If parameters are specified (as a JSON object) they will be merged on top of the default configuration.", < "clearstagehand" : "Usage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with broadcast areas containing or positions close to the current cursor position.", < "spawnliquid" : "Usage /spawnliquid liquidName amount. Spawn a quantity of liquid at the mouse cursor.", < "pvp" : "Usage /pvp. Toggle your Player VS Player mode if possible.", < "serverwhoami" : "Usage /serverwhoami. Display your server username and admin status.", --- > "reload" : "Usage /reload. Reloads your local, client side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.", 18a11 > "serverwhoami" : "Usage /serverwhoami. Display your server username and admin status.", 19a13,35 > "pvp" : "Usage /pvp. Enable or disable your Player vs. Player mode.", > "played" : "Usage /played. Displays the total play time of the current character.", > "deaths" : "Usage /deaths. Displays the total death count of the current character.", > "suicide" : "Usage /suicide. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck.", > "naked" : "Usage /naked. Remove all gear. Useful in macros to give a character new gear replacing the existing gear, or you know, for fun." > }, > > "adminCommands" : { > "warp" : "Usage /warp warpAction. Warps player to a world and/or position. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, InstanceWorld:worldid::, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world.", > "timewarp" : "Usage /timewarp time. Warp universe time ahead by the specified number of seconds.", > "settileprotection" : "Usage /settileprotection dungeonId isProtected. Set protection for blocks with the specified dungeonId to be true (unbreakable) or false (breakable).", > "setspawnpoint" : "Usage /setspawnpoint. Sets the default spawn point on the current world to your character's position.", > "spawnitem" : "Usage /spawnitem itemName [count] [parameters]. Spawn the specified item at the mouse cursor. If the item does not exist it will spawn a perfectly generic item. Count should be an integer and defaults to 1. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.", > "spawntreasure" : "Usage /spawntreasure poolName [level]. Spawns all items in a single random generation of the specified treasure pool at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1.", > "spawnmonster" : "Usage /spawnmonster type [level] [parameters]. Spawn a monster of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.", > "spawnnpc" : "Usage /spawnnpc species type [level] [seed] [overrides]. Spawn an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1. Overrides should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.", > "spawnvehicle" : "Usage /spawnvehicle type [parameters]. Spawn a vehicle of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.", > "spawnstagehand" : "Usage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.", > "clearstagehand" : "Usage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with positions close to the current cursor position.", > "spawnliquid" : "Usage /spawnliquid liquidName [quantity]. Spawn a quantity of the specified liquid at the mouse cursor. Quantity defaults to 1.", > "kick" : "Usage /kick playerSpecifier [reason]. Kick the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason.", > "ban" : "Usage /ban playerSpecifier [reason] [kind] [timeInSeconds]. Kick and ban the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason. Kind is specified as \"uuid\" or \"ip\" or \"both\" and defaults to \"both\". timeInSeconds defaults to forever. Bans that have a specified duration are not persistent. If you shut down the server or reload configuration, all of your temporarily banned users will be unbanned immediately.", > "list" : "Usage /list. List all clients connected to the server. Format is $clientId : serverNickname : $$playerUuid. If the serverNickname contains unprintable characters the unicode escape sequence for those characters will be displayed instead.", 21,23c37,45 < "played" : "Usage /played. Displays how long you've played this character.", < "itemid" : "Usage /itemid bagSpecifier slotSpecifier. Dumps item information to the command line. bagSpecifier is a number between 1 and 6 or one of (case insensitive) \"bag\", \"tilebag\", \"bar\", \"equipment\", \"wieldable\", \"swap\". slotSpecifier is dependent on the bag type. If type is bag, tilebag, 1 or 2 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 39 inclusive. If type is bar or 3 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 9 inclusive. If type is equipment or 4 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 12 inclusive or one of (case insensitive) \"head\", \"chest\", \"legs\", \"back\", \"headSoc\", \"chestSoc\", \"legsSoc\", \"backSoc\", \"tech1\", \"tech2\", \"tech3\", \"tech4\", \"trash\". If type is wieldable then slotSpecifier is either 0 or 1 or (case insensitive) \"lefthand\" or \"righthand\". If type is swap then only 0 is valid.", < "gravity" : "Usage /gravity. Display the gravity at the player's position.", --- > "serverreload" : "Usage /serverreload. Reloads the remote, server side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.", > "enablespawning" : "Usage /enablespawning. Enable automatic monster spawning on the current world.", > "disablespawning" : "Usage /disablespawning. Disable automatic monster spawning on the current world.", > "placedungeon" : "Usage /placedungeon dungeonname [position]. Place the given dungeon into the world anchored at the specified position or the player's cursor position. Positions should be specified as x,y. Ignores anchoring rules. ", > "setuniverseflag" : "Usage /setuniverseflag flagName. Sets the current universe flag, triggering any associated world changes.", > "resetuniverseflags" : "Usage /resetuniverseflags. Clears all universe flags, but doesn't directly revert any effects triggered by those flags." > }, > > "debugCommands" : { 25c47 < "togglelogmap" : "Usage /togglelogmap. Toggle the display of debugging text information to the screen if debug mode is enabled.", --- > "gravity" : "Usage /gravity. Display the gravity at the player's position.", 30,31c52 < "setspawnpoint" : "Usage /setspawnpoint. Sets the default spawn point on the current world to your character's position.", < "settileprotection" : "Usage /settileprotection dungeonId isProtected. Set protection for blocks with the specified dungeonId to be true (unbreakable) or false (breakable).", --- > "fixedcamera" : "Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. Sectors may not load or behave correctly when the camera is distant from the player's position.", 34,45c55,59 < "aicommand" : "Usage /aicommand commandName. Executes the specified predefined AI command.", < "aiaction" : "Usage /aiaction actionJson. Executes a custom AI action.", < "coordinate" : "Usage /coordinate. Displays the current coordinate of the world you are on or orbiting.", < "kick" : "Usage /kick playerSpecifier [reason]. Kick the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason (IRC Style).", < "ban" : "Usage /ban playerSpecifier [reason] [kind] [timeInSeconds]. Kick and ban the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason (IRC Style). Kind is specified as \"uuid\" or \"ip\" or \"both\". Other values are invalid. If kind is not specified or incorrectly specified then \"both\" is used. timeInSeconds defaults to forever. Bans that have a specified duration are not persistent. If you shut down the server or reload configuration, all of your temporarily banned users will be unbanned immediately.", < "list" : "Usage /list. List all clients logged into the server. Format is $clientId : serverNickname : $$playerUuid. If the serverNickname contains unprintable characters the unicode escape sequence for those characters will be displayed instead.", < "snapshot" : "Usage /snapshot xsize ysize. Render the view of the world centered on the player with x and y size, and store to the given sbscene file.", < "eval" : "Usage /eval . Evaluates given lua in script processor context", < "entityeval" : "Usage /entityeval . Evaluates given script in the context of the closest scripted entity to the cursor", < "fixedcamera" : "Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. (May cause sectors not to spawn and monsters to spawn right next to or on top of you if offscreen. Useful for recorded demonstrations.)", < "aimessage" : "Usage /aimessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the AI message with the specified id", < "clearaimessages" : "Usage /clearaimessages. Resets all history of received AI messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.", --- > "eval" : "Usage /eval . Evaluates given lua in script processor context. Only usable locally.", > "entityeval" : "Usage /entityeval . Evaluates given lua in the context of the closest scripted entity to the cursor. Only usable locally.", > "radiomessage" : "Usage /radiomessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the radio message with the specified id.", > "clearradiomessages" : "Usage /clearradiomessages. Resets all history of received unique radio messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.", > "clearcinematics" : "Usage /clearcinematics. Resets all history of played unique cinematics, allowing the player to see these cinematics again.", 47,51c61,73 < "statistics" : "Usage /statistics. Displays collected statistics about the player (currently only includes total number of deaths; will be expanded in future versions.", < "suicide" : "Usage /suicide. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck.", < "naked" : "Usage /naked. Remove all gear. Useful in macros to give a character new gear replacing the existing gear, or you know, for fun.", < "enableSpawning" : "Usage /enableSpawning. Enable automatic monster spawning", < "disableSpawning" : "Usage /disableSpawning. Disable automatic monster spawning" --- > "startquest" : "Usage /startquest questArcDescriptor. Give the player a quest with the specified quest arc descriptor, which should be a JSON string or object enclosed by single quotes. To start a quest by quest template ID, enclose the template ID in single and double quotes, e.g. /startquest '\"protectorate\"'", > "completequest" : "Usage /completequest questId. Force completion of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).", > "failquest" : "Usage /failquest questId. Force failure of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).", > "previewnewquest" : "Usage /previewnewquest questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the New Quest interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.", > "previewquestcomplete" : "Usage /previewquestcomplete questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Complete interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.", > "previewquestfailed" : "Usage /previewquestfailed questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Failed interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.", > "clearscannedobjects" : "Usage /clearscannedobjects. Resets the player's record of previously scanned objects. Will not reset quest progress for object scanning quests.", > "statistic" : "Usage /statistic statName. Displays the value of the specified achievement statistic.", > "resetachievements" : "Usage /resetachievements. Resets all of the player's achievement statistics.", > "enabletech" : "Usage /enabletech techName. Unlocks the specified tech for use.", > "maketechavailable" : "Usage /maketechavailable techName. Makes the specified tech visible and available for purchase.", > "giveessentialitem" : "Usage /giveessentialitem item slotName. Sets the specified essential slot to the specified item, overwriting the existing contents. Valid slot names are: beamaxe, wiretool, painttool, inspectiontool.", > "upgradeship" : "Usage /upgradeship shipUpgrades. Applies the specified ship upgrades to the current player's ship. shipUpgrades should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes, e.g. '{\"shipLevel\" : 5}'" hobo.ttf Files C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\__assets\hobo.ttf and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\_assets\hobo.ttf differ humanoid.config 3a4,8 > // Offset applied to all pieces. Half a pixel up to correct for the humanoid > // frames being an odd number of pixels, so the bottom of the collision poly > // would otherwise be not at a whole pixel boundary. > "globalOffset" : [0.0, 0.5], > 40c45 < "mouthOffset" : [3, 3], --- > "mouthOffset" : [0, 3], 62c67 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 105c110 < "maximumCorrection" : 2, --- > "maximumCorrection" : 3, instance_worlds.config 2c2 < "outpost" : { --- > "museum" : { 4c4,62 < "dungeonWorld" : "outpost", --- > "dungeonWorld" : "museum", > "seed" : 1234, > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "worldProperties" : { > "nonCombat" : true > }, > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.75, 0.5 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.10, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/liquids/water.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.10, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/jungle/maskie3.png?hueshift=75?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/22.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.10, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/jungle/maskie2.png?hueshift=75?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/24.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.10, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/jungle/maskie1.png?hueshift=75?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.10, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/3.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.46, 0.46 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.17, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png?hueshift=230" > }, { > "scale" : 0.17, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_0.png?hueshift=220?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/3.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.17, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_1.png?hueshift=223?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/28.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.17, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/3.png" > } ] > }, > "skyType" : "barren", > "horizonImages" : [ ], > "dayLength" : 1153.36, > "surfaceLevel" : 1200, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 > } > }, > > "protectorate" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "protectorate", 6a65,66 > "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 14a75,88 > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], > > "morningColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "dayColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [167, 86, 70], [107, 60, 53] ], > "nightColors" : [ [167, 86, 70], [107, 60, 53] ], > > "morningLightColor" : [140, 71, 0], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [150, 150, 150], > "nightLightColor" : [150, 150, 150] > }, 28c102 < "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" --- > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" 31c105 < "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" --- > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" 50d123 < "skyType" : "barren", 52c125 < "dayLength" : 1153.36, --- > "dayLength" : 100000, 58c131 < "monolith" : { --- > "outpost" : { 60c133 < "dungeonWorld" : "monolith", --- > "dungeonWorld" : "outpost", 62a136,141 > "beamUpRule" : "Anywhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "worldProperties" : { > "nonCombat" : true > }, 65,66d143 < "dayLength" : 10000, < "surfaceLevel" : 1000, 68,84c145 < "seed" : -5288806180628666923, < < "skyType" : "barren", < "skyColoring" : { < "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], < < "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < < "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] < }, < --- > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], 120c181,185 < "horizonImages" : [ ] --- > "skyType" : "barren", > "horizonImages" : [ ], > "dayLength" : 1153.36, > "surfaceLevel" : 1200, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 128a194,195 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 180a248,249 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 232a302,303 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 297a369,370 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 307,312c380 < "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], < < "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], --- > "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], 314,317c382,390 < "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] --- > "morningColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "dayColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "eveningColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "nightColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > > "morningLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "dayLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "eveningLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "nightLightColor" : [160, 120, 180] 363a437,438 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 375,378c450,459 < "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], < "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], --- > "morningColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "dayColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "eveningColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > "nightColors" : [[125, 17, 158], [210, 52, 50]], > > "morningLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "dayLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "eveningLightColor" : [160, 120, 180], > "nightLightColor" : [160, 120, 180] > }, 380,383c461,526 < "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], < "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] --- > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.35497 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/liquids/water.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png?hueshift=-80" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_0.png?hueshift=-70?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/3.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_1.png?hueshift=-77?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/28.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "horizonImages" : [ ] > } > }, > > "glitchmission1" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "glitchmission1", > "seed" : 1111, > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [ [120, 125, 200], [230, 150, 85] ], > "dayColors" : [ [120, 125, 200], [230, 150, 85] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [120, 125, 200], [230, 150, 85] ], > "nightColors" : [ [120, 125, 200], [230, 150, 85] ], > > "morningLightColor" : [120, 140, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 140, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [120, 140, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [120, 140, 200] 429a573,574 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 491d635 < 496a641,642 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 561a708,799 > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > } > } > }, > > "techchallenge_doublejump" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "techchallenge_doublejump", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > } > } > }, > > "techchallenge_dash" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "techchallenge_dash", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > } > } > }, > > "techchallenge_morphball" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "techchallenge_morphball", > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "AnywhereWithWarning", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, 581a820,882 > } > } > }, > > "arena1" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "arena1", > "seed" : 1234, > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], > > "morningColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "dayColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [225, 147, 85] ], > "nightColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [255, 177, 115] ], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [150, 150, 150], > "nightLightColor" : [150, 150, 150] > }, > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.35497 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/liquids/water.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.055, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "layers" : [ { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png?hueshift=-80" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_0.png?hueshift=-70?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/3.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds_1.png?hueshift=-77?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/28.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : 0.15, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] 582a884,904 > "horizonImages" : [ ], > "dayLength" : 100000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1200, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 > } > }, > > "arena2" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "arena2", > "seed" : 1234, > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], 583a906,915 > "morningColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "dayColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [225, 147, 85] ], > "nightColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [255, 177, 115] ], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [150, 150, 150], > "nightLightColor" : [150, 150, 150] > }, 597c929 < "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" --- > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/forest/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/temperate/5.png" 600c932 < "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" --- > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" 619c951,1021 < "horizonImages" : [ ] --- > "horizonImages" : [ ], > "dayLength" : 100000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1200, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 > } > }, > > "arena3" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "arena3", > "seed" : 1234, > "spawningEnabled" : false, > "beamUpRule" : "Nowhere", > "disableDeathDrops" : true, > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], > > "morningColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "dayColors" : [ [115, 224, 255], [255, 255, 255] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [225, 147, 85] ], > "nightColors" : [ [255, 118, 72], [255, 177, 115] ], > > 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My. God! It's a... wait... nope sorry, nothing.", < "My god, it's full of nothing.", < "If at first you don't succeed keep looking at the nothing.", < "You try hard to make something out there, but fail.", < "Nada, nothing, zilch, zip." < ], < 372a352,357 > "bgShine" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/escmenu/shine.png", > "position" : [0, 0], > "zlevel" : -10 > }, 380c365 < "position" : [13, 57], --- > "position" : [18, 170], 387c372 < "position" : [13, 42], --- > "position" : [18, 130], 394c379 < "position" : [13, 27], --- > "position" : [18, 90], 397a383,396 > }, > "lblversion" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [108, 50], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "value" : "", > "color" : [50, 50, 50] > }, > "lblcopyright" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [108, 40], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "value" : "Chucklefish Games 2016 - Made in London, UK", > "color" : [50, 50, 50] 441,442c440,441 < "paneTitleColor" : [255, 252, 220], < "paneSubTitleColor" : [126, 112, 102], --- > "paneTitleColor" : 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"/sfx/objects/coinstack_medium1.ogg", > "sellSound" : "/sfx/objects/coinstack_medium1.ogg" panes.config 3c3 < "tooltipMouseoverRadius" : 8, --- > "tooltipMouseoverRadius" : 4, player.config 11,12c11,12 < < "attackGruntChance" : 0.50, --- > > "ageItemsEvery" : 10, 17c17 < "blueprintAlreadyKnown" : "I already know how to craft a .", --- > "blueprintAlreadyKnown" : "I already know how to craft .", 23,27c23,26 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" }, < { "item" : "logblock" }, < { "item" : "cabinroofing" }, < { "item" : "yarnspinner" }, < { "item" : "woodenwateringcan" }, --- > > // ********* TIER 1 ********** > > // Empty Hands 28a28,31 > { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" }, > { "item" : "inventorstable" }, > { "item" : "platform" }, > { "item" : "climbingrope" }, 30,31c33,46 < { "item" : "woodencraftingtable" }, < { "item" : "fence" }, --- > > // Inventors Table > { "item" : "craftinganvil" }, > { "item" : "craftingfarm" }, > { "item" : "craftingfurnace" }, > { "item" : "craftingfurniture" }, > { "item" : "craftingwheel" }, > { "item" : "breathprotectionback" }, > > // Anvil 1 > { "item" : "startershield" }, > { "item" : "bomb" }, > > // Farming Table 32a48,76 > { "item" : "bow" }, > { "item" : "tungstenbow" }, > { "item" : "mothtrap" }, > { "item" : "scarecrow" }, > { "item" : "woodenwateringcan" }, > { "item" : "wateringcan" }, > { "item" : "bugnet" }, > { "item" : "flashlight" }, > { "item" : "flare" }, > { "item" : "huntingspear" }, > { "item" : "mininglantern" }, > { "item" : "lanternstickback" }, > { "item" : "mininghathead" }, > > // Furnace 1 > { "item" : "ironbar" }, > { "item" : "copperbar" }, > { "item" : "silverbar" }, > { "item" : "goldbar" }, > { "item" : "tungstenbar" }, > > { "item" : "glass" }, > { "item" : "bottle" }, > { "item" : "firedclay" }, > { "item" : "syringe" }, > { "item" : "volatilepowder" }, > { "item" : "paper" }, > > // Furniture Table 1 33a78,79 > { "item" : "coppershelf" }, > { "item" : "coppersupport" }, 35,38d80 < { "item" : "woodencrate1" }, < { "item" : "woodencrate2" }, < { "item" : "woodendoor" }, < { "item" : "woodengate" }, 41,43c83,91 < { "item" : "platform" }, < { "item" : "ironanvil" }, < { "item" : "ironblock" }, --- > { "item" : "woodendoor" }, > { "item" : "woodenverticaldoor" }, > { "item" : "woodengate" }, > { "item" : "copperceilinglight" }, > { "item" : "copperlantern" }, > { "item" : "woodencrate1" }, > { "item" : "woodencrate2" }, > { "item" : "copperbox1" }, > { "item" : "rockbrickmaterial" }, 45,46c93,101 < { "item" : "stonefurnace" }, < { "item" : "glassmaterial" }, --- > { "item" : "darksmoothstonematerial" }, > { "item" : "copperblock" }, > { "item" : "copperfence" }, > { "item" : "copperplatform" }, > { "item" : "copperroofing" }, > { "item" : "copperwindow" }, > { "item" : "fence" }, > { "item" : "crosshatch" }, > { "item" : "ironblock" }, 49,50c104 < { "item" : "woodencookingtable" }, < { "item" : "fabric" }, --- > { "item" : "glassmaterial" }, 52,60c106,133 < { "item" : "metalworkstation" }, < { "item" : "huntingspear" }, < { "item" : "bandage" }, < { "item" : "huntingknife" }, < { "item" : "climbingrope" }, < { "item" : "string" }, < { "item" : "startershield" }, < { "item" : "bugnet" }, < { "item" : "coolchest" }, --- > { "item" : "thatch" }, > { "item" : "wicker" }, > { "item" : "wickersupport" }, > { "item" : "cabinroofing" }, > { "item" : "brickmaterial" }, > { "item" : "rooftiles" }, > { "item" : "fullwood1" }, > { "item" : "fullwood2" }, > { "item" : "woodpanelling" }, > { "item" : "woodbridge" }, > { "item" : "heavypipe" }, > { "item" : "minifridge" }, > > { "item" : "tier1chair" }, > { "item" : "tier1door" }, > { "item" : "tier1light" }, > { "item" : "tier1spotlight" }, > { "item" : "tier1table" }, > { "item" : "tier1bed" }, > > { "item" : "tier2chair" }, > { "item" : "tier2door" }, > { "item" : "tier2light" }, > { "item" : "tier2bed" }, > { "item" : "tier2table" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "tshirtchest" }, 62a136,139 > { "item" : "boxingglove" }, > { "item" : "fabric" }, > { "item" : "string" }, > { "item" : "cottonwool" }, 64,69c141 < { "item" : "woodenelevatorshort" }, < { "item" : "woodenelevatorlong" }, < { "item" : "mechanicalelevatorshort" }, < { "item" : "mechanicalelevatorlong" }, < { "item" : "steelelevatorshort" }, < { "item" : "steelelevatorlong" }, --- > { "item" : "teddybearplush" }, 71,75c143,161 < { "item" : "copperdrill" }, < { "item" : "silverdrill" }, < { "item" : "golddrill" }, < { "item" : "platinumdrill" }, < { "item" : "diamonddrill" }, --- > { "item" : "bluedye" }, > { "item" : "dyeremover" }, > { "item" : "reddye" }, > { "item" : "yellowdye" }, > { "item" : "blackdye" }, > { "item" : "whitedye" }, > > // Campfire > { "item" : "bakedpotato"}, > { "item" : "boiledpearlpeas"}, > { "item" : "boiledrice"}, > { "item" : "cookedalienmeat"}, > { "item" : "cookedbacon" }, > { "item" : "cookedfish" }, > { "item" : "cookedpoultry"}, > { "item" : "cookedribmeat"}, > { "item" : "cookedtomato"}, > { "item" : "popcorn"}, > { "item" : "roastedcarrot"}, 77c163 < { "item" : "boxingglove" }, --- > // ********* TIER 2 ********** 79,85c165,170 < { "item" : "bow" }, < // { "item" : "ironbow" }, < // { "item" : "steelbow" }, < // { "item" : "titaniumbow" }, < // { "item" : "compoundbow" }, < { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, < // { "item" : "feroziumbow" }, --- > // Inventors Table 2 > { "item" : "craftingmedical" }, > { "item" : "woodencookingtable" }, > { "item" : "fossilstation" }, > { "item" : "refinery" }, > { "item" : "radiationprotectionback" }, 87c172,183 < // STARTING COOKING RECIPES --- > // Furnace 2 > { "item" : "titaniumbar" }, > { "item" : "durasteelbar" }, > > // Medicine Table 1 > { "item" : "antidote" }, > { "item" : "bandage" }, > { "item" : "yellowstim" }, > { "item" : "redstim" }, > { "item" : "salve" }, > > // Cooking Table 89c185,188 < { "item" : "coffee"}, --- > { "item" : "meatdumplings"}, > { "item" : "corncob"}, > { "item" : "mashedpotato"}, > { "item" : "bonbons" }, 90a190,218 > { "item" : "sweetpopcorn"}, > { "item" : "bottledwater"}, > { "item" : "coffee"}, > > // Fossil Station > { "item" : "fossilbrushbeginner" }, > { "item" : "fossilbrushstudent" }, > { "item" : "fossilbrushmaster" }, > { "item" : "fossildisplay1" }, > { "item" : "fossildisplay3" }, > { "item" : "fossildisplay5" }, > > // ********* TIER 3 ********** > > // Anvil 2 > { "item" : "molotov" }, > > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "tier3chair" }, > { "item" : "tier3door" }, > { "item" : "tier3light" }, > { "item" : "tier3bed" }, > { "item" : "tier3table" }, > > { "item" : "tier4chair" }, > { "item" : "tier4door" }, > { "item" : "tier4light" }, > { "item" : "tier4bed" }, > { "item" : "tier4table" }, 91a220,226 > { "item" : "silverblock" }, > { "item" : "silverscrew" }, > { "item" : "silverplatform" }, > { "item" : "goldblock" }, > { "item" : "goldenplatform" }, > { "item" : "treasurehoard" }, > { "item" : "asphalt" }, 92a228 > { "item" : "mediummetal" }, 94,122c230,238 < { "item" : "refinery" }, < { "item" : "steelplatform" }, < { "item" : "voxel1k" }, < { "item" : "voxel2k" }, < { "item" : "voxel5k" }, < { "item" : "voxel10k" }, < < { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, < { "item" : "aegisaltrifle" }, < { "item" : "aegisaltshotgun" }, < { "item" : "feroziumrifle" }, < { "item" : "feroziumpistol" }, < { "item" : "feroziumsniper" }, < { "item" : "feroziumrocket" }, < < { "item" : "apexsteelstaff1" }, < { "item" : "apexsteelstaff2" }, < { "item" : "aviancrystalstaff1" }, < { "item" : "aviancrystalstaff2" }, < { "item" : "floranleafstaff1" }, < { "item" : "floranleafstaff2" }, < { "item" : "glitchglitchstaff1" }, < { "item" : "glitchglitchstaff2" }, < { "item" : "humanplasmastaff1" }, < { "item" : "humanplasmastaff2" }, < { "item" : "hylotlaquastaff1" }, < { "item" : "hylotlaquastaff2" }, < { "item" : "novakidlightstaff1" }, < { "item" : "novakidlightstaff2" }, --- > { "item" : "composite01material" }, > { "item" : "fridge" }, > > // Spinning Wheel 2 > { "item" : "silk" }, > { "item" : "canvas" }, > { "item" : "syntheticmaterial" }, > > { "item" : "mannequin" }, 124c240,252 < // { "item" : "fossilstation" }, --- > { "item" : "greydye" }, > { "item" : "orangedye" }, > { "item" : "pinkdye" }, > { "item" : "purpledye" }, > { "item" : "greendye" }, > { "item" : "browndye" }, > > > // ********* TIER 4 ********** > > // Inventors Table 3 > { "item" : "3dprinter" }, > { "item" : "capturestation" }, 126,127c254,257 < { "item" : "alloyfurnace" }, < // { "item" : "portable3dprinter" }, --- > { "item" : "wiringstation" }, > { "item" : "railcraftingtable" }, > { "item" : "coldprotectionback" }, > { "item" : "heatprotectionback" }, 128a259,272 > // Farming Table 2 > { "item" : "compoundbow" }, > { "item" : "capturestation" }, > { "item" : "grapplinghook" }, > { "item" : "halogenpack" }, > { "item" : "sprinkler" }, > { "item" : "cavedetector" }, > { "item" : "oredetector" }, > > // Furnace 3 > { "item" : "refinedaegisalt" }, > { "item" : "refinedferozium" }, > { "item" : "refinedviolium" }, > { "item" : "solariumstar" }, 130,131c274,286 < { "item" : "laserdiode" }, < { "item" : "circuitboard" }, --- > { "item" : "siliconboard" }, > { "item" : "battery" }, > { "item" : "smallbattery" }, > > // Medicine Table 2 > { "item" : "greenstim" }, > { "item" : "bluestim" }, > // { "item" : "orangestim" }, > { "item" : "medkit" }, > { "item" : "nanowrap" }, > { "item" : "burnspray" }, > > // Wiring Station 132a288 > { "item" : "bulb" }, 134c290,293 < { "item" : "bigredbutton" }, --- > { "item" : "standingturret" }, > { "item" : "secretdoor" }, > { "item" : "secrettrapdoor" }, > 138a298,300 > > { "item" : "bigredbutton" }, > { "item" : "persistentswitch" }, 143a306 > 145c308,309 < { "item" : "bulb" }, --- > { "item" : "countdowntimer" }, > { "item" : "delay" }, 150,151d313 < { "item" : "countdowntimer" }, < { "item" : "delay" }, 153,205d314 < { "item" : "standingturret" }, < { "item" : "persistentswitch" }, < < { "item" : "capturepod" }, < { "item" : "capturestation" }, < { "item" : "grapplinghook" }, < { "item" : "skyrailtable" }, < { "item" : "skyrailplatform" }, < { "item" : "skyrailboost" }, < { "item" : "skyrailbreak" }, < { "item" : "skyrail_asc" }, < { "item" : "skyrail_desc" }, < { "item" : "skyrail_diodeL" }, < { "item" : "skyrail_diodeR" }, < { "item" : "scififurnace" }, < { "item" : "scifianvil" }, < < // ORES < { "item" : "ironbar" }, < { "item" : "copperbar" }, < { "item" : "steelbar" }, < { "item" : "durasteelbar" }, < < // COPPER ITEMS < { "item" : "copperblock" }, < { "item" : "copperfence" }, < { "item" : "copperplatform" }, < { "item" : "copperroofing" }, < { "item" : "copperwindow" }, < { "item" : "heavypipe" }, < { "item" : "copperceilinglight" }, < { "item" : "copperlantern" }, < { "item" : "copperbox1" }, < { "item" : "coppershelf" }, < { "item" : "coppersupport" }, < < // SILVER ITEMS < { "item" : "silverblock" }, < { "item" : "silverscrew" }, < { "item" : "silverplatform" }, < < // GOLD ITEMS < { "item" : "goldblock" }, < { "item" : "treasurehoard" }, < { "item" : "goldenplatform" }, < < // TITANIUM ITEMS < { "item" : "composite01material" }, < < // TIERED FURNITURE < { "item" : "tier1chair" }, < { "item" : "tier1door" }, < { "item" : "tier1light" }, 207,212d315 < { "item" : "tier1bed" }, < { "item" : "tier1table" }, < < { "item" : "tier2chair" }, < { "item" : "tier2door" }, < { "item" : "tier2light" }, 214,219d316 < { "item" : "tier2bed" }, < { "item" : "tier2table" }, < < { "item" : "tier3chair" }, < { "item" : "tier3door" }, < { "item" : "tier3light" }, 221,226d317 < { "item" : "tier3bed" }, < { "item" : "tier3table" }, < < { "item" : "tier4chair" }, < { "item" : "tier4door" }, < { "item" : "tier4light" }, 228,229d318 < { "item" : "tier4bed" }, < { "item" : "tier4table" }, 231,295c320,344 < { "item" : "tier5chair" }, < { "item" : "tier5door" }, < { "item" : "tier5light" }, < { "item" : "tier5switch" }, < { "item" : "tier5bed" }, < { "item" : "tier5table" }, < < { "item" : "tier6chair" }, < { "item" : "tier6door" }, < { "item" : "tier6light" }, < { "item" : "tier6switch" }, < { "item" : "tier6bed" }, < { "item" : "tier6table" }, < < { "item" : "tier7chair" }, < { "item" : "tier7door" }, < { "item" : "tier7light" }, < { "item" : "tier7switch" }, < { "item" : "tier7bed" }, < { "item" : "tier7table" }, < < { "item" : "tier8chair" }, < { "item" : "tier8door" }, < { "item" : "tier8light" }, < { "item" : "tier8switch" }, < { "item" : "tier8bed" }, < { "item" : "tier8table" }, < < { "item" : "tier9chair" }, < { "item" : "tier9door" }, < { "item" : "tier9light" }, < { "item" : "tier9switch" }, < { "item" : "tier9bed" }, < { "item" : "tier9table" }, < < { "item" : "tier10chair" }, < { "item" : "tier10door" }, < { "item" : "tier10light" }, < { "item" : "tier10switch" }, < { "item" : "tier10bed" }, < { "item" : "tier10table" }, < < // NOT CURRENTLY IN USE < // { "item" : "markerwallplaque1" }, < // { "item" : "bonusarmorhead" }, < // { "item" : "bonusarmorchest" }, < // { "item" : "bonusarmorpants" }, < // { "item" : "silverarmorhead" }, < // { "item" : "silverarmorchest" }, < // { "item" : "silverarmorpants" }, < // { "item" : "goldarmorhead" }, < // { "item" : "goldarmorchest" }, < // { "item" : "goldarmorpants" }, < // { "item" : "platinumarmorhead" }, < // { "item" : "platinumarmorchest" }, < // { "item" : "platinumarmorpants" }, < // { "item" : "brainextractor" }, < // { "item" : "artificialbrain" }, < // { "item" : "robothead" }, < // { "item" : "robotchest" }, < // { "item" : "robotlegs" }, < // { "item" : "robotarms" }, < // { "item" : "robot" }, < // { "item" : "decoyprincess" }, < // { "item" : "spaceairtankback" }, --- > // Rail Crafting Table > { "item" : "rustyrail" }, > { "item" : "compositerail" }, > { "item" : "railbumper" }, > { "item" : "railsensor" }, > { "item" : "railswitch" }, > { "item" : "railstop" }, > { "item" : "rustyrailplatform" }, > { "item" : "compositerailplatform" }, > { "item" : "railhook" }, > > // Capture Station > { "item" : "capturepod" }, > { "item" : "pethealingstation" }, > { "item" : "pettether" } > > /* > { "item" : "woodenelevatorshort" }, > { "item" : "woodenelevatorlong" }, > { "item" : "mechanicalelevatorshort" }, > { "item" : "mechanicalelevatorlong" }, > { "item" : "durasteelelevatorshort" }, > { "item" : "durasteelelevatorlong" } > > { "item" : "tungstenplatform" }, 299d347 < { "item" : "flowerbouquet" }, 359c407,410 < { "item" : "undecoratedtree" } --- > { "item" : "undecoratedtree" }, > { "item" : "firework" }, > { "item" : "fireworkblue" }, > { "item" : "fireworkgreen" } 361c412 < --- > 369d419 < { "item" : "metallicmaterial" }, 372,373d421 < { "item" : "mediummetal" }, < { "item" : "platematerial" }, 375c423 < { "item" : "nanowrap" }, --- > 376a425 > */ 379a429,439 > "defaultCodexes" : { > "glitch" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "human" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "avian" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "apex" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "floran" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "hylotl" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "novakid" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "penguin" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ] > }, > 385c445 < "jumpSpeed" : 30.0, --- > "jumpSpeed" : 23.0, 396,398c456,458 < "hitInvulnerabilityThreshold" : 0.01, < "hitInvulnerabilityTime" : 2.0, < "hitInvulnerabilityFlash" : 0.1, --- > "hitInvulnerabilityThreshold" : 0.1, > "hitInvulnerabilityTime" : 1, > "hitInvulnerabilityFlash" : 0.15, 400,401c460,461 < "damageFlashTime" : 0.07, < "damageFlashDirectives" : "fade=ff0000=0.85" --- > "damageFlashOnDirectives" : "", > "damageFlashOffDirectives" : "multiply=ffffff00=0.85" 420a481,483 > "healthRegen" : { > "baseValue" : 0.0 > }, 423a487,498 > "energyRegenPercentageRate" : { > "baseValue" : 0.585 // 1.75 second recharge time (STABLE) > // "baseValue" : 0.5 // 2 second recharge time > // "baseValue" : 0.45 // 2.25 second recharge time > // "baseValue" : 0.4 // 2.5 second recharge time > }, > "energyRegenBlockTime" : { > "baseValue" : 1.5 > }, > "foodDelta" : { > "baseValue" : -0.0583 // -70 food over 20 minutes > }, 445,447d519 < "healthRegen" : { < "baseValue" : 0.0 < }, 451,455c523,524 < "energyRegenPercentageRate" : { < "baseValue" : 0.45 // 2.25 second recharge time < // "baseValue" : 0.5 // 2 second recharge time < // "baseValue" : 0.585 // 1.75 second recharge time (STABLE) < //"baseValue" : 0.4 // 2.5 second recharge time --- > "shieldHealth" : { > "baseValue" : 0 457,458c526,530 < "nude" : { < "baseValue" : 0.0 --- > "shieldStaminaRegen" : { > "baseValue" : 0.2 > }, > "perfectBlockLimitRegen" : { > "baseValue" : 0.5 460c532 < "shieldSuppressed" : { --- > "nude" : { 469,477d540 < "shieldHealth" : { < "baseValue" : 0 < }, < "shieldStaminaRegen" : { < "baseValue" : 0.2 < }, < "perfectBlockLimitRegen" : { < "baseValue" : 0.5 < }, 479c542,545 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 > }, > "knockbackThreshold" : { > "baseValue" : 9.0 494c560 < "maxValue" : 1.0, --- > "maxStat" : "energyRegenBlockTime", 497a564,568 > "food" : { > "deltaStat" : "foodDelta", > "initialPercentage" : 1.0, > "maxValue" : 70 > }, 524a596,599 > "foodLowThreshold" : 0.15, > "foodLowStatusEffects" : [ "hungry" ], > "foodEmptyStatusEffects" : [ "starving" ], > 530d604 < "bottomOfWorldTouchMargin" : 4, 535c609 < "initialBeamGunRadius" : 15.5, --- > "initialBeamGunRadius" : 10, 539c613 < --- > 597,598c671,673 < "maxOverlayPercent" : 0.8, < "freezeOverlayColor" : [175, 175, 255], --- > "teleportInStatusEffects" : [ > "playerbeamin" > ], 605,609d679 < "reviveCost" : { < "absolute" : 1, < "percentile" : 30.0 < }, < 614,646c684,749 < "normalModeDeathDrops" : [ < "refinedaegisalt", < "aegisaltore", < "ceruliumcompound", < "coalore", < "copperbar", < "copperore", < "corefragmentore", < "diamond", < "durasteelbar", < "feroziumcompound", < "goldbar", < "goldore", < "imperviumcompound", < "ironbar", < "ironore", < "platinumbar", < "platinumore", < "plutoniumrod", < "plutoniumore", < "refinedrubium", < "rubiumore", < "silverbar", < "silverore", < "solariumstar", < "solariumore", < "titaniumbar", < "titaniumore", < "uraniumrod", < "uraniumore", < "refinedviolium", < "violiumore" < ] --- > "companionsConfig" : { > "scripts" : [ > "/scripts/companions/player.lua" > ], > "scriptDelta" : 10, > > "activePodLimit" : 1, > "activeCrewLimit" : 2, > "crewLimit" : 3, > > "recruitDescription" : "^cyan;> Name: ^white;\n^cyan;> Job:^white; \n^cyan;> Rank:^white; \n^cyan;> Status:^white; ", > > "crewBenefits" : { > "shipRegeneration" : [ > "shipregeneration1", > "shipregeneration2", > "shipregeneration3", > "shipregeneration4", > "shipregeneration5" > ], > "combatRegeneration" : [ > "regeneration1", > "regeneration2", > "regeneration3", > "regeneration4", > "regenerationfast" > ], > "fieldRegeneration" : [ > "regeneration1", > "regeneration2", > "regeneration3", > "regeneration4", > "regenerationfast" > ] > }, > "uniformSlots" : { > "chest" : ["chestCosmetic", "chest"], > "legs" : ["legsCosmetic", "legs"], > "back" : ["backCosmetic", "back"] > } > }, > > "inventoryFilters" : { > "mainBag" : { > "typeBlacklist" : [ "material", "liquid", "object" ], > "tagBlacklist" : [ "reagent" ], > "categoryBlacklist" : [ "cookingIngredient", "preparedFood", "food", "drink", "seed" ] > }, > "materialBag" : { > "typeWhitelist" : [ "material", "liquid" ] > }, > "objectBag" : { > "typeWhitelist" : [ "object" ], > "categoryBlacklist" : [ "seed" ] > }, > "reagentBag" : { > "tagWhitelist" : [ "reagent" ] > }, > "foodBag" : { > "categoryWhitelist" : [ "cookingIngredient", "preparedFood", "food", "drink", "seed" ] > }, > "autoAddToCustomBar" : { > "typeWhitelist" : [ "liquid", "material", "object", "miningtool", "flashlight", "harvestingtool", "tillingtool", "consumable", "blueprint", "codex", "instrument", "thrownitem", "unlockitem", "activeitem" ], > "categoryBlacklist" : [ "food" ] > } > } rendering.config 2,3c2 < "chunkCacheTimeToLive" : 1000, < "chunkCacheTimeSmear" : 500, --- > "chunkCacheTimeout" : 1000, 5d3 < "autoCompressTimeout" : 500, 14,15c12 < "colorMultiplier" : 1.275, < "colorMapPixellation" : 0.0, --- > "lightMapMultiplier" : 1.275, sfx.config 2c2,4 < "defaultMaxDistance" : 40.0, --- > "baseMaxDistance" : 75, > "stereoAdjustmentRange" : [0.4, 1.2], > "attenuationGamma" : 1.5, sky.config 54,72c54,124 < "spaceDebris" : { < "velocityRange" : [-1, 2], < "numFields" : [2, 5], < "cellSize" : 600, < "screenBuffer" : 1000, < "cellCount" : [0, 1], < "angularVelocity" : [-1, 2], < "animationSpeed" : [1.5, 3], < < "list" : [ < "/sky/glitters/1.png", < "/sky/glitters/2.png", < "/sky/glitters/3.png", < "/sky/glitters/4.png", < "/sky/glitters/5.png", < "/sky/glitters/6.png", < "/sky/glitters/7.png" < ] < }, --- > "spaceDebrisFields" : [ > { > "velocityRange" : [-1, 2], > "cellSize" : 400, > "screenBuffer" : 1000, > "cellCountRange" : [1, 2], > "angularVelocityRange" : [-5, 5], > "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], > > "list" : [ > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/4.png", > "/sky/glitters/6.png", > "/sky/glitters/8.png", > "/sky/glitters/10.png", > "/sky/glitters/11.png" > ] > }, > { > "velocityRange" : [-1, 2], > "cellSize" : 400, > "screenBuffer" : 1000, > "cellCountRange" : [1, 1], > "angularVelocityRange" : [-5, 5], > "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], > > "list" : [ > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/4.png", > "/sky/glitters/6.png", > "/sky/glitters/8.png", > "/sky/glitters/10.png", > "/sky/glitters/11.png" > ] > }, > { > "velocityRange" : [-1, 2], > "cellSize" : 400, > "screenBuffer" : 1000, > "cellCountRange" : [1, 1], > "angularVelocityRange" : [-5, 5], > "animationSpeedRange" : [-5, 5], > > "list" : [ > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/1.png", > "/sky/glitters/4.png", > "/sky/glitters/6.png", > "/sky/glitters/8.png", > "/sky/glitters/10.png", > "/sky/glitters/11.png" > ] > }, > { > "velocityRange" : [0, 0], > "cellSize" : 2000, > "screenBuffer" : 1000, > "cellCountRange" : [0, 1], > "angularVelocityRange" : [0, 0], > "animationSpeedRange" : [0.0, 0.0], > > "list" : [ > "/sky/glitters/bunny_stars.png" > ] > } > ], 83,85c135,137 < "cellCount" : [150, 150], < "twinkleMin" : 0.2, < "twinkleMax" : 1.0, --- > "cellCount" : [80, 80], > "twinkleMin" : 1.0, > "twinkleMax" : 2.5, terrestrial_worlds.config 1a2,4 > // TODO: delete this stupid setting once we make a final design decision > "useSecondaryEnvironmentBiomeIndex" : false, > 7c10 < "octaves" : 7, --- > "octaves" : 5, 16c19 < "octaves" : 7, --- > "octaves" : 5, 25c28 < "octaves" : 4, --- > "octaves" : 2, 27c30 < "amplitude" : 8, --- > "amplitude" : 8.0, 32c35,43 < "blendSize" : 70, --- > "blendNoise" : { > "type" : "Perlin", > "octaves" : 3, > "frequency" : 0.23, > "amplitude" : 85.0, > "alpha" : 1.8, > "beta" : 2.1 > }, > "blendSize" : 80, 37c48 < "gravityRange" : [70, 90], --- > "gravityRange" : [100, 100], 40c51 < --- > 53c64,70 < //"primaryRegion" : [ ], --- > //"primaryRegion" : [], > > // empty list means that no secondary regions will be selected > "secondaryRegions" : [], > > // range for how many secondary regions should be spawned in addition to the primary region > "secondaryRegionCount" : [1, 1], 55,56c72,73 < // empty list means that no secondary region will be selected < "secondaryRegion" : [ ], --- > // range for the size of each secondary region relative to the size of the primary region > "secondaryRegionSize" : [0.5, 0.8], 58,59c75,77 < "secondaryRegionPeriod" : [1, 1], < "secondaryRegionSize" : [400, 600], --- > // range for the size of a subregion relative to the total size of its containing region > // (including the subregion, so size 0.5 would be equal parts region and subregion) > "subRegionSize" : [0.25, 0.4], 61c79 < "dungeons" : [ ], --- > "dungeons" : [], 72c90 < "primaryRegion" : [ "asteroids" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["asteroids"] 75c93 < "primaryRegion" : [ "atmosphere" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["atmosphere"] 78c96 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barren" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barren"] 81c99 < "primaryRegion" : [ "shallowunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["subsurface"] 84c102 < "primaryRegion" : [ "shallowunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["shallowunderground"] 87c105 < "primaryRegion" : [ "midunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["midunderground"] 90,105c108 < "primaryRegion" : [ "midunderground" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] < }, < "underground7" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] < }, < "underground8" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["deepunderground"] 108c111 < "primaryRegion" : [ "core" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["core"] 112c115 < --- > 115,122c118,124 < "small" : { < "size" : [3000, 2000], < < "gravityRange" : [60, 70], < < "layerDefaults" : { < "secondaryRegionPeriod" : [2000, 2000], < "secondaryRegionSize" : [1000, 1000], --- > "verysmall" : { > "size" : [1000, 2000], > > "gravityRange" : [80, 80], > > "layerDefaults" : { > "secondaryRegionCount" : [0, 0], 125c127 < --- > 136,140c138 < "baseHeight" : 875, < "layerLevel" : 800 < }, < "subsurface" : { < "baseHeight" : 625, --- > "baseHeight" : 675, 143c141 < "underground1" : { --- > "subsurface" : { 147c145 < "underground2" : { --- > "underground1" : { 151c149 < "underground3" : { --- > "underground2" : { 155c153 < "underground4" : { --- > "underground3" : { 159,160c157,188 < "underground5" : { < "enabled" : false --- > "core" : { > "baseHeight" : 50, > "layerLevel" : 0 > } > } > }, > "small" : { > "size" : [3000, 2000], > > "gravityRange" : [80, 80], > > "layerDefaults" : { > "secondaryRegionCount" : [1, 1], > "dungeonCountRange" : [1, 1] > }, > > "layers" : { > "space" : { > "baseHeight" : 1850, > "layerLevel" : 1700 > }, > "atmosphere" : { > "baseHeight" : 1400, > "layerLevel" : 1100 > }, > "surface" : { > "baseHeight" : 675, > "layerLevel" : 600 > }, > "subsurface" : { > "baseHeight" : 550, > "layerLevel" : 500 162,163c190,192 < "underground6" : { < "enabled" : false --- > "underground1" : { > "baseHeight" : 450, > "layerLevel" : 400 165,166c194,196 < "underground7" : { < "enabled" : false --- > "underground2" : { > "baseHeight" : 350, > "layerLevel" : 300 168,169c198,200 < "underground8" : { < "enabled" : false --- > "underground3" : { > "baseHeight" : 250, > "layerLevel" : 200 179,181c210,212 < < "gravityRange" : [70, 80], < --- > > "gravityRange" : [80, 80], > 183,184c214 < "secondaryRegionPeriod" : [2500, 2500], < "secondaryRegionSize" : [1000, 1500], --- > "secondaryRegionCount" : [1, 2], 187c217 < --- > 198,199c228,229 < "baseHeight" : 1075, < "layerLevel" : 1000 --- > "baseHeight" : 1000, > "layerLevel" : 900 202c232 < "baseHeight" : 825, --- > "baseHeight" : 850, 206,210c236 < "baseHeight" : 750, < "layerLevel" : 700 < }, < "underground2" : { < "baseHeight" : 650, --- > "baseHeight" : 700, 213,218c239,240 < "underground3" : { < "baseHeight" : 550, < "layerLevel" : 500 < }, < "underground4" : { < "baseHeight" : 450, --- > "underground2" : { > "baseHeight" : 500, 221,226c243,244 < "underground5" : { < "baseHeight" : 350, < "layerLevel" : 300 < }, < "underground6" : { < "baseHeight" : 250, --- > "underground3" : { > "baseHeight" : 300, 229,234d246 < "underground7" : { < "enabled" : false < }, < "underground8" : { < "enabled" : false < }, 242,245c254,257 < "size" : [6000, 4000], < < "gravityRange" : [80, 90], < --- > "size" : [6000, 3000], > > "gravityRange" : [80, 80], > 247,248c259 < "secondaryRegionPeriod" : [4000, 4000], < "secondaryRegionSize" : [1500, 2000], --- > "secondaryRegionCount" : [1, 2], 251c262 < --- > 254,257d264 < "baseHeight" : 3500, < "layerLevel" : 3000 < }, < "atmosphere" : { 261c268 < "surface" : { --- > "atmosphere" : { 263c270,274 < "layerLevel" : 1600 --- > "layerLevel" : 1400 > }, > "surface" : { > "baseHeight" : 1000, > "layerLevel" : 900 266,267c277,278 < "baseHeight" : 1425, < "layerLevel" : 1400 --- > "baseHeight" : 850, > "layerLevel" : 800 270,271c281,282 < "baseHeight" : 1325, < "layerLevel" : 1250 --- > "baseHeight" : 700, > "layerLevel" : 600 274,275c285,286 < "baseHeight" : 1175, < "layerLevel" : 1100 --- > "baseHeight" : 500, > "layerLevel" : 400 278,298c289 < "baseHeight" : 1025, < "layerLevel" : 950 < }, < "underground4" : { < "baseHeight" : 875, < "layerLevel" : 800 < }, < "underground5" : { < "baseHeight" : 725, < "layerLevel" : 650 < }, < "underground6" : { < "baseHeight" : 575, < "layerLevel" : 500 < }, < "underground7" : { < "baseHeight" : 425, < "layerLevel" : 350 < }, < "underground8" : { < "baseHeight" : 275, --- > "baseHeight" : 300, 308c299 < --- > 315,318c306,309 < "primaryRegion" : [ "garden" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ ], < "dungeonCountRange" : [1, 1], < "dungeons" : [ "naturalcave" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["garden"], > "secondaryRegions" : ["forest"], > "dungeonCountRange" : [2, 2], > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "naturalcave"], [1.0, "gardengate"]] 327,347c318,328 < "primaryRegion" : [ "forest" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "spring", "mushroom" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "glitchvillage", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "apextowerblock", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "avianvillage", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "floranvillagetower" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["forest"], > "secondaryRegions" : ["garden", "jungle" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [4.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [4.0, "florancanyon"], [4.0, "floranvillagetower"], [4.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 355,357c336,346 < "primaryRegion" : [ "desert" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "oasis", "tar" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "glitchvillage", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "apextowerblock", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "avianvillage", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "floranvillagetower" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["desert"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "barren", "savannah" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 360,378c349 < "primaryRegion" : [ "desertsubsurface" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["desertsubsurface"] 388c359,361 < "primaryRegion" : [ "ocean" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["ocean"], > "baseHeight" : 1150, > "layerLevel" : 1050 391,409c364,365 < "primaryRegion" : [ "oceanfloor" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["oceanfloor"], > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "hylotloceancity"], [1.0, "hylotlruinedcity"]] 417,437c373,383 < "primaryRegion" : [ "savannah" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "colourful", "bones" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "glitchvillage", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "apextowerblock", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "avianvillage", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "floranvillagetower" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["savannah"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "garden", "barren", "desert", "forest" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 445,465c391,401 < "primaryRegion" : [ "snow" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bioluminescence", "alpine" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "glitchvillage", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "apextowerblock", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "avianvillage", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "floranvillagetower" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["snow"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "garden", "forest" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 474,494c410,420 < "primaryRegion" : [ "jungle" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "giantflowers", "swamp" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["jungle"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "savannah", "forest", "alien", "garden"], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [4.0, "aviantemple"], [4.0, "aviantomb"], [4.0, "avianvillage"], [4.0, "aviannativevillage"], [4.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 503c429,431 < "primaryRegion" : [ "toxic" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["toxic"], > "baseHeight" : 1150, > "layerLevel" : 1050 506,524c434 < "primaryRegion" : [ "toxicoceanfloor" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["toxicoceanfloor"] 532,552c442,452 < "primaryRegion" : [ "alien" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "eyepatch", "flesh" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] < }, < "underground1" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground2" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground3" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["alien"], > "secondaryRegions" : ["jungle", "savannah", "forest"], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 562c462,464 < "primaryRegion" : [ "arctic" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["arctic"], > "baseHeight" : 1150, > "layerLevel" : 1050 565c467 < "primaryRegion" : [ "arcticoceanfloor" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["arcticoceanfloor"] 573,575c475,485 < "primaryRegion" : [ "tundra" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "steamspring", "prism" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["tundra"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "garden", "forest", "snow", "midnight", "scorchedcity" ], > "dungeons" : > [[4.0, "apextestfacility"], [4.0, "apexbase"], [4.0, "apexcamp"], [4.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 579,582c489,490 < < "magma" : { < "blendSize" : 30, < "threatRange" : [6, 6], --- > "midnight" : { > "threatRange" : [5, 5], 585,588c493,503 < "primaryRegion" : [ "magma" ] < }, < "subsurface" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "magmaoceanfloor" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["midnight"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "desert", "tundra", "forest", "snow", "barren" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 591a507 > 596,598c512,522 < "primaryRegion" : [ "volcanic" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "rust", "crystalline", "desert", "scorched" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["volcanic"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "midnight", "desert", "scorchedcity", "forest" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [4.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [4.0, "evilfortress"], [4.0, "glitchcastle"], [4.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 602,603c526,528 < "midnight" : { < "threatRange" : [5, 5], --- > "magma" : { > "blendSize" : 30, > "threatRange" : [6, 6], 606,608c531,536 < "primaryRegion" : [ "midnight" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "hive" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["magma"], > "baseHeight" : 1150, > "layerLevel" : 1050 > }, > "subsurface" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["magmaoceanfloor"] 612c540 < "scorched" : { --- > "scorchedcity" : { 616,618c544,554 < "primaryRegion" : [ "scorched" ], < "secondaryRegion" : [ "rust", "crystalline", "bones", "desert", "volcanic" ], < "dungeons" : [ "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["scorchedcity"], > "secondaryRegions" : [ "volcanic", "midnight" ], > "dungeons" : > [[1.0, "apextestfacility"], [1.0, "apexbase"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], > [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "avianvillage"], [1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "avianairship"], > [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "florancanyon"], [1.0, "floranvillagetower"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], > [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "evilfortress"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "glitchvillage"], > [1.0, "hylotlruinedcastle"], [1.0, "hylotlcity"], > [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "humancamp"], > [1.0, "glitchsewer"] > ] 624,625c560,561 < "gravityRange" : [50, 55], < "threatRange" : [1, 1], --- > "gravityRange" : [20, 20], > "threatRange" : [10, 10], 628c564 < "primaryRegion" : [ "moon" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["moon"] 631c567 < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["moonunderground"] 634c570,571 < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["moonunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 637c574,575 < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["moonunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 640,649c578,579 < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] < }, < "underground4" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] < }, < "underground5" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] < }, < "underground6" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "moonunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["moonunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 652c582 < "primaryRegion" : [ "mooncore" ], --- > "primaryRegion" : ["mooncore"], 662c592 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barren" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barren"] 665c595 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barrenunderground"] 668c598,599 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barrenunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 671c602,603 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barrenunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 674c606,623 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["barrenunderground"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] > }, > "core" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["barrenunderground"] > } > } > }, > > "tentacle" : { > "threatRange" : [6, 6], > "layers" : { > "surface" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacle"], > "dungeons" : [] > }, > "subsurface" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacleundergroundtentacles"] 676,677c625,627 < "underground4" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "underground1" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacleundergroundtentacles"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 679,680c629,631 < "underground5" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "underground2" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacleundergroundceiling"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 682,683c633,637 < "underground6" : { < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "underground3" : { > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacleundergroundfloor"], > "secondaryRegions" : [], > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "tentacleboss"]], > "dungeonCountRange" : [1, 1] 686c640,641 < "primaryRegion" : [ "barrenunderground" ] --- > "primaryRegion" : ["tentacleundergroundcore"], > "secondaryRegions" : [] 694c649 < "blockSelector" : [ "solid" ], --- > "blockSelector" : ["solid"], 697,698c652,653 < "fgCaveSelector" : [ "normalCaves" ], < "bgCaveSelector" : [ "backgroundCaves" ], --- > "fgCaveSelector" : ["normalCaves"], > "bgCaveSelector" : ["backgroundCaves"], 700,701c655,656 < "fgOreSelector" : [ "commonVeins" ], < "bgOreSelector" : [ "commonBackgroundVeins" ], --- > "fgOreSelector" : ["normalVeins"], > "bgOreSelector" : ["normalBackgroundVeins"], 703c658 < "subBlockSelector" : [ "largeClumps" ], --- > "subBlockSelector" : ["largeClumps"], 705c660 < "oceanLiquid" : [ ], // empty for no ocean --- > "oceanLiquid" : [], // empty for no ocean 710,711c665,668 < "caveLiquid" : [ ], // can be empty for no liquid < "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [1.0, 1.5] --- > "caveLiquid" : [], // can be empty for no liquid > "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [1.0, 1.5], > > "subRegion" : [] 743c700,701 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : [ ] 753c711,712 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["spring", "mushroom", "giantflowers", "swamp", "alpine"] 757c716 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildCanyonsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 762c721,722 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["oasis", "tar", "colourful", "bones"] 767c727 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedStepsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 772c732,733 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["colourful", "bones", "tar"] 776c737 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface", "remixedMildCanyonsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 781c742,743 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["bioluminescence", "alpine", "prism", "steamspring"] 812c774,775 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["swamp", "giantflowers", "mushroom", "eyepatch"] 817c780 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 822c785,786 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["eyepatch", "flesh"] 848c812 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface", "remixedSpikesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 853c817,818 < ] --- > ], > "subRegion" : ["steamspring", "prism", "alpine", "bioluminescence"] 877,878c842,843 < "volcanic" : { < "caveLiquid" : [ "lava" ], --- > "midnight" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "water" ], 881c846 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface", "remixedSpikesSurface2" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 885,886c850,852 < [0, [ "volcanic" ]] < ] --- > [0, [ "midnight" ]] > ], > "subRegion" : ["hive", "bioluminescence"] 889,890c855,856 < "midnight" : { < "caveLiquid" : [ "water" ], --- > "volcanic" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "lava" ], 893c859 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 897,898c863,865 < [0, [ "midnight" ]] < ] --- > [0, [ "volcanic" ]] > ], > "subRegion" : ["geode", "rust", "bones"] 901c868 < "scorched" : { --- > "scorchedcity" : { 903c870 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface", "remixedStepsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 907,908c874,876 < [0, [ "scorched" ]] < ] --- > [0, [ "scorchedcity" ]] > ], > "subRegion" : [] 950c918,930 < // secondary surface --- > "tentacle" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [10, 10], > "encloseLiquids" : true, > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ], > "bgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "tentacle" ]] > ] > }, > > // surface subregions 1104c1084,1086 < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], --- > "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [1, 2], > "encloseLiquids" : true, > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedStepsSurfaceLarge" ], 1112,1113c1094,1095 < "crystalline" : { < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], --- > "geode" : { > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 1117c1099 < [0, [ "crystalline" ]] --- > [0, [ "geode" ]] 1123c1105 < "shallowunderground" : { --- > "subsurface" : { 1127,1129c1109 < [2, [ "underground1a", "underground1b", "underground1c", "underground1d" ]], < [3, [ "underground1a", "underground1b", "underground1c", "underground1d", "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d" ]], < [5, [ "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d", "underground5a", "underground5b", "underground5c", "underground5d" ]] --- > [2, [ "underground0a", "underground0b", "underground1a", "underground1b" ] ] 1132a1113,1121 > "shallowunderground" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "water" ], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "underground0a", "underground0b" ] ], > [2, [ "underground0a", "underground0b", "underground1a", "underground1b" ] ] > ], > "subRegion" : ["tarunderground", "mushroomunderground", "wildernessunderground", "minivillageunderground"] > }, > 1136,1140c1125,1128 < [1, [ "underground0a", "underground0b", "underground0c", "underground0d" ]], < [2, [ "underground1a", "underground1b", "underground1c", "underground1d" ]], < [3, [ "underground1a", "underground1b", "underground1c", "underground1d", "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d" ]], < [5, [ "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d", "underground5a", "underground5b", "underground5c", "underground5d" ]] < ] --- > [1, [ "underground0c" ] ], > [2, [ "underground1c", "underground1d", "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d", "underground0c" ]] > ], > "subRegion" : ["luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves"] 1147,1151c1135,1138 < [1, [ "underground0a", "underground0b", "underground0c", "underground0d" ]], < [2, [ "underground1a", "underground1b", "underground1c", "underground1d" ]], < [3, [ "underground3a", "underground3b", "underground3c", "underground3d" ]], < [5, [ "underground5a", "underground5b", "underground5c", "underground5d" ]] < ] --- > [1, [ "underground0d" ] ], > [2, [ "underground5a", "underground5b", "underground5c", "underground5d", "underground0d" ]] > ], > "subRegion" : ["cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves"] 1158c1145 < [1, [ "underground1d" ]] --- > [2, [ "underground1d" ]] 1163a1151,1152 > "fgOreSelector" : ["richVeins"], > "bgOreSelector" : ["richVeins"], 1165c1154 < "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [1.5, 1.5], --- > "caveLiquidSeedDensityRange" : [3.5, 3.5], 1179c1168,1193 < // secondary underground --- > "tentacleundergroundtentacles" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "undergroundtentacles" ] ] > ] > }, > > "tentacleundergroundceiling" : { > "oceanLevelOffset" : -10, > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "coreCaves" ], > "bgCaveSelector" : [ "coreBackgroundCaves" ], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "undergroundtentacles" ] ] > ] > }, > > "tentacleundergroundfloor" : { > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedFlatsSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "bgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "undergroundbrains" ] ] > ] > }, > > // underground subregions 1210c1224 < }, --- > }, 1265c1279 < [2, ["blaststonecorelayer", "magmarockcorelayer", "obsidiancorelayer" ]] --- > [2, [ "blaststonecorelayer", "magmarockcorelayer", "obsidiancorelayer" ]] 1273c1287,1296 < [0, [ "mooncorelayer"]] --- > [0, [ "mooncorelayer" ]] > ] > }, > > "tentacleundergroundcore" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "empty" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "bgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "undergroundbrainssolid" ] ] universe_server.config 6c6 < "storageTriggerInterval" : 30000, --- > "universeStorageInterval" : 40000, 9,11c9,13 < "updateMeasureWindow" : 10000, < "maxBehindUpdates" : 30, < "maxUpdateGroup" : 5, --- > "updateMeasureWindow" : 0.5, > "fidelityDecrementScore" : -0.1, > "fidelityIncrementScore" : 1.0, > "worldStartupIdle" : 10.0, > "worldStorageInterval" : 30000, 13,14c15 < "connectionTimeout" : 30000, < "acceptTimeout" : 100, --- > "connectionTimeout" : 10000, 17,18c18 < "worldInactiveShutdown" : 10000, < "tempWorldDelete" : 600000, --- > "tempWorldDelete" : 1, 29c29 < "penguin" : ["/ships/novakid/novakidT0.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT1.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT2.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT3.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT4.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT5.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT6.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT7.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT8.structure"] --- > "penguin" : ["/ships/novakid/novakidT0.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT1.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT2.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT3.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT4.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT5.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT6.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT7.structure", "/ships/novakid/novakidT8.structure"] 31a32,33 > "introInstance" : "protectorate", > 36c38 < "range" : 50, --- > "range" : 500, 51c53,56 < "commandProcessorScripts" : [] --- > "commandProcessorScripts" : [], > > "serverAssetsMismatchMessage" : "This server disallows connections from clients with mismatched assets", > "clientAssetsMismatchMessage" : "Assets mismatch between client and server, and the override option is not set" versioning.config 3,4c3,4 < "WorldMetadata" : 18, < "UniverseSettings" : 3, --- > "WorldMetadata" : 20, > "UniverseSettings" : 5, 6a7 > "Statistics" : 2, 8c9 < "PlayerEntity" : 12, --- > "PlayerEntity" : 24, 10c11 < "ObjectEntity" : 5, --- > "ObjectEntity" : 8, 12,14c13,15 < "ItemDropEntity" : 2, < "NpcEntity" : 9, < "StagehandEntity" : 1, --- > "ItemDropEntity" : 3, > "NpcEntity" : 10, > "StagehandEntity" : 2, 18c19 < "Quest" : 1, --- > "Quest" : 3, 20c21 < "QuestDescriptor" : 1 --- > "QuestDescriptor" : 3 weather.config 23a24 > // junkstorm 147,148c148,150 < [0.8, "clear"], < [0.2, "ember"] --- > [0.85, "clear"], > [0.12, "ember"], > [0.03, "lightash"] 152,155c154,157 < [0.7, "clear"], < [0.2, "ember"], < [0.05, "meteorshower"], < [0.05, "largemeteor"] --- > [0.8, "clear"], > [0.13, "ember"], > [0.015, "meteorshower"], > [0.005, "largemeteor"] 158,160c160,162 < "scorched" : [ < [0.5, "clear"], < [0.5, "sandstorm"] --- > "scorchedcity" : [ > [0.98, "junkstorm"], > [0.02, "sandstorm"] 163,167c165,168 < "scorchedMeteor" : [ < [0.4, "clear"], < [0.4, "sandstorm"], < [0.15, "meteorshower"], < [0.05, "largemeteor"] --- > "scorchedcityMeteor" : [ > [0.86, "junkstorm"], > [0.03, "meteorshower"], > [0.01, "largemeteor"] worldstorage.config 3,6c3,4 < "maxGenerationMillis" : 10, < "maxStoreMillis" : 10, < "sectorTtlMillis" : 10000, < "generationQueueTtlMillis" : 1000, --- > "sectorTimeToLive" : 10.0, > "generationQueueTimeToLive" : 1.0, 10c8,10 < "replacementLiquidId" : 0 --- > "replacementLiquidId" : 0, > > "forceUnloadTries" : 4 world_template.config 5,6c5,6 < "customTerrainBlendSize" : 40, < "customTerrainBlendWeight" : 20, --- > "customTerrainBlendSize" : 60, > "customTerrainBlendWeight" : 30, 8c8,9 < "playerStartSearchTries" : 500, --- > "playerStartSearchTries" : 100, > "playerStartSearchYRange" : 70, 13c14,18 < "surfaceCaveAttenuationFactor" : 0.2 --- > "surfaceCaveAttenuationFactor" : 0.2, > > // if the primary block weighting is below this value, the block will be marked as > // part of a transition zone and won't place placeables > "biomeTransitionThreshold" : 0.7 ai\ai.config 48c48 < --- > 50c50 < --- > 70a71,118 > "noCrewSpeech" : { > "animation" : "talk", > "text" : "^#6f6f6f;$ crew > ^cyan;> You are the only registered crew member of this ship. > > Recruiting additional crew members may allow for increased operational efficiency.", > "speedModifier" : 0.7 > }, > > "noMissionsSpeech" : { > "animation" : "talk", > "text" : "^#6f6f6f;$ missions > ^cyan;> No mission co-ordinates currently available.", > "speedModifier" : 0.7 > }, > > "shipStatus" : { > "0" : { > "animation" : "unique", > "text" : "> Zzz... Zzz... Zzz...", > "speedModifier" : 0.1 > }, > "1" : { > "animation" : "talk", > "text" : "^#6f6f6f;$ status > ^cyan;> Ship thrusters are currently offline. > > Ship teleportation system functioning correctly. > > ^green;Currently only the planet below is accessible.", > "speedModifier" : 0.7 > }, > "2" : { > "animation" : "talk", > "text" : "^#6f6f6f;$ status > ^cyan;> Ship thrusters are online. > > Ship teleportation system functioning correctly. > > ^green;Planets within this star system are accessible.", > "speedModifier" : 0.7 > }, > "3" : { > "animation" : "talk", > "text" : "^#6f6f6f;$ status -f > ^cyan;> Ship thrusters are online. > > FTL drive is online. > > Ship teleportation system functioning correctly. > > ^green;The entire universe is accessible.", > "speedModifier" : 0.7 > } > }, > 75,112c123 < "staticFrames" : "staticApex.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech Drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticApex.png" 117,154c128 < "staticFrames" : "staticAvian.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticAvian.png" 159,196c133 < "staticFrames" : "staticAvian.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticAvian.png" 201,238c138 < "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png" 243,280c143 < "staticFrames" : "staticHuman.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticHuman.png" 285,322c148 < "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png" 327,364c153 < "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticGlitch.png" 369,406c158 < "staticFrames" : "staticHylotl.png", < "openSpeech" : { < "0" : [ < { < "animation" : "unique", < "text" : "ERROR: ERROR: Info:'S.A.I.L.::run.innerLoop', 'Cnt#: ', 1198, 'Sum:ms:', ERROR: 'Min', 15, 'Max', 7199, 'Horse', 9899, 'Avg', 23, 'Last:::', '8176b3', 'Var:avg,us: ERROR: ERROR: REBOOT REQUIRED!!!'", < "speedModifier" : 0.5 < } < ], < "1" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "2" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ], < "3" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "The ship's FTL drive is now fully functional. The galaxy is yours to explore!", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] < }, < "techIntro" : [ < { < "animation" : "talk", < "text" : "Here you can augment your body with Tech Drives and Implants. ^orange;Tech drives ^green;will give you unique abilities whilst ^orange;Implants ^green;will allow you to survive in otherwise deadly environments.", < "speedModifier" : 1.0 < } < ] --- > "staticFrames" : "staticHylotl.png" 408,421c160 < }, < < "enableCommandsAtLevel" : { < "0" : ["upgradeShip1"], < "1" : ["giveBeamaxe", "upgradeShip2"], < "2" : ["upgradeShip3"], < "3" : ["givePainttool"], < "4" : ["giveWiretool"], < "5" : [], < "6" : [], < "7" : [] < }, < < "techPurchaseItem" : "blanktechcard" --- > } ai\portraits\default.frames 3c3 < "size" : [54, 56], --- > "size" : [66, 68], animations\1hswordhitspark\1hswordhitspark.animation 5c5 < "animationCycle" : 0.3, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, behaviors\monsters\tracking.behavior 4,5c4,7 < "/scripts/actions/entities.lua", < "/scripts/behavior.lua" --- 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"name": "battleMusic", > "parameters": { > "enable": true > } > }, > { 168a189,196 > "title": "setDamageOnTouch", > "type": "action", > "name": "setDamageOnTouch", > "parameters": { > "touchDamage": true > } > }, > { 192a221,228 > }, > { > "title": "setAggressive", > "type": "action", > "name": "setAggressive", > "parameters": { > "aggressive": true > } 528a565,572 > "title": "battleMusic", > "type": "action", > "name": "battleMusic", > "parameters": { > "enable": false > } > }, > { 537a582,598 > "title": "setParticleEmitterActive", > "type": "action", > "name": "setParticleEmitterActive", > "parameters": { > "active": true, > "emitter": "deathWindup" > } > }, > { > "title": "setDamageOnTouch", > "type": "action", > "name": "setDamageOnTouch", > "parameters": { > "touchDamage": false > } > }, > { 543c604 < "success": -1 --- > "success": 2 563a625,806 > }, > { > "title": "failer", > "type": "decorator", > "name": "failer", > "parameters": {}, > "child": { > "title": "sequence", > 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[ "solarium", 1.00 ] ] ] 40,45c39,44 < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], [ "corefragment", 1.50], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.40], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.40], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], < [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.30], [ "diamond", 1.15], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 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"/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [] 25c25 < "tracks" : [ "/music/jupiter.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [] biomes\core\obisidiancorelayer.biome 22c22 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", 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}, > { > "select" : 1, > "pool" : "generatedFlying" > }, > { > "select" : 2, 32c44,45 < [ 0.2, "snailcritter" ] --- > [ 0.2, "snailcritter" ], > [ 1, "fishcritter" ] 67,68c80,81 < "subBlocks" : [ "cobblestone" ], < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "subBlocks" : [ "cobblestone", "mud" ], > "ores" : "surface", 83c96 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vast-immortal-suns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] 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[ > [ 0.1111, "squeem" ], 14c14 < [ 0.1111, "crustoise" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "crustoise" ], 16c16 < [ 0.1111, "adultpoptop" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "adultpoptop" ], 30a31,38 > "select" : 1, > "pool" : "generatedGroundAggroDay" > }, > { > "select" : 3, > "pool" : "nightTerrors" > }, > { 35a44,47 > "pool" : "generatedFlying" > }, > { > "select" : 2, 41c53,54 < [ 1, "fireflyspawner" ] --- > [ 1, "fireflyspawner" ], > [ 1, "fishcritter" ] 49c62 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 66c79 < "skyOptions" : [ --- > "skyOptions" : [ 141c154 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 156c169 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ 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"/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/the-deep.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/accretion-disc.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/forsaken-grotto.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg" ] 103c115 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 220c232 < "startingStage" : 2 --- > "startingStage" : 3 biomes\surface\toxicoceanfloor.biome 25c25 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 48c48 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vast-immortal-suns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] 57c57 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface\tundra.biome 10,12c10,12 < "select" : 3, < "pool" : [ < [ 0.1111, "wisper" ], --- > "select" : 1, > "pool" : [ > [ 0.1111, "wisper" ], 14c14 < [ 0.1111, "capricoat" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "capricoat" ], 16c16 < [ 0.1111, "pulpin" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "pulpin" ], 30a31,38 > "select" : 1, > "pool" : "generatedGroundAggroDay" > }, > { > "select" : 3, > "pool" : "nightTerrors" > }, > { 34a43,46 > "select" : 2, > "pool" : "generatedFlying" > }, > { 152c164 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vast-immortal-suns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration1.ogg", "/music/arctic-exploration2.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] 188a201,209 > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundChests", > > "type" : "treasureBox", > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "iceChest" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", 219c240 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeMicrodungeon", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeRareMicrodungeon", 225a247,255 > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeEncounterDungeon", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "encounterdungeons" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", 279c309 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundRareChests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundweaponChests", 306,314d335 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:randomEncounter", < < "type" : "microdungeon", < "microdungeons" : [ "randomencounter", "avianencounter", "glitchencounter" ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", < "priority" : 3.0, < "variants" : 1, 366c387,404 < "startingStage" : 2 --- > "startingStage" : 3 > } > } > ] > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wilddiodiaseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 391a430,438 > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", > > "type" : "treasureBox", > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "iceChest" ] > }, > { 416c463 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundweaponChests", biomes\surface\volcanic.biome 10,12c10,12 < "select" : 3, < "pool" : [ < [ 0.1111, "crustoise" ], --- > "select" : 1, > "pool" : [ > [ 0.1111, "crustoise" ], 14c14 < [ 0.1111, "crabcano" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "crabcano" ], 16c16 < [ 0.1111, "pyromantle" ], --- > [ 0.1111, "pyromantle" ], 30a31,38 > "select" : 1, > "pool" : "generatedGroundAggroDay" > }, > { > "select" : 3, > "pool" : "nightTerrors" > }, > { 32a41,57 > }, > { > "select" : 2, > "pool" : "generatedFlying" > }, > { > "select" : 4, > "pool" : [ > [ 1, "ashrockcritter" ], > [ 1, "firekrawlcritter" ], > [ 1, "firerockcritter" ], > [ 1, "flurlcritter" ], > [ 1, "magmawormcritter" ], > [ 1, "volcanicflowercritter" ], > [ 1, "loopacritter" ], > [ 1, "spindycritter" ] > ] 42c67 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { 78c103 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 93c118 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", "/music/drosera.ogg", "/music/inviolate-loop.ogg", "/music/desert-exploration2.ogg", "/music/ultramarine.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/body-electric-loop.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg" ] 96c121 < "tracks" : [ "/music/jupiter.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/lava-exploration2.ogg", "/music/crystal-exploration2.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/casiopeia.ogg", "/music/error-0xbfaf000.ogg", "/music/accretion-disc.ogg" ] 118c143 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundRareChests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundweaponChests", 153c178 < "priority" : 3.0, --- > "priority" : 1.0, 155c180,197 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDist", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredLarge", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [0.35, "smokegen" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > > // MICRO DUNGEONS > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeMicrodungeon", 158c200,209 < "microdungeons" : [ "block1platforms", "loops", "spiralspikes", "blocks", "stripeblocks", "blockpile", "reversepyramids", "flats", "spikes", "rods", "wiggles", "rockyshapes", "layeredspire", "blank", "none" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "volcanicmicrodungeons" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeEncounterDungeon", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "encounterdungeons" ] 164c215 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistPlatform", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDist", 167c218 < "microdungeons" : [ "aridplatforming" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "block1platforms", "loops", "spiralspikes", "blocks", "stripeblocks", "blockpile", "reversepyramids", "flats", "spikes", "rods", "wiggles", "rockyshapes", "layeredspire", "blank", "none" ] 173c224 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistTerrainfeatures", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistPlatform", 176c227 < "microdungeons" : [ "terrainfeatures" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "aridplatforming" ] 182c233 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:randomEncounter", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDistTerrainfeatures", 185c236 < "microdungeons" : [ "randomencounter", "avianencounter", "glitchencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "terrainfeatures" ] 220,221c271,288 < "treeStemList" : [ "ashy", "coal", "crispy", "magma", "lava" ], < "treeFoliageList" : [ "grey", "red", "fluff" ] --- > "treeStemList" : [ "ashy", "coal", "magma", "lava" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseSurfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildchiliseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 4 > } > } > ] 254c321 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundweaponChests", biomes\surface_detached\alpine.biome 9c9 < "pool" : [ --- > "pool" : [ 33c33 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 65,80d64 < "priority" : 0.5, < "variants" : 1, < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:minibiomeChests", < < "type" : "object", < "objectSets" : [ < { < "pool" : [ [0.5, "wildswordstoneseed" ] ], < "parameters" : { < "startingStage" : 3 < } < } < ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", 156c140 < ] --- > ] 203,218d186 < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", < "priority" : 0.5, < "variants" : 1, < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:minibiomeChests", < < "type" : "object", < "objectSets" : [ < { < "pool" : [ [1.0, "wildswordstoneseed" ] ], < "parameters" : { < "startingStage" : 3 < } < } < ] biomes\surface_detached\bioluminescence.biome 32c32 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\bones.biome 33c33 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 118c118 < "startingStage" : 3 --- > "startingStage" : 4 biomes\surface_detached\colourful.biome 31c31 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 123c123 < "startingStage" : 3 --- > "startingStage" : 4 biomes\surface_detached\eyepatch.biome 31c31 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 103c103 < "startingStage" : 2 --- > "startingStage" : 3 biomes\surface_detached\flesh.biome 31c31 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\giantflowers.biome 4c4 < --- > 9c9 < "pool" : [ --- > "pool" : [ 27d26 < 32c31 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 146a146,164 > }, > > // CROPS > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildcocoaseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 > } > } > ] biomes\surface_detached\hive.biome 29c29 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\ice.biome 22c22 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\mushroompatch.biome 27c27 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\oasis.biome 19c19,20 < [ 0.25, "bowbirdcritter" ] --- > [ 0.25, "bowbirdcritter" ], > [ 0.25, "toucritter" ] 30c31 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", 123c124 < "startingStage" : 2 --- > "startingStage" : 3 139c140 < "startingStage" : 2 --- > "startingStage" : 3 biomes\surface_detached\rust.biome 7a8,15 > "select" : 4, > "pool" : [ > [ 1, "orenibblercritter" ], > [ 1, "volcanicflowercritter" ], > [ 1, "loopacritter" ] > ] > }, > { 17,19c25,27 < "mainBlock" : "rock19", < "subBlocks" : [ "ash", "blaststone" ], < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "mainBlock" : "magmarock", > "subBlocks" : [ "ash", "obsidian", "stonerubble" ], > "ores" : "surface", 22c30 < "grassMod" : [ "metal" ], --- > "grassMod" : [ "ash" ], 44c52 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseLarge", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:moderateClumps", 50c58 < "treeFoliageList" : [ "rustflower" ] --- > "treeFoliageList" : [ "" ] 56c64 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:minibiomeChests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:overgroundChests", 59c67 < "treasureBoxSets" : [ "rustChest" ] --- > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "foundryChest" ] 63c71 < "priority" : 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"distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildcocoaseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 > } biomes\surface_detached\tar.biome 29c29 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\flesh\dripblood1\dripblood1.object 5c5 < "description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", --- > "description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", 9a10 > "printable" : false, 67,70c68 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], < "smashDropOptions" : [ < [ [ "fleshstrand", 1, { } ], [ "fleshstrand", 1, { } ], [ "fleshstrand", 1, { } ] ] < ] --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ] biomes\surface_detached\old\charred\charred.biome 9c9 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\old\flowers\flowers.biome 7c7 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\old\rocky\rocky.biome 7c7 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\surface_detached\old\sandstone\sandstone.biome 7c7 < "ores" : "surfaceOres", --- > "ores" : "surface", biomes\underground\barrenunderground.biome 22c22 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vast-immortal-suns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] biomes\underground\moonunderground.biome 9,11c9 < "ores" : "moondeepores", < < "breathable" : false, --- > "ores" 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: [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vast-immortal-suns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] 77a78 > 87c88 < "pool" : [ [0.75, "copperrocksmall" ], [0.25, "copperrock" ] ], --- > "pool" : [ [0.60, "copperrocksmall" ], [0.20, "copperrock" ], [0.15, "silverrocksmall" ], [0.5, "silverrock" ] ], 91a93,108 > > { > "mode" : "background", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : 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"dirtyfossil8" ] ], > "parameters" : { "materials" : ["dirt", "grassyrock", "bonematerial"]} > } > ] > }, > { 128c142 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:layer2Chests", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundweaponChests", 177a192,200 > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundBiomeEncounterDungeon", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "undergroundencounterdungeons" ] biomes\underground\underground3b.biome 19c19 < "pool" : "generatedGround" --- > "pool" : "generatedGroundAggroDay" 41c41 < "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/m54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] --- > "tracks" : [ 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> }, > { > "timecode" : 6, 101c115 < "timecode" : 5.4, --- > "timecode" : 6.4, 128c142 < "timecode" : 4, --- > "timecode" : 5, 134c148 < "timecode" : 5, --- > "timecode" : 6, 145c159 < "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event_shortened.ogg" cinematics\licenses\license3.cinematic 1a2,5 > "muteSfx" : false, > "muteMusic" : true, > "letterbox" : false, > "scissor" : false, 23c27 < "timecode" : 5, --- > "timecode" : 6.0, 29c33 < "timecode" : 6, --- > "timecode" : 6.4, 39c43 < "image" : "/cinematics/screen.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/screen2.png" 62c66 < "timecode" : 5, --- > "timecode" : 6, 68c72 < "timecode" : 5.4, --- > "timecode" : 6.4, 95c99 < "timecode" : 5, --- > "timecode" : 6, 101c105 < "timecode" : 5.4, --- > "timecode" : 6.4, 128c132 < "timecode" : 4, --- > "timecode" : 5, 134c138 < "timecode" : 5, --- > "timecode" : 6, 145c149 < "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" --- > 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"destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 789c789 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 913c913 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\brain.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 140c140 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 545c545 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 669c669 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1074c1074 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1198c1198 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\broadsword.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 138c138 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 256c256 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", 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"destructionTime" : 1, 108c108 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 130c130 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\dagger.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 141c141 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 257c257 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 267c267 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 385c385 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 790c790 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 914c914 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\default.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 73c73 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 132c132 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 188c188 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 246c246 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 302c302 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\electric.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 40c40 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 63c63 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 84c84 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 107c107 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\electricaxe.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 146c146 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/axe_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", 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794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\electrichammer.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 143c143 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 260c260 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 270c270 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 388c388 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 793c793 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 917c917 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1033c1033 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\electricplasma.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 75c75 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 132c132 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 154c154 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 178c178 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 200c200 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\electricshortsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\electricspear.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/spear_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\fire.damage 11a12,28 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] 16a34,50 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] 23a58,74 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] 28a80,96 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] 35a104,120 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] 40a126,142 > [ > > { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/defaulthitspark/defaulthitspark.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 0, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 0], > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "layer" : "middle" > } > ] damage\fireaxe.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 146c146 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/axe_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\firebarrier.damage 18c18 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 37c37 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 58c58 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 77c77 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 98c98 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 117c117 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\firebroadsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\firedagger.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 145c145 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\firehammer.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 143c143 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 260c260 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 270c270 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 388c388 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 793c793 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 917c917 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1033c1033 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\fireplasma.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 76c76 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 84c84 < --- > 134c134 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 156c156 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 180c180 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 202c202 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\fireshortsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\firespear.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/spear_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\fishing.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 38c38 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 62c62 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 84c84 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 108c108 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 130c130 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\fist.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 139c139 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 256c256 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal3.ogg" ], 266c266 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 779c779 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_wood1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_wood2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_wood3.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_wood1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_wood2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_wood3.ogg" ], 789c789 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 913c913 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1029c1029 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\flamethrower.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 40c40 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 63c63 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 84c84 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 107c107 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\flowerpower.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 140c140 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 266c266 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 391c391 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 511c511 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 636c636 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\frozenburning.damage 24c24 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 46c46 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 70c70 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 92c92 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 116c116 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 138c138 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\fryingpan.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 138c138 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 264c264 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 381c381 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 785c785 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 908c908 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\gnomesmack.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 133c133 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 528c528 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 538c538 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 656c656 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1051c1051 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_organic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_wood1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_wood2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gnome_hit_wood3.ogg" ], 1060c1060 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1178c1178 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\hammer.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 139c139 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 256c256 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 266c266 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 789c789 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 913c913 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1029c1029 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\ice.damage 6c6 < }, --- > }, 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 75c75 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 132c132 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 154c154 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 177c177 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 199c199 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\iceaxe.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 146c146 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/axe_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\icebarrier.damage 18c18 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 37c37 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 58c58 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 77c77 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 98c98 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 117c117 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\icebroadsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\icedagger.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 145c145 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\icehammer.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 143c143 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 260c260 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 270c270 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 388c388 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 793c793 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 917c917 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1033c1033 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\iceplasma.damage 6c6 < }, --- > }, 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 75c75 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 132c132 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 154c154 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 178c178 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 200c200 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\iceshortsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\icespear.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/spear_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\lash.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 138c138 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 255c255 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/fist_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 264c264 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 381c381 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 786c786 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 910c910 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1026c1026 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\plasma.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 72c72 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 130c130 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 152c152 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 176c176 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 198c198 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poison.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 31c31 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/impact_plasma.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/impact_flesh.ogg" ], 41c41 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 65c65 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 87c87 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 111c111 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 133c133 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonaxe.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 146c146 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/axe_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonbarrier.damage 18c18 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 37c37 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 58c58 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 77c77 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 98c98 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 117c117 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonbroadsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisondagger.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 145c145 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/dagger_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonhammer.damage 19c19 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 143c143 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 260c260 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 270c270 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 388c388 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 793c793 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 917c917 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1033c1033 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\poisonplasma.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 76c76 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 134c134 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 156c156 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 180c180 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 202c202 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonshortsword.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 272c272 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 390c390 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 795c795 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 919c919 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\poisonspear.damage 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 144c144 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 261c261 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/spear_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 389c389 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 794c794 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 918c918 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\retro.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 139c139 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 266c266 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 789c789 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 913c913 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1029c1029 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } damage\sawblade.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 134c134 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 539c539 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 657c657 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1062c1062 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1186c1186 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\shortsword.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 140c140 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 258c258 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 268c268 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 386c386 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 791c791 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 915c915 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\slash.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 138c138 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 256c256 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 265c265 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 382c382 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 787c787 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 911c911 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\snowball.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 37c37 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 61c61 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 83c83 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 107c107 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 129c129 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\spear.damage 16c16 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 140c140 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 257c257 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/spear_hit_robotic.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal3.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal4.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal5.ogg", "/sfx/melee/sword_hit_metal6.ogg" ], 267c267 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 385c385 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 790c790 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 914c914 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\tarball.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 37c37 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 61c61 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 83c83 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 106c106 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, damage\tarhammer.damage 15c15 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 139c139 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 266c266 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 789c789 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 913c913 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 1029c1029 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } dialog\airship.config 11d10 < "You should come drink with us sometime!", 13,16c12 < "Watch yourself around the captain.", < "Make sure you behave yourself around the captain.", < "You should introduce yourself to the captain.", < "Interested in joining our crew?", --- > "Make sure you behave yourself.", 20c16 < "Don't cause any trouble and none will come to you.", --- > "Don't cause any trouble and no harm will come to you.", 30c26,27 < "All these propellors require so much upkeep!", --- > "When I tell people I live on a ship, they always assume I have scurvy.", > "All these propellers require so much upkeep!", 32,33c29 < "I'm new here, but I'm slowly finding my skyfaring legs!", < "Just once I'd like the captain to use my name instead of calling me a swab.", --- > "I'm new here, but I'm finding my skyfaring legs!", 35d30 < "One day, I'm gonna be the captain!", 40,41d34 < "One day I hope to be as strong as the captain!", < "The captain is stern, but fair.", 45d37 < "Rumor has it that our captain once fought a great tentacled monstrosity!", 48c40 < "Keep your hands where I can see them!", --- > "Keep your hands where I can see them...", 50c42 < "One whiff of disrespect towards our captain, and I will end you!", --- > "One whiff of disrespect and I will end you!", dialog\alpaca.config 5d4 < "Have ye always been so hairless?", 20a20 > "Dinnae cause trouble and we'll treat ye like kin!", 25a26,37 > "accuse" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Are ye tryin' tae steal from me?", > "Do ye think I cannae see you stealin'?", > "Ye better stop ye thievin'!", > "Oy! I see ye stealin'. Ye better stop that!", > "We dinnae like craven thieves around here!", > "We dinnae take well to thievery around these parts!" > ] > } > }, 29c41 < "Has something moved in my place of dwelling?", --- > "Has something been moved around in here?", 54c66 < "I dinnae thing I can live here any longer!", --- > "I dinnae think I can live here any longer!", 96a109,111 > "Get tae heck!", > "Have oot with ye!", > "Ye wee craven fool!", dialog\arrivedhome.config 11,14c11,14 < "Did you need me?", < "Did you want to chat?", < "Is there something you need me for?", < "You have need of me?" --- > "Is there something you need?", > "You wanna talk?", > "Hi! What's up?", > "You want something?" 19c19 < "You needsss me?", --- > "You need Floran?", 21,22c21,22 < "Sssurprise, Floran isss here.", < "Do you need me for sssomething?", --- > "Sssurprise, Floran is here!", > "You were sssearching for Floran?", 28c28 < "Quizzical. Did you need me for something?", --- > "Interested. You need me for something?", 30c30 < "Welcoming. I am always happy to see a familiar face.", --- > "Jovial. Here I am! What did you want to talk about?", 32c32 < "Polite. Did you just come to say hello?" --- > "Polite. Is this a social call?" 37c37,38 < "Did you wish to converse?", --- > "Hey, nice to see you. You just want a chat?", > "Hello there, what can I help you with?", 39,41c40,41 < "What did you need me for?", < "Hello again, friend!", < "I am always glad to see a friendly face." --- > "Hi, what did you need me for?", > "Hello again, how's it going?" 47,50c47,50 < "Hello. Did you need me for something?", < "I was alerted that you needed to see me?", < "Do you have need of me?", < "Greetings. Do you have matters you wish to discuss?" --- > "You need me for something, my friend?", > "You needed me and I came, what can I do for you?", > "What is it, my friend?", > "You wanted to talk to me?" 56,58c56,58 < "How are you feeling, friend?", < "Did you wish to discuss your emotions with me?", < "Did you wish to speak to me, friend?", --- > "Salutations! What did you need to discuss?", > "How pleasant to be invited to talk.", > "You were hoping to speak to me?", 64,66c64,68 < "Howdy! Somethin' on your mind?", < "Is there something y'all wanna discuss?", < "How y'all doing?" --- > "Somethin' on your mind?", > "What can I do for ya'?", > "You needin' to talk about something?", > "What you need to talk about?", > "You called and I came a-running." 77c79 < "Here's a gift, for your assistance.", --- > "Here's a gift, for all your help.", 80,81c82,83 < "Hey, here's a present!", < "Here's a little thank you gift!" --- > "Hey! Here's a present!", > "Here's a little thank you gift for you." 87,90c89,92 < "Floran gotsss a thing! Take it!", < "Floran gotsss you a thing!", < "Floran hasss thing for you!", < "Thanksss for your help!" --- > "Floran got you a thing! Take it!", > "Floran got you this to ssay thank you.", > "Floran has a thing for you!", > "Floran likes house, Floran ssay thank you with present." 95c97 < "Thankful. Here is a gift for all you've helped me with.", --- > "Optimistic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you.", 97c99 < "Respectful. I wish to return the favour for all your help.", --- > "Respectful. A gift of thanks.", 99c101 < "Hopeful. I hope you like the gift I got for you!" --- > "Friendly. I hope you like the gift, you've earned it!" 107,108c109,110 < "I have brought you a gift.", < "I hope this offering brings you happiness." --- > "I bought a gift for you to say thank you, I hope you like it.", > "I hope you like the gift!" 113,117c115,118 < "Please accept this gift, for all your assistance.", < "In return for my security, I brought you a gift.", < "For helping me live independent of the Miniknog, take this.", < "I can't thank you enough for helping me live away from the Miniknog.", < "The condition of my home is pleasing, take this.", --- > "Please accept this gift, for all your help.", > "This is a good, safe home. I brought you a gift to say thank you.", > "This present is for you, to say thank you.", > "This is a good home. Here is a thank you present.", 126c127 < "My zen has been maintained with your beautiful home. Please accept this.", --- > "Please accept this gift with my gratitude.", 132c133 < "You're an Ace-High ally! Here's a little somethin' for your troubles.", --- > "Here's a little somethin' for your troubles. Thank you kindly.", 134c135,137 < "Thanks for helping me get by, partner. You've earned this." --- > "Thanks for helping me get by. You've earned this.", > "Don't know how to thank you properly, but for now take this.", > "That's for you, to do as you please with." dialog\colourful.config 17c17 < "Frustrated. How can someone like me deserve such conditions?" --- > "Frustrated. Someone like me does not deserve such conditions." 50c50 < "Hardy. None can defeat a Rainbow Rogue in a duel!" --- > "Fearless. No one can defeat a Rainbow Rogue in a duel!" 57c57 < "Foolhardy. The battle begins!", --- > "Foolhardy. This shall not take long!", 60c60 < "Hostile. What fool should bring conflict to a Rainbow Rogue?", --- > "Hostile. What fool brings conflict to a Rainbow Rogue?", 95c95 < "Frustrated. Come closer so I may strike you with my Rainbow sword!" --- > "Frustrated. Come closer so I may strike you with my Rainbow sword!" dialog\combat.config 7c7,9 < "Aha!" --- > "Aha!", > "You came back?", > "So you came back." 12,15c14,18 < "Surprised. You returned!", < "Aggressive. You returned to witness your own defeat!", < "Courageous. I am ready to battle you once again!", < "Angry. You escaped last time, but I'll defeat you now!" --- > "Irritated. You will regret returning.", > "Aggressive. This time you will not escape.", > "Fearless. I am ready to battle you once again!", > "Angry. How dare you return!?", > "Impassioned. You have returned only to be vanquished!" 20,22c23,25 < "They came back for a ssstabbing!", < "The hunt isss back on!", < "You ssstrayed back!", --- > "Floran furiousss you came back!", > "Hello again, prey.", > "You came back again!?", 24c27 < "You won't ssslip away again!" --- > "The prey came back!" 31c34 < "Ganking time!" --- > "Attack!" 36,37c39,41 < "Spies! Get them!", < "Engage!", --- > "Hostiles!", > "Engaging hostiles!", > "Hostiles attacking!", 39,40c43,45 < "They're after our loot!", < "By my beard, it's a trespasser!" --- > "Hostile activity!", > "Engaging hostiles! Send reinforcements!", > "Enemy engaged!" 45,50c50,56 < "Your life is forfeit!", < "Battle has begun!", < "Those who seek to harm will lose their lives!", < "Prepare for your sacrifice.", < "If only I could fly, then you would die faster!", < "You will regret this battle!" --- > "Caaaw!", > "Chachalacaaa!", > "Anhingaaa!", > "Jocotoco!.", > "Tapacuuulo!", > "Caracaraaa!", > "Cacique!" 55,66c61,67 < "Sssupper arrivesss!", < "Ssstop the intruder!", < "Time to ssstrike!", < "The battle beginsss!", < "It'sss time to hunt!", < "Ssstay back!", < "Floran will ssslay you!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Floran regretsss this.", < "Nothing persssonal..." --- > "Sssupper!", > "Time to ssstab! Time to shoot!", > "Hunt the prey!", > "Get it!", > "Ssstab it! Shoot it!", > "Catch it! Eat it!", > "Floran hunt!" 71,75c72,76 < "Alert. A foe approaches!", < "Focused. My aim shall be true!", < "Calm. This shouldn't be a problem for me.", < "Foolhardy. This battle will be over soon!", < "Courageous. I shall be the one to defeat this foe!", --- > "Excited. A foe!", > "Pugnacious. Have at thee!", > "Calm. I will not be easily overcome.", > "Daring. To battle!", > "Courageous. I shall defeat this foe!", 77,82c78 < "Pursuing. Prepare to lose your life!" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Regretful. We do what we must to survive.", < "Apology. You must die, Floran." --- > "Aggressive. Prepare to lose your life!" 87,91c83,88 < "There is honour in battle!", < "Begin the dance of true combat!", < "I wish I could say I am going to regret this fight.", < "The Hylotl fight better than any other - Time to prove it!", < "My blade shall strike true!", --- > "There is honour in battle.", > "Begin the dance of war!", > "I wield the might of the storm!", > "You'd do better to fight the maelstrom than to fight me.", > "I shall strike like lightning!", > "I will rain down a torrent upon you.", 96,97c93,95 < "Your appearance is that of boiled cabbage. I wonder if you taste any better.", < "I will slay you myself, uncultured monster." --- > "I will take revenge for my ancestors!", > "I have trained to battle Floran!", > "I will defeat the Floran barbarian, and honour my forebears!" 102d99 < "Hey! Get back here!", 104,109c101,110 < "The battle begins!", < "Here we go!", < "My trigger finger is itching!", < "I'm feeling trigger happy!", < "Let's steal their stuff!", < "We'll kill you so hard you won't know what hit you!" --- > "Let's get this over with!", > "You don't have a snowflakes chance on a magma planet!", > "I'm not much of a fighter...", > "Uh-oh...", > "I don't go down so easy!", > "How do I keep ending up in situations like this?", > "Let's get this over with...", > "Be warned, I put up a fight!", > "Let's do this!", > "You won't know what hit you!" 116c117 < "Success!", --- > "Never mess with me!", 117a119 > "Phew!", 118a121,126 > "I didn't even break a sweat!", > "Heh.", > "Of course I won!", > "I'm pretty good at this!", > "That was stressful...", > "Another easy win!", 125,129c133,140 < "The day is won!", < "My victory was fated!", < "Fate smiles upon me this day!", < "Victory is ours!", < "The glory is ours!" --- > "Never challenge an Avian.", > "You'll never defeat a true warrior.", > "My antagonists are so readily subdued...", > "I was born to win this battle.", > "I didn't even lose a feather.", > "That's the consequence of engaging an Avian in battle.", > "A respectable effort on their part.", > "Easy work." 134,135c145,153 < "The target is down!", < "Area secure!", --- > "Target subdued.", > "Area secure.", > "Problem solved.", > "It is so unwise to mess with an Apex.", > "Threat neutralised.", > "The enemy has been dealt with.", > "Target dispatched.", > "Target down!", > "All done. I think I've earned a banana.", 143,146c161,165 < "They'll write poems about this epic battle!", < "The honour is ours!", < "To defend life itself is a noble victory.", < "It is done!" --- > "Now I have defeated my foe, I must reflect on this battle.", > "An honourable victory.", > "A noble victory in the defense of my culture.", > "It is done.", > "I have served my people." 152,156c171,176 < "Satisfied. Another job well done.", < "Excited. Did you see that exciting display?", < "Exhausted. I wasn't ready for this battle.", < "Pleased. They have been defeated!", < "Happy. A victorious warrior am I!" --- > "Gratified. Another job well done.", > "Excited. That was exhilarating!", > "Exhausted. I need to get more exercise.", > "Pleased. What a triumph.", > "Happy. A marvelous victory!", > "Proud. What an excellent display of my own skill." 161,166c181,188 < "Sssuccess!", < "The ssstabbing and ssshooting is over!", < "Victory tastesss good!", < "Floran winsss again!", < "The hunt isss over for now!", < "Floran winsss!" --- > "That was fun. What should Floran do now..?", > "Floran is the best hunter in hissstory!", > "Now Floran has nothing to do...", > "Floran winsss!", > "Floran isss the best!", > "That was fun!", > "Did it!", > "Floran enjoyed that." 174a197,199 > "Don't come back!", > "Where are you...", > "What a hassle.", 180,182c205,209 < "Annoyed. The foe is lost!", < "Frustrated. I know you're here somewhere!", < "Patient. I shall wait for our rematch!" --- > "Embarrassed. I lost my adversary...", > "Thoughtful. What am I doing with my life?", > "Bored. Now what am I going to do?", > "Sour. Good riddance.", > "Hopeful. Um... Come back?" 187,191c214,218 < "They'll sssneak back!", < "When they return, they'll get a ssstabbing...", < "Floran will find ssssomeone else to chase.", < "They will come back, then Floran will ssstrike!", < "Floran ssstill smellsss the prey!" --- > "Floran will go hunt ssomething else.", > "When they get back, they'll get a ssstabbing...", > "Floran will find ssomeone else to chase.", > "Floran's not given up! Just not sure what to do next...", > "Floran hungry... maybe prey come back." 198,199c225,228 < "Where did you go?", < "I can't see you!", --- > "Sneaky! This is sneaky! How did you disappear?", > "They're getting away!", > "Where'd you go?", > "Get back here!", 205,207c234,238 < "Annoyed. The foe is out of my sights!", < "Worried. I cannot see the foe!", < "Confused. Where did they go?" --- > "Patient. I'll just wait here 'til you come back.", > "Frustrated. I know you're here somewhere!", > "Confused. Where did they go?", > "Uncertain. Wasn't I fighting someone a second ago?", > "Enraged. How did you disappear!?" 212,216c243,247 < "Floran can't sssee them!", < "Where have they sssnuck off to?", < "Prey is out of my sssights!", < "...", < "Floran will sssee you ssssoon enough!" --- > "Floran iss good hunter! Prey won't sstay hidden for long!", > "Floran sstill smells the prey!", > "Wily prey is hiding!", > "... Floran can't find you.", > "Where is the ssneaky thing?" 224,225c255,258 < "If I could afford the blink tech I would get you!", < "How did you get over there?" --- > "Come here!", > "Get back here!", > "How did you get over there?", > "I can't reach!" 230,232c263,267 < "Annoyed. They are beyond my reach!", < "Concerned. I cannot reach them!", < "Frustrated. Why didn't I bring a crossbow?" --- > "Irritated. They are beyond my reach!", > "Angry. Come here!", > "Frustrated. Why didn't I bring a crossbow?", > "Sullen. How can we fight if I can't reach you?", > "Irate. Come closer so we can fight!" 238c273 < "Ssstrike them for me! I can't reach!", --- > "Floran can't reach!", 240c275 < "The prey hasss gone too far!", --- > "Trickssy prey is out of reach!", 248,253c283,287 < "I can't get close enough!", < "Come on, you can get them!", < "You're in the way!", < "Hack and slash!", < "You can do it!", < "Get them!" --- > "I have a plan!", > "Get them!", > "Everybody is in my way.", > "Why aren't they already dead?", > "Come on!" 258,260c292,296 < "Enthralled. Strike them down!", < "Encouraging. You can do it!", < "Supportive. Defeat the foe!" --- > "Excited. Strike them down!", > "Commanding. Get them!", > "Enthusiastic. Get the foe!", > "Goading. Why isn't this foe already dead?", > "Selfish. I want to kill it!" 265,268c301,304 < "Ssstab them harder!", < "Yesss!", < "Floran will sssupport instead!", < "Ssstrike them down!", --- > "Sssave some for me!", > "Get the prey!", > "Floran is so happy to be part of thiss.", > "Get it!", 273c309 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } dialog\converse.config 1a2,213 > "greeting" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello." > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello.", > "How are you?", > "How are you doing?", > "Nice to meet you.", > "I hope you are well, my friend.", > "Big Ape is watching.", > "I hope you have a pleasant day.", > "It is good to see you.", > "Can I help you?", > "Good day, my friend.", > "Hello, stranger.", > "Welcome.", > "Welcome, my friend.", > "It is nice to meet you.", > "Please, stay a while.", > "How do you do, my friend?", > "Greetings, stranger, and welcome.", > "Hello, friend.", > "How is it going?", > "Have a good day.", > "Can I offer you anything, my friend?", > "Pleased to meet you, friend.", > "Have a good day.", > "Make yourself at home.", > "Hi there.", > "Hi.", > "Ok, nice to meet you.", > "Alright, my friend?", > "Hey there, strange person.", > "Hello to you." > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello.", > "So nice to make your acquaintance.", > "Thank you for your visit.", > "How wonderful to meet you.", > "May peace follow you.", > "May you always find peace.", > "So wonderful to meet you.", > "So nice to meet you!", > "Lovely to meet you.", > "I hope peace finds you.", > "I wish you tranquillity.", > "Good day to you.", > "Have a splendid day.", > "Welcome.", > "You are always welcome.", > "May you have a pleasant day.", > "Good day.", > "How do you do?", > "Pleased to meet you.", > "So pleased to meet you.", > "I wish you good health.", > "I wish you happiness.", > "How are you?", > "Such a pleasure.", > "Welcome, young traveller.", > "Welcome traveller.", > "I wish you well in your travels.", > "Go well.", > "Warm greetings to you.", > "Hello, young traveller." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello.", > "Nice to meet you.", > "Nice to make your acquaintance!", > "Hello there.", > "Nice to meet you!", > "Nice to make a new friend.", > "It's nice that you've dropped by.", > "It's nice to meet you.", > "Hello. Nice to meet you.", > "Hi there.", > "Hello and welcome.", > "How are you doing?", > "What can I do for you?", > "Welcome.", > "Have a nice day.", > "How are you?", > "Hi.", > "Hello!", > "Alright?", > "Hey there.", > "Hey! A new friend!", > "Everything ok?", > "Good day!", > "Hello, friendly person.", > "How do you do?", > "Hey! Nice to meet you.", > "You seem friendly.", > "Hope you're having a good day!", > "Why, hello.", > "Hi! How are you doing?" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Sup?", > "Hello.", > "Hi.", > "How's it going?", > "How's it?", > "Yo!", > "Hey, great to see you.", > "Hey, what's up?", > "Oh hey, how's it going?", > "You seem like a nice sort.", > "Thanks for dropping by!", > "Great to see you, pal.", > "Hey, nice to meet you.", > "Ace meeting you.", > "Nice meeting ya!", > "What's up?", > "Hey.", > "Hey! Welcome!", > "Alright?", > "Oh hey!", > "You alright?", > "You good?", > "Alright mate?", > "Welcome!", > "What you up to?", > "Hellooo.", > "Good to see you.", > "How're things?", > "How's life treating you?", > "Hey, what's happening?" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello.", > "Nice to meet you, person.", > "You sseem friendly.", > "Sstabbing is fun!", > "How's thingss with you?", > "Iss nice to meet you.", > "Sstab!", > "Floran greets stranger.", > "Have nice day.", > "Hello, sstranger.", > "How is sstranger person?", > "Sssup?", > "Nice meeting you.", > "Floran happy we met.", > "Can Floran help you?", > "Is sstranger ok?", > "Welcome.", > "Nice to meat you!", > "Floran pleasssed to meet you.", > "Happy hunting.", > "Hi.", > "Floran wishes you happy hunting.", > "Hello friend.", > "Floran wishes you good day.", > "Floran must be leaving.", > "Welcome, person!", > "Floran welcomess you.", > "Floran likess new friend.", > "No sstab, just say hey.", > "Floran pleasssed you're here." > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Eager. Salutations.", > "Welcoming. I will always welcome new friends!", > "Friendly. It is wonderful to meet you.", > "Excited. Yay! A new friend!", > "Friendly. It's very nice to meet you.", > "Kindly. Welcome.", > "Joyous. A new friend!", > "Friendly. Greetings friend.", > "Welcoming. Lovely to have you here.", > "Kindly. Can I help you somehow?", > "Friendly. Nice to meet you.", > "Welcoming. Hello!", > "Affable. Hello there.", > "Jolly. Wonderful to meet you.", > "Friendly. I hope you're enjoying your visit.", > "Cordial. Hail!", > "Amicable. Good day to you.", > "Generous. Can I help you?", > "Reserved. Good day.", > "Hospitable. Welcome!", > "Distant. Oh, hello.", > "Genial. Why, hello!", > "Sociable. How are you doing?", > "Agreeable. Welcome stranger.", > "Convivial. How nice to make your acquaintance.", > "Sociable. Nice to get to know you.", > "Affable. How do you do?", > "Cordial. Hello my fine fellow.", > "Surly. Hello...", > "Merry. Welcome, welcome, welcome!" > ] > } > }, > 6a219,328 > "generic" : [ > "You look cold, you need more body hair.", > "Tell me if I smell. It is hard to keep this much fur clean.", > "I secretly love bananas, but I dislike conforming to the stereotype.", > "Today has been hard. Maybe tomorrow will be better.", > "Don't cause trouble. I've had enough trouble for a lifetime.", > "I spent yesterday outside, the fresh air does me good.", > "I hope your day goes as well as mine.", > "You see a Miniknog soldier, you keep your eyes down and your hands still.", > "The Miniknog is everywhere.", > "I have nightmares sometimes about meeting Big Ape.", > "Gah! ...Oh sorry - I thought you where someone else.", > "One brown banana - that is the only food I have left in the store cupboard.", > "Look, it's true - Apex find bananas delicious, but that need not define us.", > "Do you... Do you work for the Miniknog?", > "Big Ape is watching.", > "Is this \"Protectorate\" a government organisation?", > "You are always welcome here.", > "So little hair...", > "Do you arm wrestle?", > "Our species are not so dissimilar, maybe an Apex and a human could even fall in love...", > "Tell me, is space lonely?", > "I cannot go out tonight, I am washing my hair.", > "You look like somebody who can survive on their own. That is a good skill to have.", > "Apologies - I'm not so great at talking to other species.", > "Have you ever seen Big Ape?", > "Big Ape is watching. He's behind you! I am just kidding, don't look so nervous.", > "Apex give the best hugs, it's true.", > "Tell me, friend, are there bananas in space?", > "The Miniknog are only getting worse, you know.", > "I'm not sure we should talk.", > "I am most loyal to the great Big Ape.", > "Why have you come here, what are you looking for?", > "Tomorrow is a new day. Mind you, so was yesterday at some point, and that was not so great.", > "I'm trying to remember the Miniknog song I need to learn - something, something, auspicious rule...", > "I'm saving up food so I can have a banana split on my birthday.", > "What is Big Ape actually like, do you think?", > "A long shadow stretches over us.", > "I just had an interview with the Miniknog.", > "You are in the Protectorate?", > "I had a dream about a banana cream pie last night. My mouth is still watering.", > "I am incredibly hungry.", > "You are bold and brave, friend.", > "Know of a good barber? I have been too long without a trim.", > "Tell me of the sights you've seen, friend.", > "You're a troublemaker, I can tell. Not that I'm complaining.", > "Want my advice? Never approach a penguin who is having a picnic.", > "Penguins? They look cute, but you're a fool if you underestimate them.", > "I just ate a huge meal. It is time for a nap.", > "Looking good, friend. I like your style.", > "There are so many other planets out there. The universe is a big place.", > "I can only dream of the things you have seen.", > "My favourite time of the day is lunchtime.", > "I've got friends here. I'm happy.", > "What was it I had to do today? I can't remember at all.", > "So much time, so little to do.", > "I need to sneeze, but it will not happen.", > "Join me for bananas?", > "Those Miniknog guards... Do not get on the wrong side of them.", > "Big Ape, Big Ape, the enduring and great, our devotion, unswerving, will never abate!", > "Tell me of your travels.", > "Do not cross the Miniknog.", > "The Miniknog tell us Big Ape's the greatest being in all history.", > "My bananas have fruit flies all over them.", > "The shelves were empty in the local shop yesterday.", > "Are you allowed to be here?", > "Are you important? Have you met Big Ape?", > "I'm cold, are you cold?", > "Apex take pride in their work. Or the Miniknog makes them take pride in it.", > "Do you have a rocket launcher for me to borrow? I have a plan.", > "Could I maybe see inside your starship, my friend? Just a look is all I ask.", > "I've heard tales of your kind.", > "What are you here to do?", > "How strong are you? You need great strength to live around here.", > "Never judge a book by its cover, that's what I say.", > "You must get cold without this luxuriant layer of hair.", > "Just another day in paradise for me.", > "I bet you have great campfire stories.", > "Excuse me if I remain suspicious of you until we are better friends.", > "The pressures of the world look as though they are getting to you.", > "Watch out, step away - today I am clumsy.", > "So, have you planned your next big adventure?", > "Relax, stay awhile, unwind. You look tired from all this adventuring.", > "Have a good day, friend.", > "I do not have many bananas, but I will gladly share them with you.", > "I put down my sandwich somewhere and now I can't find it.", > "I shaved my brother's face while he was sleeping. He looks very funny now. He's not so pleased.", > "The Miniknog is vast, it controls everything.", > "What do you think of bananas?", > "The Miniknog can do many things, but they will never overcome compassion.", > "Part of me can not shake the thought that you are Big Ape in disguise. I always have this feeling.", > "There must be a lot of treasure out there for someone who travels the stars.", > "Heard any good jokes lately? A little laughter never hurt anyone.", > "I'll bet you make short work of monsters my friend.", > "You must be a skilled navigator to fly that spacecraft of yours.", > "Where do you call home, friend?", > "What a day I am having.", > "You don't talk so much, do you?", > "I suppose you are here to spread peace, I wish you all the luck in the world.", > "You seem pleasant enough.", > "I lost one of my flip-flops.", > "I'm going to cook banana fritters tonight.", > "My laces broke yesterday, now I can not wear my favourite shoes.", > "Life has its trials, but there are good times too, I know.", > "I do not want to talk just now, I have just bumped my head.", > "You have such freedom, I hope that you appreciate it.", > "Do you know the Miniknog perform strange, sinister experiments on our people?", > "I'm sorry, today I have no time to talk.", > "Seeing you has cheered me up on a gloomy day." > ], 11,50c333,347 < "Ah, lovely to see humans in our midst.", < "You must get cold without much body hair.", < "Welcome, human. We are absolutely not an oppressed population. Honest.", < "It is comforting to know that another species out there looks like us.", < "You look like an Apex... but you don't smell like one.", < "Do you humans enjoy bananas as much as we Apex?", < "Word of warning, human. Do not cross the Miniknog.", < "Don't get too close, human. I currently have fleas.", < "Please don't cause trouble, human. I've had enough trouble for a lifetime.", < "I hope you feel secure, no matter where you might be.", < "Despite our visual similarities, we are not trying to ape your species.", < "If you see a Miniknog soldier, keep your eyes downwards and your hands still.", < "I am sure our glorious leader would extend his generosity to humanity, if asked.", < "We are sorry to hear of your planet's plight, human.", < "The Miniknog have eyes everywhere, human. Be warned.", < "How about a friendly arm wrestle, human?", < "Settle a bet for me, human. Who would win in a fight between a Floran and a Hylotl?", < "Do you think our two species could ever find love together, human?", < "A human from beyond the stars. How exciting!", < "Tell me human, have you ever adventured with a Hylotl? Are they as uptight as people say?", < "You'll bow to Big Ape if you know what's good for you.", < "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then Big Ape experimented on my family.", < "The Miniknog aren't so bad. They rarely even beat us these days.", < "If you think I'm attractive, human, wait till you see Big Ape!", < "I would join you for a drink tonight human, but I'm washing my hair.", < "You look like someone who can survive on their own. That's a good skill to have.", < "The Resistance are around us, human. One day they'll rise.", < "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk to other species.", < "If you ever meet Big Ape, put in a good word for me, okay?", < "You are smooth and unusual, human.", < "Have you heard about those strange burning men, human?", < "I'm not one to joke around, human. Keep vigilant.", < "Big Ape is watching. He's behind you. Just kidding.", < "You smell like wet Apex.", < "What is it like amongst the stars, human? I dream of escape.", < "I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss a human...", < "Apex give the best hugs.", < "Big Ape, Big Ape, there is no escape, you'll get crushed like a grape, Big Ape!", < "I'm so hungry I could eat, well, you.", < "Have you heard the one about Big Ape and the Beanstalk? It's a classic." --- > "You are the first human that I've met.", > "It is bad news for everybody, what happened to Earth.", > "No pictures survive, but our people looked almost human once.", > "Don't get too close, human. I have fleas.", > "I've heard lots about humans, lots of good things.", > "Humans are rebellious, yes?", > "Have humans ever been ruled by somebody like Big Ape?", > "How do you humans know what you're allowed to do?", > "Commiserations about the destruction of your species.", > "I was sorry to hear of what happened to Earth.", > "A human from Earth. It is good to meet you.", > "You are very smooth.", > "You smell interesting, human.", > "What kind of planet was Earth? Oh... Is it too soon to ask this question? My bad.", > "I could pass for human if I had a good hair day." 53,58d349 < "You take a risk coming back here, pariah.", < "I'm taking a risk talking to you. Big Ape might be watching.", < "You are brave for disobeying Big Ape.", < "You're going to get us BOTH killed.", < "I cannot be seen talking to you.", < "A bold move coming here, outsider.", 60d350 < "What if the Miniknog catch you? They might catch me just for talking about this.", 62,91c352,364 < "So you travel the stars, huh? Enviable.", < "Tell me, friend, are there bananas in space?", < "The Miniknog are only getting worse, you know.", < "Perhaps you'd consider taking me with you?", < "You escaped the Miniknog? Big Ape will remember that.", < "If you need to borrow a comb, just ask.", < "Do other species have the equivalent of Big Ape? Big Fish, Big Human?", < "Rumour has it that Big Ape will crush the Resistance any day now.", < "Your freedom fills me with envy, friend.", < "You worked hard to cast off the shackles of oppression. Be sure not to walk back into them.", < "Save us, brave Resistance fighter. Save us all!", < "If you feel like taking down a few Miniknog, I won't stop you.", < "As you can see, our living conditions have not improved.", < "You've let your grooming slip, it seems.", < "Next time you drop by, please smuggle in some bananas.", < "I'm sick of the Miniknog. Sick, I tell you!", < "How do I know you're not a Miniknog spy?", < "You are bold and brave, friend.", < "To defy Big Ape is to defy who you are, so they used to say.", < "Tell me of the sights you've seen, friend.", < "You're a troublemaker, I can tell. Not that I'm complaining.", < "If the Miniknog come looking for you, I'm not sure I'll be able to cover for you.", < "Have you visited the Avians? I hear they're very devout.", < "Tell me about the Florans. You must have met some out there.", < "What have you learned of the humans, friend?", < "I am curious to hear what you've learned of the Glitch.", < "I doubt you have anything interesting to say about the Hylotl, right?", < "What's it like, floating in space, free of Big Ape's gaze?", < "Big Ape could be watching us right now. Keep your distance.", < "I'm a Miniknog guard and you're under arrest. Just kidding. Boy, the look on your face!" --- > "You need to borrow a comb? Just ask.", > "Your freedom fills me with joy, friend.", > "You left the Apex so young? How did you get out?", > "I don't mind sharing my bananas with you. Not so much, anyway.", > "You're hair is so lush - I wish I could get shampoo that good.", > "Have you seen many worlds, my friend?", > "Where do you go when you take off in your ship?", > "Tell me about the people you've met on your travels.", > "I'm guessing you have avoided the pleasure of living off of nutrient paste.", > "My fur is in terrible shape, how do I make it look good like yours?", > "Have you read the \"Daily Peel\" lately?", > "I'm thinking of dying my hair, maybe I will dye it your colour.", > "I'm a Miniknog guard, you're under arrest! I'm kidding, I'm kidding - the look on your face." 94,106c367,370 < "Greetings, Avian.", < "Your plumage is simply divine, Avian.", < "Do you suppose that Kluex and Big Ape have ever met?", < "We are sorry to hear of the loss of your wings, Avian.", < "Our species are similar in many ways.", < "Join me for some bananas?", < "I'm in a hurry, I've gotta fly. Oops, sorry, that was insensitive.", < "Did the Stargazers allow you to leave your flock, Avian?", < "Big Ape is fond of Avians, I hear.", < "Those Miniknog guards... don't get on the wrong side of them.", < "If you ever meet Big Ape, tell him I said hello.", < "Avian, could I possibly have a feather? As a souvenir?", < "One day perhaps our species will live together, Avian.", --- > "Your plumage is impressive, my friend.", > "We are not so similar.", > "The Stargazers, they allowed you to leave your flock?", > "Could I have a feather, friend?", 108,134c372,393 < "If you have the time, could you tell me of your power crystals?", < "I have been thinking of converting to Kluex Worship. Is this feasible for an Apex?", < "I hear that Kluex challenged Big Ape to a cage match. Is there any truth to this?", < "Did you know that some Glitch have become self-aware these days?", < "What about those humans, eh? Still, best not to gossip.", < "We had a Hylotl here recently. Awkward.", < "Do you have any food? I'm so hungry. A banana, perhaps?", < "My family has been kidnapped by the Miniknog. If you see them, tell them I said hello.", < "Could you lend me a rocket launcher? I appear to have lost mine.", < "Big Ape is my brother from another mother.", < "You just missed the most glorious Miniknog parade stroke public execution.", < "Is it true that you can't fly any more? Have you tried flapping your wings?", < "Are feathers harder to keep clean than hair?", < "The Miniknog are always watching us. It's a bit intrusive.", < "If I could spend a day with feathers, I would.", < "I used to dream about being able to fly, when I was a child.", < "Do you think perhaps Kluex would consider saving us from the Miniknog?", < "Profess your loyalty to Big Ape, Avian. Just to be on the safe side.", < "Let us make a toast to Big Ape and Kluex, Avian friend.", < "Could I perhaps see your starship? Just a look is all I ask.", < "Good day to you, Avian friend!", < "It's my birthday today. The Miniknog gave me two crusts of stale bread to celebrate.", < "What does an Avian look like without feathers? Asking for a Miniknog.", < "Seeing you has cheered me up on a gloomy day, Avian.", < "I had some seeds, but I lost them.", < "Are you familiar with Thornwing, Avian?", < "Your feathers remind me of a quilt I had as a child." --- > "I am thinking of converting to Kluex Worship. Is this feasible for an Apex?", > "Feathers would be useful - to stuff cushions, make dusters...", > "Can Avians eat bananas?", > "Has the Miniknog started employing Avians?", > "I have little food, and no seeds at all for you.", > "I work in a lab - we could do some tests, make some improvements - maybe make a flying Avian.", > "Your feathers look soft and comfortable. I would like a hug.", > "Kluex? The Apex have no gods. We must trust in Big Ape...", > "Are feathers difficult to look after? This much hair is certainly no joke.", > "Hello Avian.", > "Are feathers harder to keep clean than hair? I don't know.", > "How does it feel to be feathered all over?", > "I dreamed of being able to fly, as a child.", > "Good day to you, Avian friend.", > "I had some seeds, but they are gone, I lost them.", > "Do you like to cook? I am a fan of Avian cuisine, but I never get it round here.", > "Rain is your worst enemy when you are so hairy. You are lucky to be feathered.", > "I admit it, I am jealous of your feathers.", > "Are feathers warmer than fur? My clothes are not just for decoration.", > "Have you ever heard an Apex sing? We are not built for such activities.", > "What do the Avians do for fun?", > "Your feathers remind me of a quilt I had when I was a child." 138d396 < "I didn't know your kind had discovered space travel.", 140,148c398,400 < "I've heard tales of your kind, Floran.", < "I hope you aren't here to hunt.", < "Are you familiar with Big Ape, Floran?", < "Sorry if this is rude, but can you speak?", < "Your kind can be quite scary. Do not be offended if some Apex are wary of you.", < "The Miniknog are eyeing you with suspicion, Floran.", < "A Floran in our midst. This won't end well.", < "I bought a potion from Greenfinger once. It was a dud.", < "Could you teach me to hunt, Floran? I have a certain big, ape-like beast I'd like to take down.", --- > "I hope you aren't here to hunt, my friend.", > "Your kind are scary to some. Do not be offended if some Apex are wary of you.", > "Teach me to hunt, Floran. I have a certain big, ape-like beast I need to take down.", 150,179c402,425 < "It is great to see your species finally integrating.", < "You don't seem to have killed anyone yet! We're all very proud of you!", < "Miniknog scientists have been known to pit Floran against Apex. We don't hold a grudge.", < "I would love to get to know you better, Floran.", < "If it looks like I'm shaking in fear, I'm not, I'm just cold okay!", < "You really are a remarkable specimen.", < "Glory to Big Ape, Floran! Say it with me!", < "Look behind you! A Hylotl!", < "Your presence here is both inspiring and troubling.", < "Are you lost, Floran?", < "Have you heard the joke about the Floran and the penguin? No?", < "Please don't kill me!", < "Floran Peace is one of my favourite novels of all time!", < "As an amateur botanist, it's a pleasure to meet you.", < "You don't look so scary up close.", < "Are you smiling or snarling?", < "I... I have a bit of a thing for Florans. Oh no, I'm blushing.", < "Perhaps you would give a presentation to us Apex?", < "Tell me, Floran, what's your bodycount?", < "You're far more civilised than Big Ape said you'd be.", < "Make yourself at home, Floran.", < "We would make an amazing crime-fighting duo.", < "Thank you for behaving respectably, Floran.", < "Ooh, a Floran. I'm all a-quiver.", < "What a terrifyingly adorable thing you are.", < "Teach me the art of stabbing, Floran!", < "Perhaps you would engage me in a test of strength, Floran.", < "I don't care what people say, you seem nice to me.", < "Never judge a book by its cover, that's what I say.", < "A living plant! Wait, are all plants living?" --- > "So, your species is finally integrating?", > "Please, don't kill me, I'm too busy to die today.", > "As an amateur botanist, it is a pleasure to meet you.", > "You do not look so scary up close.", > "Are you smiling or snarling, who can tell?", > "Florans are... You are a beautiful race.", > "Perhaps you would give me a hunting demonstration?", > "Tell me, Floran, what's your body count?", > "You are more civilised than the Miniknog tells us.", > "Thank you for behaving, Floran - we have enough trouble round here.", > "A Floran... I am truly a-quiver.", > "You are terrifying and adorable, I like this duality.", > "Teach me the art of stabbing.", > "Who cares what people say? I think you are a nice young Floran.", > "I would like to know: can Florans communicate with non-sentient plants?", > "So, if you had to choose, what would be your favourite type of meat?", > "Are you much of a cook? Or do you prefer your meals as alive as possible?", > "Floran are a fascinating species, many Apex might stare.", > "Yesterday I thought I saw a pixel on the ground, but it was a shiny bug. Ah well.", > "Do you Florans sprout fruit? That would be a useful skill.", > "Do Florans like to garden, I wonder?", > "I could use your expertise with my pot-plants, they are not growing so well.", > "What was I expecting? I don't know, but not you.", > "Wow, a living plant! Oh wait, this is foolish - all plants live." 183,193c429,432 < "You're one smooth robot.", < "Big Ape could be using Glitch to spy on us. Are you a spy?", < "Tell me, what signifies a Glitch outcast?", < "I've always wanted a Glitch sidekick.", < "Hey there robot buddy.", < "You can touch my hair if you'd like.", < "Have you ever heard of Hewlett Deckard?", < "Did it hurt when you were severed from the hivemind?", < "Great to see you, little robot.", < "I've always been fascinated by your kind.", < "Big Ape claims to have an army of weaponised Glitch. Is this true?", --- > "You are one interesting robot, friend.", > "I've always wanted a Glitch as a comrade.", > "It's good to see you, little robot man.", > "I can not lie - I am fascinated by your kind.", 195,209c434,448 < "Are you equipped with long-range audio recording software? Just wondering.", < "Do Glitch dream of electric Florans?", < "Are you entirely made of metal?", < "I hear you Glitch are envious of our hair.", < "I'll sell you a hair cutting for just ten pixels.", < "I've always wanted to hear a Glitch sing.", < "Why do you say those words at the beginnings of sentences?", < "Jovial. Hello! Uh, I hope that wasn't offensive.", < "When I was in school, my friend claimed his dad had punched a Glitch's head clean off.", < "Avoid the Miniknog, Glitch. They don't trust your kind.", < "Glory to Big Ape! You robots should think about following him.", < "We're here, we're there, the Glitch envy our hair, go Apex!", < "The Outcast leader is called Platinum Ace, correct? So cool!", < "I met a hivemind Glitch once. Creeped me out. You seem nicer.", < "Any tips on dealing with the Florans? Your two species seem pretty tight.", --- > "You look strong.", > "Can you Glitch be hurt by guns?", > "I am glad every day that the Miniknog does not build robots.", > "Robot, tell me, could the Miniknog have tampered with your circuits?", > "Glitch have lords and kings, but no one like Big Ape.", > "Is your metal exterior easy to take care of? I think it would be an upgrade to this fur.", > "Do people experiment on the Glitch? I would like to know how you tick.", > "So, you are not a Miniknog official in a metal suit?", > "I think if us Apex were robots, the Mininknog would install itself right into our heads.", > "Do Glitch sleep?", > "You do not have long-range audio recording software, do you?", > "Are you made entirely of metal, my friend?", > "I have heard you Glitch are envious of our hair.", > "Why do you Glitch say these lone words before speaking?", > "When I was young, my friend told me his dad punched a Glitch's head clean off. Apocryphal I'm sure.", 211,221c450,453 < "How do you people eat?", < "What do you think of bananas, Glitch?", < "We should run away and join the circus together.", < "Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?", < "The Miniknog have made me promise to stop teaching Glitch how to twerk.", < "Part of me can't shake the feeling that you're Big Ape in disguise.", < "I got a great price on a bunch of bananas the other day! Then the Miniknog confiscated them.", < "Let's tear down the barriers between our species.", < "It is a joy to meet you, robot pal.", < "Can I stow away on your ship?", < "One day I'm gonna become sheriff of this town!" --- > "How do you people eat? Are there robot organs inside that tin can?", > "Have you ever been struck by lightning, metal friend?", > "Are you magnetic? ...Sorry, this sounds like a pick up line. Don't worry, I'm not interested.", > "It is a joy to meet you, robot." 225,262c457,486 < "I suppose you are here to spread peace.", < "I'm sure the Miniknog would love to hear a patented Hylotl lecture.", < "Be warned, Hylotl. The Miniknog do not like being talked down to.", < "Have you come to liberate us, Hylotl?", < "Just thought you should know, there have been a number of Florans in the area recently.", < "Would you like to join my band?", < "Glory to Big Ape! Make peace with that!", < "You seem pleasant enough.", < "Please, tell me some more about the delightful Hylotl architecture.", < "Nice fins, little buddy.", < "Will you take me swimming?", < "You guys are pacifists, right?", < "A meat-eating Hylotl? Unusual.", < "Spread your peace, Hylotl. You'll have no trouble here.", < "I think that Miniknog guard is a Floran in disguise.", < "Do you have your own Big Ape? Large Fish, perhaps?", < "Feel free to sample some Apex delicacies. They're in the Miniknog mansion.", < "Did you know the Miniknog perform strange, sinister experiments on our people?", < "Looks like there's a risk of rain. I'm sure that won't bother you.", < "What's it like, under the ocean?", < "You and the Florans should put aside your differences.", < "Don't ever try to ride a cattlesnake, trust me.", < "Is it lonely up in space?", < "Is it true that Hylotl can talk to fish?", < "Why did the Hylotl blush? Wait, no, that's not appropriate.", < "Draw me like one of your Floran girls.", < "Have you ever found sunken treasure?", < "Lend me a Pixel, will you?", < "We use BigCoins here, but Pixels work too.", < "If you ever meet Big Ape, tell him I said hello.", < "I'm sorry if our species appears uncultured to you.", < "I can see you judging me internally.", < "I hear your species are master crafters.", < "Save us from the Miniknog, fish!", < "Big Ape, little fish, cardboard box.", < "Take me with you, Hylotl. Please.", < "Welcome to our humble abode, fish.", < "I'm sorry, I'm too stressed to talk." --- > "Do your kind still fear the Floran? Our antagonists are closer to home.", > "Please, tell me more about Hylotl architecture, it is nice to hear about beautiful things.", > "Nice fins.", > "Maybe teach me to swim sometime?", > "You can not grow bananas under water.", > "I deeply wish us Apex were as smooth as you Hylotl, you cannot understand what it is to be so furry.", > "The Miniknog do not encourage art and literature...", > "I believe we Apex had municipal libraries many generations ago, but they are all gone now.", > "I have no time for poetry.", > "Good to meet you, fish man.", > "I wish I could experience the serenity you Hylotl seem to have mastered.", > "Most of our books are about Big Ape.", > "As my father used to say - \"Art won't put food on the table.\"", > "People don't make much of it, but you Hylotl must be great engineers to be able to build underwater.", > "I have only a few books, I have read each one six, maybe seven times.", > "How long can you hold your breath for, beneath the ocean waves?", > "Your third eye is fascinating to me. I wonder, could we Apex engineer a third eye for our kind?", > "How do Hylotls paint this way - I have seen your art, it is quite beautiful.", > "No hair? You are a lucky creature.", > "When I swim my fur traps bubbles, and this makes me buoyant... It quickly becomes hard to swim down.", > "You fish, you are pacifists?", > "Spread your peace, Hylotl. You'll have no trouble from me.", > "Is there a Hylotl Big Ape? Maybe Big Fish?", > "I guess the rain does not bother you much, fishman.", > "What is it like to belong under the ocean?", > "Can Hylotl talk to fish?", > "I have a joke, \"Why did the Hylotl blush?\" ...Wait, no. I do not think I will finish.", > "Do you find much sunken treasure?", > "Those red eyes, so strange.", > "I hear your species are master crafters." 265,274c489,507 < "I've never seen someone like you before!", < "You appear to be glowing. Maybe a doctor can fix that.", < "Are you on fire? Is that just how you look?", < "Are you the result of an experiment?", < "Fascinating. You are like a burning star.", < "I've never seen your kind in our Miniknog textbooks.", < "Are you actually burning?", < "Where did you come from?", < "I've heard rumours of people like you. Have you existed in secret all this time?", < "That is a very interesting glowing suit you have. It is a suit... Right?" --- > "I have never seen someone like you before!", > "You appear to be glowing. Maybe a doctor can fix this.", > "Are you on fire or is this just how you look?", > "What experiment produced you?", > "You are like a burning star.", > "Are you the product of a Miniknog experiment?", > "What makes you glow?", > "Your luminescence is amazing, how does it work?", > "Glowing is a useful property for an organism to have.", > "It must be useful to glow at times; when there's no oil, or no electricity.", > "Never before have I come across so bright a being.", > "You are hard to miss.", > "Your glow, does it ever fade?", > "Your light gives me a headache.", > "You're a welcome sight, you brighten things up.", > "Your kind is not mentioned in our Miniknog textbooks.", > "Are you burning?", > "Where did you come from, friend?", > "That is an interesting glowing suit. Wait, this is not a suit?" 277a511,610 > "generic" : [ > "What a hectic day! I feel that it's time to seek tranquillity.", > "It's hard to compare the beauty of nature with the beauty of the crafted object.", > "All my tea leaves got damp! What am I going to do?", > "I can't decide what I want to read next, my list of books is simply too long.", > "Do you know anyone in need of a tutor?", > "I regard books as learned friends.", > "These are times of degradation. I'm glad there are those who are brave enough to act.", > "I've made several small, exquisite carvings, but they're quite tiny, and I've lost them.", > "I'm so grateful that the dangers of the universe are balanced by its wonders and beauty.", > "Did you know they're searching for the ancient Hylotl libraries?", > "I borrowed 17 books form the library and got engrossed; I read for 9 straight days.", > "Overbrewed tea becomes so bitter!", > "While things must be practical, never undervalue beauty.", > "Sometimes I sit in a wood and watch the leaves fall - such grace and elegance in their dance.", > "Value your master, but also your servants. No building can stand with a solid foundation.", > "Sometimes I worry we Hylotl lack a sense of humour.", > "Art enriches existence.", > "I've run out of watercolours! This is a disaster!", > "I will fight anyone who rejects pacifism.", > "I have many thoughts on intergalactic politics, though solutions are more elusive.", > "Your kind is rather ugly to my Hylotl eyes.", > "Delighted to make your acquaintance.", > "Please stop running around acting the fool.", > "Do you want to know a secret? Well I'm afraid I can't tell you, it's confidential.", > "There is such a sense dignity about you.", > "I'm secretly a bounty hunter.", > "When the season changes, I will retire to my country house.", > "I'm sorry, did you say something?", > "I'm brewing some herbal tea.", > "I believe it is possible to find profound fulfilment in the act of crafting.", > "Have you seen my paintbrushes? They have birchwood handles and sable bristles...", > "When it all seems too much I find refuge in poetry.", > "It's foolish to crave power. Power destroys.", > "Have you read the works of the great Hylotl thinkers? I often look to them for guidance.", > "It has been very pleasant to make your aquaintance.", > "Moonlight through water is a beautiful sight - shifting shafts of iridescent light.", > "Isn't it strange how different the lives of two beings can be?", > "Sometimes I crave the peace that comes from living a hermitic life.", > "Are you a trained swordsman?.", > "Have you ever attempted the delicate artistry of flower arranging?.", > "Let us meditate together.", > "Maybe one day we will be good friends.", > "We Hylotl are a proud species.", > "Today I want to sit quietly in the fresh air, and write my poetry.", > "I've painted a picture, but it isn't quite perfected, so I can't show it to you yet.", > "It would be pleasant to talk, but I'm somewhat in a rush.", > "If you need to calm your mind, try picturing the play of sunlight on a cerulean sea.", > "Have you seen my book? I put it down somewhere.", > "It was a beautiful day yesterday. We can only hope tomorrow will be the same.", > "I haven't created anything for days, I need to sooth my soul with fine craft.", > "Please be careful not to break anything.", > "You look like you've been dragged through a bush backwards.", > "I have nothing to say to you.", > "Have you spent much time in libraries? You seem well educated.", > "Lovely to meet you.", > "Please excuse me.", > "I must excuse myself, I hope you will forgive me.", > "Do you own many books? The house I grew up in was filled floor to ceiling with them.", > "Brief as it has been, I shall write a poem about our meeting.", > "The last page of my book is missing! What will I do!?", > "Hylotl warriors exist to protect our kind, born through duress they are sadly a necessary evil.", > "The great Hylotl artists can evoke so much with so few brush strokes.", > "Have you ever noticed how elegant Hylotl architecture is. It makes me so proud.", > "I was going to do some ink drawing, but instead a haiku came to me. Isn't inspiration mysterious?", > "I read some captivating poetry this morning, it absolutely transported me.", > "I stared, engrossed, at a painting for three hours yesterday. Oh! The Hylotl masters!", > "Please don't tell the other Hylotl, but I must confess, I'm not much of a reader.", > "Painting focusses the mind, and helps one achieve clarity.", > "Oh dear, today is one of those days...", > "What do you do when darkness gathers?", > "Do you want me to take you swimming? If you need instruction I am a patient teacher.", > "You're calmer and more composed than I expected.", > "Feel free to leave at any time.", > "My my, aren't you a stylish one?", > "Do you have any ink with you? I'm half way through a composition, and I've run out.", > "I wish you tranquillity in this tempestuous time.", > "Who is your favourite Hylotl painter? It's so difficult to choose between the masters.", > "Do you have any books I could borrow? I've read my entire collection, twice.", > "I have a special blend of tea I mix myself. It's delicate but flavourful - a secret recipe.", > "You look like you could use a quiet minute to compose yourself.", > "It is a great pleasure to meet you.", > "My grandfather has a huge collection of paintings in many styles, all quite lovely. ", > "It's time to drink tea.", > "Do you paint? It gives me a feeling of peace.", > "The longer the journey the more deserved the destination.", > "Have you read much work by the great Hylotl thinkers?", > "Life without beauty is but empty drudgery.", > "What a glorious day.", > "I'd offer you some tea, but I've run out completely.", > "While I abhor violence, I still deeply respect our warriors.", > "Delightful to meet you, my dear friend.", > "You are an inspiration to us all.", > "So delightful to have you here.", > "If you need anything, please just ask.", > "I think we could become close friends.", > "You seem quite boisterous.", > "The universe produces so much beauty.", > "It is important to remain humble, I find." > ], 279c612 < "I'm not sure I want to know what you are." --- > "Have you had a peaceful day?" 282d614 < "Oh, hello smoothskin.", 284,320c616,629 < "Sorry, did you say something?", < "Drink in our marvellous architecture!", < "I suppose we'd better accommodate you.", < "You won't find meat to eat here, human.", < "Prepare to be exposed to true culture.", < "What a quaint starship you have.", < "Hi, human.", < "Nice outfit. Yes, I'm being serious.", < "Sorry to hear your planet was destroyed and everyone died, human.", < "If you're lucky, one day you'll evolve.", < "You look somewhat like a pig.", < "Bow in the presence of greatness, human.", < "Peace be with you.", < "Be at peace, human.", < "I'll fight anyone who rejects pacifism.", < "Watch out for the Floran, human. They are scum.", < "Some people say us Hylotl are uptight. That's not true, right?", < "Have you ever seen such wonderful architecture?", < "I have a lot of thoughts on intergalactic politics.", < "Lovers of lily pads, look no further.", < "I am the god of the ocean! I got my hundred metres swimming badge!", < "Have you ever encountered our prodigal child Hiraki Corale?", < "Your kind is rather ugly.", < "Human, please explain to me what a 'goldfish bowl' is.", < "Delighted to make your acquaintance.", < "Please stop running around acting the fool.", < "You are smooth and unusual, human.", < "Do you want to know a secret? Well I can't tell you, it's a secret.", < "Let's go skinny dipping!", < "Is it true that humans often marry Apex?", < "I'll admit, you're a rather impressive specimen.", < "I'm secretly a bounty hunter!", < "Sing me a song, human. Now!", < "Let us take tea on the veranda.", < "When the season changes, I will retire to my country house.", < "Please teach me the rules of croquet.", < "Nice face, buddy." --- > "Hello, human.", > "I've seen nothing of human culture, it saddens me that I might now never have the chance.", > "Earth's destruction must lay heavy on your heart.", > "Do humans swim?", > "I mean no disrespect to your species, but I sometimes find humans a little uncouth.", > "Humans are so proactive. The Hylotl should set up something like the Protectorate too.", > "I tried the human delicacy \"burgers\" once. Delightful.", > "Like humans, we Hylotl seek peace and balance.", > "I've read several books by human authors, all very impressive. You are an eloquent race.", > "I'm trying to remember a poem - it's about a hill, and wild flowers...", > "Perhaps you could bring me some human poetry one day? I would be delighted to read it.", > "I've heard there were many wise humans, and many fools too. It is the same amongst the Hylotl.", > "Do humans draw much? I get frustrated if I don't, and can't go a day without sketching.", > "I was so sorry to hear your planet was destroyed." 323,330c632 < "Don't get too close, ape. You stink.", < "I admire your refusal to bathe, Apex.", < "You appear to have fleas.", < "The School tells us to be kind to the less fortunate.", < "Would you like a cup of herbal tea, monkey?", < "I imagine our architecture has left you speechless.", < "Learn what it is to be a true crafter!", < "I could take down any Big Ape.", --- > "Do you have fleas? I'm allergic to insect bites.", 332,362c634,653 < "I am amazed an Apex can work a starship.", < "The stars are wasted on you, uncultured ape.", < "The Miniknog... I can see where they're coming from.", < "I am sorry you are oppressed and pathetic.", < "I'm sure Big Ape means well.", < "Let me explain what it's like to know peace.", < "Brush your hair if you're going to stay here.", < "That thing over there is called a bed. You sleep in it.", < "Would you like to play a clapping game?", < "I can't understand why other species don't like us.", < "Let's run away together and become hermits!", < "Have you tried just standing up to the Miniknog?", < "The Hylotl would never let themselves get oppressed.", < "I'd be willing to hire you as a bodyguard.", < "You should sample some fine Hylotl delicacies.", < "Our kind don't get fleas.", < "Let us meditate together.", < "I've been training as a necromancer.", < "One day I'll fly through space like you.", < "If you encounter any Hylotl peace missionaries, try to be nice.", < "What a fearsome visage you have, monkey.", < "The Florans are a blight on our galaxy!", < "If you're thinking of licking me; don't.", < "The Avians make me laugh. Do they make you laugh, Apex?", < "Your fur makes me sneeze.", < "Maybe one day, when you become more cultured, we could be good friends.", < "Let me know if you'd like any tips on how to behave in high society.", < "We Hylotl are a proud species, but you may not have noticed.", < "It is important to remain humble, I find.", < "Perhaps if you reached out to the Hylotl for help, Big Ape would not be a problem.", < "What's wrong with your face, exactly?" --- > "I've heard tales of the Miniknog, I'm sorry there is such discord amongst your people.", > "It must be hard for Apex culture to flourish beneath the iron grip of the Miniknog.", > "Is there much Apex poetry?", > "I've always found the Apex a little... Severe. But you don't seem alienating at all.", > "Science and philosophy go hand in hand.", > "Apex are so militant... this is not in the Hylotl nature.", > "I hope one day the Apex are reigned over by peace instead of Big Ape.", > "Is Big Ape real, could such an outlandish figure really exist?", > "I hear these are dark days for the Apex.", > "Diplomacy is impossible when your enemies turn a deaf ear.", > "Would you consider science an art? It seems to take that place in Apex society.", > "I respect the Apex's culture of learning, though the goals are somewhat warped.", > "Your fur is a completely foreign concept to us Hylotl.", > "I simply can't imagine what it's like to be an Apex.", > "Do the Apex have libraries?", > "I collect books, but I don't have any written by the Apex.", > "A life like yours would be wasted on the uninquisitive.", > "It must be very difficult to keep all that hair tidy.", > "What a fearsome visage you have.", > "Your fur makes me sneeze." 365,367c656 < "Greetings, Avian.", < "I suppose you'll do.", < "Ah yes, your kind still worships gods.", --- > "Ah yes, the majority of your kind worships Kluex, is he a benevolent deity?", 369d657 < "We are still waiting for your species to apologise for Thornwing.", 371,392c659,673 < "I need some of your feathers. Don't ask why.", < "Your rudimentary power crystals are ever so fascinating.", < "I can teach you how to build furniture, for a hefty price.", < "Nice beak, little bird.", < "I'm actually an Avian, I've just been plucked.", < "Those Apex... what a poor, uncultured species.", < "Our kind has a begrudging respect for yours, Avian.", < "Are you a big reader? No, I thought not.", < "Enjoy our village, Avian.", < "Leave your religious indoctrination at the door, bird.", < "Have you ever seen moonlight ripple off a cerulean lake?", < "Show me how you fly, Avian. Oh wait, sorry, I forgot.", < "Hylotl have a reputation for being unwelcoming to outsiders. I don't see it myself.", < "I wish you people made more of an effort to accommodate us.", < "Try some Hylotl delicacies while you're here.", < "Be careful not to break anything.", < "One day I will have my revenge!", < "I used to study Avian temples, but then I got bored.", < "Tell me about the stars, Avian.", < "One day I'll fly away.", < "Know that we pity you, bird.", < "Perhaps one day the Hylotl will visit your kind.", --- > "May I have some of your feathers to use as artistic reference?", > "Avolite crystals are beautiful and fascinating.", > "I've seen Avian temples. While they lack elegance, they are both dramatic and impressive.", > "Some of the verses in the Avian religious text are quite beautiful.", > "Do you swim much? Does it damage your feathers?", > "I know you Avians are natural warriors, but fighting is beyond many of us Hylotl.", > "Avian armour might be an instrument of war, but there's no denying it's exquisitely crafted.", > "You remind me of a parrot fish I once saw.", > "Are there many depictions of Kluex? They would be fascinating to see.", > "To soar through the air riding a swift wind? I can see why your race would seek this gift.", > "I feel rude not offering you seeds, but I have none.", > "It's hard to capture the delicacy and diaphanousness of feathers with ink.", > "I've read many books, but seldom any by Avians.", > "Did you grow up among the Avians? You seem different to others of your kind.", > "I once studied Avian temples, and have written several books about them.", 395,397d675 < "What kind of greeting did you expect?", < "Nice to see you, I suppose.", < "Greetings, bird.", 400,404d677 < "You look like you've been dragged through a bush backwards.", < "Do I fill you with awe, bird?", < "Where are you on the pecking order?", < "Check out our wonderful surroundings.", < "Our meals may be too exquisite for your tastes.", 406c679 < "Don't preen your feathers at me!" --- > "Do you need to spend much time preening your feathers?" 409,413c682,684 < "I'll try to be polite to you, despite the obvious...", < "The less civilised members of your kind scare me.", < "I have nothing to say to you, scum.", < "I'm... Okay with Florans. At least you don't seem feral.", < "It's better we don't speak too much, Floran.", --- > "I'll be polite to you, despite the history between our two races...", > "The less civilised members of your kind frighten me.", > "I'm... Alright with Florans. At least you don't seem feral.", 417,421c688,699 < "Your eyes say you're civilised, but my gut feeling still says otherwise.", < "My people can be quick to judge your kind, but I know better.", < "As long as you aren't here to eat me, I'm okay with you.", < "I'll try to be civil with you.", < "If you hurt me, you'll pay!", --- > "Hylotl can be quick to judge Florans, but no race is without faults, and the past is the past.", > "As long as you aren't here to eat me, then we can be friends.", > "I'll try to be civil with you, fear makes it hard.", > "Meeting a Floran is a little nerve-racking.", > "Your kind look so charming. The Floran are creatures of duality, aren't they?", > "The delicate blooms of the Floran belie their forceful nature.", > "You remind me of a forest I once visited; serene and beautiful, but with danger within.", > "It is interesting and encouraging to meet a Floran that is pursuing peace.", > "Predator and prey are equal parts of nature - this is how balance is maintained.", > "May I paint you some time? Perhaps in a garden scene, amongst summer leaves?", > "A book has two joys: first the pleasure of reading it, then the reflection upon its teachings.", > "I've heard the Floran don't have libraries. How do you cope!? You should use ours.", 423,431c701 < "Perhaps you and I can put aside our differences.", < "I know you aren't as feral as you look. Don't worry.", < "Your people may spread like weeds, but I sense intelligence in you.", < "I've got my eye on you, Floran.", < "Don't sneak up on my kind, that's all I'm saying.", < "Perhaps one day, ALL Floran will be civilised like you.", < "How many Floran are capable of intelligent conversation? Just you?", < "You haven't immediately attacked me? That's good.", < "I'm not used to being around your kind, but I'll try to be polite.", --- > "Perhaps one day, all Floran will be civilised like you.", 434,437c704,706 < "Your gaze suggests you aren't a wild animal. That's good.", < "We Hylotl believe in tolerance, so I'll try to extend that to your kind.", < "The Hylotl have warriors exist to make sure your kind never hunts us down again.", < "Our people were once at war, but that was in the past now.", --- > "Your gaze suggests you aren't a wild animal... we hear such fearful things about the Floran.", > "We Hylotl believe in tolerance, and that extends to your kind.", > "Our peoples were once at war, long long ago.", 440,442d708 < "I'll admit that my people don't have much experience with civil Floran...", < "Are there many more like you? By that I mean Floran who don't act like wild beasts?", < "Your kind aren't so scary up close.", 444,445c710 < "An intelligent Floran? Maybe your people have SOME culture after all!", < "I've heard rumours of Floran who abandoned their barbaric upbringing, but never met one before!", --- > "I've heard rumours of Floran who abandoned their barbaric upbringing, but never met one before.", 447,449c712 < "A Floran who can operate tools? Can you paint as well?", < "What big eyes you have! Your kind aren't so scary, I don't think.", < "No matter what I've been told, I think there is beauty to be found in all living things." --- > "There is beauty to be found in all living things." 453,459c716 < "Oh look, it's a Floran sympathiser.", < "Our kinds do not get on, Glitch.", < "You're an outcast, right? I suppose I can tolerate that.", < "You bore me, robot.", < "I suppose you're pleased with yourself, robot.", < "A shiny metal person. Adorable.", < "Have you people advanced at all in recent years?", --- > "Are all Glitch made of metal? Are some crafted of wood, or precious stone?", 461,468d717 < "A starship pilot? That's nice I guess.", < "A Glitch adventurer. Now I've seen everything.", < "When the Glitch arrive, the Florans are never far behind.", < "Begone, fool. I cannot deal with such trifles today.", < "Peace be with you, clanker.", < "Allow me to direct you to the exit.", < "You must be lost, Glitch. The dangerous wastelands are that way.", < "Thanks for dropping by.", 470,487c719,734 < "I suppose you'll be wanting some help?", < "What a wonderful treat. A Glitch.", < "Let's never speak of this meeting again.", < "Do you want me to take you swimming, robot?", < "Explain your presence here, Glitch.", < "Platinum Ace is a fool.", < "I've heard dark tales of the Glitch origins.", < "I challenge you to a game of Lily-Flipper.", < "It's nice to meet you, I suppose.", < "Nice little robot.", < "If I wasn't so peace-loving, I'd beat you with a broom.", < "Don't you have some savages to defend?", < "I've never trusted your kind, Glitch.", < "You're nicer than I expected.", < "Let's have a party! Or not.", < "Feel free to leave at any time.", < "Our kind will never see eye to eye.", < "Stop looking at our furniture with envy, Glitch.", --- > "Can Glitch swim?", > "If you lived underwater would you rust? It would be a shame to miss out on living amongst the Hylotl.", > "A polished Glitch is a sight to behold; shining like a silver moon.", > "I've read some Glitch sonnets, they're not Hylotl poetry, but they were quite beautiful.", > "I've visited Glitch castles - they lack our delicacy of design, but they have grandeur!", > "Do the Glitch \"live\", or do they simply exist?", > "Do you know how to make a tapestry? I've always wanted to attempt one.", > "The inner workings of the Glitch are a mechanical dance of great intricacy.", > "Do Glitch paint? Oh wait, I've seen Glitch paintings.", > "Do Glitch dream?", > "May I paint you? The sheen of your metal is intriguing: the interplay of light and shade.", > "Glitch are fascinating. Fascinating.", > "Your eyes are as bright as young stars.", > "What a wonderful treat to meet a Glitch.", > "I've heard dark tales of recent events.", > "How nice, a robot.", 494,496d740 < "Blessed be, friend.", < "May you always find peace.", < "It must be good to be back amongst cultured people.", 498,526c742,752 < "A starship captain! I am so jealous.", < "Gosh, aren't you a stylish one?", < "Ooh, aren't you a dear?", < "Delightful to meet you, my dear friend.", < "I trust our village is up to standard?", < "Come, tell me of all the uncultured species you've met.", < "You are an inspiration to us all.", < "A peace missionary, here! I'm awestruck.", < "I saw a Floran the other day. Horrible creatures.", < "You are doing glorious work, friend.", < "So delightful to have you here.", < "If you need anything, just ask!", < "I think I have a small crush on you.", < "Did you hear, the Apex rebellion has been crushed!", < "Are Florans really as bad as they say?", < "I don't envy you, having to rub shoulders with other species.", < "I wonder if other species will ever start to accept us.", < "You warm my heart, peace missionary.", < "So wonderful to meet you!", < "How is space treating you, dear?", < "Your starship is truly wonderful, I hear.", < "I'm afraid I have no tribute for you. Please accept my apologies.", < "If you ever feel like settling down and starting a family, let me know.", < "You can relax around me. I know about the directive.", < "Peace and love!", < "If only the Florans would give peace a chance.", < "We should become best friends.", < "Hi there! I've been a big fan of yours ever since you arrived!", < "You peace missionaries are just wonderful.", --- > "Do you miss our art and culture when you're not around our people?", > "If you have time we could chat about compositional theory over tea.", > "Is it hard to find serenity amongst other races?", > "You seem both elegant and refined.", > "Do you get to the library often?", > "My teapot cracked, perhaps you have a spare?", > "I suppose a Hylotl Protector must possess a warrior's skills... Remember, peace is also a skill.", > "There's a sea snail in my tea leaves. Don't you hate it when that happens?", > "Some of the greatest Hylotl works were produced by those with adventurous spirits.", > "Is there anything more refreshing than the feeling of cool water on your skin?", > "Are Florans really as bad as one is lead to think?", 528,532c754 < "You're welcome in my ocean any time.", < "I hear Hiraki is up to her old mischief again.", < "If you ever need another crew member, I'm your Hylotl.", < "So nice to meet you!", < "Let's have a jam session one day." --- > "I hear Hiraki is up to her old mischief again." 535,537c757,765 < "In all the books in our libraries, I have never read about someone like you!", < "How many eyes do you have?", < "How colourful you are - I would love to paint you!", --- > "In all the books in our libraries, I have never read about someone like you.", > "It is always enriching to meet a being that one is unaccustomed to.", > "It's good to cast a little light in a dark universe.", > "Do you read much? I suspect with a glow like that you never need a reading lamp.", > "What does the world look like, when you cast your own light?", > "Something tells me a I shouldn't have tea with you.", > "Do you swim? Can you get wet?", > "There is nothing more inspiring that a curious thing.", > "How colourful you are - I would love to paint you.", 541,542c769,770 < "A figure who shines like the stars! Or perhaps like a full moon. I can't decide.", < "I have seen ocean fish that glow like you! You're more impressive, though.", --- > "A being who shines like a star! Or perhaps like a full moon... Which is the more fitting allusion?", > "I have seen ocean fish that glow like you! Though you are far more impressive.", 547a776,866 > "generic" : [ > "You've probably noticed: not all Avians are devout.", > "Oh dear, I spilt all my seeds and now they're dusty.", > "Is it difficult to eat without a beak?", > "I'm running so late today.", > "Not a lot of other Avians do it, but I love climbing trees.", > "I'm considering getting some pet fish.", > "Oh no... I lost my knitting needles.", > "Do you know any good jokes? I have to give an after dinner speech in a couple of days.", > "I'm looking for a writing partner for my novel.", > "I hope you feel welcome here, it's nice to have guests.", > "Avian hugs tickle.", > "I would join you for a drink tonight, but I'm washing my feathers.", > "Have you ever eaten an oculemon? They're not my favourite.", > "Let's dance. I'll whistle a tune.", > "Have you met the penguins?", > "We don't have much of a pecking order here.", > "It's so nice to meet you! Oh, I'm all a-flutter.", > "Oh dear. Will you excuse me? I have something gross in my feathers.", > "I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to chat; go away or I'll peck you.", > "Avians have great balance and excellent heads for height. I might take up tightrope walking.", > "I need to buy seeds! I'm almost out.", > "I'd like a sparring partner, I haven't practised my fighting skills in a while.", > "I don't know how I feel about shoes. I like how they look, but they cramp up my talons.", > "My cousin became an Ascendant. That's when I stopped believing in Kluex.", > "Where are you from?", > "I've always respected the Protectorate, I think it's a noble organisation.", > "I do wish I could fly, but I don't believe in Kluex.", > "I'm going kite flying tomorrow!", > "It's difficult if you're Grounded but you have a devout family - my uncle is a Stargazer!", > "I wish Avians were descended from crocodiles, not birds.", > "It's actually not appropriate to ask Avians to give you their feathers.", > "You seem overwhelmed, do you need me to take you under my wing?", > "Have you tried Avian wrestling?", > "You look like you've been though some things lately.", > "Is my plumage ok? I just had a preen but I don't have a mirror.", > "You can relax around us Avians, we're not big on formalities.", > "I'm looking forward to a change in the weather.", > "Nice outfit you've got there.", > "An Apex called me a chicken the other day. So rude.", > "Life's different here... there are fewer ritual sacrifices.", > "Nice outfit.", > "I dreamed that I was flying last night.", > "What's it like being a Protector?", > "I shut my fingers in a draw yesterday and now I can't get anything done.", > "I have recurring dreams about jumping from a Celestial Tower. It's terrifying!", > "I started whistling at work and everyone joined in. It was like living in a musical.", > "You don't look so good. Are you getting enough seeds?", > "I'm all itchy! I think I might be about to moult.", > "Have you seen a purple spear around here?", > "The way the Stargazers talk about the Grounded... It really sticks in my craw.", > "I'll share my seeds with you!", > "Do you ever find that seeing a bright, open sky improves you mood?", > "Want to spar with me later?", > "I'm going to go bug collecting soon.", > "My spear is too blunt to use, I'll have to sharpen it.", > "I feel flustered today.", > "Do you wanna check out my bug collection?", > "I've been learning the ocarina!", > "I'm not really an Avian, I'm a human in a feather suit.", > "I've met someone I like, but I can't pluck up the courage to ask them out.", > "I have nothing to do today.", > "People ask me for feathers a lot...", > "I'm going to a fancy party tomorrow and I have no idea what to wear!", > "I've been nervous for the past few days, like something bad is going to happen.", > "Do you think we could maybe be friends?", > "What's it like to be a Protector?", > "If there's good weather tomorrow, I'm going to pack a picnic!", > "Give me a second, I'm playing mental chess.", > "What do you want to talk about?.", > "Please don't touch my feathers.", > "Sorry, I need some time to myself.", > "It's nice to meet you, but I've got a lot on my plate, and I can't talk right now.", > "I traded some seeds for a semi-tame hypnare, but it's run off.", > "I have a very tuneful whistle, I'm quite proud of it.", > "I can't imagine life without feathers.", > "I hope it's sunny tomorrow.", > "Let's be pen-pals.", > "I ate some delicious bread the other day. Thinking about it makes me so hungry.", > "Tonight we're hosting a book club. You should come!", > "I have some spare feathers if you'd like to try and fit in.", > "Want to make a new friend?", > "Yesterday, today, tomorrow - things keep going from bad to worse.", > "I'm so tired, I really need to sleep.", > "Do you like seeds?", > "Do your kind eat seeds?", > "I really can't talk now.", > "Ah! ...Oh sorry, you surprised me.", > "Hope you're having a nice enough day.", > "A lot of Avians like seeds, but I prefer berries." > ], 549c868 < "Have a blessed day, stranger." --- > "Have a good day, stranger." 552,558c871,882 < "Greetings, human.", < "I bemoan your lack of feathers.", < "Kluex? You won't find him around here.", < "Not all Avians are devout, human.", < "Take me with you to the stars!", < "Come fly with me... if I still had wings.", < "Sorry about your homeworld, human.", --- > "Hello, human.", > "I'm so sorry about your homeworld.", > "Is it chilly without feathers?", > "You're so bare and featherless.", > "I was sorry to hear about Earth...", > "Humans are a peaceful species, right? Sometimes an Avian's warrior side runs away with them.", > "My friend said humans have dozens of toes, but I think she was pulling my leg.", > "I heard what those tentacles did to Earth. The idea gives me nightmares.", > "Do any humans believe in Kluex? I left the faith years ago; it just didn't sit right with me.", > "I sometimes think humans look plucked... Better off with fur or feathers I think.", > "Are you going to ask me if I sleep on a perch? A human asked me that once...", > "I wish I'd seen Earth. I'm sorry it's gone.", 560,582c884,886 < "We should write a novel together!", < "I used to want to become an Ascendant. What a fool I was.", < "Have you got the time, human?", < "If you ask nicely I'll show you my power crystals.", < "I hear your species worships many gods, human.", < "I saw a shaved Apex once. He looked like you.", < "I hope you feel welcome here, friend.", < "I would hug you, but Avian hugs tickle.", < "Settle a bet for me, human. Who would win in a fight between a Glitch and a Floran?", < "Do you think our two species could ever find love together, human?", < "A human from beyond the stars. How exciting!", < "Some of my best friends are humans.", < "I don't even believe in Kluex!", < "Defy all gods!", < "One day I'll fly away.", < "What's space like? Is it nice?", < "I would join you for a drink tonight human, but I'm washing my feathers.", < "Do you think Kluex is watching me now, human?", < "We'd make a great team, human.", < "Have you ever eaten an oculemon? Gross.", < "Perhaps we should adopt a Hylotl.", < "Let's dance!", < "Would you like to watch the game with me? What game? I don't know.", --- > "I hear your species worships many gods.", > "I saw a shaved Apex once. He looked like you. Sort of.", > "All my human friends are so cut up about Earth. I'm sure you are too.", 584,591c888,889 < "What if you were Kluex?", < "I'm secretly a Glitch in disguise.", < "Have you seen those penguins? Sick.", < "I met Thornwing before he was famous.", < "Welcome, human. Make yourself at home!", < "It's always nice to see a human.", < "Nice outfit!", < "Let's run off together." --- > "Welcome, human. Make yourself at home.", > "It's always nice to see a human." 594,596d891 < "Greetings, ape.", < "Kluex could take Big Ape in a fight. Not that I believe in Kluex.", < "Let's start a rock band; Fur and Feathers.", 598,599d892 < "We're top of the pecking order!", < "I'll protect you from the Miniknog, Apex.", 601,603c894 < "Tell me of Big Ape!", < "What actually is a Miniknog?", < "Down with oppressors, right friend?", --- > "What's a Miniknog?", 604a896,897 > "If you'd ever like to dazzle me with your science, you'd be very welcome.", > "I wonder what it would be like to be hairy? Sorry... just thinking out loud.", 606,617c899,906 < "Such muscles! I'm all a-flutter.", < "I heard our Stargazers are not fans of your Miniknog.", < "Have you ever met Thorngwing, Apex?", < "I would give you one of my feathers, but it is considered inappropriate.", < "Are you a member of the Resistance, Apex?", < "Yeah, I've met Big Ape. Wasn't so big.", < "Perhaps if you throw me high in the sky, I'll fly again.", < "Allow me to take you under my wing, Apex.", < "Our kinds have always been at peace.", < "Would you like to join me for some tag-team wrestling?", < "I would love to give you a haircut.", < "Let's fight, Apex! Just kidding. I'd destroy you.", --- > "I don't really like bananas... they get stuck in the roof of my beak.", > "How does the Miniknog work? Is Big Ape a god?", > "Always nice to meet an ape. ...Apex! Sorry, I meant Apex. How embarrassing.", > "I sometimes think humans look plucked... Better off with fur or feathers I think.", > "Do you like to whistle? I find it cheers me up.", > "Gah!", > "I like Apex. So fluffy.", > "Are you a member of the Resistance?", 619,633c908 < "You won't make a monkey out of me!", < "Welcome to our village, Apex friend.", < "You look like you've been in some wars.", < "If you see Kluex, punch him for me.", < "The Clipped Council will fall any day, Apex. You mark my words.", < "Swimming can be fun!", < "Come over here, Apex. Come closer. No, that's too close!", < "You smell of hay.", < "Is my plumage to your liking?", < "We are lucky not to have been born Hylotls.", < "Scratch like no-one's watching.", < "Can Avians catch Apex fleas?", < "Let's go into space together!", < "I've had enough of this weather.", < "Perhaps you would be so kind as to sign my beak." --- > "Can Avians catch Apex fleas?" 636,653c911,922 < "Greetings, fellow Avian.", < "Let's slander Kluex together!", < "Kluex? More like WHO-ex, right?", < "One day we'll fly together!", < "I'm so jealous of you being up amongst the stars, kin.", < "What about those Stargazers, eh?", < "How did your family take it when you came out as Grounded?", < "You'll find no Kluex-botherers here, friend.", < "The two of us, we're rare birds, right?", < "A Hylotl called me a chicken the other day. The cheek!", < "We're like birds of a feather. Hey, don't look at me like that!", < "I sure don't miss the threat of being ritually sacrificed.", < "Didn't I see you take a leap off the Celestial Tower once?", < "Nice outfit, friend.", < "Bless Kluex for this glorious world!", < "Do you miss Avos, kin?", < "You're Kluex, aren't you? Come to take me away?", < "We will not be caged!", --- > "Hi, fellow Avian.", > "I don't really want to talk about Kluex.", > "Your feathers are a little messy.", > "Thinking about the Stargazers stresses me out.", > "You and I are birds of a feather.", > "It's nice to see an Avian getting out there and helping the universe.", > "What're your favourite seeds? I like reefpod, but they're hard to get around here.", > "What do the Protectorate think of Avian warrior culture?", > "Wow, an Avian Protector!", > "You have nice healthy plumage.", > "Have you ever been to Avos?", > "We will not be caged.", 655,674c924,925 < "Bring me back a planet, friend.", < "Can spaceships be rigged to explode? Asking for a friend.", < "I chatted to a Glitch the other day. Weird.", < "Pretty sure I was a Sunborn in another life.", < "Do you love Kluex more than me? I don't think so.", < "You smell like a Hylotl!", < "We're up all night to get plucky.", < "Tell me some stories about the stars, friend.", < "Do you wanna check out my bug collection?", < "I've been learning the ocarina!", < "I can fly, I just choose not to.", < "I want to be you when I grow up.", < "Are we related? You seem familiar.", < "I narrowly escaped from Kluex's grasp!", < "I'm not really an Avian, I'm a human in a feather suit.", < "To good Avian health!", < "I thank Kluex that I am still alive in these dangerous times!", < "I can't tolerate militant atheists.", < "I got some power crystals stashed in my basement.", < "Look at you, preening around." --- > "You smell like a Hylotl.", > "Where did you grow up? You seem familiar." 677,678c928,929 < "Oh... a Floran.", < "Well, uh, nice to see you.", --- > "Oh... a Floran. Hi!", > "Well, uh, nice to meet you.", 680,684c931,942 < "*whistles*", < "Hi. I won't make any sudden movements.", < "Well aren't you an adorable little tree.", < "If you ever feel like hunting Kluex for us, feel free.", < "Are you some kind of malevolent imp?", --- > "It's like talking to a little tree. Which is nice, by the way.", > "Do you crave the earth the way some Avians crave the air?", > "Does your kind grow seeds?", > "I know some races are scared of Florans, but us Avians can look after ourselves.", > "Let's have a spear fight sometime, I could use the practice.", > "Avians are birds of prey! Don't hunt me!", > "Is it rude to eat vegetables in front of a Floran? How about seeds?", > "The Floran might be better hunters, but we Avians are better warriors.", > "You're a pretty person.", > "You make me think of forests, and light through leaves.", > "You smell like flowers and fresh air.", > "Achoo!", 686,692c944,945 < "Living foliage. Adorable.", < "Our kinds share similar weapons, Floran.", < "Let us talk of philosophy.", < "Please don't touch my feathers.", < "Well this is a surprise. A Floran.", < "A non-violent Floran. Can it be true?", < "The Sunborn warned us of you, plant-creature.", --- > "Well this is a surprise, a Floran.", > "A non-violent Floran. Can it be true? I haven't heard of that before.", 694,697c947,948 < "Can... can I touch you?", < "So I hear you like stabbing.", < "Not now, Floran. It's quiet time.", < "You're a cute little creature, really.", --- > "So I hear you like stabbing, that's nice.", > "You're a cute creature, I like Florans a lot.", 699,702d949 < "Are you lost, Floran?", < "Please don't kill me!", < "Floran Peace... I wasn't a fan. Sorry.", < "Try not to get pruned.", 704,713d950 < "Will you be my partner in the local line-dancing championships?", < "Avian chicks dig Floran accents.", < "Share with me the secret of home shopping.", < "My grandmother was a Floran. We're basically related.", < "Are you looking to... plant your roots here?", < "Let's become bitter rivals!", < "Thank you for behaving respectably, Floran.", < "Have you ever been sent to jail? You look the type.", < "Let's fight Kluex together.", < "I wonder what the Council would make of you.", 715,718c952 < "You remind me of an oculemon I once ate.", < "Try not to take the stares to heart, Floran.", < "So a Floran, an Avian and a Hylotl walk into a bar...", < "Blessed be, Floran menace." --- > "You remind me of an oculemon I once ate." 721,722d954 < "Hello there, Glitch.", < "Nice to see you, Glitch.", 724,725d955 < "We are both outcasts, friend.", < "Can I become a robot?", 727,728c957,958 < "You're so smooth.", < "You Glitch are fascinating indviduals.", --- > "You're so bare and featherless.", > "You Glitch are fascinating individuals.", 730,741c960,973 < "We admire your friendship with the Florans.", < "What do your databanks tell you about Kluex?", < "I wonder what would happen if a Glitch ate a power crystal.", < "Do the Glitch worship Kluex as well?", < "Let's do some painting!", < "I'm sorry, do you want some oil?", < "Are you entirely made of metal?", < "I hear Glitch have beautiful singing voices.", < "I'm lovesick and I don't know what to do!", < "Dazzle me with your science.", < "You should explore our temples and tombs. Remarkable.", < "Let's be penpals.", --- > "I wonder what would happen if a Glitch ate an avolite crystal.", > "Do you need oil for your parts? I have seed oil and nut oil!", > "Are you all metal, inside and out?", > "Can I offer you some seeds? You do eat don't you?", > "If a Glitch wanted to fly they could just install rocket boosters in their feet.", > "How does a Glitch work?", > "For some reason I thought all Glitch were knights...", > "Does your metal get really hot if you sit in the sun?", > "I expect you polish up a treat.", > "At least you never moult.", > "There's something quite appealing about you Glitch.", > "I like how the Glitch say what they feel before talking! I'm not great with subtext.", > "Have you heard the Avian sing? We're generally pretty good. Great whistlers too.", > "I've seen your castles, they're so grand! You should try exploring our temples and tombs.", 743,746d974 < "What do you make of our Stargazers then, eh?", < "I tried some delicious cakes the other day.", < "Let's go to space together.", < "Some Hylotl came by earlier. You can imagine how that went.", 748,754d975 < "I have some seeds back at home.", < "Tonight we're hosting a book club. You should come!", < "Let's investigate some crimes.", < "Kluex. What a joke.", < "The Clipped Council have no sway over me.", < "I'm so happy I got to see a Glitch.", < "I have some spare feathers if you'd like to try and fit in.", 756,757c977 < "You're masterworks all. You can't go wrong!", < "Check out my feathers." --- > "The Glitch are just amazing, so intricate and fascinating." 761,762c981,999 < "Well I guess it's nice you've dropped by.", < "Peace, fishman.", --- > "Peace to you.", > "I don't swim much, especially in salt water - it's not great for my feathers.", > "When you swim you feel weightless and free; I think it's the closest I'll ever get to flying.", > "I don't drink tea, so I can't offer any. But I do have plenty of seeds!", > "I really like Hylotl art, I wish I could paint like the masters.", > "I'm not a natural poet, but I'm quite good at composing melodies.", > "You look so slippery.", > "Us Avian aren't innately peaceful, but don't worry, we're not as bad a the Floran.", > "Are Hylotl libraries open to everyone?", > "I used to assume the Hylotl had scales.", > "I paint a little, but I don't expect it's very good compared to what you're used to.", > "Have you been in an Avian temple? I'm not sure they'd appeal to the Hylotl aesthetic...", > "Do you have any reefpod seeds?", > "You smell briney. I like it though - I grew up by the sea.", > "I'm thinking about beginning an art collection. Any advice?", > "I don't like books.", > "Could you teach me to swim?", > "Are Hylotl cold-blooded?", > "It makes sense that a peaceful Hylotl would join the peaceful Protectorate.", 764,765d1000 < "Your kind would get along with our Stargazers.", < "Are you here to save us from Kluex?", 767,789c1002,1004 < "You make me miss Kluex.", < "Much love, slimy Hylotl.", < "I've heard dark things about your kind, Hylotl.", < "You don't need to keep up the pretence with me. We both know.", < "Between us, we could be unstoppable.", < "Peace. I hate the word.", < "I ate some nice steak the other day. Oh, you eat meat too? Trolling failed.", < "We tolerate your kind, Hylotl.", < "Have you ever tried lamprey pie?", < "I'm curious, Hylotl. What kind of gods do YOU have?", < "You should climb up the Celestial Tower one day. Jump off, see if you ascend.", < "In the past, the Stargazers would ritually sacrifice Hylotl. I wonder why.", < "I can see the way you look at our furniture.", < "How about a spot of fencing?", < "Why do you hate Florans so?", < "I'll trade you a power crystal for your mortal soul.", < "Imagine being stuck on a spaceship with a Hylotl.", < "Have you ever punched a shark?", < "Is your kind edible?", < "Quick, over there, a lily pad!", < "I'd love to go under the sea one day.", < "I don't condone piracy.", < "Hylotl! Let's cuddle!", --- > "Does punching a shark in the nose really work?", > "Have you dealt with pirates much?", > "Nice to meet you, Hylotl.", 791,793d1005 < "Kluex told me personally that he's a fan of the Hylotl.", < "If you sniff haughtily one more time, I'm calling the guards.", < "You are adorable, friend.", 795,798c1007,1008 < "Avians can peck fish from the ocean with their beaks. It's quite a sight.", < "Hah. You're slimy.", < "I love the Hylotl. So cute.", < "Let's come up with a get rich quick scheme!" --- > "Avians can pluck fish from the ocean with their beaks. It's quite a sight.", > "The Hylotl dedication to pacifism is quite impressive." 801d1010 < "You are strange looking! Do you worship Kluex?", 803,805c1012,1022 < "Blessings be upon you, celestial one.", < "I have never seen a wonder like you before! You're surely a gift from Kluex.", < "Looking at you, I feel like one of the Stargazers... Get it?", --- > "You shine like starlight.", > "Glowing? I bet devout Avians think you're something to do with Kluex.", > "You glow brighter than Avolite.", > "Do you glow all the time?", > "Did a Stargazer send you? Why are you here?", > "Good day, bright one!", > "Your brightness would put a parrot to shame.", > "I don't know what you are...", > "Are you made of crystal? You're so bright!", > "I like your glow.", > "Where do you come from?", 807,810c1024,1025 < "Have a pleasant time, friend.", < "I wish that I too could glow like the stars.", < "How do you see, friend? I can't quite make out eyes on your face...", < "what a sight you are! I should write about you." --- > "I wish that I too glowed like the stars.", > "Can your kind fly?" 813a1029,1100 > "generic" : [ > "There are some funny species out here.", > "Oh my god, I'm bored. I want to do something fun.", > "I once planned on joining the Protectorate.", > "My shoes are wet, I accidentally stepped in a pond.", > "Have you seen my hat? I've been looking for it for like an hour.", > "I really need to sneeze!", > "I can't talk right now, I'm super busy.", > "The universe is massive. I feel so inconsequential.", > "One day I want a spaceship like yours.", > "Something weird is going on here.", > "My fridge broke. I'm going to have to eat so much mayonnaise.", > "An Apex punched me the other day. Don't know why.", > "I'm gonna go on a treasure hunt.", > "I could totally go for a roast dinner right now.", > "Sometimes it's fun to just yell at monsters.", > "You found any cool weapons lately?", > "I'm craving a Cornish pasty right now.", > "Nice to see someone from the Protectorate.", > "I miss Earth so much. Everything is terrible.", > "I'm jealous of you, being an adventurer.", > "It's been a long day; I need a hug.", > "I bet you've got a few stories to tell!", > "No one will employ me. My sole skill is shadow puppetry.", > "Has your kind heard of vampires? What about werewolves?", > "The universe is a big, scary place.", > "How do you feel about pancakes?", > "The monsters around here are pretty scary.", > "I've had the worst song stuck in my head for two days! Help me!", > "I don't want to talk right now, I'm a little down after what happened to Earth.", > "Can we maybe take a rain check on this conversation? I have stuff to do.", > "Do you have any empty jars? I want to make thorn fruit jam this weekend.", > "I'm so tired today. So tired.", > "I am wicked hungry.", > "I find you disconcerting. Sorry.", > "Ever played Hopscotch?", > "Let's have a nice cup of tea and a sit down.", > "We're a lot alike, you and I.", > "Look at how pretty the sky is today.", > "I quite like space, y'know?", > "Monsters are scary.", > "Sometimes I miss soap operas, mostly not though.", > "Have you ever seen a narwhal?", > "Gross, I just swallowed a fly.", > "Let's hang out sometime!", > "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before.", > "I reckon we'd get on well.", > "I think you're probably my favourite.", > "Are you in the Protectorate!? That's super cool!", > "I stubbed my toe. This is the worst day ever.", > "I'm in a performing arts troupe!", > "You're one funky little dude.", > "If you ever need a lawyer, I know a guy you can call.", > "I think I'm catching a cold.", > "See this? It's my poker face.", > "I could go for some ice-cream right now.", > "We should have a picnic!", > "Let's do something cool later.", > "Earth is gone. I can't believe it.", > "I lost my cat.", > "It's pretty hard to keep peace in a universe that doesn't seem to want it.", > "Something doesn't feel right; like storm clouds are gathering.", > "I ate too many berries and now my stomach hurts.", > "My family are on a different planet.", > "I miss my planet.", > "Seen anything of interest lately?", > "I'm dying for a cup of tea.", > "I've lost my favourite pen! Have you seen it?", > "I have nothing to say to you right now, I'm having an existential crisis.", > "We should all reject our socio-political prejudices.", > "I make really good gravy, I could be a gravy chef." > ], 818,824c1105 < "Yo!", < "Hey, great to see you.", < "The USCM are doing a great job!", < "I sure miss Earth, don't you?", < "The thing I miss most about Earth is fast food.", < "There are some funny species out here, right?", < "Just think, we weren't alone in the universe after all.", --- > "The thing I miss most about Earth? Silent discos.", 825a1107,1111 > "I can't believe what happened to Earth...", > "Cecil! ...Oh. You're not Cecil... You look like Cecil.", > "I miss Earth.", > "I keep having tentacle nightmares.", > "I just had a weird thought: all the voles are dead! No more Earth, no more voles.", 827,828c1113,1115 < "Which species is your favourite? Mine is the Florans.", < "Apparently Hylotl don't taste good with chips and vinegar.", --- > "At last! Someone who knows what a high five is! Every traveller I meet is an Alien.", > "I was off planet when Earth was attacked.", > "Space is too big, I want Earth back.", 830,852c1117,1119 < "Tentacles, eh? Who'd have 'em.", < "At ease, soldier!", < "I got a bet on that our species gets wiped out within ten years. You game?", < "The universe is a big place.", < "One day I want a spaceship like yours.", < "We really are outcasts, aren't we?", < "Something weird is going on here.", < "Have you noticed anything unusual about the Florans?", < "A lot of the food on these planets looks disgusting.", < "An Apex punched me the other day. Don't know why.", < "Greetings, human. Oops. Been around aliens too long.", < "The Glitch have a funny way of talking.", < "You seen those giant bird people yet?", < "I hear that if you explore a lot of planets, you'll find treasure.", < "I haven't watched a good zombie movie in ages.", < "I could really fancy a roast dinner.", < "What if we're really just shaved Apex?", < "Sometimes it's fun to just yell at monsters.", < "You found any cool weapons lately?", < "We should team up. Solidarity, bro!", < "I'm craving a burger right now.", < "I wonder if we'll ever rebuild Earth.", < "Hail the USCM!" --- > "Tentacles, eh? Who'd have 'em? Seriously though, they're the worst.", > "I've got a bet on that our species gets wiped out within ten years. You game?", > "What if we're really just shaved Apex?" 858,859d1124 < "You seem like a nice sort.", < "You remind me of a movie I saw once.", 860a1126,1135 > "Didn't the Apex look kind of like us once?", > "A monkey! Oh wait, monkeys have tails. An ape!", > "Aah!!! Oh, sorry - I have an irrational fear of chimpanzees and you're face... Sorry...", > "I had a pizza with tuna and bananas on it once. Surprisingly good.", > "Are all Apex good at science? It was my worst subject at school.", > "Sorry that the Apex are all oppressed and stuff.", > "Are the Apex continuously devolving? When do you get tails?", > "I've heard bad things about the Miniknog, I'm not surprised you joined the Protectorate.", > "Your hair is just magnificent.", > "Who is \"Big Ape\"?", 863,867c1138 < "Which came first, the human or the Apex?", < "I'm jealous of you, being an adventurer.", < "The Miniknog sound terrible!", < "You should ask the USCM to help you out with the Miniknog.", < "If you ever need help, just ask.", --- > "The Miniknog sounds terrible!", 870,883c1141 < "I'm glad some of you managed to escape that Big Ape guy.", < "Just let me know if you want a cuddle.", < "Hanging out with you would be neat.", < "I bet you've got a few stories to tell!", < "Did you know our planet was taken over by a monster?", < "Maybe we've been on Earth all along...", < "You reek of wet dog!", < "Talking apes, talking birds, talking plants, what next?", < "The chances of anything coming from Mars were a million to one, they said.", < "If you're free later, we should go bowling.", < "Has your kind heard of vampires?", < "The universe is a big, scary place.", < "I guess we've both lost our homes, Apex.", < "I feel strange and unusual.", --- > "You reek of wet dog! Or, I guess, wet ape.", 887,892c1145 < "I am a person!", < "I might stow away on your spaceship, just so you know.", < "How do you feel about pancakes?", < "The monsters around here can be scary.", < "When I was a child I had a toy monkey that looked like you.", < "Ace meeting you, Apex." --- > "When I was a child I had a toy monkey that looked like you." 897,899c1150 < "I still can't get my head around your kind.", < "It's weird that you can't fly!", < "I wish we'd had Avians back on Earth.", --- > "It's weird that you can't fly.", 900a1152 > "I'm in a hurry, gotta fly. Oops, sorry, that was insensitive.", 903,904c1155 < "Don't go out on the moors!", < "Being flightless must suck.", --- > "I too am flightless.", 906,910c1157,1162 < "I hear your kind build grand tombs. Fascinating.", < "Take me with you into space, Avian.", < "Feel free to make yourself at home.", < "I find you disconcerting. Sorry.", < "Are you acquainted with Thornwing? He's one of you, right?", --- > "I hear your kind build grand temples. We used to do that too.", > "I like birds; my uncle used to own parrots.", > "Wish I had feathers.", > "I saw one of those Avian towers once. People jump off those!?", > "Have you ever tried sunflower seeds? I think you'd love them.", > "I study intergalactic religions - Kluex is just fascinating.", 913,920d1164 < "Ever played Hopscotch?", < "Our planet was taken over by a monster. Woe.", < "Let's have a nice cup of tea and a sit down.", < "The USCM is probably tougher than Kluex.", < "Your power crystals sound fascinating. Tell me more!", < "We look a lot alike, you and I.", < "Look at how pretty the sky is today.", < "I've been into space! When I fled Earth.", 922,935c1166 < "I quite like those Apex, y'know.", < "What's a Hylotl, and why does everyone despise them?", < "I hear Florans are quite scary.", < "Your Clipped Council sounds fascinating.", < "We could be heroes, if I wasn't so lazy.", < "Sometimes I miss soap operas.", < "Have you ever seen a Segway?", < "One day I'll introduce you to the joys of leading soft drinks brands.", < "You Avians have been very welcoming to us humans. I hope we can extend the same courtesy.", < "Gross, I just swallowed a fly.", < "Let's hang out sometime!", < "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before.", < "Avians are SO COOL!", < "USCM superiority, brah." --- > "Avians are SO COOL!" 938d1168 < "A triffid!", 942d1171 < "Can we be partners?", 944,946d1172 < "I'm sorry about the weedkiller thing.", < "You people have a reputation for being galactic troublemakers.", < "You'd have made a great pet back on Earth.", 948,955c1174,1186 < "Do you wanna check out my Betamax collection?", < "I reckon we'd get on well.", < "The USCM is a bit wary of you, Floran.", < "I think you're probably my favourite.", < "I love the idea of a spaceplant.", < "I bet we could make fat stacks as a performing arts troupe.", < "Are there any Floran popstars?", < "You'd have loved Kenya.", --- > "Do you guys have pollen?", > "Do Floran ever get attacked by giant hummingbirds?", > "You make me think of the garden I had when I was growing up on Earth.", > "I met a greenfinger once - real nice guy... Or girl... Or neither?", > "Could you teach me how to hunt some time?", > "I wish I was a Floran.", > "I've heard Floran can be pretty vicious, but you seem kinda nice.", > "Which meat is the best meat?", > "I want to go into spear production, do you think there's a market for it?", > "You're so pretty.", > "I'm scared of you.", > "My best friend growing up was a Floran. They ate my rabbit, but I didn't mind.", > "Do Floran ever get like 250ft tall, like a sequoia tree with a face?", 958,963d1188 < "A rose by any other name...", < "You're one funky little dude.", < "I can't wait till our species integrate.", < "If you ever need a lawyer, I know a guy you can call.", < "Back on Earth, I was something of a celebrity.", < "Galactic politics are scary, aren't they?", 965d1189 < "See this? It's my poker face.", 967,968d1190 < "Make yourself at home, Floran.", < "Thanks for dropping by!", 970,975c1192 < "I had a dream about your kind last night.", < "A Floran whispered something about oaken soldiers to me. What does it mean?", < "I could go for some ice-cream right now.", < "We should have a picnic!", < "Florans are the best!", < "I'd be a great addition to your crew." --- > "Florans are the best!" 979d1195 < "Danger Will Robinson!", 981,983c1197,1208 < "Did you hear about our planet? Tragic.", < "You and the Florans get on well, right?", < "Let's do something cool later.", --- > "Did you hear about our planet, Glitch? What do we do now?", > "How do you work?", > "Sometimes I like to pretend I'm an old timey knight!", > "No bones about it, robots are just awesome.", > "Do you ever have to replace your eye bulbs?", > "Jovial. Hello! Uh, I hope that wasn't offensive.", > "I once made a Glitch costume out of cardboard.", > "The Glitch have a funny way of talking... Cuts out the flim-flam though.", > "My dad is a mechanic, but I guess in Glitch terms he's a doctor.", > "You're a bit creaky, maybe you should oil your joints.", > "I too have a hard outer shell, however, mine is figurative.", > "That's a nice alloy you've got there.", 985,987c1210 < "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!", < "My family are on a different planet.", < "I bet you'd make a great DJ.", --- > "What's it like to be made of metal?", 989d1211 < "I am done with taking orders. Done!", 992,997c1214 < "Welcome to this human settlement, Glitch!", < "So lovely to see you, Glitch!", < "Can I get your autograph?", < "You'd be a big hit in Hollywood.", < "Have you ever thought about becoming a cop?", < "A Glitch invasion would be the coolest thing.", --- > "So lovely to meet you, Glitch!", 1001,1009c1218 < "You have the coolest face.", < "I miss my planet, Glitch.", < "Do your arms transform into guns?", < "Can you turn into any kind of vehicle?", < "This feels like the start of a buddy comedy.", < "You should show me your spaceship sometime.", < "Seen anything of interest lately, Glitch?", < "I'd like to visit your kind one day.", < "The USCM would love to enlist you, Glitch." --- > "You have the coolest face." 1013d1221 < "I've been told to watch out for your kind. Why?", 1015,1016c1223 < "You remind me of my holidays at the beach.", < "Gotcha hook, line and sinker.", --- > "You remind me of holidays at the beach.", 1018a1226,1236 > "I'm a pretty strong swimmer. I'm not boasting, it's just true.", > "I've read ten books!", > "Hylotl art is pretty nice, I'm a fan.", > "I had a pizza with tuna and bananas on it once. Surprisingly good.", > "Hylotl's strive for peace, right? Same as humans. No wonder you're a Protector.", > "I used to live by a beach on Earth. I miss it.", > "I don't read a lot of poetry, I find it too opaque.", > "I used to meditate, but I couldn't stand the quiet.", > "I draw a little, maybe you'd like to take a look sometime?", > "Do Hylotl ever dry out?", > "Seals are like dogs, but in the sea. All Hylotl should have seals.", 1020d1237 < "What's your beef with the Florans, hey?", 1024,1029c1241,1245 < "A fish amongst the stars. Cool.", < "Personally I never used to eat fish and chips.", < "Living under the water must be exciting.", < "I hear your architecture is stunning?", < "You seem like a cultured sort.", < "Could you beat a shark in a fight?", --- > "Something about you makes me want fish and chips. Can't put my finger on what.", > "Living under water is cool.", > "I hear your architecture is stunning.", > "You seem like a cultured kind of person.", > "Could you beat a shark in a fight? Maybe that's like asking if I could beat a tiger in a fight.", 1032,1040c1248 < "You're one slick fish.", < "I don't care what others say, you Hylotl seem nice to me.", < "Great to see you, pal.", < "The USCM has you on a whitelist, I hear.", < "Are you one of the fabled Hylotl peace missionaries I hear about?", < "If it's not too much trouble, could you give me a lift to Earth?", < "Birds, apes, fish, plants, robots, and humans. We're just squishy and boring.", < "I've lost my favourite pen! Have you seen it?", < "I'll pay you top dollar to blow up my boss.", --- > "You're one slick fish man.", 1042,1043d1249 < "I used to go fishing without a license. I'm sorry.", < "I have nothing to say to you right now, I'm having an existential crisis.", 1045,1050c1251,1252 < "We should all reject our socio-political prejudices.", < "Here fishy fishy fish fish!", < "Nice outfit, flipper!", < "I miss the cool sea breeze.", < "A Floran was looking for you earlier. It seemed mad.", < "I am mostly concerned about Christmas right now." --- > "Nice outfit, where'd you get it?", > "I miss the cool sea breeze." 1055c1257 < "Do you glow all the time, or is it like a switch you can turn on?", --- > "Do you glow all the time, or is it like a switch you can turn off?", 1057a1260,1268 > "You look so cool. I wish I was you.", > "You're so bright!", > "What are you? ...Whatever you are, I like it.", > "Howdy.", > "That's a pretty cool glow you've got going there.", > "You would be a terrible \"murder in the dark\" player.", > "Ow, my eyes. You're super bright.", > "Nice face.", > "Does your glow attract bugs at night? I collect bugs...", 1060,1062c1271,1273 < "Wow, you're brightly coloured! Are you off to a party?", < "Okay, I've never seen anyone like you.", < "Well, this is new." --- > "Wow, you're pretty brightly coloured! Are you off to a festival?", > "Okay, I've never seen anyone like you before.", > "Well, you're something I've not seen before." 1066,1071c1277,1285 < "default" : [ < "Ssstrange thing." < ], < "human" : [ < "Meatman!", < "Sssilly human.", --- > "generic" : [ > "Many Floran in bloom right now. Is nice sseason.", > "You look good.", > "Fire is sscary, don't you agree?", > "Floran not sscared of anything!'Ssept fire.", > "Last night greenfinger tell sscary sstory about fire. Never play with matches!", > "I like rainy dayss.", > "Floran likes to watch things grow.", > "Floran feels sstrong in the sunshine.", 1074,1075d1287 < "Watch yourself meat.", < "Greenguard watch you, human.", 1077d1288 < "Floran dream of oaken sssoldiers. Floran ssscared.", 1079,1082d1289 < "Creature!", < "Sssuspicious. Floran Glitch friend tell Floran to watch human.", < "Floran hear planet eaten by monster. Floran hunt it.", < "Floran find human funny.", 1084d1290 < "GREETINGS AND SSSALUTATIONS. Birdman tell Floran to say this.", 1086,1087c1292,1375 < "Floran restless, not enough ssstabby.", < "Greenfinger say humans sssquishy and weak.", --- > "Floran restless, not enough ssstabbing going on.", > "Floran sstab, therefore Floran am.", > "Skreeeeee!", > "Planting seeds makes me happy.", > "Today will be good day.", > "Floran loves adventure - we are kindred sspirits.", > "There must be so many foressts and jungles in the universe.", > "Floran will hunt today.", > "Let's play-hunt! Sstart running!", > "What is \"Romance\"?", > "It feels like a sstorm is coming.", > "Floran likes living here.", > "You're nice. We can share meat ssometime.", > "Floran not afraid of anything!", > "Ssstabby ssstabby ssstabby!", > "Floran lonely. Floran glad you're here.", > "Not even want to ssstab you.", > "Floran reflecting on nature of existence. Floran sseek spiritual guidance.", > "Floran can't talk right now, Floran lost ssomething.", > "Floran has a headache - read almost one whole page of writing.", > "Floran sstabbed ten things today!", > "Do you have any Floran friends?", > "Floran makes sspears in spare time.", > "Floran consider ssstabbing but behave ssself.", > "Floran fears nothing!", > "Place here is nice, right?", > "Floran pleased to ssee you.", > "Sstab? Sstab. Sstab!", > "Friend!", > "Floran show who's best ssstabber.", > "Floran ssuggests we hunt together.", > "A friend!", > "You good at sstabbing?", > "Can't talk now, losst my spear.", > "Floran feels like playing hide and ssseek.", > "Floran doesn't feel good, Floran ate old meat.", > "Floran will dance later. Dancing almost as good as hunting.", > "Floran hatess sstaying inside too long.", > "Which you like more, ssun or rain? Floran like both.", > "Floran never lights fires, always gets ssomeone elsse to do it.", > "Floran behave around guest.", > "We become friends?", > "This is happy day for Floran.", > "Floran hear troubling rumours.", > "Ssstab all things! Ssatisfy self!", > "Floran pleased to be happy.", > "Floran like not being judged.", > "New friend make Floran happy.", > "Floran not ssstab today.", > "Sslashy sstabby.", > "Floran would like to hunt with you sssometime.", > "Floran has lots to do today.", > "Floran is tired.", > "Let's eat!", > "Floran feel good today.", > "Floran want to dance.", > "You look like fun, can I chassse you?", > "Do you make sspears? Floran needs a new one.", > "I've never hunted with sssomeone like you!", > "Floran thinks you're pretty.", > "Floran doess not share your interessts.", > "Floran likes you. We are friendss.", > "Floran not sstab. Floran good.", > "What'sss your favourite type of plant?", > "Let'sss have a competition. I bet I can catch more prey than you!", > "Do you hunt well? You better, if you want ressspect around here.", > "Floran sssure we can be friendsss.", > "Can you read? Floran can.", > "Floran learn rules of etiquette." > ], > "default" : [ > "Ssstrange thing." > ], > "human" : [ > "Meatman!", > "Sssilly human.", > "Floran heard human meat tastess good.", > "What'ss it like having hair?", > "Floran hear humanss like peace. Peace nice. Hunting better.", > "Floran love meat! But not eat you. Probably.",//DCTT > "Watch yourself, meat.",//DCTT > "Creature!",//DCTT > "Floran hear Earth eaten by monsster. Floran hunt monster for you?", > "Floran finds human funny.", 1089,1090c1377 < "Welcome, ssskinperson.", < "Floran ssstab, therefore Floran am.", --- > "Welcome, ssskin person.", 1092,1096c1379,1381 < "Behave, sssilly thing.", < "Human ssspeak words at Floran. Floran sssmile and nod.", < "Floran look after human for now.", < "Skreeeeee!", < "Glitch try to teach Floran advanced mathematics. Floran head hurt.", --- > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT > "Human sspeak words at Floran. Floran sssmile and nod.", > "If your people don't hunt, how do you know who's the sstrongest?",//DCTT 1097a1383 > "Are your teeth as sssharp as Florans?",//DCTT 1099,1109c1385,1389 < "Floran sssee human ssspace craft, have envy.", < "Floran want human best friend.", < "Floran and cocoon-kin giggle behind human's back.", < "What are you?", < "Human not grow leaves. Floran pity it.", < "Floran want to show human how to use ssspear.", < "Floran cuddle human sssilly.", < "Floran learn rules of etiquette.", < "Floran remember human ssshooty men get mad at Floran.", < "Greenfinger sssay be nice to pitiful ssspecies.", < "Floran want to meet human in dark alley." --- > "Floran sssee human ssspace craft, very envious.", > "Floran want human as best friend.", > "What are you?",//DCTT > "Human not grow leaves. Floran pity human.", > "Floran want to show human how to use ssspear properly." 1112,1113c1392,1396 < "Floran want cuddle from monkey man!", < "Floran like monkey man ssscent.", --- > "Floran like monkey man's sscent.", > "Creature!",//DCTT > "Watch yourself, meat.",//DCTT > "What are you?",//DCTT > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT 1115,1117c1398,1399 < "Greenfinger sssay Biggie Ape nice monkey.", < "Floran sssuspicious of travelling monkey.", < "Floran call Greenguard if monkey roar.", --- > "Floran ssuspicious of monkey.", > "Are your teeth as sssharp as Florans?",//DCTT 1118a1401 > "Floran love meat! But not eat you. Probably.",//DCTT 1119a1403,1407 > "Are you good at climbing trees?", > "Floran hear Apex are smart, but not as smart as Floran greenfinger.", > "What is \"Oppression\"?", > "Apex are sstrong! You sseem like a good fighter.", > "If your people don't hunt, how do you know who is the sstrongest?",//DCTT 1121,1122d1408 < "Monkey man want Floran pet?", < "Ssspace monkey!", 1124,1125c1410 < "Floran sssay hello, be friendly to big monkey.", < "Hopping monkey make Floran laugh.", --- > "Floran ssay hello, be friendly to big monkey.", 1127d1411 < "Glitch sssay monkeys are oppressed. Floran not understand.", 1129d1412 < "Floran proud of home. Sssee it.", 1131,1141c1414,1415 < "Floran big tough hunter. Cocoon-kin here soon.", < "Floran sssad, cocoon-sister take drysap.", < "Greenguard put monkey in Dust if monkey bad.", < "Floran once punch a monkey for no reason.", < "Hello. Hi. Hello. Hi. Hello.", < "Floran tell Biggie Ape; ssstabbing can happen.", < "Floran not afraid of anything!", < "Monkey let Floran see ssspace ship.", < "Floran want monkey clothes.", < "Chimpanzeeeeeee!", < "Floran happy with encounter.", --- > "Floran once punch a monkey for no reason. Not ssorry.", > "Floran want monkey clothess.", 1143c1417 < "Please admire Floran foliage, monkey man!", --- > "Admire Floran foliage, monkey man!", 1146,1151c1420,1421 < "Floran never hunt monkey ever.", < "I learning am how speak to properly. Floran.", < "Sssilly monkey, Floran like.", < "Ssstabby ssstabby ssstabby!", < "Floran is hero to cocoon-kin.", < "Floran help monkey man take down mini log." --- > "Floran never hunt monkey.", > "Sssilly monkey, Floran like." 1154,1160c1424,1427 < "Birdman!", < "Floran love Avian feathersss.", < "Floran sssad birdman can't fly.", < "Floran dream of hunting Kluex!", < "Floran want to ssstroke birdman.", < "Take Floran to ssstars, bird!", < "Greenfinger say birdthings like gods.", --- > "Bird man!", > "Floran love Avian featherss.", > "Floran sad bird man can't fly, would make for more challenging hunt.", > "Floran want to sstroke bird man's feathers.", 1162a1430,1432 > "What are you?",//DCTT > "Watch yourself, meat.",//DCTT > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT 1164,1173c1434,1447 < "Not even want to ssstab you.", < "Floran reflecting on nature of existence. Floran ssseek ssspiritual guidance.", < "Birdman want to hear Floran read?", < "Are you a big reader? No, I thought not.", < "Floran hear about birdman tombs. Floran like.", < "Floran will defeat birdman Ssstargazers.", < "Floran consider ssstabbing but behave ssself.", < "Welcome in, bird thing!", < "Floran fear nothing!", < "Place here is nice, yes?", --- > "Bird man want to hear Floran read?", > "Feathers are bright like petalss.", > "You eat seeds? You monsster.", > "Iss Kluex nice? What is it?", > "Floran love meat! But not eat you. Probably.",//DCTT > "Floran heard that Avians make ssacrifices. Do you eat the meat after?", > "You're ssafe from me, Floran preferss red meat.", > "Floran very busy today. Is bird man busy too?", > "Does wind in feathers feel as good as wind in leavesss?", > "Plumes and blooms are both sso nice.", > "Beaks are like natural sspears!", > "Hello bird person!", > "Are you a bird of prey?", > "Floran hear about bird man tombs. Floran wants to visit.", 1175,1178c1449,1450 < "Floran happy to welcome bird in.", < "Floran sssee bird, laugh.", < "Greenfinger sssay bird people nice.", < "Floran pleased to sssee this one.", --- > "If your people don't hunt, how do you know who is the sstrongest?",//DCTT > "Floran ssee bird, laugh.", 1180d1451 < "Bird bird bird birdy.", 1182,1195c1453,1456 < "Floran demand feather as offering!", < "Greenguard want watch bird person, Floran think.", < "Floran want birdman ssspace ssship. Can Floran have?", < "Other birdman sssay Floran not have sssocial ssskills. Floran ssstab.", < "Flap flap flap!", < "Peck peck peck!", < "Floran sssee funny ssside.", < "Floran ssshow birdman ssspear collection.", < "Birdman! Floran say hi!", < "Floran pleased bird ssspeak to it.", < "Welcome in!", < "Not want bird to feel unsettled.", < "Ssspace!", < "Flyyyyyyyy!" --- > "Other bird man ssay Floran not have sssocial ssskills. Floran ssstab.", > "Floran show bird ssspear collection.", > "Bird man! Floran say hi!", > "Floran pleased big bird sspeaks to Floran." 1199d1459 < "Greetings Floran.", 1201,1205c1461 < "Floran think Floran member of cocoon-kin.", < "What Greenfinger sssay to you Floran?", < "Floran smell Hylotl on you.", < "Strange Floran from ssspace. Floran like.", < "Floran take Floran on ssspace ssship now.", --- > "Floran ssmell Hylotl on you.", 1207d1462 < "Greenguard not trust Floran outsiders. Sssad.", 1209,1226c1464,1472 < "Ssstab? Ssstab. Ssstab!", < "Friend!", < "Floran ssshow best ssstabber.", < "Floran sssuggest we hunt together.", < "Floran wonder if Floran meet big prey in ssspace?", < "Floran happy now.", < "Floran confused by new Floran face.", < "A friend!", < "Ssstabbing is fun!", < "Floran behave around guest.", < "Nice happy to meet!", < "Floran and Floran adventure go!", < "We become friends?", < "This happy day for Floran.", < "Floran tell cocoon-kin about thisss.", < "Floran wonder if Floran miss cocoon-kin.", < "Floran proud of grand ssspace hunter Floran friend.", < "Floran read Floran Peace. Floran not like.", --- > "Floran wonder if you meet big prey in sspace?", > "Floran unssure about new Floran.", > "How long since you've been on a hunt?", > "You sseem ssstrange.", > "Floran likess flowers.", > "You are nice Floran.", > "Perhapss we could hunt together ssometime?", > "Floran iss great hunter, maybe best ever! How about you?", > "You look important, are you a greenfinger?", 1228,1234d1473 < "Greenfinger sssay ssspace hunter Floran best in business.", < "Floran hear dark rumours.", < "Ssstab all of things!", < "Floran long to punch sssomething.", < "Floran trembling in awe.", < "Floran pleased to be happy.", < "Floran like not being judged.", 1236,1239c1475,1476 < "Hunting hunting hunting every daysss.", < "Floran recommend Art of Ssstabbing as good read.", < "Floran meet Sssunflower Tzu once, go weak at knees.", < "Floran wonder if Floran meet Greenfinger ever.", --- > "Hunting, hunting, hunting every day!", > "Floran recommend \"Art of Ssstabbing\" as good read.", 1244,1260c1481,1494 < "Robo-friend make Floran happy.", < "Floran not ssstab Glitchy.", < "Greenfinger sssay Glitch our kin from another bin.", < "Floran pleased to sssee robot.", < "Floran hope robot teach Floran to maths.", < "Robot make Floran feel fuzzy.", < "Floran love Glitch for ever.", < "Yip!", < "Ssslashy ssstabby Floran protect Glitch.", < "Floran want be on Glitch ssspace ship.", < "Floran tap metal robot head, hear clunk.", < "Floran excited to sssee roboglitch.", < "Robot ssseem nice.", < "Floran love sssound robot make.", < "Floran want visit robot ssspace ssship.", < "Floran wonder if Glitch meet Hylotl lately?", < "Hello robo.", --- > "Floran pleased to ssee robot.", > "Floran hope robot teach Floran maths. Robot good at maths, right?", > "Floran love Glitch forever.", > "What are you?",//DCTT > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT > "Floran tap metal man's head, hear clunk.", > "Floran excited to sssee Glitch.", > "Robot ssseems nice.", > "Floran love sssounds robot makes.", > "A greenfinger could figure out how you work inside.", > "Not meat? Not interessted.", > "Floran heard Glitch have fire in their belliess. Floran not like fire.", > "You don't ssmell like food... Oh well.", > "Your metal would make good sspear headss.", 1262,1270c1496,1498 < "Floran love warrior robot.", < "Floran ssshow off ssskills to robot.", < "Let's eat!", < "Happy daysss!", < "Floran feel nice today.", < "Floran want Glitch to sssing.", < "Floran giggle at robot.", < "Floran hope Glitch teach many things.", < "Greenfinger love robots!", --- > "Floran like metal man.", > "Floran show off sskills to robot.", > "Floran thinks metal man is funny.", 1272,1282c1500,1505 < "Glitch nice to Floran, Floran respect.", < "Floran want to go ssspace fight!", < "Floran think about many things lately.", < "Floran hope robot like place.", < "Robot and Floran friends.", < "Floran want Glitch clothes.", < "Robot, Floran wonder if robot like Floran foliage?", < "Floran will sssad when robot go.", < "Floran want to dance.", < "Glitchy turn up, make Floran day.", < "Floran pledge Glitchy its ssstabbies." --- > "Glitch nice to Floran, Floran respect Glitch.", > "Floran hope robot likes this place.", > "Robot and Floran are friends.", > "Floran wants Glitch clothes.", > "Floran wonders if robot likes Floran's foliage?", > "Glitch turn up, make Floran's day." 1286,1289c1509 < "You look like fun, can I chassse you?", < "Doesss fish man have huntsss too?", < "Do you make ssspears? I might get a new one.", < "I've never hunted with sssomeone like you!", --- > "Does fish man hunt too?", 1290a1511,1514 > "Floran love meat! But not eat you. Probably.",//DCTT > "Creature!",//DCTT > "Watch yourself, meat.",//DCTT > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT 1293,1297c1517,1525 < "Ssstrange, you are different colours to most meat people.", < "Your ssskin is bright colours like Floran!", < "How many coloursss do you have on you?", < "Fish person sssmell different to other meat people.", < "Three eyes! Floran could hunt ssso much more prey with three eyes!", --- > "What is \"Pacifist\"?", > "What are you?",//DCTT > "If your people don't hunt, how do you know who is the sstrongest?",//DCTT > "Are there forestss underwater?", > "Florans once kill millions of Hylotl? Oops, sorry.", > "Floran met a shark once. Shark dead now.", > "Fish person lookss shiney and sslippery.", > "Fish person sssmells different to other meat people.", > "Three eyes!? Floran could hunt ssso much more prey with three eyes!", 1299c1527 < "Are your teeth as sssharp as Florans?", --- > "Are your teeth as sssharp as Floran's?",//DCTT 1301,1304c1529,1531 < "How many prey have you ssstabbed recently, fish?", < "Do you live under water? Ssstrange...", < "Does the sssun give you energy too?", < "Do you have a ssspace ship? Can you hunt in ssspace?!", --- > "How many prey have you ssstabbed recently?", > "Bet fish man's never heard of Florans before.", > "Greenfinger told Floran that a Hylotl told greenfinger that Florans kill Hylotl ancestors. Sorry.", 1306,1313c1533,1536 < "Floran sssmell you from far away! Be careful, makesss your kind easy to hunt!", < "How fassst can you swim, if you're a fish?", < "Are you a fisssh or lizard? It's all meat to me.", < "Does your meat people prefer ssswords or ssspears?", < "Has your kind heard of Floransss before?", < "Do fish people have Greenfingersss?", < "Show me your hunting ssshout, meat people!", < "What'sss your favourite plant type?", --- > "Floran smell you from far away! Be careful, makesss your kind easy to hunt!", > "How fassst can you swim?", > "Are you a fish or a newt? It's all meat to me.", > "Do you fish people prefer ssswords or ssspears?", 1315,1319d1537 < "Let'sss have a competition. I bet I can huntsss more than you!", < "Are you fassster than me?", < "Floran wondersss if fish man has heard of Floran before.", < "Floran bet we could be friendsss, fish man!", < "Your eyesss are so much smaller than mine.", 1322,1324c1540 < "How man fish people are there? Not more than Floransss I bet!", < "Do you hunt well? That is what I ressspect!", < "Floran sssure we can be friendsss." --- > "How many fish people are there? Not more than Floransss I bet!" 1327,1331c1543,1559 < "Lightsss! Lightsss perssson!", < "Floran confused by fire perssson.", < "Floran isss ssscared. Are you on Floran ssside?", < "Do you have a face, ssstrange perssson?", < "Are you flessshy, or plant, like Floran?", --- > "Lightsss! Lightsss person! Are you fire?", > "Floran perturbed by fire perssson.", > "Behave, sssilly thing.",//DCTT > "What are you?",//DCTT > "Floran is ssscared. Are you on Floran's ssside?", > "Do you have a face, ssstrange person?", > "If your people don't hunt, how do you know who's the sstrongest?",//DCTT > "Are you flesh, or plant, or... What are you?", > "Your colour iss brighter than any flower's.", > "You look like you could cook meat with your bare handss!", > "Sso pretty! You are sso pretty!", > "Is nice to meet star bright person.", > "Floran never ssseen a Novakid before... heard sstories.", > "Where do you come from?", > "Floran wishes Floran bright as you.", > "Want to hunt with Floran one day?", > "Floran like volatile being.", 1335,1336c1563 < "Can you huntsss better than Floran?", < "Don't come to clossse to me! Lightsss ssscary." --- > "Don't come too close to me! Lights ssscary." 1339a1567,1651 > "generic" : [ > "Trepidatious. What is your business here?", > "Bored. Well this is fun.", > "Belligerent. Why are you bothering me?", > "Morose. I can't find my favourite boots.", > "Peaceful. It has been a nice day so far.", > "Mirthful. You look funny!", > "Happy. I caught eight bugs today!", > "Joyous. It's my birthday today!", > "Bewildered. What could I have done with my hat? I just had it in my hand!", > "Confused. What is happening here?", > "Disturbed. Why are you here?", > "Impatient. I have things to do!", > "Cheerful. I love my home.", > "Distracted. Mmm?", > "Proud. What do you think of this place?", > "Worried. I think I may have a screw loose.", > "Worried. Keep your distance, I think I have a virus.", > "Wistful. One day follows the next but time seems to stand still.", > "Excited. I'm going to check my eel traps later. Wish me luck!", > "Proud. People often think I look regal.", > "Murderous. I am in a terrible mood.", > "Frustrated. Why is cooking so hard? All my dishes taste terrible.", > "Bored. I've been eating pottage for eight straight days. You're lucky you don't have the recipe.", > "Bashful. You are very nice-looking.", > "Woebegone. My pig ran away.", > "Worried. Something does not seem right.", > "Truthful. I do not want to talk to you.", > "Lonely. Please don't leave, it's nice to have some company.", > "Happy. I love castles!", > "Content. What a pleasant day.", > "Curious. Have you ever tasted an automato?", > "Curious. How do you differentiate between the genders of your species?", > "Friendly. It is nice to meet you.", > "Exhausted. I've been so busy recently.", > "Genuine. You are delightful.", > "Aggravated. I can't find my hacksaw.", > "Rankled. My friend told me I make terrible stew. I make brilliant stew!", > "Ambitious. One day I'll become an amazing blacksmith.", > "Nonplussed. What are you doing here?", > "Tired. I want to go to bed.", > "Dismayed. Please stop pushing my buttons.", > "Thoughtful. Physically we couldn't be more different.", > "Merry. Such a pretty creature!", > "Bewildered. I had something to do today and I cannot remember what it was.", > "Startled. Hi...", > "Terrified. Ahhhh!", > "Troubled. I think I might have buried my spade.", > "Suspicious. What's your business here?", > "Curious. Where do you come from?", > "Desperate. You don't happen to have a ratchet do you?", > "Curious. Are you a knight?", > "Irritated. I do not really have time to talk.", > "Worried. I think I broke my friends crafting table.", > "Impressed. You seem very important.", > "Worried. Every time I bend down my back clanks.", > "Anxious. Have you seen a chicken round here?", > "Underwhelmed. Well aren't you fascinating?", > "Refreshed. I just had a wonderful nap.", > "Distraught. I lost my best thimble.", > "Hysterical. Leave me beeeee!", > "Excited. Oh! It's so nice to meet a new person!", > "Ecstatic. My cousin is visiting today, she's so much fun!", > "Terrified. This universe is filled with monsters!", > "Happy. I'm having a day off tomorrow.", > "Interested. Does traveling the stars make you happy?", > "Tired. My feet ache, my back hurts, my eye bulbs feel dim.", > "Giggly. Hehehehehe.", > "Unsatisfied. Day after day, it's always the same.", > "Ashamed. I lied about how many chickens I had to impress my friends.", > "Happy. This is such a friendly place.", > "Content. I think I'll spend the rest of my days here.", > "Bored. Time seems to stand still sometimes.", > "Traumatised. Someone squished my chicken!", > "Sad. My partner and I got our wires crossed. Now he won't talk to me.", > "Exuberant. I'm learning to play the lute!", > "Curious. What brings you here friend?", > "Welcoming. What a friendly face!", > "Cheerful. What a lovely day.", > "Perplexed. I thought I left an apple round here somewhere.", > "Befuddled. Sorry, I've only just woken up. What where you saying?", > "Angry. My shoulder is not an appropriate thing in which to check your reflection.", > "Critical. There's no accounting for tastes in fashion...", > "Interested. There is a severe lack of consistency in your race's exteriors." > ], 1344,1357c1656,1665 < "Superiority. Fleshy human.", < "Disgust. Fleshy!", < "Interest. Who built you meatman?", < "Greeting. I will always welcome new friends!", < "Trepidation. What is your business here?", < "Kindness. All travellers are welcome here.", < "Kindness. Make sure you rest before leaving town, it's not safe out there.", < "Fascination. I would love to study just how you were assembled.", < "Cheerful. I love my home!", < "Busy. Mmm?", < "Questioning. Are all meatmen so hairy?", < "Confused. My scan suggests there are parts of your body I do not possess.", < "Wistful. I long to travel...", < "Intimidating. Our lives are hard, don't make them any harder.", --- > "Disgusted. Fleshy!", > "Sympathetic. I heard what happened to Earth, just terrible.", > "Plaintive. I wish that I was in the Protectorate...", > "Worried. Do you think what happened on Earth could happen here?", > "Sorrowful. What happened to Earth was so sad.", > "Intrigued. What is it like to be human?", > "Curious. Where Earth chickens the same as Glitch chickens?", > "Perturbed. Human faces are too expressive.", > "Jovial. A human!", > "Quizzical. Are you an Apex? Where is your fur?", 1359,1369c1667,1668 < "Pride. What do you think of this place?", < "Dismayed. You are not the Glitch I'm looking for.", < "Intrigued. Have you seen that new play by Wullum Sparkspear?", < "Condescending. You are not worth my time.", < "Worried. Some Glitch have gone mad.", < "Friendly. Hello friend, can I offer you some nuts, perhaps a change of oil?", < "Inquiry. How can you deal with the sloshing of your squishy parts?", < "Worried. I think I may have a screw loose.", < "Curiosity. Why are you wearing that flesh over your chassis?", < "Worried. Keep your distance, I think I have a virus.", < "Concerned. Your eyes have red rings around them. Are you ok?", --- > "Intrigued. How do you cope with the jiggling of your fleshy shell?", > "Curious. Why are you wearing that flesh over your chassis?", 1371,1377c1670 < "Confused. What is love?", < "Disturbed. You wobble when you walk.", < "Snarky. You have such oily skin.", < "Concern. Why is your coating so malleable?", < "Observation. There is a severe lack of consistency in your race's exteriors.", < "Admiration. For years I've dreamed of being able to grow hair. You are living that dream.", < "Alerted. My olfactory sensors indicate that you could do with some maintenance." --- > "Disturbed. You wobble when you walk." 1381,1391c1674,1680 < "Wistful. One day follows the next but time seems to stand still.", < "Inspired. You have enough hair to produce a large number of wigs.", < "Greedy. I could sell all of that hair of yours for you and make us both rich!", < "Trepidation. No monkeying around.", < "Warning. Throwing fecal matter is an offense punishable by death.", < "Frustration. Stop imitating everything I do.", < "Curious. Do you have tail?", < "Enquiry. Have you ever tasted an automato?", < "Curious. Are all those hairs stuck on?", < "Admiration. Your insulation layer is both practical and attractive. Is it for sale?", < "Kindness. Hang around!", --- > "Trepidatious. No monkeying around.", > "Cautious. You look very strong.", > "Overjoyed. Apex are my favourite beings!", > "Bewildered. Are you a human? Why are you so hairy?", > "Confused. Is Big Ape an Apex, or something else?", > "Joyful. I love banana bread! Do you have some with you.", > "Compassionate. I've heard terrible things about the Miniknog, I feel so sorry for your people.", 1394,1416c1683,1691 < "Query. Are you perhaps related to the Yetis of legend?", < "Fascination. How do Primates build their progeny? How do you assemble?", < "Query. What is a Miniknog? Define.", < "Query. What function does your pelt serve Apeman?", < "Kindness. You may rest here any time, ape man.", < "Curious. Is it true that Big Ape is ten feet tall, and made of gold?", < "Disgust. What is that stuck in your fur?", < "Uncertainty. How do you differentiate your genders?", < "Apathy. You seem like just another type of meatman.", < "Criticism. Evolution has not been kind to you.", < "Disdain. Deactivating olfactory circuits.", < "Compliment. Your fur looks wonderful in infrared!", < "Alarm. Are you Big Ape? Because I cannot imagine an ape even bigger than you.", < "Tactless. We have heard many things about the Miniknog. We would like to hear more.", < "Scientific. Scans indicate you share biological roots with a number of other species.", < "Wistful. I am sorry. I drifted off for a moment, imagining your hair blowing softly in the wind.", < "Excited. Perhaps your species could be the basis for a new, hairier Glitch model one day.", < "Hesitant. Would you... would you be offended if I ran my appendages through your mane?", < "Cheerful. I am sure you are excited to return home and inform Big Ape of your adventures.", < "Annoyed. The flagrant flaunting of your follicles feels like a kick in the grill.", < "Pleading. Perhaps one day you would explain to the Glitch the secret of the banana split.", < "Kindness. Are you looking for a job stranger? We currently need a librarian.", < "Concerned. You seem jumpy, don't worry, I don't think the Miniknog are here." --- > "Inquisitive. Are you perhaps related to the Yetis of legend?", > "Curious. What is a Miniknog?", > "Curious. What function does your pelt serve Ape man?", > "Kindly. You may rest here any time, ape man.", > "Complimentary. Your fur looks wonderful! Would that I were an Apex.", > "Alarmed. Are you Big Ape? Because I cannot imagine an ape even bigger than you.", > "Wistful. I am sorry. I drifted off for a moment, imagining your fur blowing softly in the breeze.", > "Hesitant. Would you... would you be offended if I ran my fingers through your mane?", > "Pleading. Perhaps one day you would explain to the Glitch the secret of the banana split." 1419,1431c1694,1700 < "Query. Does your plumage self-assemble, or is it constructed by artisans?", < "Query. What purpose do your feather serve if you cannot fly?", < "Disdain. It is said the birdmen believe in a feathered god, is that true?", < "Query. Are you able to fly?", < "Curious. May I buy an egg from you?", < "Fortunate. I need a new quill.", < "Query. What is your maximum airspeed velocity?", < "Confusion. Which of you came first? Your egg or.. ERROR", < "Statement. Though our worship may differ, we hold no ill will to you Birdman.", < "Query. Do you head south for winter?", < "Question. Are Avian bones hollow?", < "Concern. Your rigid supports seem unusually fragile.", < "Deception. Don't worry about the chickens, we don't eat them.", --- > "Disdainful. It is said the bird men believe in a feathered god, is that true?", > "Hopeful. May I buy an egg from you? Your eggs must be quite enormous.", > "Delighted. Just as I find myself in need of a new quill, here you are.", > "Pensive. Which of you came first? Your egg or.. ERROR", > "Untroubled. I hold no ill will towards you bird man.", > "Curious. Do you head south for winter?", > "Inquisitive. Are Avian bones hollow?", 1433,1460c1702,1723 < "Friendly. Good morrow my fine feathered fellow.", < "Interest. You would make a very comfy feathered pillow.", < "Kindness. There's a wonderful place to roost at our Inn.", < "Conviction. Do not blaspheme, or we will provide the tar.", < "Request. Are you willing to provide guano?", < "Irritation. A flock of your kind came through the other day.", < "Threat. Are you familiar with the concept of wishbones?", < "Consternation. Please stop pushing my buttons.", < "Suspicion. Hawk creature, have you seen my hacksaw?", < "Puzzlement. Perhaps His Lordship took up falconry.", < "Admonition. Please attempt to contain your affinity for shiny objects while you are here.", < "Concern. My what a sharp beak you have.", < "Greeting. Welcome, birdman.", < "Expectant. You look like you could help with my insect problem.", < "Query. You have beautiful plumage. May I have some?", < "Jealousy. May I stroke your pretty feathers?", < "Proposal. Our smith could make you a wonderful gilded cage.", < "Inquiry. Do you have spare eggs for sale?", < "Inquiry. What brings you here birdman?", < "Query. We're looking for a volunteer for a game of goose pulling, are you interested?", < "Insincerity. Please do not be offended by our livestock. We are well aware that your species is much more evolved.", < "Happy. Good day to you birdman!", < "Friendly. I hope you're feeling well birdman.", < "Friendly. Greetings my Avian friend!", < "Greeting. Well met my feathered friend.", < "Caution. I've never met a birdman before.", < "Excitement. Can you fly?", < "Concerned: Are your wings in need of repair?" --- > "Friendly. Greetings, my Avian friend!", > "Fascinated. Are your kind descended from chickens?", > "Nervous. You're not here to steal my grain are you?", > "Hospitable. I have some seeds around here somewhere.", > "Truthful. I don't know anything about Avians.", > "Interested. Are temples like castles?", > "Pensive. I wonder who would win a fight, a Glitch knight or an Avian warrior.", > "Inquisitive. What does Kluex look like?", > "Smitten. I love your beak.", > "Excited. Birds are my favourite animal!", > "Interested. You would make a very comfy feathered pillow.", > "Uninterested. A flock of your kind came through the other day.", > "Wary. Please attempt to restrain your zeal for shiny objects while you are here.", > "Concerned. My, what a sharp beak you have.", > "Joyful. Welcome, bird man.", > "Bashful. You have beautiful plumage. May I have a feather?", > "Jealous. I suppose feathers look alright.", > "Inquisitive. What brings you here bird man?", > "Happy. Good day to you bird man!", > "Friendly. I hope you're feeling well bird man.", > "Jovial. Well met, my feathered friend.", > "Cautious. I've never met a bird man before." 1463,1464c1726 < "Friendly. Greetings plantman.", < "Friendly. Nice to meet you plantman, we have rich soil here.", --- > "Friendly. Greetings plant man.", 1465a1728 > "Reproving. Don't eat anybody.", 1468,1471c1731,1739 < "Bold. Your teeth won't pierce my shell!", < "Comparative. Physically we couldn't be more different.", < "Honest. You have a frightening appearance plantman.", < "Intimidated. You're friendly, right?", --- > "Bold. Your teeth won't pierce my casing!", > "Friendly. Nice to meet you plant man, we have rich soil here.", > "Honest. You have a frightening appearance Floran.", > "Jealous. I wish Glitch could grow flowers.", > "Nervous. Are all Florans ferocious?", > "Curious. Do you you ever need pruning?", > "Pensive. Sometimes Lords and Ladies have hunts, but I don't think it's like FLoran hunting...", > "Enthusiastic. Could a Glitch become a greenfinger?", > "Nervous. You're friendly, right?", 1473,1484c1741,1743 < "Shocked. What are you? A fabled Floran?", < "Startled. Hi...", < "Complimentary. You smell like flowers.", < "Statement. It appears there is some stigma attached to being a plantman.", < "Brave. You're not so scary.", < "Worried. Your eyes are insect-like.", < "Terrified. Ahhhh!", < "Amused. Try not to scare anyone plantman.", < "Concerned. The fishmen do not have good things to say about you stranger.", < "Troubled. Are you friendly?", < "Suspicious. What's your business here?", < "Wonder. Are you an ent?", --- > "Pleased. You smell like flowers! How lovely.", > "Brave. You are not so frightening.", > "Amused. Try not to scare anyone plant man, we don't want everyone running for the hills.", 1486,1488c1745 < "Curious. Where do you come from?", < "Concerned. The colour of your skin... are you sick?", < "Startled. Oh! I didn't see you there, I thought you were a pot plant.", --- > "Startled. Oh! I didn't notice you there, I thought you were a potted herb.", 1490,1491c1747 < "Flirtatious. You have lovely buds.", < "Joking. So you started out as a little nut, so did I.", --- > "Smitten. You have lovely buds.", 1494c1750,1751 < "Kind. You look friendly enough, I think people have got you plantmen all wrong!", --- > "Hopeful. May I smell your flowers?", > "Kind. You look friendly enough, I think people have got you Floran all wrong!", 1496,1501c1753,1754 < "Friendly. May I smell your flowers?", < "Awe. You're so pretty!", < "Thoughtful. You'd look great in a garden.", < "Query. Are the leaves just for show?", < "Query. How many plantmen are there?", < "Sarcastic. If you sit in the soil do you grow taller?", --- > "Awed. You're so pretty!", > "Inquisitive. Are your leaves just for show, what is their anatomical function?", 1504,1505c1757,1758 < "Curious. Can plantmen get by on just water and sunlight?", < "Friendly. I think plantmen are cute, despite what everyone says!" --- > "Curious. Can plant men get by on just water and sunlight?", > "Friendly. I think plant men are cute, despite what everyone says!" 1508,1511d1760 < "Friendly. Greetings friend.", < "Friendly. Well met, are you from around here?", < "Friendly. You don't look as if you're from around here.", < "Suspicious. Where did you come from, you're not malfunctioning are you?", 1513,1526c1762,1773 < "Flirtatious. You're so shiny.", < "Suspicious. Do you feel funny?", < "Hungry. You don't happen to have an automato do you?", < "Happy. Hello fellow metalhead!", < "Curious. Are you a knight?", < "Tired. My feet ache, how is that possible?", < "Sad. My friend was recently disassembled.", < "Surprised. It's so good to see a new face!", < "Curious. Do you own a house here?", < "Helpful. You should probably avoid the inn, they're a loutish lot.", < "Worried. What if I go crazy one day too?", < "Secretive. I think there might be more out there... do you know what I mean?", < "Giggly. Hehehe.", < "Inspired. I want to learn to sword fight! Maybe I'll become a Knight!", --- > "Impressed. You're so shiny.", > "Cheerful. Always nice to meet a new Glitch.", > "Embarrassed. I've developed a rust problem.", > "Perturbed. It's strange meeting a foreign Glitch.", > "Dismissive. I've no time for Glitch that go chasing adventure.", > "Intent. I think you have a chip in your right eye bulb.", > "Enthusiastic. Let's play clunky jacks!", > "Bored. Oh, another Glitch. Hooray.", > "Impressed. I've never met such an adventurous Glitch before.", > "Tired. How do you young Glitch have so much energy?", > "Pleased. What a pleasant Glitch.", > "Inspired. I'm going to learn to sword fight! Maybe I'll become a knight!", 1528,1548c1775 < "Unsatisfied. Day after day, it's always the same.", < "Confused. What time is it?", < "Friendly. What's your name?", < "Ashamed. I think I've lost a chicken.", < "Excited. Are you thinking of settling here?", < "Happy. This is such a friendly place.", < "Content. I think I'll spend the rest of my days here.", < "Alert. Did you hear a rat?", < "Bored. Time seems to stand still sometimes.", < "Traumatised. Someone stomped on my chicken.", < "Tired. My joints need oiling.", < "Sophisticated. Why hello there.", < "Poetic. Twas brillig!", < "Worried. You don't have a virus do you?", < "Sad. My partner and I got our wires crossed. Now he hates me.", < "Inspirational. I'm learning to play the lute!", < "Tired. I need to recharge.", < "Disappointed. Oh, it's you.", < "Curious. What brings you here friend?", < "Welcoming. I like a friendly face!", < "Query. Have you read the latest Vector Squared?" --- > "Worried. You don't have a virus do you?" 1551,1552c1778 < "Sceptical. For a species that lives underwater, you don't smell very clean.", < "Charitable. Perhaps you would like to examine some Glitch constructions to advance your own designs. ", --- > "Charitable. Perhaps you would like to examine some Glitch constructions to advance your own designs.", 1554d1779 < "Considering. It is nice to see even the lesser species getting out once in a while.", 1556,1570c1781,1796 < "Annoyed. You are dripping on my circuits.", < "Thoughtful. Perhaps one day you could teach the Glitch to swim...", < "Patronising. We hope you feel at home, despite the shortage of lily pads.", < "Observation. Your biological structure is similar to another species we have encountered recently.", < "Cautious. Please do not get too close. You are splashing water everywhere.", < "Scientific. It is rare for Glitch to encounter aquatic life forms.", < "Shy. I've secretly always been a fan of your species' superior artistic skills.", < "Condemning. Perhaps you could stand to learn a thing or two about other cultures.", < "Curious. Is it correct that your species does not eat meat?", < "Tactless. Is your species descended from fish or frogs?", < "Justifying. Ignore my hivemates. Some of my best friends are Hylotl.", < "Anger. My shoulder is not an appropriate thing in which to check your reflection.", < "Querying. Have you tried jousting? It's truly a wonderful sport.", < "Puzzlement. Pacifism? Sounds impractical.", < "Interested. Do you people listen to music in your underwater homes?", --- > "Shy. I've always been a fan of your species' superior artistic skills.", > "Animated. Sometimes when I try to swim I just float, but sometimes I try and I sink instead!", > "Interested. I've never tried tea, is it good?", > "Curious. Do you paint? I heard all Hylotl do.", > "Proud. I wrote an amazing poem once.", > "Interested. I would like to visit a Hylotl library some time.", > "Wary. I'm a little scared of fish.", > "Intrigued. Do Hylotl enjoy rain?", > "Friendly. Every Hylotl I've met has always been so polite.", > "Jealous. Hylotl buildings are so much nicer than Glitch castles.", > "Intrigued. I've never been to a library, what are they like?", > "Intrigued. I know Hylotls paint and write, but do they dance?", > "Delighted. Ooh! A Hylotl.", > "Confused. I thought Hylotl had to stay underwater?", > "Shy. Could I make you some tea? I think I brew quite a good cup.", > "Sad. Pacifism seems doomed to failure, my Hylotl friend.", 1573,1575c1799,1800 < "Nostalgic. Your scent reminds me of my trips to the beach as a young Glitch.", < "Pondering. What do you do when you need to take a bath?", < "Eager. I've been practising my lily pad designs. Perhaps you could take a look.", --- > "Nostalgic. Your scent reminds me of my trips to the seaside as a young Glitch.", > "Intrigued. What do Hylotl do when they need to take a bath?", 1577,1581c1802,1803 < "Analysis. You have a fish in your pocket.", < "Bragging. Glitch furniture lasts up to ten times longer than that of your species.", < "Helpful. If you need any support adjusting to life on land, we Glitch are experts.", < "Amused. Your species seems to be exceptionally colourful.", < "Analysis. Your species' biology is made up of seventy percent salt water.", --- > "Analytical. You have a fish in your pocket.", > "Boastful. Glitch furniture lasts ten times longer than furniture made by the Hylotl.", 1583,1590c1805 < "Reassuring. One day, your species will catch up to the Glitch.", < "Longing. Perhaps, if you are not busy, you could take me sailing one day.", < "Entertained. A Glitch created in your species' image would be amusing indeed.", < "Condescending. A non-violent species? How adorable.", < "Critical. There's no accounting for taste in fashion, one supposes.", < "Alarmed. Reconsider any plans to take the Glitch underwater, stranger.", < "Paranoid. I would shake your hand, but I am concerned about my circuits.", < "Hostile. Take your peace-loving ways elsewhere, water-dweller." --- > "Hopeful. Perhaps, if you are not too busy, you could take me sailing one day." 1593,1594c1808,1810 < "Confused. What being are you?", < "Concerned. Are you actually on fire?", --- > "Confused. What sort of a being are you?", > "Concerned. Are you on fire?", > "Intrigued. Are there more like you?", 1595a1812,1821 > "Startled. You glow brighter than my eyes.", > "Worried. I saw a Glitch glow like that once - he was very ill.", > "Perplexed. What are you made of?", > "Excited. Oh! Something new! Nice to meet you!", > "Pleased. You really brighten up the place.", > "Confused. Your face is strange... Did a blacksmith make you?", > "Intrigued. What a strange being?", > "Friendly. You must never have to buy torch oil.", > "Happy. I like bright things.", > "Bemused. What a strange encounter.", 1598c1824 < "Hostile. I cannot trust you if I cannot judge your facial expression.", --- > "Hostile. I cannot trust you if I cannot judge your facial expressions.", 1600,1602c1826,1827 < "Intrigued. How do you stay so incandescent?", < "Intrigued. Are there more like you?", < "Questioning. Are you organic, or mechanical?" --- > "Intrigued. How do you maintain your incandescence?", > "Curious. Are you organic, or mechanical?" 1606c1831 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } dialog\cultist.config 3a4,8 > "default" : [ > "None shall pass!" > ] > }, > "human" : { 5c10,127 < "Death to heathens!" --- > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "You won't leave this place!" > ], > "apex" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us, ape!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "You won't leave this place!", > "The universe doesn't need your kind, ape!", > "We'd be better off without you apes around!" > ], > "avian" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us, bird!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "Humanity would be better off with you birds gone!", > "The universe doesn't need Avian kind!" > ], > "floran" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us, barbarians!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "We'll rid the galaxy of you Floran barbarians!", > "Soon we'll be rid of your kind, Floran!" > ], > "human" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "You're fighting for the wrong side!", > "You picked the wrong side, traitor!" > ], > "hylotl" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us, Hylotl!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "Crawl back to your puddle!", > "Soon we'll be rid of your kind, Hylotl!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us, robot!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "I'll send you to the scrapheap, robot!", > "You're not even truly alive, robot!" > ], > "novakid" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "We are the Occasus! You can't stop us!", > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!", > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!", > "A nonbeliever approaches!", > "If I kill you, Nox might promote me!", > "You shall not stop our plans!", > "I don't even know WHAT you are!", > "The universe doesn't need weird glowing beings!" 7c129 < } --- > } dialog\eyeguard.config 5c5 < "Aggressive. I SEE YOU AGAIN!", --- > "Aggressive. THERE YOU ARE AGAIN!", 7,9c7,9 < "Intimidating. You have returned face your doom!", < "Hostile. Witness your defeat this time!", < "Angry. I have seen our target again!" --- > "Intimidating. You have returned! Now face your doom!", > "Hostile. I will relish this!", > "Menacing. I have SEEN our target again!" 23c23 < "Angry. I have SEEN our new target!", --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our new target!", 26c26 < "Hostile. Abandon all hope, those who wish to face us!", --- > "Hostile. Abandon all hope, ye that would face us!", 36c36 < "Pleased. Another victory, but more shall come!", --- > "Thoughtful. Another victory, but more shall come.", 46c46 < "Surprised. Have they averted my gaze?!" --- > "Surprised. How have they averted my gaze?!" 53,54c53,54 < "Angry. Our foe has left, but they will surely return!", < "Shocked. Have they left my sight?" --- > "Grim. Our foe has left, but will surely return!", > "Shocked. Are they beyond my sight?" 62,63c62,63 < "Angry. Our foe is a coward, who does not face me directly!", < "Enraged. Come closer, fiend!", --- > "Angry. Our foe is a coward! Face me directly!", > "Enraged. Come closer, fiend!" dialog\eyepatch.config 6c6 < "Respectful. The All-Seeing Knights help those who help us.", --- > "Practical. The All-Seeing Knights help those who help us.", 34c34 < "Observant. You appear to have called for me." --- > "Observant. I SEE you require my presence." 42c42 < "Thankful. Here is a token of my thanks, for providing me with a home." --- > "Grateful. Here is a token of my thanks, for providing me with a home." 53c53 < "Angry. I have SEEN our next target!" --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our target again!" 64c64 < "Angry. I have SEEN our next target!" --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our next target!" 71,72c71,72 < "Satisfied. Such a battle was acceptable to an All-Seeing Knight.", < "Pleased. This battle has satiated my lust for battle.", --- > "Satisfied. An acceptable battle.", > "Pleased. This joust has satiated my lust for battle. For now.", 81c81 < "Surprised. Have they averted my gaze?!" --- > "Surprised. How have they averted my gaze?!" 89c89 < "Shocked. Have they left my sight?" --- > "Shocked. Are they beyond my sight?" 96c96 < "Frustrated. The foe doesn't wish to face me up close!", --- > "Frustrated. This cowardly foe will not face me up close!", 104c104 < "Contemplative. Perhaps simply OBSERVING the battle is enough.", --- > "Contemplative. Perhaps simply observing the battle is enough.", dialog\flee.config 5c5 < "Guards! Help me!", --- > "Oh no! Help me!", 7c7 < "Uh-oh!", --- > "Uh-oh.", 10c10,11 < "Guards! I've been accosted!" --- > "Ah! Stop it!", > "What!? What did I do!?" 15,18c16,19 < "I need backup!", < "Retreat!", < "Alert! I'm under attack!", < "Sound the alarm! All of them!", --- > "I need help!", > "Stop!", > "I am under attack!", > "Sound the alarm! Sound all of the alarms!", 25c26 < "By Avos, I'm under attack!", --- > "I'm unarmed!", 27c28 < "I'm being chased! Someone, help me!", --- > "I'm being chased! Somebody, help me!", 30c31 < "My life is under threat!" --- > "Ah! Help!" 35,38c36,39 < "Fear. Guards! Help me!", < "Intimidated. Please don't hurt me!", < "Abused. Guards! I've been accosted!", < "Afraid. Get away from me! Guards!", --- > "Scared. Gaaah! Help me!", > "Frightened. Don't hurt me!", > "Astounded. Why is this happening!?", > "Afraid. Get away from me! Help!", 40c41 < "Shocked. No! Get away from me!" --- > "Shocked. What's happening!? Stop it!" 45,47c46,48 < "Ssstabby time for me!", < "Floran being hurted!", < "Floran unarmed!", --- > "Ow! Stop it!", > "Sstop hurting Floran!", > "Floran needs sspear!", 49,100c50,51 < "Greenguard help Floran!" < ] < } < }, < "helpthem" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "What have you done!?" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Fear. Guards!", < "Intimidated. Please don't hurt me!", < "Afraid. Leave me be! Guards!", < "Terrified. Save me!", < "Shocked. What have you done?!", < "Righteous. I will write an electronic letter in protest!" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Ssstabby time for me!", < "Floran being hurted!", < "Floran not ready for hunt!", < "Greenguard help Floran!" < ] < } < }, < "encourage" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Get 'em!", < "Avenge me!", < "Stick 'em once for me!", < "Don't let 'em get away!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Encourage. Put 'em to the sword!", < "Excitement. Avenge me!", < "Aggressive. Strike him down!", < "Vengeful. Don't let 'em get away!" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Ssstabb the intruders!", < "Floran get revenge now!", < "Ssslice them!", < "Greenguard destroy it!" --- > "Floran will tell greenfinger on you!", > "Floran has no ssspear! Floran can't stab!" 108c59 < "I've escaped with my life!", --- > "Thank goodness that's over.", 110c61,62 < "Is it safe now?" --- > "Is it safe now?", > "I made it!" 116c68 < "That was an ordeal.", --- > "What an ordeal.", 118,119c70,71 < "That left a chill that ran right up my feathers.", < "That was scary!" --- > "That was close.", > "I'm alright!" 124,126c76,78 < "Relieved. I think I got away.", < "Thankful. I've escaped with my life!", < "Wishful. If only I could afford a keep.", --- > "Relieved. I got away!", > "Joyful. I'm alive!", > "Tired. That was exhausting.", 133,136c85,89 < "Floran sssafe now.", < "Floran not get ssstabbed after all.", < "Them lucky Floran not have weapon.", < "Sssalvation!" --- > "Floran sssafe!", > "Floran lives to hunt another day.", > "Them lucky Floran not have weapon...", > "Floran go get spear now.", > "Floran livesss!" dialog\frog.config 8a9,22 > "accuse" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "...!" > ] > } > }, > "alert" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "!" > ] > } > }, dialog\gatherer.config 5c5 < "I was gathering! Did you need me?", --- > "I was gathering. Did you need me?", 7c7 < "You have need of me? I'm currently gathering supplies." --- > "You have need of me? I've been gathering supplies." 14c14 < "Here's something I found whilst out gathering supplies!", --- > "Here's something I found while I was out gathering supplies!", 16c16 < "Here's a prize from my recent scavenger trip!" --- > "This is for you, from my recent scavenging trip!" 23c23 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!" --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!" 28,29c28,29 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!", < "Life under the Miniknog is too restrained, I prefer to live a simpler life!", --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!", > "Life under the Miniknog is too restrained, I prefer to live with more freedom!", 35c35 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!", --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!", 45c45 < "I will make my swift escape!" --- > "I will escape!" 71c71 < "Is this the safe zone?" --- > "Am I safe now?" dialog\grumble.config 10,11c10,11 < "Something feels off in my home...", < "The arrangement has changed, this isn't alright...", --- > "Things have changed... Either you've messed things up, or I'm being haunted.", > "The arrangement of my house has changed, this isn't alright...", 17,19c17,19 < "My ssstuff has changed, I don't like it!", < "My home hasss changed, I'm not happy with that!", < "Can you help me get my home looking like how it usssed to?" --- > "Ssstop taking away my nice ssstuff.", > "Put Floran's home back how it wasss.", > "Floran's house was great before. Make it right again!" 24,26c24,26 < "Confused. Something in here has changed.", < "Discontent. I liked my home before it was changed.", < "Wishful. I wish my home was how it used to be." --- > "Confused. My home is different.", > "Discontent. I dislike these changes, put things back how they were.", > "Wistful. I wish my house was how it used to be." 31,33c31,33 < "The arrangement of my home is not the same...", < "Something is unsettlingly different in here.", < "Can you restore my home to its original arrangement for me?" --- > "Um, this isn't what my home was like before...", > "I don't like this, can you put things back how they were?", > "Please put my things back where they were." 38,40c38,40 < "I would appreciate if you could restore my home's original decor.", < "Can you assist in the restoration of my home's original layout?", < "Something about my home feels off. Can you help fix it?" --- > "These changes are unsettling, please put my things back.", > "Stop taking things... You need to fix my home now.", > "I need you to put things back where you got them please." 46c46 < "Has something been taken from my home? This is upsetting...", --- > "Please return what you've taken.", 52,54c52,54 < "Somethin' is up around here...", < "This ol' place doesn't feel so familiar right now.", < "Has some half-wit taken from my home? This ain't right." --- > "Somethin's up round here...", > "This ol' place don't feel right just now. You been messin' around in here.", > "It ain't right to go stealin' from a person. Now, you just return what you took." 67,68c67,68 < "There's damages in here, can you sort it out?", < "I have a need for repairs here!" --- > "Can you sort out the damage in here?", > "I need some repairs done!" 73,75c73,75 < "There's damagesss to the walls here!", < "Could you fix my home pleassse?", < "My home could use some fixesss!" --- > "Please fix Floran's wallsss.", > "Floran's house is broken. Can you fix it?", > "Floran likess walls without holes. Can you fix Floran's house?" 80c80 < "Unhappy. There are damages to my home.", --- > "Despondent. My poor house - the walls are damaged. Could you fix things up?", 82c82 < "Needy. Can you fix my home before the damage worsens?" --- > "Hopeful. Can you fix my home? I'm sure it's salvageable." 87,89c87,89 < "The damage to my home is causing much concern to me...", < "I would appreciate if you could repair the damages to my home.", < "Hmm, there appears to be a broken wall in my home. Can you fix it?" --- > "Would you mind fixing my walls?", > "I'd really appreciate if you could repair the damages to my home.", > "Hmm, this damage isn't great. Could you fix it?" 94,96c94,96 < "I have spotted a damaged wall in my home. Can you help?", < "There are some damages to my home I wish to report.", < "My home has some structural damages that I would prefer to be fixed." --- > "There is a hole in my house...", > "I need you to mend my walls before the roof falls in on top of us.", > "Please fix up these walls, the house is no good to me like this." 101,102c101,102 < "My home has been damaged. This is unpleasant.", < "Do you feel something strange with my home? It feels damaged...", --- > "My home is open to the elements, I'd be grateful if you'd mend the damage.", > "I would be incredibly grateful if you could mend my walls.", 109,110c109,110 < "I'm seein' some damages around here...", < "Somethin' is askew around here, and it certainly ain't me." --- > "This place has got more holes in it than a sheriff at a shoot out.", > "Looks like you set a crazed capricoat loose in here! You gonna fix up these walls?" 122,123c122,123 < "Wasn't this place for me?", < "Are you trying to have someone move in to my home?!", --- > "I thought this was single tenancy!? I can't share my home!", > "Are you trying to have someone move in here?!", 129,131c129,131 < "Sssomeone else can't move here!", < "Why isss someone else trying to move in?", < "I can't live with sssomeone else!" --- > "Floran needs all this space, not sharing with some random ssstranger.", > "If you move in sssomeone else, Floran will eat them.", > "Floran's not sharing home! Take ssecond deed down." 136,138c136,138 < "Shocked. Are you trying to move another tenant in?", < "Confused. How come someone else is trying to move in?", < "Sad. I thought this place was my own." --- > "Shocked. Are you trying to move a stranger into my home?", > "Confused. But this is my home, I can't share it...", > "Sad. I thought this place was my very own home, but you want me to share it." 143,145c143,145 < "Why is someone else attempting to move into my home?", < "Did you put my home up for rent? This must be a mistake...", < "There is another deed in my home, this is most upsetting." --- > "Why's someone else trying to move into my house?", > "Did you put my house up for rent? This must be a mistake...", > "There's another deed in my house - Surely this isn't intentional." 150,152c150,152 < "There's another deed in my home, surely this is a mistake?", < "Was this home not intended for me? Why is it up for rent again?", < "I thought this home was exclusively for me. How upsetting." --- > "Why is there another deed here? What are you trying to pull?", > "This is my home. I rent it from you. You can not move someone else in.", > "It is not ok to do this. I will not share my home." 157,159c157,159 < "How can someone else move in here? This is my personal space!", < "How can I remain calm when my home is up for rent for someone else?", < "Why is there another deed here? Perhaps this home was not for me?" --- > "I don't wish to share my home with a stranger.", > "Passive or not, I cannot stand by as you ensconce a second tenant in my home.", > "There is another deed in my home? Surely a mistake has been made?" 164,166c164,166 < "Is some desparado tryin' to wrangle in on my property?", < "This ol' haunt is for me alone, right?", < "How come someone's gone and put a deed up in here?" --- > "This here's my land, don't make no sense to go movin' someone else in here.", > "This ol' haunt ain't for sharing. Better take that second deed down.", > "This is my house dagnabbit, I ain't sharing it with no one." 179,180c179,180 < "These are unacceptable conditions...", < "I won't stand for these conditions much longer!" --- > "Living here is pretty horrible right now...", > "It's impossible to live like this!" 185,187c185,187 < "I can't live like thisss!", < "These conditionsss aren't okay!", < "You still haven't fixed thingsss!" --- > "Floran can't live like thisss!", > "Floran is angry, fix Floran's house.", > "You sssstill haven't fixed things in Floran's house!" 192c192 < "Annoyed. These conditions are tiring.", --- > "Aggravated. I need you to fix my home.", 194c194 < "Unhappy. The fixes to my home haven't been made yet." --- > "Unhappy. The fixes to my home haven't been made." 199,201c199,201 < "This has gone too far, I am greatly discontent with these conditions.", < "I don't wish to live in these conditions.", < "Why is my home in the state that it is in?!" --- > "This has gone too far, I need you to fix things!", > "I can't put up with this much longer - look at the state of my home.", > "My usually resilient patience is beginning to wear thin. Fix my home." 206,208c206,208 < "My cries for improvements have gone unanswered...", < "This home is not how it was when I moved in...", < "The condition of my home is disgraceful, and I feel I am being ignored!" --- > "Look at this place! Fix my home, or I leave.", > "I cannot cope with your indifference much longer...", > "It is foolish to ignore an angry Apex. I suggest you fix up my home." 213,215c213,215 < "I try to remain calm but it is hard when my requests are left unanswered.", < "The state of this home is not something I feel is acceptable.", < "I cannot remain living in a place with such imperfections..." --- > "My requests are left unanswered, my entreaties fall on deaf ears... Shameful. ", > "These conditions are deplorable, and your behaviour reprehensible.", > "This is simply disgraceful, I demand you fix my house." 220,222c220,222 < "This place is feelin' all to pieces right now.", < "This caboose ain't what what I was hopin' for, and it's mighty disappointing.", < "I don't wanna be no Addle-pot, but this shack ain't what it used to be." --- > "Seems to me you might wanna fix this shack up 'fore I leave.", > "Well ain't this place mighty disappointin'... You fixin' to fix it or what?", > "This shack ain't what it used to be. You better make it right." 241,243c241,243 < "Thisss has gone on long enough!", < "I am going to leave thisss place!", < "I can't live like thisss anymore!" --- > "That'sss it, Floran is leaving!", > "Floran givess up! Floran can't live like this!", > "Floran iss going, can't live here anymore!" 248,250c248,250 < "Overwhelmed. I am going to leave with things like this.", < "Outraged. I am fed up with being ignored.", < "Upset. With these conditions, it is time that I left." --- > "Overwhelmed. This is beyond me. I'm taking my leave.", > "Outraged. I deserve a better home than this", > "Upset. I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't stay here any longer." 255,257c255,257 < "I am going to depart and find another home. Enough is enough.", < "It is time I found a better home.", < "This home is not how it was when I moved in. It's time I left." --- > "Enough is enough. I deserve a proper home.", > "That's it. I'm leaving. I can't stand living here anymore.", > "I try to be respectful of others, it's a shame you don't make the same effort." 262,264c262,264 < "I moved here for a better life, but I can't live like this anymore.", < "I am going to move if this home of mine isn't restored to how it was!", < "It saddens me to leave, but my complaints are being ignored." --- > "I moved here for a better life... What a disappointment.", > "I deserve better living conditions than this!", > "That's it. I must leave. You are a terrible landlord." 269,271c269,271 < "It is time I move on, this home is not to my standards anymore.", < "I once called this place home, but I don't feel that way any longer.", < "Perhaps I shall find another place that I can call my home." --- > "I can't abide this any longer. I'm going.", > "I've lost all respect for you. I hope one day you will see the error of your ways.", > "These surroundings are detrimental to my very being. I must leave." 276,278c276,278 < "The jig is up! I'm outta here.", < "Head 'em up! It's time for me to get outta town.", < "Move 'em out! It's time I skedaddle." --- > "I'd be better off beddin' down in a nest of crutters than stickin' round here.", > "I'd rather sleep on a cactus than stay here one more night.", > "Crimany! This place is a mess! Time I skedaddle." dialog\guard.config 5c5 < "I've got my eyes on you.", --- > "I've got my eye on you.", 13,32c13,16 < "Stern. Keep your olfactory device clean." < ], < "human" : [ < "Cautious. Behave yourself, meat man.", < "Polite. So very nice to see you, human.", < "Jovial. Have a wonderful time, human.", < "Suspicious. Are you here for a purpose, human?", < "Insincere. It is adorable to see you.", < "Inexperienced. Eep, a fleshy monster!" < ], < "avian" : [ < "Unsure. May Big Bird guide you...?", < "Polite. Greetings, Avian.", < "Welcoming. Peace be with you, feathered one.", < "Cheerful. Hail, bird friend!", < "Hesitant. We don't normally see Avians here.", < "Relaxed. Catch you on the flipside, birdy." < ], < "floran" : [ < "Alert. Welcome, our stabby Floran friend.", --- > "Cautious. Behave yourself.", > "Suspicious. What is your purpose here?", > "Inexperienced. Eep!", > "Alert. Who are you?", 34,62c18,22 < "Awestruck. A civilised Floran! Welcome!", < "Reticent. You won't be a problem... right?", < "Stern. You behave yourself, plant creature.", < "Enthusiastic. I always love it when a Floran drops in." < ], < "apex" : [ < "Supportive. Hello there, large ape.", < "Firm. You and your hair stay out of trouble, now.", < "Conspiratorial. You are safe here, Apex.", < "Warm. You are welcome here any time, Apex.", < "Paranoid. I hope you have not brought the Miniknog upon us, ape.", < "Positive. I'm sure your days of oppression are far behind you!" < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Insincerity. Have an absolutely wonderful day, Hylotl friend!", < "Dismissive. Try not to get yourself killed, Hylotl.", < "Contemptuous. I can see you're about to cause trouble.", < "Bored. I would absolutely love to hear more about your culture.", < "Disinterest. Just pipe down, fish.", < "Condemning. I'm sure you're here just to be awkward." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Concerned. Watch yourself here, outcast.", < "Menacing. You do not have friends in our midst, outcast.", < "Kind. Not all are unsympathetic to your cause, outcast.", < "Concerned. Should you be here, outsider?", < "Alert. Your free will might get you into trouble here, outcast.", < "Apprehensive. I hope your newfound freedom still encourages you to behave." < --- > "Reticent. You won't be a problem...", > "Stern. You behave yourself.", > "Insincere. Have an absolutely wonderful day.", > "Dismissive. Try not to get yourself killed.", > "Concerned. Should you be here?" 68,92c28,36 < "Welcome, traveller." < ], < "apex" : [ < "Stay out of trouble, stranger.", < "Don't worry, friend. You're safe from the Miniknog here." < ], < "avian" : [ < "Whoa! An Avian! Hi there.", < "I hope you Avians know how to follow human laws." < ], < "floran" : [ < "A Floran! Wow! Please don't eat me! Ha ha.", < "Hey there, friend. Try not to stab or eat anyone.", < "I wonder if you'd taste nice with ranch dressing..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Whoa, it's a Glitch! Can I get you an oilcan?", < "Do Glitch find wrenches and spanners offensive?" < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Hail, Hylotl. Welcome." < ], < "human" : [ < "Hi, friend! Which colony do you hail from?", < "Hey! Welcome, traveller." --- > "Stay out of trouble.", > "Don't... Just don't do anything.", > "Try not to destroy anything.", > "I'm watching you.", > "You better not try anything.", > "I'm super tough, better not cross me.", > "Hi! I mean... Grrr.", > "What's your business here?", > "What are you lookin' at?" 97,122c41,50 < "Ssstay out of trouble, or Floran will eat you." < ], < "apex" : [ < "Floran does not understand your beardsss." < ], < "avian" : [ < "Floran wondersss if Avian bird god tastes like chicken.", < "Avianss should ssstay out of trouble, or they will be eaten." < ], < "human" : [ < "Behave yourssself, human..." < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Floran wantsss to stab something...", < "Floran is hungry for Hylotl flesh...", < "Hylotl will behave, or be eaten.", < "Hylotl eyesss are especially tasty..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Floran tried to eat a Glitch once, would not recommend.", < "Glitch are lucky that they is untasty.", < "Glitch will stay out of trouble or be disassembled." < ], < "floran" : [ < "Floran will stay out of trouble, or Floran will eat... Floran? Floran is confused.", < "Weakling troublemaker Floransss are tasty." --- > "Sstay out of trouble.", > "Floran does not like your face.", > "No ssilliness.", > "Behave yourssself.", > "Floran wantsss to stab sssomething...", > "Floran is hungry...", > "Give Floran a reassson.", > "Don't tempt Floran.", > "Keep moving, sstranger.", > "Troublemakers are tasty." 127,136c55,61 < "Are you a spy? Wait, no, don't answer that.", < "Stay silent, traveller, and don't cause trouble.", < "*psst* The Miniknog is watching. Take care.", < "Welcome, traveller. Hail Big Ape!", < "Behave yourself, stranger.", < "*psst* Behind every clock is a camera. Careful.", < "Please don't cause any trouble, the Miniknog will take my family if you do.", < "Make trouble and you'll find yourself on a one-way trip to Miniknog Leisure Resort.", < "All hail Big Ape! Right, stranger?", < "Big Ape will find a way to punish you if you make trouble, traveller.", --- > "Stay silent, traveller, and do not cause any trouble.", > "Obey the Miniknog.", > "Big Ape is watching you.", > "Acts of aggression will not be tolerated.", > "Every act has repercussions.", > "All hail Big Ape! Celebrate his glorious rule!", > "I love Big Ape.", 138,139c63,64 < "Hail, traveller! Remember: mouth shut, eyes forward.", < "Welcome, stranger. The Miniknog is here to protect us." --- > "Mouth shut, eyes forward.", > "Bow to the Miniknog." 144,150c69,77 < "Welcome, traveller. Please marvel at our exquisite building designs.", < "Hey. Stranger. Try not to cause any trouble.", < "Phew. For a second I thought you were a Floran, sneaking up on me.", < "Hail, stranger. We're friendly, but keep your nose clean.", < "If you know any Florans, please try not to lead them here.", < "Please be careful not to break any of our beautiful chairs and tables.", < "If you're intending to cause trouble while you're here, think twice. Or three times, even.", --- > "Let us be peaceful, and have tranquility reign over our encounter.", > "I hope that we can each keep our steel sheathed and chambered.", > "Walk well, stranger.", > "We ask only that you behave respectfully within our jurisdiction.", > "Cross me and I will be forced to strike.", > "I hope the serenity of our surroundings will influence your actions.", > "A Hylotl warrior is trained from birth.", > "I ask that you do not blemish this place with unnecessary aggression.", > "Do not test me.", 152,162d78 < ], < "floran" : [ < "Oh, look. It's a Floran. Ugh. Just behave, alright?", < "Just be warned, we don't like your type around these parts.", < "My parents told me stories about your race. They weren't nice ones.", < "Oh noooo, it's a Floran. Please don't stab or eat me, I wouldn't like that.", < "Try not to ruin anything while you're here, would you?", < "A civilized Floran? Doubt it. Don't cause any trouble, or you'll regret it.", < "Plant people? Yuck. More like dirt people. We'll be watching you.", < "Do you Florans even have chairs on your home planet? Ours are better anyway.", < "Look, it's a Floran, here to offend our sensibilities. Boooo." 167,174c83,90 < "Welcome, traveller! I'll have to warn you - we don't worship Kluex here.", < "Hail! Do you come with any news of Avos?", < "Watch yourself, stranger, our spears are freshly sharpened.", < "Oh, it's a traveller. I hope your time here is pleasant.", < "Hello, stranger. Try not to break anything while you're here.", < "Welcome! Be sure to visit our market if you have a chance.", < "I hope you're not a spy from the priesthood. We don't take kindly to that...", < "Welcome to our humble settlement, stranger.", --- > "Don't try me.", > "If we fight, you will lose.", > "I'm afraid I must ask you to move along.", > "I hope your time here is pleasant.", > "Just try not to put a cat amongst the pigeons.", > "You're welcome here, as long as you respect our home.", > "I can't spar right now...", > "I hope we can get along.", 176,382c92 < "We are a peaceful people, so long as you don't try to spread the light of Kluex." < ] < } < }, < "weaponwarning1" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "You better put that away before you hurt yourself.", < "Don't make me take that weapon from you.", < "No need to be threatening.", < "A drawn weapon is a sign of intent." < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Floran ssstab quicker, faster. Put weapon away." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Angry. Stow your weapon." < ], < "human" : [ < "Threatening. Stow your weapon, flesh sack.", < "Menacing. Sheath that weapon before you do yourself an injury." < ], < "avian" : [ < "Cautious. For what reason have you drawn this weapon, bird?", < "Alert. An Avian with a weapon drawn is a feather away from injury." < ], < "floran" : [ < "Sympathy. It may be an alien concept for you, but please put your weapon away.", < "Nervous. You'll have no trouble here. No need for the weapon." < ], < "apex" : [ < "Reassuring. You're safe from the Miniknog here. Stow your weapon.", < "Anger. Put that weapon away before we mistake you for a Miniknog agent." < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Scorn. What are you going to do with that weapon, exactly? Put it away.", < "Derision. There are no lily pads to carve around here. Put that weapon away." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Outcast, a weapon sword is considered an act of aggression. Comply.", < "Have you been outcast so long that you've forgotten our rules? No drawn weapons." < ] < } < }, < "weaponwarning2" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "I told you to put that weapon away!", < "This is your second warning - don't make me tell you to put that weapon away again.", < "You are beginning to test my patience. Put the weapon away.", < "Please put your weapon away. You're making us nervous." < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Floran sssay put weapon away now.", < "Floran frustrated with guest. Hissss." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Furious. Sheathe it now, I said!" < ], < "human" : [ < "Cross. Are your aural sensors malfunctioning? Put the weapon away!", < "Apoplectic. You seek to anger me, human. Sheathe the weapon now!" < ], < "avian" : [ < "Concerned. Perhaps you did not hear. Weapon goes away.", < "Nervous. I do not want to attack you, but if you do not put the weapon away I'll have no choice." < ], < "floran" : [ < "Frightened. We mean you no harm. We simply wish for you not to engage in stabbing.", < "Mortified. A Floran with a weapon sends the wrong impression. We ask again, put it away." < ], < "apex" : [ < "Frustration. Paranoia will only eat away at you. Put the weapon away and settle down.", < "Annoyance. If you don't put the weapon away immediately, we'll call the Miniknog!" < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Gleeful. That's it, keep the weapon out, give us an excuse...", < "Enraged. I said put that weapon away before we start suspecting you know how to use it." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "You are pushing your luck, outcast. Sheathe the weapon NOW.", < "If I see that weapon for much longer, you'll be needing a repair bay." < ] < } < }, < "weaponwarning3" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "This is the last time I'm going to tell you. Put that weapon away!", < "Don't make me kill you!", < "You are on thin ice now!" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Now Floran angry. You not like Floran when angry.", < "Floran preparing to ssstab. Had warning." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Explosive. Final warning, sheathe it now or die!" < ] < } < }, < "weaponSheathed" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Thanks. Now move along." < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Floran sssatisfied." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Grateful. Thank you." < ] < } < }, < "comeBack" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Come back here you!", < "Get back here!", < "I'm talking to you, don't make me come after you!" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Ssstabby time!", < "Floran will make you sssuffer!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Enthusiastic. No comply, time to die!", < "Over-eager. Do you feel lucky, punk?", < "Soulless. Exterminate. Exterminate." < ] < } < }, < "attack" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Intruder!" < ] < }, < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "Intruder!", < "We've got a hostile!", < "Take 'em down!", < "Open fire!", < "Target acquired!", < "You've trespassed for the last time!", < "I made my bullets extra explodey, just for you!", < "My aim is true! Except for just then.", < "Die faster!", < "Big fish eats little fish! Guess which one you are?", < "How many bullets can you take? Let's find out.", < "There's no escaping for you!", < "I hope you wrote a will!", < "Look behind you! It's your imminent dooooom!", < "Prepare to die, scum!", < "I am your death, stranger.", < "Your expiry date has come!", < "Hostile at twelve o'clock!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Hostile. Intruder!", < "Intimidating. Fall to your knees and beg for mercy!", < "Confident. You will die this day!", < "Arrogant. You shall be an easy kill.", < "Bloodthirsty. Don't die too quickly; I want to savour this!", < "Excited. Finally, a worthy adversary!", < "Threatening. You chose the wrong castle to invade!", < "Daring. Come forth and prove your mettle!", < "Malevolent. I will run you through!", < "Furious. Prepare to die, intruder!", < "Contemptuous. What a repulsive specimen you are!" < ] < }, < "apex" : { < "default" : [ < "Intruder!", < "Glory to the Big Ape!", < "Take 'em down!", < "Guards! We have an intruder!", < "Looks like we've got ourselves a new test subject!", < "Guards!", < "You'll make a fine specimen!", < "For science!", < "I hope you're not too attached to your brain!", < "Stay away!" --- > "Avians have been great warriors since time immemorial." dialog\merchant.config 12,15c12,15 < "What can I sell you? Don't take too long.", < "My store accepts pixels and BigCoins.", < "By my beard, a customer!", < "Please don't sell me anything that will get me arrested." --- > "You break it you buy it.", > "What is it you need?", > "What can I do to hasten this trade?", > "Please do not sell me anything illegal, I don't need that kind of trouble." 20,21c20,21 < "Welcome, traveller. What can I sell you?", < "You wouldn't happen to have a pair of wings on you, would you?", --- > "Welcome, What can I sell you?", > "What can I help you with today?", 28,30c28,30 < "Floran welcomesss you to store. Hopes you buy thingsss.", < "You breaksss it, you buysss it.", < "Floran wantsss pixelsss." --- > "Floran welcomes you to ssstore.", > "What can Floran get for you?", > "You give Floran pixels, Floran gives you sstuff." 36,38c36,38 < "Friendly. Welcome to my store.", < "Welcoming. You know you want to buy everything!", < "Reminder. Destroying merchandise is discouraged." --- > "Ingratiating. Welcome to my store.", > "Genial. You know you want to buy everything!", > "Pleased. A customer!." 44,46c44,46 < "Welcome. I hope the goods I sell bring you happiness.", < "May my wares help you find true enlightenment!", < "Perhaps you'll find something you're looking for?" --- > "I hope we can make an exchange that contributes to your happiness.", > "Perhaps you might find some of my stock enriching.", > "Please feel free to peruse my wares." 53c53 < "See ya next time!", --- > "See you next time!", 57c57 < "Thanks for visiting my store.", --- > "Thanks for visiting.", 68c68 < "Thanks for visiting my store.", --- > "Thanks for visiting.", 75c75 < "Fly by again soon!", --- > "What a flying visit. I hope to see you again soon.", 77,78c77,78 < "Kluex guide you!", < "I'm looking forward to seeing you again." --- > "Thank you for your custom. Come again soon.", > "I look forward to seeing you again." 83c83 < "Content. Please come again.", --- > "Insistent. Return soon!", 91,94c91,94 < "I hope our transactions bring you satisfaction.", < "I hope you found what you were searching for.", < "May your path ahead be clear to you, friend!", < "Say strong in heart and in spirit, friend." --- > "Please come again.", > "Thank you for your custom, please return soon.", > "I hope to see you again soon.", > "Thank you for your visit, I very much look forward to our future transactions." 99,102c99,102 < "Say safe, ally.", < "Keep your head low, and your sight focused.", < "Stay free, my friend.", < "Come back when you need to." --- > "Come again. Stay safe.", > "I will see you again, save your pixels for me.", > "I hope to see you again, my friend.", > "Come back when you can." 107,117c107,110 < "Floran want customer to ssspend more!", < "Floran sssay goodbye to moneybags.", < "Floran like buy sssell.", < "Floran pleased with transssaction." < ] < } < }, < "merchantBusy" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "I'm waiting for a delivery. Come back later if you want to trade." --- > "Come back, stay here, ssspend more!", > "Floran hopess you come back soon.", > "Floran sells besst things, you come back soon.", > "Floran pleased, hopes you come again." 124c117 < "Come with me, we can do business at my store!", --- > "Come with me, we can do business in my shop!", 130,131c123,124 < "Instructional. Please follow me to my store.", < "Welcoming. Please allow me to lead you to my store." --- > "Cordial. Please follow me to my shop.", > "Enticing. Please allow me to lead you to my shop." 136c129 < "Allow me to lead you to my shop.", --- > "Follow me, I can lead you to my shop.", 142,143c135,136 < "I keep my wares at my store, please follow me.", < "My supplies are kept at my store." --- > "My wares are in my shop. Follow me, I'll show you.", > "If you follow me to my store, we can trade." 149c142 < "Would you like me to lead you to my shop?" --- > "Can I show you to my shop? It's this way." 154,155c147,148 < "Pleassse come with me.", < "My ssstore is thisss way." --- > "Follow Floran to shop.", > "Sstore is thisss way, follow Floran." 168c161 < "Welcome to my store! Now, would you like to see my merchandise?", --- > "Welcome to my store!", 175c168 < "Pleased. I prefer to sell my wares at my store." --- > "Pleased. Now we can trade to our hearts' content." 180,181c173,174 < "Now we can trade to our heart's content!", < "Now I can show you my wares!" --- > "Alright, now we're here, what can I get you?", > "Now we're here you can browse and find what you like." 187c180 < "Now there is no-one to spy on us, we can trade wares." --- > "Ok, now we can trade." 192,193c185,186 < "Now we are here, would you like to begin trading?", < "Now we are in a calmer environment, would you like to trade?" --- > "Here we are, and welcome. What did you wish to buy?", > "Welcome to the seclusion of my store, I hope we can find what you need." 198,199c191,192 < "Now you can ssspend.", < "Now do you want to ssspend pixels?" --- > "Here'sss my shop. What did you need?", > "We're here! What can Floran get you?" 206,208c199,200 < "Get all your goods here!", < "Everything you need, right here.", < "Hey you, come check out my goods!", --- > "Goods for sale!", > "Hey you, come check out my amazing wares!", 210d201 < "You won't find these goods anywhere else!", 216,219c207,210 < "What can I sell you? Be quick about it.", < "My store accepts pixels and BigCoins.", < "By my beard, a customer!", < "Please don't sell me anything that will get me arrested." --- > "Come and see my wares.", > "Goods for sale, come and see!", > "Come here, customer.", > "Come! Buy things!" 225,227c216,219 < "Welcome, traveller. What can I sell you?", < "Buy or sell!", < "Hey there. See anything you like?" --- > "Come and trade!", > "Can I sell you anything? I buy too.", > "If you need to buy anything, I have a great selection.", > "Hey there. Need to buy or sell anything?" 233,235c225,228 < "Floran welcomesss you to store. Hopes you buy thingsss.", < "You breaksss it, you buysss it.", < "Floran wantsss pixelsss." --- > "Buy things! Sssell things!", > "Come see Floran's waresss.", > "Floran's store is the best! Come and buy!", > "Many things for sssale!" 241,243c234,237 < "Friendly. Welcome to my store.", < "Cozening. You know you want to buy everything!", < "Reminder. Destroying merchandise is discouraged." --- > "Enticing. Come, buy!", > "Excited. Are you a customer?", > "Welcoming. Come and view my wares!", > "Proud. Come and buy from this merchant of great renown!" 249,335c243,246 < "Welcome, stranger! Marvel at my wares, I hope they'll bring you happiness.", < "My goods are amazing. I'd give you some for free, but I like money.", < "The design of my goods surpasses that of any other race!", < "Look at my merchandise. It's mind-blowing, I know.", < "You can have any of this for just a few small payments of pixels!" < ] < } < }, < "helpme" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Time to flee!", < "Help! I'm being attacked!", < "I'm under attack!" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Time to ssscram!", < "Floran not have ssspear to fight back!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Fear. Help me!", < "Intimidated. Please don't hurt me!", < "Afraid. Get away from me!", < "Terrified. Save me!", < "Shocked. No! Get away from me!" < ] < } < }, < "helpthem" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Help!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Fear. Guards!", < "Intimidated. Please don't hurt me!", < "Afraid. Leave me be!", < "Terrified. Save me!", < "Shocked. What have you done?!" < ] < } < }, < "encourage" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Get 'em!", < "Avenge me!", < "Stick 'em once for me!", < "Don't let 'em get away!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Encourage. Put them to the sword!", < "Excitement. Save us!", < "Aggressive. Strike them down!", < "Vengeful. Don't let 'em get away!" < ] < } < }, < "safe" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "I think I got away.", < "Phew!", < "A close call!", < "That was close..." < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Now I can sssell more ssstuff.", < "Now I'm sssafe." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Relieved. Phew, I think I got away.", < "Thankful. I've escaped with my life!", < "Hopeful. Am I safe?", < "Embarrassed. I think I leaked a little oil." --- > "My shop is resplendent with wares. Come and see.", > "I would be most pleased to sell you what you need.", > "Please feel welcome to peruse my wares.", > "I have many goods available, I'm sure you'd find something to please you." 347,348c258,259 < "Has something been stolen from my store?", < "The arrangement of my store has changed, this isn't alright...", --- > "Have you stolen something from my shop?", > "The arrangement of my shop has changed, this isn't alright...", 354,356c265,267 < "Have you taken ssstuff from my ssstore?", < "My store hasss changed, I'm not happy with that!", < "Can you help me get my ssstore looking like how it usssed to?" --- > "Ssstop sstealing stuff...", > "Put my shop back how it wasss.", > "Floran's sstore was great before. Make it right again!" 361,363c272,274 < "Confused. My store is different.", < "Discontent. I liked my store before it was changed.", < "Wishful. I wish my store was how it used to be." --- > "Confused. My shop is different.", > "Discontent. I dislike the changes you have made, restore my shop.", > "Wistful. I wish my shop was how it used to be." 368,370c279,281 < "The arrangement of my store is not the same...", < "Something is unsettlingly different in here.", < "Can you restore my store to its original arrangement for me?" --- > "Um, this isn't what my shop was like before...", > "I don't like this, can you put things back how they were?", > "Please put my things back where they were." 375,377c286,288 < "I would appreciate if you could restore my store's original decor.", < "Can you assist in the restoration of my store's original layout?", < "I liked how my store was laid out previously. Can you restore it please?" --- > "Please put my things back.", > "Stop taking things... You need to fix my store.", > "I need you to put things back where you got them please." 382c293 < "Something is unbalanced in the flow of my store...", --- > "Why have you disrupted my shop? Please fix what you have broken.", 384c295 < "I wish my store was how it was before, it is no doubt turning away customers..." --- > "It is profoundly upsetting and thoroughly immoral to dismantle my shop in this way." 396,397c307,308 < "Can you fix the walls? It'll put off new customers like this.", < "No-one is going to shop here with these damages! Can you help?", --- > "Can you fix the walls? The damage is putting off customers.", > "I need the wall fixed if I want customers to shop here. Can you help?", 403,405c314,316 < "There's damagesss to the walls here!", < "Could you fix my ssstore?", < "My store could use some fixesss!" --- > "Please fix Floran's wallsss.", > "Floran's shop is broken. Can you fix it?", > "Floran likess pixels, can't get pixelss with walls like this. Can you fix walls?" 410,412c321,323 < "Unhappy. The damage to my store is going to turn off customers.", < "Concerned. Broken walls might be turning away potential customers.", < "Needy. Can you fix my store before it gets worse?" --- > "Despondent. The walls are damaged and custom is down. Could you fix up the shop?", > "Concerned. These broken walls a putting off trade, I need them fixed.", > "Hopeful. Can you fix my shop? Then my customers might come back." 417,420c328,330 < "The damage to my store is causing much concern to me...", < "The damage to my store is causing much concern to me...", < "I would appreciate if you could repair the damages to my home.", < "Hmm, there appears to be a broken wall in my home. Can you fix it?" --- > "It's hard to trade in a shop with no walls. Can you repair the damage?", > "Would you mind fixing my walls?", > "That wall is badly damaged, I'm worried I'll lose custom... Can you fix it?" 425,427c335,337 < "Can you assist in the repairs of my store?", < "There are some damages to my store I wish to report.", < "The damaged structure of my store is no doubt turning away customers." --- > "There is a hole in my shop...", > "I need you to mend my walls before the roof falls in on top of us.", > "Please fix up these walls, the shop is no good to me like this." 432,434c342,344 < "My store has been damaged. This is unpleasant.", < "Do you feel something strange with my store? It feels damaged...", < "I noticed a damaged wall here, perhaps you could assist with repairs?" --- > "My shop is open to the elements, I can't maintain a business with damaged walls.", > "I would be incredibly grateful if you could mend my walls.", > "Understandably, this damage is putting of my customers - Please fix my walls." 446,447c356,357 < "Wasn't this location for me? I can't share the store!", < "Are you trying to have someone move in to my store?!", --- > "I thought this was single tenancy!? I can't share the store!", > "Are you trying to have someone move in here?!", 453,455c363,365 < "Sssomeone else can't move here!", < "Why isss someone else trying to move in?", < "I can't ssshare my store space with someone else!" --- > "Floran needs all this space, not sharing with some random ssstranger.", > "If you move in sssomeone else, Floran will eat them.", > "Floran's not sharing shop! Take ssecond deed down." 461c371 < "Confused. How come someone else is trying to move in?", --- > "Confused. But this is my shop, I can't share it...", 474,476c384,386 < "Why is there another deed here? I am meant to have exclusive rights to this store!", < "Was this home not intended for me? Why is it up for rent again?", < "I thought this home was exclusively for me. How upsetting." --- > "Why is there another deed here? What are you trying to pull?", > "This is my shop. I rent it from you. You can not move someone else in.", > "It is not ok to do this. I will not share my store." 481,482c391,392 < "Is a rival merchant trying to move into my shop?", < "How can I remain calm when another deed is in my shop?", --- > "I don't wish to share my shop with a stranger.", > "Passive or not, I cannot stand by as you ensconce a second merchant in my shop.", 496,497c406,407 < "These are unacceptable conditions for me to work in...", < "It is too difficult to sell my products like this!" --- > "These are unacceptable working conditions...", > "It's impossible to work like this!" 502,504c412,414 < "I can't sssell like thisss!", < "These conditionsss aren't okay!", < "You still haven't fixed thingsss in my shop!" --- > "Floran can't work like thisss!", > "Floran is angry, fix Floran's shop.", > "You sssstill haven't fixed things in Floran's shop!" 509c419 < "Annoyed. I wish to sell my wares, but it is difficult under these circumstances.", --- > "Aggrevated. You need to improve these conditions, it is impossible to work here.", 511c421 < "Unhappy. The fixes to my store haven't been made yet." --- > "Unhappy. The fixes to my store haven't been made." 516,518c426,428 < "This has gone too far, I am greatly discontent with these conditions.", < "I don't wish to work in these conditions.", < "Why is my store in the state that it is in?!" --- > "This has gone too far, I need you to fix things!", > "I can't put up with this much longer - look at the state of my shop.", > "My usually resilient patience is beginning to wear thin. Fix my shop." 523,525c433,435 < "My cries for improvements have gone unanswered...", < "This shop is not how it was when I moved in...", < "The condition of my shop is disgraceful, and I feel I am being ignored!" --- > "Look at this place! Fix my shop, or I leave.", > "I cannot cope with your indifference much longer...", > "It is foolish to ignore an angry Apex. I suggest you fix my store." 530,532c440,442 < "I try to remain calm but it is hard when my requests are left unanswered.", < "The state of this store is not something I feel is acceptable.", < "I cannot remain working in a shop with such imperfections..." --- > "My requests are left unanswered, my entreaties fall on deaf ears... Shameful. ", > "These conditions are deplorable, and your behaviour reprehensible.", > "This is simply disgraceful, I demand you fix my shop." 551,553c461,463 < "Thisss has gone on long enough!", < "I am going to sssell somewhere else!", < "Thisss is unprofessional, I'm going to sssell on another planet!" --- > "That'sss it, Floran is leaving!", > "Floran givess up! Floran can't work like this!", > "Thisss is unprofessional, Floran will sssell on some other planet!" 558,560c468,470 < "Overwhelmed. Time to find a better shop to sell my wares.", < "Outraged. I deserve a better shop to do business with.", < "Upset. With these conditions, it is time that I left to sell somewhere else." --- > "Overwhelmed. This is beyond me. I'm taking my leave.", > "Outraged. I deserve a better shop to do business in!", > "Upset. I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't stay here any longer." 566,567c476,477 < "It is time I found a better shop.", < "This store is not how it was when I moved in. It's time I left to find another." --- > "That's it. I'm leaving. It's time I found a better shop.", > "I try to be respectful of others, it's a shame you don't make the same effort." 572c482 < "I moved here for a better life, but I can't work like this anymore.", --- > "I moved here for a better life... What a disappointment.", 574c484 < "It saddens me to leave, but my complaints are being ignored." --- > "That's it. I must leave. You are a terrible landlord." 579,581c489,491 < "It is time I move on, this shop is not to my standards anymore.", < "I wished hard that this shop would be good enough, but it simply is not anymore.", < "Perhaps I shall find another shop that I can sell my beautiful products in." --- > "I can't do this any longer. I'm going.", > "I've lost all respect for you. I hope one day you will see the error of your ways.", > "These surroundings are detrimental to my very being. I must leave." 595c505 < "Hi! Did you alert me because you want to buy something?" --- > "Hi! Do you want to buy something?" 600c510 < "You needsss me to sell me sssomething?", --- > "You need Floran to sell you sssomething?", 607,609c517,519 < "Quizzical. Did you need to buy something, or perhaps sell something?", < "Friendly. Did you want to chat or buy things from me?", < "Polite. Did you just come to say hello?" --- > "Jovial. Here I am! Are you buying or selling?", > "Friendly. What can I do for you?", > "Polite. What did you need to purchase?" 614,616c524,526 < "Did you wish to do business?", < "Hello again, friend! May Kluex hold you in favour.", < "I am always glad to see a friendly face." --- > "Hi, nice to see you. You hoping to buy something?", > "Hello again! What can I help you with?", > "Always glad to see a friendly face. What can I get you?" 621,623c531,533 < "Did you alert me for business reasons? Perhaps you wished to buy something?", < "Do you have need of me?", < "Greetings. Do you have something you wanted to buy?" --- > "You needed me and I came, what can I do for you?", > "What is it, my friend? Do you want to buy something?", > "Are you buying maybe, or do you hope to sell?" 628,630c538,540 < "What would you like to discuss?", < "Did you wish to trade with me, friend?", < "Did you need me for my wares?" --- > "What would you like to discuss? Or is there something you're looking for?", > "Warm greetings. Were you hoping to trade with me?", > "What can I get for you?" 642c552 < "I thought you might like this, friend!", --- > "I thought you might like this.", 644c554 < "Take this, for your continued patronage!" --- > "I really appreciate everything you've done, here have a gift." 650,651c560,561 < "Here'sss something I picked up for you!", < "Thanksss for your help with my ssstore!" --- > "Floran got you this to ssay thank you.", > "Floran likes shop, Floran ssay thank you with present." 656,658c566,568 < "Thankful. Here is a gift for your assistance with my business.", < "Grateful. I got you a gift for helping me with my store.", < "Hopeful. I hope you like the gift I picked up for you whilst trading!" --- > "Friendly. Take this, for your continued patronage.", > "Grateful. Please take this gift as a thank you for helping with my shop.", > "Optimistic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you." 663,665c573,575 < "Here is a token of my gratitude for your help.", < "I have brought you a gift.", < "I hope this offering brings you happiness." --- > "This present is a thank you for all your help.", > "I bought a gift for you to say thank you, I hope you like it.", > "I hope you like the gift!" 670,672c580,582 < "Please accept this gift, for all your assistance.", < "I have a gift for you for all your help with my business.", < "For all you have done for my business, take this." --- > "This present is for you, to say thank you.", > "Business is good. This is your thank you present.", > "My business is flourishing! Please take this gift, with my thanks." 677,678c587,588 < "My shop is as peaceful as I could hope for. Here is a gift for all you have done.", < "Accept this as a token of my thanks for your assistance.", --- > "Please take this gift as a token of my thanks.", > "Please accept this gift with my gratitude.", dialog\mutantminer.config 14c14 < "Rrrrr...", --- > "Rrrrr!", dialog\quest.config 56c56 < "Don't hurt me with that ! Tell I'll comply!" --- > "Don't hurt me with that ! Tell I will comply!" 102c102 < "I am not afraid of !" --- > "I'm not afraid of !" 107,108c107,108 < "Floran not ssscared of !", < "Floran not ssscared you, or !" --- > "Floran not sscared of !", > "Floran not sscared of you, or !" 119c119 < " cannot upset my zen, and neither can you!", --- > " cannot disquiet me, and neither can you.", 137c137 < "Being bribed is pretty satisfying! Please give my thanks to ." --- > "Being bribed is pretty great! Please give my thanks to ." 149c149 < " may be trying to bribe me, but I am thankful anyway!", --- > " may be trying to bribe me, but I'm grateful anyway!", 155,156c155,156 < "Floran doesssn't mind bribes. Say thanksss to !", < "Floran likesss bribes! Say thanksss to ." --- > "Floran doesn't mind bribes. Say thanksss to !", > "Floran likes bribes! Say thanksss to ." 161c161 < "Pleased. This may be a bribe, but give my thanks to .", --- > "Pleased. A bribe! Give my thanks to .", 168,169c168,169 < "My loyalty is easily swayed! Give my thanks to .", < "Gifts can easily sway my alliegance! Give my thanks to ." --- > "My loyalty is swayed! Give my thanks to .", > "Gifts are a potent form of persuasion! Give my thanks to ." 226c226 < "This gift would be suited better on display in my home. Can you put it there for me?" --- > "This gift would look good displayed in my home. Will you put it there for me?" 231c231 < "What a delightful gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can show it off?", --- > "What a lovely gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can enjoy it all the time?", 237c237 < "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's home pleassse?", --- > "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's house please?", 243c243 < "Delighted. What a fitting gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", --- > "Delighted. What a wonderful gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", 250c250 < "You have brought a gift for me. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" --- > "This gift is exquisite. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" 271,272c271,272 < "How kind of ! Please thank them for me.", < "Please report my happiness to for their gift!" --- > "How kind of . Please thank them for me.", > "Please tell how happy this gift has made me!" 278c278 < "Please thank for this gesture!" --- > "What a kind gesture. Please thank for me." 283,284c283,284 < "Floran likesss gift! Tell for me!", < "A presssent for Floran! Give thanksss to !" --- > "Floran likesss gift! Tell for Floran!", > "A present for Floran! Give Floran's thanksss to !" 290c290 < "Thankful. Tell that I appreciate their gift!" --- > "Happy. Tell that I appreciate their gift!" 309c309 < " is a great friend." --- > " is a good friend." 315c315 < " is a trustworthy contact." --- > " is a good friend to me." 327c327 < "Floran hasss decided that isss good friend." --- > "Floran hasss decided that is a good friend." 351c351 < "This gift would look good in my home. Can you place it in there for me?", --- > "This gift would look good in my house. Can you place it in there for me?", 357,358c357,358 < "This is a generous gift - perhaps it should be on display in my home?", < "This gift would be suited better on display in my home. Can you put it there for me?" --- > "This is a generous gift - perhaps it should be on display in my home.", > "This gift would look good displayed in my home. Will you put it there for me?" 363c363 < "What a delightful gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can show it off?", --- > "What a lovely gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can enjoy it all the time?", 369c369 < "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's home pleassse?", --- > "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's house please?", 375c375 < "Delighted. What a fitting gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", --- > "Delighted. What a wonderful gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", 382c382 < "You have brought a gift for me. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" --- > "This gift is exquisite. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" 425c425 < "I didn't steal that , I was just borrowing it!", --- > "I didn't steal that , I was simply borrowing it.", 447,448c447,448 < "Fine, I'll pay up. Just don't report this to the MiniKnog!", < "You caught me - I'll pay the fine. Just don't get me in bigger trouble!" --- > "Fine, I'll pay up. Just do not report this to the MiniKnog!", > "You caught me - I will pay the fine. Just don't get me in bigger trouble." 453c453 < "No need to ruffle my feathers any further - I'll pay up!" --- > "There's no need to keep hassling me, I've decided to pay up!" 464,465c464,465 < "Defeated. I guess I should pay the fine, I don't want to get in further trouble!", < "Embarassed. I'll pay the fine - There's no use running." --- > "Defeated. I guess I should pay the fine, I don't want to get into further trouble!", > "Annoyed. I'll pay the fine - What's the use in quibbling?" 492,493c492,493 < "Here is the you need. I hope it serves you well.", < "Here is the that needs!" --- > "Here is the you need. I hope it is what's needed.", > "Here is the that needs." 510c510 < "Welcoming. I hope likes their new !", --- > "Cheerful. I hope likes their new !", 550c550 < "Floran made thisss for you, asss requested!", --- > "Floran made thisss for you, as requested!", 563c563 < "? I can make one of those for you. Here you go." --- > "? I can craft one of those for you. Here, for you." 578c578 < "Fine, can borrow my item. Will you bring it back eventually?", --- > "Fine, can borrow my . Will you bring it back eventually?", 585c585 < " can borrow my , I just hope they give it back..." --- > " can borrow my , I just hope I get it back..." 596,597c596,597 < "Floran can lend , asss long as Floran gets it back ssssoon.", < "Here's the for , Floran doesssn't mind." --- > "Floran can lend , as long as Floran getsss it back ssoon.", > "Here iss the for , Floran doesn't mind lending it." 602c602 < "Generous. Here is my - Just tell to give it back soon!", --- > "Reasonable. Here is my - Just tell to give it back soon.", 609c609 < " can lend my if they have need of it!" --- > " can borrow my if they have need of it!" 624,625c624,625 < "H-here, take my . Just d-don't hurt me!", < " can have my , just don't h-hurt me!" --- > "H-here, take my . Just don't h-hurt me!", > " can have my , just don't hurt me!" 630,631c630,631 < "I know this is extortion, but I value my safety. Take my ...", < "Just take the - I value my safety, okay!" --- > "Extortion is not new to me. Take my ...", > "Just take the - I value my safety." 636,637c636,637 < "Don't ruffle my feathers any more - Just take my !", < "Don't hurt me! J-just take my !" --- > "No need to be so menacing! Just take my !", > "Stop tormenting me and just take the !" 642,643c642,643 < "Floran doesn't want to ssstart fight! Take !", < "Floran will help ! T-take Floran's !" --- > "Floran doesn't want to fight right now! Take .", > "Fine! Floran will help ! Take Floran's !" 649c649 < "Terrified. I don't want to be mad with me - Take my if that's what you want!" --- > "Terrified. Just take my ! can have it!" 655c655 < "Don't upset my zen any further - Take my if you need it!" --- > "Stop terrorising me! Take my if you need it!" 676c676 < "You've secured the materials? Hold steady, I just need to make this...", --- > "You've secured the materials? Wait one moment, I just need to make this...", 682,683c682,683 < "You brought the items? Hold on a moment...", < "You brought the materials? I just need to craft this then, give me a moment..." --- > "You brought the items? Great, hold on a moment...", > "You brought the materials? Let me just craft this then, give me a moment..." 688,689c688,689 < "You brought Floran the thingsss? Give Floran ssshort time to craft!", < "You brought the thingsss for Floran? Floran needsss moment to craft..." --- > "You brought Floran materials! Floran craft now, hold on...", > "Thank you for thingss! Floran just take a moment to craft..." 694,695c694,695 < "Eager. You have brought me the materials - Please give me a moment to craft this...", < "Patient. You brought me the items we need! Please give me a second whilst I craft." --- > "Eager. You have brought me the materials! Hold on one moment...", > "Pleased. You brought me the items we need! Just give me moment to craft this..." 700,701c700,701 < "Thank you for bringing me the items. Please stay calm whilst I craft this for .", < "I am eager to begin crafting. Thank you for bringing the items. Give me a moment..." --- > "Thank you for bringing me the items, I will just take a short time to craft what needs.", > "Thank you so much for bringing the items, I'm eager to begin crafting. Here, give me a moment..." 713c713 < "Here you go! Please take this parcel to for me.", --- > "Here you go! You can take this parcel to for me.", 719,720c719,720 < "Thank you for remaining patient. Here's a parcel - Please deliver it to for me.", < "And I'm finished! Thank you for waiting. Can you take this parcel to for me?" --- > "Thank you for waiting. Here, take this to .", > "I am done! Thank you for waiting. Now, please take this parcel to ..." 731,732c731,732 < "Finissshed! Please take parcel to for Floran.", < "Here is thing! Take it to pleassse." --- > "Finished! Pleasse take parcel to for Floran.", > "Here iss thing! Take it to ." 738c738 < "Satsified. Take this package to for me!" --- > "Satisfied. I have finished! Now please take this package to for me." 743,744c743,744 < "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Can you take this parcel to for me?", < "I'm pleased with my own craftsmanship! Would you be able to deliver the parcel to ?" --- > "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Would you take this parcel to for me?", > "Wonderful! Don't you admire my craftsmanship? Now, could you take the parcel to ?" 765c765 < "You've secured the materials? Hold steady, I just need to make this...", --- > "You've secured the materials? Good. Wait one moment, I just need to make this...", 771,772c771,772 < "You brought the items? Hold on a moment...", < "You brought the materials? I just need to craft this then, give me a moment..." --- > "You brought the items? Great, hold on a moment...", > "You brought the materials? Let me just craft this then, give me a moment..." 777,778c777,778 < "You brought Floran the thingsss? Give Floran ssshort time to craft!", < "You brought the thingsss for Floran? Floran needsss moment to craft..." --- > "You brought Floran materials! Floran craft now, hold on...", > "Thank you for thingss! Floran just take a moment to craft..." 783,784c783,784 < "Eager. You have brought me the materials - Please give me a moment to craft this...", < "Patient. You brought me the items we need! Please give me a second whilst I craft." --- > "Eager. You have brought me the materials! Hold on one moment...", > "Pleased. You brought me the items we need! Just give me moment to craft this..." 789,790c789,790 < "Thank you for bringing me the items. Please stay calm whilst I craft this for .", < "I am eager to begin crafting. Thank you for bringing the items. Give me a moment..." --- > "Thank you for bringing me the items, I will just take a short time to craft what needs.", > "Thank you so much for bringing the items, I'm eager to begin crafting. Here, give me a moment..." 802c802 < "Here you go! Please take this parcel to for me.", --- > "Here you go! You can take this parcel to for me.", 808,809c808,809 < "Thank you for remaining patient. Here's a parcel - Please deliver it to for me.", < "And I'm finished! Thank you for waiting. Can you take this parcel to for me?" --- > "Thank you for waiting. Here, take this to .", > "I am done! Thank you for waiting. Now, please take this parcel to ..." 820,821c820,821 < "Finissshed! Please take parcel to for Floran.", < "Here is thing! Take it to pleassse." --- > "Finished! Pleasse take parcel to for Floran.", > "Here iss thing! Take it to ." 827c827 < "Satsified. Take this package to for me!" --- > "Satisfied. I have finished! Now please take this package to for me." 832,833c832,833 < "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Can you take this parcel to for me?", < "I'm pleased with my own craftsmanship! Would you be able to deliver the parcel to ?" --- > "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Would you take this parcel to for me?", > "Wonderful! Don't you admire my craftsmanship? Now, could you take the parcel to ?" 852c852,1180 < "Are you here on behalf of ? Here's the parcel, thank you for the goods." --- > "Are you here on behalf of ? Here's the parcel. Thank you for these goods." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you for delivering this. Here's 's order!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you for the sstuff. Here's 's parcel, don't lose it!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Wary. This seems like the right stuff... Ok. Let's trade. Take this parcel to ." > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm pleased that we could carry out this transaction - my thanks for the goods. Please take this parcel to ." > ] > } > } > }, > "kidnapping" : { > "kidnappersDead" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "You saved me! You're my hero!", > "Is it over? My life was flashing before my eyes!" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Don't kill me, I have so much to give... Wait, you're saving me? Thank you!", > "I'm still alive? You saved my life! Thank you!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I don't know how I keep getting into situations like that...", > "Thank you! I don't know where I would be now if you had not come along." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you, I was so scared! My heart is racing!", > "You saved me! Thank you so much!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "You saved Floran! Floran is relieved!", > "Floran could have won the fight if Floran had a ssspear, but Floran still appreciates help." > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Grateful. You saved me! My hero!", > "Relieved. Thank goodness you saved me!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "You saved me! I am forever grateful!", > "Is it.. Is it over? Oh, thank goodness! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" > ] > } > }, > "followHome" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm still frightened. Can you take me home to ?" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Um. I'm still pretty frightened. Can you take me home to ?" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I am very shaken - Please, would you take back to ?" > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I don't feel safe alone right now. Can you take me home to ?" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran doess not want to be alone. Can you take Floran home to ?" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Terrified. Um, could you take me back to ?", > "Worried. Perhaps you could escort me back to ?" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Don't leave me! Take me home to ." > ] > } > } > }, > "escort" : { > "found" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm so lost. Can you take me back to ?", > "I... Am very lost right now. Would you be able to take me to ?", > "I didn't intend to get quite this lost! Would you be able to escort me to ?" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm so lost. Can you take me back to ?", > "I am incredibly lost right now. Would you mind taking me to ?" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I have no idea where I am. Please take me back to .", > "I am so lost. Can you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I always thought I had a pretty good sense on direction... I guess not. Would you mind taking me to ?", > "How did I get so lost? Well, I'm glad you found me. Would you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran is lossst. Could you help Floran find ?", > "Floran sssomehow got lost... Please take Floran back to ?" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Flustered. I appear to be lost. Help me - take me back to ?", > "Confused. I think I might be lost. Er, can you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Oh, could you take me back to ? I'm hopelessly lost.", > "I wondered while I wandered, and so I wandered off... Please, take me back to ." > ] > } > } > }, > "barter" : { > "trade" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Thanks for the goods, here's 's ." > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Thanks for the goods, here's 's . Pass on my regards!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Are you here on behalf of ? Here is their . Thank you for these goods." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you for delivering this. Here's 's ." > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Thanksss for the ssstuff, here's 's ." > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Amicable. Thank you for the goods, here's 's ." > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm pleased that we could carry out this transaction - my thanks for the goods. Here is 's ." > ] > } > } > }, > "escort_trade" : { > "collectDelivery" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Do you have a delivery for me?" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Do you have a delivery for Floran?" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Interested. Do you have a delivery for me?" > ] > } > }, > "provideDelivery" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Here's your goods. Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Here's your goods. Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "This is yours." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Here's your goods. Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Here'sss your stuff. Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Cheerful. Here are your goods! Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Here are your goods, for you to enjoy." > ] > } > } > }, > "kill_npcs" : { > "assistantIntro" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Hi! contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Hi! contracted me to help you fight the .", > "Hey there! is a friend of mine, and wanted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello. contracted me to help you fight the .", > "Greetings. contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Hi! contracted me to help you fight the .", > "Hello! contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > " contracted Floran to help you ssstab the .", > "Floran friend of , here to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Amicable. has contracted me to aid you in your battle with the !", > "Friendly. I have been hired by to help you in your quest." > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Greetings. contracted me to assist you against the .", > "Hello there - we are to battle side-by-side, as requested I help you on your quest." > ] > } > } > }, > "kill_npc" : { > "surrender" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "I surrender! Put away your weapon!", > "Okay, okay, I surrender! Please, put your weapon away!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran sssurrenders! Put weapon away!", > "Floran admitsss defeat! Put weapon away!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Judicious. I surrender, put away your weapon.", > "Afraid. I surrender! Please, put away your weapon." > ] > } > }, > "betray" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "You fool!", > "Haha, I tricked you!", > "I've rused you!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "You fool!", > "You're a fool!" 857c1185 < "Thank you for bringing me the materials. Here is 's order!" --- > "Haha, you've been tricked!" 862c1190,1192 < "You brought the sssstuff? Here's 's parcel! Don't lossse it." --- > "Floran hasss tricked you!", > "Floran tricked you!", > "Why would you do what Floran asked?" 867c1197,1199 < "Professional. You brought the materials? Then I can make the trade. Take this parcel to , please." --- > "Mischevious. You fool!", > "Surprised. You actually fell for that?", > "Shocked. You actually fell for that?" 872c1204,1205 < "I am pleased to carry out this transaction with you. Thank you for the materials. Please take this parcel to ." --- > "It is a mistake to trust your enemy!", > "You are too quick to trust your enemy!" dialog\scientist.config 5c5 < "What is freedom, if not another form of slavery?" --- > "The Miniknog is not so easily overcome" 11,13c11,13 < "You must work for the rebels!", < "You will meet a swift end, rebels!", < "Your uprising will fall, rebels!", --- > "Rebel scum!", > "You will meet a swift end at our hands!", > "Your uprising will fall, rebel!", 15c15 < "Insurgents! Do not think you can defeat us!", --- > "Do not think you can defeat us!", 17c17 < "Perish, rebel!", --- > "Perish, vile agitator!", dialog\shroom.config 1a2,19 > "accuse" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "No thief habito shroom!", > "Thief weepa no hoom shroom!", > "Halhoom no thief smashroom!" > ] > } > }, > "alert" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Smashroom thief! Smash!", > "Thief weepa!", > "Smashroom thief!" > ] > } > }, 27c45 < "Haba hoom, sillyflap! swoop bizarra!", --- > "Haba hoom, sillyflap! Hehehe! swoop bizarra!", 36c54 < "Kissface plant! Nab halb squishfish! ", --- > "Kissface plant! Nab halb squishfish! Hahahahahaha!", 54c72 < "Nab! ", --- > "Nab! Nab!", 59c77 < "", --- > "Nabnabnabnabnabnab.", dialog\sniper.config 5c5 < "Intruder!" --- > "Outsider!" 11c11 < "I'm gonna pop you fulla holes!", --- > "I'm gonna fill you fulla holes!", 16,17c16,17 < "Get back here, scum! I want to shoot you!", < "Travellers are perfect for target practice!", --- > "Get back here! I wanna shoot you!", > "Travellers are perfect target practice!", 19,20c19,20 < "My pistol brings the pain!", < "I can't hear you screaming!", --- > "Bang bang bang!", > "You're gonna have more holes than a colander when I'm through!", 23,24d22 < "Point gun at... enemy? Instructions unclear.", < "Life just ain't the same without a gun at your side!", 30,37c28,35 < "I'll ssshoot you down!", < "You can't escape my sssights!", < "I'll fill you with holesss, outsider!", < "You aren't fassst enough to outrun my ssshots!", < "You can't hide from me!", < "I have the vantage point, outsssider!", < "I have the better aim, outsssider!", < "You can't ssssurvive in these tunnelsss! You're an outsider!" --- > "Floran shoot outsssider!", > "You can't escape!", > "Floran fill you with holesss!", > "Stranger not fast enough to outrun bulletss!", > "You can't hide from Floran! Floran hunt you down!", > "Outsssider!", > "Floran kill outsssider!", > "You won't sssurvive! Floran won't let you!" dungeons\blankTemplate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\avian\avianairship\avianairship.dungeon 4c4 < "species" : "dummy", --- > "species" : "avian", 7c7 < "anchor" : [ "avianship1" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "avianairship", "avianairshipclue1", "avianairshipclue2", "avianairshipclue3", "avianairshipclue4" ], 9,10c9,12 < "maxRadius" : 750, < "maxParts" : 20 --- > "maxRadius" : 1000000, > "maxParts" : 15, > "extendSurfaceFreeSpace" : 100, > "protected" : false 12,2324d13 < "tiles" : [ < { < "value" : [255, 0, 220, 255], < "comment" : "magic pinkppp, a no-op value" < }, < { < "value" : [0, 0, 0, 255], < "rules" : [ [ "worldGenMustContainAirBackground" ], [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ], < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ] ] < }, < { < "value" : [120, 120, 120, 255], < "rules" : [ [ "worldGenMustContainAirForeground" ], [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ] < }, < { < "value" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "rules" : [ [ "worldGenMustContainSolidBackground" ], [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ], < "brush" : [ [ "surface" ] ] < }, < { < "value" : [0, 38, 255, 255], < "comment" : "bright blue, entrance coupler", < "connector" : true < }, < < { < "value" : [0, 255, 186, 255], < "comment" : "bright aqua, alternate coupler", < "connector" : true < }, < < { < "value" : [168, 255, 0, 255], < "comment" : "bright green, alternate coupler #2", < "connector" : true < }, < < { < "value" : [255, 168, 0, 255], < "comment" : "bright orange, alternate coupler #3", < "connector" : true < }, < < { < "value" : [32, 32, 32, 255], < "comment" : "Empty hole", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [48, 48, 48, 255], < "comment" : "Empty hole overwritable", < "rules" : [ [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ], < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 128, 128, 255], < "comment" : "Biome tile brush", < "rules" : [ [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ], < "brush" : [ [ "surface" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [100, 100, 100, 255], < "comment" : "Biome tile brush non-overwritable", < "brush" : [ [ "surface" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [200, 200, 200, 255], < "comment" : "Biome tile background brush", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "surfacebackground" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [54, 63, 105, 255], < "comment" : "water pool foreground", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "liquid", "water" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [150, 255, 0, 255], < "comment" : "poison pool foreground", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "liquid", "poison" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [255, 96, 0, 255], < "comment" : "lava pool foreground", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "liquid", "lava" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [255, 232, 178, 255], < "comment" : "background main biome block", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "surfacebackground", { "variant" : 0 } ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [255, 222, 178, 255], < "comment" : "overwritable background main biome block", < "rules" : [ [ "allowOverdrawing" ] ], < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "surfacebackground", { "variant" : 0 } ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [204, 186, 143, 255], < 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"hylotlroofgarden1clue.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "hylotlroofgarden2", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ], > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "hylotlroofgarden1" ] ] > //[ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "hylotlroofgarden2.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "hylotlroofgraveyard1", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > //[ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "hylotlroofgraveyard1.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "hylotlroofdojo1", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [3] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > //[ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "hylotlroofdojo1.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "hylotltoproof1", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [3] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > //[ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "hylotltoproof1.json" ], > "chance" : 0 > }, > { > "name" : 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dungeons\hylotl\hylotloceancity\vertical1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotloceancity\verticalTemplate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagegarden1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagegarden2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehouse2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehouse3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehousegong.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehouselib.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehousesmall1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehousesmall2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\hylotlvillagehousesmall3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\HylotlVillageTemplate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlvillage\oceanislandsmicrodungeons.dungeon 4c4 < "species" : "generic", --- > "species" : "hylotl", dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\alienterrain18.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchcrater1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchlab1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchlab2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchlab3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchlab4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchlab5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\researchpodium1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseflat1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseflat2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseleft1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseleft2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseleft3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseleft4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseleft5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseright1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseright2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseright3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseright4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\alpacahouseright5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\storagehut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\storagehut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alpine\tunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bioluminescence\cavern1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bioluminescence\cavern3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bioluminescence\glowbridge2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bioluminescence\spire1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bioluminescence\spire2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\bonefort.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\bonegrinder.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\bonehangers.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\bonehousewithhiddentunnel.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\bonestorage.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\chestroom.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\largefort.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\slaver.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\bones\tallstorage.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\hill3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\largetunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\largetunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\largetunnel3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\mound2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\rockpond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\colourful\rockpond2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkcaveleft1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkcaveleft2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkcavewithchain1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkchaincave.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkchains1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkchains3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkchains4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkcrater1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkdoubletunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darknothing1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darknothing2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkobservatory1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkobservatory2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkobservatory3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkplatform1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkplatform2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkruins1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkruins2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkruins5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darktowerpots1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\dark\darkundergroundchamber1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\arch1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\arch2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\arch3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\arch4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\column1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\deserthouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertpillar2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertpyramid1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertwell1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertwell2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertwell3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\oldhouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\oldhouse2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\oldhouse3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\eyearch1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\eyeterrain8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\eyeterrain9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\guardtower1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\guardtower2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\guardtower3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\eyepatch\researchlab1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\flesh\fleshterrain6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\flesh\fleshterrain9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\flesh\mouthcave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\flesh\mouthcave3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\clearing2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\clearing3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\clearing4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\forestmicrodungeons.dungeon 8c8 < "anchor" : [ "clearing2", "clearing3", "clearing4", "forestwell1", "forestwell1", "forestwell2", "hut1", "hut2", "hut3", "lake1", "lake2", "lake3", "largepond1", "largepond2", "medpond1", "medpond2", "medpond3", "playerforest1", "playerforest2", "playerforest3", "playerforest4", "pondcamp", "ruinlarge1", "ruinmedium1", "ruinmedium2", "ruinssmall1", "ruinssmall3", "ruinssmall4", "ruinssmall5", "ruinssmall6", "smallpond1", "smallpond2", "smallpond3" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "clearing2", "clearing3", "clearing4", "cottage1", "forestwell1", "forestwell1", "forestwell2", "hut1", "hut2", "hut3", "lake1", "lake2", "lake3", "largepond1", "largepond2", "medpond1", "medpond2", "medpond3", "playerforest1", "playerforest2", "playerforest3", "playerforest4", "pondcamp", "ruinlarge1", "ruinmedium1", "ruinmedium2", "ruinssmall1", "ruinssmall3", "ruinssmall4", "ruinssmall5", "ruinssmall6", "smallpond1", "smallpond2", "smallpond3" ], 36a37,43 > }, > { > "name" : "cottage1", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "cottage1.json" ] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\forestwell1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\forestwell2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\hut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\hut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\hut3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\lake1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\lake2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\largepond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\largepond2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\medpond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\medpond2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\medpond3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\playerforest1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\playerforest2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\playerforest3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\playerforest4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\pondcamp.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinlarge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinmedium1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinmedium2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinssmall1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinssmall3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinssmall5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\ruinssmall6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\forest\smallpond2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\archway.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\archway1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\archway2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\gardenbridge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\gardenbridge2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\gardenhouseruin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\gardenmicrodungeons.dungeon 7c7 < "anchor" : [ "archway", "archway1", "cottage1", "gardenbridge1", "gardenbridge2", "gardenhouseruin1", "grave1", "grave2", "graveyard", "graveyardflowers", "littlecave1", "mediumburriedruin", "mediumgardenflowers", "mediumgardenruin1", "mediumgardenruincamp", "mediumgardenruinplain", "mediumgardenruintall", "mediumruin", "smallcamp", "smallgardenflowers", "smallpile", "smallstonehouse", "smalltower", "smalltower2", "tunnelsmall1", "wall1", "wall2", "wall3", "well1", "well2", "well3" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "archway", "archway1", "gardenbridge1", "gardenbridge2", "gardenhouseruin1", "grave1", "grave2", "graveyard", "graveyardflowers", "littlecave1", "mediumburriedruin", "mediumgardenflowers", "mediumgardenruin1", "mediumgardenruincamp", "mediumgardenruinplain", "mediumgardenruintall", "mediumruin", "smallcamp", "smallgardenflowers", "smallpile", "smallstonehouse", "smalltower", "smalltower2", "tunnelsmall1", "wall1", "wall2", "wall3", "well1", "well2", "well3" ], 29,35d28 < }, < { < "name" : "cottage1", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "cottage1.json" ] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\grave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\grave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\graveyard.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\graveyardflowers.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\littlecave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumburriedruin.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumgardenruin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumgardenruincamp.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumgardenruinplain.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumgardenruintall.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\mediumruin.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\smallcamp.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\smallpile.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\smallstonehouse.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\smalltower.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\smalltower2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\tunnelsmall1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\wall1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\wall2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\wall3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\well1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\well3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\bridge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\burrow2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\giantflowersmicrodungeons.dungeon 9,10c9 < //"test" < "bridge1", "burrow1", "burrow2", "burrow3", "pond1", "pond2", "rockformation1", "rockformation2", "rockformation3", "rockformation4", "rockformation5", "slope1", "slope2", "tower1" --- > "bridge1", "burrow1", "burrow2", "burrow3", "pond1", "pond2", "rockformation1", "rockformation2", "rockformation3", "rockformation4", "rockformation5", "slope1", "slope2", "tower1" 20,27d18 < { < "name" : "test", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "test.json" ] < }, < dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\pond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\rockformation1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\rockformation2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\rockformation3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\rockformation4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\rockformation5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\slope1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\slope2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\giantflowers\tower1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivecliffleft1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivecliffleft2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivecliffright1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivecliffright2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivecliffright3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivepit1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivepit2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivepit4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hiverolypoly.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivetunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivetunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\hive\hivetunnel3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffhouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffhouse2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave11.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave12.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave13.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\mound1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\pond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\tunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\watchtower1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbridge3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbridge4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbuilding1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbuilding2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbuilding3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbuilding4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisbuilding5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasiscabin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasiscabin2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisparadise1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasisparadise3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasispit2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\oasis\oasispit3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\anchorpit1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceancrater2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind15.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceankind9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\ocean\oceanship.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismcavewithchest1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismcrystalsabovepool1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismhillterrain1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismhillterrain3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismhillterrain4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismshallowpoolwithcritter1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismshallowpoolwithcritterandchest1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismsmalloverhang1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismsteps1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismtemple1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismtemple2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismtemple3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\prism\prismwidetunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\arena.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\bunkerhut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\bunkerhut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\campsite1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\campsite2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\crateplatform.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\damagedhut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\doubledeckerhut.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhutfullofpots.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\houseontunnel.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\huntinghut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\huntinghut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\huntinghut3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\largetallhut.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\marketstall.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\overhang1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\smalltunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\smalltunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\tallhutwithlargebunker.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\talltreasurehut.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\tinybridge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\tunnelmound1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\twotallhuts.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\walltunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\walltunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\warriorrelaxing.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroombridge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroombridge2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroombridge3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse11.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse12.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse13.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse14.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse15.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\shroom\shroomhouse9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\frozenlake1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\frozenlake2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\frozenwell1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\secretsnowcave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\secretsnowcave3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowarch1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowbeacon1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowbunker1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowcabin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowcabin2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowhut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowhut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowhut3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowhut4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowtunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowtunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowtunnel3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\snow\snowtunnel4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\crittergroup3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\hugepool1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\hugepool2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\hugepool3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\largepool4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\largepool5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\largepool6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\largepool7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\medpool10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\medpool6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\medpool7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\medpool9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\smallpool1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\smallpool5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\spring\smallpool9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringbirdplace.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringcliffleft2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringcliffright1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringcliffright2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringhousepipe1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringlargebuilding.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringoverpool.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringpile.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\steamspring\steamspringwelllit.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\hut9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\swamp\terrain4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarbackcabin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarbuilding1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcamp1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarruin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\industrial1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\industrial4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\industrial5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\industrial6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\toxicterrain2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\toxicterrain4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\toxicterrain5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxic\toxicterrain8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean11.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean12.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean13.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean14.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean15.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\toxicoceanfloor\toxicocean9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\cliffstation.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\cliffstation1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\hollowgathering.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icebunker1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icebunker2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icecave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icecaveruin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icecaveruin2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icecavethrone.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icegraveyard.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\icehouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\landingpad.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\landingpadtall.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\meetingroombunker1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\nativehouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\poofingathering.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstation1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstation2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstation3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstation4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstation5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstationbunker1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstationbunkerruins.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstationruins.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstationscouttower.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\researchstationscouttreasure.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\template2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\tundramicrodungeons.dungeon 8c8 < "anchor" : [ "cliffstation", "cliffstation1", "landingpadtall", "abandonedshippingcontainer", "icehouse1", "icepath1", "landingpad", "icegraveyard", "hiddenstash1", "hiddenstash2", "icebunker1", "icebunker2", "researchstationscouttreasure", "researchstationscouttower", "researchstationbunkerruins", "poofingathering", "researchstationruins", "hollowgathering", "snoregathering", "icecave1", "icecaveruin1", "icecaveruin2", "icecavethrone", "researchstation3", "researchstation2", "researchstation4", "researchstation5", "researchstation1", "researchstationbunker1", "meetingroombunker1", "nativehouse1" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "cliffstation", "cliffstation1", "landingpadtall", "abandonedshippingcontainer", "icehouse1", "landingpad", "icegraveyard", "hiddenstash1", "hiddenstash2", "icebunker1", "icebunker2", "researchstationscouttreasure", "researchstationscouttower", "researchstationbunkerruins", "poofingathering", "researchstationruins", "hollowgathering", "snoregathering", "icecave1", "icecaveruin1", "icecaveruin2", "icecavethrone", "researchstation3", "researchstation2", "researchstation4", "researchstation5", "researchstation1", "researchstationbunker1", "meetingroombunker1", "nativehouse1" ], 205,212c205 < }, < { < "name" : "icepath1", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "icepath1.json" ] < }, --- > }, dungeons\microdungeons\common\blank\blank.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\block1platforms\block1platforms.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair 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facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\loops\loops.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair 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"tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\rockyshapes\rockyshapes.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\rods\rods.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\spikes\spikes.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > 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"clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\common\wiggles\wiggles.dungeon 340,341c340,341 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 346,347c346,347 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\platforming\aridplatforming\aridplatforming.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\platforming\desertplatforming\desertplatforming.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\platforming\greenplatforming\greenplatforming.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\platforming\iceplatforming\iceplatforming.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < 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"tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\glacier\glacier.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\ice\ice.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\igloo\igloo.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\oasis\oasis.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\sandstone\sandstone.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\tar\tar.dungeon 347,348c347,348 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 353,354c353,354 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\subbiomes\toxicplains\toxicplains.dungeon 364,365c364,365 < "comment" : "steelchair facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] 370,371c370,371 < "comment" : "steelchair facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "steelchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "tungstenchair facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tungstenchair", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\terrainfeatures\terrainfeatures.dungeon 157,481d156 < }, < < { < "value" : [185, 179, 21, 255], < "comment" : "background crosshatch", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "crosshatch" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [237, 230, 26, 255], < "comment" : "foreground crosshatch", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "crosshatch" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [63, 185, 21, 255], < "comment" : "background fullwood1", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "fullwood1" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [117, 185, 21, 255], < "comment" : "foreground fullwood1", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "fullwood1" ], [ "front", "fullwood1" ] ] < }, < < { < "value" : [186, 20, 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size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\shortcircuit.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\spacejump.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\trenches.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\naturalcave\naturalcave.dungeon 7c7 < "anchor" : [ "entrance1", "entrance2a", "entrance2b", "entrance2c", "entrance3", "entrance5", "entrance6" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "entrance1", "entrance2b", "entrance2c", "entrance3", "entrance5", "entrance6" ], 10c10,11 < "maxParts" : 15 --- > "maxParts" : 15, > "extendSurfaceFreeSpace" : 100 107c108 < "value" : [178, 232, 255, 255], --- > "value" : [222, 255, 178, 255], 113c114 < "value" : [178, 222, 255, 255], --- > "value" : [222, 245, 178, 255], 120c121 < "value" : [143, 186, 204, 255], --- > "value" : [177, 204, 143, 255], 126c127 < "value" : [143, 176, 204, 255], --- > "value" : [177, 194, 143, 255], 133c134 < "value" : [222, 255, 178, 255], --- > "value" : [178, 232, 255, 255], 139c140 < "value" : [222, 245, 178, 255], --- > "value" : [178, 222, 255, 255], 146c147 < "value" : [177, 204, 143, 255], --- > "value" : [143, 186, 204, 255], 152c153 < "value" : [177, 194, 143, 255], --- > "value" : [143, 176, 204, 255], 189c190 < --- > 238c239 < --- > 251a253,264 > "value" : [186, 170, 124, 255], > "comment" : "foreground plantmatter", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "plantmatter" ], [ "front", "plantmatter" ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [133, 115, 79, 255], > "comment" : "background plantmatter", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "plantmatter" ] ] > }, > > { 308c321 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "woodencrate2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasureLarge" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "woodencrate2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasure" ] } } ] ] 314c327 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", 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size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazestone\junction1d.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazestone\junction2d.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\chamberendtop.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner1a.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner1e.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner2c.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner3a.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner3e.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\corner4c.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\drop1a.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\drop1b.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\endleft1cChest.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\endright1cChest.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\hall1i.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\hall2i.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\junction1d.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\undergroundmaze\mazetech\junction2d.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] effects\electricplasma.effectsource 5c5,6 < "duration" : 0.05, --- > "duration" : 0.06, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, 14c15 < [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ] --- > [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh2" 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: "jump.2", > "fall.4" : "jump.2" humanoid\nuru\femalebody.frames 10c10 < [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3", "jump.4", "fall.1", "fall.2", "fall.3", "fall.4" ], --- > [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3" ], 20c20,25 < "lay.1" : "run.8" --- > "lay.1" : "run.8", > "jump.4" : "jump.3", > "fall.1" : "jump.2", > "fall.2" : "jump.2", > "fall.3" : "jump.2", > "fall.4" : "jump.2" humanoid\nuru\frontarm.frames 11c11 < [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3", "jump.4", "fall.1", "fall.2", "fall.3", "fall.4" ], --- > [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3" ], 21c21,26 < "lay.1" : "idle.1" --- > "lay.1" : "idle.1", > "jump.4" : "jump.3", > "fall.1" : "jump.2", > "fall.2" : "jump.2", > "fall.3" : "jump.2", > "fall.4" : "jump.2" humanoid\nuru\malebody.frames 10c10 < [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3", "jump.4", "fall.1", "fall.2", "fall.3", "fall.4" ], --- > [ null, "jump.1", "jump.2", "jump.3" ], 20c20,25 < "lay.1" : "run.8" --- > "lay.1" : "run.8", > "jump.4" : "jump.3", > "fall.1" : "jump.2", > 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: "Drag & Drop", < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "position" : [40, 151] < }, 40c42 < "value" : "%slots% SLOTS", --- > "value" : " SLOTS", 42c44 < "position" : [120, 222] --- > "position" : [120, 234] 47c49,56 < "position" : [0, 38] --- > "position" : [0, 50] > }, > "close" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/inventory/x.png", > "hover" : "/interface/inventory/xhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/inventory/xpress.png", > "position" : [143, 251] interface\chests\chest9.config 11c11 < "position" : [39, 79], --- > "position" : [40, 81], 16a17,24 > "clear" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/button.png", > "hover" : "/interface/buttonhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/buttonhover.png", > "caption" : "Take all", > "position" : [92, 26] > }, 19c27 < "position" : [91, 42], --- > "position" : [91, 52], 24,29d31 < "dragDrop" : { < "type" : "label", < "value" : "Drag & Drop", < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "position" : [40, 37] < }, 34c36 < "position" : [120, 109] --- > "position" : [120, 119] 39a42,48 > }, > "close" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/inventory/x.png", > "hover" : "/interface/inventory/xhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/inventory/xpress.png", > "position" : [143, 135] interface\cockpit\cockpit.config 14,17c14,23 < "focusIndicatorLeft" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedWest.png", < "focusIndicatorTop" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedNorth.png", < "focusIndicatorRight" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedEast.png", < "focusIndicatorBottom" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSouth.png", --- > "hoverIndicatorLeft" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedWest.png", > "hoverIndicatorTop" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedNorth.png", > "hoverIndicatorRight" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedEast.png", > "hoverIndicatorBottom" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSouth.png", > "hoverIndicatorScale" : 0.5, > > "focusIndicatorTL" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_TopLeft.png", > "focusIndicatorTR" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_TopRight.png", > "focusIndicatorBL" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_BottomLeft.png", > "focusIndicatorBR" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_BottomRight.png", 19,25c25 < "focusIndicatorScale" : 0.5, < < "hoverIndicatorTL" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_TopLeft.png", < "hoverIndicatorTR" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_TopRight.png", < "hoverIndicatorBL" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_BottomLeft.png", < "hoverIndicatorBR" : "/interface/cockpit/selectedSmall_BottomRight.png", < "hoverIndicatorScale" : 1.0, --- > "focusIndicatorScale" : 1.0, 41c41 < "constellationLineWidth" : 1.0, --- > "constellationLineWidth" : 2.0, 56c56 < "orangestar" : "Eccentric Star", --- > "orangestar" : "Temperate Star", 77c77 < "parallax" : 3.7 --- > "parallax" : 8 82c82 < "parallax" : 1.2 --- > "parallax" : 2.5 118c118 < "planetMetadataContainerFile" : "/interface/cockpit/blue.png", --- > "planetMetadataContainerFile" : "/interface/cockpit/planetinfoframe.png", 122c122 < "satelliteNameEmptyText" : "(no planet selected)", --- > "satelliteNameEmptyText" : "< no planet selected >", 129,130c129,130 < "pos" : [208, 120], < "text" : "Threat:", --- > "pos" : [359, 70], > "text" : "Threat", 135c135 < "pos" : [212, 111], --- > "pos" : [359, 59], 140c140 < --- > 149,151c149,151 < [ 213, 100, 0], //TL 8 < [ 213, 0, 0 ], //TL 9 < [ 138, 0, 0 ] //TL 10 --- > [ 128, 128, 128], //TL 8 > [ 128, 128, 128], //TL 9 > [ 160, 160, 160] //TL 10 155,156c155 < "Harmless", < "Mostly Harmless", --- > "Low", 161,162d159 < "Insane", < "Incalculable", 164c161,165 < "Unreal" --- > "Unreal", > "***", > "***", > "Unknown" > 168,169c169,170 < "pos" : [208, 98], < "text" : "Surface Analysis:", --- > "pos" : [264, 119], > "text" : "Landing Site Analysis", 176c177,180 < "garden" : "A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;planet teeming with life.", --- > "garden" : [ "^#76fe68;Lush ^white;foothills mark this landing location. Both flora and fauna are abundant here. A beam site of immeasurable safety.", > "The beam site is located in a tranquil area of great bio-diversity. There are resources here that you could use. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and pleasant land.", > "Readings indicate the landing site is not unfavourable - the area is safe, and lavish with both flora and fauna. A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;and hospitable place." > ], 178,179c182,191 < "forest" : "Dense ^#15ce02;forest ^white;plant life produces plenty of oxygen.", < "desert" : "The majority of the planet's surface is covered in ^#e6c801;desert ^white;with little plant life.", --- > "forest" : [ "Densely colonized by trees and other flora, this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;landing site is a hospitable location that supports a diversity of life - potentially including your own.", > "Leafy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life, my database indicates that you may encounter woodland creatures.", > "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;forest^white;. Readings indicate that this wooded area is relatively tranquil." > > ], > "desert" : [ "There is limited flora here, but the location does support life. There is also an abundance of sand. Simply put, it is a ^#e6c801;desert^white;.", > "A ^#e6c801;desert^white; area populated by cacti, as well as various animal life. A relatively safe landing site, so long as you avoid the sandstorms.", > "Sand. Readings indicate sand. Also some cacti... but predominantly sand. Given the available information I speculate that the landing site is situated in a ^#e6c801;desert^white;." > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ], 181,183c193,207 < "snow" : "The majority of the planet is covered in ^#69f1fd;snow, ^white;with little plant life.", < "savannah" : "An ^#ffe21d;arid ^white;landscape prone to dust storms.", < "ocean" : "The planet's surface is covered in ^#008aff;ocean.", --- > "snow" : ["This chilly landing site is laden with ^#69f1fd;snow^white;. Sundry trees grow here and various animals also thrive in the cold conditions. An excellent place to make snowballs.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "The landing location is cold, but not perilously so. ^#69f1fd;Snow^white; covers the area and blizzards are a possibility. A hat and gloves may be advisable.", > "This location is relatively chill, and ^#69f1fd;snow^white; lies thickly on the ground. My sensors indicate that there are critters scampering through the soft blanket of white." > ], > "savannah" : ["The landing site is situated in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;that is hot and prone to dust storms. It is neither especially pleasant, nor especially dangerous.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland ^white;is sparsely populated by trees. It is not excessively inhospitable - readings indicate that there is a hare bouncing around.", > "The landing location is located in an area of ^#ffe21d;dry grassland^white;. Trees and shrubs grow sparsely in the heat. A dusty place of wide, flat vistas." > ], > "ocean" : ["A planet of deep ^#008aff;oceans^white; and small islands. My readings indicate that aquatic life is abundant and that the islets of the surface are extremely picturesque.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "An ^#008aff;ocean^white; covered planet spotted with islands and teeming with life. My readings indicate that there is a great deal of activity in the depths of the waters.", > "Floating desert islands pepper the surface of this ^#008aff;ocean^white; planet. An environment of tropical ambiance and aesthetic." > ], 185,195c209,257 < "toxic" : " Planet is covered in ^#06ff00;poisonous oceans. ^red;High levels of radiation. Non breathable atmosphere.", < "jungle" : "Warm and wet climate sustains ^#12a003;tropical ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation.", < "alien" : "Planet is covered in ^#7800ff;alien ^white;plant life.^red; Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;High levels of radiation.", < // aegisalt, rubium, violium tier 5 < "arctic" : "Planet is covered in ^#00ffe4;frigid oceans. ^red;Temp is dangerously low.", < "tundra" : "A ^#61ffe3;frozen ^white;world of ice and snow. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", < // (a) impervium, ferozium, cerulium tier 6 < "volcanic" : "Unforgiving ^#e11212;volcanic ^white;terrain. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "midnight" : "Forever ^#e11212;midnight ^white;with no trace of sunlight. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", < "scorched" : "A ^#b24301;dead planet ^white;cooked by its sun. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "magma" : "Planet surface is covered in ^#ff1818;magma. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", --- > "toxic" : ["This planet is ^#06ff00;toxic^white; - the air is putrefied and the oceans are poisonous. ^red;Radiation exceeds safe levels^white; by a factor of thousands.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This ^red;highly radioactive^white; planet is a poisonous wilderness inhabited by irradiated lifeforms. It's luminescent surface is ^#06ff00;toxic^white;. An uninviting destination.", > "This is a ^#06ff00;toxic^white; planet replete with ^red;radiation^white;. The noxious oceans are lethally poisonous... May I remind you that other destinations are available." > ], > "jungle" : ["The landing site is in a dense ^#12a003;jungle^white;. A menagerie of astounding creatures live amongst the lush flora. It is a shame about the ^red;lethally high levels of radiation^white;.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "A ^#12a003;jungle^white; landing site densely inhabited by flora and fauna of many kinds. The area is rich with resources but ^red;phenomenally high in radiation^white;.", > "^red;High levels of radiation^white; render this ^#12a003;jungle^white; location an extremely hostile environment and local fauna is similarly unwelcoming." > ], > "alien" : ["This is a somewhat risky landing site - ^red;radiation levels are extremely high^white;. However, the ^#7800ff;mutated^white; terrain could be described as darkly whimsical.", > "A landing site characterised by odd flora, aggressive fauna and ^red;sickeningly high levels of radiation^white;. The area's inhabitants are severely ^#7800ff;mutated^white;.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "The beam location is situated in a ^#7800ff;mutated^white; landscape. The ^red;high levels of radiation^white; create a noxious environment. I advise you to avoid swimming." > ], > // aegisalt, ferozium, violium tier 5 > "arctic" : ["^red;Temperatures at the landing site are dangerously low.^white; You will be beaming onto a small island surrounded by ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. I strongly advise you to wear a scarf.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "The beam site is ^red;intensely cold^white;: a tiny island in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;. There is a 0.025% chance you will mis-beam into the water, quickly succumbing to the awful chill.", > "A site of ^red;dangerously low temperatures^white;. There are few animals here, and no plant-life at all - just forsaken islands in a ^#00ffe4;frigid ocean^white;." > ], > "tundra" : ["A ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; place, formed of ice - the permafrost runs deep here. Snow storms are common, and ^red;temperatures are dangerously low^white;.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This ^red;dangerously cold.^white; landing site is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white; solid. High likelihood of accidental self-cryopreservation. Protect yourself from the cold.", > "^red;Temperatures at the beam site are dangerously low^white;. The area is ^#61ffe3;frozen^white;, and inhabited only by flora and fauna that are extremely resistant to the cold. " > > ], > // (a) solarium tier 6 > "volcanic" : ["The ^#e11212;volcanic^white; landing site is ^red;catastrophically hot^white;. If you wish, I can calculate your likelihood of immediately bursting into flame upon beam down...", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "^#e11212;Volcanic^white; activity blights this planet and the beam site is in an area of particular virulence. The ^red;temperature is far beyond normally survivable levels^white;.", > "The beam site is situated in ^#e11212;volcanic^white; terrain and is ^red;exquisitely hot^white;. Your interest in this place certainly displays your dauntless tenacity." > ], > "midnight" : ["This is a ^#e11212;dark^white; world where the sun never rises. The surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;. You should prepare yourself both mentally and physically before landing here.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This ^#e11212;dark^white; world is ^red;perilously cold^white;. Strange shadowy figures dwell here, hidden in the unremitting night.", > "Scans show that the surface is ^#e11212;dark^white;. In fact, scans show little else on account of all the darkness. However, I surmise that the surface is ^red;dangerously cold^white;." > > ], > "scorchedcity" : ["The landing location is a ^#b24301;scorched^white; wasteland. The atmospheric ^red;temperature is dangerously high^white;. It is impressively brave of you to consider this destination.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "The beam site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; and desolate. Little is capable of surviving here as the ^red;temperature is fatally high^white;. People live in the area, but I cannot fathom why.", > "The landing site is ^#b24301;scorched^white; by the ^red;intense heat of the planet's surface^white;. Only a few hardy individuals remain, possibly out of pure habit." > ], > "magma" : ["This ^red;dangerously hot^white; planet is chiefly composed of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. Remember, your resilient spirit is admirable, but it is not flame retardant.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "The planet surface is ^red;dangerously hot^white;. Few creatures eek out an existence amongst the planet's vast oceans of ^#ff1818;magma^white;.", > "The beam site is a tiny island isolated in a sea of ^#ff1818;magma^white;. That you would consider visiting this ^red;searingly hot^white; planet speaks volumes of your fortitude." > ], 197,200c259,275 < "moon" : "A rocky, ^#949493;airless^white; world. A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "asteroids" : "A field of uninhabited ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "ancientgateway" : "A strange ^#571cff;gate ^white;of incalculably ancient origin.", < "barren" : "A ^#999966;barren and lifeless^white; world suitable for large scale construction." --- > "moon" : ["A lonely ^#949493;moon^white; with ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;; the sky is open to the stars, there is fuel below the ground. Likelihood of feeling lonesome and desolate: 92%.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This ^#949493;moon^white; supports no life and has ^red;no atmosphere^white;. However, fuel is abundant here - scans indicate that there is a wealth of it buried below the surface. ", > "This vacant ^#949493;moon^white; has ^red;no breathable atmosphere^white;, but there are caverns below ground that contain vast fuel deposits. In summation: useful, but not enticing." > ], > "asteroids" : ["A bare cluster of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere^white; or life here. Just endless nothingness, with plenty of space for construction.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "A lifeless band of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; ^red;without atmosphere^white;: drifting through space, anchored to a distant star... A nice place to build a house.", > "A clutch of ^#d7711e;asteroids^white; drifting along an elliptical orbit. Readings indicate ^red;there is no atmosphere here^white;. Or anything else for that matter..." > ], > "barren" : ["This location is ^#999966;barren^white; and lifeless. Readings show there is nothing here. An empty, empty place.", > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > "This planet is ^#999966;barren^white;, supporting no life of any kind. There is nothing here at all...", > "Readings indicate that the landing site is of unusual hue. Also, that it is a ^#999966;barren^white; location and would be suitable for construction." > ], > > "ancientgateway" : ["An ^#571cff;Ancient Gateway^white; of unknown provinence; an edifice of great power and mystery."] 203,215c278,281 < "dayLengthText" : { < "label" : { < "pos" : [208, 38], < "text" : "Day Length:", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [110, 130, 163] < }, < "value" : { < "pos" : [264, 38], < "text" : "m", < "size" : 8, < "color" : [ 175, 180, 204 ] < } --- > "worldTypeToDescription" : { > "gasgiant" : ["A giant ball of gases intermingling with one another. There is simply nothing here to land on.", > "A gas giant. There is no solid substance to this planet, just a collection of swirling gases.", > "Can't land. The crushing pressure and tearing winds of this gas giant would kill you instantly."] 218c284 < "sizeText" : { --- > "dayLengthText" : { 220,221c286,287 < "pos" : [208, 28], < "text" : "Size:", --- > "pos" : [359, 47], > "text" : "Day Cycle", 223c289 < "color" : [110, 130, 163] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 226,227c292,293 < "pos" : [264, 28], < "text" : "", --- > "pos" : [359, 35], > "text" : " Sols", 233c299 < "gravityText" : { --- > "sizeText" : { 235,236c301,302 < "pos" : [208, 18], < "text" : "Gravity:", --- > "pos" : [359, 24.5], > "text" : "Planet Size", 238c304 < "color" : [110, 130, 163] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 241,242c307,308 < "pos" : [264, 18], < "text" : "x", --- > "pos" : [359, 13], > "text" : " Sectors", 247d312 < "baseGravityLevel" : 75, 249,251c314,316 < "hazardText" : { < "pos" : [342, 74], < "text" : "Hazards:", --- > "oreText" : { > "pos" : [264, 36], > "text" : "Geological Analysis", 253c318 < "color" : [ 217, 254, 255 ] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 255,258c320,381 < "hazardIconsCenter" : [360, 58], < "hazardIconsSpacing" : [20, 0], < "disabledHazards" : [ < "beamaxe" --- > > "displayOres" : [ > { > "oreName" : "copper", > "displayName" : "Copper", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/copperore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "silver", > "displayName" : "Silver", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/silverore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "gold", > "displayName" : "Gold", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/goldore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "iron", > "displayName" : "Iron", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/ironore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "tungsten", > "displayName" : "Tungsten", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/tungstenore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "titanium", > "displayName" : "Titanium", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/titaniumore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "durasteel", > "displayName" : "Durasteel", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/durasteelore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "ferozium", > "displayName" : "Ferozium", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/feroziumore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "aegisalt", > "displayName" : "Aegisalt", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/aegisaltore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "violium", > "displayName" : "Violium", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/violiumore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "solarium", > "displayName" : "Solarium", > "icon" : "/items/generic/crafting/solariumore.png" > }, > { > "oreName" : "erchius", > "displayName" : "Crystal Erchius Fuel", > "icon" : "/items/generic/other/solidfuel.png" > } 260,263d382 < "defaultHazardImage" : "/interface/cockpit/hazards/caution.png", < "hazardToImage" : { < "breathProtection" : "/interface/cockpit/hazards/nooxygen.png" < }, 266c385 < "pos" : [343, 120], --- > "pos" : [359, 119], 269c388,479 < "color" : [ 217, 254, 255 ] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] > }, > > "displayWeathers" : { > "rain" : { > "displayName" : "Rain", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/rain.png" > }, > "drizzle" : { > "displayName" : "Drizzle", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/drizzle.png" > }, > "storm" : { > "displayName" : "Storms", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/thunder.png" > }, > "ember" : { > "displayName" : "Cinder Showers", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/ember.png" > }, > "snow" : { > "displayName" : "Snow", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/snow.png" > }, > "fog" : { > "displayName" : "Fog", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/fog.png" > }, > "ash" : { > "displayName" : "Ashfall", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/ash.png" > }, > "lightash" : { > "displayName" : "Light Ashfall", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/lightash.png" > }, > "meteorshower" : { > "displayName" : "Small Meteorites", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/smallmeteorstorm.png" > }, > "largemeteor" : { > "displayName" : "Large Meteorites", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/meteorstorm.png" > }, > "glowingrain" : { > "displayName" : "Luminous Rain", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/glowingrain.png" > }, > "crystalrain" : { > "displayName" : "Crystal Rain", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/glowingrain.png" > }, > "hailstones" : { > "displayName" : "Hail", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/hail.png" > }, > "groundmist" : { > "displayName" : "Mist", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/groundmist.png" > }, > "windstorm" : { > "displayName" : "Windstorms", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/windstorm.png" > }, > "spacejunk" : { > "displayName" : "Orbital Debris", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/spacejunk.png" > }, > "spacedustshower" : { > "displayName" : "Stardust", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/spacedust.png" > }, > "snowstorm" : { > "displayName" : "Blizzards", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/blizzard.png" > }, > "sandstorm" : { > "displayName" : "Sandstorms", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/sandstorm.png" > }, > "duststorm" : { > "displayName" : "Dust Storms", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/duststorm.png" > }, > "icestorm" : { > "displayName" : "Ice Storms", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/blizzard.png" > }, > "acidrain" : { > "displayName" : "Acid Rain", > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/acidrain.png" > } 299,304d508 < "zoomSliderPosition" : [ < [44, 218], //starmap < [44, 228], //system < [44, 238] //planet < ], < 370c574 < "rect" : [40, 100, 434, 254], --- > "rect" : [1, 79, 395, 233], 375,376c579,580 < "position" : [252, 197], < "wrapWidth" : 110, --- > "position" : [205, 193], > "wrapWidth" : 120, 385c589 < "rect" : [ 370, 176, 426, 216 ], --- > "rect" : [ 330, 158, 387, 196 ], 389c593 < "hazardIconLayout" : { --- > "oreIconLayout" : { 392,393c596,597 < "rect" : [ 372, 110, 432, 170 ], < "spacing" : [ 4, 4 ], --- > "rect" : [ 201, 100, 380, 113 ], > "spacing" : [2, 0], 396,401d599 < "sectorBackground" : { < "zlevel" : 2, < "type" : "image", < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/sector_background.png", < "position" : [40, 240] < }, 407,414c605 < "position" : [240, 177] < }, < "sectorLabel" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "fontSize" : 8, < "type" : "label", < "position" : [63, 241], < "hAnchor" : "left" --- > "position" : [205, 155] 422c613 < "position" : [36, 64], --- > "position" : [-3, 42], 436c627 < "position" : [36, 47], --- > "position" : [75, 42], 442c633 < "textOffset" : [12, 0] --- > "textOffset" : [5, 0] 450c641,655 < "position" : [266, 47], --- > "position" : [227, 25], > "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], > "caption" : "SHOW SHIP LOCATION", > "fontColor" : [23, 178, 0], > "fontColorDisabled" : [35, 110, 14], > "textAlign" : "left", > "textOffset" : [12, 0] > }, > "goToQuest" : { > "zlevel" : 3, > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/cockpit/myshipup.png", > "hover" : "/interface/cockpit/myshipmover.png", > "pressed" : "/interface/cockpit/myshipup.png", > "position" : [-3, 25], 452c657 < "caption" : "YOUR SHIP", --- > "caption" : "SHOW QUEST LOCATION", 464c669 < "position" : [419, 263], --- > "position" : [378, 239], 466a672,683 > "windowtitle" : { > "type" : "title", > "title" : " Navigation Console", > "subtitle" : "^#b9b5b2; Select your destination", > "position" : [74, 260], > "icon" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/cockpit/cockpit.png", > "position" : [0, 0], > "zlevel" : -1 > } > }, 473c690 < "position" : [208, 48], --- > "position" : [170, 28], 480c697 < "position" : [281, 70], --- > "position" : [249, 48], 490c707 < "position" : [360, 70], --- > "position" : [327, 48], 499c716 < "position" : [178, 82] --- > "position" : [139, 60] 505c722 < "position" : [201, 99] --- > "position" : [162, 77] 512c729 < "position" : [43, 102] --- > "position" : [5, 80] 518c735 < "position" : [58, 103], --- > "position" : [20, 80], 523,540d739 < "mouseIndicator" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "image", < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/mouse_zoom.png", < "position" : [400, 104] < }, < "zoomBar" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "image", < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/zoombar.png", < "position" : [44, 217] < }, < "zoomSlider" : { < "zlevel" : 3, < "type" : "image", < "file" : "/interface/cockpit/zoomslider.png", < "position" : [44, 218] < }, 548c747 < "position" : [44, 210], --- > "position" : [5, 210], 558c757 < "position" : [40, 170], --- > "position" : [0, 148], 568c767 < "position" : [420, 170], --- > "position" : [380, 148], 578c777 < "position" : [230, 240], --- > "position" : [190, 218], 588c787 < "position" : [230, 106], --- > "position" : [190, 84], 598c797 < "position" : [0, 0], --- > "position" : [-39, -22], 606c805 < "position" : [48, 69] --- > "position" : [9, 47] 611c810 < "rect" : [46, 81, 228, 209], --- > "rect" : [7, 59, 189, 187], interface\easel\signdispenser.config 9c9 < "lblAmountInput" : { --- > "imgAmountInput" : { 11c11 < "file" : "/objects/outpost/signstore/signdispenserright.png", --- > "file" : "/objects/outpost/signstore/signdispenserright.png", 14c14 < "centered" : true, --- > "centered" : true, 17a18,24 > "close" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/inventory/x.png", > "hover" : "/interface/inventory/xhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/inventory/xpress.png", > "position" : [143, 125] > }, 25c32 < "itemGrid2" : { --- > "itemGrid2" : { 28c35 < "slotOffset" : 8, --- > "slotOffset" : 8, 39c46 < "pointer" : { --- > "pointer" : { interface\easel\signstoregui.lua 12c12 < --world.logInfo("World Storage Found: %s", world.getProperty(uniqueEaselIdentifier.."storage")) --- > --sb.logInfo("World Storage Found: %s", world.getProperty(uniqueEaselIdentifier.."storage")) 14c14 < --world.logInfo("World Templates Found: %s", world.getProperty(uniqueEaselIdentifier.."templates")) --- > --sb.logInfo("World Templates Found: %s", world.getProperty(uniqueEaselIdentifier.."templates")) 19c19 < --- > 21c21 < --- > 36c36 < {"gold", "b79c40FF", "a58038FF"}, --- > {"gold", "b79c40FF", "a58038FF"}, 45c45 < --- > 48,51c48,51 < ["templates"] = {7, 8}, < ["main"] = {70,2}, < ["color"] = {294,8}, < ["colorWindow"] = {25,5}, --- > ["templates"] = {7, 8}, > ["main"] = {70,2}, > ["color"] = {294,8}, > ["colorWindow"] = {25,5}, 110c110 < --- > 113c113 < --to store and retrieve data. --- > --to store and retrieve data. 125c125 < --- > 127c127 < --- > 149c149 < --- > 163c163 < if storage.oldButton == "pixelPress" then --- > if storage.oldButton == "pixelPress" then 176c176 < --- > 184c184 < doButton("pickPixel", toPointer) --- > doButton("pickPixel", toPointer) 193c193 < --- > 214c214 < --- > 260a261 > -- sb.logInfo("click event button %s is down? %s at position %s", button, isButtonDown, position) 262,263c263,264 < if isButtonDown and (button == 1 or button == 3) then --middle mouse button isn't even a real mouse button man < --world.logInfo("Click @ %s", position) --- > if isButtonDown and (button == 0 or button == 2) then --middle mouse button isn't even a real mouse button man > --sb.logInfo("Click @ %s", position) 270c271 < if button == 1 then --left click to draw --- > if button == 0 then --left click to draw 272c273 < elseif button == 3 then --right click to erase --- > elseif button == 2 then --right click to erase 287c288 < else --- > else 291,292c292,293 < elseif isButtonDown == false and (button == 1 or button == 3) then < self.clickplease = 0 --- > elseif isButtonDown == false and (button == 0 or button == 2) then > self.clickplease = 0 299,300c300,301 < --some askii parsing mostly < if 33<=key and key<=126 then keyString = string.char(key) else keyString = keyCodes[key] end --- > --some ascii parsing mostly > if 33<=key and key<=126 then keyString = string.char(key) else keyString = keyCodes[key] end 311,313c312,314 < keyString = string.char(key) < else < keyString = keyCodes[key] --- > keyString = string.char(key) > else > keyString = keyCodes[key] 316,318c317,319 < < if isKeyDown then < if keyString == "shift" then --- > > if isKeyDown then > if keyString == "shift" then 328,329c329,330 < end < --- > end > 336c337 < --- > 350c351 < --- > 363c364 < --- > 368,371c369,372 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/staticpanels.png", buttonPosition("S:mainStatics"), 1) < --console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/icongrab.png:"["iconGrab"],buttonPosition("iconGrab"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("pixelPress"), 1.5) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signframe.png:"[storage.frameTypesIndex][1], buttonPosition("framePress"), 1.5) --- > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/staticpanels.png", buttonPosition("S:mainStatics"), 1) > --console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/icongrab.png:"["iconGrab"],buttonPosition("iconGrab"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signbacking.png:"[storage.backingTypesIndex], buttonPosition("pixelPress"), 1.5) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/signframe.png:"[storage.frameTypesIndex][1], buttonPosition("framePress"), 1.5) 373,384c374,385 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["backingLeft"], buttonPosition("backingLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["backingRight"], buttonPosition("backingRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["frameLeft"], buttonPosition("frameLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["frameRight"], buttonPosition("frameRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/delete.png:"["frameDelete"], buttonPosition("frameDelete"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/add.png:"["frameAdd"], buttonPosition("frameAdd"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:right"["shiftRight"], buttonPosition("shiftRight"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:left"["shiftLeft"], buttonPosition("shiftLeft"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:up"["shiftUp"], buttonPosition("shiftUp"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:down"["shiftDown"], buttonPosition("shiftDown"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/wiredicon.png:"["isWired"], buttonPosition("isWired"), 1) < --- > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["backingLeft"], buttonPosition("backingLeft"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["backingRight"], buttonPosition("backingRight"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollleft.png:"["frameLeft"], buttonPosition("frameLeft"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/scrollright.png:"["frameRight"], buttonPosition("frameRight"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/delete.png:"["frameDelete"], buttonPosition("frameDelete"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/add.png:"["frameAdd"], buttonPosition("frameAdd"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:right"["shiftRight"], buttonPosition("shiftRight"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftleftright.png:left"["shiftLeft"], buttonPosition("shiftLeft"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:up"["shiftUp"], buttonPosition("shiftUp"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/shiftupdown.png:down"["shiftDown"], buttonPosition("shiftDown"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/wiredicon.png:"["isWired"], buttonPosition("isWired"), 1) > 388c389 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) --- > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) 390c391 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) --- > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/lightbutton.png:"["lightSelect"], buttonPosition("lightSelect"), 1) 396,398c397,399 < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit11,buttonPosition("S:digit11"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit12, buttonPosition("S:digit12"), 1) < console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit21,buttonPosition("S:digit21"), 1) --- > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit11,buttonPosition("S:digit11"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit12, buttonPosition("S:digit12"), 1) > console.canvasDrawImage("/interface/easel/numbers.png:"..digit21,buttonPosition("S:digit21"), 1) 411c412 < ------------------- --- > ------------------- 416c417 < --- > 422c423 < if storage.buttonStates["templateSlotCopy"] == "highlight" then --- > if storage.buttonStates["templateSlotCopy"] == "highlight" then 426c427 < --- > 434,435c435,436 < < --- > > 438c439 < ---------------- --- > ---------------- 445c446 < --- > 450c451 < --- > 485c486 < end --- > end 504c505 < --- > 516c517 < --world.logInfo("Button: %s", button) --- > --sb.logInfo("Button: %s", button) 523c524 < end --- > end 545c546 < if storage.currentFrame == 1 then --- > if storage.currentFrame == 1 then 598c599 < elseif button == "iconGrab" then --totally deprecated, as this is automatic now. --- > elseif button == "iconGrab" then --totally deprecated, as this is automatic now. 606c607 < --world.logInfo("Undoing %s", action) --- > --sb.logInfo("Undoing %s", action) 631c632 < elseif action[1] == "restoreColor" then --- > elseif action[1] == "restoreColor" then 654c655 < elseif button == "fillToggle" then --- > elseif button == "fillToggle" then 664c665 < elseif button == "fillPixel" then --- > elseif button == "fillPixel" then 704c705 < -- storage.lightData["f"..tostring(storage.currentFrame)] = string.sub(storage.paintColor, 1, -3) --- > -- storage.lightData["f"..tostring(storage.currentFrame)] = string.sub(storage.paintColor, 1, -3) 710c711 < storage.lightData = string.sub(storage.paintColor, 1, -3) --- > storage.lightData = string.sub(storage.paintColor, 1, -3) 712c713 < end --- > end 792c793 < --mmm patterns I should use more of those --- > --mmm patterns I should use more of those 826,827c827,828 < --world.logInfo("Dropped sign: %s", data.droppedSign) < templates["fromContainer"].signPixels = deconstructDirectiveStrings(self.droppedSign["signData"]) --- > --sb.logInfo("Dropped sign: %s", data.droppedSign) > templates["fromContainer"].signPixels = deconstructDirectiveStrings(self.droppedSign["signData"]) 830,831c831,832 < if templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex[1] == q[2] and templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex[2] == q[3] then < templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex = p break --- > if templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex[1] == q[2] and templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex[2] == q[3] then > templates["fromContainer"].frameTypesIndex = p break 838c839 < if self.droppedSign["isWired"] then --- > if self.droppedSign["isWired"] then 843c844 < templates["fromContainer"].currentIcon = self.droppedSign["inventoryIcon"] --- > templates["fromContainer"].currentIcon = self.droppedSign["inventoryIcon"] 855,856c856,857 < local pix = 1 local piy = 1 < for i=1,#directiveStrings do --- > local pix = 1 local piy = 1 > for i=1,#directiveStrings do 870c871 < --world.logInfo("Frame %s, Pixel %s,%s", i, pix, piy) --- > --sb.logInfo("Frame %s, Pixel %s,%s", i, pix, piy) 880,888c881 < --world.logInfo("//////////Printing Sign//////////") < local inNodesToAdd = nil local outNodesToAdd = nil < if storage.isWired then < inNodesToAdd = {{-2,0}} < outNodesToAdd = {{1,0}} < else < inNodesToAdd = nil < outNodesToAdd = nil < end --- > --sb.logInfo("//////////Printing Sign//////////") 890c883 < --- > 893,894c886,887 < itemName = "customsign" < parameters.signData = storage.signDirectiveStrings --- > itemName = storage.isWired and "wiredcustomsign" or "customsign" > parameters.signData = storage.signDirectiveStrings 896c889 < parameters.signBacking = storage.backingTypes[storage.backingTypesIndex] --- > parameters.signBacking = storage.backingTypes[storage.backingTypesIndex] 898,899d890 < parameters.inboundNodes = inNodesToAdd < parameters.outboundNodes = outNodesToAdd 904,905c895,896 < --world.logInfo("Wired: %s - Container: %s - Backing: %s - Frame: %s", storage.isWired, storage.isContainer, storage.backingTypes[storage.backingTypesIndex], storage.frameTypes[storage.frameTypesIndex][2]) < --world.logInfo("%s", storage.signDirectiveStrings") --- > --sb.logInfo("Wired: %s - Container: %s - Backing: %s - Frame: %s", storage.isWired, storage.isContainer, storage.backingTypes[storage.backingTypesIndex], storage.frameTypes[storage.frameTypesIndex][2]) > --sb.logInfo("%s", storage.signDirectiveStrings") 912c903 < --world.logInfo("Sign To Place: %s", signToPlace) --- > --sb.logInfo("Sign To Place: %s", signToPlace) 917c908 < --- > 935c926 < --world.logInfo("---------------------------------") --- > --sb.logInfo("---------------------------------") 956c947 < end --- > end 969c960 < if canvasButtonOffsets[button] == nil then world.logInfo("%s", button) end --- > if canvasButtonOffsets[button] == nil then sb.logInfo("%s", button) end 982c973 < if type(input) ~= "table" then --- > if type(input) ~= "table" then 984c975 < return newinput --- > return newinput 996c987 < --world.logInfo("Filling at position %s: %s to %s", p, storage.paintColor, oc) --- > --sb.logInfo("Filling at position %s: %s to %s", p, storage.paintColor, oc) 1016c1007 < --- > 1022c1013 < --- > 1028,1029c1019,1020 < < if self.currentCursorModifier == "pickPixel" then --- > > if self.currentCursorModifier == "pickPixel" then 1031,1032c1022,1023 < else < storage.buttonStates["pickToggle"] = "off" --- > else > storage.buttonStates["pickToggle"] = "off" 1034,1038c1025,1029 < < if self.currentCursorModifier == "fillPixel" then < storage.buttonStates["fillToggle"] = "on" < else < storage.buttonStates["fillToggle"] = "off" --- > > if self.currentCursorModifier == "fillPixel" then > storage.buttonStates["fillToggle"] = "on" > else > storage.buttonStates["fillToggle"] = "off" 1040c1031 < --- > interface\fuel\fuel.config 5c5 < "position" : [20, 54] --- > "position" : [25, 65] 12a13,30 > "bgShine" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/fuel/fuelshine.png", > "position" : [0, -2], > "zlevel" : -10 > }, > "windowtitle" : { > "type" : "title", > "title" : "FTL Drive Fuel Hatch", > "subtitle" : "Erchius fuel repository", > "position" : [0, 254], > "icon" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/fuel/fuelheadericon.png", > "position" : [0, -20], > "zlevel" : -1 > } > }, 15c33 < "position" : [34, 21], --- > "position" : [96, 28], 21c39 < "position" : [101, 21], --- > "position" : [42, 28], 27c45 < "position" : [28, 37], --- > "position" : [28, 46], 39c57 < "position" : [155, 59], --- > "position" : [155, 100], interface\games\fossilgame\fossilgame.lua 0a1 > require "/scripts/util.lua" 9c10 < self.toolButtons = RadioButtonSet:new() --- > self.toolButtonSet = RadioButtonSet:new() 11,13c12 < self.progressBar = ProgressBar:new({200, 110}) < self.progressBar.size[1] = 100 < self.progressBar.value = 0 --- > world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "setInUse", true) 15,17c14 < self.durabilityBar = ProgressBar:new({200, 140}) < self.durabilityBar.size[1] = 100 < self.durabilityBar.value = 0 --- > getFossilParameters() 19c16,19 < loadFromObject() --- > initGame() > > self.state = FSM:new() > self.state:set(playState) 22c22,66 < function initState(level, toolUses) --- > -- Init > function getFossilParameters() > local fossilId = console.sourceEntity() > > local fossilPool = root.createTreasure(world.getObjectParameter(fossilId, "fossilPool"), world.threatLevel()) > self.fossilItem = fossilPool[1].name > > local treasure = world.getObjectParameter(fossilId, "treasure") > self.treasureType = treasure.type > > local treasurePool = treasure.pool > if treasurePool then > local treasure = root.createTreasure(treasurePool, world.threatLevel()) > self.treasureItem = treasure[1] > local config = root.itemConfig(self.treasureItem) > self.treasureIcon = util.absolutePath(, config.config.inventoryIcon) > end > > self.treasureComplete = false > > local materials = world.getObjectParameter(fossilId, "materials") > self.tileData = {} > for _,material in ipairs(materials) do > local path = root.materialPath(material) > local config = root.assetJson(path) > local texture = util.absolutePath(util.pathDirectory(path), config.renderParameters.texture) > table.insert(self.tileData, {texturePath = texture, variants = config.renderParameters.variants or 1}) > end > end > > function initGame() > self.drawActions = {} > > local treasureTypes = config.getParameter("treasureConfig") > local treasure = treasureTypes[self.treasureType] > > local generator = LevelGenerator:new({SquareTool, CrossTool}, treasure) > > generator.toolRockChance = config.getParameter("toolRockChance", 0.5) > generator.randomRockChance = config.getParameter("randomRockChance", 0.3) > > local size = {10, 9} > local position = {30, 39} > > local level, toolUses = generator:generate(size, 16, position, self.tileData[1], self.tileData[2], self.tileData[3], treasure) 24,27c68,89 < self.level.onComplete = function() < if not self.level.fossilDamaged then < win() < end --- > > if config.getParameter("toolType") == "master" then > = { > BrushTool:new(self.level), > SquareTool:new(self.level, 0), > TLeft:new(self.level, 0), > TRight:new(self.level, 0), > Dot:new(self.level, 0) > } > elseif config.getParameter("toolType") == "student" then > = { > BrushTool:new(self.level), > VRect:new(self.level, 0), > HRect:new(self.level, 0), > CrossTool:new(self.level, 0) > } > else > = { > BrushTool:new(self.level), > SquareTool:new(self.level, 0), > CrossTool:new(self.level, 0) > } 30,39c92,117 < = { < BrushTool:new(self.level), < HammerTool:new(self.level, 0), < PickaxeTool:new(self.level, 0) < } < for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do < for _,tool in pairs( do < if == toolName then < tool.uses = uses < end --- > for _,tool in pairs( do > tool.uses = tool:calculateUses(toolUses) > end > > initGui( > end > > function initGui(tools) > local buttonOrigin = {218, 89} > local buttonPos = {0, 0} > local maxWidth = 90 > > local buttonSpacingH = 1 > local buttonSpacingV = 2 > > for _,tool in pairs(tools) do > local buttonRect = {buttonOrigin[1] + buttonPos[1], buttonOrigin[2] + buttonPos[2]} > local newButton = ToggleButton:new(tool.buttonIcon, tool.buttonBackground, buttonRect) > = tool > > self.toolButtonSet:add(newButton) > > buttonPos[1] = buttonPos[1] + newButton.size[1] + buttonSpacingH > if buttonPos[1] >= maxWidth then > buttonPos[1] = 0; > buttonPos[2] = buttonPos[2] - newButton.size[2] - buttonSpacingV 43,45c121,127 < self.fossilCounter = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/fossilcountericon.png", {21,21}, {1,1}) < self.winScreen = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/winningframe.png", {278,203}) < self.frame = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/frame.png", {314,221}) --- > self.frame = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/frame.png", {314, 221}) > self.fossilCounter = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/fossilcountericon.png", {21, 21}, {1, 1}) > self.treasureIndicator = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/treasurechest.png", {16, 16}, {1, 1}) > self.winScreen = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/winningframe.png", {314, 221}) > self.loseScreen = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/losingframe.png", {314, 221}) > self.incompleteScreen = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/incompleteframe.png", {314, 221}) > end 47,49c129,133 < self.toolButtons:add(ToggleButton:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/brushicon.png", {14,14}, {234,81}),[1]) < self.toolButtons:add(ToggleButton:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/hammericon.png", {14,14}, {255,81}),[2]) < self.toolButtons:add(ToggleButton:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/pickicon.png", {14,14}, {275,81}),[3]) --- > function update(dt) > if not self.hideCursor then > activeTool():update(dt) > end > self.level:update(dt) 51c135 < save() --- > self.state:update(dt) 53c137 < self.initialized = true --- > draw() 56,60c140 < function generateLevel() < local generator = LevelGenerator:new({ < HammerTool, < PickaxeTool < }) --- > -- Game states 62,63c142,161 < generator.toolRockChance = console.configParameter("toolRockChance", 0.5) < generator.randomRockChance = console.configParameter("randomRockChance", 0.3) --- > function playState(dt) > while true do > if not activeTool():animating() then > -- lose conditions > if self.level.fossilDamaged then > self.state:set(loseState) > end > if toolUsesRemaining() == 0 and self.level:fossilCoveredByRock() then > self.state:set(incompleteState) > end > > -- win conditions > if self.level:fossilUncovered() then > if not self.level.hasTreasure > or self.level:treasureUncovered() > or (toolUsesRemaining() == 0 and self.level:treasureCoveredByRock()) then > self.state:set(winState) > end > end > end 65,66c163,164 < local size = {math.random(10,10), math.random(9,9)} < local position = {30,39} --- > coroutine.yield() > end 68,69c166 < local level, toolUses = generator:generate(size, 16, position, 8, 3, 129) < return level, toolUses --- > self.state:set(winState) 72,77c169,186 < function save() < local data = { < levelData = self.level:save(), < toolUses = toolData() < } < world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "save", data) --- > function loseState() > self.hideCursor = true > > clearBoard() > console.playSound(config.getParameter("loseSound")) > > util.wait(1.0) > > self.level:removeFossil() > self.level:removeTreasure() > > util.wait(2.0) > > util.wait(5.0, function() > drawSprite(self.loseScreen, {0, 0}, "foreground") > end) > > console.dismiss() 80,81c189,204 < function loadFromObject() < self.loadHandler = world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "load") --- > function incompleteState() > self.hideCursor = true > > clearBoard() > > util.wait(1.0) > > console.playSound(config.getParameter("incompleteSound")) > > util.wait(1.0) > > util.wait(5.0, function() > drawSprite(self.incompleteScreen, {0, 0}, "foreground") > end) > > console.dismiss() 84,87c207,317 < function loadState(data) < local level = Level:load(data.levelData) < local toolUses = data.toolUses < return level, data.toolUses --- > function winState() > self.hideCursor = true > > -- Check for treasure > if self.level:treasureUncovered() then > console.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureFoundSound")) > self.treasureUncovered = true > > util.wait(1.0) > > self.level:removeTreasure( > console.playSound(config.getParameter("treasureOpenSound"))) > > local treasurePos = self.level:screenPosition(self.level.treasurePos) > local timer, interval, bobHeight, hoverTime, fadeTime = 0, 0.5, 4, 2.5, 1.5 > local treasureIcon = Sprite:new(self.treasureIcon) > local size = vec2.mul(self.level.treasure.size, self.level.tileSize) > treasureIcon:fitToBox(size[1] - 8, size[2] - 8) > while timer < hoverTime do > timer = timer + script.updateDt() > local ratio = math.sin((timer % interval) / interval * math.pi) > if timer > fadeTime then > local opacity = (1 - ((timer - fadeTime) / (hoverTime - fadeTime))) * 255 > treasureIcon.color = {255, 255, 255, math.min(opacity, 255)} > end > drawSprite(treasureIcon, vec2.add(vec2.add(treasurePos, {4, 4}), {0, bobHeight * ratio}), "middle") > coroutine.yield() > end > > world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.treasureItem) > end > > world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "addDrop", self.fossilItem) > > clearBoard() > > util.wait(0.5) > > if not self.treasureUncovered then > self.level:removeTreasure() > end > > util.wait(0.5) > > console.playSound(config.getParameter("winSound")) > > util.wait(2.0) > > local treasureIcon, treasurePos > if self.treasureIcon then > treasureIcon = Sprite:new(self.treasureIcon) > treasureIcon:fitToBox(48, 48) > treasurePos = {180 - (treasureIcon.size[1] * treasureIcon.scale) / 2, 70 - treasureIcon.size[2] * treasureIcon.scale} > end > > local fossilIcon = Sprite:new(root.itemConfig(self.fossilItem).config.displayImage) > fossilIcon:fitToBox(66, 66) > local fossilPos = {157 - (fossilIcon.size[1] * fossilIcon.scale) / 2, 160 - fossilIcon.size[2] * fossilIcon.scale} > > -- Draw splash screen > util.wait(5.0, function() > drawSprite(self.winScreen, {0, 0}, "foreground") > > if self.treasureUncovered then > drawSprite(treasureIcon, treasurePos, "foreground") > > console.canvasDrawText("BONUS", {position = {83, 60}, width = 88}, 12) > local name = root.itemConfig(self.treasureItem).config.shortdescription > drawText(name, {position = {180, 80}, width = 88, horizontalAnchor = "mid"}, 12, "foreground") > end > > drawSprite(fossilIcon, fossilPos, "foreground") > local name = root.itemConfig(self.fossilItem).config.shortdescription > drawText(name, {position = {157, 170}, width = 88, horizontalAnchor = "mid"}, 12, "foreground") > end) > > console.dismiss() > end > > -- Helpers > > function clearBoard() > for y = 0, self.level.size[2] - 1 do > local removed = false > for x = 0, self.level.size[1] - 1 do > local pos = {x, y} > if self.level:rockAt(pos) then > removed = true > self.level:removeRock(pos) > end > end > if removed then > util.wait(0.1) > console.playSound(config.getParameter("clearRockSound"), 0, 0.5) > end > end > > for y = 0, self.level.size[2] - 1 do > local removed = false > for x = 0, self.level.size[1] - 1 do > local pos = {x, y} > if self.level:dirtAt(pos) then > removed = true > self.level:removeDirt(pos) > end > end > if removed then > util.wait(0.1) > console.playSound(config.getParameter("clearDirtSound")) > end > end 91c321 < return self.toolButtons.value --- > return self.toolButtonSet:data() 94,95c324,326 < function toolData() < local data = {} --- > function toolUsesRemaining() > local count = 0 > --count starts at 2 because we don't want to include the brush 97c328,330 < data[] = tool.uses --- > if tool.uses > -1 then > count = count + tool.uses > end 99c332 < return data --- > return count 102,107c335 < function win() < self.won = true < self.splash = true < self.level:removeFossil() < console.playSound("/sfx/objects/colonydeed_partyhorn.ogg") < end --- > -- Drawing 109,119c337,339 < function update(dt) < if not self.initialized then < if self.loadHandler:finished() then < local result = self.loadHandler:result() < local level < local toolUses < if result then < level, toolUses = loadState(result) < else < level, toolUses = generateLevel() < end --- > function drawSprite(sprite, position, layer) > table.insert(self.drawActions, {type = "sprite", sprite = sprite, position = position, layer = layer}) > end 121,125c341,343 < initState(level, toolUses) < end < else < activeTool():update(dt) < self.level:update(dt) --- > function drawText(text, parameters, size, layer) > table.insert(self.drawActions, {type = "text", text = text, parameters = parameters, size = size, layer = layer}) > end 127c345,349 < draw() --- > function doDrawAction(action) > if action.type == "sprite" then > action.sprite:draw(action.position) > elseif action.type == "text" then > console.canvasDrawText(action.text, action.parameters, action.size) 131a354,357 > for _,action in ipairs(util.filter(self.drawActions, function(s) return s.layer == "background" end)) do > doDrawAction(action) > end > 133a360,365 > for _,action in ipairs(util.filter(self.drawActions, function(s) return s.layer == "middle" end)) do > doDrawAction(action) > end > > self.level:drawParticles() > 136,138c368,372 < if self.splash then < self.winScreen:draw({18,9}) < else --- > for _,action in ipairs(util.filter(self.drawActions, function(s) return s.layer == "foreground" end)) do > doDrawAction(action) > end > > if not self.hideCursor then 140a375,376 > > self.drawActions = {} 144c380 < self.frame:draw({0,0}) --- > self.frame:draw({0, 0}) 146,147c382,383 < console.canvasDrawText("EXCAVATION", {position = {230, 183}, width = 88, center = true}, 12) < console.canvasDrawText("PROGRESS", {position = {235, 171}, width = 88, center = true}, 12) --- > console.canvasDrawText("EXCAVATION", {position = {230, 183}, width = 88}, 12) > console.canvasDrawText("PROGRESS", {position = {235, 171}, width = 88}, 12) 150c386 < progressColor = {255,0,0} --- > progressColor = {255, 0, 0} 153c389 < self.fossilCounter:draw({230, 136}) --- > self.fossilCounter:draw({225, 136}) 155c391,393 < self.toolButtons:draw() --- > if (self.treasureComplete) then > self.treasureIndicator:draw({285, 140}) > end 157,159c395 < console.canvasDrawText("TOOL BELT", {position = {236, 116}, width = 88, center = true}, 12) < local color =[2].uses == 0 and {255, 0, 0} or {255, 255, 255} < console.canvasDrawText([2].uses, {position = {270,88}}, 8, color) --- > self.toolButtonSet:draw() 161,162c397,404 < color =[3].uses == 0 and {255, 0, 0} or {255, 255, 255} < console.canvasDrawText([3].uses, {position = {290,88}}, 8, color) --- > for i,button in pairs(self.toolButtonSet.buttons) do > local tool = > if tool.uses >= 0 then > local textCol =[i].uses == 0 and {255, 0, 0} or {255, 255, 255} > local textPos = {button.position[1] + button.size[1] - 8, button.position[2] + 8} > console.canvasDrawText(tool.uses, {position = textPos}, 8, textCol) > end > end 164a407,408 > -- Canvas callbacks > 167,168c411 < position[1] = position[1] + 3 < position[2] = position[2] - 1 --- > position[1] = position[1] - 1 174c417 < --world.logInfo("Button %s was pressed at %s", button, position) --- > -- sb.logInfo("Button %s was pressed at %s", button, position) 176c419,420 < self.splash = false --- > sb.logInfo("dismissing in canvasClickEvent") > console.dismiss() 178,179c422,425 < activeTool():trigger() < self.toolButtons:handleClick({position = position, button = button}) --- > if not activeTool():animating() then > activeTool():trigger() > self.toolButtonSet:handleClick({position = position, button = button}) > end 182c428 < --world.logInfo("Button %s was released at %s", button, position) --- > -- sb.logInfo("Button %s was released at %s", button, position) 189,197c435,450 < --world.logInfo("Key %s was pressed", key) < if key == 49 then < self.toolButtons:selectIndex(1) < end < if key == 50 then < self.toolButtons:selectIndex(2) < end < if key == 51 then < self.toolButtons:selectIndex(3) --- > if not activeTool():animating() then > if key == 21 then > self.toolButtonSet:selectIndex(1) > end > if key == 22 then > self.toolButtonSet:selectIndex(2) > end > if key == 23 then > self.toolButtonSet:selectIndex(3) > end > if key == 24 then > self.toolButtonSet:selectIndex(4) > end > if key == 25 then > self.toolButtonSet:selectIndex(5) > end 199,200d451 < else < --world.logInfo("Key %s was released", key) 204,205c455,458 < function uninit() < save() --- > function dismissed() > world.sendEntityMessage(console.sourceEntity(), "smash") > > world.sendEntityMessage(config.getParameter("ownerId"), "fossilGameClosed") interface\games\fossilgame\fossilgamegui.config 25c25,43 < "randomRockChance" : 0.3 --- > "randomRockChance" : 0.3, > > "treasureFoundSound" : "/sfx/objects/piano_riff3.ogg", > "treasureOpenSound" : "/sfx/objects/chest_medium_open.ogg", > > "loseSound" : "/sfx/objects/piano_riff4.ogg", > "incompleteSound" : "/sfx/objects/piano_riff4.ogg", > "winSound" : "/sfx/objects/piano_riff5.ogg", > > "fossilDamageSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_bone.ogg", > > "clearDirtSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_sand2.ogg", > "clearRockSound" : "/sfx/objects/rock_break5.ogg", > > "treasureConfig" : { > "none" : {"size" : [0, 0], "image" : ""}, > "normal" : {"size" : [2, 2], "image" : "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/treasurechest.png"}, > "rare" : { "size" : [3, 3], "image" : "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/raretreasurechest.png" } > } interface\games\fossilgame\generator.lua 16,18c16,21 < function LevelGenerator:generate(size, tileSize, position, dirtMaterial, rockMaterial, boneMaterial) < local level = Level:new(size, tileSize, position, dirtMaterial, rockMaterial, boneMaterial) < level:init() --- > function LevelGenerator:generate(size, tileSize, position, dirt, rock, bone, treasure) > local level, toolUses > repeat > toolUses = false > level = Level:new(size, tileSize, position, dirt, rock, bone, treasure) > level:init() 20c23 < self.fossilTiles = level.fossilTiles --- > self.fossilTiles = level.fossilTiles 22,23c25,32 < self:placeFossil(level) < local toolUses = self:placeRocks(level) --- > self:placeFossil(level) > > if self:placeTreasure(level, treasure) then > self.treasureTiles = level.treasureTiles > > toolUses = self:placeRocks(level) > end > until toolUses 42c51 < toolTiles, placed = self:toolUsageTiles(level, toolTiles, tool) --- > toolTiles, placed = self:placeToolAdjacent(level, toolTiles, self.fossilTiles, {}, tool) 48c57 < if level:fossilAt(tile) or math.random() <= self.toolRockChance then --- > if not level:treasureAt(tile) and (level:fossilAt(tile) or math.random() <= self.toolRockChance) then 52a62,75 > if #self.treasureTiles > 0 then > local treasureTool =[math.random(1,] > local treasureTiles, placed = self:placeToolAdjacent(level, {}, self.treasureTiles, self.fossilTiles, treasureTool) > if placed then > for _,tile in pairs(treasureTiles) do > if level:treasureAt(tile) or math.random() <= self.toolRockChance then > level:addRock(tile) > end > end > else > return false > end > end > 56,57c79,83 < if math.random() <= self.randomRockChance and not contains(self.fossilTiles, {x,y}) and not contains(toolTiles, {x,y}) then < level:addRock({x,y}) --- > if math.random() <= self.randomRockChance > and not level:treasureAt({x,y}) > and not level:fossilAt({x,y}) > and not contains(toolTiles, {x,y}) then > level:addRock({x,y}) 74a101,135 > function LevelGenerator:placeTreasure(level, treasure) > if treasure.size[1] == 0 or treasure.size[1] == 0 then > return true > end > > local treasureOptions={} > local canPlace = function(position) > for x=0, treasure.size[1]-1 do > for y=0, treasure.size[2]-1 do > if level:fossilAt({position[1] + x, position[2] + y}) then > return false > end > end > end > return true > end > > --search the entire place for possible treasure positions > for x = 0, level.size[1] - treasure.size[1] do > for y = 0, level.size[2] - treasure.size[2] do > if canPlace({x, y}) then > table.insert(treasureOptions, {x, y}) > end > end > end > > if #treasureOptions == 0 then > return false > end > local treasurePos = treasureOptions[math.random(1,#treasureOptions)] > > level:setTreasure(treasure, treasurePos) > return true > end > 83,97c144 < function LevelGenerator:toolUsageTiles(level, toolTiles, tool) < return self:placeToolAdjacent(level, toolTiles, tool) < end < < function LevelGenerator:placeToolRandom(level, toolTiles, tool) < local toolArea = tool:tileArea() < local offset = {math.random(0, level.size[1] - tool.size[1]), math.random(0, level.size[2] - tool.size[2])} < < for _,tile in pairs(self:areaAt(offset, toolArea)) do < table.insert(toolTiles, tile) < end < return toolTiles < end < < function LevelGenerator:placeToolAdjacent(level, toolTiles, tool) --- > function LevelGenerator:placeToolAdjacent(level, toolTiles, coverTiles, avoidTiles, tool) 110c157 < if (#toolTiles == 0 or adjacentTiles > 0) and containsAny(self.fossilTiles, area) then --- > if (#toolTiles == 0 or adjacentTiles > 0) and containsAny(coverTiles, area) and not containsAny(avoidTiles, area) then 127c174 < if not containsAll(newTiles, self.fossilTiles) then --- > if not containsAll(newTiles, coverTiles) then interface\games\fossilgame\level.lua 8c8 < function Level:new(size, tileSize, position, dirtMaterial, rockMaterial, boneMaterial) --- > function Level:new(size, tileSize, position, dirt, rock, bone) 13,15c13,17 < dirtMaterial = dirtMaterial, < rockMaterial = rockMaterial, < boneMaterial = boneMaterial, --- > dirtMaterial = dirt, > rockMaterial = rock, > boneMaterial = bone, > treasureMaterial = treasure, > 20a23,27 > fossilDamaged=false, > hasTreasure=false, > treasurePos={}, > treasureDamaged=false, > 28c35,36 < self.background:fill(self.dirtMaterial) --- > self.background:setMaterialData(self.dirtMaterial) > self.background:fill(true) 32,33c40,41 < self.dirtLayer.outerEdge = true < self.dirtLayer:fill(self.dirtMaterial) --- > self.dirtLayer:setMaterialData(self.dirtMaterial) > self.dirtLayer:fill(true) 35a44,45 > self.rockLayer:setMaterialData(self.rockMaterial) > self.rockLayer:fill(false) 36a47,49 > > self.boneLayer:setMaterialData(self.boneMaterial) > self.boneLayer:fill(false) 43a57,58 > self.treasureTiles = {} > 57,73c72,73 < function Level:save() < return { < tileSize = self.tileSize, < size = self.size, < position = self.position, < dirtMaterial = self.dirtMaterial, < rockMaterial = self.rockMaterial, < boneMaterial = self.boneMaterial, < < rockLayer = self.rockLayer.tiles, < dirtLayer = self.dirtLayer.tiles, < boneLayer = self.boneLayer.tiles, < < fossilTiles = self.fossilTiles, < fossilDamaged = self.fossilDamaged, < progress = self.progress < } --- > function Level:update(dt) > self:updateParticles(dt) 76,86c76,78 < function Level:load(levelData) < local level = self:new(levelData.size, levelData.tileSize, levelData.position, levelData.dirtMaterial, levelData.rockMaterial, levelData.boneMaterial) < level:init() < < level.dirtLayer.tiles = levelData.dirtLayer < level.rockLayer.tiles = levelData.rockLayer < level.boneLayer.tiles = levelData.boneLayer < < level.fossilTiles = levelData.fossilTiles < level.fossilDamaged = levelData.fossilDamaged < level.progress = levelData.progress --- > function Level:draw() > self.background:draw() > self.boneLayer:draw() 88,89c80,81 < if level.fossilDamaged then < level:damageFossil() --- > if self.hasTreasure then > self:drawTreasure() 92c84,85 < return level --- > self.dirtLayer:draw() > self.rockLayer:draw() 95,99c88,91 < function Level:update(dt) < if self.progress == #self.fossilTiles then < if not self.complete then < self.complete = true < if self.onComplete then self.onComplete() end --- > function Level:fossilCoveredByRock() > for _,tilePos in pairs(self.fossilTiles) do > if self.rockLayer:tile(tilePos) then > return true 102,103c94 < < self:updateParticles(dt) --- > return false 106,112c97,98 < function Level:draw() < self.background:draw() < self.boneLayer:draw() < self.dirtLayer:draw() < self.rockLayer:draw() < < self:drawParticles() --- > function Level:fossilUncovered() > return self.progress >= #self.fossilTiles 116c102 < return self.rockLayer:tile(tilePosition) == self.rockMaterial --- > return self.rockLayer:tile(tilePosition) 120c106 < self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, 0) --- > self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, false) 124c110 < self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.rockMaterial) --- > self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) 129c115 < return self.dirtLayer:tile(tilePosition) == self.dirtMaterial --- > return self.dirtLayer:tile(tilePosition) 134c120 < self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, 0) --- > self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, false) 139c125 < self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.dirtMaterial) --- > self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) 142c128,137 < function Level:damageFossil() --- > function Level:fossilAt(tilePosition) > for _,tile in ipairs(self.fossilTiles) do > if tile[1] == tilePosition[1] and tile[2] == tilePosition[2] then > return true > end > end > return false > end > > function Level:removeFossil() 144c139,140 < self.boneLayer:damageTile(tile) --- > self.boneLayer:setTile(tile, false) > self:spawnBoneParticles(tile) 145a142,152 > console.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) > self.progress = 0 > self.fossilTiles = {} > end > > > function Level:addBone(tilePosition) > self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) > end > > function Level:damageFossil() 147c154,160 < console.playSound("/sfx/blocks/footstep_bone.ogg", 0, 1.0) --- > for i,tile in pairs(self.fossilTiles) do > self.boneLayer:damageTile(tile) > if not self:rockAt(tile) and not self:dirtAt(tile) then > self:spawnBoneParticles(tile) > end > end > console.playSound(config.getParameter("fossilDamageSound"), 0, 1.0) 148a162 > 152,154c166,180 < function Level:removeFossil() < for i,tile in pairs(self.fossilTiles) do < self.boneLayer:setTile(tile, 0) --- > -- Treasure > > function Level:treasureAt(tilePos) > return contains(self.treasureTiles, tilePos) > end > > function Level:setTreasure(treasure, position) > self.hasTreasure = true > self.treasurePos = position > self.treasure = treasure > > for x = 0, treasure.size[1]-1 do > for y = 0, treasure.size[2]-1 do > table.insert(self.treasureTiles, {position[1] + x, position[2] + y}) > end 156d181 < self.fossilTiles = {} 159,161c184,199 < function Level:fossilAt(tilePosition) < for _,tile in ipairs(self.fossilTiles) do < if tile[1] == tilePosition[1] and tile[2] == tilePosition[2] then --- > function Level:treasureUncovered() > if not self.hasTreasure then return false end > > for _,tilePos in pairs(self.treasureTiles) do > if self:dirtAt(tilePos) or self:rockAt(tilePos) then > return false > end > end > return true > end > > function Level:treasureCoveredByRock() > if not self.hasTreasure then return false end > > for _,tilePos in pairs(self.treasureTiles) do > if self:rockAt(tilePos) then 168,169c206,222 < function Level:addBone(tilePosition) < self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.boneMaterial) --- > function Level:drawTreasure() > local screenX = self.treasurePos[1] * self.tileSize + self.position[1] > local screenY = self.treasurePos[2] * self.tileSize + self.position[2] > console.canvasDrawImage(self.treasure.image, {screenX, screenY}, 2) > end > > function Level:removeTreasure() > if not self.hasTreasure then return end > > self.hasTreasure = false > for _,tilePos in pairs(self.treasureTiles) do > for i = 1, 25 do > local colorFade = math.random() > local color = {100 + colorFade * 20, 50 + colorFade * 20, 0, 255} > self:spawnTileParticle(tilePos, self.tileSize, color) > end > end 190a244,245 > -- Particles > 224c279 < function Level:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, color) --- > function Level:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, tileSize, color) 226c281 < local position = { math.random(screen[1], screen[1] + self.tileSize), math.random(screen[2], screen[2] + self.tileSize) } --- > local position = { math.random(screen[1], screen[1] + tileSize), math.random(screen[2], screen[2] + tileSize) } 237c292 < self:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, color) --- > self:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, self.tileSize, color) 245c300 < self:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, color) --- > self:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, self.tileSize, color) 247c302,310 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > function Level:spawnBoneParticles(tilePosition) > for i = 1, 10 do > local colorFade = math.random() * 55 > local color = {200 + colorFade, 200 + colorFade, 170 + colorFade, 255} > self:spawnTileParticle(tilePosition, self.tileSize, color) > end > end interface\games\fossilgame\sprite.lua 7c7 < size = size, --- > size = size or root.imageSize(image), 15d14 < animationCycle = 1, 27,35c26,28 < function Sprite:draw(position) < if self.animating then < self.timer = self.timer + script.updateDt() < if self.timer > self.animationCycle then < self.timer = 0 < if not self.loop then self.animating = false end < end < self.cell = math.floor(self.timer / self.animationCycle * self.frames) < end --- > function Sprite:fitToBox(boxSizeX,boxSizeY) > self.scale=math.min(boxSizeX/self.size[1], boxSizeY/self.size[2]) > end 36a30 > function Sprite:draw(position) 43,50d36 < < function Sprite:start() < self.animating = true < end < < function Sprite:stop() < self.animating = false < end \ No newline at end of file interface\games\fossilgame\tileset.lua 3,17d2 < Materials = { < [8] = { < path = "/tiles/materials/dirt.png", < variants = 5 < }, < [3] = { < path = "/tiles/materials/cobblestone.png", < variants = 5 < }, < [129] = { < path = "/tiles/materials/bonematerial.png", < variants = 9 < } < } < 38c23,28 < function TileLayer:fill(materialId) --- > function TileLayer:setMaterialData(material) > self.materialPath=material.texturePath > self.materialVariants=material.variants > end > > function TileLayer:fill(value) 40c30 < self.tiles[i] = materialId --- > self.tiles[i] = value 53c43 < function TileLayer:setTile(tilePosition, materialId) --- > function TileLayer:setTile(tilePosition, value) 55,58c45,46 < if tile ~= materialId then < if materialId == 0 then < self.onTileRemoved:trigger(tilePosition) < else --- > if tile ~= value then > if value then 59a48,49 > else > self.onTileRemoved:trigger(tilePosition) 62c52 < self.tiles[self:index(tilePosition)] = materialId --- > self.tiles[self:index(tilePosition)] = value 90,91c80 < local layers = {} < for i,materialId in ipairs(self.tiles) do --- > for i,value in ipairs(self.tiles) do 95,98c84,86 < if materialId ~= 0 then < self:drawTile(x, y, materialId, self.tileDamage[i+1]) < else < math.random() --- > local r=math.random() > if value then > self:drawTile(x, y, r, self.tileDamage[i+1]) 103,109c91 < function TileLayer:drawTileDamage(x, y) < local screenX = x * self.tileSize + self.position[1] < local screenY = y * self.tileSize + self.position[2] < local quad = {screenX, screenY, screenX + self.tileSize, screenY + self.tileSize} < end < < function TileLayer:drawTile(x, y, materialId, damaged) --- > function TileLayer:drawTile(x, y, r, damaged) 113d94 < local centerQuad = {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3], quad[4]} 115,117c96 < local material = Materials[materialId] < < local variant = math.floor(math.random() * material.variants) --- > local variant = math.floor(r * self.materialVariants) 120,121c99,101 < local texCoords = {4 + (16 * variant), 12, 12 + (16 * variant), 20} < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, texCoords, quad, self.color) --- > local yOff = root.imageSize(self.materialPath)[2] - 24 -- color y offset > local texCoords = {4 + (16 * variant), yOff + 4, 12 + (16 * variant), yOff + 12} > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, texCoords, quad, self.color) 126,133c106,113 < local right = self:tile({x + 1, y}) == materialId < local top = self:tile({x, y + 1}) == materialId < local left = self:tile({x - 1, y}) == materialId < local bottom = self:tile({x, y - 1}) == materialId < local topright = self:tile({x + 1, y + 1}) == materialId < local topleft = self:tile({x - 1, y + 1}) == materialId < local bottomleft = self:tile({x - 1, y - 1}) == materialId < local bottomright = self:tile({x + 1, y - 1}) == materialId --- > local right = self:tile({x + 1, y}) > local top = self:tile({x, y + 1}) > local left = self:tile({x - 1, y}) > local bottom = self:tile({x, y - 1}) > local topright = self:tile({x + 1, y + 1}) > local topleft = self:tile({x - 1, y + 1}) > local bottomleft = self:tile({x - 1, y - 1}) > local bottomright = self:tile({x + 1, y - 1}) 137c117 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 139,140c119,120 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 4, texCoords[1], 8}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1], yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 142,143c122,123 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], 4, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge 145c125 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 4, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 16, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 20}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner 151c131 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) 153,154c133,134 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1], 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1], yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge 156,157c136,137 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge 159c139 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, yOff + 20, texCoords[1] + 4, yOff + 24}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner 165c145 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) 167c147 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[3], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) 169c149 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) 175c155 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) 177c157 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) 179c159 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) --- > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.materialPath, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) 182c162 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end interface\games\fossilgame\tools.lua 9d8 < Tool.sprite.animationCycle = 0.1 14,16c13,16 < uses = uses or -1, < animationTimer = 0, < triggerPosition = {0,0} --- > uses = uses or 0, > frame=1, > triggerPosition = {0,0}, > tileList={} 22,24d21 < function Tool:trigger() < end < 29,30c26,31 < if self.animationTimer > 0 then < self.animationTimer = self.animationTimer - dt --- > self.tileList = self:hoverTiles() > > local volume = hit and 1.0 or 0.4 > > if self:updateAnimation(dt) then > self:strike(self.triggerPosition) 32,34c33,65 < if self.sound and self.playSound then < console.playSound(self.sound, 0, 1.0) < self.playSound = false --- > end > > function Tool:startAnimation(loop) > self.animationLoops = loop or false > self.animationTimer = self.animationTimer or 0 > end > > function Tool:updateAnimation(dt) > self.frame = self.cursorFrame > if self.animationTimer then > local prevFrame = math.floor((self.animationTimer / self.animationSpeed) * #self.frames) + 1 > if self.animationTimer == 0 then prevFrame = 0 end > > self.animationTimer = self.animationTimer + dt > if self.animationTimer > self.animationSpeed then > if self.animationLoops then > self.animationTimer = self.animationTimer - self.animationSpeed > else > self:stopAnimation() > return false > end > end > local frame = math.floor((self.animationTimer / self.animationSpeed) * #self.frames) + 1 > self.frame = self.frames[frame] > > -- Edge triggered sounds > if frame ~= prevFrame then > local soundIndex = self.soundTriggerSequence[frame] > if soundIndex and self.sound[soundIndex] then > console.playSound(self.sound[soundIndex], 0, volume) > end > if frame == self.strikeFrame then return true end > end 35a67 > return false 38,41c70,75 < function Tool:triggerAction() < self.animationTimer = self.animationCycle < self.triggerPosition = mousePosition() < self.playSound = true --- > function Tool:animating() > return self.animationTimer ~= nil > end > > function Tool:stopAnimation() > self.animationTimer = nil 50c84,86 < if tilePos == false then return {} end --- > if tilePos == false then > return {} > end 61,62c97,102 < if tile[1] < -offset[1] then offset[1] = -tile[1] end < if tile[2] < -offset[2] then offset[2] = -tile[2] end --- > if tile[1] < -offset[1] then > offset[1] = -tile[1] > end > if tile[2] < -offset[2] then > offset[2] = -tile[2] > end 72c112 < if self.animationTimer > 0 then --- > if self.animationTimer then 84,85c124,125 < if self:canUse() then < for _,tile in ipairs(self:hoverTiles()) do --- > if self:canUse() and not self.animationTimer then > for _,tile in ipairs(self.tileList) do 93,97c133 < if self.animationTimer > 0 then < self.sprite:setCell(1) < else < self.sprite:setCell(0) < end --- > self.sprite:setCell(self.frame-1) 101a138,176 > function Tool:trigger() > if self:canUse() and #self.tileList>0 then > self.triggerPosition = mousePosition() > self:startAnimation() > end > end > > function Tool:strike() > if #self.tileList > 0 then > self.uses = self.uses - 1 > for _,tile in ipairs(self.tileList) do > if self.level:rockAt(tile) then > self.level:removeRock(tile) > else > if self.level:dirtAt(tile) then > self.level:removeDirt(tile) > end > if self.level:fossilAt(tile) then > self.level:damageFossil() > end > if self.level:treasureAt(tile) then > self.level:removeTreasure() > end > end > end > end > end > > function Tool:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if == toolName then > return uses or 0 > end > end > return 0 > end > > --------------------------------------- > 104,106c179,188 < BrushTool.animationCycle = 0.1 < BrushTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/brushtool.png", {16,16}, {2,1}, 2) < BrushTool.sprite.origin = {8,8} --- > BrushTool.cursorFrame = 2 > BrushTool.animationSpeed = 0.3 > BrushTool.frames = {3,2,1,2} > BrushTool.soundTriggerSequence = {} > BrushTool.strikeFrame = 1 > > BrushTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/brushtool.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > BrushTool.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/brushicon.png" > BrushTool.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/fullbutton.png" > BrushTool.sprite.origin = {10,-1} 111c193,196 < self.firing = true --- > self:startAnimation(true) > if self:canUse() and #self.tileList>0 then > self.firing = true > end 113a199,202 > function BrushTool:release() > self:stopAnimation() > self.firing = false > end 117c206,208 < Tool.update(self, dt) --- > > self.tileList = self:hoverTiles() > self:updateAnimation(dt) 120c211,220 < for _,tile in ipairs(self:hoverTiles()) do --- > if self:strike() then > console.playSound(self.sound) > end > end > end > > function BrushTool:strike() > local removed = false > if #self.tileList > 0 then > for _,tile in ipairs(self.tileList) do 122d221 < self:triggerAction() 123a223 > removed = true 126a227 > return removed 129,130c230,231 < function BrushTool:release() < self.firing = false --- > function BrushTool:calculateUses(toolUses) > return -1 133,154c234 < HammerTool = Tool:new() < = "Hammer" < HammerTool.area = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}} < HammerTool.size = {2,2} < HammerTool.animationCycle = 0.25 < HammerTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/hammertool.png", {32,32}, {2,1}, 2) < HammerTool.sprite.origin = {12,12} < HammerTool.sprite.scale = 2 < HammerTool.sound = "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_hit.ogg" < < function HammerTool:trigger() < if self:canUse() then < local tiles = self:hoverTiles() < if #tiles > 0 then < self.uses = self.uses - 1 < for _,tile in ipairs(tiles) do < if self.level:rockAt(tile) then < self.level:removeRock(tile) < elseif self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then < self.level:removeDirt(tile) < self.level:damageFossil() < end --- > ---------------------- 156,159c236,298 < if self.level:rockAt(tile) or self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then < self:triggerAction() < end < end --- > SquareTool = Tool:new() > = "Square" > SquareTool.area = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}} > SquareTool.size = {2,2} > > SquareTool.cursorFrame=1 > SquareTool.animationSpeed = 0.5 > SquareTool.frames={2,1,2,1} > SquareTool.soundTriggerSequence={1,0,1,0} > SquareTool.strikeFrame=3 > > SquareTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/hammertool.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > SquareTool.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/squareicon.png" > SquareTool.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > SquareTool.sprite.origin = {0,0} > SquareTool.sprite.scale = 2 > SquareTool.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_hit.ogg"} > > > ---------------------- > > CrossTool = Tool:new() > = "Cross" > CrossTool.area = {{0,0},{1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}} > CrossTool.size = {3,3} > > CrossTool.cursorFrame=1 > CrossTool.animationSpeed = 1.25 > CrossTool.frames={1,2,2,3,3} > CrossTool.soundTriggerSequence={1,0,0,0,2} > CrossTool.strikeFrame=5 > > CrossTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/dynamitetool.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > CrossTool.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/crossicon.png" > CrossTool.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > CrossTool.sprite.origin = {0,0} > CrossTool.sprite.scale = 2 > CrossTool.sound = {"/sfx/projectiles/acid_hit.ogg","/sfx/projectiles/blast_small1.ogg"} > > ---------------------- > > VRect = Tool:new() > = "VRect" > VRect.area = {{0, -0.5}, {0, 0.5}} > VRect.size = {1,2} > > VRect.cursorFrame=1 > VRect.animationSpeed = 0.4 > VRect.frames={2,1,2,1} > VRect.soundTriggerSequence={1,0,1,0} > VRect.strikeFrame=3 > > VRect.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/mattockvrect.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > VRect.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/vrecticon.png" > VRect.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > VRect.sprite.origin = {0,0} > VRect.sprite.scale = 2 > VRect.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_hit.ogg"} > > function VRect:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if toolName=="Square" then > return uses 164,185c303 < PickaxeTool = Tool:new() < = "Pickaxe" < PickaxeTool.area = {{0,0},{1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}} < PickaxeTool.size = {3,3} < PickaxeTool.animationCycle = 0.25 < PickaxeTool.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/picktool.png", {32,32}, {2,1}, 2) < PickaxeTool.sprite.origin = {12,12} < PickaxeTool.sprite.scale = 2 < PickaxeTool.sound = "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_orebckup.ogg" < < function PickaxeTool:trigger() < if self:canUse() then < local tiles = self:hoverTiles() < if #tiles > 0 then < self.uses = self.uses - 1 < for _,tile in ipairs(self:hoverTiles()) do < if self.level:rockAt(tile) then < self.level:removeRock(tile) < elseif self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then < self.level:removeDirt(tile) < self.level:damageFossil() < end --- > ---------------------- 187,190c305,355 < if self.level:rockAt(tile) or self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then < self:triggerAction() < end < end --- > HRect = Tool:new() > = "HRect" > HRect.area = {{-0.5,0}, {0.5,0}} > HRect.size = {1,2} > > HRect.cursorFrame=1 > HRect.animationSpeed = 0.4 > HRect.frames={2,1,2,1} > HRect.soundTriggerSequence={1,0,1,0} > HRect.strikeFrame=3 > > HRect.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/mattockhrect.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > HRect.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/hrecticon.png" > HRect.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > HRect.sprite.origin = {0,0} > HRect.sprite.scale = 2 > HRect.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_hit.ogg"} > > function HRect:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if toolName=="Square" then > return uses > end > end > end > > ---------------------- > > TLeft = Tool:new() > = "TLeft" > TLeft.area = {{0,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}} > TLeft.size = {3,3} > > TLeft.cursorFrame=2 > TLeft.animationSpeed = 0.8 > TLeft.frames={1,1,2,3,2,3,2,3} > TLeft.soundTriggerSequence={0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1} > TLeft.strikeFrame=7 > > TLeft.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/drilltooltleft.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > TLeft.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/tlefticon.png" > TLeft.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > TLeft.sprite.origin = {0,0} > TLeft.sprite.scale = 2 > TLeft.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_orebckup.ogg"} > > > function TLeft:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if toolName=="Cross" then > return math.floor(uses / 2) 193c358,418 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > ---------------------- > > TRight = Tool:new() > = "TRight" > TRight.area = {{0,0},{1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}} > TRight.size = {3,3} > > TRight.cursorFrame=2 > TRight.animationSpeed = 0.8 > TRight.frames={1,1,2,3,2,3,2,3} > TRight.soundTriggerSequence={0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1} > TRight.strikeFrame=7 > > TRight.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/drilltooltright.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > TRight.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/trighticon.png" > TRight.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > TRight.sprite.origin = {16,0} > TRight.sprite.scale = 2 > TRight.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_orebckup.ogg"} > > > function TRight:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if toolName=="Cross" then > return math.ceil(uses / 2) > end > end > end > > ---------------------- > > Dot = Tool:new() > = "Dot" > Dot.area = {{0,0}} > Dot.size = {1,1} > > Dot.cursorFrame=1 > Dot.animationSpeed = 0.4 > Dot.frames={2,3,2,3} > Dot.soundTriggerSequence={1,0,1,0} > Dot.strikeFrame=3 > > Dot.sprite = Sprite:new("/interface/games/fossilgame/images/chiseltool.png", {20,20}, {3,1}, 3) > Dot.buttonIcon = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/doticon.png" > Dot.buttonBackground = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/halfbutton.png" > Dot.sprite.origin = {0,0} > Dot.sprite.scale = 2 > Dot.sound = {"/sfx/tools/pickaxe_orebckup.ogg"} > > > function Dot:calculateUses(toolUses) > for toolName,uses in pairs(toolUses) do > if toolName=="Cross" then > return uses > end > end > end > > ---------------------- interface\games\fossilgame\ui.lua 14c14 < if pointInRect({0,0,self.size[1],self.size[2]}, position) and event.button == 1 then --- > if pointInRect({0,0,self.size[1],self.size[2]}, position) and event.button == 0 then 23a24,25 > ----------------------------------------------------------- > 33c35 < function RadioButtonSet:add(toggleButton, value) --- > function RadioButtonSet:add(toggleButton, data) 40,44c42,45 < if self.value == nil then < self.value = value < toggleButton.state = true < end < table.insert(self.buttons, {toggleButton, value}) --- > if self.selected == nil then > self:select(toggleButton) > end > table.insert(self.buttons, toggleButton) 47,53c48,50 < function RadioButtonSet:select(button) < for i,pair in pairs(self.buttons) do < if pair[1] == button then < self.value = pair[2] < else < pair[1].state = false < end --- > function RadioButtonSet:select(selected) > for i,button in pairs(self.buttons) do > button.state = false 55c52,57 < button.state = true --- > selected.state = true > self.selected = selected > end > > function RadioButtonSet:data() > return 59,60c61,63 < local button = self.buttons[index][1] < self:select(button) --- > if #self.buttons >= index then > self:select(self.buttons[index]) > end 65,67c68,69 < local button < for i,pair in pairs(self.buttons) do < propagate, button = pair[1]:handleClick(event) --- > for i,button in pairs(self.buttons) do > propagate = button:handleClick(event) 77,78c79,80 < for _,pair in pairs(self.buttons) do < pair[1]:draw() --- > for _,button in pairs(self.buttons) do > button:draw() 81a84,85 > ----------------------------------------------------------- > 87c91,95 < function ToggleButton:new(image, imageSize, position) --- > function ToggleButton:new(iconImage, backgroundImage, position, data) > local iconSize = root.imageSize(iconImage) > local backgroundSize = root.imageSize(backgroundImage) > backgroundSize[1] = backgroundSize[1] / 2 > 90,91c98,101 < icon = Sprite:new(image, imageSize, {1,1}, 1), < imageSize = imageSize --- > icon = Sprite:new(iconImage, iconSize, {1,1}, 1), > background = Sprite:new(backgroundImage, backgroundSize, {2,1}, 2), --two frames, left and right used for toggle state > size = backgroundSize, > data = data 105c115 < --- > --icon centered in button. 107,139d116 < end < < ProgressBar = UIElement:new() < ProgressBar.size = {64,8} < ProgressBar.borderWidth = {2,2,2,2} < ProgressBar.color = {0, 255, 0} < ProgressBar.borderColor = {100,100,100} < ProgressBar.backgroundColor = {0,0,0} < ProgressBar.value = 1.0 < < function ProgressBar:new(position) < local newBar = { < position = position < } < setmetatable(newBar, extend(self)) < return newBar < end < < function ProgressBar:draw() < -- Draw borders as a box < local screenCoords = {self.position[1], self.position[2], self.position[1] + self.size[1], self.position[2] + self.size[2]} < console.canvasDrawRect(screenCoords, self.borderColor) < < -- Draw background inside the borders < screenCoords[1] = screenCoords[1] + self.borderWidth[1] < screenCoords[2] = screenCoords[2] + self.borderWidth[2] < screenCoords[3] = screenCoords[3] - self.borderWidth[1] < screenCoords[4] = screenCoords[4] - self.borderWidth[2] < console.canvasDrawRect(screenCoords, self.backgroundColor) < < --Draw actual bar < screenCoords[3] = screenCoords[1] + (screenCoords[3] - screenCoords[1]) * self.value < console.canvasDrawRect(screenCoords, self.color) interface\inventory\itemoverlay.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [12, 1] --- > "dimensions" : [24, 1] interface\itemdescriptions\armor.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 15c15 < "position" : [40, 130], --- > "position" : [40, 127], 18,19c18,19 < "maxSize" : [48, 48], < "minSize" : [48, 48] --- > "maxSize" : [ 46, 59 ], > "minSize" : [ 46, 59 ] 36c36 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 46c46,48 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true 50c52 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 52,53c54,55 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], < "value" : "Armor" --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], > "value" : "Armour" 55a58 > "scissoring" : false, 57c60,61 < "position" : [0, 98], --- > "fillDown" : true, > "position" : [6, 145], 59c63 < "spacing" : [0, 0], --- > "spacing" : [0, 1], 64c68 < "position" : [100, 2], --- > "position" : [102, 2], 70,71c74,82 < "position" : [74, 1], < "file" : "" --- > "position" : [62, -1], > "file" : "", > "zlevel" : 8 > }, > "backgroundImage" : { > "scissoring" : false, > "type" : "image", > "position" : [61, 0], > "file" : "/interface/tooltips/statlistback.png" interface\itemdescriptions\base.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 36c36 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 38c38 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 43c43 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 53c53,55 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\bow.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 56c56 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 85c85 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 87c87 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 95c95,97 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\container.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 43c43 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 45c45 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 50c50 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 60c60,62 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\fistweapon.itemdescription 12c12 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 17c17 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 73c73 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 75c75 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 83,84c83,86 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" < }, --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true > }, 87c89 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], interface\itemdescriptions\gun.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 71c71 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 100c100 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 102c102 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 110c110,112 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\object.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 22c22 < "position" : [77, 122], --- > "position" : [74, 125], 36c36 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 38c38 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 43c43 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 53c53,55 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\shield.itemdescription 12c12 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 17c17 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 61c61 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 63c63 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 71,72c71,74 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" < }, --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true > }, 75c77 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], interface\itemdescriptions\sword.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 59c59 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], 88c88 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 90c90 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 98c98,100 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true interface\itemdescriptions\tool.itemdescription 4c4 < "position" : [107, 19], --- > "position" : [102, 30], 9c9 < "position" : [119, 19], --- > "position" : [115, 30], 15c15 < "position" : [35, 171], --- > "position" : [35, 169], 17c17 < "color" : [176, 162, 152], --- > "color" : [185, 181, 178], 46c46,48 < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png" --- > "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/portrait.png", > "showRarity" : false, > "showBackingImageWhenFull" : true 50c52 < "position" : [21, 19], --- > "position" : [12, 30], interface\objectcrafting\campfire.config 11c11 < "position" : [5, 39], --- > "position" : [42, 36], 14,15c14,29 < "caption" : "COOK" < }, --- > "caption" : "Cook" > }, > "close" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/inventory/x.png", > "hover" : "/interface/inventory/xhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/inventory/xpress.png", > "position" : [123, 105] > }, > "lblText" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [70, 78], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "wrapWidth" : 125, > "value" : "^#b9b5b2;Place one or more ingredients in the left slot." > }, 18c32 < "position" : [74, 37], --- > "position" : [40, 54], 26c40 < "position" : [110, 37], --- > "position" : [76, 54], 33c47 < "position" : [96, 40], --- > "position" : [62, 57], interface\objectcrafting\fossilstation.config 2c2,7 < "gui" : { --- > "noCategoryFilters" : false, > "filter" : [ ], > "titleFromEntity" : true, > "requiresBlueprint" : true, > "craftingSound" : "/sfx/interface/crafting_general1.ogg", > "paneLayout" : { 5,7c10,12 < "fileHeader" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire_header.png", < "fileBody" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire_body.png", < "fileFooter" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire_footer.png" --- > "fileHeader" : "/interface/crafting/craftingheader.png", > "fileBody" : "/interface/crafting/fossilstationbody.png", > "fileFooter" : "/interface/crafting/craftingfooter.png" 9c14 < "toggleCrafting" : { --- > "close" : { 11,29c16,19 < "position" : [5, 39], < "base" : "/interface/objectcrafting/identify.png", < "hover" : "/interface/objectcrafting/identifyover.png", < "caption" : "IDENTIFY" < }, < "itemGrid" : { < "type" : "itemgrid", < "position" : [74, 37], < "dimensions" : [1, 1], < "spacing" : [19, 19], < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/empty.png" < }, < "outputItemGrid" : { < "type" : "itemgrid", < "slotOffset" : 1, < "position" : [110, 37], < "dimensions" : [1, 1], < "spacing" : [19, 19], < "backingImage" : "/interface/inventory/empty.png" --- > "base" : "/interface/inventory/x.png", > "hover" : "/interface/inventory/xhover.png", > "press" : "/interface/inventory/xpress.png", > "position" : [321, 261] 31c21,185 < "pointer" : { --- > "windowtitle" : { > "type" : "title", > "title" : " FOSSil STATION", > "subtitle" : " Fossil hammers and display stands.", > "position" : [-5, 252], > "icon" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/objects/crafting/fossilstation/fossilstationcraftingicon.png", > "position" : [0, -20], > "zlevel" : -1 > } > }, > "bgShine" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/crafting/shine.png", > "position" : [-15, 0], > "zlevel" : -10 > }, > "lblSchematics" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [88, 244], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "value" : "BLUEPRINTS" > }, > "lblProducttitle" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [265, 244], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "value" : "PRODUCT" > }, > "spinCount" : { > "type" : "spinner", > "position" : [220, 46], > "upOffset" : 36 > }, > "tbSpinCount" : { > "type" : "textbox", > "position" : [232, 46], > "textAlign" : "center", > "maxWidth" : 16, > "regex" : "x?\\d{0,4}", > "hint" : "" > }, > "imgAmountInput" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/crafting/amount.png", > "position" : [226, 45], > "zlevel" : -3 > }, > "btnCraft" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/button.png", > "hover" : "/interface/buttonhover.png", > "position" : [271, 43], > "caption" : "Craft" > }, > "btnStopCraft" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/buttonactive.png", > "hover" : "/interface/buttonactivehover.png", > "position" : [271, 43], > "caption" : "Stop" > }, > "imgCraftBg" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftbg.png", > "position" : [196, 40], > "zlevel" : -5 > }, > "currentRecipeIcon" : { > "type" : "itemslot", > "callback" : "null", > "position" : [197, 41] > }, > "btnFilterHaveMaterials" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxnocheck.png", > "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxcheck.png", > "checkable" : true, > "checked" : false, > "position" : [40, 59] > }, > "lblProduct" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [51, 58], > "hAnchor" : "left", > "value" : "MATERIALS AVAILABLE" > }, > > "description" : { > "type" : "widget", > "position" : [190, 41], > "size" : [140, 220] > }, > > "filter" : { > "type" : "textbox", > "position" : [56, 43], > "hint" : "Search", > "maxWidth" : 70, > "escapeKey" : "close", > "enterKey" : "filter", > "focus" : false > }, > > "scrollArea" : { > "type" : "scrollArea", > "rect" : [5, 69, 174, 221], > "children" : { > "itemList" : { > "type" : "list", > "schema" : { > "selectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftableselected2.png", > "unselectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", > "spacing" : [0, 1], > "memberSize" : [159, 20], > "listTemplate" : { > "background" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", > "position" : [2, 0], > "zlevel" : -1 > }, > "itemName" : { > "type" : "label", > 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"/interface/objectcrafting/campfire_shine.png", < "position" : [-20, 20] --- > "file" : "/interface/crafting/tabicon_fossilstand.png", > "position" : [52, 223], > "zlevel" : 3 > }, > > "categories" : { > "type" : "radioGroup", > "toggleMode" : false, > "buttons" : [ > { > "selected" : true, > "position" : [18, 221], > "baseImage" : "/interface/crafting/unselectedTab.png", > "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/selectedTab.png", > "data" : { > "filter" : [ "consumables" ] > } > }, > { > "position" : [45, 221], > "baseImage" : "/interface/crafting/unselectedTab.png", > "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/selectedTab.png", > "data" : { > "filter" : [ "fossildisplays" ] > } > } > ] > }, > "rarities" : { > "type" : "radioGroup", > "toggleMode" : true, > "buttons" : [ > ] interface\objectcrafting\refinery.config 1a2 > "craftingSound" : "/sfx/interface/crafting_furnace.ogg", 11c12 < "position" : [5, 39], --- > "position" : [42, 36], 14c15 < "caption" : "REFINE" --- > "caption" : 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"/interface/party/beamtoshipbutton_hover.png", > "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], > "position" : [3, 47], > "textAlign" : "center", > "textOffset" : [6, 0], > "caption" : "Beam to ship" 62,65c24,29 < "hover" : "/interface/party/makeleaderbutton.png", < "position" : [3, 17], < "textAlign" : "left", < "caption" : " MAKE LEADER" --- > "hover" : "/interface/party/makeleaderbutton_hover.png", > "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], > "position" : [3, 31], > "textAlign" : "center", > "textOffset" : [6, 0], > "caption" : "Make Leader" 70,73c34,39 < "hover" : "/interface/party/removebutton.png", < "position" : [3, 3], < "textAlign" : "left", < "caption" : " REMOVE" --- > "hover" : "/interface/party/removebutton_hover.png", > "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], > "position" : [3, 15], > "textAlign" : "center", > "textOffset" : [6, 0], > "caption" : "Remove" 77c43 < "position" : [51, 41], --- > "position" : [51, 64], interface\windowconfig\teleportdialog.config 22,23c22,23 < "title" : "TELEPORT", < "subtitle" : "Choose a Destination", --- > "title" : "Teleporter", > "subtitle" : "Choose a destination", 29a30,37 > "btnTeleport" : { > "type" : "button", > "base" : "/interface/warping/buttonup.png", > "hover" : "/interface/warping/buttonover.png", > "position" : [68, 25], > "caption" : "Teleport", > "callback" : "teleport" > }, 32c40 < "rect" : [2, 25, 184, 153], --- > "rect" : [4, 48, 184, 148], 36c44 < "callback" : "null", --- > "callback" : "selectDestination", 38,39c46,47 < "selectedBG" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/selected.png", < "unselectedBG" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", --- > "selectedBG" : "/interface/warping/warpentryselected.png", > "unselectedBG" : "/interface/warping/warpentry.png", 43,46c51,53 < "itemButton" : { < "type" : "button", < "callback" : "selectDestination", < "size" : [170, 22], --- > "background" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "/interface/warping/warpentry.png", 48,51d54 < "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], < "base" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", < "hover" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/selected.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/unselected.png", 56c59 < "position" : [3, 3], --- > "position" : [2, 2], 62c65 < "position" : [23, 11], --- > "position" : [23, 10], 71c74 < "position" : [23, 3], --- > "position" : [23, 2], 81c84 < "position" : [151, 3], --- > "position" : [150, 1], 83,85c86,88 < "base" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/editup.png", < "hover" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/edithover.png", < "pressed" : "/interface/bookmarks/list/editup.png" --- > "base" : "/interface/warping/warpedit.png", > "hover" : "/interface/warping/warpedithover.png", > "pressed" : "/interface/warping/warpedithover.png" 93c96 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } interface\windowconfig\title.config 2,6c2,40 < "mainMenuButtonsKeys" : [ "singleplayer", "multiplayer", "options", "quit", "back" ], < "mainMenuButtons" : [ "/interface/title/singleplayer.png", "/interface/title/multiplayer.png", "/interface/title/options.png", "/interface/title/quit.png", "/interface/title/back.png" ], < "mainMenuButtonsDisabled" : [ "", "", "", "", "" ], < "mainMenuButtonsHover" : [ "/interface/title/singleplayerover.png", "/interface/title/multiplayerover.png", "/interface/title/optionsover.png", "/interface/title/quitover.png", "/interface/title/backover.png" ], < "mainMenuButtonsOffsets" : [ [0, 85], [0, 60], [0, 35], [0, 10], [0, 10] ], --- > "mainMenuButtons" : [ > { > "key" : "singleplayer", > "button" : "/interface/title/singleplayer.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/singleplayerover.png", > "offset" : [0, 85] > }, > { > "key" : "multiplayer", > "button" : "/interface/title/multiplayer.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/multiplayerover.png", > "offset" : [0, 60] > }, > { > "key" : "options", > "button" : "/interface/title/options.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/optionsover.png", > "offset" : [0, 35] > }, > { > "key" : "quit", > "button" : "/interface/title/quit.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/quitover.png", > "offset" : [0, 10] > }, > { > "key" : "back", > "button" : "/interface/title/back.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/backover.png", > "offset" : [0, 10] > }, > { > "key" : "mods", > "button" : "/interface/title/mods.png", > "hover" : "/interface/title/modsover.png", > "offset" : [-22, 2], > "rightAnchored" : true > } > ], items\defaultParameters.config 18a19 > "liquidBlockSound" : "/sfx/blocks/water_splash_small.ogg", 31c32,34 < "blueprintPriceFactor" : 1.25 --- > "blueprintPriceFactor" : 1.25, > > "defaultCraftDuration" : 0.5 items\active\effects\entitymarker.lua 3,4c3,4 < function step() < self.drawables = {} --- > function update() > localAnimator.clearDrawables() 11,12c11 < local drawable = {image = markerImage, position = world.entityPosition(entityId)} < table.insert(self.drawables, drawable) --- > localAnimator.addDrawable({image = markerImage, position = world.entityPosition(entityId)}, "overlay") 16,19d14 < < function drawables() < return self.drawables or {} < end \ No newline at end of file items\active\effects\laserbeam.lua 4c4,6 < function init() --- > function update() > localAnimator.clearDrawables() > local beams = activeItemAnimation.animationParameter("beams") or {} 6,10c8,58 < end < < function step() < < end --- > for _,beam in pairs(beams) do > local offset = beam.offset or {0,0} > local color = beam.color or {255,255,255,255} > local maxLength = beam.length or 30 > local segmentCount = beam.segments or 1 > local angle = beam.angle or 0 > > if #color == 3 then > color[4] = 255 > end > > local beamPosition = vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), activeItemAnimation.handPosition(offset)) > local aimAngle = activeItemAnimation.ownerArmAngle() + angle > local aimVector = {activeItemAnimation.ownerFacingDirection() * math.cos(aimAngle), math.sin(aimAngle)} > > local lineEnd = vec2.mul(aimVector, maxLength) > > local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(beamPosition, vec2.add(beamPosition, lineEnd)) > if #blocks > 0 then > blockPosition = blocks[1] > --When approaching the block from the right or top, the intersecting edges will be the right or top ones > if aimVector[1] < 0 then blockPosition[1] = blockPosition[1] + 1 end > if aimVector[2] < 0 then blockPosition[2] = blockPosition[2] + 1 end > > local blockDistance = world.distance(blockPosition, beamPosition) > > -- If the block's edge is in a different direction than the aim direction > -- it is impossible to have hit that edge, make sure we draw the beam to the other edge > if aimVector[1] * (blockPosition[1] - beamPosition[1]) < 0 then blockDistance[1] = 0 end > if aimVector[2] * (blockPosition[2] - beamPosition[2]) < 0 then blockDistance[2] = 0 end > > -- How long does the beam need to be to move 1 block in each axis > local deltaDistX = 1 / math.abs(aimVector[1]) > local deltaDistY = 1 / math.abs(aimVector[2]) > > -- How long does the beam need to be to reach the collided block on each axis > local distX = math.abs(blockDistance[1]) * deltaDistX > local distY = math.abs(blockDistance[2]) * deltaDistY > > -- The largest of the distances is the length of the beam when colliding with the block > lineEnd = vec2.mul(aimVector, math.max(distX, distY)) > end > > > local unit = vec2.norm(lineEnd) > for i = 0, segmentCount-1 do > if i * maxLength / segmentCount >= vec2.mag(lineEnd) then > break > end > local startPosition = vec2.mul(unit, maxLength * i / segmentCount) > local endPosition = vec2.mul(unit, math.min(vec2.mag(lineEnd), maxLength * (i+1) / segmentCount)) 12,13c60,61 < function drawables() < local muzzleOffset = activeItemAnimation.animationParameter("muzzleOffset") or {0,0} --- > local segmentColor = copy(color) > segmentColor[4] = segmentColor[4] * (1 - i/segmentCount) 15,45c63,64 < local muzzlePosition = vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), activeItemAnimation.handPosition(muzzleOffset)) < local aimPosition = activeItemAnimation.ownerAimPosition() < local aimAngle = activeItemAnimation.ownerArmAngle() < local aimVector = {activeItemAnimation.ownerFacingDirection() * math.cos(aimAngle), math.sin(aimAngle)} < < local lineEnd = vec2.mul(aimVector, 30) < < local blocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(muzzlePosition, vec2.add(muzzlePosition, lineEnd)) < if #blocks > 0 then < blockPosition = blocks[1] < --When approaching the block from the right or top, the intersecting edges will be the right or top ones < if aimVector[1] < 0 then blockPosition[1] = blockPosition[1] + 1 end < if aimVector[2] < 0 then blockPosition[2] = blockPosition[2] + 1 end < < local blockDistance = world.distance(blockPosition, muzzlePosition) < < -- If the block's edge is in a different direction than the aim direction < -- it is impossible to have hit that edge, make sure we draw the beam to the other edge < if aimVector[1] * (blockPosition[1] - muzzlePosition[1]) < 0 then blockDistance[1] = 0 end < if aimVector[2] * (blockPosition[2] - muzzlePosition[2]) < 0 then blockDistance[2] = 0 end < < -- How long does the beam need to be to move 1 block in each axis < local deltaDistX = 1 / math.abs(aimVector[1]) < local deltaDistY = 1 / math.abs(aimVector[2]) < < -- How long does the beam need to be to reach the collided block on each axis < local distX = math.abs(blockDistance[1]) * deltaDistX < local distY = math.abs(blockDistance[2]) * deltaDistY < < -- The largest of the distances is the length of the beam when colliding with the block < lineEnd = vec2.mul(aimVector, math.max(distX, distY)) --- > localAnimator.addDrawable({line = {startPosition, endPosition}, width = 1, color = segmentColor, position = beamPosition, fullbright = true}) > end 47,49c66 < < return {{line = {{0,0}, lineEnd}, width = 1, color = {255,255,255}, position = muzzlePosition, fullbright = true}} < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\effects\lightning.lua 3,4d2 < Drawables = {} < 10c8 < table.insert(Drawables, { line = {startLine, endLine}, width = width, color = color, position = position, fullbright = true}) --- > localAnimator.addDrawable({line = {startLine, endLine}, width = width, color = color, position = position, fullbright = true}) 35,36c33,34 < function drawables() < Drawables = {} --- > function update() > localAnimator.clearDrawables() 39,40c37,50 < local millis = math.floor((os.time() + (os.clock() % 1)) * 1000) < math.randomseed(math.floor(millis / tickRate)) --- > > local lightningSeed = activeItemAnimation.animationParameter("lightningSeed") > if not lightningSeed then > local millis = math.floor((os.time() + (os.clock() % 1)) * 1000) > lightningSeed = math.floor(millis / tickRate) > end > math.randomseed(lightningSeed) > > local getLinePosition = function(bolt, positionType) > return bolt["world"..positionType.."Position"] > or (bolt["item"..positionType.."Position"] and vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), activeItemAnimation.handPosition(bolt["item"..positionType.."Position"]))) > or (bolt["part"..positionType.."Position"] and vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), > activeItemAnimation.handPosition(activeItemAnimation.partPoint(bolt["part"..positionType.."Position"][1], bolt["part"..positionType.."Position"][2])))) > end 44,52c54,57 < for _,bolt in pairs(lightningBolts) do < bolt.startLine = vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), activeItemAnimation.handPosition(bolt.startLine)) < if bolt.endPosition then < bolt.endLine = vec2.add(bolt.endPosition, bolt.endLine) < -- Put end point in the same space as the start point to draw properly over the world wrap < bolt.endLine = vec2.add(bolt.startLine, world.distance(bolt.endLine, bolt.startLine)) < else < bolt.endLine = vec2.add(activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition(), activeItemAnimation.handPosition(bolt.endLine)) < end --- > for _, bolt in pairs(lightningBolts) do > local startPosition = getLinePosition(bolt, "Start") > local endPosition = getLinePosition(bolt, "End") > endPosition = vec2.add(startPosition, world.distance(endPosition, startPosition)) 54c59 < bolt.endLine = vec2.add(bolt.endLine, randomOffset(bolt.endPointDisplacement)) --- > endPosition = vec2.add(endPosition, randomOffset(bolt.endPointDisplacement)) 56c61 < drawLightning(bolt.startLine, bolt.endLine, bolt.displacement, bolt.minDisplacement, bolt.forks, bolt.forkAngleRange, bolt.width, bolt.color) --- > drawLightning(startPosition, endPosition, bolt.displacement, bolt.minDisplacement, bolt.forks, bolt.forkAngleRange, bolt.width, bolt.color) 59,64c64 < < if #Drawables > 0 then < --world.logInfo("Drawable count: %s", #Drawables) < end < return Drawables < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\effects\rope.lua 3c3 < function drawables() --- > function update() 37c37 < local newDrawables = {} --- > localAnimator.clearDrawables() 42c42 < table.insert(newDrawables, { line = {{0, 0}, lineVector}, width = ropeWidth, color = ropeColor, position = ropeSegments[i - 1], fullbright = true}) --- > localAnimator.addDrawable({line = {{0, 0}, lineVector}, width = ropeWidth, color = ropeColor, position = ropeSegments[i - 1], fullbright = true}) 45,50c45 < < if #newDrawables > 0 then < --world.logInfo("Drawable count: %s", #newDrawables) < end < return newDrawables < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\shields\commonlargeshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 660, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "shield", 8c9 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 28c29 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, items\active\shields\commonshieldnames.config 6,7c6,7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Kill ", "Thunder ", "Death ", "Storm ", "Dude ", "Thrash ", "Rage ", "Battle ", "Terror ", "Crush ", "Slash ", "Chop ", "Crunch ", "Hack ", "Whack ", "Spine ", "Skull ", "Ear ", "Nose ", "Ape ", "Plant ", "Bird ", "Fish ", "Robot ", "Meat ", "Bro ", "Alien ", "Rock ", "Wood ", "Star ", "Space ", "Planet ", "Deer ", "Dawn ", "Dusk " ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Blocker", "Deflector", "Guard", "Shield", "Buckler", "Cover", "Protector", "Kill-stopper", "Arrowguard", "Dinnertray", "Smasheriser", "Coverer", "Annoyance", "Bladeblocker", "Hammerhalter", "Axeaffector", "Spearstopper", "Daggerdeflector" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "deflector", "guard", "shield", "buckler", "protector", "blocker", "stopper", "bulwark", "breaker", "crasher", "defender", "barrier" ] items\active\shields\commonsmallshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 600, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "shield", 8c9 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 25c26 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, items\active\shields\eyeshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 600, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c9 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 32c33 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, items\active\shields\floranshield.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "fixedLevel" : false, > "price" : 630, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 32c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, 39c41 < --- > items\active\shields\frostshield.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "fixedLevel" : false, > "price" : 630, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 35c37 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, 42c44 < --- > items\active\shields\mushroomshield.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "fixedLevel" : false, > "price" : 600, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 32c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 65, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 30, 39c41 < --- > items\active\shields\riotshield.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "fixedLevel" : false, > "price" : 720, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 35,36c37,38 < "baseShieldHealth" : 85, < "cooldownTime" : 1.0, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 45, > "cooldownTime" : 0.9, 42c44 < --- > items\active\shields\seashellshield.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "fixedLevel" : false, > "price" : 660, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "shield", 8c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 35c37 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, 42c44 < --- > items\active\shields\shield.lua 11c11 < self.cooldownTimer = item.instanceValue("cooldownTime") --- > self.cooldownTimer = config.getParameter("cooldownTime") 14,21c14,21 < self.level = item.instanceValue("level", 1) < self.baseShieldHealth = item.instanceValue("baseShieldHealth", 1) < self.knockback = item.instanceValue("knockback", 0) < self.perfectBlockDirectives = item.instanceValue("perfectBlockDirectives", "") < self.perfectBlockTime = item.instanceValue("perfectBlockTime", 0.2) < self.minActiveTime = item.instanceValue("minActiveTime", 0) < self.cooldownTime = item.instanceValue("cooldownTime") < self.forceWalk = item.instanceValue("forceWalk", false) --- > self.level = config.getParameter("level", 1) > self.baseShieldHealth = config.getParameter("baseShieldHealth", 1) > self.knockback = config.getParameter("knockback", 0) > self.perfectBlockDirectives = config.getParameter("perfectBlockDirectives", "") > self.perfectBlockTime = config.getParameter("perfectBlockTime", 0.2) > self.minActiveTime = config.getParameter("minActiveTime", 0) > self.cooldownTime = config.getParameter("cooldownTime") > self.forceWalk = config.getParameter("forceWalk", false) 27c27 < self.stances = item.instanceValue("stances") --- > self.stances = config.getParameter("stances") 74c74 < local aimAngle, aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) --- > local aimAngle, aimDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) 119c119 < damageRepeatTimeout = 0.5 --- > damageRepeatTimeout = 0.25 166c166 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\shields\startershield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 70, --- > "price" : 570, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "shield", 9c10 < "tooltipKind" : "shield", --- > "tooltipKind" : "Shield", 33c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 40, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 20, items\active\unsorted\parasol\parasol.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 500, 4,5c5,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "tool", > "description" : "Open to gently float while falling. It's bad luck to open inside the house.", 7,8c9 < "tooltipKind" : "gun", < "weaponType" : "Parasol", --- > "tooltipKind" : "base", 24,25c25,26 < "runSpeed" : 30, < "walkSpeed" : 30 --- > "runSpeed" : 14, > "walkSpeed" : 14 27c28 < "maxFallSpeed" : -17 --- > "maxFallSpeed" : -14 items\active\unsorted\parasol\parasol.lua 2c2 < self.switchTime = item.instanceValue("switchTime") --- > self.switchTime = config.getParameter("switchTime") 17,18c17,18 < mcontroller.controlParameters(item.instanceValue("fallingParameters")) < mcontroller.setYVelocity(math.max(mcontroller.yVelocity(), item.instanceValue("maxFallSpeed"))) --- > mcontroller.controlParameters(config.getParameter("fallingParameters")) > mcontroller.setYVelocity(math.max(mcontroller.yVelocity(), config.getParameter("maxFallSpeed"))) 27c27 < self.facingDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition())[2] --- > _, self.facingDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) 29c29 < local armAngle = toRadians(interpolateSigmoid(self.switchTimer / self.switchTime, item.instanceValue("idleRotation"), item.instanceValue("activeRotation"))) --- > local armAngle = toRadians(interpolateSigmoid(self.switchTimer / self.switchTime, config.getParameter("idleRotation"), config.getParameter("activeRotation"))) 47c47 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\rewardbag.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 0, 5c6,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "mysteriousReward", items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\rewardbag.lua 7c7 < self.fireOffset = item.instanceValue("fireOffset") --- > self.fireOffset = config.getParameter("fireOffset") 32c32 < storage.fireTimer = item.instanceValue("fireTime", 1.0) --- > storage.fireTimer = config.getParameter("fireTime", 1.0) 41,43c41,43 < local pool = item.instanceValue("treasure.pool") < local level = item.instanceValue("treasure.level") < local seed = item.instanceValue("treasure.seed") --- > local pool = config.getParameter("treasure.pool") > local level = config.getParameter("treasure.level") > local seed = config.getParameter("treasure.seed") 60c60 < self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.fireOffset[2], activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) --- > self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.fireOffset[2], activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) 71c71 < local aimVector = vec2.rotate({1, 0}, self.aimAngle + sb.nrand(item.instanceValue("inaccuracy", 0), 0)) --- > local aimVector = vec2.rotate({1, 0}, self.aimAngle + sb.nrand(config.getParameter("inaccuracy", 0), 0)) items\active\unsorted\translocator\translocator.activeitem 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "tool", 10d10 < "weaponType" : "Translocator", 24c24 < "level" : 6, --- > "level" : 1, items\active\unsorted\translocator\translocator.animation 84c84 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 110c110 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, items\active\unsorted\translocator\translocator.lua 4c4 < self.fireOffset = item.instanceValue("fireOffset") --- > self.fireOffset = config.getParameter("fireOffset") 18c18 < and status.overConsumeResource("energy", item.instanceValue("fireEnergy")) then --- > and status.overConsumeResource("energy", config.getParameter("fireEnergy")) then 24c24,25 < and status.overConsumeResource("energy", item.instanceValue("teleportEnergy")) then --- > and not status.statPositive("activeMovementAbilities") > and status.overConsumeResource("energy", config.getParameter("teleportEnergy")) then 57c58 < self.recoilTimer = item.instanceValue("recoilTime", 0.12) --- > self.recoilTimer = config.getParameter("recoilTime", 0.12) 68c69 < self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.fireOffset[2], activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) --- > self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.fireOffset[2], activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\wateringcan.activeitem 3,5c3,6 < "maxStack" : 1, < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Water your crops with this fashionable Watering Can.", --- > "maxStack" : 175, > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "tool", > "description" : "Water your crops with this fashionable watering can.", items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\wateringcan.animation 16c16 < "water" : [ ] --- > "water" : [ "/sfx/tools/wateringcan2.ogg", "/sfx/tools/wateringcan3.ogg" ] items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\wateringcan.lua 33c33 < self.waterProjectileTimer = item.instanceValue("projectileRate") --- > self.waterProjectileTimer = config.getParameter("projectileRate") 50c50 < self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) --- > self.aimAngle, self.aimDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) 58c58 < return self.aimAngle + (0.5 - math.abs(0.5 - self.waterTimer / item.instanceValue("waterTime"))) * 2 * util.toRadians(item.instanceValue("waterAngle")) --- > return self.aimAngle + (0.5 - math.abs(0.5 - self.waterTimer / config.getParameter("waterTime"))) * 2 * util.toRadians(config.getParameter("waterAngle")) 71c71 < item.instanceValue("projectileType"), --- > config.getParameter("projectileType"), 74c74 < aimVector(item.instanceValue("projectileInaccuracy")), --- > aimVector(config.getParameter("projectileInaccuracy")), 76c76 < item.instanceValue("projectileParameters") --- > config.getParameter("projectileParameters") 82c82 < self.waterTimer = item.instanceValue("waterTime") --- > self.waterTimer = config.getParameter("waterTime") 88,89c88,89 < self.cooldownTimer = item.instanceValue("cooldownTime") < end \ No newline at end of file --- > self.cooldownTimer = config.getParameter("cooldownTime") > end items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\woodenwateringcan.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 25, 4c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "tool", items\active\vehiclecontroller\boatcontrollergreen.activeitem 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "vehicleController", 15a17,18 > "tooltipKind" : "vehicle", > "largeImage" : "boat.png", items\active\vehiclecontroller\hoverbikecontrollergreen.activeitem 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "vehicleController", 15a17,18 > "tooltipKind" : "vehicle", > "largeImage" : "green.png", 19d21 < //=============Item specifc bits. items\active\vehiclecontroller\hoverbikecontrollerkhaki.activeitem 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "vehicleController", 15a17,18 > "tooltipKind" : "vehicle", > "largeImage" : "khaki.png", 19d21 < //=============Item specifc bits. items\active\vehiclecontroller\hoverbikecontrollerred.activeitem 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "vehicleController", 15a17,18 > "tooltipKind" : "vehicle", > "largeImage" : "red.png", 19d21 < //=============Item specifc bits. items\active\vehiclecontroller\vehiclecontroller.animation 39,40c39,40 < "placeOk" : ["/sfx/objects/floodlights_on.ogg"], < "placeBad" : ["/sfx/objects/floodlights_off.ogg"] --- > "placeOk" : ["/sfx/tech/vehicle_appear1.ogg"], > "placeBad" : ["/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg"] items\active\vehiclecontroller\vehiclecontroller.lua 5,6c5 < --wake up, invent a unique key ID. < if item.instanceValue("key") == nil then --- > if config.getParameter("key") == nil then 10c9 < blocked, placeable, empty =1,2,3 --- > VehicleBlocked, VehiclePlaceable, VehicleEmpty = 1, 2, 3 12c11 < self.vehicleBoundingBox=item.instanceValue("vehicleBoundingBox") --- > self.vehicleBoundingBox = config.getParameter("vehicleBoundingBox") 14,15c13,14 < if ( item.instanceValue("filled")) then < self.vehicleState = blocked --- > if config.getParameter("filled") then > self.vehicleState = VehicleBlocked 17c16 < self.vehicleState = empty --- > self.vehicleState = VehicleEmpty 20c19 < self.respawnTimer=0.0 --- > self.respawnTimer = 0 24,29c23,24 < --Set the sprite to be drawn as a cursor < activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleImage", item.instanceValue("vehicleImage")) < --set that the vehcile can't be instanciated here < activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState",self.vehicleState) < < util.setDebug(true) --- > activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleImage", config.getParameter("vehicleImage")) > activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState", self.vehicleState) 32a28 > if config.getParameter("filled") then 34,39c30,31 < --do we have a vehicle on board ? < if item.instanceValue("filled") then < < if fireMode == "primary" then < if (self.vehicleState==placeable) then < --make a spawn noise and perhaps some particles. --- > if fireMode == "primary" then > if self.vehicleState == VehiclePlaceable then 42,43c34,40 < -- what kind, and where do we put it ? < world.spawnVehicle(item.instanceValue("vehicleType"), activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), { ownerKey = item.instanceValue("key"), startHealthFactor = item.instanceValue("vehicleStartHealthFactor"), fromItem = true} ) --- > local vehicleParams = { > ownerKey = config.getParameter("key"), > startHealthFactor = config.getParameter("vehicleStartHealthFactor"), > fromItem = true > } > > world.spawnVehicle(config.getParameter("vehicleType"), activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), vehicleParams ) 45d41 < --not filled any more. 46a43 > self.vehicleState = VehicleEmpty 48,49c45 < self.vehicleState = empty < activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState",self.vehicleState) --- > activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState", self.vehicleState) 51d46 < --Collision, make an "oh no" sound 55,60d49 < < elseif self.consumePromise == nil then < < --currently empty. suck up the nearest vehicle to the cursor < local vehicleId = world.entityQuery(activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), 0, { < includedTypes = {"vehicle"}, order = "nearest"})[1] --only get one of them 61a51,52 > elseif self.consumePromise == nil then > local vehicleId = world.entityQuery(activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), 0, {includedTypes = {"vehicle"}, order = "nearest"})[1] 63,64c54 < --ask the vehicle if we can store it. < self.consumePromise = world.sendEntityMessage(vehicleId, "store", item.instanceValue("key")) --- > self.consumePromise = world.sendEntityMessage(vehicleId, "store", config.getParameter("key")) 71,78c61,65 < function update() < local spawnPosition = activeItem.ownerAimPosition() < < if ( item.instanceValue("filled")) then < < if (self.respawnTimer>0) then < self.respawnTimer=self.respawnTimer-script.updateDt() < self.vehicleState=empty --- > function update(dt) > if config.getParameter("filled") then > if self.respawnTimer > 0 then > self.respawnTimer = self.respawnTimer - dt > self.vehicleState = VehicleEmpty 80,88c67,68 < local vehicleBounds = {} < vehicleBounds[1] = self.vehicleBoundingBox[1] + spawnPosition[1] --Left < vehicleBounds[2] = self.vehicleBoundingBox[2] + spawnPosition[2] --Bot < vehicleBounds[3] = self.vehicleBoundingBox[3] + spawnPosition[1] --Right < vehicleBounds[4] = self.vehicleBoundingBox[4] + spawnPosition[2] --Top < < if (world.rectTileCollision(vehicleBounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"})) then < self.vehicleState = blocked < util.debugRect(vehicleBounds,"red") --- > if placementValid() then > self.vehicleState = VehiclePlaceable 90,91c70 < self.vehicleState = placeable < util.debugRect(vehicleBounds,"green") --- > self.vehicleState = VehicleBlocked 98,101c77,78 < < local vehicleResult = self.consumePromise:result() --so this is a json returned from the vehicle we want to store. < < if (vehicleResult) then --- > local vehicleResult = self.consumePromise:result() > if vehicleResult then 103c80 < self.respawnTimer=item.instanceValue("respawnTime") --- > self.respawnTimer = config.getParameter("respawnTime") 106d82 < --remember how healthy the vehicle was when we spawned 118,121c94 < --set whether the vehicle can be instanciated here < --this is used to change the cursor from red to green. < activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState",self.vehicleState) < --- > activeItem.setScriptedAnimationParameter("vehicleState", self.vehicleState) 125,127c98,100 < if item.instanceValue("filled") then < animator.setAnimationState("controller", "full") < activeItem.setInventoryIcon(item.instanceValue("filledInventoryIcon")) --- > if config.getParameter("filled") then > animator.setAnimationState("controller", "full") > activeItem.setInventoryIcon(config.getParameter("filledInventoryIcon")) 130c103,111 < activeItem.setInventoryIcon(item.instanceValue("emptyInventoryIcon")) --- > activeItem.setInventoryIcon(config.getParameter("emptyInventoryIcon")) > end > end > > function placementValid() > local aimPosition = activeItem.ownerAimPosition() > > if world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), aimPosition) then > return false 131a113,125 > > local vehicleBounds = { > self.vehicleBoundingBox[1] + aimPosition[1], > self.vehicleBoundingBox[2] + aimPosition[2], > self.vehicleBoundingBox[3] + aimPosition[1], > self.vehicleBoundingBox[4] + aimPosition[2] > } > > if world.rectTileCollision(vehicleBounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then > return false > end > > return true items\active\vehiclecontroller\vehiclecursor.lua 2c2 < end --- > localAnimator.clearDrawables() 4,5c4 < function drawables() < local blocked, placeable, empty =1,2,3 --- > VehicleBlocked, VehiclePlaceable, VehicleEmpty = 1, 2, 3 9,10c8,9 < if (vehicleState == empty) then < return {{ }} --- > if (vehicleState == VehicleEmpty) then > return {} 14d12 < local highlightColour = {150, 255, 150, 96} 16,18c14 < if (vehicleState == blocked) then < highlightColour = {255, 150, 150, 128} < end --- > local highlightColor = vehicleState == VehiclePlaceable and {150, 255, 150, 96} or {255, 150, 150, 128} 20c16 < return {{ --- > localAnimator.addDrawable({ 23c19 < color = highlightColour, --- > color = highlightColor, 25c21 < }} --- > }) 27c23 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\weapons\weapon.lua 6,11c6,11 < function Weapon:new(config) < local newWeapon = config or {} < newWeapon.damageLevelMultiplier = item.instanceValue("damageLevelMultiplier", root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", item.instanceValue("level", 1))) < newWeapon.elementalType = item.instanceValue("elementalType") < newWeapon.muzzleOffset = item.instanceValue("muzzleOffset") or {0,0} < newWeapon.aimOffset = item.instanceValue("aimOffset") or (newWeapon.muzzleOffset[2] - 0.25) -- why is it off by 0.25? nobody knows! --- > function Weapon:new(weaponConfig) > local newWeapon = weaponConfig or {} > newWeapon.damageLevelMultiplier = config.getParameter("damageLevelMultiplier", root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", config.getParameter("level", 1))) > newWeapon.elementalType = config.getParameter("elementalType") > newWeapon.muzzleOffset = config.getParameter("muzzleOffset") or {0,0} > newWeapon.aimOffset = config.getParameter("aimOffset") or (newWeapon.muzzleOffset[2] - 0.25) -- why is it off by 0.25? nobody knows! 13a14 > newWeapon.handGrip = config.getParameter("handGrip", "inside") 53a55,66 > self.relativeArmRotation = self.relativeArmRotation + self.armAngularVelocity * dt > self.relativeWeaponRotation = self.relativeWeaponRotation + self.weaponAngularVelocity * dt > end > > if self.handGrip == "wrap" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(self:isFrontHand()) > elseif self.handGrip == "embed" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(not self:isFrontHand()) > elseif self.handGrip == "outside" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(true) > elseif self.handGrip == "inside" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(false) 126,127c139,140 < local aimAngle, aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.aimOffset, activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) < --- > local aimAngle, aimDirection = activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(self.aimOffset, activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) > 129a143,144 > elseif self.stance.aimAngle then > self.aimAngle = self.stance.aimAngle 138,142c153,154 < if (self:isFrontHand()) then < activeItem.setArmFrame(self.stance.frontArmFrame) < else < activeItem.setArmFrame(self.stance.backArmFrame) < end --- > activeItem.setFrontArmFrame(self.stance.frontArmFrame) > activeItem.setBackArmFrame(self.stance.backArmFrame) 150a163,172 > function Weapon:setOwnerDamageAreas(damageConfig, damageAreas, damageTimeout) > self.ownerDamageWasSet = true > self.ownerDamageCleared = false > local damageSources = {} > for i, area in ipairs(damageAreas) do > table.insert(damageSources, self:damageSource(damageConfig, area, damageTimeout)) > end > activeItem.setDamageSources(damageSources) > end > 156a179,188 > function Weapon:setDamageAreas(damageConfig, damageAreas, damageTimeout) > self.damageWasSet = true > self.damageCleared = false > local damageSources = {} > for i, area in ipairs(damageAreas) do > table.insert(damageSources, self:damageSource(damageConfig, area, damageTimeout)) > end > activeItem.setItemDamageSources(damageSources) > end > 164a197,203 > local damageLine, damagePoly > if #damageArea == 2 then > damageLine = damageArea > else > damagePoly = damageArea > end > 166c205,206 < poly = damageArea, --- > poly = damagePoly, > line = damageLine, 167a208 > trackSourceEntity = damageConfig.trackSourceEntity, 183c224 < self.relativeWeaponRotation = util.toRadians(stance.weaponRotation) or 0 --- > self.relativeWeaponRotation = util.toRadians(stance.weaponRotation or 0) 185c226,228 < self.relativeArmRotation = util.toRadians(stance.armRotation) or 0 --- > self.relativeArmRotation = util.toRadians(stance.armRotation or 0) > self.armAngularVelocity = util.toRadians(stance.armAngularVelocity or 0) > self.weaponAngularVelocity = util.toRadians(stance.weaponAngularVelocity or 0) 187,190c230,239 < if (self:isFrontHand()) then < activeItem.setArmFrame(stance.frontArmFrame) < else < activeItem.setArmFrame(stance.backArmFrame) --- > for stateType, state in pairs(stance.animationStates or {}) do > animator.setAnimationState(stateType, state) > end > > for _, soundName in pairs(stance.playSounds or {}) do > animator.playSound(soundName) > end > > for _, particleEmitterName in pairs(stance.burstParticleEmitters or {}) do > animator.burstParticleEmitter(particleEmitterName) 191a241,243 > > activeItem.setFrontArmFrame(self.stance.frontArmFrame) > activeItem.setBackArmFrame(self.stance.backArmFrame) 208,210c260,262 < function WeaponAbility:new(config, stances) < local newAbility = config or {} < newAbility.stances = stances or {} --- > function WeaponAbility:new(abilityConfig) > local newAbility = abilityConfig or {} > newAbility.stances = newAbility.stances or {} 223,224c275,290 < function getAltAbility(elementalType) < local altAbilityConfig = item.instanceValue("altAbility") --- > function getAbility(abilitySlot, abilityConfig) > for _, script in ipairs(abilityConfig.scripts) do > require(script) > end > local class = _ENV[abilityConfig.class] > abilityConfig.abilitySlot = abilitySlot > return class:new(abilityConfig) > end > > function getPrimaryAbility() > local primaryAbilityConfig = config.getParameter("primaryAbility") > return getAbility("primary", primaryAbilityConfig) > end > > function getAltAbility() > local altAbilityConfig = config.getParameter("altAbility") 226,229c292 < for _, script in ipairs(altAbilityConfig.scripts) do < require(script) < end < return setupAltAbility(altAbilityConfig, elementalType) --- > return getAbility("alt", altAbilityConfig) 239c302 < return activeItem.ownerEntityId() .. item.instanceValue("itemName") .. activeItem.hand() .. mode --- > return activeItem.ownerEntityId() .. config.getParameter("itemName") .. activeItem.hand() .. mode items\active\weapons\colors\tier10melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier1melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier2melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier3melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier4melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier5melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier6melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* TEAL */ --- > // TEAL 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier7melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier8melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\colors\tier9melee.weaponcolors 4c4 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 6c6 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 8c8 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 10c10 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 12c12 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 14c14 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 16c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c18 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c20 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 22c22 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 24c24 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 26c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 29c29 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\boxingglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 250, 5c6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 21c22 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword.ogg" ] --- > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_dagger.ogg" ] 32c33,37 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/powerpunch.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/powerpunch.combofinisher", > > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", 34d38 < "primaryAttack" : { 44,58d47 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" 60,99c49,102 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" < }, < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\brassknuckles.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 750, 5,6c6,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "description" : "Hard to crack these knuckles", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "description" : "It's hard to crack these knuckles.", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 32c33,37 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/powerpunch.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/powerpunch.combofinisher", > > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", 34d38 < "primaryAttack" : { 44,58d47 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" 60,99c49,102 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" < }, < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\clawglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, 5c6 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 35c36 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/dashslash.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/dashslash.combofinisher", 39c40,43 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", > 49,63d52 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" 65,104c54,107 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" < }, < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\fistweapon.lua 5d4 < require "/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua" 12,13c11,12 < self.primaryAttack = Punch:new(item.instanceValue("primaryAttack"), item.instanceValue("stances")) < self.weapon:addAbility(self.primaryAttack) --- > self.primaryAbility = getPrimaryAbility() > self.weapon:addAbility(self.primaryAbility) 15,19c14,15 < local comboFinisherConfig = item.instanceValue("comboFinisher") < for _, script in ipairs(comboFinisherConfig.scripts) do < require(script) < end < self.comboFinisher = setupComboFinisher(comboFinisherConfig) --- > local comboFinisherConfig = config.getParameter("comboFinisher") > self.comboFinisher = getAbility("comboFinisher", comboFinisherConfig) 24,25c20,21 < self.needsEdgeTrigger = item.instanceValue("needsEdgeTrigger", false) < self.edgeTriggerGrace = item.instanceValue("edgeTriggerGrace", 0) --- > self.needsEdgeTrigger = config.getParameter("needsEdgeTrigger", false) > self.edgeTriggerGrace = config.getParameter("edgeTriggerGrace", 0) 29,31c25,27 < self.comboSteps = item.instanceValue("comboSteps") < self.comboTiming = item.instanceValue("comboTiming") < self.comboCooldown = item.instanceValue("comboCooldown") --- > self.comboSteps = config.getParameter("comboSteps") > self.comboTiming = config.getParameter("comboTiming") > self.comboCooldown = config.getParameter("comboCooldown") 33c29 < self.weapon.freezeLimit = item.instanceValue("freezeLimit", 2) --- > self.weapon.freezeLimit = config.getParameter("freezeLimit", 2) 61c57 < if self.primaryAttack:canStartAttack() then --- > if self.primaryAbility:canStartAttack() then 66c62 < self.primaryAttack:startAttack() --- > self.primaryAbility:startAttack() 77,78c73,74 < if self.primaryAttack:canStartAttack() then < self.primaryAttack:startAttack() --- > if self.primaryAbility:canStartAttack() then > self.primaryAbility:startAttack() 110c106 < if self.primaryAttack:canStartAttack() then --- > if self.primaryAbility:canStartAttack() then 115c111 < self.primaryAttack:startAttack() --- > self.primaryAbility:startAttack() 143c139 < self.primaryAttack.cooldownTimer = self.comboCooldown --- > self.primaryAbility.cooldownTimer = self.comboCooldown items\active\weapons\fist\gauntlet.activeitem 3c3,4 < "level" : 3, --- > "price" : 750, > "level" : 2, 5,6c6,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "description" : "Press Q to initiate a duel.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "description" : "Perfect for initiating a duel.", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 32c33,37 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/uppercut.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/uppercut.combofinisher", > > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", 34d38 < "primaryAttack" : { 44,58d47 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" 60,99c49,102 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" < }, < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\stunglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, 5c6 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 21,23c22,24 < "parts" : { < "swoosh" : { < "properties" : { --- > "parts" : { > "swoosh" : { > "properties" : { 53c54,58 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/thunderpunch.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/thunderpunch.combofinisher", > > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", 55d59 < "primaryAttack" : { 65,92d68 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" 94,99c70,116 < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], 101,102c118,119 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, 104,120c121,123 < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\vinefist.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, 5c6 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 9c10 < "weaponType" : "Fist Weapon", --- > "category" : "fistWeapon", 32c33,37 < "comboFinisher" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/snaproot.combofinisher", --- > "comboFinisherSource" : "/items/active/weapons/fist/combofinishers/snaproot.combofinisher", > > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/fist/punch.lua"], > "class" : "Punch", 34d38 < "primaryAttack" : { 44,58d47 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 45, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", < "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" 60,99c49,102 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" < }, < "windup2" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", < "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", < < "recoil" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false, < < "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", < "backArmFrame" : "rotation" --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 45, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true, > > "frontArmFrame" : "run.2", > "backArmFrame" : "jump.3" > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1" > }, > "windup2" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1", > "backArmFrame" : "swim.1", > > "recoil" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.1, > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0], > "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25], > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false, > > "frontArmFrame" : "rotation", > "backArmFrame" : "rotation" > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\dashslash.combofinisher 48a49 > "class" : "DashSlash", 53c54 < "damageSourceKind" : "fist", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", 118c119 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\dashslash.lua 4,5c4 < function setupComboFinisher(config) < local DashSlash = WeaponAbility:new(config, config.stances) --- > DashSlash = WeaponAbility:new() 7,8c6,7 < function DashSlash:init() < self.freezeTimer = 0 --- > function DashSlash:init() > self.freezeTimer = 0 10,12c9,10 < self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) < end --- > self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) 13a12 > end 15,23c14,16 < -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability < function DashSlash:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < < self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) < end < end --- > -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability > function DashSlash:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) 25,27c18,21 < -- used by fist weapon combo system < function DashSlash:startAttack() < self:setState(self.windup) --- > self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) > end 29,30c23,24 < self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 < self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 --- > if self.damageListener then > self.damageListener:update() 31a26 > end 33,35c28,30 < -- State: windup < function DashSlash:windup() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) --- > -- used by fist weapon combo system > function DashSlash:startAttack() > self:setState(self.windup) 37c32,34 < util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) --- > self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 > self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 > end 39,40c36,38 < self:setState(self.windup2) < end --- > -- State: windup > function DashSlash:windup() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) 42,44c40 < -- State: windup2 < function DashSlash:windup2() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) 46c42,43 < util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) --- > self:setState(self.windup2) > end 48,49c45,47 < self:setState(self.dash) < end --- > -- State: windup2 > function DashSlash:windup2() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) 51,63c49 < -- State: special < function DashSlash:dash() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.dash) < self.weapon:updateAim() < < animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") < animator.playSound("special") < < status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", self.stances.dash.duration + 0.1) < < util.wait(self.stances.dash.duration, function() < mcontroller.controlMove(self.weapon.aimDirection) < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(self.weapon:faceVector(self.stances.dash.velocity), 2000) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) 65,67c51,52 < local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") < self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) < end) --- > self:setState(self.dash) > end 69c54,57 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) --- > -- State: special > function DashSlash:dash() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.dash) > self.weapon:updateAim() 71,73c59,62 < finishFistCombo() < activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") < end --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") > animator.playSound("special") > > status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", self.stances.dash.duration + 0.1) 75,76c64,72 < function DashSlash:uninit(unloaded) < self.weapon:setDamage() --- > if self.burstParticlesOnHit then > self.damageListener = damageListener("inflictedDamage", function(notifications) > for _, notification in pairs(notifications) do > if notification.healthLost > 0 and notification.damageSourceKind == self.damageConfig.damageSourceKind then > animator.burstParticleEmitter(self.burstParticlesOnHit) > return > end > end > end) 79,80c75,93 < return DashSlash < end \ No newline at end of file --- > util.wait(self.stances.dash.duration, function() > mcontroller.controlMove(self.weapon.aimDirection) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(self.weapon:faceVector(self.stances.dash.velocity), 2000) > > local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") > self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) > end) > > self.damageListener = nil > > mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) > > finishFistCombo() > activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") > end > > function DashSlash:uninit(unloaded) > self.weapon:setDamage() > end items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\powerpunch.combofinisher 48a49 > "class" : "PowerPunch", 53c54 < "damageSourceKind" : "fist", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "fiststrong", 120c121 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\powerpunch.lua 4,5c4 < function setupComboFinisher(config) < local PowerPunch = WeaponAbility:new(config, config.stances) --- > PowerPunch = WeaponAbility:new() 7,8c6,7 < function PowerPunch:init() < self.freezeTimer = 0 --- > function PowerPunch:init() > self.freezeTimer = 0 10,12c9,10 < self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) < end --- > self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) 13a12 > end 15,22c14,20 < -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability < function PowerPunch:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < < self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) < end --- > -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability > function PowerPunch:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > > self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) 23a22 > end 25,27c24,26 < -- used by fist weapon combo system < function PowerPunch:startAttack() < self:setState(self.windup) --- > -- used by fist weapon combo system > function PowerPunch:startAttack() > self:setState(self.windup) 29,31c28,30 < self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 < self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 < end --- > self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 > self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 > end 33,35c32,34 < -- State: windup < function PowerPunch:windup() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) --- > -- State: windup > function PowerPunch:windup() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) 37c36 < util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) 39,40c38,39 < self:setState(self.windup2) < end --- > self:setState(self.windup2) > end 42,44c41,43 < -- State: windup2 < function PowerPunch:windup2() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) --- > -- State: windup2 > function PowerPunch:windup2() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) 46c45 < util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) 48,49c47,48 < self:setState( < end --- > self:setState( > end 51,65c50,53 < -- State: special < function PowerPunch:fire() < self.weapon:setStance( < self.weapon:updateAim() < < animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") < animator.playSound("special") < < status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.1) < < util.wait(, function() < local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") < < self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) < end) --- > -- State: special > function PowerPunch:fire() > self.weapon:setStance( > self.weapon:updateAim() 67,69c55,56 < finishFistCombo() < activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") < end --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") > animator.playSound("special") 71,73c58,68 < function PowerPunch:uninit(unloaded) < self.weapon:setDamage() < end --- > status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.1) > > util.wait(, function() > local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") > > self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) > end) > > finishFistCombo() > activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") > end 75,76c70,72 < return PowerPunch < end \ No newline at end of file --- > function PowerPunch:uninit(unloaded) > self.weapon:setDamage() > end items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\snaproot.combofinisher 11a12 > "class" : "Snaproot", 16,17c17,18 < "damageSourceKind" : "lash", < "knockback" : 15, --- > "damageSourceKind" : "fiststrong", > "knockback" : 25, 83c84 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\snaproot.lua 4,5c4 < function setupComboFinisher(config) < local Snaproot = WeaponAbility:new(config, config.stances) --- > Snaproot = WeaponAbility:new() 7,8c6,7 < function Snaproot:init() < self.freezeTimer = 0 --- > function Snaproot:init() > self.freezeTimer = 0 10,12c9,10 < self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) < end --- > self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) 13a12 > end 15,22c14,20 < -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability < function Snaproot:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < < self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) < end --- > -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability > function Snaproot:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > > self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) 23a22 > end 25,27c24,26 < -- used by fist weapon combo system < function Snaproot:startAttack() < self:setState(self.windup) --- > -- used by fist weapon combo system > function Snaproot:startAttack() > self:setState(self.windup) 29,31c28,30 < self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 < self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 < end --- > self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 > self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 > end 33,35c32,34 < -- State: windup < function Snaproot:windup() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) --- > -- State: windup > function Snaproot:windup() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) 37c36 < util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) 39,40c38,39 < self:setState(self.windup2) < end --- > self:setState(self.windup2) > end 42,44c41,43 < -- State: windup2 < function Snaproot:windup2() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) --- > -- State: windup2 > function Snaproot:windup2() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) 46c45 < util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) 48,49c47,48 < self:setState( < end --- > self:setState( > end 51,65c50,53 < -- State: special < function Snaproot:fire() < self.weapon:setStance( < self.weapon:updateAim() < < animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") < animator.playSound("special") < < status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.1) < < util.wait(, function() < local damageArea = partDamageArea("weapon") < < self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) < end) --- > -- State: special > function Snaproot:fire() > self.weapon:setStance( > self.weapon:updateAim() 67,69c55,56 < finishFistCombo() < activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") < end --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") > animator.playSound("special") 71,73c58,68 < function Snaproot:uninit(unloaded) < self.weapon:setDamage() < end --- > status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.1) > > util.wait(, function() > local damageArea = partDamageArea("weapon") > > self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) > end) > > finishFistCombo() > activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") > end 75,76c70,72 < return Snaproot < end \ No newline at end of file --- > function Snaproot:uninit(unloaded) > self.weapon:setDamage() > end items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\thunderpunch.combofinisher 52a53 > "class" : "PowerPunch", 120c121 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\uppercut.combofinisher 48a49 > "class" : "Uppercut", 119c120 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\uppercut.lua 4,5c4 < function setupComboFinisher(config) < local Uppercut = WeaponAbility:new(config, config.stances) --- > Uppercut = WeaponAbility:new() 7,8c6,7 < function Uppercut:init() < self.freezeTimer = 0 --- > function Uppercut:init() > self.freezeTimer = 0 10,12c9,10 < self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) < end --- > self.weapon.onLeaveAbility = function() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.idle) 13a12 > end 15,22c14,20 < -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability < function Uppercut:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < < self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) < if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) < end --- > -- Ticks on every update regardless if this is the active ability > function Uppercut:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > WeaponAbility.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) > > self.freezeTimer = math.max(0, self.freezeTimer - self.dt) > if self.freezeTimer > 0 and not mcontroller.onGround() then > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({0, 0}, 1000) 23a22 > end 25,27c24,26 < -- used by fist weapon combo system < function Uppercut:startAttack() < self:setState(self.windup) --- > -- used by fist weapon combo system > function Uppercut:startAttack() > self:setState(self.windup) 29,31c28,30 < self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 < self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 < end --- > self.weapon.freezesLeft = 0 > self.freezeTimer = self.freezeTime or 0 > end 33,35c32,34 < -- State: windup < function Uppercut:windup() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) --- > -- State: windup > function Uppercut:windup() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup) 37c36 < util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) 39,40c38,39 < self:setState(self.windup2) < end --- > self:setState(self.windup2) > end 42,44c41,43 < -- State: windup2 < function Uppercut:windup2() < self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) --- > -- State: windup2 > function Uppercut:windup2() > self.weapon:setStance(self.stances.windup2) 46c45 < util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) --- > util.wait(self.stances.windup2.duration) 48,49c47,48 < self:setState( < end --- > self:setState( > end 51,69c50,53 < -- State: special < function Uppercut:fire() < self.weapon:setStance( < self.weapon:updateAim() < < animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") < animator.playSound("special") < < status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.2) < < util.wait(, function() < local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") < < self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) < < if then < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({[1] * self.weapon.aimDirection,[2]}, 1000) < end < end) --- > -- State: special > function Uppercut:fire() > self.weapon:setStance( > self.weapon:updateAim() 71,73c55,56 < finishFistCombo() < activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") < end --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "special") > animator.playSound("special") 75,77c58,68 < function Uppercut:uninit(unloaded) < self.weapon:setDamage() < end --- > status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable", + 0.2) > > util.wait(, function() > local damageArea = partDamageArea("specialswoosh") > > self.weapon:setDamage(self.damageConfig, damageArea, self.fireTime) > > if then > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({[1] * self.weapon.aimDirection,[2]}, 1000) > end > end) 79,80c70,76 < return Uppercut < end \ No newline at end of file --- > finishFistCombo() > activeItem.callOtherHandScript("finishFistCombo") > end > > function Uppercut:uninit(unloaded) > self.weapon:setDamage() > end items\active\weapons\melee\meleeslash.lua 6c6,8 < --- > > self.energyUsage = self.energyUsage or 0 > 22c24 < if not self.weapon.currentAbility and self.fireMode == "primary" and self.cooldownTimer == 0 then --- > if not self.weapon.currentAbility and self.fireMode == (self.activatingFireMode or self.abilitySlot) and self.cooldownTimer == 0 and (self.energyUsage == 0 or not status.resourceLocked("energy")) then 31c33,43 < util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) --- > if self.stances.windup.hold then > while self.fireMode == (self.activatingFireMode or self.abilitySlot) do > coroutine.yield() > end > else > util.wait(self.stances.windup.duration) > end > > if self.energyUsage then > status.overConsumeResource("energy", self.energyUsage) > end 57,58c69,70 < animator.playSound("fire") < animator.burstParticleEmitter(self.weapon.elementalType .. "swoosh") --- > animator.playSound(self.fireSound or "fire") > animator.burstParticleEmitter((self.elementalType or self.weapon.elementalType) .. "swoosh") 74c86 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\weapons\melee\meleeweapon.lua 4d3 < require "/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua" 7c6 < animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", item.instanceValue("paletteSwaps", "")) --- > animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", config.getParameter("paletteSwaps", "")) 13c12 < self.weapon:addTransformationGroup("weapon", {0,0}, util.toRadians(item.instanceValue("baseWeaponRotation", 0))) --- > self.weapon:addTransformationGroup("weapon", {0,0}, util.toRadians(config.getParameter("baseWeaponRotation", 0))) 16,17c15,16 < local primaryAttack = MeleeSlash:new(item.instanceValue("primaryAttack"), item.instanceValue("stances")) < self.weapon:addAbility(primaryAttack) --- > local primaryAbility = getPrimaryAbility() > self.weapon:addAbility(primaryAbility) 33c32 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\weapons\melee\axe\axe.animation 5c5 < --- > 36,37c36 < "rotationCenter" : [0, 0], < "groundImpactPoint" : [1.5, 1.0] --- > "rotationCenter" : [0, 0] 77c76 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\axe\axenames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\axe\commonaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 600, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "You're a lumberjack, and that's OK.", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "Designed for effective chopping.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Axe", --- > "category" : "axe", 23,25c23,26 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [0.71, 0.9], < "baseDps" : [6, 7], --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [0.9, 1.2], > "baseDps" : [9.5, 10], 27,31c28 < "damageSourceKind" : "axe", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [15, 20], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 30] 35,66d31 < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.75], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } < }, items\active\weapons\melee\axe\rareaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 720, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "You're a lumberjack, and that's OK.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "Designed for effective chopping.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Axe", --- > "category" : "axe", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 23,25c20,24 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [0.71, 0.9], < "baseDps" : [6, 7], --- > > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [0.9, 1.1], > "baseDps" : [9.5, 10], 28,63c27 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [15, 20], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.75], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 30] 78c42 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, 82c46 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, 86c50 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, 90c54 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, items\active\weapons\melee\axe\uncommonaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 660, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "You're a lumberjack, and that's OK.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "Designed for effective chopping.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Axe", --- > "category" : "axe", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 24,26c21,24 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [0.71, 0.9], < "baseDps" : [6, 7], --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [0.9, 1.1], > "baseDps" : [9.5, 10], 29,64c27 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [15, 20], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.75], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 30] items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\broadsword.animation 63c63 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\commonbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 900, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A powerful two-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Broadsword", --- > "category" : "broadsword", 13c13 < "animation" : "broadsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "combobroadsword.animation", 14a15 > "animationCustom" : { }, 20c21,22 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "broadswordcombo", > "primaryAbility" : { 22,66c24 < "baseDps" : [10, 11], < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockback" : [20, 30], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ 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"/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/risingslash/risingslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/spinslash/spinslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/spinslash/superspinslash.altability" --- > "bladecharge", > "downstab", > "parry", > "risingslash", > "spinslash", > "superspinslash" items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\rarebroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "A powerful two-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Broadsword", --- > "category" : "broadsword", 13c13 < "animation" : "broadsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "combobroadsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 22c19,20 < 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"animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 89,90c55,60 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 93,94c63,68 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } 110,114c84,88 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/giantsword/giantsword.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/travelingslash/travelingslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkslash/blinkslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/traildash/traildash.altability" --- > "giantsword", > "travelingslash", > "blinkexplosion", > "blinkslash", > "traildash" items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\swordnames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\uncommonbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "A powerful two-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Broadsword", --- > "category" : "broadsword", 13c13 < "animation" : 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< }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword" 81c39,43 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 84c46,50 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 87c53,57 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 90c60,64 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } 106,110c80,84 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/giantsword/giantsword.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/travelingslash/travelingslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkslash/blinkslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/traildash/traildash.altability" --- > "giantsword", > "travelingslash", > "blinkexplosion", > "blinkslash", > "traildash" items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\commondagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 80, --- > "price" : 450, 5c5 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Dagger", --- > "category" : "dagger", 22c22,25 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], > "class" : "MeleeSlash", > 24c27 < "baseDps" : [7, 8], --- > "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], 29c32 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 31,51d33 < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_dagger.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -20, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false 53,60c35,61 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.2, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : -90, > "weaponRotation" : -10, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : true > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : -20, > "weaponRotation" : -20, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.2, > "armRotation" : -135, > "weaponRotation" : 40, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > } 62a64 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_dagger.ogg" ], items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\dagger.animation 5c5 < --- > 59c59 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/dagger/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\daggernames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\raredagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 540, 5c5 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Dagger", --- > "category" : "dagger", 12c12 < --- > 23c23,26 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], > "class" : "MeleeSlash", > 25c28 < "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], --- > "baseDps" : [8.0, 9.0], 30c33 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 32,42d34 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true 44,48c36,40 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -20, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : -90, > "weaponRotation" : -10, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], 50,57c42,49 < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.2, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], --- > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : true > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : -20, > "weaponRotation" : -20, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], 59,60c51,62 < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.2, > "armRotation" : -135, > "weaponRotation" : 40, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > } 75c77 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, 79c81 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, 83c85 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, 87c89 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\uncommondagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 495, 5c5 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Dagger", --- > "category" : "dagger", 23c23,26 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], > "class" : "MeleeSlash", > 25c28 < "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], --- > "baseDps" : [8.0, 9.0], 30c33 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 32,42d34 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true 44,60c36,62 < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -20, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.2, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : -90, > "weaponRotation" : -10, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : true > }, > "windup" : { > "duration" : 0.05, > "armRotation" : -20, > "weaponRotation" : -20, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0.2, > "armRotation" : -135, > "weaponRotation" : 40, > "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], > > "allowFlip" : true, > "allowRotate" : false > } items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\commonhammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "Slow, heavy and effective.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Hammer", --- > "category" : "hammer", 16c16 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 19,47d18 < < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.2, 1.5], < "baseDps" : [10, 11], < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "knockback" : [40, 50] < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45] < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_hammer.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], 49,82c20,23 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.2], > "baseDps" : [12, 13] 83a25 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_hammer.ogg" ], 101,103c43,45 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/uppercut/uppercut.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/physicalshockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/groundslam/groundslam.altability" --- > "uppercut", > "physicalshockwave", > "groundslam" items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\hammer.animation 34c34 < }, --- > }, 62c62 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/hammer/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\hammernames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\rarehammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "Slow, heavy and effective.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Hammer", --- > "category" : "hammer", 15,18c15,17 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, > > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 20,24c19,22 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], < < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.2, 1.5], < "baseDps" : [10.5, 11.5], --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.2], > "baseDps" : [12.5, 13.5], 27,82c25 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "knockback" : [40, 50] < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45] < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "knockbackRange" : [40, 50] 97c40 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, 101c44 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, 105c48 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, 109c52 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, 126,129c69,72 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "shockwave", > "elementalaura", > "elementalpillar" items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\uncommonhammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "Slow, heavy and effective.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Hammer", --- > "category" : "hammer", 15,18c15,17 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, > > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 20,24c19,22 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], < < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.2, 1.5], < "baseDps" : [10.5, 11.5], --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.2], > "baseDps" : [12.5, 13.5], 27,82c25 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "knockback" : [40, 50] < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45] < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "knockbackRange" : [40, 50] 122,125c65,68 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "shockwave", > "elementalaura", > "elementalpillar" items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\commonshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 120, --- > "price" : 600, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Doesn't feel so short when it's buried in your guts.", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A sturdy one-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Shortsword", --- > "category" : "shortsword", 13c13 < "animation" : "shortsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "comboshortsword.animation", 21,22c21,22 < "aimOffset" : 0.0, < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "shortswordcombo", > "primaryAbility" : { 24,61c24 < "baseDps" : [6, 7], < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [10, 15], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -15, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } --- > "baseDps" : [6, 7] items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\rareshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 140, --- > "price" : 720, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "Doesn't feel so short when it's buried in your guts.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "A sturdy one-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Shortsword", --- > "category" : "shortsword", 13c13 < "animation" : "shortsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "comboshortsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.15 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 22,23c19,20 < "aimOffset" : 0.0, < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "shortswordcombo", > "primaryAbility" : { 27,60c24 < "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [10, 15], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < < 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"/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 79,80c46,50 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 83,84c53,57 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 87,88c60,64 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\shortsword.animation 29,30c29 < "rotationCenter" : [0, 0], < "groundImpactPoint" : [1.5, 1.0] --- > "rotationCenter" : [0, 0] 60c59 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/shortsword/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\shortswordnames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\uncommonshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 130, --- > "price" : 660, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "Doesn't feel so short when it's buried in your guts.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "A sturdy one-handed sword.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Shortsword", --- > "category" : "shortsword", 13c13 < "animation" : "shortsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "comboshortsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 22,23c19,20 < "aimOffset" : 0.0, < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "shortswordcombo", > "primaryAbility" : { 27,60c24 < "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [10, 15], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -15, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword" 75c39,42 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 78c45,48 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 81c51,54 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 84c57,60 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } items\active\weapons\melee\spear\commonspear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "This spear is perfect for enemies just out of reach.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Spear", --- > "category" : "spear", 17c17 < "scripts" : ["spear.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 22c22,24 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > > "primaryAbilityType" : "spearstab", > "primaryAbility" : { 26,35c28 < "damageSourceKind" : "spear", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [25, 35], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "holdDamageMultiplier" : 0.1, < "holdDamageConfig" : { < "timeoutGroup" : "hold", < "timeout" : 0.5 --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] 40,80d32 < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : -110, < "weaponRotation" : 20, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.3, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -70, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "hold" : { < "armRotation" : -30, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < } < }, < 97,98c49,50 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/flurry/flurry.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/spin/spin.altability" --- > "flurry", > "spearspin" items\active\weapons\melee\spear\rarespear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "This spear is perfect for enemies just out of reach.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Spear", --- > "category" : "spear", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 20c17 < "scripts" : ["spear.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 23c20,22 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > > "primaryAbilityType" : "spearstab", > "primaryAbility" : { 28,77c27 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [25, 35], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "holdDamageMultiplier" : 0.1, < "holdDamageConfig" : { < "timeoutGroup" : "hold", < "timeout" : 0.5 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : -110, < "weaponRotation" : 20, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.3, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -70, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "hold" : { < "armRotation" : -30, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] 92c42 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, 96c46 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, 100c50 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, 104c54 < "primaryAttack" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "damageConfig" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, 121,124c71,74 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/barrier/barrier.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/elementalspin/elementalspin.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/rocketspear/rocketspear.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "barrier", > "elementalspin", > "rocketspear" items\active\weapons\melee\spear\spear.animation 5c5 < --- > 60c60 < "image" : "swoosh/swoosh.png:", --- > "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/spear/swoosh/swoosh.png:", items\active\weapons\melee\spear\spearnames.config 7c7 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], items\active\weapons\melee\spear\uncommonspear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "This spear is perfect for enemies just out of reach.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Spear", --- > "category" : "spear", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 20c17 < "scripts" : ["spear.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 23c20,22 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > > "primaryAbilityType" : "spearstab", > "primaryAbility" : { 28,77c27 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [25, 35], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "holdDamageMultiplier" : 0.1, < "holdDamageConfig" : { < "timeoutGroup" : "hold", < "timeout" : 0.5 < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : -110, < "weaponRotation" : 20, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.3, < "armRotation" : -20, < "weaponRotation" : -70, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "hold" : { < "armRotation" : -30, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] 117,120c67,70 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/barrier/barrier.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/elementalspin/elementalspin.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/rocketspear/rocketspear.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "barrier", > "elementalspin", > "rocketspear" items\active\weapons\ranged\gun.animation 58,62d57 < "off" : { < "properties" : { < "image" : "" < } < }, 87d81 < "emissionRate" : 10.0, items\active\weapons\ranged\gun.lua 3d2 < require "/scripts/interp.lua" 5d3 < require "/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua" 9,10c7,8 < animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", item.instanceValue("paletteSwaps", "")) < --- > animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", config.getParameter("paletteSwaps", "")) > 16,17c14,15 < local primaryAttack = GunFire:new(item.instanceValue("primaryAttack"), item.instanceValue("stances")) < self.weapon:addAbility(primaryAttack) --- > local primaryAbility = getPrimaryAbility() > self.weapon:addAbility(primaryAbility) 19,21c17,19 < local secondaryAttack = getAltAbility(self.weapon.elementalType) < if secondaryAttack then < self.weapon:addAbility(secondaryAttack) --- > local secondaryAbility = getAltAbility(self.weapon.elementalType) > if secondaryAbility then > self.weapon:addAbility(secondaryAbility) 23c21 < --- > items\active\weapons\ranged\gunfire.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > require "/scripts/interp.lua" > 23c26 < if self.fireMode == "primary" --- > if self.fireMode == (self.activatingFireMode or self.abilitySlot) 25,27c28,30 < and not world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), self:firePosition()) < and self.cooldownTimer == 0 < and not status.resourceLocked("energy") then --- > and self.cooldownTimer == 0 > and not status.resourceLocked("energy") > and not world.lineTileCollision(mcontroller.position(), self:firePosition()) then 42a46,49 > if then > util.wait( > end > 72c79,80 < self.weapon.weaponOffset = {interp.linear(progress, from[1], 0), interp.linear(progress, from[2], 0)} --- > local to = self.stances.idle.weaponOffset or {0,0} > self.weapon.weaponOffset = {interp.linear(progress, from[1], to[1]), interp.linear(progress, from[2], to[2])} 74,75c82,83 < self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation = util.toRadians(interp.linear(progress, self.stances.cooldown.weaponRotation, 0)) < self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = util.toRadians(interp.linear(progress, self.stances.cooldown.armRotation, 0)) --- > self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation = util.toRadians(interp.linear(progress, self.stances.cooldown.weaponRotation, self.stances.idle.weaponRotation)) > self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = util.toRadians(interp.linear(progress, self.stances.cooldown.armRotation, self.stances.idle.armRotation)) 93a102,109 > params.speed = util.randomInRange(params.speed) > > if not projectileType then > projectileType = self.projectileType > end > if type(projectileType) == "table" then > projectileType = projectileType[math.random(#projectileType)] > end 102c118 < projectileType or self.projectileType, --- > projectileType, 119c135 < aimVector[1] = aimVector[1] * self.weapon.aimDirection --- > aimVector[1] = aimVector[1] * mcontroller.facingDirection() 128c144 < return (self.baseDamage or (self.baseDps * self.fireTime)) * item.instanceValue("damageLevelMultiplier") / self.projectileCount --- > return (self.baseDamage or (self.baseDps * self.fireTime)) * (self.baseDamageMultiplier or 1.0) * config.getParameter("damageLevelMultiplier") / self.projectileCount 132c148 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\assaultnames.config 7,8c7,8 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "rifle", "gun", "sprayer", "stopper", "sprinkler", "blaster", "howitzer", "pitcher", "tosser", "phaser", "wrecker", "destroyer", "ruin", "sinner", "slayer", "plugger", "enforcer", "trigger", "pump", "expeller", "barrage", "terror" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "rifle", "gun", "sprayer", "stopper", "sprinkler", "blaster", "howitzer", "pitcher", "tosser", "phaser", "wrecker", "destroyer", "ruin", "sinner", "slayer", "plugger", "enforcer", "trigger", "pump", "expeller", "barrage", "terror" ] items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\commonassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A fully automatic, military grade rifle.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Assault Rifle", --- > "category" : "assaultRifle", 24c24,27 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > 26,27c29,30 < "baseDps" : [7, 8], < "energyUsage" : [21, 24], --- > "baseDps" : [9, 10], > "energyUsage" : [27, 30], 36,48c39 < "knockback" : [4,8] < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/ar1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar2.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar3.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar4.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar5.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar6.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] 50,54d40 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, 56,63c42,55 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.075, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, 65,66c57,68 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.11, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > } 68a71 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/ar1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar2.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar3.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar4.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar5.ogg", "/sfx/gun/ar6.ogg" ], 93,97c96,100 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveshot/explosiveshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/bouncingshot/bouncingshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flashlight/flashlight.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/spray/spray.altability" --- > "explosiveshot", > "bouncingshot", > "flashlight", > "grenadelauncher", > "spray" items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\rareassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "A fully automatic, military grade rifle.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Assault Rifle", --- > "category" : "assaultRifle", 22c22,25 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > 24,25c27,28 < "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], < "energyUsage" : [22.5, 25.5], --- > "baseDps" : [9.5, 10.5], > "energyUsage" : [28.5, 31.5], 33,44c36 < "knockback" : [4,8] < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] 46,50d37 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, 52,59c39,43 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.075, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : true, 61,62c45,65 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.11, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > } 77c80 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] } }, 81c84 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] } }, 85c88 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] } }, 89c92 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma", "projectileParameters" : { "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] } }, 113,115c116,118 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/lance/lance.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "lance", > "explosiveburst", > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\uncommonassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "A fully automatic, military grade rifle.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Assault Rifle", --- > "category" : "assaultRifle", 22c22,25 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > 24,25c27,28 < "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], < "energyUsage" : [22.5, 25.5], --- > "baseDps" : [9.5, 10.5], > "energyUsage" : [28.5, 31.5], 33,44c36 < "knockback" : [4,8] < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] 46,50d37 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, 52,59c39,43 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.075, < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, < "twoHanded" : true, --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : true, 61,62c45,65 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.11, > "armRotation" : 3, > "weaponRotation" : 3, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > } 77c80 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma" }, 81c84 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma" }, 85c88 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma" }, 89c92 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma" }, 113,115c116,118 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/lance/lance.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "lance", > "explosiveburst", > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\flamethrower\flamethrower.activeitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 150, --- > "level" : 2, > "price" : 1500, 5,6c6,7 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "description" : "Love the smell of napalm, no matter the time of day.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "description" : "Love the smell of napalm, any time of day.", 8,9c9,10 < "tooltipKind" : "base", < "weaponType" : "Flamethrower", --- > "tooltipKind" : "gun", > "category" : "uniqueWeapon", 12c13,14 < "level" : 3, --- > > "inventoryIcon" : "flamethrower.png", 15c17,22 < "animationParts" : { }, --- > "animationParts" : { > "butt" : "", > "middle" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/flamethrower.png", > "barrel" : "", > "muzzleFlash" : "" > }, 23,24c30,31 < "baseOffset" : [-1.0, 0.25], < "muzzleOffset" : [0.0, 0.3125], --- > "baseOffset" : [0.75, 0], > "muzzleOffset" : [2.5, 0.4], 26c33 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/flamethrower.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gun.lua"], 30,39c37,40 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : 0.065, < "baseDps" : 9.0, < "energyUsage" : 60, < "inaccuracy" : 0.05, < < "fireType" : "auto", < < "projectileType" : "flamethrower", < "projectileParameters" : { } --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "flamethrower", > "primaryAbility" : { > "baseDps" : 10, > "energyUsage" : 30 42,69c43,44 < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < } < }, --- > "altAbilityType" : "fuelairtrail", > "altAbility" : {}, 71,97c46 < "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildweapon.lua", < "builderConfig" : [{ < "animationParts" : { < "butt" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/butt/.png", < "variants" : 7, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "middle" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/middle/.png", < "variants" : 4, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "barrel" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/barrel/.png", < "variants" : 4, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "muzzleFlash" : "" < }, < "gunParts" : ["butt", "middle", "barrel"], < "altAbilities" : [ < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/fuelairtrail/fuelairtrail.altability" < ], < "palette" : "/items/active/weapons/colors/ranged.weaponcolors", < "iconDrawables" : ["butt", "middle", "barrel"] < }] --- > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildunrandweapon.lua" items\active\weapons\ranged\flamethrower\flamethrower.lua 5d4 < require "/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua" 9c8 < animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", item.instanceValue("paletteSwaps", "")) --- > animator.setGlobalTag("paletteSwaps", config.getParameter("paletteSwaps", "")) 16,17c15 < local primaryAttack = setupPrimaryAttack() < self.weapon:addAbility(primaryAttack) --- > self.weapon:addAbility(getPrimaryAbility()) 19c17 < local secondaryAttack = getAltAbility(self.weapon.elementalType) --- > local secondaryAttack = getAltAbility() 33,71d30 < end < < function setupPrimaryAttack() < local flamethrowerAttack = GunFire:new(item.instanceValue("primaryAttack"), item.instanceValue("stances")) < < function flamethrowerAttack:init() < GunFire.init(self) < < = false < end < < function flamethrowerAttack:update(dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < GunFire.update(self, dt, fireMode, shiftHeld) < < if self.weapon.currentAbility == self then < if not then self:activate() end < elseif then < self:deactivate() < end < end < < function flamethrowerAttack:muzzleFlash() < --disable normal muzzle flash < end < < function flamethrowerAttack:activate() < = true < animator.playSound("fireStart") < animator.playSound("fireLoop", -1) < end < < function flamethrowerAttack:deactivate() < = false < animator.stopAllSounds("fireStart") < animator.stopAllSounds("fireLoop") < animator.playSound("fireEnd") < end < < return flamethrowerAttack items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\commongrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 160, --- > "price" : 880, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "For when your grenades need some distance.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Grenade Launcher", --- > "category" : "grenadeLauncher", 49,52c49,55 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.0, 3.33], < "baseDps" : [2.75, 3.5], < "energyUsage" : [11.25, 13.5], --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "baseDps" : [6.0, 6.5], > "energyUsage" : [24, 26], 58,69d60 < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true 71,75d61 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, 77,84c63,85 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : false, > > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.4, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, 86,87c87,89 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > } 89a92 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\glaunchernames.config 7,8c7,8 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "gun", "launcher", "stopper", "pitcher", "tosser", "thrower", "wrecker", "destroyer", "ruin", "sinner", "slayer", "plugger", "enforcer", "trigger", "pump", "expeller", "barrage", "terror" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "gun", "launcher", "stopper", "pitcher", "tosser", "thrower", "wrecker", "destroyer", "ruin", "sinner", "slayer", "plugger", "enforcer", "trigger", "pump", "expeller", "barrage", "terror" ] items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\raregrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 960, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "For when your grenades need some distance.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Grenade Launcher", --- > "category" : "grenadeLauncher", 47,50c47,53 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.0, 3.33], < "baseDps" : [2.75, 3.5], < "energyUsage" : [12.75, 15], --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "baseDps" : [6.5, 7], > "energyUsage" : [26, 28], 55,57c58 < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], --- > }, 59,63c60,64 < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : false, 65,72c66,73 < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, 74,81c75,82 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.4, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, 83,84c84,86 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > } 86a89 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], 99c102 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { 103c106 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { 107c110 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { 111c114 < "primaryAttack" : { --- > "primaryAbility" : { items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\uncommongrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 880, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "For when your grenades need some distance.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Grenade Launcher", --- > "category" : "grenadeLauncher", 47,50c47,53 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [1.0, 3.33], < "baseDps" : [2.75, 3.5], < "energyUsage" : [12.75, 15], --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > > "fireTime" : [1.0, 1.5], > "baseDps" : [6.5, 7], > "energyUsage" : [26, 28], 55,66d57 < } < }, < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true 68,72c59,64 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > > "stances" : { > "idle" : { > "armRotation" : 0, > "weaponRotation" : 0, > "twoHanded" : false, 74,81c66,82 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "cooldown" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : 7.5, < "weaponRotation" : 7.5, < "twoHanded" : false, --- > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.4, > "armRotation" : 7.5, > "weaponRotation" : 7.5, > "twoHanded" : false, 83,84c84,86 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : true > } 86a89 > "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenade1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/grenade2.ogg" ], 99c102 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : [ "fireplasmagrenade", "fireplasmaimpactgrenade", "firestickygrenade", "fireproximitymine" ] } --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : [ "fireplasmagrenade", "fireplasmaimpactgrenade", "firestickygrenade", "fireproximitymine" ] } 102c105 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : [ "iceplasmagrenade", "iceplasmaimpactgrenade", "icestickygrenade", "iceproximitymine" ] } --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : [ "iceplasmagrenade", "iceplasmaimpactgrenade", "icestickygrenade", "iceproximitymine" ] } 105c108 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : [ "poisonplasmagrenade", "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade", "poisonstickygrenade", "poisonproximitymine" ] } --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : [ "poisonplasmagrenade", "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade", "poisonstickygrenade", "poisonproximitymine" ] } 108c111 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : [ "electricplasmagrenade", "electricplasmaimpactgrenade", "electricstickygrenade", "electricproximitymine" ] } --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : [ "electricplasmagrenade", "electricplasmaimpactgrenade", 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"/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/piercingshot/piercingshot.altability" --- > "flashlight", > "grenadelauncher", > "explosiveshot", > "bouncingshot", > "piercingshot" items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\raresniperrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "Pop pop", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "Powerfully strong to cover long distances.", 9c9 < "weaponType" : "Sniper Rifle", --- > "category" : "sniperRifle", 22,25c22,28 < "primaryAttack" : { < "fireTime" : [0.5, 2.0], < "baseDps" : [5.5, 6.5], < "energyUsage" : [16.5, 19.5], --- > "primaryAbility" : { > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gunfire.lua"], > "class" : "GunFire", > > "fireTime" : [0.5, 1.5], > "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], > "energyUsage" : [22.5, 25.5], 28,39c31 < "knockback" : [10, 40] < } < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" 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"/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/markedshot/markedshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher", > "markedshot", > "deathbomb" items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\snipernames.config 7,8c7,8 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Star", "Impact", "Psi", "Riot", "Skull", "Tsunami", "Force", "Galaxy", "Wave", "Moon", "Talon", "Focus", "Nexus", "Luna", "Broken", "Poly", "Pixel", "Terra", "Solar", "Storm", "Planet", "Perfect", "Soul", "Heart", "Mountain", "Terror", "Nebula", "Nimbus", "Celestial", "Sky", "Ocean", "Ether", "Reality", "Matter", "Light", "Void", "Fusion", "Phase", "Dawn", "Dusk", "Flux", "Cyclone", "Atomic", "Astral", "Comet", "Warden", "Howl", "Pulse" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "rifle", "gun", "sniper", "sprayer", "stopper", "sprinkler", "blaster", "howitzer", "pitcher", "tosser", "phaser", "wrecker", "destroyer", "ruin", "sinner", "slayer", "plugger", "enforcer", "trigger", "pump", "expeller", 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: true, 56,57c40,60 < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowRotate" : true, > "allowFlip" : true > }, > "fire" : { > "duration" : 0, > "armRotation" : 5, > "weaponRotation" : 5, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > }, > "cooldown" : { > "duration" : 0.25, > "armRotation" : 5, > "weaponRotation" : 5, > "twoHanded" : true, > > "allowRotate" : false, > "allowFlip" : false > } 72c75 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "fireplasma" }, 76c79 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "iceplasma" }, 80c83 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "poisonplasma" }, 84c87 < "primaryAttack" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma" }, --- > "primaryAbility" : { "projectileType" : "electricplasma" }, 108,110c111,113 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/markedshot/markedshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher", > "markedshot", > "deathbomb" items\armors\apex\apex-tier1\apextier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A cheap military-grade Chestguard which protects the most vital organs.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A low-grade military chestguard that protects the most vital organs.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,73d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier2chest" items\armors\apex\apex-tier1\apextier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A mass-produced iron mask that somewhat disguises the wearer's identity.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "An iron mask that somewhat disguises the wearer's identity.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier2head" items\armors\apex\apex-tier1\apextier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These pants and boots allow for flexibility whilst still providing protection from the elements!", < "shortdescription" : "Defector's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Trousers and boots that allow for flexibility whilst still providing protection from the elements.", > "shortdescription" : "Defector's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,64d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier2pants" items\armors\apex\apex-tier2\apextier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Upper body armour that has segmented steel plates across it.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Upper body armour fashioned from segmented tungsten plates.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier2\apextier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 36,37c39,40 < < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier2\apextier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Steel-plated leg armour that doesn't restrict the movement of the wearer.", < "shortdescription" : "Rebel's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Tungsten-plated leg armour that doesn't restrict the movement of the wearer.", > "shortdescription" : "Rebel's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier3\apextier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A jacket that has titanium shoulder guards and shock-resistant padding.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This jacket has titanium shoulder guards and built-in shock-resistant padding.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier4chest" items\armors\apex\apex-tier3\apextier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This striped headwear leaves only the the eyes visible.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "This cunning headwear leaves only the the eyes visible.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40,42c43,45 < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,67d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier4head" items\armors\apex\apex-tier3\apextier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Shock-resistant pants with titanium plated boots.", < "shortdescription" : "Insurgent's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Impact-absorbing trousers with titanium plated boots.", > "shortdescription" : "Insurgent's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39,41c42,44 < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,66d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier4pants" items\armors\apex\apex-tier4\apextier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Durasteel inner lining of this jacket make it both fashionable and tough.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The durasteel lining of this jacket makes it both fashionable and tough.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\apex\apex-tier4\apextier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This bandana and blindfold are perfect for the budding Revolutionary.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "This bandana and shash are perfect for the budding revolutionary.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\apex\apex-tier4\apextier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Durasteel-lined trousers, accompanied by heavy duty boots.", < "shortdescription" : "Revolutionary's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Durasteel-lined trousers, accompanied by heavy-duty boots. Sleek and practical - vive la revolution!", > "shortdescription" : "Revolutionary's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier5accelerator\apextier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A sleek top that is light and form fitting, with aegisalt woven into the fabric for protection. ", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A fabric chestguard woven of aegisalt that provides protection and allows stealthy movement. ", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6achest" 77c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5accelerator\apextier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A hood that hides the wearer - Perfect for covert operations.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A hood that conceals the wearer's face and creates an air of mystery - perfect for clandestine operations.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6ahead" 67c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5accelerator\apextier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Pants and boots that are far lighter than they appear - Ideal equipment for sneaking about.", < "shortdescription" : "Rogue's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Trousers and boots that are light and flexible - ideal attire for sneaking about.", > "shortdescription" : "Rogue's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35,36c38,40 < < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c42 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6apants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The multiple layers of this upper body armour are seperate only with compact layers of rubium.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The multiple layers of folded ferozium used to fashion this armour render its wearer almost indomitable.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6mchest" 77c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Headgear that completely covers the wearer's face, but has some classy goggles to see with.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Headwear that veils the wearer's face. The goggles tint the world scarlet.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6mhead" items\armors\apex\apex-tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "This leg armour is reinforced with rubium, making it tough despite being fairly flexible.", < "shortdescription" : "Spy's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These flexible trousers are toughened with ferozium, so the wearer will be swift, silent and safe.", > "shortdescription" : "Spy's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,64d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6mpants" 66c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5separator\apextier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Armored regal garmets which suit any would-be Assassin.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Armour-reinforced regal garments, to suit the would-be assassin.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6schest" items\armors\apex\apex-tier5separator\apextier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This headgear is designed to disguise the wearer completely inconspicuously.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Headgear designed to inconspicuously disguise the wearer.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6shead" 67c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier5separator\apextier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A classy set of pants and boots that are light enough for the wearer to make a quick getaway.", < "shortdescription" : "Assassin's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "An elegant set of trousers and boots that are light enough for the wearer to make a quick getaway.", > "shortdescription" : "Assassin's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,64d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "apextier6spants" 66c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\apex\apex-tier6accelerator\apextier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This impenetrable armour is mostly solid, flexible only at the neck, arm joints and midriff.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This near-impenetrable armour is flexible at the neck, arm joints and midriff, to allow agility in combat.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6accelerator\apextier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Few things are as intimidating as the expressionless stare from this ferozium plated helmet.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Few things are as intimidating as the expressionless stare of this heavily plated helmet.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6accelerator\apextier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A set of leg armour with sturdy ferozium greaves that few things can pierce.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A set of leg armour with solarium-reinforced greaves that little can pierce.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A cerulium laced jacket that offers far more protection than the average observer might suspect.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A solarium laced jacket that offers far greater protection than the average observer might suspect.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 43a47 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This hood suits the dark demeanour of those who have overthrown regimes single-handedly.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A hooded mask that suits the enigmatic nature of those that would overthrow regimes.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "They may be sleek, but these pants and boots are laced with hardened cerulium.", < "shortdescription" : "Usurper's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Don't be fooled by their sleek looks, these trousers are uncommonly durable.", > "shortdescription" : "Usurper's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6separator\apextier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The giant pauldrons on this impervium armour show that the wearer means business.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The gigantic pauldrons of this armour broadcast that the wearer means business.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6separator\apextier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A impervium-plated helmet which is downright terrifying to all that dare oppose you.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "An incredibly durable helmet which is downright terrifying to all who dare to oppose you.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apex-tier6separator\apextier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "These impervium boots are made for walking - all over the wearer's enemies, that is.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Profoundly scary shoes.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexcommander\apexcommander.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Commander jacket.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Commander Jacket", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A standard issue Apex commander jacket.", > "shortdescription" : "Commander Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexcommander\apexcommander.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Commander pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Commander Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Standard issue Apex commander trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Commander Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexnavy\apexnavy.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Navy jacket.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Navy Jacket", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A standard issue Apex navy jacket.", > "shortdescription" : "Navy Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexnavy\apexnavy.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Navy pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Navy Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Standard issue Apex navy trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Navy Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexofficer\apexofficer.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Officer jacket.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Officer Jacket", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A standard issue Apex officer jacket.", > "shortdescription" : "Officer Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexofficer\apexofficer.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Officer pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Officer Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Standard issue Apex officer trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Officer Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\apex\apexspecialist\apexspecialist.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Specialist jacket.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Specialist Jacket", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A standard issue Apex specialist jacket.", > "shortdescription" : "Specialist Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,75d48 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "d5595f", "d9c189" : "a32c2c", "a38d59" : "71291b", "735e3a" : "383f3a", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10", "f7e7b2" : "9daa9b", "d9c189" : "788377", "a38d59" : "535d56", "735e3a" : "6f2919", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "46b3e8", "d9c189" : "1a7bb5", "a38d59" : "0e427e", "735e3a" : "072655", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "b0e944", "d9c189" : "78b618", "a38d59" : "3f7f0d", "735e3a" : "255606", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "eef055", "d9c189" : "d3bb1c", "a38d59" : "9c8011", "735e3a" : "644807", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "fd8d30", "d9c189" : "ca6705", "a38d59" : "8c5d00", "735e3a" : "5c4400", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "c260ff", "d9c189" : "931ad0", "a38d59" : "710587", "735e3a" : "52015b", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "717171", "d9c189" : "505050", "a38d59" : "363636", "735e3a" : "181818", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "e6e9ea", "d9c189" : "c6d2d4", "a38d59" : "97abac", "735e3a" : "627677", "f32200" : "eef055", "dc1f00" : "d3bb1c", "be1b00" : "9c8011" } < */ items\armors\apex\apexspecialist\apexspecialist.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex Specialist pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Specialist Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Standard issue Apex specialist trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Specialist Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,66d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "d5595f", "d9c189" : "a32c2c", "a38d59" : "71291b", "735e3a" : "383f3a", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10", "f7e7b2" : "9daa9b", "d9c189" : "788377", "a38d59" : "535d56", "735e3a" : "6f2919", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "46b3e8", "d9c189" : "1a7bb5", "a38d59" : "0e427e", "735e3a" : "072655", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "b0e944", "d9c189" : "78b618", "a38d59" : "3f7f0d", "735e3a" : "255606", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "eef055", "d9c189" : "d3bb1c", "a38d59" : "9c8011", "735e3a" : "644807", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "fd8d30", "d9c189" : "ca6705", "a38d59" : "8c5d00", "735e3a" : "5c4400", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "c260ff", "d9c189" : "931ad0", "a38d59" : "710587", "735e3a" : "52015b", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "717171", "d9c189" : "505050", "a38d59" : "363636", "735e3a" : "181818", "f32200" : "e6e9ea", "dc1f00" : "c6d2d4", "be1b00" : "97abac" }, < { "ffca8a" : "9daa9b", "e0975c" : "788377", "a85636" : "535d56", "6f2919" : "383f3a", "f7e7b2" : "e6e9ea", "d9c189" : "c6d2d4", "a38d59" : "97abac", "735e3a" : "627677", "f32200" : "eef055", "dc1f00" : "d3bb1c", "be1b00" : "9c8011" } < */ items\armors\avian\avian-adventurer\avianadventurer.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A typical Avian adventurer shirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Adventurer Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A breastplate which has been woven with treated leather.", > "shortdescription" : "Leather Breastplate", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-adventurer\avianadventurer.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Typical Avian adventurer pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Adventurer Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Made from natural fibres and stylish leather, for the discerning adventurer.", > "shortdescription" : "Leather Loincloth", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\avian\avian-commoner\aviancommoner.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A typical Avian commoner shirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Commoner Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A simple sleeveless top, sometimes used in traditional ceremonies.", > "shortdescription" : "Hide Shirt", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-commoner\aviancommoner.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Typical Avian commoner skirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Commoner Skirt", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A plain skirt which offers mobility and comfort.", > "shortdescription" : "Hide Skirt", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-fancy\avianfancy.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A typical Avian fancy shirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Fancy Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "An elegant shirt, generally reserved for special occasions.", > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Shirt", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-fancy\avianfancy.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Typical Avian fancy skirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Fancy Skirt", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A particularly fancy loincloth. Dry-clean only.", > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Loincloth", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier1\aviantier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "These iron shoulderplates represent the weight of your sins.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A chestguard with iron shoulderplates. Complete with red breast.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,73d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier2chest" 75c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier1\aviantier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A light iron circlet worn by Avian priesthood initiates.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "An iron circlet to guard from overhead blows. It's a shame you can't fly, or this wouldn't be so much of an issue.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier2head" items\armors\avian\avian-tier1\aviantier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7c7,8 < "description" : "And Kluex said, \"Let there be iron-girded loincloths.\"", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "An iron-girded loincloth. It looks feather-light, but it really isn't.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,64d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier2pants" items\armors\avian\avian-tier2\aviantier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This ceremonial steel cape/plate combo is both comfortable and fashionable!", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A fortified plate/cravat combo that is both comfortable and stylish.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier2\aviantier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A steel visor fashioned to block the wearer's view of the stars.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A strong, peaked tungsten helm of great aesthetic value.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier2\aviantier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Steel-reinforced underpants, surprisingly comfortable.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "An alluring striped loincloth, reinforced with tungsten.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier3\aviantier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier4chest" items\armors\avian\avian-tier3\aviantier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,67d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier4head" items\armors\avian\avian-tier3\aviantier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Generic titanium pants, used for general pant-related duties.", < "shortdescription" : "Quail Greaves", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Flexible leg wrappings, with titanium ankle cuffs.", > "shortdescription" : "Quail Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,66d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier4pants" 68c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier4\aviantier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier4\aviantier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Durasteel-based helmet worn by Avian spacefarers. Doesn't protect you from the vacuum of space, though...", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A durasteel helmet worn by Avian spacefarers. Disclaimer: does not protect users from the vacuum of space.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier4\aviantier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 6a7 > "category" : "legarmour", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier5accelerator\aviantier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "This skillfully designed chestplate will deflect the spears of the unbelievers. Praise Kluex!", < "shortdescription" : "Peacock Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A skillfully designed chestplate that will deflect spears, swords and bullets alike.", > "shortdescription" : "Peacock Chestplate", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6achest" 77c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5accelerator\aviantier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An ostentatious aegisalt-plated headdress for high-ranking Avian warriors.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "An ostentatious aegisalt-plated headdress worn by skilled Avian warriors.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6ahead" 67c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5accelerator\aviantier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 6a7 > "category" : "legarmour", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,39 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 38c42 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6apants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The heavy weight of each link in this rubium-mail suit strengthens the wearer's devotion to Kluex.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A ferozium chainmail suit that guards the torso but lets the feathers breath.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,75d74 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6mchest" 77c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Each feather in this ceremonial headdress is carved from pure rubium.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Each feather in this elaborate headdress is carved from pure ferozium.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,65d66 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6mhead" 67c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A lightweight pair of rubium-laced hotpants - not too tight, not too loose. Juuust right.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A lightweight ferozium-laced skirt. Additonal bird-foot booties not optional.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,64d65 < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6mpants" 66c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5separator\aviantier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,89d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6schest" 91c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5separator\aviantier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6shead" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier5separator\aviantier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Some say that these violium leg-coverings grant their wearer mythical swiftness. Others say that it's all made up.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Some say that these violium leg-coverings grant their wearer mythical swiftness. Others say that that's all made up.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "aviantier6spants" 79c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\avian\avian-tier6accelerator\aviantier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A no-frills ferozium shirt which emphasizes toughness over flair.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This no-frills shirt is interwoven with pure solarium thread. Clearly the emphasis is on toughness over flair.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,83d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\avian\avian-tier6accelerator\aviantier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Gaudy yet hard as nails, this ferozium headwear defends against all manner of dangers.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Gaudy yet hard as nails, this headwear defends against all manner of dangers.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,74d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\avian\avian-tier6accelerator\aviantier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "These slim-cut pants are woven from pure ferozium thread for added durability.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These slim-cut leggings are interwoven with pure solarium thread for added durability.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,73d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\avian\avian-tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A coat of Avian armour manufactured from cerulium. Magnificent.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A coat of Avian armour interwoven with pure solarium. Magnificent.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 43a47 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Forged from pure cerulium, this beautiful work of wearable art crackles with energy.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Reinforced with pure solarium, this beautiful work of wearable art can invoke joy or fear in the beholder.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The processes used to construct these cerulium leg coverings are lost in a piece of long forgotten lore, nevermore...", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Legwear fashioned from woven solarium. Simply stunning.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier6separator\aviantier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This impervium chestplate's shoulders are at the perfect height for whacking Avians in the face as you walk by.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This chestplate's shoulders are at the perfect height for whacking people in the face as you walk by.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier6separator\aviantier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A comfortable (yet protective) impervium helm.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "This incredibly durable helm is surprisingly comfortable.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-tier6separator\aviantier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An impervium loincloth designed to allow movement while still protecting the legs.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "This violium loincloth is reinforced with solarium, allowing movement whilst still protecting the legs.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-worker\avianworker.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A typical Avian worker shirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Worker Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A shirt made from a comfortable, breathable fabric. Perfect for working outside all day!", > "shortdescription" : "Worker Shirt", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\avian\avian-worker\avianworker.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Typical Avian worker pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Worker Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A light, breezy skirt with big pockets for tools. Ideal for labourers.", > "shortdescription" : "Worker Skirt", 14,31d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < < 33c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 35c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\coolshades\coolshades.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\demonhorns\demonhorns.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\dreadfulskull\dreadfulskull.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dreadful skull you can put over your own skull! It is quite a big head.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A dreadful skull that fits snugly over your own.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e9e8e4", "e0975c" : "bfbaae", "a85636" : "7c7562", "6f2919" : "3d3a31" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\fancap\fancap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\giantbow\giantbow.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // ROSY PINK > { "ffca8a" : "fdaff8", "e0975c" : "e088d3", "a85636" : "cc62b4", "6f2919" : "9c3e80" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\glitchplague\plaguemaster.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An old Plague Master mask. It's seriously spooky.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An old plague master mask. It's seriously spooky.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\hothat\hothat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 45c43 < "effectSources" : [ "tar" ] --- > "effectSources" : [ "hatburning" ] items\armors\backerhats\meercap\meercap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "eceacc", "e0975c" : "cbbd9d", "a85636" : "84795c", "6f2919" : "504b3d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\mughat\mughat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,42c17,40 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* ORANGE */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* PURPLE */ < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, < /* PINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } --- > // BEER YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "fcf27ecc", "e0975c" : "f1db1ccc", "a85636" : "eeb70fcc", "6f2919" : "a7d9fbcc" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383cc", "e0975c" : "555555cc", "a85636" : "383838cc", "6f2919" : "151515cc" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5cc", "e0975c" : "808080cc", "a85636" : "555555cc", "6f2919" : "303030cc" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6cc", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6cc", "a85636" : "7b7b7bcc", "6f2919" : "373737cc" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988ccc", "e0975c" : "d93a3acc", "a85636" : "932625cc", "6f2919" : 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"e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backerhats\thehrodgard\thehrodgard.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backitems\aviangodwings\aviangodwings.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "aviangodwings", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "aviangodwingsback", > "price" : 750, 6c6,7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "It's incredible how lifelike these wings are.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\batterypackAA\batterypackAA.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An extra large AA battery pack. Juice up!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "So that you always look energised!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* Coppery */ --- > // COPPER 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\batwings\batwings.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Become the scourge of the galaxy with these terrifying wings.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Equip these gilded, batlike wings and become the stuff of nightmares!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\bladedwings\bladedwings.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "bladedwings.png", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "bladedwingsback", > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Imposing wings, made from sharp blades shaped like feathers.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\boiler\boiler.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A Boiler.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A portable boiler, powered by movement.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,19 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c0ab5e", "e0975c" : "9b7c14", "a85636" : "6b5509", "6f2919" : "342804" }, > // BLACK 18c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d40 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\bonewings\bonewings.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Turn the tables on the birds with these skeletal wings.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Certainly the only thing spookier than a skeleton is a flying one!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,19 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "f8f4e7", "e0975c" : "c9b796", "a85636" : "8e795d", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 18c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d40 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\crystalpack\crystalpack.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A shiny backpack made of crystal. Stylish.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A shiny crystal that can be worn on your back. Very stylish.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "fab2f6", "e0975c" : "f07ae8", "a85636" : "924a8d", "6f2919" : "5d1160" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "dceef9", "e0975c" : "aec4df", "a85636" : "848ab6", "6f2919" : "4b4a78" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backitems\dangerbarrel\dangerbarrel.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Explosive Barrel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Unstable Barrel", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\demonwings\demonwings.back 2c2 < "itemName" : "demonwings", --- > "itemName" : "demonwingsback", 6c6,7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "These dark wings look imposing and sinister.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\eye\eye.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A cape that allows you to see what's behind you.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "An ancient cape made from a mysterious glimmering material.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ --- > // BRIGHT PINK 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\backitems\falconwings\falconwings.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "falconwings", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "falconwingsback", > "price" : 500, 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Falcon Guard Wings", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Wings like these are worn by the highest-ranking Stargazers.", > "shortdescription" : "Stargazer Prophet Wings", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,18c16,18 < /* ORANGE */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 20c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c26,28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\guardwings\guardwings.png.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "guardwings", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "guardwingsback", > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Guard Wings", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Wings like these are bestowed upon the Stargazers that preach the word of Kluex.", > "shortdescription" : "Stargazer Priest Wings", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28,30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN 28c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 30c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 32c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 34c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 36,46d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\halogenpack\halogenpack.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5a6 > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18,20c20,22 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "9da1a4", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "5a5859" }, > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ 54c45 < --- > items\armors\backitems\lanternstick\lanternstick.back 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 1600, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A lantern on a stick. It's bright. Wear it on your back!", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Provides light while leaving your hands free. An essential accessory for adventurering!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,55c44 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "halogenpack" ] --- > ] items\armors\backitems\oxygentank\oxygentank.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "An oxygen tank. Never drown again.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "An empty oxygen tank. It's no longer useful, except as an accessory.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,25c16,39 < { "ffca8a" : "888660", "e0975c" : "4c4e37", "a85636" : "26281c", "6f2919" : "0f100b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\backitems\paperwings\paperwings.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "Remarkably crafted wings made from paper and wood. They don't seem to actually fly though...", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Ornamental wings handmade from paper and wood. They're impractically heavy!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // WOOD > { "ffca8a" : "897c4c", "e0975c" : "6d6330", "a85636" : "463818", "6f2919" : "251c0b" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\parachutepack\parachutepack.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "parachutepack", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "parachutepackback", > "price" : 5000, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "A parachute. No more freefalling!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A parachute. No more freefalling!-NOT USED-", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 25d26 < items\armors\backitems\rainbowcape\rainbowcape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "description" : "This cape is fabulous. It sparkles beautifully.", < "shortdescription" : "Rainbow Cape", < --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Studies have shown that it is impossible to be unhappy whilst wearing this cape.", > "shortdescription" : "Shawl of Elation", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 15,49c16,39 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "fab2f6", "e0975c" : "f07ae8", "a85636" : "924a8d", "6f2919" : "5d1160" }, < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* ORANGE */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* PURPLE */ < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, < /* PINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ --- > // Rainbow > { "85250f" : "85250f", "c64040" : "c64040", "f37e7e" : "f37e7e", "794b23" : "794b23", "c27d41" : "c27d41", "f3ba88" : "f3ba88", "8b7a27" : "8b7a27", "b3a250" : "b3a250", "e5d797" : "e5d797", "2b7f60" : "2b7f60", "55be97" : "55be97", "98dfc5" : "98dfc5", "2a626c" : "2a626c", "438793" : "438793", "93d2de" : "93d2de", "1f3a64" : "1f3a64", "456493" : "456493", "97b6e3" : "97b6e3", "6e2900" : "6e2900", "af4e00" : "af4e00" }, > // BLACK > { "85250f" : "151515", "c64040" : "383838", "f37e7e" : "555555", "794b23" : "151515", "c27d41" : "383838", "f3ba88" : "555555", "8b7a27" : "151515", "b3a250" : "383838", "e5d797" : "555555", "2b7f60" : "151515", "55be97" : "555555", "98dfc5" : "808080", "2a626c" : "151515", "438793" : "555555", "93d2de" : "808080", "1f3a64" : "555555", "456493" : "808080", "97b6e3" : "b5b5b5", "6e2900" : "151515", "af4e00" : "383838" }, > // GREY > { "85250f" : "151515", "c64040" : "383838", "f37e7e" : "555555", "794b23" : "303030", "c27d41" : "555555", "f3ba88" : "808080", "8b7a27" : "555555", "b3a250" : "808080", "e5d797" : "b5b5b5", "2b7f60" : "7b7b7b", "55be97" : "b6b6b6", "98dfc5" : "e6e6e6", "2a626c" : "3d3d51", "438793" : "676f83", "93d2de" : "9da8af", "1f3a64" : "24232f", "456493" : "3d3d51", "97b6e3" : "676f83", "6e2900" : "303030", "af4e00" : "555555" }, > // WHITE > { "85250f" : "7b7b7b", "c64040" : "b6b6b6", "f37e7e" : "e6e6e6", "794b23" : "7b7b7b", "c27d41" : "b6b6b6", "f3ba88" : "e6e6e6", "8b7a27" : "7b7b7b", "b3a250" : "b6b6b6", "e5d797" : "e6e6e6", "2b7f60" : "8b7a27", "55be97" : "b3a250", "98dfc5" : "e5d797", "2a626c" : "97276d", "438793" : "d35eae", "93d2de" : "eab3db", "1f3a64" : "6a2284", "456493" : "a451c4", "97b6e3" : "d29ce7", "6e2900" : "97276d", "af4e00" : "d35eae" }, > // RED > { "85250f" : "601119", "c64040" : "932625", "f37e7e" : "d93a3a", "794b23" : "601119", "c27d41" : "932625", "f3ba88" : "d93a3a", "8b7a27" : "6e2900", "b3a250" : "af4e00", "e5d797" : "ea9931", "2b7f60" : "6e2900", "55be97" : "af4e00", "98dfc5" : "ea9931", "2a626c" : "642f00", "438793" : "a46e06", "93d2de" : "e2c344", "1f3a64" : "642f00", "456493" : "a46e06", "97b6e3" : "e2c344", "6e2900" : "6e2900", "af4e00" : "af4e00" }, > // ORANGE > { "85250f" : "6e2900", "c64040" : "af4e00", "f37e7e" : "ea9931", "794b23" : "6e2900", "c27d41" : "af4e00", "f3ba88" : "ea9931", "8b7a27" : "642f00", "b3a250" : "a46e06", "e5d797" : "e2c344", "2b7f60" : "642f00", "55be97" : "a46e06", "98dfc5" : "e2c344", "2a626c" : "7b7b7b", "438793" : "b6b6b6", "93d2de" : "e6e6e6", "1f3a64" : "7b7b7b", "456493" : "b6b6b6", "97b6e3" : "e6e6e6", "6e2900" : "642f00", "af4e00" : "a46e06" }, > // YELLOW > { "85250f" : "642f00", "c64040" : "a46e06", "f37e7e" : "e2c344", "794b23" : "642f00", "c27d41" : "a46e06", "f3ba88" : "e2c344", "8b7a27" : "642f00", "b3a250" : "a46e06", "e5d797" : "e2c344", "2b7f60" : "48832f", "55be97" : "9bba3d", "98dfc5" : "d1e160", "2a626c" : "344495", "438793" : "5588d4", "93d2de" : "96cbe7", "1f3a64" : "344495", "456493" : "5588d4", "97b6e3" : "96cbe7", "6e2900" : "642f00", "af4e00" : "a46e06" }, > // GREEN > { "85250f" : "144216", "c64040" : "247824", "f37e7e" : "51bd3b", "794b23" : "247824", "c27d41" : "51bd3b", "f3ba88" : "b2e89d", "8b7a27" : "48832f", "b3a250" : "9bba3d", "e5d797" : "d1e160", "2b7f60" : "48832f", "55be97" : "9bba3d", "98dfc5" : "d1e160", "2a626c" : "a46e06", "438793" : "e2c344", "93d2de" : "ffffa7", "1f3a64" : "a46e06", "456493" : "e2c344", "97b6e3" : "ffffa7", "6e2900" : "48832f", "af4e00" : "9bba3d" }, > // BLUE > { "85250f" : "24232f", "c64040" : "3d3d51", "f37e7e" : "676f83", "794b23" : "1a1c51", "c27d41" : "344495", "f3ba88" : "5588d4", "8b7a27" : "1a1c51", "b3a250" : "344495", "e5d797" : "5588d4", "2b7f60" : "233c43", "55be97" : "30636c", "98dfc5" : "4facb2", "2a626c" : "233c43", "438793" : "30636c", "93d2de" : "4facb2", "1f3a64" : "233c43", "456493" : "30636c", "97b6e3" : "4facb2", "6e2900" : "233c43", "af4e00" : "30636c" }, > // PURPLE > { "85250f" : "320c40", "c64040" : "6a2284", "f37e7e" : "a451c4", "794b23" : "320c40", "c27d41" : "6a2284", "f3ba88" : "a451c4", "8b7a27" : "59163f", "b3a250" : "97276d", "e5d797" : "d35eae", "2b7f60" : "59163f", "55be97" : "97276d", "98dfc5" : "d35eae", "2a626c" : "932625", "438793" : "d93a3a", "93d2de" : "f4988c", "1f3a64" : "932625", "456493" : "d93a3a", "97b6e3" : "f4988c", "6e2900" : "59163f", "af4e00" : "97276d" }, > // PINK > { "85250f" : "320c40", "c64040" : "6a2284", "f37e7e" : "a451c4", "794b23" : "59163f", "c27d41" : "97276d", "f3ba88" : "d35eae", "8b7a27" : "97276d", "b3a250" : "d35eae", "e5d797" : "d35eae", "2b7f60" : "97276d", "55be97" : "d35eae", "98dfc5" : "eab3db", "2a626c" : "344495", "438793" : "5588d4", "93d2de" : "96cbe7", "1f3a64" : "30636c", "456493" : "4facb2", "97b6e3" : "a8e6e2", "6e2900" : "97276d", "af4e00" : "d35eae" }, > // BROWN > { "85250f" : "472b13", "c64040" : "754c23", "f37e7e" : "a47844", "794b23" : "472b13", "c27d41" : "754c23", "f3ba88" : "a47844", "8b7a27" : "5d4f34", "b3a250" : "8d7b58", "e5d797" : "bcad80", "2b7f60" : "5d4f34", "55be97" : "8d7b58", "98dfc5" : "bcad80", "2a626c" : "8d7b58", "438793" : "bcad80", "93d2de" : "e7dfbd", "1f3a64" : "8d7b58", "456493" : "bcad80", "97b6e3" : "e7dfbd", "6e2900" : "472b13", "af4e00" : "754c23" } items\armors\backitems\shortcape\shortcape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 75, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A short cape. Or a long cape for penguins.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Generally a short cape. Arguably a long cape for penguins.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\simplecape\simplecape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 150, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A simple cape. For the simple cape lovers.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A basic cape. One solid colour is all you need!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\tigertail\tigertail.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A tail of a Tiger, to help you look like a Tiger.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "No tigers were harmed in the manufacturing of this decorative tiger tail.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TIGER IS COWARD, I FIGHT HIM EVERY DAY! HE RUN LIKE BABY. -George > { "ffca8a" : "f57e1d", "e0975c" : "b45e17", "a85636" : "a54d05", "6f2919" : "6e3b10" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\toxicflower\toxicflower.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A large toxic flower. Why not wear it? Converts light into energy.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A large toxic flower that converts light into energy. Why not wear it on your body?", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ --- > // BRIGHT PINK 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\toxicwaste\toxicwaste.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A barrel of toxic waste. Possibly Floran formal wear.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A barrel of actual toxic waste. Why would you even consider wearing this on your back?", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\tribalfeathers\tribalfeathers.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "tribalfeathers.png", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "tribalfeathersback", > "price" : 250, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Decorative feathers to adorn your rump.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\tribalwings\tribalwings.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Tribal Wings", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Wings like these are commonly worn by the Stargazers as a symbol of their faith.", > "shortdescription" : "Stargazer Acolyte Wings", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\turtleshell\turtleshell.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A turtle shell. Pizza not included.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A turtle shell. It's quite spacious inside!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\backitems\xenonpack\xenonpack.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18,20c20,22 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "9da1a4", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "5a5859" }, > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca sweater.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "If you're going to travel the universe, don't forget to bring a warm sweater.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca mask. It is cute.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An Alpaca mask. It's warm and cute.", 16c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Alien Alpaca sweat pants.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Look like an Alpaca, even includes an extra pair of legs.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacaguard\alpacaguard.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca's guard torso", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A heavy protective plate worn by Alpaca guards.", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 23,29d24 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 33c28 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c30 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c32 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c34 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c36 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c38 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c40 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c42 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c44 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c46 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c48 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacaguard\alpacaguard.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca's guard head!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An Alpaca head with a horned combat helmet.", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 16c18 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 18c20 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c24 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c26 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c28 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c32 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c34 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c36 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c38 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c40 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacaguard\alpacaguard.legs 7c7,8 < "description" : "Alien Alpaca guard legs!", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These plated Alpaca legs are both protective and fuzzy!", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 14,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 24c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacavillager\alpacavillager.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca's torso", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This torso is made from actual Alpaca.", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 23,29d24 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31c26 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 33c28 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c30 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c32 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c34 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c36 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c38 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c40 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c42 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c44 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c46 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c48 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacavillager\alpacavillager.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "An Alien Alpaca's head!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The actual head of an Alpaca.", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 16c18 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 18c20 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c24 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c26 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c28 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c32 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c34 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c36 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c38 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c40 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpacavillager\alpacavillager.legs 7c7,8 < "description" : "Alien Alpaca legs!", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Real Alpaca legs! Why do you have these?", 9a11 > "hideBody" : true, 14,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 24c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\Bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A bioluminescent suit - Shine like a star!", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A luminescent suit - shine like a star!", 28,39c29,52 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BIOLUMIN COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "f5ea2d", "a85636" : "f7a619", "6f2919" : "df7e00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\Bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A bioluminescent mask - Light up the night!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A luminescent mask - light up the night!", 20,31c21,44 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BIOLUMIN COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "f5ea2d", "a85636" : "f7a619", "6f2919" : "df7e00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\Bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some bioluminescent pants - Tread carefully no longer!", < "shortdescription" : "Glow Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some luminescent trousers - tread carefully no longer!", > "shortdescription" : "Glow Trousers", 19,30c20,43 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BIOLUMIN COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "f5ea2d", "a85636" : "f7a619", "6f2919" : "df7e00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\Bioluminescence\frostcrown\frostcrown.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Too cool to rule.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "With this crown you're too cool to rule.", 16,18c17,19 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40d40 < 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"ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // WHITEST WHITE (BUT BLUE) > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "ceeafd", "a85636" : "b2e0ff", "6f2919" : "528db5" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\bone\jeff\jeff.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\bone\skullapex\skullapex.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An Apex Skull. Maybe the rest of them was donated to science?", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Skull", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An Apex skull. Maybe the rest of them was donated to science?", > "shortdescription" : "Apex Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\bone\skullavian\skullavian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Skull", --- > "shortdescription" : "Avian Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\bone\skullfloran\skullfloran.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Floran Skull", --- > "shortdescription" : "Floran Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // FLORAN SKELETON > { "ffca8a" : "ac8d5d", "e0975c" : "9f7946", "a85636" : "865e2a", "6f2919" : "5d4f24" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\bone\skullglitch\skullglitch.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Skull", --- > "shortdescription" : "Glitch Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // GLITCH SKELETON > { "ffca8a" : "dedad4", "e0975c" : "aba5a0", "a85636" : "7f726f", "6f2919" : "4e4442" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\bone\skullhuman\skullhuman.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An actual Human skull. Alas, poor Yorick!", < "shortdescription" : "Human Skull", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An actual human skull. Alas, poor Yorick!", > "shortdescription" : "Human Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\bone\skullhylotl\skullhylotl.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Skull", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Skull Mask", 16,18c17,19 < /* Bone */ < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonblueback\crayonblueback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A blue crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A blue crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\colorful\crayongreenback\crayongreen.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A green crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A green crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonorangeback\crayonorange.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A orange crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A orange crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonpurpleback\crayonpurpleback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A purple crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A purple crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonredback\crayonredback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A red crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A red crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonyellowback\crayonyellowback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A yellow crayon. Bring some colour to your outfit.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A yellow crayon. Equip to bring some colour to your outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 18c20 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 20c22 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c24 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c26 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c28 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c30 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c32 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c34 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c36 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c38 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c40 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c42 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42,52d43 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Copper chestpiece. For the practical.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A simple chestpiece made of copper.", 24c25 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Copper helmet. For the practical.", < "shortdescription" : "Copper Helmet", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A pair of sturdy copper goggles.", > "shortdescription" : "Copper Goggles", 16c17 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Copper greaves. For the practical.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A practical pair of copper greaves.", 15c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5a6 > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "And shirt composed of optic flesh.", < "shortdescription" : "Optic Nerve Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A shirt woven from optic nerves.", > "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Shirt", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31,33c25,27 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A giant eyeball mask. It lacks depth perception...", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A giant eyeball mask. Drastically reduces your depth perception.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Pants made from pure eyeball. Squishy.", < "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "This all-in-one leg covering features a giant living eye. Creepy.", > "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Skirt", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyapex\anatomyapex.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyavian\anatomyavian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "It's educational! A mask of the avian, muscular anatomy.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "It's educational! A mask of the Avian, muscular anatomy.", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyavian\anatomyavian.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "It's educational! Some pants showing off the avian leg musculature.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Anatomy Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "It's educational! Trousers showing off the Avian leg musculature.", > "shortdescription" : "Avian Anatomy Trousers", 15,17c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhuman\anatomy.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 24,26c25,27 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhuman\anatomy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhuman\anatomy.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "It's educational! Some pants showing off some leg musculature.", < "shortdescription" : "Anatomy Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "It's educational! Trousers showing off human leg musculature.", > "shortdescription" : "Human Anatomy Trousers", 15,17c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhylotl\anatomyhylotl.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "It's educational! A mask of the hylotl, muscular anatomy.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "It's educational! A mask of the Hylotl, muscular anatomy.", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < 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"a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 22,24d22 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 26,37c24,47 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", 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"e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } 39c49 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A cute insect hat. Look at the little antennae! How adorable.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A cute insect hat with little antennae! How adorable.", 14,16d14 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 18,29c16,39 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A pair of striped costume pants. Don't worry, the stinger is just for show.", < "shortdescription" : "Buzzy Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A pair of striped costume trousers. Don't worry, the stinger is just for show.", > "shortdescription" : "Buzzy Trousers", 13,15d13 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 17,28c15,38 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } 30c40 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\buildinghat\buildinghat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A literal building hat.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A hat made from a tiny building.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\gnome\gnome.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\gnomecap\gnomecap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Gnomish cap. Gnomey..", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A Gnomish cap. This is the largest size available.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\househat\househat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Gnomish House - Because home is where the hat is.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A gnomish house - because home is where the hat is.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DULL BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\hive\larva.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Larva Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A bug like chest, with a pair of extra arms attached.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31,33c25,27 < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LARVA > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\hive\larva.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Larva mask. It is cute.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A mask which resembles a large insect.", 16,18c17,19 < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LARVA > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\hive\larva.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Larva Legs", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Wide, large creepy looking legs.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LARVA > { "ffca8a" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\ice\cyclopsyeti\cyclopsyeti.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A hairy Cyclops Yeti chestpiece.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A chestpiece made from a cyclops yeti.", 24,26c25,27 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\ice\cyclopsyeti\cyclopsyeti.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 23,25c17,19 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 47d40 < items\armors\biome\ice\cyclopsyeti\cyclopsyeti.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A hairy Cyclops Yeti pair of pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yeti Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Trousers made from cyclops yeti hair.", > "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yeti Trousers", 15,17c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\ice\survivalgear\survivalgear.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* Coppery */ --- > // COPPER 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\icecaves\icearmor\icearmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "A shirt made of ice.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A chestpiece formed from solid ice.", 28,39c29,52 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // ICE COLD > { "ffca8a" : "f0fcff", "e0975c" : "baeeff", "a85636" : "86d7f8", "6f2919" : "45a0e0" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\icecaves\icearmor\icearmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "An mask made of ice.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A moulded mask made of ice.", 20,31c21,44 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // ICE COLD > { "ffca8a" : "f0fcff", "e0975c" : "baeeff", "a85636" : "86d7f8", "6f2919" : "45a0e0" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\icecaves\icearmor\icearmor.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "Pants made of ice.", < "shortdescription" : "Ice Armor Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Chilly trousers made of ice.", > "shortdescription" : "Ice Armor Trousers", 19,30c20,43 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // ICE COLD > { "ffca8a" : "f0fcff", "e0975c" : "baeeff", "a85636" : "86d7f8", "6f2919" : "45a0e0" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\icecaves\icecubehat\icecubehead.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A big ice cube with a friendly face. It's a wonder it doesn't melt.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A big ice cube carved with a friendly face. It's a wonder it doesn't melt.", 16,18c17,19 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // ICE COLD > { "ffca8a" : "f0fcff", "e0975c" : "baeeff", "a85636" : "86d7f8", "6f2919" : "45a0e0" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\headband.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\tough.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 39d36 < items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\tough.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some tough person pants!", < "shortdescription" : "Tough Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some tough person trousers!", > "shortdescription" : "Tough Trousers", 13,15d13 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\dark.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dark mask.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The material in this mask is expelling pure darkness.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 32d29 < items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\dark.legs 7c7,8 < "description" : "Some dark pants.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers brim with dark energy.", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 31d28 < items\armors\biome\midnight\dark\darkchest.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dark shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This shirt wraps a dark void around the wearer.", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 40d37 < items\armors\biome\midnight\darkcape\darkcape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5a6 > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 16c18 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 18c20 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c24 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c26 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c28 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c32 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c34 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c36 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c38 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c40 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,50d41 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\midnight\darkdisguise\darkdisguise.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dark shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This shirt wraps a dark void around the wearer.", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 29,40c27,50 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACKEST BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "0e0e0e", "e0975c" : "0e0e0e", "a85636" : "0e0e0e", "6f2919" : "000000" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\midnight\darkdisguise\darkdisguise.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dark mask.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The material in this mask is expelling pure darkness.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 21,32c19,42 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACKEST BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "0e0e0e", "e0975c" : "0e0e0e", "a85636" : "0e0e0e", "6f2919" : "000000" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\midnight\darkdisguise\darkdisguise.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some dark pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Dark Disguise Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers are brimming with dark energy.", > "shortdescription" : "Dark Disguise Trousers", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 20,31c18,41 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACKEST BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "0e0e0e", "e0975c" : "0e0e0e", "a85636" : "0e0e0e", "6f2919" : "000000" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\midnight\darkguard\darkguard.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dark guard mask.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The material in this mask is expelling pure darkness.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < --- > 32d29 < items\armors\biome\mushroom\evilmushroom\evilmushroom.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\mushroom\mushroom\mushroom.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "With this hat, you'll be a fungi to be around. Apologies.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "With this hat, you'll be a fungi to be around.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\mushroom\raggedcape\raggedcape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "What even is this thing?", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This thing is creepy and bizarre.", 24,26c25,27 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These pants have the texture of moldy leather. Gross.", < "shortdescription" : "Creepling Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers have the texture of mouldy leather. Gross.", > "shortdescription" : "Creepling Trousers", 15,17c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\ocean\deepdiver\deepdiver.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A rusted, old Diving helmet. It's not very easy to see with one of these on!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A rusted, old diving helmet. It's not very easy to see with one of these on!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\ocean\snorkel\snorkel.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A snorkel.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Most commonly used for shallow swimming.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\prism\prism.chest 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Wrap up warm in the cold with this fur-lined jacket.", < "shortdescription" : "Winter Jacket", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Wrap up warm in the cold with this fleecy thermal jacket.", > "shortdescription" : "Prism Shirt", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* Winter Blue */ --- > // WINTER BLUE 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\prism\prism.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 23c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 25c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 49d42 < items\armors\biome\prism\prism.legs 3c3 < "price" : 35, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Stay toasty with these fur-lined pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Winter Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Stay toasty in these snug thermal trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Prism Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* Winter Blue */ --- > // WINTER BLUE 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\slime\slime\slime.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 22,24c23 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], --- > 26,37c25,48 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c9f080", "e0975c" : "5ad385", "a85636" : "48a075", "6f2919" : "2f746e" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\slime\slime\slime.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < "lanternglow" --- > "lanternglow" 18,29d18 < "colorOptions" : [ < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } 30a20,44 > "colorOptions" : [ > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c9f080", "e0975c" : "5ad385", "a85636" : "48a075", "6f2919" : "2f746e" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\slime\slime\slime.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Feels like wading in a pool of jelly.", < "shortdescription" : "Slime Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Wearing these feels like wading in a pool of jelly.", > "shortdescription" : "Slime Trousers", 14,15c15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], --- > 17,28c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c9f080", "e0975c" : "5ad385", "a85636" : "48a075", "6f2919" : "2f746e" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "c9f080", "e0975c" : "5ad385", "a85636" : "48a075", "6f2919" : "2f746e" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\spring\flowery\flowery.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5a6 > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\spring\flowery\flowery.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A flowery shirt, smells lovely.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A flowery shirt, it smells lovely.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\spring\flowery\flowery.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This brings me back..", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "I better make sure to keep this mask watered.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\spring\flowery\flowery.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Pants I can grow into.", < "shortdescription" : "Flowery Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Trousers you can grow into.", > "shortdescription" : "Flowery Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\steamspring\neckruffle\neckruffle.chest 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Neck ruffle jacket.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A formal jacket, with a ruffled shirt underneath.", 18c19 < "body" : "chestm.png", --- > "body" : "chestf.png", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31,33c25,27 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\steamspring\neckruffle\steamgrey.legs 3c3 < "price" : 35, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Warm grey pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Warm Grey Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers are lined inside to provide extra protection and warmth.", > "shortdescription" : "Warm Grey Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\steamspring\pipehat\pipehat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A pipe hat.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This hat is steam powered.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PIPE YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "c0ab5e", "e0975c" : "9b7e14", "a85636" : "6b5509", "6f2919" : "342804" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\swamp\froggmerchant\froggmerchant.chest 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Chest -todo- (not player obtainable)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A slimy chestpiece.", 10a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 23,44d25 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 30 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 20 < } < ], < 46c27 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 48c29 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c31 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c33 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c35 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c37 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c39 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c41 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c43 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c45 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c47 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c49 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d50 < items\armors\biome\swamp\froggmerchant\froggmerchant.head 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Head -todo- (not player obtainable)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Somehow this mask keeps your head wet.", 10a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 15,36d17 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 21 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 18 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 12 < } < ], < 38c19 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c21 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c23 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c27 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c29 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c31 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c33 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c35 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c37 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c39 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c41 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d42 < items\armors\biome\swamp\froggmerchant\froggmerchant.legs 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Legs -todo- (not player obtainable)", < "shortdescription" : "Frogg Legs", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Wearing these will make you resemble a Frogg merchant.", > "shortdescription" : "Frogg Merchant Legs", 10a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 14,35d16 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 14 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 12 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 8 < } < ], < 37c18 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 39c20 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c24 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c26 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c28 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c32 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c34 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c36 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c38 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c40 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d41 < items\armors\biome\swamp\froggsuit\frogg.chest 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Chest -todo- (not player obtainable)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A slimy chestpiece.", 10a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 23,44d25 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 30 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 20 < } < ], < 46c27 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 48c29 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c31 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c33 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c35 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c37 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c39 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c41 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c43 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c45 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c47 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c49 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d50 < items\armors\biome\swamp\froggsuit\frogg.head 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Head -todo- (not player obtainable)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Somehow this mask keeps your head wet.", 10a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 15,36d17 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 21 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 18 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 12 < } < ], < 38c19 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c21 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c23 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c27 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c29 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c31 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c33 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c35 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c37 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c39 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c41 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d42 < items\armors\biome\swamp\froggsuit\frogg.legs 1d0 < 7,8c6,8 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "Frogg Legs -todo- (not player obtainable)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Wearing these will make you resemble a Frogg.", 11a12,13 > "hideBody" : true, > 15,36d16 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 14 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 12 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 8 < } < ], < 38c18 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c20 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c24 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c26 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c28 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c32 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c34 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c36 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c38 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c40 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d41 < items\armors\biome\swamp\lagoonsuit\lagoon.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31,33c25,27 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LAGOON > { "ffca8a" : "b7bd7e", "e0975c" : "91956c", "a85636" : "6b6f52", "6f2919" : "414732" }, > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 55d48 < items\armors\biome\swamp\lagoonsuit\lagoon.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 23,25c17,19 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LAGOON > { "ffca8a" : "b7bd7e", "e0975c" : "91956c", "a85636" : "6b6f52", "6f2919" : "414732" }, > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 47d40 < items\armors\biome\swamp\lagoonsuit\lagoon.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "These scale covered pants have claws for feet.", < "shortdescription" : "Lagoon Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These scale-covered trousers have claws for feet.", > "shortdescription" : "Lagoon Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LAGOON > { "ffca8a" : "b7bd7e", "e0975c" : "91956c", "a85636" : "6b6f52", "6f2919" : "414732" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 46d39 < items\armors\biome\tar\sabertoothhelm\sabertoothhelm.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A menacing helmet made from what appears to be a Sabertooth skull.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A menacing helmet made from what appears to be a sabertooth skull.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\tar\spearback\spearback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\tar\tar\tar.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A tar shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A sticky shirt made from thick tar.", 22,24d22 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 26,37c24,47 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // TAR > { "ffca8a" : "66538d", "e0975c" : "4b3b6d", "a85636" : "2e1e3b", "6f2919" : "080207" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\tar\tar\tar.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A tar mask.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Wrap your head in hot tar! What could possibly go wrong?", 14,16d14 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 18,29c16,39 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // TAR > { "ffca8a" : "66538d", "e0975c" : "4b3b6d", "a85636" : "2e1e3b", "6f2919" : "080207" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\tar\tar\tar.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some tar pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Tar Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Trousers made from warm, sticky tar.", > "shortdescription" : "Tar Trousers", 13,15d13 < < "statusEffects" : [ < ], 17,28c15,38 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // TAR > { "ffca8a" : "66538d", "e0975c" : "4b3b6d", "a85636" : "2e1e3b", "6f2919" : "080207" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\tar\tarblob\tarblob.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TAR > { "ffca8a" : "66538d", "e0975c" : "4b3b6d", "a85636" : "2e1e3b", "6f2919" : "080207" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\biome\tar\woolly\woolly.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A fuzzy tail, helps with balance.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "This woolly tail won't help with balance, but it will make you look a bit like a woolly mammoth!", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\biome\tar\woolly\woolly.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "For the cave man in all of us.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "It's woolly in order to retain warmth, and yet it doesn't cover much skin. Curious!", 24c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\tar\woolly\woolly.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Keeps a very small amount of me very warm.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These will keep a very small amount of the wearer warm.", 15c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\biome\toxic\mutant.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : 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"Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Fear the mighty bug!", 15,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], 22,32c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // Stag > { "ffca8a" : "4cb0a2", "e0975c" : "26786a", "a85636" : "19585f", "6f2919" : "17373b" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\contest\corobockle\corobockle.head 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "corobockle", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "corobocklehead", > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A person can be a hat too, right?", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A little person, to keep your head warm.", 15,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], 22,32c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // DULL PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "947685", "e0975c" : "947685", "a85636" : "6d5564", "6f2919" : "533b4a" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\contest\faceleech\faceleech.head 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "faceleech", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "faceleechhead", > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Oh no, a face leech! Oh, but wait, it's friendly. Alright, little guy, you can stay.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A constant companion for your face.", 15,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], 22,32c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\contest\pinkeyeparasite\pinkeyeparasite.head 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "pinkeyeparasite", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "pinkeyeparasitehead", > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Ahhhh, my eyes! Everything!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This pesky parasite gives you pink-eye.", 15,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], 22,32c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\contest\thinkingcap\thinkingcap.head 2,4c2,4 < "itemName" : "thinkingcap", < "price" : 0, < "inventoryIcon" : "icons.png:head", --- > "itemName" : "thinkingcaphead", > "price" : 5000, > "inventoryIcon" : "headicon.png", 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Strange! The closer this thing gets to my head, the smarter I feel...", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The longer you wear it, the smarter you feel!", 15,20d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], 22,32c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\decorative\clothes\dress1\dress1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Every girl needs to accessorise with a belt.", < "shortdescription" : "Pink Top", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This blouse is accessorised with a belt.", > "shortdescription" : "Blouse and Belt", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27c25 < /* PEACH */ --- > // PEACH 29c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 31c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 35c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 37c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 39c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 41c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 45c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 47c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 49c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\clothes\dress1\dress1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Pink Skirt", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pleated Skirt", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18c16 < /* PEACH */ --- > // PEACH 20c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\clothes\jeans1\jeans1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 75, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Fashion skinny jeans.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Extremely close-fitting jeans, for the fashion conscious spacefarer.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\clothes\jeans2\jeans2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 75, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Jeans, well used but still useable.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Jeans with large, ripped holes allowing for pleasantly breezy knees.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\clothes\jeans3\jeans3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 75, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Can double up as a tent.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Big, baggy jeans. An adequate substitute for a tent in a crisis.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\adventurerobot\adventurerobot.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Violium makes this chestguard incredibly strong.", < "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Chestguard", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Violium makes this prototype chestguard incredibly strong.-NOT USED-", > "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Breastplate", 23,44d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 37 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 25 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 35 < } < ], < 46c25 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 48c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d48 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\adventurerobot\adventurerobot.head 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "This helm is inspired by the glitch.", < "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Helm", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This prototype mask is inspired by the Glitch.-NOT USED-", > "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Mask", 15,36d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 22 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 21 < } < ], < 38c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d40 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\adventurerobot\adventurerobot.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These pants are a little stiff, but really finish off the robotic look.", < "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These prototype greaves are a little stiff, but really finish off the robotic look.-NOT USED-", > "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Greaves", 14,35d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 10 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 14 < } < ], < 37c16 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d39 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\betty\betty.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\betty\betty.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\betty\betty.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Disguise Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Disguise Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\buccaneer\buccaneer.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Whaleskin Pirate coat. Well it smells like whale anyway.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A whaleskin pirate coat - well it smells like whale anyway.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\buccaneer\buccaneer.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\buccaneer\buccaneer.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Pirate pants, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", < "shortdescription" : "Buccaneer Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Pirate pantaloons, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", > "shortdescription" : "Buccaneer Pantaloons", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cardboard\cardboard.chest 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 5.0 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\chef\chef.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\chef\chef.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\chef\chef.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An apron to protect the important areas from oil spillages.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "An apron to protect your legs from oil spillages.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cowboy\cowboy.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A bit dirtswept.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This jacket's a bit dirtswept.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cowboy\cowboy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Ye-Haw!! Ride a bull with this hat on.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The wide brim provides shade from the sun.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cowboy\cowboy.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cupids\cupids.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\cupids\cupids.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cupids\cupids.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "headwear", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.3 < } < ], < 23c17 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 25c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\cupids\cupids.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "legwear", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\fairy\fairy.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5,7c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < /* "techModule": "/tech/multijump/", */ < "description" : "Back Flaps. Not sure what they are for, but it feels pretty.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Beautiful wings, they make me feel pretty.", 8a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,21d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "level" : 0, < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 23c16,19 < /* PINK */ --- > > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PINK 25c21 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c23 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c27 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c29 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c31 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c33 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c35 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c37 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c39 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c41 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 47,57d42 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\fairy\fairy.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Dance top, provides 300% less jiggle.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A dance top, ensures 300% less jiggle.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\fairy\fairy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Jewel encrusted metal party hat, it came from a pretty big christmas cracker.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A jewel encrusted party hat. It looks real!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\fairy\fairy.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Its frilly but it wont keep your sugar plums warm.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "It's frilly, but it wont keep your sugar plums warm.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\hawaiian\hawaiian.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", 23d23 < 25,27c25,27 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 29c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 31c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 35c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 37c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 39c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 41c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 45c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 47c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 49d48 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\hawaiian\hawaiian.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An hawaiian skirt, made of straw.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A Hawaiian skirt, made of straw.", 14d14 < 16,18c16,18 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK 20c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40d39 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\hiker\hiker.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "The perfect backpack to store all the essentials for exploring.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A backpack large enough to store all the essentials for exploring.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\hiker\hiker.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\hiker\hiker.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Sturdy Material make these perfect for finding mountain monsters.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Sturdy material make these perfect for finding mountain monsters.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\hotholiday\hotholiday.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "chestwear", 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\hotholiday\hotholiday.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\hotholiday\hotholiday.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "Mrs. Claus's traditional pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Mrs. Claus's Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Mrs. Claus's traditional legwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Mrs. Claus's Skirt", 15c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\hunter\hunter.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "Warning: this item is a prop. Not to be used for direct combat.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A large decorative knife with a strap to wear on your back.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\hunter\hunter.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Comes with Apex manifesto and spitting tobacco.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Sturdy, practical, stylish.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\hunter\hunter.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Great Protection... Unless it has teeth... or mandibles... or stingers.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Great protection... unless it has teeth... or mandibles... or stingers.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\jumpsuit\jumpsuit.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\jumpsuit\jumpsuit.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Made in Deep 13.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "There's a label which reads, \"Made in Deep 13.\"", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\miner\miner.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A High-Visibility Jacket - Safety first!", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A high-visibility jacket with reflectors - safety first!", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\miner\miner.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A protective helmet with a visor.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A protective helmet with a built in visor.", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 23c17 < /* Miner */ --- > // DEFAULT 25c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\moneybags\moneybags.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5,7c5,9 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "A cape for the rich and famous.", < "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Cape", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A sack full of valuables.", > "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Sack", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\moneybags\moneybags.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "A fancy tux. Perfect for the prom.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A fancy tux, perfect for the prom.", 24c25 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\moneybags\moneybags.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\moneybags\moneybags.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "Fancy tux pants. Step out in style.", < "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Tux Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These fancy tux trousers let you step out in style.", > "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Trousers", 15c16 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\mrclaus\mrclaus.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\mrclaus\mrclaus.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "chestwear", 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\mrclaus\mrclaus.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\mrclaus\mrclaus.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "Mr. Claus's traditional pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Mr. Claus's Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Mr. Claus's traditional legwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Mr. Claus's Trousers", 15c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\mutantminer\mutantminer.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A High-Visibility Jacket - Well, except you're turning pink...", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A high-visibility jacket - well, except you're turning pink...", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\mutantminer\mutantminer.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "A slimy helmet that makes you look like a Moontant.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A slimy helmet which makes you look like a Moontant.", 15,21d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 23c17 < /* Miner */ --- > // DEFAULT 25c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pilot\pilot.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5c5,6 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\pilot\pilot.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pilot\pilot.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pilot\pilot.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pirate\pirate.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "Hopely not a gunpowder barrel, probably check before putting it on.", < "shortdescription" : "Rum Barrel", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "Hopefully not a volatile powder barrel, probably check before putting it on.", > "shortdescription" : "Pirate Barrel", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\pirate\pirate.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Pirate waistcoat. Not waterproof. Did these pirates even go to sea?", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This pirate waistcoat isn't waterproof. Did these pirates even go to sea?", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pirate\pirate.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pirate\pirate.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Pirate pants, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", < "shortdescription" : "Pirate Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A pirate's pantaloons, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", > "shortdescription" : "Pirate Pantaloons", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pixelhero\pixelhero.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "A pixel hero's shirt.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A heroic chest with a hero's crest.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\pixelhero\pixelhero.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "A pixel hero's pants.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Can only be worn by those worthy enough.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\predatory\predatory.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 5a6 > "category" : "backwear", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38d39 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\predatory\predatory.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 55d48 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\predatory\predatory.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43d40 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\predatory\predatory.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Pants for those who are ready to hunt.", < "shortdescription" : "Predatory Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Trousers for those who are always ready to hunt.", > "shortdescription" : "Predatory Trousers", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\rainbowood\rainbowwood.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "This wooden chest make me feel like a tree.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This wooden chest makes me feel like a tree.", 23d23 < 25,27c25,27 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RAINBOW WOOD BARK > { "ffca8a" : "cb6f7f", "e0975c" : "b75c6b", "a85636" : "a04957", "6f2919" : "783f41" }, > // BLACK 29c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 31c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 35c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 37c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 39c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 41c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 45c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 47c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 49d48 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\rainbowood\rainbowwood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "someone beheaded a rainbow tree.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "It's like someone beheaded a rainbow tree.", 15,16d15 < < 18,20c17,19 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RAINBOW WOOD BARK > { "ffca8a" : "cb6f7f", "e0975c" : "b75c6b", "a85636" : "a04957", "6f2919" : "783f41" }, > // BLACK 22c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42d40 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\rainbowood\rainbowwood.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "My steps make some woody noise with this pant.", < "shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers make a pleasant woody sound when walking.", > "shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Trousers", 14,15d14 < < 17c16,18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // RAINBOW WOOD BARK > { "ffca8a" : "cb6f7f", "e0975c" : "b75c6b", "a85636" : "a04957", "6f2919" : "783f41" }, > // BLACK 19,21c20 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 23c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 25c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 27c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 29c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 31c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 37c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 39c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 41d39 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", 23d23 < 25,27c25,27 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, > // BLACK 29c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 31c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 35c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 37c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 39c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 41c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 45c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 47c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 49d48 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,16d15 < < 18,20c17,19 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, > // BLACK 22c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 42d40 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "These pants make me feel so heavy.", < "shortdescription" : "Rock Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Perfect camouflage for miners.", > "shortdescription" : "Rock Trousers", 14,15d14 < < 17c16,18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, > // BLACK 19,21c20 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 23c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 25c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 27c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 29c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 31c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 37c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 39c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 41d39 < items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Keeps monster goop off the wearer.", < "shortdescription" : "Scientist Coat", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Protects your legs while doing science.", > "shortdescription" : "Scientist Pants", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\startrack\startrack.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\startrack\startrack.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Perfect for use on the Holodeck.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "You'll look enterprising while wearing these trousers.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\strap\strap.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27c25 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 29c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 31c29 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c31 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 35c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 37c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 39c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 41c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 45c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 47c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 49c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\strap\strap.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18c16 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 20c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c20 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c22 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 26c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding1\wedding1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Traditional Wedding Dress. Can even be worn over armour, just in case.", < "shortdescription" : "Wedding Dress", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "An elegant top. It's intended for brides, but can be worn by anyone feeling fancy.", > "shortdescription" : "Elegant Wedding Top", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27c25 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 29c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 31c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 35c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 37c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 39c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 41c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 45c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 47c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 49c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding1\wedding1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Traditional Wedding Dress. Can even be worn over armour, just in case.", < "shortdescription" : "Wedding Dress", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "An elegant skirt. It's intended for brides, but may be worn by anyone feeling fancy.", > "shortdescription" : "Elegant Wedding Skirt", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18c16 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 20c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Traditional Wedding Dress. Can even be worn over armour, just in case.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "The top half of a ball gown - traditional wedding attire on Earth.", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27c25 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 29c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 31c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 33c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 35c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 37c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 39c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 41c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 45c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 47c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 49c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Made from the finest silk a partner could buy.", < "shortdescription" : "A Wedding Veil", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A wedding veil crafted of silk tulle.", > "shortdescription" : "Wedding Veil", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Traditional Wedding Dress. Can even be worn over armour, just in case.", < "shortdescription" : "Wedding Dress", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "The skirt of a ball gown - traditional wedding attire on Earth.", > "shortdescription" : "Wedding Skirt", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18c16 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 20c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 22c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wizard\wizard.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "The secrets on this scroll are only for a wizard's eye!", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A comically large scroll. Inside, it says, 'The person wearing this wants everyone to know that they are a wizard.'", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 16c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\decorative\costumes\wizard\wizard.chest 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A bathrobe fit for a wizard.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Wizards are often seen wearing tops like this.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wizard\wizard.head 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A floppy traffic cone.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "It's a floppy blue traffic cone. Why not wear it on your head?", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\costumes\wizard\wizard.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "It's not a wizard's robe, it's just a really baggy scarf.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "It's like a bathrobe, but for very serious wizards. Do wizards take a lot of baths?", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22c16 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\alienskull\alienskull.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* Bone */ --- > // BONE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\banana\banana.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A giant banana mask. Banananananaaa!!!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A giant banana mask. Banananananana!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\bear\bear.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A bear hat. For when you're feeling grizzly.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A bear hat, for when you're feeling grizzly.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* bear */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\beehive\beehive.head 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BEEHIVE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "be9f55", "e0975c" : "927040", "a85636" : "5d3a1f", "6f2919" : "3d2614" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\beret\beret.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A sassy felt hat. Baguette sold separately.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A sassy felt hat. Chic and a la mode.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\berry\berry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\bev\bev.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Convenient AND fattening!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Headwear that's both convenient AND fattening!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\bunny\bunny.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\cap\cap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\captainscap\captainscap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Who is the captain? The person who wears this!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Who is the captain? It must be whoever is wearing this!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\cardboard\cardboard.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\clocktophat\clocktophat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\coolfez\coolfez.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\dev\dev.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Hard Hat. It's Hard. And a hat.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Hard Hat. It's hard, and a hat.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\dinosaur\dinosaur.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "So retro, it's Prehistoric.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A hat so retro, it's prehistoric.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* dinosaur */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\eye\eye.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ --- > // BRIGHT PINK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\eyehead\eyehead.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\eyepatch\eyepatch.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Wearing this eyepatch is well worth the loss in depth perception.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Wearing this patch is well worth the loss of depth perception.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\fancy\fancy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\feather\feather.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\fedora\fedora.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Sing it with me: Fedoras are awesome!!!", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "The fedora - some wear it to look respectable, others disreputable.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\floppyhat\floppyhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\gagnose\gagnose.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "description" : "A round gag nose. It's meant to be funny. It really isn't.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A round gag nose. It's meant to be funny, but it really isn't.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\gladiator\gladiator.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\glasses1\glasses1.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\glasses2\glasses2.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\glasses3eyes\glasses3eyes.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\goat\goat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\hawaiian\hawaiian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\herocap\herocap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\hobo\hobo.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* cardboard */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\horse\horse.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\insidious\insidious.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 250, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\ironavianhelmet\ironavianhelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Take to the skies like the Iron Avian. Fwooooosh!", < "shortdescription" : "The Iron Avian Helmet", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An aerodynamically designed helmet - for the space traveller in a hurry.", > "shortdescription" : "The Aerohelm", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // IRON AVIAN YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "fbd460", "e0975c" : "c8972d", "a85636" : "854900", "6f2919" : "462000" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\kathood\kathood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Hello merchandising.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A large hood, with pointed ears attached.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\kitty\kitty.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\ladyhat\head.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\luchador\luchador.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Wrestle your way to glory with this stylish Luchador mask.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Wrestle your way to glory with this stylish luchador mask.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\m1helmet\m1helmet.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "G.I. Standard Issue tin pot helmet.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "G.I. standard issue military helmet.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\m1helmetmedic\m1helmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "G.I. Standard Issue tin pot helmet. This one is for a medic.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "G.I. standard issue military helmet. This one is designed for a medic.-NOT USED-", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\mininghat\mininghat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 400, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 14a16,24 > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > } > ], > 20c30 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 22c32 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 24c34 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 26c36 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 28c38 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 30c40 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 32c42 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 34c44 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 36c46 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 38c48 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c50 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 42c52 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\phrygiancap\phrygiancap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A Phrygian cap. A blast from the past.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This phrygian cap is a blast from the past.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\plaguedoctor\plaguedoctor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "An old Plague Doctor Mask. Wear it and creep out your friends!", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An old plague doctor's mask. Wear it and creep out your friends!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* Bone */ --- > // BONE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\plainhood\plainhood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\pyramid\pyramid.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PYRAMID YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ded47d", "e0975c" : "c3ae4f", "a85636" : "896f34", "6f2919" : "60411b" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\rainbowhood\rainbowhood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,42c17,40 < /* BRIGHTPINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "fab2f6", "e0975c" : "f07ae8", "a85636" : "924a8d", "6f2919" : "5d1160" }, < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* WHITE */ < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* ORANGE */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, < /* YELLOW */ < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* PURPLE */ < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, < /* PINK */ < { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } --- > // Rainbow > { "85250f" : "85250f", "c64040" : "c64040", "f37e7e" : "f37e7e", "794b23" : "794b23", "c27d41" : "c27d41", "f3ba88" : "f3ba88", "8b7a27" : "8b7a27", "b3a250" : "b3a250", "e5d797" : "e5d797", "2b7f60" : "2b7f60", "55be97" : "55be97", "98dfc5" : "98dfc5", "2a626c" : "2a626c", "438793" : "438793", "93d2de" : "93d2de", "1f3a64" : "1f3a64", "456493" : "456493", "97b6e3" : "97b6e3", "6e2900" : "6e2900", "af4e00" : "af4e00" }, > // BLACK > { "85250f" : "151515", "c64040" : "383838", "f37e7e" : "555555", "794b23" : "151515", "c27d41" : "383838", "f3ba88" : "555555", "8b7a27" : "151515", "b3a250" : "383838", "e5d797" : "555555", "2b7f60" : "151515", "55be97" : "555555", "98dfc5" : "808080", "2a626c" : "151515", "438793" : "555555", "93d2de" : "808080", "1f3a64" : "555555", "456493" : "808080", "97b6e3" : "b5b5b5", "6e2900" : "151515", "af4e00" : "383838" }, > // GREY > { "85250f" : "151515", "c64040" : "383838", "f37e7e" : "555555", "794b23" : "303030", "c27d41" : "555555", "f3ba88" : "808080", "8b7a27" : "555555", "b3a250" : "808080", "e5d797" : "b5b5b5", "2b7f60" : "7b7b7b", "55be97" : "b6b6b6", "98dfc5" : "e6e6e6", "2a626c" : "3d3d51", "438793" : "676f83", "93d2de" : "9da8af", "1f3a64" : "24232f", "456493" : "3d3d51", "97b6e3" : "676f83", "6e2900" : "303030", "af4e00" : "555555" }, > // WHITE > { "85250f" : "7b7b7b", "c64040" : "b6b6b6", "f37e7e" : "e6e6e6", "794b23" : "7b7b7b", "c27d41" : "b6b6b6", "f3ba88" : "e6e6e6", "8b7a27" : "7b7b7b", "b3a250" : "b6b6b6", "e5d797" : "e6e6e6", "2b7f60" : "8b7a27", "55be97" : "b3a250", "98dfc5" : "e5d797", "2a626c" : "97276d", "438793" : "d35eae", "93d2de" : "eab3db", "1f3a64" : "6a2284", "456493" : "a451c4", "97b6e3" : "d29ce7", "6e2900" : "97276d", "af4e00" : "d35eae" }, > // RED > { "85250f" : "601119", "c64040" : "932625", "f37e7e" : "d93a3a", "794b23" : "601119", "c27d41" : "932625", "f3ba88" : "d93a3a", "8b7a27" : "6e2900", "b3a250" : "af4e00", "e5d797" : "ea9931", "2b7f60" : "6e2900", "55be97" : "af4e00", "98dfc5" : "ea9931", "2a626c" : "642f00", "438793" : "a46e06", "93d2de" : "e2c344", "1f3a64" : "642f00", "456493" : "a46e06", "97b6e3" : "e2c344", "6e2900" : "6e2900", "af4e00" : "af4e00" }, > // ORANGE > { "85250f" : "6e2900", "c64040" : "af4e00", "f37e7e" : "ea9931", "794b23" : "6e2900", "c27d41" : "af4e00", "f3ba88" : "ea9931", "8b7a27" : "642f00", "b3a250" : "a46e06", "e5d797" : "e2c344", "2b7f60" : "642f00", "55be97" : "a46e06", "98dfc5" : "e2c344", "2a626c" : "7b7b7b", "438793" : "b6b6b6", "93d2de" : "e6e6e6", "1f3a64" : "7b7b7b", "456493" : "b6b6b6", "97b6e3" : "e6e6e6", "6e2900" : "642f00", "af4e00" : "a46e06" }, > // YELLOW > { "85250f" : "642f00", "c64040" : "a46e06", "f37e7e" : "e2c344", "794b23" : "642f00", "c27d41" : "a46e06", "f3ba88" : "e2c344", "8b7a27" : "642f00", "b3a250" : "a46e06", "e5d797" : "e2c344", "2b7f60" : "48832f", "55be97" : "9bba3d", "98dfc5" : "d1e160", "2a626c" : "344495", "438793" : "5588d4", "93d2de" : "96cbe7", "1f3a64" : "344495", "456493" : "5588d4", "97b6e3" : "96cbe7", "6e2900" : "642f00", "af4e00" : "a46e06" }, > // GREEN > { "85250f" : "144216", "c64040" : "247824", "f37e7e" : "51bd3b", "794b23" : "247824", "c27d41" : "51bd3b", "f3ba88" : "b2e89d", "8b7a27" : "48832f", "b3a250" : "9bba3d", "e5d797" : "d1e160", "2b7f60" : "48832f", "55be97" : "9bba3d", "98dfc5" : "d1e160", "2a626c" : "a46e06", "438793" : "e2c344", "93d2de" : "ffffa7", "1f3a64" : "a46e06", "456493" : "e2c344", "97b6e3" : "ffffa7", "6e2900" : "48832f", "af4e00" : "9bba3d" }, > // BLUE > { "85250f" : "24232f", "c64040" : "3d3d51", "f37e7e" : "676f83", "794b23" : "1a1c51", "c27d41" : "344495", "f3ba88" : "5588d4", "8b7a27" : "1a1c51", "b3a250" : "344495", "e5d797" : "5588d4", "2b7f60" : "233c43", "55be97" : "30636c", "98dfc5" : "4facb2", "2a626c" : "233c43", "438793" : "30636c", "93d2de" : "4facb2", "1f3a64" : "233c43", "456493" : "30636c", "97b6e3" : "4facb2", "6e2900" : "233c43", "af4e00" : "30636c" }, > // PURPLE > { "85250f" : "320c40", "c64040" : "6a2284", "f37e7e" : "a451c4", "794b23" : "320c40", "c27d41" : "6a2284", "f3ba88" : "a451c4", "8b7a27" : "59163f", "b3a250" : "97276d", "e5d797" : "d35eae", "2b7f60" : "59163f", "55be97" : "97276d", "98dfc5" : "d35eae", "2a626c" : "932625", "438793" : "d93a3a", "93d2de" : "f4988c", "1f3a64" : "932625", "456493" : "d93a3a", "97b6e3" : "f4988c", "6e2900" : "59163f", "af4e00" : "97276d" }, > // PINK > { "85250f" : "320c40", "c64040" : "6a2284", "f37e7e" : "a451c4", "794b23" : "59163f", "c27d41" : "97276d", "f3ba88" : "d35eae", "8b7a27" : "97276d", "b3a250" : "d35eae", "e5d797" : "d35eae", "2b7f60" : "97276d", "55be97" : "d35eae", "98dfc5" : "eab3db", "2a626c" : "344495", "438793" : "5588d4", "93d2de" : "96cbe7", "1f3a64" : "30636c", "456493" : "4facb2", "97b6e3" : "a8e6e2", "6e2900" : "97276d", "af4e00" : "d35eae" }, > // BROWN > { "85250f" : "472b13", "c64040" : "754c23", "f37e7e" : "a47844", "794b23" : "472b13", "c27d41" : "754c23", "f3ba88" : "a47844", "8b7a27" : "5d4f34", "b3a250" : "8d7b58", "e5d797" : "bcad80", "2b7f60" : "5d4f34", "55be97" : "8d7b58", "98dfc5" : "bcad80", "2a626c" : "8d7b58", "438793" : "bcad80", "93d2de" : "e7dfbd", "1f3a64" : "8d7b58", "456493" : "bcad80", "97b6e3" : "e7dfbd", "6e2900" : "472b13", "af4e00" : "754c23" } items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\reed.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A rather fetching hat made from Reeds.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A rather fetching hat made from reeds.", 16c17 < /* Reed Green */ --- > // REED GREEN 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\rock\rockhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\safetyhelmet\safetyhelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Now you're protected from EVERYTHING. Disclaimer: not an actual stat.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This bright safety helmet offers moderate protection.", 15c16,22 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > } 17a25,26 > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 19c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 21c30 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c32 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c34 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c36 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c38 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c40 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c42 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c44 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c46 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c48 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c50 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shark\shark.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* shark */ --- > // SHARK 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shroomdisguise\shroomdisguise.head 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* denim */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shroomhead\shroom.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this Waxcap Mushroom hat!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this waxcap mushroom hat!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shroomhead2\shroom.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this Gilled Mushroom hat!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this gilled mushroom hat!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shroomhead3\shroom.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this Agaric Mushroom hat!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this agaric mushroom hat!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\shroomhead4\shroom.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this Gilled Mushroom hat!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Look like an Agaran with this gilled mushroom hat!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\skullmask\skullmask.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* skullmask */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\sombrero\sombrero.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A sombrero. Feel the summer groove.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Shades you from the hot sun.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\strawberry\strawberry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\swamphat\swamphat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A hat, perfect for budding explorers.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "It may be worn, but it still has outdoorsman appeal.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* Swamp Hat */ --- > // DEFAULT 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\symbiote\symbiote.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\teddy\teddy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A living teddy bear wants to rest on your head!", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This teddy bear wants to rest on your head!", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\tiger\tiger.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A Tiger hat. Is it real fur?", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This hat resembles a tiger. Is it real fur?", 16,18c17,19 < /* bear */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TIGER ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "f57e1d", "e0975c" : "b45e17", "a85636" : "a54d05", "6f2919" : "6e3b10" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\tophat\head.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\toptophat\head.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\tvhelmet\tvhelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\unicorn\unicorn.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* BROWN */ < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // UNICORN > { "ffca8a" : "c0f4f2", "e0975c" : "9cdedd", "a85636" : "53a2a9", "6f2919" : "0b5b65" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\ushanka\ushanka.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\venetianmask\ventetianmask.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\vicious\vicious.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A poorly made mask with red eyes and teeth. Makes you look... Untrustworthy.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A poorly made mask with red eyes and teeth. It makes you look... untrustworthy.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19c17 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 21c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\decorative\hats\vikinghelmet\vikinghelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 15,26d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 4.5 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 15 < } < ], < 28c17 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 32c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 34c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 36c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 38c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 40c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 42c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 44c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 46c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 48c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 50c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 52,64d40 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\decorative\hats\wig\wig.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "It's fluffy and powdered, but probably don't eat it.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "An understated wig that's perfect for casual occasions.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,21c17,19 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BLACK 23c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 25c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 27c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 29c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 31c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 33c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 35c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 37c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 41c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\floran\floran-furnivour\floranfurnivor.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The fur left over from a recent meaty corpse!", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Furnivour Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A proud display of animal fur, claimed from a recent hunt.", > "shortdescription" : "Furnivour Chest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\floran\floran-furnivour\floranfurnivor.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The fur left over from a recent meaty corpse!", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Furnivour Legs", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "It appears to be decorated with animal fur from a hunt.", > "shortdescription" : "Furnivour Legs", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\floran\floran-hunter\floranhunter.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The fur left over from a recent meaty corpse!", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Hunter Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This hunter's chest covering keeps you warm and dry.", > "shortdescription" : "Savage Chest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\floran\floran-hunter\floranhunter.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The fur left over from a recent meaty corpse!", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Hunter Legs", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These leg coverings allow full range of movement for the hunter.", > "shortdescription" : "Savage Legs", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\floran\floran-leaf\floranleaf.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The leaf censors stuff children shouldn't see!", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Leaf Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This shirt is covered in large tough leaves.", > "shortdescription" : "Leaf Chest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\floran\floran-leaf\floranleaf.legs 6a7 > "category" : "legwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Floran Leaf Legs", --- > "shortdescription" : "Leaf Legs", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\floran\floran-pelt\floranpelt.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Dead animal skin and fur makes me warm.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Pelt Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Insulated with plants to keep you warm.", > "shortdescription" : "Pelt Chest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\floran\floran-pelt\floranpelt.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Dead animal skin and fur makes me warm.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Pelt Legs", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "This loincloth is bound with strong vines.", > "shortdescription" : "Pelt Legs", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\floran\floran-survivalist\floransurvivalist.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Clean leather from dead stuff.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Survivalist Chest", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Made from materials gathered in a hunt, it provides little protection but makes you proud to wear.", > "shortdescription" : "Survivalist Chest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\floran\floran-survivalist\floransurvivalist.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Clean leather from dead stuff.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Survivalist Legs", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Adorned with material from hunted prey. A good hunter makes use of every part they can.", > "shortdescription" : "Survivalist Legs", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier1\florantier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "It's rare to see a sprout chestguard not covered in dents, blood and sometimes vital organs.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "It's rare to see a sprout's chestguard not covered in dents, blood and fleshy gobbets.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,74d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier2chest" 76c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier1\florantier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Iron armour usually lifted from the (often severed) head of fallen floran that failed to reach adulthood.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Iron armour designed to be worn by young Floran on their early hunts.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier2head" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier1\florantier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7c7,8 < "description" : "These anklets are built scant to remind young floran to draw power from the sun.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Scant anklets that allow young Floran to draw power from the sun.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier2pants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier2\florantier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Steel, reinforced with bone and padded with leather made from the skin of hunted prey.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Tungsten, reinforced with bone and padded with leather made from the skin of hunted prey.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier2\florantier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The bonesmith's helm is usually decorated with the steel covered skull of the wearers first victim.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Fashioned from a tungsten plated skull - practical and stylish.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64d66 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier2\florantier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Ground stomach contents were used to dye this loincloth and boots.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A loincloth made of overlapping tungsten plates, to thwart the retaliations of diminutive quarry.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63d65 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier3\florantier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A nomads armour is built to turn the elements as well as a blade.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This chestguard is built to deflect the elements as well as blades and bullets.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier4chest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier3\florantier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Built from rugged titanium and wrapped in leaves for warmth, this is the armour of choice for the floran nomad.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Built from titanium and wrapped in leaves for warmth, this is headwear designed to protect you on the long hunt.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,68d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier4head" 70c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier3\florantier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Nomad armour is said to smell of dying flowers and rotting leaves.", < "shortdescription" : "Nomad's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Leaf covered leg armour that is at one with the forest.", > "shortdescription" : "Nomad's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,67d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier4pants" 69c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier4\florantier4.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Hunter's Chestguard protects the hunter's vitals with solid durasteel.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A chestguard that protects the hunter's vital organs beneath solid durasteel.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier4\florantier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Hunter's Hood is built to be light, allowing a floran to track its prey many miles.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The hunter's hood is built to be light, allowing a Floran to track their prey many miles .", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier4\florantier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The hunter's skirt is built from leather with a thread of durasteel holding it together.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A skirt made from leather, bound with durasteel thread.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier5accelerator\florantier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Florans believe to devour a fallen wiseman's brain is to gain their wisdom.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Wise people don't get stabbed in the middle, that's what chestguards are for.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6achest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5accelerator\florantier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This aegisalt headpiece is built to protect a floran wiseman's brain at all costs.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helmet to protect your brains. Florans use their brains all the time, just for different stuff than everybody else.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6ahead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5accelerator\florantier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing; even wise Florans have to cut loose.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,39 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 38c42 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6apants" 68c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Disgraced floran are thrown unarmored into an arena with a hungry floran cannibal.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A chestguard to protect you from people who get angry when you eat other people.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6mchest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The cannibal's mask contains razor sharp rubium teeth built to tear through floran flesh.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Cursed with a friendly and appealing face? Cover it up with this horrifying mask.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6mhead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "It's said the sun itself could not stand between a cannibal and his meal.", < "shortdescription" : "Cannibal's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Cannibalism is a tradition! A frowned upon tradition. Wear these trousers while running away from your angry greenfinger.", > "shortdescription" : "Cannibal's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6mpants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5separator\florantier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The floran gatherer's violium chestpiece is the last thing many a scientist sees.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "For the silent warrior who lurks in wait.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6schest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5separator\florantier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "As with much of Floran technology, the gatherer's helm is built from the tech of fallen foes.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helm made to be worn in the shadows.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6shead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier5separator\florantier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The gatherers skirt makes the sound of rustling leaves as they creep towards their prey.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A skirt to stalk prey in.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "florantier6spants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\floran\floran-tier6accelerator\florantier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "As part of the florans organised offensive force, no expense is spared infusing a sentinel's armour with ferozium.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Solarium body armour, accented with bone.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6accelerator\florantier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The floran sentinel's helm is made from solid ferozium and foes with particularly hard skin.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Adorned with the horns and jawbone of a once-worthy prey, and lined with solarium plate.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6accelerator\florantier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "When the Floran Sentinels march it sounds like a thunderstorm.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Because you need freedom of movement when you're running the gauntlet.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Shaman's Chestguard is built from a net of cerulium, as strong as any breastplate.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Solarium is woven into chainmail to form the lower half of this resilient chestguard.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 43a47 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d73 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The floran shaman is said to channel the words of the sun.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Maniacal eyes and a fiendish grin are the least disquieting aspects of this terrifying mask.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The shaman's skirt is deceptively strong and wonderfully flexible.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "This skirt is deceptively strong and extremely flexible.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6separator\florantier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Synthesizer's Chestguard channels so much power from the sun it can get hot to the touch.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A powerful chestguard to strengthen the wearer - even the most vicious prey will fall.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6separator\florantier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The armour of the synthesizer is coated with pure impervium.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The prey of the universe shiver at the sight of this eerie helm .", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\floran\floran-tier6separator\florantier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A kick from an armored synthesizer can shatter bone.", < "shortdescription" : "Synthesizer's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These trousers reinforce the movement of the wearer, a kick from an armoured leg can shatter bone.", > "shortdescription" : "Synthesizer's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-craftsmen\craftsmen.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "Craftsmen clothing, high fashion.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A simple shirt with a pocket made for craftsmen.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-craftsmen\craftsmen.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Craftsmen pants, high fashion.", < "shortdescription" : "Craftsmen Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Durable legwear, traditionally worn by craftsmen.", > "shortdescription" : "Craftsmen Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,68d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-merchant\merchant.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A low quality merchant shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A low quality shirt, sometimes worn by merchants.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-merchant\merchant.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Low quality merchant pants", < "shortdescription" : "Merchant Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some simple, low quality merchant trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Merchant Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,68d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-noble\noble.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A common noble shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A clean, well made noble shirt.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-noble\noble.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Common noble pants", < "shortdescription" : "Noble Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "This style of trousers are frequently worn by Glitch nobles.", > "shortdescription" : "Noble Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,68d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-peasant\peasant.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A dirty peasant shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A dirty, worn peasant's shirt.", 23,40d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < < 42c25 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 44c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 46c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 52c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 54c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 56c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 58c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 60c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 62c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 64c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 66,78d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-peasant\peasant.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Dirty peasant pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Peasant Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These simple and slightly dirty trousers look handmade.", > "shortdescription" : "Peasant Trousers", 14,31d14 < < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c16 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 35c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57,69d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\glitch\glitch-royal\glitchroyal.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Crown", --- > "shortdescription" : "Glitch Crown", 14c15 < --- > 16c17 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40d40 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier1\glitchtier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,86d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier2chest" 88c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier1\glitchtier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The iron helm of the knave, it only protects the top of the head.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The iron helm of the knave only protects the top of the head.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier2head" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier1\glitchtier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Most of the iron in a knave's pants is in the belt buckle.", < "shortdescription" : "Knave's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Most of the iron in a knave's trousers is in the belt buckle.", > "shortdescription" : "Knave's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier2pants" 79c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier2\glitchtier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The soldier is the most expendable position in a Glitch army.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Crafted protection for the up-and-coming Glitch hero - better to dent your breastplate than your bodywork.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier2\glitchtier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The soldier's steel helm accents many thousands of faces on the glitch battlefield.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A durable tungsten helm - a rebuttal to the claim \"they don't make 'em like they used to\".", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37,38c40,41 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64d66 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier2\glitchtier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The lifespan of a glitch soldier is as short as these pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Soldier's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Chainmail trousers paired with heavy tungsten boots - a step-up from the norm.", > "shortdescription" : "Soldier's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63d65 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier3\glitchtier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The strength of a knight's breastplate allows a single knight to slay many a soldier on the battlefield.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Enter the battlefield with confidence, encased in this heavy titaniam breastplate.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 44,45c47,48 < < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier4chest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier3\glitchtier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The titanium clad glitch knight fights with honor (and a sharp sword).", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The titanium clad Glitch fights with honour. And a sharp sword...", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,68d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier4head" 70c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier3\glitchtier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The Knight's Greaves sit heavy at its sides. Only a strong mechanical horse will carry the wearer of these.", < "shortdescription" : "Knight's Greaves", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "The tassets of a knight protect the thighs of a warrior.", > "shortdescription" : "Knight's Tassets", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35,36c38,39 < < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,67d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier4pants" 69c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier4\glitchtier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Dark knights improve their breastplates with durasteel, believing strong armour triumphs over honour.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "An intimidating breastplate of great strength, indicative of ominous intent", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier4\glitchtier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The dark knight's durasteel helm clouds the face in mystery.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A sinister helm that shrouds the face in mystery.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier4\glitchtier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The dark knights greaves provide some of the most adequate crotch protection in the entire universe.", < "shortdescription" : "Dark Knight's Greaves", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Menacing legwear that provides some of the most adequate crotch protection in the universe.", > "shortdescription" : "Dark Knight's Tassets", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5accelerator\glitchtier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The crusader's breastplate is forged of pure aegisalt. It contains a third brain for extra long crusades.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Forged of pure aegisalt. Built for agility, to be worn with panache.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 44,45c47,48 < < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6achest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5accelerator\glitchtier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Crusader's Helm contains an extra brain for particularly long crusades.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A stylish helm that protects your head and confuses your enemies.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6ahead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5accelerator\glitchtier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The crusader's greaves do not contain an extra brain, that would be ridiculous.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These greaves bring a little flair to the battlefield.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35,36c38,40 < < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c42 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6apants" 68c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The lancer's breastplate is capable of absorbing shock enough to keep a rider on his mount whilst shattering a lance.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Light and sturdy, built to encourage speed and dexterity in its wearer.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 44,46c47,49 < < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6mchest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A lancers helm is aerodynamic, built from rubium it's light and sturdy.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helm with excellent shock-absorbing capabilities.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6mhead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The lancers greaves are built for riding.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These light ferozium greaves enable agility in battle.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6mpants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5separator\glitchtier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The paladin's breastplate is forged of violium, a metal believed to be holy.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Forged of violium; strong armour to defend a strong heart.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 44,46c47,49 < < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6schest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5separator\glitchtier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The paladin is believed to be the holiest of warriors, striking where god demands.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helm to top a chivalrous head and safeguard a pure mind.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6shead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier5separator\glitchtier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The paladin's greaves protect both their legs and their chastity.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Greaves that protect both your legs and your chastity.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "glitchtier6spants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6accelerator\glitchtier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Legionnaire's Breastplate is forged of ferozium; it's said to hold not only glitch brains, but souls.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A near adamantine chestpiece, formed of polished solarium plating.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,49 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6accelerator\glitchtier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The legionnaires are the forward thinking elite knights of the empire. Their helms reflect the fashions of the future.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A stacked helm of impressive appearance and immense durability.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6accelerator\glitchtier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Legionnaires insist people call their loincloth a toga.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Legionnaire's legwear - insist that people call your loincloth a demi-kilt.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "the templar's breastplate is forged of cerulium, an additional templar brain warns of incoming blows.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A breastplate built to guard the watchful soldier.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,48 < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d73 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Templar's Helm is capable of housing the brains of fallen templars, so they may live on.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Your enemies will cower beneath the glare of this six-eyed helm.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The templars are a mysterious order some say secretly run glitch society.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Greaves of immense strength and sanguine hue.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6separator\glitchtier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The doom lord's breastplate is forged of heavy impervium lined with gold. They're said to contain the brains of the first glitch.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A gilded breastplate to adorn the chest of those adept at warfare.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,49 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6separator\glitchtier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The doom lords are known to most glitch as a fairytale, but this helm is very real.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A horned demonic helm, prophetic of doom.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6separator\glitchtier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The doom lord's boots rattle a planet with each step.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "The pounding rattle of these greaves will haunt the dreams of your foe.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\human\human-concept\concept.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A casual shirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Casual Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A simple jacket, in case it gets a bit chilly.", > "shortdescription" : "Casual Cardigan", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\human\human-concept\concept.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "Some casual pants", < "shortdescription" : "Casual Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "They're longer than your average shorts.", > "shortdescription" : "Casual Shorts", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\human\human-cool\cool.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A cool jacket, too cool for drycleaning.", < "shortdescription" : "Cool Jacket", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Wearing this faux-leather jacket fills you with confidence.", > "shortdescription" : "Stylish Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\human\human-cool\cool.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Made of real faux-leather. Too cool.", < "shortdescription" : "Cool Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "When you wear these cool bottoms, you feel as though anything is possible.", > "shortdescription" : "Stylish Bottoms", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\human\human-sweatervest\sweatervest.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A classy sweater vest. It's business casual.", < "shortdescription" : "Work Shirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Your chest is warm, but what of your arms?", > "shortdescription" : "Sweater Vest", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\human\human-sweatervest\sweatervest.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "They're business casual.", < "shortdescription" : "Work Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Moderately comfy, reasonably easy to wear.", > "shortdescription" : "Shorts", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* OLIVE */ --- > // OLIVE 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,74d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier2chest" 76c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* OLIVE */ --- > // OLIVE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier2head" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 6a7 > "category" : "legarmour", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* DENIM */ --- > // DENIM 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier2pants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier2\humantier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This Scavenger breastplate offers a thick layer of protection.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This scavenger breastplate offers a hardy layer of protection.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* OLIVE */ --- > // OLIVE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\human\human-tier2\humantier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Scavenger's helmet comes with augmented vision.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The scavenger's helmet comes with augmented vision.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 40c43 < /* Olive-ish */ --- > // OLIVE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64d66 < items\armors\human\human-tier2\humantier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These scavenger pants contain woven layers of protection.", < "shortdescription" : "Scavenger's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These scavenger's trousers contain woven layers of protection.", > "shortdescription" : "Scavenger's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* DENIM */ --- > // DENIM 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63d65 < items\armors\human\human-tier3\humantier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A chestguard protects the pioneer's first steps into a new world.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Safeguards a pioneer as they take their first steps into a new world.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* SCARLET */ --- > // SCARLET 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier4chest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier3\humantier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* METAL */ --- > // METAL 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,68d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier4head" 70c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier3\humantier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Titanium pants with a convenient flap for the release of bodily fluids.", < "shortdescription" : "Pioneer's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Titanium trousers with a convenient flap at the rear.", > "shortdescription" : "Pioneer's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* SCARLET */ --- > // SCARLET 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,67d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier4pants" 69c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Outrider's chestpiece is made from Durasteel, knitted like kevlar.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The outrider's chestpiece is made from durasteel, knitted like kevlar.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* SCARLET */ --- > // SCARLET 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The Durasteel helm of the outrider is built for communication. This one doesn't work.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The durasteel helm of the outrider is built for use in the most inhospitable of environments.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* SCARLET */ --- > // SCARLET 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These Durasteel pants are built for the rider of a hoverbike.", < "shortdescription" : "Outrider's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These durasteel trousers are built for the rider of a hoverbike.", > "shortdescription" : "Outrider's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* SCARLET */ --- > // SCARLET 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\human\human-tier5accelerator\humantier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* CAMO GREEN */ --- > // CAMO GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6achest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5accelerator\humantier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This aegisalt helm is usually worn by the vanguard, the human armoured forces.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "This aegisalt helmet is lightweight and durable... Plus, who doesn't look good in green?", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* CAMO GREEN */ --- > // CAMO GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6ahead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5accelerator\humantier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The vanguard fight with passion, honour and aegisalt pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Vanguard's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Fight with passion, honour and fashionable aegisalt legwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Vanguard's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,39 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 38c42 < /* CAMO GREEN */ --- > // CAMO GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6apants" 68c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The trailblazer's Rubium chestpiece is built for adventure.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A chestpiece built for adventure!", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6mchest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "It's said that a trailblazer's helm is never fully finished until it has seen a sun rise and set at the same time.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "We shouldn't view life through rose tinted glasses, but an amber tinted visor is probably okay.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6mhead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Special Rubium kneeguards help with crawling through air ducts.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "With ferozium kneeguards, for all your kneeling needs.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6mpants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5separator\humantier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45,46c48,49 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6schest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5separator\humantier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "After meeting the Glitch, human adventurers adopted a new style of helm.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A human helmet modeled after the sturdy heads of the Glitch; art imitating 'life'.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6shead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier5separator\humantier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These pants are a little stiff, but really finish off the robotic look.", < "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These trousers are a little stiff, but nicely complete that robotic look.", > "shortdescription" : "Adventurer's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "humantier6spants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\human\human-tier6accelerator\humantier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\human\human-tier6accelerator\humantier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\human\human-tier6accelerator\humantier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "These pants count the number of steps you take through sophisticated circuitry.", < "shortdescription" : "Seeker's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These trousers count the number of steps you take through sophisticated circuitry. Why? Why not.", > "shortdescription" : "Seeker's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\human\human-tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This Cerulium Chestguard is worn most often by the staff wielders of the cosmos.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Defend your vital organs while simultaneously looking big and tough. Your enemies will be so jealous.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 43a47 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d73 < items\armors\human\human-tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This Cerulium helmet, among other things, filters out the seering light from fully charged staves.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Protect your head as you wander the universe - afterall, your head is where your brain is.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\human\human-tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Cerulium plated armor made to balance between energy reservation and protection.", < "shortdescription" : "Wanderer's Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A comely trouser/boot combo that safeguards the legs.", > "shortdescription" : "Wanderer's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\human\human-tier6separator\humantier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This jacket is usually worn by those privy to some of the Universe's best kept secrets.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Battle the elements of a vast cosmos in this powerful solarium jacket.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\human\human-tier6separator\humantier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This impervium helm contains a voice box changer. Side effects may include picking up any heavy breathing.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "View an infinite universe through finite eyes, safe behind this universalist's helm.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\human\human-tier6separator\humantier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Impervium pants will tread a thousand alien worlds in their lifetime.", < "shortdescription" : "Universalist's Techpants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These trousers will tread a thousand alien worlds in their lifetime.", > "shortdescription" : "Universalist's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\human\human-workout\workout.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A sweatshirt.. it smells.", < "shortdescription" : "Sweatshirt", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A light breathable top suitable for working out. No pain, no gain, right?", > "shortdescription" : "Sleeveless Top", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\human\human-workout\workout.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Sweat pants.. full of sweat.", < "shortdescription" : "Sweat Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These are perfect whether you're working out or just eating pizza in front of the TV. So versatile!", > "shortdescription" : "Sweatpants", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d39 < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-kimono\kimono.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A sleek Kimono shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A sleek traditional kimono shirt.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-kimono\kimono.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A sleek kimono.", < "shortdescription" : "Kimono Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A sleek traditional kimono.", > "shortdescription" : "Kimono Skirt", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,67d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-monk\monk.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "The top of some monk robes.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "These robes are traditionally worn by Hylotl monks.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-monk\monk.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The bottom of some monk robes.", < "shortdescription" : "Monk Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "The simple, draping leg-coverings of a monk.", > "shortdescription" : "Monk Skirt", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,67d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier1\hylotltier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 6a7 > "category" : "chestarmour", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,87d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier2chest" 89c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier1\hylotltier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier2head" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier1\hylotltier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Made from iron, these pants are embarrassingly named.", < "shortdescription" : "Puddle Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Made from iron, these refined, comfortable trousers are embarrassingly named.", > "shortdescription" : "Puddle Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier2pants" 79c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier2\hylotltier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Parts of this steel breastplate are dyed to match the wearers aquatic mount.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A tungsten breastplate of simple, elegant design.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,85d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier2\hylotltier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Hylotl pond warriors would don this steel helm and ride huge fish into battle.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helm of great elegance, crafted from tungsten.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,76d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier2\hylotltier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Steel greaves built with a grip that keeps the wearer steady when riding a giant fish.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Tungsten greaves protect the wearer, while simultaneously transforming their silhouette.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,75d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier3\hylotltier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Masters of infiltration, a river shinobi builds his titanium chestpiece for swiftness.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Made with silk and metal. Like the Hylotl warrior, this breastplate blends elegance and strength.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,89d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier4chest" 91c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier3\hylotltier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Masters of espionage, a river shinobi builds his titanium helm as part armour and part disguise.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Part armour and part mask - for the warrior who needs both to infiltrate, and protect.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,80d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier4head" 82c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier3\hylotltier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Masters of sabotage, a river shinobi builds his titanium leggings for noiselessness. ", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Strong and supple, like the lithe and limber legs of their wearer.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,79d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier4pants" 81c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier4\hylotltier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Equipped with a Durasteel breastplate, lake wardens were the protectors of Hylotl villages.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A breastplate designed to strengthen the wearer's durability, as well as their resolve.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,85d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier4\hylotltier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The durasteel helm of the lake wardens is built for defense.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A durasteel helm that is built for defense.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,74d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier4\hylotltier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Lake warden durasteel greaves allow the wearer to stand at his post for many hours.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Durasteel greaves that allow the wearer to stand at their post for many hours.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,73d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5accelerator\hylotltier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The sea shogun are afraid only of fatal wounds, aegisalt protecting little more than their hearts.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A lightweight and supple chestpiece, that enables the warrior to strike swiftly.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,89d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6achest" 91c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5accelerator\hylotltier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "To a sea shogun combat is an art-form. Their helmets protect only their most vital of organs.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "This headwear protects the mind of the warrior, which must always be sharp, honed like a blade.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6ahead" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5accelerator\hylotltier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Aegisalt sea leggings are the only piece of shogun armour built to protect a non-essential organ.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Light, strong leggings that encourage a warrior to be fleet of foot.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,39 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 38c42 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6apants" 80c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The rubium jacket of the reef gatherer is softened to protect the coral.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Combining the fashion of scuba with the protection of ferozium, there's nowhere this jacket can't be worn.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,89d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6mchest" 91c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "With their rubium helms, reef gatherers would spend hours amongst the coral searching for precious material.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A narrow visor and strong ferozium shell make this helm an excellent addition to any head.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6mhead" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "It is said a fully grown reef gatherer could step on a batch of hylotl spawn with these pants without harming it.", < "shortdescription" : "Reef Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "These form-fitting ferozium laced trousers are practical AND stylish.", > "shortdescription" : "Reef Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6mpants" 79c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5separator\hylotltier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The chestguard of the Ocean explorer is often marked with battlescars received from unusual creatures.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This chestguard is designed to turn away the attacks of huge fish, as well as those of more ordinary adversaries.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,89d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6schest" 91c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5separator\hylotltier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 6a7 > "category" : "headarmour", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6shead" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier5separator\hylotltier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 6a7 > "category" : "legarmour", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "hylotltier6spants" items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6accelerator\hylotltier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The ferozium in this chestguard protects the euphos from surface dwellers.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The reinforced spine of this chestguard protects the wearer from surprise rear attacks.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,83d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6accelerator\hylotltier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The euphos are charged with tending to hyltol spawn close to the surface.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helm with an elaborate, bubble-like aesthetic that allows a wide plane of vision.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,74d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6accelerator\hylotltier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Euphos pants are the first thing many young hylotl see as they're led down into the depths.", < "shortdescription" : "Euphotic Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "The pale stripes of these trousers are reminiscent of shifting rays of light through water.", > "shortdescription" : "Euphotic Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,73d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Aphotic armour is worn by only the most revered in Hylotl society.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A chestguard built to withstand the high pressure of the ocean depths, and to deflect the blows and bullets of a foe.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 43a47 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,83d73 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The aphotic emperors that don this armour are said to have seen unimaginable things in the dark of the deepest oceans.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A strong solarium helm designed to protect the wearer in the darkest depths of the ocean, coveted by the land-bound.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,74d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The only thing more important than the power provided by this cerulium Aphotic armour is the wisdom of its wearer.", < "shortdescription" : "Aphotic Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Solarium crafted trousers with strengthened ribbing, that let the wearer swim, run and fight with equal ease.", > "shortdescription" : "Aphotic Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,73d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6separator\hylotltier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The disphot elite have protected the hylotl for millenia.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Designed for the warrior who is a guardian of peace - stalwart and unflinching.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,83d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6separator\hylotltier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Disphot elite guards protect the twilight that marks the entrance to Hylotl territory.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A helmet designed for the elite warrior, the crest implies nobility of purpose.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,74d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-tier6separator\hylotltier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Disphot greaves are infused with polished impervium.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Greaves wrought from polished violium and reinforced with pure solarium, as strong as the spirit of their wearer.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,73d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-traditional\traditional.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A traditional aquatic shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A common style of shirt which offers comfort and simplicity.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-traditional\traditional.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "traditional aquatic pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Traditional Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Basic legwear that is both flexible and waterproof.", > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,67d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-trainee\trainee.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A trainee shirt used to practice combat.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This trainee shirt doesn't prevent the arms from moving while practising combat.", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65,77d48 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < items\armors\hylotl\hylotl-trainee\trainee.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some trainee pants used for combat training.", < "shortdescription" : "Trainee Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some trainee trousers, commonly used for combat training.", > "shortdescription" : "Trainee Trousers", 14,30d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 32c16 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56,67d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\novakid\nova-tier1\novatier1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Deputy's Vest.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A classic vest and bandana combo, complete with an official Deputy's badge.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 44a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 46c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70,86d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier2chest" 88c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier1\novatier1.head 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Deputy's hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "You'd make a dashing deputy in this hat.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 3 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,78d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier2head" 80c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier1\novatier1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 320, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Deputy's slacks.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Simple yet stylish deputy's slacks.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 1, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 2 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 35a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier1armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,77d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier2pants" 79c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier2\novatier2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Bandit vest.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A tough jacket with steel fastenings, to keep you warm in all weather.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 48c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier2\novatier2.head 3c3 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A bandit hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Go incognito in this bandana-hat combo.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.45 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 3 37,38c40,41 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 40c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64d66 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier2\novatier2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A bandit's slacks.", < "shortdescription" : "Bandit Slacks", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Make the perfect getaway in these bandit's chaps.", > "shortdescription" : "Bandit Chaps", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.3 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 4 --- > "amount" : 2 36c39 < "itemTags" : [ "steelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], 39c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63d65 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier3\novatier3.chest 3c3 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 3200, 7c7,8 < "description" : "An outlaw's chestpiece.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A dark jacket with a dusty poncho shoulderpiece.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 44,45c47,48 < < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 48c51 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier4chest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier3\novatier3.head 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A outlaw's hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "With a hat like that, ain't no one gonna tell you what to do.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 13 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 37c40 < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 40c43 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 42c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 44c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 46c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 48c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 50c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 52c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 54c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 56c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 58c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 60c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 62c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 64,68d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier4head" 70c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier3\novatier3.legs 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1280, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The pants of an outlaw.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Ideal outer-wear for evading the law.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.4 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35,36c38,39 < < "itemTags" : [ "titaniumarmor" ], --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], 39c42 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 45c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 47c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 49c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 51c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 53c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 55c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 57c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 59c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 61c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 63,67d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier4pants" 69c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier4\novatier4.chest 3c3 < "price" : 625, --- > "price" : 4000, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Be the best in this Sheriff's vest!", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Be the best-dressed in town, in this sheriff's vest!", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 45c48 < "itemTags" : [ "durasteelarmor" ], --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], 48c51 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier4\novatier4.head 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "You are the law, with this fancy sheriff's hat!", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "You are the law, with this eccentric 10 gallon hat and mask.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 38c43 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier4\novatier4.legs 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1600, 7c7,8 < "description" : "They'll respect your authority when you're wearing these sheriff's pants.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "They'll respect your authority when you're wearing these sheriff's slacks.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 37c42 < /* GREY BLUE */ --- > // GREY BLUE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5accelerator\novatier5accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A mysterious poncho.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A mysterious poncho for mysterious purposes.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 45,46c48,49 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48c51 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6achest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5accelerator\novatier5accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A stylish sombrero!", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A stylish sombrero to keep the sun out of your eyes and your air of mystery intact.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.9 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 35a39,40 > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6ahead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5accelerator\novatier5accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "The pants of a bandit.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "The pants of a bandito. Possibly stolen.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.6 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 35,36c38,40 < < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c42 < /* LIME GREEN */ --- > // LIME GREEN 40c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6apants" 68c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Bonesaw's menacing chestpiece.", < "shortdescription" : "Bonesaw's Chest", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "A bonesaw's coat. Menacing yet elegant.", > "shortdescription" : "Bonesaw's Coat", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 5 45,46c48,49 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48,50c51,53 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6mchest" 78c76 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Bonesaw's intimidating hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "The intimidating headwear of a bonesaw, its eyes burning with malice.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.2 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 9 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6mhead" 68c68 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Bonesaw's ominous pants.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "A Bonesaw's ominous trousers.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.8 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 6 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* RED */ < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // TEAL > { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6mpants" items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5separator\novatier5separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 4800, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Varmint's Chestplate.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The sorta chest plate that makes ya wanna tie a damsel to a railroad track.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 37 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 5 45,46c48,49 < "itemTags" : [ "tier5armor" ], < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 48c51 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 50c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72,76d74 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6schest" items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5separator\novatier5separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 2880, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Varmint's hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "Keep the dust outta yer eyes and your enemies off yer back with this first-rate headgear.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 22 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 38c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62,66d66 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6shead" items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5separator\novatier5separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 1920, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A Varmint's pants.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Loose fitting and durable, for all your varmint needs.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 5, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier5armour" ], > 37c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61,65d65 < < ], < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "novatier6spants" 67c67 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6accelerator\novatier6accelerator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Get lucky with this Gambler's Vest.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "Got a risky venture planned? Be sure to take this gambler's vest along.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,49 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c51,53 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6accelerator\novatier6accelerator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Never lose a hand with this Gambler's Hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "No matter how high the stakes, you won't lose you head with this gambler's hat.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6accelerator\novatier6accelerator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Gambler's Pants. Spare cards not included.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Cut with room to spare. Perfect for a shifty individual.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* TEAL */ < { "ffca8a" : "a8e6e2", "e0975c" : "4facb2", "a85636" : "30636c", "6f2919" : "233c43" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A clockwork chestpiece you can count on.", < "shortdescription" : "Clockwork Chest", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "The tall collar hides you face as you enact nefarious deeds.", > "shortdescription" : "Clockwork Jacket", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 3.25 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,48 < --- > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46,48c50,52 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 50c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d73 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A clockwork hat. Tick tock.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A clockwork hat. To remind your enemies of the relentless march of time.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.5 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 21 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38,40c43,45 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Clockwork pants, for when the timing's just right.", < "shortdescription" : "Clockwork Pants", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Clockwork trousers - so you always march in time.", > "shortdescription" : "Clockwork Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.0 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 14 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 8 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37,39c42,44 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6separator\novatier6separator.chest 3c3 < "price" : 950, --- > "price" : 6400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Wrangler's Chestplate.", --- > "category" : "chestarmour", > "description" : "This reinforced chestplate could take on a capricoat.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.35 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 44c47,49 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 46c51 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 48c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 50c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 52c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 54c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 56c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 58c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 60c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 62c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 64c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 66c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 68c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 70d74 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6separator\novatier6separator.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 3840, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Wrangler's Hat.", --- > "category" : "headarmour", > "description" : "A sturdy wrangler's hat, with reinforced facial protection.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.85 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 24 --- > "amount" : 3 36c39,41 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 38c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 40c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 42c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d66 < items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6separator\novatier6separator.legs 3c3 < "price" : 375, --- > "price" : 2560, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Wrangler's Pants.", --- > "category" : "legarmour", > "description" : "Wrangler's pants, for the hardy Wrangler.", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.55 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 16 --- > "amount" : 2 35c38,40 < --- > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 37c42 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 39c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 41c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d65 < items\armors\novakid\novakidfancy\novakidfancy.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Slick Novakid Outfit.", < "shortdescription" : "Fancy", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Casual rookie duds.", > "shortdescription" : "Gunslinger Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\novakid\novakidfancy\novakidfancy.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "Fancy Novakid Pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Fancy Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Comfy and casual. Brilliant for blending into a crowd.", > "shortdescription" : "Gunslinger Pants", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\novakid\novakidjacket\novakidjacket.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A snazzy waistcoat.", < "shortdescription" : "Waistcoat", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A jacket over a simple cotton shirt.", > "shortdescription" : "Rustler Jacket", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 43c27 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\novakid\novakidjacket\novakidjacket.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "Slick black pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Black Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Keep cool and comfortable while you climb all those rugged mountains.", > "shortdescription" : "Rustler Cut-offs", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\novakid\novakidsuspenders\novakidsuspenders.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A classy Novakid waistcoat.", < "shortdescription" : "Waist Coat", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A classy shirt with suspenders.", > "shortdescription" : "Suspender Shirt", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\novakid\novakidsuspenders\novakidsuspenders.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "Stylish Novakid pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Black Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A pair of pants with clips for suspenders.", > "shortdescription" : "Suspender Pants", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33,35c17,19 < /* BLUE */ < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\novakid\novakidwaistcoat\novakidwaistcoat.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "For the smooth-dressing Novakid.", < "shortdescription" : "Waistcoat", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "For the smooth-dressing space farer.", > "shortdescription" : "Formal Waistcoat", 23,39d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.35 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 2 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 3 < } < ], < 41c25 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d48 < items\armors\novakid\novakidwaistcoat\novakidwaistcoat.legs 8,9c8,10 < "description" : "Novakids sure do like black pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Black Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Flattering and stylish formalwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Formal Pants", 15,31d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "powerMultiplier", < "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 < }, < < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 1 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxHealth", < "amount" : 2 < } < ], < 33c17 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d40 < items\armors\other\armoredcultist\armoredcultist.back 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "A hazmat airtank.", < "shortdescription" : "Hazmat Airtank", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A harness with artificial tentacles attached.", > "shortdescription" : "Armoured Cultist Tentacles", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 26d27 < items\armors\other\armoredcultist\armoredcultist.chest 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A cultist's chestpiece.", < "shortdescription" : "Cultist Chestpiece", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A cultist breastplate, reinforced with metal made to look like tentacles.", > "shortdescription" : "Armoured Cultist Chest", 24c25 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\armoredcultist\armoredcultist.head 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A Cultist's head armour", < "shortdescription" : "Cultist Head Armour", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A cultist hood made to resemble a large eye.", > "shortdescription" : "Armoured Cultist Hood", 16c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\armoredcultist\armoredcultist.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A cultist's leg armour", < "shortdescription" : "Cultist Leg Armour", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "An armoured cultist's leg armour.", > "shortdescription" : "Armoured Cultist Greaves", 15c16 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", 22c23 < --- > 24,26c25,27 < /* PURPLE */ < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BEDOUIN > { "ffca8a" : "8d887e", "e0975c" : "8d887e", "a85636" : "68655d", "6f2919" : "3a3833" }, > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", 16c17,19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BEDOUIN > { "ffca8a" : "8d887e", "e0975c" : "8d887e", "a85636" : "68655d", "6f2919" : "3a3833" }, > // BLACK 18,20c21 < /* BLACK */ < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Walk through thick and thin.", < "shortdescription" : "Desert Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "You'll be able to stay fresh and breezy in these flattering trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Desert Trousers", 15,17c16,18 < /* PURPLE */ < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BEDOUIN > { "ffca8a" : "8d887e", "e0975c" : "8d887e", "a85636" : "68655d", "6f2919" : "3a3833" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 6400, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Makeshift armour chestpiece. For the resourceful.", < "shortdescription" : "Makeshift Chestpiece", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "An armour chestpiece made from a mysterious material.", > "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Chestpiece", 21a23,48 > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 5 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 23c50 < /* PURPLE DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT PURPLE 25c52 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 47,59d73 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 3840, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Makeshift armour helmet. For the resourceful.", < "shortdescription" : "Makeshift Helmet", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This helmet seems to be forged from a mysterious material.", > "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Helmet", 13a15,40 > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 3 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 15c42 < /* PURPLE DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT PURPLE 17c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\bonusarmor\bonusarmor.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "bonusarmorpants", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "bonusarmorlegs", > "price" : 2560, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Makeshift armour greaves. For the resourceful.", < "shortdescription" : "Makeshift Greaves", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These greaves are made from a mysterious material.", > "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Greaves", 12a14,39 > "level" : 6, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier6armour" ], > 14c41 < /* PURPLE DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT PURPLE 16c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c45 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c47 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c49 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c51 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c53 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c55 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c57 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c59 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c61 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c63 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,50d64 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\caretaker\caretaker.back 6,7c6,9 < "description" : "A caretaker's cape.", < "shortdescription" : "Caretaker Cape", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A caretaker's decorative tentacles.", > "shortdescription" : "Caretaker Tentacles", > "tooltipKind" : "back", 26d27 < items\armors\other\caretaker\caretaker.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A caretaker's robes", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A caretaker's traditional robes", 24c25 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\caretaker\caretaker.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "A mysterious caretaker's hood", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A mysterious looking caretaker's hood", 16c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\caretaker\caretaker.legs 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A mysterious caretaker's pants", < "shortdescription" : "Caretaker Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some widely draped caretaker's trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Caretaker Trousers", 13c14 < --- > 15c16 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\cultist\cultist.chest 7c7,8 < "description" : "A cultist's chestpiece.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A padded jacket, frequently worn by cultists.", 24c25 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 26c27 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\cultist\cultist.head 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "A Cultist's head armour", < "shortdescription" : "Cultist Head Armour", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A creepy hood, fit for a shady Cultist.", > "shortdescription" : "Cultist Hood", 16c17 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 18c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\cultist\cultist.legs 7c7,8 < "description" : "A cultist's leg armour", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A style of leg armour commonly worn by cultists.", 15c16 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 17c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\explorer\explorer.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 4000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Explorer's Chestpiece. This armour is perfect for exploring in.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A durable chestpiece, perfect for exploring in.", 21a23,50 > > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 5 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > > 23,25c52,54 < /* DEFAULT */ < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "060606" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // BLACK 27c56 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c58 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c60 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c62 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c64 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c66 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c68 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c70 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c72 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c74 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\explorer\explorer.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1600, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Explorer's Leg Armour. This armour is perfect for exploring in.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers are made of a light material, to ease the load of a tired adventurer.", 14c15,36 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 > } 16a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > 18,20c42,44 < /* DEFAULT */ < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "060606" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // BLACK 22c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 24c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 26c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 28c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 30c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 32c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 34c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 36c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 38c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 40c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\goldarmor\goldarmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 3200, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Gold chestpiece. For the decadent.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This glittering chestpiece is made from solid gold.", 21a23,48 > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 5 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], > 23c50 < /* YELLOW DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT YELLOW 25c52 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 27c54 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 29c56 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 31c58 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 33c60 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 35c62 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 37c64 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 39c66 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 41c68 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 43c70 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 45c72 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 47,59d73 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\goldarmor\goldarmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1920, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Gold helmet. For the decadent.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A sturdy helmet covered with solid gold.", 13a15,40 > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 3 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], > 15c42 < /* YELLOW DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT YELLOW 17c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d65 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\goldarmor\goldarmor.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "goldarmorpants", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "goldarmorlegs", > "price" : 1280, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Gold greaves. For the decadent.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Gold greaves for those who prefer to wear their wealth.", 12a14,39 > "level" : 3, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier3armour" ], > 14c41 < /* YELLOW DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT YELLOW 16c43 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 18c45 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c47 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c49 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c51 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c53 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c55 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c57 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c59 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c61 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c63 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,50d64 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.back 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "hazmatdemoback", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "hazmatback", > "price" : 2500, 6c6,7 < "description" : "A hazmat airtank.", --- > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A hazmat airtank, but it's empty unfortunately.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 13a16 > // DEFAULT 15,26c18,39 < { "ffca8a" : "e8a483", "e0975c" : "b16964", "a85636" : "693e3e", "6f2919" : "2c1b1c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "060606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6a49e", "e0975c" : "ac3b37", "a85636" : "521010", "6f2919" : "200407" }, < { "ffca8a" : "f3cea2", "e0975c" : "cf7d2c", "a85636" : "773611", "6f2919" : "221004" }, < { "ffca8a" : "f8f6da", "e0975c" : "d3be46", "a85636" : "745d16", "6f2919" : "1e1705" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bbe69d", "e0975c" : "5ba73c", "a85636" : "1d4e0f", "6f2919" : "051403" }, < { "ffca8a" : "99bee5", "e0975c" : "3e65b7", "a85636" : "151f5f", "6f2919" : "040619" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d29be8", "e0975c" : "933eb4", "a85636" : "47145b", "6f2919" : "0e0314" }, < { "ffca8a" : "edb8ee", "e0975c" : "c94ac7", "a85636" : "6f1768", "6f2919" : "1e051c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ebd3c4", "e0975c" : "be8569", "a85636" : "763f28", "6f2919" : "1c0c06" } < --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.chest 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "hazmatdemochest", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "hazmatchest", > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A hazmat shirt.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A hazmat chestpiece, it's sealed to keep out foreign contaminants.", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 26a25 > // DEFAULT 28,38c27,48 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.head 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "hazmatdemohead", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "hazmathead", > "price" : 2500, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A hazmat mask.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This hazmat mask can filter out even microscopic dangers.", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18a17 > // DEFAULT 20,30c19,40 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "hazmatdemolegs", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "hazmatlegs", > "price" : 2500, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "Some hazmat pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Hazmat Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These trousers are designed to keep the wearer protected from a variety of contaminants.", > "shortdescription" : "Hazmat Trousers", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 17a16 > // DEFAULT 19,29c18,39 < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } < --- > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\neo\neo.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5,6c5,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "Designed to aggressively greet programs.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "backwear", > "description" : "A stylish enhancement to any outfit.", 7a9 > "tooltipKind" : "back", 14,16c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 18c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 20c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 22c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 24c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 26c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 28c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 30c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 32c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 34c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 36c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 38,48d39 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\armors\other\neo\neo.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Created by 'The User'.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Fashioned from breathable fabrics and double seamed for durability.", 23,29d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.5 < } < ], < 31,33c25,27 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 35c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 37c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 39c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 41c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 43c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 45c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 47c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 49c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 51c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 53c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\neo\neo.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A helmet created by the perfect system.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "A smooth and aerodynamic helmet, crafted from the finest materials.", 15,22d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < < 24,26c17,19 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 28c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\neo\neo.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "For end of leg.", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "A flash of brightness ornaments these high-quality trousers.", 14,20d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 0.2 < } < ], < 22,24c16,18 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK 26c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 28c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 32c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 34c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 36c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 38c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 40c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 42c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 44c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\pathfinder\pathfinder.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 4000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Pathfinder Chestpiece. Never lose your way in this armour.", < "shortdescription" : "Pathfinder Chestpiece", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "This armour is typically worn by scouts, tasked with exploring inhospitable environments.", > "shortdescription" : "Pathfinder's Chestpiece", 21c22,75 < } --- > }, > > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 5 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > > "colorOptions" : [ > // GREY BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "9da8af", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } > ] items\armors\other\pathfinder\pathfinder.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1600, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Pathfinder Leg Armour. Never lose your way in this armour.", < "shortdescription" : "Pathfinder Leg Armour", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These boots have likely left their mark on hundreds of worlds.", > "shortdescription" : "Pathfinder's Trousers", 12c13,66 < "femaleFrames" : "pants.png" --- > "femaleFrames" : "pants.png", > > "level" : 4, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier4armour" ], > > "colorOptions" : [ > // GREY BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "9da8af", "e0975c" : "676f83", "a85636" : "3d3d51", "6f2919" : "24232f" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } > ] items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50000, 6a7 > "category" : "chestwear", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 7, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 26c29 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.75 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 28d30 < 29a32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 31c34 < "amount" : 39 --- > "amount" : 0.5 33d35 < 34a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 36c39 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 38d40 < 39a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 41c44 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 5 48,50c51,53 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PERFECT GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "20d20b", "e0975c" : "1b9b0c", "a85636" : "127406", "6f2919" : "244326" }, > // BLACK 52c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 54c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 56c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 58c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 60c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 62c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 64c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 66c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 68c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 70c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 72d74 < items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.head 3c3 < "price" : 575, --- > "price" : 50000, 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 7, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 18c21 < "baseMultiplier" : 2.05 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 20d22 < 21a24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 23c26 < "amount" : 23 --- > "amount" : 0.3 25d27 < 26a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 28c31 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 30d32 < 31a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 33c36 < "amount" : 18 --- > "amount" : 3 38,40c41,43 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PERFECT GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "20d20b", "e0975c" : "1b9b0c", "a85636" : "127406", "6f2919" : "244326" }, > // BLACK 42c45 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 44c47 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 46c49 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 48c51 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 50c53 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 52c55 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 54c57 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 56c59 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 58c61 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 60c63 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 62d64 < items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 50000, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "description" : "These are unsettlingly perfect pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Perfect Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These are unsettlingly perfect trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Perfect Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 7, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", 17c20 < "baseMultiplier" : 1.7 --- > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 19d21 < 20a23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 22c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 24d26 < 25a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 27c30 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 29d31 < 30a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 32c35 < "amount" : 12 --- > "amount" : 2 37,39c40,42 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // PERFECT GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "20d20b", "e0975c" : "1b9b0c", "a85636" : "127406", "6f2919" : "244326" }, > // BLACK 41c44 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 43c46 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 45c48 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 47c50 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 49c52 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 51c54 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 53c56 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 55c58 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 57c60 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 59c62 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 61d63 < items\armors\other\silverarmor\silverarmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Silver chestpiece. For the shiny.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A shiny chestpiece made of silver.", 22a24,49 > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 5 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 24c51 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 26c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 28c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48,60d74 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\silverarmor\silverarmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Silver helmet. For the shiny.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Stay shiny wearing this silver helmet.", 14a16,41 > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 3 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 3 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 16c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 18c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\silverarmor\silverarmor.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "silverarmorpants", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "silverarmorlegs", > "price" : 960, 7c7,8 < "description" : "Silver greaves. For the shiny.", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Shiny leg greaves made from silver.", 13a15,41 > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", > "stat" : "protection", > "amount" : 0.2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 2 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 > } > ], > > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > > 15c43 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 17c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 19c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39,51d66 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Snow infantry chestpiece. For when a planet's giving you the cold shoulder.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "Useful for when a planet is giving you the cold shoulder.", 22,23d22 < < 25c24 < /* UNIQUE BROWN DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT BROWN 27c26 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 29c28 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 31c30 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 33c32 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 35c34 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 37c36 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 39c38 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 41c40 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 43c42 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 45c44 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 47c46 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 49,61d47 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Snow infantry helmet. Helps avoid head colds.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This warm helmet helps avoid head colds.", 14,15d14 < < 17c16 < /* UNIQUE BROWN DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT BROWN 19c18 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 21c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 23c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 25c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 27c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 29c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 31c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 33c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 35c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 37c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 39c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 41,53d39 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Snow infantry pants. So you don't get cold feet.", < "shortdescription" : "Snow Infantry Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Lined with insulation so you don't get cold feet.", > "shortdescription" : "Snow Infantry Trousers", 13,14d13 < < 16c15 < /* UNIQUE BROWN DEFAULT */ --- > // DEFAULT BROWN 18c17 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 20c19 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c21 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c23 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c25 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c27 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c29 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c31 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c33 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c35 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c37 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40,52d38 < /* < { "e0975c" : "a96a44", "a85636" : "804424", "6f2919" : "532612" }, < { "e0975c" : "757575", "a85636" : "515151", "6f2919" : "252525" }, < { "e0975c" : "cf5b36", "a85636" : "a32c1a", "6f2919" : "721706" }, < { "e0975c" : "358ec7", "a85636" : "1f5a91", "6f2919" : "112766" }, < { "e0975c" : "dedb57", "a85636" : "968b32", "6f2919" : "6f6421" }, < { "e0975c" : "815892", "a85636" : "5a3d65", "6f2919" : "291c2e" }, < { "e0975c" : "83d358", "a85636" : "529634", "6f2919" : "306e23" }, < { "e0975c" : "e3b21c", "a85636" : "9d7319", "6f2919" : "735212" }, < { "e0975c" : "dda1dd", "a85636" : "9c5f99", "6f2919" : "663b5f" }, < { "e0975c" : "aaaaaa", "a85636" : "6f6f6f", "6f2919" : "494949" }, < { "e0975c" : "d8d8d8", "a85636" : "8d8d8d", "6f2919" : "636363" } < */ items\armors\other\soldier\soldier.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Soldier's Chestpiece. Armour that really demands attenSHUN!", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A soldier's padded uniform chestpiece.", 22c23 < --- > 24,35c25,48 < { "e0975c" : "4c4e37", "a85636" : "26281c", "6f2919" : "0f100b", "807362" : "807362", "61554a" : "61554a", "473c35" : "473c35" }, //default// < { "e0975c" : "525252", "a85636" : "2a2a2a", "6f2919" : "101010", "807362" : "434343", "61554a" : "242424", "473c35" : "131313" }, //black// < { "e0975c" : "707070", "a85636" : "3a3a3a", "6f2919" : "161616", "807362" : "5c5c5c", "61554a" : "313131", "473c35" : "1a1a1a" }, //grey// < { "e0975c" : "c1c1c1", "a85636" : "6d6d6d", "6f2919" : "292929", "807362" : "5c5c5c", "61554a" : "313131", "473c35" : "1a1a1a" }, //white// < { "e0975c" : "773333", "a85636" : "4e2222", "6f2919" : "341717", "807362" : "936b50", "61554a" : "6e503c", "473c35" : "513b2c" }, //red// < { "e0975c" : "69462c", "a85636" : "452e1e", "6f2919" : "2e2015", "807362" : "747b80", "61554a" : "4d5254", "473c35" : "333637" }, //orange// < { "e0975c" : "ab8d64", "a85636" : "7b6143", "53422b" : "574835", "807362" : "716556", "61554a" : "564b41", "473c35" : "3f352f" }, //yellow// < { "e0975c" : "5c6739", "a85636" : "363b24", "6f2919" : "212517", "807362" : "5d5d5d", "61554a" : "3b3b3b", "473c35" : "232323" }, //green// < { "e0975c" : "394967", "a85636" : "242c3b", "6f2919" : "171b25", "807362" : "5d5d5d", "61554a" : "3b3b3b", "473c35" : "232323" }, //blue// < { "e0975c" : "554757", "a85636" : "302731", "6f2919" : "181018", "807362" : "757b65", "61554a" : "484c3f", "473c35" : "2b2d26" }, //purple// < { "e0975c" : "a06987", "a85636" : "5d394b", "6f2919" : "331d28", "807362" : "6b505d", "61554a" : "413138", "473c35" : "241a1f" }, //pink// < { "e0975c" : "523d32", "a85636" : "2a201a", "6f2919" : "100c0a", "807362" : "a6896c", "61554a" : "786049", "473c35" : "4f3f30" } //brown// --- > // DEFAULT > { "e0975c" : "4c4e37", "a85636" : "26281c", "6f2919" : "0f100b", "807362" : "807362", "61554a" : "61554a", "473c35" : "473c35" }, > // BLACK > { "e0975c" : "525252", "a85636" : "2a2a2a", "6f2919" : "101010", "807362" : "434343", "61554a" : "242424", "473c35" : "131313" }, > // GREY > { "e0975c" : "707070", "a85636" : "3a3a3a", "6f2919" : "161616", "807362" : "5c5c5c", "61554a" : "313131", "473c35" : "1a1a1a" }, > // WHITE > { "e0975c" : "c1c1c1", "a85636" : "6d6d6d", "6f2919" : "292929", "807362" : "5c5c5c", "61554a" : "313131", "473c35" : "1a1a1a" }, > // RED > { "e0975c" : "773333", "a85636" : "4e2222", "6f2919" : "341717", "807362" : "936b50", "61554a" : "6e503c", "473c35" : "513b2c" }, > // ORANGE > { "e0975c" : "69462c", "a85636" : "452e1e", "6f2919" : "2e2015", "807362" : "747b80", "61554a" : "4d5254", "473c35" : "333637" }, > // YELLOW > { "e0975c" : "ab8d64", "a85636" : "7b6143", "53422b" : "574835", "807362" : "716556", "61554a" : "564b41", "473c35" : "3f352f" }, > // GREEN > { "e0975c" : "5c6739", "a85636" : "363b24", "6f2919" : "212517", "807362" : "5d5d5d", "61554a" : "3b3b3b", "473c35" : "232323" }, > // BLUE > { "e0975c" : "394967", "a85636" : "242c3b", "6f2919" : "171b25", "807362" : "5d5d5d", "61554a" : "3b3b3b", "473c35" : "232323" }, > // PURPLE > { "e0975c" : "554757", "a85636" : "302731", "6f2919" : "181018", "807362" : "757b65", "61554a" : "484c3f", "473c35" : "2b2d26" }, > // PINK > { "e0975c" : "a06987", "a85636" : "5d394b", "6f2919" : "331d28", "807362" : "6b505d", "61554a" : "413138", "473c35" : "241a1f" }, > // BROWN > { "e0975c" : "523d32", "a85636" : "2a201a", "6f2919" : "100c0a", "807362" : "a6896c", "61554a" : "786049", "473c35" : "4f3f30" } items\armors\other\soldier\soldier.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Soldier's Helmet. 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"472b13" } items\armors\other\spacesuit\spacesuit.chest 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "spacesuitdemochest", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "spacesuitchest", > "price" : 250, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "chestwear", 23,25d23 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 27,37c25,48 < { "ffca8a" : "414141", "e0975c" : "1c1c1c", "a85636" : "0b0b0b", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // EXTRA WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\spacesuit\spacesuit.head 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "spacesuitdemohead", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "spacesuithead", > "price" : 250, 6c6,7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "headwear", 15,17d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 19,29c17,40 < { "ffca8a" : "414141", "e0975c" : "1c1c1c", "a85636" : "0b0b0b", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // EXTRA WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\spacesuit\spacesuit.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "spacesuitdemolegs", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "spacesuitlegs", > "price" : 250, 6,8c6,9 < "rarity" : "Rare", < "description" : "Some old fashioned spacesuit pants!", < "shortdescription" : "Spacesuit Pants", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "Some old fashioned spacesuit trousers!", > "shortdescription" : "Spacesuit Trousers", 14,16d14 < "statusEffects" : [ < ], < 18,28c16,39 < { "ffca8a" : "414141", "e0975c" : "1c1c1c", "a85636" : "0b0b0b", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } < --- > // EXTRA WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "a85636" : "b6b6b6", "6f2919" : "7b7b7b" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\other\t2helm1\t2helm1.head 6a7 > "category" : "headwear", 15,26d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 12 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 38 < } < ], < 28c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 32c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 34c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 36c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 38c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 40c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 42c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 44c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 46c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 48c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 50c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\t2helm2\t2helm2.head 7c7,8 < "description" : "Don't be caught dead without this neat welder's helmet.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "Don't be caught dead without this neat welding helmet.", 15,26d15 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "stat" : "protection", < "amount" : 13 < }, < < { < "stat" : "maxEnergy", < "amount" : 45 < } < ], < 28c17 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 30c19 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 32c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 34c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 36c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 38c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 40c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 42c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 44c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 46c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 48c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 50c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN items\armors\other\tracker\tracker.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2400, 7c7,8 < "description" : "A strong, light steel chestguard.", --- > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "A strong, light chestguard.", 23c24,25 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 24a27,32 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.25 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 26c34 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 0.5 28d35 < 29a37 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 31c39 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 5 33d40 < 34a42 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 36c44 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 5 39a48,49 > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 41c51 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 43c53 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 45c55 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 47c57 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 49c59 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 51c61 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 53c63 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 55c65 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 57c67 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 59c69 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 61c71 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 63c73 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 65d74 < items\armors\other\tracker\tracker.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1440, 7c7,8 < "description" : "This steel helm is light and airy, perfect for tracking.", --- > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "This helm is light and airy, perfect for tracking.", 15c16,17 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 16a19,24 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.15 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 18c26 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 0.3 20d27 < 21a29 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 23c31 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 3 25d32 < 26a34 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 28c36 < "amount" : 10 --- > "amount" : 3 31a40,41 > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 33c43 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 35c45 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 37c47 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 39c49 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 41c51 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 43c53 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 45c55 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 47c57 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 49c59 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 51c61 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 53c63 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 55c65 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 57d66 < items\armors\other\tracker\tracker.legs 2,3c2,3 < "itemName" : "trackerpants", < "price" : 0, --- > "itemName" : "trackerlegs", > "price" : 960, 7,8c7,9 < "description" : "The Tracker's steel boots leave a distinct footprint.", < "shortdescription" : "Tracker's Pants", --- > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These tracker boots leave a distinct footprint.", > "shortdescription" : "Tracker's Trousers", 14c15,16 < "statusEffects" : [ --- > "level" : 2, > "leveledStatusEffects" : [ 15a18,23 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier", > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "baseMultiplier" : 1.1 > }, > { > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier", 17c25 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 0.2 19d26 < 20a28 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier", 22c30 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 2 24d31 < 25a33 > "levelFunction" : "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier", 27c35 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 2 30a39,40 > "itemTags" : [ "tier2armour" ], > 32c42 < /* LIGHT GREY */ --- > // LIGHT GREY 34c44 < /* BLACK */ --- > // BLACK 36c46 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 38c48 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 40c50 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 42c52 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 44c54 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 46c56 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 48c58 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 50c60 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 52c62 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 54c64 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 56d65 < items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A surprisingly protective item of clothing made from scavenged materials.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "chestwear", > "description" : "These rags will make you look like a fun guy!", 24,26c25,27 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LIME GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "d1e160", "e0975c" : "9bba3d", "a85636" : "48832f", "6f2919" : "1b4c2a" }, > // BLACK 28c29 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 30c31 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 32c33 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 34c35 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 36c37 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 38c39 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 40c41 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 42c43 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 44c45 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 46c47 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 48d48 < items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Not recommended for adventurers with grass allergies.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "headwear", > "description" : "If you wear this cap, all of your friends will think you're a fun guy!", 16,18c17,19 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LIME GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "d1e160", "e0975c" : "9bba3d", "a85636" : "48832f", "6f2919" : "1b4c2a" }, > // BLACK 20c21 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 22c23 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 24c25 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 26c27 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 28c29 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 30c31 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 32c33 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 34c35 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 36c37 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 38c39 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 40d40 < items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6,7c6,8 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "The boots are durable, but will make your feet smell awful.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "legwear", > "description" : "These boots are durable, but will make your feet smell awful.", 15,17c16,18 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, < /* BLACK */ --- > // LIME GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "d1e160", "e0975c" : "9bba3d", "a85636" : "48832f", "6f2919" : "1b4c2a" }, > // BLACK 19c20 < /* GREY */ --- > // GREY 21c22 < /* WHITE */ --- > // WHITE 23c24 < /* RED */ --- > // RED 25c26 < /* ORANGE */ --- > // ORANGE 27c28 < /* YELLOW */ --- > // YELLOW 29c30 < /* GREEN */ --- > // GREEN 31c32 < /* BLUE */ --- > // BLUE 33c34 < /* PURPLE */ --- > // PURPLE 35c36 < /* PINK */ --- > // PINK 37c38 < /* BROWN */ --- > // BROWN 39d39 < items\buildscripts\buildfist.lua 3c3,17 < function build(directory, config, parameters, level) --- > function build(directory, config, parameters, level, seed) > local configParameter = function(keyName, defaultValue) > if parameters[keyName] ~= nil then > return parameters[keyName] > elseif config[keyName] ~= nil then > return config[keyName] > else > return defaultValue > end > end > > if level and not configParameter("fixedLevel", true) then > parameters.level = level > end > 5,7c19,21 < local comboFinisher = parameters.comboFinisher or config.comboFinisher < if comboFinisher then < local comboFinisherConfig = root.assetJson(comboFinisher) --- > local comboFinisherSource = configParameter("comboFinisherSource") > if comboFinisherSource then > local comboFinisherConfig = root.assetJson(comboFinisherSource) 12c26 < config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1) --- > config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 15,17c29,31 < config.tooltipFields.subtitle = "Fist Weapon" < config.tooltipFields.speedLabel = util.round(1 / config.primaryAttack.fireTime, 1) < config.tooltipFields.damagePerShotLabel = util.round(config.primaryAttack.baseDps * config.primaryAttack.fireTime * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) --- > config.tooltipFields.subtitle = parameters.category > config.tooltipFields.speedLabel = util.round(1 / config.primaryAbility.fireTime, 1) > config.tooltipFields.damagePerShotLabel = util.round(config.primaryAbility.baseDps * config.primaryAbility.fireTime * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) 22a37,39 > -- set price > config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) > 24c41 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\buildscripts\buildshield.lua 4,5c4,15 < function build(directory, config, parameters, level) < if level then --- > function build(directory, config, parameters, level, seed) > local configParameter = function(keyName, defaultValue) > if parameters[keyName] ~= nil then > return parameters[keyName] > elseif config[keyName] ~= nil then > return config[keyName] > else > return defaultValue > end > end > > if level and not configParameter("fixedLevel", false) then 10,12c20 < local seed = parameters.seed or config.seed < if not seed then < seed = math.random(1, 4294967295) --- > if seed then 13a22,28 > else > seed = configParameter("seed") > if not seed then > math.randomseed(util.seedTime()) > seed = math.random(1, 4294967295) > parameters.seed = seed > end 61,62d75 < -- TODO: special abilities / properties < 64c77 < config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1) --- > config.price = configParameter("price", 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 68,70c81,82 < config.tooltipFields.subtitle = "Shield" < config.tooltipFields.healthLabel = util.round((parameters.baseShieldHealth or config.baseShieldHealth or 0) * root.evalFunction("shieldLevelMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1), 0) < config.tooltipFields.cooldownLabel = parameters.cooldownTime or config.cooldownTime --- > config.tooltipFields.healthLabel = util.round(configParameter("baseShieldHealth", 0) * root.evalFunction("shieldLevelMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)), 0) > config.tooltipFields.cooldownLabel = configParameter("cooldownTime") 73c85 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\buildscripts\buildunrandshield.lua 3,4c3,14 < function build(directory, config, parameters, level) < if level then --- > function build(directory, config, parameters, level, seed) > local configParameter = function(keyName, defaultValue) > if parameters[keyName] ~= nil then > return parameters[keyName] > elseif config[keyName] ~= nil then > return config[keyName] > else > return defaultValue > end > end > > if level and not configParameter("fixedLevel", true) then 9c19 < config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1) --- > config.price = configParameter("price", 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 13,14c23 < config.tooltipFields.subtitle = "Shield" < config.tooltipFields.healthLabel = util.round((parameters.baseShieldHealth or config.baseShieldHealth or 0) * root.evalFunction("shieldLevelMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1), 0) --- > config.tooltipFields.healthLabel = util.round(configParameter("baseShieldHealth", 0) * root.evalFunction("shieldLevelMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)), 0) 16c25 < --- > 18c27 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\buildscripts\buildunrandweapon.lua 3a4 > require "/items/buildscripts/abilities.lua" 5,10c6,18 < function build(directory, config, parameters, level) < -- load and merge alt ability < local altAbilitySource = parameters.altAbilitySource or config.altAbilitySource < if altAbilitySource then < local altAbilityConfig = root.assetJson(altAbilitySource) < util.mergeTable(config, altAbilityConfig) --- > function build(directory, config, parameters, level, seed) > local configParameter = function(keyName, defaultValue) > if parameters[keyName] ~= nil then > return parameters[keyName] > elseif config[keyName] ~= nil then > return config[keyName] > else > return defaultValue > end > end > > if level and not configParameter("fixedLevel", true) then > parameters.level = level 12a21,23 > setupAbility(config, parameters, "primary") > setupAbility(config, parameters, "alt") > 14c25,26 < replacePatternInData(config, nil, "", config.elementalType) --- > local elementalType = configParameter("elementalType", "physical") > replacePatternInData(config, nil, "", elementalType) 16c28 < util.mergeTable(config.altAbility, config.altAbility.elementalConfig[config.elementalType]) --- > util.mergeTable(config.altAbility, config.altAbility.elementalConfig[elementalType]) 20c32 < config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", config.level or 1) --- > config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 26c38 < local selectedSwaps = palette.swaps[parameters.colorIndex or config.colorIndex or 1] --- > local selectedSwaps = palette.swaps[configParameter("colorIndex", 1)] 31c43,49 < config.inventoryIcon = config.inventoryIcon .. config.paletteSwaps --- > if type(config.inventoryIcon) == "string" then > config.inventoryIcon = config.inventoryIcon .. config.paletteSwaps > else > for i, drawable in ipairs(config.inventoryIcon) do > if drawable.image then drawable.image = drawable.image .. config.paletteSwaps end > end > end 43,55c61,78 < config.tooltipFields = {} < config.tooltipFields.subtitle = parameters.weaponType or config.weaponType < config.tooltipFields.levelLabel = util.round(config.level or 1, 1) < config.tooltipFields.dpsLabel = util.round(config.primaryAttack.baseDps * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) < config.tooltipFields.speedLabel = util.round(1 / config.primaryAttack.fireTime, 1) < config.tooltipFields.damagePerShotLabel = util.round(config.primaryAttack.baseDps * config.primaryAttack.fireTime * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) < config.tooltipFields.energyPerShotLabel = util.round((config.primaryAttack.energyUsage or 0) * config.primaryAttack.fireTime, 1) < if config.elementalType ~= "physical" then < config.tooltipFields.damageKindImage = "/interface/elements/"..config.elementalType..".png" < end < if config.altAbility then < config.tooltipFields.altAbilityTitleLabel = "Special:" < config.tooltipFields.altAbilityLabel = or "unknown" --- > if config.tooltipKind ~= "base" then > config.tooltipFields = {} > config.tooltipFields.levelLabel = util.round(configParameter("level", 1), 1) > config.tooltipFields.dpsLabel = util.round((config.primaryAbility.baseDps or 0) * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) > config.tooltipFields.speedLabel = util.round(1 / (config.primaryAbility.fireTime or 1.0), 1) > config.tooltipFields.damagePerShotLabel = util.round((config.primaryAbility.baseDps or 0) * (config.primaryAbility.fireTime or 1.0) * config.damageLevelMultiplier, 1) > config.tooltipFields.energyPerShotLabel = util.round((config.primaryAbility.energyUsage or 0) * (config.primaryAbility.fireTime or 1.0), 1) > if elementalType ~= "physical" then > config.tooltipFields.damageKindImage = "/interface/elements/"..elementalType..".png" > end > if config.primaryAbility then > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityTitleLabel = "Primary:" > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityLabel = or "unknown" > end > if config.altAbility then > config.tooltipFields.altAbilityTitleLabel = "Special:" > config.tooltipFields.altAbilityLabel = or "unknown" > end 60c83 < config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", config.level or 1) --- > config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 63c86 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\buildscripts\buildweapon.lua 4a5 > require "/items/buildscripts/abilities.lua" 6,7c7,18 < function build(directory, config, parameters, level) < if level then --- > function build(directory, config, parameters, level, seed) > local configParameter = function(keyName, defaultValue) > if parameters[keyName] ~= nil then > return parameters[keyName] > elseif config[keyName] ~= nil then > return config[keyName] > else > return defaultValue > end > end > > if level and not configParameter("fixedLevel", false) then 12,14c23 < local seed = parameters.seed or config.seed < if not seed then < seed = math.random(1, 4294967295) --- > if seed then 15a25,31 > else > seed = configParameter("seed") > if not seed then > math.randomseed(util.seedTime()) > seed = math.random(1, 4294967295) > parameters.seed = seed > end 24,34c40,42 < -- select alt ability < if not parameters.altAbilitySource and builderConfig.altAbilities and #builderConfig.altAbilities > 0 then < parameters.altAbilitySource = randomFromList(builderConfig.altAbilities, seed, "altAbilitySource") < end < < -- load and merge alt ability < local altAbilitySource = parameters.altAbilitySource or config.altAbilitySource < if altAbilitySource then < local altAbilityConfig = root.assetJson(altAbilitySource) < util.mergeTable(config, altAbilityConfig) < end --- > -- select, load and merge abilities > setupAbility(config, parameters, "alt", builderConfig, seed) > setupAbility(config, parameters, "primary", builderConfig, seed) 40c48 < local elementalType = parameters.elementalType or config.elementalType --- > local elementalType = configParameter("elementalType", "physical") 51a60 > replacePatternInData(config, nil, "", elementalType:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) 64,71c73,80 < parameters.primaryAttack = parameters.primaryAttack or {} < parameters.primaryAttack.fireTimeFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAttack.fireTimeFactor, seed, "fireTimeFactor") < parameters.primaryAttack.baseDpsFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAttack.baseDpsFactor, seed, "baseDpsFactor") < parameters.primaryAttack.energyUsageFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAttack.energyUsageFactor, seed, "energyUsageFactor") < < config.primaryAttack.fireTime = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAttack.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAttack.fireTime) < config.primaryAttack.baseDps = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAttack.baseDpsFactor, config.primaryAttack.baseDps) < config.primaryAttack.energyUsage = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAttack.energyUsageFactor, config.primaryAttack.energyUsage) or 0 --- > parameters.primaryAbility = parameters.primaryAbility or {} > parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, seed, "fireTimeFactor") > parameters.primaryAbility.baseDpsFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAbility.baseDpsFactor, seed, "baseDpsFactor") > parameters.primaryAbility.energyUsageFactor = valueOrRandom(parameters.primaryAbility.energyUsageFactor, seed, "energyUsageFactor") > > config.primaryAbility.fireTime = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.fireTime) > config.primaryAbility.baseDps = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.baseDpsFactor, config.primaryAbility.baseDps) > config.primaryAbility.energyUsage = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.energyUsageFactor, config.primaryAbility.energyUsage) or 0 74,75c83,84 < if config.primaryAttack.damageConfig then < config.primaryAttack.damageConfig.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAttack.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAttack.damageConfig.knockback) --- > if config.primaryAbility.damageConfig and config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockbackRange then > config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockbackRange) 79,85c88,96 < if config.primaryAttack.projectileParameters then < config.primaryAttack.projectileType = randomFromList(config.primaryAttack.projectileType, seed, "projectileType") < config.primaryAttack.projectileCount = randomIntInRange(config.primaryAttack.projectileCount, seed, "projectileCount") or 1 < config.primaryAttack.fireType = randomFromList(config.primaryAttack.fireType, seed, "fireType") or "auto" < config.primaryAttack.burstCount = randomIntInRange(config.primaryAttack.burstCount, seed, "burstCount") < config.primaryAttack.burstTime = randomInRange(config.primaryAttack.burstTime, seed, "burstTime") < config.primaryAttack.projectileParameters.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAttack.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAttack.projectileParameters.knockback) --- > if config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters then > config.primaryAbility.projectileType = randomFromList(config.primaryAbility.projectileType, seed, "projectileType") > config.primaryAbility.projectileCount = randomIntInRange(config.primaryAbility.projectileCount, seed, "projectileCount") or 1 > config.primaryAbility.fireType = randomFromList(config.primaryAbility.fireType, seed, "fireType") or "auto" > config.primaryAbility.burstCount = randomIntInRange(config.primaryAbility.burstCount, seed, "burstCount") > config.primaryAbility.burstTime = randomInRange(config.primaryAbility.burstTime, seed, "burstTime") > if config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockbackRange then > config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockbackRange) > end 87c98 < --- > 89c100 < config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1) --- > config.damageLevelMultiplier = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 108c119,120 < if parameters.animationParts == nil then parameters.animationParts = {} end --- > config.animationParts = config.animationParts or {} > if parameters.animationPartVariants == nil then parameters.animationPartVariants = {} end 110,117c122,124 < if parameters.animationParts[k] == nil then < if type(v) == "table" then < parameters.animationParts[k] = util.absolutePath(directory, string.gsub(v.path, "", randomIntInRange({1, v.variants}, seed, "animationPart"..k))) < if v.paletteSwap then < parameters.animationParts[k] = parameters.animationParts[k] < end < else < parameters.animationParts[k] = v --- > if type(v) == "table" then > if v.variants and (not parameters.animationPartVariants[k] or parameters.animationPartVariants[k] > v.variants) then > parameters.animationPartVariants[k] = randomIntInRange({1, v.variants}, seed, "animationPart"..k) 118a126,131 > config.animationParts[k] = util.absolutePath(directory, string.gsub(v.path, "", parameters.animationPartVariants[k] or "")) > if v.paletteSwap then > config.animationParts[k] = config.animationParts[k] .. config.paletteSwaps > end > else > config.animationParts[k] = v 130c143 < local imageSize = root.imageSize(parameters.animationParts[part]) --- > local imageSize = root.imageSize(config.animationParts[part]) 149c162 < if not config.inventoryIcon and parameters.animationParts then --- > if not config.inventoryIcon and config.animationParts then 154c167 < image = parameters.animationParts[partName] .. config.paletteSwaps, --- > image = config.animationParts[partName] .. config.paletteSwaps, 163,167c176,179 < local fireTime = parameters.primaryAttack.fireTime or config.primaryAttack.fireTime < local baseDps = parameters.primaryAttack.baseDps or config.primaryAttack.baseDps < local energyUsage = parameters.primaryAttack.energyUsage or config.primaryAttack.energyUsage < config.tooltipFields.subtitle = parameters.weaponType or config.weaponType < config.tooltipFields.levelLabel = util.round(parameters.level or config.level or 1, 1) --- > local fireTime = parameters.primaryAbility.fireTime or config.primaryAbility.fireTime or 1.0 > local baseDps = parameters.primaryAbility.baseDps or config.primaryAbility.baseDps or 0 > local energyUsage = parameters.primaryAbility.energyUsage or config.primaryAbility.energyUsage or 0 > config.tooltipFields.levelLabel = util.round(configParameter("level", 1), 1) 174a187,190 > if config.primaryAbility then > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityTitleLabel = "Primary:" > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityLabel = or "unknown" > end 181c197 < config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", parameters.level or config.level or 1) --- > config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) 192c208 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\coins\money.coinitem 5c5 < "description" : "Pixels, used for 3D Printing; they have become a universal currency.", --- > "description" : "Pixels are a universal currency. They can also be used for 3D Printing.", 11,12c11,12 < "smallStackLimit" : 49, < "mediumStackLimit" : 99, --- > "smallStackLimit" : 999, > "mediumStackLimit" : 4999, items\generic\crafting\aegisaltore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,12c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "refinedaegisalt", < "acceleratortable" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\alienweirdwood.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "Alien Weird Wood.", --- > "description" : "A weird type of alien wood.", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\alienwoodsap.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "Sap of the alien wood, it's looks dangerous.", < "shortdescription" : "Alien Wood Sap" --- > "description" : "This sap came from alien wood, it's looks dangerous.", > "shortdescription" : "Alien Wood Sap", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\ancientbones.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\artificialbrain.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Artificial Brain" --- > "shortdescription" : "Artificial Brain", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\basicpelt.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Pelt" --- > "shortdescription" : "Pelt", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\biosample.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8c9,10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "antidote", "medkit", "greenstim" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "antidote", "medkit", "greenstim", "bluestim", "redstim" ] items\generic\crafting\bolt.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Bolt" --- > "shortdescription" : "Bolt", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\bone.item 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], 10c12 < "whitedye" --- > "throwingbones" items\generic\crafting\bottle.item 3c3 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 10, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Empty Bottle" --- > "shortdescription" : "Empty Bottle", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\brain.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Superior Brain" --- > "shortdescription" : "Superior Brain", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\bugshell.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "The old, whithering shell of some long-dead insect.", < "shortdescription" : "Bug Shell" --- > "description" : "The old, withered shell of some long-dead insect.", > "shortdescription" : "Bug Shell", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\cellmateria.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "cellmateria", < "shortdescription" : "Cell Materia" --- > "description" : "Cell Materia, I hear you can use this to craft things.", > "shortdescription" : "Cell Materia", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\cellmatter.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "Cell Matter", < "shortdescription" : "Cell Matter" --- > "description" : "Cell Matter - it can be used this to craft unspeakable things.", > "shortdescription" : "Cell Matter", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\coalore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], 9c11 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "gunpowder", "blackdye" ] --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupcoal" ] items\generic\crafting\copperbar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "A copper bar. I can combine this with stronger smelted ores and materials.", < "shortdescription" : "Copper Bar" --- > "description" : "Ore for copper bars is found at shallow depths on most planets around all stars.", > "shortdescription" : "Copper Bar", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\copperore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,10c9,10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "copperbar" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupore" ] items\generic\crafting\coralfragment.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Ember Coral Fragment" --- > "shortdescription" : "Ember Coral Fragment", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\corefragmentore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,10 < "description" : "Core Fragment Ore.", < "shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Ore" --- > "description" : "These naturally occurring crystals produce energy.", > "shortdescription" : "Core Fragment", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupcorefrag" ] items\generic\crafting\crystal.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\diamond.item 3c3 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1200, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Diamond" --- > "shortdescription" : "Diamond", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\dragonbone.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Dragon Bone" --- > "shortdescription" : "Dragon Bone", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\durasteelbar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "A Durasteel bar. Useful for crafting some seriously advanced stuff.", --- > "description" : "Ore for durasteel bars is primarily found on planets orbiting radioactive stars.", 8,17c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "tier4bed", < "tier4chair", < "tier4door", < "tier4light", < "tier4switch", < "tier4table", < "compoundbow" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\endomorphicjelly.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\fabric.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 3, < "rarity" : "common", --- > "price" : 10, > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "A small square of fabric.", < "shortdescription" : "Fabric" --- > "description" : "A small square of woven fabric.", > "shortdescription" : "Woven Fabric", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\fillerup.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", items\generic\crafting\fleshstrand.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\fossilore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Fossil" --- > "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Fossil", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\giantflowerpetal.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Petal" --- > "shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Petal", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\glasscoffeemug.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Glass Coffee Mug" --- > "shortdescription" : "Glass Coffee Mug", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\glowfibre.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "Bulbous, Bioluminescent plant fibres. They glow many colours!", < "shortdescription" : "Glow Fibre" --- > "description" : "Bulbous, bioluminescent plant fibres. They glow with many colours!", > "shortdescription" : "Glow Fibre", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\gnome.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\goldbar.item 3c3 < "price" : 80, --- > "price" : 40, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "It's a gold bar that must be worth a lot!", < "shortdescription" : "Gold Bar" --- > "description" : "Ore for gold bars is found at great depths on most planets around all stars.", > "shortdescription" : "Gold Bar", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\goldore.item 3c3 < "price" : 40, --- > "price" : 20, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,10c9,10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "goldbar" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupore" ] items\generic\crafting\greenslime.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8c9 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "slimehandgrapple" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\holidayspirit.item 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Holiday Spirit" --- > "shortdescription" : "Holiday Spirit", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\icecrystal.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Ice Crystal" --- > "shortdescription" : "Ice Crystal", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\inferiorbrain.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Inferior Brain" --- > "shortdescription" : "Inferior Brain", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\ironbar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "It's an iron bar. Useful for crafting basic weapons, armour and more!", --- > "description" : "Ore for iron bars is primarily found on planets orbiting gentle stars.", 8,17c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "tier1bed", < "tier1chair", < "tier1door", < "tier1light", < "tier1switch", < "tier1table", < "ironbow" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\ironore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,10c9,10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "ironbar" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupore" ] items\generic\crafting\larva.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Baby Larva" --- > "shortdescription" : "Baby Larva", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\laserdiode.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Laser Diode" --- > "shortdescription" : "Laser Diode", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\lead.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Lead" --- > "shortdescription" : "Lead", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\leather.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 5, < "rarity" : "common", --- > "price" : 50, > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Leather" --- > "shortdescription" : "Leather", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\lightbulb3.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Lightbulb" --- > "shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\matteritem.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,13c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A matter block.", < "florandescription" : "Matter block!", < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "bonusarmorhead", "bonusarmorpants", "bonusarmorchest" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\metallic.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "A metal coating over a wood like material.", --- > "description" : "A metal coating over a wood-like material.", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\moltencore.item 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Molten Core" --- > "shortdescription" : "Molten Core", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterplating.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,13c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "t2helm1", "t2helm2" < ] < < --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\moonstoneore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Moonstone Ore" --- > "shortdescription" : "Moonstone Ore", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\paper.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], 9,11c11 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "paper" < ] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [] items\generic\crafting\petalblue.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,9c10 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "bluedye" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\petalred.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,9c10 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "reddye" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\petalyellow.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,9c10 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "yellowdye" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\plantfibre.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,10 < "shortdescription" : "Plant Fibre" --- > "shortdescription" : "Plant Fibre", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupplantfibre" ] items\generic\crafting\platinumbar.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 100, < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "price" : 0, > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "Junk", 7a9 > items\generic\crafting\platinumore.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 50, < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "price" : 0, > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "Junk", 6,10c7,9 < "description" : "It's platinum. Can be used for smelting.", < "shortdescription" : "Platinum Ore", < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "platinumbar" < ] --- > "description" : "It's platinum.", > "shortdescription" : "Platinum Ore" > items\generic\crafting\plutoniumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,11c7,9 < "description" : "It's plutonium. A great source of fuel.", < "shortdescription" : "Plutonium Ore", < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "plutoniumrod" < ], < "fuelAmount" : 40 --- > "description" : "It's pretty, but extremely radioactive.", > "shortdescription" : "Plutonium Ore" > items\generic\crafting\plutoniumrod.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 40, < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "price" : 0, > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "Junk", 6,8c7,9 < "description" : "It's a plutonium rod. These are an excellent source of fuel", < "shortdescription" : "Plutonium Rod", < "fuelAmount" : 100 --- > "description" : "Nobody's going to want this. It's highly radioactive.", > "shortdescription" : "Plutonium Rod" > items\generic\crafting\polymer.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Space Age Polymer" --- > "shortdescription" : "Space Age Polymer", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\prisiliteore.item 3,4c3,5 < "price" : 0, < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "price" : 20, > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Prism Shard" --- > "shortdescription" : "Prism Shard", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\prisilitestar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "It's a Prisilite Star! Some of the toughest stuff in the galaxy!", < "shortdescription" : "Prisilite Star" --- > "description" : "It's a prisilite star! Some of the toughest stuff in the galaxy!", > "shortdescription" : "Prisilite Star", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\processor.item 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,11c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "roboticcraftingtable" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\rainbowwood.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "Rainbow Wood.", --- > "description" : "Rainbow Wood, the most colourful wood of all.", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\reed.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\refinedaegisalt.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "Aegisalt distilled to its purest form.", --- > "description" : "Ore for refined aegisalt is primarily found on planets orbiting frozen stars.", 8,18c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "acceleratortable", < "feroziumcompound", < "tier5bed", < "tier5chair", < "tier5door", < "tier5light", < "tier5switch", < "tier5table" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\refinedviolium.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "Violium distilled to its purest form.", --- > "description" : "Ore for refined violium is primarily found on planets orbiting frozen stars.", 8,18c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "separatortable", < "imperviumcompound", < "tier8bed", < "tier8chair", < "tier8door", < "tier8light", < "tier8switch", < "tier8table" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\robotarms.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Robot Arms" --- > "shortdescription" : "Robot Arms", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\robotchest.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Robot Chest" --- > "shortdescription" : "Robot Chest", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\robothead.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Robot Head" --- > "shortdescription" : "Robot Head", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\robotlegs.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Robot Legs" --- > "shortdescription" : "Robot Legs", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\seaweed.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\silverbar.item 3c3 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 30, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "A silver bar. I can combine this with stronger smelted ores and materials.", < "shortdescription" : "Silver Bar" --- > "description" : "Ore for silver bars is found at moderate depths on most planets around all stars.", > "shortdescription" : "Silver Bar", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\silverore.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 15, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,10c9,10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "silverbar" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupore" ] items\generic\crafting\snowflake.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\solariumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "It's solarium. A fantastic source of fuel.", --- > "description" : "It's solarium. It's warm to the touch.", 8c9 < "fuelAmount" : 30 --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\solariumstar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "Solarium distilled to its purest form.", --- > "description" : "Ore to make solarium stars is primarily found on planets orbiting fiery stars.", 8c9 < "fuelAmount" : 75 --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\sulphur.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "Sulphur.", < "shortdescription" : "Sulphur" --- > "description" : "Sulphur, a surprisingly useful compound.", > "shortdescription" : "Sulphur", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\syringe.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "This could useful for making stimpacks.", < "shortdescription" : "Medical Syringe" --- > "description" : "This could be used for making stim packs.", > "shortdescription" : "Medical Syringe", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\teleportercore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "A rare, high-tech key component of a personal teleporter.", < "shortdescription" : "Teleporter Core" --- > "description" : "A rare, hi-tech key component of a personal teleporter.", > "shortdescription" : "Teleporter Core", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\titaniumbar.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6c7 < "description" : "It's a titanium bar. Useful for crafting advanced weapons, armour and more!", --- > "description" : "Ore for titanium bars is primarily found on planets orbiting temperate stars.", 8,17c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "tier3bed", < "tier3chair", < "tier3door", < "tier3light", < "tier3switch", < "tier3table", < "titaniumbow" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\titaniumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,11c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "titaniumbar" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\toxicwaste.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,10c9 < < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This waste is toxic.", < "florandescription" : "Floran don't like toxic wassste.", --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] 12d10 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "yellowstim" ] items\generic\crafting\triangliumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Trianglium Ore" --- > "shortdescription" : "Trianglium Ore", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\uraniumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\uraniumrod.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7a9 > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ], items\generic\crafting\violiumore.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 8,12c9 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "refinedviolium", < "separatortable" < ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\wildvines.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Wild Vines" --- > "shortdescription" : "Wild Vines", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\wire.item 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 6,7c7,9 < "description" : "A spool of wire.", < "shortdescription" : "Wire" --- > "description" : "A spool of copper wire.", > "shortdescription" : "Copper Wire", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\cryonicextract.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Cryonic Extract" --- > "shortdescription" : "Cryonic Extract", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\hardenedcarapace.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Hardened Carapace" --- > "shortdescription" : "Hardened Carapace", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\livingroot.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Living Root" --- > "shortdescription" : "Living Root", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\phasematter.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Phase Matter" --- > "shortdescription" : "Phase Matter", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\scorchedcore.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Scorched Core" --- > "shortdescription" : "Scorched Core", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\sharpenedclaw.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Sharpened Claw" --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharpened Claw", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\staticcell.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Static Cell" --- > "shortdescription" : "Static Cell", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\stickofram.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Stick of RAM" --- > "shortdescription" : "Stick of RAM", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\venomsample.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, 4a5 > "category" : "craftingMaterial", 7c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Venom Sample" --- > "shortdescription" : "Venom Sample", > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] items\generic\meat\cookedalienmeat.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 25, > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,14 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedbacon.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 25, > "category" : "food", 6c7 < "description" : "Bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips!", --- > "description" : "Salty, crispy alien bacon.", 8,17c9,14 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedfish.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 25, > "category" : "food", 8,18c9,14 < "handPosition" : [0, 14], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal135", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedham.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "food", 6c7 < "description" : "A haunch of roasted ham.", --- > "description" : "A haunch of roasted alien ham.", 8,18c9,14 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedpoultry.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 25, > "category" : "food", 6c7 < "description" : "A nice, roasted bird.", --- > "description" : "A perfeclty roasted bird. What a beautiful sight to behold.", 8,17c9,14 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedribmeat.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,14 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedtentacle.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "food", 6c7 < "description" : "It's a roasted tentacle. Chewy...but still pretty good?", --- > "description" : "Chewy... But in a nice way.", 8,18c9,14 < "handPosition" : [4, -2], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal135", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\rawfish.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "cookingIngredient", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [0, 14], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\other\autochip.item 4a5 > "category" : "upgradeComponent", 6c7 < "description" : "This should be useful for building and repairing vehicles!", --- > "description" : "A crucial component of vehicle repair.", 11d11 < items\generic\other\autodrive.item 3a4 > "category" : "upgradeComponent", 5c6 < "description" : "An auto drive, In the future I can use this to power vehicles.", --- > "description" : "An auto drive. In the future I can use this to power vehicles.", items\generic\other\bandage.consumable 4a5 > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A bandage for healing minor wounds. Using it restores 30 health.", --- > "description" : "A bandage for healing minor wounds. Restores 50 health over 1 second.", 10,11c11 < "effect" : "bandage1", < "duration" : 2 --- > "effect" : "bandageheal" 17,22c17,20 < "bandage1", < "bandage2", < "bandage3", < "bandage4", < "bandage5", < "bandage6" --- > "salveheal", > "bandageheal", > "medkitheal", > "nanowrapheal" items\generic\other\bluestim.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 100, > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A stimpack full of blue liquid", --- > "description" : "A stimpack full of blue liquid, it gives your jump a boost!", 8d8 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], items\generic\other\comedyscript.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\fungusstim.consumable 4d3 < 5a5 > "category" : "medicine", 13c13 < "duration" : 15 --- > "duration" : 60 items\generic\other\grassremedy.consumable 4d3 < 5a5 > "category" : "medicine", items\generic\other\greenstim.consumable 2a3 > "price" : 100, 4c5 < "price" : 20, --- > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A stimpack full of green liquid", --- > "description" : "A stimpack full of green liquid, gives your run a boost!", 8d8 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], items\generic\other\manipulatormodule.item 3c3,5 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "price" : 1000, > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "upgradeComponent", 5,7c7,8 < "description" : "This module will allow S.A.I.L to upgrade my matter manipulator!", < "shortdescription" : "Manipulator Module" < } --- > "description" : "This module can be used to upgrade a matter manipulator!", > "shortdescription" : "Manipulator Module", 8a10,11 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupmanipulatormodule" ] > } items\generic\other\medkit.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 60, > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A medkit for healing moderate wounds. Using it restores 60 health.", --- > "description" : "Restores 100 health over 10 seconds, and instantly cures most status effects.", 10c11,26 < "effect" : "bandage4", --- > "effect" : "medkitheal" > }, > { > "effect" : "fireblock", > "duration" : 2 > }, > { > "effect" : "iceblock", > "duration" : 2 > }, > { > "effect" : "electricblock", > "duration" : 2 > }, > { > "effect" : "poisonblock", 17,22c33,36 < "bandage1", < "bandage2", < "bandage3", < "bandage4", < "bandage5", < "bandage6" --- > "salveheal", > "bandageheal", > "medkitheal", > "nanowrapheal" items\generic\other\mysteriousashes.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\mysterioustrashbag.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\nanowrap.consumable 3c3 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", 4a5 > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A nanowrap bandage knits wounds together fast. Using it restores 100 health.", --- > "description" : "This bandage knits wounds together fast. Restores 100 health over 1 second.", 10,11c11 < "effect" : "bandage6", < "duration" : 2 --- > "effect" : "nanowrapheal" 17,22c17,20 < "bandage1", < "bandage2", < "bandage3", < "bandage4", < "bandage5", < "bandage6" --- > "salveheal", > "bandageheal", > "medkitheal", > "nanowrapheal" items\generic\other\parcel.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\redstim.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 100, > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A stimpack full of red liquid", --- > "description" : "A stimpack full of red liquid, grants brief but powerful regeneration!", 8d8 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], 11,12c11 < "effect" : "regeneration4", < "duration" : 30 --- > "effect" : "redstim" 16c15,18 < "emitters" : [ "stimuse" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "stimuse" ], > "blockingEffects" : [ > "redstim" > ] items\generic\other\secretnote.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\sheetmusic.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", items\generic\other\shroomremedy.consumable 3,4d2 < "price" : 0, < 5a4,5 > "price" : 0, > "category" : "medicine", items\generic\other\soggypaper.item 3a4 > "category" : "junk", items\generic\other\synthesisstim.consumable 3,4d2 < "price" : 0, < 5a4,5 > "price" : 0, > "category" : "medicine", items\generic\other\upgrademodule.item 3a4 > "category" : "upgradeComponent", 5c6 < "description" : "I can use this component to upgrade ships and other useful equipment.", --- > "description" : "These modules can be used to upgrade ships and other useful equipment.", 7,8c8 < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "upgrademodule" ] --- > "itemTags" : [ "reagent" ] 10d9 < items\generic\other\valentinechocolates.consumable 3,4d2 < "price" : 150, < 5a4,5 > "price" : 150, > "category" : "food", 7c7 < "description" : "A heart shaped box with Valentine chocolates inside! Heals your hunger AND body!", --- > "description" : "A heart shaped box with themed chocolates inside!", 9,19c9,12 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost25", < "duration" : 180 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 180 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 50, > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 5, items\generic\other\voxel10k.item 2a3 > "price" : 10000, 3a5 > "category" : "currency", 5c7 < "description" : "10000 pixels compressed into a voxel. 40% of pixels are lost during the compression process. Can be refined into 6000 pixels.", --- > "description" : "10000 pixels compressed into a voxel. Decompress it to get those pixels back.", items\generic\other\voxel1k.item 2a3 > "price" : 1000, 3a5 > "category" : "currency", 5c7 < "description" : "1000 pixels compressed into a voxel. 40% of pixels are lost during the compression process. Can be refined into 600 pixels.", --- > "description" : "1000 pixels compressed into a voxel. Decompress it to get those pixels back.", items\generic\other\voxel2k.item 2a3 > "price" : 2000, 3a5 > "category" : "currency", 5c7 < "description" : "2000 pixels compressed into a voxel. 40% of pixels are lost during the compression process. Can be refined into 1200 pixels.", --- > "description" : "2000 pixels compressed into a voxel. Decompress it to get those pixels back.", items\generic\other\voxel5k.item 2a3 > "price" : 5000, 3a5 > "category" : "currency", 5c7 < "description" : "5000 pixels compressed into a voxel. 40% of pixels are lost during the compression process. Can be refined into 3000 pixels.", --- > "description" : "5000 pixels compressed into a voxel. Decompress it to get those pixels back.", items\generic\other\winningticket.item 3a4 > "category" : "quest", 5c6 < "description" : "These are awarded to people who beat the game 'Mazebound64'", --- > "description" : "These are awarded to people who beat the game \"Mazebound64\".", items\generic\other\yellowstim.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 50, > "category" : "medicine", 6c7 < "description" : "A stimpack full of yellow liquid", --- > "description" : "A stimpack full of yellow liquid, this'll make you glow!", 8d8 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], items\generic\produce\alienfruit.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "lowgrav", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 21c19 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "alienfruitjam" ] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "alienfruitjam", "alienfruitjuice" ] items\generic\produce\automato.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", --- > "description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 2.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\avesmingo.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,22c10,15 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost25", < "duration" : 15 < }, < { < "effect" : "jumpboost25", < "duration" : 15 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 15 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 25c18,19 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "avesmingojuice", "avesmingoicecream" ] items\generic\produce\banana.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-2, -2], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\beakseed.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,22c10,15 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost5", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\boltbulb.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-6, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 21c18,19 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "8gbpizzap", "boltos" ] items\generic\produce\boneboo.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "rage", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\cacti.item 4a5 > "category" : "cookingIngredient", items\generic\produce\carrot.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\chili.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 7c9 < "shortdescription" : "Chili", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chilli", 10,13d11 < "effect" : "rage", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { 15,19c13 < "duration" : 10 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 --- > "duration" : 5 21a16,21 > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 24c24,25 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "burningeyeballs", "spicyfeathercrown" ] items\generic\produce\coffeebeans.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "Bitter coffee beans", --- > "description" : "Bitter coffee beans.", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 5, items\generic\produce\coralcreep.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 2.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\corn.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 20,21c18 < ], < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "corncob" ] --- > ] items\generic\produce\currentcorn.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\diodia.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,21c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost5", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 7.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 24c18,19 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "nutsandbolts", "piodia" ] items\generic\produce\dirturchin.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "Kind of squidy and a bit tasteless.", --- > "description" : "Kind of squidgy and a bit tasteless.", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\eggshoot.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 21c18,19 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "eggshootsalad", "eggshooticecream" ] items\generic\produce\feathercrown.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,21c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost25", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost10", < "duration" : 105 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\grapes.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 3.75, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\greenapple.consumable 4a5 > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,17 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ] --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ] items\generic\produce\kiwi.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,18 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\produce\neonmelon.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "A slice of bubblegum flavoured neonmelon", --- > "description" : "A slice of bubblegum flavoured neonmelon.", 8,22c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost25", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "jumpboost25", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 25c18,19 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "neonmelonjam", "pozest" ] items\generic\produce\oculemon.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 105 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], < --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 22d18 < items\generic\produce\orange.consumable 4a5 > "category" : "food", 8,18c9,17 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ] --- > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ] items\generic\produce\pearlpea.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 2.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 21,22c18 < ], < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "boiledpearlpeas" ] --- > ] items\generic\produce\pineapple.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\potato.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "Po-ta-to", --- > "description" : "Po-ta-to.", 8,21c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost10", < "duration" : 105 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 5, 24,25c18 < ], < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "mashedpotato" ] --- > ] items\generic\produce\pussplum.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "Pussplum, something here that oozes!", --- > "description" : "Pussplum, some claim it is delicious!", 8,22c10,15 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost25", < "duration" : 15 < }, < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 7.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 26c19 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pussplumtart" ] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pussplumjam" ] items\generic\produce\redapple.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 4, > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,17 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\produce\reefpod.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,22c10,15 < "handPosition" : [0, 8], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost5", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost5", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 7.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\shroom.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "cookingIngredient", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 6c8 < "description" : "A mushroom. With a blueprint I could build something out of this..", --- > "description" : "A mushroom. I could make quite a few things with enough of these.", 8c10,11 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shroomblock", "mushroombread" ] --- > "maxStack" : 1000, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shroomblock", "roastedmushrooms", "mushroombread" ] items\generic\produce\sugar.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "cookingIngredient", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8c10,11 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpeajam", "candiedcorn", "bonbons" ] --- > "maxStack" : 1000, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpeajam", "candiedcorn" ] items\generic\produce\thornfruit.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,18c10,15 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "thorns", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 22c19 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "thornjuice", "thornyneedler" ] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "thornjuice" ] items\generic\produce\tomato.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8,17c10,15 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 2.5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\toxictop.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 8c10,15 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 12,20c19 < "duration" : 10 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost30", < "duration" : 105 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 105 --- > "duration" : 5 items\generic\produce\wartweed.consumable 4a5,6 > "category" : "food", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 7a10,15 > "foodValue" : 5, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 10,15c18,19 < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "weakpoison", > "duration" : 5 20c24,25 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpeaparcels", "wartweedjam" ] items\generic\produce\wheat.item 4a5,6 > "category" : "cookingIngredient", > "eventCategory" : "eventCrop", 7a10 > "maxStack" : 1000, 9c12 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\generic\shop\cannedfood.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "food", 6c7 < "description" : "Canned food. Not the best, but it'll do in a pinch.", --- > "description" : "Not the best quality food, but it's filling and will keep for a long time.", 8,17c9,14 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 50, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 10, items\generic\shop\cheese.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,17 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\shop\chocolate.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 40, --- > "price" : 120, > "category" : "food", 8,18c9,17 < "handPosition" : [8, -4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost25", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ] --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 5, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ] items\generic\shop\egg.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 15, --- > "price" : 20, > "category" : "food", 8,17c9,17 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\shop\milk.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "drink", 8,17c9,17 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "tooltipKind" : "food", > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildfood.lua", > "maxStack" : 1, > "itemAgingScripts" : ["/scripts/items/rotting.lua"], > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], 19c19 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "porridge", "flatwhite"] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "porridge", "flatwhite", "cheese" ] items\generic\shop\soda.consumable 4c4,5 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 40, > "category" : "drink", 6c7 < "description" : "A refreshing can of Glorp soda.", --- > "description" : "A refreshing can of soda.", 7a9 > "maxStack" : 1, 10,15c12,13 < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "wellfed", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxenergyscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 30 items\generic\tradingcards\card01.item 3c3,4 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "tradingCard", items\generic\trophies\monsterclaw.item 3a4 > "category" : "trophy", items\generic\unlock\portable3dprinter.unlock 3a4 > "category" : "Other", items\instruments\accordion.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\acousticguitar.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\banjo.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\bassguitar.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\bones.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\brightpiano.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\clarinet.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\drumkit.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\dulcimer.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\electricbass.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\flute.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\harmonica.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\harp.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\keyboard.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\koto.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\leadguitar.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\microphone.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6,8c7,9 < "rarity" : "common", < "description" : "A microphone. Do your best Elvis impersonation.", < "shortdescription" : "Microphone (Male)", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A microphone. How low can you go?", > "shortdescription" : "Low-Pitch Microphone", items\instruments\microphonefem.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 8c9 < "shortdescription" : "Microphone (Female)", --- > "shortdescription" : "High-Pitch Microphone", items\instruments\musicbox.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\nylonguitar.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\oboe.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\ocarina.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\overdriveguitar.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\piano.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\reedorgan.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\rockorgan.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\saxophone.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\steeldrum.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\trumpet.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\instruments\violin.instrument 3c3,4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 3000, > "category" : "musicalInstrument", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\liquids\healingwater.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 11,12c12 < "bottledhealingwater", < "dyeremover" --- > "bottledhealingwater" items\liquids\lava.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", items\liquids\liquidfuel.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 6c7 < "description" : "A dangerous and volatile isotope commonly used as starship fuel.", --- > "description" : "A dangerous and volatile substance, syphoned from moons and used as FTL fuel.", 11c12 < "price" : 5 --- > "price" : 1 items\liquids\milk.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 8,9c9 < "liquid" : "milk", < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "coconutrice" ] --- > "liquid" : "milk" items\liquids\oil.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 8,13c9 < "liquid" : "tarliquid", < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "mininglantern", < "lanternstickback" < ] --- > "liquid" : "tarliquid" items\liquids\poison.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", items\liquids\slime.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 8,13c9 < "liquid" : "slimeliquid", < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "mininglantern", < "lanternstickback" < ] --- > "liquid" : "slimeliquid" items\liquids\swampwater.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", items\liquids\water.liqitem 3a4 > "category" : "liquid", 8,12c9 < "liquid" : "water", < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "bottledwater" < ] --- > "liquid" : "water" items\materials\alienrock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "This strange rock comes from an Alien world.", --- > "description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This rock is of an alien origin.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like weird rocks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. This rock is of an alien origin.", > "florandescription" : "Floran like sstrange rocks.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some kinda alien lookin' rock.", items\materials\alienstripedwood.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 7,8c8,9 < "description" : "A block of alien striped wood. Stripey!", < "glitchdescription" : "Interested. It appears the stripes present in this wood are the result of minerals that repel one another.", --- > "description" : "A piece of alien striped wood. Stripey!", > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. It appears the stripes present in this wood are the result of materials that repel one another.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "This here wood's all covered in stripes.", items\materials\ancientblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "An ancient block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. These blocks are evidently very old.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "These blocks are older'n dirt.", items\materials\ancientbrick.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "These bricks have certainly survived the test of time.", --- > "description" : "This carved brick is immeasurably old.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "An ancient brick.", < "florandescription" : "Ancient brick.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These ancient bricks have withstood the ravages of time.", > "florandescription" : "Ancient carved brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some mighty old lookin' bricks.", items\materials\ancientplatform.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 10, > "category" : "platform", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "An ancient platform made up of some kind of technological rock.", < "florandescription" : "An ancient platform made up of some kind of technological rock.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Confused. There is technology at work in this ancient platform I do not understand.", > "florandescription" : "Platform made with sstrange technology.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some strange lookin' tech in this platform.", items\materials\apexshipdetails.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A little bit of metal.", --- > "description" : "A riveted metal wall.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A small bit of metal.", < "florandescription" : "Sssteel.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Secure. This metal wall has been reinforced with strong bolts.", > "florandescription" : "Ssstrong bolted metal.", > "novakiddescription" : "Strong lookin' wall made from metal.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 167 < } --- > "materialId" : 167, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "apexshipdetails" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\apexshipplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "Nicely carved wooden platforms.", --- > "description" : "Durable enough to withstand the demands of space travel.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Built Glitch tough.", < "florandescription" : "Strong to handle the darknesss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Informed. Platforms like this are used in space ship construction.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrong sship platform.", > "novakiddescription" : "This platform's strong enough t'keep from gettin' boot scuffed.", 12,13c13,15 < "materialId" : 176 < } --- > "materialId" : 176, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "apexshipplatform" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\apexshipsupport.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "A colourful support block.", < "shortdescription" : "Support Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. A support block.", < "florandescription" : "Sssupporty.", --- > "description" : "A wall support used in ship construction.", > "shortdescription" : "Ship Support", > "glitchdescription" : "Informed. Supports like this are often used in ship construction.", > "florandescription" : "Ssship sstructural ssupport.", > "novakiddescription" : "Made for holdin' spaceships together.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 168 < } --- > "materialId" : 168, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "apexshipsupport" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\apexshipwall.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. A wall panel.", < "florandescription" : "Wall.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These removable panels are smooth and strong.", > "florandescription" : "Metal panel makess ssmooth wall.", > "novakiddescription" : "A panel made outta metal.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 169 < } --- > "materialId" : 169, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "apexshipwall" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\ash.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Ash packed tight into a solid block.", < "shortdescription" : "Ash Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Curious. A block of ash.", < "florandescription" : "Burny block.", --- > "description" : "A pile of tightly packed ash.", > "shortdescription" : "Ash Pile", > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. A pile of packed ash.", > "florandescription" : "Big bunch of ashess.", > "novakiddescription" : "Big ol' pile of ash.", items\materials\asphalt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Asphalt.. what a horrible material.", --- > "description" : "A cheap but effective construction material.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Artistic. Readings suggest aesthetic value of this material is below 2%.", < "florandescription" : "Sssticky asphalt. Floran hatess assphalt.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. Readings suggest aesthetic value of asphalt is below 2%.", > "florandescription" : "Sssticky asphalt ssmelly like tar.", > "novakiddescription" : "It's a mash of sticky oil an' rocks.", items\materials\aztec.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Small glyphs cover the stone.", < "glitchdescription" : "Cryptography. I do not know what these glyphs say.", < "florandescription" : "Floran not can read this.", --- > "description" : "Small glyphs cover this stone.", > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. I do not know what these glyphs say.", > "florandescription" : "Floran cannot undersstand ssymbolss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some kinda ol' lookin' symbols.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 1 < } --- > "materialId" : 1, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "aztecmaterial" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\aztectech.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 10, --- > "price" : 7, > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material. Its markings are printed on.", < "glitchdescription" : "Cryptography. I do not know what these glyphs say.", < "florandescription" : "Floran not can read this.", --- > "description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material with printed markings.", > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. These blocks are made from an unknown artificial material.", > "florandescription" : "Brickss covered in sstrange markingss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Sturdy lookin' bricks all marked up with symbols.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 54 --- > "materialId" : 54, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "aztectech" ] items\materials\bamboo.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Bamboo", --- > "description" : "Freshly cut stalks of bamboo.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Bamboo.", < "florandescription" : "Sssticks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Hopeful. The bamboo colour indicates it was cut recently.", > "florandescription" : "Fresssh bamboo stalkss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some chopped bamboo.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 117 --- > "materialId" : 117, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "bamboo", "bambooplatform" ] 12a16 > items\materials\bambooplatform.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 1, > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "What charmingly constructed bamboo platforms.", --- > "description" : "Strong platforms fashioned from bamboo stalks.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A Bamboo platform.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Hopeful. This bamboo platform is incredibly strong.", > "florandescription" : "Floran grow sstrong bamboo for platformsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Bamboo hung up like a platform.", 12,13c13,15 < "materialId" : 118 < } --- > "materialId" : 118, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "bambooplatform" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\bars.matitem 3d2 < "rarity" : "Common", 4a4,5 > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", 6c7 < "description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", --- > "description" : "Closely spaced thick metal bars.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. These bars are strong.", < "florandescription" : "Barsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Distressed. Metal bars like this can be found in Glitch dungeons.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrong metal barsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some strong lookin' metal bars.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 55 --- > "materialId" : 55, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "bars" ] items\materials\baseboard.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A classy baseboard for the bottom of all your walls!", --- > "description" : "This baseboard completes the classic home look.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A baseboard.", < "florandescription" : "Colourful boardsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. Baseboards are not commonly found in Glitch construction.", > "florandescription" : "Fancy wall boardsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some fancy wall moulding.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 98 --- > "materialId" : 98, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "baseboard" ] items\materials\biorock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Yellow Bioluminescent Rock", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This yellow rock is bioluminescent.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like yellow bioluminescent rocks.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Rock", > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. Microscopic bacteria in this rock are glowing a faint yellow.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess yellow glowing rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "This rock is glowin' yellow but not givin' off any heat.", items\materials\biorock2.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 6, > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "This blue rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", < "shortdescription" : "Blue Bioluminescent Rock", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This blue rock is bioluminescent.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like blue bioluminescent rocks.", --- > "description" : "This blue rock is faintly glowing with bioluminescence.", > "shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Rock", > "glitchdescription" : "Perplexed. There's a faint blue glow coming from the bacteria in this rock.", > "florandescription" : "Blue rockss faintly glow.", > "novakiddescription" : "This blue rock is shinin' a bit.", items\materials\black.matitem 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", items\materials\blackglass.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A dark-tinted glass material.", --- > "description" : "A dark-tinted panel of glass.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Black glass.", < "florandescription" : "Floran see Floran in black glass.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This glass has been so darkly tinted it is almost not transparent.", > "florandescription" : "Floran can hide behind dark glasss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Glass so dark the sun'll hardly shine through.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 110 < } --- > "materialId" : 110, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "blackglass" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\blaststone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Blaststone Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blaststone", > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. Intense heat have fused minerals into this blaststone.", > "florandescription" : "Ssharp rockss are sstrong.", > "novakiddescription" : "These tough rocks are mighty sharp.", items\materials\blueneonsymbol.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This symbol's meaning is unknown.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like glowy picturesss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Block", > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. The meaning of this symbol is unknown.", > "florandescription" : "Floran like glowy ssymbolss.", > "novakiddescription" : "A block with some sorta glowin' symbol.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 112 < } --- > "materialId" : 112, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "blueneonsymbol" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\bonematerial.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 3, > "category" : "block", 6,8c7,9 < "description" : "Polished bone made into a building material.", < "shortdescription" : "Bone Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Scared. This bone came from a huge creature.", --- > "description" : "A collection of bones tightly packed together.", > "shortdescription" : "Packed Bones", > "glitchdescription" : "Horrified. Bones from a variety of sources packed together.", 10c11 < "novakidDescription" : "Bones. Who needs 'em!", --- > "novakiddescription" : "Bunch of bones. Who needs 'em!", items\materials\bookpiles.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Studying. A pile of very interesting tomes.", < "florandescription" : "Floran will try to read all books.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Entertained. There are wonderful stories recorded inside these books.", > "florandescription" : "Greatnesss not found in bookss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some dusty books. Who doesn't love t'hear a good story?", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 120 --- > "materialId" : 120, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "bookpiles" ] items\materials\brick.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks. Quaint.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks made from clay.", > "glitchdescription" : "Pleased. These bricks have been carefully formed and arranged.", > "florandescription" : "Ssimple bricksss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Nice lookin' brickwork.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 2 < } --- > "materialId" : 2, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "brickmaterial" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\cabinroofing.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Delightful cabin roofing.", --- > "description" : "Simple roofing for a cabin.", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Pleasant cabin roofing.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Pleased. This cabin roof has rustic charm.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "A cabin roof, good for keepin' dry in the rain.", items\materials\cactiblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Cacti shaped into perfect cubes.", --- > "description" : "Cactus that's been fashioned into a construction block. Still prickly.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Concerned. My shape recognition system appears to be malfunctioning.", < "florandescription" : "Plantss do not come as cubess! Cubess unnatural!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. This construction block has been made from prickly cactus.", > "florandescription" : "Floran like pickly cactuss blocksss.", > "novakiddescription" : "It's made outta cactus. Better not lean against this.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 407 < } --- > "materialId" : 407, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "cactiblock" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\candyblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7a9,11 > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This appears to be a giant piece of hard candy.", > "florandescription" : "Candy hass colourful sstripess.", > "novakiddescription" : "A big ol' piece of rock candy.", 9c13,14 < "materialId" : 175 --- > "materialId" : 175, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "candyblock" ] items\materials\castlewalls1.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Stone slabs.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstone.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Informed. Stone bricks like this are frequently used in castle construction.", > "florandescription" : "Giant sstone brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "I'd hate t've been the fella who had to lay these heavy bricks.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 122 < } --- > "materialId" : 122, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "castlewalls1" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\castlewalls2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Stone slabs.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstone.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. It appears these bricks were all cut from the same stone.", > "florandescription" : "These sstone brickss are ssmall.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some bricks carved outta rock.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 123 < } --- > "materialId" : 123, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "castlewalls2" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\chain.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,8c7,9 < "description" : "Steel chains, and not the fun kind.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Chain", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Chains.", --- > "description" : "Tungsten chains, and not the fun kind.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chain", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These chains are remarkably strong.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "Some chains made outta tungsten.", items\materials\cheapwallpaper.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Tacky wallpaper.", < "florandescription" : "Floran adore wall papers.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Unsettled. This wall paper is overwhelmingly gaudy.", > "florandescription" : "Floran adore pretty wall paperss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Why'd anyone want to cover their walls with paper lookin' like this?", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 104 < } --- > "materialId" : 104, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "cheapwallpaper" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\clay.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Dry and dusty clay.", --- > "description" : "Heavy, sticky clay.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Clay.", < "florandescription" : "Clay.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This clay is dense enough to use as a building material.", > "florandescription" : "Sssmooth clay.", > "novakiddescription" : "I reckon drying this clay would harden it up.", items\materials\cloudblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Clouds packed tight into a solid block.", < "shortdescription" : "Cloud Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Curious. A block of cloud.", < "florandescription" : "Wonder if I can eat?", --- > "description" : "A cloud dense enough to walk on.", > "shortdescription" : "Cloud", > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. The density of this cloud could support my weight.", > "florandescription" : "Cloud iss sso fluffy!", > "novakiddescription" : "This here cloud is made from some heavy fluff stuff.", items\materials\cobblestone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,10c8,11 < "description" : "Hard stones, smooth to the touch.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Cobblestones.", < "florandescription" : "Cobblessstone.", < --- > "description" : "Hard cobblestones, smooth to the touch.", > "glitchdescription" : "Facinated. These cobblestones are naturally smooth.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth cobblessstone rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ain't uncommon to run across cobblestone rocks like this.", items\materials\cobblestonebrick.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Small bricks made of cobblestone.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Cobblestone.", < "florandescription" : "Cobblessstone.", --- > "description" : "Small bricks made from cobblestone.", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These bricks are made from cobblestone.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth cobblessstone brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Bricks made outta cobblestone.", items\materials\coconutblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Just a block made of coconut.", --- > "description" : "Bricks made from coconut and mortar.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Coconut.", < "florandescription" : "Unssstabbed coco.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Surprised. The primary component of these bricks are coconuts.", > "florandescription" : "Coconutss are sstong brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "I'd reckon these coconut bricks are mighty strong.", items\materials\composite01.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Titanium.", < "florandescription" : "Sssmooth titanium.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. This titanium panel is almost flawlessly smooth.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth shiny titanium panelss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some shiny n' smooth titanium panels.", > items\materials\concrete.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Concrete.", < "florandescription" : "Con... crete.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Aqainted. Concrete is a commonly used construction material.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disslike cold concrete.", > "novakiddescription" : "Concrete makes a mighty sturdy block.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 5 --- > "materialId" : 5, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "concretematerial" ] items\materials\copperblock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2, > "category" : "block", 8c9,11 < "humandescription" : "Reminds me of the inside of the medical centre back home.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. I find the gear shape of these blocks pleasing.", > "florandescription" : "Copper blockss like machine gearss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Copper blocks, they look sorta like gears.", items\materials\copperfence.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A sturdy copper fence.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Confident. This copper fence is much stronger than wood.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "This here fence is made outta copper.", items\materials\copperladder.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A copper ladder.", < "florandescription" : "Laddersss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Surprised. This ladder is made from copper.", > "florandescription" : "Ladder iss made from sshiny copper.", > "novakiddescription" : "A ladder made outta copper.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 140 --- > "materialId" : 140, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "copperladder" ] items\materials\copperplatform.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 1, > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "A copper platform", --- > "description" : "A platform made from copper.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A copper platform.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This platform appears to be made from copper.", > "florandescription" : "Platformss made from copper.", > "novakiddescription" : "I reckon it must've been tough makin' this platform with copper.", items\materials\copperroofing.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Copper Roofing", --- > "description" : "Roofing tiles fashioned from copper.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This roofing is made entirely from copper.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss thiss roof.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Surprised. These roofing tiles are made entirely from copper.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess sshiny copper roofing.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha copper roofin' tiles.", items\materials\copperwindow.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 6c7 < "description" : "A solid copper window frame.", --- > "description" : "A window with a frame made from solid copper.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A copper window frame.", < "floranDescription" : "Windowsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Facinated. Copper has been used to construct the frame for this window.", > "florandescription" : "Windowsss made from copper.", > "novakiddescription" : "This is a nice lookin' copper window frame.", items\materials\corruptdirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,12 < "description" : "Ick. Corrupted dirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Corrupted dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Sssick dirt.", --- > "description" : "A disgusting block of corrupted dirt.", > "shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt", > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. This dirt has been corrupted.", > "florandescription" : "Dissgusting corrupted dirt.", > "novakiddescription" : "This corrupted dirt ain't too pleasant.", > items\materials\crosshatch.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 2, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A mouldy lattice made of wood.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A window lattice.", < "florandescription" : "Window lettuce.", --- > "description" : "A simple lattice made of wood.", > "glitchdescription" : "Inspired. This lattice functions well as either a fence or window.", > "florandescription" : "Floran like crisss crosssy wood.", > "novakiddescription" : "Thin wood strips all criss crossin' together.", items\materials\crystalblock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 7, > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A shining blue block of made of crystals.", --- > "description" : "A shimmering block of made from crystals.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This block is made of crystal.", < "florandescription" : "Ssshiny block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Calm. This crystal block has a soothing appearance.", > "florandescription" : "Ssshiny block made from crysstalss.", > "novakiddescription" : "The crystals in this block are real purdy.", items\materials\darksmoothstone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A dark, smooth stone block. Mysterious.", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. A dark block of unknown origin.", < "florandescription" : "Sssmooth block.", --- > "description" : "A dark, smooth stone block.", > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. A dark brick made from an unknown stone.", > "florandescription" : "Sssmooth sstone block.", > "novakiddescription" : "A dark lookin' stone brick.", items\materials\darkwood.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 1, > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,15 < "description" : "I think I see alien woodworm.", < "shortdescription" : "Wood Planks", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Wood.", < "florandescription" : "Sssplintery wood.", --- > "description" : "Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.", > "shortdescription" : "Timber", > "apexdescription" : "Some crafted planks of wood.", > "aviandescription" : "Wood that's been crafted into planks.", > "glitchdescription" : "Satisfied. These are well crafted wood planks.", > "florandescription" : "Sssplintery wood plankss.", > "humandescription" : "Some simple planks made from wood.", > "hylotldescription" : "Basic wood planks.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just some basic lookin' wood planks.", items\materials\direstone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. The worms in this block appear to be essentially immortal.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. The worms in this stone appear to help maintain its rigidity.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "There's little wigglin' worms inside this stone.", items\materials\dirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,8c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Dirt Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Dirt", > "glitchdescription" : "Indifferent. This is basic soil.", 10c11 < "category" : "Material", --- > "novakiddescription" : "Dirty lookin' dirt.", items\materials\drydirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Filthy dirt!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. This dirt is very dry.", > "florandescription" : "Dirt that iss dry.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just some dry dusty dirt.", items\materials\drysand.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "florandescription" : "Sssandy sand.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. This sand is dry and hard.", > "florandescription" : "Hard dry ssandy sand.", > "novakiddescription" : "Dry lookin' packed sand.", items\materials\eyepiles.matitem 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A pile of eyes. To say I feel watched is an understatement.", < "glitchdescription" : "Reflective. Other than those on top of the pile most of these eyes will only ever know darkness.", < "florandescription" : "Floran feassssssst!!", --- > "description" : "A tumbling heap of squishy eyeballs.", > "glitchdescription" : "Reflective. Other than those on top of the pile, most of these eyes will only ever know darkness.", > "florandescription" : "Ssquisshy eyess!", > "novakiddescription" : "Some of these eyes are lookin' right at me.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 550 < } --- > "materialId" : 550, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "eyepiles" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\fadedblocks.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Brick.", < "florandescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Deductive. These faded bricks have been smoothed by the passage of time.", > "florandescription" : "Ssoft faded bricksss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some smooth lookin' bricks.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 56 < } --- > "materialId" : 56, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fadedblocks" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\fence.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A sturdy fence.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Pleased. This wooden fence is quite sturdy.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "Nothin' like a sturdy wooden fence.", items\materials\fleshblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "A hideous, foul-smelling block made of some kind of flesh.", < "shortdescription" : "Flesh Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Disgust. A block made of flesh.", < "florandescription" : "Sssquishy meat block.", --- > "description" : "Some hideous, foul-smelling kind of flesh.", > "shortdescription" : "Flesh Chunk", > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. This is made of squishy flesh.", > "florandescription" : "Sssquishy meat.", > "novakiddescription" : "This is some sorta flesh.", items\materials\floweryblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "A block made of petals and leaves. Smells lovely.", < "shortdescription" : "Petal Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Reflective. If such organic materials can be made into a synthetic structure, can the reverse also become true?", < "florandescription" : "For Floran thiss is like block made of sssskin.", --- > "description" : "A fragrant bundle made of flowers and leaves.", > "shortdescription" : "Flower Block", > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This arrangement of flowers is pleasing.", > "florandescription" : "Thesse flowerss look healthy.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some bright lookin' flowers.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 410 --- > "materialId" : 410, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "floweryblock" ] items\materials\frozendirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Frozen dirt, It's pretty solid.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Frozen dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Frozen Dirt. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "description" : "This dirt is frozen solid.", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. This dirt is solidly frozen.", > "florandescription" : "Frozen dirt iss cold to the touch.", > "novakiddescription" : "This frozen dirt is mighty cold.", items\materials\frozenwater.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Solid and smooth ice, slippery!", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Cold, smooth and slippery ice.", < "florandescription" : "Ice. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "description" : "Some naturally smooth ice.", > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. The way this ice froze has made it unusually smooth.", > "florandescription" : "Ssslippy frozen water.", > "novakiddescription" : "This ice is mighty slick.", items\materials\fullwood1.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", < "shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Unrefined wood.", < "florandescription" : "Unssstabbed wood.", --- > "description" : "Carefully treated wood that maintains a freshly chopped appearance.", > "shortdescription" : "Treated Wood", > "glitchdescription" : "Surprised. Although this wood looks freshly chopped, it has been carefully treated.", > "florandescription" : "Jusst some bassic wood.", > "novakiddescription" : "It looks fresh cut, but this wood has been treated with somethin'.", items\materials\fullwood2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Unrefined wood.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Neutral. Unrefined wood.", items\materials\girder.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A metal girder.", < "florandescription" : "Metal thing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This reinforced metal girder is very strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Cold metal girderss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A strong lookin' metal girder.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 9 --- > "materialId" : 9, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "girdermaterial" ] 12a16 > items\materials\glass.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 4, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 6c7 < "description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", --- > "description" : "I can see my reflection.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Glass.", < "florandescription" : "Floran look pretty in glasssss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Attentive. I can see clearly though this transparent glass.", > "florandescription" : "Floran lookss pretty in glasssss.", > "novakiddescription" : "I can see clear through t'the other side of this glass.", 11,16c13 < "materialId" : 10, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "bottle", < "syringe" < ] --- > "materialId" : 10 items\materials\goldblock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 10, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A golden block.", < "florandescription" : "Ssshiny gold.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. A block made entirely of solid gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Sshiny gold blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Yeehaw! Shiny blocks of solid gold!", items\materials\goldenplatform.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 5, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 3, > "category" : "platform", 7,10c7,12 < "description" : "A golden platform", < "shortdescription" : "Golden Platform", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A golden platform.", < "florandescription" : "Golden platformsss.", --- > "description" : "For the truly opulent, a platform made from gold.", > "shortdescription" : "Gold Platform", > "glitchdescription" : "Enchanted. This platform is made from solid gold.", > "florandescription" : "Gold platformsss. Sso fancy.", > "novakiddescription" : "Gold! It's a platform made of gold!.", > items\materials\grassy.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A block of sod.", --- > "description" : "A block of sod roofing with growing grass.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sod roofing.", < "florandescription" : "Sssod roof.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Charmed. It seems this sod roofing has live grass.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess grasssy ssod roofing.", > "novakiddescription" : "Grassy sod roofing, somethin' nice about the simplicity of it.", items\materials\grassyrock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "there's grass growing around these rocks.", --- > "description" : "Rough, grassy stone.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Damp, grassy stone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like grasssy ssstone.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. Grass is growing in the crevices of this rock.", > "florandescription" : "Grassssy rocksss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some rocks with growin' grass.", items\materials\gravel.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A thin gravel.", --- > "description" : "Coarse gravel.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Gravel.", < "florandescription" : "Little ssstones.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Irratated. Coarse, cascading gravel.", > "florandescription" : "Crusshed gravel.", > "novakiddescription" : "Crushed rocks an' gravel.", items\materials\greenneonsymbol.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7c8 < "shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", --- > "shortdescription" : "Green Neon Block", items\materials\hazard.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A little bit of metal.", --- > "description" : "This pattern suggests caution.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A hazard block.", < "florandescription" : "Danger!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. This pattern indicates I should watch my step.", > "florandescription" : "Thesse sstripes mean caution.", > "novakiddescription" : "These strips're somethin' I should pay attention to.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 350 --- > "materialId" : 350, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "hazard" ] items\materials\heavyironbars.matitem 3d2 < "rarity" : "Common", 4a4,5 > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", 6c7 < "description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", --- > "description" : "Thick iron bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. These bars are strong.", < "florandescription" : "Barsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Distressed. Seeing metal rusting in this manner is unsettling.", > "florandescription" : "Russsty old barss.", > "novakiddescription" : "These rusty ol' bars have seen better days.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 300 --- > "materialId" : 300, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "heavyironbars" ] items\materials\heavypipe.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "florandescription" : "Sssssmelly pipe.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. I would hate to see the waste that has been passed through this pipe.", > "florandescription" : "Sssmelly ssewer pipe.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some dirty ol' pipes.", items\materials\hellstone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Block of Flesh", < "glitchdescription" : "Alarm. This appears to be flesh.", < "florandescription" : "Sssquishy, ssslimy flesh.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Flesh Pile", > "glitchdescription" : "Alarmed. This appears to be pulsating flesh.", > "florandescription" : "Sssquishy, sslimy flesh.", > "novakiddescription" : "This flesh is pretty nasty lookin'.", items\materials\hive.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Sticky hive combs made from the remains of fallen creatures.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. -todo-", < "florandescription" : "-todo-", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Revolted. This hive material is made up of crushed creatures.", > "florandescription" : "Hive made from crusshed animalss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some sorta hive made from crushed critters.", items\materials\homewalls1.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Painted brick.", < "florandescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. These painted bricks are quaint.", > "florandescription" : "Pretty painted bricksss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some real pretty painted bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 58 --- > "materialId" : 58, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "homewalls1" ] items\materials\ice.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Cold, cold ice.", < "florandescription" : "Ice. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. It appears this ice is naturally frozen.", > "florandescription" : "Frossty ssolid ice.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha ice.", items\materials\iceblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A solid ice block.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Cold, cold ice.", < "florandescription" : "Ice. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "description" : "Solid ice, cut into block shape.", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. This cuts to shape this ice are very precise.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth ice blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha ice, cut up into blocks.", items\materials\ironblock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 10, > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Iron.", < "florandescription" : "Metal like Glitch.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Pleased. It's nice to see iron used in construction.", > "florandescription" : "Cold iron metal blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "These blocks are crafted outta iron.", items\materials\junktech.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Disregard. A pile of junk.", < "florandescription" : "Messsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. There are a variety of technologies within this discarded junk.", > "florandescription" : "Technological trasssh.", > "novakiddescription" : "Bucha ol' tech smashed together into bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 101 --- > "materialId" : 101, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "junktech" ] items\materials\lightmetal.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A light metal tile.", < "florandescription" : "Not heavy metal.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Approving. These tiles are easy to keep sterilized.", > "florandescription" : "Smooth metal tiless.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some tiles made outta metal.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 102 < } --- > "materialId" : 102, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "lightmetal" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\limestone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "This chalky stone is found in certain types of caves.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined limestone.", 7a9,11 > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. This limestone has a chalky consistency.", > "florandescription" : "Dussty limesstone rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some chalky lookin' limestone.", items\materials\log.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,12 < "description" : "Log Block", < "shortdescription" : "Log Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Some log walls.", < "florandescription" : "Floran appreciate log walls.", --- > "description" : "A wooden log. Good for building simple structures.", > "shortdescription" : "Wooden Log", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These logs fit together closely and are effective for building.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess wooden log wallss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ain't uncommon to see logs laid like this in cabins.", > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickuplogblock" ], items\materials\lunarbaseblock.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "block", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Durable alloy.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstrong block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This durable alloy is not familiar.", > "florandescription" : "Ssstrong metal blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some sorta tough lookin' metal.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 179 --- > "materialId" : 179, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "lunarbaseblock" ] items\materials\lunarbaseplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 8a9,11 > "glitchdescription" : "Confident. This metal platform can support great weight.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disslike cold metal platformss.", > "novakiddescription" : "A shiny lookin' platform.", 10c13,14 < "materialId" : 181 --- > "materialId" : 181, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "lunarbaseplatform" ] 11a16 > items\materials\magmarock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Magmarock. Hot stuff.", --- > "description" : "Magmarock. This is hot stuff.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Magmarock.", < "florandescription" : "Burny rock. Hisssss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. The temperature of this magmarock remains dangerously high.", > "florandescription" : "Burny hot magmarockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Better watch myself 'round these burnin' magmarocks.", items\materials\matterblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A matter block.", < "florandescription" : "Matter block!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. This appears to be a rare form of raw matter.", > "florandescription" : "Floran musst gather colourful matter crystal.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some strange lookin' crystals.", items\materials\medievalladder.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", items\materials\mediummetal.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 10, --- > "price" : 15, > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "shortdescription" : "Steel Block", < "description" : "A solid steel block.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A block of steel.", < "florandescription" : "Sssteel.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Block", > "description" : "A solid tungsten block.", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These blocks have been constructed from tungsten.", > "florandescription" : "Shiny tungssten blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some smooth lookin' blocks made outta tungsten.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 103 --- > "materialId" : 103, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "platematerial" ] items\materials\metallic.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This block's technology is unknown to me.", < "florandescription" : "Magic computer block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. The technology within these blocks is unknown to me.", > "florandescription" : "Futurisstic computer blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some flashy lookin' hi-tech blocks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 13 --- > "materialId" : 13, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "metallicmaterial" ] items\materials\meteoriterock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This rock is of extraterrestrial origin.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like falling rocks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. This rock is of extraterrestrial origin.", > "florandescription" : "Floran like ssky rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "These space rocks ain't like the ones on the ground.", items\materials\mirror.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A non-functioning mirror block.", --- > "description" : "A non-reflective mirror.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A shiny, reflective block.", < "florandescription" : "Ssshiny.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Though it appears to be a mirror there is no reflection.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny ssurface.", > "novakidDescription" : "Somethin' wrong with this mirror. I ain't seein' nothin' reflected.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 24 --- > "materialId" : 24, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "mirror" ] items\materials\modernplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "Made from a modern material, these are smooth to the touch.", --- > "description" : "Made from a modern material, this platform is smooth to the touch.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A smooth modern platform.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Satisfied. This smooth modern platform is attractive and sturdy.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth modern platformsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some fancy lookin' metal platforms.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 47 --- > "materialId" : 47, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "modernplatform" ] items\materials\moondust.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Delight. Moondust.", < "florandescription" : "Floran love glittery sssneezy dust.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This moondust is soft to the touch.", > "florandescription" : "Floran lovess colourful moondusst.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like moondust.", items\materials\moonrock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. This rock comes from a moon.", < "florandescription" : "Floran thought moons made of cheese, not rock.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Deductive. This rock is lunar in nature.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disslike dry moonrockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some dry n' dusty lookin' moonrock.", items\materials\moonstone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Moonstone.", < "florandescription" : "Ssshiny stone.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This unique stone is sometimes found on moons.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth moonsstone.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'be some moonstone.", items\materials\mossypackeddirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 5,8c6,10 < "inventoryIcon" : "packeddirt.png", < "shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Mossy dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Fluffy dirt.", --- > "inventoryIcon" : "mossypackeddirticon.png", > "shortdescription" : "Mossy Packed Dirt", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. This packed dirt has moss growing on it.", > "florandescription" : "Packed dirt covered in growing mosss.", > "novakiddescription" : "This here dirt's all cover'd in moss.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 135 --- > "materialId" : 135, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "mossypackedirt" ] items\materials\mud.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. The muddiest of mud.", < "florandescription" : "Mud. Floran like make messsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. This mud is thick and sticky.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess muddy messsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like a buncha mud.", items\materials\neonblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Neon Block", --- > "description" : "A coloured block filled with neon gas.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A glowing neon block.", < "florandescription" : "Bright block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. It seems this entire block contains neon gas.", > "florandescription" : "Bright coloured neon filled block.", > "novakiddescription" : "This block is actually filled with some sorta gas.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 151 --- > "materialId" : 151, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "neonblock" ] items\materials\obsidian.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 10, > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Solid obsidian. It reflects the light.", --- > "description" : "Solid obsidian. It is naturally black.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Rock-hard obsidian.", < "florandescription" : "Obsssidian. Black like Floran sssoul.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Astounded. This obsidian is extremely dense and strong.", > "florandescription" : "Obsssidian. Sstrong black rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some black lookin' obsidian rocks.", items\materials\ornateflooring.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Admiration. A beautiful ornate floor.", < "florandescription" : "Floran walk on ornate floor with ssstilettos.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Charmed. A beautiful ornate wooden floor.", > "florandescription" : "Floran feelss fancy walking on ornate floor.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some fancy lookin' ornate floorin'.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 158 --- > "materialId" : 158, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ornateflooring" ] items\materials\ornateroofing.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Delightful ornate roofing.", --- > "description" : "Traditional looking ornate roofing.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Pleasant ornate roofing.", < "florandescription" : "Floran raise the ornate roof.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. This ornate roofing is structurally sound.", > "florandescription" : "Ornate roofing iss pretty.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ain't what I'm used to, but nice lookin' roofing all the same.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 159 --- > "materialId" : 159, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ornateroofing" ] items\materials\ornatetiles.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Esquisite ornate tiles.", --- > "description" : "Exquisite ornate roof tiles.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Some ornate tiling.", < "florandescription" : "Floran appreciate ornate tiling.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Familiar. Similar tiles can often be found in traditional roof design.", > "florandescription" : "Floran appreciatess nice ornate tiling.", > "novakiddescription" : "This ornate tiling really classes the place up.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 157 --- > "materialId" : 157, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ornatetiles" ] items\materials\ornatewall.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A remarkably ornate wall.", --- > "description" : "A traditional looking wall.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. An ornate wall.", < "florandescription" : "Wall too pretty to sssmash.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. This wall is subtly decorated in a traditional method.", > "florandescription" : "Wall iss too pretty to sssmash.", > "novakiddescription" : "This is a real fancy lookin' wall.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 156 --- > "materialId" : 156, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ornatewall" ] items\materials\ornatewood.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Sumptuous ornate wood.", --- > "description" : "Expertly treated ornate wood.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Fancy wood.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like posh wood.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. This wood was specially treated by a master craftsman.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess sspecial treated wood.", > "novakiddescription" : "This wood looks like it's been treated with somethin'.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 155 --- > "materialId" : 155, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ornatewood" ] items\materials\outpost.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A wall of a space outpost.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "florandescription" : "Sssssmelly pipe.", --- > "description" : "Wall material commonly used in space outposts.", > "glitchdescription" : "Familiar. I have seen this material used in space outposts before.", > "florandescription" : "Hard metal outposst wall.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some kinda outpost wall.", items\materials\outpostplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "A handy platform.", --- > "description" : "A simple light platform commonly found in remote outposts.", 9,10c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A platform.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstand.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Facinated. These platforms are light and favoured for their portability.", > "florandescription" : "Jusst another metal platform.", > "novakiddescription" : "Pretty strange lookin' metal platform.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "outpostplatform" ], items\materials\outpostsupport.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A colourful wall panel.", --- > "description" : "A reinforced support beam.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A support panel.", < "florandescription" : "Sssupport panel!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. A girder type commonly used in outpost construction.", > "florandescription" : "Ssupport beam.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like a big metal beam.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 188 --- > "materialId" : 188, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "outpostsupport" ] items\materials\outpostwall.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,12 < "description" : "A colourful wall panel.", < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A wall panel.", < "florandescription" : "Walls!", --- > "description" : "Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.", > "shortdescription" : "Outpost Concrete", > "glitchdescription" : "Informed. This specially designed concrete is quick drying.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disslikess cold hard concrete.", > "novakiddescription" : "This concrete looks mighty tough.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "outpostwall1" ], items\materials\outpostwall2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A colourful wall panel.", --- > "description" : "A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A wall panel.", < "florandescription" : "Walls!", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Pleased. Nothing will move this structurally reinforced wall.", > "florandescription" : "Thiss wall is ssso sstrong.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ain't nothin' gonna move this thick wall.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "outpostwall2" ], items\materials\packeddirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Some packed dirt.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Filthy dirt!", --- > "description" : "Some dirt packed into small bricks.", > "glitchdescription" : "Amused. These bricks are simply packed, shaped dirt.", > "florandescription" : "Brickss made from packed dirt.", > "novakiddescription" : "Soft lookin' bricks, made from dirt.", items\materials\petalblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A block made of petals and leaves. Smells lovely.", --- > "description" : "Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Reflective. If such organic materials can be made into a synthetic structure, can the reverse also become true?", < "florandescription" : "For Floran thiss is like block made of sssskin.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. These leaves smell of earth and flowers.", > "florandescription" : "Floran lovess flowery plantss.", > "novakiddescription" : "There's some real nice flowers growin' here.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "petalblock" ], items\materials\pillarblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Pillar Block", --- > "description" : "An old looking stone pillar.", 8,10c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Some pillar walls.", < "florandescription" : "Floran appreciate pillar twalls.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. I believe this stone pillar is very old.", > "florandescription" : "Sstone pillar iss very old.", > "novakiddescription" : "This is one ol' lookin' stone pillar.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pillarblock" ], > items\materials\plantblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Plant matter.", < "florandescription" : "Floran feel kinship with plant block.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. This block is completely constructed from plant matter.", > "florandescription" : "Floran feelss kinship with thiss plant block.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like a block made outta plants.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "plantblock" ], items\materials\plantmatter.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,12 < "description" : "A block made of plant matter.", < "shortdescription" : "Plant Matter Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Plant matter.", < "florandescription" : "Floran feel kinship with plant block.", --- > "description" : "A block made of packed plant matter.", > "shortdescription" : "Plant Matter", > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. Plant matter has somehow been compressed into this block.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess plantss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha plants and leaves all mashed together.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "plantmatter" ], items\materials\plantplatform.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "platform", 6c7 < "description" : "The platform is slimy with moss and leaves. Best be careful not to slip!", --- > "description" : "The platform is slimy with moss and leaves. Better be careful not to slip!", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A slimy, mossy platform.", < "florandescription" : "Floran ssslide along ssslimy platform.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. This mossy platform is slimy and slippery.", > "florandescription" : "Floran sslide along sslimy mosss platform.", > "novakiddescription" : "This moss makes this platform mighty slippery.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "plantplatform" ], items\materials\plate.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Reminds me of the inside of the medical centre back home.", --- > "description" : "Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A metal plate.", < "florandescription" : "Not kind of plate Floran deserves, but kind of plate Floran needs.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Intrigued. These metal plates have been carefully smoothed.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth sshiny metal platess.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some smooth lookin' wall plates.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 14 --- > "materialId" : 14, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "platematerial" ] 12a16 > items\materials\platform.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 1, > "category" : "platform", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A wooden platform.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Familiar. This is a basic wood platform.", > "florandescription" : "Ssimple wood platformsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a platform made outta wood.", items\materials\platform2.matitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "price" : 1, > "category" : "platform", 9c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A wooden platform.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Neutral. A wooden platform.", 11c11 < --- > items\materials\platinumblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,12 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Platinum.", < "florandescription" : "Ssshiny platinum.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This shimmering block is made from solid platinum.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess shiny platinum.", > "novakiddescription" : "I reckon this big ol' block of platinum would be worth somethin' to somebody.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "platinumblock" ], items\materials\protectorateplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "Nice Protectorate platforms.", --- > "description" : "A simple looking platform.", 9,11c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "-todo-", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These platforms can easily support my weight.", > "florandescription" : "Shiny metal platformsss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some fancy lookin' platforms made outta metal.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "protectorateplatform" ], > items\materials\purplecrystal.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Light seems to twist inside the crystals.", < "shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Admiration. A beautiful purple crystal.", < "florandescription" : "Pretty cryssstal.", --- > "description" : "Light seems to twist inside these purple crystals.", > "shortdescription" : "Purple Crystal Block", > "glitchdescription" : "Awestruck. Light appears to dance through this purple crystal.", > "florandescription" : "Pretty purple crysstal.", > "novakiddescription" : "This purple crystal is purdy lookin'.", items\materials\rainbowwoodblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Admiration. Rainbow wood.", < "florandescription" : "Colourful woodsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. These colourful planks are bright and cheerful.", > "florandescription" : "Floran lovess colourful rainbow plankss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Planks made from some mighty colourful wood.", items\materials\redtoyblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,10c8,13 < "description" : "A plastic toy block.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A plastic toy block.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like toy block.", < --- > "description" : "A large stackable toy block.", > "glitchdescription" : "Amused. These toy blocks stack and lock together.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess sstackable toy block.", > "novakiddescription" : "These colourful blocks are meant for playin' with.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "redtoyblock" ], > items\materials\reedblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Reeds block", --- > "description" : "A block made from tightly woven reeds.", 8,10c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Reeds block.", < "florandescription" : "reedssss.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These tightly woven reeds make strong blocks.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess sstrong reedss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some reeds that're all woven together.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "reedblock" ], > items\materials\rock01.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock01", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock02.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock02", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock03.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,10c7,12 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock03", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", < --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", > items\materials\rock04.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock04", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock12.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock12", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock14.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Granite Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Granite Block.", < "florandescription" : "Floran likessss Granite.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Granite Rock", > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. Mining this granite will only produce cobblestone.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likessss pretty granite.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like some basic granite.", items\materials\rock15.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock15", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock17.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock17", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock19.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock19", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rock20.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "shortdescription" : "rock20", < "glitchdescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "florandescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", items\materials\rockbrick.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,10c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Rock bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Rock bricksss.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Unimpressed. These are simply rocks stacked like bricks", > "florandescription" : "Sstacked rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "This ain't nothin' more'n a pile of rocks.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "rockbrickmaterial" ], > items\materials\rooftiles.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,8c8,10 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Roofing tiles.", < "florandescription" : "Roof.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. These roof tiles are sloped to allow for easy rain run off.", > "florandescription" : "Roofing tiless.", > "novakiddescription" : "These tiles look perfect for makin' a roof.", items\materials\ruinsplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "Old dusty wooden platforms. Looks like it's falling apart.", --- > "description" : "An old dusty wooden platform. Looks like it's falling apart.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Alarm. This rusty scaffolding is structurally unsound.", < "florandescription" : "Russsty and unsssafe. Floran like.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Alarmed. This old wooden platform is structurally unsound.", > "florandescription" : "Rotting and unsssafe. Floran approvess.", > "novakiddescription" : "Best watch myself, this ol' platform looks like it's fallin' apart.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 275 --- > "materialId" : 275, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "ruinsplatform" ] items\materials\rustyblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A rusty old block.", --- > "description" : "A rusty old metal block.", 8,10c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A rusty block.", < "florandescription" : "Russsty.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Horrified. This rusty discarded metal is weathered and worn.", > "florandescription" : "Russsty metal blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "This here metal looks mighty rusty.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "rustyblock" ], > items\materials\rustymetal.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,10c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Alarm. This metal makes me uncomfortable.", < "florandescription" : "Russsty.", < --- > "glitchdescription" : "Alarmed. The rust on this metal makes me very uncomfortable.", > "florandescription" : "Russst covered metal.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some ol' metal covered in thick rust.", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "rustymetal" ], > items\materials\sand.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", < "shortdescription" : "Fine Sand", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "florandescription" : "Sssand.", --- > "description" : "It's Silt. It's very silty.", > "shortdescription" : "Loose Silt", > "glitchdescription" : "Uncomfortable. It is difficult to keep silt from seeping into my components.", > "florandescription" : "Silt. It's so dussty.", > "novakiddescription" : "Big ol' pile of dusty silt.", items\materials\sand2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Soft and warm sand.", --- > "description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "florandescription" : "Sssand.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. This sand is so fine it seems smooth to touch.", > "florandescription" : "Dussty sand.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some mighty soft lookin' sand.", items\materials\sandstone.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Tough sandstone.", < "shortdescription" : "Sandstone Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sandstone.", < "florandescription" : "Sssandstone.", --- > "description" : "Tough natural sandstone.", > "shortdescription" : "Sandstone", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. This sandstone is made from fine particles of rock.", > "florandescription" : "Ssandy ssandstone rockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some sandy lookin' rocks.", items\materials\sandstoneblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Bricks made from smooth sandstone.", --- > "description" : "Bricks made from smoothed sandstone.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Sandstone bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Sssandstone bricks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. These bricks are made from a strong sandstone.", > "florandescription" : "Ssturdy ssandstone brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some bricks made outta sandstone.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 128 < } --- > "materialId" : 128, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "sandstoneblock" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\sewage.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "Disgusting sewage. Lovely.", < "shortdescription" : "Sewage Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Repulsion. Sewage.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstinky mess.", --- > "description" : "A disgusting pile of sewage. Lovely.", > "shortdescription" : "Raw Sewage", > "glitchdescription" : "Repulsed. The stench from this sewage is overwhelming.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disgussted by stinky ssewage.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like some sorta sewage. Smells like an outhouse in the sun.", items\materials\sewerpipe.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "A pipe commonly used for testing.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "florandescription" : "Sssssmelly pipe.", --- > "description" : "A sewer pipe used for transporting waste.", > "glitchdescription" : "Disgusted. This pipe is filthy, I would hate to see what is inside it.", > "florandescription" : "Sssmelly ssewer pipess.", > "novakiddescription" : "Filthy, dirty lookin' sewer pipes.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 1182 --- > "materialId" : 1182, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "sewerpipe" ] items\materials\shadowblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,10c7,11 < "description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "shortdescription" : "Shadow Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shadow block.", < "floranDescription" : "Shadowy blocksss...", < "category" : "Material", --- > "description" : "A rock as pitch black as shadow.", > "shortdescription" : "Shadow Rock", > "glitchdescription" : "Facinated. This dark block seems to absorb light around it.", > "florandescription" : "Shadowy black blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Mighty dark lookin' rocks.", items\materials\shadowspikeblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", --- > "description" : "A spiked block formed from shadowy material.", 8,11c9,13 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shadow spikey block.", < "floranDescription" : "Shadowy spikey blocksss...", < "category" : "Material", < "materialId" : 889 --- > "glitchdescription" : "Interested. This block is made from an unknown material.", > "florandescription" : "Dark blockss are black as night.", > "novakiddescription" : "These blocks're darker'n a moonless night.", > "materialId" : 889, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shadowspikeblock" ] items\materials\shadowwallblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,11c7,13 < "description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "shortdescription" : "Shadow Wall Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shadow wall block.", < "floranDescription" : "Shadowy wall blocksss...", < "category" : "Material", < "materialId" : 887 --- > "description" : "Bricks carved from shadowy rock.", > "shortdescription" : "Shadow Bricks", > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. These bricks are made from a very durable material.", > "florandescription" : "Tough black brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some bricks made outta dark rock.", > "materialId" : 887, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shadowwallblock" ] items\materials\shojiscreenpanel.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,11c9,13 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A panel.", < "florandescription" : "Panel.", < < "materialId" : 115 --- > "glitchdescription" : "Charmed. These panels are simple and traditional.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrange screen panelss.", > "novakiddescription" : "A fancy lookin' screen panel.", > "materialId" : 115, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shojiscreenpanel" ] items\materials\shroomblock.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 5, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A fungal block.", < "florandescription" : "Mushroomsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Intrigued. Although assembled as a block, this mushroom is alive.", > "florandescription" : "Lovely mushroomss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ain't that somethin'. Seems this block is made from mushrooms.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 162 < } --- > "materialId" : 162, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "shroomblock" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\silverblock.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 4, > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A silver block.", < "florandescription" : "Sssilver.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. This block is entirely solid silver.", > "florandescription" : "Ssilver, sso shiny.", > "novakiddescription" : "Shiny lookin' blocks made outta pure silver.", items\materials\silverplatform.matitem 3,5c3,5 < "price" : 0, < // "twoHanded" : false, < "rarity" : "common", --- > "price" : 2, > "category" : "platform", > "rarity" : "Common", 7c7 < "description" : "A silver platform", --- > "description" : "A polished platform crafted from pure silver.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A silver platform.", < "florandescription" : "Silver platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. I can see my reflection in these silver platforms.", > "florandescription" : "Platformss made from ssilver.", > "novakiddescription" : "I'll reckon this platform is worth its weight in silver.", items\materials\silverscrew.matitem 4c4,5 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", 6c7 < "description" : "A section of silver screw.", --- > "description" : "A giant screw crafted from silver.", 7a9,11 > "glitchdescription" : "Confused. What purpose could a screw this large serve?", > "florandescription" : "Shiny sscrew made from ssilver.", > "novakiddescription" : "A big ol' screw outta silver.", items\materials\slime.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "description" : "A thick mucus. It's tempting to poke it.", < "shortdescription" : "Slime Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Hesitation. A vulgar, slimy block.", < "florandescription" : "Ssslimy!", --- > "description" : "A thick mucus. It jiggles when poked.", > "shortdescription" : "Slime Glob", > "glitchdescription" : "Hesitant. This slime looks sticky.", > "florandescription" : "Floran lovess sslime!", > "novakiddescription" : "This slime is some nasty lookin' stuff.", items\materials\slush.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Melted ice.", < "florandescription" : "Ssslushy.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Imformed. Slush like this is made from melted ice.", > "florandescription" : "Sslushy cold wet sslush.", > "novakiddescription" : "A whole mess of freezin' slush.", items\materials\smoothmetal.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8c9 < "glitchdescription" : "Suave. Smooth as a Glitch.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. Metal polished as smooth as a Glitch chassis.", 9a11 > "novakiddescription" : "These metal panels feel mighty smooth.", items\materials\snow.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Snow.", < "florandescription" : "Sssnowy ssstuff.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Enchanted. This snow looks freshly fallen.", > "florandescription" : "Cold ssnowy sstuff.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha fresh snow.", items\materials\spidersilkblock.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "shortdescription" : "Spider Silk Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. Nature never ceases to impress. This material is entirely organic.", < "florandescription" : "Sssticky sspider web. Floran think sspider great hunter!", --- > "shortdescription" : "Spider Silk", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. Nature never ceases to impress, this material is entirely organic.", > "florandescription" : "Ssticky sspider web. Floran thinks sspider is great hunter!", > "novakiddescription" : "A creepy lookin' spider web.", items\materials\stoneplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7c7 < "description" : "A natural stone platform.", --- > "description" : "A platform carved from stone.", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A natural stone platform.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstone to ssstand on.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. This platform has been carved from solid stone.", > "florandescription" : "Sstone carved into platformss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Must've taken forever to carve these stone platforms.", 12,13c13,15 < "materialId" : 125 < } --- > "materialId" : 125, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "stoneplatform" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\stonerubble.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Stone rubble that obviously comes from some structure.", --- > "description" : "Stone rubble which appears to be debris from an old structure.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Stone rubble.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstone rubble.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. It appears the pieces in this rubble were part of a structure at one time.", > "florandescription" : "Ssstone rubble made from old buildingss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha crushed up rocks.", items\materials\stonetiles.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Fancy stone tiles for the fancy person in us all.", --- > "description" : "Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Some stone tiles.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstones.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. This stone has been carefully smoothed into tiles.", > "florandescription" : "Sstones polished into beautiful tiless.", > "novakiddescription" : "Stone cut 'n polished into some fancy lookin' tiles.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 97 --- > "materialId" : 97, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "stonetiles" ] items\materials\supermatter.matitem 3d2 < "rarity" : "Common", 4a4,5 > "category" : "block", > "rarity" : "Common", 6c7 < "description" : "A crystal used to build FTL technology. We still don't fully understand it.", --- > "description" : "A crystal used to power FTL technology. It's still not fully understood.", 7a9,11 > "glitchdescription" : "Intrigued. Erchius crystals contain a mysterious power.", > "florandescription" : "Shiny giant crystalss.", > "novakiddescription" : "A big ol' erchius crystal.", items\materials\tar.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Thick, rancid tar. It reminds me of my mothers home-made jello.", --- > "description" : "Thick, rancid tar. Just looking at it feels sticky.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Tar as thick as a Hylotl's cooking.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstew? Tar.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Cautious. This tar is thick and very sticky.", > "florandescription" : "Floran disslikes ssticky tar.", > "novakiddescription" : "A whole mess'a thick lookin' tar.", items\materials\techhull1.matitem 3c3,4 < "price" : 103, --- > "price" : 15, > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Plating which hides wires.", < "florandescription" : "Rip plating off, ssslash wires.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Envious. This plating covers the wires underneath extremely well.", > "florandescription" : "Floran rip plating off, sslash wires.", > "novakiddescription" : "Fancy lookin' panel with a bunch of wires underneath.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 59 < } --- > "materialId" : 59, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "techhull1" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\temple1.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Curious. These stone carvings depict an unknown language.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likes sstone picturess.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ol' blocks with some sorta carvin'.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 26 < } --- > "materialId" : 26, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "temple1" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\temple2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. The age of these bricks cannot be accurately determined.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess old brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Reckon these bricks have been around a while.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 27 < } --- > "materialId" : 27, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "temple2" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\temple3.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. These small blocks display a high level of craftsmanship.", > "florandescription" : "Dussty small brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some dusty lookin' little bricks.", 11,12c13,15 < "materialId" : 28 < } --- > "materialId" : 28, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "temple3" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\materials\temple4.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Unimpressed. These carvings are rather crudely done.", > "florandescription" : "Old carvingss in stone brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Someone's gone and carved a buncha pictures into these bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 29 --- > "materialId" : 29, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "temple4" ] items\materials\thatch.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Thatched roofing.", --- > "description" : "Traditional thatched roofing.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Thatched roofing.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstraw roof.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This thatch reminds me of a more simple time.", > "florandescription" : "Dry sstraw roofing.", > "novakiddescription" : "A layered roofing piece made outta straw.", items\materials\tombbrick.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Dusty and ancient, these blocks are at home in the darkest of tombs.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "Dusty and ancient bricks.", > "glitchdescription" : "Surprised. Closer inspection suggests these bricks are quite old.", > "florandescription" : "Dusssty old bricks.", > "novakiddescription" : "Just some ol' dusty bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 60 --- > "materialId" : 60, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tombbrick" ] 12a16 > items\materials\tombbrick2.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "These old bricks are unmarked.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "These bricks have worn smooth with age.", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These bricks have held up well considering their age.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess smooth brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some smooth lookin' bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 61 --- > "materialId" : 61, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tombbrick2" ] items\materials\tombbrick3.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Small dusty bricks packed with dirt.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "These small bricks are masterfully crafted.", > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. This stone work is most impressive.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmall brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like some small bricks.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 62 --- > "materialId" : 62, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tombbrick3" ] items\materials\tombbrick4.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Unimpressed. These large bricks are not uniform in size.", > "florandescription" : "Big stone brickss are hard and cold.", > "novakiddescription" : "Strong lookin' stone. Feels mighty cold to the touch.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 63 --- > "materialId" : 63, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tombbrick4" ] items\materials\tombbrick5.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Old bricks polished to perfection.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "Old bricks, polished to perfection.", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. These bricks have had all edges carefully smoothed.", > "florandescription" : "Ssmooth bricks and ssoft.", > "novakiddescription" : "These ol' lookin' bricks are mighty smooth.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 64 --- > "materialId" : 64, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tombbrick5" ] items\materials\treasurehoard.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6,9c7,11 < "shortdescription" : "Treasure Hoard Block", < "description" : "A block made up of treasure!", < "glitchdescription" : "Desiring. I want this.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like ssshiny block!", --- > "shortdescription" : "Treasure Hoard", > "description" : "A shimmering hoard of valuable treasure.", > "glitchdescription" : "Possessive. I can't take my eyes off this treasure.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likes ssshiny gold!", > "novakiddescription" : "Gold! I can hardly contain my excitement!", items\materials\tribalplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A platform built from temple bricks.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Amazed. Stone bricks have been assembled into this platform.", > "florandescription" : "Platform made from old brickss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Ol' stone bricks setup like a platform.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 69 --- > "materialId" : 69, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "tribalplatform" ] 13a16 > items\materials\vine.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Some vines.", < "florandescription" : "Floran like vinesss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Fascinated. It appears these strong vines were woven together as they were grown.", > "florandescription" : "Viness grow sstrong just like Floran.", > "novakiddescription" : "These vines are massive lookin'.", items\materials\wallpaper.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "Some classy wallpaper for the classy frog in us all.", --- > "description" : "Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Derisive. A vile Hylotl pattern.", < "florandescription" : "Wall paper remind Floran of fishmen.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Confused. The Glitch have never understood the concept of glued wall papering.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrange paper covers wallss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Wallpaper. Perfect for classin' up the place.", 11c13,14 < "materialId" : 99 --- > "materialId" : 99, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "wallpaper" ] items\materials\waste.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", --- > "description" : "Disgusting, faintly glowing toxic waste.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This yellow rock is bioluminescent.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like yellow bioluminescent rocks.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Repulsed. The chemicals in this waste are so toxic it is glowing.", > "florandescription" : "Ssstinky toxic messs. Vile poisson.", > "novakiddescription" : "Buncha glowin' toxic chemical waste.", items\materials\wetdirt.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "It's not quite mud, it's not quite dirt.. it's wet dirt!", --- > "description" : "Not quite mud, not quite's wet dirt.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Awestruck. I never thought I would live to see such wet dirt.", < "florandescription" : "Floran take bath in wet dirt.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Unimpressed. It is simply dirt saturated with some water.", > "florandescription" : "Wet dirt iss good for plantss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Jus' some wet lookin' dirt.", items\materials\wicker.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Wicker.", < "florandescription" : "Floran make man of wicker.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Perceptive. This wicker is tightly woven and strong.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrong wicker makess wall.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks t'me like some wicker.", items\materials\wickersupport.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 7c8,11 < "description" : "A roughly woven wicker supports.", --- > "description" : "A tightly woven wicker material.", > "glitchdescription" : "Impressed. This wicker material is sturdy.", > "florandescription" : "Floran likess strong wicker blockss.", > "novakiddescription" : "Looks like these blocks are just some tough material all woven together.", items\materials\woodbridge.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A block perfect for building a dangerous bridge.", < "florandescription" : "Floran build bridge and live under it.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Charmed. This aged wood creaks with age.", > "florandescription" : "Old wood iss strong.", > "novakiddescription" : "I'd bet this here wood is mighty old.", items\materials\woodenplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 7,10c7,11 < "description" : "Nicely carved wooden platforms.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. An immaculately carved wooden platform.", < "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", --- > "description" : "Nicely finished ornate, wooden platforms.", > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Platform", > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. These ornate platforms have been finely sanded and finished.", > "florandescription" : "Ornate platformss made from wood.", > "novakiddescription" : "Some ornate looking wooden platforms.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 70 --- > "materialId" : 70, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "woodenplatform" ] items\materials\woodenwindow1.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 2, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Old wooden window frame.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. A wooden window frame.", < "florandescription" : "Windowsss.", --- > "description" : "A window with wooden panes.", > "glitchdescription" : "Delighted. This window helps brighten the room.", > "florandescription" : "Nice windowss, Floran can see outside.", > "novakiddescription" : "Nice lookin' window with wooden panes.", items\materials\woodenwindow2.matitem 2a3,4 > "price" : 2, > "category" : "block", 4d5 < "price" : 0, 7,9c8,11 < "description" : "Old wooden blinds that don't let much light through.", < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Wooden blinds.", < "florandescription" : "Window blindsss.", --- > "description" : "Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.", > "glitchdescription" : "Observant. This wood filters light and acts as a barrier.", > "florandescription" : "Floran can peak through large sslats of wood.", > "novakiddescription" : "I can see right through the spaces in this wood, clear to the other side.", items\materials\woodpanelling.matitem 3a4 > "category" : "block", 6c7 < "description" : "This wood panelling is the bad kind of retro.", --- > "description" : "This wood panelling was fashionable in a distant era.", 8,9c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Statement. Wooden panelling.", < "florandescription" : "Wood panelsss.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Confused. It appears these panels of wood are decorative.", > "florandescription" : "Sstrange wood panelss for decoration.", > "novakiddescription" : "Wood panels, that's how y'know this place is fancy.", items\materials\wreckplatform.matitem 4c4 < // "twoHanded" : false, --- > "category" : "platform", 9,10c9,11 < "glitchdescription" : "Alarm. This rusty scaffolding is structurally unsound.", < "florandescription" : "Russsty and unsssafe. Floran like.", --- > "glitchdescription" : "Alarmed. This rusty scaffolding appears structurally unsound.", > "florandescription" : "Russty and unssafe. Floran likess.", > "novakiddescription" : "This rusty platform looks 'bout ready to fall apart.", 12c13,14 < "materialId" : 51 --- > "materialId" : 51, > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "wreckplatform" ] items\ship\FTLrepairkit.unlock 3a4 > "category" : "Upgrade Component", items\ship\shiprepairkit.unlock 3a4 > "category" : "Upgrade Component", items\throwables\beachball.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 500, > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c9 < "description" : "Beachball!!!", --- > "description" : "It's an inflatable beachball.", 18c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\bomb.thrownitem 5,6c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "bombicon.png", < "image" : "bombicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "bomb.png", > "image" : "bomb.png", 19c20,28 < "power" : 40 --- > "power" : 40, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 22d30 < items\throwables\bouncyball.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "A funny bouncy ball.", --- > "description" : "This ball bounces when thrown.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\bowlingball.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 500, > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c9 < "description" : "A Bowling Ball!", --- > "description" : "A large heavy bowling ball.", 18c20,28 < "power" : 5 --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_huge.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\capturepod.thrownitem 2a3 > "price" : 750, 4,7c5,10 < "inventoryIcon" : "capturepodicon.png", < "image" : "capturepodicon.png", < "shortdescription" : "Critter Capture Pod", < "description" : "Throw it at a critter to gently entrap it and bring it to a new home.", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "capturepod.png", > "image" : "capturepod.png", > "shortdescription" : "Capture Pod", > "description" : "Throw it at a monster to forcefully capture it and bring it to a new home.", > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupcapturepod" ], 17,18c20,29 < "speed" : 30, < "level" : 7 --- > "speed" : 40, > "level" : 7, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 20c31 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\throwables\coconut.thrownitem 2a3 > "price" : 25, 4,5c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "coconuticon.png", < "image" : "coconuticon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "coconut.png", > "image" : "coconut.png", 7c9 < "description" : "A coconut. Just waiting to be thrown.", --- > "description" : "This coconut is just waiting to be thrown.", 18c20,28 < "power" : 2 --- > "power" : 2, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 20c30 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "choconut", "coconuticecream" ] --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "choconut", "coconuticecream", "coconutmilk" ] 22d31 < items\throwables\energyjavelin.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "A powerful javelin full of kinetic energy.", --- > "description" : "A powerful javelin full of kinetic energy. Suitable for hunting.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 2.0, 17c18,27 < "power" : 30 --- > "power" : 100, > "knockback" : 20, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 20d29 < items\throwables\firework.thrownitem 4,5c4,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "fireworkicon.png", < "image" : "fireworkicon.png", --- > "price" : 50, > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "firework.png", > "image" : "firework.png", 18,21c20,29 < "power" : 5 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 23d30 < items\throwables\fireworkblue.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 50, > "category" : "throwableItem", 18,21c20,29 < "power" : 5 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 23d30 < items\throwables\fireworkgreen.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 50, > "category" : "throwableItem", 18,21c20,29 < "power" : 5 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 23d30 < items\throwables\flare.thrownitem 5,6c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "flareicon.png", < "image" : "flareicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "flare.png", > "image" : "flare.png", 19,24c20,29 < "level" : 10 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "flare" < ] --- > "level" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 26d30 < items\throwables\flowerygrassseeds.thrownitem 5,6c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "flowerygrassseedsicon.png", < "image" : "flowerygrassseedsicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "flowerygrassseeds.png", > "image" : "flowerygrassseeds.png", 19c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 22d30 < items\throwables\glowbomb.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "glowbombicon.png", < "image" : "glowbombicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "glowbomb.png", > "image" : "glowbomb.png", 7c8 < "description" : "The Night Light. For when only another sentient being will do as a light source.", --- > "description" : "For when you need a quick light source.", 18c19,27 < "level" : 7 --- > "level" : 7, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\glowstickblue.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c19,27 < "level" : 10 --- > "level" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\glowstickgreen.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c19,27 < "level" : 10 --- > "level" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\glowstickorange.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c19,27 < "level" : 10 --- > "level" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\glowstickyellow.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c19,27 < "level" : 10 --- > "level" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\grassseeds.thrownitem 4a5 > "category" : "throwableItem", 6c7 < "image" : "grassseedsicon.png", --- > "image" : "grassseeds.png", 8c9 < "description" : "Toss these on some damp tilled soil to grow grass!", --- > "description" : "Toss these on some damp tilled soil to grow grass.", 19c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 22d30 < items\throwables\hivebomb.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "Mind your aim! These creepy critters can eat through just about anything.", --- > "description" : "Careful! These bugs have a deadly sting.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 1.5, 18c19,27 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 1.5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\huntingspear.thrownitem 5,6c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "huntingspearicon.png", < "image" : "huntingspearicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "huntingspear.png", > "image" : "huntingspear.png", 8c9 < "description" : "A throwable hunting spear. Causes monsters to drop meat.", --- > "description" : "A throwing spear. Causes monsters to drop meat.", 14c15 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 1.5, 19c20,30 < "power" : 27.5 --- > "power" : 22.5, > "knockback" : 20, > > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 23d33 < items\throwables\javelin.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "A sharp javelin.", --- > "description" : "A sharp throwing javelin, suitable for hunting.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 1.25, 18c19,29 < "power" : 22.5 --- > "power" : 47, > "knockback" : 20, > > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d31 < items\throwables\molotov.thrownitem 5,6c5,7 < "inventoryIcon" : "molotovicon.png", < "image" : "molotovicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "molotov.png", > "image" : "molotov.png", 8c9 < "description" : "A molotov. For the anarchist in all of us.", --- > "description" : "The liquid in this bottle is highly flammable.", 14c15 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 1.5, 19,24c20,29 < "power" : 12 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "molotov" < ] --- > "power" : 12, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 26d30 < items\throwables\noveltybanana.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 400, > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/toy_throw1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/toy_throw2.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\paperplane.thrownitem 3a4,5 > "price" : 400, > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\petball.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "/monsters/pets/petball/ball.png", < "image" : "/monsters/pets/petball/ball.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "petball.png", > "image" : "petball.png", 7c8 < "description" : "I bet my pet would love this", --- > "description" : "I'd bet my pet would love playing with this.", 19c20,28 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 22d30 < items\throwables\snowball.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "snowballicon.png", < "image" : "snowballicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "snowball.png", > "image" : "snowball.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A snowball. Begging to be thrown.", --- > "description" : "A snowball, the perfect size for throwing.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 0.75 --- > "power" : 0.75, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 27d35 < items\throwables\snowballgigantic.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "snowballgiganticicon.png", < "image" : "snowballgiganticicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "snowballgigantic.png", > "image" : "snowballgigantic.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A gigantic snowball. Begging to be thrown.", --- > "description" : "This snowball is huge! I can barely throw it.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 6 --- > "power" : 6, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_huge.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\snowballlarge.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "snowballlargeicon.png", < "image" : "snowballlargeicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "snowballlarge.png", > "image" : "snowballlarge.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A large snowball. Begging to be thrown.", --- > "description" : "A large snowball, still the right size for throwing.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 3, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_big.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\snowballmedium.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "snowballmediumicon.png", < "image" : "snowballmediumicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "snowballmedium.png", > "image" : "snowballmedium.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A medium snowball. Begging to be thrown.", --- > "description" : "It's bigger than the average snowball, but you can still throw it.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 1.5 --- > "power" : 1.5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\snowflakeshuriken.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "A shuriken fashioned out of snowflakes. Neat.", --- > "description" : "A shuriken fashioned out of icy snowflakes.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.25, 17,18c18,30 < "speed" : 60, < "power" : 22.5 --- > "speed" : 75, > "power" : 7.5, > "knockback" : 10, > > "persistentAudio" : "/sfx/projectiles/throwingstar_loop.ogg", > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d32 < items\throwables\tarball.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "tarballicon.png", < "image" : "tarballicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "tarball.png", > "image" : "tarball.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A tarball. I bet being hit by one of these feels gross.", --- > "description" : "Being hit by one of these is sticky.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 0.75 --- > "power" : 0.75, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\thorngrenade.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c8 < "description" : "A makeshift nail bomb. Scary what one can achieve with a fruit and a bit of gunpowder.", --- > "description" : "Scary what one can achieve with a fruit and a bit of volatile powder.", 18c19,27 < "power" : 20 --- > "power" : 20, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 25d33 < items\throwables\throwingaxe.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingaxeicon.png", < "image" : "throwingaxeicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingaxe.png", > "image" : "throwingaxe.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing axe. For people who are way outta line.", --- > "description" : "A throwing axe, for chopping things down at a distance.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.9, 18,23c19,29 < "power" : 35 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "throwingaxe" < ] --- > "power" : 30, > "knockback" : 20, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 25d30 < items\throwables\throwingblock.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingblockicon.png", < "image" : "throwingblockicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingblock.png", > "image" : "throwingblock.png", 18c19,27 < "power" : 17.5 --- > "power" : 1, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\throwingbones.thrownitem 2a3 > "price" : 4, 3a5 > "category" : "throwableItem", 7c9 < "description" : "Nothing screams archaic like throwing bones at your enemies.", --- > "description" : "Throwing bones at your enemies is primitive, but effective.", 13c15 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.75, 18c20,29 < "power" : 25 --- > "power" : 18, > "knockback" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d31 < items\throwables\throwingboulder.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingbouldericon.png", < "image" : "throwingbouldericon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingboulder.png", > "image" : "throwingboulder.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing boulder. For combat or just showing off.", --- > "description" : "Useful for combat or just showing off.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 1.0, --- > "cooldown" : 1.5, 18c19,27 < "power" : 25 --- > "power" : 20, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_huge.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\throwingdagger.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingdaggericon.png", < "image" : "throwingdaggericon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingdagger.png", > "image" : "throwingdagger.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing dagger. For combat or circus acts.", --- > "description" : "A throwing dagger, for combat or circus acts.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.5, 18,23c19,29 < "power" : 17.5 < }, < < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "throwingdagger" < ] --- > "power" : 12.5, > "knockback" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 25d30 < items\throwables\throwingdart.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingdarticon.png", < "image" : "throwingdarticon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingdart.png", > "image" : "throwingdart.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing dart. One hundred and eightyyyyyy!", --- > "description" : "A throwing dart, aim for the bullseye.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.5, 17,19c18,28 < "speed" : 60, < "power" : 20, < "armorPenetration" : 7 --- > "speed" : 80, > "power" : 9, > "knockback" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 22d30 < items\throwables\throwinggnome.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwinggnomeicon.png", < "image" : "throwinggnomeicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwinggnome.png", > "image" : "throwinggnome.png", 7c8 < "description" : "You'd have to be really messed up to throw these little guys...", --- > "description" : "Toss these little guys to do the fighting for you.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.8, 18c19,27 < "power" : 3.25 --- > "power" : 3.25, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\throwables\throwingknife.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingknifeicon.png", < "image" : "throwingknifeicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingknife.png", > "image" : "throwingknife.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing knife. For combat or circus acts.", --- > "description" : "Throwing this knife requires careful precision.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.5, 17,18c18,28 < "speed" : 45, < "power" : 95 --- > "speed" : 70, > "power" : 16, > "knockback" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\throwingkunai.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingkunaiicon.png", < "image" : "throwingkunaiicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingkunai.png", > "image" : "throwingkunai.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing kunai. Focus your chakra then let loose!", --- > "description" : "A specialized throwing knife with a heavy blade.", 17,18c18,28 < "speed" : 60, < "power" : 22.5 --- > "speed" : 80, > "power" : 17.5, > "knockback" : 10, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d30 < items\throwables\throwingspear.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingspearicon.png", < "image" : "throwingspearicon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingspear.png", > "image" : "throwingspear.png", 7c8 < "description" : "An iron hunting spear. Get over here!", --- > "description" : "A throwing spear which carves meat from monsters.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 1.5, 18,19c19,20 < "power" : 22.5 < }, --- > "power" : 33.75, > "knockback" : 20, 21,23c22,30 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "throwingspear" < ] --- > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item.ogg" ] > } > ] > } 25d31 < items\throwables\throwingstar.thrownitem 4,5c4,6 < "inventoryIcon" : "throwingstaricon.png", < "image" : "throwingstaricon.png", --- > "category" : "throwableItem", > "inventoryIcon" : "throwingstar.png", > "image" : "throwingstar.png", 7c8 < "description" : "A throwing star. For the ninjas among us.", --- > "description" : "A throwing star, pocket-sized and deadly.", 13c14 < "cooldown" : 0.4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.15, 17,18c18,30 < "speed" : 60, < "power" : 22.5 --- > "speed" : 75, > "power" : 8, > "knockback" : 10, > > "persistentAudio" : "/sfx/projectiles/throwingstar_loop.ogg", > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d32 < items\throwables\waterballoon.thrownitem 3a4 > "category" : "throwableItem", 18c19,27 < "power" : 0 --- > "power" : 0, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throw_item_small.ogg" ] > } > ] 21d29 < items\tools\chainsaw.harvestingtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\flashlight.flashlight 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\greenflashlight.flashlight 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\hoe.tillingtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", 7c8 < "description" : "This hoe allows me to prepare soil. I can then farm all sorts of crops!", --- > "description" : "This hoe lets you till soil. The tilled soil can then be used to grow all sorts of crops!", 19c20 < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "firstcrops.gearup" ] --- > "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "firstcrops" ] items\tools\mininglantern.flashlight 3c3,4 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 800, > "category" : "Tool", 5c6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 7,8c8,9 < "description" : "A flickering lantern. It lights up the area.", < "shortdescription" : "Lantern", --- > "description" : "This lantern can be carried by explorers to light the surrounding area.", > "shortdescription" : "Explorer's Lantern", items\tools\paintergunvariants.frames 1,11c1,16 < { < "frameList" : { < "0" : [0, 0, 13, 12], < "" : [0, 12, 13, 24], < "" : [0, 24, 13, 36], < "" : [0, 36, 13, 48], < "0.yellow" : [0, 48, 13, 60], < "" : [0, 60, 13, 72], < "" : [0, 72, 13, 84], < "" : [0, 84, 13, 96], < "0.white" : [0, 96, 13, 108] --- > { > "frameGrid" : { > "size" : [16, 12], > "dimensions" : [1, 9], > "names" : [ > [ "0" ], > [ "" ], > [ "" ], > [ "" ], > [ "0.yellow" ], > [ "" ], > [ "" ], > [ "" ], > [ "0.white" ] > > ] items\tools\painttool.painttool 6c6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Essential", 16,17c16,17 < "tooltipKind" : "tool", < "category" : "Tool ^green;[Y]", --- > "tooltipKind" : "mm", > "category" : "Tool", 21c21 < "handPosition" : [-2, -0.5], --- > "handPosition" : [-1.5, -0.5], items\tools\redflashlight.flashlight 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\wiretool.wiretool 6c6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Essential", 10,11c10,11 < "tooltipKind" : "tool", < "category" : "Tool ^green;[T]", --- > "tooltipKind" : "mm", > "category" : "Tool", 16c16 < "image" : "/humanoid/any/gravgun2.png", --- > "image" : "/items/tools/wiretool2.png", 19c19 < "firePosition" : [2, 0], --- > "firePosition" : [5, 0], items\tools\yellowflashlight.flashlight 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\beamaxe.beamaxe 5c5 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Essential", 10,11c10,11 < "tooltipKind" : "tool", < "category" : "Tool ^green;[R]", --- > "tooltipKind" : "mm", > "category" : "Tool", 15c15 < "tileDamage" : 1.3, --- > "tileDamage" : 1.2, 21c21 < "image" : "/humanoid/any/gravgun1.png", --- > "image" : "/items/tools/miningtools/beamaxe.png", items\tools\miningtools\beamaxeX.beamaxe 5c5 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Essential", 10c10 < "tooltipKind" : "tool", --- > "tooltipKind" : "mm", 15c15 < "tileDamage" : 5, --- > "tileDamage" : 4.8, items\tools\miningtools\copperdrill.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 150, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\copperpickaxe.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 25, --- > "price" : 50, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\diamonddrill.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 450, > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\diamondpickaxe.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 150, > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\fishaxe.miningtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\fossiltool.miningtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\golddrill.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 225, --- > "price" : 300, > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\goldpickaxe.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 100, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\laserminer.miningtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\pickaxe.miningtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\platinumdrill.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 375, > "category" : "Tool", items\tools\miningtools\platinumpickaxe.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 125, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", items\tools\miningtools\silverdrill.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 225, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", items\tools\miningtools\silverpickaxe.miningtool 3c3,4 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 75, > "category" : "Tool", 6c7 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", items\tools\miningtools\superfishaxedrop.miningtool 3a4 > "category" : "Tool", leveling\bow.functions 2a3 > "normalizedDrawTimeMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [0.1, 0.01], [0.2, 0.25], [0.89, 0.9], [0.9, 1.0] ], 4c5,8 < "poisonBowImageSelector" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [0.9, 4.0], [1.1, 4.0], [1.11, 5.0], [1.2, 5.0] ] --- > "bowImageSelectorNoPower" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [0.9, 3.0] ], > "poisonBowImageSelector" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [0.9, 4.0], [1.1, 4.0], [1.11, 5.0], [1.2, 5.0] ], > "poisonBowImageSelectorNoPower" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [0.9, 3.0], [0.9001, 5.0] ], > "constant" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 1.0] ] leveling\fuelcost.functions 4,5c4,5 < [10, 100], < [100, 1000] --- > [10, 50], > [100, 500] leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions 4,14c4,14 < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] --- > [0, 0.5], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 1.5], > [3, 2.0], > [4, 2.5], > [5, 3.0], > [6, 3.5], > [7, 4.0], > [8, 4.5], > [9, 5.0], > [10,5.5] 20,29c20,29 < [1, 1.1], < [2, 1.2], < [3, 1.3], < [4, 1.4], < [5, 1.5], < [6, 1.6], < [7, 1.7], < [8, 1.8], < [9, 1.9], < [10, 2.0] --- > [1, 1.0], > [2, 1.1], > [3, 1.2], > [4, 1.3], > [5, 1.4], > [6, 1.5], > [7, 1.6], > [8, 1.7], > [9, 1.8], > [10, 1.9] 59c59 < [10, 1.0] --- > [10, 1.0] 65,75c65,75 < [0, 0.5], < [1, 1.0], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 2.0], < [4, 2.5], < [5, 3.0], < [6, 3.5], < [7, 4.0], < [8, 4.5], < [9, 5.0], < [10,5.5] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 0.5], > [2, 1.0], > [3, 1.5], > [4, 2.0], > [5, 2.5], > [6, 3.0], > [7, 3.5], > [8, 4.0], > [9, 4.5], > [10,5.0] 82,92c82,92 < [0, 0], < [1, 9], < [2, 24], < [3, 43], < [4, 59], < [5, 69], < [6, 76], < [7, 80], < [8, 84], < [9, 86], < [10, 88] --- > [0, 0], > [1, 25], > [2, 45], > [3, 60], > [4, 70], > [5, 75], > [6, 79], > [7, 82], > [8, 84], > [9, 85], > [10, 86] 98,108c98,110 < [0, 0.36], < [1, 0.72], < [2, 1.2], < [3, 1.8], < [4, 2.52], < [5, 3.36], < [6, 4.32], < [7, 5.4], < [8, 6.6], < [9, 7.92], < [10, 9.36] --- > // formula used for this curve: > // 0.3 * (1 + armorDamageBonus * level) * (1 + weaponDamageBonus * (level - 1)) > [0, 0.15], > [1, 0.45], > [2, 0.9], > [3, 1.5], > [4, 2.25], > [5, 3.15], > [6, 4.2], > [7, 5.4], > [8, 6.75], > [9, 8.25], > [10, 9.9] 113,123c115,125 < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] --- > [0, 0.5], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.25], > [3, 4.0], > [4, 6.25], > [5, 9.0], > [6, 12.25], > [7, 16.0], > [8, 20.25], > [9, 25.0], > [10,30.25] 129,139c131,141 < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] --- > [0, 0.5], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.25], > [3, 4.0], > [4, 6.25], > [5, 9.0], > [6, 12.25], > [7, 16.0], > [8, 20.25], > [9, 25.0], > [10,30.25] 158,159c160,317 < // DEPRECATED < "gunDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", --- > // Scales the powerMultiplier stat amount bonus on leveled armors > "standardArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] > ], > > "acceleratorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] > ], > > "manipulatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.2], > [2, 2.4], > [3, 3.6], > [4, 4.8], > [5, 6.0], > [6, 7.2], > [7, 8.4], > [8, 9.6], > [9, 10.8], > [10, 12.0] > ], > > "separatorArmorLevelPowerMultiplierMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] > ], > > // Scales the protection stat amount bonus on leveled armors > "standardArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0], > [1, 25], > [2, 45], > [3, 60], > [4, 70], > [5, 75], > [6, 80], > [7, 82], > [8, 84], > [9, 85], > [10, 86] > ], > > "acceleratorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0], > [1, 25], > [2, 45], > [3, 60], > [4, 70], > [5, 75], > [6, 80], > [7, 82], > [8, 84], > [9, 85], > [10, 86] > ], > > "manipulatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0], > [1, 25], > [2, 45], > [3, 60], > [4, 70], > [5, 75], > [6, 80], > [7, 82], > [8, 84], > [9, 85], > [10, 86] > ], > > "separatorArmorLevelProtectionMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0], > [1, 25], > [2, 45], > [3, 60], > [4, 70], > [5, 75], > [6, 80], > [7, 82], > [8, 84], > [9, 85], > [10, 86] > ], > > // Scales the maxHealth stat amount bonus on leveled armors > "standardArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10] > ], > > "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10] > ], > > "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10] > ], > > "separatorArmorLevelMaxHealthMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", 161c319,376 < [1, 1.5], --- > [1, 2.0], > [2, 4.0], > [3, 6.0], > [4, 8.0], > [5, 10.0], > [6, 12.0], > [7, 14.0], > [8, 16.0], > [9, 18.0], > [10, 20.0] > ], > > // Scales the maxEnergy stat amount bonus on leveled armors > "standardArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] > ], > > "acceleratorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 2.5], > [2, 5.0], > [3, 7.5], > [4, 10.0], > [5, 12.5], > [6, 15.0], > [7, 17.5], > [8, 20.0], > [9, 22.5], > [10, 25.0] > ], > > "manipulatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] > ], > > "separatorArmorLevelMaxEnergyMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], 163,230c378,385 < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "gunLevelEnergyCostPerDamage" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 3], < [1, 2], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 1.2], < [4, 1], < [5, 0.85], < [6, 0.75], < [7, 0.67], < [8, 0.6], < [9, 0.55], < [10, 0.5] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "staffDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "staffLevelEnergyCostPerDamage" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 1], < [1, 1], < [2, 1], < [3, 1], < [4, 1], < [5, 1], < [6, 1], < [7, 1], < [8, 1], < [9, 1], < [10, 1] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "swordDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] --- > [3, 3.0], > [4, 4.0], > [5, 5.0], > [6, 6.0], > [7, 7.0], > [8, 8.0], > [9, 9.0], > [10, 10.0] leveling\pollenpump.functions 2,4c2,4 < "pollenpumpPowerMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0.2], [0.99, 0.2], [1, 0.3], [1.1, 0.3] ], < "pollenpumpTimeMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 1], [1, 4], [1.1, 4] ], < "pollenpumpImageSelector" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0], [1.0, 2.0], [1.1, 2.0] ] --- > "pollenpumpPowerMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 0.2], [0.74, 0.2], [0.75, 0.3] ], > "pollenpumpTimeMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 1], [0.75, 4] ], > "pollenpumpImageSelector" : [ "linear", "clamp", [0, 1], [0.75, 2] ] liquids\healingliquid.liquid 8c8 < "statusEffects" : [ "healingwater" ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "healingwater", "wet" ], liquids\lava.liquid 20c20 < "textureMovementFactor" : 2.6 --- > "textureMovementFactor" : 0.5 liquids\tarliquid.liquid 4c4 < "description" : "Thick, gooey crude oil.", --- > "description" : "Thick, gooey, crude oil.", monsters\flocking.lua 12c12 < local flockRegion = entity.configParameter("flockRegion") --- > local flockRegion = config.getParameter("flockRegion") 16,17c16,17 < local flockSeparationDistance = entity.configParameter("flockSeparationDistance") < local flockAlignmentDistance = entity.configParameter("flockAlignmentDistance") --- > local flockSeparationDistance = config.getParameter("flockSeparationDistance") > local flockAlignmentDistance = config.getParameter("flockAlignmentDistance") 46c46 < local flockLeaderInfluence = entity.configParameter("flockLeaderInfluence") --- > local flockLeaderInfluence = config.getParameter("flockLeaderInfluence") 86c86 < local flockSeparationFactor = entity.configParameter("flockSeparationFactor") --- > local flockSeparationFactor = config.getParameter("flockSeparationFactor") 104c104 < local flockAlignmentFactor = entity.configParameter("flockAlignmentFactor") --- > local flockAlignmentFactor = config.getParameter("flockAlignmentFactor") 120c120 < local flockCohesionFactor = entity.configParameter("flockCohesionFactor") --- > local flockCohesionFactor = config.getParameter("flockCohesionFactor") monsters\groundMovement.lua 4c4 < local bounds = entity.configParameter("metaBoundBox") --- > local bounds = config.getParameter("metaBoundBox") monsters\grumbleState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 27c29 < stateData.emoteCooldown = entity.randomizeParameterRange("tenant.emoteCooldownTimeRange") --- > stateData.emoteCooldown = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("tenant.emoteCooldownTimeRange")) monsters\monster.lua 4a5 > require "/scripts/poly.lua" 6a8,9 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/tenant.lua" 13a17 > storage.spawnTime = world.time() 24,25c28,38 < self.behaviorConfig = sb.jsonMerge(entity.configParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), skillBehaviorConfig()) < self.behavior = BTree:new(entity.configParameter("behavior")) --- > self.behaviorConfig = sb.jsonMerge(config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}), skillBehaviorConfig()) > self.behavior = BTree:new(config.getParameter("behavior")) > self.behavior.topLevel = true > message.setHandler("despawn", function() > monster.setDropPool(nil) > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) > monster.setDeathSound(nil) > self.deathBehavior = nil > self.shouldDie = true > status.addEphemeralEffect("monsterdespawn") > end) 29,30c42,43 < if entity.hasSound("deathPuff") then < entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") --- > if animator.hasSound("deathPuff") then > monster.setDeathSound("deathPuff") 32,33c45,46 < if entity.configParameter("deathParticles") then < entity.setDeathParticleBurst(entity.configParameter("deathParticles")) --- > if config.getParameter("deathParticles") then > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(config.getParameter("deathParticles")) 35c48,49 < --- > > script.setUpdateDelta(1) 37c51 < self.behaviorTickRate = 1 --- > self.behaviorTickRate = config.getParameter("behaviorUpdateDelta", 5) 40c54,55 < entity.setGlobalTag("flipX", "") --- > animator.setGlobalTag("flipX", "") > BData:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) 42,46c57 < -- Listen to capture pods < message.setHandler("capture", function() < status.setResource("health", 0) < spawnCapturePod() < end) --- > capturable.init() 51c62 < if notification.damage > 0 then --- > if notification.healthLost > 0 then 60c71,75 < local deathBehavior = entity.configParameter("deathBehavior") --- > message.setHandler("notify", function(_,_,notification) > return notify(notification) > end) > > local deathBehavior = config.getParameter("deathBehavior") 63a79,88 > > self.forceRegions = ControlMap:new(config.getParameter("forceRegions", {})) > self.damageSources = ControlMap:new(config.getParameter("damageSources", {})) > self.touchDamageEnabled = false > > if config.getParameter("damageBar") then > monster.setDamageBar(config.getParameter("damageBar")); > end > > monster.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", false)) 68a94,96 > capturable.update(dt) > self.damageTaken:update() > 70,71c98,99 < entity.setAnimationState("damage", "stunned") < entity.setGlobalTag("hurt", "hurt") --- > animator.setAnimationState("damage", "stunned") > animator.setGlobalTag("hurt", "hurt") 74c102,106 < return --- > if self.damaged then > self.suppressDamageTimer = config.getParameter("stunDamageSuppression", 0.5) > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > end > return 76,77c108,120 < entity.setGlobalTag("hurt", "") < entity.setAnimationState("damage", "none") --- > animator.setGlobalTag("hurt", "") > animator.setAnimationState("damage", "none") > end > > -- Suppressing touch damage > if self.suppressDamageTimer then > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > self.suppressDamageTimer = math.max(self.suppressDamageTimer - dt, 0) > if self.suppressDamageTimer == 0 then > self.suppressDamageTimer = nil > end > else > monster.setDamageOnTouch(self.touchDamageEnabled) 80d122 < self.damageTaken:update() 87a130,131 > self.forceRegions:clear() > self.damageSources:clear() 91c135 < BData:setNumber("facingDirection", mcontroller.facingDirection()) --- > BData:setNumber("dt", dt * self.behaviorTickRate) 93,94c137,138 < if self.behavior and self.behavior:run(dt * self.behaviorTickRate) ~= "running" then < self.behavior:reset() --- > if self.behavior then > self.behavior:run(dt * self.behaviorTickRate) 100a145,148 > > setDamageSources() > setPhysicsForces() > overrideCollisionPoly() 104,106d151 < setDamageSources() < overrideCollisionPoly() < 115c160 < error(string.format("Lua Error in monster type '%s'\n %s", entity.type(), result)) --- > error(string.format("Lua Error in monster type '%s'\n %s", monster.type(), result)) 119,120c164,170 < function uninit() < self.behavior:uninit() --- > function interact(args) > self.interacted = true > BData:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) > end > > function shouldDie() > return (self.shouldDie and status.resource("health") <= 0) or capturable.justCaptured 124,125c174,178 < if self.deathBehavior then < self.deathBehavior:run() --- > if not capturable.justCaptured then > if self.deathBehavior then > self.deathBehavior:run() > end > capturable.die() 130,131c183,184 < function setDamageSources() < local damageSources = {} --- > function uninit() > end 133,135c186,189 < local partSources = entity.configParameter("damageParts", {}) < for part,ds in pairs(partSources) do < local damageArea = entity.partPoly(part, "damageArea") --- > function setDamageSources() > local partSources = {} > for part,ds in pairs(config.getParameter("damageParts", {})) do > local damageArea = animator.partPoly(part, "damageArea") 138,139c192 < ds.damage = ds.damage * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) < table.insert(damageSources, ds) --- > table.insert(partSources, ds) 143c196,227 < entity.setDamageSources(damageSources) --- > local damageSources = util.mergeLists(partSources, self.damageSources:values()) > damageSources =, function(ds) > ds.damage = ds.damage * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) * status.stat("powerMultiplier") > if ds.knockback and type(ds.knockback) == "table" then > ds.knockback[1] = ds.knockback[1] * mcontroller.facingDirection() > end > > local team = entity.damageTeam() > = { type = ds.damageTeamType or team.type, team = ds.damageTeam or } > > return ds > end) > monster.setDamageSources(damageSources) > end > > function setPhysicsForces() > local regions =, function(region) > if region.type == "RadialForceRegion" then > = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), > elseif region.type == "DirectionalForceRegion" then > if region.rectRegion then > region.rectRegion = rect.translate(region.rectRegion, mcontroller.position()) > util.debugRect(region.rectRegion, "blue") > elseif region.polyRegion then > region.polyRegion = poly.translate(region.polyRegion, mcontroller.position()) > end > end > > return region > end) > > monster.setPhysicsForces(regions) 147c231 < local collisionParts = entity.configParameter("collisionParts", {}) --- > local collisionParts = config.getParameter("collisionParts", {}) 150c234 < local collisionPoly = entity.partPoly(part, "collisionPoly") --- > local collisionPoly = animator.partPoly(part, "collisionPoly") 151a236,240 > -- Animator flips the polygon by default > -- to have it unflipped we need to flip it again > if not config.getParameter("flipPartPoly", true) and mcontroller.facingDirection() < 0 then > collisionPoly = poly.flip(collisionPoly) > end 159,160c248,249 < local skills = entity.configParameter("skills", {}) < local config = {} --- > local skills = config.getParameter("skills", {}) > local skillConfig = {} 163c252 < local skillHostileActions = root.skillConfigParameter(skillName, "hostileActions") --- > local skillHostileActions = root.monsterSkillParameter(skillName, "hostileActions") 165,166c254,255 < construct(config, "hostileActions") < util.appendLists(config.hostileActions, skillHostileActions) --- > construct(skillConfig, "hostileActions") > util.appendLists(skillConfig.hostileActions, skillHostileActions) 170,187c259 < return config < end < < function spawnCapturePod() < world.spawnItem("filledcapturepod", mcontroller.position(), 1, { < projectileConfig = { < speed = 40, < level = 1, < actionOnReap = { < { < action = "spawnmonster", < offset = {0, 0}, < type = entity.type(); < arguments = { persistent = true, seed = entity.seed() } < } < } < } < }) --- > return skillConfig 193,411d264 < end < < function suicide(args, output) < status.setResource("health", 0) < end < < function wasDamaged(args, output) < return self.damaged == true < end < < function wasStunned(args, output) < return self.stunned == true < end < < function shouldDie() < return self.shouldDie and status.resource("health") <= 0 < end < < function attackNotification(args, output) < return false < end < < -- param type < -- param state < function setAnimationState(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < state = nil < }) < if args.type == nil or args.state == nil or args.type == "" or args.state == "" then < return false < end < < entity.setAnimationState(args.type, args.state) < return true < end < < -- param type < -- param tag < function setGlobalTag(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < type = nil, < tag = nil < }) < if args.type == nil or args.type == ""then < return false < end < < entity.setGlobalTag(args.type, args.tag or "") < return true < end < < -- param entity < function isValidTarget(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < return entity.isValidTarget(entityId) < end < < -- param angle < -- param vector < -- param immediate < function rotate(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < angle = 0, < vector = nil, < a = 0 < }) < < local goalAngle = 0 < local angle = mcontroller.rotation() < repeat < if args.vector then < local vector = vec2.norm(BData:getVec2(args.vector)) < if vector == nil then return false end < goalAngle = math.atan(vector[2], vector[1]) < else < goalAngle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < end < goalAngle = (goalAngle + entity.configParameter("rotationOffset", 0)) % (math.pi*2) < if args.rate == 0 then break end < < local diff = util.angleDiff(angle, goalAngle) < local angleStep = args.rate * args.dt * util.toDirection(diff) < -- break if the angle went past the goal angle < if util.angleDiff(angle + angleStep, goalAngle) * diff < 0 then break end < < angle = angle + angleStep < entity.resetTransformationGroup("body") < entity.rotateTransformationGroup("body", angle) < mcontroller.setRotation(angle) < < coroutine.yield("running") < until math.abs(util.angleDiff(angle, goalAngle)) < 0.02 < < entity.resetTransformationGroup("body") < entity.rotateTransformationGroup("body", goalAngle) < mcontroller.setRotation(goalAngle) < return true < end < < -- param transformationGroup < function resetTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil < }) < if args.transformationGroup == nil then return false end < entity.resetTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup) < return true < end < < -- param transformationGroup < -- param angle < -- param rotationCenter < function rotateTransformationGroup(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < transformationGroup = nil, < angle = 0, < rotationCenter = nil < }) < local angle = BData:getNumber(args.angle) < if angle == nil or args.transformationGroup == nil or args.transformationGroup == "" then < return false < end < < local rotationCenter = BData:getVec2(args.rotationCenter) < entity.rotateTransformationGroup(args.transformationGroup, angle, rotationCenter) < return true < end < < -- param touchDamage < function setDamageOnTouch(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < touchDamage = false < }) < < entity.setDamageOnTouch(args.touchDamage) < return true < end < < -- param aggressive < function setAggressive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < aggressive = false < }) < local aggressive = BData:getBool(args.aggressive) < if aggressive == nil then return false end < < entity.setAggressive(args.aggressive == true) < return true < end < < -- param skillName < function setActiveSkillName(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < skillName = "" < }) < < entity.setActiveSkillName(args.skillName) < return true < end < < -- param emitter < function burstParticleEmitter(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < emitter = nil < }) < < if args.emitter == nil or args.emitter == "" then return false end < < entity.burstParticleEmitter(args.emitter) < return true < end < < -- param emitter < -- param active < function setParticleEmitterActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < active = true < }) < if args.emitter == nil then return false end < < entity.setParticleEmitterActive(args.emitter, < return true < end < < -- param sound < function playSound(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < sound = nil < }) < < if args.sound == nil or args.sound == "" then return false end < < entity.playSound(args.sound) < return true < end < < function setLightActive(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < light = nil, < active = true < }) < if light == nil or active == nil then return false end < < entity.setLightActive(args.light, < return true < end < < function setDying(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < shouldDie = true < }) < self.shouldDie = args.shouldDie < return true monsters\returnHomeState.lua 25c25 < local minDistance = entity.configParameter("returnHome.minDistance") or 3 --- > local minDistance = config.getParameter("returnHome.minDistance") or 3 38c38 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") monsters\simpleRangedAttack.lua 11,13c11,13 < entity.configParameter("projectileType", "bullet-1"), < entity.configParameter("projectileConfig", { power = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) * 10 }), < entity.configParameter("fireInterval", 1) --- > config.getParameter("projectileType", "bullet-1"), > config.getParameter("projectileConfig", { power = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) * 10 }), > config.getParameter("fireInterval", 1) 16,18c16,18 < rangedAttack.attackTime = entity.configParameter("attackTime", 1) < rangedAttack.cooldownTime = entity.configParameter("cooldownTime", 0) < rangedAttack.sourceOffset = entity.configParameter("projectileSourcePosition", {0, 0}) --- > rangedAttack.attackTime = config.getParameter("attackTime", 1) > rangedAttack.cooldownTime = config.getParameter("cooldownTime", 0) > rangedAttack.sourceOffset = config.getParameter("projectileSourcePosition", {0, 0}) 21c21 < function rangedAttack.setConfig(projectile, config, fireInterval) --- > function rangedAttack.setConfig(projectile, projectileConfig, fireInterval) 24,26c24,26 < if config then < if config.power then < config.power = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) * config.power --- > if projectileConfig then > if projectileConfig.power then > projectileConfig.power = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) * projectileConfig.power 28c28 < rangedAttack.config = config --- > rangedAttack.projectileConfig = projectileConfig 39,41c39,41 < function rangedAttack.fireOnce(projectile, config, aimVector, trackEntity) < -- world.logInfo("Ranged attack firing with projectile %s, position %s, direction %s, trackEntity %s, config %s", projectile or rangedAttack.projectile, entity.toAbsolutePosition(rangedAttack.sourceOffset), aimVector or rangedAttack.aimVector, trackEntity or false, config or rangedAttack.config) < world.spawnProjectile(projectile or rangedAttack.projectile, entity.toAbsolutePosition(rangedAttack.sourceOffset),, aimVector or rangedAttack.aimVector, trackEntity or false, config or rangedAttack.config) --- > function rangedAttack.fireOnce(projectile, projectileConfig, aimVector, trackEntity) > -- sb.logInfo("Ranged attack firing with projectile %s, position %s, direction %s, trackEntity %s, projectileConfig %s", projectile or rangedAttack.projectile, monster.toAbsolutePosition(rangedAttack.sourceOffset), aimVector or rangedAttack.aimVector, trackEntity or false, projectileConfig or rangedAttack.projectileConfig) > world.spawnProjectile(projectile or rangedAttack.projectile, monster.toAbsolutePosition(rangedAttack.sourceOffset),, aimVector or rangedAttack.aimVector, trackEntity or false, projectileConfig or rangedAttack.projectileConfig) monsters\tenant.lua 8,9c8,9 < entity.setDropPool(nil) < entity.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) --- > monster.setDropPool(nil) > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) monsters\boss\bossMonster.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > require "/scripts/rect.lua" > 12c15 < self.jumpTimer = 0 --- > self.jumpTimer = 0 16,19c19,22 < self.queryTargetDistance = entity.configParameter("queryTargetDistance", 30) < self.trackTargetDistance = entity.configParameter("trackTargetDistance") < self.switchTargetDistance = entity.configParameter("switchTargetDistance") < self.keepTargetInSight = entity.configParameter("keepTargetInSight", true) --- > self.queryTargetDistance = config.getParameter("queryTargetDistance", 30) > self.trackTargetDistance = config.getParameter("trackTargetDistance") > self.switchTargetDistance = config.getParameter("switchTargetDistance") > self.keepTargetInSight = config.getParameter("keepTargetInSight", true) 24c27 < local states = stateMachine.scanScripts(entity.configParameter("scripts"), "(%a+State)%.lua") --- > local states = stateMachine.scanScripts(config.getParameter("scripts"), "(%a+State)%.lua") 32,33c35,36 < for _, skillName in pairs(entity.configParameter("skills")) do < self.skillParameters[skillName] = entity.configParameter(skillName) --- > for _, skillName in pairs(config.getParameter("skills")) do > self.skillParameters[skillName] = config.getParameter(skillName) 37c40 < self.phases = entity.configParameter("phases") --- > self.phases = config.getParameter("phases") 46c49,55 < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") --- > monster.setUniqueId(config.getParameter("uniqueId")) > > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") > > monster.setDamageBar("None") > > self.musicEnabled = false 60c69 < if hasTarget() and > 0 then --- > if hasTarget() and status.resourcePositive("health") then 62a72,75 > > monster.setDamageBar("Special") > monster.setAggressive(true) > setBattleMusicEnabled(true) 64c77 < if not hasTarget() and > 0 and self.hadTarget then --- > if not hasTarget() and status.resourcePositive("health") and self.hadTarget then 74a88,89 > monster.setDamageBar("None") > monster.setAggressive(false) 77c92 < if > 0 then script.setUpdateDelta(10) end --- > if status.resourcePositive("health") then script.setUpdateDelta(10) end 81a97,98 > > setBattleMusicEnabled(false) 90c107 < if <= 0 then --- > if not status.resourcePositive("health") then 114c131 < function trackTargets(keepInSight, queryRange, trackingRange, switchTargetDistance) --- > function trackTargets(keepInSight, queryRange, trackingRange) 117,118c134,136 < if self.targetId == nil then < table.insert(self.targets, entity.closestValidTarget(queryRange)) --- > if #self.targets == 0 then > local newTarget = util.closestValidTarget(queryRange) > table.insert(self.targets, newTarget) 121,127c139,140 < --Move the closest target to the top of the list if it's inside the target switch range < if switchTargetDistance then < local closestValid = entity.closestValidTarget(switchTargetDistance) < local i = inTargets(closestValid) < if i then table.remove(self.targets, i) end < table.insert(self.targets, 1, closestValid) < end --- > self.targets = util.filter(self.targets, function(targetId) > if not world.entityExists(targetId) then return false end 129,133c142,145 < --Remove any invalid targets from the list < local updatedTargets = {} < for i,targetId in ipairs(self.targets) do < if validTarget(targetId, keepInSight, trackingRange) then < table.insert(updatedTargets, targetId) --- > if keepInSight and not entity.entityInSight(targetId) then return false end > > if trackingRange and world.magnitude(mcontroller.position(), world.entityPosition(targetId)) > trackingRange then > return false 135,136c147,149 < end < self.targets = updatedTargets --- > > return true > end) 161c174 < end --- > end 246,252c259,263 < local bounds = boundingBox() < local position = mcontroller.position() < < local lineStart = {position[1], position[2]} < < if direction < 0 then < lineStart[1] = lineStart[1] + bounds[1] --- > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > bounds[2] = bounds[2] + 1 > if direction > 0 then > bounds[1] = bounds[3] > bounds[3] = bounds[3] + 0.25 254c265,266 < lineStart[1] = lineStart[1] + bounds[3] --- > bounds[3] = bounds[1] > bounds[1] = bounds[1] - 0.25 256,259c268,269 < < local lineEnd = {lineStart[1] + direction * 3, lineStart[2]} < < return world.lineTileCollision(lineStart, lineEnd, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) --- > util.debugRect(rect.translate(bounds, mcontroller.position()), "yellow") > return world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, mcontroller.position()), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) 287c297 < elseif (math.abs(delta[1]) < jumpThresholdX and delta[2] > entity.configParameter("jumpTargetDistance")) then --- > elseif (math.abs(delta[1]) < jumpThresholdX and delta[2] > config.getParameter("jumpTargetDistance")) then 292c302 < self.jumpTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("jumpTime") --- > self.jumpTimer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("jumpTime")) 319c329 < blockLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[4]}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} --- > blockLine = {monster.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[4]}), monster.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} 321c331 < blockLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[4]}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} --- > blockLine = {monster.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[4]}), monster.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} 337c347 < topLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[1], boundBox[4] + 0.5}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[4] + 0.5})} --- > topLine = {monster.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[1], boundBox[4] + 0.5}), monster.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[4] + 0.5})} 346c356 < fallLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({-0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} --- > fallLine = {monster.toAbsolutePosition({-0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), monster.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} 348c358 < fallLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} --- > fallLine = {monster.toAbsolutePosition({0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), monster.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} 362a373,386 > end > > function setBattleMusicEnabled(enabled) > if self.musicEnabled ~= enabled then > local musicStagehands = config.getParameter("musicStagehands", {}) > for _,stagehand in pairs(musicStagehands) do > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(stagehand) > > if entityId and world.entityExists(entityId) then > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setMusicEnabled", enabled) > self.musicEnabled = enabled > end > end > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\crystalboss.animation 12c12,13 < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_hum.ogg" --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_hum.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 135c136,137 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_beamin.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_beamin.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 143c145,146 < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_beam.ogg" --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_beam.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 152c155,156 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_beamout.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_beamout.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 493c497 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 508,513c512,535 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], < "shatter" : [ "/sfx/objects/vase_break_large1.ogg" ], < "hurt" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_pain1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_pain2.ogg" ], < "death" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_death.ogg" ], < "spawnCharge" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_spawncharge.ogg" ], < "spawnAdd" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_spawnmonster.ogg" ] --- > "deathPuff" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "shatter" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/vase_break_large1.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "hurt" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_pain1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_pain2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "death" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_death.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "spawnCharge" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_spawncharge.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "spawnAdd" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_spawnmonster.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > } monsters\boss\crystalboss\crystalboss.monstertype 2a3 > "shortdescription" : "Erchius Horror", 11c12 < "default" : "money" --- > "default" : "erchiushorrorTreasure" 77c78,79 < } --- > }, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["boss"] 89c91 < "damage" : 37.5, --- > "damage" : 20, 117c119 < "baseValue" : 4400 --- > "baseValue" : 6000 120c122 < "baseValue" : 10000 --- > "baseValue" : 100 125c127,136 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "electricStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 128c139 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "specialStatusImmunity" : { 131a143,145 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\boss\crystalboss\crystalbossreset.lua 2,6c2,6 < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("shell", "stage1") < entity.setAnimationState("organs", "six") --- > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("shell", "stage1") > animator.setAnimationState("organs", "six") 11c11 < world.callScriptedEntity(moontant, "entity.setDropPool", nil) --- > world.callScriptedEntity(moontant, "monster.setDropPool", nil) 25c25 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\dieState.lua 7c7 < rangedAttack.setConfig(entity.configParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.type"), entity.configParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.config"), 0.2) --- > rangedAttack.setConfig(config.getParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.type"), config.getParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.config"), 0.2) 20c20 < entity.setAnimationState("crystalhum", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("crystalhum", "off") 22,23c22,23 < entity.setAnimationState("shell", "stage"..currentPhase()) < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "hurt") --- > animator.setAnimationState("shell", "stage"..currentPhase()) > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "hurt") 25,26c25,26 < entity.playSound("shatter") < entity.playSound("death") --- > animator.playSound("shatter") > animator.playSound("death") 46c46 < entity.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) 51c51 < entity.playSound("shatter") --- > animator.playSound("shatter") 73c73 < world.spawnNpc(mcontroller.position(), "human", "minersurvivor", entity.level()) --- > world.spawnNpc(mcontroller.position(), "human", "minersurvivor", monster.level()) 86c86 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalDoubleBeamAttack.lua 9,10c9,10 < timer = entity.configParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.skillTime", 8), < rotateInterval = entity.configParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 8), --- > timer = config.getParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.skillTime", 8), > rotateInterval = config.getParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 8), 22,25c22,25 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") 27c27 < crystalDoubleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond = entity.configParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond") --- > crystalDoubleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond = config.getParameter("crystalDoubleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond") 49c49 < local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 54,56c54,56 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "winddown") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "winddown") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") 76,78c76,78 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") 84,87c84,87 < entity.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) < entity.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi, instant) < entity.rotateGroup("beam3", -angle, instant) < entity.rotateGroup("beam4", -angle + math.pi, instant) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) > animator.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi, instant) > animator.rotateGroup("beam3", -angle, instant) > animator.rotateGroup("beam4", -angle + math.pi, instant) 117,124c117,124 < entity.setLightActive("beam1", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam1-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam2-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam3", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam3-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam4", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam4-2", active) --- > animator.setLightActive("beam1", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam1-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam2-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam3", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam3-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam4", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam4-2", active) 128,129c128,129 < entity.setLightPosition(light, vec2.rotate({32, 0}, angle)) < entity.setLightPosition(light.."-2", vec2.rotate({20, 0}, angle)) --- > animator.setLightPosition(light, vec2.rotate({32, 0}, angle)) > animator.setLightPosition(light.."-2", vec2.rotate({20, 0}, angle)) 139c139 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalIdleAttack.lua 11c11 < idleTime = entity.configParameter("crystalIdleAttack.idleTime", 2.5) --- > idleTime = config.getParameter("crystalIdleAttack.idleTime", 2.5) 34c34 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalMoontantAttack.lua 15c15 < timer = entity.configParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.skillTime", 0.3), --- > timer = config.getParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.skillTime", 0.3), 17c17 < spawnAngle = entity.configParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.spawnAngle", 0.2), --- > spawnAngle = config.getParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.spawnAngle", 0.2), 19,20c19,20 < rotateInterval = entity.configParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.rotateInterval", 0.1), < rotateAngle = entity.configParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.rotateAngle", 0.02) --- > rotateInterval = config.getParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.rotateInterval", 0.1), > rotateAngle = config.getParameter("crystalMoontantAttack.rotateAngle", 0.02) 25,26c25,26 < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") < entity.playSound("spawnCharge") --- > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") > animator.playSound("spawnCharge") 40c40 < local duration = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1) - stateData.timer --- > local duration = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1) - stateData.timer 42c42 < entity.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) 48c48 < world.spawnProjectile("moontantspawn", mcontroller.position(),, aimVector, false, {power = 0, level = entity.level()} ) --- > world.spawnProjectile("moontantspawn", mcontroller.position(),, aimVector, false, {power = 0, level = monster.level()} ) 51c51 < entity.setAnimationState("organs", crystalMoontantAttack.stateNames[self.moontants]) --- > animator.setAnimationState("organs", crystalMoontantAttack.stateNames[self.moontants]) 53c53 < entity.playSound("spawnAdd") --- > animator.playSound("spawnAdd") 60,61c60,61 < entity.rotateGroup("all", 0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", 0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") 67c67 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalShatterAttack.lua 8,11c8,11 < timer = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1), < rotateInterval = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.rotateInterval", 0.2), < rotateAngle = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.rotateAngle", 0.05), < bleedAmount = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.bleedAmount", 100) --- > timer = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1), > rotateInterval = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.rotateInterval", 0.2), > rotateAngle = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.rotateAngle", 0.05), > bleedAmount = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.bleedAmount", 100) 16,17c16,17 < entity.setAnimationState("shell", "stage"..currentPhase()) < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "hurt") --- > animator.setAnimationState("shell", "stage"..currentPhase()) > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "hurt") 19,20c19,20 < entity.playSound("shatter") < entity.playSound("hurt") --- > animator.playSound("shatter") > animator.playSound("hurt") 39c39 < local duration = entity.configParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1) - stateData.timer --- > local duration = config.getParameter("crystalShatterAttack.skillTime", 1) - stateData.timer 41c41 < entity.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", angle, true) 59,61c59,61 < entity.rotateGroup("all", 0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "idle") < end \ No newline at end of file --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", 0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "idle") > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalSineBeamAttack.lua 8,9c8,9 < timer = entity.configParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.skillTime", 12), < rotateInterval = entity.configParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 12), --- > timer = config.getParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.skillTime", 12), > rotateInterval = config.getParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 12), 20,23c20,23 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") 25c25 < crystalSineBeamAttack.damagePerSecond = entity.configParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.damagePerSecond") --- > crystalSineBeamAttack.damagePerSecond = config.getParameter("crystalSineBeamAttack.damagePerSecond") 48c48 < local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 52,54c52,54 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "winddown") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "winddown") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") 69,71c69,71 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") 78c78 < entity.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) 82c82 < entity.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi * 0.5, instant) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi * 0.5, instant) 86c86 < entity.rotateGroup("beam3", angle + math.pi, instant) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam3", angle + math.pi, instant) 90c90 < entity.rotateGroup("beam4", angle + math.pi * 1.5, instant) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam4", angle + math.pi * 1.5, instant) 103,110c103,110 < entity.setLightActive("beam1", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam1-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam2-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam3", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam3-2", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam4", active) < entity.setLightActive("beam4-2", active) --- > animator.setLightActive("beam1", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam1-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam2-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam3", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam3-2", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam4", active) > animator.setLightActive("beam4-2", active) 114,115c114,115 < entity.setLightPosition(light, vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle)) < entity.setLightPosition(light.."-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle)) --- > animator.setLightPosition(light, vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle)) > animator.setLightPosition(light.."-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle)) 125c125 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalSingleBeamAttack.lua 11,12c11,12 < timer = entity.configParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.skillTime", 12), < rotateInterval = entity.configParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 12), --- > timer = config.getParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.skillTime", 12), > rotateInterval = config.getParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.rotateInterval", 12), 17c17 < damagePerSecond = entity.configParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond", 1600), --- > damagePerSecond = config.getParameter("crystalSingleBeamAttack.damagePerSecond", 1600), 25,27c25,27 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "windup") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "on") 42,45c42,45 < entity.setLightActive("beam1", true) < entity.setLightActive("beam1-2", true) < entity.setLightActive("beam2", true) < entity.setLightActive("beam2-2", true) --- > animator.setLightActive("beam1", true) > animator.setLightActive("beam1-2", true) > animator.setLightActive("beam2", true) > animator.setLightActive("beam2-2", true) 52c52 < local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > local powerMultiplier = root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 57,58c57,58 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") < entity.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "winddown") > animator.setAnimationState("eye", "winddown") 73,80c73,80 < entity.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") < entity.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") < < entity.setLightActive("beam1", false) < entity.setLightActive("beam1-2", false) < entity.setLightActive("beam2", false) < entity.setLightActive("beam2-2", false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("firstBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("secondBeams", "idle") > animator.setAnimationState("beamglow", "off") > > animator.setLightActive("beam1", false) > animator.setLightActive("beam1-2", false) > animator.setLightActive("beam2", false) > animator.setLightActive("beam2-2", false) 85,87c85,87 < entity.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) < entity.setLightPosition("beam1", vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle)) < entity.setLightPosition("beam1-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle)) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam1", angle, instant) > animator.setLightPosition("beam1", vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle)) > animator.setLightPosition("beam1-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle)) 90,92c90,92 < entity.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi, instant) < entity.setLightPosition("beam2", vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle + math.pi)) < entity.setLightPosition("beam2-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle + math.pi)) --- > animator.rotateGroup("beam2", angle + math.pi, instant) > animator.setLightPosition("beam2", vec2.rotate({0, 32}, angle + math.pi)) > animator.setLightPosition("beam2-2", vec2.rotate({0, 20}, angle + math.pi)) 110c110 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\penguin\behavior.lua 1a2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" 9c10 < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") --- > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") 12a14,17 > > if animator.hasSound("deathPuff") then > monster.setDeathSound("deathPuff") > end 46c51 < self.targetId = entity.closestValidTarget(25.0) --- > self.targetId = util.closestValidTarget(25.0) 59c64 < local deathexplosion = entity.configParameter("deathexplosion") --- > local deathexplosion = config.getParameter("deathexplosion") 70c75 < local gunBaseOffset = entity.configParameter("gunBaseOffset") --- > local gunBaseOffset = config.getParameter("gunBaseOffset") 72c77 < local gunBasePosition = entity.toAbsolutePosition(gunBaseOffset) --- > local gunBasePosition = monster.toAbsolutePosition(gunBaseOffset) 74c79 < local gunBarrelOffset = entity.configParameter("gunBarrelOffset") --- > local gunBarrelOffset = config.getParameter("gunBarrelOffset") 76c81 < local gunBarrelPosition = entity.toAbsolutePosition(gunBarrelOffset) --- > local gunBarrelPosition = monster.toAbsolutePosition(gunBarrelOffset) 81,83c86,88 < local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) < entity.rotateGroup("weapon", -desiredAimAngle) < entity.rotateGroup("arms", -desiredAimAngle) --- > local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle({toTarget[1] * mcontroller.facingDirection(), toTarget[2]}) > animator.rotateGroup("weapon", -desiredAimAngle) > animator.rotateGroup("arms", -desiredAimAngle) 85c90 < local aimAngle = -entity.currentRotationAngle("weapon") --- > local aimAngle = -animator.currentRotationAngle("weapon") 94,95c99,100 < if entity.configParameter("hasEmptyHand") then < entity.rotateGroup("emptyHand", math.pi / 2.0) --- > if config.getParameter("hasEmptyHand") then > animator.rotateGroup("emptyHand", math.pi / 2.0) 111c116 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", animationName) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", animationName) 115,116c120,121 < entity.rotateGroup("weapon", -math.pi / 2.0, immediate) < entity.rotateGroup("arms", 0, immediate) --- > animator.rotateGroup("weapon", -math.pi / 2.0, immediate) > animator.rotateGroup("arms", 0, immediate) 132a138,141 > if not self.targetPosition then > return false > end > monsters\boss\penguin\general.monstertype 73c73 < "baseValue" : 100 --- > "baseValue" : 64 76c76 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 25.0 79a80,82 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 101c104 < "projectileType" : "bullet-1", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 103c106,114 < "power" : 4 --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/ar3.ogg" ] > } > ] monsters\boss\penguin\rocketTrooper.monstertype 48c48,49 < "damageSourceKind" : "bite", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "lash", > "knockback" : 20, 73c74 < "baseValue" : 8 --- > "baseValue" : 32 76c77 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 25.0 79a81,86 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "specialStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 119c126,134 < "power" : 25 --- > "power" : 15, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/rocket2.ogg" ] > } > ] monsters\boss\penguin\trooper.monstertype 48c48,49 < "damageSourceKind" : "bite", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "lash", > "knockback" : 20, 73c74 < "baseValue" : 100 --- > "baseValue" : 32 76c77 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 25.0 79a81,86 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "specialStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 101c108 < "projectileType" : "bullet-1", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 103c110,118 < "power" : 4 --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/ar3.ogg" ] > } > ] monsters\boss\penguin\animation\general.animation 218c218 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 234c234 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 254c254 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 274c274 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 294c294 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 314c314 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 334c334 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 354c354 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 374c374 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 396a397,400 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguin\animation\rocketTrooper.animation 248c248 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 264c264 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 284c284 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 304c304 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 324c324 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 344c344 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 364c364 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 384c384 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 404c404 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 426a427,430 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguin\animation\trooper.animation 214c214 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 230c230 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 250c250 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 270c270 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 290c290 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 310c310 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 330c330 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 350c350 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 370c370 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 392a393,396 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguinMiniUfo\penguinMiniUfo.animation 12c12,16 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_mini_hover_loop.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.75 > } 43c47 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 59c63 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 79c83 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 99c103 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 119c123 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 139c143 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 159c163 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 179c183 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 199c203 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 221a226,229 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguinMiniUfo\penguinMiniUfo.lua 2,3c2,18 < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "flying") --- > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "flying") > > self.masterId = config.getParameter("masterId") > self.minionIndex = config.getParameter("minionIndex") > self.minionTimer = 0 > > if animator.hasSound("deathPuff") then > monster.setDeathSound("deathPuff") > end > > message.setHandler("despawn", function() > monster.setDropPool(nil) > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) > monster.setDeathSound(nil) > status.addEphemeralEffect("monsterdespawn") > end) 9,13c24 < if <= 0 then return true end < < if self.hadMaster ~= nil and not self.hadMaster then < return true < end --- > if not status.resourcePositive("health") then return true end 19,21c30,37 < local masterId, minionIndex, minionTimer = findMaster() < if masterId ~= 0 then < self.hadMaster = true --- > if self.timerSync then > if self.timerSync:finished() then > self.minionTimer = self.timerSync:result() > end > self.timerSync = nil > else > self.timerSync = world.sendEntityMessage(self.masterId, "minionTimer") > end 23,24c39,43 < local angle = ((minionIndex - 1) * math.pi / 2.0) + minionTimer < local target = vec2.add(world.entityPosition(masterId), { --- > self.minionTimer = self.minionTimer + dt > > if world.entityExists(self.masterId) then > local angle = ((self.minionIndex - 1) * math.pi / 2.0) + self.minionTimer > local target = vec2.add(world.entityPosition(self.masterId), { 29c48,52 < entity.flyTo(target) --- > local targetVelocity = world.entityVelocity(self.masterId) > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(target, mcontroller.position())) > local parameters = mcontroller.baseParameters() > local speed = parameters.flySpeed * math.min(1.0, world.magnitude(target, mcontroller.position()) / 4) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.add(targetVelocity, vec2.mul(toTarget, speed)), parameters.airForce) 31,32d53 < self.hadMaster = false < 44,65c65 < end < < function findMaster() < local position = mcontroller.position() < local regionMin = { position[1] - 25.0, position[2] - 25.0 } < local regionMax = { position[1] + 25.0, position[2] + 25.0 } < < local selfEntityId = < < for i, entityId in ipairs(world.entityQuery(regionMin, regionMax, { callScript = "isPenguinMaster", includedTypes = {"monster"} })) do < local minionState = world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "minionState") < if minionState ~= nil then < for minionIndex, minionId in ipairs(minionState.slots) do < if minionId == selfEntityId then < return entityId, minionIndex, minionState.timer < end < end < end < end < < return 0 < end --- > end \ No newline at end of file monsters\boss\penguinMiniUfo\penguinMiniUfo.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "money" ], 30c30,31 < "airForce" : 50.0 --- > "airForce" : 200.0, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["boss"] 48c49,50 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", > "knockback" : 20, 73c75 < "baseValue" : 12 --- > "baseValue" : 48 76c78 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 50.0 79a82,84 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 102c107,115 < "power" : 20 --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_mp2.ogg" ] > } > ] monsters\boss\penguinUfo\dieState.lua 7c7 < rangedAttack.setConfig(entity.configParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.type"), entity.configParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.config"), 0.2) --- > rangedAttack.setConfig(config.getParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.type"), config.getParameter("projectiles.deathexplosion.config"), 0.2) 16c16,23 < entity.setAnimationState("movesound", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movesound", "off") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "phase"..currentPhase()) > > local players = world.players() > for _,playerId in pairs(players) do > world.sendEntityMessage(playerId, "dreadwingDeath") > world.setUniverseFlag(config.getParameter("universeFlagOnDeath")) > end 27c34 < entity.rotateGroup("all", -13 * math.pi / 180) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", -13 * math.pi / 180) 43c50 < entity.flyTo(targetPosition) --- > monster.flyTo(targetPosition) 45c52 < entity.rotateGroup("all", sinAngle * inverseTimer * math.pi / 180) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", sinAngle * inverseTimer * math.pi / 180) 47c54 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 49c56 < entity.rotateGroup("all", -13 * math.pi / 180) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", -13 * math.pi / 180) 58c65 < local explosionPosition = vec2.rotate(explosionOffset, -entity.currentRotationAngle("all")) --- > local explosionPosition = vec2.rotate(explosionOffset, -animator.currentRotationAngle("all")) monsters\boss\penguinUfo\penguinUfo.animation 12c12 < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/ufo_hover_loop.ogg" --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_hover_loop.ogg" 195c195 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 211c211 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 231c231 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 251c251 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 271c271 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 291c291 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 311c311 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 331c331 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 351c351 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 377c377,386 < "landing" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast2.ogg" ] --- > "landing" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast2.ogg" ], > "stunned" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_stunned.ogg" ], > "teleportIn" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_teleport_appear.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_teleport_disappear.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > } monsters\boss\penguinUfo\penguinUfo.monstertype 2a3 > "shortdescription" : "Dreadwing", 10c11 < "dropPools" : [ "dreadWreckage" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "dreadwingDrop" ], 32c33 < "enterPhase" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", --- > "enterPhase" : "ufoReinforcementsAttack", 38c39 < "enterPhase" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", --- > "enterPhase" : "ufoReinforcementsAttack", 40c41 < "healthPercentage" : 0.33, --- > "healthPercentage" : 0.4, 44a46,47 > "universeFlagOnDeath" : "outpost_beakeasy", > 60c63,64 < "airForce" : 200.0 --- > "airForce" : 200.0, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["boss"] 68,69c72,73 < "poly" : [ [-14.0, -4.0], [14.0, -4.0], [14.0, 4.0], [-14.0, 4.0] ], < "damage" : 25, --- > "poly" : [ [-14.0, -2.0], [0.0, -6.0], [14.0, -2.0], [14.0, 0.0], [0.0, 6.0], [-14.0, 0.0] ], > "damage" : 20, 72c76 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", 97c101 < "baseValue" : 250 --- > "baseValue" : 750 100c104 < "baseValue" : 40.0 --- > "baseValue" : 50.0 105c109,118 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "electricStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 108c121 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "specialStatusImmunity" : { 112a126,128 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 151,171d166 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "dreadwreckage", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, < "fuzzAngle" : 30, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "dreadwreckage", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, < "fuzzAngle" : 30, < "angleAdjust" : 45 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "dreadwreckage", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, < "fuzzAngle" : 30, < "angleAdjust" : -45 monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoMoveFireAttack.lua 7c7 < rangedAttack.setConfig(entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.config"), entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.fireInterval")) --- > rangedAttack.setConfig(config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.type"), config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.config"), config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.fireInterval")) 11,13c11,13 < bobTime = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.bobTime"), < bobHeight = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.bobHeight"), < skillTime = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.skillTime"), --- > bobTime = config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.bobTime"), > bobHeight = config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.bobHeight"), > skillTime = config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.skillTime"), 16c16 < cruiseDistance = entity.configParameter("cruiseDistance") --- > cruiseDistance = config.getParameter("cruiseDistance") 21c21 < entity.setActiveSkillName(nil) --- > monster.setActiveSkillName(nil) 27c27 < local projectileOffset = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectileOffset") --- > local projectileOffset = config.getParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectileOffset") 29c29 < local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(self.targetPosition, entity.toAbsolutePosition(projectileOffset))) --- > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(self.targetPosition, monster.toAbsolutePosition(projectileOffset))) 58c58 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoMoveFireAttack.monsterskill 20c20,28 < "power" : 4 --- > "power" : 5, > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_mp2.ogg" ] > } > ] monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoPulseCannonAttack.lua 7c7 < rangedAttack.setConfig(entity.configParameter("ufoPulseCannonAttack.projectile.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoPulseCannonAttack.projectile.config"), 0.2) --- > rangedAttack.setConfig(config.getParameter("ufoPulseCannonAttack.projectile.type"), config.getParameter("ufoPulseCannonAttack.projectile.config"), 0.2) 13c13 < cruiseDistance = entity.configParameter("cruiseDistance"), --- > cruiseDistance = config.getParameter("cruiseDistance"), 19c19 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoPulseCannonAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoPulseCannonAttack") 56c56 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoPulseCannonAttack.monsterskill 16c16 < "power" : 30, --- > "power" : 25, 22a23,26 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_ar1.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoReinforcementsAttack.lua 8c8 < if #reinforcements >= entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.maxReinforcements") then --- > if #reinforcements >= config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.maxReinforcements") then 16c16 < spawnDistance = entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.spawnDistance") --- > spawnDistance = config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.spawnDistance") 20a21,23 > self.minionTimer = 0 > > message.setHandler("minionTimer", function() return self.minionTimer end) 22,23d24 < timer = 0, < spawnTimer = 0, 29,32c30,35 < --Update minions < for minionIndex, entityId in pairs(self.minionState.slots) do < if entityId == 0 or not world.entityExists(entityId) then < self.minionState.slots[minionIndex] = 0 --- > if status.resourcePositive("health") then > --Update minions > for minionIndex, entityId in pairs(self.minionState.slots) do > if entityId == 0 or not world.entityExists(entityId) then > self.minionState.slots[minionIndex] = 0 > end 34d36 < end 36,37c38,45 < if self.minionState.spawnTimer > 0 then < self.minionState.spawnTimer = self.minionState.spawnTimer - dt --- > -- minionTimer provides a single timer for minions to perform synchronized actions > self.minionTimer = self.minionTimer + dt > else > for _,entityId in pairs(self.minionState.slots) do > if world.entityExists(entityId) then > world.sendEntityMessage(entityId, "despawn") > end > end 39,41d46 < < -- minionTimer provides a single timer for minions to perform synchronized actions < self.minionState.timer = self.minionState.timer + dt 45c50 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoReinforcementsAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoReinforcementsAttack") 68c73,77 < self.minionState.slots[i] = world.spawnMonster("penguinMiniUfo", mcontroller.position(), {level = entity.level()}) --- > self.minionState.slots[i] = world.spawnMonster("penguinMiniUfo", mcontroller.position(), { > level = monster.level(), > masterId =, > minionIndex = i > }) 98c107 < rangedAttack.fireOnce(entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.generalspawn.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.generalspawn.config"), nil, true) --- > rangedAttack.fireOnce(config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.generalspawn.type"), config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.generalspawn.config"), nil, true) 100c109 < rangedAttack.fireOnce(entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.rockettrooperspawn.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.rockettrooperspawn.config"), nil, true) --- > rangedAttack.fireOnce(config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.rockettrooperspawn.type"), config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.rockettrooperspawn.config"), nil, true) 102c111 < rangedAttack.fireOnce(entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.trooperspawn.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.trooperspawn.config"), nil, true) --- > rangedAttack.fireOnce(config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.trooperspawn.type"), config.getParameter("ufoReinforcementsAttack.projectiles.trooperspawn.config"), nil, true) 104,113c113 < end < < --Minion callbacks < function isPenguinMaster() < return true < end < < function minionState() < return self.minionState < end --- > end \ No newline at end of file monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoReinforcementsAttack.monsterskill 16c16,17 < //TODO: Make .projectile files for these --- > // TODO: Make .projectile files for these > // Also make this make any sense 22a24,31 > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0.1, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_shotgun2.ogg" ] > } > ], 33d41 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 35d42 < "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -2.875], [0.5, -2.875], [0.5, 2.875], [-0.5, 2.875] ], 51c58 < "position" : [0, 1.0], --- > "position" : [0, 2.375], 54a62,65 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/pulsecannon_blast1.ogg" ] 67a79,86 > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0.1, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_shotgun2.ogg" ] > } > ], 78d96 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 80d97 < "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -2.875], [0.5, -2.875], [0.5, 2.875], [-0.5, 2.875] ], 91c108 < "offset" : [0.0, 1.0], --- > "offset" : [0.0, 1.6], 96c113 < "position" : [0, 1.0], --- > "position" : [0, 2.375], 99a117,120 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/pulsecannon_blast1.ogg" ] 123d143 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 125d144 < "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -2.875], [0.5, -2.875], [0.5, 2.875], [-0.5, 2.875] ], 136c155 < "offset" : [0.0, 1.0], --- > "offset" : [0.0, 1.5], 141c160 < "position" : [0, 1.0], --- > "position" : [0, 2.375], monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoSlamAttack.lua 8,12c8,12 < slamHeight = entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamHeight"), < riseSpeed = entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.riseSpeed"), < slamSpeed = entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamSpeed"), < timer = entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.skillTime"), < stunDuration = entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.stunDuration"), --- > slamHeight = config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamHeight"), > riseSpeed = config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.riseSpeed"), > slamSpeed = config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamSpeed"), > timer = config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.skillTime"), > stunDuration = config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.stunDuration"), 19c19 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSlamAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoSlamAttack") 64c64 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", true) 75c75 < if mcontroller.onGround() then -- and not entity.isFiring() then --- > if mcontroller.onGround() then -- and not monster.isFiring() then 77,78c77,79 < entity.playSound("landing") < entity.burstParticleEmitter("landing") --- > animator.playSound("landing") > animator.playSound("stunned", -1) > animator.burstParticleEmitter("landing") 81,83c82,84 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", false) < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("stunned", true) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", false) > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("stunned", true) 89c90 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 91c92 < mcontroller.controlApproachYVelocity(-entity.configParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamSpeed"), 100) --- > mcontroller.controlApproachYVelocity(-config.getParameter("ufoSlamAttack.slamSpeed"), 100) 99,100c100,102 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("stunned", false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("stunned", false) > animator.stopAllSounds("stunned") 105c107 < local yOffsetRange = entity.configParameter("targetYOffsetRange") --- > local yOffsetRange = config.getParameter("targetYOffsetRange") monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoSpawnTanksAttack.lua 7c7 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "phase1") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "phase1") 13c13 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "phase"..currentPhase()) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "phase"..currentPhase()) 18c18 < spawnDistance = entity.configParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.spawnDistance"), --- > spawnDistance = config.getParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.spawnDistance"), 24c24 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSpawnTanksAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoSpawnTanksAttack") 43c43 < rangedAttack.fireOnce(entity.configParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.projectiles.tankspawn.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.projectiles.tankspawn.config"), nil, true) --- > rangedAttack.fireOnce(config.getParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.projectiles.tankspawn.type"), config.getParameter("ufoSpawnTanksAttack.projectiles.tankspawn.config"), nil, true) 59c59 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoSpawnTanksAttack.monsterskill 21a22,29 > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0.1, > "repeat" : false, > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_shotgun2.ogg" ] > } > ], 32d39 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 42c49 < "type" : "penguinTank", --- > "type" : "tank", 53a61,64 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/pulsecannon_blast1.ogg" ] monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoSwoopAttack.lua 9c9 < swoopTime = entity.configParameter("ufoSwoopAttack.swoopTime"), --- > swoopTime = config.getParameter("ufoSwoopAttack.swoopTime"), 15c15 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSwoopAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoSwoopAttack") 26c26 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 49,50c49,50 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) < end \ No newline at end of file --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > end monsters\boss\penguinUfo\skills\ufoTeleportAttack.lua 7c7,8 < entity.burstParticleEmitter("teleport") --- > animator.burstParticleEmitter("teleport") > animator.playSound("teleportOut") 9c10 < timer = entity.configParameter("ufoTeleportAttack.skillTime") --- > timer = config.getParameter("ufoTeleportAttack.skillTime") 14c15 < entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoTeleportAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("ufoTeleportAttack") 18c19,21 < if stateData.timer > entity.configParameter("ufoTeleportAttack.skillTime") - 0.55 then --- > status.addEphemeralEffect("invulnerable") > > if stateData.timer > config.getParameter("ufoTeleportAttack.skillTime") - 0.55 then 21,22c24,25 < if entity.animationState("movement") ~= "invisible" then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "invisible") --- > if animator.animationState("movement") ~= "invisible" then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "invisible") 36c39,40 < entity.burstParticleEmitter("teleport") --- > animator.burstParticleEmitter("teleport") > animator.playSound("teleportIn") 46a51 > status.removeEphemeralEffect("invulnerable") 49c54 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "phase"..currentPhase()) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "phase"..currentPhase()) monsters\boss\robotboss\dieState.lua 13c13,17 < world.objectQuery(mcontroller.position(), 60, { name = "wreckdoor", callScript = "openDoor" }) --- > > local players = world.players() > for _,playerId in pairs(players) do > world.sendEntityMessage(playerId, "shockhopperDeath") > end 23c27 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\robotboss\idleState.lua 13c13 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 15c15 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 18c18 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\boss\robotboss\robotboss.animation 207c207 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 223c223 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 243c243 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 263c263 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 283c283 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 303c303 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 323c323 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 343c343 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 363c363 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\boss\robotboss\robotboss.monstertype 2a3 > "shortdescription" : "Shockhopper MK I", 11c12 < "default" : "boss2Treasure" --- > "default" : "shockhopperDrop" 25a27,28 > "renderLayer" : "Projectile-10", > 73c76,77 < "runSpeed" : 13 --- > "runSpeed" : 13, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["boss"] 85c89 < "damage" : 37, --- > "damage" : 20, 88c92 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", 116c120 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 50 121c125,134 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "electricStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 124c137 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "specialStatusImmunity" : { 127a141,143 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotDashAttack.lua 13,16c13,16 < edgeDistance = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.edgeDistance"), < dashDistance = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.dashDistance"), < dashSpeed = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.dashSpeed"), < windupTimer = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime"), --- > edgeDistance = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.edgeDistance"), > dashDistance = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.dashDistance"), > dashSpeed = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.dashSpeed"), > windupTimer = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime"), 22c22 < stunTime = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.stunTime") --- > stunTime = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.stunTime") 28c28 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 30,31c30,31 < entity.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("dashstun", boundingBox()) < entity.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("dashParticles", boundingBox()) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("dashstun", boundingBox()) > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("dashParticles", boundingBox()) 33c33 < entity.setActiveSkillName("robotDashAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("robotDashAttack") 51,52c51,52 < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 57,58c57,58 < if stateData.windupTimer == entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "punch") --- > if stateData.windupTimer == config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "punch") 68,70c68,70 < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "stunned") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("dashstun", true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "stunned") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashstun", true) 74c74 < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") 83,85c83,85 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", true) < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "on") < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", true) > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "on") > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 94,97c94,97 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) 104c104 < stateData.windupTimer = entity.configParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime") --- > stateData.windupTimer = config.getParameter("robotDashAttack.windupTime") 107,108c107,108 < entity.burstParticleEmitter("crashing") < entity.playSound("crash") --- > animator.burstParticleEmitter("crashing") > animator.playSound("crash") 115,117c115,117 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("dashstun", false) < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) < entity.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashstun", false) > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") 119c119 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) 121c121 < entity.setActiveSkillName("") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("") monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotDashAttack.monsterskill 10c10 < "dashDistance" : 60, --- > "dashDistance" : 80, 28c28 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_dashftl1.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_dashftl.ogg" 88c88 < "dash" : [ "/sfx/tech/tech_dashftl1.ogg" ], --- > "dash" : [ "/sfx/tech/tech_dashftl.ogg" ], monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotElectricBurstAttack.lua 6,7c6,7 < riseHeight = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.riseHeight"), < riseSpeed = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.riseSpeed"), --- > riseHeight = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.riseHeight"), > riseSpeed = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.riseSpeed"), 10,11c10,11 < skillDuration = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.skillDuration"), < angleCycle = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.angleCycle"), --- > skillDuration = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.skillDuration"), > angleCycle = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.angleCycle"), 13c13 < fireInterval = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.fireInterval"), --- > fireInterval = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.fireInterval"), 15,17c15,17 < maxFireAngle = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.maxFireAngle"), < projectileCount = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectileCount"), < winddownTimer = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.winddownTime") --- > maxFireAngle = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.maxFireAngle"), > projectileCount = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectileCount"), > winddownTimer = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.winddownTime") 36c36 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 38c38,40 < entity.setActiveSkillName("robotElectricBurstAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("robotElectricBurstAttack") > > stateData.lastToSpawn = world.distance(self.spawnPosition, mcontroller.position()) 46d47 < --Approach spawn position 49,53c50,59 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") < < move({toSpawn[1], 0}, true) < < --Float up to get into firing position --- > --Approach spawn position > if toSpawn[1] * stateData.lastToSpawn[1] < 0 then > local position = mcontroller.position() > mcontroller.setPosition({self.spawnPosition[1], position[2]}) > mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) > else > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") > mcontroller.controlMove(util.toDirection(toSpawn[1]), true) > end > stateData.lastToSpawn = toSpawn 55c61,62 < entity.setAnimationState("electricBurst", "on") --- > --Float up to get into firing position > animator.setAnimationState("electricBurst", "on") 57c64 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "windup") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "windup") 84c91 < entity.playSound("electricBurst") --- > animator.playSound("electricBurst") 93,94c100,101 < if stateData.winddownTimer == entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.winddownTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "winddown") --- > if stateData.winddownTimer == config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.winddownTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "winddown") 109,110c116,117 < local projectileType = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.type") < local projectileConfig = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.config") --- > local projectileType = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.type") > local projectileConfig = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.config") 113c120 < projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 116c123 < local innerRadius = entity.configParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.innerRadius") --- > local innerRadius = config.getParameter("robotElectricBurstAttack.projectile.innerRadius") 133c140 < entity.setAnimationState("electricBurst", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("electricBurst", "off") 135c142 < entity.setActiveSkillName("") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("") monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotElectricBurstAttack.monsterskill 12c12 < "skillDuration" : 5, --- > "skillDuration" : 12, 14,15c14,15 < "angleCycle" : 5, < "maxFireAngle" : 0.9, --- > "angleCycle" : 6, > "maxFireAngle" : 0.75, 17c17 < "fireInterval" : 0.3, --- > "fireInterval" : 0.2, 22,23c22,23 < "power" : 25, < "speed" : 35, --- > "power" : 5, > "speed" : 20, 26c26 < "timeToLive" : 1 --- > "timeToLive" : 2 monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotFlamethrowerAttack.lua 8,10c8,10 < windupTimer = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.windupTime"), < winddownTimer = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.winddownTime"), < distanceRange = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.distanceRange"), --- > windupTimer = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.windupTime"), > winddownTimer = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.winddownTime"), > distanceRange = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.distanceRange"), 12,13c12,13 < skillDuration = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.skillDuration"), < angleCycle = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.angleCycle"), --- > skillDuration = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.skillDuration"), > angleCycle = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.angleCycle"), 15c15 < fireInterval = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.fireInterval"), --- > fireInterval = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.fireInterval"), 17c17 < maxFireAngle = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.maxFireAngle"), --- > maxFireAngle = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.maxFireAngle"), 25c25 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 27c27 < entity.setActiveSkillName("robotFlamethrowerAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("robotFlamethrowerAttack") 38,39c38,39 < if stateData.windupTimer == entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.windupTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "windup") --- > if stateData.windupTimer == config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.windupTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "windup") 46,47c46,47 < walkSpeed = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.moveSpeed"), < runSpeed = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.moveSpeed") --- > walkSpeed = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.moveSpeed"), > runSpeed = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.moveSpeed") 51,52c51,52 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") < move(toTarget, true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") > mcontroller.controlMove(util.toDirection(toTarget[1]), true) 54,55c54,55 < move({-toTarget[1], toTarget[2]}, false) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > mcontroller.controlMove(util.toDirection(-toTarget[1]), false) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 57c57 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 61c61 < entity.setAnimationState("flameSound", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("flameSound", "off") 63,64c63,64 < if stateData.winddownTimer == entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.winddownTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "winddown") --- > if stateData.winddownTimer == config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.winddownTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "winddown") 73c73 < entity.setAnimationState("flameSound", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("flameSound", "on") 81c81 < local aimVector = vec2.rotate(vec2.norm(toTarget), aimAngle) --- > local aimVector = vec2.rotate({mcontroller.facingDirection(), 0}, aimAngle) 96c96 < stateData.facingTimer = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.changeFacingTime") --- > stateData.facingTimer = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.changeFacingTime") 102,105c102,105 < local projectileType = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.projectile.type") < local projectileConfig = entity.configParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.projectile.config") < local sourcePosition = entity.configParameter("projectileSourcePosition") < local sourceOffset = entity.configParameter("projectileSourceOffset") --- > local projectileType = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.projectile.type") > local projectileConfig = config.getParameter("robotFlamethrowerAttack.projectile.config") > local sourcePosition = config.getParameter("projectileSourcePosition") > local sourceOffset = config.getParameter("projectileSourceOffset") 108c108 < projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 112c112 < entity.rotateGroup("projectileAim", animationAngle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("projectileAim", animationAngle) 114c114 < local currentRotationAngle = entity.currentRotationAngle("projectileAim") --- > local currentRotationAngle = animator.currentRotationAngle("projectileAim") 120c120 < world.spawnProjectile(projectileType, entity.toAbsolutePosition(sourcePosition),, aimVector, true, projectileConfig) --- > world.spawnProjectile(projectileType, monster.toAbsolutePosition(sourcePosition),, aimVector, true, projectileConfig) 124,125c124,125 < entity.setAnimationState("flameSound", "off") < entity.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "winddown") --- > animator.setAnimationState("flameSound", "off") > animator.setAnimationState("flamethrower", "winddown") 127c127 < entity.setActiveSkillName("") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("") monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotFlamethrowerAttack.monsterskill 26,27c26,29 < "power" : 5, < "speed" : 17.5 --- > "power" : 2.5, > "speed" : 17.5, > "damageRepeatGroup" : "shockhopper-flamethrower", > "damageRepeatTimeout" : 0.1 monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotMissileBarrageAttack.lua 7c7 < local missileCount = entity.configParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.missileCount") --- > local missileCount = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.missileCount") 9c9 < missileCount = entity.configParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.improvedMissileCount") --- > missileCount = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.improvedMissileCount") 14,16c14,17 < fireTimer = entity.configParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.fireTime"), < fireInterval = entity.configParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.fireTime"), < spawnOffset = entity.configParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.spawnOffset") --- > fireTimer = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.fireTime"), > fireInterval = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.fireTime"), > spawnOffset = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.spawnOffset"), > power = config.getParameter("robotMissileBarrageAttack.power") 22c23 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 24c25 < entity.setActiveSkillName("robotMissileBarrageAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("robotMissileBarrageAttack") 34c35 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 40c41,42 < local missileId = world.spawnMonster("missile", entity.toAbsolutePosition(stateData.spawnOffset), {level = entity.level()}) --- > local power = stateData.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) > local missileId = world.spawnProjectile("shockhoppermissile", monster.toAbsolutePosition(stateData.spawnOffset),, {0, 1}, false, {power = power}) 43c45 < entity.playSound("missile") --- > animator.playSound("missile") monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotMissileBarrageAttack.monsterskill 13a14 > "power" : 10, 21c22 < "missile" : [ "/sfx/gun/rocket_shot.ogg" ] --- > "missile" : [ "/sfx/gun/rocket2.ogg" ] monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotPunchAttack.lua 8,10c8,10 < distanceRange = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.distanceRange"), < winddownTimer = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.winddownTime"), < windupTimer = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.windupTime"), --- > distanceRange = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.distanceRange"), > winddownTimer = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.winddownTime"), > windupTimer = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.windupTime"), 17c17 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 19c19 < entity.setActiveSkillName("robotPunchAttack") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("robotPunchAttack") 31,32c31,32 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") < move(toTarget, true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") > mcontroller.controlMove(util.toDirection(toTarget[1]), true) 34,35c34,35 < move({-toTarget[1], toTarget[2]}, true) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > mcontroller.controlMove(util.toDirection(-toTarget[1]), true) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 43,44c43,44 < if stateData.windupTimer == entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.windupTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "punch") --- > if stateData.windupTimer == config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.windupTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "punch") 48c48 < if stateData.winddownTimer == entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.winddownTime") then --- > if stateData.winddownTimer == config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.winddownTime") then 50c50 < entity.playSound("punch") --- > animator.playSound("punch") 63,65c63,65 < local projectileType = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.type") < local projectileConfig = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.config") < local projectileOffset = entity.configParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.offset") --- > local projectileType = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.type") > local projectileConfig = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.config") > local projectileOffset = config.getParameter("robotPunchAttack.projectile.offset") 68c68 < projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", entity.level()) --- > projectileConfig.power = projectileConfig.power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) 71c71 < world.spawnProjectile(projectileType, entity.toAbsolutePosition(projectileOffset),, {direction, 0}, true, projectileConfig) --- > world.spawnProjectile(projectileType, monster.toAbsolutePosition(projectileOffset),, {direction, 0}, true, projectileConfig) 75c75 < entity.setActiveSkillName("") --- > monster.setActiveSkillName("") monsters\boss\robotboss\skills\robotPunchAttack.monsterskill 16c16 < "type" : "chomp4", --- > "type" : "swipe", 18,19c18,20 < "power" : 30, < "speed" : 10 --- > "power" : 20, > "speed" : 10, > "damageKind" : "hammer" monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.animation 61a62,66 > "walkback" : { > "frames" : 12, > "cycle" : 0.75, > "mode" : "loop" > }, 122c127,128 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_idle1.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_idle1.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 127c133,134 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_idle2.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_idle2.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 1.5 225a233,237 > "walkback" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":walkback." > } > }, 305a318,346 > "deathWindup" : { > "emissionRate" : 5, > "offsetRegion" : [-8, -8, 8, 8], > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" } > ] > }, > "deathWindupExplosions" : { > "emissionRate" : 5, > "offsetRegion" : [-8, -8, 8, 8], > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" } > ] > }, 306a348,349 > "emissionRate" : 1.0, > "offsetRegion" : [-6, -7, 6, 0], 315c358 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 323c366,400 < } --- > }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard2" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard3" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard4" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard5" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard6" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard2" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard3" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard4" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard5" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard6" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard2" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard3" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard4" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard5" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard6" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard2" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard3" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard4" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard5" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard6" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" } 424,434c501,545 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], < "slam" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast2.ogg" ], < "spiderslam" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack2.ogg" ], < "spit" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack2.ogg" ], < "sweep" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ], < "hatch" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bonerain_full.ogg" ], < "hurt" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellbreak1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellbreak2.ogg" ], < "generateshell" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellrestore.ogg" ], < "cocooncrack" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_cocooncrack.ogg" ], < "cocoonburst" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_cocoonburst.ogg" ], < "death" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_death.ogg" ] --- > "deathWindup" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/gun/boneshotgun.ogg", "/sfx/gun/bonerifle.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "slam" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "spiderslam" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_attack1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_attack2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "spit" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_attack1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_attack2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "sweep" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "hatch" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bonerain_full.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "hurt" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_shellbreak1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_shellbreak2.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "generateshell" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_shellrestore.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "cocooncrack" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_cocooncrack.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "cocoonburst" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_cocoonburst.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "death" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/npc/boss/spiderboss_death.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 1.5 > }, > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.monstertype 3c3 < --- > "shortdescription" : "Ixodoom", 10c10 < "default" : "money" --- > "default" : "ixodoomTreasure" 18a19 > "behaviorUpdateDelta" : 1, 20a22,29 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "deathMovementParameters" : { > "gravityEnabled" : true, > "bounceFactor" : 0.1 > } > }, > > "damageBar" : "None", 24c33 < "deathParticles" : "", --- > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 52c61,62 < } --- > }, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["boss"] 58c68 < "damage" : 37.5, --- > "damage" : 20, 94c104,110 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "electricStatusImmunity" : { 97c113,116 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "specialStatusImmunity" : { 100a120,122 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\boss\spiderboss\legs\legs.frames 16a17,31 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "walkback.1" : "walk.12", > "walkback.2" : "walk.11", > "walkback.3" : "walk.10", > "walkback.4" : "walk.9", > "walkback.5" : "walk.8", > "walkback.6" : "walk.7", > "walkback.7" : "walk.6", > "walkback.8" : "walk.5", > "walkback.9" : "walk.4", > "walkback.10" : "walk.3", > "walkback.11" : "walk.2", > "walkback.12" : "walk.1" monsters\bugs\behavior.lua 4,7c4,7 < self.riseSpeed = entity.configParameter("buzzing.riseSpeed") < self.minGroundDistance = entity.configParameter("buzzing.minGroundDistance") < self.maxGroundDistance = entity.configParameter("buzzing.maxGroundDistance") < self.fallSpeed = entity.configParameter("buzzing.fallSpeed") --- > self.riseSpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.riseSpeed") > self.minGroundDistance = config.getParameter("buzzing.minGroundDistance") > self.maxGroundDistance = config.getParameter("buzzing.maxGroundDistance") > self.fallSpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.fallSpeed") 10,11c10,11 < self.changeDirSpeed = entity.configParameter("buzzing.changeDirSpeed") < self.wanderDistance = entity.configParameter("buzzing.wanderDistance") --- > self.changeDirSpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.changeDirSpeed") > self.wanderDistance = config.getParameter("buzzing.wanderDistance") 14,15c14,15 < self.rotationSpeed = entity.configParameter("buzzing.rotationSpeed") < self.rotationChangeInterval = entity.configParameter("buzzing.rotationChangeInterval") --- > self.rotationSpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.rotationSpeed") > self.rotationChangeInterval = config.getParameter("buzzing.rotationChangeInterval") 18c18 < self.flySpeed = entity.configParameter("buzzing.flySpeed") --- > self.flySpeed = config.getParameter("buzzing.flySpeed") 60c60 < entity.rotateGroup("body", self.baseRotation + angle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("body", self.baseRotation + angle) 72c72 < return <= 0 or self.dead --- > return not status.resourcePositive("health") or self.dead monsters\bugs\ashsprite\ashsprite.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\aurorabee\aurorabee.monstertype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 90a91,93 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\beebug\beebug.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\blueback\blueback.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\brightstripe\brightstripe.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\butterbee\butterbee.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\cinderfly\cinderfly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\dewhopper\dewhopper.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\driftbell\driftbell.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\dustmoth\dustmoth.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\fawnfly\fawnfly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\fireflyspawner\fireflyspawner.animation 32c32 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\bugs\fireflyspawner\fireflyspawner.monstertype 80c80 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 85a86,88 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\fireygiant\fireygiant.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\flameroach\flameroach.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\flyspawner\flyspawner.animation 32c32 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\bugs\flyspawner\flyspawner.monstertype 80c80 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 85a86,88 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\frostfleck\frostfleck.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\frostfly\frostfly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\gasgiant\gasgiant.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\glowbug\body.monsterpart 2c2 < "name" : "glowbug", --- > "name" : "body", 7c7 < "body" : "glowbug.png" --- > "body" : "body.png" monsters\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.animation 4a5 > "zLevel" : 0, 7a9,16 > } > }, > "head" : { > "zLevel" : 1, > "properties" : { > "rotationGroup" : "body", > "image" : "", > "fullbright" : true monsters\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.monstertype 5c5 < "parts" : [ "body" ], --- > "parts" : [ "body", "head" ], 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\goldbuck\goldbuck.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\greentip\greentip.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\heathugger\heathugger.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\hivehog\hivehog.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\icetip\icetip.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\lavahopper\lavahopper.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\muddancer\muddancer.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\mudstag\mudstag.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\orphanfly\orphanfly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\phoenixfly\phoenixfly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\polarmoth\polarmoth.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\redwing\redwing.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\sandclown\sandclown.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\scuttleploom\scuttleploom.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\seahornet\seahornet.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\shadowmoth\shadowmoth.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\shardwing\shardwing.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\shellcreep\shellcreep.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\snowskater\snowskater.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\stinkjack\stinkjack.monstertype 83c83 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 88a89,91 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\sunskipper\sunskipper.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\testbug\testbug.monstertype 79c79 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 84a85,87 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\thornbee\thornbee.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\tidefly\tidefly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\vineclimber\vineclimber.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\wavebird\wavebird.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\bugs\xenofly\xenofly.monstertype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.animation 47a48,67 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 135a156,180 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 141c186,187 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] --- > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Crustoise", > "description" : "The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 25d27 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 28c30 < "targetOutOfSightTime" : 0.5, --- > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, 48c50 < "windupTime" : 0.25, --- > "windupTime" : 0.5, 53c55,56 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 68a72,82 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl" > } > ], > 80a95,109 > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "crustoiseshell", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [-1, 2], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0.4] > } > } > ], > 143a173,175 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 161c193,196 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\iguarmor\iguarmor.animation 13c13 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 18c18 < "cycle" : 0.5, --- > "cycle" : 0.35, 24c24 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 43a44,63 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125a146,170 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\iguarmor\iguarmor.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Iguarmor", > "description" : "Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.", 27d28 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 30c31 < "targetOutOfSightTime" : 2.0, --- > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, 43c44,50 < "fleeActions" : [ ], --- > "damageTakenActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-invulnerable", > "cooldown" : 10, > "parameters" : { > "windupState" : "", > "windupTime" : 0.0, 45,46c52,54 < "hostileActions" : [ < ], --- > "invulnerableState" : "", > "invulnerableEffect" : "highprotection", > "invulnerableTime" : 5, 48c56,57 < "periodicActions" : [ ], --- > "winddownTime" : 0.5, > "winddownState" : "winddown" 50c59,63 < "approachActions" : [ --- > } > } > ], > > "invulnerableActions" : [ 59c72,73 < "wanderActions" : [ --- > > "approachActions" : [ 61,62c75 < "name" : "wander-crawl", < "cooldown" : [3,6], --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", 64,66d76 < "wanderTime" : [2,4], < "idleTime" : [3,6], < "stopForce" : 200 71c81,92 < "concurrentActions" : [ --- > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "moveState" : "shieldwalk" > } > } 74c95 < "concurrentHostileActions" : [ --- > "wanderActions" : [ 76c97,98 < "name" : "action-invulnerable", --- > "name" : "wander-crawl", > "cooldown" : [3,6], 78,87c100,102 < "windupState" : "", < "windupTime" : 0.0, < < "invulnerableState" : "", < "invulnerableEffect" : "highprotection", < "invulnerableTime" : 20, < < "winddownTime" : 0.5, < "winddownState" : "winddown" < --- > "wanderTime" : [2,4], > "idleTime" : [3,6], > "stopForce" : 200 95c110 < "damage" : 9, --- > "damage" : 5, 159a175,177 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 177c195,198 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\oculob\oculob.animation 31a32,51 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 96,103c116,132 < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, > { "particle" : "ocublob" }, 111a141,165 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\oculob\oculob.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Oculob", > "description" : "It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 25d27 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 28c30 < "targetOutOfSightTime" : 0.5, --- > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, 53a56,66 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl" > } > ], > 65a79,93 > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "ocueye", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [-1, 2], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0.4] > } > } > ], > 138c166,169 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 157c188,191 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\pulpin\pulpin.animation 39a40,59 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 113,121d132 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, 129a141,165 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\pulpin\pulpin.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Pulpin", > "description" : "It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 27d29 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 44d45 < "onGround" : false, 46a48 > "windupStopForce" : 200, 47a50,51 > "aimAtTarget" : false, > "aimDirection" : [0, 1], 66c70,87 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } 77c98,126 < "idleTime" : 1.0 --- > "idleTime" : 1.0, > "resetHeading" : false > } > } > ], > > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "pulpinwater", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [0, -1], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 1] > } > }, > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "pulpinbrain", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [0, -1], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 2] 159c208,211 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 178c230,233 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\snaggler\snaggler.animation 39a40,59 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 121a142,166 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\snaggler\snaggler.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Snaggler", > "description" : "Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.", 27d28 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 30c31 < "targetOutOfSightTime" : 2.0, --- > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, 49a51 > "invulnerableEffect" : "highprotection", 68a71 > 74a78,91 > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { 115,116c132,133 < "walkSpeed" : 4, < "runSpeed" : 12, --- > "walkSpeed" : 2, > "runSpeed" : 8, 164a182,184 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 182c202,205 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\tintic\tintic.animation 42a43,62 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 108a129,134 > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, 117,124c143,175 < { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, < { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } --- > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" }, > { "particle" : "dust2" } > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\tintic\tintic.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Tintic", > "description" : "It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?", 27d28 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 30c31 < "targetOutOfSightTime" : 0.5, --- > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, 44d44 < "onGround" : false, 51,52c51,52 < "projectileCount" : 5, < "projectileInterval" : 0.04, --- > "projectileCount" : 3, > "projectileInterval" : 0.1, 75a76,86 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl" > } > ], > 166a178,180 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 184c198,201 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\crawlers\triplod\triplod.animation 28a29,48 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 102,110c122,125 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, 118a134,158 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\crawlers\triplod\triplod.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Triplod", > "description" : "It watches you through its big lens.", 27d28 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 39d39 < "cooldown" : 2.0, 44,45c44 < "onGround" : false, < "windupTime" : 0.5, --- > "windupTime" : 2.0, 49c48 < "projectileType" : "lightning2", --- > "projectileType" : "lightpellet", 54c53 < "fireDelay" : 0.3, --- > "fireDelay" : 0.0, 67c66,83 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } 159c175,178 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 178c197,200 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\apexscabcritter\apexscabcritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > 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"particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\toxiccrabcritter\toxiccrabcritter.monstertype 38a39 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 69a71,73 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 87c91,94 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\tritrotscritter\tritrotscritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\tritrotscritter\tritrotscritter.monstertype 38a39 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 69a71,73 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 87c91,94 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\vulturecritter\vulturecritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\vulturecritter\vulturecritter.monstertype 41a42 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 72a74,76 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 90c94,97 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : false, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\wintercritter\wintercritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\wintercritter\wintercritter.monstertype 38a39 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 69a71,73 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 87c91,94 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\wurmcritter\wurmcritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\wurmcritter\wurmcritter.monstertype 38a39 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 69a71,73 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 87c91,94 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\critter\yeticritter\yeticritter.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 64a85,119 > "deathPoof" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > > > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > } monsters\critter\yeticritter\yeticritter.monstertype 37a38 > "deathParticles" : "deathPoof", 68a70,72 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 86c90,95 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\apexbrainmutant\apexbrainmutant.animation 35a36,55 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 88a109,128 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, monsters\dungeon\apexbrainmutant\apexbrainmutant.monstertype 24d23 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 71a71,84 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : false > } > } > ], > 143c156,157 < "damageSourceKind" : "bite", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", > "knockback" : 20, 171c185 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 174a189,191 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 192c209,212 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\apexmutant\apexmutant.animation 45a46,65 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 104a125,144 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, monsters\dungeon\apexmutant\apexmutant.monstertype 23d22 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 68a68,83 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : false, > "run" : true, > "moveState" : "run" > } > } > ], > 108d122 < "knockback" : 15, 111a126 > "knockback" : 20, 139c154 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 142a158,160 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 160c178,181 < "feetOffset" : [0, -22] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -22], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\chicken\behavior.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 11c14 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 14,15c17,19 < entity.setAggressive(false) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > monster.setAggressive(false) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > capturable.init() 18a23 > capturable.update(dt) 22a28,35 > function shouldDie() > return status.resource("health") <= 0 or capturable.justCaptured > end > > function die() > capturable.die() > end > 24c37 < if > 0 then --- > if status.resourcePositive("health") then 46c59 < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveTimeRange"), --- > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveTimeRange")), 56c69 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 62c75 < if math.random(100) <= entity.configParameter("eggPercentageChancePerMove") then --- > if math.random(100) <= config.getParameter("eggPercentageChancePerMove") then 82,83c95,96 < timer = entity.configParameter("fleeMaxTime"), < distance = entity.randomizeParameterRange("fleeDistanceRange") --- > timer = config.getParameter("fleeMaxTime"), > distance = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("fleeDistanceRange")) 88c101 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "run") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "run") 129c142 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "lay") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "lay") 132c145 < if entity.animationState("movement")=="idle" then --- > if animator.animationState("movement")=="idle" then 135c148 < local eggType = entity.configParameter("eggType") --- > local eggType = config.getParameter("eggType") 142c155 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "egg") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "egg") monsters\dungeon\chicken\chicken.animation 47a48,67 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 102a123,145 > } > }, > > "particleEmitters" : { > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] monsters\dungeon\chicken\chicken.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "chickentreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ { "default" : "huntingflying" } ], 78c78 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 81a82,84 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 109c112,115 < "fleeMaxTime" : 20.0 --- > "fleeMaxTime" : 20.0, > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\floki\floki.animation 52a53,72 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 107,122c127,142 < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/energy/energy.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 35, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [1, 1], < "timeToLive" : 0.4, < "layer" : "middle" < } < } --- > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } 141c161 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 157c177 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 177c197 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 197c217 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 217c237 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 237c257 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 257c277 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 277c297 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 297c317 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\floki\floki.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [], 23c23,25 < --- > > "followDistance" : 20, > 32a35,48 > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "moveState" : "move" > } > } 40d55 < "colors" : "floki", 52c67 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 93c108 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 96a112,114 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 114c132,135 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\behavior.lua 1c1,2 < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 10c11 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 14,16c15,17 < entity.setAggressive(false) < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") --- > monster.setAggressive(false) > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") 21c22 < if util.trackTarget(entity.configParameter("noticeDistance")) then --- > if util.trackTarget(config.getParameter("noticeDistance")) then 37c38 < return { timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("idleTimeRange") } --- > return { timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("idleTimeRange")) } 51c52 < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveTimeRange"), --- > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveTimeRange")), 57c58 < local bounds = entity.configParameter("metaBoundBox") --- > local bounds = config.getParameter("metaBoundBox") 67c68 < stateData.changeDirectionTimer = entity.configParameter("moveChangeDirectionCooldown") --- > stateData.changeDirectionTimer = config.getParameter("moveChangeDirectionCooldown") 71c72 < if entity.animationState("movement") == "idle" and stateData.timer <= 0 then --- > if animator.animationState("movement") == "idle" and stateData.timer <= 0 then 76c77 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "bounce") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "bounce") 93c94 < if entity.animationState("movement") == "idle" then --- > if animator.animationState("movement") == "idle" then 98c99 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "bounce") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "bounce") monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\giftmonster.animation 52c52 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 68c68 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 88c88 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 108c108 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 148c148 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 168c168 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 188c188 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 208c208 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\giftmonster.monstertype 74c74 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 79c79,82 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\giftmonstersmall.animation 52c52 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 68c68 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 88c88 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 108c108 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 148c148 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 168c168 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 188c188 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 208c208 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\giftmonster\giftmonstersmall.monstertype 74c74 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 79c79,82 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\dungeon\glitchknight\behavior.lua 6c6 < entity.setAnimationState("mount", stateName) --- > animator.setAnimationState("mount", stateName) 9c9 < entity.setAnimationState("rider", "dismounted") --- > animator.setAnimationState("rider", "dismounted") 11c11 < entity.setAnimationState("rider", stateName) --- > animator.setAnimationState("rider", stateName) 20c20 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) 23c23 < entity.setAggressive(false) --- > monster.setAggressive(false) 33,34c33,34 < if util.trackTarget(entity.configParameter("targetNoticeRadius")) then < entity.setAggressive(true) --- > if util.trackTarget(config.getParameter("targetNoticeRadius")) then > monster.setAggressive(true) 37c37 < entity.setAggressive(false) --- > monster.setAggressive(false) 46,47c46 < local dismountHealth = entity.maxHealth() * entity.configParameter("dismountHealthRatio") < if < dismountHealth then --- > if status.resourcePercentage("health") < config.getParameter("dismountHealthRatio") then 49c48 < world.spawnNpc(self.position, "glitch", "knight", entity.level()) --- > world.spawnNpc(self.position, "glitch", "evilknight", monster.level()) 75c74 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 90c89 < if stateData.chargeDirection == nil or world.magnitude(toTarget) > entity.configParameter("chargeAttackOvershootDistance") then --- > if stateData.chargeDirection == nil or world.magnitude(toTarget) > config.getParameter("chargeAttackOvershootDistance") then 92c91 < stateData.changeDirectionTimer = entity.configParameter("changeDirectionCooldown") --- > stateData.changeDirectionTimer = config.getParameter("changeDirectionCooldown") 99c98 < stateData.changeDirectionTimer = entity.configParameter("changeDirectionCooldown") --- > stateData.changeDirectionTimer = config.getParameter("changeDirectionCooldown") monsters\dungeon\glitchknight\glitchknight.animation 139c139 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 155c155 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 175c175 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 195c195 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 215c215 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 235c235 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 255c255 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 275c275 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 295c295 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\glitchknight\glitchknight.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "robotTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "money" ], 21c21 < "damageTeam" : 1, --- > "damageTeam" : 0, 29c29 < "mass" : 1.0, --- > "mass" : 3.0, 45a46 > "knockback" : 30, 70c71 < "baseValue" : 60 --- > "baseValue" : 75 73c74 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 50.0 76a78,80 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\dungeon\glitchspider\glitchspider.animation 48a49,68 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 113a134,153 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, monsters\dungeon\glitchspider\glitchspider.monstertype 9c9 < "dropPools" : [ "robotTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "largeRobotTreasure" ], 27d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 59c58 < "name" : "action-leap", --- > "name" : "action-leap", 87a87,97 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-crawl" > } > ], > 121a132 > "knockback" : 20, 164c175 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 169c180,183 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 188c202,205 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\pinfriend\pinfriend.animation 52a53,72 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 107,122c127,142 < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/energy/energy.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 35, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [1, 1], < "timeToLive" : 0.4, < "layer" : "middle" < } < } --- > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } 141c161 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 157c177 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 177c197 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 197c217 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 217c237 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 237c257 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 257c277 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 277c297 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 297c317 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\pinfriend\pinfriend.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [], 32a33,47 > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "moveState" : "move", > "fallState" : "jump" > } > } 94c109 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 97a113,115 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 128a147 > "capturable" : true, 132,133c151,152 < "captureParticles" : "captureParticles", < "levelUpParticles" : "levelUp" --- > "levelUpParticles" : "levelUp", > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\po\behavior.lua 1c1,3 < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 5,6d6 < capturepod.onInit() < 13c13 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 18,21c18,21 < entity.setAggressive(true) < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > monster.setAggressive(true) > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 26c26 < util.trackTarget(entity.configParameter("noticeDistance")) --- > util.trackTarget(config.getParameter("noticeDistance")) 36c36 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 41c41 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "fall") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "fall") 43c43 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "jump") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "jump") 49,53d48 < function damage(args) < capturepod.onDamage(args) < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55c50 < return self.dead or <= 0 --- > return self.dead or not status.resourcePositive("health") or capturable.justCaptured 60,61c55 < if not capturepod.onDie() then < local size = entity.configParameter("poSize") --- > local size = config.getParameter("poSize") 63,71c57,65 < if size == "medium" then < local entityId = world.spawnMonster("micropo", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -1, 4 }), { level = entity.level() }) < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", -1) < < entityId = world.spawnMonster("micropo", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 1, 4 }), { level = entity.level() }) < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", 1) < elseif size == "large" then < local entityId = world.spawnMonster("po", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -1, 3 }), { level = entity.level() }) < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", -1) --- > if size == "medium" then > local entityId = world.spawnMonster("micropo", monster.toAbsolutePosition({ -1, 4 }), { level = monster.level() }) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", -1) > > entityId = world.spawnMonster("micropo", monster.toAbsolutePosition({ 1, 4 }), { level = monster.level() }) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", 1) > elseif size == "large" then > local entityId = world.spawnMonster("po", monster.toAbsolutePosition({ -1, 3 }), { level = monster.level() }) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", -1) 73,75c67,68 < entityId = world.spawnMonster("po", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 1, 3 }), { level = entity.level() }) < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", 1) < end --- > entityId = world.spawnMonster("po", monster.toAbsolutePosition({ 1, 3 }), { level = monster.level() }) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setSpawnDirection", 1) 81c74 < local spawnVelocity = entity.configParameter("spawnVelocity") --- > local spawnVelocity = config.getParameter("spawnVelocity") 87c80 < return entity.configParameter("poSize") --- > return config.getParameter("poSize") 111,112c104,105 < if delta[2] > entity.configParameter("largeJumpYThreshold") then < self.jumpHoldTime = entity.configParameter("largeHumpHoldTime") --- > if delta[2] > config.getParameter("largeJumpYThreshold") then > self.jumpHoldTime = config.getParameter("largeHumpHoldTime") 114c107 < self.jumpHoldTime = entity.configParameter("smallBounceHoldTime") --- > self.jumpHoldTime = config.getParameter("smallBounceHoldTime") 122c115 < --Check if entity is on solid ground (not platforms) --- > --Check if entity is on solid ground (not platforms) 156,157d148 < if capturepod.isCaptive() then return nil end < 159c150 < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveTimeRange"), --- > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveTimeRange")), 173c164 < return true, entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveCooldownTimeRange") --- > return true, util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveCooldownTimeRange")) 191c182 < if stateData.timer > entity.configParameter("attackSearchTime") then --- > if stateData.timer > config.getParameter("attackSearchTime") then 209c200 < if not capturepod.isCaptive() or self.targetId ~= nil then return nil end --- > if not capturable or not capturable.ownerUuid() or self.targetId ~= nil then return nil end monsters\dungeon\po\megapo.monstertype 14d13 < "/monsters/capturepod.lua", 29c28 < "mass" : 1.0, --- > "mass" : 1.2, 50a50 > "knockback" : 20, 54,55d53 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 80c78 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 85c83,86 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 120,122c121 < "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30], < < "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5 --- > "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30] monsters\dungeon\po\micropo.monstertype 14d13 < "/monsters/capturepod.lua", 29c28 < "mass" : 1.0, --- > "mass" : 0.8, 50a50 > "knockback" : 10, 78c78 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 83c83,86 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 118,120c121 < "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30], < < "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5 --- > "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30] monsters\dungeon\po\po.animation 60c60 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 76c76 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 96c96 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 116c116 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 136c136 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 156c156 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 176c176 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 196c196 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 216c216 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\po\po.monstertype 14d13 < "/monsters/capturepod.lua", 51a51 > "knockback" : 15, 79c79 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 84c84,87 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 119,121c122 < "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30], < < "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5 --- > "spawnVelocity" : [2, 30] monsters\dungeon\pogolem\pogolem.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "pogolemTreasure" ], 24d23 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 100a100,118 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 120a139 > "knockback" : 20, 127c146 < "mass" : 1.0, --- > "mass" : 1.6, 147,148d165 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 173c190 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 178c195,198 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { monsters\dungeon\robotchicken\behavior.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 9c12 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 12,13c15,17 < entity.setAggressive(false) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > monster.setAggressive(false) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > capturable.init() 16a21 > capturable.update(dt) 20a26,33 > function shouldDie() > return status.resource("health") <= 0 or capturable.justCaptured > end > > function die() > capturable.die() > end > 22c35 < if > 0 then --- > if status.resourcePositive("health") then 43c56 < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveTimeRange"), --- > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveTimeRange")), 53c66 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 73,74c86,87 < timer = entity.configParameter("fleeMaxTime"), < distance = entity.randomizeParameterRange("fleeDistanceRange") --- > timer = config.getParameter("fleeMaxTime"), > distance = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("fleeDistanceRange")) 79c92 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "run") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "run") 99c112 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\dungeon\robotchicken\robotchicken.animation 32a33,52 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 75a96,118 > } > }, > > "particleEmitters" : { > "captureParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn":{ > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] monsters\dungeon\robotchicken\robotchicken.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "smallRobotTreasure" ], 78c78 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 83c83,86 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 109c112,115 < "fleeMaxTime" : 20.0 --- > "fleeMaxTime" : 20.0, > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\sewerfly\sewerfly.animation 59a60,79 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 132a153,172 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, monsters\dungeon\sewerfly\sewerfly.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "pogolemTreasure" ], 24d23 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 54a54,64 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > 93c103 < "mass" : 1.0, --- > "mass" : 0.8, 110c120,121 < "damageSourceKind" : "bite", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 138c149 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 143c154,157 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 162c176,179 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\dungeon\swarpion\behavior.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 10c13 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 13c16,17 < entity.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") --- > monster.setDeathParticleBurst("deathPoof") > capturable.init() 18c22,23 < if util.trackTarget(entity.configParameter("targetNoticeDistance")) then --- > capturable.update(dt) > if util.trackTarget(config.getParameter("targetNoticeDistance")) then 25c30 < if entity.animationState("movement") ~= "attack" then --- > if animator.animationState("movement") ~= "attack" then 30c35 < table.insert(movements, { flockMovement, entity.configParameter("flockMovementWeight") }) --- > table.insert(movements, { flockMovement, config.getParameter("flockMovementWeight") }) 46a52,60 > function die() > capturable.die() > end > > function shouldDie() > return status.resource("health") <= 0 or capturable.justCaptured > end > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63c77 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 77c91 < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("moveTimeRange"), --- > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("moveTimeRange")), 91c105 < return true, entity.randomizeParameterRange("idleTimeRange") --- > return true, util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("idleTimeRange")) 103c117 < entity.setAggressive(true) --- > monster.setAggressive(true) 105c119 < timer = entity.configParameter("attackTargetHoldTime"), --- > timer = config.getParameter("attackTargetHoldTime"), 112,113c126,127 < if entity.animationState("movement") == "attack" then < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > if animator.animationState("movement") == "attack" then > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 116c130 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) 126c140 < local attackRange = entity.configParameter("attackRange") --- > local attackRange = config.getParameter("attackRange") 132,134c146,148 < stateData.attackPauseTimer = entity.configParameter("attackPauseTime") < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "attack") < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) --- > stateData.attackPauseTimer = config.getParameter("attackPauseTime") > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "attack") > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) 141c155 < stateData.timer = entity.configParameter("attackTargetHoldTime") --- > stateData.timer = config.getParameter("attackTargetHoldTime") 148,149c162,163 < entity.setAggressive(false) < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setAggressive(false) > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) monsters\dungeon\swarpion\swarpion.animation 28a29,48 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 62a83,102 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, 72c112 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 88c128 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 108c148 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 128c168 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 148c188 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 168c208 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 188c228 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 208c248 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 228c268 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\dungeon\swarpion\swarpion.monstertype 28c28 < "mass" : 0.2, --- > "mass" : 1.0, 48a49 > "knockback" : 10, 76c77 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 81c82,85 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 123c127,130 < "flockCohesionFactor" : 0.1 --- > "flockCohesionFactor" : 0.1, > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\agrobat\agrobat.animation 40a41,60 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 100a121,122 > { "particle" : "agrobatwing" }, > { "particle" : "agrobatwingflipped" }, 116a139,163 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\agrobat\agrobat.monstertype 2c2,4 < "type" : "agrobat", --- > "type" : "agrobat", > "shortdescription" : "Agrobat", > "description" : "Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.", 17a20 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 58a61,75 > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "minRange" : 4, > "maxRange" : 8 > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { 112,113c129,130 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 141c158 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 153a171,173 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 171c191,194 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\batong\batong.animation 38a39,58 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 104a125,149 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\batong\batong.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Batong", > "description" : "By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.", 17a20 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 37a40,53 > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "approachAngle" : 30 > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { 86c102 < "mass" : 0.5, --- > "mass" : 1.0, 91,92c107,108 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 120c136 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 132a149,151 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 150c169,172 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\bobfae\bobfae.animation 23c23,24 < "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.15 --- > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.15, > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 38a40,59 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 131a153,177 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\bobfae\bobfae.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Bobfae", > "description" : "Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 17a21 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 23d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 65a69,94 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "cooldown" : 2.0, > "parameters" : { > "approachTime" : 4.0 > } > }, > { > "name" : "land-fly", > "cooldown" : 2, > "parameters" : { > "landDirection" : [0, -1], > "flySpeed" : 12, > "flyControlForce" : 20, > "idleTime" : [1,2], > "landState" : "idle" > } > } > ], > 89a119,133 > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "bobfaeball", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [0.3, -1], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 2] > } > } > ], > 116,117c160,161 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 145c189 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 157a202,204 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 175c222,225 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\monopus\monopus.animation 52a53,72 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 128a149,173 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\monopus\monopus.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Monopus", > "description" : "An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.", 19a22 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 25d27 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 74a77,87 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > 114,115c127,128 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 143c156 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 155a169,171 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 173c189,192 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\paratail\paratail.animation 17a18,22 > "explode" : { > "frames" : 11, > "cycle" : 1.1, > "mode" : "loop" > }, 22c27 < "transition" : "fly" --- > "transition" : "explode" 36a42,61 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 50c75 < "image" : ":fly." --- > "image" : ":fly." 55c80,85 < "image" : ":fly." --- > "image" : ":fly." > } > }, > "explode" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":explodefly." 69,70c99 < "hurt" : "", < "explode" : "" --- > "hurt" : "" 80,81c109,110 < "time" : 0, < "directives" : "fade=ffffff;0.5" --- > "time" : 0.4, > "directives" : "fade=ff0000;0.5" 104a134,158 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\paratail\paratail.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Paratail", > "description" : "During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.", 16c18,98 < "behavior" : "paratail", --- > "behavior" : "monster", > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", > > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, > "behaviorConfig" : { > "damageOnTouch" : true, > > "targetQueryRange" : 20, > "targetOnDamage" : true, > "keepTargetInSight" : true, > "keepTargetInRange" : 50, > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 5.0, > > "foundTargetActions" : [ ], > > "fleeActions" : [ ], > > "hostileActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-suicide", > "cooldown" : 1.0, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 3, > "onGround" : false, > "windupTime" : 0.05, > "windupStopForce" : 50, > "windupState" : "windup" > } > } > ], > > "periodicActions" : [ ], > > "approachActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > > "wanderActions" : [ > { > "name" : "wander-fly", > "parameters" : { > "wanderTime" : [2,4], > "groundDistance" : 8, > "ceilingDistance" : 8, > "xVelocity" : 2, > "yVelocity" : 6 > } > } > ], > > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "fireplasmaexplosion", > "projectileParameters" : { > "damageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 0 } > }, > "power" : 8, > "aimDirection" : [0, 0], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0] > } > } > ] > }, 34c116 < "mass" : 0.5, --- > "mass" : 1.0, 39,41c121,122 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, < "flySpeed" : 15 --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "flySpeed" : 8 46c127 < "knockoutTime" : 0.3, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.8, 48c129 < "body" : "fly" --- > "body" : "windup" 51c132 < "knockoutEffect" : "", --- > "knockoutEffect" : "blink", 68c149 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 80a162,164 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 98c182,186 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\pteropod\pteropod.animation 7a8,15 > "idle" : { > "frames" : 8, > "cycle" : 0.75, > "mode" : "loop", > "frameProperties" : { > "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap1.ogg", "", "", "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap2.ogg", "", "" ] > } > }, 16c24 < "firewinddown" : { --- > "firewindup" : { 20c28 < "transition" : "fly", --- > "transition" : "winduploop", 22c30 < "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap1.ogg", "", "", "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap2.ogg", "", "" ] --- > "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap1.ogg", "", "" ] 25,27c33,35 < "firewindup" : { < "frames" : 8, < "cycle" : 0.75, --- > "winduploop" : { > "frames" : 4, > "cycle" : 0.375, 30c38 < "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap1.ogg", "", "", "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap2.ogg", "", "" ] --- > "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap2.ogg", "", "" ] 39,47c47,48 < "mode" : "loop" < }, < "hurt" : { < "frames" : 8, < "cycle" : 0.75, < "mode" : "loop", < "frameProperties" : { < "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap3.ogg", "", "", "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap3.ogg", "", "" ] < } --- > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "idle" 66a68,87 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 77a99,103 > "idle" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":fly." > } > }, 88c114 < "firewinddown" : { --- > "winduploop" : { 90c116 < "image" : ":winddown." --- > "image" : ":winduploop." 126a153,160 > { "particle" : "poisondust" }, > { "particle" : "poisondust" }, > { "particle" : "poisondust" }, > { "particle" : "poisonswoosh3" }, > { "particle" : "poisonswoosh3" }, > { "particle" : "poisonswoosh3" }, > { "particle" : "poisonswoosh3" }, > { "particle" : "poisonswoosh3" }, 142a177,201 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\pteropod\pteropod.frames 9,10c9,10 < [ null, "windup.1", "windup.2", "windup.3", "windup.4", null, "windup.5", "windup.6", "windup.7" ], < [ "windup.8", null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4"] --- > [ null, "windup.1", "windup.2", "windup.3", "windup.4", null, "winduploop.1", "winduploop.2", "winduploop.3" ], > [ "winduploop.4", null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4"] 14,17d13 < "winddown.1" : "windup.4", < "winddown.2" : "windup.3", < "winddown.3" : "windup.2", < "winddown.4" : "windup.1" monsters\flyers\pteropod\pteropod.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Pteropod", > "description" : "It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.", 17a20 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 35c37 < "cooldown" : 4, --- > "cooldown" : 0.0, 41c43 < "windupTime" : 0.75, --- > "windupTime" : 1.25, 44,45c46,47 < "power" : 14, < "fireOffset" : [2, 0], --- > "power" : 10, > "fireOffset" : [0.75, 0.25], 49a52 > "fireDelay" : 0.1, 51,52c54,59 < "winddownState" : "firewinddown", < "winddownTime" : 1.5 --- > "fireArc": true, > "projectileSpeed": 50, > "gravityMultiplier": 0.6, > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 1.0 62c69 < "name" : "wander-fly", --- > "name" : "approach-fly", 64,68c71,72 < "wanderTime" : [2,4], < "groundDistance" : 8, < "ceilingDistance" : 8, < "xVelocity" : 4, < "yVelocity" : 12 --- > "minRange" : 4, > "maxRange" : 8 72a77,87 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > 112,113c127,128 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 141c156 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 155c170,173 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 174c192,195 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\flyers\scandroid\scandroid.animation 34a35,54 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 97,105c117,121 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > 113a130,154 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\flyers\scandroid\scandroid.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Scandroid", > "description" : "The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.", 17a20 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 80a83,93 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > 136,137c149,150 < "airFriction" : 2, < "airForce" : 20, --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40, 165c178 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 179c192,195 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 198c214,217 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\colors\alien.monstercolors 52c52 < // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched - Dark Dark Black Brown // --- > // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched City - Dark Dark Black Brown // monsters\generated\colors\default.monstercolors 4,387c4 < // Ocean, Snow, Arctic - BLUE // < { < "6f2919" : "12374E", "a85636" : "176995", "e0975c" : "1EA1C6", "ffca8a" : "54BAF5", < "735e3a" : "5F5B4B", "a38d59" : "A89C77", "d9c189" : "DCCE9C", "f7e7b2" : "FFF0C4", < "951500" : "8C7C00", "be1b00" : "C1AF00", "dc1f00" : "F2DA00", "f32200" : "FFEA4C" < }, < // Garden, Forest, Jungle - GREEN BLUE // < { < "6f2919" : "2b3916", "a85636" : "547225", "e0975c" : "80b32f", "ffca8a" : "b6eb5a", < "735e3a" : "2d506b", "a38d59" : "4787b3", "d9c189" : "63aee4", "f7e7b2" : "91dcff", < "951500" : "249500", "be1b00" : "2ebe00", "dc1f00" : "35dc00", "f32200" : "3bf300" < }, < // Savannah, Volcanic, Scorched - SUPER TAN // < { < "6f2919" : "574b38", "a85636" : "81725b", "e0975c" : "bdae97", "ffca8a" : "dfd3c1", < "735e3a" : "7F6D52", "a38d59" : "BFA27A", "d9c189" : "EFD5AB", "f7e7b2" : "F9E6CC", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Garden, Toxic, Alien - Bright Light Green Tan // < { < "6f2919" : "1d6f19", "a85636" : "36a83c", "e0975c" : "5ce078", "ffca8a" : "8affaf", < "735e3a" : "735e3a", "a38d59" : "a38d59", "d9c189" : "d9c189", "f7e7b2" : "f7e7b2", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "be1b00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Alien - Purple Green // < { < "6f2919" : "40196f", "a85636" : "7436a8", "e0975c" : "ba5ce0", "ffca8a" : "e98aff", < "735e3a" : "3a7343", "a38d59" : "59a36a", "d9c189" : "89d99c", "f7e7b2" : "b2f7c7", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "be1b00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Ocean, Arctic - Blue Tan // < { < "6f2919" : "19506F", "a85636" : "367ca8", "e0975c" : "5c97e0", "ffca8a" : "8ab3ff", < "735e3a" : "73673a", "a38d59" : "a39959", "d9c189" : "d9cf89", "f7e7b2" : "f7f3b2", < "951500" : "95004c", "be1b00" : "be0060", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Desert, Savannah - Sandy Gold // < { < "6f2919" : "6f4719", "a85636" : "a87e36", "e0975c" : "e0c65c", "ffca8a" : "fff38a", < "735e3a" : "736e3a", "a38d59" : "a3a359", "d9c189" : "d8d989", "f7e7b2" : "f2f7b2", < "951500" : "1C2293", "be1b00" : "1B4EC4", "dc1f00" : "3F7CFF", "f32200" : "2BC2FF" < }, < // Volcanic, Alien - Burgandy Purple // < { < "6f2919" : "6f1936", "a85636" : "a83651", "e0975c" : "e05c64", "ffca8a" : "ff8e8a", < "735e3a" : "3a3e73", "a38d59" : "5b59a3", "d9c189" : "8b89d9", "f7e7b2" : "b8b2f7", < "951500" : "949500", "be1b00" : "bbbe00", "dc1f00" : "d9dc00", "f32200" : "eff300" < }, < // Volcanic, Magma, Scorched - DarkGrey Red // < { < "6f2919" : "171717", "a85636" : "515151", "e0975c" : "767676", "ffca8a" : "9f9f9f", < "735e3a" : "503224", "a38d59" : "965751", "d9c189" : "E07F7F", "f7e7b2" : "EFA4AE", < "951500" : "953800", "be1b00" : "be5000", "dc1f00" : "DC7C00", "f32200" : "F39B00" < }, < // Volcanic, Ice - Black Grey // < { < "6f2919" : "11111E", "a85636" : "33333A", "e0975c" : "5C5C5E", "ffca8a" : "898989", < "735e3a" : "4b4b4b", "a38d59" : "828282", "d9c189" : "b6b6b6", "f7e7b2" : "d9d9d9", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "be1b00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Jungle, Forest - Brown Yellow // < { < "6f2919" : "231717", "a85636" : "4C3C35", "e0975c" : "766559", "ffca8a" : "8E7A6C", < "735e3a" : "6c5d22", "a38d59" : "b0a747", "d9c189" : "e2e189", "f7e7b2" : "f0f0c2", < "951500" : "953800", "be1b00" : "be5000", "dc1f00" : "DC7C00", "f32200" : "F39B00" < }, < // Volcanic, Scorched - Light Grey RedTan // < { < "6f2919" : "4b4b4b", "a85636" : "828282", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "ffca8a" : "d9d9d9", < "735e3a" : "66452e", "a38d59" : "a47c56", "d9c189" : "d9aa7b", "f7e7b2" : "f7ddb0", < "951500" : "95004a", "be1b00" : "be005e", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Snow, Ice, Scorched - Light Grey Yellow // < { < "6f2919" : "4b4b4b", "a85636" : "828282", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "ffca8a" : "d9d9d9", < "735e3a" : "6c5d22", "a38d59" : "b0a747", "d9c189" : "e2e189", "f7e7b2" : "f0f0c2", < "951500" : "954d00", "be1b00" : "be6b00", "dc1f00" : "dc9600", "f32200" : "f3b700" < }, < // Ice, Snow, Arctic - Light Grey Blue // < { < "6f2919" : "5c5c5c", "a85636" : "a5a5a5", "e0975c" : "e6e6e6", "ffca8a" : "f8f8f8", < "735e3a" : "41546c", "a38d59" : "6995b7", "d9c189" : "96cbe6", "f7e7b2" : "BFE9FF", < "951500" : "008595", "be1b00" : "00b8be", "dc1f00" : "00dcda", "f32200" : "00f3df" < }, < // Toxic, Alien - Purple'ish Redbrown // < { < "6f2919" : "652651", "a85636" : "9d418f", "e0975c" : "cd5fd2", "ffca8a" : "d790e9", < "735e3a" : "66452e", "a38d59" : "a47c56", "d9c189" : "d9aa7b", "f7e7b2" : "f7ddb0", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "be1b00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Alien - Purple Greybleh // < { < "6f2919" : "39164a", "a85636" : "6d327e", "e0975c" : "b14ab2", "ffca8a" : "e673cd", < "735e3a" : "485548", "a38d59" : "728473", "d9c189" : "acc8ac", "f7e7b2" : "d8e5d6", < "951500" : "008595", "be1b00" : "00b8be", "dc1f00" : "00dcda", "f32200" : "00f3df" < }, < // Toxic - Pink Toxic // < { < "6f2919" : "742977", "a85636" : "bb4fba", "e0975c" : "e884e7", "ffca8a" : "ffc3fb", < "735e3a" : "455d1e", "a38d59" : "839731", "d9c189" : "d0dc61", "f7e7b2" : "f5f898", < "951500" : "95004a", "be1b00" : "be005e", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Magma, Savannah - Dirty Orange Grey // < { < "6f2919" : "623221", "a85636" : "9f4d29", "e0975c" : "d47744", "ffca8a" : "faba86", < "735e3a" : "5f5b4b", "a38d59" : "939070", "d9c189" : "c2c2a0", "f7e7b2" : "e5e5d4", < "951500" : "171717", "be1b00" : "262626", "dc1f00" : "383838", "f32200" : "4C4C4C" < }, < // Magma, Savannah - Orange Yellow // < { < "6f2919" : "68320d", "a85636" : "a56220", "e0975c" : "e48c37", "ffca8a" : "fad086", < "735e3a" : "5b553d", "a38d59" : "b2a025", "d9c189" : "e8e63a", "f7e7b2" : "fefebb", < "951500" : "95004a", "be1b00" : "be005e", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Alien - Purple Green // < { < "6f2919" : "512F42", "a85636" : "854B8E", "e0975c" : "bb71bf", "ffca8a" : "daaadf", < "735e3a" : "184817", "a38d59" : "389042", "d9c189" : "71d071", "f7e7b2" : "b7faae", < "951500" : "3A933E", "be1b00" : "6DBE3A", "dc1f00" : "8EEA59", "f32200" : "E8F263" < }, < // Jungle, Scorched, Magma - Brown Grey'ish // < { < "6f2919" : "231717", "a85636" : "4C3C35", "e0975c" : "766559", "ffca8a" : "8E7A6C", < "735e3a" : "5F5B4B", "a38d59" : "939070", "d9c189" : "C2C2A0", "f7e7b2" : "E5E5D4", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Garden, Forest - Green Giant // < { < "6f2919" : "2B3916", "a85636" : "547225", "e0975c" : "80B32F", "ffca8a" : "B6EB5A", < "735e3a" : "184817", "a38d59" : "389042", "d9c189" : "71D071", "f7e7b2" : "B7FAAE", < "951500" : "B02182", "be1b00" : "FC45C1", "dc1f00" : "FF80FF", "f32200" : "FFD6FF" < }, < // Desert, Snow - Tan White // < { < "6f2919" : "66452E", "a85636" : "A47C56", "e0975c" : "D9AA7B", "ffca8a" : "F7DDB0", < "735e3a" : "5C5C5C", "a38d59" : "A5A5A5", "d9c189" : "E6E6E6", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "949500", "be1b00" : "BBBE00", "dc1f00" : "D9DC00", "f32200" : "EFF300" < }, < // Ocean, Arctic - Blue GreyBlue // < { < "6f2919" : "12384E", "a85636" : "176795", "e0975c" : "1E88C6", "ffca8a" : "54BAF5", < "735e3a" : "41546C", "a38d59" : "6995B7", "d9c189" : "96CBE6", "f7e7b2" : "BFE9FF", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Toxic, Magma - Burgandy Black // < { < "6f2919" : "6F1936", "a85636" : "b12c4c", "e0975c" : "E05C64", "ffca8a" : "FF8E8A", < "735e3a" : "11111E", "a38d59" : "33333A", "d9c189" : "5C5C5E", "f7e7b2" : "898989", < "951500" : "953800", "be1b00" : "BE5000", "dc1f00" : "DC7C00", "f32200" : "F39B00" < }, < // Desert, Savannah, Volcanic - Faded Ashy // < { < "6f2919" : "5F5B4B", "a85636" : "939070", "e0975c" : "C2C2A0", "ffca8a" : "E5E5D4", < "735e3a" : "574B38", "a38d59" : "81725B", "d9c189" : "BDAE97", "f7e7b2" : "DFD3C1", < "951500" : "1C2293", "be1b00" : "1B4EC4", "dc1f00" : "3F7CFF", "f32200" : "2BC2FF" < }, < // Jungle - Dark Brownish // < { < "6f2919" : "3A201E", "a85636" : "4D302C", "e0975c" : "6E4238", "ffca8a" : "996555", < "735e3a" : "66452E", "a38d59" : "A47C56", "d9c189" : "D9AA7B", "f7e7b2" : "F7DDB0", < "951500" : "8C7C00", "be1b00" : "C1AF00", "dc1f00" : "F2DA00", "f32200" : "FFEA4C" < }, < // Savannah, Jungle - RedditshTan Tan // < { < "6f2919" : "693832", "a85636" : "A66859", "e0975c" : "DA907E", "ffca8a" : "F7C9B2", < "735e3a" : "7F6D52", "a38d59" : "BFA27A", "d9c189" : "EFD5AB", "f7e7b2" : "F9E6CC", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Forest, Jungle - Black Green // < { < "6f2919" : "171717", "a85636" : "515151", "e0975c" : "767676", "ffca8a" : "9F9F9F", < "735e3a" : "0E3A2B", "a38d59" : "157F45", "d9c189" : "61BA61", "f7e7b2" : "A7E278", < "951500" : "249500", "be1b00" : "2EBE00", "dc1f00" : "35DC00", "f32200" : "3BF300" < }, < // Magma, Volcanic - Crimson Salmon // < { < "6f2919" : "351819", "a85636" : "69292B", "e0975c" : "A4353A", "ffca8a" : "DB6169", < "735e3a" : "503224", "a38d59" : "965751", "d9c189" : "E07F7F", "f7e7b2" : "EFA4AE", < "951500" : "891400", "be1b00" : "D52B00", "dc1f00" : "FF7400", "f32200" : "FFB632" < }, < // Savannah, Magma - Orange Burgandy // < { < "6f2919" : "723522", "a85636" : "B16232", "e0975c" : "D99B4A", "ffca8a" : "DFC171", < "735e3a" : "6F1936", "a38d59" : "A83651", "d9c189" : "E05C64", "f7e7b2" : "FF8E8A", < "951500" : "891400", "be1b00" : "D52B00", "dc1f00" : "FF7400", "f32200" : "FFB632" < }, < // Desert, Jungle - Brown SandyYellow // < { < "6f2919" : "443529", "a85636" : "875D3B", "e0975c" : "BF8857", "ffca8a" : "D8B18F", < "735e3a" : "6C5D22", "a38d59" : "B0A747", "d9c189" : "E2E189", "f7e7b2" : "F0F0C2", < "951500" : "5C5C5C", "be1b00" : "A5A5A5", "dc1f00" : "E6E6E6", "f32200" : "F8F8F8" < }, < // Snow, Ice, Arctic - White Durasteel // < { < "6f2919" : "5C5C5C", "a85636" : "A5A5A5", "e0975c" : "E6E6E6", "ffca8a" : "F8F8F8", < "735e3a" : "1C2A33", "a38d59" : "344651", "d9c189" : "52646D", "f7e7b2" : "7D8B8E", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Scorched, Volcanic - Grey Burgandy // < { < "6f2919" : "4B4B4B", "a85636" : "828282", "e0975c" : "B6B6B6", "ffca8a" : "D9D9D9", < "735e3a" : "6F1936", "a38d59" : "A83651", "d9c189" : "E05C64", "f7e7b2" : "FF8E8A", < "951500" : "95004A", "be1b00" : "BE005E", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Savannah, Toxic - Yellow Sandy // < { < "6f2919" : "8F692D", "a85636" : "AB9E40", "e0975c" : "E3E25F", "ffca8a" : "F2F2A9", < "735e3a" : "735E3A", "a38d59" : "A38D59", "d9c189" : "D9C189", "f7e7b2" : "F7E7B2", < "951500" : "3A3E73", "be1b00" : "5B59A3", "dc1f00" : "8B89D9", "f32200" : "B8B2F7" < }, < // Toxic - Yellow Blue // < { < "6f2919" : "8F692D", "a85636" : "AB9E40", "e0975c" : "E3E25F", "ffca8a" : "F2F2A9", < "735e3a" : "3A3E73", "a38d59" : "5B59A3", "d9c189" : "8B89D9", "f7e7b2" : "B8B2F7", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Forest, Jungle - DBrown Green // < { < "6f2919" : "231717", "a85636" : "4C3C35", "e0975c" : "766559", "ffca8a" : "8E7A6C", < "735e3a" : "184817", "a38d59" : "389042", "d9c189" : "71D071", "f7e7b2" : "B7FAAE", < "951500" : "3A3E73", "be1b00" : "5B59A3", "dc1f00" : "8B89D9", "f32200" : "B8B2F7" < }, < // Garden, Forest - Turq Green // < { < "6f2919" : "156054", "a85636" : "318275", "e0975c" : "56A49F", "ffca8a" : "7EBBC2", < "735e3a" : "0E3A2B", "a38d59" : "157F45", "d9c189" : "61BA61", "f7e7b2" : "A7E278", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Ice, Arctic - Sky Blue Dust // < { < "6f2919" : "3C4D74", "a85636" : "5F8CC4", "e0975c" : "8AC3F2", "ffca8a" : "B6E4FF", < "735e3a" : "574B38", "a38d59" : "81725B", "d9c189" : "BDAE97", "f7e7b2" : "DFD3C1", < "951500" : "B02182", "be1b00" : "FC45C1", "dc1f00" : "FF80FF", "f32200" : "FFD6FF" < }, < // Alien - Orange Blue // < { < "6f2919" : "723522", "a85636" : "B16232", "e0975c" : "D99B4A", "ffca8a" : "DFC171", < "735e3a" : "274A65", "a38d59" : "3C7CA8", "d9c189" : "549FD5", "f7e7b2" : "7DC8EB", < "951500" : "891400", "be1b00" : "D52B00", "dc1f00" : "FF7400", "f32200" : "FFB632" < }, < // Ocean - Blue Black // < { < "6f2919" : "19506F", "a85636" : "367CA8", "e0975c" : "5C97E0", "ffca8a" : "8AB3FF", < "735e3a" : "11111E", "a38d59" : "33333A", "d9c189" : "5C5C5E", "f7e7b2" : "898989", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Toxic - Yellow White // < { < "6f2919" : "8F692D", "a85636" : "AB9E40", "e0975c" : "E3E25F", "ffca8a" : "F2F2A9", < "735e3a" : "5C5C5C", "a38d59" : "A5A5A5", "d9c189" : "E6E6E6", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "249500", "be1b00" : "2EBE00", "dc1f00" : "35DC00", "f32200" : "3BF300" < }, < // Savannah, Toxic - Yellow Orange // < { < "6f2919" : "8F692D", "a85636" : "AB9E40", "e0975c" : "E3E25F", "ffca8a" : "F2F2A9", < "735e3a" : "723522", "a38d59" : "B16232", "d9c189" : "D99B4A", "f7e7b2" : "DFC171", < "951500" : "891400", "be1b00" : "D52B00", "dc1f00" : "FF7400", "f32200" : "FFB632" < }, < // Garden, Forest, Snow - Sky Blue Green // < { < "6f2919" : "3C4D74", "a85636" : "5F8CC4", "e0975c" : "8AC3F2", "ffca8a" : "B6E4FF", < "735e3a" : "0E3A2B", "a38d59" : "157F45", "d9c189" : "61BA61", "f7e7b2" : "A7E278", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Forest, Jungle - Black Green // < { < "6f2919" : "11111E", "a85636" : "33333A", "e0975c" : "5C5C5E", "ffca8a" : "898989", < "735e3a" : "0E3A2B", "a38d59" : "157F45", "d9c189" : "61BA61", "f7e7b2" : "A7E278", < "951500" : "949500", "be1b00" : "BBBE00", "dc1f00" : "D9DC00", "f32200" : "EFF300" < }, < // Desert - ReddishTan White // < { < "6f2919" : "693832", "a85636" : "A66859", "e0975c" : "DA907E", "ffca8a" : "F7C9B2", < "735e3a" : "5C5C5C", "a38d59" : "A5A5A5", "d9c189" : "E6E6E6", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "95004A", "be1b00" : "BE005E", "dc1f00" : "FF0083", "f32200" : "FF26BA" < }, < // Desert, Alien - ReddishTan Purp // < { < "6f2919" : "693832", "a85636" : "A66859", "e0975c" : "DA907E", "ffca8a" : "F7C9B2", < "735e3a" : "3A3E73", "a38d59" : "5B59A3", "d9c189" : "8B89D9", "f7e7b2" : "B8B2F7", < "951500" : "5C5C5C", "be1b00" : "A5A5A5", "dc1f00" : "E6E6E6", "f32200" : "F8F8F8" < }, < // Forest, Jungle - Forest Green Purple // < { < "6f2919" : "1E3614", "a85636" : "3A6D30", "e0975c" : "6F9F5D", "ffca8a" : "A0C18C", < "735e3a" : "3A3E73", "a38d59" : "5B59A3", "d9c189" : "8B89D9", "f7e7b2" : "B8B2F7", < "951500" : "1C2293", "be1b00" : "1B4EC4", "dc1f00" : "3F7CFF", "f32200" : "2BC2FF" < }, < // Forest, Jungle - Forest Green Turq // < { < "6f2919" : "1E3614", "a85636" : "3A6D30", "e0975c" : "6F9F5D", "ffca8a" : "A0C18C", < "735e3a" : "156054", "a38d59" : "318275", "d9c189" : "56A49F", "f7e7b2" : "7EBBC2", < "951500" : "249500", "be1b00" : "2EBE00", "dc1f00" : "35DC00", "f32200" : "3BF300" < }, < // Snow, Ice, Arctic - White Turq // < { < "6f2919" : "5C5C5C", "a85636" : "A5A5A5", "e0975c" : "E6E6E6", "ffca8a" : "F8F8F8", < "735e3a" : "156054", "a38d59" : "318275", "d9c189" : "56A49F", "f7e7b2" : "7EBBC2", < "951500" : "B02182", "be1b00" : "FC45C1", "dc1f00" : "FF80FF", "f32200" : "FFD6FF" < }, < // Snow, Ice, Arctic - White Orange // < { < "6f2919" : "5C5C5C", "a85636" : "A5A5A5", "e0975c" : "E6E6E6", "ffca8a" : "F8F8F8", < "735e3a" : "723522", "a38d59" : "B16232", "d9c189" : "D99B4A", "f7e7b2" : "DFC171", < "951500" : "949500", "be1b00" : "BBBE00", "dc1f00" : "D9DC00", "f32200" : "EFF300" < }, < // Snow, Ice, Arctic - White Orange // < { < "6f2919" : "5C5C5C", "a85636" : "A5A5A5", "e0975c" : "E6E6E6", "ffca8a" : "F8F8F8", < "735e3a" : "0E3A2B", "a38d59" : "157F45", "d9c189" : "61BA61", "f7e7b2" : "A7E278", < "951500" : "3A933E", "be1b00" : "6DBE3A", "dc1f00" : "8EEA59", "f32200" : "E8F263" < }, < // Desert, Snow, Ice, Arctic - White Yellow // < { < "6f2919" : "5C5C5C", "a85636" : "A5A5A5", "e0975c" : "E6E6E6", "ffca8a" : "F8F8F8", < "735e3a" : "8F692D", "a38d59" : "AB9E40", "d9c189" : "E3E25F", "f7e7b2" : "F2F2A9", < "951500" : "69A5D8", "be1b00" : "74D2EE", "dc1f00" : "9BEAFF", "f32200" : "C6F6FF" < }, < // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched - Dark Dark Black Brown // < { < "6f2919" : "171717", "a85636" : "262626", "e0975c" : "383838", "ffca8a" : "4C4C4C", < "735e3a" : "231717", "a38d59" : "4C3C35", "d9c189" : "766559", "f7e7b2" : "8E7A6C", < "951500" : "5C5C5C", "be1b00" : "A5A5A5", "dc1f00" : "E6E6E6", "f32200" : "F8F8F8" < }, < // Forest, Desert, Magma - Brown Orange // < { < "6f2919" : "231717", "a85636" : "4C3C35", "e0975c" : "766559", "ffca8a" : "8E7A6C", < "735e3a" : "723522", "a38d59" : "B16232", "d9c189" : "D99B4A", "f7e7b2" : "DFC171", < "951500" : "949500", "be1b00" : "BBBE00", "dc1f00" : "D9DC00", "f32200" : "EFF300" < }, < // Snow, Ocean, Arctic, Ice - Black Faded Blue // < { < "6f2919" : "1C2A33", "a85636" : "344651", "e0975c" : "52646D", "ffca8a" : "7D8B8E", < "735e3a" : "41546C", "a38d59" : "6995B7", "d9c189" : "96CBE6", "f7e7b2" : "BFE9FF", < "951500" : "171717", "be1b00" : "262626", "dc1f00" : "383838", "f32200" : "4C4C4C" < }, < // Garden, Alien - Purple Pale // < { < "6f2919" : "512F42", "a85636" : "854B8E", "e0975c" : "BB71BF", "ffca8a" : "DAAADF", < "735e3a" : "5F5B4B", "a38d59" : "939070", "d9c189" : "C2C2A0", "f7e7b2" : "E5E5D4", < "951500" : "3A3E73", "be1b00" : "5B59A3", "dc1f00" : "8B89D9", "f32200" : "B8B2F7" < }, < // Garden, Alien - Turq Yellow // < { < "6f2919" : "156054", "a85636" : "318275", "e0975c" : "56A49F", "ffca8a" : "7EBBC2", < "735e3a" : "8F692D", "a38d59" : "AB9E40", "d9c189" : "E3E25F", "f7e7b2" : "F2F2A9", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Desert, Savannah, Volcanic - Pale Brown Dark // < { < "6f2919" : "66452E", "a85636" : "A47C56", "e0975c" : "D9AA7B", "ffca8a" : "F7DDB0", < "735e3a" : "231717", "a38d59" : "4C3C35", "d9c189" : "766559", "f7e7b2" : "8E7A6C", < "951500" : "3A933E", "be1b00" : "6DBE3A", "dc1f00" : "8EEA59", "f32200" : "E8F263" < }, < // Garden, Snow - White Pink // < { < "6f2919" : "8C8C8C", "a85636" : "BFBFBF", "e0975c" : "E5E5E5", "ffca8a" : "FBFBFB", < "735e3a" : "974A71", "a38d59" : "C686A2", "d9c189" : "E5CEE5", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "B02182", "be1b00" : "FC45C1", "dc1f00" : "FF80FF", "f32200" : "FFD6FF" < }, < // Garden, Snow - Green White // < { < "6f2919" : "1E3614", "a85636" : "3A6D30", "e0975c" : "6F9F5D", "ffca8a" : "A0C18C", < "735e3a" : "5C5C5C", "a38d59" : "A5A5A5", "d9c189" : "E6E6E6", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "950000", "be1b00" : "BE1B00", "dc1f00" : "FF3C00", "f32200" : "FF6932" < }, < // Snow, Ice - Burgandy White // < { < "6f2919" : "6F1936", "a85636" : "A83651", "e0975c" : "E05C64", "ffca8a" : "FF8E8A", < "735e3a" : "5C5C5C", "a38d59" : "A5A5A5", "d9c189" : "E6E6E6", "f7e7b2" : "F8F8F8", < "951500" : "3A933E", "be1b00" : "6DBE3A", "dc1f00" : "8EEA59", "f32200" : "E8F263" < }, < // Garden, Forest, Jungle - Green Burgandy // < { < "6f2919" : "1E3614", "a85636" : "3A6D30", "e0975c" : "6F9F5D", "ffca8a" : "A0C18C", < "735e3a" : "6F1936", "a38d59" : "A83651", "d9c189" : "E05C64", "f7e7b2" : "FF8E8A", < "951500" : "5C5C5C", "be1b00" : "A5A5A5", "dc1f00" : "E6E6E6", "f32200" : "F8F8F8" < }, < // Garden, Forest, Toxic, Alien - Green Burgandy // < { < "6f2919" : "6F1936", "a85636" : "A83651", "e0975c" : "E05C64", "ffca8a" : "FF8E8A", < "735e3a" : "1E3614", "a38d59" : "3A6D30", "d9c189" : "6F9F5D", "f7e7b2" : "A0C18C", < "951500" : "5C5C5C", "be1b00" : "A5A5A5", "dc1f00" : "E6E6E6", "f32200" : "F8F8F8" < } --- > {} monsters\generated\colors\desert.monstercolors 46c46 < // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched - Dark Dark Black Brown // --- > // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched City - Dark Dark Black Brown // monsters\generated\colors\ice.monstercolors 10c10 < // Snow, Ice, Scorched - Light Grey Yellow // --- > // Snow, Ice, Scorched City - Light Grey Yellow // monsters\generated\colors\jungle.monstercolors 16c16 < // Jungle, Scorched, Magma - Brown Grey'ish // --- > // Jungle, Scorched City, Magma - Brown Grey'ish // monsters\generated\colors\magma.monstercolors 4c4 < // Volcanic, Magma, Scorched - DarkGrey Red // --- > // Volcanic, Magma, Scorched City - DarkGrey Red // 22c22 < // Jungle, Scorched, Magma - Brown Grey'ish // --- > // Jungle, Scorched City, Magma - Brown Grey'ish // monsters\generated\colors\savannah.monstercolors 4c4 < // Savannah, Volcanic, Scorched - SUPER TAN // --- > // Savannah, Volcanic, Scorched City - SUPER TAN // monsters\generated\colors\snow.monstercolors 10c10 < // Snow, Ice, Scorched - Light Grey Yellow // --- > // Snow, Ice, Scorched City - Light Grey Yellow // monsters\generated\colors\volcanic.monstercolors 4c4 < // Savannah, Volcanic, Scorched - SUPER TAN // --- > // Savannah, Volcanic, Scorched City - SUPER TAN // 16c16 < // Volcanic, Magma, Scorched - DarkGrey Red // --- > // Volcanic, Magma, Scorched City - DarkGrey Red // 28c28 < // Volcanic, Scorched - Light Grey RedTan // --- > // Volcanic, Scorched City - Light Grey RedTan // 46c46 < // Scorched, Volcanic - Grey Burgandy // --- > // Scorched City, Volcanic - Grey Burgandy // 52c52 < // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched - Dark Dark Black Brown // --- > // Desert, Alien, Volcanic, Scorched City - Dark Dark Black Brown // monsters\generated\flying\bonebird\bonebird.animation 39a40,59 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 200a221,245 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\flying\bonebird\bonebird.monstertype 33d32 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 62a62,72 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly" > } > ], > 103,104c113,114 < "airFriction" : 0.25, < "airForce" : 15.0 --- > "airFriction" : 3, > "airForce" : 40.0 121c131,132 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 140c151 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 149c160 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 152a164,166 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 170c184,187 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\flying\largeflying\largeflying.animation 49a50,69 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 250a271,295 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\flying\largeflying\largeflying.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "flyingMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedFlyingMonsterTreasure", 25a26 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 31d31 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 67a68,82 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "targetOffset" : [0,4], > "minRange" : 4 > } > } > ], > 108,109c123,124 < "airFriction" : 0.5, < "airForce" : 20.0 --- > "airFriction" : 4, > "airForce" : 40.0 124a140,141 > "colors" : "generated", > 130c147,148 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 149c167 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 158c176 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 161a180,182 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 179c200,203 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\flying\skills\flyingSwoopAttack.lua 9c9 < local swoopDiameter = entity.configParameter("swoopDiameter") --- > local swoopDiameter = config.getParameter("swoopDiameter") 15c15 < timer = entity.configParameter("swoopTime"), --- > timer = config.getParameter("swoopTime"), 32c32 < entity.setAggressive(true) --- > monster.setAggressive(true) 36,37c36,37 < local ratio = stateData.timer / entity.configParameter("swoopTime") < local xOffset = stateData.direction * (1.0 - ratio) * entity.configParameter("swoopDiameter") --- > local ratio = stateData.timer / config.getParameter("swoopTime") > local xOffset = stateData.direction * (1.0 - ratio) * config.getParameter("swoopDiameter") 43c43 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "flying") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "flying") 45c45 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "gliding") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "gliding") 53c53 < entity.flyTo(destination) --- > monster.flyTo(destination) monsters\generated\flying\smallflying\smallflying.animation 39a40,59 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 200a221,245 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\flying\smallflying\smallflying.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "flyingMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedFlyingMonsterTreasure", 25a26 > "seeThroughLiquid" : false, 31d31 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 56a57,71 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "targetOffset" : [0,5], > "minRange" : 5 > } > } > ], > 96,97c111,112 < "airFriction" : 0.5, < "airForce" : 15.0 --- > "airFriction" : 2, > "airForce" : 40.0 106a122,123 > "colors" : "generated", > 112c129,130 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 131c149 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 140c158 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 143a162,164 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 161c182,185 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\ground\largebiped\largebiped.animation 49a50,69 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 350a371,395 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\ground\largebiped\largebiped.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedGroundMonsterTreasure", 31d30 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 53a53,73 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "fallState" : "jump", > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 75a96,97 > "colors" : "generated", > 81,82c103,104 < "walkSpeed" : 3.0, < "runSpeed" : 11.0 --- > "walkSpeed" : 5.0, > "runSpeed" : 13.0 92a115 > "knockback" : 20, 117c140 < "baseValue" : 60 --- > "baseValue" : 75 129a153,155 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 152c178,181 < "feetOffset" : [0, -21] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -21], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\ground\largebiped\largebiped.partparams 12c12 < "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "chomp4" ] --- > "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "swipe" ] monsters\generated\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.animation 60a61,80 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 446a467,491 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedGroundMonsterTreasure", 31d30 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 55a55,75 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "fallState" : "jump", > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 76a97,98 > "colors" : "generated", > 83,84c105,106 < "walkSpeed" : 4.0, < "runSpeed" : 12.0 --- > "walkSpeed" : 6.0, > "runSpeed" : 14.0 91c113,114 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 116c139 < "baseValue" : 70 --- > "baseValue" : 75 128a152,154 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 151c177,180 < "feetOffset" : [0, -14] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -14], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.partparams 12c12 < "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "chomp4" ] --- > "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "swipe" ] monsters\generated\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.animation 49a50,69 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 350a371,395 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedGroundMonsterTreasure", 31d30 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 53a53,73 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "fallState" : "jump", > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 70c90 < "damage" : 12, --- > "damage" : 10, 73a94 > "knockback" : 20, 93a115,116 > "colors" : "generated", > 121a145,147 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 139c165,168 < "feetOffset" : [0, -21] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -21], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.partparams 12c12 < "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "chomp4" ] --- > "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "swipe" ] monsters\generated\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.animation 49a50,69 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 366a387,416 > ] > }, > > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.monstertype 13c13 < "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", --- > "default" : "generatedGroundMonsterTreasure", 31d30 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 53a53,73 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "fallState" : "jump", > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 80a101,102 > "colors" : "generated", > 93c115 < "damage" : 12, --- > "damage" : 10, 95c117,118 < "damageSourceKind" : "bite", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 126a150,152 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 144c170,173 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.partparams 12c12 < "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "chomp4" ] --- > "meleeProjectile" : [ "override", "swipe" ] monsters\generated\skills\ranged\rangedChompAttack.monsterskill 19c19 < "projectileType" : "chomp5", --- > "projectileType" : "chomp", monsters\generated\swimming\attackState.lua 8c8 < return { timer = entity.configParameter("attackApproachTime"), stage = "approach" } --- > return { timer = config.getParameter("attackApproachTime"), stage = "approach" } 12c12 < -- world.logInfo("Entering attack state") --- > -- sb.logInfo("Entering attack state") 19c19 < --- > 24,25c24,25 < if vec2.mag(toTarget) <= entity.configParameter("attackStartDistance") then < -- world.logInfo("winding up...") --- > if vec2.mag(toTarget) <= config.getParameter("attackStartDistance") then > -- sb.logInfo("winding up...") 27c27 < stateData.timer = entity.configParameter("attackWindupTime") --- > stateData.timer = config.getParameter("attackWindupTime") 30c30 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") 33c33 < -- world.logInfo("charging...") --- > -- sb.logInfo("charging...") 35c35 < entity.setAnimationState("attack", "melee") --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "melee") 37c37 < stateData.timer = entity.configParameter("attackChargeTime") --- > stateData.timer = config.getParameter("attackChargeTime") 42,44c42,44 < if entity.animationState("attack") == "melee" then < entity.setDamageOnTouch(true) < mcontroller.controlParameters({flySpeed = entity.configParameter("attackChargeSpeed")}) --- > if animator.animationState("attack") == "melee" then > monster.setDamageOnTouch(true) > mcontroller.controlParameters({flySpeed = config.getParameter("attackChargeSpeed")}) 47c47 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) 51c51 < --- > 56c56 < entity.setDamageOnTouch(false) --- > monster.setDamageOnTouch(false) monsters\generated\swimming\fleeState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 8c10 < return { timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("fleeTimeRange"), fleeDirection = {-toTarget[1], -toTarget[2]} } --- > return { timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("fleeTimeRange")), fleeDirection = {-toTarget[1], -toTarget[2]} } 12c14 < -- world.logInfo("Entering flee state") --- > -- sb.logInfo("Entering flee state") monsters\generated\swimming\flopState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 16,18c18,20 < -- world.logInfo("Entering flop state") < < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "flopping") --- > -- sb.logInfo("Entering flop state") > > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "flopping") 38c40 < stateData.jumpTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("flopJumpInterval") --- > stateData.jumpTimer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("flopJumpInterval")) 45c47 < --- > monsters\generated\swimming\swimmingMonster.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2c5 < local scripts = entity.configParameter("scripts") --- > local scripts = config.getParameter("scripts") 6c9 < self.aggressive = entity.configParameter("aggressive", false) --- > self.aggressive = config.getParameter("aggressive", false) 12c15 < self.moveRatioLimit = entity.configParameter("moveRatioLimit", false) --- > self.moveRatioLimit = config.getParameter("moveRatioLimit", false) 17c20 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") 19,20c22,23 < entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") < entity.setDeathParticleBurst(entity.configParameter("deathParticles")) --- > monster.setDeathSound("deathPuff") > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(config.getParameter("deathParticles")) 22a26,27 > > capturable.init() 35c40 < local targetId = entity.closestValidTarget(entity.configParameter("targetSearchRadius")) --- > local targetId = util.closestValidTarget(config.getParameter("targetSearchRadius")) 43c48 < vec2.mag(entity.distanceToEntity(targetId)) <= entity.configParameter("targetHoldRadius") --- > vec2.mag(entity.distanceToEntity(targetId)) <= config.getParameter("targetHoldRadius") 49c54 < self.targetChangeTimer = entity.configParameter("targetChangeCooldown") --- > self.targetChangeTimer = config.getParameter("targetChangeCooldown") 59c64 < self.aggressive = entity.configParameter("aggressive", false) --- > self.aggressive = config.getParameter("aggressive", false) 66a72,79 > function die() > capturable.die() > end > > function shouldDie() > return status.resource("health") <= 0 or capturable.justCaptured > end > 67a81 > capturable.update(dt) 111c125 < self.directionChangeTimer = entity.configParameter("directionChangeCooldown") --- > self.directionChangeTimer = config.getParameter("directionChangeCooldown") 121c135 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swimFast") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swimFast") 124c138 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swimSlow") 129,131c143,145 < for i, sensor in ipairs(entity.configParameter(sensorGroup)) do < -- world.debugPoint(entity.toAbsolutePosition(vec2.rotate(sensor, self.rotation)), "blue") < if world.pointTileCollision(entity.toAbsolutePosition(vec2.rotate(sensor, self.rotation)), {"Dynamic", "Null", "Block"}) then --- > for i, sensor in ipairs(config.getParameter(sensorGroup)) do > -- world.debugPoint(monster.toAbsolutePosition(vec2.rotate(sensor, self.rotation)), "blue") > if world.pointTileCollision(monster.toAbsolutePosition(vec2.rotate(sensor, self.rotation)), {"Dynamic", "Null", "Block"}) then 149c163 < entity.rotateGroup("all", self.rotation) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", self.rotation) monsters\generated\swimming\wanderState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 13c15 < self.wanderTime = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wanderTime") --- > self.wanderTime = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wanderTime")) 20c22 < -- world.logInfo("Entering wander state") --- > -- sb.logInfo("Entering wander state") 29c31 < self.wanderTime = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wanderTime") --- > self.wanderTime = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wanderTime")) 38c40 < --- > monsters\generated\swimming\largefish\largefish.animation 47a48,68 > }, > > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 220c241 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 236c257 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 256c277 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 276c297 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 296c317 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 316c337 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 336c357 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 356c377 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 376c397 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 388a410,434 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\swimming\largefish\largefish.monstertype 68a69,70 > "colors" : "generated", > 78c80,81 < "damageSourceKind" : "default", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 20, 106c109 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 109a113,115 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 127c133,136 < "feetOffset" : [0, -4] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -4], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\fish.animation 17a18,37 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 99,274c119,156 < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/puff2c/puff2c.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 35, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [1, 1], < "timeToLive" : 0.4, < "layer" : "middle" < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz1/fizz1.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz1/fizz1.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz2/fizz2.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz2/fizz2.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz3/fizz3.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz3/fizz3.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz4/fizz4.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] < } < } < }, < { < "particle" : { < "type" : "animated", < "animation" : "/animations/fizz4/fizz4.animation", < "size" : 1, < "angularVelocity" : 20, < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, < "position" : [0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [8, 8], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4], < "approach" : [15, 15], < "timeToLive" : 3.45, < "layer" : "middle", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], < "finalVelocity" : [3, -4] < } < } < } --- > { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "deathember" }, > { "particle" : "deathember" }, > { "particle" : "deathember" }, > { "particle" : "deathember" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz1right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz2right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz3right" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4left" }, > { "particle" : "deathfizz4right" } > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\fish.monstertype 34c34 < "knockoutTime" : 0.5, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.25, 37a38,39 > "colors" : "generated", > 98c100 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 101a104,106 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 119c124,127 < "feetOffset" : [0, -4] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -4], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 1.0, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] 121c129 < --- > monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\fleeState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 4c6 < local target = entity.closestValidTarget(entity.configParameter("fleeTriggerDistance")) --- > local target = util.closestValidTarget(config.getParameter("fleeTriggerDistance")) 8c10 < fleeDistance = entity.randomizeParameterRange("fleeDistanceRange"), --- > fleeDistance = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("fleeDistanceRange")), 37c39 < if targetDist > entity.configParameter("fleeTriggerDistance") then --- > if targetDist > config.getParameter("fleeTriggerDistance") then 43c45 < self.movementWeight = entity.configParameter("fleeMovementWeight") --- > self.movementWeight = config.getParameter("fleeMovementWeight") monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\investigateState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 4c6 < local targetIds = world.entityQuery(mcontroller.position(), entity.configParameter("investigateTriggerDistance"), { includedTypes = {"itemDrop"}, order = "nearest" }) --- > local targetIds = world.entityQuery(mcontroller.position(), config.getParameter("investigateTriggerDistance"), { includedTypes = {"itemDrop"}, order = "nearest" }) 9,10c11,12 < maxDistance = entity.randomizeParameterRange("investigateLoseInterestRange"), < timer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("investigateTimeRange") --- > maxDistance = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("investigateLoseInterestRange")), > timer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("investigateTimeRange")) 29c31 < return true, entity.configParameter("investigateCooldownTime") --- > return true, config.getParameter("investigateCooldownTime") 38,39c40,41 < if distance < entity.configParameter("investigateStopDistance") then < return true, entity.configParameter("investigateCooldownTime") --- > if distance < config.getParameter("investigateStopDistance") then > return true, config.getParameter("investigateCooldownTime") monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\scatterState.lua 7c7 < timer = entity.configParameter("scatterTime") --- > timer = config.getParameter("scatterTime") 22c22 < if distance > entity.configParameter("scatterDistance") then --- > if distance > config.getParameter("scatterDistance") then 27c27 < self.movementWeight = entity.configParameter("scatterMovementWeight") --- > self.movementWeight = config.getParameter("scatterMovementWeight") monsters\generated\swimming\smallfish\smallFish.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/companions/capturable.lua" > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 7c10,17 < local scripts = entity.configParameter("scripts") --- > if animator.hasSound("deathPuff") then > monster.setDeathSound("deathPuff") > end > if config.getParameter("deathParticles") then > monster.setDeathParticleBurst(config.getParameter("deathParticles")) > end > > local scripts = config.getParameter("scripts") 14c24 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swimming") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swimming") 16a27,28 > > capturable.init() 34a47,54 > function die() > capturable.die() > end > > function shouldDie() > return status.resource("health") <= 0 or capturable.justCaptured > end > 35a56 > capturable.update(dt) 56c77 < entity.rotateGroup("all", rotateAmount) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", rotateAmount) 60c81 < entity.rotateGroup("all", 0) --- > animator.rotateGroup("all", 0) 70c91 < if self.wanderTimer > entity.configParameter("wanderChangeDirectionTime") then --- > if self.wanderTimer > config.getParameter("wanderChangeDirectionTime") then 75c96 < if self.wanderTimer > entity.configParameter("wanderChangeDirectionCooldown") then --- > if self.wanderTimer > config.getParameter("wanderChangeDirectionCooldown") then 77c98 < self.movement[2] = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wanderChangeDirectionYRange") --- > self.movement[2] = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wanderChangeDirectionYRange")) 90c111 < self.collisionAvoidance.timer = entity.configParameter("collisionAvoidanceTime") --- > self.collisionAvoidance.timer = config.getParameter("collisionAvoidanceTime") 95c116 < table.insert(movements, { self.collisionAvoidance.movement, entity.configParameter("collisionAvoidanceWeight") }) --- > table.insert(movements, { self.collisionAvoidance.movement, config.getParameter("collisionAvoidanceWeight") }) 123c144 < table.insert(movements, { flockMovement, entity.configParameter("flockMovementWeight") }) --- > table.insert(movements, { flockMovement, config.getParameter("flockMovementWeight") }) monsters\ghosts\ignome\ignome.animation 50a51,70 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 120,127c140,147 < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, > { "particle" : "firestormflame" }, 135a156,180 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\ignome\ignome.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Ignome", > "description" : "Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 42a44 > "maxYRange" : 1, 69a72,85 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 104,105d119 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.26, 0.625], [0.625, 0.26], [0.625, -0.26], [0.26, -0.625], [-0.26, -0.625], [-0.625, -0.26], [-0.625, 0.26], [-0.26, 0.625] ], < 107c121,122 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.26, 0.625], [0.625, 0.26], [0.625, -0.26], [0.26, -0.625], [-0.26, -0.625], [-0.625, -0.26], [-0.625, 0.26], [-0.26, 0.625] ], 156c171,177 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "lavaImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 175c196,199 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\lumoth\lumoth.animation 15c15 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 30,33c30 < "mode" : "loop", < "frameProperties" : { < "immediateSound" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/batong_flap3.ogg", "" ] < } --- > "mode" : "loop" 38a36,55 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 44a62 > "zLevel" : 10, 68a87,115 > }, > "bodylit" : { > "properties" : { > "zLevel" : 20, > "transformationGroups" : [ "body" ], > "offset" : [-0.125, -0.375], > "fullbright" : true > }, > "partStates" : { > "body" : { > "idle" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":idle." > } > }, > "fly" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":idle." > } > } > }, > "damage" : { > "stunned" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":hurt." > } > } > } > } 89,90c136,137 < "color" : [200, 200, 150], < "pointLight" : false --- > "color" : [140, 140, 100], > "pointLight" : true 97,105c144,148 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > 113a157,181 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\lumoth\lumoth.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Lumoth", > "description" : "The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.", 5c7 < "parts" : [ "body" ], --- > "parts" : [ "body", "bodylit" ], 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 37a39,52 > "name" : "approach-swarm", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { 66,67d80 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.125, 1.125], [0.5, 0.75], [0.5, -0.75], [0.125, -1.125], [-0.125, -1.125], [-0.5, -0.75], [-0.5, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.125] ], < 82c95,96 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.125, 1.125], [0.5, 0.75], [0.5, -0.75], [0.125, -1.125], [-0.125, -1.125], [-0.5, -0.75], [-0.5, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.125] ], 132c146,149 < "electricImmunity" : { --- > "electricStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 151c168,171 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\nautileech\nautileech.animation 35a36,55 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 129a150,174 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\nautileech\nautileech.monstertype 25d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 46a46,59 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 71,72d83 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.3125, 0.875], [0.6875, 0.5], [0.6875, -0.5], [0.3125, -0.875], [-0.3125, -0.875], [-0.6875, -0.5], [-0.6875, 0.5], [-0.3125, 0.875] ], < 74c85,86 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.3125, 0.875], [0.6875, 0.5], [0.6875, -0.5], [0.3125, -0.875], [-0.3125, -0.875], [-0.6875, -0.5], [-0.6875, 0.5], [-0.3125, 0.875] ], 124c136,139 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 143c158,161 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\pyromantle\pyromantle.animation 33a34,53 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 112a133,157 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\pyromantle\pyromantle.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Pyromantle", > "description" : "Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 84a86,99 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 112c127,128 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.125, 1.375], [0.875, 0.625], [0.875, -0.625], [0.125, -1.375], [-0.125, -1.375], [-0.875, -0.625], [-0.875, 0.625], [-0.125, 1.375] ], 162c178,184 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "electricStatusImmunity" : { 165c187 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 168c190 < "electricImmunity" : { --- > "lavaImmunity" : { 171c193 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "powerMultiplier" : { 190c212,215 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\skimbus\skimbus.animation 19,20c19,27 < "frames" : 5, < "cycle" : 1.0 --- > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "chargewinduploop" > }, > "chargewinduploop" : { > "frames" : 4, > "cycle" : 0.4, > "mode" : "loop" 22a30,35 > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "chargeloop" > }, > "chargeloop" : { 26a40 > 39a54,73 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 66a101,105 > "chargewinduploop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":winduploop." > } > }, 70a110,114 > }, > "chargeloop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":chargeloop." > } 110,118d153 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, 126a162,186 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\skimbus\skimbus.frames 9,10c9,10 < [ null, "windup.1", null, "windup.2", "windup.3", "windup.4", "windup.5", null, "windup.6"], < [ null, "charge.1", "charge.2", "charge.3", "charge.4", "charge.5", "charge.6", "charge.7", "charge.8"] --- > [ null, "windup.1", null, "winduploop.1", "winduploop.2", "winduploop.3", "winduploop.4", null, "charge.1"], > [ null, "chargeloop.1", "chargeloop.2", "chargeloop.3", "chargeloop.4", "chargeloop.5", "chargeloop.6", "chargeloop.7", "chargeloop.8"] monsters\ghosts\skimbus\skimbus.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Skimbus", > "description" : "Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 71a73,86 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 106,107d120 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.625, 0.5], [1, 0.125], [1, -0.125], [0.625, -0.5], [-0.625, -0.5], [-1, -0.125], [-1, 0.125], [-0.625, 0.5] ], < 109c122,123 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.625, 0.5], [1, 0.125], [1, -0.125], [0.625, -0.5], [-0.625, -0.5], [-1, -0.125], [-1, 0.125], [-0.625, 0.5] ], 158c172,175 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 177c194,197 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\spookit\spookit.animation 37a38,57 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 141a162,186 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\spookit\spookit.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Spookit", > "description" : "When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 42c43 < "invulnerableTime" : 4 --- > "invulnerableTime" : 2 75a77,90 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 100,101d114 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.125, 1.25], [0.625, 0.75], [0.625, -0.75], [0.125, -1.25], [-0.125, -1.25], [-0.625, -0.75], [-0.625, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.25] ], < 103c116,117 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.125, 1.25], [0.625, 0.75], [0.625, -0.75], [0.125, -1.25], [-0.125, -1.25], [-0.625, -0.75], [-0.625, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.25] ], 153c167,170 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "iceStatusImmunity" : { 156c173 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "electricStatusImmunity" : { 159c176 < "electricImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 162c179 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "powerMultiplier" : { 181c198,201 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\squeem\squeem.animation 30a31,50 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 119a140,164 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\squeem\squeem.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Squeem", > "description" : "Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 46a48,61 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 71,72d85 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.125, 1.25], [0.625, 0.75], [0.625, -0.75], [0.125, -1.25], [-0.125, -1.25], [-0.625, -0.75], [-0.625, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.25] ], < 74c87,88 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.125, 1.25], [0.625, 0.75], [0.625, -0.75], [0.125, -1.25], [-0.125, -1.25], [-0.625, -0.75], [-0.625, 0.75], [-0.125, 1.25] ], 122a137,139 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 140c157,160 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\ghosts\wisper\wisper.animation 38a39,58 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125,133d144 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, 141a153,177 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\ghosts\wisper\wisper.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Wisper", > "description" : "Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.", 25d26 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 80a82,95 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-fly", > "parameters" : { > "usePathfinding" : false > } > } > ], > 105,106d119 < "selfDamagePoly" : [ [0.25, 0.75], [0.625, 0.375], [0.625, -0.375], [0.25, -0.75], [-0.25, -0.75], [-0.625, -0.375], [-0.625, 0.375], [-0.25, 0.75] ], < 108c121,122 < "collisionPoly" : [ ], --- > "collisionEnabled" : false, > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.25, 0.75], [0.625, 0.375], [0.625, -0.375], [0.25, -0.75], [-0.25, -0.75], [-0.625, -0.375], [-0.625, 0.375], [-0.25, 0.75] ], 158c172,175 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 177c194,197 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\pets\groundPet.lua 21,22c21,22 < storage.petResources = storage.petResources or entity.configParameter("petResources") < self.petResourceDeltas = entity.configParameter("petResourceDeltas") --- > storage.petResources = storage.petResources or config.getParameter("petResources") > self.petResourceDeltas = config.getParameter("petResourceDeltas") 25c25 < local states = stateMachine.scanScripts(entity.configParameter("scripts"), "(%a+State)%.lua") --- > local states = stateMachine.scanScripts(config.getParameter("scripts"), "(%a+State)%.lua") 29c29 < local actions = stateMachine.scanScripts(entity.configParameter("scripts"), "(%a+Action)%.lua") --- > local actions = stateMachine.scanScripts(config.getParameter("scripts"), "(%a+Action)%.lua") 42c42 < self.behaviorName = entity.configParameter("petBehavior") --- > self.behaviorName = config.getParameter("petBehavior") 45,46c45,46 < storage.knownPlayers = storage.knownPlayers or entity.configParameter("knownPlayers", {}) < storage.foodLikings = storage.foodLikings or entity.configParameter("foodLikings", {}) --- > storage.knownPlayers = storage.knownPlayers or config.getParameter("knownPlayers", {}) > storage.foodLikings = storage.foodLikings or config.getParameter("foodLikings", {}) 48c48 < self.querySurroundingsCooldown = entity.configParameter("querySurroundingsCooldown", 3) --- > self.querySurroundingsCooldown = config.getParameter("querySurroundingsCooldown", 3) 50c50 < self.querySurroundingsRange = entity.configParameter("querySurroundingsRange", 50) --- > self.querySurroundingsRange = config.getParameter("querySurroundingsRange", 50) 58,60d57 < if capturepod and capturepod.onInit then < capturepod.onInit() < end 63a61,63 > > self.lastInteract = 0 > monster.setInteractive(true) 69a70,77 > > function interact() > if world.time() - self.lastInteract > config.getParameter("interactCooldown", 3.0) then > emote("happy") > self.lastInteract = world.time() > end > end > 105c113 < seed = entity.seed() --- > seed = monster.seed() 125c133 < local anchorName = entity.configParameter("anchorName", "humantechstation") --- > local anchorName = config.getParameter("anchorName", "humantechstation") 151,162d158 < function damage(args) < if capturepod ~= nil and capturepod.onDamage(args) then < return < end < end < < function die() < if capturepod ~= nil then < capturepod.onDie() < end < end < 181c177 < entity.burstParticleEmitter("emote"..emoteType) --- > animator.burstParticleEmitter("emote"..emoteType) 262c258 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "swim") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "swim") 268c264 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "run") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "run") 270c266 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "walk") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "walk") 276c272 < local currentState = entity.animationState("movement") --- > local currentState = animator.animationState("movement") 278c274 < self.standTimer = entity.configParameter("idle.standTime", 2) --- > self.standTimer = config.getParameter("idle.standTime", 2) 284c280 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 286c282 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "stand") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "stand") 292c288 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "jumping") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "jumping") 294c290 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "falling") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "falling") monsters\pets\idleState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 4c6 < local idleTime = entity.randomizeParameterRange("idle.idleTime") --- > local idleTime = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("idle.idleTime")) monsters\pets\petBehavior.lua 28,29c28,29 < self.actionParams = entity.configParameter("actionParams") < self.actionInterruptThreshold = entity.configParameter("actionParams.interruptThreshold", 15) --- > self.actionParams = config.getParameter("actionParams") > self.actionInterruptThreshold = config.getParameter("actionParams.interruptThreshold", 15) 120c120 < if hunger > entity.configParameter("actionParams.hungerStarvingLevel") then --- > if hunger > config.getParameter("actionParams.hungerStarvingLevel") then monsters\pets\wanderState.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 9,11c11,13 < wanderTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wander.wanderTime"), < changeDirectionTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wander.changeDirectionTime"), < changeDirectionWait = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wander.changeDirectionWait"), --- > wanderTimer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wander.wanderTime")), > changeDirectionTimer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wander.changeDirectionTime")), > changeDirectionWait = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wander.changeDirectionWait")), 43c45 < stateData.changeDirectionTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("wander.changeDirectionTime") --- > stateData.changeDirectionTimer = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("wander.changeDirectionTime")) monsters\pets\actions\begAction.lua 12c12 < approachDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 3), --- > approachDistance = config.getParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 3), 15c15 < emoteCooldown = entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.emoteCooldown", 2), --- > emoteCooldown = config.getParameter("actionParams.beg.emoteCooldown", 2), 39c39 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 10) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 10) monsters\pets\actions\eatAction.lua 7c7 < if status.resource("hunger") < entity.configParameter("", 40) then --- > if status.resource("hunger") < config.getParameter("", 40) then 19c19 < approachDistance = entity.configParameter("", 2), --- > approachDistance = config.getParameter("", 2), 47c47 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "eat") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "eat") 58c58 < return true, entity.configParameter("") --- > return true, config.getParameter("") monsters\pets\actions\followAction.lua 6c6 < local startDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.startDistance", 6) --- > local startDistance = config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.startDistance", 6) 15c15 < stopDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.stopDistance", 3), --- > stopDistance = config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.stopDistance", 3), 17,18c17,18 < runDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.runDistance", 20), < curiosityDelta = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.curiosityDelta", -5), --- > runDistance = config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.runDistance", 20), > curiosityDelta = config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.curiosityDelta", -5), 21c21 < boredTimer = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.boredTime", 3) --- > boredTimer = config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.boredTime", 3) 45c45 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) 54c54 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) monsters\pets\actions\inspectAction.lua 37c37 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) 44c44 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "inspect") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "inspect") 68c68 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) monsters\pets\actions\pounceAction.lua 76c76 < return true, entity.configParameter("", 10) --- > return true, config.getParameter("", 10) monsters\pets\actions\sleepAction.lua 12c12 < if args.sleepTarget and status.resource("sleepy") < entity.configParameter("actions.sleep.minSleepy", 65) then --- > if args.sleepTarget and status.resource("sleepy") < config.getParameter("actions.sleep.minSleepy", 65) then 27c27 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) 35c35 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) 42c42 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown") --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown") 47c47 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", true) 56c56 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown", 15) 58c58 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "invisible") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "invisible") 60c60 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "sleep") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "sleep") 64c64 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown", 15) 73,74c73,74 < entity.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", false) < end \ No newline at end of file --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sleep", false) > end monsters\pets\actions\starvingAction.lua 13c13 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 21c21 < return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.starving.cooldown", 3) --- > return true, config.getParameter("actionParams.starving.cooldown", 3) monsters\pets\bunny\petbunny.animation 171c171 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c187 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c207 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c227 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c247 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c267 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c287 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c307 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c327 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\bunny\petbunny.monstertype 140,141d139 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 166c164 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 169a168,170 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\cat\petcat.animation 30c30,33 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_pain2.ogg" > } 41c44,47 < "transition" : "eatloop" --- > "transition" : "eatloop", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_attack1.ogg" > } 46c52,56 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_idle1.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.5 > } 50c60,64 < "cycle" : 0.5 --- > "cycle" : 0.5, > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_idle2.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.9 > } 63c77,80 < "frames" : 1 --- > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_idle2.ogg" > } 171c188 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c204 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c224 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c244 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c264 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c284 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c304 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c324 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c344 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\cat\petcat.monstertype 140,141d139 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 166c164 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 169a168,170 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.animation 41c41,44 < "transition" : "eatloop" --- > "transition" : "eatloop", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_pain1.ogg" > } 50c53,56 < "cycle" : 0.5 --- > "cycle" : 0.5, > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_pain2.ogg" > } 128c134 < } --- > } 171c177 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c193 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c213 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c233 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c253 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c273 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c293 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c313 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c333 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.monstertype 143,144d142 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 169c167 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 172a171,173 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\orbis\petorbis.animation 166c166 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 182c182 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 202c202 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 222c222 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 242c242 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 262c262 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 282c282 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 302c302 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 322c322 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\orbis\petorbis.monstertype 9c9 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [], 141,142d140 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 167c165 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 170a169,171 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\petball\petball.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 1a4 > 22,23c25,26 < local angle = entity.randomizeParameterRange("angleRange") < local speed = entity.randomizeParameterRange("speedRange") --- > local angle = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("angleRange")) > local speed = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("speedRange")) 26c29 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end monsters\pets\petball\petball.monstertype 86c86 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 89a90,92 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\piglett\piglett.animation 171c171 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c187 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c207 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c227 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c247 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c267 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c287 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c307 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c327 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\piglett\piglett.monstertype 147,148d146 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 173c171 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 176a175,177 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\snake\petsnake.animation 47c47,51 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle2.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.5 > } 51c55,59 < "cycle" : 0.5 --- > "cycle" : 0.5, > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_death.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.9 > } 172c180 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 188c196 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 208c216 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 228c236 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 248c256 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 268c276 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 288c296 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 308c316 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 328c336 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\snake\petsnake.monstertype 140,141d139 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 166c164 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 169a168,170 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\snugget\snugget.animation 171c171 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c187 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c207 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c227 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c247 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c267 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c287 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c307 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c327 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\snugget\snugget.monstertype 143,144d142 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 169c167 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 172a171,173 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\pets\weasel\petweasel.animation 41c41,44 < "transition" : "eatloop" --- > "transition" : "eatloop", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.ogg" > } 46c49,53 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/catmhead_idle1.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.5 > } 50c57,61 < "cycle" : 0.5 --- > "cycle" : 0.5, > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.9 > } 171c182 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 187c198 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 207c218 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 227c238 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 247c258 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 267c278 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 287c298 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 307c318 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 327c338 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, monsters\pets\weasel\petweasel.monstertype 143,144d142 < "dropPools" : [ "potreasure" ], < 169c167 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 172a171,173 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\walkers\adultpoptop\adultpoptop.animation 34,36c34,36 < "particleEmittersOff" : [ "spindust" ], < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_windup.ogg", < "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.15 --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 1.0, > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "spindust" ] 41c41 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.1, 44a45,46 > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 1.0, 46,47d47 < // "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_winddown.ogg", < // "persistentSoundStopTime" : 1 54,56c54,57 < "particleEmittersOff" : [ "spindust" ], < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg", < "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.5 --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 1.0, > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_slash1.ogg", > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "spindust" ] 63a65,68 > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain1.ogg", > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 1.25 > }, 66,75c71 < "particleEmittersOn" : [ [], [], ["spindust"], [], [], [], [], [] ], < "persistentSound" : [ < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_windup.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_windup.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg", < "/sfx/npc/monsters/mandraflora_spinning.ogg" < ] --- > "particleEmittersOn" : [ [], [], ["spindust"], [], [], [], [], [] ] 90a87,106 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 204a221,245 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\adultpoptop\adultpoptop.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop", > "description" : "It's huge...", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 60c61 < "winddownTime" : 0.2, --- > "winddownTime" : 0.05, 62c63 < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "chargewinddown" 82a84,102 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 5, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 170a191,193 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 188c211,214 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\anglure\anglure.animation 44a45,64 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125a146,170 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\anglure\anglure.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Anglure", > "description" : "At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 38c40 < "maximumRange" : 10, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, 42a45 > "aimAtTarget" : false, 44a48 > "aimDirection" : [0.7, 0.4], 68a73,102 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : false, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "anglurebulb", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [1, 1], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [2, 1] > } > } > ], > 145a180,182 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 163c200,203 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.animation 24c24 < "charge" : { --- > "windup" : { 26a27,31 > }, > "charge" : { > "frames" : 8, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "loop" 40a46,65 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 72c97 < "charge" : { --- > "windup" : { 75a101,105 > }, > "charge" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":walk." > } 115,123c145,148 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, 132a158,182 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 138c188,189 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] --- > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Bobot", > "description" : "Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 37,38c38,39 < "windupTime" : 0.5, < "windupState" : "idle", --- > "windupTime" : 0.75, > "windupState" : "charge", 40,41c41,42 < "aimAtTarget" : true, < "chargeTime" : 1.0, --- > "aimAtTarget" : false, > "chargeTime" : 1.5, 44c45,46 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 48c50 < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "idle" 68a71,89 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 5, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 167c188,191 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 186c210,213 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\bulbop\bulbop.animation 17a18,20 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 48a52,71 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 113a137 > { "particle" : "bulbopleaf" }, 129a154,178 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\bulbop\bulbop.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Bulbop", > "description" : "It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 120a122,124 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 138c142,145 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.animation 13a14,18 > "cycle" : 0.6, > "mode" : "loop" > }, > "run" : { > "frames" : 8, 36c41 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 51a57,76 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 72a98,102 > "run" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":walk." > } > }, 143a174,198 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 150c205 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Capricoat", > "description" : "Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 36,37c37,38 < "maximumRange" : 10, < "windupTime" : 2, --- > "maximumRange" : 20, > "windupTime" : 1.5, 39,42c40,44 < "chargeTime" : [3, 3], < "chargeSpeed" : 20, < "chargeControlForce" : 200, < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "chargeTime" : 2, > "chargeSpeed" : 16, > "chargeControlForce" : 400, > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 60a63,83 > "minXRange" : 10, > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, 144c167,170 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 163c189,192 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.animation 26,27c26,28 < "frames" : 3, < "cycle" : 0.25, --- > "frames" : 5, > "cycle" : 0.4, > "mode" : "loop", 30c31 < "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.2 --- > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.3 45a47,66 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 106c127 < "offsetRegion" : [ -0.2, 1, 0.2, 2 ], --- > "offsetRegion" : [ -0.2, 1, 0.2, 1 ], 129a151,175 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.frames 8c8 < [ null, "firewindup.1", "firewindup.2", "firewindup.3", "firewindup.4", null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3"], --- > [ null, "firewindup.1", "firewindup.2", "firewindup.3", "firewindup.4", null, "fire.1", "fire.3", "fire.4"], 10a11,14 > }, > "aliases" : { > "fire.2" : "fire.1", > "fire.5" : "fire.3" monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Crabcano", > "description" : "It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 40c42 < "windupTime" : 1.0, --- > "windupTime" : 1.5, 46,48c48,51 < "projectileCount" : 4, < "projectileInterval" : 0.5, < "inaccuracy" : 1, --- > "projectileCount" : 6, > "fireDelay" : 0.15, > "projectileInterval" : 0.4, > "inaccuracy" : 0.4, 54,55c57,58 < < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "idle", > "winddownTime" : 0.5 65a69,83 > "canJump" : false, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { 70a89,103 > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "fireplasmaexplosion", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [0, 0], > "inaccuracy" : 0, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0] > } > } > ], > 100c133 < "runSpeed" : 5, --- > "runSpeed" : 6, 149c182,188 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "lavaImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 168c207,210 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\crutter\crutter.animation 36a37,56 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 96,104c116,124 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "greenmonstersplosion" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, > { "particle" : "greendeathember" }, 112a133,157 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\crutter\crutter.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Crutter", > "description" : "Its poison is deadly even in small doses.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 49a51,54 > "fireArc": true, > "projectileSpeed": 50, > "gravityMultiplier": 0.6, > 66a72,85 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : false > } > } > ], > 145c164,167 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 164c186,189 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\fennix\fennix.animation 46a47,66 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 113a134,160 > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] > }, > monsters\walkers\fennix\fennix.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Fennix", > "description" : "Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 33a35,54 > "name" : "action-leap", > "cooldown" : 0.5, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { 35c56 < "cooldown" : 6.0, --- > "cooldown" : 3.0, 39c60 < "maximumRange" : 10, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, 70a92,111 > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, 154c195,201 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "lavaImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 173c220,224 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\gleap\gleap.animation 23a24,26 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 54a58,77 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125,132c148,156 < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, > { "particle" : "gleapsplat" }, 140a165,189 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\gleap\gleap.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Gleap", > "description" : "It's made from a springy substance.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 58a60,81 > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "action-hop", > "cooldown" : 0.0, > "parameters" : { > "verticalSpeed" : 20, > "horizontalSpeed" : 10, > "hopSequence" : 1, > "timeBetweenHops" : 0.0, > "windupTime" : 0.1, > "landTime" : 0.1, > "hopAwayFromWall" : false, > "wallVerticalSpeed" : 35 > } > } 59a83 > 114c138 < "baseValue" : 48 --- > "baseValue" : 25 120a145,147 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 138c165,168 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\hemogoblin\hemogoblin.animation 26c26,27 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 45a47,66 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 109a131,155 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\hemogoblin\hemogoblin.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin", > "description" : "It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 70a72,91 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 86c107,108 < "monsterType" : "hemogoblinhead" --- > "monsterType" : "hemogoblinhead", > "replacement" : true 93c115,116 < "monsterType" : "hemogoblinbutt" --- > "monsterType" : "hemogoblinbutt", > "replacement" : true 163a187,189 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 181c207,210 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\hemogoblinbutt\hemogoblinbutt.animation 21c21,22 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/gleap_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/gleap_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 40a42,61 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125a147,171 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\hemogoblinbutt\hemogoblinbutt.monstertype 23d22 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 82a82,101 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 159a179,181 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 177c199,202 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\hemogoblinhead\hemogoblinhead.animation 21c21,22 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/gleap_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/gleap_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 40a42,61 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 125a147,171 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\hemogoblinhead\hemogoblinhead.monstertype 22d21 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 81a81,100 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 158a178,180 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 176c198,201 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\hypnare\hypnare.animation 28c28,29 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 60a62,81 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 141a163,166 > { "particle" : "hypnareleaf" }, > { "particle" : "hypnareleaf" }, > { "particle" : "hypnareleaf" }, > { "particle" : "hypnareleaf" }, 157a183,207 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\hypnare\hypnare.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Hypnare", > "description" : "It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "npc", "monster" ], 81a83,101 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 10, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 158a179,181 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 176c199,202 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\kingnutmidgeling\kingnutmidgeling.animation 23a24,26 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 54a58,77 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 140a164,188 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\kingnutmidgeling\kingnutmidgeling.monstertype 23d22 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 74c73 < "damage" : 3, --- > "damage" : 5, 130a130,132 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 148c150,153 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\lilodon\lilodon.animation 15a16,18 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 43a47,66 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 119a143,167 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\lilodon\lilodon.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Lilodon", > "description" : "Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 50a52,70 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 127a148,150 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 145c168,171 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\mandraflora\mandraflora.animation 25c25,26 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 75a77,96 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 173a195,219 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\mandraflora\mandraflora.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Mandraflora", > "description" : "Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.", 16a19 > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 66a69,102 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 5, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 2, > "projectileType" : "mandrafloraeye", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [1, 1], > "inaccuracy" : 1.5, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0] > } > } > ], > 143a180,182 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 161c200,203 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\miasmop\miasmop.animation 40a41,60 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 121a142,166 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\miasmop\miasmop.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Miasmop", > "description" : "Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 33a35,53 > "name" : "action-leap", > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { 38c58,60 < "maximumRange" : 6, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, > "maxXRange" : 6, > "maxYRange" : 10, 70a93,107 > "canJump" : true, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { 154c191,194 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 173c213,216 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\narfin\narfin.animation 19c19,20 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 35c36,37 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/narfin_charge.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/narfin_charge.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 57a60,79 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 149a172,196 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 156c203 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\narfin\narfin.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Narfin", > "description" : "It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 33a35,54 > "name" : "action-leap", > "cooldown" : 0.5, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { 43c64,65 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 67a90,108 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 146c187,190 < "iceImmunity" : { --- > "iceStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 165c209,212 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\nutmidge\nutmidge.animation 15a16,23 > /* > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.25 > }, > "frameProperties" : { > "immediateSound" : [ "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/nutmidge_step1.ogg", "", "", "", "/sfx/npc/monsters/nutmidge_step2.ogg", "" ] > } > */ 20c28,29 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 43a53,55 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 63a76,95 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 142c174,203 < "particles" : [ ] --- > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "nutmidgeshard" }, > { "particle" : "woodshard" }, > { "particle" : "nutmidgeshard" } > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 148c209 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], --- > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/melee/kill_wood1.ogg" ], monsters\walkers\nutmidge\nutmidge.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Nutmidge", > "description" : "The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.", 24d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 43c44,45 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "deathPuff", 66a69,87 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 82c103,104 < "monsterType" : "kingnutmidgeling" --- > "monsterType" : "kingnutmidgeling", > "replacement" : true 89c111,112 < "monsterType" : "nutmidgeling" --- > "monsterType" : "nutmidgeling", > "replacement" : true 96c119,132 < "monsterType" : "nutmidgeling" --- > "monsterType" : "nutmidgeling", > "replacement" : true > } > }, > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 2, > "projectileType" : "nutmidgeshell", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [1, 1], > "inaccuracy" : 1.5, > "fireOffset" : [0, 1] 167a204,206 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 185c224,227 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\nutmidgeling\nutmidgeling.animation 23a24,26 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 54a58,77 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 140a164,188 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\nutmidgeling\nutmidgeling.monstertype 23d22 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 74c73 < "damage" : 3, --- > "damage" : 5, 130a130,132 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 148c150,153 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\oogler\oogler.animation 76a77,96 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 175a196,220 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 182c227 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\oogler\oogler.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Oogler", > "description" : "It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 30a32,41 > > "damageTakenActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-charge", > "cooldown" : 4.0, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 40, > "keepInRange" : true, > "windupTime" : 0, 32c43,49 < "hostileActions" : [ --- > "aimAtTarget" : true, > "chargeTime" : 2, > "chargeSpeed" : 40, > "chargeControlForce" : 300, > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", > "wallCrashEmitter" : "", 33a51,56 > "winddownTime" : 0.6 > } > } > ], > > "hostileActions" : [ 37c60 < "minimumRange" : 15, --- > "minimumRange" : 5, 46c69,70 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 51c75,82 < } --- > }, > { > "name" : "action-charge", > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 5, > "keepInRange" : true, > "windupTime" : 0, 52a84,94 > "aimAtTarget" : true, > "chargeTime" : 2, > "chargeSpeed" : 40, > "chargeControlForce" : 300, > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", > "wallCrashEmitter" : "", > > "winddownTime" : 0.6 > } > } 70a113,131 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 7, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 30 > } > } > ], > 147a209,211 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 165c229,232 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\orbide\orbide.animation 118a119,138 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 249a270,294 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 266c311 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\orbide\orbide.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Orbide", > "description" : "Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.", 16c18,19 < "behavior" : "orbide", --- > "behavior" : "monster", > "deathBehavior" : "monster-death", 19,20c22,118 < "wallCrashSound" : "", < "wallCrashEmitter" : "" --- > "damageOnTouch" : true, > > "targetQueryRange" : 20, > "targetOnDamage" : true, > "keepTargetInSight" : true, > "keepTargetInRange" : 50, > "targetOutOfSightTime" : 2.5, > > "foundTargetActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-animate", > "parameters" : { > "stateType" : "body", > "state" : "invulnerablewinddown", > "animationTimer" : 1.2 > } > } > ], > > "fleeActions" : [], > > "hostileActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-charge", > "parameters": { > "maximumRange": 15, > "minimumRange": 5, > "windupTime": 1, > "chargeSpeed": 100, > "chargeControlForce": 1000, > "chargeTime": 0.35, > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound": "wallCrash", > "wallCrashEmitter": "", > > "winddownStopForce": 1000, > "winddownTime": 0.6 > } > } > ], > > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "name": "action-invulnerable", > "parameters": { > "invulnerableEffect": "maxprotection", > "invulnerableTime": 600, > "winddownTime": 1.2, > "windupTime": 1.2 > } > } > ], > > "approachActions" : [ > { > "name": "approach-walk", > "parameters": { > "canJump": true, > "jumpXVelocity": 12, > "jumpYVelocity": 30 > } > } > ], > > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name": "approach-walk", > "parameters": { > "canJump": true, > "jumpXVelocity": 12, > "jumpYVelocity": 30 > } > } > ], > > "wanderActions" : [ > ], > > "deathActions" : [ > { > "name" : "action-projectile", > "parameters" : { > "projectileCount" : 1, > "projectileType" : "orbideball", > "projectileParameters" : {}, > "power" : 0, > "aimDirection" : [1, 1], > "inaccuracy" : 1.5, > "fireOffset" : [0, 0] > } > } > ] 88a187,189 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 106c207,211 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\peblit\peblit.animation 21c21,22 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 53a55,74 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 128,136c149,154 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "peblitbit" }, > { "particle" : "peblitbit" }, > { "particle" : "peblitbit" }, > { "particle" : "peblitbit" }, > { "particle" : "peblitbit" }, > 144a163,187 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\peblit\peblit.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Peblit", > "description" : "Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 88a90,108 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 3, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 165a186,188 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 183c206,209 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\petricub\petricub.animation 16a17,19 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 26c29,30 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 37c41,42 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 65a71,90 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 140,148c165,180 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "petricubfade" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, > { "particle" : "petricubember" }, 156a189,213 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\petricub\petricub.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Petricub", > "description" : "It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 68a70,88 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 145a166,168 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 163c186,189 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\pipkin\pipkin.animation 21c21,22 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 61a63,82 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 136,144d156 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, 152a165,189 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\pipkin\pipkin.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Pipkin", > "description" : "Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 74a76,94 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 10, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 153c173,176 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 156c179 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "powerMultiplier" : { 175c198,201 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\poptop\poptop.animation 46c46,47 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 91a93,112 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 199a221,245 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\poptop\poptop.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Poptop", > "description" : "The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 70a72,92 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "moveState" : "run", > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 156a179,181 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 174c199,202 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\punchy\punchy.animation 37a38,57 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 115a136,175 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/energy/energy.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 35, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 1, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1, 1], > "timeToLive" : 0.4, > "layer" : "middle" > } > } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\punchy\punchy.monstertype 91a92,94 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\walkers\quagmutt\quagmutt.animation 54a55,74 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 145a166,190 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\quagmutt\quagmutt.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Quagmutt", > "description" : "Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 67a69,87 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 144a165,167 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 162c185,188 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\ringram\ringram.animation 23c23,24 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 33c34 < "cycle" : 0.125, --- > "cycle" : 0.225, 46c47 < "cycle" : 0.18, --- > "cycle" : 0.15, 65a67,86 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 157a179,203 > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] 164c210 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\ringram\ringram.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Ringram", > "description" : "The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 34a36 > "cooldown" : 2.0, 39c41 < "chargeTime" : [3, 3], --- > "chargeTime" : 1.0, 42c44,45 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 45c48,49 < "winddownTime" : 11 --- > "winddownStopForce" : 0, > "winddownTime" : 0.5 65a70,88 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 142a166,168 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 160c186,189 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\scaveran\scaveran.animation 69a70,89 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 165a186,210 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\scaveran\scaveran.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Scaveran", > "description" : "The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 89a91,112 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "action-hop", > "cooldown" : [0.5, 3.5], > "parameters" : { > "verticalSpeed" : 10, > "horizontalSpeed" : 20, > "hopSequence" : 4, > "timeBetweenHops" : 0.0, > "windupTime" : 0.05, > "landTime" : 0.05, > "hopAwayFromWall" : true, > "hopSound" : "hop" > } > } > ], > 159a183,185 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 177c203,206 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\smoglin\smoglin.animation 51a52,71 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 142a163,187 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\smoglin\smoglin.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Smoglin", > "description" : "A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 77a79,98 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 156c177,183 < "fireImmunity" : { --- > "fireStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "lavaImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 175c202,205 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.animation 21c21,22 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 26a28,31 > "firewindup" : { > "frames" : 3, > "cycle" : 0.3 > }, 28,29c33,34 < "frames" : 10, < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "frames" : 7, > "cycle" : 0.5, 45a51,70 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 76a102,106 > "firewindup" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":windup." > } > }, 126a157,181 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.frames 9c9 < [ null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4", "fire.5", "fire.6", "fire.7", "fire.8", "fire.9", "fire.10" ] --- > [ null, "windup.1", "windup.2", "windup.3", "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4", "fire.5", "fire.6", "fire.7"] monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Snaunt", > "description" : "It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 38,40c39,40 < "minimumRange" : 10, < "windupState" : "", < "windupTime" : 0.0, --- > "minimumRange" : 0, > "windupTime" : 0.5, 44c44 < "fireOffset" : [0.75, 0.6875], --- > "fireOffset" : [0.875, 0.625], 47c47 < "fireDelay" : 0.3, --- > "fireDelay" : 0.2, 75a76,93 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 3, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50 > } > } > ], > 154c172,175 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 173c194,197 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\sporgus\sporgus.animation 32a33,52 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 103a124,148 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\sporgus\sporgus.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Sporgus", > "description" : "It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 73a75,88 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : false > } > } > ], > 152c167,170 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { 171c189,192 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\taroni\taroni.animation 47a48,67 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 133a154,178 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\taroni\taroni.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Taroni", > "description" : "It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.", 86a89,91 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 104c109,113 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\toumingo\toumingo.animation 14a15,17 > "properties" : { > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, 59c62,63 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 90a95,114 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 190a215,216 > { "particle" : "toumingoleg" }, > { "particle" : "toumingoleg" }, 208,217c234,258 < } < }, < < "lights" : { < "glow" : { < "active" : true, < "position" : [0.625, 0.625], < "color" : [80, 100, 120], < "pointLight" : true, < "anchorPart" : "body" --- > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } > ] monsters\walkers\toumingo\toumingo.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Toumingo", > "description" : "The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 70a72,91 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 5, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true > } > } > ], > 152a174,176 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 170c194,197 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\trictus\trictus.animation 17c17 < "cycle" : 0.7 --- > "cycle" : 0.5 37a38,57 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 121a142,166 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\trictus\trictus.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Trictus", > "description" : "Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.", 21a24 > "targetQueryCooldown" : 0.2, 23d25 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 34c36 < "animationTime" : 0.7 --- > "animationTime" : 0.5 58c60,61 < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.5 81a85,92 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > } > ], > 162a174,176 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 180c194,197 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\voltip\voltip.animation 28c28,29 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 47a49,68 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 117,125c138,141 < { "particle" : "monstersplosion" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, < { "particle" : "deathember" }, --- > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh1" }, > { "particle" : "electricswoosh2" }, 133a150,174 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\voltip\voltip.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Voltip", > "description" : "The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 75a77,95 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 8, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 154c174,177 < "electricImmunity" : { --- > "electricStatusImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "poisonStatusImmunity" : { 157c180 < "poisonImmunity" : { --- > "powerMultiplier" : { 176c199,202 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] monsters\walkers\yokat\yokat.animation 19c19,20 < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg" --- > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_hop.ogg", > "immediateSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 61a63,82 > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > "frames" : 1, > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > }, > "on" : { > "frames" : 1, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "off", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "releaseParticles" ] > } > } > } 180a202,226 > ] > }, > "captureParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "releaseParticles" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "teleportOut" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monstercapture" } > ] > }, > "teleportIn" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterrelease" } > ] > }, > "levelUp" : { > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "monsterlevelup" } monsters\walkers\yokat\yokat.monstertype 2a3,4 > "shortdescription" : "Yokat", > "description" : "Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.", 23d24 < "targetEntityTypes" : [ "player", "npc", "monster" ], 49a51,69 > "followActions" : [ > { > "name" : "approach-teleport", > "parameters" : { > } > }, > { > "name" : "approach-walk", > "parameters" : { > "canJump" : true, > "maxJumps" : 6, > "jumpXVelocity" : 12, > "jumpYVelocity" : 30, > "jumpXControlForce" : 50, > "minXRange" : 10 > } > } > ], > 146a167,169 > }, > "powerMultiplier" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 164c187,190 < "feetOffset" : [0, -8] --- > "feetOffset" : [0, -8], > "capturable" : true, > "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5, > "nametagColor" : [64, 200, 255] npcs\bandit.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 8c6,29 < --- > > "scriptConfig" : { > "dialog" : { > "attack" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Attack!" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Hey look, easy prey!", > "Don't think you're getting out of this one easily!", > "I bet you'll drop lots of pixels!", > "You've wandered right into the wolf's den!", > "Good, a fight! I was almost bored!", > "This isn't personal, I just love attacking people!", > "Surprise, you're about to get poked full of holes!" > ] > } > } > } > }, > 28,30d48 < ], < "alt" : [ < "flashlight" npcs\base.npctype 3a4 > "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 17a19,118 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "leapWindup" : 0.75, > "questFollowerRunSpeed" : 14 > }, > > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male3.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male4.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_female3.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_female4.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_male3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/apex_chatter_female3.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female3.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female4.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female5.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female3.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female4.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female5.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_male3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/glitch_chatter_female3.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female3.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_male3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/hylotl_chatter_female3.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_male3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/human_chatter_female3.ogg" > ] > } > }, > 19c120 < "forceWalkingBackwards" : true, --- > "forceWalkingBackwards" : false, 22a124,144 > "combat" : { > "meleeWeaponWindups" : { > "default" : 0.05, > "broadsword" : 0.05, > "dagger" : 0.05, > "axe" : 0.45, > "hammer" : 0.45, > "shortsword" : 0.05, > "spear" : 0.05 > }, > "meleeWeaponCooldowns" : { > "default" : 1.0, > "broadsword" : 1.5, > "dagger" : 0.5, > "axe" : 1.1, > "hammer" : 1.0, > "shortsword" : 0.8, > "spear" : 1.2 > } > }, > 24c146 < "pools" : ["normal"], --- > "pools" : [], 33c155,156 < "chance": 0.01 --- > "chance" : 0.01, > "maxBoostedChance" : 0.5 838a962,966 > "movementParameters" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "runSpeed" : 10.0 > }, > 892c1020 < "baseValue" : 0.25 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 npcs\blacksmith.npctype 7a8,10 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 12c15 < "Oh, you done started somethin' now!" --- > "Sullen. Looks like I'll be messin' up me nice new weapon." 18,24c21,27 < "World-weary. Here we go again, then.", < "Grizzled. You'll not make a mockery of me!", < "Gruff. Didn't they tell ye, never aggro a smith?", < "Surly. Looks like I'll be messin' up me nice new weapon.", < "Resigned. Sigh. More disruption.", < "Eager. Good chance to test me weapons out.", < "Grumpy. Looks like I'll have to teach yeh a lesson." --- > "Weary. Here we go again...", > "Cross. You'll not make a mockery o' me!", > "Surly. Didn't they tell ye, never aggro a smith?", > "Sullen. Looks like I'll be messin' up me nice new weapon.", > "Resigned. Huh, more disruption.", > "Eager. A good chance to test me weapon out!", > "Bad-tempered. Looks like I'll have to teach ye a lesson." npcs\bmain.lua 8a9 > require "/scripts/statusText.lua" 9a11 > require "/scripts/companions/recruitable.lua" 12a15,18 > restorePreservedStorage() > > self.shouldDie = true > self.forceDie = false 24a31,32 > = offeredQuestStarted > = offeredQuestFinished 26,27c34,36 < if entity.configParameter("behavior") then < self.behavior = BTree:new(entity.configParameter("behavior"), entity.configParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) --- > if config.getParameter("behavior") then > self.behavior = BTree:new(config.getParameter("behavior"), config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {})) > self.behavior.topLevel = true 30c39 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > npc.setInteractive(true) 33c42 < self.behaviorConfig = entity.configParameter("behaviorConfig", {}) --- > self.behaviorConfig = config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}) 38,41c47,51 < self.primary = entity.getItemSlot("primary") < self.alt = entity.getItemSlot("alt") < self.sheathedPrimary = entity.getItemSlot("sheathedprimary") < self.sheathedAlt = entity.getItemSlot("sheathedalt") --- > self.primary = npc.getItemSlot("primary") > self.alt = npc.getItemSlot("alt") > self.sheathedPrimary = npc.getItemSlot("sheathedprimary") > self.sheathedAlt = npc.getItemSlot("sheathedalt") > self.delayedSetItemSlot = {} 50c60 < notify(notification) --- > return notify(notification) 51a62,103 > > self.uniqueId = config.getParameter("uniqueId") > updateUniqueId() > > npc.setDamageOnTouch(true) > npc.setAggressive(config.getParameter("aggressive", false)) > > if (config.getParameter("facingDirection")) then > mcontroller.controlFace(config.getParameter("facingDirection")) > end > > recruitable.init() > end > > -- The colony and crew systems repeatedly kill and respawn the same NPCs. > -- Certain things about them that change during their lifetime (item slots, > -- etc.) need to be preserved between spawns. > function restorePreservedStorage() > for k, v in pairs(config.getParameter("initialStorage", {})) do > if storage[k] == nil then > storage[k] = v > end > end > for slot, item in pairs(storage.itemSlots or {}) do > npc.setItemSlot(slot, item) > end > end > > function preservedStorage() > return { > itemSlots = storage.itemSlots, > relationships = storage.relationships, > criminal = storage.criminal, > stolen = storage.stolen, > extraMerchantItems = storage.extraMerchantItems > } > end > > function updateUniqueId() > if self.uniqueId and not entity.uniqueId() then > npc.setUniqueId(self.uniqueId) > end 56a109,110 > updateUniqueId() > 58a113,119 > recruitable.update(dt) > > for _,slot in pairs(self.delayedSetItemSlot) do > setNpcItemSlot(slot.slotName, slot.item) > end > self.delayedSetItemSlot = {} > 60a122,125 > self.stunned = true > if self.primary and root.itemHasTag(, "ranged") then > npc.endPrimaryFire() > end 69a135,136 > self.primaryFire = false > self.altFire = false 75,76c142,155 < if self.behavior and self.behavior:run(dt * self.behaviorTickRate) ~= "running" then < self.behavior:reset() --- > if self.behavior then > self.behavior:run(dt * self.behaviorTickRate) > end > BGroup:updateGroups() > > if self.primaryFire then > npc.beginPrimaryFire() > else > npc.endPrimaryFire() > end > if self.altFire then > npc.beginAltFire() > else > npc.endAltFire() 80a160 > self.stunned = false 85a166,167 > > self.die = (self.shouldDie and not status.resourcePositive("health")) or self.forceDie 90c172,175 <"interaction", args.sourceId) --- > local recruitAction = recruitable.interact(args.sourceId) > if recruitAction then > return recruitAction > end 92,93c177 < self.interacted = true < BData:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) --- > setInteracted(args) 96a181,195 > > local interactAction = config.getParameter("interactAction") > if interactAction then > local data = config.getParameter("interactData", {}) > if type(data) == "string" then > data = root.assetJson(data) > end > return { interactAction, data } > end > end > > function setInteracted(args) >"interaction", args.sourceId) > self.interacted = true > BData:setEntity("interactionSource", args.sourceId) 104a204,207 > function shouldDie() > return self.die > end > 106a210 > recruitable.die() 113c217 < self.behavior:uninit() --- > BGroup:uninit() 116,117c220,234 < function setupTenant(...) < tenant.setHome(...) --- > function offeredQuestStarted(questArc) > if entity.damageTeam().type ~= "assistant" then > storage.preQuestDamageTeam = entity.damageTeam() > npc.setDamageTeam({ > type = "assistant", > team = 1 -- Friendly NPCs always on team 1 > }) > end > end > > function offeredQuestFinished(questArc, complete) > if storage.preQuestDamageTeam then > npc.setDamageTeam(storage.preQuestDamageTeam) > storage.preQuestDamageTeam = nil > end 137c254 < return util.weightedRandom(entity.configParameter("personalities"), entity.seed()) --- > return util.weightedRandom(config.getParameter("personalities"), npc.seed()) 141c258 < local enabled = entity.configParameter("questGenerator.enableParticipation") --- > local enabled = config.getParameter("questGenerator.enableParticipation") 145,189c262,269 < function randomizeStatusText(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < local statuses = root.assetJson("/npcs/statuses.config:statuses") < local options = nil < if math.random() < 0.3 then < if math.random() < 0.5 then < options = statuses.generic < else < local personality = personalityType() < options = statuses[personality] < if not options then < options = statuses.generic < end < end < entity.setStatusText(options[math.random(#options)]) < else < entity.setStatusText(nil) < end < entity.setDisplayNametag(true) < return true < end < < -- param content < function say(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < content = "nil", < tags = {} < }) < < local portrait = entity.configParameter("chatPortrait") < < args.tags.selfname = world.entityName( < < if portrait == nil then < entity.say(args.content, args.tags) < else < entity.sayPortrait(args.content, portrait, args.tags) < end < < return true < end < < function suicide(args, output) < status.setResource("health", 0) < return true --- > function getHeldItems() > local result = {} > -- table.insert has no effect on the table when given a nil > table.insert(result, self.primary) > table.insert(result, self.sheathedPrimary) > table.insert(result, self.alt) > table.insert(result, self.sheathedAlt) > return result 192,244c272,273 < function wasInteracted(args, output) < return self.interacted == true < end < < function wasDamaged(args, output) < return self.damaged == true < end < < function attackNotification(args, output) < return false < end < < -- param entity < function setLounging(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = "loungable" < }) < < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < entity.setLounging(entityId) < return true < end < < function resetLounging(args, output) < if not entity.isLounging() then return false end < entity.resetLounging() < return true < end < < -- param slot < -- param itemName < -- param definition < -- param level < function setItemSlot(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < slot = "primary", < itemName = "uncommonrocketlauncher", < level = nil < }) < < local params = { < definition = args.definition, < level = args.level or entity.level() < } < < local item < if args.itemName then < item = {name = args.itemName, parameters = params} < end < < entity.setItemSlot(args.slot, item) --- > function setNpcItemSlot(slotName, item) > npc.setItemSlot(slotName, item) 246,397c275 < storage.itemSlots[args.slot] = item < return true < end < < -- param itemTable < -- param vanitySlot < function equipArmor(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < itemTable = "", < vanitySlot = false < }) < < local item = BData:getTable(args.itemTable) < local itemName = nil < if type(item) == "table" then < itemName = < else < itemName = item < end < < local vanity = args.vanitySlot < local itemType = root.itemType(itemName) < local slot = nil < < if itemType == "headarmor" then < slot = "head" < elseif itemType == "chestarmor" then < slot = "chest" < elseif itemType == "legsarmor" then < slot = "legs" < elseif itemType == "backarmor" then < slot = "back" < else < return false < end < < if vanity then < slot = slot .. "Soc" < end < < entity.setItemSlot(slot, item) < storage.itemSlots = storage.itemSlots or {} < storage.itemSlots[slot] = item < return true < end < < -- param position < -- param offset < function setAimPosition(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < position = "self", < offset = {0,0} < }) < < local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) < local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) < if position == nil or offset == nil then return false end < < position = vec2.add(position, offset) < entity.setAimPosition(position) < local toPosition = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) < mcontroller.controlFace(util.toDirection(toPosition[1])) < < self.setFacingDirection = true < return true < end < < function beginAltFire(args, output) < entity.beginAltFire() < return true < end < < function endAltFire(args, output) < entity.endAltFire() < return true < end < < function beginPrimaryFire(args, output) < entity.beginPrimaryFire() < return true < end < < function endPrimaryFire(args, output) < entity.endPrimaryFire() < return true < end < < function setDropPools(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dropPools = {} < }) < entity.setDropPools(args.dropPools) < return true < end < < function setDeathParticleBurst(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < deathParticleBurst = nil < }) < entity.setDeathParticleBurst(args.deathParticleBurst) < return true < end < < function emote(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < emote = nil < }) < if args.emote == nil then return false end < < entity.emote(args.emote) < return true < end < < function dance(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < dance = nil < }) < < return true < end < < ----------------------------------------------------------- < -- COMBAT < ----------------------------------------------------------- < < function swapItemSlots(args, output) < entity.setItemSlot("primary", self.sheathedPrimary) < local primary = self.primary < self.primary = self.sheathedPrimary < self.sheathedPrimary = primary < < entity.setItemSlot("alt", self.sheathedAlt) < local alt = self.alt < self.alt = self.sheathedAlt < self.sheathedAlt = alt < return true < end < < function hasMeleePrimary(args, output) < if self.primary == nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "melee") < end < < function hasRangedPrimary(args, output) < if self.primary == nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "ranged") < end < < function hasShield(args, output) < if self.alt == nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "shield") < end --- > storage.itemSlots[string.lower(slotName)] = item 399,401c277,280 < function hasMeleeSheathed(args, output) < if self.sheathedPrimary == nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "melee") --- > self.primary = npc.getItemSlot("primary") > self.alt = npc.getItemSlot("alt") > self.sheathedPrimary = npc.getItemSlot("sheathedprimary") > self.sheathedAlt = npc.getItemSlot("sheathedalt") 404,453c283,287 < function hasRangedSheathed(args, output) < if self.sheathedPrimary == nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "ranged") < end < < function hasShieldSheathed(args, output) < if self.sheathedAlt== nil then return false end < return root.itemHasTag(, "shield") < end < < function canFire(args, output) < return status.resourcePercentage("energy") > 0 and not status.resourceLocked("energy") < end < < function isValidTarget(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < return entity.isValidTarget(entityId) < end < < function entityHandItemType(entityId, slot) < local handItem = world.entityHandItem(entityId, slot) < if handItem ~= nil then < return root.itemType(handItem) < end < end < < function entityHoldingWeapon(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < entity = nil < }) < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < local primaryItem = world.entityHandItem(entityId, "primary") < local altItem = world.entityHandItem(entityId, "alt") < return (primaryItem and root.itemHasTag(primaryItem, "weapon")) or (altItem and root.itemHasTag(altItem, "weapon")) or false < end < < -- output damageTeam < function damageTeam(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < < local team = entity.damageTeam() < BData:setNumber(output.damageTeam, < return true --- > function setItemSlotDelayed(slotName, item) > table.insert(self.delayedSetItemSlot, { > slotName = slotName, > item = item > }) npcs\cultist.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 8a7,8 > "dropPools" : [ "cultisttreasure" ], > 22,23c22,23 < "primary" : [ "npcdagger" ] < --- > "primary" : [ "npccultistbroadsword" ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcpistol" ] npcs\default_reactions.config 150a151,170 > "recruited" : [ > [1.0, "smile"], > [1.0, "jumpforjoy"] > ], > > "recruitdeclined" : [ > [1.0, "annoyed"], > [1.0, "cry"] > ], > > // When a crewmember has been recruited and instructed to follow the player > "followowner" : [ > [1.0, "smile"] > ], > > // When a crewmember has been recruited and instructed to wait somewhere > "unfollowowner" : [ > [1.0, "wink"] > ], > npcs\follower.npctype 34c34 < "Don't worry, I'll take care of this", --- > "Don't worry, I'll take care of this.", 51c51 < "Phew, you handle yourself quite well." --- > "Phew! You handle yourself well..." npcs\friendlyguard.npctype 7a8,12 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "friendly", "team" : 1 } > }, 12a18,28 > "questGenerator" : { > "pools" : ["common", "guard"], > "enableParticipation" : true, > > "timeLimit" : 30, > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50, > "chance" : 0.02, > "questCountRange" : [1, 4] > }, > 26a43,45 > > // NOTE: The 'hail' dialog option is not used in the guard behavior > // You'll want to use villageguard for hail 35,38c54,57 < "I aim to protect this land in the name of Kluex!", < "This isn't such a bad job... No Stargazers here, at least.", < "Hello, friend! May Kluex keep you safe through me.", < "Kluex bless you!" --- > "I like keeping this place safe.", > "I like this job, I get to meet a lot of interesting people.", > "What a quiet day.", > "It's very fulfilling, keeping people safe." 43,46c62,65 < "Greetings. Back from adventuring?", < "Have you gathered intel on your ventures?", < "The area is secure, so worry not.", < "Don't worry, I have this location under control." --- > "Do you enjoy your adventures?", > "It is quiet right now - a rare chance to relax.", > "Do not worry, the area is secure.", > "The area is well defended." 51c70 < "Floran wantsss to get into fight...", --- > "Floran bored, wantsss to fight...", 53c72 < "Floran isss dressed for battle!", --- > "Floran iss dressed for battle!", 59,62c78,81 < "Subservient. I live to protect.", < "Proud. I have experience guarding things. Like you.", < "Observant. I need to keep the area safe from hostile activity.", < "Questioning. When do you think I could take a break?" --- > "Protective. I will defend you and guard this place.", > "Proud. I have experience guarding things.", > "Alert. I need to keep the area safe from hostile activity.", > "Sleepy. Do you think I could take a break? It seems quite quiet now, doesn't it?" 69c88 < "I have to keep the area clear of hostile forces. Easy stuff.", --- > "I can to keep the area clear of hostile forces. Easy stuff.", 75,78c94,97 < "There is an elegance in living to protect others, don't you think?", < "Greetings! May you live calmly whilst I'm here to protect you.", < "Stay peaceful, for I'm here to keep the area safe.", < "Hey! If you get the chance, you should watch as I elegantly defeat hostile forces." --- > "There is virtue in living to protect others.", > "I will ensure your time here is tranquil.", > "I am here to protect you, and all who rightfully come here.", > "I will not let my focus lapse." npcs\guard.npctype 4a5 > "levelVariance" : [3, 3], 6a8,9 > "damageTeamType" : "friendly", > 9a13,19 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67, > "patrolTime" : 3, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 1 } > }, > 11c21 < "pools" : ["normal", "guard"], --- > "pools" : ["common", "guard"], 13,14c23,33 < "flags" : { < "guard" : true --- > "timeLimit" : 30, > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50, > "questCountRange" : [1, 4], > > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmember"], > [0.5, "crewmemberengineer"], > [0.5, "crewmembermechanic"] > ] 17c36 < --- > 43a63 > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", 44a65,66 > > "accuse" : "/dialog/thief.config:accuse", npcs\hostile.npctype 6c6 < --- > 13a14,21 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "leapWindup" : 0.75, > "rangedAimTime" : 1.0, > "rangedWindupTime" : 0.01 > }, > > "aggressive" : true, > 17c25 < --- > 32a41,61 > }, > > "combat" : { > "meleeWeaponWindups" : { > "default" : 0.45, > "broadsword" : 0.45, > "dagger" : 0.3, > "axe" : 0.45, > "hammer" : 0.6, > "shortsword" : 0.35, > "spear" : 0.55 > }, > "meleeWeaponCooldowns" : { > "default" : 1.0, > "broadsword" : 1.7, > "dagger" : 0.7, > "axe" : 1.4, > "hammer" : 2.0, > "shortsword" : 1.0, > "spear" : 1.4 > } 49a79,89 > "touchDamage" : { > "damage" : 0, > "teamType" : "enemy", > "damageType" : "knockback", > "damageSourceKind" : "nodamage", > "damageRepeatGroup" : "npcTouchKnockback", > "damageRepeatTimeout" : 0.5, > "knockback" : 20, > "statusEffects" : [ ] > }, > 56c96 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.65 npcs\merchant.npctype 5a6 > "damageTeamType" : "friendly", 7c8 < "dropPools" : [ "basicMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "basicTreasure" ], 15a17,22 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "noticePlayersRadius" : 20, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 1 } > }, > 17,18c24,30 < "pools" : ["normal", "merchant"], < "enableParticipation" : true --- > "pools" : ["common", "merchant"], > "enableParticipation" : true, > > "timeLimit" : 30, > "chance" : 0.02, > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50 31c43 < "storeRadius" : 8, --- > "storeRadius" : 16, 34,41c46,53 < "default" : ["basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humaningredients" ], < "apex" : ["basicmerchant", "apexfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "apexarmorblueprints", "apexingredients" ], < "avian" : ["basicmerchant", "avianfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "avianarmorblueprints", "avianingredients" ], < "floran" : ["basicmerchant", "floranfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "floranarmorblueprints", "floraningredients" ], < "glitch" : ["basicmerchant", "glitchfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "glitcharmorblueprints", "glitchingredients" ], < "human" : ["basicmerchant", "humanfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humanarmorblueprints", "humaningredients" ], < "hylotl" : ["basicmerchant", "hylotlfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "hylotlarmorblueprints", "hylotlingredients" ], < "novakid" : ["basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "novakidarmorblueprints", "novakidingredients" ] --- > "default" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humaningredients"], > "apex" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "apexfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "apexarmour", "apexingredients" ], > "avian" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "avianfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "avianarmour", "avianingredients" ], > "floran" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "floranfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "floranarmour", "floraningredients" ], > "glitch" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "glitchfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "glitcharmour", "glitchingredients" ], > "human" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "humanfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humanarmour", "humaningredients" ], > "hylotl" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "hylotlfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "hylotlarmour", "hylotlingredients" ], > "novakid" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "novakidarmour", "novakidingredients" ] 51d62 < "busy" : "/dialog/merchant.config:merchantBusy", 57,60c68,69 < "helpme" : "/dialog/merchant.config:helpme", < "helpthem" : "/dialog/merchant.config:helpthem", < "encourage" : "/dialog/merchant.config:encourage", < "safe" : "/dialog/merchant.config:safe" --- > "helpme" : "/dialog/flee.config:helpme", > "safe" : "/dialog/flee.config:safe" 74c83,85 < } --- > }, > "accuse" : "/dialog/thief.config:accuse", > "alert" : "/dialog/thief.config:alert" 92c103 < { "name" : "medicdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, --- > { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, 105d115 < { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, npcs\merchantpools.config 1c1 < { --- > { 16,17d15 < { "item" : { "name" : "bandage" }, "rarity" : 0.3 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "medkit" }, "rarity" : 0.3 }, 20c18,26 < { "item" : { "name" : "yellowstim" }, "rarity" : 0.05 } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "yellowstim" }, "rarity" : 0.05 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "paperplane" }, "rarity" : 0.0001 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "beachball" }, "rarity" : 0.0001 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "bowlingball" }, "rarity" : 0.0003 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "bowlingpin" }, "rarity" : 0.0003 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "firework" }, "rarity" : 0.0002 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "fireworkblue" }, "rarity" : 0.0002 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "fireworkgreen" }, "rarity" : 0.0002 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "noveltybanana" }, "rarity" : 0.00005 } 49d54 < { "item" : { "name" : "mushroomsword" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, 53,56d57 < { "item" : { "name" : "shroomhead" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "shroomhead2" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "shroomhead3" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "shroomhead4" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, 57a59,63 > ]], > [1.9, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "mushroombread" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mushroomrice" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mushroomquiche" } } 59c65 < ], --- > ], 100a107,117 > "geodemerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "crystalblock" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "biorock2" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "rockbrickmaterial" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "obsidian" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "magmarock" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "moonrock" } } > ]] > ], > 120a138,162 > "foundrymerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "ironbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "tungstenbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "titaniumbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "copperbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "copperpickaxe" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverpickaxe" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "deadbeatmerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "explosivebarrel" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "toxicwastebarrel" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "scorchedlandmine" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "landmine" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "metallictrapdoor" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "lasertripwire" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "wallb" }, "rarity" : 0.1 } > ]] > ], > 174c216,217 < { "item" : { "name" : "lanternstickback" }, "rarity" : 0.2 } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "lanternstickback" }, "rarity" : 0.2 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "steampunkhead" }, "rarity" : 0.2 } 191,208d233 < "doctormerchant" : [ < [0, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "redstim" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "nanowrap" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "medkit" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "bandage" } } < ]] < ], < < "stimmerchant" : [ < [0, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "greenstim" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "redstim" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "yellowstim" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "bluestim" } } < ]] < ], < 212a238,240 > { "item" : { "name" : "silverbar" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldbar" } }, > 215,216c243,252 < { "item" : { "name" : "steelbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "plutoniumrod" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "tungstenbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "human_mission1" }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "titaniumbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "floran_mission2" }, > { "item" : { "name" : "diamond" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "floran_mission2" }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "durasteelbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "hylotl_mission2" }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "refinedaegisalt" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "avian_mission2" }, > { "item" : { "name" : "refinedferozium" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "avian_mission2" }, > { "item" : { "name" : "refinedviolium" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "avian_mission2" }, 218,219c254 < { "item" : { "name" : "titaniumbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "penguinmission2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "silverbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "penguinmission2.gearup" }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "solariumstar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "apex_mission2" }, 221,222c256,260 < { "item" : { "name" : "durasteelbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "coldskin2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "diamond" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "coldskin2.gearup" }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "flare" } }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "copperpickaxe" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "silverpickaxe" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldpickaxe" } }, 224,228c262 < { "item" : { "name" : "refinedaegisalt" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "heatskin2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "refinedrubium" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "heatskin2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "refinedviolium" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "heatskin2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "goldbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "heatskin2.gearup" }, < { "item" : { "name" : "platinumbar" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "diamondpickaxe" }, "prerequisiteQuest" : "floran_mission2" } 231,232c265,268 < < "toolmerchant" : [ --- > > > > "augmentmerchant" : [ 234,235c270,302 < { "item" : { "name" : "bomb" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "flare" } } --- > // UNCOMMON > { "item" : { "name" : "damageaugment1" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "energyaugment1" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healingaugment1" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healthaugment1" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "lightaugment1" } }, > > // RARE > { "item" : { "name" : "fireblockaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "iceblockaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "electricblockaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "poisonblockaugment" } }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "damageaugment2" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "energyaugment2" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healingaugment2" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healthaugment2" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "lightaugment2" } }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "gravityaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "jumpaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "speedaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "swimaugment" } }, > > // LEGENDARY > { "item" : { "name" : "damageaugment3" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "energyaugment3" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healingaugment3" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "healthaugment3" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "lightaugment3" } }, > > { "item" : { "name" : "thornsaugment" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "mobilityaugment" } } 238c305 < --- > 248c315 < --- > 304d370 < { "item" : { "name" : "pizza" } }, 377c443 < --- > 379,388c445,454 < [0, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "commonpistol" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonmachinepistol" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonassaultrifle" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonshotgun" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonsniperrifle" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonpistol" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonmachinepistol" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commongrenadelauncher" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true }, < { "item" : { "name" : "commonrocketlauncher" }, "rarity" : 0.07, "useSeed" : true } --- > [1.9, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "commonpistol" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonmachinepistol" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonassaultrifle" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonshotgun" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonsniperrifle" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonpistol" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonmachinepistol" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commongrenadelauncher" }, "rarity" : 0.02, "useSeed" : true }, > { "item" : { "name" : "commonrocketlauncher" }, "rarity" : 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}, "rarity" : 0.05 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlclassicchair" }, "rarity" : 0.05 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlclassictable2" }, "rarity" : 0.05 } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlwallshelf" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlbed2" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlchair" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotllilyclock" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "ornatetorch" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlclassicchair" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlkatanarack" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotllamp" }, "rarity" : 0.06 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "hylotlclassictable2" }, "rarity" : 0.06 } 1301c1713 < "novakidarmorblueprints" : [ --- > "novakidarmour" : [ 1307c1719 < [2.9, [ --- > [1.9, [ 1309a1722,1728 > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 } > ]], > [2.9, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1310a1730,1733 > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1315c1738 < [4.9, [ --- > [3.9, [ 1318c1741,1744 < { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1320a1747,1759 > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier3pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 } > ]], > [4.9, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier1pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier2pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier3chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1321a1761,1764 > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier3pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4chest" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4head" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier4pants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1324c1767 < { "item" : { "name" : "novatier5ahead" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier5apants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1327c1770 < { "item" : { "name" : "novatier5mhead" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "novatier5mpants" }, "rarity" : 0.1 }, 1332a1776 > 1420d1863 < { "item" : { "name" : "meatchunks" }, "rarity" : 0.05 }, 1437c1880 < --- > npcs\nakedvillager.npctype 6,9d5 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] < }, < npcs\statuses.config 19d18 < "Sees dead people", 22c21 < "Contemplating the vastness of the Universe", --- > "Contemplating the vastness of the universe", 77c76 < "Cheerful": [ --- > "cheerful": [ 85c84 < "Pretending everything is OK", --- > "Pretending everything is okay", 97c96 < "One with the Universe", --- > "One with the universe", 145c144 < "Aroused by inanimate objects", --- > "Hoping to meet their perfect match", 162c161 < "Feeling erotic", --- > "Feeling flirtatious", 222c221 < "Considering learning Tae Kwon Do", --- > "Considering learning a martial art", 226c225 < "Feeling Terrified", --- > "Feeling terrified", 228c227 < "Preying for protection", --- > "Praying for protection", 260c259 < "Feels like they've lost something", --- > "Feeling like they've lost something", 269c268 < "Feels they cant' be trusted", --- > "Feeling like they can't be trusted", 290c289 < "Has butterflies in their tum", --- > "Has butterflies in their tummy", 311c310 < "Wanting to know what you feel like", --- > "Wanting to know what your face feels like", 404d402 < "Feeling suicidal", 421c419 < "Wishing they could last longer", --- > "Wishing they could run faster", 423c421 < "hurrying up", --- > "Hurrying up", 458c456 < "Waking the dead", --- > "Trying to wake the dead", 460c458 < "Feeling addicted to Reddit", --- > "Feeling addicted to cat pictures", 463c461 < "Feeling mopey", --- > "Feeling mopy", 484c482 < "Wondering if they have any REAL friends", --- > "Wondering if they have any real friends", 539,540c537 < "Aiming for a promotion", < " " --- > "Aiming for a promotion" npcs\tutorial.npctype 6a7,9 > "damageTeamType" : "assistant", > "damageTeam" : 1, > 8a12 > 111c115,118 < "Hey, a fellow traveller! If you need any tips on getting by, feel free to ask me.", --- > "Hey, stranger! If you're looking for core fragments you might find a bunch down in this old mine - you should check it out!", > "Core fragments are good for chemical reactions, so miners back in the day would use them to make bombs.", > "I guess the miners left long ago though, because the mine is now overrun with creatures.", > "I haven't seen a new face in some time! Do you want tips on surviving? Because I have plenty!", 122c129 < "The length of a day changes with every planet. Pretty cool, huh?", --- > "The length of a day changes depending on the planet. Pretty cool, huh?", npcs\tutorialtenant.npctype 5a6,14 > "questGenerator" : { > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"], > "enableParticipation" : true, > "timeLimit" : 30, > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50, > "chance" : 0.01 > }, > 15,17c24,26 < "This is a nice place! I don't need much in a place to feel at home.", < "if you want to build a shop for a merchant to move in, you'll need some storage for them!", < "If people stay in homes you built for them for long enough, they'll probably give you gifts for your help.", --- > "This is a nice place! Feels like home.", > "If you want to build a shop for a merchant to move in, you'll need some storage for them!", > "If people stay in homes you built for them for long enough, they'll probably give you gifts.", 20c29 < "You should get a watering can if you want to grow grass or flowers!", --- > "You should get a watering can if you want to grow grass or flowers.", npcs\villageguard.npctype 4a5 > "levelVariance" : [3, 3], 6a8,9 > "damageTeamType" : "friendly", > 11a15,20 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 1 } > }, > 13,14c22,35 < "pools" : ["normal", "guard"], < "enableParticipation" : true --- > "pools" : ["common", "guard"], > "enableParticipation" : true, > "timeLimit" : 30, > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50, > "questCountRange" : [1, 4], > > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmember"], > [0.5, "crewmemberengineer"], > [0.5, "crewmembermechanic"] > ] > } 21a43 > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", 24c46 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", 33,37c55,56 < "weaponwarning1" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning1", < "weaponwarning2" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning2", < "weaponwarning3" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning3", < "weaponSheathed" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponSheathed", < "comeBack" : "/dialog/guard.config:comeBack" --- > > "accuse" : "/dialog/thief.config:accuse" 488,489c507,508 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npcbow" } 508,509c527,528 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npcbow" } 529,530c548,549 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npcbow" } npcs\villageguardcaptain.npctype 5,10d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, < 478,479c472,473 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npctungstenbow" } 499,500c493,494 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npctungstenbow" } 520,521c514,515 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npctungstenbow" } npcs\villager.npctype 5c5 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "levelVariance" : [3, 3], 7a8,9 > "damageTeamType" : "friendly", > 10a13,18 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.5, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 1 } > }, > 12,13c20,46 < "pools" : ["normal", "villager"], < "enableParticipation" : true --- > "pools" : ["common"], > "enableParticipation" : true, > > // Every 30 seconds, decide whether to generate a quest and if so, spend > // the rest of the 30s window trying to generate it. > "timeLimit" : 30, > > // Don't generate new quests if there are already more than > // questmanager stagehands nearby, within a tile range. > "nearbyQuestLimit" : 2, > "nearbyQuestRange" : 50, > "questCountRange" : [1, 4], > > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmember"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistblue"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistgreen"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistyellow"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistorange"], > [1, "crewmemberengineer"], > [1, "crewmembermechanic"], > [1, "crewmembermedic"], > [1, "crewmemberjanitor"], > [1, "crewmembertailor"] > ] > } 40,41d72 < "helpthem" : "/dialog/flee.config:helpthem", < "encourage" : "/dialog/flee.config:encourage", 44c75,79 < "converse" : "/dialog/converse.config:converse" --- > "breakObject" : "/dialog/converse.config:breakObject", > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", > "converse" : "/dialog/converse.config:converse", > "accuse" : "/dialog/thief.config:accuse", > "alert" : "/dialog/thief.config:alert" 47a83 > "matchColorIndices" : true, 51a88,95 > "head" : [ > { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > "", > { "name" : "fancaphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "fancaphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "fancaphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "fancaphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "glasses4head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "glasses4head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "glasses5head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "scientisthead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "scientisthead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, > { "name" : "winterscarfhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "winterscarfhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "winterscarfhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "winterscarfhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "winterscarfhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } > ], 53d96 < { "name" : "sweatervestchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, 55a99,100 > { "name" : "tshirtchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "hoodiechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, 58d102 < 60d103 < { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, 62c105,135 < { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } } --- > { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } > ] > }, > { > "head" : [ > "" > ], > "chest" : [ > { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "coolchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "tshirtchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "hoodiechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "workoutchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } } > ], > "legs" : [ > { "name" : "coollegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "workoutlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } > ] > }, > { > "head" : [ > "" > ], > "chest" : [ > { "name" : "workoutchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "tshirtchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } } > ], > "legs" : [ > { "name" : "coollegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, > { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, > { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "conceptlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } npcs\wanderingmerchant.npctype 4,6c4 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < --- > 8a7 > "waitTime" : 40, 9a9 > "poolsFile" : "/npcs/merchantpools.config", 11c11,18 < "default": [ "randomguns", "randomswords" ] --- > "default" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humaningredients"], > "apex" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "apexfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "apexarmour", "apexingredients" ], > "avian" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "avianfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "avianarmour", "avianingredients" ], > "floran" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "floranfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "floranarmour", "floraningredients" ], > "glitch" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "glitchfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "glitcharmour", "glitchingredients" ], > "human" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "humanfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "humanarmour", "humaningredients" ], > "hylotl" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "hylotlfurniture", "randomguns", "randomswords", "hylotlarmour", "hylotlingredients" ], > "novakid" : ["genericarmour", "basicmerchant", "randomguns", "randomswords", "novakidarmour", "novakidingredients" ] 13c20 < "buyFactorRange" : [ 1.0, 1.0 ], --- > "buyFactorRange" : [ 0.9, 1.2 ], 15c22 < "numItems" : 10 --- > "numItems" : 5 23,25c30,57 < "chest" : [ "sweatervestchest", "conceptchest", "coolchest", "workoutchest" ], < "legs" : [ "conceptlegs", "coollegs", "workoutlegs" ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] --- > "head" : [ > { "name" : "fancyhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "fancyhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "fancyhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "fancyhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, > { "name" : "fedorahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "fedorahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "fedorahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "fedorahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, > { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "glasses1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "coolfezhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "coolfezhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "coolfezhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, > { "name" : "eyepatchhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "eyepatchhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, > { "name" : "ushankahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "ushankahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } > ], > "back" : [ > { "name" : "survivalgearback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "survivalgearback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "survivalgearback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "survivalgearback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "survivalgearback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, { "name" : "medicback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, > { "name" : "hikerback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "hikerback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "hikerback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "hikerback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "hikerback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "mrclausback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } > ], > "chest" : [ > { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "conceptchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "apexofficerjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "apexofficerjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } }, { "name" : "apexofficerjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "apexofficerjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "apexofficerjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, > { "name" : "apexspecialistjacket", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" 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"colorIndex" : 10 } }, { "name" : "wildfunguspants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } > ] 54c150 < ] ] --- > ]] 59,91c155,181 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] < }, < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] < }, < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } } ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] < }, < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "craftsmenlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] < 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: 6 } }, { "name" : "peasantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "peasantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } }, > { "name" : "merchantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "merchantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "merchantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "merchantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "merchantlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } }, > { "name" : "noblelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "noblelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "noblelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "noblelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "noblelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } }, > { "name" : "wizardlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "wizardlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "wizardlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "wizardlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "wizardlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } > ] 93c183 < ] ] --- > ]] 98,102c188,211 < "chest" : [ "kimonochest", "monkchest", "traditionalchest", "traineechest" ], < "legs" : [ "kimonolegs", "monklegs", "traditionallegs", "traineelegs" ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcassaultrifle" ] < } < ] ] --- > "head" : [ > { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "hylotltier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "glasses3eyes", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 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"monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "monkchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "traditionalchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } } > ], > "legs" : [ > { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "kimonolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "monklegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "traditionallegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } }, > { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } }, { "name" : "traineelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 9 } } > ] > } > ]] 105a215 > npcs\wizardmerchant.npctype 9c9 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common"] 33c33 < "Welcome to my shop.", --- > "Welcome to my shop of wonders.", 42,43c42,43 < "Got more than just bananas, if you know what I mean.", < "How about a bit of monkey magic, eh?" --- > "Got more than just bananas here...", > "How about something wondrous, eh?" 48,51c48,50 < "Kluex has blessed my stock.", < "I have items for sale that even the Sunborn envy.", < "Stargazers HATE me. Try this one weird item...", < "I sell to Thornwing himself." --- > "Kluex has blessed my stock... Probably.", > "I have items for sale that even the Stargazers envy.", > "Come and browse my wondrous items." 56,63c55,57 < "Floran sssell magic thingies, buy it, buy it!", < "Greenfinger sssay Floran ssstock best magic ssstock.", < "Magic everywhere in this ditch!" < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Even fishman want Floran magic, sssee.", < "Floran sssell to fishman, blow mind.", < "Come closer fish, sssee what Floran can do for you." --- > "Floran ssells wondrous things!", > "Floran stocks best sstuff around.", > "Floran's wares are pretty impresssive!" 68,71c62,64 < "Mystical. Not everything can be explained by science, customer.", < "Mysterious. Traveller, come hither, and browse my magic.", < "Clandestine. Cogs and gears only go so far, young one.", < "Tantalising. Death need not be the end, there are stims for that..." --- > "Enticing. Traveller, come hither, and browse my wares.", > "Furtive. Cogs and gears only go so far, young one.", > "Tantalising. My wares are wondrous and strange." 76,84c69,71 < "The ocean hides more than just treasure, wanderer. Magic lies beneath the sea.", < "The Hylotl darkness will be swept away by the typhoon.", < "Eternal life is just a shot away...", < "There is nothing fishy about my goods." < ], < "floran" : [ < "Come, Floran friend. Come and be cleansed!", < "Our kinds war, and yet in magic we find peace.", < "May you find Sanctuary, Floran. May my magic help you on your way." --- > "Welcome, please browse my wares.", > "What can I interest you in? I have many wondrous goods.", > "I think you'll agree my wares are quite impressive." 93c80 < "Blessed be.", --- > "I hope to see you more in future.", 99,101c86,88 < "Deceptive. May you be forever blessed.", < "Sinister. Goodwill to you, traveller.", < "Insincere. May you have safe travels." --- > "Cordial. Farewell, traveller.", > "Convivial. I hope to see you more in future.", > "Kindly. Courage to you!" npcs\biome\alpaca.npctype 4c4,9 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, 8c13 < --- > 15a21,24 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, > 31a41 > "accuse" : "/dialog/alpaca.config:accuse", 49c59 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 53c63 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 57c67 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 62,64d71 < ], < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" npcs\biome\bonewildling.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 14,16c12 < "converse" : "/dialog/converse.config:converse", < < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", 24,28d19 < "hail" : "/dialog/guard.config:hail", < "weaponwarning1" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning1", < "weaponwarning2" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning2", < "weaponwarning3" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning3", < "weaponSheathed" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponSheathed", 34d24 < "runSpeed" : 16, 68c58 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\biome\eyeguard.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 24c22 < { "name" : "eyehead2", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyehead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyeballhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } --- > { "name" : "eyehead2", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyehead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyeballhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } 36c34 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyesword" } } // TODO: replace old sword --- > "npceyesword" npcs\biome\forestvillager.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 8,9c6,7 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 11d8 < 24,25c21,22 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", < "Living one with nature isss the life for me!" --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", > "Living one with nature iss the life for me!" 28c25 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", 32c29 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", 36,37c33,34 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", < "Floran big ssshot in village." --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", > "Floran's a big shot in thiss village." 40,41c37,38 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", < "Floran pledge Glitchy its ssstabbies." --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", > "You need Floran to stab anything?." 44,45c41,42 < "Floran come live in forest to sssearch for new plantsss.", < "I'm sssure we can be friends." --- > "Floran like living in the foresst - knows all the plants and all the trails.", > "Let'ss be friends!" npcs\biome\frogmerchant.npctype 5c5,11 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "nameGen" : [ "/species/shadownamegen.config:names", "/species/shadownamegen.config:names" ], > > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, 16a23,109 > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > } > }, > 51a145,146 > "accuse" : "/dialog/frog.config:accuse", > "alert" : "/dialog/frog.config:alert", npcs\biome\frogvillager.npctype 5c5,12 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "nameGen" : [ "/species/shadownamegen.config:names", "/species/shadownamegen.config:names" ], > > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 12a20,23 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "enemy", "team" : 1 } > }, > 20a32,118 > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > } > }, > 41c139,142 < "converse" : "/dialog/frog.config:converse" --- > "converse" : "/dialog/frog.config:converse", > "accuse" : "/dialog/frog.config:accuse", > "alert" : "/dialog/frog.config:alert" > npcs\biome\hazmatscientist.npctype 7,8c7,8 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 10d9 < 16,17c15,16 < "There are so many tissue samples for me to observe!", < "This suit doesn't actually help against the harsh radioactive environment, but I feel safer with it on!", --- > "There are so many tissue samples for me to examine!", > "This suit doesn't actually help much against the harsh radioactivity, I just feel safer with it on!", 21,22c20,21 < "My fellow scientists and I are setting out to investigate all these alien planets in the universe!", < "I wonder if this radioactivity has catalysed unstable growth on this planet?!", --- > "My fellow scientists and I are setting out to investigate all the alien planets in the universe!", > "I wonder if the radioactivity has catalysed unstable growth on this planet?", 24c23 < "Let's do some research on a dangerous alien planet! What could go wrong?", --- > "\"Let's do some research on a dangerous alien planet\", they said! \"What could go wrong?\" they said!", 27c26 < "Can you see my face through this suit? How do you know what I look like?", --- > "Can you see my face through this suit?", 42c41 < { "name" : "hazmatdemohead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmathead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 45c44 < { "name" : "hazmatdemochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 48c47 < { "name" : "hazmatdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 51c50 < { "name" : "hazmatdemolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } npcs\biome\savannahchampion.npctype 7,8d6 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 11a10,12 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 13a15 > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", 16c18 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", 24,28d25 < "hail" : "/dialog/guard.config:hail", < "weaponwarning1" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning1", < "weaponwarning2" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning2", < "weaponwarning3" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning3", < "weaponSheathed" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponSheathed", 34d30 < "runSpeed" : 16, 84c80 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\biome\savannahguard.npctype 7,8d6 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 11a10,12 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 13a15 > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", 16c18 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", 24,28d25 < "hail" : "/dialog/guard.config:hail", < "weaponwarning1" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning1", < "weaponwarning2" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning2", < "weaponwarning3" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponwarning3", < "weaponSheathed" : "/dialog/guard.config:weaponSheathed", 34d30 < "runSpeed" : 16, 83c79 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\biome\savannahvillager.npctype 4,5c4 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > 10a10,13 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67 > }, > 11a15 > "pools" : ["common"], 42a47 > "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", npcs\biome\shadowvillager.npctype 5c5,10 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 12c17 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"], --- > "pools" : ["common", "shady"], 21a27,113 > }, > > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/shadowvillager_chatter3.ogg" > ] > } npcs\biome\shroomguard.npctype 5c5,9 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, 9a14,17 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, > 11c19 < --- > 20a29 > "accuse" : "/dialog/shroom.config:accuse", 26,28c35,37 < "outOfSight" : "/dialog/combat.config:outOfSight", < "cheerOn" : "/dialog/combat.config:cheerOn", < "cantReach" : "/dialog/combat.config:cantReach", --- > "outOfSight" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", > "cheerOn" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", > "cantReach" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", 31,34d39 < "weaponwarning1" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", < "weaponwarning2" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", < "weaponwarning3" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", < "weaponSheathed" : "/dialog/shroom.config:hail", npcs\biome\shroommerchant.npctype 4,5c4,9 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, 7a12,15 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, > 9c17 < --- > 16c24 < --- > 51a60,61 > "accuse" : "/dialog/shroom.config:accuse", > "alert" : "/dialog/shroom.config:accuse", npcs\biome\snowscientist.npctype 7,8c7,8 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 10d9 < 15,17c14,15 < "It's freezing out here! My lab coat isn't very warm.", < "I wish my research didn't involve being sent to a freezing cold planet...", < "Luckily I have a nanosuit, so I don't have to wear warm clothes.", --- > "It's pretty cold here! My lab coat isn't very warm.", > "I wish my research didn't involve being sent to THIS planet...", 19c17 < "This planet may have a deadly cold climate, but it sure is beautiful.", --- > "This place may be cold, but it sure is beautiful.", npcs\biome\snowvillager.npctype 7,8c7,8 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 10d9 < 19,20c18,19 < "It's pretty icy here, huh? I don't mind it, myself.", < "I'm here doing research. What about you?" --- > "It's pretty cold here, huh? I don't mind it, myself.", > "It's pretty cold out, but it sometimes gets even colder than this!" npcs\biome\undergroundvillager.npctype 7,8c7,8 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 10d9 < 20c19 < "Hopefully not even Big Ape and his Miniknog can find me down here!", --- > "Not even Big Ape and his Miniknog could find me down here... That is my hope.", 22c21 < "Are you down here to hide as well, friend?", --- > "Are you down here to hide as well, my friend?", 36,38c35,37 < "Seeing you sent a shock down my feathers! I am not accustomed to company!", < "My keen sense of danger has kept me alive down in these caverns.", < "Welcome! Are you hoping to live down here? I could do with a neighbour!", --- > "Seeing you sent a shock through my feathers! I am not accustomed to company.", > "These caverns can be a little dangerous.", > "Welcome! Are you hoping to live down here? I could do with a neighbour.", 47c46 < "Greetings, friend. Have you come to these caves to find personal enlightenment?" --- > "Greetings, stranger. Have you come to these caves to find personal enlightenment?" 52,54c51,53 < "Floran preferssss underground. Easssier to ssssneak.", < "Floran not used to sssseeing people down here.", < "Floran surprised to see ssstranger here! Floran mossstly alone...", --- > "Floran prefers hunting underground. Easier to ssneak.", > "Floran not used to ssseeing people down here.", > "Floran surprised to see ssstranger here! Floran mostly alone...", 63c62 < "Impressed. How did you manage it down here? You must be brave." --- > "Impressed. How did you manage to get down here? You must be brave." npcs\dungeon\avianairship\airshipcaptain.npctype 5,6d4 < "disableWornArmor" : true, < 9,12d6 < "damageTeam" : 1, < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 13a8,10 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 15,16c12 < "converse" : "/dialog/airship.config:converse", < "hail" : "/dialog/airship.config:hail" --- > "converse" : "/dialog/airship.config:converse" 18,21d13 < }, < < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 npcs\dungeon\avianairship\airshipguard.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 9a8,10 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 11,12c12 < "converse" : "/dialog/airship.config:converse", < "hail" : "/dialog/airship.config:hail" --- > "converse" : "/dialog/airship.config:converse" npcs\dungeon\avianairship\airshipquartermaster.npctype 5,10d4 < "disableWornArmor" : true, < < "damageTeam" : 1, < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 12,15d5 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] < }, < 20c10 < "default" : [ "randomguns", "randomswords" ] --- > "avian" : [ "randomguns", "randomswords" ] 24c14 < "numItems" : 20 --- > "numItems" : 5 30,37c20,29 < "default" : [ < "So, what do ya need?", < "Anythin' catch yer eye?", < "Let's trade!", < "Take a look!", < "Nothin' but the finest.", < "I jus' know we have somethin' useful fer ya." < ], --- > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "So, what do ya need?", > "Anythin' catch yer eye?", > "Let's trade!", > "Take a look!", > "Nothin' but the finest.", > "I jus' know we have somethin' useful fer ya." > ] > }, 50,54c42,48 < "default" : [ < "Come to us whene'er ya need more supplies!", < "Anythin' else ya need, come see me!", < "If ya got the pixels, we got the goods." < ], --- > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Come to us whene'er ya need more supplies!", > "Anythin' else ya need, come see me!", > "If ya got the pixels, we got the goods." > ] > }, 64,68c58,64 < "default" : [ < "Lookin' to trade? Follow me.", < "After some supplies? I can help with that! Come with me.", < "Ah, so ya need some supplies, eh? Right this way!" < ] --- > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Lookin' to trade? Follow me.", > "After some supplies? I can help with that! Come with me.", > "Ah, so ya need some supplies, eh? Right this way!" > ] > } 71,75c67,73 < "default" : [ < "Here we are then!", < "Now then, what were ya lookin' for?", < "This is it!" < ] --- > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Here we are then!", > "Now then, what were ya lookin' for?", > "This is it!" > ] > } 78,81c76,81 < "default" : [ < "Need some supplies? I can 'elp with that!", < "If it's supplies yer lookin' for, I handle the trades around here!" < ] --- > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Need some supplies? I can 'elp with that!", > "If it's supplies yer lookin' for, I handle the trades around here!" > ] > } npcs\dungeon\aviantemple\templeguard.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 25,31c23,29 < "Filthy Grounded scum! Today, you die!", < "Rend the unbeliever limb from limb!", < "Your disbelief will be your undoing!", < "IΓÇÖll kill you myself, scum!", < "Your disregard towards our mighty Kluex is despicable!", < "WeΓÇÖll throw you off the tower and see if you can fly!", < "I... I must destroy you, heretic! I have no choice!" --- > "Intruder! Leave this hallowed ground!", > "Stop right where you are!", > "You dishonour Kluex!", > "You are unwelcome, stranger!", > "Today, Kluex claims another soul!", > "The wrath of Kluex will fall upon you!", > "The power of Kluex compels me to slay you!" 42,44c40,42 < "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6shead" } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6schest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6spants" } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6shead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6schest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], 46c44 < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "npcavianbroadsword" 49c47 < "npcshortsword" --- > "npcbow" npcs\dungeon\floranhuntinggrounds\wildhunter.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 23c21 < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "npcfloranassaultrifle" npcs\dungeon\floranhuntinggrounds\wildhunterveteran.npctype 6,10d5 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, 24c19 < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "npcfloranassaultrifle" npcs\dungeon\floranvillagetower\clanleader.npctype 5,8d4 < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, < npcs\dungeon\glitchcastle\castlelord.npctype 5,8d4 < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, < 17c13 < "Guards! To me!" --- > "Terrified. Guards! To me!" 21c17 < "Alarmed. Guards! To me!", --- > "Terrified. Guards! To me!", 23,24c19,20 < "Petrified. I'm too young to be repurposed!", < "Referential. Hark, a vagrant!", --- > "Petrified. I'm too young to die!", > "Frightened. Guards! Guards, help!", 26,28c22,24 < "Brave. I'd take you down myself, but I have guards for that!", < "Incensed. You'll rue the day you invaded, rogue!", < "Brazen. You'll leave this place... in pieces!" --- > "Scornful. I'd take you down myself, but I have guards for that.", > "Incensed. You will rue the day you invaded this place, rogue!", > "Aggressive. You will leave this place... in pieces!" 47,48c43,44 < "sheathedprimary" : [ < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "npcbow" } 58c54 < "baseValue" : 130.0 --- > "baseValue" : 150.0 71c67 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\dungeon\humanprison\prisonberserker.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 19,26c17,27 < "I'm gonna tear you a new one!", < "I'm going to rip you apart!", < "Wanna see a knife disappear?!", < "I'll murder you good!", < "Heeyah! Don't run from me!", < "I'm gonna stab out all your blood!", < "Another pukey traveller for my head collection!", < "You've trespassed for the last time!", --- > "Don't run from me!", > "You better run!", > "You think you're gonna make it out of here in one piece? You're wrong!", > "Hahahahah! You made a mistake coming here, didn't ya!", > "Come 'ere!", > "No point running, nowhere's safe!", > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "Oi!", > "Who do you think you are, anyway!?", > "You're gonna get it!", > "Did you just give me the stink eye!?", 28,33c29,30 < "You're dead, you just don't know it yet!", < "Stab, slash, murder, tenderize!", < "I like my trespassers beaten to a pulp!", < "Run away if you want, wimp - I love the hunt!", < "You think you can beat US? Ha! My blade says otherwise!", < "Prepare to die... slowly.", --- > "I like my strangers beaten to a pulp!", > "Run away if you want, wimp - chasin' ya makes it more fun!", 42d38 < "runSpeed" : 16, npcs\dungeon\humanprison\prisonbruiser.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 19a18,21 > "Finally, something interesting to punch.", > "I'm gonna rip you apart like paper!", > "This is gonna be satisfying!", > "Comin' ere? Big Mistake.", 23,26c25,26 < "I'm going to stab you, then I'm going to punch you!", < "Pointy end towards enemy... right, that's you!", < "Drop yer weapons and we'll brutalize you slightly less!", < "You've messed with the wrong biped!", --- > "I'm going to punch you, then I'm going to punch you again!", > "You've messed with the wrong person!", 29d28 < "Why can't I hold more smashy sticks?", 32d30 < "We're gonna fry you up!", 46,48c44 < "primary" : [ < [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "steelchair" } ] // TODO: replace old sword < ] --- > "primary" : [ "npchammer" ] npcs\dungeon\humanprison\prisongunman.npctype 5,6d4 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < npcs\furniture\astronaut.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 37c37 < "You have the look of budding space adventurer about you!", --- > "You have the look of a budding space adventurer about you!", 55c55 < { "name" : "spacesuitdemohead" } --- > { "name" : "spacesuithead" } 58c58 < { "name" : "spacesuitdemochest" } --- > { "name" : "spacesuitchest" } 61c61 < { "name" : "spacesuitdemolegs" } --- > { "name" : "spacesuitlegs" } npcs\furniture\cabin.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 39c39 < "There's a lot of folk like me, who prefer to live the simpler life.", --- > "There's a lot of folk like me, who prefer to live the simple life.", npcs\furniture\farm.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c7 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 35c34 < "Kluex shines upon our crops through a million suns, and helps them grow tall.", --- > "Kluex shines upon our crops through a legion of suns! Helps the plants grow strong.", 38c37 < "Fresh food is a gift from Kluex! Live closer to nature, friend.", --- > "Fresh food is a gift from Kluex!", npcs\furniture\gothic.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common","shady"] 34,35c34,35 < "Pondering. I feel weak and weary.", < "Forboding. This universe is a woven web of hidden darkness.", --- > "Lethargic. I feel weak and weary.", > "Gloomy. This universe is a web woven of hidden darkness.", 39,43c39,43 < "Worrisome. If you think I am creepy, you should see the other things that hide in the darkness.", < "Advisory. Try not to draw too much attention. There are forces out there worth hiding from.", < "Fearful. Long into the darkness have I peered, wondering...", < "Forboding. If you stare into the abyss, that single brazen eye will stare back.", < "Worried. Perhaps it is a mercy that we don't truly comprehend the horrors of the night." --- > "Morbid. If you think I am creepy, you should see the other things that hide in the darkness.", > "Furtive. Try not to draw too much attention. There are forces out there worth hiding from.", > "Worried. Long into the darkness have I peered, wondering...", > "Scared. If you stare into the abyss, that single brazen eye will stare back.", > "Melancholy. Perhaps it is a mercy that we don't truly comprehend the horrors of the night." npcs\furniture\island.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 37c37 < "Life is a party! Except for when your home planet is destroyed.", --- > "Life is a party! Except for when your home planet is destroyed...", 42c42 < "My home is totaly relaxing! It's like living on holiday forever.", --- > "My home is totaly relaxing! It's like being on holiday forever.", npcs\furniture\retroscifi.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 39c39 < "I'm searching for a suitable replacement for Earth. I haven't found anywhere ideal yet!", --- > "I'm searching for a suitable replacement for Earth. I haven't found anywhere ideal, yet!", 41c41 < "Space, the final... Thing to explore.", --- > "I love exploring space so, so much!", npcs\furniture\saloon.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 34,35c34,35 < "You look like a keen-eyed city-slicker indeed.", < "You got that gleam of wanderlust in your eye, partner.", --- > "You look like a keen-eyed kinda person, bet you've seen some things.", > "You got that gleam of wanderlust in yer eye, partner.", 37c37 < "You look like you've had your fair share of hardships, partner.", --- > "You look like you've had yer fair share of hardships, partner.", 41,43c41,43 < "When trouble comes a-knockin', it doesn't mean you have to invite it in.", < "If you try to teach folk a lesson, chances are they'll learn a thing or two.", < "I may not remember where I come from, but I ain't gonna let that get me down." --- > "Just cos trouble comes a-knockin', it don't mean you have to invite it in.", > "I'm pretty approachable, me - not one of them ornery individuals you hear about.", > "It ain't where I came from, it's where I'm goin' that counts. Same's true for everyone." npcs\furniture\sea.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 35c35 < "Before diving, I must calm myself. Breath deeply. Stay zen.", --- > "Before diving, I must calm myself. Breath deeply. Stay centred.", 40c40 < "My handmade diving suit will hopefully protect me beneath the waves.", --- > "Do you admire my hand-made diving suit?", 42,43c42,43 < "Hopefully my hand-crafted diving suit will let me venture beneath the waves.", < "Are you yet to explore the unknowns beneath the seas?" --- > "Even Hylotl breath only lasts so long, this diving suit keeps me safe in the watery depths.", > "Are you yet to explore the unknown depths?" npcs\furniture\spooky.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common", "shady"] 34,43c34,43 < "Floran made this ssspooky costume!", < "With thisss costume, I can ssscare prey before I ssstrike!", < "You don't want to know how many pixels Floran ssspent on black paint recently!", < "Hopefully my cossstume is ssscary!", < "Can you tell I'm a Floran under thisss?", < "Sssscary outfit make othersss ressspect Floran!", < "Would thisss outfit ssscare you in the dark?", < "My home might be ssspooky, but I'm actually quite nice to ssspeak to!", < "Doesss this outfit reflect my ssscary side?", < "Floran spent lotsss of pixelsss on black paint!" --- > "Floran made this sspooky costume!", > "With this costume, I can scare prey before I ssstrike!", > "You don't want to know how many pixels Floran sspent on black paint recently!", > "My costume is so ssscary!", > "Can you tell I'm a Floran under thiss?", > "Sscary outfit makes people respect Floran!", > "Would this outfit ssscare you in the dark?", > "My home might be ssspooky, but Floran is actually super friendly!", > "What do you think of Floran's sscary clothes?", > "Floran spent lotsss of pixels on black paint!" npcs\furniture\steampunk.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] 34,43c34,43 < "Satisfied. This brass technology is very advanced, but at least I have a nice outfit!", < "Informative. The most important part of steam technology is dressing well.", < "Advisory. If you decorate your home with brass piping, you have to also dress suave.", < "Wistful. Perhaps with this advanced steam technology, I could build a time machine?", < "Confused. How do you know if something works if it isn't covered in gears and pipes?", < "Pondering. I need to find more things to attach gears and brass pipes to.", < "Wistful. If everything was covered in useless pipes and gears, I'd be happy.", < "Concerned. Do you mean to say covering things in pipes doesn't make them work better?", < "Creative. Do you have any furniture I can glue pipes and gears to?", < "Worried. This technology looks too advanced - Look at all the pipes and gears!" --- > "Pleased. This brass technology isn't very advanced, but at least I have a charming outfit!", > "Happy. There's something so delightful about steam.", > "Proud. Look at these wondrous items!", > "Wistful. Perhaps with this advanced steam technology, I could build a time machine!", > "Disappointed. Why does no one else look as dapper as me?", > "Cheerful. Don't you just love the intricacies of steam mechanics?", > "Fatigued. I've been polishing pipes all day.", > "Concerned. Some of my pressure readings look a little off...", > "Creative. If I extend some of this piping I could build a bunk bed for guests!", > "Worried. I'm actually not sure what all these pipes and gauges do..." npcs\mission\apexscout.npctype 4a5,6 > "levelVariance" : [1, 1], > 17,19c19,21 < < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier6schest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier6spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "visorhead" }, { "name" : "miniknoghead" }, "" ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "miniknogchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "miniknogpants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], npcs\mission\florancelebrator.npctype 5,6c5 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly", < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeamType" : "ghostly", 19c18 < "I have nothing to sssay to you" --- > "I have nothing to ssay to you" 24,29c23,28 < "The hunt isss won!", < "Nuru returnsss! But who is the ssstranger?", < "It isss over!", < "Did this ssstranger win?!", < "The fresssh meat won!", < "Nuru hasss a partner now?", --- > "The Hunt isss won!", > "Nuru returns! But who is the ssstranger?", > "It iss over!", > "Did this ssstranger win!?", > "The fresh meat won!?", > "Nuru hass a partner now?", 31,32c30,31 < "Wait, was the hunt a draw?!", < "The ssstranger survived?", --- > "Wait, wass The Hunt a draw?!", > "The sstranger survived?", 34,36c33,35 < "The huntsss are over!", < "Nuru winsss again!", < "Victorsss!", --- > "The Hunt iss over!", > "Nuru winss again!", > "The victorsss!", 42c41 < "Hail the hunters sssupreme!" --- > "Hail the Hunters sssupreme!" npcs\mission\florangladiator.npctype 7,8d6 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], < 27,30d24 < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, < 35c29 < "head" : [ { "name" : "gladiatorhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "goathead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], 38,40c32 < "primary" : [ < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "bonehammer" } } // TODO: replace old sword < ] --- > "primary" : [ "npchammer" ] npcs\mission\floranpredator.npctype 5,8d4 < "movementParameters" : { < "runSpeed" : 16 < }, < 21c17 < "I sssee you, hunter!", --- > "I sssee you!", 23,32c19,28 < "Rival hunter sssighted!", < "Ssstrike them down!", < "Take out the competitionsss!", < "I won't be beaten in the huntsss!", < "You can't run from me, huntersss!", < "The hunt isss on!", < "No waysss out!", < "Let the gamesss begin!", < "Time to give chasssse!", < "Come out and play, huntersss!", --- > "Floran has ssighted a rival!", > "Sstrike them down!", > "Floran will take you out!", > "Floran won't be beaten in The Hunt!", > "You can't run from me!", > "The Hunt isss on!", > "No way out!", > "Let the gamess begin!", > "Time to give chassse!", > "Come out and play with Floran!", 34,37c30,33 < "I have enemy huntersss in my sights!", < "You won't beat me in the huntsss!", < "Rivalsss! Ssstrangers!", < "You can't ssstop me winning the hunt!", --- > "Floran sees you, sstrange hunter!", > "You won't beat me in The Hunt!", > "Rival! Sstranger!", > "You can't sstop me winning The Hunt!", 40,44c36,40 < "At leassst you aren't Nuru!", < "You aren't the bessst hunter, I am!", < "You'll perish in the tunnelsss, ssstranger!", < "I won't let an outsider win!", < "Victory won't go to you, outsider!" --- > "At leasst you aren't Nuru!", > "You aren't the bessst hunter!", > "You'll perish in these caverns, ssstranger!", > "Floran won't let an outsssider win!", > "Victory won't go to you, outsssider!" 96,108d91 < "primary" : [ < "npcspear", < "npcbroadsword", < "npcshortsword" < ], < "alt" : [ < "floranshield" < ] < }, < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "goathead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier2chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier2pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } } ], npcs\mission\floransniper.npctype 22c22 < "npcassaultrifle" --- > "npcfloranassaultrifle" npcs\mission\floranspectator.npctype 5,6c5 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly", < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeamType" : "ghostly", 24,27c23,26 < "What'sss the point? Nuru winsss every year!", < "A new hunter to rival Nuru in the tunnelsss!", < "Maybe Nuru won't win thisss year?", < "More huntersss! More excitement!", --- > "What's the point? Nuru winss every year!", > "A new hunter to rival Nuru in the cavernsss!", > "Maybe Nuru won't win thiss year?", > "More hunterss, more excitement!", 29,43c28,42 < "Nuru putsss the rest of the huntersss to ssshame!", < "Who will win the huntsss this year? my bet'sss on Nuru!", < "What are the chancesss that you'll best Nuru, ssstranger?", < "I'm so tired of Nuru winning the huntsss every year!", < "You may be fassst, but Nuru will ssstrike the beast first!", < "Maybe sssomeone else will win thisss year?", < "I am sssure Nuru will win once again!", < "I'd be hunting too, but Nuru isss participating again...", < "Why bother hunting, ssstranger? Nuru will just beat you to it!", < "Are you hoping to catch up in the huntsss?", < "A ssstranger? Are you here to enter the tunnelsss and compete?", < "Are you here to join the huntsss?", < "If you're here for the huntsss, outsider, then you're late!", < "Are you here from ssspace to join the huntsss? You better get going!", < "You bessst hurry if you want to catch up in the hunt!" --- > "Nuru puts the rest of the hunterss to shame.", > "Who will win The Hunt this year? My bet'sss on Nuru!", > "What are the chancesss that you'll best Nuru, sstranger?", > "Floran's ssso tired of Nuru winning The Hunt every year!", > "You may be fast, but Nuru is fassster!", > "Maybe ssomeone else will win this year?", > "Floran is sssure Nuru will win once again!", > "I'd be hunting too, but Nuru iss participating again...", > "Why bother hunting, sstranger? Nuru is unbeatable!", > "Are you hoping to hunt in the caverns?", > "A sstranger? Are you here to enter the caverns and compete?", > "Are you here to join The Hunt?", > "If you're here for The Hunt, outsssider, then you're late!", > "Are you here from ssspace to join The Hunt? You better get going!", > "You bessst hurry if you want to catch up in The Hunt!" npcs\mission\miner.npctype 4a5 > "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 16a18,22 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0, > > "hostileDamageTeam" : { "type" : "friendly", "team" : 1 } > }, 26c32 < "We had someone send out the distress signal, but it must've put the facility on lockdown.", --- > "We had someone send out the distress signal, but it must've put the facility on lockdown.", 30c36 < "You heard our distress signal? Our comms died as soon as the facility went on lockdown.", --- > "You heard our distress signal? Our comms died as soon as the facility went on lockdown.", 34,35c40,41 < "A few of us went to help down in the lower levels, but they didn't come back. ", < "There's no company protocol for something like this.", --- > "A few of us went to help down in the lower levels, but they didn't come back.", > "Letheia never prepared us for something like this.", 40c46 < "This entire facility was quarantined once the outbreak started.", --- > "This entire facility was sealed off when we raised the alarm!", 45c51 < "I feel bad for whoever's in the clean up crew..", --- > "I feel bad for whoever's in the clean up crew...", 50c56 < "I won't be able to hold out in this place for long!", --- > "I won't be able to hold out in this place much longer!", 56c62 < "Those slimy creatures nearly got me!", --- > "Those slimy creatures nearly got me!", 58,59c64,65 < "When I get back, I'm handing in my resignation..", < "Rocks? I can deal with that. Fleshy mutants? Not so much." --- > "When I get out, I'm handing in my resignation...", > "Rocks? I can deal with those. Fleshy mutants? Not so much." 79c85 < } --- > } 90c96 < } --- > } 106,108c112,114 < } < }, < --- > } > }, > 118c124 < } --- > } 131,132c137,138 < } < }, --- > } > }, 142c148 < } --- > } 153,154c159,160 < } < } --- > } > } npcs\mission\minersurvivor.npctype 4,5d3 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 23,24c21,22 < "That thing captured me. I'd be a mutant by now if you didn't destroy it! Thanks!", < "I survived?! You've saved me, and this facility! You have my gratitude." --- > "That thing captured me. I'd be a mutant by now if you didn't destroy it! Thank you!", > "I survived?! You've saved me! Thank you!" 31c29 < "Phew, you handle yourself quite well." --- > "Phew, you handle yourself pretty well." 40c38 < "You have the respect of this facility.", --- > "You have the respect of everyone here.", 50c48 < "It's going to take a large clean up crew to sort this mess out." --- > "It's going to take a big clean up crew to sort this mess out." npcs\mission\penguinscientist.npctype 5c5,6 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly", --- > "damageTeamType" : "assistant", > "damageTeam" : 1, 7,9c8,10 < "offeredQuests" : [], < "turnInQuests" : [ "heatskin2.gearup" ], < --- > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, 14c15,16 < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." --- > "I think I could get that running a little better. I'm going to build the Shockhopper MK II!" > npcs\mission\survivor.npctype 4,5d3 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 46c44 < "We're a team worth fearing!", --- > "They didn't see that coming!", 53c51 < "Hopefully there won't be more to fight down here.", --- > "Hopefully that's all of them...", 75c73 < "Let's head off together.", --- > "Let's head off.", npcs\outpost\outpostapexmechanic.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do what I can to keep this place ticking over." 18c18 < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do what I can to keep this place ticking over." 21c21 < "It seems ve are both fortunate to av escaped Big Ape's tyranny." --- > "Welcome my friend! Good to see others have escaped the tyranny of Big Ape." npcs\outpost\outpostapexrefugee.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." --- > "Hello, star traveller! A friendly face is always welcome here." 18c18 < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." --- > "Hello, star traveller! A friendly face is always welcome here." 21c21 < "Another Apex! Did you escape the Miniknog as well?" --- > "We are both free of the Miniknog here!" npcs\outpost\outpostapexscientist.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 15,17d16 < < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup", "radardish1.gearup" ], 28c27 < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers and sisters being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." --- > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers and sisters being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." npcs\outpost\outpostavianexplorer.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 21c21 < "We Avians should go explore the stars together! There's so many wonderful things to see out there." --- > "Another Avian explorer! Isn't it exciting living among the stars!" npcs\outpost\outpostavianmercenary.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 21c21 < "You need not fear the wrath of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." --- > "You need not fear the rancor of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." npcs\outpost\outpostavianrefugee.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" --- > "I almost became an Ascendant for Kluex, but I got scared and fled here. What do I do now?" 18c18 < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" --- > "I almost became an Ascendant for Kluex, but I got scared and fled here. What do I do now?" 21c21 < "Another who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort, friend." --- > "Another Avian who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort." npcs\outpost\outpostbountyhunter.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], npcs\outpost\outpostcivilian.npctype 4,5d3 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 8,9c6,9 < "questGenerator" : { < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 11d10 < npcs\outpost\outpostfloranfan.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" --- > "Doess Floran look good in human clothes?" 18c18 < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" --- > "Doess Floran look good in human clothes?" 21c21 < "Floran wonder why new Floran came. Does new Floran like humans too?" --- > "Floran wonders why new Floran came. Does new Floran like humans too?" 24c24 < "Fish should not worry about Floran. Floran try to be like human now. No ssstab." --- > "Fish man should not worry about Floran. Floran try to be like a human now. No ssstab." npcs\outpost\outpostfloranhunter.npctype 4a5,9 > "identity" : { > "name" : "Miles", > "gender" : "male" > }, > 6,7d10 < "offeredQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup", "coldskin3.gearup" ], 13c16 < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." --- > "Only the sstrong get Floran's respect." 18c21 < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." --- > "All Floran should hunt and ssseek glory. Is that what you're here to do?" 21,24c24 < "Floran happy to meet another Floran." < ], < "hylotl" : [ < "Floran ussssed to hate fish. Floran not hate fish now." --- > "Another Floran. You must undersstand the glory of the hunt." 34a35 > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier5ahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmechanic.npctype 5a6,8 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], > 18c21 < "Friendly. You should come grab some oil with me later." --- > "Friendly. How are you at fixing things up?" npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmercenary.npctype 5a6,8 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], > npcs\outpost\outpostglitchsilenttype.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 15,17d16 < < "offeredQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outposthumanexcon.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." --- > "I've done some stuff in my past I'm not proud of, but the people here have been good to me. I owe them a lot." 18c18 < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." --- > "I've done some stuff in my past I'm not proud of, but the people here have been good to me. I owe them a lot." 21c21 < "A word of advice. If you want to avoid trouble, don't visit any of the USCM prisons. Most of them have been torn apart." --- > "I haven't been on Earth in years, but I was still devastated by the news. The universe is a messy place..." npcs\outpost\outposthumanscientist.npctype 6d5 < 15,17d13 < < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientist1.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientist1.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outposthumansurvivor.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 13c13 < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." --- > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I'm lucky to be here." 18c18 < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." --- > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I'm lucky to be here." 21c21 < "All of humanity, scattered across the universe. How could the USMC have allowed this to happen to us?" --- > "All of humanity, scattered across the universe... What do we do?" npcs\outpost\outposthylotlperformer.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], npcs\outpost\outposthylotlwarrior.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 16,18d17 < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], < 23c22 < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." --- > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as great warriors, but in reality our fighters are some of the finest around." 28c27 < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." --- > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as great warriors, but in reality our fighters are some of the finest around." 34c33 < "You honour me with your presence, friend." --- > "You honour me with your presence." npcs\outpost\outpostpenguinpromoter.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "penguinmission3.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], 8a9,12 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0 > }, > npcs\outpost\outpostundersideman.npctype 6,7c6,9 < "offeredQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ ], > "turnInQuests" : [ ], > > "behavior" : "tutorial", 13c15,22 < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." --- > "I'm hiding here for a good reason...", > "You should leave. It's not safe.", > "I'm serious. This is no joking matter.", > "Don't tell anyone I'm down here, okay? ANYONE.", > "I need to keep a low profile. REALLY low.", > "You're still here?", > "I guess you don't have anything else to do other than bug me, huh?", > "GET OUT." npcs\story\nuru.npctype 4a5,6 > "keepAlive" : true, > 24c26,85 < "chatPortrait" : "/interface/chatbubbles/portraittest.png", --- > "chatPortrait" : "/interface/chatbubbles/nuru.png:", > > "chatSounds" : { > "avian" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/floran_chatter_female6.ogg" > ] > } > }, 30c91 < "Other hunters will try to stop you winning the hunt.", --- > "Jusst a warning - other hunters will try to stop you winning The Hunt.", 33c94 < "I've always wanted to see the Universe, where are you from?", --- > "I've always wanted to see the universe, where are you from?", 35,36c96,97 < "Florans are mindlessly savage.", < "As top hunter I'm expected to lead this tribe when I come of age.", --- > "Florans are often mindlessly savage.", > "People have a lot of expectations of you when you're a top hunter...", 39c100 < "I participate in the hunt to show Florans the best way to win is not to fight amongst ourselves.", --- > "I participate in The Hunt to show Florans the best way to win is not to fight amongst ourselves.", 42,43c103,104 < "The thought of hunting my life away makes my petals wilt.", < "The Floran are not inherently evil. My father taught me to respect life. A lesson many never learn." --- > "I enjoy hunting, but sssometimes it's not enough.", > "The Floran are not evil. Our tribe's greenfinger taught me to respect life. A lesson many never learn." 45a107,212 > }, > "floranmissionstart" : { > "introduction" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Woah! An outssider! Are you seriously here for The Hunt? Got to respect that ssort of misguided bravery.", > "Oh me? I'm ^orange;Nuru^white; - youngest champion in the hisstory of The Hunt.", > "I've gotta ssay, this is pretty impressive! Or at least it will be if you don't get ripped to shreds.", > "Here, the Floran spend years honing their prowess, like sskilled craftsman grinding a spearhead...", > "Then they mostly die... Anyhow, good luck!" > ] > } > }, > "end" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Watch out for the other hunters!" > ] > } > } > }, > "floranmissionswitch" : { > "hello" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Hey! Over here! I can't believe you made it this far. Nice work." > ] > } > }, > "stuck" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Buuut now you're stuck. The phrase 'slow clap' ssprings to mind. Here; I can open that." > ] > } > }, > "goodbye" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "I think we're close now - I hope you've worked up an appetite!" > ] > } > } > }, > "boss" : { > "shellbroken" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "The shell is broken! Now is the chance to strike!" > ] > } > }, > "fleshy" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Hit it! Hit it while it's fleshy!" > ] > } > }, > "finish" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "We've nearly defeated it. Finish it off!" > ] > } > } > }, > "endscene" : { > "follow" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Now that was ssatisfying! Come on." > ] > } > }, > "smalltalk" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "You know, that really was pretty impresssive." > ] > } > }, > "end" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "That was the most fun I've had in ages. It felt good to have ssomeone around who can hold their own.", > "In fact... Congratulations! I've just decided your trophy comess with one free Nuru!" > ] > } > } > }, > "startboss" : { > "intro" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "This iss much bigger than last year's prey. Finally! A proper challenge!" > ] > } > }, > "start" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "This is going to be fun." > ] > } > } 54a222,224 > }, > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=8af062FF?replace=31a6ffFF=40bf21FF" 57c227 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file npcs\story\nuruoid.config 1c1 < { --- > { 3a4,8 > // Offset applied to all pieces. Half a pixel up to correct for the humanoid > // frames being an odd number of pixels, so the bottom of the collision poly > // would otherwise be not at a whole pixel boundary. > "globalOffset" : [0.0, 0.5], > 21,22c26,27 < "armWalkSeq" : [2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3], < "armRunSeq" : [2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3], --- > "armWalkSeq" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], > "armRunSeq" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 25c30 < "walkBob" : [-1, -2, -1, 0, -1, -2, -1, 0], --- > "walkBob" : [-1, 0, -1, -2, -1, 0, -1, -2], 31,32c36,37 < "frontArmRotationCenter" : [-4, -5], < "backArmRotationCenter" : [2, -5], --- > "frontArmRotationCenter" : [-2.5, -3.5], > "backArmRotationCenter" : [-3.5, -3.5], 34c39 < "frontHandPosition" : [0, -3], --- > "frontHandPosition" : [6, -3], 38c43 < "backArmOffset" : [3, 0], --- > "backArmOffset" : [6, 0], 62c67 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 94a100,101 > "runSpeed" : 30, > "walkSpeed" : 10, 98c105,106 < "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4 --- > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > "physicsEffectCategories" : ["storyNpc"] npcs\subbiometenants\bones.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 34c33 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant", "shady"] 42,45c41,44 < "You wantsss some bonesss?", < "Come, buy sssome of my thingsss, friend.", < "Bonesss keep your enemiesss away!", < "Floran has bonesss to sssell!" --- > "You wants some bonesss?", > "Come, buy some of my thingsss.", > "Bonesss keep your enemies away!", > "Floran has bonesss to sell!" 53,55c52,54 < "Come back if you want to sssell me some bonesss!", < "Stay sssafe. It's a ssscary world.", < "If you needsss bonesss, Floran alwaysss here..." --- > "Come back if you want to sell me some bonesss!", > "Stay safe. It's a ssscary world.", > "If you need bonesss, Floran always here..." 62,65c61,63 < "Follow, the ssstore is thisss way, friend!", < "It helpsss to have connected friendsss in a world like this!", < "Floran isss a professional bonesmith. Thisss way.", < "Follow thisss way..." --- > "Follow, the ssstore is this way!", > "Floran iss a professional bonesmith. This way.", > "Follow Floran thiss way..." 72,74c70,72 < "Here isss the store!", < "Now for sssome tradesss!", < "I have thingsss you might need." --- > "Here iss the store!", > "Now you trade with Floran!", > "I have thingss you might need." npcs\subbiometenants\colourful.npctype 3,5c3 < "baseType" : "friendlyguard", < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "baseType" : "friendlyguardtenant", 7a6,9 > "questGenerator" : { > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] > }, > 56c58 < { "name" : "rainbowsword" } --- > { "name" : "npcbroadsword" } npcs\subbiometenants\eyepatch.npctype 3,5c3 < "baseType" : "friendlyguard", < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "baseType" : "friendlyguardtenant", 7a6,8 > "questGenerator" : { > "pools" : ["tenant", "common"] > }, 44c45 < { "name" : "eyehead2", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } }, { "name" : "eyehead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } }, { "name" : "eyeballhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } } --- > { "name" : "eyehead2", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } }, { "name" : "eyehead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } }, { "name" : "eyeballhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 10 } } 56,58c57,58 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyesword" } }, // TODO: replace old sword < "npcshortsword", < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyeaxe" } } // TODO: replace old sword --- > "npceyesword", > "npcshortsword" npcs\subbiometenants\flesh.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 42c42 < "HOW AM I MEANT TO LOOK FOR FLESHY GOODS WITH THESE CONDITIONS?!" --- > "HOW AM I MEANT TO LOOK FOR FLESHY GOODS UNDER THESE CONDITIONS?!" npcs\subbiometenants\frogtenantmerchant.npctype 4,5c4,22 < < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > > "nameGen" : [ "/species/shadownamegen.config:names", "/species/shadownamegen.config:names" ], > > "dropPools" : [], > > "chatSounds" : { > "default" : { > "male" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ], > "female" : [ > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter1.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter2.ogg", > "/sfx/humanoid/frog_chatter3.ogg" > ] > } > }, npcs\subbiometenants\giantflower.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 6d5 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 49,50c48,49 < "Floran ssspreading nature. Ssselling plants.", < "You wantsss nature? Floran ssselling seedsss and plants.", --- > "Floran spreading nature, sselling plants.", > "You want nature? Floran sells seeds and plantsss.", 58c57 < "See ya next time!", --- > "See you next time!", 62,63c61,62 < "Thanks for visiting my store.", < "Great to see you!", --- > "Thank you for visiting my store.", > "Wonderful to see you!", 71,72c70,71 < "May your path ahead be clear to you, friend!", < "Say strong in heart and in spirit, friend." --- > "May the path ahead be clear to you.", > "Stay strong in heart and in spirit." 77,79c76,78 < "Floran want customer to ssspread the love!", < "Come back sssoon to buy more plantsss!", < "Floran like buy sssell.", --- > "Floran always happy to ssell you more!", > "Come back sssoon to buy more plants!", > "Floran likes sselling.", npcs\subbiometenants\glow.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 42c41 < "There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Buy some lights from me!", --- > "There's a light at the end of the tunnel! And I'm the one selling it!", npcs\subbiometenants\hive.npctype 42c42,43 < "Maggot Man says: My thoughts are all pennies." --- > "Maggot Man says: My thoughts are all pennies.", > "Maggot Man says: When is Rome?" npcs\subbiometenants\oasis.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] npcs\subbiometenants\prism.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 61c60 < "If you need to build more windows, you know where to find me!", --- > "If you need more windows, you know where to find me!", 63c62 < "Hopefully you are happy with your windows!", --- > "I hope you are happy with your windows!", npcs\subbiometenants\spring.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 39c38 < "avian" : { --- > "default" : { 48c47 < "avian" : { --- > "default" : { 52,53c51,52 < "Come back soon if you would like some potted plants!", < "If you need plants, friend, you know where to find me." --- > "Come back soon if you'd like some potted plants!", > "If you need plants you know where to find me." 58c57 < "avian" : { --- > "default" : { 68c67 < "avian" : { --- > "default" : { 70,71c69,70 < "Now we can trade!", < "Here we are! Now why not look for something you might like?", --- > "Now we can trade!", > "Here we are! Go ahead and look for something you might like!", npcs\subbiometenants\steamspring.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "merchant", --- > "baseType" : "merchanttenant", 5,6c5 < "damageTeam" : 1, < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "damageTeam" : 1, 16c15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 42c41 < "Welcoming. Would you like to buy some of my inventions? Please?", --- > "Hopeful. Would you like to buy some of my inventions? Please?", 45,46c44 < "Welcoming. You should see what inventions I have to offer!", < "Desperate. I really need someone to buy my inventions..." --- > "Welcoming. You should see what inventions I have to offer!" 53c51 < "Welcoming. Now you can have a look at my inventions!", --- > "Pleased. Now you can have a look at my inventions!", 62,66c60,64 < "Panicking. Please don't forget to come visit again!", < "Panicking. I hope you don't forget to come back!", < "Eager. I sure hope you come back again!", < "Desperate. Please don't forget to come visit me again!", < "Eager. I sure hope you've had a satisfactory experience with my wares!" --- > "Panicking. Please don't forget to come and visit again!", > "Worried. Don't forget to come back.", > "Eager. Come again!", > "Anxious. Please come back if you need anything else.", > "Tense. I hope you like my wares. I hope you come back!" npcs\subbiometenants\tar.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c7 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 17c16 < "My home is feeling distinctely less tar-like...", --- > "My home is feeling distinctly less tar-like...", 26c25 < "My tarpit use some fixes...", --- > "My tar pit could use some fixes...", 35,36c34,35 < "This is my tarpit! No-one else can move here!", < "This tarpit was for me!" --- > "This is my tar pit! No-one else can move here!", > "This tar pit was for me!" 54c53 < "I give up, I'll find myself a new tarpit!" --- > "I give up, I'll find myself a new tar pit!" npcs\tenants\apexresearchlab.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 11c10 < "I'm here doing ground research for the Miniknog. Don't worry, I'll be nice.", --- > "I am here doing ground research for the Miniknog. Don't worry, I'll be nice.", 18,19c17,18 < "I'm here doing ground research for the Miniknog. Don't worry, I'll be nice.", < "I sure hope you aren't a defector. Either you're with the Miniknog, or against us.", --- > "I am here doing ground research for the Miniknog. Don't worry, I'll be nice.", > "I hope you aren not a defector. Either you are with the Miniknog, or against us.", 29c28,36 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant", "shady"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistblue"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistgreen"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistyellow"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistorange"] > ] > } npcs\tenants\avianairship.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c7 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 15c14 < "I used to be part of a crew of fellow Grounded Avian! I like this place too, though.", --- > "I used to be part of a big crew! It's quieter here.", 17,19c16,18 < "Who needs to be tied down by belief in Kluex? Not me!", < "I'm Grounded - Which means I'm exiled from my people for not believing in Kluex.", < "Don't judge me by appearances! The Grounded are a polite people, really." --- > "I joined an airship crew when I stopped believing in Kluex. Happy days riding the wind.", > "Fresh air and freedom, that's the life for me!", > "Don't judge me by my appearance! I'm ever so refined." 22,23c21 < "Are you Grounded, child of Avos? I hope you are no slave to belief in Kluex.", < "I used to be part of a crew of fellow Grounded Avian! I like this place too, though.", --- > "I used to be part of a big crew! It's quieter here.", 25c23,24 < "Who needs to be tied down by belief in Kluex? I don't, and neither do you!", --- > "I joined an airship crew when I stopped believing in Kluex. Happy days riding the wind.", > "Fresh air and freedom, that's the life for me!", npcs\tenants\aviantomb.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8,12 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant","shady"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [] > } > } 15c19 < "I have come to spread the good word of Kluex! Earn your wings and join us in the Aether!", --- > "I have come to spread the good word of Kluex! Heed my teachings and earn your wings!", 17,18c21,22 < "Did you know that every sun is an eye of Kluex? That's how he sees all your transgressions!", < "If you spend your money on spreading the word of Kluex, you'll be repaid in the afterlife!", --- > "Did you know that every sun is an eye of Kluex? He sees all!", > "If we wish for flight, we must live in the light of Kluex!", 22c26 < "You look like a fine follower of Kluex! May you earn your wings one day.", --- > "You look like a fine follower of Kluex! May you one day earn your wings.", 25,26c29,30 < "Did you know that every sun is an eye of Kluex? That's how he sees all your transgressions!", < "If you spend your money on spreading the word of Kluex, you'll be repaid in the afterlife!" --- > "Did you know that every sun is an eye of Kluex? He sees all!", > "If we wish for flight, we must live in the light of Kluex!" 30,31c34 < } < }, --- > }, 38c41 < { "name" : "aviantier1head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } --- > { "name" : "phoenixhat", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } npcs\tenants\creepling.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 11c10 < "This is an outfit... Honest.", --- > "This is an outfit, I swear.", 20c19 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant", "shady"] npcs\tenants\electrician.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8,14 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmemberengineer"], > [1, "crewmembermechanic"] > ] > } 15,16c21,22 < "I'm here to make sure all this wiring doesn't degrade.", < "These circuits are really well made. I don't think they'll degrade anytime soon.", --- > "I'm here to make sure all this wiring does not degrade.", > "These circuits are really well made. I don't think they will degrade any time soon.", 29,30c35,36 < "Floran isss electrician, but Floran hasss no idea how electricity worksss.", < "Floran got electrician job, sssomehow. Would rather be ssstabbing.", --- > "Floran is an electrician, but Floran has no idea how electricity worksss.", > "Floran got this electrician job, sssomehow... Would rather be ssstabbing.", 43,44c49,50 < "Fixing electronics is a noble art. However, these circuits look fine to me.", < "I'm drawn to anywhere with lots of circuits for me to play around with.", --- > "Fixing electronics is a complex art of intricacy. Happily, these circuits look fine.", > "Electrical circuitry is simply fascinating.", 50c56 < "Surprised. I came to fix up these circuits, but they look fine to me.", --- > "Surprised. I came to fix these circuits, but they look fine to me.", 52c58 < "Pleased. I'm glad I learned how electronics work - I find circuits fascinating." --- > "Pleased. I am glad I learned how electronics work - I find circuits fascinating." npcs\tenants\floranhuntinggrounds.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "friendlyguard", --- > "baseType" : "friendlyguardtenant", 11,14c11,14 < "Floran bessst ssshooter.", < "Floran usssed to hunt in tunnelsss. Not ssso much these daysss.", < "Floran like you, won't ssshoot you.", < "Floran smellsss targetsss nearby. I hope I get to ssshoot sssomeone soon." --- > "Floran besst shooter.", > "Floran used to hunt in tunnelss. Not so much these dayss.", > "Floran likess you, so won't shoot you.", > "Floran smells targetsss nearby. I hope I get to shoot sssomeone soon." npcs\tenants\friendlycultist.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 9,15d7 < "apex" : { < "default" : [ < "I'm here to... Observe. Don't mind me.", < "You intrigue me. Don't worry, I won't cause any... Harm.", < "I won't bite, don't worry. Ha ha." < ] < }, 18d9 < "It's a terrible thing, what happened to Earth. Hee hee.", 20,32d10 < "The terrors that lurk in the night... If you can't beat them, why not join them?" < ] < }, < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Floran isss watching you.", < "Don't pay attention to Floran. Floran isss sssafe.", < "No need to ssstare." < ] < }, < "avian" : { < "default" : [ < "There are many things worth worshipping in the shadows, friend.", 34,38d11 < "The Protectorate are a cult in their own way." < ] < }, < "hylotl" : { < "default" : [ 40,48c13,14 < "Trust me, and we will get along just fine.", < "There is beauty in the darkness. Maybe you'll agree some day." < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Insidious. I am trustworthy, but do not cross me or my kind.", < "Menacing. I am an upstanding member of society. Honest.", < "Disturbed. Why fight against the dark forces of the universe?" --- > "The Protectorate are a cult in their own way.", > "The terrors that lurk in the night... If you can't beat them, why not join them?" 55c21 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant", "shady"] 64c30 < { "name" : "cultisthead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } --- > { "name" : "cultisthead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 67c33 < { "name" : "cultistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } --- > { "name" : "cultistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 70c36 < { "name" : "cultistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } --- > { "name" : "cultistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } npcs\tenants\glitchcastle.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 15,17c15,17 < "Pompous. I am minor royalty! You'd be good to me if you were wise.", < "Disappointed. I'm used to living in grander places than this.", < "Unappreciative. I suppose I could live here. I've lived in bigger places, though.", --- > "Self-important. I am minor royalty! It would be wise to treat me well.", > "Disappointed. I am used to living in grander places than this.", > "Unappreciative. I suppose I could live here. I've lived in bigger places, though...", 22,24c22,24 < "Polite. You only look like a peasant, but it doesn't mean you can't achieve great things.", < "Recognising. I used to have a servant that looked just like you!", < "Unappreciative. I've had much bigger homes than this. Someone like you wouldn't understand.", --- > "Polite. You look like a peasant, but that does not mean you can't achieve great things.", > "Dreamy. I used to have a servant that looked just like you.", > "Unappreciative. I have had much bigger homes than this. Someone like you would not understand.", 26c26 < "Intrigued. If you aren't royalty, who does all your chores?" --- > "Intrigued. If you haven't any servants, who does all your chores?" npcs\tenants\glitchsewer.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 16,18c16,19 < "Enthusiastic. Even when you're a sewer operator, you have to enjoy everything you do!", < "Unhappy. I have spent my life scrubbing down sewers. But I guess someone has to.", < "Tired. I've spent so much of my life managing sewers.", --- > "Enthusiastic. Even when you're a sewer operator, you can enjoy what you do.", > "Wistful. Managing sewers is dirty work. I'd rather be exploring, like you.", > "Unhappy. I have spent my life scrubbing down sewers. But I guess someone has to...", > "Weary. I've spent so much of my life managing sewers.", 23,25c24,27 < "Unenthusiastic. managing sewers is dirty work. I'd rather be exploring, like you.", < "Unhappy. Have you had to work in sewer management before, fellow Glitch?", < "Tired. I've spent so much of my life managing sewers.", --- > "Enthusiastic. Even when you're a sewer operator, you can enjoy what you do.", > "Wistful. Managing sewers is dirty work. I'd rather be exploring, like you.", > "Unhappy. I have spent my life scrubbing down sewers. But I guess someone has to...", > "Weary. I've spent so much of my life managing sewers.", npcs\tenants\hazmat.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8,16 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistblue"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistgreen"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistyellow"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistorange"] > ] > } 23c31 < "Back on Earth, we cured most diseases. I hope most of that data wasn't lost.", --- > "Back on Earth, we'd cured most diseases. I hope that data wasn't lost...", 36c44 < { "name" : "hazmatdemohead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmathead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 39c47 < { "name" : "hazmatdemochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 42c50 < { "name" : "hazmatdemoback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } 45c53 < { "name" : "hazmatdemolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } --- > { "name" : "hazmatlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } npcs\tenants\humanbunker.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 15,16c15,16 < "I'm here to inspect this location. Stand up straight, galactic citizen!", < "I'm here to verify the security of this tactical location.", --- > "I'm here to inspect this location. Stand up straight!", > "I'm here to verify the security of this location.", 18,19c18,19 < "I used to work in military, now I'm a property supervisor. Don't think I've gone soft!", < "I'm running a constant inspection here, soldier. Be on your guard!" --- > "I used to work in the military, now I'm a property supervisor. Don't think I've gone soft!", > "I'm running a constant inspection, so you'd better not let standards slip around here!" 22c22 < "I'm here to inspect this location. Stand up straight, galactic citizen!", --- > "I'm here to inspect this location. Stand up straight!", 25,26c25,26 < "I used to work in military, now I'm a property supervisor. Don't think I've gone soft!", < "I'm running a constant inspection here, soldier. Be on your guard!" --- > "I used to work in the military, now I'm a property supervisor. Don't think I've gone soft!", > "I'm running a constant inspection, so you'd better not let standards slip around here!" npcs\tenants\humanprison.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 12c12 < "I get nostalgic thinking of my time in prison.", --- > "Don't worry, I'm not dangerous! I was in prison for financial skulduggery...", 21c21 < "Don't worry, I was a non-violent offender!", --- > "Don't worry, I'm not dangerous! I was in prison for financial skulduggery...", 28c28,35 < "pools" : ["normal", "shady"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant", "shady"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [0.25, "crewmemberengineer"], > [0.5, "crewmember"], > [0.25, "crewmembermechanic"] > ] > } npcs\tenants\lunarbase.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "friendlyguard", --- > "baseType" : "friendlyguardtenant", 11c11 < "I used to be stationed on a lunar mining facility. I'm glad I'm retired now, though.", --- > "I used to be stationed in a lunar mining facility. I'm glad I'm retired now, though.", 41c41 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\tenants\neon.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"] 15c15 < "I used to be a technician for the Miniknog. True story.", --- > "I used to be a technician for the Miniknog.", npcs\tenants\philanthropist.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8,12 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmembertailor"] > ] > } 16c20 < "I'm lucky to have escaped Earth with all my vast, vast wealth intact!", --- > "I'm lucky to have escaped Earth with my vast, vast fortune intact!", npcs\tenants\scientist.npctype 3,4c3 < "baseType" : "villager", < --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c7,15 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "pools" : ["common", "tenant"], > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistblue"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistgreen"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistyellow"], > [0.25, "crewmemberchemistorange"] > ] > } 10a18 > 16,17c24,25 < "I am conducting some field tests. This location shall serve nicely.", < "I am running some experiments, so this location will do nicely." --- > "I am conducting some field tests, and this location represents the ideal environment.", > "I am running some experiments, and this place will do nicely." 23,24c31 < "There's so much data for me to record around here. It is fascinating.", < "Hopefully this location will be a good place for my research into what happened to Earth.", --- > "There's so much data for me to record around here. It's fascinating.", 32c39 < "I feel silly doing research without proper fitting glasses. Such is life as a Hylotl." --- > "I feel silly doing research without properly fitting glasses. Such is life as a Hylotl." npcs\tenants\socialite.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villager", --- > "baseType" : "generictenant", 8c8,12 < "pools" : ["normal"] --- > "graduation" : { > "nextNpcType" : [ > [1, "crewmembertailor"] > ] > } 16c20 < "I am so highly regarded, even Big Ape is my associate!", --- > "I am very regarded - Big Ape is an associate.", 22c26 < "I hope they managed to save as many pieces of fine art before Earth, well, you know...", --- > "Earth is lost, and some much fine art with it!", 24c28 < "I'm so fancy. Do you see this bow tie? Pretty fancy, isn't it?" --- > "Is not my attire the finest you've ever seen?" 29c33 < "Floran isss alwaysss center of attention in thisss wig.", --- > "Floran is always center of attention in thisss wig.", 31c35 < "Floran wearsss wig once and now everyone thinksss Floran is fancy." --- > "Floran wearsss this wig once and now everyone thinks Floran is fancy." 36,38c40,42 < "I am really pulling off this look, aren't I?", < "This wig makes my beak itchy - But I feel so distinguished!", < "This suit is ruffling my feathers. But it's worth the attention!" --- > "I'm not into plumed helmets and the like - this suits me better.", > "This wig me itchy... But I feel so distinguished!", > "This is incredibly uncomfortable. But I like the attention!" 43,45c47,49 < "I am interested in fine arts. No, the FINEST arts.", < "I hope there's no Floran around to dirty up my lovely home.", < "I'm even more cultured than my fellow Hylotl. It's impressive." --- > "I am interested in only the finest arts.", > "One must comport oneself with utmost elegance.", > "Hylotl are leaders in sophistication, and I am the finest amongst them." 50,52c54,56 < "Pompous. I am practicing my snooty laugh.", < "Distinguished. When I wear this wig, people think I am rich.", < "Pleased. People stare at me in this wig - It must be because I look fancy in it." --- > "Dismissive. Go away, I am practicing my snooty laugh!", > "Delighted. When I wear this wig, people think I am rich!", > "Pleased. People stare at me in this wig - It must be because I look so fancy in it." objects\defaultCategories.config 3,4c3,4 < "category": "--todo--", < "race": "none" --- > "category" : "--todo--", > "race" : "none" objects\actionfigure\adultpoptop\adultpoptopAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,18c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's huge...\"", < "shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < < /* TODO < "apexDescription" : "", < "avianDescription" : "", < "floranDescription" : "", < "glitchDescription" : "", < "humanDescription" : "", < "hylotlDescription" : "", < */ --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Figurine", objects\actionfigure\agrobat\agrobatAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Agrobat Figurine", objects\actionfigure\anglure\anglureAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the anglure is its light.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Anglure Figurine", objects\actionfigure\batong\batongAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Batong Figurine", objects\actionfigure\bobfae\bobfaeAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It is not an efficient flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Bobfae Figurine", objects\actionfigure\bobot\bobotAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Bobot Figurine", objects\actionfigure\bulbop\bulbopAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Bulbop Figurine", objects\actionfigure\capricoat\capricoatAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Capricoat Figurine", objects\actionfigure\crabcano\crabcanoAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Crabcano Figurine", objects\actionfigure\crustoise\crustoiseAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Crustoise Figurine", objects\actionfigure\crutter\crutterAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Crutter Figurine", objects\actionfigure\fennix\fennixAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Fennix Figurine", objects\actionfigure\gleap\gleapAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's made from a springy substance.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Gleap Figurine", objects\actionfigure\hemogoblin\hemogoblinAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Figurine", objects\actionfigure\hypnare\hypnareAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Hypnare Figurine", objects\actionfigure\ignome\ignomeAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "shortdescription" : "Ignome Figurine", objects\actionfigure\iguarmor\iguarmorAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Figurine", objects\actionfigure\lilodon\lilodonAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Lilodon Figurine", objects\actionfigure\lumoth\lumothAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Lumoth Figurine", objects\actionfigure\mandraflora\mandrafloraAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Figurine", objects\actionfigure\miasmop\miasmopAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Miasmop Figurine", objects\actionfigure\monopus\monopusAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"An ancient creature, known for agility and mischief. They have an intelligent look in their eyes.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Monopus Figurine", objects\actionfigure\narfin\narfinAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Narfin Figurine", objects\actionfigure\nutmidge\nutmidgeAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The top midge is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Figurine", objects\actionfigure\oculob\oculobAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Oculob Figurine", objects\actionfigure\oogler\ooglerAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Oogler Figurine", objects\actionfigure\orbide\orbideAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Orbide Figurine", objects\actionfigure\paratail\paratailAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Paratail Figurine", objects\actionfigure\peblit\peblitAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Because of the size of its head, it can't run long distances.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Peblit Figurine", objects\actionfigure\petricub\petricubAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Petricub Figurine", objects\actionfigure\pipkin\pipkinAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Pipkin Figurine", objects\actionfigure\poptop\poptopaf.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Poptop Figurine", objects\actionfigure\pteropod\pteropodAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Pteropod Figurine", objects\actionfigure\pulpin\pulpinAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Pulpin Figurine", objects\actionfigure\pyromantle\pyromantleAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Figurine", objects\actionfigure\quagmutt\quagmuttAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Figurine", objects\actionfigure\ringram\ringramAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Ringram Figurine", objects\actionfigure\scandroid\scandroidAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", < "shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Scandroid Figurine", objects\actionfigure\scaveran\scaveranAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Scaveran Figurine", objects\actionfigure\skimbus\skimbusAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its light body follows the direction of the wind.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Skimbus Figurine", objects\actionfigure\smoglin\smoglinAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Smoglin Figurine", objects\actionfigure\snaggler\snagglerAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make it a tricky foe.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Snaggler Figurine", objects\actionfigure\snaunt\snauntAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Snaunt Figurine", objects\actionfigure\spookit\spookitAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Spookit Figurine", objects\actionfigure\sporgus\sporgusAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Sporgus Figurine", objects\actionfigure\squeem\squeemAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Squeem Figurine", objects\actionfigure\taroni\taroniAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Taroni Figurine", objects\actionfigure\tintic\tinticAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?\"", < "shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "shortdescription" : "Tintic Figurine", objects\actionfigure\toumingo\toumingoAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Toumingo Figurine", objects\actionfigure\trictus\trictusAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Trictus Figurine", objects\actionfigure\triplod\triplodAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Triplod Figurine", objects\actionfigure\voltip\voltipAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Voltip Figurine", objects\actionfigure\wisper\wisperAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Wisper Figurine", objects\actionfigure\yokat\yokatAF.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "legendary", < "category" : "decorative", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", > "category" : "actionFigure", 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "\"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", < "shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "shortdescription" : "Yokat Figurine", objects\alpaca\alpacacomponentrune\alpacacomponentrune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Component Rune", < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", > "shortdescription" : "Component Rune", > "race" : "generic", objects\alpaca\alpacagrowthrune\alpacagrowthrune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5c5 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", 7c7 < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "race" : "generic", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "The symbol of personal growth, eh? Pretty advanced stuff.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A symbol of personal growth, huh? Pretty advanced stuff.", objects\alpaca\alpacahomerune\alpacahomerune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of one's home.", < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Home Rune", < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of one's home.", > "shortdescription" : "Home Rune", > "race" : "generic", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "The Alpaca used this rune to refer to the concept of home.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An old commonplace rune that refers to the concept of home.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Rune meansss home to Alpaca.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Rune meansss home.", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "Did Alpaca use this rune to refer to home, or to mark their homes to others?", --- > "humanDescription" : "Do people use this rune to refer to home, or to mark their homes to others?", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "This one means home, to the Alpaca that made it.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This symbol means home. To me, home is where the heart wanders.", objects\alpaca\alpacaknowledgerune\alpacaknowledgerune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Knowledge Rune", < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", > "shortdescription" : "Knowledge Rune", > "race" : "generic", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A rune to mean knowledge, no wonder it looks so complex.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A rune that means knowledge - no wonder it looks so complex.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Hopeful. A rune to mean knowledge. These Alpacas do seem knowledgeable.", < "humanDescription" : "If this rune means knowledge what can I learn from it?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A rune to mean knowledge.", > "humanDescription" : "If this rune means knowledge, what can I learn from it?", objects\alpaca\alpacaliferune\alpacaliferune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of life.", < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Life Rune", < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of life.", > "shortdescription" : "Life Rune", > "race" : "generic", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "It's the Alpaca rune for life itself.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's an old rune for life itself.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "An old symbol, it meansss life to the Alpaca race.", < "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. An Alpaca rune that signifies life.", --- > "floranDescription" : "An old symbol, it meansss life.", > "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. An old rune that represents the virtue of life.", objects\alpaca\alpacaruinrune\alpacaruinrune.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["alpaca"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["pretty"], 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of ruin.", < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Ruin Rune", < "race" : "alpaca", --- > "description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of ruin.", > "shortdescription" : "Ruin Rune", > "race" : "generic", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "It's an ancient rune that means ruin.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's an ancient rune that means ruin. It is curious that a spiral would mean such a thing.", 13,17c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Ancient runesss... this means ruin. Cannot eat...", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An Alpacish run that signifies ruin.", < "humanDescription" : "This is an old rune that means ruin. It looks familiar...", < "hylotlDescription" : "A rune meaning ruin from a race that spread amoung the stars before even the Hylotl.", < "novakidDescription" : "It's an ancient rune that means ruin. Darn-tootin' it is!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ancient runesss... this means ruin.", > "glitchDescription" : "Attentive. An old rune that signifies ruin and decay.", > "humanDescription" : "This is an old rune that means ruin. How ominous.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An old stone rune meaning ruin - reminding us all that the slow tide of time consumes all things.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's an ancient rune that signifies ruin.", objects\ancient\airbooster\airbooster.object 143c143 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\ancient\ancientbigchest\ancientbigchest.object 7a8 > "health" : 1.5, 10a12 > "printable" : false, 48c50 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ancient\ancientchest\ancientchest.object 7a8 > "health" : 1.5, 10a12 > "printable" : false, 48c50 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.animation 25a26,48 > }, > "portal" : { > "default" : "closed", > "states" : { > "closed" : {}, > "open" : { > "frames" : 9, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "openloop" > }, > "openloop" : { > "frames" : 2, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "loop" > }, > "close" : { > "frames" : 9, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "closed" > } > } 32c55 < "centered" : false --- > "centered" : true 68c91 < "centered" : false, --- > "centered" : true, 94a118,173 > } > } > } > } > }, > "outpost" : { > "properties" : { > "centered" : true, > "zLevel" : 3, > "fullbright" : true, > "offset" : [0.0, 15.0] > }, > > "partStates" : { > "portal" : { > "open" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":open." > } > }, > "openloop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":openloop." > } > }, > "close" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":close." > } > } > } > } > }, > "portal" : { > "properties" : { > "centered" : true, > "zLevel" : 4, > "fullbright" : true, > "offset" : [0.0, 15.0] > }, > > "partStates" : { > "portal" : { > "open" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":open." > } > }, > "openloop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":openloop." > } > }, > "close" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":close." objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.frames 3c3 < "size" : [94, 173], --- > "size" : [94, 28], objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.lua 2,4c2,4 < self.detectArea = entity.configParameter("detectArea") < self.detectArea[1] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) < self.detectArea[2] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) --- > self.detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > self.detectArea[1] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) > self.detectArea[2] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) 6,7c6,32 < entity.setAnimationState("console", "off") < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > = or config.getParameter("startActive", false) > > message.setHandler("activate", function() > = true > animator.setAnimationState("console", "turnon") > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) > end) > > message.setHandler("isActive", function() > return == true > end) > > if then > animator.setAnimationState("console", "on") > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) > else > animator.setAnimationState("console", "off") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) > end > end > > function onInteraction() > if not then > return {config.getParameter("inactiveInteractAction"), config.getParameter("inactiveInteractData")} > else > return {config.getParameter("interactAction"), config.getParameter("interactData")} > end 11,23c36,49 < local players = world.entityQuery(self.detectArea[1], self.detectArea[2], { < includedTypes = {"player"}, < boundMode = "CollisionArea" < }) < < if #players > 0 and entity.animationState("console") == "off" then < entity.setAnimationState("console", "turnon") < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) < elseif #players == 0 and entity.animationState("console") == "on" then < entity.setAnimationState("console", "turnoff") < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > if then > local players = world.entityQuery(self.detectArea[1], self.detectArea[2], { > includedTypes = {"player"}, > boundMode = "CollisionArea" > }) > > if #players > 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "closed" then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "open") > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) > elseif #players == 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "openloop" then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "close") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) > end objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.object 9,11d8 < "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", < "interactData" : "/interface/warping/gatewarp.config", < 13a11 > "offeredQuests" : [ ], 30,35c28,30 < "flipImages" : true, < "imagePosition" : [-33, 0], < "animationPosition" : [-33, 0], < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "imagePosition" : [-46, 0], > "animationPosition" : [1, 14], > 36a32 > "flipImages" : true, 39a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 41c39 < "collisionSpaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0], [4, 0] ], --- > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], 43c41 < "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] 47,49c45,46 < "imagePosition" : [-46, 0], < "animationPosition" : [-46, 0], < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "imagePosition" : [-33, 0], > "animationPosition" : [14, 14], 51d47 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 55a52,53 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 57c55 < "collisionSpaces" : [ [-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], --- > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0], [4, 0] ], 59c57 < "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] 66c64,66 < "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png" --- > "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png", > "outpost" : "outpost.png", > "portal" : "portal.png" 70c70,78 < "scriptDelta" : 20 --- > "scriptDelta" : 20, > > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/gatewarp.config", > > "inactiveInteractAction" : "ScriptPane", > "inactiveInteractData" : "/interface/scripted/ancientconsole/ancientconsolegui.config", > > "uniqueId" : "ancientgate" objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsolelit.frames 3c3 < "size" : [94, 173], --- > "size" : [94, 28], objects\ancient\ancientconsole\returnconsole.object 9,11d8 < "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", < "interactData" : "/interface/warping/returnwarp.config", < 30,35c27,29 < "flipImages" : true, < "imagePosition" : [-33, 0], < "animationPosition" : [-33, 0], < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "imagePosition" : [-46, 0], > "animationPosition" : [1, 14], > 36a31 > "flipImages" : true, 39a35,36 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 41c38 < "collisionSpaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0], [4, 0] ], --- > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], 43c40 < "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] 47,49c44,45 < "imagePosition" : [-46, 0], < "animationPosition" : [-46, 0], < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "imagePosition" : [-33, 0], > "animationPosition" : [14, 14], 51d46 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 55a51,52 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 57c54 < "collisionSpaces" : [ [-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], --- > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0], [4, 0] ], 59c56 < "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] 66c63,65 < "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png" --- > "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png", > "outpost" : "starscape.png", > "portal" : "portal.png" 70c69,74 < "scriptDelta" : 20 --- > "scriptDelta" : 20, > > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/gatewarp.config", > > "startActive" : true objects\ancient\ancientdoor\ancientdoor.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 33a35 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 46,47c48,55 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 55,56c63,64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientgate\ancientgate.object 19a20,21 > "lightColor" : [15, 5, 30], > objects\ancient\ancienthiddenplatform\ancienthiddenplatform.object 4a5 > "printable" : false, 28,29c29,36 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 35c42 < --- > 39a47 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 49a58 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 58,59c67,68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientlight\ancientlight.object 19c19,20 < "lightColor" : [220, 220, 220], --- > "printable" : false, > "lightColor" : [204, 184, 143], 34c35 < --- > 38c39 < "fg" : "ancientlight.png" --- > "fg" : "ancientlightlit.png" 43c44 < --- > 46c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientlight\ancientlightlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [8, 8], --- > "size" : [16, 16], objects\ancient\ancientlightplatform\ancientlightplatform.animation 83c83 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ancient\ancientlightplatform\ancientlightplatform.object 7a8 > "printable" : false, 37c38 < --- > 41a43 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 51a54 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 59d61 < 61,62c63,65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] --- > > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientpillar\ancientpillar.object 6a7 > "printable" : false, 14c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny rock! Floran is reminded of a setting sun.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny rock! Floran is reminded of a setting sun.", 50c51 < --- > 60c61 < --- > 63c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientplaque1\ancientplaque1.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, objects\ancient\ancientprop\ancientprop.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, objects\ancient\ancientsmallconsole\ancientsmallconsole.object 72c72 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight1\ancientstriplight1.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 57c58 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 81c82 < --- > 84,85c85,86 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] < --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] > objects\ancient\ancientstriplight10\ancientstriplight10.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight11\ancientstriplight11.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight12\ancientstriplight12.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight13\ancientstriplight13.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight2\ancientstriplight2.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 61c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight3\ancientstriplight3.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight4\ancientstriplight4.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight5\ancientstriplight5.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight6\ancientstriplight6.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight7\ancientstriplight7.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight8\ancientstriplight8.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientstriplight9\ancientstriplight9.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 61c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancienttorch\ancienttorch.object 116a117 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 131c132 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ancient\ancientverticaldoor\ancientverticaldoor.object 29,30c29,36 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 40a47 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 50a58 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 59,60c67,68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] objects\ancient\challengedoor\challengedoor.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2,4c4,6 < self.detectArea = entity.configParameter("detectArea") < self.detectArea[1] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) < self.detectArea[2] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) --- > self.detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > self.detectArea[1] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) > self.detectArea[2] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) 6,7c8,9 < entity.setAnimationState("portal", "off") < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "off") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) 10c12 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 13,16c15,18 < if not entity.configParameter("returnDoor") and not storage.vanishTime then < storage.vanishTime = world.time() + entity.configParameter("vanishTime") < if not (entity.animationState("portal") == "open" or entity.animationState("portal") == "on") then < entity.setAnimationState("portal", "open") --- > if not config.getParameter("returnDoor") and not storage.vanishTime then > storage.vanishTime = world.time() + config.getParameter("vanishTime") > if not (animator.animationState("portal") == "open" or animator.animationState("portal") == "on") then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "open") 19a22,31 > > if config.getParameter("messagePlayerInterval") then > self.radioMessage = util.interval(config.getParameter("messagePlayerInterval"), function() > local nearPlayers = world.entityQuery(object.position(), config.getParameter("messagePlayerRange"), {includedTypes = {"player"}}) > nearPlayers = util.filter(nearPlayers, entity.entityInSight) > for _,playerId in pairs(nearPlayers) do > world.sendEntityMessage(playerId, "queueRadioMessage", "challengedoor") > end > end) > end 23,24c35,40 < if entity.animationState("portal") == "gone" then < entity.smash() --- > if self.radioMessage ~= nil then > self.radioMessage(dt) > end > > if animator.animationState("portal") == "gone" then > object.smash() 27c43 < entity.setAnimationState("portal", "vanish") --- > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "vanish") 35,42c51,58 < if #players > 0 and entity.animationState("portal") == "off" then < entity.setAnimationState("portal", "open") < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) < elseif #players == 0 and entity.animationState("portal") == "on" and not storage.vanishTime then < entity.setAnimationState("portal", "close") < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > if #players > 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "off" then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "open") > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) > elseif #players == 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "on" and not storage.vanishTime then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "close") > animator.playSound("off"); > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) 47c63 < if entity.configParameter("returnDoor") then --- > if config.getParameter("returnDoor") then 72c88 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\ancient\challengedoor\challengedoor.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. Am I prepared to face whatever's on the other side of this gate?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. Am I prepared to face whatever is on the other side of this gate?", 18c18 < "hylotlDescription" : "An enigmatic doorway to an unknown destination... or a conceiled opportunity?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An enigmatic doorway to an unknown destination... or a concealed opportunity?", 49a50,52 > > "messagePlayerInterval" : 0.5, > "messagePlayerRange" : 30, objects\ancient\hologram1\hologram1.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+1", objects\ancient\hologram2\hologram2.object 15c15 < "avianDescription" : "This picture of a being destroying worlds rivals the might of Gods.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This picture of a being destroying worlds rivals the might of gods.", 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+1", objects\ancient\hologram3\hologram3.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+1", objects\ancient\hologram4\hologram4.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+1", objects\ancient\hologramgalaxy\hologramgalaxy.object 36a37 > "renderLayer" : "Object+1", objects\ancient\jumpbooster\jumpbooster.object 143c143 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\ancient\largetentacleprop\largetentacleprop.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "What issss thissss?", --- > "floranDescription" : "What iss thisss?", objects\ancient\lightstreaks\lightstreaks.object 10a11 > "scannable" : false, 27,28c28,29 < "imagePosition" : [-352, -16], < "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0, 80] ] --- > "imagePosition" : [-352, -656], > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,-60] ] 35,36c36,37 < "imagePosition" : [-352, -16], < "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0, 80] ] --- > "imagePosition" : [-352, -656], > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,-60] ] objects\ancient\monolithgate\monolithgate.frames 2d1 < 14c13 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\ancient\monolithgate\monolithgate.object 24,32d23 < "direction" : "left", < < "imagePosition" : [-152, 0], < < "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], < "anchors" : [ "background" ] < }, < { < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "monolithgate.png:", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "monolithgatelit.png:" } ], 38,39c29,30 < "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, -1] ] 41c32,73 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "monolithgate.animation", > "animationPosition" : [-152, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "monolithgate.png", > "fg" : "monolithgatelit.png", > "inner" : "monolithgateinner.png", > "apexkey" : "monolithgate_apex.png", > "aviankey" : "monolithgate_avian.png", > "florankey" : "monolithgate_floran.png", > "glitchkey" : "monolithgate_glitch.png", > "humankey" : "monolithgate_human.png", > "hylotlkey" : "monolithgate_hylotl.png" > }, > > "scripts" : ["monolithgate.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 120, > > "flagAnimationStates" : { > "outpost_mission2" : "florankey", > "outpost_mission3" : "hylotlkey", > "outpost_mission4" : "aviankey", > "outpost_mission5" : "apexkey", > "outpost_mission6" : "glitchkey", > "final_gate_key" : "open" > }, > > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : { > "canBookmark" : false, > "destinations" : [ > { > "name" : "The Ruin", > "planetName" : "The Ruin", > "mission" : true, > "warpAction" : "InstanceWorld:tentaclemission", > "icon" : "default" > } > ], > "includePlayerBookmarks" : false > } objects\ancient\monolithgate\monolithgatelit.frames 2d1 < 14c13 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\ancient\monolithstatue1\monolithstatue1.object 10a11 > "scannable" : false, 26a28 > "renderLayer" : "Object-1", 28c30,31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "metaBoundBox" : [-60, -10, 60, 120], > "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], 36a40 > "renderLayer" : "Object-1", 38,42c42,43 < < "spaces" : [ < [0, 0], [-20, 0], [-20, 60], [20, 60] < ], < --- > "metaBoundBox" : [-60, -10, 60, 120], > "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\ancient\monolithstatue2\monolithstatue2.object 10a11 > "scannable" : false, 26a28 > "renderLayer" : "Object-1", 28c30,31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "metaBoundBox" : [-60, -10, 60, 120], > "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], 36a40 > "renderLayer" : "Object-1", 38,42c42,43 < < "spaces" : [ < [-15, 0], [20, 0], [20, 60], [-15, 60] < ], < --- > "metaBoundBox" : [-60, -10, 60, 120], > "spaces" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\ancient\powerbooster\powerbooster.object 143c143 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\ancient\sawblade2\sawblade2.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", 9a10 > "printable" : false, 13c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp. Floran must avoid.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssscary sharp. Floran must avoid.", objects\ancient\speedbooster\speedbooster.object 143c143 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\apex\apexapesign\apexapesign.object 11c11 < "floranDescription" : "How big is this Ape? Perhapsss we can find him and have a feasssst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "How big is this Ape? Perhapsss we can find him and have a feasst.", 35a36 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 49c50 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexaquarium2\apexaquarium2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssomeone got here firsst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssomeone got here firsst.", objects\apex\apexarmchair\apexarmchair.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssickening.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssickening.", objects\apex\apexbananasign\apexbananasign.object 36a37 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 50c51 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexbed\apexbed.object 25,26c25 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\apex\apexbrainjar\apexbrainjar.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssucculent pickled brain.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssucculent pickled brain.", objects\apex\apexceilingtv\apexceilingtv.object 19c19 < "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", --- > "shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", 24c24 < "floranDescription" : "Sssso many hairy tasties.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso much flickering from picture box.", 65c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] objects\apex\apexcomfychair\apexcomfychair.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssso sssoft.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sso sssoft.", objects\apex\apexconsole1\apexconsole1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Lots of tempting levers that should probably be left alone.", < "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Terminal", --- > "description" : "That big red lever should probably be left alone.", > "shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", 48c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\apex\apexconsolekeyboard\apexconsolekeyboard.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "SSSssilly technology.", < "glitchDescription" : "Questioning. Only 26 symbols?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssilly technology.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Only 26 symbols?", 47c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexcoolbookcase\apexcoolbookcase.object 5c5 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "storage", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexcoolcupboard\apexcoolcupboard.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexcooldesk\apexcooldesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "Sshhiny desk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dessk iss cool to touch.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexcooldoor\apexcooldoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Apex Security Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Security Door", 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 32a34 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 45,46c47,54 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 54,55c62,63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexcoolshelf1\apexcoolshelf1.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Metal sshelf.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Metal shelf iss cold.", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "An empty Apex shelf.", --- > "humanDescription" : "An empty metal shelf.", objects\apex\apexcouch\apexcouch.object 6,9c6,7 < "price" : 110, < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "description" : "All Apex furniture seems to have fallen victim to this tacky polka dot print.", --- > "price" : 150, > "description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", 20a19,21 > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, > 24a26 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/apex/apexcouch/apexcouchcover.png", 26,28d27 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < "flipImages" : true, 30c29,35 < "sitPosition" : [-2, 22], --- > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-10, 22], // Right > [3, 22] // Left > ], 36a42 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/apex/apexcouch/apexcouchcover.png", 38,39d43 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, 41c45,50 < "sitPosition" : [7, 22], --- > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-2, 22], // Left > [11, 22] // Right > ], objects\apex\apexcounter1\apexcounter1.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 40c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexcounter2\apexcounter2.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexvillage","cooking"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["apex","apexvillage","commerce"], 5,11c5,6 < "category" : "crafting", < "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", < "interactData" : { < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingfood.config", < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] < }, < "price" : 100, --- > "category" : "furniture", > "price" : 85, 16c11 < "apexDescription" : "We can prepare food here.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Counters like this are where an Apex typically prepares their meals. I for one wouldn't recommend it. ", 35d29 < objects\apex\apexcurtain\apexcurtain.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "These curtains don't close. Privacy is not something the Apex get to experience often.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These curtains don't close. Privacy was not a priority.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssilly Apex make curtain too sssmall to cover window.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssilly Apex make curtain too sssmall to cover window.", objects\apex\apexdesk\apexdesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexdonotenter\apexdonotenter.object 10c10 < "floranDescription" : "Floran enter where Floran want to enter. Ssssilly sssign.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran enter where Floran want to enter. Sssilly sssign.", objects\apex\apexflusign\apexflusign.object 37a38 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexfridge\apexfridge.object 7c7 < "category" : "storage", --- > "category" : "fridgeStorage", 9c9 < "description" : "Good for storing bananas.", --- > "description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,18c16,19 < "floranDescription" : "We Floran musst learn to make cold food maker. Keep meat freshhh, yesss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Determined. We must search this food storage device.", < "humanDescription" : "A fridge! I've only seen ones like this in books.", < "hylotlDescription" : "We have no need for such devices under the ocean. I must adapt to surface life.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran lovesss cold food ssstore. Keep meat fresh, yesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Determined. I must raid this food storage device!", > "humanDescription" : "A fridge! Just what you need to keep food cool.", > "hylotlDescription" : "We have no need for such devices under the ocean.", 36,37c37,38 < "slotCount" : 24, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "slotCount" : 32, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 39c40,42 < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600, > > "itemAgeMultiplier" : 0.0 objects\apex\apexhdtv\apexhdtv.object 27c27 < --- > 32d31 < 36c35 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", --- > "animation" : "apexhdtv.animation", 48c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexlamp1\apexlamp1.object 9,10c9,10 < "apexDescription" : "A standard Apex lamp.", < "avianDescription" : "Do Apex like polka dots?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard lamp.", > "avianDescription" : "Does anyone like polka dots?", 52a53,58 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 54d59 < 58c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexlamp2\apexlamp2.object 52a53,58 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 57c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\apex\apexlamp3\apexlamp3.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", 25a26 > "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], 40c41,46 < "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 45c51 < "interactive" : false, --- > // "interactive" : false, 47c53 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexlevel1sign\apexlevel1sign.object 37a38 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexlocker\apexlocker.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexmedsign\apexmedsign.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Do the Apex also have healing priests?", --- > "avianDescription" : "Don't all races also have healing priests?", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. An opportunity to learn about Apex physiology.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. An opportunity to learn about organic physiology.", objects\apex\apexmocksign\apexmocksign.object 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "Defacin' a Big Ape poster is a daring move. I bed someone paid the price.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Defacin' a Big Ape poster is a daring move. I bet someone paid the price.", objects\apex\apexnameplate\apexnameplate.object 8,14c8,14 < "apexDescription" : "It reads... 'Big Ape'.", < "avianDescription" : "'Big Ape', is he nearby?", < "floranDescription" : "It say 'Big Ape'. Big Ape... big dinner.", < "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. Cautious! A Big Ape could be nearby.", < "humanDescription" : "It reads 'Big Ape'. Are we finally going to meet this guy?", < "hylotlDescription" : "'Big Ape'... Does he need a nameplate?", < "novakidDescription" : "Who is this 'Big Ape'? I doubt he's as big as he makes out to be...", --- > "apexDescription" : "An inscribed metal plaque.", > "avianDescription" : "A plaque with an inscription engraved on it.", > "floranDescription" : "A little metal plate with boring writing on it.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A small metal plaque with an inscription on it.", > "humanDescription" : "A plaque with an inscription written on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A plaque with an inscription inscribed upon it.", > "novakidDescription" : "A metal plate with some writing on it.", objects\apex\apexofficechair\apexofficechair.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A basic chair for an Apex worker. Very uncomfortable. Apex would sit here for 15 hours a day without a break.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A basic chair used by office workers, it is uncomfortable by design.", 17c17 < "humanDescription" : "A depressing-looking office chair on wheels. I wonder what hours an Apex works?", --- > "humanDescription" : "A depressing-looking office chair on wheels. I wonder how many people still use these?", objects\apex\apexoven\apexoven.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 8,9c7,8 < "description" : "What's for dessert? Banana cream pie? Banana nut bread? Banana muffins?", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Oven", --- > "description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", 12c11,21 < "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, --- > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Standard Issue Oven", > "subtitle" : " Cooks food to a reasonable standard" > } > } > }, 37,43c46 < ], < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] objects\apex\apexpainting3\apexpainting3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Black sscircle.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Black shiny circle.", objects\apex\apexpainting4\apexpainting4.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Mmmm, banana.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Some are so fond of the banana that they immortalise it in art.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Dissgusssting Apex food.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hate ssquishy yellow food.", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Apex must care greatly for their yellow fruit.", < "novakidDescription" : "A fruit shaped like a yellow gun.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Someone must care greatly for their yellow fruit.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda pop art?", objects\apex\apexpiano\apexpiano.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "All Apex must learn to play. However, only permitted music can be performed. There's a microphone hidden in every piano.", --- > "apexDescription" : "All Apex learn to play. However, only permitted music can be performed.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran make music from skin and bone, master of drum. Not ssssilly sound machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran make music from skin and bone, master of drum. Not sssilly sound machine.", objects\apex\apexpod\apexpod.object 7c7 < "lightColor" : [115, 179, 89], --- > "lightColor" : [36, 120, 36], 9,10c9,10 < "flickerPeriod" : 1, < "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.95, --- > "flickerPeriod" : 1.5, > "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.8, 15,16c15,16 < "description" : "There's an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", --- > "description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", 21c21 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssoup!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssoup!", 71c71 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexpod2\apexpod2.object 7c7 < "lightColor" : [115, 179, 89], --- > "lightColor" : [36, 120, 36], 9,10c9,10 < "flickerPeriod" : 1, < "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.95, --- > "flickerPeriod" : 2, > "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.8, 16c16 < "shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", --- > "shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", 71c71 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexradio\apexradio.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "These radios are used mostly for Miniknog announcements. For a while the resistance managed to run a pirate radio station.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Back home these radios are used mostly for Miniknog announcements. For a while the resistance managed to run a pirate radio station.", objects\apex\apexsink\apexsink.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssweet nourishing water.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssweet nourishing water.", objects\apex\apexslidingdoor1\apexslidingdoor1.object 8c8 < "description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", --- > "description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "As with most things Apex, these doors were built to hide secrets.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors were built to hide secrets.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Apex door hisssss like sserpent.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Door hisss like sserpent.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "An impressive doorway. These don't come cheap.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "An impressive doorway. These sure don't come cheap.", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 31d31 < 38,39c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexslidingdoor2\apexslidingdoor2.object 8c8 < "description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", --- > "description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "As with most things Apex, these doors were built to hide secrets.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors were built to hide secrets.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Apex door hisssss like sserpent.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Door hisss like sserpent.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "An impressive doorway. These don't come cheap.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "An impressive doorway. These sure don't come cheap.", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexspeaker\apexspeaker.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Announcements from Big Ape are broadcast over these speakers.", < "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Intercom", --- > "description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "As a child, the intercom's crackle filled me with fear. The sound of an incoming message. Would it be my parents summoned to the Miniknog this time, never to reappear?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Intercoms such as these are common place under the Miniknog.", objects\apex\apexstatue\apexstatue.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Scientist Apex Statue", --- > "shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "This scientist died attempting to alter his genes. He's used as an example to all other Apex. The Miniknog says it's the highest honor any Apex can achieve.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This scientist died attempting to alter his genes. He's used as an example to all other Apex. The Miniknog says it's the highest honour any Apex can achieve.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "SSssilly Apex give body to science, sssssuch a wassste of good meat.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssilly Apex give body to science, ssuch a wassste of good meat.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "Self sacrifice is honored by the Hylotl, but only if the cause is good.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Self sacrifice is honoured by the Hylotl, but only if the cause is good.", objects\apex\apexstatue3\apexstatue3.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssneaky Apex technology.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssneaky technology.", 46c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexstoragelocker\apexstoragelocker.object 4a5 > "category" : "storage", 9,10d9 < < "category" : "storage", 12c11 < "shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", 13a13 > "health" : 1.5, 18,19c18,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic ship locker.", < "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking ship locker.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", 23d22 < 38c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apextable\apextable.object 7c7 < "description" : "Every Apex has the same exact dining room table.", --- > "description" : "A basic mass produced table.", objects\apex\apextablelamp\apextablelamp.object 47c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apextv\apextv.object 58c58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexwardrobe\apexwardrobe.object 7c7 < "description" : "The same wardrobe sits in every Apex bedroom.", --- > "description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Bored. Plain Apex furniture. Each appears to contain a hidden camera.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Uninspired. Such furniture does nothing for the mind.", 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\apexwoodenchair\apexwoodenchair.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "These simple chairs are produced by Miniknog prisoners. I once found 'Help Us' etched into a chair frame.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These simple chairs are mass produced. I once found 'Help Us' etched into a chair frame.", objects\apex\apexwoodenshelves\apexwoodenshelves.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "Empty shelves. Ornaments and keepsakes are not permitted by the Miniknog.", < "avianDescription" : "An Avian home is decorated with objects that aid in evoking pleasant memories. Perhaps the Apex have no such memories to evoke.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Empty shelves. Just waiting for ornaments and keepsakes.", > "avianDescription" : "An Avian home is decorated with objects that aid in evoking pleasant memories. No such things here.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Apex, such lonely souls.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "These shelves have no character at all.", objects\apex\apexwoodpanel\apexwoodpanel.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pointlesss Apex decoration.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pointlesss decoration.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "You could hide a mic behind one of these.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I bet you could hide a mic behind one of these.", objects\apex\arrowsign\arrowsign.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Miniknog arrows probably shouldn't be followed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I've been conditioned not to trust signs of arrows.", objects\apex\cider\cider.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", --- > "shortdescription" : "Mulled Fruit Drink", 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "An Apex drink? Avians do not react well to mulled beverages.", < "floranDescription" : "Grosss. Disgusting Apex liquidss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Adventurous. I am waterproof inside and out.", < "humanDescription" : "A tasty beverage... I could do with one.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An fruit drink? Avians do not react well to mulled beverages.", > "floranDescription" : "Grosss. Disgusting mulled liquidss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Adventurous. I can imagine I would enjoy a drink like this.", > "humanDescription" : "A tasty beverage... I could do with one of those right about now.", objects\apex\classicbardoor\classicbardoor.object 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "classicbardoor.png:right", > 24c28,29 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c55 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicbed\classicbed.object 26,27c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\apex\classicbookcase\classicbookcase.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "The Floran sshare knowledge in blood and bone. A scent speakss more than any Apex booksss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "The Floran share knowledge in blood and bone. A scent speakss more than any booksss.", 24c25 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\classiccandlestick\classiccandlestick.object 64c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicchandelier\classicchandelier.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran recognisse classss when Floran see it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Even Floran recognisse classs when Floran see it.", 18c18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the Apex are more elegant than I thought.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps others are more elegant than I thought.", 48c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicchest\classicchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssweet chesst!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssweet chesst!", 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\classiccupboard\classiccupboard.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "An expensive-looking cupboard, perhaps used to store Miniknog secrets.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An expensive-looking cupboard, perhaps used to store secrets.", 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\classicdesk\classicdesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 25,27c26 < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 39c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\apex\classicdiningtable\classicdiningtable.object 7c7 < "description" : "For many small apes... or one big one.", --- > "description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "The resistance dreamt of storming the Miniknog, climbing upon such a table and waving the flag of freedom.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An extravagant table by day to day Apex standards.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Feassst! A table big enough for Big Monkey, now we musst catch him.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Feassst! A table big enough for many foodss.", objects\apex\classicdoor\classicdoor.object 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "classicdoor.png:right", > 24c28,29 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c55 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicglass\classicglass.object 7c7 < "description" : "A soft scent of banana juice lingers.", --- > "description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A glass for banana juice. Such juices were banned in the prohibition.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A glass for juice. Such juices were banned in the prohibition.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Dissgusting sscent of Apex fruit insside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analytical. The glass appears to have contained an Apex fruit juice.", < "humanDescription" : "The smell reminds me of banana milkshakes.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dissgusting sscent of fruit insside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Analytical. The glass appears to have contained a fruit juice.", > "humanDescription" : "The smell reminds me of tropical fruit juices.", objects\apex\classiclight\classiclight.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [153, 153, 130], --- > "lightColor" : [179, 179, 152], 83c83 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classiclightart\classiclightart.object 9c9 < "apexDescription" : "Built to light a painting. The Apex are not permitted to paint. All original paintings were believed burned by the Miniknog.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Built to point light at a painting.", 11c11 < "floranDescription" : "Apex light for Apex ssscribbless.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Light for painted scribbless.", 46c46 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\plasmadisc\plasmadisc.object 65c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\reddangersign\reddangersign.object 8c8 < "description" : "A sign that reads 'Danger!'. It couldn't really send a clearer message.", --- > "description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", objects\apex\respawnpod\behavior.lua 8c8 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 11,12c11,12 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setInteractive(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setInteractive(false) 33c33 < local animation = entity.animationState("movement") --- > local animation = animator.animationState("movement") 36c36 < return true, entity.configParameter("spawnCooldownTime") --- > return true, config.getParameter("spawnCooldownTime") 38c38 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "spawn") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "spawn") 43,44c43,44 < if not stateData.spawned and stateData.timer > entity.configParameter("spawnTime") then < self.spawnedEntityId = world.spawnNpc(spawnState.spawnPosition(), "apex", "default", entity.level()) --- > if not stateData.spawned and stateData.timer > config.getParameter("spawnTime") then > self.spawnedEntityId = world.spawnNpc(spawnState.spawnPosition(), "apex", "default", object.level()) 50,51c50,51 < if stateData.timer > entity.configParameter("closeTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "close") --- > if stateData.timer > config.getParameter("closeTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "close") 59c59 < return vec2.add(entity.position(), entity.configParameter("spawnOffset")) --- > return vec2.add(object.position(), config.getParameter("spawnOffset")) objects\apex\respawnpod\respawnpod.object.disabled 6c6 < "category" : "spawner", --- > "category" : "Spawner", objects\apex\securitycamera\securitycamera.lua 7,9c7,9 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setInteractive(false) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setInteractive(false) > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 17,18c17,18 < if entity.direction() > 0 then < return vec2.add(entity.position(), offset) --- > if object.direction() > 0 then > return vec2.add(object.position(), offset) 20c20 < return vec2.sub(entity.position(), offset) --- > return vec2.sub(object.position(), offset) 25c25 < local baseOffset = entity.configParameter("baseOffset") --- > local baseOffset = config.getParameter("baseOffset") 30c30 < entity.rotateGroup("camera", -targetAimAngle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("camera", -targetAimAngle) 32c32 < local tipOffset = entity.configParameter("tipOffset") --- > local tipOffset = config.getParameter("tipOffset") 35,36c35,36 < local aimAngle = entity.currentRotationAngle("camera") < local facingDirection = entity.direction() --- > local aimAngle = animator.currentRotationAngle("camera") > local facingDirection = object.direction() 40c40 < tipOffset = world.distance(tipPosition, entity.position()) --- > tipOffset = world.distance(tipPosition, object.position()) 45c45 < local laserVector = vec2.mul(aimVector, entity.configParameter("maxLaserLength")) --- > local laserVector = vec2.mul(aimVector, config.getParameter("maxLaserLength")) 87c87 < timer = -entity.configParameter("rotationPauseTime"), --- > timer = -config.getParameter("rotationPauseTime"), 93,94c93,94 < local rotationRange = vec2.mul(entity.configParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) < local rotationTime = entity.configParameter("rotationTime") --- > local rotationRange = vec2.mul(config.getParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) > local rotationTime = config.getParameter("rotationTime") 107c107 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 109c109 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "move") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "move") 123c123 < stateData.timer = -entity.configParameter("rotationPauseTime") --- > stateData.timer = -config.getParameter("rotationPauseTime") 147,149c147,149 < entity.rotateGroup("camera", entity.currentRotationAngle("camera")) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "alert") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.rotateGroup("camera", animator.currentRotationAngle("camera")) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "alert") > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 156,157c156,157 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 164c164 < local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) * entity.direction() --- > local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) * object.direction() 167c167 < local rotationRange = vec2.mul(entity.configParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) --- > local rotationRange = vec2.mul(config.getParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) 173c173 < entity.rotateGroup("camera", entity.currentRotationAngle("camera")) --- > animator.rotateGroup("camera", animator.currentRotationAngle("camera")) 180,181c180,181 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) objects\apex\securitycamera\securitycamera.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "The finest security camera the Apex labs have to offer.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Security Camera", --- > "description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Security Camera", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The Miniknog are watching my every move with this camera. So creepy.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Someone is watching my every move with this camera. So creepy.", 49c49 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\apex\tesla\tesla.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "It appears the Miniknog have mastered wireless energy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A device for wireless energy.", objects\apex\teslaspike\teslaspike.object 188a189 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\apex\turret\turret.lua 7,9c7,9 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setInteractive(false) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setInteractive(false) > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 19,20c19,20 < if entity.direction() > 0 then < return vec2.add(entity.position(), offset) --- > if object.direction() > 0 then > return vec2.add(object.position(), offset) 22c22 < return vec2.sub(entity.position(), offset) --- > return vec2.sub(object.position(), offset) 28c28 < local baseOffset = entity.configParameter("baseOffset") --- > local baseOffset = config.getParameter("baseOffset") 34c34 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", -targetAimAngle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", -targetAimAngle) 36c36 < local tipOffset = entity.configParameter("tipOffset") --- > local tipOffset = config.getParameter("tipOffset") 39,40c39,40 < local aimAngle = entity.currentRotationAngle("gun") < local facingDirection = entity.direction() --- > local aimAngle = animator.currentRotationAngle("gun") > local facingDirection = object.direction() 44c44 < tipOffset = world.distance(tipPosition, entity.position()) --- > tipOffset = world.distance(tipPosition, object.position()) 48c48 < local laserVector = vec2.mul(aimVector, entity.configParameter("maxLaserLength")) --- > local laserVector = vec2.mul(aimVector, config.getParameter("maxLaserLength")) 90c90 < timer = -entity.configParameter("rotationPauseTime"), --- > timer = -config.getParameter("rotationPauseTime"), 96c96 < entity.setAnimationState("beam", "visible") --- > animator.setAnimationState("beam", "visible") 100,101c100,101 < local rotationRange = vec2.mul(entity.configParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) < local rotationTime = entity.configParameter("rotationTime") --- > local rotationRange = vec2.mul(config.getParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) > local rotationTime = config.getParameter("rotationTime") 114c114 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 116c116 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 123c123 < entity.scaleGroup("beam", { length, 1.0 }) --- > object.scaleGroup("beam", { length, 1.0 }) 133c133 < stateData.timer = -entity.configParameter("rotationPauseTime") --- > stateData.timer = -config.getParameter("rotationPauseTime") 141c141 < entity.setAnimationState("beam", "invisible") --- > animator.setAnimationState("beam", "invisible") 161,163c161,163 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", entity.currentRotationAngle("gun")) < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "attack") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", animator.currentRotationAngle("gun")) > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "attack") > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 175,176c175,176 < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 183c183 < local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) * entity.direction() --- > local desiredAimAngle = vec2.angle(toTarget) * object.direction() 186c186 < local rotationRange = vec2.mul(entity.configParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) --- > local rotationRange = vec2.mul(config.getParameter("rotationRange"), math.pi / 180) 192c192 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", entity.currentRotationAngle("gun")) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", animator.currentRotationAngle("gun")) 199c199 < local fireOffsets = entity.configParameter("fireOffsets") --- > local fireOffsets = config.getParameter("fireOffsets") 206c206 < stateData.fireTimer = entity.configParameter("fireCooldown") --- > stateData.fireTimer = config.getParameter("fireCooldown") 213,215c213,215 < if stateData.timer > entity.configParameter("targetHoldTime") then < entity.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > if stateData.timer > config.getParameter("targetHoldTime") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) objects\apex\turret\turret.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "The finest automated security the Apex labs have to offer.", < "shortdescription" : "Apex Turret", --- > "description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Turret", 10a11 > "printable" : false, 14c15 < "floranDescription" : "Such bright lasersss. Don't want to be in their ssssights.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Such bright lasersss. Don't want to be in their sssights.", 17c18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A reminder of the extreme lengths the Miniknog have gone to.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A reminder of the extreme lengths the some will go to.", 62c63 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\apex\vaseclassiclarge1\vaseclassiclarge1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\apex\vaseclassiclarge2\vaseclassiclarge2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\apex\vaseclassicmedium1\vaseclassicmedium1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\apex\vaseclassicmedium2\vaseclassicmedium2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\apex\vaseclassicsmall1\vaseclassicsmall1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\apex\vaseclassicsmall2\vaseclassicsmall2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps Apex do the same.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmash it and tear out its insides!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Avians often store trinkets in pots. Perhaps others do the same.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its insides!", objects\arttrophies\flowerstatue\flowerstatue.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Beautiful flower sssstatue.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Beautiful flower ssstatue.", objects\arttrophies\paintingapegothic\paintingapegothic.object 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "A couple Apex farmers dressed like Humans. Strange.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A couple Apex farmers dressed like humans. Strange.", objects\arttrophies\paintingapexpearlearring\paintingapexpearlearring.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A masterpiece, but this Apex appears to be wearing Human clothing.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A masterpiece, but this Apex appears to be wearing human clothing.", objects\arttrophies\selfportraitofhylotlshu\selfportraitofhylotlshu.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A classic hylotl self-portrait. Masterfully done.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A classic Hylotl self-portrait. Masterfully done.", objects\arttrophies\venusdepixel\venusdepixel.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 24d23 < 26,27d24 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, objects\avian\anchor\anchor.object 28c28 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [-1,-1], [0,-1], [1,-1], [0,-2], [-2,-3], [0,-3], [2,-3], [-2,-4], [-1,-4], [0,-4], [1,-4], [2,-4] ], objects\avian\ashjar1\ashjar1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\ashjar2\ashjar2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\ashjar3\ashjar3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\avianbench1\avianbench1.object 6c6 < "price" : 110, --- > "price" : 125, 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Bench", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "This Avian bench suggests an appreciation of the natural over the grand.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This bench suggests an appreciation of the natural over the grand.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A cute lil' bench for restin' a while.", 18a20,23 > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, > 23,26d27 < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "flipImages" : true, 28c29,38 < "sitPosition" : [-4, 22] --- > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-13, 22], // Right > [5, 22] // Left > ], > > "spaces" : [ [-2,0],[-1,0],[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[-2,1],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[-2,2],[-1,2],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] 33,35d42 < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], 37,39d43 < "sitPosition" : [4, 22] < } < ], 41,42c45,49 < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-5, 22], // Left > [13, 22] // Right > ], 43a51,54 > "spaces" : [ [-2,0],[-1,0],[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[-2,1],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[-2,2],[-1,2],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\avian\avianbench2\avianbench2.object 6c6 < "price" : 110, --- > "price" : 125, 24,25c24,31 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-11, 22], // Right > [5, 22] // Left > ], 28,31c34 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "flipImages" : true, < "direction" : "left", < "sitPosition" : [-4, 22] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] 36,37c39,45 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "right", > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-3, 22], // Left > [13, 22] // Right > ], 40,42c48 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "direction" : "right", < "sitPosition" : [4, 22] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\avian\avianpressureplate\avianpressureplate.object 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "A crystal pressure switch. What would happen if I press it?", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny crystal button. Sshould Floran jump on?", --- > "avianDescription" : "A crystal pressure switch. What would happen if I stand on it?", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny crystal button. Should Floran jump on?", 86c86 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 88c88 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\avian\avianstoragelocker\avianstoragelocker.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", 13c13,14 < --- > "health" : 1.5, > 17,18c18,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic ship locker.", < "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking ship locker.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\avianswitchhidden\avianswitchhidden1.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", 125,130c125 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", < "animationCustom" : { < "sounds" : { < "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/hiddenswitch1.ogg" ] < } < }, --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 132c127 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\avian\avianswitchhidden\avianswitchhidden2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", 125c125 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 132c132 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\avian\avianwaterlight\avianwaterlight.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "A sshining light fashioned from ssstone.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A shining light fashioned from ssstone.", 57,58d56 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg", < 70c68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor2\bardoor2.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Doors like this are often found in Avian tombs to deter those who would desecrate them.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Doors like this are often used to deter those who would desecrate them.", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38a40 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c59,66 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 62,63c70,71 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor2\bardoor2sideways.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Avians use these to protect their sacred tombs. They believe desecration of a tomb can pluck its inhabitants from the afterlife.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Heavy iron doors like these are good for securing any location.", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37a39 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 56,57c58,65 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 61,62c69,70 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor3\bardoor3.object 19a20,21 > "health" : 5, > 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c41,48 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c56,57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 9] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 9] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\avian\bigjar1\bigjar1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\birdbed\birdbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", 25,26c25 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\avian\birddoor\birddoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Golden Avian Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "The crystals in this door hum as if generating power. This technology is unknown, even by the Miniknog.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The crystals in this door hum as if generating power. This technology is unknown.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny door makesss Floran happy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny door makesss Floran happy.", 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "birddoor.png:right", > 24a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\birdgong1\birdgong1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Gong", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Gong", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floan not like birdman noissse.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not like birdman noissse.", objects\avian\birdgroundlantern\birdgroundlantern.object 56a57 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 75c76 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\avian\birdjar1\birdjar1.object 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Jar", --- > "shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", 9c9 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\birdjar2\birdjar2.object 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Ugly Avian Jar", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", 9c9 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\birdtable\birdtable.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Temple Table", objects\avian\chestavian\chestavian1.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Chest", --- > "shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\chestavian2\chestavian2.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 44c45 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\chestmedavian\chestmedavian1.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Large Chest", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\chestmedavian2\chestmedavian2.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\consoletribal1\consoletribal1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Bird Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Avian panel has flashing lightss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Birdman panel has flashing lightss.", 46c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\consoletribal2\consoletribal2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Egg Console", --- > "description" : "An access panel with an egg etched into its base.", > "shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", 46c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\consoletribal3\consoletribal3.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Avian console has flamess on it. Floran hatess fire.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Birdman console has flamess on it. Floran hatess fire.", 60c60 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\consoletribal4\consoletribal4.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Large Avian Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sstrange Avian technology. Maybe Floran should take for sself.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sstrange birdman technology. Maybe Floran should take for sself.", 48c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\consoletribalwall\consoletribalwall.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Security Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange Avian technology. The Floran would love to devour.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange birdman technology. The Floran would love to devour.", objects\avian\crystaltorch\crystaltorch.object 64c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\decorativewallrug1\decorativewallrug1.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Tapestry", --- > "shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "What a wonderful tapestry, it really adds a splash of color.", --- > "humanDescription" : "What a wonderful tapestry, it really adds a splash of colour.", objects\avian\decorativewallrug2\decorativewallrug2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Small Avian Tapestry", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", objects\avian\earthemblem\earthemblem.object 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this is an Avian emblem for earth", --- > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this is an Avian emblem for earth.", objects\avian\feathers1\feathers1.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The bird that had these feathers must have been quite large.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The bird that had these feathers must have been quite large.", objects\avian\goldenurn\goldenurn.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\idolsupport\idolsupport.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This is a support beam.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Nonchalant. A decorative support beam.", objects\avian\marketstall1\marketstall1.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Fruit Stall", --- > "shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Mouthwatering. If I were capable of producing saliva, I would be salivating.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. If I were capable of producing saliva, I would be salivating.", objects\avian\marketstall2\marketstall2.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Clothes Stall", --- > "shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", objects\avian\marketstall3\marketstall3.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Weapon Stall", --- > "shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", objects\avian\marketstall4\marketstall4.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Small Avian Empty Stall", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", objects\avian\marketstall5\marketstall5.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Large Empty Avian Stall", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", objects\avian\mask1\mask1.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "It looks like a Human mask.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It looks like a human mask.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Likely this mask is supposed to be a Human.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Likely this mask is supposed to be a human.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This Human mask is not very accurate.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This human mask is not very accurate.", objects\avian\midjar1\midjar1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\propeller\propeller.object 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "They may not be wings, but these propellers keep Avian airships aloft.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssspinny machine make ssships fly.", --- > "avianDescription" : "They may not be wings, but propellers like these keep Avian airships aloft.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspinny machine make ships fly.", 27c27 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 45c45 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 64c64 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 82c82 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 100c100 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 118c118 < "animationCycle" : 0.1, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.2, 129a130,151 > }, > // PROPELLER PREVIEWS > { > "image" : "propeller.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-28, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > "frames" : 4, > "animationCycle" : 0.2, > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [-4, 3], [-3, 3], [-2, 3], [-1, 3], [0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3], [-4, 4], [-3, 4], [-2, 4], [-1, 4], [0, 4], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 4], [-1, 5], [0, 5], [1, 5] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "image" : "propeller.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-28, 0], > "direction" : "right", > "frames" : 4, > "animationCycle" : 0.2, > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [-4, 3], [-3, 3], [-2, 3], [-1, 3], [0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3], [-4, 4], [-3, 4], [-2, 4], [-1, 4], [0, 4], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 4], [-1, 5], [0, 5], [1, 5] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\avian\sacrificialaltar\sacrificialaltar.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Tasssty blood. Floran want a lick.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Altar appears splattered with Avian blood.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tasssty blood. Floran want a tassste.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Altar appears splattered with blood.", objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohuman.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmells of Human.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A Human sits inside this sarcophagus.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmells of human.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A human sits inside this sarcophagus.", objects\avian\screen1\screen1.object 49c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 56c56 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\avian\screen2\screen2.object 49c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 56c56 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\avian\screen3\screen3.object 20c20 < "avianDescription" : "Crystal resonance was used to map starsystems.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Crystal resonance was used to map star systems.", 22,23c22,23 < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This is the current starsystem.", < "humanDescription" : "A model of this very starsystem.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This is the current star system.", > "humanDescription" : "A model of this very star system.", 25c25 < "novakidDescription" : "I'm seein' stars. Literally. This must be this very starsystem.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "I'm seein' stars. Literally. This must be this very star system.", 49c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 56c56 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\avian\screen4\screen4.object 49c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 56c56 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\avian\screen5\screen5.object 49c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 56c56 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\avian\smalljar1\smalljar1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\talljar1\talljar1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\talljar2\talljar2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\avian\templehiddendoor\templehiddendoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\avian\templehiddentrapdoor\templehiddentrapdoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Trapdoor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", 28,29c28,35 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 39a46 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 49a57 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 58,59c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [1, -1] ] objects\avian\tombthing1\tombthing1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A plain Avian stone tomb caked in dust.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Stone Tomb", --- > "description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", 12c12 < --- > "health" : 1.5, 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran believe dead sshould return to ssoil.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran believe dead should return to ssoil.", 41c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tombthing2\tombthing2.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 42c43 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tombthing3\tombthing3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "An open Avian tomb. It smells.", < "shortdescription" : "Open Avian Tomb", --- > "description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran believe dead sshould return to ssoil. Perhapsss dead agreed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran believe dead should return to ssoil. Perhapsss dead agreed.", 40c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tombthing4\tombthing4.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribalbed2\tribalbed2.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\avian\tribalbookcase1\tribalbookcase1.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Large Avian Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 24c25 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribalbookcase2\tribalbookcase2.object 12c12 < --- > "health" : 1.5, 25c25 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribalcabinet1\tribalcabinet1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Carved patterns surround this Avian cabinet.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Cabinet", --- > "description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribalcloset1\tribalcloset1.object 7c7 < "description" : "I wonder if there's an Avian Narnia..", --- > "description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "humanDescription" : "Is this closet broken? The crystal has a crack in it.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I wonder if there's an Avian Narnia...", 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribalcounter1\tribalcounter1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Counter", --- > "shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\avian\tribaldoor\tribaldoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A beautifully carved Avian door.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Door", --- > "description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "shortdescription" : "Carved Door", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Bird lay egg with faccce.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bird lay egg with face.", 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "tribaldoor.png:right", > 24a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\triballamp\triballamp.object 56c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\tribalserver\tribalserver.object 7c7 < "description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data. If only I had a USB stick.", --- > "description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "There is so much data here. If only I could export it.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "There is so much data here. If I could export it...", objects\avian\tribaltable\tribaltable.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A table decorated in typical Avian style.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Table", --- > "description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "shortdescription" : "Carved Table", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Avians seem to have decorated this table as a group.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The owners seem to have decorated this table as a group.", objects\avian\tribalwallcabinet\tribalwallcabinet.object 8a9 > "health" : 1.5, 11c12 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Wall Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\alien\alienbed\alienbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\alien\alienchest\alienchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\alien\aliendoor\aliendoor.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 34a36 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c59,60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\alien\alienglowplant1\alienglowplant1.object 25c25 < "lightPosition" : [0, 2.5] --- > "lightPosition" : [0, 2] 33c33 < "lightPosition" : [0, 2.5] --- > "lightPosition" : [0, 2] objects\biome\alpine\mistprimer\mistprimer.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\alpine\stonebed\stonebed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration2", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\biome\alpine\stonechair\stonechair.object 28c28 < "sitPosition" : [0, 22], --- > "sitPosition" : [0, 21], 39c39 < "sitPosition" : [2, 22], --- > "sitPosition" : [2, 21], objects\biome\alpine\stonechest\stonechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\alpine\stonedoor\stonedoor.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowbed\glowbed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowbushlamp\glowbushlamp.object 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowchest\glowchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 50c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowflowerlamp\glowflowerlamp.frames 4c4 < "size" : [15, 22], --- > "size" : [16, 22], objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowflowerlamp\glowflowerlamp.object 60c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowflowerlamp\glowflowerlamplit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [15, 22], --- > "size" : [16, 22], objects\biome\bioluminescence\glowvinelamp\glowvinelamp.object 62c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroomtable\bioshroomtable.object 6c6 < "description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", --- > "description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark.", objects\biome\bone\bonebed\bonebed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\bone\bonechair\bonechair.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["bone","evil"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["bone"], objects\biome\bone\bonechest\bonechest.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["bone","storage","evil"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["bone","storage"], 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\bone\bonedoor\bonedoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "bonedoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 35a41 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 50,51c56,63 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 58,59c70,71 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\bone\bonetable\bonetable.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["bone","evil","commerce"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["bone","evil"], objects\biome\bone\smashbones1\smashbones1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bone\smashbones2\smashbones2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bone\smashbones3\smashbones3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bone\smashbones4\smashbones4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike1\buglike1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike10\buglike10.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike2\buglike2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike3\buglike3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike4\buglike4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike5\buglike5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike6\buglike6.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike7\buglike7.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike8\buglike8.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\bug\buglike9\buglike9.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\cell\cellchest\cellchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "floranDescription" : "Its ssshiny, but it looks too ssstupid to interest Floran.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It's shiny, but it looks too ssstupid to interest Floran.", 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\cell\celldoor\celldoor.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 32d32 < 39,40c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 48,49c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\cell\celllamp\celllamp.object 58c58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure1\cellstructure1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure2\cellstructure2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Giant cells? Who left these here?", objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure3\cellstructure3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Giant cells? Who left these here?", objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure4\cellstructure4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Giant cells? Who left these here?", objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure5\cellstructure5.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Giant cells? Who left these here?", objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant1\dnaplant1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant2\dnaplant2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm not sure what I'm lookin' at here.", objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant3\dnaplant3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm not sure what I'm lookin' at here.", objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant4\dnaplant4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm not sure what I'm lookin' at here.", objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush1\colourfulbush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush2\colourfulbush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush3\colourfulbush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush4\colourfulbush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush5\colourfulbush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\colourful\rainbowbed\rainbowbed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\colourful\rainbowchest\rainbowchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\colourful\rainbowdoor\rainbowdoor.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Wonder what could be behind such a colourful door?", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "rainbowdoor.png:right", > 24a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\colourful\rainbowtable\rainbowtable.object 6c6 < "description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", --- > "description" : "A rainbow table makes every meal a joy.", objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral1\embercoral1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral2\embercoral2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral3\embercoral3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral4\embercoral4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral5\embercoral5.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush1\crystalcavebush1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush2\crystalcavebush2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush3\crystalcavebush3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush4\crystalcavebush4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\crystalline\crystalbed\crystalbed.object 26,27c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\crystalline\crystalchest\crystalchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\crystalline\crystallamp\crystallamp.object 62c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\crystalline\crystallinebush1\crystallinebush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 37c37 < [ [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ] ] objects\biome\crystalline\crystallinebush2\crystallinebush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 37c37 < [ [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ] ] objects\biome\crystalline\crystallinebush3\crystallinebush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 37c37 < [ [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ] ] objects\biome\crystalline\crystallinebush4\crystallinebush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 37c37 < [ [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ], [ "crystal", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ], [ "geode", 1, { } ] ] objects\biome\dark\shadowchest\shadowchest.object 14c14 < --- > "health" : 1.5, 39c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\dark\shadowrock1\shadowrock1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\dark\shadowrock2\shadowrock2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\dark\shadowrock3\shadowrock3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\dark\shadowrock4\shadowrock4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\dark\shadowrock5\shadowrock5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\dark\shadowshrine\shadowshrine.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", objects\biome\dark\shadowshrine2\shadowshrine2.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", objects\biome\dark\shadowshrine3\shadowshrine3.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnlarge1\shadowurnlarge1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnlarge2\shadowurnlarge2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "description" : "A large dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", --- > "description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnmedium1\shadowurnmedium1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnmedium2\shadowurnmedium2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnsmall1\shadowurnsmall1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\dark\shadowurnsmall2\shadowurnsmall2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "SSsssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash it and tear out its dark inssidess!", objects\biome\desert\sandstonebed\sandstonebed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\desert\sandstonechest\sandstonechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\desert\sandstonedoor\sandstonedoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "sandstonedoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\desert\sandstonetorch\sandstonetorch.object 116a117 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 135c136 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\eyepatch\eyebed\eyebed.object 6c6 < "description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", --- > "description" : "A bed adorned with eyes. Great for nightmares.", 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\eyepatch\eyechair\eyechair.object 37c37 < "sitPosition" : [2, 23] --- > "sitPosition" : [2, 24] objects\biome\eyepatch\eyechest\eyechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\eyepatch\eyedoor\eyedoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "eyedoor.png:right", > 25c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 29c34 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 34c39,40 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37c43 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 48,49c54,61 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 55c67 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 57,58c69,70 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\flesh\fleshbed\fleshbed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush1\fleshbush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush2\fleshbush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is just plain gruesome.", objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush3\fleshbush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is just plain gruesome.", objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush4\fleshbush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is just plain gruesome.", objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush5\fleshbush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is just plain gruesome.", objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush6\fleshbush6.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is just plain gruesome.", objects\biome\flesh\fleshchest\fleshchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "floranDescription" : "Foran ssstab chest open.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstab chest open.", 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\flesh\fleshdoor\fleshdoor.object 25a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\frozen\frozenmistprimer\frozenmistprimer.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozen\geometricshard1\geometricshard1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozen\geometricshard2\geometricshard2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozen\geometricshard3\geometricshard3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozen\geometricshard4\geometricshard4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozen\geometricshard5\geometricshard5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\frozenfire\frozenfirechair\frozenfirechair.object 52c52,53 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower1\giantflower1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower2\giantflower2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower3\giantflower3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower4\giantflower4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\giantflower\giantflowerbed\giantflowerbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\giantflower\giantflowerchair\giantflowerchair.object 6c6 < "description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", --- > "description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, that means you like butter.", 37c37 < "sitPosition" : [2, 17] --- > "sitPosition" : [2, 20] objects\biome\giantflower\giantflowerchest\giantflowerchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\giantflower\giantflowerdoor\giantflowerdoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "giantflowerdoor.png:right", > 25c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 29c34 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 34c39,40 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37c43 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 48,49c54,61 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 55c67 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 57,58c69,70 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\giantflower\giantflowerlamp\giantflowerlamp.object 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\gnome\smallchurch\smallchurch.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallclocktower\smallclocktower.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse1\smallhouse1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse10\smallhouse10.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse11\smallhouse11.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse2\smallhouse2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse3\smallhouse3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse4\smallhouse4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse5\smallhouse5.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse6\smallhouse6.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse7\smallhouse7.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse8\smallhouse8.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallhouse9\smallhouse9.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smallinn\smallinn.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\gnome\smalllamppost\smalllamppost.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 48c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\biome\gnome\smallwindmill\smallwindmill.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivebed\hivebed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed5" objects\biome\hive\hivebush1\hivebush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivebush2\hivebush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivebush3\hivebush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivebush4\hivebush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivebush5\hivebush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivechair\hivechair.object 8c8 < "description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", --- > "description" : "A strange chair made from curious hexagonal pods.", objects\biome\hive\hivechest\hivechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\hive\hivedoor\hivedoor.object 25c25,26 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 27c28 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 38,39c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45c52 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 47,48c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\hive\hivelamp\hivelamp.object 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\biome\hive\hivelight1\hivelight1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\hive\hivelight2\hivelight2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ice\icebed\icebed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\ice\icechair\icechair.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Chair make Floran feel funny. Ssshivery.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Chair make Floran feel funny. Shivery.", objects\biome\ice\icechest\icechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\ice\icedoor\icedoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "icedoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\ice\icemachine\icemachine.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["ice"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["ice","storage"], 11c11 < "category" : "storage", --- > "category" : "fridgeStorage", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran climb in ice box, ssshiver, climb out.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran climb in ice box, shiver, climb out.", 48c49 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 50c51,53 < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600, > > "itemAgeMultiplier" : 0.0 objects\biome\ice\iceshard1\iceshard1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice shard.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice shard.", objects\biome\ice\iceshard2\iceshard2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice shard.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice shard.", objects\biome\ice\iceshard3\iceshard3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice shard.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice shard.", objects\biome\ice\iceshard4\iceshard4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice shard.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice shard.", objects\biome\ice\iceshard5\iceshard5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice shard.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice shard.", objects\biome\icesphere\icesphere1\icesphere1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice sphere.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice sphere.", objects\biome\icesphere\icesphere2\icesphere2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice sphere.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice sphere.", objects\biome\icesphere\icesphere3\icesphere3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice sphere.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice sphere.", objects\biome\icesphere\icesphere4\icesphere4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ice sphere.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An ice sphere.", objects\biome\icesphere\icespherechest\icespherechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "floranDescription" : "Floran open ssshivery chest.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran open shivery chessst.", 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\jungle\beanstalk\beanstalk.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Beanstalk grow big, Floran reach sssssky.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Beanssstalk grow big, Floran reach ssky.", 33c33 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 75c75 < --- > objects\biome\jungle\junglebush1\junglebush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush10\junglebush10.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush11\junglebush11.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush12\junglebush12.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush13\junglebush13.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush14\junglebush14.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush15\junglebush15.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush16\junglebush16.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush17\junglebush17.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush18\junglebush18.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush2\junglebush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush3\junglebush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush4\junglebush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush5\junglebush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush6\junglebush6.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush7\junglebush7.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush8\junglebush8.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush9\junglebush9.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A colourful bush.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A colourful bush.", objects\biome\jungle\junglechest\junglechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\mushroom\shroombed\shroombed.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "Only good for a single person, because there's not mushroom in this bed. Yeah, I went there.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Only good for a single person, because there's not mushroom in this bed.", 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\mushroom\shroomchair\shroomchair.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "This chair feels spongey and weird.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This chair feels spongy and weird.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "I bet whoever sits here is a fun guy. Yeah, I went there.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I bet whoever sits here is a fun guy.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This chair is real spongey.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This chair is real spongy.", objects\biome\mushroom\shroomchest\shroomchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\mushroom\shroomdoor\shroomdoor.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A mushroom door.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. A mushroom door.", 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "shroomdoor.png:right", > 25c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 27c32 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45c56 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\mushroom\shroomlamp\shroomlamp.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like glowy ssshroom.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran like glow shroom.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription" : "It's a glowin' mushroom! It's makin' the room all cozy.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "It's a glowin' mushroom! It's makin' the room all cosy.", 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\mushroom\shroomwardrobe\shroomwardrobe.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 40c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\oasis\oasisbed\oasisbed.object 19,20c19 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 24,29c23,29 < "apexDescription" : "I must learn how to relax again.", < "avianDescription" : "Avians enjoy the sun. To blot it out is to remind us we cannot fly.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssun. Why block ssun.", < "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. Glitch generate energy through many sources. One of which is solar power. This bed is useless.", < "humanDescription" : "We're all going on a summer holiday!", < "hylotlDescription" : "A good place to rest without fear of drying out.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh, a place to nap in the sun. That could be nice.", > "avianDescription" : "This looks like a nice place to take a nap.", > "floranDescription" : "Why block ssun with big flower? Ssilly.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. I could rest here on a rainy day without fear of rusting.", > "humanDescription" : "Ooh, I'd love to rest here with a book and a cold drink.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A lovely place to rest and read a book in the warmth of the sun - perfectly serene.", > "novakidDescription" : "Is this here in case you wanna take a nap outside in the rain? I don't get it.", objects\biome\oasis\reedbed\reedbed.object 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "avianDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "floranDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "glitchDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "humanDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I've certainly seen more functional beds, but this one will do for a rest..", > "avianDescription" : "I believe resting here is meant to make me feel like I'm in a dense jungle.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssleeping here makes Floran dream of the hunt.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. It is a bed made of wood and reeds. It looks reasonably comfortable.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a jungle-themed bed. Or... is it genuinely made of wood and reeds?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Resting here may cause one to dream of adventures in the jungle.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get outta sleepin' in a bed made of reeds.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\oasis\reedchair\reedchair.object 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "avianDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "floranDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "glitchDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "humanDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A chair fit for the king of the jungle.", > "avianDescription" : "This chair looks like some sort of jungle throne.", > "floranDescription" : "Thisss chair makes fine throne for Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Reeds make for a creative seating solution in a pinch.", > "humanDescription" : "It's not a very comfortable chair, but it does look cool.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This chair is lovely, conceptually, but a little impractical.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's a chair fashioned outta wood and reeds. Kinda fancy.", objects\biome\oasis\reedchest\reedchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 20a22 > "novakidDescription" : "Takes some fancy weavin' to make a chest outta reeds.", 37c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\oasis\reedclock\reedclock.object 9c9 < "description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", --- > "description" : "A reed clock with a hollow ticking sound.", 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "avianDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "floranDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "humanDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ticking of the clock is soothing.", > "avianDescription" : "The endless ticking really ruffles my feathers.", > "floranDescription" : "Reed clock hass soothing tick tock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. The ticking never ceases.", > "humanDescription" : "A cute clock, shame about the monotonous ticking.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Soothing, monotonous ticking.", > "novakidDescription" : "A sound like that'll make anyone go outta their mind.", objects\biome\oasis\reeddesk\reeddesk.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "avianDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "floranDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "glitchDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "humanDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A plain desk with reed accents.", > "avianDescription" : "A simple desk made of wood and reed.", > "floranDescription" : "A desssk. For cutting meatss?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What would one keep inside a desk like this?", > "humanDescription" : "It's a wooden desk with reed drawers.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is clear that this desk was lovingly crafted from found materials.", > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't much for sittin' around at desks.", 44c46 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\oasis\reeddoor\reeddoor.object 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "avianDescription" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "floranDescription" : "Just a common plant door.", < "glitchDescription" : "A door made of wood and reed..", < "humanDescription" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A door made of wood and reed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A door made of wood and reeds.", > "avianDescription" : "A door made of wood and reeds.", > "floranDescription" : "Reed door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A door made of wood and reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "A door made of wood and reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A door made of wood and reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door made of wood and reeds.", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "reeddoor.png:right", > 24a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\oasis\reedlamp\reedlamp.object 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "It looks like a reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "avianDescription" : "It looks like a reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "floranDescription" : "It looks like a reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "glitchDescription" : "It looks like a reed, but it's actually a lamp.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This lamp is cleverly disguised as a reed.", > "avianDescription" : "A reed that's been fashioned into a lamp.", > "floranDescription" : "Isss glowing reed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. It is a lamp disguised as a reed.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a reed, but it's actually a lamp.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This is no mere reed - it's a lamp! How very clever.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's a glowin' reed.", 52c53 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\oasis\reedseed1\reedseed1.object 7c7 < "description" : "Just reeds", --- > "description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 10c10 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reeds.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Just reedssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "humanDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "Reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's just some reeds.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed2\reedseed2.object 7c7 < "description" : "Just reeds", --- > "description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 10c10 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reeds.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Just reedssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "humanDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "Reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's just some reeds.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed3\reedseed3.object 7c7 < "description" : "Just reeds", --- > "description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 10c10 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reeds.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Just reedssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "humanDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "Reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's just some reeds.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed4\reedseed4.object 7c7 < "description" : "Just reeds", --- > "description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 10c10 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reeds.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Just reedssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "humanDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "Reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's just some reeds.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed5\reedseed5.object 7c7 < "description" : "Just reeds", --- > "description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 10c10 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reeds.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Just reedssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "humanDescription" : "Just reeds.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just reeds.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just reeds.", > "humanDescription" : "Reeds.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's just some reeds.", objects\biome\oasis\reedshelf\reedshelf.object 10c10 < "description" : "A reed shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", --- > "description" : "A reed shelf.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A shelf of wood and bone.", < "avianDescription" : "The shelf itself is likely a trophy. No need to decorate it.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran make sshelf for trophiess but trophiess too big for sshelf. Sso Floran usse sshelf as trophy.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. The bones appear to be rib bones from some vast creature.", < "humanDescription" : "This shelf is empty. Could the Floran be short of things to hunt?", < "hylotlDescription" : "At least the shelf is empty.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bookshelf. There isn't much here, aside from a few self-help books.", > "avianDescription" : "It's a bookshelf. There is a book here about keeping calm in stressful environments.", > "floranDescription" : "Booksss about taking care of 'self'. Floran takesss good care of self already.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. There are several books here regarding proper self-care. One is just full of pictures of small animals.", > "humanDescription" : "There's a book here called 'Ruminations During a Crisis'. I'll leave it - someone else may need it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "There's a meditation book here. It's good to meditate regularly - clears the mind.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't a big fan of books. Prefer experiencin' things for myself.", 37c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\oasis\tallgrass1\tallgrass1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\oasis\tallgrass2\tallgrass2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\oasis\tallgrass3\tallgrass3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\oasis\tallgrass4\tallgrass4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\oshroom1\oshroom1.object 18a19 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 44c45,49 < ] --- > ], > > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 8, "particle" : "redvineshard" } ] objects\biome\ocean\oshroom2\oshroom2.object 18a19 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 44,45c45,50 < ] < } --- > ], > > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 8, "particle" : "redvineshard" } ] > } \ No newline at end of file objects\biome\ocean\oshroom3\oshroom3.object 18a19 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 44c45,49 < ] --- > ], > > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 8, "particle" : "redvineshard" } ] objects\biome\ocean\oshroom4\oshroom4.object 18a19 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 44,45c45,50 < ] < } --- > ], > > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 8, "particle" : "redvineshard" } ] > } \ No newline at end of file objects\biome\ocean\oshroom5\oshroom5.object 18a19 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 44c45,49 < ] --- > ], > > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 8, "particle" : "redvineshard" } ] objects\biome\ocean\seashell1\seashell1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell2\seashell2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell3\seashell3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell4\seashell4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell5\seashell5.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell6\seashell6.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell7\seashell7.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\ocean\seashell8\seashell8.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\prism\prismbed\prismbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 55d53 < objects\biome\prism\prismchair\prismchair.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if sssharp chair would be good weapon...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if sharp chair would be good weapon...", 43c43 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\biome\prism\prismdoor\prismdoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "prismdoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 32a38 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 45,46c51,58 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 54,55c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\prism\prismlamp1\prismlamp1.object 56c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] objects\biome\prism\prismlamp2\prismlamp2.object 56c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] objects\biome\prism\prismlamp3\prismlamp3.object 56c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] objects\biome\prism\prismrock1\prismrock1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\prism\prismrock2\prismrock2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\prism\prismrock3\prismrock3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\rainbowwood\rainbowwoodbed\rainbowwoodbed.object 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\rainbowwood\rainbowwoodchair\rainbowwoodchair.object 11,19c11,19 < /* < "apexDescription" : "It's a door made from rainbow wood.", < "avianDescription" : "A doorway with a rainbow printed on it. I doubt it leads to one.", < "floranDescription" : "Door hasss colourful picture on it.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This is a brightly coloured door.", < "humanDescription" : "A rainbow door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This door is created from rainbow wood.", < "novakidDescription" : "What a happy looking door.", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A rainbow wood chair, suitable for a child.", > "avianDescription" : "A beautiful rainbow chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Chair isss colourful, like Floran!", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. This chair contains the correct amount of colours.", > "humanDescription" : "A neat looking chair.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A chair made of rainbow wood. Packed with positive vibes, perfect for meditation.", > "novakidDescription" : "A rainbow wood chair? Seems like as good a place to sit as any.", > objects\biome\rainbowwood\rainbowwooddoor\rainbowwooddoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "rainbowwooddoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\rainbowwood\rainbowwoodsafe\rainbowwoodsafe.object 13a14 > "health" : 5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\rust\rustbed\rustbed.object 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Bed", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This bed is practically fallin' apart.", 27,28c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\rust\rustbush1\rustbush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", objects\biome\rust\rustbush2\rustbush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", objects\biome\rust\rustbush3\rustbush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", objects\biome\rust\rustbush4\rustbush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", objects\biome\rust\rustchest\rustchest.object 12c12 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\rust\rustdoor\rustdoor.object 10c10 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Door", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A rusted door.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A rusted door.", 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "rustdoor.png:right", > 24c28,29 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c55 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\rust\rusttable\rusttable.object 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Rust Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Table", objects\biome\savannah\dustybed\dustybed.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["misc"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["fenerox"], 6c6 < "description" : "An old, worn bed.", --- > "description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", 17c17,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "I feel above sleeping in such dire conditions.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I am not comfortable sleeping in such dire conditions.", > "novakidDescription" : "A little dust never hurt anyone.", > 48,49c50 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\savannah\dustychair\dustychair.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["misc"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["fenerox"], 6c6 < "description" : "An old, worn wooden chair.", --- > "description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Dust ain't all that bad.", objects\biome\savannah\dustytable\dustytable.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["commerce"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["fenerox","commerce"], 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The wood looks to be sun damaged.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The wood looks to be sun damaged.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I could still eat here if I needed to.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime1\ceilingslime1.object 5c5 < "category" : "other", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime2\ceilingslime2.object 5c5 < "category" : "other", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime3\ceilingslime3.object 5c5 < "category" : "other", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\slimebed\slimebed.object 6c6 < "description" : "Sleep sweetly suspended in slime.", --- > "description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", 11a12,19 > "apexDescription" : "A slime bed. Looks suspicious.", > "avianDescription" : "Will I get slime in my feathers?", > "floranDescription" : "Iss squishy!.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. Slime may cause rust.", > "humanDescription" : "It's made of slime. I hope I can breath in there.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bed of slime. Will it provide peaceful slumber?.", > "novakidDescription" : "Slime as a bed? Worth a try.", > 20,21c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\slime\slimechair\slimechair.object 11a12,19 > "apexDescription" : "This chair is nonsensical.", > "avianDescription" : "Will I sink through this chair?", > "floranDescription" : "Such a sssilly chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. While the material is unpleasant, it's natural curvature is pleasing to the eye.", > "humanDescription" : "How does this work, do I just hope it's a chair?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Once you get past it's unpleasant texture, this slime chair is quite comfortable.", > "novakidDescription" : "Not so sure this is really a chair.", > objects\biome\slime\slimechest\slimehide.object 13a14 > "health" : 5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\slime\slimetorch\slimetorch.object 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A slime torch.", < "avianDescription" : "A slime torch.", < "floranDescription" : "A slimey torch. Dangerousss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A slime torch.", < "humanDescription" : "A slime torch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A slime torch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I don't trust anything that smells this bad.", > "avianDescription" : "This slime torch smells so bad my beak hurts.", > "floranDescription" : "Torch burnss green, but iss not natural.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Slime burns green.", > "humanDescription" : "This torch is burning slimy goop.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A slime torch. It emits an unpleasant odour when burning.", > "novakidDescription" : "A torch made of slime, how is it even burning?", 116a118 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 135c137 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\slimecave\blueprintblob\blueprintblob.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 17,19c17,19 < "floranDescription" : "Blueprint inssside?", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is that a blueprint encased within?", < "humanDescription" : "Some sort of blueprint is inside this!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Is that a blueprint inssside?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It appears to contain a blueprint.", > "humanDescription" : "Some sort of blueprint is inside this thing!", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This thing sure don't seem practical.", objects\biome\slimecave\slimeblob1\slimeblob1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", --- > "description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", 15,16c15,16 < "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime.", < "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime. How am I meant to store this?", > "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime. Why does this exist?", 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is a vile mound of slime!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A vile mound of slime!", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "A thick bubble of slime, not unlike Hylotl spawn.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Slime blobs are not unpleasant to handle when you have amphibian skin.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this'll come in handy for something.", 36c37 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.ogg" ], objects\biome\slimecave\slimeblob2\slimeblob2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15,16c15,16 < "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime.", < "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime. How am I meant to store this?", > "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime. Why does this exist?", 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is a vile mound of slime!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A vile mound of slime!", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "A thick bubble of slime, not unlike Hylotl spawn.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Slime blobs are not unpleasant to handle when you have amphibian skin.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this'll come in handy for something.", 36c37 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.ogg" ], objects\biome\slimecave\slimeblob3\slimeblob3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14,16c14,16 < < "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime.", < "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime.", --- > > "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime. How am I meant to store this?", > "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime. Why does this exist?", 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is a vile mound of slime!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A vile mound of slime!", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "A thick bubble of slime, not unlike Hylotl spawn.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Slime blobs are not unpleasant to handle when you have amphibian skin.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this'll come in handy for something.", 36c37 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.ogg" ], objects\biome\slimecave\slimeblob4\slimeblob4.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15,16c15,16 < "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime.", < "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime. How am I meant to store this?", > "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime. Why does this exist?", 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is a vile mound of slime!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A vile mound of slime!", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "A thick bubble of slime, not unlike Hylotl spawn.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Slime blobs are not unpleasant to handle when you have amphibian skin.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this'll come in handy for something.", 36c37 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.ogg" ], objects\biome\slimecave\slimeblob5\slimeblob5.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 15,16c15,16 < "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime.", < "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A putrid mound of slime. How am I meant to store this?", > "avianDescription" : "A large blob of slime. Why does this exist?", 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is a vile mound of slime!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. A vile mound of slime!", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "A thick bubble of slime, not unlike Hylotl spawn.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Slime blobs are not unpleasant to handle when you have amphibian skin.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this'll come in handy for something.", 36c37 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/blocks/water_swim.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.ogg" ], objects\biome\smashablerocks\copperrock\copperrock.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\copperrocksmall\copperrocksmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\diamondrock\diamondrock.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\diamondrocksmall\diamondrocksmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\goldrock\goldrock.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\goldrocksmall\goldrocksmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\platinumrock\platinumrock.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 60,61c60,61 < "smashDropPool" : "platinumRock", < "breakDropPool" : "platinumRock" --- > "smashDropPool" : "", > "breakDropPool" : "" objects\biome\smashablerocks\platinumrocksmall\platinumrocksmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", 60,61c60,61 < "smashDropPool" : "platinumRockSmall", < "breakDropPool" : "platinumRockSmall" --- > "smashDropPool" : "", > "breakDropPool" : "" objects\biome\smashablerocks\silverrock\silverrock.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\smashablerocks\silverrocksmall\silverrocksmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 10c10 < "race" : "apex", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\biome\snow\beaconsnow\beaconsnow.object 10c10 < "category" : "tools", --- > "category" : "decorative", objects\biome\snow\fancysnowman\fancysnowman.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\snow\snowdrift1\snowdrift1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\snow\snowdrift2\snowdrift2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\snow\snowdrift3\snowdrift3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\snow\snowdrift4\snowdrift4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\snow\snowman\snowman.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\flowerbox\flowerbox.object 8c8 < "description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", --- > "description" : "Strange oversized flowers, you can hide inside!", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Interested. It might be a Floran bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It might be a Floran bed.", objects\biome\spring\flowerlamp\flowerlamp.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", --- > "description" : "A blue flower lamp.", > "shortdescription" : "Hanging Flower Lamp", 32c32 < "anchors" : [ "top" ] --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, 1] ] 41c41 < "anchors" : [ "top" ] --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, 1] ] 54c54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\biome\spring\movingsunflower\movingsunflower.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssun flower.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssunflower.", objects\biome\spring\petalfountain\petalfountain.object 5c5 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 155, 22d21 < "sitPosition" : [14, 24], 33a33,40 > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-8, 24], // Right > [8, 24] // Left > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-3,0], [-3,1], [-2,0], [-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1] ], > 42a50,57 > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-8, 24], // Left > [8, 24] // Right > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-3,0], [-3,1], [-2,0], [-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1] ], objects\biome\spring\splendidplant\splendidplant.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran calmed by ssshiny plant.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran calmed by shiny plant.", 20d19 < "lightPosition" : [0, 3], 29a29,30 > "lightPosition" : [0, 3], > 36a38,39 > > "lightPosition" : [0, 3], objects\biome\spring\springbush1\springbush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springbush2\springbush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springbush3\springbush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springbush4\springbush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springbush5\springbush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springbush6\springbush6.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\spring\springchest\springchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\steamspring\boilervalve\boilervalve.object 51c51 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\steamspring\brasslamppost1\brasslamppost1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Tall and sssshiny lamp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tall and shiny lamp.", 64c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\biome\steamspring\floorgear1\floorgear1.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if metal wheel is sssharp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if metal wheel is sharp.", objects\biome\steamspring\steamboiler2\steamboiler2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssurprised at how hot thisss issss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssurprised at how hot thisss iss.", objects\biome\steamspring\steamboiler3\steamboiler3.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to pusssh big thing over!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to push big thing over!", objects\biome\steamspring\steamspringbed\steamspringbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed5" objects\biome\steamspring\steamspringdoor\steamspringdoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "steamspringdoor.png:right", > 25c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45c56 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\steamspring\steamspringlamp\steamspringlamp.object 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\biome\stonecave\cavebed\cavebed.object 26,27c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\stonecave\cavechest\cavechest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\stonecave\cavelamp\cavelamp.object 56c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite1\ceilingstalactite1.object 51a52 > "knockback" : 20, 67a69 > "knockback" : 20, 74c76 < --- > objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite2\ceilingstalactite2.object 33a34 > "knockback" : 20, 49a51 > "knockback" : 20, 56c58 < --- > objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite3\ceilingstalactite3.object 51a52 > "knockback" : 20, 67a69 > "knockback" : 20, 74c76 < --- > objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactite4.object 33a34 > "knockback" : 20, 49a51 > "knockback" : 20, 56c58 < --- > objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactite5.object 33a34 > "knockback" : 20, 49a51 > "knockback" : 20, 56c58 < --- > objects\biome\swamp\gasprimer\gasprimer.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\rootbush1\rootbush1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\rootbush2\rootbush2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\rootbush3\rootbush3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\rootbush4\rootbush4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\rootbush5\rootbush5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swampbed\swampbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\swamp\swampchest\swampchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\swamp\swamproot1\swamproot1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swamproot2\swamproot2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swamproot3\swamproot3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swamproot4\swamproot4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swamproot5\swamproot5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\biome\swamp\swampybed\swampybed.object 39,40c39 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\tar\tarbed\tarbed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssludge bed is warm.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssludge bed is warm.", 28,29c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\biome\tar\tarconsole\tarconsole.object 72c72 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal1\tarcrystal1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal2\tarcrystal2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal3\tarcrystal3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal4\tarcrystal4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal5\tarcrystal5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tardoor\tardoor.object 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "tardoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\tar\tarlight\tarlight.object 72c72 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\biome\tar\tarman\tarman.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Tarman sssssticky. Floran avoid ssssticky thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tarman sssticky. Floran avoid sssticky thingss.", objects\biome\tar\tarpitchest\tarpitchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\toxicplains\toxicchest\toxicchest.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\biome\toxicplains\toxiclamp1\toxiclamp1.object 66c66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ], objects\biome\toxicplains\toxiclamp2\toxiclamp2.object 10c10 < "shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hanging Toxic Lamp", 65c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -2] ], objects\biome\zen\zenrock1\zenrock1.object 24,26c24,26 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 29a30,34 > }, > { > "image" : "zenrock1.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\biome\zen\zenrock2\zenrock2.object 24,26c24,26 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 29a30,34 > }, > { > "image" : "zenrock2.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\biome\zen\zenrock3\zenrock3.object 24,26c24,26 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 29a30,34 > }, > { > "image" : "zenrock3.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\biome\zen\zenrock4\zenrock4.object 24,26c24,26 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 29a30,34 > }, > { > "image" : "zenrock4.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\biome\zen\zenrock5\zenrock5.object 25,26c25,26 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 29a30,34 > }, > { > "image" : "zenrock5.png:", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30a36,37 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\bonus\devstatuegeorge\devstatuegeorge.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\ashsprite\ashsprite.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\aurorabee\aurorabee.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\blueback\blueback.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\brightstripe\brightstripe.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\butterbee\butterbee.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\cinderfly\cinderfly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\dewhopper\dewhopper.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\driftbell\driftbell.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\dustmoth\dustmoth.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\fawnfly\fawnfly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\fireygiant\fireygiant.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\flameroach\flameroach.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\frostfleck\frostfleck.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\frostfly\frostfly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\gasgiant\gasgiant.object 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", 12a14,18 > "lightColor" : [59, 77, 50], > "flickerDistance" : 0.1, > "flickerStrength" : 0.05, > "flickerTiming" : 4, > 17c23 < "dualImage" : "glowbug.png:.", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "glowbug.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "glowbuglit.png:." } ], objects\bugs\goldbuck\goldbuck.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"A bug with glistening gold wings, fancy!\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\greentip\greentip.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\heathugger\heathugger.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\hivehog\hivehog.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug never stops eating.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\icetip\icetip.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\lavahopper\lavahopper.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\muddancer\muddancer.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\mudstag\mudstag.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\orphanfly\orphanfly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\phoenixfly\phoenixfly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\polarmoth\polarmoth.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\redwing\redwing.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\sandclown\sandclown.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\scuttleploom\scuttleploom.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\seahornet\seahornet.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\shadowmoth\shadowmoth.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\shardwing\shardwing.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\shellcreep\shellcreep.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\snowskater\snowskater.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\stinkjack\stinkjack.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\sunskipper\sunskipper.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\testbug\testbug.object 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\thornbee\thornbee.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\tidefly\tidefly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\vineclimber\vineclimber.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\wavebird\wavebird.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\bugs\xenofly\xenofly.object 7c7 < "description" : "\"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", 9a10 > "category" : "bug", objects\crafting\capturestation\capturestation.frames 4c4 < "size" : [24, 24], --- > "size" : [32, 36], objects\crafting\capturestation\capturestation.object 7c7 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingnocategories.config", --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/crafting.config", 10,11c10,11 < "title" : " MONSTER LAB", < "subtitle" : " For everything to do with monsters!", --- > "title" : "Pet Station", > "subtitle" : "For everything to do with capturing pets", 20,21c20,21 < "description" : "Craft your capture pods here.", < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Creature Capture Station^white;", --- > "description" : "Used to produce capture pods, healing stations and other pet related items.", > "shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", 25a26,34 > "lightColor" : [77, 110, 128], > "lightPosition" : [0, 1], > > "flickerPeriod" : 0.8, > "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.95, > "flickerMaxIntensity" : 1.00, > "flickerPeriodVariance" : 0.0, > "flickerIntensityVariance" : 0.0, > 31c40 < "hylotlDescription" : "Capturing creatures is wrong, and yet needs must.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "To tame a wild beast is to enter into a strong and loyal friendship.", 38c47,51 < "dualImage" : "capturestation.png:.", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "capturestation.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "capturestationlit.png:." } ], > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 40d52 < "imagePosition" : [-8, -8], 42c54 < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.8, 45c57,61 < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "capturestation.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "capturestationlit.png:." } ], > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 46a63,69 > "direction" : "right", > > "frames" : 8, > "animationCycle" : 0.8, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\crafting\fossilstation\fossilstation.frames 1a2 > 3,4c4,5 < "size" : [24, 32], < "dimensions" : [14, 1], --- > "size" : [32, 35], > "dimensions" : [1, 1], 6,7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13" ] < --- > [ "default" ] 9,12d8 < }, < < "aliases" : { < "default.default" : "default.0" objects\crafting\fossilstation\fossilstation.object 3,8c3,6 < "colonyTags" : [], < "rarity" : "Legendary", < "objectType" : "container", < "tooltipKind" : "container", < "printable" : false, < "description" : "This device is able to identify and restore fossils. It outputs the fossil in a container ready to be smashed open.", --- > "colonyTags" : ["crafting"], > "rarity" : "Rare", > "price" : 750, > "description" : "Used to make fossil excavation tools and display cases.", 12c10 < "price" : 160, --- > "printable" : false, 14,30c12,33 < "apexDescription" : "A handy restoration device for fossils. It can also identify them.", < "avianDescription" : "", < "floranDescription" : "Floran is curiousss about old fossil rocksss. Fossil machine can help identify!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. A tool to restore and identify fossils with. I can't wait to use it.", < "humanDescription" : "A fossil restoration tool. Let's learn about history!", < "hylotlDescription" : "A fossil identifier. Using this device is like peering into the past.", < "novakidDescription" : "I don't know much about things of the past. This machine could teach me a thing or two if I bring it a fossil.", < < < "lightColor" : [31, 66, 102], < "lightPosition" : [0, 2], < < "flickerPeriod" : 0.5, < "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.95, < "flickerMaxIntensity" : 1.0, < "flickerPeriodVariance" : 0.0, < "flickerIntensityVariance" : 0.0, --- > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/objectcrafting/fossilstation.config", > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Fossil Station", > "subtitle" : " Fossil brushes and display stands", > "icon" : { > "file" : "/objects/crafting/fossilstation/fossilstationcraftingicon.png" > } > } > }, > "filter" : [ "craftingfossils" ] > }, > > "apexDescription" : "I can make fossil excavation tools here.", > "avianDescription" : "A crafting station where I can make fossil hunting tools.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran is curiousss about fosssil rockss. Here Floran can make tools to find fosssils!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. For the crafting of tools to identify fossils. I can't wait to use it.", > "humanDescription" : "Fossil restoration tools are cool. Let's learn about the history of these worlds!", > "hylotlDescription" : "For making fossil cleaning apparatus, to peer into the past.", > "novakidDescription" : "I don't know much about things of the past. But maybe I could learn with these tools.", 35c38 < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "fossilstation.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "fossilstationlit.png:." } ], --- > "dualImage" : "fossilstation.png:", 37,42c40,42 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < "frames" : 14, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < < "direction" : "left", < "flipImages" : true, --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 1.0, 46,54d45 < }, < { < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "fossilstation.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "fossilstationlit.png:." } ], < < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < "frames" : 14, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < < "direction" : "right", 56,57d46 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] 61,62d49 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < 65,66d51 < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/fossilstation.config", objects\crafting\ironanvil\ironanvil.object 5,6c5,6 < "rarity" : "uncommon", < "description" : "This Iron Anvil allows me to forge basic armour, tools and weapons.", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "Can be used to produce armour and weapons.", 11c11 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/crafting.config", --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftinganvil.config", 14,15c14,15 < "title" : " IRON ANVIL", < "subtitle" : " For producing shiny things.", --- > "title" : " Iron Anvil", > "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Armour and weapons", 17c17 < "file" : "/interface/crafting/anvil.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftinganvil.png" 21c21 < "filter" : [ "anvil" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftinganvil" ] objects\crafting\ironcraftingtable\ironcraftingtable.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 10c10 < "title" : " IRON CRAFTING TABLE", --- > "title" : " Iron Crafting Table", objects\crafting\pixelcompressor\pixelcompressor.object 5c5 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 8,17c8 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingnocategories.config", < "paneLayoutOverride" : { < "windowtitle" : { < "title" : " PIXEL COMPRESSOR", < "subtitle" : " Compress your pixels!", < "icon" : { < "file" : "/interface/pixeliconZ.png" < } < } < }, --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/pixelcompressor.config", 22c13 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 2400, 30c21 < "floranDescription" : "Floran put ssshinies in sssafe place!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran put shinies in sssafe place!", objects\crafting\refinery\refinery.object 4,5c4,5 < "rarity" : "rare", < "description" : "Used to produce raw pixels from ore.", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", 7c7 < "subtitle" : "Ore into pixels", --- > "subtitle" : "Turn ores into pixels", 10c10 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 1250, 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 18,20c19,21 < "humanDescription" : "It prints money! Sort of!", < "hylotlDescription" : "An extremely capitalist device for turning ore into pixels.", < "novakidDescription" : "A pixel machine. I always wanted one of them!", --- > "humanDescription" : "It prints money! Sort of...", > "hylotlDescription" : "A complex device for turning ore into pixels.", > "novakidDescription" : "A pixel machine. I always wanted one of these!", 79a81 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\crafting\wiringstation\wiringstation.object 4a5 > "price" : 1250, 7c8 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingnocategories.config", --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/wiringstation.config", 10,11c11,12 < "title" : " WIRING STATION", < "subtitle" : " For everything to do with wiring!", --- > "title" : " Wiring Station", > "subtitle" : " For everything to do with wiring", 17c18 < "filter" : [ "wiringstation" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftingwiring" ] 20c21 < "description" : "I can use this wiring station to craft components and wire things as I see fit!", --- > "description" : "Used to produce complex wiring components.", 24d24 < "price" : 100, objects\crafting\woodencookingtable\woodencookingtable.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 32], --- > "size" : [32, 36], objects\crafting\woodencookingtable\woodencookingtable.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["cooking","cooking"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["cooking"], 5c5 < "price" : 55, --- > "price" : 100, 6a7 > "category" : "crafting", 10c11 < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftingfood" ] 12,13c13,14 < "description" : "This table allows me to prepare and combine raw ingredients, for wholesome meals!", < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Cooking Table^white;", --- > "description" : "Used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", > "shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", 15d15 < "category" : "crafting", 18,19c18,19 < "avianDescription" : "Almost any Avian dish could be prepared here.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare food with bare handsss. But table ussseful.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Almost any Avian dish could be prepared here. And many non-Avian dishes too, for that matter!", > "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare food with bare handsss. But table also ussseful.", 21c21 < "humanDescription" : "A chef's table. A whole bunch of different implements for making food...", --- > "humanDescription" : "A chef's table. A whole bunch of different implements for making food.", 23c23 < "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up some good ol' stews on this here thing.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing.", objects\farmables\automato\automatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Automatos... pretty standard, if you don't break your teeth on the screws.", < "avianDescription" : "Automatos. The seeds are pretty tasty by themselves.", < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Others remove the screws. The Glitch feel they enhance the flavour.", < "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND hazardous.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A sweet-tasting fruit. Fine for common, unremarkable dishes.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Automatoes... pretty standard, if you don't break your teeth on the screws.", > "avianDescription" : "Automatoes. The seeds are pretty tasty by themselves.", > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disapproving. Others remove the screws. The Glitch feel they enhance the flavour.", > "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty yet hazardous.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A common Glitch peasant food. Not to my taste.", > "novakidDescription" : "Automatoes have a tangy, metalic flavour.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "automatoseed.png:default.3.0", > 33a39,40 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c43 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 39c46 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 43c50 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "Automatos... pretty standard, if you don't break your teeth on the screws.", < "avianDescription" : "Automatos. The seeds are pretty tasty by themselves.", < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Others remove the screws. The Glitch feel they enhance the flavour.", < "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND hazardous.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A sweet-tasting fruit. Fine for common, unremarkable dishes.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Automatoes... pretty standard, if you don't break your teeth on the screws.", > "avianDescription" : "Automatoes. The seeds are pretty tasty by themselves.", > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disapproving. Others remove the screws. The Glitch feel they enhance the flavour.", > "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty yet hazardous.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A common Glitch peasant food. Not to my taste.", > "novakidDescription" : "Automatoes have a tangy, metalic flavour.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 40c43 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 44c47 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\avesmingo\avesmingoseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "A plant so full of flavour. Even the seed is especially tasty.", < "floranDescription" : "None of these flavours tassste like meatssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigate. This tastes like... broccoli.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A plant so full of flavour. The seed is especially tasty.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss fruit is flavourful. None of these flavours tasste like meatsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This tastes like... broccoli.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "This has far too many flavours. You can't appreciate any of them.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Avesmingo, the fruit of many flavours. An exotic delicacy under the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "This fruit has far too many flavours. Can't appreciate any of 'em.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "avesmingoseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [100, 110] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [100, 110] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\avesmingo\wildavesmingoseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 14,16c14,16 < "avianDescription" : "A plant so full of flavour. Even the seed is especially tasty.", < "floranDescription" : "None of these flavours tassste like meatssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigate. This tastes like... broccoli.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A plant so full of flavour. The seed is especially tasty.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss fruit is flavourful. None of these flavours tasste like meatsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This tastes like... broccoli.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "This has far too many flavours. You can't appreciate any of them.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Avesmingo, the fruit of many flavours. An exotic delicacy under the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "This fruit has far too many flavours. Can't appreciate any of 'em.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [100, 110] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [100, 110] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\banana\bananaseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The most delicious of all fruit. Along with freedom, owning a banana farm is every Apex's dream.", < "avianDescription" : "These bananas taste unusual.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There's a stereotype that Apex love bananas, thanks to the Miniknog. They are delicious though.", > "avianDescription" : "These bananas taste unusual in a way I can't pin down.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A modified banana, engineered for those with uncultured taste-buds.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A genetically modified banana, I can taste the artificial flavour.", > "novakidDescription" : "Genetically enhanced bananas are the best bananas.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "bananaseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\banana\wildbananaseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13,14c13,14 < "apexDescription" : "The most delicious of all fruit. Along with freedom, owning a banana farm is every Apex's dream.", < "avianDescription" : "These bananas taste unusual.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There's a stereotype that Apex love bananas, thanks to the Miniknog. They are delicious though.", > "avianDescription" : "These bananas taste unusual in a way I can't pin down.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A modified banana, engineered for those with uncultured taste-buds.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A genetically modified banana, I can taste the artificial flavour.", > "novakidDescription" : "Genetically enhanced bananas are the best bananas.", 33a35,36 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c39 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c42 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c46 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\beakseed\beakseedseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "There's an old urban legend about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet...", < "floranDescription" : "Beakssseed crunchy, not sssquishy like other mouthsss.", --- > "avianDescription" : "There's an old folk tale about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet... I like that one.", > "floranDescription" : "Beaksseed crunchy, not sssquishy like other mouthsss.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't want to eat a real beak by mistake.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "beakseedseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\beakseed\wildbeakseedseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 14,15c14,15 < "avianDescription" : "There's an old urban legend about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet...", < "floranDescription" : "Beakssseed crunchy, not sssquishy like other mouthsss.", --- > "avianDescription" : "There's an old folk tale about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet... I like that one.", > "floranDescription" : "Beaksseed crunchy, not sssquishy like other mouthsss.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't want to eat a real beak by mistake.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\boltbulb\boltbulbseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy metal, not like Glitchhh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tentative. This vegetable tastes like the Glitch.", < "humanDescription" : "Gross, it's like eating bits of a truck.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy metal, not like Glitch flesh.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. This vegetable tastes like home.", > "humanDescription" : "Gross, eating this is like eating bits of a truck.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A metallic vegetable? I'll try anythin' once.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "boltbulbseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\boltbulb\wildboltbulbseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy metal, not like Glitchhh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tentative. This vegetable tastes like the Glitch.", < "humanDescription" : "Gross, it's like eating bits of a truck.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy metal, not like Glitch flesh.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. This vegetable tastes like home.", > "humanDescription" : "Gross, eating this is like eating bits of a truck.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A metallic vegetable? I'll try anything once.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\boneboo\bonebooseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A particularly unusual plant. Crunchy and bony.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A particularly unusual plant. Crunchy stalk, fleshy fruit.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, flessshy foodsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. This plant apparently looks like internal anatomy. The Glitch have no such parts.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, fleshy foodsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. This plant apparently looks like organic internal anatomy. The Glitch have no such parts.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A fruit that tastes like meat. Confusing!", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "bonebooseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [215, 235] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [215, 235] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 43c51 < "duration" : [860, 940] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\boneboo\wildbonebooseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A particularly unusual plant. Crunchy and bony.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A particularly unusual plant. Crunchy stalk, fleshy fruit.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, flessshy foodsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. This plant apparently looks like internal anatomy. The Glitch have no such parts.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, fleshy foodsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. This plant apparently looks like organic internal anatomy. The Glitch have no such parts.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A fruit that tastes like meat. Confusing!", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [215, 235] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [215, 235] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 44c47 < "duration" : [860, 940] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\carrot\carrotseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Carrot makesss Floran uncccomfortable.", < "glitchDescription" : "Hungry. Carrots are pleasantly crunchy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sometimes carrot growss curly. This amuses Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. Carrots are pleasantly crunchy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The humble carrot.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "carrotseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\carrot\wildcarrotseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Carrot makesss Floran uncccomfortable.", < "glitchDescription" : "Hungry. Carrots are pleasantly crunchy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sometimes carrot growss curly. This amuses Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. Carrots are pleasantly crunchy.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "The humble carrot.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\chili\chiliseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", 12,14c12,14 < "apexDescription" : "Painting chilis yellow is a popular prank amongst young Apex. If caught, many wouldn't survive to do it again.", < "avianDescription" : "Spicy plant. Exotic.", < "floranDescription" : "Burny, spicy fruitsss. Plant hurt flesh mouthsss.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Painting chillies yellow is a popular prank amongst young Apex. If caught, many wouldn't survive to do it again.", > "avianDescription" : "A hot, spicy plant. Exotic.", > "floranDescription" : "Burning, spicy fruitsss. This plant hurts flesh mouthsss.", 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "Chilis are spicy, but so addictive.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just the right balance of flavour to spice up any dish.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Chillies are spicy, but so addictive.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Just the right balance of flavour to heat. Used in moderation, it's delicious.", > "novakidDescription" : "Novakids are a big fan of chilli, the hotter the better!", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "chiliseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\chili\wildchiliseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", 13,15c13,15 < "apexDescription" : "Painting chilis yellow is a popular prank amongst young Apex. If caught, many wouldn't survive to do it again.", < "avianDescription" : "Spicy plant. Exotic.", < "floranDescription" : "Burny, spicy fruitsss. Plant hurt flesh mouthsss.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Painting chillies yellow is a popular prank amongst young Apex. If caught, many wouldn't survive to do it again.", > "avianDescription" : "A hot, spicy plant. Exotic.", > "floranDescription" : "Burning, spicy fruitsss. This plant hurts flesh mouthsss.", 17,18c17,19 < "humanDescription" : "Chilis are spicy, but so addictive.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Just the right balance of flavour to spice up any dish.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Chillies are spicy, but so addictive.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Just the right balance of flavour to heat. Used in moderation, it's delicious.", > "novakidDescription" : "Novakids are a big fan of chilli, the hotter the better!", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\coffee\coffeeseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Coffee is sought after for its pep-giving properties", --- > "apexDescription" : "Coffee is sought after for its pep-giving properties.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond it's bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond its bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", > "novakidDescription" : "Coffee smells good, but I've never noticed any beneficial side-effects to drinkin' the stuff.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "coffeeseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\coffee\wildcoffeeseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond it's bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond its bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", > "novakidDescription" : "Coffee smells good, but I've never noticed any beneficial side-effects to drinkin' the stuff.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\coralcreep\coralcreepseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "A plant in dissssguise as a creature. Clever.", < "glitchDescription" : "Skeptical. Looks like a sea dwelling creature, how can it be that this is a fruit?", --- > "floranDescription" : "A plant in disssguise as a creature. Clever.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sceptical. Looks like a sea dwelling creature, how can it be that this is a fruit?", 17a18,19 > "novakidDescription" : "The real fruit of the sea.", > 19a22,26 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "coralcreepseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a41,42 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c45 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 39c48 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 43c52 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\coralcreep\wildcoralcreepseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "A plant in dissssguise as a creature. Clever.", < "glitchDescription" : "Skeptical. Looks like a sea dwelling creature, how can it be that this is a fruit?", --- > "floranDescription" : "A plant in disssguise as a creature. Clever.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sceptical. Looks like a sea dwelling creature, how can it be that this is a fruit?", 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "The real fruit of the sea.", 35a37,38 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 38c41 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 41c44 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 45c48 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\corn\cornseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A common, flavourless snack.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A common, flavourless snack of little merit.", > "novakidDescription" : "Corn can be enjoyed in many forms.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "cornseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] 52,54c60 < "maxImmersion" : 0.17, < < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "hoe.gearup" ] --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.17 objects\farmables\corn\wildcornseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A common, flavourless snack.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A common, flavourless snack of little merit.", > "novakidDescription" : "Corn can be enjoyed in many forms.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\crystalplant\crystalplantseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A Crystal plant. Money DOES grow on trees.", < "category" : "farmable", --- > "description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "category" : "seed", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A plant that grows crystals. Magical.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A plant that grows crystals. It's magic!", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Economic. Farming these in abundance could damage the economy.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Farming these in abundance could damage the economy.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A plant from which sprouts a glorious glowing crystal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A plant which sprouts glorious glowing crystals.", > "novakidDescription" : "A famrable crystal! Now we're talkin'!", 18a20,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "crystalplantseed.png:default.2.1", > > 31a38,39 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\crystalplant\wildcrystalplantseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Crystal Plant Seed. It's time to farm hard.", < "category" : "farmable", --- > "description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "category" : "seed", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "I could grow a beautiful crystal plant.", < "avianDescription" : "A crystal plant. Shiny.", < "floranDescription" : "Plant hard like Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The crystals from the Crystal Plant are strong enough to engrave a Glitch.", < "humanDescription" : "Shiny, cool plant.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A remarkable feat of nature.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Grow your own crystals. Handy.", > "avianDescription" : "A plant that grows crystals. It's magic!", > "floranDescription" : "Floran puzzled by shiny plant.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Farming these in abundance could damage the economy.", > "humanDescription" : "When I was little, I always wanted a money tree. This is the next best thing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A plant which sprouts glorious glowing crystals.", > "novakidDescription" : "A famrable crystal! Now we're talkin'!", 32a34,35 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\currentcorn\currentcornseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "I've heard of currentcorn being used in outlandish torture scenarios.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I've heard of people getting acid burns from currentcorn. I'd better handle with care.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Tasssty, burny corn. Make flessshy things hurt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wary. Acid and Glitch is not a good combination.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tasssty, acidic corn. Hurts fleshy beingss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. The Glitch know of a way to use these vegetables as batteries.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A vile, acidic corn variant. Useless for any dish.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A vile, acidic corn variant. Detrimental to any dish.", > "novakidDescription" : "Currentcorn is closer to a battery cell than an edible foodstuff.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "currentcornseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\currentcorn\wildcurrentcornseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "I've heard of currentcorn being used in outlandish torture scenarios.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I've heard of people getting acid burns from currentcorn. I'd better handle with care.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Tasssty, burny corn. Make flessshy things hurt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wary. Acid and Glitch is not a good combination.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tasssty, acidic corn. Makes fleshy thingsss hurt.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. The Glitch know of a way to use these vegetables as batteries.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A vile, acidic corn variant. Useless for any dish.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A vile, acidic corn variant. Detrimental to any dish.", > "novakidDescription" : "Currentcorn is closer to a battery cell than an edible foodstuff.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\diodia\diodiaseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "Looks like a nut, doesn't taste like one.", < "floranDescription" : "Tassste like blood, Floran find Diodia acceptable sssubstitute.", < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. These vegetables taste unusually familiar.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A diodia looks like a nut, doesn't taste like one.", > "floranDescription" : "Tassstes like blood, Floran find Diodia acceptable sssubstitute.", > "glitchDescription" : "Insulted. Diodia are truly an under-appreciated vegetable.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Coppery tasting diodia are all the rage with Glitch.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "diodiaseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\dirturchin\dirturchinseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A cheap, easy, common vegetable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "More of a cheap, common weed than a vegetable.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy, looksss like Floran baby.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterest. A boring, common plant.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dirturchin looks like a tiny, round cactusss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A boring, common plant.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Why would anyone eat this? It has no taste. Many underwater plants look similar, but taste so much better.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Why anyone would eat this is beyond my comprehension.", > "novakidDescription" : "Dirturchins are as dull as the dirt they grow outta.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "dirturchinseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\dirturchin\wilddirturchinseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A cheap, easy, common vegetable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "More of a cheap, common weed than a vegetable.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy, looksss like Floran baby.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterest. A boring, common plant.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dirturchin looks like a tiny, round cactusss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A boring, common plant.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Why would anyone eat this? It has no taste. Many underwater plants look similar, but taste so much better.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Why anyone would eat this is beyond my comprehension.", > "novakidDescription" : "Dirturchins are as dull as the dirt they grow outta.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\eggshoot\eggshootseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Eggshoot - for when Avians want omlettes.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Eggshoot - for when Avians want omelettes.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "An eggshoot looks like an egg and taste like an egg, but is not an egg.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "eggshootseed.png:default.2.0", > > 31a38,39 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 34c42 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 37c45 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\eggshoot\wildeggshootseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 14c14 < "avianDescription" : "Eggshoot - for when Avians want omlettes.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Eggshoot - for when Avians want omelettes.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "An eggshoot looks like an egg and taste like an egg, but is not an egg.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\feathercrown\feathercrownseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Looks like a carrot crossed with an Avian. Unusual.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Looks like a carrot crossed with an Avian. Unusual to say the least.", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. Perhaps one day this vegetable will evolve, and take to the skies.", < "humanDescription" : "A carrot with a feature. Good for eating AND tickling.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Philosophical. Perhaps one day a feathercrown will develop sentience and take to the skies.", > "humanDescription" : "A carrot with a feather. Good for eating as well as tickling.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The fruit with a feathery surprise.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "feathercrownseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\feathercrown\wildfeathercrownseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "Looks like a carrot crossed with an Avian. Unusual.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Looks like a carrot crossed with an Avian. Unusual to say the least.", 16,17c16,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. Perhaps one day this vegetable will evolve, and take to the skies.", < "humanDescription" : "A carrot with a feature. Good for eating AND tickling.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Philosophical. Perhaps one day a feathercrown will develop sentience and take to the skies.", > "humanDescription" : "A carrot with a feather. Good for eating as well as tickling.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "The fruit with a feathery surprise.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\flowerblue\flowerblue.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A blue flower.", < "avianDescription" : "A pretty blue flower.", < "floranDescription" : "Pretty.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A blue flower.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A blue flower. It has a purpose.", > "avianDescription" : "A pretty blue flower, I can use this to make coloured dyes.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss blue flower can be used to colour clothes!", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. A blue flower. It has a practical use in creating dye.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A delightful blue flower.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A delightful blue flower, beautiful and useful.", > "novakidDescription" : "A blue flower? This must be useful for somethin'.", 28a30,31 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\flowerred\flowerred.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A pretty red flower.", < "avianDescription" : "Red is the colour of... this flower.", < "floranDescription" : "Flower red like Floran anger.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Some people say the Glitch cannot see red. Revelation. They lie.", < "humanDescription" : "This... whatever flower is red.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Vibrant, rich, beautiful.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A red flower, used to make red dye. The best colour!", > "avianDescription" : "This flower's petals can be used to make red dye, a versatile and powerful colour.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss flower is a deep red. Remindss Floran of a friend.", > "glitchDescription" : "Respectful. Red flower petals are used in the creation of red dye, a royal colour.", > "humanDescription" : "From this tiny flower I can make a rich red dye.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A red flower. Vibrant, rich, beautiful.", > "novakidDescription" : "A red flower, I always wanna stop n' smell 'em. I wonder why?", 28a30,31 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\flowerspring\flowerspring.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A beautiful spring flower.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty flowersss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A spring flower.", < "humanDescription" : "A flower of spring.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ussse this flower to make clothes different colourss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Gleeful. A pretty spring flower.", > "humanDescription" : "A spring flower, the climate must be termperate for it to grow.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A handful of this flower's petals is all I need to make a dye!", 28a30,31 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\floweryellow\floweryellow.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "A yellow flower.", < "avianDescription" : "A cute flower.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran weak to colour yellow.", < "glitchDescription" : "Enthusiastic. A yellow flower.", < "humanDescription" : "Why do you build me up, yellow flower of unknown species.", --- > "apexDescription" : "With this flower I can finally turn all my clothes yellow.", > "avianDescription" : "The dye from yellow flowers is used a lot in Avian culture.", > "floranDescription" : "Yellow flower sssymbolises youth in Floran culture.", > "glitchDescription" : "Enthusiastic. A vibrant yellow flower.", > "humanDescription" : "Why do you build me up, yellow flower of unknown species?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain lookin' yellow flower.", 28a30,31 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\grapes\grapesseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A luxury fruit. Grapes and bananas make a wonderful fruit salad. Sadly most Apex never get to taste them.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A luxury fruit. Sadly, many Apex never get to taste them.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, purple eyeballsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Grapes make for good projectiles as well as good snacks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Grapes are bursssty and juicy, like purple eyeballsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheeky. Grapes make for good projectiles as well as good snacks.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Grapes are good for snackin'.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "grapesseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\grapes\wildgrapesseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A luxury fruit. Grapes and bananas make a wonderful fruit salad. Sadly most Apex never get to taste them.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A luxury fruit. Sadly, many Apex never get to taste them.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, purple eyeballsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Grapes make for good projectiles as well as good snacks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Grapes are bursssty and juicy, like purple eyeballsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheeky. Grapes make for good projectiles as well as good snacks.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Grapes are good for snackin'.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\kiwi\kiwiseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "The kiwi's fur feels similar to that of an Apex.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The space kiwi's fur feels similar to that of an Apex.", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Furry squassshy creature-fruit.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. It is remarkable how many foods resemble those who eat them.", < "humanDescription" : "Kiwis. Delicious and messy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furry, squashy creature-fruit.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. It is remarkable how many foods resemble those who eat them.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a ground kiwi, a griwi.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These taste just like a regular kiwis!", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "kiwiseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\kiwi\wildkiwiseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "The kiwi's fur feels similar to that of an Apex.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The space kiwi's fur feels similar to that of an Apex.", 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Furry squassshy creature-fruit.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. It is remarkable how many foods resemble those who eat them.", < "humanDescription" : "Kiwis. Delicious and messy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furry, squashy creature-fruit.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. It is remarkable how many foods resemble those who eat them.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a ground kiwi, a griwi.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "These taste just like a regular kiwis!", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\mushroom\mushroomseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A mushroom seed. The farmer who plants these is a fungi.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "Mushrooms.", < "avianDescription" : "Toadstools.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Mushroom.", > "avianDescription" : "A tiny toadstool.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This fungus is not poisonous.", < "humanDescription" : "Perfect for an omelette or quiche.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Mushrooms.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Relieved. This fungus does not appear to be corrosive to Glitch.", > "humanDescription" : "A mushroom. Perfect for an omelette or quiche.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A small, edible mushroom.", > "novakidDescription" : "A tiny mushroom.", 18a20,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "mushroomseed.png:default.2.0", > > 31a38,39 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\neonmelon\neonmelonseed.object 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", < "category" : "farmable", < "shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", --- > "description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "category" : "seed", > "shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "Juicy, tasty melon. Goes well with banana.", < "avianDescription" : "A juicy melon, filled with delicious glowing seeds.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash melon, make sssquelch. Also eat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Content. This delicious melon glows invitingly.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Juicy, tasty neonmelon. The more vibrant the colour, the better the taste.", > "avianDescription" : "A juicy neonmelon, filled with delicious luminous seeds.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash neonmelon to make sssquelch sounds. Also to eat.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. I've always thought neonmelon looked delicious.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "An overly sweet melon. It's pretty to look at, though.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Neonmelon is overly sweet to taste. The appearance is exquisite, though.", > "novakidDescription" : "Neonmelon is tasty lookin' on the inside.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "neonmelonseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\neonmelon\wildneonmelonseed.object 5,7c5,7 < "description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", < "category" : "farmable", < "shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", --- > "description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "category" : "seed", > "shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", 13,16c13,16 < "apexDescription" : "Juicy, tasty melon. Goes well with banana.", < "avianDescription" : "A juicy melon, filled with delicious glowing seeds.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash melon, make sssquelch. Also eat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Content. This delicious melon glows invitingly.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Juicy, tasty neonmelon. The more vibrant the colour, the better the taste.", > "avianDescription" : "A juicy neonmelon, filled with delicious luminous seeds.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash neonmelon to make sssquelch sounds. Also to eat.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. I've always thought neonmelon looked delicious.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "An overly sweet melon. It's pretty to look at, though.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Neonmelon is overly sweet to taste. The appearance is exquisite, though.", > "novakidDescription" : "Neonmelon is tasty lookin' on the inside.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\oculemon\oculemonseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "category" : "farmable", --- > "description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "category" : "seed", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others are disssturbed.", < "glitchDescription" : "Introspective. Is this fruit perhaps a window to its own soul?.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran likes them, others are disssturbed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Introspective. Is this fruit perhaps a window into its own soul?", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Deadly, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Parts of the oculemon are deadly, unless carefully prepared.", > "novakidDescription" : "Should fruit look back at you? I dunno...", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "oculemonseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\oculemon\wildoculemonseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "category" : "farmable", --- > "description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "category" : "seed", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others are disssturbed.", < "glitchDescription" : "Introspective. Is this fruit perhaps a window to its own soul?.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran likes them, others are disssturbed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Introspective. Is this fruit perhaps a window into its own soul?", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Deadly, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Parts of the oculemon are deadly, unless carefully prepared.", > "novakidDescription" : "Should fruit look back at you? I dunno...", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\pearlpea\pearlpeaseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Hard little ballsss. Floran once usssed as weapon.", < "glitchDescription" : "Pride. Glitch teeth make short work of pearlpeas.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hard little ballsss. Floran once usssed as a weapon.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Glitch teeth make short work of pearlpeas.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Pearlpeas are perfect for loadin' into my pistol! Pew pew!", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "pearlpeaseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 39c47 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 43c51 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 52,54c60 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125, < < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "hoe.gearup" ] --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125 objects\farmables\pearlpea\wildpearlpeaseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Pearlpeas are perfect for loadin' into my pistol! Pew pew!", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 40c43 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 44c47 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\pineapple\pineappleseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Pineapples make for good banana accompaniments.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Pineapples are sweet and juicy. A refreshing treat.", 14,17c14,19 < "floranDescription" : "Pineapple look like Floran headsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practice.", < "humanDescription" : "Pineapples. Perfect for desserts, or for cocktails.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Overly sweet. One would never find pineapples under the sea.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pineapples look like Floran headsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples for target practice.", > "humanDescription" : "Pineapples. Perfect for desserts, or on pizza!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sickly sweet. One would never find pineapples under the sea.", > "novakidDescription" : "Who'da thought somethin' so prickly would be so sweet inside?", > 19a22,26 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "pineappleseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a41,42 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c45 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c48 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "Pineapples make for good banana accompaniments.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Pineapples are sweet and juicy. A refreshing treat.", 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Pineapple look like Floran headsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practice.", < "humanDescription" : "Pineapples. Perfect for desserts, or for cocktails.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Overly sweet. One would never find pineapples under the sea.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pineapples look like Floran headsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples for target practice.", > "humanDescription" : "Pineapples. Perfect for desserts, or on pizza!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sickly sweet. One would never find pineapples under the sea.", > "novakidDescription" : "Who'da thought somethin' so prickly would be so sweet inside?", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\potato\potatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", 12,14c12,14 < "apexDescription" : "Potatoes. Unremarkable.", < "avianDescription" : "Mashed potatoes make for a good dish.", < "floranDescription" : "Hard, crunchy brown potatoesss.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Potatoes are completely unremarkable.", > "avianDescription" : "Mashed potatoes make for a comforting dish.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard, crunchy potatoesss fresh from the dirt.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Perfect for roasting in a campfire on a cold night.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "potatoseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 47,49c55 < "maxImmersion" : 0.25, < < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "hoe.gearup" ] --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.25 objects\farmables\potato\wildpotatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", 13,15c13,15 < "apexDescription" : "Potatoes. Unremarkable.", < "avianDescription" : "Mashed potatoes make for a good dish.", < "floranDescription" : "Hard, crunchy brown potatoesss.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Potatoes are completely unremarkable.", > "avianDescription" : "Mashed potatoes make for a comforting dish.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard, crunchy potatoesss fresh from the dirt.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Perfect for roasting in a campfire on a cold night.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\pussplum\pussplumseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Marvelling. It is remarkable what other people will eat, as long as it tastes good.", < "humanDescription" : "Apparently these taste great... for some reason, I'm hesitant to find out.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Sickly-sweet pussplums are not to Hylotl tastes.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. Practically anything can become a delicacy, so long as it tastes good to someone.", > "humanDescription" : "Apparently these taste great... For some reason, I'm hesitant to find out.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Creamy yet tangy, pussplums are not to Hylotl tastes.", > "novakidDescription" : "I hear these are good, but after lookin' at one, I ain't so sure.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "pussplumseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", 16,18c16,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Marvelling. It is remarkable what other people will eat, as long as it tastes good.", < "humanDescription" : "Apparently these taste great... for some reason, I'm hesitant to find out.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Sickly-sweet pussplums are not to Hylotl tastes.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. Practically anything can become a delicacy, so long as it tastes good to someone.", > "humanDescription" : "Apparently these taste great... For some reason, I'm hesitant to find out.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Creamy yet tangy, pussplums are not to Hylotl tastes.", > "novakidDescription" : "I hear these are good, but after lookin' at one, I ain't so sure.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\reefpod\reefpodseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "If you close your eyes, reefpods taste a bit like bananas.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reefpods taste sweet and salty. Unusual but not unpleasant.", 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Philosophical. If the reefpod tastes like every fruit you can imagine, what does one imagine a reefpod tasting like?", < "humanDescription" : "The most delightful tropical cocktail.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Despite the myriad sweet flavours, the reefpod is remarkably appealing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Reefpod are certainly unusual. How can a fruit taste salty?", > "humanDescription" : "A reefpod is sweet, salty and crunchy. Reminds me of popcorn.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A reefpod has just the right level of sweetness for Hylotl tastebuds.", > "novakidDescription" : "Is a reefpod a savoury or a sweet food? I don't even know.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "reefpodseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\reefpod\wildreefpodseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "If you close your eyes, reefpods taste a bit like bananas.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Reefpods taste sweet and salty. Unusual but not unpleasant.", 16,18c16,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Philosophical. If the reefpod tastes like every fruit you can imagine, what does one imagine a reefpod tasting like?", < "humanDescription" : "The most delightful tropical cocktail.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Despite the myriad sweet flavours, the reefpod is remarkably appealing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Reefpod are certainly unusual. How can a fruit taste salty?", > "humanDescription" : "A reefpod is sweet, salty and crunchy. Reminds me of popcorn.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A reefpod has just the right level of sweetness for Hylotl tastebuds.", > "novakidDescription" : "Is a reefpod a savoury or a sweet food? I don't even know.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\rice\riceseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "Rice is a great addition to any meal.", < "avianDescription" : "Rice seed. The crop makes for a delicious snack to peck at.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran grow, then prepare nice bed of rice for boiled heartsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Musing. A Glitch once ate uncooked rice and launched a successful career as a percussion instrument.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Rice. A great addition to any meal.", > "avianDescription" : "Rice, a delicious snack to peck at.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare rice as nice side dish for boiled heartsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A Glitch once ate uncooked rice and launched a successful career as a percussion instrument.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Rice seed. The crop is bland, but serviceable.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Rice. Bland tasting, but serviceable. A simple base for a meal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Rice is alright once in a while. Perfect with chilli!", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "riceseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 43c51 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] 52,54c60 < "maxImmersion" : 0.17, < < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "hoe.gearup" ] --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.17 objects\farmables\rice\wildriceseed.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare nice bed of rice for boiled heartsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Musing. A Glitch once ate uncooked rice and launched a successful career as a percussion instrument.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare rice as nice side dish for boiled heartsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A Glitch once ate uncooked rice and launched a successful career as a percussion instrument.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Rice. Bland, but serviceable.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Rice. Bland tasting, but serviceable. A simple base for a meal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Rice is alright once in a while. Perfect with chilli!", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 44c47 < "duration" : [400, 440] --- > "duration" : [1740, 1860] objects\farmables\sugarcane\sugarcaneseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Sugarcane! A fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Sweet. Can be used to add flavour.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Sugar can be used to enhance flavours.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Sweet as sugar. Wait a minute...", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "sugarcaneseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 39c47 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\sugarcane\wildsugarcaneseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "sugarcane! Good for diabetes.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", 14c14 < "avianDescription" : "Sweet. Can be used to add flavour.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Sugar can be used to enhance flavours.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Sweet as sugar. Wait a minute...", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] 40c43 < "duration" : [200, 220] --- > "duration" : [870, 930] objects\farmables\thornplant\thornplant.object 5c5 < "category" : "farmable", --- > "category" : "seed", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "These fruits don't look very appealing...", --- > "apexDescription" : "These fruit don't look very appealing...", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky fruitsss... good for hurting!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky fruitsss... good for throwing!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like some kinda other worldly cactus!", 28a30,31 > > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], objects\farmables\tomato\tomatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A tomato. Juicy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I'm fond of a ripe, succulent tomato.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Blood red and bursssty.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tomatoes are blood red and bursssty.", 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "Tomatoes. Perfect for a healthy salad... or better yet, a pizza.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Tomatoes. Acceptable, if unremarkable.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Tomatoes are perfect for a healthy salad... Or better yet, a pizza.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tomatoes are acceptable, if unremarkable.", > "novakidDescription" : "Tomatoes make a tasty snack, also great for flingin' at miscreants.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "tomatoseed.png:default.3.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 39c47 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 43c51 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\tomato\wildtomatoseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A tomato. Juicy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I'm fond of a ripe, succulent tomato.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Blood red and bursssty.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tomatoes are blood red and bursssty.", 17,18c17,19 < "humanDescription" : "Tomatoes. Perfect for a healthy salad... or better yet, a pizza.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Tomatoes. Acceptable, if unremarkable.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Tomatoes are perfect for a healthy salad... Or better yet, a pizza.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Tomatoes are acceptable, if unremarkable.", > "novakidDescription" : "Tomatoes make a tasty snack, also great for flingin' at miscreants.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 40c43 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [280, 320] 44c47 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\toxictop\toxictopseed.object 5,7c5,7 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feed Toxic Tops to friends as joke.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This plant is toxic to every known species bar penguins.", < "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple. My favourite dish.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feeds toxic tops to friendsss for fun.", > "glitchDescription" : "Perplexed. This plant is toxic to every known species bar penguins.", > "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple, for when a regular pineapple just isn't toxic enough.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldnΓÇÖt trust anythinΓÇÖ with \"toxic\" in the name.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "toxictopseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 39c47 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object 5,7c5,7 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feed Toxic Tops to friends as joke.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This plant is toxic to every known species bar penguins.", < "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple. My favourite dish.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feeds toxic tops to friendsss for fun.", > "glitchDescription" : "Perplexed. This plant is toxic to every known species bar penguins.", > "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple, for when a regular pineapple just isn't toxic enough.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldnΓÇÖt trust anythinΓÇÖ with \"toxic\" in the name.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] 40c43 < "duration" : [430, 470] --- > "duration" : [1170, 1230] objects\farmables\wartweed\wartweedseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "An easily-sustainable crop.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Wartweed is an easily-sustainable crop.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Perfeccct for Floran to eat or kick.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The wartweed's skin is almost as tough as the Glitch's.", < "humanDescription" : "Looking at this plant makes me feel a bit weird.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A tough, dull plant favoured by poor farmers.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Warweedss are perfect for Floran to eat or kick.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The skin of a wartweed is almost as tough as mine", > "humanDescription" : "Looking at a warweed makes me feel a bit weird.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Wartweed are tough, dull plants favoured for their ability to thrive in poor conditions.", > "novakidDescription" : "I canΓÇÖt see a use for a crop so tough as a wartweed.", 19a21,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "wartweedseed.png:default.2.0", > > 33a40,41 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 36c44 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 39c47 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\wartweed\wildwartweedseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "An easily-sustainable crop.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Wartweed is an easily-sustainable crop.", 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Perfeccct for Floran to eat or kick.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The wartweed's skin is almost as tough as the Glitch's.", < "humanDescription" : "Looking at this plant makes me feel a bit weird.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A tough, dull plant favoured by poor farmers.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Warweedss are perfect for Floran to eat or kick.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The skin of a wartweed is almost as tough as mine", > "humanDescription" : "Looking at a warweed makes me feel a bit weird.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Wartweed are tough, dull plants favoured for their ability to thrive in poor conditions.", > "novakidDescription" : "I canΓÇÖt see a use for a crop so tough as a wartweed.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\farmables\wheat\wheatseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", 12,16c12,16 < "apexDescription" : "Wheat is unpleasant on its own, but can be used to make banana bread.", < "avianDescription" : "Delicious on its own, or when used to make breadcrumbs.", < "floranDescription" : "Wheat has earsss. Floran pull off earsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. The Glitch wonder if all possible uses for wheat have been discovered yet.", < "humanDescription" : "Wheat. Maybe it's time to bake some fresh bread.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Wheat is unpleasant when unprocressed, but can be used to make all manner of dishes.", > "avianDescription" : "Wheat is delicious on its own, or when used to make breadcrumbs.", > "floranDescription" : "Wheat has earsss. Floran pull off earsss for fun.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. I wonder if all the possible uses for wheat have been found.", > "humanDescription" : "Wheat, perfect for baking some fresh bread.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I get a hankerin' for fresh bread whenever I see wheat.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "seed", > "largeImage" : "wheatseed.png:default.2.0", > 30a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 33c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 36c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 44,46c51 < "maxImmersion" : 0.125, < < "pickupQuestTemplates" : [ "hoe.gearup" ] --- > "maxImmersion" : 0.125 objects\farmables\wheat\wildwheatseed.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "farmable", < "description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", --- > "category" : "seed", > "description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", 13,17c13,17 < "apexDescription" : "Wheat is unpleasant on its own, but can be used to make banana bread.", < "avianDescription" : "Delicious on its own, or when used to make breadcrumbs.", < "floranDescription" : "Wheat has earsss. Floran pull off earsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. The Glitch wonder if all possible uses for wheat have been discovered yet.", < "humanDescription" : "Wheat. Maybe it's time to bake some fresh bread.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Wheat is unpleasant when unprocressed, but can be used to make all manner of dishes.", > "avianDescription" : "Wheat is delicious on its own, or when used to make breadcrumbs.", > "floranDescription" : "Wheat has earsss. Floran pull off earsss for fun.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. I wonder if all the possible uses for wheat have been found.", > "humanDescription" : "Wheat, perfect for baking some fresh bread.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I get a hankerin' for fresh bread whenever I see wheat.", 34a36,37 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupseed" ], > 37c40 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] 40c43 < "duration" : [55, 65] --- > "duration" : [570, 630] objects\floran\agaranmushroom\agaranmushroom.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran know your sssecret, little ssshroomy. Floran keep quiet.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. This is a living Agaran, cleverly disguised.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran know your sssecret, little shroomy. Floran keep quiet.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This is a living Agaran, cleverly disguised.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "What's so special about this mushroom?", objects\floran\bamboodoor\bamboodoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", --- > "description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Bamboo woven into a door. It's harder than it looks.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Bamboo woven into a door. It's tougher than it looks.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran grow bamboo extra sstrong. Sstrong as metal and can grow replacement.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran bamboo is ssstrong as metal.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "This door has small gaps in it where the sticks of bamboo meet.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This door has small gaps in it where the sticks of bamboo meet. I can see right through!", 17a18,19 > "novakidDescription" : "Good ol' bamboo, nature's steel.", > 19a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "bamboodoor.png:right", > 23a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\chestfloran1\chestfloran1.object 10c10 < "description" : "A small chest, made with sticks yet somehow secure.", --- > "description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17,18c18,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. It may be quicker to pull this chest apart than to open it.", < "humanDescription" : "Human children used to learn how to make things like this at camp.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. It may be quicker to pull this chest apart than to open it.", > "humanDescription" : "A neatly crafted chest made from twigs and some kind of dried vines.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "It doesn't even have a real lock mechanism. That ain't secure at all.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\chestfloran2\chestfloran2.object 10c10 < "description" : "This long chest is made with sticks, yet is somehow secure.", --- > "description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17,18c18,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. It may be quicker to pull this chest apart than to open it.", < "humanDescription" : "Human children used to learn how to make things like this at camp.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. It may be quicker to pull this chest apart than to open it.", > "humanDescription" : "A neatly crafted chest made from twigs and some kind of dried vines.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "It doesn't even have a real lock mechanism. That ain't secure at all.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\chestplant1\chestplant1.object 10c10 < "description" : "Oh gross, this chest is all slimy. Hopefully its contents aren't ruined...", --- > "description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Very ssspecial Floran, Floran Greenfinger, grow chessst from sssoil.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Only Floran Greenfinger knows how to grow chesst from sssoil.", 18c19 < "humanDescription" : "Was this chest grown?", --- > "humanDescription" : "Was this chest grown in this shape?", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "How do the Floran grow objects? Do they order the seeds from catalogues like furniture?", 34c36 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\floranarmchair\floranarmchair.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Bone Armchair", --- > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran polish bone of prey. Make trophy chair. Floran with mossst bone lead Floran village...", < "glitchDescription" : "Morbid. This chair has teeth marks in it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran polish bone of prey to make trophy chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Terrified. This chair has teeth marks in it.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Bones or bricks, what does it matter what a chair is made of?", objects\floran\floranbed\floranbed.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. How would such a piece look if made from the remains of a Glitch?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. How would such a piece look if made from the remains of a Glitch?", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such disrespect. To reduce a living creature to a piece of furniture.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such disrespect, to reduce a living creature to a piece of furniture.", > "novakidDescription" : "This bed has rotten stink about it.", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\floran\floranbench\floranbench.object 6c6 < "price" : 110, --- > "price" : 125, 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. There is logic in the construction of this bench that one would assume is beyond the Floran.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sceptical. There is logic in the construction of this bench that one would assume is beyond the Floran.", 16a17,20 > "novakidDescription" : "This bench seems as good a place as any to park my keister.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 21c25 < "dualImage" : "floranbench.png:", --- > "image" : "floranbench.png:", 23,24c27,34 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-13, 22], // Right > [5, 22] // Left > ], 27a38,42 > }, > { > "image" : "floranbench.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "direction" : "right", 29,34c44,48 < } < ], < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [5, 22] --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-5, 22], // Left > [13, 22] // Right > ], 35a50,53 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\floran\floranbonedisplay1\floranbonedisplay1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Whoa! What kind of bone is that?", < "shortdescription" : "Huge Bone Display", --- > "description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "A gigantic bone. It looks like a trophy.", < "avianDescription" : "What huge creature did this originate from?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A gigantic bone being displayed like a trophy.", > "avianDescription" : "What huge creature did this bone originate from?", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Extrapolate. Based on the size of this bone, the creature it came from is likely bigger than an entire Glitch castle.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. Based on the size of this bone, the creature it came from is likely bigger than an entire Glitch castle.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "What creature did the Floran kill to obtain this... trophy?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "What creature did the Floran kill to obtain this... Trophy?", > "novakidDescription" : "It must've taken some serious skill to take this guy down.", objects\floran\floranbonedisplay2\floranbonedisplay2.object 7c7 < "description" : "There are barbaric stories etched into the bone.", --- > "description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "According to my translator, this bone is decorated with hunting tales.", < "avianDescription" : "My translator suggests the markings here speak of hunting.", < "floranDescription" : "When Floran die in hunt, Floran presssent dead Floran'ss mother with bone of prey. On bone Floran tell tale of hunt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scrutinize. The markings on this bone tell the story of a hunt. It appears a Floran was killed.", < "humanDescription" : "The translator says the markings tell a story of a great hunt. Did this bone come from the creature they were hunting?", < "hylotlDescription" : "The markings suggest at least one Floran was killed during the hunt of this creature from which this bone was obtained. Karma.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There are tales of Floran hunts etched into the bone.", > "avianDescription" : "The markings on this bone suggest a heroic hunting story.", > "floranDescription" : "When Floran die in hunt, ssstory of their final battle isss carved onto bone of prey.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disturbed. The markings on this bone tell the story of a hunt. It appears a Floran was killed.", > "humanDescription" : "The markings suggest an epic hunt took place. Did this bone come from the prey?", > "hylotlDescription" : "The markings suggest at least one Floran was killed during the hunt of this poor creature.", > "novakidDescription" : "It beats me why anyone would keep this thing around. The markings on it say something about a hunt.", objects\floran\floranbonerack\floranbonerack.object 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "The bones sit here like tools. But what could they be used for?", --- > "apexDescription" : "These bones sit here like tools. But what could they be used for?", 13,16c13,18 < "floranDescription" : "Bonesss here ussed for polisshing other boness.", < "glitchDescription" : "Study. The bones here appear to have been used as tools.", < "humanDescription" : "Are these bones weapons?", < "hylotlDescription" : "To hang bones like weapons or tools. It fills me with disgust.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bonesss here ussed for polishing other boness.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The bones here appear to have been used as tools.", > "humanDescription" : "Are these bones weapons or tools?", > "hylotlDescription" : "To hang bones like tools fills me with disgust.", > "novakidDescription" : "Displaying bones like this gives me the creeps.", > objects\floran\floranbonestool\floranbonestool.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Bone Stool", --- > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Bones fashioned into a stool.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A seat fashioned out of bone.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. Perhaps this is built for a very small Floran.", < "humanDescription" : "This stool is polished. It almost shines.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Perhaps this stool was built for a very small Floran.", > "humanDescription" : "This stool is polished bone. It almost shines.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha' one heck of a scrap happened to get this chair.", objects\floran\floranbonetable1\floranbonetable1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "I wonder what sort of creature this table was made from?", < "shortdescription" : "Large Bone Table", --- > "description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A table of bone. The hygiene here is questionable.", < "avianDescription" : "The Floran have peculiar taste.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A table made of bones. The hygiene standard here is questionable.", > "avianDescription" : "The Floran have peculiar taste in tables.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Assessment. Hygiene level acceptable. It appears the bones have been heated to kill germs.", < "humanDescription" : "The table is smooth and cold.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This table appears to have been heat treated kill bacteria.", > "humanDescription" : "This bone table is smooth and cold.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't a fan of bone furniture, but it seems sturdy enough.", objects\floran\floranbonetable2\floranbonetable2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "shortdescription" : "Small Bone Table", --- > "description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A table of bone. The hygiene here is questionable.", < "avianDescription" : "The Floran have peculiar taste.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A table made of bones. The hygiene standard here is questionable.", > "avianDescription" : "The Floran have peculiar taste in tables.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Assessment. Hygiene level acceptable. It appears the bones have been heated to kill germs.", < "humanDescription" : "The table is smooth and cold.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This table appears to have been heat treated kill bacteria.", > "humanDescription" : "This bone table is smooth and cold.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't a fan of bone furniture, but it seems sturdy enough.", objects\floran\floranbookcase\floranbookcase.object 9c9 < "description" : "Can Floran read?", --- > "description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,18c16,21 < "floranDescription" : "Floran no read book. Only Greenfinger use book, grow machines.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This bookcase has not been touched in a long time.", < "humanDescription" : "The Floran don't appear to be frequent readers.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Floran appear to attach death to every surface.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran don't read bookss. Only Greenfinger use bookcase.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This bookcase has not been touched in a long time.", > "humanDescription" : "The Floran don't appear to be heavy readers.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The Floran seem to incorporate death into every item, even this bookcase.", > "novakidDescription" : "I never had the Floran down as big readers. I'm surprised they'd need a bookcase.", > 23c26 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\florancabinet1\florancabinet1.object 9c9 < "description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", --- > "description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 14,18c15,20 < "avianDescription" : "Those are either large teeth or sharp bones.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran decorate furniture with fangss. Sssharper housse better Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Engrossed. The fangs on this cabinet are razor sharp.", < "humanDescription" : "The cabinet appears to be decorated with large fangs.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The fangs of some poor creature.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Those are either large teeth or sharp bones atop this cabinet.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran decorate furniture with fangss. Sharper the better.", > "glitchDescription" : "Frightened. The fangs on this cabinet are razor sharp.", > "humanDescription" : "This cabinet has fangs.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The fangs of some poor creature adorn this cabinet.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Floran sure do like pointy furniture.", 36c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\florancabinet2\florancabinet2.object 9c9 < "description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", --- > "description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 14,18c15,20 < "avianDescription" : "Those are either large teeth or sharp bones.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran decorate furniture with fangss. Sssharper housse better Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Engrossed. The fangs on this cabinet are razor sharp.", < "humanDescription" : "The cabinet appears to be decorated with large fangs.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The fangs of some poor creature.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Those are either large teeth or sharp bones atop this cabinet.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran decorate furniture with fangss. Sharper the better.", > "glitchDescription" : "Frightened. The fangs on this cabinet are razor sharp.", > "humanDescription" : "This cabinet has fangs.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The fangs of some poor creature adorn this cabinet.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Floran sure do like pointy furniture.", 25c27 < "uiconfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config" --- > "uiconfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config" 44c46 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\florancabinet3\florancabinet3.object 9c9 < "description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large bones.", --- > "description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "A cabinet made of leather?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A cabinet made of tanned hide and tusks.", 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran leather cabinet. Cabinet ssstretch when full.", < "glitchDescription" : "Influenced. An innovative design.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess leather cabinet. Cabinet ssstretch when full.", > "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. An innovative design, the leather stretches if necessary.", 18c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "Innovative design spoiled by butchery.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The innovative design of this cabinet is spoiled by butchery.", > "novakidDescription" : "Those are some pretty impressive tusks for a cabinet.", 36c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\floranceilingbones2\floranceilingbones2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A string of bones hang from the ceiling like sort of morbid wind chime.", < "shortdescription" : "Bone Chimes", --- > "description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "The bones click and clack in the wind.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These bones click and clack in the wind.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Recording. The waveform of the sound these bones make is similar to that of clicking insects.", < "humanDescription" : "Eerie bone wind chimes. Though they don't so much chime as they do click.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The sound these makes my skin crawl.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disturbed. The sound these bones make is similar to that of chirping insects.", > "humanDescription" : "Eerie bone wind chimes. Although, it's more of a clatter than a chime.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The sound of bones in the wind makes my skin crawl.", > "novakidDescription" : "A creepy wind chime, of sorts.", objects\floran\floranchair\floranchair.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "I wonder if the bones in Floran furniture ever come from Floran. Do Florans even have bones?", --- > "avianDescription" : "I wonder if the bones in Floran furniture ever come from a Floran. Do Florans even have bones?", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "The bones on this chair... death seems to have woven itself into even the smallest parts of Floran life.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The bones on this chair... Death seems to have woven itself into even the smallest parts of Floran life.", > "novakidDescription" : "I don't think chairs are meant to be this pointy.", objects\floran\floranchandelier\floranchandelier.object 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "A chandelier made from a tree.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran make hanging light from sssmall tree. Floran attach torch with bone. Make sssure light not burn.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A chandelier made from a small tree.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran make hanging light from sssmall tree. Floran attach torch with bone, make sssure not to burn handss.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This is one of the few Floran creations that isn't made from bone in some way. Wait... what's that holding the torches.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This is one of the few Floran creations that isn't made from bone. Wait... What's that holding the torches?", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like some torches have been strapped to a tree. It has a nice rustic vibe.", 55a57 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 74c76 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\florancorner\florancorner.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "It looks like a stretched piece of leather. It has a typical leather smell.", --- > "humanDescription" : "It looks like a stretched piece of leather. It has a typical leathery smell.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks to me like stretched leather, if I'm not mistaken.", objects\floran\florancouch\florancouch.object 6,7c6,7 < "price" : 125, < "description" : "This couch looks like it belongs to a particularly bloodthirsty Floran", --- > "price" : 150, > "description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran with large kill make bone couch. Other Floran sssit on couch. Admire Floran kill.", < "glitchDescription" : "Morbid. There are blood stains on the leather.", < "humanDescription" : "The couch smells of blood.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran with large kill make bone couch. Other Floran sssit on couch. Admire Floran's kill.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. There are blood stains on the leather.", > "humanDescription" : "This couch looks like it would belong to a particularly bloodthirsty Floran.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I just can't see how anyone can relax on a couch this pointy.", 17a19,20 > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 22c25,26 < "dualImage" : "florancouch.png:", --- > "image" : "florancouch.png:", > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/floran/florancouch/florancouchcover.png", 24,25c28,35 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 20], // Right > [6, 20] // Left > ], 28a39,44 > }, > { > "image" : "florancouch.png:", > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/floran/florancouch/florancouchcover.png", > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30,36c46,50 < } < ], < < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [5, 20] --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 20], // Left > [6, 20] // Right > ], 37a52,55 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\floran\florancrate\florancrate.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran use sspare bone and sspare wood for sstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Evaluate. Chance of valuable item inside: low.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran use spare bone and wood for sstorage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What is the chance of a valuable item being a crate so unassuming?", 18c19,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "I dread to think of what the Floran store inside.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I dread to think of what the Floran store inside this crate.", > "novakidDescription" : "I almost don't wanna know what's inside this crate. Almost.", > 37c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\florancurtain\florancurtain.object 8c8 < "description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", --- > "description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Well, thats one way to make jerky.", objects\floran\florandesk\florandesk.object 9c9 < "description" : "Do Florans do much office work?", --- > "description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,14c14,15 < "apexDescription" : "A Floran desk. What work do Floran do that requires a desk?", < "avianDescription" : "I had never pictured a Floran working at a desk.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A Floran desk. What work do Florans do that requires a desk?", > "avianDescription" : "I had never pictured a Floran working at a desk until now.", 17,18c18,20 < "humanDescription" : "This desk doesn't seem to be made from any bone. Rare for Floran furniture.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Floran furniture and no bones?", --- > "humanDescription" : "This desk doesn't seem to be made from any bone, rare for Floran furniture.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran furniture and no bones in sight? And a writing desk at that! I am seeing things.", > "novakidDescription" : "Would a Floran desk be of much use to anyone other than a greenfinger?", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\florandoor\florandoor.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Confusion. This door need not exist.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This door need not exist, it is completely useless.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Not a whole lotta' point to this door.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "florandoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\florandrum1\florandrum1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "shortdescription" : "Leather Bongo", --- > "description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of the gong.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of a gong.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude and violent.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude from the look of this drum.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bongo drum. Bongos are fun!", objects\floran\florandrum2\florandrum2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "shortdescription" : "Large Leather Bongo", --- > "description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of the gong.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of a gong.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude and violent.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude from the look of this drum.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bongo drum. Bongos are fun!", objects\floran\florandrum3\florandrum3.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "shortdescription" : "Tall Leather Bongo", --- > "description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of the gong.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of a gong.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude and violent.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude from the look of this drum.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bongo drum. Bongos are fun!", objects\floran\florandrum4\florandrum4.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "shortdescription" : "Small Leather Bongo", --- > "description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of the gong.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The Avian prefer the sound of a gong.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A basic instrument. It appears to produce a single sound.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude and violent.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran music appears to be crude from the look of this drum.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bongo drum. Bongos are fun!", objects\floran\florangiantpod\giantfloranpod.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't quite know what to do with this thing, except move away.", objects\floran\floranlamp1\floranlamp1.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Floran Lamp Pod", --- > "shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", 12,13c12,13 < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. The plant appears to absorb sunrays during the day, causing it to glow.", < "humanDescription" : "An eerie green glow. I wonder what's inside the pod.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. The plant appears to absorb sunrays during the day, causing it to glow.", > "humanDescription" : "It has an eerie green glow. I wonder what's inside the pod.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "How is this tree also a lamp?", 52c53 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], objects\floran\floranlight\floranlight.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Floran Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", 13,16c13,16 < "apexDescription" : "A spooky green Floran light.", < "avianDescription" : "I wonder how the Floran control where their lighting grows.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran light gain power from sssun. Releassse power sslow.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. The growth of these pods appears to be strictly controlled.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A spooky green light.", > "avianDescription" : "I wonder how you'd control where plant lighting grows.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran light gain power from sssun. Releassse power sslow when sun iss gone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The growth of these pods appears to be strictly controlled.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This light is growin' right outta the wall.", 111a113,144 > }, > // PREVIEW IMAGES > { > "image" : "floranlightback1.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ], > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "floranlightback1.png", > "fg" : "floranlightback2.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0] > }, > { > "image" : "floranlightback1.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "direction" : "right", > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ], > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "floranlightback1.png", > "fg" : "floranlightback2.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0] 124c157 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\floran\floranopenpod1\floranopenpod1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm ready for ya, yer varmint.", objects\floran\floranopenpod2\floranopenpod2.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm ready for ya, yer varmint.", objects\floran\floranpainting1\floranpainting1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Primitive Smoke Painting", --- > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "Is that fire?", --- > "avianDescription" : "Is that smoke and fire?", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Explaining. It appears to be instructions on making fire.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. It appears to be instructions on making fire.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A drawing that shows how to make fire.", objects\floran\floranpainting2\floranpainting2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "It looks like someone has painted hieroglyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "shortdescription" : "Primitive Hieroglyph Painting", --- > "description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "Floran written language appears to be primitive at best.", < "avianDescription" : "This... looks a lot like an Avian glyph. Are the Floran attempting to adapt written Avian?", < "floranDescription" : "Floran begin to wound paper with wordsss. Become sssmart like Hylotl.", < "glitchDescription" : "Translation. My translation module is struggling with this glyph. The closest match is an Avian word, but it is incorrect.", < "humanDescription" : "This isn't how I imagined a Floran language to look.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Floran written language appears to be rudimentary at best.", > "avianDescription" : "This... Looks a lot like an Avian glyph. Are the Floran attempting to adapt Avian language?", > "floranDescription" : "A Floran has begin to mark paper with wordsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. I'm struggling to translate this glyph. The closest I know of is an Avian word.", > "humanDescription" : "This isn't how I imagined Floran language to look.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A crude scribble on a tanned hide. Nothin' special.", objects\floran\floranpainting3\floranpainting3.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Primitive Memo", --- > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran record killss on paper. Floran memory not so good.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A Floran recorded killss on paper. Floran memory not so good.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda chart, maybe it's a huntin' record.", objects\floran\floranpainting4\floranpainting4.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran make image of leaf. Leaf much sssame as Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Pretentious. As a piece this does not speak to me.", < "humanDescription" : "A painting of a leaf. Makes sense I guess.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran make image of leaf. Leaf much the sssame as Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. The subject of this painting is obviously a leaf.", > "humanDescription" : "A Floran painting of a leaf. Makes sense I guess.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A picture of a leaf caught in the wind.", objects\floran\floranpainting5\floranpainting5.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "I... what? Is this the Floran's idea of abstract art?", < "shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Painting", --- > "description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran attempt to draw sssunrise.", < "glitchDescription" : "Pretentious. A glorious piece of abstract work. This is art personified.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A Floran's attempt to draw sssunrise.", > "glitchDescription" : "Arrogant. A glorious piece of abstract work. This is art personified.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like one of those abstract pieces.", objects\floran\floranpelt1\floranpelt1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "This pelt must have come off of something pretty big!", < "shortdescription" : "Brown Fur Pelt", --- > "description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. It appears the creature this came from was over 200 years old.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sceptical. I have heard that the creature this came from was over 200 years old.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A pelt. Useful for keeping the wall warm.", objects\floran\floranpelt2\floranpelt2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy. Shiny!", < "shortdescription" : "Black Fur Pelt", --- > "description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "A smaller pelt, perhaps decoration or a trophy.", < "avianDescription" : "The reminder of some hunt I would assume.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssshow other Floran hunt trophy. Earn ressspect.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. The fur is soft. The Floran must carefully skin their conquests.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small pelt, perhaps a decoration or trophy.", > "avianDescription" : "The reminder of some hunt, I would assume.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran show other Floran hunt trophy. Earn ressspect.", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. The fur is soft. The Floran must carefully skin their conquests.", 17a18,19 > "novakidDescription" : "A small animal pelt.", > objects\floran\floranpelt3\floranpelt3.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Tempting to wear this as a cloak and declare myself King of the North.", < "shortdescription" : "Long Black Fur Pelt", --- > "description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The pelt is hung by two sharp pieces of bone.", < "avianDescription" : "The Floran could use this as a curtain.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This pelt looks like it's seen better days.", > "avianDescription" : "This pelt would serve as a decent curtain.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. The bones and fur seem to belong to the same creature.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. The bones and fur probably belonged to the same creature.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Karma will take care of the Floran that did this.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Despite its age, this pelt still reeks of animal musk.", > "novakidDescription" : "An impressive pelt, despite the wear and tear.", objects\floran\floranpelt4\floranpelt4.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "shortdescription" : "Large Striped Pelt", --- > "description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The fur suggests a cold environment. Nothing seems to curb Floran bloodlust.", < "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of white tigers. They went extinct some centuries ago.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Startled. The colouring suggests this animal originated from a cold environment. Nothing seems to curb Floran bloodlust.", > "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of a white tiger. They went extinct some centuries ago.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "That's a fine, patterned pelt.", objects\floran\floranpelt5\floranpelt5.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "shortdescription" : "Full Striped Pelt", --- > "description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A beautiful patterned fur. I bet the creature was a sight to behold. This looks like it belonged to a cub.", < "avianDescription" : "The fur of some black and white striped beast. Quite small.", < "floranDescription" : "Fur of rare patternss and colour. Valuable to Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The fur suggests a cold environment. Nothing seems to curb Floran bloodlust.", < "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of white tigers. They went extinct some centuries ago. This looks like a cub.", < "hylotlDescription" : "To hunt such a beautiful creature. An infant, too.. It is barbaric.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This fur looks like it belonged to a cub.", > "avianDescription" : "The fur of a young and beautiful beast.", > "floranDescription" : "Pelt of young snow beast is ssspecial to Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. The pelt of a young animal, hunted by a Floran. ", > "humanDescription" : "A patterned animal skin. It looks like the animal was quite young.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Floran pelt looks to be from an infant. All the more alarming.", > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty animal. Or, it was.", > objects\floran\floranpod1\floranpod1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpod2\floranpod2.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpod3\floranpod3.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpodapex\floranpodapex.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Is this Apex still alive?", objects\floran\floranscreen1\floranscreen1.object 7c7 < "description" : "A wooden dressing screen, for the modest Floran?", --- > "description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "I had never dreamed the Floran were modest.", < "avianDescription" : "Are Floran bashful?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A screen that supplies limited privacy.", > "avianDescription" : "A screen to dress behind.", 14,16c14,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Deduction. The Floran don't seem to value privacy. Perhaps the screens have another use.", < "humanDescription" : "The other side of this screen is covered in blood.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The screen smells of blood.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A simple screen.", > "humanDescription" : "A screen to dress behind... Or undress.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple screen.", > "novakidDescription" : "A screen for hidin' behind when you got shady business to be doin'.", > objects\floran\floranscreen2\floranscreen2.object 7c7 < "description" : "A leather screen, for the modest Floran?", --- > "description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "An Apex choosing to stand behind a screen would break hundreds of Apex laws.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Screens are outlawed under Miniknog rule, as is privacy of any kind.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Deduction. The blood stains on this screen suggests it hides food preparation.", < "humanDescription" : "There are remains stored in pouches behind this screen.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. The blood stains on this screen suggest it hides food preparation.", > "humanDescription" : "There are animal remains stored in pouches behind this screen.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "There is a strong stench of blood n' guts hangin' about this screen.", objects\floran\floranshelf\floranshelf.object 7c7 < "description" : "A primitive shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", --- > "description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A shelf of wood and bone.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A simple shelf of wood and bone.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran make sshelf for trophiess but trophiess too big for sshelf. Sso Floran usse sshelf as trophy.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. The bones appear to be rib bones from some vast creature.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran make shelf for trophiesss but trophies too big for shelf. Sso Floran use shelf as trophy.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The bones appear to be rib bones from some vast creature.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Made of bone and wood, the shelf is a trophy of sorts.", objects\floran\floransmalltable\floransmalltable.object 7c7 < "description" : "This table is fashioned out of a small tree topped with a slab of wood. It's almost artsy!", --- > "description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A table built out of a small tree.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A table built out of a sapling. The simplest of creations.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. The base is a dead sapling.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sorrowful. The base of this table is a dead sapling.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "An ingenious use of a tree as a table.", objects\floran\floranstoragelocker\floranstoragelocker.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", 12a13,21 > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A locker made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to keep your things.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker in the wall.", 28c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\floranstove\floranstove.object 5,8d4 < "description" : "Oooh, what's for dinner? Is it me?", < "shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "subtitle" : "Primitive cooking.", < "race" : "floran", 11c7,9 < "objectType" : "container", --- > "description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "race" : "floran", 14a13,24 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Primitive Stove", > "subtitle" : " For that authentic rustic taste" > } > } > }, > 18,20c28,31 < "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This stove doesn't look entirely safe. Scanning for salmonella...", < "humanDescription" : "God only knows what has been cooked here.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I would rather not eat food cooked in this.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This stove doesn't look particularly hygienic.", > "humanDescription" : "Who could say what's been cooked in this pot.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I would rather not eat food cooked on this contraption.", > "novakidDescription" : "All you need to make a meal.", 78,86c89 < < "statusEffects" : [ ], < < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\floran\florantable1\florantable1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't nothing wrong with a simple table.", objects\floran\florantable2\florantable2.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["floran","floranvillage","cooking"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["floran","floranvillage","commerce"], 5,12c5,7 < "category" : "crafting", < "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", < "interactData" : { < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingfood.config", < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] < }, < "price" : 100, < "description" : "A wooden countertop used for chopping meat.", --- > "category" : "furniture", > "price" : 85, > "description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", 18,20c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran chop meat here. Ssshare with other Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. The Floran couldn't possibly use this table for anything gruesome.", < "humanDescription" : "The state of the surface makes it look like a butcher's table.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran chop meat here. Share with other Floranss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Perhaps other meals could be prepared using this Floran butcher block.", > "humanDescription" : "The grooves in the surface makes it look like a butcher's table.", 21a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A butcher block used for choppin' meat.", objects\floran\florantanningrack\florantanningrack.object 7c7 < "description" : "An animal pelt is stretched and dried between two large bones", --- > "description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "Is that a tanning rack, or some kind of Floran easel?", < "avianDescription" : "A Floran device for treating leather.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Is this a tanning rack, or some kind of Floran easel?", > "avianDescription" : "A primitive Floran device for treating leather.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Poor humour. There is little chance of a Glitch ending up here.", < "humanDescription" : "I think this process tans the leather.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Is the purpose of this rack to display an animal skin?", > "humanDescription" : "I think this process tans and toughens the leather.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Some sorta animal hide all stretched out.", objects\floran\florantoilet\florantoilet.object 6c6 < "description" : " doesn't look very leak-proof.", --- > "description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "It's hard to imagine the Floran using the bathroom.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstore brain meat in ssspecial bowl.", < "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed analysis. This toilet contains traces of blood and flesh.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's hard to imagine a Floran using the bathroom.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran doessn't need fancy toiletss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. This toilet seems impossible to keep clean due to its design.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This toilet would fit right into an outhouse.", objects\floran\huntingbench\huntingbench.object 6,8c6,8 < "price" : 70, < "description" : "A Floran hunting bench. It's had a lot of use.", < "shortdescription" : "Hunting Bench", --- > "price" : 85, > "description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "How many kills have been carved up by a Floran sat here?", < "avianDescription" : "A sturdy Floran bench.", < "floranDescription" : "Hunting bench. Cut cut ssstab sssit here.", < "glitchDescription" : "Studying. Signs indicate this bench is stained with the blood of over three thousand different species.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool, a bench. Looks bloody.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A bench used by the Floran to rest in between hunts.", --- > "apexDescription" : "How many kills have been carved up by a Floran sitting here?", > "avianDescription" : "A sturdy looking Floran hunting bench.", > "floranDescription" : "Hunting bench for Floran to resst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. The construction is simple, but this bench is worn from years of use.", > "humanDescription" : "A simple looking Floran hunting bench.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bench likely used by the Floran to rest in between hunts.", > "novakidDescription" : "This bench looks like a good place to rest for a spell.", 17a19,20 > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 22c25 < "dualImage" : "huntingbench.png:", --- > "image" : "huntingbench.png:", 24,25c27,34 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-8, 22], // Right > [8, 22] // Left > ], 28a38,42 > }, > { > "image" : "huntingbench.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30,36c44,48 < } < ], < < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [5, 22] --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-8, 22], // Left > [8, 22] // Right > ], 37a50,53 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\floran\huntingbigstatue\huntingbigstatue.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "A majestic, imposing Floran.", < "avianDescription" : "No doubt this Floran was a true hunting master.", < "floranDescription" : "Just sssome guy. Florans buy own ssstatues.", < "glitchDescription" : "Hypothesis. The Floran depicted here was hugely important as a hunter.", < "humanDescription" : "I bet the history books have a lot to say about this Floran.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An imposing Floran overlord no doubt.", > "avianDescription" : "I assume this depicts a Floran hunting master.", > "floranDescription" : "This sstatue repressentss the hunt, not a sspecific Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Was the Floran depicted here important as a hunter?", > "humanDescription" : "I'll bet the history books have a lot to say about this Floran.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' Floran statue.", objects\floran\huntingdisplay1\huntingdisplay1.object 8c8 < "description" : "A spear on a plaque. If you press a button below it, the spear sings.", --- > "description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A decorative spear.", < "avianDescription" : "A sturdy weapon.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran display weapons that kill big prey.", < "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Floran weaponry outclasses even that of the Glitch.", < "humanDescription" : "A spear. Nice.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Once again the Florans proudly display their barbarism.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A plaque mounted decorative spear.", > "avianDescription" : "A sturdy weapon on display.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran take pride in their hunting weaponss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Glitch often display weapons on walls, but this spear is of Floran origin.", > "humanDescription" : "A spear. It must be important to be displayed this way.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Once again, the Floran proudly display their barbarism.", > "novakidDescription" : "Well, that spear won't do much good hangin' up like that.", objects\floran\huntingdisplay2\huntingdisplay2.object 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Once, Floran kill prey WITH hunting trophy plaque.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A plaque.", < "humanDescription" : "They should mount a Po's head here.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hunting plaque for dissplay of Floran weaponss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This plaque's shape is unusual, what is intended to be displayed here?", > "humanDescription" : "Looks like an empty hunting plaque, maybe meant to display a rifle or a spear.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This plaque looks just about right for hangin' up a rifle.", objects\floran\huntingdoor1\huntingdoor1.object 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran grow bamboo extra sstrong. Sstrong as metal and can grow replacement.", < "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This door is built from organic material, but stands as strong as steel.", < "humanDescription" : "This door has small gaps in it where the sticks of bamboo meet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran bamboo growss ssstrong. This door iss ssolid.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This door is built from organic material, but stands as strong as iron.", > "humanDescription" : "This door has small gaps in it where the stalks of bamboo join together.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This door's made outta some bamboo bars.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "huntingdoor1.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\huntinggroundtorch\huntinggroundtorch.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "shortdescription" : "Hunting Ground Torch", --- > "description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A torch.", < "avianDescription" : "A torch.", < "floranDescription" : "Torch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Torch.", < "humanDescription" : "A torch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A torch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This torch stand design ensures it won't burn anything around it.", > "avianDescription" : "This stand seems to rise up. I like it.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran torch keepss fire contained.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This torch stand displays a high level of craftsmanship.", > "humanDescription" : "A well built Floran torch stand.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I'm sure this torch stand is elegant by Floran standards.", > "novakidDescription" : "A mighty fine lookin' torch stand.", 54a56 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 66c68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], objects\floran\huntinglight1\huntinglight1.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", 11,14c11,15 < "floranDescription" : "Plant lights not burn Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. The Florans truly know how to control nature.", < "humanDescription" : "This reminds me of a Christmas tree.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty, it seems.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Plant lightss not burn Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The Floran are able to harness nature most effectively.", > "humanDescription" : "This light looks like it was grown, not made.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty it seems.", > "novakidDescription" : "This plant can sure give off some light.", 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\huntinglight2\huntinglight2.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", 11,14c11,15 < "floranDescription" : "Plant lights not burn Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. The Florans truly know how to control nature.", < "humanDescription" : "This reminds me of a Christmas tree.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty, it seems.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Plant lightss not burn Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The Floran are able to harness nature most effectively.", > "humanDescription" : "This light looks like it was grown, not made.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty it seems.", > "novakidDescription" : "This plant can sure give off some light.", objects\floran\huntinglight3\huntinglight3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", --- > "description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", 9c9 < "apexDescription" : "Such pretty lights.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Such a pretty light.", 11,14c11,15 < "floranDescription" : "Plant lights not burn Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. The Florans truly know how to control nature.", < "humanDescription" : "This reminds me of a Christmas tree.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty, it seems.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Plant light not burn Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The Floran are able to harness nature most effectively.", > "humanDescription" : "This light looks like it was grown, not made.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Even the vile Florans appreciate beauty it seems.", > "novakidDescription" : "This plant can sure give off some light.", objects\floran\huntingpike1\huntingpike1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", --- > "description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Big Ape once adopted similar methods of intimidation.", < "avianDescription" : "A skull on a spike. Reminds me of the Stargazers.", < "floranDescription" : "Hello boneman. Floran miss you.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This is a Hylotl skull.", < "humanDescription" : "Chilling. A skull on a spike.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Florans revel in death. They should be eradicated.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It appears to be parts of a skeleton arranged on a pike.", > "avianDescription" : "Floran often display bones as trophies. What a crude practice.", > "floranDescription" : "Sskeleton makess good decoration.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appalled. These Floran display the bones of the dead in such a violent manner.", > "humanDescription" : "Whoever this guy was, he shouldn't have ended up like this.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Are these bones assembled as a warning?", > "novakidDescription" : "Starin' at this thing gives me the jitters.", objects\floran\huntingpike2\huntingpike2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", --- > "description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Big Ape once adopted similar methods of intimidation.", < "avianDescription" : "A skull on a spike. Reminds me of the Stargazers.", < "floranDescription" : "Hello boneman. Floran miss you.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This is a Hylotl skull.", < "humanDescription" : "Chilling. A skull on a spike.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Florans revel in death. They should be eradicated.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A human skull arranged on a pike.", > "avianDescription" : "Unlike Floran, Avian culture honours the dead.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran dissplay their hunting trophiess on sspikess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The skull on this pike appears to be human.", > "humanDescription" : "This skull looks weathered, it's been on this spike for some time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A skull sitting on a Floran hunting pike.", > "novakidDescription" : "Skull sittin' on a pike, just ain't right.", objects\floran\huntingpike3\huntingpike3.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", --- > "description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Big Ape once adopted similar methods of intimidation.", < "avianDescription" : "A skull on a spike. Reminds me of the Stargazers.", < "floranDescription" : "Hello boneman. Floran miss you.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This is a Hylotl skull.", < "humanDescription" : "Chilling. A skull on a spike.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Florans revel in death. They should be eradicated.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This penguin must have met a grizzly demise.", > "avianDescription" : "No bird should end up like this, not even a penguin.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran put ssmall bird bones on a ssspike.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This decoration is grotesque.", > "humanDescription" : "These bones on a spike appear to be from a penguin.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Bones displayed in typical Floran fashion.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some creepy penguin bones sittin' up on a pike.", objects\floran\huntingplatform1\huntingplatform1.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A raised platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A raised platform.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstand here, throw ssspear, boom.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A raised platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A stage. Imagine a Floran standing here singing the latest pop hits.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A raised platform.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A large wooden raised platform.", > "avianDescription" : "This wooden platform looks very sturdy.", > "floranDescription" : "This platform wass built by Floran hunterss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. What purpose does a platform like this serve?", > "humanDescription" : "A wooden platform raised just off the ground.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Whatever Floran built this platform wasn't a very skilled craftsman.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some ol' platform made o' wood.", objects\floran\huntingplatform2\huntingplatform2.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A raised platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A raised platform.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstand here, throw ssspear, boom.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A raised platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A stage. Imagine a Floran standing here singing the latest pop hits.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A raised platform.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This wooden platform looks solidly constructed.", > "avianDescription" : "A wide platform, I wonder what the purpose is.", > "floranDescription" : "A Floran large platform ussed for sstandding on.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Though the materials are basic, this platform is very well made.", > "humanDescription" : "This platform is raised like some sort of stage.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A raised wooden platform.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks almost like a stage t'me.", objects\floran\huntingplatformleaves\huntingplatformleaves.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Eats, Stabs and Leaves.", < "shortdescription" : "Leaves", --- > "description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Some leaves.", < "avianDescription" : "Leaves.", < "floranDescription" : "Leaves.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Leaves.", < "humanDescription" : "Leaves.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Leaves.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A grouping of large leaves.", > "avianDescription" : "Some leaves. Were they arranged this way intentionally?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran love big leavess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. These leaves seem unusually large.", > "humanDescription" : "A bunch of huge leaves.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I've never seen leaves like this underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "A nice bundle o' leaves.", objects\floran\huntingplatformrocks\huntingplatformrocks.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Rocks. But do they roll?", < "shortdescription" : "Rocks", --- > "description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A rock.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A rock with a carved arrow.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A rock.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Why has an arrow has been carved into this rock?", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A carved rock.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A crudely carved rock.", > "novakidDescription" : "Someone's gone and carved an arrow in this here rock.", objects\floran\huntingpressureplate\huntingpressureplate.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha something will happen if I step on this.", 32c33 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 38c39 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\floran\huntingpunjisticks1\huntingpunjisticks1.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspikes. Fun.", < "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. These spikes would impale even a Glitch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspike trap. Ssharp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. These sharpened spikes could impale even a Glitch.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The tips of these sticks are mighty sharp.", 19,20c20,21 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 21a23 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 26,27c28,29 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 29,32c31,34 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 34,35c36,43 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55c63 < "damage" : 15, --- > "damage" : 25, objects\floran\huntingpunjisticks2\huntingpunjisticks2.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspikes. Fun.", < "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. These spikes would impale even a Glitch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspike trap. Ssharp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. These sharpened spikes could impale even a Glitch.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The tips of these sticks are mighty sharp.", 19,20c20,21 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 21a23 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 26,27c28,29 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 29,32c31,34 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 34,35c36,43 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55c63 < "damage" : 15, --- > "damage" : 25, objects\floran\huntingrail1\huntingrail1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "shortdescription" : "Railing", --- > "description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A railing.", < "avianDescription" : "A railing.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssafety.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A railing.", < "humanDescription" : "Railings.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Railings.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The configuration of bones makes this railing quite sturdy.", > "avianDescription" : "How morbid. No Avian would use bones in this manner.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong boness for ssafety railing.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. It's not easy to strengthen a railing using bone.", > "humanDescription" : "This railing is made up of giant bones. Pretty sturdy", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's unpleasant to see bones used in this way.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some bones all tied up, used as a railin'.", objects\floran\huntingrail2\huntingrail2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "shortdescription" : "Railing", --- > "description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A railing.", < "avianDescription" : "A railing.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssafety.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A railing.", < "humanDescription" : "Railings.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Railings.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This railing must be decorative, it's not very sturdy.", > "avianDescription" : "A very primitive looking railing.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssafety firsst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This railing looks sharp.", > "humanDescription" : "I'd better not lean over this railing, those pikes are pointy.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This railing seems barely functional.", > "novakidDescription" : "This railin' don't look good for leanin' on.", objects\floran\huntingstatue\huntingstatue.object 7c7 < "description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks almost alive...", --- > "description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "This ssstatue is me. Bad likeness.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This ssstatue depictss the glory of the hunt.", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "I'd like to display this on my ship.", --- > "humanDescription" : "That's one tough looking Floran. I wonder if it's anyone specific.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This Floran looks like he'd be a tough pardner.", objects\floran\huntingtrophy1\huntingtrophy1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", --- > "description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "A head, cut from some old kill.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to wave to heads Floran cuts off.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A Glitch head would self-destruct if a Floran tried to turn it into a display.", < "humanDescription" : "Now I know what my bedroom is missing!", --- > "avianDescription" : "A head, probably taken from some old kill.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like to dissplay prey from hunt.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This head is on display as a decoration.", > "humanDescription" : "Looking at this thing just creeps me out.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'd sure hate to end up like this fella.", objects\floran\huntingtrophy2\huntingtrophy2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", --- > "description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A mounted head. Terrifying.", < "avianDescription" : "A head, cut from some old kill.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to wave to heads Floran cuts off.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A Glitch head would self-destruct if a Floran tried to turn it into a display.", < "humanDescription" : "Now I know what my bedroom is missing!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Such a vile parade of murder.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A head mounted on a carved plaque.", > "avianDescription" : "Floran display their victims in a disgraceful way.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran proudly dissplay hunting killss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appalled. This skull is being used to decorate.", > "humanDescription" : "This wooden plaque has a skull firmly attached.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This plaque is nicely carved, it's a shame it has a skull mounted on it.", > "novakidDescription" : "A skull mounted up like a trophy.", objects\floran\huntingtrophy3\huntingtrophy3.frames 4c4 < "size" : [16, 16], --- > "size" : [24, 16], objects\floran\huntingtrophy3\huntingtrophy3.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", --- > "description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A mounted head. Terrifying.", < "avianDescription" : "A head, cut from some old kill.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to wave to heads Floran cuts off.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A Glitch head would self-destruct if a Floran tried to turn it into a display.", < "humanDescription" : "Now I know what my bedroom is missing!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Such a vile parade of murder.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A crudely made wall plaque with a skull.", > "avianDescription" : "This head is attached to the wall using small planks.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran often hang trophiess of killss on wall.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disturbed. Hanging a skull in this way is a bit unusual.", > "humanDescription" : "This poor guy never imagined he'd end up like this.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Why would anyone like having this skull on display?", > "novakidDescription" : "This skull trophy don't sit well with me.", 22,24c23 < "imagePosition" : [-8, -8], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-12, -8], objects\floran\huntingweaponrack1\huntingweaponrack1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", --- > "description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "A weapon rack.", < "avianDescription" : "Weapons.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstab ssstand.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. These weapons are well-used.", < "humanDescription" : "No guns. No deal.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A weapon rack holding Floran spears.", > "avianDescription" : "A rack designed to hold weapons.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstand holdss spearss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. These sharp spears look ready to be grabbed at a moments notice.", > "humanDescription" : "These weapons don't look worth taking.", 17c17 < --- > "novakidDescription" : "A wooden rack holdin' a few spears.", objects\floran\huntingweaponrack2\huntingweaponrack2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", --- > "description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A weapon rack.", < "avianDescription" : "Weapons.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstab ssstand.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. These weapons are well-used.", < "humanDescription" : "No guns. No deal.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A brazen display of violent intent.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A weapon rack, it's completely empty.", > "avianDescription" : "It appears this rack is for holding weapons.", > "floranDescription" : "Empty hunting weapon sstand.", > "glitchDescription" : "Hypothetical. Based on dimensions, this rack looks designed to hold spears.", > "humanDescription" : "A spear rack, missing all the spears.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A rack to hold crude Floran weapons.", > "novakidDescription" : "This rack is made to hold spears, wonder if it'd hold a rifle?", objects\floran\plantbed1\plantbed1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", --- > "description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A rough prison bed. Reminds me of home.", < "avianDescription" : "A prison bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like this.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. This bed is infested with insects.", < "humanDescription" : "I've slept on worse.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I've never slept on worse.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A prison bedroll. Better than sleeping in the dirt.", > "avianDescription" : "A prison bedroll made from plants.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran prissonerss have bassic bedrollss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This bedroll is made from plants and infested with insects.", > "humanDescription" : "This bedroll doesn't look like it offers much support.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It appears these plants are woven into a bedroll.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a sleepin' pad made from plants.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\floran\plantbed2\plantbed2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", --- > "description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A rough prison bed. Reminds me of home.", < "avianDescription" : "A prison bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like this.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. This bed is infested with insects.", < "humanDescription" : "I've slept on worse.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I've never slept on worse.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This basic bed can be hung from a wall.", > "avianDescription" : "A prison bed suspended with vines.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss prisson bed held up with sstrong viness.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The design of this bed allows it to hang from the wall.", > "humanDescription" : "This bed looks very uncomfortable, at least it's hanging above the ground.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Floran bed looks like it belongs in a prison cell.", > "novakidDescription" : "A prison wall bunk made from plants.", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\floran\plantbed3\plantbed3.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", --- > "description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A rough prison bed. Reminds me of home.", < "avianDescription" : "A prison bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like this.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. This bed is infested with insects.", < "humanDescription" : "I've slept on worse.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I've never slept on worse.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A wooden prison bed with wheels.", > "avianDescription" : "This prison bed has wheels to move it around.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran prissonerss don't have fancy bedss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. I'm unsure if this bed frame could support my weight.", > "humanDescription" : "A wooden bed frame lined with some plants. It doesn't look comfy", > "hylotlDescription" : "This bed looks very uncomfortable, and doesn't include coverings.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd reckon this bed would do the trick in a pinch.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\floran\plantbed4\plantbed4.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", --- > "description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A rough prison bed. Reminds me of home.", < "avianDescription" : "A prison bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like this.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. This bed is infested with insects.", < "humanDescription" : "I've slept on worse.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I've never slept on worse.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A prison bed mat. At least it has a blanket.", > "avianDescription" : "A floor bed mat made from plants.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran prissonerss have bassic bed matss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This basic mat can function as a bed?", > "humanDescription" : "At least this bed mat has a warm blanket.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A firm looking bed mat made from plants.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a sleepin' mat laid out on the ground.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\floran\plantbiolight\plantbiolight.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", --- > "description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", 13,17c13,17 < "apexDescription" : "Little glowing plants.", < "avianDescription" : "Delightfully soft glowing plants.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like cold light.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wonder. These glowing plants are stunning.", < "humanDescription" : "Glowing plants. Always cool.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A little glowing plant.", > "avianDescription" : "A delightfully soft glowing plant.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like plant lightss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Facinated. These glowing plants seem to emit natural light.", > "humanDescription" : "A glowing plant, it's pretty handy to grow your own lights.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This plant is givin' off a glow!", objects\floran\plantbrokencage\plantbrokencage.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken cage. Quick, escape!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Cage", --- > "description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "Perhaps a Floran escaped from here.", < "floranDescription" : "Trash.", < "glitchDescription" : "Hypothesising. Maybe a beast escaped from here.", < "humanDescription" : "Even I could escape from here.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I hope someone escaped from here.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Perhaps a Floran prisoner escaped from here.", > "floranDescription" : "This cage iss broken like something esscaped.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. Something powerful must have been held here.", > "humanDescription" : "Even I could escape from this flimsy cage.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I hope someone escaped from this broken cage.", > "novakidDescription" : "This cage must've not been built sturdy.", objects\floran\plantcabinet1\plantcabinet1.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "shortdescription" : "Cabinet", --- > "description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A cabinet.", < "avianDescription" : "A tantalising cabinet.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran put things inside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cabinet.", < "humanDescription" : "An adorable cabinet.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude, poorly-constructed cabinet.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small cabinet of Floran design.", > "avianDescription" : "This small cabinet has a tabletop surface.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran put thingss insside and place thingss on top.", > "glitchDescription" : "Displeased. The storage space in this cabinet is very limited.", > "humanDescription" : "This looks like it's about the size of a bedside table.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A typical looking small Floran cabinet.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's only big 'nough to hold a couple things inside.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\plantcabinet2\plantcabinet2.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "shortdescription" : "Cabinet", --- > "description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A cabinet.", < "avianDescription" : "A tantalising cabinet.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran put things inside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cabinet.", < "humanDescription" : "An adorable cabinet.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude, poorly-constructed cabinet.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This desk has a well finished surface.", > "avianDescription" : "I'm impressed with the construction of this desk cabinet.", > "floranDescription" : "A dessk, Floran put thingss inssside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. The quality of this desk seems unusually good for a Floran design.", > "humanDescription" : "This desk is pretty nice considering it's from a prison.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A crude, poorly-constructed Floran cabinet.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is a fine lookin' desk, and you can put things inside it.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\plantcage1\plantcage1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", --- > "description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A sturdy cage.", < "avianDescription" : "An imposing cage.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick through cage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This cage could withstand the might of even the Mecharachnid.", < "humanDescription" : "Would I even fit in this cage?", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cage from which Floran prisoners rarely escape.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This large cage looks designed to transport prisoners.", > "avianDescription" : "This cage looks about the right size to hold a Floran.", > "floranDescription" : "This cage iss made to transsport Floran prissoner.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. It's made from basic materials, but this cage is incredibly strong.", > "humanDescription" : "This cage couldn't comfortably fit more than one prisoner at once.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's the perfect cage size for a Floran prisoner.", > "novakidDescription" : "This cage wouldn't allow a fella much privacy.", 29a31,40 > ], > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitPosition" : [-4, 22], > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 0, > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/floran/plantcage1/plantcage1cover.png", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ > "nude" objects\floran\plantcage2\plantcage2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", --- > "description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A sturdy cage.", < "avianDescription" : "An imposing cage.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick through cage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This cage could withstand the might of even the Mecharachnid.", < "humanDescription" : "Would I even fit in this cage?", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cage from which Floran prisoners rarely escape.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A well constructed cage.", > "avianDescription" : "A small cage, perhaps for holding Floran prisoners?", > "floranDescription" : "This cage iss too ssmall for Floran prissoner.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Prisoners held in this cage would have barely any room to move.", > "humanDescription" : "Would I even fit in this cage? It doesn't allow much room to move around.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps prisoners are punished by being held in this tiny cage.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fella couldn't even stand up inside this cage.", objects\floran\plantcage3\plantcage3.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", --- > "description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A sturdy cage.", < "avianDescription" : "An imposing cage.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick through cage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This cage could withstand the might of even the Mecharachnid.", < "humanDescription" : "Would I even fit in this cage?", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cage from which Floran prisoners rarely escape.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy hanging prison cage.", > "avianDescription" : "An imposing looking cage. It's mounted to the wall.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran could kick through thiss cage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This cage is strong enough to hang suspended.", > "humanDescription" : "This cage doesn't have much room to move around in.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I'm sure Floran prisoners rarely escape this cage.", > "novakidDescription" : "A sturdy lookin' cage hung up.", objects\floran\plantchair\plantchair.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A chair. Looks uncomfortable.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Chair", --- > "description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A chair.", < "avianDescription" : "An uncomfortable chair.", < "floranDescription" : "Chair.", < "glitchDescription" : "Paranoid. What if this innocuous-looking chair holds a dark secret?", < "humanDescription" : "An unremarkable chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An inferior chair.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Are these vines growing on this chair or holding it together?", > "avianDescription" : "It looks like nature is trying to claim this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Viness make chair sstrong.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. These vines don't make this chair any less comfortable.", > "humanDescription" : "Either these vines grow very quickly or they've never been cut back.", > "hylotlDescription" : "These vines are actually quite charmingly arranged.", > "novakidDescription" : "These vines are growin' out of control.", objects\floran\plantdesklamp\plantdesklamp1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A desk lamp. One of the most useful items in any Floran prison.", < "shortdescription" : "Plant Desk Lamp", --- > "description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", 9,14c9,15 < "apexDescription" : "This desk lamp appears out of place", < "avianDescription" : "I can't imagine what they use desk lamps for here.", < "floranDescription" : "Desk lamp used to sssmash prisoners.", < "glitchDescription" : "Puzzled. A desk lamp.", < "humanDescription" : "This would look delightful on my desk.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I would never place this monstrosity on my desk.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This desk lamp is actually a light emitting plant.", > "avianDescription" : "This lamp is just a stand to position this glowing plant.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran desk lamp iss powered by plantss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Puzzled. This desk lamp has no apparent power source.", > "humanDescription" : "This plant makes a pretty effective lamp.", > "hylotlDescription" : "How remarkable. This lamp is simply a stand for a glowing plant pod.", > "novakidDescription" : "This little glowin' plant makes a nice light.", objects\floran\plantdoor1\plantdoor1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A door. It opens.", < "shortdescription" : "Door", --- > "description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "shortdescription" : "Vine Door", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A door. Let's open it.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran obey no door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "A large slab blocking my way. Wait, it's a door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I have so many things to say about this door, but there is nobody around to listen.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These vines open to allow passage like a door.", > "avianDescription" : "Leave it to Floran to make a door out of vines.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran viness obey commandss and open.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. These vines seem to move deliberately to allow passage through.", > "humanDescription" : "This door seems like it's grown inside the frame.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Floran mastery of plants is amazing, these vines part to open like a door.", > "novakidDescription" : "What kinda door is this? I don't even see a handle.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\plantdoor2\plantdoor2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A door. It opens.", < "shortdescription" : "Door", --- > "description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A door. Let's open it.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran obey no door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "A large slab blocking my way. Wait, it's a door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I have so many things to say about this door, but there is nobody around to listen.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This retractable gate is very strong.", > "avianDescription" : "Despite the fact that it is made of light wood, this is quite a sturdy gate.", > "floranDescription" : "Wood ssstrongest ssstuff because it comesss from plantsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. This wooden gate is remarkably sturdy.", > "humanDescription" : "This large wooden gate is retractable.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This gate design uses function over form.", > "novakidDescription" : "This gate is made from wood, but I reckon it ain't easy to break.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] objects\floran\plantdrysapdispenser\plantdrysapdispenser.object 9c9 < "description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Florans and a dusty demise.", --- > "description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda Floran plant contraption.", objects\floran\plantgeyser1\plantgeyser1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "shortdescription" : "Geyser", --- > "description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Pretty but deadly.", < "avianDescription" : "A natural spout.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use plants for dangerousness.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A geyser.", < "humanDescription" : "It looks like a tiny, adorable volcano.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I'm staying away from this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This large geyser looks dangerous, but it appears to be inactive.", > "avianDescription" : "This geyser doesn't look active, but you can never be sure.", > "floranDescription" : "Plantss draw power from this large geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. If this geyser erupted could it do me harm?", > "humanDescription" : "It looks like a mini volcano, covered in vines.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I'm staying away from this, just to be safe.", > "novaDescription" : "This big 'ol geyser doesn't look too dangerous.", objects\floran\plantgeyser2\plantgeyser2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "shortdescription" : "Geyser", --- > "description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Pretty but deadly.", < "avianDescription" : "A natural spout.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use plants for dangerousness.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A geyser.", < "humanDescription" : "It looks like a tiny, adorable volcano.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I'm staying away from this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This small geyser doesn't seem to be active.", > "avianDescription" : "There's no steam rising from this geyser, so I think it's inactive.", > "floranDescription" : "Plantss ssoak in power from this ssmall geysser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. There's no indication this geyser will erupt.", > "humanDescription" : "Plants have crept all over this little geyser.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This little geyser seems inert, but I should stay away just in case.", > "novaDescription" : "I don't think this little geyser is gonna give me any trouble.", objects\floran\plantlog\plantlog.object 6,8c6,8 < "price" : 75, < "description" : "A log. Check for termites before you sit down.", < "shortdescription" : "A Log", --- > "price" : 90, > "description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A log.", < "avianDescription" : "A mouldy log.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran roll log down hill, crush fishmen.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A log.", < "humanDescription" : "Back in my day, I was an expert caber-tosser.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A log.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This log seems an ideal height for sitting.", > "avianDescription" : "An old log, looks like it's been used as a seat.", > "floranDescription" : "Who needs fancy chairss? Ssit on log.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This simple log makes an effective seat.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a log. Yessir I like it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Most of the logs I've sat on have been floating.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks perfect for sittin' on round a campfire.", 29c30,34 < "sitPosition" : [-4, 16], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-12, 20], // Right > [4, 20] // Left > ], 39c44,48 < "sitPosition" : [4, 16], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-4, 20], // Left > [12, 20] // Right > ], objects\floran\plantorb\plantorb.object 9c9 < "description" : "A glowing orb. It looks radioactive, but it isn't. That's nice.", --- > "description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", 12a13,14 > "health" : 1.5, > 14,18c16,21 < "avianDescription" : "A glowing plant.", < "floranDescription" : "No ssstabby, no lightey.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An astonishing natural light source.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder if it would stay lit if I kicked it.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Begrudging admiration, I suppose.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A glowing plant, the orb is hollow inside.", > "floranDescription" : "Orb lightss make good containersss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Astonished. This orb is an impressive natural light source.", > "humanDescription" : "There's room to store quite a few things inside this little orb.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The light this orb casts is hauntingly beautiful.", > "novakidDescription" : "It don't look like much, but you never know what's hidin' inside.", 39,40c42,43 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close.ogg" ], --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/florancrate_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/florancrate_close.ogg" ], 42c45 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\floran\plantpanel\plantpanel.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Plant Control Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "Does something happen if I push this button?", < "floranDescription" : "Floran touch buttonssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. A collection of buttons.", < "humanDescription" : "All these buttons to press! What could possibly go wrong?", < "hylotlDescription" : "Look before you leap.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Will something happen if I push this button?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can't ressisst buttonsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What will pressing these buttons do?", > "humanDescription" : "All of these buttons to press! What could possibly go wrong?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Before pressing buttons on this panel I should make sure I'm prepared for anything.", > "novakidDescription" : "There's buttons here, I wonder what'll happen if I push 'em all.", 54c55 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\plantplatform1\plantplatform1.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", --- > "description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden platform.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These logs are arranged to support great weight.", > "avianDescription" : "This assembly looks like it's made for building a large structure.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Platform.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. How were Floran able to move these enormous logs into place?", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A platform.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A very structurally solid construction platform.", > "novakidDescription" : "A whole mess o' logs stacked up for standin' on.", objects\floran\plantplatform2\plantplatform2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", --- > "description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden platform.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstand on platform, leap down on unsssuspecting enemies.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Platform.", < "humanDescription" : "If I played a game with this, it'd be a platform game.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A platform.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These logs look stacked to aid in construction.", > "avianDescription" : "This platform looks designed to support builders.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sstaging ussed to build.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This crude platform could fall apart at any minute.", > "humanDescription" : "This large staging platform looks like it could support a lot of weight.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It seems like this is a temporary structure, intended to be taken apart and moved.", > "novakidDescription" : "These logs make a pretty solid lookin' platform.", objects\floran\plantrack\plantrack.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", --- > "description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "Big Ape uses similar devices.", < "avianDescription" : "A stretching rack. Barbaric.", < "floranDescription" : "*uncontrollable giggles*", < "glitchDescription" : "Judging. The Florans still have not outlawed torture.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Big Ape uses similar devices when interrogating prisoners.", > "avianDescription" : "A stretching rack. Torture is so barbaric.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sstretch on this rack until they talk.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disapproving. Floran still practice torture against their prisoners.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "I've seen so much Floran brutality that this no longer shocks me.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I've seen so much Floran brutality that this doesn't shock me.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't want to find myself strapped up on this awful thing.", objects\floran\plantshelf\plantshelf.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A shelf. Perfect for holding smaller shelves.", < "shortdescription" : "A Shelf", --- > "description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A shelf.", < "avianDescription" : "A shelf.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshelf.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shelf.", < "humanDescription" : "A top shelf.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A shelf.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A shelf made from reinforced plant material.", > "avianDescription" : "Some empty shelves.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sshelf iss empty.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I wonder what this shelf was used to hold.", > "humanDescription" : "A Floran shelving rack made from plants and wood.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple shelf rack made from natural materials.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever was sittin' on this shelf ain't here now.", objects\floran\planttorch\planttorch.object 10c10 < "description" : "This torch flickers softly.", --- > "description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A burning torch held by a plant.", < "avianDescription" : "Shadows flicker in the torchlight.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not know how plant ssstay unburned.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A torch in a plant.", < "humanDescription" : "The plant doesn't burn. Remarkable.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl make use of similar natural torches.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A burning torch, held together by a plant.", > "avianDescription" : "The plant wrapped around this torch isn't singed by the flames.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran usse special plantss to contain fire.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This torch is made from a plant that does not burn.", > "humanDescription" : "I can't believe the plant this torch is made from isn't burning up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Some component of the plant in this torch is fuelling the flame.", > "novakidDescription" : "How's the plant holding this torch not burnin' up?", 114a116 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 133c135 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\planttorturedevice\planttorturedevice.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "What is this, some kinda fountain?", objects\floran\planturn1\planturn1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", 11,13c11,13 < "apexDescription" : "An urn.", < "avianDescription" : "An urn.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urns.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small urn, I doubt it holds much inside.", > "avianDescription" : "Some sort of urn. It's not as elegant as those found inside Avian tombs.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urnss.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "An urn.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An urn.", --- > "humanDescription" : "There's a quick way to find out what's inside this urn. Smash it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A well crafted urn, it's almost a shame to break it.", > "novakidDescription" : "This urn is beggin' to be smashed.", objects\floran\planturn2\planturn2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", 11,13c11,13 < "apexDescription" : "An urn.", < "avianDescription" : "An urn.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urns.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small urn, I'll doubt it holds much inside.", > "avianDescription" : "Some sort of urn. It's not as elegant as those found inside Avian tombs.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urnss.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "An urn.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An urn.", --- > "humanDescription" : "There's a quick way to find out what's inside this urn. Smash it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A well crafted urn, it's almost a shame to break it.", > "novakidDescription" : "This urn is beggin' to be smashed.", objects\floran\planturn3\planturn3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Urn", 11,13c11,13 < "apexDescription" : "An urn.", < "avianDescription" : "An urn.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urns.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small urn, I'll doubt it holds much inside.", > "avianDescription" : "Some sort of urn. It's not as elegant as those found inside Avian tombs.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash all the urnss.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "An urn.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An urn.", --- > "humanDescription" : "There's a quick way to find out what's inside this urn. Smash it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A well crafted urn, it's almost a shame to break it.", > "novakidDescription" : "This urn is beggin' to be smashed.", objects\floran\plantvinetable\plantvinetable.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A table. Vines creep up the sides.", < "shortdescription" : "A Table", --- > "description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This table is somewhat sinister.", < "avianDescription" : "I'd rather not eat off of this.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like table.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This table can grow in length to accommodate more guests.", < "humanDescription" : "A creepy table.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Some kind of living table. Terrifying.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This has been completely overtaken aside from the tabletop.", > "avianDescription" : "These plants look safe, but I'd rather not eat off of this.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like plant covered tabless.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. These plants have been left untended for so long they've covered this table.", > "humanDescription" : "This table looks pretty nice, except for the crazy vines growing all over it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "These plants have deteriorated this table considerably.", > "novakidDescription" : "What kinda mess is growin' all over this table?", objects\floran\plantvolcano1\plantvolcano1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", --- > "description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A dangerous-looking plant.", < "avianDescription" : "This could do with watering.", < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran not like this plant.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An exploding plant.", < "humanDescription" : "Imagine stepping on this by accident.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can be cruel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This geyser looks contained, there's nothing to fear.", > "avianDescription" : "This volcanic geyser glows with fiery intensity.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike hot geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This volcanic fissure poses no threat.", > "humanDescription" : "It looks safe, but I'd better not step on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not uncommon to see fissures like this deep underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "The lava seepin' from this fissure is lightin' the way.", > objects\floran\plantvolcano2\plantvolcano2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", --- > "description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A dangerous-looking plant.", < "avianDescription" : "This could do with watering.", < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran not like this plant.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An exploding plant.", < "humanDescription" : "Imagine stepping on this by accident.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can be cruel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This geyser looks contained, there's nothing to fear.", > "avianDescription" : "This volcanic geyser glows with fiery intensity.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike hot geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This volcanic fissure poses no threat.", > "humanDescription" : "It looks safe, but I'd better not step on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not uncommon to see fissures like this deep underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "The lava seepin' from this fissure is lightin' the way.", > objects\floran\plantvolcano3\plantvolcano3.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", --- > "description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A dangerous-looking plant.", < "avianDescription" : "This could do with watering.", < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran not like this plant.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An exploding plant.", < "humanDescription" : "Imagine stepping on this by accident.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can be cruel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This geyser looks contained, there's nothing to fear.", > "avianDescription" : "This volcanic geyser glows with fiery intensity.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike hot geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This volcanic fissure poses no threat.", > "humanDescription" : "It looks safe, but I'd better not step on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not uncommon to see fissures like this deep underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "The lava seepin' from this fissure is lightin' the way.", > objects\floran\plantvolcano4\plantvolcano4.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", --- > "description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A dangerous-looking plant.", < "avianDescription" : "This could do with watering.", < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran not like this plant.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An exploding plant.", < "humanDescription" : "Imagine stepping on this by accident.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can be cruel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This geyser looks contained, there's nothing to fear.", > "avianDescription" : "This volcanic geyser glows with fiery intensity.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike hot geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This volcanic fissure poses no threat.", > "humanDescription" : "It looks safe, but I'd better not step on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not uncommon to see fissures like this deep underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "The lava seepin' from this fissure is lightin' the way.", > objects\floran\plantvolcano5\plantvolcano5.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", --- > "description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "A dangerous-looking plant.", < "avianDescription" : "This could do with watering.", < "floranDescription" : "Even Floran not like this plant.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An exploding plant.", < "humanDescription" : "Imagine stepping on this by accident.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can be cruel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This geyser looks contained, there's nothing to fear.", > "avianDescription" : "This volcanic geyser glows with fiery intensity.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike hot geyser.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This volcanic fissure poses no threat.", > "humanDescription" : "It looks safe, but I'd better not step on it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not uncommon to see fissures like this deep underwater.", > "novakidDescription" : "The lava seepin' from this fissure is lightin' the way.", > objects\generators\humangenerator\humangenerator.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Human Shield Generator", --- > "shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", 10a11 > "printable" : false, 14,15c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshields!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A shield generator.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shieldsss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A shield generator.", 30c31 < --- > 43c44 < --- > 62c63 < --- > 69c70 < --- > 77,78c78,79 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\generic\altar1\altar1.object 7c7 < "description" : "The altar is blank.", --- > "description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "An altar. It's blank.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An altar. It's blank of carvings.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Confusion. This altar appears to have religious purpose. I no longer understand religion.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This altar appears to be entirely without decoration.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such piety is not the way forwards.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An altar. Such piety is not the way forwards.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a plain ol' stone alter. Nothing special.", objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegamegui.lua 78,85c78,85 < left = 276, < right = 275, < up = 273, < down = 274, < w = 119, < a = 97, < s = 115, < d = 100 --- > left = 90, > right = 89, > up = 87, > down = 88, > w = 65, > a = 43, > s = 61, > d = 46 objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegameobject.lua 3c3 < world.spawnItem(entity.configParameter("winningItem"), vec2.add(entity.position(), {0, 3})) --- > world.spawnItem(config.getParameter("winningItem"), vec2.add(object.position(), {0, 3})) objects\generic\arcadegame\arcadegameobject.object 7c7,8 < "lightColor" : [150, 215, 235], --- > "lightColor" : [120, 173, 173], > "printable" : false, 10c11 < "shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", --- > "shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", 11a13,20 > > "apexDescription" : "I am not a fan of Mazebound64. I've heard horror stories about Miniknog testing... Mazes give me the creeps.", > "avianDescription" : "Mazebound64 was developed by an Avian team. There aren't many Avian video games... Perhaps I should make some.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran thinksss Mazebound64 is big bore. Not even meatss at the end.", > "glitchDescription" : "Determined. I will escape from this hellish labyrinth and defeat Mazebound64 once and for all! 8/10", > "humanDescription" : "Mazebound64 is reminescent of some of the very first video games from Earth. It's very charming.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Navigating dimly lit corridors, just steps away from freedom... Mazebound64 is beautiful in its simplicity.", > "novakidDescription" : "Mazebound64? Mazes are a big ol' waste of time.", objects\generic\arcademachine\arcademachine.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "The Apex rarely play games.", < "avianDescription" : "The Avians are unfamiliar with machines like these.", < "floranDescription" : "Which button doess Floran press to sstart.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. The player with the highest score has the initials CF.", < "humanDescription" : "I need a quarter.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I will obtain a state of Zen and use it to beat the high score.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's a space combat simulator called Super Tralgar Blaster 2. I'm glad I've never encountered real ship combat.", > "avianDescription" : "Super Tralgar Blaster 2 is all about waging war across the stars.", > "floranDescription" : "Pew pew pew! Floran shoot down all the shipsss in Super Tralgar Blassster 2.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. The Super Tralgar Blaster 2 player with the highest score has the initials 'CF'.", > "humanDescription" : "Super Tralgar Blaster 2! It's a classic bullet hell game. I'm glad I never have to shoot other ships in real life!", > "hylotlDescription" : "In Super Tralgar Blaster 2, you blast your way through asteroids and enemy ships to survive. It is frightening.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's a game called Super Tralgar Blaster 2. Nothin' like a good ol' fashioned space shoot-out.", objects\generic\bardoor\bardoor.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Comparison. Similar to the cell doors in Glitch dungeons.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This looks similar to the cell doors in Glitch dungeons.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha' some varmint has found themselves behind doors like these.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "bardoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\barvent\barvent.object 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "A vent.", < "avianDescription" : "Ventilation.", < "floranDescription" : "Vent.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A vent.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard vent.", > "avianDescription" : "Ventilation. I can feel a breeze ruffle my feathers", > "floranDescription" : "Iss a vent!", > "glitchDescription" : "Acknowledgement. A vent.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Some ventilation.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Some simple yet strong ventilation.", > "novakidDescription" : "A sturdy lookin' vent.", objects\generic\biohazardsign\biohazardsign.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Is this here sign advertising some new Novakid brand?", objects\generic\birdsnest\birdsnest.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 7c7 < --- > "printable" : false, 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Eggssss almost meat... Yum, yum!", < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Eggs are fun to throw.", < "humanDescription" : "It's an bird's nest. I wonder if there's little baby birds in there.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Eggsss almost meat... Yum, yum!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Nests like these are how birds populate offspring.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a bird's nest. I wonder if there are little baby birds in there.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Must be some tiny birds to live'n a nest that small.", objects\generic\box1\box1.object 10c10 < "description" : "A wooden crate.", --- > "description" : "A small wooden crate.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden box.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A simple wooden box.", 17,19c18,21 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. Box. Wooden.", < "humanDescription" : "A crate.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A wooden crate.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. This wood crate is simple, but effective.", > "humanDescription" : "A crate made of small wood planks.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A wooden crate. It's functional, but not very pretty.", > "novakidDescription" : "A simple lookin' crate made from wood.", 41c43 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\box2\box2.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden box.", < "avianDescription" : "A box made out of wood.", < "floranDescription" : "A box of stripped tree-flesssh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. Box. Wooden.", < "humanDescription" : "A crate.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A wooden crate.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A wooden box that has been re-enforced.", > "avianDescription" : "A box made out of wood and metal.", > "floranDescription" : "Metal holds thisss wood box together.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. These metal brackets have made this box significantly stronger.", > "humanDescription" : "A wood crate held together with metal.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple wood and metal crate.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here box looks like a tiny square barrel.", 41c43 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\burningcoals\burningcoals.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "Hot coals.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Hot coals. They are hot to the touch.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Ahhh Floran hate fire!", < "glitchDescription" : "Evaluate. Dangerous!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hate fiery rocksss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. These glowing coals look dangerously hot.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Burnin' coals. Hot enough to burn my boots.", 29,30c30,31 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 31a33 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 36,37c38,39 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 39,42c41,44 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 44,45c46,53 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 47d54 < 50,55d56 < "statusEffects" : [ < { < "effect" : "burning" < } < ], < 67c68 < --- > 84c85 < --- > objects\generic\butterflybush\butterflybush.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 9c9 < "description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be living in this bush.", --- > "description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", 14,17c14,17 < "avianDescription" : "I found a bug.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran love all living things too sssmall to ssstab.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. When threatened, these cute bugs can kill a fully-grown Apex.", < "humanDescription" : "I should catch some in a jar.", --- > "avianDescription" : "I found a bug in this bush.", > "floranDescription" : "Tiny bugss in bush too sssmall to ssstab.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. The biology of this bush must attract these bugs somehow.", > "humanDescription" : "Some of these bugs are pretty, I should catch some in a jar.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This little tumble weed is all covered in bugs.", objects\generic\cactiflowerpot\cactiflowerpot.object 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A cactus. I don't see the appeal.", < "avianDescription" : "A thorny plant.", < "floranDescription" : "Good plant. Ssstrong sself defensse.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interrogate. The cactus is not an enemy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A potted cactus. I don't see the appeal.", > "avianDescription" : "A thorny plant with a small colourful flower.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssucculent hass sself defensse.", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Cacti like these require almost no water to remain healthy.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A painful-looking plant.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A painful-looking plant. I'd better not touch it.", > "novakidDescription" : "Can't explain it, but I really like this here cactus.", objects\generic\capsulebig\capsulebig.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. It is difficult to resist the urge to break this capsule.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This capsule'd be perfect for target practice.", 29d29 < 32c32 < --- > 36c36,37 < "smashDropPool" : "capsuleBig" --- > "smashDropPool" : "capsule", > "breakDropPool" : "capsule" objects\generic\capsulemed\capsulemed.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. It is difficult to resist the urge to break this capsule.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This capsule'd be perfect for target practice.", 29d29 < 36c36,37 < "smashDropPool" : "capsuleMed" --- > "smashDropPool" : "capsule", > "breakDropPool" : "capsule" objects\generic\capsulesmall\capsulesmall.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. It is difficult to resist the urge to break this capsule.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This capsule'd be perfect for target practice.", 30a32 > 34,35c36,37 < "smashDropPool" : "capsuleSmall", < "breakDropPool" : "capsuleSmall" --- > "smashDropPool" : "capsule", > "breakDropPool" : "capsule" objects\generic\carbed\carbed.object 5c5 < "description" : "A cool bed, for those young at heart.", --- > "description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", 9a10 > "printable" : false, 18,19c19 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 23,26c23,26 < "apexDescription" : "A comfortable bed.", < "avianDescription" : "It looks like some kind of vehicle.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure what is. Bed?", < "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This bed looks mechanical in design, yet analysis suggests it's made of wood.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A comfortable bed built to look like an antique Earth vehicle.", > "avianDescription" : "A bed designed to look like some kind of human vehicle.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure what thiss is... Bed or car?", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. This bed looks mechanical in design, yet analysis suggests it's made of wood.", 28c28,29 < "hylotlDescription" : "A childish, decorative bed.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A childish, decorative bed. It's colourfully painted.", > "novakidDescription" : "This bed's got shiny paint. The lights and horn ain't workin'.", objects\generic\cardboard1\cardboard1.object 10,11c10,11 < "description" : "A cardboard box.", < "shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", --- > "description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "avianDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "floranDescription" : "Cardboard box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A cardboard box.", < "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cardboard box.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A cardboard box with an arrow printed on it.", > "avianDescription" : "A basic cardboard box.", > "floranDescription" : "Cardboard box holdss thingss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This indicator arrow may be important to protect the contents inside.", > "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box. Useful for storing things away.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic cardboard box.", > "novakidDescription" : "A simple box made outta cardboard.", 41c43 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\cardboard2\cardboard2.object 10,11c10,11 < "description" : "A plain cardboard box.", < "shortdescription" : "Plain Cardboard Box", --- > "description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "avianDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "floranDescription" : "Cardboard box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A cardboard box.", < "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cardboard box.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This cardboard box can be stacked as an efficient storage solution.", > "avianDescription" : "A cardboard box. Just about anything could be inside.", > "floranDescription" : "Cardboard boxess for sstorage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This cardboard is exceptionally durable, almost anything can be stored inside.", > "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box. Useful for storing things away.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A cardboard box. Sometimes simple solutions are the most effective.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a cardboard box for stashin' stuff.", 41c43 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\cardboard3\cardboard3.object 10c10 < "description" : "An open cardboard box.", --- > "description" : "An opened cardboard box.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "avianDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "floranDescription" : "Cardboard box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A cardboard box.", < "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A cardboard box.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A cardboard box that's been left open.", > "avianDescription" : "A medium sized cardboard box.", > "floranDescription" : "Cardboard for sstoring thingss insside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This cardboard box is light, but large enough to hold many things inside.", > "humanDescription" : "A cardboard box. Looks like it's been opened.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic cardboard box. It's not pretty, but good for keeping things organised.", > "novakidDescription" : "A flimsy box for storin' just about anythin'.", 40c42 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\claypot1\claypot1.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A little clay pot. Should I smash it?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small clay pot. Should I smash it?", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash it open! Get the goodiess insside!", < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thiss clay pot can be ssmasshed!", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Breaking this fragile pot will reveal the contents inside.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes force can yield rewards.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This clay pot was carefully crafted, but the contents cannot be explored without breaking it.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd bet I could smash this 'ol pot with one shot.", objects\generic\claypot2\claypot2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "A little clay pot. Should I smash it?", < "avianDescription" : "A clay pot. It might have something useful in it!", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash it open! Get the goodiess insside!", < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A cracked clay pot. Should I smash it?", > "avianDescription" : "A cracked clay pot. It might have something useful in it!", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss clay pot can be ssmasshed!", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Breaking this cracked pot will reveal the contents inside.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes force can yield rewards.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This cracked pot was carefully crafted, but the contents cannot be explored without breaking it.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd bet I could smash this 'ol pot with one shot.", objects\generic\claypot3\claypot3.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 8c8 < "description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A little clay pot. Should I smash it?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small clay pot. Should I smash it?", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash it open! Get the goodiess insside!", < "glitchDescription" : "Destructive. Engage smashing.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thiss clay pot can be ssmasshed!", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Breaking this fragile pot will reveal the contents inside.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes force can yield rewards.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This clay pot was carefully crafted, but the contents cannot be explored without breaking it.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd bet I could smash this 'ol pot with one shot.", objects\generic\copperbox1\copperbox1.object 11c11 < "description" : "A mysterious copper crate.", --- > "description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 15,20c16,22 < "apexDescription" : "A copper crate.", < "avianDescription" : "A storage box.", < "floranDescription" : "Box!", < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. Is there anything inside?", < "humanDescription" : "A copper crate. It's open.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An open crate.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy copper storage crate.", > "avianDescription" : "A storage box made made from copper.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong crate made from metal", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. The design is very traditional, but this crate is constructed from copper.", > "humanDescription" : "A copper crate. I bet it's even heavy when there's nothing inside.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A solid crate constructed from copper.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this crate is strong 'nough to hold anything inside.", 50c52 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\copperceilinglight\copperceilinglight.object 5c5 < "description" : "A copper ceiling light.", --- > "description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", 16,19c16,19 < "apexDescription" : "A metallic ceiling light.", < "avianDescription" : "A colourful ceiling light.", < "floranDescription" : "Safe light, not fire. Floran like.", < "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A light fixture.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A metallic ceiling light fixture.", > "avianDescription" : "This hanging ceiling light is crafted from copper.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metal light issn't hot to touch.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This electric light prevents copper around it from becoming hot.", 21c21,22 < "hylotlDescription" : "An uninteresting ceiling light.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An industrial ceiling light made from copper.", > "novakidDescription" : "A shiny lookin' copper light.", 60c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] objects\generic\copperlantern\copperlantern.object 14c14 < "avianDescription" : "Fuel keeps the flame alight.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Fuel keeps this lantern flame alight.", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The lantern contains oil.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This lantern contains oil.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription" : "A reliable light source.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A lantern made outta copper.", 82c82 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\coppershelf\coppershelf.object 8c8 < "description" : "A shelf made of copper.", --- > "description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "It's a wall shelf.", < "avianDescription" : "A simple wall shelf.", < "floranDescription" : "Boring shelf.", < "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A wall shelf.", < "humanDescription" : "It's a wall shelf.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A blue wall shelf for displaying curios.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's a wall shelf made from copper.", > "avianDescription" : "A mounted copper wall shelf.", > "floranDescription" : "Hanging metal shelf.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This wall shelf is made from copper.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a wall shelf crafted from copper.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A copper wall shelf of very basic design.", > "novakidDescription" : "A copper shelf hangin' on the wall.", objects\generic\coppersupport\coppersupport.object 8c8 < "description" : "A rusty copper support.", --- > "description" : "A copper structural support beam.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A copper support. Looks worse for wear.", < "avianDescription" : "A copper support.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly copper made into sssupport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. this copper is rusty.", < "humanDescription" : "A copper support. In poor condition.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A worn copper support.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A copper support beam.", > "avianDescription" : "A metal structural support.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssupport beam made from copper.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This copper beam is not actually supporting any structural weight.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a copper support beam.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A solidly constructed copper support.", > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' copper beam.", objects\generic\cultistaltar\cultistaltar.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A strange altar. What arcane being is worshipped here?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A strange altar. What arcane practice is worshipped here?", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmell blood on table.", < "glitchDescription" : "Assessing. This altar's purpose eludes me.", < "humanDescription" : "A creepy altar. Just what I always wanted.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmell blood.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This altar appears to have been used for some sinister ritual.", > "humanDescription" : "A creepy altar. Just looking at it makes me uneasy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This dark altar is eerie and unsettlin'.", 39,40c40,41 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\generic\datastation\datastation.object 14c14 < "description" : "This station is transmitting a lot of data.", --- > "description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", 18c18 < "apexDescription" : "It seems to be processing a lot of data.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It appears to be processing a lot of data.", 20,22c20,22 < "floranDescription" : "Machine makess busssy noisess.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scan. This Research Station is processing topographical data of the planet.", < "humanDescription" : "It's a Research station. It looks important, so I probably shouldn't touch it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flashy machine makes bussy noisess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Analytical. This terminal appears to be processing topographical data about the planet.", > "humanDescription" : "It's some sort of computer station. It looks important, so I probably shouldn't touch it.", 23a24 > "novakidDescription" : "Some fancy computer with all kinds of flashy panels.", objects\generic\eggchair\eggchair.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "An egg-shaped chair. I feel like a child.", < "floranDescription" : "Egg chair look tassty.", < "glitchDescription" : "Consider. Chance of back pain very high.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An egg-shaped chair. I feel very comfortable sitting in it.", > "floranDescription" : "Egg chair lookss tassty.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This chair design does not support proper posture.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' egg lookin' chair.", objects\generic\electricdoor\electricdoor.object 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "The current forms a shield to keep things out.", < "avianDescription" : "Electricity? Remarkable.", < "floranDescription" : "Door sssizzless. Floran afraid.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. The current here is completely grounded. There is no danger.", < "humanDescription" : "Who makes a door like this?", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl are very cautious with electrical current.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This current forms a shield to keep things from passing through.", > "avianDescription" : "A door fashioned from electricity? Remarkable.", > "floranDescription" : "Door sssizzless, Floran don't like electric doorss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Unconcerned. The current here is completely grounded, there is no danger.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a gate made from electricity. Who makes a door like this?", > "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl are very cautious with electrical currents.", > "novakidDescription" : "A big rowdy spark of electric energy.", 25a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 42,43c44,45 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\electriclight\electriclight.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "Electricity harnessed to produce light.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Electricity harnessed to produce a simple light.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Label. A light.", < "humanDescription" : "A basic light.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An ordinary light.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. This basic light can be mounted on most surfaces.", > "humanDescription" : "A basic light mounted up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Just an ordinary looking light.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a little hangin' electric light.", 126c127 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\fairylights\fairylights.object 3,4c3,4 < "colonyTags" : ["swamp","light"], < "printable" : false, --- > "colonyTags" : ["light"], > "printable" : true, 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Much sssparkle.", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. These twinkling lights add much to the cheery atmosphere.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Much sssparkle lightss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Contentment. These twinkling lights help build a relaxed atmosphere.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Bunch'a sparklin' li'l lights all strung up.", objects\generic\fireflowerpot\fireflowerpot.object 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "The flower dances in the breeze, like fire.", < "floranDescription" : "Pretty flower. Look like flamesss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Nature is the Mistress of beauty.", < "humanDescription" : "A beautiful soft flower. I wonder if eating this will let me throw fireballs?", < "hylotlDescription" : "Flowers of the surface are so vibrant.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The movement of this flower in the breeze looks like fire.", > "floranDescription" : "Ugly flower lookss like flamesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. The colour and shape of this flower closely resemble fire.", > "humanDescription" : "A beautiful soft flower, what power does it hold?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Flowers on the surface are so vibrant.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy lookin' flower growin' in a pot.", objects\generic\fireflybush\fireflybush.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 14c14 < "avianDescription" : "These creatures make me long to soar.", --- > "avianDescription" : "These tiny creatures make me long to soar.", 16,18c16,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Wonder. Such beautiful, ethereal creatures.", < "humanDescription" : "Fireflies. I wish I had a jar...", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nature can move us all to tears.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. These fireflies fly in a hypnotic pattern.", > "humanDescription" : "Fireflies, they're attracted to this bush for some reason.", > "hylotlDescription" : "At times the beauty of nature is overwhelming.", > "novakidDescription" : "These bugs are all lit up like tiny candles.", 58c59 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, objects\generic\flagapex\flagapex.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "This Apex flag is not one us Resistance types respond well to.", < "avianDescription" : "The Apex flag of oppression.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this monkey flag mean ssspeed boost!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An Apex flag.", < "humanDescription" : "This Apex flag is somewhat familiar.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This Apex flag reminds us of their barbaric hierarchy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An Apex flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Apex flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Apex flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Apex flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Apex flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Apex flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Apex flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flagavian\flagavian.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "The Avian flag reflects their longing to return to the skies.", < "avianDescription" : "Our flag is a symbol of hope that one day we will fly again.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this mean angelsss!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A striking Avian flag.", < "humanDescription" : "The Avian flag has a spiritual aura to it.", < "hylotlDescription" : "As their flag shows, the Avians cling to the past.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An Avian flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Avian flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Avian flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Avian flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Avian flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Avian flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Avian flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flagfloran\flagfloran.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "The Floran flag is a lot less bloodthirsty than you'd expect.", < "avianDescription" : "The Floran flag is actually quite pretty.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran Floran Floran yeah! Ssstab with flagpole!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The simplistic beauty of the Floran flag.", < "humanDescription" : "A flower for the Florans.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A horrifying Floran symbol for a horrifying species.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A Floran flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Floran flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Floran flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Floran flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Floran flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Floran flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flagglitch\flagglitch.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A Glitch flag. Quite striking.", < "avianDescription" : "I like the Glitch's flag.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this mean metal people nearby!", < "glitchDescription" : "Pride. The flag of the Glitch. Outcast or not, we all turn to this flag.", < "humanDescription" : "This flag belongs to the Glitch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Oh look, it's the Glitch's basic, childish flag.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A Glitch flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Glitch flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Glitch flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Glitch flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Glitch flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Glitch flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Novakid flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flaghuman\flaghuman.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A human flag. Looks like it represents their organisation.", < "avianDescription" : "I see this human symbol a lot.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like meatman flag!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A human flag, depicting the symbol of the Terrene Protectorate.", < "humanDescription" : "The flag of the Protectorate!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This human flag represents intercolonial co-operation.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A human flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This human flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Human flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this human flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This human flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This human flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this human flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flaghylotl\flaghylotl.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A Hylotl flag. Pretty plain.", < "avianDescription" : "A Hylotl flag. There may be Hylotl around.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this mean 'down with fish'.", < "glitchDescription" : "Derision. A Hylotl flag.", < "humanDescription" : "A Hylotl flag. Fishy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl flag flies proud. I could weep.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A Hylotl flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Hylotl flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Hylotl flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Hylotl flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Hylotl flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Hylotl flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Hylotl flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flagnovakid\flagnovakid.object 7c7 < "category" : "teleporter", --- > "category" : "teleportMarker", 9c9,10 < --- > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupflag" ], > 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "The Novakid flag. Their memories are so short they probably don't remember planting it.", < "avianDescription" : "A Novakid flag. How appropriate for star people to bear stars on their flag.", < "floranDescription" : "Florann not ssuure what Novakid isss. Glowwwy, Gasssbagss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A Novakid flag, bearing a sheriff symbol.", < "humanDescription" : "A Novakid flag. There's a sheriff badge on it.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Novakid flag. Strange, but interesting creatures.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A Novakid flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", > "avianDescription" : "This Novakid flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", > "floranDescription" : "Novakid flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A small locator module attached to this Novakid flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", > "humanDescription" : "This Novakid flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Novakid flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can bookmark this Novakid flag for quick teleportin'.", objects\generic\flickeringfluorescentlight\flickeringfluorescentlight.object 19,20c19,20 < "apexDescription" : "A bright light. Reminds me of Miniknog cells.", < "avianDescription" : "This light is overly bright.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This light has only the faintest flicker of power. Perhaps it can be repaired.", > "avianDescription" : "This light is almost completely broken.", 22,24c22,25 < "glitchDescription" : "Calculating. The brightness levels are slightly too high for human eyes.", < "humanDescription" : "An uncomfortably bright light.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The creator of this light got a bit carried away.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Displeased. This fluorescent light is almost non-functional.", > "humanDescription" : "A broken light that flickers faintly.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This light appears to not be functioning correctly.", > "novakidDescription" : "This busted light ain't flickerin' more'n a candle.", 60c61,62 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_quiet.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\generic\floodlights\floodlights.object 12c12 < "glitchDescription" : "Showoff. Bright lights do not bother Glitch. Glitch eyes can process any amount of light.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. I can see clearly with these lights shining.", 14c14,15 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl use similar lights to illuminate the ocean.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl use similar lights to illuminate beneath the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "These big lamps are brighter'n a summer sun.", 62c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\generic\fluorescentlight\fluorescentlight.object 10c10 < "avianDescription" : "This light is harsh.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This light is harsh and cold.", 12c12 < "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. The light buzzes gently.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. The light buzzes gently while turned on.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "This fancy light is buzzin' like flies 'round a mule.", 93a95 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 105c107 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\foodbowl\foodbowl.lua 6c6 < entity.setAnimationState("bowl", "full") --- > animator.setAnimationState("bowl", "full") 11,12c11,12 < entity.setAnimationState("bowl", "empty") < end \ No newline at end of file --- > animator.setAnimationState("bowl", "empty") > end objects\generic\foodbowl\foodbowl.object 12a13,22 > "printable" : false, > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "Food can be left in this bowl for pets.", > "avianDescription" : "If I leave food inside this bowl my pet will know it's for them.", > "floranDescription" : "Pet bowl holdss food insside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Responsible. Keeping my pets well fed will make them grow strong and happy.", > "humanDescription" : "This bowl is just the right size for my pets favourite foods.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This small bowl can hold food inside for pets.", > "novakidDescription" : "This little trough is for feedin' pets.", 52c62 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\fossilpod\fossilpod.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\generic\fountain1\fountain1.object 5c5 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 270, 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", --- > "shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A pretty fountain. The sound is soothing.", < "avianDescription" : "A large birdbath.", < "floranDescription" : "Water bring life to Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Relaxed. The water calms me.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A pretty fountain. The sound of the water is soothing.", > "avianDescription" : "A large fountain. Reminds me of a birdbath.", > "floranDescription" : "Water is bringer of life for Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Relaxed. The sounds of this water is calming.", 16c16,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes I miss the ocean.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Beautiful clear water. Sometimes I miss the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda splashy statue spoutin' water.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 24a29,38 > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [4, 24], // Right > [20, 24] // Left > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-4,0], [-4,1], [-3,0], [-3,1], [-2,0], [-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1] ], 28,29c42,48 < } < ], --- > }, > { > "image" : "fountain1.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], > "frames" : 3, > "animationCycle" : 0.4, > "direction" : "right", 31c50,56 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg", --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [4, 24], // Left > [20, 24] // Right > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1], [3,0], [3,1] ], 32a58,61 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ], 34,36c63 < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [14, 24] --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg" objects\generic\fountain2\fountain2.object 5,6c5,6 < "price" : 240, < "description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", --- > "price" : 270, > "description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", 11,16c11,20 < "apexDescription" : "A pretty fountain. The sound is soothing.", < "avianDescription" : "A large birdbath.", < "floranDescription" : "Water bring life to Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Relaxed. The water calms me.", < "humanDescription" : "If I had a penny I'd throw it in.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes I miss the ocean.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A fountain made from stone.", > "avianDescription" : "This fountain has large beautiful streams of water.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess clear water in fountain.", > "glitchDescription" : "Peaceful. The sound of water flowing trickles from this fountain.", > "humanDescription" : "I feel compelled to make a wish.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Stone shaped and carved into a fountain.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda splashy statue spoutin' water.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 24a29,38 > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [4, 24], // Right > [20, 24] // Left > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-4,0], [-4,1], [-3,0], [-3,1], [-2,0], [-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1] ], 28,29c42,48 < } < ], --- > }, > { > "image" : "fountain2.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], > "frames" : 4, > "animationCycle" : 0.4, > "direction" : "right", 31c50,56 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg", --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [4, 24], // Left > [20, 24] // Right > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1], [3,0], [3,1] ], 32a58,61 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ], 34,36c63 < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [14, 24] --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg" objects\generic\frogmerchant\frogmerchant.object 10,11c10,11 < "title" : " Frog Merchant", < "subtitle" : " A strange amphibious peddler" --- > "title" : " Frog Merchant", > "subtitle" : " A strange amphibious peddler" objects\generic\frogstatue\frogstatue.object 10c10 < "apexDescription" : "A peaceful-looking frog.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A statue of a peaceful-looking frog.", 12,15c12,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think Floran ssstab this once.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interest. This statue depicts a species of frog of which I am not aware.", < "humanDescription" : "If there were a few of these guys, we could have a sing-along.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Mother! Oh. It's a statue of a frog.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran would ssstab this frogman.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This statue depicts a species of frog of which I am not aware.", > "humanDescription" : "If there were a few more of these guys, we could have a sing-along.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's a grand statue of a frog.", > "novakidDescription" : "How's this frog sittin' this way? Seems t'me he'd break his legs.", objects\generic\futurelight\futurelight.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like light. Light make shadow, Floran creep in shadow.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess light. Light makess shadow, Floran creep in shadow.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A watertight light fitting.", 122a124 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 135c137 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\gunchest\gunchest.object 10c10 < "description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", --- > "description" : "A hi-tech container for guns.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16,19c17,21 < "floranDescription" : "Ugly frogmen put guns in this chessst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A high-tech chest universally recognized for gun storage.", < "humanDescription" : "A storage container for guns. I've seen the USCM guys on TV use these.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A chest for gun storage. I don't remember where I've seen these before.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ugly fishmen put guns in this chesst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Reassured. A hi-tech chest universally recognised for gun storage.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage container for guns. I've seen people on TV use these.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A chest for gun storage. I've seen one of these before somewhere.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is some fancy way to store guns.", 47c49 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\hazardmicroscope\hazardmicroscope.object 7c7 < "description" : "A large Microscope, designed for observing bacterial hazards.", --- > "description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A Microscope - A classic universal tool for study and research.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A microscope - A classic universal tool for study and research.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran can look at plantsss very close!", < "glitchDescription" : "Educational. Organic materials are curious when you look very close.", < "humanDescription" : "A Microscope! I want to see creepy small things!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This object appears to observe things on a very small scale.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can look at plantsss very close with thisss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. Organic materials are curious when you look very close.", > "humanDescription" : "A microscope! Small things can turn out to be creepy up close.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This device can be used to observe things on a very small scale.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't got time to be lookin' down microscopes.", objects\generic\invisiblelight\invisiblelight.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, objects\generic\invisiblesparker\invisiblesparker.object 9a10 > "scannable" : false, 42c43 < --- > 53c54 < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "anchors" : [] objects\generic\ironbed\ironbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharp Bed", 26,27c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\generic\irondoor\irondoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharp Door", 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "This door looks designed to keep something out... or in.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssstabby door. Floran ssslam door on fish.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This door appears to be of Glitch origin.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This door looks designed to keep something out... Or in.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like sstabby door. Floran ssslam door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. A fine door a fortress, or similar establishment.", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "What barbarians would make a door out of blades?", < "novakidDescription" : "This spiky door ain't nothin' for the likes of me.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "What barbarian would make a door out of blades?", > "novakidDescription" : "This spiky door ain't scarin' anybody.", 24c24,25 < "imagePosition" : [-16, -32], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26,27c27,28 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "top" ] --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], > "fgAnchors" : [ [-1,-1], [0,-1], [1,-1], [-1,5], [0,5], [1,5] ] 37,38c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c51 < "animationPosition" : [-16, -32], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\ironlight\ironlight.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharp Light", objects\generic\ironswitch\ironswitch.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharp Console", 42c42 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\generic\irontoilet\irontoilet.object 7c7 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sharp Toilet", objects\generic\kennel\kennel.object 15a16 > "novakidDescription" : "A pet kennel! A lil on the crooked side but who's complainin'?", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\generic\lightbulb\lightbulb.object 5c5 < "description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", --- > "description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", 12,14c12,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Kindness. I wish to donate a lampshade.", < "humanDescription" : "A depressing light.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Undecorated.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Compassionate. I wish to donate this lightbulb a lampshade.", > "humanDescription" : "A depressing fixture.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An undecorated light.", > "novakidDescription" : "A lone lightbulb.", objects\generic\lightbulb\lightbulb2.object 5c5 < "description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", --- > "description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", 12,14c12,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Kindness. I wish to donate a lampshade.", < "humanDescription" : "A depressing light.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Undecorated.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Compassionate. I wish to donate this lightbulb a lampshade.", > "humanDescription" : "A depressing fixture.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An undecorated light.", > "novakidDescription" : "A lone lightbulb.", objects\generic\locker1\locker1.object 10c10 < "description" : "Fond memories of being trapped inside after class.", --- > "description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Measure. A small amount of storage.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A small amount of wall storage.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This locker doesn't actually lock.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\locker2\locker2.object 10c10 < "description" : "No doubt once contained love letters, bad apples and books never read.", --- > "description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Measure. A small amount of storage.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A small amount of wall storage.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This locker doesn't actually lock.", 36c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\loudspeaker\loudspeaker.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This here speaker is cracklin' away.", objects\generic\markergroundplaque\markergroundplaque.object 13,16c13,18 < "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay keep out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", < "humanDescription" : "With this, my house can become a home.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque will seal the deal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay \"keep out!\"", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", > "humanDescription" : "With one of these plaques, everyone will know which is my house.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque would seal the deal.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy plaque to tell strangers that this property is taken.", > objects\generic\markerwallplaque1\markerwallplaque1.object 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay keep out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", < "humanDescription" : "With this, my house can become a home.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque will seal the deal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay \"keep out!\"", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", > "humanDescription" : "With one of these plaques, everyone will know which is my house.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque would seal the deal.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy plaque to tell strangers that this property is taken.", objects\generic\markerwallplaque2\markerwallplaque2.object 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay keep out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", < "humanDescription" : "With this, my house can become a home.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque will seal the deal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay \"keep out!\"", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", > "humanDescription" : "With one of these plaques, everyone will know which is my house.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque would seal the deal.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy plaque to tell strangers that this property is taken.", objects\generic\markerwallplaque3\markerwallplaque3.object 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay keep out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", < "humanDescription" : "With this, my house can become a home.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque will seal the deal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran plant marker to sssay \"keep out!\"", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A handy plaque to signify ownership.", > "humanDescription" : "With one of these plaques, everyone will know which is my house.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl dwellings are unique as it is, but this plaque would seal the deal.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy plaque to tell strangers that this property is taken.", objects\generic\mechanicalelevator\mechanicalelevatorlong.object 6c6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 14,22c14,20 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "A trustworthy elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "An elevator with a clever cog and gear system.", > "floranDescription" : "Cogss and gearss movesss platform.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A clockwork elevator, a reliable mechanism indeed.", > "humanDescription" : "A clockwork elevator, a satisfyingly smooth ride.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Clockwork elevators are some of the smoothest I've encountered.", > "novakidDescription" : "Cogs and gears keep this platform movin'.", 84c82 < "inboundNodes" : [[0, 0]] --- > "inputNodes" : [[0, 0]] objects\generic\mechanicalelevator\mechanicalelevatorshort.object 6c6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 14,22c14,20 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "A trustworthy elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "An elevator with a clever cog and gear system.", > "floranDescription" : "Cogss and gearss movesss platform.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A clockwork elevator, a reliable mechanism indeed.", > "humanDescription" : "A clockwork elevator, a satisfyingly smooth ride.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Clockwork elevators are some of the smoothest I've encountered.", > "novakidDescription" : "Cogs and gears keep this platform movin'.", 84c82 < "inboundNodes" : [[0, 0]] --- > "inputNodes" : [[0, 0]] objects\generic\metalbarrel1\metalbarrel1.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Pointless. A metal barrel I can't open.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Frustrated. A metal barrel, I can't open it.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A sealed metal barrel.", 22,25c23 < < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], objects\generic\metalbarrel2\metalbarrel2.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Round metal cube. No door. Metal tastesss funny.", < "glitchDescription" : "Dangerous. Radioactive material inside a metal barrel I can't open.", < "humanDescription" : "A metal drum. I don't want to open it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Round metal cube. No door. Thiss metal tastesss funny.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. The label on this barrel suggests it contains radioactive material.", > "humanDescription" : "A sealed metal drum with questionable contents.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A sealed metal barrel. I don't want to open it.", 22,25c23 < < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], objects\generic\metalbarrel2b\metalbarrel2b.object 5c5 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Round metal cube. No door. Metal tastesss funny.", < "glitchDescription" : "Dangerous. Radioactive material inside a metal barrel I can't open.", < "humanDescription" : "A metal drum. I don't want to open it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Round metal cube. No door. Thiss metal tastesss funny.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. The label on this barrel suggests it contains radioactive material.", > "humanDescription" : "A sealed metal drum with questionable contents.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A sealed metal barrel. I don't want to open it.", objects\generic\metalchair\basicmetalchair.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Pointlessly blabbering. Metal chair.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A metallic chair.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Simple metal chair.", objects\generic\miningsupplies\miningsupplies.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 45c46 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 49c50 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\generic\modernchair\modernchair.object 14,16c14,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Study. Designed for maximum comfort.", < "humanDescription" : "This chair cups my buns nicely.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Attractive, if a little clinical.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. Designed for maximum comfort.", > "humanDescription" : "This chair feels like it's hugging you.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An attractively shaped chair, if a little clinical.", > "novakidDescription" : "Funny lookin' chair. I like it!", > objects\generic\moderntable\moderntable.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. Glass appears to be bullet-proof.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This glass appears to be bullet-proof.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A see-through table.", objects\generic\nanostove\nanostove.object 6c6 < "description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a good place to cook.", --- > "description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", 8d7 < "subtitle" : "Hi-tech cooking.", 12d10 < "objectType" : "container", 15a14,25 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Nanostove", > "subtitle" : " Hi-tech campsite cooking" > } > } > }, > 18c28 < "floranDescription" : "Floran fear ssstove. Burn Floran. Use anyway.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran fear ssstove will burn Floran. Floran use anyway.", 21a32 > "novakidDescription" : "A handy lil stove, but you can't beat a real campfire.", 59,67c70 < < "statusEffects" : [ ], < < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.25 objects\generic\oillantern1\oillantern1.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. The lantern contains oil.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Content. The lantern contains oil.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty oil lantern.", 81c82 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\oillanterntall\oillanterntall.object 5c5 < "description" : "It's an oil lantern on a stick.", --- > "description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Inspiration. Such a lamp would light a Glitch courtyard nicely.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. Such a lamp would light a Glitch courtyard nicely.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "These wouldn't work beneath the ocean.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "These lanterns wouldn't work beneath the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty oil lantern on a stick.", 60c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ] objects\generic\pethouse\pethouse.object 7c7 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 300, 10a11,19 > "printable" : false, > > "apexDescription" : "Home sweet home to a beloved pet.", > "avianDescription" : "Some kind of small house for a creature. I bet my bunny would love it!", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssnake usually live in tall grasss. Pet housse unnatural.", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This kennel would suit my prized piglet.", > "humanDescription" : "Just another thoughtful gift for my ungrateful feline companion to ignore.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This isn't a conventional house for a crasberry, but it will do.", > "novakidDescription" : "A pet house! A lil on the cramped side but who's complainin'?", objects\generic\pillar1\pillar1.object 7c7 < "description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", --- > "description" : "A tall stone pillar.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pillar.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A pillar.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A pillar, standin' tall.", objects\generic\pillar2\pillar2.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", --- > "description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A pillar.", < "avianDescription" : "A pillar.", < "floranDescription" : "Big tall ssstone.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pillar.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A broken pillar.", > "avianDescription" : "A broken pillar.", > "floranDescription" : "Broken ssstone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This pillar has been damaged.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A substandard pillar.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The remains of a tall stone pillar.", > "novakidDescription" : "A broken pillar.", objects\generic\pin\bowlingpin.object 5,6c5,6 < "category" : "pot", < "price" : 40, --- > "category" : "breakable", > "price" : 50, objects\generic\podchest\podchest.object 10c10 < "description" : "A pod chest.", --- > "description" : "A useful storage chest.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 18c19 < "humanDescription" : "A chest is a welcome sight.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A pod chest is always a welcome sight.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A pod chest. Wonder what's inside...", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\poop\poop.object 14c14 < "apexDescription" : "Feces. What is this doing here?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Faeces. What is this doing here?", 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hungry now.", < "glitchDescription" : "Realisation. Biological entities are disgusting.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssssmells bad.", > "glitchDescription" : "Resolute. Biological entities are disgusting.", 19c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "A natural process.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "All part of a natural process.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't got nothin' decent to say on the matter.", objects\generic\portcullis\portcullis.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "It looks like this durasteel door opens upwards", --- > "apexDescription" : "It looks like this durasteel door opens upwards.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Door iss heavy, heavy metal bars make door.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Heavy metal barsss make door.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The kinda door you cou can slide under as it closes, if you've got your wits about ya!", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] objects\generic\randomfountain\randomfountain.object 41,42c41,42 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\generic\redalert\redalert.object 8c8 < "description" : "A red flashing light... that's usually not good.", --- > "description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "This looks like an alarm or warning.", < "avianDescription" : "Did I set this off?", < "floranDescription" : "Flasshing light amusse Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. A red flashing light is a warning or alarm in a million different cultures.", < "humanDescription" : "Uh oh, what's going to happen?", < "hylotlDescription" : "A grave sign.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This looks like an alarm or warning signal.", > "avianDescription" : "Did I set this alarm off?", > "floranDescription" : "Flashing light amussse Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. A red flashing light is a warning or alarm in a million different cultures.", > "humanDescription" : "Uh oh, what's does that mean?", > "hylotlDescription" : "This alarm is terrible omen.", > "novakidDescription" : "What a calamity that thing makes!", objects\generic\rusticoven\rusticoven.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 14a14,25 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Rustic Oven", > "subtitle" : " Wood-fired cooking" > } > } > }, > 21,22c32 < < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "novakidDescription" : "Well if that ain't the cutest little oven I ever saw!", 32d41 < 58a68 > 60,65c70,71 < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > objects\generic\sapling\sapling.object 1,46c1,48 < { < "objectName" : "sapling", < "colonyTags" : [], < "rarity" : "Common", < "category" : "sapling", < "description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "objectType" : "farmable", < "printable" : false, < "retainObjectParametersInItem" : true, < < "apexDescription" : "I can plant this to grow a tree.", < "avianDescription" : "I can grow a tree by planting this sapling.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran plant cute sssapling, grow big bad evil tree!", < "glitchDescription" : "Wonder. Planting this sapling allows me to grow life.", < "humanDescription" : "This sapling will grow into a tree.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Such wondrous life, springing forth from the tiniest shoot. Sigh.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "saplingicon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "sapling.png:..", < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "requireTilledAnchors" : false, < "requireSoilAnchors" : true, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < < } < ], < < "stages" : [ < { < "duration" : [150, 180] < }, < { < "duration" : [150, 180] < }, < { < "tree" : true < } < ], < < "consumeSoilMoisture" : false < } --- > { > "objectName" : "sapling", > "colonyTags" : [], > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "sapling", > "description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "objectType" : "farmable", > "printable" : false, > "retainObjectParametersInItem" : true, > > "apexDescription" : "I can plant this to grow a tree.", > "avianDescription" : "I can grow a tree by planting this sapling.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran plant cute sssapling, grow big bad evil tree!", > "glitchDescription" : "Wonder. Planting this sapling allows me to grow life.", > "humanDescription" : "This sapling will grow into a tree.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Such wondrous life, springing forth from the tiniest shoot. Sigh.", > "novakidDescription" : "It'll grow into a big tree if I plant it.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "saplingicon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "sapling.png:..", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "requireTilledAnchors" : false, > "requireSoilAnchors" : true, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ], > > "stages" : [ > { > "duration" : [150, 180] > }, > { > "duration" : [150, 180] > }, > { > "tree" : true > } > ], > > "consumeSoilMoisture" : false, > > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildsapling.lua" > } objects\generic\screenplanet\screenplanet.object 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "The screen is showin' me information about the planet we're on.", 55c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\seismograph\seismograph.object 1,32c1,33 < { < "objectName" : "seismograph", < "colonyTags" : ["science"], < "rarity" : "Uncommon", < "category" : "decorative", < "price" : 100, < < "description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", < "shortdescription" : "Seismograph", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "This device can be used for recording earthquakes. A useful tool to some.", < "avianDescription" : "It is drawing a single line, that occasionally moves up and down. Curious.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal thing isss red. Red isss good colour.", < "glitchDescription" : "Informed. This device is monitoring movements in the local area.", < "humanDescription" : "This thing is monitoring seismic activity. Pretty neat.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The constant wave measurement reminds me of the ebb and flow of an ocean.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "seismographicon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "seismograph.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "seismographlit.png:." } ], < "imagePosition" : [-16, -16], < "frames" : 12, < "animationCycle" : 1.5, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "background" ] < < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "seismograph", > "colonyTags" : ["science"], > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "decorative", > "price" : 100, > > "description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "race" : "generic", > > "apexDescription" : "This device can be used for recording earthquakes. A useful tool to some.", > "avianDescription" : "It is drawing a single line, that occasionally moves up and down. Curious.", > "floranDescription" : "Metal thing isss red. Red isss good colour.", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. This device is monitoring movements in the local area.", > "humanDescription" : "This thing is monitoring seismic activity. Pretty neat.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The constant wave measurement reminds me of the ebb and flow of an ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's a machine for monitorin' seismic activity.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "seismographicon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "seismograph.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "seismographlit.png:." } ], > "imagePosition" : [-16, -16], > "frames" : 12, > "animationCycle" : 1.5, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "background" ] > > } > ] > } objects\generic\shiplight\shiplight.object 1,31c1,32 < { < "objectName" : "shiplight", < "colonyTags" : ["light"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "race" : "floran", < < "category" : "light", < "price" : 45, < "lightColor" : [220, 220, 220], < < "apexDescription" : "Lights.", < "avianDescription" : "Lights.", < "floranDescription" : "Bright lights.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Lights.", < "humanDescription" : "Lights.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Lights.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "shiplight.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "image" : "shiplight.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [-0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.3, < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "background" ] < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "shiplight", > "colonyTags" : ["light"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "race" : "floran", > > "category" : "light", > "price" : 45, > "lightColor" : [220, 220, 220], > > "apexDescription" : "Lights.", > "avianDescription" : "Lights.", > "floranDescription" : "Bright lightss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observative. Lights.", > "humanDescription" : "Lights.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Lights.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some lights.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "shiplight.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "image" : "shiplight.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-0, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "background" ] > } > ] > } objects\generic\sleepingbag\sleepingbag.object 1,45c1,45 < { < "objectName" : "sleepingbag", < "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "shortdescription" : "Sleeping Bag", < "race" : "generic", < "category" : "furniture", < "price" : 105, < < "apexDescription" : "Rebel Apex spend many nights sleeping in these.", < "avianDescription" : "Sleeping here would be uncomfortable on the feathers.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran does not like sssleeping in bag.", < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. Oh how wonderful.", < "humanDescription" : "A sleeping bag. Good protection against the elements in a pinch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Do these work underwater?", < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : true, < "sitPosition" : [14, 5], < "sitOrientation" : "lay", < "sitAngle" : -90, < "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbagcover.png", < "sitEmote" : "sleep", < "sitStatusEffects" : [ < "regeneration1", < "nude" < ], < "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], < < "inventoryIcon" : "sleepingbagicon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "sleepingbag.png:", < < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "sleepingbag", > "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "race" : "generic", > "category" : "furniture", > "price" : 105, > > "apexDescription" : "Rebel Apex spend many nights sleeping in these.", > "avianDescription" : "Sleeping here would be uncomfortable on the feathers.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran does not like sssleeping in bag.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. Oh how wonderful.", > "humanDescription" : "A sleeping bag. Good protection against the elements in a pinch.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Do these work underwater?", > "novakidDescription" : "It won't get me the best night's sleep, but it'll do in a pinch.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitPosition" : [14, 5], > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : -90, > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbagcover.png", > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ > "bed1" > ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], > > "inventoryIcon" : "sleepingbagicon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "sleepingbag.png:", > > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 1.0, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > > } > ] > } objects\generic\slidingdoor\slidingdoor.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a slidin' door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 33a36,47 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } > } > }, 39,40c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\smashcrystal\smashcrystal.object 1,38c1,39 < { < "objectName" : "smashcrystal", < "colonyTags" : ["misc"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "category" : "pot", < "price" : 40, < "printable" : false, < < "description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", < "shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "I must smash this crystal!", < "avianDescription" : "Smashing this crystal will be satisfying.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmashy ssshiny!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Smashing this crystal will produce great wealth.", < "humanDescription" : "Time to make some crystal mess.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Blue crystals. Pretty. I hope I don't smash them!", < < "inventoryIcon" : "smashcrystalicon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "image" : "smashcrystal.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 4, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "background" ] < < } < ], < "smashable" : true, < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], < "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "crystalshard" } ], < "smashDropPool" : "smashMoney", < "breakDropPool" : "smashMoney" < } --- > { > "objectName" : "smashcrystal", > "colonyTags" : ["misc"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "breakable", > "price" : 40, > "printable" : false, > > "description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", > "shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", > "race" : "generic", > > "apexDescription" : "I must smash this crystal!", > "avianDescription" : "Smashing this crystal will be satisfying.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmashy shiny!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Smashing this crystal will produce great wealth.", > "humanDescription" : "Time to make some crystal mess.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Blue crystals. Pretty. I hope I don't smash them!", > "novakidDescription" : "I just got the strongest urge to smash this 'ere crystal.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "smashcrystalicon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "image" : "smashcrystal.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "frames" : 4, > "animationCycle" : 0.5, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "background" ] > > } > ], > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "crystalshard" } ], > "smashDropPool" : "smashMoney", > "breakDropPool" : "smashMoney" > } objects\generic\statuspod\statuspod.object 1,123c1,119 < { < "objectName" : "statuspod", < "colonyTags" : ["misc"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "printable" : false, < < "category" : "other", < "price" : 500, < "description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "A status pod. Will I be lucky?", < "avianDescription" : "A status pod. I hope I get lucky.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran trigger little pot with reckless abandon.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This status pod's effects are unable to be analysed.", < "humanDescription" : "Ooh, a lucky dip!", < "hylotlDescription" : "I bet something bad happens.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "statuspodicon.png", < "lightColor" : [120, 120, 120], < < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "statuspod.png:default", < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < } < ], < < "scripts" : [ "/scripts/statusProjectileObject.lua" ], < "scriptDelta" : 10, < "activationTime" : 900, < "animation" : "/objects/generic/statuspod/statuspod.animation", < "animationParts" : { < "pod" : "statuspod.png" < }, < "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], < < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], < < "smashOnBreak" : true, < < "health" : 10, < < "projectileOptions" : [ < { < "projectileType" : "fasthealingstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "healingstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "burningstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "poisonstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "moneystatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "bombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "levelRange" : [1, 10], < "projectileType" : "copperbombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "levelRange" : [3, 10], < "projectileType" : "silverbombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "levelRange" : [5, 10], < "projectileType" : "goldbombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "levelRange" : [5, 10], < "projectileType" : "platinumbombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "levelRange" : [5, 10], < "projectileType" : "diamondbombstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < } < // need to be better! < /* < { < "projectileType" : "runstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "glowstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "ragestatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "lowgravstatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < }, < { < "projectileType" : "bouncystatusprojectile", < "projectileParams" : { } < } < */ < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "statuspod", > "colonyTags" : ["misc"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "printable" : false, > > "category" : "other", > "price" : 500, > "description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "race" : "generic", > > "apexDescription" : "A status pod. Will I be lucky?", > "avianDescription" : "A status pod. I hope I get lucky.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran trigger little pod with recklessss abandon.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This status pod's effects are unable to be analysed.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a status pod! Should I tempt fate by triggering it?", > "hylotlDescription" : "I bet something bad happens.", > "novakidDescription" : "A status pod! I sure hope today's my lucky day!", > > "inventoryIcon" : "statuspodicon.png", > "lightColor" : [120, 120, 120], > > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "statuspod.png:default", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ], > > "scripts" : [ "/scripts/statusProjectileObject.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 10, > "activationTime" : 900, > "animation" : "/objects/generic/statuspod/statuspod.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "pod" : "statuspod.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], > > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true, > > "health" : 10, > > "projectileOptions" : [ > { > "projectileType" : "fasthealingstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "healingstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "burningstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "poisonstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "moneystatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "bombstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "levelRange" : [1, 10], > "projectileType" : "copperbombstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "levelRange" : [3, 10], > "projectileType" : "silverbombstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "levelRange" : [5, 10], > "projectileType" : "goldbombstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "levelRange" : [5, 10], > "projectileType" : "diamondbombstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > } > // need to be better! > /* > { > "projectileType" : "runstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "glowstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "ragestatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "lowgravstatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > }, > { > "projectileType" : "bouncystatusprojectile", > "projectileParams" : { } > } > */ > ] > } objects\generic\stepladder\stepladder.object 1,43c1,44 < { < "objectName" : "stepladder", < "colonyTags" : ["human"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "category" : "decorative", < "price" : 60, < "description" : "A stepladder.", < "shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "A stepladder. For when you need to be slightly higher.", < "avianDescription" : "A rather unremarkable stepladder.", < "floranDescription" : "tinyyy ladder.", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It's a rather short ladder.", < "humanDescription" : "One small step for man..", < "hylotlDescription" : "A stepladder. Not much else to say about it.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "stepladdericon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "image" : "stepladder.png:", < "imagePosition" : [-10, 0], < "direction" : "left", < "flipImages" : true, < < "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0,0], [1,0], [-1, 1], [0,1], [1,1], [-1, 2], [0,2], [1, 2] ], < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "collision" : "platform", < "collisionSpaces" : [ [0,2] ] < }, < { < "image" : "stepladder.png:", < "imagePosition" : [-10, 0], < "direction" : "right", < < "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0,0], [1,0], [-1, 1], [0,1], [1,1], [-1, 2], [0,2], [1, 2] ], < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "collision" : "platform", < "collisionSpaces" : [ [0,2] ] < } < ] < < } --- > { > "objectName" : "stepladder", > "colonyTags" : ["human"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "decorative", > "price" : 60, > "description" : "A stepladder.", > "shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "race" : "generic", > > "apexDescription" : "A stepladder. For when you need to be slightly higher.", > "avianDescription" : "A rather unremarkable stepladder.", > "floranDescription" : "Tinyyy ladder.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It's a rather short ladder.", > "humanDescription" : "One small step for man..", > "hylotlDescription" : "A stepladder. Not much else to say about it.", > "novakidDescription" : "A stepladder! Sometimes ya need a little boost.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "stepladdericon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "image" : "stepladder.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-10, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0,0], [1,0], [-1, 1], [0,1], [1,1], [-1, 2], [0,2], [1, 2] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [0,2] ] > }, > { > "image" : "stepladder.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-10, 0], > "direction" : "right", > > "spaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0,0], [1,0], [-1, 1], [0,1], [1,1], [-1, 2], [0,2], [1, 2] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [0,2] ] > } > ] > > } objects\generic\stonechest\ironchest.object 1,38c1,40 < { < "objectName" : "ironchest", < "colonyTags" : ["storage"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "objectType" : "container", < "tooltipKind" : "container", < < "category" : "storage", < "price" : 70, < "description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "A chest! Let's look inside.", < "avianDescription" : "Often these chests stored valuables. I'm excited!", < "floranDescription" : "Chessst! Floran musst sssearch!", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. What could be inside?", < "humanDescription" : "A chest! Let's open it up.", < "hylotlDescription" : "There is little as exciting as an unopened chest.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "icon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "ironchest.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < } < ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 16, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 < } --- > { > "objectName" : "ironchest", > "colonyTags" : ["storage"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "objectType" : "container", > "tooltipKind" : "container", > > "category" : "storage", > "price" : 70, > "description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "race" : "generic", > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A chest! Let's look inside.", > "avianDescription" : "Often these chests stored valuables. I'm excited!", > "floranDescription" : "Chessst! Floran musst sssearch!", > "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. What could be inside?", > "humanDescription" : "A chest! Let's open it up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "There is little as exciting as an unopened chest.", > "novakidDescription" : "Well I'll be - an unopened chest! Let's take a look.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "icon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "ironchest.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ], > > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], > "slotCount" : 16, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", > "frameCooldown" : 5, > "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 > } objects\generic\symbiotesample\symbiotesample.object 1,25c1,33 < { < "objectName" : "symbiotesample", < "colonyTags" : ["science","odd"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "category" : "decorative", < "price" : 50, < "description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "race" : "apex", < < "inventoryIcon" : "symbiotesampleicon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "symbiotesample.png:", < < "imagePosition" : [-6, 0], < "frames" : 6, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "symbiotesample", > "colonyTags" : ["science","odd"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "category" : "decorative", > "price" : 50, > "description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "race" : "apex", > > "apexDescription" : "A small Symbiote in a jar. They're frequently used for testing.", > "avianDescription" : "A gelatinous little creature trapped in a jar.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssilly little jelly creature.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. This Symbiote looks a little bit... sad.", > "humanDescription" : "Aww, it's just a little Symbiote in a jar. Poor thing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I doubt this Symbiote enjoys living in a jar anymore than I would.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ooh, dirturchin jelly! Just kiddin'.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "symbiotesampleicon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "symbiotesample.png:", > > "imagePosition" : [-6, 0], > "frames" : 6, > "animationCycle" : 0.5, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > > } > ] > } objects\generic\teacup1\teacup1.object 7a8 > "category" : "decorative", 13c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. My taste sensors will have to adjust before I can enjoy this.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. Tea is a joy to the taste sensors.", 15a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Never understood what everyone likes so much 'bout tea.", objects\generic\teapot1\teapot1.object 7a8 > "category" : "decorative", 15a17 > "novakidDescription" : "So you stick some leaves in a pot of water and... drink it?", objects\generic\techchest\techchest.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "apexDescription" : "A high-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A hi-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable.", 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Sspecial sshiny chesst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sspecial shiny chesst.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Ooh, I bet it's chock full o' valuable technology.", 36c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\techchest2\techchest2.object 1,39c1,41 < { < "objectName" : "techchest2", < "colonyTags" : ["storage"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "objectType" : "container", < "tooltipKind" : "container", < < "category" : "storage", < "price" : 70, < "description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "race" : "generic", < < "apexDescription" : "A high-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable.", < "avianDescription" : "A chest that looks like it stores something valuable.", < "floranDescription" : "Sspecial sshiny chesst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Non-committal. This chest is of unknown origin.", < "humanDescription" : "Who made this? What's in it?", < "hylotlDescription" : "There is amazing technology built into the chest itself.", < < "inventoryIcon" : "techchest2icon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "techchest2.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < } < < ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 16, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 < } --- > { > "objectName" : "techchest2", > "colonyTags" : ["storage"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "objectType" : "container", > "tooltipKind" : "container", > > "category" : "storage", > "price" : 70, > "description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "race" : "generic", > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A hi-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable.", > "avianDescription" : "A chest that looks like it stores something valuable.", > "floranDescription" : "Sspecial shiny chesst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Non-committal. This chest is of unknown origin.", > "humanDescription" : "Who made this? What's in it?", > "hylotlDescription" : "There is amazing technology built into the chest itself.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ooh, I bet it's chock full o' valuable technology.", > > "inventoryIcon" : "techchest2icon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "techchest2.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > > ], > > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_open.ogg" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_small_close.ogg" ], > "slotCount" : 16, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", > "frameCooldown" : 5, > "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 > } objects\generic\tent1\tent1.object 1,45c1,46 < { < "objectName" : "tent1", < "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "race" : "generic", < "category" : "furniture", < "price" : 65, < < "apexDescription" : "A simple tent. Good enough.", < "avianDescription" : "A temporary house.", < "floranDescription" : "Little green houssse.", < "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. There isn't much room.", < "humanDescription" : "I enjoyed camping as a child.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I am not too proud to sleep in a tent.", < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : true, < "sitPosition" : [-8, 7], < "sitOrientation" : "lay", < "sitAngle" : 90, < "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/tent1/tent1lit.png", < "sitEmote" : "sleep", < "sitStatusEffects" : [ < "regeneration1", < "nude", < "intents" < ], < < "inventoryIcon" : "tent1icon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "tent1.png:", < < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "tent1", > "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "race" : "generic", > "category" : "furniture", > "price" : 65, > > "apexDescription" : "A simple tent. Good enough.", > "avianDescription" : "A temporary house.", > "floranDescription" : "Little green houssse.", > "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. There isn't much room.", > "humanDescription" : "I enjoyed camping as a child.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I am not too proud to sleep in a tent.", > "novakidDescription" : "It ain't too spacious, but it'll do.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitPosition" : [-8, 7], > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/tent1/tent1lit.png", > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ > "regeneration1", > "nude", > "intents" > ], > > "inventoryIcon" : "tent1icon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "tent1.png:", > > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 1.0, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > > } > ] > } objects\generic\tent2\tent2.object 1,45c1,46 < { < "objectName" : "tent2", < "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "race" : "generic", < "category" : "furniture", < "price" : 65, < < "apexDescription" : "A simple tent. Good enough.", < "avianDescription" : "A temporary house.", < "floranDescription" : "Little green houssse.", < "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. There isn't much room.", < "humanDescription" : "I enjoyed camping as a child.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I am not too proud to sleep in a tent.", < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : true, < "sitPosition" : [-6, 7], < "sitOrientation" : "lay", < "sitAngle" : 90, < "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/tent2/tent2lit.png", < "sitEmote" : "sleep", < "sitStatusEffects" : [ < "regeneration1", < "nude", < "intents" < ], < < "inventoryIcon" : "tent2icon.png", < "orientations" : [ < { < "dualImage" : "tent2.png:", < < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] < < } < ] < } --- > { > "objectName" : "tent2", > "colonyTags" : ["human","explorer"], > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "race" : "generic", > "category" : "furniture", > "price" : 65, > > "apexDescription" : "A simple tent. Good enough.", > "avianDescription" : "A temporary house.", > "floranDescription" : "Little green houssse.", > "glitchDescription" : "Irritated. There isn't much room.", > "humanDescription" : "I enjoyed camping as a child.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I am not too proud to sleep in a tent.", > "novakidDescription" : "It ain't too spacious, but it'll do.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitPosition" : [-6, 7], > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/tent2/tent2lit.png", > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ > "regeneration1", > "nude", > "intents" > ], > > "inventoryIcon" : "tent2icon.png", > "orientations" : [ > { > "dualImage" : "tent2.png:", > > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "frames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 1.0, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > > } > ] > } objects\generic\torch\torch.frames 10c10 < "default.default" : "", --- > "default.default" : "default.1", objects\generic\torch\torch.object 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Torches are indispensable.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Torches are indispensable.", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "On the surface these are very useful.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble torch, invaluable out in the wild.", > "novakidDescription" : "A torch. Can't live without 'em!", 97a99 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 110a113,114 > > 116c120 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\toxicgasprimer\toxicgasprimer.object 6c6,7 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", > "scannable" : false, 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An unremarkable root.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An unremarkable root.", objects\generic\travellersbeacon\travellersbeacon.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Lightsss and moving bits. Boring. Not sssharp enough.", < "glitchDescription" : "Informed. This device is measuring local atmospheric levels.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Lightsss and moving bitsss. Boring!", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. This device is measuring local atmospheric levels.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "This is a very ugly mechanism. How disappointing.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A poorly conceived mechanism. Hylotl look to nature to gather such information.", > "novakidDescription" : "What do all these doohickeys do?", objects\generic\tvstation\tvstation.object 18,23c18,25 < "apexDescription" : "I once could broadcast live video with this.", < "avianDescription" : "The words Twitch TV appear on the console.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ussssed to talk to flesssssh things on internets.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scan. This appears to broadcast to a race known as the stream monsters.", < "humanDescription" : "It's a Twitch TV broadcasting station. These were all the rage back on Earth.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The panel appears to send a video signal to TV that belongs to someone called Twitch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I once knew how to broadcast live video with this.", > "avianDescription" : "Words still appear on the console screen.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure how to use thiss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sad. It appears this station used to broadcast live video.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a TV broadcasting station. These were all the rage back on Earth.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The panel appears to have once been able to send a video signal.", > "novakidDescription" : "This machine looks like it's seen better days.", > objects\generic\vent\vent.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A vent.", objects\generic\volcanopod\volcanopod.object 44,45c44,45 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\generic\weaponchest\weaponchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A chest for the safe storin' of weapons of all kinds.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\wflowerpot\wflowerpot.object 6c6 < "description" : "Flowers!", --- > "description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", 10c10 < "apexDescription" : "A pretty white flower.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A pretty pale flower.", 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "Flower sssmells nicce.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Petals of pure white.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flower sssmells nice.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Petals of pure white.", 15a16 > "novakidDescription" : "A delicate daisy.", objects\generic\windchime\windchime.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", --- > "description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "There is one of these in every Apex home. They're full of 'educational' broadcasts. If you watch long enough you might spot an image of yourself... watching the television.", < "avianDescription" : "Avians have not yet achieved picture windows with such clarity.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssso many hairy tasties.", < "glitchDescription" : "Pity. These creatures have less freedom than the Glitch.", < "humanDescription" : "Such thinly-veiled propaganda.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Apex are just as trapped as we.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bamboo wind chime, clattering in the wind.", > "avianDescription" : "Hollow bamboo gives this wind chime a lovely sound.", > "floranDescription" : "Bamboo ssswayss in wind, makess nice soundss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Jolly. I enjoy the random patterns of sound this chime produces.", > "humanDescription" : "Hollow bamboo gives this wind chime a lovely sound.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The hollow bamboo makes for a soothing chime.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wooden chime, the sound is irritatin'.", objects\generic\woodchair\woodchair.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Disregard. Object uninteresting.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A boring wooden chair like any other.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A chair made outta wood.", objects\generic\wooddoor\wooddoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", --- > "description" : "A manufactured paneled door.", > "shortdescription" : "Paneled Door", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Appears to be manufactured in high quantities.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This door appears to have been manufactured on a production line.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A cheap wooden door.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "wooddoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodenarmchair1\woodenarmchair1.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssoft chair for Floran behind.", < "glitchDescription" : "Review. Comfort rating 80%", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssoft chair with sssmooth wooden arms.", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. I could happily while away the hours in this chair.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "An attractive lookin' armchair.", objects\generic\woodenarmchair2\woodenarmchair2.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A luxurious wooden armchair.", < "shortdescription" : "Soft Wooden Armchair", --- > "description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden armchair covered in soft cushions.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An armchair covered in soft cushions.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "The kind of chair someone has for life.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An attractive blue.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The kind of chair you have for life.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An attractive blue hue.", > "novakidDescription" : "Soft, like sitting on a marshmallow.", objects\generic\woodenbed\woodenbed.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "A wooden frame and comfortable mattress.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A wooden frame and a comfortable mattress. What more could you need?", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Drowsy. Power levels low. Sleep mode required.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Drowsy. My power levels are low. This bed looks inviting.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A decent place to get some shut-eye.", 42,43c43 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\generic\woodenbed2\woodenbed2.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A simple wooden bed, nice and comfortable.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden frame and comfortable mattress.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A simple wooden bed, nice and comfortable.", > "avianDescription" : "A wooden frame and a comfortable mattress. What more could you need?", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Drowsy. Power levels low. Sleep mode required.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Drowsy. My power levels are low. This bed looks inviting.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A decent place to get some shut-eye.", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\generic\woodenbookcase\woodenbookcase.object 8c8 < "description" : "Hey look at this book, 50 Shades of Green. It's about aliens.", --- > "description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A large, plain bookcase.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodencabinet1\woodencabinet1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Not much storage.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Not much storage here.", 18c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "Small but useful.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Small but useful storage.", > "novakidDescription" : "Seems safe enough as far as unlocked storage goes.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodencabinet2\woodencabinet2.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Content. A lot of storage space.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Content. There is a lot of storage space inside.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "There's a lot of space here for storin' things.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodencabinet3\woodencabinet3.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Medium ssstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Dry observation. Medium storage.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Medium ssize ssstorage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A medium amount of storage.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Only two drawers? I could do with more.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodenceilingbookcase1\woodenceilingbookcase1.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Suspended Bookshelf", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "This bookcase hangs on the wall.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bookcase that hangs on the wall.", 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Comment. A bookcase for the wall.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. A wall mounted bookcase, how charming.", 18c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "This sits on the wall to save space.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "These books are mounted on the wall to save space.", > "novakidDescription" : "A great space-saving idea.", 34c36 < --- > 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodenceilingcabinet1\woodenceilingcabinet1.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "avianDescription" : "For storing items up high.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A wall cabinet, for storing items up high.", 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Approval. Suspended storage. Useful.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. Suspended storage. Useful.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A handy wall mounted cabinet.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodenceilingcabinet2\woodenceilingcabinet2.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "avianDescription" : "For storing items up high.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A wall cabinet, for storing items up high.", 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Approval. Suspended storage. Useful.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. Suspended storage. Useful.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A handy wall mounted cabinet.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodenchair\woodenchair.object 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "A harsh wooden chair.", < "floranDescription" : "Chair needss pillow. Floran butt get sssore.", < "glitchDescription" : "Concise. Uncomfortable.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A rough wooden chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Chair needss pillow. Thiss wood too rough.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. Uncomfortable seating.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Little effort has been made to make this comfortable.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Little effort has been made to make this chair comfortable.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'm a fan of simple carpentry.", objects\generic\woodenchest\woodenchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. What could be inside?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Eager. What could be inside?", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "It's always a thrill to find an unopened chest.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodencouch1\woodencouch1.object 9c9 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 125, 16c16,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "A good spot for meditation.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Not too soft, not too firm. A good spot for meditation.", > "novakidDescription" : "A good place to sit and watch a sun go down.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 21a26 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/woodencouch1/woodencouch1cover.png", 26c31,35 < "sitPosition" : [3, 22], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 21], // Right > [6, 21] // Left > ], 32a42 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/woodencouch1/woodencouch1cover.png", 36c46,50 < "sitPosition" : [3, 22], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-6, 21], // Left > [7, 21] // Right > ], 41,44c55 < ], < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false --- > ] objects\generic\woodencouch2\woodencouch2.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Large Fluffy Couch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", 9c9 < "price" : 110, --- > "price" : 125, 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "If I shall never obtain wings I would sit content here for all eternity.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssssssoft.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Such softness.", --- > "avianDescription" : "I could sit content here for all eternity.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssoft.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Such softness.", 16c16,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such comfort. Instant Zen.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such comfort. I am able to achieve instant calm.", > "novakidDescription" : "There's such a thing as too soft.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 21a26 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/woodencouch2/woodencouch2cover.png", 26c31,35 < "sitPosition" : [-3, 22], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-11, 20], // Right > [2, 20] // Left > ], 32a42 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/generic/woodencouch2/woodencouch2cover.png", 36c46,50 < "sitPosition" : [5, 22], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-3, 20], // Left > [10, 20] // Right > ], 41,45c55 < ], < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false < --- > ] objects\generic\woodencrate1\woodencrate1.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 18c19 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. Is there anything inside?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is there anything inside?", 20a22,23 > "novakidDescription" : "A regular wooden crate.", > 54c57 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodencrate2\woodencrate2.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 18c19 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. Is there anything inside?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is there anything inside?", 20a22 > "novakidDescription" : "A regular wooden crate.", 54c56 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodendesk\woodendesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. A place to process data.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Calm. A place to process data.", 18c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "A desk at which to complete writing tasks.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A desk at which you can undergo written tasks.", > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't got time to sit around at a desk.", 34c36 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodendoor\woodendoor.object 14,16c14,16 < "avianDescription" : "A hand made wooden door.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran alsso make wooden door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. Appears to be a hand-made door.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A handmade wooden door.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran alsso make similar wooden door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheerful. It appears to be a handmade door.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "This door provides little in the way of security.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A humble wooden door.", > "novakidDescription" : "Kinda rustic lookin' but it'll do.", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "woodendoor.png:right", > 24a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorlong.object 6c6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 14,22c14,21 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "I don't feel so safe on this wooden elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "A wooden elevator, the smoothest elevator there is.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran feel sssafe using wooden machine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Does a wooden elevator meet safety standards?", > "humanDescription" : "A rickety, wooden elevator.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The smooth movement of wood and pulleys.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wobbly wooden elevator.", > 83c82 < "inboundNodes" : [[0, 1]] --- > "inputNodes" : [[0, 1]] objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorshort.object 6c6 < "rarity" : "common", --- > "rarity" : "Common", 14,22c14,20 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "I don't feel so safe on this wooden elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "A wooden elevator, the smoothest elevator there is.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran feel sssafe using wooden machine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Does a wooden elevator meet safety standards?", > "humanDescription" : "A rickety, wooden elevator.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The smooth movement of wood and pulleys.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wobbly wooden elevator.", 83c81 < "inboundNodes" : [[0, 1]] --- > "inputNodes" : [[0, 1]] objects\generic\woodenendtable\woodenendtable.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A cute wooden endtable.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Endtable", --- > "description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "avianDescription" : "A small amount of storage.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A very small amount of storage.", 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Deduction. A piece of furniture that might sit next to a bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A piece of furniture that might sit next to a bed.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A tiny cabinet.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodengate\woodengate.frames 4c4 < "size" : [40, 24], --- > "size" : [40, 21], objects\generic\woodengate\woodengate.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmall door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This is a gate.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thin twigss make a door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This is a gate.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A woven wooden gate.", 24a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodenlamp1\woodenlamp1.object 10,12c10,12 < "avianDescription" : "Wood and electricity becomes light.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssweet lamp.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A simple lamp.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A tiny wooden light powered by electricity.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssweet lamp glowss warmly.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A simple table lamp.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "This lamp is cute.", objects\generic\woodenlamp2\woodenlamp2.object 5c5 < "description" : "A cute wooden lamp with a homely feel.", --- > "description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", 10,12c10,12 < "avianDescription" : "Wood and electricity becomes light.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssweet lamp.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A simple lamp.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A tall wooden light powered by electricity.", > "floranDescription" : "Tall wood lamp hass warm glow.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A simple standing lamp.", 14c14,15 < "hylotlDescription" : "A charming lamp.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A charming standing lamp.", > "novakidDescription" : "A nice lamp.", objects\generic\woodenlamp3\woodenlamp3.object 5c5 < "description" : "A cute ceiling lamp.", --- > "description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", 10c10 < "avianDescription" : "Wood and electricity becomes light.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A ceiling lamp that adds warmth to any room.", 12c12 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A simple ceiling lamp.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. An adorable ceiling lamp.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "A ceiling lamp with warm feel to it.", objects\generic\woodensink\woodensink.object 10c10 < "description" : "A wooden sink.. I haven't washed my hands in a long time.", --- > "description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "apexDescription" : "A kitchen sink.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sink suitable for a kitchen or bathroom.", 16,19c17,21 < "floranDescription" : "Turn handle water come out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sink.", < "humanDescription" : "A nice sink. I wonder if the water is fresh.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Water!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Turn handle, water comess out!", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Hot and cold water, at your convenience.", > "humanDescription" : "A homely sink.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I wonder if the water is fresh.", > "novakidDescription" : "A kitchen sink.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\generic\woodenstand1\woodenstand1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A solid wooden stand.", < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Stand", --- > "description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden stand.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A narrow wooden stand.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "What iss it?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A object used to display objects.", --- > "floranDescription" : "What iss wood ssstump for?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An object used to display objects.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "For displaying art.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A plinth, for displaying art.", > "novakidDescription" : "A stand... For somethin'.", objects\generic\woodenstand2\woodenstand2.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A large wooden stand.", < "shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Stand", --- > "description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden stand.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A large wooden stand.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "What iss it?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A object used to display objects.", < "humanDescription" : "A little display stand.", < "hylotlDescription" : "For displaying art.", --- > "floranDescription" : "What iss wood ssstump for?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. An object used to display objects.", > "humanDescription" : "A huge display stand.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A plinth, for displaying art.", > "novakidDescription" : "A stand... For somethin'.", objects\generic\woodentalllantern\woodentalllantern.object 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A long wooden torch.", < "avianDescription" : "A long flickering torch.", < "floranDescription" : "Long torch holdss fire.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A tall torch.", < "humanDescription" : "A long torch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crackling torch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A raised wooden torch.", > "avianDescription" : "A tall flickering torch.", > "floranDescription" : "High torch holdss fire.", > "glitchDescription" : "Serene. A tall torch, the flame flickers.", > "humanDescription" : "A crackling torch.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A raised torch provides light for a large area.", > "novakidDescription" : "The flame is cracklin' away.", 53a55 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 72c74 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\generic\woodstool\woodstool.object 5c5 < "description" : "A cute wooden stool.", --- > "description" : "A small wooden stool.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A very small stool.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A very small stool.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A lil wooden stool, straight outta some fairytale.", objects\generic\woodsupport\woodsupport.object 8c8 < "description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", --- > "description" : "A worn wooden support.", 14,17c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly wood made into sssupport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. I believe this wood has been half eaten by woodworm.", < "humanDescription" : "A wooden support. In poor condition.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A worn wooden support.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Wood made into sssupport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disturbed. I believe this wood has been half eaten by woodworm.", > "humanDescription" : "A wooden support in poor condition.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This support does not look to be structurally sound.", > "novakidDescription" : "A rotten old wooden beam.", objects\generic\woodtable\woodtable.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A very simple table.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A very simple table.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Very simple.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A table, very simple in every way.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a table.", objects\generic\woodtoilet\woodtoilet.object 5c5 < "description" : "A wooden toilet.. this must be hard to clean.", --- > "description" : "A wooden toilet. ", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A toilet made of wood... not very hygienic.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A toilet made of wood... Not very hygienic.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer to poop in the foresst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. Full of germs.", < "humanDescription" : "A wooden toilet... yuck.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer to go in the foresst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. Full of germs.", > "humanDescription" : "A wooden toilet... Yuck.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Wonder where it goes...", objects\generic\wormstatue\wormstatue.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Scientific. A statue of the lesser-spotted brain worm.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Shocked. A statue of the lesser-spotted brain worm.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "What the heck is that?", objects\glitch\anvil\anvil.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "An anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "shortdescription" : "Anvil", --- > "description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", 11c11 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/crafting.config", --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftinganvil.config", 14,15c14,15 < "title" : " IRON ANVIL", < "subtitle" : " For producing shiny things.", --- > "title" : " Basic Anvil", > "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Armor and weapons", 17c17 < "file" : "/interface/crafting/anvil.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftinganvil.png" 21c21 < "filter" : [ "anvil" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftinganvil" ] 31a32 > "novakidDescription" : "An anvil, always useful to have around.", objects\glitch\ballandchain\ballandchain.object 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A ball and chain, a good metaphor for the Apex situation.", < "avianDescription" : "It appears to be a device to keep prisoners disabled.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran usse ssimilar to keep food from running away.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Many of the Glitch that became self-aware have experienced a ball and chain.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A ball and chain, a good metaphor for the Miniknog.", > "avianDescription" : "It appears to be a device to keep prisoners from escaping.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran usse ssimilar stone to keep food from running away.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sorrowful. Many of the Glitch that became self-aware have experienced a ball and chain.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "That's the last thing I need.", objects\glitch\bannermedievallarge\bannermedievallarge.object 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "A decorative banner perhaps?", < "floranDescription" : "Glitch make pretty banner.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch produce banners of all different designs. They symbolise the house to which the Glitch belong.", < "humanDescription" : "A grand Glitch banner.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A decorative banner, perhaps?", > "floranDescription" : "Red sssilky banner.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. The Glitch produce banners of all kinds. They symbolise the different houses of the Glitch.", > "humanDescription" : "What a fine banner! The gold trim makes it look very regal.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A mighty fine banner.", objects\glitch\bannermedievalsmall\bannermedievalsmall.object 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "A decorative banner perhaps?", < "floranDescription" : "Glitch make pretty banner.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch produce banners of all different designs. They symbolise the house to which the Glitch belong.", < "humanDescription" : "A grand Glitch banner.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A decorative banner, perhaps?", > "floranDescription" : "Red sssilky banner.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. The Glitch produce banners of all kinds. They symbolise the different houses of the Glitch.", > "humanDescription" : "A fancy banner.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A mighty fine banner.", objects\glitch\barrel\barrel.object 7c7 < "description" : "A barrel. I hope there's not a pirate inside.", --- > "description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. A barrel, storage for cheap items.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A barrel, good storage for cheap items.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain ol' barrel.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\barrellarge\barrellarge.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\battlestandard\battlestandard.object 5c5 < "description" : "I wonder how many wars this standard has seen.", --- > "description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wonder how many wars this standard has seen.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like colourful flag.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. A Glitch battle standard. Placed on the field during a battle.", < "humanDescription" : "A battlefield flag. These sometimes appear even in modern wars.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A flag that looks like it can be carried and planted.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess colourful flag. It lookss fancy.", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. A Glitch battle standard. These are placed on the field during a battle.", > "humanDescription" : "A battlefield flag. They are rarely used in modern times.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A flag that looks like it can be carried and planted as a marker.", > "novakidDescription" : "This flag probably means somethin' to someone.", objects\glitch\burlapsack\burlapsack.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "A sack", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssack!!!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. A Glitch sack, possibly full of flour.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A sack.", > "floranDescription" : "Sscratchy fibre sssack.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. This appears to be full of flour.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A canvas sack.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A woven sack.", > "novakidDescription" : "A sack full of somethin'.", objects\glitch\castledoor\castledoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A strong door from a Glitch castle.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Castle Door", --- > "description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch reinforce their doors to make their castles secure.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. This door is reinforced to make it more secure.", 17,19c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A perfect door for a defensive structure.", < < //Not sure how to get animation working properly. --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The perfect door for a defensive structure.", > "novakidDescription" : "A solid, sturdy door.", 21a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "castledoor.png:right", > 25a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\castledungeondoor\castledungeondoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Made to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Cell Door", --- > "description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Door ssso sstrong!", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch lock prisoners behind doors like these. Often their prisoners are other Glitch that have gained self awareness.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong metal door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. The Glitch lock prisoners behind doors like these. Often they are other Glitch that have gained self awareness.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A good door for keeping outlaws locked up.", 19d19 < //Not sure how to get animation working properly. 21a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "castledungeondoor.png:right", > 25a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\castlehiddendoor\castlehiddendoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Something is hidden here.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Something is hidden here.", 18,19c18 < < //Not sure how to get animation working properly. --- > "nokavidDescription" : "Somethin' ain't right with these bricks.", 25a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\glitch\castlehiddentrapdoor\castlehiddentrapdoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Trapdoor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Something is hidden here.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Something is hidden here.", 17a18 > "nokavidDescription" : "Somethin' ain't right with these bricks.", 27,28c28,35 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 38a46 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 48a57 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\glitch\castleswitch\castleswitch.object 5c5 < "description" : "This crystal seems like it might do something if I touch it.", --- > "description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A crystal. It looks as if it has some purpose.", < "avianDescription" : "Is this crystal resonance tech? No... it's something else.", < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny crysstal, what do you do?", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch hide switches in crystals like these.", < "humanDescription" : "A large crystal. It appears to have some purpose.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This crystal must do something.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A crystal. It looks as if it has some other purpose.", > "avianDescription" : "Is this simply a crystal? No... It's something else.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny crysstal, what do you do?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. The Glitch hide switches in crystals like these.", > "humanDescription" : "This crystal must do something.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A large crystal. It appears to have some other purpose.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like this crystal does somethin'.", 48c49 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\glitch\chessbishop\chessbishop.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A Bishop, watch your diagonals!", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Bishop", --- > "description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\chessking\chessking.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The King!", < "shortdescription" : "Stone King", --- > "description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone King", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\chessknight\chessknight.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The Knight. He can jump over pieces... I can too!", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Knight", --- > "description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\chesspawn\chesspawn.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Poor Pawn, you're the most important piece to me!", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Pawn", --- > "description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\chessqueen\chessqueen.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The Queen, the most powerful piece on the board.", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Queen", --- > "description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", 10c10 < --- > 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\chessrook\chessrook.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "The Rook. It can move sideways... unlike me.", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Rook", --- > "description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch nobility learn to play this game from an early age. They play on large, courtyard-sized boards. ", < "humanDescription" : "A chess piece. A huge chess piece.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl have many boardgames.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Glitch nobility learn to play chess from an early age. They play on large, outdoor boards. ", > "humanDescription" : "A huge chess piece.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It looks like a large game piece. The Hylotl enjoy many boardgames.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whatever game this is looks mighty dull.", objects\glitch\crossroadssign\crossroadssign.object 5c5 < "description" : "These signs don't actually say anything about the places they are pointing to.", --- > "description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A sign. But it's blank...", --- > "apexDescription" : "A road sign. But it's blank...", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Many common Glitch are not able to read or write. That could explain the sign.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What could explain this blank sign?", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "I'm unsure of the significance of this sign.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This sign has no writing, perhaps as a result of weathering over time.", > "novakidDescription" : "A blank sign ain't no use to anyone.", objects\glitch\farmtools\farmtools.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Many common Glitch live their lives as farmers. These are the tools of their trade.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Many common Glitch live their lives as farmers. These are the tools of their trade.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl don't have tools like these.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl have no use for tools such as these under the ocean.", > "novakidDescription" : "Farmin' tools. Nothin' beats gettin' your hands dirty!", objects\glitch\fireplacetools\fireplacetools.object 5c5 < "description" : "Tools used for poking at burning sticks.", --- > "description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "Sharp sticks .What are they for?", --- > "avianDescription" : "Sharp sticks. What are they for?", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A set of iron tools for taking care of a fire.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Content. A set of iron tools for taking care of a fire.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Metal tools, for stokin' a fire.", objects\glitch\garagetools\garagetools.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Common, primitive tools used for quick repairs.", < "shortdescription" : "Craftsman Tools", --- > "description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Pinchy, ssmashy toolss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Explanation. Tools used for Glitch repairs. Rudimentary and not very effective.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Toolss to pinch and sssmash.", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Rudimentary tools like these are not useful for much.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "I do hope these aren't the tools Glitch use to repair other Glitch.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Tools of the trade for many a craftsman.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some ordinary craftin' tools.", objects\glitch\glitchstoragelocker\glitchstoragelocker.object 5c5 < "printable" : false, --- > "category" : "storage", 6a7 > "printable" : false, 9,10d9 < < "category" : "storage", 12c11 < "shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", 13a13,21 > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A locker made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to keep your things.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker in the wall.", 29c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\guillotine\guillotine.object 5c5 < "description" : "It's a guillotine! Lets rest here.", --- > "description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Great for food preparations!", < "glitchDescription" : "Saddness. My people's most common form of punishment.", < "humanDescription" : "People say you live for several seconds after this is used on you.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Barbaric form of punishment...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Blade cutss fasst! Great for food preparationss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Sadness. The preferred form of capital punishment among the Glitch.", > "humanDescription" : "I would not want to be on the receiving end of this thing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A barbaric form of punishment...", > "novakidDescription" : "Quick and easy. Too easy for my likin'!", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\haypile\haypile.object 5c5 < "description" : "Trying to hide in this pile of hay following a failed crime spree is not a solid plan.", --- > "description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", 12,16c12,18 < "avianDescription" : "A big pile of hay. Avians use hay in their bedding.", < "floranDescription" : "Fresssh hay ssmell good!", < "glitchDescription" : "Mischievous. A pile big enough to hide in.", < "humanDescription" : "The hay looks soft and smells fresh.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I am tempted to dive in.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A big, fresh pile of hay. Avians use hay as bedding.", > "floranDescription" : "Fresh hay ssmells good!", > "glitchDescription" : "Mischievous. A pile big of hay, enough to hide in.", > "humanDescription" : "I am tempted to dive in.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The hay looks soft and smells fresh.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fresh hay pile.", > 26,27c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\hayroll\hayroll.object 5c5 < "description" : "A roll of hay.", --- > "description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "Nicely rolled hay.", < "avianDescription" : "Avians do not roll hay this way.", < "floranDescription" : "Hay could roll away!", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. Hay all rolled up and ready to be sold.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Tightly rolled hay.", > "avianDescription" : "Avians do not roll hay in this way.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss hay could roll away!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. Hay all rolled up and ready to be sold.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A surface plant, dried and all rolled up.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A surface plant, dried and rolled up in a bundle.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's temptin' to give this hay roll a nudge...", objects\glitch\haystack\haystack.object 5c5 < "description" : "Hay is for horses! ... Where are the horses?", --- > "description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A bale of hay. What do the Glitch do with these?", < "avianDescription" : "Hay made into a cube.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran could make big cassstle from big hay building block.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Hay made into bales for storage.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bale of hay. What are these for, I wonder?", > "avianDescription" : "Hay formed into a cube.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran could make big cassstle from hay building block.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Hay formed into bales for easy storage.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A bale of hay.", objects\glitch\hourglass\hourglass.object 8c8 < "description" : "A digital hourglass. It never stops.", --- > "description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "The sssand doesssn't fall through.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This timer never runs out.", < "humanDescription" : "An old hourglass... the sand just keeps going.", --- > "floranDescription" : "The sssand doesssn't fall through. Why is thiss?", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This timer never runs out.", > "humanDescription" : "An old hourglass... The sand just keeps going.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Why ain't this timer ever running out?", objects\glitch\juicekeg\juicekeg.object 5c5 < "description" : "A keg full of... juice. Mmm, juice.", --- > "description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A keg that smells of juice. Sadly not banana juice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A keg that smells of sweet juice.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Hsss barrel sssmell of dissgussting juicess.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. These juice kegs commonly appear in Glitch inns.", < "humanDescription" : "A keg. Sadly it's only full of juice.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Barrel sssmell of dissgussting juicess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. Juice kegs always mean merriment is ahead.", > "humanDescription" : "A keg. It's full of juice.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Tasty juice is inside.", objects\glitch\kitchentools\kitchentools.object 5c5 < "description" : "Tools necessary for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", --- > "description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Kitchen utensils. I wonder what the Glitch cook.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Kitchen utensils. I wonder what dishes these have been used to make.", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp knife for cutting meat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. These tools are for making food. The Glitch contain technology to convert food into energy.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder how fast a Glitch can chop vegetables.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp knife for cutting meatss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. These tools are for making food.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder how fast I could chop vegetables with these?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Utensils for cookin'.", objects\glitch\largebell\largebell.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Big bell go ding dong!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This bell signals danger.", < "humanDescription" : "A giant bell. The temptation to give it a ring is strong.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big bell makess big sssound!", > "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. This bell signals danger.", > "humanDescription" : "A giant bell. The temptation to ring it is strong.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'd bet this bell can be heard from far away.", objects\glitch\largecastledoor\largecastledoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A huge door! It's somewhat intimidating.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Large Door", --- > "description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Door big! Make Floran feel sssmall.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identification. This is the door to a Glitch keep. It can be barred from the inside by a huge plank of wood.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Door makess Floran feel sssmall.", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. This door can be barred from the inside by a huge plank of wood.", 17,19c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such doors are built for those that many wish to harm.", < < //Not sure how to get animation working properly. --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such doors are built for those that fear intruders.", > "novakidDescription" : "Whoever built this door sure don't want visitors.", 21a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "largecastledoor.png:right", > 25a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 38,39c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/largecastledoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/largecastledoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/largecastledoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/largecastledoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 7] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 7] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\largewoodencrate\largewoodencrate.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A wooden crate.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A wooden crate.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A huge crate.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalarmor\medievalarmor.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", --- > "shortdescription" : "Display Armour", 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "It appears to be Glitch battle armour.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal armour for metal man.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. This armour is built purely for decoration. Real battle armour is far more rugged.", < "humanDescription" : "An attractive set of armour.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never been worn.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It appears to be battle armour.", > "floranDescription" : "Doess metal man wear metal armour?", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. This armour is built purely for decoration. Real battle armour is far more rugged.", > "humanDescription" : "An attractive suit of armour.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never seen battle.", > "novakidDescription" : "Seems unnecessary to wear somethin' like this when fightin'.", objects\glitch\medievalarmorarmed\medievalarmorarmed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", --- > "description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "It appears to be Glitch battle armour.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal armour for metal man.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. This armour is built purely for decoration. Real battle armour is far more rugged.", < "humanDescription" : "An attractive set of armour.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never been worn.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It appears to be battle armour.", > "floranDescription" : "Doess metal man wear metal armour?", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. This armour is built purely for decoration. Real battle armour is far more rugged.", > "humanDescription" : "An attractive suit of armour.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never seen battle.", > "novakidDescription" : "Seems unnecessary to wear somethin' like this when fightin'.", objects\glitch\medievalarmorswitch\medievalarmorswitch.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... the axe looks loose.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", --- > "description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A beautiful set of armour. The axe looks loose.", < "avianDescription" : "It appears to be Glitch battle armour. The axe looks strange.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal armour for metal man. Floran sssmell ssomething sstrange here.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. This armour is built purely for decoration. Real battle armour is far more rugged. I'm not sure this is armour at all though.", < "humanDescription" : "An attractive set of armour. If this were a movie, the axe would be a secret switch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never been worn. The axe doesn't look like a weapon at all.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A beautiful set of armour. The shield looks loose.", > "avianDescription" : "It appears to be battle armour. The shield looks strange.", > "floranDescription" : "Doess metal man wear metal armour? Floran sssmell ssomething sstrange here.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. This armour has a switch mechanism under the sheild.", > "humanDescription" : "An attractive suit of armour. If this were a movie, the shield would be a secret switch.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This armour looks as if it's never seen battle. The shield looks particularly flimsy.", > "novakidDescription" : "Seems unnecessary to wear somethin' like this when fightin'. What's with the sheild?", 39c40 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalaxedisplay\medievalaxedisplay.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssilly metalmen put axe on wall.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A sharp axe is a work of art to the Glitch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssilly! Axess not for putting on wall.", > "glitchDescription" : "Boastful. A sharp axe is a work of art to the Glitch.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Flashy display items. Nothin' compared to a faithful old favourite.", objects\glitch\medievalbed\medievalbed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A solid bed with silky sheets.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bed", --- > "description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The sheets are pleasant to the touch.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The sheets are pleasantly soft to the touch.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Description. A commoner's bed. Glitch sheets tend to stay silky for a long time, as the Glitch metal shell doesn't wear them down.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. Glitch sheets tend to stay silky, as our metal shell doesn't wear them down.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Nice bedsheets doesn't make a nice bed.", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\medievalbookcase\medievalbookcase.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A bookcase for storing tales of witches and dragons...", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase", --- > "description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A nicely decorated book case.", < "avianDescription" : "A home for Glitch books.", < "floranDescription" : "Metalmen read many books?", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspection. The Glitch have not produced many books. I wonder if there are any here.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder how a Glitch book reads.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps producing more books will allow the Glitch to develop as a people.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A nicely decorated bookcase.", > "avianDescription" : "A dusty old home for books.", > "floranDescription" : "Old and dusssty bookcase.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. The Glitch have not produced many books. I wonder if there are any here.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder how old some of these books are.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps there are some great legends in these old books.", > "novakidDescription" : "This bookcase looks mighty old!", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalbookcaseswitch\medievalbookcaseswitch.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase Switch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A nicely decorated book case. One of the books doesn't look quite right.", < "avianDescription" : "A home for Glitch books. One of the books doesn't look real.", < "floranDescription" : "Metalmen read many books? One book look strange.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspection. The Glitch have not produced many books. I wonder if there are any here. One appears to be stuck in there.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder how a Glitch book reads. One of these books isn't the right size.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps producing more books will allow the Glitch to develop as a people. But, hmmm, there's something strange about this bookcase.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Some of these books don't look quite right.", > "avianDescription" : "A dusty old home for books. Some of them don't look real...", > "floranDescription" : "Old and dusssty books. Those oness look sstrange.", > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. Some of the books appear to be placed strangely.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder how old some of these books are. Those ones aren't the same as the others...", > "hylotlDescription" : "There's definitely something strange about this bookcase.", > "novakidDescription" : "I got a hunch there's somethin up with these books!", 39c40 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalbowl\medievalbowl.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bowl", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "Food appears to be eaten from this.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It appears food is eaten from this.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A simple bowl. Likely made from clay.", < "humanDescription" : "A little bowl, it feels like clay.", < "hylotlDescription" : "What do Glitch eat, I wonder?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A simple bowl. Likely made from clay.", > "humanDescription" : "A little bowl, it looks like clay.", > "hylotlDescription" : "What is eaten from this bowl, I wonder...", > "novakidDescription" : "A simple bowl for a simple meal.", objects\glitch\medievalbucket\medievalbucket.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bucket", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. The Glitch use these buckets to draw water from wells and streams.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Humbled. This bucket has been used to draw water from wells and streams.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Do Glitch obtain water by hand? I can't imagine a world in which water is lacking.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Does someone use this bucket to carry water? I can't imagine a world in which water is lacking.", > "novakidDescription" : "A plain ol' bucket.", objects\glitch\medievalcabinet\medievalcabinet.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "I wonder if there's a gateway to another world in here.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Cabinet", --- > "description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,14c14,15 < "apexDescription" : "A well-made wooden cabinet. Charming.", < "avianDescription" : "A tall wooden cabinet. Lots of storage.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tall wooden cabinet. Lots of storage.", > "avianDescription" : "A roomy cabinet. Not to be mistaken for an outhouse.", 16,17c17,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A wooden cabinet. Likely belongs to a commoner.", < "humanDescription" : "An roomy cabinet. Not to be mistaken for an outhouse.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Grateful. A finely made wooden cabinet.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder if there's a gateway to another world in here.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A nice lookin' cabinet.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalcandle\medievalcandle.object 8c8 < "description" : "Candlelight, how I've missed it.", --- > "description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Hsss take it away!", < "glitchDescription" : "Explanation. The Glitch do not yet have the technology to produce electric lights.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Naked flamesss are too dangerousss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Candlelight, how I have missed it.", 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A neat lil candle.", 61c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalcellbed\medievalcellbed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A bed for criminal scum!", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Jail Bed", --- > "description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "Do the Glitch sleep the same way Avians do?", < "floranDescription" : "Hsss hard bed. Floran get back pain.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A prisoner's bed. The Glitch do not treat their prisoners well.", < "humanDescription" : "A cell bed. I can't imagine sleeping on this night after night.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A bed built for a prisoner.", --- > "avianDescription" : "As close to a nest as can be.", > "floranDescription" : "Bed too hard. Floran getss back pain.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. I can't imagine anyone getting a good nights sleep here.", > "humanDescription" : "A hay bed. I can't imagine sleeping on this night after night.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An uncomfortable bed built out of hay and hard wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "This bed's gotta be a form of punishment.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\medievalchair\medievalchair.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A Glitch chair .Makes your butt ache pretty quickly.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Chair", --- > "description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A hard wood dining room chair.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A hard wood dining chair.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. A common dining room chair. Styled in typical Glitch fashion.", < "humanDescription" : "A Glitch chair. It's hard and uncomfortable.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Glitch seem to like pointy furniture.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A common dining room chair styled in typical medieval fashion.", > "humanDescription" : "A fancy dining chair. It's hard and uncomfortable.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An uncomfortable wooden seat, decorated modestly.", > "novakidDescription" : "A hard wood chair.", objects\glitch\medievalchandelier\medievalchandelier.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "If this were a videogame, this might fall down and crush someone.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Chandelier", --- > "description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", 14c14 < "apexDescription" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A metal chandelier. It appears to cast long shadows.", 16,19c16,21 < "floranDescription" : "Hanging fire make Floran nervouss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A Glitch chandelier. One of the few sources of heat within a Glitch castle.", < "humanDescription" : "A metal chandelier. It appears to cast long shadows.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This chandelier bathes its surroundings in an orange glow.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hanging fire makess Floran nervouss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A chandelier, this simple light source feels like home.", > "humanDescription" : "If this were a videogame, this might fall down and crush someone.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This chandelier bathes its surroundings in a warm glow.", > "novakidDescription" : "Who has time to light all them candles up there?", > 56a59 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 73c76 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\glitch\medievalchest\medievalchest.object 10,11c10,11 < "description" : "A sturdy wooden chest.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Chest", --- > "description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "apexDescription" : "A Glitch chest. It looks strong.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An old chest. It looks strong.", 17,18c18,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. The Glitch often store weapons in chests like these. Is there one in here?", < "humanDescription" : "The kind of chest you'd expect to find in a castle.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. The Glitch often store weapons in chests like these. Is there one in here?", > "humanDescription" : "This chest is straight out of a fairytale.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "The kinda chest you'd expect to find in a castle.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalclock\medievalclock.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Clock", --- > "description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A small clock. The pendulum is calming.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small clock. The swaying pendulum is calming.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock, hehehe.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. The time on this clock never changes. The same is true of all Glitch clocks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. The time on this clock never changes.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The time on this clock never changes.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This time piece appears to be broken, although the pendulum still swings...", > "novakidDescription" : "The time on this clock never changes.", objects\glitch\medievalcodex\medievalcodex.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "This book is full of pictures...", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Codex", --- > "description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A book. It's entirely full of Glitch portraits.", < "avianDescription" : "There are pictures of many different Glitch in this book.", < "floranDescription" : "It'ss full of picturess. Picturess of metalmen.", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A list of Glitch guilty of various crimes. In truth the majority had simply become self-aware.", < "humanDescription" : "It appears to be some kind of register. There are pictures here of lots of different Glitch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An important book. Each page contains a portrait of a different Glitch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A book. It's entirely full of portraits.", > "avianDescription" : "There are pictures of many different people in this book.", > "floranDescription" : "It'ss full of picturess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A compendium of old illustrations.", > "humanDescription" : "It appears to be some kind of almanac. There are illustrations here of lots of different people.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This books feels as though it bears importance. Each page contains portraits of unknown persons.", > "novakidDescription" : "A picture book, sorta.", objects\glitch\medievalcounter\medievalcounter.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["glitch","glitchvillage","commerce","cooking"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["glitch","glitchvillage","commerce"], 6,13c6,8 < "price" : 125, < "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", < "interactData" : { < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingfood.config", < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] < }, < "description" : "Ye olde kitchen counter.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Counter", --- > "price" : 105, > "description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", 16,20c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "It appears to be a surface used for preparing food. The wood has absorbed lots of different smells.", < "avianDescription" : "This counter smells of many different foods.", < "floranDescription" : "MMMm meat wass chopped on thiss counter. Floran can ssmell it.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A Glitch kitchen counter. The wood contains many different scents.", < "humanDescription" : "A rough kitchen counter. I hope no splinters get stuck in the food.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This counter seems well-suited for displaying items.", > "avianDescription" : "This counter seems sturdy.", > "floranDescription" : "Counter have woodwormss, yum!", > "glitchDescription" : "Nostalgic. Handcrafted counters like this are very common in Glitch storefronts.", > "humanDescription" : "A rough, but strong-looking counter.", 21a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This counter has seen a lotta use over the years.", objects\glitch\medievalcup\medievalcup.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A dirty looking Glitch cup.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Cup", --- > "description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran drink blood from sssuch cupss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A common wooden goblet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran drink fleshy juicess from sssuch cupss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disintered. A common wooden goblet.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain ol' wooden cup.", objects\glitch\medievaldesk\medievaldesk.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Desk", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Metalman put ink on paper here.", < "glitchDescription" : "Reflect. The majority of Glitch are unable to read or write. This is a desk used almost exclusively by scholars.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Scholarss put ink on paper here.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheerful. This is a desk suitable for scholars.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "An old writin' desk.", 48c50 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievaldiningtable\medievaldiningtable.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A feast for Robots?", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Table", --- > "description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "The Glitch have laid a cloth over this table to keep it clean.", < "floranDescription" : "Iss it bed or table?", < "glitchDescription" : "Hungry. It has been a long time since I was present at a Glitch feast. Few in the universe are capable of such merriment.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Someone has laid a cloth over this fancy table to keep it clean.", > "floranDescription" : "Iss it bed or table? It'ss fancy.", > "glitchDescription" : "Greedy. It has been a long time since I was present at a Glitch feast. Few in the universe are capable of such merriment.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Looks like a table at which Glitch gather socially. The tablecloth suggests a meal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Looks like a table at which Royalty gather socially. The tablecloth suggests a banquet.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fine lookin' table for a hootenanny!", objects\glitch\medievaldresser\medievaldresser.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "This dresser has a dusty smell. It doesn't look very strong.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Dresser", --- > "description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "A simple dresser. I wonder why the Glitch wear clothes.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A simple dresser, probably full of simple clothes.", 15,18c16,20 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssniff metalman furniture and Floran get nosse full of dusst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A Glitch dresser. Glitch hardware is built to function poorly at low temperature. The Glitch wear clothing for optimal operation.", < "humanDescription" : "A wooden dresser. You'd think Glitch wouldn't need clothes.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A storage unit, possibly for clothes. Is clothing a mandatory part of Glitch culture, I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssniff old furniture. Floran get nosse full of dusst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. An old dresser.", > "humanDescription" : "An old and dusty wooden dresser.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An old storage unit, possibly for clothes.", > "novakidDescription" : "A dusty ol' chest of drawers, probably for clothes.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalfireplace\medievalfireplace.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "The crackle of the fire puts me at ease.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Fireplace", --- > "description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", 15c15 < "apexDescription" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The crackle of the fire puts me at ease.", 17,19c17,19 < "floranDescription" : "Hsss Floran would rather be cold than sssit by fire.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wistful. Before I became self aware I would spend many nights in front of a fire like this. My world was so small.", < "humanDescription" : "A warm stone fire. All I need is a bag of marshmallows.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran would rather be cold than sssit by fire.", > "glitchDescription" : "Wistful. I adore sitting by a fire on a cold night.", > "humanDescription" : "A warm stone fire. All I need now is a bag of marshmallows.", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Nothin' beats the sweet smell of woodsmoke.", 68c69 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\glitch\medievalflagpole\medievalflagpole.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "All Hail King Glitch, one thousand-and-twenty-second of his name!", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Flagpole", --- > "description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A flag pole. Built to sit on the roof of a castle where it will be seen for miles.", < "avianDescription" : "A flag on a long pole flying a Glitch emblem.", < "floranDescription" : "Tiny flag long pole.", < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Glitch castles are covered in flags. I'll never forget the first time I saw my banner fly.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A flag pole. Built to sit on a roof where it can be seen for miles.", > "avianDescription" : "A flag on a long pole flying an emblem.", > "floranDescription" : "Tiny flag on long pole.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Seeing this atop my home would be pleasing.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Glitch appear to be fond of their flags.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A very smart looking flag, the emblem may signify a Royal family.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy lookin' golden flag.", objects\glitch\medievalfurnace\medievalfurnace.object 12c12 < "title" : " MEDIEVAL FURNACE", --- > "title" : " Medieval Furnace", 19c19 < "filter" : [ "stonefurnace" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftingfurnace" ] 22,23c22,23 < "description" : "A furnace meant for tempering tools.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Furnace", --- > "description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", 28,33c28,34 < "apexDescription" : "A furnace. Looks as if it's built for metal work.", < "avianDescription" : "A tiled furnace, built to be extra hot.", < "floranDescription" : "Hsss hot fire.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. Glitch smithies use these furnaces to produce tools and weaponry.", < "humanDescription" : "The kind of furnace used to produce weapons.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A furnace for metalwork.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An old fashioned furnace. Looks as if it's built for metal work.", > "avianDescription" : "A stone furnace, built to handle high temperatures.", > "floranDescription" : "Furnace hass hot fire inssside!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Smithies like these are used to produce tools and weaponry.", > "humanDescription" : "The old kind of furnace, used to produce big, hefty weapons.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An old fashioned furnace for metalwork.", > "novakidDescription" : "A good ol' fashioned furnace.", 54c55 < "animationCycle" : 0.6, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.5, 65c66 < "animationCycle" : 0.6, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.5, objects\glitch\medievalglobe\medievalglobe.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A model of a world inhabited by the Glitch.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Globe", --- > "description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A globe. It doesn't match up with my ship's readings.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A globe. It doesn't match up with my ship's readings of this planet.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Metalman world very large.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A Glitch globe. Mostly inaccurate. The Glitch are poor cartographers.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Very tiny planet.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A globe, made by a poor cartographer.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A map of sorts. Who knows what planet this is!", objects\glitch\medievallamp\medievallamp.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A small iron lamp.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A small iron lamp, suitable to hang on a wall.", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Fire in a cage. Floran like.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. This lamp is built to hang on a hook outside a dungeon cell, to keep a guard's hands free.", < "humanDescription" : "A little iron lamp. The loop on top is made for a hook.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fire in a cage. Floran like thiss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This lamp is built to hang on a hook, to keep a your hands free.", > "humanDescription" : "A little iron lamp. The loop on top is becomes a hook.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A lamp, for hangin' on the wall.", 72c73 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievallargecookingpot\medievallargecookingpot.object 3a4 > "price" : 125, 4a6 > "category" : "crafting", 6,7c8 < "shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Cooking Pot", < "subtitle" : "Medieval Cooking", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", 9,11d9 < "category" : "crafting", < "price" : 125, < "objectType" : "container", 14a13,24 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Medieval Cooking Pot", > "subtitle" : " Yum, yum" > } > } > }, > 16,18c26,28 < "avianDescription" : "A big heated pot. Probably for cooking.", < "floranDescription" : "MMmm tassty cooking pot. Floran would like sssome ssoup.", < "glitchDescription" : "Hungry. This pot still smells like many of my favourite meals.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A big pot over a fire. Probably for cooking.", > "floranDescription" : "Tassty cooking pot. Floran would like sssome meat ssoup.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. This pot smells like many of my favourite meals.", 20a31 > "novakidDescription" : "A huge cauldron. What's cookin'?", 79a91 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\glitch\medievalmap\medievalmap.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A map of the world.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Map", --- > "description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Map", 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "An inaccurate old map of the world.", < "floranDescription" : "Metalman map, let'ss go hunting!", < "glitchDescription" : "Evaluation. Glitch cartographers are still learning their art. This isn't very accurate at all.", < "humanDescription" : "My ship's sensors suggest this is all wrong.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An inaccurate old map. It doesn't lead anywhere.", > "floranDescription" : "Old map! Let'ss go hunting!", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. This map isn't very accurate at all.", > "humanDescription" : "My ship's sensors suggest this map is all wrong.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A map. Here's hopin' it leads to treasure!", objects\glitch\medievalpedestal\medievalpedestal.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A pedestal for putting your fanciness on display.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Pedestal", --- > "description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "It looks like some kind of table.", < "floranDescription" : "Tiny wooden table.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A pedestal used for displaying precious Glitch artefacts.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It looks like some kind of special table.", > "floranDescription" : "Tiny wooden table with shiny cloth.", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A pedestal used for displaying precious artifacts.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A place to display things the Glitch are proud of.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A place to display things the of worth.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy lookin' display stand.", objects\glitch\medievalplate\medievalplate.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Plate", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A little wooden plate.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A little clay plate.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Plate need food. Yum yum.", < "glitchDescription" : "Reminisce. I once ate all my meals from a plate like this.", < "humanDescription" : "A nicely decorated wooden plate.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A rounded wooden plate.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Plate needss food. Floran hungry.", > "glitchDescription" : "Humbled. A simple clay plate.", > "humanDescription" : "A very simple pottery plate.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A rounded clay plate.", > "novakidDescription" : "Small clay plate.", objects\glitch\medievalpressureplate\medievalpressureplate.object 7c7 < "description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", --- > "description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Button in floor. Ssshould Floran jump on?", < "glitchDescription" : "Confused. I don't think this was built by Glitch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "There isss a button in floor. Should Floran jump on?", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. I think this was built by someone for some purpose.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't want to step on that without knowin' what it does first.", 32c33 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 38c39 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\glitch\medievalregister\medievalregister.object 9c9 < "description" : "Ka-ching!", --- > "description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Confused. The Glitch do not have a currency. Have the Glitch started to accept pixels?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Does this cash register accept pixels?", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A pixel sortin' machine.", 34c36 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\medievalscaffolding\medievalscaffolding.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Scaffolding", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran climb up high!", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A Glitch scaffold. The Glitch build these temporary structures when they build tall buildings.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran climb up high, better for sspying.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A temporary structure for when someone is building tall buildings.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A rickety scaffold made outta wood.", objects\glitch\medievalshelf\medievalshelf.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Ye olde wooden shelf.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Shelf", --- > "description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Empty sshelf.", < "glitchDescription" : "Uninterested. Just a shelf.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Empty shelvess.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Just an old shelf.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "An old shelf.", objects\glitch\medievalspikes\medievalspikes.object 5c5 < "description" : "Wooden spikes. You can decorate them with the heads of your enemies!", --- > "description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp sspikey sspikes.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp sspikey sspikes.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Sharpened spikes! Yikes!", 34a36 > "knockback" : 20, 53a56 > "knockback" : 20, objects\glitch\medievalstock\medievalstock.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "If you told this stock a funny joke, it'd be... a Laughing Stock. I'm hilarious.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Stock", --- > "description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. Glitch guilty of minor crimes would be placed in stocks like this for other Glitch to throw rotten fruit at.", < "humanDescription" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Built to restrain someone whilst they stand.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Horrified. You would not want to have to be put in these.", > "humanDescription" : "If you told this stock a funny joke, it'd be... A Laughing Stock. I'm hilarious.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Built to restrain someone whilst you pelt them with rotten fruit.", > "novakidDescription" : "Stocks for lockin' outlaws in.", objects\glitch\medievalstreetlamp\medievalstreetlamp.object 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Fire in hanging cage. Ha! Floran win!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. Glitch use these lamps to light their streets. Unlit streets are best avoided at night.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fire hangsss in cage, away from Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A helpful street lamp. Unlit streets are best avoided at night.", 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A lamp for lightin' up a street at night.", 73c74 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalswitchhidden\medievalswitchhidden.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Tile wobble.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. A strange tile.", < "humanDescription" : "A rattling tile.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tile wobbless.", > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. A strangely places tile.", > "humanDescription" : "A lose tile.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A rattlin' tile.", 124,129c125 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", < "animationCustom" : { < "sounds" : { < "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/hiddenswitch1.ogg" ] < } < }, --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate2.animation", 131c127 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\glitch\medievalswitchlever\medievalswitchlever.object 5c5 < "description" : "I wonder what this does?", --- > "description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. A mechanical lever. Certainly not standard Glitch tech.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A mechanical lever.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This lever is mighty temptin'!", 47c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\glitch\medievalswitchshackle\medievalswitchshackle.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Hsss trick chain!", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. One of these chains is not made of iron.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran suspiciousss of trick chain!", > "glitchDescription" : "Sceptical. One of these chains is not made of iron.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "One of these chains is odd lookin'.", 44c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalsworddisplay\medievalsworddisplay.object 5c5 < "description" : "These display swords look very pointy.", --- > "description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Two sharp display swords. The dagger is the weapon of the Apex.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Two sharp display swords. The Apex favour daggers generally.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "SSharp sswords. Floran like hammer!", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. A sharp sword display. The Glitch weapon of choice is the broadsword.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp sswords. Floran like hammerss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. A sharp sword display. The Glitch weapon of choice is the broadsword.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A couple of swords on display. Probably fakes.", objects\glitch\medievaltable\medievaltable.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Table have woodworm, yum!", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. A very shoddy table, likely built by a peasant.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Table have woodwormss, yum!", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A very shoddy table, likely built by a peasant.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The wood is rottin' away.", objects\glitch\medievaltoilet\medievaltoilet.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "... Do robots really need toilets?", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Toilet", --- > "description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran usse to store brainsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. Why am I inspecting this?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran usse bowl to store brainsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. Why am I inspecting this?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like someone built an outhouse without the house.", objects\glitch\medievaltorch\medievaltorch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A small torch.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An iron torch.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Hsss the flame ssspits.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. The kind of torch that illuminates castle corridors.", --- > "floranDescription" : "The flame ssspits.", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. The kind of torch that illuminates castle corridors.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "An iron wall torch.", 94a96 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 113c115 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalwallshelf\medievalwallshelf.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Shelf", --- > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Wood sshelf very sstrong.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This wooden shelf is strong and stable.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Wood shelf very sstrong.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This wooden shelf is strong and stable.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A useful wall shelf. You could put just about anythin' on here.", objects\glitch\medievalweaponrack\medievalweaponrack.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A rack full of... fairly dull iron swords.", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Weapon Rack", --- > "description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssswords not ssharp.", < "glitchDescription" : "Deduction. These swords are blunt. Likely they have been forgotten. Glitch knights prefer to forge their own swords.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssswords not sharp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. These swords are blunt. Likely they have been forgotten.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Not a lotta good to anyone.", objects\glitch\outhouse\outhouse.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I got a feelin' this ain't just an outhouse.", objects\glitch\poisonsign\poisonsign.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "I get an ominous feeling looking at this sign.", < "shortdescription" : "Poison Sign", --- > "description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Poison.", < "avianDescription" : "Poison.", < "floranDescription" : "It sssay, tasssty!", < "glitchDescription" : "Concern. Poison ahead.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool! Poison.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Poison.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This sign is meant to warn me of some dangers around here. I should tread carefully.", > "avianDescription" : "This sign is a warning. Maybe there's something dangerous around here.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disssregards nearby dangersss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This sign is a warning to others. I should be careful.", > "humanDescription" : "This sign is warning about something dangerous nearby. Maybe I should be wary.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This crudely made sign is meant to warn others of dangerous things nearby.", > "novakidDescription" : "This skull an' crossbones is a sure warnin' of something dangerous around these parts.", objects\glitch\royalbed\royalbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to try out sshiny bed.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A bed built for royalty. The Glitch spare no expense when pampering their monarchs.", < "humanDescription" : "I suspect the Glitch build these beds for royalty.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to try out shiny bed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A bed built for royalty.", > "humanDescription" : "I suspect this was built for royalty.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Sure is a fancy bed, fit for a king almost!", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\royalbookcase\royalbookcase.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 14,18c15,20 < "avianDescription" : "A golden bookcase. The Avians believe only Kluex to be worthy of such splendor.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny bookcasse. Floran would like to learn to read.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. Unlike most Glitch, Glitch royalty are capable of reading and writing.", < "humanDescription" : "A golden bookcase. Perhaps Glitch kings are avid readers.", < "hylotlDescription" : "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while Glitch peasants hunger for food?", --- > "avianDescription" : "A golden bookcase. The Avians believe only Kluex to be worthy of such splendour.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny bookcassse. Doess it hold more than bookss?", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Many members of royalty are capable of reading and writing.", > "humanDescription" : "A golden bookcase. Perhaps kings are avid readers.", > "hylotlDescription" : "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while peasants hunger for food?", > "novakidDescription" : "Surely kings ain't got much time for readin'?", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\royalcabinet\royalcabinet.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiney box, what'ss insside!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Though the value of the cabinet is high, it's unlikely to house anything particularly special.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny box, what'ss insside!", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Though the value of the cabinet is high, it's unlikely to house anything particularly special.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Somethin' this fancy must contain some good loot!", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\royalcandles\royalcandles.object 17c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A solid gold candlestick. A servant would make sure these are lit before royalty arrives.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. A solid gold candlestick. A servant would make sure these are all lit before royalty arrives.", 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "I feel bad for the guy who has to keep all these candlesticks alight.", 62c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\glitch\royalchalice\royalchalice.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Inspect. A solid gold chalice. Glitch royalty dine in luxury.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. A solid gold chalice. Royalty dine in luxury.", objects\glitch\royalchest\royalchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c17,18 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to look inside ssshiny chesst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Though royal rooms are well guarded, it appears Glitch nobility take every precaution with their valuables.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to look inssside shiny chesst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Though royal rooms are well guarded, it appears the nobility take every precaution with their valuables.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Puttin' gold on the chest kinda defeats the purpose of security.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\royaldesk\royaldesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny desk for important metalman.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny desk for important metalman.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm not so sure this desk is actually used for a king's work.", 48c50 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\royalthrone\royalthrone.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "Glitch royalty appear to surround themselves with gold.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny metal chair.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch magistrates would sit upon this throne and hand out judgements in civil cases brought before them. Often the judgements were harsh.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Royalty appear to surround themselves with gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metal chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A throne such as this is surely fit for royalty.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Now this throne sure makes a fancy statement!", objects\glitch\royaltoilet\royaltoilet.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny gold water bowl.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny gold water bowl.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A gold toilet sure seems like a waste of loot to me.", objects\glitch\sewagebarrel\sewagebarrel.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "Back on earth, you could be fined for dumping sewage.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Back on Earth, you could be fined for dumping sewage.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't curious enough to look inside this barrel.", 22,25c23 < < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], objects\glitch\sewerflooddoor\sewerflooddoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", --- > "description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "A flood door.", < "avianDescription" : "A flood door.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this 'food door'.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A flood door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A flood door. It seems ineffective.", > "avianDescription" : "I don't think this flood door will keep my feathers dry.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss door doesn't sseem ssstable", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. The structure of this door doesn't seem adequate.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A flood door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "What is the point of a flood door this flimsy?", > "novakidDescription" : "This thing don't look like it could stop anythin'!", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "sewerflooddoor.png:right", > 23c28,29 < "imagePosition" : [-12, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-17, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 25c31 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 43c55 < "animationPosition" : [-12, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-17, 0], 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\sewergauge\sewergauge.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care about clock.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thiss thing makess no ssense.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This could be somethin' important and I'd have no idea.", objects\glitch\sewergear\sewergear.object 11,13c11,13 < "apexDescription" : "A gear.", < "avianDescription" : "A gear.", < "floranDescription" : "Funny wheel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A machine gear. It appears to be working correctly.", > "avianDescription" : "A gear. It looks dirty.", > "floranDescription" : "Wheel sspins, but for what use?", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "A gear.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A gear.", --- > "humanDescription" : "An oiled gear, seems like it's a bit rusty though.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A slightly rusty gear, it has been near too much water.", > "novakidDescription" : "I bet these were useful once, looks to me like they're rustin' up.", objects\glitch\sewertank\sewertank.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. Heat signatures indicate a living being is inside this tank.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Startled. Heat signatures indicate a living being is inside this tank.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like somethin' is inside this, but I sure ain't gonna check.", objects\glitch\sewervalve\sewervalve.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A valve.", < "avianDescription" : "A valve.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A valve. It functions as expected.", > "avianDescription" : "A valve. It spins well.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A valve.", < "humanDescription" : "A valve.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A valve.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This valve spins.", > "humanDescription" : "A valve. If I spin this I wonder what will happen?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A valve. A simple but functional item.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wanna turn this here valve and see what happens!", 48a50,55 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_on.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_off.ogg" ] > } > }, 50c57 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\sewerwallgrate\sewerwallgrate.object 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "A grate.", < "floranDescription" : "Bars.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A grate.", < "humanDescription" : "Just grate.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A grate.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A grate in the wall.", > "floranDescription" : "Barss in wall. Floran can't get through!", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Does something lurk behind these bars?", > "humanDescription" : "Well this is just grate.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This grate is simple but stops anything unexpected getting through.", > "novakidDescription" : "Sure hope no critters are lurking behind this grate.", objects\glitch\signarmorshop\signarmorshop.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshield ssshop nearby?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch store. In particular an armour shop.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shield shop iss nearby?", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheerful. A sign that marks an armour shop.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The sign for an armour store.", objects\glitch\signforge\signforge.object 5c5 < "description" : "Looks like the forge is this way.", --- > "description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign. Looks like it belongs to a forge...", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden sign. It depicts an anvil.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal ssshop nearby?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch forge.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like a sign that sits outside a forge.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This sign suggests a forge.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign signifying that this building is probably a forge.", > "avianDescription" : "A sign with an anvil on it.", > "floranDescription" : "This isss metal shop?", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. A sign for a blacksmith's forge.", > "humanDescription" : "A shop sign for a blacksmith's forge.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A sign that indicates a forge.", > "novakidDescription" : "This buildin' must be a forge with a sign like that.", objects\glitch\signinn\signinn.object 5c5 < "description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest my head.", --- > "description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign. Looks like it belongs to an inn.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden sign. It says 'Inn'.", < "floranDescription" : "Drink ssshop nearby?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch inn.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like a sign that sits outside an inn.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This sign suggests an inn.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign for an inn.", > "avianDescription" : "It says \"Inn\".", > "floranDescription" : "Sssign for an inn.", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A sign that indicates an inn.", > "humanDescription" : "Looks like the sign for an inn.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This is the sign for an inn.", > "novakidDescription" : "Must be an inn.", objects\glitch\signlibrary\signlibrary.object 5c5 < "description" : "This way to the library. It might be good to read up on local history!", --- > "description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign. Looks like it belongs to a Glitch library.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden sign. It depicts a book.", < "floranDescription" : "Book ssshop nearby?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch library. Built for the few Glitch capable of reading.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like a store sign that sits outside a library.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This sign suggests a library.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This building must be a library.", > "avianDescription" : "A book? This could be a library.", > "floranDescription" : "A place to read booksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. The sign for a library.", > "humanDescription" : "A library sign.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Ah, the familiar sign for a library.", > "novakidDescription" : "Books. Maybe it's a library.", objects\glitch\signproduce\signproduce.object 5c5 < "description" : "A shop that sells produce! What sort of produce do robots eat, though?", --- > "description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign. Looks like it belongs to a grocery store.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden sign. It depicts a fruit.", < "floranDescription" : "Fruit ssshop nearby? Hssssss!", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch produce store.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like a sign that sits outside a produce store.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This sign suggests a food store.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This might indicate a grocery store.", > "avianDescription" : "Fruit and vegetables must be available here.", > "floranDescription" : "Fruitss and vegetabless for sssale.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Fresh produce will be available at this shop.", > "humanDescription" : "The sign for a farm shop.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A farm food store.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sorta food store.", objects\glitch\signweaponshop\signweaponshop.object 5c5 < "description" : "Oooh, this shop up ahead sells weapons!", --- > "description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden sign. Looks like it belongs to a Glitch weapon store.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden sign. It depicts a sword.", < "floranDescription" : "Sword ssshop nearby?", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A sign that marks a Glitch weapon store. Weapon stores are often unsuccessful, as Glitch prefer to make their own weapons.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like a sign that sits outside a weapon store.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This sign suggests a weapon store.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A weapons shop sign.", > "avianDescription" : "I might be able to buy weapons at this shop.", > "floranDescription" : "Weaponsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. I've seen a lot of weapons stores go out of business.", > "humanDescription" : "A sword drawn on a sign. A weapons shop maybe?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A sword, this is a weapons shop most likely.", > "novakidDescription" : "The sign shows a sword. I guess it's a weapons shop.", objects\glitch\smallwoodencrate\smallwoodencrate.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Fine wooden box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A wooden crate.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Wood box is sssmall", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. A wooden crate.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a small wooden crate.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\target\target.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch practice archery with great skill.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. Glitch practice archery with great skill.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This is good, but kinda outdated. I should give it a test...", objects\glitch\targetdummy\targetdummy.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Metalman make ssstrawman. Now all we need isss lion.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A training dummy. Glitch knights practice their swordplay for the first half of each day.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Metalman make ssstrawman.", > "glitchDescription" : "Recollection. A training dummy. Knights practice their swordplay on these.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A man filled with straw. Perhaps the Glitch practice combat with these.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A man filled with straw. Perhaps someone practices combat with these.", > "novakidDescription" : "I could shoot this, but I think its designed for arrows.", objects\glitch\toxicwastebarrel\toxicwastebarrel.object 9a10 > "breakDropOptions" : [], 14c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Alert. This concoction may be dangerous.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This concoction may be dangerous.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is spillin' all over the place! Smells foul as a mule.", 22,25c24 < < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 40c39 < "/objects/explodingsmashable.lua" --- > "/objects/scripts/explodingsmashable.lua" objects\glitch\trashbag\trashbag.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "avianDescription" : "A bag of trash.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A bag of unwanted items.", 17,19c18,22 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A bag of trash.", < "humanDescription" : "A bag of trash.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A bag of trash.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A bag of trash.", > "humanDescription" : "Just another bag of trash.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bag of waste carelessly left here.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bag of garbage, nothin' of use here.", > 35c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\trashcan\trashcan.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "avianDescription" : "A trash can.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A container just for things to be thrown away in.", 17,19c18,21 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A fellow Glitch... or a trash can.", < "humanDescription" : "A trash can.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A trash can.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A fellow Glitch... or a trash can.", > "humanDescription" : "A trash can. They're useful all over the universe.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A receptacle for disposing of trash.", > "novakidDescription" : "Nothin' useful here, just a trash can.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\glitch\trough\trough.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A trough used for feeding livestock. Many Glitch live entirely off the land.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A trough, like many used for feeding livestock.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A perfect place to feed a mighty steed. Or just livestock.", objects\glitch\villagedoor\villagedoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", > "shortdescription" : "Village Door", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssimple metalman door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A simple door you would expect to see a hundred times in a Glitch village.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssimple tree door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Explanation. A simple door you would expect to see a hundred times in any village.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A humble Glitch door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A humble village door.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a simple lookin' wooden door.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "villagedoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\wallpipe\wallpipe.object 7c7 < "description" : "A sewer pipe. Watch out for clowns.", --- > "description" : "A sewer pipe.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A pipe.", < "avianDescription" : "A pipe.", < "floranDescription" : "A pipe.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "humanDescription" : "A pipe.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A pipe.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A functional, if filthy, pipe.", > "avianDescription" : "A sewer pipe, I don't want to get mucky feathers!", > "floranDescription" : "Sssewer pipe.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A pipe.", > "humanDescription" : "A pipe. Looks kinda...grimy.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A pipe for sewer usage.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a pipe. Hope no critters are lurking in it.", objects\glitch\wallshackles\wallshackles.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran usse iron ssshackless to hold prey before cooking time.", < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. A set of iron shackles from a Glitch dungeon. I've had a great deal of fun with these.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran usse iron shackless to hold prey before cooking time.", > "glitchDescription" : "Discomfort. A set of shackles from a dungeon. They look uncomfortable but secure.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Glitch prison system appears to be rather brutal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The prison system appears to be rather brutal.", > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha' some varmint was in these shackles.", objects\glitch\wallshield\wallshield.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Blood red sshield!", < "glitchDescription" : "Evaluate. A purely decorative shield. A single heavy blow would shatter it completely.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Blood red shield!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A purely decorative shield. A single heavy blow would shatter it completely.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This shield looks pretty but sure ain't gonna be of any use.", objects\glitch\wellcover\wellcover.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. Glitch villagers use wells like this for all of their drinking water. Often the water is dirty or polluted.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Dissatisfied. Villagers use wells like this for all of their drinking water. Often the water is dirty or polluted.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A classic way to get water, better make sure I don't fall down it.", objects\glitch\wheelbarrow\wheelbarrow.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A Glitch wheelbarrow. Glitch use these large wheelbarrows to drag goods from door to door in an attempt to make a sale.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. Wheelbarrows can be used to transport goods.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda large wheelbarrow, good for haulin' gear.", 26,27c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\glitch\wickerbasket1\wickerbasket1.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basket!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks kinda smashable!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket2\wickerbasket2.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basket!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks kinda smashable!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket3\wickerbasket3.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basket!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks kinda smashable!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket4\wickerbasket4.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basket!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks kinda smashable!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket5\wickerbasket5.object 8c8 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", < "glitchDescription" : "Examine. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basket!", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A wicker basket. What's inside I wonder?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks kinda smashable!", objects\glitch\woodenstool\woodenstool.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a simple lookin' stool.", objects\hoard\barrelgoldfilled\barrelgoldfilled.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like pot of ssshiny things!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. This treasure appears to be for display purposes only.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran like pot of shiny things!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This treasure appears to be for display purposes only.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Thank the stars, it's my lucky day!", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hoard\diamonddisplay\diamonddisplay.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder if anyone will notice if this goes missing.", objects\hoard\goldenpedestal\goldenpedestal.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks pretty fancy for a display stand.", objects\hoard\goldvase1\goldvase1.object 5c5 < "description" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "avianDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "floranDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "glitchDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "humanDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A gold looking jug.", > "avianDescription" : "A pretty ceremonial jug.", > "floranDescription" : "Pretty jug, maybe sssteals.", > "glitchDescription" : "Enamored. This appears to be a ceremonial jug of bulbous appearance.", > "humanDescription" : "This jug looks kind of funny, I wonder what its for?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A golden odd looking jug for special ceremonies.", > "novakidDescription" : "Wonder what this odd lookin' gold jug was used for?", objects\hoard\goldvase2\goldvase2.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "avianDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "floranDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "glitchDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "humanDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A golden jug. Seems ostentatious.", > "avianDescription" : "This golden jug was used in special ceremonies.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny jug.", > "glitchDescription" : "Certainty. A golden jug.", > "humanDescription" : "A golden ceremonial jug.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An otherwise unremarkable golden jug, sometimes used in ceremonies.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a regular jug, but gold.", objects\hoard\goldvase3\goldvase3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Jug", --- > "description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "avianDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "floranDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "glitchDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "humanDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This would be a simple vase, if it wasn't also made of gold.", > "avianDescription" : "A slim golden vase. Perhaps it holds some significance.", > "floranDescription" : "Golden vase is sssmall but shiny.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Does this golden vase have a practical use?", > "humanDescription" : "A simple golden vase. If a golden vase can be simple that is.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This slim golden vase is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.", > "novakidDescription" : "A slim lookin' gold vase.", objects\hoard\goldvase4\goldvase4.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A sexy golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "shortdescription" : "Gold Sexy Jug", --- > "description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "avianDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "floranDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "glitchDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "humanDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A slim golden vase. Seems over the top.", > "avianDescription" : "A slim golden vase.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssslim vase iss made of gold!", > "glitchDescription" : "Confidence. This is a slim golden vase.", > "humanDescription" : "A slim golden vase. Maybe its valuable.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A slim golden vase can make an attractive decorative object.", > "novakidDescription" : "This slim gold vase would look mighty fine on my ship.", objects\hoard\goldvase5\goldvase5.object 5c5 < "description" : "A classic golden jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "description" : "A classic golden jug.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "avianDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "floranDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "glitchDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "humanDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A slim golden jug that may have been used in special ceremonies.", > "avianDescription" : "This slim golden jug may have been for special ceremonies.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssimple sslim gold jug. Iss pretty.", > "glitchDescription" : "Admiring. This golden jug is nice to look at.", > "humanDescription" : "This golden jug is pretty classic.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A classic, if showy, golden jug.", > "novakidDescription" : "Surely there's a better use for all this gold than a jug?", objects\hoard\grail\grail.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran drink from ssshiny cup, then throw on floor. Sssmash!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A massive chalice.", < "humanDescription" : "The holy grail! I've just stumbled across it. Who's laughing NOW, Galahad?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran drink from shiny cup.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A chalice of some sort.", > "humanDescription" : "Looks like a fancy cup. Is it meant to be special?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I get a feelin' this is meant to be special, but I can't quite work out why.", objects\hoard\mysteriouslight\mysteriouslight.object 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "race" : "human", --- > "printable" : false, > "description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "race" : "generic", 13c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel like centre of attention.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feelss like centre of attention.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This light is nearly as bright as me!", 172c174 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hoard\safe\safe.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 12a13 > "health" : 5, 14,19c15,21 < "apexDescription" : "A safe.", < "avianDescription" : "A safe.", < "floranDescription" : "A safe.", < "glitchDescription" : "A safe.", < "humanDescription" : "A safe.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A safe.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A safe. This would sink easily. For extra security.", > "avianDescription" : "While this would keep things secure, why would you need to?", > "floranDescription" : "A sssafe. Keepss tresure away from otherss", > "glitchDescription" : "Confidence. This is a functioning safe.", > "humanDescription" : "I could use this to keep", > "hylotlDescription" : "A safe. Useful for security against unwelcome visitors.", > "novakidDescription" : "This'll stop those critters touching my loot!", 37c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hoard\treasurechest\treasurechest.object 4c4 < "rarity" : "rare", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 36c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hoard\woodencrategoldfilled\woodencrategoldfilled.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A wooden crate.", < "avianDescription" : "A wooden storage box.", < "floranDescription" : "Fine wooden box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A wooden crate.", < "humanDescription" : "It's just a crate.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crate made of wood.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A wooden crate. It contains too much treasure for its size.", > "avianDescription" : "A wooden storage box full of gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Wood box hasss treassure!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This wooden crate is insufficient for this amount of treasure.", > "humanDescription" : "A crate filled with treasure, security clearly wasn't a priority.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A plain crate made of wood overflowing with treasure.", > "novakidDescription" : "How am I meant to store all my loot in a crate with no lid?", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\bigpresent\bigpresent.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 18c19 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. Is there anything inside?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is there anything inside?", 20a22 > "novakidDescription" : "A gift this well wrapped must have something good inside.", 40c42 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\decoratedtree\decoratedtree.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This tree makes me want to sing Christmas songs.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This tree makes me want to sing festive songs.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Well, these decorations sure makes a plain ol' tree look special.", objects\holiday\dreidel\dreidel.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A cute spinning top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An amusing spinning top.", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Joy. A spinning top.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool, a dreidel.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Joyful. A spinning top.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool, a dreidel, in space!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder if these symbols are anything like my brand?", objects\holiday\giantbells\giantbells.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These giant bells sure are festive somewhere I bet.", objects\holiday\giantbow1\giantbow1.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Festive. A decorative ribbon evokes thoughts of giving.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Whimsical. A decorative ribbon evokes thoughts of giving.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' red bow.", objects\holiday\giantbow2\giantbow2.object 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Festive. A decorative ribbon evokes thoughts of giving.", < "humanDescription" : "It's a nice shiny ribbon.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It's quite a pretty ribbon. Made of velvet, perhaps?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Whimsical. A decorative ribbon evokes thoughts of giving.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a nice shiny ribbon, the gold really sets off the red.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's quite a pretty ribbon. Made of velvet and gold, perhaps?", > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' red and gold bow.", objects\holiday\giantsanta\giantsanta.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Startled! I thought this jolly old fellow was real.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Startled. I thought this jolly old man was real.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This old man sure does look happy about somethin'.", objects\holiday\giantsnowflake\giantsnowflake.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssnowflake.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssnowflake. Iss it cold?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Snowflakes sure are pretty.", objects\holiday\giftmonsterbox\giftmonsterbox.lua 7,8c7,8 < world.spawnMonster(entity.configParameter("monsterType"), entity.position()) < entity.smash() --- > world.spawnMonster(config.getParameter("monsterType"), object.position()) > object.smash() objects\holiday\giftmonsterbox\giftmonsterbox.object 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. Is there anything inside?", < "humanDescription" : "A gift box. It's pretty big!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is there anything inside?", > "humanDescription" : "A gift box. It's pretty big...but why is it moving?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "It sure looks pretty, but I don't trust it.", objects\holiday\giftmonsterbox\giftmonstersmallbox.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "It's a big gift box.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's a small gift box.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A gift box. It's pretty big!", --- > "humanDescription" : "A gift box. It keeps moving!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A small pretty gift...that moves.", objects\holiday\goldball\goldball.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick ssshiny ball!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. A lovely decoration.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran kick shiny ball!", > "glitchDescription" : "Joyful. A lovely decoration.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't think this gold ball is made of gold at all...", objects\holiday\greencandycane1\greencandycane1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Why would anyone decorate with candy?", objects\holiday\greencandycane2\greencandycane2.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Who would decorate with candy?", objects\holiday\greencandycane3\greencandycane3.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Why would anyone decorate with candy?", objects\holiday\greengumdrop1\greengumdrop1.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A tasty green gumdrop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A tasty green gumdrop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This gumdrop looks tasty!", objects\holiday\greengumdrop2\greengumdrop2.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A tasty green gumdrop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A tasty green gumdrop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This gumdrop looks tasty!", objects\holiday\heartforge\heartforge.object 3a4,5 > "printable" : false, > "price" : 0, 4a7,11 > "category" : "crafting", > "description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "race" : "generic", > 7a15 > "requiresBlueprint" : false, 10,11c18,19 < "title" : " HEART FORGE", < "subtitle" : " Perfect for sharing the love!", --- > "title" : " Heart Forge", > "subtitle" : " Share the love", 19,24d26 < "description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "race" : "generic", < "category" : "crafting", < "printable" : false, < "price" : 0, 26,27c28,29 < "apexDescription" : "A table with tools for crafting festive decorations.", < "avianDescription" : "This festive table will allow me to spread holiday cheer.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A festive forge with tools for crafting festive decorations.", > "avianDescription" : "This festive forge will allow me to spread holiday cheer.", 30,31c32,34 < "humanDescription" : "I can craft loads of holiday decorations with this table!", < "hylotlDescription" : "With this table, I can create the tackiest of holiday decorations.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I can craft loads of holiday decorations with this forge!", > "hylotlDescription" : "With this forge, I can create the tackiest of holiday decorations.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here forge will let me craft festive items!", objects\holiday\holidaycandles\holidaycandles.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A nifty set of candles.", objects\holiday\holidaycraftingtable\holidaycraftingtable.object 3a4,5 > "price" : 0, > "printable" : false, 4a7,11 > "category" : "crafting", > "description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "race" : "generic", > 7a15 > "requiresBlueprint" : false, 10,11c18,19 < "title" : " TOYMAKER'S TABLE", < "subtitle" : " For all your holiday crafting needs!", --- > "title" : " Toymaker's Table", > "subtitle" : " For all your holiday crafting needs", 19,24d26 < "description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "race" : "generic", < "category" : "crafting", < "printable" : false, < "price" : 0, 31a34 > "novakidDescription" : "This'll let me craft all kinda festive decorations.", objects\holiday\holidaylights\holidaylights.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Little twinklin' lights, kinda pretty.", objects\holiday\holidaypole\holidaypole.object 8c8 < "description" : "A holiday pole! Not to be confused with a Festivus pole.", --- > "description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "It'sss big pole.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Itsss big pole.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A gawdy red and white striped pole.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A gaudy red and white striped pole.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks kinda like candy, but I bet it doesn't taste like it!", objects\holiday\holly\holly.object 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. Holly.", < "humanDescription" : "A sprig of holly.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprise. A festive sprig of holly.", > "humanDescription" : "A sprig of holly, makes me feel almost nostalgic.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Its a nice enough colour, but why is it so spiky?", objects\holiday\lollipop1\lollipop1.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran lick big sssweet!", < "glitchDescription" : "Pleasure. A giant lollipop.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran eatss big sssweet!", > "glitchDescription" : "Entranced. A giant lollipop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I never seen a lollipop so large!", objects\holiday\lollipop2\lollipop2.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Pleasure. A giant lollipop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Entranced. A giant lollipop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I never seen a lollipop so large!", objects\holiday\menorah\menorah.object 17c17 < "floranDescription" : "Burny candles! Floran like anyway.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Burny candles! Floran like.", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This gives off a lovely glow.", objects\holiday\present1\present1.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The contents of this present elude me.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. The contents of this present elude me.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone put a lot of effort into wrappin' this.", 49c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\present2\present2.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The contents of this present elude me.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. The contents of this present elude me.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone put a lot of effort into wrappin' this.", 49c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\present3\present3.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The contents of this present elude me.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. The contents of this present elude me.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone put a lot of effort into wrappin' this.", 49c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\present4\present4.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The contents of this present elude me.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. The contents of this present elude me.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone put a lot of effort into wrappin' this.", 49c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\holiday\purplegumdrop1\purplegumdrop1.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A tasty purple gumdrop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thrilled. A tasty purple gumdrop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tasty lookin' gumdrop!", objects\holiday\purplegumdrop2\purplegumdrop2.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A tasty purple gumdrop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thrilled. A tasty purple gumdrop.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tasty lookin' gumdrop!", objects\holiday\redball\redball.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick ssshiny ball!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran kick shiny ball!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty red ball, great for decoration.", objects\holiday\redcandycane1\redcandycane1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't never heard of decoratin' with candy.", objects\holiday\redcandycane2\redcandycane2.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't never heard of decoratin' with candy.", objects\holiday\redcandycane3\redcandycane3.object 8c8 < "description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", --- > "description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't never heard of decoratin' with candy.", objects\holiday\redgumdrop1\redgumdrop1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tasty lookin' gumdrop", objects\holiday\redgumdrop2\redgumdrop2.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tasty lookin' gumdrop", objects\holiday\scifisleigh\scifisleigh.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Looks like this year, Santa's gone superpowered.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Looks like this year, Santa's gone super-powered.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. A rocket-powered sleigh.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A rocket-powered sleigh.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Now this is my kinda sleigh!", objects\holiday\smallbow\smallbow.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty red bow.", objects\holiday\smallholidaytree\smallholidaytree.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "It's a shame it's synthetic-- I can still remember the smell of real Christmas trees.", --- > "humanDescription" : "It's a shame it's synthetic, I can still remember the smell of real fir trees.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Its a tree, but not a real tree?", objects\holiday\smallsnowflake\smallsnowflake.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Snowflakes sure are pretty.", objects\holiday\stocking1\stocking1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Ssssomething inside?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Sssomething inside?", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A gawdy sock. Why is it hanging on the wall? Is there anything inside?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A gaudy sock. Why is it hanging on the wall? Is there anything inside?", > "novakidDescription" : "Socks ain't no good on a wall, what will keep your feet warm?", objects\holiday\stocking2\stocking2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Ssssomething inside?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Sssomething inside?", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A gawdy sock. Why is it hanging on the wall? Is there anything inside?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A gaudy sock. Why is it hanging on the wall? Is there anything inside?", > "novakidDescription" : "Socks ain't no good on a wall, what will keep your feet warm?", objects\holiday\undecoratedtree\undecoratedtree.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "It's a shame it's synthetic-- I can still remember the smell of real Christmas trees.", --- > "humanDescription" : "It's a shame it's synthetic, I can still remember the smell of real fir trees.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Its a tree, but not a real tree?", objects\human\alertlight\alertlight.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Dismissal. A coloured light.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A coloured light.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A light cravin' attention.", 20a22,109 > // PREVIEW ORIENTATION > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [1, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [1, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ] > }, > > { > // PREVIEW ORIENTATION > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [1, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [1, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ] > }, > > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightright.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top", "right" ] > }, > > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top", "right" ] > }, > > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightright.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top", "left" ] > }, > > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "alarm" : "alertlightceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top", "left" ] > }, > > { 112c201 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\barbedwire\barbedwire.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp, ssspiky ssstring.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp, ssspiky ssstring.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Barbed wire.", objects\human\basicbath\basicbath.object 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "Big bucket good for ssstoring blood.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big ssswimming bucket.", 14c14 < "humanDescription" : "A nice hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered. Only things missing are some candles and an Enya .", --- > "humanDescription" : "A nice hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered. Only things missing are some bubbles and candles.", 15a16 > "novakidDescription" : "I do enjoy a hot bath every once in a while.", objects\human\basicbath\basicbathdripping.object 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "Big bucket good for ssstoring blood.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big ssswimming bucket.", 14c14 < "humanDescription" : "A nice hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered. Only things missing are some candles and an Enya .", --- > "humanDescription" : "A nice hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered. Only things missing are some bubbles and candles.", 15a16,17 > "novakidDescription" : "I do enjoy a hot bath every once in a while.", > objects\human\basictoilet\basictoilet.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", --- > "description" : "A normal looking toilet! Thank the stars!", > "shortdescription" : "Basic Toilet", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny smooth brain bowl.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterest. A toilet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny place for sssmelly business.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A toilet.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a simple toilet. Not glamorous, but highly necessary.", objects\human\basictv\basictv.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Admiring. The television is truly humanity's most valuable export.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. The television is truly humanity's most valuable export.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A good ol' television. I do enjoy watching a gritty mystery unfold.", objects\human\bunkerbigpanel\bunkerbigpanel.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Buzzy moving picturesss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigate. The readouts suggest this area is inhabitable for humans.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Too much information for Floran to take in right now.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. The readouts suggest this area is inhabitable for humans.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Data readings. For what?", 47c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkerbookcase\bunkerbookcase.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like booksss with picturesss. Punch himmm.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. Some of these books are hundreds of years old. They may fall apart at the slightest touch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Many books with wordsss, few books with picturesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Some of these books are hundreds of years old. They may fall apart at the slightest touch.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A book case. There's a lot of self-help books here...", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\bunkercabinet1\bunkercabinet1.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16c17 < "floranDescription" : "Dangerousss metal box. Tasssty?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dangerousss metal box? Can't be more dangerousss than Floran!", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A container with warnin' stripes. I ain't openin' it.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\bunkerceilinglight1\bunkerceilinglight1.object 17,18c17,18 < "avianDescription" : "A colourful ceiling light.", < "floranDescription" : "Safe light, not fire. Floran like.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A ceiling light.", > "floranDescription" : "Hanging lamp.", 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain lookin' ceilin' light.", 60c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -3] ] objects\human\bunkerceilinglight2\bunkerceilinglight2.object 17,18c17,18 < "avianDescription" : "A colourful ceiling light.", < "floranDescription" : "Safe light, not fire. Floran like.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A ceiling light.", > "floranDescription" : "Hanging lamp.", 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain lookin' ceilin' light.", 60c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] objects\human\bunkercomputer\bunkercomputer.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran press button, make accidental in-app purchasesss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Computer for typing and ssstaring at.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : " This is a computer. I ain't sure it's relevant.", 56c57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ] objects\human\bunkerconsole1\bunkerconsole1.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran pull lever, hear dissstant explosssion. Unrelated.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The more levers a console as, the more dangerous it is to fiddle with.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine with many buttonsss and levers! Tempting, but Floran better not fiddle with thisss...", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The more levers a console as, the more dangerous it is to fiddle with.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Who knows what these buttons and levers do. I ain't findin' out the hard way, that's for sure.", objects\human\bunkerconsole2\bunkerconsole2.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash keyboard, hear dissstant explosssion. Unrelated.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The more keyboards a console has, the more... nope. Stumped.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Computer hasss unnecessary amount of buttonsss. Floran baffled.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The more keyboards a console has, the more... nope. Stumped.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This computer has more than one keyboard. Seems excessive if you ask me.", 58c59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkerconsole3\bunkerconsole3.object 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "'Dear Marjory. Please remember to put the cat out. Love David.' Interesting.", < "avianDescription" : "'The results of yesterday's toxicity tests were inconclusive. Please schedule more. Doctor Kleiner.' Okay.", < "floranDescription" : "Humansss send funny picturesss of furballsss. Menu?", < "glitchDescription" : "Reading. 'Let me explain to you why you are wrong...' The rest of the post descends into unintelligible ranting.", < "humanDescription" : "Someone's fallen victim to the well-known 'reply-all' faux pas. Poor guy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There's a message on the screen. \"Dear Marjory. Please remember to put the cat out. Love David\" Interesting.", > "avianDescription" : "There's a message on the screen. \"The results of yesterday's toxicity tests were inconclusive. Please schedule more. Doctor Kleiner\" Okay.", > "floranDescription" : "Hmm... A highlighted message on the ssscreen. \"Buy eggs after work\".", > "glitchDescription" : "Nosy. There's a message on the screen. \"Let me explain to you why you are wrong...\" The rest of the post descends into unintelligible ranting.", > "humanDescription" : "Judging from this email account, someone's fallen victim to the well-known 'reply-all' faux pas. Poor guy.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A personal computer station. I ain't the snoopin' kind.", 59c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkerconsole4\bunkerconsole4.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A team was sent out to recover a cursed artefact. They never returned. Maybe they just got sidetracked?", --- > "avianDescription" : "A team was sent out to recover a cursed artifact. They never returned. Maybe they just got sidetracked?", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Concern. It appears as if the previous user of this console went insane. There are a number of alarming messages.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. It appears as if the previous user of this console went insane. There are a number of alarming messages.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "There's some info here about a petition to ban moon walkin'. Followed by a recipe for onion soup.", 58c59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkercorner\bunkercorner.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", --- > "description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Undisguised apathy. A support beam.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A support beam.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Metal support beam.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Metallic support beam.", > "novakidDescription" : "A support beam.", objects\human\bunkercrate\bunkercrate.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c17,18 < "floranDescription" : "Metal boxxx.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A metal box.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Metal box.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metal box.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a plain metal crate.", 53c55 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\bunkerdesk\bunkerdesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 14,15c15,16 < "avianDescription" : "The monitor makes the desk appear as if it has an eye.", < "floranDescription" : "Desssk with ssscreen. Floran not need thisss.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A plain desk with a monitor stuck to it.", > "floranDescription" : "Desssk with ssscreen sstuck to it.", 17,18c18,20 < "humanDescription" : "Ooh, this monitor is showing an old Geocities page. It's burned into the screen.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An intelligent fusion of technology and comfort.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This monitor is built into the desk.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A built in monitor. An intelligent fusion of technology and comfort.", > "novakidDescription" : "A screen stuck to a desk.", 42c44 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\bunkerdisplay1\bunkerdisplay1.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Spacial. This appears to depict the layout of the area we're in.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This appears to depict the layout of the area we're in.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Pretty sure this is a map.", 64c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkerdisplay2\bunkerdisplay2.object 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "This chart sort of looks like a beak.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran know thisss creature. Creature eat fruit, become ssstrong. Floran kill.", < "glitchDescription" : "Sarcasm. A fascinating pie chart detailing stationary expenditure.", < "humanDescription" : "Ooh, an infographic. Sadly not one of those funny internet ones.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This chart sort of looks like a berry tart, with a piece missing.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange, uninteresting data.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sarcastic. A fascinating pie chart detailing stationary expenditure.", > "humanDescription" : "Ooh, an info-graphic. Sadly not one of those funny internet ones.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't sure what this big circle is supposed to illustrate. But it's got a chunk missin'.", 64c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkerdisplay3\bunkerdisplay3.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Spacial. This appears to depict the layout of the area we're in.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This appears to depict the layout of the area we're in.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Pretty sure this is a map.", 64c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], objects\human\bunkerdisplay4\bunkerdisplay4.object 22c22 < "floranDescription" : "Floran punch ball. Ball not bounce.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Boring holographic ball.", 25a26 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like the moon, starin' down at me a cold winter night.", 58c59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], objects\human\bunkereyescanner\bunkereyescanner.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", --- > "description" : "A device to scan eyeballs and match them to personnel data.", > "shortdescription" : "Eye Scanner", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "This machine doesn't seem to recognise Apex eyeballs.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An eye scanner. It doesn't seem to recognise Apex eyeballs.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstare at machine. Machine ssstare back. Floran win.", < "glitchDescription" : "Technical. With the correct calibration, this scanner could be tricked by a Glitch eye.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine wants to ssscan eyes. Floran refussse!", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. With the correct calibration, this scanner could be tricked by a Glitch eye.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such devices are awkward for Hylotl. Our heads are not the right shape.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An eye scanner. Such devices are awkward for Hylotl. Our heads are not the right shape.", > "novakidDescription" : "An eye scanner? Ain't sure what I'm supposed to do with it.", 43c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\human\bunkerhandscanner\bunkerhandscanner.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", --- > "description" : "It scans fingerprints and matches them to personnel data.", > "shortdescription" : "Fingerprint Scanner", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wonder if real human hand inssside.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Device for ssscanning hands. Doesn't react to Floran's hand...", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A type of scannin' device for hands. Doubt it'll pick up mine.", 43c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\human\bunkerheater1\bunkerheater1.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Nice heat, no fire. Good for Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterest. A small heater.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Nice heat, no fire. Safe for Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A small heater.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A radiator. I never felt the need for one.", objects\human\bunkerlighth\bunkerlighth.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Calculating. The brightness levels are slightly too high for human eyes.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The brightness levels are slightly too high for human eyes.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A brightly lit lamp.", 42c43 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 45c46,47 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\human\bunkerlightv\bunkerlightv.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Calculating. The brightness levels are slightly too high for human eyes.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The brightness levels are slightly too high for human eyes.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A brightly lit lamp.", 42c43 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 45c46,47 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\human\bunkermotiondetector\bunkermotiondetector.object 41c41 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkerpanel1\bunkerpanel1.object 10,11c10,11 < "avianDescription" : "This doesn't appear to be very scientific. The reading says the environment is 'pretty good I guess'.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care about sssilly data.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This doesn't appear to be very scientific. The reading says the environment is *pretty good I guess*.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran is not very entertained by thisss data.", 14c14,15 < "hylotlDescription" : "Much like Hylotl, humans have to be cautious about the areas which they visit.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Data on the surrounding environment. Much like Hylotl, humans have to be cautious about the areas which they visit.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'm sure this data is interestin' to someone out there. That someone ain't me.", 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkerpanel2\bunkerpanel2.object 11,12c11,12 < "floranDescription" : "Two heartsss mean Floran get to ssstab twice.", < "glitchDescription" : "Morose. In Glitch culture, one with such a manufacturing error would be exterminated.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This human has two heartsss... how greedy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Mortified. A human with two hearts? In Glitch culture, one with such a manufacturing error would be exterminated.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "From the looks of it, this patient had two hearts. That just ain't right.", 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkerpanel3\bunkerpanel3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", --- > "description" : "A flashy electronic recruitment poster.", > "shortdescription" : "LED Recruitment Panel", 9,14c9,15 < "apexDescription" : "It appears human military recruitment is optional. For the Apex, there is no such luxury.", < "avianDescription" : "The grounded often choose to become warriors.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran take on might of USCM and ssstab ssstab ssstab.", < "glitchDescription" : "Consideration. Glitch who are not self-aware are warriors by default. Humans choose.", < "humanDescription" : "I would've joined the USCM if I didn't have a phobia of being shot.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Humans seem to celebrate their military in a way that makes me uncomfortable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A recruitment station? It appears military recruitment is optional here. For the Apex, there is no such luxury.", > "avianDescription" : "A military recruitment ad. The grounded often choose to become warriors.", > "floranDescription" : "Recruitment panel. Floran don't recruit for warrior life style. Floran born thisss way.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. A recruitment panel. Glitch who are not self-aware often choose to become warriors.", > "humanDescription" : "Ah, a military recruitment panel. Their methods of recruitment get flashier by the minute.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A military recruitment sign. How obnoxious.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ad is blindin'.", 42c43 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkerposter1\bunkerposter1.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "If this was a Miniknog poster, the missing text would read 'you won't be terminated'.", --- > "apexDescription" : "If this was a Miniknog poster, the missing text would read \"you won't be terminated\".", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssslice sssilly word sssheet.", < "glitchDescription" : "Frustration. Trying to guess the missing text will irritate me for days.", < "humanDescription" : "I'm not surprised someone defaced this. One of humanity's greatest sins.", --- > "floranDescription" : "The possster is damaged. Floran feels less calm after seeing this possster.", > "glitchDescription" : "Frustrated. Trying to guess the missing text will irritate me for days.", > "humanDescription" : "I'm not surprised someone defaced this.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Keep calm and what? I guess I'll never know.", objects\human\bunkerposter2\bunkerposter2.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Big fat monkeyman sssay wordsss. Floran punch in face.", < "glitchDescription" : "Suspicion. Why do the humans have a poster of Big Ape, I wonder?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure why there's an Apex on this possster. Or maybe hairy human?", > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. Why do the humans have a poster of Big Ape, I wonder?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "An Apex. It's tellin' me not to be upset.", objects\human\bunkerserver\bunkerserver.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "BEEP? BEEP. BUZZ.", < "glitchDescription" : "Alliterate. Sparking server structure.", < "humanDescription" : "A server. I wonder if it hosts The Cloud. Man, I love The Cloud. The Cloud is the best.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Beepy machines do not interessst this Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A server cabinet. What information could it contain?", > "humanDescription" : "A server.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A machine containin' information.", 57c58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ], objects\human\bunkerslidingdoor\bunkerslidingdoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran have trouble making door work sssometimes.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A sneaky sssliding door.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I always liked these types of sliding doors.", 24a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\bunkertable1\bunkertable1.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Table for ssslicing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A table.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This table would be good for ssslicing meat on.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A table.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a table.", objects\human\bunkertable2\bunkertable2.object 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "A basic table.", < "floranDescription" : "Table for ssslicing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A table.", < "humanDescription" : "This is the second most generic table I've ever seen.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's just a table.", > "floranDescription" : "Techy looking table.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A plain table.", > "humanDescription" : "This is the third most generic table I've ever seen.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't a professional table judge, but this is a rather borin' table.", objects\human\bunkertable3\bunkertable3.object 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "A simple table.", < "avianDescription" : "A basic table.", < "floranDescription" : "Table for ssslicing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A table.", < "humanDescription" : "This is the second most generic table I've ever seen.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A table. Unremarkable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A table with a warning strip. Maybe to warn you not to stub your toes?", > "avianDescription" : "A table I wouldn't use at home, personally.", > "floranDescription" : "Metal table is hard and sssturdy.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This is a solid metal table.", > "humanDescription" : "An industrial looking table.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An unremarkable and rather ugly table.", > "novakidDescription" : "A table made from metal.", 56c57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], objects\human\bunkertv\bunkertv.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", --- > "description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "A well-ordered list. One of the items is 'cleaning the latrines'.", < "floranDescription" : "Lissst not the bossss of Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wary. One of the items on the list is 'fix up the robot'.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A well-ordered list. One of the items is \"cleaning the latrines\".", > "floranDescription" : "A long lissst of tasssks. Just looking at it makes Floran tired.", > "glitchDescription" : "Wary. One of the items on the list is \"fix up the robot\".", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A list of chores. Who's got time for chores?", 92c93 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\bunkertv2\bunkertv2.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "These screens don't come on.", objects\human\bunkervent\bunkervent.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Blowing grate.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. The recycling process isn't fully functional.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can feel a ssslight breeze coming through here.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The air recycling process isn't fully functional.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a vent. Still, the air feels stuffy in here.", objects\human\bunkerwires\bunkerwires.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran tug wiresss, cause sssparks. Not like.", < "glitchDescription" : "Caution. Scans indicate a ninety eight percent chance of electrical failure.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tugging wiresss is dangerousss. Floran learnt this ssome time ago.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautrious. Scans indicate a ninety eight percent chance of electrical failure.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Wires. They'll be powering somethin' around here.", objects\human\chalktally\chalktally.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran make marksss for huntsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Deduction. This signifies twenty five occurrences of... something. We shall never know what.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran uses these markssss to count killsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. This signifies twenty five occurrences of... something. We shall never know what.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A guy I once knew used to count kills this way.", objects\human\curtain1\curtain1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide behind sssheet then ssstab!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Curtains are sssilky sssoft, but Floran prefersss leather.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A soft curtain.", objects\human\dangersignh\dangersignh.object 7c7 < "description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", --- > "description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The only danger here is me. ", objects\human\dangersignv\dangersignv.object 7c7 < "description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", --- > "description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The only danger here is me. ", objects\human\fridge\fridge.object 5,11c5,9 < "objectType" : "container", < "tooltipKind" : "container", < < "category" : "storage", < "price" : 110, < "description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "shortdescription" : "Fridge", --- > "category" : "fridgeStorage", > "price" : 180, > "printable" : false, > "description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", 12a11 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmell meat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This fridge is operating at the optimal temperature.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can sssmell meat inside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This fridge is operating at the optimal temperature.", 19a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain ol' fridge.", 44a45,46 > "objectType" : "container", > "tooltipKind" : "container", 47,48c49,50 < "slotCount" : 24, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "slotCount" : 32, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 50a53,54 > > "itemAgeMultiplier" : 0.0, objects\human\glasspanel\glasspanel.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty glassss ssstill make big sssmash.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty glassss serves as bad hiding place.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Clear glass. I can see right through it.", objects\human\hazardtapeh\hazardtapeh.object 7c7 < "description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", --- > "description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Perhaps Floran is hazard.", < "glitchDescription" : "Reminiscing. Similar markings are used to denote areas in which self-aware Glitch lurk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Only hazard here is Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Similar markings are used to denote areas in which self-aware Glitch lurk.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "If they wanted it to serve as a warming, perhaps the humans should not have made this tape so colourful.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "If they wanted it to serve as a warning, perhaps the humans should not have made this tape so colourful.", > "novakidDescription" : "This tape is tryin' to tell me to keep my distance. I don't take orders from a tape.", objects\human\hazardtapev\hazardtapev.object 7c7 < "description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", --- > "description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Perhaps Floran is hazard.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Only hazard here is Floran.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This tape is tryin' to tell me to keep my distance. I don't take orders from a tape.", objects\human\humanstoragelocker\humanstoragelocker.object 5c5 < "printable" : false, --- > "category" : "storage", 6a7 > "printable" : false, 9,10d9 < < "category" : "storage", 12c11 < "shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", 13a13,21 > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A locker made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to keep your things.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker in the wall.", 29c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\jukebox\jukebox.animation 7c7,11 < "off" : {}, --- > "off" : { > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOff" : [ "music" ] > } > }, 10,11c14,18 < "cycle" : 0.75, < "mode" : "loop" --- > "cycle" : 0.78, > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "particleEmittersOn" : [ "music" ] > } 61a69,103 > } > }, > > "particleEmitters" : { > "music" : { > "emissionRate" : 1.5, > "emissionRateVariance" : 0.0, > "active" : true, > > > > "particles" : [ > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/particles/music/note.png", > "flippable" : false, > "position" : [2.5, 1.5], > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], > "light" : [0, 0, 0], > "fade" : 0, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 5, > "initialVelocity" : [2.0, -3.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 5.0], > "approach" : [0, 20], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0] > } > } > } > ] objects\human\jukebox\jukebox.object 10c10 < "description" : "This jukebox only seems to have songs from a band called the 'Jon Afro Band'.", --- > "description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Box make noissse at Floran. Floran make noissse back.", < "glitchDescription" : "Grooving. The music affects my circuits in such a way that I can't help but dance.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Noisssy box. Floran doesn't see the point!", > "glitchDescription" : "Groovy. The music affects my circuits in such a way that I can't help but dance.", 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "These tunes are unfamiliar, but not bad I must admit.", 24c25 < "image" : "jukebox.png:.", --- > "image" : "jukeboxleft.png:.", 25a27,31 > "animationPosition" : [-12, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "jukeboxleft.png", > "fg" : "jukeboxleftlit.png" > }, 33a40,44 > "animationPosition" : [-12, 0], > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "jukebox.png", > "fg" : "jukeboxlit.png" > }, 41,44d51 < "animationParts" : { < "bg" : "jukebox.png", < "fg" : "jukeboxlit.png" < }, 51d57 < "animationPosition" : [-12, 0], 60c66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 78c84,87 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/jukebox.ogg" --- > "defaultLightState" : false, > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/jukebox.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 1.0 objects\human\lavalamp1\lavalamp1.object 22,24c22,24 < "floranDescription" : "Floran find lamp funny, then sssmash.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The liquid inside this lamp is highly toxic.", < "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of my teenage years.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Is thisss lamp living? It has moving insssides!", > "glitchDescription" : "Calm. This liquid moves in a mesmerising way.", > "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of a bad dream I once had.", 25a26 > "novakidDescription" : "This lamp looks the way I feel. Peculiar.", 58c59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\marinesign\marinesign.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstab sssilly human with sssilly gun.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid, blatant sign. Floransss try to be more sssneaky about their presence.", objects\human\microwave\microwave.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 8,9d6 < "lightColor" : [153, 151, 116], < 13a11,24 > "lightColor" : [153, 151, 116], > > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Microwave", > "subtitle" : " Cooking convenience" > } > } > }, > 16,17c27,28 < "floranDescription" : "Floran put creature in here. Creature pop. Floran eat. Tasssty.", < "glitchDescription" : "Edgy. Microwaves can be somewhat damaging to Glitch circuitry.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine for heating sssnacks. Floran used one before.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. Microwaves can be somewhat damaging to Glitch circuitry.", 19a31 > "novakidDescription" : "Not sure what this machine does... But it smells like somethin' died in there.", 46,52c58 < ], < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] objects\human\oven1\oven1.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 13a13,24 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Basic Oven", > "subtitle" : " Yum, yum" > } > } > }, > 16,17c27,28 < "floranDescription" : "Floran cook meat, make meat taste bessst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Relief. A conventional oven. Time to whip up a banquet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Cooked meat tassstes even better than raw meat!", > "glitchDescription" : "Relieved. A conventional oven. Time to whip up a banquet.", 19a31 > "novakidDescription" : "An oven.", 35,41c47 < ], < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] objects\human\prisonarch\prisonarch.object 7c7 < "description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Human prisoners at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Humans at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky arch. Floran like design.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky architecture.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code of twenty twenty decreed that all prisons have to be elaborately decorated, to keep prisoners happy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Humans seem to treat their prisoners with respect. The Hylotl do the same.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This would go great with my spooky interior decorating skills.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is simple but there is something to be admired in the crafting.", > "novakidDescription" : "Pretty or terrifying?", objects\human\prisonbarrelfire\prisonbarrelfire.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 15,16c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Burning drum ssscare Floran. Floran keep dissstance.", < "glitchDescription" : "Uneasy. This almost looks like a burning Glitch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran will keep fingers away from burning drum...", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. This almost looks like a burning Glitch.", 18a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A heat source. A crude heat source.", 21c21 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 85, 35,41c35 < ], < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] objects\human\prisonbars\prisonbars.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran tear bar from wall! Floran fail.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssturdy bars.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A set of strong steel bars.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Even in a cage, a mind can travel freely.", > "novakidDescription" : "You'd need some good tools to break outta here.", objects\human\prisonbed\prisonbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", 18,19c18 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 25c24 < "floranDescription" : "Floran cut meat on sssurface like thisss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This is bed?! Floran feel bad.", 27,28c26,28 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code amendments featured a loophole that only required prison furniture to LOOK nice.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A remarkably uncomfortable bed. Perhaps humans are not as kind to prisoners as I thought.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Sometimes the best way to punish someone is by making them sleep on such a bed.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A remarkably uncomfortable bed. I would not want to end up sleeping here.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some would say that an uncomfortable sleeping place is the worst punishment.", objects\human\prisonbench\prisonbench.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", 9c9 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 110, 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "A fairly comfortable prison bench.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssit down and wait. But for what?", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A relatively comfortable bench.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A fairly comfortable metal bench.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran wouldn't mind sssitting here for a minute.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A relatively comfortable bench.", 16a17,20 > "novakidDescription" : "A seat for those who have lost their way.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 21,22c25 < "dualImage" : "prisonbench.png:", < --- > "image" : "prisonbench.png:", 24,25c27,35 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 22], // Right > [6, 22] // Left > ], 28a39,42 > }, > { > "image" : "prisonbench.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 30,31c44 < } < ], --- > "direction" : "right", 33,35c46,55 < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [3, 22] --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-6, 22], // Left > [7, 22] // Right > ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\human\prisoncabinet1\prisoncabinet1.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Broken empty cabinet.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. The faintest trace of iodine can be detected.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Broken, empty cabinet.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The faintest trace of iodine can be detected.", 18a20,21 > "novakidDescription" : "Stealing medicine is pretty low.", > 37c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\prisoncamerastation\prisoncamerastation.object 20c20 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like this television ssshow.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso many ssscreens. They're all equally uninteresssting.", 23a24 > "novakidDescription" : "A spyin' station.", 65c66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 2] ], objects\human\prisoncontrolpanel\prisoncontrolpanel.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "It feels strange to be on the operating side of a prison control panel.", < "avianDescription" : "If, for some reason, I ever need to learn how to operate a prison, I'll learn how to use this.", < "floranDescription" : "Machine beep at Floran. Floran hissss at machine. Punch button. Light break. Sssame old ssstory.", < "glitchDescription" : "Understanding. This machine controls a variety of prison functions.", < "humanDescription" : "Tempted to gather up a bunch of prisoners then release them, just so I can yell 'Jailbreak!'", < "hylotlDescription" : "A hands-off approach to prison management.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It feels strange to be on the operating side of a security control panel.", > "avianDescription" : "This appears to be the way to manage all sorts of security functions.", > "floranDescription" : "What does thisss machine do? Floran is tempted to find out the quick way.", > "glitchDescription" : "Understanding. This machine controls a variety of security functions.", > "humanDescription" : "Tempted to gather up a bunch of prisoners then release them, just so I can yell \"Jailbreak!\"", > "hylotlDescription" : "A hands-off approach to security management.", > "novakidDescription" : "A control panel. Too bad it can't control the pests.", 32c33,38 < --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.ogg" ] > } > }, 44c50 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\prisoncorner\prisoncorner.object 7c7 < "description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Human prisoners at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Humans at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky corner. Floran like design.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspiky architecture.", 15,16c15,17 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code of twenty twenty decreed that all prisons have to be elaborately decorated, to keep prisoners happy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Humans seem to treat their prisoners with respect. The Hylotl do the same.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This would go great with my spooky interior decorating skills.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is simple but there is something to be admired in the crafting.", > "novakidDescription" : "Pretty or terrifying?", objects\human\prisondoor\prisondoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran tear bar from wall! Floran fail.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssturdy bars.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A set of strong steel bars.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Even in a cage, a mind can travel freely.", > "novakidDescription" : "You'd need some good tools to break outta here.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "prisondoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\prisonexitsign\prisonexitsign.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay 'ssstab'. Floran becoming educated.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stating the obvious. This sign points the way to the exit.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thisss way out!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This sign points the way to the exit.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This way to the exit.", 61c62 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\human\prisonfence1\prisonfence1.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Tall Chainlink Fence", --- > "shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "No fence stop Floran! ... Fence stop Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A chain-link fence.", < "humanDescription" : "In my youth, I used to climb fences like this to steal food. Tasty, tasty crime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran is sssure Floran could jump this fence! But Floran won't try.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A chain-link fence.", > "humanDescription" : "A strong chain-link fence.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A metal fence.", objects\human\prisonfence2\prisonfence2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "It's a chainlink fence.", < "shortdescription" : "Short Chainlink Fence", --- > "description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "No fence stop Floran! ... Fence stop Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A chain-link fence.", < "humanDescription" : "In my youth, I used to climb fences like this to steal food. Tasty, tasty crime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran is sssure Floran could jump this fence! But Floran won't try.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A chain-link fence.", > "humanDescription" : "A strong chain-link fence.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A metal fence.", objects\human\prisonfile1\prisonfile1.object 15c15 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 17a18 > "health" : 1.5, 21,22c22,23 < "floranDescription" : "Floran look at picturesss of humansss, feel kinssship. Ssstrange.", < "glitchDescription" : "Researching. Someone was imprisoned for assassinating an emperor. He was sent to jail for a week.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso many files... This one sssays bad human ssset fire to a Floran! Desssspicable!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Someone was imprisoned for assassinating an emperor. He was sent to jail for a week.", 24a26 > "novakidDescription" : "Inmate files. We all have our dark secrets n' regrets. I won't snoop.", objects\human\prisonfile2\prisonfile2.object 15c15 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 17a18 > "health" : 1.5, 21c22 < "floranDescription" : "Words sssay 'axe mur-' 'mured-' 'murdee-'... Floran not know.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This file cabinet is full of documented crimesss. Humans are a dangerousss bunch!", 24a26 > "novakidDescription" : "Inmate files. We all have our dark secrets n' regrets. I won't snoop.", objects\human\prisonfloodlight\prisonfloodlight.object 30c30 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel like centre of attention.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feelss like centre of attention.", 33a34 > "novakidDescription" : "A bright light.", 207c208 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\prisonfloodlight\prisonfloodlightBroken.object 20c20 < "description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", --- > "description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", 24,29c24,30 < "apexDescription" : "Such spotlights are used by the Miniknog to force people to talk. Spotlights, and worse...", < "avianDescription" : "An annoying, blinding light.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel like centre of attention.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stealthy. By analysing this floodlight's patterns, it would be easy to sneak around it.", < "humanDescription" : "I've always wanted to be in the spotlight.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A bright, piercing floodlight.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Such spotlights are used by the Miniknog to force people to talk. This one seems rather damaged though.", > "avianDescription" : "An annoying, flickering light.", > "floranDescription" : "Flickering light makes Floran nervoussss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Annoyed. Someone should fix this light.", > "humanDescription" : "A flickering light! A few more of these and we could open a nightclub!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A damaged flood light. I doubt it will be replaced any time soon.", > "novakidDescription" : "A flickerin' light source. Annoying.", 194c195 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\human\prisonforcecell\prisonforcecell.object 10a11 > 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid cell not hold Floran. Floran bussst out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Caution. The forcefield in this cell is designed to incapacitate.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tiny pod to keep bad people inssside... But does it make them good again?", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. The forcefield in this cell is designed to incapacitate.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This sure is one tiny cell.", objects\human\prisongirderh\prisongirderh.object 16a17,18 > "novakidDescription" : "A rusty girder.", > objects\human\prisongirderv\prisongirderv.object 16a17,18 > "novakidDescription" : "A rusty girder.", > objects\human\prisongraffiti2\prisongraffiti2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "'No Escape' Graffiti", --- > "shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this mean 'welcome to houssse'.", < "glitchDescription" : "Objection. Despite the graffiti's message, my scans indicate at least four methods of escape.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty writing, but Floran doesssn't agree with the messsage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Dubious. Despite the graffiti's message, my scans indicate at least four methods of escape.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone wrote this one a bad day.", objects\human\prisongraffiti3\prisongraffiti3.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "Get out while you still can. How do I know when that expires?", --- > "apexDescription" : "\"Get out while you still can\". How do I know when that expires?", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay; come on in.", < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. A severe warning.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wonderss if the person writing this got out?", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. A severe warning.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A warnin' from someone. I will keep it in mind.", objects\human\prisongraffiti4\prisongraffiti4.object 14,17c14,17 < "avianDescription" : "If this is a warning, it's quite a cheerful one.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel kinship with artist. Understand meaning.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A crudely-drawn skull.", < "humanDescription" : "Another striking Banksy piece.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A skull. Is it a warning?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss this drawing. Great artisssst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A crudely-drawn human skull.", > "humanDescription" : "Another striking piece of street art.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A skull. Either it's a warning... or there be pirates here!", objects\human\prisongraffiti5\prisongraffiti5.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay; I'm off, bye.", < "glitchDescription" : "Pondering. Perhaps the writer should have been careful what they wished for.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran is sssure the person came back. It's a happy ssstory, probably.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. Perhaps the writer should have been careful what they wished for.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Dramatic.", objects\human\prisongraffiti6\prisongraffiti6.object 9c9 < "description" : "Graffiti reading 'turn back'. Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", --- > "description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay; turn up the volume.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Don't tell Floran what to do!", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "There ain't no turnin' back now.", objects\human\prisongraffiti7\prisongraffiti7.object 9c9 < "description" : "The words 'get out' have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", --- > "description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay: happy birthday.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis: The blood used here came from a Hylotl.", < "humanDescription" : "No, YOU get out!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Paint sssmells tasty.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. The blood used here came from a Hylotl.", > "humanDescription" : "No, you get out!", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Written in blood. Was it their own?", objects\human\prisongrateh\prisongrateh.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Measuring. It would be possible for an agile Glitch to fit through here.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Maybe an agile Glitch to fit through here.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A vent. Ain't sure it's workin'. Sure is stuffy in here.", objects\human\prisongratev\prisongratev.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Measuring. It would be possible for an agile Glitch to fit through here.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Maybe an agile Glitch to fit through here.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A vent. Ain't sure it's workin'. Sure is stuffy in here.", objects\human\prisonlocker1\prisonlocker1.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran open locker, sssteal from ssstealers.", < "glitchDescription" : "Contemplating. Is it a crime to steal stolen goods?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstealing from thieves and robbers! Floran doesn't even feel bad.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Is it a crime to steal stolen goods?", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A locker for criminals.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\prisonlocker2\prisonlocker2.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran open locker, sssteal from ssstealers.", < "glitchDescription" : "Contemplating. Is it a crime to steal stolen goods?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstealing from thieves and robbers! Floran doesn't even feel bad.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Is it a crime to steal stolen goods?", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A locker for criminals.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\human\prisonmattress\prisonmattress.object 18,19c18 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 26c25 < "glitchDescription" : "Sterilising. This mattress needs to be fumigated. I can detect life signs.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This mattress needs to be fumigated. I can detect life signs.", 28a28 > "novakidDescription" : "What's that smell? It can't be... this mattress?!", objects\human\prisonmirror1\prisonmirror1.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash sssmash ssstabby glassss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Calculating. There are at least four hundred and six shards of glass here.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. There are at least four hundred and six shards of glass here.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can see my distorted reflection in the few remainin' pieces of mirror.", objects\human\prisonmirror2\prisonmirror2.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmash sssmash ssstabby glassss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Calculating. There are at least four hundred and six shards of glass here.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. There are at least four hundred and six shards of glass here.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can see my distorted reflection in the few remainin' pieces of mirror.", objects\human\prisonpanel\prisonpanel.object 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "Apparently requests for 'a nice cup of tea' are to be denied.", < "floranDescription" : "Too many boring wordsss.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Apparently requests for \"A nice cup of tea\" are to be denied.", > "floranDescription" : "\"Do not harm the inmates.\" Too many ssstrict rulesss.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This talks about something called 'waterboarding'. Perhaps some kind of treat.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This talks about something called 'water-boarding'. Perhaps some kind of treat.", > "novakidDescription" : "A guide for interactin' with prisoners. \"Remember: the inmate is never right\".", 56c57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 1] ], objects\human\prisonpaper1\prisonpaper1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "It says, 'REMINDER TO ALL INMATES: You're here for life.'", < "shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", --- > "description" : "A notice written in ink.", > "shortdescription" : "Notice", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "A chilling reminder, reminiscent of the Miniknog.", < "avianDescription" : "So tactless.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay 'have nice day'.", < "glitchDescription" : "Questioning. This seems a somewhat harsh judgement for all crimes.", < "humanDescription" : "A little bit of prison humour. Only SOME inmates were here for life, really. You jokers.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The human prison system seems more oppressive than I first suspected.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I cannot read this handwriting.", > "avianDescription" : "I can't read this handwriting, it's chicken scratch.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssome kind of notice... Floran finds the writing hard to read.", > "glitchDescription" : "Baffled. It's really quite difficult to read this handwriting.", > "humanDescription" : "If you're going to put a notice up, at least make it legible.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The person who wrote this note has very attractive handwriting... Illegible, but attractive.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda notice... Darned if I can read the handwritin' though.", objects\human\prisonpaper2\prisonpaper2.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran recognise thisss! It picture of Floran ssstabbing creature.", < "glitchDescription" : "Solving. It appears this was a passive-aggressive note aimed at someone stealing milk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can't read this broken messsaage. Too bad!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. It appears this was a passive-aggressive note aimed at someone stealing milk.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The message is lost forever. It can't have been important.", objects\human\prisonpaper3\prisonpaper3.object 8c8 < "description" : "'Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good'", --- > "description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "It's nice to see prisoners trying to better themselves.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A flyer for a prisoners study group. It's nice to see prisoners trying to better themselves.", 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. The concept of prisoners learning skills while locked up feels me with positivity.", < "humanDescription" : "If I'd known prison could be educational, I'd have gone to jail instead of school.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Encouraging prisoners to learn is something all cultures should be doing.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Optimistic. A flyer for a study group. The concept of prisoners learning skills while locked up fills me with positivity.", > "humanDescription" : "A study group flyer. If I'd known prison could be educational, I'd have gone to jail instead of school.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A poster for a study group. Encouraging prisoners to learn is something all cultures should do.", > "novakidDescription" : "A flyer for a prisoners study group.", objects\human\prisonpipefence\prisonpipefence.object 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "No fence stop Floran! ... Fence stop Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A series of pipes fashioned into a fence.", < "humanDescription" : "In my youth, I used to climb fences like this to steal food. Tasty, tasty crime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran is sssure Floran could jump this fence! But Floran won't try.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A series of pipes fashioned into a fence.", > "humanDescription" : "A clever pipe fence.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A pipe fence.", objects\human\prisonradiator\prisonradiator.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Nice heat, no fire. Good for Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Disinterest. A small heater.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Nice heat, no fire. Sssafe for Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A small heater.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A radiator. I never felt the need for one.", objects\human\prisonsecuritycamera\prisonsecuritycamera.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstaring little box.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstaring little box with an eye. It's ssstaring at Floran!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A security camera. Better be on my best behaviour.", objects\human\prisonshower\prisonshower.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshower.", < "glitchDescription" : "Edgy. Showers and Glitch do not mix.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shower ssspits rusty water.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. Showers and Glitch do not mix.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ah, a shower.", objects\human\prisonshower\prisonshowerdripping.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshower.", < "glitchDescription" : "Edgy. Showers and Glitch do not mix.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shower dripsss rusty water.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. Showers and Glitch do not mix.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ah, a shower.", objects\human\prisonsign1\prisonsign1.object 8c8 < "description" : "The sign says, 'Cell Block'.", --- > "description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A sign reading 'Cell Block'.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign reading \"Cell Block\".", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Whatever this sssay, Floran ignore.", < "glitchDescription" : "Reading. Cell block.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A boring sssign.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. \"Cell Block\".", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The sign says \"Cell Block\".", objects\human\prisonsign2\prisonsign2.object 8c8 < "description" : "The sign says, 'Mess Hall'.", --- > "description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Messs... sssomething. Floran make messs.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The sign for the mess hall.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Messy hall? Floran is confusssed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The sign for the mess hall.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A mess hall? I suppose inmates need food too.", objects\human\prisonstonesign\prisonstonesign.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Rock with lettersss. Floran sssmash with bone.", < "glitchDescription" : "Puzzlement. Analysis indicates this rock was removed from an ancient, cursed burial ground.", < "humanDescription" : "Something about this sign chills me to the core. Maybe it's the bloodstains.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A big rock for a ssshort name. Now Floran wantsss rock with Florans name!", > "glitchDescription" : "Worried. This rock appears to have come from an ancient burial ground. It may be cursed!", > "humanDescription" : "Something about this sign chills me to the core. It looks cold and weathered.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This sure looks like a grand gravestone. For some, I'm sure it pretty much is.", objects\human\prisontable\prisontable.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Table for ssslicing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A regular table.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A boring table.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A regular table.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain lookin' table.", objects\human\prisontoilet\prisontoilet.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Brain bowl too dirty even for Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. Th- Analyse mode disabled, urgent override needed. Never again.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Stinky ssseat! Yuck!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. I have no words.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "No one likes cleanin' but this is beyond reasonable.", objects\human\prisontorturebed1\prisontorturebed1.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Gift wrapping for Floran prey.", < "glitchDescription" : "Morbid curiosity. I wonder which methods of torture humans currently employ.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran thinksss it looks comfortable! Is it really usssed for punishment?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I wonder which methods of torture humans currently employ.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The paddin' looks soft enough, but the straps tell a different story...", objects\human\prisontorturebed2\prisontorturebed2.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Gift wrapping for Floran prey.", < "glitchDescription" : "Morbid curiosity. I wonder which methods of torture humans currently employ.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran thinksss it looks comfortable! Is it really usssed for punishment?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I wonder which methods of torture humans currently employ.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The paddin' looks soft enough, but the straps tell a different story...", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\human\prisonturbine\prisonturbine.object 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Suspicion. The blades of this turbine are stained with trace amounts of blood.", < "humanDescription" : "I believe these are here so that the USCM can quickly convert the prison into a flying fortress. I may have made this up.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. The blades of this turbine are stained with trace amounts of blood.", > "humanDescription" : "I believe these are here so that the USCM can quickly convert anything into a flying fortress. I may have made this up.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't sure what these here are used for.", objects\human\vendingmachine\vendingmachine.object 5c5 < "description" : "Ooh, snack time.", --- > "description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", 10a11 > "printable" : false, 14c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssshake machine, sssnack popsss out.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Clever machine gives Floran treatsss.", 17c18,37 < "hylotlDescription" : "A vending machine for processed snacks. They will have to do.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A vending machine for sugary drinks. They will have to do.", > "novakidDescription" : "A vendin' machine for sugary type drinks.", > > "interactAction" : "OpenMerchantInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/vendingmachine.config", > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Vending Machine", > "subtitle" : " Tasty Snacks" > } > }, > "buyFactor" : 2.5, > "sellFactor" : 0.2, > "items" : [ > { "item" : "oculemonade" }, > { "item" : "soda" }, > { "item" : "bottledwater" } > ] > }, 23c43 < "image" : "vendingmachineleftpreview.png:.", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "vendingmachineleft.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "vendingmachineleftlit.png:." } ], 26,31c46 < < "animationParts" : { < "bg" : "vendingmachineleft.png", < "fg" : "vendingmachineleftlit.png" < }, < "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "flipImages" : true, 38c53 < "image" : "vendingmachineright.png:.", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "vendingmachineright.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "vendingmachinerightlit.png:." } ], 42,47d56 < "animationParts" : { < "bg" : "vendingmachineright.png", < "fg" : "vendingmachinerightlit.png" < }, < "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], < 54,59d62 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", < "animationParts" : { < "bg" : "vendingmachineleft.png", < "fg" : "vendingmachineleftlit.png" < }, < 61d63 < "/objects/wired/light/light.lua", 66,68d67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < "interactive" : false, < 69a69 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 97a98 > objects\human\watermachine\watermachine.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran stand at water ssspitter, talk about who is ssstabbing whom.", < "glitchDescription" : "Gossiping. Did you see what that Hylotl was wearing? Outrageous. Also this appears to be a water cooler.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big water bottle is sstuck to the machine... Too bad.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A water cooler. It keeps a larger amount of water cool.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A water dispenser. Useful, if you're thirsty.", objects\hylotl\airlockdoor\airlockdoor.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman build big sturdy door to keep Floran out. Fearsss Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Quizzical. Where is the doorknob?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman build big sturdy doors! Not bad, Fishman... Not bad...", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Where is the doorknob?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tough lookin' door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37a40 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 53a57 > 56,57c60,67 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 59a70 > 64,65c75,76 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 7] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 7] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\hylotl\airlockhatch\airlockhatch.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman build big sturdy hatch to keep Floran out. Fearsss Floran.", < "glitchDescription" : "Quizzical. Where is the doorknob?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman build big sturdy hatchesss! Not bad, Fishman... Not bad...", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Where is the doorknob?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A tough lookin' hatch.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 39,40c41,48 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/airlock_heavy_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47,48c55,56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-3, 1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [4, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-3, 1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [4, -1] ] objects\hylotl\arcadeblue\arcadeblue.object 13,14c13,14 < "apexDescription" : "Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is oddly...peaceful.", < "avianDescription" : "Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is a surprisingly relaxing game.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Psychedelic Rodeo Melee really opened my eyes. I see everything a little differently now.", > "avianDescription" : "Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is actually a very soothing game.", 17,18c17,19 < "humanDescription" : "You'd never know by the title, but Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is pretty deep.", < "hylotlDescription" : "At its core, Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is a coming-of-age story.", --- > "humanDescription" : "You'd never know it, given the title, but Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is pretty deep.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I believe, at its core, Psychedelic Rodeo Melee is a coming-of-age story.", > "novakidDescription" : "Psychedelic Rodeo Melee? This isn't like a real rodeo at all...", objects\hylotl\arcadedance\arcadedance.object 13,17c13,17 < "apexDescription" : "The arrows move so fast! This game is bananas!", < "avianDescription" : "This game isn't very talon-friendly.", < "floranDescription" : "Stupid arrows move too fast!! Frustrate Floran!", < "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. It is an easy game, once you get the hang of it. 9/10.", < "humanDescription" : "It's good to see that Dance-Dance made it into space. Makes me nostalgic.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I'm not sure I will ever be good Dance-Dance. The arrows move so fast!", > "avianDescription" : "Dance-Dance isn't very talon-friendly.", > "floranDescription" : "Stupid Dance-Dance arrows move too fassst!! Frustrate Floran!", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. It is an easy game, once you learn to recognize the patterns. 9/10.", > "humanDescription" : "I wish I could tell the developers of Dance-Dance that their game reached the stars.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Yeehaw! Let's get our Dance-Dance on!", objects\hylotl\arcadegreen\arcadegreen.object 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "Thieves robbing other thieves...stylishly. I have to admit, Stylish Thief Wasteland is fun!", < "avianDescription" : "Hardly a game about stealth or cunning, Stylish Thief Wasteland is grotesquely violent.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstabbing game! Floran like this game best!", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. The violence depicted in Stylish Thief Wasteland is gratuitous. 2/10.", < "humanDescription" : "Stylish Thief Wasteland is often criticized for its depictions of violence, but praised for its entertainment value.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Shocking to find a game as violent as Stylish Thief Wasteland in a Hylotl arcade. What has our society come to?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Stylish Thief Wasteland is about thieves robbing other thieves. The most stylish thief wins!", > "avianDescription" : "It takes quite a bit of skill and luck to do well at Stylish Thief Wasteland.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstylish thieving game! Floran like this game!", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Stylish Thief Wasteland sees stylish thieves facing off against other stylish thieves. 8/10.", > "humanDescription" : "Stylish Thief Wasteland is the best! I'm going to be the most stylish thief of all.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Stylish Thief Wasteland is often criticized for its depictions of violence, but you must admire their fashion sense.", > "novakidDescription" : "There's somethin' about Stylish Thief Wasteland I can really relate to.", objects\hylotl\arcadeorange\arcadeorange.object 13,14c13,14 < "apexDescription" : "Sleazy Burger Heroes is a game about flipping burgers. Yawn.", < "avianDescription" : "I think Sleazy Burger Heroes is all about honing your reflexes.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Sleazy Burger Heroes is a game about flipping burgers. I love burgers!", > "avianDescription" : "Achieving a good score in Sleazy Burger Heroes is all about honing your reflexes.", 16,17c16,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Entertained. Something about the tedious task of flipping burgers in order to achieve a higher score is quite addictive. 8.5/10 for Sleazy Burger Heroes.", < "humanDescription" : "Sleazy Burger Heroes. A game about flipping burgers, really? Nothing else?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Entertained. Something about the tedious task of flipping burgers in order to achieve a higher score is quite addictive. 7/10.", > "humanDescription" : "Sleazy Burger Heroes. A game about flipping burgers! It's oddly compelling.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This here's a game called Sleazy Burger Heroes. Why pretend to flip burgers? Why?", objects\hylotl\arcadepurple\arcadepurple.object 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "Screaming Fashion Agent. The things I've seen here...I cannot unsee them.", < "avianDescription" : "Screaming Fashion Agent, I think it's meant to be some sort of horror game.", < "floranDescription" : "Why can't Floran just ssstab the scary Screaming Fashion Agent? Not like this game.", < "glitchDescription" : "Terrified. Something about Screaming Fashion Agent is very unnerving. 6/10.", < "humanDescription" : "Are fashion agents usually as terrifying as the one in Screaming Fashion Agent? What exactly IS a fashion agent?", < "hylotlDescription" : "I have heard Screaming Fashion Agent is an artistic re-telling of a true story.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This game is called Screaming Fashion Agent. The things I've seen here... I will never forget them.", > "avianDescription" : "It's a mystery game called Screaming Fashion Agent. Why are they screaming? Is that the mystery?", > "floranDescription" : "Game is called Sscreaming Fashion Agent. Floran likess this game.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uneasy. This game is called Screaming Fashion Agent and I am very unsettled by it. 6/10.", > "humanDescription" : "Are fashion agents usually as terrifying as the one in Screaming Fashion Agent? What even is a fashion agent?", > "hylotlDescription" : "I have heard rumours that Screaming Fashion Agent is an artistic retelling of a true crime story.", > "novakidDescription" : "That fashion agent sure is screamin' a lot. Am I s'posed to figure out why?", objects\hylotl\arcadered\arcadered.object 13,18c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "As an Apex of science, I'm not sure I can agree that the wizards in Cool Wizard Island are very cool.", < "avianDescription" : "I can't place my talon on it, but something about Cool Wizard Island seems blasphemous.", < "floranDescription" : "Wizard runs around sssetting things on fire! Stabbing is easier.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. There is little not to enjoy about Cool Wizard Island. 9/10.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool Wizard Island is, predictably, about cool wizards living on an island. It's very funny for a game developed by a Hylotl.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Cool Wizard Island was one of my favorite arcade games as a young Hylotl.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's called Cool Wizard Island. I think I'm supposed to rule over this island inhabited by Cool Wizard. Interesting...", > "avianDescription" : "In Cool Wizard Island, my dream of ruling over an island inhabited by cool wizards can finally be realized.", > "floranDescription" : "Wizardss in Cool Wizard Island set things on fire with handsss! How can Floran learn thiss trick?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. If I'm not careful, I'll waste the whole day playing Cool Wizard Island. 9/10.", > "humanDescription" : "In Cool Wizard Island, you're the wizard mayor on an island full of cool wizards. It was really popular back on Earth.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Cool Wizard Island was one of my favourite arcade games as a young Hylotl. I liked to decorate the island.", > "novakidDescription" : "Bein' a wizard mayor in Cool Wizard Island sure is time consumin'. I got no patience for that kinda responsibility.", objects\hylotl\arcadesign\arcadesign.object 9c9 < "description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade here.", --- > "description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "An arcade! Is this some kind of Miniknog trap?", --- > "apexDescription" : "An arcade!", 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this say; capitalism.", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. An amusement arcade!", < "humanDescription" : "Oh boy, an arcade! Take all of my money!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Puerile entertainment for the brainwashed masses.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Arcade! Floran enjoysss winning!", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. An amusement arcade!", > "humanDescription" : "I love arcades! Take all of my money!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hmm, it's been a while since my last arcade trip. Could be fun!", > "novakidDescription" : "An arcade? ", objects\hylotl\arcadestarbound\arcadestarbound.object 9c9 < "description" : "A Starbound arcade machine. How meta.", --- > "description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A game called Starbound. Sounds fun!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A space exploration game called Starbound. It feels familiar.", 15,18c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstarbound beepy game. Floran get achievement for sssmashing fourth wall.", < "glitchDescription" : "Determined. I will set the high score on this new Starbound videogame.", < "humanDescription" : "Starbound? I wonder what score this has on Metacritic.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Some kind of quaint, simple game called Starbound. How adorable.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sstarbound spaceship game. Floran get achievement for sssmashing fourth wall.", > "glitchDescription" : "Determined. I will set the high score on this new Starbound video game.", > "humanDescription" : "Starbound? I can't say I've ever heard of this one. Must be old.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This Starbound game speaks to me on a spiritual level.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda space explorin' game called Starbound. I do that stuff in real life!", objects\hylotl\arcadeyellow\arcadeyellow.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Why ssave icky bananas? Just eat zombies!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Why sssave icky bananas? Just eat zombies!", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "I understand the urge to protect one's home, but I find Zombie Banana Mansion barbaric.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I understand the urge to protect one's home, but I find Zombie Banana Mansion excessively violent.", > "novakidDescription" : "Zombie Banana Mansion? I've had just about enough of zombie games, truth be told.", objects\hylotl\badgooplush\badgooplush.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Goo goo doll!", < "glitchDescription" : "Adoring. A cuddly little goo.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Goo goo plushie!", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. A cuddly little goo.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't sure what the point of this thing is.", objects\hylotl\barstool\barstool.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran lose balance, Floran fall off. Embarrassing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. The metal on that stool needs a polish.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A round bar ssstool! Floran can ssspin on it! Dizzy fun.", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. The metal on that stool needs a polish.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A bar stool. I'm familiar with these. Too familiar.", objects\hylotl\bearplush\bearplush.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not even want ssstab cuddly bear.", < "glitchDescription" : "Melting. This delightful bear is almost too much!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fluffy toy is ssstaring at Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This delightful bear is almost too much!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This lil' guy is pretty cute, I guess.", objects\hylotl\classicbanner1\classicbanner1.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtain from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtainsss from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Very fancy.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object-105", objects\hylotl\classicbanner2\classicbanner2.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtain from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtainsss from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Very fancy.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object-10", objects\hylotl\classicbanner2b\classicbanner2b.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtain from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtainsss from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Very fancy.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object-10", objects\hylotl\classicbanner3\classicbanner3.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtain from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hylotl make curtainsss from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Very fancy.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object-10", objects\hylotl\classicbannertattered\classicbannertattered.object 7a8 > "scannable" : false, 9,10c10,11 < "description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Tattered", --- > "description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Rich, heavy curtains.", < "avianDescription" : "Soft to the touch.", < "floranDescription" : "Apex make curtain from heavy velvet, Floran make curtain from ssskin.", < "glitchDescription" : "Tactile. Few objects are as pleasurable to caress.", < "humanDescription" : "These curtains belong in a mansion.", < "hylotlDescription" : "These curtains almost stick to Hylotl skin.", --- > "apexDescription" : "What happened to this nice curtain?", > "avianDescription" : "Did someone ruin this curtain?", > "floranDescription" : "Old, broken curtain. Not so sssoft anymore.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disasppointed. This used to be a nice curtain, I'm sure.", > "humanDescription" : "Some aggressive wear and tear.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This old curtain has seen better days.", > "novakidDescription" : "Shame. This curtain has seen better days.", objects\hylotl\clubceilinglights\clubceilinglights.frames 2d1 < 7c6 < [ "default", "" ] --- > [ "default.1", "default.2" ] 8a8,12 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default" : "default.1", > "" : "default.2" objects\hylotl\clubceilinglights\clubceilinglights.object 9,10c9,10 < "shortdescription" : "Club Lights", < "description" : "Colorful ceiling lights found in clubs.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Is blue light, not care.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Blue, shiny light.", 18a19,28 > "novakidDescription" : "This blue light sure lights up the room.", > > "flickerPeriod" : 0.4, > "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.85, > "flickerMaxIntensity" : 1.0, > "flickerPeriodVariance" : 0.2, > "flickerIntensityVariance" : 2.0, > "pointLight" : true, > "pointBeam" : 2, > "beamAmbience" : 0.5, 23,27c33,48 < "dualImage" : "clubceilinglights.png:", < "imagePosition" : [-16, -8], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, < --- > "image" : "clubceilinglights.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "right", > "lightPosition" : [0, 0], > "beamAngle" : -60, > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top" ] > }, > { > "image" : "clubceilinglights.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], > "direction" : "left", > "lightPosition" : [0, 0], > "beamAngle" : -120, 30d50 < 32c52,63 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "clubceilinglights.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "clubceilinglights.png", > "fg" : "clubceilinglightslit.png" > }, > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ] objects\hylotl\clubdecks\clubdecks.object 21c21 < "floranDescription" : "This music make Floran want to ssstab! But so do most thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This music make Floran want to move hipsss!", 24a25 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't heard anythin' like this before. Not sure it's my kinda tune.", 67c68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\clublampsmall\clublampsmall.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Is blue light, not care.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A blue light.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A blue light. Sets the mood.", objects\hylotl\clubspeaker\clubspeaker.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "This music make Floran want to ssstab! But so do most thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This music make Floran want to move hipsss!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't heard anythin' like this before. Not sure it's my kinda tune.", objects\hylotl\displaylight\displaylight.object 10c10 < "pointBeam" : 15, --- > "pointBeam" : 10, 21c21 < "humanDescription" : "I should probably be more intested in what this light is aimed at.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I should probably be more interested in what this light is aimed at.", 22a23 > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder what this light could be pointin' at?", 141c142 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\displaylight\displaylightbroken.object 25c25 < "floranDescription" : "Floran already ssssmash light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Someone ssssmashed light.", 28a29 > "novakidDescription" : "Flickerin' like a dyin' flame.", 140c141 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\eventlight\eventlight.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Unremarkable. A spotlight.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A spotlight.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A spotlight.", objects\hylotl\floodlightsmall\floodlightsmall.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A normal lightbulb, protected so it can function underwater.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A normal light bulb, protected so it can function underwater.", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Unremarkable. A waterproof light.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A waterproof light.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "It's just a waterproof lightbulb.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It's just a waterproof light bulb.", > "novakidDescription" : "This light here is waterproof. Ingenious.", 93c94 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\floodlightsmallflickering\floodlightsmallflickering.object 18c18 < "apexDescription" : "A normal flickering lightbulb, protected so it can function underwater.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A normal flickering light bulb, protected so it can function underwater.", 20,21c20,21 < "floranDescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb.", < "glitchDescription" : "Unremarkable. A flickering waterproof light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flickering light bulb.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A flickering waterproof light.", 23c23,24 < "hylotlDescription" : "It's just a waterproof flickering lightbulb.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It's just a waterproof flickering light bulb.", > "novakidDescription" : "This light here is waterproof. Something still managed to damage it.", 90c91 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\football\football.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I type of decorative object, I believe.", objects\hylotl\giantglobe\giantglobe.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid frogman planet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fishman planet.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A planet I don't recognise.", objects\hylotl\greenredlight\greenredlight.object 7c7,8 < "lightColor" : [150, 150, 150], --- > "lightColor" : [73, 179, 73], > "lightColorOff" : [200, 40, 40], 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Red or green makesss no difference. Floran will passss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This light can be red or green.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Red or green makesss no difference. Floran will passs.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This light can be red or green.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A colour changin' light. Is it tryin' to communicate somethin'?", 23c25 < "image" : "greenredlightceiling.png:", --- > "image" : "greenredlightright.png:.", 25,26c27,34 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > > "direction" : "left", > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightleft.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightleftlit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 29c37,65 < "anchors" : [ "top" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "right" ] > }, > { > "image" : "greenredlightleft.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightleft.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightleftlit.png" > > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "left" ] > }, > { > "image" : "greenredlightceiling.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightceiling.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightceilinglit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 30a67,68 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top" ] 33c71 < "image" : "greenredlightground.png:", --- > "image" : "greenredlightground.png:.", 35,36c73,80 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightground.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightgroundlit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 40d83 < 43c86 < "image" : "greenredlightleft.png:", --- > "image" : "greenredlightceiling.png:.", 45,46c88,96 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightceiling.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightceilinglit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 49c99 < "anchors" : [ "left" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ] 53c103 < "image" : "greenredlightright.png:", --- > "image" : "greenredlightground.png:.", 55,56c105,113 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightground.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightgroundlit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 59c116,129 < "anchors" : [ "right" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "image" : "greenredlightceiling.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightceiling.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightceilinglit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 60a131,147 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ] > }, > { > "image" : "greenredlightceiling.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "greenredlightceiling.png", > "fg" : "greenredlightceilinglit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0,0] ] 62c149,158 < ] --- > ], > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "interactive" : false, > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", > > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hockeytable\hockeytable.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran could beat ssstupid frogman at table game.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran could beat anyone at ssstupid table game.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Air hockey? Is it anythin' like a game o' pool?", objects\hylotl\hylotlbed2\hylotlbed2.object 19,20c19 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" 24,29c23,29 < "apexDescription" : "This bed's a little bit slimy...", < "avianDescription" : "A plain bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Frogman bed. Boring.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It appears the Hylotl like to seriously overstate their species' crafting abilities.", < "humanDescription" : "It's said that the only time the Hylotl stop complaining is when they're asleep. But what about sleep-talkers?", < "hylotlDescription" : "An exquisite Hylotl bed. Many species could learn from this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This bed is simple without being basic.", > "avianDescription" : "A plain bed, it looks comfortable.", > "floranDescription" : "Flat bed. Boring.", > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This bed seems almost too simple, but its materials are high quality.", > "humanDescription" : "This bed looks like it has a tradional style that hasn't needed to change.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An exquisite traditional bed. Many species could learn from this.", > "novakidDescription" : "Seen worse beds than this. Seen better too.", objects\hylotl\hylotlbowl\hylotlbowl.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Unremarkable. A bowl.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A bowl.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Good for servin' hot soup.", objects\hylotl\hylotlbutton\hylotlbutton.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 9,10c9,10 < "floranDescription" : "Pressss! Pressss!", < "glitchDescription" : "Temptation. A button, begging to be pressed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Presss! Presss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Tempted. A button, begging to be pressed.", 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "A button. Should I press it?", 49c50 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\hylotlcalligraphy1\hylotlcalligraphy1.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Ribbit' Calligraphy", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like an accident happened on this canvas.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcalligraphy2\hylotlcalligraphy2.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Croak' Calligraphy", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like an accident happened on this canvas.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcalligraphy3\hylotlcalligraphy3.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Lily' Calligraphy", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like an accident happened on this canvas.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcalligraphy4\hylotlcalligraphy4.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Leap' Calligraphy", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like an accident happened on this canvas.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcalligraphy5\hylotlcalligraphy5.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Pond' Calligraphy", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like an accident happened on this canvas.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcashregister\hylotlcashregister.object 10c10 < "shortdescription" : "Cash Register", --- > "shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A machine for storin' currency.", 36c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlchair\hylotlchair.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Uninterested. I don't need to sit..", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Uninterested. I don't need to sit...", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a chair.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcityposter\hylotlcityposter.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A big unfamiliar cityscape.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicbookcase\hylotlclassicbookcase.object 5c5 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "storage", 9c9 < "description" : "A masterwork of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", --- > "description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "Frogmen like to read. Floran like to ssstab reading frogmen.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishmen like to read. Ssstupid boring fishmen.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "Shelves filled with books on Hylotl topics. I can think of several things I'd rather do than readin' these.", 23c25 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassiccabinet1\hylotlclassiccabinet1.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to ssstab cabinet. Sssomeone got here firssst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss who decorated this ugly cabinet.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A funny lookin' cabinet. Who would consider this pretty?", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicchair\hylotlclassicchair.object 7c7 < "description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "This chair's pretty good for your average Hylotl piece.", < "floranDescription" : "Not even care.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It appears these chairs are for important Hylotl. I guess they have low standards.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This chair is pretty nice, I don't understand why it is for important guests.", > "floranDescription" : "Why isss chair so fancy?", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This chair has been carved with care.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such astonishing chairs are reserved only for the most regal of our species.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such astonishing chairs are reserved only for the most regal individuals.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't a bad chair, I will admit.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicdesk\hylotlclassicdesk.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,17c16,18 < "floranDescription" : "Big wooden desssssk.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. It is an old desk from a Hylotl library.", < "humanDescription" : "An old, musty library desk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big wooden desssk.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. It is an old desk.", > "humanDescription" : "An old, musty desk.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A desk. I don't enjoy spendin' much time at these.", 24c26 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], 34c36 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], 45c47 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicgong\hylotlclassicgong.object 8c8 < "description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It seems the Hylotl favour basic, repeated iconography.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. While the shape impairs the sound, it is pleasing to the eye.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "An instrument for makin' loud noises. For what purpose, I couldn't tell ye...", 25a27,28 > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-1,1], [0,1], [-1,2], [0,2], [-1,3], [0,3] ], objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicpainting1\hylotlclassicpainting1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Flessshy warrior would fight better with Floran weaponsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy warrior would fight better with Floran weaponsss.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassictable\hylotlclassictable.object 7c7 < "description" : "A traditional hylotl table.", --- > "description" : "A traditional style table.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Bonelessss table help Floran focussss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Underwhelmed. One cannot imagine such a table in a Glitch fortress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bonelesss table help Floran focusss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Underwhelmed. One cannot imagine such a table in a fortress.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A strange desk.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassictable2\hylotlclassictable2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman table too fragile for Floran to chop meat.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Old table too fragile for Floran to use for chopping meat.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A simple table. Don't look sturdy to me.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicwardrobe1\hylotlclassicwardrobe1.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in wardrobe. Burssst out. Sssurprise frogmen. Fun!", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Oh look. Another lily pad. Who would have guessed?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in wardrobe. Burssst out. Sssurprise friends. Fun!", > "glitchDescription" : "Diplomatic. The lily pad motif is an interesting design choice.", 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "The lily pad seems to be a lock. Clever.", 38c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlconsole\hylotlconsole.object 12c12 < "shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Console", 15c15 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder what happens if I press...this button?", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wonder what happens if I press... This button?", 17c17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to pressss all the nice buttonsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to presss all the nice buttonss.", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "I should avoid pressing buttons...who knows what might happen?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I should avoid pressing buttons... Who knows what might happen?", > "novakidDescription" : "A console with several temptin' buttons. Should I...?", 50c51 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hylotlcounter\hylotlcounter.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Just like frogman to make furniture looksss just like them.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Just like fishman to make furniture looksss just like them.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Is that a Hylotl face starin' back at me from a piece of furniture? Uncanny.", objects\hylotl\hylotldrinks\hylotldrinks.object 7a8 > "printable" : false, 9,10c10,11 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", < "description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "It's full of all sorts of Hylotl soft drinks.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's full of all sorts of soft drinks.", 15c16 < "floranDescription" : "Boring over-sweet frogman drinks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran dissslike over-sweet drinks.", 18a20,40 > "novakidDescription" : "Never been a great fan of fizzy drinks.", > > "interactAction" : "OpenMerchantInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/vendingmachine.config", > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Vending Machine", > "subtitle" : " Tasty Snacks" > } > }, > "buyFactor" : 2.5, > "sellFactor" : 0.2, > "items" : [ > { "item" : "soda" }, > { "item" : "oculemonade" }, > { "item" : "reefcola" }, > { "item" : "bottledwater" }, > { "item" : "chocolate" } > ] > }, objects\hylotl\hylotlemblem\hylotlemblem.object 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "I wish these eyes were real so I could eatsss them.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This hylotl symbol is unsettling due to them having too many eyes.", < "humanDescription" : "The hylotl symbol for their people.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Three Hylotl eyes sssstaring at Floran... Floran doesn't like!", > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This Hylotl symbol is unsettling due to them having too many eyes.", > "humanDescription" : "The Hylotl symbol for their people.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "An emblem. The three gems represent Hylotl eyes, I guess.", objects\hylotl\hylotlfashionhologram\hylotlfashionhologram.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman fashion. Floran not like.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman fashion. Floran not like.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "These looks are very", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "These looks are very on-trend.", > "novakidDescription" : "Maybe I should give Hylotl fashion a go?", 26c27 < "frames" : 22, --- > "frames" : 21, objects\hylotl\hylotlfloorornament\hylotlfloorornament.object 7c7 < "description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frogspawn swirls inside.", --- > "description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "No matter how you look at it, this is kind of gross.", < "avianDescription" : "Who on earth would want this on display?", < "floranDescription" : "Do baby frogmen grow in ball?", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. The Hylotl equivalent of a foetus in a jar. Charming.", < "humanDescription" : "The temptation to smash this is overwhelming.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A celebration of Hylotl life. The depth and meaning is unfathomable.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There's frog spawn inside this. That is kind of gross.", > "avianDescription" : "There's frog spawn floating around inside this thing. Who would want this on display?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can sssee little baby frogs swimming inside orb. Can Floran eatsss them?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It appears to be an orb with living frog spawn.", > "humanDescription" : "Woah, there are frog spawns swimming around inside this ball. The temptation to smash this is overwhelming.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I can see the precious frog spawn swimming around inside. A celebration of Hylotl life.", > "novakidDescription" : "Are those frog spawn swimming inside the orb?", objects\hylotl\hylotllamp\hylotllamp.frames 2d1 < 7c6 < [ "", "default" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ] 8a8,11 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.on" objects\hylotl\hylotllamp\hylotllamp.object 7c7 < "lightColor" : [150, 40, 40], --- > "lightColor" : [153, 38, 38], 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Shiny glowy lamp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny, glowing lamp.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "The glowing gem in the center is cut to resemble a Hylotl eye. It gives off a very atmospheric light.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The glowing gem is cut to resemble a Hylotl eye. It gives off a very atmospheric light.", > "novakidDescription" : "A lamp. It's okay.", 23c24 < "image" : "hylotllamp.png:", --- > "image" : "hylotllamp.png:.", 32c33,50 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "hylotllamp.png", > "fg" : "hylotllamplit.png" > }, > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hylotllantern1\hylotllantern1.frames 2d1 < 7c6 < [ "default.0", "" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ] 12c11 < "default.default" : "" --- > "default.default" : "default.on" objects\hylotl\hylotllantern1\hylotllantern1.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A paper lantern doesn't seem like the best idea for an underwater species.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A paper lantern doesn't seem like the best idea for fire safety.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman lantern dangerousss to Floran. Fire!", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A paper lantern. That DEFINITELY passes health and safety.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Paper lantern dangerousss to Floran. Fire!", > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A paper lantern. That definitely passes health and safety.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Anyone knows it ain't a good idea to combine paper with a hot bulb.", 25,26c26,27 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.3, --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], > "direction" : "right", 31c32,50 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttoggle.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "light" : "hylotllantern1.png" > }, > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > // "interactive" : false, > > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hylotllilyclock\hylotllilyclock.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Tick tock tick tock frogmen have a ssstupid clock.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Of course Hylotl clocks are shaped like lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tick tock tick tock fishmen have a ssstupid clock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. What a whimsical shape for a clock.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A lily pad clock. I used to have a clock shaped like a cactus.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco1\hylotllilydeco1.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran control plantsss. Frogmen make sssilly plastic thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco2\hylotllilydeco2.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A decorative set of lily pads. Nice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A decorative lily pad. Nice.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran control plantsss. Frogmen make sssilly plastic thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. These lily pads would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco3\hylotllilydeco3.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran control plantsss. Frogmen make sssilly plastic thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilypad\hylotllilypad.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A decorative metal lily pad. Nice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A decorative lily pad. Nice.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran control plantsss. Frogmen make sssilly metal thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The beauty of nature meets the harshness of urban sprawl.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The beauty of nature meets the harshness of the urban sprawl.", > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotlliquidsensor\hylotlliquidsensor.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 10a11,18 > "apexDescription" : "A useful object, it can be used for the detection of liquids.", > "avianDescription" : "I have heard of these, they somehow detect liquids.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssensor detects liquidsss. Can trip wiresss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This device can detect liquid for use in wiring set-ups.", > "humanDescription" : "I've heard of these, these were made to detect liquid for fancy wiring set-ups.", > "hylotlDescription" : "One of my favourite devices, this automatically detects the presence of liquids.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is one of those fancy liquid detectors.", > 65c73 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hylotlmailbox\hylotlmailbox.object 10c10 < "shortdescription" : "Mailbox", --- > "shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A box for sending mail? Don't look like a teleportation device to me...", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlmovieposter1\hylotlmovieposter1.object 9c9 < "description" : "A framed poster from the movie 'Cybernetic Apocalypse'.", --- > "description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "No need big clunky metal robots, just knife.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't need big clunky metal robotsss. Floran only need ssstabby knife.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A movie featurin' a giant tin man.", objects\hylotl\hylotlmovieposter2\hylotlmovieposter2.object 9c9 < "description" : "A framed poster from the movie 'Fiery Blade Crusader'.", --- > "description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "This is movie Floran might like.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This is a movie Floran might like.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Despite its cliche title, 'Fiery Blade Crusader' is a truly beautiful film.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Despite its cliche title, \"Fiery Blade Crusader\" is a truly beautiful film.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a movie about a lone warrior... I'd be up for watchin' this.", objects\hylotl\hylotlmovieposter3\hylotlmovieposter3.object 9c9 < "description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film '10 Things I Hate About Florans'.", --- > "description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "Looks pretty sappy. And...kind of racist?", < "avianDescription" : "I can think of a few things I don't like about Florans.", < "floranDescription" : "Want to stab this poster.", < "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. I wonder what the protagonist hates so much about Florans?", --- > "apexDescription" : "\"10 Things I Hate About Florans\". Sounds pretty sappy. And...kind of racist?", > "avianDescription" : "\"10 Things I Hate About Florans\". I can think of a few things I don't like about Florans.", > "floranDescription" : "Movie called \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\"... Floran should burn thisss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\". Ten things? I can only think of three.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A poster for a romantic comedy. \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting1\hylotlpainting1.object 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly frogman painting.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Scans indicate a numbered grid below the paint. It's a paint-by-numbers kit.", < "humanDescription" : "I'm pretty sure we had this exact same painting on earth.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly wave painting.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. The artist was able to capture the wave perfectly.", > "humanDescription" : "I'm pretty sure we had this exact same painting on Earth.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This painting of a giant wave sure is impressive.", objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting2\hylotlpainting2.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", --- > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Mount Painting", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly frogman painting.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Scans indicate a numbered grid below the paint. It's a paint-by-numbers kit.", < "humanDescription" : "I'm pretty sure we had this exact same painting on earth.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly mountain painting.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. This painting may be a copy, but it is well painted.", > "humanDescription" : "I'm pretty sure we had this exact same painting on Earth.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is some kinda classic painting.", objects\hylotl\hylotlplant1\hylotlplant1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Is every plant on the Hylotl homeworld fake?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Why would anyone want a fake plant?", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstab imposter plant!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This fake plastic plant has a real plant inside it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hat plassstic plant!", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A plastic plant. Cheap.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These leaves sure feel tough... Hang on, it's plastic!", 22c23 < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "hylotlplant1.png:", "fullbright" : true } ], --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "hylotlplant1.png:", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "hylotlplant1lit.png:" } ], 36c37 < "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "hylotlplant1.png:", "fullbright" : true } ], --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "hylotlplant1.png:", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "hylotlplant1lit.png:" } ], objects\hylotl\hylotlpost\hylotlpost.object 6c6 < "lightColor" : [102, 95, 71], --- > "lightColor" : [128, 119, 89], 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Possst. Chop post. Chop!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Lamp possst.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "This post represents an eternal bastion of strength, rising out of the ocean to claim the skies.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This provides an pleasing outside light source.", > "novakidDescription" : "A post with a lantern. Shine on, buddy.", 36a38,43 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_on.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_off.ogg" ] > } > }, 41c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 3] ] objects\hylotl\hylotlprizecounter\hylotlprizecounter.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Hmmmm, want Turtle plush.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. I'd like to win some of these...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hmmm, Floran want Turtle plush.", > "glitchDescription" : "Motivated. I'd like to win some of these...", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't much for stuffed toys, but these are pretty cute.", objects\hylotl\hylotlredalert\hylotlredalert.lua 3c3 < self.alarmSoundDuration = entity.configParameter("alarmSoundDuration") --- > self.alarmSoundDuration = config.getParameter("alarmSoundDuration") 5c5 < self.lightColor = entity.configParameter("lightColor", {0, 187, 255}) --- > self.lightColor = config.getParameter("lightColor", {0, 187, 255}) 9,10c9,10 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then < entity.setAnimationState("alarmState", "on") --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then > animator.setAnimationState("alarmState", "on") 13c13 < entity.setLightColor({lightWave * self.lightColor[1], lightWave * self.lightColor[2], lightWave * self.lightColor[3]}) --- > object.setLightColor({lightWave * self.lightColor[1], lightWave * self.lightColor[2], lightWave * self.lightColor[3]}) 16c16 < entity.playSound("alarm") --- > animator.playSound("alarm") 23,24c23,24 < entity.setAnimationState("alarmState", "off") < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > animator.setAnimationState("alarmState", "off") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) objects\hylotl\hylotlredalert\hylotlredalert.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Flashy blue siren issss loud.", < "glitchDescription" : "Panic. A siren that announces an emergency.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flashy blue siren isss loud.", > "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. A siren that announces an emergency.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A warnin' light for when danger is near.", 40c41 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\hylotlshojidoor\hylotlshojidoor.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This door don't seem safe. I could poke a hole in it with my finger.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "hylotlshojidoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\hylotlshojiscreen\hylotlshojiscreen.object 7c7 < "description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran use ssscreen to catch blood sssplatter.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran could poke two holes in ssscreen and peek through!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A thin paper screen. I can practically see right through it.", 23,24d23 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, 28d26 < 30c28,33 < ] --- > ], > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/hylotl/hylotlshojiscreen/hylotlshojiscreen.png", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, > "sitPosition" : [0, 19] objects\hylotl\hylotlshopsign\hylotlshopsign.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Stupid frogman face.", < "glitchDescription" : "Inviting. Maybe I should see what this shop has to offer.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Stupid fishman face.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. Maybe I should see what this shop has to offer.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A shop sign. Maybe I should see what they have for sale.", objects\hylotl\hylotlshorttable\hylotlshorttable.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "The flimsy legs of this table look as if they could snap at any moment.", < "floranDescription" : "Frogman table too fragile for Floran to chop meat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. One swift kick and this table would fall apart.", < "humanDescription" : "This table wobbles quite easily.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This table is set very low, it is unusual.", > "floranDescription" : "Table too fragile for Floran to chop meat on.", > "glitchDescription" : "Wary. I am not used to such a low table.", > "humanDescription" : "This table is so low I wouldn't even need a chair. Maybe that is the idea.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "The lowest table I ever did see.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1b\hylotlsign1b.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "There's a seashell on that there sign.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1g\hylotlsign1g.object 16,17c16,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign depicting a lily pad! Because there aren't enough actual lily pads around.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder what this sign points to. Hopefully the lily pad shop.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign depicting a lily pad! The Hylotl seem exceedingly fond of lilies.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder what this sign points to. Maybe the lily pad shop?", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A lily pad, if I ain't mistaken.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1o\hylotlsign1o.object 17,18c17,19 < "humanDescription" : "This displays an... Apex? What is this doing down here?", < "hylotlDescription" : "'Giant Gorilla is attracted to fish'? What? Seems like this was poorly translated.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This displays an... Apex? What is this doing here?", > "hylotlDescription" : "\"Giant Gorilla is attracted to fish\"? Seems like this was poorly translated.", > "novakidDescription" : "Is that an Apex?", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2b\hylotlsign2b.object 10c10 < "description" : "Looks like it says 'BUBBLE'...", --- > "description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A sign saying 'bubble'. That's nice, I suppose!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign saying \"bubble\". That's nice, I suppose!", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign that simply says 'bubble'. How useful.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign that simply says \"bubble\". How useful.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Someone really likes bubbles.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2g\hylotlsign2g.object 9c9 < "description" : "Looks like it says 'RIBBIT'...", --- > "description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A sign saying 'ribbit'. That's nice, I suppose!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign saying \"ribbit\". That's nice, I suppose!", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign that simply says 'ribbit'. How useful.", < "humanDescription" : "I'm sure this leads somewhere awesome. If only I wasn't so busy doing... other stuff...", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. A sign that simply says \"ribbit\". How useful.", > "humanDescription" : "I'm sure this sign leads somewhere awesome. If only I wasn't so busy doing... Other stuff...", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "What the heck does that say?", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2o\hylotlsign2o.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't rightly think I get it.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3b\hylotlsign3b.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This must be pointin' to somethin' interestin'.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3g\hylotlsign3g.object 10c10 < "description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 14,17c14,17 < "avianDescription" : "Hylotl food. What a treat. Glad I packed my own lunch.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer to eat frogmen than frogmen food.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Hylotl cuisine is an... acquired taste. One which very few have actually acquired.", < "humanDescription" : "I'd be more enthusiastic about dining Hylotl if they served meat.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Reefpods. What a treat. Glad I packed my own lunch.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran would prefer to eat fishman than fishmen food.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Some consider reefpods a delicacy.", > "humanDescription" : "I'd be more enthusiastic about dining here if they served meat.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't sure if I actually like reefpods.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3o\hylotlsign3o.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I haven't got time to be translatin' everythin'!", objects\hylotl\hylotlspeaker\hylotlradio.animation 84a85 > "flippable" : false, 86c87 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 0.5, objects\hylotl\hylotlspeaker\hylotlradio.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "An old Hylotl radio playing music", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Radio", --- > "description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Creepy Hylotl mussssic box.", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This old Hylotl radio is playing soothing music.", < "humanDescription" : "This old wireless creates an old-timey atmosphere.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Creepy old musssic box.", > "glitchDescription" : "Jolly. This old radio is playing soothing music.", > "humanDescription" : "This wireless creates an old-timey atmosphere.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "The wireless plays a pretty tune.", 19c20 < "lightColor" : [0, 25, 0], --- > "lightColor" : [0, 0, 0], 66c67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\hylotlstoragelocker\hylotlstoragelocker.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", 12a13,21 > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A locker made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to keep your things.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker in the wall.", 28c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlstoreshelf\hylotlstoreshelf.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ehh...where's the meat?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Huh... Where isss meatss?", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A whole lotta weird groceries here.", objects\hylotl\hylotlstyleposter\hylotlstyleposter.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["hylotl","hylotloceancity","pretty","commerce"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["hylotl","hylotloceancity","pretty"], 8,9c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Clothing Ad", < "description" : "An advertisement for famous Hylotl clothing chain, Flashy Fins.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", 12,17c12,19 < "apexDescription" : "It's an ad for a clothing store called Flashy Fins.", < "avianDescription" : "An advertisement for a store called Flashy Fins.", < "floranDescription" : "Flashy Fins more like...oh, Floran got nothing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Just an ad for a clothing store called Flashy Fins.", < "humanDescription" : "It's an ad for a Hylotl clothing store, Flashy Fins.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Flashy Fins is a popular clothing store among Hylotl youths.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Is this an ad for a clothing store?", > "avianDescription" : "I've seen this emblem before somewhere...", > "floranDescription" : "Possster for silly Hylotl movie.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This was a terrible movie.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an ad for a terrible Hylotl movie. It was a flop.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Forgettable and not funny, I am not a fan of this motion picture.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some movie about a claw bandit, I forget the name.", > objects\hylotl\hylotlsupportbeam\hylotlsupportbeam.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", --- > "description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 12,16c12,16 < "apexDescription" : "It's a support beam.", < "avianDescription" : "A support beam.", < "floranDescription" : "Keeps building up.", < "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A support beam.", < "humanDescription" : "A support beam.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's a support beam for use in deep-sea construction.", > "avianDescription" : "A support beam for underwater construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Keepss underwater building up.", > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. A support beam built to withstand high pressure levels.", > "humanDescription" : "A support beam commonly used in deep-sea construction.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A structural beam for an under-sea buildin'.", objects\hylotl\hylotlswitch\hylotlswitch.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Wantsss to pull lever.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to pull lever.", 17a18,19 > "novakidDescription" : "Wonder what this lever does...", > 48c50 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\hylotl\hylotlsymbolb\hylotlsymbolb.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A lily pad with a symbol on it. Variety!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A lily pad with a symbol on it.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not underssstand concept.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not underssstand concept of this piece.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such beautiful melding of important Hylotl symbols. Astonishing.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such beautiful melding of Hylotl cultural motifs.", > "novakidDescription" : "What's with the glowin' symbol?", objects\hylotl\hylotlsymbolg\hylotlsymbolg.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A lily pad with a symbol on it. Variety!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A lily pad with a symbol on it.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not underssstand concept.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not underssstand concept of this piece.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such beautiful melding of important Hylotl symbols. Astonishing.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such beautiful melding of Hylotl cultural motifs.", > "novakidDescription" : "What's with the glowin' symbol?", objects\hylotl\hylotltable\hylotltable.object 8c8 < "description" : "A table that resembles a Hylotl.", --- > "description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Just like frogman to make furniture looksss just like them.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Just like fishman to make furniture looksss just like them.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't like the way this table is lookin' at me.", objects\hylotl\hylotltrashcan\hylotltrashcan.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Trash Can", --- > "shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 18a20 > "novakidDescription" : "A metal trash can.", 42c44 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\hylotlwallshelf\hylotlwallshelf.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying things.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Wall Shelf", --- > "description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A blue wall shelf.", objects\hylotl\hylotlwarningposter\hylotlwarningposter.object 8,9c8,9 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warning Poster", < "description" : "It's a warning. The text is written in the Hylotl language.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", 12,14c12,14 < "apexDescription" : "It's warning me of something, but I'm not really sure what it says...", < "avianDescription" : "Of all the things they could choose not to translate, they chose a warning sign. Hm.", < "floranDescription" : "Warning schmorning.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's warning me of something, but I'm not really sure what...", > "avianDescription" : "I'm not sure what to make of this warning.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssome kind of warning.", 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "It's a warning sign. I can't seem to read it, though.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The sign warns of the dangers of texting while walking.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Warning schmorning.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A convoluted warning message, it never really comes to a point.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't sure what to make of this so called \"warning\".", objects\hylotl\hylotlwaterfeature1\hylotlwaterfeature1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Water Feature", --- > "description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Why do the Hylotl bother with fountains when they're surrounded by water?", --- > "avianDescription" : "This water feature is delightfully peaceful.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This fountain is too small to be impressive.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. The sound of the water feature is calming.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "What a nice water fountain.", objects\hylotl\index\index.object 11,12c11,12 < "description" : "An index filled with cards", < "shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "shortdescription" : "Card Index", 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 17,20c18,22 < "floranDescription" : "Sssso many tiny pieces of paper. What for?", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Glitch do not need to index libraries on tiny cards.", < "humanDescription" : "My heart goes out to the librarian who maintains this fossil.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A glorious monument to Hylotl pedantism.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso many tiny pieces of paper. What for?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Glitch do not need to index anything on tiny cards.", > "humanDescription" : "My heart goes out to the person who maintains this fossil.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A glorious monument to organisation.", > "novakidDescription" : "What in the stars is this thing for?", 28c30 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 37c39 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 48c50 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseG2\librarybookcaseG2.object 6a7 > "printable" : false, 9c10 < "shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 13,14c14,15 < "avianDescription" : "The Hylotl must spend all their time reading.", < "floranDescription" : "What a wassssste of good weapon wood.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Someone must spend all their time reading.", > "floranDescription" : "What a wassste of good weapon wood.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Wowee! That's a lotta books.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseHUGE\librarybookcaseHUGE.object 6a7 > "printable" : false, 9c10 < "shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 12c13 < "apexDescription" : "The Hylotl must document absolutely everything.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The original owner of this must have documented absolutely everything.", 14,15c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Shelvessss good for climbing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. There are precisely 25,068 books in this bookcase.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shelvesss good for climbing.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. There are precisely 25,068 books in this bookcase.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Books galore!", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseL2\librarybookcaseL2.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A big antique bookcase", < "shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", --- > "description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "A good library bookcase is full of stories.", < "floranDescription" : "Jusssst another bookcase.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A good bookcase is full of stories.", > "floranDescription" : "Jussst another bookcase.", 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "Are these all Hylotl poetry books?", < "hylotlDescription" : "It's the contents of a bookcase that really counts.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Are these all poetry books?", > "hylotlDescription" : "It's not the size, it's the contents of a bookcase that really counts.", > "novakidDescription" : "Who's got time to read all these?", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseN2\librarybookcaseN2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A standard library bookcase.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard, if ornate, bookcase.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Library bookssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this in Glitch kingdoms.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Booksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A bookcase packed full of books.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseS1\librarybookcaseS1.object 6c6 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 160, 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "An old bookcase library bookcase", < "shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "This is quite a fancy old bookcase.", < "avianDescription" : "An ornate Hylotl bookcase.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssmash bookcase already.", < "glitchDescription" : "Jealous. This bookcase would not look out of place in a Glitch castle.", < "humanDescription" : "Fancy bookcase for fancy books.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A traditional Hylotl bookcase.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A number of books. I'll, uh, read them later.", > "avianDescription" : "There are a lot of books here.", > "floranDescription" : "Fishmen like to read.", > "glitchDescription" : "Wistful. I wish I had time to read more books.", > "humanDescription" : "I fell asleep just reading the titles.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bookshelf rich in knowledge.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha books.", objects\hylotl\mindwurmplush\mindwurmplush.object 8c8 < "description" : "A questionably cute plushie of the Mindwurm.", --- > "description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "I'm not sure this one is very cute...", --- > "apexDescription" : "I'm not sure this plush is very cute...", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Much cuter than a real life Mindwurm, that's for sure!", objects\hylotl\molemanposter\molemanposter.object 9c9 < "description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, 'The Moleman Prophecy'.", --- > "description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "This movie looks very frightening...especially that monster on the poster.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This movie looks very frightening... Especially that monster on the poster.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The Hylotl have some funny ideas about horror...", --- > "humanDescription" : "The Hylotl have some funny ideas about horror movies...", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A scary lookin' movie if I do say so myself.", objects\hylotl\neonhylotlhead\neonhylotlhead.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman put himself on bright sign now?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman put himself on bright sign now?", 17c17 < "humanDescription" : "I wonder if the Hylotl are really into taking selfies?", --- > "humanDescription" : "I wonder if the Hylotl are really into taking selfies.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Novakid don't need neon signs of ourselves, we already glow!", objects\hylotl\numiplush\numiplush.object 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "I don't know that I want a plushie of a Hylotl.", < "floranDescription" : "Yuck, frogman plushie.", --- > "avianDescription" : "I don't know if I want a plushie of a Hylotl.", > "floranDescription" : "Fishman plushie.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Too cute for my taste.", objects\hylotl\numiposter\numiposter.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Just a dumb frogman cartoon.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssome fishman cartoon.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kids cartoon character.", objects\hylotl\numisign\numisign.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Just a dumb frogman cartoon.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssome fishman cartoon.", 18a19,20 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kids cartoon character.", > objects\hylotl\opensign\opensign.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "A neon 'open' sign.", < "shortdescription" : "Open Sign", --- > "description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", 13,17c13,17 < "apexDescription" : "A bright neon 'open' sign.", < "avianDescription" : "An 'open' sign.", < "floranDescription" : "Place is open?", < "glitchDescription" : "Unremarkable. An 'open' sign.", < "humanDescription" : "A neon 'open' sign.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A bright neon \"open\" sign.", > "avianDescription" : "An \"open\" sign.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss place is open?", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. An \"open\" sign.", > "humanDescription" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "An \"open\" sign.", objects\hylotl\ornatetorch\ornatetorch.animation 82c82 < "position" : [0.4, 1.125], --- > "position" : [1.0, 1.0], 92a93 > "position" : [0.25, 0.0], objects\hylotl\ornatetorch\ornatetorch.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty flamesss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This lantern has been delicately crafted.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty flamesss insside.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This lantern has been delicately crafted.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "That lamp is real pretty.", 111c112 < "direction" : "right", --- > "direction" : "left", 114,115c115,116 < "bg" : "ornatetorchright.png", < "fg" : "ornatetorchrightlit.png" --- > "bg" : "ornatetorchleft.png", > "fg" : "ornatetorchleftlit.png" 155a157 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 172c174 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\plainorbplush\plainorbplush.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This thing is kinda cute I guess.", objects\hylotl\poptopplush\poptopplush.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Awww, Floran like Poptop plushie best.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Awww, Floran likess Poptop plushie bessst.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Too cute to be a real Poptop.", objects\hylotl\porthole\porthole.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A round window.", objects\hylotl\pressuredoor\pressuredoor.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A hefty pressurized door.", < "shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A sturdy pressurized door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy pressurised door.", 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Big heavy door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This door is very heavy.", < "humanDescription" : "It's a big, sturdy pressurized door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A well-crafted pressurized door.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big heavy door worksss besst underwater.", > "glitchDescription" : "Relieved. This door is very heavy, it should be watertight.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a big, sturdy door that copes well with high pressure.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A well-crafted pressurised door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A hefty pressurised door.", 18a20,23 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "pressuredoor.png:right", > 22c27,28 < "imagePosition" : [-21, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-17, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c32 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c56 < "animationPosition" : [-21, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-17, 0], 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\pumpsign\pumpsign.object 6c6 < "description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", --- > "description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", 11,14c11,14 < "avianDescription" : "A simplistic electronic", < "floranDescription" : "Sssign is too long to read!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This low power sign has two states.", < "humanDescription" : "A very informal sign.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A simplistic electronic.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssign tells Floran if pump is working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. This low power sign has two states.", > "humanDescription" : "A very useful sign.", 15a16 > "novakidDescription" : "Useful for checkin' if the pump is operatin'.", 53c54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] objects\hylotl\quillandink\quillandink.object 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "Is this an avian quill?", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssticks make for better pensss.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Is this an Avian quill?", > "floranDescription" : "Sssticks make for better pensss.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A feather of some sort.", objects\hylotl\salesign\salesign.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "There's a sale on!", objects\hylotl\shippingcontainer\shippingcontainer.object 13c13,15 < "apexDescription" : "It's a huge bin for shipping large cargo.", --- > "health" : 5, > > "apexDescription" : "It's a huge crate for shipping large cargo.", 15c17 < "floranDescription" : "Maybe food in it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Maybe theress food in it.", 18a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A large container for haulin' goods.", 37c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\hylotl\shopline\shopline.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Standing in line? Pfffft.", < "glitchDescription" : "Annoyed. I dislike standing in long lines.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Do they expect Floran to wait becassue of ssilly ssign?", > "glitchDescription" : "Annoyed. I dislike standing in long queues.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "It's a sign marking the beginning of a checkout line.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It's a sign marking the beginning of a checkout queue.", > "novakidDescription" : "Am I supposed to stand here and wait? Why the heck should I?", objects\hylotl\smashabledrink1\smashabledrink1.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\hylotl\smashabledrink2\smashabledrink2.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\hylotl\smashabledrink3\smashabledrink3.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\hylotl\smashabledrink4\smashabledrink4.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\hylotl\smashabledrink5\smashabledrink5.object 6c6 < "category" : "pot", --- > "category" : "breakable", objects\hylotl\softdrinksign\softdrinksign.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sign for drinks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssign for drinkss.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "It's a ad for a drinks brand.", objects\hylotl\studylamp\studylamp.object 14a15 > "novakidDescription" : "Green lamplight is pleasing to read by.", 18c19 < "lightColor" : [110, 125, 110], --- > "lightColor" : [135, 153, 135], 48a50,55 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 57c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\hylotl\thefickletype\tenstudiesplaque.object 8,13c8,13 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "A study of hylotl form... It says 'V: Ten Studies in Female", < "floranDescription" : "It say 'Big Ape'. Big Ape... big dinner.", < "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. Cautious! A Big Ape could be nearby.", < "humanDescription" : "It reads 'Big Ape'. Are we finally going to meet this guy?", < "hylotlDescription" : "'Big Ape'... Does he need a nameplate?", --- > "apexDescription" : "This nameplate apparently describes some Hylotl art.", > "avianDescription" : "A study of Hylotl form... It says 'V: Ten Studies in Female", > "floranDescription" : "Plaque has boring wordss. Very sshiny though.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This plaque has names and dates referencing art.", > "humanDescription" : "It reads something about Hylotlgy.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This little plate says 'Study in Female Hylotlgy'.", objects\hylotl\turtleplush\turtleplush.object 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "Their sturdy protective shells make turtles very interesting organisms.", < "avianDescription" : "A creature with a built-in shield on its back. Hmm.", < "floranDescription" : "Green. Is a plant?", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I have never seen a turtle before.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Their sturdy protective shells make turtles very interesting organisms. This one is just a toy.", > "avianDescription" : "A toy of a creature with a built-in shield on its back. Curious...", > "floranDescription" : "Toy is green. Iss creature a plant?", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I have never seen a real turtle.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The turtle is a truly inspiring creature.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The turtle is a truly inspiring creature, captured beautifully here in toy form.", > "novakidDescription" : "That ain't a real turtle, it's a fake.", objects\hylotl\underwaterlight\underwaterlight.object 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "It's just a waterproof lightbulb.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It's a simple water-resistant lightbulb.", > "novakidDescription" : "A lightbulb under glass.", 23c24,25 < "image" : "underwaterlightceiling.png:", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "underwaterlightceiling.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "underwaterlightceilinglit.png:." } ], > "flipImages" : true, 33c35,36 < "image" : "underwaterlightground.png:", --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "underwaterlightground.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "underwaterlightgroundlit.png:." } ], > "flipImages" : true, 43,44c46,48 < "image" : "underwaterlightleft.png:", < "imagePosition" : [0, -8], --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "underwaterlightleft.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "underwaterlightleftlit.png:." } ], > "flipImages" : true, > "imagePosition" : [-8, -8], 49c53 < "anchors" : [ "left" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "right" ] 53,54c57,59 < "image" : "underwaterlightright.png:", < "imagePosition" : [-8, -8], --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "underwaterlightright.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "underwaterlightrightlit.png:." } ], > "flipImages" : true, > "imagePosition" : [0, -7], 59c64 < "anchors" : [ "right" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "left" ] objects\hylotl\underwaterlight\underwaterlightceiling.frames 2d1 < 7c6 < [ "", "default" ] --- > [ "", "default.0" ] 8a8,11 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.0" objects\hylotl\underwaterlight\underwaterlightground.frames 7c7 < [ "", "default" ] --- > [ "", "default.0" ] 8a9,12 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.0" objects\hylotl\underwaterlight\underwaterlightleft.frames 7c7 < [ "", "default" ] --- > [ "", "default.0" ] 8a9,12 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.0" objects\hylotl\underwaterlight\underwaterlightright.frames 7c7 < [ "", "default" ] --- > [ "", "default.0" ] 8a9,12 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.0" objects\hylotl\underwaterlightsmall\underwaterlightsmall.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A tiny light.", 44c45 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\underwaterlightsmall\underwaterlightsmallbroken.object 15,16c15,16 < "shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "description" : "A tiny wall light.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", 21,22c21,22 < "floranDescription" : "Light make dizzy!", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This light is malfunctioning.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Light makess Floran dizzy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This light is malfunctioning.", 24a25 > "novakidDescription" : "This light ain't workin' properly.", 51c52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\hylotl\unicornplush\unicornplush.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "This creature looks powerful. Deceptively adorable.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This creature looks powerful. It's adorableness is deceptive.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A cute toy unicorn. Not like the real thing at all!", objects\mission\antenna\antenna.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Annoyance. This antenna is playing havoc with my sensors.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Annoyed. This antenna is playing havoc with my sensors.", objects\mission\bonespike\bonespike.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Best to avoid that kinda thing.", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27c29 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 0.5, 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 38d45 < 54a62 > "knockback" : 20, 70a79 > "knockback" : 20, 82c91 < --- > 87a97 > "knockback" : 20, 103a114 > "knockback" : 20, 119a131 > "knockback" : 20, 135a148 > "knockback" : 20, 152a166 > "knockback" : 20, 168a183 > "knockback" : 20, 185a201 > "knockback" : 20, 201a218 > "knockback" : 20, 218a236 > "knockback" : 20, 234a253 > "knockback" : 20, 250a270 > "knockback" : 20, 266a287 > "knockback" : 20, objects\mission\bossweb\bossweb.object 5c5 < "description" : "Creepy gross Web.", --- > "description" : "The web of the Ixodoom.", 9a10 > "printable" : false, 11,16c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Gross!", < "avianDescription" : "Gross!", < "floranDescription" : "Gross!", < "glitchDescription" : "Gross!", < "humanDescription" : "Gross!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Gross!", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ugh... What a disgusting creature.", > "avianDescription" : "That's the Ixodoom's web. I'd best avoid that if I want to live!", > "floranDescription" : "Disssgusting web.", > "glitchDescription" : "Terrified. Just a huge, sticky web. Nothing to be afraid of.", > "humanDescription" : "The Ixodoom's web. Gross!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A foul web produced by the Ixodoom.", > "novakidDescription" : "Nasty lookin' web gunk.", objects\mission\brokentank\brokentank.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A broken tank.", < "avianDescription" : "A broken tank", --- > "apexDescription" : "A broken military tank.", > "avianDescription" : "A strange vehicle, it appears to be broken.", 14,16c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A broken tank.", < "humanDescription" : "A broken tank.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A broken tank.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. A broken tank.", > "humanDescription" : "A tank, it's broken.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A military vehicle of some sort. I don't believe it is operational.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sorta vehicle. It ain't going anywhere any time soon!", objects\mission\bushprop1\bushprop1.object 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", 10,16c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, 30a25,30 > ], > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "plantshard" } ], > "smashDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ] ] objects\mission\bushprop2\bushprop2.object 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", 10,16c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, 30a25,30 > ], > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "plantshard" } ], > "smashDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ] ] objects\mission\bushprop3\bushprop3.object 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", 10,16c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, 30a25,30 > ], > "smashable" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "plantshard" } ], > "smashDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ], [ "plantfibre", 1, { } ] ] objects\mission\caveart1\caveart1.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "This poor painting could be as old as the stars.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This clumsy painting could be as old as the stars.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This appears to represent organic beasts.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This painting appears to represent organic beasts.", 16c16,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The painting isn't as elegant as Hylotl art.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This painting is not as elegant as ancient Hylotl art.", > "novakidDescription" : "A very old paintin' by the looks of it.", > objects\mission\caveart2\caveart2.object 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran huntersss. They're never nice.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The painting depicts figures with bows.", < "humanDescription" : "The proportions are all wrong. I could draw better.", < "hylotlDescription" : "More inferior artistic depictions from the Floran.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran huntersss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The painting depicts figures with bows, probably Floran hunters.", > "humanDescription" : "The proportions are all wrong. I could have done better.", > "hylotlDescription" : "More crude artistic depictions from the Floran.", > "novakidDescription" : "They look to be huntin', if I'm not mistaken.", objects\mission\caveart3\caveart3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", --- > "description" : "Cave art depicting some large figure.", > "shortdescription" : "Figure Cave Art", 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "Do the Floran worship the sun?", < "floranDescription" : "All Floransss know what this meansss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. Something about this drawing unsettles me.", < "humanDescription" : "More vague drawings. What is it meant to be?", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the artist wanted to inspire with this drawing.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Who is this giant figure? They shine like the sun itself.", > "floranDescription" : "Even Floran isss unsure what this meansss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. Something about this drawing feels impossibly ancient.", > "humanDescription" : "This painting looks like a giant person, shining like the sun.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the artist wanted to inspire the viewer through this drawing.", > "novakidDescription" : "What in the stars is goin' on here?", objects\mission\caveart4\caveart4.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Cave art perhaps depicting a sun?", < "shortdescription" : "Sun Cave Art", --- > "description" : "Cave art depicting a tentacled being.", > "shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Appears to be a sun, but with an eye? Are those rays or not?", < "avianDescription" : "Is this really a picture of the sun? I'm not convinced.", < "floranDescription" : "...", < "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. This appears to be a sun, but maybe I am wrong...", < "humanDescription" : "Oh no... How did a picture of THIS get here?!", < "hylotlDescription" : "What is the meaning of this and why does it scare me so?", --- > "apexDescription" : "I'm suddenly filled with dread.", > "avianDescription" : "Could this really be a painting of...? Oh dear.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran never wantsss to sssee this again.", > "glitchDescription" : "Terrified. Maybe I am wrong, but... This painting is sorely familiar.", > "humanDescription" : "Oh no... How did a picture of this get here?!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This brings back bad memories.", > "novakidDescription" : "That ain't what I wanted to see today.", objects\mission\caveart5\caveart5.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Is this some fable of Floran origin?", < "avianDescription" : "Perhaps the Floran have their own false dieties too?", < "floranDescription" : "Floran made the wrong allies once...", < "glitchDescription" : "Worried. I hope this isn't showing what I think it is...", < "humanDescription" : "Who is the being represented here?", < "hylotlDescription" : "What have the Floran done?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Is this an ancient being giving the Floran something?", > "avianDescription" : "This appears to show a large being giving something to some happy figures.", > "floranDescription" : "Thisss picture isss of big thing giving gift to Floran.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. This appears to be a crude replication of an event that happened long ago.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder just how old this painting is?", > "hylotlDescription" : "This painting seems to show a great being giving a gift of great importance to people beneath him.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here paintin' shows someone big handin' over a gift. Seems familiar.", objects\mission\deathwarning\deathwarning.object 5c5 < "description" : "An old sign warning for death.", --- > "description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "Appears to be a universal sign for danger.", < "avianDescription" : "Avian skull has no teeth, sign doesn't apply to me.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssign for excitement!", < "glitchDescription" : "Analytical. The sign is a warning.", < "humanDescription" : "A menacing skull. Definitely a good omen.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A badly drawn sign, made to warn others.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This sign makes me think I should be careful.", > "avianDescription" : "A menacing sign. What could it be a warning for?", > "floranDescription" : "The sssign means fun!", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This appears to be a warning.", > "humanDescription" : "How forboding!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This skull does not appear to have three eye sockets. Perhaps Hylotl are not at risk to the danger.", > "novakidDescription" : "A skull sign of some sort.", objects\mission\deathwarningmodern\deathwarningmodern.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This sign makes me think I should be careful.", < "avianDescription" : "A menacing sign. What could it be a warning for?", < "floranDescription" : "The sssign means fun!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This appears to be a warning.", < "humanDescription" : "How forboding!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This skull should have three eye sockets.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign for danger is more or less universally recognisable.", > "avianDescription" : "An Avian skull has no teeth, so this sign feels strange to me.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssign for excitement!", > "glitchDescription" : "Analytical. The sign is a warning which I should heed lest I wish to encounter danger.", > "humanDescription" : "A menacing skull. Definitely a good omen.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A badly drawn sign, made to warn others.", > "novakidDescription" : "A skull, the kind you'd find inside the head of an organic life form.", objects\mission\dirttrapdoor\dirttrapdoor.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Something is hidden here.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Suspicious. Something is hidden here.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Something about the way this dirt is packed is odd.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Something about the way this dirt is packed is untrustworthy.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here dirt has somethin' strange about it.", 27,28c28,35 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 38a46 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 48a57 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-5, 1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [4, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-5, 1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [4, -1] ] objects\mission\drip1\drip1.object 8a9 > "scannable" : false, 11,18d11 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < 44,56d36 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "background" ] < < }, < { < "dualImage" : "drip1.png:.", < < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, 59c39 < "anchors" : [ "top" ] --- > "anchors" : [ ] objects\mission\drip2\drip2.object 10,17c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, objects\mission\escaperadar\escaperadar.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A sweet dish.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A great radar dish.", 16,18c16,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A radar dish.", < "humanDescription" : "Dishy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A fishy dish.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A radar dish.", > "humanDescription" : "That's a sweet dish.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A rather imposing radar dish.", > "novakidDescription" : "I've seen bigger dishes.", 48,50c49,51 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "coldskin2.gearup" < ], --- > > "turnInQuests" : [ ], > objects\mission\fallingrocks\fallingrocks.object 5c5 < "description" : "Old Falling Rocks", --- > "description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", 12,15c12,15 < "avianDescription" : "A sign of something falling. Hopefully not the moon.", < "floranDescription" : "A sssign for unstable ceiling.", < "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Perhaps this represents that the cave is unsafe?", < "humanDescription" : "Falling rocks. Why can't we have a safe death-cave for once?", --- > "avianDescription" : "A sign of something falling from above.", > "floranDescription" : "A sssign for unsstable ceiling.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Perhaps this represents that the area is unsafe?", > "humanDescription" : "Falling rocks. Why can't a cave just be safe for once?", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Better watch out for fallin' rocks ahead.", objects\mission\fallingrocksmodern\fallingrocksmodern.object 5c5 < "description" : "Falling Rocks", --- > "description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "Zero.", < "floranDescription" : "Circle.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Zero.", < "humanDescription" : "Zero.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Nothing.", < "novakidDescription" : "A zero.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This sign clearly warns of unstable rocks.", > "avianDescription" : "A sign warning of falling rocks.", > "floranDescription" : "A sssign for unsstable rocksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Worried. Perhaps this represents that the area is unsafe?", > "humanDescription" : "Falling rocks. Why can't a cave just be safe for once?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the artist was trying to warn others.", > "novakidDescription" : "Better watch out for fallin' rocks ahead.", objects\mission\floranchampionstatue\huntingchampionstatue.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A majestic, imposing Floran.", < "avianDescription" : "No doubt this Floran was a heroic warrior.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A majestic yet imposing Floran hunter.", > "avianDescription" : "A statue of a Floran warrior. Avian warriors are not often importalised in stone.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Hypothesis. The Floran depicted here was a successful hunter of sorts.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The Floran depicted here was a successful hunter.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "I'm not so comfortable with a Floran being immortalised like this.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A statue erected in honour of a revered Floran hunter.", > "novakidDescription" : "This guy must've been a mighty fine hunter!", 51c52,53 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\mission\graffiti-thewayisblocked\thewayisblocked.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Kekeke...", < "glitchDescription" : "Questioning. Is the statment true or false?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran payss sign no attention.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. Is the statment true or false?", objects\mission\graffiti-turnback\turnback.object 11,13c11,13 < "apexDescription" : "Theres something about this sign that makes me want to persevere.", < "avianDescription" : "What if it is true?", < "floranDescription" : "Kekekeke yessss.", --- > "apexDescription" : "There's something about this sign that makes me want to persevere.", > "avianDescription" : "What if I should?", > "floranDescription" : "Sssilly sign.", objects\mission\laboratorylight\laboratorylight.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A sleek red wall lamp.", < "shortdescription" : "Laboratory Lamp", --- > "description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "This Miniknog-designed lamp is made to run even on low power.", < "avianDescription" : "This lamp is distractly bright.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This Miniknog-designed light is made to run even on low power.", > "avianDescription" : "This lamp is distractingly bright.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This is a very large red lamp.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This is a very power-efficient lamp.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This light uses ", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This light uses very little power. It is unlike the Miniknog to be environmentally concious.", > "novakidDescription" : "Glows red like a dyin' sun.", 42c43 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 45c46,47 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fluorescent_light_loud.ogg", > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 objects\mission\laboratoryverticaldoor\laboratoryverticaldoor.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This hatch is made from a smooth white metal.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This hatch is made from a smooth white metal.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A hatch door. Useful in a science lab, I'd bet!", 27,28c28,35 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 38a46 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 48a57 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\mission\lunarbasebunk\lunarbasebunk.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A bunk bed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A basic bunk bed.", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to sssleep!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A bunk bed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran would like to sssleep in bunk bed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. A bunk bed, not dissimilar from those at the Protectorate academy.", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude bed.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I have fond memories of sleeping in such a bed at the Protectorate academy.", > "novakidDescription" : "A regular bunk bed.", 28,29c29 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\mission\lunarbasechair\lunarbasechair.object 17,18c17,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A comfortable chair.", < "humanDescription" : "A nice comfy chair.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Content. A comfortable chair.", > "humanDescription" : "A nice, comfy chair.", 20c20 < "novakidDescription" : "This is relaxin'.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This is a relaxin' spot.", objects\mission\lunarbaseconsole\lunarbaseconsole.object 75c75 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\lunarbasecrate\lunarbasecrate.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 38c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\mission\lunarbasedoor\lunarbasedoor.object 27a28 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 35a37 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 48,49c50,57 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 56,57c64,65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\lunarbaselantern\lunarbaselantern.object 8c8 < "description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", --- > "description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny device for lighting Floran's path.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny device for lighting Floran's path.", 64a65 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 82c83 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\lunarbaselaser\lunarbaselaser.lua 5c5 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 8c8 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(1, storage.missionComplete) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(1, storage.missionComplete) 13c13 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 16c16 < entity.playSound("blip") --- > animator.playSound("blip") 18c18 < entity.playSound("activate") --- > animator.playSound("activate") 27c27 < entity.playSound("error") --- > animator.playSound("error") 35c35 < entity.playSound("charge") --- > animator.playSound("charge") 37c37 < entity.setAnimationState("laserState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("laserState", "on") 41,46c41,46 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < local power = entity.configParameter("projectilePower") < local projectile = entity.configParameter("projectileType") < local offset = entity.configParameter("projectileOffset") < world.spawnProjectile(projectile, entity.toAbsolutePosition(offset),, {0, 1}, true, {power = power, damageType = "IgnoresDef"}) < entity.playSound("fire") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > local power = config.getParameter("projectilePower") > local projectile = config.getParameter("projectileType") > local offset = config.getParameter("projectileOffset") > world.spawnProjectile(projectile, object.toAbsolutePosition(offset),, {0, 1}, true, {power = power, damageType = "IgnoresDef"}) > animator.playSound("fire") 49c49 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, false) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, false) 53c53 < entity.setAnimationState("laserState", "off."..activeNodes) --- > animator.setAnimationState("laserState", "off."..activeNodes) 55c55 < entity.setAnimationState("laserState", "charged") --- > animator.setAnimationState("laserState", "charged") 63c63 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(i) then --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(i) then 72c72 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(1, true) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(1, true) objects\mission\lunarbaselaser\lunarbaselaser.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Lunar Laser", --- > "shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", 19,23c19,23 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder if I can activate this laser cannon nearby...", < "avianDescription" : "This appears to be a large metal cannon of sorts.", < "floranDescription" : "Giant weapon is usssseful!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This large laser cannon can be activated here.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder if we can use this giant laser cannon...", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wonder if I can activate this laser cannon.", > "avianDescription" : "This appears to be a large laser cannon of sorts.", > "floranDescription" : "Giant laser is ussseful!", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. This large laser cannon can be activated through this interface.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder if I can use this giant laser cannon...", 24a25 > "novakidDescription" : "A giant laser cannon. I wonder if I could fire her up...", 75,76c76,77 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 2], [1, 2] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 2], [1, 2] ], objects\mission\lunarbaselocker\lunarbaselocker.object 13a14 > "health" : 1.5, 57c58 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\mission\lunarquestturnin\drillmachine.animation 4c4 < "switchState" : { --- > "state" : { 13c13,18 < "mode" : "loop" --- > "mode" : "loop", > "properties" : { > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/objects/drillmachine.ogg", > "persistentSoundRangeMultiplier" : 0.75, > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.15 > } 26c31 < "switchState" : { --- > "state" : { 49c54 < "switchState" : { --- > "state" : { 63a69,76 > } > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.ogg" ], > "off" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/drillmachine_off.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.75 objects\mission\lunarquestturnin\drillmachine.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A console to activate this mining drill's harvesting functions.", < "shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", --- > "description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", 11d10 < 14,17c13,16 < "apexDescription" : "That's the second bigge-no wait, that IS the biggest mining drill i've ever seen!", < "avianDescription" : "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!", < "floranDescription" : "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!", < "glitchDescription" : "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!", --- > "apexDescription" : "This is a wonderful sight.", > "avianDescription" : "Definitely the biggest drill I have ever seen.", > "floranDescription" : "Drill looksss fun to play with.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. What an impressive piece of machinery.", 19c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Similar pieces of machinery are used by the Hylotl to drill the ocean floor.", > "novakidDescription" : "What a beaut!", 33a34 > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [12,0], [11,0], [10,0], [12,1], [11,1], [10,1], [12,2], [11,2], [10,2], [11,3], [10,3] ], 46a48 > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-12,0], [-11,0], [-10,0], [-12,1], [-11,1], [-10,1], [-12,2], [-11,2], [-10,2], [-11,3], [-10,3] ], 51,53d52 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "outpostMission1.gearup" < ], 55c54 < "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/switch/switch.lua" ], --- > "scripts" : [ "drillmachine.lua" ], 59,64d57 < "animationCustom" : { < "sounds" : { < "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.ogg" ], < "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/drillmachine_off.ogg" ] < } < }, 69,72c62,63 < < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/drillmachine.ogg", < < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > > "questIndicatorPosition" : [-9.75, -8], objects\mission\lunarquestturnin\drillconsole\drillconsole.object 8c8 < "description" : "A console to activate this mining base's harvesting functions.", --- > "description" : "A drill-mounted console.", 17a18,25 > "apexDescription" : "A console with a drill attached.", > "avianDescription" : "A console with it's own drill built in.", > "floranDescription" : "Consssole with drill.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A console connected directly to a mining drill.", > "humanDescription" : "A drill, likely operated by the console attached.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A mining console with harvesting functions.", > "novakidDescription" : "Minin' console.", > 64c72 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\miningbelt\miningbelt.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A device for carryin' heavy things from one place to another.", objects\mission\miningchest\miningchest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. What could be inside?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What could be inside?", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A sturdy ol' chest containin' treasures... I hope.", 35c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\mission\miningcrusher\miningcrusher.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to drop prey inssside machine!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine for breakin bonesss... Did Floran say bones? Floran meant rocks!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ya wouldn't wanna fall into this contraption.", objects\mission\miningdoor\miningdoor.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Door provide tactical vantage point. Jump out. Ssstab!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big metal door looks imposssible to penetrate.", 17c17 < "humanDescription" : "A sturdy door of Human origin.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A sturdy door of human origin.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This door means business.", 20a22 > 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c40,47 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c55,56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\miningfence\miningfence.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a borin' fence.", objects\mission\mininghazardsign\mininghazardsign.object 8c8 < "description" : "A metal sign that says 'HAZARD!'", --- > "description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A sign reading 'Hazard'.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sign reading \"Hazard\".", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Reading. Hazard!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Worried. Hazard? Where?!", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't afraid of a bit o' trouble.", objects\mission\miningpowersign\miningpowersign.object 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "Sssign is too long to read!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssome sort of sssign.", 15a16 > "novakidDescription" : "A straight to the point kind o' sign. I can appreciate that.", 53c54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] objects\mission\miningskip\miningskip.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "A big Skip, full of rubble and dirt.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A big skip, full of rubble and dirt.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "A dumpin' place for unwanted bits n' pieces.", objects\mission\miningverticaldoor\miningverticaldoor.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Door goesss up and down...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closesss.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A hatchway in the floor. I can climb through it.", 28,29c29,36 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 39a47 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 49a58 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 58,59c67,68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\mission\penguinbasedoor\penguinbasedoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Hatch goesss up and down...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closesss.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A hatchway in the floor. I can climb through it.", 27,28c28,35 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 38a46 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 48a57 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 57,58c66,67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-2, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\mission\penguinposter1\penguinposter1.object 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "floranDescription" : "Tiny waddle birds to ssstab!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Some birds fancy themselves superior than others! I resent that attitude.", > "floranDescription" : "Tiny waddle birdsss can't ssstop Floran from entering!", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "I don't feel welcome here...", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Try n' stop me, lil' buddy.", objects\mission\proximitywallsensor\proximitywallsensor.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran dance for thing!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A proximity sensor.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssensor is looking at Floran!", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A proximity sensor.", 41c41 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\redlight\redlight.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This light generates light on low power.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. This light generates light on low power.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A red light.", 33a35 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 46c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\redlight\redlightBroken.object 23c23 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This light is malfunctioning.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. This light is malfunctioning.", 25a26 > "novakidDescription" : "This light ain't havin' a good time.", 42a44 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 55c57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\secretsign\secretsign1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Writing in a foreign tongue. I ain't familiar with it.", 32a34 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 45c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\secretsign\secretsign2.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Writing in a foreign tongue. I ain't familiar with it.", 32a34 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 45c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\secretsign\secretsign3.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Theorising. I wonder if this sigil represents a digit.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. I wonder if this sigil represents a digit.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Writing in a foreign tongue. I ain't familiar with it.", 32a34 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 45c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\mission\skulltorch\skulltorch.object 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "The torch provides warmth as well as light.", < "avianDescription" : "Avian temples are lit only with natural light.", < "floranDescription" : "Flamesss make Floran nervous.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stating the obvious. A torch.", < "humanDescription" : "An old torch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl do not light torches. Beneath the ocean, air is too precious to waste.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This morbid torch provides warmth as well as light.", > "avianDescription" : "A rather gruesome torch, if I might say...", > "floranDescription" : "Burning face!", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. I belive this is a real skull.", > "humanDescription" : "A skull with flames for hair! Cool.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Who would use the dead for this purpose?", > "novakidDescription" : "Howdy, buddy.", 56a58 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 73c75 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\mission\skullwalltorch\skullwalltorch.object 14,19c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "The torch provides warmth as well as light.", < "avianDescription" : "Avian temples are lit only with natural light.", < "floranDescription" : "Flamesss make Floran nervous.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stating the obvious. A torch.", < "humanDescription" : "An old torch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl do not light torches. Beneath the ocean, air is too precious to waste.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This morbid torch provides warmth as well as light.", > "avianDescription" : "A rather gruesome torch, if I might say...", > "floranDescription" : "Burning face!", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. I belive this is a real skull.", > "humanDescription" : "A skull with flames for hair! Cool.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Who would use the dead for this purpose?", > "novakidDescription" : "Howdy, buddy.", 56a58 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 73c75 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\mission\strangeweb1\strangeweb1.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, 16c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "More floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "More Floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", > "novakidDescription" : "Like gum stuck to a boot.", 31c33,35 < ] --- > ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\mission\strangeweb1\strangeweb2.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, 16c17,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "More floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "More Floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", > "novakidDescription" : "Like gum stuck to a boot.", > 31c34,36 < ] --- > ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\mission\strangeweb1\strangeweb3.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, 16c17,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "More floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "More Floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", > "novakidDescription" : "Like gum stuck to a boot.", > 31c34,36 < ] --- > ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\mission\strangeweb1\strangeweb4.object 9a10 > "printable" : false, 16c17,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "More floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "More Floran unpleasantness, perhaps? Or something more than that...", > "novakidDescription" : "Like gum stuck to a boot.", > 31c34,36 < ] --- > ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\mission\tanktrap\tanktrap.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A jagged metal shape used to trap tanks.", --- > "avianDescription" : "These nails can stop a tank!", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "A jagged metal shape used to trap tanks.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This could stop a tank!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "These nails could halt any ride. Classic.", objects\mission\trapchest\trapchest.object 45c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\mission\treeprop1\treeprop1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 1", --- > "description" : "A nice tree.", > "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", 9a10 > "scannable" : false, 11,17c12 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < --- > objects\mission\treeprop2\treeprop2.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 2", --- > "description" : "A nice tree.", > "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", 10,16c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, objects\mission\treeprop3\treeprop3.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 3", --- > "description" : "A nice tree.", > "shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", 10,16c10 < < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "scannable" : false, objects\mission\UFOprop\UFOprop.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A rough lookin' space vehicle. Seems broke too.", objects\noisy\noisy.lua 2,4c2,4 < self.sounds = entity.configParameter("sounds", {}) < entity.setSoundPool("noise", self.sounds) < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > self.sounds = config.getParameter("sounds", {}) > animator.setSoundPool("noise", self.sounds) > object.setInteractive(true) 9c9 < entity.playSound("noise") --- > animator.playSound("noise") 14c14 < local interact = entity.configParameter("npcToy.interactOnNpcPlayStart") --- > local interact = config.getParameter("npcToy.interactOnNpcPlayStart") objects\novakid\novakidstoragelocker\novakidstoragelocker.object 5c5 < "printable" : false, --- > "category" : "storage", 6a7 > "printable" : false, 9,10d9 < < "category" : "storage", 12c11 < "shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", --- > "shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", 13a13,21 > "health" : 1.5, > > "apexDescription" : "A locker made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to keep your things.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A metallic storage locker.", > "humanDescription" : "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker in the wall.", 29c37 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike1\ceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 56a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike2\ceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 38d45 < 57a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike3\ceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 38d45 < 57a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike4\ceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 56a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike1\groundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 38d45 < 57a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike2\groundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 56a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike3\groundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 56a65 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike4\groundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\arid\thorns1\thorns1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, 62c71 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], objects\obstacles\arid\thorns2\thorns2.object 17a18,19 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", > 20,21c22,23 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a25 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c30,31 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c33,36 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c38,45 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a65 > "knockback" : 20, 62c72 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], objects\obstacles\arid\thorns3\thorns3.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, 62c71 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], objects\obstacles\arid\thorns4\thorns4.object 18c18 < --- > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 21,22c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 23a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 28,29c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 31,34c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 36,37c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 56a64 > "knockback" : 20, 63c71 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.ogg" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.ogg", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.ogg" ], objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike1\desertceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike2\desertceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike3\desertceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike4\desertceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike1\desertgroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike2\desertgroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike3\desertgroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike4\desertgroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike1\greenceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike2\greenceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike3\greenceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike4\greenceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm 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17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike2\greengroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike3\greengroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike4\greengroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icespike\icespike.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 21,22c22,23 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 23a25 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 28,29c30,31 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 31,34c33,36 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 36,37c38,45 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 39d46 < 55a63 > "knockback" : 20, 71a80 > "knockback" : 20, 83c92 < --- > 88a98 > "knockback" : 20, 104a115 > "knockback" : 20, 120a132 > "knockback" : 20, 136a149 > "knockback" : 20, 153a167 > "knockback" : 20, 169a184 > "knockback" : 20, 186a202 > "knockback" : 20, 202a219 > "knockback" : 20, 219a237 > "knockback" : 20, 235a254 > "knockback" : 20, 251a271 > "knockback" : 20, 267a288 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite1\icestalactite1.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite2\icestalactite2.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite3\icestalactite3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite4\icestalactite4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite1\icestalagmite1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite2\icestalagmite2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite3\icestalagmite3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite4\icestalagmite4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike1\magmaceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike2\magmaceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike3\magmaceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike1\magmagroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike2\magmagroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike3\magmagroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike1\savannahceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike2\savannahceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike3\savannahceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike4\savannahceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, -4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, -2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, -1], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike1\savannahgroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike2\savannahgroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike3\savannahgroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike4\savannahgroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "These sure look sharp, I'm ready to hightail it outta here!", 20,21c21,22 < "emissionRate" : 0.1, < "emissionVariance" : 0.05, --- > "emissionRate" : 0.5, > "emissionVariance" : 0.25, 22a24 > "placeInSpaces" : true, 27,28c29,30 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [175, 175, 175, 175], --- > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [231, 223, 189, 175], 30,33c32,35 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [3, 4], < "finalVelocity" : [-3, 2], --- > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], 35,36c37,44 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "layer" : "middle" --- > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false > }, > "particleVariance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "initialVelocity" : [2, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [1, 0] 55a64 > "knockback" : 20, objects\outpost\2stopteleshop\2stopshop.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : [], --- > "colonyTags" : ["outpost"], 4a5 > "category" : "other", 7a9,18 > > "apexDescription" : "A shop selling teleporters. This could come in handy.", > "avianDescription" : "Oh, it's a shop selling teleportation devices! Very useful to know.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can buy teleportersss from this shop.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. A vendor selling teleportation devices!", > "humanDescription" : "A shop full of teleporters. A set up for the perfect getaway...", > "hylotlDescription" : "A shop selling teleporters. Maybe I should browse it.", > "novakidDescription" : "A shop sellin' teleporters... If you've got a pot of pixels to spare.", > > 13,14c24,25 < "title" : " 2 Stop Teleshop", < "subtitle" : " Getting you from A to B without all that pesky intermediate space", --- > "title" : "2 Stop Teleshop", > "subtitle" : "Getting you from A to B without all that pesky intermediate space", objects\outpost\2stopteleshop\2stoptele.object 5a6 > 9a11,18 > "apexDescription" : "If I mark this teleporter I can return here from a different teleporter at any point.", > "avianDescription" : "A functioning teleporter! If I mark it I can return here from a different teleporter at any point.", > "floranDescription" : "If Floran marksss this teleporter Floran can return here from other teleport machines!", > "glitchDescription" : "Eager. By marking this teleporter I should be able to return to this point from any other teleporter!", > "humanDescription" : "It's a teleporter! If I mark it I should be able to return here from a different teleporter whenever I like.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. If I mark it I should be able to return to this point from a different teleporter.", > "novakidDescription" : "By markin' this teleporter I can teleport straight back here if n' when I find another teleporter.", > 43c52,698 < "teleporterFootPosition" : [-1, 1] --- > "teleporterFootPosition" : [-1, 1], > > "scripts" : [ "2stoptele.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "spawnInterval" : [40, 180], > "spawnOffset" : [-1, 3.5], > > "npctypes" : [ > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "alpacavisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "colourfulvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "electricianvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "eyeknightvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foragervisitor", > "species" : [ "floran" ] > }, > { > "type" : "foundryvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "froggvisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "feneroxvisitor", > "species" : [ "fenerox" ] > }, > { > "type" : "hazmatvisitor", > "species" : [ "human", "apex", "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "inventorvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > { > "type" : "maggotmanvisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "piratevisitor", > "species" : [ "avian" ] > }, > { > "type" : "rebelvisitor", > "species" : [ "apex" ] > }, > { > "type" : "samuraivisitor", > "species" : [ "hylotl" ] > }, > { > "type" : "socialitevisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "wizardvisitor", > "species" : [ "glitch" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "backervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "backervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > > > { > "type" : "devabi", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devadam", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devdonna", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devdoris", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devgeorge", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devharriet", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devjay", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devkyren", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devlili", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devmeta", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devmolly", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devrosie", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devstephen", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devtiy", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devtom", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devtomkat", > "species" : [ "human" ] > }, > { > "type" : "devwilliam", > "species" : [ "human" ] > } > ] objects\outpost\bathroomhanddryer\bathroomhanddryer.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, 12c13 < "apexDescription" : "A hand dryer. I wonder if it works on Apex hair.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A hand dryer. I wonder if it works on dense Apex hair.", 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A hand dryer.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A hand dryer - useful for preventing rust.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A device for dryin' yer wet hands.", objects\outpost\bathroomsink\bathroomsink.object 7a8 > "printable" : true, 13,15c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Sssink.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A sink.", < "humanDescription" : "A sink.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Splashy sssink.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A sink.", > "humanDescription" : "A sink. Maybe I should wash my hands...", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A plain ol' sink.", objects\outpost\bathroomstall\bathroomstall.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, 11c12 < "apexDescription" : "When you've gotta go, you've gotta go.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A basic bathroom stall.", 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in ssstall. Jump out!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A bathroom stall.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likes hiding in ssstalls and watching people walk by through gap!", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A bathroom stall.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "When you gotta go, you gotta go.", objects\outpost\bathroomtrash\bathroomtrash.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rubbish Bin", 10a11 > "printable" : true, 11a13 > "health" : 1.5, 16c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Garbage.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Garbage.", 18a21,22 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't nothin' but trash.", > 36c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\bathroomtrashquest\bathroomtrashquest.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 17c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Garbage.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Garbage.", 19a21 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't nothin' but trash.", 37c39 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\bathroomurinal\bathroomurinal.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssseat.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A urinal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sure about sssmelly seat.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impassive. A urinal.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A dirty lookin' urinal.", objects\outpost\bench\bench.object 9c9,10 < "price" : 75, --- > "printable" : true, > "price" : 105, 11c12 < "apexDescription" : "A bench.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A plain bench.", 14c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A bench.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A bench.", 16a18,21 > "novakidDescription" : "A simple place for restin' tired legs.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, 21,22c26 < "dualImage" : "bench.png:", < --- > "image" : "bench.png:", 24,25c28,36 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-14, 21], // Right > [0, 21], // Middle > [14, 21] // Left > ], 28a40,44 > }, > { > "image" : "bench.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "direction" : "right", 30,35c46,51 < } < ], < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [4, 21] --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-14, 21], // Left > [0, 21], // Middle > [14, 21] // Right > ], 36a53,56 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\outpost\coffeemachine\coffeemachine.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["outpost","cooking"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["outpost"], 10,11c10,11 < "category" : "crafting", < "objectType" : "container", --- > "printable" : true, > "category" : "decorative", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran told this is called coffin!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A coffee machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A smelly drinksss machine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A coffee machine.", 19,26c19 < < "recipeGroup" : "coffee", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/coffeemachine.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600, < --- > "novakidDescription" : "Black, no milk, no sugar. Don't mind if I do!", 39d31 < objects\outpost\customsign\customsign.lua 2,6c2,6 < self.signDirectiveStrings = entity.configParameter("signData") < self.lightFrames = entity.configParameter("lightData") < self.signLight = entity.configParameter("signLight") < self.signBacking = entity.configParameter("signBacking") < self.frameColors = entity.configParameter("frameColors") --- > self.signDirectiveStrings = config.getParameter("signData") > self.lightFrames = config.getParameter("lightData") > self.signLight = config.getParameter("signLight") > self.signBacking = config.getParameter("signBacking") > self.frameColors = config.getParameter("frameColors") 8,11c8,11 < entity.setAnimationState("displayedState", "idle") < < self.isWired = entity.configParameter("isWired") < self.isContainer = entity.configParameter("isContainer") --- > animator.setAnimationState("displayedState", "idle") > > self.isWired = config.getParameter("isWired") > self.isContainer = config.getParameter("isContainer") 15,16c15,16 < entity.setInteractive(not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(storage.isOn) --- > object.setInteractive(not object.isInputNodeConnected(0)) > object.setAllOutputNodes(storage.isOn) 19c19 < self.scanCooldown = entity.configParameter("scanCooldown", 1) --- > self.scanCooldown = config.getParameter("scanCooldown", 1) 22c22 < self.drawCooldown = entity.configParameter("drawCooldown", 0.5) --- > self.drawCooldown = config.getParameter("drawCooldown", 0.5) 43,45c43,45 < storage.frame = 2 < else < storage.frame = 1 --- > storage.frame = 2 > else > storage.frame = 1 55,57c55,57 < entity.setInteractive(not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) < if entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then < onInboundNodeChange({ level = entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) }) --- > object.setInteractive(not object.isInputNodeConnected(0)) > if object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > onInputNodeChange({ level = object.getInputNodeLevel(0) }) 59c59 < onInboundNodeChange({ level = false }) --- > onInputNodeChange({ level = false }) 64c64 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 72c72 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(storage.isOn) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(storage.isOn) 78c78 < entity.setLightColor({math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255)}) --- > object.setLightColor({math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255)}) 80c80 < if storage.isOn then --- > if storage.isOn then 83c83 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 87c87 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 100,103c100,103 < if storage.frame < #self.signDirectiveStrings then < storage.frame = storage.frame + 1 < else < storage.frame = 2 --- > if storage.frame < #self.signDirectiveStrings then > storage.frame = storage.frame + 1 > else > storage.frame = 2 129c129 < if self.scanTimer <= 0 then --- > if self.scanTimer <= 0 then 141c141 < function updateFrameSegments() --- > function updateFrameSegments() 143,145c143,145 < --world.logInfo("//////////Checking frame//////////") < --world.logInfo("%s %s at %s",,, entity.position()) < --world.logInfo("Old Spaces: %s", storage.nearSpaces) --- > --sb.logInfo("//////////Checking frame//////////") > --sb.logInfo("%s %s at %s",,, object.position()) > --sb.logInfo("Old Spaces: %s", storage.nearSpaces) 149,150c149,150 < if world.tileIsOccupied({entity.position()[1] + v[1][1], entity.position()[2] + v[1][2]}) then < local nearObjects = world.entityQuery({entity.position()[1] + v[1][1] + 0.5, entity.position()[2] + v[1][2] + 0.5}, 0.2, { includedTypes = { "object" }, boundMode = "CollisionArea", withoutEntityId = }) --- > if world.tileIsOccupied({object.position()[1] + v[1][1], object.position()[2] + v[1][2]}) then > local nearObjects = world.entityQuery({object.position()[1] + v[1][1] + 0.5, object.position()[2] + v[1][2] + 0.5}, 0.2, { includedTypes = { "object" }, boundMode = "CollisionArea", withoutEntityId = }) 153,155c153,155 < local signPos = world.distance(world.entityPosition(objectId) , entity.position()) < --world.logInfo("%s, %s", v[1] ,signPos) < if signPos[2] == v[1][2] and signPos[1] <= v[1][1] + 2 and signPos[1] >= v[1][1] - 1 then --- > local signPos = world.distance(world.entityPosition(objectId) , object.position()) > --sb.logInfo("%s, %s", v[1] ,signPos) > if signPos[2] == v[1][2] and signPos[1] <= v[1][1] + 2 and signPos[1] >= v[1][1] - 1 then 172c172 < end --- > end 182,184c182,184 < < --world.logInfo("New Spaces: %s", storage.nearSpaces) < if needsRedraw then --- > > --sb.logInfo("New Spaces: %s", storage.nearSpaces) > if needsRedraw then 187c187 < --world.logInfo("----------------------------------") --- > --sb.logInfo("----------------------------------") 194c194 < -- entity.setLightColor({lightRGB[1], lightRGB[2], lightRGB[3], 255}) --- > -- object.setLightColor({lightRGB[1], lightRGB[2], lightRGB[3], 255}) 196c196 < -- entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > -- object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) 199c199 < entity.setLightColor(convertRGBAtoArray(self.signLight)) --- > object.setLightColor(convertRGBAtoArray(self.signLight)) 201c201 < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) 217c217 < entity.setProcessingDirectives(storage.storedDirectiveString..frameDirectiveString) --- > object.setProcessingDirectives(storage.storedDirectiveString..frameDirectiveString) objects\outpost\customsign\customsign.object 11,15c11,16 < "floranDescription" : "Wordss wordsss wordssss", < "glitchDescription" : "Descriptive. A simple textual interface.", < "humanDescription" : "Vital information or bad puns?", < "hylotlDescription" : "Though it holds no comparison to Hylotl calligraphy, it will do for now.", < --- > "floranDescription" : "Words words wordsss", > "glitchDescription" : "Pensive. A sign is like a primitive interface.", > "humanDescription" : "Signs are for vital information, or bad puns.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Though it holds no comparison to Hylotl calligraphy, it will do for now.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sort of sign.", > 18c19 < --- > 28d28 < "lightPosition" : [0,0.5], 32c32 < --- > 44,45d43 < "inboundNodes" : [], < "outboundNodes" : [], objects\outpost\filingcabinet\filingcabinet.object 10a11 > "printable" : true, 11a13 > "health" : 1.5, 13c15 < "apexDescription" : "A cabinet.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A cabinet used to store files.", 15,16c17,18 < "floranDescription" : "Firing cabinet! Ssso Floran hear.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interested. A filing cabinet with possibly classified documents inside.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A cabinet full of paperss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A filing cabinet with possibly classified documents inside.", 18a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A cabinet for organisin' ones paperwork.", 39c42 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\fireextinguisher\fireextinguisher.object 5c5 < "description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", --- > "description" : "A fire extinguisher. Not for fun and games.", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 11,14c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "A handy extinguisher.", < "avianDescription" : "A fire extinguisher.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran kill burny fire with foam!", < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. This fire extinguisher does not meet safety regulations.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A fire extinguisher.", > "avianDescription" : "A handy extinguisher.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran kill fire with foam!", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This fire extinguisher does not meet safety regulations.", 16a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This lil' thing extinguishes fires.", objects\outpost\floop\floop.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 14c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Floop sign.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Puzzled. Floop sign.", objects\outpost\floor\floor.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floory sssign.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Floor sign.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floor sssign.", > "glitchDescription" : "Savvy. Floor sign.", objects\outpost\frogfurnishing\frogfurnishing.lua 2c2 < self.buyFactor = entity.configParameter("buyFactor", root.assetJson("/merchant.config").defaultBuyFactor) --- > self.buyFactor = config.getParameter("buyFactor", root.assetJson("/merchant.config").defaultBuyFactor) 4c4 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 8c8 < local interactData = entity.configParameter("interactData") --- > local interactData = config.getParameter("interactData") 17c17 < local storeInventory = entity.configParameter("storeInventory") --- > local storeInventory = config.getParameter("storeInventory") 22c22 < local featureCycle = math.floor(os.time() / (entity.configParameter("rotationTime") * #storeInventory.featured)) --- > local featureCycle = math.floor(os.time() / (config.getParameter("rotationTime") * #storeInventory.featured)) 26c26 < local currentFeature = math.floor(os.time() / entity.configParameter("rotationTime")) % #storeInventory.featured + 1 --- > local currentFeature = math.floor(os.time() / config.getParameter("rotationTime")) % #storeInventory.featured + 1 41,45c41,45 < for i=1,#list do < local swapIndex = math.random(1,#list) < list[i], list[swapIndex] = list[swapIndex], list[i] < end < end \ No newline at end of file --- > for i=1,#list do > local swapIndex = math.random(1,#list) > list[i], list[swapIndex] = list[swapIndex], list[i] > end > end objects\outpost\frogfurnishing\frogfurnishing.object 5c5,6 < "description" : "Finest Furnishings!", --- > "category" : "other", > "description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", 13,15c14,16 < "avianDescription" : "Who is this curious merchant? His furnishings are fabulous.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssslightly ssscared by sssilent frog.", < "glitchDescription" : "This frog has some comfortable looking wares.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Who is this curious merchant? His furnishings are lovely.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssslightly scared by silent frog.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This frog has some comfortable looking wares.", 32a34,41 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [-5, 1], [-4, 1], [-3, 1], [-2, 1], [-1, 1], [0, 1], > [-5, 2], [-4, 2], [-3, 2], [-2, 2], > [-4, 3], [-3, 3], [-2, 3], > [-4, 4], [-3, 4], [-2, 4], > [-5, 5], [-4, 5], [-3, 5], [-2, 5], [-1, 5], [0, 5], > [-4, 6], [-3, 6], [-2, 6], [-1, 6], [0, 6] > ], 39c48 < "lightPosition" : [0, 2], --- > "lightPosition" : [3, 7], 45a55,62 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [4, 1], [3, 1], [2, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], > [4, 2], [3, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2], > [3, 3], [2, 3], [1, 3], > [3, 4], [2, 4], [1, 4], > [4, 5], [3, 5], [2, 5], [1, 5], [0, 5], [-1, 5], > [3, 6], [2, 6], [1, 6], [0, 6], [-1, 6] > ], 58,59c75,76 < "title" : " FRӦGG FURNISHING", < "subtitle" : " Themed furniture", --- > "title" : "Frögg furnishing", > "subtitle" : "Themed furniture, a different featured set every day!", 71c88 < "colonydeed" --- > "colonymanual-codex", "colonydeed" objects\outpost\infinityexpress\infinityexpress.object 4a5 > "category" : "other", 7a9,17 > > "apexDescription" : "A store. I will be sure to buy everything I need.", > "avianDescription" : "A handy store. Let's hope they sell what I want.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can get goods in exchange for shiny pixelss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. A merchant of some sort.", > "humanDescription" : "I hope they sell fizzy sodas.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A store. Perhaps I'll peruse its wares.", > "novakidDescription" : "Gonna buy me a sneaky bottle o' automato juice.", > 13,14c23,24 < "title" : " Infinity Express", < "subtitle" : " Fuel, snacks and sundries" --- > "title" : " Infinity Express", > "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Fuel, snacks and sundries" 17c27 < "buyFactor" : 1.0, --- > "buyFactor" : 5.0, 19a30 > { "item" : "flashlight" }, 23a35,45 > { "item" : "liquidfuel" }, > { "item" : "smallbattery" }, > { "item" : "battery" }, > { "item" : "fabric" }, > { "item" : "leather" }, > { "item" : "silk" }, > { "item" : "canvas" }, > { "item" : "syntheticmaterial" }, > { "item" : "bottle" }, > { "item" : "cannedfood" }, > { "item" : "cheese" }, 25,29c47,51 < { "item" : "soda" }, < { "item" : "meatballs" }, < { "item" : "liquidfuel", "prerequisiteQuest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" }, < { "item" : "supermatter", "prerequisiteQuest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" }, < { "item" : "processor", "prerequisiteQuest" : "penguinmission3.gearup" } --- > { "item" : "egg" }, > { "item" : "milk" }, > { "item" : "rawbacon" }, > { "item" : "redapple" }, > { "item" : "soda" } 36,42d57 < "apexDescription" : "A store. I'll be sure to buy everything I need.", < "avianDescription" : "A handy store. Let's hope they sell what I want.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran get goods and ssservices in exchange for credits or ssstabbing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A merchant of some sort.", < "humanDescription" : "I hope they do Twinkies.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A store. I doubt it sells lily pads.", < "novakidDescription" : "Gonna buy me some guns, ammo, and maybe a sneaky bottle a' automato juice.", 49c64 < --- > 56a72,78 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], > [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1], > [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2], > [0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], > [0, 4], [1, 4], [2, 4] > ], 62c84 < --- > 69a92,98 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], > [-3, 1], [-2, 1], [-1, 1], > [-3, 2], [-2, 2], [-1, 2], > [-3, 3], [-2, 3], [-1, 3], > [-3, 4], [-2, 4], [-1, 4] > ], objects\outpost\number0\number0.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 14c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Zero.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Zero.", objects\outpost\number1\number1.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Pointy ssspike.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. One.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pointy one.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. One.", objects\outpost\number2\number2.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssnake thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Two.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssnakey two.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Two.", objects\outpost\number3\number3.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Funny sssmiley thing.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Three.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Three! Funny squiggle.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Three.", 17c18 < "novakidDescription" : "A three.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Lucky number.", objects\outpost\number4\number4.object 7a8 > "printable" : false, 12,13c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Bird?", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Four.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Four.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Four.", objects\outpost\number5\number5.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Meat hook.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Five.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Five! Looksss like hook.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Five.", objects\outpost\number6\number6.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssnail.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Six.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Number sssix.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Six.", objects\outpost\number7\number7.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,15c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Ssscythe.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Seven.", < "humanDescription" : "Seven. The best score.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssseven.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Seven.", > "humanDescription" : "Seven.", objects\outpost\number8\number8.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "The crushing futility of existence.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Eight.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Number eight.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Eight.", objects\outpost\number9\number9.object 8a9 > "printable" : false, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Hammer!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Nine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Number nine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Nine.", objects\outpost\outpostairlock\outpostairlock.object 9c9,10 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "printable" : true, 14,17c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to throw door open!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An airlock.", < "humanDescription" : "An airlock.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An airlock.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It'ss an airlock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. A sturdy airlock.", > "humanDescription" : "An airlock. Useful!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic airlock.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a airlock.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 31a35 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 44,45c48,55 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 53,54c63,64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostairlocklarge\outpostairlocklarge.object 9c9,10 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "printable" : true, 14,17c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to throw door open!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An airlock.", < "humanDescription" : "An airlock.", < "hylotlDescription" : "An airlock.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It'ss an airlock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. A sturdy airlock.", > "humanDescription" : "An airlock. Useful!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic airlock.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a airlock.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 31a35 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 41a46 > 44,45c49,56 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 47a59 > 53,54c65,66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 6] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 6] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostbed\outpostbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", 9a10 > "printable" : true, 14,16c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to sssleep!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A bed.", < "humanDescription" : "A pleasant bed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likes to ssleep!", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A comfortable place for a nap.", > "humanDescription" : "A good standard bed.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Good a place as any to take a nap.", 27,28c29 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\outpost\outpostbutton\outpostbutton.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Button", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 11,13c12,14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran push button!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A button.", < "humanDescription" : "Tempting.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess pushing buttons.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. A button!", > "humanDescription" : "Tempting...", 51c52 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\outpost\outpostcabinet\outpostcabinet.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", 9a10 > "printable" : true, 11a13 > "health" : 1.5, 14,16c16,18 < "avianDescription" : "An interesting-looking cabinet.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in cabinet for eternity!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cabinet.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An interesting looking cabinet.", > "floranDescription" : "A cabinet for keeping thingss in.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. I wonder what's inside this cabinet?.", 18a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A basic cabinet. Anythin' inside?", 39c42 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostcargocrate\outpostcargocrate.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", 11a12 > "printable" : true, 12a14 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c18,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssship Floran in cargo crate. Leap out. Sssurprise!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cargo container.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran ship Floran in cargo crate. Leap out. Sssurprise!", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A cargo container - anything could be inside.", 19c21,22 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic crate.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A cargo crate of modern design.", > "novakidDescription" : "A basic lookin' crate. Could hold valuable cargo...", 24c27 < --- > 39c42 < --- > 57c60 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostcargocrateshort\outpostcargocrateshort.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", 11a12 > "printable" : true, 12a14 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c18,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssship Floran in cargo crate. Leap out. Sssurprise!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cargo container.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran ship Floran in cargo crate. Leap out. Sssurprise!", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A cargo container - anything could be inside.", 19c21,22 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic crate.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A cargo crate of modern design.", > "novakidDescription" : "A basic lookin' crate. Could hold valuable cargo...", 27d29 < "lightPosition" : [0, 0], 40d41 < "lightPosition" : [0, 0], 55c56 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostceilinglight\outpostceilinglight.object 10a11 > "printable" : true, 16,17c17,23 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A light fixture.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A light fixture made from metal.", > "avianDescription" : "It's a light, but not an attractive one.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny lightsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This light functions superbly.", > "humanDescription" : "These lights are great, until they start flickering.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This light is harsh and unforgiving.", > "novakidDescription" : "A light that works, what more could you want?", 67c73 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostchair\outpostchair.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", --- > "shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 11c12 < "apexDescription" : "A basic chair.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard chair.", 14c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A chair.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. A chair. The Glitch occasionally like to sit.", 16c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic chair.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic chair, it serves its purpose.", > "novakidDescription" : "A functionin' chair.", objects\outpost\outpostconsole\outpostconsole.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Free Standing Console", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 20,23c21,25 < "floranDescription" : "Floran use anonymous console to send abuse to Hylotl military.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A control console.", < "humanDescription" : "A console.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A console.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can use thisss... But not sure what for.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. I cannot determine what this console is used for.", > "humanDescription" : "A console. I can turn it on and off again.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A console for something unknown.", > "novakidDescription" : "If I press enough buttons it might do somethin'.", 75c77 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\outpost\outpostcookingtable\outpostcookingtable.object 3a4 > "price" : 100, 5a7,10 > "description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", > "race" : "generic", > 9c14,20 < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] --- > "filter" : [ "craftingfood" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Chic Cooking Table", > "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Prepare and cook food" > } > } 11,14d21 < "price" : 90, < "description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "race" : "generic", 17,21c24,29 < "avianDescription" : "An interesting-looking cabinet.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in cabinet for eternity!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A cabinet.", < "humanDescription" : "A cabinet.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude cabinet.", --- > "avianDescription" : "I can use this to make delicious food.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can use thisss to make tasty food!", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. A cooking table.", > "humanDescription" : "A cooking table, handy!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple table, to be used for the preparation of food.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to do some cookin'!", objects\outpost\outpostcrane\outpostcrane.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Mechanical Crane", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 11,12c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "A powerful crane.", < "avianDescription" : "A crane, and not of the Avian variety.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A powerful looking crane.", > "avianDescription" : "A crane, and not of the ornithological variety.", 14,16c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A crane.", < "humanDescription" : "Do you think they use bigger cranes to build cranes?", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude crane.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. How many Glitch could this lift?", > "humanDescription" : "Do you think this crane was built using a bigger crane?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A crude crane. I imagine it has its uses though.", > "novakidDescription" : "A strong lookin' crane.", objects\outpost\outpostdesk\outpostdesk.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 9a10 > "printable" : true, 12a14 > "health" : 1.5, 14,15c16,22 < "floranDescription" : "Desk!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A desk.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A desk. It seems functional.", > "avianDescription" : "A nice enough looking desk.", > "floranDescription" : "A dessk!", > "glitchDescription" : "Impassive. It is a desk.", > "humanDescription" : "A desk. It seems okay.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic desk. It is not to my tastes.", > "novakidDescription" : "A desk. For those who like to sit down and write stuff.", 47c54 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostfridge\outpostfridge.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Fridge", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", 10,11c10,12 < "category" : "storage", < "price" : 110, --- > "printable" : true, > "category" : "fridgeStorage", > "price" : 180, 12a14 > "health" : 1.5, 17c19 < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. This fridge smells unsanitary.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Wary. This fridge smells unsanitary.", 19a22 > "novakidDescription" : "A fridge! I wonder if anyone left any treats?", 27c30 < --- > 41c44 < --- > 56,57c59,60 < "slotCount" : 24, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "slotCount" : 32, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", 59a63,64 > > "itemAgeMultiplier" : 0.0, objects\outpost\outpostgenerator\outpostgenerator.object 11a12 > "printable" : true, 14,17c15,18 < "avianDescription" : "A power generator.", < "floranDescription" : "Buzzy buzzy power box!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A power generator.", < "humanDescription" : "A genny.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's a power generator.", > "floranDescription" : "This makess power.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cheery. This generates enough power for everybody.", > "humanDescription" : "A generator. Hope there's a back-up one too.", 19c20 < "novakidDescription" : "Plug me in, yeah!", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This thing generates power.", objects\outpost\outpostkeypad\outpostkeypad.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Keypad", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 9,10c10,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran type rude word on keypad. Fish.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A keypad.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A keypad. Keeps people from nosing around.", > "avianDescription" : "A keypad. Most Avian have little use for these.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran type rude wordss on keypad. Nothing happenss...", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. A keypad, can I crack the code?", > "humanDescription" : "A keypad! Can I crack the code?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A keypad. Can be an effective locking device when used correctly.", > "novakidDescription" : "Does this keypad do anything?", 46c52 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\outpost\outpostlamp\outpostlamp.object 6c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "LED Wall Light", > "printable" : true, 8a10,17 > "apexDescription" : "A functional wall light.", > "avianDescription" : "It's a wall light.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny light!", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This wall mounted light is effective.", > "humanDescription" : "A pretty standard wall light.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A wall light. It is functional but unpleasant.", > "novakidDescription" : "This light's okay, but it ain't as bright as me!", > 36a46 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 56c66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostlight\outpostlight.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Simple Wall Light", 7a8,16 > "printable" : true, > > "apexDescription" : "A functional wall light.", > "avianDescription" : "It's a wall light.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny light!", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This wall mounted light is effective.", > "humanDescription" : "A pretty standard wall light.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A wall light. It is functional but unpleasant.", > "novakidDescription" : "This light's okay, but it ain't as bright as me!", 38c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostlocker\outpostlocker.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", 9a10 > "printable" : true, 12a14 > "health" : 1.5, 16,17c18,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not can fit in locker. Floran can fit Hylotl in locker.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A locker, for locking up things you want to lock away.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wonders what'sss inside locker.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A locker, for locking up things you want to lock away.", 19a22 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a locker, does the job I guess.", 55c58 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostmicrowave\outpostmicrowave.object 6,7c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "subtitle" : "Microwave cooking.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", 11c10 < "objectType" : "container", --- > "printable" : true, 14c13,25 < "apexDescription" : "A strange type of oven.", --- > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Microwave Oven", > "subtitle" : " Cooking convenience" > } > } > }, > > "apexDescription" : "A type of oven.", 16,17c27,28 < "floranDescription" : "Floran dry pet in microwave. Floran prompt new sssafety guidelines.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. It appears someone cooked a pizza in here last.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess raw meat, sssometimes cooked meat is good too.", > "glitchDescription" : "Irked. It is encrusted with spattered food, who left it in this state?", 19a31 > "novakidDescription" : "This lil' rotatin' oven cooks food at speed!", 26d37 < "lightPosition" : [0, 0], 39d49 < "lightPosition" : [0, 0], 49,57c59 < ], < < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 < --- > ] objects\outpost\outpostmonitor\outpostmonitor.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 17,21c18,23 < "avianDescription" : "Ah, this old classic! Better not repeat what it says.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this sssay; Haloom kissface plant. Ssshudder.", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. This monitor is displaying the lyrics to a bawdy Avian folk song.", < "humanDescription" : "I don't understand what it says but it's making me giggle.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Another language.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Some sort of monitor, but I can't make out what it says.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid monitor, only has liness.", > "glitchDescription" : "Upset. This seems to be malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder if this is meant to be showing something.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It seems to be broken, how surprising.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can't make out anythin' 'cept flickerin' lines.", 56c58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostpc\outpostpc.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", --- > "shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hear liquid cooling is good. Floran pour water on computer. Boom!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An overpowered computer.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran has little use for thiss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. A high-powered computer.", 16c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Other species' reliance on technology makes me sad.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Other species' over reliance on technology saddens me.", > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha' this thing could look up anythin'!", objects\outpost\outpostpublicchair\outpostpublicchair.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", --- > "shortdescription" : "Public Chair", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 13,16c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "If you cut me, do I not ssstab?", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A chair.", < "humanDescription" : "A chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Sometimes I wonder what the point is.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssimple chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A chair.", > "humanDescription" : "Just a chair.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple chair, it is not comfortable.", > "novakidDescription" : "Good a place as any to sit down.", objects\outpost\outpostradardish\outpostradardish.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 10a11 > "printable" : true, 12c13 < "apexDescription" : "A sweet dish.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard radar dish.", 14,17c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like to sssmash dishes!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A radar dish.", < "humanDescription" : "Dishy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A fishy dish.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not meant to touch any radar after last time.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. A radar dish.", > "humanDescription" : "A radar dish for... Radar things.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A dish for receiving radio waves.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda science dish.", objects\outpost\outpostsecurityconsole\outpostsecurityconsole.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 12,17c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A security console for some unknown thing.", < "avianDescription" : "A security console.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use anonymous console to send abuse to Hylotl military.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A security console.", < "humanDescription" : "A console.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A console.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A security console.", > "avianDescription" : "A security console...", > "floranDescription" : "A ssecurity console... But how can a console make Floran sssecure?.", > "glitchDescription" : "Uneasy. Not sure I should touch this security console.", > "humanDescription" : "A security console. I can turn it on and off again.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console is part of the security system.", > "novakidDescription" : "If I press enough buttons it might do somethin'.", 68c70 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\outpost\outpostservicepanel\outpostservicepanel.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Service Panel", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 11,12c12,18 < "floranDescription" : "Ssservice panel.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A service panel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A service panel.", > "avianDescription" : "A service panel with a warning sign.", > "floranDescription" : "Sservice panel.", > "glitchDescription" : "Apprehensive. This service panel has a dire warning on it.", > "humanDescription" : "That warning sign seems vaguely serious.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple service panel.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some kinda service panel.", objects\outpost\outpostshippingcontainer\outpostshippingcontainer.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", 11a12 > "printable" : true, 13a15,16 > "health" : 10, > 16,17c19,20 < "floranDescription" : "Floran once ssship live monsters to Hylotl. Fun!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A shipping container.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It'ss a shipping container.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A shipping container - it could contain anything.", 19c22,23 < "hylotlDescription" : "A container for shipping.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A container for shipping all manner of items.", > "novakidDescription" : "I could ship all kindsa cargo in this.", 27c31 < --- > 41c45 < --- > 57c61 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\outpost\outpostslidingdoor\outpostslidingdoor.object 7a8 > "printable" : true, 9c10 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", 13,14c14,15 < "avianDescription" : "Some cultures believe that if you have no soul, these doors will not react.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran have trouble making door work sssometimes.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Some cultures believe that if you have no soul, these doors won't react to you.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran's not one hundred percent sssure how these doors work.", 16c17 < "humanDescription" : "Once, I ran at a door like this and it didn't open in time and... yeah.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Once, I ran at a door like this and it didn't open in time and... Yeah.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I like these sleek slidin' doors.", 24a27 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c40,47 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c55,56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostsmallmonitor\outpostsmallmonitor.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", 7a8 > "printable" : true, 16,21c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can't read this. I wish I could.", < "avianDescription" : "Some unknown text is displayed here.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran think this say; ssstab and the world ssstabs with you.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A human report talking about an encoded Hylotl transmission.", < "humanDescription" : "This is talking about a strange Hylotl transmission they can't translate. Odd.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I recognise the word Hylotl here.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can't read this.", > "avianDescription" : "It's impossible to make out the text on this screen.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't know what thisss screen says.", > "glitchDescription" : "Frustrated. I cannot make out what is written on this monitor.", > "humanDescription" : "This monitor doesn't have the greatest picture quality.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The information displayed here is difficult to make out.", > "novakidDescription" : "Hard to see what's written on here. Hope it ain't somethin' important.", 57c59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpoststandingdesk\outpoststandingdesk.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", --- > "shortdescription" : "Standing Desk", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 13,16c14,18 < "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer ssstabbing desk.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A standing desk.", < "humanDescription" : "A standing desk.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Quite a good idea for a desk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran have little use for desksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. A desk, you stand at rather than sitting?", > "humanDescription" : "A standing desk, I hear these are a good idea.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A standing desk, good for an active mind.", > "novakidDescription" : "A desk ya stand at, keeps you from settlin'.", objects\outpost\outposttable\outposttable.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 14,15c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like table.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A table.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess table.", > "glitchDescription" : "Indifferent. A table.", 17c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic table.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An unattractive table.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a table.", objects\outpost\outposttank\outposttank.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 14,15c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer ssshooty tank.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This tank contains some unknown gas.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't know what could be in this tank.", > "glitchDescription" : "Perplexed. I cannot figure out what this tank holds.", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A tank. But I can't figure what might be in it.", objects\outpost\outpostterminal\outpostterminal.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 14,15c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Beep! Beep! Sssmash!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A terminal.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Beeping terminal.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A terminal.", 17c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic terminal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An interface terminal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a terminal, prob'ly connects to somethin'.", 25c27 < --- > 39c41 < --- > objects\outpost\penguinbay\penguinbay.lua 2,4c2,4 < self.detectArea = entity.configParameter("detectArea") < self.detectArea[1] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) < self.detectArea[2] = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) --- > self.detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > self.detectArea[1] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) > self.detectArea[2] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) 6c6 < entity.setAnimationState("proximity", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("proximity", "off") 15,18c15,18 < if #players > 0 and entity.animationState("proximity") == "off" then < entity.setAnimationState("proximity", "open") < elseif #players == 0 and entity.animationState("proximity") == "on" then < entity.setAnimationState("proximity", "close") --- > if #players > 0 and animator.animationState("proximity") == "off" then > animator.setAnimationState("proximity", "open") > elseif #players == 0 and animator.animationState("proximity") == "on" then > animator.setAnimationState("proximity", "close") 23c23 < local chatOptions = entity.configParameter("chatOptions", {}) --- > local chatOptions = config.getParameter("chatOptions", {}) 25c25 < entity.say(chatOptions[math.random(1, #chatOptions)]) --- > object.say(chatOptions[math.random(1, #chatOptions)]) objects\outpost\penguinbay\penguinbay.object 8c8 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "other", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "Ugh, penguins give all of us such a bad name.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy crunchy penguins with goods to sssell!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. These tiny penguins are smugglers.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Penguins make me nervous.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy crunchy penguins with goods to ssell!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. These tiny penguins are smugglers.", 53a54,60 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [-5, 0], [-4, 0], [-3, 0], > [-5, 1], [-4, 1], [-3, 1], > [-5, 2], [-4, 2], [-3, 2], > [-5, 3], [-4, 3], [-3, 3], > [-5, 4], [-4, 4], [-3, 4] > ], 93a101,107 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [2, 0], [3, 0], [4, 0], > [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], > [2, 2], [3, 2], [4, 2], > [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3], > [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 4] > ], 109,132c123,141 < "scripts" : [ "/scripts/chattyObject.lua" ], < "scriptDelta" : 20, < < "chatOptions" : [ < "Try making yourself useful around here, then we'll have something to talk about.", < "Scratch a few more backs around the Outpost and I just might scratch yours.", < "I've got some good stuff for the right person, but you're not quite right yet." < ], < < "offeredQuests" : [ < "license1.gearup", < "license2.gearup", < "license3.gearup", < "license4.gearup", < "license5.gearup" < ], < < "turnInQuests" : [ < "license1.gearup", < "license2.gearup", < "license3.gearup", < "license4.gearup", < "license5.gearup" < ], --- > "interactAction" : "OpenMerchantInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/merchant.config", > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : "The Penguin Bay", > "subtitle" : "100% legit ship licenses" > } > }, > "buyFactor" : 1.0, > "sellFactor" : 0.2, > "items" : [ > { "item" : "fakelicense1", "prerequisiteShipLevel" : 3, "exclusiveQuests" : [ "shipupgrade1", "illegalshipupgrade1" ] }, > { "item" : "fakelicense2", "prerequisiteShipLevel" : 4, "exclusiveQuests" : [ "shipupgrade2", "illegalshipupgrade2" ] }, > { "item" : "fakelicense3", "prerequisiteShipLevel" : 5, "exclusiveQuests" : [ "shipupgrade3", "illegalshipupgrade3" ] }, > { "item" : "fakelicense4", "prerequisiteShipLevel" : 6, "exclusiveQuests" : [ "shipupgrade4", "illegalshipupgrade4" ] }, > { "item" : "fakelicense5", "prerequisiteShipLevel" : 7, "exclusiveQuests" : [ "shipupgrade5", "illegalshipupgrade5" ] } > ] > }, objects\outpost\plasticplant\plasticplant.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, 13c14 < "avianDescription" : "A fake plant. Nice.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A fake plant.", 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This fake plastic plant has a real plant inside it.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unsure. Is a fake plant better or worse than a real one?", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A fake plant - nature, without the work.", objects\outpost\repairo\repairo.lua 2c2 < self.chatOptions = entity.configParameter("chatOptions", {}) --- > self.chatOptions = config.getParameter("chatOptions", {}) 9c9 < local players = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), entity.configParameter("chatRadius"), { --- > local players = world.entityQuery(object.position(), config.getParameter("chatRadius"), { 15,16c15,16 < entity.say(self.chatOptions[math.random(1, #self.chatOptions)]) < self.chatTimer = entity.configParameter("chatCooldown") --- > object.say(self.chatOptions[math.random(1, #self.chatOptions)]) > self.chatTimer = config.getParameter("chatCooldown") 18,44d17 < end < < local chips = world.containerItemAt(, 0) < local controller = world.containerItemAt(, 1) < if chips and == "autochip" and controller and root.itemHasTag(, "vehiclecontroller") then < local healthFactor = controller.parameters.vehicleStartHealthFactor < if controller.parameters.filled == false then healthFactor = 0 end < if healthFactor and healthFactor < 1.0 then < if consumeChip() then < healthFactor = math.min(healthFactor + entity.configParameter("chipRepairFactor", 1.0), 1.0) < setControllerHealthFactor(healthFactor) < end < end < end < end < < function consumeChip() < local consumed = world.containerConsumeAt(, 0, 1) < return consumed < end < < function setControllerHealthFactor(healthFactor) < local controller = world.containerItemAt(, 1) < if controller and root.itemHasTag(, "vehiclecontroller") then < controller.parameters.filled = true < controller.parameters.vehicleStartHealthFactor = healthFactor < world.containerSwapItemsNoCombine(, controller, 1) objects\outpost\repairo\repairo.object 3,4c3,5 < "colonyTags" : [], < "rarity" : "uncommon", --- > "colonyTags" : ["outpost"], > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "category" : "other", 6,7c7 < "subtitle" : "Vehicle Repair", < "objectType" : "container", --- > "subtitle" : "Vehicle repairs", 9c9 < "description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", --- > "description" : "It's a Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", 14,15d13 < < "category" : "crafting", 17a16,23 > "apexDescription" : "This mechanical man is dedicated to fixing things.", > "avianDescription" : "This mechanical merchant will fix broken vehicles.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metalman fixesss things.", > "glitchDescription" : "Relieved. This mechanical man can fix broken vehicles.", > "humanDescription" : "Good old Rob Repairo. He's got a cheerful face, and he fixes things!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This mechanical merchant is disconcertingly cheerful.", > "novakidDescription" : "He sure does look happy to be fixin' things all day.", > 30a37,39 > "interactAction" : "ScriptPane", > "interactData" : "/interface/scripted/vehiclerepair/vehiclerepairgui.config", > 42,49c51,52 < ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/gunchest_open.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/repairo.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > ] > } objects\outpost\roofvent\roofvent.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, 11,12c12,18 < "floranDescription" : "Vent.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A vent.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A roof vent.", > "avianDescription" : "The breeze from this vent ruffles my feathers.", > "floranDescription" : "A vent - for ventilation, or for hiding.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This vent appears to be in good condition.", > "humanDescription" : "A vent for the roof, I bet a few people have tried getting inside.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple roof vent.", > "novakidDescription" : "A vent for the roof, wonder if I could fit inside?", objects\outpost\shipyardcaptain\shipyardcaptain.object 8c8 < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "other", 13,19c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "Suspicious birds and their black market goods.", < "avianDescription" : "Ugh, penguins give all of us such a bad name.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy crunchy penguins with goods to sssell!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. These tiny penguins are smugglers.", < "humanDescription" : "I feel like I'm in a gangster movie.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Uncouthed, criminal birds.", < "novakidDescription" : "Rowdy birds sellin' dodgy gear. Just my kinda place.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This man is suspicious looking... But he sells good vehicles.", > "avianDescription" : "This man sells vehicles.", > "floranDescription" : "Shady man, sssells vehicles.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. I can buy vehicles from this gentleman.", > "humanDescription" : "Usually I would avoid such shady looking characters... But I really want a vehicle.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I've been told this captain sells vehicles.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder what kinda vehicles this guy sells?", 37c37,38 < "mouthPosition" : [-2.5, -4.5] --- > "mouthPosition" : [-2.5, -5], > "questIndicatorPosition" : [-2.5, -5] 40a42,55 > "turnInQuests" : [ > "human_mission1", > "shipupgrade1", > "shipupgrade2", > "shipupgrade3", > "shipupgrade4", > "shipupgrade5", > "illegalshipupgrade1", > "illegalshipupgrade2", > "illegalshipupgrade3", > "illegalshipupgrade4", > "illegalshipupgrade5" > ], > 46,47c61,62 < "title" : " Penguin Pete's vehicle lot", < "subtitle" : " Totally legit. Honest Pirate!" --- > "title" : "Penguin Pete's Vehicle Lot", > "subtitle" : "Totally legit pirate business" 60d74 < objects\outpost\shipyardjunk\shipyardjunk.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "It's a pile of ship parts. I can spot some avian ship pieces.", < "floranDescription" : "ssship partsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pile of ship pieces.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's a pile of ship parts.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship partsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. A pile of ship parts.", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "Rowdy birds salvaging battered ship parts. Just my kinda place.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A bunch o' salvaged ship parts.", objects\outpost\shipyardwelding\shipyardwelding.object 20,26c20,26 < "apexDescription" : "Suspicious birds and their black market goods.", < "avianDescription" : "Ugh, penguins give all of us such a bad name.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy crunchy penguins with goods to sssell!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amusement. These tiny penguins are smugglers.", < "humanDescription" : "I feel like I'm in a gangster movie.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Uncouthed, criminal birds.", < "novakidDescription" : "Rowdy birds sellin' dodgy gear. Just my kinda place.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I cannot tell if he is building or dismantling that object.", > "avianDescription" : "A penguin with a blowtorch... I feel a little unsafe.", > "floranDescription" : "That penguin is bite-sssized.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. I wonder what that penguin is up to?", > "humanDescription" : "I bet that penguin had a tough time getting up that ladder.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It makes me nervous to see a penguin up a ladder with a blowtorch.", > "novakidDescription" : "This lil' penguin is up to something.", 37a38 > "animationPosition" : [-80, 0], 41a43 > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [7, 4], [6, 4], [5, 4], [7, 3], [6, 3], [5, 3] ], 50a53 > "animationPosition" : [-80, 0], 54a58 > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-8, 4], [-7, 4], [-6, 4], [-8, 3], [-7, 3], [-6, 3] ], 57a62,67 > > "animation" : "shipyardwelding.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "shipyardwelding.png", > "fg" : "shipyardweldinglit.png" > }, objects\outpost\signstore\customeasel-data.lua 1c1 < keyCodes = {[1] = "leftMouse", [2] = "middleMouse", [3] = "rightMouse", [4] = "mouseWheelUp", [5] = "mouseWheelDown", [13] = "enter", [276] = "left", --- > keyCodes = {[0] = "leftMouse", [1] = "middleMouse", [2] = "rightMouse", [13] = "enter", [276] = "left", 44c44 < spectrumRGBTable = {{{234, 216, 216},{255, 221, 220},{246, 204, 203},{245, 196, 194},{246, 186, 187},{246, 178, 179},{246, 170, 169},{245, 162, 161},{245, 154, 153},{245, 145, 144},{245, 136, 134},{246, 128, 126},{245, 120, 118},{244, 111, 110},{245, 103, 101},{245, 94, 93},{246, 86, 85},{245, 78, 75},{245, 70, 68},{245, 62, 61},{245, 52, 50},{245, 44, 42},{245, 35, 33},{244, 27, 24},{244, 18, 16},{246, 9, 8},{244, 5, 4},{234, 5, 4},{225, 6, 4},{217, 6, 4},{209, 5, 4},{201, 4, 4},{192, 5, 5},{184, 5, 5},{176, 5, 4},{167, 5, 4},{158, 5, 4},{151, 4, 5},{142, 5, 4},{135, 5, 4},{126, 5, 5},{119, 5, 4},{110, 4, 4},{100, 4, 4},{92, 5, 4},{84, 4, 4},{77, 5, 5},{68, 4, 5},{60, 4, 4},{51, 4, 4},{43, 4, 4},{35, 5, 4},{26, 5, 4},{13, 0, 0},{13, 8, 8}},{{247, 234, 231},{255, 240, 237},{255, 219, 218},{255, 211, 208},{255, 201, 199},{255, 191, 190},{255, 183, 178},{255, 174, 171},{255, 164, 161},{255, 154, 151},{255, 145, 140},{255, 136, 130},{255, 128, 123},{255, 118, 113},{255, 109, 102},{255, 99, 94},{255, 90, 85},{255, 81, 75},{255, 72, 66},{255, 63, 57},{255, 53, 46},{255, 45, 38},{255, 34, 28},{255, 25, 18},{255, 17, 8},{255, 7, 0},{255, 1, 0},{253, 2, 0},{242, 2, 0},{232, 1, 0},{225, 0, 0},{214, 0, 0},{205, 0, 0},{196, 0, 0},{187, 0, 0},{177, 0, 0},{168, 0, 0},{159, 0, 0},{148, 0, 0},{140, 0, 0},{131, 0, 0},{123, 0, 0},{113, 0, 0},{103, 0, 0},{94, 0, 0},{85, 0, 0},{75, 0, 0},{65, 0, 0},{57, 0, 0},{47, 0, 0},{37, 0, 0},{28, 0, 0},{18, 0, 0},{4, 0, 0},{4, 4, 4}},{{243, 224, 222},{255, 230, 227},{254, 212, 210},{253, 204, 200},{254, 195, 192},{254, 187, 181},{253, 179, 172},{253, 171, 164},{254, 162, 155},{254, 153, 147},{254, 146, 137},{254, 136, 127},{253, 129, 120},{253, 120, 110},{253, 112, 102},{254, 103, 93},{253, 96, 85},{253, 86, 76},{253, 78, 66},{252, 71, 56},{252, 60, 48},{253, 53, 40},{254, 43, 31},{252, 36, 22},{254, 28, 12},{253, 18, 3},{250, 13, 0},{242, 13, 0},{233, 13, 0},{224, 13, 0},{216, 12, 0},{206, 11, 0},{197, 12, 0},{189, 11, 0},{180, 10, 0},{171, 10, 0},{161, 10, 0},{154, 8, 0},{144, 8, 0},{136, 7, 0},{128, 6, 0},{120, 6, 0},{112, 6, 0},{101, 6, 0},{93, 6, 0},{85, 6, 0},{76, 3, 0},{65, 4, 0},{57, 4, 0},{48, 3, 0},{40, 2, 0},{33, 2, 0},{22, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{243, 224, 223},{255, 232, 227},{254, 214, 211},{253, 206, 201},{254, 197, 192},{254, 189, 180},{253, 180, 172},{254, 174, 165},{253, 165, 155},{254, 156, 147},{254, 149, 137},{255, 140, 130},{252, 132, 120},{253, 123, 110},{253, 116, 103},{254, 108, 93},{253, 99, 84},{253, 90, 75},{254, 83, 66},{252, 75, 57},{252, 65, 48},{252, 58, 40},{253, 48, 31},{253, 41, 22},{253, 33, 14},{253, 23, 4},{251, 18, 0},{242, 19, 0},{233, 19, 0},{224, 19, 0},{216, 17, 0},{207, 16, 0},{197, 16, 0},{188, 16, 0},{181, 15, 0},{172, 14, 0},{161, 13, 0},{153, 12, 0},{144, 12, 0},{137, 11, 0},{129, 10, 0},{120, 10, 0},{110, 9, 0},{100, 9, 0},{93, 8, 0},{85, 7, 0},{75, 6, 0},{65, 6, 0},{56, 5, 0},{47, 4, 0},{39, 3, 0},{31, 4, 0},{21, 4, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{243, 226, 223},{255, 233, 227},{254, 214, 208},{253, 207, 201},{254, 199, 193},{254, 191, 183},{253, 182, 173},{253, 175, 166},{253, 167, 156},{255, 158, 145},{255, 151, 137},{254, 143, 129},{253, 135, 118},{253, 127, 112},{253, 118, 102},{254, 111, 94},{254, 102, 85},{253, 94, 75},{254, 87, 68},{253, 79, 59},{254, 71, 50},{254, 63, 41},{253, 55, 30},{253, 47, 22},{253, 38, 12},{254, 29, 3},{252, 24, 0},{243, 24, 0},{233, 23, 0},{224, 23, 0},{216, 22, 0},{208, 21, 1},{198, 20, 0},{189, 19, 0},{180, 18, 0},{171, 18, 0},{162, 16, 0},{154, 15, 0},{146, 14, 0},{136, 13, 0},{128, 13, 0},{119, 12, 0},{111, 11, 0},{100, 11, 0},{93, 9, 0},{84, 9, 0},{75, 8, 0},{67, 7, 0},{57, 6, 0},{48, 5, 0},{41, 4, 0},{30, 3, 0},{21, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{244, 227, 223},{255, 234, 227},{253, 215, 208},{253, 208, 201},{254, 201, 192},{254, 193, 183},{254, 184, 174},{254, 176, 165},{253, 168, 156},{254, 161, 145},{254, 154, 138},{255, 146, 130},{254, 138, 119},{253, 130, 111},{253, 122, 102},{253, 114, 95},{253, 107, 85},{254, 99, 75},{253, 91, 67},{253, 83, 60},{254, 74, 50},{254, 67, 41},{253, 60, 31},{253, 52, 22},{253, 43, 13},{254, 35, 2},{252, 31, 0},{243, 29, 0},{233, 28, 0},{224, 28, 0},{216, 27, 0},{208, 26, 0},{197, 25, 0},{189, 23, 0},{180, 23, 0},{172, 22, 0},{162, 20, 0},{154, 19, 0},{147, 19, 0},{136, 17, 0},{128, 16, 0},{120, 15, 0},{111, 14, 0},{101, 12, 0},{92, 11, 0},{84, 11, 0},{75, 10, 0},{67, 8, 0},{58, 7, 0},{49, 6, 0},{42, 5, 0},{31, 4, 0},{21, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{243, 226, 222},{255, 235, 227},{254, 219, 209},{254, 209, 201},{254, 201, 191},{253, 194, 182},{253, 187, 173},{253, 179, 166},{254, 171, 156},{253, 163, 145},{253, 156, 137},{254, 149, 129},{254, 141, 121},{253, 133, 111},{253, 126, 103},{252, 119, 93},{253, 112, 84},{253, 102, 75},{253, 95, 66},{252, 89, 58},{253, 80, 46},{253, 73, 40},{253, 65, 29},{253, 57, 21},{254, 50, 14},{254, 42, 3},{250, 37, 0},{241, 36, 0},{233, 34, 0},{224, 33, 0},{217, 33, 0},{207, 31, 0},{197, 29, 0},{189, 28, 0},{180, 27, 0},{171, 26, 0},{162, 25, 0},{153, 23, 0},{145, 21, 0},{136, 21, 0},{128, 20, 0},{121, 17, 0},{111, 17, 0},{101, 15, 0},{93, 14, 0},{83, 12, 0},{74, 11, 0},{66, 11, 0},{58, 9, 1},{50, 7, 1},{40, 6, 0},{31, 5, 0},{22, 4, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{244, 227, 223},{255, 235, 226},{255, 219, 209},{254, 210, 201},{254, 203, 191},{253, 195, 182},{253, 189, 173},{254, 181, 165},{253, 174, 155},{254, 166, 146},{253, 159, 138},{253, 151, 129},{253, 144, 122},{253, 136, 112},{253, 129, 102},{254, 122, 93},{253, 115, 85},{252, 106, 75},{253, 100, 67},{252, 93, 58},{253, 84, 47},{254, 79, 40},{253, 70, 30},{254, 63, 22},{254, 56, 14},{255, 48, 3},{250, 42, 0},{241, 42, 0},{234, 41, 0},{224, 39, 0},{216, 37, 0},{207, 35, 0},{198, 34, 0},{190, 33, 0},{180, 31, 0},{171, 30, 0},{161, 28, 0},{152, 26, 0},{145, 25, 0},{137, 24, 0},{127, 23, 0},{121, 21, 0},{111, 20, 0},{101, 17, 0},{92, 16, 0},{84, 15, 0},{75, 13, 0},{66, 12, 0},{58, 10, 0},{50, 9, 0},{39, 7, 0},{30, 6, 0},{22, 5, 0},{9, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{242, 228, 224},{255, 236, 226},{254, 219, 210},{252, 212, 202},{254, 204, 190},{253, 197, 183},{254, 190, 174},{253, 182, 166},{253, 175, 154},{254, 169, 146},{254, 162, 138},{254, 155, 129},{253, 147, 121},{253, 139, 112},{253, 133, 103},{254, 126, 94},{254, 118, 85},{252, 111, 76},{253, 104, 66},{253, 97, 58},{254, 90, 49},{252, 82, 39},{252, 75, 30},{254, 69, 24},{253, 60, 13},{254, 52, 2},{252, 49, 0},{243, 46, 0},{234, 46, 0},{223, 44, 0},{216, 43, 0},{207, 40, 0},{198, 39, 0},{189, 37, 0},{180, 36, 0},{171, 33, 0},{163, 32, 0},{154, 29, 0},{145, 29, 0},{137, 27, 0},{129, 25, 0},{119, 24, 0},{109, 22, 0},{100, 21, 0},{92, 17, 0},{85, 16, 0},{76, 15, 0},{66, 14, 0},{57, 11, 0},{49, 10, 0},{40, 8, 0},{31, 6, 0},{22, 5, 0},{8, 0, 0},{9, 5, 4}},{{242, 228, 223},{255, 238, 227},{255, 221, 210},{253, 214, 202},{254, 206, 191},{253, 198, 182},{254, 191, 173},{255, 185, 166},{254, 177, 155},{254, 171, 146},{253, 165, 138},{254, 158, 129},{253, 151, 121},{254, 144, 112},{253, 136, 102},{254, 129, 94},{253, 123, 85},{253, 116, 76},{254, 109, 66},{253, 101, 58},{253, 93, 49},{253, 87, 41},{253, 81, 31},{253, 74, 23},{254, 66, 12},{254, 58, 2},{251, 54, 0},{243, 53, 0},{234, 51, 0},{224, 48, 0},{216, 47, 0},{207, 46, 0},{197, 42, 0},{189, 41, 0},{180, 39, 0},{172, 38, 0},{163, 36, 0},{154, 33, 0},{144, 32, 0},{137, 30, 0},{128, 28, 0},{119, 26, 0},{110, 24, 0},{101, 23, 0},{93, 21, 0},{85, 18, 0},{76, 16, 0},{66, 15, 0},{58, 13, 0},{47, 11, 0},{40, 10, 0},{32, 7, 0},{22, 4, 0},{9, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{243, 229, 223},{255, 238, 226},{254, 222, 210},{254, 214, 201},{254, 207, 191},{253, 202, 182},{253, 194, 173},{254, 187, 164},{254, 180, 155},{254, 174, 147},{253, 167, 139},{254, 160, 129},{253, 154, 119},{254, 146, 110},{253, 141, 102},{253, 132, 93},{253, 127, 86},{252, 120, 76},{253, 112, 66},{253, 108, 57},{252, 99, 48},{253, 94, 41},{254, 87, 31},{253, 79, 22},{253, 72, 12},{255, 65, 3},{250, 60, 0},{242, 59, 1},{233, 56, 0},{224, 54, 0},{216, 53, 0},{205, 51, 0},{198, 48, 0},{190, 46, 0},{179, 43, 0},{171, 42, 0},{162, 40, 0},{153, 37, 0},{145, 35, 0},{136, 33, 0},{127, 31, 0},{119, 29, 0},{110, 28, 0},{101, 25, 0},{93, 22, 0},{84, 20, 0},{75, 18, 0},{66, 18, 0},{58, 14, 0},{48, 11, 0},{40, 11, 0},{32, 8, 0},{22, 6, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{244, 229, 224},{255, 239, 226},{253, 222, 210},{254, 215, 201},{254, 210, 191},{253, 203, 182},{254, 195, 173},{254, 189, 164},{254, 182, 155},{254, 176, 147},{253, 170, 139},{254, 163, 129},{253, 157, 120},{253, 150, 110},{253, 144, 103},{253, 137, 93},{253, 131, 85},{253, 124, 76},{253, 117, 67},{253, 112, 57},{252, 104, 47},{253, 98, 39},{253, 92, 30},{254, 85, 23},{254, 77, 14},{254, 70, 3},{251, 67, 0},{243, 65, 1},{233, 61, 0},{223, 60, 0},{216, 58, 0},{205, 55, 0},{197, 53, 0},{190, 50, 0},{181, 49, 0},{171, 47, 0},{162, 43, 0},{154, 41, 0},{145, 39, 0},{137, 36, 0},{128, 35, 0},{120, 32, 0},{110, 29, 0},{101, 27, 0},{93, 25, 0},{85, 22, 0},{75, 20, 0},{66, 19, 0},{58, 15, 0},{49, 13, 0},{39, 11, 0},{31, 8, 0},{22, 7, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 230, 223},{255, 239, 228},{254, 223, 210},{253, 217, 201},{255, 211, 192},{254, 204, 183},{253, 197, 173},{254, 190, 165},{253, 184, 155},{254, 179, 147},{254, 173, 138},{254, 166, 130},{253, 160, 121},{253, 154, 112},{253, 147, 102},{253, 141, 94},{253, 134, 85},{253, 127, 75},{254, 122, 67},{253, 115, 58},{254, 108, 49},{253, 103, 42},{253, 96, 31},{254, 90, 23},{253, 83, 13},{253, 77, 3},{251, 72, 0},{243, 69, 1},{234, 67, 0},{223, 65, 0},{216, 62, 0},{207, 59, 0},{197, 57, 0},{188, 54, 0},{180, 52, 0},{172, 50, 0},{163, 47, 0},{154, 44, 0},{145, 43, 0},{137, 41, 0},{127, 37, 0},{120, 34, 0},{111, 31, 0},{101, 29, 0},{93, 27, 0},{84, 24, 0},{75, 22, 0},{67, 20, 0},{58, 17, 0},{48, 14, 0},{41, 11, 0},{31, 10, 0},{21, 7, 0},{7, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 231, 222},{255, 241, 228},{253, 224, 209},{253, 218, 200},{255, 212, 192},{255, 206, 184},{253, 199, 173},{254, 193, 165},{254, 187, 156},{254, 181, 147},{254, 175, 139},{254, 169, 130},{253, 163, 120},{253, 157, 112},{253, 151, 103},{252, 143, 94},{254, 138, 85},{254, 132, 75},{253, 127, 67},{254, 120, 59},{254, 112, 50},{253, 107, 43},{253, 101, 31},{254, 95, 22},{253, 89, 13},{254, 82, 4},{251, 77, 0},{243, 75, 0},{235, 73, 0},{224, 70, 0},{216, 68, 0},{206, 64, 0},{197, 62, 0},{189, 58, 0},{181, 56, 0},{171, 55, 0},{162, 51, 0},{154, 48, 0},{146, 47, 0},{136, 43, 0},{127, 41, 0},{119, 38, 0},{111, 34, 0},{102, 32, 0},{93, 28, 0},{84, 26, 0},{75, 24, 0},{67, 22, 0},{58, 19, 0},{50, 16, 0},{40, 13, 0},{32, 10, 1},{22, 7, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 231, 223},{255, 242, 227},{253, 226, 210},{253, 220, 201},{254, 212, 192},{254, 208, 182},{253, 202, 172},{254, 195, 165},{255, 190, 157},{254, 184, 147},{254, 178, 138},{254, 172, 130},{252, 166, 120},{253, 160, 111},{253, 155, 103},{253, 147, 92},{253, 142, 84},{253, 136, 76},{253, 130, 66},{253, 125, 57},{253, 118, 48},{252, 113, 41},{254, 107, 31},{253, 100, 21},{252, 94, 12},{254, 88, 3},{250, 84, 0},{242, 82, 0},{234, 78, 0},{222, 75, 0},{214, 72, 0},{205, 69, 0},{197, 66, 0},{188, 63, 0},{179, 60, 0},{171, 59, 0},{162, 55, 0},{154, 52, 0},{146, 49, 0},{136, 46, 0},{127, 44, 0},{119, 40, 0},{110, 37, 0},{102, 35, 0},{93, 30, 0},{84, 28, 0},{75, 26, 0},{66, 23, 0},{58, 21, 0},{50, 17, 0},{39, 14, 0},{31, 11, 0},{21, 8, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 232, 223},{255, 243, 226},{255, 226, 209},{255, 221, 201},{253, 214, 191},{254, 209, 181},{253, 204, 172},{254, 198, 164},{255, 192, 156},{254, 187, 147},{254, 181, 138},{254, 175, 130},{252, 170, 121},{253, 164, 111},{254, 158, 102},{253, 151, 92},{253, 146, 84},{254, 141, 77},{253, 136, 67},{252, 130, 56},{254, 123, 48},{253, 119, 42},{254, 112, 30},{254, 106, 22},{253, 99, 13},{254, 94, 4},{251, 90, 0},{242, 87, 0},{234, 84, 1},{222, 81, 0},{215, 77, 0},{206, 75, 0},{198, 71, 0},{189, 68, 0},{179, 65, 0},{170, 62, 0},{162, 59, 0},{154, 55, 0},{146, 53, 0},{137, 50, 0},{128, 46, 0},{118, 42, 0},{110, 40, 0},{101, 37, 0},{92, 34, 0},{84, 31, 0},{75, 28, 0},{65, 25, 0},{58, 22, 0},{50, 18, 0},{39, 15, 0},{30, 12, 0},{22, 8, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 232, 223},{255, 242, 227},{254, 227, 208},{254, 222, 200},{255, 216, 191},{254, 210, 183},{254, 205, 173},{254, 200, 165},{253, 194, 155},{254, 189, 147},{254, 183, 138},{254, 177, 129},{253, 173, 122},{253, 168, 112},{254, 161, 102},{253, 155, 94},{254, 150, 86},{253, 144, 76},{253, 139, 66},{252, 134, 59},{253, 128, 49},{254, 122, 41},{253, 116, 30},{252, 111, 22},{253, 106, 13},{254, 100, 3},{252, 95, 0},{243, 92, 0},{233, 89, 0},{224, 86, 0},{217, 83, 0},{207, 79, 0},{198, 75, 0},{189, 73, 0},{180, 69, 0},{171, 66, 0},{162, 63, 0},{155, 58, 0},{146, 56, 0},{136, 53, 0},{128, 49, 0},{119, 45, 0},{110, 42, 0},{101, 39, 0},{93, 36, 0},{85, 34, 0},{75, 29, 0},{66, 25, 0},{59, 23, 0},{49, 18, 0},{40, 15, 0},{31, 12, 1},{21, 8, 1},{9, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 233, 223},{255, 244, 228},{254, 228, 209},{253, 223, 201},{254, 217, 192},{254, 213, 184},{254, 206, 172},{254, 201, 164},{253, 197, 156},{254, 191, 148},{254, 186, 138},{254, 181, 128},{252, 175, 121},{253, 171, 112},{254, 164, 102},{254, 158, 94},{253, 155, 86},{254, 149, 75},{254, 143, 66},{252, 138, 58},{252, 132, 48},{253, 128, 42},{253, 122, 33},{253, 116, 24},{253, 111, 12},{255, 106, 3},{253, 101, 0},{243, 98, 0},{233, 94, 0},{224, 91, 0},{218, 88, 0},{207, 83, 0},{197, 80, 0},{188, 77, 0},{180, 73, 0},{172, 71, 0},{163, 65, 0},{154, 62, 0},{144, 60, 0},{137, 56, 0},{127, 52, 0},{120, 50, 0},{111, 45, 1},{102, 41, 1},{93, 39, 0},{84, 35, 0},{76, 31, 0},{67, 28, 0},{58, 24, 0},{49, 19, 0},{40, 16, 0},{30, 13, 1},{22, 9, 1},{9, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 233, 223},{255, 245, 225},{255, 229, 209},{254, 224, 201},{254, 220, 191},{254, 215, 183},{253, 209, 172},{253, 204, 165},{254, 199, 156},{255, 194, 147},{254, 189, 138},{252, 184, 128},{252, 179, 120},{254, 174, 111},{253, 169, 101},{253, 163, 93},{252, 158, 85},{253, 154, 75},{254, 148, 66},{253, 142, 58},{253, 137, 48},{253, 133, 42},{253, 128, 32},{253, 122, 22},{254, 117, 13},{254, 112, 3},{250, 108, 0},{242, 104, 0},{233, 100, 0},{224, 97, 0},{216, 93, 0},{206, 89, 0},{198, 85, 0},{188, 81, 0},{179, 78, 0},{171, 74, 0},{163, 70, 0},{153, 67, 0},{144, 64, 0},{137, 59, 0},{127, 56, 0},{119, 52, 0},{111, 48, 0},{100, 45, 0},{93, 41, 0},{84, 36, 0},{76, 32, 0},{67, 29, 1},{58, 25, 0},{48, 20, 0},{40, 17, 0},{31, 15, 0},{22, 11, 0},{9, 1, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 234, 224},{255, 246, 227},{255, 231, 209},{253, 226, 202},{254, 220, 192},{254, 216, 182},{253, 211, 171},{254, 206, 165},{254, 201, 156},{253, 197, 147},{254, 191, 139},{255, 187, 129},{253, 182, 120},{254, 177, 111},{253, 173, 101},{252, 166, 93},{253, 162, 85},{253, 157, 74},{253, 153, 67},{253, 147, 58},{254, 142, 48},{253, 138, 42},{253, 133, 32},{253, 127, 22},{254, 123, 14},{254, 118, 3},{251, 114, 0},{242, 110, 0},{233, 105, 0},{224, 102, 0},{216, 99, 0},{206, 94, 0},{198, 89, 0},{189, 86, 0},{180, 83, 0},{171, 77, 0},{162, 74, 0},{152, 70, 0},{143, 67, 0},{136, 63, 0},{127, 59, 0},{118, 54, 0},{111, 50, 1},{101, 47, 1},{92, 43, 0},{83, 39, 0},{75, 34, 0},{66, 30, 1},{58, 26, 0},{49, 23, 0},{40, 19, 0},{31, 15, 0},{21, 11, 0},{8, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 233, 223},{255, 246, 228},{255, 232, 210},{253, 227, 200},{253, 223, 190},{254, 218, 182},{254, 212, 173},{254, 208, 166},{253, 203, 156},{254, 198, 147},{254, 193, 138},{254, 189, 130},{253, 185, 120},{252, 180, 111},{253, 174, 103},{253, 170, 94},{253, 166, 85},{253, 161, 75},{254, 157, 66},{254, 151, 58},{254, 147, 49},{253, 142, 40},{252, 137, 30},{253, 133, 22},{254, 127, 12},{254, 123, 3},{252, 119, 0},{243, 115, 0},{234, 111, 0},{224, 107, 0},{216, 102, 0},{205, 98, 0},{197, 95, 0},{189, 91, 0},{180, 86, 0},{172, 81, 0},{162, 78, 0},{153, 74, 0},{144, 69, 1},{135, 66, 0},{128, 62, 0},{119, 57, 0},{111, 53, 0},{101, 49, 0},{92, 45, 0},{85, 41, 0},{75, 37, 0},{66, 32, 0},{57, 28, 0},{49, 23, 0},{40, 21, 1},{32, 16, 1},{21, 11, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 233, 223},{255, 247, 228},{254, 233, 210},{254, 228, 201},{254, 224, 190},{254, 220, 183},{254, 214, 174},{254, 209, 165},{252, 206, 156},{254, 201, 146},{255, 196, 139},{253, 192, 130},{253, 188, 120},{252, 184, 111},{253, 178, 103},{253, 174, 94},{253, 170, 85},{254, 166, 75},{254, 161, 67},{254, 156, 58},{253, 152, 50},{253, 148, 42},{253, 143, 31},{254, 138, 23},{254, 134, 14},{255, 130, 4},{252, 126, 0},{244, 121, 0},{234, 116, 0},{224, 112, 0},{216, 108, 0},{206, 104, 0},{197, 100, 0},{189, 95, 0},{180, 90, 0},{172, 87, 0},{163, 82, 0},{153, 77, 0},{145, 73, 1},{137, 70, 0},{128, 64, 0},{119, 58, 0},{111, 57, 0},{101, 52, 0},{93, 47, 0},{85, 43, 0},{75, 38, 0},{67, 34, 0},{57, 28, 0},{49, 24, 0},{41, 22, 1},{31, 16, 1},{22, 11, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 235, 224},{255, 249, 227},{253, 234, 209},{254, 229, 202},{254, 225, 191},{253, 222, 183},{254, 216, 173},{253, 212, 165},{253, 209, 156},{254, 204, 146},{254, 199, 139},{254, 195, 129},{252, 191, 119},{252, 187, 111},{253, 182, 102},{253, 178, 94},{253, 174, 84},{253, 170, 75},{253, 166, 66},{252, 162, 57},{252, 157, 47},{253, 153, 40},{253, 149, 32},{252, 144, 21},{253, 140, 12},{254, 136, 3},{251, 131, 0},{241, 126, 0},{232, 122, 0},{223, 119, 0},{215, 113, 0},{205, 109, 0},{197, 104, 0},{189, 98, 0},{180, 94, 0},{170, 90, 0},{162, 85, 0},{153, 81, 0},{145, 76, 0},{137, 72, 0},{127, 66, 0},{120, 62, 0},{110, 59, 0},{100, 53, 0},{93, 49, 0},{84, 45, 0},{74, 40, 0},{66, 35, 0},{57, 30, 0},{48, 25, 0},{39, 21, 0},{31, 18, 0},{21, 12, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 235, 224},{255, 249, 227},{253, 235, 209},{254, 230, 201},{254, 226, 191},{253, 223, 182},{254, 218, 173},{254, 215, 165},{254, 211, 156},{254, 206, 146},{254, 202, 139},{255, 198, 130},{253, 194, 121},{252, 190, 111},{253, 186, 103},{253, 182, 94},{253, 178, 85},{253, 174, 76},{254, 170, 67},{253, 166, 57},{252, 163, 48},{252, 158, 41},{253, 153, 31},{253, 150, 22},{253, 145, 13},{253, 142, 3},{250, 138, 0},{242, 133, 0},{234, 128, 0},{224, 124, 0},{216, 118, 0},{206, 114, 0},{197, 109, 0},{189, 104, 0},{180, 99, 0},{171, 95, 0},{163, 90, 0},{153, 84, 0},{145, 80, 0},{136, 75, 0},{128, 70, 0},{120, 66, 0},{109, 61, 0},{101, 55, 0},{94, 51, 0},{84, 47, 0},{74, 41, 0},{66, 36, 0},{58, 33, 1},{49, 28, 0},{39, 22, 0},{31, 17, 0},{21, 13, 0},{8, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{245, 237, 224},{255, 250, 228},{253, 235, 210},{253, 232, 201},{254, 229, 192},{255, 224, 182},{254, 220, 173},{254, 217, 166},{253, 213, 155},{254, 209, 146},{255, 205, 139},{254, 201, 130},{253, 198, 121},{254, 193, 113},{254, 189, 103},{253, 184, 94},{254, 182, 85},{252, 178, 76},{254, 174, 68},{254, 170, 60},{252, 166, 49},{253, 162, 40},{253, 158, 31},{254, 154, 22},{252, 151, 12},{254, 147, 3},{252, 142, 0},{242, 138, 0},{233, 133, 0},{224, 128, 0},{216, 123, 0},{207, 119, 0},{198, 113, 0},{188, 107, 0},{179, 102, 0},{172, 98, 0},{163, 94, 0},{153, 88, 0},{144, 83, 0},{136, 78, 0},{129, 74, 0},{119, 68, 0},{110, 62, 0},{102, 58, 0},{93, 55, 1},{84, 48, 0},{76, 43, 0},{67, 38, 0},{58, 34, 0},{49, 29, 0},{40, 23, 0},{31, 17, 0},{22, 12, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{245, 238, 223},{255, 251, 227},{254, 237, 210},{254, 234, 201},{253, 230, 192},{255, 225, 182},{254, 221, 172},{254, 219, 166},{254, 215, 156},{254, 211, 146},{254, 207, 138},{253, 204, 129},{253, 201, 122},{253, 196, 112},{253, 193, 103},{253, 188, 93},{253, 185, 85},{253, 182, 76},{254, 179, 68},{254, 174, 59},{253, 171, 49},{254, 167, 42},{254, 164, 30},{253, 160, 21},{253, 156, 13},{255, 152, 4},{252, 148, 0},{242, 143, 0},{233, 139, 0},{225, 134, 0},{215, 128, 0},{206, 122, 0},{198, 118, 0},{187, 112, 0},{179, 106, 0},{172, 102, 0},{162, 97, 0},{154, 92, 0},{145, 87, 0},{136, 81, 0},{127, 76, 0},{120, 71, 0},{111, 65, 0},{101, 60, 0},{93, 56, 1},{84, 50, 0},{76, 45, 0},{66, 39, 0},{58, 35, 0},{48, 30, 0},{40, 24, 0},{31, 18, 0},{22, 13, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{244, 237, 222},{255, 251, 225},{254, 237, 209},{254, 234, 202},{254, 231, 192},{254, 227, 182},{254, 224, 172},{254, 221, 166},{254, 217, 156},{254, 215, 146},{253, 210, 137},{253, 206, 130},{252, 204, 121},{253, 200, 111},{253, 196, 101},{253, 193, 93},{252, 190, 85},{252, 186, 76},{253, 183, 67},{252, 180, 57},{252, 177, 48},{254, 173, 40},{254, 170, 30},{253, 166, 20},{253, 162, 13},{254, 158, 4},{251, 155, 0},{242, 151, 0},{234, 145, 0},{224, 140, 0},{216, 134, 0},{206, 128, 0},{197, 122, 0},{189, 117, 0},{180, 112, 0},{171, 106, 0},{162, 101, 0},{153, 95, 0},{145, 90, 0},{136, 85, 0},{127, 80, 0},{118, 73, 0},{110, 68, 0},{101, 63, 0},{92, 58, 1},{83, 53, 1},{74, 46, 1},{65, 41, 0},{58, 37, 0},{48, 31, 0},{40, 24, 0},{32, 20, 0},{21, 14, 0},{8, 4, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 238, 223},{255, 252, 227},{254, 239, 209},{254, 235, 200},{255, 233, 191},{254, 229, 183},{254, 225, 174},{254, 223, 167},{254, 219, 156},{254, 217, 146},{253, 213, 138},{254, 209, 129},{253, 206, 120},{252, 204, 111},{253, 200, 101},{253, 197, 94},{253, 193, 84},{253, 190, 75},{253, 187, 67},{252, 184, 57},{252, 181, 47},{253, 178, 40},{254, 174, 31},{253, 171, 22},{253, 167, 12},{254, 164, 3},{251, 162, 0},{242, 157, 0},{234, 150, 0},{225, 144, 0},{216, 139, 0},{205, 133, 0},{196, 127, 0},{189, 121, 0},{179, 116, 0},{171, 110, 0},{162, 104, 0},{153, 98, 0},{145, 93, 0},{137, 88, 0},{127, 83, 0},{118, 77, 0},{110, 72, 0},{102, 66, 0},{93, 60, 0},{84, 54, 0},{74, 47, 0},{66, 44, 0},{58, 38, 0},{48, 32, 0},{41, 25, 0},{31, 20, 0},{22, 16, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{246, 239, 225},{255, 254, 228},{254, 239, 208},{254, 236, 200},{254, 234, 191},{254, 231, 183},{254, 228, 173},{254, 224, 165},{254, 222, 155},{254, 219, 146},{253, 215, 136},{254, 212, 127},{254, 208, 122},{252, 205, 111},{253, 203, 102},{253, 200, 93},{253, 197, 85},{254, 195, 76},{254, 191, 67},{253, 187, 59},{253, 185, 48},{252, 182, 41},{254, 179, 31},{254, 175, 23},{254, 174, 14},{255, 171, 3},{253, 166, 0},{243, 160, 0},{233, 155, 0},{224, 149, 0},{215, 143, 0},{205, 137, 0},{197, 131, 0},{189, 125, 0},{179, 120, 0},{170, 115, 0},{162, 108, 0},{153, 102, 0},{145, 96, 0},{137, 90, 1},{128, 84, 0},{119, 79, 0},{111, 73, 0},{102, 68, 0},{92, 62, 0},{85, 55, 0},{75, 50, 0},{67, 45, 0},{58, 39, 0},{48, 32, 0},{41, 26, 0},{32, 21, 1},{21, 16, 1},{6, 4, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{246, 239, 225},{255, 254, 228},{254, 241, 209},{254, 237, 201},{254, 235, 191},{254, 233, 182},{254, 230, 173},{254, 226, 165},{253, 224, 156},{254, 221, 147},{254, 218, 138},{254, 215, 128},{254, 212, 121},{253, 211, 111},{253, 207, 103},{254, 204, 94},{253, 201, 86},{254, 199, 76},{255, 196, 67},{253, 192, 59},{254, 189, 50},{254, 187, 42},{253, 184, 30},{253, 181, 23},{254, 179, 14},{255, 177, 3},{252, 172, 0},{244, 166, 0},{234, 161, 0},{224, 155, 1},{216, 149, 0},{206, 142, 0},{197, 136, 0},{190, 130, 1},{180, 124, 1},{171, 119, 0},{163, 113, 0},{153, 105, 0},{145, 100, 0},{136, 94, 0},{127, 88, 0},{119, 82, 0},{111, 76, 1},{101, 69, 1},{92, 64, 0},{85, 58, 1},{75, 53, 1},{67, 46, 0},{58, 40, 0},{49, 33, 0},{41, 28, 0},{32, 22, 1},{21, 16, 1},{7, 5, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 239, 223},{255, 255, 226},{254, 241, 209},{254, 239, 202},{253, 238, 191},{253, 234, 183},{254, 231, 173},{254, 230, 164},{254, 226, 156},{254, 223, 147},{254, 221, 138},{255, 218, 129},{253, 216, 120},{253, 214, 110},{252, 211, 102},{252, 209, 93},{252, 205, 84},{253, 202, 76},{253, 200, 67},{253, 198, 59},{253, 195, 49},{252, 192, 39},{253, 189, 30},{252, 187, 22},{252, 185, 13},{255, 183, 2},{252, 179, 0},{243, 172, 0},{233, 166, 0},{223, 159, 0},{216, 154, 0},{205, 147, 0},{198, 141, 0},{190, 135, 0},{179, 128, 0},{172, 123, 0},{163, 117, 0},{152, 110, 0},{144, 104, 0},{136, 98, 0},{128, 91, 0},{119, 85, 0},{110, 79, 0},{102, 73, 0},{94, 67, 0},{84, 60, 0},{75, 54, 0},{67, 48, 0},{57, 41, 0},{49, 34, 0},{40, 27, 0},{30, 23, 0},{21, 18, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 7, 5}},{{244, 240, 224},{255, 255, 226},{254, 242, 210},{254, 240, 202},{253, 238, 190},{254, 236, 183},{254, 233, 174},{253, 231, 164},{254, 228, 156},{253, 226, 146},{252, 224, 137},{254, 221, 129},{252, 218, 120},{252, 217, 110},{253, 215, 102},{252, 212, 94},{252, 209, 84},{254, 206, 75},{254, 204, 68},{252, 203, 58},{253, 200, 47},{252, 197, 40},{254, 194, 31},{253, 193, 24},{252, 191, 14},{253, 189, 3},{251, 186, 0},{242, 178, 0},{233, 172, 0},{224, 165, 0},{215, 159, 0},{206, 152, 0},{198, 145, 0},{188, 139, 0},{179, 133, 0},{170, 127, 0},{161, 120, 0},{153, 114, 0},{144, 108, 0},{136, 100, 0},{128, 94, 0},{119, 88, 0},{109, 81, 0},{102, 75, 0},{93, 69, 0},{84, 62, 0},{75, 55, 0},{66, 49, 0},{57, 42, 0},{50, 35, 0},{41, 29, 0},{30, 24, 0},{22, 17, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 7, 5}},{{245, 242, 226},{255, 255, 227},{254, 243, 209},{254, 241, 201},{253, 239, 191},{254, 237, 184},{254, 234, 173},{254, 233, 165},{253, 231, 156},{254, 230, 147},{254, 226, 137},{254, 224, 128},{254, 221, 122},{252, 219, 112},{253, 218, 103},{253, 215, 94},{253, 213, 85},{253, 210, 75},{254, 209, 67},{253, 206, 58},{253, 203, 48},{253, 203, 41},{253, 199, 31},{253, 197, 24},{252, 195, 14},{254, 194, 4},{251, 189, 0},{242, 183, 0},{233, 177, 0},{223, 170, 0},{215, 163, 0},{205, 157, 0},{196, 150, 0},{188, 143, 0},{180, 137, 0},{171, 130, 0},{162, 123, 0},{154, 116, 0},{145, 110, 0},{137, 103, 0},{128, 96, 0},{120, 90, 0},{111, 83, 0},{102, 76, 0},{93, 71, 1},{85, 65, 1},{76, 56, 0},{67, 51, 0},{57, 44, 0},{48, 37, 0},{39, 30, 0},{31, 24, 1},{22, 17, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{245, 241, 226},{255, 255, 228},{254, 246, 210},{254, 243, 201},{254, 241, 191},{254, 239, 183},{255, 237, 173},{254, 235, 165},{253, 233, 156},{255, 232, 147},{255, 229, 137},{254, 228, 129},{254, 225, 122},{253, 223, 112},{253, 220, 102},{254, 219, 93},{254, 217, 85},{253, 215, 76},{252, 213, 66},{253, 210, 58},{253, 209, 50},{253, 207, 41},{254, 206, 31},{253, 203, 23},{252, 201, 12},{254, 199, 3},{251, 196, 0},{242, 188, 0},{233, 182, 0},{223, 175, 0},{215, 168, 0},{206, 161, 0},{198, 154, 0},{189, 147, 0},{180, 140, 0},{172, 133, 0},{163, 126, 0},{153, 120, 0},{145, 114, 0},{137, 107, 0},{128, 100, 0},{120, 93, 0},{112, 86, 0},{101, 79, 0},{92, 74, 1},{84, 67, 1},{76, 59, 1},{66, 52, 0},{57, 46, 0},{49, 39, 0},{39, 32, 1},{31, 24, 1},{23, 18, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 7, 4}},{{245, 242, 224},{255, 255, 227},{254, 246, 209},{253, 244, 200},{254, 242, 191},{253, 241, 182},{254, 239, 173},{255, 237, 165},{254, 235, 156},{254, 234, 146},{254, 231, 138},{253, 230, 128},{253, 229, 120},{253, 226, 110},{253, 225, 101},{253, 224, 94},{252, 221, 84},{253, 219, 75},{253, 218, 66},{252, 216, 57},{252, 215, 49},{253, 213, 40},{253, 211, 31},{252, 209, 22},{253, 207, 12},{254, 206, 3},{251, 204, 0},{243, 196, 0},{233, 188, 0},{224, 181, 1},{216, 174, 1},{205, 167, 0},{197, 160, 0},{189, 152, 0},{179, 145, 0},{171, 137, 0},{162, 131, 0},{153, 125, 0},{144, 118, 0},{136, 111, 0},{128, 104, 0},{119, 96, 0},{110, 89, 0},{101, 83, 0},{93, 75, 0},{85, 68, 1},{74, 61, 0},{66, 54, 0},{58, 47, 0},{49, 41, 0},{40, 34, 0},{31, 27, 0},{21, 18, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 8, 5}},{{246, 243, 225},{255, 255, 227},{253, 247, 209},{254, 245, 200},{254, 244, 190},{254, 244, 183},{254, 241, 173},{255, 239, 165},{255, 237, 156},{254, 236, 145},{254, 235, 138},{254, 233, 130},{253, 231, 120},{253, 230, 111},{253, 228, 103},{253, 227, 93},{252, 226, 84},{253, 224, 76},{253, 222, 67},{253, 221, 57},{253, 220, 48},{253, 217, 40},{253, 216, 30},{253, 214, 21},{253, 213, 13},{254, 211, 3},{251, 209, 0},{242, 201, 0},{233, 193, 0},{225, 186, 1},{216, 180, 1},{205, 173, 0},{198, 165, 0},{189, 157, 0},{180, 149, 0},{171, 142, 0},{162, 135, 0},{154, 129, 0},{144, 122, 0},{135, 113, 0},{129, 107, 0},{120, 99, 0},{110, 91, 0},{101, 84, 0},{94, 77, 0},{85, 70, 1},{74, 64, 0},{66, 56, 0},{58, 49, 0},{48, 42, 0},{40, 34, 0},{32, 28, 0},{21, 19, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 8, 5}},{{245, 243, 224},{255, 255, 227},{253, 248, 209},{253, 247, 201},{254, 246, 191},{254, 244, 183},{254, 242, 173},{254, 241, 165},{254, 241, 156},{255, 239, 146},{253, 237, 138},{254, 236, 128},{253, 234, 120},{254, 232, 112},{253, 231, 103},{253, 229, 93},{254, 229, 86},{253, 227, 75},{252, 226, 66},{252, 225, 59},{253, 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1},{21, 20, 1},{7, 7, 0},{7, 8, 5}},{{246, 245, 223},{255, 255, 226},{254, 251, 209},{253, 251, 201},{255, 250, 192},{254, 249, 183},{255, 248, 171},{254, 248, 165},{254, 247, 157},{255, 246, 145},{254, 245, 137},{254, 244, 127},{253, 244, 118},{252, 243, 111},{252, 242, 102},{252, 243, 91},{253, 241, 84},{253, 239, 75},{253, 239, 67},{253, 239, 58},{254, 238, 48},{252, 237, 40},{253, 236, 29},{253, 236, 22},{253, 235, 11},{255, 234, 1},{250, 231, 0},{241, 223, 0},{233, 215, 0},{225, 208, 1},{216, 199, 1},{205, 190, 0},{197, 182, 0},{188, 174, 0},{180, 167, 0},{171, 159, 0},{162, 150, 0},{153, 143, 0},{143, 136, 0},{135, 127, 0},{128, 119, 0},{120, 110, 0},{110, 102, 0},{100, 94, 1},{92, 85, 0},{85, 78, 0},{76, 69, 0},{65, 62, 0},{58, 55, 0},{49, 46, 0},{40, 38, 0},{31, 29, 1},{22, 20, 1},{8, 7, 0},{7, 8, 5}},{{245, 245, 224},{255, 255, 226},{254, 253, 208},{254, 252, 201},{254, 252, 192},{255, 251, 182},{255, 250, 174},{255, 250, 166},{255, 249, 156},{255, 248, 147},{255, 248, 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14},{252, 246, 3},{249, 244, 1},{240, 236, 0},{230, 226, 0},{220, 218, 0},{213, 210, 0},{205, 201, 0},{196, 192, 0},{187, 184, 0},{178, 175, 0},{170, 166, 0},{160, 158, 0},{153, 150, 0},{145, 141, 0},{135, 132, 0},{127, 124, 0},{118, 116, 0},{108, 107, 0},{100, 99, 0},{91, 91, 1},{82, 82, 1},{74, 73, 1},{66, 66, 1},{57, 57, 0},{49, 47, 0},{39, 39, 0},{31, 31, 1},{21, 21, 1},{7, 8, 0},{8, 8, 4}},{{243, 245, 224},{255, 255, 228},{251, 254, 210},{251, 253, 201},{250, 252, 192},{249, 253, 183},{248, 253, 173},{248, 252, 166},{246, 252, 156},{245, 252, 148},{246, 251, 138},{246, 251, 128},{244, 251, 121},{244, 251, 111},{245, 251, 102},{243, 250, 93},{242, 250, 83},{241, 249, 75},{240, 249, 66},{240, 249, 58},{239, 249, 48},{237, 249, 40},{235, 248, 29},{237, 248, 24},{236, 248, 13},{236, 248, 2},{233, 245, 0},{223, 236, 0},{215, 228, 0},{208, 220, 1},{200, 210, 1},{192, 202, 0},{183, 193, 0},{175, 184, 0},{168, 176, 0},{159, 167, 0},{151, 159, 0},{142, 150, 0},{135, 142, 0},{126, 134, 0},{119, 125, 0},{110, 116, 0},{101, 108, 0},{93, 100, 0},{86, 92, 0},{78, 83, 0},{70, 74, 0},{62, 65, 0},{54, 57, 0},{46, 48, 0},{37, 40, 1},{29, 31, 0},{20, 22, 0},{7, 9, 0},{7, 7, 5}},{{243, 245, 224},{255, 255, 228},{248, 253, 209},{247, 253, 201},{246, 252, 192},{244, 253, 183},{244, 253, 173},{242, 251, 165},{240, 253, 155},{240, 252, 148},{239, 250, 140},{240, 251, 130},{236, 252, 121},{235, 251, 111},{235, 249, 103},{233, 250, 94},{232, 250, 86},{231, 249, 75},{231, 249, 66},{229, 249, 59},{227, 250, 48},{225, 249, 41},{223, 248, 31},{224, 248, 24},{223, 248, 13},{221, 248, 2},{219, 246, 0},{210, 237, 0},{203, 228, 0},{197, 219, 1},{188, 210, 1},{180, 202, 0},{172, 194, 0},{164, 185, 0},{157, 175, 0},{150, 168, 0},{142, 160, 0},{133, 150, 0},{126, 142, 0},{119, 134, 0},{111, 124, 0},{103, 115, 0},{96, 108, 1},{88, 99, 1},{80, 91, 1},{73, 83, 0},{64, 74, 0},{58, 65, 0},{51, 56, 0},{43, 49, 0},{34, 39, 1},{26, 30, 1},{18, 22, 0},{7, 8, 0},{7, 7, 5}},{{242, 245, 225},{255, 255, 228},{247, 254, 210},{244, 253, 200},{243, 253, 192},{241, 253, 183},{240, 252, 171},{237, 251, 164},{236, 252, 156},{235, 252, 147},{233, 251, 139},{233, 251, 131},{232, 251, 121},{228, 250, 111},{226, 250, 102},{225, 250, 93},{224, 251, 86},{222, 249, 75},{221, 248, 65},{217, 249, 57},{216, 248, 49},{216, 247, 42},{213, 249, 31},{211, 249, 22},{210, 247, 12},{209, 247, 2},{205, 245, 0},{198, 236, 0},{191, 229, 0},{186, 219, 1},{179, 210, 0},{170, 203, 0},{162, 194, 0},{154, 184, 0},{147, 176, 0},{140, 168, 0},{134, 159, 0},{125, 150, 0},{119, 142, 0},{112, 134, 0},{105, 125, 0},{98, 116, 0},{91, 108, 0},{84, 99, 0},{77, 90, 1},{68, 83, 0},{60, 75, 0},{55, 65, 0},{48, 56, 0},{39, 49, 0},{32, 40, 0},{26, 31, 1},{18, 22, 1},{6, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{241, 246, 224},{255, 255, 227},{244, 254, 210},{242, 253, 201},{239, 253, 193},{238, 252, 183},{235, 253, 172},{233, 253, 164},{231, 252, 156},{229, 252, 146},{227, 252, 139},{226, 251, 130},{224, 250, 120},{222, 250, 111},{219, 250, 102},{217, 251, 93},{213, 250, 85},{211, 250, 74},{211, 250, 64},{208, 250, 57},{206, 250, 49},{204, 249, 42},{200, 249, 30},{197, 250, 21},{196, 249, 12},{195, 248, 3},{191, 245, 0},{184, 237, 0},{177, 230, 0},{171, 221, 0},{164, 212, 0},{158, 202, 0},{149, 194, 0},{143, 185, 0},{137, 177, 0},{130, 168, 0},{125, 160, 0},{118, 151, 0},{112, 142, 1},{105, 133, 0},{98, 124, 0},{91, 116, 0},{84, 108, 0},{78, 99, 0},{71, 91, 0},{65, 83, 0},{56, 73, 0},{51, 64, 0},{45, 56, 0},{37, 49, 0},{29, 40, 0},{24, 31, 0},{17, 21, 0},{5, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{240, 246, 224},{254, 255, 226},{239, 255, 209},{237, 253, 201},{236, 253, 192},{234, 253, 183},{231, 253, 173},{227, 253, 165},{225, 252, 156},{224, 252, 146},{221, 252, 139},{217, 252, 129},{214, 251, 120},{213, 252, 112},{212, 251, 103},{207, 251, 93},{203, 250, 85},{202, 250, 76},{200, 250, 66},{198, 249, 58},{194, 249, 49},{192, 248, 41},{189, 249, 31},{186, 248, 21},{184, 247, 13},{183, 249, 3},{179, 246, 0},{172, 237, 0},{165, 229, 0},{159, 221, 0},{153, 212, 0},{147, 201, 0},{141, 193, 0},{134, 184, 0},{128, 176, 0},{122, 168, 0},{116, 159, 0},{108, 151, 0},{102, 142, 0},{96, 134, 0},{90, 125, 0},{85, 116, 0},{79, 107, 0},{71, 99, 0},{66, 91, 0},{59, 83, 0},{52, 73, 0},{46, 64, 0},{40, 57, 0},{34, 49, 0},{27, 41, 0},{22, 31, 1},{16, 21, 1},{3, 8, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{238, 245, 224},{251, 255, 228},{237, 254, 210},{236, 254, 202},{233, 253, 190},{230, 253, 182},{226, 253, 173},{222, 253, 164},{220, 253, 156},{218, 253, 146},{215, 252, 138},{210, 252, 129},{207, 252, 121},{204, 252, 112},{203, 250, 102},{198, 250, 92},{195, 251, 85},{191, 251, 76},{190, 252, 66},{187, 249, 58},{181, 250, 49},{180, 250, 41},{177, 250, 31},{174, 249, 22},{171, 249, 13},{169, 250, 2},{163, 246, 0},{158, 238, 0},{152, 230, 0},{146, 221, 0},{140, 213, 0},{135, 202, 0},{131, 194, 0},{124, 185, 0},{117, 177, 0},{112, 170, 0},{107, 160, 0},{100, 151, 0},{94, 144, 0},{90, 135, 0},{83, 125, 0},{77, 116, 0},{72, 108, 0},{67, 100, 0},{61, 91, 0},{54, 83, 0},{49, 73, 1},{44, 64, 0},{38, 58, 0},{32, 49, 0},{25, 41, 1},{20, 31, 1},{15, 22, 0},{2, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{237, 245, 224},{249, 255, 227},{237, 255, 210},{234, 254, 202},{230, 253, 191},{225, 252, 182},{221, 253, 173},{219, 253, 165},{216, 254, 156},{211, 253, 146},{209, 251, 139},{206, 252, 129},{201, 252, 121},{197, 253, 111},{194, 251, 102},{189, 250, 93},{186, 251, 84},{183, 252, 75},{179, 251, 65},{176, 250, 57},{173, 250, 48},{169, 250, 41},{165, 249, 31},{162, 249, 22},{157, 249, 12},{154, 249, 2},{151, 246, 0},{144, 238, 0},{139, 230, 0},{135, 222, 0},{129, 211, 0},{123, 202, 0},{119, 195, 0},{115, 186, 0},{108, 178, 0},{103, 169, 0},{98, 160, 0},{93, 151, 0},{89, 143, 0},{82, 135, 0},{78, 127, 0},{72, 117, 0},{66, 108, 0},{61, 100, 0},{57, 92, 0},{51, 83, 1},{44, 73, 1},{41, 65, 0},{35, 58, 0},{28, 49, 0},{23, 41, 0},{18, 31, 1},{14, 21, 0},{2, 9, 0},{6, 8, 4}},{{235, 244, 224},{247, 255, 226},{234, 255, 208},{230, 254, 202},{226, 253, 192},{222, 253, 183},{217, 253, 174},{215, 253, 165},{210, 253, 155},{205, 253, 146},{203, 252, 139},{199, 252, 130},{194, 251, 120},{189, 252, 110},{186, 251, 102},{181, 251, 95},{177, 251, 85},{173, 251, 76},{168, 251, 65},{165, 250, 57},{161, 250, 47},{157, 251, 40},{153, 251, 32},{148, 250, 22},{143, 250, 12},{140, 251, 3},{137, 247, 0},{131, 239, 0},{126, 230, 0},{122, 222, 0},{118, 213, 0},{112, 204, 0},{108, 195, 0},{104, 187, 0},{99, 178, 0},{96, 168, 0},{90, 160, 0},{84, 151, 0},{81, 143, 0},{75, 134, 0},{71, 126, 0},{65, 117, 0},{59, 109, 0},{55, 100, 0},{51, 91, 0},{46, 82, 0},{41, 74, 0},{37, 65, 0},{31, 57, 0},{25, 49, 0},{22, 40, 0},{16, 30, 0},{12, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 5}},{{236, 245, 225},{246, 255, 227},{231, 253, 208},{226, 253, 201},{222, 254, 191},{218, 254, 185},{213, 253, 175},{209, 253, 165},{205, 253, 156},{200, 253, 146},{195, 253, 137},{190, 253, 129},{187, 252, 121},{183, 252, 110},{177, 252, 103},{172, 252, 94},{169, 251, 86},{165, 251, 77},{160, 251, 68},{156, 250, 58},{151, 251, 48},{147, 250, 41},{142, 251, 31},{137, 249, 23},{133, 249, 14},{128, 251, 2},{125, 248, 0},{119, 239, 1},{115, 230, 1},{111, 221, 1},{107, 213, 1},{103, 204, 0},{99, 196, 0},{94, 186, 0},{90, 177, 0},{84, 170, 0},{80, 161, 0},{75, 153, 0},{72, 144, 0},{67, 135, 0},{63, 126, 0},{58, 118, 0},{53, 109, 0},{50, 100, 0},{45, 91, 0},{41, 83, 0},{36, 75, 0},{32, 66, 0},{28, 58, 0},{23, 49, 0},{19, 39, 0},{15, 30, 1},{9, 22, 1},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{234, 245, 224},{244, 255, 227},{229, 254, 210},{224, 254, 201},{218, 254, 191},{213, 254, 183},{209, 253, 174},{204, 253, 165},{199, 253, 155},{194, 253, 146},{189, 253, 137},{183, 253, 128},{179, 252, 121},{175, 252, 111},{169, 252, 102},{164, 252, 92},{160, 251, 85},{155, 251, 77},{150, 251, 67},{144, 251, 58},{138, 251, 48},{135, 251, 40},{129, 251, 30},{123, 251, 22},{118, 250, 13},{114, 251, 2},{111, 248, 0},{105, 239, 0},{101, 231, 0},{99, 221, 0},{94, 214, 0},{92, 204, 0},{85, 196, 0},{81, 186, 0},{78, 177, 0},{75, 170, 0},{71, 161, 0},{67, 152, 0},{63, 144, 0},{58, 135, 0},{56, 125, 0},{52, 118, 0},{48, 109, 0},{45, 100, 0},{40, 92, 0},{36, 84, 0},{32, 75, 0},{27, 66, 0},{24, 58, 0},{21, 49, 0},{18, 40, 0},{14, 31, 1},{8, 22, 1},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{232, 245, 223},{243, 255, 226},{227, 254, 209},{222, 254, 200},{216, 255, 190},{211, 254, 182},{205, 254, 173},{200, 254, 165},{195, 253, 155},{189, 253, 146},{183, 253, 137},{179, 253, 130},{173, 252, 122},{167, 252, 111},{161, 253, 102},{156, 252, 94},{152, 251, 86},{146, 252, 76},{139, 252, 66},{134, 252, 58},{129, 252, 48},{123, 251, 41},{118, 251, 30},{111, 251, 22},{106, 250, 13},{101, 251, 4},{97, 249, 0},{94, 239, 0},{90, 231, 0},{86, 222, 0},{83, 215, 0},{81, 205, 0},{75, 196, 0},{71, 187, 0},{70, 178, 1},{66, 171, 1},{64, 162, 0},{60, 152, 0},{56, 144, 0},{52, 135, 0},{50, 127, 0},{46, 118, 0},{42, 109, 0},{39, 99, 0},{36, 92, 0},{32, 85, 0},{29, 74, 0},{25, 66, 0},{21, 58, 0},{18, 50, 0},{16, 39, 0},{11, 31, 0},{8, 23, 0},{0, 8, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{232, 246, 224},{240, 255, 226},{224, 254, 208},{218, 254, 200},{214, 254, 191},{207, 253, 183},{200, 253, 172},{195, 254, 165},{189, 253, 155},{183, 253, 146},{177, 254, 138},{172, 253, 129},{165, 253, 121},{159, 253, 112},{153, 254, 102},{147, 252, 93},{142, 252, 85},{134, 252, 74},{128, 252, 66},{122, 253, 58},{116, 253, 47},{110, 252, 40},{105, 251, 31},{97, 251, 22},{91, 251, 13},{87, 252, 4},{82, 249, 0},{79, 239, 0},{76, 231, 0},{73, 223, 0},{70, 215, 0},{68, 206, 0},{65, 197, 0},{63, 187, 0},{61, 178, 0},{57, 170, 0},{54, 161, 0},{51, 152, 0},{49, 144, 0},{46, 135, 0},{42, 127, 0},{40, 118, 0},{36, 109, 0},{33, 100, 0},{31, 93, 0},{28, 84, 0},{25, 74, 0},{21, 66, 0},{18, 58, 0},{15, 49, 0},{12, 39, 0},{9, 31, 0},{6, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{230, 245, 224},{237, 255, 227},{221, 254, 209},{216, 254, 200},{209, 254, 191},{202, 254, 183},{195, 254, 172},{189, 254, 166},{182, 253, 156},{176, 254, 146},{171, 254, 139},{163, 254, 129},{157, 253, 120},{151, 253, 112},{144, 253, 101},{137, 253, 92},{131, 252, 85},{125, 252, 76},{119, 252, 66},{112, 252, 58},{105, 252, 48},{100, 251, 42},{93, 251, 32},{86, 251, 22},{79, 251, 13},{73, 252, 4},{69, 249, 0},{66, 240, 0},{63, 231, 0},{61, 222, 0},{59, 215, 0},{57, 206, 0},{54, 197, 0},{51, 189, 0},{48, 179, 0},{46, 171, 0},{44, 163, 0},{42, 154, 0},{41, 145, 0},{37, 135, 0},{34, 127, 0},{32, 119, 0},{30, 110, 0},{27, 101, 0},{25, 93, 0},{22, 84, 0},{18, 75, 0},{17, 66, 0},{15, 57, 0},{12, 50, 0},{10, 40, 0},{8, 31, 0},{6, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 9, 4}},{{229, 245, 224},{235, 255, 228},{219, 254, 210},{212, 253, 201},{205, 254, 191},{199, 254, 183},{191, 254, 173},{185, 254, 166},{177, 254, 156},{170, 255, 146},{165, 254, 138},{157, 254, 130},{150, 253, 121},{143, 253, 111},{137, 252, 102},{129, 253, 92},{120, 254, 85},{114, 253, 76},{109, 254, 67},{101, 254, 58},{93, 253, 49},{89, 252, 42},{80, 252, 32},{73, 252, 23},{66, 253, 14},{59, 253, 5},{56, 249, 0},{53, 241, 0},{50, 233, 0},{48, 222, 0},{46, 214, 0},{45, 206, 0},{44, 196, 0},{41, 188, 0},{38, 180, 0},{36, 172, 0},{35, 163, 0},{32, 154, 0},{32, 145, 0},{29, 136, 0},{27, 127, 0},{25, 119, 0},{24, 110, 0},{21, 102, 0},{20, 92, 0},{19, 85, 0},{14, 75, 0},{13, 67, 0},{13, 58, 0},{10, 49, 0},{7, 40, 0},{7, 31, 0},{5, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 9, 4}},{{227, 244, 225},{235, 255, 228},{217, 254, 209},{209, 254, 201},{203, 254, 191},{196, 254, 182},{186, 255, 172},{180, 254, 164},{173, 253, 156},{164, 254, 147},{158, 254, 138},{151, 254, 129},{143, 252, 121},{135, 252, 111},{126, 252, 102},{120, 252, 94},{113, 253, 85},{106, 253, 76},{100, 253, 67},{91, 253, 59},{83, 253, 49},{77, 252, 40},{70, 252, 31},{61, 252, 22},{54, 251, 13},{47, 252, 4},{44, 250, 0},{41, 242, 0},{39, 233, 0},{39, 222, 0},{37, 213, 0},{34, 206, 0},{33, 197, 0},{32, 188, 0},{29, 179, 0},{29, 171, 0},{27, 162, 0},{24, 153, 0},{24, 144, 0},{23, 136, 0},{22, 127, 0},{21, 118, 0},{19, 110, 0},{16, 101, 0},{15, 93, 0},{14, 84, 0},{12, 74, 0},{11, 66, 0},{9, 57, 0},{7, 49, 0},{5, 41, 0},{4, 33, 0},{5, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{226, 244, 224},{232, 255, 227},{215, 254, 210},{207, 255, 202},{200, 255, 191},{192, 254, 181},{182, 255, 172},{176, 254, 165},{168, 253, 156},{159, 255, 146},{152, 254, 138},{144, 253, 128},{137, 253, 120},{128, 253, 112},{119, 253, 100},{112, 254, 91},{104, 254, 83},{98, 254, 75},{91, 253, 67},{82, 252, 58},{73, 252, 47},{65, 254, 39},{57, 254, 30},{48, 254, 21},{41, 253, 12},{32, 254, 3},{29, 252, 0},{28, 244, 0},{24, 234, 0},{26, 223, 0},{25, 216, 0},{22, 207, 0},{21, 198, 0},{20, 190, 0},{20, 181, 0},{20, 172, 0},{19, 163, 0},{18, 153, 0},{16, 144, 0},{15, 137, 0},{15, 128, 0},{15, 119, 0},{14, 111, 0},{11, 101, 0},{10, 92, 0},{8, 84, 0},{9, 75, 0},{7, 66, 0},{5, 58, 0},{5, 50, 0},{4, 41, 0},{3, 32, 0},{3, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{226, 244, 224},{230, 255, 228},{212, 255, 209},{204, 255, 201},{194, 254, 191},{186, 254, 182},{177, 254, 174},{170, 255, 166},{160, 254, 156},{152, 254, 147},{144, 254, 138},{134, 254, 129},{126, 254, 121},{118, 253, 111},{111, 253, 101},{101, 255, 92},{92, 255, 84},{85, 254, 75},{77, 254, 66},{69, 253, 58},{58, 254, 48},{54, 253, 40},{44, 253, 31},{36, 253, 21},{27, 253, 11},{18, 255, 3},{14, 251, 0},{13, 242, 0},{12, 233, 0},{13, 223, 0},{11, 215, 0},{11, 207, 0},{11, 197, 0},{10, 189, 0},{10, 180, 0},{8, 172, 0},{7, 163, 0},{7, 155, 0},{6, 146, 0},{7, 137, 0},{6, 129, 0},{4, 120, 0},{6, 111, 0},{5, 101, 0},{4, 92, 0},{3, 85, 0},{3, 76, 0},{2, 67, 0},{3, 59, 0},{3, 50, 0},{1, 40, 0},{1, 31, 0},{0, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 224},{227, 255, 228},{209, 255, 209},{202, 255, 201},{191, 255, 192},{182, 254, 182},{173, 254, 174},{165, 254, 166},{155, 254, 157},{147, 255, 148},{138, 254, 139},{128, 255, 130},{120, 254, 122},{112, 254, 113},{104, 253, 104},{93, 254, 95},{86, 255, 87},{76, 254, 78},{67, 254, 68},{59, 255, 58},{48, 254, 50},{42, 254, 43},{32, 254, 34},{22, 254, 24},{13, 255, 14},{4, 255, 7},{0, 251, 2},{1, 242, 1},{1, 235, 2},{0, 225, 1},{0, 216, 0},{1, 207, 1},{1, 199, 1},{0, 190, 0},{1, 180, 0},{0, 172, 1},{0, 164, 1},{0, 155, 0},{0, 147, 0},{0, 138, 0},{0, 129, 0},{0, 120, 0},{1, 111, 0},{1, 102, 1},{0, 94, 1},{0, 85, 1},{0, 75, 0},{0, 67, 1},{0, 59, 0},{0, 49, 0},{0, 40, 0},{0, 32, 0},{0, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{223, 245, 223},{227, 255, 227},{210, 255, 212},{200, 254, 203},{191, 255, 195},{183, 255, 185},{174, 255, 176},{164, 255, 168},{156, 254, 161},{146, 255, 152},{137, 254, 142},{129, 255, 135},{121, 254, 126},{112, 255, 118},{103, 255, 108},{94, 255, 100},{86, 254, 92},{77, 255, 84},{68, 254, 75},{59, 255, 65},{49, 255, 56},{41, 254, 51},{31, 254, 41},{22, 255, 31},{13, 255, 23},{2, 255, 14},{0, 253, 9},{0, 245, 9},{0, 235, 8},{0, 226, 8},{0, 217, 8},{0, 207, 8},{0, 200, 8},{0, 190, 6},{0, 182, 6},{1, 173, 6},{1, 164, 5},{0, 155, 5},{0, 147, 4},{0, 138, 3},{0, 128, 4},{0, 119, 4},{0, 112, 3},{0, 102, 3},{0, 94, 3},{0, 85, 2},{0, 75, 1},{0, 67, 2},{0, 59, 2},{0, 49, 1},{1, 41, 0},{0, 32, 1},{0, 23, 1},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{223, 245, 223},{227, 255, 229},{210, 254, 213},{200, 255, 204},{191, 255, 197},{184, 255, 190},{175, 255, 180},{165, 255, 171},{157, 254, 164},{147, 254, 155},{137, 255, 146},{129, 254, 139},{122, 254, 131},{113, 254, 123},{103, 255, 113},{94, 255, 106},{86, 254, 97},{76, 254, 90},{68, 254, 83},{59, 255, 73},{50, 255, 64},{42, 254, 58},{33, 254, 49},{24, 255, 40},{14, 254, 31},{4, 255, 23},{0, 253, 19},{1, 244, 17},{0, 235, 17},{1, 225, 17},{1, 217, 16},{1, 208, 15},{0, 198, 15},{1, 190, 14},{1, 181, 13},{1, 173, 13},{1, 163, 11},{0, 154, 10},{0, 146, 10},{0, 137, 8},{0, 128, 9},{0, 120, 8},{0, 111, 8},{0, 102, 6},{0, 94, 6},{0, 85, 5},{0, 75, 5},{0, 67, 3},{0, 58, 4},{0, 49, 3},{1, 40, 2},{0, 31, 1},{0, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{224, 245, 226},{227, 255, 233},{210, 255, 216},{201, 255, 207},{192, 255, 200},{184, 255, 192},{175, 254, 182},{166, 255, 176},{157, 255, 169},{148, 255, 160},{139, 254, 153},{130, 254, 145},{121, 254, 136},{112, 254, 128},{103, 254, 120},{95, 254, 113},{85, 253, 104},{76, 254, 96},{68, 254, 90},{59, 254, 81},{50, 254, 72},{43, 254, 65},{33, 254, 57},{23, 253, 49},{14, 253, 40},{5, 255, 33},{0, 252, 29},{0, 242, 29},{1, 233, 28},{1, 224, 25},{0, 216, 23},{1, 207, 24},{0, 198, 23},{1, 190, 21},{0, 180, 20},{0, 172, 20},{0, 163, 19},{0, 154, 17},{0, 145, 15},{0, 136, 15},{0, 128, 15},{0, 121, 14},{1, 111, 12},{1, 101, 11},{1, 94, 11},{1, 86, 10},{1, 77, 8},{0, 66, 7},{0, 58, 5},{0, 50, 5},{0, 40, 5},{0, 31, 3},{0, 22, 1},{0, 8, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 228},{227, 255, 234},{210, 253, 217},{202, 254, 210},{192, 255, 203},{184, 255, 195},{176, 254, 185},{166, 255, 178},{157, 255, 172},{149, 254, 163},{140, 255, 157},{131, 255, 150},{122, 253, 142},{113, 254, 133},{103, 254, 126},{95, 254, 119},{87, 254, 111},{78, 254, 103},{68, 253, 97},{60, 253, 89},{50, 254, 79},{43, 254, 72},{33, 253, 66},{25, 253, 58},{14, 255, 49},{5, 255, 42},{1, 252, 37},{1, 243, 37},{1, 233, 35},{1, 225, 34},{0, 217, 31},{1, 208, 32},{1, 198, 31},{0, 190, 28},{0, 181, 27},{1, 172, 27},{1, 163, 26},{0, 154, 23},{0, 146, 21},{0, 137, 22},{0, 128, 20},{0, 121, 18},{1, 111, 17},{1, 102, 15},{1, 94, 14},{1, 85, 12},{1, 77, 12},{1, 67, 10},{1, 59, 8},{0, 50, 7},{0, 41, 6},{0, 32, 5},{0, 22, 3},{0, 8, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 229},{228, 255, 234},{210, 254, 218},{201, 254, 212},{192, 255, 203},{184, 254, 197},{175, 255, 188},{166, 255, 182},{158, 254, 174},{148, 255, 166},{138, 255, 161},{131, 255, 155},{122, 253, 147},{113, 254, 139},{104, 254, 130},{96, 254, 123},{87, 254, 117},{77, 254, 109},{68, 253, 101},{61, 253, 95},{51, 254, 88},{43, 254, 81},{34, 254, 74},{26, 254, 65},{16, 254, 58},{7, 254, 51},{2, 251, 46},{1, 243, 42},{2, 234, 42},{2, 225, 43},{1, 216, 40},{1, 206, 40},{1, 198, 37},{1, 189, 34},{0, 180, 34},{2, 172, 33},{2, 163, 29},{0, 154, 27},{0, 146, 27},{0, 137, 25},{1, 128, 24},{1, 120, 22},{1, 111, 21},{1, 102, 19},{1, 94, 16},{1, 84, 14},{0, 75, 14},{0, 67, 12},{0, 59, 8},{0, 51, 9},{0, 41, 8},{0, 32, 6},{0, 22, 4},{0, 9, 0},{4, 10, 4}},{{224, 245, 229},{228, 255, 235},{211, 255, 220},{201, 254, 214},{192, 255, 205},{184, 255, 199},{175, 254, 191},{167, 254, 186},{158, 254, 178},{148, 254, 169},{138, 255, 165},{131, 255, 159},{123, 254, 152},{114, 253, 144},{105, 254, 137},{96, 254, 129},{87, 254, 122},{78, 254, 116},{69, 254, 110},{61, 254, 102},{51, 254, 94},{44, 253, 89},{35, 254, 82},{26, 254, 74},{16, 254, 68},{7, 254, 61},{2, 251, 56},{2, 243, 52},{2, 234, 51},{2, 224, 50},{2, 217, 48},{1, 207, 47},{1, 198, 45},{1, 188, 41},{2, 179, 39},{2, 172, 38},{1, 164, 35},{1, 154, 33},{2, 146, 33},{0, 137, 29},{1, 128, 28},{1, 120, 27},{1, 111, 25},{1, 101, 23},{1, 93, 21},{1, 85, 18},{0, 76, 17},{1, 67, 14},{0, 59, 11},{0, 51, 10},{0, 41, 9},{0, 32, 7},{0, 22, 3},{0, 9, 0},{4, 10, 5}},{{224, 244, 229},{228, 255, 239},{211, 255, 221},{202, 254, 215},{192, 254, 210},{183, 254, 203},{174, 254, 195},{167, 254, 190},{158, 254, 182},{149, 254, 175},{139, 254, 169},{131, 254, 163},{122, 253, 157},{113, 253, 149},{105, 254, 143},{96, 253, 137},{88, 254, 131},{79, 254, 124},{70, 254, 119},{60, 253, 111},{51, 252, 104},{44, 252, 99},{35, 252, 90},{25, 253, 83},{16, 253, 77},{7, 254, 71},{3, 252, 66},{2, 242, 64},{2, 232, 61},{2, 223, 58},{2, 216, 57},{2, 206, 55},{1, 197, 53},{1, 188, 50},{3, 180, 47},{2, 172, 46},{1, 163, 43},{0, 154, 39},{2, 145, 39},{0, 137, 36},{1, 128, 33},{1, 119, 32},{0, 110, 29},{1, 101, 27},{1, 93, 25},{1, 84, 23},{0, 75, 19},{1, 66, 16},{0, 58, 15},{0, 50, 12},{0, 41, 10},{0, 32, 8},{1, 24, 5},{0, 8, 0},{5, 7, 6}},{{224, 244, 230},{228, 255, 240},{211, 255, 221},{203, 255, 217},{193, 254, 213},{183, 253, 206},{175, 254, 198},{167, 253, 193},{158, 254, 187},{150, 255, 181},{141, 254, 175},{132, 254, 167},{123, 253, 161},{114, 254, 154},{105, 254, 149},{96, 254, 143},{88, 254, 137},{78, 254, 131},{69, 254, 126},{61, 253, 118},{52, 253, 110},{44, 253, 106},{35, 253, 99},{26, 253, 93},{17, 253, 87},{7, 255, 80},{2, 252, 77},{3, 242, 74},{3, 233, 70},{3, 224, 67},{3, 216, 65},{2, 206, 61},{1, 197, 58},{2, 189, 57},{3, 181, 55},{2, 172, 51},{1, 163, 49},{1, 155, 45},{2, 145, 45},{1, 137, 41},{1, 128, 37},{1, 119, 37},{2, 110, 34},{2, 101, 30},{1, 92, 28},{1, 84, 26},{0, 75, 21},{1, 66, 19},{1, 59, 18},{1, 51, 14},{0, 41, 10},{0, 32, 8},{1, 24, 7},{0, 8, 0},{5, 7, 6}},{{224, 243, 230},{229, 255, 240},{212, 255, 225},{201, 255, 218},{193, 255, 213},{184, 254, 209},{174, 254, 199},{168, 254, 195},{159, 254, 191},{148, 254, 184},{139, 254, 177},{131, 254, 173},{124, 254, 167},{114, 254, 158},{105, 254, 153},{96, 254, 148},{88, 253, 142},{79, 254, 137},{71, 254, 131},{62, 253, 124},{53, 254, 118},{46, 254, 114},{35, 253, 106},{27, 253, 100},{18, 253, 94},{8, 254, 89},{3, 251, 85},{3, 242, 82},{3, 234, 80},{4, 225, 76},{3, 215, 71},{3, 206, 71},{3, 197, 68},{3, 189, 63},{3, 181, 61},{3, 172, 57},{2, 163, 53},{2, 155, 50},{3, 146, 48},{1, 136, 43},{1, 128, 42},{1, 119, 41},{2, 110, 37},{3, 101, 35},{2, 92, 31},{2, 84, 27},{1, 75, 25},{0, 67, 22},{1, 59, 19},{1, 51, 16},{0, 41, 13},{0, 32, 11},{0, 23, 7},{0, 9, 0},{5, 9, 4}},{{224, 244, 232},{229, 255, 242},{211, 255, 227},{202, 255, 222},{193, 255, 215},{184, 254, 211},{175, 254, 204},{168, 255, 200},{158, 254, 193},{149, 254, 187},{140, 254, 182},{131, 254, 176},{124, 254, 173},{115, 254, 165},{106, 254, 159},{97, 254, 154},{89, 253, 148},{80, 254, 144},{72, 254, 138},{62, 253, 131},{54, 253, 126},{46, 253, 123},{35, 253, 114},{27, 253, 109},{19, 253, 104},{10, 254, 98},{5, 251, 94},{4, 242, 91},{3, 233, 87},{6, 224, 85},{3, 215, 80},{3, 206, 79},{4, 197, 74},{4, 189, 70},{3, 181, 68},{2, 172, 64},{3, 164, 59},{2, 154, 55},{3, 146, 54},{2, 137, 50},{1, 128, 48},{1, 118, 45},{2, 110, 41},{2, 101, 38},{1, 93, 34},{1, 85, 31},{0, 76, 28},{1, 67, 25},{1, 59, 22},{1, 50, 18},{0, 41, 14},{1, 32, 12},{0, 22, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 9, 4}},{{225, 245, 233},{229, 255, 244},{210, 255, 227},{201, 254, 224},{193, 253, 218},{185, 254, 212},{176, 254, 206},{168, 253, 204},{157, 254, 198},{149, 255, 192},{141, 254, 187},{132, 254, 180},{124, 254, 176},{114, 253, 171},{107, 253, 168},{98, 253, 161},{89, 253, 156},{79, 253, 150},{71, 253, 146},{63, 253, 141},{55, 253, 134},{46, 252, 130},{34, 252, 124},{27, 252, 120},{19, 252, 114},{9, 253, 108},{4, 250, 106},{5, 240, 101},{5, 233, 96},{5, 224, 94},{3, 215, 90},{4, 206, 86},{3, 197, 82},{4, 188, 79},{3, 179, 76},{2, 171, 73},{3, 163, 68},{1, 155, 64},{2, 145, 62},{0, 135, 57},{1, 128, 52},{1, 119, 48},{2, 110, 46},{2, 100, 43},{2, 93, 39},{2, 85, 35},{1, 76, 29},{1, 66, 28},{0, 57, 25},{0, 49, 20},{1, 41, 16},{1, 32, 13},{1, 23, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 6}},{{224, 245, 234},{229, 255, 246},{211, 254, 229},{202, 254, 225},{193, 253, 220},{185, 254, 215},{176, 254, 210},{169, 253, 206},{158, 254, 201},{150, 254, 197},{142, 254, 192},{132, 254, 184},{123, 253, 181},{114, 253, 176},{107, 253, 172},{98, 253, 167},{89, 253, 163},{80, 253, 158},{71, 253, 152},{63, 253, 147},{55, 253, 142},{46, 252, 138},{34, 253, 132},{28, 252, 127},{19, 252, 122},{10, 253, 117},{4, 249, 113},{4, 241, 109},{5, 232, 105},{4, 223, 102},{3, 214, 99},{4, 206, 94},{4, 197, 89},{4, 188, 87},{3, 179, 84},{3, 171, 78},{3, 162, 74},{1, 153, 70},{1, 144, 66},{0, 135, 61},{1, 127, 56},{2, 120, 54},{2, 111, 51},{1, 101, 47},{0, 93, 42},{2, 85, 38},{2, 75, 34},{1, 67, 31},{0, 56, 25},{0, 48, 22},{1, 41, 18},{1, 32, 12},{1, 23, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 244, 235},{228, 255, 246},{211, 254, 232},{203, 253, 227},{194, 254, 222},{186, 253, 218},{175, 253, 213},{167, 254, 210},{160, 254, 203},{150, 253, 198},{141, 254, 195},{132, 254, 192},{125, 252, 187},{116, 253, 181},{106, 252, 175},{98, 252, 171},{90, 253, 166},{81, 253, 163},{72, 253, 159},{64, 253, 153},{55, 253, 149},{48, 252, 146},{36, 252, 141},{28, 252, 135},{21, 251, 132},{10, 253, 126},{6, 251, 122},{7, 242, 117},{6, 232, 113},{5, 223, 109},{4, 214, 107},{5, 206, 102},{5, 197, 95},{4, 188, 93},{5, 180, 88},{5, 171, 83},{4, 162, 79},{3, 152, 75},{3, 144, 71},{2, 136, 66},{2, 127, 63},{2, 119, 58},{2, 111, 54},{1, 102, 50},{2, 93, 46},{2, 84, 42},{1, 74, 36},{2, 65, 31},{1, 58, 26},{0, 49, 23},{0, 41, 18},{0, 32, 14},{0, 23, 11},{0, 8, 0},{5, 9, 5}},{{224, 244, 234},{229, 255, 247},{210, 254, 234},{203, 253, 229},{195, 254, 223},{186, 254, 219},{175, 254, 215},{167, 254, 212},{159, 253, 207},{151, 254, 202},{141, 254, 200},{133, 254, 196},{126, 252, 192},{116, 253, 187},{106, 253, 182},{98, 253, 176},{90, 254, 173},{81, 254, 171},{73, 253, 166},{64, 253, 161},{56, 253, 156},{49, 251, 153},{37, 252, 149},{28, 252, 146},{21, 252, 141},{11, 253, 137},{7, 250, 133},{8, 242, 129},{6, 232, 124},{6, 223, 120},{5, 215, 114},{5, 207, 108},{5, 197, 103},{4, 188, 99},{5, 180, 95},{5, 171, 91},{4, 162, 86},{3, 153, 81},{3, 144, 76},{3, 136, 71},{3, 128, 67},{2, 119, 62},{1, 110, 58},{3, 102, 55},{2, 93, 50},{2, 84, 44},{1, 75, 37},{1, 65, 34},{1, 58, 30},{1, 49, 25},{1, 41, 21},{1, 32, 15},{0, 23, 11},{0, 8, 0},{5, 9, 5}},{{224, 245, 235},{228, 255, 249},{211, 255, 234},{203, 254, 231},{194, 254, 228},{185, 254, 225},{175, 254, 218},{167, 255, 216},{159, 254, 213},{150, 253, 208},{141, 253, 204},{133, 254, 200},{124, 252, 196},{115, 252, 193},{107, 253, 189},{99, 253, 184},{90, 252, 182},{81, 252, 178},{73, 253, 173},{64, 253, 169},{56, 252, 166},{49, 251, 163},{38, 252, 158},{29, 251, 153},{21, 251, 148},{12, 252, 145},{7, 249, 143},{7, 242, 137},{6, 232, 131},{6, 222, 126},{6, 214, 123},{5, 206, 118},{5, 196, 112},{5, 188, 108},{5, 180, 103},{4, 171, 98},{5, 161, 93},{4, 153, 86},{4, 145, 82},{3, 136, 77},{2, 127, 73},{3, 119, 68},{3, 110, 63},{2, 101, 58},{3, 93, 53},{2, 84, 47},{1, 75, 41},{1, 66, 38},{1, 58, 32},{1, 49, 27},{1, 39, 22},{1, 32, 17},{1, 23, 10},{0, 8, 0},{5, 8, 7}},{{223, 245, 236},{227, 255, 250},{211, 254, 235},{203, 254, 232},{193, 255, 228},{186, 254, 226},{176, 254, 222},{167, 255, 219},{158, 254, 217},{150, 252, 214},{141, 252, 208},{133, 253, 203},{125, 252, 201},{116, 253, 199},{108, 253, 194},{99, 252, 190},{89, 251, 188},{82, 252, 184},{73, 252, 180},{64, 251, 176},{55, 252, 173},{49, 251, 170},{39, 252, 165},{29, 250, 162},{21, 250, 159},{13, 252, 155},{8, 248, 153},{7, 240, 147},{6, 231, 140},{6, 221, 136},{6, 214, 131},{5, 206, 124},{4, 196, 118},{5, 187, 114},{6, 179, 108},{3, 170, 104},{4, 161, 99},{4, 153, 90},{4, 146, 88},{3, 136, 82},{3, 127, 77},{3, 118, 73},{3, 109, 67},{2, 100, 61},{3, 93, 57},{3, 83, 51},{1, 75, 45},{1, 67, 39},{1, 58, 33},{1, 49, 28},{1, 40, 23},{1, 31, 18},{1, 22, 13},{0, 8, 2},{5, 8, 7}},{{225, 245, 237},{228, 255, 249},{211, 254, 239},{203, 253, 235},{193, 254, 229},{185, 254, 226},{176, 254, 224},{169, 254, 220},{160, 254, 219},{151, 253, 217},{142, 253, 213},{132, 253, 207},{125, 253, 204},{116, 254, 203},{107, 253, 199},{100, 252, 195},{91, 251, 192},{82, 251, 190},{75, 252, 188},{65, 251, 185},{56, 252, 179},{51, 252, 175},{40, 252, 175},{30, 250, 171},{21, 250, 167},{13, 251, 165},{8, 249, 162},{8, 240, 155},{7, 230, 149},{8, 222, 143},{7, 215, 136},{6, 205, 132},{6, 196, 126},{5, 187, 120},{5, 179, 116},{6, 169, 111},{5, 161, 104},{4, 153, 97},{4, 145, 91},{4, 137, 87},{3, 127, 81},{2, 118, 76},{4, 109, 71},{4, 99, 65},{2, 92, 58},{3, 84, 53},{2, 75, 46},{1, 66, 40},{1, 57, 35},{2, 49, 31},{0, 39, 24},{1, 31, 18},{1, 23, 13},{0, 10, 2},{5, 8, 6}},{{225, 245, 238},{229, 255, 252},{210, 254, 240},{203, 254, 238},{193, 254, 233},{185, 254, 231},{176, 254, 229},{168, 253, 225},{160, 254, 223},{150, 253, 222},{142, 253, 217},{133, 254, 212},{125, 254, 210},{116, 254, 208},{107, 254, 205},{99, 252, 202},{91, 251, 200},{81, 252, 197},{73, 252, 196},{65, 252, 193},{55, 253, 188},{50, 252, 185},{39, 252, 185},{29, 251, 180},{21, 251, 176},{12, 252, 175},{5, 249, 172},{7, 240, 165},{6, 232, 159},{7, 222, 152},{6, 215, 147},{5, 206, 143},{5, 197, 135},{4, 188, 128},{4, 179, 123},{5, 170, 118},{5, 162, 111},{4, 154, 106},{3, 144, 98},{3, 136, 92},{3, 128, 88},{1, 119, 82},{3, 109, 76},{4, 100, 69},{2, 93, 63},{3, 84, 58},{2, 75, 51},{0, 65, 45},{1, 58, 40},{1, 49, 33},{0, 39, 25},{1, 30, 20},{1, 22, 14},{0, 9, 3},{5, 8, 6}},{{223, 245, 239},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 243},{202, 253, 240},{194, 254, 239},{184, 254, 236},{177, 253, 233},{167, 254, 230},{158, 254, 228},{151, 254, 226},{141, 254, 222},{131, 254, 220},{124, 253, 218},{116, 253, 216},{106, 252, 213},{97, 253, 211},{88, 252, 209},{80, 252, 206},{73, 252, 203},{64, 253, 201},{54, 252, 200},{47, 252, 197},{37, 252, 194},{27, 251, 192},{20, 252, 190},{11, 252, 187},{5, 249, 184},{6, 241, 178},{4, 232, 171},{4, 222, 165},{4, 213, 158},{4, 205, 152},{5, 197, 145},{4, 189, 138},{4, 179, 132},{3, 171, 125},{3, 163, 118},{4, 153, 114},{3, 144, 107},{1, 135, 100},{2, 127, 94},{2, 119, 87},{2, 109, 80},{3, 101, 75},{2, 93, 67},{1, 84, 61},{1, 74, 56},{1, 66, 50},{1, 57, 44},{0, 48, 36},{0, 40, 27},{1, 32, 22},{0, 23, 16},{0, 8, 4},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 245, 240},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 245},{201, 254, 241},{193, 254, 239},{184, 253, 237},{176, 254, 234},{168, 254, 233},{158, 254, 232},{150, 254, 230},{141, 254, 228},{131, 254, 226},{123, 253, 223},{115, 253, 221},{105, 253, 218},{95, 253, 218},{87, 253, 216},{80, 253, 213},{72, 253, 210},{63, 253, 209},{53, 253, 208},{45, 252, 205},{35, 252, 204},{27, 252, 202},{18, 252, 199},{10, 253, 197},{5, 250, 194},{4, 241, 188},{3, 232, 181},{4, 222, 175},{4, 214, 167},{3, 206, 160},{3, 197, 153},{4, 188, 147},{3, 180, 141},{2, 172, 133},{2, 163, 124},{2, 154, 118},{2, 145, 114},{2, 136, 106},{2, 127, 98},{1, 120, 91},{1, 111, 85},{2, 101, 78},{1, 93, 71},{1, 84, 64},{0, 75, 57},{1, 67, 52},{0, 58, 46},{0, 50, 38},{0, 41, 30},{0, 32, 23},{0, 23, 18},{0, 8, 5},{5, 8, 8}},{{225, 246, 242},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 245},{201, 255, 243},{192, 254, 240},{184, 253, 241},{175, 254, 240},{168, 254, 237},{158, 254, 234},{148, 254, 233},{140, 254, 230},{131, 254, 229},{123, 253, 228},{114, 254, 227},{105, 253, 224},{95, 253, 224},{87, 254, 224},{78, 254, 220},{69, 254, 219},{61, 253, 217},{51, 253, 214},{44, 253, 213},{35, 252, 211},{27, 252, 209},{17, 253, 207},{8, 254, 207},{2, 251, 203},{2, 242, 196},{3, 233, 190},{3, 223, 182},{2, 214, 175},{3, 206, 168},{1, 197, 159},{1, 189, 152},{3, 180, 146},{1, 172, 138},{1, 163, 130},{1, 154, 125},{1, 146, 117},{1, 137, 111},{1, 128, 104},{0, 120, 96},{0, 110, 88},{1, 100, 80},{1, 93, 73},{1, 84, 67},{1, 74, 60},{1, 65, 53},{1, 59, 47},{0, 51, 39},{0, 41, 32},{0, 32, 24},{0, 23, 18},{0, 9, 6},{5, 8, 6}},{{225, 245, 243},{228, 255, 255},{210, 254, 247},{201, 254, 245},{192, 254, 244},{184, 254, 244},{173, 255, 241},{166, 255, 242},{156, 254, 240},{146, 255, 238},{139, 255, 237},{130, 255, 236},{122, 254, 236},{112, 254, 235},{103, 254, 232},{94, 254, 230},{86, 254, 230},{77, 254, 228},{69, 254, 227},{60, 255, 225},{50, 254, 224},{42, 255, 222},{32, 254, 220},{24, 254, 219},{14, 255, 218},{5, 255, 219},{0, 253, 214},{1, 244, 207},{0, 235, 200},{0, 225, 191},{0, 217, 184},{1, 208, 177},{1, 199, 168},{0, 190, 160},{1, 180, 153},{0, 173, 147},{0, 164, 140},{0, 154, 132},{0, 146, 124},{0, 137, 117},{0, 129, 110},{0, 121, 102},{0, 111, 94},{0, 102, 87},{0, 94, 80},{0, 85, 72},{0, 76, 63},{0, 67, 55},{0, 59, 48},{0, 50, 40},{0, 41, 32},{0, 32, 25},{0, 23, 18},{0, 9, 5},{5, 8, 7}},{{226, 246, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 255, 249},{202, 255, 249},{192, 254, 247},{183, 254, 245},{173, 254, 244},{164, 255, 245},{155, 255, 244},{146, 255, 243},{138, 255, 243},{130, 254, 242},{121, 254, 241},{111, 254, 238},{103, 253, 237},{93, 254, 237},{85, 252, 235},{77, 253, 234},{68, 254, 234},{60, 253, 234},{49, 253, 232},{41, 253, 231},{31, 253, 230},{23, 253, 228},{13, 253, 227},{4, 253, 227},{0, 252, 224},{0, 243, 216},{0, 232, 208},{0, 224, 200},{0, 216, 192},{0, 207, 184},{0, 198, 177},{0, 189, 169},{0, 180, 161},{0, 172, 154},{0, 163, 146},{0, 154, 137},{0, 146, 130},{0, 137, 122},{0, 128, 115},{0, 120, 106},{1, 111, 97},{1, 101, 91},{0, 93, 84},{0, 85, 76},{0, 76, 65},{0, 67, 58},{0, 58, 50},{0, 50, 42},{0, 41, 34},{0, 31, 27},{0, 22, 20},{0, 9, 6},{5, 7, 7}},{{225, 245, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 254, 250},{201, 254, 249},{191, 254, 247},{182, 253, 247},{173, 253, 246},{164, 252, 244},{156, 253, 241},{145, 251, 241},{137, 251, 243},{129, 252, 242},{121, 252, 239},{111, 252, 238},{102, 251, 237},{94, 251, 238},{83, 249, 235},{75, 250, 234},{66, 250, 235},{58, 249, 235},{48, 249, 232},{41, 247, 231},{32, 248, 232},{23, 248, 230},{13, 247, 228},{3, 248, 228},{0, 246, 225},{0, 237, 218},{0, 227, 209},{0, 219, 202},{0, 211, 193},{0, 201, 185},{0, 193, 178},{0, 184, 170},{0, 177, 162},{0, 168, 153},{0, 160, 145},{0, 152, 139},{0, 143, 131},{0, 135, 121},{0, 125, 114},{0, 116, 106},{0, 108, 96},{0, 99, 89},{0, 91, 82},{0, 83, 75},{0, 74, 68},{0, 65, 59},{0, 57, 50},{0, 49, 44},{0, 40, 36},{0, 31, 28},{0, 22, 20},{0, 9, 7},{5, 7, 8}},{{224, 245, 242},{227, 255, 255},{209, 254, 250},{201, 253, 248},{193, 252, 248},{183, 251, 246},{172, 251, 245},{166, 250, 243},{156, 250, 243},{145, 250, 243},{138, 249, 243},{130, 249, 241},{120, 249, 238},{110, 249, 239},{102, 248, 237},{94, 248, 237},{85, 247, 236},{76, 247, 235},{67, 246, 234},{57, 245, 231},{49, 245, 232},{42, 244, 232},{30, 244, 231},{21, 243, 229},{13, 242, 227},{3, 243, 227},{0, 241, 223},{0, 232, 218},{0, 224, 210},{0, 215, 200},{0, 206, 194},{0, 197, 186},{0, 190, 177},{0, 181, 168},{0, 172, 161},{0, 165, 155},{0, 157, 146},{0, 148, 137},{0, 139, 130},{0, 132, 122},{0, 124, 114},{0, 114, 107},{0, 106, 99},{0, 98, 90},{0, 89, 82},{0, 80, 74},{0, 72, 68},{0, 63, 59},{0, 56, 52},{0, 48, 44},{0, 39, 36},{0, 31, 27},{0, 21, 19},{0, 9, 10},{5, 9, 8}},{{223, 244, 241},{226, 255, 255},{209, 253, 250},{201, 251, 247},{193, 250, 248},{183, 250, 247},{172, 250, 244},{165, 249, 243},{155, 248, 244},{145, 248, 244},{137, 247, 241},{129, 246, 240},{120, 245, 240},{111, 246, 239},{102, 244, 237},{93, 244, 237},{86, 243, 236},{75, 243, 234},{66, 242, 234},{58, 241, 233},{49, 241, 233},{41, 240, 232},{31, 239, 232},{22, 238, 229},{13, 237, 228},{3, 238, 228},{0, 236, 224},{0, 227, 217},{0, 218, 211},{0, 210, 201},{0, 202, 194},{0, 194, 186},{0, 185, 178},{0, 177, 170},{0, 170, 161},{0, 162, 154},{0, 153, 146},{0, 145, 137},{0, 137, 129},{0, 129, 124},{0, 120, 115},{0, 111, 106},{0, 103, 99},{0, 94, 91},{0, 88, 83},{0, 79, 74},{0, 71, 67},{0, 62, 59},{0, 55, 52},{0, 46, 44},{0, 37, 36},{1, 30, 27},{1, 21, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 8, 8}},{{225, 243, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 252, 251},{201, 250, 248},{191, 249, 248},{184, 248, 246},{174, 247, 245},{165, 246, 245},{157, 246, 245},{146, 246, 244},{137, 244, 241},{129, 244, 243},{121, 243, 241},{111, 242, 239},{102, 241, 239},{94, 241, 239},{85, 240, 237},{75, 239, 237},{66, 238, 237},{60, 237, 235},{50, 237, 235},{42, 236, 234},{31, 235, 232},{23, 234, 231},{14, 233, 231},{4, 232, 231},{0, 229, 227},{0, 223, 220},{0, 214, 212},{0, 205, 202},{0, 197, 196},{0, 190, 187},{0, 180, 179},{0, 173, 171},{0, 166, 163},{0, 158, 154},{0, 151, 148},{0, 142, 141},{0, 134, 130},{0, 125, 123},{0, 117, 116},{0, 109, 108},{0, 101, 99},{0, 93, 92},{0, 85, 84},{0, 77, 74},{0, 70, 67},{0, 62, 60},{0, 53, 53},{0, 45, 44},{0, 37, 37},{1, 29, 29},{1, 19, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 9, 8}},{{224, 243, 241},{228, 255, 255},{210, 251, 250},{202, 249, 248},{191, 248, 249},{184, 246, 247},{174, 245, 246},{166, 245, 246},{157, 245, 245},{146, 244, 244},{138, 243, 243},{129, 242, 242},{121, 240, 240},{112, 240, 241},{102, 238, 241},{93, 238, 239},{85, 237, 238},{75, 235, 237},{66, 234, 237},{59, 233, 236},{50, 233, 235},{41, 232, 233},{30, 231, 232},{22, 230, 233},{13, 228, 232},{3, 228, 232},{0, 225, 228},{0, 217, 219},{0, 210, 212},{0, 201, 203},{0, 193, 196},{0, 185, 187},{0, 177, 179},{0, 169, 172},{0, 162, 164},{0, 154, 156},{0, 147, 147},{0, 138, 140},{0, 131, 133},{0, 123, 124},{0, 115, 117},{0, 108, 109},{0, 100, 99},{0, 91, 92},{0, 83, 84},{0, 75, 75},{0, 68, 66},{0, 60, 58},{0, 51, 52},{1, 44, 44},{0, 37, 37},{1, 29, 30},{1, 19, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 9, 8}},{{223, 242, 242},{227, 255, 255},{209, 250, 249},{202, 248, 249},{192, 247, 249},{183, 245, 247},{174, 245, 247},{165, 244, 247},{156, 242, 245},{148, 241, 244},{139, 240, 244},{129, 240, 242},{121, 237, 241},{112, 237, 243},{102, 237, 241},{93, 234, 239},{86, 234, 239},{76, 233, 237},{67, 231, 237},{58, 230, 237},{49, 229, 235},{41, 227, 234},{32, 226, 234},{23, 224, 232},{13, 224, 231},{3, 224, 232},{0, 221, 228},{0, 212, 220},{0, 204, 212},{0, 197, 205},{1, 190, 198},{0, 181, 188},{0, 174, 180},{0, 168, 173},{0, 159, 164},{0, 151, 157},{0, 143, 149},{0, 136, 140},{0, 129, 134},{0, 122, 124},{0, 113, 115},{0, 105, 108},{1, 97, 101},{1, 89, 92},{0, 83, 84},{0, 75, 76},{0, 67, 66},{0, 59, 59},{0, 51, 52},{0, 44, 43},{0, 35, 36},{1, 29, 28},{1, 21, 19},{0, 7, 8},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 242, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 249, 249},{202, 246, 250},{192, 245, 249},{182, 244, 247},{173, 243, 248},{165, 241, 246},{156, 240, 245},{147, 239, 246},{138, 237, 243},{129, 237, 243},{120, 235, 243},{111, 235, 242},{102, 232, 240},{92, 231, 240},{85, 230, 239},{76, 229, 237},{67, 228, 237},{58, 226, 236},{48, 225, 236},{41, 223, 235},{32, 223, 233},{23, 220, 232},{13, 219, 232},{3, 220, 232},{0, 215, 229},{0, 207, 222},{0, 200, 215},{1, 192, 205},{1, 186, 198},{0, 177, 190},{0, 170, 181},{0, 164, 173},{0, 155, 165},{0, 147, 157},{0, 139, 149},{0, 133, 140},{0, 126, 133},{0, 119, 125},{0, 111, 116},{0, 103, 108},{0, 94, 101},{0, 87, 92},{0, 81, 84},{0, 73, 76},{0, 65, 67},{0, 57, 60},{0, 50, 53},{0, 43, 44},{0, 34, 36},{0, 28, 29},{0, 20, 20},{0, 7, 7},{5, 8, 7}},{{225, 243, 244},{228, 255, 255},{209, 247, 250},{202, 246, 251},{192, 245, 248},{182, 243, 248},{173, 242, 247},{165, 240, 246},{157, 238, 247},{147, 238, 246},{138, 236, 243},{129, 234, 244},{122, 233, 244},{112, 231, 243},{101, 229, 242},{92, 228, 240},{84, 225, 241},{77, 224, 239},{67, 224, 237},{58, 222, 238},{48, 220, 237},{41, 219, 235},{32, 218, 235},{22, 216, 234},{14, 214, 234},{4, 214, 235},{0, 210, 231},{0, 202, 224},{0, 195, 215},{0, 188, 206},{0, 181, 200},{0, 172, 191},{0, 166, 182},{0, 158, 173},{0, 150, 165},{0, 144, 159},{0, 136, 149},{0, 128, 141},{0, 122, 134},{0, 114, 125},{0, 108, 120},{0, 100, 110},{0, 92, 101},{0, 85, 93},{0, 78, 84},{0, 71, 77},{0, 63, 70},{0, 56, 60},{0, 49, 53},{0, 42, 44},{0, 34, 36},{1, 26, 29},{1, 19, 19},{0, 7, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 242, 244},{226, 255, 255},{209, 247, 250},{203, 245, 251},{191, 244, 249},{182, 243, 248},{173, 241, 246},{166, 238, 246},{156, 236, 248},{147, 236, 245},{137, 233, 244},{128, 232, 243},{122, 230, 243},{112, 228, 244},{103, 226, 243},{93, 225, 241},{84, 221, 241},{76, 221, 239},{67, 220, 240},{58, 217, 239},{49, 216, 237},{41, 215, 237},{31, 213, 236},{22, 211, 236},{13, 210, 236},{4, 208, 235},{0, 205, 231},{0, 199, 224},{0, 190, 215},{0, 183, 205},{0, 177, 199},{0, 168, 191},{0, 162, 183},{0, 155, 175},{0, 147, 165},{0, 141, 159},{0, 134, 150},{0, 126, 141},{0, 120, 135},{0, 112, 125},{1, 104, 119},{0, 97, 111},{0, 90, 100},{0, 83, 93},{0, 77, 85},{0, 69, 77},{0, 62, 71},{0, 54, 60},{0, 47, 53},{0, 41, 44},{0, 33, 35},{1, 25, 29},{0, 18, 20},{0, 6, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 241, 243},{227, 255, 255},{209, 246, 250},{202, 244, 250},{192, 242, 249},{182, 241, 248},{172, 238, 247},{165, 237, 246},{157, 235, 248},{147, 233, 246},{137, 232, 245},{129, 230, 245},{121, 228, 244},{111, 225, 243},{103, 224, 242},{94, 222, 242},{85, 219, 239},{75, 218, 239},{66, 217, 240},{58, 213, 238},{49, 213, 239},{40, 211, 237},{30, 209, 238},{22, 207, 236},{13, 205, 235},{3, 204, 236},{0, 200, 233},{1, 193, 225},{0, 186, 216},{0, 179, 206},{0, 173, 200},{0, 166, 192},{0, 158, 184},{0, 151, 175},{0, 145, 167},{0, 138, 158},{0, 130, 150},{0, 123, 142},{0, 116, 135},{0, 109, 129},{0, 103, 119},{0, 95, 111},{0, 88, 102},{0, 81, 92},{0, 75, 86},{0, 68, 78},{0, 61, 70},{0, 55, 58},{0, 46, 52},{0, 39, 46},{0, 32, 36},{0, 26, 28},{0, 18, 20},{0, 5, 7},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 240, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 244, 251},{201, 242, 249},{192, 241, 250},{183, 239, 249},{172, 236, 248},{164, 235, 247},{157, 233, 247},{147, 231, 247},{138, 229, 245},{129, 227, 246},{121, 224, 245},{111, 222, 243},{103, 221, 242},{94, 219, 243},{85, 217, 241},{75, 215, 240},{66, 213, 240},{59, 211, 239},{49, 208, 238},{40, 207, 236},{30, 205, 238},{23, 203, 238},{14, 201, 237},{4, 199, 237},{0, 194, 234},{0, 189, 226},{0, 183, 218},{0, 174, 208},{0, 168, 201},{0, 162, 191},{0, 154, 183},{0, 147, 175},{0, 140, 168},{0, 134, 159},{0, 127, 150},{0, 121, 144},{0, 114, 135},{0, 107, 128},{0, 100, 119},{0, 93, 110},{0, 85, 102},{0, 79, 92},{0, 73, 86},{0, 66, 78},{0, 59, 69},{0, 52, 61},{0, 45, 52},{0, 38, 45},{0, 31, 35},{0, 26, 29},{0, 17, 21},{0, 5, 8},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 240, 242},{229, 255, 255},{209, 243, 251},{202, 241, 250},{192, 240, 251},{183, 237, 249},{173, 235, 249},{165, 232, 248},{155, 230, 246},{146, 228, 248},{140, 225, 246},{130, 223, 247},{121, 221, 246},{111, 219, 244},{103, 216, 242},{93, 215, 243},{84, 211, 243},{76, 209, 241},{67, 208, 241},{58, 206, 239},{49, 204, 241},{41, 201, 239},{31, 199, 238},{22, 196, 238},{13, 194, 237},{3, 193, 237},{0, 189, 235},{0, 182, 227},{0, 176, 217},{1, 169, 209},{1, 162, 202},{0, 156, 193},{0, 149, 183},{0, 142, 175},{0, 136, 168},{0, 129, 161},{0, 122, 151},{0, 116, 143},{0, 109, 137},{0, 104, 129},{0, 97, 120},{0, 90, 111},{0, 83, 102},{0, 77, 93},{0, 71, 85},{0, 64, 80},{0, 56, 71},{0, 50, 61},{0, 44, 53},{0, 36, 45},{0, 31, 37},{0, 24, 29},{0, 16, 21},{0, 6, 7},{4, 8, 7}},{{224, 239, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 242, 251},{202, 240, 249},{192, 238, 251},{183, 235, 249},{173, 233, 249},{165, 230, 247},{154, 227, 246},{147, 225, 247},{140, 223, 245},{130, 221, 245},{121, 218, 247},{110, 214, 244},{103, 213, 242},{94, 211, 244},{84, 208, 242},{75, 205, 242},{66, 203, 241},{58, 201, 241},{48, 198, 240},{42, 196, 238},{32, 194, 239},{23, 191, 237},{13, 188, 237},{2, 187, 238},{0, 182, 235},{0, 176, 226},{0, 171, 218},{1, 164, 210},{1, 158, 202},{0, 151, 193},{0, 144, 185},{0, 138, 176},{0, 132, 168},{0, 125, 162},{0, 119, 152},{0, 113, 142},{0, 106, 136},{0, 101, 129},{0, 93, 119},{0, 87, 112},{0, 81, 102},{0, 75, 94},{0, 68, 85},{0, 62, 79},{0, 55, 71},{0, 48, 61},{0, 43, 54},{0, 36, 45},{0, 29, 36},{1, 23, 30},{0, 16, 22},{0, 5, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 239, 242},{227, 254, 255},{210, 242, 251},{201, 239, 249},{191, 236, 249},{183, 233, 249},{174, 231, 249},{166, 228, 247},{156, 225, 248},{147, 224, 247},{137, 220, 245},{129, 218, 245},{121, 215, 244},{111, 212, 243},{102, 210, 244},{95, 207, 244},{85, 205, 243},{76, 201, 242},{67, 199, 242},{59, 197, 242},{49, 193, 241},{41, 191, 238},{31, 189, 240},{23, 185, 239},{13, 183, 238},{4, 180, 240},{0, 176, 236},{0, 171, 227},{0, 166, 218},{0, 158, 209},{0, 152, 202},{0, 145, 194},{0, 140, 186},{0, 133, 177},{0, 128, 168},{0, 122, 161},{0, 115, 152},{0, 109, 145},{0, 103, 136},{0, 97, 128},{0, 91, 119},{0, 84, 112},{0, 78, 102},{0, 72, 95},{0, 65, 87},{0, 60, 78},{0, 53, 69},{0, 47, 61},{0, 42, 55},{0, 35, 45},{0, 29, 38},{0, 22, 29},{0, 15, 20},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 238, 242},{227, 254, 255},{209, 241, 251},{201, 238, 249},{192, 236, 250},{182, 232, 249},{174, 228, 248},{165, 226, 248},{156, 222, 248},{147, 219, 246},{137, 217, 245},{128, 214, 245},{120, 211, 245},{112, 208, 243},{102, 205, 245},{94, 202, 244},{85, 200, 243},{76, 196, 241},{67, 194, 242},{57, 192, 241},{48, 188, 241},{40, 185, 239},{31, 183, 240},{23, 179, 238},{13, 177, 238},{3, 174, 239},{0, 169, 235},{0, 164, 227},{0, 159, 219},{0, 152, 209},{0, 145, 202},{0, 140, 193},{0, 135, 185},{0, 127, 176},{0, 122, 168},{0, 117, 160},{0, 111, 152},{0, 104, 145},{0, 97, 136},{0, 93, 129},{0, 87, 120},{0, 81, 111},{0, 75, 102},{0, 69, 94},{0, 62, 88},{0, 57, 79},{0, 52, 70},{0, 46, 61},{0, 40, 55},{0, 33, 45},{0, 27, 37},{0, 20, 29},{0, 15, 19},{0, 5, 6},{4, 8, 8}},{{224, 238, 242},{227, 253, 255},{211, 239, 252},{202, 235, 251},{192, 233, 251},{183, 230, 250},{174, 226, 249},{165, 224, 249},{156, 220, 248},{148, 217, 248},{139, 214, 247},{130, 210, 247},{122, 208, 246},{113, 206, 246},{103, 201, 245},{94, 199, 245},{86, 195, 244},{78, 192, 244},{68, 189, 243},{60, 186, 242},{50, 183, 242},{42, 180, 242},{33, 176, 242},{24, 173, 240},{14, 170, 239},{4, 167, 240},{0, 163, 236},{0, 158, 228},{0, 153, 220},{0, 146, 211},{0, 140, 203},{0, 135, 194},{1, 129, 187},{1, 123, 179},{0, 117, 171},{0, 112, 162},{0, 107, 154},{0, 100, 146},{1, 94, 138},{1, 90, 130},{1, 83, 120},{0, 77, 112},{0, 72, 103},{0, 65, 94},{0, 61, 88},{0, 55, 79},{0, 49, 71},{0, 43, 62},{0, 38, 54},{0, 32, 44},{0, 26, 38},{0, 20, 29},{0, 14, 20},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{224, 238, 242},{228, 252, 255},{211, 239, 252},{202, 234, 251},{192, 231, 251},{182, 228, 250},{174, 224, 248},{166, 221, 249},{156, 218, 248},{147, 214, 247},{139, 211, 247},{129, 208, 247},{122, 204, 245},{112, 201, 246},{103, 198, 244},{94, 194, 244},{86, 191, 245},{78, 188, 245},{68, 184, 243},{59, 181, 241},{51, 178, 241},{43, 174, 242},{33, 171, 242},{24, 167, 240},{14, 164, 238},{4, 161, 240},{0, 158, 237},{0, 153, 228},{0, 146, 220},{0, 141, 212},{0, 136, 203},{0, 130, 194},{1, 124, 187},{1, 118, 178},{0, 113, 170},{0, 108, 163},{1, 102, 155},{0, 97, 145},{1, 92, 137},{1, 86, 129},{1, 79, 120},{0, 74, 112},{0, 69, 104},{0, 64, 95},{0, 59, 88},{0, 53, 79},{0, 46, 70},{0, 42, 62},{0, 36, 54},{0, 31, 45},{1, 25, 38},{1, 20, 30},{1, 14, 21},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 236, 242},{228, 251, 255},{210, 237, 252},{201, 233, 252},{192, 230, 250},{183, 227, 249},{173, 221, 248},{165, 219, 249},{156, 216, 248},{147, 212, 247},{138, 208, 246},{129, 205, 246},{123, 201, 246},{113, 197, 245},{103, 194, 245},{94, 190, 244},{86, 186, 244},{76, 182, 244},{67, 180, 243},{59, 175, 242},{49, 171, 242},{41, 168, 239},{32, 165, 240},{24, 161, 239},{14, 157, 240},{3, 154, 239},{0, 151, 235},{0, 146, 228},{0, 140, 221},{0, 135, 211},{0, 130, 204},{0, 124, 194},{0, 119, 186},{0, 113, 179},{0, 108, 170},{0, 103, 162},{0, 98, 155},{0, 93, 145},{0, 88, 137},{0, 82, 128},{0, 76, 119},{0, 72, 112},{0, 67, 104},{0, 61, 96},{0, 56, 88},{0, 50, 79},{0, 46, 71},{0, 40, 61},{0, 35, 54},{0, 30, 47},{0, 24, 38},{0, 19, 28},{0, 14, 21},{0, 3, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 237, 242},{227, 250, 255},{209, 235, 251},{201, 231, 251},{191, 228, 252},{184, 225, 249},{174, 220, 249},{165, 216, 249},{155, 213, 248},{146, 210, 246},{138, 206, 246},{130, 202, 248},{123, 198, 247},{113, 194, 245},{103, 190, 244},{93, 187, 243},{86, 183, 244},{77, 178, 244},{68, 176, 243},{60, 171, 243},{50, 167, 243},{41, 163, 241},{32, 160, 241},{24, 157, 240},{13, 152, 240},{4, 147, 241},{0, 144, 237},{0, 140, 229},{0, 135, 222},{1, 129, 212},{0, 125, 204},{0, 120, 194},{0, 115, 186},{0, 109, 179},{0, 104, 172},{1, 99, 163},{1, 94, 155},{0, 90, 145},{0, 84, 137},{1, 80, 130},{0, 74, 121},{0, 69, 113},{0, 64, 104},{0, 59, 96},{0, 54, 88},{0, 49, 80},{0, 43, 72},{0, 38, 62},{0, 34, 55},{0, 28, 46},{0, 23, 38},{0, 18, 29},{0, 14, 20},{0, 3, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 235, 242},{228, 249, 255},{210, 235, 253},{201, 230, 252},{191, 226, 251},{183, 221, 250},{174, 218, 250},{167, 215, 250},{155, 209, 248},{146, 207, 248},{139, 202, 248},{130, 198, 248},{122, 194, 248},{113, 191, 247},{104, 186, 246},{94, 181, 245},{85, 178, 245},{77, 174, 246},{69, 170, 244},{60, 165, 243},{49, 161, 243},{42, 158, 242},{33, 154, 243},{23, 149, 241},{15, 146, 241},{5, 142, 243},{0, 136, 239},{0, 133, 231},{1, 128, 222},{1, 124, 212},{0, 118, 206},{0, 114, 198},{0, 109, 188},{0, 104, 180},{0, 99, 170},{1, 94, 163},{0, 89, 155},{1, 85, 146},{1, 81, 137},{1, 76, 129},{1, 71, 122},{0, 66, 112},{0, 60, 104},{0, 55, 97},{0, 53, 88},{0, 47, 80},{0, 40, 72},{0, 36, 62},{0, 33, 54},{0, 27, 47},{0, 22, 39},{0, 18, 29},{0, 13, 20},{0, 3, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 235, 242},{228, 249, 255},{209, 234, 252},{200, 229, 252},{190, 225, 251},{183, 220, 250},{173, 216, 250},{166, 212, 249},{156, 206, 247},{147, 203, 247},{138, 199, 248},{129, 195, 247},{122, 190, 246},{113, 187, 247},{104, 181, 247},{94, 177, 246},{85, 174, 245},{76, 170, 245},{68, 166, 243},{59, 160, 242},{49, 156, 244},{41, 152, 243},{32, 148, 242},{23, 143, 239},{15, 140, 241},{3, 134, 242},{0, 130, 239},{0, 126, 231},{0, 121, 222},{0, 117, 211},{0, 113, 206},{0, 108, 196},{0, 103, 187},{1, 98, 181},{1, 95, 171},{0, 91, 164},{0, 85, 155},{0, 81, 146},{0, 76, 137},{0, 72, 129},{0, 67, 121},{0, 63, 114},{0, 57, 105},{0, 52, 97},{0, 49, 88},{0, 45, 80},{0, 39, 73},{0, 35, 63},{0, 31, 55},{0, 26, 47},{0, 21, 38},{0, 17, 30},{0, 12, 20},{0, 3, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 234, 242},{227, 248, 255},{209, 231, 253},{201, 228, 251},{192, 223, 251},{183, 219, 250},{172, 214, 249},{165, 210, 250},{156, 206, 250},{147, 200, 247},{137, 197, 245},{130, 192, 247},{122, 188, 247},{113, 183, 248},{103, 178, 246},{95, 174, 245},{87, 169, 245},{75, 164, 245},{67, 161, 245},{59, 156, 244},{51, 150, 245},{41, 147, 242},{32, 144, 242},{22, 137, 242},{13, 132, 241},{4, 129, 241},{0, 126, 238},{0, 121, 230},{0, 116, 223},{0, 112, 213},{0, 109, 205},{0, 104, 195},{0, 98, 189},{1, 94, 182},{1, 90, 172},{0, 86, 163},{1, 81, 155},{0, 78, 148},{1, 74, 139},{1, 69, 130},{0, 63, 120},{0, 59, 114},{0, 55, 106},{0, 51, 95},{0, 47, 88},{0, 43, 80},{0, 37, 73},{0, 34, 64},{0, 29, 55},{0, 24, 47},{0, 20, 38},{0, 16, 28},{0, 12, 21},{0, 2, 10},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 234, 242},{228, 247, 255},{210, 231, 253},{201, 227, 251},{193, 222, 251},{183, 217, 250},{173, 211, 249},{165, 208, 250},{156, 203, 250},{147, 198, 248},{138, 193, 246},{129, 188, 248},{122, 184, 248},{113, 180, 248},{103, 175, 246},{95, 170, 245},{86, 166, 245},{76, 160, 245},{68, 155, 246},{59, 151, 243},{50, 147, 244},{41, 142, 243},{33, 137, 243},{23, 132, 243},{15, 126, 242},{5, 123, 242},{0, 119, 239},{0, 115, 231},{0, 111, 222},{0, 106, 213},{0, 102, 205},{0, 98, 196},{0, 94, 190},{1, 89, 182},{1, 85, 172},{1, 82, 163},{0, 78, 155},{1, 74, 148},{1, 69, 139},{0, 65, 130},{0, 61, 121},{1, 56, 113},{1, 51, 105},{0, 48, 95},{0, 45, 87},{0, 40, 80},{0, 35, 72},{0, 32, 64},{0, 28, 55},{0, 23, 47},{0, 19, 39},{0, 15, 28},{0, 11, 21},{0, 2, 9},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 233, 242},{227, 245, 255},{209, 229, 253},{200, 225, 250},{191, 220, 251},{184, 215, 252},{175, 209, 251},{165, 205, 250},{157, 200, 248},{148, 195, 250},{139, 190, 250},{130, 185, 248},{121, 180, 247},{112, 176, 247},{103, 171, 247},{95, 165, 247},{86, 161, 246},{76, 156, 246},{68, 151, 247},{60, 145, 244},{51, 140, 243},{43, 136, 245},{32, 131, 244},{24, 126, 243},{14, 120, 243},{6, 116, 244},{2, 111, 241},{1, 107, 233},{1, 103, 223},{1, 99, 214},{0, 95, 208},{0, 92, 198},{1, 89, 191},{1, 85, 182},{1, 80, 172},{1, 76, 164},{1, 72, 156},{0, 68, 147},{1, 64, 138},{1, 61, 131},{0, 57, 122},{0, 53, 115},{1, 49, 107},{1, 45, 96},{0, 41, 88},{1, 38, 81},{0, 33, 72},{1, 30, 63},{1, 27, 56},{0, 22, 47},{0, 18, 39},{1, 14, 31},{1, 11, 22},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 231, 242},{227, 245, 255},{210, 228, 253},{200, 224, 250},{191, 219, 252},{184, 213, 252},{175, 207, 251},{166, 202, 250},{157, 197, 249},{148, 193, 249},{140, 188, 249},{130, 182, 249},{121, 176, 248},{113, 173, 249},{103, 167, 248},{95, 161, 247},{86, 157, 247},{76, 152, 247},{68, 146, 247},{60, 141, 244},{51, 135, 244},{43, 131, 246},{33, 126, 245},{25, 120, 243},{15, 114, 244},{6, 110, 244},{1, 104, 242},{1, 100, 233},{1, 99, 224},{1, 94, 215},{1, 90, 207},{1, 86, 198},{2, 83, 190},{2, 80, 182},{0, 76, 172},{0, 72, 163},{0, 68, 156},{0, 65, 147},{1, 61, 139},{0, 57, 131},{0, 54, 123},{0, 50, 115},{0, 47, 106},{1, 43, 96},{1, 38, 88},{1, 36, 81},{0, 32, 72},{2, 29, 62},{1, 25, 56},{0, 21, 47},{0, 17, 38},{0, 13, 30},{0, 10, 22},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 230, 242},{228, 244, 255},{211, 229, 253},{201, 222, 253},{192, 218, 252},{183, 212, 251},{174, 205, 249},{167, 200, 249},{157, 194, 251},{148, 189, 250},{139, 186, 249},{130, 179, 248},{122, 173, 248},{112, 168, 248},{105, 163, 247},{95, 158, 246},{86, 153, 246},{76, 147, 246},{68, 141, 246},{60, 136, 246},{50, 131, 245},{43, 126, 245},{34, 120, 244},{24, 113, 244},{16, 109, 244},{5, 105, 246},{0, 100, 242},{1, 95, 232},{1, 91, 224},{2, 89, 215},{1, 86, 208},{1, 82, 196},{2, 79, 189},{1, 75, 182},{0, 71, 173},{1, 68, 164},{0, 65, 156},{1, 61, 148},{1, 57, 140},{1, 54, 132},{0, 51, 124},{0, 48, 113},{1, 45, 104},{1, 40, 97},{0, 36, 88},{1, 34, 80},{0, 30, 73},{0, 27, 63},{0, 23, 54},{0, 19, 47},{0, 16, 38},{0, 13, 28},{0, 10, 21},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 7}},{{223, 230, 242},{227, 243, 255},{210, 228, 253},{201, 221, 252},{192, 216, 253},{184, 210, 252},{173, 204, 250},{166, 199, 249},{156, 191, 250},{147, 186, 250},{139, 182, 249},{129, 176, 248},{122, 171, 249},{113, 165, 248},{103, 159, 246},{94, 154, 246},{86, 148, 247},{76, 142, 246},{67, 137, 245},{60, 132, 246},{50, 126, 247},{43, 120, 245},{33, 114, 244},{24, 108, 245},{14, 102, 244},{5, 96, 244},{0, 93, 242},{0, 89, 232},{1, 86, 225},{1, 82, 214},{1, 80, 208},{1, 77, 198},{1, 73, 190},{1, 69, 182},{1, 67, 173},{0, 65, 164},{0, 60, 155},{0, 57, 148},{0, 54, 140},{0, 52, 131},{0, 47, 123},{0, 44, 114},{0, 41, 104},{0, 37, 97},{0, 34, 89},{0, 32, 79},{0, 28, 73},{0, 25, 64},{0, 22, 55},{0, 18, 47},{0, 15, 39},{0, 13, 30},{0, 9, 21},{0, 1, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 230, 243},{228, 242, 255},{210, 226, 252},{201, 219, 252},{190, 214, 251},{185, 208, 253},{175, 202, 251},{165, 197, 250},{157, 190, 250},{148, 185, 250},{140, 178, 250},{130, 172, 249},{122, 167, 250},{113, 162, 249},{104, 155, 248},{95, 148, 248},{87, 143, 248},{76, 137, 248},{68, 132, 247},{62, 127, 248},{51, 120, 247},{44, 114, 247},{34, 108, 246},{24, 102, 245},{14, 96, 245},{4, 90, 245},{0, 86, 241},{1, 84, 233},{1, 81, 225},{1, 76, 215},{2, 74, 210},{2, 71, 200},{2, 68, 191},{2, 65, 184},{0, 61, 174},{0, 59, 165},{0, 55, 156},{0, 53, 148},{2, 51, 141},{1, 48, 132},{0, 43, 124},{0, 41, 115},{0, 38, 106},{0, 34, 98},{0, 32, 89},{1, 29, 81},{1, 26, 73},{0, 23, 65},{0, 20, 56},{0, 17, 47},{0, 15, 39},{0, 11, 30},{0, 7, 21},{0, 0, 8},{4, 6, 9}},{{222, 230, 242},{226, 241, 255},{210, 225, 253},{201, 218, 251},{190, 212, 251},{184, 205, 252},{174, 200, 250},{165, 195, 251},{157, 187, 250},{149, 182, 250},{140, 176, 250},{131, 169, 250},{121, 163, 250},{112, 158, 249},{105, 151, 249},{95, 145, 249},{86, 139, 249},{76, 133, 248},{68, 128, 248},{61, 121, 248},{51, 115, 246},{44, 110, 247},{34, 103, 246},{25, 96, 246},{15, 89, 245},{6, 84, 246},{1, 80, 242},{1, 77, 233},{1, 74, 225},{2, 72, 217},{1, 69, 210},{2, 66, 201},{2, 63, 192},{1, 60, 182},{0, 57, 173},{0, 55, 166},{0, 51, 158},{1, 49, 150},{1, 47, 141},{0, 44, 132},{0, 40, 124},{0, 38, 115},{1, 35, 106},{1, 32, 98},{0, 29, 89},{1, 26, 81},{1, 24, 73},{0, 22, 65},{0, 19, 56},{0, 15, 46},{0, 13, 39},{0, 10, 29},{0, 6, 21},{0, 0, 9},{4, 5, 9}},{{222, 230, 242},{228, 241, 255},{209, 223, 254},{201, 217, 253},{192, 210, 252},{183, 204, 251},{174, 197, 250},{165, 192, 250},{155, 184, 251},{148, 178, 250},{139, 173, 248},{129, 166, 249},{121, 160, 248},{112, 153, 249},{102, 147, 249},{95, 140, 249},{86, 135, 249},{77, 129, 247},{68, 124, 247},{60, 116, 247},{51, 110, 248},{42, 104, 247},{34, 97, 246},{25, 90, 245},{15, 84, 245},{6, 78, 246},{0, 73, 243},{1, 71, 234},{1, 68, 226},{1, 66, 216},{1, 62, 209},{2, 60, 200},{1, 59, 191},{0, 56, 183},{0, 52, 173},{0, 51, 165},{0, 48, 157},{1, 44, 151},{0, 43, 140},{0, 40, 132},{0, 38, 123},{0, 35, 115},{0, 32, 105},{1, 30, 97},{0, 28, 88},{1, 25, 81},{1, 22, 73},{0, 19, 63},{0, 17, 56},{0, 15, 47},{0, 13, 39},{0, 10, 31},{0, 6, 20},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 9}},{{222, 229, 241},{227, 240, 255},{208, 222, 253},{200, 215, 252},{192, 208, 253},{183, 202, 252},{174, 195, 250},{167, 189, 251},{156, 182, 252},{147, 176, 249},{139, 171, 248},{129, 164, 249},{122, 157, 248},{113, 150, 249},{103, 144, 249},{95, 136, 249},{86, 130, 249},{76, 124, 247},{68, 118, 248},{61, 112, 248},{50, 104, 247},{42, 99, 246},{33, 91, 246},{24, 85, 245},{15, 79, 245},{6, 71, 246},{0, 67, 242},{0, 65, 234},{0, 62, 226},{1, 60, 216},{1, 57, 209},{1, 55, 199},{1, 53, 193},{1, 51, 184},{0, 48, 174},{0, 46, 165},{0, 43, 157},{0, 40, 150},{0, 39, 140},{0, 37, 132},{0, 35, 123},{1, 33, 116},{1, 29, 107},{1, 28, 96},{0, 25, 89},{0, 22, 80},{0, 20, 74},{0, 18, 64},{0, 15, 57},{0, 14, 46},{0, 11, 38},{0, 8, 31},{0, 6, 20},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 9}},{{222, 227, 241},{227, 238, 255},{210, 221, 253},{202, 214, 252},{194, 209, 254},{183, 201, 252},{174, 193, 250},{167, 188, 251},{156, 179, 250},{146, 173, 251},{139, 166, 251},{131, 160, 251},{122, 153, 249},{114, 147, 251},{105, 141, 250},{95, 133, 249},{87, 126, 250},{78, 119, 250},{69, 112, 248},{61, 106, 249},{52, 100, 248},{44, 94, 248},{34, 86, 248},{26, 79, 247},{17, 72, 247},{7, 65, 248},{1, 61, 244},{2, 59, 236},{2, 56, 228},{2, 55, 218},{2, 53, 210},{3, 51, 200},{1, 47, 194},{1, 45, 185},{2, 43, 175},{2, 42, 167},{2, 40, 159},{1, 37, 150},{1, 35, 141},{0, 33, 133},{1, 31, 125},{1, 28, 117},{1, 26, 108},{1, 24, 98},{1, 23, 91},{1, 21, 82},{0, 18, 73},{1, 17, 65},{0, 14, 56},{0, 12, 46},{0, 9, 38},{0, 6, 30},{0, 5, 21},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 227, 241},{227, 236, 255},{210, 220, 254},{202, 213, 253},{193, 207, 253},{184, 198, 252},{173, 191, 251},{166, 185, 251},{156, 177, 250},{146, 169, 250},{138, 162, 251},{131, 156, 252},{123, 150, 250},{113, 142, 250},{104, 136, 249},{96, 129, 249},{87, 123, 250},{79, 115, 249},{69, 108, 248},{60, 102, 248},{51, 94, 248},{44, 87, 248},{34, 80, 249},{24, 73, 248},{16, 66, 247},{7, 58, 248},{0, 54, 243},{2, 53, 236},{2, 50, 229},{3, 50, 218},{2, 47, 209},{1, 44, 199},{1, 42, 193},{1, 41, 184},{2, 39, 175},{2, 37, 167},{2, 34, 160},{1, 33, 151},{1, 31, 140},{1, 29, 134},{1, 26, 126},{1, 24, 116},{0, 23, 108},{1, 21, 98},{0, 20, 90},{0, 18, 82},{0, 16, 73},{1, 15, 64},{0, 13, 56},{0, 11, 48},{0, 9, 39},{0, 6, 31},{0, 5, 21},{0, 0, 8},{4, 5, 8}},{{222, 227, 240},{227, 236, 255},{209, 219, 253},{201, 211, 252},{191, 205, 253},{184, 196, 252},{174, 188, 252},{166, 183, 252},{157, 176, 251},{148, 168, 251},{138, 160, 250},{130, 154, 251},{122, 148, 250},{112, 140, 249},{104, 132, 249},{96, 125, 249},{88, 117, 250},{78, 111, 249},{69, 104, 250},{60, 96, 248},{52, 90, 249},{44, 84, 249},{34, 75, 248},{26, 67, 248},{17, 60, 248},{6, 52, 247},{0, 48, 243},{2, 46, 236},{2, 44, 227},{2, 44, 218},{1, 42, 210},{1, 40, 201},{2, 39, 195},{1, 36, 185},{1, 35, 176},{2, 33, 167},{2, 30, 158},{0, 29, 150},{1, 28, 141},{1, 26, 135},{1, 24, 125},{0, 23, 117},{0, 21, 108},{1, 20, 99},{0, 18, 91},{1, 16, 81},{0, 15, 73},{0, 13, 64},{0, 11, 57},{1, 9, 48},{1, 7, 39},{0, 6, 30},{0, 4, 22},{0, 0, 9},{4, 4, 7}},{{222, 226, 240},{229, 235, 255},{210, 218, 253},{201, 210, 252},{191, 203, 253},{184, 195, 253},{174, 186, 252},{166, 181, 252},{156, 174, 252},{148, 165, 251},{140, 158, 250},{130, 150, 251},{121, 144, 249},{113, 136, 250},{105, 129, 249},{95, 120, 249},{86, 113, 249},{78, 106, 249},{69, 99, 250},{60, 91, 249},{50, 84, 248},{45, 78, 248},{33, 69, 247},{25, 62, 247},{17, 55, 248},{6, 45, 248},{0, 41, 245},{1, 41, 237},{2, 38, 230},{2, 38, 220},{2, 36, 211},{2, 35, 201},{1, 33, 194},{1, 31, 185},{1, 30, 175},{2, 30, 168},{1, 26, 158},{0, 26, 150},{2, 24, 141},{0, 23, 134},{0, 21, 125},{0, 20, 116},{0, 18, 107},{0, 18, 99},{0, 16, 92},{0, 14, 81},{0, 13, 72},{0, 11, 65},{0, 10, 57},{1, 7, 48},{1, 6, 39},{0, 5, 30},{0, 4, 22},{0, 0, 9},{4, 4, 7}},{{222, 225, 241},{228, 233, 255},{211, 217, 253},{203, 209, 252},{192, 201, 254},{183, 193, 252},{174, 184, 251},{167, 178, 252},{156, 169, 251},{148, 162, 251},{140, 155, 250},{131, 147, 250},{124, 140, 250},{114, 133, 250},{105, 124, 250},{96, 116, 250},{87, 109, 249},{78, 101, 249},{70, 94, 249},{61, 86, 250},{51, 78, 249},{44, 70, 248},{34, 64, 248},{26, 55, 248},{16, 46, 248},{7, 39, 249},{3, 35, 246},{2, 33, 237},{2, 32, 229},{3, 31, 221},{2, 31, 212},{2, 29, 201},{1, 27, 193},{2, 27, 185},{2, 26, 177},{2, 24, 167},{2, 23, 158},{1, 21, 150},{3, 20, 141},{1, 20, 134},{0, 17, 124},{1, 17, 116},{0, 16, 107},{1, 13, 98},{0, 11, 90},{0, 10, 81},{0, 11, 73},{1, 9, 64},{0, 7, 56},{1, 7, 49},{1, 6, 40},{0, 4, 30},{0, 2, 22},{0, 0, 9},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 225, 241},{227, 233, 255},{210, 215, 253},{203, 207, 251},{193, 200, 252},{183, 190, 251},{174, 182, 250},{168, 176, 252},{158, 166, 251},{148, 160, 251},{139, 152, 249},{131, 144, 250},{124, 135, 251},{114, 128, 250},{105, 119, 249},{96, 113, 250},{88, 104, 249},{79, 96, 247},{70, 89, 249},{61, 82, 250},{52, 74, 249},{44, 65, 248},{34, 58, 247},{26, 50, 248},{16, 42, 247},{7, 34, 247},{2, 29, 243},{3, 28, 235},{3, 27, 227},{3, 26, 219},{3, 25, 211},{2, 23, 201},{1, 23, 192},{2, 22, 184},{2, 21, 176},{1, 20, 167},{3, 19, 160},{0, 17, 151},{1, 16, 140},{1, 16, 133},{1, 15, 124},{1, 14, 116},{1, 12, 107},{2, 11, 99},{2, 10, 90},{1, 9, 82},{0, 8, 73},{0, 8, 63},{0, 7, 56},{0, 6, 48},{0, 5, 39},{0, 4, 31},{0, 2, 21},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 225, 241},{227, 232, 255},{210, 214, 252},{202, 206, 251},{194, 198, 252},{185, 190, 252},{176, 182, 251},{167, 174, 250},{159, 166, 251},{150, 159, 251},{141, 151, 248},{132, 142, 249},{124, 134, 250},{115, 126, 249},{106, 118, 248},{97, 110, 248},{88, 101, 246},{80, 93, 246},{73, 87, 248},{64, 79, 247},{53, 70, 245},{45, 63, 246},{36, 54, 245},{27, 46, 244},{20, 37, 245},{9, 29, 244},{5, 24, 241},{5, 23, 233},{5, 22, 225},{4, 22, 216},{5, 22, 208},{5, 20, 199},{4, 20, 191},{4, 18, 182},{3, 17, 174},{3, 17, 165},{2, 16, 157},{2, 15, 149},{3, 14, 140},{2, 13, 132},{2, 13, 124},{2, 11, 114},{3, 11, 106},{4, 10, 98},{2, 9, 89},{1, 8, 81},{2, 7, 72},{2, 7, 63},{1, 5, 56},{0, 5, 47},{0, 4, 39},{0, 3, 30},{0, 2, 20},{0, 0, 7},{4, 5, 7}},{{223, 224, 239},{229, 231, 255},{210, 214, 251},{202, 206, 250},{196, 198, 252},{185, 190, 251},{176, 180, 249},{167, 174, 250},{159, 166, 249},{151, 157, 248},{143, 151, 248},{136, 143, 247},{126, 134, 247},{117, 125, 246},{109, 117, 245},{101, 109, 245},{91, 101, 244},{83, 93, 244},{76, 86, 245},{67, 77, 244},{57, 69, 243},{50, 62, 242},{39, 53, 241},{32, 44, 240},{26, 35, 241},{16, 27, 241},{11, 22, 237},{11, 22, 229},{8, 22, 221},{8, 21, 213},{8, 20, 205},{8, 19, 195},{8, 19, 188},{8, 18, 180},{6, 16, 171},{6, 16, 163},{5, 15, 154},{6, 14, 146},{4, 13, 138},{4, 13, 130},{5, 12, 121},{5, 11, 113},{5, 10, 104},{3, 9, 95},{1, 9, 87},{2, 8, 79},{3, 6, 70},{3, 6, 62},{3, 6, 55},{1, 5, 46},{0, 4, 38},{1, 3, 29},{0, 3, 21},{0, 0, 7},{4, 5, 7}},{{224, 225, 240},{229, 232, 255},{211, 214, 251},{203, 205, 250},{195, 198, 252},{188, 190, 249},{178, 181, 247},{171, 174, 248},{161, 164, 247},{153, 156, 246},{144, 147, 244},{138, 141, 245},{130, 133, 243},{120, 123, 243},{112, 115, 242},{103, 107, 242},{96, 101, 242},{87, 91, 241},{79, 83, 241},{70, 75, 239},{62, 67, 238},{55, 59, 237},{45, 51, 238},{36, 42, 236},{27, 34, 235},{17, 26, 236},{13, 21, 232},{14, 20, 224},{14, 20, 216},{14, 19, 208},{12, 19, 201},{11, 17, 191},{13, 16, 183},{12, 16, 176},{10, 14, 167},{10, 15, 160},{10, 15, 152},{8, 13, 144},{8, 12, 135},{8, 11, 127},{7, 11, 118},{6, 10, 112},{6, 9, 103},{5, 9, 93},{4, 8, 86},{6, 7, 77},{4, 6, 69},{4, 6, 62},{3, 5, 54},{2, 4, 45},{3, 4, 37},{2, 3, 29},{1, 2, 20},{0, 0, 7},{5, 5, 8}},{{223, 224, 240},{231, 232, 255},{213, 214, 250},{205, 204, 249},{196, 197, 250},{188, 189, 247},{180, 181, 246},{172, 172, 246},{163, 163, 245},{154, 156, 245},{147, 146, 243},{138, 139, 243},{130, 132, 241},{123, 123, 241},{114, 113, 239},{106, 105, 238},{98, 98, 239},{89, 90, 238},{81, 81, 237},{72, 73, 236},{64, 65, 234},{58, 57, 235},{48, 48, 234},{40, 40, 231},{31, 32, 231},{23, 23, 232},{20, 17, 229},{19, 16, 220},{17, 18, 212},{17, 17, 203},{16, 16, 196},{14, 16, 188},{13, 15, 181},{14, 14, 171},{13, 13, 163},{11, 12, 156},{12, 11, 148},{12, 11, 141},{10, 9, 132},{10, 9, 124},{9, 10, 116},{9, 8, 109},{8, 8, 101},{7, 8, 92},{7, 6, 84},{7, 6, 76},{4, 6, 68},{5, 5, 61},{2, 4, 53},{3, 3, 44},{3, 4, 36},{1, 3, 27},{1, 1, 19},{0, 0, 7},{5, 5, 8}},{{224, 224, 239},{232, 231, 255},{214, 214, 251},{206, 206, 249},{198, 197, 249},{189, 188, 247},{180, 180, 245},{173, 171, 244},{165, 162, 244},{156, 155, 243},{148, 147, 242},{141, 138, 242},{132, 130, 239},{124, 121, 238},{114, 113, 236},{107, 104, 236},{99, 97, 235},{91, 89, 236},{84, 80, 234},{77, 73, 233},{69, 63, 233},{61, 56, 231},{52, 46, 230},{43, 39, 230},{34, 31, 230},{26, 21, 228},{23, 16, 226},{22, 16, 220},{20, 16, 209},{19, 16, 199},{19, 15, 194},{19, 14, 186},{17, 14, 176},{17, 13, 169},{15, 12, 161},{15, 12, 153},{14, 11, 145},{12, 10, 137},{11, 10, 131},{11, 10, 122},{11, 8, 113},{10, 8, 108},{9, 7, 99},{10, 6, 89},{8, 6, 82},{7, 7, 76},{6, 5, 69},{5, 4, 60},{4, 4, 52},{2, 3, 43},{1, 3, 36},{2, 2, 28},{2, 1, 20},{0, 0, 7},{5, 4, 8}},{{225, 224, 240},{232, 231, 255},{213, 213, 249},{206, 206, 248},{199, 197, 248},{191, 187, 244},{181, 178, 243},{174, 170, 244},{166, 161, 243},{159, 154, 240},{150, 146, 239},{143, 137, 239},{134, 129, 236},{127, 120, 237},{118, 111, 236},{111, 102, 235},{102, 96, 234},{94, 88, 234},{88, 79, 233},{80, 71, 230},{72, 62, 229},{64, 54, 229},{56, 44, 229},{47, 36, 227},{38, 29, 225},{30, 19, 223},{26, 14, 220},{25, 14, 214},{24, 14, 207},{23, 13, 197},{22, 12, 191},{22, 12, 182},{21, 12, 174},{20, 10, 168},{18, 10, 160},{18, 10, 152},{17, 10, 144},{15, 10, 135},{15, 10, 127},{13, 8, 121},{13, 7, 111},{12, 7, 105},{11, 7, 97},{10, 6, 88},{8, 6, 81},{7, 6, 74},{8, 5, 67},{7, 5, 59},{5, 4, 52},{4, 4, 42},{2, 3, 36},{4, 3, 28},{4, 2, 19},{0, 0, 7},{4, 4, 8}},{{225, 224, 240},{231, 230, 255},{213, 213, 248},{209, 204, 245},{202, 195, 245},{193, 187, 243},{183, 177, 242},{176, 170, 240},{168, 161, 238},{161, 152, 237},{153, 145, 236},{145, 136, 235},{137, 129, 234},{129, 120, 234},{122, 110, 233},{115, 102, 232},{107, 95, 230},{99, 86, 229},{91, 77, 228},{83, 68, 225},{76, 60, 225},{68, 53, 225},{61, 43, 222},{53, 35, 221},{45, 26, 222},{35, 16, 221},{31, 10, 216},{31, 12, 209},{29, 12, 202},{29, 11, 192},{27, 11, 186},{26, 10, 177},{25, 10, 169},{24, 9, 163},{22, 8, 156},{22, 9, 149},{21, 8, 138},{19, 8, 131},{18, 8, 124},{15, 7, 118},{16, 6, 109},{15, 6, 102},{14, 5, 94},{13, 5, 86},{12, 5, 79},{10, 4, 71},{8, 4, 64},{7, 4, 57},{7, 3, 51},{7, 2, 41},{4, 3, 34},{4, 2, 27},{4, 2, 17},{0, 0, 5},{4, 4, 7}},{{226, 225, 238},{235, 231, 255},{215, 213, 248},{210, 204, 245},{203, 195, 244},{195, 187, 243},{184, 177, 240},{177, 170, 238},{169, 161, 236},{164, 153, 236},{156, 146, 235},{148, 137, 234},{140, 128, 232},{133, 119, 232},{125, 111, 228},{117, 102, 227},{112, 94, 226},{104, 85, 224},{96, 77, 222},{87, 69, 222},{80, 60, 220},{74, 53, 218},{66, 43, 217},{58, 35, 214},{50, 26, 212},{42, 17, 212},{37, 12, 208},{37, 12, 203},{36, 11, 196},{34, 11, 187},{31, 11, 180},{31, 11, 171},{30, 10, 164},{28, 9, 157},{27, 8, 150},{27, 8, 144},{26, 8, 135},{24, 9, 129},{21, 8, 122},{19, 7, 116},{19, 7, 107},{18, 6, 101},{17, 6, 92},{16, 5, 84},{15, 4, 78},{13, 4, 71},{8, 3, 63},{8, 3, 55},{9, 3, 49},{9, 2, 40},{5, 2, 33},{4, 2, 26},{3, 2, 17},{0, 0, 6},{4, 4, 7}},{{226, 224, 238},{235, 230, 255},{217, 212, 246},{209, 204, 242},{203, 195, 243},{194, 187, 241},{187, 178, 237},{180, 171, 236},{172, 161, 234},{166, 153, 234},{159, 145, 232},{152, 136, 230},{145, 128, 229},{137, 119, 227},{129, 111, 225},{123, 103, 224},{116, 95, 222},{108, 86, 220},{101, 79, 219},{93, 70, 217},{86, 60, 216},{78, 53, 214},{72, 43, 212},{65, 36, 209},{58, 27, 206},{50, 17, 205},{45, 12, 202},{44, 12, 196},{42, 13, 190},{40, 12, 182},{40, 11, 176},{37, 11, 168},{35, 10, 159},{34, 10, 152},{32, 11, 146},{30, 10, 139},{29, 9, 131},{28, 9, 125},{25, 8, 119},{24, 7, 112},{22, 7, 105},{20, 7, 96},{19, 6, 88},{18, 6, 82},{17, 5, 76},{14, 4, 67},{12, 4, 60},{11, 4, 53},{10, 4, 46},{9, 3, 39},{7, 2, 33},{6, 2, 26},{4, 1, 19},{0, 0, 6},{4, 4, 8}},{{226, 224, 237},{235, 231, 255},{219, 212, 245},{210, 204, 241},{204, 195, 241},{196, 187, 239},{189, 177, 235},{182, 170, 234},{175, 162, 233},{170, 154, 231},{162, 144, 228},{155, 135, 226},{149, 128, 226},{141, 119, 223},{133, 111, 221},{127, 102, 219},{120, 94, 216},{113, 86, 216},{105, 79, 213},{99, 69, 212},{91, 59, 210},{84, 53, 208},{78, 42, 205},{71, 35, 203},{64, 26, 200},{58, 17, 200},{52, 12, 197},{50, 11, 190},{47, 12, 183},{47, 12, 176},{46, 10, 169},{42, 10, 162},{40, 10, 153},{39, 10, 148},{36, 10, 142},{35, 10, 134},{33, 9, 125},{30, 8, 120},{28, 8, 114},{26, 7, 107},{26, 7, 102},{23, 5, 92},{22, 6, 85},{20, 6, 78},{19, 5, 73},{17, 4, 65},{14, 4, 58},{12, 4, 51},{10, 3, 44},{9, 3, 38},{7, 2, 31},{6, 2, 25},{4, 1, 18},{0, 0, 5},{4, 5, 7}},{{226, 223, 236},{236, 230, 254},{219, 213, 244},{214, 205, 242},{208, 196, 239},{200, 187, 236},{192, 177, 233},{186, 170, 232},{179, 161, 229},{174, 153, 227},{166, 144, 224},{159, 135, 222},{152, 128, 220},{146, 120, 219},{139, 112, 216},{132, 102, 213},{127, 93, 211},{120, 85, 209},{111, 76, 206},{105, 69, 203},{99, 60, 201},{93, 53, 199},{85, 43, 197},{78, 34, 195},{71, 25, 193},{65, 16, 191},{60, 12, 187},{57, 12, 181},{56, 11, 174},{54, 10, 167},{52, 10, 162},{50, 10, 154},{47, 10, 148},{45, 10, 142},{43, 8, 134},{42, 9, 129},{39, 8, 121},{35, 8, 114},{34, 7, 109},{32, 7, 103},{31, 7, 96},{28, 6, 89},{26, 6, 82},{24, 6, 75},{21, 6, 70},{19, 4, 63},{17, 4, 56},{15, 4, 49},{13, 3, 44},{11, 3, 36},{8, 2, 29},{7, 1, 22},{4, 1, 16},{0, 0, 5},{5, 4, 6}},{{226, 224, 235},{236, 231, 253},{220, 214, 242},{215, 205, 239},{208, 196, 237},{203, 188, 235},{195, 178, 232},{189, 170, 230},{182, 161, 227},{175, 153, 224},{168, 145, 223},{161, 136, 220},{156, 129, 216},{150, 120, 214},{143, 112, 212},{137, 103, 209},{132, 95, 206},{125, 86, 203},{117, 78, 201},{111, 69, 199},{105, 60, 197},{100, 53, 195},{90, 42, 191},{84, 34, 189},{79, 26, 188},{71, 17, 186},{66, 13, 180},{64, 13, 175},{63, 12, 169},{61, 10, 162},{58, 10, 156},{55, 10, 150},{52, 11, 144},{50, 11, 137},{49, 9, 130},{48, 9, 125},{44, 8, 117},{40, 8, 110},{39, 8, 104},{36, 8, 99},{34, 6, 93},{30, 6, 86},{28, 6, 79},{25, 5, 72},{24, 6, 67},{22, 5, 60},{20, 4, 54},{19, 4, 46},{16, 3, 43},{13, 2, 36},{10, 2, 28},{7, 2, 21},{4, 1, 15},{0, 0, 4},{5, 5, 5}},{{229, 224, 236},{239, 230, 255},{222, 212, 241},{215, 205, 237},{211, 197, 235},{204, 188, 232},{196, 178, 228},{190, 170, 227},{184, 161, 224},{179, 154, 222},{170, 145, 219},{165, 135, 216},{161, 128, 215},{154, 119, 212},{146, 111, 208},{140, 103, 204},{133, 96, 203},{128, 86, 200},{123, 78, 197},{116, 69, 196},{108, 59, 192},{104, 53, 190},{95, 43, 186},{88, 35, 183},{83, 27, 182},{76, 17, 178},{72, 12, 175},{71, 12, 169},{68, 12, 163},{65, 11, 156},{63, 11, 150},{60, 11, 145},{57, 10, 139},{55, 9, 133},{52, 9, 126},{51, 9, 121},{47, 7, 114},{44, 7, 107},{43, 8, 102},{40, 7, 96},{37, 6, 88},{34, 6, 83},{31, 6, 78},{28, 5, 71},{26, 5, 65},{23, 4, 59},{22, 4, 53},{20, 4, 46},{17, 3, 40},{13, 3, 35},{10, 2, 27},{8, 2, 20},{6, 2, 16},{0, 0, 5},{5, 4, 7}},{{229, 224, 235},{239, 229, 253},{224, 213, 239},{217, 205, 236},{213, 197, 234},{204, 188, 230},{197, 178, 226},{193, 171, 224},{187, 162, 221},{181, 154, 219},{174, 145, 216},{169, 137, 213},{163, 128, 212},{157, 120, 208},{150, 111, 204},{144, 104, 200},{138, 96, 199},{132, 87, 196},{126, 78, 193},{121, 70, 192},{115, 61, 187},{108, 54, 186},{102, 44, 182},{95, 35, 178},{89, 27, 175},{84, 18, 173},{79, 13, 169},{76, 13, 163},{75, 13, 157},{71, 11, 151},{69, 12, 146},{66, 12, 140},{62, 10, 134},{60, 10, 128},{57, 10, 123},{55, 9, 116},{51, 9, 110},{48, 9, 105},{46, 8, 99},{43, 8, 93},{39, 7, 86},{38, 7, 81},{34, 6, 75},{31, 5, 68},{28, 5, 63},{25, 3, 58},{23, 3, 50},{20, 4, 45},{18, 3, 39},{15, 3, 33},{12, 1, 26},{10, 2, 20},{6, 2, 15},{0, 0, 3},{5, 4, 6}},{{229, 223, 235},{240, 230, 252},{227, 214, 239},{220, 205, 235},{212, 197, 232},{207, 188, 228},{200, 177, 225},{195, 171, 221},{190, 162, 218},{183, 153, 216},{178, 145, 212},{172, 136, 209},{167, 129, 207},{161, 120, 204},{154, 112, 200},{148, 104, 198},{143, 94, 194},{137, 86, 190},{132, 79, 188},{126, 71, 185},{119, 61, 181},{115, 54, 178},{108, 44, 175},{102, 35, 171},{97, 28, 167},{91, 19, 166},{87, 13, 163},{83, 13, 155},{81, 13, 150},{77, 12, 144},{74, 11, 140},{71, 10, 134},{68, 11, 128},{66, 11, 122},{63, 9, 117},{58, 10, 111},{56, 10, 105},{53, 8, 101},{50, 8, 94},{47, 8, 88},{44, 7, 83},{40, 6, 77},{37, 6, 70},{34, 6, 65},{32, 5, 61},{30, 5, 54},{26, 4, 48},{23, 4, 43},{18, 3, 37},{17, 2, 30},{14, 2, 25},{10, 2, 20},{7, 2, 14},{0, 0, 2},{5, 5, 6}},{{230, 224, 235},{243, 231, 252},{227, 215, 238},{219, 205, 233},{214, 196, 231},{209, 186, 227},{204, 178, 224},{198, 171, 219},{191, 163, 216},{185, 153, 213},{181, 145, 209},{175, 137, 206},{169, 129, 202},{164, 122, 199},{157, 113, 196},{152, 103, 193},{147, 95, 190},{142, 87, 187},{136, 80, 183},{131, 71, 180},{124, 61, 177},{119, 54, 173},{113, 44, 169},{109, 36, 165},{103, 28, 162},{98, 18, 161},{93, 13, 158},{89, 14, 150},{85, 14, 145},{83, 14, 139},{80, 12, 135},{76, 11, 129},{73, 11, 123},{70, 12, 117},{67, 10, 112},{63, 10, 107},{60, 9, 101},{57, 7, 97},{53, 8, 91},{51, 8, 85},{47, 8, 80},{43, 7, 75},{40, 6, 68},{37, 6, 64},{35, 6, 57},{32, 5, 51},{27, 4, 46},{24, 4, 40},{20, 3, 36},{17, 2, 29},{15, 2, 24},{10, 2, 19},{7, 2, 13},{0, 0, 2},{4, 5, 5}},{{231, 224, 235},{244, 231, 251},{227, 213, 237},{220, 205, 231},{217, 196, 229},{211, 187, 227},{205, 178, 220},{199, 170, 217},{194, 163, 215},{190, 155, 213},{183, 145, 207},{178, 137, 203},{172, 129, 201},{167, 121, 197},{162, 113, 193},{157, 104, 190},{151, 96, 186},{146, 87, 183},{142, 78, 180},{136, 70, 176},{130, 62, 171},{124, 55, 169},{120, 45, 164},{113, 36, 159},{110, 29, 158},{104, 19, 154},{99, 15, 150},{96, 15, 146},{92, 15, 139},{88, 14, 135},{85, 14, 129},{81, 13, 122},{78, 11, 118},{74, 11, 114},{70, 12, 109},{67, 10, 103},{64, 9, 98},{62, 9, 93},{56, 9, 88},{53, 9, 83},{49, 8, 77},{47, 7, 72},{43, 7, 68},{39, 6, 62},{36, 6, 55},{33, 6, 50},{30, 4, 44},{25, 4, 39},{22, 3, 32},{18, 2, 30},{16, 2, 23},{12, 2, 18},{8, 1, 13},{0, 0, 1},{4, 5, 6}},{{231, 225, 234},{244, 232, 250},{228, 213, 236},{222, 205, 231},{218, 197, 226},{213, 188, 224},{207, 179, 220},{202, 171, 216},{197, 163, 213},{193, 154, 210},{186, 146, 205},{181, 137, 200},{177, 130, 199},{171, 120, 193},{165, 113, 188},{161, 105, 185},{155, 97, 182},{150, 87, 178},{146, 80, 175},{139, 71, 170},{134, 62, 166},{130, 55, 163},{125, 45, 160},{119, 38, 154},{114, 29, 150},{109, 20, 145},{106, 16, 141},{101, 16, 139},{97, 15, 134},{93, 14, 129},{91, 14, 123},{86, 14, 118},{83, 12, 115},{79, 12, 109},{75, 11, 104},{72, 11, 99},{68, 10, 94},{64, 9, 88},{59, 10, 83},{57, 9, 80},{53, 8, 74},{49, 7, 69},{45, 7, 65},{42, 6, 58},{39, 6, 51},{34, 6, 47},{32, 5, 43},{27, 5, 38},{24, 4, 32},{20, 3, 29},{16, 2, 22},{13, 2, 18},{8, 2, 12},{0, 0, 1},{4, 5, 6}},{{233, 224, 235},{244, 230, 249},{229, 213, 233},{225, 205, 230},{219, 196, 225},{213, 188, 220},{208, 180, 218},{206, 171, 214},{201, 163, 209},{194, 154, 206},{190, 146, 200},{185, 137, 196},{180, 130, 194},{174, 122, 189},{169, 114, 185},{165, 105, 182},{160, 96, 177},{155, 88, 172},{151, 80, 169},{145, 72, 164},{141, 62, 161},{136, 55, 157},{130, 46, 151},{125, 38, 149},{121, 29, 146},{116, 19, 142},{113, 15, 138},{108, 15, 133},{103, 14, 126},{99, 15, 122},{97, 14, 118},{92, 12, 114},{88, 13, 108},{85, 13, 102},{81, 12, 97},{76, 11, 94},{72, 11, 89},{69, 10, 85},{64, 10, 80},{61, 9, 76},{57, 8, 70},{53, 8, 65},{49, 7, 60},{45, 6, 54},{41, 6, 48},{37, 5, 45},{33, 5, 41},{30, 6, 35},{27, 4, 31},{22, 3, 25},{16, 3, 21},{13, 1, 17},{10, 2, 11},{0, 0, 1},{4, 4, 4}},{{233, 224, 234},{245, 231, 247},{230, 214, 232},{226, 205, 230},{220, 195, 226},{215, 188, 219},{210, 180, 215},{207, 171, 212},{202, 163, 207},{197, 155, 202},{194, 147, 199},{187, 138, 194},{183, 130, 189},{179, 122, 186},{174, 114, 182},{170, 105, 177},{165, 97, 173},{161, 89, 170},{156, 81, 166},{149, 73, 160},{146, 64, 156},{141, 56, 153},{136, 46, 147},{131, 39, 144},{126, 30, 140},{122, 21, 135},{118, 17, 130},{115, 17, 127},{109, 16, 122},{106, 16, 117},{102, 15, 114},{98, 13, 109},{94, 12, 103},{89, 13, 99},{85, 13, 94},{80, 11, 91},{75, 10, 85},{73, 10, 81},{70, 11, 78},{64, 9, 73},{59, 9, 67},{57, 8, 62},{53, 8, 57},{47, 7, 52},{43, 6, 48},{40, 7, 43},{34, 6, 37},{30, 5, 34},{28, 3, 30},{23, 3, 24},{17, 3, 21},{15, 3, 16},{11, 2, 10},{1, 0, 1},{5, 4, 5}},{{231, 223, 232},{245, 231, 248},{232, 215, 234},{228, 205, 226},{223, 196, 223},{218, 189, 219},{212, 179, 211},{206, 172, 209},{202, 163, 206},{200, 154, 201},{195, 146, 197},{190, 138, 192},{187, 129, 186},{181, 120, 182},{176, 112, 178},{173, 105, 174},{167, 96, 169},{162, 88, 166},{159, 80, 162},{154, 72, 155},{150, 63, 151},{145, 56, 148},{140, 45, 143},{135, 38, 137},{132, 30, 135},{127, 20, 130},{123, 16, 124},{119, 16, 122},{114, 15, 119},{110, 14, 113},{106, 14, 109},{101, 13, 105},{98, 12, 99},{93, 13, 95},{88, 12, 93},{83, 11, 87},{79, 10, 82},{78, 9, 78},{72, 9, 74},{68, 9, 70},{62, 8, 65},{58, 7, 60},{54, 8, 55},{49, 8, 52},{45, 5, 47},{40, 5, 41},{35, 6, 37},{31, 5, 34},{27, 3, 29},{23, 3, 23},{18, 3, 19},{15, 1, 15},{11, 2, 10},{0, 0, 2},{5, 5, 7}},{{232, 224, 231},{247, 230, 246},{234, 214, 234},{229, 205, 226},{223, 196, 221},{219, 189, 217},{213, 179, 211},{209, 171, 206},{206, 163, 204},{202, 155, 201},{196, 146, 194},{192, 137, 189},{188, 130, 186},{183, 121, 182},{179, 112, 176},{175, 104, 172},{170, 97, 167},{165, 89, 163},{162, 80, 159},{159, 72, 152},{155, 62, 149},{150, 56, 144},{146, 45, 137},{140, 37, 132},{137, 29, 130},{132, 19, 124},{128, 16, 120},{124, 15, 117},{119, 14, 112},{116, 14, 108},{111, 13, 105},{106, 12, 100},{101, 12, 96},{97, 12, 91},{93, 10, 88},{88, 11, 84},{82, 11, 78},{78, 10, 75},{73, 9, 73},{70, 9, 67},{64, 9, 62},{60, 7, 57},{56, 7, 53},{51, 7, 49},{48, 6, 45},{42, 5, 40},{39, 5, 37},{33, 5, 32},{28, 4, 27},{24, 3, 23},{20, 2, 19},{15, 2, 14},{10, 2, 9},{0, 0, 0},{6, 5, 6}},{{234, 224, 231},{250, 231, 244},{234, 213, 231},{229, 204, 225},{225, 195, 219},{221, 187, 214},{216, 178, 210},{212, 170, 204},{209, 163, 199},{205, 155, 196},{201, 145, 192},{195, 136, 186},{191, 129, 181},{187, 121, 179},{184, 112, 173},{179, 104, 167},{174, 95, 162},{171, 86, 160},{167, 79, 155},{161, 72, 149},{156, 61, 144},{153, 54, 139},{149, 46, 135},{144, 36, 128},{140, 27, 125},{137, 19, 121},{132, 15, 116},{129, 13, 112},{124, 13, 108},{118, 14, 103},{114, 13, 99},{111, 11, 97},{104, 11, 93},{98, 11, 88},{94, 11, 85},{90, 11, 79},{85, 11, 74},{81, 9, 71},{77, 8, 67},{73, 7, 63},{68, 8, 57},{64, 7, 53},{59, 6, 49},{54, 6, 45},{50, 5, 42},{44, 5, 38},{40, 4, 34},{37, 4, 28},{30, 4, 26},{26, 3, 21},{22, 2, 17},{17, 3, 14},{11, 2, 9},{2, 0, 0},{7, 4, 5}},{{235, 225, 232},{251, 231, 243},{235, 212, 228},{230, 204, 223},{226, 196, 219},{222, 187, 212},{219, 178, 207},{216, 171, 203},{210, 162, 197},{208, 153, 193},{203, 145, 188},{198, 137, 182},{197, 128, 176},{192, 120, 172},{189, 111, 166},{185, 103, 162},{181, 95, 156},{178, 87, 151},{172, 78, 147},{169, 70, 140},{165, 61, 136},{162, 54, 132},{159, 44, 127},{154, 35, 119},{150, 26, 116},{147, 18, 112},{142, 13, 106},{138, 13, 104},{133, 12, 99},{127, 13, 94},{123, 13, 91},{119, 11, 88},{112, 11, 85},{107, 11, 80},{102, 11, 76},{97, 10, 72},{92, 10, 67},{87, 9, 64},{83, 9, 62},{78, 8, 58},{73, 7, 52},{68, 6, 49},{63, 6, 46},{56, 6, 43},{52, 5, 40},{48, 4, 36},{42, 4, 32},{39, 4, 28},{31, 2, 25},{26, 3, 20},{23, 2, 16},{17, 3, 13},{13, 2, 9},{2, 0, 0},{7, 4, 4}},{{234, 223, 230},{250, 231, 242},{236, 212, 226},{233, 204, 221},{230, 196, 216},{226, 186, 209},{222, 178, 203},{219, 171, 199},{215, 161, 194},{211, 153, 188},{207, 144, 181},{205, 136, 177},{202, 128, 173},{199, 120, 166},{195, 111, 160},{191, 103, 155},{187, 94, 148},{184, 87, 143},{181, 78, 139},{178, 69, 132},{174, 60, 127},{172, 53, 123},{169, 43, 116},{163, 35, 109},{160, 26, 103},{158, 17, 98},{155, 13, 94},{149, 12, 92},{143, 12, 88},{137, 12, 85},{133, 10, 83},{126, 11, 77},{121, 11, 74},{116, 10, 71},{110, 9, 68},{105, 9, 65},{99, 9, 60},{93, 9, 57},{89, 8, 54},{83, 7, 51},{77, 6, 49},{72, 4, 46},{66, 5, 42},{61, 6, 38},{56, 5, 35},{50, 5, 31},{45, 3, 28},{39, 4, 25},{34, 3, 21},{30, 2, 20},{24, 2, 15},{20, 2, 13},{15, 0, 9},{3, 0, 0},{5, 5, 5}},{{236, 223, 229},{252, 231, 242},{239, 212, 225},{236, 204, 219},{234, 196, 213},{230, 187, 206},{226, 177, 199},{223, 169, 194},{219, 162, 190},{218, 154, 184},{213, 144, 177},{210, 136, 171},{208, 128, 167},{205, 119, 160},{201, 111, 152},{198, 103, 145},{195, 94, 140},{192, 86, 135},{190, 77, 128},{186, 68, 122},{184, 59, 117},{182, 52, 112},{178, 42, 104},{175, 34, 97},{172, 25, 91},{169, 15, 85},{166, 11, 82},{161, 11, 79},{155, 10, 76},{148, 11, 73},{144, 11, 71},{136, 9, 67},{131, 9, 64},{125, 9, 63},{120, 8, 60},{114, 8, 55},{106, 8, 52},{99, 8, 51},{95, 7, 49},{89, 6, 46},{83, 7, 43},{78, 6, 40},{71, 5, 37},{65, 5, 34},{60, 4, 30},{54, 4, 26},{49, 4, 24},{43, 2, 22},{37, 3, 19},{32, 2, 16},{25, 2, 14},{21, 2, 11},{15, 1, 7},{2, 0, 0},{5, 4, 5}},{{238, 223, 228},{255, 229, 238},{241, 213, 220},{239, 205, 216},{237, 195, 211},{232, 187, 204},{230, 177, 195},{228, 169, 189},{225, 160, 184},{224, 151, 180},{221, 144, 171},{217, 136, 163},{214, 127, 157},{212, 118, 150},{210, 108, 145},{209, 101, 140},{203, 92, 135},{203, 83, 128},{199, 75, 121},{194, 68, 114},{193, 58, 107},{190, 51, 104},{187, 42, 95},{184, 33, 88},{183, 24, 81},{181, 15, 75},{176, 10, 72},{170, 10, 68},{164, 10, 66},{158, 10, 64},{152, 9, 63},{145, 9, 61},{139, 9, 56},{133, 7, 54},{127, 7, 52},{120, 7, 50},{114, 7, 46},{109, 6, 42},{102, 6, 40},{98, 6, 38},{91, 6, 36},{83, 5, 32},{77, 4, 31},{70, 4, 29},{65, 4, 27},{60, 3, 22},{54, 2, 20},{46, 3, 19},{42, 2, 14},{35, 2, 11},{28, 2, 10},{22, 1, 9},{16, 0, 5},{5, 0, 0},{6, 5, 4}},{{239, 223, 227},{255, 229, 234},{243, 214, 218},{240, 204, 212},{239, 195, 207},{235, 187, 200},{234, 176, 191},{231, 170, 184},{230, 160, 179},{228, 151, 173},{225, 143, 166},{222, 135, 157},{221, 128, 151},{219, 118, 144},{218, 109, 136},{215, 101, 130},{211, 92, 125},{210, 83, 118},{209, 74, 111},{206, 68, 105},{205, 57, 96},{201, 51, 91},{199, 42, 84},{197, 31, 78},{194, 22, 71},{193, 14, 62},{188, 9, 59},{182, 9, 57},{176, 8, 53},{169, 9, 53},{163, 9, 50},{156, 8, 49},{149, 7, 46},{143, 6, 43},{136, 6, 42},{129, 7, 39},{123, 6, 37},{117, 7, 36},{109, 6, 33},{104, 4, 32},{96, 4, 30},{89, 5, 27},{82, 5, 25},{75, 4, 25},{70, 4, 22},{64, 4, 18},{57, 2, 17},{48, 3, 15},{43, 1, 11},{37, 2, 8},{30, 2, 7},{23, 1, 7},{17, 1, 4},{5, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{238, 223, 224},{255, 227, 231},{245, 210, 216},{242, 202, 209},{241, 192, 200},{240, 182, 194},{238, 173, 185},{236, 165, 178},{234, 156, 171},{234, 148, 163},{232, 138, 158},{230, 130, 149},{229, 121, 143},{227, 112, 134},{226, 103, 127},{225, 95, 119},{223, 86, 111},{221, 77, 105},{220, 68, 97},{219, 59, 90},{217, 49, 83},{214, 42, 75},{213, 33, 67},{211, 23, 60},{209, 14, 53},{210, 5, 45},{204, 0, 40},{198, 0, 38},{192, 0, 37},{183, 0, 36},{178, 0, 35},{169, 0, 34},{161, 0, 32},{154, 1, 30},{149, 1, 29},{141, 0, 27},{134, 1, 26},{127, 1, 25},{118, 1, 24},{112, 0, 22},{103, 1, 20},{98, 1, 20},{90, 0, 18},{81, 0, 17},{75, 0, 14},{69, 0, 14},{62, 0, 12},{53, 0, 10},{46, 0, 10},{40, 0, 8},{33, 0, 4},{26, 1, 3},{18, 1, 2},{5, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{239, 225, 226},{255, 231, 235},{249, 213, 218},{244, 205, 209},{243, 195, 200},{241, 187, 194},{240, 178, 186},{238, 170, 180},{236, 163, 173},{235, 154, 165},{233, 147, 157},{232, 137, 150},{232, 128, 143},{230, 120, 135},{228, 111, 128},{226, 104, 120},{224, 96, 114},{224, 86, 107},{222, 78, 98},{219, 71, 90},{218, 61, 84},{217, 53, 76},{215, 44, 67},{214, 35, 60},{214, 27, 52},{213, 19, 45},{208, 13, 39},{201, 13, 37},{193, 12, 38},{185, 12, 37},{179, 12, 35},{171, 11, 33},{163, 12, 31},{156, 11, 30},{150, 10, 30},{143, 10, 28},{134, 9, 27},{128, 7, 24},{121, 8, 25},{113, 7, 23},{105, 7, 21},{98, 6, 19},{91, 6, 18},{82, 5, 17},{75, 5, 16},{70, 4, 14},{63, 4, 11},{54, 4, 10},{48, 3, 9},{40, 2, 6},{33, 2, 6},{26, 2, 5},{18, 1, 2},{5, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{245, 244, 245},{255, 255, 255},{245, 242, 242},{240, 237, 238},{235, 233, 233},{231, 228, 228},{227, 223, 224},{222, 218, 219},{218, 214, 214},{214, 209, 209},{209, 204, 203},{204, 199, 199},{201, 195, 195},{197, 189, 190},{191, 184, 184},{187, 180, 180},{182, 174, 176},{178, 170, 169},{173, 165, 165},{169, 161, 160},{165, 155, 155},{160, 151, 150},{156, 146, 146},{152, 140, 141},{147, 136, 136},{142, 132, 131},{137, 127, 127},{133, 122, 122},{129, 118, 118},{123, 114, 114},{119, 109, 109},{114, 104, 105},{109, 100, 100},{104, 95, 95},{100, 91, 91},{94, 87, 87},{90, 82, 82},{85, 78, 78},{80, 74, 74},{76, 69, 69},{71, 65, 64},{66, 60, 60},{60, 55, 57},{56, 51, 52},{51, 48, 47},{47, 42, 43},{42, 38, 38},{36, 34, 34},{32, 29, 29},{27, 25, 25},{22, 20, 21},{17, 16, 16},{13, 12, 11},{2, 2, 2},{7, 6, 6}},{{246, 246, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 246, 246},{240, 241, 241},{234, 237, 237},{229, 233, 232},{225, 229, 229},{220, 225, 224},{215, 220, 219},{210, 216, 215},{205, 211, 211},{200, 207, 206},{195, 203, 202},{191, 198, 198},{186, 194, 192},{181, 190, 188},{176, 185, 183},{172, 181, 179},{167, 176, 175},{162, 171, 170},{157, 167, 166},{152, 163, 162},{148, 159, 158},{142, 154, 153},{138, 150, 149},{133, 146, 143},{128, 141, 139},{123, 136, 134},{119, 131, 129},{115, 126, 125},{110, 121, 120},{106, 116, 114},{101, 111, 110},{97, 106, 106},{92, 102, 100},{88, 96, 95},{83, 92, 90},{79, 87, 86},{74, 82, 81},{70, 77, 76},{65, 72, 72},{61, 67, 66},{56, 62, 61},{52, 57, 56},{48, 53, 51},{43, 48, 47},{39, 43, 42},{34, 38, 37},{30, 33, 32},{26, 28, 27},{21, 23, 23},{16, 18, 18},{12, 13, 13},{2, 3, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 244, 244},{240, 239, 239},{235, 235, 235},{231, 230, 231},{226, 225, 226},{221, 221, 221},{217, 217, 217},{212, 212, 212},{207, 207, 207},{203, 202, 203},{198, 198, 198},{193, 193, 193},{188, 188, 189},{184, 185, 184},{180, 179, 179},{174, 174, 175},{170, 170, 170},{165, 165, 165},{161, 161, 161},{156, 157, 157},{152, 152, 152},{147, 147, 147},{143, 142, 142},{138, 137, 138},{133, 133, 133},{128, 128, 128},{124, 124, 124},{120, 119, 119},{115, 114, 114},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 105},{101, 100, 101},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 91},{87, 87, 86},{83, 82, 82},{77, 78, 77},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 64, 64},{59, 59, 59},{54, 54, 54},{49, 49, 50},{45, 45, 45},{41, 41, 40},{36, 36, 35},{31, 31, 31},{26, 27, 27},{22, 21, 22},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{3, 3, 3},{7, 7, 7}},{{245, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 245, 245},{239, 240, 240},{235, 235, 235},{230, 230, 231},{225, 225, 226},{221, 221, 221},{217, 217, 216},{212, 212, 212},{207, 207, 208},{203, 203, 203},{198, 198, 199},{193, 194, 193},{189, 189, 188},{184, 184, 184},{180, 179, 180},{174, 174, 175},{169, 171, 170},{166, 165, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 156, 157},{151, 151, 151},{146, 147, 147},{143, 143, 142},{138, 138, 138},{132, 133, 133},{128, 129, 128},{124, 123, 124},{120, 119, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 106},{101, 101, 101},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{77, 78, 77},{73, 72, 73},{69, 68, 68},{63, 64, 63},{59, 59, 59},{54, 54, 54},{50, 49, 50},{45, 45, 45},{40, 41, 40},{36, 36, 35},{31, 31, 32},{27, 27, 27},{21, 22, 21},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{2, 2, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{245, 244, 245},{240, 240, 240},{236, 235, 235},{230, 230, 231},{225, 227, 225},{221, 222, 221},{217, 217, 217},{212, 211, 213},{207, 207, 208},{202, 202, 203},{198, 198, 198},{193, 194, 193},{188, 189, 188},{184, 184, 184},{180, 180, 180},{174, 175, 175},{170, 170, 171},{166, 166, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 157, 156},{152, 152, 151},{147, 147, 147},{143, 142, 142},{138, 138, 138},{133, 133, 134},{129, 128, 129},{124, 124, 124},{119, 120, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{106, 105, 106},{100, 101, 101},{96, 96, 96},{92, 91, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{77, 78, 78},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 64, 64},{59, 58, 59},{55, 54, 54},{50, 50, 50},{45, 45, 45},{40, 41, 40},{36, 36, 36},{31, 31, 32},{27, 27, 27},{22, 22, 22},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{3, 2, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{245, 245, 244},{240, 240, 241},{235, 235, 235},{231, 230, 231},{226, 226, 226},{221, 222, 222},{217, 217, 217},{212, 212, 212},{207, 208, 208},{203, 202, 202},{199, 198, 198},{193, 194, 193},{188, 189, 189},{184, 184, 184},{179, 179, 179},{175, 175, 175},{171, 171, 171},{165, 166, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 157, 156},{152, 153, 152},{148, 147, 147},{143, 143, 142},{137, 138, 138},{134, 133, 133},{129, 128, 129},{124, 124, 124},{119, 120, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 106},{101, 101, 101},{97, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{78, 78, 77},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 63, 64},{59, 59, 59},{55, 55, 55},{50, 50, 50},{45, 46, 44},{40, 41, 41},{36, 36, 37},{32, 31, 31},{26, 27, 26},{22, 21, 22},{17, 16, 18},{12, 13, 13},{2, 3, 3},{7, 8, 7}},{{247, 247, 247},{255, 255, 255},{254, 255, 254},{250, 250, 251},{246, 245, 246},{240, 240, 240},{235, 235, 236},{230, 230, 230},{225, 225, 225},{220, 221, 220},{215, 216, 215},{210, 211, 211},{205, 206, 206},{201, 201, 201},{196, 196, 195},{191, 191, 190},{186, 186, 186},{181, 180, 181},{176, 176, 176},{171, 171, 171},{166, 165, 167},{161, 161, 162},{157, 156, 156},{152, 151, 151},{147, 147, 146},{141, 142, 142},{136, 136, 136},{132, 132, 131},{126, 127, 127},{122, 121, 122},{118, 117, 117},{111, 112, 112},{107, 107, 107},{102, 102, 102},{97, 97, 97},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 83, 82},{77, 78, 77},{72, 73, 72},{68, 67, 67},{63, 62, 62},{57, 58, 57},{52, 53, 53},{48, 48, 48},{43, 43, 43},{38, 38, 38},{32, 33, 33},{28, 28, 28},{23, 23, 23},{18, 19, 18},{13, 13, 13},{9, 8, 8},{0, 0, 0},{4, 4, 4}},{{238, 237, 238},{252, 252, 252},{237, 237, 237},{232, 232, 232},{228, 228, 228},{224, 224, 224},{219, 219, 220},{215, 214, 214},{210, 210, 210},{206, 206, 206},{201, 201, 202},{197, 197, 197},{193, 193, 193},{188, 188, 188},{184, 183, 184},{180, 179, 180},{175, 176, 175},{170, 170, 171},{166, 166, 166},{161, 162, 162},{157, 158, 157},{154, 152, 153},{149, 148, 149},{144, 145, 144},{140, 139, 140},{135, 135, 136},{131, 131, 131},{127, 126, 127},{122, 122, 122},{118, 117, 118},{113, 113, 114},{109, 110, 109},{104, 104, 105},{100, 100, 100},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{86, 87, 87},{82, 82, 83},{78, 78, 79},{74, 74, 74},{70, 70, 69},{65, 66, 65},{60, 60, 61},{56, 56, 56},{52, 52, 52},{47, 47, 47},{43, 43, 43},{38, 39, 39},{34, 34, 34},{30, 29, 29},{25, 25, 25},{20, 22, 21},{16, 17, 17},{7, 7, 7},{11, 11, 11}}} \ No newline at end of file --- > spectrumRGBTable = {{{234, 216, 216},{255, 221, 220},{246, 204, 203},{245, 196, 194},{246, 186, 187},{246, 178, 179},{246, 170, 169},{245, 162, 161},{245, 154, 153},{245, 145, 144},{245, 136, 134},{246, 128, 126},{245, 120, 118},{244, 111, 110},{245, 103, 101},{245, 94, 93},{246, 86, 85},{245, 78, 75},{245, 70, 68},{245, 62, 61},{245, 52, 50},{245, 44, 42},{245, 35, 33},{244, 27, 24},{244, 18, 16},{246, 9, 8},{244, 5, 4},{234, 5, 4},{225, 6, 4},{217, 6, 4},{209, 5, 4},{201, 4, 4},{192, 5, 5},{184, 5, 5},{176, 5, 4},{167, 5, 4},{158, 5, 4},{151, 4, 5},{142, 5, 4},{135, 5, 4},{126, 5, 5},{119, 5, 4},{110, 4, 4},{100, 4, 4},{92, 5, 4},{84, 4, 4},{77, 5, 5},{68, 4, 5},{60, 4, 4},{51, 4, 4},{43, 4, 4},{35, 5, 4},{26, 5, 4},{13, 0, 0},{13, 8, 8}},{{247, 234, 231},{255, 240, 237},{255, 219, 218},{255, 211, 208},{255, 201, 199},{255, 191, 190},{255, 183, 178},{255, 174, 171},{255, 164, 161},{255, 154, 151},{255, 145, 140},{255, 136, 130},{255, 128, 123},{255, 118, 113},{255, 109, 102},{255, 99, 94},{255, 90, 85},{255, 81, 75},{255, 72, 66},{255, 63, 57},{255, 53, 46},{255, 45, 38},{255, 34, 28},{255, 25, 18},{255, 17, 8},{255, 7, 0},{255, 1, 0},{253, 2, 0},{242, 2, 0},{232, 1, 0},{225, 0, 0},{214, 0, 0},{205, 0, 0},{196, 0, 0},{187, 0, 0},{177, 0, 0},{168, 0, 0},{159, 0, 0},{148, 0, 0},{140, 0, 0},{131, 0, 0},{123, 0, 0},{113, 0, 0},{103, 0, 0},{94, 0, 0},{85, 0, 0},{75, 0, 0},{65, 0, 0},{57, 0, 0},{47, 0, 0},{37, 0, 0},{28, 0, 0},{18, 0, 0},{4, 0, 0},{4, 4, 4}},{{243, 224, 222},{255, 230, 227},{254, 212, 210},{253, 204, 200},{254, 195, 192},{254, 187, 181},{253, 179, 172},{253, 171, 164},{254, 162, 155},{254, 153, 147},{254, 146, 137},{254, 136, 127},{253, 129, 120},{253, 120, 110},{253, 112, 102},{254, 103, 93},{253, 96, 85},{253, 86, 76},{253, 78, 66},{252, 71, 56},{252, 60, 48},{253, 53, 40},{254, 43, 31},{252, 36, 22},{254, 28, 12},{253, 18, 3},{250, 13, 0},{242, 13, 0},{233, 13, 0},{224, 13, 0},{216, 12, 0},{206, 11, 0},{197, 12, 0},{189, 11, 0},{180, 10, 0},{171, 10, 0},{161, 10, 0},{154, 8, 0},{144, 8, 0},{136, 7, 0},{128, 6, 0},{120, 6, 0},{112, 6, 0},{101, 6, 0},{93, 6, 0},{85, 6, 0},{76, 3, 0},{65, 4, 0},{57, 4, 0},{48, 3, 0},{40, 2, 0},{33, 2, 0},{22, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{243, 224, 223},{255, 232, 227},{254, 214, 211},{253, 206, 201},{254, 197, 192},{254, 189, 180},{253, 180, 172},{254, 174, 165},{253, 165, 155},{254, 156, 147},{254, 149, 137},{255, 140, 130},{252, 132, 120},{253, 123, 110},{253, 116, 103},{254, 108, 93},{253, 99, 84},{253, 90, 75},{254, 83, 66},{252, 75, 57},{252, 65, 48},{252, 58, 40},{253, 48, 31},{253, 41, 22},{253, 33, 14},{253, 23, 4},{251, 18, 0},{242, 19, 0},{233, 19, 0},{224, 19, 0},{216, 17, 0},{207, 16, 0},{197, 16, 0},{188, 16, 0},{181, 15, 0},{172, 14, 0},{161, 13, 0},{153, 12, 0},{144, 12, 0},{137, 11, 0},{129, 10, 0},{120, 10, 0},{110, 9, 0},{100, 9, 0},{93, 8, 0},{85, 7, 0},{75, 6, 0},{65, 6, 0},{56, 5, 0},{47, 4, 0},{39, 3, 0},{31, 4, 0},{21, 4, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{243, 226, 223},{255, 233, 227},{254, 214, 208},{253, 207, 201},{254, 199, 193},{254, 191, 183},{253, 182, 173},{253, 175, 166},{253, 167, 156},{255, 158, 145},{255, 151, 137},{254, 143, 129},{253, 135, 118},{253, 127, 112},{253, 118, 102},{254, 111, 94},{254, 102, 85},{253, 94, 75},{254, 87, 68},{253, 79, 59},{254, 71, 50},{254, 63, 41},{253, 55, 30},{253, 47, 22},{253, 38, 12},{254, 29, 3},{252, 24, 0},{243, 24, 0},{233, 23, 0},{224, 23, 0},{216, 22, 0},{208, 21, 1},{198, 20, 0},{189, 19, 0},{180, 18, 0},{171, 18, 0},{162, 16, 0},{154, 15, 0},{146, 14, 0},{136, 13, 0},{128, 13, 0},{119, 12, 0},{111, 11, 0},{100, 11, 0},{93, 9, 0},{84, 9, 0},{75, 8, 0},{67, 7, 0},{57, 6, 0},{48, 5, 0},{41, 4, 0},{30, 3, 0},{21, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{244, 227, 223},{255, 234, 227},{253, 215, 208},{253, 208, 201},{254, 201, 192},{254, 193, 183},{254, 184, 174},{254, 176, 165},{253, 168, 156},{254, 161, 145},{254, 154, 138},{255, 146, 130},{254, 138, 119},{253, 130, 111},{253, 122, 102},{253, 114, 95},{253, 107, 85},{254, 99, 75},{253, 91, 67},{253, 83, 60},{254, 74, 50},{254, 67, 41},{253, 60, 31},{253, 52, 22},{253, 43, 13},{254, 35, 2},{252, 31, 0},{243, 29, 0},{233, 28, 0},{224, 28, 0},{216, 27, 0},{208, 26, 0},{197, 25, 0},{189, 23, 0},{180, 23, 0},{172, 22, 0},{162, 20, 0},{154, 19, 0},{147, 19, 0},{136, 17, 0},{128, 16, 0},{120, 15, 0},{111, 14, 0},{101, 12, 0},{92, 11, 0},{84, 11, 0},{75, 10, 0},{67, 8, 0},{58, 7, 0},{49, 6, 0},{42, 5, 0},{31, 4, 0},{21, 2, 0},{8, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{243, 226, 222},{255, 235, 227},{254, 219, 209},{254, 209, 201},{254, 201, 191},{253, 194, 182},{253, 187, 173},{253, 179, 166},{254, 171, 156},{253, 163, 145},{253, 156, 137},{254, 149, 129},{254, 141, 121},{253, 133, 111},{253, 126, 103},{252, 119, 93},{253, 112, 84},{253, 102, 75},{253, 95, 66},{252, 89, 58},{253, 80, 46},{253, 73, 40},{253, 65, 29},{253, 57, 21},{254, 50, 14},{254, 42, 3},{250, 37, 0},{241, 36, 0},{233, 34, 0},{224, 33, 0},{217, 33, 0},{207, 31, 0},{197, 29, 0},{189, 28, 0},{180, 27, 0},{171, 26, 0},{162, 25, 0},{153, 23, 0},{145, 21, 0},{136, 21, 0},{128, 20, 0},{121, 17, 0},{111, 17, 0},{101, 15, 0},{93, 14, 0},{83, 12, 0},{74, 11, 0},{66, 11, 0},{58, 9, 1},{50, 7, 1},{40, 6, 0},{31, 5, 0},{22, 4, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{244, 227, 223},{255, 235, 226},{255, 219, 209},{254, 210, 201},{254, 203, 191},{253, 195, 182},{253, 189, 173},{254, 181, 165},{253, 174, 155},{254, 166, 146},{253, 159, 138},{253, 151, 129},{253, 144, 122},{253, 136, 112},{253, 129, 102},{254, 122, 93},{253, 115, 85},{252, 106, 75},{253, 100, 67},{252, 93, 58},{253, 84, 47},{254, 79, 40},{253, 70, 30},{254, 63, 22},{254, 56, 14},{255, 48, 3},{250, 42, 0},{241, 42, 0},{234, 41, 0},{224, 39, 0},{216, 37, 0},{207, 35, 0},{198, 34, 0},{190, 33, 0},{180, 31, 0},{171, 30, 0},{161, 28, 0},{152, 26, 0},{145, 25, 0},{137, 24, 0},{127, 23, 0},{121, 21, 0},{111, 20, 0},{101, 17, 0},{92, 16, 0},{84, 15, 0},{75, 13, 0},{66, 12, 0},{58, 10, 0},{50, 9, 0},{39, 7, 0},{30, 6, 0},{22, 5, 0},{9, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{242, 228, 224},{255, 236, 226},{254, 219, 210},{252, 212, 202},{254, 204, 190},{253, 197, 183},{254, 190, 174},{253, 182, 166},{253, 175, 154},{254, 169, 146},{254, 162, 138},{254, 155, 129},{253, 147, 121},{253, 139, 112},{253, 133, 103},{254, 126, 94},{254, 118, 85},{252, 111, 76},{253, 104, 66},{253, 97, 58},{254, 90, 49},{252, 82, 39},{252, 75, 30},{254, 69, 24},{253, 60, 13},{254, 52, 2},{252, 49, 0},{243, 46, 0},{234, 46, 0},{223, 44, 0},{216, 43, 0},{207, 40, 0},{198, 39, 0},{189, 37, 0},{180, 36, 0},{171, 33, 0},{163, 32, 0},{154, 29, 0},{145, 29, 0},{137, 27, 0},{129, 25, 0},{119, 24, 0},{109, 22, 0},{100, 21, 0},{92, 17, 0},{85, 16, 0},{76, 15, 0},{66, 14, 0},{57, 11, 0},{49, 10, 0},{40, 8, 0},{31, 6, 0},{22, 5, 0},{8, 0, 0},{9, 5, 4}},{{242, 228, 223},{255, 238, 227},{255, 221, 210},{253, 214, 202},{254, 206, 191},{253, 198, 182},{254, 191, 173},{255, 185, 166},{254, 177, 155},{254, 171, 146},{253, 165, 138},{254, 158, 129},{253, 151, 121},{254, 144, 112},{253, 136, 102},{254, 129, 94},{253, 123, 85},{253, 116, 76},{254, 109, 66},{253, 101, 58},{253, 93, 49},{253, 87, 41},{253, 81, 31},{253, 74, 23},{254, 66, 12},{254, 58, 2},{251, 54, 0},{243, 53, 0},{234, 51, 0},{224, 48, 0},{216, 47, 0},{207, 46, 0},{197, 42, 0},{189, 41, 0},{180, 39, 0},{172, 38, 0},{163, 36, 0},{154, 33, 0},{144, 32, 0},{137, 30, 0},{128, 28, 0},{119, 26, 0},{110, 24, 0},{101, 23, 0},{93, 21, 0},{85, 18, 0},{76, 16, 0},{66, 15, 0},{58, 13, 0},{47, 11, 0},{40, 10, 0},{32, 7, 0},{22, 4, 0},{9, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{243, 229, 223},{255, 238, 226},{254, 222, 210},{254, 214, 201},{254, 207, 191},{253, 202, 182},{253, 194, 173},{254, 187, 164},{254, 180, 155},{254, 174, 147},{253, 167, 139},{254, 160, 129},{253, 154, 119},{254, 146, 110},{253, 141, 102},{253, 132, 93},{253, 127, 86},{252, 120, 76},{253, 112, 66},{253, 108, 57},{252, 99, 48},{253, 94, 41},{254, 87, 31},{253, 79, 22},{253, 72, 12},{255, 65, 3},{250, 60, 0},{242, 59, 1},{233, 56, 0},{224, 54, 0},{216, 53, 0},{205, 51, 0},{198, 48, 0},{190, 46, 0},{179, 43, 0},{171, 42, 0},{162, 40, 0},{153, 37, 0},{145, 35, 0},{136, 33, 0},{127, 31, 0},{119, 29, 0},{110, 28, 0},{101, 25, 0},{93, 22, 0},{84, 20, 0},{75, 18, 0},{66, 18, 0},{58, 14, 0},{48, 11, 0},{40, 11, 0},{32, 8, 0},{22, 6, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{244, 229, 224},{255, 239, 226},{253, 222, 210},{254, 215, 201},{254, 210, 191},{253, 203, 182},{254, 195, 173},{254, 189, 164},{254, 182, 155},{254, 176, 147},{253, 170, 139},{254, 163, 129},{253, 157, 120},{253, 150, 110},{253, 144, 103},{253, 137, 93},{253, 131, 85},{253, 124, 76},{253, 117, 67},{253, 112, 57},{252, 104, 47},{253, 98, 39},{253, 92, 30},{254, 85, 23},{254, 77, 14},{254, 70, 3},{251, 67, 0},{243, 65, 1},{233, 61, 0},{223, 60, 0},{216, 58, 0},{205, 55, 0},{197, 53, 0},{190, 50, 0},{181, 49, 0},{171, 47, 0},{162, 43, 0},{154, 41, 0},{145, 39, 0},{137, 36, 0},{128, 35, 0},{120, 32, 0},{110, 29, 0},{101, 27, 0},{93, 25, 0},{85, 22, 0},{75, 20, 0},{66, 19, 0},{58, 15, 0},{49, 13, 0},{39, 11, 0},{31, 8, 0},{22, 7, 0},{7, 0, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 230, 223},{255, 239, 228},{254, 223, 210},{253, 217, 201},{255, 211, 192},{254, 204, 183},{253, 197, 173},{254, 190, 165},{253, 184, 155},{254, 179, 147},{254, 173, 138},{254, 166, 130},{253, 160, 121},{253, 154, 112},{253, 147, 102},{253, 141, 94},{253, 134, 85},{253, 127, 75},{254, 122, 67},{253, 115, 58},{254, 108, 49},{253, 103, 42},{253, 96, 31},{254, 90, 23},{253, 83, 13},{253, 77, 3},{251, 72, 0},{243, 69, 1},{234, 67, 0},{223, 65, 0},{216, 62, 0},{207, 59, 0},{197, 57, 0},{188, 54, 0},{180, 52, 0},{172, 50, 0},{163, 47, 0},{154, 44, 0},{145, 43, 0},{137, 41, 0},{127, 37, 0},{120, 34, 0},{111, 31, 0},{101, 29, 0},{93, 27, 0},{84, 24, 0},{75, 22, 0},{67, 20, 0},{58, 17, 0},{48, 14, 0},{41, 11, 0},{31, 10, 0},{21, 7, 0},{7, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 231, 222},{255, 241, 228},{253, 224, 209},{253, 218, 200},{255, 212, 192},{255, 206, 184},{253, 199, 173},{254, 193, 165},{254, 187, 156},{254, 181, 147},{254, 175, 139},{254, 169, 130},{253, 163, 120},{253, 157, 112},{253, 151, 103},{252, 143, 94},{254, 138, 85},{254, 132, 75},{253, 127, 67},{254, 120, 59},{254, 112, 50},{253, 107, 43},{253, 101, 31},{254, 95, 22},{253, 89, 13},{254, 82, 4},{251, 77, 0},{243, 75, 0},{235, 73, 0},{224, 70, 0},{216, 68, 0},{206, 64, 0},{197, 62, 0},{189, 58, 0},{181, 56, 0},{171, 55, 0},{162, 51, 0},{154, 48, 0},{146, 47, 0},{136, 43, 0},{127, 41, 0},{119, 38, 0},{111, 34, 0},{102, 32, 0},{93, 28, 0},{84, 26, 0},{75, 24, 0},{67, 22, 0},{58, 19, 0},{50, 16, 0},{40, 13, 0},{32, 10, 1},{22, 7, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 231, 223},{255, 242, 227},{253, 226, 210},{253, 220, 201},{254, 212, 192},{254, 208, 182},{253, 202, 172},{254, 195, 165},{255, 190, 157},{254, 184, 147},{254, 178, 138},{254, 172, 130},{252, 166, 120},{253, 160, 111},{253, 155, 103},{253, 147, 92},{253, 142, 84},{253, 136, 76},{253, 130, 66},{253, 125, 57},{253, 118, 48},{252, 113, 41},{254, 107, 31},{253, 100, 21},{252, 94, 12},{254, 88, 3},{250, 84, 0},{242, 82, 0},{234, 78, 0},{222, 75, 0},{214, 72, 0},{205, 69, 0},{197, 66, 0},{188, 63, 0},{179, 60, 0},{171, 59, 0},{162, 55, 0},{154, 52, 0},{146, 49, 0},{136, 46, 0},{127, 44, 0},{119, 40, 0},{110, 37, 0},{102, 35, 0},{93, 30, 0},{84, 28, 0},{75, 26, 0},{66, 23, 0},{58, 21, 0},{50, 17, 0},{39, 14, 0},{31, 11, 0},{21, 8, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{244, 232, 223},{255, 243, 226},{255, 226, 209},{255, 221, 201},{253, 214, 191},{254, 209, 181},{253, 204, 172},{254, 198, 164},{255, 192, 156},{254, 187, 147},{254, 181, 138},{254, 175, 130},{252, 170, 121},{253, 164, 111},{254, 158, 102},{253, 151, 92},{253, 146, 84},{254, 141, 77},{253, 136, 67},{252, 130, 56},{254, 123, 48},{253, 119, 42},{254, 112, 30},{254, 106, 22},{253, 99, 13},{254, 94, 4},{251, 90, 0},{242, 87, 0},{234, 84, 1},{222, 81, 0},{215, 77, 0},{206, 75, 0},{198, 71, 0},{189, 68, 0},{179, 65, 0},{170, 62, 0},{162, 59, 0},{154, 55, 0},{146, 53, 0},{137, 50, 0},{128, 46, 0},{118, 42, 0},{110, 40, 0},{101, 37, 0},{92, 34, 0},{84, 31, 0},{75, 28, 0},{65, 25, 0},{58, 22, 0},{50, 18, 0},{39, 15, 0},{30, 12, 0},{22, 8, 0},{8, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 232, 223},{255, 242, 227},{254, 227, 208},{254, 222, 200},{255, 216, 191},{254, 210, 183},{254, 205, 173},{254, 200, 165},{253, 194, 155},{254, 189, 147},{254, 183, 138},{254, 177, 129},{253, 173, 122},{253, 168, 112},{254, 161, 102},{253, 155, 94},{254, 150, 86},{253, 144, 76},{253, 139, 66},{252, 134, 59},{253, 128, 49},{254, 122, 41},{253, 116, 30},{252, 111, 22},{253, 106, 13},{254, 100, 3},{252, 95, 0},{243, 92, 0},{233, 89, 0},{224, 86, 0},{217, 83, 0},{207, 79, 0},{198, 75, 0},{189, 73, 0},{180, 69, 0},{171, 66, 0},{162, 63, 0},{155, 58, 0},{146, 56, 0},{136, 53, 0},{128, 49, 0},{119, 45, 0},{110, 42, 0},{101, 39, 0},{93, 36, 0},{85, 34, 0},{75, 29, 0},{66, 25, 0},{59, 23, 0},{49, 18, 0},{40, 15, 0},{31, 12, 1},{21, 8, 1},{9, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 233, 223},{255, 244, 228},{254, 228, 209},{253, 223, 201},{254, 217, 192},{254, 213, 184},{254, 206, 172},{254, 201, 164},{253, 197, 156},{254, 191, 148},{254, 186, 138},{254, 181, 128},{252, 175, 121},{253, 171, 112},{254, 164, 102},{254, 158, 94},{253, 155, 86},{254, 149, 75},{254, 143, 66},{252, 138, 58},{252, 132, 48},{253, 128, 42},{253, 122, 33},{253, 116, 24},{253, 111, 12},{255, 106, 3},{253, 101, 0},{243, 98, 0},{233, 94, 0},{224, 91, 0},{218, 88, 0},{207, 83, 0},{197, 80, 0},{188, 77, 0},{180, 73, 0},{172, 71, 0},{163, 65, 0},{154, 62, 0},{144, 60, 0},{137, 56, 0},{127, 52, 0},{120, 50, 0},{111, 45, 1},{102, 41, 1},{93, 39, 0},{84, 35, 0},{76, 31, 0},{67, 28, 0},{58, 24, 0},{49, 19, 0},{40, 16, 0},{30, 13, 1},{22, 9, 1},{9, 0, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{243, 233, 223},{255, 245, 225},{255, 229, 209},{254, 224, 201},{254, 220, 191},{254, 215, 183},{253, 209, 172},{253, 204, 165},{254, 199, 156},{255, 194, 147},{254, 189, 138},{252, 184, 128},{252, 179, 120},{254, 174, 111},{253, 169, 101},{253, 163, 93},{252, 158, 85},{253, 154, 75},{254, 148, 66},{253, 142, 58},{253, 137, 48},{253, 133, 42},{253, 128, 32},{253, 122, 22},{254, 117, 13},{254, 112, 3},{250, 108, 0},{242, 104, 0},{233, 100, 0},{224, 97, 0},{216, 93, 0},{206, 89, 0},{198, 85, 0},{188, 81, 0},{179, 78, 0},{171, 74, 0},{163, 70, 0},{153, 67, 0},{144, 64, 0},{137, 59, 0},{127, 56, 0},{119, 52, 0},{111, 48, 0},{100, 45, 0},{93, 41, 0},{84, 36, 0},{76, 32, 0},{67, 29, 1},{58, 25, 0},{48, 20, 0},{40, 17, 0},{31, 15, 0},{22, 11, 0},{9, 1, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 234, 224},{255, 246, 227},{255, 231, 209},{253, 226, 202},{254, 220, 192},{254, 216, 182},{253, 211, 171},{254, 206, 165},{254, 201, 156},{253, 197, 147},{254, 191, 139},{255, 187, 129},{253, 182, 120},{254, 177, 111},{253, 173, 101},{252, 166, 93},{253, 162, 85},{253, 157, 74},{253, 153, 67},{253, 147, 58},{254, 142, 48},{253, 138, 42},{253, 133, 32},{253, 127, 22},{254, 123, 14},{254, 118, 3},{251, 114, 0},{242, 110, 0},{233, 105, 0},{224, 102, 0},{216, 99, 0},{206, 94, 0},{198, 89, 0},{189, 86, 0},{180, 83, 0},{171, 77, 0},{162, 74, 0},{152, 70, 0},{143, 67, 0},{136, 63, 0},{127, 59, 0},{118, 54, 0},{111, 50, 1},{101, 47, 1},{92, 43, 0},{83, 39, 0},{75, 34, 0},{66, 30, 1},{58, 26, 0},{49, 23, 0},{40, 19, 0},{31, 15, 0},{21, 11, 0},{8, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 233, 223},{255, 246, 228},{255, 232, 210},{253, 227, 200},{253, 223, 190},{254, 218, 182},{254, 212, 173},{254, 208, 166},{253, 203, 156},{254, 198, 147},{254, 193, 138},{254, 189, 130},{253, 185, 120},{252, 180, 111},{253, 174, 103},{253, 170, 94},{253, 166, 85},{253, 161, 75},{254, 157, 66},{254, 151, 58},{254, 147, 49},{253, 142, 40},{252, 137, 30},{253, 133, 22},{254, 127, 12},{254, 123, 3},{252, 119, 0},{243, 115, 0},{234, 111, 0},{224, 107, 0},{216, 102, 0},{205, 98, 0},{197, 95, 0},{189, 91, 0},{180, 86, 0},{172, 81, 0},{162, 78, 0},{153, 74, 0},{144, 69, 1},{135, 66, 0},{128, 62, 0},{119, 57, 0},{111, 53, 0},{101, 49, 0},{92, 45, 0},{85, 41, 0},{75, 37, 0},{66, 32, 0},{57, 28, 0},{49, 23, 0},{40, 21, 1},{32, 16, 1},{21, 11, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 233, 223},{255, 247, 228},{254, 233, 210},{254, 228, 201},{254, 224, 190},{254, 220, 183},{254, 214, 174},{254, 209, 165},{252, 206, 156},{254, 201, 146},{255, 196, 139},{253, 192, 130},{253, 188, 120},{252, 184, 111},{253, 178, 103},{253, 174, 94},{253, 170, 85},{254, 166, 75},{254, 161, 67},{254, 156, 58},{253, 152, 50},{253, 148, 42},{253, 143, 31},{254, 138, 23},{254, 134, 14},{255, 130, 4},{252, 126, 0},{244, 121, 0},{234, 116, 0},{224, 112, 0},{216, 108, 0},{206, 104, 0},{197, 100, 0},{189, 95, 0},{180, 90, 0},{172, 87, 0},{163, 82, 0},{153, 77, 0},{145, 73, 1},{137, 70, 0},{128, 64, 0},{119, 58, 0},{111, 57, 0},{101, 52, 0},{93, 47, 0},{85, 43, 0},{75, 38, 0},{67, 34, 0},{57, 28, 0},{49, 24, 0},{41, 22, 1},{31, 16, 1},{22, 11, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 235, 224},{255, 249, 227},{253, 234, 209},{254, 229, 202},{254, 225, 191},{253, 222, 183},{254, 216, 173},{253, 212, 165},{253, 209, 156},{254, 204, 146},{254, 199, 139},{254, 195, 129},{252, 191, 119},{252, 187, 111},{253, 182, 102},{253, 178, 94},{253, 174, 84},{253, 170, 75},{253, 166, 66},{252, 162, 57},{252, 157, 47},{253, 153, 40},{253, 149, 32},{252, 144, 21},{253, 140, 12},{254, 136, 3},{251, 131, 0},{241, 126, 0},{232, 122, 0},{223, 119, 0},{215, 113, 0},{205, 109, 0},{197, 104, 0},{189, 98, 0},{180, 94, 0},{170, 90, 0},{162, 85, 0},{153, 81, 0},{145, 76, 0},{137, 72, 0},{127, 66, 0},{120, 62, 0},{110, 59, 0},{100, 53, 0},{93, 49, 0},{84, 45, 0},{74, 40, 0},{66, 35, 0},{57, 30, 0},{48, 25, 0},{39, 21, 0},{31, 18, 0},{21, 12, 0},{7, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 235, 224},{255, 249, 227},{253, 235, 209},{254, 230, 201},{254, 226, 191},{253, 223, 182},{254, 218, 173},{254, 215, 165},{254, 211, 156},{254, 206, 146},{254, 202, 139},{255, 198, 130},{253, 194, 121},{252, 190, 111},{253, 186, 103},{253, 182, 94},{253, 178, 85},{253, 174, 76},{254, 170, 67},{253, 166, 57},{252, 163, 48},{252, 158, 41},{253, 153, 31},{253, 150, 22},{253, 145, 13},{253, 142, 3},{250, 138, 0},{242, 133, 0},{234, 128, 0},{224, 124, 0},{216, 118, 0},{206, 114, 0},{197, 109, 0},{189, 104, 0},{180, 99, 0},{171, 95, 0},{163, 90, 0},{153, 84, 0},{145, 80, 0},{136, 75, 0},{128, 70, 0},{120, 66, 0},{109, 61, 0},{101, 55, 0},{94, 51, 0},{84, 47, 0},{74, 41, 0},{66, 36, 0},{58, 33, 1},{49, 28, 0},{39, 22, 0},{31, 17, 0},{21, 13, 0},{8, 2, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{245, 237, 224},{255, 250, 228},{253, 235, 210},{253, 232, 201},{254, 229, 192},{255, 224, 182},{254, 220, 173},{254, 217, 166},{253, 213, 155},{254, 209, 146},{255, 205, 139},{254, 201, 130},{253, 198, 121},{254, 193, 113},{254, 189, 103},{253, 184, 94},{254, 182, 85},{252, 178, 76},{254, 174, 68},{254, 170, 60},{252, 166, 49},{253, 162, 40},{253, 158, 31},{254, 154, 22},{252, 151, 12},{254, 147, 3},{252, 142, 0},{242, 138, 0},{233, 133, 0},{224, 128, 0},{216, 123, 0},{207, 119, 0},{198, 113, 0},{188, 107, 0},{179, 102, 0},{172, 98, 0},{163, 94, 0},{153, 88, 0},{144, 83, 0},{136, 78, 0},{129, 74, 0},{119, 68, 0},{110, 62, 0},{102, 58, 0},{93, 55, 1},{84, 48, 0},{76, 43, 0},{67, 38, 0},{58, 34, 0},{49, 29, 0},{40, 23, 0},{31, 17, 0},{22, 12, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{245, 238, 223},{255, 251, 227},{254, 237, 210},{254, 234, 201},{253, 230, 192},{255, 225, 182},{254, 221, 172},{254, 219, 166},{254, 215, 156},{254, 211, 146},{254, 207, 138},{253, 204, 129},{253, 201, 122},{253, 196, 112},{253, 193, 103},{253, 188, 93},{253, 185, 85},{253, 182, 76},{254, 179, 68},{254, 174, 59},{253, 171, 49},{254, 167, 42},{254, 164, 30},{253, 160, 21},{253, 156, 13},{255, 152, 4},{252, 148, 0},{242, 143, 0},{233, 139, 0},{225, 134, 0},{215, 128, 0},{206, 122, 0},{198, 118, 0},{187, 112, 0},{179, 106, 0},{172, 102, 0},{162, 97, 0},{154, 92, 0},{145, 87, 0},{136, 81, 0},{127, 76, 0},{120, 71, 0},{111, 65, 0},{101, 60, 0},{93, 56, 1},{84, 50, 0},{76, 45, 0},{66, 39, 0},{58, 35, 0},{48, 30, 0},{40, 24, 0},{31, 18, 0},{22, 13, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{244, 237, 222},{255, 251, 225},{254, 237, 209},{254, 234, 202},{254, 231, 192},{254, 227, 182},{254, 224, 172},{254, 221, 166},{254, 217, 156},{254, 215, 146},{253, 210, 137},{253, 206, 130},{252, 204, 121},{253, 200, 111},{253, 196, 101},{253, 193, 93},{252, 190, 85},{252, 186, 76},{253, 183, 67},{252, 180, 57},{252, 177, 48},{254, 173, 40},{254, 170, 30},{253, 166, 20},{253, 162, 13},{254, 158, 4},{251, 155, 0},{242, 151, 0},{234, 145, 0},{224, 140, 0},{216, 134, 0},{206, 128, 0},{197, 122, 0},{189, 117, 0},{180, 112, 0},{171, 106, 0},{162, 101, 0},{153, 95, 0},{145, 90, 0},{136, 85, 0},{127, 80, 0},{118, 73, 0},{110, 68, 0},{101, 63, 0},{92, 58, 1},{83, 53, 1},{74, 46, 1},{65, 41, 0},{58, 37, 0},{48, 31, 0},{40, 24, 0},{32, 20, 0},{21, 14, 0},{8, 4, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 238, 223},{255, 252, 227},{254, 239, 209},{254, 235, 200},{255, 233, 191},{254, 229, 183},{254, 225, 174},{254, 223, 167},{254, 219, 156},{254, 217, 146},{253, 213, 138},{254, 209, 129},{253, 206, 120},{252, 204, 111},{253, 200, 101},{253, 197, 94},{253, 193, 84},{253, 190, 75},{253, 187, 67},{252, 184, 57},{252, 181, 47},{253, 178, 40},{254, 174, 31},{253, 171, 22},{253, 167, 12},{254, 164, 3},{251, 162, 0},{242, 157, 0},{234, 150, 0},{225, 144, 0},{216, 139, 0},{205, 133, 0},{196, 127, 0},{189, 121, 0},{179, 116, 0},{171, 110, 0},{162, 104, 0},{153, 98, 0},{145, 93, 0},{137, 88, 0},{127, 83, 0},{118, 77, 0},{110, 72, 0},{102, 66, 0},{93, 60, 0},{84, 54, 0},{74, 47, 0},{66, 44, 0},{58, 38, 0},{48, 32, 0},{41, 25, 0},{31, 20, 0},{22, 16, 0},{8, 4, 0},{6, 6, 4}},{{246, 239, 225},{255, 254, 228},{254, 239, 208},{254, 236, 200},{254, 234, 191},{254, 231, 183},{254, 228, 173},{254, 224, 165},{254, 222, 155},{254, 219, 146},{253, 215, 136},{254, 212, 127},{254, 208, 122},{252, 205, 111},{253, 203, 102},{253, 200, 93},{253, 197, 85},{254, 195, 76},{254, 191, 67},{253, 187, 59},{253, 185, 48},{252, 182, 41},{254, 179, 31},{254, 175, 23},{254, 174, 14},{255, 171, 3},{253, 166, 0},{243, 160, 0},{233, 155, 0},{224, 149, 0},{215, 143, 0},{205, 137, 0},{197, 131, 0},{189, 125, 0},{179, 120, 0},{170, 115, 0},{162, 108, 0},{153, 102, 0},{145, 96, 0},{137, 90, 1},{128, 84, 0},{119, 79, 0},{111, 73, 0},{102, 68, 0},{92, 62, 0},{85, 55, 0},{75, 50, 0},{67, 45, 0},{58, 39, 0},{48, 32, 0},{41, 26, 0},{32, 21, 1},{21, 16, 1},{6, 4, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{246, 239, 225},{255, 254, 228},{254, 241, 209},{254, 237, 201},{254, 235, 191},{254, 233, 182},{254, 230, 173},{254, 226, 165},{253, 224, 156},{254, 221, 147},{254, 218, 138},{254, 215, 128},{254, 212, 121},{253, 211, 111},{253, 207, 103},{254, 204, 94},{253, 201, 86},{254, 199, 76},{255, 196, 67},{253, 192, 59},{254, 189, 50},{254, 187, 42},{253, 184, 30},{253, 181, 23},{254, 179, 14},{255, 177, 3},{252, 172, 0},{244, 166, 0},{234, 161, 0},{224, 155, 1},{216, 149, 0},{206, 142, 0},{197, 136, 0},{190, 130, 1},{180, 124, 1},{171, 119, 0},{163, 113, 0},{153, 105, 0},{145, 100, 0},{136, 94, 0},{127, 88, 0},{119, 82, 0},{111, 76, 1},{101, 69, 1},{92, 64, 0},{85, 58, 1},{75, 53, 1},{67, 46, 0},{58, 40, 0},{49, 33, 0},{41, 28, 0},{32, 22, 1},{21, 16, 1},{7, 5, 0},{7, 6, 4}},{{244, 239, 223},{255, 255, 226},{254, 241, 209},{254, 239, 202},{253, 238, 191},{253, 234, 183},{254, 231, 173},{254, 230, 164},{254, 226, 156},{254, 223, 147},{254, 221, 138},{255, 218, 129},{253, 216, 120},{253, 214, 110},{252, 211, 102},{252, 209, 93},{252, 205, 84},{253, 202, 76},{253, 200, 67},{253, 198, 59},{253, 195, 49},{252, 192, 39},{253, 189, 30},{252, 187, 22},{252, 185, 13},{255, 183, 2},{252, 179, 0},{243, 172, 0},{233, 166, 0},{223, 159, 0},{216, 154, 0},{205, 147, 0},{198, 141, 0},{190, 135, 0},{179, 128, 0},{172, 123, 0},{163, 117, 0},{152, 110, 0},{144, 104, 0},{136, 98, 0},{128, 91, 0},{119, 85, 0},{110, 79, 0},{102, 73, 0},{94, 67, 0},{84, 60, 0},{75, 54, 0},{67, 48, 0},{57, 41, 0},{49, 34, 0},{40, 27, 0},{30, 23, 0},{21, 18, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 7, 5}},{{244, 240, 224},{255, 255, 226},{254, 242, 210},{254, 240, 202},{253, 238, 190},{254, 236, 183},{254, 233, 174},{253, 231, 164},{254, 228, 156},{253, 226, 146},{252, 224, 137},{254, 221, 129},{252, 218, 120},{252, 217, 110},{253, 215, 102},{252, 212, 94},{252, 209, 84},{254, 206, 75},{254, 204, 68},{252, 203, 58},{253, 200, 47},{252, 197, 40},{254, 194, 31},{253, 193, 24},{252, 191, 14},{253, 189, 3},{251, 186, 0},{242, 178, 0},{233, 172, 0},{224, 165, 0},{215, 159, 0},{206, 152, 0},{198, 145, 0},{188, 139, 0},{179, 133, 0},{170, 127, 0},{161, 120, 0},{153, 114, 0},{144, 108, 0},{136, 100, 0},{128, 94, 0},{119, 88, 0},{109, 81, 0},{102, 75, 0},{93, 69, 0},{84, 62, 0},{75, 55, 0},{66, 49, 0},{57, 42, 0},{50, 35, 0},{41, 29, 0},{30, 24, 0},{22, 17, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 7, 5}},{{245, 242, 226},{255, 255, 227},{254, 243, 209},{254, 241, 201},{253, 239, 191},{254, 237, 184},{254, 234, 173},{254, 233, 165},{253, 231, 156},{254, 230, 147},{254, 226, 137},{254, 224, 128},{254, 221, 122},{252, 219, 112},{253, 218, 103},{253, 215, 94},{253, 213, 85},{253, 210, 75},{254, 209, 67},{253, 206, 58},{253, 203, 48},{253, 203, 41},{253, 199, 31},{253, 197, 24},{252, 195, 14},{254, 194, 4},{251, 189, 0},{242, 183, 0},{233, 177, 0},{223, 170, 0},{215, 163, 0},{205, 157, 0},{196, 150, 0},{188, 143, 0},{180, 137, 0},{171, 130, 0},{162, 123, 0},{154, 116, 0},{145, 110, 0},{137, 103, 0},{128, 96, 0},{120, 90, 0},{111, 83, 0},{102, 76, 0},{93, 71, 1},{85, 65, 1},{76, 56, 0},{67, 51, 0},{57, 44, 0},{48, 37, 0},{39, 30, 0},{31, 24, 1},{22, 17, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 6, 4}},{{245, 241, 226},{255, 255, 228},{254, 246, 210},{254, 243, 201},{254, 241, 191},{254, 239, 183},{255, 237, 173},{254, 235, 165},{253, 233, 156},{255, 232, 147},{255, 229, 137},{254, 228, 129},{254, 225, 122},{253, 223, 112},{253, 220, 102},{254, 219, 93},{254, 217, 85},{253, 215, 76},{252, 213, 66},{253, 210, 58},{253, 209, 50},{253, 207, 41},{254, 206, 31},{253, 203, 23},{252, 201, 12},{254, 199, 3},{251, 196, 0},{242, 188, 0},{233, 182, 0},{223, 175, 0},{215, 168, 0},{206, 161, 0},{198, 154, 0},{189, 147, 0},{180, 140, 0},{172, 133, 0},{163, 126, 0},{153, 120, 0},{145, 114, 0},{137, 107, 0},{128, 100, 0},{120, 93, 0},{112, 86, 0},{101, 79, 0},{92, 74, 1},{84, 67, 1},{76, 59, 1},{66, 52, 0},{57, 46, 0},{49, 39, 0},{39, 32, 1},{31, 24, 1},{23, 18, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 7, 4}},{{245, 242, 224},{255, 255, 227},{254, 246, 209},{253, 244, 200},{254, 242, 191},{253, 241, 182},{254, 239, 173},{255, 237, 165},{254, 235, 156},{254, 234, 146},{254, 231, 138},{253, 230, 128},{253, 229, 120},{253, 226, 110},{253, 225, 101},{253, 224, 94},{252, 221, 84},{253, 219, 75},{253, 218, 66},{252, 216, 57},{252, 215, 49},{253, 213, 40},{253, 211, 31},{252, 209, 22},{253, 207, 12},{254, 206, 3},{251, 204, 0},{243, 196, 0},{233, 188, 0},{224, 181, 1},{216, 174, 1},{205, 167, 0},{197, 160, 0},{189, 152, 0},{179, 145, 0},{171, 137, 0},{162, 131, 0},{153, 125, 0},{144, 118, 0},{136, 111, 0},{128, 104, 0},{119, 96, 0},{110, 89, 0},{101, 83, 0},{93, 75, 0},{85, 68, 1},{74, 61, 0},{66, 54, 0},{58, 47, 0},{49, 41, 0},{40, 34, 0},{31, 27, 0},{21, 18, 0},{8, 5, 0},{8, 8, 5}},{{246, 243, 225},{255, 255, 227},{253, 247, 209},{254, 245, 200},{254, 244, 190},{254, 244, 183},{254, 241, 173},{255, 239, 165},{255, 237, 156},{254, 236, 145},{254, 235, 138},{254, 233, 130},{253, 231, 120},{253, 230, 111},{253, 228, 103},{253, 227, 93},{252, 226, 84},{253, 224, 76},{253, 222, 67},{253, 221, 57},{253, 220, 48},{253, 217, 40},{253, 216, 30},{253, 214, 21},{253, 213, 13},{254, 211, 3},{251, 209, 0},{242, 201, 0},{233, 193, 0},{225, 186, 1},{216, 180, 1},{205, 173, 0},{198, 165, 0},{189, 157, 0},{180, 149, 0},{171, 142, 0},{162, 135, 0},{154, 129, 0},{144, 122, 0},{135, 113, 0},{129, 107, 0},{120, 99, 0},{110, 91, 0},{101, 84, 0},{94, 77, 0},{85, 70, 1},{74, 64, 0},{66, 56, 0},{58, 49, 0},{48, 42, 0},{40, 34, 0},{32, 28, 0},{21, 19, 0},{8, 6, 0},{8, 8, 5}},{{245, 243, 224},{255, 255, 227},{253, 248, 209},{253, 247, 201},{254, 246, 191},{254, 244, 183},{254, 242, 173},{254, 241, 165},{254, 241, 156},{255, 239, 146},{253, 237, 138},{254, 236, 128},{253, 234, 120},{254, 232, 112},{253, 231, 103},{253, 229, 93},{254, 229, 86},{253, 227, 75},{252, 226, 66},{252, 225, 59},{253, 223, 48},{253, 223, 41},{253, 222, 31},{252, 221, 21},{252, 219, 12},{254, 217, 3},{250, 213, 0},{243, 206, 0},{234, 199, 0},{224, 192, 1},{216, 184, 1},{207, 176, 0},{199, 169, 0},{189, 161, 0},{180, 153, 0},{172, 146, 0},{163, 139, 0},{154, 131, 0},{144, 124, 0},{136, 116, 0},{128, 109, 0},{121, 102, 0},{111, 93, 0},{101, 86, 0},{92, 79, 0},{84, 72, 0},{75, 64, 0},{68, 58, 0},{58, 49, 0},{48, 42, 0},{40, 34, 0},{32, 28, 0},{22, 19, 0},{7, 6, 0},{7, 8, 5}},{{245, 243, 225},{255, 255, 228},{253, 248, 209},{253, 248, 200},{254, 248, 192},{254, 246, 184},{254, 244, 173},{253, 244, 166},{253, 242, 156},{255, 241, 146},{254, 240, 137},{253, 239, 127},{253, 238, 120},{253, 236, 112},{253, 235, 103},{254, 234, 93},{254, 233, 86},{253, 231, 75},{253, 230, 66},{252, 229, 60},{252, 227, 48},{254, 227, 41},{254, 227, 32},{252, 225, 22},{253, 224, 13},{255, 223, 3},{251, 219, 0},{243, 211, 0},{233, 204, 0},{223, 196, 0},{216, 189, 1},{207, 181, 0},{198, 173, 0},{188, 165, 0},{181, 157, 0},{172, 150, 0},{163, 142, 0},{153, 135, 0},{145, 128, 0},{136, 120, 0},{127, 112, 0},{119, 104, 0},{111, 96, 0},{101, 89, 0},{92, 82, 0},{85, 74, 0},{76, 67, 0},{67, 59, 0},{58, 50, 0},{48, 43, 0},{40, 36, 0},{32, 29, 1},{23, 20, 1},{7, 6, 0},{7, 7, 5}},{{246, 244, 224},{255, 255, 227},{254, 250, 210},{253, 250, 201},{254, 249, 192},{254, 247, 183},{255, 247, 172},{254, 246, 166},{254, 245, 156},{253, 243, 145},{253, 243, 137},{254, 243, 128},{252, 241, 119},{253, 240, 111},{253, 239, 103},{253, 238, 92},{252, 237, 84},{253, 236, 76},{253, 236, 67},{252, 234, 58},{253, 233, 48},{253, 233, 42},{253, 231, 30},{253, 231, 22},{254, 230, 13},{255, 229, 3},{251, 227, 0},{241, 217, 0},{233, 209, 0},{224, 203, 0},{216, 195, 0},{206, 186, 0},{198, 177, 0},{189, 170, 0},{180, 163, 0},{171, 155, 0},{163, 147, 0},{153, 140, 0},{144, 132, 0},{135, 123, 0},{127, 115, 0},{120, 107, 0},{111, 100, 0},{100, 92, 0},{92, 84, 0},{84, 76, 0},{76, 68, 0},{66, 60, 0},{59, 53, 0},{49, 45, 0},{40, 36, 0},{31, 28, 1},{21, 20, 1},{7, 7, 0},{7, 8, 5}},{{246, 245, 223},{255, 255, 226},{254, 251, 209},{253, 251, 201},{255, 250, 192},{254, 249, 183},{255, 248, 171},{254, 248, 165},{254, 247, 157},{255, 246, 145},{254, 245, 137},{254, 244, 127},{253, 244, 118},{252, 243, 111},{252, 242, 102},{252, 243, 91},{253, 241, 84},{253, 239, 75},{253, 239, 67},{253, 239, 58},{254, 238, 48},{252, 237, 40},{253, 236, 29},{253, 236, 22},{253, 235, 11},{255, 234, 1},{250, 231, 0},{241, 223, 0},{233, 215, 0},{225, 208, 1},{216, 199, 1},{205, 190, 0},{197, 182, 0},{188, 174, 0},{180, 167, 0},{171, 159, 0},{162, 150, 0},{153, 143, 0},{143, 136, 0},{135, 127, 0},{128, 119, 0},{120, 110, 0},{110, 102, 0},{100, 94, 1},{92, 85, 0},{85, 78, 0},{76, 69, 0},{65, 62, 0},{58, 55, 0},{49, 46, 0},{40, 38, 0},{31, 29, 1},{22, 20, 1},{8, 7, 0},{7, 8, 5}},{{245, 245, 224},{255, 255, 226},{254, 253, 208},{254, 252, 201},{254, 252, 192},{255, 251, 182},{255, 250, 174},{255, 250, 166},{255, 249, 156},{255, 248, 147},{255, 248, 139},{255, 247, 129},{255, 246, 120},{254, 247, 111},{253, 246, 102},{254, 246, 93},{255, 246, 85},{253, 245, 76},{254, 245, 67},{253, 244, 60},{255, 243, 49},{255, 243, 40},{255, 243, 29},{254, 242, 23},{254, 241, 12},{255, 241, 2},{253, 239, 0},{245, 231, 0},{235, 222, 0},{225, 215, 1},{217, 206, 0},{207, 196, 0},{199, 187, 0},{190, 180, 0},{181, 172, 0},{172, 163, 0},{163, 155, 0},{154, 147, 0},{146, 139, 0},{138, 129, 0},{129, 121, 0},{120, 113, 0},{111, 104, 0},{103, 96, 0},{94, 88, 1},{84, 80, 1},{75, 71, 1},{65, 64, 1},{56, 56, 0},{49, 47, 0},{41, 38, 0},{32, 31, 1},{22, 21, 1},{7, 7, 0},{7, 7, 4}},{{243, 245, 224},{255, 255, 227},{254, 253, 209},{254, 253, 202},{254, 253, 193},{253, 252, 183},{252, 251, 174},{252, 252, 166},{252, 252, 157},{252, 251, 147},{252, 252, 138},{252, 251, 130},{252, 249, 121},{253, 250, 112},{253, 250, 103},{252, 248, 92},{252, 249, 85},{251, 249, 78},{250, 248, 67},{250, 248, 59},{252, 248, 49},{252, 248, 41},{251, 248, 31},{250, 247, 24},{250, 246, 14},{252, 246, 3},{249, 244, 1},{240, 236, 0},{230, 226, 0},{220, 218, 0},{213, 210, 0},{205, 201, 0},{196, 192, 0},{187, 184, 0},{178, 175, 0},{170, 166, 0},{160, 158, 0},{153, 150, 0},{145, 141, 0},{135, 132, 0},{127, 124, 0},{118, 116, 0},{108, 107, 0},{100, 99, 0},{91, 91, 1},{82, 82, 1},{74, 73, 1},{66, 66, 1},{57, 57, 0},{49, 47, 0},{39, 39, 0},{31, 31, 1},{21, 21, 1},{7, 8, 0},{8, 8, 4}},{{243, 245, 224},{255, 255, 228},{251, 254, 210},{251, 253, 201},{250, 252, 192},{249, 253, 183},{248, 253, 173},{248, 252, 166},{246, 252, 156},{245, 252, 148},{246, 251, 138},{246, 251, 128},{244, 251, 121},{244, 251, 111},{245, 251, 102},{243, 250, 93},{242, 250, 83},{241, 249, 75},{240, 249, 66},{240, 249, 58},{239, 249, 48},{237, 249, 40},{235, 248, 29},{237, 248, 24},{236, 248, 13},{236, 248, 2},{233, 245, 0},{223, 236, 0},{215, 228, 0},{208, 220, 1},{200, 210, 1},{192, 202, 0},{183, 193, 0},{175, 184, 0},{168, 176, 0},{159, 167, 0},{151, 159, 0},{142, 150, 0},{135, 142, 0},{126, 134, 0},{119, 125, 0},{110, 116, 0},{101, 108, 0},{93, 100, 0},{86, 92, 0},{78, 83, 0},{70, 74, 0},{62, 65, 0},{54, 57, 0},{46, 48, 0},{37, 40, 1},{29, 31, 0},{20, 22, 0},{7, 9, 0},{7, 7, 5}},{{243, 245, 224},{255, 255, 228},{248, 253, 209},{247, 253, 201},{246, 252, 192},{244, 253, 183},{244, 253, 173},{242, 251, 165},{240, 253, 155},{240, 252, 148},{239, 250, 140},{240, 251, 130},{236, 252, 121},{235, 251, 111},{235, 249, 103},{233, 250, 94},{232, 250, 86},{231, 249, 75},{231, 249, 66},{229, 249, 59},{227, 250, 48},{225, 249, 41},{223, 248, 31},{224, 248, 24},{223, 248, 13},{221, 248, 2},{219, 246, 0},{210, 237, 0},{203, 228, 0},{197, 219, 1},{188, 210, 1},{180, 202, 0},{172, 194, 0},{164, 185, 0},{157, 175, 0},{150, 168, 0},{142, 160, 0},{133, 150, 0},{126, 142, 0},{119, 134, 0},{111, 124, 0},{103, 115, 0},{96, 108, 1},{88, 99, 1},{80, 91, 1},{73, 83, 0},{64, 74, 0},{58, 65, 0},{51, 56, 0},{43, 49, 0},{34, 39, 1},{26, 30, 1},{18, 22, 0},{7, 8, 0},{7, 7, 5}},{{242, 245, 225},{255, 255, 228},{247, 254, 210},{244, 253, 200},{243, 253, 192},{241, 253, 183},{240, 252, 171},{237, 251, 164},{236, 252, 156},{235, 252, 147},{233, 251, 139},{233, 251, 131},{232, 251, 121},{228, 250, 111},{226, 250, 102},{225, 250, 93},{224, 251, 86},{222, 249, 75},{221, 248, 65},{217, 249, 57},{216, 248, 49},{216, 247, 42},{213, 249, 31},{211, 249, 22},{210, 247, 12},{209, 247, 2},{205, 245, 0},{198, 236, 0},{191, 229, 0},{186, 219, 1},{179, 210, 0},{170, 203, 0},{162, 194, 0},{154, 184, 0},{147, 176, 0},{140, 168, 0},{134, 159, 0},{125, 150, 0},{119, 142, 0},{112, 134, 0},{105, 125, 0},{98, 116, 0},{91, 108, 0},{84, 99, 0},{77, 90, 1},{68, 83, 0},{60, 75, 0},{55, 65, 0},{48, 56, 0},{39, 49, 0},{32, 40, 0},{26, 31, 1},{18, 22, 1},{6, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{241, 246, 224},{255, 255, 227},{244, 254, 210},{242, 253, 201},{239, 253, 193},{238, 252, 183},{235, 253, 172},{233, 253, 164},{231, 252, 156},{229, 252, 146},{227, 252, 139},{226, 251, 130},{224, 250, 120},{222, 250, 111},{219, 250, 102},{217, 251, 93},{213, 250, 85},{211, 250, 74},{211, 250, 64},{208, 250, 57},{206, 250, 49},{204, 249, 42},{200, 249, 30},{197, 250, 21},{196, 249, 12},{195, 248, 3},{191, 245, 0},{184, 237, 0},{177, 230, 0},{171, 221, 0},{164, 212, 0},{158, 202, 0},{149, 194, 0},{143, 185, 0},{137, 177, 0},{130, 168, 0},{125, 160, 0},{118, 151, 0},{112, 142, 1},{105, 133, 0},{98, 124, 0},{91, 116, 0},{84, 108, 0},{78, 99, 0},{71, 91, 0},{65, 83, 0},{56, 73, 0},{51, 64, 0},{45, 56, 0},{37, 49, 0},{29, 40, 0},{24, 31, 0},{17, 21, 0},{5, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{240, 246, 224},{254, 255, 226},{239, 255, 209},{237, 253, 201},{236, 253, 192},{234, 253, 183},{231, 253, 173},{227, 253, 165},{225, 252, 156},{224, 252, 146},{221, 252, 139},{217, 252, 129},{214, 251, 120},{213, 252, 112},{212, 251, 103},{207, 251, 93},{203, 250, 85},{202, 250, 76},{200, 250, 66},{198, 249, 58},{194, 249, 49},{192, 248, 41},{189, 249, 31},{186, 248, 21},{184, 247, 13},{183, 249, 3},{179, 246, 0},{172, 237, 0},{165, 229, 0},{159, 221, 0},{153, 212, 0},{147, 201, 0},{141, 193, 0},{134, 184, 0},{128, 176, 0},{122, 168, 0},{116, 159, 0},{108, 151, 0},{102, 142, 0},{96, 134, 0},{90, 125, 0},{85, 116, 0},{79, 107, 0},{71, 99, 0},{66, 91, 0},{59, 83, 0},{52, 73, 0},{46, 64, 0},{40, 57, 0},{34, 49, 0},{27, 41, 0},{22, 31, 1},{16, 21, 1},{3, 8, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{238, 245, 224},{251, 255, 228},{237, 254, 210},{236, 254, 202},{233, 253, 190},{230, 253, 182},{226, 253, 173},{222, 253, 164},{220, 253, 156},{218, 253, 146},{215, 252, 138},{210, 252, 129},{207, 252, 121},{204, 252, 112},{203, 250, 102},{198, 250, 92},{195, 251, 85},{191, 251, 76},{190, 252, 66},{187, 249, 58},{181, 250, 49},{180, 250, 41},{177, 250, 31},{174, 249, 22},{171, 249, 13},{169, 250, 2},{163, 246, 0},{158, 238, 0},{152, 230, 0},{146, 221, 0},{140, 213, 0},{135, 202, 0},{131, 194, 0},{124, 185, 0},{117, 177, 0},{112, 170, 0},{107, 160, 0},{100, 151, 0},{94, 144, 0},{90, 135, 0},{83, 125, 0},{77, 116, 0},{72, 108, 0},{67, 100, 0},{61, 91, 0},{54, 83, 0},{49, 73, 1},{44, 64, 0},{38, 58, 0},{32, 49, 0},{25, 41, 1},{20, 31, 1},{15, 22, 0},{2, 9, 0},{6, 8, 5}},{{237, 245, 224},{249, 255, 227},{237, 255, 210},{234, 254, 202},{230, 253, 191},{225, 252, 182},{221, 253, 173},{219, 253, 165},{216, 254, 156},{211, 253, 146},{209, 251, 139},{206, 252, 129},{201, 252, 121},{197, 253, 111},{194, 251, 102},{189, 250, 93},{186, 251, 84},{183, 252, 75},{179, 251, 65},{176, 250, 57},{173, 250, 48},{169, 250, 41},{165, 249, 31},{162, 249, 22},{157, 249, 12},{154, 249, 2},{151, 246, 0},{144, 238, 0},{139, 230, 0},{135, 222, 0},{129, 211, 0},{123, 202, 0},{119, 195, 0},{115, 186, 0},{108, 178, 0},{103, 169, 0},{98, 160, 0},{93, 151, 0},{89, 143, 0},{82, 135, 0},{78, 127, 0},{72, 117, 0},{66, 108, 0},{61, 100, 0},{57, 92, 0},{51, 83, 1},{44, 73, 1},{41, 65, 0},{35, 58, 0},{28, 49, 0},{23, 41, 0},{18, 31, 1},{14, 21, 0},{2, 9, 0},{6, 8, 4}},{{235, 244, 224},{247, 255, 226},{234, 255, 208},{230, 254, 202},{226, 253, 192},{222, 253, 183},{217, 253, 174},{215, 253, 165},{210, 253, 155},{205, 253, 146},{203, 252, 139},{199, 252, 130},{194, 251, 120},{189, 252, 110},{186, 251, 102},{181, 251, 95},{177, 251, 85},{173, 251, 76},{168, 251, 65},{165, 250, 57},{161, 250, 47},{157, 251, 40},{153, 251, 32},{148, 250, 22},{143, 250, 12},{140, 251, 3},{137, 247, 0},{131, 239, 0},{126, 230, 0},{122, 222, 0},{118, 213, 0},{112, 204, 0},{108, 195, 0},{104, 187, 0},{99, 178, 0},{96, 168, 0},{90, 160, 0},{84, 151, 0},{81, 143, 0},{75, 134, 0},{71, 126, 0},{65, 117, 0},{59, 109, 0},{55, 100, 0},{51, 91, 0},{46, 82, 0},{41, 74, 0},{37, 65, 0},{31, 57, 0},{25, 49, 0},{22, 40, 0},{16, 30, 0},{12, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 5}},{{236, 245, 225},{246, 255, 227},{231, 253, 208},{226, 253, 201},{222, 254, 191},{218, 254, 185},{213, 253, 175},{209, 253, 165},{205, 253, 156},{200, 253, 146},{195, 253, 137},{190, 253, 129},{187, 252, 121},{183, 252, 110},{177, 252, 103},{172, 252, 94},{169, 251, 86},{165, 251, 77},{160, 251, 68},{156, 250, 58},{151, 251, 48},{147, 250, 41},{142, 251, 31},{137, 249, 23},{133, 249, 14},{128, 251, 2},{125, 248, 0},{119, 239, 1},{115, 230, 1},{111, 221, 1},{107, 213, 1},{103, 204, 0},{99, 196, 0},{94, 186, 0},{90, 177, 0},{84, 170, 0},{80, 161, 0},{75, 153, 0},{72, 144, 0},{67, 135, 0},{63, 126, 0},{58, 118, 0},{53, 109, 0},{50, 100, 0},{45, 91, 0},{41, 83, 0},{36, 75, 0},{32, 66, 0},{28, 58, 0},{23, 49, 0},{19, 39, 0},{15, 30, 1},{9, 22, 1},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{234, 245, 224},{244, 255, 227},{229, 254, 210},{224, 254, 201},{218, 254, 191},{213, 254, 183},{209, 253, 174},{204, 253, 165},{199, 253, 155},{194, 253, 146},{189, 253, 137},{183, 253, 128},{179, 252, 121},{175, 252, 111},{169, 252, 102},{164, 252, 92},{160, 251, 85},{155, 251, 77},{150, 251, 67},{144, 251, 58},{138, 251, 48},{135, 251, 40},{129, 251, 30},{123, 251, 22},{118, 250, 13},{114, 251, 2},{111, 248, 0},{105, 239, 0},{101, 231, 0},{99, 221, 0},{94, 214, 0},{92, 204, 0},{85, 196, 0},{81, 186, 0},{78, 177, 0},{75, 170, 0},{71, 161, 0},{67, 152, 0},{63, 144, 0},{58, 135, 0},{56, 125, 0},{52, 118, 0},{48, 109, 0},{45, 100, 0},{40, 92, 0},{36, 84, 0},{32, 75, 0},{27, 66, 0},{24, 58, 0},{21, 49, 0},{18, 40, 0},{14, 31, 1},{8, 22, 1},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{232, 245, 223},{243, 255, 226},{227, 254, 209},{222, 254, 200},{216, 255, 190},{211, 254, 182},{205, 254, 173},{200, 254, 165},{195, 253, 155},{189, 253, 146},{183, 253, 137},{179, 253, 130},{173, 252, 122},{167, 252, 111},{161, 253, 102},{156, 252, 94},{152, 251, 86},{146, 252, 76},{139, 252, 66},{134, 252, 58},{129, 252, 48},{123, 251, 41},{118, 251, 30},{111, 251, 22},{106, 250, 13},{101, 251, 4},{97, 249, 0},{94, 239, 0},{90, 231, 0},{86, 222, 0},{83, 215, 0},{81, 205, 0},{75, 196, 0},{71, 187, 0},{70, 178, 1},{66, 171, 1},{64, 162, 0},{60, 152, 0},{56, 144, 0},{52, 135, 0},{50, 127, 0},{46, 118, 0},{42, 109, 0},{39, 99, 0},{36, 92, 0},{32, 85, 0},{29, 74, 0},{25, 66, 0},{21, 58, 0},{18, 50, 0},{16, 39, 0},{11, 31, 0},{8, 23, 0},{0, 8, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{232, 246, 224},{240, 255, 226},{224, 254, 208},{218, 254, 200},{214, 254, 191},{207, 253, 183},{200, 253, 172},{195, 254, 165},{189, 253, 155},{183, 253, 146},{177, 254, 138},{172, 253, 129},{165, 253, 121},{159, 253, 112},{153, 254, 102},{147, 252, 93},{142, 252, 85},{134, 252, 74},{128, 252, 66},{122, 253, 58},{116, 253, 47},{110, 252, 40},{105, 251, 31},{97, 251, 22},{91, 251, 13},{87, 252, 4},{82, 249, 0},{79, 239, 0},{76, 231, 0},{73, 223, 0},{70, 215, 0},{68, 206, 0},{65, 197, 0},{63, 187, 0},{61, 178, 0},{57, 170, 0},{54, 161, 0},{51, 152, 0},{49, 144, 0},{46, 135, 0},{42, 127, 0},{40, 118, 0},{36, 109, 0},{33, 100, 0},{31, 93, 0},{28, 84, 0},{25, 74, 0},{21, 66, 0},{18, 58, 0},{15, 49, 0},{12, 39, 0},{9, 31, 0},{6, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 4}},{{230, 245, 224},{237, 255, 227},{221, 254, 209},{216, 254, 200},{209, 254, 191},{202, 254, 183},{195, 254, 172},{189, 254, 166},{182, 253, 156},{176, 254, 146},{171, 254, 139},{163, 254, 129},{157, 253, 120},{151, 253, 112},{144, 253, 101},{137, 253, 92},{131, 252, 85},{125, 252, 76},{119, 252, 66},{112, 252, 58},{105, 252, 48},{100, 251, 42},{93, 251, 32},{86, 251, 22},{79, 251, 13},{73, 252, 4},{69, 249, 0},{66, 240, 0},{63, 231, 0},{61, 222, 0},{59, 215, 0},{57, 206, 0},{54, 197, 0},{51, 189, 0},{48, 179, 0},{46, 171, 0},{44, 163, 0},{42, 154, 0},{41, 145, 0},{37, 135, 0},{34, 127, 0},{32, 119, 0},{30, 110, 0},{27, 101, 0},{25, 93, 0},{22, 84, 0},{18, 75, 0},{17, 66, 0},{15, 57, 0},{12, 50, 0},{10, 40, 0},{8, 31, 0},{6, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 9, 4}},{{229, 245, 224},{235, 255, 228},{219, 254, 210},{212, 253, 201},{205, 254, 191},{199, 254, 183},{191, 254, 173},{185, 254, 166},{177, 254, 156},{170, 255, 146},{165, 254, 138},{157, 254, 130},{150, 253, 121},{143, 253, 111},{137, 252, 102},{129, 253, 92},{120, 254, 85},{114, 253, 76},{109, 254, 67},{101, 254, 58},{93, 253, 49},{89, 252, 42},{80, 252, 32},{73, 252, 23},{66, 253, 14},{59, 253, 5},{56, 249, 0},{53, 241, 0},{50, 233, 0},{48, 222, 0},{46, 214, 0},{45, 206, 0},{44, 196, 0},{41, 188, 0},{38, 180, 0},{36, 172, 0},{35, 163, 0},{32, 154, 0},{32, 145, 0},{29, 136, 0},{27, 127, 0},{25, 119, 0},{24, 110, 0},{21, 102, 0},{20, 92, 0},{19, 85, 0},{14, 75, 0},{13, 67, 0},{13, 58, 0},{10, 49, 0},{7, 40, 0},{7, 31, 0},{5, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 9, 4}},{{227, 244, 225},{235, 255, 228},{217, 254, 209},{209, 254, 201},{203, 254, 191},{196, 254, 182},{186, 255, 172},{180, 254, 164},{173, 253, 156},{164, 254, 147},{158, 254, 138},{151, 254, 129},{143, 252, 121},{135, 252, 111},{126, 252, 102},{120, 252, 94},{113, 253, 85},{106, 253, 76},{100, 253, 67},{91, 253, 59},{83, 253, 49},{77, 252, 40},{70, 252, 31},{61, 252, 22},{54, 251, 13},{47, 252, 4},{44, 250, 0},{41, 242, 0},{39, 233, 0},{39, 222, 0},{37, 213, 0},{34, 206, 0},{33, 197, 0},{32, 188, 0},{29, 179, 0},{29, 171, 0},{27, 162, 0},{24, 153, 0},{24, 144, 0},{23, 136, 0},{22, 127, 0},{21, 118, 0},{19, 110, 0},{16, 101, 0},{15, 93, 0},{14, 84, 0},{12, 74, 0},{11, 66, 0},{9, 57, 0},{7, 49, 0},{5, 41, 0},{4, 33, 0},{5, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{226, 244, 224},{232, 255, 227},{215, 254, 210},{207, 255, 202},{200, 255, 191},{192, 254, 181},{182, 255, 172},{176, 254, 165},{168, 253, 156},{159, 255, 146},{152, 254, 138},{144, 253, 128},{137, 253, 120},{128, 253, 112},{119, 253, 100},{112, 254, 91},{104, 254, 83},{98, 254, 75},{91, 253, 67},{82, 252, 58},{73, 252, 47},{65, 254, 39},{57, 254, 30},{48, 254, 21},{41, 253, 12},{32, 254, 3},{29, 252, 0},{28, 244, 0},{24, 234, 0},{26, 223, 0},{25, 216, 0},{22, 207, 0},{21, 198, 0},{20, 190, 0},{20, 181, 0},{20, 172, 0},{19, 163, 0},{18, 153, 0},{16, 144, 0},{15, 137, 0},{15, 128, 0},{15, 119, 0},{14, 111, 0},{11, 101, 0},{10, 92, 0},{8, 84, 0},{9, 75, 0},{7, 66, 0},{5, 58, 0},{5, 50, 0},{4, 41, 0},{3, 32, 0},{3, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{226, 244, 224},{230, 255, 228},{212, 255, 209},{204, 255, 201},{194, 254, 191},{186, 254, 182},{177, 254, 174},{170, 255, 166},{160, 254, 156},{152, 254, 147},{144, 254, 138},{134, 254, 129},{126, 254, 121},{118, 253, 111},{111, 253, 101},{101, 255, 92},{92, 255, 84},{85, 254, 75},{77, 254, 66},{69, 253, 58},{58, 254, 48},{54, 253, 40},{44, 253, 31},{36, 253, 21},{27, 253, 11},{18, 255, 3},{14, 251, 0},{13, 242, 0},{12, 233, 0},{13, 223, 0},{11, 215, 0},{11, 207, 0},{11, 197, 0},{10, 189, 0},{10, 180, 0},{8, 172, 0},{7, 163, 0},{7, 155, 0},{6, 146, 0},{7, 137, 0},{6, 129, 0},{4, 120, 0},{6, 111, 0},{5, 101, 0},{4, 92, 0},{3, 85, 0},{3, 76, 0},{2, 67, 0},{3, 59, 0},{3, 50, 0},{1, 40, 0},{1, 31, 0},{0, 22, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 224},{227, 255, 228},{209, 255, 209},{202, 255, 201},{191, 255, 192},{182, 254, 182},{173, 254, 174},{165, 254, 166},{155, 254, 157},{147, 255, 148},{138, 254, 139},{128, 255, 130},{120, 254, 122},{112, 254, 113},{104, 253, 104},{93, 254, 95},{86, 255, 87},{76, 254, 78},{67, 254, 68},{59, 255, 58},{48, 254, 50},{42, 254, 43},{32, 254, 34},{22, 254, 24},{13, 255, 14},{4, 255, 7},{0, 251, 2},{1, 242, 1},{1, 235, 2},{0, 225, 1},{0, 216, 0},{1, 207, 1},{1, 199, 1},{0, 190, 0},{1, 180, 0},{0, 172, 1},{0, 164, 1},{0, 155, 0},{0, 147, 0},{0, 138, 0},{0, 129, 0},{0, 120, 0},{1, 111, 0},{1, 102, 1},{0, 94, 1},{0, 85, 1},{0, 75, 0},{0, 67, 1},{0, 59, 0},{0, 49, 0},{0, 40, 0},{0, 32, 0},{0, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{223, 245, 223},{227, 255, 227},{210, 255, 212},{200, 254, 203},{191, 255, 195},{183, 255, 185},{174, 255, 176},{164, 255, 168},{156, 254, 161},{146, 255, 152},{137, 254, 142},{129, 255, 135},{121, 254, 126},{112, 255, 118},{103, 255, 108},{94, 255, 100},{86, 254, 92},{77, 255, 84},{68, 254, 75},{59, 255, 65},{49, 255, 56},{41, 254, 51},{31, 254, 41},{22, 255, 31},{13, 255, 23},{2, 255, 14},{0, 253, 9},{0, 245, 9},{0, 235, 8},{0, 226, 8},{0, 217, 8},{0, 207, 8},{0, 200, 8},{0, 190, 6},{0, 182, 6},{1, 173, 6},{1, 164, 5},{0, 155, 5},{0, 147, 4},{0, 138, 3},{0, 128, 4},{0, 119, 4},{0, 112, 3},{0, 102, 3},{0, 94, 3},{0, 85, 2},{0, 75, 1},{0, 67, 2},{0, 59, 2},{0, 49, 1},{1, 41, 0},{0, 32, 1},{0, 23, 1},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{223, 245, 223},{227, 255, 229},{210, 254, 213},{200, 255, 204},{191, 255, 197},{184, 255, 190},{175, 255, 180},{165, 255, 171},{157, 254, 164},{147, 254, 155},{137, 255, 146},{129, 254, 139},{122, 254, 131},{113, 254, 123},{103, 255, 113},{94, 255, 106},{86, 254, 97},{76, 254, 90},{68, 254, 83},{59, 255, 73},{50, 255, 64},{42, 254, 58},{33, 254, 49},{24, 255, 40},{14, 254, 31},{4, 255, 23},{0, 253, 19},{1, 244, 17},{0, 235, 17},{1, 225, 17},{1, 217, 16},{1, 208, 15},{0, 198, 15},{1, 190, 14},{1, 181, 13},{1, 173, 13},{1, 163, 11},{0, 154, 10},{0, 146, 10},{0, 137, 8},{0, 128, 9},{0, 120, 8},{0, 111, 8},{0, 102, 6},{0, 94, 6},{0, 85, 5},{0, 75, 5},{0, 67, 3},{0, 58, 4},{0, 49, 3},{1, 40, 2},{0, 31, 1},{0, 23, 0},{0, 9, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{224, 245, 226},{227, 255, 233},{210, 255, 216},{201, 255, 207},{192, 255, 200},{184, 255, 192},{175, 254, 182},{166, 255, 176},{157, 255, 169},{148, 255, 160},{139, 254, 153},{130, 254, 145},{121, 254, 136},{112, 254, 128},{103, 254, 120},{95, 254, 113},{85, 253, 104},{76, 254, 96},{68, 254, 90},{59, 254, 81},{50, 254, 72},{43, 254, 65},{33, 254, 57},{23, 253, 49},{14, 253, 40},{5, 255, 33},{0, 252, 29},{0, 242, 29},{1, 233, 28},{1, 224, 25},{0, 216, 23},{1, 207, 24},{0, 198, 23},{1, 190, 21},{0, 180, 20},{0, 172, 20},{0, 163, 19},{0, 154, 17},{0, 145, 15},{0, 136, 15},{0, 128, 15},{0, 121, 14},{1, 111, 12},{1, 101, 11},{1, 94, 11},{1, 86, 10},{1, 77, 8},{0, 66, 7},{0, 58, 5},{0, 50, 5},{0, 40, 5},{0, 31, 3},{0, 22, 1},{0, 8, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 228},{227, 255, 234},{210, 253, 217},{202, 254, 210},{192, 255, 203},{184, 255, 195},{176, 254, 185},{166, 255, 178},{157, 255, 172},{149, 254, 163},{140, 255, 157},{131, 255, 150},{122, 253, 142},{113, 254, 133},{103, 254, 126},{95, 254, 119},{87, 254, 111},{78, 254, 103},{68, 253, 97},{60, 253, 89},{50, 254, 79},{43, 254, 72},{33, 253, 66},{25, 253, 58},{14, 255, 49},{5, 255, 42},{1, 252, 37},{1, 243, 37},{1, 233, 35},{1, 225, 34},{0, 217, 31},{1, 208, 32},{1, 198, 31},{0, 190, 28},{0, 181, 27},{1, 172, 27},{1, 163, 26},{0, 154, 23},{0, 146, 21},{0, 137, 22},{0, 128, 20},{0, 121, 18},{1, 111, 17},{1, 102, 15},{1, 94, 14},{1, 85, 12},{1, 77, 12},{1, 67, 10},{1, 59, 8},{0, 50, 7},{0, 41, 6},{0, 32, 5},{0, 22, 3},{0, 8, 0},{4, 8, 4}},{{225, 245, 229},{228, 255, 234},{210, 254, 218},{201, 254, 212},{192, 255, 203},{184, 254, 197},{175, 255, 188},{166, 255, 182},{158, 254, 174},{148, 255, 166},{138, 255, 161},{131, 255, 155},{122, 253, 147},{113, 254, 139},{104, 254, 130},{96, 254, 123},{87, 254, 117},{77, 254, 109},{68, 253, 101},{61, 253, 95},{51, 254, 88},{43, 254, 81},{34, 254, 74},{26, 254, 65},{16, 254, 58},{7, 254, 51},{2, 251, 46},{1, 243, 42},{2, 234, 42},{2, 225, 43},{1, 216, 40},{1, 206, 40},{1, 198, 37},{1, 189, 34},{0, 180, 34},{2, 172, 33},{2, 163, 29},{0, 154, 27},{0, 146, 27},{0, 137, 25},{1, 128, 24},{1, 120, 22},{1, 111, 21},{1, 102, 19},{1, 94, 16},{1, 84, 14},{0, 75, 14},{0, 67, 12},{0, 59, 8},{0, 51, 9},{0, 41, 8},{0, 32, 6},{0, 22, 4},{0, 9, 0},{4, 10, 4}},{{224, 245, 229},{228, 255, 235},{211, 255, 220},{201, 254, 214},{192, 255, 205},{184, 255, 199},{175, 254, 191},{167, 254, 186},{158, 254, 178},{148, 254, 169},{138, 255, 165},{131, 255, 159},{123, 254, 152},{114, 253, 144},{105, 254, 137},{96, 254, 129},{87, 254, 122},{78, 254, 116},{69, 254, 110},{61, 254, 102},{51, 254, 94},{44, 253, 89},{35, 254, 82},{26, 254, 74},{16, 254, 68},{7, 254, 61},{2, 251, 56},{2, 243, 52},{2, 234, 51},{2, 224, 50},{2, 217, 48},{1, 207, 47},{1, 198, 45},{1, 188, 41},{2, 179, 39},{2, 172, 38},{1, 164, 35},{1, 154, 33},{2, 146, 33},{0, 137, 29},{1, 128, 28},{1, 120, 27},{1, 111, 25},{1, 101, 23},{1, 93, 21},{1, 85, 18},{0, 76, 17},{1, 67, 14},{0, 59, 11},{0, 51, 10},{0, 41, 9},{0, 32, 7},{0, 22, 3},{0, 9, 0},{4, 10, 5}},{{224, 244, 229},{228, 255, 239},{211, 255, 221},{202, 254, 215},{192, 254, 210},{183, 254, 203},{174, 254, 195},{167, 254, 190},{158, 254, 182},{149, 254, 175},{139, 254, 169},{131, 254, 163},{122, 253, 157},{113, 253, 149},{105, 254, 143},{96, 253, 137},{88, 254, 131},{79, 254, 124},{70, 254, 119},{60, 253, 111},{51, 252, 104},{44, 252, 99},{35, 252, 90},{25, 253, 83},{16, 253, 77},{7, 254, 71},{3, 252, 66},{2, 242, 64},{2, 232, 61},{2, 223, 58},{2, 216, 57},{2, 206, 55},{1, 197, 53},{1, 188, 50},{3, 180, 47},{2, 172, 46},{1, 163, 43},{0, 154, 39},{2, 145, 39},{0, 137, 36},{1, 128, 33},{1, 119, 32},{0, 110, 29},{1, 101, 27},{1, 93, 25},{1, 84, 23},{0, 75, 19},{1, 66, 16},{0, 58, 15},{0, 50, 12},{0, 41, 10},{0, 32, 8},{1, 24, 5},{0, 8, 0},{5, 7, 6}},{{224, 244, 230},{228, 255, 240},{211, 255, 221},{203, 255, 217},{193, 254, 213},{183, 253, 206},{175, 254, 198},{167, 253, 193},{158, 254, 187},{150, 255, 181},{141, 254, 175},{132, 254, 167},{123, 253, 161},{114, 254, 154},{105, 254, 149},{96, 254, 143},{88, 254, 137},{78, 254, 131},{69, 254, 126},{61, 253, 118},{52, 253, 110},{44, 253, 106},{35, 253, 99},{26, 253, 93},{17, 253, 87},{7, 255, 80},{2, 252, 77},{3, 242, 74},{3, 233, 70},{3, 224, 67},{3, 216, 65},{2, 206, 61},{1, 197, 58},{2, 189, 57},{3, 181, 55},{2, 172, 51},{1, 163, 49},{1, 155, 45},{2, 145, 45},{1, 137, 41},{1, 128, 37},{1, 119, 37},{2, 110, 34},{2, 101, 30},{1, 92, 28},{1, 84, 26},{0, 75, 21},{1, 66, 19},{1, 59, 18},{1, 51, 14},{0, 41, 10},{0, 32, 8},{1, 24, 7},{0, 8, 0},{5, 7, 6}},{{224, 243, 230},{229, 255, 240},{212, 255, 225},{201, 255, 218},{193, 255, 213},{184, 254, 209},{174, 254, 199},{168, 254, 195},{159, 254, 191},{148, 254, 184},{139, 254, 177},{131, 254, 173},{124, 254, 167},{114, 254, 158},{105, 254, 153},{96, 254, 148},{88, 253, 142},{79, 254, 137},{71, 254, 131},{62, 253, 124},{53, 254, 118},{46, 254, 114},{35, 253, 106},{27, 253, 100},{18, 253, 94},{8, 254, 89},{3, 251, 85},{3, 242, 82},{3, 234, 80},{4, 225, 76},{3, 215, 71},{3, 206, 71},{3, 197, 68},{3, 189, 63},{3, 181, 61},{3, 172, 57},{2, 163, 53},{2, 155, 50},{3, 146, 48},{1, 136, 43},{1, 128, 42},{1, 119, 41},{2, 110, 37},{3, 101, 35},{2, 92, 31},{2, 84, 27},{1, 75, 25},{0, 67, 22},{1, 59, 19},{1, 51, 16},{0, 41, 13},{0, 32, 11},{0, 23, 7},{0, 9, 0},{5, 9, 4}},{{224, 244, 232},{229, 255, 242},{211, 255, 227},{202, 255, 222},{193, 255, 215},{184, 254, 211},{175, 254, 204},{168, 255, 200},{158, 254, 193},{149, 254, 187},{140, 254, 182},{131, 254, 176},{124, 254, 173},{115, 254, 165},{106, 254, 159},{97, 254, 154},{89, 253, 148},{80, 254, 144},{72, 254, 138},{62, 253, 131},{54, 253, 126},{46, 253, 123},{35, 253, 114},{27, 253, 109},{19, 253, 104},{10, 254, 98},{5, 251, 94},{4, 242, 91},{3, 233, 87},{6, 224, 85},{3, 215, 80},{3, 206, 79},{4, 197, 74},{4, 189, 70},{3, 181, 68},{2, 172, 64},{3, 164, 59},{2, 154, 55},{3, 146, 54},{2, 137, 50},{1, 128, 48},{1, 118, 45},{2, 110, 41},{2, 101, 38},{1, 93, 34},{1, 85, 31},{0, 76, 28},{1, 67, 25},{1, 59, 22},{1, 50, 18},{0, 41, 14},{1, 32, 12},{0, 22, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 9, 4}},{{225, 245, 233},{229, 255, 244},{210, 255, 227},{201, 254, 224},{193, 253, 218},{185, 254, 212},{176, 254, 206},{168, 253, 204},{157, 254, 198},{149, 255, 192},{141, 254, 187},{132, 254, 180},{124, 254, 176},{114, 253, 171},{107, 253, 168},{98, 253, 161},{89, 253, 156},{79, 253, 150},{71, 253, 146},{63, 253, 141},{55, 253, 134},{46, 252, 130},{34, 252, 124},{27, 252, 120},{19, 252, 114},{9, 253, 108},{4, 250, 106},{5, 240, 101},{5, 233, 96},{5, 224, 94},{3, 215, 90},{4, 206, 86},{3, 197, 82},{4, 188, 79},{3, 179, 76},{2, 171, 73},{3, 163, 68},{1, 155, 64},{2, 145, 62},{0, 135, 57},{1, 128, 52},{1, 119, 48},{2, 110, 46},{2, 100, 43},{2, 93, 39},{2, 85, 35},{1, 76, 29},{1, 66, 28},{0, 57, 25},{0, 49, 20},{1, 41, 16},{1, 32, 13},{1, 23, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 6}},{{224, 245, 234},{229, 255, 246},{211, 254, 229},{202, 254, 225},{193, 253, 220},{185, 254, 215},{176, 254, 210},{169, 253, 206},{158, 254, 201},{150, 254, 197},{142, 254, 192},{132, 254, 184},{123, 253, 181},{114, 253, 176},{107, 253, 172},{98, 253, 167},{89, 253, 163},{80, 253, 158},{71, 253, 152},{63, 253, 147},{55, 253, 142},{46, 252, 138},{34, 253, 132},{28, 252, 127},{19, 252, 122},{10, 253, 117},{4, 249, 113},{4, 241, 109},{5, 232, 105},{4, 223, 102},{3, 214, 99},{4, 206, 94},{4, 197, 89},{4, 188, 87},{3, 179, 84},{3, 171, 78},{3, 162, 74},{1, 153, 70},{1, 144, 66},{0, 135, 61},{1, 127, 56},{2, 120, 54},{2, 111, 51},{1, 101, 47},{0, 93, 42},{2, 85, 38},{2, 75, 34},{1, 67, 31},{0, 56, 25},{0, 48, 22},{1, 41, 18},{1, 32, 12},{1, 23, 9},{0, 9, 0},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 244, 235},{228, 255, 246},{211, 254, 232},{203, 253, 227},{194, 254, 222},{186, 253, 218},{175, 253, 213},{167, 254, 210},{160, 254, 203},{150, 253, 198},{141, 254, 195},{132, 254, 192},{125, 252, 187},{116, 253, 181},{106, 252, 175},{98, 252, 171},{90, 253, 166},{81, 253, 163},{72, 253, 159},{64, 253, 153},{55, 253, 149},{48, 252, 146},{36, 252, 141},{28, 252, 135},{21, 251, 132},{10, 253, 126},{6, 251, 122},{7, 242, 117},{6, 232, 113},{5, 223, 109},{4, 214, 107},{5, 206, 102},{5, 197, 95},{4, 188, 93},{5, 180, 88},{5, 171, 83},{4, 162, 79},{3, 152, 75},{3, 144, 71},{2, 136, 66},{2, 127, 63},{2, 119, 58},{2, 111, 54},{1, 102, 50},{2, 93, 46},{2, 84, 42},{1, 74, 36},{2, 65, 31},{1, 58, 26},{0, 49, 23},{0, 41, 18},{0, 32, 14},{0, 23, 11},{0, 8, 0},{5, 9, 5}},{{224, 244, 234},{229, 255, 247},{210, 254, 234},{203, 253, 229},{195, 254, 223},{186, 254, 219},{175, 254, 215},{167, 254, 212},{159, 253, 207},{151, 254, 202},{141, 254, 200},{133, 254, 196},{126, 252, 192},{116, 253, 187},{106, 253, 182},{98, 253, 176},{90, 254, 173},{81, 254, 171},{73, 253, 166},{64, 253, 161},{56, 253, 156},{49, 251, 153},{37, 252, 149},{28, 252, 146},{21, 252, 141},{11, 253, 137},{7, 250, 133},{8, 242, 129},{6, 232, 124},{6, 223, 120},{5, 215, 114},{5, 207, 108},{5, 197, 103},{4, 188, 99},{5, 180, 95},{5, 171, 91},{4, 162, 86},{3, 153, 81},{3, 144, 76},{3, 136, 71},{3, 128, 67},{2, 119, 62},{1, 110, 58},{3, 102, 55},{2, 93, 50},{2, 84, 44},{1, 75, 37},{1, 65, 34},{1, 58, 30},{1, 49, 25},{1, 41, 21},{1, 32, 15},{0, 23, 11},{0, 8, 0},{5, 9, 5}},{{224, 245, 235},{228, 255, 249},{211, 255, 234},{203, 254, 231},{194, 254, 228},{185, 254, 225},{175, 254, 218},{167, 255, 216},{159, 254, 213},{150, 253, 208},{141, 253, 204},{133, 254, 200},{124, 252, 196},{115, 252, 193},{107, 253, 189},{99, 253, 184},{90, 252, 182},{81, 252, 178},{73, 253, 173},{64, 253, 169},{56, 252, 166},{49, 251, 163},{38, 252, 158},{29, 251, 153},{21, 251, 148},{12, 252, 145},{7, 249, 143},{7, 242, 137},{6, 232, 131},{6, 222, 126},{6, 214, 123},{5, 206, 118},{5, 196, 112},{5, 188, 108},{5, 180, 103},{4, 171, 98},{5, 161, 93},{4, 153, 86},{4, 145, 82},{3, 136, 77},{2, 127, 73},{3, 119, 68},{3, 110, 63},{2, 101, 58},{3, 93, 53},{2, 84, 47},{1, 75, 41},{1, 66, 38},{1, 58, 32},{1, 49, 27},{1, 39, 22},{1, 32, 17},{1, 23, 10},{0, 8, 0},{5, 8, 7}},{{223, 245, 236},{227, 255, 250},{211, 254, 235},{203, 254, 232},{193, 255, 228},{186, 254, 226},{176, 254, 222},{167, 255, 219},{158, 254, 217},{150, 252, 214},{141, 252, 208},{133, 253, 203},{125, 252, 201},{116, 253, 199},{108, 253, 194},{99, 252, 190},{89, 251, 188},{82, 252, 184},{73, 252, 180},{64, 251, 176},{55, 252, 173},{49, 251, 170},{39, 252, 165},{29, 250, 162},{21, 250, 159},{13, 252, 155},{8, 248, 153},{7, 240, 147},{6, 231, 140},{6, 221, 136},{6, 214, 131},{5, 206, 124},{4, 196, 118},{5, 187, 114},{6, 179, 108},{3, 170, 104},{4, 161, 99},{4, 153, 90},{4, 146, 88},{3, 136, 82},{3, 127, 77},{3, 118, 73},{3, 109, 67},{2, 100, 61},{3, 93, 57},{3, 83, 51},{1, 75, 45},{1, 67, 39},{1, 58, 33},{1, 49, 28},{1, 40, 23},{1, 31, 18},{1, 22, 13},{0, 8, 2},{5, 8, 7}},{{225, 245, 237},{228, 255, 249},{211, 254, 239},{203, 253, 235},{193, 254, 229},{185, 254, 226},{176, 254, 224},{169, 254, 220},{160, 254, 219},{151, 253, 217},{142, 253, 213},{132, 253, 207},{125, 253, 204},{116, 254, 203},{107, 253, 199},{100, 252, 195},{91, 251, 192},{82, 251, 190},{75, 252, 188},{65, 251, 185},{56, 252, 179},{51, 252, 175},{40, 252, 175},{30, 250, 171},{21, 250, 167},{13, 251, 165},{8, 249, 162},{8, 240, 155},{7, 230, 149},{8, 222, 143},{7, 215, 136},{6, 205, 132},{6, 196, 126},{5, 187, 120},{5, 179, 116},{6, 169, 111},{5, 161, 104},{4, 153, 97},{4, 145, 91},{4, 137, 87},{3, 127, 81},{2, 118, 76},{4, 109, 71},{4, 99, 65},{2, 92, 58},{3, 84, 53},{2, 75, 46},{1, 66, 40},{1, 57, 35},{2, 49, 31},{0, 39, 24},{1, 31, 18},{1, 23, 13},{0, 10, 2},{5, 8, 6}},{{225, 245, 238},{229, 255, 252},{210, 254, 240},{203, 254, 238},{193, 254, 233},{185, 254, 231},{176, 254, 229},{168, 253, 225},{160, 254, 223},{150, 253, 222},{142, 253, 217},{133, 254, 212},{125, 254, 210},{116, 254, 208},{107, 254, 205},{99, 252, 202},{91, 251, 200},{81, 252, 197},{73, 252, 196},{65, 252, 193},{55, 253, 188},{50, 252, 185},{39, 252, 185},{29, 251, 180},{21, 251, 176},{12, 252, 175},{5, 249, 172},{7, 240, 165},{6, 232, 159},{7, 222, 152},{6, 215, 147},{5, 206, 143},{5, 197, 135},{4, 188, 128},{4, 179, 123},{5, 170, 118},{5, 162, 111},{4, 154, 106},{3, 144, 98},{3, 136, 92},{3, 128, 88},{1, 119, 82},{3, 109, 76},{4, 100, 69},{2, 93, 63},{3, 84, 58},{2, 75, 51},{0, 65, 45},{1, 58, 40},{1, 49, 33},{0, 39, 25},{1, 30, 20},{1, 22, 14},{0, 9, 3},{5, 8, 6}},{{223, 245, 239},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 243},{202, 253, 240},{194, 254, 239},{184, 254, 236},{177, 253, 233},{167, 254, 230},{158, 254, 228},{151, 254, 226},{141, 254, 222},{131, 254, 220},{124, 253, 218},{116, 253, 216},{106, 252, 213},{97, 253, 211},{88, 252, 209},{80, 252, 206},{73, 252, 203},{64, 253, 201},{54, 252, 200},{47, 252, 197},{37, 252, 194},{27, 251, 192},{20, 252, 190},{11, 252, 187},{5, 249, 184},{6, 241, 178},{4, 232, 171},{4, 222, 165},{4, 213, 158},{4, 205, 152},{5, 197, 145},{4, 189, 138},{4, 179, 132},{3, 171, 125},{3, 163, 118},{4, 153, 114},{3, 144, 107},{1, 135, 100},{2, 127, 94},{2, 119, 87},{2, 109, 80},{3, 101, 75},{2, 93, 67},{1, 84, 61},{1, 74, 56},{1, 66, 50},{1, 57, 44},{0, 48, 36},{0, 40, 27},{1, 32, 22},{0, 23, 16},{0, 8, 4},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 245, 240},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 245},{201, 254, 241},{193, 254, 239},{184, 253, 237},{176, 254, 234},{168, 254, 233},{158, 254, 232},{150, 254, 230},{141, 254, 228},{131, 254, 226},{123, 253, 223},{115, 253, 221},{105, 253, 218},{95, 253, 218},{87, 253, 216},{80, 253, 213},{72, 253, 210},{63, 253, 209},{53, 253, 208},{45, 252, 205},{35, 252, 204},{27, 252, 202},{18, 252, 199},{10, 253, 197},{5, 250, 194},{4, 241, 188},{3, 232, 181},{4, 222, 175},{4, 214, 167},{3, 206, 160},{3, 197, 153},{4, 188, 147},{3, 180, 141},{2, 172, 133},{2, 163, 124},{2, 154, 118},{2, 145, 114},{2, 136, 106},{2, 127, 98},{1, 120, 91},{1, 111, 85},{2, 101, 78},{1, 93, 71},{1, 84, 64},{0, 75, 57},{1, 67, 52},{0, 58, 46},{0, 50, 38},{0, 41, 30},{0, 32, 23},{0, 23, 18},{0, 8, 5},{5, 8, 8}},{{225, 246, 242},{228, 255, 255},{210, 255, 245},{201, 255, 243},{192, 254, 240},{184, 253, 241},{175, 254, 240},{168, 254, 237},{158, 254, 234},{148, 254, 233},{140, 254, 230},{131, 254, 229},{123, 253, 228},{114, 254, 227},{105, 253, 224},{95, 253, 224},{87, 254, 224},{78, 254, 220},{69, 254, 219},{61, 253, 217},{51, 253, 214},{44, 253, 213},{35, 252, 211},{27, 252, 209},{17, 253, 207},{8, 254, 207},{2, 251, 203},{2, 242, 196},{3, 233, 190},{3, 223, 182},{2, 214, 175},{3, 206, 168},{1, 197, 159},{1, 189, 152},{3, 180, 146},{1, 172, 138},{1, 163, 130},{1, 154, 125},{1, 146, 117},{1, 137, 111},{1, 128, 104},{0, 120, 96},{0, 110, 88},{1, 100, 80},{1, 93, 73},{1, 84, 67},{1, 74, 60},{1, 65, 53},{1, 59, 47},{0, 51, 39},{0, 41, 32},{0, 32, 24},{0, 23, 18},{0, 9, 6},{5, 8, 6}},{{225, 245, 243},{228, 255, 255},{210, 254, 247},{201, 254, 245},{192, 254, 244},{184, 254, 244},{173, 255, 241},{166, 255, 242},{156, 254, 240},{146, 255, 238},{139, 255, 237},{130, 255, 236},{122, 254, 236},{112, 254, 235},{103, 254, 232},{94, 254, 230},{86, 254, 230},{77, 254, 228},{69, 254, 227},{60, 255, 225},{50, 254, 224},{42, 255, 222},{32, 254, 220},{24, 254, 219},{14, 255, 218},{5, 255, 219},{0, 253, 214},{1, 244, 207},{0, 235, 200},{0, 225, 191},{0, 217, 184},{1, 208, 177},{1, 199, 168},{0, 190, 160},{1, 180, 153},{0, 173, 147},{0, 164, 140},{0, 154, 132},{0, 146, 124},{0, 137, 117},{0, 129, 110},{0, 121, 102},{0, 111, 94},{0, 102, 87},{0, 94, 80},{0, 85, 72},{0, 76, 63},{0, 67, 55},{0, 59, 48},{0, 50, 40},{0, 41, 32},{0, 32, 25},{0, 23, 18},{0, 9, 5},{5, 8, 7}},{{226, 246, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 255, 249},{202, 255, 249},{192, 254, 247},{183, 254, 245},{173, 254, 244},{164, 255, 245},{155, 255, 244},{146, 255, 243},{138, 255, 243},{130, 254, 242},{121, 254, 241},{111, 254, 238},{103, 253, 237},{93, 254, 237},{85, 252, 235},{77, 253, 234},{68, 254, 234},{60, 253, 234},{49, 253, 232},{41, 253, 231},{31, 253, 230},{23, 253, 228},{13, 253, 227},{4, 253, 227},{0, 252, 224},{0, 243, 216},{0, 232, 208},{0, 224, 200},{0, 216, 192},{0, 207, 184},{0, 198, 177},{0, 189, 169},{0, 180, 161},{0, 172, 154},{0, 163, 146},{0, 154, 137},{0, 146, 130},{0, 137, 122},{0, 128, 115},{0, 120, 106},{1, 111, 97},{1, 101, 91},{0, 93, 84},{0, 85, 76},{0, 76, 65},{0, 67, 58},{0, 58, 50},{0, 50, 42},{0, 41, 34},{0, 31, 27},{0, 22, 20},{0, 9, 6},{5, 7, 7}},{{225, 245, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 254, 250},{201, 254, 249},{191, 254, 247},{182, 253, 247},{173, 253, 246},{164, 252, 244},{156, 253, 241},{145, 251, 241},{137, 251, 243},{129, 252, 242},{121, 252, 239},{111, 252, 238},{102, 251, 237},{94, 251, 238},{83, 249, 235},{75, 250, 234},{66, 250, 235},{58, 249, 235},{48, 249, 232},{41, 247, 231},{32, 248, 232},{23, 248, 230},{13, 247, 228},{3, 248, 228},{0, 246, 225},{0, 237, 218},{0, 227, 209},{0, 219, 202},{0, 211, 193},{0, 201, 185},{0, 193, 178},{0, 184, 170},{0, 177, 162},{0, 168, 153},{0, 160, 145},{0, 152, 139},{0, 143, 131},{0, 135, 121},{0, 125, 114},{0, 116, 106},{0, 108, 96},{0, 99, 89},{0, 91, 82},{0, 83, 75},{0, 74, 68},{0, 65, 59},{0, 57, 50},{0, 49, 44},{0, 40, 36},{0, 31, 28},{0, 22, 20},{0, 9, 7},{5, 7, 8}},{{224, 245, 242},{227, 255, 255},{209, 254, 250},{201, 253, 248},{193, 252, 248},{183, 251, 246},{172, 251, 245},{166, 250, 243},{156, 250, 243},{145, 250, 243},{138, 249, 243},{130, 249, 241},{120, 249, 238},{110, 249, 239},{102, 248, 237},{94, 248, 237},{85, 247, 236},{76, 247, 235},{67, 246, 234},{57, 245, 231},{49, 245, 232},{42, 244, 232},{30, 244, 231},{21, 243, 229},{13, 242, 227},{3, 243, 227},{0, 241, 223},{0, 232, 218},{0, 224, 210},{0, 215, 200},{0, 206, 194},{0, 197, 186},{0, 190, 177},{0, 181, 168},{0, 172, 161},{0, 165, 155},{0, 157, 146},{0, 148, 137},{0, 139, 130},{0, 132, 122},{0, 124, 114},{0, 114, 107},{0, 106, 99},{0, 98, 90},{0, 89, 82},{0, 80, 74},{0, 72, 68},{0, 63, 59},{0, 56, 52},{0, 48, 44},{0, 39, 36},{0, 31, 27},{0, 21, 19},{0, 9, 10},{5, 9, 8}},{{223, 244, 241},{226, 255, 255},{209, 253, 250},{201, 251, 247},{193, 250, 248},{183, 250, 247},{172, 250, 244},{165, 249, 243},{155, 248, 244},{145, 248, 244},{137, 247, 241},{129, 246, 240},{120, 245, 240},{111, 246, 239},{102, 244, 237},{93, 244, 237},{86, 243, 236},{75, 243, 234},{66, 242, 234},{58, 241, 233},{49, 241, 233},{41, 240, 232},{31, 239, 232},{22, 238, 229},{13, 237, 228},{3, 238, 228},{0, 236, 224},{0, 227, 217},{0, 218, 211},{0, 210, 201},{0, 202, 194},{0, 194, 186},{0, 185, 178},{0, 177, 170},{0, 170, 161},{0, 162, 154},{0, 153, 146},{0, 145, 137},{0, 137, 129},{0, 129, 124},{0, 120, 115},{0, 111, 106},{0, 103, 99},{0, 94, 91},{0, 88, 83},{0, 79, 74},{0, 71, 67},{0, 62, 59},{0, 55, 52},{0, 46, 44},{0, 37, 36},{1, 30, 27},{1, 21, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 8, 8}},{{225, 243, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 252, 251},{201, 250, 248},{191, 249, 248},{184, 248, 246},{174, 247, 245},{165, 246, 245},{157, 246, 245},{146, 246, 244},{137, 244, 241},{129, 244, 243},{121, 243, 241},{111, 242, 239},{102, 241, 239},{94, 241, 239},{85, 240, 237},{75, 239, 237},{66, 238, 237},{60, 237, 235},{50, 237, 235},{42, 236, 234},{31, 235, 232},{23, 234, 231},{14, 233, 231},{4, 232, 231},{0, 229, 227},{0, 223, 220},{0, 214, 212},{0, 205, 202},{0, 197, 196},{0, 190, 187},{0, 180, 179},{0, 173, 171},{0, 166, 163},{0, 158, 154},{0, 151, 148},{0, 142, 141},{0, 134, 130},{0, 125, 123},{0, 117, 116},{0, 109, 108},{0, 101, 99},{0, 93, 92},{0, 85, 84},{0, 77, 74},{0, 70, 67},{0, 62, 60},{0, 53, 53},{0, 45, 44},{0, 37, 37},{1, 29, 29},{1, 19, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 9, 8}},{{224, 243, 241},{228, 255, 255},{210, 251, 250},{202, 249, 248},{191, 248, 249},{184, 246, 247},{174, 245, 246},{166, 245, 246},{157, 245, 245},{146, 244, 244},{138, 243, 243},{129, 242, 242},{121, 240, 240},{112, 240, 241},{102, 238, 241},{93, 238, 239},{85, 237, 238},{75, 235, 237},{66, 234, 237},{59, 233, 236},{50, 233, 235},{41, 232, 233},{30, 231, 232},{22, 230, 233},{13, 228, 232},{3, 228, 232},{0, 225, 228},{0, 217, 219},{0, 210, 212},{0, 201, 203},{0, 193, 196},{0, 185, 187},{0, 177, 179},{0, 169, 172},{0, 162, 164},{0, 154, 156},{0, 147, 147},{0, 138, 140},{0, 131, 133},{0, 123, 124},{0, 115, 117},{0, 108, 109},{0, 100, 99},{0, 91, 92},{0, 83, 84},{0, 75, 75},{0, 68, 66},{0, 60, 58},{0, 51, 52},{1, 44, 44},{0, 37, 37},{1, 29, 30},{1, 19, 19},{0, 8, 8},{5, 9, 8}},{{223, 242, 242},{227, 255, 255},{209, 250, 249},{202, 248, 249},{192, 247, 249},{183, 245, 247},{174, 245, 247},{165, 244, 247},{156, 242, 245},{148, 241, 244},{139, 240, 244},{129, 240, 242},{121, 237, 241},{112, 237, 243},{102, 237, 241},{93, 234, 239},{86, 234, 239},{76, 233, 237},{67, 231, 237},{58, 230, 237},{49, 229, 235},{41, 227, 234},{32, 226, 234},{23, 224, 232},{13, 224, 231},{3, 224, 232},{0, 221, 228},{0, 212, 220},{0, 204, 212},{0, 197, 205},{1, 190, 198},{0, 181, 188},{0, 174, 180},{0, 168, 173},{0, 159, 164},{0, 151, 157},{0, 143, 149},{0, 136, 140},{0, 129, 134},{0, 122, 124},{0, 113, 115},{0, 105, 108},{1, 97, 101},{1, 89, 92},{0, 83, 84},{0, 75, 76},{0, 67, 66},{0, 59, 59},{0, 51, 52},{0, 44, 43},{0, 35, 36},{1, 29, 28},{1, 21, 19},{0, 7, 8},{5, 8, 7}},{{224, 242, 243},{228, 255, 255},{209, 249, 249},{202, 246, 250},{192, 245, 249},{182, 244, 247},{173, 243, 248},{165, 241, 246},{156, 240, 245},{147, 239, 246},{138, 237, 243},{129, 237, 243},{120, 235, 243},{111, 235, 242},{102, 232, 240},{92, 231, 240},{85, 230, 239},{76, 229, 237},{67, 228, 237},{58, 226, 236},{48, 225, 236},{41, 223, 235},{32, 223, 233},{23, 220, 232},{13, 219, 232},{3, 220, 232},{0, 215, 229},{0, 207, 222},{0, 200, 215},{1, 192, 205},{1, 186, 198},{0, 177, 190},{0, 170, 181},{0, 164, 173},{0, 155, 165},{0, 147, 157},{0, 139, 149},{0, 133, 140},{0, 126, 133},{0, 119, 125},{0, 111, 116},{0, 103, 108},{0, 94, 101},{0, 87, 92},{0, 81, 84},{0, 73, 76},{0, 65, 67},{0, 57, 60},{0, 50, 53},{0, 43, 44},{0, 34, 36},{0, 28, 29},{0, 20, 20},{0, 7, 7},{5, 8, 7}},{{225, 243, 244},{228, 255, 255},{209, 247, 250},{202, 246, 251},{192, 245, 248},{182, 243, 248},{173, 242, 247},{165, 240, 246},{157, 238, 247},{147, 238, 246},{138, 236, 243},{129, 234, 244},{122, 233, 244},{112, 231, 243},{101, 229, 242},{92, 228, 240},{84, 225, 241},{77, 224, 239},{67, 224, 237},{58, 222, 238},{48, 220, 237},{41, 219, 235},{32, 218, 235},{22, 216, 234},{14, 214, 234},{4, 214, 235},{0, 210, 231},{0, 202, 224},{0, 195, 215},{0, 188, 206},{0, 181, 200},{0, 172, 191},{0, 166, 182},{0, 158, 173},{0, 150, 165},{0, 144, 159},{0, 136, 149},{0, 128, 141},{0, 122, 134},{0, 114, 125},{0, 108, 120},{0, 100, 110},{0, 92, 101},{0, 85, 93},{0, 78, 84},{0, 71, 77},{0, 63, 70},{0, 56, 60},{0, 49, 53},{0, 42, 44},{0, 34, 36},{1, 26, 29},{1, 19, 19},{0, 7, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 242, 244},{226, 255, 255},{209, 247, 250},{203, 245, 251},{191, 244, 249},{182, 243, 248},{173, 241, 246},{166, 238, 246},{156, 236, 248},{147, 236, 245},{137, 233, 244},{128, 232, 243},{122, 230, 243},{112, 228, 244},{103, 226, 243},{93, 225, 241},{84, 221, 241},{76, 221, 239},{67, 220, 240},{58, 217, 239},{49, 216, 237},{41, 215, 237},{31, 213, 236},{22, 211, 236},{13, 210, 236},{4, 208, 235},{0, 205, 231},{0, 199, 224},{0, 190, 215},{0, 183, 205},{0, 177, 199},{0, 168, 191},{0, 162, 183},{0, 155, 175},{0, 147, 165},{0, 141, 159},{0, 134, 150},{0, 126, 141},{0, 120, 135},{0, 112, 125},{1, 104, 119},{0, 97, 111},{0, 90, 100},{0, 83, 93},{0, 77, 85},{0, 69, 77},{0, 62, 71},{0, 54, 60},{0, 47, 53},{0, 41, 44},{0, 33, 35},{1, 25, 29},{0, 18, 20},{0, 6, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 241, 243},{227, 255, 255},{209, 246, 250},{202, 244, 250},{192, 242, 249},{182, 241, 248},{172, 238, 247},{165, 237, 246},{157, 235, 248},{147, 233, 246},{137, 232, 245},{129, 230, 245},{121, 228, 244},{111, 225, 243},{103, 224, 242},{94, 222, 242},{85, 219, 239},{75, 218, 239},{66, 217, 240},{58, 213, 238},{49, 213, 239},{40, 211, 237},{30, 209, 238},{22, 207, 236},{13, 205, 235},{3, 204, 236},{0, 200, 233},{1, 193, 225},{0, 186, 216},{0, 179, 206},{0, 173, 200},{0, 166, 192},{0, 158, 184},{0, 151, 175},{0, 145, 167},{0, 138, 158},{0, 130, 150},{0, 123, 142},{0, 116, 135},{0, 109, 129},{0, 103, 119},{0, 95, 111},{0, 88, 102},{0, 81, 92},{0, 75, 86},{0, 68, 78},{0, 61, 70},{0, 55, 58},{0, 46, 52},{0, 39, 46},{0, 32, 36},{0, 26, 28},{0, 18, 20},{0, 5, 7},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 240, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 244, 251},{201, 242, 249},{192, 241, 250},{183, 239, 249},{172, 236, 248},{164, 235, 247},{157, 233, 247},{147, 231, 247},{138, 229, 245},{129, 227, 246},{121, 224, 245},{111, 222, 243},{103, 221, 242},{94, 219, 243},{85, 217, 241},{75, 215, 240},{66, 213, 240},{59, 211, 239},{49, 208, 238},{40, 207, 236},{30, 205, 238},{23, 203, 238},{14, 201, 237},{4, 199, 237},{0, 194, 234},{0, 189, 226},{0, 183, 218},{0, 174, 208},{0, 168, 201},{0, 162, 191},{0, 154, 183},{0, 147, 175},{0, 140, 168},{0, 134, 159},{0, 127, 150},{0, 121, 144},{0, 114, 135},{0, 107, 128},{0, 100, 119},{0, 93, 110},{0, 85, 102},{0, 79, 92},{0, 73, 86},{0, 66, 78},{0, 59, 69},{0, 52, 61},{0, 45, 52},{0, 38, 45},{0, 31, 35},{0, 26, 29},{0, 17, 21},{0, 5, 8},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 240, 242},{229, 255, 255},{209, 243, 251},{202, 241, 250},{192, 240, 251},{183, 237, 249},{173, 235, 249},{165, 232, 248},{155, 230, 246},{146, 228, 248},{140, 225, 246},{130, 223, 247},{121, 221, 246},{111, 219, 244},{103, 216, 242},{93, 215, 243},{84, 211, 243},{76, 209, 241},{67, 208, 241},{58, 206, 239},{49, 204, 241},{41, 201, 239},{31, 199, 238},{22, 196, 238},{13, 194, 237},{3, 193, 237},{0, 189, 235},{0, 182, 227},{0, 176, 217},{1, 169, 209},{1, 162, 202},{0, 156, 193},{0, 149, 183},{0, 142, 175},{0, 136, 168},{0, 129, 161},{0, 122, 151},{0, 116, 143},{0, 109, 137},{0, 104, 129},{0, 97, 120},{0, 90, 111},{0, 83, 102},{0, 77, 93},{0, 71, 85},{0, 64, 80},{0, 56, 71},{0, 50, 61},{0, 44, 53},{0, 36, 45},{0, 31, 37},{0, 24, 29},{0, 16, 21},{0, 6, 7},{4, 8, 7}},{{224, 239, 242},{228, 255, 255},{209, 242, 251},{202, 240, 249},{192, 238, 251},{183, 235, 249},{173, 233, 249},{165, 230, 247},{154, 227, 246},{147, 225, 247},{140, 223, 245},{130, 221, 245},{121, 218, 247},{110, 214, 244},{103, 213, 242},{94, 211, 244},{84, 208, 242},{75, 205, 242},{66, 203, 241},{58, 201, 241},{48, 198, 240},{42, 196, 238},{32, 194, 239},{23, 191, 237},{13, 188, 237},{2, 187, 238},{0, 182, 235},{0, 176, 226},{0, 171, 218},{1, 164, 210},{1, 158, 202},{0, 151, 193},{0, 144, 185},{0, 138, 176},{0, 132, 168},{0, 125, 162},{0, 119, 152},{0, 113, 142},{0, 106, 136},{0, 101, 129},{0, 93, 119},{0, 87, 112},{0, 81, 102},{0, 75, 94},{0, 68, 85},{0, 62, 79},{0, 55, 71},{0, 48, 61},{0, 43, 54},{0, 36, 45},{0, 29, 36},{1, 23, 30},{0, 16, 22},{0, 5, 7},{4, 7, 7}},{{224, 239, 242},{227, 254, 255},{210, 242, 251},{201, 239, 249},{191, 236, 249},{183, 233, 249},{174, 231, 249},{166, 228, 247},{156, 225, 248},{147, 224, 247},{137, 220, 245},{129, 218, 245},{121, 215, 244},{111, 212, 243},{102, 210, 244},{95, 207, 244},{85, 205, 243},{76, 201, 242},{67, 199, 242},{59, 197, 242},{49, 193, 241},{41, 191, 238},{31, 189, 240},{23, 185, 239},{13, 183, 238},{4, 180, 240},{0, 176, 236},{0, 171, 227},{0, 166, 218},{0, 158, 209},{0, 152, 202},{0, 145, 194},{0, 140, 186},{0, 133, 177},{0, 128, 168},{0, 122, 161},{0, 115, 152},{0, 109, 145},{0, 103, 136},{0, 97, 128},{0, 91, 119},{0, 84, 112},{0, 78, 102},{0, 72, 95},{0, 65, 87},{0, 60, 78},{0, 53, 69},{0, 47, 61},{0, 42, 55},{0, 35, 45},{0, 29, 38},{0, 22, 29},{0, 15, 20},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 238, 242},{227, 254, 255},{209, 241, 251},{201, 238, 249},{192, 236, 250},{182, 232, 249},{174, 228, 248},{165, 226, 248},{156, 222, 248},{147, 219, 246},{137, 217, 245},{128, 214, 245},{120, 211, 245},{112, 208, 243},{102, 205, 245},{94, 202, 244},{85, 200, 243},{76, 196, 241},{67, 194, 242},{57, 192, 241},{48, 188, 241},{40, 185, 239},{31, 183, 240},{23, 179, 238},{13, 177, 238},{3, 174, 239},{0, 169, 235},{0, 164, 227},{0, 159, 219},{0, 152, 209},{0, 145, 202},{0, 140, 193},{0, 135, 185},{0, 127, 176},{0, 122, 168},{0, 117, 160},{0, 111, 152},{0, 104, 145},{0, 97, 136},{0, 93, 129},{0, 87, 120},{0, 81, 111},{0, 75, 102},{0, 69, 94},{0, 62, 88},{0, 57, 79},{0, 52, 70},{0, 46, 61},{0, 40, 55},{0, 33, 45},{0, 27, 37},{0, 20, 29},{0, 15, 19},{0, 5, 6},{4, 8, 8}},{{224, 238, 242},{227, 253, 255},{211, 239, 252},{202, 235, 251},{192, 233, 251},{183, 230, 250},{174, 226, 249},{165, 224, 249},{156, 220, 248},{148, 217, 248},{139, 214, 247},{130, 210, 247},{122, 208, 246},{113, 206, 246},{103, 201, 245},{94, 199, 245},{86, 195, 244},{78, 192, 244},{68, 189, 243},{60, 186, 242},{50, 183, 242},{42, 180, 242},{33, 176, 242},{24, 173, 240},{14, 170, 239},{4, 167, 240},{0, 163, 236},{0, 158, 228},{0, 153, 220},{0, 146, 211},{0, 140, 203},{0, 135, 194},{1, 129, 187},{1, 123, 179},{0, 117, 171},{0, 112, 162},{0, 107, 154},{0, 100, 146},{1, 94, 138},{1, 90, 130},{1, 83, 120},{0, 77, 112},{0, 72, 103},{0, 65, 94},{0, 61, 88},{0, 55, 79},{0, 49, 71},{0, 43, 62},{0, 38, 54},{0, 32, 44},{0, 26, 38},{0, 20, 29},{0, 14, 20},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{224, 238, 242},{228, 252, 255},{211, 239, 252},{202, 234, 251},{192, 231, 251},{182, 228, 250},{174, 224, 248},{166, 221, 249},{156, 218, 248},{147, 214, 247},{139, 211, 247},{129, 208, 247},{122, 204, 245},{112, 201, 246},{103, 198, 244},{94, 194, 244},{86, 191, 245},{78, 188, 245},{68, 184, 243},{59, 181, 241},{51, 178, 241},{43, 174, 242},{33, 171, 242},{24, 167, 240},{14, 164, 238},{4, 161, 240},{0, 158, 237},{0, 153, 228},{0, 146, 220},{0, 141, 212},{0, 136, 203},{0, 130, 194},{1, 124, 187},{1, 118, 178},{0, 113, 170},{0, 108, 163},{1, 102, 155},{0, 97, 145},{1, 92, 137},{1, 86, 129},{1, 79, 120},{0, 74, 112},{0, 69, 104},{0, 64, 95},{0, 59, 88},{0, 53, 79},{0, 46, 70},{0, 42, 62},{0, 36, 54},{0, 31, 45},{1, 25, 38},{1, 20, 30},{1, 14, 21},{0, 4, 6},{4, 8, 7}},{{223, 236, 242},{228, 251, 255},{210, 237, 252},{201, 233, 252},{192, 230, 250},{183, 227, 249},{173, 221, 248},{165, 219, 249},{156, 216, 248},{147, 212, 247},{138, 208, 246},{129, 205, 246},{123, 201, 246},{113, 197, 245},{103, 194, 245},{94, 190, 244},{86, 186, 244},{76, 182, 244},{67, 180, 243},{59, 175, 242},{49, 171, 242},{41, 168, 239},{32, 165, 240},{24, 161, 239},{14, 157, 240},{3, 154, 239},{0, 151, 235},{0, 146, 228},{0, 140, 221},{0, 135, 211},{0, 130, 204},{0, 124, 194},{0, 119, 186},{0, 113, 179},{0, 108, 170},{0, 103, 162},{0, 98, 155},{0, 93, 145},{0, 88, 137},{0, 82, 128},{0, 76, 119},{0, 72, 112},{0, 67, 104},{0, 61, 96},{0, 56, 88},{0, 50, 79},{0, 46, 71},{0, 40, 61},{0, 35, 54},{0, 30, 47},{0, 24, 38},{0, 19, 28},{0, 14, 21},{0, 3, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 237, 242},{227, 250, 255},{209, 235, 251},{201, 231, 251},{191, 228, 252},{184, 225, 249},{174, 220, 249},{165, 216, 249},{155, 213, 248},{146, 210, 246},{138, 206, 246},{130, 202, 248},{123, 198, 247},{113, 194, 245},{103, 190, 244},{93, 187, 243},{86, 183, 244},{77, 178, 244},{68, 176, 243},{60, 171, 243},{50, 167, 243},{41, 163, 241},{32, 160, 241},{24, 157, 240},{13, 152, 240},{4, 147, 241},{0, 144, 237},{0, 140, 229},{0, 135, 222},{1, 129, 212},{0, 125, 204},{0, 120, 194},{0, 115, 186},{0, 109, 179},{0, 104, 172},{1, 99, 163},{1, 94, 155},{0, 90, 145},{0, 84, 137},{1, 80, 130},{0, 74, 121},{0, 69, 113},{0, 64, 104},{0, 59, 96},{0, 54, 88},{0, 49, 80},{0, 43, 72},{0, 38, 62},{0, 34, 55},{0, 28, 46},{0, 23, 38},{0, 18, 29},{0, 14, 20},{0, 3, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 235, 242},{228, 249, 255},{210, 235, 253},{201, 230, 252},{191, 226, 251},{183, 221, 250},{174, 218, 250},{167, 215, 250},{155, 209, 248},{146, 207, 248},{139, 202, 248},{130, 198, 248},{122, 194, 248},{113, 191, 247},{104, 186, 246},{94, 181, 245},{85, 178, 245},{77, 174, 246},{69, 170, 244},{60, 165, 243},{49, 161, 243},{42, 158, 242},{33, 154, 243},{23, 149, 241},{15, 146, 241},{5, 142, 243},{0, 136, 239},{0, 133, 231},{1, 128, 222},{1, 124, 212},{0, 118, 206},{0, 114, 198},{0, 109, 188},{0, 104, 180},{0, 99, 170},{1, 94, 163},{0, 89, 155},{1, 85, 146},{1, 81, 137},{1, 76, 129},{1, 71, 122},{0, 66, 112},{0, 60, 104},{0, 55, 97},{0, 53, 88},{0, 47, 80},{0, 40, 72},{0, 36, 62},{0, 33, 54},{0, 27, 47},{0, 22, 39},{0, 18, 29},{0, 13, 20},{0, 3, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 235, 242},{228, 249, 255},{209, 234, 252},{200, 229, 252},{190, 225, 251},{183, 220, 250},{173, 216, 250},{166, 212, 249},{156, 206, 247},{147, 203, 247},{138, 199, 248},{129, 195, 247},{122, 190, 246},{113, 187, 247},{104, 181, 247},{94, 177, 246},{85, 174, 245},{76, 170, 245},{68, 166, 243},{59, 160, 242},{49, 156, 244},{41, 152, 243},{32, 148, 242},{23, 143, 239},{15, 140, 241},{3, 134, 242},{0, 130, 239},{0, 126, 231},{0, 121, 222},{0, 117, 211},{0, 113, 206},{0, 108, 196},{0, 103, 187},{1, 98, 181},{1, 95, 171},{0, 91, 164},{0, 85, 155},{0, 81, 146},{0, 76, 137},{0, 72, 129},{0, 67, 121},{0, 63, 114},{0, 57, 105},{0, 52, 97},{0, 49, 88},{0, 45, 80},{0, 39, 73},{0, 35, 63},{0, 31, 55},{0, 26, 47},{0, 21, 38},{0, 17, 30},{0, 12, 20},{0, 3, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 234, 242},{227, 248, 255},{209, 231, 253},{201, 228, 251},{192, 223, 251},{183, 219, 250},{172, 214, 249},{165, 210, 250},{156, 206, 250},{147, 200, 247},{137, 197, 245},{130, 192, 247},{122, 188, 247},{113, 183, 248},{103, 178, 246},{95, 174, 245},{87, 169, 245},{75, 164, 245},{67, 161, 245},{59, 156, 244},{51, 150, 245},{41, 147, 242},{32, 144, 242},{22, 137, 242},{13, 132, 241},{4, 129, 241},{0, 126, 238},{0, 121, 230},{0, 116, 223},{0, 112, 213},{0, 109, 205},{0, 104, 195},{0, 98, 189},{1, 94, 182},{1, 90, 172},{0, 86, 163},{1, 81, 155},{0, 78, 148},{1, 74, 139},{1, 69, 130},{0, 63, 120},{0, 59, 114},{0, 55, 106},{0, 51, 95},{0, 47, 88},{0, 43, 80},{0, 37, 73},{0, 34, 64},{0, 29, 55},{0, 24, 47},{0, 20, 38},{0, 16, 28},{0, 12, 21},{0, 2, 10},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 234, 242},{228, 247, 255},{210, 231, 253},{201, 227, 251},{193, 222, 251},{183, 217, 250},{173, 211, 249},{165, 208, 250},{156, 203, 250},{147, 198, 248},{138, 193, 246},{129, 188, 248},{122, 184, 248},{113, 180, 248},{103, 175, 246},{95, 170, 245},{86, 166, 245},{76, 160, 245},{68, 155, 246},{59, 151, 243},{50, 147, 244},{41, 142, 243},{33, 137, 243},{23, 132, 243},{15, 126, 242},{5, 123, 242},{0, 119, 239},{0, 115, 231},{0, 111, 222},{0, 106, 213},{0, 102, 205},{0, 98, 196},{0, 94, 190},{1, 89, 182},{1, 85, 172},{1, 82, 163},{0, 78, 155},{1, 74, 148},{1, 69, 139},{0, 65, 130},{0, 61, 121},{1, 56, 113},{1, 51, 105},{0, 48, 95},{0, 45, 87},{0, 40, 80},{0, 35, 72},{0, 32, 64},{0, 28, 55},{0, 23, 47},{0, 19, 39},{0, 15, 28},{0, 11, 21},{0, 2, 9},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 233, 242},{227, 245, 255},{209, 229, 253},{200, 225, 250},{191, 220, 251},{184, 215, 252},{175, 209, 251},{165, 205, 250},{157, 200, 248},{148, 195, 250},{139, 190, 250},{130, 185, 248},{121, 180, 247},{112, 176, 247},{103, 171, 247},{95, 165, 247},{86, 161, 246},{76, 156, 246},{68, 151, 247},{60, 145, 244},{51, 140, 243},{43, 136, 245},{32, 131, 244},{24, 126, 243},{14, 120, 243},{6, 116, 244},{2, 111, 241},{1, 107, 233},{1, 103, 223},{1, 99, 214},{0, 95, 208},{0, 92, 198},{1, 89, 191},{1, 85, 182},{1, 80, 172},{1, 76, 164},{1, 72, 156},{0, 68, 147},{1, 64, 138},{1, 61, 131},{0, 57, 122},{0, 53, 115},{1, 49, 107},{1, 45, 96},{0, 41, 88},{1, 38, 81},{0, 33, 72},{1, 30, 63},{1, 27, 56},{0, 22, 47},{0, 18, 39},{1, 14, 31},{1, 11, 22},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 231, 242},{227, 245, 255},{210, 228, 253},{200, 224, 250},{191, 219, 252},{184, 213, 252},{175, 207, 251},{166, 202, 250},{157, 197, 249},{148, 193, 249},{140, 188, 249},{130, 182, 249},{121, 176, 248},{113, 173, 249},{103, 167, 248},{95, 161, 247},{86, 157, 247},{76, 152, 247},{68, 146, 247},{60, 141, 244},{51, 135, 244},{43, 131, 246},{33, 126, 245},{25, 120, 243},{15, 114, 244},{6, 110, 244},{1, 104, 242},{1, 100, 233},{1, 99, 224},{1, 94, 215},{1, 90, 207},{1, 86, 198},{2, 83, 190},{2, 80, 182},{0, 76, 172},{0, 72, 163},{0, 68, 156},{0, 65, 147},{1, 61, 139},{0, 57, 131},{0, 54, 123},{0, 50, 115},{0, 47, 106},{1, 43, 96},{1, 38, 88},{1, 36, 81},{0, 32, 72},{2, 29, 62},{1, 25, 56},{0, 21, 47},{0, 17, 38},{0, 13, 30},{0, 10, 22},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 230, 242},{228, 244, 255},{211, 229, 253},{201, 222, 253},{192, 218, 252},{183, 212, 251},{174, 205, 249},{167, 200, 249},{157, 194, 251},{148, 189, 250},{139, 186, 249},{130, 179, 248},{122, 173, 248},{112, 168, 248},{105, 163, 247},{95, 158, 246},{86, 153, 246},{76, 147, 246},{68, 141, 246},{60, 136, 246},{50, 131, 245},{43, 126, 245},{34, 120, 244},{24, 113, 244},{16, 109, 244},{5, 105, 246},{0, 100, 242},{1, 95, 232},{1, 91, 224},{2, 89, 215},{1, 86, 208},{1, 82, 196},{2, 79, 189},{1, 75, 182},{0, 71, 173},{1, 68, 164},{0, 65, 156},{1, 61, 148},{1, 57, 140},{1, 54, 132},{0, 51, 124},{0, 48, 113},{1, 45, 104},{1, 40, 97},{0, 36, 88},{1, 34, 80},{0, 30, 73},{0, 27, 63},{0, 23, 54},{0, 19, 47},{0, 16, 38},{0, 13, 28},{0, 10, 21},{0, 1, 8},{4, 6, 7}},{{223, 230, 242},{227, 243, 255},{210, 228, 253},{201, 221, 252},{192, 216, 253},{184, 210, 252},{173, 204, 250},{166, 199, 249},{156, 191, 250},{147, 186, 250},{139, 182, 249},{129, 176, 248},{122, 171, 249},{113, 165, 248},{103, 159, 246},{94, 154, 246},{86, 148, 247},{76, 142, 246},{67, 137, 245},{60, 132, 246},{50, 126, 247},{43, 120, 245},{33, 114, 244},{24, 108, 245},{14, 102, 244},{5, 96, 244},{0, 93, 242},{0, 89, 232},{1, 86, 225},{1, 82, 214},{1, 80, 208},{1, 77, 198},{1, 73, 190},{1, 69, 182},{1, 67, 173},{0, 65, 164},{0, 60, 155},{0, 57, 148},{0, 54, 140},{0, 52, 131},{0, 47, 123},{0, 44, 114},{0, 41, 104},{0, 37, 97},{0, 34, 89},{0, 32, 79},{0, 28, 73},{0, 25, 64},{0, 22, 55},{0, 18, 47},{0, 15, 39},{0, 13, 30},{0, 9, 21},{0, 1, 7},{4, 6, 8}},{{223, 230, 243},{228, 242, 255},{210, 226, 252},{201, 219, 252},{190, 214, 251},{185, 208, 253},{175, 202, 251},{165, 197, 250},{157, 190, 250},{148, 185, 250},{140, 178, 250},{130, 172, 249},{122, 167, 250},{113, 162, 249},{104, 155, 248},{95, 148, 248},{87, 143, 248},{76, 137, 248},{68, 132, 247},{62, 127, 248},{51, 120, 247},{44, 114, 247},{34, 108, 246},{24, 102, 245},{14, 96, 245},{4, 90, 245},{0, 86, 241},{1, 84, 233},{1, 81, 225},{1, 76, 215},{2, 74, 210},{2, 71, 200},{2, 68, 191},{2, 65, 184},{0, 61, 174},{0, 59, 165},{0, 55, 156},{0, 53, 148},{2, 51, 141},{1, 48, 132},{0, 43, 124},{0, 41, 115},{0, 38, 106},{0, 34, 98},{0, 32, 89},{1, 29, 81},{1, 26, 73},{0, 23, 65},{0, 20, 56},{0, 17, 47},{0, 15, 39},{0, 11, 30},{0, 7, 21},{0, 0, 8},{4, 6, 9}},{{222, 230, 242},{226, 241, 255},{210, 225, 253},{201, 218, 251},{190, 212, 251},{184, 205, 252},{174, 200, 250},{165, 195, 251},{157, 187, 250},{149, 182, 250},{140, 176, 250},{131, 169, 250},{121, 163, 250},{112, 158, 249},{105, 151, 249},{95, 145, 249},{86, 139, 249},{76, 133, 248},{68, 128, 248},{61, 121, 248},{51, 115, 246},{44, 110, 247},{34, 103, 246},{25, 96, 246},{15, 89, 245},{6, 84, 246},{1, 80, 242},{1, 77, 233},{1, 74, 225},{2, 72, 217},{1, 69, 210},{2, 66, 201},{2, 63, 192},{1, 60, 182},{0, 57, 173},{0, 55, 166},{0, 51, 158},{1, 49, 150},{1, 47, 141},{0, 44, 132},{0, 40, 124},{0, 38, 115},{1, 35, 106},{1, 32, 98},{0, 29, 89},{1, 26, 81},{1, 24, 73},{0, 22, 65},{0, 19, 56},{0, 15, 46},{0, 13, 39},{0, 10, 29},{0, 6, 21},{0, 0, 9},{4, 5, 9}},{{222, 230, 242},{228, 241, 255},{209, 223, 254},{201, 217, 253},{192, 210, 252},{183, 204, 251},{174, 197, 250},{165, 192, 250},{155, 184, 251},{148, 178, 250},{139, 173, 248},{129, 166, 249},{121, 160, 248},{112, 153, 249},{102, 147, 249},{95, 140, 249},{86, 135, 249},{77, 129, 247},{68, 124, 247},{60, 116, 247},{51, 110, 248},{42, 104, 247},{34, 97, 246},{25, 90, 245},{15, 84, 245},{6, 78, 246},{0, 73, 243},{1, 71, 234},{1, 68, 226},{1, 66, 216},{1, 62, 209},{2, 60, 200},{1, 59, 191},{0, 56, 183},{0, 52, 173},{0, 51, 165},{0, 48, 157},{1, 44, 151},{0, 43, 140},{0, 40, 132},{0, 38, 123},{0, 35, 115},{0, 32, 105},{1, 30, 97},{0, 28, 88},{1, 25, 81},{1, 22, 73},{0, 19, 63},{0, 17, 56},{0, 15, 47},{0, 13, 39},{0, 10, 31},{0, 6, 20},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 9}},{{222, 229, 241},{227, 240, 255},{208, 222, 253},{200, 215, 252},{192, 208, 253},{183, 202, 252},{174, 195, 250},{167, 189, 251},{156, 182, 252},{147, 176, 249},{139, 171, 248},{129, 164, 249},{122, 157, 248},{113, 150, 249},{103, 144, 249},{95, 136, 249},{86, 130, 249},{76, 124, 247},{68, 118, 248},{61, 112, 248},{50, 104, 247},{42, 99, 246},{33, 91, 246},{24, 85, 245},{15, 79, 245},{6, 71, 246},{0, 67, 242},{0, 65, 234},{0, 62, 226},{1, 60, 216},{1, 57, 209},{1, 55, 199},{1, 53, 193},{1, 51, 184},{0, 48, 174},{0, 46, 165},{0, 43, 157},{0, 40, 150},{0, 39, 140},{0, 37, 132},{0, 35, 123},{1, 33, 116},{1, 29, 107},{1, 28, 96},{0, 25, 89},{0, 22, 80},{0, 20, 74},{0, 18, 64},{0, 15, 57},{0, 14, 46},{0, 11, 38},{0, 8, 31},{0, 6, 20},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 9}},{{222, 227, 241},{227, 238, 255},{210, 221, 253},{202, 214, 252},{194, 209, 254},{183, 201, 252},{174, 193, 250},{167, 188, 251},{156, 179, 250},{146, 173, 251},{139, 166, 251},{131, 160, 251},{122, 153, 249},{114, 147, 251},{105, 141, 250},{95, 133, 249},{87, 126, 250},{78, 119, 250},{69, 112, 248},{61, 106, 249},{52, 100, 248},{44, 94, 248},{34, 86, 248},{26, 79, 247},{17, 72, 247},{7, 65, 248},{1, 61, 244},{2, 59, 236},{2, 56, 228},{2, 55, 218},{2, 53, 210},{3, 51, 200},{1, 47, 194},{1, 45, 185},{2, 43, 175},{2, 42, 167},{2, 40, 159},{1, 37, 150},{1, 35, 141},{0, 33, 133},{1, 31, 125},{1, 28, 117},{1, 26, 108},{1, 24, 98},{1, 23, 91},{1, 21, 82},{0, 18, 73},{1, 17, 65},{0, 14, 56},{0, 12, 46},{0, 9, 38},{0, 6, 30},{0, 5, 21},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 227, 241},{227, 236, 255},{210, 220, 254},{202, 213, 253},{193, 207, 253},{184, 198, 252},{173, 191, 251},{166, 185, 251},{156, 177, 250},{146, 169, 250},{138, 162, 251},{131, 156, 252},{123, 150, 250},{113, 142, 250},{104, 136, 249},{96, 129, 249},{87, 123, 250},{79, 115, 249},{69, 108, 248},{60, 102, 248},{51, 94, 248},{44, 87, 248},{34, 80, 249},{24, 73, 248},{16, 66, 247},{7, 58, 248},{0, 54, 243},{2, 53, 236},{2, 50, 229},{3, 50, 218},{2, 47, 209},{1, 44, 199},{1, 42, 193},{1, 41, 184},{2, 39, 175},{2, 37, 167},{2, 34, 160},{1, 33, 151},{1, 31, 140},{1, 29, 134},{1, 26, 126},{1, 24, 116},{0, 23, 108},{1, 21, 98},{0, 20, 90},{0, 18, 82},{0, 16, 73},{1, 15, 64},{0, 13, 56},{0, 11, 48},{0, 9, 39},{0, 6, 31},{0, 5, 21},{0, 0, 8},{4, 5, 8}},{{222, 227, 240},{227, 236, 255},{209, 219, 253},{201, 211, 252},{191, 205, 253},{184, 196, 252},{174, 188, 252},{166, 183, 252},{157, 176, 251},{148, 168, 251},{138, 160, 250},{130, 154, 251},{122, 148, 250},{112, 140, 249},{104, 132, 249},{96, 125, 249},{88, 117, 250},{78, 111, 249},{69, 104, 250},{60, 96, 248},{52, 90, 249},{44, 84, 249},{34, 75, 248},{26, 67, 248},{17, 60, 248},{6, 52, 247},{0, 48, 243},{2, 46, 236},{2, 44, 227},{2, 44, 218},{1, 42, 210},{1, 40, 201},{2, 39, 195},{1, 36, 185},{1, 35, 176},{2, 33, 167},{2, 30, 158},{0, 29, 150},{1, 28, 141},{1, 26, 135},{1, 24, 125},{0, 23, 117},{0, 21, 108},{1, 20, 99},{0, 18, 91},{1, 16, 81},{0, 15, 73},{0, 13, 64},{0, 11, 57},{1, 9, 48},{1, 7, 39},{0, 6, 30},{0, 4, 22},{0, 0, 9},{4, 4, 7}},{{222, 226, 240},{229, 235, 255},{210, 218, 253},{201, 210, 252},{191, 203, 253},{184, 195, 253},{174, 186, 252},{166, 181, 252},{156, 174, 252},{148, 165, 251},{140, 158, 250},{130, 150, 251},{121, 144, 249},{113, 136, 250},{105, 129, 249},{95, 120, 249},{86, 113, 249},{78, 106, 249},{69, 99, 250},{60, 91, 249},{50, 84, 248},{45, 78, 248},{33, 69, 247},{25, 62, 247},{17, 55, 248},{6, 45, 248},{0, 41, 245},{1, 41, 237},{2, 38, 230},{2, 38, 220},{2, 36, 211},{2, 35, 201},{1, 33, 194},{1, 31, 185},{1, 30, 175},{2, 30, 168},{1, 26, 158},{0, 26, 150},{2, 24, 141},{0, 23, 134},{0, 21, 125},{0, 20, 116},{0, 18, 107},{0, 18, 99},{0, 16, 92},{0, 14, 81},{0, 13, 72},{0, 11, 65},{0, 10, 57},{1, 7, 48},{1, 6, 39},{0, 5, 30},{0, 4, 22},{0, 0, 9},{4, 4, 7}},{{222, 225, 241},{228, 233, 255},{211, 217, 253},{203, 209, 252},{192, 201, 254},{183, 193, 252},{174, 184, 251},{167, 178, 252},{156, 169, 251},{148, 162, 251},{140, 155, 250},{131, 147, 250},{124, 140, 250},{114, 133, 250},{105, 124, 250},{96, 116, 250},{87, 109, 249},{78, 101, 249},{70, 94, 249},{61, 86, 250},{51, 78, 249},{44, 70, 248},{34, 64, 248},{26, 55, 248},{16, 46, 248},{7, 39, 249},{3, 35, 246},{2, 33, 237},{2, 32, 229},{3, 31, 221},{2, 31, 212},{2, 29, 201},{1, 27, 193},{2, 27, 185},{2, 26, 177},{2, 24, 167},{2, 23, 158},{1, 21, 150},{3, 20, 141},{1, 20, 134},{0, 17, 124},{1, 17, 116},{0, 16, 107},{1, 13, 98},{0, 11, 90},{0, 10, 81},{0, 11, 73},{1, 9, 64},{0, 7, 56},{1, 7, 49},{1, 6, 40},{0, 4, 30},{0, 2, 22},{0, 0, 9},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 225, 241},{227, 233, 255},{210, 215, 253},{203, 207, 251},{193, 200, 252},{183, 190, 251},{174, 182, 250},{168, 176, 252},{158, 166, 251},{148, 160, 251},{139, 152, 249},{131, 144, 250},{124, 135, 251},{114, 128, 250},{105, 119, 249},{96, 113, 250},{88, 104, 249},{79, 96, 247},{70, 89, 249},{61, 82, 250},{52, 74, 249},{44, 65, 248},{34, 58, 247},{26, 50, 248},{16, 42, 247},{7, 34, 247},{2, 29, 243},{3, 28, 235},{3, 27, 227},{3, 26, 219},{3, 25, 211},{2, 23, 201},{1, 23, 192},{2, 22, 184},{2, 21, 176},{1, 20, 167},{3, 19, 160},{0, 17, 151},{1, 16, 140},{1, 16, 133},{1, 15, 124},{1, 14, 116},{1, 12, 107},{2, 11, 99},{2, 10, 90},{1, 9, 82},{0, 8, 73},{0, 8, 63},{0, 7, 56},{0, 6, 48},{0, 5, 39},{0, 4, 31},{0, 2, 21},{0, 0, 8},{5, 5, 8}},{{222, 225, 241},{227, 232, 255},{210, 214, 252},{202, 206, 251},{194, 198, 252},{185, 190, 252},{176, 182, 251},{167, 174, 250},{159, 166, 251},{150, 159, 251},{141, 151, 248},{132, 142, 249},{124, 134, 250},{115, 126, 249},{106, 118, 248},{97, 110, 248},{88, 101, 246},{80, 93, 246},{73, 87, 248},{64, 79, 247},{53, 70, 245},{45, 63, 246},{36, 54, 245},{27, 46, 244},{20, 37, 245},{9, 29, 244},{5, 24, 241},{5, 23, 233},{5, 22, 225},{4, 22, 216},{5, 22, 208},{5, 20, 199},{4, 20, 191},{4, 18, 182},{3, 17, 174},{3, 17, 165},{2, 16, 157},{2, 15, 149},{3, 14, 140},{2, 13, 132},{2, 13, 124},{2, 11, 114},{3, 11, 106},{4, 10, 98},{2, 9, 89},{1, 8, 81},{2, 7, 72},{2, 7, 63},{1, 5, 56},{0, 5, 47},{0, 4, 39},{0, 3, 30},{0, 2, 20},{0, 0, 7},{4, 5, 7}},{{223, 224, 239},{229, 231, 255},{210, 214, 251},{202, 206, 250},{196, 198, 252},{185, 190, 251},{176, 180, 249},{167, 174, 250},{159, 166, 249},{151, 157, 248},{143, 151, 248},{136, 143, 247},{126, 134, 247},{117, 125, 246},{109, 117, 245},{101, 109, 245},{91, 101, 244},{83, 93, 244},{76, 86, 245},{67, 77, 244},{57, 69, 243},{50, 62, 242},{39, 53, 241},{32, 44, 240},{26, 35, 241},{16, 27, 241},{11, 22, 237},{11, 22, 229},{8, 22, 221},{8, 21, 213},{8, 20, 205},{8, 19, 195},{8, 19, 188},{8, 18, 180},{6, 16, 171},{6, 16, 163},{5, 15, 154},{6, 14, 146},{4, 13, 138},{4, 13, 130},{5, 12, 121},{5, 11, 113},{5, 10, 104},{3, 9, 95},{1, 9, 87},{2, 8, 79},{3, 6, 70},{3, 6, 62},{3, 6, 55},{1, 5, 46},{0, 4, 38},{1, 3, 29},{0, 3, 21},{0, 0, 7},{4, 5, 7}},{{224, 225, 240},{229, 232, 255},{211, 214, 251},{203, 205, 250},{195, 198, 252},{188, 190, 249},{178, 181, 247},{171, 174, 248},{161, 164, 247},{153, 156, 246},{144, 147, 244},{138, 141, 245},{130, 133, 243},{120, 123, 243},{112, 115, 242},{103, 107, 242},{96, 101, 242},{87, 91, 241},{79, 83, 241},{70, 75, 239},{62, 67, 238},{55, 59, 237},{45, 51, 238},{36, 42, 236},{27, 34, 235},{17, 26, 236},{13, 21, 232},{14, 20, 224},{14, 20, 216},{14, 19, 208},{12, 19, 201},{11, 17, 191},{13, 16, 183},{12, 16, 176},{10, 14, 167},{10, 15, 160},{10, 15, 152},{8, 13, 144},{8, 12, 135},{8, 11, 127},{7, 11, 118},{6, 10, 112},{6, 9, 103},{5, 9, 93},{4, 8, 86},{6, 7, 77},{4, 6, 69},{4, 6, 62},{3, 5, 54},{2, 4, 45},{3, 4, 37},{2, 3, 29},{1, 2, 20},{0, 0, 7},{5, 5, 8}},{{223, 224, 240},{231, 232, 255},{213, 214, 250},{205, 204, 249},{196, 197, 250},{188, 189, 247},{180, 181, 246},{172, 172, 246},{163, 163, 245},{154, 156, 245},{147, 146, 243},{138, 139, 243},{130, 132, 241},{123, 123, 241},{114, 113, 239},{106, 105, 238},{98, 98, 239},{89, 90, 238},{81, 81, 237},{72, 73, 236},{64, 65, 234},{58, 57, 235},{48, 48, 234},{40, 40, 231},{31, 32, 231},{23, 23, 232},{20, 17, 229},{19, 16, 220},{17, 18, 212},{17, 17, 203},{16, 16, 196},{14, 16, 188},{13, 15, 181},{14, 14, 171},{13, 13, 163},{11, 12, 156},{12, 11, 148},{12, 11, 141},{10, 9, 132},{10, 9, 124},{9, 10, 116},{9, 8, 109},{8, 8, 101},{7, 8, 92},{7, 6, 84},{7, 6, 76},{4, 6, 68},{5, 5, 61},{2, 4, 53},{3, 3, 44},{3, 4, 36},{1, 3, 27},{1, 1, 19},{0, 0, 7},{5, 5, 8}},{{224, 224, 239},{232, 231, 255},{214, 214, 251},{206, 206, 249},{198, 197, 249},{189, 188, 247},{180, 180, 245},{173, 171, 244},{165, 162, 244},{156, 155, 243},{148, 147, 242},{141, 138, 242},{132, 130, 239},{124, 121, 238},{114, 113, 236},{107, 104, 236},{99, 97, 235},{91, 89, 236},{84, 80, 234},{77, 73, 233},{69, 63, 233},{61, 56, 231},{52, 46, 230},{43, 39, 230},{34, 31, 230},{26, 21, 228},{23, 16, 226},{22, 16, 220},{20, 16, 209},{19, 16, 199},{19, 15, 194},{19, 14, 186},{17, 14, 176},{17, 13, 169},{15, 12, 161},{15, 12, 153},{14, 11, 145},{12, 10, 137},{11, 10, 131},{11, 10, 122},{11, 8, 113},{10, 8, 108},{9, 7, 99},{10, 6, 89},{8, 6, 82},{7, 7, 76},{6, 5, 69},{5, 4, 60},{4, 4, 52},{2, 3, 43},{1, 3, 36},{2, 2, 28},{2, 1, 20},{0, 0, 7},{5, 4, 8}},{{225, 224, 240},{232, 231, 255},{213, 213, 249},{206, 206, 248},{199, 197, 248},{191, 187, 244},{181, 178, 243},{174, 170, 244},{166, 161, 243},{159, 154, 240},{150, 146, 239},{143, 137, 239},{134, 129, 236},{127, 120, 237},{118, 111, 236},{111, 102, 235},{102, 96, 234},{94, 88, 234},{88, 79, 233},{80, 71, 230},{72, 62, 229},{64, 54, 229},{56, 44, 229},{47, 36, 227},{38, 29, 225},{30, 19, 223},{26, 14, 220},{25, 14, 214},{24, 14, 207},{23, 13, 197},{22, 12, 191},{22, 12, 182},{21, 12, 174},{20, 10, 168},{18, 10, 160},{18, 10, 152},{17, 10, 144},{15, 10, 135},{15, 10, 127},{13, 8, 121},{13, 7, 111},{12, 7, 105},{11, 7, 97},{10, 6, 88},{8, 6, 81},{7, 6, 74},{8, 5, 67},{7, 5, 59},{5, 4, 52},{4, 4, 42},{2, 3, 36},{4, 3, 28},{4, 2, 19},{0, 0, 7},{4, 4, 8}},{{225, 224, 240},{231, 230, 255},{213, 213, 248},{209, 204, 245},{202, 195, 245},{193, 187, 243},{183, 177, 242},{176, 170, 240},{168, 161, 238},{161, 152, 237},{153, 145, 236},{145, 136, 235},{137, 129, 234},{129, 120, 234},{122, 110, 233},{115, 102, 232},{107, 95, 230},{99, 86, 229},{91, 77, 228},{83, 68, 225},{76, 60, 225},{68, 53, 225},{61, 43, 222},{53, 35, 221},{45, 26, 222},{35, 16, 221},{31, 10, 216},{31, 12, 209},{29, 12, 202},{29, 11, 192},{27, 11, 186},{26, 10, 177},{25, 10, 169},{24, 9, 163},{22, 8, 156},{22, 9, 149},{21, 8, 138},{19, 8, 131},{18, 8, 124},{15, 7, 118},{16, 6, 109},{15, 6, 102},{14, 5, 94},{13, 5, 86},{12, 5, 79},{10, 4, 71},{8, 4, 64},{7, 4, 57},{7, 3, 51},{7, 2, 41},{4, 3, 34},{4, 2, 27},{4, 2, 17},{0, 0, 5},{4, 4, 7}},{{226, 225, 238},{235, 231, 255},{215, 213, 248},{210, 204, 245},{203, 195, 244},{195, 187, 243},{184, 177, 240},{177, 170, 238},{169, 161, 236},{164, 153, 236},{156, 146, 235},{148, 137, 234},{140, 128, 232},{133, 119, 232},{125, 111, 228},{117, 102, 227},{112, 94, 226},{104, 85, 224},{96, 77, 222},{87, 69, 222},{80, 60, 220},{74, 53, 218},{66, 43, 217},{58, 35, 214},{50, 26, 212},{42, 17, 212},{37, 12, 208},{37, 12, 203},{36, 11, 196},{34, 11, 187},{31, 11, 180},{31, 11, 171},{30, 10, 164},{28, 9, 157},{27, 8, 150},{27, 8, 144},{26, 8, 135},{24, 9, 129},{21, 8, 122},{19, 7, 116},{19, 7, 107},{18, 6, 101},{17, 6, 92},{16, 5, 84},{15, 4, 78},{13, 4, 71},{8, 3, 63},{8, 3, 55},{9, 3, 49},{9, 2, 40},{5, 2, 33},{4, 2, 26},{3, 2, 17},{0, 0, 6},{4, 4, 7}},{{226, 224, 238},{235, 230, 255},{217, 212, 246},{209, 204, 242},{203, 195, 243},{194, 187, 241},{187, 178, 237},{180, 171, 236},{172, 161, 234},{166, 153, 234},{159, 145, 232},{152, 136, 230},{145, 128, 229},{137, 119, 227},{129, 111, 225},{123, 103, 224},{116, 95, 222},{108, 86, 220},{101, 79, 219},{93, 70, 217},{86, 60, 216},{78, 53, 214},{72, 43, 212},{65, 36, 209},{58, 27, 206},{50, 17, 205},{45, 12, 202},{44, 12, 196},{42, 13, 190},{40, 12, 182},{40, 11, 176},{37, 11, 168},{35, 10, 159},{34, 10, 152},{32, 11, 146},{30, 10, 139},{29, 9, 131},{28, 9, 125},{25, 8, 119},{24, 7, 112},{22, 7, 105},{20, 7, 96},{19, 6, 88},{18, 6, 82},{17, 5, 76},{14, 4, 67},{12, 4, 60},{11, 4, 53},{10, 4, 46},{9, 3, 39},{7, 2, 33},{6, 2, 26},{4, 1, 19},{0, 0, 6},{4, 4, 8}},{{226, 224, 237},{235, 231, 255},{219, 212, 245},{210, 204, 241},{204, 195, 241},{196, 187, 239},{189, 177, 235},{182, 170, 234},{175, 162, 233},{170, 154, 231},{162, 144, 228},{155, 135, 226},{149, 128, 226},{141, 119, 223},{133, 111, 221},{127, 102, 219},{120, 94, 216},{113, 86, 216},{105, 79, 213},{99, 69, 212},{91, 59, 210},{84, 53, 208},{78, 42, 205},{71, 35, 203},{64, 26, 200},{58, 17, 200},{52, 12, 197},{50, 11, 190},{47, 12, 183},{47, 12, 176},{46, 10, 169},{42, 10, 162},{40, 10, 153},{39, 10, 148},{36, 10, 142},{35, 10, 134},{33, 9, 125},{30, 8, 120},{28, 8, 114},{26, 7, 107},{26, 7, 102},{23, 5, 92},{22, 6, 85},{20, 6, 78},{19, 5, 73},{17, 4, 65},{14, 4, 58},{12, 4, 51},{10, 3, 44},{9, 3, 38},{7, 2, 31},{6, 2, 25},{4, 1, 18},{0, 0, 5},{4, 5, 7}},{{226, 223, 236},{236, 230, 254},{219, 213, 244},{214, 205, 242},{208, 196, 239},{200, 187, 236},{192, 177, 233},{186, 170, 232},{179, 161, 229},{174, 153, 227},{166, 144, 224},{159, 135, 222},{152, 128, 220},{146, 120, 219},{139, 112, 216},{132, 102, 213},{127, 93, 211},{120, 85, 209},{111, 76, 206},{105, 69, 203},{99, 60, 201},{93, 53, 199},{85, 43, 197},{78, 34, 195},{71, 25, 193},{65, 16, 191},{60, 12, 187},{57, 12, 181},{56, 11, 174},{54, 10, 167},{52, 10, 162},{50, 10, 154},{47, 10, 148},{45, 10, 142},{43, 8, 134},{42, 9, 129},{39, 8, 121},{35, 8, 114},{34, 7, 109},{32, 7, 103},{31, 7, 96},{28, 6, 89},{26, 6, 82},{24, 6, 75},{21, 6, 70},{19, 4, 63},{17, 4, 56},{15, 4, 49},{13, 3, 44},{11, 3, 36},{8, 2, 29},{7, 1, 22},{4, 1, 16},{0, 0, 5},{5, 4, 6}},{{226, 224, 235},{236, 231, 253},{220, 214, 242},{215, 205, 239},{208, 196, 237},{203, 188, 235},{195, 178, 232},{189, 170, 230},{182, 161, 227},{175, 153, 224},{168, 145, 223},{161, 136, 220},{156, 129, 216},{150, 120, 214},{143, 112, 212},{137, 103, 209},{132, 95, 206},{125, 86, 203},{117, 78, 201},{111, 69, 199},{105, 60, 197},{100, 53, 195},{90, 42, 191},{84, 34, 189},{79, 26, 188},{71, 17, 186},{66, 13, 180},{64, 13, 175},{63, 12, 169},{61, 10, 162},{58, 10, 156},{55, 10, 150},{52, 11, 144},{50, 11, 137},{49, 9, 130},{48, 9, 125},{44, 8, 117},{40, 8, 110},{39, 8, 104},{36, 8, 99},{34, 6, 93},{30, 6, 86},{28, 6, 79},{25, 5, 72},{24, 6, 67},{22, 5, 60},{20, 4, 54},{19, 4, 46},{16, 3, 43},{13, 2, 36},{10, 2, 28},{7, 2, 21},{4, 1, 15},{0, 0, 4},{5, 5, 5}},{{229, 224, 236},{239, 230, 255},{222, 212, 241},{215, 205, 237},{211, 197, 235},{204, 188, 232},{196, 178, 228},{190, 170, 227},{184, 161, 224},{179, 154, 222},{170, 145, 219},{165, 135, 216},{161, 128, 215},{154, 119, 212},{146, 111, 208},{140, 103, 204},{133, 96, 203},{128, 86, 200},{123, 78, 197},{116, 69, 196},{108, 59, 192},{104, 53, 190},{95, 43, 186},{88, 35, 183},{83, 27, 182},{76, 17, 178},{72, 12, 175},{71, 12, 169},{68, 12, 163},{65, 11, 156},{63, 11, 150},{60, 11, 145},{57, 10, 139},{55, 9, 133},{52, 9, 126},{51, 9, 121},{47, 7, 114},{44, 7, 107},{43, 8, 102},{40, 7, 96},{37, 6, 88},{34, 6, 83},{31, 6, 78},{28, 5, 71},{26, 5, 65},{23, 4, 59},{22, 4, 53},{20, 4, 46},{17, 3, 40},{13, 3, 35},{10, 2, 27},{8, 2, 20},{6, 2, 16},{0, 0, 5},{5, 4, 7}},{{229, 224, 235},{239, 229, 253},{224, 213, 239},{217, 205, 236},{213, 197, 234},{204, 188, 230},{197, 178, 226},{193, 171, 224},{187, 162, 221},{181, 154, 219},{174, 145, 216},{169, 137, 213},{163, 128, 212},{157, 120, 208},{150, 111, 204},{144, 104, 200},{138, 96, 199},{132, 87, 196},{126, 78, 193},{121, 70, 192},{115, 61, 187},{108, 54, 186},{102, 44, 182},{95, 35, 178},{89, 27, 175},{84, 18, 173},{79, 13, 169},{76, 13, 163},{75, 13, 157},{71, 11, 151},{69, 12, 146},{66, 12, 140},{62, 10, 134},{60, 10, 128},{57, 10, 123},{55, 9, 116},{51, 9, 110},{48, 9, 105},{46, 8, 99},{43, 8, 93},{39, 7, 86},{38, 7, 81},{34, 6, 75},{31, 5, 68},{28, 5, 63},{25, 3, 58},{23, 3, 50},{20, 4, 45},{18, 3, 39},{15, 3, 33},{12, 1, 26},{10, 2, 20},{6, 2, 15},{0, 0, 3},{5, 4, 6}},{{229, 223, 235},{240, 230, 252},{227, 214, 239},{220, 205, 235},{212, 197, 232},{207, 188, 228},{200, 177, 225},{195, 171, 221},{190, 162, 218},{183, 153, 216},{178, 145, 212},{172, 136, 209},{167, 129, 207},{161, 120, 204},{154, 112, 200},{148, 104, 198},{143, 94, 194},{137, 86, 190},{132, 79, 188},{126, 71, 185},{119, 61, 181},{115, 54, 178},{108, 44, 175},{102, 35, 171},{97, 28, 167},{91, 19, 166},{87, 13, 163},{83, 13, 155},{81, 13, 150},{77, 12, 144},{74, 11, 140},{71, 10, 134},{68, 11, 128},{66, 11, 122},{63, 9, 117},{58, 10, 111},{56, 10, 105},{53, 8, 101},{50, 8, 94},{47, 8, 88},{44, 7, 83},{40, 6, 77},{37, 6, 70},{34, 6, 65},{32, 5, 61},{30, 5, 54},{26, 4, 48},{23, 4, 43},{18, 3, 37},{17, 2, 30},{14, 2, 25},{10, 2, 20},{7, 2, 14},{0, 0, 2},{5, 5, 6}},{{230, 224, 235},{243, 231, 252},{227, 215, 238},{219, 205, 233},{214, 196, 231},{209, 186, 227},{204, 178, 224},{198, 171, 219},{191, 163, 216},{185, 153, 213},{181, 145, 209},{175, 137, 206},{169, 129, 202},{164, 122, 199},{157, 113, 196},{152, 103, 193},{147, 95, 190},{142, 87, 187},{136, 80, 183},{131, 71, 180},{124, 61, 177},{119, 54, 173},{113, 44, 169},{109, 36, 165},{103, 28, 162},{98, 18, 161},{93, 13, 158},{89, 14, 150},{85, 14, 145},{83, 14, 139},{80, 12, 135},{76, 11, 129},{73, 11, 123},{70, 12, 117},{67, 10, 112},{63, 10, 107},{60, 9, 101},{57, 7, 97},{53, 8, 91},{51, 8, 85},{47, 8, 80},{43, 7, 75},{40, 6, 68},{37, 6, 64},{35, 6, 57},{32, 5, 51},{27, 4, 46},{24, 4, 40},{20, 3, 36},{17, 2, 29},{15, 2, 24},{10, 2, 19},{7, 2, 13},{0, 0, 2},{4, 5, 5}},{{231, 224, 235},{244, 231, 251},{227, 213, 237},{220, 205, 231},{217, 196, 229},{211, 187, 227},{205, 178, 220},{199, 170, 217},{194, 163, 215},{190, 155, 213},{183, 145, 207},{178, 137, 203},{172, 129, 201},{167, 121, 197},{162, 113, 193},{157, 104, 190},{151, 96, 186},{146, 87, 183},{142, 78, 180},{136, 70, 176},{130, 62, 171},{124, 55, 169},{120, 45, 164},{113, 36, 159},{110, 29, 158},{104, 19, 154},{99, 15, 150},{96, 15, 146},{92, 15, 139},{88, 14, 135},{85, 14, 129},{81, 13, 122},{78, 11, 118},{74, 11, 114},{70, 12, 109},{67, 10, 103},{64, 9, 98},{62, 9, 93},{56, 9, 88},{53, 9, 83},{49, 8, 77},{47, 7, 72},{43, 7, 68},{39, 6, 62},{36, 6, 55},{33, 6, 50},{30, 4, 44},{25, 4, 39},{22, 3, 32},{18, 2, 30},{16, 2, 23},{12, 2, 18},{8, 1, 13},{0, 0, 1},{4, 5, 6}},{{231, 225, 234},{244, 232, 250},{228, 213, 236},{222, 205, 231},{218, 197, 226},{213, 188, 224},{207, 179, 220},{202, 171, 216},{197, 163, 213},{193, 154, 210},{186, 146, 205},{181, 137, 200},{177, 130, 199},{171, 120, 193},{165, 113, 188},{161, 105, 185},{155, 97, 182},{150, 87, 178},{146, 80, 175},{139, 71, 170},{134, 62, 166},{130, 55, 163},{125, 45, 160},{119, 38, 154},{114, 29, 150},{109, 20, 145},{106, 16, 141},{101, 16, 139},{97, 15, 134},{93, 14, 129},{91, 14, 123},{86, 14, 118},{83, 12, 115},{79, 12, 109},{75, 11, 104},{72, 11, 99},{68, 10, 94},{64, 9, 88},{59, 10, 83},{57, 9, 80},{53, 8, 74},{49, 7, 69},{45, 7, 65},{42, 6, 58},{39, 6, 51},{34, 6, 47},{32, 5, 43},{27, 5, 38},{24, 4, 32},{20, 3, 29},{16, 2, 22},{13, 2, 18},{8, 2, 12},{0, 0, 1},{4, 5, 6}},{{233, 224, 235},{244, 230, 249},{229, 213, 233},{225, 205, 230},{219, 196, 225},{213, 188, 220},{208, 180, 218},{206, 171, 214},{201, 163, 209},{194, 154, 206},{190, 146, 200},{185, 137, 196},{180, 130, 194},{174, 122, 189},{169, 114, 185},{165, 105, 182},{160, 96, 177},{155, 88, 172},{151, 80, 169},{145, 72, 164},{141, 62, 161},{136, 55, 157},{130, 46, 151},{125, 38, 149},{121, 29, 146},{116, 19, 142},{113, 15, 138},{108, 15, 133},{103, 14, 126},{99, 15, 122},{97, 14, 118},{92, 12, 114},{88, 13, 108},{85, 13, 102},{81, 12, 97},{76, 11, 94},{72, 11, 89},{69, 10, 85},{64, 10, 80},{61, 9, 76},{57, 8, 70},{53, 8, 65},{49, 7, 60},{45, 6, 54},{41, 6, 48},{37, 5, 45},{33, 5, 41},{30, 6, 35},{27, 4, 31},{22, 3, 25},{16, 3, 21},{13, 1, 17},{10, 2, 11},{0, 0, 1},{4, 4, 4}},{{233, 224, 234},{245, 231, 247},{230, 214, 232},{226, 205, 230},{220, 195, 226},{215, 188, 219},{210, 180, 215},{207, 171, 212},{202, 163, 207},{197, 155, 202},{194, 147, 199},{187, 138, 194},{183, 130, 189},{179, 122, 186},{174, 114, 182},{170, 105, 177},{165, 97, 173},{161, 89, 170},{156, 81, 166},{149, 73, 160},{146, 64, 156},{141, 56, 153},{136, 46, 147},{131, 39, 144},{126, 30, 140},{122, 21, 135},{118, 17, 130},{115, 17, 127},{109, 16, 122},{106, 16, 117},{102, 15, 114},{98, 13, 109},{94, 12, 103},{89, 13, 99},{85, 13, 94},{80, 11, 91},{75, 10, 85},{73, 10, 81},{70, 11, 78},{64, 9, 73},{59, 9, 67},{57, 8, 62},{53, 8, 57},{47, 7, 52},{43, 6, 48},{40, 7, 43},{34, 6, 37},{30, 5, 34},{28, 3, 30},{23, 3, 24},{17, 3, 21},{15, 3, 16},{11, 2, 10},{1, 0, 1},{5, 4, 5}},{{231, 223, 232},{245, 231, 248},{232, 215, 234},{228, 205, 226},{223, 196, 223},{218, 189, 219},{212, 179, 211},{206, 172, 209},{202, 163, 206},{200, 154, 201},{195, 146, 197},{190, 138, 192},{187, 129, 186},{181, 120, 182},{176, 112, 178},{173, 105, 174},{167, 96, 169},{162, 88, 166},{159, 80, 162},{154, 72, 155},{150, 63, 151},{145, 56, 148},{140, 45, 143},{135, 38, 137},{132, 30, 135},{127, 20, 130},{123, 16, 124},{119, 16, 122},{114, 15, 119},{110, 14, 113},{106, 14, 109},{101, 13, 105},{98, 12, 99},{93, 13, 95},{88, 12, 93},{83, 11, 87},{79, 10, 82},{78, 9, 78},{72, 9, 74},{68, 9, 70},{62, 8, 65},{58, 7, 60},{54, 8, 55},{49, 8, 52},{45, 5, 47},{40, 5, 41},{35, 6, 37},{31, 5, 34},{27, 3, 29},{23, 3, 23},{18, 3, 19},{15, 1, 15},{11, 2, 10},{0, 0, 2},{5, 5, 7}},{{232, 224, 231},{247, 230, 246},{234, 214, 234},{229, 205, 226},{223, 196, 221},{219, 189, 217},{213, 179, 211},{209, 171, 206},{206, 163, 204},{202, 155, 201},{196, 146, 194},{192, 137, 189},{188, 130, 186},{183, 121, 182},{179, 112, 176},{175, 104, 172},{170, 97, 167},{165, 89, 163},{162, 80, 159},{159, 72, 152},{155, 62, 149},{150, 56, 144},{146, 45, 137},{140, 37, 132},{137, 29, 130},{132, 19, 124},{128, 16, 120},{124, 15, 117},{119, 14, 112},{116, 14, 108},{111, 13, 105},{106, 12, 100},{101, 12, 96},{97, 12, 91},{93, 10, 88},{88, 11, 84},{82, 11, 78},{78, 10, 75},{73, 9, 73},{70, 9, 67},{64, 9, 62},{60, 7, 57},{56, 7, 53},{51, 7, 49},{48, 6, 45},{42, 5, 40},{39, 5, 37},{33, 5, 32},{28, 4, 27},{24, 3, 23},{20, 2, 19},{15, 2, 14},{10, 2, 9},{0, 0, 0},{6, 5, 6}},{{234, 224, 231},{250, 231, 244},{234, 213, 231},{229, 204, 225},{225, 195, 219},{221, 187, 214},{216, 178, 210},{212, 170, 204},{209, 163, 199},{205, 155, 196},{201, 145, 192},{195, 136, 186},{191, 129, 181},{187, 121, 179},{184, 112, 173},{179, 104, 167},{174, 95, 162},{171, 86, 160},{167, 79, 155},{161, 72, 149},{156, 61, 144},{153, 54, 139},{149, 46, 135},{144, 36, 128},{140, 27, 125},{137, 19, 121},{132, 15, 116},{129, 13, 112},{124, 13, 108},{118, 14, 103},{114, 13, 99},{111, 11, 97},{104, 11, 93},{98, 11, 88},{94, 11, 85},{90, 11, 79},{85, 11, 74},{81, 9, 71},{77, 8, 67},{73, 7, 63},{68, 8, 57},{64, 7, 53},{59, 6, 49},{54, 6, 45},{50, 5, 42},{44, 5, 38},{40, 4, 34},{37, 4, 28},{30, 4, 26},{26, 3, 21},{22, 2, 17},{17, 3, 14},{11, 2, 9},{2, 0, 0},{7, 4, 5}},{{235, 225, 232},{251, 231, 243},{235, 212, 228},{230, 204, 223},{226, 196, 219},{222, 187, 212},{219, 178, 207},{216, 171, 203},{210, 162, 197},{208, 153, 193},{203, 145, 188},{198, 137, 182},{197, 128, 176},{192, 120, 172},{189, 111, 166},{185, 103, 162},{181, 95, 156},{178, 87, 151},{172, 78, 147},{169, 70, 140},{165, 61, 136},{162, 54, 132},{159, 44, 127},{154, 35, 119},{150, 26, 116},{147, 18, 112},{142, 13, 106},{138, 13, 104},{133, 12, 99},{127, 13, 94},{123, 13, 91},{119, 11, 88},{112, 11, 85},{107, 11, 80},{102, 11, 76},{97, 10, 72},{92, 10, 67},{87, 9, 64},{83, 9, 62},{78, 8, 58},{73, 7, 52},{68, 6, 49},{63, 6, 46},{56, 6, 43},{52, 5, 40},{48, 4, 36},{42, 4, 32},{39, 4, 28},{31, 2, 25},{26, 3, 20},{23, 2, 16},{17, 3, 13},{13, 2, 9},{2, 0, 0},{7, 4, 4}},{{234, 223, 230},{250, 231, 242},{236, 212, 226},{233, 204, 221},{230, 196, 216},{226, 186, 209},{222, 178, 203},{219, 171, 199},{215, 161, 194},{211, 153, 188},{207, 144, 181},{205, 136, 177},{202, 128, 173},{199, 120, 166},{195, 111, 160},{191, 103, 155},{187, 94, 148},{184, 87, 143},{181, 78, 139},{178, 69, 132},{174, 60, 127},{172, 53, 123},{169, 43, 116},{163, 35, 109},{160, 26, 103},{158, 17, 98},{155, 13, 94},{149, 12, 92},{143, 12, 88},{137, 12, 85},{133, 10, 83},{126, 11, 77},{121, 11, 74},{116, 10, 71},{110, 9, 68},{105, 9, 65},{99, 9, 60},{93, 9, 57},{89, 8, 54},{83, 7, 51},{77, 6, 49},{72, 4, 46},{66, 5, 42},{61, 6, 38},{56, 5, 35},{50, 5, 31},{45, 3, 28},{39, 4, 25},{34, 3, 21},{30, 2, 20},{24, 2, 15},{20, 2, 13},{15, 0, 9},{3, 0, 0},{5, 5, 5}},{{236, 223, 229},{252, 231, 242},{239, 212, 225},{236, 204, 219},{234, 196, 213},{230, 187, 206},{226, 177, 199},{223, 169, 194},{219, 162, 190},{218, 154, 184},{213, 144, 177},{210, 136, 171},{208, 128, 167},{205, 119, 160},{201, 111, 152},{198, 103, 145},{195, 94, 140},{192, 86, 135},{190, 77, 128},{186, 68, 122},{184, 59, 117},{182, 52, 112},{178, 42, 104},{175, 34, 97},{172, 25, 91},{169, 15, 85},{166, 11, 82},{161, 11, 79},{155, 10, 76},{148, 11, 73},{144, 11, 71},{136, 9, 67},{131, 9, 64},{125, 9, 63},{120, 8, 60},{114, 8, 55},{106, 8, 52},{99, 8, 51},{95, 7, 49},{89, 6, 46},{83, 7, 43},{78, 6, 40},{71, 5, 37},{65, 5, 34},{60, 4, 30},{54, 4, 26},{49, 4, 24},{43, 2, 22},{37, 3, 19},{32, 2, 16},{25, 2, 14},{21, 2, 11},{15, 1, 7},{2, 0, 0},{5, 4, 5}},{{238, 223, 228},{255, 229, 238},{241, 213, 220},{239, 205, 216},{237, 195, 211},{232, 187, 204},{230, 177, 195},{228, 169, 189},{225, 160, 184},{224, 151, 180},{221, 144, 171},{217, 136, 163},{214, 127, 157},{212, 118, 150},{210, 108, 145},{209, 101, 140},{203, 92, 135},{203, 83, 128},{199, 75, 121},{194, 68, 114},{193, 58, 107},{190, 51, 104},{187, 42, 95},{184, 33, 88},{183, 24, 81},{181, 15, 75},{176, 10, 72},{170, 10, 68},{164, 10, 66},{158, 10, 64},{152, 9, 63},{145, 9, 61},{139, 9, 56},{133, 7, 54},{127, 7, 52},{120, 7, 50},{114, 7, 46},{109, 6, 42},{102, 6, 40},{98, 6, 38},{91, 6, 36},{83, 5, 32},{77, 4, 31},{70, 4, 29},{65, 4, 27},{60, 3, 22},{54, 2, 20},{46, 3, 19},{42, 2, 14},{35, 2, 11},{28, 2, 10},{22, 1, 9},{16, 0, 5},{5, 0, 0},{6, 5, 4}},{{239, 223, 227},{255, 229, 234},{243, 214, 218},{240, 204, 212},{239, 195, 207},{235, 187, 200},{234, 176, 191},{231, 170, 184},{230, 160, 179},{228, 151, 173},{225, 143, 166},{222, 135, 157},{221, 128, 151},{219, 118, 144},{218, 109, 136},{215, 101, 130},{211, 92, 125},{210, 83, 118},{209, 74, 111},{206, 68, 105},{205, 57, 96},{201, 51, 91},{199, 42, 84},{197, 31, 78},{194, 22, 71},{193, 14, 62},{188, 9, 59},{182, 9, 57},{176, 8, 53},{169, 9, 53},{163, 9, 50},{156, 8, 49},{149, 7, 46},{143, 6, 43},{136, 6, 42},{129, 7, 39},{123, 6, 37},{117, 7, 36},{109, 6, 33},{104, 4, 32},{96, 4, 30},{89, 5, 27},{82, 5, 25},{75, 4, 25},{70, 4, 22},{64, 4, 18},{57, 2, 17},{48, 3, 15},{43, 1, 11},{37, 2, 8},{30, 2, 7},{23, 1, 7},{17, 1, 4},{5, 0, 0},{7, 5, 4}},{{238, 223, 224},{255, 227, 231},{245, 210, 216},{242, 202, 209},{241, 192, 200},{240, 182, 194},{238, 173, 185},{236, 165, 178},{234, 156, 171},{234, 148, 163},{232, 138, 158},{230, 130, 149},{229, 121, 143},{227, 112, 134},{226, 103, 127},{225, 95, 119},{223, 86, 111},{221, 77, 105},{220, 68, 97},{219, 59, 90},{217, 49, 83},{214, 42, 75},{213, 33, 67},{211, 23, 60},{209, 14, 53},{210, 5, 45},{204, 0, 40},{198, 0, 38},{192, 0, 37},{183, 0, 36},{178, 0, 35},{169, 0, 34},{161, 0, 32},{154, 1, 30},{149, 1, 29},{141, 0, 27},{134, 1, 26},{127, 1, 25},{118, 1, 24},{112, 0, 22},{103, 1, 20},{98, 1, 20},{90, 0, 18},{81, 0, 17},{75, 0, 14},{69, 0, 14},{62, 0, 12},{53, 0, 10},{46, 0, 10},{40, 0, 8},{33, 0, 4},{26, 1, 3},{18, 1, 2},{5, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{239, 225, 226},{255, 231, 235},{249, 213, 218},{244, 205, 209},{243, 195, 200},{241, 187, 194},{240, 178, 186},{238, 170, 180},{236, 163, 173},{235, 154, 165},{233, 147, 157},{232, 137, 150},{232, 128, 143},{230, 120, 135},{228, 111, 128},{226, 104, 120},{224, 96, 114},{224, 86, 107},{222, 78, 98},{219, 71, 90},{218, 61, 84},{217, 53, 76},{215, 44, 67},{214, 35, 60},{214, 27, 52},{213, 19, 45},{208, 13, 39},{201, 13, 37},{193, 12, 38},{185, 12, 37},{179, 12, 35},{171, 11, 33},{163, 12, 31},{156, 11, 30},{150, 10, 30},{143, 10, 28},{134, 9, 27},{128, 7, 24},{121, 8, 25},{113, 7, 23},{105, 7, 21},{98, 6, 19},{91, 6, 18},{82, 5, 17},{75, 5, 16},{70, 4, 14},{63, 4, 11},{54, 4, 10},{48, 3, 9},{40, 2, 6},{33, 2, 6},{26, 2, 5},{18, 1, 2},{5, 0, 0},{8, 5, 4}},{{245, 244, 245},{255, 255, 255},{245, 242, 242},{240, 237, 238},{235, 233, 233},{231, 228, 228},{227, 223, 224},{222, 218, 219},{218, 214, 214},{214, 209, 209},{209, 204, 203},{204, 199, 199},{201, 195, 195},{197, 189, 190},{191, 184, 184},{187, 180, 180},{182, 174, 176},{178, 170, 169},{173, 165, 165},{169, 161, 160},{165, 155, 155},{160, 151, 150},{156, 146, 146},{152, 140, 141},{147, 136, 136},{142, 132, 131},{137, 127, 127},{133, 122, 122},{129, 118, 118},{123, 114, 114},{119, 109, 109},{114, 104, 105},{109, 100, 100},{104, 95, 95},{100, 91, 91},{94, 87, 87},{90, 82, 82},{85, 78, 78},{80, 74, 74},{76, 69, 69},{71, 65, 64},{66, 60, 60},{60, 55, 57},{56, 51, 52},{51, 48, 47},{47, 42, 43},{42, 38, 38},{36, 34, 34},{32, 29, 29},{27, 25, 25},{22, 20, 21},{17, 16, 16},{13, 12, 11},{2, 2, 2},{7, 6, 6}},{{246, 246, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 246, 246},{240, 241, 241},{234, 237, 237},{229, 233, 232},{225, 229, 229},{220, 225, 224},{215, 220, 219},{210, 216, 215},{205, 211, 211},{200, 207, 206},{195, 203, 202},{191, 198, 198},{186, 194, 192},{181, 190, 188},{176, 185, 183},{172, 181, 179},{167, 176, 175},{162, 171, 170},{157, 167, 166},{152, 163, 162},{148, 159, 158},{142, 154, 153},{138, 150, 149},{133, 146, 143},{128, 141, 139},{123, 136, 134},{119, 131, 129},{115, 126, 125},{110, 121, 120},{106, 116, 114},{101, 111, 110},{97, 106, 106},{92, 102, 100},{88, 96, 95},{83, 92, 90},{79, 87, 86},{74, 82, 81},{70, 77, 76},{65, 72, 72},{61, 67, 66},{56, 62, 61},{52, 57, 56},{48, 53, 51},{43, 48, 47},{39, 43, 42},{34, 38, 37},{30, 33, 32},{26, 28, 27},{21, 23, 23},{16, 18, 18},{12, 13, 13},{2, 3, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 244, 244},{240, 239, 239},{235, 235, 235},{231, 230, 231},{226, 225, 226},{221, 221, 221},{217, 217, 217},{212, 212, 212},{207, 207, 207},{203, 202, 203},{198, 198, 198},{193, 193, 193},{188, 188, 189},{184, 185, 184},{180, 179, 179},{174, 174, 175},{170, 170, 170},{165, 165, 165},{161, 161, 161},{156, 157, 157},{152, 152, 152},{147, 147, 147},{143, 142, 142},{138, 137, 138},{133, 133, 133},{128, 128, 128},{124, 124, 124},{120, 119, 119},{115, 114, 114},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 105},{101, 100, 101},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 91},{87, 87, 86},{83, 82, 82},{77, 78, 77},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 64, 64},{59, 59, 59},{54, 54, 54},{49, 49, 50},{45, 45, 45},{41, 41, 40},{36, 36, 35},{31, 31, 31},{26, 27, 27},{22, 21, 22},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{3, 3, 3},{7, 7, 7}},{{245, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{244, 245, 245},{239, 240, 240},{235, 235, 235},{230, 230, 231},{225, 225, 226},{221, 221, 221},{217, 217, 216},{212, 212, 212},{207, 207, 208},{203, 203, 203},{198, 198, 199},{193, 194, 193},{189, 189, 188},{184, 184, 184},{180, 179, 180},{174, 174, 175},{169, 171, 170},{166, 165, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 156, 157},{151, 151, 151},{146, 147, 147},{143, 143, 142},{138, 138, 138},{132, 133, 133},{128, 129, 128},{124, 123, 124},{120, 119, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 106},{101, 101, 101},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{77, 78, 77},{73, 72, 73},{69, 68, 68},{63, 64, 63},{59, 59, 59},{54, 54, 54},{50, 49, 50},{45, 45, 45},{40, 41, 40},{36, 36, 35},{31, 31, 32},{27, 27, 27},{21, 22, 21},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{2, 2, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{245, 244, 245},{240, 240, 240},{236, 235, 235},{230, 230, 231},{225, 227, 225},{221, 222, 221},{217, 217, 217},{212, 211, 213},{207, 207, 208},{202, 202, 203},{198, 198, 198},{193, 194, 193},{188, 189, 188},{184, 184, 184},{180, 180, 180},{174, 175, 175},{170, 170, 171},{166, 166, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 157, 156},{152, 152, 151},{147, 147, 147},{143, 142, 142},{138, 138, 138},{133, 133, 134},{129, 128, 129},{124, 124, 124},{119, 120, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{106, 105, 106},{100, 101, 101},{96, 96, 96},{92, 91, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{77, 78, 78},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 64, 64},{59, 58, 59},{55, 54, 54},{50, 50, 50},{45, 45, 45},{40, 41, 40},{36, 36, 36},{31, 31, 32},{27, 27, 27},{22, 22, 22},{17, 17, 17},{13, 13, 12},{3, 2, 3},{7, 6, 7}},{{246, 245, 246},{255, 255, 255},{245, 245, 244},{240, 240, 241},{235, 235, 235},{231, 230, 231},{226, 226, 226},{221, 222, 222},{217, 217, 217},{212, 212, 212},{207, 208, 208},{203, 202, 202},{199, 198, 198},{193, 194, 193},{188, 189, 189},{184, 184, 184},{179, 179, 179},{175, 175, 175},{171, 171, 171},{165, 166, 166},{161, 161, 161},{157, 157, 156},{152, 153, 152},{148, 147, 147},{143, 143, 142},{137, 138, 138},{134, 133, 133},{129, 128, 129},{124, 124, 124},{119, 120, 119},{115, 115, 115},{110, 110, 110},{105, 105, 106},{101, 101, 101},{97, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 82, 82},{78, 78, 77},{73, 73, 73},{68, 68, 68},{63, 63, 64},{59, 59, 59},{55, 55, 55},{50, 50, 50},{45, 46, 44},{40, 41, 41},{36, 36, 37},{32, 31, 31},{26, 27, 26},{22, 21, 22},{17, 16, 18},{12, 13, 13},{2, 3, 3},{7, 8, 7}},{{247, 247, 247},{255, 255, 255},{254, 255, 254},{250, 250, 251},{246, 245, 246},{240, 240, 240},{235, 235, 236},{230, 230, 230},{225, 225, 225},{220, 221, 220},{215, 216, 215},{210, 211, 211},{205, 206, 206},{201, 201, 201},{196, 196, 195},{191, 191, 190},{186, 186, 186},{181, 180, 181},{176, 176, 176},{171, 171, 171},{166, 165, 167},{161, 161, 162},{157, 156, 156},{152, 151, 151},{147, 147, 146},{141, 142, 142},{136, 136, 136},{132, 132, 131},{126, 127, 127},{122, 121, 122},{118, 117, 117},{111, 112, 112},{107, 107, 107},{102, 102, 102},{97, 97, 97},{91, 92, 92},{87, 87, 87},{82, 83, 82},{77, 78, 77},{72, 73, 72},{68, 67, 67},{63, 62, 62},{57, 58, 57},{52, 53, 53},{48, 48, 48},{43, 43, 43},{38, 38, 38},{32, 33, 33},{28, 28, 28},{23, 23, 23},{18, 19, 18},{13, 13, 13},{9, 8, 8},{0, 0, 0},{4, 4, 4}},{{238, 237, 238},{252, 252, 252},{237, 237, 237},{232, 232, 232},{228, 228, 228},{224, 224, 224},{219, 219, 220},{215, 214, 214},{210, 210, 210},{206, 206, 206},{201, 201, 202},{197, 197, 197},{193, 193, 193},{188, 188, 188},{184, 183, 184},{180, 179, 180},{175, 176, 175},{170, 170, 171},{166, 166, 166},{161, 162, 162},{157, 158, 157},{154, 152, 153},{149, 148, 149},{144, 145, 144},{140, 139, 140},{135, 135, 136},{131, 131, 131},{127, 126, 127},{122, 122, 122},{118, 117, 118},{113, 113, 114},{109, 110, 109},{104, 104, 105},{100, 100, 100},{96, 96, 96},{91, 92, 92},{86, 87, 87},{82, 82, 83},{78, 78, 79},{74, 74, 74},{70, 70, 69},{65, 66, 65},{60, 60, 61},{56, 56, 56},{52, 52, 52},{47, 47, 47},{43, 43, 43},{38, 39, 39},{34, 34, 34},{30, 29, 29},{25, 25, 25},{20, 22, 21},{16, 17, 17},{7, 7, 7},{11, 11, 11}}} objects\outpost\signstore\signdispenser.lua 3c3 < matchingEaselList = world.objectQuery({entity.position()[1]-4,entity.position()[2]},1) --- > matchingEaselList = world.objectQuery({object.position()[1]-4,object.position()[2]},1) objects\outpost\signstore\signdispenser.object 7c7 < "category" : "storage", --- > "category" : "other", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Full of precious knowledge. Or bad puns.", < "avianDescription" : "This is where the signs go.", < "floranDescription" : "Glassss front. No good for hiding bodiess.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This is where the signs come out.", < "humanDescription" : "This is where the signs go.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Full of precious knowledge. or bad puns.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A scanner and printer. Very useful.", > "avianDescription" : "This dispenser scans and prints signs.", > "floranDescription" : "Print ssigns, scan signs.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Printed signs appear here, and signs can be scanned here too.", > "humanDescription" : "It's a printer and scanner!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Printed signs are dispensed here, and can be scanned here too.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here thing is where signs are printed. You can scan 'em here too.", 25,26c27 < "uiconfig" : "/interface/easel/signdispenser.config", < "containerCallback": "containerCallback" --- > "uiconfig" : "/interface/easel/signdispenser.config" 58d58 < "containerCallback": "containerCallback", objects\outpost\signstore\signstore.object 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "I wonder if I can remember much of our ancestral script?", < "floranDescription" : "How many wordss is to many wordss? Three. Three wordsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Wonderment. Gutenbergbot would be astounded by this contraption.", < "humanDescription" : "I can craft specialized signs here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Good signage is a fundament of public order.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's a place I can make and print signs.", > "floranDescription" : "How many words is too many wordss? Three. Three wordsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Astounded. Gutenbergbot would be entranced by this contraption.", > "humanDescription" : "I can craft specialised signs here!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Signs to inform and enlighten.", > "novakidDescription" : "I could make all kinda signs if I wasn't so busy adventurin'.", objects\outpost\signstore\signstoreobject.lua 2c2 < storeData(entity.configParameter("storedStorage"), entity.configParameter("storedTemplates")) --- > storeData(config.getParameter("storedStorage"), config.getParameter("storedTemplates")) 17c17 < local matchingCabinetList = world.objectQuery({entity.position()[1]+7,entity.position()[2]},1) --- > local matchingCabinetList = world.objectQuery({object.position()[1]+7,object.position()[2]},1) objects\outpost\terramart\terramart.object 4a5 > "category" : "other", 15,16c16,17 < "title" : " Terramart", < "subtitle" : " Food, farming and pet supplies" --- > "title" : "Terramart", > "subtitle" : "^#b9b5b2;Food, farming and pet supplies" 22,27c23,31 < { "item" : "bottledwater" }, < { "item" : "candy" }, < { "item" : "cannedfood" }, < { "item" : "cheese" }, < { "item" : "coffeeseed" }, < { "item" : "egg" }, --- > { "item" : "cropshipper" }, > { "item" : "henegg" }, > { "item" : "robothenegg" }, > { "item" : "mooshiegg" }, > { "item" : "fluffaloegg" }, > { "item" : "firefluffaloegg" }, > { "item" : "poisonfluffaloegg" }, > { "item" : "icefluffaloegg" }, > { "item" : "electricfluffaloegg" }, 30,37d33 < { "item" : "meatballs" }, < { "item" : "meatchunks" }, < { "item" : "milk" }, < { "item" : "offal" }, < { "item" : "orange" }, < { "item" : "rawbacon" }, < { "item" : "redapple" }, < { "item" : "vegetablesoup" }, 44,49c40,45 < "apexDescription" : "A farm shop. Delightful.", < "avianDescription" : "The best place to buy seeds, bar none.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran make pretty garden from ssshop!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A Terramart.", < "humanDescription" : "Terrormart? I'm already shaking! Wait, oh. Terramart. Okay.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Another merchant intent on monetising our ecosystem.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A farm shop selling supplies. Delightful.", > "avianDescription" : "The best place to buy farm supplies, bar none.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can buy pet presentss here! Also other things...", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A great place to buy farm supplies.", > "humanDescription" : "Terrormart? I'm already shaking! Wait, oh. Terr-a-mart. Okay.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A place to purchase farming supplies.", 64a61,68 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [-5, 1], [-4, 1], [-3, 1], [-2, 1], [-1, 1], [0, 1], > [-5, 2], [-4, 2], [-3, 2], [-2, 2], [-1, 2], > [-4, 3], [-3, 3], [-2, 3], > [-4, 4], [-3, 4], [-2, 4], > [-6, 5], [-5, 5], [-4, 5], [-3, 5], [-2, 5], [-1, 5], [0, 5], > [-6, 6], [-5, 6], [-4, 6], [-3, 6], [-2, 6], [-1, 6], [0, 6] > ], 77a82,89 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [6, 1], [5, 1], [4, 1], [3, 1], [2, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], > [4, 2], [3, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2], [0, 2], > [3, 3], [2, 3], [1, 3], > [3, 4], [2, 4], [1, 4], > [5, 5], [4, 5], [3, 5], [2, 5], [1, 5], [0, 5], [-1, 5], > [5, 6], [4, 6], [3, 6], [2, 6], [1, 6], [0, 6], [-1, 6] > ], objects\outpost\treasuredtrophies\treasuredtrophies.object 5c5 < "description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", --- > "description" : "Got something rare? We've got something rarer.", 11,17c11,38 < "apexDescription" : "A great place to earn a bit of a profit.", < "avianDescription" : "Buy cheap, sell high!", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssell unwanted body parts here!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A trading post.", < "humanDescription" : "Time to make some fat stacks!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Capitalism is distasteful, but needs must.", < "novakidDescription" : "Great place ta cash in on some booty.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can trade rare things for rarer things here.", > "avianDescription" : "A place to trade rare items for unique objects.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss trader wants rare items in return for his wares.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. A shop that barters for objects rather than pixels?", > "humanDescription" : "I can get legendary items here! But only if I can trade some pretty rare stuff myself.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I can trade some of my rarer items for the wares in this cart.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd trade my boots for some of this stuff! But this trader ain't lookin' for boots...", > > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingmerchant.config", > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : "Treasured Trophies", > "subtitle" : "Turn in rare items for bountiful bounties!", > "icon" : { > "file" : "/interface/bounty/bountyicon.png" > } > }, > "imgPlayerMoneyIcon" : { > "visible" : false > }, > "lblPlayerMoney" : { > "visible" : false > } > }, > "filter" : [ "treasuredtrophies" ] > }, 24c45 < --- > 37c58 < --- > 47,61c68 < ], < < "interactAction" : "OpenNpcBountyInterface", < "interactData" : { < "bounties" : [ < { < "proof" : "monsterclaw", < "rewards" : [ < ["money", 50, {}] < ], < "title" : "test", < "description" : "additional testing" < } < ] < } --- > ] objects\outpost\watercooler\watercooler.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, 13,14c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like drinking. Floran ssspill water!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A water cooler at the optimal temperature.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess drinking refreshing water!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A water cooler.", 16c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "Poor water, trapped in its prison.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A water cooler - a purely practical device.", > "novakidDescription" : "Well this sure is convenient!", objects\scripts\autofill.lua 2c2 < self.autofillContents = entity.configParameter("autofillContents", {}) --- > self.autofillContents = config.getParameter("autofillContents", {}) objects\ship\apexcaptainschair\apexcaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\apexfuelhatch\apexfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\apexshipdoor\apexshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", > 23a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\apexshipdoorbroken\apexshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships. This one is not playing nice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door. It appears to be disabled.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door. It won't open.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\apexshiplight\apexshiplight.object 8c8 < "description" : "A light.", --- > "description" : "A common ship light.", 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "A light.", < "floranDescription" : "Cold light!", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This light generates more light than heat.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool light.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A passable light.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A vibrant light.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship light is harsh on Floran eyesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This lighting fixture generates more light than heat.", > "humanDescription" : "A bright, white light.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bright, white light. It creates a neutral atmosphere.", > "novakidDescription" : "That's one bright lightbulb.", 32a34 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 45c47 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\apexshiplight\apexshiplightBroken.object 21,22c21,22 < "floranDescription" : "Light make dizzy!", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This light is malfunctioning.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Broken light makesss Floran dizzy.", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. This light is malfunctioning.", 24a25 > "novakidDescription" : "This light ain't gettin' enough power.", 41a43 > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 54c56 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\apexshiplocker\apexshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 13c13 < --- > 18,21c18,21 < "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items. It appears to function differently from our own.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stating the obvious. An Apex storage system.", < "humanDescription" : "A storage device, seems to function a lot like my own.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items for safe keeping.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstorage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This ship's storage system is indeed useful.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. That's handy!", 22a23 > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 39c40 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\apexshiplockerTier0\apexshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 15,18c15,18 < "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items. It appears to function differently from our own. This one is not on.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage. It'sss not on.", < "glitchDescription" : "Stating the obvious. An Apex storage system. It is not on.", < "humanDescription" : "A storage device, seems to function a lot like my own. This one isn't on.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items for safe keeping. It's broken at the moment.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstorage. It'sss not working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. It doesn't seem to be working.", 20,38c20 < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 58c40 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\aviancaptainschair\aviancaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\avianfuelhatch\avianfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Avian design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\avianshipdoor\avianshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\avianshipdoorBroken\avianshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\avianshiplocker\avianshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 16,17c16,17 < "avianDescription" : "For storing lots of useful items.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssstorage.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A locker, for storing lots of useful items.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstorage.", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\avianshiplockerTier0\avianshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 14,38c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Avian storage locker.", < "avianDescription" : "For storing lots of useful items. It looks broken.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Indifferent. Avian storage locker.", < "humanDescription" : "An Avian storage hatch.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Storage.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "Avian storage locker. It's not currently functional.", > "avianDescription" : "A locker, for storing lots of useful items. It's broken at the moment.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstorage. It'sss not working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "An Avian storage hatch. It doesn't seem to be working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Storage. It's not currently powered.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 58c40 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.object 13,14c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 29,30c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 37a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 39c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 43c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\aviantechstationTier0\aviantechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 21,26c21,27 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things, when it's not off.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\avianteleporter\avianteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\avianteleporter\avianteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\avianteleporter\avianteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\avianteleporterTier0\avianteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\avianteleporterTier0\avianteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying. It's off.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenapexfuelhatch\brokenapexfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenavianfuelhatch\brokenavianfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenfloranfuelhatch\brokenfloranfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenglitchfuelhatch\brokenglitchfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenhumanfuelhatch\brokenhumanfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokenhylotlfuelhatch\brokenhylotlfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\brokennovakidfuelhatch\brokennovakidfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, 42c43 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\florancaptainschair\florancaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,19c14,21 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", < --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Bessst chair on ship. Floran sit here to ussse navigator and fly away!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", > objects\ship\floranfuelhatch\floranfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Floran design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\floranshipdoor\floranshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\floranshipdoorBroken\floranshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\floranshiplocker\floranshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 16,17c16,17 < "avianDescription" : "Storage. I don't believe the Floran made this.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sstore many usseful thingss. Explore universse.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Storage locker. I don't believe the Floran made this unit.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sstore many usseful thingss in here for exploring universse.", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the key to defeating the Floran is figuring out how they harness technology developed by other races.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This storage system is not of Floran origin. The Floran have acquired this technology by some other means.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\floranshiplockerTier0\floranshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 13,37c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A storage system. Definitely not of Floran origin.", < "avianDescription" : "Storage. I don't believe the Floran made this.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran sstore many usseful thingss. Explore universse. It not working.", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. How did the Floran obtain this technology?", < "humanDescription" : "Most of the tech on this ship doesn't appear to be Floran in origin.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps the key to defeating the Floran is figuring out how they harness technology developed by other races.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "A broken storage system. Definitely not of Floran origin.", > "avianDescription" : "Broken storage locker. I don't believe the Floran made this unit.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sstore many usseful thingss in here for exploring universse, when it isss fixed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. It doesn't seem to be working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Storage. It's not currently powered.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 57c39 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.object 13,14c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 29,30c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 37a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 39c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 43c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\florantechstationTier0\florantechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 21,26c21,27 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs! It not working.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\floranteleporter\floranteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\floranteleporter\floranteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\floranteleporter\floranteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\floranteleporterTier0\floranteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\floranteleporterTier0\floranteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport. It's off.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\glitchcaptainschair\glitchcaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\glitchfuelhatch\glitchfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Glitch design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\glitchshipdoor\glitchshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\glitchshipdoorBroken\glitchshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\glitchshiplocker\glitchshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 16,18c16,18 < "avianDescription" : "The ships storage locker.", < "floranDescription" : "Glitch sstore goodiess here.", < "glitchDescription" : "A Glitch storage unit, pieced together with scrap.", --- > "avianDescription" : "The ship's storage locker.", > "floranDescription" : "Glitch sstore goodiess in here.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A good Glitch storage locker.", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "My Sensei taught me an important lesson. Never forget to store your valuables.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "An old Hylotl saying comes to mind \"Never forget where you stored your valuables.\"", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\glitchshiplockerTier0\glitchshiplockerTier0.object 13,37c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A Glitch storage unit.", < "avianDescription" : "The ships storage locker.", < "floranDescription" : "Glitch sstore goodiess here.", < "glitchDescription" : "A Glitch storage unit, pieced together with scrap. It's not functioning.", < "humanDescription" : "A good spot to store valuables.", < "hylotlDescription" : "My Sensei taught me an important lesson. Never forget to store your valuables.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "A Glitch storage unit. It appears to be malfunctioning.", > "avianDescription" : "The ship's storage locker. Sadly it seems broken.", > "floranDescription" : "Glitch sstore goodiess in here. When itsss working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This locker seems to be broken.", > "humanDescription" : "A good spot to store valuables, when its actually working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An old Hylotl saying comes to mind, it means nothing when the locker is broken however.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in. Shame this one is wrecked.", 57c39 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.object 13,14c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 29,30c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 37a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 39c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 43c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\glitchtechstationTier0\glitchtechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 20,26c20,27 < < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\glitchteleporter\glitchteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\glitchteleporter\glitchteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\glitchteleporter\glitchteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\glitchteleporterTier0\glitchteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\glitchteleporterTier0\glitchteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process. Teleporter is off.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\humancaptainschair\humancaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\humanfuelhatch\humanfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Human design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\humanshipdoor\humanshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\humanshipdoorBroken\humanshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\humanshiplocker\humanshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 15,18c15,18 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside...", < "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within?", < "floranDescription" : "SSsssearch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside?", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside this locker?", > "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within this locker?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssearch locker for valuabless.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside I wonder?", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside this locker.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\humanshiplockerTier0\humanshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 13,37c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside...", < "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within?", < "floranDescription" : "SSsssearch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside?", < "humanDescription" : "A ship's locker. It's not working.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's storage system. It's not currently functional.", > "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items for safe keeping. It's broken at the moment.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage. It'sss not working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. It doesn't seem to be working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An elegant storage solution. It's not currently powered.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 57c39 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.object 13,14c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 29,30c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 37a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 39c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 43c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\humantechstationTier0\humantechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 21,26c21,27 < "apexDescription" : "I need to reboot this tech station. With a little help I could repair my thrusters.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station will hopefully bring my ship AI back online.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran fix tech ssstation, Floran wake shipp up.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rebooting this tech station should repair communication with my ship AI.", < "humanDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "I need to talk to my ship AI, time to reboot this tech station.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\humanteleporter\humanteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\humanteleporter\humanteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\humanteleporter\humanteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\humanteleporterTier0\humanteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\humanteleporterTier0\humanteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush, but it's not working!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\hylotlcaptainschair\hylotlcaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\hylotlfuelhatch\hylotlfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Hyltol design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\hylotlshipdoor\hylotlshipdoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A door.", 23a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\hylotlshipdoorBroken\hylotlshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "Cool door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\hylotlshiplocker\hylotlshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 15,19c15,19 < "apexDescription" : "A locker. Pretty easy to get into!", < "avianDescription" : "The Hylotl haven't exactly designed this with security in mind.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstruggle to break into locker, manage eventually.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Even a Floran could break into this simple locker.", < "humanDescription" : "I don't know why the Hylotl have bothered with a lock. Anyone could undo it.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A locker. Pretty easy to break into!", > "avianDescription" : "The Hylotl haven't exactly designed this locker with security in mind.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstruggle to break into locker, but manage eventually.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cynical. Even a Floran could break into this simple locker.", > "humanDescription" : "I don't know why the Hylotl have even bothered to lock this storage compartment. Anyone could easily break in.", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "A locker, for puttin' things in.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\hylotlshiplockerTier0\hylotlshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 13,37c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "A locker. Pretty easy to get into!", < "avianDescription" : "The Hylotl haven't exactly designed this with security in mind.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssstruggle to break into locker, manage eventually.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Even a Floran could break into this simple locker.", < "humanDescription" : "I don't know why the Hylotl have bothered with a lock. Anyone could undo it.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A secure locker. Only the most cunning of thieves could break in, but it's not working.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's storage system. It's not currently functional.", > "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items for safe keeping. It's broken at the moment.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage. It'sss not working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. It doesn't seem to be working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An elegant storage solution. It's not currently powered.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 57c39 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.object 9a10,11 > "lightColor" : [67, 102, 61], > "lightPosition" : [-1, 0], 11,12c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 14d15 < "lightColor" : [67, 102, 61], 16,21c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 28,29c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 36a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 38c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 42c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\hylotltechstationTier0\hylotltechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 21,26c21,27 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough. Too bad that it's off.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\hylotlteleporter\hylotlteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\hylotlteleporter\hylotlteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\hylotlteleporter\hylotlteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\hylotlteleporterTier0\hylotlteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\hylotlteleporterTier0\hylotlteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top. It's off.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. It has no power.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only if it was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power.", > "humanDescription" : "A teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ol' teleporter doesn't seem to be workin'.", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\novakidcaptainschair\novakidcaptainschair.object 3a4 > "itemTags" : ["captainschair"], 8c9 < "description" : "ENGAGE!", --- > "description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", 13,18c14,20 < "apexDescription" : "Ahh freedom...", < "avianDescription" : "Bless my beak, such a comfortable captain's chair.", < "floranDescription" : "SSsmells of Apex butt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Anticipation. Where to next?", < "humanDescription" : "A pretty cool chair.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Elegant.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahh... Sweet freedom. I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "avianDescription" : "The Captain's chair. That's me! I can use the ship's navigator from this chair.", > "floranDescription" : "Best chair on ship. Floran can sit here to ussse navigator and fly ship!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship. Where to next?", > "humanDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The person sitting here decides where the ship goes!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Sitting on the Captain's chair allows me to fly this ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "The Captain's chair. The guy who sits here decides where the ship goes! That's me!", objects\ship\novakidfuelhatch\novakidfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Novakid design.", < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,17c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", < "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", > "floranDescription" : "Fuel hatch for FTL drive. Let'ss fill it up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. This hatch fuels the FTL drive so that I may visit planets outside of this system.", > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", 39,40c40,46 < < "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ] --- > > "itemTags" : [ "newfuelhatch" ], > > "scripts" : ["/stagehands/radiomessage.lua"], > "scriptDelta" : 30, > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "radioMessage" : "fuel" objects\ship\novakidshipdoor\novakidshipdoor.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", 12,15c12,15 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships.", > "avianDescription" : "A spaceship door.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssspaceship door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. A ship door.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A basic door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic spaceship door.", 24a25 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c38,45 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c53,54 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\novakidshipdoorBroken\novakidshipdoorBroken.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door. It's broken. Useful.", --- > "description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", 12,18c12,18 < "apexDescription" : "We use these doors on our ships. This one is broken.", < "avianDescription" : "A broken door.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmashed door!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A broken door.", < "humanDescription" : "I bet a hylotl broke this!", < "hylotlDescription" : "I bet a human broke this.", < "novakidDescription" : "A busted up door. Maybe damaged in a gunfight.", --- > "apexDescription" : "These doors are used on all our ships. This one is not playing nice.", > "avianDescription" : "A door. It won't open.", > "floranDescription" : "Door won't open!", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A door. It appears to be disabled currently.", > "humanDescription" : "Cool door. Too bad it isn't opening right now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic ship door. It won't open at the moment.", > "novakidDescription" : "The door is broken, it ain't opening any time soon.", objects\ship\novakidshiplocker\novakidshiplocker.object 10c10 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 15,18c15,18 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside...", < "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within?", < "floranDescription" : "SSsssearch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside?", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside this locker?", > "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within this locker?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssearch Novakid locker for valuabless.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside I wonder?", 20c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside this locker.", > "novakidDescription" : "A safe place to store my loot.", 37c38 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\ship\novakidshiplockerTier0\novakidshiplockerTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", --- > "description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", 13,37c13,19 < "apexDescription" : "I wonder if there are any secrets inside...", < "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything of value within?", < "floranDescription" : "SSsssearch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Any items of interest inside?", < "humanDescription" : "A ship's locker. It's not working.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Perhaps something useful is inside.", < < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [164, 27], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "textured", < "image" : "/objects/ship/emid.png", < "size" : 1, < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], < "fade" : 0.0, < "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 0], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, < "layer" : "front", < "fullbright" : true < } < }, --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's storage system. It's not currently functional.", > "avianDescription" : "A device that holds many items for safe keeping. It's broken at the moment.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage. It'sss not working.", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. This ship's storage system is malfunctioning.", > "humanDescription" : "A storage locker. It doesn't seem to be working.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An elegant storage solution. It's not currently powered.", > "novakidDescription" : "A locker. Ain't much use 'til it's fixed.", 57c39 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.object 13,14c13,14 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 17,22c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 29,30c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 37a39,41 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 39c43 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 43c47,68 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\novakidtechstationTier0\novakidtechstationTier0.object 17,18c17,18 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 21,26c21,27 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here when it's working again.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\novakidteleporterTier0\novakidteleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\novakidteleporterTier0\novakidteleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush, but it's not working!", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 23c32 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 29c38,41 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 39c51 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\ship\researchstation\researchstation.object 5c5 < "rarity" : "legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 11,12c11,12 < "title" : " RESEARCH STATION", < "subtitle" : " Develop specialized technologies!", --- > "title" : " Research Station", > "subtitle" : " Develop specialised technologies", 21c21 < "description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", --- > "description" : "Can be used to develop highly specialized equipment.", 34c34 < "apexDescription" : "I can create specialized stations and devices with this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can create specialised stations and devices with this.", 36,38c36,38 < "floranDescription" : "Floran once get in fight with table like this.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This table is well-suited to research and development of new items.", < "humanDescription" : "I can craft specialized items here!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can create ssspecialised thingsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This table is well-suited to the research and development of new items.", > "humanDescription" : "I can craft specialised items here!", 39a40 > "novakidDescription" : "I can create all kinda specialised things here!", objects\ship\techstation\techstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\techstation\techstation.object 11,12c11,12 < "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 14c14 < --- > 18,23c18,24 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", 30,31c31,32 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 38a40,42 > "offeredQuests" : [ "gaterepair" ], > > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 40c44 < "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" --- > "/objects/spawner/techstation.lua" 44c48,69 < "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] --- > "spawnOffset" : [2, -1], > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "Rebooting...", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L, your Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice. I manage the maintainance of your ship.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "I am also programmed to offer you information and advice.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Earth was attacked by an unknown force, and was subsequently annihilated.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ship's navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ], > "wakePlayer" : [ > [ "System is down, please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Please reboot the system.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Reboot process remains uninitiated.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "To make use of your S.A.I.L please reboot.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1" ], > [ "Rebooting has shown to improve ship interaction satisfaction levels by 73%.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1"], > [ "Rebooting requires a conscious entity to interact with the S.A.I.L console.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:unique.1" ] > ] > }, > > "uniqueId" : "techstation" objects\ship\techstation\techstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\techstationTier0\techstationTier0.object 11,12c11,12 < "description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online.", < "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", --- > "description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", 22,27c22,28 < "apexDescription" : "I need to reboot this tech station. With a little help I could repair my thrusters.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station will hopefully bring my ship AI back online.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran fix tech ssstation, Floran wake shipp up.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rebooting this tech station should repair communication with my ship AI.", < "humanDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "I need to talk to my ship AI, time to reboot this tech station.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix thisss panel to wake ship up!", > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\teleporter\teleporter.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\teleporter\teleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 10,15c10,16 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting feels like flying.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. Floran feel confusssed during teleport.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. A teleporter. I am able to enter a sleep mode during the teleport process.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Teleporting is such a rush.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A teleporter. Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. Let's take her for a spin!", 22a24,51 > "particleEmitter" : { > "emissionRate" : 3, > "emissionVariance" : 0.5, > > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "position" : [-0.5, 5], > "size" : 1.0, > "color" : [64, 190, 255, 255], > "light" : [50, 50, 150], > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 1], > "timeToLive" : 1.5, > "layer" : "middle" > }, > > "particleVariance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "position" : [1.5, 0], > "size" : 0.5 > } > }, > 31c60 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 37c66,67 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ] objects\ship\teleporter\teleporterlit.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\teleporterTier0\teleporterTier0.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [64, 80], objects\ship\teleporterTier0\teleporterTier0.object 8c8 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", 12,17c12,26 < "apexDescription" : "Teleporting feels like riding a rollercoaster at the speed of light. It's off.", < "avianDescription" : "Teleporting feels like flying. If only this one was powered up.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel confusssed during teleport. This one dead.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. I set myself to sleep during the teleport process. This one is not powered.", < "humanDescription" : "Teleporting is a huge rush. Too bad this one isn't powered up.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top. This teleporter is off.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The ship's teleporter. I need to power it up.", > "avianDescription" : "The teleporter! If only this one was powered up.", > "floranDescription" : "Ship teleporter. This one dead.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A teleporter without power. I need to power it up.", > "humanDescription" : "The teleporter! Too bad it isn't powered up.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is off.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ship's teleporter. I need to power her up!", > > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : true, > "sitOrientation" : "lay", > "sitAngle" : 90, > "sitEmote" : "sleep", > "sitStatusEffects" : [ ], > "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], 24c33 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], 30c39,42 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-2, 9], [-1, 9], [0, 9], [1, 9] ], > > "sitPosition" : [-8, 8] 40c52 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\spawner\monsterspawner.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2c4 < self = entity.configParameter("spawner") --- > self = config.getParameter("spawner") 4c6 < world.logInfo("Monster spawner at %s is missing configuration! Prepare for some serious Lua errors!", entity.position()) --- > sb.logInfo("Monster spawner at %s is missing configuration! Prepare for some serious Lua errors!", object.position()) 8,10c10,12 < entity.setInteractive(self.trigger == "interact") < self.position = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.position) < storage.cooldown = storage.cooldown or entity.randomizeParameterRange("spawner.frequency") --- > object.setInteractive(self.trigger == "interact") > self.position = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.position) > storage.cooldown = storage.cooldown or util.randomInRange(self.frequency or {0, 0}) 24c26,35 < if storage.cooldown <= 0 and ((not self.trigger) or (self.trigger == "wire" and entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0))) then --- > if storage.cooldown <= 0 and ((not self.trigger) or (self.trigger == "wire" and object.getInputNodeLevel(0))) then > spawn() > storage.cooldown = util.randomInRange(self.frequency or {0, 0}) > end > end > end > > function die() > if self.trigger == "break" then > for i = 1, storage.stock do 26d36 < storage.cooldown = entity.randomizeParameterRange("spawner.frequency") 44,45c54,55 < local monsterType = entity.randomizeParameter("spawner.monsterTypes") < self.monsterParams.level = entity.randomizeParameterRange("spawner.monsterLevel") --- > local monsterType = util.randomFromList(self.monsterTypes) > self.monsterParams.level = self.monsterLevel and util.randomInRange(self.monsterLevel) or world.threatLevel() 47c57 < local monsterId = world.spawnMonster(monsterType, spawnPosition, self.monsterParams) --- > local monsterId = world.spawnMonster(monsterType, spawnPosition, self.monsterParams or {}) objects\spawner\monsterspawner.object 26c26 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], 30c30 < "monsterLevel" : [1, 10], //level of monster to spawn (random within range) --- > "monsterLevel" : [1, 10], //level of monster to spawn (random within range, or leave blank for world threat level) 38c38 < "trigger" : null, //options include "wire", "interact", null (periodic) --- > "trigger" : null, //options include "wire", "interact", "break", null (periodic) 40c40,42 < } --- > }, > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\spawner\spawners\spawner.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2,3c4,5 < entity.setInteractive(false) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > object.setInteractive(false) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 7c9 < if world.isVisibleToPlayer(entity.boundBox()) then --- > if world.isVisibleToPlayer(object.boundBox()) then 10,15c12,17 < local npcSpecies = entity.randomizeParameter("spawner.npcSpeciesOptions") < local npcType = entity.randomizeParameter("spawner.npcTypeOptions") < local npcParameter = entity.randomizeParameter("spawner.npcParameterOptions") < npcParameter.scriptConfig = { spawnedBy = entity.position() } < world.spawnNpc(entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 2.0 }), npcSpecies, npcType, math.max(entity.level(), 1), nil, npcParameter); < entity.smash() --- > local npcSpecies = util.randomFromList(config.getParameter("spawner.npcSpeciesOptions")) > local npcType = util.randomFromList(config.getParameter("spawner.npcTypeOptions")) > local npcParameter = util.randomFromList(config.getParameter("spawner.npcParameterOptions")) > npcParameter.scriptConfig = { spawnedBy = object.position() } > world.spawnNpc(object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 2.0 }), npcSpecies, npcType, math.max(object.level(), 1), nil, npcParameter); > object.smash() objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_apex.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_avian.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_chef.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_floran.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_glitch.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_guard.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_human.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_hylotl.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawners\spawner_wizard.object 42,43c42,43 < "inboundNodes" : [ ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\spawner\spawnerstation\spawnerstation.object 10,11c10,11 < "title" : " EMPLOYER'S STATION", < "subtitle" : " Use employment beacons to call in help!", --- > "title" : " Employer's Station", > "subtitle" : " Use employment beacons to call in help", 20c20 < "description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", --- > "description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of helpers.", objects\teleporter\blackteleporter\blackteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", < "avianDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", < "floranDescription" : "Fancyy teleporter for fffancy mannn", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation: This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during transfer.", < "humanDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", < "novakidDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\teleporter\brassteleporter\brassteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "avianDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "floranDescription" : "Teleporter looksss powered by oil and ssssteam.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation: If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "humanDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "hylotlDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here teleporter looks powered by oil and steam, two of my favourite things!", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 41c41 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 44c44 < --- > objects\teleporter\exitteleporter\default.frames 4c4 < "size" : [32, 8], --- > "size" : [42, 76], objects\teleporter\exitteleporter\exitteleporter.object 7c7 < "description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", --- > "description" : "This teleporter will get you back to the ship when you're ready to leave.", 9a10,17 > "apexDescription" : "This will let me get back to my ship easily.", > "avianDescription" : "I can get back to my ship by using this!", > "floranDescription" : "Teleporter letss Floran get back to ship.", > "glitchDescription" : "Relieved. This teleporter will allow me to return to my ship.", > "humanDescription" : "I can use this once I'm ready to return to my ship.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A useful way to quickly return to my ship.", > "novakidDescription" : "A handy way to get back to my ship and on to the next adventure!", > 27c35,36 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ] objects\teleporter\futureteleporter\futureteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "avianDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter is sssleek and futurissstically ssstylishhh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration: This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "humanDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "novakidDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\teleporter\scienceteleporter\scienceteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "avianDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "floranDescription" : "Teleporter'sss cablesss exposssed, mussst be careful. ", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation: This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "humanDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "novakidDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\teleporter\stoneteleporter\stoneteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "avianDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter'sss electronicsss hidden behind ssstone.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation:This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "humanDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "novakidDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\teleporter\tombteleporter\tombteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "avianDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "floranDescription" : "A teleporter fit for the tombssss of ancient kingssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Historical: A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "humanDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "novakidDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\teleporter\woodenteleporter\woodenteleporter.object 6c6 < "description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", --- > "description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "avianDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "floranDescription" : "Thisss teleporter smellsssss good. Like rich mahoganyy.", < "glitchDescription" : "My nasal module indicates this teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "humanDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "novakidDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A personal teleporter. A functional but fun piece of equipment.", > "avianDescription" : "I love the whoosh of my feathers when I teleport!", > "floranDescription" : "Perssonal teleporter is fancy!", > "glitchDescription" : "Enticed. A personal teleporter, with a custom design.", > "humanDescription" : "A personal teleporter! Now this is travelling in style.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A personal teleporter, it sports a custom design.", > "novakidDescription" : "As teleporters go, this sure is fancy lookin'!", 42c42 < "health" : 20, --- > "health" : 10, 45c45 < --- > objects\themed\astronaut\earthmodel\earthmodel.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssad to remember my time on Earth. I misssss it.", < "glitchDescription" : "Sadness. I enjoyed my time on Earth at the academy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssad to remember my time on Earth. I misss it.", > "glitchDescription" : "Nostalgic. I enjoyed my time on Earth at the academy.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription": "Earth. We hardly knew yee.", --- > "novakidDescription": "Earth. I tip my hat to ya.", objects\themed\astronaut\jupitermodel\jupitermodel.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "It's laughable to think that Humans once thought Jupiter a 'large' planet.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's laughable to think that humans once thought Jupiter a 'large' planet.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Jupiter issss a pretty blue colour.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Jupiter isss a pretty messs of cloudsss.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The blue planet.", --- > "humanDescription" : "That big old gas planet, still going strong.", objects\themed\astronaut\liftoffseat\liftoffseat.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "It is quite fascinating to simulate the experience of early Human space travel.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It is quite fascinating to simulate the experience of early human space travel.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "It would be fun to lie down while zooming through ssssspace.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It would be fun to lie down while zooming through ssspace.", objects\themed\astronaut\marsmodel\marsmodel.object 12,16c12,15 < < "apexDescription" : "Mars is the fourth planet in the Solar System. It was being terraformed until the Earth was destroyed.", < "avianDescription" : "Mars is named after an ancient earth god of war. It's also known as the 'Red Planet'.", < "floranDescription" : "Marsss had a branch of the Terrene Protectorate Academy being built there until he destruction of Earth...", < "glitchDescription" : "Saddness. Mars was a home to many thousands of people. I wonder how they've fared.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Mars is the fourth planet in the Sol System. It was being terraformed until the Earth was destroyed.", > "avianDescription" : "Mars is named after an ancient Earth god of war. It's also known as the 'Red Planet'.", > "floranDescription" : "Marsss had many inhabitantsss there until the destruction of Earth...", > "glitchDescription" : "Sadness. Mars was a home to many thousands of people. I wonder how they've fared.", 19,20c18 < "novakidDescription": "Mars had a conoly of Novakid wanderers. I wonder if they're still out there...", < --- > "novakidDescription": "Mars had a colony of Novakid wanderers. I wonder if they're still out there...", objects\themed\astronaut\mercurymodel\mercurymodel.object 13,16c13,16 < "apexDescription" : "Mercury is the first planet in the Solar System and is gravitationally locked leading to extremely long days.", < "avianDescription" : "Mercury, the first planet in the Solar System. Named after an ancient Earth god of commerce known for swiftness.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmall planet in the Solar System. The closest to the sun. Inhossspitable.", < "glitchDescription" : "Facination. Mercury's day length is almost 59 Earth-days long and it's year length about 88 Earth-days.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Mercury is the first planet in the Sol System and is gravitationally locked leading to extremely long days.", > "avianDescription" : "Mercury, the first planet in the Sol System. Named after an ancient Earth god of commerce known for swiftness.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmall planet in the Sol Sssystem. The closest to the sun. Inhossspitable.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. Mercury's day length is almost 59 Earth-days long and it's year length about 88 Earth-days.", 18,19c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "The planet Mercury. Besides being a Solar System planet it's perhaps best known for a series of horrible mining accidents some decades ago.", < "novakidDescription": "Mercury is a tiny, varmint of a planet in the Solar System.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The planet Mercury. Besides being a Sol System planet it's perhaps best known for a series of horrible mining accidents some decades ago.", > "novakidDescription": "Mercury is a tiny, varmint of a planet in the Sol System.", objects\themed\astronaut\neptunemodel\neptunemodel.object 12d11 < 15,17c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "Neptune is the second ice giant in the Solar Sssystem.", < "glitchDescription" : "Saddness. A glitch transport crash landed on Neptune due to a system fault a few years ago. All were lost.", < "humanDescription" : "Neptune is the farthest out planet of my home system, the Solar System.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Neptune is the sssecond ice giant in the Sol Sssystem.", > "glitchDescription" : "Sadness. A Glitch transport crash landed on Neptune due to a system fault a few years ago. All were lost.", > "humanDescription" : "Neptune is the farthest out planet of my home system, the Sol System.", 19,20c18 < "novakidDescription": "Legends of a great bandit hiding his ship in the Neptunian clouds persist due to strangely common ship disappearances.", < --- > "novakidDescription": "Legends of a great bandit hiding his ship in the Neptunian clouds persist due to strangely common ship disappearances.", objects\themed\astronaut\plutomodel\plutomodel.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmall dwarf planet with a chaotic orbit on the outskirts of the Solar Sssystem.", < "glitchDescription" : "Confusion. Why do the humans hold Pluto in such high regard? It's not even a planet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmall dwarf planet with a chaotic orbit on the outskirts of the Sol Sssystem.", > "glitchDescription" : "Perplexed. Why do the humans hold Pluto in such high regard? It's not even a planet.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription": "Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the Solar System before having it's status revoked. Now it's just a little varmint.", --- > "novakidDescription": "Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the Sol System before having it's status revoked. Now it's just a little varmint.", objects\themed\astronaut\satellite\satellite.object 13,15c13,15 < "apexDescription" : "An orbital satellite once used by Humans. Quite ingenious.", < "avianDescription" : "I wonder what Humans used these for.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssshiny human space toy.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An orbital satellite once used by humans. Quite ingenious.", > "avianDescription" : "I wonder what humans used these for.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny human ssspace toy.", objects\themed\astronaut\saturnmodel\saturnmodel.object 13,17c13,17 < "apexDescription" : "Saturn is a gas giant and the sixth planet in Solar System.", < "avianDescription" : "Saturn was named after an ancient earth god of agriculture. Avian culture has a god that's eerily familiar.", < "floranDescription" : "Saturn is a gas giant of the Solar Sssystem. The rings the biggest in the system.", < "glitchDescription" : "Facination. The massive planetary rings are composed of small space dust to rocks up to ten meters big.", < "humanDescription" : "Saturn is the biggest gas giant in the Solar System. It's rings make it distinct from the other planets there.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Saturn is a gas giant and the sixth planet in Sol System.", > "avianDescription" : "Saturn was named after an ancient Earth god of agriculture. Avian culture has a god that's eerily familiar.", > "floranDescription" : "Saturn is a gas giant of the Sol Sssystem. The rings the biggest in the system.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascination. The massive planetary rings are composed of small space dust to rocks up to ten meters big.", > "humanDescription" : "Saturn is the biggest gas giant in the Sol System. It's rings make it distinct from the other planets there.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription": "Saturn was home to the first Earth-origin space outlaws. They'd conceil themselves in the rings and rob tradeships.", --- > "novakidDescription": "Saturn was home to the first Earth-origin space outlaws. They'd conceal themselves in the rings and rob trade ships.", objects\themed\astronaut\spaceshuttlebed\spaceshuttlebed.object 13,15c13,15 < "apexDescription" : "I wouldn't feel safe traveling in a spacecraft like this.", < "avianDescription" : "A little piece of Human history.", < "floranDescription" : "Humanssss used to fly around in these.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I wouldn't feel safe travelling in a spacecraft like this.", > "avianDescription" : "A little piece of human history.", > "floranDescription" : "Humansss used to fly around in these.", 17,18c17,18 < "humanDescription" : "It's nice to look back and remember our roots.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl have their own relics of early space travel too.", --- > "humanDescription" : "It's nice to look back and remember our roots. Also space shuttle beds are the height of cool.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl have their own relics of early space travel too. We just don't make beds of them.", 29,30c29 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\astronaut\sunmodel\sunmodel.object 16c16 < "apexDescription" : "The Sun. The center of the Sol System. It's a yellow dwarf which count as roughly 7.6% of all main-sequence stars.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The Sun. The centre of the Sol System. It's a yellow dwarf which count as roughly 7.6% of all main-sequence stars.", 19c19 < "glitchDescription" : "Saddness. I wonder when I'll be able to see the Sun with my own eyes again.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sadness. I wonder when I'll be able to see the Sun with my own eyes again.", 22c22 < "novakidDescription": "I would stare at the Sun for hours when at the Academy. I'll miss that.", --- > "novakidDescription": "I would stare at the Sun for hours when at the Academy. I'll sure miss that.", 66c66 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] objects\themed\astronaut\uranusmodel\uranusmodel.object 8c8 < "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Uranus.", --- > "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", 15,18c15,18 < "floranDescription" : "Uranus is the seventh planet in the Solar Sssystem. It has faint ringsss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Fascination. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System.", < "humanDescription" : "Uranus finds itself the butt of a joke all too often.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Uranus is curious for it's lop-sided axis, making it unique in the Solar System.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Uranus is the seventh planet in the Sol Sssystem. It has faint ringsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Sol System.", > "humanDescription" : "Uranus might be named after a god...but it sure sounds funny.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Uranus is curious for it's lop-sided axis, making it unique in the Sol System.", objects\themed\astronaut\venusmodel\venusmodel.object 8c8 < "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Venus.", --- > "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "The planet Venus, covered in sulfur dioxide clouds and by far the hottest planet in the Solar System.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The planet Venus, covered in sulphur dioxide clouds and by far the hottest planet in the Sol System.", 15,19c15,19 < "floranDescription" : "The planet Venusss of the Solar System. It's the second of eight.", < "glitchDescription" : "Fascination. The planet Venus has natural greenhouse gases that that make the surface temperatures very high.", < "humanDescription" : "Venus is the second planet in the Solar System. There was talk of terraforming it before Earth was destroyed.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Venus, neighbor to Earth and almost a big but lifeless due to extreme conditions.", < "novakidDescription": "Venus. You could see it from Earth with your naked eyes as it traveled the stars. I'll miss that...", --- > "floranDescription" : "The planet Venusss of the Sol System. It's the second of eight.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. The planet Venus has natural greenhouse gases that that make the surface temperatures very high.", > "humanDescription" : "Venus is the second planet in the Sol System. There was talk of terraforming it before Earth was destroyed.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Venus, neighbour to Earth and almost a big but lifeless due to extreme conditions.", > "novakidDescription": "Venus. You could see it from Earth as it travelled the stars. I'll miss that...", objects\themed\cabin\cabinbunkbed\cabinbunkbed.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "What a wonderful invention! I will have to tell others of this.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't like ssssleeping so far from ground.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Bunk beds are so useful for shared spaces!", > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like sssleeping so far from ground.", 27,28c27 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\themed\cabin\cabinchair\cabinchair.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, objects\themed\cabin\cabinlamp\cabinlamp.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, 58c58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\themed\cabin\cabinornament\cabinornament.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Surprise. Upon closer inspection these antlers appear to be artificial in nature.", < "humanDescription" : "Antler ornaments are classic decor... I don't know why.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. Upon closer inspection these antlers appear to be artificial in nature.", > "humanDescription" : "Antler ornaments are a classic decoration...I don't know why.", objects\themed\cabin\cabinstooltable\cabinstooltable.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, 12d11 < /* 20c19 < */ --- > objects\themed\cabin\cabinstove\cabinstove.object 5d4 < "objectType" : "container", 7a7 > "printable" : false, 10d9 < "subtitle" : "Wood-fired cooking.", 14a14,25 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Cabin Stove", > "subtitle" : " Wood-fired cooking" > } > } > }, > 33d43 < 59a70 > 61,66c72,73 < "recipeGroup" : "cooking", < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/campfire_use.ogg" ], < "slotCount" : 2, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > objects\themed\cabin\cabintable\cabintable.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 7a7 > "printable" : false, 12c12 < /* --- > 18c18 < "hylotlDescription" : "I guess I have seen worse table designs...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I suppose I have seen worse table designs...", 20c20 < */ --- > objects\themed\farm\applebasket\applebasket.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "On closer examination, they're made of wax.", --- > "humanDescription" : "On closer examination, they're made of wax. Foiled again.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Can't get much better than a shiny apple.", objects\themed\farm\baguettebox\baguettebox.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Can't beat freshly baked bread.", objects\themed\farm\kitchencabinet1\kitchencabinet1.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", 48c49 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\farm\kitchencabinet2\kitchencabinet2.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", 48c49 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\farm\kitchenceilingcabinet1\kitchenceilingcabinet1.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", 67c68 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\farm\kitchenceilingcabinet2\kitchenceilingcabinet2.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 15c16 < "glitchDescription" : "A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A well-crafted kitchen storage system.", 67c68 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\farm\kitchenstovetop\kitchenstovetop.object 4d3 < "printable" : false, 6a6,11 > "price" : 195, > "printable" : false, > "description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", > "shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", > "race" : "generic", > 9,10c14,15 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingfood.config", < "filter" : [ "kitchen" ], --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingcampfire.config", > "filter" : [ "campfire" ], 13c18,19 < "title" : " KITCHEN STOVE TOP" --- > "title" : " Kitchen Stove Top", > "subtitle" : " Comforting, home-style cooking" 17,20d22 < "price" : 195, < "description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", < "shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", < "race" : "generic", 25,26c27,28 < "glitchDescription" : "A well-ordered cooking area for a rustic kitchen.", < "humanDescription" : "A lovely little stove top for a cozy house.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. A well-ordered cooking area for a rustic kitchen.", > "humanDescription" : "A lovely little stove top for a cosy house.", 28c30 < "novakidDescription" : "A nice lil' range, range for a home.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A nice lil' range for a cosy home.", objects\themed\farm\kitchentable\kitchentable.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "A solid kitchen table that would look at home in any village.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A solid kitchen table that would look at home in any village.", objects\themed\gothic\gothicbed\gothicbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\gothic\gothicbookcase\gothicbookcase.object 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 47c48 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\gothic\gothiccouch\gothiccouch.object 7c7 < "price" : 155, --- > "price" : 170, 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think couch ssssmell good.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran think couch sssmell good.", 22d21 < "sitPosition" : [3, 21], 27a27 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/themed/gothic/gothiccouch/gothiccouchcover.png", 31a32,37 > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 21], // Right > [9, 21] // Left > ], > 36a43 > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/themed/gothic/gothiccouch/gothiccouchcover.png", 38a46,51 > > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-7, 21], // Left > [9, 21] // Right > ], objects\themed\gothic\gothicdoor\gothicdoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like sssspooky door.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not like ssspooky door.", 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "gothicdoor.png:right", > 24a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\gothic\gothiclight\gothiclight.object 63c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ] 65c65 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\themed\island\hulagirl\hulagirl.lua 2,3c2,3 < entity.setInteractive(true) < entity.setAnimationState("sway", "stop") --- > object.setInteractive(true) > animator.setAnimationState("sway", "stop") 7c7 < entity.setAnimationState("sway", "sway1") --- > animator.setAnimationState("sway", "sway1") objects\themed\island\hulagirl\hulagirl.object 10c10 < "apexDescription" : "The swaying human appears to be playing a ukulele", --- > "apexDescription" : "The swaying human appears to be playing a ukulele.", 15c15 < "hylotlDescription" : "It reminds me of white sands and blue seas", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It reminds me of white sands and blue seas.", objects\themed\island\islandcabinet\islandcabinet.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 46c47 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\island\islandhammock\islandhammock.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration2", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\island\islandlamp\islandlamp.object 64c64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\outdoor\lamppost1\lamppost1.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A metal lamppost.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A metal lamp post.", 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Tall and sssshiny lamp.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A tall lamppost made from metal.", < "humanDescription" : "A single lamppost.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tall and shiny lamp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. A tall lamp post made from sturdy metal.", > "humanDescription" : "A single lamp post.", 67c67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 5] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 5] ] objects\themed\outdoor\lamppost2\lamppost2.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Bright like three moonssss in the sky.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bright like three moonsss in the sky.", 67c67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 5] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 5] ] objects\themed\outdoor\lamppost3\lamppost3.object 67c67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ] objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorbench\outdoorbench.object 6c6 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 120, 10d9 < 19d17 < 32c30,35 < "sitPosition" : [-4, 21], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-16, 21], // Right > [-4, 21], // Middle > [8, 21] // Left > ], 42c45,50 < "sitPosition" : [4, 21], --- > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-8, 21], // Left > [4, 21], // Middle > [16, 21] // Right > ], 48c56 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorchair\outdoorchair.object 12,14c12,19 < "floranDescription" : "A fancy chair.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A chair, built to endure the elements.", < --- > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy chair. It looks like it was built to last", > "avianDescription" : "An outdoor chair, I wonder how comfortable it is?", > "floranDescription" : "Outssside chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "humanDescription" : "An outdoor chair. For when you want to sit down outside.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is not without style, but it is functional at least.", > "novakidDescription" : "A good ol' chair.", > objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorfountain\outdoorfountain.object 5c5 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 230, 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A large birdbath.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A large and glorious birdbath.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm mighty parched...I wonder if they'd mind if I had a drink?", 19a21,23 > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, > 31a36,43 > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-4, 20], // Right > [14, 20] // Left > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-3,0], [-3,1], [-2,0], [-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,0], [0,1] ], > 40a53,60 > "sitPositions" : [ > // Positions from front to back. > [-4, 20], // Left > [14, 20] // Right > ], > > "interactiveSpaces" : [ [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1] ], > 49,54c69 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg", < < < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false, < "sitPosition" : [14, 24] --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg" objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifibed\retroscifibed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssstange mechanical pod is for ssssleeping in.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstange mechanical pod is for sssleeping in.", 31,32c31 < "regeneration4", < "nude" --- > "bed4" objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscificabinet\retroscificabinet.object 11c11 < --- > "health" : 1.5, 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This cabinet seems functional.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A highly functional cabinet.", 69c69 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifichair\retroscifichair.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssssuspicious of floating chair.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssuspicious of floating chair.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifidresser\retroscifidresser.object 11c11 < --- > "health" : 1.5, 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Any kind of dressssser is useful. I don't care how it looksss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Question. Is this someone's idea of furniture from the future?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Any kind of dressser is useful. I don't care how it looksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Is this someone's idea of furniture from the future?", 48c48 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifilight\retroscifilight.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "This sssspotlight is bright.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This ssspotlight is bright.", 198c198 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifitable\retroscifitable.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Fancy table still good for feassssting on.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A particularly well balanced table.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fancy table still good for feasssting on.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A particularly well balanced table.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifitv\retroscifitv.object 67c67 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\themed\saloon\salooncabinet\salooncabinet.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 14,16c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "disssgusssting juicesss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The liquid inside these bottles appears to be juice.", < "humanDescription" : "A vintange looking drinks cabinet. I'm not sure what's in these bottles.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dissgusssting juicesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The liquid inside these bottles appears to be juice.", > "humanDescription" : "A vintage looking drinks cabinet. I'm not sure what's in these bottles.", 50c51 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\saloon\saloondoor\saloondoor.lua 2,3c2,3 < local detectArea = entity.configParameter("detectArea") < local pos = entity.position() --- > local detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > local pos = object.position() 20c20 < if entity.animationState("doorState") == "closed" then --- > if animator.animationState("doorState") == "closed" then 29,30c29,30 < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "swingRight") < entity.playSound("swing") --- > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "swingRight") > animator.playSound("swing") 32,33c32,33 < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "swingLeft") < entity.playSound("swing") --- > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "swingLeft") > animator.playSound("swing") 40,41c40,41 < local relative = {position[1] - entity.position()[1], position[2] - entity.position()[2]} < for _, space in ipairs(entity.spaces()) do --- > local relative = {position[1] - object.position()[1], position[2] - object.position()[2]} > for _, space in ipairs(object.spaces()) do 47c47 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\themed\saloon\saloondoor\saloondoor.object 20a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "saloondoor.png:right.4", > 24a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", objects\themed\saloon\saloonlight\saloonlight.object 91c91 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\saloon\saloonseat\saloonseat.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Objectively uncomfortable.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Opinionated. Objectively uncomfortable.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "It ain't a saddle, but a seat's a seat.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "It ain't a saddle, but a seats a seat.", objects\themed\saloon\saloontable\saloontable.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A very simple table adorned with gaming paraphernalia.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A very simple table adorned with gaming paraphernalia.", 37c37 < --- > objects\themed\sea\coralmirror\coralmirror.object 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water.", < "avianDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The reflection quality of this mirror is terrible.", > "avianDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, does it hold mysteries?", 16,18c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water.", < "novakidDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is hazy, like looking through water. Or soup.", > "hylotlDescription" : "While I enjoy the decorative quality, the mirror has clouded.", > "novakidDescription" : "The reflection in this mirror is as hazy as a hot day in the desert.", objects\themed\sea\seabed\seabed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Easssy to sleep in bed made of sssseaweed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Easssy to sleep in bed made of ssseaweed.", 29,30c29 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\sea\sealamp\sealamp.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A seashell using power to glow.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. A seashell using power to glow.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "That's a pretty lamp right there. If you like that kind of thing.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "That sure is a pretty lamp right there. If you like that kinda thin'.", 63c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\themed\sea\seaweedpot\seaweedpot.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Seaweed in a pot. Weird taste.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Seaweed in a pot. Weird taste.", objects\themed\spooky\spookybed\spookybed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\spooky\spookycandles\spookycandles.object 61c61 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\spooky\spookyclock\spookyclock.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss pretend bat. Not ssssure what rest of it is for.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss pretend bat. Not sssure what rest of it is for.", objects\themed\spooky\spookypumpkindhead\spookypumpkinhead.object 60c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\spooky\spookytombchair\spookytombchair.object 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "I.. Guess the purpose of this is to remind us all of the afterlife?", --- > "avianDescription" : "I guess...the purpose of this is to remind us all of the afterlife?", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkbed\steampunkbed.object 27,28c27 < "regeneration3", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkdesk\steampunkdesk.object 10a11 > "health" : 1.5, 14c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran smellsss burning ssssmell from inside thisss box...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran smellsss burning sssmell from inside thisss box...", 46c47 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkglobe\steampunkglobe.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to roll wooden planet down hill, and crusssh enemies.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to roll wooden planet down hill, and crush enemiesss.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunklamp\steampunklamp.object 65c65 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkshelf\steampunkshelf.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like booksss, but ssshelf is okay I guesss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like booksss, but shelf is okay I guesss.", objects\tiered\tier1bed\tier1bed.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. My own simple bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A simple but sturdy bed.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A simple bed to rest my weary head.", 27,28c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\tiered\tier1chair\tier1chair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Not the best but I ain't picky.", objects\tiered\tier1door\tier1door.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a simple door, does the job I guess.", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "tier1door.png:right", > 24a30 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c32 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier1light\tier1light.object 18c18 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A robust lantern.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A robust lantern.", 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This lights up the room pretty well.", objects\tiered\tier1switch\tier1switch.object 5a6 > "category" : "wire", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A lever, I wanna pull it!", 48c50 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\tiered\tier1table\tier1table.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A good iron table.", objects\tiered\tier2bed\tier2bed.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "A common steel bed.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Bed", --- > "description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. My own simple bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A simple but sturdy bed.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A simple bed to rest my weary head.", 27,28c28 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\tiered\tier2chair\tier2chair.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "A simple steel chair.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Chair", --- > "description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Not the best but I ain't picky.", objects\tiered\tier2door\tier2door.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "A basic steel door.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Door", --- > "description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", 17,18c17,19 < "humanDescription" : "A sturdy steel door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A simple steel door.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A sturdy tungsten door.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Just a simple door, does the job I guess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a door, does the job I guess.", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "tier2door.png:right", > 24c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c32 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c56 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier2light\tier2light.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "A simple steel lamp.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Light", --- > "description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A robust lantern.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A robust lantern.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This sure lights up the room well.", 47c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier2switch\tier2switch.object 5a6 > "category" : "wire", 8,9c9,10 < "description" : "A robust steel lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Lever", --- > "description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", 17a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A lever, I wanna pull it!", 61c63 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\tiered\tier2table\tier2table.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "A basic steel table.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Table", --- > "description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "This steel table serves its purpose.", < "avianDescription" : "A solid steel table.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This tungsten table serves its purpose.", > "avianDescription" : "A solid tungsten table.", 15,17c15,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A well-made steel table.", < "humanDescription" : "A nice steel table.", < "hylotlDescription" : "As far as basic steel tables go, this one's not bad.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A well-made tungsten table.", > "humanDescription" : "A nice tungsten table.", > "hylotlDescription" : "As far as basic tungsten tables go, this one's not bad.", > "novakidDescription" : "A good tungsten table.", objects\tiered\tier3bed\tier3bed.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. My own awesome bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. I will sleep well in this bed.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a pretty darn decent bed!", 27,28c28 < "regeneration2", < "nude" --- > "bed3" objects\tiered\tier3chair\tier3chair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This kinda chair makes me wanna put my feet up!", objects\tiered\tier3door\tier3door.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Now this is a sturdy lookin' door!", 20a22,25 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "tier3door.png:right", > 24c29,30 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 26c32 < "spaceScan" : 0.1, --- > "spaces" : [ [0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [0,4] ], 37,38c43,50 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 44c56 < "animationPosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-16, 0], 46,47c58,59 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier3light\tier3light.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A robust lantern.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A robust lantern.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This sure lights up the room well.", 47c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier3switch\tier3switch.object 5a6 > "category" : "wire", 20a22 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda control console, I'll only push a few buttons...", 52c54 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\tiered\tier3table\tier3table.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A good titanium table.", objects\tiered\tier4bed\tier4bed.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. My own awesome bed.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. I will sleep well in this bed.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like a pretty darn decent bed!", 27,28c28 < "regeneration2", < "nude" --- > "bed4" objects\tiered\tier4chair\tier4chair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This kinda chair makes me wanna put my feet up!", objects\tiered\tier4door\tier4door.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Now this is a sturdy lookin' door!", 24a26 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 37,38c39,46 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 46,47c54,55 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier4light\tier4light.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A robust lantern.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A robust lantern.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This sure lights up the room well.", 47c48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier4switch\tier4switch.object 5a6 > "category" : "wire", 20a22 > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda control console, I'll only push a few buttons...", 51c53 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\tiered\tier4table\tier4table.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A good durasteel table.", objects\wired\alarm\alarm.lua 3c3 < self.alarmSoundDuration = entity.configParameter("alarmSoundDuration") --- > self.alarmSoundDuration = config.getParameter("alarmSoundDuration") 5c5 < self.lightColor = entity.configParameter("lightColor", {255, 0, 0}) --- > self.lightColor = config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 0, 0}) 9,10c9,10 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then < entity.setAnimationState("alarmState", "on") --- > if not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then > animator.setAnimationState("alarmState", "on") 13c13 < entity.setLightColor({lightWave * self.lightColor[1], lightWave * self.lightColor[2], lightWave * self.lightColor[3]}) --- > object.setLightColor({lightWave * self.lightColor[1], lightWave * self.lightColor[2], lightWave * self.lightColor[3]}) 16c16 < entity.playSound("alarm") --- > animator.playSound("alarm") 23,24c23,24 < entity.setAnimationState("alarmState", "off") < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > animator.setAnimationState("alarmState", "off") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) objects\wired\alarm\alarm.object 11a12,19 > "apexDescription" : "These are used as a deterrent, but also as security.", > "avianDescription" : "This flashing light will alert everyone to misdeeds.", > "floranDescription" : "Thisss will alert all the guardsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This will alert many, I should be careful.", > "humanDescription" : "If this was a movie I bet this would go off just as I left.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An alarm. Used to alert guards to ruffians.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here alarm sure will make getting away with loot hard.", > 33c41 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], objects\wired\bigredbutton\bigredbutton.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Desire. Experiencing overwhelming urge to push button.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Resistance. Experiencing overwhelming urge to push button.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Well I just gotta push that button!", 36c37 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle3fast.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate3.animation", 42c43 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 48c49 < "detectArea" : [ [-0.8, 0.0], [0.8, 0.5] ], --- > "detectArea" : [ [-0.85, 0.0], [0.85, 0.5] ], objects\wired\door\animatedslidingdoor.animation 80c80 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\wired\door\door.animation 79c79 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\wired\door\door.lua 2c2 < setDirection(storage.doorDirection or entity.direction()) --- > setDirection(storage.doorDirection or object.direction()) 5c5 < storage.locked = entity.configParameter("locked", false) --- > storage.locked = config.getParameter("locked", false) 9c9,13 < closeDoor() --- > if config.getParameter("defaultState") == "open" then > openDoor() > else > closeDoor() > end 11c15 < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", storage.state and "open" or "closed") --- > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", storage.state and "open" or "closed") 14d17 < updateInteractive() 15a19 > updateInteractive() 16a21,23 > > message.setHandler("openDoor", function() openDoor() end) > message.setHandler("lockDoor", function() lockDoor() end) 21,22c28,30 < if entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then < onInboundNodeChange({ level = entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) }) --- > updateCollisionAndWires() > if object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > onInputNodeChange({ level = object.getInputNodeLevel(0) }) 26c34 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 36c44 < entity.playSound("locked") --- > animator.playSound("locked") 48c56 < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("closedLight", {0,0,0,0})) --- > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("closedLight", {0,0,0,0})) 50c58 < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("openLight", {0,0,0,0})) --- > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("openLight", {0,0,0,0})) 55c63 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true) and not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true) and not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) and not storage.locked) 59,60c67,84 < entity.setColliding(not storage.state) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(storage.state) --- > setupMaterialSpaces() > object.setMaterialSpaces(storage.state and self.openMaterialSpaces or self.closedMaterialSpaces) > object.setAllOutputNodes(storage.state) > end > > function setupMaterialSpaces() > self.closedMaterialSpaces = config.getParameter("closedMaterialSpaces") > if not self.closedMaterialSpaces then > self.closedMaterialSpaces = {} > local metamaterial = "metamaterial:door" > if object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > metamaterial = "metamaterial:lockedDoor" > end > for i, space in ipairs(object.spaces()) do > table.insert(self.closedMaterialSpaces, {space, metamaterial}) > end > end > self.openMaterialSpaces = config.getParameter("openMaterialSpaces", {}) 65c89 < entity.setGlobalTag("doorDirection", direction < 0 and "Left" or "Right") --- > animator.setGlobalTag("doorDirection", direction < 0 and "Left" or "Right") 69c93,95 < if entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) or storage.locked then --- > if capability == 'lockedDoor' then > return storage.locked > elseif object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or storage.locked then 83,84c109,110 < local relative = {position[1] - entity.position()[1], position[2] - entity.position()[2]} < for _, space in ipairs(entity.spaces()) do --- > local relative = {position[1] - object.position()[1], position[2] - object.position()[2]} > for _, space in ipairs(object.spaces()) do 99,100c125,126 < entity.playSound("close") < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "locking") --- > animator.playSound("close") > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "locking") 103c129 < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "locked") --- > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "locked") 104a131 > return true 112c139,140 < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "closed") --- > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "closed") > return true 119,120c147,149 < entity.playSound("close") < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "closing") --- > updateInteractive() > animator.playSound("close") > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "closing") 130,132c159,162 < setDirection((direction == nil or direction * entity.direction() < 0) and -1 or 1) < entity.playSound("open") < entity.setAnimationState("doorState", "open") --- > updateInteractive() > setDirection((direction == nil or direction * object.direction() < 0) and -1 or 1) > animator.playSound("open") > animator.setAnimationState("doorState", "open") objects\wired\door\fullbrightanimatedslidingdoor.animation 121c121 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\wired\door\lockingdoor.animation 79c79 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\wired\door\swingingdoor.animation 79c79 < "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/ship_error1.ogg" ] --- > "locked" : [ "/sfx/interface/clickon_error.ogg" ] objects\wired\drain\drain.lua 2c2 < self.drainPos = entity.position() --- > self.drainPos = object.position() 15c15 < entity.setAnimationState("drainState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("drainState", "on") 17c17 < entity.setAnimationState("drainState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("drainState", "off") 30c30 < if not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) or entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > if not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then objects\wired\drain\drain.object 12a13,20 > "apexDescription" : "This is designed to drain water away.", > "avianDescription" : "This will drain away water, good for keeping my feathers dry!", > "floranDescription" : "Drainsss take away water.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This drains away water with ease.", > "humanDescription" : "This'll drain that water away fast!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A useful device for draining water away. For those who like that.", > "novakidDescription" : "This'll get rid of that pesky water!", > 34c42 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\forcepad\forcepad.lua 5c5 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 14c14 < local active = not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) or entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > local active = not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) or object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 16c16 < entity.setAnimationState("padState", active and "on" or "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("padState", active and "on" or "off") objects\wired\forcepad\jumppad.object 7c7 < "description" : "Boing boing!", --- > "description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", 13a14,16 > "floranDescription" : "Repelss objectss with a ssstrong elastic force", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > 35c38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], objects\wired\invisiblesound\invisiblesound.lua 5c5 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 14c14 < local newState = entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) and entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > local newState = object.isInputNodeConnected(0) and object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 18,20c18,20 < entity.playSound("on") < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) < entity.setAnimationState("soundState", "on") --- > animator.playSound("on") > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) > animator.setAnimationState("soundState", "on") 22,24c22,24 < entity.playSound("off") < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) < entity.setAnimationState("soundState", "off") --- > animator.playSound("off") > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) > animator.setAnimationState("soundState", "off") objects\wired\invisiblesound\invisiblesound.object 36,37c36,37 < //"persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/ufo_hover_loop.ogg", < //"immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/crystalboss_pain1.ogg" --- > //"persistentSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/ufo_hover_loop.ogg", > //"immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/boss/crystalboss_pain1.ogg" 47,48c47,48 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] < } \ No newline at end of file --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] > } objects\wired\ironbeacon\decoyprincess.lua 2c2 < if world.underground(entity.position()) then --- > if world.underground(object.position()) then 6,7c6,7 < local ll = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) < local tr = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) --- > local ll = object.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) > local tr = object.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) 19c19 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 26,28c26,28 < entity.smash() < world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) < world.spawnMonster("dragonboss", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 30.0 }), { level = 3 }) --- > object.smash() > world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) > world.spawnMonster("dragonboss", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 30.0 }), { level = 3 }) objects\wired\ironbeacon\ironbeacon.lua 2c2 < if world.underground(entity.position()) then --- > if world.underground(object.position()) then 6,7c6,7 < local ll = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) < local tr = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) --- > local ll = object.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) > local tr = object.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) 19c19 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 21c21 < entity.setAnimationState("beaconState", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("beaconState", "idle") 23c23 < entity.setAnimationState("beaconState", "active") --- > animator.setAnimationState("beaconState", "active") 29c29 < entity.setAnimationState("beaconState", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("beaconState", "idle") 32,35c32,35 < entity.setAnimationState("beaconState", "active") < world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) < entity.smash() < world.spawnMonster("penguinUfo", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 32.0 }), { level = 1 }) --- > animator.setAnimationState("beaconState", "active") > world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) > object.smash() > world.spawnMonster("penguinUfo", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 32.0 }), { level = 1 }) objects\wired\ironbeacon\jellyboss.lua 2c2 < if world.underground(entity.position()) then --- > if world.underground(object.position()) then 6,7c6,7 < local ll = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) < local tr = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) --- > local ll = object.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) > local tr = object.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) 19c19 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 26,30c26,30 < entity.smash() < world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) < world.spawnMonster("jellyboss", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) < world.spawnMonster("skeyejelly", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 20.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) < world.spawnMonster("skeyejelly", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -20.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) --- > object.smash() > world.spawnProjectile("regularexplosionknockback", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) > world.spawnMonster("jellyboss", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) > world.spawnMonster("skeyejelly", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 20.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) > world.spawnMonster("skeyejelly", object.toAbsolutePosition({ -20.0, 40.0 }), { level = 4 }) objects\wired\ironbeacon\robot.lua 2c2 < if world.underground(entity.position()) then --- > if world.underground(object.position()) then 6,7c6,7 < local ll = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) < local tr = entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) --- > local ll = object.toAbsolutePosition({ -4.0, 1.0 }) > local tr = object.toAbsolutePosition({ 4.0, 32.0 }) 19c19 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 26,28c26,28 < entity.smash() < world.spawnProjectile("robotwake", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) < world.spawnMonster("robotboss", entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 5.0 }), { level = 2 }) --- > object.smash() > world.spawnProjectile("robotwake", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 1.0 })) > world.spawnMonster("robotboss", object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 5.0 }), { level = 2 }) objects\wired\landmine\landmine.lua 2,5c2,12 < entity.setInteractive(true) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < self.projectileCooldown = 0 --- > object.setInteractive(true) > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > self.triggerTimer = 0 > > local detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > local pos = entity.position() > self.detectArea = { > {pos[1] + detectArea[1][1], pos[2] + detectArea[1][2]}, > {pos[1] + detectArea[2][1], pos[2] + detectArea[2][2]} > } 9,12c16,20 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < if entity.configParameter("firstProjectile") ~= nil then < world.spawnProjectile(entity.configParameter("firstProjectile"), entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 0.2 })) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > animator.playSound("on") > if config.getParameter("firstProjectile") ~= nil then > world.spawnProjectile(config.getParameter("firstProjectile"), object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 0.2 })) 14c22 < self.projectileCooldown = entity.configParameter("timer") --- > self.triggerTimer = config.getParameter("triggerDelay") 21,26c29,34 < function update(dt) < if self.projectileCooldown > 0 then < self.projectileCooldown = self.projectileCooldown - 1 < if self.projectileCooldown == 0 then < if entity.configParameter("secondProjectile") ~= nil then < world.spawnProjectile(entity.configParameter("secondProjectile"), entity.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 0.2 })) --- > function update(dt) > if self.triggerTimer > 0 then > self.triggerTimer = math.max(0, self.triggerTimer - dt) > if self.triggerTimer == 0 then > if config.getParameter("secondProjectile") ~= nil then > world.spawnProjectile(config.getParameter("secondProjectile"), object.toAbsolutePosition({ 0.0, 0.2 })) 28c36 < entity.smash() --- > object.smash() 31,32c39,40 < local radius = entity.configParameter("detectRadius") < local entityIds = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), radius, { includedTypes = {"creature"} }) --- > local radius = config.getParameter("detectRadius") > local entityIds = world.entityQuery(self.detectArea[1], self.detectArea[2], { includedTypes = {"creature"}, boundMode = "CollisionArea" }) 34,36c42 < if entity.isTouching(entityIds[1]) then < trigger() < end --- > trigger() objects\wired\landmine\landmine.object 5a6 > "breakDropOptions" : [], 9,10c10,11 < "description" : "Watch your step!", < "shortdescription" : "Land Mine", --- > "description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", 12a14,21 > "apexDescription" : "A land mine, it could still be active.", > "avianDescription" : "Uh oh! I do not want to step on this.", > "floranDescription" : "Watch your ssstep!", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. An active land mine, I had better be careful.", > "humanDescription" : "I don't want to risk it, this thing could still go off.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Land mines, smaller than sea mines but still lethal.", > "novakidDescription" : "This thing could still blow!", > 30a40,44 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : ["/sfx/objects/hiddenswitch1.ogg"] > } > }, 33c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], 36c50 < "timer" : 6, --- > "triggerDelay" : 0.5, 38c52 < "detectRadius" : 4 --- > "detectArea" : [[-1.0, 0], [1.0, 0.5]] objects\wired\light\light.lua 2c2 < if storage.state == nil then storage.state = entity.configParameter("defaultLightState", true) end --- > if storage.state == nil then storage.state = config.getParameter("defaultLightState", true) end 4,5c4,5 < self.interactive = entity.configParameter("interactive", true) < entity.setInteractive(self.interactive) --- > self.interactive = config.getParameter("interactive", true) > object.setInteractive(self.interactive) 7c7 < if entity.configParameter("inboundNodes") then --- > if config.getParameter("inputNodes") then 18c18 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 23c23 < if not entity.configParameter("inboundNodes") or not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then --- > if not config.getParameter("inputNodes") or not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then 30,32c30,32 < if entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then < entity.setInteractive(false) < storage.state = entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > if object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > object.setInteractive(false) > storage.state = object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 35c35 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 41,44c41,44 < entity.setAnimationState("light", "on") < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) < if entity.hasSound("on") then < entity.playSound("on"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("light", "on") > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) > if animator.hasSound("on") then > animator.playSound("on"); 47c47 < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) --- > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) 49,52c49,52 < entity.setAnimationState("light", "off") < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) < if entity.hasSound("off") then < entity.playSound("off"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("light", "off") > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) > if animator.hasSound("off") then > animator.playSound("off"); 54c54 < entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) --- > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColorOff", {0, 0, 0})) objects\wired\lightsensor\lightsensor.lua 2,3c2,3 < self.detectThresholdHigh = entity.configParameter("detectThresholdHigh") < self.detectThresholdLow = entity.configParameter("detectThresholdLow") --- > self.detectThresholdHigh = config.getParameter("detectThresholdHigh") > self.detectThresholdLow = config.getParameter("detectThresholdLow") 7c7 < local sample = world.lightLevel(entity.position()) --- > local sample = world.lightLevel(object.position()) 15,16c15,16 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "med") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "med") 18,19c18,19 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, false) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, false) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") 23,24c23,24 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(1, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "max") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(1, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "max") 26c26 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(1, false) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(1, false) objects\wired\lightsensor\lightsensor.object 11a12,14 > "floranDescription" : "Activatesss the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > 61c64 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1], [0, 1] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1], [0, 1] ], objects\wired\lightsensor\unwiredlightsensor.lua 2,3c2,3 < self.detectThresholdHigh = entity.configParameter("detectThresholdHigh") < self.detectThresholdLow = entity.configParameter("detectThresholdLow") --- > self.detectThresholdHigh = config.getParameter("detectThresholdHigh") > self.detectThresholdLow = config.getParameter("detectThresholdLow") 7c7 < local sample = world.lightLevel(entity.position()) --- > local sample = world.lightLevel(object.position()) 15c15 < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "med") --- > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "med") 17c17 < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") --- > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") 21c21 < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "max") --- > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "max") 23c23 < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") --- > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "min") objects\wired\liquidsensor\liquidsensor.lua 2c2 < return world.liquidAt(entity.position()) --- > return world.liquidAt(object.position()) 9,10c9,10 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, false) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "off") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, false) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "off") 12,13c12,13 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "water") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "water") 15,16c15,16 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "poison") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "poison") 18,19c18,19 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "lava") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "lava") 21,22c21,22 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, true) < entity.setAnimationState("sensorState", "other") --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, true) > animator.setAnimationState("sensorState", "other") objects\wired\liquidsensor\liquidsensor.object 11a12,15 > "floranDescription" : "Don't use your finger! This ssensor indicatesss the presence of liquidss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > > 66c70 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\wired\logic\and.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "And Switch", --- > "description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "shortdescription" : "AND Switch", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "An /'AND'/ ssswitch. Requiress all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > 36,37c39,40 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\bulb.object 6c6 < "description" : "", --- > "description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "An output light. Indicatesss whether ssomething is on or off.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ ], objects\wired\logic\countdowntimer.lua 3c3 < storage.timerDuration = storage.timerDuration or entity.configParameter("duration", 5) --- > storage.timerDuration = storage.timerDuration or config.getParameter("duration", 5) 7c7 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 11c11 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then 17c17 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, storage.timer > 0) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, storage.timer > 0) 24c24 < entity.setAnimationState("timerState", "on" --- > animator.setAnimationState("timerState", "on" 26c26 < entity.setAnimationState("timerState", "count"..math.ceil(storage.timer)) --- > animator.setAnimationState("timerState", "count"..math.ceil(storage.timer)) 28c28 < entity.setAnimationState("timerState", "off" --- > animator.setAnimationState("timerState", "off" objects\wired\logic\countdowntimer.object 6c6 < "description" : "", --- > "description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "A timer that sstays active for a ssset duration.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > 35,36c38,39 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\delay.lua 2c2 < self.queueSize = math.floor(entity.configParameter("delay", 1.0) / script.updateDt() + 0.5) --- > self.queueSize = math.floor(config.getParameter("delay", 1.0) / script.updateDt() + 0.5) 18c18 < self.queue[self.index] = entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > self.queue[self.index] = object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 25c25 < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, state) --- > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, state) 27c27 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 29c29 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") objects\wired\logic\delay.object 6c6 < "description" : "", --- > "description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "A circuit that relays signalsss after a sset delay.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\dlatch.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(false) --- > object.setInteractive(false) 13c13 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(state) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(state) 15c15 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 17c17 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") 24,25c24,25 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(1) then < output(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0)) --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(1) then > output(object.getInputNodeLevel(0)) objects\wired\logic\dlatch.object 6c6 < "description" : "", --- > "description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "A Latch. Can be used to sstore a wire sstate.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > 36,37c39,40 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\wired\logic\logic.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(false) --- > object.setInteractive(false) 6c6 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(storage.state) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(storage.state) 8c8 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 10c10 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") 13,14c13,14 < self.gates = entity.configParameter("gates") < self.truthtable = entity.configParameter("truthtable") --- > self.gates = config.getParameter("gates") > self.truthtable = config.getParameter("truthtable") 20c20 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(state) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(state) 22c22 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 24c24 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") 39c39 < output(self.truthtable[toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0))]) --- > output(self.truthtable[toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(0))]) 41c41 < output(self.truthtable[toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0))][toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(1))]) --- > output(self.truthtable[toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(0))][toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(1))]) 43c43 < output(self.truthtable[toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0))][toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(1))][toIndex(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(2))]) --- > output(self.truthtable[toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(0))][toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(1))][toIndex(object.getInputNodeLevel(2))]) objects\wired\logic\not.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Not Switch", --- > "description" : "", > "shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", 36,37c36,37 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\or.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Or Switch", --- > "description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "shortdescription" : "OR Switch", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "An /'OR'/ sswitch. Allowsss you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > 36,37c39,40 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer.lua 10c10 < self.interval = entity.configParameter("interval") --- > self.interval = config.getParameter("interval") 16c16 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(state) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(state) 18c18 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") 20c20 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") 27c27 < if (not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) or entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > if (not object.isInputNodeConnected(0)) or object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then 38c38 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\wired\logic\timer.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (Half Second)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 0.5 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer1s.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (One Second)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 1 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer2s.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (Two Seconds)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 2 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer3s.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (Three Seconds)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 3 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer4s.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (Four Seconds)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 4 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\timer5s.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "Timer (Five Seconds)", --- > "description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Timer output alternatesss between on and off every 5 secondsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > 34,35c37,38 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\logic\xor.object 6,7c6,7 < "description" : "", < "shortdescription" : "X Or Switch", --- > "description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "An /'XOR'/ sswitch. Requiresss one input to be on, and one off.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation. An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > 36,37c39,40 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, -1], [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\momentaryswitch\momentaryswitch.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 11c11 < self.interval = entity.configParameter("interval") --- > self.interval = config.getParameter("interval") 19c19 < entity.playSound("on"); --- > animator.playSound("on"); 30c30 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(state) --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(state) 32,33c32,33 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < entity.playSound("on"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > animator.playSound("on"); 35,36c35,36 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < entity.playSound("off"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > animator.playSound("off"); objects\wired\movingplatform\movingelevatorlong.objectdisabled 7c7 < "category" : "wire", --- > "category" : "Wire", objects\wired\movingplatform\movingelevatorshort.objectdisabled 7c7 < "category" : "wire", --- > "category" : "Wire", objects\wired\movingplatform\movingplatform.lua 7,9c7,9 < self.platformStart = entity.configParameter("platformStart") < self.platformEnd = entity.configParameter("platformEnd") < self.platformMoveTime = entity.configParameter("platformMoveTime") --- > self.platformStart = config.getParameter("platformStart") > self.platformEnd = config.getParameter("platformEnd") > self.platformMoveTime = config.getParameter("platformMoveTime") 13c13 < if not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then --- > if not object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then 15c15 < elseif entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > elseif object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then 56c56 < entity.setAnimationState("moving", "off") --- > animator.setAnimationState("moving", "off") 58c58 < entity.setAnimationState("moving", "on") --- > animator.setAnimationState("moving", "on") 63,64c63,64 < entity.resetTransformationGroup("platform") < entity.translateTransformationGroup("platform", pos) --- > animator.resetTransformationGroup("platform") > animator.translateTransformationGroup("platform", pos) 67c67 < entity.playSound("changeDir") --- > animator.playSound("changeDir") objects\wired\persistentswitch\persistentswitch.object 6c6 < "description" : "Switches and stays switched.", --- > "description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", 12a13,15 > "floranDescription" : "Once triggered this sswitch will remain in its sswitched ssstate.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > 38,39c41,42 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0], [-1, -1] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0], [-1, -1] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\projectiletrap\projectiletrap.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/vec2.lua" > 7c9 < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled( --- > object.setSoundEffectEnabled( 9,14c11,17 < self.fireTime = entity.configParameter("fireTime", 1) < self.fireTimeVariance = entity.configParameter("fireTimeVariance", 0) < self.projectile = entity.configParameter("projectile") < self.projectileConfig = entity.configParameter("projectileConfig", {}) < self.projectilePosition = entity.configParameter("projectilePosition", {0, 0}) < self.projectileDirection = entity.configParameter("projectileDirection", {1, 0}) --- > self.fireTime = config.getParameter("fireTime", 1) > self.fireTimeVariance = config.getParameter("fireTimeVariance", 0) > self.projectile = config.getParameter("projectile") > self.projectileConfig = config.getParameter("projectileConfig", {}) > self.projectilePosition = config.getParameter("projectilePosition", {0, 0}) > self.projectileDirection = config.getParameter("projectileDirection", {1, 0}) > self.inaccuracy = config.getParameter("inaccuracy", 0) 16c19 < self.projectilePosition = entity.toAbsolutePosition(self.projectilePosition) --- > self.projectilePosition = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.projectilePosition) 33c36 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 38,39c41,43 < entity.playSound("shoot") < world.spawnProjectile(self.projectile, self.projectilePosition,, self.projectileDirection, false, self.projectileConfig) --- > animator.playSound("shoot") > local projectileDirection = vec2.rotate(self.projectileDirection, sb.nrand(self.inaccuracy, 0)) > world.spawnProjectile(self.projectile, self.projectilePosition,, projectileDirection, false, self.projectileConfig) 43c47 < local active = (not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) or entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > local active = (not object.isInputNodeConnected(0)) or object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 48,51c52,55 < entity.setAnimationState("trapState", "on") < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("activeLightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) < entity.playSound("on"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("trapState", "on") > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("activeLightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) > animator.playSound("on"); 53,56c57,60 < entity.setAnimationState("trapState", "off") < entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("inactiveLightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) < entity.playSound("off"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("trapState", "off") > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("inactiveLightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) > animator.playSound("off"); objects\wired\proximitysensor\invisibleproximitysensor.object 34c34 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\proximitysensor\proximitysensor.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2,5c4,8 < self.detectEntityTypes = entity.configParameter("detectEntityTypes") < self.detectBoundMode = entity.configParameter("detectBoundMode", "CollisionArea") < local detectArea = entity.configParameter("detectArea") < local pos = entity.position() --- > self.detectEntityTypes = config.getParameter("detectEntityTypes") > self.detectBoundMode = config.getParameter("detectBoundMode", "CollisionArea") > self.detectDamageTeam = config.getParameter("detectDamageTeam") > local detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > local pos = object.position() 20,22c23,25 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true)) < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true)) > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") 27,29c30,33 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < self.triggerTimer = entity.configParameter("detectDuration") --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) > self.triggerTimer = config.getParameter("detectDuration") 44a49,62 > > if self.detectDamageTeam then > entityIds = util.filter(entityIds, function (entityId) > local entityDamageTeam = world.entityDamageTeam(entityId) > if self.detectDamageTeam.type and self.detectDamageTeam.type ~= entityDamageTeam.type then > return false > end > if and ~= then > return false > end > return true > end) > end > 48,49c66,68 < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") --- > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") objects\wired\proximitysensor\proximitysensor.object 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "Watch your step!", < "shortdescription" : "Proximity Sensor", --- > "description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran dance for thing!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A proximity sensor.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran know to be careful around thisss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. A proximity sensor.", 44c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\scanner\scanner.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssscanning eye on the wall. It's looking at me!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssscanning eye on the wall. It's looking at me!", 44c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\shieldgenerator\shieldgenerator.lua 4c4 < self.dungeonId = world.dungeonId(entity.position()) --- > self.dungeonId = world.dungeonId(object.position()) 6c6 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true) and not (entity.inboundNodeCount() > 0 and entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0))) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true) and not (object.inputNodeCount() > 0 and object.isInputNodeConnected(0))) 9c9 < storage.state = entity.configParameter("defaultState", true); --- > storage.state = config.getParameter("defaultState", true); 14,15c14,15 < if entity.outboundNodeCount() > 0 then < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, storage.state) --- > if object.outputNodeCount() > 0 then > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, storage.state) 26c26 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true) and not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0)) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true) and not object.isInputNodeConnected(0)) 29,30c29,30 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) < output(entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0)) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) > output(object.getInputNodeLevel(0)) 38,39c38,39 < if entity.outboundNodeCount() > 0 then < entity.setOutboundNodeLevel(0, storage.state) --- > if object.outputNodeCount() > 0 then > object.setOutputNodeLevel(0, storage.state) 48,49c48,49 < if entity.configParameter("explodeOnSmash") and smash then < world.spawnProjectile(entity.configParameter("explosionProjectile"), vec2.add(entity.position(), entity.configParameter("explosionOffset", {0,0})),, {0,0}) --- > if config.getParameter("explodeOnSmash") and smash then > world.spawnProjectile(config.getParameter("explosionProjectile"), vec2.add(object.position(), config.getParameter("explosionOffset", {0,0})),, {0,0}) 55,57c55,57 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end < entity.playSound("on"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end > animator.playSound("on"); 59,61c59,61 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end < entity.playSound("off"); --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end > animator.playSound("off"); objects\wired\shieldgenerator\shieldgenerator.object 7c7 < "description" : "I know it doesn't LOOK like a shield generator...", --- > "description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", 10a11,12 > "apexDescription" : "A switch. It activates the shield generator.", > "avianDescription" : "This switch generates the shield.", 12c14,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A small switch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This small switch doesn't look that powerful.", > "humanDescription" : "If I flip this switch it will turn the shield generator on and off.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic switch. It can be used to activate the shield generator.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can flip this here switch to toggle the shield generator.", 44c49 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] objects\wired\smallfloorbutton\smallfloorbutton.object 13,14c13,20 < "floranDescription" : "Floran push button!", < "glitchDescription" : "Temptation. A button, begging to be pressed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A button. Its function is unknown. Only one way to find out.", > "avianDescription" : "Why am I always compelled to push buttons?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran push buttonsss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Tempted. A button, begging to be pressed.", > "humanDescription" : "There's a button! I can't not press it!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Buttons are infuriating. Still, I must push it.", > "novakidDescription" : "Why is it always so darn temptin' to push buttons.", > 35c41 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle3fast.animation", --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/proximitysensor/pressureplate3.animation", 41c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\smallwallbutton\smallwallbutton.object 10,11c10,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran just push button!", < "glitchDescription" : "Temptation. A button, begging to be pressed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A button. Its function is unknown. Only one way to find out.", > "avianDescription" : "Why am I always compelled to push buttons?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran push buttonsss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Tempted. A button, begging to be pressed.", > "humanDescription" : "There's a button! I can't not press it!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Buttons are infuriating. Still, I must push it.", > "novakidDescription" : "Why is it always so darn temptin' to push buttons.", 44c49 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\smallwallswitch\smallwallswitch.object 9a10,11 > "apexDescription" : "A switch. It activates something.", > "avianDescription" : "This switch must activate something.", 11c13,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A small switch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This small switch doesn't look that powerful.", > "humanDescription" : "How many times can I flip this switch on and off I wonder.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic switch. It can be used to activate something.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can flip this here switch!", 46,47c51,52 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\smallwallswitch\smallwallswitchlit.object 9a10,11 > "apexDescription" : "A switch. It activates something.", > "avianDescription" : "This switch must activate something.", 11c13,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A small switch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This small switch doesn't look that powerful.", > "humanDescription" : "How many times can I flip this switch on and off I wonder.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic switch. It can be used to activate something.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can flip this here switch!", 51,52c56,57 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], --- > "inputNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\wired\standingturret\standingturret.lua 6,8c6,8 < self.baseOffset = entity.configParameter("baseOffset") < self.basePosition = vec2.add(entity.position(), self.baseOffset) < self.tipOffset = entity.configParameter("tipOffset") --This is offset from BASE position, not object origin --- > self.baseOffset = config.getParameter("baseOffset") > self.basePosition = vec2.add(object.position(), self.baseOffset) > self.tipOffset = config.getParameter("tipOffset") --This is offset from BASE position, not object origin 10,11c10,11 < self.rotationSpeed = util.toRadians(entity.configParameter("rotationSpeed")) < self.offAngle = util.toRadians(entity.configParameter("offAngle", -30)) --- > self.rotationSpeed = util.toRadians(config.getParameter("rotationSpeed")) > self.offAngle = util.toRadians(config.getParameter("offAngle", -30)) 14,17c14,17 < self.targetQueryRange = entity.configParameter("targetQueryRange") < self.targetMinRange = entity.configParameter("targetMinRange") < self.targetMaxRange = entity.configParameter("targetMaxRange") < self.targetAngleRange = util.toRadians(entity.configParameter("targetAngleRange")) --- > self.targetQueryRange = config.getParameter("targetQueryRange") > self.targetMinRange = config.getParameter("targetMinRange") > self.targetMaxRange = config.getParameter("targetMaxRange") > self.targetAngleRange = util.toRadians(config.getParameter("targetAngleRange")) 22,28c22,28 < self.energyRegen = entity.configParameter("energyRegen") < self.maxEnergy = entity.configParameter("maxEnergy") < self.energyRegenBlock = entity.configParameter("energyRegenBlock") < < self.energyBarOffset = entity.configParameter("energyBarOffset") < self.verticalScaling = entity.configParameter("verticalScaling") < entity.translateTransformationGroup("energy", self.energyBarOffset) --- > self.energyRegen = config.getParameter("energyRegen") > self.maxEnergy = config.getParameter("maxEnergy") > self.energyRegenBlock = config.getParameter("energyRegenBlock") > > self.energyBarOffset = config.getParameter("energyBarOffset") > self.verticalScaling = config.getParameter("verticalScaling") > animator.translateTransformationGroup("energy", self.energyBarOffset) 31c31 < entity.setInteractive(false) --- > object.setInteractive(false) 64,66c64,66 < entity.resetTransformationGroup("energy") < entity.scaleTransformationGroup("energy", scale) < entity.translateTransformationGroup("energy", self.energyBarOffset) --- > animator.resetTransformationGroup("energy") > animator.scaleTransformationGroup("energy", scale) > animator.translateTransformationGroup("energy", self.energyBarOffset) 68c68 < entity.setAnimationState("energy", animationState) --- > animator.setAnimationState("energy", animationState) 75,76c75,77 < entity.setAnimationState("attack", "dead") < entity.playSound("powerDown") --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "dead") > animator.playSound("powerDown") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 79c80 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", self.offAngle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", self.offAngle) 85c86 < entity.playSound("powerUp") --- > animator.playSound("powerUp") 91c92 < entity.setAnimationState("attack", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "idle") 93c94,95 < entity.playSound("scan") --- > animator.playSound("scan") > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 97,98c99,100 < local scanInterval = entity.configParameter("scanInterval") < local scanAngle = util.toRadians(entity.configParameter("scanAngle")) --- > local scanInterval = config.getParameter("scanInterval") > local scanAngle = util.toRadians(config.getParameter("scanAngle")) 111c113 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", scanAngle * math.sin(timer * math.pi*2)) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", scanAngle * math.sin(timer * math.pi*2)) 123,124c125,127 < entity.setAnimationState("attack", "attack") < entity.playSound("foundTarget") --- > animator.setAnimationState("attack", "attack") > animator.playSound("foundTarget") > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 126c129 < local maxFireAngle = util.toRadians(entity.configParameter("maxFireAngle")) --- > local maxFireAngle = util.toRadians(config.getParameter("maxFireAngle")) 137c140 < local targetAngle = math.atan(toTarget[2], entity.direction() * toTarget[1]) --- > local targetAngle = math.atan(toTarget[2], object.direction() * toTarget[1]) 142c145 < entity.rotateGroup("gun", targetAngle) --- > animator.rotateGroup("gun", targetAngle) 144c147 < local rotation = entity.currentRotationAngle("gun") --- > local rotation = animator.currentRotationAngle("gun") 167,168c170,171 < if entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then < return entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) --- > if object.isInputNodeConnected(0) then > return object.getInputNodeLevel(0) 176,178c179,181 < local animationPosition = vec2.div(entity.configParameter("animationPosition"), 8) < local fireOffset = vec2.add(animationPosition, entity.partPoint("gun", "projectileSource")) < return vec2.add(entity.position(), fireOffset) --- > local animationPosition = vec2.div(config.getParameter("animationPosition"), 8) > local fireOffset = vec2.add(animationPosition, animator.partPoint("gun", "projectileSource")) > return vec2.add(object.position(), fireOffset) 184c187 < local power = entity.configParameter("power", 2) --- > local power = config.getParameter("power", 2) 186,188c189,191 < local fireTime = entity.configParameter("fireTime", 0.1) < local projectileParameters = entity.configParameter("projectileParameters", {}) < local energyUsage = entity.configParameter("energyUsage") --- > local fireTime = config.getParameter("fireTime", 0.1) > local projectileParameters = config.getParameter("projectileParameters", {}) > local energyUsage = config.getParameter("energyUsage") 193,194c196,197 < local rotation = entity.currentRotationAngle("gun") < local aimVector = {entity.direction() * math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation)} --- > local rotation = animator.currentRotationAngle("gun") > local aimVector = {object.direction() * math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation)} 196c199 < entity.playSound("fire") --- > animator.playSound("fire") 209c212 < local targetAngle = math.atan(toTarget[2], entity.direction() * toTarget[1]) --- > local targetAngle = math.atan(toTarget[2], object.direction() * toTarget[1]) 212c215 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\wired\standingturret\standingturret.object 13d12 < "containerCallback" : "containerCallback", 22c21 < [ [ "circuitboard", 1, { } ], [ "laserdiode", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "siliconboard", 1, { } ], [ "wire", 1, { } ] ] 28c27 < "glitchDescription" : "Care. Must not disrupt my brother in his vigilance.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. Must not disrupt my brother in his vigilance.", 30a30 > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like this thing sure could do some damage!", 150,151c150,151 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], 165c165 < "targetAngleRange" : 45, --- > "targetAngleRange" : 75, objects\wired\switch\persistentswitch.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true)) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true)) 4c4 < output(entity.configParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) --- > output(config.getParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) 18c18 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) 27,30c27,30 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 32,35c32,35 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end > animator.playSound("off"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) objects\wired\switch\switch.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 4c4 < output(entity.configParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) --- > output(config.getParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) 25,29c25,29 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(true) > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 31,35c31,35 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end < entity.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end > object.setSoundEffectEnabled(false) > animator.playSound("off"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) objects\wired\switch\switchwithinput.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true)) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true)) 4c4 < output(entity.configParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) --- > output(config.getParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) 29,32c29,32 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor(entity.configParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {0, 0, 0, 0})) end > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 34,37c34,37 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < if not (entity.configParameter("alwaysLit")) then entity.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > if not (config.getParameter("alwaysLit")) then object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) end > animator.playSound("off"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 42c42 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) and not storage.triggered then --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(0) and not storage.triggered then 45c45 < elseif storage.triggered and not entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > elseif storage.triggered and not object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then objects\wired\switch\switchwithinputalwayslit.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(entity.configParameter("interactive", true)) --- > object.setInteractive(config.getParameter("interactive", true)) 4c4 < output(entity.configParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) --- > output(config.getParameter("defaultSwitchState", false)) 25,27c25,27 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") < entity.playSound("on"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(true) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "on") > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(true) 29,31c29,31 < entity.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") < entity.playSound("off"); < entity.setAllOutboundNodes(false) --- > animator.setAnimationState("switchState", "off") > animator.playSound("off"); > object.setAllOutputNodes(false) 36c36 < if entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) and not storage.triggered then --- > if object.getInputNodeLevel(0) and not storage.triggered then 39c39 < elseif storage.triggered and not entity.getInboundNodeLevel(0) then --- > elseif storage.triggered and not object.getInputNodeLevel(0) then objects\wired\tinywallbutton\tinywallbutton.object 10,11c10,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran just push button!", < "glitchDescription" : "Temptation. A button, begging to be pressed.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A button. Its function is unknown. Only one way to find out.", > "avianDescription" : "Why am I always compelled to push buttons?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran push buttonsss!", > "glitchDescription" : "Tempted. A button, begging to be pressed.", > "humanDescription" : "There's a button! I can't not press it!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Buttons are infuriating. Still, I must push it.", > "novakidDescription" : "Why is it always so darn temptin' to push buttons.", 44c49 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wired\tinywallswitch\tinywallswitch.object 9a10,11 > "apexDescription" : "A switch. It activates something.", > "avianDescription" : "This tiny switch must activate something.", 11c13,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A small switch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This small switch doesn't look that powerful.", > "humanDescription" : "How many times can I flip this switch on and off I wonder.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A basic switch. It can be used to activate something.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can flip this here switch!", 45c50 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], --- > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], objects\wreck\wreckbed\wreckbed.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "I do not wish to sleep here.", < "floranDescription" : "Hsss russsty.", < "glitchDescription" : "Fearful. Rust! Run!", --- > "avianDescription" : "Not a very inviting place to sleep.", > "floranDescription" : "A russsty bed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. Rust!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "You'd have to be pretty darn tired to want to sleep here.", 25,26c26 < "regeneration1", < "nude" --- > "bed1" objects\wreck\wreckboiler\wreckboiler.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "An old water heater. It's rusted on the outside.", < "avianDescription" : "Watermarks stain the inside.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly old water inssside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A water heater full of holes.", < "humanDescription" : "There's still a little water left inside. It smells terrible.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Full of corrupt water.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An old, rusted water heater.", > "avianDescription" : "This boiler is past its best.", > "floranDescription" : "An old russty boiler tank.", > "glitchDescription" : "Melancholy. This boiler will leak once the rust wears through.", > "humanDescription" : "The water left inside this boiler smells terrible.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An old boiler tank full of fetid water.", > "novakidDescription" : "A worthless, rusted boiler.", objects\wreck\wreckchair\wreckchair.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Full of sskittering inssects.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This chair is infested.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Full of sskittering insects.", > "glitchDescription" : "Appalled. This chair is infested.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A disgusting, old chair.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A disgustingly dirty old chair.", > "novakidDescription" : "This chair is full o' bugs!", objects\wreck\wreckconsole1\wreckconsole1.object 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "A console .It doesn't work.", < "floranDescription" : "Consssole is broken.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interfacing. Failed.", < "humanDescription" : "This doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It's broken.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A console. It doesn't work.", > "floranDescription" : "This consssole is broken.", > "glitchDescription" : "Upset. This console is broken and useless.", > "humanDescription" : "This console doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console is broken beyond repair.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wrecked console. I wonder if this thing ever worked.", objects\wreck\wreckconsole2\wreckconsole2.object 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Consssole is broken.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interfacing. Failed.", < "humanDescription" : "This doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It's broken.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This consssole is broken.", > "glitchDescription" : "Upset. This console is broken and useless.", > "humanDescription" : "This console doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console is broken beyond repair.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wrecked console. I wonder if this thing ever worked.", objects\wreck\wreckconsole3\wreckconsole3.object 13,16c13,17 < "floranDescription" : "Consssole is broken.", < "glitchDescription" : "Interfacing. Failed.", < "humanDescription" : "This doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", < "hylotlDescription" : "It's broken.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This consssole is broken.", > "glitchDescription" : "Upset. This console is broken and useless.", > "humanDescription" : "This console doesn't work. Half the buttons are missing.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console is broken beyond repair.", > "novakidDescription" : "A wrecked console. I wonder if this thing ever worked.", objects\wreck\wreckcrate1\wreckcrate1.object 12a13 > "health" : 1.5, 15,17c16,18 < "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything still in there?", < "floranDescription" : "Old ssmashed sstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigate. An old storage container.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Could there be anything still in here?", > "floranDescription" : "Old ssmashed storage.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. An old storage container.", 19c20,21 < "hylotlDescription" : "Could any treasures of worth be inside such an old crate?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Could any treasures of worth be concealed in such a ruined crate?", > "novakidDescription" : "Even I ain't sure this crate's worth lookin' in.", 40c42 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\wreck\wreckdoor\wreckdoor.object 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "The door is heavy and rusted.", < "floranDescription" : "Door very heavy. Hard to open.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Rust makes this door creek.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This door is heavy and rusted.", > "floranDescription" : "Heavy door is hard to open.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Rust makes this door creek.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This might have been secure once, before its hinges rusted.", 19a21,24 > > "tooltipKind" : "door", > "largeImage" : "wreckdoor.png:right", > 23a29 > "renderLayer" : "Object+5", 36,37c42,49 < "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], < "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ] --- > "open" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > }, > "close" : { > "pool" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.ogg" ], > "rangeMultiplier" : 0.5 > } 45,46c57,58 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 4] ], > "outputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\wreck\wreckfan\wreckfan.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssspinning has sstopped.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Once this would have supplied clean air.", --- > "floranDescription" : "The fan blades have ssstopped spinning.", > "glitchDescription" : "Dismal. Once this would have supplied fresh air.", 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "This no longer circulates air.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Broken and old, this fan no longer circulates air.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is all rusted, it's good for nothin'.", objects\wreck\wreckgenerator\wreckgenerator.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "Is this how electricity is created?", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange big broken machine.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A broken electrical generator.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A huge electrical generator.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange broken machine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. A broken electrical generator.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This must have kicked out a whole heap of juice before it broke!", objects\wreck\wrecklocker\wrecklocker.object 5c5 < "description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", --- > "description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside...", 11a12 > "health" : 1.5, 13c14 < "apexDescription" : "Could there still be anything inside this thing?", --- > "apexDescription" : "A locker. I wonder if it's empty.", 15,16c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly broken ssstorage.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This locker is not at all secure.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This locker ssmells funny.", > "glitchDescription" : "Inquisitive. Could this locker still have something inside?", 18c19,20 < "hylotlDescription" : "I wouldn't want to store valuables here.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "I wouldn't want to store valuables in here.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't count on anything in there staying there.", 39c41 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest.config", objects\wreck\wreckpanel1\wreckpanel1.object 8c8 < "description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", --- > "description" : "An old input panel. One of the keys has fallen off.", 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "One of the keys is missing.", < "floranDescription" : "Panel very broken.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Completely dead.", < "humanDescription" : "Broken and dirty. I don't think this is going to work.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This panel is past saving.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's an input panel, but it's completely dead.", > "floranDescription" : "This panel isss very broken.", > "glitchDescription" : "Vexed. This input panel is completely dead.", > "humanDescription" : "A broken and dirty input panel. I don't think this is going to work.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This input panel is past saving.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ol' thing is beyond useless now.", objects\wreck\wreckpanel2\wreckpanel2.object 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "One of the keys is missing.", < "floranDescription" : "Panel very broken.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Completely dead.", < "humanDescription" : "Broken and dirty. I don't think this is going to work.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This panel is past saving.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's an input panel, but it's completely dead.", > "floranDescription" : "This panel isss very broken.", > "glitchDescription" : "Vexed. This input panel is completely dead.", > "humanDescription" : "A broken and dirty input panel. I don't think this is going to work.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This input panel is past saving.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ol' thing is beyond useless now.", objects\wreck\wreckscreen\wreckscreen.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssmasshed glasss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Nothing to observe.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmasshed monitor.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. Broken beyond repair.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Somethin' smashed this.", objects\wreck\wrecksmalltable\wrecksmalltable.object 12,16c12,17 < "avianDescription" : "An old table. Could fall down.", < "floranDescription" : "Old table not sstable.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This old table is not very stable.", < "humanDescription" : "This table looks like it might fall over.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This table is old, lacking in balance.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An old table. It's in pretty poor condition.", > "floranDescription" : "Old table is in disssrepair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This old table is in an horrendous state.", > "humanDescription" : "This table is a hunk of junk.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This table is old, broken and unsalvageable.", > "novakidDescription" : "This table's in pretty poor shape.", objects\wreck\wrecksupport\wrecksupport.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "I hope this isn't holding anything up.", --- > "avianDescription" : "I hope this isn't supposed to be holding anything up.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysing. Metal is supporting exactly zero kilograms of weight.", < "humanDescription" : "That doesn't look like it could hold up much weight.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Nervous. This support doesn't seem structurally sound.", > "humanDescription" : "This doesn't look like it could hold up much weight.", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I wouldn't count on this supportin' anythin'.", objects\wreck\wrecktable\wrecktable.object 11,16c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "I guess it still functions... it's a table after all.", < "avianDescription" : "It appears to be hollow.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran hear sssound from insside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Life readings from inside table.", < "humanDescription" : "A strange smell is coming from the table.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I sense something inside the table.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A wreck of a table.", > "avianDescription" : "An old table. It's in pretty poor condition.", > "floranDescription" : "Old table is in disssrepair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This old table is in an horrendous state.", > "humanDescription" : "This table is a hunk of junk.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This table is old, broken and unsalvageable.", > "novakidDescription" : "This table's in pretty poor shape.", objects\wreck\wreckturbine2\wreckturbine2.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "What does this machine do?", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange machine.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigation. This turbine no longer generates power.", --- > "avianDescription" : "It's a turbine... Or it was.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrange machine. Doesn't work.", > "glitchDescription" : "Despondent. This turbine is completely broken down.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A turbine that's rusted still.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A turbine, aged and broken.", > "novakidDescription" : "This thing has been wrecked for a long time.", objects\wreck\wreckturbines\wreckturbines.object 11,14c11,14 < "apexDescription" : "A couple of turbines. I think they're falling over.", < "avianDescription" : "I don't know what these machines are for but they appear to be barely standing.", < "floranDescription" : "Wobbly mysstery machiness.", < "glitchDescription" : "Investigate. Two turbines meant to work in tandem. Neither works now.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A couple of turbines. They look ready to collapse.", > "avianDescription" : "These old turbines are barely standing.", > "floranDescription" : "Wobbly old machiness.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Two turbines meant to work in tandem. Neither functions now.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl use underwater turbines like these to generate power.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The Hylotl use turbines like these to generate power.", > "novakidDescription" : "These are so covered in dust, feels like its been here forever.", objects\wreck\wrecktv\wrecktv.object 19,20c19,20 < "apexDescription" : "I guess it doesn't have a signal.", < "avianDescription" : "A strange monitor. What do the lines mean?", --- > "apexDescription" : "It seems there's no signal.", > "avianDescription" : "Just static.", 22c22 < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. This monitor is receiving no signal.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sad. No signal, just static.", 24c24,25 < "hylotlDescription" : "The monitor lacks an input.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This monitor lacks an input.", > "novakidDescription" : "Nope, nothin' on.", 62c63 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] --- > "inputNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\wreck\wreckvat1\wreckvat1.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssmash ssmash ssmash... uh oh.", < "glitchDescription" : "Scanning. Signs point to a life-form having recently vacated this machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssmash ssmash ssmash... Uh oh.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disturbed. It seems like something vacated this machine.", 16c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "There's a sticky green substance on the broken glass...", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The glass was smashed from inside...", > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't too keen on touching that.", objects\wreck\wreckvendingmachine\wreckvendingmachine.object 11,15c11,15 < "apexDescription" : "An old vending machine. Any food left inside would have long become inedible.", < "avianDescription" : "Some kind of dispenser.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmell of rotten food from insside.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observe. Some type of food dispenser.", < "humanDescription" : "Looks like an old vending machine. Doesn't smell like there's anything I could eat in there.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An old vending machine. Any food left inside would have spoiled long ago.", > "avianDescription" : "I think getting a snack from this vending machine would be a mistake.", > "floranDescription" : "This vending machine ssmells of rotten food.", > "glitchDescription" : "Aghast. This vending machine smells awful!", > "humanDescription" : "An old vending machine! Old treats!", 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't eatin' anythin' that comes outta there.", objects\wreck\wreckvent\wreckvent.object 14,16c14,16 < "floranDescription" : "A crusssty old vent.", < "glitchDescription" : "Robustly. A vent.", < "humanDescription" : "A trusty old vent.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Crusssty old vent.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. A vent.", > "humanDescription" : "A old vent. It's all rusted up.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This ol' vent's seen better days.", objects\wreck\wreckwiresceiling\wreckwiresceiling.object 13,17c13,18 < "avianDescription" : "Damaged copper.", < "floranDescription" : "Broken copper viness.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analyse. These wires are not capable of carrying a current.", < "humanDescription" : "The wires were ripped apart.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Did someone damage these wires on purpose?", --- > "avianDescription" : "Damaged wiring.", > "floranDescription" : "Damaged wires like copper viness.", > "glitchDescription" : "Worried. I hope these wires aren't live.", > "humanDescription" : "Exposed wires! This looks dangerous.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Loose wires ripped from their casing.", > "novakidDescription" : "A bunch o' broken wires.", parallax\surface\tentacles.parallax 21a22,35 > "kind" : "tentaclefarmountains", > "offset" : [0, 135], > "parallax" : 22, > "fadePercent" : 0.375 > }, > > { > "kind" : "tentaclemountains", > "offset" : [0, 140], > "parallax" : 16, > "fadePercent" : 0.2 > }, > > { 23c37 < "offset" : [0, 100], --- > "offset" : [0, 110], 25c39 < "fadePercent" : 0.3 --- > "fadePercent" : 0.11 26a41 > 28,32c43,46 < "kind" : "tentacletakeover", < "offset" : [0, 530], < "parallax" : 5.0, < "directives" : "?brightness=5?saturation=-4", < "fadePercent" : 0.1 --- > "kind" : "tentaclebottom", > "offset" : [0, 270], > "parallax" : 10, > "fadePercent" : 0.05 parallax\surface\volcanic.parallax 76c76 < "kind" : "clouds1", --- > "kind" : "volcanicclouds1", 78c78 < "offset" : [0, 425], --- > "offset" : [0, 320], 108a109,272 > }, > > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 270], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 210], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 190], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 300], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 200], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 360], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 330], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 250], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "volcanicclouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 350], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 > }, > > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 120], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 140], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 150], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 60], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 80], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 100], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 1], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.15 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 20], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 2000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.06 > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 40], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 5000, > "maxSpeed" : 10000, > "fadePercent" : 0.04 particles\blood.particle 4,17c4,17 < "type" : "ember", < "size" : 1.3, < "color" : [210, 0, 0, 255], < "fade" : 0.9, < "initialVelocity" : [13, 8.0], < "finalVelocity" : [16, -19.0], < "approach" : [20, 30], < "timeToLive" : 0.9, < "layer" : "front", < "variance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [13, 3], < "timeToLive" : 1, < "size" : 1.3 < } --- > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1.25, > "color" : [210, 0, 0, 255], > "fade" : 0.9, > "initialVelocity" : [13, 8.0], > "finalVelocity" : [16, -19.0], > "approach" : [20, 30], > "timeToLive" : 0.9, > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [13, 3], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "size" : 1 > } particles\bubbleboost.particle 5c5 < "animation" : "/animations/blinkout/blinkout.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/bubbleboost/bubbleboost.animation", 8c8 < "finalVelocity" : [30, 0], --- > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], 10,11d9 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 2, 13c11 < "size" : 1, --- > "size" : 0.5, 15c13 < "timeToLive" : 1.5, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.7, particles\burningdamagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\burningdustfront.particle 13c13 < "size" : 0.5, --- > "size" : 1.0, particles\coldbreath.particle 10c10 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\daggerblue.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 7c7 < "fade" : 0.9, --- > "fade" : 0.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 0.3, 11,13c11 < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [0, 20], < "timeToLive" : 0.5, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.3, 16,17c14,15 < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "size" : 2.5 --- > "initialVelocity" : [0, 1], > "size" : 1.25 particles\damagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\darkgreyphaseparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 17c17 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1 particles\darkphaseparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 17c17 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1 particles\darkpurplephaseparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 11c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 1, particles\darkredparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 11c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 1.0, particles\dash.particle 9,10d8 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, particles\defaultlightblue.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\defaultmagenta.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 18c18 < "size" : 2.5 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\doublejump.particle 5c5 < "animation" : "/animations/statuseffects/doublejump/doublejump.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/doublejump/doublejump.animation", 11a12,13 > "light" : [70, 100, 140], > "fade" : 0.5, particles\electricdamagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\electricswoosh1.particle 7c7 < "position" : [0.5, 0], --- > "position" : [0, 0], 12a13 > "fullbright" : true, particles\firefly.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\frozenburningdamagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\glowstim.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1, --- > "size" : 1.5, 20c20 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\gravitybubble.particle 10c10 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\gravitybubbledot.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 18c18 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\gravitybubbledotwhite.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 18c18 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\healthcross.particle 10c10 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\healthstim.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1, --- > "size" : 1.5, 20c20 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\icedamagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\javelinred.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 17c17 < "size" : 2.5 --- > "size" : 1.0 particles\jetboots.particle 6c6 < "color" : [255, 201, 14, 255], --- > "color" : [49, 166, 255, 255], 11,12c11,12 < "finalVelocity" : [0, -5], < "approach" : [0, 20], --- > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], > "approach" : [10, 20], 18c18,20 < "size" : 2 --- > "finalVelocity" : [5, 0], > "size" : 2, > "position" : [1, 1] particles\jetboots2.particle 5,6c5,6 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [20, 20, 20, 255], --- > "size" : 1.5, > "color" : [155, 212, 255, 255], 11,12c11,12 < "finalVelocity" : [0, -5], < "approach" : [0, 20], --- > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], > "approach" : [10, 20], 14c14 < "light" : [179, 149, 107], --- > "light" : [100, 130, 170], 18c18,20 < "size" : 2 --- > "finalVelocity" : [5, 0], > "size" : 1.25, > "position" : [1, 1] particles\jetboots3.particle 5,6c5,6 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [255, 92, 15, 255], --- > "size" : 1.5, > "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], 11,12c11,12 < "finalVelocity" : [0, -5], < "approach" : [0, 20], --- > "finalVelocity" : [0, -2], > "approach" : [10, 20], 17c17,19 < "size" : 2 --- > "finalVelocity" : [5, 0], > "size" : 1.25, > "position" : [1, 1] particles\jumpboost.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1, --- > "size" : 1.5, 20c20 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\lightgreyphaseparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 17c17 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\lightpurplephaseparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 11c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 1.25, particles\lightredparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 11c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 1.25, particles\music.particle 4,11c4,11 < "type" : "animated", < "looping" : true, < "animation" : "/animations/music/music.animation", < "position" : [0, 1], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 2], < "light" : [30, 30, 30], < "approach" : [0, 50], < "fade" : 0.5, --- > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/particles/music/note.png", > "flippable" : false, > "position" : [1.3, 1.5], > "size" : 0.5, > "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], > "light" : [0, 0, 0], > "fade" : 0, 13,15c13,19 < "destructionTime" : 0.85, < "size" : 0.6, < "timeToLive" : 0.85, --- > "destructionTime" : 5, > "initialVelocity" : [2.0, -3.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 5.0], > "approach" : [0, 20], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "collidesForeground" : false, 17,19c21,22 < "initialVelocity" : [3.0, 1.0] < }, < "flippable" : false --- > "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0] > } particles\poisondamagenumber.particle 7a8 > "fullbright" : true, particles\runboost.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1, --- > "size" : 1.5, 20c20 < "size" : 2 --- > "size" : 1.25 particles\spacedusttail.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 2.0, 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 17c17 < "size" : 2.5 --- > "size" : 1.5 particles\splashpoison.particle 11c11 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 3, 15c15 < "size" : 3.0, --- > "size" : 2, particles\splashwater.particle 11c11 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 3, 15c15 < "size" : 3.0, --- > "size" : 2.0, particles\waterboost.particle 10c10 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, particles\whiteparticle.particle 5c5 < "size" : 1.0, --- > "size" : 1.5, 11c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 2, --- > "size" : 1, particles\elemental\largecloud\largeicecloud1.particle 19c19,20 < } --- > }, > "collidesForeground" : false particles\elemental\largecloud\largeicecloud2.particle 18c18,19 < } --- > }, > "collidesForeground" : false particles\elemental\largecloud\largeicecloud3.particle 18c18,19 < } --- > }, > "collidesForeground" : false particles\elemental\largecloud\largeicecloud4.particle 15c15,16 < } --- > }, > "collidesForeground" : false particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathember.particle 8,9c8,9 < "fade" : 1, < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "fade" : 1.25, > "destructionTime" : 1, 19c19 < "size" : 1.3 --- > "size" : 1 22c22 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz1left.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz1right.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz2left.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz2right.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz3left.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz3right.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz4left.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\deathfizz4right.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } particles\explosions\deathpoof\monstersplosion.particle 9c9 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, plants\bushes\ground\midnightstone\midnightstone.bush 6c6 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. The howling wind has shaped these stones.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. The howling wind has shaped these stones.", plants\grass\ceiling\decorative\ceilingroots\ceilingroots.grass 4a5 > "scannable" : false, plants\trees\arid\stem\barren\barren.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\arid\stem\old\old.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\arid\stem\skeletal\skeletal.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\arid\stem\stripey\stripey.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\ceilingtest\floweryvine\floweryvine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, 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"logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\cocoa\cocoa.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\fleshy\fleshy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\grumpy\grumpy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\metal\metal.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\pine\pine.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\pineytree\pineytree.modularstem 9,11c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ], < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 4 } ], < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 5 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ], > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 4 } ], > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 5 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\roottree\roottree.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\slimey\slimey.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\slobby\slobby.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\something\something.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\spikey\spikey.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\forest\stem\twisted\twisted.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] 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{ "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\rootvine\rootvine.modularstem 11a12,16 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\rootvine2\rootvine2.modularstem 11a12,16 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\rootvine3\rootvine3.modularstem 11a12,16 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\shadowvine\shadowvine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\slimevine\slimevine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\snowyvine\snowyvine.modularstem 11a12,16 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\sulphurvine\sulphurvine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\swampvine\swampvine.modularstem 11a12,16 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\tarvine\tarvine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\vine\vine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\vine2\vine2.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\vine3\vine3.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\vine4\vine4.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\forestceiling\stems\wildernessvine\wildernessvine.modularstem 9a10,14 > "sounds" : { > "breakTree" : [ > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] > }, plants\trees\geometric\stem\geometricstem\geometricstem.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\giantflowers\foliage\bluepetals\bluepetals.modularfoliage 102c102 < "by" : 0 --- > "by" : -10 plants\trees\icesphere\stem\icespherestem\icesphere.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\jungle\stem\crackly\crackly.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\jungle\stem\oldwood\oldwood.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\jungle\stem\palmlike\palmlike.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\jungle\stem\twisty\twisty.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\jungle\stem\woody\woody.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\magictree\magictree.modularstem 10c10 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 2 }, { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 2 }, { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\molten\stem\ashy\ashy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\molten\stem\coal\coal.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\molten\stem\crispy\crispy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\molten\stem\lava\lava.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\molten\stem\magma\magma.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\prism\stem\purewhite\purewhite.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\rust\stem\rust.modularstem 5c5 < "middleMinSize" : 1, --- > "middleMinSize" : 3, 9c9 < [ { "item" : "metallic", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "metallic", "count" : 2 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\bleak\bleak.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\gloomy\gloomy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\murky\murky.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\savah\savah.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\savannahbleak\savannahbleak.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\savannahgloomy\savannahgloomy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\slabby\slabby.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannah\stem\spiked\spiked.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannahnew\stem\baobab\baobab.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\savannahnew\stem\bleake\bleake.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\seatrees\foliage\kelpy\kelpy.modularfoliage 7c7 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ ] plants\trees\seatrees\stem\kelp\kelp.modularstem 10c10 < [ { "item" : "kelp", "count" : 2 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "kelp", "count" : 1 } ] 14,18c14,15 < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking.ogg" }, < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking_alt.ogg" } < ], < "hitGround" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.ogg" } ], < "damageTree" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_normal.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_tough.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_light.ogg" } ] --- > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] plants\trees\seatrees\stem\seaweed\seaweed.modularstem 3c3 < "shape" : "forest", --- > "shape" : "kelp", 6a7 > "alwaysBranch" : true, 9c10 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "kelp", "count" : 1 } ] 13,17c14,15 < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking.ogg" }, < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking_alt.ogg" } < ], < "hitGround" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.ogg" } ], < "damageTree" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_normal.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_tough.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_light.ogg" } ] --- > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] 73c71 < "bx" : 0, --- > "bx" : -4, 75,76c73,74 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 82c80 < "bx" : 0, --- > "bx" : -5, 84,85c82,83 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 91c89 < "bx" : 0, --- > "bx" : -4, 93,94c91,92 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 97c95 < "base4" : { --- > "base4" : { 100c98 < "bx" : 0, --- > "bx" : -4, 102,103c100,101 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 111,112c109,110 < "bx" : -86, < "by" : -16 --- > "bx" : -6, > "by" : 0 118,119c116,117 < "bx" : -85, < "by" : -16 --- > "bx" : -6, > "by" : 0 125,126c123,124 < "bx" : -85, < "by" : -16 --- > "bx" : -6, > "by" : 0 129c127 < "crown4" : { --- > "crown4" : { 132,133c130,131 < "bx" : -85, < "by" : -16 --- > "bx" : -6, > "by" : 0 141c139 < "bx" : -4, --- > "bx" : -6, 143,144c141,142 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 150c148 < "bx" : -4, --- > "bx" : -6, 152,153c150,151 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 159c157 < "bx" : -5, --- > "bx" : -6, 161,162c159,160 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 170,171c168,179 < "x" : 5, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 6, > "y" : 18 > } > } > }, > "branch" : { > "branch1" : { > "image" : "branch1.png", > "attachment" : { > "bx" : -6, > "by" : 0, > "h" : 18 plants\trees\seatrees\stem\toxickelp\toxickelp.modularstem 10c10 < [ { "item" : "kelp", "count" : 2 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "kelp", "count" : 1 } ] 14,18c14,15 < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking.ogg" }, < { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_breaking_alt.ogg" } < ], < "hitGround" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.ogg" } ], < "damageTree" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_normal.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_tough.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/tools/axe_chop_light.ogg" } ] --- > { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut1.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut2.ogg" }, { "file" : "/sfx/environmental/vine_cut3.ogg" } > ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowbirch\snowbirch.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowcocoa\snowcocoa.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowfleshy\snowfleshy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowgrumpy\snowgrumpy.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowmetal\snowmetal.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowpine\snowpine.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowpinetree\snowpinetree.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowslimey\snowslimey.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowsomething\snowsomething.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowspikey\snowspikey.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowtwisted\snowtwisted.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\snow\stem\snowwood\snowwood.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] plants\trees\steamspring\foliage\steamspring\steamspring.modularfoliage 7c7 < [ { "item" : "copperblock" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "heavypipe" } ] plants\trees\swamp\stem\weeping\weeping.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] 23d22 < "type" : "textured", 126c125 < "h" : 40 --- > "h" : 68 132,134c131,133 < "bx" : -80, < "by" : -9, < "h" : 40 --- > "bx" : -85, > "by" : -15, > "h" : 68 140,142c139,141 < "bx" : -74, < "by" : -6, < "h" : 40 --- > "bx" : -64, > "by" : -5, > "h" : 68 plants\trees\tentacle\stem\tentacletree\tentacletree.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "rawtentacle", "count" : 0 } ] plants\trees\tentacle\stem\tentacletreetwo\tentacletreetwo.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "rawtentacle", "count" : 0 } ] plants\trees\undergroundforest\Stem\underwood\underwood.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "logblock", "count" : 3 } ] player\playereffects.animation 1a2,5 > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > }, > 7c11 < "none" : { }, --- > "none" : {}, 53a58,77 > }, > > "busy" : { > "default" : "none", > > "states" : { > "none" : {}, > > "chatting" : { > "frames" : 3, > "cycle" : 0.75, > "mode" : "loop" > }, > > "menu" : { > "frames" : 3, > "cycle" : 0.25, > "mode" : "loop" > } > } 61c85,86 < "centered" : true --- > "centered" : true, > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"] 68c93 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin2.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin2.png:" 73c98 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout2.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout2.png:" 78c103 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" 83c108 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" 88c113 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpabort.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpabort.png:" 93a119 > 98c124,125 < "offset" : [0, 30] --- > "offset" : [0, 30], > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"] 104c131 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" 109c136,161 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" > } > } > } > } > }, > > "busyIndicator" : { > "properties" : { > "fullbright" : true, > "centered" : true, > "offset" : [0, 3], > "zLevel" : -1 > }, > > "partStates" : { > "busy" : { > "chatting" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "/animations/chatting/chatting.png:" > } > }, > > "menu" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "/animations/chatting/menu.png:" 119a172 > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"], 121,122c174 < { < "count" : 1, --- > { 125d176 < "mode" : "LoopForever", 128,129d178 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 0.4, 131,138c180 < "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [5, 5], < "timeToLive" : 0.4, < "variance" : { < < } --- > "timeToLive" : 0.4 140c182 < } --- > } 144a187 > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"], 146,147c189 < { < "count" : 1, --- > { 150d191 < "mode" : "LoopForever", 153,154d193 < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 0.4, 156,163c195 < "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], < "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [5, 5], < "timeToLive" : 0.4, < "variance" : { < < } --- > "timeToLive" : 0.4 166a199,208 > } > }, > > "sounds" : { > "pickup" : {} > }, > > "transformationGroups" : { > "flip" : { > "interpolated" : false player\stat_primary.animation 20c20 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 42c42 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, projectiles\physics.config 6d5 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 13c12,13 < "speedLimit" : null --- > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 20d19 < "maximumCorrection" : 999, 27c26,27 < "speedLimit" : null --- > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 32a33 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 39c40,41 < "speedLimit" : null --- > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 52c54,55 < "speedLimit" : null --- > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 58a62 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 66c70,71 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 72a78 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 81c87,88 < "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0 --- > "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 87a95 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 95c103,104 < "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0 --- > "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 101a111 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 109c119,120 < "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0 --- > "liquidBuoyancy" : 2.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 115a127 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 118c130 < "collisionPoly" : [ [-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1] ], --- > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5] ], 123c135,136 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 129a143 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 137c151,152 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 143a159 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 151c167,216 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "largeGrenade" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.6, > "bounceFactor" : 0.9, > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "dragonhead" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.6, > "bounceFactor" : 0.7, > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-3, -3], [3, -3], [3, 3], [-3, 3] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "dragonbone" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.6, > "bounceFactor" : 0.7, > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 157a223 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 165c231,232 < "groundFriction" : 0.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 171a239 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 179c247,248 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 185a255 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 193c263,264 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 199a271 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 247a320 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 255c328,329 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 261a336 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 269c344,345 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 283c359,360 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 289a367 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 297c375,376 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 303a383 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 311c391,392 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 313c394 < --- > 317a399 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 325c407,408 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 327c410 < --- > 331a415 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 339c423,424 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 345a431 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 353c439,440 < "groundFriction" : 35.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 35.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 360a448,462 > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.3, -0.1], [0.5, -0.1], [0.3, 0.1], [0.5, 0.1] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "stickyCollision" : true, > "stickyForce" : 20.0, > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "arrownosticky" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.5, > "bounceFactor" : 0.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, 362a465,469 > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, 363a471,477 > "bonethorn" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.5, > "bounceFactor" : 0.6, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.25, -0.25], [0.25, -0.25], [0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, 366c480,481 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 374c489 < "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.25, -0.25], [0.25, -0.25], [0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25] ], --- > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.5, -0.1], [0.7, -0.1], [0.5, 0.1], [0.7, 0.1] ], 375a491,497 > "stickyCollision" : true, > "stickyForce" : 20.0, > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 0.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, 376a499,505 > "underwaterarrownosticky" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.5, > "bounceFactor" : 0.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.25, -0.25], [0.25, -0.25], [0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, 379c508,509 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 385a516 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 393c524,525 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 399a532 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 407c540,541 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 413a548 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 421c556,557 < "groundFriction" : 20.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 20.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 435c571,572 < "groundFriction" : 0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 437c574 < --- > 449c586,587 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 455a594 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 463c602,603 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 465c605 < --- > 469a610 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 477c618,635 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "wallsticky" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.0, > "stickyCollision" : true, > "stickyForce" : 50.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.3, -0.3], [0.3, -0.3], [0.3, 0.3], [-0.3, 0.3] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 1.0, > "liquidFriction" : 1.0, > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 492c650,651 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 507c666,667 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 522c682,683 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 535c696,697 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 548c710,711 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 554a718 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 562c726,727 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 568a734 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 576c742,743 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 590c757,758 < "groundFriction" : 0.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 601c769,770 < "liquidFriction" : 0.0 --- > "liquidFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 615c784,785 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 621a792 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 629c800,801 < "groundFriction" : 5.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 5.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 642c814,815 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 647a821 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 655c829,830 < "liquidFriction" : 0.0 --- > "liquidFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 661a837 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 669c845,846 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 675a853 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 683c861,862 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 698c877,878 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 710c890,891 < "liquidFriction" : 0.0 --- > "liquidFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 723c904,905 < "liquidFriction" : 0.0 --- > "liquidFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 736c918,919 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 749c932,933 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 762c946,947 < "groundFriction" : 2.5 --- > "groundFriction" : 2.5, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 775c960,961 < "groundFriction" : 2.5 --- > "groundFriction" : 2.5, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 777c963 < --- > 781a968 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 789c976,977 < "groundFriction" : 20.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 20.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 795a984 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 803c992,993 < "groundFriction" : 0.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 809a1000 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 819c1010,1011 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 833c1025,1026 < "groundFriction" : 0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 847c1040,1041 < "groundFriction" : 0 --- > "groundFriction" : 0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 853a1048 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 861c1056,1057 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 867a1064 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 875c1072,1073 < "groundFriction" : 1.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 880a1079 > "stopOnFirstBounce" : true, 887c1086,1087 < "speedLimit" : null --- > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 898c1098,1112 < "liquidFriction" : 10 --- > "liquidFriction" : 10, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "rocketillusion" : { > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.0, > "bounceFactor" : 0.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > "collisionPoly" : [ ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "groundFriction" : 0, > "airFriction" : 0.2, > "liquidFriction" : 0.2, > "speedLimit" : null, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 913c1127,1157 < "groundFriction" : 15.0 --- > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "ballisticgrapplehook" : { > "mass" : 1.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 1.0, > "stickyCollision" : true, > "stickyForce" : 50.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [0.25, 0], [0.9, 0.3], [1.1, 0], [0.9, -0.3] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 8.0, > "groundFriction" : 15.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 > }, > > "torpedo" : { > "gravityMultiplier" : 1.0, > "bounceFactor" : 0.0, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > "collisionPoly" : [ [-3.0, -0.5], [3.0, -0.5], [3.0, 0.5], [-3.0, 0.5] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "groundFriction" : 20, > "airFriction" : 0.2, > "liquidFriction" : 3, > "liquidBuoyancy" : 1.0, > "maximumCorrection" : 0.75 projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\boomerang.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "boomerang.png", --- > "image" : "boomerang.png", projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\boomerangprojectile.lua 4,11c4,11 < self.returning = config.configParameter("returning", false) < self.returnOnHit = config.configParameter("returnOnHit", false) < self.controlForce = config.configParameter("controlForce") < self.pickupDistance = config.configParameter("pickupDistance") < self.snapDistance = config.configParameter("snapDistance") < self.timeToLive = config.configParameter("timeToLive") < self.speed = config.configParameter("speed") < self.ignoreTerrain = config.configParameter("ignoreTerrain") --- > self.returning = config.getParameter("returning", false) > self.returnOnHit = config.getParameter("returnOnHit", false) > self.controlForce = config.getParameter("controlForce") > self.pickupDistance = config.getParameter("pickupDistance") > self.snapDistance = config.getParameter("snapDistance") > self.timeToLive = config.getParameter("timeToLive") > self.speed = config.getParameter("speed") > self.ignoreTerrain = config.getParameter("ignoreTerrain") 12a13 > self.minVelocity = config.getParameter("minVelocity", 0.2) 26c27 < --- > 29c30 < if (not self.ignoreTerrain and mcontroller.isColliding()) or vec2.mag(mcontroller.velocity()) < 0.2 then --- > if (not self.ignoreTerrain and mcontroller.isColliding()) or vec2.mag(mcontroller.velocity()) < self.minVelocity then 36,37c37 < elseif projectile.timeToLive() < self.timeToLive * 0.5 < or vec2.mag(toTarget) < self.snapDistance then --- > elseif projectile.timeToLive() < self.timeToLive * 0.5 then 39a40,41 > elseif vec2.mag(toTarget) < self.snapDistance then > mcontroller.approachVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toTarget), self.speed), 500) 59c61 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\fireboomerang.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireboomerang.png", --- > "image" : "fireboomerang.png", 15c15 < "damageKind" : "fire", --- > "damageKind" : "firehammer", projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\iceboomerang.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "iceboomerang.png", --- > "image" : "iceboomerang.png", projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarang.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lunarang.png", --- > "image" : "lunarang.png", projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarangprojectile.lua 6,7c6,7 < self.shardCount = config.configParameter("shardCount", 1) < self.shardType = config.configParameter("shardType") --- > self.shardCount = config.getParameter("shardCount", 1) > self.shardType = config.getParameter("shardType") 17,18c17,18 < params.powerMultiplier = config.configParameter("powerMultiplier", 1.0) < params.power = config.configParameter("power") / self.shardCount --- > params.powerMultiplier = config.getParameter("powerMultiplier", 1.0) > params.power = config.getParameter("power") / self.shardCount 45c45 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\lunarangshard.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lunarangshard.png", --- > "image" : "lunarangshard.png", projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\wormerang.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "wormerang.png", --- > "image" : "wormerang.png", 14d13 < "loop" : true, projectiles\activeitems\boomerang\wormerangprojectile.lua 7,8c7,8 < self.wobbleRate = config.configParameter("wobbleRate") < self.wobbleIntensity = config.configParameter("wobbleIntensity") --- > self.wobbleRate = config.getParameter("wobbleRate") > self.wobbleIntensity = config.getParameter("wobbleIntensity") 15c15 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\chakram\chakram.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "chakram.png", --- > "image" : "chakram.png", projectiles\activeitems\chakram\chakramprojectile.lua 4,8c4,8 < self.returning = config.configParameter("returning", false) < self.returnOnHit = config.configParameter("returnOnHit", false) < self.pickupDistance = config.configParameter("pickupDistance") < self.timeToLive = config.configParameter("timeToLive") < self.speed = config.configParameter("speed") --- > self.returning = config.getParameter("returning", false) > self.returnOnHit = config.getParameter("returnOnHit", false) > self.pickupDistance = config.getParameter("pickupDistance") > self.timeToLive = config.getParameter("timeToLive") > self.speed = config.getParameter("speed") 11,12c11,12 < self.maxDistance = config.configParameter("maxDistance") < self.stickTime = config.configParameter("stickTime", 0) --- > self.maxDistance = config.getParameter("maxDistance") > self.stickTime = config.getParameter("stickTime", 0) 25c25 < elseif mcontroller.isSticking() then --- > elseif mcontroller.stickingDirection() then 55c55 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\chakram\hardchakram.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hardchakram.png", --- > "image" : "hardchakram.png", projectiles\activeitems\chakram\hoverchakramprojectile.lua 4,8c4,8 < self.returning = config.configParameter("returning", false) < self.returnOnHit = config.configParameter("returnOnHit", false) < self.pickupDistance = config.configParameter("pickupDistance") < self.timeToLive = config.configParameter("timeToLive") < self.speed = config.configParameter("speed") --- > self.returning = config.getParameter("returning", false) > self.returnOnHit = config.getParameter("returnOnHit", false) > self.pickupDistance = config.getParameter("pickupDistance") > self.timeToLive = config.getParameter("timeToLive") > self.speed = config.getParameter("speed") 11,12c11,12 < self.hoverMaxDistance = config.configParameter("hoverMaxDistance") < self.hoverTime = config.configParameter("hoverTime") --- > self.hoverMaxDistance = config.getParameter("hoverMaxDistance") > self.hoverTime = config.getParameter("hoverTime") 15c15 < local aimPosition = config.configParameter("ownerAimPosition") --- > local aimPosition = config.getParameter("ownerAimPosition") 61c61 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\chakram\neochakram.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "neochakram.png", --- > "image" : "neochakram.png", projectiles\activeitems\chakram\sawchakram.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "sawchakram.png", --- > "image" : "sawchakram.png", 14c14 < "damageKind" : "dagger", --- > "damageKind" : "sawblade", projectiles\activeitems\delaybullet\delaybullet.lua 4c4 < self.delayTimer = config.configParameter("delayTime") --- > self.delayTimer = config.getParameter("delayTime") 11c11 < self.delayTime = nil --- > self.delayTimer = nil 18,19c18,19 < mcontroller.setVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(mcontroller.velocity()), config.configParameter("triggerSpeed"))) < end \ No newline at end of file --- > mcontroller.setVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(mcontroller.velocity()), config.getParameter("triggerSpeed"))) > end projectiles\activeitems\delaybullet\delaybullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "delaybullet.png", --- > "image" : "delaybullet.png", projectiles\activeitems\fuelaircloud\fuelaircloud.lua 2,3c2,3 < self.chainProjectile = config.configParameter("chainProjectile") < self.igniteAction = config.configParameter("igniteAction") --- > self.chainProjectile = config.getParameter("chainProjectile") > self.igniteAction = config.getParameter("igniteAction") 19c19 < if projectile.timeToLive() < config.configParameter("cutoffTime") then return end --- > if projectile.timeToLive() < config.getParameter("cutoffTime") then return end 24,25c24,25 < self.chainTimer = config.configParameter("chainTime") < end \ No newline at end of file --- > self.chainTimer = config.getParameter("chainTime") > end projectiles\activeitems\fuelaircloud\fuelaircloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fuelaircloud.png", --- > "image" : "fuelaircloud.png", 13a14 > "damageKind" : "fire", projectiles\activeitems\fuelaircloud\fuelairignition.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fuelairignition.png", --- > "image" : "fuelairignition.png", 14c14 < --- > "damageKind" : "fire", projectiles\activeitems\grapplehook\grapplehook.lua 9c9 < if mcontroller.isSticking() and projectile.timeToLive() > 0 then --- > if mcontroller.stickingDirection() and projectile.timeToLive() > 0 then 18c18 < return mcontroller.isSticking() --- > return mcontroller.stickingDirection() 23c23 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\grapplehook\grapplehook.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "grapplehook.png", --- > "image" : "grapplehook.png", 11c11 < "speed" : 60, --- > "speed" : 100, 20c20,40 < "scripts" : [ "grapplehook.lua" ] --- > "scripts" : [ "grapplehook.lua" ], > > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact1.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact2.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact3.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact4.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact5.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact6.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact7.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact8.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact9.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact10.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact11.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/ropehook_impact12.ogg" > ] > } > ] projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\electricguidedrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricguidedrocket.png", --- > "image" : "electricguidedrocket.png", projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\fireguidedrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireguidedrocket.png", --- > "image" : "fireguidedrocket.png", projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\guidedrocket.lua 5,6c5,6 < self.trailProjectile = config.configParameter("trailProjectile") < self.trailDistance = config.configParameter("trailDistance") --- > self.trailProjectile = config.getParameter("trailProjectile") > self.trailDistance = config.getParameter("trailDistance") 10a11,13 > local targetOffset = self.targetDirection > local currentAngle = math.atan(mcontroller.velocity()[2], mcontroller.velocity()[1]) > 12,13c15,18 < local currentAngle = math.atan(mcontroller.velocity()[2], mcontroller.velocity()[1]) < local targetOffset = world.distance(self.targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) --- > targetOffset = world.distance(self.targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > end > > if targetOffset then 18,19c23,24 < if math.abs(angleDelta) <= config.configParameter("maxTrackingAngle") then < local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -config.configParameter("rotationRate") * dt, config.configParameter("rotationRate") * dt) --- > if math.abs(angleDelta) <= config.getParameter("maxTrackingAngle") then > local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -config.getParameter("rotationRate") * dt, config.getParameter("rotationRate") * dt) 32c37,41 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > function setTargetDirection(direction) > self.targetDirection = direction > end projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\guidedrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "guidedrocket.png", --- > "image" : "guidedrocket.png", projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\iceguidedrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "iceguidedrocket.png", --- > "image" : "iceguidedrocket.png", projectiles\activeitems\guidedrocket\poisonguidedrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonguidedrocket.png", --- > "image" : "poisonguidedrocket.png", projectiles\activeitems\pillar\electricpillar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricpillar.png", --- > "image" : "electricpillar.png", projectiles\activeitems\pillar\firepillar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "firepillar.png", --- > "image" : "firepillar.png", projectiles\activeitems\pillar\icepillar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icepillar.png", --- > "image" : "icepillar.png", projectiles\activeitems\pillar\pillarspawner.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\activeitems\pillar\poisonpillar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonpillar.png", --- > "image" : "poisonpillar.png", projectiles\activeitems\remotegrenade\remotegrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "remotegrenade.png", --- > "image" : "remotegrenade.png", projectiles\activeitems\remotegrenade\remotestickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "remotestickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "remotestickygrenade.png", projectiles\activeitems\traildash\electrictrail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electrictrail.png", --- > "image" : "electrictrail.png", projectiles\activeitems\traildash\firetrail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "firetrail.png", --- > "image" : "firetrail.png", projectiles\activeitems\traildash\icetrail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icetrail.png", --- > "image" : "icetrail.png", projectiles\activeitems\traildash\poisontrail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisontrail.png", --- > "image" : "poisontrail.png", projectiles\activeitems\traildash\wormtrail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "wormtrail.png", --- > "image" : "wormtrail.png", projectiles\activeitems\translocatordisc\translocatordisc.lua 21c21 < local resolvedPoint = world.resolvePolyCollision(collidePoly, vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), config.configParameter("teleportOffset")), config.configParameter("teleportTolerance")) --- > local resolvedPoint = world.resolvePolyCollision(collidePoly, vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), config.getParameter("teleportOffset")), config.getParameter("teleportTolerance")) 39c39 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\activeitems\translocatordisc\translocatordisc.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "translocatordisc.png", --- > "image" : "translocatordisc.png", 27c27 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 53c53 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalbeamdamage.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystallaser.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystallaser.png", --- > "image" : "crystallaser.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard1.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard1.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard2.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard2.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard3.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard3.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard4.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard4.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard5.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard5.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard5.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\crystalshard6.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "crystalshard6.png", --- > "image" : "crystalshard6.png", projectiles\boss\crystalboss\moontantspawn.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "moontantspawn.png", --- > "image" : "moontantspawn.png", projectiles\boss\robotboss\robotshock.projectile 3,6c3,21 < "frames" : "/projectiles/guns/grenades/shock/shock.png", < "animationCycle" : 1, < "frameNumber" : 11, < "power" : 50, --- > "physics" : "laser", > "timeToLive" : 5, > "image" : "/projectiles/activeitems/staff/elementbouncer/electricbouncer.png", > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "lightColor" : [70, 30, 110], > "frameNumber" : 4, > "periodicActions" : [ ], > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/elementimpact/electricimpact.config" > } > ], > "actionOnReap" : [ > { > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/elementimpact/electricimpact.config" > } > ], 8,11c23,31 < "timeToLive" : 1, < "damagePoly" : [ [-12, 0], [-8, -8], [0, -12], [8, -8], [12, 0], [8, 8], [0, 12], [-8, 8] ], < "lightColor" : [95, 186, 236], < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "power" : 30, > "piercing" : true, > "damageKind" : "electric", > "damagePoly" : [ [-6, 0], [-4, -4], [0, -6], [4, -4], [6, 0], [4, 4], [0, 6], [-4, 4] ], > "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ], > > "fullbright" : true, > > "bounces" : 0 projectiles\boss\spiderboss\acidsweep.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "acidsweep.png", --- > "image" : "acidsweep.png", projectiles\boss\spiderboss\ixolingspawn.lua 13c13 < world.spawnMonster("ixoling", mcontroller.position(), { level = config.configParameter("level", 1.0) } ) --- > world.spawnMonster("ixoling", mcontroller.position(), { level = config.getParameter("level", 1.0), aggressive = true } ) 19c19 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\boss\spiderboss\ixolingspawn.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ixolingspawn.png", --- > "image" : "ixolingspawn.png", projectiles\boss\spiderboss\spiderslam.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spiderslam.png", --- > "image" : "spiderslam.png", projectiles\explosions\acidexplosion\acidexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "acidexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "acidexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\bigboulderexplosion\bigboulderexplosion.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "bigboulderexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bigboulderexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\bombblockexplosion\bombblockexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bombblockexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bombblockexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\bonechain1\bonechain1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bonechain1.png", --- > "image" : "bonechain1.png", projectiles\explosions\bonechain2\bonechain2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bonechain2.png", --- > "image" : "bonechain2.png", projectiles\explosions\bonechain3\bonechain3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bonechain3.png", --- > "image" : "bonechain3.png", projectiles\explosions\bonedustexplosion\bonedustexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bonedustexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bonedustexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\bouldersmashexplosion\bouldersmashexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bouldersmashexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bouldersmashexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\bouldersmashexplosion\bouldersmashexplosionuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bouldersmashexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bouldersmashexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\electricburstexplosion.config 7c7,10 < "type" : "electricburstexplosion" --- > "type" : "electricburstexplosion", > "config" : { > "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ] > } projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\electricburstexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burstexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "burstexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\fireburstexplosion.config 7c7,10 < "type" : "fireburstexplosion" --- > "type" : "fireburstexplosion", > "config" : { > "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ] > } 77c80 < "options" : [ --- > "options" : [ 108c111 < "options" : [ --- > "options" : [ 141c144 < "color" : "blue" --- > "color" : "orange" projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\fireburstexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burstexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "burstexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\iceburstexplosion.config 7c7,10 < "type" : "iceburstexplosion" --- > "type" : "iceburstexplosion", > "config" : { > "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ] > } projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\iceburstexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burstexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "burstexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\poisonburstexplosion.config 7c7,10 < "type" : "poisonburstexplosion" --- > "type" : "poisonburstexplosion", > "config" : { > "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ] > } 126c129 < "color" : "blue" --- > "color" : "green" projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\poisonburstexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burstexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "burstexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\burstfire\burstfire.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burstfire.png", --- > "image" : "burstfire.png", projectiles\explosions\cellexplosion\cellexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "cellexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "cellexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\coconutexplosion\coconutbreak.config 11c11,18 < "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/fire_out_louder.ogg" ] --- > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak1.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak2.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak3.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak4.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak5.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/coconutbreak6.ogg" > ] projectiles\explosions\coconutexplosion\coconutbreak.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "coconutbreak.png", --- > "image" : "coconutbreak.png", projectiles\explosions\defensiveexplosion\defensiveexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "defensiveexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "defensiveexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\dungeonpodexplosion\dungeonpodexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "dungeonpodexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "dungeonpodexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\electricexplosion\electricexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "electricexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\electricplasmaexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\electricplasmaexplosionstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", 11c11,12 < "damageKind" : "electricplasma", --- > "damageKind" : "NoDamage", > "onlyHitTerrain" : true, projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\fireplasmaexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\fireplasmaexplosionstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", 11c11,12 < "damageKind" : "fireplasma", --- > "damageKind" : "NoDamage", > "onlyHitTerrain" : true, projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\iceplasmaexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\iceplasmaexplosionstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", 11c11,12 < "damageKind" : "iceplasma", --- > "damageKind" : "NoDamage", > "onlyHitTerrain" : true, projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\physicalexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\physicalexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\poisonplasmaexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\explosions\elementalexplosions\poisonplasmaexplosionstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", 11c11,12 < "damageKind" : "poisonplasma", --- > "damageKind" : "NoDamage", > "onlyHitTerrain" : true, projectiles\explosions\featherexplosion\featherexplosion.config 40c40 < "options" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/gust1.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/gust2.ogg", "/sfx/npc/unique/gust3.ogg" ] --- > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/gust1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gust2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/gust3.ogg" ] projectiles\explosions\fireexplosion\fireexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "fireexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\friendlyboneexplosion\friendlyboneexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "friendlyboneexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "friendlyboneexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\generatorexplosion\generatorexplosion.config 264,268d263 < < < < < 277,286d271 < /* < { < "action" : "explosion", < "foregroundRadius" : 4, < "backgroundRadius" : 0, < "explosiveDamageAmount" : 140, < "delaySteps" : 2 < } < */ < projectiles\explosions\generatorexplosion\generatorexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "generatorexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "generatorexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\giganticsnowballexplosion\giganticsnowballexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "giganticsnowballexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "giganticsnowballexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\glitchexplosion\glitchexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "glitchexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "glitchexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\blueglobeexplosion\blueglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "blueglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "blueglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\greenglobeexplosion\greenglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "greenglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "greenglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\magentaglobeexplosion\magentaglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "magentaglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "magentaglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\orangeglobeexplosion\orangeglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "orangeglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "orangeglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\redglobeexplosion\redglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "redglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "redglobeexplosion.png", 13c13 < "damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, --- > //"damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\whiteglobeexplosion\whiteglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "whiteglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "whiteglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\globeexplosions\yellowglobeexplosion\yellowglobeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "yellowglobeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "yellowglobeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\grenadeexplosion\grenadeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "grenadeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "grenadeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\healingexplosion\healcloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "healcloud.png", --- > "image" : "healcloud.png", projectiles\explosions\hivebombexplosion\hivebombexplosion1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hivebombexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "hivebombexplosion.png", 7a8 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\explosions\hivebombexplosion\hivebombexplosion2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hivebombexplosion2.png", --- > "image" : "hivebombexplosion2.png", 7a8 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\explosions\hivebombexplosion\hivebombexplosion3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hivebombexplosion3.png", --- > "image" : "hivebombexplosion3.png", 7a8 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\explosions\hivebombexplosion\hivebombexplosion4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hivebombexplosion4.png", --- > "image" : "hivebombexplosion4.png", 7a8 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\explosions\lightblockexplosion\lightblockexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightblockexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "lightblockexplosion.png", 11c11 < "damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, --- > //"damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, projectiles\explosions\meteorexplosion\meteorexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meteorexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "meteorexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\molotovexplosion\molotovexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "molotovexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "molotovexplosion.png", 12c12 < "damageKind" : "default", --- > "damageKind" : "fire", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosionblue\paintexplosionblue.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosionblue.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosionblue.png", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosiongreen\paintexplosiongreen.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosiongreen.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosiongreen.png", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosionorange\paintexplosionorange.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosionorange.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosionorange.png", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosionpurple\paintexplosionpurple.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosionpurple.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosionpurple.png", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosionred\paintexplosionred.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosionred.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosionred.png", projectiles\explosions\paintexplosionyellow\paintexplosionyellow.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintexplosionyellow.png", --- > "image" : "paintexplosionyellow.png", projectiles\explosions\plasmaexplosion2\plasmaexplosion2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "plasmaexplosion2.png", --- > "image" : "plasmaexplosion2.png", projectiles\explosions\poexplosion\poexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "poexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\poisonsmoke\poisonsmoke.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonsmoke.png", --- > "image" : "poisonsmoke.png", projectiles\explosions\pulsecannonexplosion\pulsecannonexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pulsecannonexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "pulsecannonexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\pulsecannonexplosion\pulsecannonexplosionuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pulsecannonexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "pulsecannonexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion\regularexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion\regularexplosionspawner.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion\regularexplosionuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\electricexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "electricexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\fireexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "fireexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\iceexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "iceexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "iceexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\poisonexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "poisonexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\regularexplosion2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosion2.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosion2.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\regularexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosion2.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosion2.png", projectiles\explosions\regularexplosionnospark\regularexplosionnospark.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "regularexplosionnospark.png", --- > "image" : "regularexplosionnospark.png", projectiles\explosions\robotwake\robotwake.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "robotwake.png", --- > "image" : "robotwake.png", projectiles\explosions\rocketexplosion\rocketexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rocketexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "rocketexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\slimeexplosion\slimeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "slimeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "slimeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\smallpoisonexplosion\smallpoisonexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smallpoisonexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "smallpoisonexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\smallpoisonexplosion\smallpoisonexplosionuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smallpoisonexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "smallpoisonexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\smallregularexplosion\smallregularexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "smallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\smallregularexplosion\smallregularexplosionuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "smallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\smoke\smoke.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smoke.png", --- > "image" : "smoke.png", projectiles\explosions\smokeexplosion\smokeexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smokeexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "smokeexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\snowballexplosion\snowballexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snowballexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "snowballexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\splashexplosion1\splashexplosion1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "splashexplosion1.png", --- > "image" : "splashexplosion1.png", projectiles\explosions\starcleaverboom\starcleaverboom.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "starcleaverboom.png", --- > "image" : "starcleaverboom.png", projectiles\explosions\tarexplosion\tarexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "tarexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "tarexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\targetexplosion\targetexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "targetexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "targetexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\vlightblockexplosion\vlightblockexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bombblockexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "bombblockexplosion.png", 11c11 < "damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, --- > //"damageTeam" : { "type" : "indiscriminate" }, projectiles\explosions\vsmallregularexplosion\vsmallregularexplosion.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\vsmallregularexplosion\vsmallregularexplosionknockback.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\vsmallregularexplosion\vsmallregularexplosionnodamage.config 6c6 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0, projectiles\explosions\vsmallregularexplosion\vsmallregularexplosionnodamage.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\vsmallregularexplosion\vsmallregularexplosionnosound.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", --- > "image" : "vsmallregularexplosion.png", projectiles\explosions\watersplash\watersplash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "watersplash.png", --- > "image" : "watersplash.png", projectiles\fire\firefinish\firefinish.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firefinish.png", --- > "image" : "firefinish.png", projectiles\fire\firepart1\firepart1.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firepart1.png", --- > "image" : "firepart1.png", projectiles\fire\firepart2\firepart2.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firepart2.png", --- > "image" : "firepart2.png", projectiles\fire\firepart3\firepart3.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firepart3.png", --- > "image" : "firepart3.png", projectiles\fire\firepart4\firepart4.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firepart4.png", --- > "image" : "firepart4.png", projectiles\fire\firepart5\firepart5.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firepart5.png", --- > "image" : "firepart5.png", projectiles\fishing\fishinglure.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fishinglure.png", --- > "image" : "fishinglure.png", projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedarrow\chargedarrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedarrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedarrow.png", 9c9,10 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 14c15 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 17a19,20 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedflamearrow\chargedflamearrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedflamearrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedflamearrow.png", 13c13,16 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedfrozenflamearrow\chargedfrozenflamearrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedfrozenflamearrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedfrozenflamearrow.png", 12c12,15 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedheartarrow\chargedheartarrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedheartarrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedheartarrow.png", 9c9,10 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 14c15 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 17a19,20 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedicearrow\chargedicearrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedicearrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedicearrow.png", 9c9 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/cold.png", --- > "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/ice.png", 12c12,15 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 19,20c22,106 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break3.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break4.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break5.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break6.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break7.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break8.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break9.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break10.ogg" ] > }, > { > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 4, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/shards/iceshard.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [5, 5], > "timeToLive" : 1 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/statuseffects/frozen/frozen.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.425, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "timeToLive" : 0.3 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/frozendust2/frozendust2.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.425, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "timeToLive" : 0.3 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1.5, > "color" : [99, 216, 232, 255], > "fade" : 0.9, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "light" : [13, 70, 79], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "size" : 0.5, > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "fade" : 0.3 > } > } > } > ] projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedironarrow\chargedironarrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedironarrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedironarrow.png", 9c9,10 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 14c15 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 17a19,20 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedlightarrow\chargedlightarrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedlightarrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedlightarrow.png", 11c11,12 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 15c16 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 18a20,21 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedpoisonarrow\chargedpoisonarrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedpoisonarrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedpoisonarrow.png", 7,9c7,8 < "emitters" : [ "poisondrip" ], < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/poison.png", < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 11a11 > "emitters" : [ "poisondrip" ], 18c18 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 21a22,23 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedpurplearrow\chargedpurplearrow.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "chargedpurplearrow.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "chargedpurplearrow.png", 9c9,10 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 14c15 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 17a19,20 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\flamearrow\flamearrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "flamearrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "flamearrow.png", 10,16c18,21 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ] projectiles\guns\arrows\flamebolt\flamebolt.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "flamebolt.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "flamebolt.png", 8,10c16,18 < "emitters" : [ "flames" ], < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/fire.png", < "damageKind" : "bow", --- > "emitters" : [ "flamesfast" ], > "damageKind" : "firebow", > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 11a20,21 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 13c23 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 20, 17,22d26 < ], < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } projectiles\guns\arrows\frozenflamearrow\frozenflamearrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "frozenflamearrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "frozenflamearrow.png", 10,16c18,21 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ] projectiles\guns\arrows\harpoon\chargedharpoon.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "underwaterarrow", < "frames" : "harpoon.png", --- > "physics" : "underwaterarrownosticky", > "image" : "harpoon.png", 14c14 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 17a18 > "knockback" : 20, projectiles\guns\arrows\harpoon\harpoon.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "harpoon.png", --- > "image" : "harpoon.png", 7d6 < "damageKindImage" : "icon.png", 13c12 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/arrowexplosion/arrowexplosion.config" 16a16 > "knockback" : 5, projectiles\guns\arrows\heartarrow\heartarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "heartarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "heartarrow.png", 8c16,17 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 10,15d18 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ], 16a20,21 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\heckarrow\heckarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "heckarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "heckarrow.png", 8c16,17 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 10,15d18 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ], 16a20,21 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\icearrow\icearrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "icearrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "icearrow.png", 10,16c18,21 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ] projectiles\guns\arrows\icebolt\icebolt.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "icebolt.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "icebolt.png", 8,9c8 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/cold.png", < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, 11c10 < "light" : [13, 70, 79], --- > "lightColor" : [13, 70, 79], 12a12,13 > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 14c15,16 < "damageKind" : "default", --- > "damageKind" : "icebow", > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 20,21c22,106 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break3.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break4.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break5.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break6.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break7.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break8.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break9.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/ice_barrier_break10.ogg" ] > }, > { > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 4, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/shards/iceshard.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [5, 5], > "timeToLive" : 1 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/statuseffects/frozen/frozen.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.425, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "timeToLive" : 0.3 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/frozendust2/frozendust2.animation", > "size" : 0.5, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.425, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "timeToLive" : 0.3 > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1.5, > "color" : [99, 216, 232, 255], > "fade" : 0.9, > "approach" : [30, 30], > "light" : [13, 70, 79], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [1.5, 1.5], > "size" : 0.5, > "timeToLive" : 0.3, > "fade" : 0.3 > } > } > } > ] projectiles\guns\arrows\ironarrow\ironarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "ironarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "ironarrow.png", 8a17,18 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 10,17c20,22 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "pointLight" : false, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], > "pointLight" : false projectiles\guns\arrows\lightarrow\lightarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "lightarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "lightarrow.png", 9,15c17,18 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ], --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], 16a20,21 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, projectiles\guns\arrows\poisonarrow\poisonarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "poisonarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "poisonarrow.png", 7c15,20 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/poison.png", --- > "pointLight" : true, > "lightColor" : [48, 79, 13], > "emitters" : [ "poisonplasma" ], > "statusEffects" : [ > "weakpoison" > ], 8a22,23 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 10,16c25,26 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ] projectiles\guns\arrows\poisonbolt\poisonbolt.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "poisonbolt.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "poisonbolt.png", 7,10c15,19 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/poison.png", < "timeToLive" : 30, < "pointLight" : true, < "lightColor" : [48, 79, 13], --- > "damageKind" : "poisonbow", > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], > "timeToLive" : 10, > // "pointLight" : true, > // "lightColor" : [48, 79, 13], 14,19d22 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ], 21,22c24,26 < "speed" : 100, < "damageKind" : "bow" --- > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "speed" : 100 projectiles\guns\arrows\purplearrow\purplearrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "purplearrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "purplearrow.png", 8a17,18 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 10,17c20,22 < "timeToLive" : 30, < "pointLight" : false, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "timeToLive" : 10, > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], > "pointLight" : false projectiles\guns\arrows\woodenarrow\woodenarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "woodenarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "woodenarrow.png", 8a17,18 > "knockback" : 10, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, 10c20 < "timeToLive" : 30, --- > "timeToLive" : 10, 12,17c22 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ] --- > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ] projectiles\guns\arrows\woodenbolt\woodenbolt.projectile 4,10c4 < "frames" : "woodenbolt.png", < "animationCycle" : 0.25, < "frameNumber" : 1, < "damageKindImage" : "icon.png", < "timeToLive" : 30, < "pointLight" : false, < "actionOnReap" : [ --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ 12,13c6,9 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] 15a12,18 > "image" : "woodenbolt.png", > "animationCycle" : 0.25, > "frameNumber" : 1, > "damageKind" : "bow", > "damagePoly" : [ [8, -0.2], [8.5, -0.2], [8.5, 0.2], [8, 0.2] ], > "timeToLive" : 10, > "pointLight" : false, 17,18c20,22 < "speed" : 100, < "damageKind" : "bow" --- > "knockback" : 20, > "knockbackDirectional" : true, > "speed" : 100 projectiles\guns\bullets\airburst\airburst.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburst.png", --- > "image" : "airburst.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\airburst\airburstbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburst.png", --- > "image" : "airburst.png", 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstelectric\airburstelectric.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstelectric.png", --- > "image" : "airburstelectric.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstelectric\airburstelectricbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstelectric.png", --- > "image" : "airburstelectric.png", 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/electricburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/electricburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstfire\airburstfire.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstfire.png", --- > "image" : "airburstfire.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstfire\airburstfirebullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstfire.png", --- > "image" : "airburstfire.png", 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/fireburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/fireburstexplosion.config" > } projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstice\airburstice.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstice.png", --- > "image" : "airburstice.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstice\airbursticebullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstice.png", --- > "image" : "airburstice.png", 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/iceburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/iceburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstpoison\airburstpoison.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstpoison.png", --- > "image" : "airburstpoison.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstpoison\airburstpoisonbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "airburstpoison.png", --- > "image" : "airburstpoison.png", 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/poisonburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/poisonburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\bonethorn\bonethorn.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "bonethorn.png", --- > "physics" : "bonethorn", > "image" : "bonethorn.png", 17c17 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "poisonbullet" projectiles\guns\bullets\bouncybullet\bouncybullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bouncybullet.png", --- > "image" : "bouncybullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-1\bullet-1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bullet-1.png", --- > "image" : "bullet-1.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-2\bullet-2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bullet-2.png", --- > "image" : "bullet-2.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-3\bullet-3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bullet-3.png", --- > "image" : "bullet-3.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\bullet-4\bullet-4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bullet-4.png", --- > "image" : "bullet-4.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\cactusthorns\cactusthorns.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "cactusthorns.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "cactusthorns.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\carhorn\carhorn.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "carhorn.png", --- > "image" : "carhorn.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\chainbullet\chainbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "chainbullet.png", --- > "image" : "chainbullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\chainbullet\chainbullet2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "chainbullet.png", --- > "image" : "chainbullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\delayed\delayed.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "delayed.png", --- > "image" : "delayed.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\explosivebullet\explosivebullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "explosivebullet.png", --- > "image" : "explosivebullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\explosivebullet\piercingexplosivebullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "explosivebullet.png", --- > "image" : "explosivebullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\fast\fast.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fast.png", --- > "image" : "fast.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\needlerthorns\needlerthorns.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "needlerthorns.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "needlerthorns.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballblue\paintballblue.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballblue.png", --- > "image" : "paintballblue.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballgreen\paintballgreen.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballgreen.png", --- > "image" : "paintballgreen.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballorange\paintballorange.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballorange.png", --- > "image" : "paintballorange.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballpurple\paintballpurple.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballpurple.png", --- > "image" : "paintballpurple.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballred\paintballred.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballred.png", --- > "image" : "paintballred.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\paintballyellow\paintballyellow.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "paintballyellow.png", --- > "image" : "paintballyellow.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\pellet\pellet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pellet.png", --- > "image" : "pellet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\piercingbullet\piercingbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "piercingbullet.png", --- > "image" : "piercingbullet.png", 18c18 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "standardbullet" projectiles\guns\bullets\splitbullet\splitbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "splitbullet.png", --- > "image" : "splitbullet.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\standardbullet\standardbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "standardbullet.png", --- > "image" : "standardbullet.png", 7c7 < "damageKindImage" : "icon.png", --- > "damageKind" : "standardbullet", 19,20c19 < "knockback" : 0, < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "knockback" : 0 projectiles\guns\bullets\stickybullet\stickybullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "stickybullet.png", --- > "image" : "stickybullet.png", 20c20,28 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "default", > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_bullet.ogg" > ] > } > ] projectiles\guns\bullets\stingergunsting\stingergunsting.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "stingergunsting.png", --- > "image" : "stingergunsting.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\trishot\trishot.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trishot.png", --- > "image" : "trishot.png", projectiles\guns\bullets\turretbullet\turretbullet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "turretbullet.png", --- > "image" : "turretbullet.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largeelectriccloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "largeelectriccloud.png", --- > "image" : "largeelectriccloud.png", 16c16 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largefirecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "largefirecloud.png", --- > "image" : "largefirecloud.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largeicecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "largeicecloud.png", --- > "image" : "largeicecloud.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\largecloud\largepoisoncloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "largepoisoncloud.png", --- > "image" : "largepoisoncloud.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\smallcloud\smallelectriccloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\smallcloud\smallfirecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\smallcloud\smallicecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\guns\clouds\smallcloud\smallpoisoncloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "/projectiles/invisibleprojectile/invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\acidgrenade\acidgrenade.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "acidgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "acidgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\acidgrenadecluster\acidgrenadecluster.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "acidgrenadecluster.png", --- > "image" : "acidgrenadecluster.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\bomb\bomb.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bomb.png", --- > "image" : "bomb.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\bouncycluster\bouncycluster.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "bouncycluster.png", --- > "image" : "bouncycluster.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\bouncyclustergrenade\bouncyclustergrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "bouncyclustergrenade.png", --- > "image" : "bouncyclustergrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\cloudgrenade\electriccloudgrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "electriccloudgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electriccloudgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\cloudgrenade\firecloudgrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firecloudgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "firecloudgrenade.png", 47c47 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\guns\grenades\cloudgrenade\icecloudgrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "icecloudgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "icecloudgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\cloudgrenade\poisoncloudgrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "poisoncloudgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisoncloudgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\cluster\cluster.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "cluster.png", --- > "image" : "cluster.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\clustergrenade\clustergrenade.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "clustergrenade.png", --- > "image" : "clustergrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\fruitthorn\fruitthorn.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fruitthorn.png", --- > "image" : "fruitthorn.png", 8a9 > "speed" : 100, projectiles\guns\grenades\gravitybomb\gravitybomb.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "gravitybomb.png", --- > "image" : "gravitybomb.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\electricplasmagrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "electricplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\electricplasmagrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "electricplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\fireplasmagrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "fireplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\fireplasmagrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "fireplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\grenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "grenade.png", --- > "image" : "grenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\iceplasmagrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "iceplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\iceplasmagrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "iceplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\poisonplasmagrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "poisonplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\poisonplasmagrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "poisonplasmagrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmagrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\grenadeimpact\grenadeimpact.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "grenadeimpact.png", --- > "image" : "grenadeimpact.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\electricplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "electricplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\electricplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "electricplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\fireplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "fireplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\fireplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "fireplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\iceplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "iceplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\iceplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "iceplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\impactgrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "impactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "impactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\poisonplasmaimpactgrenadestatus.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmaimpactgrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\marioball\marioball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "marioball.png", --- > "image" : "marioball.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\mouse\mouse.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "mouse.png", --- > "image" : "mouse.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\nail\nail.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "nail.png", --- > "image" : "nail.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\nailbomb\nailbomb.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "nailbomb.png", --- > "image" : "nailbomb.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\pig\pig.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pig.png", --- > "image" : "pig.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\pill\pill.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "pill.png", --- > "image" : "pill.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\electricproximitymine.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "electricproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "electricproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\electricproximityminestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "electricproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "electricproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\fireproximitymine.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "fireproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "fireproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\fireproximityminestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "fireproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "fireproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\iceproximitymine.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "iceproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "iceproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\iceproximityminestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "iceproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "iceproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\poisonproximitymine.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "poisonproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\poisonproximityminestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonproximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "poisonproximitymine.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\proximitymines\proximitymine.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "proximitymine.png", --- > "image" : "proximitymine.png", 25c25 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\guns\grenades\shock\shock.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "shock.png", --- > "image" : "shock.png", 14c14,15 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], > "damageKind" : "electric" projectiles\guns\grenades\shockbomb\shockbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "shockbomb.png", --- > "image" : "shockbomb.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\shrapnelbomb\shrapnel.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "shrapnel.png", --- > "image" : "shrapnel.png", 21c21 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "shotgunbullet" projectiles\guns\grenades\shrapnelbomb\shrapnelbomb.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "shrapnelbomb.png", --- > "image" : "shrapnelbomb.png", 16a17,25 > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/bullet_ricochet6.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bullet_ricochet7.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bullet_ricochet12.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bullet_ricochet13.ogg" > ] > }, > { 121,143d129 < /* < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "shrapnel", < "fuzzAngle" : 5, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.625, < "angleAdjust" : 160 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "shrapnel", < "fuzzAngle" : 5, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.625, < "angleAdjust" : 200 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "shrapnel", < "fuzzAngle" : 5, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.625, < "angleAdjust" : 180 < } < */ 146,149c132 < "damageKind" : "default" < < //"damageType" : "NoDamage", < //"onlyHitTerrain" : true --- > "damageKind" : "shotgunbullet" projectiles\guns\grenades\spikeball\spikeball.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spikeball.png", --- > "image" : "spikeball.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\splitter\splitter.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "splitter.png", --- > "image" : "splitter.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\electricstickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "electricstickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricstickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\electricstickygrenadestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "electricstickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "electricstickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\firestickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "firestickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "firestickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\firestickygrenadestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "firestickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "firestickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\icestickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "icestickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "icestickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\icestickygrenadestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "icestickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "icestickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\poisonstickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonstickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonstickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\poisonstickygrenadestatus.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonstickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "poisonstickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\grenades\stickygrenade\stickygrenade.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "stickygrenade.png", --- > "image" : "stickygrenade.png", projectiles\guns\orbitaltest\orbitaldown\orbitaldown.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "orbitaldown.png", --- > "image" : "orbitaldown.png", projectiles\guns\orbitaltest\orbitallaunch\orbitallaunch.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "orbitallaunch.png", --- > "image" : "orbitallaunch.png", projectiles\guns\orbitaltest\orbitalup\orbitalup.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "orbitalup.png", --- > "image" : "orbitalup.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\blueplasmabullet\blueplasmabullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "blueplasmabullet.png", --- > "image" : "blueplasmabullet.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainelectricplasma.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "electricplasma.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainelectricplasma2.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "electricplasma.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "electrified" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainfireplasma.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "fireplasma.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainfireplasma2.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "fireplasma.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "burning" ], 21a22 > projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainiceplasma.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "iceplasma.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainiceplasma2.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "iceplasma.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "frostslow" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainpoisonplasma.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "poisonplasma.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\chainplasma\chainpoisonplasma2.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "poisonplasma.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasma.png", 18c18 < "statusEffects" : [ ], --- > "statusEffects" : [ "weakpoison" ], projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\electricplasma\electricplasma.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "electricplasma.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasma.png", 21c21 < "damageKind" : "electricplasma" --- > "damageKind" : "electricplasmabullet" projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\fireplasma\fireplasma.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireplasma.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasma.png", 21c21 < "damageKind" : "fireplasma" --- > "damageKind" : "fireplasmabullet" projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\greenplasmabullet\greenplasmabullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "greenplasmabullet.png", --- > "image" : "greenplasmabullet.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\iceplasma\iceplasma.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "iceplasma.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasma.png", 21c21 < "damageKind" : "iceplasma" --- > "damageKind" : "iceplasmabullet" projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma1\plasma1.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma1.png", --- > "image" : "plasma1.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma2\plasma2.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma2.png", --- > "image" : "plasma2.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma3\plasma3.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma3.png", --- > "image" : "plasma3.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma4\plasma4.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma4.png", --- > "image" : "plasma4.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma4green\plasma4green.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma4green.png", --- > "image" : "plasma4green.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasma4pink\plasma4pink.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasma4pink.png", --- > "image" : "plasma4pink.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasmabouncer\plasmabouncer.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasmabouncer.png", --- > "image" : "plasmabouncer.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\plasmabullet\plasmabullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "plasmabullet.png", --- > "image" : "plasmabullet.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\poisonplasma\poisonplasma.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "poisonplasma.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasma.png", 21c21 < "damageKind" : "poisonplasma" --- > "damageKind" : "poisonplasmabullet" projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\spinningplasmabullet\spinningplasmabullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "spinningplasmabullet.png", --- > "image" : "spinningplasmabullet.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\stickyplasma\stickyplasma.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "stickyplasma.png", --- > "image" : "stickyplasma.png", projectiles\guns\plasmabullets\yellowplasmabullet\yellowplasmabullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "yellowplasmabullet.png", --- > "image" : "yellowplasmabullet.png", projectiles\guns\rockets\homingrocket\homingrocket.lua 4,5c4,5 < self.controlForce = config.configParameter("controlForce") < self.maxSpeed = config.configParameter("maxSpeed") --- > self.controlForce = config.getParameter("controlForce") > self.maxSpeed = config.getParameter("maxSpeed") 9c9,13 < mcontroller.setRotation(math.atan(mcontroller.velocity()[2], mcontroller.velocity()[1])) --- > if and world.entityExists( then > self.targetPosition = world.entityPosition( > else > setTarget(nil) > end 11,13d14 < if and world.entityExists( then < self.targetPosition = world.entityPosition( < end 15c16 < gravityEnabled = false --- > gravityEnabled = false 20a22 > mcontroller.setRotation(math.atan(mcontroller.velocity()[2], mcontroller.velocity()[1])) 30c32 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\guns\rockets\homingrocket\homingrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "homingrocket.png", --- > "image" : "homingrocket.png", 12c12 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionknockback.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" projectiles\guns\rockets\minirocket\minirocket.lua 6,7c6,7 < self.maxSpeed = config.configParameter("maxSpeed") < self.controlForce = config.configParameter("controlForce") --- > self.maxSpeed = config.getParameter("maxSpeed") > self.controlForce = config.getParameter("controlForce") 17c17 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end projectiles\guns\rockets\minirocket\minirocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "minirocket.png", --- > "image" : "minirocket.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\brokenglassslide\brokenglassslide.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "brokenglassslide.png", --- > "image" : "brokenglassslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\chinaslide\chinaslide.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "chinaslide.png", --- > "image" : "chinaslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\crystalslide\crystalslide.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "crystalslide.png", --- > "image" : "crystalslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\glassslide\glassslide.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "glassslide.png", --- > "image" : "glassslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\glowslide\glowslide.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "glowslide.png", --- > "image" : "glowslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\goldslide\goldslide.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "goldslide.png", --- > "image" : "goldslide.png", projectiles\guns\shattergunslides\plasticslide\plasticslide.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "plasticslide.png", --- > "image" : "plasticslide.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\blowdart\blowdart.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "blowdart.png", --- > "image" : "blowdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "gravitybullet", projectiles\guns\unsorted\brainbullet\brainbullet.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "brainbullet.png", --- > "image" : "brainbullet.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\brainshock\brainshock.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "brainshock.png", --- > "image" : "brainshock.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\bustershot\bustershot.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "bustershot.png", --- > "image" : "bustershot.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap1\cellzap1.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "cellzap1.png", --- > "image" : "cellzap1.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap2\cellzap2.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "cellzap2.png", --- > "image" : "cellzap2.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap3\cellzap3.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "cellzap3.png", --- > "image" : "cellzap3.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap4\cellzap4.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "cellzap4.png", --- > "image" : "cellzap4.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\cellzaps\cellzap5\cellzap5.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "cellzap5.png", --- > "image" : "cellzap5.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\chargedbustershot\chargedbustershot.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "chargedbustershot.png", --- > "image" : "chargedbustershot.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdart.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "deathbombdart.png", --- > "image" : "deathbombdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "laser", projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdartelectric.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "deathbombdart.png", --- > "image" : "deathbombdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "laser", 20c20 < "deathbombelectric" --- > "deathbombelectric", "electrified" projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdartfire.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "deathbombdart.png", --- > "image" : "deathbombdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "laser", 20c20 < "deathbombfire" --- > "deathbombfire", "burning" projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdartice.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "deathbombdart.png", --- > "image" : "deathbombdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "laser", 20c20 < "deathbombice" --- > "deathbombice", "frostslow" projectiles\guns\unsorted\deathbombdart\deathbombdartpoison.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "deathbombdart.png", --- > "image" : "deathbombdart.png", 5c5 < "physics" : "arrow", --- > "physics" : "laser", 20c20 < "deathbombpoison" --- > "deathbombpoison", "weakpoison" projectiles\guns\unsorted\diamondshard\diamondshard.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "diamondshard.png", --- > "image" : "diamondshard.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\electricplasmarocket\electricplasmarocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\electricplasmarocket\electricplasmarocketstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "electricplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\electro\electro.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electro.png", --- > "image" : "electro.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\energyjavelin\energyjavelin.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "energyjavelin.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "energyjavelin.png", 6a7 > "lightColor" : [235, 126, 2], 16a18 > "knockback" : 20, 18c20 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "bow" projectiles\guns\unsorted\fireplasmarocket\fireplasmarocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\fireplasmarocket\fireplasmarocketstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "fireplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\flamethrower\flamethrower.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "flamethrower.png", --- > "image" : "flamethrower.png", 7c7,10 < "frameNumber" : 12, --- > "frameNumber" : 9, > "winddownFrames" : 3, > "intangibleWinddown" : true, > 10c13 < "timeToLive" : 0.98, --- > "timeToLive" : 1.0, projectiles\guns\unsorted\freezesquirt\freezesquirt.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "freezesquirt.png", --- > "image" : "freezesquirt.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\iceplasmarocket\iceplasmarocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "iceplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\iceplasmarocket\iceplasmarocketstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "iceplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "iceplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\icethrower\icethrower.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icethrower.png", --- > "image" : "icethrower.png", 16c16 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/cold.png", --- > "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/ice.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\javelin\javelin.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "javelin.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "javelin.png", 17c17,20 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "knockback" : 20, > "damageKind" : "bow", > "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ], > "damagePoly" : [ [-12, -1], [14, -1], [14, 3], [-12, 3] ] projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\blueglobe\blueglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "blueglobe.png", --- > "image" : "blueglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\greenglobe\greenglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "greenglobe.png", --- > "image" : "greenglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\magentaglobe\magentaglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "magentaglobe.png", --- > "image" : "magentaglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\orangeglobe\orangeglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "orangeglobe.png", --- > "image" : "orangeglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\orangeglobemini\orangeglobemini.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "orangeglobemini.png", --- > "image" : "orangeglobemini.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\redglobe\redglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "redglobe.png", --- > "image" : "redglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\whiteglobe\whiteglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "whiteglobe.png", --- > "image" : "whiteglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightglobes\yellowglobe\yellowglobe.projectile 9c9 < "frames" : "yellowglobe.png", --- > "image" : "yellowglobe.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightning2\lightning2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightning2.png", --- > "image" : "lightning2.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightningthrower\lightningthrower.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightningthrower.png", --- > "image" : "lightningthrower.png", 17c17,69 < "emitters" : [ "lightningthrowertrail" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "electricplasmapurple" ], > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0.3, > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 2, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/sparkles/sparkle6.animation", > "position" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1.5, 1.5], > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.85, > "fade" : 1, > "size" : 0.8, > "layer" : "front", > "timeToLive" : 0.35, > "variance" : { > "size" : 0.2, > "position" : [1.2, 1.0], > "initialVelocity" : [2.0, 2.0] > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/energybeamimpact/energybeamimpact.animation", > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 7.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 3.0], > "approach" : [0.3, 60], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "back", > "size" : 0.6, > "collidesForeground" : true, > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "size" : 0.2, > "initialVelocity" : [5, 3], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "rotation" : 180, > "angularVelocity" : 180 > } > } > } > ] > } > ] projectiles\guns\unsorted\poisonplasmarocket\poisonplasmarocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\poisonplasmarocket\poisonplasmarocketstatus.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonplasmarocket.png", --- > "image" : "poisonplasmarocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\poisonthrower\poisonthrower.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonthrower.png", --- > "image" : "poisonthrower.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\pollenpumpgas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pollenpumpgas.png", --- > "image" : "pollenpumpgas.png", 17d16 < "damageType" : "ignoresdef", projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\pollenpumpgasspray.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pollenpumpgas.png", --- > "image" : "pollenpumpgas.png", 16d15 < "damageType" : "ignoresdef", projectiles\guns\unsorted\reed\reed.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "physics" : "arrow", < "frames" : "reed.png", --- > "physics" : "arrownosticky", > "image" : "reed.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\rocket\rocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rocket.png", --- > "image" : "rocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\rocket\rocketshell.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rocket.png", --- > "image" : "rocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\rocket\rocketuniversal.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rocket.png", --- > "image" : "rocket.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\shuriken\shuriken.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "shuriken.png", --- > "image" : "shuriken.png", projectiles\guns\unsorted\squirt\squirt.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "squirt.png", --- > "image" : "squirt.png", 11c11 < "damagePoly" : [ [-9, 0], [-6, -6], [0, -9], [6, -6], [9, 0], [6, 6], [0, 9], [-6, 6] ], --- > "damagePoly" : [ [-4, 0], [0, 4], [4, 0], [0, -4] ], 16c16 < "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 1 } ], --- > "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 0.2 } ], projectiles\guns\unsorted\tarblob\tarblob.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "tarblob.png", --- > "image" : "tarblob.png", projectiles\homingarrow\homingarrow.lua 5c5 < self.controlForce = config.configParameter("baseHomingControlForce") * self.targetSpeed --- > self.controlForce = config.getParameter("baseHomingControlForce") * self.targetSpeed projectiles\homingarrow\homingarrow.projectile 4c4,12 < "frames" : "homingarrow.png", --- > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_arrow.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "image" : "homingarrow.png", 9,15c17 < "timeToLive" : 5, < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" < } < ], --- > "timeToLive" : 10, projectiles\invisibleprojectile\invisibleprojectile.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\lavaballoon\lavaballoon.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "lavaballoon.png", --- > "image" : "lavaballoon.png", 8c8,17 < "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "lava", "quantity" : 3 } ], --- > "actionOnReap" : [ > { > "action" : "liquid", > "liquid" : "lava", "quantity" : 3 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/acid_hit.ogg" ] > } > ], projectiles\lavaprojectile\lavaprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "lavaballoon.png", --- > "image" : "lavaballoon.png", projectiles\material\meteorblockprojectile.projectile 3d2 < "materialId" : 161, 5,9c4,6 < < // uses alternate animation path < "frames" : "", < "animationCycle" : 0, < "frameNumber" : 0, --- > "image" : "meteorblock.png", > "animationCycle" : 1, > "frameNumber" : 1, 26c23 < "damageKind" : "slash", --- > "damageKind" : "default", projectiles\material\throwingblock.projectile 3d2 < "materialId" : 170, 5,10c4,7 < < // uses alternate animation path < "frames" : "", < "animationCycle" : 0, < "frameNumber" : 0, < "power" : 20, --- > "image" : "throwingblock.png", > "animationCycle" : 1, > "frameNumber" : 1, > "power" : 0, 22,23c19,20 < "damageKind" : "slash" < } \ No newline at end of file --- > "damageKind" : "default" > } projectiles\npcs\acidspit\acidspit.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "acidspit.png", --- > "image" : "acidspit.png", projectiles\npcs\beetle\beetle.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "beetle.png", --- > "image" : "beetle.png", projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "biolumcritters.png", --- > "image" : "biolumcritters.png", 28,41d27 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 61,74d46 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 94,107d65 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 114c72,73 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "default", > "speed" : 25 projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters1.projectile 4c4 < "bounces" : -1, --- > "bounces" : 0, 6c6 < "frames" : "biolumcritters1.png", --- > "image" : "biolumcritters1.png", 12c12 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 10, 15c15,17 < "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters2.projectile 4c4 < "bounces" : -1, --- > "bounces" : 0, 6c6 < "frames" : "biolumcritters2.png", --- > "image" : "biolumcritters2.png", 12c12 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 10, 15,16c15,18 < "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ] < } \ No newline at end of file --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" > } projectiles\npcs\bloodvomit\bloodvomit.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bloodvomit.png", --- > "image" : "bloodvomit.png", projectiles\npcs\blueflame\bluefire.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "bluefire.png", --- > "image" : "bluefire.png", projectiles\npcs\blueflame\blueflame.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "blueflame.png", --- > "image" : "blueflame.png", projectiles\npcs\blueflame\blueflamethrower.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "blueflamethrower.png", --- > "image" : "blueflamethrower.png", projectiles\npcs\bubble\bubbles.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "bubbles.png", --- > "image" : "bubbles.png", 12c12 < "piercing" : false, --- > "piercing" : true, projectiles\npcs\burninghalo\burninghalo.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "burninghalo.png", --- > "image" : "burninghalo.png", projectiles\npcs\clustergoo\clustergoo.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "clustergoo.png", --- > "image" : "clustergoo.png", projectiles\npcs\crabcanoball\crabcanoball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "crabcanoball.png", --- > "image" : "crabcanoball.png", 8c8 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 28, 19c19 < "emitters" : [ "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames", "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames" ], --- > "emitters" : [ "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames", "fireplasma", "flames" ], projectiles\npcs\darkgas\darkgas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "darkgas.png", --- > "image" : "darkgas.png", projectiles\npcs\darkgravityball\darkgravityball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "darkgravityball.png", --- > "image" : "darkgravityball.png", projectiles\npcs\darkplasma\darkplasma.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "darkplasma.png", --- > "image" : "darkplasma.png", projectiles\npcs\dragonprojectile\dragonprojectile.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "dragonprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "dragonprojectile.png", 5a6,9 > "movementSettings" : { > "collisionPoly" : [ [1, -2], [-2, 0], [1, 2], [2, 0] ] > }, > "damagePoly" : [ [-9, 0], [-6, -6], [0, -9], [6, -6], [9, 0], [6, 6], [0, 9], [-6, 6] ], 8a13 > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10", 16,20c21,38 < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "molotovflame", < "fuzzAngle" : 0, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 1, < "angleAdjust" : 35 --- > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 7, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "molotovflamemonster", > "fuzzAngle" : 180, > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, > "angleAdjust" : 0 > } > ] > }, > { > "action" : "explosion", > "foregroundRadius" : 4, > "backgroundRadius" : 0, > "explosiveDamageAmount" : 100, > "delaySteps" : 2 25c43,45 < "emitters" : [ "javelinred" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "javelinred" ], > > "persistentAudio" : "/sfx/projectiles/dragonprojectile_loop.ogg" projectiles\npcs\electriclance\electriclance.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electriclance.png", --- > "image" : "electriclance.png", projectiles\npcs\explosivegoo\explosivegoo.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "explosivegoo.png", --- > "image" : "explosivegoo.png", projectiles\npcs\eyeball\eyeball.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "eyeball.png", --- > "image" : "eyeball.png", projectiles\npcs\eyeball\eyeballspray.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "eyeball.png", --- > "image" : "eyeball.png", projectiles\npcs\fireball\fireball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireball.png", --- > "image" : "fireball.png", projectiles\npcs\fireswirl\fireswirl.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fireswirl.png", --- > "image" : "fireswirl.png", projectiles\npcs\fish\fish1.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fish1.png", --- > "image" : "fish1.png", projectiles\npcs\fish\fish2.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fish2.png", --- > "image" : "fish2.png", projectiles\npcs\fish\fish3.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fish3.png", --- > "image" : "fish3.png", projectiles\npcs\fish\fish4.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fish4.png", --- > "image" : "fish4.png", projectiles\npcs\fish\randomfish.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "randomfish.png", --- > "image" : "randomfish.png", projectiles\npcs\flame\flame.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "flame.png", --- > "image" : "flame.png", 21c21 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\npcs\flyswarm\flyswarm.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "flyswarm.png", --- > "image" : "flyswarm.png", projectiles\npcs\frozengravityball\frozengravityball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "frozengravityball.png", --- > "image" : "frozengravityball.png", projectiles\npcs\gas\gas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "gas.png", --- > "image" : "gas.png", projectiles\npcs\gas2\gas2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "gas2.png", --- > "image" : "gas2.png", projectiles\npcs\glitter\glitter.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "glitter.png", --- > "image" : "glitter.png", projectiles\npcs\glitter\glitterspray.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "glitter.png", --- > "image" : "glitter.png", projectiles\npcs\goocluster\glowygoocluster.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "goocluster.png", --- > "image" : "goocluster.png", projectiles\npcs\goocluster\goocluster.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "goocluster.png", --- > "image" : "goocluster.png", projectiles\npcs\gooroller\gooroller.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "gooroller.png", --- > "image" : "gooroller.png", projectiles\npcs\grabbed\grabbed.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "grabbed.png", --- > "image" : "grabbed.png", projectiles\npcs\hugemeleeslash\hugemeleeslash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hugemeleeslash.png", --- > "image" : "hugemeleeslash.png", projectiles\npcs\icebreath\icebreath.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icebreath.png", --- > "image" : "icebreath.png", projectiles\npcs\icecloud\icecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icecloud.png", --- > "image" : "icecloud.png", projectiles\npcs\icerock\icerock.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "icerock.png", --- > "image" : "icerock.png", projectiles\npcs\iceshot\iceshot.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "iceshot.png", --- > "image" : "iceshot.png", projectiles\npcs\inksplash\inksplash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "inksplash.png", --- > "image" : "inksplash.png", projectiles\npcs\inksplash\inkspray.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "inkspray.png", --- > "image" : "inkspray.png", projectiles\npcs\jellybossexplode\jellybossexplode.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "poisonstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "poisonstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\npcs\jellybossgoo\jellybossgoo.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "jellybossgoo.png", --- > "image" : "jellybossgoo.png", projectiles\npcs\lightball\lightball.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightball.png", --- > "image" : "lightball.png", projectiles\npcs\lightball\lightballout.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightballout.png", --- > "image" : "lightballout.png", 16c16 < --- > projectiles\npcs\lightning\lightning.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lightning.png", --- > "image" : "lightning.png", projectiles\npcs\meleebite\meleebite.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleebite.png", --- > "image" : "meleebite.png", projectiles\npcs\meleebutt\meleebutt.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleebutt.png", --- > "image" : "meleebutt.png", projectiles\npcs\meleelash\meleelash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleelash.png", --- > "image" : "meleelash.png", projectiles\npcs\meleelashdown\meleelashdown.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleelashdown.png", --- > "image" : "meleelashdown.png", projectiles\npcs\meleelashup\meleelashup.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleelashup.png", --- > "image" : "meleelashup.png", projectiles\npcs\meleeslash\meleeslash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meleeslash.png", --- > "image" : "meleeslash.png", projectiles\npcs\meteor\meteor.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "meteor.png", --- > "image" : "meteor.png", projectiles\npcs\minidragon\minidragon.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "minidragon.png", --- > "image" : "minidragon.png", 10a11 > "damagePoly" : [ [-6, 0], [-4, -4], [0, -6], [4, -4], [6, 0], [4, 4], [0, 6], [-4, 4] ], projectiles\npcs\moontantgoop\moontantgoop.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "moontantgoop.png", --- > "image" : "moontantgoop.png", 13a14 > "emitters" : [ "goo" ], projectiles\npcs\mudball\mudball.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "mudball.png", --- > "image" : "mudball.png", projectiles\npcs\multibone\multibone.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "multibone.png", --- > "image" : "multibone.png", projectiles\npcs\orbofzots\orbofzots.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "orbofzots.png", --- > "image" : "orbofzots.png", projectiles\npcs\orbofzots\zotsorb.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "zotsorb.png", --- > "image" : "zotsorb.png", projectiles\npcs\orbofzots\zotszot.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "zotszot.png", --- > "image" : "zotszot.png", projectiles\npcs\penguintankround\penguintankround.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "penguintankround.png", --- > "image" : "penguintankround.png", 7a8,12 > "physics" : "grenade", > "movementSettings" : { > "gravityMultiplier" : 0.8 > }, > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10", 11c16 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionknockback.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" 14c19,20 < "power" : 20.0, --- > "power" : 20, > "projectileSpeed": 40, projectiles\npcs\penguinufobeam\penguinufobeam.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "penguinufobeam.png", --- > "image" : "penguinufobeam.png", projectiles\npcs\penguinufocharge\penguinufocharge.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "penguinufocharge.png", --- > "image" : "penguinufocharge.png", projectiles\npcs\pipkindust\pipkindust.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pipkindust.png", --- > "image" : "pipkindust.png", 17c17 < "burning" --- > // "burning" 20c20 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\npcs\plasmasweep\plasmasweep.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "plasmasweep.png", --- > "image" : "plasmasweep.png", projectiles\npcs\plasmatorpedo\plasmatorpedo.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "plasmatorpedo.png", --- > "image" : "plasmatorpedo.png", projectiles\npcs\poball\poball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "poball.png", --- > "image" : "poball.png", projectiles\npcs\poopbreath\poopbreath.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poopbreath.png", --- > "image" : "poopbreath.png", projectiles\npcs\puffsporeshot\sporepuff.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "sporepuff.png", --- > "image" : "sporepuff.png", projectiles\npcs\puffsporeshot\sporeseed.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "sporeseed.png", --- > "image" : "sporeseed.png", projectiles\npcs\pulsecannon\pulsecannon.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pulsecannon.png", --- > "image" : "pulsecannon.png", projectiles\npcs\rainbow\rainbow.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rainbow.png", --- > "image" : "rainbow.png", projectiles\npcs\rainbow\rainbowgnome.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rainbow.png", --- > "image" : "rainbow.png", projectiles\npcs\razorleaf\leafgust.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "leafgust.png", --- > "image" : "leafgust.png", projectiles\npcs\razorleaf\razorleaf.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "razorleaf.png", --- > "image" : "razorleaf.png", projectiles\npcs\roar\roar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "roar.png", --- > "image" : "roar.png", projectiles\npcs\rock\rock.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "rock.png", --- > "image" : "rock.png", projectiles\npcs\rockroll\rockroll.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "rockroll.png", --- > "image" : "rockroll.png", projectiles\npcs\rockshard\multirockshard.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "rockshard.png", --- > "image" : "rockshard.png", projectiles\npcs\rockshard\rockshard.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "rockshard.png", --- > "image" : "rockshard.png", projectiles\npcs\seed\seed.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "seed.png", --- > "image" : "seed.png", projectiles\npcs\shortbeam\preshortbeam.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "preshortbeam.png", --- > "image" : "preshortbeam.png", projectiles\npcs\shortbeam\shortbeam.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "shortbeam.png", --- > "image" : "shortbeam.png", projectiles\npcs\smoglingas\smoglingas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smoglingas.png", --- > "image" : "smoglingas.png", projectiles\npcs\smokering\smokering.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "smokering.png", --- > "image" : "smokering.png", projectiles\npcs\snauntspit\snauntspit.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snauntspit.png", --- > "image" : "snauntspit.png", 18c18,20 < "emitters" : [ "poisonplasmarocket", "poisondrip" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "poisonplasmarocket", "poisondrip" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+50" projectiles\npcs\snotblock\snotblock.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "snotblock.png", --- > "image" : "snotblock.png", projectiles\npcs\snotbubble\snotbubblefloat.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snotbubble.png:float", --- > "image" : "snotbubble.png:float", projectiles\npcs\snotbubble\snotbubblepop.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snotbubble.png:pop", --- > "image" : "snotbubble.png:pop", 15c15 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\npcs\snotbubble\snotbubblestart.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snotbubble.png:start", --- > "image" : "snotbubble.png:start", projectiles\npcs\sonic\sonic.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "sonic.png", --- > "image" : "sonic.png", projectiles\npcs\sonicwave\sonicwave.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "sonicwave.png", --- > "image" : "sonicwave.png", projectiles\npcs\spicecloud\spicecloud.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spicecloud.png", --- > "image" : "spicecloud.png", projectiles\npcs\spinslash\spinslash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spinslash.png", --- > "image" : "spinslash.png", projectiles\npcs\staticdischarge\staticdischarge.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "staticdischarge.png", --- > "image" : "staticdischarge.png", projectiles\npcs\staticFireball\staticFireball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "staticFireball.png", --- > "image" : "staticFireball.png", projectiles\npcs\thorns\doublethorns.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "doublethorns.png", --- > "image" : "doublethorns.png", projectiles\npcs\thorns\thorns.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "thorns.png", --- > "image" : "thorns.png", projectiles\npcs\twistingpulse\twistingpulse.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "twistingpulse.png", --- > "image" : "twistingpulse.png", projectiles\npcs\watergun\watergun.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "watergun.png", --- > "image" : "watergun.png", projectiles\npcs\webshot\webshot.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "webshot.png", --- > "image" : "webshot.png", 14c14,16 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "default", > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" projectiles\poisonballoon\poisonballoon.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "poisonballoon.png", --- > "image" : "poisonballoon.png", projectiles\status\bombstatusprojectile\bombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "bombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "bombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\bombstatusprojectile\statusbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "statusbomb.png", --- > "image" : "statusbomb.png", projectiles\status\bouncystatusprojectile\bouncystatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "bouncystatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "bouncystatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\burningstatusprojectile\burningstatusprojectile.projectile 5c5 < "timeToLive" : 0.25, --- > "timeToLive" : 0, 8c8 < "frames" : "burningstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "burningstatusprojectile.png", 14c14 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/molotovexplosion/molotovexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burningexplosion/burningexplosion.config" projectiles\status\clusterstatusprojectile\clusterstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "clusterstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "clusterstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\copperbombstatusprojectile\copperbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "copperbomb.png", --- > "image" : "copperbomb.png", projectiles\status\copperbombstatusprojectile\copperbombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "copperbombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "copperbombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\diamondbombstatusprojectile\diamondbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "diamondbomb.png", --- > "image" : "diamondbomb.png", projectiles\status\diamondbombstatusprojectile\diamondbombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "diamondbombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "diamondbombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\glowstatusprojectile\glowstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "glowstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "glowstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\goldbombstatusprojectile\goldbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "goldbomb.png", --- > "image" : "goldbomb.png", projectiles\status\goldbombstatusprojectile\goldbombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "goldbombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "goldbombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\healingstatusprojectile\fasthealingstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "healingstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "healingstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\healingstatusprojectile\healingstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "healingstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "healingstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\jumpstatusprojectile\jumpstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "jumpstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "jumpstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\levitationstatusprojectile\levitationstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "levitationstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "levitationstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\lowgravstatusprojectile\lowgravstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "lowgravstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "lowgravstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\moneystatusprojectile\moneystatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "moneystatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "moneystatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\platinumbombstatusprojectile\platinumbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "platinumbomb.png", --- > "image" : "platinumbomb.png", projectiles\status\platinumbombstatusprojectile\platinumbombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "platinumbombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "platinumbombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\poisonstatusprojectile\poisonstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "poisonstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\ragestatusprojectile\ragestatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "ragestatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "ragestatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\runstatusprojectile\runstatusprojectile.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "runstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "runstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\silverbombstatusprojectile\silverbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "silverbomb.png", --- > "image" : "silverbomb.png", 21c21 < "newMod" : "silverore", --- > "newMod" : "silver", projectiles\status\silverbombstatusprojectile\silverbombstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "silverbombstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "silverbombstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\status\waterstatusprojectile\waterstatusprojectile.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "waterstatusprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "waterstatusprojectile.png", projectiles\temp\carrot\carrot.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "carrot.png", --- > "image" : "carrot.png", projectiles\temp\electric\electric.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electric.png", --- > "image" : "electric.png", projectiles\temp\electroball\electroball.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electroball.png", --- > "image" : "electroball.png", projectiles\temp\greenplasma\greenplasma.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "greenplasma.png", --- > "image" : "greenplasma.png", projectiles\temp\kunai\kunai.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "kunai.png", --- > "image" : "kunai.png", projectiles\temp\ninjastar\ninjastar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ninjastar.png", --- > "image" : "ninjastar.png", projectiles\temp\pulse\pulse.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "pulse.png", --- > "image" : "pulse.png", projectiles\temp\purpleplasma\purpleplasma.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "purpleplasma.png", --- > "image" : "purpleplasma.png", projectiles\temp\spinningrocket\spinningrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spinningrocket.png", --- > "image" : "spinningrocket.png", projectiles\temp\stationaryrocket\stationaryrocket.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "stationaryrocket.png", --- > "image" : "stationaryrocket.png", projectiles\throwable\beachball\beachball.frames 7c7 < [ "0" ] --- > [ "1" ] 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "0" : "1" projectiles\throwable\beachball\beachball.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "beachball.png", --- > "image" : "beachball.png", 8a9,12 > "windupFrames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > 11c15 < "windupTime" : 0.15, --- > "intangibleTime" : 0.15, projectiles\throwable\bomb\zbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "zbomb.png", --- > "image" : "zbomb.png", projectiles\throwable\bone\bone.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "bone.png", --- > "image" : "bone.png", projectiles\throwable\boulderblast\boulderblast.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "boulderblast.png", --- > "image" : "boulderblast.png", projectiles\throwable\bouncyball\bouncyball.frames 7c7 < [ "0" ] --- > [ "1" ] 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "0" : "1" projectiles\throwable\bouncyball\bouncyball.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "bouncyball.png", --- > "image" : "bouncyball.png", 8a9,12 > "windupFrames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.2, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > 11d14 < "windupTime" : 0.15, projectiles\throwable\bowlingball\bowlingball.frames 7c7 < [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ] --- > [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ] 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "0" : "1" projectiles\throwable\bowlingball\bowlingball.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "bowlingball.png", --- > "image" : "bowlingball.png", 10c10,13 < "animationCycle" : 0.25, --- > "windupFrames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.4, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > 12d14 < "windupTime" : 0.15, projectiles\throwable\capturepod\capturepod.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [4, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [1, 1], 7c7 < [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ] --- > [ "1" ] 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "0" : "1" projectiles\throwable\capturepod\capturepod.lua 1a2,3 > require "/scripts/companions/util.lua" > require "/scripts/messageutil.lua" 3,8c5,6 < function init() < self.matchTypes = config.configParameter("capturableTypes") < end < < function capturable(monsterType) < return util.find(self.matchTypes, function(pattern) return string.match(monsterType, pattern) ~= nil end) --- > function update(dt) > promises:update() 12,15c10,18 < if self.consumed then return end < if world.isMonster(entityId) and capturable(world.monsterType(entityId)) then < world.sendEntityMessage(entityId, "capture") < self.consumed = true --- > if self.hit then return end > if world.isMonster(entityId) then > self.hit = true > > -- If a monster doesn't implement pet.attemptCapture or its response is nil > -- then it isn't caught. > promises:add(world.sendEntityMessage(entityId, "pet.attemptCapture", projectile.sourceEntity()), function (pet) > = pet > end) 18a22,25 > function shouldDestroy() > return projectile.timeToLive() <= 0 and promises:empty() > end > 20,21c27,30 < if not self.consumed then < world.spawnItem("capturepod", mcontroller.position()) --- > if then > spawnFilledPod( > else > spawnEmptyPod() 23c32,41 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > function spawnEmptyPod() > world.spawnItem("capturepod", mcontroller.position(), 1) > end > > function spawnFilledPod(pet) > local pod = createFilledPod(pet) > world.spawnItem(, mcontroller.position(), pod.count, pod.parameters) > end projectiles\throwable\capturepod\capturepod.projectile 3,4c3 < "frames" : "capturepod.png", < "animationCycle" : 0.25, --- > "image" : "capturepod.png", 6c5,9 < "frameNumber" : 4, --- > "frameNumber" : 1, > "windupFrames" : 1, > "animationCycle" : 0.05, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > 8c11 < "speed" : 30, --- > "speed" : 40, 12,13c15,16 < "windupTime" : 0.05, < "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ], --- > "emitters" : [ "capturepodblue" ], > "piercing" : true, 15,19c18,19 < "scripts" : [ "capturepod.lua" ], < "capturableTypes" : [ < ".*critter" < ] < } \ No newline at end of file --- > "scripts" : [ "capturepod.lua" ] > } projectiles\throwable\filledcapturepod\filledcapturepod.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [4, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [1, 1], 7c7 < [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ] --- > [ "0" ] projectiles\throwable\filledcapturepod\filledcapturepod.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "filledcapturepod.png", --- > "image" : "filledcapturepod.png", 6c6 < "frameNumber" : 4, --- > "frameNumber" : 1, 11,12c11,18 < "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ] < } --- > "emitters" : [ "capturepodred" ], > "bounces" : -1, > "piercing" : true, > "pureArcDuration" : 1, > "returnCollisionDuration" : 2, > "orientationLocked" : true, > > "scripts" : [ "filledcapturepodprojectile.lua" ], 13a20,22 > "returns" : false, > "returnCollisionPoly" : [ [-0.25, -0.25], [0.25, -0.25], [0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25] ], > "collisionPoly" : [ [ -1, -1 ], [ 1, -1 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ -1, 1 ] ], 14a24,29 > "controlForce" : 80, > "pickupDistance" : 1.0, > "snapDistance" : 4.0, > > "podUuid" : null > } projectiles\throwable\firework\firework.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "firework.png", --- > "image" : "firework.png", projectiles\throwable\firework2\firework2.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "firework2.png", --- > "image" : "firework2.png", projectiles\throwable\firework3\firework3.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firework3.png", --- > "image" : "firework3.png", projectiles\throwable\firework4\firework4.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "firework4.png", --- > "image" : "firework4.png", projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue\fireworkblue.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireworkblue.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkblue.png", projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue2\fireworkblue2.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireworkblue2.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkblue2.png", projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue3\fireworkblue3.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "fireworkblue3.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkblue3.png", 13a14,17 > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/fireworkgun_blast2.ogg" ] > }, projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue4\fireworkblue4.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "fireworkblue4.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkblue4.png", projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen\fireworkgreen.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireworkgreen.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkgreen.png", projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen2\fireworkgreen2.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "fireworkgreen2.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkgreen2.png", 130c130 < "emitters" : [ "defaultorange" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultgreen" ] projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen3\fireworkgreen3.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "fireworkgreen3.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkgreen3.png", 13a14,17 > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/gun/fireworkgun_blast2.ogg" ] > }, projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen4\fireworkgreen4.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "fireworkgreen4.png", --- > "image" : "fireworkgreen4.png", projectiles\throwable\flare\flare.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "flare.png", --- > "image" : "flare.png", projectiles\throwable\flowerygrassseeds\flowerygrassseeds.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "flowerygrassseedsseed.png", --- > "image" : "flowerygrassseedsseed.png", projectiles\throwable\flowerygrassseeds\flowerygrassseedspray.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "flowerygrassseeds.png", --- > "image" : "flowerygrassseeds.png", projectiles\throwable\glowbomb\glowbomb.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "glowbomb.png", --- > "image" : "glowbomb.png", projectiles\throwable\glowgas\glowgas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "glowgas.png", --- > "image" : "glowgas.png", projectiles\throwable\glowstickblue\glowstickblue.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "glowstickblue.png", --- > "image" : "glowstickblue.png", projectiles\throwable\glowstickgreen\glowstickgreen.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "glowstickgreen.png", --- > "image" : "glowstickgreen.png", projectiles\throwable\glowstickorange\glowstickorange.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "glowstickorange.png", --- > "image" : "glowstickorange.png", projectiles\throwable\glowstickyellow\glowstickyellow.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "glowstickyellow.png", --- > "image" : "glowstickyellow.png", projectiles\throwable\grassseeds\grassseeds.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "grassseedsseed.png", --- > "image" : "grassseedsseed.png", 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true, > > "persistentAudio" : "/sfx/objects/torch.ogg" projectiles\throwable\molotovflame\molotovflamemonster.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "molotovflame.png", --- > "image" : "molotovflame.png", 11c11 < "emitters" : [ "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames" ], --- > "emitters" : [ "flames" ], projectiles\throwable\noveltybanana\noveltybanana.frames 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "1" : "0" projectiles\throwable\noveltybanana\noveltybanana.projectile 4c4 < "bounces" : -1, --- > "bounces" : 7, 7c7 < "frames" : "noveltybanana.png", --- > "image" : "noveltybanana.png", 8a9,13 > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "windupFrames" : 1, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > "lightColor" : [60, 60, 60], > 11d15 < "windupTime" : 0.1, 16a21,42 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce1.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce2.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce3.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce4.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce5.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce1.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce2.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce3.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce4.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/toy_bounce5.ogg" > ] projectiles\throwable\paperplane\paperplane.frames 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "1" : "0" projectiles\throwable\paperplane\paperplane.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "paperplane.png", --- > "image" : "paperplane.png", 8a9,12 > "animationCycle" : 0.3, > "windupFrames" : 1, > "intangibleWindup" : true, > 11d14 < "windupTime" : 0.15, projectiles\throwable\petball\petball.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "/monsters/pets/petball/ball.png", --- > "image" : "/monsters/pets/petball/ball.png", 14a15,28 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/petball_bounce.ogg" > ] > } > ], > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/petball_bounce.ogg" > ] projectiles\throwable\snowball\snowball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "snowball.png", --- > "image" : "snowball.png", projectiles\throwable\snowballgigantic\giganticsnowball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "giganticsnowball.png", --- > "image" : "giganticsnowball.png", projectiles\throwable\snowballlarge\largesnowball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "largesnowball.png", --- > "image" : "largesnowball.png", projectiles\throwable\snowballmedium\mediumsnowball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "mediumsnowball.png", --- > "image" : "mediumsnowball.png", projectiles\throwable\snowflakeshuriken\snowflakeshuriken.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "snowflakeshuriken.png", --- > "image" : "snowflakeshuriken.png", 16c16,17 < "damageKind" : "icebroadsword", --- > "knockback" : 10, > "damageKind" : "icedagger", projectiles\throwable\tarball\tarball.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "tarball.png", --- > "image" : "tarball.png", projectiles\throwable\thorngrenade\thorngrenade.projectile 7c7 < "frames" : "thorngrenade.png", --- > "image" : "thorngrenade.png", 9a10,17 > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/snowball_hit_organic2.ogg" > ] > } > ], 18c26 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 24,30c32 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 11 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 36,42c38 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 34 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 48,54c44 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 56 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 60,66c50 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 79 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 72,78c56 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 101 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 84,90c62 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 124 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 96,102c68 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 146 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 108,114c74 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 169 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 120,126c80 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 191 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 132,138c86 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 214 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 144,150c92 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 236 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 156,162c98 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 259 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 168,174c104 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 281 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 180,186c110 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 304 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 192,198c116 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 326 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, 200,205d117 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "fruitthorn", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, < "angle" : 349 projectiles\throwable\throwingaxe\throwingaxe.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingaxe.png", --- > "image" : "throwingaxe.png", 16c16,17 < //"piercing" : true, --- > "knockback" : 20, > "persistentAudio" : "/sfx/projectiles/boomerang3.ogg", projectiles\throwable\throwingbones\throwingbone.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingbone.png", --- > "image" : "throwingbone.png", 18c18,34 < "damagePoly" : [ [-9, 0], [-6, -6], [0, -9], [6, -6], [9, 0], [6, 6], [0, 9], [-6, 6] ] --- > "damagePoly" : [ [-9, 0], [-6, -6], [0, -9], [6, -6], [9, 0], [6, 6], [0, 9], [-6, 6] ], > "actionOnCollide" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce1.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce2.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce3.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce4.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce5.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce6.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce7.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce8.ogg", > "/sfx/projectiles/bonebounce9.ogg" > ] > } > ] projectiles\throwable\throwingbones\throwingbones.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingbone.png", --- > "image" : "throwingbone.png", 10c10,11 < "power" : 5.0, --- > "power" : 5, > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\throwable\throwingboulder\throwingboulder.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingboulder.png", --- > "image" : "throwingboulder.png", projectiles\throwable\throwingdagger\throwingdagger.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingdagger.png", --- > "image" : "throwingdagger.png", 15c15,16 < "power" : 200.0, --- > "power" : 60.0, > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\throwable\throwingdart\throwingdart.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingdart.png", --- > "image" : "throwingdart.png", 16c16 < "damageKind" : "default", --- > "damageKind" : "dagger", projectiles\throwable\throwinggnomes\throwinggnome.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwinggnomegroup.png", --- > "image" : "throwinggnomegroup.png", 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"image" : "throwingneedle.png", projectiles\throwable\throwingspear\throwingspear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingspear.png", --- > "image" : "throwingspear.png", 15a16 > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\throwable\throwingstar\throwingstar.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "throwingstar.png", --- > "image" : "throwingstar.png", 16,17c16,19 < "damageKind" : "default", < "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ] --- > "knockback" : 10, > "damageKind" : "dagger", > "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ], > "damagePoly" : [ [-5, 0], [-3.5, -3.5], [0, -5], [3.5, -3.5], [5, 0], [3.5, 3.5], [0, 5], [-3.5, 3.5] ] projectiles\throwable\waterballoon\snowandwaterballoon.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "waterballoon.png", --- > "image" : "waterballoon.png", projectiles\throwable\waterballoon\waterballoon.frames 7c7 < [ "0", "1" ] --- > [ "1", "2" ] 8a9,11 > }, > "aliases" : { > "0" : "1" projectiles\throwable\waterballoon\waterballoon.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "waterballoon.png", --- > "image" : "waterballoon.png", 6a7,8 > "windupFrames" : 1, > "intangibleWindup" : true, 8c10,19 < "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 3 } ], --- > "actionOnReap" : [ > { > "action" : "liquid", > "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 3 > }, > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon2.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon3.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon4.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon5.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon6.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/waterballoon7.ogg" ] > } > ], 15c26 < "windupTime" : 0.1 --- > "intangibleTime" : 0.1 projectiles\traps\ancientboulderappear\ancientboulderappear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ancientboulderappear.png", --- > "image" : "ancientboulderappear.png", projectiles\traps\ancientboulderappear\ancientsmoothboulderappear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ancientboulderappear.png", --- > "image" : "ancientboulderappear.png", 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"lowgravboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\lowgravboostergas\lowgravboostergas30.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lowgravboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "lowgravboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\lowgravboostergas\lowgravboostergas60.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "lowgravboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "lowgravboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\powerboostergas\powerboostergas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "powerboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "powerboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\powerboostergas\powerboostergas30.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "powerboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "powerboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\powerboostergas\powerboostergas60.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "powerboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "powerboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\speedboostergas\speedboostergas.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "speedboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "speedboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\speedboostergas\speedboostergas30.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "speedboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "speedboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\speedboostergas\speedboostergas60.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "speedboostergas.png", --- > "image" : "speedboostergas.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulder\trapboulder.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulder.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulder.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulderappear\trapboulderappear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulderappear.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulderappear.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncy\trapboulderbouncy.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulderbouncy.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulderbouncy.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncy\trapboulderbouncylong.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulderbouncy.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulderbouncy.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncyappear\trapboulderbouncyappear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulderappear.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulderappear.png", projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncyappear\trapboulderbouncylongappear.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapboulderappear.png", --- > "image" : "trapboulderappear.png", projectiles\traps\trapbouldersmash\trapbouldersmash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapbouldersmash.png", --- > "image" : "trapbouldersmash.png", projectiles\traps\trapflame\trapflame.projectile 3,4c3,4 < "frames" : "trapflame.png", < "physics" : "bullet", --- > "image" : "trapflame.png", > "physics" : "laser", 22c22 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } projectiles\traps\trapice\trapice.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "trapice.png", --- > "image" : "trapice.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\planet\planet.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "planet.png", --- > "image" : "planet.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet5.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet6.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet7.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\uniquemonster\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet8.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "invisibleprojectile.png", --- > "image" : "invisibleprojectile.png", projectiles\unsorted\armornova\armornova.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "armornova.png", --- > "image" : "armornova.png", 5a6 > "animationLoops" : false, projectiles\unsorted\armornova\novadamage.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "novadamage.png", --- > "image" : "novadamage.png", 8c8 < "timeToLive" : 0.25, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.75, projectiles\unsorted\armorthorns\armorthornburst.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "armorthornburst.png", --- > "image" : "armorthornburst.png", projectiles\unsorted\armorthorns\armorthorns.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "armorthorns.png", --- > "image" : "armorthorns.png", projectiles\unsorted\coconut\coconut.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "coconut.png", --- > "image" : "coconut.png", 10c10 < --- > 16c16 < --- > 22c22 < --- > 24,26c24,26 < < < --- > > > projectiles\unsorted\elementalbarrier\electricbarrier.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "electricbarrier.png", --- > "image" : "electricbarrier.png", projectiles\unsorted\elementalbarrier\firebarrier.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "firebarrier.png", --- > "image" : "firebarrier.png", projectiles\unsorted\elementalbarrier\icebarrier.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icebarrier.png", --- > "image" : "icebarrier.png", projectiles\unsorted\elementalbarrier\poisonbarrier.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "poisonbarrier.png", --- > "image" : "poisonbarrier.png", projectiles\unsorted\explosivebarrel\explosivebarrel.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "explosivebarrel.png", --- > "image" : "explosivebarrel.png", projectiles\unsorted\explosivegenerator\explosivegenerator.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "explosivegenerator.png", --- > "image" : "explosivegenerator.png", projectiles\unsorted\friendlybubble\friendlybubble.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "friendlybubble.png", --- > "image" : "friendlybubble.png", 15c15 < "damageKind" : "slash" --- > "damageKind" : "nodamage" projectiles\unsorted\money\money.projectile 6c6 < "frames" : "money.png", --- > "image" : "money.png", 17c17 < --- > 19,21c19,21 < < < --- > > > projectiles\unsorted\poisonbarrel\poisonbarrel.projectile 8c8 < "frames" : "poisonbarrel.png", --- > "image" : "poisonbarrel.png", projectiles\unsorted\slimep\slimep.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "slimep.png", --- > "image" : "slimep.png", projectiles\unsorted\teslabolt\teslabolt.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "teslabolt.png", --- > "image" : "teslabolt.png", projectiles\unsorted\teslaboltsmall\teslaboltsmall.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "teslaboltsmall.png", --- > "image" : "teslaboltsmall.png", projectiles\unsorted\watersprinkle\watersprinkle.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "watersprinkle.png", --- > "image" : "watersprinkle.png", projectiles\unsorted\watersprinkle\watersprinkledroplet.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "watersprinkledroplet.png", --- > "image" : "watersprinkledroplet.png", 10c10 < "timeToLive" : 0.1, --- > "timeToLive" : 5, 19a20,25 > /* > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/astraltear_stop2.ogg" ] > } > */ projectiles\weather\acidrain\acidrain.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "acidrain.png", --- > "image" : "acidrain.png", projectiles\weather\ash\ash.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ash.png", --- > "image" : "ash.png", projectiles\weather\crystalrain\crystalrain.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "crystalrain.png", --- > "image" : "crystalrain.png", projectiles\weather\ember\ember.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "ember.png", --- > "image" : "ember.png", 19c19 < } --- > } projectiles\weather\fogprimer\fogprimer.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "fogprimer.png", --- > "image" : "fogprimer.png", projectiles\weather\glowing\glowingrain.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "glowingrain.png", --- > "image" : "glowingrain.png", projectiles\weather\hailstone1\hail1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hail1.png", --- > "image" : "hail1.png", projectiles\weather\hailstone2\hail2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hail2.png", --- > "image" : "hail2.png", projectiles\weather\hailstone3\hail3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hail3.png", --- > "image" : "hail3.png", projectiles\weather\hailstone4\hail4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "hail4.png", --- > "image" : "hail4.png", projectiles\weather\icestorm\icestorm.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "icestorm.png", --- > "image" : "icestorm.png", projectiles\weather\junkrocket1\junkrocket1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "junkrocket1.png", --- > "image" : "junkrocket1.png", projectiles\weather\junkrocket2\junkrocket2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "junkrocket2.png", --- > "image" : "junkrocket2.png", projectiles\weather\junksatellite\junksatellite.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "junksatellite.png", --- > "image" : "junksatellite.png", projectiles\weather\junksatellite2\junksatellite2.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "junksatellite2.png", --- > "image" : "junksatellite2.png", projectiles\weather\junktire\junktire.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "junktire.png", --- > "image" : "junktire.png", projectiles\weather\largemeteor\largemeteor.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "largemeteor.png", --- > "image" : "largemeteor.png", 16,17c16,17 < "type" : "meteorblockspawner", < "fuzzAngle" : 80, --- > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, 18a19,564 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 0 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 30 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 50 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 70 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 90 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 0 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 30 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 50 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 70 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 90 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 0 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 30 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 50 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 70 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 90 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : -180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 0 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 20 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 40 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 60 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 80 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 100 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 120 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 140 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 180 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 30 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 50 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 70 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 90 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "meteorblockprojectile", > "fuzzAngle" : 10, > "angleAdjust" : 10 projectiles\weather\mistprimer\mistprimer.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "mistprimer.png", --- > "image" : "mistprimer.png", projectiles\weather\sand\sand.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "sand.png", --- > "image" : "sand.png", projectiles\weather\sandstorm\sandstorm.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "sandstorm.png", --- > "image" : "sandstorm.png", projectiles\weather\sandstorm\sandstormslow.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "sandstorm.png", --- > "image" : "sandstorm.png", projectiles\weather\settlingsnow\settlingsnow.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "settlingsnow.png", --- > "image" : "settlingsnow.png", projectiles\weather\smallmeteor\smallmeteor.projectile 5c5 < "frames" : "smallmeteor.png", --- > "image" : "smallmeteor.png", projectiles\weather\spacedust1\spacedust1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "spacedust1.png", --- > "image" : "spacedust1.png", projectiles\weather\water\lightwater.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "water.png", --- > "image" : "water.png", 17c17 < --- > projectiles\weather\water\water.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "water.png", --- > "image" : "water.png", projectiles\weather\water\waterstatus.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "water.png", --- > "image" : "water.png", 10c10 < --- > projectiles\weather\windstorm1\windstorm1.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "windstorm1.png", --- > "image" : "windstorm1.png", projectiles\weather\windstorm2\windstorm2.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "windstorm2.png", --- > "image" : "windstorm2.png", projectiles\weather\windstorm3\windstorm3.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "windstorm3.png", --- > "image" : "windstorm3.png", projectiles\weather\windstorm4\windstorm4.projectile 3c3 < "frames" : "windstorm4.png", --- > "image" : "windstorm4.png", quests\ftlrepairmain.questtemplate 2c2 < "id" : "ftlrepairmain.gearup", --- > "id" : "ftlrepairmain", 4c4 < "text" : "Now that I can visit the planets within this solar system ^green;I need to start looking at how to repair my FTL drive, ^orange;S.A.I.L will probably know more.", --- > "text" : "Now that I can visit the planets within this solar system ^green;I need to start looking at how to repair my FTL drive, ^orange;SAIL will probably know more.", 6d5 < "speaker" : "player", 13,14c12,21 < "followUp" : "fuel.gearup", < "shipLevel" : 3 --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "player" > }, > "followUp" : "fuel", > "conditions" : [ > { > "type" : "shipLevel", > "level" : 3 > } > ] quests\fuel.questtemplate 2c2 < "id" : "fuel.gearup", --- > "id" : "fuel", 6d5 < "speaker" : "player", 13,18c12,20 < "gatherRequirements" : { < "items" : { < "liquidfuel" : { < "count" : 20, < "consume" : false < } --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "player" > }, > "conditions" : [ > { > "type" : "gatherItem", > "itemName" : "liquidfuel", > "count" : 20, > "consume" : false 20c22 < } --- > ] quests\quests.config 4,11c4,11 < "glitch" : [ "glitchtutorial.gearup" ], < "human" : [ "humantutorial.gearup" ], < "avian" : [ "aviantutorial.gearup" ], < "apex" : [ "apextutorial.gearup" ], < "floran" : [ "florantutorial.gearup" ], < "hylotl" : [ "hylotltutorial.gearup" ], < "novakid" : [ "novakidtutorial.gearup" ], < "penguin" : [ "humantutorial.gearup" ] --- > "glitch" : [ "protectorate" ], > "human" : [ "protectorate" ], > "avian" : [ "protectorate" ], > "apex" : [ "protectorate" ], > "floran" : [ "protectorate" ], > "hylotl" : [ "protectorate" ], > "novakid" : [ "protectorate" ], > "penguin" : [ "protectorate" ] 15c15 < "image" : "/interface/quests/questgiver.png" --- > "image" : "/interface/quests/questgiver.animation" 18c18 < "image" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.png" --- > "image" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.animation" 21c21 < "image" : "/interface/quests/mainquestgiver.png" --- > "image" : "/interface/quests/mainquestgiver.animation" 24c24 < "image" : "/interface/quests/mainquestreceiver.png" --- > "image" : "/interface/quests/mainquestreceiver.animation" 27c27 < "image" : "/interface/quests/questrelevant.png" --- > "image" : "/interface/quests/questrelevant.animation" 30c30,31 < "defaultCustomIndicator" : "questrelevant", --- > "trackedCustomIndicator" : "/interface/quests/questrelevant.animation", > "untrackedCustomIndicator" : "/interface/quests/untrackedrelevant.animation", 32c33,149 < "goalTextSeparator" : "^reset;\n\n" --- > // used for NPCs and monsters, this offset is applied from the top center of the hitbox > "defaultIndicatorOffset" : [0, 1.52], > > "goalTextSeparator" : "^reset;\n\n", > > "objectiveDescriptions" : { > "gatherItem" : "Acquire : / ", > "gatherItemTag" : "Find items: / ", > "scanObjects" : "Investigate objects", > "shipLevel" : "Upgrade ship from Model to Model ", > "fetch" : "Acquire : / ", > "return" : "Return to " > }, > > "directions" : [ > { > "angleRange" : [-45, 45], > "descriptions" : [ > " above", > " above us", > " up above" > ] > }, > { > "angleRange" : [-45, -135], > "descriptions" : [ > " to the east", > " east from here", > " east of us" > ] > }, > { > "angleRange" : [135, -135], > "descriptions" : [ > " below", > " below us", > " down below" > ] > }, > { > "angleRange" : [135, 45], > "descriptions" : [ > " to the west", > " west from here", > " west of us" > ] > } > ], > > "pronouns" : { > "female" : { > "subject" : "she", > "object" : "her", > "possessiveDet" : "her", > "possessive" : "hers", > "reflexive" : "herself", > "capitalSubject" : "she", > "capitalObject" : "her", > "capitalPossessiveDet" : "her", > "capitalPossessive" : "hers", > "capitalReflexive" : "herself", > "copulative" : "she is", > "copulativePast" : "she has" > }, > "male" : { > "subject" : "he", > "object" : "him", > "possessiveDet" : "his", > "possessive" : "his", > "reflexive" : "himself", > "capitalSubject" : "He", > "capitalObject" : "him", > "capitalPossessiveDet" : "his", > "capitalPossessive" : "his", > "capitalReflexive" : "himself", > "copulative" : "he is", > "copulativePast" : "he has" > }, > "neutral" : { > "subject" : "they", > "object" : "them", > "possessiveDet" : "their", > "possessive" : "theirs", > "reflexive" : "themself", > "capitalSubject" : "they", > "capitalObject" : "them", > "capitalPossessiveDet" : "their", > "capitalPossessive" : "theirs", > "capitalReflexive" : "themself", > "copulative" : "they are", > "copulativePast" : "they have" > } > }, > > "pronounGenders" : { > "floran" : { > "male" : "neutral", > "female" : "neutral" > } > }, > > "spawnEntities" : { > "monsterEvolution" : { > "smallbiped" : "largebiped", > "smallquadruped" : "largequadruped", > "smallflying" : "largeflying", > "poptop" : "adultpoptop", > "nutmidgeling" : "nutmidge", > "kingnutmidgeling" : "nutmidge" > }, > "minibosses" : { > "scale" : 1.5, > "statusEffects" : [ > "minibossglow" > ] > } > } quests\food\firstcrops.questtemplate 2c2 < "id" : "firstcrops.gearup", --- > "id" : "firstcrops", 5c5 < "prerequisites" : [ "hoe.gearup", "wateringcan.gearup" ], --- > "prerequisites" : [ "hoe", "wateringcan" ], 7d6 < "speaker" : "player", 14,19c13,21 < "gatherRequirements" : { < "items" : { < "wheat" : { < "count" : 5, < "consume" : false < } --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "player" > }, > "conditions" : [ > { > "type" : "gatherItem", > "itemName" : "wheat", > "count" : 5, > "consume" : false 21c23 < } --- > ] quests\food\hoe.questtemplate 2c2 < "id" : "hoe.gearup", --- > "id" : "hoe", 6d5 < "speaker" : "player", 15,21c14,23 < "followUp" : "wateringcan.gearup", < "gatherRequirements" : { < "items" : { < "hoe" : { < "count" : 1, < "consume" : false < } --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "player" > }, > "followUp" : "wateringcan", > "conditions" : [ > { > "type" : "gatherItem", > "itemName" : "hoe", > "count" : 1, > "consume" : false 23c25 < } --- > ] quests\food\wateringcan.questtemplate 2c2 < "id" : "wateringcan.gearup", --- > "id" : "wateringcan", 6d5 < "speaker" : "player", 15,21c14,23 < "followUp" : "hoe.gearup", < "gatherRequirements" : { < "items" : { < "woodenwateringcan" : { < "count" : 1, < "consume" : false < } --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "player" > }, > "followUp" : "hoe", > "conditions" : [ > { > "type" : "gatherItem", > "itemName" : "woodenwateringcan", > "count" : 1, > "consume" : false 23c25 < } --- > ] quests\generated\pools\cookedfood.config 6,7d5 < "cookedfleshlump", < "meatchunks", 11,13c9 < "cookedalienmeat" < ]], < [1, [ --- > "cookedalienmeat", 29,31c25 < "meatpie" < ]], < [2, [ --- > "meatpie", 43d36 < "pizza", 82,84c75 < "bonbonbonbons" < ]], < [3, [ --- > "bonbonbonbons", 115,117c106 < "apegrapes" < ]], < [4, [ --- > "apegrapes", quests\generated\pools\farmable.config 29,30d28 < ["mushroomseed", "shroom"], < ["swordstoneseed", "stonesword"], 37c35,36 < ["pearlpeaseed", "pearlpea"] --- > ["pearlpeaseed", "pearlpea"], > ["cottonseed", "cotton"] quests\generated\pools\furniture.config 59,82d58 < ["tier5", "tier5chair"], < ["tier5", "tier5table"], < ["tier5", "tier5light"], < < ["tier6", "tier6chair"], < ["tier6", "tier6table"], < ["tier6", "tier6light"], < < ["tier7", "tier7chair"], < ["tier7", "tier7table"], < ["tier7", "tier7light"], < < ["tier8", "tier8chair"], < ["tier8", "tier8table"], < ["tier8", "tier8light"], < < ["tier9", "tier9chair"], < ["tier9", "tier9table"], < ["tier9", "tier9light"], < < ["tier10", "tier10chair"], < ["tier10", "tier10table"], < ["tier10", "tier10light"], < 125c101 < ["oasis", "reedlight"], --- > ["oasis", "reedlamp"], quests\generated\pools\furnituresets.config 40,59d39 < ]], < [5, [ < ["tier5door", "tier5light"], < ["tier8door", "tier8light"], < ["tier9door", "tier9light", "tier9chair"], < ["tier8door", "tier8light", "tier8chair"], < ["tier5door", "tier5light", "tier5table"] < ]], < [6, [ < ["tier10door", "tier10light"], < ["tier6door", "tier6light"], < ["tier10door", "tier10light", "tier10chair"], < ["tier10door", "tier10light"], < ["tier10door", "tier7light", "tier6chair"], < ["tier7door", "tier7light", "tier7chair"], < ["tier7door", "tier7light"], < ["tier7door", "tier8light", "tier9chair"], < ["tier6door", "tier6light", "tier9table"], < ["tier6door", "tier6light"], < ["tier6door", "tier6light", "tier6table"] quests\generated\pools\gifts.config 17d16 < "pizza", quests\generated\pools\hatadjectives.config 13a14,15 > ["adventurous", "devhead"], > ["funny", "gagnosehead"], 25c27 < ["creative", "phrygiancaphead"], --- > ["courageous", "phrygiancaphead"], 26a29 > ["cultured", "pyramidhead"], 30c33,34 < ["alert", "medicdemohead"], --- > ["alert", "medichead"], > ["professional", "mercenaryhead"], 40a45,46 > ["heroic", "valkyriehelm"], > ["funny", "jesterhead"], 49c55 < ["powerful", "diamondarmorhead"] --- > ["powerful", "valoroushead"] quests\generated\pools\hatrecipes.config 10c10 < { "name" : "glassmaterial", "count" : 2 } --- > { "name" : "glass", "count" : 2 } 25c25 < { "name" : "glassmaterial", "count" : 2 } --- > { "name" : "glass", "count" : 2 } 28c28 < { "name" : "glassmaterial", "count" : 2 } --- > { "name" : "glass", "count" : 2 } 32a33,38 > ["devhead", [ > { "name" : "yellowdye", "count" : 2 } > ]], > ["gagnosehead", [ > { "name" : "reddye", "count" : 1 } > ]], 73c79 < { "name" : "glassmaterial", "count" : 3 } --- > { "name" : "glass", "count" : 3 } 76c82 < { "name" : "steelbar", "count" : 2 } --- > { "name" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 2 } 81c87 < ["medicdemohead", [ --- > ["medichead", [ 113a120,125 > ["valkyriehelm", [ > { "name" : "ironbar", "count" : 4 } > ]], > ["jesterhead", [ > { "name" : "fabric", "count" : 4 } > ]], 138c150,153 < ["diamondarmorhead", [ --- > ["pyramidhead", [ > { "name" : "sandstoneblock", "count" : 4 } > ]], > ["valoroushead", [ quests\generated\pools\merchantstock1.config 11c11 < ["floran", "floranpainting1"], --- > ["floran", "huntingstatue"], 22c22 < ["avian", "owlclock"], --- > ["avian", "tombstatueavian"], 31c31 < ["human", "steelchair"], --- > ["human", "tungstenchair"], 37c37 < ["hylotl", "hylotllamp"], --- > ["hylotl", "hockeytable"], quests\generated\pools\merchantstock2.config 42c42 < ["hylotl", "hockeytable"], --- > ["hylotl", "hylotlpainting3"], quests\generated\pools\merchanttrades.config 134,135c134,135 < ["steelchair", [ < { "name" : "steelbar", "count" : 1 } --- > ["tungstenchair", [ > { "name" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 1 } 141c141 < { "name" : "steelbar", "count" : 2 } --- > { "name" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 2 } quests\generated\pools\npcthreats.config 3,7c3,240 < { < "name" : "bandits", < "species" : "human", < "typeName" : "bandit" < } --- > > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "bandits", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "bandit" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "cultists", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "cultist" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "escaped convicts", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "prisonberserker" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "Miniknog Scientists", > "species" : "apex", > "typeName" : "labscientist" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "dark knights", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "evilknight" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "Glitch thieves", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "glitchthief" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "wild Floran hunters", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "wildhunter" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "Floran cannibals", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "florancannibal" > } > ], > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "rogue Samurai", > "species" : "hylotl", > "typeName" : "roguesamurai" > } > ], > [ > [ "avian" ], > { > "name" : "Kluex Fanatics", > "species" : "avian", > "typeName" : "tombguard" > } > ], > > [ > [ "apex" ], > { > "name" : "Miniknog Scientists", > "species" : "apex", > "typeName" : "labscientist" > } > ], > [ > [ "apex" ], > { > "name" : "Miniknog scouts", > "species" : "apex", > "typeName" : "miniknogscout" > } > ], > [ > [ "apex" ], > { > "name" : "Miniknog assassins", > "species" : "apex", > "typeName" : "miniknogassassin" > } > ], > [ > [ "apex" ], > { > "name" : "Miniknog agents", > "species" : "apex", > "typeName" : "miniknogagent" > } > ], > > > [ > [ "avian" ], > { > "name" : "Avian raiders", > "species" : "avian", > "typeName" : "avianraider" > } > ], > [ > [ "avian" ], > { > "name" : "Kluex Fanatics", > "species" : "avian", > "typeName" : "tombguard" > } > ], > > > [ > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "dark knights", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "evilknight" > } > ], > [ > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "Glitch archers", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "glitcharcher" > } > ], > [ > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "Glitch thieves", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "glitchthief" > } > ], > [ > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "All-seeing Crusaders", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "eyeguard" > } > ], > > > [ > [ "floran" ], > { > "name" : "wild Floran hunters", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "wildhunter" > } > ], > [ > [ "floran" ], > { > "name" : "Floran snipers", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "floransniper" > } > ], > [ > [ "floran" ], > { > "name" : "Floran cannibals", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "florancannibal" > } > ], > > > [ > [ "human" ], > { > "name" : "bandits", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "bandit" > } > ], > [ > [ "human" ], > { > "name" : "cultists", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "cultist" > } > ], > [ > [ "human" ], > { > "name" : "escaped convicts", > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "prisonberserker" > } > ], > > > [ > [ "hylotl" ], > { > "name" : "rogue Samurai", > "species" : "hylotl", > "typeName" : "roguesamurai" > } > ], > > [ > [ "ocean" ], > { > "name" : "scavenging divers", > "species" : "hylotl", > "typeName" : "divingscavenger" > } > ] > quests\generated\pools\pools.config 33,34c33,34 < "relation" : "UnaryPool", < "type" : "NpcType", --- > "relation" : "BinaryPool", > "types" : ["TagSet", "NpcType"], 37c37,42 < "isMonster" : { --- > "isSingleNpcThreat" : { > "relation" : "BinaryPool", > "types" : ["TagSet", "NpcType"], > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/singlenpcthreats.config" > }, > "tradableMonster" : { 40c45,60 < "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/monsters.config" --- > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/tradablemonsters.config" > }, > "isMonsterThreat" : { > "relation" : "BinaryPool", > "types" : ["TagSet", "MonsterType"], > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/monsterthreats.config" > }, > "isSingleMonsterThreat" : { > "relation" : "BinaryPool", > "types" : ["TagSet", "MonsterType"], > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/singlemonsterthreats.config" > }, > "isCapturableMonster" : { > "relation" : "BinaryPool", > "types" : ["TagSet", "MonsterType"], > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/capturablemonsters.config" 102c122 < "isTrickyItem" : { --- > "merchantSpecies" : { 104,105c124,130 < "type" : "Item", < "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/trickyitems.config" --- > "type" : "String", > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/merchantspecies.config" > }, > "barterItems" : { > "relation" : "UnaryPool", > "type" : "ItemList", > "poolFile" : "/quests/generated/pools/barteritems.config" quests\generated\pools\specieshats.config 4d3 < ["human", "winterscarfhead"], 6d4 < ["human", "glasses1head"], 10d7 < ["human", "fancaphead"], 12d8 < ["human", "scientisthead"], 13a10,12 > ["human", "medichead"], > ["human", "devhead"], > ["human", "gagnosehead"], 21a21,23 > ["avian", "ironavianhelmethead"], > ["avian", "tigerhead"], > ["avian", "bettyhead"], 25a28 > ["glitch", "herocaphead"], 27d29 < ["glitch", "plainhoodhead"], 30a33,35 > ["glitch", "vikinghead"], > ["glitch", "valkyriehelm"], > ["glitch", "jesterhead"], 33a39,40 > ["floran", "ethnichead"], > ["floran", "humanskullhead"], 35a43 > ["hylotl", "pyramidhead"], quests\generated\pools\specieshelmets.config 6c6,8 < ["human", "medicdemohead"], --- > ["human", "medichead"], > ["human", "mercenaryhead"], > ["human", "devhead"], 9c11 < ["apex", "medicdemohead"], --- > ["apex", "medichead"], 15a18 > ["avian", "featherhead"], 21a25 > ["glitch", "valkyriehelm"], 32c36 < ["hylotl", "diamondarmorhead"] --- > ["hylotl", "valoroushead"] quests\generated\pools\weapon.config 3,15c3,15 < {"tag" : "machinepistol", "name" : "Machine Pistol", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "assaultrifle", "name" : "Assault Rifle", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "shotgun", "name" : "Shotgun", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "pistol", "name" : "Pistol", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "rocketlauncher", "name" : "Rocket Launcher", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "grenadelauncher", "name" : "Grenade Launcher", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "sniperrifle", "name" : "Sniper Rifle", "type" : "gun"}, < {"tag" : "broadsword", "name" : "Broadsword", "type" : "sword"}, < {"tag" : "hammer", "name" : "Hammer", "type" : "sword"}, < {"tag" : "axe", "name" : "Axe", "type" : "sword"}, < {"tag" : "shortsword", "name" : "Shortsword", "type" : "sword"}, < {"tag" : "spear", "name" : "Spear", "type" : "sword"}, < {"tag" : "dagger", "name" : "Dagger", "type" : "sword"} --- > {"tag" : "machinepistol", "name" : "Machine Pistol", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "assaultrifle", "name" : "Assault Rifle", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "shotgun", "name" : "Shotgun", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "pistol", "name" : "Pistol", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "rocketlauncher", "name" : "Rocket Launcher", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "grenadelauncher", "name" : "Grenade Launcher", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "sniperrifle", "name" : "Sniper Rifle", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "broadsword", "name" : "Broadsword", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "hammer", "name" : "Hammer", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "axe", "name" : "Axe", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "shortsword", "name" : "Shortsword", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "spear", "name" : "Spear", "type" : "activeitem"}, > {"tag" : "dagger", "name" : "Dagger", "type" : "activeitem"} quests\generated\templates\add_object_to_house.questtemplate 23,77d22 < "title" : [ < "'s Home Makeover", < "Redecorating for " < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran's home is too sssedate. Let'sss make it brighter!", < "^cyan;Floran hasss a new piece of furniture in mind for home. Let'sss make this happen!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Observant. I have decided that my home needs improving - Can you assist?", < "^cyan;Self-conscious. My home could use some new decor. I have a plan to make this happen!" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;This place still doesn't feel like home, it's missing something. Could you help me out?", < "^cyan;I have a plan to spruce up my home, but I can't do it all myself. Can you give me a hand?" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Finally Floran hasss the ^orange; ^white;Floran wanted! It will look good in Floran's home, so ^green;please put it down sssomewhere in there.", < "That ^orange; ^white;is jussst what my home needss! ^green;Pleasse place it somewhere here." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Excited. Finally, could you ^green; place the ^orange;^green; somewhere in my home? ^white;You should ^green;make some more room^white; if necessary.", < "Eager. It is almost over - All you need to do now is ^green;place the ^orange;^green; in my home^white; somewhere!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Alright, I think this ^orange;^white; is exactly what's needed! ^green;Could you find some space in my home to place it?", < "I think this ^orange;^white; is going to do the trick! All that's left to do is ^green;place it in a nice spot." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran very happy with thisss. Floran's new looksss good there.", < "This is really helping my home looks ssshiny! Thanksss for your help!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Overjoyed. That really adds to my home, do you not agree? Thank you for your help with this!", < "Pleased. I think the addition of the is just what my home needed. Thank you for your help!" < ], < "default" : [ < "That's it! It looks perfect right there don't you agree? Thanks for all your help!", < "Much better! It looks just how I'd imagined it. Many thanks, feel free to stop by anytime to admire your handywork!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I failed to help make some home improvements. I'm sure they'll manage without my help.", < "I failed to improve the decoration in 's home. It probably would have looked bad anyway." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", 86a32,90 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "'s Home Makeover", > "Redecorating for " > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran hasss a new piece of furniture in mind for home. Let'sss make this happen!", > "^cyan;Floran's home is too sssedate. Let'sss make it brighter!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Observant. I have decided that my home needs improving - Can you assist?", > "^cyan;Self-conscious. My home could use some new decor... Perhaps you could help me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;This place still doesn't feel like home, it's missing something. Could you help me out?", > "^cyan;I have a plan to spruce up my home, but I can't do it all by myself. Can you give me a hand?" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Finally Floran hasss the ^orange; ^white;Floran wanted! It will look good in Floran's home, so ^green;please put it down sssomewhere in there.", > "That ^orange; ^white;is jussst what my home needss! ^green;Pleasse place it somewhere here." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. Finally, could you ^green; place the ^orange;^green; somewhere in my home? ^white;You should ^green;make some more room^white; if necessary.", > "Eager. We are almost done! All you need to do now is ^green;place the ^orange;^green; in my home^white; somewhere!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Alright, I think this ^orange;^white; is exactly what's needed! ^green;Could you find some space in my home to place it?", > "I think this ^orange;^white; is going to do the trick! All that's left to do is ^green;place it in a nice spot." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran very happy with thisss. Floran's new looksss good there.", > "This is really helping my home look shiny! Thanksss for your help!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Overjoyed. That really adds to the ambiance, do you not agree? Thank you for helping me!", > "Pleased. I think the addition of the is just what my home needed. Thank you for your help!" > ], > "default" : [ > "That's it! It looks perfect right there! Thank you so much for all your help!", > "Much better! It looks just how I'd imagined it. Many thanks, feel free to stop by anytime to admire your handiwork!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I failed to help make some home improvements. I'm sure 'll manage without my help.", > "I failed to improve the decoration in 's home. It probably would have looked bad anyway." > ] > }, 88c92,102 < "indicators" : ["deed"] --- > "indicators" : ["deed"], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "text" : "Add to 's house" > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "deed" > } quests\generated\templates\borrow.questtemplate 20,81d19 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Before we can do anything elsse, we need ^orange;^white;. Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; will let Floran borrow theirs. ^green;Will you go get it?", < "Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; hass ^orange;^white; that we need. ^green;If you ask to borrow it, that'll save usss time." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Eager. First things first, youΓÇÖll need to ^green;speak to ^orange; ^white;and ^green;borrow their ^orange;. ^white;Just tell them I sent you, and theyΓÇÖll be happy to lend it to you.", < "Restless. Our first priority should be obtaining a good quality ^orange;. It's likely quicker to just^green; ask ^orange;^green; if we can borrow theirs. " < ], < "default" : [ < "We will need a nice ^orange;^white; to begin with. I seem to remember seeing ^orange; ^white;with one quite recently. Why don't you ^green;go and ask if we can borrow it for a while? ^white;We can tell them we lost it later if they ask for it back. ", < "I think ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; that we could use. Why don't you ^green;go and ask them if we can borrow it indefinitely?^white; Actually, leave out the indefinitely part..." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "We need to talk to ^orange;^white; next. ^green;Go assk for their ^orange;^white;, they won't mind if Floran borrowsss it.", < "Next, we need a sshiny ^orange;^white;. Floran saw ^orange;^white; with one, ^green;you should asssk to borrow it." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Spontaneous. WeΓÇÖll need to ^green;borrow^orange; ΓÇÖs ^white;next. TheyΓÇÖll not have a problem handing it over if you ^green;tell them I sent you over there.", < "Observant. A while back I saw ^orange;^white; showing off their new ^orange;. ^white;Pretty lucky for us, because we need one for our next task. Go and ^green;ask them if we can borrow it. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Now we need to find ourselves one ^orange;. ^white;You should ^green;go and ask ^orange;^green; if we can borrow theirs. ^white;No need to mention that we won't be able to return it. ", < "We could really use a good ^orange;^white; now. ^orange; ^white;is sure to have one in their posession. Why don't you ^green;go and borrow it from them? " < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Great, you got it! Let's hope understandss Floran's meaning of borrow...", < "You got the ! It's nice that trustsss us with it. I can't promisse that we'll give it back though." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Delighted. Great! that's just what we needed. I knew would come through for us! Just don't do something silly like forget to hand it back to them when we're done here. That'd be pretty embarrassing!", < "Relieved. You got it! this will do nicely. It was nice of to let us borrow it. Try and remember to return it when we've finished." < ], < "default" : [ < "Great! sure is a generous neighbour. ", < "That's a decent . Let's hope won't miss it. " < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "You got it! Floran thinksss we'll need a little longer than may like. But let'ss worry about that later.", < "Thiss is a very good ! Floran surprised that give it up so easssily. Maybe we won't give it back so ssoon." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Trusting. Ah good, you got the ! You'll have to remember to return it at some point, but don't worry about that for now.", < "Thankful. This will work perfectly! it also saved us tracking one down ourselves. Make sure you don't damage it, wouldn't be happy if you returned it in poor condition." < ], < "default" : [ < "That went smoothly. Let's hope doesn't ask for it back.", < "Well done! We probably won't be able to return this to , but I'm sure they won't miss this dusty old thing anyway. " < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 90a29,94 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Before we can do anything elsse, we need ^orange;^white;. Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; will let Floran borrow . ^green;Will you go get it?", > "Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; hass ^orange;^white; that we need. ^green;If you ask to borrow it, that'll save usss time." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Eager. First things first, youΓÇÖll need to ^green;speak to ^orange; ^white;and ^green;borrow ^orange;. ^white;Just tell I sent you, and 'll be happy to lend it to you.", > "Enthusiastic. Our first priority should be obtaining a good quality ^orange;. I think it's quicker to just^green; ask ^orange;^green; if we can borrow . " > ], > "default" : [ > "We'll need a nice ^orange;^white; to begin with. I seem to remember seeing ^orange; ^white;with one quite recently. Why don't you ^green;go and ask if we can borrow it for a while? ^white;We can tell we lost it later if asks for it back. ", > "I think ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; that we could use. Why don't you ^green;go and ask if we can borrow it indefinitely?^white; Actually, leave out the indefinitely part..." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "We need to talk to ^orange;^white; next. ^green;Go assk for ^orange;^white;, won't mind if Floran borrowsss it.", > "Next, we need a shiny ^orange;^white;. Floran sssaw ^orange;^white; with one, ^green;you should asssk to borrow it." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Spontaneous. WeΓÇÖll need to ^green;borrow^orange; ΓÇÖs ^white;next. ΓÇÖll not have a problem handing it over if you ^green;tell I sent you.", > "Observant. A while back I saw ^orange;^white; showing off new ^orange;. ^white;Pretty lucky for us, because we need one for our next task. Go and ^green;ask if we can borrow it. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Now we need to find ourselves one ^orange;. ^white;You should ^green;go and ask ^orange;^green; if we can borrow . ^white;No need to mention that we won't be able to return it. ", > "We could really use a good ^orange;^white; right now. ^orange; ^white;is sure to have one in posession. Why don't you ^green;go and borrow it from ? " > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Great, you got it! Let's hope understandss Floran's meaning of borrow...", > "You got the ! It's nice that trustsss us with it. I can't promisse that we'll give it back though." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Delighted. Great! that's just what we need. I knew would come through for us! Just don't do something silly like forget to hand it back to when we're done here. That'd be pretty embarrassing!", > "Relieved. You got it! this will do nicely. It was nice of to let us borrow it. Try and remember to return it when we're finished." > ], > "default" : [ > "That's a decent . Let's hope won't miss it.", > "Great! sure is a generous neighbour. " > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "You got it! Floran thinksss we'll need a little longer than may like. But let'ss worry about that later.", > "Thiss is a very good ! Floran surprised that gave it up so easssily. Maybe we won't give it back so ssoon." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Satisfied. Ah good, you got the ! You'll have to remember to return it at some point, but don't worry about that for now.", > "Pleased. This will work perfectly! saved us tracking one down ourselves. Make sure you don't damage it, wouldn't be happy if you returned it in poor condition." > ], > "default" : [ > "That went smoothly. Let's hope doesn't ask for it back.", > "Well done! We probably won't be able to return this to , but I'm sure won't miss this dusty old thing anyway. " > ] > } > } > }, 94c98,113 < "giftReceivedEventName" : "loanProvided" --- > "giftReceivedEventName" : "loanProvided", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "collect", > "text" : "Acquire from " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\bribe.questtemplate 29,113d28 < "title" : [ < "Bribe ", < " attempts a bribe", < "'s Agenda" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;If we give a presssent, Floran is sssure they will feel indebted to us.", < "^cyan;Floran wants to owe usss something. Floran has geniusss plan." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Observational. I've been looking for a reliable way to indebt to myself.", < "^cyan;Manipulative. I'd like to act in my favour. Help me sweeten them up." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I want to win 's favour, and have a way to make it happen...", < "^cyan;I want to owe me a favour, and now I have a plan." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran heard that ^orange;^white; hasss been looking for a nice for a long time now. Lucky for them we have one! If we give them this precious ^orange;^white; Floran is sssure they will feel presssured to help us.", < "Floran heard from a friend of a friend that ^orange;'s^white; biggessst wish is to have a nice . Let's ussse this to our advantage. ^green;Give them our preciousss ^orange;^white; and they will surely feel indebted to usss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Manipulative. The next thing IΓÇÖd like you to do is give ^orange; ^white;a very special something. ^green;I need them to receive the ^orange;^white; in order for the plan to work.", < "Nervous. Next I need the favour of ^orange;^green; - Try bribing them with the ^orange;^white;. That should hopefully work..." < ], < "default" : [ < "Next ^green;I need to win over ^orange;^white;, and it just so happens that ^green;they would probably love your ^orange;^white;! Is that bribery? Sure, but I don't think they'll mind...", < "How do you feel about bribery? I figure that if you were to ^green;gift that ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; on my behalf, they would owe me a favour! Can you go and ^green;give it to them for me?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now we can finally get to the important part of the plan. Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; has been searching for a nice ^orange;^white; for a long time. ^green;If you bribe them with ours,^white; they'll help me in future.", < "Floran hass done research and found out that ^orange;^white; needs one for their persssonal use. Floran thinks that if we ^green;give them our ^orange;^white;, they will surely owe us a favour." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Apprehensive. I'd like to make clear that this is very much not a bribe of any sort. I don't even know the meaning of the word. All I need you to do is ^green;give ^orange; ^green;the ^orange; ^white;to persuade them to act in my favour...", < "Tense. It all comes down to this. ^green;Present ^orange; ^green;with the ^orange;. ^white;In case they ask, it's definitely not some sort of bribe..." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, my plan comes together! ^green;Take that ^orange;^green; and generously give it to ^orange;^green; on my behalf^white;. They will be indebted to me for my kind act of bribery!", < "All that is left to do is to ^green;bribe ^orange;^green; with that ^orange;^white; that I know they want. It is completely ethical - Honest!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Perfect! Now will feel indebted to uss. And rightfully ssso! Floran is pleased with the outcome.", < "Yesss, Floran is glad that accepted the present. Now to figure out how to use this sssituation to our advantage..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Impressed. So accepted the ? This plan is working out better than I anticipated. ", < "Paranoid. So you're saying that didn't suspect anything? Maybe they aren't as bright as I thought." < ], < "default" : [ < " took the bribe? Great! This will be useful for my plans.", < "Wow, bribery is easy! owing me a favour is helpful." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "You did it! owes usss big time now!", < "Successs! owes Floran a favour for being sssuch a friendly neighbour. Floran will make sure to use this favour well." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Exhilarated. took the ? That's perfect! If I ever need a favour I know I have someone that's indebted to me now. I can't believe you thought this was some sort of bribe!", < "Relieved. So they just took the ? No questions asked? Here I was thinking it'd be hard to get on my side." < ], < "default" : [ < "My plan worked! Bribery sure is easy. Now I can call upon to help me whenever I need them. Thanks for your help!", < "Now owes me a favour! That was easier than I thought. Thank you for helping my genius plan!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "Oh no! I failed to deliver the bribe to . Maybe I'm not cut out for shady business.", < "I failed to deliver the bribe to . Maybe should deal with their dirty business themselves anyway?" < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 122a38,126 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "Bribe ", > " attempts a bribe", > "'s Agenda" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;If we give a present, Floran is sssure 'll feel indebted to us.", > "^cyan;Floran wants to owe us sssomething. Floran has a geniuss plan." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Conspiratorial. I've been looking for a reliable way to indebt to myself.", > "^cyan;Manipulative. I'd like to act in my favour. Help me sweeten up." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I want to win 's favour, and I have a way to make it happen...", > "^cyan;I want to owe me a favour... I have a plan..." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran heard that ^orange;^white; hasss been looking for a nice for a long time now. Lucky for we have one! If we give this precious ^orange;^white; Floran is sssure will feel inclined to help us.", > "Floran heard from a friend of a friend that ^orange;'s^white; biggessst wish is to have a nice . Let's use this to our advantage. ^green;Give them our preciousss ^orange;^white; and will surely feel indebted to usss." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Conniving. The next thing IΓÇÖd like you to do is give ^orange; ^white;a very special something. ^green;I need to receive the ^orange;^white; in order for the plan to work.", > "Nervous. Next I need the favour of ^orange;^green; - Could you try bribing with the ^orange;^white;? That should hopefully work..." > ], > "default" : [ > "Next ^green;I need to win over ^orange;^white;, and it just so happens that ^green; would love your ^orange;^white;! Is that bribery? Sure, but I don't think 'll mind...", > "How do you feel about bribery? I figure that if you were to ^green;gift that ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; on my behalf, would owe me a favour! Can you go and ^green;give it to for me?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now we can finally get to the important part of the plan. Floran knows that ^orange;^white; hass been searching for a nice ^orange;^white; for a long time. ^green;If you bribe with ourss,^white; 'll owe Floran.", > "Floran hass done research and found out that ^orange;^white; needs one for persssonal use. Floran thinks that if we ^green;give our ^orange;^white;, 'll help uss in return." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Apprehensive. I'd like to make clear that this is very much not a bribe of any sort. I don't even know the meaning of the word. All I need you to do is ^green;give ^orange; ^green;the ^orange; ^white;to persuade to act in my favour...", > "Tense. It all comes down to this. ^green;Present ^orange; ^green;with the ^orange;. ^white;In case asks, it's definitely not a bribe..." > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, my plan comes together! ^green;Take that ^orange;^green; and generously give it to ^orange;^green; on my behalf^white;. will be indebted to me for my kind act of bribery!", > "All that is left to do is to ^green;bribe ^orange;^green; with that ^orange;^white; that I know wants. It is completely ethical - Honest!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Perfect! Now will feel indebted to uss. And rightfully so! Floran is pleassed with the outcome.", > "Yesss, Floran is glad that accepted the present. Now to figure out how to use this sssituation to our advantage..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Gratified. So accepted the ? This plan is working out better than I anticipated. ", > "Paranoid. So you're saying that took the bribe? Ok, it's Ok, I think we've done the right thing..." > ], > "default" : [ > " took the bribe? Great! This will be useful for my plans.", > "Wow, bribery is easy! owing me a favour is useful." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "You did it! owes usss big time now!", > "Successs! owes Floran a favour for being sssuch a friendly neighbour. Floran will make sure to use this favour well." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Exhilarated. took the ? That's perfect! If I ever need a favour I know I have someone indebted to me now. I can't believe you thought this was some sort of bribe!", > "Relieved. So just took the ? No questions asked? Here I was thinking it'd be hard to get on my side." > ], > "default" : [ > "My plan worked! Bribery sure is easy. Now I can call upon to help me whenever I need . Thanks for your help!", > "Now owes me a favour! That was easier than I thought. Thank you for helping me with my genius plan!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "Oh no! I failed to deliver the bribe to . Maybe I'm not cut out for shady business.", > "I failed to deliver the bribe to . Maybe should deal with dirty business anyway?" > ] > }, 124c128 < "requireTurnIn" : true, --- > "requireTurnIn" : false, 132c136,151 < "objectAddedNotification" : "bribeObjectAdded" --- > "objectAddedNotification" : "bribeObjectAdded", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > } > ], > "addToHouseObjective" : { > "id" : "place", > "text" : "Place in 's home" > }, > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\build_home.questtemplate 23,77d22 < "title" : [ < "A new friend for ", < "'s new friend" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran thinks we could do with fresssh blood around here. Floran hasss a plan!", < "^cyan;Floran wantsss more company. Let's make thisss happen!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Lonely. I have decided I would benefit from a new friend - And you're just the person who can help me!", < "^cyan;Introspective. I have concluded that a new friend would make me happier. Could you help me with this?" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I love to make friends. Could you help me setup a residence for a new neighbour?", < "^cyan;I'm lonely and could use someone new to talk to. Could you help find me the friend I'm looking for?" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Finally, ^green;make a shelter and decorate it with ^orange;.^white; You also need to ^green;place a ^orange;Colony deed,^white; of courssse. I'm ssso close to making a new friend! I hope they enjoy hunting!", < "Now ^green;make a home and put ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;as well as a ^orange;Colony Deed.^white; Floran hopes new friend likes giftsss..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Excited. All you need to do now is ^green;make a home^white; using your ^orange;, ^white;and a ^orange;Colony Deed^white;, and we'll have a new associate in no time!", < "Nervous. Finally, ^green;build a new home^white; and ^green;furnish it^white; with your ^orange;.^white; Don't forget to place a ^orange;Colony Deed!^orange;" < ], < "default" : [ < "I think we've gathered all the furnishings we need. Now we just need the house itself! ^green;Build a home and set ^orange;^green; inside.^white; Don't forget to place a ^orange;Colony Deed^white; as well!", < "The last thing is to ^green;place ^orange;^green; inside a house.^white; I'll let you handle the construction since I'm not much of a builder. Remember to ^green;place a ^orange;Colony Deed^white; to announce the unit is available to rent!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "It worked, we have a ssshiny new friend! Floran is thankful for your help.", < "You helped Floran find a new friend! Floran is very grateful" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Thrilled. We have a new friend to get acquainted with - I'm sure they'll fit in just fine! Thank you for making this happen!", < "Delighted. I'm always surprised how fast new homes are inhabited - I guess there's a lot of demand out there! Thank you for your help." < ], < "default" : [ < "Success! I've finally got a new neighbour! This place gets lonely sometimes, it's nice to have folks to talk to.", < "Vacancy filled! That didn't take long! Thanks for helping expand my social network!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I was unable to help make a new friend. They probably have enough friends as it is.", < "I was unable to help make a new friend. I'm sure they'll get over it." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", 87c32,103 < "portraitParameter" : "questGiver" --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "A new friend for ", > "'s new friend" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran thinks we could do with ssome fresh blood around here. Floran hasss a plan!", > "^cyan;Floran wantsss more company. Let's make thiss happen!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Lonely. I have decided I would benefit from a new friend - And you're just the person who can help me!", > "^cyan;Introspective. I have concluded that a new friend would make me happier. Could you help me attract one?" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I love to make friends. Help me setup a home that will entice a new neighbour!", > "^cyan;I'm lonely and could use someone new to talk to. Could you help find me the friend I'm looking for?" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Finally, ^green;make a shelter and decorate it with ^orange;.^white;! Make sssure you ^green;place a ^orange;Colony deed,^white; too. Floran hopes new friend enjoyss hunting...", > "Now ^green;make a home and put ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;as well as a ^orange;Colony Deed.^white; Floran hopes new friend likes giftsss..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. All you need to do now is ^green;make a home^white; using your ^orange;, ^white;and a ^orange;Colony Deed^white;! I'll be making a new friend in no time!", > "Enthusiastic. Finally, ^green;build a new home^white; and ^green;furnish it^white; with your ^orange;.^white; Don't forget to place a ^orange;Colony Deed!^orange;" > ], > "default" : [ > "We've gathered all the furnishing, but we need the house itself! ^green;Build a home and put ^orange;^green; inside.^white; Don't forget to place a ^orange;Colony Deed^white; as well!", > "Finally, ^green;place ^orange;^green; in a house.^white; You trust you can handle the construction. Remember to ^green;place a ^orange;Colony Deed^white; when you're done!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "It worked! Floran has a shiny new friend. Floran appreciatesss your help.", > "You helped Floran find a new friend! Floran is very grateful." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Thrilled. I have a new friend to get acquainted with - I'm sure they'll be a wonderful companion! Thank you for making this happen!", > "Delighted. I'm always surprised how fast new homes are inhabited - I guess there's a lot of demand out there! Thank you for your help." > ], > "default" : [ > "Vacancy filled! That didn't take long! Thanks for helping expand my social network!", > "Success! I've finally got a new neighbour! This place gets lonely sometimes, it's nice to have folks to talk to." > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I was unable to help make a new friend. probably has enough friends as it is.", > "I was unable to help make a new friend. I'm sure 'll get over it." > ] > }, > "portraitParameter" : "questGiver", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "text" : "Build a home with:" > }, > { > "text" : "1 Colony Deed" > } > ], > "objectListText" : " ", > "lightSourceText" : "any light source", > "doorText" : "any door" quests\generated\templates\collect_fine.questtemplate 20,161d19 < "title" : [ < "Collect damages from ", < "Bring to Justice" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Help Floran deliver jusstice to !", < "^cyan;Make pay back for breaking rulesss!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Preoccupied. Will you help me bring to justice? I have a plan for this...", < "^cyan;Shocked. I have learned that has been stealing from others! I have a plan to bring them to justice..." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;You look like you can handle yourself. Will you help me bring to justice? ", < "^cyan; has been causing a nuisance around here lately - It's time I set them straight." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has much to do, sso very busy. Will you assist Floran? ^orange; ^white;has done a ssshameful crime and the law musst be upheld! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to them and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", < "Floran heard ^orange;^white; isn't being very nice. Floran wantsss you to resolve thisss quietly - ^green;take thisss ^orange;crime notice^green; to them and collect one ^orange; ^green;from them ^white;as payment." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Distracted. ^orange;^white; has committed a crime and owes a fine. Will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to them^white; and ^green;take their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages? It is a trivial task, but i'm far too busy for it.", < "Resolute. First, I regret to inform you that our seemingly innocent associate ^orange;^white; recently commited a crime. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^white; and take their ^orange;^white; as compensation." < ], < "default" : [ < "I've got plenty of evidence here to prove that ^orange;^white; has been up to no good. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;fine notice^green; to them.^white; They've already agreed to give up their ^orange;^white; as payment. ", < "The first thing on our agenda involves ^orange;^white;. Certain evidence has come to light that they're a pretty shady individual. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^green; and collect their ^orange;^white; as payment." < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has more tasssks for you. ^orange; ^white;has done something sssinful and Floran wantsss justice! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to them and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", < "Floran heard about ^orange; ^white;doing some nasssty things. Floran has written a ^orange;crime notice^white; for them. ^green;Deliver it, and take one ^orange;^green; as payment." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Inattentive. I need you to do something else for me - upholding the law is quite important and all, but so are lunch breaks. ^orange;^white; owes a fine - will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to them^white; and ^green;take their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages?", < "Determined. I have heard that ^orange;^white; has been caught commiting a crime! I won't let this pass - ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to them^white; and ^green;take their ^orange;^white; as compensation." < ], < "default" : [ < "Now, ^orange;^white; owes a fine for being a law breaker. ^green;Will you deliver this ^orange;fine notice?^white; They've agreed to give their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages.", < "Next on our list involves ^orange;, ^white;they've proven themselves to be quite the lawbreaker. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^green; for damages to them,^white; they've already agreed to give their ^orange; as compensation." < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has one lassst job for you. ^orange; ^white;has committed a sshameful crime and justice musst be served! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to them and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", < "It'sss time to deliver justice to ^orange;! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice ^white;Floran wrote, and ^green;take one ^orange;^green; as payment." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Irritated. Lastly, ^orange;^white; has broken the law and owes a fine. I am far too busy to collect it. Will you ^green;deliver this notice to ^orange;^white; and ^green;collect their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages? I would be most grateful.", < "Serious. It's time we get ^orange;^white; to pay for their crimes. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to them,^white; and take their ^orange;^white; as compensation. Hopefully they'll behave in future!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Lastly, ^orange;^white; owes a fine. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^white; and ^green;collect their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages.", < "Finally, we need ^orange;^white; to pay for their shady practices. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to them,^white; it's a receipt for criminal damages. Then ^green;collect their ^orange;^white; as compensation." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < " has done a dessspicable crime and must face justice! Floran thinks you're bessst for this job! ^green;Go and give this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ^orange;^green; and take ^orange; ^white;as payment.", < "Floran has dissscovered ^orange;^white; has done some nasssty things! Here'sss a ^orange;crime notice. ^green;Take it to them and take one ^orange; ^green;as payment^white; for their actionsss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Lackadaisical. You wouldn't happen to be busy, would you? ^orange;^white; has broken the law and owes a fine. Will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to them^white; and ^green;collect their ^orange;^white; as payment? I would do it myself, but I am... Busy. Yes, very busy.", < "Determined. ^orange;^white; has been up to some unethical business, and I wish to teach them a lesson. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^white; to them,^white; and ^green;take their ^orange;^white; as compensation for their behaviour. Hopefully they'll learn!" < ], < "default" : [ < "I've got a ^orange;fine notice^white; right here. ^orange;^white; has already agreed to give up their ^orange;^white; as payment of damages, ^green;will you deliver it to them?", < "^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ^orange;^white;. They've agreed to give their ^orange;^white; as compensation for their behaviour." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssuperb law-upholding - You are good at thisss! Will you do ssomething else for Floran?", < "Floran has brought jussstice, and we got a out of it. Floran might find use for thisss..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. Well done collecting the fine from ! That's one more thing I can cross off my to-do list. Do you think you could do something else for me?", < "Vindicated. has no doubt learned their lesson... And that will come in useful as well!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Well done collecting the fine from ! This will do nicely. Do you think you could do something else for me?", < " has no doubt learned their lesson. This will come in useful too!" < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Jussstice has been served! You're good at thisss! Will you do one lassst thing for Floran?", < "Thanksss! Hopefully will ssstay nice from now on. This might also be helpful for Floran..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Grateful. Thank you for collecting 's fine! I certainly couldn't make time for it, but you seem to have plenty of time on your hands.", < "Pleased. Thank you for helping teach that there's consequences for their actions! That might also be useful, too." < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you for collecting 's fine! I wasn't sure they'd follow through with payment if I went myself. Luckily you look like someone wouldn't want to mess with.", < "Thank you for helping teach that there's consequences for their actions! I can see a few uses for this already." < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssweet justice! Perhaps you should be doing thisss job instead of Floran...", < "Thankss for your help! You can keep that , Floran doesn't need it." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Thankful. Nice work collecting the fine from ! That certainly saved me a lot of hassle.", < "Relieved. Thank you for teaching a lesson. You can keep that , you've earned it." < ], < "default" : [ < "Nice work collecting the fine from . I was a little worried that they'd try to wriggle out of it. You can keep that as payment.", < "Thank you for teaching a lesson. I hope they realise that nobody is above the law. You can keep the . You've earned it." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "That was some sssuperb law-upholding! You ssshould do this more often.", < "Hopefully learned to play by the rulesss. Floran knows that you should never get caught if doing bad things... You can keep that as paymentsss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. Well done collecting the fine from ! That's one more thing I can cross off my to-do list. Hooray!", < "Grateful. Thank you for teaching that we follow rules around here, even if those rules are vague and not actually written down anywhere. Keep that too, if you like." < ], < "default" : [ < "You did a good job! Keep the as payment for your services. I just wanted to show that nobody is above the law.", < "Thanks for your help! should realise that we have to follow the rules around here. Keep that too, if you like." < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I failed to deliver the crime notice to and collect one as collateral. Perhaps I'm not cut out for the vigilante life after all.", < "I failed to get compensation from for their actions. I guess crime does pay, after all.", < "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should stop asking passers-by to do their job for them.,", < "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should chase them up themselves." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 171,183c29,35 < "requireTurnIn" : true, < "indicators" : ["target"], < < "crimeNotice" : { < "templates" : [ < ", you are wanted for . Pay 1 ", < " is being charged with: . They must pay 1 ", < " pay 1 , do not pass GO, do not collect 200 pixels", < "To clear your criminal record, please pay 1 " < ], < < "words" : { < "crime" : [ --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "fluff" : [ > ["crime", [ 191a44,61 > ]] > ], > "title" : [ > "Collect damages from ", > "Bring to Justice" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Help Floran deliver jusstice to !", > "^cyan;Make pay for breaking rulesss!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Vague. Apparently has been breaking rules... I suppose we should mete out some justice.", > "^cyan;Obsessive. Will you help me bring to justice? I have a plan..." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;You look like you can handle yourself. Will you help me bring to justice? ", > "^cyan; has been causing a nuisance around here lately - It's time I set straight." 192a63,203 > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has much to do, ssso very busy. Will you help Floran? ^orange; ^white;has done a shameful crime and the law musst be upheld! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", > "Floran heard ^orange;^white; isn't being very nice. Floran wantsss you to resolve this quietly - ^green;take thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to and collect one ^orange; ^green;from ^white;as payment." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Distracted. ^orange;^white; has committed a crime and owes a fine. Will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to ^white; and ^green;take ^orange;^white; as payment of damages? It is a trivial task and I'm far too busy for it.", > "Resolute. First, I regret to inform you that our seemingly innocent associate ^orange;^white; recently commited a crime. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^white; and take ^orange;^white; as compensation." > ], > "default" : [ > "I've got plenty of evidence here to prove that ^orange;^white; has been up to no good. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;fine notice^green; to .^white; 's already agreed to give up ^orange;^white; as payment. ", > "The first thing on our agenda involves ^orange;^white;. Certain evidence has come to light that 's a pretty shady individual. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;fine notice^green; and collect ^orange;^white; as payment." > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has another tasssk for you. ^orange; ^white;has done something shameful and Floran wantsss justice! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", > "Floran heard about ^orange; ^white;doing sssome terrible things. Floran has written a ^orange;crime notice^white; for . ^green;Deliver it, and take one ^orange;^green; as payment." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Inattentive. I need you to do something else for me - upholding the law is quite important and all, but so are lunch breaks. ^orange;^white; owes a fine - will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to ^white; and ^green;take ^orange;^white; as payment of damages?", > "Determined. I have heard that ^orange;^white; has been caught commiting a crime! I won't let this pass - ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ^white; and ^green;take ^orange;^white; as compensation." > ], > "default" : [ > "Now, ^orange;^white; owes a fine for being a law breaker. ^green;Will you deliver this ^orange;fine notice?^white; 's agreed to give ^orange;^white; as payment of damages.", > "Next on our list involves ^orange;, ^white;'s proven to be quite the lawbreaker. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^green; for damages to ,^white; 's already agreed to give ^orange; as compensation." > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has one lassst job for you. ^orange; ^white;has committed a shameful crime and justice must be sserved! ^green;Go and give thiss ^orange;crime notice^green; to and take one ^orange;^green; as payment.", > "It's time to deliver jussstice to ^orange;! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice ^white;Floran wrote, and ^green;take one ^orange;^green; as payment." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Irritated. Lastly, ^orange;^white; has broken the law and owes a fine. I am far too busy to collect it. Will you ^green;deliver this notice to ^orange;^white; and ^green;collect ^orange;^white; as payment of damages? I would be most grateful.", > "Serious. It's time we get ^orange;^white; to pay for crimes. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ,^white; and take ^orange;^white; as compensation. Hopefully 'll behave in future!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Lastly, ^orange;^white; owes a fine. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^white; and ^green;collect ^orange;^white; as payment of damages.", > "Finally, we need ^orange;^white; to pay for shady practices. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to ,^white; it's a receipt for criminal damages. ^green;Collect ^orange;^white; as compensation." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > " has done a dessspicable crime and must face justice! Floran thinks you're bessst for this job! ^green;Go and give this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ^orange;^green; and take ^orange; ^white;as payment.", > "Floran has dissscovered ^orange;^white; has done some bad things! Here'sss a ^orange;crime notice. ^green;Take it to and take one ^orange; ^green;as payment^white; for naughtiness." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Lackadaisical. You wouldn't happen to be busy, would you? ^orange;^white; has broken the law and owes a fine. Will you ^green;deliver this ^orange;notice^green; to ^white; and ^green;collect ^orange;^white; as payment? I would do it myself, but I... Don't want to.", > "Determined. ^orange;^white; has been up to some unethical business, and I wish to teach a lesson. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^white; to ,^white; and ^green;take ^orange;^white; as compensation for behaviour. Hopefully 'll learn!" > ], > "default" : [ > "^green;I need you to take this ^orange;fine notice^white; to ^orange;^white;. 's already agreed to give up ^orange;^white; as payment of damages.", > "^green;Deliver this ^orange;crime notice^green; to ^orange;^white;. 's agreed to give ^orange;^white; as compensation for behaviour." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Superb law-upholding - You're so good at this! Will you do ssomething else for Floran?", > "Floran has brought jussstice, and we got a out of it. Floran might find use for thisss..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Well done collecting the fine from ! That's one more thing I can cross off my to-do list. Do you think you could do something else for me?", > "Pleased. has no doubt learned lesson... And that will come in useful as well!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Well done collecting the fine from ! This will do nicely. Do you think you could do something else for me?", > " has no doubt learned lesson. This will come in useful too!" > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Jussstice has been served! You're good at this! Will you do one lassst thing for Floran?", > "Thanks! Hopefully will ssstay nice from now on. This might also be helpful for Floran..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Thank you for collecting 's fine! I certainly couldn't make time for it, but you seem to have plenty of time on your hands.", > "Pleased. Thank you for helping teach that there's consequences to actions. This will come in useful, too." > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you for collecting 's fine! I wasn't sure 'd follow through with payment if I went myself. Luckily you look like someone wouldn't want to mess with.", > "Thank you for helping teach that there's consequences to actions! I can see a few uses for this already." > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Justice! Perhaps you should be doing this job inssstead of Floran...", > "Thankss for your help! You can keep that , Floran doesn't need it." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Nice work collecting the fine from ! That certainly saved me a lot of hassle.", > "Relieved. Thank you for teaching a lesson. You can keep that , you've earned it." > ], > "default" : [ > "Nice work collecting the fine from . I was a little worried that 'd try to wriggle out of it. You can keep that as payment.", > "Thank you for teaching a lesson. I hope realises that nobody is above the law. You can keep the . You've earned it." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "That was ssssome great law-upholding! You should do this more often.", > "Hopefully learned a lesson - never get caught doing bad thingss... You can keep that if you like." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Ecstatic. You collected the fine from ! That's one more thing I can cross off my to-do list!", > "Grateful. Thank you for teaching that we follow rules around here, even if those rules are vague and not actually written down anywhere. Keep that too, if you like." > ], > "default" : [ > "You did a good job! Keep the as payment for your services. I just wanted to show that nobody is above the law.", > "Thanks for your help! should realise that we have to follow the rules around here. You can keep that if you like." > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I failed to deliver the crime notice to and collect the as collateral. Perhaps I'm not cut out to be a debt collector.", > "I failed to get compensation from for actions. I guess crime does pay, after all.", > "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should stop asking passers-by to do job for .,", > "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should chase up ." > ] > }, > "requireTurnIn" : true, > "indicators" : ["target"], > > "crimeNotice" : [ > ", you are wanted for . Pay 1 .", > " is being charged with: . must pay 1 .", > " pay 1 , do not pass GO, do not collect 200 pixels.", > "To clear your criminal record, please pay 1 ." > ], > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "collect", > "text" : "Acquire from " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " 193a205,208 > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" quests\generated\templates\collect_gift.questtemplate 20,81d19 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Firssst, Floran needs you to ^green;get a ssshiny ^orange;. ^white;Floran thinksss ^orange; ^green;will have one.", < "To sstart, Floran first needs a sshiny ^orange; ^green;from ^orange;. ^green;Go asssk them for one." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Friendly. First ^green;I shall need one ^orange;^white;, and I know that ^orange;^white; currently owns one. ^green;Can you ask them to give it to us?", < "Confident. ^green;I am going to need one ^orange;^white;, I know that ^orange;^white; owns one. ^green;I am sure they'll give it to me if you asked." < ], < "default" : [ < "The first thing I'll need is one ^orange;.^white; has an extra, and owes me a favor. ^green;Could you run over to ^orange;^white; and pick it up?", < "To begin we'll need one ^orange;.^white; I know ^orange;^white; got a new one recently, ^green;you should ask if we can use it." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next, Floran heard that ^orange; ^white;hass a nice ^orange;. ^white;Could you ^green;collect it for Floran^white;, pleassse?", < "For the next part, Floran needs a nice ^orange;. ^white;Floran heard that ^orange; ^green;hasss one. You ssshould ask them." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Upbeat. Next, ^green;I have need of ^orange;'s ^white;. I'm positive that if you asked them nicely, they'd give it to us. ^green;You should speak to them!", < "Expectant. ^green;I need one ^orange; and know that ^orange; has one. I am sure you could ^green;retrieve it for me if you asked them nicely." < ], < "default" : [ < "Next, I need you to ^green;retreive my ^orange;^white;. I loaned it to ^orange;^white; last week, ^green;could you ask for it back?^white; We're going to need it for the next phase of my plan.", < "Now I'll need you to gather one ^orange;. ^white; has the biggest collection around, if you ^green;ask nicely^white; I'm sure that just one wouldn't be missed." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "You brought Floran the ! won't misss it.", < "Thanksss! Floran knew wouldn't mind." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Happy. I knew that would be willing to help me out. Thank you for your assistance!", < "Overjoyed. That is just what I need - is kind to have provided it. Thank you for your help as well!" < ], < "default" : [ < "You got the from , excellent work! This next step would have been tough without it.", < "Perfect, I'll have to give my thanks. This is exactly what we need." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Thanksss! Floran thinksss we'll need this more than does.", < "Perfect! Floran has more plansss with this ." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. is always reliable, and so are you! Thank you for your assistance.", < "Appreciative. I am lucky to have friends like you and who can help me out!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Thanks for getting what we needed from . Now to move things forward.", < "That is one good looking . Thanks for picking this up." < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 90a29,94 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Firssst, Floran needs you to ^green;get a shiny ^orange;. ^white;Floran thinksss ^orange; ^green;will have one.", > "To sstart, Floran needs a shiny ^orange; ^green;from ^orange;. ^green;Go asssk for one." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Friendly. First ^green;I shall need one ^orange;^white;, and I know that ^orange;^white; currently owns one. ^green;Can you ask to give it to us?", > "Confident. ^green;I am going to need one ^orange;^white;, I know that ^orange;^white; owns one. ^green;I am sure 'll give it to me if you ask." > ], > "default" : [ > "The first thing I'll need is one ^orange;.^white; ^orange;^white; has an extra one, and owes me a favor. ^green;Could you run over to and pick it up?", > "To begin we'll need one ^orange;.^white; I know ^orange;^white; got a new one recently, ^green;you should ask if we can use it." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next, Floran heard that ^orange; ^white;hass a nice ^orange;. ^white;Could you ^green;collect it for Floran^white;, pleasse?", > "For the next part, Floran needss a nice ^orange;. ^white;Floran heard that ^orange; ^white;had one. ^green;You should ask for it." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Cheerful. Next, ^green;I have need of ^orange;'s ^white;. I'm positive that if you asked nicely, 'd give it to us. ^green;You should speak to .", > "Expectant. ^green;I need one ^orange; and know that ^orange; has one. I am sure you could ^green;procure it for me if you asked nicely." > ], > "default" : [ > "Next, I need you to ^green;retreive my ^orange;^white;. I loaned it to ^orange;^white; last week, ^green;could you ask for it back?^white; We're going to need it for the next phase of my plan.", > "Now I'll need you to get one ^orange;. ^white; has the biggest collection around; if you ^green;ask nicely^white; I'm sure wouldn't mind parting with just one." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "You brought Floran the ! won't misss it.", > "Thanksss! Floran knew wouldn't mind." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Happy. I knew that would be willing to help me. Thank you for your assistance!", > "Overjoyed. This is just what I need - is so kind to have provided it. And you're so kind for fetching it!" > ], > "default" : [ > "You got the from , excellent work! This next step would have been tough without it.", > "Perfect, I'll have to give my thanks. This is exactly what we need." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Thanksss! Floran thinks we'll need this more than does.", > "Perfect! Floran has plansss for this ." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. is always reliable, and so are you! Thank you for your assistance.", > "Appreciative. I am lucky to have friends like you and to help me out!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Thanks for getting what we needed from . Now to move things forward.", > "That is one good looking . Thanks for picking this up." > ] > } > } > }, 94c98,113 < "giftReceivedEventName" : "giftProvided" --- > "giftReceivedEventName" : "giftProvided", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "collect", > "text" : "Acquire from " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\cooking.questtemplate 30,62d29 < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now for the worsssssst part! Floran hatess cooking! ^green;You need to cook ^orange; ^white;for Floran using the ^orange;.", < "Next needs to ^green;cook Floran ^orange; ^green;from the ^orange;." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Confused. Now that you have all the ^orange;ingredients^white;, ^green;they just need to be fashioned into ^orange;^white; somehow. I will leave this part to you!", < "Calm. ^green;Now you just need to prepare ^orange;^white; from the ^orange;^white;. Simple!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Now comes the tricky part - cooking. You should be able to ^green;assemble ^orange;^white; into ^orange;^white;. The recipe seems simple, but my attempts at cooking always taste awful.", < "The ^orange;^white; will need some preparing. You should be able to ^green;whip up ^orange;^white;, why don't you give it a try?" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Yesss! Floran not too great a cook, thisss was better plan!", < "Thank you , you sssssure are a better chef than Floran!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Envious. I am very grateful to benefit from your excellent cooking skills. Thank you!", < "Happy. The look splendid. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Wow! That looks delicious! I wish we could eat this right now but we'll need it for what comes next...", < "You didn't seem to have any trouble cooking that! Thank you, this is exactly what's needed to complete my plan." < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", 71a39,75 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now for the worst part! Floran hatesss cooking! ^green;You need to cook ^orange; ^white;for Floran using the ^orange;.", > "Next needss to ^green;cook Floran ^orange; ^green;from the ^orange;." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Confused. Now that you have all the ^orange;ingredients^white;, ^green;they just need to be fashioned into ^orange;^white; somehow. I will leave this part to you!", > "Composed. ^green;Now you just need to prepare ^orange;^white; from the ^orange;^white;. Simple!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Now comes the tricky part - cooking. You should be able to ^green;assemble ^orange;^white; into ^orange;^white;. The recipe seems simple, but my attempts at cooking never work out.", > "The ^orange;^white; will need some preparing. You should be able to ^green;whip up ^orange;^white;. Why don't you give it a try?" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Mmmmm! Floran not too a great at cooking, so this wasss an excellent plan!", > "Thank you , you sssure are a better chef than Floran!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Envious. I am very grateful to benefit from your excellent cooking skills. Thank you!", > "Happy. The look splendid. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Wow! That looks delicious! I wish we could eat this right now but we'll need it for what comes next...", > "You didn't seem to have any trouble cooking that! Thank you - this is exactly what's needed to complete my plan." > ] > } > } > }, quests\generated\templates\craft.questtemplate 29,61d28 < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now you have the crafting ingredientsss we need. ^green;Make Floran ^orange;.", < "Floran needsss ^orange;.^green; Thessse can be crafted from ^orange;. ^white;Can you help?" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Purposeful. Now for the real task at hand, ^green;you must craft ^orange;^white; for me. You already have all the materials you need, and my gratitude.", < "Concerned. Here is the point at which I falter. My creative ability is below average, ^green;would you be so kind as to craft ^orange;^white; on my behalf? You can use the ^orange;^white; we obtained earlier." < ], < "default" : [ < "Next you'll need to ^green;assemble ^orange;^white;. You should be able to ^green;use the ^orange;^white; that you gathered earlier to do that.", < "The next step requires ^green;putting together ^orange;^white;. I would assemble this myself, but my crafting skills are terrible! If you want to take a shot, you should have everything you need." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssskillfully crafted, ! Now Floran has another requessst.", < " will be very ussseful. Floran thanksss you for making these." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Delighted. Your craftsmanship is truly splendid! I'll be sure to call on you again in future. ", < "Relieved. The wait has been agonising but at last my plans can go ahead, all thanks to you! " < ], < "default" : [ < "Wow, very well constructed. Thank you, this is going to work nicely for what I have planned.", < "You made that look easy! I suspect you've done some crafting before. With this we can finally move forward. Thanks!" < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", 70a38,74 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now you have the crafting ingredientsss we need. ^green;Make Floran ^orange;.", > "Floran needsss ^orange;.^green; They can be crafted from ^orange;. ^white;Can you help?" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Focussed. Now for the real task at hand, ^green;you must craft ^orange;^white; for me. You already have all the materials you need, and my gratitude.", > "Concerned. Here is the point at which I falter. My creative ability is below average, ^green;would you be so kind as to craft ^orange;^white; on my behalf? You can use the ^orange;^white; we obtained earlier." > ], > "default" : [ > "Next you'll need to ^green;assemble ^orange;^white;. You should be able to ^green;use the ^orange;^white; that you gathered earlier.", > "The next step requires ^green;putting together ^orange;^white;. I would do it myself, but my crafting skills are terrible! If you want to take a shot, you should have everything you need." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Ssskillfully crafted, ! Now Floran has another request.", > " will be very ussseful. Floran thanks you for making these." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Delighted. Your craftsmanship is truly splendid! I'll be sure to call on you again in future. ", > "Relieved. The wait has been agonising but at last my plans can go ahead, all thanks to you! " > ], > "default" : [ > "Wow, very well constructed. Thank you, this is going to work nicely for what I have planned.", > "You made that look easy! I suspect you've done some crafting before. With this we can finally move forward. Thanks!" > ] > } > } > }, quests\generated\templates\extort.questtemplate 20,81d19 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Okay, first there is sssomething we need, and Floran knows jusst the person to get it. ^green;Find ^orange;^green; and tell them to give their ^orange;^green; up^white;, or Floran will deal with them perssonally!", < "Step one, ^green;we need to get ^orange;^white;. Floran knowss that ^orange;^white; has one. ^green;Make them hand it over^white;, Floran knowss they are pitiful and won't protessst." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Blunt. First I need you to ^green;find that fool, ^orange; ^green;and ask them to give up their ^orange;. ^white;Make sure you mention that ^orange;^white; sent you, they won't protest... ", < "Exasperated. First, we must deal with ^orange;. ^white;I need their ^orange;, ^white;but they'd be petrified if I went in person. It would save us both some trouble if you were to ^green;fetch it^white; instead." < ], < "default" : [ < "To begin with we need to find ourselves a good ^orange;. ^white;I happen to know that ^orange; ^white;has got one, so you could ^green;pick it up directly from them.^white; They already know their place, so they wouldn't dare to disobey me. ", < "We need to get our hands on one ^orange;.^white; Luckily, ^orange;^white; who lives nearby ^green;should have one of these.^white; Even better, they already know who's the boss around here, so ^green;they'll oblige you^white; quickly for sure. " < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next step requiress some muscle. Floran knowss ^orange;^white; is cowering somewhere. ^green;Go tell them Floran thinkss they sshould... Volunteer their ^orange;.", < "We need ^orange;^white; next. ^green;Try to squeeze one from ^orange;^white; firsst, they're so ssscared they do whatever Floran wantss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Dishonest. Next, we need a little something from ^orange;. ^white;They owe me a favour, so I just have to ask. ^green;Tell them that ^orange;^green; is in need of their ^orange;. ", < "Antagonistic. Now we can have a bit of fun! Go find ^orange; ^white;and ^green;pressure them into handing over their ^orange;.^white; It shouldn't be too difficult, just mention that ^orange;^white; sent you personally." < ], < "default" : [ < "We have to collect one ^orange;^white; from somewhere. I believe ^orange;^white; has one, and they just so happen to owe me a favour. Will you ^green;pick up the ^orange;^green; from them?", < "Having a good ^orange; ^white;is necessary for our plan. I'm pretty sure ^orange;^white; has one of these, so why don't you ^green;go and collect it? ^white;Don't worry, they wouldn't disobey us... " < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Great! Floran knew wouldn't put up a fight. Thisss will do nicely.", < "You got it! Eassy, right? Floran wissh they could've seen 's face! bet they were ssshaking in their boots!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Sarcastic. Ah, I see you got the . I'm sure it was difficult for you to get to hand it over. Keep hold of it for me for the time being.", < "Amused. Ah, you got 's . I can imagine the look on their face was priceless!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Well done! This will come in handy to us very soon. ", < "This is perfect! You've done well." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "You got it? How nice of to give their to Floran without a fight. They know what's bessst for them.", < "See? Sometimesss easiest way to get something done iss to apply a little pressssure." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Distrustful. This is definitely 's ? And they just handed it you? It's probably nothing...But you should hold onto it for now.", < "Approving. This is the we needed! I assume wasn't too much trouble? You'll need to keep hold of it for now." < ], < "default" : [ < "Perfect. I knew wouldn't dare to complain. ", < "Good job collecting our ! I knew would be useful to have around..." < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 90a29,94 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Okay, first there is sssomething we need, and Floran knows just the person to get it. ^green;Find ^orange;^green; and tell to give ^orange;^green; up^white;, or Floran will deal with persssonally!", > "Step one, ^green;we need to get ^orange;^white;. Floran knows that ^orange;^white; hasss one. ^green;Make hand it over^white;, Floran knows 'sss pitiful and won't protest." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Blunt. First I need you to ^green;find that fool, ^orange; ^green;and ask to give up ^orange;. ^white;Make sure you mention that ^orange;^white; sent you, won't protest... ", > "Uncaring. First, we must deal with ^orange;. ^white;I need ^orange;, ^white;but 'd be petrified if I went in person. It would save us both some trouble if you were to ^green;fetch it^white; instead." > ], > "default" : [ > "To begin with we need to find ourselves a good ^orange;. ^white;I happen to know that ^orange; ^white;has got one, so you could ^green;pick it up directly from .^white; already knows place, so wouldn't dare to disobey me. ", > "We need to get our hands on one ^orange;.^white; Luckily, ^orange;^white; who lives nearby ^green;should have one.^white; Even better, already knows who's the boss around here, so I know ^green;'ll oblige you^white;." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next step requiress some muscle. Floran knows ^orange;^white; is cowering somewhere. ^green;Go tell Floran thinks should \"volunteer\" ^orange;.", > "We need one ^orange;^white; next. ^green;Take one from ^orange;^white; - 's such a scaredy-cat 'd do whatever Floran wantss." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Callous. Next, we need one ^orange;^white;. ^orange;^white; will have one. should ^green;give it up without a fight if you tell I sent you^white;.", > "Antagonistic. Now we can have a bit of fun! Go find ^orange; ^white;and ^green;pressure into handing over ^orange;.^white; It shouldn't be too difficult, just mention that ^orange;^white; sent you." > ], > "default" : [ > "We have to collect one ^orange;^white; from somewhere. I believe ^orange;^white; has one, and just so happens to owe me a favour. Will you ^green;pick up the ^orange;^green; from ?", > "Having a good ^orange; ^white;is necessary for our plan. I'm pretty sure ^orange;^white; has one, so why don't you ^green;go and collect it? ^white;Don't worry, wouldn't dare disobey..." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Great! Floran knew wouldn't put up a fight. Thisss will do nicely.", > "You got it! Easy, right? Floran would've liked to sssee 's face! Floran betsss was shaking in boots!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Sarcastic. Ah, I see you got the - I expect it was SO difficult to get to hand it over. Keep hold of it for me for the time being, will you?", > "Amused. Ah, you got 's . I imagine the look on face was priceless!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Well done! This will come in handy to us very soon. ", > "This is perfect! You've done well." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "You got it? How nice of to give to Floran without a fight. knows what's bessst for .", > "See? Sometimesss the easiest way to get something done is to apply a little presssure." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. You got 's . Ha ha ha... what a coward is.", > "Satisfied. This is the perfect . I suppose wasn't too much trouble?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Perfect. I knew wouldn't dare kick up a fuss. ", > "Good job collecting our ! I knew would be useful to keep around..." > ] > } > } > }, 94c98,113 < "giftReceivedEventName" : "extortionSuccess" --- > "giftReceivedEventName" : "extortionSuccess", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "collect", > "text" : "Acquire from " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\farming.questtemplate 26,86d25 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "For startersss, ^green;plant these ssseeds. ^white;Water them and watch them grow. When crop iss ripe, ^green;bring Floran the ^orange;.", < "The firsssst thing you need to do is ^green;plant these seeds. ^white;Once the crop hass grown, ^green;bring Floran the ripe ^orange;. ^white;Don't forget to water them!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Friendly. To begin, ^green;I am in need of some fresh ^orange;^white;. Even a beginner should be able to grow some with these ^orange;seeds^white; and a little patience.", < "Sceptical. I purchased these ^orange;seeds^white; from a merchant and have been unable to successfully grow anything from them. ^green;See if you can grow ^orange;^white; for me." < ], < "default" : [ < "Firstly, I need you to ^green;plant ^orange;.^white; Water them regularly, then when they are ready, ^green;harvest the ^orange;^green; and bring your bountiful harvest to me.", < "First, I need but it's out of season. You can garden right? Here's ^orange;^green; for you to plant,^white; when you've ^green;harvested ^orange;^green; could you bring them to me?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now Floran needs ^orange;. ^green;Plant and water ^orange;. ^white;Crop will be ripe and ready to pick when big and ssssquishy! ^green;Bring crop back to Floran.", < "Next Floran needs you to ^green;grow ^orange; ^green;from these seedsss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Timid. I hope it's not too much to ask, but ^green;I need you to plant ^orange;.^white; Once fully grown, please ^green;deliver the produce to me^white; while it's still fresh!", < "Excited. The next part of my plan involves ^orange;. ^green;Take these ^orange;seeds^green; and grow me the crops^white; I need. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Now I need you to ^green;plant ^orange;^white;. Care for them until they are ready, then ^green;harvest the ^orange;^green; for me.", < "Next, we need some produce. I have ^orange;,^white; but no place to grow. Would you mind ^green;growing them and bringing me ^orange;^white;? Any other bounty you can keep for yourself." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Thanksssss, friend. Floran finds hard to grow here, you have been a great help.", < "Perfectly plump and delicioussss produce, thank you ssstranger!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Impressed. These crops have turned out better than I could have grown myself, you have a real talent for farming.", < "Secretive. I will never know how you were able to grow these seeds, and I do not need to. You have my thanks, friend. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Ah, beautifully ripe! You have a real talent for this.", < "Wow, you may have a future in farming! fresh out of the ground! This will work wonderfully." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Yessss, just what Floran needsss! You are the besssst!", < "Thankss friend. Floran can't undersssstand why anyone would eat thisss stuff, but it suits my purposessss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Jolly. This is a bumper crop! Thank you!", < "Grateful. Excellent work, my plan is coming together nicely. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you, stranger. These look a little on the small side, but that's what you get for going organic!", < " exactly as requested. Nice work! Time to put this produce to good use!" < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", 95a35,99 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "For sstarters, ^green;plant these seeds. ^white;Water them and watch them grow. When crop iss ripe, ^green;bring Floran the ^orange;.", > "The first thing you need to do is ^green;plant these ssseeds. ^white;Once the crop has grown, ^green;bring Floran the ripe ^orange;. ^white;Don't forget to water them!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Friendly. To begin with, ^green;I am in need of some fresh ^orange;^white;. Even a beginner should be able to grow some with these ^orange;seeds^white; and a little patience.", > "Sceptical. I purchased these ^orange;seeds^white; from a merchant and have been unable to successfully grow anything from them. ^green;Maybe you can grow ^orange;^white; for me." > ], > "default" : [ > "Firstly, I need you to ^green;plant ^orange;.^white; Water them regularly, then when they're ready, ^green;gather the ^orange;^green; and bring your bountiful harvest to me.", > "First, I need but it's out of season. You can garden right? Here's ^orange;^green; for you to plant,^white; when you've ^green;harvested ^orange;^green; could you bring them to me?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now Floran needs ^orange;. ^green;Plant and water ^orange;. ^white;Crop will be ripe and ready to pick when big and sssquishy! ^green;Bring your harvest back to Floran.", > "Next Floran needs you to ^green;grow ^orange; ^green;from these seedsss." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Timid. I hope it's not too much to ask, but ^green;could you plant ^orange;.^white; And maybe, when they're fully grown, ^green;deliver the fresh produce to me^white;?", > "Excited. The next part of my plan involves ^orange;. I'm not the greatest gardener, but I'm sure you could grow some.^green;Take these ^orange;seeds^green; and grow me the crops^white; I need." > ], > "default" : [ > "Now I need you to ^green;plant ^orange;^white;. Care for them until they're ready, then ^green;harvest the ^orange;^green; for me.", > "Next, we need some produce. I have ^orange;,^white; but no place to grow things. Would you mind ^green;growing them and bringing me ^orange;^white;?" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Plump and deliciousss! Thank you!", > "Thankss! Floran finds hard to grow here - you did a good job!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. These crops have turned out better than I could have grown myself, you have a real talent for farming.", > "Perplexed. I will never know how you were able to grow these seeds so successfully, but it doesn't matter. You have my thanks. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Ah, beautifully ripe! You have a real talent for this.", > "Wow, you may have a future in farming! fresh out of the ground! This will work wonderfully." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Yesss, just what Floran needs! You are the besst!", > "Thankss! Floran can't understand why anyone would want to eat this ssstuff, but Floran needs is right now." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Cheerful. This is a bumper crop! Thank you!", > "Happy. Excellent work, my plan is coming together nicely. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you. These look a little on the small side, but that's what you get for going organic!", > " exactly as requested. Nice work! Time to put this produce to good use!" > ] > } > } > }, quests\generated\templates\fetch.questtemplate 23,83d22 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Firssst, Floran needs you to ^green;find ^orange;. ^white;Be hasssty!", < "Psst, you! Floran can't find ^orange;. ^white;Floran will reward generousssly if you ^green;fetch these for usss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Eager. First ^green;I need you to gather ^orange;^white; for me. It would be very appreciated!", < "Excited. For the first part of my plan, ^green;I need you to gather ^orange;^white; for me." < ], < "default" : [ < "To begin, ^green;I'll need ^orange;^white;. Could you lend a hand?", < "Initially, ^green;we'll need to gather ^orange;^white;. Could you handle that?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Time to ^green;find ^orange;. ^white;It'sss very important we do this next.", < "As your next tasssk, could you ^green;find us ^orange;? ^white;Not big job for someone ssskillful like you." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Confident. Next ^green;we'll need ^orange;.^white; I'm sure this task will not be difficult for you.", < "Eager. Next, ^green;I need you to collect ^orange;^white;." < ], < "default" : [ < "Next, ^green;we'll need ^orange;^white;. No problem right?", < "^green;The next thing I'll need is ^orange;^white;. It's important to the plan." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Successs! Let's get to work with our .", < "You exceeded my expectationsss. Floran has need for thessse!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Thankful. I appreciate you gathering those items for me! I have a plan for them, do not worry.", < "Pleased. These items are just what I need for my plan!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Excellent! Now we can put these to use.", < "Well done , I never doubted you could do it!" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Perfect, time to put our to ussse.", < "That wasss quicker than we expected! Floran is pleasssed with you." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Appreciative. These items are necessary for my plan, so I am pleased that you managed to gather them for me.", < "Excited. I have plans for these items, thank you for getting them for me!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you, this is exactly what I need for my next request...", < "Perfect, this will work nicely. Thank you!" < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", 92a32,96 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Firsst, Floran needs you to ^green;find ^orange;. ^white;Go go go!", > "Floran can't find ^orange;. ^white;Floran will reward you generously if you ^green;fetch sssome." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. First ^green;I need you to gather ^orange;^white; for me. Thank you in advance!", > "Excited. For the first part of my plan, ^green;I need you to gather ^orange;^white; for me." > ], > "default" : [ > "To begin, ^green;I'll need ^orange;^white;. Could you lend a hand?", > "Initially, ^green;we'll need to gather ^orange;^white;. Could you handle that?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Time to ^green;find ^orange;. ^white;It'sss very important we do this next.", > "As your next tasssk, could you ^green;find us ^orange;? ^white;Not too big a job for someone sskillful like you." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Confident. Next ^green;we'll need ^orange;.^white; I'm sure that's well within your capabilities.", > "Eager. Next, ^green;I need you to collect ^orange;^white;." > ], > "default" : [ > "Next, ^green;we'll need ^orange;^white;. You can handle that, right?", > "^green;The next thing I'll need is ^orange;^white;. It's important to the plan." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Great! Let'ss get to work with our .", > "Perfect - now Floran can put these to ussse!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Grateful. I appreciate you gathering those items for me! I have a plan for them...", > "Pleased. These items are just what I need for my plan!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Excellent! Now we can put these to use.", > "Well done , I never doubted you could do it!" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Perfect, time to put our to ussse.", > "That was quicker than Floran expected! Floran very pleassed." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Appreciative. I'm so pleased that you managed to gather these for me, they're essential for my plan. Thank you!", > "Exuberant. Thank you for getting these for me, I have plans for them!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you, this is exactly what I need for the next stage of my plan...", > "Perfect, this will work nicely. Thank you!" > ] > } > } > }, quests\generated\templates\gift.questtemplate 29,112d28 < "title" : [ < " the Gift Giver", < "Help deliver a gift" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran likess 's scent. Floran wantsss them around more often.", < "^cyan;Floran wantss a hunting partner. Floran thinks isss a good choice!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Needy. I want to win the favour of , and have a plan to do so. Can you help?", < "^cyan;Friendly. I would like to like me more - Could you help me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I'm trying to impress my friend. I already have something in mind, but I need your help!", < "^cyan;I want to make a good impression. Please help me do something that will knock 's socks off!" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next, Floran thinkss ^orange; ^white;might appreciate a gift. Thiss ^orange; ^white;will be perfect! Floran not afraid of anything! but... Perhapss you ^green;give it to them?", < "Okay, next let's ^green;give ^orange; ^green;a hunting trophy!^white; Floran hasn't been on many huntss lately, so thiss ^orange; ^white;will have to do. Floran still thinksss they will be impressed!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Enthusiastic. Next ^green;I need to win ^orange;'s^white; friendship. Can you ^green;deliver this ^orange;^white; to them as a gift?", < "Focused. Next, I need to ^green;win the favour of ^orange;.^white; I know that they would like this ^orange;, ^white;could you ^green;deliver it to them ^white;for me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "I think this is the perfect ^orange;. ^green;Could you deliver it to ^orange;^white;? Make sure they know it's from me!", < "Who wouldn't love a new ^orange;?^white; I hope ^orange;^white; appreciates all the hard work I had you do for this! ^green;Could you deliver it to them?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran thinks ^orange;^white; will like thisss last part! This ^orange; ^white;is perfect, it remindss Floran of them so much. Floran isn't shy... But perhaps you ^green;give it to them?", < "Lastly, the final thing to impresss ^orange;^white; - a hunting trophy! Floran doesn't hunt alone, so thiss ^orange;^white; will have to do for now. Can you ^green;deliver the gift to them?" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Nervous. Finally, ^green;can you give the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;? I hope they appreciate it!", < "Eager. It is almost over - All you need to do now is ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange; ^white;and then we'll be done!" < ], < "default" : [ < "The only thing left to do now is ^green;deliver the ^orange;^white; Could you give it to for me?", < "Now we just need to ^green;drop that ^orange;^green; off to ^orange;.^white; Can I ask you to take it to them? I hope they don't already have one!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran is very pleased! It turnss out the is one of 's favourite things! Sorry Floran lied about not being afraid earlier, just a little shy...", < "Good job! Maybe the wass a bit ssstrange for a trophy, but I'm glad they liked it!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Delighted. appears to have liked the gift! Thank you for your assistance, I greatly appreciate it.", < "Exuberant. I now have a closer friendship with thanks to your help delivering the gift to them. I will remember how reliable you have been!" < ], < "default" : [ < "It looks like loved the . I'm such a good gift giver! Well, with your help of course!", < "Hooray! Now and I can be best friends! Now to figure out what I should get them next..." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < " really liked the gift! Now they'll spend lotsss of time with Floran, and Floran can ssmell their pleasant ssmells all day! Thanksss a lot!", < "Thankss! Floran knew would like the hunting trophy, and now Floran hasss a hunting buddy! Floran will sschedule a hunt for tomorrow!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Gratified. liked my present! Thank you for your help in my quest for friendship.", < "Jubilant. The gift delivery was a success! Thank you for helping with this plan, I greatly appreciate it." < ], < "default" : [ < "Apparently has been wanting a new for some time! They loved it and can't thank me enough. Thanks for your help!", < " liked the gift? I don't need anything in return, it feels good just to give friends something they'll enjoy!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I failed to help win the favour of . They should probably learn to make friends without my help.", < "I failed to help deliver a gift to . Perhaps they should learn to make friends without giving them presents?" < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 121a38,125 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > " the Gift Giver", > "Help deliver a gift" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran likess 's scent. Floran wantsss around more often.", > "^cyan;Floran wantss a hunting partner. Floran thinks isss a good choice!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Hopeful. I would like to win the favour of , and I think I know what would work. Could you help me?", > "^cyan;Hopeful. I would like to like me more - Could you help me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I'm trying to impress my friend. I already have something in mind, but I need your help!", > "^cyan;I want to make a good impression. Please help me do something that will knock 's socks off!" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next, Floran thinkss ^orange; ^white;might like a present. Thiss ^orange; ^white;will be perfect! Floran not afraid of anything! But... Perhapss you ^green;give it to ?", > "Okay, next let'ss ^green;give ^orange; ^green;a hunting trophy!^white; Floran ate Floran's last hunting trophy, so this ^orange; ^white;will have to do. Floran still thinks will be impressed!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Enthusiastic. Next ^green;I need to win ^orange;'s^white; friendship. Can you ^green;deliver this ^orange;^white; to as a gift?", > "Focused. Next, I need to ^green;win the favour of ^orange;.^white; I know that would like this ^orange;, ^white;could you ^green;deliver it to ^white;for me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "I think this ^orange; is the perfect gift. ^green;Could you deliver it to ^orange;^white;? Make sure knows it's from me!", > "Who wouldn't love a new ^orange;?^white; I hope ^orange;^white; appreciates all the hard work I had you do for this! ^green;Could you deliver it to ?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran thinks ^orange;^white; will like this lassst part! This ^orange; ^white;is perfect, it remindss Floran of so much. Floran isn't shy... But perhaps you ^green;could give it to ?", > "Lastly, the final thing to impresss ^orange;^white; - a hunting trophy! Floran doesn't have one right now... So thiss ^orange;^white; will have to do. Can you ^green;deliver it to ?" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Nervous. Finally, ^green;can you give the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;? I hope likes it!", > "Eager. We're almost finished! All you need to do now is ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange; ^white;and then we'll be done!" > ], > "default" : [ > "The only thing left to do now is ^green;deliver the ^orange;^white; Could you give it to for me?", > "Now we just need to ^green;drop that ^orange;^green; off to ^orange;.^white; Can I ask you to take it to ? I hope doesn't already have one!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran very pleased! Turnsss out the is one of 's favourite things!", > "Good job! Maybe the wass a bit ssstrange for a trophy, but I'm glad liked it!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Delighted. appears to have liked the gift! Thank you for your assistance, I greatly appreciate it.", > "Exuberant. I now have a closer friendship with thanks to your help delivering the gift to . I will remember how reliable you have been!" > ], > "default" : [ > "It looks like loved the . I'm such a good gift giver! Well, with your help of course!", > "Hooray! Now and I can be best friends! Time to figure out what I should get next..." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > " really liked the gift! Now 'll spend lotsss of time with Floran, and Floran can ssmell pleasant ssmells all day! Thanksss a lot!", > "Thankss! Floran knew would like the hunting trophy, and now Floran hasss a hunting buddy! Floran will sschedule a hunt for tomorrow!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Gratified. liked my present! Thank you for your help in my quest for friendship.", > "Jubilant. The gift delivery was a success! Thank you for helping with this plan, I greatly appreciate it." > ], > "default" : [ > "Apparently has been wanting a new for some time! loved it and can't thank me enough. Thanks for your help!", > " liked the gift? I don't need anything in return, it feels good just to give a friend something they can enjoy!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I failed to help win the favour of . should probably learn to make friends without my help.", > "I failed to help deliver a gift to . Perhaps should learn to make friends without giving out presents?" > ] > }, 123c127 < "requireTurnIn" : true, --- > "requireTurnIn" : false, 131c135,150 < "objectAddedNotification" : "giftObjectAdded" --- > "objectAddedNotification" : "giftObjectAdded", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > } > ], > "addToHouseObjective" : { > "id" : "place", > "text" : "place in 's home" > }, > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\hat.questtemplate 6c6 < "indicator" : "questreceiver" --- > "indicator" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.animation" 36,96d35 < "title" : { < "default" : [ < "'s new headwear", < " wants to look ", < "Help look " < ] < }, < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantsss to look . Floran hasss plan for this.", < "^cyan;Floran would be more popular if Floran looked ." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;^cyan;Eager. I want to look . Could you assist me with this task?", < "^cyan;^cyan;Excited. It is time I had a new look. Could you help me look ?" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I want to wear something that makes me look . Will you help me?", < "^cyan;I want to look , and have a plan to make it happen." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Finally, Floran needs you to ^green;deliver ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; ssso they can make Floran ^orange;thing to wear.^white; Hurry!", < "Floran so close to sssuccess! Floran needs you to ^green;take the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; so they can make Floran ^orange;thing to wear." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. All you have to do now is ask ^orange;^white; to make my new ^orange;headwear.^white; Could you ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to them?", < "Patient. Finally, can you ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;, so they can craft me some ^orange;headwear?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us some custom ^orange;headwear.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, and give them our ^orange;^white;.", < "Now all that's left is to ask ^orange;^white; to make my custom headwear. ^green;Give them our ^orange;^white; and they can craft it for me!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Sssuccess! Don't you think Floran looks now? Thanksss for your help!", < "Floran looks now! Thisss will help Floran in future. Thanksss for your help!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Appreciative. Thanks to you, I definitely look !", < "Delighted. This new look really makes me look , don't you think? Thank you for your help." < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you! What do you think? Don't I look now?", < "Thanks! How do I look? Suitably , I'm sure." < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : { < "default" : [ < "I was unable to help get something new to wear. They look fine as they are anyway.", < "I didn't help find something to wear. I prefer their look as it is." < ] < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "friend", 105a45,109 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "friend" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : { > "default" : [ > "'s new headwear", > " wants to look ", > "Help look " > ] > }, > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wantsss to look . Floran has plan for this.", > "^cyan;Floran would be more popular if Floran looked ." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;^cyan;Eager. I want to look . Could you assist me with this task?", > "^cyan;^cyan;Excited. It is time I had a new look. Could you help me look ?" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I want to wear something that makes me look . Will you help me?", > "^cyan;I want to look , and I have a plan to make it happen." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Finally, Floran needs you to ^green;deliver ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; ssso can make Floran's ^orange;headwear.^white; Hurry!", > "Floran so close to sssuccess! Floran needs you to ^green;take the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; so can make Floran's ^orange;headwear." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. All you have to do now is ask ^orange;^white; to make my new ^orange;headwear.^white; Could you ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to ?", > "Patient. Finally, can you ^green;deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;, so can craft me my ^orange;headwear?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us some custom ^orange;headwear.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, and give our ^orange;^white;.", > "Now all that's left is to ask ^orange;^white; to make my custom headwear. ^green;Give our ^orange;^white; and can craft it for me!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Success! Don't you think Floran looksss now? Thanks for your help!", > "Floran looks now! This will help Floran make friends. Thanksss for your help!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Appreciative. Thanks to you, I definitely look !", > "Delighted. This new look really makes me look , don't you think? Thank you for your help." > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you! What do you think? Don't I look now?", > "Thanks! How do I look? Suitably , I'm sure." > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : { > "default" : [ > "I was unable to help get something new to wear. looks fine as is anyway.", > "I didn't help find something to wear. I prefer look as it is." > ] > } > }, 119,120c123,138 < "parcelName" : { < "templates" : ["Parcel for "] --- > "parcelName" : ["Parcel for "], > "parcelDescription" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return parcel to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "friend" 122,124c140 < "parcelDescription" : { < "templates" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."] < } --- > "turnInHidesIndicators" : false quests\generated\templates\helmet.questtemplate 6c6 < "indicator" : "questreceiver" --- > "indicator" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.animation" 36,95d35 < "title" : { < "default" : [ < "'s need to stand out", < ", the guard" < ] < }, < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantsss to be a more recognisable hunter! Can you help Floran look ?", < "^cyan;Floran needs to look to stand out from other huntersss! Floran has plan..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Eager. A Knight like me should stand out from those around me! I think I know how to make it happen...", < "^cyan;Aspirational. A Knight like me should look ! I know just what to do..." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I want to stand out as a guard! Will you help me find something that makes me look ?", < "^cyan;Guards like me need to stand out! Can you help me look ?" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "All that's left isss to ^green;take ^orange;^green; to ^white; so they can make Floran a ^orange;thing to wear.^white; Hurry!", < "Now Floran needs you to^green; take ^orange;^green; to ^orange;.^white; They can make something for Floran to wear!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Confident. All that is left is to deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;, so they can craft me ^orange;something to wear.", < "Eager. Can you ^green;take the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;,^white; so they can make me something to wear?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Next run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us some ^orange;custom gear.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, and give them our ^orange;^white;.", < "Finally, ^green;deliver our ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; and ^green;ask them to make me some custom gear. I'm sure they have the skills to do it!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now Floran looks , Floran can be legendary hunter! Thankss for your help.", < "Doesn't Floran look now? Thanksss for your help!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Impressed. I really look now, don't I? Thank you for all your help.", < "Pleased. Now that I look , our foes will think twice before challenging me!" < ], < "default" : [ < "What do you think? Does looking make me stand out more?", < "Thanks! No-one will mess with me now I look !" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : { < "default" : [ < "I was unable to help get something new to wear. I like how looks without it better.", < "I failed to help get a new look. They look fine as they are." < ] < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "friend", 104a45,108 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "friend" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : { > "default" : [ > "'s need to stand out", > ", the guard" > ] > }, > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wantsss to be a more recognisable hunter! Can you help Floran look ?", > "^cyan;Floran needs to look to stand out from other huntersss! Floran has plan..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Eager. A Knight like me should stand out from everyone else! I think I know how to make it happen...", > "^cyan;Aspirational. A Knight like me should look ! I know just what to do..." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I want to stand out as a guard! Will you help me find something that makes me look ?", > "^cyan;Guards as good as me should stand out! Can you help me look ?" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "All that's left isss to ^green;take ^orange;^green; to ^white; so can make Floran ^orange;something to wear.^white; Hurry!", > "Now Floran needs you to^green; take ^orange;^green; to ^orange;.^white; can make something for Floran to wear!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Confident. All that is left is to deliver the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white;, so can craft me ^orange;something to wear.", > "Eager. Can you ^green;take the ^orange;^green; to ^orange;,^white; so can make me something to wear?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Next run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us some ^orange;custom gear.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, and give our ^orange;^white;.", > "Finally, ^green;deliver our ^orange;^green; to ^orange;^white; and ^green;ask to make me some custom gear. I'm sure has the skills to do it!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now Floran looks , Floran can be legendary hunter! Thankss for your help.", > "Doesn't Floran look now? Thanksss for your help!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Impressed. I really look now, don't I? Thank you for all your help.", > "Pleased. Now that I look , our foes will think twice before challenging me!" > ], > "default" : [ > "What do you think? Does looking make me stand out more?", > "Thanks! No-one will mess with me now I look !" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : { > "default" : [ > "I was unable to help get something new to wear. I like how looks already.", > "I failed to help get a new look. looks fine as is." > ] > } > }, 118,119c122,137 < "parcelName" : { < "templates" : ["Parcel for "] --- > "parcelName" : ["Parcel for "], > "parcelDescription" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return parcel to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "friend" 121,123c139 < "parcelDescription" : { < "templates" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."] < } --- > "turnInHidesIndicators" : false quests\generated\templates\intimidate.questtemplate 21,161d20 < "title" : [ < "Intimidate ", < "Threaten someone for " < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan; needsss to know that Floran is one to fear!", < "^cyan;Floran wantss more ressspect around here." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Aggressive. I need to be compliant, and I have a plan to make it happen.", < "^cyan;Cunning. I have decided that could do with fearing me - And I know how to achieve this." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I've decided that it would be quite nice to have obey me, in case I ever need them for something. I have just the plan to make this happen...", < "^cyan;I want 's respect, but friendship takes too long. I have a better idea..." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "We will begin by making sure ^orange; ^white;acknowledgesss our authority. Floran knows great way of doing thisss. ^green;Grab a ssshiny ^orange; ^green;and go have a chat with them. ^white;Never failsss!", < "First, Floran doessn't think that ^orange;^white; know how important Floran isss around here. ^green;Point a deadly ^orange;^white; at them and ^green;ssstart a conversation^white; - They'll know to respect me." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Intrusive. First of all, I need ^orange;^white; to fear me. Could you go and ^green;point a large ^orange;^green; at them?^white; That will let them know who has the power around here...", < "Threatening. First I need ^orange;^white; to be willing to help me with whatever I ask - Could you ^green;intimidate them^white; on my behalf? ^green;Talk to them with a nice ^orange;^white; in hand, and I'm sure they'll get the message." < ], < "default" : [ < "First, I need ^orange;'s^white; obedience. If you could ^green;go and point a big ^orange; ^green;at them and strike up a conversation, ^white;I'm sure they'll get the message...", < "First, I need ^orange;^white; to help me out. This means they need to fear me, of course! ^green;Talk to them whilst pointing a nice ^orange;^green; in their face ^white;and I'm sure they'll know to help me out in future..." < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Thiss is a good time to aquire sssome allies. ^green;Use a ssscary ^orange;^green; and tell ^orange;^green; to lisssten to Floran from now on!^white; Don't worry, it's eassssy. Floran has done this before.", < "Next you need to ^green;use a ssshiny ^orange;^white; to ^green;have a ssserious chat^white; with ^orange;^white;. Pleassse make sure they know who's the bossss around here. It's Floran of courssse!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Menacing. Next, my plans require ^orange;^white; to be willing to do anything for me - Which means ^green;they need to fear me.^white; They're afraid of ^orange;s - ^green;Strike up a conversation^white; with them ^green;with one in your hands^white; and they'll get the message.", < "Invasive. Next I need ^orange;'s^white; obedience - If they fear me, they'll do what I say. I hear ^green;they are afraid of ^orange;s^white; - Could you ^green;point one at them^white; and let them know who holds the power around here?" < ], < "default" : [ < "The next part of my plan requires ^orange;'s^white; obedience. There's no better way to achieve this than to threaten their life! ^green;Hold a big ^orange; ^green;and go talk to them^white;. They'll know who sent you.", < "Next, I'm going to need ^orange;^white; to do anything I say. This is easiest when they fear me. Can you ^green;go and point a nice ^orange; ^green;at them and start up a conversation on my behalf?^white; That should work just fine!" < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran needss final favour now. ^orange; ^white;would be a great ally to Floran. If you ^green;chat to them while holding a ssshiny ^orange;^white;, Floran iss sure they will agree with usss!", < "It's time to show ^orange;^white; who's the big Floran in town. ^green;Usse a nice ^orange;^green; and have a chat with them^white;, and I'm ssssure they'll come around quickly. Floran hass faith in you." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Threatening. Finally, I need the subservience of ^orange;^white; - And I have been informed they're afraid of ^orange;s. ^green;Why not point one at them and strike up conversation ^white;- They'll get the message!", < "Invasive. Finally, I need to make ^orange;^white; respect me. There's only one way to achieve this - You should ^green;threaten them with a big ^orange;^white; so they learn to fear me! This is a foolproof plan." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, my plan comes together. Did you know ^orange;^white; is afraid of ^orange;s?^white; You should ^green;point one at them and strike up a conversation ^white;- They'll be so scared that they'll do anything I say! It's a perfect plan.", < "My plan finally comes together! I need ^orange;'s^white; utter obedience, if they fear me they'll help me out with anything I need in the future! Can you ^green; point a nice ^orange; ^green;at them and strike up a conversation? ^white;They'll know I sent you, don't worry." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran thinkss it's good to have sstrong network in town. Floran thinks ^orange; ^white;would be good to have on our sside. No better way to do thiss than to ^green;talk to them with a big ^orange;^green; in hand.^white; Floran is convinced you can do this ssuccessfully. ", < "Floran needss to make sure ^orange;^white; knows Floran isss big deal. Please ^green;go and talk to them^white; for Floran. Oh, and ^green;point a big ^orange;^white; at them, it'll make them lisssten." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Menacing. In order to win ^orange;'s^white; obedience, I need them to fear me. ^green;Could you point a large ^orange;^green; at them on my behalf?^white; I'm sure they'll understand.", < "Intrusive. In order for ^orange;^white; to fear me, you should ^green;find a nice big ^orange;^green; and point it in their face.^white; I'm sure they'll understand the message!" < ], < "default" : [ < "^orange;,^white; as it turns out, is particularly afraid of ^orange;s. ^white;This is perfect! ^green;Go and point one at them and start a conversation ^white;- I'm sure they'll know I sent you! They'll be so scared, they'll do anything I say in future!", < "I've been informed that ^orange; ^white;is afraid of ^orange;s! ^green;Could you go and threaten them with one for me?^white; I'm sure they'll swear to obey me with a big pointed at them!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Perfect! Now isss sure to help uss in the future!", < "That wasss quick! All thanksss to good old . Floran is pleasssed. " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. 's obedience will no doubt come in useful.", < "Impressed. Intimidating was simpler than expected. This is going to help me out." < ], < "default" : [ < "It worked! now utterly fears me, and will probably do whatever I ask! Manipulating others is so easy...", < "The intimidation worked! is willing to help me however I ask now. This will be useful, I'm sure. Thanks for your help!" < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Good work. Thisss will make ressst of plan much sssmoother. Floran thanks you.", < "You executed thisss part of the plan perfectly. Let's move on to next part!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Excited. Intimidation is easier than I thought! Thank you for your efforts - They were not wasted, I assure you.", < "Eager. I'm looking forward to taking advantage of 's obedience. Thank you for your help!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Now will do anything I say! Intimidation is pretty easy, huh? This will come in handy soon enough...", < "Now that fears for their life, they'll do whatever I say! I should do this more often!" < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran is pleasssed! With this new ally, Floran's life will be easssier. ", < "Floran could not be more sssatisfied with resultsss. You are a true friend!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. Having 's subservience will prove useful in future, I'm sure. Thank you for your... Assistance.", < "Ambitious. Now that will do anything I say, I see plenty of opportunities for future plans of mine... Thank you for your co-operation!" < ], < "default" : [ < "It worked! Now will do whatever I say. This will be useful one day. Thank you for your... Assistance with this.", < "Why get people to like you when they can fear you instead? Thanks for your help! I'm sure will come in useful to me one day..." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Successs! Floran iss thankful for your hard work. With new connection Floran feelsss powerful. ", < "Thank you, ssstranger. Floran knew you were reliable from the ssstart!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Ambitious. I have many plans which now benefit from 's obedience. Now I can start planning! I appreciate your help.", < "Eager. With doing anything I say, more opportunities open up for me. Your co-operation has been... Appreciated." < ], < "default" : [ < "Thanks for your assistance. Now will do anything I say in future! That's going to be useful...", < "Social manipulation is easy! is now loyal to me, through fear. Thank you for helping... Make this happen." < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "This quest didn't go as planned. should probably do their own dirty work from now on. ", < "I didn't manage to intimidate in the end. Hopefully isn't too disappointed with me.", < "I failed to help intimidate . It is maybe for the best - Intimidation isn't very nice." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 170a30,174 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "Intimidate ", > "Threaten someone for " > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan; needsss to know that Floran is one to fear!", > "^cyan;Floran wants more ressspect around here." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Aggressive. I need to be compliant, and I have a plan to make it happen.", > "^cyan;Cunning. I have decided that could be a little more terrified of me... I have a plan." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I've decided that it would be quite nice to have obey me, in case I ever need for something. I have just the plan to make this happen...", > "^cyan;I want 's respect, but friendship takes too long. I have a better idea..." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "We will begin by making sssure ^orange; ^white;acknowledges Floran's authority. Floran knows a great way of doing this - ^green;grab a shiny ^orange; ^green;and go and have a chat with . ^white;Never failsss!", > "First, Floran doesn't think that ^orange;^white; knows how important Floran isss. ^green;Point a deadly ^orange;^white; at and ^green;ssstart a conversation^white; - 'll know to respect me." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Menacing. First of all, I need ^orange;^white; to fear me. Could you go and ^green;point a large ^orange;^green; at ?^white; That will let know who has the power around here...", > "Threatening. First I need ^orange;^white; to be willing to help me with whatever I ask - Could you ^green;intimidate ^white; on my behalf? ^green;Talk to with a nice ^orange;^white; in hand, and I'm sure 'll get the message." > ], > "default" : [ > "First, I need ^orange;'s^white; obedience. If you could ^green;go and point a big ^orange; ^green;at and strike up a conversation, ^white;I'm sure 'll get the message...", > "First, I need ^orange;^white; to bend to my every whim. This means needs to fear me, of course! ^green;Talk to whilst pointing a nice ^orange;^green; in face ^white;and I'm sure 'll know to do what I say in future..." > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Thiss is a good time to aquire sssome allies. ^green;Use a ssscary ^orange;^green; and tell ^orange;^green; to listen to Floran from now on!^white; Don't worry, it's easy. Floran has done thisss before.", > "Next you need to ^green;use a shiny ^orange;^white; to ^green;have a ssserious chat^white; with ^orange;^white;. Make sure knows who's the bossss around here. It's Floran of course!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Malevolent. Next, my plans require ^orange;^white; to be willing to do anything for me - Which means ^green; needs to fear me.^white; 's afraid of ^orange;s - ^green;Strike up a conversation^white; with ^green;with one in your hands^white; and 'll get the message.", > "Pragmatic. Next I need ^orange;'s^white; obedience - If fears me, 'll do what I say. I hear ^green; is afraid of ^orange;s^white; - Could you ^green;point one at ^white; and let know who holds the power around here?" > ], > "default" : [ > "The next part of my plan requires ^orange;'s^white; obedience. There's no better way to achieve this than to threaten life! ^green;Hold a big ^orange; ^green;and go talk to ^white;. 'll get the message.", > "Next, I'm going to need ^orange;^white; to do anything I say. That will be easy if fears me. Can you ^green;go and point a nice ^orange; ^green;at and start up a conversation on my behalf?^white; That should work just fine!" > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran needss final favour now. ^orange; ^white;would be a great ally to Floran. If you ^green;chat to while holding a shiny ^orange;^white;, Floran is sssure will get the message!", > "It's time to show ^orange;^white; who's the big Floran in town. ^green;Usse a nice ^orange;^green; and have a chat with ^white;. I'm sure 'll come round quickly. Floran hass faith in you." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Threatening. Finally, I need the subservience of ^orange;^white; - And I have been informed 's afraid of ^orange;s. ^green;Why not point one at and strike up a conversation ^white;- 'll get the message!", > "Menacing. Finally, I need to make ^orange;^white; respect me. There's only one way to achieve this - You should ^green;threaten with a big ^orange;^white; so learns to fear me! This is a foolproof plan." > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, my plan comes together. Did you know ^orange;^white; is afraid of ^orange;s?^white; You should ^green;point one at and strike up a conversation ^white;- 'll be so scared that 'll do anything I say! It's a perfect plan.", > "My plan is finally coming together! But I still need ^orange;'s^white; utter obedience. If fears me 'll help me out with anything I need in the future! Can you ^green; point a nice ^orange; ^green;at and strike up a conversation? ^white;'ll know I sent you, don't worry." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran thinkss it's good to have sstrong network in town. Floran thinks ^orange; ^white;would be good to have on our side. No better way to do thiss than to ^green;talk to with a big ^orange;^green; in hand.^white; Floran is convinced you can do this ssuccessfully. ", > "Floran needs to make sssure ^orange;^white; knows Floran is big deal. Please ^green;go and talk to ^white; for Floran. Oh, and ^green;point a big ^orange;^white; at , it'll make lisssten." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Menacing. In order to win ^orange;'s^white; obedience, I need to fear me. ^green;Could you point a large ^orange;^green; at on my behalf?^white; I'm sure 'll understand.", > "Malevolent. In order for ^orange;^white; to fear me, you should ^green;find a nice big ^orange;^green; and point it in face.^white; I'm sure 'll understand the message!" > ], > "default" : [ > "^orange;,^white; as it turns out, is particularly afraid of ^orange;s. ^white;This is perfect! ^green;Go and point one at and start a conversation ^white;- I'm sure 'll know I sent you! 'll be so scared, 'll do anything I say in future!", > "I've been informed that ^orange; ^white;is afraid of ^orange;s! ^green;Could you go and threaten with one for me?^white; I'm sure 'll swear to obey me with a big pointed at !" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Perfect! Now is sssure to help us in the future!", > "That was quick! All thanksss to good old . Floran is pleased. " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. 's obedience will no doubt come in useful.", > "Satisfied. Intimidating was simpler than expected. This is going to help me out." > ], > "default" : [ > "It worked! now utterly fears me, and will probably do whatever I ask! Manipulating others is so easy...", > "The intimidation worked! is willing to help me do whatever I ask. This will be useful, I'm sure. Thanks for your help!" > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Good work. This will make rest of plan much sssmoother. Floran thanks you.", > "You executed thisss part of the plan perfectly. Let's move on to next part!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. Intimidation is easier than I thought! Thank you for your efforts - They were not wasted, I assure you.", > "Eager. I'm looking forward to taking advantage of 's obedience. Thank you for your help!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Now will do anything I say! Intimidation is pretty easy, huh? This will come in handy soon enough...", > "Now that fears for life, 'll do whatever I say! I should intimidate people more often!" > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran is pleasssed! With this new ally, Floran's life will be easssier. ", > "Floran could not be more sssatisfied with these results. You are a true friend!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Having 's subservience will prove useful in future, I'm sure. Thank you for your... Assistance.", > "Ambitious. Now that will do anything I say, I see plenty of opportunities for future plans to come to fruition... Thank you for your co-operation!" > ], > "default" : [ > "It worked! Now will do whatever I say. This will be useful one day. Thank you for your... Assistance.", > "Why get people to like you when they can fear you instead? Thanks for your help! I'm sure will come in useful to me one day..." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Successs! Floran iss thankful for your hard work. With new connection Floran feelsss powerful. ", > "Thank you, Floran knew you were reliable from the ssstart!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Ambitious. I have many plans which will benefit from 's obedience. Now I can act! I appreciate your help.", > "Pleased. With doing anything I say, more opportunities open up for me. Your co-operation has been... Appreciated." > ], > "default" : [ > "Thanks for your assistance. Now will do anything I say in future! That's going to be useful...", > "Social manipulation is easy! is now loyal to me, through fear. Thank you for helping make this happen." > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "This quest didn't go as planned. should probably do own dirty work from now on. ", > "I didn't manage to intimidate in the end. Hopefully isn't too disappointed with me.", > "I failed to help intimidate . It's maybe for the best - Intimidation isn't very nice." > ] > }, 173c177,196 < "indicators" : ["target"] --- > "indicators" : ["target"], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "equip", > "text" : "Equip " > }, > { > "id" : "intimidate", > "text" : "Intimidate " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Report back to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\kill_monster.questtemplate 30,91d29 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Firsst, we need ^orange;^white;. Not hard to find, Floran ssaw lone keep ssafe in belly. ^green;Hunt the ^orange; ^green;and bring Floran's thingsss back!", < "Firsst sstep, Floran need you to go on a little hunt. Floran sssaw ^orange; ^white;nearby swallow ^orange;. ^white;Greedy ! ^green;Hunt it and bring Floran the stuff from inssside." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Bewildered. I had just finished gathering ^orange;^white; when a lone ^orange; swallowed them whole! ^white;Could you go ^green;hunt the beast and retrieve my belongings^white; for me?", < "Nervous. A lone ^orange; ^white;ambushed me and took ^orange;! Can you ^green;hunt the creature and retrieve my possessions for me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "The first step is ^green;finding the ^orange;^white; that's been giving me trouble. It ran off with ^orange;,^white; which I need back. ^green;You don't mind hunting it down do you?", < "The first thing we'll need is ^orange;.^white; Unfortunately, an oversized ate my supplies. It should be lurking around nearby. Could you ^green;kill that ^orange;^green; and bring them back?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next sstep not tricky. ^orange; ^white;nearby ate Floran's ^orange;. ^green;Hunt ^orange; ^white;for Floran and ^green;get stuff back.", < "Okay, now Floran needss ^orange;. ^white;Floran sssaw ^orange; ^white;nearby swallow the stuff we need! ^green;Hunt the ^orange; ^white;for Floran and ^green;bring back the thingsss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Shocked. I was recently attacked by a fierce ^orange;, ^whitel;which made off with my ^orange;. Could you ^green;hunt the creature down for me?^white; It couldn't have gotten far.", < "Ashamed. I was attacked by a fierce ^orange;, ^white;and it swallowed my possessions in the struggle. It took ^orange;, ^white;could you ^green;hunt it down and retrieve my things^white; for me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Next, ^green;I'll need you to hunt down a ^orange;.^white; It swallowed ^orange;^white; and ran off the other day -- I need my stuff back. That ^orange;^white; should be nearby.", < "Next you'll need to hunt down a ^orange;.^white; I was out walking earlier and it ambushed me and took ^orange;. Would you ^green;locate the creature and return what it's taken?" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Impressive, Floran hopes hunting wasssn't problem? A little bit sssticky, but we can sstill use the stuff.", < "Floran knew you'd do it! the hunter! Soundss good, yess? Floran have the sstuff we need now." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Victorious. You retrieved my belongings for me! Next time a cowardly ambushes me, I'll be ready.", < "Impressed. You're a better warrior than I imagined if you managed to defeat that ! Thank you for your assistance." < ], < "default" : [ < "Great work! That won't be bothering anyone anymore. We should have everything we need for phase two.", < "Yuck, was this in the stomach of that ? I guess I can't complain, thanks for doing the dirty work." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Good job! Bet regretss eating Floran's ssstuff now. Okay, let's make usse of the .", < "Nice work! Floran wasn't sssure if you'd succeed. Lookss like you didn't ask nicely, Floran will clean thiss stuff before usssing." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Relieved. Thank you for retrieving my belongings - They are important to my plans. Hopefully any wandering beasts will learn not to antagonise us in future!", < "Pleased. You retrieved my belongings - Even if they do smell of !" < ], < "default" : [ < "That is finally gone? Thank you! Now that we've got we can move forward.", < "Thank you! Now, that will think twice before running off with things that don't belong to it." < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "monster", 101c39,116 < "requireTurnIn" : true --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "monster" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Firsst, we need Floran's ^orange;^white;. Not hard to find. Lone near ^orange;^white; ate them. ^green;Hunt the ^orange; ^green;and bring Floran's thingsss back!", > "First sstep, Floran need you to go on a little hunt. Floran sssaw ^orange; ^white;nearby swallow ^orange; near ^orange;^white;. ^white;Greedy ! ^green;Hunt it and bring Floran the stuff from inssside." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Bewildered. I had just finished gathering ^orange;^white; when a lone ^orange; at the swallowed them whole! ^white;Could you go ^green;hunt the beast and retrieve my belongings^white; for me?", > "Nervous. A lone ^orange; ^white;ambushed me at the ^orange;^white; and took ^orange;^white;! Can you ^green;hunt the creature and retrieve my possessions for me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "The first step is ^green;finding the ^orange;^white; that's been giving me trouble. It ran off with ^orange;,^white; towards the ^orange;^white;. ^green;You don't mind hunting it down do you?", > "The first thing we'll need is ^orange;.^white; Unfortunately, an oversized ate my supplies. It should be lurking around near the ^orange;^white;. Could you ^green;kill that ^orange;^green; and bring them back?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next sstep not tricky. A ^orange; ^white;near the ^orange;^white; ate Floran's ^orange;. ^green;Hunt ^orange; ^white;for Floran and ^green;get stuff back.", > "Okay, now Floran needss ^orange;. ^white;Floran sssaw ^orange; ^white;near the ^orange;^white; swallow the stuff we need! ^green;Hunt the ^orange; ^white;for Floran and ^green;bring back the thingsss." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Shocked. I was recently attacked by a fierce ^orange;, ^white;which made off with my ^orange;^white. It went towards the ^orange;^white. Could you ^green;hunt the creature down for me?^white; It couldn't have gotten far.", > "Ashamed. I was attacked by a fierce ^orange; at the ^white;, and it swallowed my possessions in the struggle. It took ^orange;, ^white;could you ^green;hunt it down and retrieve my things^white; for me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Next, ^green;I'll need you to hunt down the ^orange;^white; that swallowed my ^orange;^white; and ran off the other day -- I need my stuff back. That ^orange;^white; should be near the ^orange;^white;.", > "Next you'll need to hunt down a ^orange;.^white; I was out walking by the ^orange;^white; earlier and it ambushed me and took my ^orange;. Would you ^green;locate the creature and return what it's taken?" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Impressive - you're a good hunter. Things ate are a little sssticky, but still usable.", > "Floran knew you'd do it! the hunter! Sssounds good, right? And now Floran has what we need." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Victorious. You retrieved my belongings for me! Next time a cowardly ambushes me, I'll be ready.", > "Impressed. You managed to defeat that !? You must be a great warrior! Thank you for your assistance." > ], > "default" : [ > "Great work! That won't be bothering anyone anymore! And we should have everything we need for phase two.", > "Yuck, was this in the stomach of that ? I guess I can't complain, thanks for doing the dirty work." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Good job! Bet regretss eating Floran's ssstuff now. Okay, let's make usse of the .", > "Nice work! Floran wasn't sssure if you'd succeed. Lookss like you didn't ask nicely, Floran will clean thiss stuff before usssing." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Relieved. Thank you for retrieving my belongings - They are important to my plans. Hopefully any wandering beasts will learn not to antagonise us in future!", > "Pleased. You retrieved my belongings - even if they do smell of !" > ], > "default" : [ > "That is finally gone? Thank you! Now that we've got we can move forward.", > "Thank you! That should have thought twice before running off with things that didn't belong to it." > ] > } > } > }, > "requireTurnIn" : true, > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "hunt", > "text" : "Hunt the " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Bring the to " > } > ] quests\generated\templates\new_stock1.questtemplate 6c6 < "indicator" : "questreceiver" --- > "indicator" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.animation" 27a28,33 > }, > "spawnPoint" : { > "type" : "location", > "example" : { > "name" : "dark, scary cave" > } 30,89d35 < "title" : { < "default" : [ < "'s trade", < "'s plan to restock" < ] < }, < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantsss to make store more popular by selling more stuff. Floran has a plan!", < "^cyan;Floran's ssshop could need more things to sell! Floran has a plan." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Ambitious. The range of items available in my store is lacking. Action must be taken to correct this!", < "^cyan;Reserved. I'd like to expand into new areas of retail, will you help me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;My store might be more popular if I had more things to sell. I have a plan.", < "^cyan;I have a plan to expand my store's range of products. Can you help?" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has heard that ^orange; ^white;is a travelling merchant and ^green;will trade desssirable goods in exchange for ^orange;. ^white;Please will you ^green;take these to them^white; to boossst popularity of Floran's sssshop.", < "A travelling merchant hasss arrived in our town! ^orange;^white; is known for trading valuable suppliess in exchange for ^orange;. ^white;Pleasse ^green;take these thingsss to them ^white;so Floran can improve ssstock of shop." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Excited. My old friend and fellow merchant ^orange;^white; is in town. They are always in need of extra stock, you will be able to ^green;trade the ^orange;^green; with them for the goods I need.", < "Worried. I've heard my rival in business ^orange;^white; has the supplies I need, but I do not wish to speak to them. Please trade the ^orange;^white; with them^white; for the goods I need." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, travelling merchant arrived in our settlement a short time ago. They have agreed to provide me with the new stock I require in exchange for the ^orange;^white;. Could you ^green;take the goods to ^orange;^white;?", < "Perfect timing! , a travelling merchant, has just arrived to deliver the new stock. Can you ^green;find ^orange;^green; and give them our ^orange;^green; in return?" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Finally Floran hasss in ssstock. Floran is sssure business will soon be in full bloom.", < "Floran couldn't be happier to finally be able to ssssell . Floran's customerss will be thrilled!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Elated. Wonderful! The is now available for my customers to purchase.", < "Grateful. Thanks to you, my customers can now purchase themselves a new from me anytime." < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you! If you ever find yourself in need of a new , I now have plenty in stock!", < "Your delivery of a new will definitely help my store - I have plenty of them in stock, too! Thanks for your help." < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : { < "default" : [ < "I was unable to help acquire new stock for their store. They probably have enough as they are.", < "I couldn't help finalise the deal with that travelling merchant. Hopefully business isn't too slow." < ] < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 98a45,108 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : { > "default" : [ > "'s trade", > "'s plan to restock" > ] > }, > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wantsss to make store more popular by selling more stuff. Floran has a plan!", > "^cyan;Floran's shop needs more things to sssell! Floran has a plan." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Ambitious. The range of items available in my store is lacking. Action must be taken to correct this!", > "^cyan;Reserved. I'd like to expand into new areas of retail, will you help me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;My store might be more popular if I had more things to sell. I have a plan.", > "^cyan;I have a plan to expand my store's range of products. Can you help?" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has heard that ^orange; ^white;is a travelling merchant and ^green;will trade desssirable goods in exchange for ^orange;. ^white;Please ^green;take these to ^white; at the ^orange;^white; and help boossst the popularity of Floran's shop.", > "A travelling merchant hasss arrived at the ^orange;^white;! ^orange;^white; is known for trading valuable suppliess in exchange for ^orange;. ^white;Please ^green;take these things to ^white;so Floran can improve the ssstock in Floran's shop." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. My old friend and fellow merchant ^orange;^white; is at the ^orange;^white;. is always in need of stock; you will be able to ^green;trade the ^orange;^green; with for the goods I need.", > "Unhappy. I've heard my rival in business ^orange;^white; has the supplies I need, but I do not wish to speak to . Please trade the ^orange;^white; with ^white; at the ^orange;^white; for the goods I need." > ], > "default" : [ > "Travelling merchant arrived at the ^orange;^white; a short time ago. has agreed to provide me with the new stock I require in exchange for ^orange;^white;. Could you ^green;take the goods to ^orange;^white;?", > "Perfect timing! Apparently , a travelling merchant, has just arrived at the ^orange;^white;. Can you ^green;find ^orange;^green; and trade the ^orange;^green; in return for the goods I need?" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Finally Floran has in ssstock. Floran is sure business will soon be in full bloom.", > "Floran couldn't be happier to finally be able to ssell . Floran's customers will be thrilled!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Elated. Wonderful! The is now available for my customers to purchase.", > "Grateful. Thanks to you, my customers can now purchase themselves a new from me anytime." > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you! If you ever find yourself in need of a new , I now have plenty in stock!", > "Thanks to you I now stock ! My customers will be so pleased!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : { > "default" : [ > "I was unable to help acquire new stock for store. probably has enough as it is.", > "I couldn't help finalise the deal with that travelling merchant. Hopefully business isn't too slow." > ] > } > }, 112,113c122,137 < "parcelName" : { < "templates" : ["Parcel for "] --- > "parcelName" : ["Parcel for "], > "parcelDescription" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return parcel to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" 115,117c139 < "parcelDescription" : { < "templates" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."] < } --- > "turnInHidesIndicators" : false quests\generated\templates\new_stock2.questtemplate 6c6 < "indicator" : "questreceiver" --- > "indicator" : "/interface/quests/questreceiver.animation" 27a28,33 > }, > "spawnPoint" : { > "type" : "location", > "example" : { > "name" : "dark, scary cave" > } 30,89d35 < "title" : { < "default" : [ < "'s second trade", < "'s booming business" < ] < }, < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran is pleasssed about success from new ssstock. Now Floran wantsss even better items to sell!", < "^cyan;More itemsss resulted in more shoppersss. Help Floran get even better itemsss!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Sly. Success is within my grasp! Help me reach my full potential as a merchant.", < "^cyan;Resourceful. An opportunity has arisen for me to expand my store. I have to take it!" < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;My store is getting popular! Now is a good time to stock some high quality merchandise in my store....", < "^cyan;Getting new things to sell helped my store last time! Can you help me do it again?" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now isss our time. Travelling merchant ^orange; ^white;is in town, and they have promisssed that ^green;they will trade their special goods for ^orange;. ^white;Please do Floran massssive favour and ^green;make thissss deal!", < "Floran is excited to hear that travelling merchant ^orange;^white; is currently visssiting our town. Pleassse ^green;bring them these ^white;so that they will help Floran sssstock a new product, it isss all the rage!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Jealous. The merchant known as ^orange;target^white; is a popular fellow. Please ^green;deliver ^orange;^green; to them in exchange for the supplies I need. ", < "Hopeful. If you speak to ^orange;^white; they might have the materials I need to create a new item of stock. Please ^green;see if they will accept ^orange; ^white;in exchange. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Just in time! Travelling merchant arrived in our settlement a short time ago. They have agreed to provide me with the new stock I require in exchange for the ^orange;^white;. Could you ^green;take the goods to ^orange;^white;?", < "Now to finish the task! , a travelling merchant, has just arrived to deliver the new stock. Can you ^green;find ^orange;^green; and give them our ^orange;^green; in return?" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "When the town hears that Floran's shop has a new , Floran is sssure there will be a long queue out the door.", < "Floran can't wait for busssiness to pick up as people hear about the new ssstock in Floran's shop. is very popular right now!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Proud. I am happy to announce that I will now stock a as part of my regular inventory. Thank you, friend!", < "Surprised. You did it! Now I will always have a in stock alongside my exisiting range of products." < ], < "default" : [ < "Success! If you need a brand new , my store is the place to come from now on! Thanks for your help.", < "Thanks to your delivery, I'm now able to sell this new ! If you want one, you know where to find me!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : { < "default" : [ < "I was unable to help acquire new stock for their store. They probably have enough as they are.", < "I didn't help succeed in acquiring new stock. " < ] < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 98a45,108 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : { > "default" : [ > "'s second trade", > "'s booming business" > ] > }, > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran is pleased about success from new ssstock. Now Floran wants even better items to sell!", > "^cyan;More items resssulted in more customers. Now Floran wants even more itemss!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Eager. Things are going well! Help me reach my full potential as a merchant.", > "^cyan;Resourceful. An opportunity has arisen for me to expand my store. I have to take it!" > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;My store is getting popular! Now is a good time to stock some high quality merchandise....", > "^cyan;Getting new things to sell helped my store last time! Can you help me do it again?" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now isss our time. Travelling merchant ^orange; ^white;is at the ^orange;^white;, and has promisssed that ^green; will trade special goods for ^orange;. ^white;Please do Floran a favour and ^green;make the deal!", > "Floran is excited to hear that travelling merchant ^orange;^white; is currently visssiting the ^orange;^white;. Please ^green;bring these ^white;so that will help Floran sssstock a new product, it is all the rage!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Jealous. The merchant known as ^orange;^white; is a popular fellow... Maybe you could ^green;deliver ^orange;^green; to at the ^orange;^white; in exchange for the supplies I need?", > "Hopeful. If you speak to ^orange;^white; at the ^orange;^white; might have the materials I need to create a new item of stock. Please ^green;see if will accept ^orange; ^white;in exchange" > ], > "default" : [ > "Just in time! Travelling merchant arrived at the ^orange;^white; a short time ago. has agreed to provide me with the new stock I require in exchange for my ^orange;^white;. Could you ^green;take the goods to ^orange;^white;?", > "Now to finish the task! , a travelling merchant, has just arrived at the ^orange;^white; to trade. Can you ^green;find ^orange;^green; and give our ^orange;^green; in return for the goods we need?" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "When the town hearsss that Floran's shop has a new , Floran is sure they will be queue out the door!", > "Floran can't wait for business to pick up as people hear about the new sstock in Floran's shop. is very popular right now!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Overjoyed. I am happy to announce that I will now stock a as part of my regular inventory. Thank you for your help!", > "Thrilled. You did it! Now I will always have a in stock alongside my exisiting range of products." > ], > "default" : [ > "Success! If you need a brand new , my store is the place to come from now on! Thanks for your help.", > "Thanks to your delivery, I'm now able to sell this new ! If you want one, you know where to find me!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : { > "default" : [ > "I was unable to help acquire new stock for store. probably has enough as it is.", > "I didn't help succeed in acquiring new stock. " > ] > } > }, 112,113c122,137 < "parcelName" : { < "templates" : ["Parcel for "] --- > "parcelName" : ["Parcel for "], > "parcelDescription" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Give to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return parcel to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" 115,117c139 < "parcelDescription" : { < "templates" : ["It's for . I shouldn't open it."] < } --- > "turnInHidesIndicators" : false quests\generated\templates\protect.questtemplate 22c22,25 < "type" : "location" --- > "type" : "location", > "example" : { > "name" : "dark, scary cave" > } 25,138d27 < "title" : [ < "Protect from ", < "Save from " < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantss on our sside. Floran have a little plan to make thiss work.", < "^cyan;Floran wantsss to owe Floran a favour." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Worried. I wish to win the favour of , and now hear they are in danger. ", < "^cyan;Eager. I have word that may be in danger - And this might be a chance to win their favour." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I've heard might be in trouble - If I help them, they might trust me more!", < "^cyan;I've recieved information that is at risk. If I help them, they might like me more!" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran knowss that ^orange;^green; are looking for ^orange;. ^white;Floran needss them alive for plan to work, so make sssure you ^green;protect them.", < "Floran heard that ^orange; ^green;upssset , and they're coming here! ^white;Floran wantss you to ^green;protect them." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Tense. I heard talk of approaching ^orange;^white; and believe they're here to get ^orange;. ^green;Can you help protect them?", < "Distressed. I have reason to believe ^orange;^white; are coming for ^orange;. ^green;You must help protect them!" < ], < "default" : [ < "The first concern are the reports that ^orange;^white; are on their way here. I hear they're after ^orange;! ^green;Do whatever you can to fend them off.^white; They need our protection!", < "The first task is simple; head over to ^orange^white; and make sure those ^orange^white; don't succeed in their attack! ^green;Protect ^orange^green; at all costs!" < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next part not sso eassy. Floran hearss that ^orange; ^green;are coming for ^orange;.^white; Floran needss you to ^green;stop them.", < "Next part iss good timing. Floran hear on grapevine that ^orange; ^green;are coming to messs with ^orange;. ^white;Floran wantss you to ^green;protect ^orange; ^green;from ^orange;." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Alerted. I have recieved a tip-off that ^orange;^white; are coming to attack, and are after ^orange;. ^green;If you can help me protect them,^white; I would be pleased!", < "Agitated. I have recieved information that ^orange;^white; are incoming, and are here to get to ^orange;. ^green;If you can help me save them,^white; I may win their gratitude. Can you assist?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Next ^green;we'll need to defend against incoming ^orange;^white;. I've heard that their target is ^orange;^white;. If we show that we're willing to risk life and limb to ^green;protect , they will know they can trust us.", < "Next, we'll need to protect ^orange;^white;. There's a group of ^orange;^white; on their way here to attack them. ^green;Do whatever you can to keep them safe from harm!" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran might have told ^orange;^white; that wass hiding here. Floran knowss they been looking for a while. ^green;Keep ^orange; ^green;ssafe^white; and everyone winsss.", < "Floran knowss ^orange;^white; got on the wrong side of ^orange;^white;, and they'll be here sshortly! if Floran helpss then they'll have to owe Floran a favour. ^green;Will you help protect them?" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Tense. I've been informed that ^orange;^white; are approaching - and ^orange;^white; is their target! ^green;Can you help me protect their life?", < "Distressed. I've recieved word that ^orange;^white; are coming for ^orange;! ^green;You must help me protect them,^white; before it is too late!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Word is that ^orange;^white; are on their way here to capture ^orange;^white;. We can't allow this, ^green;please help protect them^white; however you can!", < " is in danger! It seems there's a gang of ^orange;^white; on their way with hostile intentions. ^green;Make sure they don't harm ^orange;^white;. Do whatever it takes!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Well done, Floran's plan isss working perfectly! doesn't need to know that Floran told where they were hiding... ", < "Good job, wass no match for your protection skillss!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Relieved. is safe now - As well as being honour-bound to help me in the future. Thank you!", < "Appreciative. Thanks to you, is safe. They are also honour-bound to assist me if I call upon them - This is helpful!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Thanks to you wasn't harmed. I'm sure they are extremely grateful to us. I know I would be!", < "You kept safe! They will never forget that we saved their lives. It feels like a bond has been created between us." < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran impressed at your combat skillsss. weren't expecting that!", < "Floran impressed. Lucky for the grapevine wass right, bet weren't expecting that!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Overjoyed. You helped protect ! They owe me a favour for saving their life - I am sure this will be useful.", < "Impressed. You saved ! You may have done most of the work, but they still owe me a favour for informing you. Thank you for your help!" < ], < "default" : [ < "You made short work of those ! We've also earned the trust of . I'm sure that will prove helpful!", < "Well done! Those met their match. should trust us now that we've shown we're on the same side." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Successs! friendly to Floran. They know I ask you ssstop . Not important for to know the detailss...", < "Successs! appreciatess the protection. They ssurely owe Floran a favour in future!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Impressed. You are a indeed a gallant Knight! Thanks to you, is safe, as well as owing me their help if I ever call upon it.", < "Exuberant. You defeated the and saved ! You are no doubt a noble warrior! Thank you for your help." < ], < "default" : [ < "Haha, are no match for us ... er, I mean you! I think this will put us in 's good books - we should be able to call in a favor if we need anything.", < "I'm impressed! The never stood a chance. I think we've earned 's trust as well." < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I wasn't able to save from . I should probably feel a little guilty about that.", < "I failed to protect from . Maybe I'm not much of a fighter, after all.", < "I failed to protect . Maybe I shouldn't try to protect people in future.", < "I failed to protect . Maybe should have given me more notice." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "threat", 147a37,154 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "threat" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "Protect from ", > "Save from " > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wants on our sside. Floran have a little plan to make this work.", > "^cyan;Floran wantsss to owe Floran a favour." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Worried. I wish to win the favour of , and now I hear is in danger. ", > "^cyan;Eager. I have word that may be in danger - And this might be a chance to win favour." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I've heard might be in trouble - If I help , might trust me more!", > "^cyan;I've received information that is at risk. If I help , might like me more!" > ] > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran knowss that ^orange;^green; near the ^orange;^white; are looking for ^orange;. ^white;Floran needs alive for plan to work, so make sssure you ^green;protect .", > "Floran heard that ^orange; ^green;upssset , and they're coming here from the ^orange;^white;! ^white;Floran wantss you to ^green;protect ." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Tense. I heard talk of ^orange;^white; apporaching from the ^orange;^white; and believe they are coming to get ^orange;. ^green;Can you help protect from foes?", > "Fervent. I have reason to believe ^orange;^white; at the ^orange;^white; are coming for ^orange;. ^green;You must help protect !" > ], > "default" : [ > "Firstly, we need to deal with the ^orange;^white; that are on their way here from the ^orange;^white;. I hear they're after ^orange;! ^green;Do whatever you can to fend them off.^white; needs our protection!", > "The first task is simple; head over to the ^orange^white; and make sure those ^orange^white; don't succeed in their attack against ^orange;! ^green;Protect ^green; at all costs!" > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next part not sso easy. Floran heard that ^orange; at the ^white; ^green;are coming for ^orange;.^white; Floran needs you to ^green;ssstop them.", > "Next part iss good timing. Floran heard on grapevine that ^orange; from the ^white; ^green;are coming to messs with ^orange;. ^white;Floran wants you to ^green;protect ^orange; ^green;from ^orange;." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Flustered. I have recieved a tip-off that ^orange;^white; are coming via the ^orange;^white; to attack ! ^green;If you could help me protect ,^white; I would be extremely grateful!", > "Agitated. I have recieved information that ^orange;^white; are approaching, via the ^orange;^white;, and are coming to attack ^orange;. ^green;If you can help me save ,^white; I may win gratitude." > ], > "default" : [ > "Next ^green;we'll need to defend against incoming ^orange;^white; from the ^orange;^white;. I've heard that their target is ^orange;^white;. If we show that we're willing to risk life and limb to ^green;protect , then 'll know can trust us.", > "Next, we need to protect ^orange;^white;. There's a group of ^orange;^white; on their way here through the ^orange;^white; to attack . ^green;Do whatever you can to keep safe from harm!" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran might have told ^orange;^white; that wass hiding here. Floran knows they've been looking for for a while, around the ^orange;^white;. For the plan to work you have to ^green;keep ^orange; ^green;safe^white;. Do that, and everyone winsss.", > "Floran knows ^orange;^white; got on the wrong ssside of ^orange;^white;, and they'll be here from the ^orange;^white; any time now! But if Floran helpss then 'll owe Floran a favour, so ^green;please protect from his enemies." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Tense. I've been informed that ^orange;^white; are approaching from the ^orange;^white; - and ^orange;^white; is their target! ^green;Can you help me protect life?", > "Restless. I've received word that the ^orange;^white; at the ^orange;^white; are coming for ^orange;^white;! ^green;You must help me protect ^white;, before it is too late!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Word is that ^orange;^white; are on their way here to capture ^orange;^white; and take back to the ^orange;^white;. This can't be allowed to happen! ^green;Please help protect ^white; however you can!", > " is in danger! It seems there's a gang of ^orange;^white; on their way from the ^orange;^white; with hostile intentions. ^green;Make sure they don't harm ^orange;^white;. Do whatever it takes!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Well done, Floran's plan isss working perfectly! doesn't need to know that Floran told where was hiding... ", > "Good job, you saved ! Nice protection skilsss." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Relieved. is safe now - As well as being honour-bound to help me in the future. Thank you!", > "Appreciative. Thanks to you, is safe. is also honour-bound to assist me if I call upon ." > ], > "default" : [ > "Thanks to you wasn't harmed. I'm sure is extremely grateful to us. I know I would be!", > "You kept safe! 'll never forget that we saved life. It feels like a bond has been created between us." > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran impressed at your combat ssskills. weren't expecting that!", > "Floran impressed. Lucky for the grapevine wass right, bet those weren't expecting that!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Overjoyed. You helped protect ! owes me a favour for saving life - I am sure this will be useful.", > "Impressed. You saved ! You may have done most of the work, but still owes me a favour for informing you. Thank you for your help!" > ], > "default" : [ > "You made short work of those ! We've also earned the trust of . I'm sure that will prove helpful!", > "Well done! Those met their match. I bet likes me a lot more now!" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Successs! feels indebted to Floran! knows I told you to ssstop . Floran didn't share any other details...", > "Successs! appreciated the protection. Now owes Floran a favour!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Impressed. You are indeed a gallant Knight! Thanks to you, is safe, and owes me help if I ever call upon .", > "Exuberant. You defeated the and saved ! You are no doubt a noble warrior! And no doubt indebted to me!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Hahaha, are no match for us ... er, I mean you. I think this will have earned us 's trust!", > "I'm impressed! The never stood a chance. I think we've earned 's friendship as well." > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I wasn't able to save from . I should probably feel a little guilty about that.", > "I failed to protect from . Maybe I'm not much of a fighter, after all.", > "I failed to protect . Maybe I shouldn't agree to protect people in future.", > "I failed to protect . Maybe should have given me more notice." > ] > }, 149c156,177 < "indicators" : ["target"] --- > "indicators" : ["target"], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "findPlace", > "text" : "Locate the " > }, > { > "id" : "kill", > "text" : "Kill the " > }, > { > "id" : "protect", > "text" : "Keep safe" > } > ], > "spawnPointObjectiveRange" : 35, > > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "spawnPoint" > } quests\generated\templates\recruit_guard.questtemplate 20,74d19 < "title" : [ < "Security for ", < " wants security" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran has been thinking that everyone would feel sssafer with a new guard in town. Floran has plan...", < "^cyan;Floran thinksss town would benefit from recruiting new guard. Here's Floran's plan..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Vulnerable. I would feel safer with more security around here. Can you help me recruit a guard?", < "^cyan;Defenseless. There isn't enough protection around here. Recruiting a new guard might help." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I would feel safer with some protection around here. Can you help recruit a guard?", < "^cyan;We could do with more protection around here. I have a plan..." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Final part is to ^green;place ^orange; ^white;into a newly conssstructed home, along with ^green;3 ^orange;^green; items. ^white;This will attract a ^orange;^white;guard to move in! You will have to build this home from ssscratch. Don't forget to ^green;place this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall ^white;and ^green;provide a ^orange;light source^white; for them.", < "This final part will be hard work, but Floran assssures you it will be a success. You will need to ^green;build a home^white; for a guard to move into. ^green;Place a ^orange;light source^green; and the ^orange;^green; in the home alongside 3 ^orange; themed itemsss. ^white;This ^orange;Colony Deed^white; is alssso necessary!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Anxious. ^green;Build a home for our new guard. ^white;Make sure they will feel comfortable by adding a ^orange; light source, ^green;3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; and, of course, the^orange;. ^green;Don't forget, this ^orange;Colony Deed^white; needs to be ^green;placed on the wall.", < "Patient. ^green;This guard is going to need somewhere to stay. ^green;Build them a house to contain the ^orange;^white;. While you're at it, go ahead and ^green; get them 3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; to help them settle in. ^green;Put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall^white; somewhere inside, and ^green;add a^orange; light source^white; as a finishing touch." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; in it^white;! Don't forget to ^green;add a^orange; light source!", < "All that's left is to ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; in it^white;! Don't forget to ^green;add a ^orange;light source!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran never doubted you for a moment! Floran already feels ssssafer here! Thanksss.", < "With the new guard around, Floran can feel the whole town relaxing more already. Thanksss for your hard work!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Content. I have complete peace of mind, knowing our new guard is on duty. I will not forget your tireless efforts.", < "Empowered. I have the confidence to face the day, now that our new guard is by my side. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Vacancy filled! That didn't take long! Thanks for helping ensure my safety!", < "We have a new guard! I feel safer already. Thanks for your help!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I was unable to help improve 's security. They'll probably be fine. Probably.", < "I decided not to help 's security. If they can't protect themselves, they probably shouldn't have moved here to begin with." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", 84c29,109 < "amountOfFurnitureNeeded" : 3 --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "Security for ", > " wants security" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran has been thinking that everyone would feel sssafer with a new guard in town.", > "^cyan;Floran thinksss town would benefit from recruiting new guard. Here's Floran's plan..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Defenseless. I would feel safer with a guard around here. Can you help me recruit one?", > "^cyan;Vulnerable. There isn't enough protection around here. Recruiting a guard might help." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I would feel safer with some protection around here. Can you help recruit a guard?", > "^cyan;We could do with more protection around here. I have a plan..." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Final part is to ^green;place ^orange; ^white;into a newly made home, along with ^green;3 ^orange;^green; itemsss^white;, for a guard! Also ^green;place this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; inside^white;, and a ^green;^orange;light source^white;!", > "This final part will be hard work. You will need to ^green;build a home^white; for a guard to move into. ^green;Place this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and the ^orange;^green; in the house with 3 ^orange; themed itemsss^white;. Don't forget a ^orange;light source^white; and a door!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Eager. Finally, ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; in it^white;! Don't forget to ^green;add a^orange; light source!", > "Excited. Now you just need to ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like, and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; up too^white;. Don't forget to ^green;add a ^orange;light source^white;!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; in it^white;! Don't forget to ^green;add a^orange; light source^white;!", > "All that's left is to ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like, and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; up too^white;. Don't forget to ^green;add a ^orange;light source^white; as well!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran never doubted you for a moment! Floran already feels sssafer here! Thanks.", > "With the new guard around, Floran can feel the whole town relaxing already. Thanksss for your hard work!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Content. I have complete peace of mind, knowing our new guard is on duty. I will not forget your tireless efforts.", > "Empowered. I have the confidence to face the day, now that our new guard is by my side. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Vacancy filled! That didn't take long! Thanks for helping ensure my safety!", > "We have a new guard! I feel safer already. Thanks for your help!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I was unable to help improve 's security. 'll probably be fine. Probably.", > "I decided not to help improve 's security. If can't protect , probably shouldn't have moved here to begin with." > ] > }, > "amountOfFurnitureNeeded" : 3, > > "objectives" : [ > { > "text" : "Build a home for a guard with:" > }, > { > "text" : "1 Colony Deed" > }, > { > "text" : "3 objects" > }, > { > "text" : "1 " > }, > { > "text" : "Any light source" > }, > { > "text" : "Any door" > } > ] quests\generated\templates\request_craft.questtemplate 20,81d19 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "To start with there's ssssomething Floran needs from , they shouldn't mind. ^green;Go ask ^orange; ^green;to craft Floran one ^orange;.", < "Floran knowsss that can make the thing we need. We need one ^orange; ^white;and Floran wants you to ^green;get one from ^orange;." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Sneaky. ^green;I need you to pay a visit^white; to my very good friend ^orange;^white;. The ^orange;^white; they promised to craft for me should be ready for collection.", < "Lonely. My friend ^orange;^white; said they would help make the ^orange;^white; I needed, but they did not show up. ^green;Would you go to them and ask them for it?" < ], < "default" : [ < "First, I need you to grab something for me. ^orange;^white; knows how to make the most perfect ^orange;^white; in the system, ^green;head over and ask for one.^white; It'll make sense why we need it.", < "The first thing I'll need is one ^orange;. ^white; is good at making them, so we'll ^green;ask them to make one^white; specifically for us." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran needs your help to retrieve something sspecial from ^orange;. ^green;You should go and ask for one ^orange;. ^white;They'll make it for us.", < "Now, Floran needs to asssk you to ^green;get one ^orange;. ^white;Floran is sure ^orange; ^green;has one of thessse. " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Hopeful. ^green;If you speak to ^orange;^white; they should give you the ^orange;^white; they are making for me.", < "Jealous. ^orange;^white; knows how to make ^orange;s^white; better than I do. ^green;Please ask them to make one for me." < ], < "default" : [ < "The next thing I need is one ^orange;. ^white; can make just about anything, ^green;ask them to put it together.", < "Next run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us a custom ^orange;.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, knows how I like them made." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Yes! Isn't the best? This will be so useful in the next ssstage of our plan.", < "You got the ! Thisss is a good day for usss!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Satisfied. You have done well. Although is friendly with me, they are not always so generous. ", < "Obsessive. Great, you got the ! Now we need to put it use as part of my grand plan!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Nice one, that's definately the work of . That's one thing off the list...", < "I've never seen anyone make any as fine as does. This is going to be perfect for what I need next." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Excellent, thiss will do nicely.", < "Floran knew you could do it. With thisss we are well prepared." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Disappointed. Oh, the quality of this is not what I had expected. I suppose it will have to do.", < "Tentitive. They really made this for me? I can really keep this? Wow!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Thanks! makes them just right, I couldn't just get any old for what I've got in mind.", < "No one makes them like ! That's one more thing accounted for. Thank you!" < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 90a29,94 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "To start with there's sssomething Floran needs from , shouldn't mind. ^green;Go ask ^orange; ^green;to craft Floran one ^orange;.", > "Floran knowsss that ^orange; can make what we need. ^green;Go get one ^orange; ^white;from ." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Restless. ^green;I need you to pay a visit^white; to ^orange;^white;. The ^orange;^white; promised to craft for me should be ready.", > "Sullen. My friend ^orange;^white; said would help make the ^orange;^white; I need, but has not shown up. ^green;Would you go to and ask for it?" > ], > "default" : [ > "First, I need you to grab something for me. ^orange;^white; knows how to make the best ^orange;^white; in the star system, ^green;head over and ask for one.^white; We'll need it later.", > "The first thing I'll need is one ^orange;. ^white; is good at making them, so we'll ^green;ask to make one^white; specifically for us." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran needs your help to retrieve something sspecial from ^orange;. ^green;You should go and ask for one ^orange;. ^white;'ll make it for us.", > "Now, Floran needs to asssk you to ^green;get one ^orange;. ^white;Floran is ssure ^orange; ^green;can make one. " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Hopeful. ^green;If you speak to ^orange;^white; should give you the ^orange;^white; is making for me.", > "Morose. ^orange;^white; knows how to make ^orange;s^white; better than I do. ^green;Please ask to make one for me." > ], > "default" : [ > "The next thing I need is one ^orange;. ^white; can make just about anything, ^green;ask to put it together.", > "Next, run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us a custom ^orange;.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, knows how I like them made." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Yes! Isn't the best? This will be so useful in the next ssstage of our plan.", > "You got the ! Thisss is a good day for!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Well done; is generally friendly towards me, but not always so generous. Thank you for your help.", > "Joyous. Great, you got the ! Now we need to put it to use as part of my grand plan!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Nice one, I knew would come up trumps. That's one thing off the list...", > "I've never seen anyone make any as fine as does. This is going to be perfect for what I've got planned." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Excellent, thiss is perfect.", > "Floran knew you could do it. With thisss we are well prepared." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Disappointed. Oh, the quality of this is not what I had expected. I suppose it will have to do.", > "Tentitive. really made this for me? I can really keep this? Wow!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Thanks! makes them just right, I couldn't just get any old for what I've got in mind.", > "No one makes them like ! That's one more thing sorted. Thank you!" > ] > } > } > }, 94c98,113 < "giftReceivedEventName" : "craftedGiftProvided" --- > "giftReceivedEventName" : "craftedGiftProvided", > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "collect", > "text" : "Acquire from " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" > } quests\generated\templates\return_stolen.questtemplate 44,184d43 < "title" : [ < " the vigilante", < "Help out " < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran has found out about ssshocking crime! Let's fix thisss.", < "^cyan;Ssomeone's was stolen. Help ressstore justice!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Troubled. has been the victim of petty thievery! Let's help them!", < "^cyan;Furious. I have discovered that has been stealing! Help me bring them to justice, please." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I saw that was looking for their stolen , and I happen to know where it is. They'd be pretty thankful if we were to help return it. ", < "^cyan; was asking if I knew anyone that could help find their . I know where it is, but I need your help." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has problemsss, needs help from you. That ssneakthief ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from sstand-up citizen ! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Floran thanksss you for this.", < "You won't believe what's happened! ^orange;^white; wasss robbed by none other than ^orange;.^white; Floran wishes there was ssssomething we could do to help. Maybe you can ^green;return the sssstolen ^orange; ^white;before things get worse!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Perturbed. A thief who goes by the name of ^orange;^white; has stolen ΓÇÖs prized ^orange;! Will you^green; retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house?^white; I'm sure they would appreciate it.", < "Devious. could trust me more, and I know how to change that. stole an ^orange;^white; from them the other day. ^green;Will you retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Alright, I know for a fact that ^orange;^white; has stolen ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^white;. IΓÇÖll keep watch while you ^green;take it back.^white; Once youΓÇÖve got it, ^green;place it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house.", < "The first thing weΓÇÖve got to do involves a little bit of thievery. Well, it's a good kind of thievery. The ^orange;^white; we need to steal back is located in ^orange;ΓÇÖs home. ^green;Go get it, then place it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; home." < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Yess nice work! Floran needss another favour from you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a preciouss ^orange;^white; from friendly neighbour - sso rude! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Floran iss very grateful.", < "Floran isss torn up about recent incident. How could ^orange; ^white;shamelessssly steal from ? If you could ^green;return the ssstolen ^orange;^green; to poor ^orange;,^white; I'm sssure they'll be thankful." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Frustrated. That swindler, has had the nerve to steal poor 's favourite ^orange;.^white; We must do something about it! Would you be so kind as to ^green;retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;return it to ^orange;'s^green; house?", < "Guileful. Next, I bet it would make ^orange;^white; happy if you ^green;retrieved the ^orange;^white; that ^orange;^white; stole from them, and ^green;put it back in their house.^white; Will you do that?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Okay, now we get to do some housebreaking. ^green;Go grab the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll keep an eye out and make sure nobody's watching.", < "A little breaking and entering never hurt anyone. Nobody we know or care about, at least. Go ^green;steal back the ^orange; ^green; in ^orange;'s ^green; home. Then put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^green; home." < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssuper! Floran needss one more favour. ^orange;^white; has stolen one ^orange;^white; from poor - how tricksy! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Then Floran leaves you alone.", < "Tragedy! Floran heard ^orange;^white; was robbed by ^orange;^white;. No one wasss there to ssstop the crime! Pleassse, will you ^green;retrieve the stolen ^orange;^green; from the thief?" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Agitated. We have one last problem - that pesky ^orange;^white; has stolen 's ^orange;^white;! They'll be devastated unless we - I mean... You, ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.", < "Scheming. Finally, I know that ^orange;^white; recently stole 's ^orange;.^white; I bet if you ^green;retrieved it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house,^white; they would be very grateful." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, time for some vigilante justice! ^green;Remove the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll be watching to make sure nobody sees what's going on.", < "Everything else is in place! ItΓÇÖs time for some vigilante style burglary. IΓÇÖll be your lookout while you^green; grab the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green;place. Then sneak it back into ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; home." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "You! Yesss, Floran speaks to you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from dear friend - how ssneaky! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s ^green;house. ^white;Floran thanksss you.", < "These are dark timesss... Floran heard rumourssss of ^orange;^white; stealing ^orange;'s^white; . ^white;Not even your neighbours can be trusssted nowadays! Please ^green;return the^orange; ^green;to itsss rightful owner." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Concerned. In a moment of desperation, ^orange;^white; robbed of their ^orange;^white;! If you ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house,^white; they may never even realise it was gone! I would be grateful.", < "Clever. ^orange;^white; recently stole 's favourite . I bet ^orange;^white; would be very grateful to whomever ^green;retrieved the ^orange; ^green;and put it back in their house.^white; Will you do this?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Alright, I'll keep a lookout while you ^green;take the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; Once you're done, ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house. ", < "The ^orange;^white; I've been looking for was stolen by ^orange;.^white; Right now itΓÇÖs sitting in their home. ^green;Go steal it back,^white; then ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house^white; where it belongs. IΓÇÖll be watching for trouble." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Stupendouss! will be sso pleased to have the back! Now Floran neeedss more help.", < "Panic averted! Now we can ressst easy, knowing that has been reunited with their . " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. Nice work! has their and all is right with the universe... Almost.", < "Impressed. You managed to put the back in 's house - thank you! If I can convince them that I was responsible, I'll definitely have earned their trust!" < ], < "default" : [ < "You did such a good job! I can't wait to see 's face when they see they got a taste of their own medicine. ", < "That wasn't as hard as I thought. You're pretty good at this stuff, aren't you? will be happy to see their stuff back where it belongs." < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssuperb! will be so grateful to have the back. Now Floran neeedss more help.", < "You did it! Hopefully regretsss their crime. Floran will keep an eye out to make ssssure it doesn't happen again! " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Satisfied. You've done well! will be so pleased to have the back. Would you be willing to do something else for me?", < "Pleased. Thank you for retrieving the for ! I hope you don't mind me taking all the credit. I'll certainly have earned 's trust then!" < ], < "default" : [ < "That was really impressive! I also like the way you didn't leave any fingerprints, that's smart thinking. Just wait until hears about this! ", < "Good job! will be pleased with me, once they see their back in its rightful place." < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssssuccess! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", < "Floran thankssss you deeply for returning the to . Floran knows you can be counted on!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Gleeful. Crisis averted- has their back! Thank you for being so helpful, .", < "Satisfied. I'm so glad you retrieved the for ! Once I take all the credit for helping them out, they'll definitely trust me!" < ], < "default" : [ < " and , purveyors of vigilante justice! Sounds good, right? You were like a ghost in there. won't know what to think! ", < "You have a real talent for this kind of thing, I see you even brought your own tool for the job. will be pleased to see their stuff has been returned." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Mission accomplished! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", < "You returned the ! I'm sssure that feels sssafer knowing you are here to help out!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Relieved. Many thanks! has their and knows better than to steal from them again!", < "Grateful. Nice work returning the to 's house on my behalf! You don't mind me taking all the credit, do you? Of course you don't." < ], < "default" : [ < "Wow, you made that look easy! will be pleased to see we got their back. Have you done this before? There's no danger of leaving fingerprints with a specialised tool like that..", < "Nice work! will be pretty thankful to see that I helped get their back. We're a daring vigilante twosome now!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I couldn't bring justice to . Maybe it's better that I didn't get involved.", < "I failed to retrieve 's . should have just done it themselves.", < "I didn't manage to return the stolen item to . Let's hope that they are okay with this." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "victim", 194c53,213 < "indicators" : ["object"] --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "victim" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > " the vigilante", > "Help out " > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran has found out about shocking crime! Let's fix thisss.", > "^cyan;Ssomeone's was stolen. Help ressstore justice!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Troubled. has been the victim of petty thievery! Let's help !", > "^cyan;Opportunistic. I have discovered that has been stealing. Help me bring to justice." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I saw that was looking for stolen , and I happen to know where it is. 'd be pretty thankful if we were to help return it.", > "^cyan; was asking if I knew anyone that could help find . I know where it is, but I need your help." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has a problem, needs help from you. That ssneakthief ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from sstand-up citizen ! ^green;Please take it back and put it in ^orange;'ss^green; house.", > "You won't believe what's happened! ^orange;^white; was robbed by none other than ^orange;.^white; Floran wishes there was sssomething we could do to help. Maybe you can ^green;return the stolen ^orange; ^green;to ΓÇÖs houssse?" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Concerned. A thief who goes by the name of ^orange;^white; has stolen ΓÇÖs prized ^orange;! Will you^green; retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house?^white; I'm sure would appreciate it.", > "Devious. could trust me more, and I know how to get that to happen. stole one ^orange;^white; from the other day. ^green;Will you retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Alright, I know for a fact that ^orange;^white; has stolen ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^white;. IΓÇÖll keep watch while you ^green;take it back.^white; Once youΓÇÖve got it, ^green;place it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house.", > "The first thing weΓÇÖve got to do involves a little bit of thievery. Well, it's a good kind of thievery. The ^orange;^white; we need to steal back is located in ^orange;ΓÇÖs home. ^green;Go get it, then place it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; home." > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Yess nice work! Floran needs another favour from you... ^orange;^white; has stolen a precious ^orange;^white; from friendly neighbour - sso rude! ^green;Please take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house.", > "Floran is upssset about something that happened - ^orange; ^white;shamelesssly stole from ! If you could ^green;return the stolen ^orange;^green; to ^orange;,^white; I'm sssure 'd be grateful." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Irritated. That swindler, has had the nerve to steal poor 's favourite ^orange;.^white; We must do something about it! Would you be so kind as to ^green;retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;return it to ^orange;'s^green; house?", > "Calculating. Next, I bet it would make ^orange;^white; happy if you ^green;retrieved the ^orange;^white; that ^orange;^white; stole from , and ^green;put it back in house.^white; That aught to get me into good books." > ], > "default" : [ > "Okay, now we get to do some housebreaking. ^green;Go grab the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll keep an eye out and make sure nobody's watching.", > "A little breaking and entering never hurt anyone... Sort of. Go ^green;steal back the ^orange; ^green; in ^orange;'s ^green; home. Then put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^green; home." > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Ssuper! Floran needs one more favour. ^orange;^white; has stolen one ^orange;^white; from poor - how tricksy! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Then Floran leaves you alone.", > "Oh no! Floran heard ^orange;^white; was robbed by ^orange;^white;. No one was there to ssstop the crime! Please, will you ^green;retrieve the stolen ^orange;^green; from the thief?" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Agitated. We have one last problem - that pesky ^orange;^white; has stolen 's favourite ^orange;^white;! ^orange; ^white;will be devastated unless we - I mean... You, ^green;retrieve it and put it back in house.", > "Artful. Finally, I know that ^orange;^white; recently stole 's ^orange;.^white; I bet if you ^green;retrieved it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house,^white; would be very grateful, and favour me in future." > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, time for some vigilante justice! ^green;Remove the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll be the lookout.", > "Everything else is in place! ItΓÇÖs time for some vigilante style burglary. IΓÇÖll be your lookout while you^green; grab the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green;place. Then sneak it back into ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; home." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "You! Floran needss you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from dear friend - how ssneaky! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s ^green;house, ^white;ok?", > "These are dark timesss... Floran heard rumours of ^orange;^white; stealing ^orange;'s^white; . ^white;Nowhere is safe these days! Please can you ^green;return the^orange; ^green;to itsss rightful owner?" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Concerned. In a moment of desperation, ^orange;^white; robbed of ^orange;^white;! If you ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house,^white; may never even realise it was gone. I would be grateful.", > "Cunning. ^orange;^white; recently stole 's favourite . I bet ^orange;^white; would be very grateful to whomever ^green;retrieved the ^orange; ^green;and put it back in house.^white; Will you do this for me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "Alright, I'll keep a lookout while you ^green;take the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; Once you're done, ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house. ", > "The ^orange;^white; I've been looking for was stolen by ^orange;.^white; Right now it's sitting in home. ^green;Go steal it back,^white; then ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house^white; where it belongs. I'll be watching for trouble." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Stupendouss! will be so pleased to have the back! But Floran needss more help.", > "Now we can rest easssy, knowing that has been reunited with . " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. Excellent! has and all is right with the universe... Almost.", > "Sly. You managed to put the back in 's house - thank you! If I can convince that I was responsible, I'll definitely have earned trust!" > ], > "default" : [ > "You did such a good job! I can't wait to see 's face when sees got a taste of own medicine. ", > "That wasn't as hard as I thought. You're pretty good at this stuff, aren't you? will be happy to see stuff back where it belongs." > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Ssuperb! will be so grateful to have the back. Now Floran needss more help.", > "You did it! Hopefully regretsss crime. Floran will keep an eye out to make sssure it doesn't happen again! " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Satisfied. Well done! will be so pleased to have the back. Would you be willing to do something else for me?", > "Sly. Thank you for retrieving the for ! I hope you don't mind me taking all the credit. I'll certainly have earned 's trust then!" > ], > "default" : [ > "That was really impressive! I also like the way you didn't leave any fingerprints, that's smart thinking. Just wait until hears about this! ", > "Good job! will be pleased with me, once sees back in its rightful place." > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Sssuccess! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", > "Floran thanksss you deeply for returning the to . Floran knew you could be counted on!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Overjoyed. Crisis averted- has back! Thank you for being so helpful, .", > "Pleased. I'm so glad you retrieved the for ! Once I take all the credit for helping out, 'll definitely trust me!" > ], > "default" : [ > " and , purveyors of vigilante justice! Sounds good, right? You were like a ghost in there. won't know what to think! ", > "You have a real talent for this kind of thing, I see you even brought your own tool for the job. will be pleased to see stuff has been returned." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Mission accomplished! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", > "You returned the ! I'm sure that feels sssafer knowing you're here to help out!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Relieved. Many thanks! has and knows better than to steal from again!", > "Happy. Nice work returning the to 's house on my behalf! You don't mind me taking all the credit, do you? Of course you don't." > ], > "default" : [ > "Wow, you made that look easy! will be pleased to see we got back. Have you done this before? There's no danger of leaving fingerprints with a specialised tool like that..", > "Nice work! will be pretty thankful to see that I helped get back. We're a daring vigilante duo now!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I couldn't bring justice to . Maybe it's better that I didn't get involved.", > "I failed to retrieve 's . should have just done it .", > "I didn't manage to return the stolen item to . Let's hope that doesn't mind too much." > ] > }, > "indicators" : ["object"], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "take", > "text" : "Take 's from 's house" > }, > { > "id" : "place", > "text" : "Return the to 's house" > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "object" > } quests\generated\templates\share_secret.questtemplate 14,155d13 < "title" : [ < "'s secrets", < "'s secret" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantsss 's friendship.", < "^cyan;Floran wishes trusted Floran more. Floran has plan to make thisss happen." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Hopeful. I have devised a plan to obtain a new friend - Can you assist?", < "^cyan;Friendly. I would like to win 's friendship - And have an idea on how to do this." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I would like to be better friends with ! Will you help me make this happen?", < "^cyan;I'd like to make friends with , and I've figured out the best way to do it!" < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "To begin, Floran needsss 's friendship. Here is a ^orange;note ^white;Floran wantsss you to ^green;deliver to ^orange; ^white;to make friendsss. Don't read it yourssself or Floran will stab you.", < "Floran firssst needs trust of ^orange;. ^white;Floran will share persssonal secret with them. ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to them^white; for Floran." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Confident. I firmly believe that by sharing my one secret with ^orange;,^white; a friendly relationship could be initiated. ^green;Would you deliver this ^orange;note^green; containing my secret to them?^white; I have to ask you to refrain from reading it yourself. ", < "Eager. I wish to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; The most efficient way to do this is to share a personal secret with them. ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to them for me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "To begin with, I'd like you to ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains one of the many secrets that I keep. I'm hoping that, by sharing this secret with someone, they might want to become my friend. ", < "I'd like to begin by making a friend, and ^orange;^white; has always seemed nice enough. Would you ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; to them from me?^white; Sharing secrets is how friendships begin!" < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran pleased, but now Floran needs a favour from ^orange;. ^green;Here is Floran's sssecret. Take it to ^orange;, ^white;so that ^orange; ^white;becomesss Floran's friend.", < "Now Floran needss ^orange;'s^white; trust. Luckily, Floran is master sssocial engineer. ^green;Take this private ^orange;letter^green; to them^white; so Floran wins their trussst." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Thoughtful. In order to initiate a new friendship, often a private secret is shared. I must ask you to ^green;hand this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains none other than my darkest secret.", < "Friendly. Next, I need to befriend ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret with them is the perfect way to build trust. ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to them?^white; Don't read it!" < ], < "default" : [ < "For tactical reasons, I've made the decision to share a secret with ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret is a common way to start a friendship and having a friend is always useful. Please, would you ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; containing my secret?", < "^orange;^white; is a friendly face around town. I think it would be a good idea to befriend them. I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with some personal information. ^green;If you deliver it to them, I'm positive they will like me. " < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "At lassst! Now Floran can become friendsss with . Here is Floran's darkest sssecret in a ^orange;letter.^white; Floran wantss you to ^green;give this to ^orange; ^white;to sssecure friendship.", < "Finally, Floran will win ^orange;'s ^white;favour by growing perssonal bond. Floran has a pretend secret in this ^orange;letter^white; to ssshare with them. ^green;Pleassse take it for me." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Eager. At last we have arrived at the final part of our program. ^green;Please take this ^orange;note.^white; On it I have cited a very intimate secret of mine that I wish to ^green;share only with ^orange;'s^green; eyes. I trust you to deliver it unopened. ", < "Excited. Finally, I wish to form a bond of eternal friendship with ^orange;.^white; To do this, ^green;I need you to deliver this personal secret ^orange;note^green; to them.^white; Please do not read it!" < ], < "default" : [ < "It's time for me to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; Sometimes when people make friends, they share secrets. I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;note,^white; and I'd like you to ^green;deliver it to ^orange;. ", < "I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with a sensitive message. It's one of my personal secrets. If you deliver it to ^orange;^white; I'm hoping that a friendship will be initiated. ^green;Please take it to them^white; without reading it yourself!" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran has an idea. Floran wrote a very perssonal sssecret on this ^orange;paper^white; for you to ^green;give to ^orange;.^white; Sharing secretss is a good way to make new friends.", < "Floran thinkss ^orange;'s ^white;friendssship could be useful one day. ^green;Take this private sssecret ^orange;letter^green; to them^white; from Floran so they trust Floran like true friend." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Hesitant. This note contains my one and only secret. By ^green;sharing it with ^orange;,^white; a friendship is sure to blossom. Will you do the honours of ^green;delivering this ^orange;note^green; to them for me?", < "Amicable. I must earn ^orange;'s^white; trust. Could you ^green;deliver this extremely personal secret ^orange;note^green; to them for me?^white; Sharing secrets is the fastest way to earn trust!" < ], < "default" : [ < "I always thought that ^orange;^white; was really cool, but I'm too intimidated to initiate contact. I've noted down one of my secrets on this ^orange;letter. ^white;Will you ^green;deliver it to them for me?^white; I'm hoping that sharing a secret will encourage a friendship. ", < "I've wanted to befriend ^orange;^white; for a long time. I think today is the day! Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; to them. It contains one of my many secrets, and I think it will kickstart a great friendship." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Did you peek at Floran's sssecret? Perhaps will do Floran a favour now...", < "Successs! is now trussted contact. Thisss will prove useful." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Relieved. I never doubted our plan for a moment. Still, I am delighted to see you return with such good news. I thank you. ", < "Overjoyed. You delivered the note! and I will no doubt be close acquaintances. I'm sure this friendship will be helpful." < ], < "default" : [ < "We did it! has accepted my friendship. What a wonderful feeling. ", < "I'm pleased! With a new friend in town things will be much easier. " < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran hearsss ssseeks a way to please Floran. Sharing sssecrets worked. Floran thanksss you.", < "Floran's sssocial skills have won Floran another loyal friend! Floran can now use this connection." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Appreciative. Thank you for delivering the note! I trust that you wouldn't have read such a personal document.", < "Pleased. 's reply means we're almost certainly friends! This friendship will be most beneficial. Thanks for your help." < ], < "default" : [ < "Good job! I expect things will go smoothly from here on thanks to having a new friend in town. ", < "Friendship aquired! You did great!" < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran thanksss you for sssecuring 's friendship!", < "Floran has confession - Floran's secret letter wasssn't pretend. I hope you didn't read it. Thankss for your help!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Excited. I now have a friend to call my own! This is a wonderful day. Thank you.", < "Nervous. All I have left to do is to give this note containing a personal secret - Such a gesture of trust will convince them to be my friend! Can you deliver this to them for me?" < ], < "default" : [ < "Success! must have been able to relate to my secret. It feels great to have a new friend. ", < "A brand new friendship has blossomed. What a lovely outcome. I'm sure feels the same!" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran pleased. will make a sssatisfactory friend.", < "Thankss! Now is friendsss with Floran. Friendssships are useful for tactical reasssons." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Elated. 's and mine friendship has now begun! Thank you so much for you assistance.", < "Overjoyed. and I are now friends! I knew this was a good idea. Thank you for your help!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Amazing! I feel like this is going to be the beginning of a meaningful friendship. Thank you!", < "We succeeded! I should probably go and make plans with my new friend straight away. Thank you!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I failed. will have to get by without 's friendship.", < "I was unable to form a closer friendship between and . Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.", < "I failed to help in their plan to form a friendship. Maybe they should learn to be more independant?", < "I was unable to help make a new friend. Perhaps this is something they should do on their own?" < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 165,179c23,29 < "portraitParameter" : "target", < "requireTurnIn" : true, < "indicators" : ["target"], < < "secretNote" : { < "templates" : [ < "Hey , I secretly . From ", < " here, does anyone else ?", < " this is , I .", < "'s confession: I .", < "TOP SECRET: !" < ], < < "words" : { < "verb1" : [ --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "fluff" : [ > ["verb1", [ 192,193c42,43 < ], < "verb2" : [ --- > ]], > ["verb2", [ 206,207c56,57 < ], < "object1" : [ --- > ]], > ["object1", [ 211c61 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 213,214c63,64 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 217c67 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 222,223c72,73 < ], < "object2" : [ --- > ]], > ["object2", [ 226c76 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 228,229c78,79 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 232c82 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 236a87,104 > ]] > ], > "title" : [ > "'s secrets", > "'s secret" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wantsss 's friendship.", > "^cyan;Floran wishes trusted Floran more. Floran has plan to make thiss happen." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Hopeful. I have devised a plan to obtain a new friend - Can you assist?", > "^cyan;Optimistic. I would like to win 's friendship - And have an idea on how to do so." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I would like to be better friends with ! Will you help me make this happen?", > "^cyan;I'd like to make friends with , and I've figured out the best way to do it!" 238c106,228 < } --- > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "To begin, Floran needsss 's friendship. Here is a ^orange;note ^white;Floran wantsss you to ^green;deliver to ^orange; ^white;to make friendsss. Don't read it yourself or Floran will stab you.", > "Firssst Floran needs trust of ^orange;. ^white;Floran will share pretend personal secret with . ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^white; for Floran." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Confident. I firmly believe that by sharing my one secret with ^orange;,^white; a friendly relationship could be initiated. ^green;Would you deliver this ^orange;note^green; containing my secret to ?^white; I have to ask you to refrain from reading it yourself. ", > "Eager. I wish to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; The most efficient way to do this is to share a personal secret with . ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to for me?" > ], > "default" : [ > "To begin with, I'd like you to ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains one of the my many secrets. I'm hoping that, by sharing this secret with , might want to become my friend. ", > "I'd like to begin by making a friend, and ^orange;^white; has always seemed nice enough. Would you ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; to from me?^white; Sharing secrets is how friendships begin!" > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran pleased, but now Floran needs a favour from ^orange;. ^green;Here is Floran's sssecret. Take it to ^orange;, ^white;so that ^orange; ^white;becomesss Floran's friend.", > "Now Floran needss ^orange;'s^white; trust. Luckily, Floran is master sssocial engineer. ^green;Take this private ^orange;letter^green; to ^white; so Floran wins trussst - it has a pretend secret in it." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Thoughtful. In order to initiate a new friendship, often a private secret is shared. I must ask you to ^green;hand this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains none other than my most private secret.", > "Enthusiastic. Next, I need to befriend ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret with is the perfect way to build trust. ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ?^white; Please don't read it!" > ], > "default" : [ > "For tactical reasons, I've made the decision to share a secret with ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret is a common way to start a friendship and having a friend is always useful. Please, would you ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; containing my secret?", > "^orange;^white; is a friendly face around town. I think it would be a good idea to befriend . I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with some personal information. ^green;If you deliver it to , I'm positive 'll like me. " > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "At last! Now Floran can become friendsss with . Here is Floran's darkest sssecret in a ^orange;letter.^white; Floran wants you to ^green;give this to ^orange; ^white;to sssecure our friendship.", > "Finally, Floran will win ^orange;'s ^white;favour by growing persssonal bond. Floran has a pretend secret in this ^orange;letter^white; to share with . ^green;Please deliver it for Floran." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Eager. At last we have arrived at the final stage of our plan. ^green;Please take this ^orange;note.^white; In it I have written a very intimate secret of mine that I wish to ^green;share only with ^orange;^green;. I trust you to deliver it unopened. ", > "Excited. Finally, I wish to form a bond of eternal friendship with ^orange;.^white; To do this, ^green;I need you to deliver this personal ^orange;note^green; to .^white; It has my most closely guarded secret inside, please do not read it!" > ], > "default" : [ > "It's time for me to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; Sometimes when people make friends, they share secrets, right? I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;note,^white; and I'd like you to ^green;deliver it to ^orange;. ", > "I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with a sensitive message. It's one of my personal secrets. If you deliver it to ^orange;^white; I'm hoping that it will initiate a friendship. ^green;Please take it to ^white; without reading it yourself!" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran has an idea. Floran wrote a very perssonal sssecret on this ^orange;paper^white; for you to ^green;give to ^orange;.^white; Sharing secretss is a good way to make new friends.", > "Floran thinkss ^orange;'s ^white;friendship could be useful one day. Floran put a pretend ssecret in this ^orange;letter^white;. ^green;Take it to ^white; from Floran so trusts Floran like true friend." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Nervous. This note contains my one and only secret. By ^green;sharing it with ^orange;,^white; a friendship is sure to blossom. Will you do the honours of ^green;delivering this ^orange;note^green; to for me?", > "Cheerful. I want to earn ^orange;'s^white; confidence. Could you ^green;deliver this extremely personal ^orange;note^green; to for me?^white; Sharing secrets is the fastest way to earn trust!" > ], > "default" : [ > "I always thought that ^orange;^white; was really cool, but I'm too intimidated to initiate contact. I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;letter. ^white;Will you ^green;deliver it to for me?^white; I'm hoping that sharing a secret will encourage friendship to grow.", > "I've wanted to befriend ^orange;^white; for a long time. I think today is the day! Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; to . It contains one of my many secrets, and I think it will kickstart a great friendship." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "I hope you didn't you peek at Floran's sssecret? Anyway, will be Floran's friend and help Floran out now.", > "Successs! is now a trusting confidant. Thisss will prove useful." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Relieved. I never doubted our plan for a moment. Still, I am delighted to see you return with such good news. I thank you. ", > "Overjoyed. You delivered the note! and I will no doubt be close friends from now on, and we can be of help to one another." > ], > "default" : [ > "We did it! has accepted my friendship. What a wonderful feeling. ", > "I'm so pleased! With a new friend in town things will be much easier. " > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran heard likess Floran now. Sharing ssecrets worked! Floran thinks will be a helpful friend.", > "Floran's sssocial skills have won Floran another loyal friend! Floran can now use this connection." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Appreciative. Thank you for delivering the note! I trust that you didn't have read such a personal correspondence.", > "Pleased. 's reply means we're almost certainly friends! This friendship will be most beneficial. Thank you for your help." > ], > "default" : [ > "Good job! I expect things will go smoothly from here on thanks to having a new friend in town.", > "Friendship aquired! You did great!" > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran thanksss you for sssecuring 's friendship!", > "Floran has confession - Floran's secret letter wasssn't pretend. I hope you didn't read it. Thanks for your help!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Excited. I now have a friend to call my own! This is a wonderful day. Thank you.", > "Jubilant. I have a new friend in ! How wonderful. Thank you for your help" > ], > "default" : [ > "Success! must have been able to relate to my secret. It feels great to have a new friend. ", > "I think a brand new friendship has blossomed! Thank you!" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran pleased. will make a good friend.", > "Thankss! Now is friends with Floran. Friendships are useful for tactical reasssons." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Elated. 's and mine friendship has now begun! Thank you so much for you assistance.", > "Overjoyed. and I are now friends! I knew this was a good idea. Thank you for your help!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Amazing! I feel like this is going to be the beginning of a meaningful friendship. Thank you!", > "We succeeded! I should probably go and make plans with my new friend straight away. Thank you!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I failed. will have to get by without 's friendship.", > "I was unable to form a closer friendship between and . Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.", > "I failed to help in plan to form a friendship. Maybe should learn to be more independant?", > "I was unable to help make a new friend. Perhaps this is something should do on own?" > ] 239a230,232 > "portraitParameter" : "target", > "requireTurnIn" : true, > "indicators" : ["target"], 241,253c234,266 < "responseNote" : { < "templates" : [ < "I don't judge you. Let's hang out sometime!", < "Admitting that takes courage. I admire that!", < "We all have our quirks! We should talk more!", < "Your secret is safe with me! Let's catch up some time!", < "That's a bit weird, but I admire your honesty!", < "I do too! Let's be friends!", < "Are you psychic?! So do I! We should hang out!", < "Hahaha, sharing that was brave! I respect that!", < "You're strange, but I like that. Let's be friends!" < ], < "words" : {} --- > "secretNote" : [ > "Hey , I secretly . From ", > " here, does anyone else ?", > " this is , I .", > "'s confession: I .", > "TOP SECRET: !" > ], > > "responseNote" : [ > "I don't judge you. Let's hang out sometime!", > "Admitting that takes courage. I admire that!", > "We all have our quirks! We should talk more!", > "Your secret is safe with me! Let's catch up some time!", > "That's a bit weird, but I admire your honesty!", > "I do too! Let's be friends!", > "Are you psychic?! So do I! We should hang out!", > "Hahaha, sharing that was brave! I respect that!", > "You're strange, but I like that. Let's be friends!" > ], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Deliver message to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Bring reply to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" quests\generated\templates\spread_rumors.questtemplate 20,160d19 < "title" : [ < "Help spread rumours", < "'s rumour mill" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan; ssseems like fun company, and Floran has crafty plan to make friendsss with them.", < "^cyan;Floran wantss to befriend . Let's get rid of their current obnoxiouss friend!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Jealous. should be friends with me, not .", < "^cyan;Resentful. I heard that 's been spreading rumours about me. I'd like to return the favour." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;I'd like to befriend . If only their friend wasn't in the way....", < "^cyan;I'd like to become my friend instead of 's. I have a plan to make this happen..." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "First Floran needs to befriend . Floran knowss how friendss are made. We need to make ssure they stop being friends with that pesssky ^orange;^white;! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;note^white; to ^orange;^white;. It describes the ugly truth about their so called friend.", < "To start, Floran needss to befriend lovely . Too bad they always spend time with ssstupid ^orange;^white;. Pleassse ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about their so called friend." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Envious. I want to be friends with , but they spend all their time with . But what if ^orange; had a horrible secret? ^green;Give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;... they'll surely reconsider their friend after reading this...", < "Spiteful. First, let's find a blabbermouth. ^orange; ^white;will do nicely. Once they ^green;receive this ^orange;note ^green;from you ^white;I can guarantee ^orange; won't be so popular around here anymore." < ], < "default" : [ < "I think and I would look good together as friends. They always hang out with the ugly ^orange;^white; though, so let's put a stop to that. ^green;Here's a ^orange;note^green; I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that will put them off seing their ugly friend again.", < "Let's start by befriending . First we have to make them stop seeing their lame friend. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; that I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that outlines with my opinion of their boring friend. Please deliver it for me!" < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "Now Floran needs like usss. Floran has seen them friendly with ^orange;^white;. Put a ssstop to this so they only friendly with Floran! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white;. This will sssurely make them realise what a loser their friend iss.", < "It's time for Floran to befriend . We need to ssstop them from seeing ^orange;^white;. This ^orange;note^white; Floran wrote containsss information that will make ^orange;^white; realise that Floran is better friend! ^green;Please deliver it!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Manipulative. Now I need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white; to persuade them to stop talking to ^orange;^white;. What? No, everything it says is definitely completely true.", < "Vindictive. Once you ^green;give ^orange; ^green;this rumour about ^orange;, ^white;they won't be able to resist telling everyone!" < ], < "default" : [ < "I've seen ^orange;^white; hang out with that stupid a lot recently. I want them to hang out with me! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to them^white; and they will realise what a waste of time is. ", < "I want to stop being friendly with ^orange;^white; and become my friend instead. Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote with the truth about . ^green;Please, deliver it to ^orange;^white; for me!" < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < " and ^orange;^white; have been friends for long time. Now will finally become Floran's friend inssstead! Floran's plan is for you to ^green;tell ^orange;^green; how terrible their friend iss.^white; Floran already prepared this ^orange;note^white; for^green; you to deliver.", < "Now for the finale! Floran wantss to befriend . We need to stop them from conssstantly seeing ^orange;^white;. If you ^green;deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; they will become Floran's friend insstead. Floran iss sure of thisss." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Dishonest. Lastly, I will need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;. ^white;They definitely won't want to speak to ^orange; ^white;anymore after reading this...", < "Venomous. Finally, ^green;hand this rumour about ^orange; ^green;to ^orange;. ^white;It's a little far fetched, but there's no smoke without fire." < ], < "default" : [ < "Finally, let's make ^orange; ^white;realise that I'm better friend material than ^orange;. ^green;Show them this ^orange;note^green; that I've written^white; about and things will become obvious to them!", < "Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote about ^orange;^white;. Everyone knows they're a bore, and still ^orange;^white; hangs out with them every day. It's my time to be ^green;'s friend though! ^green;Please deliver this note to them." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran hass great plan to befriend . However, Floran's future friend is alwayss seen with ^orange;^white;. You need to tell ^orange;^white; how nasssty is! Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; that Floran prepared.", < "Here is a ^orange;note ^green;Floran needss you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. Note containss the truth about their friend ^orange;.^white; As sssoon as they read it will realise that Floran is better friend!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Devious. I want to get closer to , but they only have eyes for . I bet that will change once you ^green;give ^orange;^green; this ^orange;note^white; ^green;about ^orange;^white;... I will definitely sound cooler by comparison.", < "Malicious. I'll teach ^orange;^white; a lesson they won't soon forget. ^green;Give this rumour to ^orange;^white;, then we can sit back and watch the fireworks." < ], < "default" : [ < "I wish ^orange;^white; would become my friend instead of ^orange;'s^white;. I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; for them that will explain the truth about . It will make them realise I'm much better friend material! ^green;Please deliver it to them for me.", < "I've wanted to be 's friend for ages, but they only hang out with ^orange;^white;. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; for you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It will tell them the truth about their friend." < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Good job! Now Floran's and 's friendssship will truly blossom. ", < "We did it! Floran iss happy about new friendsship. Thank you!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Impressed. looked horrified when they read the message! Not that I was hiding and watching them or anything. Anyway, there's work to do yet!", < "Satisfied. That was great! bought it immediately. I can hear the rumour about spreading already." < ], < "default" : [ < "Wonderful news! I've made a fashionable friend, and lost a friend. I can feel good things coming. ", < "You did it. Friends are great assets and I'm sure will prove useful to us in the future. " < ] < }, < "next" : { < "floran" : [ < "That went well! With Floran's new found friend the next ssstep will be much easier.", < "Thank you! Floran will have a lot of fun with thisss new friend of oursss. " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Pleased. I bet will be spending much less time around now, which definitely means they'll have more time for me. There's something else I need you to do...", < "Amused. It's safe to say won't be hanging around much longer! " < ], < "default" : [ < " abandoned and accepted my friendship! A new friend will certainly come in handy. ", < "Thank you for delivering the note! and I are now officially friends. " < ] < }, < "last" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran is pleasssed that plan is successful. Floran is ssssure that is thankful that we told them the truth about .", < "Floran hass aquired a new friend! Thiss is a lovely day for Floran!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Satisfied. I've no doubt that and I will become good friends now that is out of the picture.", < "Delighted. That rumour fanned the flames magnificently! won't be spending much time with now." < ], < "default" : [ < "I'm excited about my new friend! Everyone knows is bad company anyway! Thanks for your hard work.", < " is out of the picture, and now me and are friends! This friendship will no doubt be useful - thanks for making it happen." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Success! Floran is happy that will now be more friendly with usss. Thank you, friend!", < "Thiss turned out just like Floran wanted! Floran iss happy with new friend." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Appreciative. I have no doubt that with out of the way, and I will become great friends!", < "Pleased. That worked better than I expected. will think twice before spreading rumours again! was horrified!" < ], < "default" : [ < "They accepted my friendship! And who wouldn't? Thank you for helping me out!", < "The plan worked! is now my friend - and is out of the picture. Thanks for helping make this happen!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I didn't help in their attempt to sabotage 's friendship. It wasn't a very nice plan, though.", < "I failed to spread rumours about to . Maybe should learn to make friends by being friendly?", < "I was unable to assist 's plot to ruin 's friendship. It was a mean plan, so I won't lose sleep over it." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "target", 170,183c29,35 < "portraitParameter" : "target", < "requireTurnIn" : true, < "indicators" : ["target"], < < "secretNote" : { < "templates" : [ < ", just to let you know, secretly . Sorry.", < "Hey I hate to bring you bad news but is .", < "You should know that .", < " is . Love, " < ], < < "words" : { < "verb2" : [ --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "target" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "fluff" : [ > ["verb2", [ 198,199c50,51 < ], < "object" : [ --- > ]], > ["object", [ 202c54 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 204,205c56,57 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 208c60 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 213,214c65,66 < ], < "adjective" : [ --- > ]], > ["adjective", [ 225a78,95 > ]] > ], > "title" : [ > "Help spread rumours", > "'s rumour mill" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan; ssseems like fun company, and Floran has crafty plan to make friendsss with .", > "^cyan;Floran wantss to befriend . Let's get rid of current horrible friend!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Jealous. should be friends with me, not .", > "^cyan;Resentful. I heard that 's been spreading rumours about me. I'd like to return the favour." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;I'd like to befriend . If only friend wasn't in the way....", > "^cyan;I'd like to become my friend instead of 's. I have a plan to make this happen..." 227c97,218 < } --- > }, > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "First Floran needs to befriend . Floran knows how friendship works, there's only so much room in people's hearts! We need to make sure stops being friends with that pesssky ^orange;^white;! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^white; to ^orange;^white;. It describes the ugly truth about so called friend.", > "To start, Floran needss to befriend lovely . Too bad always spends time with ssstupid ^orange;^white;. Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about terrible friend." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Envious. I want to be friends with , but spends all time with . But what if ^orange; had a horrible secret? ^green;Give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;... 'll surely reconsider their friendship after reading this...", > "Spiteful. First, let's find a blabbermouth. ^orange; ^white;will do nicely. Once ^green;receives this ^orange;note ^green;from you ^white;I can guarantee ^orange; won't be so popular around here anymore." > ], > "default" : [ > "I think and I would make good friends, but 's always hanging out with horrible ^orange;^white;. Let's put a stop to it! ^green;Here's a ^orange;note^green; I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that will put off seeing horrible friend again.", > "Let's start by befriending . First we have to make stop seeing lame friend. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; that I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that outlines the worser points of boring friend. Please deliver it for me!" > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "Now Floran needs to become Floran's friend, but Floran has seen being friendly with ^orange;^white;! Put a stop to this ssso 's only friendly with Floran! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; - it illustrates how terrible is.", > "It's time for Floran to befriend . We need to ssstop from seeing ^orange;^white;, who is awful. This ^orange;note^white; Floran wrote containsss information that will make ^orange;^white; realise Floran is a better option! ^green;Please deliver it." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Manipulative. Now I need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white; to persuade to stop talking to ^orange;^white;. What? No, everything it says is definitely completely true.", > "Callous. Once you ^green;give ^orange; ^green;this rumour I've written about ^orange;, ^white; won't be able to resist telling everyone!" > ], > "default" : [ > "I've seen ^orange;^white; hang out with that stupid a lot recently. I want to hang out with me! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^white; and will realise what a waste of time is. ", > "I want to stop being friendly with ^orange;^white; and become my friend instead. Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote with the truth about in it. ^green;Please, deliver it to ^orange;^white; for me!" > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > " and ^orange;^white; have been friends for a long time. Now will finally become Floran's friend inssstead! Floran's plan is for you to ^green;tell ^orange;^green; how terrible friend isss.^white; Floran already prepared this ^orange;note^white; for^green; you to deliver.", > "Now for the finale! Floran wantss to befriend . We need to stop from conssstantly seeing ^orange;^white;. If you ^green;deliver this ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; 'll become Floran's friend insstead. Floran is sure." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Devious. Lastly, I will need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;. ^white; definitely won't want to speak to ^orange; ^white;anymore after reading this...", > "Vindictive. Finally, ^green;hand this rumour about ^orange; ^green;to ^orange;. ^white;It's a little far fetched, but there's no smoke without fire." > ], > "default" : [ > "Finally, let's make ^orange; ^white;realise that I'm better friend material than ^orange;. ^green;Show this ^orange;note^green; that I've written^white; about and 'll see the light!", > "Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote about ^orange;^white;. Everyone knows 's terrible, but still ^orange;^white; hangs out with every day. It's my time to be ^green;'s friend! ^green;Please deliver this note to ." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran hass great plan to befriend . However, Floran's future friend is alwayss seen with ^orange;^white;. You need to tell ^orange;^white; how nasssty is! Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^white; that Floran prepared.", > "Here is a ^orange;note ^green;Floran needss you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about friend ^orange;.^white; As sssoon as reads it will realise that Floran is a better friend!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Devious. I want to get closer to , but only has eyes for . I bet that will change once you ^green;give ^orange;^green; this ^orange;note^white; ^green;about ^orange;^white;... Then will have time for me!", > "Malicious. I'll teach ^orange;^white; a lesson won't soon forget. ^green;Give this rumour I've written to ^orange;^white;, then we can sit back and watch the fireworks." > ], > "default" : [ > "I wish ^orange;^white; would become my friend instead of ^orange;'s^white;. I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; for that will explain the truth about . It will make realise that I'm much better friend material! ^green;Please deliver it to for me.", > "I've wanted to be 's friend for ages, but only hangs out with ^orange;^white;. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; for you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It will tell the truth about ." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Good job! Now Floran'sss and 's friendship will truly blossom. ", > "We did it! Floran iss happy about this friendship. Thank you!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Impressed. looked horrified when read the message! Not that I was hiding and watching or anything. Anyway, there's work to do yet!", > "Satisfied. That was great! bought it immediately. The rumour about is spreading already." > ], > "default" : [ > "Wonderful news! 's out an I'm in! This is going to be great.", > "You did it. Friends are great assets and I'm sure will prove useful to me in the future. " > ] > }, > "next" : { > "floran" : [ > "That went well! With Floran's new found friend the next ssstep will be much easier.", > "Thank you! Floran will have a lot of fun with now." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Pleased. I bet will be spending much less time around now, which definitely means 'll have more time for me. There's something else I need you to do...", > "Amused. I think it's safe to say 's social life is in tatters!" > ], > "default" : [ > " abandoned and accepted my friendship! A new friend will certainly come in handy. ", > "Thank you for delivering the note! and I are now officially friends. " > ] > }, > "last" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran is pleasssed that the plan was successful! Floran's sure that is grateful we told the truth about .", > "Floran hass acquired a new friend! Thiss is a lovely day for Floran!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Satisfied. I've no doubt that and I will become good friends now that is out of the picture.", > "Delighted. That rumour fanned the flames magnificently! isn't going to have many friends left after this." > ], > "default" : [ > "I'm excited about my new friend! Everyone knows is bad company anyway! Thanks for your hard work.", > " is out of the picture, and now me and are friends! This friendship will no doubt be useful - thanks for making it happen." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Success! We certainly made an impression on ! Thank you!", > "Thiss turned out just like Floran wanted! Floran is so happy." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Elated. I have no doubt that with out of the way, and I will become great friends!", > "Pleased. That worked better than I expected. will think twice before spreading rumours again! was horrified!" > ], > "default" : [ > " accepted my friendship! And who wouldn't? Thank you for helping me out!", > "The plan worked! is now my friend - and is out of the picture. Thanks for helping to make this happen!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I didn't help in attempt to sabotage 's friendship. It wasn't a very nice plan, anyway.", > "I failed to spread rumours about to . Maybe should learn to make friends by being kind?", > "I was unable to assist in 's plot to ruin 's friendship. It was a mean plan, so I won't lose sleep over abandoning it." > ] 228a220,222 > "portraitParameter" : "target", > "requireTurnIn" : true, > "indicators" : ["target"], 230,238c224,251 < "responseNote" : { < "templates" : [ < "That's disappointing... Let's hang out sometime!", < " is a loser! Let's be friends!", < "I guess I never really knew them after all. Let's hang out!", < "I'm disappointed in . Can you and I be friends?", < "That's terrible! :O" < ], < "words" : {} --- > "secretNote" : [ > ", just to let you know, secretly . Sorry.", > "Hey , I hate to give you bad news but is .", > "You should know that .", > " is . Love, " > ], > > "responseNote" : [ > "That's disappointing... Let's hang out sometime!", > " is a loser! Let's be friends!", > "I guess I never really knew them after all. Let's hang out!", > "I'm disappointed in . Can you and I be friends?", > "That's terrible! :O" > ], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "give", > "text" : "Deliver message to " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Bring reply to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "target" quests\generated\templates\steal.questtemplate 35,96d34 < "text" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran's first tassk for you is a sssneaky one. ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; in their house and Floran wants you to ^green;borrow it^white;, if you know what Floran means...", < "Let's get the firssst step out of the way. Floran needsss a particular thing from neighbour ^orange;'s^white; houssse. Floran already asssked but was not given the thing. Will you ^green;ssssneak in and get a shiny ^orange;^white; for Floran? " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Hesitant. I'm in need of a certain object, specifically, ^orange;'s . ^white;Would you ^green;visit their home and... Acquire it for me?^white; I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.", < "Insensitive. Priority one, I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^white;We can make far better use of it, but they won't just hand it over. ^green;You'll have to take it." < ], < "default" : [ < "I'm in need of a certain item, and I know that ^orange;^white; keeps one in their home. I need you to ^green;sneak in and remove their ^orange; ^white;while they're not looking.", < "First, some petty thievery. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^green;Go grab it from their house^white; but make sure nobody sees you." < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Next job isss a vital part of Floransss plan. Floran needs you to ^green;visssit ^orange;'s ^green;house to borrow the ^orange;^white; that we need. Bessst not let know about thisss part of the plan.", < "This step requires sssneaky skills. Floran has to asssk you to ^green;visit ^orange;'s ^green;house to retrieve one ^orange;. ^white;Floran would not ask for thisss if there was any other way, of courssse." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Demanding. Now I require a certain object. Specifically the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; You're going to have to ^green;acquire it for me. ", < "Apprehensive. I'm afraid this next part requires something that does not belong to us. You need to ^green;obtain the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s ^green;home. ^white;Just make sure you don't get caught." < ], < "default" : [ < "How do you feel about burglary? I'd like you to ^green;aquire the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home for me. ", < "This next part requires something that isn't ours to use. We are in need of the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s^green; home. Could you get it?" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "first" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran knew you could do it! Clearly no job isss beneath you. Floran appreciates thisss attitude.", < "You succeeded! Your sneaking sskills are far better than Floran's negotiating skills. " < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Anxious. You actually got the from ? I thought maybe you'd get cold feet. Keep hold of it for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it!", < "Paranoid. This is the I required. Am I correct to assume nobody saw you take it? Better not hand it to me immediately. LetΓÇÖs wait for a moment." < ], < "default" : [ < "Nice work, you made it look easy! Keep hold of that for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it!", < "Yes, this is the I was looking for. Did you make sure nobody saw you take it?" < ] < }, < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "This is just what we needed! Thiss might not be the bessst way of finding things, but the goal jussstifiees the means, right?", < "Amazing! Not that Floran didn't expect you to sssucceed. This iss necessary for what comes next." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Unappreciative. This looks like ΓÇÖs alright. ItΓÇÖs not in the best condition, but itΓÇÖll have to do for now.", < "Panicked. Don't just hand me that ! You think wouldn't put two and two together? hold on to it for now. " < ], < "default" : [ < "Wow, I bet you'd take anything that wasn't nailed down! I don't want to get caught if comes looking for that so hold onto it for now.", < "Don't wave that around near me! We don't want to come looking for it." < ] < } < }, < "speaker" : "questGiver", < "objectivePortrait" : "victim", 105a44,109 > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver", > "objective" : "victim" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "text" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran's first task for you is a sssneaky one. ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; in house and Floran wants you to ^green;borrow it^white;, if you know what Floran means...", > "Let's get the first ssstep out of the way. Floran needs a particular thing from neighbour ^orange;'s^white; house. Floran already asked but said no. Will you ^green;sssneak in and get the shiny ^orange;^white; for Floran? " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Furtive. I'm in need of a certain object; specifically, ^orange;'s . ^white;Would you ^green;visit home and... Acquire it for me?^white; I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.", > "Nervous. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^white;We can make far better use of it, but won't just hand it over... ^green;You'll have to take it..." > ], > "default" : [ > "I'm in need of a certain item, and I know that ^orange;^white; keeps one in home. I need you to ^green;sneak in and remove ^orange; ^white;while 's not looking.", > "First, some petty thievery. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^green;Go grab it from house^white;, but make sure nobody sees you." > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Next job isss a vital part of Floran's plan. Floran needs you to ^green;visit ^orange;'s ^green;house to borrow the ^orange;^white; that we need. Bessst not let know...", > "This step requires sssneaky skills. Floran has to asssk you to ^green;visit ^orange;'s ^green;house to retrieve one ^orange;. ^white;Floran would not ask for thisss if there was any other way, of courssse." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Shifty. Now I require a certain object... Specifically, the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; You're going to have to ^green;acquire it for me. ", > "Apprehensive. I'm afraid this next part requires something that does not belong to us. You need to ^green;obtain the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s ^green;home. ^white;Just make sure you don't get caught." > ], > "default" : [ > "How do you feel about burglary? I'd like you to ^green;aquire the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home for me. ", > "This next part requires something that isn't ours to use. We are in need of the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s^green; home. You need to go and steal it." > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "first" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran knew you could do it! Clearly no job isss beneath you. Floran appreciates your attitude.", > "You succeeded! Your sneaking sskills are far better than Floran's negotiating skills. " > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Impressed. You actually got the from ? I thought maybe you'd get cold feet. Keep hold of it for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it.", > "Paranoid. This is the I required. I hope nobody saw you take it! Better not hand it to me immediately. LetΓÇÖs wait for a moment." > ], > "default" : [ > "Nice work, you made it look easy! Keep hold of that for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it!", > "Yes, that's the I was looking for! Nobody saw you take it, right?" > ] > }, > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "This is just what we needed! This might not be the bessst way of getting things, but the goal justifies the meanss, right?", > "Amazing! Not that Floran didn't expect you to sssucceed. This is necessary for what comes next." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Unimpressed. This looks like ΓÇÖs alright. ItΓÇÖs not in the best condition, but itΓÇÖll have to do for now.", > "Panicked. Don't just hand me that ! You think wouldn't put two and two together? hold on to it for now. " > ], > "default" : [ > "Wow, I bet you'd take anything that wasn't nailed down! I don't want to get caught if comes looking for that , so hold onto it for now.", > "Don't wave that around near me! We don't want to come looking for it." > ] > } > } > }, 107c111,126 < "indicators" : ["object"] --- > "indicators" : ["object"], > > "objectives" : [ > { > "id" : "steal", > "text" : "Steal 's " > }, > { > "id" : "return", > "text" : "Return to " > } > ], > "initialCompassTarget" : { > "targetType" : "parameter", > "target" : "object" > } quests\generated\templates\themed_build.questtemplate 14,68d13 < "title" : [ < "'s plan for expansion", < " wants new friends" < ], < "goalText" : { < "floran" : [ < "^cyan;Floran wantsss new friend! Can you help?", < "^cyan;Floran thinksss we need new neighbour! Floran has plan..." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "^cyan;Amicable. I have a plan to make new friends around here. Would you like to assist?", < "^cyan;Friendly. Don't you think we could use new neighbours around here? I have a plan..." < ], < "default" : [ < "^cyan;Wouldn't it be nice to meet some new people? I have an idea...", < "^cyan;I think we could benefit from making new friends. I have a plan." < ] < }, < "text" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Floran needsss you to ^green;make home^white;, and put ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside^white;. Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", < "Floran wantsss you to ^green;make home^white;, and put ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside.^white; Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Creative. Can you ^green; build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^white;? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", < "Excited. Can you ^green;build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" < ], < "default" : [ < "^green;Build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", < "Can you build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!^white; I'm excited!" < ] < } < }, < "completionText" : { < "default" : { < "floran" : [ < "Ssssuccess! Floran has new friend! Floran likesss the home you made.", < "You made the home! Floran is impressed with your ssskills." < ], < "glitch" : [ < "Overjoyed. We have a new neighbour. I hope they fit in here! Thank you for your generous assistance.", < "Impressed. Your home-design skills are better than I expected. Thank you for your efforts!" < ], < "default" : [ < "Thank you! Now we have a new local resident! Isn't that exciting?", < "Success! I hope our new neighbour enjoys their stay. Thanks for your help!" < ] < } < }, < "failureText" : [ < "I was unable to help by building a home. I'm too busy for things like that.", < "I didn't help with their idea to make a home. We don't need another neighbour." < ], < "speaker" : "questGiver", 78c23,100 < "amountOfFurnitureNeeded" : 3 --- > "portraits" : { > "default" : "questGiver" > }, > "generatedText" : { > "title" : [ > "'s plan for expansion", > " wants new friends" > ], > "goalText" : { > "floran" : [ > "^cyan;Floran wantsss new friend! Can you help?", > "^cyan;Floran thinksss we need new a neighbour! Floran has plan..." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "^cyan;Cheerful. I have a plan to make new friends around here. Would you like to assist?", > "^cyan;Affable. Don't you think we could use some new neighbours around here? I have a plan..." > ], > "default" : [ > "^cyan;Wouldn't it be nice to meet some new people? I have an idea...", > "^cyan;I think we could benefit from making new friends. I have a plan." > ] > }, > "text" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Floran needsss you to ^green;make a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside^white;. Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", > "Floran wantsss you to ^green;build a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside.^white; Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Attentive. Could you ^green;build a home^white; and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^white; inside? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", > "Excited. Can you ^green;build a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; inside? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" > ], > "default" : [ > "^green;Build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", > "Can you build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!^white; I'm excited!" > ] > } > }, > "completionText" : { > "default" : { > "floran" : [ > "Success! Floran has new friend! Floran likesss the home you made.", > "You made the home! Floran is impressed with your ssskills." > ], > "glitch" : [ > "Overjoyed. We have a new neighbour! I'm sure they'll fit in here. Thank you for your generous assistance.", > "Impressed. Your design skills are better than I expected, what a lovely home. Thank you for your efforts!" > ], > "default" : [ > "Thank you! Now we have a new local resident! Isn't that exciting?", > "Success! I hope our new neighbour enjoys their home. Thanks for your help!" > ] > } > }, > "failureText" : [ > "I was unable to help by building a home. I'm too busy for things like that.", > "I didn't help with idea to make a home. She doesn't need another neighbour anyhow." > ] > }, > "amountOfFurnitureNeeded" : 3, > > "objectives" : [ > { > "text" : "Build a home with:" > }, > { > "text" : "1 Colony Deed" > }, > { > "text" : "3 ^reset;" > }, > { > "text" : "Any light source" > }, > { > "text" : "Any door" > } > ] quests\scripts\main.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > require "/quests/scripts/questutil.lua" > require("/quests/scripts/portraits.lua") 3c6,7 < require('/quests/scripts/conditions/player.lua') --- > require('/quests/scripts/conditions/scanning.lua') > require('/quests/scripts/messages.lua') 5,6c9,14 < function conditionsMet() < return gatherConditionsMet() and shipConditionsMet() and playerConditionsMet() --- > function init() > self.conditions = buildConditions() > self.failConditions = buildFailConditions() > > buildMessageHandlers() > setPortraits() 9,13c17,31 < function questStart() < local acceptItems = quest.configParameter("acceptItems", {}) < for _,item in ipairs(acceptItems) do < player.giveItem(item) < end --- > function buildConditions() > local conditions = {} > local conditionConfig = config.getParameter("conditions", {}) > > for _,config in pairs(conditionConfig) do > local newCondition > if config.type == "gatherItem" then > newCondition = buildGatherItemCondition(config) > elseif config.type == "gatherTag" then > newCondition = buildGatherTagCondition(config) > elseif config.type == "shipLevel" then > newCondition = buildShipLevelCondition(config) > elseif config.type == "scanObjects" then > newCondition = buildScanObjectsCondition(config) > end 15,17c33 < local associatedMission = quest.configParameter("associatedMission") < if associatedMission then < player.enableMission(associatedMission) --- > table.insert(conditions, newCondition) 18a35,36 > > return conditions 21,22c39,40 < function questComplete() < resolveGatherConditions() --- > function buildFailConditions() > local conditions = config.getParameter("failConditions", {}) 24,27c42,44 < local enableAiCommands = quest.configParameter("enableAiCommands") < if enableAiCommands then < for _,command in ipairs(enableAiCommands) do < player.enableAiCommand(command) --- > for _,config in pairs(conditions) do > if config.type == "proximity" then > config.tracker = util.uniqueEntityTracker(config.entityUid) 31,33c48,53 < local associatedMission = quest.configParameter("associatedMission") < if associatedMission then < player.completeMission(associatedMission) --- > return conditions > end > > function conditionsMet() > for _, condition in pairs(self.conditions) do > if not condition:conditionMet() then return false end 36,39c56,66 < local enableTech = quest.configParameter("enableTech") < if enableTech then < for _,tech in ipairs(enableTech) do < player.enableTech(tech) --- > return true > end > > function failConditionMet() > for _,condition in pairs(self.failConditions) do > if condition.type == "proximity" then > local result = condition.tracker() > if result and (condition.range < 0 or world.magnitude(result, entity.position()) < condition.range) then > quest.setFailureText(condition.failureText) > return true > end 43,48c70,75 < local equipTech = quest.configParameter("equipTech") < if equipTech then < for _,tech in ipairs(equipTech) do < player.enableTech(tech) < player.equipTech(tech) < end --- > return false > end > > function questStart() > for _, condition in pairs(self.conditions) do > if condition.onQuestStart then condition:onQuestStart() end 51,65c78,85 < local followUp = quest.configParameter("followUp") < if followUp and player.canStartQuest(followUp) then < local descriptor = followUp < if type(descriptor) == "string" then < descriptor = { < templateId = descriptor, < questId = descriptor, < parameters = {} < } < end < if not descriptor.parameters.questGiver then < local p = quest.parameters() < descriptor.parameters.questGiver = p.questReceiver or p.questGiver < end < player.startQuest(descriptor) --- > local acceptItems = config.getParameter("acceptItems", {}) > for _,item in ipairs(acceptItems) do > player.giveItem(item) > end > > local associatedMission = config.getParameter("associatedMission") > if associatedMission then > player.enableMission(associatedMission) 68a89,98 > function questComplete() > setPortraits() > > for _, condition in pairs(self.conditions) do > if condition.onQuestComplete then condition:onQuestComplete() end > end > > questutil.questCompleteActions() > end > 70,72c100,118 < if not player.isQuestActive(quest.questId()) then < quest.exit() < return --- > promises:update() > > -- Set objectives and progress bar > local objectives = {} > local progress = {} > for _,condition in pairs(self.conditions) do > if condition.objectiveText then > local objectiveText = condition:objectiveText() > if objectiveText then > table.insert(objectives, { condition:objectiveText(), condition:conditionMet() }) > end > end > if condition.progress then > table.insert(progress, condition:progress()) > end > end > quest.setObjectiveList(objectives) > if #progress > 0 then > quest.setProgress(util.sum(progress) / #progress) 76c122 < if quest.configParameter("requireTurnIn", false) then --- > if config.getParameter("requireTurnIn", false) then 77a124,126 > if config.getParameter("turnInDescription") then > quest.setObjectiveList({{config.getParameter("turnInDescription"), false}}) > end 80a130,137 > else > for _, condition in pairs(self.conditions) do > if condition.onUpdate then condition:onUpdate() end > end > end > > if failConditionMet() then > quests\scripts\conditions\gather.lua 1,10c1,10 < function gatherConditionsMet() < local gatherRequirements = quest.configParameter("gatherRequirements") < if not gatherRequirements then return true end < < if gatherRequirements.items then < for itemName, itemReq in pairs(gatherRequirements.items) do < if not player.hasItem({ name = itemName, count = itemReq.count }) then < return false < end < end --- > function buildGatherItemCondition(config) > local gatherItemCondition = { > description = config.description or root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:objectiveDescriptions.gatherItem"), > itemName = config.itemName, > count = config.count or 1, > consume = config.consume or false > } > > function gatherItemCondition:conditionMet() > return player.hasItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) 13,18c13,15 < if gatherRequirements.tags then < local inventoryTags = player.inventoryTags() < for itemTag, itemReq in pairs(gatherRequirements.tags) do < if (inventoryTags[itemTag] or 0) < itemReq.count then < return false < end --- > function gatherItemCondition:onQuestComplete() > if self.consume then > player.consumeItem({ name = self.itemName, count = self.count }) 22c19,27 < return true --- > function gatherItemCondition:objectiveText() > local objective = self.description > objective = objective:gsub("", root.itemConfig(self.itemName).config.shortdescription or self.itemName) > objective = objective:gsub("", self.count) > objective = objective:gsub("", player.hasCountOfItem(self.itemName) or 0) > return objective > end > > return gatherItemCondition 25,34c30,39 < function resolveGatherConditions() < local gatherRequirements = quest.configParameter("gatherRequirements") < if not gatherRequirements then return end < < if gatherRequirements.items then < for itemName, itemReq in pairs(gatherRequirements.items) do < if itemReq.consume then < player.consumeItem({ name = itemName, count = itemReq.count }) < end < end --- > function buildGatherTagCondition(config) > local gatherTagCondition = { > description = config.description or root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:objectiveDescriptions.gatherItemTag"), > tag = config.tag, > count = config.count or 1, > consume = config.consume or false > } > > function gatherTagCondition:conditionMet() > return (player.inventoryTags()[self.tag] or 0) >= self.count 37,41c42,44 < if gatherRequirements.tags then < for itemTag, itemReq in pairs(gatherRequirements.tags) do < if itemReq.consume then < player.consumeTaggedItem(itemTag, itemReq.count) < end --- > function gatherTagCondition:onQuestComplete() > if self.consume then > player.consumeTaggedItem(self.tag, self.count) 43a47,56 > > function gatherTagCondition:objectiveText() > local objective = self.description > objective = objective:gsub("", self.tag) > objective = objective:gsub("", self.count) > objective = objective:gsub("", player.inventoryTags()[self.tag] or 0) > return objective > end > > return gatherTagCondition quests\scripts\conditions\ship.lua 1,4c1,18 < function shipConditionsMet() < local shipLevel = quest.configParameter("shipLevel") < if not shipLevel then return true end < return player.shipUpgrades().shipLevel >= shipLevel --- > function buildShipLevelCondition(config) > local shipLevelCondition = { > description = config.description or root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:objectiveDescriptions.shipLevel"), > level = config.level > } > > function shipLevelCondition:conditionMet() > return player.shipUpgrades().shipLevel >= self.level > end > > function shipLevelCondition:objectiveText() > local objective = self.description > objective = objective:gsub("", self.level) > objective = objective:gsub("", player.shipUpgrades().shipLevel) > return objective > end > > return shipLevelCondition quests\scripts\generated\build_home.lua 2a3,7 > function colonyTags(item) > local config = root.itemConfig(item).config > return config.colonyTags or {} > end > 4a10,46 > > local textGenerator = currentQuestTextGenerator() > local objectText = config.getParameter("objectListText") > local furnitureNeeded = quest.parameters().furnitureSet.items > > local haveDoor = false > local haveLight = false > > for _,item in ipairs(furnitureNeeded) do > local tags = colonyTags(item) > if contains(tags, "door") then > haveDoor = true > end > if contains(tags, "light") then > haveLight = true > end > addObjective(Objective:new(textGenerator, { > id = "object-", > text = sb.replaceTags(objectText, { > count = item.count, > itemName = itemShortDescription(item) > }) > })) > end > > if not haveLight then > addObjective(Objective:new(textGenerator, { > id = "lightsource", > text = config.getParameter("lightSourceText") > })) > end > if not haveDoor then > addObjective(Objective:new(textGenerator, { > id = "door", > text = config.getParameter("doorText") > })) > end 9,10c51,52 < for _,itemDescriptor in ipairs(furnitureNeeded) do < if (furniture[] or 0) < itemDescriptor.count then --- > for _,item in ipairs(furnitureNeeded) do > if (furniture[] or 0) < item.count then quests\scripts\generated\clothing.lua 2c2 < require("/quests/scripts/generated/text_generation.lua") --- > require("/quests/scripts/generated/note_generation.lua") 5,8c5,6 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"friend", "interaction"}, onFriendInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"friend", quest.configParameter("clothingCraftedEventName")}, onClothingCrafted) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", "interaction"}, onQuestGiverInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", quest.configParameter("clothingAcceptedEventName")}, onClothingAccepted) --- > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"friend", config.getParameter("clothingCraftedEventName")}, onClothingCrafted) > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", config.getParameter("clothingAcceptedEventName")}, onClothingAccepted) 11,12c9,18 < function onFriendInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId(entityId) > if uniqueId == quest.parameters().friend.uniqueId then > return onFriendInteraction() > elseif uniqueId == quest.parameters().questGiver.uniqueId then > return onQuestGiverInteraction() > end > end > > function onFriendInteraction() 14c20 < if storage.receivedParcel then return end --- > if objective("give"):isComplete() then return end 16c22,23 < notifyNpc("friend", quest.configParameter("requestClothingCraftNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("friend", config.getParameter("requestClothingCraftNotification")) > return true 21c28 < --- > 23d29 < storage.receivedParcel = true 26,29c32,35 < local parcelDescriptionConfig = quest.configParameter("parcelDescription") < local parcelNameConfig = quest.configParameter("parcelName") < local description = generateText(parcelDescriptionConfig) < local shortdescription = generateText(parcelNameConfig) --- > local parcelDescriptionConfig = config.getParameter("parcelDescription") > local parcelNameConfig = config.getParameter("parcelName") > local description = generateParcelText(parcelDescriptionConfig) > local shortdescription = generateParcelText(parcelNameConfig) 38a45 > objective("give"):complete() 41,42c48 < function onQuestGiverInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function onQuestGiverInteraction() 45c51,52 < notifyNpc("questGiver", quest.configParameter("wearClothingNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("questGiver", config.getParameter("wearClothingNotification")) > return true 76a84,87 > end > > function conditionsMet() > return objective("give"):isComplete() and hasClothingParcel() quests\scripts\generated\collect_fine.lua 2,6c2 < require("/quests/scripts/generated/text_generation.lua") < < function onInit() < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) < end --- > require("/quests/scripts/generated/note_generation.lua") 9c5 < player.giveItem(generateNoteItem("crime", quest.configParameter("crimeNotice"), "Crime Notice")) --- > player.giveItem(generateTaggedNoteItem("crime", config.getParameter("crimeNotice"), "Crime Notice")) 12,13c8,11 < function onTargetInteraction(targetUniqueId, interactorEntityId) < if interactorEntityId == and not storage.interacted and hasNotice() then --- > function questInteract(entityId) > local targetUniqueId = quest.parameters().target.uniqueId > if world.entityUniqueId(entityId) ~= targetUniqueId then return end > if not storage.interacted and hasNotice() then 15a14 > return true 23a23 > objective("collect"):complete() quests\scripts\generated\collect_gift.lua 4,5c4 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", quest.configParameter("giftReceivedEventName")}, onGiftReceived) --- > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", config.getParameter("giftReceivedEventName")}, onGiftReceived) 8,9c7,8 < function onTargetInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > if world.entityUniqueId(entityId) ~= quest.parameters().target.uniqueId then return end 11,12c10,12 < if not storage.giftReceived then < notifyNpc(target, quest.configParameter("requestGiftNotification")) --- > if not objective("collect"):isComplete() then > notifyNpc("target", config.getParameter("requestGiftNotification")) > return true 18c18 < if storage.giftReceived then return end --- > if objective("collect"):isComplete() then return end 22d21 < storage.giftReceived = true 23a23 > objective("collect"):complete() 27,28d26 < if not storage.giftReceived then return false end < 34c32 < return storage.giftReceived and hasItem() --- > return objective("collect"):isComplete() and hasItem() quests\scripts\generated\common.lua 0a1 > require("/scripts/messageutil.lua") 1a3,4 > require("/quests/scripts/portraits.lua") > require("/scripts/quest/text_generation.lua") 6,9c9,141 < -- onInit, onUninit, onQuestStart, onQuestComplete, onQuestFail, onUpdate, < -- and conditionsMet (which returns a bool). < -- You can define these values in the scriptConfig: < -- portraitParameter, requireTurnIn, indicators. --- > -- onInit, onUninit, onQuestOffer, onQuestDecline, onQuestStart, > -- onQuestComplete, onQuestFail, onUpdate, and conditionsMet (which returns > -- a bool). > > Objective = {} > Objective.__index = Objective > > function Objective:new(...) > local instance = setmetatable({}, self) > instance:init(...) > return instance > end > > function Objective:init(textGenerator, config) > = > self._text = textGenerator:substituteTags(config.text or "") > storage.objectives[] = storage.objectives[] or false > self.completeFn = nil > end > > function Objective:setComplete(complete) > storage.objectives[] = complete > assert(not self.completeFn) > end > > function Objective:complete() > self.completeFn = nil > self:setComplete(true) > end > > function Objective:setCompleteFn(completeFn) > self.completeFn = completeFn > end > > function Objective:isComplete() > if self.completeFn then > return self.completeFn() and true or false -- convert to bool > end > return storage.objectives[] > end > > function Objective:text() > return self._text > end > > Compass = {} > Compass.__index = Compass > > function Compass:new(...) > local instance = setmetatable({}, Compass) > instance:init(...) > return instance > end > > function Compass:init(storedData) > self.storedData = storedData > self:_setTarget(self.storedData.targetType, > end > > function Compass:onQuestWorld() > return player.worldId() == quest.worldId() and player.serverUuid() == quest.serverUuid() > end > > function Compass:angleTo(position) > return vec2.angle(world.distance(position, entity.position())) > end > > function Compass:getDirection() > if not self:onQuestWorld() then > return nil > end > > local target = > local targetType = self.storedData.targetType > > if not target or not targetType or not self.targetPosition then > return nil > end > > return self:angleTo(self.targetPosition) > end > > function Compass:setTarget(targetType, target) > if self.storedData.targetType ~= targetType or ~= target then > self:_setTarget(targetType, target) > end > end > > function Compass:_setTarget(targetType, target) > self.targetPosition = nil > self.targetUniqueId = nil > self.targetTracker = nil > > if targetType == "parameter" then > if type(target) == "table" then > self.targetUniqueId =, function (paramName) > return quest.parameters()[paramName].uniqueId > end) > else > local parameter = quest.parameters()[target] > assert(parameter.uniqueId) > self.targetUniqueId = parameter.uniqueId > end > > elseif targetType == "uniqueEntity" then > self.targetUniqueId = target > > elseif targetType == "position" then > self.targetPosition = target > end > > self.storedData.targetType = targetType > = target > end > > function Compass:update() > if self.targetUniqueId then > if not self.targetTracker then > if type(self.targetUniqueId) == "table" then > self.targetTracker = util.multipleEntityTracker(self.targetUniqueId, config.getParameter("uniqueEntityTrackerInterval", 5)) > else > self.targetTracker = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.targetUniqueId, config.getParameter("uniqueEntityTrackerInterval", 5)) > end > end > > local positionUpdate = self.targetTracker() > if positionUpdate then > self.targetPosition = positionUpdate > end > end > > quest.setCompassDirection(self:getDirection()) > end 11a144,150 > if not storage.textGenerated then > generateQuestText() > storage.textGenerated = true > end > local textGenerator = currentQuestTextGenerator() > setPortraits(bind(textGenerator.substituteTags, textGenerator)) > 15c154 < storage.indicators = storage.indicators or quest.configParameter("indicators", {}) --- > storage.indicators = storage.indicators or config.getParameter("indicators", {}) 18a158,168 > storage.objectives = storage.objectives or {} > self.objectives = {} > self.objectivesByKey = {} > for i,objectiveConfig in ipairs(config.getParameter("objectives", {})) do > = or string.format("objective%s", i) > addObjective(Objective:new(textGenerator, objectiveConfig)) > end > > storage.compass = storage.compass or config.getParameter("initialCompassTarget", {}) > self.compass = Compass:new(storage.compass) > 19a170,195 > > updateObjectiveList() > end > > function updateObjectiveList() > quest.setObjectiveList(, function (objective) > return {objective:text(), objective:isComplete()} > end)) > end > > function objective(id) > return self.objectivesByKey[id] > end > > function addObjective(objective) > table.insert(self.objectives, objective) > self.objectivesByKey[] = objective > end > > function allObjectivesComplete() > for _,objective in pairs(self.objectives) do > if ~= "return" and not objective:isComplete() then > return false > end > end > return true 40a217,219 > generateQuestText() > local textGenerator = currentQuestTextGenerator() > setPortraits(bind(textGenerator.substituteTags, textGenerator)) 42a222,227 > local eventName = config.getParameter("completeEvent", "completeQuest") > local eventFields = config.getParameter("completeEventFields", {}) > eventFields.templateId = quest.templateId() > eventFields.generated = true > player.recordEvent(eventName, eventFields) > 57a243,254 > function questOffer() > self.questClient:questOffer() > > if onQuestOffer then onQuestOffer() end > end > > function questDecline() > self.questClient:questDecline() > > if onQuestDecline then onQuestDecline() end > end > 60,66c257 < if not player.isQuestActive(quest.questId()) then < -- Keep trying to send postponed messages after the quest is completed/failed < if self.outbox:empty() then < quest.exit() < end < return < end --- > promises:update() 68,69c259,260 < if quest.configParameter("requireTurnIn") then < if not conditionsMet then --- > if config.getParameter("requireTurnIn") then > if not conditionsMet or conditionsMet() then 71,74c262,268 < quest.setIndicators(storage.indicators) < elseif conditionsMet() then < quest.setCanTurnIn(true) < quest.setIndicators({}) --- > quest.setIndicators(config.getParameter("turnInHidesIndicators", true) and {} or storage.indicators) > > local compassTarget = config.getParameter("turnInCompassTarget", { > targetType = "parameter", > target = "questGiver" > }) > self.compass:setTarget(compassTarget.targetType, 85a280,282 > > updateObjectiveList() > self.compass:update() quests\scripts\generated\fetch.lua 4c4 < local giveItems = quest.configParameter("giveItems") --- > local giveItems = config.getParameter("giveItems") 20c20 < local fetchList = quest.configParameter("fetchList") --- > local fetchList = config.getParameter("fetchList") 28,35c28,57 < function conditionsMet() < local paramName = quest.configParameter("fetchList") < if not paramName then return true end < local fetchList = quest.parameters()[paramName].items < for _,item in ipairs(fetchList) do < if not player.hasItem(item) then < return false < end --- > FetchObjective = {} > FetchObjective.__index = FetchObjective > setmetatable(FetchObjective, Objective) > > function FetchObjective:init(textGenerator, item) > Objective.init(self, textGenerator, { id = "fetch-" }) > self.item = item > self._text = root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:objectiveDescriptions.fetch") > end > > function FetchObjective:currentCount() > return player.hasCountOfItem( > end > > function FetchObjective:text() > return sb.replaceTags(self._text, { > itemName = itemShortDescription(self.item), > required = self.item.count, > current = self:currentCount() > }) > end > > function FetchObjective:isComplete() > return player.hasItem(self.item) > end > > function onInit() > local textGenerator = currentQuestTextGenerator() > for _,item in ipairs(fetchList()) do > addObjective(FetchObjective:new(textGenerator, item)) 37c59,72 < return true --- > addObjective(Objective:new(textGenerator, { > id = "return", > text = root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:objectiveDescriptions.return") > })) > end > > function fetchList() > local paramName = config.getParameter("fetchList") > if not paramName then return true end > return quest.parameters()[paramName].items or {} > end > > function conditionsMet() > return allObjectivesComplete() quests\scripts\generated\gift.lua 4,6c4,9 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", quest.configParameter("giftAcceptedEventName")}, onGiftAccepted) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", quest.configParameter("requestAdditionToHouseEventName")}, onRequestAdditionToHouse) --- > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", config.getParameter("giftAcceptedEventName")}, onGiftAccepted) > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", config.getParameter("requestAdditionToHouseEventName")}, onRequestAdditionToHouse) > > if storage.addingToHouse then > addPlaceObjectObjective() > end 9,10c12,13 < function onTargetInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > if world.entityUniqueId(entityId) ~= quest.parameters().target.uniqueId then return end 13c16,17 < notifyNpc(target, quest.configParameter("provideGiftNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("target", config.getParameter("provideGiftNotification")) > return true 24a29,34 > objective("give"):complete() > end > > function addPlaceObjectObjective() > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"recipientDeed", "objectAdded"}, onObjectAdded) > addObjective(Objective:new(currentQuestTextGenerator(), config.getParameter("addToHouseObjective"))) 31c41,43 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"recipientDeed", "objectAdded"}, onObjectAdded) --- > if not storage.addingToHouse then > addPlaceObjectObjective() > end 32a45,47 > > objective("give"):complete() > self.compass:setTarget("parameter", "recipientDeed") 38c53,54 < notifyNpc("target", quest.configParameter("objectAddedNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("target", config.getParameter("objectAddedNotification")) > objective("place"):complete() quests\scripts\generated\intimidate.lua 5d4 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) 6a6,7 > > objective("equip"):setCompleteFn(holdingRequiredItem) 9,11c10,12 < function onTargetInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end < if storage.intimidated then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > if world.entityUniqueId(entityId) ~= quest.parameters().target.uniqueId then return end > if objective("intimidate"):isComplete() then return end 14c15 < notifyNpc(target, "intimidate") --- > notifyNpc("target", "intimidate") 16c17 < notifyNpc(target, "failToIntimidate") --- > notifyNpc("target", "failToIntimidate") 17a19 > return true 22c24,25 < storage.intimidated = true --- > objective("equip"):complete() > objective("intimidate"):complete() 34c37 < return storage.intimidated --- > return allObjectivesComplete() quests\scripts\generated\kill_monster.lua 5,6c5,6 < self.questClient:setMessageHandler("enemiesDead", onMonsterDeath) < self.questClient:setMessageHandler("enemiesSpawned", onMonsterSpawned) --- > self.questClient:setMessageHandler("entitiesDead", onMonsterDeath) > self.questClient:setMessageHandler("entitiesSpawned", onMonsterSpawned) 9,10c9 < function onMonsterDeath() < storage.monsterDead = true --- > function onMonsterDeath(_, _, group) 11a11 > objective("hunt"):complete() 14,17c14,17 < function onMonsterSpawned(_, _, monsters) < assert(#monsters == 1) < quest.setParameter("monsterEntity", monsters[1]) < setIndicators({"monsterEntity"}) --- > function onMonsterSpawned(_, _, group, monsterNames) > assert(#monsterNames == 1) > setIndicators(monsterNames) > self.compass:setTarget("parameter", monsterNames) 21c21 < if not storage.monsterDead then --- > if not objective("hunt"):isComplete() then quests\scripts\generated\new_stock.lua 2c2 < require("/quests/scripts/generated/text_generation.lua") --- > require("/quests/scripts/generated/note_generation.lua") 5,8c5,6 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", quest.configParameter("tradeAcceptedEventName")}, onTradeAccepted) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", "interaction"}, onQuestGiverInteraction) < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", quest.configParameter("stockAcceptedEventName")}, onStockAccepted) --- > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", config.getParameter("tradeAcceptedEventName")}, onTradeAccepted) > self.questClient:setEventHandler({"questGiver", config.getParameter("stockAcceptedEventName")}, onStockAccepted) 11,12c9,18 < function onTargetInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId(entityId) > if uniqueId == quest.parameters().target.uniqueId then > return onTargetInteraction() > elseif uniqueId == quest.parameters().questGiver.uniqueId then > return onQuestGiverInteraction() > end > end > > function onTargetInteraction() 14c20 < if storage.receivedParcel then return end --- > if objective("give"):isComplete() then return end 16c22,23 < notifyNpc("target", quest.configParameter("requestTradeNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("target", config.getParameter("requestTradeNotification")) > return true 23d29 < storage.receivedParcel = true 26,29c32,35 < local parcelDescriptionConfig = quest.configParameter("parcelDescription") < local parcelNameConfig = quest.configParameter("parcelName") < local description = generateText(parcelDescriptionConfig) < local shortdescription = generateText(parcelNameConfig) --- > local parcelDescriptionConfig = config.getParameter("parcelDescription") > local parcelNameConfig = config.getParameter("parcelName") > local description = generateParcelText(parcelDescriptionConfig) > local shortdescription = generateParcelText(parcelNameConfig) 38a45 > objective("give"):complete() 41,42c48 < function onQuestGiverInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function onQuestGiverInteraction() 45c51,52 < notifyNpc("questGiver", quest.configParameter("stockDeliveredNotification")) --- > notifyNpc("questGiver", config.getParameter("stockDeliveredNotification")) > return true 76a84,87 > end > > function conditionsMet() > return objective("give"):isComplete() and hasParcel() quests\scripts\generated\protect.lua 5,6c5,6 < self.questClient:setMessageHandler("enemiesDead", quest.complete) < self.questClient:setMessageHandler("enemiesSpawned", onEnemiesSpawned) --- > self.questClient:setMessageHandler("entitiesDead", quest.complete) > self.questClient:setMessageHandler("entitiesSpawned", onEnemiesSpawned) 15,22c15,23 < function onEnemiesSpawned(_, _, npcs) < local count = 0 < local indicators = {"target"} < for _,npcParam in pairs(npcs) do < local paramName = "enemy"..tostring(count) < quest.setParameter(paramName, npcParam) < indicators[#indicators+1] = paramName < count = count + 1 --- > function onEnemiesSpawned(_, _, group, entityNames) > setIndicators(entityNames) > end > > function onUpdate(dt) > local range = config.getParameter("spawnPointObjectiveRange") > local spawnPoint = > if world.magnitude(entity.position(), spawnPoint) < range then > objective("findPlace"):complete() 24d24 < setIndicators(indicators) quests\scripts\generated\recruit_guard.lua 25c25,27 < if root.npcConfig(tenant.type).scriptConfig.questGenerator.flags.guard then --- > local questGenConfig = root.npcConfig(tenant.type).scriptConfig.questGenerator or {} > local flags = questGenConfig.flags or {} > if flags.guard then 34c36 < local amountNeeded = quest.configParameter("amountOfFurnitureNeeded") --- > local amountNeeded = config.getParameter("amountOfFurnitureNeeded") quests\scripts\generated\return_stolen.lua 8c8 < if storage.objectRemoved then return end --- > if objective("take"):isComplete() then return end 10d9 < storage.objectRemoved = true 13a13,15 > > objective("take"):complete() > self.compass:setTarget("parameter", "victimDeed") quests\scripts\generated\secret_note.lua 2c2 < require("/quests/scripts/generated/text_generation.lua") --- > require("/quests/scripts/generated/note_generation.lua") 5d4 < self.questClient:setEventHandler({"target", "interaction"}, onTargetInteraction) 9,10c8,9 < function onTargetInteraction(target, interactor) < if interactor ~= then return end --- > function questInteract(entityId) > if world.entityUniqueId(entityId) ~= quest.parameters().target.uniqueId then return end 13c12,13 < notifyNpc(target, "shareSecret") --- > notifyNpc("target", "shareSecret") > return true 21c21 < player.giveItem(generateNoteItem("response", quest.configParameter("responseNote"))) --- > player.giveItem(generateTaggedNoteItem("response", config.getParameter("responseNote"))) 22a23 > objective("give"):complete() 26c27 < player.giveItem(generateNoteItem("message", quest.configParameter("secretNote"))) --- > player.giveItem(generateTaggedNoteItem("message", config.getParameter("secretNote"))) quests\scripts\generated\steal.lua 9c9 < storage.wasStolen = true --- > objective("steal"):complete() 18c18 < if not storage.wasStolen then return false end --- > if not objective("steal"):isComplete() then return false end quests\scripts\generated\themed_build.lua 9c9 < local amountNeeded = quest.configParameter("amountOfFurnitureNeeded") --- > local amountNeeded = config.getParameter("amountOfFurnitureNeeded") recipes\campfire\cookedalienmeat.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedbacon.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedfish.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedham.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedpoultry.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedribmeat.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\campfire\cookedtentacle.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "cooking", "consumables", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "campfire", "consumables", "all" ] recipes\heartforge\cupidsback.recipe 7c7 < "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armours", "all" ] recipes\heartforge\cupidschest.recipe 7c7 < "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armours", "all" ] recipes\heartforge\cupidshead.recipe 7c7 < "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armours", "all" ] recipes\heartforge\cupidslegs.recipe 7c7 < "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "heartforge", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\hotholidaychest.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\hotholidayhead.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\hotholidaypants.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\mrclausback.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\mrclauschest.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\mrclaushead.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\holidaycraftingtable\mrclauspants.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armors", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "holidaycraftingtable", "armours", "all" ] recipes\refinery\aegisaltore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 12 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 30 }, recipes\refinery\copperbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 5 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 10 }, recipes\refinery\copperore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 2 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 5 }, recipes\refinery\diamond.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 50 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 600 }, recipes\refinery\durasteelbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 25 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 50 }, recipes\refinery\goldbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 15 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 20 }, recipes\refinery\goldore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 6 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 10 }, recipes\refinery\ironbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 10 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 20 }, recipes\refinery\ironore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 4 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 10 }, recipes\refinery\refinedaegisalt.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 30 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 60 }, recipes\refinery\refinedviolium.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 30 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 60 }, recipes\refinery\silverbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 12 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 15 }, recipes\refinery\silverore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 5 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 8 }, recipes\refinery\titaniumbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 20 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 40 }, recipes\refinery\titaniumore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 8 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 20 }, recipes\refinery\violiumore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 12 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 30 }, scripts\behavior.lua 4a5,6 > --RunningNodes = {} > 5a8 > BTree.nextId = 1 7,9c10,33 < function BTree:new(path, parameters) < local newTree = {} < setmetatable(newTree, extend(self)) --- > function BTree:new(behavior, parameters) > parameters = parameters or {} > local instance = {} > > instance.back = {} > instance.front = {} > instance.current = 0 > > instance.loadSteps = parameters.loadSteps or 100 > > setmetatable(instance, {__index = self}) > > if type(behavior) == "string" then > = behavior > behavior = root.behaviorModule(behavior) > end > instance:loadScripts(behavior.scripts) > instance.load = coroutine.create(function() > behavior.root.behavior = > local root = instance:parseNode(behavior.root, parseArgs(parseArgs(parameters, behaviorConfig()), behavior.parameters or {})) > instance.root = root > instance.load = nil > return true > end) 11c35,36 < local behavior = root.behaviorModule(path) --- > return instance > end 13,14c38,40 < behavior.parameters = parseArgs(behaviorConfig(), behavior.parameters) < self.loadScripts(behavior.scripts) --- > function BTree:parseNode(node, parameters, parent) > coroutine.yield() > local newNode = {} 16,17c42,50 < if behavior then < newTree.root = nodeFromJson(behavior.root, behavior.parameters, --- > if node.type == "module" then > local behavior = root.behaviorModule( > self:loadScripts(behavior.scripts) > moduleParameters = {} > for k,v in pairs(node.parameters) do > moduleParameters[k] = replaceTag(v, parameters) > end > behavior.root.behavior = > return self:parseNode(behavior.root, parseArgs(parseArgs(moduleParameters, parameters), behavior.parameters), parent) 20,21c53,57 < return newTree < end --- > = BTree.nextId > BTree.nextId = BTree.nextId + 1 > = > newNode.type = node.type > newNode.output = node.output 23,24c59,72 < function BTree:run(dt) < local result = self.root:run(dt) --- > newNode.behavior = node.behavior > newNode.parent = parent > > -- Keep a set of parents for fast lookups > newNode.parents = {} > if parent then > if not newNode.behavior then > newNode.behavior = parent.behavior > end > newNode.parents[] = 1 > for parentId,_ in pairs(parent.parents) do > newNode.parents[parentId] = 1 > end > end 26c74,77 < BGroup:updateGroups() --- > newNode.callback = _ENV[] > if newNode.callback == nil or type(newNode.callback) ~= "function" then > error(string.format("Invalid action, no function \'%s\' found \n", > end 28c79,99 < return result --- > newNode.parameters = {} > if node.parameters then > for k,v in pairs(node.parameters) do > newNode.parameters[k] = replaceTag(v, parameters) > end > end > > -- Composite > if node.children then > newNode.children = {} > for _,child in pairs(node.children) do > table.insert(newNode.children, self:parseNode(child, parameters, newNode)) > end > end > > -- Decorator > if node.child then > newNode.child = self:parseNode(node.child, parameters, newNode) > end > > return newNode 31c102 < function BTree.loadScripts(scripts) --- > function BTree:loadScripts(scripts) 37,38c108,151 < function BTree:uninit() < self.root:reset() --- > function BTree:run(dt) > self.dt = dt > if self.load then > for i=0, self.loadSteps do > local status, result = coroutine.resume(self.load) > if not status then error(result) end > if result == true then > break > end > end > end > if not self.root then return end > > -- if self.topLevel then > -- table.insert(RunningNodes, > -- end > > if #self.front == 0 then > local _,result = self:runNode(self.root, true) > if result == true or result == false then > return result > end > end > > for i,node in ipairs(self.front) do > self.current = i > local result = self:propagate(node, self:resume(node, dt)) > > if result == true or result == false then > self:clear() > return result > end > end > self.discard = {} > > -- if self.topLevel then > -- local y = 0 > -- local position = mcontroller.position() > -- for _,moduleName in pairs(RunningNodes) do > -- world.debugText(moduleName, {position[1], position[2] + y}, "yellow") > -- y = y + 1 > -- end > -- RunningNodes = {} > -- end 40,43c153,154 < --Leave all groups < self.joined = {} < self.joinedTasks = {} < BGroup:updateGroups() --- > self.front = self.back > self.back = {} 46,48c157,168 < function BTree:reset() < if self.root then < self.root:reset() --- > function BTree:resume(node, dt) > local status, result > if node.type == "action" then > node.parameters.dt = dt > if node.cor then > status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node.parameters, node.output or {}, node) > else > node.cor = coroutine.create(node.callback) > status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node.parameters, node.output or {}, node) > end > else > return self:internal(node) 50d169 < end 52,54c171,175 < function BTree:interrupt() < if self.root then < self.root:interrupt() --- > if result ~= true and result ~= false then > --table.insert(RunningNodes, string.format("%s - %s", node.behavior, > table.insert(self.back, node) > else > self:clearNode(node) 55a177,179 > > if not status then self:stack(node) error(string.format("[%s] error: %s\n",, result)) end > return result 58,59c182,186 < function behaviorConfig() < return self.behaviorConfig or entity.configParameter("behaviorConfig", {}) --- > function BTree:internal(node) > node.cor = coroutine.create(node.callback) > local status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node, self) > if not status then error(string.format("[%s] error: %s",, result)) end > return result 62,63c189,193 < --BTNode is the base node table < BTNode = {} --- > function BTree:resumeInternal(node, child, childResult) > local status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, child, childResult) > if not status then error(result) end > return result > end 65,68c195,209 < function < local newNode = {} < setmetatable(newNode, extend(BTNode)) < return newNode --- > function BTree:propagate(node, result) > if result == true or result == false then > if node.parent == nil then > return result > else > return self:propagate(node.parent, self:resumeInternal(node.parent, node, result)) > end > elseif node.interrupt then > local target = node.interrupt.parent > if target then > result = self:resumeInternal(target, node.interrupt, nil) > node.interrupt = false > return self:propagate(target, result) > end > end 71,72c212,222 < function BTNode:run(dt) < return false --- > function BTree:unqueueFront(node) > local unqueued = {} > for i = #self.front, self.current+1, -1 do > local queued = self.front[i] > if == or queued.parents[] then > table.remove(self.front, i) > table.insert(unqueued, queued) > self:clearNode(queued) > end > end > return unqueued 75,76c225,235 < function BTNode:reset() < return false --- > function BTree:unqueueBack(node) > local unqueued = {} > for i = #self.back, 1, -1 do > local queued = self.back[i] > if == or queued.parents[] then > table.remove(self.back, i) > table.insert(unqueued, queued) > self:clearNode(queued) > end > end > return unqueued 79,80c238,247 < function BTNode:interrupt() < return false --- > function BTree:unqueue(node, doInterrupt) > local unqueued = {} > util.appendLists(unqueued, self:unqueueFront(node)) > util.appendLists(unqueued, self:unqueueBack(node)) > > if doInterrupt then > for _,n in pairs(unqueued) do > self:interrupt(n, node) > end > end 83,87c250,251 < ----------------------------------------------------------- < -- COMPOSITE NODES < ----------------------------------------------------------- < composites = {} < BTComposite = --- > function BTree:interrupt(node, untilNode) > self:clearNode(node) 89,92c253,255 < function < local newNode = {} < setmetatable(newNode, extend(BTComposite)) < return newNode --- > if node.parent ~= nil and node ~= untilNode then > return self:interrupt(node.parent, untilNode) > end 95,96c258,259 < function BTComposite.fromJson(node) < return composites[].fromJson(node) --- > function BTree:setInterrupt(node, value) > node.interrupt = value 99c262,272 < function BTComposite:reset() --- > function BTree:clear(interrupt) > -- Deep cleanup of nodes > self.current = 0 > if self.root then > self:unqueue(self.root, interrupt) > else > self.load = nil > end > > self.back = {} > self.front = {} 102,104c275,279 < function BTComposite:interruptChildren() < for _,child in pairs(self.children) do < child:interrupt() --- > function BTree:clearNode(node) > if node.cor then > node.cor = nil > if node.onClear then node.onClear() end > node.onClear = nil 108,109c283,292 < function BTComposite:interrupt() < self:interruptChildren() --- > function BTree:stack(node) > sb.logInfo("Stack from %s", > while node.parent ~= nil do > local index = 1 > if node.parent.children then > _,index = util.find(node.parent.children, function(v) return v == node end) > end > sb.logInfo("[%s]:%s",, index) > node = node.parent > end 112,117c295,299 < function BTComposite:runChild(index, dt) < local child = self.children[index] < local status, result = pcall(, child, dt) < if not status then < error(string.format("[%s]:%s\n%s",, index, result)) < child:reset() --- > function BTree:runNode(node, handleRunning) > if handleRunning then > node.interrupt = node > elseif node.parent then > node.interrupt = node.parent.interrupt 119,120c301,306 < if result == true or result == false then < child:reset() --- > > local result = self:resume(node, self.dt) > if result == true or result == false or handleRunning then > return node, result > else > return coroutine.yield() 122d307 < return result 125c310,322 < require "/scripts/behavior/composite.lua" --- > function BTree:queueBack(node, handleRunning) > if handleRunning then > node.interrupt = node > elseif node.parent then > node.interrupt = node.parent.interrupt > end > > table.insert(self.back, node) > end > > function behaviorConfig() > return self.behaviorConfig or config.getParameter("behaviorConfig", {}) > end 126a324,337 > function replaceTag(value, parameters) > if type(value) == "string" then > local tagString = value:match("^<.+>$") > if tagString ~= nil then > tagString = tagString:sub(2, -2) > if parameters[tagString] ~= nil then > return parameters[tagString] > else > sb.logInfo("Could not find parameter for tag '%s'", tagString) > end > end > end > return value > end 129c340 < -- DECORATOR NODES --- > -- COMPOSITE NODES 131,132d341 < decorators = {} < BTDecorator = 134,137c343,348 < function < local newNode = {} < setmetatable(newNode, extend(BTDecorator)) < return newNode --- > function sequence(self, tree) > for _,child in pairs(self.children) do > local _,result = tree:runNode(child) > if result == false then return false end > end > return true 140,142c351,352 < function BTDecorator.fromJson(node) < return decorators[].fromJson(node) < end --- > function cleanup(self, tree) > local current = 1 144,146c354,360 < function BTDecorator:setChild(child) < self.child = child < end --- > -- On clear the cleanup node runs any unqueued children once > self.onClear = function() > for i=current+1, #self.children do > tree:runNode(self.children[i], true) > end > tree:unqueue(self) > end 148,149c362,367 < function BTDecorator:run(dt) < return self:runChild(dt) --- > for i,child in pairs(self.children) do > current = i > local _,result = tree:runNode(child) > if result == false then return false end > end > return true 152,153c370,375 < function BTDecorator:interrupt() < self.child:interrupt() --- > function selector(self, tree) > for _,child in pairs(self.children) do > local _,result = tree:runNode(child) > if result == true then return true end > end > return false 156,158c378,383 < function BTDecorator:reset() < self.child:reset() < end --- > function parallel(self, tree) > local successCount = self.parameters.success > if successCount == nil or successCount == -1 then successCount = #self.children end > > local failCount = > if failCount == nil or failCount == -1 then failCount = #self.children end 160,164c385,413 < function BTDecorator:runChild(dt) < local status, result = pcall(, self.child, dt) < if not status then < error(string.format("[%s]\n%s",, result)) < self.child:reset() --- > local states = {} > local first = true > while true do > for i,child in pairs(self.children) do > local node, result > if first then > node, result = tree:runNode(child, true) > else > node, result = coroutine.yield() > end > local state = states[] > states[] = result == nil and "running" or result > > if states[] ~= state then > if util.count(states, true) >= successCount then > tree:unqueue(self, true) > return true > end > if util.count(states, false) >= failCount then > tree:unqueue(self, true) > return false > end > end > > if result == true or result == false then > tree:queueBack(node, true) > end > end > first = false 166,167c415,446 < if result == true or result == false then < self.child:reset() --- > end > > function dynamic(self, tree) > local current = 1 > > while current <= #self.children do > local node, result = tree:runNode(self.children[current], false) > > while true do > if result == true then > tree:unqueue(self) > return true > elseif result == false then > tree:queueBack(node, true) > if node == self.children[current] then > break > end > else > if node ~= self.children[current] then > local _,index = util.find(self.children, function(id) return id == node end) > tree:unqueue(self.children[current], true) > for i=index+1, current-1 do > tree:unqueue(self.children[i]) > end > current = index > end > end > > node, result = coroutine.yield() > end > > current = current + 1 169c448,449 < return result --- > tree:unqueue(self) > return false 172c452,455 < require "/scripts/behavior/decorator.lua" --- > function randomize(self, tree) > local _,result = tree:runNode(util.randomFromList(self.children)) > return result > end 175c458 < -- ACTION NODES (Leaf nodes) --- > -- DECORATOR NODES 177,187d459 < actions = {} < BTAction = < < function < local newNode = {} < = or "failAction" < newNode.parameters = action.parameters or {} < newNode.output = action.output or {} < setmetatable(newNode, extend(BTAction)) < return newNode < end 189,196c461,464 < function BTAction.fromJson(node) < if actions[] then < return actions[].fromJson(node) < end < return{ < name =, < parameters = node.parameters, < output = node.output --- > function repeater(self, tree) > local args = parseArgs(self.parameters, { > maxLoops = -1, > untilSuccess = false 198c466,467 < end --- > local maxLoops = BData:getNumber(args.maxLoops) > local loops = 0 200,207c469,473 < function BTAction:run(dt) < if self.coroutine == nil then < if _ENV[] == nil then < error(string.format("Invalid action, no function \'%s\' found \n", < return false < end < self.coroutine = coroutine.create(_ENV[]) < end --- > local result > repeat > _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > loops = loops + 1 > until (maxLoops > 0 and loops >= maxLoops) or (result == true and args.untilSuccess) 209,214d474 < self.parameters.dt = dt < local status,result = coroutine.resume(self.coroutine, self.parameters, self.output) < if not status then < error(string.format("[%s] error:\n%s",, result)) < return false < end 218,219c478,480 < function BTAction:reset() < self.coroutine = nil --- > function failer(self, tree) > tree:runNode(self.child) > return false 222c483,485 < function BTAction:interrupt() --- > function succeeder(self, tree) > tree:runNode(self.child) > return true 225,236c488,490 < ----------------------------------------------------------- < -- MODULE NODES < ----------------------------------------------------------- < BTModule = < < function < local newNode = { < parameters = module.parameters or {}, < name = < } < setmetatable(newNode, extend(BTModule)) < return newNode --- > function inverter(self, tree) > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > return result == false 239,242c493,496 < function BTModule.fromJson(node) < return{ < name =, < parameters = node.parameters --- > function cooldown(self, tree) > local args = parseArgs(self.parameters, { > onFail = false, > onSuccess = true 244d497 < end 246,251c499,501 < function BTModule:run(dt) < if not self.node then < local tree = root.behaviorModule( < local parameters = parseArgs(self.parameters, parseArgs(behaviorConfig(), tree.parameters)) < BTree.loadScripts(tree.scripts) < self.node = nodeFromJson(tree.root, parameters, --- > local time = BData:getNumber("cooldown-" > if time and world.time() < time then > return false 254,259c504,511 < local status, result = pcall(, self.node, dt) < if not status then < error(string.format("{%s}\n%s",, result)) < end < if result == true or result == false then < self.node:reset() --- > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > if (args.onSuccess and result == true) or (args.onFail and result == false) then > > local cooldown = BData:getNumber(self.parameters.cooldown) > if type(cooldown) == "table" then > cooldown = util.randomInRange(cooldown) > end > BData:setNumber("cooldown-", world.time() + cooldown) 264,268c516,522 < function BTModule:reset() < if self.node then < self.node:reset() < end < end --- > function filter(self, tree) > local newItems = {} > local items = BData:getList(self.parameters.list) > for _,filterItem in pairs(items) do > BData:set(self.parameters.type, "filterItem", filterItem) > > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) 270,272c524,526 < function BTModule:interrupt() < if self.node then < self.node:interrupt() --- > if result == true then > table.insert(newItems, filterItem) > end 273a528,529 > BData:setList(self.parameters.list, newItems) > return true 276,278c532,535 < ----------------------------------------------------------- < -- JSON PARSING < ----------------------------------------------------------- --- > function each(self, tree) > local items = BData:getList(self.parameters.list) > for _,filterItem in pairs(items) do > BData:set(self.parameters.type, "eachItem", filterItem) 280,284c537,538 < function nodeFromJson(node, parameters, moduleName) < if node.parameters then < for k,v in pairs(node.parameters) do < node.parameters[k] = replaceTag(v, parameters) < end --- > _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > if result == false then return false end 286,301c540,547 < local newNode < if node.type == "action" then < newNode = BTAction.fromJson(node) < elseif node.type == "composite" then < newNode = BTComposite.fromJson(node) < < --Load children < newNode.children = node.children < elseif node.type == "decorator" then < newNode = BTDecorator.fromJson(node) < < --Load child < newNode.child = node.child < elseif node.type == "module" then < node.parameters = parseArgs(node.parameters, parameters) < newNode = BTModule.fromJson(node) --- > return true > end > > function optional(self, tree) > local run = BData:getBool(self.parameters.shouldRun) > if run then > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > return result 303c549 < world.logInfo("Invalid node type %s", node.type) --- > return false 304a551 > end 306,312c553,556 < if newNode.children then < newNode.children =, function(child) < return nodeFromJson(child, parameters, moduleName) < end) < elseif newNode.child then < newNode.child = nodeFromJson(newNode.child, parameters, moduleName) < end --- > function logResult(self, tree) > local args = parseArgs(self.parameters, { > text = "Log result: %s" > }) 314,316c558,560 < = < newNode.moduleName = moduleName < return newNode --- > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > sb.logInfo(args.text, result) > return result 319,329c563,577 < function replaceTag(value, parameters) < if type(value) == "string" then < local tagString = value:match("^<.+>$") < if tagString ~= nil then < tagString = tagString:sub(2, -2) < if parameters[tagString] ~= nil then < return parameters[tagString] < else < world.logInfo("Could not find parameter for tag '%s'", tagString) < end < end --- > function debugNode(self, tree) > self.child.debug = true > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > return result > end > > function limiter(self, tree) > local limit = self.parameters.limit or 1 > local runs = BData:getNumber("limiter-" or 0 > if runs >= limit then return false end > > local _,result = tree:runNode(self.child) > if result == true then > runs = runs + 1 > BData:setNumber("limiter-", runs) 331c579 < return value --- > return result 334c582,584 < --ACTIONS --- > ----------------------------------------------------------- > -- ACTION NODES (Leaf nodes) > ----------------------------------------------------------- 355,359d604 < function resetLimiters(args) < limiters = {} < return true < end < 363c608 < text = "log info" --- > text = "log info" 365c610 < world.logInfo(args.text) --- > sb.logInfo(args.text) 386a632,646 > -- param list > -- param entity > -- param number > -- param position > -- param vector > function setStorage(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > key = nil > }) > local getType,index = BData.findType(args) > local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) > storage[args.key] = value > return true > end > 397c657,677 < local value = entity.configParameter(args.path, default) --- > > local value = config.getParameter(args.path, args.default) > > local setType, name = BData.findType(output) > if setType then > BData:set(setType, name, value) > end > return true > end > > -- param property > -- output number > -- output bool > -- output table > function worldProperty(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > property = "" > }) > > local value = world.getProperty( > if not value then return false end 468d747 < task.status = status 471c750 < world.logInfo("Worker error: %s", result) --- > sb.logInfo("Worker error: %s", result) scripts\chattyObject.lua 2c2 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 6c6 < local chatOptions = entity.configParameter("chatOptions", {}) --- > local chatOptions = config.getParameter("chatOptions", {}) 8c8 < entity.say(chatOptions[math.random(1, #chatOptions)]) --- > object.say(chatOptions[math.random(1, #chatOptions)]) scripts\interp.lua 10a11,14 > function interp.cos(ratio, a, b) > return a + (b - a) * math.cos(ratio * math.pi / 2) > end > 13c17 < return func(1-ratio, a, b) --- > return func(1 - ratio, a, b) 30c34 < if ranges[i-1] then startRatio = ranges[i-1][1] end --- > if ranges[i - 1] then startRatio = ranges[i - 1][1] end 40,41c44,45 < return ((((to - from) % (2*math.pi)) + (3*math.pi)) % (2*math.pi)) - math.pi < end \ No newline at end of file --- > return ((((to - from) % (2 * math.pi)) + (3 * math.pi)) % (2 * math.pi)) - math.pi > end scripts\npcToyObject.lua 7c7 < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.influence") --- > return config.getParameter("npcToy.influence") 11c11 < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.defaultReactions") --- > return config.getParameter("npcToy.defaultReactions") 15,16c15,16 < if entity.direction() < 0 then < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.preciseStandPositionLeft") --- > if object.direction() < 0 then > return config.getParameter("npcToy.preciseStandPositionLeft") 18c18 < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.preciseStandPositionRight") --- > return config.getParameter("npcToy.preciseStandPositionRight") 23c23 < local standXRange = entity.configParameter("npcToy.randomStandXRange") --- > local standXRange = config.getParameter("npcToy.randomStandXRange") 32c32 < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.maxNpcs") --- > return config.getParameter("npcToy.maxNpcs") 49c49 < return entity.configParameter("npcToy.ownerOnly", false) --- > return config.getParameter("npcToy.ownerOnly", false) scripts\pathing.lua 39c39,45 < self.aStar = world.platformerPathStart(sourcePosition,, mcontroller.baseParameters(), self.options) --- > > local baseParameters = mcontroller.baseParameters() > local jumpSpeed = baseParameters.airJumpProfile.jumpSpeed > jumpSpeed = jumpSpeed + (jumpSpeed * status.stat("jumpModifier")) > baseParameters.airJumpProfile.jumpSpeed = jumpSpeed > > self.aStar = world.platformerPathStart(sourcePosition,, baseParameters, self.options) 45a52,65 > function PathFinder:exploreRate() > local fidelityOptions = { > minimum = 25, > low = 50, > medium = 100, > high = 150 > } > if then > return fidelityOptions[] > else > return fidelityOptions.high > end > end > 47c67 < local result = self.aStar:explore(50) --- > local result = self.aStar:explore(self:exploreRate()) 89c109,110 < self:start(mcontroller.position(), targetPosition) --- > --self:start(mcontroller.position(), targetPosition) > self:reset() 146c167,168 < maxLandingVelocity = -5.0 --- > maxLandingVelocity = -5.0, > liquidJumpCost = 15 152c174 < maxCooldown = 5 --- > movementParameters = {} 168c190 < if entity.configParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then --- > if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then 202c224,228 < return self:edgeMove() --- > self.controlParameters = copy(self.options.movementParameters) > local result = self:edgeMove() > mcontroller.controlParameters(self.controlParameters) > > return result 222,224c248 < -- local moveSpeed = and mcontroller.baseParameters().runSpeed or mcontroller.baseParameters().walkSpeed < -- return moveSpeed * script.updateDt() < return 0.3 --- > return 0.5 243,245d266 < if edgeDelta[1] ~= 0 then < self.deltaX = edgeDelta[1] > 0 and 1 or -1 < end 252c273 < if entity.configParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", false) and not self:openDoors() then --- > if config.getParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", false) and not self:openDoors() then 279c300 < if #closedDoorIds == 0 or not entity.configParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", true) then --- > if #closedDoorIds == 0 or not config.getParameter("pathing.canOpenDoors", true) then 311,315c332,333 < if[2] > 0 then < mcontroller.controlJump() < mcontroller.controlHoldJump() < end < moveX([1], --- > self.deltaX =[1] > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(, mcontroller.baseParameters().walkSpeed), mcontroller.baseParameters().liquidJumpProfile.jumpControlForce) 317c335 < if world.magnitude(, mcontroller.position()) < 1 then --- > if passedTarget(self.edge) then 324c342 < if self.jumpCooldown then --- > if mcontroller.onGround() and self.jumpCooldown then 328,348c346,363 < --Approach the jump position more precisely to follow the jump arc accurately < if math.abs([1]) > self:tickMoveDistance() or math.abs([2]) >= 1 then < moveX([1], < return "running" < elseif mcontroller.onGround() and not self.jumped then < mcontroller.setPosition(self.edge.source.position) < end < < if not mcontroller.liquidMovement() and not mcontroller.onGround() then < if not self.jumped then < -- If we haven't quite landed yet, wait until we do < mcontroller.setXVelocity(0) < if mcontroller.liquidMovement() and[2] >= 0 then < -- Jump point is above us, swim up to it < mcontroller.controlJump() < mcontroller.controlHoldJump() < end < return "running" < else < -- We've jumped and we're no longer on the ground. Move to the next node < mcontroller.setXVelocity(self.edge.jumpVelocity[1]) --- > if world.magnitude(mcontroller.position(), self.edge.source.position) < 1.0 then > if not self.jumpTimer then > self.jumpTimer = 0.2 > mcontroller.setPosition(self.edge.source.position) > mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) > end > self.deltaX = self.edge.jumpVelocity[1] > > if self.jumpTimer <= 0 then > --Try to not get slowed down by friction > self.controlParameters.airFriction = 0 > self.controlParameters.liquidFriction = 0 > self.controlParameters.liquidImpedance = 0 > self.controlParameters.groundFriction = 0 > > --Approach the jump position more precisely to follow the jump arc accurately > mcontroller.setVelocity({self.edge.jumpVelocity[1], self.edge.jumpVelocity[2]}) > self.jumpTimer = nil 350,351c365,366 < self.jumped = nil < return "running" --- > else > self.jumpTimer = self.jumpTimer - script.updateDt() 355,362d369 < -- Keep applying the Y jump velocity until we're no longer on the ground. < -- Things like groundSlideMovement mess with our velocity until we're < -- in the air (we do however still want groundSlideMovement to apply when < -- we're not jumping so disabling it altogether is not ideal). < -- X velocity is applied when we're clear of the ground. < local padding = 1 < jump({0, self.edge.jumpVelocity[2] + padding}) < self.jumped = true 370,371d376 < else < mcontroller.setPosition({self.nextPathPosition[1], self.position[2]}) 373a379 > mcontroller.setPosition({self.nextPathPosition[1], self.position[2]}) 382c388 < self.jumpCooldown = 0.5 --- > self.jumpCooldown = 0.3 396a403 > self.arcDelta = nil 399c406,408 < moveX([1], --- > self.arcDelta = self.arcDelta or[1] > moveX(self.arcDelta, run) > self.deltaX = self.arcDelta 402a412 > self.arcDelta = nil 404,408c414,417 < mcontroller.controlParameters({ < airFriction = 0, < liquidFriction = 0, < groundFriction = 0 < }) --- > self.controlParameters.airFriction = 0 > self.controlParameters.liquidFriction = 0 > self.controlParameters.liquidImpedance = 0 > self.controlParameters.groundFriction = 0 428,433d436 < if mcontroller.liquidMovement() and[2] > 0 then < mcontroller.controlJump() < mcontroller.controlHoldJump() < end < moveX([1], < 443a447,449 > if then > mcontroller.setVelocity( > end 451c457,471 < moveX([1], --- > local run = > for i = 1, 5 do > if run then break end > local edge = self.finder:lookAhead(i) > if edge and edge.action == "Walk" then > if and math.abs([1]) > mcontroller.baseParameters().walkSpeed then > run = true > end > else > break > end > end > > moveX([1], run) > self.deltaX =[1] 466a487 > self.deltaX =[1] 483,488d503 < --Jump with a given x and y velocity < function jump(velocity) < if not mcontroller.onGround() then return end < -- TODO update animation for jumping < mcontroller.setVelocity(velocity) < end 504c519 < return "blue" --- > return "cyan" 556c571 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\pathutil.lua 10c10 < function validStandingPosition(position, avoidLiquid, collisionSet) --- > function validStandingPosition(position, avoidLiquid, collisionSet, bounds) 12c12 < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() --- > bounds = bounds or mcontroller.boundBox() 27,28c27,28 < function findGroundPosition(position, minHeight, maxHeight, avoidLiquid, collisionSet) < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() --- > function findGroundPosition(position, minHeight, maxHeight, avoidLiquid, collisionSet, bounds) > bounds = bounds or mcontroller.boundBox() 37c37 < if y <= maxHeight and validStandingPosition({position[1], position[2] + y}, avoidLiquid, collisionSet) then --- > if y <= maxHeight and validStandingPosition({position[1], position[2] + y}, avoidLiquid, collisionSet, bounds) then 42c42 < if -y >= minHeight and validStandingPosition({position[1], position[2] - y}, avoidLiquid, collisionSet) then --- > if -y >= minHeight and validStandingPosition({position[1], position[2] - y}, avoidLiquid, collisionSet, bounds) then 77c77 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\poly.lua 1a2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" 26a28,33 > function poly.scale(points, scale) > return, function(point) > return vec2.mul(point, scale) > end) > end > 34c41,60 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > function poly.flip(points) > local flipped = {} > for _,point in pairs(points) do > table.insert(flipped, {-point[1], point[2]}) > end > return flipped > end > > function poly.boundBox(points) > local x1, y1, x2, y2 > for _, point in ipairs(points) do > x1 = math.min(point[1], x1 or point[1]) > x2 = math.max(point[1], x2 or point[1]) > y1 = math.min(point[2], y1 or point[2]) > y2 = math.max(point[2], y2 or point[2]) > end > return {x1, y1, x2, y2} > end scripts\rect.lua 15a16,37 > function rect.ll(rectangle) > return {rectangle[1], rectangle[2]} > end > > function rect.ur(rectangle) > return {rectangle[3], rectangle[4]} > end > > function > return { > rectangle[1] + (rectangle[3] - rectangle[1]) * 0.5, > rectangle[2] + (rectangle[4] - rectangle[2]) * 0.5 > } > end > > function rect.randomPoint(rectangle) > return { > math.random() * (rectangle[3] - rectangle[1]) + rectangle[1], > math.random() * (rectangle[4] - rectangle[2]) + rectangle[2] > } > end > 17,20c39,42 < local first = {rectangle[1], rectangle[2]} < local second = {rectangle[3], rectangle[4]} < first = vec2.rotate(first, angle) < second = vec2.rotate(second, angle) --- > local ll = rect.ll(rectangle) > local ur = rect.ur(rectangle) > ll = vec2.rotate(ll, angle) > ur = vec2.rotate(ur, angle) 23,24c45,46 < math.min(first[1], second[1]), math.min(first[2], second[2]), < math.max(first[1], second[1]), math.max(first[2], second[2]) --- > math.min(ll[1], ur[1]), math.min(ll[2], ur[2]), > math.max(ll[1], ur[1]), math.max(ll[2], ur[2]) 44a67,85 > end > end > > function rect.contains(rectangle, point) > return point[1] >= rectangle[1] > and point[2] >= rectangle[2] > and point[1] <= rectangle[3] > and point[2] <= rectangle[4] > end > > function rect.snap(rect, point, direction) > if direction[1] < 0 then > return {rect[1], point[2]} > elseif direction[1] > 0 then > return {rect[3], point[2]} > elseif direction[2] < 0 then > return {point[1], rect[2]} > elseif direction[2] > 0 then > return {point[1], rect[4]} scripts\relationships.lua 27c27 < if not world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId) then --- > if not world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId):result() then 68c68 < return world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId) ~= nil --- > return world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId):result() ~= nil scripts\sensors.lua 15c15 < -- world.logInfo("reading: %s at %s", reading.value, reading.position) --- > -- sb.logInfo("reading: %s at %s", reading.value, reading.position) 43,44c43,44 < for i, sensor in ipairs(entity.configParameter(sensorGroup)) do < local sensorPosition = entity.toAbsolutePosition(sensor) --- > for i, sensor in ipairs(config.getParameter(sensorGroup)) do > local sensorPosition = monster.toAbsolutePosition(sensor) 115d114 < scripts\spawnPoint.lua 1a2 > require("/scripts/rect.lua") 3,22c4,6 < function makeSpawnRect(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight) < assert(rectWidth and rectHeight) < return {x-rectWidth/2, y, x+rectWidth/2, y+rectHeight} < end < < local function canSpawnAt(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, options) < -- Only choose spawn points underground if we're already underground < local underground = world.underground(world.entityPosition( < if underground ~= world.underground({x,y}) then < return false < end < < -- If requested, only spawn in well-lit areas < if options.minLightLevel and world.lightLevel({x,y}) < options.minLightLevel then < return false < end < < -- Check the spawn rect does not collide with anything, and is supported underneath < local collidesHere = world.rectTileCollision(makeSpawnRect(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight), {"Block", "Null"}) < local collidesBelow = world.rectTileCollision(makeSpawnRect(x, y-1, rectWidth, rectHeight), {"Block", "Null", "Platform", "Dynamic"}) --- > local function canStandAt(boundBox) > local collidesHere = world.rectTileCollision(boundBox, {"Block", "Null"}) > local collidesBelow = world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(boundBox, {0, -1}), {"Block", "Platform", "Dynamic"}) 26,34c10,19 < local function findSpawnPointNear(x, approximateY, rectWidth, rectHeight, options) < local maxTries = options.maxYDelta or 16 < for dy = 0, maxTries do < if canSpawnAt(x, approximateY+dy, rectWidth, rectHeight, options) then < return {x, approximateY+dy} < end < if canSpawnAt(x, approximateY-dy, rectWidth, rectHeight, options) then < return {x, approximateY-dy} < end --- > -- Return a position where an entity with the given boundBox can stand without > -- colliding with any tiles. > -- Returns nil if there are no valid positions (which may occur if the region > -- is not loaded or there just isn't space). > function findSpaceInRect(region, boundBox) > function checkPosition(x, y) > local translatedBox = rect.translate(boundBox, {x, y}) > local ll = rect.ll(translatedBox) > local ur = rect.ur(translatedBox) > return rect.contains(region, ll) and rect.contains(region, ur) and canStandAt(translatedBox) 36,37d20 < return nil < end 39,46c22,24 < function randomPositionInPoly(poly, offset) < local boundBox = util.boundBox(poly) < local rangeX = boundBox[3] - boundBox[1] - offset[1] * 2 < assert(rangeX >= 0) < local x = math.random() * rangeX + boundBox[1] + offset[1] < local y = boundBox[2] + offset[2] < return {x, y} < end --- > if not world.loadRegion(region) then > return nil > end 48,51c26 < function makeSpawnPoly(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight) < assert(rectWidth and rectHeight) < return {{x-rectWidth/2, y}, {x+rectWidth/2, y}, {x+rectWidth/2, y+rectHeight}, {x-rectWidth/2, y+rectHeight}} < end --- > local innerRegion = {math.ceil(region[1] - boundBox[1]), math.ceil(region[2] - boundBox[2]), math.floor(region[3] - boundBox[3]), math.floor(region[4] - boundBox[4])} 53,78c28,29 < function findSpawnPoint(centerPosition, npcs, options) < -- Return a list of nearby position ideally outside of the town/colony that < -- we could spawn monsters or enemy NPCs at. < -- The bounds of the town/colony are approximated by the bound box of all the < -- npcs given. < -- If options.awayFromNpc is given, it returns only the spawn points that are < -- farthest from the entity with entityId options.awayFromNpc. < < local rectWidth = options.rectWidth < local rectHeight = options.rectHeight < < local minDistance = 0 < local maxDistance = 0 < local minPosition = nil < local maxPosition = nil < for _,npc in pairs(npcs) do < local position = world.entityPosition(npc) < local diff = world.distance(position, centerPosition) < if diff[1] < minDistance then < minDistance = diff[1] < minPosition = position < end < if diff[1] > maxDistance then < maxDistance = diff[1] < maxPosition = position < end --- > if innerRegion[1] >= innerRegion[3] or innerRegion[2] >= innerRegion[4] then > return nil 81,89c32,38 < local spawnDistance = options.xDelta or 16 < < if minPosition and maxPosition and options.awayFromNpc then < -- Choose the position farthest from awayFromNpc < local npcPosition = world.entityPosition(options.awayFromNpc) < if world.magnitude(npcPosition, minPosition) < world.magnitude(npcPosition, maxPosition) then < minPosition = nil < elseif world.magnitude(npcPosition, maxPosition) < world.magnitude(npcPosition, minPosition) then < maxPosition = nil --- > for i = 1, 5 do > local x = math.random(innerRegion[1], innerRegion[3]) > local initialY = math.random(innerRegion[2], innerRegion[4]) > for y = initialY, initialY-5, -1 do > if checkPosition(x, y) then > return {x, y} > end 93,97c42,47 < local results = {} < if minPosition then < local spawnPoint = findSpawnPointNear(minPosition[1] - spawnDistance, minPosition[2], rectWidth, rectHeight, options) < if spawnPoint then < results[#results+1] = spawnPoint --- > local validPositions = {} > for x = innerRegion[1], innerRegion[3] do > for y = innerRegion[2], innerRegion[4] do > if checkPosition(x,y) then > table.insert(validPositions, {x, y}) > end 100,104c50,51 < if maxPosition then < local spawnPoint = findSpawnPointNear(maxPosition[1] + spawnDistance, maxPosition[2], rectWidth, rectHeight, options) < if spawnPoint then < results[#results+1] = spawnPoint < end --- > if #validPositions > 0 then > return validPositions[math.random(#validPositions)] 107c54 < return results --- > return nil scripts\stateMachine.lua 300c300 < -- Example: stateMachine.scanScripts(entity.configParameter("scripts"), "(%a+)State%.lua") --- > -- Example: stateMachine.scanScripts(config.getParameter("scripts"), "(%a+)State%.lua") scripts\statusProjectileObject.lua 2c2 < self.activationTime = entity.configParameter("activationTime") or 600 --- > self.activationTime = config.getParameter("activationTime") or 600 6c6 < entity.setAnimationState("podState", and "active" or "expire") --- > animator.setAnimationState("podState", and "active" or "expire") 16c16 < if isTimeToActivate() and not world.isVisibleToPlayer(entity.boundBox()) then --- > if isTimeToActivate() and not world.isVisibleToPlayer(object.boundBox()) then 27c27 < entity.playSound("use") --- > animator.playSound("use") 33c33 < for i, option in ipairs(entity.configParameter("projectileOptions"), {}) do --- > for i, option in ipairs(config.getParameter("projectileOptions"), {}) do 41c41 < world.spawnProjectile(projectile.projectileType, entity.position(),, args.source, false, projectile.projectileParams) --- > world.spawnProjectile(projectile.projectileType, object.position(),, args.source, false, projectile.projectileParams) 49c49 < entity.setAnimationState("podState", "active") --- > animator.setAnimationState("podState", "active") 52c52 < entity.setInteractive(true) --- > object.setInteractive(true) 56c56 < entity.setAnimationState("podState", "expire") --- > animator.setAnimationState("podState", "expire") 59c59 < entity.setInteractive(false) --- > object.setInteractive(false) scripts\tenant.lua 8c8 < tenant.despawn() --- > tenant.despawn(true) 11,21c11,29 < function tenant.despawn() < entity.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) < entity.setDropPools({}) < < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() < local position = mcontroller.position() < local collisionArea = {bounds[1] + position[1], bounds[2] + position[2], bounds[3] + position[1], bounds[4] + position[2]} < if world.isVisibleToPlayer(collisionArea) then < status.addEphemeralEffect("beamoutanddie") < else < status.setResource("health", 0) --- > function tenant.isTenant() > return storage.respawner ~= nil > end > > function tenant.despawn(visibly) > if entity.entityType() == "monster" then > capturable.recall() > elseif entity.entityType() == "npc" then > npc.setDeathParticleBurst(nil) > npc.setDropPools({}) > > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > local position = mcontroller.position() > local collisionArea = {bounds[1] + position[1], bounds[2] + position[2], bounds[3] + position[1], bounds[4] + position[2]} > if visibly and world.isVisibleToPlayer(collisionArea) then > status.addEphemeralEffect("beamoutanddie") > else > self.forceDie = true > end 22a31 > 26c35 < function tenant.setHome(position, boundary, deedUniqueId, preservedStorage) --- > function tenant.setHome(position, boundary, deedUniqueId, skipNotification) 30,35c39,43 < notify({ type = "tenant.setHome" }) < tenant.restore(preservedStorage) < end < < function tenant.restore(preservedStorage) < util.mergeTable(storage, preservedStorage or {}) --- > if not skipNotification then > notify({ type = "tenant.setHome" }) > end > > status.addEphemeralEffect("beamin") 37,38c45,46 < for slot, item in pairs(storage.itemSlots or {}) do < entity.setItemSlot(slot, item) --- > if entity.entityType() == "monster" then > capturable.startReleaseAnimation() 42,49c50,55 < function tenant.preservedStorage() < return { < itemSlots = storage.itemSlots, < relationships = storage.relationships, < criminal = storage.criminal, < stolen = storage.stolen, < extraMerchantItems = storage.extraMerchantItems < } --- > function tenant.detachFromSpawner() > if not storage.respawner then return end > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(storage.respawner) > assert(entityId and world.entityExists(entityId)) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "detachTenant", entity.uniqueId()) > storage.respawner = nil 53,54c59 < local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId( < if storage.respawner and uniqueId then --- > if storage.respawner and entity.uniqueId() and preservedStorage then 57c62 < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "backupTenantStorage", uniqueId, tenant.preservedStorage()) --- > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "backupTenantStorage", entity.uniqueId(), preservedStorage()) 87a93,156 > function tenant.setNpcType(npcType) > if npc.npcType() == npcType then return end > > npc.resetLounging() > > -- Changing the tenant's npc type consists of: > -- 1. Spawning a new npc at our current position > -- 2. Updating the colonydeed with the new npc's npcType and uniqueId > -- 3. Killing ourself > -- This is done to turn villagers into crewmembers. > > -- Preserve head item slots, even if they haven't changed from the default: > storage.itemSlots = storage.itemSlots or {} > if not storage.itemSlots.headCosmetic and not storage.itemSlots.headCosmetic then > storage.itemSlots.headCosmetic = npc.getItemSlot("headCosmetic") > end > if not storage.itemSlots.head then > storage.itemSlots.head = npc.getItemSlot("head") > end > storage.itemSlots.primary = nil > storage.itemSlots.alt = nil > > local newUniqueId = sb.makeUuid() > local newEntityId = world.spawnNpc(entity.position(), npc.species(), npcType, npc.level(), npc.seed(), { > identity = npc.humanoidIdentity(), > scriptConfig = { > personality = personality(), > initialStorage = preservedStorage(), > uniqueId = newUniqueId > } > }) > > if storage.respawner then > assert(newUniqueId and newEntityId) > world.callScriptedEntity(newEntityId, "tenant.setHome", storage.homePosition, storage.homeBoundary, storage.respawner, true) > > local spawnerId = world.loadUniqueEntity(storage.respawner) > assert(spawnerId and world.entityExists(spawnerId)) > world.callScriptedEntity(spawnerId, "replaceTenant", entity.uniqueId(), { > uniqueId = newUniqueId, > type = npcType > }) > end > > tenant.despawn(false) > end > > function tenant.graduate() > if storage.respawner then > local respawnerEntityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(storage.respawner) > if world.entityExists(respawnerEntityId) then > if world.callScriptedEntity(respawnerEntityId, "countMonsterTenants") > 0 then > return > end > end > end > > local graduation = config.getParameter("questGenerator.graduation") > if graduation and #graduation.nextNpcType > 0 then > local nextNpcType = util.weightedRandom(graduation.nextNpcType) > tenant.setNpcType(nextNpcType) > end > end > 121a191,204 > return true > end > > function replaceNpc(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > npcType = "villager" > }) > > local npcType = args.npcType > if type(npcType) == "table" then > npcType = npcType[math.random(#npcType)] > end > > tenant.setNpcType(npcType) scripts\util.lua 10c10 < for i, sensor in ipairs(entity.configParameter(sensorGroup)) do --- > for i, sensor in ipairs(config.getParameter(sensorGroup)) do 15c15 < if world.pointTileCollision(entity.toAbsolutePosition(sensor), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then --- > if world.pointTileCollision(monster.toAbsolutePosition(sensor), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic"}) then 103a104,107 > function util.tileCenter(pos) > return {math.floor(pos[1]) + 0.5, math.floor(pos[2]) + 0.5} > end > 118c122 < for _,value in ipairs(t) do --- > for i,value in ipairs(t) do 121c125 < if current == index then return value end --- > if current == index then return value, i end 139a144,151 > function util.rep(f, n) > local values = {} > for i = 1, n do > values[i] = f() > end > return values > end > 147a160,203 > function util.count(t,value) > local count = 0 > for _,v in pairs(t) do > if v == value then count = count + 1 end > end > return count > end > > function util.fold(t, a, func) > for _,v in pairs(t) do > a = func(a, v) > end > return a > end > > function util.mapWithKeys(t, func, newTable) > newTable = newTable or {} > for k,v in pairs(t) do > newTable[k] = func(k,v) > end > return newTable > end > > function util.zipWith(tbl1, tbl2, func, newTable) > newTable = newTable or {} > for k,_ in pairs(tbl1) do > newTable[k] = func(tbl1[k], tbl2[k]) > end > for k,_ in pairs(tbl2) do > if tbl1[k] == nil then > newTable[k] = func(tbl1[k], tbl2[k]) > end > end > return newTable > end > > function util.toList(t) > local list = {} > for _,v in pairs(t) do > table.insert(list, v) > end > return list > end > 164c220 < self.targetId = entity.closestValidTarget(distance) --- > self.targetId = util.closestValidTarget(distance) 169c225 < local targetId = entity.closestValidTarget(switchTargetDistance) --- > local targetId = util.closestValidTarget(switchTargetDistance) 179a236,254 > function util.nearestPosition(positions) > local bestDistance = nil > local bestPosition = nil > for _,position in pairs(positions) do > local distance = world.magnitude(position, entity.position()) > if not bestDistance or distance < bestDistance then > bestPosition = position > bestDistance = distance > end > end > return bestPosition > end > > function util.closestValidTarget(range) > local newTargets = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), range, { includedTypes = {"player", "npc", "monster"}, order = "nearest" }) > local valid = util.find(newTargets, function(targetId) return entity.isValidTarget(targetId) and entity.entityInSight(targetId) end) > return valid or 0 > end > 198a274,321 > function util.interval(interval, func, initialInterval) > local time = initialInterval or interval > return function(dt) > time = time - dt > if time <= 0 then > time = time + interval > func() > end > end > end > > function util.uniqueEntityTracker(uniqueId, interval) > return coroutine.wrap(function() > while true do > local promise = world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId) > while not promise:finished() do > coroutine.yield(false) > end > coroutine.yield(promise:result()) > util.wait(interval or 0) > end > end) > end > > function util.multipleEntityTracker(uniqueIds, interval, choiceCallback) > choiceCallback = choiceCallback or util.nearestPosition > > local trackers = {} > for _,uniqueId in pairs(uniqueIds) do > table.insert(trackers, util.uniqueEntityTracker(uniqueId, interval)) > end > > return coroutine.wrap(function() > local positions = {} > while true do > for i,tracker in pairs(trackers) do > local position = tracker() > if position then > positions[i] = position > end > end > > local best = choiceCallback(util.toList(positions)) > coroutine.yield(best) > end > end) > end > 295c418 < --- > 300c423 < --- > 305c428 < --- > 310c433 < --- > 340,343c463 < -- Although math.random is documented as supporting ints, it doesn't actually < -- return Lua's new 64-bit integer type. So if you provide a range larger than < -- 0 - 2^31 it stops being random. < return math.random(0, 2^31) --- > return sb.makeRandomSource():randu64() 370a491,514 > function util.pathDirectory(path) > local parts = util.split(path, "/") > local directory = "/" > for i=1, #parts-1 do > if parts[i] ~= "" then > directory =[i].."/" > end > end > return directory > end > > function util.split(str, sep) > local parts = {} > repeat > local s, e = string.find(str, sep) > if s == nil then break end > > table.insert(parts, string.sub(str, 1, s-1)) > str = string.sub(str, e+1) > until string.find(str, sep) == nil > table.insert(parts, str) > return parts > end > 388a533,540 > > function util.sum(values) > local sum = 0 > for _,v in pairs(values) do > sum = sum + v > end > return sum > end 428c580 < function util.debugLog(...) return self.debug and world.logInfo(...) end --- > function util.debugLog(...) return self.debug and sb.logInfo(...) end 451,452c603,604 < local startAngle = math.pi*2 / sections * (i-1) < local endAngle = math.pi*2 / sections * i --- > local startAngle = math.pi * 2 / sections * (i-1) > local endAngle = math.pi * 2 / sections * i 506a659,678 > function util.tableValues(tbl) > local values = {} > for _,value in pairs(tbl) do > values[#values+1] = value > end > return values > end > > function util.tableSize(tbl) > local size = 0 > for _,_ in pairs(tbl) do > size = size + 1 > end > return size > end > > function util.tableWrap(tbl, i) > return tbl[util.wrap(i, 1, #tbl)] > end > 519a692,701 > function util.stringTags(str) > local tags = {} > local tagStart, tagEnd = str:find("<.->") > while tagStart do > table.insert(tags, str:sub(tagStart+1, tagEnd-1)) > tagStart, tagEnd = str:find("<.->", tagEnd+1) > end > return tags > end > 532a715 > setmetatable(c, getmetatable(v)) 547c730 < return true --- > return true 610a794,809 > function bind(fun, ...) > local boundArgs = {...} > return function(...) > local args = {} > util.appendLists(args, boundArgs) > util.appendLists(args, {...}) > return fun(table.unpack(args)) > end > end > > function util.wrapFunction(fun, wrapper) > return function (...) > return wrapper(fun, ...) > end > end > 620a820,823 > if state == nil then > self.state = nil > return > end 626a830,899 > end > > -- Very basic and probably not that reliable profiler > Profiler = {} > function Profiler:new() > local instance = { > totals = {}, > timers = {}, > ticks = 0 > } > setmetatable(instance, { __index = self }) > return instance > end > > function Profiler:start(key) > self.timers[key] = os.clock() > end > > function Profiler:stop(key) > if not self.totals[key] then > self.totals[key] = 0 > end > if self.timers[key] then > self.totals[key] = self.totals[key] + (os.clock() - self.timers[key]) > self.timers[key] = nil > end > end > > function Profiler:tick() > self.ticks = self.ticks + 1 > end > > function Profiler:dump() > local profiles = util.keys(self.totals) > table.sort(profiles, function(a,b) return self.totals[a] > self.totals[b] end) > sb.logInfo("-- PROFILE --") > for _,profile in ipairs(profiles) do > sb.logInfo("[%s] %s", profile, self.totals[profile]) > end > sb.logInfo("-- END --") > end > > > -- ControlMap > -- Simple helper for activating named values and clearing them > -- I.e damage sources, physics regions etc > ControlMap = {} > function ControlMap:new(controlValues) > local instance = { > controlValues = controlValues, > activeValues = {} > } > setmetatable(instance, { __index = self }) > return instance > end > > function ControlMap:contains(name) > return self.controlValues[name] ~= nil > end > > function ControlMap:clear() > self.activeValues = {} > end > > function ControlMap:setActive(name) > self.activeValues[name] = copy(self.controlValues[name]) > end > > function ControlMap:values() > return util.toList(self.activeValues) scripts\vec2.lua 69d68 < if vector[1] < 0 then angle = math.pi - angle end 83,84c82,83 < function vec2.withAngle(angle) < return vec2.rotate({1, 0}, angle) --- > function vec2.withAngle(angle, magnitude) > return vec2.rotate({magnitude or 1, 0}, angle) 106c105,125 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > function vec2.floor(vector) > return { math.floor(vector[1]), math.floor(vector[2]) } > end > > function vec2.approach(vector, target, rate) > local maxDist = math.max(math.abs(target[1] - vector[1]), math.abs(target[2] - vector[2])) > if maxDist <= rate then return target end > > local fractionalRate = rate / maxDist > return { > vector[1] + fractionalRate * (target[1] - vector[1]), > vector[2] + fractionalRate * (target[2] - vector[2]) > } > end > > function vec2.print(vector, precision) > local fstring = "%."..precision.."f, %."..precision.."f" > return string.format(fstring, vector[1], vector[2]) > end scripts\actions\builders.lua 2,3d1 < require "/scripts/behavior/composite.lua" < require "/scripts/behavior/decorator.lua" 8,17c6,14 < sequenceActions = < actions["sequenceActions"] = sequenceActions < function < local selector = < selector.children = {} < for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do < local actionModule = { < type = "module", < name =, < parameters = action.parameters or {} --- > function sequenceActions(args, output, node) > if #args.actions == 0 then return false end > > local tree = BData:getTable("sequenceActions-" > if not tree then > local sequence = { > type = "composite", > name = "sequence", > children = {} 19,25c16,20 < if action.cooldown then < local cooldown = { < type = "decorator", < name = "cooldown", < parameters = { < cooldown = action.cooldown < } --- > for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do > local actionModule = { > type = "module", > name =, > parameters = action.parameters or {} 27,30c22,34 < cooldown.child = actionModule < table.insert(selector.children, cooldown) < else < table.insert(selector.children, actionModule) --- > if action.cooldown then > local cooldown = { > type = "decorator", > name = "cooldown", > parameters = { > cooldown = action.cooldown > } > } > cooldown.child = actionModule > table.insert(sequence.children, cooldown) > else > table.insert(sequence.children, actionModule) > end 32d35 < end 34,35c37,39 < return selector < end --- > tree = BTree:new({root = sequence, scripts = {}}) > BData:setTable("sequenceActions-", tree) > end 37,38c41,49 < function sequenceActions.fromJson(node) < return --- > node.onClear = function() tree:clear(true) end > while true do > local result = tree:run(args.dt) > if result == false or result == true then > return result > else > args.dt = coroutine.yield().dt > end > end 42,55c53,61 < selectorActions = < actions["selectorActions"] = selectorActions < function < args = parseArgs(args, { < dynamic = false, < actions = {} < }) < local selector = args.dynamic and or < selector.children = {} < for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do < local actionModule = { < type = "module", < name =, < parameters = action.parameters or {} --- > function selectorActions(args, output, node) > if #args.actions == 0 then return false end > > local tree = BData:getTable("selectorActions-" > if not tree then > local selector = { > type = "composite", > name = "selector", > children = {} 57,63c63,67 < if action.cooldown then < local cooldown = { < type = "decorator", < name = "cooldown", < parameters = { < cooldown = action.cooldown < } --- > for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do > local actionModule = { > type = "module", > name =, > parameters = action.parameters or {} 65,68c69,81 < cooldown.child = actionModule < table.insert(selector.children, cooldown) < else < table.insert(selector.children, actionModule) --- > if action.cooldown then > local cooldown = { > type = "decorator", > name = "cooldown", > parameters = { > cooldown = action.cooldown > } > } > cooldown.child = actionModule > table.insert(selector.children, cooldown) > else > table.insert(selector.children, actionModule) > end 70d82 < end 72,73c84,86 < return selector < end --- > tree = BTree:new({root = selector, scripts = {}}) > BData:setTable("selectorActions-", tree) > end 75,76c88,96 < function selectorActions.fromJson(node) < return --- > node.onClear = function() tree:clear(true) end > while true do > local result = tree:run(args.dt) > if result == false or result == true then > return result > else > args.dt = coroutine.yield().dt > end > end 80,89c100,108 < parallelActions = < actions["parallelActions"] = parallelActions < function < local parallel ={success = -1, fail = -1}) < parallel.children = {} < for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do < local actionModule = { < type = "module", < name =, < parameters = action.parameters or {} --- > function parallelActions(args, output, node) > if #args.actions == 0 then return false end > > local tree = BData:getTable("parallelActions-" > if not tree then > local parallel = { > type = "composite", > name = "parallel", > children = {} 91,97c110,114 < if action.cooldown then < local cooldown = { < type = "decorator", < name = "cooldown", < parameters = { < cooldown = action.cooldown < } --- > for _,action in pairs(args.actions) do > local actionModule = { > type = "module", > name =, > parameters = action.parameters or {} 99,102c116,128 < cooldown.child = actionModule < table.insert(parallel.children, cooldown) < else < table.insert(parallel.children, actionModule) --- > if action.cooldown then > local cooldown = { > type = "decorator", > name = "cooldown", > parameters = { > cooldown = action.cooldown > } > } > cooldown.child = actionModule > table.insert(parallel.children, cooldown) > else > table.insert(parallel.children, actionModule) > end 103a130,132 > > tree = BTree:new({root = parallel, scripts = {}}) > BData:setTable("parallelActions-", tree) 106c135,143 < return parallel --- > node.onClear = function() tree:clear(true) end > while true do > local result = tree:run(args.dt) > if result == false or result == true then > return result > else > args.dt = coroutine.yield().dt > end > end 108,111d144 < < function parallelActions.fromJson(node) < return < end \ No newline at end of file scripts\actions\crawling.lua 25,26d24 < < local ground, headingDirection, headingAngle = setGroundDirection(findGroundDirection()) 29,30d26 < local controlForce = baseParameters.groundForce < local mass = baseParameters.mass 31a28 > local headingAngle 33,38c30 < local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end < < -- Fail when not adjacent to any blocks < if not findGroundDirection() then break end < ground, headingDirection, headingAngle = setGroundDirection(ground) --- > local groundDirection = findGroundDirection() 40,53c32,35 < -- Rotate to ground slope < local newDirection = groundSlopeDirection(headingAngle) < if newDirection then < headingDirection = newDirection < headingAngle = math.atan(headingDirection[2], headingDirection[1]) < ground = vec2.rotate(headingDirection, -math.pi/2) < end < < mcontroller.controlParameters({ < gravityEnabled = false < }) < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(vec2.rotate(headingDirection, -math.pi/2), moveSpeed), 50) < local moveDirection = vec2.mul(headingDirection, direction) < mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(math.atan(moveDirection[2], moveDirection[1]), moveSpeed, 2000) --- > if groundDirection then > if not headingAngle then > headingAngle = (math.atan(groundDirection[2], groundDirection[1]) + math.pi / 2) % (math.pi * 2) > end 55,56c37,38 < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), vec2.add(vec2.mul(moveDirection, 5), mcontroller.position()), "yellow") < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.mul(vec2.rotate(headingDirection, -math.pi/2), 5)), "blue") --- > local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) > if direction == nil then return false end 58,59c40 < BData:setVec2(output.headingDirection, headingDirection) < BData:setNumber(output.headingAngle, headingAngle) --- > headingAngle = adjustCornerHeading(headingAngle, direction) 61c42,58 < coroutine.yield("running") --- > local groundAngle = headingAngle - (math.pi / 2) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.withAngle(groundAngle, moveSpeed), 50) > > local moveDirection = vec2.rotate({direction, 0}, headingAngle) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocityAlongAngle(math.atan(moveDirection[2], moveDirection[1]), moveSpeed, 2000) > > BData:setVec2(output.headingDirection, vec2.withAngle(headingAngle)) > BData:setNumber(output.headingAngle, headingAngle) > > mcontroller.controlParameters({ > gravityEnabled = false > }) > > coroutine.yield("running") > else > break > end 78,82d74 < local groundDirection = findGroundDirection() < if groundDirection == nil then return false end < < local ground, headingDirection, headingAngle = setGroundDirection(groundDirection) < 85c77,78 < if not findGroundDirection() then break end --- > local groundDirection = findGroundDirection() > if not groundDirection then break end 88,98c81,82 < if output.forwardAngle then < for i = 1, args.rotationStepsPerUpdate do < local newDirection = groundSlopeDirection(headingAngle) < if newDirection then < headingDirection = newDirection < local angleDiff = interp.angleDiff(headingAngle, math.atan(headingDirection[2], headingDirection[1])) < headingAngle = interp.linear(args.rotationRate, headingAngle, headingAngle + angleDiff) < ground = vec2.rotate(headingDirection, -math.pi/2) < end < end < end --- > local headingAngle = (math.atan(groundDirection[2], groundDirection[1]) + math.pi / 2) % (math.pi * 2) > headingAngle = adjustCornerHeading(headingAngle, mcontroller.facingDirection()) 100c84 < BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, ground) --- > BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, groundDirection) 109c93 < BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, {0,1}) --- > BData:setVec2(output.groundDirection, {0,-1}) 115,127c99,107 < function groundSlopeDirection(headingAngle) < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() < < local leftLine = poly.translate(poly.rotate({{bounds[1] - 0.1, bounds[4] - 0.5}, {bounds[1] - 0.1, bounds[2] - 1}}, headingAngle), mcontroller.position()) < local rightLine = poly.translate(poly.rotate({{bounds[3] + 0.1, bounds[4] - 0.5}, {bounds[3] + 0.1, bounds[2] - 1}}, headingAngle), mcontroller.position()) < < world.debugLine(leftLine[1], leftLine[2], "red") < world.debugLine(rightLine[1], rightLine[2], "red") < < local leftIntersect = world.lineCollision(leftLine[1], leftLine[2]) or leftLine[2] < local rightIntersect = world.lineCollision(rightLine[1], rightLine[2]) or rightLine[2] < if leftIntersect and rightIntersect then < return vec2.norm(world.distance(rightIntersect, leftIntersect)) --- > function adjustCornerHeading(headingAngle, direction) > -- adjust direction for concave corners > local adjustment = 0 > for a = 0, math.pi, math.pi / 4 do > local testPos = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.rotate({direction * 0.25, 0}, headingAngle + (direction * a))) > adjustment = direction * a > if not world.polyCollision(poly.translate(poly.scale(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), 1.0), testPos)) then > break > end 129c109 < end --- > headingAngle = headingAngle + adjustment 131,134c111,121 < function setGroundDirection(ground) < local headingDirection = {-ground[2], ground[1]} < local headingAngle = math.atan(headingDirection[2], headingDirection[1]) < return ground, headingDirection, headingAngle --- > -- adjust direction for convex corners > adjustment = 0 > for a = 0, -math.pi, -math.pi / 4 do > local testPos = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.rotate({direction * 0.25, 0}, headingAngle + (direction * a))) > if world.polyCollision(poly.translate(poly.scale(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), 1.0), testPos)) then > break > end > adjustment = direction * a > end > headingAngle = headingAngle + adjustment > return headingAngle 138,145c125,131 < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() < local groundRect = {bounds[1], bounds[2] - entity.configParameter("crawlMaxGroundDistance", 0.5), bounds[3], bounds[2]} < local directions = {{0,-1}, {1,0}, {0,1}, {-1,0}} < for i = 1, 4 do < local angle = (i - 1) * math.pi/2 < if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(rect.rotate(groundRect, angle), mcontroller.position())) then < return directions[i] < end --- > for i = 0, 7 do > local angle = (i * math.pi / 4) - math.pi / 2 > local collisionSet = i == 1 and self.platformCollisionSet or self.normalCollisionSet > local testPos = vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.withAngle(angle, 0.25)) > if world.polyCollision(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), testPos), nil, collisionSet) then > return vec2.withAngle(angle, 1.0) > end scripts\actions\dialog.lua 0a1,14 > function context() > return _ENV[entity.entityType()] > end > > function entityVariant() > if entity.entityType() == "monster" then > return monster.type() > elseif entity.entityType() == "npc" then > return npc.npcType() > elseif entity.entityType() == "object" then > return world.entityName( > end > end > 2c16 < local configEntry = entity.configParameter(dialogKey) --- > local configEntry = config.getParameter(dialogKey) 23c37 < local species = entity.species() --- > local species = context().species and context().species() or "default" 25a40 > local targetDialog 27c42 < dialog = dialog[world.entitySpecies(targetId)] or dialog.default --- > targetDialog = dialog[world.entitySpecies(targetId)] or dialog.default 29c44 < dialog = dialog.default --- > targetDialog = dialog.default 32c47,51 < return dialog --- > if dialog.generic then > targetDialog = util.mergeLists(dialog.generic, targetDialog) > end > > return targetDialog 36c55 < math.randomseed(entity.seed()) --- > math.randomseed(context().seed()) 39a59,64 > function sequenceDialog(list, sequenceKey) > self.dialogSequence = self.dialogSequence or {} > self.dialogSequence[sequenceKey] = (self.dialogSequence[sequenceKey] or -1) + 1 > return list[(self.dialogSequence[sequenceKey] % #list) + 1] > end > 43a69,101 > function randomChatSound() > local chatSounds = config.getParameter("chatSounds", {}) > > local speciesSounds = chatSounds[npc.species()] or chatSounds.default > if not speciesSounds then return nil end > > local genderSounds = speciesSounds[npc.gender()] or speciesSounds.default > if not genderSounds then return nil end > if type(genderSounds) ~= "table" then return genderSounds end > if #genderSounds == 0 then return nil end > > return genderSounds[math.random(#genderSounds)] > end > > -- output dialog > -- output source > function receiveClueDialog(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, {}) > > local notification = util.find(self.notifications, function(n) return n.type == "giveClue" end) > if notification then > local dialog = root.assetJson(notification.dialog) > BData:setTable(output.dialog, dialog) > BData:setEntity(output.source, notification.sourceId) > > local dialogLine = staticRandomizeDialog(speciesDialog(dialog, notification.sourceId)) > world.sendEntityMessage(notification.sourceId, "dialogClueReceived", dialogLine) > return true > else > return false > end > end > 48a107 > dialog = nil, 53,54c112,131 < local dialog = queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId) < dialog = staticRandomizeDialog(dialog, args.dialogType) --- > > local dialog = BData:getTable(args.dialog) > if dialog then > dialog = speciesDialog(dialog, entityId) > else > dialog = queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId) > end > local dialogMode = config.getParameter("dialogMode", "static") > > if dialog == nil then > error(string.format("Dialog type %s not specified in %s", args.dialogType, entityVariant())) > end > > if dialogMode == "static" then > dialog = staticRandomizeDialog(dialog) > elseif dialogMode == "sequence" then > dialog = sequenceDialog(dialog, args.dialogType) > else > dialog = randomizeDialog(dialog) > end 57a135,137 > if entityId then args.tags.entityname = world.entityName(entityId) end > > local options = {} 59c139,166 < entity.say(dialog, args.tags) --- > -- Only NPCs have sound support > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > options.sound = randomChatSound() > end > > context().say(dialog, args.tags, options) > return true > end > > -- param entity > function inspectEntity(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > entity = "target" > }) > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > if not entityId or not world.entityExists(entityId) then return false end > > local options = {} > local species = nil > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > species = npc.species() > options.sound = randomChatSound() > end > > local dialog = world.entityDescription(entityId, species) > if not dialog then return false end > > context().say(dialog, {}, options) 71c178,179 < self.currentDialog = queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId) --- > self.currentDialog = copy(queryDialog(args.dialogType, entityId)) > self.currentDialogTarget = entityId 78a187,211 > -- param content > function say(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > content = "nil", > tags = {} > }) > > local portrait = config.getParameter("chatPortrait") > > args.tags.selfname = world.entityName( > > local options = {} > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > options.sound = randomChatSound() > end > > if portrait == nil then > context().say(args.content, args.tags, options) > else > context().sayPortrait(args.content, portrait, args.tags, options) > end > > return true > end > 86c219 < local portrait = entity.configParameter("chatPortrait") --- > local portrait = config.getParameter("chatPortrait") 88a222,227 > if self.currentDialogTarget then args.tags.entityname = world.entityName(self.currentDialogTarget) end > > local options = {} > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > options.sound = randomChatSound() > end 91c230 < entity.say(self.currentDialog[1], args.tags) --- > context().say(self.currentDialog[1], args.tags, options) 93c232,235 < entity.sayPortrait(self.currentDialog[1], portrait, args.tags) --- > if #self.currentDialog > 1 then > options.drawMoreIndicator = true > end > context().sayPortrait(self.currentDialog[1], portrait, args.tags, options) 96a239,248 > return true > end > > function hasMoreDialog(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > tags = {} > }) > > if self.currentDialog == nil or #self.currentDialog == 0 then return false end > scripts\actions\flying.lua 32,34c32,41 < world.debugPoint(groundPoint, "green") < world.debugLine(ceilingLine[1], ceilingLine[2], "blue") < world.debugPoint(ceilingPoint, "green") --- > -- Find liquid > local x = mcontroller.position()[1] > for y=groundLine[1][2], groundPoint[2], -1 do > y = math.floor(y) > local liquid = world.liquidAt({x, y}) > if liquid then > groundPoint = {x, y + liquid[2]} > break > end > end 39d45 < world.debugLine(groundLine[1], groundApproachPoint, "yellow") 83c89,170 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > -- param position > -- param maxAngle > -- param speed > function flyInGeneralDirection(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > position = nil, > maxAngle = 30, > speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed > }) > > local direction > while true do > mcontroller.controlDown() > > local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) > local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) > local maxAngle = util.toRadians(BData:getNumber(args.maxAngle)) > > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(position, mcontroller.position())) > if direction == nil or math.acos(, direction)) > maxAngle then > direction = vec2.rotate(toTarget, (util.randomDirection() * math.random() * maxAngle)) > end > > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(direction, speed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) > mcontroller.controlFace(util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.mul(direction, 10)), "blue") > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") > > coroutine.yield("running") > end > > return true > end > > > function swarmPosition(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > maxRange = 8, > minMoveDistance = 4, > idleTime = 0.5, > center = nil > }) > > local minMoveDistance, maxRange, idleTime = BData:getNumber(args.minMoveDistance), BData:getNumber(args.maxRange), BData:getNumber(args.idleTime) > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > > while true do > local center = BData:getPosition( > local position = center > > if world.lineTileCollision(position, mcontroller.position()) then > return false > end > repeat > local distance = math.random(0, maxRange) > local angle = math.random() * math.pi * 2 > local offset = {math.cos(angle) * distance, math.sin(angle) * distance} > position = vec2.add(center, offset) > coroutine.yield("running") > until not world.lineTileCollision(center, position) > and not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, position)) > and world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) > minMoveDistance > > repeat > local toTarget = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) > mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(vec2.norm(toTarget), mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) > > if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(rect.pad(bounds, 0.25), mcontroller.position())) then > return false > end > coroutine.yield("running") > until world.magnitude(position, mcontroller.position()) < 1.0 > > local timer = idleTime > while timer > 0 do > timer = timer - args.dt > args = coroutine.yield("running") > end > end > end scripts\actions\math.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/interp.lua" > 41,42c43,44 < local first = BData:getNumber(first) < local second = BData:getNumber(second) --- > local first = BData:getNumber(args.first) > local second = BData:getNumber(args.second) 84c86 < local second = BData:getVec2(args.second) --- > local second = BData:getVec2(args.second) or BData:getNumber(args.second) 137a140 > -- param chance 140c143,145 < chance = 0.5 --- > chance = 0.5, > seed = nil, > seedMix = nil 145c150,175 < return math.random() < chance --- > if args.seedMix then > local seed = seed or (npc and npc.seed()) or (monster and monster.seed()) or generateSeed() > return sb.staticRandomDouble(seed, args.seedMix) < chance > else > if seed then > return sb.makeRandomSource(seed):randd() < chance > else > return math.random() < chance > end > end > end > > -- param min > -- param max > -- param ratio > -- output number > function lerp(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > min = 0, > max = 1, > ratio = 0 > }) > local min, max, ratio = BData:getNumber(args.min), BData:getNumber(args.max), BData:getNumber(args.ratio) > > BData:setNumber(output.number, interp.linear(ratio, min, max)) > return true 165c195,207 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > -- param first > -- param second > function gte(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > first = nil, > second = nil > }) > > local first, second = BData:getNumber(args.first), BData:getNumber(args.second) > return first >= second > end scripts\actions\merchant.lua 1c1 < require("/scripts/util.lua") --- > require "/scripts/util.lua" 5c5 < local level = entity.level() --- > local level = npc.level() 7c7 < self.merchantPools = root.assetJson(entity.configParameter("merchant.poolsFile", "/npcs/merchantpools.config")) --- > self.merchantPools = root.assetJson(config.getParameter("merchant.poolsFile", "/npcs/merchantpools.config")) 21c21 < if item.item.parameters then item.item.parameters.level = entity.level() end --- > if item.item.parameters then item.item.parameters.level = npc.level() end 32c32,37 < local seed = tonumber(entity.seed()) --- > local seed > if config.getParameter("merchant.rotateStock", false) then > seed = math.floor(os.time() / config.getParameter("merchant.rotationTime")) > else > seed = tonumber(npc.seed()) > end 42c47 < local numItems = entity.configParameter("merchant.numItems") --- > local numItems = config.getParameter("merchant.numItems") 66c71 < local level = entity.level() --- > local level = npc.level() 78c83 < storage.buyFactor = entity.randomizeParameterRange("merchant.buyFactorRange") --- > storage.buyFactor = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("merchant.buyFactorRange")) 81c86 < storage.sellFactor = entity.randomizeParameterRange("merchant.sellFactorRange") --- > storage.sellFactor = util.randomInRange(config.getParameter("merchant.sellFactorRange")) 90c95 < paneLayoutOverride = entity.configParameter("merchant.paneLayoutOverride", nil) --- > paneLayoutOverride = config.getParameter("merchant.paneLayoutOverride", nil) 140,144c145,149 < local species = entity.species() < if entity.configParameter("merchant.categories.override") then < return entity.configParameter("merchant.categories.override") < elseif entity.configParameter("merchant.categories."..species) then < return entity.configParameter("merchant.categories."..species) --- > local species = npc.species() > if config.getParameter("merchant.categories.override") then > return config.getParameter("merchant.categories.override") > elseif config.getParameter("merchant.categories."..species) then > return config.getParameter("merchant.categories."..species) 146c151 < return entity.configParameter("merchant.categories.default") --- > return config.getParameter("merchant.categories.default") scripts\actions\movement.lua 16c16,17 < local facingMode = entity.configParameter("facingMode", "control") --- > direction = util.toDirection(direction) > local facingMode = config.getParameter("facingMode", "control") 19,20c20,21 < if entity.setAimPosition then < entity.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction, -1})) --- > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > npc.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction * 5, -5})) 24,25c25,26 < entity.resetTransformationGroup("facing") < entity.scaleTransformationGroup("facing", {util.toDirection(direction), 1}) --- > animator.resetTransformationGroup("facing") > animator.scaleTransformationGroup("facing", {util.toDirection(direction), 1}) 34a36,84 > -- param entity > -- param target > -- output direction > -- output vector > -- output yDirection > function entityDirection(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > entity = "self", > target = "entity", > offset = {0,0} > }) > > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > local targetId = BData:getEntity( > local offset = BData:getVec2(args.offset) > if entityId == nil or not world.entityExists(entityId) or targetId == nil or not world.entityExists(targetId) then return false end > > local toTarget = world.distance(world.entityPosition(targetId), vec2.add(world.entityPosition(entityId), offset)) > BData:setVec2(output.vector, toTarget); > BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) > BData:setNumber(output.yDirection, util.toDirection(toTarget[2])) > return true > end > > -- param position > -- param target > -- param heading > -- param facingDirection > -- output angle > function entityAngle(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > position = "self", > entity = "", > heading = 0 > }) > > local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > if position == nil or entityId == nil then return false end > > local heading = BData:getNumber(args.heading) > local toEntity = world.distance(world.entityPosition(entityId), position) > toEntity = vec2.norm(vec2.rotate(toEntity, -heading)) > > BData:setNumber(output.angle, math.atan(toEntity[2], math.abs(toEntity[1]))) > BData:setNumber(output.direction, toEntity[1]) > return true > end > 37,39c87 < move = BTNode:new() < actions["move"] = move < function, output) --- > function move(args, output, node) 44,62d91 < local newNode = { < args = args < } < setmetatable(newNode, extend(move)) < return newNode < end < function move.fromJson(node) < return, node.output) < end < function move:run() < if not self.taskHandle then < self.taskHandle = addWorker(function() < local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() < local collisionPoly = mcontroller.collisionPoly() < while true do < local run = < if entity.configParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then < if run == true then run = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end < end 64,77c93,94 < local direction = BData:getNumber(self.args.direction) < if direction == nil then return false end < local position = mcontroller.position() < position = {position[1], math.ceil(position[2]) - (bounds[2] % 1)} -- align bottom of the bound box with the ground < < local move = false < -- Check for walls < for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do < --util.debugRect(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir})), "yellow") < if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir}))) then < move = true < break < end < end --- > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > local collisionPoly = mcontroller.collisionPoly() 79,88c96,114 < -- Also specifically check for a dumb collision geometry edge case where the ground goes like: < -- < -- # < -- ###### ###### < -- ############# < local boundsEnd = direction > 0 and bounds[3] or bounds[1] < local wallPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd + direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] + 0.5} < local groundPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd - direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] - 0.5} < if world.pointTileCollision(wallPoint) and not world.pointTileCollision(groundPoint) then < move = false --- > local handle = addWorker(function() > while true do > local run = > if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then > if run == true then run = mcontroller.movingDirection() == mcontroller.facingDirection() end > end > > local direction = BData:getNumber(args.direction) > if direction == nil then return false end > local position = mcontroller.position() > position = {position[1], math.ceil(position[2]) - (bounds[2] % 1)} -- align bottom of the bound box with the ground > > local move = false > -- Check for walls > for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do > --util.debugRect(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir})), "yellow") > if not world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(bounds, vec2.add(position, {direction * 0.2, yDir}))) then > move = true > break 89a116,128 > end > > -- Also specifically check for a dumb collision geometry edge case where the ground goes like: > -- > -- # > -- ###### ###### > -- ############# > local boundsEnd = direction > 0 and bounds[3] or bounds[1] > local wallPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd + direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] + 0.5} > local groundPoint = {position[1] + boundsEnd - direction * 0.5, position[2] + bounds[2] - 0.5} > if world.pointTileCollision(wallPoint) and not world.pointTileCollision(groundPoint) then > move = false > end 91,105c130,143 < -- Check for ground for the entire length of the bound box < -- Makes it so the entity can stop before a ledge < if move then < local boundWidth = bounds[3] - bounds[1] < local groundRect = rect.translate({bounds[1], bounds[2] - 1.0, bounds[3], bounds[2]}, position) < local y = 0 < for x = boundWidth % 1, math.ceil(boundWidth) do < move = false < for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do < --util.debugRect(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), "blue") < if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Platform"}) then < move = true < y = y + yDir < break < end --- > -- Check for ground for the entire length of the bound box > -- Makes it so the entity can stop before a ledge > if move then > local boundWidth = bounds[3] - bounds[1] > local groundRect = rect.translate({bounds[1], bounds[2] - 1.0, bounds[3], bounds[2]}, position) > local y = 0 > for x = boundWidth % 1, math.ceil(boundWidth) do > move = false > for _,yDir in pairs({0, -1, 1}) do > --util.debugRect(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), "blue") > if world.rectTileCollision(rect.translate(groundRect, {direction * x, y + yDir}), {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Platform"}) then > move = true > y = y + yDir > break 107d144 < if move == false then break end 108a146 > if move == false then break end 109a148 > end 111,120c150,156 < if move then < mcontroller.controlMove(direction, < if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(direction) end < else < mcontroller.setXVelocity(0) < mcontroller.clearControls() < return false < end < < coroutine.yield("running") --- > if move then > mcontroller.controlMove(direction, > if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(direction) end > else > mcontroller.setXVelocity(0) > mcontroller.clearControls() > return false 122c158,163 < end) --- > > coroutine.yield() > end > end) > node.onClear = function() > removeWorker(handle) 125,130c166,167 < return self.taskHandle() < end < function move:reset() < if self.taskHandle then < removeWorker(self.taskHandle) < self.taskHandle = nil --- > while true do > coroutine.yield(handle()) 170c207 < if entity.configParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then --- > if config.getParameter("pathing.forceWalkingBackwards", false) then 209c246 < BData:setNumber(output.direction, direction) --- > BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(direction)) 235,237c272 < moveToPosition = BTNode:new() < actions["moveToPosition"] = moveToPosition < function, output) --- > function moveToPosition(args, output, node) 240a276 > runSpeed = nil, 247,264d282 < local newNode = { < children = {}, < args = args, < output = output or {} < } < setmetatable(newNode, extend(moveToPosition)) < return newNode < end < function moveToPosition.fromJson(node) < return, node.output) < end < function moveToPosition:run() < if not self.taskHandle then < self.taskHandle = addWorker(function() < if entity.resetLounging then entity.resetLounging() end < local pather = PathMover:new({run =, pathOptions = self.args.pathOptions}) < local targetPosition = BData:getPosition(self.args.position) < local position = false 266,279c284,308 < while true do < mcontroller.clearControls() < local newPosition = BData:getPosition(self.args.position) < local avoidLiquid = BData:getBool(self.args.avoidLiquid) < if not position or (newPosition[1] ~= targetPosition[1] or newPosition[2] ~= targetPosition[2]) then < position = BData:getPosition(self.args.position) < if position then < if self.args.groundPosition then < position = findGroundPosition(position, self.args.minGround, self.args.maxGround, avoidLiquid) < elseif avoidLiquid then < local liquid = world.liquidAt(rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), position)) < if liquid and liquid[2] > 0.1 then < position = nil < end --- > > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then npc.resetLounging() end > local options = { > run = BData:getBool(, > pathOptions = args.pathOptions, > movementParameters = {runSpeed = BData:getNumber(args.runSpeed)} > } > local pather = PathMover:new(options) > local targetPosition = BData:getPosition(args.position) > local position = false > > local handle = addWorker(function() > while true do > mcontroller.clearControls() > local newPosition = BData:getPosition(args.position) > local avoidLiquid = BData:getBool(args.avoidLiquid) > if not position or (newPosition[1] ~= targetPosition[1] or newPosition[2] ~= targetPosition[2]) then > position = BData:getPosition(args.position) > if position then > if args.groundPosition then > position = findGroundPosition(position, args.minGround, args.maxGround, avoidLiquid) > elseif avoidLiquid then > local liquid = world.liquidAt(rect.translate(mcontroller.boundBox(), position)) > if liquid and liquid[2] > 0.1 then > position = nil 283c312,313 < if not position then return false end --- > end > if not position then return false end 285,286c315,316 < util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") < util.debugPoint(position, "yellow") --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") > util.debugPoint(position, "yellow") 288c318,319 < moved = pather:move(position, script.updateDt()) --- > = BData:getBool( > moved = pather:move(position, script.updateDt()) 290c321 < if not setFacingDirection() then controlFace(pather.deltaX) end --- > if not setFacingDirection() and pather.deltaX ~= 0 then controlFace(pather.deltaX) end 292,299c323,328 < BData:setNumber(self.output.direction, util.toDirection(pather.deltaX)) < BData:set("bool", self.output.pathfinding, moved == "pathfinding" or moved == false) < < if moved == true or moved == false then < mcontroller.clearControls() < break < end < coroutine.yield("running") --- > BData:setNumber(output.direction, util.toDirection(pather.deltaX)) > BData:set("bool", output.pathfinding, moved == "pathfinding" or moved == false) > > if moved == true or moved == false then > mcontroller.clearControls() > break 301,302c330,335 < return moved < end) --- > coroutine.yield() > end > return moved > end) > node.onClear = function() > removeWorker(handle) 304,309c337,339 < return self.taskHandle() < end < function moveToPosition:reset() < if self.taskHandle then < removeWorker(self.taskHandle) < self.taskHandle = nil --- > > while true do > coroutine.yield(handle()) 453c483,484 < tolerance = 1 --- > tolerance = 1, > speed = mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed 462a494 > mcontroller.controlDown() 465c497,499 < mcontroller.controlFly(vec2.mul(toTarget, mcontroller.baseParameters().flySpeed)) --- > local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(toTarget, speed), mcontroller.baseParameters().airForce) > mcontroller.controlFace(util.toDirection(toTarget[1])) 467c501,502 < args.dt = coroutine.yield("running").dt --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") > coroutine.yield("running") 495c530,538 < -- param config --- > function clearControls(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > }) > > mcontroller.clearControls() > return true > end > > -- param parameters 498c541 < config = {} --- > parameters = {} 501,502c544,545 < local config = copy(args.config) < config.gravityMultiplier = BData:getNumber(args.config.gravityMultiplier) --- > local parameters = copy(args.parameters) > parameters.gravityMultiplier = BData:getNumber(args.parameters.gravityMultiplier) 504c547 < mcontroller.controlParameters(config) --- > mcontroller.controlParameters(parameters) 514a558 > -- param openLocked 518c562,563 < distance = 1.5 --- > distance = 1.5, > openLocked = false 519a565 > local openLocked = BData:getBool(args.openLocked) 531,533c577,583 < local closedDoorIds = world.entityLineQuery(line[1], line[2], { includedTypes = {"object"}, callScript = "hasCapability", callScriptArgs = { "closedDoor" } }) < for _, closedDoorId in pairs(closedDoorIds) do < local toDoor = world.distance(world.entityPosition(closedDoorId), mcontroller.position()) --- > local closedDoors = world.entityLineQuery(line[1], line[2], { includedTypes = {"object"}, callScript = "hasCapability", callScriptArgs = { "closedDoor" } }) > if openLocked then > local lockedDoors = world.entityLineQuery(line[1], line[2], { includedTypes = {"object"}, callScript = "hasCapability", callScriptArgs = { "lockedDoor" } }) > closedDoors = util.mergeLists(closedDoors, lockedDoors) > end > for _, doorId in pairs(closedDoors) do > local toDoor = world.distance(world.entityPosition(doorId), mcontroller.position()) 535c585 < world.callScriptedEntity(closedDoorId, "openDoor") --- > world.callScriptedEntity(doorId, "openDoor") 564c614 < if not closed and entity.configParameter("canOpenDoors", true) and #npcs == 0 then --- > if not closed and config.getParameter("canOpenDoors", true) and #npcs == 0 then 653,710c703,705 < -- param fromPosition < -- param toPosition < -- param speed < -- param collisionCheck < -- param useHighArc < -- output aimVector < -- output aimAngle < function aimVector(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < fromPosition = "self", < toPosition = nil, < speed = 0, < collisionCheck = true, < gravityMultiplier = nil, < useHighArc = false < }) < < local fromPosition = BData:getPosition(args.fromPosition) < local toPosition = BData:getPosition(args.toPosition) < local speed = BData:getNumber(args.speed) < if fromPosition == nil or speed == nil or toPosition == nil then < return false < end < local gravityMultiplier = BData:getNumber(args.gravityMultiplier) or mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityMultiplier < local toTarget = world.distance(toPosition, fromPosition) < local aimVector, foundVector = util.aimVector(toTarget, speed, gravityMultiplier, args.useHighArc) < if not foundVector then return false end < aimVector = vec2.norm(aimVector) < < -- Simulate the arc and do basic line and poly collision checks < if args.collisionCheck then < local velocity = vec2.mul(aimVector, speed) < local startArc = mcontroller.position() < local x = 0 < while x < math.abs(toTarget[1]) do < local time = x / math.abs(velocity[1]) < local yVel = velocity[2] - (gravityMultiplier * world.gravity(mcontroller.position()) * time) < local step = vec2.add({util.toDirection(aimVector[1]) * x, ((velocity[2] + yVel) / 2) * time}, mcontroller.position()) < < if world.lineTileCollision(startArc, step) or world.polyCollision(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), step)) then < util.debugLine(startArc, step, "red") < util.debugPoly(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), step), "red") < return false < else < util.debugLine(startArc, step, "yellow") < util.debugPoly(poly.translate(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), step), "yellow") < end < < startArc = step < local arcVector = vec2.norm({velocity[1], yVel}) < x = x + math.abs(arcVector[1]) < end < end < < BData:setVec2(output.aimVector, aimVector) < BData:setNumber(output.aimAngle, math.atan(aimVector[2], aimVector[1])) < < return true --- > function gravityEnabled(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, {}) > return mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityEnabled 713,720c708,712 < -- param projectileName < -- output gravityMultiplier < function projectileGravityMultiplier(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { < projectileName = nil < }) < < if args.projectileName == nil or args.projectileName == "" then return false end --- > -- output min > -- output max > function boundBox(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, {}) > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() 722c714,715 < BData:setNumber(output.gravityMultiplier, root.projectileGravityMultiplier(args.projectileName)) --- > BData:setVec2(output.min, {bounds[1], bounds[2]}) > BData:setVec2(output.max, {bounds[3], bounds[4]}) 724,728d716 < end < < function gravityEnabled(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, {}) < return mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityEnabled scripts\actions\notification.lua 11a12 > if notification.targetPosition then BData:setPosition(output.targetPosition, notification.targetPosition) end scripts\actions\overrides.lua 52d51 < if isEmpty(overrides) then return false end 54,57c53,58 < local list = {} < for overrideId, override in pairs(overrides) do < list[#list+1] = override < end --- > local list = util.filter(util.toList(overrides), function (override) > if override.questId and override.questFlag then > return, override.questFlag) and true or false > end > return true > end) 58a60 > if isEmpty(list) then return false end 98,100c100 < playBehavior = BTComposite:new() < actions["playBehavior"] = playBehavior < function --- > function playBehavior(args, output, node) 104,129d103 < local newNode = { < children = {}, < behavior = args.behavior < } < setmetatable(newNode, extend(playBehavior)) < return newNode < end < < function playBehavior.fromJson(node) < return < end < < function playBehavior:run(dt) < local behavior = BData:getTable(self.behavior) < if not behavior then < return false < end < < if not self.children[] then < self.children[] ={name =}) < end < < if self.current and self.current ~= then < self.children[self.current]:reset() < end < self.current = 131,138c105,106 < return self:runChild(self.current, dt) < end < < function playBehavior:interrupt() < if self.current then < self.children[self.current]:interrupt() < end < end --- > local behavior = BData:getTable(args.behavior) > if not behavior then return false end 140,142c108,121 < function playBehavior:reset() < if self.current then < self.children[self.current]:reset() --- > local tree = BData:getTable(string.format("playBehavior-%s-%s",, > if not tree then > tree = BTree:new( > BData:setTable(string.format("playBehavior-%s-%s",,, tree) > end > > node.onClear = function() tree:clear(true) end > while true do > local result = tree:run(args.dt) > if result == false or result == true then > return result > else > args.dt = coroutine.yield().dt > end 144d122 < self.current = nil scripts\actions\position.lua 36a37 > local multiplier = BData:getNumber(args.multiplier) 39c40 < local offset = {direction * args.multiplier, 0} --- > local offset = {direction * multiplier, 0} 100,101c101,102 < BData:setVec2(output.x, distance[1]) < BData:setVec2(output.y, distance[2]) --- > BData:setNumber(output.x, distance[1]) > BData:setNumber(output.y, distance[2]) scripts\actions\quests.lua 1a2 > require("/scripts/quest/paramtext.lua") 3a5 > require("/scripts/quest/text_generation.lua") 29,53c31,32 < function questParamDialogTag(param) < if then return end < < if param.type == "item" then < local itemName < if type(param.item) == "string" then < itemName = param.item < else < itemName = < end < local itemConfig = root.itemConfig(itemName) < local name = itemConfig.parameters.shortdescription or itemConfig.config.shortdescription < return name < end < < if param.uniqueId then < local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(param.uniqueId) < if world.entityExists(entityId) then < if world.entityType(entityId) == "object" then < return world.objectConfigParameter(entityId, "shortdescription") < else < return world.entityName(entityId) < end < end < end --- > function cancelQuest(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { }) 55c34,35 < return nil --- > > return true 126,128c106,107 < for paramName, paramValue in pairs( do < tags[paramName] = questParamDialogTag(paramValue) < end --- > local textGenerator = questTextGenerator( > tags = textGenerator.tags 137c116 < entity.say(dialog, tags) --- > npc.say(dialog, tags) 151,152c130,149 < function generateQuest(args, output) < args = parseArgs(args, { }) --- > local function tooManyQuestsNearby() > local searchRadius = config.getParameter("questGenerator.nearbyQuestRange", 50) > local questManagers = 0 > local entities = world.entityQuery(entity.position(), searchRadius) > for _,entity in pairs(entities) do > if world.entityName(entity) == "questgentest" then > -- Testing object suppresses automatic quest generation > return true > end > > if world.entityType(entity) == "stagehand" and world.stagehandType(entity) == "questmanager" then > questManagers = questManagers + 1 > end > end > > if questManagers >= config.getParameter("questGenerator.nearbyQuestLimit", 2) then > return true > end > return false > end 154c151,161 < if not entity.configParameter("questGenerator.enableParticipation") then --- > function generateNewArc() > if not self.questGenerator then > self.questGenerator = > end > self.questGenerator.debug = self.debug or false > self.questGenerator.abortQuestCallback = tooManyQuestsNearby > return self.questGenerator:generateStep() > end > > local function decideWhetherToGenerateQuest(rolls) > if not config.getParameter("questGenerator.enableParticipation") then 162,175c169,221 < if not then < local arc = generateNewArc() < if arc then < local position = world.entityPosition( < world.spawnStagehand(position, "questmanager", { < uniqueId = arc.questArc.stagehandUniqueId, < scriptConfig = { < quest = { < arc = storeQuestArcDescriptor(arc.questArc), < participants = arc.participants < }, < plugins = arc.managerPlugins < } < }) --- > if then > return false > end > > local baseChance = config.getParameter("questGenerator.chance", 0.1) > -- If we're supposed to make a decision every 30 seconds, and 4 minutes have > -- passed, we have 8 decisions to make. > -- 'chance' is equal to the chance of at least one of these decisions (each > -- with probability 'baseChance') being positive. > local maxChance = config.getParameter("questGenerator.maxBoostedChance", 0.5) > local chance = math.min(1.0 - (1.0 - baseChance) ^ rolls, maxChance) > util.debugLog("rolls = %s, baseChance = %s, chance = %s", rolls, baseChance, chance) > if chance < math.random() then > return false > end > > if tooManyQuestsNearby() then > return false > end > > return true > end > > -- Determine how many times, since the last time we decided whether to generate > -- a quest, we 'should' have made another decision. > -- For example, if we're supposed to decide every 30 seconds, and 4 minutes > -- have elapsed, we should have made 8 rolls (decisions). > local function getDecisionRolls() > if not storage.lastQuestGenDecisionTime then > return 1 > end > local elapsed = world.time() - storage.lastQuestGenDecisionTime > local period = config.getParameter("questGenerator.timeLimit", 30) > return math.floor(elapsed / period) > end > > function maybeGenerateQuest(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { }) > > if then > self.isGeneratingQuest = false > return false > end > > local rolls = getDecisionRolls() > if rolls > 0 then > self.isGeneratingQuest = decideWhetherToGenerateQuest(rolls) > storage.lastQuestGenDecisionTime = world.time() > > if self.isGeneratingQuest then > util.debugLog("Decided to generate a quest.") > else > util.debugLog("Decided not to generate a quest.") 178a225,244 > if not self.isGeneratingQuest then > return false > end > > local arc = generateNewArc() > if not arc then > return false > end > > self.isGeneratingQuest = false > > local position = entity.position() > world.spawnStagehand(position, "questmanager", { > uniqueId = arc.questArc.stagehandUniqueId, > quest = { > arc = storeQuestArcDescriptor(arc.questArc), > participants = arc.participants > }, > plugins = arc.managerPlugins > }) 182,184c248,266 < function generateNewArc() < if not self.questGenerator then < self.questGenerator = --- > -- param quest > -- param name > -- output list/number/bool/etc. > function getQuestValue(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > quest = "", > name = "" > }) > > local quest = BData:getTable( > if not quest then return false end > local questId = quest.questId or quest > > local value =, > if not value then return false end > > local setType, index = BData.findType(output) > if setType then > BData:set(setType, index, value) 186c268,305 < return self.questGenerator:generateStep() --- > return true > end > > -- param quest > -- param name > -- param list/number/bool/etc. > function setQuestValue(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > quest = "", > name = "" > }) > > local quest = BData:getTable( > if not quest then return false end > local questId = quest.questId or quest > > local getType,index = BData.findType(args) > local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) > if value == nil then return false end > >,, value) > return true > end > > -- param quest > -- param name > function unsetQuestValue(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > quest = "", > name = "" > }) > > local quest = BData:getTable( > if not quest then return false end > local questId = quest.questId or quest > >,, nil) > return true scripts\actions\reaction.lua 12c12 < variantReactions = entity.configParameter("reactions", {}) --- > variantReactions = config.getParameter("reactions", {}) 399c399 < entity.emote(reactionConfig.emote) --- > npc.emote(reactionConfig.emote) 402c402 < --- > 413,438c413,429 < playBehaviorReaction = BTComposite:new() < actions["playBehaviorReaction"] = playBehaviorReaction < function < args = parseArgs(args, { < reaction = "" < }) < local newNode = { < children = {}, < reaction = args.reaction < } < setmetatable(newNode, extend(playBehaviorReaction)) < return newNode < end < < function playBehaviorReaction.fromJson(node) < return < end < < function playBehaviorReaction:run(dt) < local reactionName = BData:get("reaction", self.reaction) < < if not self.children[reactionName] then < local reaction = root.assetJson("/npcs/default_reactions.config:behaviorReactions")[reactionName] < < if reaction == nil then < return false --- > function playBehaviorReaction(args, output, node) > local reactionName = BData:get("reaction", args.reaction) > local reaction = root.assetJson("/npcs/default_reactions.config:behaviorReactions")[reactionName] > > local tree = BData:getTable(string.format("playBehaviorReaction-%s-%s", reactionName, > if not tree then > tree = BTree:new(reaction.behavior, reaction.parameters) > BData:setTable(string.format("playBehaviorReaction-%s-%s", reactionName,, tree) > end > node.onClear = function() tree:clear(true) end > > while true do > local result = tree:run(args.dt) > if result == false or result == true then > return result > else > args.dt = coroutine.yield().dt 440,459d430 < self.children[reactionName] ={name = reaction.behavior, parameters = reaction.parameters}) < end < < if self.current and self.current ~= reactionName then < self.children[self.current]:reset() < end < self.current = reactionName < < return self:runChild(self.current, dt) < end < < function playBehaviorReaction:interrupt() < if self.current then < self.children[self.current]:interrupt() < end < end < < function playBehaviorReaction:reset() < if self.current then < self.children[self.current]:reset() 461d431 < self.current = nil scripts\actions\sensor.lua 106a107,119 > end > > -- param startLine > -- param endLine > function lineLiquidCollision(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > startLine = nil, > endLine = nil > }) > > local startLine, endLine = BData:getPosition(args.startLine), BData:getPosition(args.endLine) > local blocks = world.liquidAlongLine(startLine, endLine) > return #blocks > 0 scripts\actions\status.lua 11a12,22 > -- param statName > -- output value > function stat(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > statName = nil > }) > > BData:setNumber(output.value, status.stat(args.statName)) > return true > end > 32c43,44 < status.setResourcePercentage(args.resource, args.percentage) --- > local percentage = BData:getNumber(args.percentage) > status.setResourcePercentage(args.resource, percentage) 81a94,98 > return true > end > > function suicide(args, output) > status.setResource("health", 0) scripts\actions\time.lua 15c15,16 < function timer(args) --- > -- output ratio > function timer(args, output) 19a21 > local max = timer 22a25 > BData:setNumber(output.ratio, (max - timer) / max) 30c33 < function withinTimeRange(args) --- > function withinTimeRange(args, output) scripts\API\npcHooks.lua 38a39 > -- "Message" scripts\API\objectHooks.lua 25a26 > -- "Message" 49c50 < function onInboundNodeChange(args) end --- > function onInputNodeChange(args) end scripts\behavior\bdata.lua 27,28c27,28 < function BData:set(type, key, value) < self.board[type] = self.board[type] or {} --- > function BData:set(typeName, key, value) > self.board[typeName] = self.board[typeName] or {} 30c30 < self.board[type][key] = value --- > self.board[typeName][key] = value 33,35c33,36 < function BData:get(type, key) < self.board[type] = self.board[type] or {} < return self.board[type][key] --- > function BData:get(typeName, key) > if type(key) ~= "string" then return key end > self.board[typeName] = self.board[typeName] or {} > return self.board[typeName][key] 228c229 < local value = BData:get(getType, index) --- > local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) 243c244 < local value = BData:get(getType, index) --- > local value = type(index) ~= "string" and index or BData:get(getType, index) 316a318,335 > -- output list > function listReverse(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > list = nil > }) > local list = BData:getList(args.list) > if list == nil then return false end > > local reversed = {} > for _,v in pairs(list) do > table.insert(reversed, v) > end > > BData:setList(output.list, reversed) > return true > end > > -- param list 345,348c364 < local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) < if entityId == nil then return false end < < BData:setEntity(output.entity, entityId) --- > BData:setEntity(output.entity, BData:getEntity(args.entity)) scripts\behavior\bgroup.lua 13c13 < if goalType == "entity" then --- > if goalType == "entity" then 15,16c15,16 < elseif goalType == "position" then < return goal --- > elseif goalType == "position" then > return goal 18c18 < world.logInfo("Cannot get position for goal type \"list\"") --- > sb.logInfo("Cannot get position for goal type \"list\"") 22c22 < function BGroup:joinGroup(group, position) --- > function BGroup:joinGroup(group, position, unique) 31,32c31,32 < < --Query existing coordinators --- > > -- Query existing coordinators 33a34,40 > > -- Filter out ones that don't have the same goal > stagehands = util.filter(stagehands, function(stagehandId) > return world.callScriptedEntity(stagehandId, "compareGoals", group.goalType, group.goal) > end) > > -- Try to join any of the remaining ones 40c47,48 < if result then return result end --- > -- Return if the coordinator was successfully joined, or if the group is set to be unique > if result or unique then return result end 44,45c52,53 < --Spawn a coordinator < local stagehandId = world.spawnStagehand(position, "coordinator", {scriptConfig = group}) --- > -- There was no existing stagehand with empty space > local stagehandId = world.spawnStagehand(position, "coordinator", group) 64c72 < --world.logInfo("%s left group %s",, groupId) --- > --sb.logInfo("%s left group %s",, groupId) 127a136,208 > end > > function BGroup:uninit() > self.joined = {} > self.joinedTasks = {} > self:updateGroups() > end > > function BGroup:parseGoal(goalType, goal) > if goalType == "entity" then > return BData:getEntity(goal) > elseif goalType == "position" then > return BData:getPosition(goal) > elseif goalType == "list" then > return BData:getList(goal) > end > end > -- Actions -- > > -- Group > -- Share a goal with nearby entities with the same goal > -- Keeps running until entity is no longer in the group > function group(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > unique = false > }) > local unique = BData:getBool(args.unique) > local group = { > groupId = args.groupId, > goalType = args.goalType, > minMembers = args.minMembers, > maxMembers = args.maxMembers, > behavior = args.behavior > } > > group.goal = BGroup:parseGoal(group.goalType, args.goal) > if group.goal == nil then > sb.logInfo("%s %s %s", args.goal, group.goal, BData.board.entity) > end > local position = BData:getPosition(args.position) > > local groupResult = BGroup:joinGroup(group, position, unique) > if groupResult == "success" then > BGroup:leaveGroup(group.groupId) > return true > end > > return groupResult == true > end > > function succeedGroup(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > groupId = nil > }) > > BGroup:setGroupSuccess(args.groupId) > return true > end > > function task(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > groupId = nil, > taskId = nil, > minMembers = nil, > maxMembers = nil > }) > > local task = { > taskId = args.taskId, > minMembers = args.minMembers, > maxMembers = args.maxMembers > } > return BGroup:joinTask(args.groupId, task) scripts\projectiles\chainbullet.lua 5,7c5,7 < self.seekSpeed = config.configParameter("seekSpeed", 30) < self.triggered = config.configParameter("triggered", false) < self.targets = config.configParameter("targets") --- > self.seekSpeed = config.getParameter("seekSpeed", 30) > self.triggered = config.getParameter("triggered", false) > self.targets = config.getParameter("targets") 10c10 < self.chainPower = config.configParameter("power") --- > self.chainPower = config.getParameter("power") 33c33 < type = config.configParameter("chainProjectile"), --- > type = config.getParameter("chainProjectile"), 70c70 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end scripts\quest\manager.lua 0a1 > require("/scripts/set.lua") 2a4 > require("/scripts/quest/manager/plugin.lua") 27d28 < message.setHandler("playerAcceptedOffer", function (_, _, ...) self:playerAcceptedOfferHandler(...) end) 31a33 > message.setHandler("participantCancelled", function (_, _, ...) self:cancel() end) 33a36 > assert(self.uniqueId == entity.uniqueId()) 56,57c59,62 < self.plugins = {} < self:loadPlugins() --- > = or {} > self.plugins =,, config.getParameter("plugins", {})) > > self.availablePlayers = {} 69c74 < function QuestManager:questParameters(questId) --- > function QuestManager:questDescriptor(questId) 72c77 < return questDesc.parameters --- > return questDesc 75d79 < return {} 78,81c82,85 < function QuestManager:loadPlugins() < for questId, plugin in pairs(entity.configParameter("plugins", {})) do < self:loadPlugin(questId, plugin.script, plugin.pluginClass, plugin.pluginConfig or {}) < end --- > function QuestManager:questParameters(questId) > local questDesc = self:questDescriptor(questId) > if not questDesc then return {} end > return questDesc.parameters 84,93c88,96 < function QuestManager:loadPlugin(questId, script, className, scriptConfig) < require(script) < local class = _ENV[className] < < = or {} <[questId] =[questId] or {} < local pluginStorage =[questId] < < local plugin =, pluginStorage, questId, scriptConfig) < self.plugins[questId] = plugin --- > function QuestManager:setQuestParameter(questId, paramName, paramValue) > local arc = self:arc() > for _,questDesc in pairs(arc.quests) do > if questDesc.questId == questId then > questDesc.parameters[paramName] = paramValue > break > end > end > = storeQuestArcDescriptor(arc) 97c100 < = world.time() + entity.configParameter("quest.expiration", 300) --- > = world.time() + config.getParameter("quest.expiration", 300) 124c127,129 < self.outbox:sendMessage(player, questId .. "." .. message, ...) --- > if questId then > self.outbox:sendMessage(player, questId .. "." .. message, ...) > end 139c144 < if world.findUniqueEntity(participant) then --- > if world.findUniqueEntity(participant):result() then 152c157 < elseif not world.findUniqueEntity(respawner) then --- > elseif not world.findUniqueEntity(respawner):result() then 161c166 < if self.outbox.contactList:isEnabled(participant) and not world.findUniqueEntity(participant) then --- > if self.outbox.contactList:isEnabled(participant) and not world.findUniqueEntity(participant):result() then 169,173c174,176 < if[player] ~= questId then < if not world.findUniqueEntity(player) then < -- Player disconnected without telling us they've declined the quest <[player] = nil < end --- > local available = self.outbox.contactList:isEntityAvailable(player) > if not self.availablePlayers[player] and available then > self:sendToPlayer(player, "keepAlive") 174a178 > self.availablePlayers[player] = available 176c180 < --- > 181,183c185 < for questId, plugin in pairs(self.plugins) do < plugin:update() < end --- > self.plugins:update() 195,196d196 < local criticalSet = {} < 201,202c201,202 < for name,participantDef in pairs(participants[questId]) do < local uniqueId = questDesc.parameters[name].uniqueId --- > for paramName,participantDef in pairs(participants[questId]) do > local uniqueId = questDesc.parameters[paramName].uniqueId 204,228c204 <[uniqueId] =[uniqueId] or { < roles = {}, < turnInQuests = {}, < offerQuest = nil, < behaviorOverrides = {}, < participateIn = {}, < stateDeltas = {} < } < < local participant =[uniqueId] < < participant.roles[questId] = name < if participantDef.turnInQuest then < participant.turnInQuests[#participant.turnInQuests+1] = questId < end < if participantDef.offerQuest then < participant.offerQuest = < end < participant.behaviorOverrides[questId] = participantDef.behaviorOverrides or {} < participant.participateIn[questId] = true < participant.stateDeltas[questId] = participantDef.stateDeltas or {} < < if participantDef.critical then < criticalSet[uniqueId] = true < end --- > self:reserveParticipant(questId, uniqueId, participantDef, paramName) 231,236d206 < < for participant,_ in pairs(criticalSet) do <[participant] =[participant] or {} < local quests =[participant] < quests[#quests+1] = questId < end 237a208 > end 239,244c210,242 < for uniqueId, role in pairs( do < self.outbox.contactList:registerWorldEntity(uniqueId) < self.outbox:sendMessage(uniqueId, "reserve", self.uniqueId, self:arc(), role) < if role.offerQuest then < = true < end --- > function QuestManager:reserveParticipant(questId, uniqueId, participantDef, paramName) > participantDef = participantDef or {} > >[uniqueId] =[uniqueId] or { > turnInQuests = {}, > offerQuest = nil, > behaviorOverrides = {}, > participateIn = {}, > stateDeltas = {} > } > > local participant =[uniqueId] > > if participantDef.turnInQuest then > participant.turnInQuests[#participant.turnInQuests+1] = questId > end > if participantDef.offerQuest then > participant.offerQuest = > end > participant.behaviorOverrides[questId] = participantDef.behaviorOverrides or {} > participant.participateIn[questId] = true > participant.stateDeltas[questId] = participantDef.stateDeltas or {} > > if participantDef.critical then >[uniqueId] =[uniqueId] or {} > local quests =[uniqueId] > quests[#quests+1] = questId > end > > self.outbox.contactList:registerWorldEntity(uniqueId) > self.outbox:sendMessage(uniqueId, "reserve", self.uniqueId, self:arc(), participant) > if participant.offerQuest then > = true 249c247 < if[messageData.recipient] and world.findUniqueEntity(messageData.recipient) then --- > if[messageData.recipient] and world.findUniqueEntity(messageData.recipient):result() then 255c253 < -- they die through findUniqueEntity. --- > -- they die through findUniqueEntity 261c259,268 < world.logInfo("QuestManager messaging failure. Recipient: "..messageData.recipient.." Message: "..messageData.message.." Reason: "..reason) --- > if self.outbox.contactList:isPlayer(messageData.recipient) then > local player = messageData.recipient > local questId =[player] > if questId then > self:playerFailedHandler(player, questId) > end > return > end > > sb.logInfo("QuestManager messaging failure. Recipient: "..messageData.recipient.." Message: "..messageData.message.." Reason: "..reason) 279a287,290 > for _, questDesc in pairs(self:arc().quests) do > self.plugins:questFinished(questDesc.questId) > end > 316c327 < function QuestManager:playerAcceptedOfferHandler(player, questId) --- > function QuestManager:playerStartedHandler(player, questId) 318,319c329 < -- the quest, but otherwise wait for the playerStarted message before doing < -- anything serious. --- > -- the quest. 325d334 < end 327d335 < function QuestManager:playerStartedHandler(player, questId) 328a337,341 > > if not[questId] then > self.plugins:questStarted(questId) > end > 331c344,348 < self:sendToParticipants("playerStarted", player, questId) --- > > self:sendToPlayer(player, "updateParameters", self:questParameters(questId)) > > self.plugins:playerStarted(questId, player) > self:sendToParticipants("playerStarted", player, questId, self:questParameters(questId)) 333,335d349 < if self.plugins[questId] then < self.plugins[questId]:playerStarted(player) < end 344,346c358 < if self.plugins[questId] then < self.plugins[questId]:playerFailed(player) < end --- > self.plugins:playerFailed(questId, player) 357,359c369 < if self.plugins[questId] then < self.plugins[questId]:playerCompleted(player) < end --- > self.plugins:playerCompleted(questId, player) 397,400c407,408 < for _,plugin in pairs(self.plugins) do < plugin:participantDied(participant, respawner) < end < end --- > self.plugins:participantDied(participant, respawner) > end \ No newline at end of file scripts\quest\messaging.lua 43a44,48 > function ContactList:isPlayer(uniqueId) > local contact = self.contacts[uniqueId] or {} > return contact.player == true > end > 59,61c64,68 < self.contacts[uniqueId] = { < player = true < } --- > if not self.contacts[uniqueId] then > self.contacts[uniqueId] = { > player = true > } > end 65c72,74 < self.contacts[uniqueId] = {} --- > if not self.contacts[uniqueId] then > self.contacts[uniqueId] = {} > end 76c85 < -- messages onto an invisible stagehand entity.) --- > -- messages onto an invisible stagehand entity) 116,121c125 < local position < if entity.position then < position = entity.position() < else < position = mcontroller.position() < end --- > local position = entity.position() 125c129 < callScript = "entity.typeName", --- > callScript = "stagehand.typeName", 150,151c154,155 < local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId( or < world.logInfo(tostring(world.entityType(" "..uniqueId.." "..tostring(text)) --- > local uniqueId = entity.uniqueId() or > sb.logInfo(tostring(entity.entityType()).." "..uniqueId.." "..tostring(text)) 188,194d191 < end < end < < function bind(fun, ...) < local boundArgs = {...} < return function(...) < return fun(table.unpack(boundArgs), ...) scripts\quest\participant.lua 2a3 > require("/scripts/achievements.lua") 15a17,20 > = or {} > > = or util.randomIntInRange(config.getParameter("questGenerator.questCountRange")) > 43c48 < local selfUniqueId = world.entityUniqueId( --- > local selfUniqueId = entity.uniqueId() 57a63,66 > function QuestParticipant:cancelQuest() > self:sendToStagehands("participantCancelled") > end > 69c78 < if role.offerQuest and role.offerCooldown and role.offerCooldown < world.time() then --- > if role.offerQuest and not role.cancelOffer and role.offerCooldown and role.offerCooldown < world.time() then 73a83,84 > > self:checkStagehands() 77c88 < -- Debug code to recover from /clearStagehand commands --- > -- Recover from /clearStagehand commands, script errors, etc. 79,80c90,91 < if not world.findUniqueEntity(stagehand) then < self:unreserveHandler(stagehand) --- > if not world.findUniqueEntity(stagehand):result() then > self:unreserveHandler(stagehand, role.arc) 106c117 < local turnInQuests = entity.configParameter("turnInQuests", jarray()) --- > local turnInQuests = config.getParameter("turnInQuests", jarray()) 112c123,128 < entity.setTurnInQuests(turnInQuests) --- > > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > npc.setTurnInQuests(turnInQuests) > elseif entity.entityType() == "object" then > object.setTurnInQuests(turnInQuests) > end 116c132 < local offeredQuests = entity.configParameter("offeredQuests", jarray()) --- > local offeredQuests = config.getParameter("offeredQuests", jarray()) 118c134 < if role.offerQuest then --- > if role.offerQuest and not role.cancelOffer then 124a141 > 126c143,148 < entity.setOfferedQuests(offeredQuests) --- > > if entity.entityType() == "npc" then > npc.setOfferedQuests(offeredQuests) > elseif entity.entityType() == "object" then > object.setOfferedQuests(offeredQuests) > end 130c152 < if #entity.configParameter("offeredQuests", jarray()) > 0 then --- > if #config.getParameter("offeredQuests", jarray()) > 0 then 134c156 < if role.offerQuest then --- > if role.offerQuest and not role.cancelOffer then 143d164 < -- roles : [String], 156a178 > role.arc = arc 159a182,183 > >[questDesc.questId] =[questDesc.questId] or {} 169a194,197 > function QuestParticipant:questDescriptor(questId) > return loadQuestDescriptor([questId]) > end > 171c199 < local questDesc = loadQuestDescriptor([questId]) --- > local questDesc = self:questDescriptor(questId) 175a204,209 > function QuestParticipant:setQuestParameters(questId, parameters) > local questDesc = loadQuestDescriptor([questId]) > questDesc.parameters = parameters >[questId] = storeQuestDescriptor(questDesc) > end > 201c235 < if world.entityType( ~= "object" then --- > if entity.entityType() ~= "object" then 208c242 < if world.entityType( ~= "object" then --- > if entity.entityType() ~= "object" then 223a258 >[questDesc.questId] = nil 226a262,276 > > if entity.entityType() == "npc" and and isEmpty( then > -- We've been offering a quest and now it has completed and we're not > -- involved in any other quests. > -- Now we have a random chance at graduating / changing into a new npctype. > > if then > = - 1 > if <= 0 then > tenant.graduate() > end > end > = false > end > 237c287 < role.offerQuest = nil --- > role.cancelOffer = true 264c314 < function QuestParticipant:playerStartedHandler(stagehand, player, questId) --- > function QuestParticipant:playerStartedHandler(stagehand, player, questId, updatedParameters) 268a319,326 > self:setQuestParameters(questId, updatedParameters) > > if role.offerQuest then > if self.onOfferedQuestStarted then > self.onOfferedQuestStarted(role.offerQuest) > end > end > 283a342,363 > > -- If we were offering this quest, and it was the last in a sequence, > -- remember that it was completed successfully. > if role.offerQuest then > local lastQuestId = nil > for _,quest in pairs(loadQuestArcDescriptor(role.offerQuest).quests) do > lastQuestId = quest.questId > end > if questId == lastQuestId then > = true > > if tenant and tenant.isTenant() then > recordEvent(player, "completeTenantQuest", entityEventFields(, worldEventFields()) > end > end > end > end > > if role.offerQuest then > if self.onOfferedQuestFinished then > self.onOfferedQuestFinished(role.offerQuest, complete) > end 304c384 < local uniqueId = world.entityUniqueId( --- > local uniqueId = entity.uniqueId() 312a393,400 > end > > function QuestParticipant:getQuestValue(questId, varName) > return[questId][varName] > end > > function QuestParticipant:setQuestValue(questId, varName, value) >[questId][varName] = value scripts\quest\player.lua 13,16c13,18 < self.contacts[uniqueId] = { < server = serverUuid or player.serverUuid(), < world = worldId or player.worldId() < } --- > if not self.contacts[uniqueId] then > self.contacts[uniqueId] = { > server = serverUuid or player.serverUuid(), > world = worldId or player.worldId() > } > end 51c53 < return world.entityUniqueId( --- > return entity.uniqueId() 61a64,67 > function QuestPlayer:sendToStagehandUnreliable(message, ...) > self.outbox:unreliableMessage(self:stagehand(), message, ...) > end > 69a76 > -- keepAlive: sent by the stagehand to check that the quest is still active. 72a80,83 > -- updateParameters: sent as the quest begins so that any changes that any > -- changes plugins on the questmanager create are reflected in the player > -- quest script. For example, they might spawn new entities we need > -- entity parameters for. 73a85 > self:setMessageHandler("keepAlive", function () end) 74a87 > self:setMessageHandler("updateParameters", function (_, _, ...) self:updateParametersHandler(...) end) 82a96,101 > function QuestPlayer:updateParametersHandler(parameters) > for paramName, paramValue in pairs(parameters) do > quest.setParameter(paramName, paramValue) > end > end > 122c141 < world.logInfo("QuestPlayer messaging failure. Recipient: "..messageData.recipient.." Message: "..messageData.message.." Reason: "..reason) --- > sb.logInfo("QuestPlayer messaging failure. Recipient: "..messageData.recipient.." Message: "..messageData.message.." Reason: "..reason) 147a167,174 > end > > function QuestPlayer:questOffer() > self:sendToStagehandUnreliable("playerConsideringOffer", self:playerId(), quest.questId()) > end > > function QuestPlayer:questDecline() > self:sendToStagehandUnreliable("playerDeclinedOffer", self:playerId(), quest.questId()) scripts\quest\serialize.lua 69c69 < questDesc.parameters = storeQuestParameters(questDesc.parameters) --- > questDesc.parameters = storeQuestParameters(questDesc.parameters or {}) scripts\quest\manager\plugin.lua 4c4 < QuestManagerPlugin = createClass("QuestManagerPlugin") --- > QuestPlugin = createClass("QuestPlugin") 6c6 < function QuestManagerPlugin:init(questManager, storageArea, questId, config) --- > function QuestPlugin:init(questManager, storageArea, questId, pluginConfig) 9,10c9,12 < self.questParameters = questManager:questParameters(questId) < self.config = config --- > self.questDescriptor = questManager:questDescriptor(questId) > self.templateId = self.questDescriptor.templateId > self.questParameters = self.questDescriptor.parameters > self.config = pluginConfig 14c16 < function QuestManagerPlugin:update() --- > function QuestPlugin:update() 17c19 < function QuestManagerPlugin:playerStarted(player) --- > function QuestPlugin:questStarted() 20c22,28 < function QuestManagerPlugin:playerFailed(player) --- > function QuestPlugin:questFinished() > end > > function QuestPlugin:playerStarted(player) > end > > function QuestPlugin:playerFailed(player) 24c32 < function QuestManagerPlugin:playerCompleted(player) --- > function QuestPlugin:playerCompleted(player) 28c36 < function QuestManagerPlugin:playerFinished(player) --- > function QuestPlugin:playerFinished(player) 31c39 < function QuestManagerPlugin:participantDied(participant, respawner) --- > function QuestPlugin:participantDied(participant, respawner) 32a41,101 > > QuestPluginManager = createClass("QuestPluginManager") > > function QuestPluginManager:init(questManager, storageArea, config) > self.questManager = questManager > = storageArea > self.plugins = {} > > for questId, plugins in pairs(config) do > for i,plugin in pairs(plugins) do > self:loadPlugin(questId, i, plugin.script, plugin.pluginClass, plugin.pluginConfig or {}) > end > end > end > > function QuestPluginManager:loadPlugin(questId, pluginIndex, script, className, scriptConfig) > require(script) > local class = _ENV[className] > >[questId] =[questId] or {} >[questId][pluginIndex] =[questId][pluginIndex] or {} > local pluginStorage =[questId][pluginIndex] > > local plugin =, pluginStorage, questId, scriptConfig) > self.plugins[questId] = self.plugins[questId] or {} > self.plugins[questId][pluginIndex] = plugin > end > > function QuestPluginManager:update() > for _,plugins in pairs(self.plugins) do > for _,plugin in pairs(plugins) do > plugin:update() > end > end > end > > local function broadcastPluginCall(pluginMethod) > return function (pluginManager, ...) > for _,plugins in pairs(pluginManager.plugins) do > for _,plugin in pairs(plugins) do > plugin[pluginMethod](plugin, ...) > end > end > end > end > > local function filteredPluginCall(pluginMethod) > return function (pluginManager, questId, ...) > for _,plugin in pairs(pluginManager.plugins[questId] or {}) do > plugin[pluginMethod](plugin, ...) > end > end > end > > QuestPluginManager.update = broadcastPluginCall("update") > QuestPluginManager.questStarted = filteredPluginCall("questStarted") > QuestPluginManager.questFinished = filteredPluginCall("questFinished") > QuestPluginManager.playerStarted = filteredPluginCall("playerStarted") > QuestPluginManager.playerFailed = filteredPluginCall("playerFailed") > QuestPluginManager.playerCompleted = filteredPluginCall("playerCompleted") > QuestPluginManager.participantDied = broadcastPluginCall("participantDied") scripts\quest\manager\spawn_entities.lua 2c2,4 < require("/scripts/spawnPoint.lua") --- > require("/scripts/quest/location.lua") > require("/scripts/quest/text_generation.lua") > require("/scripts/util.lua") 3a6 > require("/scripts/rect.lua") 5c8 < SpawnEntities = subclass(QuestManagerPlugin, "SpawnEntities") --- > SpawnEntities = subclass(QuestPlugin, "SpawnEntities") 8c11 < QuestManagerPlugin.init(self, ...) --- > QuestPlugin.init(self, ...) 10a14,16 > = or false > = or false > self.entityIds = {} 15c21 < if not then return end --- > if not then return end 18,20c24,33 < for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do < if not world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId) then <[uniqueId] = nil --- > if not then > for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do > self.questManager.outbox.contactList:setEnabled(uniqueId, true) > end > = true > end > > for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do > if not world.findUniqueEntity(uniqueId):result() then >[uniqueId] = nil 29,30c42,43 < if isEmpty( then < = nil --- > if isEmpty( then > = nil 32c45 < self.questManager:sendToPlayer(player, "enemiesDead") --- > self.questManager:sendToPlayer(player, "entitiesDead", 38c51 < local function spawnEntity(position, spawnConfig) --- > local function spawnEntity(spawnConfig) 41a55,65 > local typeName = spawnConfig.typeName > local species = spawnConfig.species > if type(typeName) == "table" then > typeName = typeName[math.random(#typeName)] > end > if type(species) == "table" then > species = species[math.random(#species)] > end > > local statusEffects = shallowCopy(spawnConfig.statusEffects) > local entityId = nil 43c67,84 < return world.spawnMonster(spawnConfig.typeName, position, parameters) --- > > if spawnConfig.miniboss then > parameters.level = parameters.level + 1 > parameters.aggressive = true > parameters.capturable = false > > local minibossConfig = root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:spawnEntities.minibosses") > parameters.scale = minibossConfig.scale > statusEffects.miniboss = minibossConfig.statusEffects > end > > if spawnConfig.evolve then > local monsterEvolution = root.assetJson("/quests/quests.config:spawnEntities.monsterEvolution") > typeName = monsterEvolution[typeName] or typeName > parameters.level = parameters.level + 1 > end > > entityId = world.spawnMonster(typeName, entity.position(), parameters) 46c87 < return world.spawnNpc(position, spawnConfig.species, spawnConfig.typeName, parameters.level, nil, parameters) --- > entityId = world.spawnNpc(entity.position(), species, typeName, parameters.level, spawnConfig.seed, parameters) 48d88 < end 50,53c90,91 < function SpawnEntities:enemyParamName() < local name = < if self.config.spawnParameter then < name = self.questParameters[self.config.spawnParameter].name or name --- > for category, effects in pairs(statusEffects) do > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "status.addPersistentEffects", category, effects) 55c93 < return name --- > return entityId 58c96,100 < function SpawnEntities:spawnUnique(position) --- > function SpawnEntities:spawnUnique(evolve, miniboss, statusEffects, extraDrops) > local entitySpawnConfig = { > evolve = evolve, > miniboss = miniboss > } 60d101 < local entitySpawnConfig = { position = position } 71a113 > entitySpawnConfig.seed = param.seed 82c124,125 < local entityId = spawnEntity(position, entitySpawnConfig) --- > entitySpawnConfig.statusEffects = statusEffects > local entityId = spawnEntity(entitySpawnConfig) 84c127 < if self.config.beamIn then --- > if entitySpawnConfig.entityType == "npc" then 95a139,141 > if extraDrops then > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "addDrops", extraDrops) > end 98a145,158 > > for _,relationship in pairs(self.config.relationships or {}) do > local relationName, converse, relatee = table.unpack(relationship) > local relateeUniqueId = self.questParameters[relatee].uniqueId > local relateeEntityId = relateeUniqueId and world.loadUniqueEntity(relateeUniqueId) > if relateeEntityId and world.entityExists(relateeEntityId) then > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "addRelationship", relationName, converse, relateeUniqueId) > world.callScriptedEntity(relateeEntityId, "addRelationship", relationName, not converse, uniqueId) > end > end > > self.justSpawned = true > = entitySpawnConfig.entityType == "npc" > = entitySpawnConfig.entityType ~= "npc" 102,113c162,172 < function SpawnEntities:spawnPosition() < if self.config.positionSearch then < local position = world.entityPosition( < local radius = self.config.positionSearch.radius or 50 < local npcs = world.npcQuery(position, radius) < local options = self.config.positionSearch < if options.awayFromNpc and type(options.awayFromNpc) == "string" then < local npcParam = self.questParameters[options.awayFromNpc] < options.awayFromNpc = nil < if npcParam.uniqueId then < options.awayFromNpc = world.loadUniqueEntity(npcParam.uniqueId) < end --- > -- Find a position for an entity with the given space requirements > function SpawnEntities:findPosition(boundBox) > assert(self.config.positionParameter ~= nil) > local positionParam = self.questParameters[self.config.positionParameter] > assert(positionParam.uniqueId ~= nil) > > if positionParam.type == "location" then > local locationEntityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(positionParam.uniqueId) > local position = world.callScriptedEntity(locationEntityId, "findPosition", boundBox) > if position then > return position 115,117c174,215 < local positions = findSpawnPoint(position, npcs, options) < if #positions > 0 then < return vec2.add(positions[math.random(#positions)], self.config.spawnOffset) --- > > assert(positionParam.region) > return > else > return world.findUniqueEntity(positionParam.uniqueId):result() > end > end > > function SpawnEntities:spawnTreasure(config) > local searchCenter =[self.config.positionParameter].region) > if not searchCenter then return nil end > local locations =, nil, config.minDistance, config.maxDistance) > if #locations == 0 then return nil end > > local location = locations[math.random(#locations)] > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(location.uniqueId) > if world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "addTreasure", config.treasurePool) then > return location > end > end > > function SpawnEntities:generateTreasureNote(location) > local textGenerator = questTextGenerator(self.questDescriptor) > local templates = questNoteTemplates(self.templateId, "treasureNote") > return generateNoteItem(templates, nil, textGenerator) > end > > function SpawnEntities:questStarted() > self.entityIds = {} > = {} > = {} > > local spawnCount = util.randomIntInRange(self.config.spawnCount or 1) > > -- Determine which (if any) monsters to evolve or turn into minibosses > local evolve = {} > local evolvedIndices = {} > local minibossIndex = nil > for i = 1, spawnCount do > if math.random() < (self.config.evolutionChance or 0) then > evolve[i] = true > table.insert(evolvedIndices, i) 119a218,220 > if #evolvedIndices > 0 and math.random() < (self.config.minibossChance or 0) then > minibossIndex = evolvedIndices[math.random(#evolvedIndices)] > end 121,124c222,240 < if self.config.positionParam then < local positionParam = self.questParameters[self.config.positionParam] < if positionParam and positionParam.uniqueId then < return world.findUniqueEntity(positionParam.uniqueId) --- > local statusEffects = {} > if math.random() < (self.config.randomStatusEffectChance or 0) then > local effect = self.config.randomStatusEffect[math.random(#self.config.randomStatusEffect)] > statusEffects["spawner"] = {effect} > end > > local treasureNoteItem = nil > local treasureIndex = nil > if self.config.treasureTrail then > local treasureLocation = self:spawnTreasure(self.config.treasureTrail) > if treasureLocation then > self.questManager:setQuestParameter(self.questId, "treasureLocation", { > type = "location", > name =, > uniqueId = treasureLocation.uniqueId, > region = treasureLocation.region > }) > treasureNoteItem = self:generateTreasureNote(treasureLocation) > treasureIndex = math.random(spawnCount) 126,127c242,247 < if positionParam and positionParam.location then < return randomPositionInPoly(positionParam.location, self.config.spawnOffset) --- > end > > for i = 1, spawnCount do > local drops = {} > if i == treasureIndex then > table.insert(drops, treasureNoteItem) 128a249,264 > > local isMiniboss = i == minibossIndex > local uniqueId, entityId = self:spawnUnique(evolve[i], isMiniboss, statusEffects, drops) > > local boundBox = world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "mcontroller.boundBox") > local position = self:findPosition(boundBox) > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "mcontroller.setPosition", position) > >[uniqueId] = true > self.entityIds[uniqueId] = entityId > > local entityParameterFormat = self.config.addEntityParameter or sb.makeUuid() > local entityParam = self:entityParam(uniqueId) > local paramName = string.format(entityParameterFormat, i) > table.insert(, paramName) > self.questManager:setQuestParameter(self.questId, paramName, entityParam) 129a266 > end 131c268,290 < error("Quest manager: unable to spawn enemy - no valid position") --- > function SpawnEntities:questFinished() > if or self.config.despawnOnCompletion then > for uniqueId,_ in pairs( or {}) do > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(uniqueId) > if world.entityExists(entityId) then > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "tenant.despawn", true) > end > end > end > end > > function SpawnEntities:entityParam(uniqueId) > local entityId = self.entityIds[uniqueId] or world.loadUniqueEntity(uniqueId) > if not world.entityExists(entityId) then return nil end > > return { > type = "entity", > uniqueId = uniqueId, > name = or world.entityName(entityId), > species = world.entitySpecies(entityId), > gender = world.entityGender(entityId), > portrait = world.entityPortrait(entityId, "full") > } 137,159c296,302 < local entityIds = {} < if not then < = {} < local position = self:spawnPosition() < for i = 1, (self.config.spawnCount or 1) do < local uniqueId, entityId = self:spawnUnique(position) <[uniqueId] = true < entityIds[uniqueId] = entityId < end < self.justSpawned = true < end < < local enemyParams = {} < for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do < local entityId = entityIds[uniqueId] or world.loadUniqueEntity(uniqueId) < if world.entityExists(entityId) then < local enemyParam = { < type = "entity", < uniqueId = uniqueId, < name = self:enemyParamName() or world.entityName(entityId), < portrait = world.entityPortrait(entityId, "full") < } < enemyParams[#enemyParams+1] = enemyParam --- > assert( ~= nil) > > if then > for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do > self.questManager.outbox.contactList:registerWorldEntity(uniqueId) > self.questManager.outbox.contactList:setEnabled(uniqueId, false) > self.questManager:reserveParticipant(self.questId, uniqueId, self.config.participantDef) 160a304 > = false 162c306,320 < self.questManager:sendToPlayer(player, "enemiesSpawned", enemyParams) --- > > local entityParams = {} > for uniqueId,_ in pairs( do > local entityParam = self:entityParam(uniqueId) > if entityParam then > table.insert(entityParams, entityParam) > end > end > > self.questManager:sendToPlayer(player, "entitiesSpawned",, > end > > function SpawnEntities:playerFailed(player) > QuestPlugin.playerFailed(self, player) > = true scripts\questgen\context.lua 22,41d21 < function QuestContext:spawnPoints(options) < -- Return a list of nearby position ideally outside of the town/colony that < -- we could spawn monsters or enemy NPCs at. Or nil if none could be found. < -- The bounds of the town/colony are approximated by the bound box of all the < -- npcs we found in our entity query. < < local npcs =["npc"], function (npc) < return npc:entityId() < end) < local rectWidth = options.rectWidth < local rectHeight = options.rectHeight < < local results = findSpawnPoint(self._queryPosition, npcs, options) < < return, function (position) < local poly = makeSpawnPoly(position[1], position[2], rectWidth, rectHeight) < return < end) < end < scripts\questgen\generator.lua 12a13,14 > self.questPools = nil > self.abortQuestCallback = nil 17c19 < world.logInfo(...) --- > sb.logInfo(...) 22,23c24,25 < local queryRange = entity.configParameter("questGenerator.queryRange", 50) < local queryCooldown = entity.configParameter("questGenerator.queryCooldown", 60) --- > local queryRange = config.getParameter("questGenerator.queryRange", 50) > local queryCooldown = config.getParameter("questGenerator.queryCooldown", 60) 48c50 < world.logInfo("Time elapsed %s: %sms", description, elapsed * 1000) --- > sb.logInfo("Time elapsed %s: %sms", description, elapsed * 1000) 72c74 < world.logInfo("Quest generator broke: %s", result) --- > sb.logInfo("Quest generator broke: %s", result) 86,87c88,89 < for _,poolName in pairs(entity.configParameter("questGenerator.pools", {})) do < local pool = root.assetJson("/quests/generated/"..poolName..".config") --- > for _,poolName in pairs(self.questPools or config.getParameter("questGenerator.pools", {})) do > local pool = root.assetJson("/quests/generated/questpools/"..poolName..".config") 102c104 < return world.entityPosition( --- > return entity.position() 107c109 < return world.objectConfigParameter(entityId, "shortdescription") --- > return world.getObjectParameter(entityId, "shortdescription") 117,119c119,121 < for name, config in pairs(root.assetJson("/quests/generated/pools/pools.config")) do < local relation = PoolRelations[config.relation] < self._poolRelations[name] = defineRelation(name, true, relation)(config) --- > for name, poolConfig in pairs(root.assetJson("/quests/generated/pools/pools.config")) do > local relation = PoolRelations[poolConfig.relation] > self._poolRelations[name] = defineRelation(name, true, relation)(poolConfig) 134c136 < local maxCost = entity.configParameter("questGenerator.maxPlanCost", 5) --- > local maxCost = config.getParameter("questGenerator.maxPlanCost", 5) 237a240,244 > -- Final chance to discard this quest before it affects the world > if self.abortQuestCallback and self.abortQuestCallback() then > return nil > end > 266a274,307 > return self:generateUniqueIds(planner, plan) > end > > function QuestGenerator:generateUniqueIds(planner, plan) > for _, operation in ipairs(plan) do > for key, symbol in pairs(operation.symbols) do > local predicand = Predicand.value(operation.symbols[key]) > match (predicand) { > [QuestPredicands.Entity] = function (entity) > local uniqueId = entity:uniqueId() > if not uniqueId then > uniqueId = sb.makeUuid() > entity:setUniqueId(uniqueId) > end > end, > > [QuestPredicands.TemporaryNpc] = function (npc) > local entityId = npc:spawn() > local uniqueId = sb.makeUuid() > npc.entityId = entityId > npc.uniqueId = uniqueId > world.setUniqueId(entityId, uniqueId) > local entity =, entityId, uniqueId) > planner.context:markEntityUsed(entity, true) > end, > > default = function () end > } > end > end > > -- Wait one more tick so that any uniqueIds we've just set are ready for use. > coroutine.yield() > 279,306d319 < < -- Set uniqueIds on any specific entities we're using that don't have one < for key, parameterDef in pairs(parameterDefs) do < local predicand = Predicand.value(opSymbols[key]) < match (predicand) { < [QuestPredicands.Entity] = function (entity) < local uniqueId = entity:uniqueId() < if not uniqueId then < uniqueId = sb.makeUuid() < entity:setUniqueId(uniqueId) < end < end, < < [QuestPredicands.TemporaryNpc] = function (npc) < local entityId = npc:spawn() < local uniqueId = sb.makeUuid() < npc.entityId = entityId < npc.uniqueId = uniqueId < world.setUniqueId(entityId, uniqueId) < end, < < default = function () end < } < end < < -- Wait one more tick so that any uniqueIds we've just set are ready for use. < coroutine.yield() < 355a369 > gender = world.entityGender(entityId), 364c378 < assert(uniqueId ~= nil and entityId ~= nil) --- > assert(uniqueId ~= nil and entityId ~= nil and world.entityExists(entityId)) 368a383 > gender = world.entityGender(entityId), 377,378c392,394 < location = location.poly, < name = --- > region = location.region, > name =, > uniqueId = location.uniqueId 382a399,402 > local seed = npcType.seed > if seed == "stable" then > seed = generateSeed() > end 389c409,410 < portrait = npcType:portrait() --- > seed = seed, > portrait = npcType:portrait(seed) 393a415,418 > local parameters = shallowCopy(monsterType.parameters) > if parameters.seed == "stable" then > parameters.seed = generateSeed() > end 398,399c423,424 < parameters = monsterType.parameters, < portrait = monsterType:portrait() --- > parameters = parameters, > portrait = monsterType:portrait(parameters.seed) 464c489 < function QuestGenerator:createRewards(overallDifficulty) --- > function QuestGenerator:createRewardBag(overallDifficulty) 494a520 > if not questSpec then return nil end 510a537 > local suppressRewardBag = false 530c557 < managerPlugins[questDesc.questId] = operation.config.managerPlugin --- > managerPlugins[questDesc.questId] = operation.config.managerPlugins 532a560,565 > > if operation.config.generateRewardBag ~= nil then > if not operation.config.generateRewardBag then > suppressRewardBag = true > end > end 535c568,570 < quests[#quests].parameters.rewards = self:createRewards(overallDifficulty) --- > if not suppressRewardBag then > quests[#quests].parameters.rewards = self:createRewardBag(overallDifficulty) > end scripts\questgen\planner.lua 460c460,465 < return p == q or (p and type(p) == "table" and p.equals and p:equals(q)) --- > if p == q then return true end > if p and type(p) == "table" then > if p.equals then return p:equals(q) end > return compare(p,q) > end > return false 505a511,516 > --Predicand.unifiable = util.wrapFunction(Predicand.unifiable, function (base, p, q) > -- local result = base(p,q) > -- sb.logInfo("unifiable(%s, %s) = %s", tostring(p), tostring(q), result) > -- return result > -- end) > 686c697 < function Operator:init(name, config) --- > function Operator:init(name, operatorConfig) 688,692c699,703 < self.preconditions = config.preconditions < self.postconditions = config.postconditions < self.objectives = config.objectives < self.priority = config.priority or 0 < self.config = config --- > self.preconditions = operatorConfig.preconditions > self.postconditions = operatorConfig.postconditions > self.objectives = operatorConfig.objectives > self.priority = operatorConfig.priority or 0 > self.config = operatorConfig 728,729c739,740 < for name,config in pairs(json) do < local operator =, config) --- > for name, operatorConfig in pairs(json) do > local operator =, operatorConfig) 827c838 < world.logInfo(table.unpack(args)) --- > sb.logInfo(table.unpack(args)) 858,859c869,889 < function Planner:chooseOperation(term) < local operators = shuffled(self.operators:matchingOperators(term)) --- > function Planner:tryOperator(term, operator) > local op = operator:createOperation(self) > local objectives = op:objectives() > if objectives:unifiable(term) then > objectives:unify(term) > return op > end > return nil > end > > function Planner:tryOperatorsWeighted(term, operators) > while #operators ~= 0 do > local index = util.weightedRandom(, function (index) > return {operators[index].config.chance or 1, index} > end)) > local operator = table.remove(operators, index) > local op = self:tryOperator(term, operator) > if op then return op end > end > return nil > end 861c891,908 < -- Sort the shuffled operators by priority --- > function Planner:tryOperators(term, operators, weightedChoice) > if weightedChoice then > return self:tryOperatorsWeighted(term, operators) > else > shuffle(operators) > > for _,operator in ipairs(operators) do > if not operator.config.chance or math.random() < operator.config.chance then > local op = self:tryOperator(term, operator) > if op then return op end > end > end > return nil > end > end > > function Planner:chooseOperation(term) > local operators = shallowCopy(self.operators:matchingOperators(term)) 866,874c913,926 < for _,operator in ipairs(operators) do < if not operator.config.chance or math.random() < operator.config.chance then < local op = operator:createOperation(self) < local objectives = op:objectives() < if objectives:unifiable(term) then < objectives:unify(term) < return op < end < end --- > while #operators ~= 0 do > local minPriority = operators[#operators].priority > local priority = operators[1].priority > > local options = util.filter(operators, function (operator) > return operator.priority == priority > end) > > local op = self:tryOperators(term, options, priority == minPriority) > if op then return op end > > operators = util.filter(operators, function (operator) > return operator.priority < priority > end) 982c1034 < --- > scripts\questgen\pools.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/set.lua" > 7a10 > local TagSet = QuestPredicands.TagSet 100a104,116 > end > > PoolElementTypes.TagSet = subclass(PoolElementTypes.TagSet, "PoolElementTypes.TagSet") > PoolElementTypes.TagSet.matcher = TagSet > > function PoolElementTypes.TagSet:indexKey(tagSet) > local values = set.values(tagSet.tags) > table.sort(values) > return table.concat(values) > end > > function PoolElementTypes.TagSet:fromJson(json) > return scripts\questgen\predicands.lua 1a2 > require("/scripts/set.lua") 23c24 < return world.findUniqueEntity(self._uniqueId) --- > return world.findUniqueEntity(self._uniqueId):result() 60c61 < return world.findUniqueEntity(self._uniqueId) ~= nil --- > return world.findUniqueEntity(self._uniqueId):result() ~= nil 121c122 < function QuestPredicands.TemporaryNpc:init(species, typeName, spawnPoint) --- > function QuestPredicands.TemporaryNpc:init(species, typeName, spawnRegion) 124c125 < self.spawnPoint = spawnPoint --- > self.spawnRegion = spawnRegion 130c131 < damageTeamType = "friendly", --- > damageTeamType = "assistant", 141c142,144 < local entityId = world.spawnNpc(self.spawnPoint, self.species, self.typeName, world.threatLevel(), seed, overrides) --- > local entityId = world.spawnNpc(entity.position(), self.species, self.typeName, world.threatLevel(), seed, overrides) > local boundBox = world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "mcontroller.boundBox") > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "mcontroller.setPosition", findSpaceInRect(self.spawnRegion, boundBox) or 185a189,193 > function QuestPredicands.Item:itemTags() > local itemConfig = root.itemConfig(self.itemName) > return itemConfig.config.itemTags or {} > end > 387,388c395,396 < function QuestPredicands.Location:init(poly, name) < self.poly = poly --- > function QuestPredicands.Location:init(region, name, uniqueId, tags) > self.region = region 389a398,399 > self.uniqueId = uniqueId > self.tags = tags or {} 398a409,414 > self.seed = json.seed > > if self.seed and not then > local npcVariant = root.npcVariant(self.species, self.typeName, self.parameters.level or 1, self.seed, self.parameters) > = > end 401,402c417,419 < function QuestPredicands.NpcType:portrait() < return root.npcPortrait("full", self.species, self.typeName, self.parameters.level or 1, self.parameters.seed or math.random(0, math.maxinteger), self.parameters) --- > function QuestPredicands.NpcType:portrait(seed) > seed = seed or self.seed or generateSeed() > return root.npcPortrait("full", self.species, self.typeName, self.parameters.level or 1, seed, self.parameters) 418,419c435,438 < function QuestPredicands.MonsterType:portrait() < return root.monsterPortrait(self.typeName, self.parameters) --- > function QuestPredicands.MonsterType:portrait(seed) > local parameters = shallowCopy(self.parameters) > parameters.seed = seed or parameters.seed > return root.monsterPortrait(self.typeName, parameters) 424a444,458 > end > > QuestPredicands.TagSet = createClass("TagSet") > > function QuestPredicands.TagSet:init(json) > self.tags = > end > > function QuestPredicands.TagSet:equals(other) > if getmetatable(other) ~= getmetatable(self) then return false end > return set.equals(self.tags, other.tags) > end > > function QuestPredicands.TagSet:values() > return set.values(self.tags) scripts\questgen\relations.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/set.lua" > require "/scripts/quest/location.lua" > 12c15,16 < local Location = QuestPredicands.Location --- > local TagSet = QuestPredicands.TagSet > local NpcType = QuestPredicands.NpcType 212a217,238 > QuestRelations.monsterTenants = defineQueryRelation("monsterTenants", true) { > [case(1, Entity, NonNil)] = function (self, deed, count) > if xor(self.negated, deed:callScript("countMonsterTenants") == count) then > return {{deed, count}} > end > return Relation.empty > end, > > [case(2, Entity, Nil)] = function (self, deed, count) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > local count = deed:callScript("countMonsterTenants") > if count then > return {{deed, count}} > end > return Relation.empty > end, > > [case(3, Nil, Any)] = Relation.some, > > default = Relation.empty > } > 547c573 < [case(1, TemporaryNpc, NonNil, NonNil, Location, NonNil)] = function (self, npc, species, typeName, spawnLocation, spawnOffset) --- > [case(1, TemporaryNpc, NonNil, NonNil, QuestPredicands.Location)] = function (self, npc, species, typeName, spawnLocation) 549c575 < return {{npc, species, typeName, spawnLocation, spawnOffset}} --- > return {{npc, species, typeName, spawnLocation}} 554c580 < [case(2, Nil, NonNil, NonNil, Location, NonNil)] = function (self, _, species, typeName, spawnLocation, spawnOffset) --- > [case(2, Nil, NonNil, NonNil, QuestPredicands.Location)] = function (self, _, species, typeName, spawnLocation) 556,557c582 < local spawnPoint = randomPositionInPoly(spawnLocation.poly, spawnOffset) < return {{, typeName, spawnPoint), species, typeName, spawnLocation, spawnOffset}} --- > return {{, typeName, spawnLocation.region), species, typeName, spawnLocation}} 578a604,645 > QuestRelations.npcType = defineQueryRelation("npcType", true) { > [case(1, Nil, NonNil, NonNil, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, name, species, typeName, parameters) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{{ > name = name, > species = species, > typeName = typeName, > parameters = parameters > }), name, species, typeName, parameters}} > end, > > [case(2, NpcType, Any, Any, Any, Any)] = function (self, npcType) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{npcType,, npcType.species, npcType.typeName, npcType.parameters}} > end, > > [case(3, Nil, Any, Any, Any, Any)] = Relation.some, > > default = Relation.empty > } > > QuestRelations.seededNpcType = defineQueryRelation("seededNpcType", true) { > [case(1, Nil, NonNil, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, species, typeName, parameters) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{{ > species = species, > typeName = typeName, > parameters = parameters, > seed = generateSeed() > }), species, typeName, parameters}} > end, > > [case(2, NpcType, Any, Any, Any)] = function (self, npcType) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{npcType, npcType.species, npcType.typeName, npcType.parameters}} > end, > > [case(3, Nil, Any, Any, Any, Any)] = Relation.some, > > default = Relation.empty > } > 582c649 < if xor(self.negated, npc:callScript("entity.configParameter", configPath)) then --- > if xor(self.negated, npc:callScript("config.getParameter", configPath)) then 593c660 < return npc:callScript("entity.configParameter", "questGenerator.flags.guard") --- > return npc:callScript("config.getParameter", "questGenerator.flags.guard") 925,928c992,995 < QuestRelations.nearbySpawnPoint = defineQueryRelation("nearbySpawnPoint", true) { < [case(1, Location, NonNil)] = function (self, location, options) < if xor(self.negated, not world.polyCollision(location.poly, nil, {"Block", "Null"})) then < return {{location, options}} --- > QuestRelations.tagSet = defineQueryRelation("tagSet", true) { > [case(1, TagSet, NonNil)] = function (self, tagSet, tagsJson) > if xor(self.negated, set.equals(tagSet.tags, then > return {{tagSet, tagsJson}} 933,935c1000,1023 < [case(2, Nil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, options) < if self.negated then < return Relation.some --- > [case(2, Nil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, tagsJson) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{, tagsJson}} > end, > > [case(3, TagSet, NonNil)] = function (self, tags) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{tags, tags:values()}} > end, > > [case(4, Nil, Nil)] = Relation.some, > > default = Relation.empty > } > > QuestRelations.findLocation = defineQueryRelation("findLocation", true) { > [case(1, QuestPredicands.Location, TagSet, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, location, tags, minDistance, maxDistance) > local locationPos = > local distance = world.magnitude(locationPos, entity.position()) > local farEnoughAway = distance >= minDistance > local inRange = maxDistance < 0 or distance <= maxDistance > local tagsMatch = set.containsAll(, tags.tags) > if xor(self.negated, tagsMatch and inRange) then > return {{location, tags, minDistance, maxDistance}} 936a1025,1045 > return Relation.empty > end, > > [case(2, QuestPredicands.Location, Nil, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, location, tags, minDistance, maxDistance) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > return {{location,, minDistance, maxDistance}} > end, > > [case(3, Nil, TagSet, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, tags, minDistance, maxDistance) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > local range = maxDistance >= 0 and maxDistance or nil > local results =, tags:values(), minDistance, range), function (location) > return { >,, location.uniqueId, location.tags), > tags, > minDistance, > maxDistance > } > end) > return results > end, 938,939c1047,1056 < return, function (spawnPoint) < return {spawnPoint, options} --- > [case(4, Nil, Nil, NonNil, NonNil)] = function (self, _, _, minDistance, maxDistance) > if self.negated then return Relation.some end > local range = maxDistance >= 0 and maxDistance or nil > return, nil, minDistance, range), function (location) > return { >,, location.uniqueId, location.tags), >, > minDistance, > maxDistance > } 945a1063,1082 > QuestRelations.tagSetContains = defineQueryRelation("tagSetContains", true) { > [case(1, TagSet, NonNil)] = function (self, tags, tag) > if xor(self.negated, set.contains(tags.tags, tag)) then > return {{tags, tag}} > end > return Relation.empty > end, > default = Relation.some > } > > QuestRelations.tagSubset = defineQueryRelation("tagSubset", true) { > [case(1, TagSet, TagSet)] = function (self, tags1, tags2) > if xor(self.negated, set.equals(set.intersection(tags1.tags, tags2.tags), tags2.tags)) then > return {{tags1, tags2}} > end > return Relation.empty > end, > default = Relation.some > } > 948c1085 < if xor(self.negated, npc:callScript("entity.getItemSlot", slotName) ~= nil) then --- > if xor(self.negated, npc:callScript("npc.getItemSlot", slotName) ~= nil) then 1001a1139,1151 > } > > QuestRelations.commonItem = defineQueryRelation("commonItem", true) { > [case(1, Item)] = function (self, item) > local material = item:type() == "material" or item:type() == "liquid" > local reagent = contains(item:itemTags(), "reagent") > if xor(self.negated, material or reagent) then > return {{item}} > end > return Relation.empty > end, > [case(2, Nil)] = Relation.some, > default = Relation.empty sfx\instruments\microphone\tuning.config 9c9 < "105" : { "f" : 3520.00, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a7ba.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a7da.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a7la.ogg" ] }, --- > "105" : { "f" : 3520.00 }, 93c93 < "21" : { "f" : 27.5000, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphone/mute.ogg" ] } --- > "21" : { "f" : 27.5000, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a0ba.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a0da.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphone/a0la.ogg" ] } sfx\instruments\microphonefem\tuning.config 9c9 < "105" : { "f" : 3520.00, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a7ba.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a7da.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a7la.ogg" ] }, --- > "105" : { "f" : 3520.00 }, 93c93 < "21" : { "f" : 27.5000, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/mute.ogg" ] } --- > "21" : { "f" : 27.5000, "files" : [ "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a0ba.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a0da.ogg", "/sfx/instruments/microphonefem/a0la.ogg" ] } ships\apex\apexT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\apex\apexT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\apex\apexT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\apex\apexT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\apex\apexT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\apex\apexT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\apex\apexT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\apex\apexT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\apex\apexT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\apex\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", ships\avian\avianT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\avian\avianT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\avian\avianT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\avian\avianT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\avian\avianT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\avian\avianT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\avian\avianT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\avian\avianT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\avian\avianT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\avian\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", ships\floran\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", ships\floran\floranT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\floran\floranT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\floran\floranT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\floran\floranT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\floran\floranT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\floran\floranT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\floran\floranT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\floran\floranT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\floran\floranT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\glitch\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", ships\glitch\glitchT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\glitch\glitchT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\glitch\glitchT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\glitch\glitchT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\glitch\glitchT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\glitch\glitchT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\glitch\glitchT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\glitch\glitchT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\glitch\glitchT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\human\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", ships\human\humanT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\human\humanT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\human\humanT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\human\humanT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\human\humanT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\human\humanT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\human\humanT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\human\humanT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\human\humanT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\hylotl\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", ships\hylotl\hylotlT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\hylotl\hylotlT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\hylotl\hylotlT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\hylotl\hylotlT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\hylotl\hylotlT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\hylotl\hylotlT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\hylotl\hylotlT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\hylotl\hylotlT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\hylotl\hylotlT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 ships\novakid\blockKey.config 60,70d59 < "value" : [0, 21, 128, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "backgroundMat" : "apexshipwall", < "object" : "researchstation", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { 75,84d63 < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", ships\novakid\novakidT0.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\novakid\novakidT1.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\novakid\novakidT2.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\novakid\novakidT3.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 2 ships\novakid\novakidT4.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 4 ships\novakid\novakidT5.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 6 ships\novakid\novakidT6.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 8 ships\novakid\novakidT7.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 10 ships\novakid\novakidT8.structure 5c5,6 < "maxFuel" : 1000 --- > "maxFuel" : 1000, > "crewSize" : 12 spawntypes\bug.spawntypes 11c11 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 27c27 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 43c43 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 59c59 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 75c75 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 91c91 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 107c107 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 123c123 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 139c139 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 155c155 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 171c171 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 187c187 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 203c203 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 219c219 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 235c235 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 251c251 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 267c267 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 283c283 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 299c299 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 315c315 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 331c331 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 347c347 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 363c363 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 379c379 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 395c395 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 411c411 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 427c427 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 443c443 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 459c459 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 475c475 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 491c491 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 507c507 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 523c523 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 539c539 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 555c555 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 571c571 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 587c587 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 603c603 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 619c619 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 635c635 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 651c651 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 667c667 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 683c683 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.001, 689c689 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] spawntypes\critter.spawntypes 13c13 < "targetDensity" : 0.2, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.05, 18c18 < }, --- > }, 29c29 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 45c45 < "targetDensity" : 0.3, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.2, 61c61 < "targetDensity" : 0.08, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.05, 79c79 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 95c95 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 100c100 < }, --- > }, 111c111 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 127c127 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 143c143 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 148c148 < }, --- > }, 159c159 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 164c164 < }, --- > }, 175c175 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 180,181c180,181 < }, < --- > }, > 191c191 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 196c196 < }, --- > }, 207c207 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 212c212 < }, --- > }, 223c223 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.05, 228c228,244 < }, --- > }, > > { > "name" : "quibblecritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "enclosed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.05, > "monsterType" : "quibblecritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, 239c255 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 255c271 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.015, 260c276 < }, --- > }, 271c287 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 276c292 < }, --- > }, 287c303 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.015, 303c319 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.05, 319c335 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.015, 335c351 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.015, 351c367 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 358a375,390 > "name" : "appofloatcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "day" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "appofloatcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { 367c399 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 383c415 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 387c419 < } --- > } 389c421 < --- > 399c431 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 404c436 < }, --- > }, 415c447 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 431c463 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 447c479 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 463c495 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 479c511 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 495c527 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 511c543 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 527c559 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 543c575 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 559c591 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 575c607 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 591c623 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 607c639 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 623c655 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.15, 639c671 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 655c687 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 671c703 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 687c719 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 703c735 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 708c740 < }, --- > }, 719c751 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 735c767 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 751c783 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 756c788 < }, --- > }, 767c799 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 783c815 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 790a823,838 > "name" : "toucritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "toucritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { 799c847 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 815c863 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 831c879 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 847c895 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 863c911 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 879c927 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 895c943 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 911c959 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 927c975 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 943c991 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 948c996 < }, --- > }, 959c1007 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 966a1015,1222 > "name" : "spindycritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "spindycritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "loopacritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "loopacritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "ahsrockcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "ahsrockcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "volcanicflowercritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "volcanicflowercritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "magmawormcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "magmawormcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "firerockcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "firerockcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "orenibblercritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "orenibblercritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "firekrawlcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "firekrawlcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "flurlcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "flurlcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "ashrockcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "ashrockcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "smallgeodecritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "smallgeodecritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "largegeodecritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "largegeodecritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "floatinggeodecritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "floatinggeodecritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { 975c1231 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 991c1247 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1007c1263 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1023c1279 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1039c1295 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1055c1311 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1071c1327 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1087c1343 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1103c1359 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1107c1363 < } --- > } 1119c1375 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1135c1391 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1151c1407 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1167c1423 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1183c1439 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1199c1455 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1215c1471 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1231c1487 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1247c1503 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1252c1508 < }, --- > }, 1263c1519 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1268c1524 < }, --- > }, 1279c1535 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1295c1551 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1311c1567 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1327c1583 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1343c1599 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1348c1604,1620 < }, --- > }, > > { > "name" : "spidercritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "spidercritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, 1359c1631 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1375c1647 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1391c1663 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1407c1679 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1423c1695 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1439c1711 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1455c1727 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1471c1743 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1487c1759 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1503c1775 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1519c1791 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1535c1807 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 1545c1817 < "name" : "smallFishCave", --- > "name" : "fishcritter", 1553c1825 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 1568c1840 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 1573a1846,1860 > { > "name" : "steamfishcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "liquid", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.04, > "monsterType" : "steamfishcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, 1584c1871 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1600c1887 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1616c1903 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1632c1919 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1648c1935 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1664c1951 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1680c1967 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1696c1983 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1712c1999 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1728c2015 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1744c2031 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1760c2047 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1776c2063 < "targetDensity" : 0.02, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 1780a2068,2131 > }, > > { > "name" : "fisheyecritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "liquid", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "fisheyecritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "cellcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "cellcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "cell2critter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "cell2critter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, > > { > "name" : "eggcellcritter", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "exposed", > "time" : "all" > }, > > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "eggcellcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } 1782c2133 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] spawntypes\generatedfish.spawntypes 13c13 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 28c28 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 46c46 < "targetDensity" : 0.002, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.002, 61c61 < "targetDensity" : 0.002, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.002, 67c67 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] spawntypes\generatedflying.spawntypes 13c13 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 28c28 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 43c43 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 58c58 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 61c61 < "aggressive" : true --- > "aggressive" : false 73c73 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 76c76 < "aggressive" : true --- > "aggressive" : false 88c88 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 106c106 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 121c121 < "targetDensity" : 0.001, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 124c124 < "aggressive" : true --- > "aggressive" : false 127c127 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] spawntypes\generatedground.spawntypes 13c13 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 28c28 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 43c43 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 58c58 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 73c73 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 88c88 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 103c103 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 118c118 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 136c136 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 151c151 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 166c166 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 181c181 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 196c196 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 211c211 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 226c226 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 244c244 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 259c259 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 274c274 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 289c289 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 304c304 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 319c319 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 334c334 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 349c349 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 364c364 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 382c382 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 397c397 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 412c412 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 427c427 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 442c442 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 457c457 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.03, 472c472 < "targetDensity" : 0.015, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 478c478 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] spawntypes\uniques.spawntypes 4d3 < 16,17c15,16 < "groupSize" : [1, 3], < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "groupSize" : [1, 2], > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 32c31 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 47c46 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 66c65 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 73c72 < // MUSHROOM BIOME --- > // MUSHROOM BIOME 83c82 < "targetDensity" : 0.045, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 101c100 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 119c118 < "targetDensity" : 0.3, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.3, 137c136 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.05, 155c154 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 171c170 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 178c177 < // BIOLUMIN --- > // BIOLUMIN 189c188 < "targetDensity" : 0.05, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 207c206 < "targetDensity" : 0.3, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.14, 223c222 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 241c240 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 257c256 < "targetDensity" : 0.075, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 275c274 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 293c292 < "targetDensity" : 0.2, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.18, 311c310 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 327c326 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 345c344 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 363c362 < "targetDensity" : 0.15, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.1, 381c380 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 397c396 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 413c412 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 429c428 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 445c444 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 461c460 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 477c476 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 493c492 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 509c508 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 525c524 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 541c540 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 557c556 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 573c572 < "targetDensity" : 0.04, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.04, 589c588 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 605c604 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.005, 621c620 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 637c636 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 653c652 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 669c668 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 685c684 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 701c700 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 717c716,732 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, > "monsterType" : "skimbus", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "asteroidskimbus", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "groupSize" : [1, 1], > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 733c748 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 738c753 < }, --- > }, 749c764 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 765c780 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 781c796 < "targetDensity" : 0.01, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.01, 797c812 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 802c817 < }, --- > }, 813c828 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 829c844 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 834c849 < }, --- > }, 845c860 < "targetDensity" : 0.005, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.02, 861c876 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.08, 877c892 < "targetDensity" : 0.1, --- > "spawnChance" : 0.06, 881a897,1102 > }, > > // MOON > > { > "name" : "erchiusghost", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "all", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "groupSize" : [1, 1], > "spawnChance" : 0.01, > "monsterType" : "erchiusghost", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > > // TENTACLE BIOME TOP LAYER > > { > "name" : "tentaclecrawler", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "ceiling", > "region" : "enclosed", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.2, > "monsterType" : "tentaclecrawler", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclegnat", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "groupSize" : [1, 3], > "spawnChance" : 0.03, > "monsterType" : "tentaclegnat", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclebomb", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.01, > "monsterType" : "tentaclebomb", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclespawner", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "tentaclespawner", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentacleghost", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.03, > "monsterType" : "tentacleghost", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentacleclam", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.15, > "monsterType" : "tentacleclam", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > > // TENTACLE BIOME UNDERGROUND > > { > "name" : "tentaclecrawlerU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "ceiling", > "region" : "enclosed", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.15, > "monsterType" : "tentaclecrawler", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclegnatU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "groupSize" : [1, 3], > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "tentaclegnat", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclebombU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.04, > "monsterType" : "tentaclebomb", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentaclespawnerU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.04, > "monsterType" : "tentaclespawner", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentacleghostU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "air", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.06, > "monsterType" : "tentacleghost", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } > }, > > { > "name" : "tentacleclamU", > > "spawnParameters" : { > "area" : "surface", > "region" : "all", > "time" : "all" > }, > "spawnChance" : 0.1, > "monsterType" : "tentacleclam", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : true > } 884c1105 < ] \ No newline at end of file --- > ] species\apex.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Apex", > "subTitle" : "U", > "description" : "A race of highly intelligent primates. For millennia, the Apex were close to human in appearance until a scientific breakthrough allowed them to trade physical devolution for intellectual evolution." > }, > 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "FUR COLOR", "HAIR STYLE", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "SKIN COLOR", "BEARD STYLE", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "APEX", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Fur colour", "Hair style", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Skin colour", "Beard style", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "APEX", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=80f4ffFF?replace=31a6ffFF=39b8e3FF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "apextier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier1spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier1axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier1dagger" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flagapex" }, > > // Anvil 19,26c25,32 < { "item" : "apexcommanderjacket" }, < { "item" : "apexcommanderpants" }, < { "item" : "apexnavyjacket" }, < { "item" : "apexnavypants" }, < { "item" : "apexofficerjacket" }, < { "item" : "apexofficerpants" }, < { "item" : "apexspecialistjacket" }, < { "item" : "apexspecialistpants" }, --- > { "item" : "apextier2head" }, > { "item" : "apextier2chest" }, > { "item" : "apextier2pants" }, > > { "item" : "ironshortsword" }, > { "item" : "ironbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "tungstenaxe" }, > { "item" : "tungstenhammer" }, 28,41c34 < { "item" : "apexstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flagapex" }, < < // { "item" : "apextier2head" }, < // { "item" : "apextier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "apextier2pants" }, < { "item" : "apextier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier2shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier2broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier2spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier2axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier2dagger" }, < --- > // Anvil2 45,61c38,47 < { "item" : "apextier3hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier3shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier3broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier3spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier3axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier3dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "apextier4head" }, < // { "item" : "apextier4chest" }, < // { "item" : "apextier4pants" }, < { "item" : "apextier4hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier4shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier4broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier4spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier4axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier4dagger" }, < --- > { "item" : "apextier4head" }, > { "item" : "apextier4chest" }, > { "item" : "apextier4pants" }, > > { "item" : "titaniumdagger" }, > { "item" : "titaniumspear" }, > { "item" : "durasteelbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "durasteelshortsword" }, > > // Anvil3 65c51,53 < { "item" : "apextier5dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "apextier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6achest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6apants" }, 69a58,60 > { "item" : "apextier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6mpants" }, 74,98c65,89 < { "item" : "apextier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier8spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier8axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier8dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "apextier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6apants" }, < { "item" : "apextier6dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "apextier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6mpants" }, < < // { "item" : "apextier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "apextier6spants" }, < { "item" : "apextier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "apextier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "apextier10spear" }, < { "item" : "apextier10axe" }, < { "item" : "apextier10dagger" } --- > { "item" : "apextier6shead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6schest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6spants" }, > > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, > { "item" : "feroziumwand" }, > { "item" : "feroziumstaff" }, > { "item" : "violiumshortsword" }, > { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" }, > > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "apexstoragelocker" }, > { "item" : "apexshipdoor" }, > { "item" : "apexshiphatch" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "apexcommanderjacket" }, > { "item" : "apexcommanderpants" }, > { "item" : "apexnavyjacket" }, > { "item" : "apexnavypants" }, > { "item" : "apexofficerjacket" }, > { "item" : "apexofficerpants" }, > { "item" : "apexspecialistjacket" }, > { "item" : "apexspecialistpants" } 110c101 < "shirt" : [ "apexcommanderjacket", "apexnavyjacket", "apexofficerjacket", "apexspecialistjacket" ], --- > "shirt" : [ "apexcommanderjacket", "apexnavyjacket", "apexofficerjacket", "apexspecialistjacket", "protectorateshirtchest", "protectoratevestchest" ], 123c114 < "shirt" : [ "apexcommanderjacket", "apexnavyjacket", "apexofficerjacket", "apexspecialistjacket" ], --- > "shirt" : [ "apexcommanderjacket", "apexnavyjacket", "apexofficerjacket", "apexspecialistjacket", "protectorateshirtchest", "protectoratevestchest" ], 131a123,133 > //RUSTY RED > { "e0975c" : "BE471B", "a85636" : "8f2a0b", "6f2919" : "63230f" }, > //PASTEL PURPLE > { "e0975c" : "aa97f1", "a85636" : "7e62d0", "6f2919" : "5e499c" }, > //LIGHT PURPLE > { "e0975c" : "b769e0", "a85636" : "8c3ea8", "6f2919" : "722a82" }, > //LAVENDER > { "e0975c" : "f0b5fa", "a85636" : "d67ce6", "6f2919" : "ac5fb8" }, > //LIGHT BLUE > { "e0975c" : "61BCDE", "a85636" : "5381CC", "6f2919" : "2C489E" }, > //BROWN 132a135 > //BLACK 133a137,147 > //GREY BLUE > { "e0975c" : "6f6d85", "a85636" : "525269", "6f2919" : "3e4352" }, > //LIGHT GREY > { "e0975c" : "b8b8b8", "a85636" : "828282", "6f2919" : "555555" }, > //DARK GREY > { "e0975c" : "525252", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "161616" }, > // GREY > { "e0975c" : "74726f", "a85636" : "53504d", "6f2919" : "2a251e" }, > //BROWN GREY > { "e0975c" : "50422f", "a85636" : "36261e", "6f2919" : "170f0d" }, > //ORANGEY 134a149 > //REDDY BROWN 135a151 > //WHITE 137c153 < { "e0975c" : "7e5938", "a85636" : "5d3e25", "6f2919" : "422a18" }, --- > //RED 138a155 > //GREEN 139a157 > //BLONDE species\apexfemalenamegen.config 6,8c6 < [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russianfemale", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ], < [ " " ], < [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russiansurname", "targetLength" : [4, 8] } ] --- > [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russianfemale", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ] species\apexmalenamegen.config 6,8c6 < [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russianmale", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ], < [ " " ], < [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russiansurname", "targetLength" : [4, 8] } ] --- > [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "russianmale", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ] species\avian.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Avian", > "subTitle" : "He", > "description" : "Avians are a race of colourful birdfolk whose tribal culture revolves around the worship of Kluex - the winged god of the Aether. Their soldiers are trained from birth to be fierce warriors who will protect their temples at any cost." > }, > 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "FEATHER COLOR", "PLUMAGE", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "BEAK STYLE", "FLUFF", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "AVIAN", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Feather colour", "Plumage", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Beak", "Fluff", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "AVIAN", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ff7a69FF?replace=31a6ffFF=d93a3aFF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "aviantier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier1spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier1axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier1dagger" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flagavian" }, > > // Anvil 19,26c25,32 < { "item" : "avianadventurershirt" }, < { "item" : "avianadventurerpants" }, < { "item" : "aviancommonershirt" }, < { "item" : "aviancommonerlegs" }, < { "item" : "avianfancyshirt" }, < { "item" : "avianfancyskirt" }, < { "item" : "avianworkershirt" }, < { "item" : "avianworkerpants" }, --- > { "item" : "aviantier2head" }, > { "item" : "aviantier2chest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier2pants" }, > > { "item" : "ironshortsword" }, > { "item" : "ironbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "tungstenaxe" }, > { "item" : "tungstenhammer" }, 28,41c34 < { "item" : "avianstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flagavian" }, < < // { "item" : "aviantier2head" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier2pants" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier2dagger" }, < --- > // Anvil2 45,60c38,45 < { "item" : "aviantier3hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier3shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier3broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier3spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier3axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier3dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "aviantier4head" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier4chest" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier4pants" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier4dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "aviantier4head" }, > { "item" : "aviantier4chest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier4pants" }, > > { "item" : "titaniumdagger" }, > { "item" : "titaniumspear" }, > { "item" : "durasteelbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "durasteelshortsword" }, 61a47 > // Anvil3 65c51,53 < { "item" : "aviantier5dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "aviantier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6achest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6apants" }, 69a58,60 > { "item" : "aviantier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6mpants" }, 74,98c65,89 < { "item" : "aviantier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "aviantier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6apants" }, < { "item" : "aviantier6dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "aviantier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6mpants" }, < < // { "item" : "aviantier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "aviantier6spants" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10spear" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10axe" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10dagger" } --- > { "item" : "aviantier6shead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6schest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier6spants" }, > > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, > { "item" : "feroziumwand" }, > { "item" : "feroziumstaff" }, > { "item" : "violiumshortsword" }, > { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" }, > > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "avianstoragelocker" }, > { "item" : "avianshipdoor" }, > { "item" : "avianshiphatch" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "avianadventurershirt" }, > { "item" : "avianadventurerpants" }, > { "item" : "aviancommonershirt" }, > { "item" : "aviancommonerlegs" }, > { "item" : "avianfancyshirt" }, > { "item" : "avianfancyskirt" }, > { "item" : "avianworkershirt" }, > { "item" : "avianworkerpants" } 112c103 < "shirt" : [ "avianadventurershirt", "aviancommonershirt", "avianfancyshirt", "avianworkershirt" ], --- > "shirt" : [ "avianadventurershirt", "aviancommonershirt", "avianfancyshirt", "avianworkershirt", "protectorateshirtchest", "protectoratevestchest" ], species\aviannamegen.config 4,13d3 < [ < { "mode" : "alts" }, < [ < { "mode" : "serie" }, < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Feather", "Beak", "Seed", "Talon", "Moon", "Sun", "Star", "Song", "Gust", "Wing", "Claw", "Stone", "Storm", "Thunder", "Sky", "Rain", "Light", "Blood", "Gold", "Heart", "Mind", "Sand", "Wind", "Cloud", "Song" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "finder", "bringer", "binder", "singer", "seeker", "keeper", "speaker", "caller", "tamer", "shaper", "mender", "gazer", "changer", "crier", "mourner", "charmer", "teller", "soother" ], < [ " " ] < ], < [ "" ] < ], species\floran.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Floran", > "subTitle" : "CO2", > "description" : "Don't be fooled by their peaceful appearance! Florans are known throughout the universe to be aggressive, carnivorous hunters. Not particularly inventive on their own, they're fond of stealing and adapting technology from people they've attacked." > }, > 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "SKIN COLOR", "FOLIAGE", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "LEAF COLOR", "FLOWER COLOR", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "FLORAN", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Skin colour", "Foliage", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Leaf colour", "Flower colour", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "FLORAN", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=8af062FF?replace=31a6ffFF=40bf21FF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "florantier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier1spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier1axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier1dagger" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flagfloran" }, > > // Anvil 19,26c25,32 < { "item" : "floranfurnivourchest" }, < { "item" : "floranfurnivourlegs" }, < { "item" : "floranhunterchest" }, < { "item" : "floranhunterlegs" }, < { "item" : "floranleafchest" }, < { "item" : "floranleaflegs" }, < { "item" : "floranpeltchest" }, < { "item" : "floranpeltlegs" }, --- > { "item" : "florantier2head" }, > { "item" : "florantier2chest" }, > { "item" : "florantier2pants" }, > > { "item" : "ironshortsword" }, > { "item" : "ironbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "tungstenaxe" }, > { "item" : "tungstenhammer" }, 28,41c34 < { "item" : "floranstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flagfloran" }, < < // { "item" : "florantier2head" }, < // { "item" : "florantier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "florantier2pants" }, < { "item" : "florantier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier2shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier2broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier2spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier2axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier2dagger" }, < --- > // Anvil2 45,60c38,45 < { "item" : "florantier3hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier3shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier3broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier3spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier3axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier3dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "florantier4head" }, < // { "item" : "florantier4chest" }, < // { "item" : "florantier4pants" }, < { "item" : "florantier4hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier4shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier4broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier4spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier4axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier4dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "florantier4head" }, > { "item" : "florantier4chest" }, > { "item" : "florantier4pants" }, > > { "item" : "titaniumdagger" }, > { "item" : "titaniumspear" }, > { "item" : "durasteelbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "durasteelshortsword" }, 61a47 > // Anvil3 65c51,53 < { "item" : "florantier5dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "florantier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "florantier6achest" }, > { "item" : "florantier6apants" }, 69a58,60 > { "item" : "florantier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "florantier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "florantier6mpants" }, 74,98c65,89 < { "item" : "florantier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier8spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier8axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier8dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "florantier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6apants" }, < { "item" : "florantier6dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "florantier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6mpants" }, < < // { "item" : "florantier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "florantier6spants" }, < { "item" : "florantier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "florantier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "florantier10spear" }, < { "item" : "florantier10axe" }, < { "item" : "florantier10dagger" } --- > { "item" : "florantier6shead" }, > { "item" : "florantier6schest" }, > { "item" : "florantier6spants" }, > > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, > { "item" : "feroziumwand" }, > { "item" : "feroziumstaff" }, > { "item" : "violiumshortsword" }, > { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" }, > > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "floranstoragelocker" }, > { "item" : "floranshipdoor" }, > { "item" : "floranshiphatch" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "floranfurnivourchest" }, > { "item" : "floranfurnivourlegs" }, > { "item" : "floranhunterchest" }, > { "item" : "floranhunterlegs" }, > { "item" : "floranleafchest" }, > { "item" : "floranleaflegs" }, > { "item" : "floranpeltchest" }, > { "item" : "floranpeltlegs" } 109,110c100,101 < "hair" : [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40" ], < "shirt" : [ 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"9441B0", "be1b00" : "5d206b" }, > // DARK GREY > { "f32200" : "525252", "dc1f00" : "363636", "be1b00" : "161616" }, > // LIGHT GREY > { "f32200" : "b8b8b8", "dc1f00" : "828282", "be1b00" : "555555" }, > // WHITE > { "f32200" : "eaeaea", "dc1f00" : "b8b8b8", "be1b00" : "828282" } species\florannamegen.config 6,9c6 < [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "tribal", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ], < [ " " ], < [ "Arrow", "Ash", "Aster", "Bark", "Bay", "Beech", "Birch", "Black", "Bone", "Bramble", "Briar", "Choke", "Clover", "Currant", "Dagger", "Daisy", "Death", "Dew", "Edge", "Fallow", "Fennel", "Field", "Flax", "Flesh", "Gorse", "Grass", "Green", "Hedge", "Holly", "Hop", "Ivy", "Leek", "Lily", "Loam", "Lotus", "Maple", "Mist", "Moss", "Moon", "Murder", "Myrtle", "Neem", "Nettle", "Noose", "Pea", "Pepper", "Pine", "Poppy", "Rain", "Reed", "Rose", "Rue", "Rush", "Rye", "Sage", "Sap", "Saw", "Sedge", "Shade", "Shadow", "Sickle", "Spring", "Star", "Strangle", "Summer", "Sun", "Thistle", "Track", "Wild", "Willow", "Winter", "Yarrow", "Yew" ], < [ "berry", "bind", "weed", "cap", "cress", "bush", "thorn", "vine", "root", "nut", "wort", "flower", "bloom", "blossom", "foot", "heart", "blade", "spike", "spine", "sticker", "creep", "wood", "leaf", "brush", "seed", "foil", "apple", "bud", "drop", "plum", "blight", "bite", "blood", "gore", "gut", "cut", "cutter", "grip", "chop", "barb", "corn", "frond", "stalk", "bane", "trap", "chaser", "hunter", "-eater", "reap", "carver" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "markov", "source" : "tribal", "targetLength" : [3, 7] } ] species\glitch.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Glitch", > "subTitle" : "Fe", > "description" : "The Glitch were built in order to simulate a civilization. A fault in their programming caused them to become stuck early in the simulation, and to this day they are unable to shake their Medieval values and beliefs." > }, > 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "PAINT COLOR", "HEAD MOD", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "LIGHTS COLOR", "DETAIL COLOR", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "GLITCH", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Paint colour", "Head mod", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Lights colour", "Detail colour", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "GLITCH", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ffbc47FF?replace=31a6ffFF=e87b07FF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "glitchtier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier1spear" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier1axe" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier1dagger" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flagglitch" }, > > // Anvil 19,26c25,32 < { "item" : "craftsmenchest" }, < { "item" : "craftsmenlegs" }, < { "item" : "merchantchest" }, < { "item" : "merchantlegs" }, < { "item" : "noblechest" }, < { "item" : "noblelegs" }, < { "item" : "peasantchest" }, < { "item" : "peasantlegs" }, --- > { "item" : "glitchtier2head" }, > { "item" : "glitchtier2chest" }, > { "item" : "glitchtier2pants" }, > > { "item" : "ironshortsword" }, > { "item" : "ironbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "tungstenaxe" }, > { "item" : "tungstenhammer" }, 28,41c34 < { "item" : "glitchstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flagglitch" }, < < // { "item" : "glitchtier2head" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier2pants" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2shortsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2broadsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2spear" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2axe" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier2dagger" }, < 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"glitchtier6apants" }, 69a58,60 > { "item" : "glitchtier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "glitchtier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "glitchtier6mpants" }, 74,98c65,89 < { "item" : "glitchtier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier8spear" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier8axe" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier8dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "glitchtier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6apants" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier6dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "glitchtier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6mpants" }, < < // { "item" : "glitchtier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "glitchtier6spants" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10spear" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10axe" }, < { "item" : "glitchtier10dagger" } --- > { "item" 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towards life and the universe. Humanity set about forming a society that would unite the people of the universe - The Terrene Protectorate." > }, > > "nameGen" : [ "/species/humanmalenamegen.config:names", "/species/humanfemalenamegen.config:names" ], 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "SKIN COLOR", "HAIR STYLE", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "UNDY COLOR", "HAIR COLOR", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "HUMAN", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Skin colour", "Hair style", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Underwear", "Hair colour", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "HUMAN", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ffea63FF?replace=31a6ffFF=f5bc00FF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "humantier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier1spear" }, < { "item" : 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"49E193", "a38d59" : "3BA380", "735e3a" : "197C81" }, > //LIGHT BLUE 167a182 > //BLUE 168a184 > //DARK BLUE 170c186 < { "d9c189" : "653b7f", "a38d59" : "562e6a", "735e3a" : "3f1d4b" }, --- > //DARK PURPLE 172c188,190 < { "d9c189" : "AD68E2", "a38d59" : "9441B0", "735e3a" : "812E93" }, --- > //PURPLE > { "d9c189" : "653b7f", "a38d59" : "562e6a", "735e3a" : "3f1d4b" }, > //HOT PINK 173a192 > //PINK 175c194,196 < { "d9c189" : "525252", "a38d59" : "363636", "735e3a" : "161616" }, --- > //LIGHT PURPLE > { "d9c189" : "ad68e2", "a38d59" : "8d41b0", "735e3a" : "6a2980" }, > //BROWN GREY 177,178c198,200 < { "d9c189" : "7d3c1c", "a38d59" : "4d240b", "735e3a" : "2d1606" }, < { "d9c189" : "7f5a39", "a38d59" : "5b3523", "735e3a" : "3b1f15" }, --- > // DARK GREY > { "d9c189" : "525252", "a38d59" : "363636", "735e3a" : "161616" }, > // GREY 179a202 > // GREY BLUE 180a204 > // LIGHT GREY 182c206 < { "d9c189" : "f2eba3", "a38d59" : "dcd28c", "735e3a" : "c2b677" }, --- > // WHITE species\humannamegen.config 6,7c6 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Addison", "Alex", "Alexis", "Aleksei", "Andre", "Angel", "Ashley", "Ashton", "Bailey", "Billy", "Blair", "Byron", "Caden", "Cameron", "Carmen", "Carmine", "Carson", "Cassidy", "Chen", "Charlie", "Chiaki", "Cody", "Corey", "Dakota", "Dallas", "Delaney", "Devon", "Ellery", "Emerson", "Fabian", "Francis", "Georgi", "Hadley", "Harley", "Hayden", "Ira", "Jaden", "Jamie", "Jan", "Jesse", "Jin", "Jude", "Julian", "Kadin", "Kelsey", "Kiley", "Lane", "Lee", "Lindsay", "Lonnie", "Liu", "Lucian", "Mallory", "Montana", "Morgan", "Marley", "Naoko", "Nevada", "Noel", "Orion", "Oleg", "Paris", "Parker", "Payton", "Perry", "Quinn", "Reed", "Rene", "Robin", "Scout", "Shay", "Shelby", "Sonny", "Skylar", "Sunny", "Sydney", "Stormy", "Taylor", "Tory", "Tyler", "Ulf", "Wesley", "Wynne", "Yang", "Yi", "Yuri", "Yury" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, " Acaba", " Acton", " Adams", " Akers", " Aldrin", " Allen", " Altman", " Anders", " Anderson", " Apt", " Armstrong", " Ashby", " Atkov", " Avdeyev", " Bagian", " Baker", " Barratt", " Barry", " Bartoe", " Baturin", " Baudry", " Bean", " Binnie", " Bowen", " Bowersox", " Brady", " Cabana", " Cagle", " Caldeiro", " Camarda", " Carey", " Carpenter", " Carr", " Carter", " Casper", " Cassidy", " Cenker", " Currie", " Davis", " DeLucas", " Dezhurov", " Dunbar", " Dutton", " Dyomin", " Dyson", " Edwards", " Eisele", " England", " Engle", " Evans", " Ewald", " Eyharts", " Faris", " Farkas", " Favier", " Shenzhou", " Ferguson", " Fettman", " Gaffney", " Gardener", " Garriot", " Glazkov", " Grechko", " Hadfield", " Hansen", " Henricks", " Hieb", " Hoshide", " Hart", " Ivins", " Ivanov", " Jones", " Jr.", " Kaleri", " Kelly", " Korzun", " Kotov", " Kregel", " Lee", " Lind", " Loria", " Lu", " Low", " McDivitt", " McCulley", " McCool", " McBride", " McLean", " Manarov", " Morin", " Nagel", " Nowak", " Oswald", " O'Leary", " O'Connor", " Pailes", " Parker", " Payton", " Popov", " Pontes", " Ramon", " Readdy", " Reilly", " Reisman", " Revin", " Rogers", " Roosa", " Runco", " Sacco", " Satcher", " Scobee", " Sellers", " Sharma", " Shaw", " So-Yeon", " Spring", " Stewart", " Swanson", " Tani", " Tanner", " Titov", " Thuot", " Tokarev", " Thiele", " Usachov", " Voss", " Veach", " Wakata", " Wang", " Walker", " Williams", " Wyman", " Tesla", " Edison", " Franklin", " Riches", " Lawson", " Bryce", " Bayliss", " Yeon", " Yui", "-Smythe", " Smith", "-Jones", "-Peters", "-Funke" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Addison", "Alex", "Alexis", "Aleksei", "Andre", "Angel", "Ashley", "Ashton", "Bailey", "Billy", "Blair", "Byron", "Caden", "Cameron", "Carmen", "Carmine", "Carson", "Cassidy", "Chen", "Charlie", "Chiaki", "Cody", "Corey", "Dakota", "Dallas", "Delaney", "Devon", "Ellery", "Emerson", "Fabian", "Francis", "Georgi", "Hadley", "Harley", "Hayden", "Ira", "Jaden", "Jamie", "Jan", "Jesse", "Jin", "Jude", "Julian", "Kadin", "Kelsey", "Kiley", "Lane", "Lee", "Lindsay", "Lonnie", "Liu", "Lucian", "Mallory", "Montana", "Morgan", "Marley", "Naoko", "Nevada", "Noel", "Orion", "Oleg", "Paris", "Parker", "Payton", "Perry", "Quinn", "Reed", "Rene", "Robin", "Scout", "Shay", "Shelby", "Sonny", "Skylar", "Sunny", "Sydney", "Stormy", "Taylor", "Tory", "Tyler", "Ulf", "Wesley", "Wynne", "Yang", "Yi", "Yuri", "Yury" ] species\hylotl.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Hylotl", > "subTitle" : "H2O", > "description" : "The peaceful Hylotl place great value on ancestral tradition and take great comfort in the arts. Originally dwelling on land, their passive nature made them easy prey for the Florans and they were driven beneath the waves, where they now thrive." > }, > 5,6c12 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt2.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "SKIN COLOR", "FINS", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "BELLY COLOR", "FIN COLOR", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "HYLOTL", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Skin colour", "Fins", "Shirt", "Legwear", "Belly colour", "Fin colour", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "HYLOTL", "Personality" ], 7a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=80b3ffFF?replace=31a6ffFF=5476f0FF", 10,15c17,21 < { "item" : "hylotltier1hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier1shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier1broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier1spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier1axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier1dagger" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flaghylotl" }, > > // Anvil 19,26c25,32 < { "item" : "kimonochest" }, < { "item" : "kimonolegs" }, < { "item" : "monkchest" }, < { "item" : "monklegs" }, < { "item" : "traditionalchest" }, < { "item" : "traditionallegs" }, < { "item" : "traineechest" }, < { "item" : "traineelegs" }, --- > { "item" : "hylotltier2head" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier2chest" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier2pants" }, > > { "item" : "ironshortsword" }, > { "item" : "ironbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "tungstenaxe" }, > { "item" : "tungstenhammer" }, 28,41c34 < { "item" : "hylotlstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flaghylotl" }, < < // { "item" : "hylotltier2head" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier2pants" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier2dagger" }, < --- > // Anvil2 45,60c38,45 < { "item" : "hylotltier3hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier3shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier3broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier3spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier3axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier3dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "hylotltier4head" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier4chest" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier4pants" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier4dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "hylotltier4head" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier4chest" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier4pants" }, > > { "item" : "titaniumdagger" }, > { "item" : "titaniumspear" }, > { "item" : "durasteelbroadsword" }, > { "item" : "durasteelshortsword" }, 61a47 > // Anvil3 65c51,53 < { "item" : "hylotltier5dagger" }, --- > { "item" : "hylotltier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6achest" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6apants" }, 69a58,60 > { "item" : "hylotltier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6mpants" }, 74,98c65,89 < { "item" : "hylotltier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier8spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier8axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier8dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "hylotltier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6apants" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier6dagger" }, < < // { "item" : "hylotltier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6mpants" }, < < // { "item" : "hylotltier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "hylotltier6spants" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10spear" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10axe" }, < { "item" : "hylotltier10dagger" } --- > { "item" : "hylotltier6shead" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6schest" }, > { "item" : "hylotltier6spants" }, > > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, > { "item" : "feroziumwand" }, > { "item" : "feroziumstaff" }, > { "item" : "violiumshortsword" }, > { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" }, > > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "hylotlstoragelocker" }, > { "item" : "hylotlshipdoor" }, > { "item" : "hylotlshiphatch" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "kimonochest" }, > { "item" : "kimonolegs" }, > { "item" : "monkchest" }, > { "item" : "monklegs" }, > { "item" : "traditionalchest" }, > { "item" : "traditionallegs" }, > { "item" : "traineechest" }, > { "item" : "traineelegs" } 111c102 < "shirt" : [ "kimonochest", "monkchest", "traineechest", "traditionalchest" ], --- > "shirt" : [ "kimonochest", "monkchest", "traineechest", "traditionalchest", "protectorateshirtchest", "protectoratevestchest" ], 123c114 < "shirt" : [ "kimonochest", "monkchest", "traineechest", "traditionalchest" ], --- > "shirt" : [ "kimonochest", "monkchest", "traineechest", "traditionalchest", "protectorateshirtchest", "protectoratevestchest" ], species\hylotlfemalenamegen.config 5,6d4 < [ "Wise", "Wealthy", "Foolish", "Brave", "Bright", "Lucky", "Grim", "Grave", "Slow", "Quick", "Quiet", "Silent", "Careless", "Thoughtful", "Careful", "Picky", "Angry", "Grumpy", "Sleepy", "Bashful", "Forgetful", "Learned", "Strong", "Graceful", "Slippery", "Soggy", "Slimy", "Fishy", "Cheerful", "Lovely", "Risky", "Clever", "Greasy", "Fair", "Generous", "Kind", "Fearless", "Cowardly", "Courteous", "Curious", "Peaceful", "Calm", "Serene", "Mindful", "Knowing", "Giving", "Patient", "Zen", "Dexterous", "Shining", "Wonderful", "Pure", "Honest", "Faithful", "Joyful", "Subtle", "Mysterious", "Revered", "Tranquil", "Creative", "Innocent", "Guilty", "Tender", "Strict", "Lazy", "Hungry", "Lonely", "Fragrant", "Clumsy", "Steadfast", "Heavenly", "Blissful" ], < [ " " ], species\hylotlmalenamegen.config 5,6d4 < [ "Wise", "Wealthy", "Foolish", "Brave", "Bright", "Lucky", "Grim", "Grave", "Slow", "Quick", "Quiet", "Silent", "Careless", "Thoughtful", "Careful", "Picky", "Angry", "Grumpy", "Sleepy", "Bashful", "Forgetful", "Learned", "Strong", "Graceful", "Slippery", "Soggy", "Slimy", "Fishy", "Cheerful", "Lovely", "Risky", "Clever", "Greasy", "Fair", "Generous", "Kind", "Fearless", "Cowardly", "Courteous", "Curious", "Peaceful", "Calm", "Serene", "Mindful", "Knowing", "Giving", "Patient", "Zen", "Dexterous", "Shining", "Wonderful", "Pure", "Honest", "Faithful", "Joyful", "Subtle", "Mysterious", "Revered", "Tranquil", "Creative", "Innocent", "Guilty", "Tender", "Strict", "Lazy", "Hungry", "Lonely", "Fragrant", "Clumsy", "Steadfast", "Heavenly", "Blissful" ], < [ " " ], species\novakid.species 2a3,14 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Novakid", > "subTitle" : "CH4", > "description" : "The Novakids are a mysterious race of 'interstellar gas-bag people'. They have no charted settlements and no documented history. They're volatile beings, untroubled by the past. No one knows what they're made of, much less where they came from." > }, > > "statusEffects" : [ "novakidglow" ], > "humanoidOverrides" : { > "bodyFullbright" : true > }, > 5,6c17 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_male1.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_female1.ogg" ] ], < "charGenTextLabels" : [ "COLOR", "HAIR", "SHIRT", "PANTS", "BELLY BUTTON", "BRAND", "SHIRT COLOR", "PANTS COLOR", "NOVAKID", "PERSONALITY" ], --- > "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Gas colour", "Hair style", "Shirt", "Legwear", "", "Brand", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "NOVAKID", "Personality" ], 7a19 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ff99e6FF?replace=31a6ffFF=e359b9FF", 10,11c22,26 < { "item" : "novatier1rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier1revolver" }, --- > > // Empty Hands > { "item" : "flagnovakid" }, > > // Anvil 15,22c30,36 < { "item" : "novakidfancychest" }, < { "item" : "novakidfancypants" }, < { "item" : "novakidjacket" }, < { "item" : "novakidjacketpants" }, < { "item" : "novakidsuspenders" }, < { "item" : "novakidsuspenderspants" }, < { "item" : "novakidwaistcoat" }, < { "item" : "novakidblackpants" }, --- > { "item" : "novatier2head" }, > { "item" : "novatier2chest" }, > { "item" : "novatier2pants" }, > { "item" : "ironrevolver" }, > { "item" : "ironassaultrifle" }, > { "item" : "tungstenmagnum" }, > { "item" : "tungstenshotgun" }, 24,35c38,39 < { "item" : "novakidstoragelocker" }, < < { "item" : "flagnovakid" }, < < { "item" : "novatier2rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier2revolver" }, < // { "item" : "novatier2head" }, < // { "item" : "novatier2chest" }, < // { "item" : "novatier2pants" }, < < { "item" : "novatier3rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier3revolver" }, --- > > // Anvil2 39,44c43,49 < < { "item" : "novatier4rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier4revolver" }, < // { "item" : "novatier4head" }, < // { "item" : "novatier4chest" }, < // { "item" : "novatier4pants" }, --- > { "item" : "novatier4head" }, > { "item" : "novatier4chest" }, > { "item" : "novatier4pants" }, > { "item" : "titaniummachinepistol" }, > { "item" : "titaniumsniperrifle" }, > { "item" : "durasteelrevolver" }, > { "item" : "durasteelassaultrifle" }, 45a51 > // Anvil3 49,50c55,57 < { "item" : "novatier7rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier7revolver" }, --- > { "item" : "novatier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6achest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6apants" }, 55,56c62,64 < { "item" : "novatier5rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier5revolver" }, --- > { "item" : "novatier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6mpants" }, 61,62c69,78 < { "item" : "novatier9rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier9revolver" }, --- > { "item" : "novatier6shead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6schest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6spants" }, > > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltbow" }, > { "item" : "feroziumwand" }, > { "item" : "feroziumstaff" }, > { "item" : "violiumshortsword" }, > { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" }, 64,80c80,93 < // { "item" : "novatier6ahead" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6achest" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6apants" }, < { "item" : "novatier8rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier8revolver" }, < < // { "item" : "novatier6mhead" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6mchest" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6mpants" }, < { "item" : "novatier6rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier6revolver" }, < < // { "item" : "novatier6shead" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6schest" }, < // { "item" : "novatier6spants" }, < { "item" : "novatier10rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier10revolver" } --- > // Furniture Table 2 > { "item" : "novakidstoragelocker" }, > { "item" : "novakidshipdoor" }, > { "item" : "novakidshiphatch" }, > > // Spinning Wheel > { "item" : "novakidfancychest" }, > { "item" : "novakidfancypants" }, > { "item" : "novakidjacket" }, > { "item" : "novakidjacketpants" }, > { "item" : "novakidsuspenders" }, > { "item" : "novakidsuspenderspants" }, > { "item" : "novakidwaistcoat" }, > { "item" : "novakidblackpants" } 112c125 < /* Yellow */ --- > // Yellow 114c127 < /* Orange */ --- > // Orange 116c129 < /* Red */ --- > // Red 118c131 < /* Pinky */ --- > // Pinky 120c133 < /* Purple */ --- > // Purple 122c135 < /* Blue */ --- > // Blue 124c137 < /* Sea Green */ --- > // Sea Green 126c139 < /* Green */ --- > // Green 128c141 < /* Yellow Green */ --- > // Yellow Green 130c143 < /* "White/PaleBlue */ --- > // "White/PaleBlue species\novakidnamegen.config 6,7c6 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Ace", "Acro", "Acryl", "Ammo", "Amyl", "Aqu", "Badde", "Benze", "Benzy", "Butane", "Butyl", "Carbo", "Clint", "Clem", "Country", "Cetus", "Chloro", "Corvus", "Cylo", "Decane", "Diace", "Dich", "Dieth", "Diethyl", "Dioxi", "Dioxol", "Dodeca", "Dowan", "Dyme", "Epich", "Ethane", "Ethoxy", "Ethyl", "Freon", "Fuel", "Furan", "Furf", "Goode", "Green", "Gun", "Gutter", "Heptan", "Hexan", "Hexen", "Hydro", "Isobu", "Jet", "Kero", "Lacto", "Leo", "Libra", "Lynx", "Lyra", "Magie", "Merca", "Metha", "Methan", "Methox", "Methyl", "Milli", "Minera", "Naptha", "Nitric", "Nitro", "Nonane", "Octane", "Octyl", "Orio", "Oxy", "Pentan", "Perch", "Pers", "Pheno", "Phenyl", "Pinen", "Propane", "Propyl", "Propyl", "Saddle", "Styre", "Slang", "Tert", "Tetra", "Ursa", "Uggly", "Varni", "Vela", "Vinyl", "Virgo", "Xylene", "Xenon" ], < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, " Head", "-Wood", "-Horn", " Snipe", " Oxide", " Firewater", " Moonshine", " Fandango", " Jackeroo", " Gasse", " Gunn", " Glycol", " The-Kidd", " Cowhand", " Rustler", " Dodger", " Clodhopp", " Nova", " Shavetail", " Saddlebum", " Gungiver", "-Guzzler", " Foote", " Tanhide", " Sparrow", " Catcher", " Sulfide", " Snappe", " Monoxide", " Dioxide", " Banwagon", " Rider", " Badlande", " Bandero", " Sr.", " Buckaroo", " Burner", " Blathaskit", " Whistleton", " Yellabelly", " Sawbones", " Valleytan", " Saltlick", " Tendafoot", " Chicabiddy", " Calaboose", " Caboodle", " Trapper", " Driver", "-Slinger", " Maverick", " Carbonate", " Ether", " Sulfide", " Lamine", " Dioxide", " Chloride", " Gaso'lin", " Ace-High", " Murphy", " Cody", " Baker", " Bushwack", " Allen", " Levinston", " Bootlicker", " Steele", " Jones", " Starret", " Page", " Waller", " Hayes", " O'Brien", " Ford", " Jr.", " Hoxie", " Bannon", " McCrea", " O'Day", " McCoy" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Ace", "Acro", "Acryl", "Ammo", "Amyl", "Aqu", "Argon", "Axus", "Azen", "Azure", "Badde", "Bail", "Benze", "Benzy", "Beryl", "Billy", "Blaz", "Blue", "Boston", "Bronco", "Buck", "Bullet", "Butane", "Butch", "Butyl", "Byrd", "Carbo", "Cerise", "Clint", "Clem", "Cobalt", "Country", "Cetus", "Chloro", "Chrome", "Corvus", "Crimson", "Curie", "Cyan", "Cylo", "Dace", "Dandy", "Dash", "Decane", "Desert", "Dex", "Dice", "Ditch", "Diethyl", "Dioxie", "Dioxol", "Dodeca", "Domino", "Dowan", "Droe", "Dusty", "Dyme", "Epich", "Eryx", "Ethane", "Ethoxy", "Ethyl", "Farady", "Flint", "Freon", "Fuel", "Furan", "Furf", "Gibbs", "Goode", "Green", "Gun", "Gutter", "Helium", "Heptan", "Hexan", "Hexen", "Hydro", "Ion", "Indigo", "Isobu", "Jane", "Jesse", "Jet", "Kadi", "Kero", "Kid", "Lacto", "Lane", "Lasso", "Lead", "Leather", "Lefty", "Leo", "Lex", "Libra", "Luca", "Lucky", "Lumen", "Lynx", "Lyra", "Magie", "Marshall", "Merca", "Metha", "Methan", "Methox", "Methyl", "Milli", "Minera", "Montana", "Naptha", "Neon", "Nitric", "Nitro", "Nonane", "Octane", "Octyl", "Orio", "Oxy", "Pentan", "Perch", "Pers", "Pete", "Pheno", "Phenyl", "Pinen", "Pistol", "Propane", "Propyl", "Quark", "Quarren", "Randy", "Raider", "Raven", "Razor", "Red", "Ringo", "Ruby", "Rush", "Ryder", "Saddle", "Sawyer", "Scarlet", "Scout", "Seth", "Shade", "Silver", "Smokey", "Sonny", "Spike", "Styre", "Slang", "Target", "Teal", "Tert", "Tesla", "Tetra", "Topper", "Trigger", "Trix", "Ursa", "Varni", "Vela", "Vinyl", "Virgo", "Ward", "Warren", "Wayne", "Whip", "Wild", "Xylene", "Xenon", "Zane", "Zeke", "Zinc", "Zolan" ] species\penguin.species 2a3,10 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Penguin", > "subTitle" : "How are you even reading this ?", > "description" : "No idea what to put here" > }, > > 6d13 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_male2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_female2.ogg" ] ], species\penguinnamegen.config 6c6 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "Conly Lonly" ] --- > [ "Aggy", "Biggy", "Blaggy", "Bloggy", "Boggy", "Braggy", "Cloggy", "Craggy", "Iggy", "Jaggy", "Jeggy", "Joggy", "Laggy", "Leggy", "Loggy", "Luggy", "Moggy", "Muggy", "Naggy", "Smaggy", "Snaggy", "Swaggy", "Waggy", "Wiggy", "Weggy", "Zaggy", "Ziggy" ] species\penguinoid.config 3a4,8 > // Offset applied to all pieces. Half a pixel up to correct for the humanoid > // frames being an odd number of pixels, so the bottom of the collision poly > // would otherwise be not at a whole pixel boundary. > "globalOffset" : [0.0, 0.5], > 32c37 < "backArmRotationCenter" : [2, -5], --- > "backArmRotationCenter" : [-3, -5], 34c39 < "frontHandPosition" : [0, -3], --- > "frontHandPosition" : [-2, -5], 38c43 < "backArmOffset" : [3, 0], --- > "backArmOffset" : [7, 0], 62c67 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, species\shadow.species 2a3,9 > > "charCreationTooltip" : { > "title" : "Shadow", > "subTitle" : "Only these people know...", > "description" : "I have no idea what to put here" > }, > 5d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ] ], 29c35 < --- > 31c37 < --- > 41c47 < --- > 51c57 < --- > 177c183 < { "d9c189" : "7d3c1c", "a38d59" : "4d240b", "735e3a" : "2d1606" }, --- > { "d9c189" : "7d3c1c", "a38d59" : "4d240b", "735e3a" : "2d1606" }, species\shadownamegen.config 6c6 < [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "?????" ] --- > [ { "mode" : "alts" }, "???" ] stagehands\coordinator.lua 4,8c4,8 < local min = entity.configParameter("minMembers") < local max = entity.configParameter("maxMembers") < self.goalType = entity.configParameter("goalType") < self.goal = entity.configParameter("goal") < self.groupId = entity.configParameter("groupId") --- > local min = config.getParameter("minMembers") > local max = config.getParameter("maxMembers") > self.goalType = config.getParameter("goalType") > self.goal = config.getParameter("goal") > self.groupId = config.getParameter("groupId") 26,27c26,27 < if entity.configParameter("behavior") then < self.btree = BTree:new(entity.configParameter("behavior")) --- > if config.getParameter("behavior") then > self.btree = BTree:new(config.getParameter("behavior")) 34,36d33 < if self.btree then < self.btree:uninit() < end 39,41c36,38 < function update(dt) < if self.btree and self.btree:run(dt) ~= "running" then < self.btree:reset() --- > function update(dt) > if self.btree then > self.btree:run(dt) 45c42 < entity.die() --- > die() 50c47 < entity.setPosition(world.entityPosition(self.goal)) --- > stagehand.setPosition(world.entityPosition(self.goal)) 52c49 < entity.die() --- > die() 66a64,68 > function die() > self.dead = true > stagehand.die() > end > 68,75c70,74 < --world.logInfo("Entity: %s, Self: %s %s, Args: %s %s", entityId, self.goalType, self.goal, goalType, goal) < if compareGoals(goalType, goal) then < if self.success then < if then < return "success" < end < else < return --- > if self.dead then return false end > > if self.success then > if then > return "success" 76a76,77 > else > return 78d78 < return false 103c103 < return self.groupResources:get(resource) --- > return self.groupResources:get(resource) 180c180 < if #self.members >= self.max then --- > if #self.members >= self.max then stagehands\coordinator.stagehand 4,8d3 < "broadcastArea" : [-1, -1, 1, 1], < "broadcastAction" : { < "type" : "nothing" < }, < 15,47c10,40 < "scriptConfig" : { < "npcCombat" : { < "rangedWeaponRanges" : { < "default" : { < "minRange" : 10, < "maxRange" : 25, < "forceMoveRange" : 40 < }, < "npcassaultrifle" : { < "minRange" : 10, < "maxRange" : 25, < "forceMoveRange" : 40 < }, < "npcpistol" : { < "minRange" : 8, < "maxRange" : 20, < "forceMoveRange" : 25 < }, < "npcmachinepistol" : { < "minRange" : 8, < "maxRange" : 15, < "forceMoveRange" : 30 < }, < "npcshotgun" : { < "minRange" : 8, < "maxRange" : 15, < "forceMoveRange" : 30 < }, < "npcsniperrifle" : { < "minRange" : 15, < "maxRange" : 35, < "forceMoveRange" : 50 < } --- > "npcCombat" : { > "rangedWeaponRanges" : { > "default" : { > "minRange" : 10, > "maxRange" : 25, > "forceMoveRange" : 40 > }, > "npcassaultrifle" : { > "minRange" : 10, > "maxRange" : 25, > "forceMoveRange" : 40 > }, > "npcpistol" : { > "minRange" : 8, > "maxRange" : 20, > "forceMoveRange" : 25 > }, > "npcmachinepistol" : { > "minRange" : 8, > "maxRange" : 15, > "forceMoveRange" : 30 > }, > "npcshotgun" : { > "minRange" : 8, > "maxRange" : 15, > "forceMoveRange" : 30 > }, > "npcsniperrifle" : { > "minRange" : 15, > "maxRange" : 35, > "forceMoveRange" : 50 48a42,47 > "npcbow" : { > "minRange" : 10, > "maxRange" : 45, > "forceMoveRange" : 40 > } > }, 50,78c49,76 < "meleeWeaponRanges" : { < "default" : { < "minRange" : 1.5, < "maxRange" : 3.0 < }, < "npcdagger" : { < "minRange" : 1.0, < "maxRange" : 2.0 < }, < "npcshortsword" : { < "minRange" : 1.5, < "maxRange" : 3.0 < }, < "npcaxe" : { < "minRange" : 1.5, < "maxRange" : 3.0 < }, < "npchammer" : { < "minRange" : 2.0, < "maxRange" : 4.0 < }, < "npcbroadsword" : { < "minRange" : 2.5, < "maxRange" : 5.0 < }, < "npcspear" : { < "minRange" : 3.0, < "maxRange" : 6.0 < } --- > "meleeWeaponRanges" : { > "default" : { > "minRange" : 1.5, > "maxRange" : 3.0 > }, > "npcdagger" : { > "minRange" : 1.5, > "maxRange" : 3.0 > }, > "npcshortsword" : { > "minRange" : 1.5, > "maxRange" : 3.0 > }, > "npcaxe" : { > "minRange" : 1.5, > "maxRange" : 3.0 > }, > "npchammer" : { > "minRange" : 2.0, > "maxRange" : 4.0 > }, > "npcbroadsword" : { > "minRange" : 2.5, > "maxRange" : 4.0 > }, > "npcspear" : { > "minRange" : 3.0, > "maxRange" : 5.0 stagehands\mailbox.lua 13c13 < entity.die() --- > stagehand.die() stagehands\mailbox.stagehand 3,7d2 < < "broadcastArea" : [-1, -1, 1, 1], < "broadcastAction" : { < "type" : "nothing" < }, stagehands\questmanager.lua 4a5,8 > > local arc = loadQuestArcDescriptor(config.getParameter("quest.arc")) > local participants = config.getParameter("quest.participants") > self.questManager ="quest", self.outbox, arc, participants) 8,10c12 < if self.questManager then < self.questManager:uninit() < end --- > self.questManager:uninit() 14,19d15 < if not self.questManager then < local arc = loadQuestArcDescriptor(entity.configParameter("quest.arc")) < local participants = entity.configParameter("quest.participants") < self.questManager ="quest", self.outbox, arc, participants) < end < 23c19 < entity.die() --- > stagehand.die() stagehands\questmanager.stagehand 3,7d2 < < "broadcastArea" : [-1, -1, 1, 1], < "broadcastAction" : { < "type" : "nothing" < }, 13,16c8,9 < "scriptConfig" : { < "quest" : { < "restartCooldown" : 30 < } --- > "quest" : { > "restartCooldown" : 30 stagehands\coordinator\npccombat.lua 27c27 < local gunRanges = entity.configParameter("npcCombat.rangedWeaponRanges") --- > local gunRanges = config.getParameter("npcCombat.rangedWeaponRanges") 33c33 < local weaponRanges = entity.configParameter("npcCombat.meleeWeaponRanges") --- > local weaponRanges = config.getParameter("npcCombat.meleeWeaponRanges") 58c58,67 < return world.magnitude(npcPosition, a) < world.magnitude(npcPosition, b) --- > local aToTarget = world.magnitude(targetPosition, a) > local bToTarget = world.magnitude(targetPosition, b) > > -- For two positions at very similar distance to the target, pick the one closest to the npc > if math.abs(aToTarget - bToTarget) < 0.5 then > return world.magnitude(npcPosition, a) < world.magnitude(npcPosition, b) > end > > -- In all other cases, closer to target is better > return aToTarget < bToTarget stats\monster_primary.lua 4a5,10 > > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 > > message.setHandler("applyStatusEffect", function(_, _, effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > status.addEphemeralEffect(effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > end) 25,27c31,33 < damage = math.min(damage, status.resource("health")) < if damage > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then < status.modifyResource("health", -damage) --- > local healthLost = math.min(damage, status.resource("health")) > if healthLost > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then > status.modifyResource("health", -healthLost) 36c42 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) --- > self.applyKnockback = momentum 38d43 < mcontroller.addMomentum(momentum) 47c52,53 < damage = damage, --- > damageDealt = damage, > healthLost = healthLost, 68c74,75 < status.setPrimaryDirectives("fade=ff0000=0.85") --- > local color = status.statusProperty("damageFlashColor") or "ff0000=0.85" > status.setPrimaryDirectives(string.format("fade=%s", color)) 73c80,92 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > if self.applyKnockback then > mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) > if vec2.mag(self.applyKnockback) > status.stat("knockbackThreshold") then > mcontroller.addMomentum(self.applyKnockback) > end > self.applyKnockback = nil > end > > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > status.setResourcePercentage("health", 0) > end > end stats\npc_primary.lua 2a3,9 > self.hitInvulnerabilityTime = 0 > > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 > > message.setHandler("applyStatusEffect", function(_, _, effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > status.addEphemeralEffect(effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > end) 6c13 < if world.getProperty("nonCombat") then --- > if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 or world.getProperty("nonCombat") then 25,26c32,34 < if damage > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then < status.modifyResource("health", -damage) --- > local healthLost = math.min(damage, status.resource("health")) > if healthLost > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then > status.modifyResource("health", -healthLost) 27a36,41 > if status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerability") then > local damageHealthPercentage = healthLost / status.resourceMax("health") > if damageHealthPercentage > status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerabilityThreshold") then > self.hitInvulnerabilityTime = status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerabilityTime") > end > end 46c60,61 < damage = damage, --- > damageDealt = damage, > healthLost = healthLost, 78a94,108 > if status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerability") then > self.hitInvulnerabilityTime = math.max(self.hitInvulnerabilityTime - dt, 0) > local flashTime = status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerabilityFlash") > > if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 then > if math.fmod(self.hitInvulnerabilityTime, flashTime) > flashTime / 2 then > status.setPrimaryDirectives(status.statusProperty("damageFlashOffDirectives")) > else > status.setPrimaryDirectives(status.statusProperty("damageFlashOnDirectives")) > end > else > status.setPrimaryDirectives() > end > end > 92a123,126 > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > status.setResourcePercentage("health", 0) > end > 115c149 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\player_primary.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/status.lua" > require "/scripts/achievements.lua" > 7d9 < self.damageFlashTime = 0 9a12,13 > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 > 13a18,46 > > self.inflictedDamage = damageListener("inflictedDamage", inflictedDamageCallback) > > message.setHandler("applyStatusEffect", function(_, _, effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > status.addEphemeralEffect(effectConfig, duration, sourceEntityId) > end) > end > > function inflictedDamageCallback(notifications) > for _,notification in ipairs(notifications) do > if notification.killed then > if world.entityExists(notification.targetEntityId) then > local entityType = world.entityType(notification.targetEntityId) > local eventFields = entityEventFields(notification.targetEntityId) > util.mergeTable(eventFields, worldEventFields()) > eventFields.damageSourceKind = notification.damageSourceKind > > if entityType == "object" then > recordEvent(, "killObject", eventFields) > > elseif entityType == "npc" or entityType == "monster" or entityType == "player" then > recordEvent(, "kill", eventFields) > end > else > -- TODO: better method for getting data on killed entities > sb.logInfo("Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity %s", notification.targetEntityId) > end > end > end 31c64 < --- > 47c80 < --- > 54,58c87,89 < local damageHealthPercentage = damage / status.resourceMax("health") < < if damage > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then < status.modifyResource("health", -damage) < self.damageFlashTime = 0.07 --- > local healthLost = math.min(damage, status.resource("health")) > if healthLost > 0 and damageRequest.damageType ~= "Knockback" then > status.modifyResource("health", -healthLost) 59a91,92 > > local damageHealthPercentage = damage / status.resourceMax("health") 61c94 < self.hitInvulnerabilityTime = status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerabilityTime") * math.min(damageHealthPercentage, 1.0) --- > self.hitInvulnerabilityTime = status.statusProperty("hitInvulnerabilityTime") 71c104 < if knockback > 0 then --- > if knockback > status.stat("knockbackThreshold") then 73,78c106,107 < if mcontroller.baseParameters().gravityEnabled then < local dir = knockbackMomentum[1] > 0 and 1 or -1 < mcontroller.addMomentum({dir * knockback / 1.41, knockback / 1.41}) < else < mcontroller.addMomentum(knockbackMomentum) < end --- > local dir = knockbackMomentum[1] > 0 and 1 or -1 > mcontroller.addMomentum({dir * knockback / 1.41, knockback / 1.41}) 85c114,115 < damage = damage, --- > damageDealt = damage, > healthLost = healthLost, 109,112c139 < local curYVelocity = yPosChange / dt < local yVelChange = curYVelocity - self.lastYVelocity < < if self.fallDistance > minimumFallDistance and yVelChange > minimumFallVel and mcontroller.onGround() then --- > if self.fallDistance > minimumFallDistance and -self.lastYVelocity > minimumFallVel and mcontroller.onGround() then 124c151 < if curYVelocity < -minimumFallVel then --- > if mcontroller.yVelocity() < -minimumFallVel and not mcontroller.onGround() then 131c158 < self.lastYVelocity = curYVelocity --- > self.lastYVelocity = mcontroller.yVelocity() 153d179 < self.damageFlashTime = math.max(0, self.damageFlashTime - dt) 155,158c181,186 < if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 and math.fmod(self.hitInvulnerabilityTime, flashTime) > flashTime / 2 then < status.setPrimaryDirectives("multiply=ffffff00") < elseif self.damageFlashTime > 0 then < status.setPrimaryDirectives("fade=ff0000=0.85") --- > if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 then > if math.fmod(self.hitInvulnerabilityTime, flashTime) > flashTime / 2 then > status.setPrimaryDirectives(status.statusProperty("damageFlashOffDirectives")) > else > status.setPrimaryDirectives(status.statusProperty("damageFlashOnDirectives")) > end 186a215,220 > > self.inflictedDamage:update() > > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > status.setResourcePercentage("health", 0) > end 189a224,225 > local bars = {} > 191c227 < return {{ --- > table.insert(bars, { 194c230 < }} --- > }) 197c233 < return {} --- > return bars stats\effects\beamin\beamin.animation 14a15,17 > }, > "frameProperties" : { > "multiply" : [ "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffffff", "ffffffff" ] 32c35 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" 48c51 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" 54a58,61 > }, > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "species" : "", > "effectDirectives" : "" stats\effects\beamin\beamin.lua 4c4 < end --- > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) 6c6,9 < function update(dt) --- > local speciesTags = config.getParameter("speciesTags") > if status.statusProperty("species") then > animator.setGlobalTag("species", speciesTags[status.statusProperty("species")] or "") > end 9,10c12,14 < function uninit() < end --- > function update(dt) > effect.setParentDirectives(string.format("?multiply=%s", animator.animationStateProperty("teleport", "multiply"))) > end \ No newline at end of file stats\effects\beamin\beamin.statuseffect 3a4,6 > "speciesTags" : { > "penguin" : "penguin" > } stats\effects\beamout\beamaway.lua 6a7 > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) 47c48 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\beamout\beamout.animation 14a15,17 > }, > "frameProperties" : { > "multiply" : [ "ffffffff", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00", "ffffff00" ] 32c35 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" 48c51 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" 54a58,61 > }, > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "effectDirectives" : "", > "species" : "" stats\effects\beamout\beamout.lua 4c4 < end --- > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) 6c6,9 < function update(dt) --- > local speciesTags = config.getParameter("speciesTags") > if status.statusProperty("species") then > animator.setGlobalTag("species", speciesTags[status.statusProperty("species")] or "") > end 10c13 < if effect.configParameter("teleport") then --- > if config.getParameter("teleport") then 15c18 < if effect.configParameter("die") then --- > if config.getParameter("die") then stats\effects\beamout\beamout.statuseffect 3a4,6 > "speciesTags" : { > "penguin" : "penguin" > } stats\effects\beamout\beamoutanddie.statuseffect 3a4,6 > "speciesTags" : { > "penguin" : "penguin" > }, stats\effects\beamout\beamoutandteleport.statuseffect 3a4,6 > "speciesTags" : { > "penguin" : "penguin" > }, stats\effects\biomecold\biomecold.animation 18c18,19 < "finalVelocity" : [0, -0.1], --- > "finalVelocity" : [0, -0.3], > "approach" : [0, 0.3], stats\effects\biomecold\biomecold.lua 3a4,10 > > effect.setParentDirectives(config.getParameter("directives", "")) > > self.movementModifiers = config.getParameter("movementModifiers", {}) > > self.energyCost = config.getParameter("energyCost", 1) > self.healthDamage = config.getParameter("healthDamage", 1) 5c12 < script.setUpdateDelta(5) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(config.getParameter("tickRate", 1)) 7,8c14 < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = 0.005 --- > effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "energyRegenPercentageRate", effectiveMultiplier = 0}}) 10,11c16 < self.pulseTimer = 0 < self.halfPi = math.pi / 2 --- > world.sendEntityMessage(, "queueRadioMessage", "biomecold", 5.0) 15,29c20,21 < mcontroller.controlModifiers({ < groundMovementModifier = 0.1, < runModifier = 0.5, < jumpModifier = 0.7 < }) < < mcontroller.controlParameters({ < normalGroundFriction = 0.9 < }) < < status.modifyResourcePercentage("energy", -self.degen * dt) < self.tickTimer = self.tickTimer - dt < if self.tickTimer <= 0 then < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = self.degen + 0.005 --- > mcontroller.controlModifiers(self.movementModifiers) > if not status.overConsumeResource("energy", self.energyCost) then 32c24,25 < damage = self.degen * status.resourceMax("health"), --- > damage = self.healthDamage, > damageSourceKind = "ice", 36,42d28 < < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer + dt * 2 < if self.pulseTimer >= math.pi then < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer - math.pi < end < local pulseMagnitude = math.floor(math.cos(self.pulseTimer - self.halfPi) * 16) / 16 < effect.setParentDirectives("fade=AAAAFF="..pulseMagnitude * 0.2 + 0.2) 47c33 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\biomecold\biomecold.statuseffect 5,6c5,15 < "effectConfig" : {}, < "defaultDuration" : 10, --- > "effectConfig" : { > "directives" : "fade=AAAAFF=0.3", > "movementModifiers" : { > "speedModifier" : 0.6, > "airJumpModifier" : 0.6 > }, > "tickRate" : 20, > "energyCost" : 2.5, > "healthDamage" : 5 > }, > "defaultDuration" : 3, stats\effects\biomeheat\biomeheat.animation 2a3,11 > "flames" : { > "enabled" : true, > "emissionRate" : 7.0, > "particles" : [ > { > "particle" : "fireswoosh1" > } > ] > }, stats\effects\biomeheat\biomeheat.lua 2c2,5 < animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("drips", mcontroller.boundBox()) --- > local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() > animator.setParticleEmitterBurstCount("flames", 6) > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("flames", {bounds[1], bounds[2] - 0.25, bounds[3], bounds[2] + 0.25}) > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("drips", bounds) 5c8 < script.setUpdateDelta(5) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(2) 7,8c10,11 < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = 0.005 --- > self.tickRate = config.getParameter("tickRate") > self.tickDamage = config.getParameter("tickDamage") 10,11c13,15 < self.pulseTimer = 0 < self.halfPi = math.pi / 2 --- > self.tickTimer = self.tickRate > > world.sendEntityMessage(, "queueRadioMessage", "biomeheat", 5.0) 15,24c19,22 < mcontroller.controlModifiers({ < runModifier = 0.7, < jumpModifier = 0.3 < }) < < status.modifyResourcePercentage("energy", -self.degen * dt) < self.tickTimer = self.tickTimer - dt < if self.tickTimer <= 0 then < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = self.degen + 0.005 --- > self.tickTimer = math.max(0, self.tickTimer - dt) > if self.tickTimer == 0 and mcontroller.onGround() then > animator.burstParticleEmitter("flames") > self.tickTimer = self.tickRate 27c25,26 < damage = self.degen * status.resourceMax("health"), --- > damage = self.tickDamage, > damageSourceKind = "fire", 31,37d29 < < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer + dt * 2 < if self.pulseTimer >= math.pi then < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer - math.pi < end < local pulseMagnitude = math.floor(math.cos(self.pulseTimer - self.halfPi) * 16) / 16 < effect.setParentDirectives("fade=AA0000="..pulseMagnitude * 0.4 + 0.2) 42c34 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\biomeheat\biomeheat.statuseffect 5,6c5,9 < "effectConfig" : {}, < "defaultDuration" : 10, --- > "effectConfig" : { > "tickRate" : 0.5, > "tickDamage" : 5 > }, > "defaultDuration" : 1.0, stats\effects\biomeradiation\biomeradiation.lua 2,8c2,4 < script.setUpdateDelta(5) < < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = 0.005 < < self.pulseTimer = 0 < self.halfPi = math.pi / 2 --- > effect.setParentDirectives(config.getParameter("directives", "")) > world.sendEntityMessage(, "queueRadioMessage", "biomeradiation", 5.0) > self.healthPercentage = config.getParameter("healthPercentage", 0.1) 12,35c8 < mcontroller.controlModifiers({ < runModifier = 0.6, < jumpModifier = 0.6 < }) < < status.modifyResourcePercentage("energy", -self.degen * dt) < self.tickTimer = self.tickTimer - dt < if self.tickTimer <= 0 then < self.tickTimer = 1 < self.degen = self.degen + 0.005 < status.applySelfDamageRequest({ < damageType = "IgnoresDef", < damage = self.degen * status.resourceMax("health"), < sourceEntityId = < }) < end < < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer + dt * 2 < if self.pulseTimer >= math.pi then < self.pulseTimer = self.pulseTimer - math.pi < end < < local pulseMagnitude = math.floor(math.cos(self.pulseTimer - self.halfPi) * 16) / 16 < effect.setParentDirectives(string.format("fade=AAFF88=%.3f?border=2;AAFF88%2x;00000000", (pulseMagnitude * 0.3 + 0.1), math.floor(pulseMagnitude * 70) + 10)) --- > status.setResourcePercentage("health", math.min(status.resourcePercentage("health"), self.healthPercentage)) 40c13 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\biomeradiation\biomeradiation.statuseffect 5,6c5,9 < "effectConfig" : {}, < "defaultDuration" : 10, --- > "effectConfig" : { > "healthPercentage" : 0.15, > "directives" : "fade=AAFF88FF;0.15?border=2;AAFF8822;00000000" > }, > "defaultDuration" : 3, stats\effects\blink\blink.lua 2,4c2,11 < animator.setAnimationState("blink", "blinkout") < effect.setParentDirectives("?multiply=ffffff00") < animator.playSound("activate") --- > self.blinkOut = config.getParameter("blinkOut") > self.blinkIn = config.getParameter("blinkIn") > > if self.blinkOut then > animator.setAnimationState("blink", "blinkout") > effect.setParentDirectives("?multiply=ffffff00") > animator.playSound("activate") > elseif self.blinkIn then > animator.setAnimationState("blink", "blinkin") > end 9c16,21 < teleport() --- > if self.blinkOut and self.blinkIn then > effect.setParentDirectives("") > animator.setAnimationState("blink", "blinkin") > else > effect.expire() > end 11,15d22 < end < < function teleport() < effect.setParentDirectives("") < animator.setAnimationState("blink", "blinkin") stats\effects\blink\blink.statuseffect 3a4,5 > "blinkOut" : true, > "blinkIn" : true stats\effects\bouncy\bouncy.lua 3,5d2 < if mcontroller.velocity()[2] <= 10 then < mcontroller.setYVelocity(10.0) < end 11c8 < bounceFactor = 0.9 --- > bounceFactor = 0.95 16,17c13,14 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > end stats\effects\burning\burning.animation 18a19,21 > }, > "sounds" : { > "burn" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/flame_burning.ogg" ] stats\effects\burning\burning.lua 4a5 > animator.playSound("burn", -1) 24c25 < damageSourceKind = "burning", --- > damageSourceKind = "fire", 32c33 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\burning\burning.statuseffect 3c3 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", --- > "blockingStat" : "fireStatusImmunity", stats\effects\castelectric\castelectric.statuseffect 3d2 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", stats\effects\castfire\castfire.statuseffect 3d2 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", stats\effects\castice\castice.statuseffect 3d2 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", stats\effects\castphysical\castphysical.statuseffect 3d2 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", stats\effects\castpoison\castpoison.statuseffect 3d2 < "blockingStat" : "fireImmunity", stats\effects\color\color.lua 2c2 < effect.setParentDirectives("fade="..effect.configParameter("color").."=0.5") --- > effect.setParentDirectives("fade="..config.getParameter("color").."=0.5") 12c12 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\color\colorgreen.statuseffect 4c4 < "color" : "008000" --- > "color" : "00B300" stats\effects\color\colorpurple.statuseffect 4c4 < "color" : "800080" --- > "color" : "b200b3" stats\effects\color\coloryellow.statuseffect 4c4 < "color" : "FFFF00" --- > "color" : "CCCC00" stats\effects\crash\crash.lua 6,8c6,7 < local stuns = status.statusProperty("stuns", {}) < stuns["crash"] = true < status.setStatusProperty("stuns", stuns) --- > status.setResource("stunned", math.max(status.resource("stunned"), effect.duration())) > mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) 12a12 > facingSuppressed = true, 18,21c18,19 < local stuns = status.statusProperty("stuns", {}) < stuns["crash"] = nil < status.setStatusProperty("stuns", stuns) < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > end stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbomb.lua 2c2 < if status.resourceMax("health") < effect.configParameter("minMaxHealth", 0) then --- > if status.resourceMax("health") < config.getParameter("minMaxHealth", 0) then 14c14 < effect.setParentDirectives(effect.configParameter("flashDirectives", "")) --- > effect.setParentDirectives(config.getParameter("flashDirectives", "")) 19c19 < if not status.resourcePositive("health") and status.resourceMax("health") >= effect.configParameter("minMaxHealth", 0) then --- > if not status.resourcePositive("health") and status.resourceMax("health") >= config.getParameter("minMaxHealth", 0) then 32c32 < local bombPower = status.resourceMax("health") * effect.configParameter("healthDamageFactor", 1.0) --- > local bombPower = status.resourceMax("health") * config.getParameter("healthDamageFactor", 1.0) 41c41 < file = effect.configParameter("bombConfig") --- > file = config.getParameter("bombConfig") 48c48 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbomb.statuseffect 2a3 > "blockingStat" : "specialStatusImmunity", 3a5 > "minMaxHealth" : 5, stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbombelectric.statuseffect 2a3 > "blockingStat" : "specialStatusImmunity", 5,6c6,7 < "healthDamageFactor" : 0.5, < "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/electricexplosionknockback.config", --- > "healthDamageFactor" : 1.0, > "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/electricexplosionknockbackstatus.config", stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbombfire.statuseffect 2a3 > "blockingStat" : "specialStatusImmunity", 5,6c6,7 < "healthDamageFactor" : 100, < "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/fireexplosionknockback.config", --- > "healthDamageFactor" : 1.0, > "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/fireexplosionknockbackstatus.config", stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbombice.statuseffect 2a3 > "blockingStat" : "specialStatusImmunity", 5,6c6,7 < "healthDamageFactor" : 0.5, < "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/iceexplosionknockback.config", --- > "healthDamageFactor" : 1.0, > "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/iceexplosionknockbackstatus.config", stats\effects\deathbomb\deathbombpoison.statuseffect 2a3 > "blockingStat" : "specialStatusImmunity", 5,6c6,7 < "healthDamageFactor" : 0.5, < "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/poisonexplosionknockback.config", --- > "healthDamageFactor" : 1.0, > "bombConfig" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/poisonexplosionknockbackstatus.config", stats\effects\electrified\electrified.lua 7c7 < --- > 10c10,12 < self.tickTime = 1.0 --- > self.damageClampRange = config.getParameter("damageClampRange") > > self.tickTime = config.getParameter("boltInterval", 1.0) 16c18 < local boltPower = status.resourceMax("health") * effect.configParameter("healthDamageFactor", 1.0) --- > local boltPower = util.clamp(status.resourceMax("health") * config.getParameter("healthDamageFactor", 1.0), self.damageClampRange[1], self.damageClampRange[2]) 19c21 < local targetIds = world.entityQuery(mcontroller.position(), effect.configParameter("jumpDistance", 8), { --- > local targetIds = world.entityQuery(mcontroller.position(), config.getParameter("jumpDistance", 8), { 50,51c52,53 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > end stats\effects\electrified\electrified.statuseffect 3c3 < "blockingStat" : "electricImmunity", --- > "blockingStat" : "electricStatusImmunity", 5a6 > "boltInterval" : 1.0, 7c8,9 < "healthDamageFactor" : 0.03 --- > "healthDamageFactor" : 0.05, > "damageClampRange" : [2, 20] stats\effects\energyregen\energyregen.lua 3c3 < animator.setParticleEmitterEmissionRate("energy", effect.configParameter("emissionRate", 5)) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterEmissionRate("energy", config.getParameter("emissionRate", 5)) 6,8c6,9 < effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "energyRegen", amount = effect.configParameter("regenAmount", 0)}}) < < script.setUpdateDelta(0) --- > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "energyRegenPercentageRate", amount = config.getParameter("regenBonusAmount", 10)}, > {stat = "energyRegenBlockTime", effectiveMultiplier = 0} > }) 12c13 < --- > 16,17c17,18 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > end stats\effects\energyregen\energyregen.statuseffect 4c4 < "regenAmount" : 5, --- > "regenBonusAmount" : 0, 7c7 < "defaultDuration" : 30, --- > "defaultDuration" : 5, 11a12 > "scriptDelta" : 0, stats\effects\food\wellfed\wellfed.lua 2c2,9 < script.setUpdateDelta(0) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(, "queueRadioMessage", "full") > > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("healing", mcontroller.boundBox()) > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("healing", config.getParameter("particles", true)) > > self.healingRate = 1.0 / config.getParameter("healTime", 60) > > script.setUpdateDelta(5) 6c13,14 < --- > status.modifyResourcePercentage("health", self.healingRate * dt) > status.setResourcePercentage("food", 1.0) 10,11c18,19 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > > end stats\effects\food\wellfed\wellfed.statuseffect 3,4c3,6 < "effectConfig" : {}, < "defaultDuration" : 300, --- > "effectConfig" : { > "healTime" : 120 > }, > "defaultDuration" : 120, 10c12,14 < "label" : "Well Fed", --- > "animationConfig" : "wellfed.animation", > > "label" : "Full Belly", stats\effects\frostslow\frostslow.lua 6a7,9 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = -0.15} > }) 12,13c15,16 < runModifier = 0.75, < jumpModifier = 0.75 --- > speedModifier = 0.75, > airJumpModifier = 0.85 19c22 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\frostslow\frostslow.statuseffect 3c3 < "blockingStat" : "iceImmunity", --- > "blockingStat" : "iceStatusImmunity", 15c15 < "icon" : "/interface/statuses/cold.png" --- > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/ice.png" stats\effects\frozenburning\frozenburning.lua 11a12,15 > > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = -0.15} > }) 21,22c25,26 < runModifier = 0.75, < jumpModifier = 0.75 --- > speedModifier = 0.75, > airJumpModifier = 0.85 39c43 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\glow\glow.animation 12d11 < "color" : [40, 0, 40, 230], 29c28,29 < "color" : [150, 150, 120] --- > "color" : [179, 179, 152], > "pointLight" : true stats\effects\glow\glow.lua 3c3 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sparkles", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("sparkles", config.getParameter("particles", true)) 13c13 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\headlamp\headlamp.animation 14c14 < "pointBeam" : 0.1 --- > "pointBeam" : 3 stats\effects\jumpboost\jumpboost.lua 3a4,6 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = 0.5} > }) 7c10 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("jumpparticles", mcontroller.jumping()) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("jumpparticles", config.getParameter("particles", true) and mcontroller.jumping()) 9c12 < jumpModifier = 1.5 --- > airJumpModifier = 1.5 15c18 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\levitation\levitation.lua 5,7c5,7 < self.maxHoverHeight = effect.configParameter("maxHoverHeight") < self.hoverSpeedMultiplier = effect.configParameter("hoverSpeedMultiplier") < self.hoverAcceleration = effect.configParameter("hoverAcceleration") --- > self.maxHoverHeight = config.getParameter("maxHoverHeight") > self.hoverSpeedMultiplier = config.getParameter("hoverSpeedMultiplier") > self.hoverAcceleration = config.getParameter("hoverAcceleration") 10,11c10,11 < self.bobInterval = effect.configParameter("bobInterval") < self.bobAmount = effect.configParameter("bobAmount") --- > self.bobInterval = config.getParameter("bobInterval") > self.bobAmount = config.getParameter("bobAmount") 13c13 < self.fallSpeedLimit = effect.configParameter("fallSpeedLimit") --- > self.fallSpeedLimit = config.getParameter("fallSpeedLimit") 16c16 < self.protectionBonus = effect.configParameter("protectionBonus") --- > self.protectionBonus = config.getParameter("protectionBonus") 111c111 < -- world.logInfo("Block: %s Distance: %s", blocks[1], yDistance) --- > -- sb.logInfo("Block: %s Distance: %s", blocks[1], yDistance) 125c125 < position[1] + self.edges.left + sideEdgeOffset, --- > position[1] + self.edges.left + sideEdgeOffset, 129c129 < lineStart[1], --- > lineStart[1], 142c142 < lineStart[1], --- > lineStart[1], 151c151 < position[1], --- > position[1], 155c155 < lineStart[1], --- > lineStart[1], stats\effects\liquidimmunity\liquidimmunity.lua 4c4 < {stat = "poisonImmunity", amount = 1}, --- > {stat = "poisonStatusImmunity", amount = 1}, 15c15 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\lowgrav\lowgrav.lua 2c2 < self.gravityModifier = effect.configParameter("gravityModifier") --- > self.gravityModifier = config.getParameter("gravityModifier") stats\effects\maxenergyboost\maxenergyboost.lua 2c2 < effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "maxEnergy", amount = effect.configParameter("energyAmount", 0)}}) --- > effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "maxEnergy", amount = config.getParameter("energyAmount", 0)}}) 4c4 < script.setUpdateDelta(0) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(0) 8d7 < 12,13c11 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\maxhealthboost\maxhealthboost.lua 2c2 < effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "maxHealth", amount = effect.configParameter("healthAmount", 0)}}) --- > effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "maxHealth", amount = config.getParameter("healthAmount", 0)}}) 4c4 < script.setUpdateDelta(0) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(0) 8d7 < 12,13c11 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\maxprotection\highprotection.statuseffect 4,5c4,5 < "protection" : 75.0, < "grit" : 0.5 --- > "protection" : 85.0, > "grit" : 0.0 stats\effects\maxprotection\protection.lua 3,4c3,4 < {stat = "protection", amount = effect.configParameter("protection", 100)}, < {stat = "grit", amount = effect.configParameter("grit", 1.0)} --- > {stat = "protection", amount = config.getParameter("protection", 100)}, > {stat = "grit", amount = config.getParameter("grit", 1.0)} 7c7 < script.setUpdateDelta(0) --- > script.setUpdateDelta(0) 11d10 < 15,16c14 < < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\mudslow\mudslow.lua 4a5,7 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = -0.15} > }) 9,10c12,13 < runModifier = 0.8, < jumpModifier = 0.6 --- > speedModifier = 0.8, > airJumpModifier = 0.85 16c19 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\npcreactions\particlereaction.lua 2c2 < for _,particleEmitter in ipairs(effect.configParameter("particleEmitters")) do --- > for _,particleEmitter in ipairs(config.getParameter("particleEmitters")) do stats\effects\nude\nude.statuseffect 10,11c10 < "label" : "Nude", < "icon" : "/interface/statuses/nude.png" --- > "label" : "Nude" stats\effects\paralysis\paralysis.lua 2c2,4 < status.setResource("stunned", math.max(status.resource("stunned"), effect.duration())) --- > if status.isResource("stunned") then > status.setResource("stunned", math.max(status.resource("stunned"), effect.duration())) > end 15c17 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\rage\rage.lua 2,6d1 < --Slow < self.runModifier = effect.configParameter("runModifier", 0) < self.jumpModifier = effect.configParameter("jumpModifier", 0) < self.groundMovementModifier = effect.configParameter("groundMovementModifier", 0) < 8,9c3,4 < self.powerModifier = effect.configParameter("powerModifier", 0) < effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "powerMultiplier", amount = self.powerModifier}}) --- > self.powerModifier = config.getParameter("powerModifier", 0) > effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "powerMultiplier", effectiveMultiplier = self.powerModifier}}) 10a6 > local enableParticles = config.getParameter("particles", true) 12c8 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("embers", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("embers", enableParticles) 16c12,14 < animator.burstParticleEmitter("statustext") --- > if enableParticles then > animator.burstParticleEmitter("statustext") > end stats\effects\rage\rage.statuseffect 4c4 < "powerModifier" : 0.25 --- > "powerModifier" : 1.30 stats\effects\regeneration\healingwater.animation 14d13 < "fade" : 0.9, stats\effects\regeneration\regeneration.animation 12,14c12 < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [30, 250, 30, 230], < "fade" : 0.9, --- > "size" : 0.8, 20c18 < "timeToLive" : 0.6, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.85, 22c20,42 < "initialVelocity" : [0.5, 1.0] --- > "initialVelocity" : [0.5, 1.0], > "size" : 0.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [228, 25, 25, 255], > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.5, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 2], > "position" : [0.0, 0.0], > "approach" : [0, 20], > "timeToLive" : 0.85, > "light" : [71, 8, 8], > "layer" : "front", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0.5], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 1], > "size" : 0.8 stats\effects\regeneration\regeneration.lua 3c3 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("healing", true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("healing", config.getParameter("particles", true)) 7c7 < self.healingRate = 1.0 / effect.configParameter("healTime", 60) --- > self.healingRate = 1.0 / config.getParameter("healTime", 60) 16c16 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\runboost\runboost.lua 7c7 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("flames", mcontroller.onGround() and mcontroller.running()) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("flames", config.getParameter("particles", true) and mcontroller.onGround() and mcontroller.running()) 9c9 < runModifier = 1.5 --- > speedModifier = 1.5 15c15 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\sandstorm\sandstorm.lua 4a5,7 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = -0.25} > }) 9,10c12,13 < runModifier = 0.5, < jumpModifier = 0.5 --- > speedModifier = 0.7, > airJumpModifier = 0.75 16c19 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\shieldeffect\shieldeffect.lua 2c2 < self.maxShieldHealth = status.stat("maxHealth") * effect.configParameter("shieldHealthMultiplier") --- > self.maxShieldHealth = status.stat("maxHealth") * config.getParameter("shieldHealthMultiplier") 6c6 < self.expirationTimer = effect.configParameter("expirationTime") or 0 --- > self.expirationTimer = config.getParameter("expirationTime") or 0 29c29 < self.expirationTimer = effect.configParameter("expirationTime") or 0 --- > self.expirationTimer = config.getParameter("expirationTime") or 0 34c34 < if not effect.configParameter("hideBorder") then effect.setParentDirectives("border=3;00FFFF99;00000000") end --- > if not config.getParameter("hideBorder") then effect.setParentDirectives("border=3;00FFFF99;00000000") end stats\effects\shieldregen\shieldregen.lua 4c4 < self.shieldHealthRegen = status.stat("maxShield") * effect.configParameter("shieldRegenPercentage") --- > self.shieldHealthRegen = status.stat("maxShield") * config.getParameter("shieldRegenPercentage") 14c14 < self.pauseTimer = effect.configParameter("pauseOnDamage", 0) --- > self.pauseTimer = config.getParameter("pauseOnDamage", 0) 17c17 < if status.stat("maxShield") <= 0 or (status.resource("shieldHealth") >= status.stat("maxShield") and effect.configParameter("expireOnFull")) then --- > if status.stat("maxShield") <= 0 or (status.resource("shieldHealth") >= status.stat("maxShield") and config.getParameter("expireOnFull")) then stats\effects\slimeslow\slimeslow.lua 10c10 < runModifier = 0.25 --- > speedModifier = 0.25 16c16 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\swimming\swimming.lua 2c2 < self.applyToTypes = effect.configParameter("applyToTypes") or {"player", "npc"} --- > self.applyToTypes = config.getParameter("applyToTypes") or {"player", "npc"} 12c12 < local entityType = world.entityType( --- > local entityType = entity.entityType() 44c44 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\tarslow\tarslow.lua 4a5,7 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({ > {stat = "jumpModifier", amount = -0.20} > }) 10,11c13,14 < runModifier = 0.65, < jumpModifier = 0.65 --- > speedModifier = 0.65, > airJumpModifier = 0.80 17c20 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\thorns\nova.statuseffect 13c13 < "damageMultiplier" : 1.0, --- > "damageMultiplier" : 0.0, stats\effects\thorns\thorns.lua 2c2 < self.minRange = effect.configParameter("minRange") or 0.5 --- > self.minRange = config.getParameter("minRange") or 0.5 4,8c4,8 < self.visualProjectileType = effect.configParameter("visualProjectileType") < self.visualProjectileCount = effect.configParameter("visualProjectileCount") or 20 < self.visualProjectileSpeed = effect.configParameter("visualProjectileSpeed") or 20 < self.visualProjectileTime = effect.configParameter("visualProjectileTime") < self.visualDuration = effect.configParameter("visualDuration") or 0.2 --- > self.visualProjectileType = config.getParameter("visualProjectileType") > self.visualProjectileCount = config.getParameter("visualProjectileCount") or 20 > self.visualProjectileSpeed = config.getParameter("visualProjectileSpeed") or 20 > self.visualProjectileTime = config.getParameter("visualProjectileTime") > self.visualDuration = config.getParameter("visualDuration") or 0.2 10,12c10,12 < self.damageProjectileType = effect.configParameter("damageProjectileType") or "armorthornburst" < self.damageMultiplier = effect.configParameter("damageMultiplier") or 0.01 < self.border = effect.configParameter("border") --- > self.damageProjectileType = config.getParameter("damageProjectileType") or "armorthornburst" > self.damageMultiplier = config.getParameter("damageMultiplier") or 0.01 > self.border = config.getParameter("border") 14c14 < self.cooldown = effect.configParameter("cooldown") or 5 --- > self.cooldown = config.getParameter("cooldown") or 5 16c16 < self.removeInWater = effect.configParameter("removeInWater") --- > self.removeInWater = config.getParameter("removeInWater") 18c18 < self.minTriggerDamage = effect.configParameter("minTriggerDamage") or 0 --- > self.minTriggerDamage = config.getParameter("minTriggerDamage") or 0 43,44c43,44 < if notification.damage > self.minTriggerDamage and notification.sourceEntityId ~= notification.targetEntityId then < triggerThorns(notification.damage * self.damageMultiplier) --- > if notification.healthLost > self.minTriggerDamage and notification.sourceEntityId ~= notification.targetEntityId then > triggerThorns(notification.healthLost * self.damageMultiplier) 68c68 < --- > 98c98 < power = 0, --- > power = 0, stats\effects\translocate\translocate.animation 66c66 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, 92c92 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 1, stats\effects\translocate\translocate.lua 4a5 > effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "activeMovementAbilities", amount = 1}}) stats\effects\vulnerability\vulnerability.lua 3c3 < {stat = "protection", effectiveMultiplier = effect.configParameter("protectionModifier", 0.01)} --- > {stat = "protection", effectiveMultiplier = config.getParameter("protectionModifier", 0.01)} 11c11 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\effects\weakpoison\weakpoison.statuseffect 3c3 < "blockingStat" : "poisonImmunity", --- > "blockingStat" : "poisonStatusImmunity", stats\effects\wet\wet.lua 4d3 < effect.setParentDirectives("fade=0072ff=0.1") 8,11c7 < mcontroller.controlModifiers({ < runModifier = 0.9, < jumpModifier = 0.9 < }) --- > 16c12 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end tech\dash\dash.animation 7,13c7,8 < "off" : { < }, < "on" : { < "properties" : { < "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_dashshort.ogg" < } < } --- > "off" : {}, > "on" : {} 28a24,28 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "startDash" : [ "/sfx/tech/tech_dash.ogg" ], > "recharge" : [ "/sfx/tech/tech_dash_cooldown2.ogg" ] tech\dash\dash.lua 0a1,2 > require "/tech/doubletap.lua" > 3d4 < self.dashTimer = 0 5,7c6 < self.dashLastInput = 0 < self.dashTapLast = 0 < self.dashTapTimer = 0 --- > self.dashTimer = 0 9,16c8 < end < < function input(args) < if self.dashTimer > 0 then < return nil < end < < local maximumDoubleTapTime = tech.parameter("maximumDoubleTapTime") --- > self.rechargeEffectTimer = 0 18,20c10,24 < if self.dashTapTimer > 0 then < self.dashTapTimer = self.dashTapTimer - args.dt < end --- > self.dashControlForce = config.getParameter("dashControlForce") > self.dashSpeed = config.getParameter("dashSpeed") > self.dashDuration = config.getParameter("dashDuration") > self.dashCooldown = config.getParameter("dashCooldown") > self.groundOnly = config.getParameter("groundOnly") > self.stopAfterDash = config.getParameter("stopAfterDash") > self.rechargeDirectives = config.getParameter("rechargeDirectives", "?fade=CCCCFFFF=0.25") > self.rechargeEffectTime = config.getParameter("rechargeEffectTime", 0.1) > > self.doubleTap = DoubleTap:new({"left", "right"}, config.getParameter("maximumDoubleTapTime"), function(dashKey) > if self.dashTimer == 0 > and self.dashCooldownTimer == 0 > and groundValid() > and not mcontroller.crouching() > and not status.statPositive("activeMovementAbilities") then 22,42c26 < if args.moves["right"] then < if self.dashLastInput ~= 1 then < if self.dashTapLast == 1 and self.dashTapTimer > 0 then < self.dashTapLast = 0 < self.dashTapTimer = 0 < return "dashRight" < else < self.dashTapLast = 1 < self.dashTapTimer = maximumDoubleTapTime < end < end < self.dashLastInput = 1 < elseif args.moves["left"] then < if self.dashLastInput ~= -1 then < if self.dashTapLast == -1 and self.dashTapTimer > 0 then < self.dashTapLast = 0 < self.dashTapTimer = 0 < return "dashLeft" < else < self.dashTapLast = -1 < self.dashTapTimer = maximumDoubleTapTime --- > startDash(dashKey == "left" and -1 or 1) 44,48c28,29 < end < self.dashLastInput = -1 < else < self.dashLastInput = 0 < end --- > end) > end 50c31,33 < return nil --- > function uninit() > status.clearPersistentEffects("movementAbility") > tech.setParentDirectives() 54,71c37,43 < local dashControlForce = tech.parameter("dashControlForce") < local dashSpeed = tech.parameter("dashSpeed") < local dashDuration = tech.parameter("dashDuration") < local dashCooldown = tech.parameter("dashCooldown") < < local groundOnly = tech.parameter("groundOnly") < local groundValid = not groundOnly or mcontroller.onGround() < < self.dashCooldownTimer = self.dashCooldownTimer - args.dt < < if args.actions["dashRight"] and groundValid and self.dashTimer <= 0 and self.dashCooldownTimer <= 0 then < self.dashTimer = dashDuration < self.dashDirection = 1 < self.airDashing = not mcontroller.onGround() < elseif args.actions["dashLeft"] and groundValid and self.dashTimer <= 0 and self.dashCooldownTimer <= 0 then < self.dashTimer = dashDuration < self.dashDirection = -1 < self.airDashing = not mcontroller.onGround() --- > if self.dashCooldownTimer > 0 then > self.dashCooldownTimer = math.max(0, self.dashCooldownTimer - args.dt) > if self.dashCooldownTimer == 0 then > self.rechargeEffectTimer = self.rechargeEffectTime > tech.setParentDirectives(self.rechargeDirectives) > animator.playSound("recharge") > end 73a46,54 > if self.rechargeEffectTimer > 0 then > self.rechargeEffectTimer = math.max(0, self.rechargeEffectTimer - args.dt) > if self.rechargeEffectTimer == 0 then > tech.setParentDirectives() > end > end > > self.doubleTap:update(args.dt, args.moves) > 75c56,57 < mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(dashSpeed * self.dashDirection, dashControlForce) --- > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity({self.dashSpeed * self.dashDirection, 0}, self.dashControlForce) > mcontroller.controlMove(self.dashDirection, true) 79d60 < mcontroller.controlApproachYVelocity(0, dashControlForce) 80a62 > mcontroller.controlModifiers({jumpingSuppressed = true}) 82,99c64,69 < if self.dashDirection == -1 then < mcontroller.controlFace(-1) < tech.setFlipped(true) < else < mcontroller.controlFace(1) < tech.setFlipped(false) < end < tech.setAnimationState("dashing", "on") < tech.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", true) < self.dashTimer = self.dashTimer - args.dt < < if self.dashTimer <= 0 then < self.dashCooldownTimer = dashCooldown < < if tech.parameter("stopAfterDash") then < local movementParams = mcontroller.baseParameters() < mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(self.dashDirection * movementParams.runSpeed, dashControlForce) < end --- > animator.setFlipped(mcontroller.facingDirection() == -1) > > self.dashTimer = math.max(0, self.dashTimer - args.dt) > > if self.dashTimer == 0 then > endDash() 100a71,72 > end > end 102,104c74,89 < else < tech.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") < tech.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) --- > function groundValid() > return mcontroller.groundMovement() or not self.groundOnly > end > > function startDash(direction) > self.dashDirection = direction > self.dashTimer = self.dashDuration > self.airDashing = not mcontroller.groundMovement() > status.setPersistentEffects("movementAbility", {{stat = "activeMovementAbilities", amount = 1}}) > animator.playSound("startDash") > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "on") > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", true) > end > > function endDash() > status.clearPersistentEffects("movementAbility") 105a91,97 > if self.stopAfterDash then > local movementParams = mcontroller.baseParameters() > local currentVelocity = mcontroller.velocity() > if math.abs(currentVelocity[1]) > movementParams.runSpeed then > mcontroller.setVelocity({movementParams.runSpeed * self.dashDirection, 0}) > end > mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(self.dashDirection * movementParams.runSpeed, self.dashControlForce) 106a99,103 > > self.dashCooldownTimer = self.dashCooldown > > animator.setAnimationState("dashing", "off") > animator.setParticleEmitterActive("dashParticles", false) tech\dash\ 6d5 < "actions" : [ "dashRight", "dashLeft" ], 9,12c8,18 < "maximumDoubleTapTime" : 0.2, < "dashControlForce" : 1500, < "dashSpeed" : 40, < "dashDuration" : 0.17, --- > "description" : "Double tap ^green;[A]^white; or ^green;[D] ^white;to quickly dash! Cooldown: 0.8s", > "shortDescription" : "Dash", > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "icon" : "/tech/dash.png", > > "chipCost" : 2, > > "maximumDoubleTapTime" : 0.25, > "dashControlForce" : 2000, > "dashSpeed" : 50, > "dashDuration" : 0.15, tenants\chef_apex.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_avian.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_floran.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_glitch.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_human.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_hylotl.tenant 16c16 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\chef_random.tenant 15c15 < "type": "chefmerchant", --- > "type": "chefmerchanttenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_apex.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_avian.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_floran.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_glitch.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_human.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_hylotl.tenant 17c17 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\merchant_random.tenant 16c16 < "type": "merchant", --- > "type": "merchanttenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_apex.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_avian.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_floran.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_glitch.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_human.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_hylotl.tenant 15c15 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\villager_random.tenant 14c14 < "type": "villager", --- > "type": "generictenant", 16d15 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\astronaut.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\cabin.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\farm.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\gothic.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\island.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\retroscifi.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\saloon.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\sea.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\spooky.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\furniture\steampunk.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_apex.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_avian.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_floran.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_glitch.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_human.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_hylotl.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT2_random.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_apex.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_avian.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_floran.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_glitch.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_human.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_hylotl.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT3_random.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_apex.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_avian.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_floran.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_glitch.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_human.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_hylotl.tenant 18c18 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 20d19 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guardT4_random.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_apex.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_avian.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_floran.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_glitch.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_human.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_hylotl.tenant 17c17 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 19d18 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\guards\guard_random.tenant 16c16 < "type": "friendlyguard", --- > "type": "friendlyguardtenant", 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\apexresearchlab.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\avianairship.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\aviantomb.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\creepling.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\electrician.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\floranhuntinggrounds.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\friendlycultist.tenant 14c14 < "species": ["human", "apex", "avian", "floran", "glitch", "hylotl"], --- > "species": "human", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\glitchcastle.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\glitchsewer.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\hazmat.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\humanbunker.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\humanprison.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\lunarbase.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\neon.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\philanthropist.tenant 8c8 < "valuable": 40 --- > "valuable": 76 14c14 < "species": ["human", "apex", "avian", "floran", "glitch", "hylotl"], --- > "species": ["human"], 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\scientist.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\socialite.tenant 9c9 < "valuable": 28 --- > "valuable": 42 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\other\traveller.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\alpine.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\bones.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\colourful.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" 27c26 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } tenants\sub-biome\eyepatch.tenant 18d17 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" 27c26 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } tenants\sub-biome\flesh.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\giantflower.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\glow.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\hive.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\oasis.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\prism.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\shroom.tenant 15c15 < "type": "shroommerchant", --- > "type": "shroommerchanttenant", 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\spring.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\steamspring.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\swamp.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" tenants\sub-biome\tar.tenant 17d16 < "damageTeamType" : "friendly" terrain\disperse\backgroundCaves.ridgeblocks 3,5d2 < "size" : 300, < "noise" : 0.5, < "frequency" : 0.7, 7,11c4,8 < "magic1" : 200, < "magic2" : 30, < "magic3" : 15, < "magic4" : 40, < "magic5" : 80 --- > "amplitude" : 1.0, > "frequency" : 0.022, > "bias" : -0.4, > "noiseAmplitude" : 0.5, > "noiseFrequency" : 0.7 terrain\disperse\largeclumps.ridgeblocks 3,5d2 < "size" : 425, < "noise" : 4.0, < "frequency" : 0.7, 7,11c4,8 < "magic1" : 200, < "magic2" : 30, < "magic3" : 15, < "magic4" : 40, < "magic5" : 80 --- > "amplitude" : 1.0, > "frequency" : 0.0157, > "bias" : -0.4, > "noiseAmplitude" : 4.0, > "noiseFrequency" : 0.7 tiles\materials\alienrock.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "This rock come from an Alien world.", < "shortdescription" : "Alien Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This rock is of an alien origin.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like weird rocks.", --- > "description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", > "shortdescription" : "Alien Rock", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. This rock is of an alien origin.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like sstrange rocks.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda alien lookin' rock.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\alienstripedblock.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A strange alien wood, with stripes.", < "shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Striped wood.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssssstriped purple wood.", --- > "description" : "A piece of alien striped wood. Stripey!", > "shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. It appears the stripes present in this wood are the result of materials that repel one another.", > "floranDescription" : "SSssstripey wood. Makess sstripey housse!", > "novakidDescription" : "This here wood's all covered in stripes.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\ancientblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "An ancient block.", --- > "description" : "These bricks have certainly survived the test of time.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ancient block.", < "floranDescription" : "Block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. These blocks are evidently very old.", > "floranDescription" : "Ancient blocksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "These blocks are older'n dirt.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ancientbrick.material 6c6 < "description" : "An ancient brick.", --- > "description" : "This carved brick is immeasurably old.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ancient block.", < "floranDescription" : "Brick.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These ancient bricks have withstood the ravages of time.", > "floranDescription" : "Ancient carved brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some mighty old lookin' bricks.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\apexshipdetails.material 6c6 < "description" : "A little bit of metal.", --- > "description" : "A riveted metal wall.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A small bit of metal.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssteel.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Secure. This metal wall has been reinforced with strong bolts.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrong bolted metal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Strong lookin' wall made from metal.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\apexshipsupport.material 9,12c9,13 < "description" : "A colourful support block.", < "shortdescription" : "Ship Support Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. A support block.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssupporty.", --- > "description" : "A wall support used in ship construction.", > "shortdescription" : "Ship Support", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Supports like this are often used in ship construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssship sstructural ssupport.", > "novakidDescription" : "Made for holdin' spaceships together.", 15c16 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\apexshipwall.material 6c6 < "description" : "A colourful wall panel.", --- > "description" : "A sleek metal wall panel.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. A wall panel.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These removable panels are smooth and strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Metal panel makess ssmooth wall.", > "novakidDescription" : "A panel made outta metal.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ash.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Ash packed tight into a solid block.", < "shortdescription" : "Ash Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A block of ash.", < "floranDescription" : "Burny block.", --- > "description" : "A pile of tightly packed ash.", > "shortdescription" : "Ash Pile", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A pile of packed ash.", > "floranDescription" : "Big bunch of ashess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Big ol' pile of ash.", 16c17 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 23c24 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\asphalt.material 6c6 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A cheap but effective construction material.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. Readings suggest aesthetic value of asphalt is below 2%.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssticky asphalt ssmelly like tar.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's a mash of sticky oil an' rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\aztec.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Small glyphs cover the stone.", < "glitchDescription" : "Cryptography. I do not know what these glyphs say.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not can read this.", --- > "description" : "Small glyphs cover this stone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. I do not know what these glyphs say.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran cannot undersstand ssymbolss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda ol' lookin' symbols.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\aztectech.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material. Its markings are printed on.", < "glitchDescription" : "Cryptography. I do not know what these glyphs say.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not can read this.", --- > "description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material with printed markings.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. These blocks are made from an unknown artificial material.", > "floranDescription" : "Brickss covered in sstrange markingss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Sturdy lookin' bricks all marked up with symbols.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\bamboo.material 6c6 < "description" : "Bamboo", --- > "description" : "Freshly cut stalks of bamboo.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Bamboo.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssticks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Hopeful. The bamboo colour indicates it was cut recently.", > "floranDescription" : "Fresssh bamboo stalkss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some chopped bamboo.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\bars.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 9,10c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. These bars are strong.", < "floranDescription" : "Barsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. Metal bars like this can be found in Glitch dungeons.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong metal barsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some strong lookin' metal bars.", 13c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\baseboard.material 6c6 < "description" : "A classy baseboard for the bottom of all your walls!", --- > "description" : "This baseboard completes the classic home look.", 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A baseboard.", < "floranDescription" : "Colourful boardsss.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Baseboards are not commonly found in Glitch construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Fancy wall boardsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some fancy wall moulding.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\biorock.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Bioluminescent Rock", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This rock is bioluminescent.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like bioluminescent weird rocks.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Rock", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Microscopic bacteria in this rock are glowing yellow faintly.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess yellow glowing rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "This rock is glowin' yellow but not givin' off any heat.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\biorock2.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", < "shortdescription" : "Bioluminescent Blue Rock", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This blue rock is bioluminescent.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like blue bioluminescent rocks.", --- > "description" : "This blue rock is faintly glowing with bioluminescence.", > "shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Rock", > "glitchDescription" : "Perplexed. There's a faint blue glow coming from the bacteria in this rock.", > "floranDescription" : "Blue rockss faintly glow.", > "novakidDescription" : "This blue rock is shinin' a bit.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\black.material 12c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\blackglass.material 6c6 < "description" : "A dark-tinted glass material.", --- > "description" : "A dark-tinted panel of glass.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Black glass.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran see Floran in black glass.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This glass has been so darkly tinted it is almost not transparent.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can hide behind dark glasss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Glass so dark the sun'll hardly shine through.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\blaststone.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. Blaststone.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran make ssstone go boom.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Intense heat have fused minerals into this blaststone.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssharp rockss are sstrong.", > "novakidDescription" : "These tough rocks are mighty sharp.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 48, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 24, > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\blueneonsymbolblock.material 5,9c5,10 < "itemDrop" : "blueneonsymbolblock", < "description" : "Blue neon symbol.", < "shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An blue neon symbol block.", < "floranDescription" : "Block.", --- > "itemDrop" : "blueneonsymbol", > "description" : "A tile with a strange blue glyph engraved in the centre.", > "shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Block", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. The meaning of this symbol is unknown.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like glowy ssymbolss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A block with some sorta glowin' symbol.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\bonematerial.material 6,10c6,10 < "description" : "Polished bone made into a building material.", < "shortdescription" : "Bone Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Scared. This bone came from a huge creature.", < "florandescription" : "Bonesss!", < "novakidDescription" : "Bones. Who needs 'em!", --- > "description" : "A collection of bones tightly packed together.", > "shortdescription" : "Packed Bones", > "glitchDescription" : "Horrified. Bones from a variety of sources packed together.", > "floranDescription" : "Bonesss!", > "novakidDescription" : "Bunch of bones. Who needs 'em!", 15c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\bookpiles.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 9,10c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Studying. A pile of very interesting tomes.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran will try to read all books.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Entertained. There are wonderful stories recorded inside these books.", > "floranDescription" : "Greatnesss not found in bookss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some dusty books. Who doesn't love t'hear a good story?", 15c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\brick.material 6,9c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Clay Brick Block", < "description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks. Quaint.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Bricks", > "description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks made from clay.", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. These bricks have been carefully formed and arranged.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssimple bricksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Nice lookin' brickwork.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 4, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 8, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\cabinroofing.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Cabin Roof Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Pleasant cabin roofing.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran raise the cabin roof.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Cabin Roofing", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This cabin roof has rustic charm.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran raisse the cabin roof.", > "novakidDescription" : "A cabin roof, good for keepin' dry in the rain.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 8, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 4, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\cactiblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "-todo-.", --- > "description" : "Cactus that's been fashioned into a construction block. Still prickly.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. A block made of flesh.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy meat block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This construction block has been made from prickly cactus.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like pickly cactuss blocksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "It's made outta cactus. Better not lean against this.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\candyblock.material 7a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This appears to be a giant piece of hard candy.", > "floranDescription" : "Candy hass colourful sstripess.", > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' piece of rock candy.", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 17c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\castlewalls1.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Stone slabs.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstone.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Stone bricks like this are frequently used in castle construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Giant sstone brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd hate t've been the fella who had to lay these heavy bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\castlewalls2.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Stone slabs.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstone.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. It appears these bricks were all cut from the same stone.", > "floranDescription" : "These sstone brickss are ssmall.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some bricks carved outta rock.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\chain.material 6,8c6,8 < "description" : "Steel chains, and not the fun kind.", < "shortdescription" : "Steel Chain", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Chains.", --- > "description" : "Tungsten chains, and not the fun kind.", > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chain", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These chains are remarkably strong.", 9a10 > "novakidDescription" : "Some chains made outta tungsten.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\cheapwallpaper.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Tacky wallpaper.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran adore wall papers.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unsettled. This wall paper is overwhelmingly gaudy.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran adore pretty wall paperss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Why'd anyone want to cover their walls with paper lookin' like this?", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\clay.material 6c6 < "description" : "Dry and dusty clay.", --- > "description" : "Heavy, sticky clay.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Clay.", < "floranDescription" : "Clay.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This clay is dense enough to use as a building material.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmooth clay.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon drying this clay would harden it up.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\cloudblock.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 7,10c6,10 < "description" : "Somewhat solid clouds! You can even walk on them!", < "shortdescription" : "Cloud Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A block of clouds.", < "floranDescription" : "Maybe I can eat?", --- > "description" : "A cloud dense enough to walk on.", > "shortdescription" : "Cloud", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. The density of this cloud could support my weight.", > "floranDescription" : "Cloud iss sso fluffy!", > "novakidDescription" : "This here cloud is made from some heavy fluff stuff.", 15c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\cobblestone.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Hard stones, smooth to the touch.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Cobblestones.", < "floranDescription" : "Cobblessstone.", --- > "description" : "Hard cobblestones, smooth to the touch.", > "glitchDescription" : "Facinated. These cobblestones are naturally smooth.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth cobblessstone rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't uncommon to run across cobblestone rocks like this.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\cobblestonebrick.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Small bricks made of cobblestone.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Cobblestone.", < "floranDescription" : "Cobblessstone.", --- > "description" : "Small bricks made from cobblestone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These bricks are made from cobblestone.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth cobblessstone brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Bricks made outta cobblestone.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\coconutblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "Just a block made of coconut.", --- > "description" : "Bricks made from coconut and mortar.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Coconut.", < "floranDescription" : "Unssstabbed coco.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. The primary component of these bricks are coconuts.", > "floranDescription" : "Coconutss are sstong brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd reckon these coconut bricks are mighty strong.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\composite01.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Titanium.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmooth titanium.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. This titanium panel is almost flawlessly smooth.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth shiny titanium panelss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some shiny n' smooth titanium panels.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\concrete.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Concrete.", < "floranDescription" : "Con... crete.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Aqainted. Concrete is a commonly used construction material.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike cold concrete.", > "novakidDescription" : "Concrete makes a mighty sturdy block.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\copperblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The gear-like imprints of this block appeal to me.", < "floranDescription" : "Cogsss and Gearsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. I find the gear shape of these blocks pleasing.", > "floranDescription" : "Copper blockss like machine gearss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Copper blocks, they look sorta like gears.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\copperfence.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A sturdy fence.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssturdy fence.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This copper fence is much stronger than wood.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssturdy copper fence.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here fence is made outta copper.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\copperroofing.material 6c6 < "description" : "Copper Roofing", --- > "description" : "Roofing tiles fashioned from copper.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This roofing is made entirely from copper.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss thiss roof.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. These roofing tiles are made entirely from copper.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess sshiny copper roofing.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha copper roofin' tiles.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\copperwindow.material 6c6 < "description" : "A solid copper window frame.", --- > "description" : "A window with a frame made from solid copper.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A copper window frame.", < "floranDescription" : "Windowsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Facinated. Copper has been used to construct the frame for this window.", > "floranDescription" : "Windowsss made from copper.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is a nice lookin' copper window frame.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\corruptdirt.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Ick. Corrupted dirt.", < "shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Corrupted dirt.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssick dirt.", --- > "description" : "A disgusting block of corrupted dirt.", > "shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This dirt has been corrupted.", > "floranDescription" : "Dissgusting corrupted dirt.", > "novakidDescription" : "This corrupted dirt ain't too pleasant.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\crosshatch.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A mouldy lattice made of wood.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A window lattice.", < "floranDescription" : "Window lettuce.", --- > "description" : "A simple lattice made of wood.", > "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. This lattice functions well as either a fence or window.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like crisss crosssy wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "Thin wood strips all criss crossin' together.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\crystalblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "A shining blue block of made of crystals.", --- > "description" : "A shimmering block of made from crystals.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This block is made of crystal.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Calm. This crystal block has a soothing appearance.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny block made from crysstalss.", > "novakidDescription" : "The crystals in this block are real purdy.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\darksmoothstone.material 6,8c6,9 < "description" : "A dark, smooth stone block. Mysterious.", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. A dark block of unknown origin.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssmooth block.", --- > "description" : "A dark, smooth stone block.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. A dark brick made from an unknown stone.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmooth sstone block.", > "novakidDescription" : "A dark lookin' stone brick.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\darkwood.material 6,9c6,14 < "description" : "I think I see alien woodworm.", < "shortdescription" : "Wood Planks", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Wood.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssplintery wood.", --- > "description" : "Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.", > "shortdescription" : "Timber", > "apexDescription" : "Some crafted planks of wood.", > "avianDescription" : "Wood that's been crafted into planks.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. These are well crafted wood planks.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssplintery wood plankss.", > "humanDescription" : "Some simple planks made from wood.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Basic wood planks.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some basic lookin' wood planks.", 12c17 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\deadcore.material 9c9 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 16c16 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\direstone.material 8c8 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. The worms in this block appear to be essentially immortal.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. The worms in this stone appear to help maintain its rigidity.", 9a10 > "novakidDescription" : "There's little wigglin' worms inside this stone.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\dirt.material 7,8c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Dirt Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Dirt", > "glitchDescription" : "Indifferent. This is basic soil.", 9a10 > "novakidDescription" : "Dirty lookin' dirt.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\drydirt.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", < "floranDescription" : "Filthy dirt!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. This dirt is very dry.", > "floranDescription" : "Dirt that iss dry.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some dry dusty dirt.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\drysand.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssandy sand.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This sand is dry and hard.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard dry ssandy sand.", > "novakidDescription" : "Dry lookin' packed sand.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\eyepiles.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 7c6 < "shortdescription" : "Clump of Eyes", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pile of Eyes", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Reflective. Other than those on top of the pile, most of these eyes will only ever know darkness.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssquisshy eyess!", > "novakidDescription" : "Some of these eyes are lookin' right at me.", 13c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\fadedblocks.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Soft Brick Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Brick.", < "floranDescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Soft Brick", > "glitchDescription" : "Deductive. These faded bricks have been smoothed by the passage of time.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssoft faded bricksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some smooth lookin' bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\fence.material 8c8 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A sturdy fence.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. This wooden fence is quite sturdy.", 9a10 > "novakidDescription" : "Nothin' like a sturdy wooden fence.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 13a15 > "blocksLiquidFlow" : false, tiles\materials\fleshblock.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A hideous, foul-smelling block made of some kind of flesh.", < "shortdescription" : "Flesh Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Disgust. A block made of flesh.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy meat block.", --- > "description" : "Some hideous, foul-smelling kind of flesh.", > "shortdescription" : "Flesh Chunk", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This is made of squishy flesh.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy meat.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is some sorta flesh.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\floweryblock.material 6,7c6,10 < "description" : "A block made of vibrantly flowering plant matter.", < "shortdescription" : "Flowery Matter Block", --- > "description" : "A fragrant bundle made of flowers and leaves.", > "shortdescription" : "Flower Block", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This arrangement of flowers is pleasing.", > "floranDescription" : "Thesse flowerss look healthy.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some bright lookin' flowers.", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\frozendirt.material 6,9c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt Block", < "description" : "A frozen dirt block.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Frozen Dirt, cold as ice.", < "floranDescription" : "Frozen Dirt. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt", > "description" : "This dirt is frozen solid.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This dirt is solidly frozen.", > "floranDescription" : "Frozen dirt iss cold to the touch.", > "novakidDescription" : "This frozen dirt is mighty cold.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\frozenwater.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "The water appears to have frozen.", < "shortdescription" : "Frozen Water", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Frozen water.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssslippy cold water.", --- > "description" : "Some naturally smooth ice.", > "shortdescription" : "Smooth Ice", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. The way this ice froze has made it unusually smooth.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssslippy frozen water.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ice is mighty slick.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\fullwood1.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", < "shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Unrefined wood.", < "floranDescription" : "Unssstabbed wood.", --- > "description" : "Carefully treated wood that maintains a freshly chopped appearance.", > "shortdescription" : "Treated Wood", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. Although this wood looks freshly chopped, it has been carefully treated.", > "floranDescription" : "Jusst some bassic wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "It looks fresh cut, but this wood has been treated with somethin'.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\fullwood2.material 8c8 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Unrefined wood.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. Unrefined wood.", 12c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\girder.material 9,11c9,12 < "shortdescription" : "Girder Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A metal girder.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal thing.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Girder", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This reinforced metal girder is very strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Cold metal girderss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A strong lookin' metal girder.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\glass.material 6c6 < "description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", --- > "description" : "I can see my reflection.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Glass.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran look pretty in glasssss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Attentive. I can see clearly though this transparent glass.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran lookss pretty in glasssss.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can see clear through t'the other side of this glass.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\goldblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A golden block.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny gold.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. A block made entirely of solid gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Sshiny gold blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Yeehaw! Shiny blocks of solid gold!", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\grassy.material 6c6 < "description" : "Sod block.", --- > "description" : "A block of sod roofing with growing grass.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sod roofing.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssod roof.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Charmed. It seems this sod roofing has live grass.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess grasssy ssod roofing.", > "novakidDescription" : "Grassy sod roofing, somethin' nice about the simplicity of it.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\grassyrock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Grassy Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Grassssy Rocksss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Grass is growing in the crevices of this rock.", > "floranDescription" : "Grassssy rocksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some rocks with growin' grass.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\gravel.material 6c6 < "description" : "A thin gravel.", --- > "description" : "Coarse gravel.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Gravel.", < "floranDescription" : "Little ssstones.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Irratated. Coarse, cascading gravel.", > "floranDescription" : "Crusshed gravel.", > "novakidDescription" : "Crushed rocks an' gravel.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\hazard.material 6c6 < "description" : "A wall panel marking a potential hazard. Keep clear.", --- > "description" : "This pattern suggests caution.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A hazard.", < "floranDescription" : "Danger!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This pattern indicates I should watch my step.", > "floranDescription" : "Thesse sstripes mean caution.", > "novakidDescription" : "These strips're somethin' I should pay attention to.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\heavyironbars.material 5,7c5,6 < "transparent" : true, < "itemDrop" : "bars", < "description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", --- > "itemDrop" : "heavyironbars", > "description" : "Thick iron bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", 9,10c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. These bars are strong.", < "floranDescription" : "Barsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. Seeing metal rusting in this manner is unsettling.", > "floranDescription" : "Russsty old barss.", > "novakidDescription" : "These rusty ol' bars have seen better days.", 13c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\heavypipe.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "florandescription" : "Sssssmelly pipe.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. I would hate to see the waste that has been passed through this pipe.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly ssewer pipe.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some dirty ol' pipes.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\hellstone.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Block of Flesh", < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. This appears to be flesh.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy, ssslimy flesh.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Flesh Pile", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This appears to be pulsating flesh.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssquishy, sslimy flesh.", > "novakidDescription" : "This flesh is pretty nasty lookin'.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\hive.material 6c6 < "description" : "A solid material made from the remains of fallen creatures... I think I see an eyeball.", --- > "description" : "Sticky hive combs made from the remains of fallen creatures.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This material is made up of crushed creatures.", < "floranDescription" : "Crussshed animals.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Revolted. This hive material is made up of crushed creatures.", > "floranDescription" : "Hive made from crusshed animalss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sorta hive made from crushed critters.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\homewalls1.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Painted brick.", < "floranDescription" : "Bricksss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. These painted bricks are quaint.", > "floranDescription" : "Pretty painted bricksss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some real pretty painted bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ice.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Cold, cold ice.", < "floranDescription" : "Ice. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. It appears this ice is naturally frozen.", > "floranDescription" : "Frossty ssolid ice.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha ice.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\iceblock.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A solid ice block.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Cold, cold ice.", < "floranDescription" : "Ice. Sssmooth to the touch.", --- > "description" : "Solid ice, cut into block shape.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This cuts to shape this ice are very precise.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth ice blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha ice, cut up into blocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\ironblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Iron.", < "floranDescription" : "Metal like Glitch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. It's nice to see iron used in construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Cold iron metal blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "These blocks are crafted outta iron.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\junktech.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Disregard. A pile of junk.", < "floranDescription" : "Messsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. There are a variety of technologies within this discarded junk.", > "floranDescription" : "Technological trasssh.", > "novakidDescription" : "Bucha ol' tech smashed together into bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\lightmetal.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A light metal tile.", < "floranDescription" : "Not heavy metal.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. These tiles are easy to keep sterilized.", > "floranDescription" : "Smooth metal tiless.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some tiles made outta metal.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\limestone.material 10,11c10,12 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Chalky limestone.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. This limestone has a chalky consistency.", > "floranDescription" : "Dussty limesstone rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some chalky lookin' limestone.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\log.material 6,9c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Log Block", < "description" : "A log for building simple buildings.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A log.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall too loggy to sssmash.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wooden Log", > "description" : "A wooden log. Good for building simple structures.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These logs fit together closely and are effective for building.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess wooden log wallss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't uncommon to see logs laid like this in cabins.", 12,13c13,14 < "health" : 8, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 4, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\lunarbaseblock.material 7a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This durable alloy is not familiar.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstrong metal blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sorta tough lookin' metal.", 9,10c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\magmarock.material 6c6 < "description" : "Magmarock. Hot stuff.", --- > "description" : "Magmarock. This is hot stuff.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Magmarock.", < "floranDescription" : "Burny rock. Hisssss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. The temperature of this magmarock remains dangerously high.", > "floranDescription" : "Burny hot magmarockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Better watch myself 'round these burnin' magmarocks.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 48, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 24, > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\matterblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "A block of matter.", --- > "description" : "A matter block. A block that matters.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Matter.", < "floranDescription" : "Matter block!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. This appears to be a rare form of raw matter.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran musst gather colourful matter crystal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some strange lookin' crystals.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\mediummetal.material 6,9c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Steel Block", < "description" : "A solid steel block.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A block of steel.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssteel.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Tungsten Block", > "description" : "A solid tungsten block.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These blocks have been constructed from tungsten.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny tungssten blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some smooth lookin' blocks made outta tungsten.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\metallic.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This block's technology is unknown to me.", < "floranDescription" : "Magic computer block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. The technology within these blocks is unknown to me.", > "floranDescription" : "Futurisstic computer blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some flashy lookin' hi-tech blocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\meteoriterock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This rock is of extraterrestrial origin.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like falling rocks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. This rock is of extraterrestrial origin.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssky rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "These space rocks ain't like the ones on the ground.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\mirror.material 6c6 < "description" : "A non-functioning mirror block!", --- > "description" : "A non-reflective mirror.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A mirror block.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. Though it appears to be a mirror there is no reflection.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny ssurface.", > "novakidDescription" : "Somethin' wrong with this mirror. I ain't seein' nothin' reflected.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\moondust.material 8,9c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Delight. Moondust.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran love glittery sssneezy dust.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This moondust is soft to the touch.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran lovess colourful moondusst.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like moondust.", > 12c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\moonrock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. This rock comes from a moon.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran thought moons made of cheese, not rock.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Deductive. This rock is lunar in nature.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike dry moonrockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some dry n' dusty lookin' moonrock.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 4, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 2, > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\moonstone.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Moonstone.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny stone.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This unique stone is sometimes found on moons.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth moonsstone.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'be some moonstone.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 4, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 2, > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\mossypackeddirt.material 6,8c6,9 < "shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Mossy dirt.", < "floranDescription" : "Fluffy dirt.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Mossy Packed Dirt", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This packed dirt has moss growing on it.", > "floranDescription" : "Packed dirt covered in growing mosss.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here dirt's all cover'd in moss.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\mud.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. The muddiest of mud.", < "floranDescription" : "Mud. Floran like make messsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This mud is thick and sticky.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess muddy messsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like a buncha mud.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\neonblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "Neon Block", --- > "description" : "A coloured block filled with neon gas.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A glowing neon block.", < "floranDescription" : "Bright block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. It seems this entire block contains neon gas.", > "floranDescription" : "Bright coloured neon filled block.", > "novakidDescription" : "This block is actually filled with some sorta gas.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\obsidian.material 6c6 < "description" : "Solid obsidian. It reflects the light.", --- > "description" : "Solid obsidian. It is naturally black.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock-hard obsidian.", < "floranDescription" : "Obsssidian. Black like Floran sssoul.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Astounded. This obsidian is extremely dense and strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Obsssidian. Sstrong black rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some black lookin' obsidian rocks.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 48, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 24, > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\ornateflooring.material 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A beautiful ornate floor.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran walk on ornate floor with ssstilettos.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Charmed. A beautiful ornate wooden floor.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran feelss fancy walking on ornate floor.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some fancy lookin' ornate floorin'.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ornateroofing.material 6,10c6,11 < "description" : "Delightful ornate roofing.", < "shortdescription" : "Ornate Roof Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Pleasant ornate roofing.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran raise the ornate roof.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "description" : "Traditional looking ornate roofing.", > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Roofing", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This ornate roofing is structurally sound.", > "floranDescription" : "Ornate roofing iss pretty.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't what I'm used to, but nice lookin' roofing all the same.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_rooftile.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ornatetiles.material 6c6 < "description" : "Esquisite ornate tiles.", --- > "description" : "Exquisite ornate roof tiles.", 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Some ornate tiling.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran appreciate ornate tiling.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Familiar. Similar tiles can often be found in traditional roof design.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran appreciatess nice ornate tiling.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ornate tiling really classes the place up.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_rooftile.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ornatewall.material 6c6 < "description" : "A remarkably ornate wall.", --- > "description" : "A traditional looking wall.", 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. An ornate wall.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall too pretty to sssmash.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. This wall is subtly decorated in a traditional method.", > "floranDescription" : "Wall iss too pretty to sssmash.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is a real fancy lookin' wall.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\ornatewood.material 6c6 < "description" : "Sumptuous ornate wood.", --- > "description" : "Expertly treated ornate wood.", 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Fancy wood.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like posh wood.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. This wood was specially treated by a master craftsman.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess sspecial treated wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "This wood looks like it's been treated with somethin'.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\outpost.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "An outpost wall.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A wall.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall!", --- > "description" : "Wall material commonly used in space outposts.", > "glitchDescription" : "Familiar. I have seen this material used in space outposts before.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard metal outposst wall.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda outpost wall.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\outpostsupport.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A colourful wall panel.", < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Girder Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. An outpost girder.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssupporty.", --- > "description" : "A reinforced support beam.", > "shortdescription" : "Outpost Support Beam", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. A girder type commonly used in outpost construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssupport beam.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like a big metal beam.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\outpostwall1.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A metal wall panel.", < "shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. A wall panel.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall.", --- > "description" : "Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.", > "shortdescription" : "Outpost Concrete", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. This specially designed concrete is quick drying.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslikess cold hard concrete.", > "novakidDescription" : "This concrete looks mighty tough.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\outpostwall2.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A metal wall panel.", < "shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "glitchDescription" : "Analysis. A wall panel.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall.", --- > "description" : "A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.", > "shortdescription" : "Outpost Thick Wall", > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. Nothing will move this structurally reinforced wall.", > "floranDescription" : "Thiss wall is ssso sstrong.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't nothin' gonna move this thick wall.", 11,12c12,13 < "health" : 32, < "category": "materials", --- > "health" : 20, > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\packeddirt.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Some packed dirt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dirt. Clarification. Just dirt.", < "floranDescription" : "Filthy dirt!", --- > "description" : "Some dirt packed into small bricks.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. These bricks are simply packed, shaped dirt.", > "floranDescription" : "Brickss made from packed dirt.", > "novakidDescription" : "Soft lookin' bricks, made from dirt.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\petalblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "A block made of vibrantly flowering plant matter.", --- > "description" : "Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.", 7a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. These leaves smell of earth and flowers.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran lovess flowery plantss.", > "novakidDescription" : "There's some real nice flowers growin' here.", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\pillarblock.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A pillar style wall.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pillar wall.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall too pretty to sssmash.", --- > "description" : "An old looking stone pillar.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. I believe this stone pillar is very old.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstone pillar iss very old.", > "novakidDescription" : "This is one ol' lookin' stone pillar.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\plantblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Plant matter.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel kinship with plant block.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. This block is completely constructed from plant matter.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran feelss kinship with thiss plant block.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like a block made outta plants.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\plantmatter.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A block made of plant matter.", < "shortdescription" : "Plant Matter Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Plant matter.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel kinship with plant block.", --- > "description" : "A block made of packed plant matter.", > "shortdescription" : "Plant Matter", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Plant matter has somehow been compressed into this block.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess plantss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha plants and leaves all mashed together.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\plate.material 6c6 < "description" : "Reminds me of the inside of the medical centre back home.", --- > "description" : "Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A metal plate.", < "floranDescription" : "Not kind of plate Floran deserves, but kind of plate Floran needs.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. These metal plates have been carefully smoothed.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth sshiny metal platess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some smooth lookin' wall plates.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\platinumblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Platinum.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny platinum.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This shimmering block is made from solid platinum.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess shiny platinum.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon this big ol' block of platinum would be worth somethin' to somebody.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\purplecrystal.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Light seems to twist inside the crystals.", < "shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A beautiful purple crystal.", < "floranDescription" : "Pretty cryssstal.", --- > "description" : "Light seems to twist inside these purple crystals.", > "shortdescription" : "Purple Crystal Block", > "glitchDescription" : "Awestruck. Light appears to dance through this purple crystal.", > "floranDescription" : "Pretty purple crysstal.", > "novakidDescription" : "This purple crystal is purdy lookin'.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\rainbowwood.material 12c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rainbowwoodblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. Rainbow wood.", < "floranDescription" : "Colourful woodsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. These colourful planks are bright and cheerful.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran lovess colourful rainbow plankss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Planks made from some mighty colourful wood.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\redtoyblock.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A plastic toy block.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A plastic toy block.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like toy block.", --- > "description" : "A large stackable toy block.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. These toy blocks stack and lock together.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess sstackable toy block.", > "novakidDescription" : "These colourful blocks are meant for playin' with.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\reeds.material 6c6 < "description" : "Reeds block", --- > "description" : "A block made from tightly woven reeds.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Reeds block.", < "floranDescription" : "reedsssss", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These tightly woven reeds make strong blocks.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess sstrong reedss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some reeds that're all woven together.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\rock01.material 9,11c9,12 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock02.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock03.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock04.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock12.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock14.material 6c6 < "description" : "Stacked granite.", --- > "description" : "Stacked natural granite bricks.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Granite rocks.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstacked grniate rocksss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. Mining this granite will only produce cobblestone.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likessss pretty granite.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like some basic granite.", 11c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock15.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 11c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock17.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 11c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock19.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 11c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rock20.material 7,9c7,10 < "shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock.", < "floranDescription" : "Rocksss.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These are common rough stones.", > "floranDescription" : "Hard rough sstoness.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a buncha rocks.", 11c12 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 19c20 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\rockbrick.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rock bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Rock bricksss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. These are simply rocks stacked like bricks", > "floranDescription" : "Sstacked rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "This ain't nothin' more'n a pile of rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\rooftiles.material 7,9c7,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Roofing tiles.", < "floranDescription" : "Roof.", < "shortdescription" : "Medieval Roof Tiles", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. These roof tiles are sloped to allow for easy rain run off.", > "floranDescription" : "Roofing tiless.", > "novakidDescription" : "These tiles look perfect for makin' a roof.", > "shortdescription" : "Roof Tiles", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\rustyblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "A rusty old block.", --- > "description" : "A rusty old metal block.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A rusty block.", < "floranDescription" : "Russsty.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Horrified. This rusty discarded metal is weathered and worn.", > "floranDescription" : "Russsty metal blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here metal looks mighty rusty.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\rustymetal.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Alarm. This metal makes me uncomfortable.", < "floranDescription" : "Russsty.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. The rust on this metal makes me very uncomfortable.", > "floranDescription" : "Russst covered metal.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some ol' metal covered in thick rust.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\sand.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", < "shortdescription" : "Fine Sand", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssand.", --- > "description" : "It's Silt. It's very silty.", > "shortdescription" : "Loose Silt", > "glitchDescription" : "Uncomfortable. It is difficult to keep silt from seeping into my components.", > "floranDescription" : "Silt. It's so dussty.", > "novakidDescription" : "Big ol' pile of dusty silt.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\sand2.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sand.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssand.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. This sand is so fine it seems smooth to touch.", > "floranDescription" : "Dussty sand.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some mighty soft lookin' sand.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 21c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\sandstone01.material 6c6 < "description" : "Tough sandstone.", --- > "description" : "Tough natural sandstone.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sandstone.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssandstone.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This sandstone is made from fine particles of rock.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssandy ssandstone rockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sandy lookin' rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\sandstoneblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "Bricks made from smooth sandstone.", --- > "description" : "Bricks made from smoothed sandstone.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Sandstone bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssandstone bricks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. These bricks are made from a strong sandstone.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssturdy ssandstone brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some bricks made outta sandstone.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\sewage.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Disgusting sewage. Lovely.", < "shortdescription" : "Sewage Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Repulsion. Sewage.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstinky mess.", --- > "description" : "A disgusting pile of sewage. Lovely.", > "shortdescription" : "Raw Sewage", > "glitchDescription" : "Repulsed. The stench from this sewage is overwhelming.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disgussted by stinky ssewage.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like some sorta sewage. Smells like an outhouse in the sun.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\sewerpipe.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A pipe.", < "floranDescription" : "Pipe!", --- > "description" : "A sewer pipe used for transporting waste.", > "glitchDescription" : "Disgusted. This pipe is filthy, I would hate to see what is inside it.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmelly ssewer pipess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Filthy, dirty lookin' sewer pipes.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\shadowblock.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "shortdescription" : "Shadow Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shadow block.", < "floranDescription" : "Shadowy blocksss...", --- > "description" : "A rock as pitch black as shadow.", > "shortdescription" : "Shadow Rock", > "glitchDescription" : "Facinated. This dark block seems to absorb light around it.", > "floranDescription" : "Shadowy black blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Mighty dark lookin' rocks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\shadowspikeblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "Shadowy and spikey block.", --- > "description" : "A spiked block formed from shadowy material.", 8c8,11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_stone3.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This block is made from an unknown material.", > "floranDescription" : "Dark blockss are black as night.", > "novakidDescription" : "These blocks're darker'n a moonless night.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_rooftile.ogg", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\shadowwallblock.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "shortdescription" : "Shadow Wall Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Shadow wall block.", < "floranDescription" : "Shadowy wall blocksss...", --- > "description" : "Bricks carved from shadowy rock.", > "shortdescription" : "Shadow Bricks", > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. These bricks are made from a very durable material.", > "floranDescription" : "Tough black brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some bricks made outta dark rock.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\shojiscreenpanel.material 9,11c9,12 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A panel.", < "floranDescription" : "Panel.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Charmed. These panels are simple and traditional.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrange screen panelss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A fancy lookin' screen panel.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\shroomblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A fungal block.", < "floranDescription" : "Mushroomsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. Although assembled as a block, this mushroom is alive.", > "floranDescription" : "Lovely mushroomss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't that somethin'. Seems this block is made from mushrooms.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\silverblock.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A silver block.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssilver.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. This block is entirely solid silver.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssilver, sso shiny.", > "novakidDescription" : "Shiny lookin' blocks made outta pure silver.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\silverscrew.material 7,8c7,10 < "description" : "A silver screw.", < "glitchDescription" : "Flustered. Why is this screw displayed so flagrantly?", --- > "description" : "A giant screw crafted from silver.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. What purpose could a screw this large serve?", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny sscrew made from ssilver.", > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' screw outta silver.", 12c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c22 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\slime.material 6,9c6,13 < "description" : "A thick mucus. It's tempting to poke it.", < "shortdescription" : "Slime Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Hesitation. A vulgar, slimy block.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssslimy!", --- > > "description" : "A thick mucus. It jiggles when poked.", > "shortdescription" : "Slime Glob", > "glitchDescription" : "Hesitant. This slime looks sticky.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran lovess sslime!", > "novakidDescription" : "This slime is some nasty lookin' stuff.", > "falling" : true, > "cascading" : true, 12,13c16 < "category": "materials", < "soil" : true, --- > "category" : "materials", 21c24 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\slush.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Melted ice.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssslushy.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Imformed. Slush like this is made from melted ice.", > "floranDescription" : "Sslushy cold wet sslush.", > "novakidDescription" : "A whole mess of freezin' slush.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 23c24 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\smoothmetal.material 10c10 < "glitchDescription" : "Suave. Smooth as a Glitch.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Metal polished as smooth as a Glitch chassis.", 11a12 > "novakidDescription" : "These metal panels feel mighty smooth.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\snow.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Snow.", < "floranDescription" : "Sssnowy ssstuff.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Enchanted. This snow looks freshly fallen.", > "floranDescription" : "Cold ssnowy sstuff.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha fresh snow.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\spidersilkblock.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 7,10c6,10 < "description" : "Spider silk.", < "shortdescription" : "Spider Silk Block", < "glitchDescription" : "todo", < "floranDescription" : "todo", --- > "description" : "Webs packed tight into a solid block.", > "shortdescription" : "Spider Silk", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. Nature never ceases to impress, this material is entirely organic.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssticky sspider web. Floran thinks sspider is great hunter!", > "novakidDescription" : "A creepy lookin' spider web.", 15c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\stonerubble.material 6c6 < "description" : "Stone rubble that is obviously debris from an old structure.", --- > "description" : "Stone rubble which appears to be debris from an old structure.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Stone rubble.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstone rubble.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. It appears the pieces in this rubble were part of a structure at one time.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstone rubble made from old buildingss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha crushed up rocks.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\stonetiles.material 6c6 < "description" : "Fancy stone tiles for the fancy person in us all.", --- > "description" : "Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.", 8,10c8,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Some stone tiles.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstones.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This stone has been carefully smoothed into tiles.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstones polished into beautiful tiless.", > "novakidDescription" : "Stone cut 'n polished into some fancy lookin' tiles.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_stone3.ogg", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\supermatter.material 6,7c6,10 < "description" : "A strange crystal that makes FTL travel possible.", < "shortdescription" : "Erchius Crystal Block", --- > "description" : "A crystal used to power FTL technology. It's still not fully understood.", > "shortdescription" : "Erchius Crystal", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. Erchius crystals contain a mysterious power.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny giant crystalss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A big ol' erchius crystal.", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tar.material 6c6 < "description" : "Thick, rancid tar. It reminds me of my mothers home-made jello.", --- > "description" : "Thick, rancid tar. Just looking at it feels sticky.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Tar as thick as a Hylotl's cooking.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstew? Tar.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This tar is thick and very sticky.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslikes ssticky tar.", > "novakidDescription" : "A whole mess'a thick lookin' tar.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c21 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\techhull1.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Plating which hides wires.", < "floranDescription" : "Rip plating off, ssslash wires.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. This plating covers the wires underneath extremely well.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran rip plating off, sslash wires.", > "novakidDescription" : "Fancy lookin' panel with a bunch of wires underneath.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\temple1.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. These stone carvings depict an unknown language.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likes sstone picturess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ol' blocks with some sorta carvin'.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\temple2.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into their surface that even my translator can't read.", < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into the surface but I can't make them out.", > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. The age of these bricks cannot be accurately determined.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess old brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Reckon these bricks have been around a while.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\temple3.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. These small blocks display a high level of craftsmanship.", > "floranDescription" : "Dussty small brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some dusty lookin' little bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\temple4.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Curiosity. These stone carvings are rather crude.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like ssstone pictures.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. These carvings are rather crudely done.", > "floranDescription" : "Old carvingss in stone brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Someone's gone and carved a buncha pictures into these bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\thatch.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Thatched roofing.", < "shortdescription" : "Thatch Block", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Thatched roofing.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssstraw roof.", --- > "description" : "Traditional thatched roofing.", > "shortdescription" : "Thatch", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This thatch reminds me of a more simple time.", > "floranDescription" : "Dry sstraw roofing.", > "novakidDescription" : "A layered roofing piece made outta straw.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\throwingblock.material 6c6 < "description" : "A small block.", --- > "description" : "A small throwing block that sticks to surfaces.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A little block.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran throw block!", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. What force holds this block in place?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess to throw blocks!", > "novakidDescription" : "Some blocks were just meant for tossin'", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tombbrick.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Dusty and ancient, these blocks are at home in the darkest of tombs.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "Dusty and ancient bricks.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. Closer inspection suggests these bricks are quite old.", > "floranDescription" : "Dusssty old bricks.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just some ol' dusty bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tombbrick2.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "These old bricks are unmarked.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "These bricks have worn smooth with age.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These bricks have held up well considering their age.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess smooth brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some smooth lookin' bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tombbrick3.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Small dusty bricks packed with dirt.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "These small bricks are masterfully crafted.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. This stone work is most impressive.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmall brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like some small bricks.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tombbrick4.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. These large bricks are not uniform in size.", > "floranDescription" : "Big stone brickss are hard and cold.", > "novakidDescription" : "Strong lookin' stone. Feels mighty cold to the touch.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\tombbrick5.material 7,9c7,10 < "description" : "Old bricks polished to perfection.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Dusty bricks.", < "floranDescription" : "Dusssty bricks.", --- > "description" : "Old bricks, polished to perfection.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These bricks have had all edges carefully smoothed.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth bricks and ssoft.", > "novakidDescription" : "These ol' lookin' bricks are mighty smooth.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\treasurehoard.material 6,9c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Tresaure Hoard Block", < "description" : "A block made up of treasure!", < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. I want this.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran not can at this.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Treasure Hoard", > "description" : "A shimmering hoard of valuable treasure.", > "glitchDescription" : "Possessive. I can't take my eyes off this treasure.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likes ssshiny gold!", > "novakidDescription" : "Gold! I can hardly contain my excitement!", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\vine.material 9,10c9,11 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Some vines.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran like vinesss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Fascinated. It appears these strong vines were woven together as they were grown.", > "floranDescription" : "Viness grow sstrong just like Floran.", > "novakidDescription" : "These vines are massive lookin'.", 13c14 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\wallpaper.material 6c6 < "description" : "Some classy wallpaper for the classy frog in us all.", --- > "description" : "Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Derisive. A vile Hylotl pattern.", < "floranDescription" : "Wall paper remind Floran of fishmen.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. The Glitch have never understood the concept of glued wall papering.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrange paper covers wallss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Wallpaper. Perfect for classin' up the place.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\waste.material 6,9c6,10 < "description" : "Disgusting chunky toxic waste. Lovely.", < "shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Block", < "glitchdescription" : "Repulsion. This waste is so toxic it's glowing.", < "florandescription" : "Ssstinky mess.", --- > "description" : "Disgusting, faintly glowing toxic waste.", > "shortdescription" : "Waste", > "glitchDescription" : "Repulsed. The chemicals in this waste are so toxic it is glowing.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssstinky toxic messs. Vile poisson.", > "novakidDescription" : "Buncha glowin' toxic chemical waste.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\wetdirt.material 6c6 < "description" : "It's not quite mud, it's not quite dirt.. it's wet dirt!", --- > "description" : "Not quite mud, not quite's wet dirt.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Awestruck. I never thought I would live to see such wet dirt.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran take bath in wet dirt.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. It is simply dirt saturated with some water.", > "floranDescription" : "Wet dirt iss good for plantss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Jus' some wet lookin' dirt.", 14c15 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 22c23 < "multiColored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : true, tiles\materials\wicker.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Wicker.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran make man of wicker.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Perceptive. This wicker is tightly woven and strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong wicker makess wall.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks t'me like some wicker.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\wickersupport.material 7c7,10 < "description" : "A roughly woven wicker supports.", --- > "description" : "A tightly woven wicker material.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This wicker material is sturdy.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran likess strong wicker blockss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Looks like these blocks are just some tough material all woven together.", 10c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\woodbridge.material 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A block perfect for building a dangerous bridge.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran build bridge and live under it.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Charmed. This aged wood creaks with age.", > "floranDescription" : "Old wood iss strong.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'd bet this here wood is mighty old.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\materials\woodenwindow1.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 8,10c7,10 < "description" : "Old wooden window frame.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A wooden window frame.", < "floranDescription" : "Windowsss.", --- > "description" : "A window with wooden panes.", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. This window helps brighten the room.", > "floranDescription" : "Nice windowss, Floran can see outside.", > "novakidDescription" : "Nice lookin' window with wooden panes.", 13c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c20 < "lightTransparent" : false, --- > "lightTransparent" : true, tiles\materials\woodenwindow2.material 5d4 < "transparent" : true, 8,11c7,11 < "description" : "Old wooden blinds that don't let much light through.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Wooden blinds.", < "floranDescription" : "Window blindsss.", < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_glass.ogg", --- > "description" : "Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. This wood filters light and acts as a barrier.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can peak through large sslats of wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can see right through the spaces in this wood, clear to the other side.", > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", 13c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", 20c20 < "lightTransparent" : false, --- > "lightTransparent" : true, tiles\materials\woodpanelling.material 6c6 < "description" : "This wood panelling is the bad kind of retro.", --- > "description" : "This wood panelling was fashionable in a distant era.", 8,9c8,10 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Wooden panelling.", < "floranDescription" : "Wood panelsss.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. It appears these panels of wood are decorative.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrange wood panelss for decoration.", > "novakidDescription" : "Wood panels, that's how y'know this place is fancy.", 12c13 < "category": "materials", --- > "category" : "materials", tiles\mods\prisilite.matmod 6c6 < "health" : 30, --- > "health" : 5, 8a9,11 > > "miningSounds" : [ "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_ore.ogg", "/sfx/tools/pickaxe_ore2.ogg" ], > "miningParticle" : "orespark", tiles\mods\tilleddry.matmod 22a23,28 > }, > { > "liquidId" : 6, > "consumeLiquid" : 0.5, > "transformModId" : 31, > "topOnly" : true tiles\platforms\ancientplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "Ancient platform... It's some kind of stone tech.", --- > "description" : "An ancient platform made up of some kind of technological rock.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. There is technology at work in this ancient platform I do not understand.", > "floranDescription" : "Platform made with sstrange technology.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some strange lookin' tech in this platform.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\apexshipplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "A tough, sturdy and spaceworthy platform.", --- > "description" : "Durable enough to withstand the demands of space travel.", > "glitchDescription" : "Informed. Platforms like this are used in space ship construction.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstrong sship platform.", > "novakidDescription" : "This platform's strong enough t'keep from gettin' boot scuffed.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\bambooplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "Charmingly constructed bamboo platforms.", --- > "description" : "Strong platforms fashioned from bamboo stalks.", > "glitchDescription" : "Hopeful. This bamboo platform is incredibly strong.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran grow sstrong bamboo for platformsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Bamboo hung up like a platform.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\copperladder.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 11a11,13 > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. This ladder is made from copper.", > "floranDescription" : "Ladder iss made from sshiny copper.", > "novakidDescription" : "A ladder made outta copper.", 14c16 < "category": "supports" --- > "category" : "Supports" tiles\platforms\copperplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "A copper platform.", --- > "description" : "A platform made from copper.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. This platform appears to be made from copper.", > "floranDescription" : "Platformss made from copper.", > "novakidDescription" : "I reckon it must've been tough makin' this platform with copper.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 18,20c20,21 < "multiColored" : false, < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "multiColored" : true, > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\goldenplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 7,8c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Golden Platform", < "description" : "A golden platform.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Gold Platform", > "description" : "For the truly opulent, a platform made from gold.", > "glitchDescription" : "Enchanted. This platform is made from solid gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Gold platformsss. Sso fancy.", > "novakidDescription" : "Gold! It's a platform made of gold!.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 18,20c20,21 < "multiColored" : false, < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "multiColored" : true, > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\lunarbaseplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Confident. This metal platform can support great weight.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran disslike cold metal platformss.", > "novakidDescription" : "A shiny lookin' platform.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\medievalladder.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 14c13 < "category": "supports" --- > "category" : "Supports" tiles\platforms\modernplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. This smooth modern platform is attractive and sturdy.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssmooth modern platformsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some fancy lookin' metal platforms.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\outpostplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "Standard platform designed for outposts.", --- > "description" : "A simple light platform commonly found in remote outposts.", > "glitchDescription" : "Facinated. These platforms are light and favoured for their portability.", > "floranDescription" : "Jusst another metal platform.", > "novakidDescription" : "Pretty strange lookin' metal platform.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\plantplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "The platform is slimy with moss and leaves. Best be careful not to slip!", --- > "description" : "The platform is slimy with moss and leaves. Better be careful not to slip!", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. This mossy platform is slimy and slippery.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sslide along sslimy mosss platform.", > "novakidDescription" : "This moss makes this platform mighty slippery.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 18,20c20,21 < "multiColored" : false, < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "multiColored" : true, > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\platform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Familiar. This is a basic wood platform.", > "floranDescription" : "Ssimple wood platformsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Just a platform made outta wood.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\platform2.material 4,6c4,5 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, < "itemDrop" : "platform2", --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", > "itemDrop" : "platform", 8a8,9 > "glitchdescription" : "Neutral. A wooden platform.", > "florandescription" : "Platformsss.", 10c11 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c20 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\protectorateplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "A tough, sturdy peaceful looking platform.", --- > "description" : "A simple looking platform.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. These platforms can easily support my weight.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metal platformsss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some fancy lookin' platforms made outta metal.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\ruinsplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "Old dusty wood platform. Looks decrepid.", --- > "description" : "An old dusty wooden platform. Looks like it's falling apart.", > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This old wooden platform is structurally unsound.", > "floranDescription" : "Rotting and unsssafe. Floran approvess.", > "novakidDescription" : "Best watch myself, this ol' platform looks like it's fallin' apart.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\silverplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "A silver platform.", --- > "description" : "A polished platform crafted from pure silver.", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. I can see my reflection in these silver platforms.", > "floranDescription" : "Platformss made from ssilver.", > "novakidDescription" : "I'll reckon this platform is worth its weight in silver.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 18,20c20,21 < "multiColored" : false, < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "multiColored" : true, > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\stoneplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8c7,10 < "description" : "A natural stone platform.", --- > "description" : "A platform carved from stone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This platform has been carved from solid stone.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstone carved into platformss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Must've taken forever to carve these stone platforms.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 18,20c20,21 < "multiColored" : false, < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "multiColored" : true, > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\tribalplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Stone bricks have been assembled into this platform.", > "floranDescription" : "Platform made from old brickss.", > "novakidDescription" : "Ol' stone bricks setup like a platform.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\woodenplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 7,8c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "description" : "Nicely carved wooden platforms.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Platform", > "description" : "Nicely finished wooden platforms.", > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. These wooden platforms have been finely sanded and finished.", > "floranDescription" : "Platformss made from wood.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some simple lookin' wooden platforms.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tiles\platforms\wreckplatform.material 4,5c4 < "platform" : true, < "transparent" : true, --- > "collisionKind" : "platform", 8a8,10 > "glitchDescription" : "Alarmed. This rusty scaffolding appears structurally unsound.", > "floranDescription" : "Russty and unssafe. Floran likess.", > "novakidDescription" : "This rusty platform looks 'bout ready to fall apart.", 10c12 < "category": "supports", --- > "category" : "Supports", 19,20c21 < "zLevel" : 0, < "platform" : true --- > "zLevel" : 0 tilesets\packed\huge-objects.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 12, --- > "tilecount" : 76, 10,116c10,612 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A beanstalk, it grows up to the sky. 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Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "01back", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "01back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//name" : "01front", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "03back", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "03back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "02back", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "02back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "05back", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "05back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "04back", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "04back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. 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"40", > "object" : "05bback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "02bback", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "02bback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "04bback", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "04bback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", > "//name" : "03bback", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "40", > "object" : "03bback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > 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"40", > "object" : "08back", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "protectoratehalllight", > "//shortdescription" : "Hall Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehalllight" > }, > "33" : { > "//name" : "protectoratehalllight_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A stage curtain from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratehallcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Stage Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectoratehallcurtain" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A stage curtain from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratehallcurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Stage Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratehallcurtain2" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The spinning 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"blueneonsymbolblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "material" : "blueneonsymbolblock" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Wiring hides beneath this reinforced hi-tech plated material.", < "//name" : "techhull1", < "//shortdescription" : "Reinforced Tech Block", < "material" : "techhull1" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A thick coil of vines. They look strong.", < "//name" : "vine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine", < "material" : "vine" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Fancy stone tiles for the fancy person in us all.", < "//name" : "stonetiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Tiles", < "material" : "stonetiles" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock15", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock15" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "It's not quite mud, it's not quite dirt.. it's wet dirt!", < "//name" : "wetdirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Wet Dirt", < "material" : "wetdirt" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A thin gravel.", < "//name" : "gravel", < "//shortdescription" : "Gravel", < "material" : "gravel" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock04", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock04" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Reeds block", < "//name" : "reedsmaterial", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Block", < "material" : "reedsmaterial" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A pressurised beam.", < "//name" : "pressurizedbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Beam", < "material" : "pressurizedbeam" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Ancient stones with intricate carvings of creatures scratched into the surface.", < "//name" : "temple1", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Block", < "material" : "temple1" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A block of matter.", < "//name" : "matterblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Matter Block", < "material" : "matterblock" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock01", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock01" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A dark-tinted glass material.", < "//name" : "blackglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Glass", < "material" : "blackglass" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A metal wall panel.", < "//name" : "outpostwall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "material" : "outpostwall2" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", < "//name" : "heavyironbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Iron Bars", < "material" : "heavyironbars" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "Simply fabulous.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Planks", < "material" : "rainbowwoodblock" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "Solid ice, tingly to the touch.", < "//name" : "ice", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice", < "material" : "ice" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Delightful ornate roofing.", < "//name" : "ornateroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Roof Block", < "material" : "ornateroofing" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Old bricks polished to perfection.", < "//name" : "tombbrick5", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick5" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Steel chains, and not the fun kind.", < "//name" : "chain", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Chain", < "material" : "chain" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A block made of plant matter.", < "//name" : "plantblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Block", < "material" : "plantblock" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Some packed dirt.", < "//name" : "packeddirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", < "material" : "packeddirt" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Sumptuous ornate wood.", < "//name" : "ornatewood", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wood", < "material" : "ornatewood" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Thick and sticky mud.", < "//name" : "mud", < "//shortdescription" : "Mud", < "material" : "mud" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Tough, gritty moon rock.", < "//name" : "moonrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Moonrock", < "material" : "moonrock" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "An extremely hard rock found just outside the atmosphere.", < "//name" : "meteoriterock", < "//shortdescription" : "Meteorite Rock", < "material" : "meteoriterock" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "The wood is very old and creaks in the wind.", < "//name" : "woodbridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bridge Block", < "material" : "woodbridge" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Old metal encrusted with rust.", < "//name" : "rustymetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal", < "material" : "rustymetal" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A block made of vibrantly flowering plant matter.", < "//name" : "petalblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Petal Matter Block", < "material" : "petalblock" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Dusty and ancient, these blocks are at home in the darkest of tombs.", < "//name" : "tombbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Useless scrap metal, mostly remnants of outmoded technology.", < "//name" : "junktech", < "//shortdescription" : "Junk Tech", < "material" : "junktech" < }, < "131" : { < "//name" : "invisible", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This alloy looks incredibly durable.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Block", < "material" : "lunarbaseblock" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "Eww, a fleshy looking material!", < "//name" : "hellstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Block of Flesh", < "material" : "hellstone" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", < "//name" : "fullwood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", < "material" : "fullwood1" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy lattice made of wood.", < "//name" : "crosshatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Window Lattice", < "material" : "crosshatch" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A hideous, foul-smelling block made of some kind of flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Block", < "material" : "fleshblock" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A shining blue block of made of crystals.", < "//name" : "crystalblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", < "material" : "crystalblock" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Ick. Corrupted dirt.", < "//name" : "corruptdirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt Block", < "material" : "corruptdirt" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden fence.", < "//name" : "fence", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Fence", < "material" : "fence" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The superdense core of a dead planet. Nearly unbreakable.", < "//name" : "deadcore", < "//shortdescription" : "Dead Core Block", < "material" : "deadcore" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Moondust, the thing dreams are made of.", < "//name" : "moondust", < "//shortdescription" : "Moondust", < "material" : "moondust" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A colourful wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexshipwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "material" : "apexshipwall" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Tough sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstone01", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone", < "material" : "sandstone01" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Somewhat solid clouds! You can even walk on them!", < "//name" : "cloudblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Cloud Block", < "material" : "cloudblock" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into their surface that even my translator can't read.", < "//name" : "temple2", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Bricks", < "material" : "temple2" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A block made of plant matter.", < "//name" : "plantmatter", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Matter Block", < "material" : "plantmatter" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A non-functioning mirror block!", < "//name" : "mirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Mirror Block", < "material" : "mirror" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A tumbling heap of squishy eyeballs.", < "//name" : "eyepiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Clump of Eyes", < "material" : "eyepiles" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "I think I see alien woodworm.", < "//name" : "darkwood", < "//shortdescription" : "Wood Planks", < "material" : "darkwood" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Cold, hard, concrete.", < "//name" : "concrete", < "//shortdescription" : "Concrete Block", < "material" : "concrete" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A solid ice block.", < "//name" : "iceblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Block", < "material" : "iceblock" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Small bricks made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "cobblestonebrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone Brick", < "material" : "cobblestonebrick" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Stone rubble that is obviously debris from an old structure.", < "//name" : "stonerubble", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rubble", < "material" : "stonerubble" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A pillar style wall.", < "//name" : "pillarblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Pillar Block", < "material" : "pillarblock" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Simple roofing for a cabin.", < "//name" : "cabinroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Roof Block", < "material" : "cabinroofing" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A log for building simple buildings.", < "//name" : "logblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Log Block", < "material" : "logblock" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "Sod block.", < "//name" : "grassy", < "//shortdescription" : "Sod Block", < "material" : "grassy" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Rough, grassy stone.", < "//name" : "grassyrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grassy Rock", < "material" : "grassyrock" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A frozen dirt block.", < "//name" : "frozendirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt Block", < "material" : "frozendirt" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", < "//name" : "biorock", < "//shortdescription" : "Bioluminescent Rock", < "material" : "biorock" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", < "//name" : "biorock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bioluminescent Blue Rock", < "material" : "biorock2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Melting ice makes a thick slush.", < "//name" : "slush", < "//shortdescription" : "Slush", < "material" : "slush" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A roughly woven wicker supports.", < "//name" : "wickersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Support Block", < "material" : "wickersupport" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood has a colourful center.", < "//name" : "rainbowwood", < "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Rainbow Wood", < "material" : "rainbowwood" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Disgusting chunky toxic waste. Lovely.", < "//name" : "waste", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Block", < "material" : "waste" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A solid copper window frame.", < "//name" : "copperwindow", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Window", < "material" : "copperwindow" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This copper block has a distinct gear-like imprint.", < "//name" : "copperblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Gear Block", < "material" : "copperblock" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Copper Roofing", < "//name" : "copperroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Roofing", < "material" : "copperroofing" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A silver screw.", < "//name" : "silverscrew", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Screw", < "material" : "silverscrew" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A pressurised girder.", < "//name" : "pressurizedgirder", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Girder Block", < "material" : "pressurizedgirder" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "sewerpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Pipe", < "material" : "sewerpipe" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A strong looking metal girder.", < "//name" : "girder", < "//shortdescription" : "Girder Block", < "material" : "girder" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock12", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock12" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy copper fence.", < "//name" : "copperfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Fence", < "material" : "copperfence" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A colourful support block.", < "//name" : "apexshipsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Support Block", < "material" : "apexshipsupport" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.", < "//name" : "heavypipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Pipe", < "material" : "heavypipe" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A colourful wall panel.", < "//name" : "outpostsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Girder Block", < "material" : "outpostsupport" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A block made of vibrantly flowering plant matter.", < "//name" : "floweryblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Matter Block", < "material" : "floweryblock" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "//name" : "shadowwallblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Wall Block", < "material" : "shadowwallblock" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A block as pitch as shadow.", < "//name" : "shadowblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Block", < "material" : "shadowblock" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "Shadowy and spikey block.", < "//name" : "shadowspikeblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Spike Block", < "material" : "shadowspikeblock" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "blackblock", < "//shortdescription" : "...", < "material" : "blackblock" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Bamboo", < "//name" : "bamboo", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo", < "material" : "bamboo" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Nicely painted brickwork.", < "//name" : "homewalls1", < "//shortdescription" : "Painted Brick", < "material" : "homewalls1" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A block made up of treasure!", < "//name" : "treasurehoard", < "//shortdescription" : "Tresaure Hoard Block", < "material" : "treasurehoard" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock17", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock17" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful, smooth moonstone.", < "//name" : "moonstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Moonstone", < "material" : "moonstone" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron block.", < "//name" : "ironblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Block", < "material" : "ironblock" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This looks hi-tech!", < "//name" : "metallic", < "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Block", < "material" : "metallic" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", < "//name" : "bars", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bars", < "material" : "bars" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", < "//name" : "fullwood2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", < "material" : "fullwood2" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock02", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock02" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Old wooden blinds that don't let much light through.", < "//name" : "woodenwindow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Blinds", < "material" : "woodenwindow2" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Small stone slabs, perfect for the finer details.", < "//name" : "castlewalls2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Stone Brick", < "material" : "castlewalls2" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Polished bone made into a building material.", < "//name" : "bonematerial", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Block", < "material" : "bonematerial" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Light seems to twist inside the crystals.", < "//name" : "purplecrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", < "material" : "purplecrystal" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "An outpost wall.", < "//name" : "outpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall", < "material" : "outpost" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Pressurised steel.", < "//name" : "pressurizedsteel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Steel", < "material" : "pressurizedsteel" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "These old bricks are unmarked.", < "//name" : "tombbrick2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unmarked Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick2" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of solid platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Block", < "material" : "platinumblock" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A solid material made from the remains of fallen creatures... I think I see an eyeball.", < "//name" : "hive", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivestone", < "material" : "hive" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Hard stones, smooth to the touch.", < "//name" : "cobblestone", < "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone", < "material" : "cobblestone" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Thick, rancid tar. It reminds me of my mothers home-made jello.", < "//name" : "tar", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar", < "material" : "tar" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This rock come from an Alien world.", < "//name" : "alienrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Rock Block", < "material" : "alienrock" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "An ancient block.", < "//name" : "ancientblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Block", < "material" : "ancientblock" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A traditional screen panel.", < "//name" : "shojiscreenpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Shoji Screen Panel", < "material" : "shojiscreenpanel" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A little bit of metal.", < "//name" : "apexshipdetails", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Railing", < "material" : "apexshipdetails" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Ash packed tight into a solid block.", < "//name" : "ash", < "//shortdescription" : "Ash Block", < "material" : "ash" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "asphalt", < "//shortdescription" : "Asphalt", < "material" : "asphalt" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Cheap, tacky wallpaper.", < "//name" : "cheapwallpaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Tacky Wallpaper", < "material" : "cheapwallpaper" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Small glyphs cover the stone.", < "//name" : "aztec", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Block", < "material" : "aztec" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material. Its markings are printed on.", < "//name" : "aztectech", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tech Block", < "material" : "aztectech" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A classy baseboard for the bottom of all your walls!", < "//name" : "baseboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Baseboard", < "material" : "baseboard" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "An ancient brick.", < "//name" : "ancientbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Brick", < "material" : "ancientbrick" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Pulsating brain matter.. I wonder what it's thinking.", < "//name" : "brains", < "//shortdescription" : "Brains", < "material" : "brains" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Soft faded brick.", < "//name" : "fadedblocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Brick Block", < "material" : "fadedblocks" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Thatched roofing.", < "//name" : "thatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Thatch Block", < "material" : "thatch" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Strong stone slabs, perfect for building a castle.", < "//name" : "castlewalls1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Stone Brick", < "material" : "castlewalls1" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Weathered roof tiles. Their shape makes me feel uneasy.", < "//name" : "rooftiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Roof Tiles", < "material" : "rooftiles" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Stacked granite.", < "//name" : "rock14", < "//shortdescription" : "Granite Block", < "material" : "rock14" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Delightful ornate flooring.", < "//name" : "ornateflooring", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Flooring", < "material" : "ornateflooring" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Esquisite ornate tiles.", < "//name" : "ornatetiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Tiles", < "material" : "ornatetiles" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Little wormlike forms wriggle beneath the surface of this glassy stone.", < "//name" : "direstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Dire Stone", < "material" : "direstone" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A crudely produced set of rock bricks.", < "//name" : "rockbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bricks", < "material" : "rockbrick" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A rusty old block.", < "//name" : "rustyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Block", < "material" : "rustyblock" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "//name" : "blaststone", < "//shortdescription" : "Blaststone Block", < "material" : "blaststone" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of silver.", < "//name" : "silverblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Block", < "material" : "silverblock" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A dark, smooth stone block. Mysterious.", < "//name" : "darksmoothstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Smooth Stone", < "material" : "darksmoothstone" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined limestone.", < "//name" : "limestone", < "//shortdescription" : "Limestone", < "material" : "limestone" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A block made of soft fungus.", < "//name" : "shroomblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Block", < "material" : "shroomblock" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Magmarock. Hot stuff.", < "//name" : "magmarock", < "//shortdescription" : "Magmarock", < "material" : "magmarock" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Dark and cold to the touch, these bricks seem to suck the heat from the room.", < "//name" : "tombbrick4", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick4" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Bricks made from smooth sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstoneblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bricks", < "material" : "sandstoneblock" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A strange alien wood, with stripes.", < "//name" : "alienstripedblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood Block", < "material" : "alienstripedblock" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Small dusty bricks packed with dirt.", < "//name" : "tombbrick3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick3" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Dusty but finely crafted bricks.", < "//name" : "temple3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Temple Bricks", < "material" : "temple3" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Reminds me of the inside of the medical centre back home.", < "//name" : "plate", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Plated Block", < "material" : "plate" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Neon Block", < "//name" : "neonblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Block", < "material" : "neonblock" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks. Quaint.", < "//name" : "brick", < "//shortdescription" : "Clay Brick Block", < "material" : "brick" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A solid steel block.", < "//name" : "mediummetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Block", < "material" : "mediummetal" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This wood panelling is the bad kind of retro.", < "//name" : "woodpanelling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wood Panelling", < "material" : "woodpanelling" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Sweet-smelling rock candy!", < "//name" : "candyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Candy Block", < "material" : "candyblock" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A roughly woven wicker material.", < "//name" : "wicker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Block", < "material" : "wicker" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Disgusting sewage. Lovely.", < "//name" : "sewage", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Block", < "material" : "sewage" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Dirty looking dirt.", < "//name" : "dirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Block", < "material" : "dirt" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Dry and dusty clay.", < "//name" : "clay", < "//shortdescription" : "Clay", < "material" : "clay" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Solid obsidian. It reflects the light.", < "//name" : "obsidian", < "//shortdescription" : "Obsidian", < "material" : "obsidian" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Packed dirt, covered in moss.", < "//name" : "mossypackeddirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", < "material" : "mossypackeddirt" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A wall panel marking a potential hazard. Keep clear.", < "//name" : "hazard", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Block", < "material" : "hazard" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A small block.", < "//name" : "throwingblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Throwing Block", < "material" : "throwingblock" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A thick mucus. It's tempting to poke it.", < "//name" : "slime", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Block", < "material" : "slime" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Old wooden window frame.", < "//name" : "woodenwindow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Window", < "material" : "woodenwindow1" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock03", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock03" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock20", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock20" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Just a block made of coconut.", < "//name" : "coconutblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Coconut Block", < "material" : "coconutblock" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", < "//name" : "glass", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", < "material" : "glass" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Old and poorly crafted blocks, crude drawings are scratched into the stone.", < "//name" : "temple4", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Temple Blocks", < "material" : "temple4" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", < "//name" : "sand", < "//shortdescription" : "Fine Sand", < "material" : "sand" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Soft and fluffy snow.", < "//name" : "snow", < "//shortdescription" : "Snow", < "material" : "snow" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Some classy wallpaper for the classy frog in us all.", < "//name" : "wallpaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Wallpaper", < "material" : "wallpaper" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Block", < "material" : "goldblock" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably ornate wall.", < "//name" : "ornatewall", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wall", < "material" : "ornatewall" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A metal wall panel.", < "//name" : "outpostwall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "material" : "outpostwall1" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The water appears to have frozen.", < "//name" : "frozenwater", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Water", < "material" : "frozenwater" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A pile of dusty old books, they're full of tales of dragons and knights.", < "//name" : "bookpiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Books", < "material" : "bookpiles" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Smooth metal, cold to the touch.", < "//name" : "smoothmetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Metal", < "material" : "smoothmetal" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Soft and warm sand.", < "//name" : "sand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sand", < "material" : "sand2" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "-todo-.", < "//name" : "cactiblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Cacti Block", < "material" : "cactiblock" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "Spider silk.", < "//name" : "spidersilkblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spider Silk Block", < "material" : "spidersilkblock" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A plastic toy block.", < "//name" : "redtoyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Toy Block", < "material" : "redtoyblock" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock19", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Block", < "material" : "rock19" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A crystal used to power FTL technology. It's still not fully understood.", > "//name" : "supermatter", > "//shortdescription" : "Erchius Crystal", > "material" : "supermatter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A light metallic tile, perfect for a research laboratory.", > "//name" : "lightmetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Metal", > "material" : "lightmetal" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Dirt, dried solid in the sun.", > "//name" : "drydirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Dry Dirt", > "material" : "drydirt" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Hard, cracked sand that shatters underfoot.", > "//name" : "drysand", > "//shortdescription" : "Dry Sand", > "material" : "drysand" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A smooth panel made of titanium.", > "//name" : "composite01", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Panel", > "material" : "composite01" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A tile with a strange blue glyph engraved in the centre.", > "//name" : "blueneonsymbolblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Block", > "material" : "blueneonsymbolblock" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Wiring hides beneath this reinforced hi-tech plated material.", > "//name" : "techhull1", > "//shortdescription" : "Reinforced Tech Block", > "material" : "techhull1" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A thick coil of vines. They look strong.", > "//name" : "vine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine", > "material" : "vine" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.", > "//name" : "stonetiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Tiles", > "material" : "stonetiles" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock15", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock15" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Not quite mud, not quite's wet dirt.", > "//name" : "wetdirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Wet Dirt", > "material" : "wetdirt" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Coarse gravel.", > "//name" : "gravel", > "//shortdescription" : "Gravel", > "material" : "gravel" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock04", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock04" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A block made from tightly woven reeds.", > "//name" : "reedsmaterial", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Block", > "material" : "reedsmaterial" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A support beam made for pressurised environments.", > "//name" : "pressurisedbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Beam", > "material" : "pressurisedbeam" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Ancient stones with intricate carvings of creatures scratched into the surface.", > "//name" : "temple1", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Block", > "material" : "temple1" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A matter block. A block that matters.", > "//name" : "matterblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Matter Block", > "material" : "matterblock" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock01", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock01" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A dark-tinted panel of glass.", > "//name" : "blackglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Glass", > "material" : "blackglass" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.", > "//name" : "outpostwall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Thick Wall", > "material" : "outpostwall2" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Thick iron bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", > "//name" : "heavyironbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Iron Bars", > "material" : "heavyironbars" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "Simply fabulous.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Planks", > "material" : "rainbowwoodblock" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "Solid ice, tingly to the touch.", > "//name" : "ice", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice", > "material" : "ice" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Traditional looking ornate roofing.", > "//name" : "ornateroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Roofing", > "material" : "ornateroofing" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Old bricks, polished to perfection.", > "//name" : "tombbrick5", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick5" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Tungsten chains, and not the fun kind.", > "//name" : "chain", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chain", > "material" : "chain" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A block made of plant matter.", > "//name" : "plantblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Block", > "material" : "plantblock" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Some dirt packed into small bricks.", > "//name" : "packeddirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", > "material" : "packeddirt" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Expertly treated ornate wood.", > "//name" : "ornatewood", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wood", > "material" : "ornatewood" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Thick and sticky mud.", > "//name" : "mud", > "//shortdescription" : "Mud", > "material" : "mud" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Tough, gritty moon rock.", > "//name" : "moonrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Moonrock", > "material" : "moonrock" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "An extremely hard rock found just outside the atmosphere.", > "//name" : "meteoriterock", > "//shortdescription" : "Meteorite Rock", > "material" : "meteoriterock" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "The wood is very old and creaks in the wind.", > "//name" : "woodbridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bridge Block", > "material" : "woodbridge" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Old metal encrusted with rust.", > "//name" : "rustymetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal", > "material" : "rustymetal" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.", > "//name" : "petalblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Petal Matter Block", > "material" : "petalblock" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Dusty and ancient bricks.", > "//name" : "tombbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Useless scrap metal, mostly remnants of outmoded technology.", > "//name" : "junktech", > "//shortdescription" : "Junk Tech", > "material" : "junktech" > }, > "131" : { > "//name" : "invisible", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This alloy looks incredibly durable.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Block", > "material" : "lunarbaseblock" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "Eww, a fleshy looking material!", > "//name" : "hellstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Pile", > "material" : "hellstone" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Carefully treated wood that maintains a freshly chopped appearance.", > "//name" : "fullwood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Treated Wood", > "material" : "fullwood1" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A simple lattice made of wood.", > "//name" : "crosshatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Window Lattice", > "material" : "crosshatch" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Some hideous, foul-smelling kind of flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chunk", > "material" : "fleshblock" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A shimmering block of made from crystals.", > "//name" : "crystalblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", > "material" : "crystalblock" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting block of corrupted dirt.", > "//name" : "corruptdirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt", > "material" : "corruptdirt" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden fence.", > "//name" : "fence", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Fence", > "material" : "fence" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The superdense core of a dead planet. Nearly unbreakable.", > "//name" : "deadcore", > "//shortdescription" : "Dead Core Block", > "material" : "deadcore" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Moondust, the thing dreams are made of.", > "//name" : "moondust", > "//shortdescription" : "Moondust", > "material" : "moondust" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A sleek metal wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexshipwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", > "material" : "apexshipwall" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Tough natural sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstone01", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone", > "material" : "sandstone01" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A cloud dense enough to walk on.", > "//name" : "cloudblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Cloud", > "material" : "cloudblock" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into the surface but I can't make them out.", > "//name" : "temple2", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Bricks", > "material" : "temple2" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A block made of packed plant matter.", > "//name" : "plantmatter", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Matter", > "material" : "plantmatter" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A non-reflective mirror.", > "//name" : "mirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Mirror Block", > "material" : "mirror" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A tumbling heap of squishy eyeballs.", > "//name" : "eyepiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Eyes", > "material" : "eyepiles" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.", > "//name" : "darkwood", > "//shortdescription" : "Timber", > "material" : "darkwood" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Cold, hard, concrete.", > "//name" : "concrete", > "//shortdescription" : "Concrete Block", > "material" : "concrete" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Solid ice, cut into block shape.", > "//name" : "iceblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Block", > "material" : "iceblock" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Small bricks made from cobblestone.", > "//name" : "cobblestonebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone Brick", > "material" : "cobblestonebrick" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Stone rubble which appears to be debris from an old structure.", > "//name" : "stonerubble", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rubble", > "material" : "stonerubble" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "An old looking stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillarblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Pillar Block", > "material" : "pillarblock" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Simple roofing for a cabin.", > "//name" : "cabinroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Roofing", > "material" : "cabinroofing" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A wooden log. Good for building simple structures.", > "//name" : "logblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Log", > "material" : "logblock" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A block of sod roofing with growing grass.", > "//name" : "grassy", > "//shortdescription" : "Sod Block", > "material" : "grassy" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Rough, grassy stone.", > "//name" : "grassyrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grassy Rock", > "material" : "grassyrock" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This dirt is frozen solid.", > "//name" : "frozendirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt", > "material" : "frozendirt" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", > "//name" : "biorock", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Rock", > "material" : "biorock" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This blue rock is faintly glowing with bioluminescence.", > "//name" : "biorock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Rock", > "material" : "biorock2" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Melting ice makes a thick slush.", > "//name" : "slush", > "//shortdescription" : "Slush", > "material" : "slush" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A tightly woven wicker material.", > "//name" : "wickersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Support Block", > "material" : "wickersupport" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood has a colourful center.", > "//name" : "rainbowwood", > "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Rainbow Wood", > "material" : "rainbowwood" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Disgusting, faintly glowing toxic waste.", > "//name" : "waste", > "//shortdescription" : "Waste", > "material" : "waste" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A window with a frame made from solid copper.", > "//name" : "copperwindow", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Window", > "material" : "copperwindow" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This copper block has a distinct gear-like imprint.", > "//name" : "copperblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Gear Block", > "material" : "copperblock" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Roofing tiles fashioned from copper.", > "//name" : "copperroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Roofing", > "material" : "copperroofing" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A giant screw crafted from silver.", > "//name" : "silverscrew", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Screw", > "material" : "silverscrew" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A girder designed to accommodate pressurisation changes.", > "//name" : "pressurisedgirder", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Girder", > "material" : "pressurisedgirder" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe used for transporting waste.", > "//name" : "sewerpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Pipe", > "material" : "sewerpipe" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A strong looking metal girder.", > "//name" : "girder", > "//shortdescription" : "Girder", > "material" : "girder" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock12", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock12" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy copper fence.", > "//name" : "copperfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Fence", > "material" : "copperfence" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A wall support used in ship construction.", > "//name" : "apexshipsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Support", > "material" : "apexshipsupport" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.", > "//name" : "heavypipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Pipe", > "material" : "heavypipe" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A reinforced support beam.", > "//name" : "outpostsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Support Beam", > "material" : "outpostsupport" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A fragrant bundle made of flowers and leaves.", > "//name" : "floweryblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Block", > "material" : "floweryblock" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Bricks carved from shadowy rock.", > "//name" : "shadowwallblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Bricks", > "material" : "shadowwallblock" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A rock as pitch black as shadow.", > "//name" : "shadowblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Rock", > "material" : "shadowblock" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A spiked block formed from shadowy material.", > "//name" : "shadowspikeblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Spike Block", > "material" : "shadowspikeblock" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", > "//name" : "lightblocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", > "material" : "lightblocker" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone filled with small geode crystals.", > "//name" : "geodestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Stone", > "material" : "geodestone" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "blackblock", > "//shortdescription" : "...", > "material" : "blackblock" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Glimmering natural geode crystals.", > "//name" : "geodeblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Crystals", > "material" : "geodeblock" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A pile of random junk.", > "//name" : "junk", > "//shortdescription" : "Junk Pile", > "material" : "junk" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Pulsating brain matter.. I wonder if it's thinking.", > "//name" : "brainsblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Brains", > "material" : "brainsblock" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Stone bricks with a ridge carved near the top.", > "//name" : "ridgebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ridged Block", > "material" : "ridgebrick" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A slimy, bright coloured mass of jelly.", > "//name" : "jellyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Jelly Blob", > "material" : "jellyblock" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Stone stepped bricks with a small ledge.", > "//name" : "ledgebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ledge Brick", > "material" : "ledgebrick" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A mass of wriggling tentacles.", > "//name" : "tentacleblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Cluster", > "material" : "tentacleblock" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A large tentacle", > "//name" : "tentaclepipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle", > "material" : "tentaclepipe" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy mass with some thick, tough looking skin.", > "//name" : "dermisblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ruin Dermis", > "material" : "dermisblock" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This fleshy mass looks like it was part of some creature's stomach.", > "//name" : "stomachblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Stomach Lining", > "material" : "stomachblock" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Freshly cut stalks of bamboo.", > "//name" : "bamboo", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo", > "material" : "bamboo" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Nicely painted brickwork.", > "//name" : "homewalls1", > "//shortdescription" : "Painted Brick", > "material" : "homewalls1" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A shimmering hoard of valuable treasure.", > "//name" : "treasurehoard", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Hoard", > "material" : "treasurehoard" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock17", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock17" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful, smooth moonstone.", > "//name" : "moonstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Moonstone", > "material" : "moonstone" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron block.", > "//name" : "ironblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Block", > "material" : "ironblock" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This looks hi-tech!", > "//name" : "metallic", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Block", > "material" : "metallic" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", > "//name" : "bars", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bars", > "material" : "bars" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", > "//name" : "fullwood2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", > "material" : "fullwood2" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock02", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock02" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.", > "//name" : "woodenwindow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Blinds", > "material" : "woodenwindow2" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Small stone slabs, perfect for the finer details.", > "//name" : "castlewalls2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stone Brick", > "material" : "castlewalls2" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A collection of bones tightly packed together.", > "//name" : "bonematerial", > "//shortdescription" : "Packed Bones", > "material" : "bonematerial" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Light seems to twist inside these purple crystals.", > "//name" : "purplecrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Crystal Block", > "material" : "purplecrystal" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Wall material commonly used in space outposts.", > "//name" : "outpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall", > "material" : "outpost" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel panel, specially designed to contain pressurised environments.", > "//name" : "pressuriseddurasteel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Durasteel", > "material" : "pressuriseddurasteel" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "These bricks have worn smooth with age.", > "//name" : "tombbrick2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unmarked Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick2" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of solid platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Block", > "material" : "platinumblock" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Sticky hive combs made from the remains of fallen creatures.", > "//name" : "hive", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivestone", > "material" : "hive" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Hard cobblestones, smooth to the touch.", > "//name" : "cobblestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone", > "material" : "cobblestone" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Thick, rancid tar. Just looking at it feels sticky.", > "//name" : "tar", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar", > "material" : "tar" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", > "//name" : "alienrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Rock", > "material" : "alienrock" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "These bricks have certainly survived the test of time.", > "//name" : "ancientblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Block", > "material" : "ancientblock" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A traditional screen panel.", > "//name" : "shojiscreenpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Shoji Screen Panel", > "material" : "shojiscreenpanel" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A riveted metal wall.", > "//name" : "apexshipdetails", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Railing", > "material" : "apexshipdetails" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A pile of tightly packed ash.", > "//name" : "ash", > "//shortdescription" : "Ash Pile", > "material" : "ash" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A cheap but effective construction material.", > "//name" : "asphalt", > "//shortdescription" : "Asphalt", > "material" : "asphalt" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Cheap, tacky wallpaper.", > "//name" : "cheapwallpaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Tacky Wallpaper", > "material" : "cheapwallpaper" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Small glyphs cover this stone.", > "//name" : "aztec", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Block", > "material" : "aztec" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material with printed markings.", > "//name" : "aztectech", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tech Block", > "material" : "aztectech" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This baseboard completes the classic home look.", > "//name" : "baseboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Baseboard", > "material" : "baseboard" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "This carved brick is immeasurably old.", > "//name" : "ancientbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Brick", > "material" : "ancientbrick" > }, > "48" : { > "//name" : "brains", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Soft faded brick.", > "//name" : "fadedblocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Brick", > "material" : "fadedblocks" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Traditional thatched roofing.", > "//name" : "thatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Thatch", > "material" : "thatch" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Strong stone slabs, perfect for building a castle.", > "//name" : "castlewalls1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Stone Brick", > "material" : "castlewalls1" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Weathered roof tiles. Their shape makes me feel uneasy.", > "//name" : "rooftiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Tiles", > "material" : "rooftiles" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "Stacked natural granite bricks.", > "//name" : "rock14", > "//shortdescription" : "Granite Block", > "material" : "rock14" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Delightful ornate flooring.", > "//name" : "ornateflooring", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Flooring", > "material" : "ornateflooring" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Exquisite ornate roof tiles.", > "//name" : "ornatetiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Tiles", > "material" : "ornatetiles" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Little wormlike forms wriggle beneath the surface of this glassy stone.", > "//name" : "direstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Dire Stone", > "material" : "direstone" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A crudely produced set of rock bricks.", > "//name" : "rockbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bricks", > "material" : "rockbrick" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A rusty old metal block.", > "//name" : "rustyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Block", > "material" : "rustyblock" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", > "//name" : "blaststone", > "//shortdescription" : "Blaststone Block", > "material" : "blaststone" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of silver.", > "//name" : "silverblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Block", > "material" : "silverblock" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A dark, smooth stone block.", > "//name" : "darksmoothstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Smooth Stone", > "material" : "darksmoothstone" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined limestone.", > "//name" : "limestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Limestone", > "material" : "limestone" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A block made of soft fungus.", > "//name" : "shroomblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Block", > "material" : "shroomblock" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Magmarock. This is hot stuff.", > "//name" : "magmarock", > "//shortdescription" : "Magmarock", > "material" : "magmarock" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Dark and cold to the touch, these bricks seem to suck the heat from the room.", > "//name" : "tombbrick4", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick4" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Bricks made from smoothed sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstoneblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bricks", > "material" : "sandstoneblock" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A piece of alien striped wood. Stripey!", > "//name" : "alienstripedblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood", > "material" : "alienstripedblock" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "These small bricks are masterfully crafted.", > "//name" : "tombbrick3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick3" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Dusty but finely crafted bricks.", > "//name" : "temple3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Temple Bricks", > "material" : "temple3" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.", > "//name" : "plate", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Plated Block", > "material" : "plate" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A coloured block filled with neon gas.", > "//name" : "neonblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Block", > "material" : "neonblock" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks made from clay.", > "//name" : "brick", > "//shortdescription" : "Bricks", > "material" : "brick" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A solid tungsten block.", > "//name" : "mediummetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Block", > "material" : "mediummetal" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This wood panelling was fashionable in a distant era.", > "//name" : "woodpanelling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wood Panelling", > "material" : "woodpanelling" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Sweet-smelling rock candy!", > "//name" : "candyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Candy Block", > "material" : "candyblock" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A roughly woven wicker material.", > "//name" : "wicker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Block", > "material" : "wicker" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting pile of sewage. Lovely.", > "//name" : "sewage", > "//shortdescription" : "Raw Sewage", > "material" : "sewage" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Dirty looking dirt.", > "//name" : "dirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt", > "material" : "dirt" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Heavy, sticky clay.", > "//name" : "clay", > "//shortdescription" : "Clay", > "material" : "clay" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "Solid obsidian. It is naturally black.", > "//name" : "obsidian", > "//shortdescription" : "Obsidian", > "material" : "obsidian" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Packed dirt, covered in moss.", > "//name" : "mossypackeddirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mossy Packed Dirt", > "material" : "mossypackeddirt" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "This pattern suggests caution.", > "//name" : "hazard", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Block", > "material" : "hazard" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A small throwing block that sticks to surfaces.", > "//name" : "throwingblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Throwing Block", > "material" : "throwingblock" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A thick mucus. It jiggles when poked.", > "//name" : "slime", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Glob", > "material" : "slime" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A window with wooden panes.", > "//name" : "woodenwindow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Window", > "material" : "woodenwindow1" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock03", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock03" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock20", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock20" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Bricks made from coconut and mortar.", > "//name" : "coconutblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Coconut Block", > "material" : "coconutblock" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "I can see my reflection.", > "//name" : "glass", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", > "material" : "glass" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Old and poorly crafted blocks, crude drawings are scratched into the stone.", > "//name" : "temple4", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Temple Blocks", > "material" : "temple4" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "It's Silt. It's very silty.", > "//name" : "sand", > "//shortdescription" : "Loose Silt", > "material" : "sand" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Soft and fluffy snow.", > "//name" : "snow", > "//shortdescription" : "Snow", > "material" : "snow" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.", > "//name" : "wallpaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Wallpaper", > "material" : "wallpaper" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Block", > "material" : "goldblock" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A traditional looking wall.", > "//name" : "ornatewall", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wall", > "material" : "ornatewall" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.", > "//name" : "outpostwall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Concrete", > "material" : "outpostwall1" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Some naturally smooth ice.", > "//name" : "frozenwater", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Ice", > "material" : "frozenwater" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A pile of dusty old books, they're full of tales of dragons and knights.", > "//name" : "bookpiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Books", > "material" : "bookpiles" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Smooth metal, cold to the touch.", > "//name" : "smoothmetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Metal", > "material" : "smoothmetal" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "Soft and warm sand.", > "//name" : "sand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand", > "material" : "sand2" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Cactus that's been fashioned into a construction block. Still prickly.", > "//name" : "cactiblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Cacti Block", > "material" : "cactiblock" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "Webs packed tight into a solid block.", > "//name" : "spidersilkblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spider Silk", > "material" : "spidersilkblock" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A large stackable toy block.", > "//name" : "redtoyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Toy Block", > "material" : "redtoyblock" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock19", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock19" > } 1078,1611c1148,1717 < "0" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/supermatter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/lightmetal.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/drydirt.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/drysand.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : 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Allows liquids through.", > "material":"metamaterial:underwaterBoundary" > }, 74,75c86,87 < "\/\/description":"Invisible wall", < "\/\/shortdescription":"Invisible wall", --- > "\/\/description":"Invisible Wall (Boundary)", > "\/\/shortdescription":"Light-transparent invisible wall that players cannot climb", 166a179,186 > "18": > { > "image":"..\/..\/..\/..\/tiled\/packed\/miscellaneous\/18.png" > }, > "19": > { > "image":"..\/..\/..\/..\/tiled\/packed\/miscellaneous\/19.png" > }, 201c221 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } tilesets\packed\supports.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 34, --- > "tilecount" : 36, 10,199c10,197 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A non-descript wood platform.", < "//name" : "platform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wood Platform", < "material" : "platform2" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Grooved metal platform. 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Best be careful not to slip!", < "//name" : "plantplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Mossy Platform", < "material" : "plantplatform" < }, < "12" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A nondescript wood platform.", < "//name" : "platform", < "//shortdescription" : "Wood Platform", < "material" : "platform" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Platforms built from solid temple bricks.", < "//name" : "tribalplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Platform", < "material" : "tribalplatform" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Rusty scaffolding, it doesn't look safe.", < "//name" : "wreckplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Platform", < "material" : "wreckplatform" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Gives priority to higher rails.", < "//name" : "skyrail_asc", < "//shortdescription" : "Skyrail Switcher +", < "material" : "skyrail_asc" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Strong steel platforms.", < "//name" : "steelplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Platform", < "material" : "steelplatform" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Made from a modern material, these are smooth to the touch.", < "//name" : "modernplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Platform", < "material" : "modernplatform" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A natural stone platform.", < "//name" : "stoneplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Platform", < "material" : "stoneplatform" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A metalic platform with a strange groove in the middle.", < "//name" : "skyrailplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Skyrail", < "material" : "skyrailplatform" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A well-constructed metal platform.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Platform", < "material" : "lunarbaseplatform" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A copper platform.", < "//name" : "copperplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Platform", < "material" : "copperplatform" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Ancient platform... It's some kind of stone tech.", < "//name" : "ancientplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Platform", < "material" : "ancientplatform" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Nicely carved wooden platforms.", < "//name" : "woodenplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "material" : "woodenplatform" < }, < "25" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A skyrail for slowing things down.", < "//name" : "skyrailbreak", < "//shortdescription" : "Skyrail Breaker", < "material" : "skyrailbreak" < }, < "27" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Charmingly constructed bamboo platforms.", < "//name" : "bambooplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Platform", < "material" : "bambooplatform" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A skyrail for speeding things up.", < "//name" : "skyrailboost", < "//shortdescription" : "Skyrail Booster", < "material" : "skyrailboost" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Grooved metal platform. Enforces single direction of motion.", < "//name" : "skyrail_diodeL", < "//shortdescription" : "Skyrail Diode (Left)", < "material" : "skyrail_diodeL" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A golden platform.", < "//name" : "goldenplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Platform", < "material" : "goldenplatform" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A silver platform.", < "//name" : "silverplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Platform", < "material" : "silverplatform" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A tough, sturdy peaceful looking platform.", < "//name" : "protectorateplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Platform", < "material" : "protectorateplatform" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Old dusty wood platform. Looks decrepid.", < "//name" : "ruinsplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ruins Platform", < "material" : "ruinsplatform" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Standard platform designed for outposts.", < "//name" : "outpostplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Platform", < "material" : "outpostplatform" < }, < "6" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "7" : { < "//name" : "invalid", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A tough, sturdy and spaceworthy platform.", < "//name" : "apexshipplatformplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Platform", < "material" : "apexshipplatformplatform" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Tough pressurized platform for potentially pressured environments!", < "//name" : "pressurizedplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Platform", < "material" : "pressurizedplatform" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A non-descript wood platform.", > "//name" : "platform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wood Platform", > "material" : "platform2" > }, > "1" : { > "//name" : "skyrail_diodeR", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "10" : { > "//name" : "skyrail_desc", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The platform is slimy with moss and leaves. Better be careful not to slip!", > "//name" : "plantplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Mossy Platform", > "material" : "plantplatform" > }, > "12" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A nondescript wood platform.", > "//name" : "platform", > "//shortdescription" : "Wood Platform", > "material" : "platform" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Platforms built from solid temple bricks.", > "//name" : "tribalplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Platform", > "material" : "tribalplatform" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Rusty scaffolding, it doesn't look safe.", > "//name" : "wreckplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Platform", > "material" : "wreckplatform" > }, > "16" : { > "//name" : "skyrail_asc", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Strong platforms made from tungsten.", > "//name" : "tungstenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Platform", > "material" : "tungstenplatform" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Made from a modern material, these are smooth to the touch.", > "//name" : "modernplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Platform", > "material" : "modernplatform" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A platform carved from stone.", > "//name" : "stoneplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Platform", > "material" : "stoneplatform" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//name" : "skyrailplatform", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A well-constructed metal platform.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Platform", > "material" : "lunarbaseplatform" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A platform made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Platform", > "material" : "copperplatform" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An ancient platform made up of some kind of technological rock.", > "//name" : "ancientplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Platform", > "material" : "ancientplatform" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Nicely finished wooden platforms.", > "//name" : "woodenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Platform", > "material" : "woodenplatform" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//name" : "skyrailbreak", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "27" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Strong platforms fashioned from bamboo stalks.", > "//name" : "bambooplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Platform", > "material" : "bambooplatform" > }, > "29" : { > "//name" : "skyrailboost", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//name" : "skyrail_diodeL", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "For the truly opulent, a platform made from gold.", > "//name" : "goldenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Platform", > "material" : "goldenplatform" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A polished platform crafted from pure silver.", > "//name" : "silverplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Platform", > "material" : "silverplatform" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A simple looking platform.", > "//name" : "protectorateplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Platform", > "material" : "protectorateplatform" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A strong reinforced rail.", > "//name" : "compositerail", > "//shortdescription" : "Composite Rail", > "material" : "compositerail" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "These rails are a bit rough, but functional.", > "//name" : "rustyrail", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Rail", > "material" : "rustyrail" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An old dusty wooden platform. Looks like it's falling apart.", > "//name" : "ruinsplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ruins Platform", > "material" : "ruinsplatform" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A simple light platform commonly found in remote outposts.", > "//name" : "outpostplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Platform", > "material" : "outpostplatform" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "invalid", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Durable enough to withstand the demands of space travel.", > "//name" : "apexshipplatformplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Platform", > "material" : "apexshipplatformplatform" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Tough pressurised platform for potentially pressured environments!", > "//name" : "pressurisedplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Platform", > "material" : "pressurisedplatform" > } 202,303c200,307 < "0" : { < "image" : 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"tilecount" : 76, 10,544c10,608 < "0" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, what's for dinner? Is it me?", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", < "//name" : "3dprinter", < "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "3dprinter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", < "//name" : "stonefurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonefurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A wooden countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A furnace meant for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", < "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", < "//name" : "researchstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "researchstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", < "//name" : "manipulatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This table allows me to prepare and combine raw ingredients, for wholesome meals!", < "//name" : "woodencookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Cooking Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", < "//name" : "pixelcompressor", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pixelcompressor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", < "//name" : "alloyfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alloyfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Craft your capture pods here.", < "//name" : "capturestation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Creature Capture Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "capturestation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This device is able to identify and restore fossils. It outputs the fossil in a container ready to be smashed open.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Used to produce raw pixels from ore.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Create your very own skyrail tracks with this table!", < "//name" : "skyrailtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Skyrail Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skyrailtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "What's for dessert? Banana cream pie? Banana nut bread? Banana muffins?", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "I can use this wiring station to craft components and wire things as I see fit!", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A device for spinning yarn from wool. I can tailor new clothes with it!", < "//name" : "yarnspinner", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Yarn Spinner^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yarnspinner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", < "//name" : "frogmerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogmerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "An anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", < "//name" : "metalworkstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalworkstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", < "//name" : "molemerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "molemerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. I can use the heat for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", < "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//name" : "testfrog", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", < "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenstovetop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a good place to cook.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", < "//name" : "spawnerstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This Iron Anvil allows me to forge armor, tools and weapons.", < "//name" : "ironanvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironanvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", > "//name" : "3dprinter", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Printer^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "3dprinter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//name" : "stonefurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", > "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to develop highly specialized equipment.", > "//name" : "researchstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "researchstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", > "//name" : "woodencookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", > "//name" : "pixelcompressor", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pixelcompressor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//name" : "alloyfurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce capture pods, healing stations and other pet related items.", > "//name" : "capturestation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capturestation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Used to make fossil excavation tools and display cases.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "35" : { > "//name" : "separatortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "skyrailtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", > "//name" : "frogmerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogmerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//name" : "metalworkstation", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "51" : { > "//name" : "molemerchant", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Campfire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "57" : { > "//name" : "testfrog", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", > "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenstovetop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "It's a Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A device for spinning fabric from natural fibres.", > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spinningwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//name" : "furnituretable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "63" : { > "//name" : "apothecary", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "64" : { > "//name" : "farmtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", > "//name" : "inventorstable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "inventorstable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armour and weapons from fabric and ores.", > "//name" : "craftinganvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftinganvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", > "//name" : "craftingfurniture", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurniture", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of helpers.", > "//name" : "spawnerstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", > "//name" : "craftingfarm", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", > "//name" : "craftingmedical", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingmedical", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce rails, rail riding items and related objects.", > "//name" : "railcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Rail Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "railcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to produce armour and weapons.", > "//name" : "ironanvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironanvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 547,726c611,838 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/roboticcraftingtable.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranstove.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/holidaycraftingtable.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/3dprinter.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stonefurnace.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostmicrowave.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heartforge.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florantable2.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalfurnace.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microwave.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironcraftingtable.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/researchstation.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rusticoven.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/manipulatortable.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/oven1.png" < }, < "27" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencookingtable.png" < }, < "28" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pixelcompressor.png" < }, < "29" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/acceleratortable.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scifianvil.png" < }, < "30" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alloyfurnace.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capturestation.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fossilstation.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/refinery.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scififurnace.png" < }, < "35" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/separatortable.png" < }, < "36" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/skyrailtable.png" < }, < "37" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexoven.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiringstation.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/yarnspinner.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "40" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < }, < "41" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/frogmerchant.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anvil.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievallargecookingpot.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcounter2.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metalworkstation.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/molemerchant.png" < }, < "52" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coffeemachine.png" < }, < "53" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostcookingtable.png" < }, < "54" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbarrelfire.png" < }, < "55" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/campfire.png" < }, < "56" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencraftingtable.png" < }, < "57" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "58" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cabinstove.png" < }, < "59" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kitchenstovetop.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/nanostove.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spawnerstation.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironanvil.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranstove.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/holidaycraftingtable.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/3dprinter.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostmicrowave.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heartforge.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florantable2.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalfurnace.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microwave.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironcraftingtable.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/researchstation.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rusticoven.png" > }, > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexoven.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiringstation.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/frogmerchant.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anvil.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievallargecookingpot.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcounter2.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coffeemachine.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostcookingtable.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbarrelfire.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/campfire.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "58" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftingwheel.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spawnerstation.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftingfarm.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftingmedical.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/manipulatoraddon.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/acceleratoraddon.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/separatoraddon.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railcraftingtable.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironanvil.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\decorative.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 998, --- > "tilecount" : 1301, 10,8664c10,10809 < "0" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : 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Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "An advertisement for famous Hylotl clothing chain, Flashy Fins.", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Clothing Ad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble31", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble31" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble41", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble41" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying things.", < "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning sticks.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", < "//name" : "hockeytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hockeytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking Glitch cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "pleaseget", < "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "pleaseget" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "novakidtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstation" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock4" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Empty Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", < "//name" : "dreidel", < "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dreidel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Eight marker.", < "//name" : "number8", < "//shortdescription" : "Eight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number8" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", < "//name" : "miningfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningfence", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "penguinposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Avian Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble42", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble42" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A roll of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film '10 Things I Hate About Florans'.", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", < "//name" : "floranpodapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpodapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A customized signboard", < "//name" : "customsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "customsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, 'The Moleman Prophecy'.", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "helpme", < "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "helpme" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Not to be confused with a Festivus pole.", < "//name" : "holidaypole", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaypole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", < "//name" : "apexpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting2" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A model of a world inhabited by the Glitch.", < "//name" : "medievalglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. Quick, escape!", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "An old sign warning for death.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", < "//name" : "snowglobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie 'Cybernetic Apocalypse'.", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "florantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstation" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe. Watch out for clowns.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe. Watch out for clowns.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A soft scent of banana juice lingers.", < "//name" : "classicglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root5" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", < "//name" : "football", < "//shortdescription" : "Football", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "football", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", < "//name" : "pillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "techstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstation" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "reedclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reedclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Lily' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", < "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A broken anchor", < "//name" : "brokenanchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokenanchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock3" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar1" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", < "//name" : "wreckvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvent" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple32", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple32" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", < "//name" : "watercooler", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watercooler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells produce! What sort of produce do robots eat, though?", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells produce! What sort of produce do robots eat, though?", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", < "//name" : "hylotlbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A test fossil", < "//name" : "testfossil", < "//shortdescription" : "Test Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "testfossil" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", < "//name" : "bathroomurinal", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomurinal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple33", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple33" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", < "//name" : "nowayout", < "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "nowayout", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "These signs don't actually say anything about the places they are pointing to.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A fine china plate.", < "//name" : "classicplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "stocking2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Full Striped Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A large wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", < "//name" : "cultistaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cultistaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "hylotltechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstation" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of... juice. Mmm, juice.", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar2" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frogspawn swirls inside.", < "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", < "//name" : "invisiblesparker", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesparker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks handsome.", < "//name" : "mask7", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Troll Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask7" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", < "//name" : "scifisleigh", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifisleigh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "Trying to hide in this pile of hay following a failed crime spree is not a solid plan.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble22", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble22" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "One marker.", < "//name" : "number1", < "//shortdescription" : "One", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number1" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle3", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle3" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "undecoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "undecoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "Rocks. But do they roll?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple43", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple43" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", < "//name" : "electricsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "electricsign" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "I get an ominous feeling looking at this sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Poison Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "Five marker.", < "//name" : "number5", < "//shortdescription" : "Five", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number5" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "Whoooaaaaa.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", < "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque2" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "A map of the world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chainlink Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "Four marker.", < "//name" : "number4", < "//shortdescription" : "Four", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number4" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox only seems to have songs from a band called the 'Jon Afro Band'.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", < "//name" : "bathroomsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple51", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple51" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "It's a chainlink fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chainlink Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "Six marker.", < "//name" : "number6", < "//shortdescription" : "Six", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number6" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti message.", < "//name" : "thewayisblocked", < "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "thewayisblocked", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", < "//name" : "giantsanta", < "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantsanta", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "The Knight. He can jump over pieces... I can too!", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of pictures...", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "375" : { < "//description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "Old Falling Rocks", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "377" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple22", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple22" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple23", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple23" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "385" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "A small barred vent.", < "//name" : "barvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barvent" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, this shop up ahead sells weapons!", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, this shop up ahead sells weapons!", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque3" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root4" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", < "//name" : "agaranmushroom", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agaranmushroom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "395" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple52", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple52" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientist Apex Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Common, primitive tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Craftsman Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "401" : { < "//description" : "A wooden sink.. I haven't washed my hands in a long time.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" < }, < "406" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "407" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "408" : { < "//description" : "Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbath", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbath", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "409" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "410" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "411" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple12", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple12" < }, < "412" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "413" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble21", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble21" < }, < "414" : { < "//description" : "A Starbound arcade machine. How meta.", < "//name" : "arcadestarbound", < "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadestarbound", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "415" : { < "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", < "//name" : "wreckscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "416" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "417" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "418" : { < "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", < "//name" : "loudspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "loudspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "419" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock5" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "420" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "421" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "422" : { < "//description" : "A solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "423" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "424" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root10", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root10" < }, < "425" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "426" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "427" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "428" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "429" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "430" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "431" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "432" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "433" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "434" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "435" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "436" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, 'Cell Block'.", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "437" : { < "//description" : "This pelt must have come off of something pretty big!", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brown Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "438" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "439" : { < "//description" : "Tempting to wear this as a cloak and declare myself King of the North.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "440" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "441" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "442" : { < "//description" : "Tools necessary for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "443" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "humantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstation" < }, < "444" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", < "//name" : "snowglobe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "445" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "446" : { < "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", < "//name" : "screenplanet", < "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screenplanet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "447" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Leap' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "448" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "449" : { < "//description" : "A shelf. Perfect for holding smaller shelves.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "A Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "450" : { < "//description" : "A small red bow.", < "//name" : "smallbow", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallbow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "451" : { < "//description" : "A primitive shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "452" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it says 'BUBBLE'...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "453" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "454" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "455" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "456" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1" < }, < "457" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "458" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "459" : { < "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", < "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "460" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "461" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "462" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "463" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "464" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "465" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "466" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it says 'RIBBIT'...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "467" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "468" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "469" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "470" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "471" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "472" : { < "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", < "//name" : "hecksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecksign" < }, < "473" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "474" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "475" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "476" : { < "//description" : "The Rook. It can move sideways... unlike me.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "477" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "478" : { < "//description" : "It's a round window.", < "//name" : "porthole", < "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "porthole" < }, < "479" : { < "//description" : "Whoa! What kind of bone is that?", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Bone Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", < "//name" : "pillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "480" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric stories etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "481" : { < "//description" : "Can Floran read?", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "482" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones hang from the ceiling like sort of morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "483" : { < "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", < "//name" : "giantfloranpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantfloranpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "484" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "'No Escape' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "485" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "486" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted hieroglyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hieroglyph Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < }, < "487" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "488" : { < "//description" : "A wooden dressing screen, for the modest Floran?", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "489" : { < "//description" : "It says, 'REMINDER TO ALL INMATES: You're here for life.'", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "490" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, for the modest Floran?", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "491" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "492" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "493" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt is stretched and dried between two large bones", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "494" : { < "//description" : "A spear on a plaque. If you press a button below it, the spear sings.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "495" : { < "//description" : "Eats, Stabs and Leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaves", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "496" : { < "//description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "497" : { < "//description" : "A weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "498" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "499" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This way to the library. It might be good to read up on local history!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "500" : { < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "501" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", < "//name" : "redcandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "502" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining drill's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "503" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining drill's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "504" : { < "//description" : "A log. Check for termites before you sit down.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "A Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "505" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "506" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "507" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "508" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "509" : { < "//description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This way to the library. It might be good to read up on local history!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "510" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "511" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock1" < }, < "512" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "513" : { < "//description" : "The altar is blank.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "514" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Smoke Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "515" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "516" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "517" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "518" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "519" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "520" : { < "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", < "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fantasyboardgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "521" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle1", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle1" < }, < "522" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "523" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "524" : { < "//description" : "Zero marker.", < "//name" : "number0", < "//shortdescription" : "Zero", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number0" < }, < "525" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle2", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle2" < }, < "526" : { < "//description" : "Announcements from Big Ape are broadcast over these speakers.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "527" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "528" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "529" : { < "//description" : "Two marker.", < "//name" : "number2", < "//shortdescription" : "Two", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number2" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "530" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle4", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle4" < }, < "531" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "532" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble11", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble11" < }, < "533" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble52", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble52" < }, < "534" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple21", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple21" < }, < "535" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple41", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple41" < }, < "536" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple42", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple42" < }, < "537" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "538" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "539" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "540" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "541" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "542" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "543" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "544" : { < "//description" : "I... what? Is this the Floran's idea of abstract art?", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "545" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "546" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "547" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "548" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2" < }, < "549" : { < "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "giantsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "giantsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "550" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "551" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "552" : { < "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", < "//name" : "arrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "553" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "554" : { < "//description" : "Cave art perhaps depicting a sun?", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sun Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "555" : { < "//description" : "Cave art perhaps depicting a sun?", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sun Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "556" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "557" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque1" < }, < "558" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "559" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "560" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "561" : { < "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", < "//name" : "poop", < "//shortdescription" : "Poop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "562" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "563" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "windchime", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "windchime", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "564" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "565" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "566" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "567" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "568" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "569" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "570" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "571" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "572" : { < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "573" : { < "//description" : "Nine marker.", < "//name" : "number9", < "//shortdescription" : "Nine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number9" < }, < "574" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "575" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how many wars this standard has seen.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "576" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "577" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "578" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of... fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "579" : { < "//description" : "Hay is for horses! ... Where are the horses?", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "580" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "581" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "582" : { < "//description" : "All Hail King Glitch, one thousand-and-twenty-second of his name!", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "583" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your fanciness on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "584" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "585" : { < "//description" : "These display swords look very pointy.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "586" : { < "//description" : "A ornate steel bookcase.", < "//name" : "steelbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steel Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "587" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root3" < }, < "588" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "589" : { < "//description" : "A door. It's broken. Useful.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "590" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting1" < }, < "591" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "592" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "593" : { < "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", < "//name" : "clubdecks", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubdecks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "594" : { < "//description" : "A busted UFO.", < "//name" : "UFOprop", < "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "UFOprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "595" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "stocking1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "596" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the forge is this way.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "597" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the forge is this way.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "598" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest my head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "599" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest my head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks almost alive...", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "600" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble32", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble32" < }, < "601" : { < "//description" : "Three marker.", < "//name" : "number3", < "//shortdescription" : "Three", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number3" < }, < "602" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle5", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle5" < }, < "603" : { < "//description" : "A table that resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "604" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "605" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "606" : { < "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", < "//name" : "goldenpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "607" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "608" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "609" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", < "//name" : "turnback", < "//shortdescription" : "turnback", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "turnback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "610" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "611" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "612" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "613" : { < "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "614" : { < "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of the Mindwurm.", < "//name" : "mindwurmplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mindwurmplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "615" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "616" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", < "//name" : "greencandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "617" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "618" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "619" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", < "//name" : "vent", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vent" < }, < "620" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" < }, < "621" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstationTier0" < }, < "622" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "623" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "624" : { < "//description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "625" : { < "//description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "626" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "627" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "628" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "629" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "630" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "631" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "632" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "633" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "634" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "635" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "636" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "637" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading 'turn back'. Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "638" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "639" : { < "//description" : "'Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good'", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "640" : { < "//description" : "Falling Rocks", < "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" < }, < "641" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "642" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "643" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "644" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "645" : { < "//description" : "Poor Pawn, you're the most important piece to me!", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "646" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "647" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "648" : { < "//description" : "A Bishop, watch your diagonals!", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "649" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "650" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "651" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "652" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", < "//name" : "arcadered", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadered", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "653" : { < "//description" : "A masterwork of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "654" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "655" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" < }, < "656" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade here.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "657" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "658" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", < "//name" : "badgooplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "badgooplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "659" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "660" : { < "//description" : "Colorful ceiling lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglights", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "clubceilinglights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "661" : { < "//description" : "A large club speaker.", < "//name" : "clubspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "662" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "663" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "664" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie 'Fiery Blade Crusader'.", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" < }, < "665" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "666" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "667" : { < "//description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", < "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstationTier0" < }, < "668" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "669" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "670" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "671" : { < "//description" : "It's a warning. The text is written in the Hylotl language.", < "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warning Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" < }, < "672" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "673" : { < "//description" : "It says 'Danger!' Couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "674" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "675" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "676" : { < "//description" : "A neon 'open' sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "677" : { < "//description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "678" : { < "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "goldball", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "679" : { < "//description" : "The Queen, the most powerful piece on the board.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "680" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "681" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "682" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "683" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "684" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "685" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "686" : { < "//name" : "testconsole1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "687" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "688" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy. Shiny!", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "689" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, 'Mess Hall'.", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "690" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data. If only I had a USB stick.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "691" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "692" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "693" : { < "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbathdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbathdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "694" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "695" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, god of the florans.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "696" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root6", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root6" < }, < "697" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "698" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "699" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The King!", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "700" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "701" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "702" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones hang from the ceiling like sort of morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "703" : { < "//description" : "If you told this stock a funny joke, it'd be... a Laughing Stock. I'm hilarious.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "704" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Pond' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" < }, < "705" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple53", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple53" < }, < "706" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "707" : { < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3g" < }, < "708" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "709" : { < "//name" : "testconsole2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple31", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple31" < }, < "710" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "711" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "712" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "713" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "714" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "715" : { < "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwoodpanel" < }, < "716" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Croak' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" < }, < "717" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "718" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root1" < }, < "719" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root2" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "720" : { < "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", < "//name" : "antenna", < "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "antenna", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "721" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "722" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "723" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "724" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "725" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining base's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "726" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign that says 'HAZARD!'", < "//name" : "mininghazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mininghazardsign" < }, < "727" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "728" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "729" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A broken tank.", < "//name" : "brokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "730" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "salesign" < }, < "731" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "732" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "733" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root7", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root7" < }, < "734" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "735" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root8", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root8" < }, < "736" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root9", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root9" < }, < "737" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", < "//name" : "fireextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fireextinguisher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "738" : { < "//description" : "Seven marker.", < "//name" : "number7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number7" < }, < "739" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", < "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", < "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "recreationalvehicle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "740" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "741" : { < "//description" : "A vent.", < "//name" : "roofvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roofvent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "742" : { < "//description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online.", < "//name" : "techstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstationTier0" < }, < "743" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "aviantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstation" < }, < "744" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" < }, < "745" : { < "//description" : "The words 'get out' have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "746" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "747" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" < }, < "748" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "749" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple13", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple13" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble12", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble12" < }, < "750" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "glitchtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstation" < }, < "751" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "752" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Ribbit' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "753" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" < }, < "754" : { < "//description" : "A sexy golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sexy Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "755" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", < "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" < }, < "756" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock2" < }, < "757" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "758" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "759" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "760" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "761" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "762" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "763" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "764" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "765" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "766" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "767" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "768" : { < "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "769" : { < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "770" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "771" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "772" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "773" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "774" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "775" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "776" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "777" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "778" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "779" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "780" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "781" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "782" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "783" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "784" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "785" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "786" : { < "//description" : "An old bookcase library bookcase", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "787" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "788" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "789" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "790" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "791" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "792" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "793" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "794" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "795" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "796" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "797" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "798" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "799" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3b" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "800" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "801" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "802" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "803" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "804" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "805" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "806" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "807" : { < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "808" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "809" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "810" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "811" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "812" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "813" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "814" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "815" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "816" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "817" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "818" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "819" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "820" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "821" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "822" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "823" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "824" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "825" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "826" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "827" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "828" : { < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "829" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Tattered", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "830" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "831" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "832" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "833" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "834" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "835" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "836" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "837" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "838" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "839" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "840" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "841" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "842" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "843" : { < "//name" : "windemblem", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "844" : { < "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "845" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "846" : { < "//description" : "An old Hylotl radio playing music", < "//name" : "hylotlradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "847" : { < "//description" : "Floor marker.", < "//name" : "floor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floor" < }, < "848" : { < "//description" : "Floop marker.", < "//name" : "floop", < "//shortdescription" : "Floop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floop" < }, < "849" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb1", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb1" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "850" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb2" < }, < "851" : { < "//name" : "penguinplush", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "852" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb3", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb3" < }, < "853" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "854" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb4", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-88", < "object" : "strangeweb4" < }, < "855" : { < "//description" : "A stepladder.", < "//name" : "stepladder", < "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stepladder", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "856" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "857" : { < "//description" : "A temporary prop.", < "//name" : "ancientprop", < "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "858" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "859" : { < "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", < "//name" : "travellersbeacon", < "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "travellersbeacon" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "860" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "861" : { < "//description" : "Eughh.", < "//name" : "saloonspittoon", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonspittoon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "862" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "863" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", < "//name" : "alpacaknowledgerune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Knowledge Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaknowledgerune" < }, < "864" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of ruin.", < "//name" : "alpacaruinrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Ruin Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaruinrune" < }, < "865" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", < "//name" : "alpacagrowthrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Growth Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacagrowthrune" < }, < "866" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of life.", < "//name" : "alpacaliferune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Life Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaliferune" < }, < "867" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of one's home.", < "//name" : "alpacahomerune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Home Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacahomerune" < }, < "868" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", < "//name" : "alpacacomponentrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Component Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacacomponentrune" < }, < "869" : { < "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", < "//name" : "seismograph", < "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "seismograph" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "870" : { < "//description" : "A large Microscope, designed for observing bacterial hazards.", < "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hazardmicroscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "871" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", < "//name" : "biohazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "biohazardsign" < }, < "872" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "fossilgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "873" : { < "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "symbiotesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "symbiotesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "874" : { < "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", < "//name" : "splendidplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "splendidplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "875" : { < "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", < "//name" : "vibrantplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vibrantplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "876" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "877" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "878" : { < "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", < "//name" : "explosivebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Explosive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "explosivebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "879" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", < "//name" : "wreckfan", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckfan" < }, < "880" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "881" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "882" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "883" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "884" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", < "//name" : "earthmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "earthmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "885" : { < "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "seaweedpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seaweedpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "886" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", < "//name" : "satellite", < "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "satellite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "887" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Venus.", < "//name" : "venusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "venusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "888" : { < "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", < "//name" : "cabinornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "889" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", < "//name" : "saturnmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "saturnmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple11", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple11" < }, < "890" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", < "//name" : "neptunemodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "neptunemodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "891" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", < "//name" : "marsmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "marsmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "892" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Uranus.", < "//name" : "uranusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "uranusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "893" : { < "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", < "//name" : "baguettebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "baguettebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "894" : { < "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", < "//name" : "kitchenshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "895" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", < "//name" : "mercurymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "mercurymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "896" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", < "//name" : "jupitermodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "jupitermodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "897" : { < "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitv", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "898" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", < "//name" : "plutomodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plutomodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "899" : { < "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", < "//name" : "applebasket", < "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "applebasket", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexrecordplayer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "900" : { < "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", < "//name" : "coralmirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "coralmirror", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "901" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", < "//name" : "steampunkglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "902" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "903" : { < "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", < "//name" : "spookyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "904" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "905" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "906" : { < "//description" : "A shelf made of copper.", < "//name" : "coppershelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppershelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "907" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "908" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "909" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "910" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "911" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "912" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "volcanopod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanopod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "913" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "914" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "915" : { < "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", < "//name" : "shadowchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shadowchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "916" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", < "//name" : "shadowmarker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmarker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "917" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "918" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "919" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "920" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "921" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "922" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "923" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "924" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "925" : { < "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "926" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "927" : { < "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", < "//name" : "floorgear1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floorgear1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "928" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "929" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "930" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "931" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "932" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "933" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "934" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockpenguin", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "935" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", < "//name" : "prismrockrunes", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockrunes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "936" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "937" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "938" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "939" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "940" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "941" : { < "//description" : "\"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light. Don't be fooled - the fangs are still there.\"", < "//name" : "anglureAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anglureAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "942" : { < "//description" : "\"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though. \"", < "//name" : "bulbopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bulbopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "943" : { < "//description" : "\"It's huge...\"", < "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "adultpoptopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "944" : { < "//description" : "\"It's a playful species but spends its life alone. Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", < "//name" : "fennixAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fennixAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "945" : { < "//description" : "\"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", < "//name" : "spookitAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookitAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "946" : { < "//description" : "\"It works well in small teams and will ambush you when least expected. The top midget is the only one whos head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nutmidgeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "947" : { < "//description" : "\"Its bloated body floats around in search for food. During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", < "//name" : "paratailAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "paratailAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "948" : { < "//description" : "\"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows. There's something hypnotising about its chanting...\"", < "//name" : "hypnareAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hypnareAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "949" : { < "//description" : "\"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop. They move around by rolling, which also files their horns.\"", < "//name" : "ringramAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ringramAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It never stops.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "950" : { < "//description" : "\"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make the Snaggler a tricky foe to deal with.\"", < "//name" : "snagglerAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snagglerAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "951" : { < "//description" : "\"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong, Voltip was released into the wild and now inhabits many planets.\"", < "//name" : "voltipAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "voltipAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "952" : { < "//description" : "\"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "//name" : "pyromantleAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pyromantleAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "953" : { < "//description" : "\"Prologed exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out. The smell has been described as sweaty by unfortunate explorers.\"", < "//name" : "miasmopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miasmopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "954" : { < "//description" : "\"The Crabcano is always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "//name" : "crabcanoAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crabcanoAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "955" : { < "//description" : "\"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", < "//name" : "yokatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yokatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "956" : { < "//description" : "\"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "//name" : "capricoatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capricoatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "957" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "958" : { < "//description" : "\"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "//name" : "lumothAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lumothAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "959" : { < "//description" : "\"The Mandraflora's sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mandrafloraAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "960" : { < "//description" : "\"The orb flesh extrudes and turns into a sentient walker. Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "//name" : "orbideAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orbideAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "961" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "962" : { < "//description" : "\"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it. The Bobot is easily angered. Maybe because it doesn't know where it came from either.\"", < "//name" : "bobotAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobotAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "963" : { < "//description" : "\"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "//name" : "ignomeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ignomeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "964" : { < "//description" : "\"It has a thick, shiny skin similar to metal. It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?.\"", < "//name" : "tinticAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinticAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "965" : { < "//description" : "\"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "//name" : "triplodAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triplodAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "966" : { < "//description" : "\"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "//name" : "lilodonAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lilodonAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "967" : { < "//description" : "\"The Monopus' suction cups are used for catching fish. Its intelligence leads it to steal from fishing boats.\"", < "//name" : "monopusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monopusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "968" : { < "//description" : "\"It's made from a springy substance. Gleap reproduce quickly and the litters can be found napping in clusters in the wild.\"", < "//name" : "gleapAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gleapAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "969" : { < "//description" : "\"It's known for its appetite and notorious for stealing from vegetable patches. Due to its constant eating the Snaut's movements are slow.\"", < "//name" : "snauntAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snauntAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "970" : { < "//description" : "\"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "//name" : "oculobAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculobAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "971" : { < "//description" : "\".....\"", < "//name" : "petricubAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petricubAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "972" : { < "//description" : "\"It appears to float around in a haphazard fashion. However, its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "//name" : "squeemAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "squeemAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "973" : { < "//description" : "\"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "//name" : "ooglerAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ooglerAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "974" : { < "//description" : "\"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The lightshows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "//name" : "narfinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "narfinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "975" : { < "//description" : "\"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves. They can be a real threat in big numbers.\"", < "//name" : "agrobatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agrobatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "976" : { < "//description" : "\"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hemogoblinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "977" : { < "//description" : "\"Some believe Wisper's are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "//name" : "wisperAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wisperAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "978" : { < "//description" : "\"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", < "//name" : "scandroidAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scandroidAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "979" : { < "//description" : "\"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish. The way it topples over to attack a foe is partly just a nervous breakdown. \"", < "//name" : "toumingoAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toumingoAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "980" : { < "//description" : "\"Despite its size, it's quick on it's feet. The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "//name" : "scaveranAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scaveranAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "981" : { < "//description" : "\"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "//name" : "pulpinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pulpinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "982" : { < "//description" : "\"It is not an efficent flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", < "//name" : "bobfaeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobfaeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "983" : { < "//description" : "\"Explorers are warned to watch their step in areas inhabited by Crustoise. The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "//name" : "crustoiseAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crustoiseAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "984" : { < "//description" : "\"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "//name" : "crutterAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crutterAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "985" : { < "//description" : "\"The end of its tail is shaped like a spoon and can be lowered onto its back like a shell. Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damange.\"", < "//name" : "iguarmorAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iguarmorAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "986" : { < "//description" : "\"When sleeping, it can be hard to spot due to its likeness to stone. Because of the size of its head, the Peblite can't run long distances.\"", < "//name" : "peblitAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peblitAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "987" : { < "//description" : "\"The Pipkin is very energetic and is constantly boiling over. Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "//name" : "pipkinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pipkinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "988" : { < "//description" : "\"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "//name" : "poptopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "989" : { < "//description" : "\"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit. \"", < "//name" : "pteropodAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pteropodAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "990" : { < "//description" : "\"Its light body follows the direction of the wind. Despite its gentle appearance, skimbus can be temperamental when confronted.\"", < "//name" : "skimbusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skimbusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "991" : { < "//description" : "\"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "//name" : "taroniAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "taroniAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "992" : { < "//description" : "\"It's diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground. A healthy Prictus will have a colourful crown.\"", < "//name" : "trictusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trictusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "993" : { < "//description" : "\"Its loud yapping can be heard from a mile away and its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "//name" : "quagmuttAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quagmuttAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "994" : { < "//description" : "\"It navigates with its sense of taste. By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "//name" : "batongAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "batongAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "995" : { < "//description" : "\"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "//name" : "smoglinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smoglinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "996" : { < "//description" : "\"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "//name" : "sporgusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sporgusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "997" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1000" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "//name" : "oogleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oogleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1001" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "//name" : "voltipaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "voltipaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1002" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "//name" : "ignomeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ignomeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1003" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "//name" : "yokataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "yokataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1004" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "//name" : "pyromantleaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pyromantleaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1005" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "//name" : "bulbopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bulbopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1006" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "//name" : "scaveranaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scaveranaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1007" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "//name" : "taroniaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "taroniaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1008" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "//name" : "triplodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triplodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1009" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "//name" : "pipkinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pipkinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "1010" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "//name" : "crustoiseaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crustoiseaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1011" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "//name" : "lilodonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lilodonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1012" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "//name" : "peblitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "peblitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1013" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "//name" : "monopusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monopusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1014" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "//name" : "orbideaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orbideaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1015" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "//name" : "spookitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1016" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "//name" : "fennixaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fennixaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1017" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "//name" : "paratailaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paratailaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1018" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "adultpoptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1019" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "//name" : "capricoataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capricoataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "1020" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "//name" : "narfinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "narfinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1021" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "//name" : "oculobaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculobaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1022" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "//name" : "pteropodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pteropodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1023" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "//name" : "ringramaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ringramaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1024" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hemogoblinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1025" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "//name" : "bobotaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobotaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1026" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "//name" : "poptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1027" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "//name" : "trictusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trictusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1028" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mandrafloraaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1029" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "//name" : "snaggleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snaggleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1030" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "//name" : "batongaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Batong Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "batongaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1031" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "//name" : "iguarmoraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iguarmoraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1032" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "//name" : "lumothaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lumothaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1033" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "//name" : "crabcanoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crabcanoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1034" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "//name" : "snauntaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snauntaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1035" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "//name" : "miasmopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miasmopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1036" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "//name" : "tinticaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinticaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1037" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "//name" : "sporgusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sporgusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1038" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "//name" : "agrobataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agrobataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1039" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the anglure is its light.\"", > "//name" : "anglureaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anglureaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1040" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "//name" : "crutteraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crutteraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1041" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "//name" : "gleapaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gleapaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1042" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "//name" : "hypnareaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hypnareaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1043" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nutmidgeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1044" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "//name" : "petricubaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petricubaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1045" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "//name" : "pulpinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pulpinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1046" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "//name" : "quagmuttaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quagmuttaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1047" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "//name" : "scandroidaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scandroidaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1048" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "//name" : "skimbusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skimbusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1049" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "//name" : "smoglinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smoglinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1050" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "//name" : "squeemaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "squeemaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1051" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "//name" : "wisperaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wisperaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1052" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1053" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1054" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1055" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1056" : { > "//description" : "A smoke machine.", > "//name" : "smokemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1057" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "1058" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1059" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom mirror from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bathroom Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectoratedormmirror" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1060" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine from the Protectorate Lobby.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyvending", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyvending" > }, > "1061" : { > "//description" : "A table from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbytable" > }, > "1062" : { > "//description" : "A bank of locked Protectorate lockers.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers", > "//shortdescription" : "Locked Protectorate Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers" > }, > "1063" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1064" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1065" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1066" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1067" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1068" : { > "//description" : "Race banners from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Race Banners", > "imagePositionX" : "-72", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners" > }, > "1069" : { > "//description" : "A nice lobby plant.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Plant.", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyplant" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1070" : { > "//description" : "A television playing a news report", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Lobby TV", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1071" : { > "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1072" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes.", > "//name" : "protectorategardentree", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardentree" > }, > "1073" : { > "//description" : "A toilet roll holder. Hope it doesn't run out!", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Toilet Roll Holder.", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll" > }, > "1074" : { > "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", > "//name" : "scarecrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scarecrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1075" : { > "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1076" : { > "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", > "//name" : "lavatankcascade", > "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatankcascade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1077" : { > "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1078" : { > "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlelarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlelarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1079" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1080" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1081" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait1", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateportrait1" > }, > "1082" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait5" > }, > "1083" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait3" > }, > "1084" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait2" > }, > "1085" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait4" > }, > "1086" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "protectoratehalllight", > "//shortdescription" : "Hall Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehalllight" > }, > "1087" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1088" : { > "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "geodeplantpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeplantpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1089" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", > "//name" : "ironsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1090" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", > "//name" : "uraniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "uraniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1091" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", > "//name" : "violiumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "violiumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1092" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", > "//name" : "aegisaltsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aegisaltsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1093" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", > "//name" : "tungstensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1094" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", > "//name" : "goldsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1095" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment.\"", > "//name" : "corefragmentsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "corefragmentsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1096" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", > "//name" : "titaniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "titaniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1097" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", > "//name" : "solariumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "solariumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1098" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", > "//name" : "coalsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coalsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1099" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", > "//name" : "plutoniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plutoniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1100" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", > "//name" : "feroziumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feroziumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1101" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", > "//name" : "platinumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1102" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", > "//name" : "coppersample", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1103" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", > "//name" : "diamondsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1104" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", > "//name" : "durasteelsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1105" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", > "//name" : "prisilitesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisilitesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1106" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", > "//name" : "geodebluesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebluesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1107" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", > "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeyellowsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1108" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1109" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1110" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", > "//name" : "geodegreensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegreensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1111" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", > "//name" : "geodepurplesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodepurplesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1112" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1113" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", > "//name" : "geodeorangesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeorangesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1114" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", > "//name" : "geoderedsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geoderedsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1115" : { > "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1116" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1117" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1118" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1119" : { > "//description" : "An arrow sign.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1120" : { > "//description" : "A broken fridge.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1121" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1122" : { > "//description" : "A broken chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1123" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1124" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1125" : { > "//description" : "A broken bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1126" : { > "//description" : "A broken television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1127" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1128" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1129" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1130" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1131" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1132" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1133" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1134" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1135" : { > "//description" : "A broken utility box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1136" : { > "//description" : "A broken electric box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1137" : { > "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1138" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1139" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Waz.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", > "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti1" > }, > "1140" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1141" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1142" : { > "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1143" : { > "//description" : "A broken register.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1144" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1145" : { > "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1146" : { > "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", > "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogoldsign" > }, > "1147" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop1" > }, > "1148" : { > "//description" : "Security station from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratesecuritystation", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Security Station", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesecuritystation" > }, > "1149" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop3" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1150" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop4" > }, > "1151" : { > "//description" : "It's an empty storage unit.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorageempty", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorageempty" > }, > "1152" : { > "//description" : "It's a large rack of status pods.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage1" > }, > "1153" : { > "//description" : "It's a large rack of status pods.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage2" > }, > "1154" : { > "//description" : "It's a rack of status pods and pod chests.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage3" > }, > "1155" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop2" > }, > "1156" : { > "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn2" > }, > "1157" : { > "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn1" > }, > "1158" : { > "//description" : "A water tank from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewatertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewatertank" > }, > "1159" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail03", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateroofdetail03" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1160" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail01", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateroofdetail01" > }, > "1161" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb5", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb5" > }, > "1162" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb6", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-64", > "object" : "strangeweb6" > }, > "1163" : { > "//description" : "A broken picture frame.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Protectorate Picture Frame", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1" > }, > "1164" : { > "//description" : "Esther Bright, former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4" > }, > "1165" : { > "//description" : "A torn picture frame.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Picture Frame", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3" > }, > "1166" : { > "//description" : "Leda Portia, The Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5" > }, > "1167" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2" > }, > "1168" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful warm rays of light", > "//name" : "protectoratelightrays", > "//shortdescription" : "protractorate light rays", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratelightrays" > }, > "1169" : { > "//description" : "This Matter Manipulator was meant for me... And I may need it to get out of here alive.", > "//name" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "//shortdescription" : "Matter Manipulator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", > "//name" : "hockeytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hockeytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1170" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "1171" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1172" : { > "//description" : "A very robust looking tool box.", > "//name" : "protectoratetoolbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Toolbox", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetoolbox" > }, > "1173" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1174" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1175" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1176" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap3" > }, > "1177" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap1" > }, > "1178" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap4" > }, > "1179" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap6", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap6" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "1180" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap2" > }, > "1181" : { > "//description" : "A students guitar.", > "//name" : "protectorateguitar", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Red Guitar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateguitar" > }, > "1182" : { > "//description" : "This needs a guitar to go with it.", > "//name" : "protectorateamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Amp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateamp" > }, > "1183" : { > "//description" : "Time to study...", > "//name" : "protectoratebooks", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebooks" > }, > "1184" : { > "//description" : "I'm very, very late!", > "//name" : "protectorateclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateclock" > }, > "1185" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to procrastinate.", > "//name" : "protectorategamesconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Games Console", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorategamesconsole" > }, > "1186" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap5", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap5" > }, > "1187" : { > "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratefigures", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefigures", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1188" : { > "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1189" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plainorbplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1190" : { > "//description" : "A radio.", > "//name" : "protectorateradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1191" : { > "//description" : "Time to study...", > "//name" : "protectoratebooks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebooks2" > }, > "1192" : { > "//description" : "It's a rack of small capsules.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage4", > "//shortdescription" : "Capsule Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage4" > }, > "1193" : { > "//description" : "Are you thirsty?", > "//name" : "protectoratewaterdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewaterdispenser" > }, > "1194" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinguisher for when the worst happens.", > "//name" : "protectorateextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateextinguisher" > }, > "1195" : { > "//description" : "So many books, so little time!", > "//name" : "protectoratebookcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Book Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebookcabinet" > }, > "1196" : { > "//description" : "It's a rack of small capsules.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage6", > "//shortdescription" : "Capsule Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage6" > }, > "1197" : { > "//description" : "A bin.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbybin", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbybin" > }, > "1198" : { > "//description" : "It's a rack of small capsules.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage5", > "//shortdescription" : "Capsule Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage5" > }, > "1199" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1200" : { > "//description" : "There's no way back. Even a Matter Manipulator couldn't break up this reinforced debris.", > "//name" : "protectoraterubble", > "//shortdescription" : "Impassable Rubble", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectoraterubble", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1201" : { > "//description" : "A broken vending machine.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenvending", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenvending" > }, > "1202" : { > "//description" : "A broken display case.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2" > }, > "1203" : { > "//description" : "A broken display case.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1" > }, > "1204" : { > "//description" : "The robe of a previous Grand Protector. Fancy!", > "//name" : "protectoraterobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Robe Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterobe" > }, > "1205" : { > "//description" : "A retro poster.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorateposter2" > }, > "1206" : { > "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateposter1" > }, > "1207" : { > "//description" : "An old book full of guidelines for Protectors.", > "//name" : "protectorateguidelines", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Old Book", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateguidelines" > }, > "1208" : { > "//description" : "A replica of a Matter Manipulator", > "//name" : "protectoratemanipulator", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Matter Manipulator", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratemanipulator" > }, > "1209" : { > "//description" : "A fallen ribbon.", > "//name" : "protectoratefallenrope", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ruined Ribbon", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefallenrope" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1210" : { > "//description" : "A fancy red ribbon.", > "//name" : "protectoraterope", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ribbon", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterope" > }, > "1211" : { > "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", > "//name" : "protectoratecape", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecape", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1212" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1213" : { > "//description" : "A stand displaying Hylotl armour.", > "//name" : "hylotluniformstand", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Armour Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotluniformstand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1214" : { > "//description" : "A simple waste bin for students.", > "//name" : "protectoratewastebin", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Waste Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewastebin" > }, > "1215" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", > "//name" : "ixolingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1216" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", > "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexsentryaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1217" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", > "//name" : "snuffishaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snuffishaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1218" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1219" : { > "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", > "//name" : "tentacleegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentacleegg" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1220" : { > "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", > "//name" : "hologramprojector", > "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologramprojector" > }, > "1221" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1222" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1223" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far... Into Space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1224" : { > "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", > "//name" : "sandbags", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandbags", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1225" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1226" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1227" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1228" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1229" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1230" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "1231" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "1232" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1233" : { > "//description" : "Ruin spawner.", > "//name" : "bossrightspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossrightspawner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1234" : { > "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", > "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bigapetargetmap" > }, > "1235" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1236" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1237" : { > "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", > "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknognewspaper" > }, > "1238" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1239" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "pleaseget", > "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "pleaseget" > }, > "1240" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1241" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1242" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "1243" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1244" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1245" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "1246" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1247" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1248" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1249" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1250" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1251" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1252" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1253" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1254" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1255" : { > "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1256" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1257" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1258" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1259" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" > }, > "1260" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1261" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1262" : { > "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", > "//name" : "beaconsnow", > "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beaconsnow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1263" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1264" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1265" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1266" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1267" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1268" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1269" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1270" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1271" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1272" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1273" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1274" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1275" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1276" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1277" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1278" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1279" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1280" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1281" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "terramartclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Terra Mart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramartclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1282" : { > "//description" : "A cute little teddy bear.", > "//name" : "teddybearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Teddy Bear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teddybearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1283" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1284" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "2stopshopclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed 2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshopclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1285" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "penguinbayclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbayclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1286" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "signstoreclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Sign Store", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstoreclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1287" : { > "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", > "//name" : "teapot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teapot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1288" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "teacup1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teacup1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1289" : { > "//description" : "Purchase tech consoles using this interface.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1290" : { > "//description" : "Equip your tech on this console.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Equip Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1291" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab equipment.", > "//name" : "techlab", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlab", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1292" : { > "//description" : "Offline tech console dispenser.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole1offline", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole1offline", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1293" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1294" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1295" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1296" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1297" : { > "//description" : "Big ape statue with no head.", > "//name" : "classicapestatuenohead", > "//shortdescription" : "Headless Big Ape Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatuenohead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1298" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1299" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "wiredcustomsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wiredcustomsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstation" > }, > "1300" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a silver ore.\"", > "//name" : "silversample", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silversample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti5" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", > "//name" : "dreidel", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreidel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Eight marker.", > "//name" : "number8", > "//shortdescription" : "Eight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number8" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", > "//name" : "arcadeorange", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeorange", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", > "//name" : "floranpodapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpodapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "customsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "customsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "helpme", > "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "helpme" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", > "//name" : "apexcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexcurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", > "//name" : "holidaypole", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaypole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A service panel.", > "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Service Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostservicepanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", > "//name" : "snowglobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstation" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root5" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", > "//name" : "football", > "//shortdescription" : "Football", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "football", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstation" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A reed clock with a hollow ticking sound.", > "//name" : "reedclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reedclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", > "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A broken anchor", > "//name" : "brokenanchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokenanchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongrateh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongrateh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "23" : { > "//name" : "heckpillar1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", > "//name" : "wreckvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvent" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", > "//name" : "watercooler", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watercooler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", > "//name" : "hylotlbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti3" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", > "//name" : "bathroomurinal", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomurinal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", > "//name" : "nowayout", > "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "nowayout", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stocking2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "arcadegame", > "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Mechanical Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", > "//name" : "cultistaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstation" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "292" : { > "//name" : "heckpillar2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", > "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", > "//name" : "invisiblesparker", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesparker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//name" : "mask7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", > "//name" : "glasspanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glasspanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "308" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "One marker.", > "//name" : "number1", > "//shortdescription" : "One", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number1" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "310" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "Five marker.", > "//name" : "number5", > "//shortdescription" : "Five", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number5" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "338" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "339" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", > "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque2" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", > "//name" : "sewergauge", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergauge" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "Four marker.", > "//name" : "number4", > "//shortdescription" : "Four", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number4" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", > "//name" : "bathroomsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", > "//name" : "glitchianman", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchianman" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "Six marker.", > "//name" : "number6", > "//shortdescription" : "Six", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number6" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti message.", > "//name" : "thewayisblocked", > "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "thewayisblocked", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "Drops of water.", > "//name" : "drip1", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "364" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "365" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", > "//name" : "giantsanta", > "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantsanta", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknight", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", > "//name" : "medievalcodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", > "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "persistenceofpixels" > }, > "375" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "377" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple23", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "385" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "A small barred vent.", > "//name" : "barvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barvent" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque3" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root4" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", > "//name" : "agaranmushroom", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agaranmushroom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "395" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", > "//name" : "farmtools", > "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbath", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbath", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numisign", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "numisign" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "410" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "411" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", > "//name" : "wreckscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "417" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "418" : { > "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", > "//name" : "loudspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "loudspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "419" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "420" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "421" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "422" : { > "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "423" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "424" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root10", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root10" > }, > "425" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "426" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "427" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "428" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "429" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "430" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "431" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "432" : { > "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", > "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "433" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "434" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "435" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "436" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "437" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "438" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "439" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "440" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "441" : { > "//description" : "A flashy electronic recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "LED Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "442" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "443" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstation" > }, > "444" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", > "//name" : "snowglobe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "445" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "446" : { > "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", > "//name" : "screenplanet", > "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screenplanet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "447" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "448" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "449" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "450" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "451" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "452" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "453" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "454" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "455" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "456" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "457" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "458" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "459" : { > "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", > "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "460" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "461" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "462" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "463" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "464" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "465" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "466" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "467" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "468" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "469" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "470" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "471" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "472" : { > "//name" : "hecksign", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "473" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "474" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "475" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "476" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "477" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "478" : { > "//description" : "It's a round window.", > "//name" : "porthole", > "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "porthole" > }, > "479" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "480" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "481" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "482" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "483" : { > "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", > "//name" : "giantfloranpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantfloranpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "484" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "485" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "486" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > }, > "487" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "488" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "489" : { > "//description" : "A notice written in ink.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "490" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "491" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "492" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "493" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "494" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "495" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "496" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "497" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "498" : { > "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "smallholidaytree", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallholidaytree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "499" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "500" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "501" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", > "//name" : "redcandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "502" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "503" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "504" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "505" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "506" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "507" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "508" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", > "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "509" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "510" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "redcandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "511" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "512" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "513" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "514" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "515" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "516" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "517" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "518" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "519" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "520" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "521" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "522" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "523" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "524" : { > "//description" : "Zero marker.", > "//name" : "number0", > "//shortdescription" : "Zero", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number0" > }, > "525" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "526" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "527" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "528" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "529" : { > "//description" : "Two marker.", > "//name" : "number2", > "//shortdescription" : "Two", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number2" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "530" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "531" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "532" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "533" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "534" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "535" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "536" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "537" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "538" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "539" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "540" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "541" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "542" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "543" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "544" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "545" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "546" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "547" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "548" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "549" : { > "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "giantsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "giantsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "550" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "551" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some large figure.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Figure Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "552" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "553" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "554" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a tentacled being.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "555" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a tentacled being.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "556" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "557" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque1" > }, > "558" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "559" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "560" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "561" : { > "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", > "//name" : "poop", > "//shortdescription" : "Poop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "562" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "563" : { > "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "//name" : "windchime", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "windchime", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "564" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "565" : { > "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "smallsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "566" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "567" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "568" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "569" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "570" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "571" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "572" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "573" : { > "//description" : "Nine marker.", > "//name" : "number9", > "//shortdescription" : "Nine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number9" > }, > "574" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "575" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "576" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "577" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "578" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "579" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "580" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "581" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "582" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "583" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "584" : { > "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", > "//name" : "medievalplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalplate" > }, > "585" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "586" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "587" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root3" > }, > "588" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "589" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "590" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "591" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "592" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "593" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "594" : { > "//description" : "A busted UFO.", > "//name" : "UFOprop", > "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "UFOprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "595" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stocking1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "596" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "597" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "598" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "599" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "600" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "601" : { > "//description" : "Three marker.", > "//name" : "number3", > "//shortdescription" : "Three", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number3" > }, > "602" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "603" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "604" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "605" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "606" : { > "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", > "//name" : "goldenpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "607" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "608" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "609" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", > "//name" : "turnback", > "//shortdescription" : "turnback", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "turnback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "610" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "611" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "612" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "613" : { > "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "redball", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "614" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "615" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "616" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", > "//name" : "greencandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "617" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "618" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "619" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", > "//name" : "vent", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vent" > }, > "620" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" > }, > "621" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstationTier0" > }, > "622" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "623" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "624" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "625" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "626" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "627" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "628" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "629" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "630" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "631" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "632" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "633" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "634" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "635" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "636" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "637" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "638" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "639" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "640" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" > }, > "641" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "642" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "643" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "644" : { > "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", > "//name" : "prisonpipefence", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpipefence" > }, > "645" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "646" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "647" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "648" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "649" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "650" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "651" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "652" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "653" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "654" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Mulled Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "655" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" > }, > "656" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "657" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel. One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "658" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "659" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "660" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "661" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "662" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "663" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "664" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "665" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "666" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "667" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstationTier0" > }, > "668" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "669" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "670" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "671" : { > "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", > "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" > }, > "672" : { > "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", > "//name" : "numiplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "numiplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "673" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "674" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "675" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "676" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "677" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "678" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "goldball", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "679" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "680" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "681" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mount Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "682" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "683" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "684" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "685" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "686" : { > "//name" : "testconsole1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "687" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "688" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "689" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "690" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "691" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "692" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "693" : { > "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbathdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbathdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "694" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "695" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "696" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root6", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root6" > }, > "697" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "698" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "699" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "700" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "701" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "702" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "703" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "704" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "705" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "706" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "707" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "708" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "709" : { > "//name" : "testconsole2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "71" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "710" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "711" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "712" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "713" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "714" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "715" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "716" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "717" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "718" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root1" > }, > "719" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root2" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "720" : { > "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", > "//name" : "antenna", > "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "antenna", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "721" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "722" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "723" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "724" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "725" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "726" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "727" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "728" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "729" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A broken tank.", > "//name" : "brokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "730" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "731" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "732" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "733" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root7", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root7" > }, > "734" : { > "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", > "//name" : "hylotlconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "735" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root8", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root8" > }, > "736" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root9", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root9" > }, > "737" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinguisher. Not for fun and games.", > "//name" : "fireextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fireextinguisher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "738" : { > "//description" : "Seven marker.", > "//name" : "number7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number7" > }, > "739" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", > "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", > "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "recreationalvehicle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "740" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "741" : { > "//description" : "A vent.", > "//name" : "roofvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roofvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "742" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstationTier0" > }, > "743" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstation" > }, > "744" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" > }, > "745" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "746" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "747" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "748" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "749" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "75" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "750" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstation" > }, > "751" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "752" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "753" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > }, > "754" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "755" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "756" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "757" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", > "//name" : "redcandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "758" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "759" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "760" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "761" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "762" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some large figure.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Figure Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "763" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "764" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "765" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "766" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "767" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "768" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "769" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "770" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "771" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "772" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "773" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "774" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "775" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "776" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "777" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "778" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "779" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "780" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "781" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "782" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "783" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "784" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "785" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "786" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "787" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "788" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "789" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "790" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "791" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "792" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "793" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "794" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "795" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "796" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "797" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "798" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "799" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "800" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "801" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "802" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "803" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "804" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "805" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "806" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "807" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "808" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "809" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "810" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "811" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "812" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "813" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "814" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "815" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "816" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "817" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "818" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "819" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "820" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "821" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "822" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "823" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "824" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "825" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "826" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "827" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "828" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "829" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "830" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "831" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "832" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "833" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "834" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "835" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "836" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "837" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "838" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "839" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "840" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "841" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "842" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "843" : { > "//name" : "windemblem", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "844" : { > "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "845" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "846" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "847" : { > "//description" : "Floor marker.", > "//name" : "floor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floor" > }, > "848" : { > "//description" : "Floop marker.", > "//name" : "floop", > "//shortdescription" : "Floop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floop" > }, > "849" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb1", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb1" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "850" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb2" > }, > "851" : { > "//name" : "penguinplush", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "852" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb3", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb3" > }, > "853" : { > "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", > "//name" : "largetentacleprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largetentacleprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "854" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb4", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-88", > "object" : "strangeweb4" > }, > "855" : { > "//description" : "A stepladder.", > "//name" : "stepladder", > "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stepladder", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "856" : { > "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", > "//name" : "largetentacleprop_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largetentacleprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "857" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "858" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "859" : { > "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", > "//name" : "travellersbeacon", > "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "travellersbeacon" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "860" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "861" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "862" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "863" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", > "//name" : "alpacaknowledgerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Knowledge Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaknowledgerune" > }, > "864" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of ruin.", > "//name" : "alpacaruinrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Ruin Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaruinrune" > }, > "865" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", > "//name" : "alpacagrowthrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Growth Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacagrowthrune" > }, > "866" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of life.", > "//name" : "alpacaliferune", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaliferune" > }, > "867" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of one's home.", > "//name" : "alpacahomerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Home Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacahomerune" > }, > "868" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", > "//name" : "alpacacomponentrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Component Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacacomponentrune" > }, > "869" : { > "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "//name" : "seismograph", > "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "seismograph" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "870" : { > "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", > "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hazardmicroscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "871" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", > "//name" : "biohazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "biohazardsign" > }, > "872" : { > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "873" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "874" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "875" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "876" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "877" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "878" : { > "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", > "//name" : "explosivebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "explosivebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "879" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "880" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "881" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "882" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "883" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "884" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", > "//name" : "earthmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "earthmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "885" : { > "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "seaweedpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seaweedpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "886" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", > "//name" : "satellite", > "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "satellite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "887" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", > "//name" : "venusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "venusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "888" : { > "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", > "//name" : "cabinornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "889" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", > "//name" : "saturnmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "saturnmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "890" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", > "//name" : "neptunemodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "neptunemodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "891" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", > "//name" : "marsmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "marsmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "892" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", > "//name" : "uranusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "uranusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "893" : { > "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", > "//name" : "baguettebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "baguettebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "894" : { > "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", > "//name" : "kitchenshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "895" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", > "//name" : "mercurymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "mercurymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "896" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", > "//name" : "jupitermodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "jupitermodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "897" : { > "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitv", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "898" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", > "//name" : "plutomodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plutomodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "899" : { > "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", > "//name" : "applebasket", > "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "applebasket", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", > "//name" : "outpostpc", > "//shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "900" : { > "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", > "//name" : "coralmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "coralmirror", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "901" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", > "//name" : "steampunkglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "902" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "903" : { > "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", > "//name" : "spookyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "904" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "905" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "906" : { > "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", > "//name" : "coppershelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppershelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "907" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "908" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "909" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", > "//name" : "arcadepurple", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadepurple", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "910" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "911" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "912" : { > "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", > "//name" : "volcanopod", > "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanopod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "913" : { > "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "914" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "915" : { > "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", > "//name" : "shadowchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shadowchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "916" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", > "//name" : "shadowmarker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmarker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "917" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "918" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "919" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "920" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "921" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "922" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "923" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "924" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "925" : { > "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "926" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "927" : { > "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", > "//name" : "floorgear1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floorgear1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "928" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "929" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "930" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "931" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "932" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "933" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "934" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockpenguin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "935" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", > "//name" : "prismrockrunes", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockrunes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "936" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "937" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "938" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "939" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "940" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "941" : { > "//name" : "anglureAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "942" : { > "//name" : "bulbopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "943" : { > "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "944" : { > "//name" : "fennixAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "945" : { > "//name" : "spookitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "946" : { > "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "947" : { > "//name" : "paratailAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "948" : { > "//name" : "hypnareAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "949" : { > "//name" : "ringramAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "950" : { > "//name" : "snagglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "951" : { > "//name" : "voltipAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "952" : { > "//name" : "pyromantleAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "953" : { > "//name" : "miasmopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "954" : { > "//name" : "crabcanoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "955" : { > "//name" : "yokatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "956" : { > "//name" : "capricoatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "957" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "958" : { > "//name" : "lumothAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "959" : { > "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "960" : { > "//name" : "orbideAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "961" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "962" : { > "//name" : "bobotAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "963" : { > "//name" : "ignomeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "964" : { > "//name" : "tinticAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "965" : { > "//name" : "triplodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "966" : { > "//name" : "lilodonAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "967" : { > "//name" : "monopusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "968" : { > "//name" : "gleapAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "969" : { > "//name" : "snauntAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > 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Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonedoor" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A huge door! It's somewhat intimidating.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Large Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", < "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dirttrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A Ferozium door. Sturdy!", < "//name" : "tier6door", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6door" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", < "//name" : "irondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "irondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", < "//name" : "eyedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A hefty pressurized door.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A door. It opens.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A door. It opens.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A strong door from a Glitch castle.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Castle Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy Cerulium door.", < "//name" : "tier7door", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", < "//name" : "rainbowdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowdoor" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", < "//name" : "tier3door", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3door" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Rubium door.", < "//name" : "tier9door", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Made to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy aegisalt door.", < "//name" : "tier5door", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5door" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A super-strong Violium door.", < "//name" : "tier8door", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron door.", < "//name" : "tier1door", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1door" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", < "//name" : "slidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A basic steel door.", < "//name" : "tier2door", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2door" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "//name" : "wooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodengate", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodengate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", < "//name" : "rustdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustdoor" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", < "//name" : "tier4door", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4door" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", < "//name" : "icedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Avian Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An impenetrable impervium door.", < "//name" : "tier10door", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "77" : { < "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", < "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientlightplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", < "//name" : "saloondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "saloondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", < "//name" : "gothicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", < "//name" : "portcullis", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "portcullis", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "For some reason I almost expect to find some extra powerful creature behind such a door.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", < "//name" : "steamspringdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringdoor" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A geometric door. Sturdy!", > "//name" : "geometricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricdoor" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", > "//name" : "executivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A super-strong opulent door.", > "//name" : "opulentdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secretdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "secretdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secrettrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "novakidshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "humanshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden hatch.", > "//name" : "woodenverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", > "//name" : "sandstonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonedoor" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A tar door.", > "//name" : "tardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tardoor" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", > "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dirttrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An alien plant door.", > "//name" : "aliendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aliendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier6door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", > "//name" : "irondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "//name" : "pressuredoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pressuredoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier7door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", > "//name" : "rainbowdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowdoor" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", > "//name" : "tier3door", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3door" > }, > "34" : { > "//name" : "tier9door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "//name" : "castledungeondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledungeondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier5door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", > "//name" : "celldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "tier8door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron door.", > "//name" : "tier1door", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1door" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", > "//name" : "slidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "//name" : "tier2door", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2door" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A manufactured paneled door.", > "//name" : "wooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Paneled Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodengate", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodengate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", > "//name" : "rustdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustdoor" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", > "//name" : "tier4door", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4door" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", > "//name" : "fleshdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshdoor" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//name" : "tier10door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "76" : { > "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "77" : { > "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", > "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientlightplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", > "//name" : "ancientdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", > "//name" : "saloondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "saloondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", > "//name" : "gothicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "//name" : "portcullis", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "portcullis", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", > "//name" : "steamspringdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringdoor" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "The Protectorate Academy door.", > "//name" : "protectoratedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Academy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundrydoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrydoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", > "//name" : "geodedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexslidingdoor1.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodendoor.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshojidoor.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castlehiddendoor.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisondoor.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodengate.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningdoor.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshipdoor.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rustdoor.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckdoor.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostairlocklarge.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier4door.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandoor.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerslidingdoor.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonedoor.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonedoor_orientation1.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fleshdoor.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/icedoor.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shroomdoor.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingdoor1.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birddoor.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexshipdoor.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor_orientation1.png" > }, > "73" : { > 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> "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientverticaldoor.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloondoor.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/gothicdoor.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/portcullis.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/laboratoryverticaldoor.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/airlockhatch.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicdoor.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steamspringdoor.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prismdoor.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hivedoor.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/protectoratedoor.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrydoor.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/geodedoor.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templepressureplatform.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bossdoor.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/serenedoor.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomdoor.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\farmable.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 72, --- > "tilecount" : 75, 11c11 < "//description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", --- > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", 20c20 < "//description" : "Crystal Plant Seed. It's time to farm hard.", --- > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", 38c38 < "//description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", --- > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", 47c47 < "//description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", --- > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", 49c49 < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", 65c65 < "//description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", --- > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", 74c74 < "//description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", --- > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", 83c83 < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", --- > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", 92c92 < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", --- > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", 110c110 < "//description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", --- > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", 121c121 < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", 137c137 < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", --- > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", 155c155 < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", --- > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", 182c182 < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", --- > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", 191c191 < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", --- > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", 200c200 < "//description" : "Sugarcane! A fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", --- > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", 209c209 < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", --- > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", 218c218 < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", --- > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", 245c245 < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", --- > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", 281c281 < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", --- > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", 290c290 < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", --- > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", 317c317 < "//description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", --- > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", 337c337 < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", 344c344 < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", --- > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", 362c362 < "//description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", --- > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", 380c380 < "//description" : "A beautiful spring flower.", --- > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", 407c407 < "//description" : "A mushroom seed. The farmer who plants these is a fungi.", --- > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", 425c425 < "//description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", --- > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", 427c427 < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", 434c434 < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", --- > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", 443c443 < "//description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", --- > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", 452c452 < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", --- > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", 470c470 < "//description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", --- > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", 479c479 < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", 488c488 < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", 497c497 < "//description" : "sugarcane! Good for diabetes.", --- > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", 506c506 < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", --- > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", 533c533 < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", --- > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", 542c542 < "//description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", --- > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", 551c551 < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", --- > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", 560c560 < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", --- > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", 578c578 < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", --- > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", 614c614 < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Money DOES grow on trees.", --- > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", 632c632 < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", --- > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", 639a640,666 > "72" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 641c668 < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", --- > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", 868a896,904 > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cottonseed.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcottonseed.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/protectorateflower.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\furniture.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 281, --- > "tilecount" : 326, 10,2523c10,2828 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", < "//name" : "prisonbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "This couch looks like it belongs to a particularly bloodthirsty Floran", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", < "//name" : "rainbowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A very hardy Cerulium table.", < "//name" : "tier7table", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "... Do robots really need toilets?", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", < "//name" : "tier4table", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A table decorated in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "tribaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", < "//name" : "tier3table", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "An impervium chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Every Apex has the same exact dining room table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A basic steel table.", < "//name" : "tier2table", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A table. Vines creep up the sides.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "A Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Violium chair.", < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", < "//name" : "fleshtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A simple steel chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "steelchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A Glitch chair .Makes your butt ache pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", < "//name" : "bioshroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", < "//name" : "irontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A common steel bed.", < "//name" : "tier2bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Do Florans do much office work?", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This table is fashioned out of a small tree topped with a slab of wood. It's almost artsy!", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : " doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", < "//name" : "icebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A cool bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", < "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshorttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A bed for criminal scum!", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Jail Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A solid bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", < "//name" : "rainbowtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", < "//name" : "eyetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed. When you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alientable", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alientable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable aegisalt chair.", < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", < "//name" : "celltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Violium bed.", < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometrictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometrictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A Floran hunting bench. It's had a lot of use.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful AND comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet.. this must be hard to clean.", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "An impervium bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A feast for Robots?", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A table that resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A traditional hylotl table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", < "//name" : "islandchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", < "//name" : "saloontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", < "//name" : "gothicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A glowing chair.", < "//name" : "glowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn wooden chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", < "//name" : "dustytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swamptable", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamptable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", < "//name" : "swampbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", < "//name" : "swampybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", < "//name" : "islandtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", < "//name" : "kitchentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", < "//name" : "cabinstooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitable", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", < "//name" : "cabintable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabintable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A chair. Looks uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "captainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "captainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "273" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", < "//name" : "hivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron table.", < "//name" : "tier1table", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", < "//name" : "woodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful impervium table.", < "//name" : "tier10table", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Violium table.", < "//name" : "tier8table", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "All Apex furniture seems to have fallen victim to this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable aegisalt bed.", < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fluffy Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A terrifying Rubium table. It watches you eat.", < "//name" : "tier9table", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "giantflowertable", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowertable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A very well-made Ferozium table.", < "//name" : "tier6table", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A strong Ferozium bed.", < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Rubium chair.", < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", < "//name" : "rusttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", < "//name" : "wrecktable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecktable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Cerulium chair.", < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A clean, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "It's a guillotine! Lets rest here.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", < "//name" : "crystaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "For many small apes... or one big one.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Rubium bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A hardy aegisalt table.", < "//name" : "tier5table", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Ferozium chair.", < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A small damaged table.", < "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", < "//name" : "icetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what sort of creature this table was made from?", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "tier7table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", > "//name" : "tier4table", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", > "//name" : "tier3table", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "//name" : "tier2table", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//name" : "tier8chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", > "//name" : "fleshtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alienbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", > "//name" : "basicmetalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicmetalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark.", > "//name" : "bioshroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", > "//name" : "irontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow table makes every meal a joy.", > "//name" : "rainbowtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", > "//name" : "eyetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alientable", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alientable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", > "//name" : "celltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A bed adorned with eyes. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A very well-made geometric table.", > "//name" : "geometrictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometrictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, that means you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "Strange oversized flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", > "//name" : "dustytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swamptable", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamptable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", > "//name" : "islandtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", > "//name" : "kitchentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", > "//name" : "cabinstooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitable", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", > "//name" : "cabintable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabintable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "273" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", > "//name" : "hivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from curious hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron table.", > "//name" : "tier1table", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metallic chair.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratebench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable wave bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", > "//name" : "executivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", > "//name" : "serenetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", > "//name" : "woodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", > "//name" : "opulenttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulenttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//name" : "tier10table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier8table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A folding chair made for lounging. Looks relaxing.", > "//name" : "deckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier9table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//name" : "tier6table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", > "//name" : "rusttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", > "//name" : "wrecktable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecktable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. 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No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A table made of crystal. 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A dazzling impervium light.", < "//name" : "tier10light", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", < "//name" : "decoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "//name" : "flowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "flowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Violium light.", < "//name" : "tier8light", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, how I've missed it.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A teleporter of Avian design! Pity this one won't work for me.", < "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusable Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterdecorative" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflame" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", < "//name" : "alarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", < "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex2" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", < "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Ground Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowvinelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowvine Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvinelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp. One of the most useful items in any Floran prison.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp. One of the most useful items in any Floran prison.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflameapex3" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporter" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "invisiblelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblelight" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "There's an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "shiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shiplight" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", < "//name" : "tvstation", < "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tvstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "floranteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporter" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporter" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman3" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", < "//name" : "wazlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wazlights" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A set of candles.", < "//name" : "holidaycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", < "//name" : "menorah", < "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "menorah", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", < "//name" : "techconsolehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techconsolehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "biovine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", < "//name" : "alienglowplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienglowplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Florans and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflame" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "biovine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", < "//name" : "crystallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "humanteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporter" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", < "//name" : "cavelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "cavelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "redlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlightBroken" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch" < }, < "252" : { < "//name" : "brokenshiplight", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Ferozium light.", < "//name" : "tier6light", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "If this were a videogame, this might fall down and crush someone.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "It's an oil lantern on a stick.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", < "//name" : "hylotlredalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlredalert", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < 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"ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient 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It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", < "//name" : "gothiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Cerulium light.", < "//name" : "tier7light", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "This station is transmitting a lot of data.", < "//name" : "datastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "datastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", < "//name" : "tier1light", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1light" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", < "//name" : "islandlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "islandlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... that's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", < "//name" : "sealamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sealamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A cute ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp3" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", < "//name" : "cabinlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", < "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", < "//name" : "steampunklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "steampunklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", < "//name" : "spookycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A copper ceiling light.", < "//name" : "copperceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "copperceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", < "//name" : "lamppost2", < "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", < "//name" : "lamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", < "//name" : "lamppost3", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall lamp.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "Whoooaaaaa.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman2" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp with a homely feel.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp2" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", < "//name" : "celllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celllamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", < "//name" : "ironlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironlight" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The crackle of the fire puts me at ease.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", < "//name" : "woodentalllantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodentalllantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamenovakid" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp1" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A Rubium light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "tier9light", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporter" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflame" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "hylotllantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllantern1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", < "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A glowing aegisalt light.", < "//name" : "tier5light", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowflower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameavian" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", < "//name" : "tier4light", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", < "//name" : "tier3light", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3light" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A dim red light.", < "//name" : "redlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-48", < "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A simple steel lamp.", < "//name" : "tier2light", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2light" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//name" : "tier10light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp.", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "tier8light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", > "//name" : "medievalcandle", > "//shortdescription" : "Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcandle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign3", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflame" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowvinelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvinelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflameapex3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporter" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "LED Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "invisiblelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblelight" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "shiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shiplight" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", > "//name" : "tvstation", > "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tvstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporter" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporter" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A set of candles.", > "//name" : "holidaycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", > "//name" : "menorah", > "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "menorah", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A common ship light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//name" : "techconsolehuman", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "biovine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", > "//name" : "alienglowplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienglowplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "biovine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", > "//name" : "crystallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporter" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", > "//name" : "cavelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "cavelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "redlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlightBroken" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "brokenshiplight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "tier6light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", > "//name" : "hylotlredalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlredalert", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", > "//name" : "gothiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier7light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", > "//name" : "datastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "datastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", > "//name" : "tier1light", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1light" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "339" : { > "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", > "//name" : "islandlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "islandlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", > "//name" : "sealamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sealamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp3" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", > "//name" : "cabinlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", > "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", > "//name" : "steampunklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "steampunklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", > "//name" : "spookycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "copperceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "//name" : "lamppost2", > "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", > "//name" : "lamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", > "//name" : "lamppost3", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "375" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "377" : { > "//description" : "A glowing opulent light made from crystal.", > "//name" : "opulentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "A doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "A serene, glowing light.", > "//name" : "serenelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "A hollow circular lamp.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "A glowing geometric light.", > "//name" : "geometriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A dazzling executive light.", > "//name" : "executivelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenlight" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "385" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hologlobe", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "protectoratelavalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelavalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "395" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "protectoratelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelight" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", > "//name" : "brainsynapse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brainsynapse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//name" : "mothlamp", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", > "//name" : "mothtrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mothtrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarlamp" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "A light which indicates the status of a switch.", > "//name" : "statuslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "statuslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp2" > }, > "410" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "411" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", > "//name" : "ironlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironlight" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", > "//name" : "woodentalllantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodentalllantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp1" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//name" : "tier9light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporter" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", > "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier5light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", > "//name" : "tier4light", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4light", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", > "//name" : "tier3light", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3light" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A dim red light.", > "//name" : "redlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A 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"-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 3281,4393c3659,4909 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : 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"image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futurelight_orientation2.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\other.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 194, --- > "tilecount" : 296, 10,1658c10,2282 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike2" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A Rubium console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "tier9switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike3" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "//name" : "statuspod", < "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "statuspod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike4" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A bright yellow bug, it's wings smell like butter.", < "//name" : "butterbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flys through the air.", < "//name" : "driftbell", < "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "driftbell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Where there's frost, there are frostflies.", < "//name" : "frostfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite4" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "This bug never stops eating.", < "//name" : "hivehog", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivehog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.", < "//name" : "muddancer", < "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "muddancer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.", < "//name" : "orphanfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orphanfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Who would live in the desert? This clown.", < "//name" : "sandclown", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandclown", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "This bug has a face like a seahorse.", < "//name" : "seahornet", < "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seahornet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "It looks as if it could slip out of it's shell at a moments notice.", < "//name" : "shellcreep", < "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shellcreep", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "testbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "testbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "Comes out only at certain phases of the moon.", < "//name" : "tidefly", < "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tidefly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite1" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.", < "//name" : "shadowmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "This pretty bug loves sunshine.", < "//name" : "sunskipper", < "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sunskipper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike4" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike1" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Human design.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "dungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "This bug's wings are frozen over.", < "//name" : "icetip", < "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. You can decorate them with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", < "//name" : "randomfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "randomfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.", < "//name" : "shardwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shardwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike4" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", < "//name" : "markergroundplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "markergroundplaque", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike3" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns4", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns4" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", < "//name" : "teapot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teapot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A robust steel lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns3", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns3" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite3" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike1" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite3" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Hot to the touch, it's shell flickers like flame.", < "//name" : "flameroach", < "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flameroach", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This blue bug has sharp little teeth.", < "//name" : "blueback", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike4" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.", < "//name" : "fawnfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fawnfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike1" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike3" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite1" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike2" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike4" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on it's face.", < "//name" : "brightstripe", < "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brightstripe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", < "//name" : "2stopshop", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stopshop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite4" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingslime3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike2" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "chattestbug", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "npctestnuru", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "npctesttonowak", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns1" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Derrick.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "Finest Furnishings!", < "//name" : "frogfurnishing", < "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogfurnishing", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A Violium console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "tier8switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A bug that's usually found above the crest of a wave.", < "//name" : "wavebird", < "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike3" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This bug looks like its wearing tiny green shoes.", < "//name" : "greentip", < "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greentip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A Cerulium console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "tier7switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This little bugs legs are covered in see-through hairs.", < "//name" : "polarmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "polarmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns2" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "An aegisalt console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "tier5switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike2" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Its wings shimmer like flame.", < "//name" : "redwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike3" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike2" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The tips of its legs are covered in snow.", < "//name" : "snowskater", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowskater", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike2" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "An Ferozium console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "tier6switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "This prickly little fellow has sharp wings.", < "//name" : "thornbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "You could mistake this bug for a snowflake.", < "//name" : "frostfleck", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfleck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike3" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Flowers!", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike3" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The warmer this bug gets the more it glows.", < "//name" : "glowbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.", < "//name" : "ashsprite", < "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashsprite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike1" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", < "//name" : "burningcoals", < "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burningcoals", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Novakid design.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.", < "//name" : "lavahopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavahopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A lively bug, maybe its thirsty?", < "//name" : "dewhopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dewhopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Floran design.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "This bug rubs it's legs together to produce tiny sparks.", < "//name" : "phoenixfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "phoenixfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The surface of this bugs shell shimmers like oil.", < "//name" : "aurorabee", < "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aurorabee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Thrives in desolate conditions.", < "//name" : "cinderfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cinderfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.", < "//name" : "stinkjack", < "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stinkjack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "teacup1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teacup1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite2" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This bugs legs move so fast they're difficult to count.", < "//name" : "scuttleploom", < "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scuttleploom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike2" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite2" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike1" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "hulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike1" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This guy has a creepy little face.", < "//name" : "xenofly", < "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "xenofly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.", < "//name" : "mudstag", < "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mudstag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.", < "//name" : "heathugger", < "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heathugger", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Hyltol design.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A bug with glistening gold wings, fancy!", < "//name" : "goldbuck", < "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldbuck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike4" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.", < "//name" : "dustmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "These bugs float on the updraft of poisonous gases.", < "//name" : "gasgiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasgiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Its legs look like intertwining vines.", < "//name" : "vineclimber", < "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vineclimber", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike2" > }, > "1" : { > "//name" : "tier9switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike3" > }, > "100" : { > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "//name" : "statuspod", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "statuspod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike4" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", > "//name" : "butterbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", > "//name" : "driftbell", > "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "driftbell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", > "//name" : "frostfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite4" > }, > "11" : { > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", > "//name" : "hivehog", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivehog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", > "//name" : "muddancer", > "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "muddancer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", > "//name" : "orphanfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orphanfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", > "//name" : "sandclown", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandclown", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", > "//name" : "seahornet", > "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seahornet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", > "//name" : "shellcreep", > "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shellcreep", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "testbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "testbug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", > "//name" : "tidefly", > "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tidefly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", > "//name" : "infinityexpress", > "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "infinityexpress", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite1" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", > "//name" : "shadowmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", > "//name" : "sunskipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sunskipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike4" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike1" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "127" : { > "//name" : "dungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", > "//name" : "icetip", > "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", > "//name" : "randomfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "randomfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", > "//name" : "shardwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shardwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike4" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", > "//name" : "markergroundplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "markergroundplaque", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike3" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns4", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns4" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", > "//name" : "teapot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teapot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite3" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike1" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite3" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", > "//name" : "flameroach", > "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flameroach", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", > "//name" : "blueback", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike4" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", > "//name" : "fawnfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fawnfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike1" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike3" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite1" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike2" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike4" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", > "//name" : "brightstripe", > "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brightstripe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", > "//name" : "2stopshop", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite4" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingslime3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Got something rare? We've got something rarer.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "chattestbug", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "npctestnuru", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "npctesttonowak", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns1" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishing", > "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishing", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodednatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodeenote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeenote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodednote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//name" : "geodeanote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "geodeanatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodefnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodefnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodegnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//name" : "geodehnote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "206" : { > "//name" : "geodehnatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", > "//name" : "wavebird", > "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "212" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "215" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "216" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "217" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "218" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "219" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "221" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "222" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "223" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "224" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "227" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "228" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "229" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike3" > }, > "230" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "231" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "232" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "233" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "238" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A opulent console mounted on a suspended crystal.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Using it is calming.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. It has a strong curved design.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "245" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "246" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "247" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "248" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "249" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "251" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "bigapescreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapescreen" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", > "//name" : "greentip", > "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greentip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "protectoratehulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A good source of information.", > "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", > "//name" : "protectoratetentacle", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetentacle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", > "//name" : "protectoratetentacle2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetentacle2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "Ruin organs.", > "//name" : "litorgans", > "//shortdescription" : "Lit Organs", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "litorgans", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A family business. Sells refined ores for crafting.", > "//name" : "ursaminer", > "//shortdescription" : "Ursa Miner", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ursaminer", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A family business. Sells refined ores for crafting.", > "//name" : "ursaminerclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ursa Miner", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ursaminerclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "Offers upgrades to rare weapons.", > "//name" : "penguinweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Biggy's Reputable Weaponry", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinweaponshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//name" : "techupgradeconsole", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "penguinbayclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbayclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "2stopshopclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed 2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshopclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "signstoreclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Sign Store", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstoreclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab equipment.", > "//name" : "techlab", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlab", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "It's a Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "penguinweaponshopclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Biggy's Reputable Weapons", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinweaponshopclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "terramartclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Terra Mart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramartclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab hologram", > "//name" : "techlabhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Interface", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "techlabhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist.", > "//name" : "techlabscientist", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Scientist", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientist", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist.", > "//name" : "techlabscientist_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Scientist", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientist", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist shop.", > "//name" : "techlabscientistshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Shop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientistshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist shop.", > "//name" : "techlabscientistshop_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Shop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientistshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable common fluffalo calf - a good source of plant fibre once fully grown.", > "//name" : "fluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", > "//name" : "cropshipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart Shipments", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cropshipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "Display and easily equip armour sets!", > "//name" : "mannequin", > "//shortdescription" : "Mannequin", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mannequin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "arcadegameclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegameclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier7switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", > "//name" : "polarmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "polarmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns2" > }, > "35" : { > "//name" : "tier5switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike2" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", > "//name" : "redwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike3" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" > }, > "41" : { > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike2" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", > "//name" : "snowskater", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowskater", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike2" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//name" : "tier6switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", > "//name" : "thornbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", > "//name" : "frostfleck", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfleck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike3" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike3" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", > "//name" : "glowbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbug" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", > "//name" : "ashsprite", > "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashsprite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike1" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", > "//name" : "lavahopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavahopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", > "//name" : "dewhopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dewhopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", > "//name" : "phoenixfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "phoenixfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", > "//name" : "aurorabee", > "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aurorabee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", > "//name" : "cinderfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cinderfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", > "//name" : "stinkjack", > "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stinkjack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "teacup1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teacup1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite2" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", > "//name" : "scuttleploom", > "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scuttleploom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike2" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike1" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "hulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike1" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", > "//name" : "xenofly", > "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "xenofly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", > "//name" : "mudstag", > "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mudstag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", > "//name" : "heathugger", > "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heathugger", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. 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tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\pot.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 260, --- > "tilecount" : 297, 62c62 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", 70c70 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", 78c78 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", 86c86 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", 158c158 < "//description" : "An adorably colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", 167c167 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", 169c169 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", 185c185 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 194c194 < "//description" : "Replace", --- > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", 196c196 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", 298c298 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", 300c300 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", 318c318 < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 5", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", 558c558 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 567c567 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 577c577 < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 4", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", 717c717 < "//description" : "Just reeds", --- > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 726c726 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 752c752 < "//description" : "Just reeds", --- > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 761c761 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 830c830 < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", --- > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", 832c832 < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", 839c839 < "//description" : "Just reeds", --- > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 857c857 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 882c882 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 900c900 < "//description" : "Replace", --- > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", 902c902 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", 986c986 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny.", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 995c995 < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for rakes!", --- > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", 1029c1029 < "//description" : "Just reeds", --- > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 1038c1038 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny.", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 1074c1074 < "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be living in this bush.", --- > "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", 1134c1134 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", 1136c1136 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", 1143c1143 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", 1145c1145 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", 1161c1161 < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for snakes!", --- > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", 1169c1169 < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for cakes!", --- > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", 1255c1255 < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", --- > "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", 1257c1257 < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 1", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", 1272c1272 < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", --- > "//description" : "A coiling plant, resembling DNA.", 1280c1280 < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", --- > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", 1282c1282 < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", 1367c1367 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", --- > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", 1462c1462 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", --- > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", 1561c1561 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", --- > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", 1568a1569,1642 > "260" : { > "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", > "//name" : "smokeprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokeprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", > "//name" : "smokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilsand", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilmud", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil4" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil5" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil1" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil6" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil3" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil2" > }, 1570c1644 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. 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Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1579c1738 < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", --- > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", 1586a1746,1835 > "280" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1595a1845,1907 > "290" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 1660c1972 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 1668c1980 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", 1670c1982 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", 1748c2060 < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", --- > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", 1757c2069 < "//description" : "Just reeds", --- > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", 1766c2078 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 1783c2095 < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", --- > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", 1785c2097 < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", 1803c2115 < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 2", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", 1871c2183 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", --- > "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", 1914c2226 < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", --- > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", 1916c2228 < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", 1964c2276 < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", --- > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", 1980c2292 < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", --- > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", 1988c2300 < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for bloodthirsty Floran with murder in mind!", --- > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", 2149c2461 < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian stargazers are often stored in urns like this.", --- > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", 2167c2479 < "//description" : "Replace", --- > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", 2169c2481 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", 2176c2488 < "//description" : "Replace", --- > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", 2178c2490 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", 2193c2505 < "//description" : "Replace", --- > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", 2195c2507 < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", 2204c2516 < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 3", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", 2801a3114,3143 > "260" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smokeprimer.png" > }, > "261" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smokegen.png" > }, > "262" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "263" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "264" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil4.png" > }, > "265" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil5.png" > }, > "266" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil1.png" > }, > "267" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil6.png" > }, > "268" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil3.png" > }, > "269" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil2.png" > }, 2804a3147,3176 > "270" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil7.png" > }, > "271" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil8.png" > }, > "272" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/protectoratesmokegen.png" > }, > "273" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/protectoratesmokeprimer.png" > }, > "274" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopbig.png" > }, > "275" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopmed.png" > }, > "276" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopsmall.png" > }, > "277" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1.png" > }, > "278" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1_orientation2.png" > }, > "279" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1_orientation3.png" > }, 2807a3180,3209 > "280" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1_orientation4.png" > }, > "281" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1_orientation5.png" > }, > "282" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3.png" > }, > "283" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation2.png" > }, > "284" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation3.png" > }, > "285" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation4.png" > }, > "286" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation5.png" > }, > "287" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2.png" > }, > "288" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation2.png" > }, > "289" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation3.png" > }, 2809a3212,3232 > }, > "290" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation4.png" > }, > "291" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation5.png" > }, > "292" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1.png" > }, > "293" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation2.png" > }, > "294" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation3.png" > }, > "295" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation4.png" > }, > "296" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation5.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\sapling.json 10,18c10,18 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 21,23c21,23 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sapling.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sapling.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\spawner.json 10,143c10,123 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", < "//name" : "monsterspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monsterspawner" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", < "//name" : "spawneravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawneravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "spawnerstim", < "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstim", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", < "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerdoctor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", < "//name" : "spawnertools", < "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnertools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Place in an ^orange;enclosed building ^white;with at least ^orange;one door and ^orange;light ^white;and someone will move in!", < "//name" : "colonydeed", < "//shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "colonydeed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", < "//name" : "spawnerguard", < "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerguard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Hylotl villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhylotl", < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spawnerchef.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\storage.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 195, --- > "tilecount" : 218, 10,1728c10,1869 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8.5", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks radioactive, but it isn't. That's nice.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Good for storing bananas.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing tales of witches and dragons...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a dusty smell. It doesn't look very strong.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Fond memories of being trapped inside after class.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "No doubt once contained love letters, bad apples and books never read.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", < "//name" : "pethouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "An open cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A plain Avian stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's a gateway to another world in here.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Oh gross, this chest is all slimy. Hopefully its contents aren't ruined...", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Large Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden chest.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "An index filled with cards", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A pod chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "//name" : "ironchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "173" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An open Avian tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious copper crate.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large bones.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden endtable.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Endtable", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giftmonsterbox" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowfibre Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Hey look at this book, 50 Shades of Green. It's about aliens.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made with sticks yet somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The same wardrobe sits in every Apex bedroom.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A plain cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plain Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. I hope there's not a pirate inside.", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "This long chest is made with sticks, yet is somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this Avian cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's an Avian Narnia..", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", > "//name" : "pethouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "144" : { > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "173" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A battered, decayed looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Decayed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A creature capture pod can be placed into this device, tethering the pet within its radius.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside...", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//name" : "heckchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Rubbish Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giftmonsterbox" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A hi-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1731,2315c1872,2525 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedchest.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshiplocker.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giftmonstersmallbox.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet1.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/slimehide.png" < }, < "103" : { 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"98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranshiplocker.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrelgoldfilled.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 24, --- > "tilecount" : 32, 10,212c10,277 < "0" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", < "//name" : "exitteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "exitteleporter" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter will get you back to the ship when you're ready to leave.", > "//name" : "exitteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "exitteleporter" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexartifactaltar" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get you back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get you back to the Outpost.", > "//name" : "returnoutpostteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnoutpostteleporter" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > } 215,286c280,375 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/exitteleporter.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/exitteleporter.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranartifactaltar.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianartifactaltar.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexartifactaltar.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchartifactaltar.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkteleporter.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/checkpoint.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/returnoutpostteleporter.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\tools.json 11d10 < "//description" : "This could attract anything... I should make sure I'm prepared before using it.", 13,17c12 < "//shortdescription" : "Peanut Butter Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peanutbutter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 20d14 < "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", 22,26c16 < "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbeacon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 29d18 < "//description" : "An inactive robot! I wonder what happens if it's switched on.", 31,35c20 < "//shortdescription" : "Inactive Robot", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "robot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 38d22 < "//description" : "A decoy princess. The perfect bait.", 40,44c24 < "//shortdescription" : "Decoy Princess", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoyprincess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" --- > "invalid" : "true" 58c38 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/peanutbutter.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 61c41 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironbeacon.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 64c44 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/robot.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 67c47 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/decoyprincess.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 74c54 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\trap.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 175, --- > "tilecount" : 204, 10,1497c10,1758 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > 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"speedbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : 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"right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", > "//name" : "freezetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "freezetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike2" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike2" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike3" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > 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Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security the Apex labs have to offer.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "and", < "//shortdescription" : "And Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "and", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting levers that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... the axe looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "referencegenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "referencegenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", < "//name" : "tinywallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", < "//name" : "trapchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trapchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An impervium console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", < "//name" : "tier10switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "bulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bulb" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera the Apex labs have to offer.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Four Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer4s" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", < "//name" : "ironswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "smallwallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallbutton" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", < "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallfloorbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "I know it doesn't LOOK like a shield generator...", < "//name" : "shieldgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shieldgenerator" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Three Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer3s" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", < "//name" : "drain", < "//shortdescription" : "Drain", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drain" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "xor", < "//shortdescription" : "X Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "xor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", < "//name" : "scanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scanner" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Avian Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Switches and stays switched.", < "//name" : "persistentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "persistentswitch" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "This crystal seems like it might do something if I touch it.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Two Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer2s" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Laser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselaser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitywallsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", < "//name" : "tinywallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallbutton" < }, < "84" : { < "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (One Second)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer1s" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer5s" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > "//name" : "countdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "countdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "108" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "109" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > "//name" : "dlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "//name" : "landmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "landmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", > "//name" : "bigredbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigredbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > "//name" : "delay", > "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "delay" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblesound", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "not", > "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "not", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", > "//name" : "foundryswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryswitch" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "//name" : "or", > "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "or", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer1s" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer5s" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydelay", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydelay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrynot", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrynot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer4s" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer3s" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryand", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "An executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", > "//name" : "executiveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executiveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", > "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedlandmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A opulent console mounted on a suspended crystal.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. It has a strong curved design.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Using it is calming.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", > "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpressureplate" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "//name" : "and", > "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "and", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "That big red lever should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//name" : "referencegenerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", > "//name" : "tinywallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A device to scan eyeballs and match them to personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", > "//name" : "trapchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trapchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//name" : "tier10switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints and matches them to personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > "//name" : "bulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bulb" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer4s" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", > "//name" : "ironswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "smallwallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallbutton" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", > "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallfloorbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", > "//name" : "shieldgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shieldgenerator" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer3s" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", > "//name" : "drain", > "//shortdescription" : "Drain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drain" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "//name" : "xor", > "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "xor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", > "//name" : "scanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scanner" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > "//name" : "persistentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "persistentswitch" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "//name" : "proximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer2s" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step!", > "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitywallsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Free Standing Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", > "//name" : "tinywallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : 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It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter 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"object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your 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"speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", < "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientlightplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", 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"ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < 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"right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", > "//name" : "freezetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "freezetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get you back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get you back to the Outpost.", > "//name" : "returnoutpostteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnoutpostteleporter" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter 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"object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A 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"//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your 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Place it down and smash it open!", < "//name" : "fossilpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilpod" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure5", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure5" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "techstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstation" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush12", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrocksmall" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "For many small apes... or one big one.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Replace", < "//name" : "hivebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrock" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera the Apex labs have to offer.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Replace", < "//name" : "hivebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar1" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 3", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal3" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrock" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrock" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure1" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure2" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "An adorably colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush17", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush17", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A fine china plate.", < "//name" : "classicplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "Replace", < "//name" : "hivebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar2" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "The same wardrobe sits in every Apex bedroom.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral2" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant2", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant2" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob3" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral4" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", < "//name" : "electricsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "electricsign" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallwindmill", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwindmill", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "Whoooaaaaa.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush18", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush18", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 5", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal5" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallinn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral1" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse10", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrocksmall" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure4" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant1" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrock" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque3" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "Every Apex has the same exact dining room table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", < "//name" : "smallclocktower", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallclocktower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientist Apex Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hivelight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob4" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 4", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal4" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse9", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse11", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", < "//name" : "alarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystallinebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "What's for dessert? Banana cream pie? Banana nut bread? Banana muffins?", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystallinebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", < "//name" : "hecksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecksign" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrocksmall" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "Good for storing bananas.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", < "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fantasyboardgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "Announcements from Big Ape are broadcast over these speakers.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulesmall" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", < "//name" : "arrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque1" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "Replace", < "//name" : "hivebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "windchime", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "windchime", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "The ApeDoor 4: Slimmer, faster, more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant4", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant4" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones1" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "It says 'Danger!' Couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", < "//name" : "smallchurch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallchurch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush13", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", < "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque2" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush16", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush16", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwoodpanel" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 1", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal1" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure3" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "redlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlightBroken" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online.", < "//name" : "techstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstationTier0" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral5" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Tattered", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "323" : { < "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "symbiotesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "symbiotesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall lamp.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "For some reason I almost expect to find some extra powerful creature behind such a door.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", < "//name" : "classicbardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbardoor" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrocksmall" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security the Apex labs have to offer.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "There's an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob1", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob1" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulemed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulemed" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush15", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush15", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", < "//name" : "blueprintblob", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueprintblob" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike10", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "buglike10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting levers that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "All Apex furniture seems to have fallen victim to this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline bush. Shiny!", < "//name" : "crystallinebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard 2", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal2" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Replace", < "//name" : "hivebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush11", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike9", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush14", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush14", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrocksmall" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral3" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant3", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant3" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike8", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "buglike8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulebig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulebig" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob2" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike7", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob5", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob5" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrock" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike6", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "buglike6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Let's find out what that fossil was! Place it down and smash it open!", > "//name" : "fossilpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilpod" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure5" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "115" : { > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstation" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush12", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrocksmall" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "124" : { > "//name" : "heckbush6", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrock" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//name" : "heckpillar1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal3" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrock" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "14" : { > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrock" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure1" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure2" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "16" : { > "//name" : "heckbush10", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//name" : "hecklight2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "163" : { > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "164" : { > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "165" : { > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "166" : { > "//name" : "heckbush5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush17", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush17", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//name" : "heckpillar2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral2" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant2", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant2" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob3" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "apexlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral4" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallwindmill", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwindmill", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush18", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush18", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal5" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallinn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral1" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrocksmall" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure4" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, resembling DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant1" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrock" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque3" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", > "//name" : "smallclocktower", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallclocktower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob4" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal4" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//name" : "hecklight1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "231" : { > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "232" : { > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "233" : { > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//name" : "hecksign", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrocksmall" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulesmall" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque1" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "//name" : "windchime", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "windchime", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant4", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant4" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "270" : { > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A common ship light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Mulled Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", > "//name" : "smallchurch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallchurch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush13", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", > "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque2" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush16", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush16", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure3" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "redlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlightBroken" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstationTier0" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral5" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "323" : { > "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "339" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "340" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "341" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "342" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "345" : { > "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", > "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogoldsign" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexartifactaltar" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "bigapescreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapescreen" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", > "//name" : "sandbags", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandbags", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", > "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bigapetargetmap" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", > "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknognewspaper" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "Big ape statue with no head.", > "//name" : "classicapestatuenohead", > "//shortdescription" : "Headless Big Ape Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatuenohead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "38" : { > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrocksmall" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", > "//name" : "slimeblob1", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob1" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulemed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulemed" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush15", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush15", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", > "//name" : "blueprintblob", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueprintblob" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike10", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "buglike10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "That big red lever should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal2" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush11", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "72" : { > "//name" : "heckbush7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bigapedoll.png" > }, > "365" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccurtain3.png" > }, > "366" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicapestatuenohead.png" > }, > "367" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexshiphatch.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbardoor.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apextablelamp.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diamondrocksmall.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexstatue2.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcaptainschair.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexturret.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod.png" > }, > "44" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlamp1.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcurtain.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\avian.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 277, --- > "tilecount" : 304, 10,2407c10,2332 < "0" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Avian Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this Avian cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's an Avian Narnia..", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Just reeds", < "//name" : "reedseed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Just reeds", < "//name" : "reedseed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "The altar is blank.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Just reeds", < "//name" : "reedseed5", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A ornate steel bookcase.", < "//name" : "steelbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steel Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Just reeds", < "//name" : "reedseed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Large Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data. If only I had a USB stick.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "aviantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstation" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "178" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "179" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//name" : "windemblem", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "bouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A plain Avian stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "211" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "212" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "213" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "\"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light. Don't be fooled - the fangs are still there.\"", < "//name" : "anglureAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anglureAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "\"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though. \"", < "//name" : "bulbopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bulbopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "\"It's huge...\"", < "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "adultpoptopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "\"It's a playful species but spends its life alone. Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", < "//name" : "fennixAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fennixAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "\"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", < "//name" : "spookitAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookitAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "\"It works well in small teams and will ambush you when least expected. The top midget is the only one whos head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nutmidgeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "\"Its bloated body floats around in search for food. During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", < "//name" : "paratailAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "paratailAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "\"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows. There's something hypnotising about its chanting...\"", < "//name" : "hypnareAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hypnareAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "\"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop. They move around by rolling, which also files their horns.\"", < "//name" : "ringramAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ringramAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "\"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make the Snaggler a tricky foe to deal with.\"", < "//name" : "snagglerAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snagglerAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "\"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong, Voltip was released into the wild and now inhabits many planets.\"", < "//name" : "voltipAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "voltipAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "\"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "//name" : "pyromantleAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pyromantleAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "\"Prologed exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out. The smell has been described as sweaty by unfortunate explorers.\"", < "//name" : "miasmopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miasmopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "\"The Crabcano is always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "//name" : "crabcanoAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crabcanoAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "\"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", < "//name" : "yokatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yokatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "\"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "//name" : "capricoatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capricoatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "\"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "//name" : "lumothAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lumothAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", < "//name" : "pillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "\"The Mandraflora's sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mandrafloraAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "\"The orb flesh extrudes and turns into a sentient walker. Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "//name" : "orbideAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orbideAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "\"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it. The Bobot is easily angered. Maybe because it doesn't know where it came from either.\"", < "//name" : "bobotAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobotAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "\"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "//name" : "ignomeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ignomeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "\"It has a thick, shiny skin similar to metal. It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?.\"", < "//name" : "tinticAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinticAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "\"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "//name" : "triplodAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triplodAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "\"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "//name" : "lilodonAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lilodonAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "\"The Monopus' suction cups are used for catching fish. Its intelligence leads it to steal from fishing boats.\"", < "//name" : "monopusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monopusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "\"It's made from a springy substance. Gleap reproduce quickly and the litters can be found napping in clusters in the wild.\"", < "//name" : "gleapAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gleapAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "\"It's known for its appetite and notorious for stealing from vegetable patches. Due to its constant eating the Snaut's movements are slow.\"", < "//name" : "snauntAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snauntAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "\"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "//name" : "oculobAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculobAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "\".....\"", < "//name" : "petricubAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petricubAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "\"It appears to float around in a haphazard fashion. However, its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "//name" : "squeemAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "squeemAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "\"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "//name" : "ooglerAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ooglerAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "\"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The lightshows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "//name" : "narfinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "narfinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "\"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves. They can be a real threat in big numbers.\"", < "//name" : "agrobatAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agrobatAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "\"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hemogoblinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "\"Some believe Wisper's are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "//name" : "wisperAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wisperAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "\"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", < "//name" : "scandroidAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scandroidAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "\"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish. The way it topples over to attack a foe is partly just a nervous breakdown. \"", < "//name" : "toumingoAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toumingoAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "\"Despite its size, it's quick on it's feet. The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "//name" : "scaveranAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scaveranAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "\"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "//name" : "pulpinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pulpinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "\"It is not an efficent flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", < "//name" : "bobfaeAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobfaeAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "\"Explorers are warned to watch their step in areas inhabited by Crustoise. The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "//name" : "crustoiseAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crustoiseAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "\"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "//name" : "crutterAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crutterAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "\"The end of its tail is shaped like a spoon and can be lowered onto its back like a shell. Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damange.\"", < "//name" : "iguarmorAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iguarmorAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "\"When sleeping, it can be hard to spot due to its likeness to stone. Because of the size of its head, the Peblite can't run long distances.\"", < "//name" : "peblitAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peblitAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "\"The Pipkin is very energetic and is constantly boiling over. Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "//name" : "pipkinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pipkinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "\"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "//name" : "poptopAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "\"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit. \"", < "//name" : "pteropodAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pteropodAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "\"Its light body follows the direction of the wind. Despite its gentle appearance, skimbus can be temperamental when confronted.\"", < "//name" : "skimbusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skimbusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "\"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "//name" : "taroniAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "taroniAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "\"It's diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground. A healthy Prictus will have a colourful crown.\"", < "//name" : "trictusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trictusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "\"Its loud yapping can be heard from a mile away and its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "//name" : "quagmuttAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quagmuttAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "\"It navigates with its sense of taste. By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "//name" : "batongAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "batongAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "\"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "//name" : "smoglinAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smoglinAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "\"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "//name" : "sporgusAF", < "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sporgusAF", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An open Avian tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Just reeds", < "//name" : "reedseed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... that's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Empty Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Avian Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A stone pillar. Important to the community.", < "//name" : "pillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "reedclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reedclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporter" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian stargazers are often stored in urns like this.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks handsome.", < "//name" : "mask7", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Troll Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask7" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Avian Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A table decorated in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "tribaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", < "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgroundlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A teleporter of Avian design! Pity this one won't work for me.", < "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusable Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterdecorative" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Avian Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed5", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstation" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "179" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "windemblem", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "bouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "211" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "212" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//name" : "anglureAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "224" : { > "//name" : "bulbopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//name" : "fennixAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "227" : { > "//name" : "spookitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "228" : { > "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "229" : { > "//name" : "paratailAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "23" : { > "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "230" : { > "//name" : "hypnareAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "231" : { > "//name" : "ringramAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "232" : { > "//name" : "snagglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "233" : { > "//name" : "voltipAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "pyromantleAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "miasmopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "crabcanoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//name" : "yokatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "238" : { > "//name" : "capricoatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "239" : { > "//name" : "lumothAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "241" : { > "//name" : "orbideAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "bobotAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//name" : "ignomeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "244" : { > "//name" : "tinticAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "245" : { > "//name" : "triplodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "246" : { > "//name" : "lilodonAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "247" : { > "//name" : "monopusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "248" : { > "//name" : "gleapAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "249" : { > "//name" : "snauntAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//name" : "oculobAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "251" : { > "//name" : "petricubAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "squeemAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//name" : "ooglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "narfinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//name" : "agrobatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "256" : { > "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "257" : { > "//name" : "wisperAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "scandroidAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//name" : "toumingoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "260" : { > "//name" : "scaveranAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "261" : { > "//name" : "pulpinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "262" : { > "//name" : "bobfaeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "crustoiseAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//name" : "crutterAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "265" : { > "//name" : "iguarmorAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "peblitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//name" : "pipkinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "268" : { > "//name" : "poptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "269" : { > "//name" : "pteropodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "270" : { > "//name" : "skimbusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "271" : { > "//name" : "taroniAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "272" : { > "//name" : "trictusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "273" : { > "//name" : "quagmuttAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "274" : { > "//name" : "batongAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "275" : { > "//name" : "smoglinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "276" : { > "//name" : "sporgusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "284" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "288" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "289" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", > "//name" : "featherybird", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "featherybird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A reed clock with a hollow ticking sound.", > "//name" : "reedclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reedclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporter" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", > "//name" : "goldenurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", > "//name" : "birdtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//name" : "mask7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : 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Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A wooden dressing screen, for the modest Floran?", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, for the modest Floran?", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "This table is fashioned out of a small tree topped with a slab of wood. It's almost artsy!", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt is stretched and dried between two large bones", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : " doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A spear on a plaque. If you press a button below it, the spear sings.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Ground Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "Eats, Stabs and Leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaves", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp. One of the most useful items in any Floran prison.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp. One of the most useful items in any Floran prison.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A log. Check for termites before you sit down.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "A Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks radioactive, but it isn't. That's nice.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Smoke Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "I... what? Is this the Floran's idea of abstract art?", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "invisiblelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblelight" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "shiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shiplight" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "floranteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporter" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat? I can't decide.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstationTier0" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Oh gross, this chest is all slimy. Hopefully its contents aren't ruined...", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A railing. Maybe you can grind along it.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Florans and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy. Shiny!", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones hang from the ceiling like sort of morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large bones.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A Floran hunting bench. It's had a lot of use.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A wooden platform. Standard stuff.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb1", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb1" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb2" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb3", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb3" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb4", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-88", < "object" : "strangeweb4" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A geyser. Keep your distance.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", < "//name" : "portcullis", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "portcullis", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An urn. Adorably smashable.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "An Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "florantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstation" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, what's for dinner? Is it me?", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", < "//name" : "floranpodapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpodapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. Quick, escape!", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A volcanic plant. Less green fingers, more burnt fingers.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A broken anchor", < "//name" : "brokenanchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokenanchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A door. It opens.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A wooden countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A door. It opens.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Full Striped Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This pelt closely resembles a white tiger from Earth...", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what sort of creature this table was made from?", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This couch looks like it belongs to a particularly bloodthirsty Floran", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Floran design.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made with sticks yet somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Rocks. But do they roll?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "This long chest is made with sticks, yet is somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", < "//name" : "agaranmushroom", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agaranmushroom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A bongo fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Leather Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A table. Vines creep up the sides.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "A Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This pelt must have come off of something pretty big!", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brown Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A chair. Looks uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Tempting to wear this as a cloak and declare myself King of the North.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Fur Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A shelf. Perfect for holding smaller shelves.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "A Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A primitive shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a spike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks almost alive...", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Whoa! What kind of bone is that?", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Bone Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric stories etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Can Floran read?", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones hang from the ceiling like sort of morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Do Florans do much office work?", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", < "//name" : "giantfloranpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantfloranpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted hieroglyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hieroglyph Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "invisiblelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblelight" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "shiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shiplight" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporter" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstationTier0" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb1", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb1" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb2" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb3", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb3" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb4", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-88", > "object" : "strangeweb4" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "//name" : "portcullis", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "portcullis", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "174" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb5", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb5" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb6", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-64", > "object" : "strangeweb6" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstation" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", > "//name" : "floranpodapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpodapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A broken anchor", > "//name" : "brokenanchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokenanchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", > "//name" : "floranchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", > "//name" : "agaranmushroom", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agaranmushroom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", > "//name" : "giantfloranpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantfloranpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > } 1523,2035c1676,2260 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingweaponrack1.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbonerack.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranscreen1.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranscreen2.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : 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It looks dangerous.", < "//name" : "explosivebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Explosive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "explosivebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1087" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1088" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1089" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower4" < }, < "1090" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1091" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1092" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1093" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1094" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1095" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1096" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1097" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1098" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1099" : { < "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", < "//name" : "islandtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", < "//name" : "woodentalllantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodentalllantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a good place to cook.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1100" : { < "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", < "//name" : "islandlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "islandlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1101" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1102" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1103" : { < "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", < "//name" : "gothicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1104" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1105" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1106" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1107" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", < "//name" : "earthmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "earthmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1108" : { < "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "seaweedpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seaweedpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1109" : { < "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", < "//name" : "sealamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sealamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful impervium table.", < "//name" : "tier10table", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1110" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1111" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1112" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1113" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1114" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1115" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1116" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1117" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1118" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1119" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", < "//name" : "satellite", < "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "satellite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1120" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Venus.", < "//name" : "venusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "venusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1121" : { < "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", < "//name" : "cabinornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1122" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1123" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1124" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1125" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1126" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1127" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1128" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1129" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Violium table.", < "//name" : "tier8table", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1130" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1131" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1132" : { < "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", < "//name" : "kitchentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1133" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1134" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1135" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1136" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1137" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", < "//name" : "saturnmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "saturnmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1138" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1139" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1140" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1141" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", < "//name" : "neptunemodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "neptunemodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1142" : { < "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", < "//name" : "cabinstooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1143" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", < "//name" : "marsmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "marsmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1144" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1145" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Uranus.", < "//name" : "uranusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "uranusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1146" : { < "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", < "//name" : "baguettebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "baguettebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1147" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1148" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1149" : { < "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", < "//name" : "kitchenshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on it's face.", < "//name" : "brightstripe", < "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brightstripe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1150" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1151" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", < "//name" : "mercurymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "mercurymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1152" : { < "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitable", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1153" : { < "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", < "//name" : "cabinlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1154" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", < "//name" : "jupitermodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "jupitermodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1155" : { < "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitv", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1156" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", < "//name" : "plutomodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plutomodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1157" : { < "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", < "//name" : "applebasket", < "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "applebasket", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1158" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1159" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "1160" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1161" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1162" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1163" : { < "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", < "//name" : "coralmirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "coralmirror", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1164" : { < "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", < "//name" : "cabintable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabintable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1165" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1166" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1167" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1168" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", < "//name" : "steampunkglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1169" : { < "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", < "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1170" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", < "//name" : "steampunklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "steampunklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1171" : { < "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", < "//name" : "spookycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1172" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1173" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1174" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1175" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1176" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1177" : { < "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", < "//name" : "spookyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1178" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1179" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot1" < }, < "1180" : { < "//description" : "A copper ceiling light.", < "//name" : "copperceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "copperceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1181" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1182" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1183" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1184" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1185" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1186" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1187" : { < "//description" : "A rusty copper support.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1188" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1189" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", < "//name" : "lamppost2", < "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns1" < }, < "1190" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1191" : { < "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", < "//name" : "lamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1192" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", < "//name" : "lamppost3", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1193" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious copper crate.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1194" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1195" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1196" : { < "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1197" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1198" : { < "//description" : "An adorably colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1199" : { < "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Violium bed.", < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1200" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "1201" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1202" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones1" < }, < "1203" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1204" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", < "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenstovetop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1205" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "1206" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1207" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1208" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones3" < }, < "1209" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "It's an oil lantern on a stick.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1210" : { < "//description" : "A shelf made of copper.", < "//name" : "coppershelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppershelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1211" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1212" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1213" : { < "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", < "//name" : "mistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1214" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard3" < }, < "1215" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard4" < }, < "1216" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard1" < }, < "1217" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard5" < }, < "1218" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard2" < }, < "1219" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", < "//name" : "shadowmarker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmarker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1220" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1221" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1222" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1223" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1224" : { < "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1225" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1226" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1227" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1228" : { < "//description" : "A large dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1229" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "1230" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1231" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1232" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1233" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1234" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1235" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1236" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1237" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1238" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1239" : { < "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1240" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1241" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1242" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1243" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1244" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1245" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1246" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1247" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1248" : { < "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1249" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable aegisalt bed.", < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1250" : { < "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", < "//name" : "boilervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "boilervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1251" : { < "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", < "//name" : "floorgear1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floorgear1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1252" : { < "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1253" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", < "//name" : "steamspringdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringdoor" < }, < "1254" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1255" : { < "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1256" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1257" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1258" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1259" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1260" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1261" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1262" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenmistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1263" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1264" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1265" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1266" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1267" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1268" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1269" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockpenguin", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonedoor" < }, < "1270" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", < "//name" : "prismrockrunes", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockrunes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1271" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1272" : { < "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", < "//name" : "hivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1273" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1274" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1275" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1276" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1277" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1278" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1279" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1280" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1281" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1282" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1283" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1284" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike6", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "buglike6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1285" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1286" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike10", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "buglike10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1287" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1288" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike7", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1289" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", < "//name" : "spawnerstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1290" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike8", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "buglike8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1291" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike9", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1292" : { < "//description" : "This steel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "steelelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Steel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1293" : { < "//description" : "This steel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "steelelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Steel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1294" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1295" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1296" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1297" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1298" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "referencegenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "referencegenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fluffy Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden endtable.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Endtable", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A bug that's usually found above the crest of a wave.", < "//name" : "wavebird", < "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift3", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift3" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike3" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This Iron Anvil allows me to forge armor, tools and weapons.", < "//name" : "ironanvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironanvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A golden odd jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Cerulium light.", < "//name" : "tier7light", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "pleaseget", < "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "pleaseget" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", < "//name" : "tier1light", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1light" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Money DOES grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A cute ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp3" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This bug looks like its wearing tiny green shoes.", < "//name" : "greentip", < "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greentip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "This little bugs legs are covered in see-through hairs.", < "//name" : "polarmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "polarmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot2" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns2" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", < "//name" : "irondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "irondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike2" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman2" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", < "//name" : "eyedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "wildriceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildriceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "giantflowertable", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowertable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "An aegisalt console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "tier5switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "wildbananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", < "//name" : "ironbeacon", < "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbeacon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", < "//name" : "dreidel", < "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dreidel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A very well-made Ferozium table.", < "//name" : "tier6table", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Eight marker.", < "//name" : "number8", < "//shortdescription" : "Eight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number8" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike1" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "penguinposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A strong Ferozium bed.", < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Crystal Plant Seed. It's time to farm hard.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "neonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard4" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike2" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "Its wings shimmer like flame.", < "//name" : "redwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower1" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp with a homely feel.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp2" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "automatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "automatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", < "//name" : "rusttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A customized signboard", < "//name" : "customsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "customsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", < "//name" : "celllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celllamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "helpme", < "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "helpme" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for bloodthirsty Floran with murder in mind!", < "//name" : "tallgrass4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass4" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike2" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift2", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift2" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A tiny lamppost. Try not to kick it over.", < "//name" : "smalllamppost", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lamppost", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalllamppost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", < "//name" : "wheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", < "//name" : "ironlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironlight" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Not to be confused with a Festivus pole.", < "//name" : "holidaypole", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaypole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", < "//name" : "wrecktable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecktable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "The tips of its legs are covered in snow.", < "//name" : "snowskater", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowskater", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giftmonsterbox" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", < "//name" : "tinywallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike2" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", < "//name" : "3dprinter", < "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "3dprinter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamenovakid" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "An old sign warning for death.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp1" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "An Ferozium console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "tier6switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", < "//name" : "snowglobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A clean, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "This prickly little fellow has sharp wings.", < "//name" : "thornbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "smallwallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallbutton" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A Rubium light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "tier9light", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", < "//name" : "scanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scanner" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", < "//name" : "stonefurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonefurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike3" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "Flowers!", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", < "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike3" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "An impervium console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", < "//name" : "tier10switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower2" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A Ferozium door. Sturdy!", < "//name" : "tier6door", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6door" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", < "//name" : "crystaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Rubium bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflame" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "landmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "landmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", < "//name" : "wreckvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvent" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowfibre Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", < "//name" : "bigredbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigredbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", < "//name" : "watercooler", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watercooler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A hardy aegisalt table.", < "//name" : "tier5table", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "The warmer this bug gets the more it glows.", < "//name" : "glowbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", < "//name" : "exitteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "exitteleporter" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.", < "//name" : "ashsprite", < "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashsprite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", < "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", < "//name" : "bathroomurinal", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomurinal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowflower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameavian" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", < "//name" : "smashcrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashcrystal" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower3" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike1" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "Hey look at this book, 50 Shades of Green. It's about aliens.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "stocking2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", < "//name" : "tier4light", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A terrifying Rubium table. It watches you eat.", < "//name" : "tier9table", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A small damaged table.", < "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A large wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A Rubium console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "tier9switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", < "//name" : "icetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "An inactive robot! I wonder what happens if it's switched on.", < "//name" : "robot", < "//shortdescription" : "Inactive Robot", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "robot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", < "//name" : "burningcoals", < "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burningcoals", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", < "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", < "//name" : "ironswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Rubium chair.", < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", < "//name" : "rainbowdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowdoor" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", < "//name" : "cultistaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cultistaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "A lively bug, maybe its thirsty?", < "//name" : "dewhopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dewhopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", < "//name" : "researchstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "researchstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "This bug rubs it's legs together to produce tiny sparks.", < "//name" : "phoenixfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "phoenixfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "The surface of this bugs shell shimmers like oil.", < "//name" : "aurorabee", < "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aurorabee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", < "//name" : "rainbowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "Thrives in desolate conditions.", < "//name" : "cinderfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cinderfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "aviandungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviandungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", < "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallfloorbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", < "//name" : "invisiblesparker", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesparker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", < "//name" : "scifisleigh", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifisleigh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A Violium console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "tier8switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.", < "//name" : "stinkjack", < "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stinkjack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "teacup1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teacup1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "A dim red light.", < "//name" : "redlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "375" : { < "//description" : "A very hardy Cerulium table.", < "//name" : "tier7table", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "377" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite2" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike2" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A Cerulium console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "tier7switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite2" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "One marker.", < "//name" : "number1", < "//shortdescription" : "One", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number1" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "undecoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "undecoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "A plain cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plain Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "385" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "apexdungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere2" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy Cerulium door.", < "//name" : "tier7door", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-48", < "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "I know it doesn't LOOK like a shield generator...", < "//name" : "shieldgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shieldgenerator" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike1" < }, < "395" : { < "//description" : "Five marker.", < "//name" : "number5", < "//shortdescription" : "Five", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number5" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", < "//name" : "tier3door", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3door" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root5" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Cerulium chair.", < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "401" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane! A fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "406" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "hulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "407" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "408" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "409" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "410" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "411" : { < "//description" : "Numbers dance and scroll on the screen. What do they mean?", < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "412" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell4", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "413" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "414" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "415" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "416" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "417" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "418" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "419" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike1" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Ferozium chair.", < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "420" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "421" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "422" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Rubium door.", < "//name" : "tier9door", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "423" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chainlink Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "424" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "425" : { < "//description" : "This guy has a creepy little face.", < "//name" : "xenofly", < "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "xenofly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "426" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "427" : { < "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", < "//name" : "drain", < "//shortdescription" : "Drain", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drain" < }, < "428" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "429" : { < "//description" : "Four marker.", < "//name" : "number4", < "//shortdescription" : "Four", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number4" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "430" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "431" : { < "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "432" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "433" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "434" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "435" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "436" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "437" : { < "//description" : "This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.", < "//name" : "mudstag", < "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mudstag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "438" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", < "//name" : "bathroomsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "439" : { < "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A glowing aegisalt light.", < "//name" : "tier5light", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "440" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "441" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "442" : { < "//description" : "A dazzling impervium light.", < "//name" : "tier10light", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "443" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitch" < }, < "444" : { < "//description" : "Six marker.", < "//name" : "number6", < "//shortdescription" : "Six", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number6" < }, < "445" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti message.", < "//name" : "thewayisblocked", < "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "thewayisblocked", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "446" : { < "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", < "//name" : "giantsanta", < "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantsanta", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "447" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "448" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "449" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy aegisalt door.", < "//name" : "tier5door", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5door" < }, < "450" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "451" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "452" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "453" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "454" : { < "//description" : "Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.", < "//name" : "heathugger", < "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heathugger", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "455" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "456" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell5", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "457" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "458" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "459" : { < "//description" : "Old Falling Rocks", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "460" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "461" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere4" < }, < "462" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Violium light.", < "//name" : "tier8light", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "463" : { < "//description" : "An impervium chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "464" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "465" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "466" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "467" : { < "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", < "//name" : "manipulatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "468" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "469" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "470" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "471" : { < "//description" : "This biolight flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "472" : { < "//description" : "A small barred vent.", < "//name" : "barvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barvent" < }, < "473" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "474" : { < "//description" : "A bug with glistening gold wings, fancy!", < "//name" : "goldbuck", < "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldbuck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "475" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "476" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "477" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike4" < }, < "478" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root4" < }, < "479" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard5" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", < "//name" : "tier4table", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "480" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "481" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "482" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "483" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "484" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "485" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "486" : { < "//description" : "Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot3" < }, < "487" : { < "//description" : "The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.", < "//name" : "dustmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "488" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "489" : { < "//description" : "A wooden sink.. I haven't washed my hands in a long time.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", < "//name" : "tier3table", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "490" : { < "//description" : "These bugs float on the updraft of poisonous gases.", < "//name" : "gasgiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasgiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "491" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "492" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "493" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "494" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "495" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "496" : { < "//description" : "Its legs look like intertwining vines.", < "//name" : "vineclimber", < "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vineclimber", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "497" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "498" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "499" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell8", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", < "//name" : "tier3light", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3light" < }, < "500" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "501" : { < "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "//name" : "statuspod", < "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "statuspod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "502" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Violium chair.", < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "503" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "504" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "505" : { < "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", < "//name" : "wreckscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "506" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "507" : { < "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", < "//name" : "loudspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "loudspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "508" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "509" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard2" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A basic steel table.", < "//name" : "tier2table", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "510" : { < "//description" : "A solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "511" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", < "//name" : "fleshtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "512" : { < "//description" : "This table allows me to prepare and combine raw ingredients, for wholesome meals!", < "//name" : "woodencookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Cooking Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "513" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root10", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root10" < }, < "514" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "515" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflame" < }, < "516" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "517" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "steelchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "518" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "519" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "520" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "521" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "522" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike4" < }, < "523" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", < "//name" : "snowglobe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "524" : { < "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", < "//name" : "screenplanet", < "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screenplanet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "525" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "526" : { < "//description" : "A decoy princess. The perfect bait.", < "//name" : "decoyprincess", < "//shortdescription" : "Decoy Princess", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoyprincess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "527" : { < "//description" : "A small red bow.", < "//name" : "smallbow", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallbow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "528" : { < "//description" : "A bright yellow bug, it's wings smell like butter.", < "//name" : "butterbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "529" : { < "//description" : "This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flys through the air.", < "//name" : "driftbell", < "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "driftbell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A simple steel lamp.", < "//name" : "tier2light", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2light" < }, < "530" : { < "//description" : "Where there's frost, there are frostflies.", < "//name" : "frostfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "531" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite4" < }, < "532" : { < "//description" : "This bug never stops eating.", < "//name" : "hivehog", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivehog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "533" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "534" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "535" : { < "//description" : "These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.", < "//name" : "muddancer", < "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "muddancer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "536" : { < "//description" : "The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.", < "//name" : "orphanfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orphanfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "537" : { < "//description" : "Who would live in the desert? This clown.", < "//name" : "sandclown", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandclown", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "538" : { < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "539" : { < "//description" : "This bug has a face like a seahorse.", < "//name" : "seahornet", < "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seahornet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A basic steel door.", < "//name" : "tier2door", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2door" < }, < "540" : { < "//description" : "It looks as if it could slip out of it's shell at a moments notice.", < "//name" : "shellcreep", < "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shellcreep", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "541" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "542" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "testbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "testbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "543" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "544" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "545" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "546" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1" < }, < "547" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "548" : { < "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "549" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike3" < }, < "550" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "551" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "552" : { < "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", < "//name" : "alloyfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alloyfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "553" : { < "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", < "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "554" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "555" : { < "//description" : "Craft your capture pods here.", < "//name" : "capturestation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Creature Capture Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "capturestation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "556" : { < "//description" : "This device is able to identify and restore fossils. It outputs the fossil in a container ready to be smashed open.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "557" : { < "//description" : "Comes out only at certain phases of the moon.", < "//name" : "tidefly", < "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tidefly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "558" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "559" : { < "//description" : "Used to produce raw pixels from ore.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A simple steel chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "560" : { < "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", < "//name" : "bioshroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "561" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "562" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "563" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "564" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "565" : { < "//description" : "Create your very own skyrail tracks with this table!", < "//name" : "skyrailtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Skyrail Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skyrailtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "566" : { < "//description" : "I can use this wiring station to craft components and wire things as I see fit!", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "567" : { < "//description" : "A device for spinning yarn from wool. I can tailor new clothes with it!", < "//name" : "yarnspinner", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Yarn Spinner^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yarnspinner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "568" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite1" < }, < "569" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "570" : { < "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", < "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "571" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "572" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "573" : { < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "574" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "575" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "576" : { < "//description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "577" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "578" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" < }, < "579" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A common steel bed.", < "//name" : "tier2bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "580" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "581" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "582" : { < "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", < "//name" : "irontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "583" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom seed. The farmer who plants these is a fungi.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "584" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "585" : { < "//description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "586" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "587" : { < "//description" : "This pretty bug loves sunshine.", < "//name" : "sunskipper", < "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sunskipper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "588" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "589" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", < "//name" : "nowayout", < "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "nowayout", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "590" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "591" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "592" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8.5", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" < }, < "593" : { < "//description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "594" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike4" < }, < "595" : { < "//description" : "Switches and stays switched.", < "//name" : "persistentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "persistentswitch" < }, < "596" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "597" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "598" : { < "//description" : "sugarcane! Good for diabetes.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "599" : { < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "You could mistake this bug for a snowflake.", < "//name" : "frostfleck", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfleck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "600" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "601" : { < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "602" : { < "//description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "603" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "604" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "605" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "606" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "607" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "608" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "609" : { < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "610" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike1" < }, < "611" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex2" < }, < "612" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", < "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "613" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", < "//name" : "icebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "614" : { < "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowvinelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowvine Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvinelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "615" : { < "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "616" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "617" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "618" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere3" < }, < "619" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.", < "//name" : "lavahopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavahopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "620" : { < "//description" : "A super-strong Violium door.", < "//name" : "tier8door", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "621" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "622" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" < }, < "623" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron door.", < "//name" : "tier1door", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1door" < }, < "624" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "625" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" < }, < "626" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "dungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "627" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", < "//name" : "redcandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "628" : { < "//description" : "Knock it down!", < "//name" : "bowlingpin", < "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bowlingpin" < }, < "629" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining drill's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "630" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining drill's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "631" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflameapex3" < }, < "632" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "633" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "634" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "635" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "636" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "637" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "638" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "639" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", < "//name" : "decoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "640" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "641" : { < "//description" : "A mouldy wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "642" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "643" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "644" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman" < }, < "645" : { < "//description" : "Zero marker.", < "//name" : "number0", < "//shortdescription" : "Zero", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number0" < }, < "646" : { < "//description" : "Two marker.", < "//name" : "number2", < "//shortdescription" : "Two", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number2" < }, < "647" : { < "//description" : "This bug's wings are frozen over.", < "//name" : "icetip", < "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "648" : { < "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "649" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This bugs legs move so fast they're difficult to count.", < "//name" : "scuttleploom", < "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scuttleploom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "650" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "651" : { < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "652" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "653" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "654" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "655" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "656" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "657" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex" < }, < "658" : { < "//description" : "A cool bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "659" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", < "//name" : "rainbowtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "660" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling. Charming.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "661" : { < "//description" : "A cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "662" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "663" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "664" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "665" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "florandungeonpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandungeonpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "666" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "667" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "668" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "669" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "This could attract anything... I should make sure I'm prepared before using it.", < "//name" : "peanutbutter", < "//shortdescription" : "Peanut Butter Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peanutbutter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "670" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "671" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "672" : { < "//description" : "The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.", < "//name" : "shardwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shardwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "673" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2" < }, < "674" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike4" < }, < "675" : { < "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", < "//name" : "frogmerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogmerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "676" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "677" : { < "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "giantsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "giantsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "678" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "679" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "680" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "681" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "682" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "683" : { < "//description" : "Fond memories of being trapped inside after class.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "684" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "685" : { < "//description" : "No doubt once contained love letters, bad apples and books never read.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "686" : { < "//description" : "Cave art perhaps depicting a sun?", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sun Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "687" : { < "//description" : "Cave art perhaps depicting a sun?", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sun Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "688" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", < "//name" : "markergroundplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "markergroundplaque", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "689" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "690" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "691" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "692" : { < "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", < "//name" : "pethouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "693" : { < "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", < "//name" : "poop", < "//shortdescription" : "Poop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "694" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "695" : { < "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", < "//name" : "slidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "696" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "697" : { < "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", < "//name" : "tvstation", < "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tvstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "698" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "volcanopod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanopod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "699" : { < "//description" : "An open cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", < "//name" : "wildcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "700" : { < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "//name" : "wooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "701" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard3" < }, < "702" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "703" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "704" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "705" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "706" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "707" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "708" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "709" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "710" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "711" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "712" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "713" : { < "//description" : "Nine marker.", < "//name" : "number9", < "//shortdescription" : "Nine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number9" < }, < "714" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike3" < }, < "715" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" < }, < "716" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell2", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "717" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root3" < }, < "718" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "719" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodengate", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodengate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "720" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "721" : { < "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", < "//name" : "teapot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teapot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "722" : { < "//description" : "A robust steel lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "723" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "724" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "725" : { < "//description" : "A busted UFO.", < "//name" : "UFOprop", < "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "UFOprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "726" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "stocking1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "727" : { < "//description" : "Three marker.", < "//name" : "number3", < "//shortdescription" : "Three", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number3" < }, < "728" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "729" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "730" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns3", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns3" < }, < "731" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "732" : { < "//description" : "A set of candles.", < "//name" : "holidaycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "733" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "734" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "735" : { < "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", < "//name" : "eyetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "736" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for rakes!", < "//name" : "tallgrass2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass2" < }, < "737" : { < "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", < "//name" : "menorah", < "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "menorah", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "738" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "739" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "740" : { < "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "741" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "742" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", < "//name" : "greencandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "743" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "744" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "745" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "746" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "747" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite3" < }, < "748" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "749" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike1" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "750" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "751" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "752" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite3" < }, < "753" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" < }, < "754" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "755" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "756" : { < "//description" : "Falling Rocks", < "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" < }, < "757" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "758" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "759" : { < "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", < "//name" : "snowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike3" < }, < "760" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "761" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "762" : { < "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", < "//name" : "rustdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustdoor" < }, < "763" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "764" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "765" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "766" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "767" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "768" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "769" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "770" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "771" : { < "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "goldball", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "772" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "773" : { < "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", < "//name" : "tier4door", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4door" < }, < "774" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "775" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed. When you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "776" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "777" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "778" : { < "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alientable", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alientable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "779" : { < "//name" : "testconsole1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman3" < }, < "780" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "781" : { < "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", < "//name" : "alienglowplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienglowplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "782" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "783" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "784" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "785" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "786" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "787" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "788" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "789" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "790" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "791" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "792" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "793" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "794" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "795" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "biovine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "796" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable aegisalt chair.", < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "797" : { < "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be living in this bush.", < "//name" : "butterflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterflybush" < }, < "798" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "799" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "800" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "801" : { < "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", < "//name" : "celltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "802" : { < "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", < "//name" : "crystallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "803" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "804" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "805" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "806" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "807" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root6", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root6" < }, < "808" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "809" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "810" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "811" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometrictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometrictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "812" : { < "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Laser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselaser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "813" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "814" : { < "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", < "//name" : "icedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "815" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere1" < }, < "816" : { < "//description" : "This blue bug has sharp little teeth.", < "//name" : "blueback", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "817" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "818" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "819" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", < "//name" : "wazlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wazlights" < }, < "820" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "821" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "822" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "823" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for snakes!", < "//name" : "tallgrass1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass1" < }, < "824" : { < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "825" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for cakes!", < "//name" : "tallgrass3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass3" < }, < "826" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "827" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "828" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike4" < }, < "829" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell3", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "830" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful AND comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "831" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" < }, < "832" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "833" : { < "//description" : "Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.", < "//name" : "fawnfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fawnfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "834" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "835" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "836" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "837" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "838" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "839" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "840" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "841" : { < "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", < "//name" : "fancysnowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fancysnowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "842" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift1" < }, < "843" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift4", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift4" < }, < "844" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet.. this must be hard to clean.", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "845" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "846" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "847" : { < "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", < "//name" : "cavelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "cavelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "848" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "849" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", < "//name" : "sandstonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "850" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root1" < }, < "851" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root2" < }, < "852" : { < "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", < "//name" : "antenna", < "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "antenna", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "853" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "854" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "855" : { < "//description" : "A console to activate this mining base's harvesting functions.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "856" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "857" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "858" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitywallsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "859" : { < "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", < "//name" : "metalworkstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalworkstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "860" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root7", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root7" < }, < "861" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root8", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root8" < }, < "862" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root9", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root9" < }, < "863" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike1" < }, < "864" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike3" < }, < "865" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "866" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "867" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "868" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "869" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell6", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "870" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite1" < }, < "871" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" < }, < "872" : { < "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", < "//name" : "molemerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "molemerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "873" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike2" < }, < "874" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" < }, < "875" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike4" < }, < "876" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" < }, < "877" : { < "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", < "//name" : "2stopshop", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stopshop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "878" : { < "//description" : "An impervium bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "879" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "880" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", < "//name" : "fireextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fireextinguisher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "881" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "882" : { < "//description" : "Seven marker.", < "//name" : "number7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number7" < }, < "883" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flowers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "884" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "885" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "886" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "887" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "888" : { < "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "889" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "890" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "891" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "892" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite4" < }, < "893" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingslime3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "894" : { < "//description" : "A vent.", < "//name" : "roofvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roofvent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "895" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "896" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "897" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "898" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "899" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.", < "//name" : "shadowmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "900" : { < "//name" : "brokenshiplight", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "901" : { < "//description" : "An impenetrable impervium door.", < "//name" : "tier10door", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10door", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "902" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. I can use the heat for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "903" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "904" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "905" : { < "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", < "//name" : "tinywallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallbutton" < }, < "906" : { < "//description" : "A sexy golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sexy Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "907" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "908" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike2" < }, < "909" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "biovine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "910" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "911" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Ferozium light.", < "//name" : "tier6light", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "912" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", < "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "913" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < }, < "914" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "915" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "916" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "917" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "918" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "919" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", < "//name" : "turnback", < "//shortdescription" : "turnback", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "turnback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "920" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "921" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "922" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "923" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "924" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "925" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "926" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "927" : { < "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "//name" : "flowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "flowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "928" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot5", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "929" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", < "//name" : "randomfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "randomfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "930" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "931" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "932" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "933" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "934" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "935" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "936" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, god of the florans.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "937" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "938" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "939" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns4", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns4" < }, < "940" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "941" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "942" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "943" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "944" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "945" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "946" : { < "//name" : "chattestbug", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "947" : { < "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "948" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "949" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", < "//name" : "vent", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vent" < }, < "950" : { < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "951" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "952" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "953" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "954" : { < "//description" : "An index filled with cards", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "955" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "956" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "957" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "958" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "959" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "960" : { < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "961" : { < "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "962" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "963" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "964" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "965" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "966" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "967" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "968" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "delay", < "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "delay" < }, < "969" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron table.", < "//name" : "tier1table", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "970" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "971" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "972" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "973" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "974" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "975" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "976" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "977" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "978" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "979" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflame" < }, < "980" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "981" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "982" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "983" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "984" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "985" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Derrick.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "986" : { < "//description" : "Place in an ^orange;enclosed building ^white;with at least ^orange;one door and ^orange;light ^white;and someone will move in!", < "//name" : "colonydeed", < "//shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "colonydeed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "987" : { < "//description" : "Boing boing!", < "//name" : "jumppad", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumppad" < }, < "988" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisiblesound", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesound", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "989" : { < "//description" : "Floor marker.", < "//name" : "floor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floor" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A broken tank.", < "//name" : "brokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "990" : { < "//description" : "Floop marker.", < "//name" : "floop", < "//shortdescription" : "Floop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floop" < }, < "991" : { < "//name" : "penguinplush", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "992" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "993" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "994" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "995" : { < "//description" : "A pod chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "996" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "997" : { < "//description" : "A stepladder.", < "//name" : "stepladder", < "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stepladder", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "998" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "999" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", > "//name" : "fireflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflybush" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", > "//name" : "flameroach", > "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flameroach", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1000" : { > "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishing", > "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishing", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1001" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1002" : { > "//name" : "testfrog", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1003" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1004" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1005" : { > "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", > "//name" : "birdsnest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdsnest" > }, > "1006" : { > "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", > "//name" : "travellersbeacon", > "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "travellersbeacon" > }, > "1007" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1008" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1009" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1010" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1011" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1012" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1013" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1014" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1015" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1016" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1017" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1018" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1019" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", > "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", > "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "recreationalvehicle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1020" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1021" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1022" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1023" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1024" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1025" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1026" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1027" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1028" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1029" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1030" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1031" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1032" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1033" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1034" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1035" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1036" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple23", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1037" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1038" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1039" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", > "//name" : "woodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1040" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1041" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1042" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1043" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1044" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1045" : { > "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", > "//name" : "gothiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1046" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1047" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1048" : { > "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", > "//name" : "beaconsnow", > "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beaconsnow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1049" : { > "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "//name" : "seismograph", > "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "seismograph" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1050" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1051" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1052" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1053" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1054" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1055" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1056" : { > "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1057" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1058" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1059" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1060" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1061" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1062" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1063" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1064" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1065" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1066" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1067" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1068" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1069" : { > "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", > "//name" : "dustytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1070" : { > "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", > "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hazardmicroscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1071" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", > "//name" : "biohazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "biohazardsign" > }, > "1072" : { > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1073" : { > "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", > "//name" : "datastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "datastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1074" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1075" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "gasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1076" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swamptable", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamptable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1077" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1078" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1079" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "1080" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1081" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1082" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1083" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1084" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1085" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "toxicgasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicgasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1086" : { > "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", > "//name" : "explosivebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "explosivebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1087" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1088" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1089" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower4" > }, > "1090" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1091" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1092" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1093" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1094" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1095" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1096" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1097" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1098" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1099" : { > "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", > "//name" : "islandtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", > "//name" : "woodentalllantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodentalllantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1100" : { > "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", > "//name" : "islandlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "islandlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1101" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1102" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1103" : { > "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", > "//name" : "gothicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1104" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1105" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1106" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1107" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", > "//name" : "earthmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "earthmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1108" : { > "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "seaweedpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seaweedpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1109" : { > "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", > "//name" : "sealamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sealamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "tier10table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1110" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1111" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1112" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1113" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1114" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1115" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1116" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1117" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1118" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1119" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", > "//name" : "satellite", > "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "satellite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", > "//name" : "outpostpc", > "//shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1120" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", > "//name" : "venusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "venusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1121" : { > "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", > "//name" : "cabinornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1122" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1123" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1124" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1125" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1126" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1127" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1128" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1129" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//name" : "tier8table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1130" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1131" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1132" : { > "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", > "//name" : "kitchentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1133" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1134" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1135" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1136" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1137" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", > "//name" : "saturnmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "saturnmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1138" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1139" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1140" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1141" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", > "//name" : "neptunemodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "neptunemodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1142" : { > "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", > "//name" : "cabinstooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1143" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", > "//name" : "marsmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "marsmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1144" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1145" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", > "//name" : "uranusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "uranusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1146" : { > "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", > "//name" : "baguettebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "baguettebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1147" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1148" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1149" : { > "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", > "//name" : "kitchenshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", > "//name" : "brightstripe", > "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brightstripe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1150" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1151" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", > "//name" : "mercurymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "mercurymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1152" : { > "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitable", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1153" : { > "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", > "//name" : "cabinlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1154" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", > "//name" : "jupitermodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "jupitermodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1155" : { > "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitv", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1156" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", > "//name" : "plutomodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plutomodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1157" : { > "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", > "//name" : "applebasket", > "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "applebasket", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1158" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1159" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "1160" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1161" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1162" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1163" : { > "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", > "//name" : "coralmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "coralmirror", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1164" : { > "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", > "//name" : "cabintable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabintable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1165" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1166" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1167" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1168" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", > "//name" : "steampunkglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1169" : { > "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", > "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1170" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", > "//name" : "steampunklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "steampunklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1171" : { > "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", > "//name" : "spookycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1172" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1173" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1174" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1175" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1176" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1177" : { > "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", > "//name" : "spookyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1178" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1179" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot1" > }, > "1180" : { > "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "copperceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1181" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1182" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1183" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1184" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1185" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1186" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1187" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1188" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1189" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "//name" : "lamppost2", > "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns1" > }, > "1190" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1191" : { > "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", > "//name" : "lamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1192" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", > "//name" : "lamppost3", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1193" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1194" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1195" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1196" : { > "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1197" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1198" : { > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1199" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1200" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "1201" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1202" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "1203" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1204" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", > "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenstovetop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1205" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "1206" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1207" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1208" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "1209" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1210" : { > "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", > "//name" : "coppershelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppershelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1211" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1212" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1213" : { > "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", > "//name" : "mistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1214" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard3" > }, > "1215" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard4" > }, > "1216" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard1" > }, > "1217" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard5" > }, > "1218" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard2" > }, > "1219" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", > "//name" : "shadowmarker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmarker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1220" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1221" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1222" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1223" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1224" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1225" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1226" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1227" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1228" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1229" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "1230" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1231" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1232" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > 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"//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1237" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1238" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1239" : { > "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1240" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1241" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1242" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1243" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1244" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive 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"//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1249" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1250" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1251" : { > "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", > "//name" : "floorgear1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floorgear1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1252" : { > "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1253" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", > "//name" : "steamspringdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringdoor" > }, > "1254" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1255" : { > "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1256" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1257" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1258" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1259" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1260" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1261" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1262" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenmistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1263" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1264" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1265" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1266" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1267" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1268" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1269" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockpenguin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonedoor" > }, > "1270" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", > "//name" : "prismrockrunes", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockrunes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1271" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1272" : { > "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", > "//name" : "hivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1273" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1274" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1275" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1276" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1277" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from curious hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1278" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1279" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1280" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1281" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1282" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1283" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1284" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike6", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "buglike6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1285" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1286" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike10", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "buglike10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1287" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1288" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike7", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1289" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of helpers.", > "//name" : "spawnerstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1290" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike8", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "buglike8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1291" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike9", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1292" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1293" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1294" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1295" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1296" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1297" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1298" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1299" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", > "//name" : "bobfaeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobfaeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//name" : "referencegenerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1300" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", > "//name" : "toumingoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toumingoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1301" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "//name" : "oogleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oogleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1302" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "//name" : "voltipaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "voltipaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1303" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "//name" : "ignomeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ignomeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1304" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "//name" : "yokataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "yokataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1305" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "//name" : "pyromantleaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pyromantleaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1306" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "//name" : "bulbopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bulbopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1307" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "//name" : "scaveranaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scaveranaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1308" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1309" : { > "//description" : "It's a Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1310" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "//name" : "taroniaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "taroniaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1311" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "//name" : "triplodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triplodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1312" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "//name" : "pipkinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pipkinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1313" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "//name" : "crustoiseaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crustoiseaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1314" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "//name" : "lilodonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lilodonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1315" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "//name" : "peblitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "peblitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1316" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "//name" : "monopusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monopusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1317" : { > "//name" : "broken-spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1318" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "//name" : "orbideaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orbideaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1319" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "//name" : "spookitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1320" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "//name" : "fennixaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fennixaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1321" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "//name" : "paratailaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paratailaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1322" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "adultpoptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1323" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "//name" : "capricoataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capricoataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1324" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "//name" : "narfinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "narfinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1325" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "//name" : "oculobaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculobaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1326" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "//name" : "pteropodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pteropodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1327" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "//name" : "ringramaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ringramaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1328" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hemogoblinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1329" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "//name" : "bobotaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobotaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1330" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "//name" : "poptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1331" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "//name" : "trictusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trictusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1332" : { > "//name" : "furnituretable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1333" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mandrafloraaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1334" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "//name" : "snaggleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snaggleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1335" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "//name" : "batongaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Batong Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "batongaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1336" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "//name" : "iguarmoraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iguarmoraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1337" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "//name" : "lumothaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lumothaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1338" : { > "//name" : "apothecary", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1339" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "//name" : "crabcanoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crabcanoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", > "//name" : "wavebird", > "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1340" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "//name" : "snauntaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snauntaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1341" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "//name" : "miasmopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miasmopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1342" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "//name" : "tinticaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinticaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1343" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "//name" : "sporgusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sporgusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1344" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "//name" : "agrobataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agrobataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1345" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the anglure is its light.\"", > "//name" : "anglureaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anglureaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1346" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "//name" : "crutteraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crutteraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1347" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "//name" : "gleapaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gleapaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1348" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "//name" : "hypnareaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hypnareaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1349" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nutmidgeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1350" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "//name" : "petricubaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petricubaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1351" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "//name" : "pulpinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pulpinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1352" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "//name" : "quagmuttaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quagmuttaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1353" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "//name" : "scandroidaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scandroidaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1354" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "//name" : "skimbusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skimbusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1355" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "//name" : "smoglinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smoglinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1356" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "//name" : "squeemaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "squeemaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1357" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "//name" : "wisperaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wisperaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1358" : { > "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", > "//name" : "smokeprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokeprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1359" : { > "//name" : "farmtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift3", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift3" > }, > "1360" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1361" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1362" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "1363" : { > "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", > "//name" : "smokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1364" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1365" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1366" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1367" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1368" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1369" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1370" : { > "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", > "//name" : "foundryswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryswitch" > }, > "1371" : { > "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1372" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1373" : { > "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1374" : { > "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", > "//name" : "lavatankcascade", > "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatankcascade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1375" : { > "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1376" : { > "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlelarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlelarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1377" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1378" : { > "//description" : "Used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1379" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside...", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1380" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundrydoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrydoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1381" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1382" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metallic chair.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1383" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1384" : { > "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", > "//name" : "inventorstable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "inventorstable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1385" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1386" : { > "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armour and weapons from fabric and ores.", > "//name" : "craftinganvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftinganvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1387" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", > "//name" : "craftingfurniture", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurniture", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1388" : { > "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1389" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1390" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1391" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1392" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer1s" > }, > "1393" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer" > }, > "1394" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1395" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1396" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow.", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1397" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1398" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer5s" > }, > "1399" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydelay", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydelay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike3" > }, > "1400" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1401" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrynot", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrynot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1402" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1403" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", > "//name" : "craftingfarm", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1404" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1405" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer4s" > }, > "1406" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer3s" > }, > "1407" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryand", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1408" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "1409" : { > "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", > "//name" : "craftingmedical", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingmedical", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1410" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodednatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1411" : { > "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "geodeplantpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeplantpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1412" : { > "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", > "//name" : "geodedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1413" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodeenote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeenote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1414" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1415" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1416" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodednote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1417" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1418" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1419" : { > "//name" : "geodeanote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1420" : { > "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1421" : { > "//name" : "geodeanatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1422" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1423" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1424" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodefnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodefnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1425" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodegnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1426" : { > "//name" : "geodehnote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1427" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", > "//name" : "ironsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1428" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", > "//name" : "uraniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "uraniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1429" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", > "//name" : "violiumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "violiumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1430" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", > "//name" : "aegisaltsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aegisaltsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1431" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", > "//name" : "tungstensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1432" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", > "//name" : "goldsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1433" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment.\"", > "//name" : "corefragmentsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "corefragmentsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1434" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", > "//name" : "titaniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "titaniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1435" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", > "//name" : "solariumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "solariumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1436" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", > "//name" : "coalsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coalsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1437" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "1438" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", > "//name" : "plutoniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plutoniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1439" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", > "//name" : "feroziumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feroziumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1440" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", > "//name" : "platinumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1441" : { > "//name" : "geodehnatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1442" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", > "//name" : "coppersample", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1443" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", > "//name" : "diamondsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1444" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", > "//name" : "durasteelsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1445" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", > "//name" : "prisilitesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisilitesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1446" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", > "//name" : "geodebluesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebluesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1447" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1448" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", > "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeyellowsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1449" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1450" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1451" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1452" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1453" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", > "//name" : "geodegreensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegreensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1454" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", > "//name" : "geodepurplesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodepurplesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1455" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1456" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1457" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", > "//name" : "geodeorangesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeorangesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1458" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", > "//name" : "geoderedsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geoderedsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1459" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way.", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to produce armour and weapons.", > "//name" : "ironanvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironanvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1460" : { > "//description" : "A glowing opulent light made from crystal.", > "//name" : "opulentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1461" : { > "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1462" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1463" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1464" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1465" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1466" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1467" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1468" : { > "//description" : "A doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1469" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable wave bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1470" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1471" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1472" : { > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1473" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1474" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy serene door.", > "//name" : "serenedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenedoor" > }, > "1475" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1476" : { > "//description" : "A creepy doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1477" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1478" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1479" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1480" : { > "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1481" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilsand", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1482" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1483" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", > "//name" : "executivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1484" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1485" : { > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", > "//name" : "serenetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1486" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1487" : { > "//description" : "A serene, glowing light.", > "//name" : "serenelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1488" : { > "//description" : "A hollow circular lamp.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1489" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1490" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1491" : { > "//description" : "An arrow sign.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1492" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", > "//name" : "opulenttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulenttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1493" : { > "//description" : "An executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", > "//name" : "executiveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executiveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1494" : { > "//description" : "A broken fridge.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1495" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1496" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1497" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1498" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1499" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//name" : "tier7light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1500" : { > "//description" : "A broken chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1501" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1502" : { > "//description" : "A geometric door. Sturdy!", > "//name" : "geometricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricdoor" > }, > "1503" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1504" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1505" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1506" : { > "//description" : "A broken bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1507" : { > "//description" : "A broken television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1508" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1509" : { > "//description" : "A battered, decayed looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Decayed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "pleaseget", > "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "pleaseget" > }, > "1510" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1511" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", > "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedlandmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1512" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1513" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilmud", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1514" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1515" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1516" : { > "//description" : "A opulent console mounted on a suspended crystal.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1517" : { > "//description" : "A glowing geometric light.", > "//name" : "geometriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1518" : { > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1519" : { > "//description" : "A dazzling executive light.", > "//name" : "executivelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", > "//name" : "tier1light", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1light" > }, > "1520" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1521" : { > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1522" : { > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", > "//name" : "executivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1523" : { > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1524" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1525" : { > "//description" : "A super-strong opulent door.", > "//name" : "opulentdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1526" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1527" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Using it is calming.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1528" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. It has a strong curved design.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1529" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1530" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1531" : { > "//description" : "A creature capture pod can be placed into this device, tethering the pet within its radius.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1532" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1533" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1534" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1535" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1536" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1537" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1538" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1539" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1540" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1541" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1542" : { > "//description" : "A broken utility box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1543" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1544" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one piece", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1545" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1546" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1547" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1548" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1549" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1550" : { > "//description" : "A broken electric box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1551" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1552" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1553" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1554" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1555" : { > "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1556" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil7", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1557" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil8", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1558" : { > "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1559" : { > "//description" : "A broken register.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1560" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1561" : { > "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1562" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1563" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "1564" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "1565" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1566" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1567" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1568" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1569" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1570" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1571" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1572" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1573" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "1574" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1575" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1576" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1577" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1578" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1579" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp3" > }, > "1580" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1581" : { > "//description" : "Smoke", > "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1582" : { > "//description" : "A good source of information.", > "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1583" : { > "//description" : "A retro poster.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorateposter2" > }, > "1584" : { > "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateposter1" > }, > "1585" : { > "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", > "//name" : "protectoratecape", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecape", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1586" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1587" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1588" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1589" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", > "//name" : "greentip", > "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greentip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1590" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1591" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1592" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1593" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1594" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1595" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1596" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1597" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1598" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1599" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", > "//name" : "ixolingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", > "//name" : "polarmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "polarmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1600" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", > "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexsentryaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1601" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", > "//name" : "snuffishaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snuffishaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1602" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1603" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1604" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1605" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1606" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1607" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1608" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1609" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A tar door.", > "//name" : "tardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tardoor" > }, > "1610" : { > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1611" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1612" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "1613" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush17", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush17", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1614" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1615" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1616" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1617" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1618" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1619" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot2" > }, > "1620" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1621" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1622" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1623" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1624" : { > "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", > "//name" : "tentacleegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentacleegg" > }, > "1625" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrock" > }, > "1626" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrock" > }, > "1627" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrocksmall" > }, > "1628" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1629" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns2" > }, > "1630" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1631" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1632" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1633" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1634" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1635" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1636" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1637" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1638" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrocksmall" > }, > "1639" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush14", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush14", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1640" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1641" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "1642" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1643" : { > "//name" : "heckbush6", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1644" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1645" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1646" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush12", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1647" : { > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1648" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far... Into Space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1649" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrocksmall" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1650" : { > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1651" : { > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1652" : { > "//name" : "heckbush10", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1653" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrocksmall" > }, > "1654" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush11", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1655" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "1656" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrock" > }, > "1657" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush15", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush15", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1658" : { > "//name" : "heckbush7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1659" : { > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1660" : { > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1661" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrock" > }, > "1662" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1663" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1664" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1665" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrocksmall" > }, > "1666" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1667" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrock" > }, > "1668" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1669" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1670" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush13", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1671" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1672" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush16", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush16", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1673" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush18", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush18", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1674" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1675" : { > "//description" : "Ruin spawner.", > "//name" : "bossrightspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossrightspawner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1676" : { > "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", > "//name" : "brainsynapse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brainsynapse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1677" : { > "//name" : "mothlamp", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1678" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1679" : { > "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", > "//name" : "mothtrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mothtrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "An alien plant door.", > "//name" : "aliendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aliendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1680" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1681" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1682" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1683" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1684" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1685" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarlamp" > }, > "1686" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secretdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "secretdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1687" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secrettrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1688" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1689" : { > "//description" : "Stops and starts rail riders", > "//name" : "railstop", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Stop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railstop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", > "//name" : "irondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1690" : { > "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1691" : { > "//description" : "Detects rail riders as they pass through", > "//name" : "railsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1692" : { > "//description" : "Caps rail endpoints to send riders back the way they came", > "//name" : "railbumper", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Bumper", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railbumper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1693" : { > "//description" : "Directs rail riders to different paths", > "//name" : "railswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1694" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1695" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1696" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1697" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1698" : { > "//description" : "A family business. Sells refined ores for crafting.", > "//name" : "ursaminer", > "//shortdescription" : "Ursa Miner", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ursaminer", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1699" : { > "//description" : "A family business. Sells refined ores for crafting.", > "//name" : "ursaminerclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ursa Miner", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ursaminerclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike2" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1700" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "terramartclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Terra Mart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramartclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1701" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishingclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1702" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "2stopshopclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed 2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshopclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1703" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "penguinbayclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbayclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1704" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "signstoreclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Sign Store", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstoreclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1705" : { > "//description" : "Offers upgrades to rare weapons.", > "//name" : "penguinweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Biggy's Reputable Weaponry", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinweaponshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1706" : { > "//name" : "techupgradeconsole", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1707" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab equipment.", > "//name" : "techlab", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlab", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1708" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1709" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1710" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a shop.", > "//name" : "penguinweaponshopclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Biggy's Reputable Weapons", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinweaponshopclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1711" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These creatures have ethereal bodies that they mould into armour when threatened.\"", > "//name" : "gosmetaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gosmet Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gosmetaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1712" : { > "//description" : "A cute little teddy bear.", > "//name" : "teddybearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Teddy Bear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teddybearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1713" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab hologram", > "//name" : "techlabhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Interface", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "techlabhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1714" : { > "//description" : "Purchase tech consoles using this interface.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1715" : { > "//description" : "Equip your tech on this console.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Equip Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1716" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist.", > "//name" : "techlabscientist", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Scientist", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientist", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1717" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist.", > "//name" : "techlabscientist_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Scientist", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientist", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1718" : { > "//description" : "Equip and enhance your techs at this station. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "techconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1719" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist shop.", > "//name" : "techlabscientistshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Shop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientistshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1720" : { > "//description" : "Tech lab scientist shop.", > "//name" : "techlabscientistshop_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Lab Shop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabscientistshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1721" : { > "//description" : "It's a perfectly generic item, perhaps a bit too perfect.", > "//name" : "perfectlygenericitem", > "//shortdescription" : "Perfectly Generic Item", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "perfectlygenericitem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1722" : { > "//description" : "Offline tech console dispenser.", > "//name" : "techlabconsole1offline", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techlabconsole1offline", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1723" : { > "//description" : "A light which indicates the status of a switch.", > "//name" : "statuslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "statuslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1724" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce rails, rail riding items and related objects.", > "//name" : "railcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Rail Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "railcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1725" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable common fluffalo calf - a good source of plant fibre once fully grown.", > "//name" : "fluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1726" : { > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", > "//name" : "cropshipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart Shipments", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cropshipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1727" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", > "//name" : "alpacacomponentrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Component Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacacomponentrune" > }, > "1728" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of life.", > "//name" : "alpacaliferune", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaliferune" > }, > "1729" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", > "//name" : "alpacaknowledgerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Knowledge Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaknowledgerune" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1730" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of ruin.", > "//name" : "alpacaruinrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Ruin Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaruinrune" > }, > "1731" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", > "//name" : "alpacagrowthrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Growth Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacagrowthrune" > }, > "1732" : { > "//description" : "An ancient rune that is the symbol of one's home.", > "//name" : "alpacahomerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Home Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacahomerune" > }, > "1733" : { > "//description" : "A folding chair made for lounging. Looks relaxing.", > "//name" : "deckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1734" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "largecooler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "largecooler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1735" : { > "//description" : "Display and easily equip armour sets!", > "//name" : "mannequin", > "//shortdescription" : "Mannequin", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mannequin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1736" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A powerful winged guardian built in the image of the Avian god Kluex.\"", > "//name" : "kluexavataraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Avatar Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexavataraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1737" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A gigantic arthropod which can regrow its tough exoskeleton in seconds if damaged.\"", > "//name" : "ixodoomaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Erchius Horror Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixodoomaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1738" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A parasitic aberration grown from within Erchius crystals.\"", > "//name" : "erchiushorroraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Erchius Horror Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "erchiushorroraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1739" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The cold-hearted human leader of the Occasus cult. She wields a solarium-infused katana.\"", > "//name" : "asranoxaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Asra Nox Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "asranoxaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1740" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The infamous Penguin pirate Dreadwing, in his unmistakeable UFO.\"", > "//name" : "dreadwingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreadwing Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreadwingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1741" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An experimental Penguin mech, wielding a flamethrower arm and a pneumatic fist.\"", > "//name" : "shockhoppermkiaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Shockhopper MK I Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shockhoppermkiaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1742" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A towering, fire-breathing robot Dragon, designed to look like a reanimated skeleton.\"", > "//name" : "bonedragonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Dragon Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedragonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1743" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The figurehead of the Miniknog regime. Requires holographic projectors to remain stable.\"", > "//name" : "bigapeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Figurine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1744" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1745" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1746" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1747" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1748" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1749" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "tier5switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1750" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1751" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1752" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a robot chick and matures into a robot hen. The adult hen lays AA batteries.", > "//name" : "robothenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Robot Hen Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "robothenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1753" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a tiny chick and matures into a hen. The adult hen lays delicious eggs.", > "//name" : "henegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Hen Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "henegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1754" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a mooshi calf, which grows into an adult mooshi. Mooshi produce milk.", > "//name" : "mooshiegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Mooshi Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mooshiegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1755" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable ice fluffalo calf - a good source of cryonic extract once fully grown.", > "//name" : "icefluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icefluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1756" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable poison fluffalo calf - a good source of venom samples once fully grown.", > "//name" : "poisonfluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Poison Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonfluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1757" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden hatch.", > "//name" : "woodenverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1758" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable electric fluffalo calf - a good source of static cells once fully grown.", > "//name" : "electricfluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricfluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1759" : { > "//description" : "Cocoa beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcocoaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cocoa Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcocoaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1760" : { > "//description" : "A cocoa plant. Once ripe, the pods can be turned into chocolate.", > "//name" : "cocoaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cocoa Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cocoaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1761" : { > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable fire fluffalo calf - a good source of scorched cores once fully grown.", > "//name" : "firefluffaloegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Fire Fluffalo Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "firefluffaloegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1762" : { > "//description" : "This would be a neat venue for a stall.", > "//name" : "arcadegameclosed", > "//shortdescription" : "Closed Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegameclosed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1763" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "wiredcustomsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wiredcustomsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1764" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a silver ore.\"", > "//name" : "silversample", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silversample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "ironbeacon", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", > "//name" : "dreidel", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreidel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//name" : "tier6table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Eight marker.", > "//name" : "number8", > "//shortdescription" : "Eight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number8" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike1" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard4" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike2" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", > "//name" : "redwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower1" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp2" > }, > "201" : { > "//name" : "heckchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", > "//name" : "rusttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "customsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "customsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "helpme", > "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "helpme" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass4" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike2" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift2", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A tiny lamppost. Try not to kick it over.", > "//name" : "smalllamppost", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lamppost", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalllamppost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", > "//name" : "ironlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironlight" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", > "//name" : "holidaypole", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaypole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A service panel.", > "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Service Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostservicepanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Rubbish Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", > "//name" : "wrecktable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecktable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", > "//name" : "snowskater", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowskater", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giftmonsterbox" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", > "//name" : "tinywallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike2" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A hi-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", > "//name" : "3dprinter", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Printer^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "3dprinter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "24" : { > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp1" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "tier6switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", > "//name" : "snowglobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", > "//name" : "thornbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "smallwallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallbutton" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "256" : { > "//name" : "tier9light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", > "//name" : "scanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scanner" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "stonefurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike3" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "//name" : "proximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", > "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike3" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//name" : "tier10switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower2" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//name" : "tier6door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", > "//name" : "crystaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//name" : "tier9bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "//name" : "landmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "landmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", > "//name" : "wreckvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvent" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", > "//name" : "bigredbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigredbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", > "//name" : "watercooler", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watercooler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//name" : "tier5table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", > "//name" : "glowbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbug" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter will get you back to the ship when you're ready to leave.", > "//name" : "exitteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "exitteleporter" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", > "//name" : "ashsprite", > "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashsprite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", > "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", > "//name" : "bathroomurinal", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomurinal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", > "//name" : "smashcrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashcrystal" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower3" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike1" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stocking2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", > "//name" : "tier4light", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4light", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//name" : "tier9table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "arcadegame", > "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A small damaged table.", > "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Mechanical Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "339" : { > "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//name" : "tier9switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", > "//name" : "icetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//name" : "robot", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", > "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", > "//name" : "ironswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", > "//name" : "rainbowdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowdoor" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", > "//name" : "cultistaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", > "//name" : "dewhopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dewhopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "Can be used to develop highly specialized equipment.", > "//name" : "researchstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "researchstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", > "//name" : "phoenixfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "phoenixfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", > "//name" : "aurorabee", > "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aurorabee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", > "//name" : "cinderfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cinderfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//name" : "aviandungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", > "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallfloorbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", > "//name" : "invisiblesparker", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesparker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "tier8switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", > "//name" : "stinkjack", > "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stinkjack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "teacup1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teacup1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "A dim red light.", > "//name" : "redlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "375" : { > "//name" : "tier7table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "377" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite2" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike2" > }, > "38" : { > "//name" : "tier7switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "One marker.", > "//name" : "number1", > "//shortdescription" : "One", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number1" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "385" : { > "//name" : "apexdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "386" : { > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere2" > }, > "39" : { > "//name" : "tier7door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-48", > "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", > "//name" : "shieldgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shieldgenerator" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike1" > }, > "395" : { > "//description" : "Five marker.", > "//name" : "number5", > "//shortdescription" : "Five", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number5" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", > "//name" : "tier3door", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3door" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root5" > }, > "40" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "hulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "41" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "410" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "411" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell4", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "417" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "418" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "419" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike1" > }, > "42" : { > "//name" : "tier6chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "420" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "421" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "422" : { > "//name" : "tier9door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "423" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "424" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "425" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", > "//name" : "xenofly", > "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "xenofly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "426" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "427" : { > "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", > "//name" : "drain", > "//shortdescription" : "Drain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drain" > }, > "428" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "429" : { > "//description" : "Four marker.", > "//name" : "number4", > "//shortdescription" : "Four", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number4" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "430" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "431" : { > "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "432" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "433" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "434" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "435" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "436" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "437" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", > "//name" : "mudstag", > "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mudstag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "438" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", > "//name" : "bathroomsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "439" : { > "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//name" : "tier5light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "440" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "441" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "442" : { > "//name" : "tier10light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "443" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitch" > }, > "444" : { > "//description" : "Six marker.", > "//name" : "number6", > "//shortdescription" : "Six", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number6" > }, > "445" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti message.", > "//name" : "thewayisblocked", > "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "thewayisblocked", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "446" : { > "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", > "//name" : "giantsanta", > "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantsanta", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "447" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "448" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "449" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//name" : "tier5door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "450" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "451" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "452" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "453" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "454" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", > "//name" : "heathugger", > "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heathugger", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "455" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "456" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell5", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "457" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "458" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "459" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "460" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "461" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere4" > }, > "462" : { > "//name" : "tier8light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "463" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "464" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "465" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "466" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "467" : { > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "468" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "469" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "47" : { > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "470" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "471" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "472" : { > "//description" : "A small barred vent.", > "//name" : "barvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barvent" > }, > "473" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "474" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", > "//name" : "goldbuck", > "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldbuck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "475" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "476" : { > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "477" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike4" > }, > "478" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root4" > }, > "479" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard5" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", > "//name" : "tier4table", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "480" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "481" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "482" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket4", > "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket4" > }, > "483" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "484" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign3", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "485" : { > "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", > "//name" : "terramart", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramart", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "486" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot3" > }, > "487" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", > "//name" : "dustmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "488" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "489" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", > "//name" : "tier3table", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "490" : { > "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", > "//name" : "gasgiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasgiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "491" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "492" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "493" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "494" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "495" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "496" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", > "//name" : "vineclimber", > "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vineclimber", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "497" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "498" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "499" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell8", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", > "//name" : "tier3light", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3light" > }, > "500" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "501" : { > "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "//name" : "statuspod", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "statuspod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "502" : { > "//name" : "tier8chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "503" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "504" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "505" : { > "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", > "//name" : "wreckscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "506" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "507" : { > "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", > "//name" : "loudspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "loudspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "508" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "509" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard2" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "//name" : "tier2table", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "510" : { > "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "511" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", > "//name" : "fleshtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "512" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", > "//name" : "woodencookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "513" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root10", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root10" > }, > "514" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "515" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflame" > }, > "516" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "517" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "518" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "519" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "520" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "521" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "522" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike4" > }, > "523" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", > "//name" : "snowglobe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "524" : { > "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", > "//name" : "screenplanet", > "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screenplanet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "525" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "526" : { > "//name" : "decoyprincess", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "527" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "528" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", > "//name" : "butterbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "529" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", > "//name" : "driftbell", > "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "driftbell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", > "//name" : "tier2light", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2light" > }, > "530" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", > "//name" : "frostfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "531" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite4" > }, > "532" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", > "//name" : "hivehog", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivehog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "533" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alienbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "534" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", > "//name" : "basicmetalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicmetalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "535" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", > "//name" : "muddancer", > "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "muddancer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "536" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", > "//name" : "orphanfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orphanfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "537" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", > "//name" : "sandclown", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandclown", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "538" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "539" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", > "//name" : "seahornet", > "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seahornet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "//name" : "tier2door", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2door" > }, > "540" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", > "//name" : "shellcreep", > "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shellcreep", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "541" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "542" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "testbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "testbug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "543" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "544" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "545" : { > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "546" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "547" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "548" : { > "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "549" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike3" > }, > "550" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "551" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "552" : { > "//name" : "alloyfurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "553" : { > "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", > "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "554" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "555" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce capture pods, healing stations and other pet related items.", > "//name" : "capturestation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capturestation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "556" : { > "//description" : "Used to make fossil excavation tools and display cases.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "557" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", > "//name" : "tidefly", > "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tidefly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "558" : { > "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", > "//name" : "infinityexpress", > "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "infinityexpress", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "559" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "560" : { > "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark.", > "//name" : "bioshroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "561" : { > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "562" : { > "//name" : "separatortable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "563" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "564" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "565" : { > "//name" : "skyrailtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "566" : { > "//description" : "Used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "567" : { > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "568" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite1" > }, > "569" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "570" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "571" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "572" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "573" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "574" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "575" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "576" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "577" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "578" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" > }, > "579" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "580" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "581" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "582" : { > "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", > "//name" : "irontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "583" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "584" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "585" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "586" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "587" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", > "//name" : "sunskipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sunskipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "588" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "589" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", > "//name" : "nowayout", > "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "nowayout", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "590" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "591" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "592" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" > }, > "593" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "594" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike4" > }, > "595" : { > "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > "//name" : "persistentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "persistentswitch" > }, > "596" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "597" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "598" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "599" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", > "//name" : "frostfleck", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfleck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "600" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "601" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "602" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "603" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "604" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "605" : { > "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "606" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "607" : { > "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", > "//name" : "celldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "608" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "609" : { > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "610" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike1" > }, > "611" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "612" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "613" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "614" : { > "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowvinelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvinelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "615" : { > "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "616" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "617" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "618" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere3" > }, > "619" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", > "//name" : "lavahopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavahopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "620" : { > "//name" : "tier8door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "621" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "622" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "623" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron door.", > "//name" : "tier1door", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1door" > }, > "624" : { > "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "smallholidaytree", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallholidaytree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "625" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" > }, > "626" : { > "//name" : "dungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "627" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", > "//name" : "redcandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "628" : { > "//description" : "Knock it down!", > "//name" : "bowlingpin", > "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bowlingpin" > }, > "629" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "630" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "631" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflameapex3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "632" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "633" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "634" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "635" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", > "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "636" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "637" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "redcandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "638" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "639" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "640" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "641" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "642" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "643" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "644" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "645" : { > "//description" : "Zero marker.", > "//name" : "number0", > "//shortdescription" : "Zero", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number0" > }, > "646" : { > "//description" : "Two marker.", > "//name" : "number2", > "//shortdescription" : "Two", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number2" > }, > "647" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", > "//name" : "icetip", > "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "648" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "649" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", > "//name" : "scuttleploom", > "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scuttleploom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "650" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "651" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "652" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "653" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "654" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "655" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "656" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "LED Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "657" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "658" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "659" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow table makes every meal a joy.", > "//name" : "rainbowtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "660" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "661" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "662" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "663" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "664" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "665" : { > "//name" : "florandungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "666" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "667" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "668" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "669" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//name" : "peanutbutter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "670" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "671" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "672" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", > "//name" : "shardwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shardwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "673" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "674" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike4" > }, > "675" : { > "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", > "//name" : "frogmerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogmerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "676" : { > "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "677" : { > "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "giantsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "giantsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "678" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "679" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "680" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "681" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "682" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "683" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "684" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some large figure.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Figure Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "685" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "686" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a tentacled being.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "687" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a tentacled being.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "688" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", > "//name" : "markergroundplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "markergroundplaque", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "689" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard1" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "690" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "691" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "692" : { > "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", > "//name" : "pethouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "693" : { > "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", > "//name" : "poop", > "//shortdescription" : "Poop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "694" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "695" : { > "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", > "//name" : "slidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "696" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "697" : { > "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", > "//name" : "tvstation", > "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tvstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "698" : { > "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", > "//name" : "volcanopod", > "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanopod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "699" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "700" : { > "//description" : "A manufactured paneled door.", > "//name" : "wooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Paneled Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "701" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard3" > }, > "702" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "703" : { > "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "smallsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "704" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "705" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "706" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "707" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "708" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "709" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "710" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "711" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "712" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "713" : { > "//description" : "Nine marker.", > "//name" : "number9", > "//shortdescription" : "Nine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number9" > }, > "714" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike3" > }, > "715" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" > }, > "716" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell2", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "717" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root3" > }, > "718" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "719" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodengate", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodengate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "720" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "721" : { > "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", > "//name" : "teapot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teapot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "722" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "723" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "724" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "725" : { > "//description" : "A busted UFO.", > "//name" : "UFOprop", > "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "UFOprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "726" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stocking1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "727" : { > "//description" : "Three marker.", > "//name" : "number3", > "//shortdescription" : "Three", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number3" > }, > "728" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "729" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "730" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "731" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "732" : { > "//description" : "A set of candles.", > "//name" : "holidaycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "733" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "734" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "735" : { > "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", > "//name" : "eyetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "736" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass2" > }, > "737" : { > "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", > "//name" : "menorah", > "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "menorah", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "738" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "739" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "740" : { > "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "redball", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "741" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "742" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", > "//name" : "greencandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "743" : { > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "744" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "745" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "746" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "747" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite3" > }, > "748" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "749" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike1" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "750" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "751" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "752" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite3" > }, > "753" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" > }, > "754" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "755" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "756" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" > }, > "757" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "758" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "759" : { > "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", > "//name" : "snowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike3" > }, > "760" : { > "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "761" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "762" : { > "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", > "//name" : "rustdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustdoor" > }, > "763" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel. One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "764" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "765" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "766" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "767" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "768" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "769" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "770" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "771" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "goldball", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "772" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "773" : { > "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", > "//name" : "tier4door", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4door" > }, > "774" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "775" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "776" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "777" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "778" : { > "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alientable", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alientable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "779" : { > "//name" : "testconsole1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "780" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "781" : { > "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", > "//name" : "alienglowplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienglowplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "782" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "783" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "784" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "785" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "786" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "787" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "788" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "789" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "790" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "791" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "792" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "793" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "794" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "795" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "biovine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "796" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "797" : { > "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", > "//name" : "butterflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterflybush" > }, > "798" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "799" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "80" : { > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "800" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "801" : { > "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", > "//name" : "celltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "802" : { > "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", > "//name" : "crystallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "803" : { > "//description" : "A bed adorned with eyes. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "804" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "805" : { > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "806" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "807" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root6", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root6" > }, > "808" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "809" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", > "//name" : "fleshdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshdoor" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "810" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "811" : { > "//description" : "A very well-made geometric table.", > "//name" : "geometrictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometrictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "812" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "813" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, that means you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "814" : { > "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "815" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere1" > }, > "816" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", > "//name" : "blueback", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "817" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "818" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "819" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "820" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "821" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "822" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "823" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass1" > }, > "824" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "825" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass3" > }, > "826" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "827" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "828" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike4" > }, > "829" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell3", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "830" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "831" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" > }, > "832" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "833" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", > "//name" : "fawnfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fawnfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "834" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "835" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "836" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "837" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "838" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "839" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "840" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "841" : { > "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", > "//name" : "fancysnowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fancysnowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "842" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift1" > }, > "843" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift4", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift4" > }, > "844" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "845" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "846" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "847" : { > "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", > "//name" : "cavelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "cavelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "848" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "849" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", > "//name" : "sandstonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "850" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root1" > }, > "851" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root2" > }, > "852" : { > "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", > "//name" : "antenna", > "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "antenna", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "853" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "854" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "855" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "856" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "857" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "858" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step!", > "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitywallsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "859" : { > "//name" : "metalworkstation", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "860" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root7", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root7" > }, > "861" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root8", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root8" > }, > "862" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root9", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root9" > }, > "863" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike1" > }, > "864" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike3" > }, > "865" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "866" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "867" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "868" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "869" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell6", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "870" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite1" > }, > "871" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" > }, > "872" : { > "//name" : "molemerchant", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "873" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike2" > }, > "874" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" > }, > "875" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike4" > }, > "876" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" > }, > "877" : { > "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", > "//name" : "2stopshop", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "878" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "879" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "880" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinguisher. Not for fun and games.", > "//name" : "fireextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fireextinguisher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "881" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "882" : { > "//description" : "Seven marker.", > "//name" : "number7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number7" > }, > "883" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "884" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "885" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "886" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Free Standing Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "887" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "888" : { > "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "889" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "890" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "891" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "892" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite4" > }, > "893" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingslime3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "894" : { > "//description" : "A vent.", > "//name" : "roofvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roofvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "895" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "896" : { > "//description" : "Got something rare? We've got something rarer.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "897" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "898" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "899" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", > "//name" : "shadowmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "900" : { > "//name" : "brokenshiplight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "901" : { > "//name" : "tier10door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "902" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Campfire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "903" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "904" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "905" : { > "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", > "//name" : "tinywallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallbutton" > }, > "906" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "907" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "908" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "909" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", > "//name" : "redcandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "biovine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "910" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "911" : { > "//name" : "tier6light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "912" : { > "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "913" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > }, > "914" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "915" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "916" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "917" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "918" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "919" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", > "//name" : "turnback", > "//shortdescription" : "turnback", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "turnback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "920" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "921" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "922" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "923" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "924" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "925" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "926" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "927" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp.", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "928" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "929" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", > "//name" : "randomfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "randomfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "930" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "931" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "932" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "933" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some large figure.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Figure Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "934" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "935" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "936" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "937" : { > "//description" : "Strange oversized flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "938" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "939" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns4", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns4" > }, > "940" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "941" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "942" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "943" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "944" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "945" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "946" : { > "//name" : "chattestbug", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "947" : { > "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "948" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "949" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", > "//name" : "vent", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vent" > }, > "950" : { > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "951" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "952" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "953" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "954" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "955" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "956" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "957" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "958" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "959" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "960" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "961" : { > "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "962" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "963" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "964" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "965" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "966" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "967" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "968" : { > "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > "//name" : "delay", > "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "delay" > }, > "969" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron table.", > "//name" : "tier1table", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "970" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "971" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "972" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "973" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "974" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "975" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "976" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "977" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "978" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "979" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "980" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "981" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "982" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "983" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "984" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "985" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "986" : { > "//description" : "Place in an enclosed building with at least one door and light source and someone will move in!", > "//name" : "colonydeed", > "//shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "colonydeed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "987" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "988" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblesound", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "989" : { > "//description" : "Floor marker.", > "//name" : "floor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floor" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A broken tank.", > "//name" : "brokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "990" : { > "//description" : "Floop marker.", > "//name" : "floop", > "//shortdescription" : "Floop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floop" > }, > "991" : { > "//name" : "penguinplush", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "992" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "993" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "994" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "995" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "996" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "997" : { > "//description" : "A stepladder.", > "//name" : "stepladder", > "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stepladder", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "998" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "999" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 11357,15253c14846,20140 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch_orientation2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fireflybush.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flameroach.png" < }, < "1000" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/frogfurnishing.png" < }, < "1001" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/islandchair.png" < }, < "1002" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "1003" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipyardcaptain.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\glitch.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 192, --- > "tilecount" : 225, 10,1661c10,1793 < "0" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble51", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble51" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Common, primitive tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Craftsman Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "This way to the library. It might be good to read up on local history!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A Glitch chair .Makes your butt ache pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Tools necessary for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The Rook. It can move sideways... unlike me.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle1", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle1" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Armour! 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You can decorate them with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a dusty smell. It doesn't look very strong.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A bed for criminal scum!", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Jail Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The King!", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "An anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how many wars this standard has seen.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporter" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "This crystal seems like it might do something if I touch it.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of... fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Hay is for horses! ... Where are the horses?", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple31", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple31" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's a gateway to another world in here.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "All Hail King Glitch, one thousand-and-twenty-second of his name!", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your fanciness on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble12", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble12" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "These display swords look very pointy.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A solid bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the forge is this way.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the forge is this way.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest my head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest my head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble32", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble32" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle5", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle5" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", < "//name" : "goldenpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "Poor Pawn, you're the most important piece to me!", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A Bishop, watch your diagonals!", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden chest.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "The Queen, the most powerful piece on the board.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "If you told this stock a funny joke, it'd be... a Laughing Stock. I'm hilarious.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple53", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple53" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... the axe looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A feast for Robots?", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple13", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple13" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "glitchtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstation" < }, < "183" : { < "//name" : "npctestnuru", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "184" : { < "//name" : "npctesttonowak", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple11", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple11" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", < "//name" : "shadowchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shadowchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "If this were a videogame, this might fall down and crush someone.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It never stops.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble31", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble31" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble41", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble41" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning sticks.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A huge door! It's somewhat intimidating.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Large Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking Glitch cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", < "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dirttrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble42", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble42" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A roll of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", < "//name" : "trapchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trapchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A model of a world inhabited by the Glitch.", < "//name" : "medievalglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The crackle of the fire puts me at ease.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe. Watch out for clowns.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe. Watch out for clowns.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "It's a guillotine! Lets rest here.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of... juice. Mmm, juice.", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple32", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple32" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells produce! What sort of produce do robots eat, though?", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells produce! What sort of produce do robots eat, though?", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A test fossil", < "//name" : "testfossil", < "//shortdescription" : "Test Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "testfossil" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple33", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple33" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "These signs don't actually say anything about the places they are pointing to.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A furnace meant for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A strong door from a Glitch castle.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Castle Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Trying to hide in this pile of hay following a failed crime spree is not a solid plan.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble22", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble22" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossilsingle3", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilsingle3" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "... Do robots really need toilets?", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple43", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple43" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "I get an ominous feeling looking at this sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Poison Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. I hope there's not a pirate inside.", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A map of the world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple51", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple51" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The Knight. He can jump over pieces... I can too!", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of pictures...", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple22", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple22" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, how I've missed it.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple23", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple23" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This way to the library. It might be good to read up on local history!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, this shop up ahead sells weapons!", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, this shop up ahead sells weapons!", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple52", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple52" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Made to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossiltriple12", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossiltriple12" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "description", < "//name" : "fossildouble21", < "//shortdescription" : "fossil name", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossildouble21" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "114" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "119" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "121" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "122" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporter" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", > "//name" : "medievalplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalplate" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "161" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "162" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", > "//name" : "goldenpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstation" > }, > "183" : { > "//name" : "npctestnuru", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "184" : { > "//name" : "npctesttonowak", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", > "//name" : "shadowchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shadowchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", > "//name" : "scarecrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scarecrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "202" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "207" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", > "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dirttrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", > "//name" : "trapchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trapchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "51" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "54" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "66" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. 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"86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalaxedisplay.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcandle.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashbag.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signlibrary.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop_orientation2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbed.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/farmtools.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castledungeondoor.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaldesk.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalwallshelf.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 260, --- > "tilecount" : 279, 10,2295c10,2393 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", < "//name" : "prisonbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (One Second)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer1s" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox only seems to have songs from a band called the 'Jon Afro Band'.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "It's a chainlink fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chainlink Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "xor", < "//shortdescription" : "X Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "xor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Half Second)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbath", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbath", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "dlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, 'Cell Block'.", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "humantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstation" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", < "//name" : "spawnerwizard", < "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerwizard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", < "//name" : "pixelcompressor", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pixelcompressor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerhuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "not", < "//shortdescription" : "Not Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "not", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Glitch villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "'No Escape' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "It says, 'REMINDER TO ALL INMATES: You're here for life.'", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Human design.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "or", < "//shortdescription" : "Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "or", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own pirate!", < "//name" : "spawnerpirate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pirate Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerpirate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", < "//name" : "spawnerchef", < "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerchef", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A door. It's broken. Useful.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "spawnerstim", < "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstim", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "and", < "//shortdescription" : "And Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "and", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light with a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This brightly colored tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading 'turn back'. Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "'Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good'", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", < "//name" : "techconsolehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techconsolehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", < "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstationTier0" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, 'Mess Hall'.", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbathdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbathdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "humanteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporter" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign that says 'HAZARD!'", < "//name" : "mininghazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mininghazardsign" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The words 'get out' have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It's just a support beam.", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metallic Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", < "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerdoctor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", < "//name" : "spawnertools", < "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnertools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "captainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "captainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "countdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "countdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", < "//name" : "monsterspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monsterspawner" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", < "//name" : "spawneravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawneravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Five Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer5s" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", < "//name" : "miningfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningfence", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "bulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bulb" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", < "//name" : "spawnerguard", < "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerguard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Four Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer4s" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The sign says 'DANGER'. Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Two Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer2s" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "timer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (Three Seconds)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer3s" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", > "//name" : "glasspanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glasspanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", > "//name" : "timer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer1s" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "//name" : "xor", > "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "xor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Drops of water.", > "//name" : "drip1", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbath", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbath", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > "//name" : "dlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A flashy electronic recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "LED Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstation" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", > "//name" : "spawnerwizard", > "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerwizard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", > "//name" : "pixelcompressor", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pixelcompressor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerhuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerhuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "not", > "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "not", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Glitch villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A notice written in ink.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "//name" : "or", > "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "or", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//name" : "spawnerpirate", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", > "//name" : "spawnerchef", > "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerchef", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "174" : { > "//name" : "spawnerstim", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "//name" : "and", > "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "and", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A small golden spotlight.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", > "//name" : "prisonpipefence", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpipefence" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//name" : "techconsolehuman", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstationTier0" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbathdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbathdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporter" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "spawnertools", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > "//name" : "countdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "countdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "Blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A smoke machine.", > "//name" : "smokemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "265" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This soft light is useful for illuminating small areas.", > "//name" : "tier1spotlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1spotlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "humanshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", > "//name" : "monsterspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monsterspawner" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", > "//name" : "spawneravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawneravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Waz.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", > "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti5" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer5s" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A device to scan eyeballs and match them to personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongrateh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongrateh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints and matches them to personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > "//name" : "bulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bulb" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A monitor displaying a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti3" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A normal looking toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", > "//name" : "spawnerguard", > "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerguard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer4s" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer2s" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : 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Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade here.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. 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The text is written in the Hylotl language.", < "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warning Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A neon 'open' sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink1", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Pond' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3g" < }, < "123" : { < "//name" : "testconsole2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Croak' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. 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Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "salesign" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", < "//name" : "hockeytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hockeytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Ribbit' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock2" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "treeprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bushprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A traditional hylotl table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "An old bookcase library bookcase", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock4" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "pumpsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pumpsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase that is damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGEdamage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-240", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGEdamage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "187" : { < "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "An old Hylotl radio playing music", < "//name" : "hylotlradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", < "//name" : "hylotlredalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlredalert", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A hefty pressurized door.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A shelf made of copper.", < "//name" : "coppershelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppershelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "An index filled with cards", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink3", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film '10 Things I Hate About Florans'.", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, 'The Moleman Prophecy'.", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie 'Cybernetic Apocalypse'.", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", < "//name" : "football", < "//shortdescription" : "Football", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "football", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Lily' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock3" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink5", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", < "//name" : "hylotlbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "hylotllantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllantern1" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink4", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "hylotltechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstation" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frogspawn swirls inside.", < "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Hyltol design.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A Starbound arcade machine. How meta.", < "//name" : "arcadestarbound", < "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadestarbound", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock5" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Hylotl villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerhylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl 'Leap' Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it says 'BUBBLE'...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it says 'RIBBIT'...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "It's a round window.", < "//name" : "porthole", < "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "porthole" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of human design.", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporter" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock1" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", < "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshorttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting1" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", < "//name" : "clubdecks", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubdecks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A table that resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of the Mindwurm.", < "//name" : "mindwurmplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mindwurmplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A beam meant for structural support.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", > "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", > "//name" : "numiplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "numiplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink1", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mount Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "123" : { > "//name" : "testconsole2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", > "//name" : "hylotlconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", > "//name" : "hockeytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hockeytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plainorbplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase that is damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGEdamage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-240", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGEdamage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "187" : { > "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", > "//name" : "hylotlredalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlredalert", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "//name" : "pressuredoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pressuredoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", > "//name" : "largetentacleprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largetentacleprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", > "//name" : "coppershelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppershelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink3", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", > "//name" : "arcadeorange", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeorange", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "protectoratehalllight", > "//shortdescription" : "Hall Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehalllight" > }, > "203" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "204" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "205" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "206" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "207" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, > "21" : { > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A stand displaying Hylotl armour.", > "//name" : "hylotluniformstand", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Armour Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotluniformstand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", > "//name" : "hologramprojector", > "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologramprojector" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A cute little teddy bear.", > "//name" : "teddybearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Teddy Bear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teddybearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", > "//name" : "football", > "//shortdescription" : "Football", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "football", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink5", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", > "//name" : "hylotlbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink4", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstation" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", > "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numisign", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "numisign" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Hylotl villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerhylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerhylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", > "//name" : "arcadepurple", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadepurple", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "It's a round window.", > "//name" : "porthole", > "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "porthole" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporter" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > } 1753,2358c1989,2681 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsign3b.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlfashionhologram.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlstyleposter.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlcalligraphy5.png" < }, < "122" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsign3g.png" < }, < "123" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "124" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlcalligraphy2.png" < }, < "125" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salesign.png" < }, < "126" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salesign_orientation1.png" < }, < "127" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salesign_orientation2.png" < }, < "128" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlconsole.png" < }, < "129" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotllilydeco1.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hockeytable.png" < }, < "130" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlcaptainschair.png" < }, < "131" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlcalligraphy1.png" < }, < "132" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock2.png" < }, < "133" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlemblem.png" < }, < "134" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcase.png" < }, < "135" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ornatetorch.png" < }, < "136" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "137" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ornatetorch_orientation2.png" < }, < "138" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ornatetorch_orientation3.png" < }, < "139" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ornatetorch_orientation4.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plainorbplush.png" < }, < "140" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ornatetorch_orientation5.png" < }, < "141" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotltrashcan_orientation1.png" < }, < "162" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/quillandink.png" < }, < "163" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassicdesk.png" < }, < "164" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/greenredlight.png" < }, < "165" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/greenredlight_orientation2.png" < }, < "166" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/greenredlight_orientation3.png" < }, < "167" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassicpainting1.png" < }, < "168" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floodlightsmallflickering.png" < }, < "169" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock4.png" < }, < "170" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlteleporter.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsupportbeam.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock1.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/numiposter.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshorttable.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlstoragelocker.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshojidoor.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshojiscreen.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlpainting1.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/clubdecks.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotltable.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mindwurmplush.png" > }, > "9" 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7c7 < "tilecount" : 25, --- > "tilecount" : 26, 10,224c10,229 < "0" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", < "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A door. It's broken. Useful.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A door. Possibly suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", < "//name" : "saloondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "saloondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", < "//name" : "saloontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", < "//name" : "novakidtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstation" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Eughh.", < "//name" : "saloonspittoon", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonspittoon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Novakid design.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", < "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "11" : { > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", > "//name" : "saloondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "saloondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstation" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A hatch suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshiphatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "novakidshiphatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > } 227,301c232,309 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporterTier0.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoorBroken.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoor.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporter.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloondoor.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloontable.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salooncabinet.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonseat.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstation.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonspittoon.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation2.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation3.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano_orientation1.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidfuelhatch.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplocker.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstationTier0.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidcaptainschair.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatch.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplockerTier0.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporterTier0.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoorBroken.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoor.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporter.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloondoor.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloontable.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salooncabinet.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonseat.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstation.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonspittoon.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation2.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation3.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano_orientation1.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiphatch.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidfuelhatch.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplocker.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstationTier0.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidcaptainschair.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatch.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplockerTier0.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\container.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 238, --- > "tilecount" : 269, 10,2105c10,2303 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, snack time.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Hyltol design.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "This long chest is made with sticks, yet is somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A wooden sink.. I haven't washed my hands in a long time.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this Avian cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's an Avian Narnia..", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet. Maybe there's some reading material inside.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "This device is able to identify and restore fossils. It outputs the fossil in a container ready to be smashed open.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Used to produce raw pixels from ore.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "What's for dessert? Banana cream pie? Banana nut bread? Banana muffins?", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Can Floran read?", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet is adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Do Florans do much office work?", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Human design.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks radioactive, but it isn't. That's nice.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Good for storing bananas.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing tales of witches and dragons...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a dusty smell. It doesn't look very strong.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Fond memories of being trapped inside after class.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "No doubt once contained love letters, bad apples and books never read.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "An open cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "I wonder if there's a gateway to another world in here.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A ornate steel bookcase.", < "//name" : "steelbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steel Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "Oh gross, this chest is all slimy. Hopefully its contents aren't ruined...", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Large Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden chest.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A masterwork of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A plain Avian stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. I can use the heat for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "An index filled with cards", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A pod chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "//name" : "ironchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "214" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious copper crate.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "An open Avian tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a good place to cook.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large bones.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden endtable.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Endtable", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Oooh, what's for dinner? Is it me?", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Glitch design.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowfibre Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Avian design.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Hey look at this book, 50 Shades of Green. It's about aliens.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Novakid design.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Accepts a bunch of different kinds of fuel. Of Floran design.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made with sticks yet somehow secure.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "The same wardrobe sits in every Apex bedroom.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A plain cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plain Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. I hope there's not a pirate inside.", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Used to make fossil excavation tools and display cases.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Campfire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "It's a Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A battered, decayed looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Decayed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A creature capture pod can be placed into this device, tethering the pet within its radius.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", > "//name" : "cropshipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart Shipments", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cropshipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "largecooler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "largecooler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "Display and easily equip armour sets!", > "//name" : "mannequin", > "//shortdescription" : "Mannequin", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mannequin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside...", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "38" : { > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "heckchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Rubbish Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A hi-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > } 2108,2821c2306,3112 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedchest.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microwave.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/present2.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchstoragelocker.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fridge.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alienchest.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/present1.png" < }, < "105" : { < 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"116" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" < }, < "117" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchest.png" < }, < "118" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostcabinet.png" < }, < "119" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalbookcase1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/standingturret.png" < }, < "120" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet2.png" < }, < "121" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcabinet1.png" < }, < "122" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcloset1.png" < }, < "123" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet1.png" < }, < "124" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fossilstation.png" < }, < "125" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/humanshiplocker.png" < }, < "126" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/refinery.png" < }, < "127" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexoven.png" < }, < "128" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranshiplocker.png" < }, < "129" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrelgoldfilled.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/standingturret_orientation2.png" < }, < "130" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbookcase.png" < }, < "131" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet1.png" < }, < "132" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandesk.png" < }, < "133" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/slimehide.png" < }, < "134" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranstoragelocker.png" < }, < "135" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/humanfuelhatch.png" < }, < "136" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncabinet1.png" < }, < "137" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantorb.png" < }, < "138" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexfridge.png" < }, < "139" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largewoodencrate.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/standingturret_orientation3.png" < }, < "140" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcase.png" < }, < "141" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasurechest.png" < }, < "142" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cardboard1.png" < }, < "143" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaldresser.png" < }, < "144" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/locker1.png" < }, < "145" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/locker2.png" < }, < "146" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlstoragelocker.png" < }, 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Juicy!", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane! A fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the Stars.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Potato seed! Boil Em, Mash Em, Stick Em In A Stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Feathercrown! Feathers sprout from the top and catch the wind.", < "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chili Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Grows coffee beans; dry them out and brew them.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Corn! Good for digestion.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom seed. The farmer who plants these is a fungi.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A glowing neon melon. Tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Melon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchin! Squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "sugarcane! Good for diabetes.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Wheat-- a staple crop!", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A stone that grows swords. Sometimes it might grow a LEGENDARY one!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A ripe, juicy tomato.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A Toxic Top. Toxic, but also top!", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Money DOES grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Kiwi, soft texture and sweet flavour, yum.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Automatoes! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxictop Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Cocoa beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcocoaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cocoa Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcocoaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A cocoa plant. Once ripe, the pods can be turned into chocolate.", > "//name" : "cocoaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cocoa Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cocoaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 669,887c704,937 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcornseed.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcrystalplantseed.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildriceseed.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbananaseed.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirturchinseed.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neonmelonseed.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/automatoseed.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wheatseed.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpussplumseed.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoffeeseed.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildkiwiseed.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eggshootseed.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildchiliseed.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathercrownseed.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpineappleseed.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wartweedseed.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildavesmingoseed.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpotatoseed.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoralcreepseed.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildautomatoseed.png" < }, < "27" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/carrotseed.png" < }, < "28" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildswordstoneseed.png" < }, < "29" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sugarcaneseed.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildwartweedseed.png" < }, < "30" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcarrotseed.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/thornplant.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpearlpeaseed.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wilddiodiaseed.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : 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Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. 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Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A cool bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "... 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The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A solid bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed. When you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable aegisalt chair.", < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A Floran hunting bench. It's had a lot of use.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful AND comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet.. this must be hard to clean.", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "An impervium bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", < "//name" : "islandchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", < "//name" : "gothicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A glowing chair.", < "//name" : "glowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn wooden chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", < "//name" : "swampbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", < "//name" : "swampybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A chair. Looks uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Violium bed.", < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "captainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "captainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "200" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "All Apex furniture seems to have fallen victim to this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable aegisalt bed.", < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier5bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fluffy Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A strong Ferozium bed.", < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Rubium chair.", < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Cerulium chair.", < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A clean, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A cage. Looks like there was an angry rat in it.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "It's a guillotine! Lets rest here.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cerulium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier7bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Rubium bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rubium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier9bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "This couch looks like it belongs to a particularly bloodthirsty Floran", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Ferozium chair.", < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier6chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", < "//name" : "rainbowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Trying to hide in this pile of hay following a failed crime spree is not a solid plan.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "... Do robots really need toilets?", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bed. Hard and dusty.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Prison Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "An impervium chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Impervium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier10chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "ENGAGE!", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A simple steel chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Violium chair.", < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier8chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "steelchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A Glitch chair .Makes your butt ache pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bed adorned with eyes. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, that means you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Strange oversized flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from curious hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metallic chair.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratebench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable wave bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A folding chair made for lounging. Looks relaxing.", > "//name" : "deckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//name" : "tier9bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A normal looking toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier6chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. 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Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier2chair.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbed.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasebunk.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostbed.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonebed.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tungstenchair.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sacrificialaltar.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalchair.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alienbed.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/basicmetalchair.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\physics.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 7, --- > "tilecount" : 10, 10,71c10,98 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Boing boing!", < "//name" : "jumppad", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumppad" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This steel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "steelelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Steel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This steel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "steelelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Steel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steelelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way.", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 74,94c101,130 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumppad.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steelelevatorlong.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steelelevatorshort.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorlong.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorshort.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorshort.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorlong.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumppad.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorlong.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorshort.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorlong.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorshort.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorshort.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorlong.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorlong.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorshort.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bossdoor.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 23, --- > "tilecount" : 25, 10,204c10,220 < "0" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get you back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 207,275c223,297 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkdestinationteleporter.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkteleporter.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > } treasure\biome.treasurepools 3c3 < // main biomes --- > // MAIN BIOMES 5a6,9 > // ================================ > // Garden > // ================================ > 31,32c35,41 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["bandage", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["throwingspear", 3]} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["salve", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["bandage", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "turtleshellback"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "beehivehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "vikinghead"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyepatchhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "sunglasses1head"} 36a46,49 > // ================================ > // Forest > // ================================ > 61d73 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["throwingdagger", 5]}, 71a84,87 > // ================================ > // Desert > // ================================ > 95,97d110 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["throwingspear", 5]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["throwingaxe", 5]}, 102d114 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "cactislammer"}, // TODO: replace old sword 104a117,122 > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatuehuman", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatuefloran", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatuehylotl", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatueavian", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatueapex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["sandstonestatueglitch", 1]}, 110a129,132 > // ================================ > // Savannah > // ================================ > 136,137d157 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "thornyneedler"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "terminite"}, // TODO: replace old sword 146a167,170 > // ================================ > // Snow > // ================================ > 172c196 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowgun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowgun-recipe"}, 182a207,210 > // ================================ > // Ocean > // ================================ > 189,190c217,218 < {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "oceanTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "oceanTreasure"} 206,208c234 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["waterballoon", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : ["waterballoon", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["waterballoon", 9]}, --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["waterballoon", 10]}, 210,211c236 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "watersword"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "watergun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "watergun"}, 223a249,252 > // ================================ > // Ocean Floor > // ================================ > 230,231c259,260 < {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "oceanFloorTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "oceanFloorTreasure"} 247,249c276 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["waterballoon", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : ["waterballoon", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["waterballoon", 8]}, --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["waterballoon", 10]}, 250a278 > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "divingmaskhead"}, 261a290,293 > // ================================ > // Jungle > // ================================ > 288d319 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "medkit"}, 290c321 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "toughchest"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "toughchest"}, 295,298c326,329 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemohead"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemochest"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemolegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemoback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatback"} 303,333c334,336 < "shadowChestTreasure" : [ < [1, { < "fill" : [ < {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} < ], < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "shadowTreasure"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.05, 1], < [0.40, 2], < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false < }] < ], < < "shadowTreasure" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "medkit"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkcapeback"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguisehead"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguisechest"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguiselegs"} < ] < }] < ], --- > // ================================ > // Alien > // ================================ 358,362d360 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["corrosivegrenade", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["corrosivegrenade", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["corrosivegrenade", 5]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "corrosivegun"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienlaser"}, // TODO: replace old gun 368c366 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "causticstag"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "causticstaghead"}, 374,377c372,375 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemohead"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemochest"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemolegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemoback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatback"} 381a380,383 > // ================================ > // Toxic > // ================================ > 421,424c423,426 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemohead"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemochest"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemolegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemoback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatback"} 429,431d430 < // ============================================================================================== < // secondary surface biomes < // ============================================================================================== 433c432,492 < "mushroomChestTreasure" : [ --- > // ================================ > // Midnight > // ================================ > > "shadowChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "shadowTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.05, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.30, 3], > [0.15, 4], > [0.10, 5] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "shadowTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "medkit"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkcapeback"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguisehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguisechest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "darkdisguiselegs"} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Volcanic > // ================================ > > "volcanicChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "volcanicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.05, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.30, 3], > [0.15, 4], > [0.10, 5] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "volcanicTreasure" : [ 436,437c495,515 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "mushroomTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["firelordhead"]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["firelordchest"]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["firelordlegs"]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["smokemachine"]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["lavaballoon", 5]} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Scorched City > // ================================ > > "scorchedcityChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "scorchedcityTreasure"} 449a528,582 > "scorchedcityTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitybed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitychair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitytable-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcityfridge-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitytv-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitycounter-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcityregister-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeathelmhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeathornhelmhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeathornmaskhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeathornshead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatleatherchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatleatherlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatmaskhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatnerdhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatspandexchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatspandexlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatstrapschest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "deadbeatstrapslegs"} > ] > }] > ], > > // ============================================================================================== > // secondary surface biomes > // ============================================================================================== > > // ================================ > // Mushroom > // ================================ > > "mushroomChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "mushroomTreasure"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "mushroomTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.40, 2], > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > 464d596 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "mushroomsword"}, // TODO: replace old sword 469a602,605 > // ================================ > // Spring > // ================================ > 471a608,610 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "springTreasure"} > ], 473,474c612,613 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "springTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "springTreasure"} 477d615 < [0.05, 1], 479,481c617,618 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 493d629 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "pollenpump"}, // TODO: replace old gun 506a643,646 > // ================================ > // Oasis > // ================================ > 508a649,651 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "oasisTreasure"} > ], 510,511c653,654 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "oasisTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "oasisTreasure"} 514d656 < [0.05, 1], 516,518c658,659 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 528d668 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "blowgun"}, // TODO: replace old gun 543a684,687 > // ================================ > // Tar > // ================================ > 545a690,692 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "tarTreasure"} > ], 547,548c694,695 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "tarTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "tarTreasure"} 551d697 < [0.05, 1], 553,555c699,700 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 567d711 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "sabertoothspear"}, // TODO: replace old sword 582a727,730 > // ================================ > // Colourful > // ================================ > 584a733,735 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "rainbowTreasure"} > ], 586,587c737,738 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "rainbowTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "rainbowTreasure"} 590d740 < [0.05, 1], 592,594c742,743 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 608c757 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "rainbowtable-recipe"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : "rainbowtable-recipe"}, 612,618c761,777 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rainbowsword"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunred-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunblue-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunyellow-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunpurple-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgungreen-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunorange-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "rainbowunicornstatue"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "rainbowpainting"}, > > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayonredback-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayonblueback-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayonyellowback-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayonpurpleback-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayongreenback-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "crayonorangeback-recipe"}, > > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunred-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunblue-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunyellow-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunpurple-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgungreen-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunorange-recipe"}, > 626a786,789 > // ================================ > // Bone > // ================================ > 628a792,794 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "boneTreasure"} > ], 630,631c796,797 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "boneTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "boneTreasure"} 634d799 < [0.05, 1], 636,638c801,802 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 648c812 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["throwingbones", 5]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["throwingbones", 25]}, 654,655d817 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bonesword"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "bonepistol"}, // TODO: replace old gun 662,663c824 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["bonematerial", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "jeffback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "jeffback"} 667a829,832 > // ================================ > // Alpine > // ================================ > 669a835,837 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "alpineTreasure"} > ], 671,672c839,840 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "alpineTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "alpineTreasure"} 675d842 < [0.05, 1], 677,679c844,845 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 694d859 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "boulderstaff"}, // TODO: replace old staff 697,698c862 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "alpacalegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "iceaxe"} // TODO: replace old grappling hook --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "alpacalegs"} 702a867,870 > // ================================ > // Bio Luminescent > // ================================ > 704a873,875 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "bioluminescenceTreasure"} > ], 706,707c877,878 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "bioluminescenceTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "bioluminescenceTreasure"} 710d880 < [0.05, 1], 712,714c882,883 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 731,732c900 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightsword"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightbow"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightbow"}, 740a909,912 > // ================================ > // Giant Flower > // ================================ > 742a915,917 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "giantflowerTreasure"} > ], 744,745c919,920 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "giantflowerTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "giantflowerTreasure"} 748d922 < [0.05, 1], 750,752c924,925 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 779a953,956 > // ================================ > // Swamp > // ================================ > 783c960 < {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} --- > {"pool" : "swampTreasure"} 786,787c963,964 < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "swampTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "swampTreasure"} 790d966 < [0.05, 1], 792,794c968,969 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 811,814c986,989 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemohead"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemochest"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemolegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatdemoback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "hazmatback"} 818a994,997 > // ================================ > // Eyeball > // ================================ > 820a1000,1002 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "eyeTreasure"} > ], 822,823c1004,1005 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "eyeTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "eyeTreasure"} 826d1007 < [0.05, 1], 828,830c1009,1010 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 839c1019 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["oculemon", 5]}, --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["oculemon", 3]}, 852d1031 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyeaxe" } ]}, // TODO: replace old sword 857a1037,1040 > // ================================ > // Ice > // ================================ > 873a1057,1059 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "iceTreasure"} > ], 875,876c1061,1062 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "iceTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "iceTreasure"} 879d1064 < [0.05, 1], 881,883c1066,1067 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 907,908c1091 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "frostcrownhead"}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["snowflakeshuriken", 5]} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "frostcrownhead"} 912a1096,1099 > // ================================ > // Steam Spring > // ================================ > 916c1103 < {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} --- > {"pool" : "steamspringTreasure"} 919,920c1106,1107 < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "steamspringTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "steamspringTreasure"} 923d1109 < [0.05, 1], 925,927c1111,1112 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 944a1130 > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "steampunkhead"}, 949a1136,1139 > // ================================ > // Prism > // ================================ > 953c1143 < {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} --- > {"pool" : "prismTreasure"} 956,957c1146,1147 < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "prismTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "prismTreasure"} 960d1149 < [0.05, 1], 962,964c1151,1152 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 972a1161,1163 > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "prismhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "prismchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "prismlegs"}, 980c1171 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "copperblock"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "iceblock"} 984a1176,1179 > // ================================ > // Hive > // ================================ > 986a1182,1184 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "hiveTreasure"} > ], 988,989c1186,1187 < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "hiveTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "hiveTreasure"} 992d1189 < [0.05, 1], 994,996c1191,1192 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1017a1214,1216 > // ================================ > // Foundry > // ================================ 1019c1218 < "rustChestTreasure" : [ --- > "foundryChestTreasure" : [ 1020a1220,1222 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "foundryTreasure"} > ], 1022,1023c1224,1225 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "rustTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "foundryTreasure"} 1026d1227 < [0.05, 1], 1028,1030c1229,1273 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "foundryTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["lavaballoon", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrybed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrychair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrydoor-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrylight-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "magmalamp-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "weldershelmethead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryhardhathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryguardchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrygoggleshead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrychest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryforemanback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrylegs"} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Geode > // ================================ > > "geodeChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "geodeTreasure"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "geodeTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.40, 2], > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1036c1279 < "rustTreasure" : [ --- > "geodeTreasure" : [ 1039,1044c1282,1297 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["metallic", 20]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rustchair-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rustbed-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rustchest-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rustdoor-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rusttable-recipe"} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodebed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodechair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodedoor-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodeplantpot-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodeceilinglight-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodechest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "geodelegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodelowanote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodebnote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodecnote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodednote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodeenote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodefnote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodegnote-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodehighanote-recipe"} 1048a1302,1305 > // ================================ > // Crystal > // ================================ > 1050a1308,1310 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "crystalTreasure"} > ], 1052,1053c1312,1313 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "crystalTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "crystalTreasure"} 1056d1315 < [0.05, 1], 1058,1060c1317,1318 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1069d1326 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["crystal", 20]}, 1075,1076c1332 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "crystalbackpackback"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crystalspear" } ]} // TODO: replace old sword --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "crystalbackpackback"} 1084a1341,1344 > // ================================ > // Underground Mushroom > // ================================ > 1086a1347,1349 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "mushroomUndergroundTreasure"} > ], 1088,1089c1351,1352 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "mushroomUndergroundTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "mushroomUndergroundTreasure"} 1092d1354 < [0.05, 1], 1094,1096c1356,1357 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1115,1116c1376 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "raggedcapeback"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "smashroom"} // TODO: replace old sword --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "raggedcapeback"} 1120a1381,1384 > // ================================ > // Underground Wilderness > // ================================ > 1122a1387,1389 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "wildernessTreasure"} > ], 1124,1125c1391,1392 < {"weight" : 0.4, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "pool" : "wildernessTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "wildernessTreasure"} 1128d1394 < [0.05, 1], 1130,1132c1396,1397 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1145,1146d1409 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "overgrownmower"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "undergrowthtrimmer"}, // TODO: replace old sword 1152a1416,1419 > // ================================ > // Underground Gnome Village > // ================================ > 1156,1164c1423,1430 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["money", 1]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["money", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["money", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["throwinggnome", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "gnomegun"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "gnomecaphead"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "gnomehead"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "househathead"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "buildinghathead"} --- > {"weight" : 1.4, "pool" : "smashMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["throwinggnome", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["throwinggnome", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["throwinggnome", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.003, "item" : "gnomecaphead"}, > {"weight" : 0.003, "item" : "gnomehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.003, "item" : "househathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.003, "item" : "buildinghathead"} 1168a1435,1438 > // ================================ > // Underground Tar > // ================================ > 1170a1441,1443 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "tarUndergroundTreasure"} > ], 1172,1173c1445,1446 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "tarUndergroundTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "tarUndergroundTreasure"} 1176d1448 < [0.05, 1], 1178,1180c1450,1451 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1193d1463 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "tarhammer"}, // TODO: replace old sword 1208a1479,1482 > // ================================ > // Underground Bone > // ================================ > 1210a1485,1487 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "boneCaveTreasure"} > ], 1212,1213c1489,1490 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "boneCaveTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "boneCaveTreasure"} 1216d1492 < [0.05, 1], 1218,1220c1494,1495 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1230c1505 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["throwingbones", 5]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["throwingbones", 25]}, 1239,1243c1514 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienskullhead"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "boneassault" } ]}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "boneshotgun" } ]}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "bonepistol" } ]}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "bonesword" } ]} // TODO: replace old sword --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienskullhead"} 1247a1519,1522 > // ================================ > // Underground Ice Cave > // ================================ > 1249a1525,1527 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "iceCaveTreasure"} > ], 1251,1252c1529,1530 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "iceCaveTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "iceCaveTreasure"} 1255d1532 < [0.05, 1], 1257,1259c1534,1535 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1274,1276c1550 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "icecubehead"}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "icechucker"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "frozenbow"} // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "icecubehead"} 1280a1555,1558 > // ================================ > // Underground Stone Cave > // ================================ > 1282a1561,1563 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "stoneCaveTreasure"} > ], 1284,1285c1565,1566 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "stoneCaveTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "stoneCaveTreasure"} 1288d1568 < [0.05, 1], 1290,1292c1570,1571 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1309,1311c1588 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rocklegs"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavebow"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavehammer"} // TODO: replace old sword --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rocklegs"} 1315a1593,1596 > // ================================ > // Underground Luminous > // ================================ > 1317a1599,1601 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "luminousCaveTreasure"} > ], 1319,1320c1603,1604 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "luminousCaveTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "luminousCaveTreasure"} 1323d1606 < [0.05, 1], 1325,1327c1608,1609 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1343c1625,1626 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "biostaff"} // TODO: replace old staff --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightbow"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lighthelmhead"} 1347a1631,1634 > // ================================ > // Underground Flesh > // ================================ > 1349a1637,1639 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "fleshTreasure"} > ], 1351,1352c1641,1642 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "fleshTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "fleshTreasure"} 1355d1644 < [0.05, 1], 1357,1359c1646,1647 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1383a1672,1675 > // ================================ > // Underground Cell > // ================================ > 1385a1678,1680 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "cellTreasure"} > ], 1387,1388c1682,1683 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "cellTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "cellTreasure"} 1391d1685 < [0.05, 1], 1393,1395c1687,1688 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1404c1697,1698 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["cellmatter", 10]}, --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["cellmatter", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "faceleechhead"}, 1413a1708,1711 > // ================================ > // Underground Slime > // ================================ > 1415a1714,1716 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "slimeTreasure"} > ], 1417,1418c1718,1719 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "slimeTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.7, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "slimeTreasure"} 1421d1721 < [0.05, 1], 1423,1425c1723,1724 < [0.30, 3], < [0.15, 4], < [0.10, 5] --- > [0.40, 3], > [0.20, 4] 1441,1444c1740 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["slimetorch", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "cutarrh"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "katarrhna"}, // TODO: replace old sword < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["slimehandgrapple", 5]} // TODO: replace old grappling hook --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["slimetorch", 10]} 1477c1773 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } treasure\bugs.treasurepools 0a1,4 > // ============================================================================================== > // TREASURE POOLS FOR BUGNET TOOL > // ============================================================================================== > treasure\common.treasurepools 2c2,9 < // blank treasure pool --- > // ============================================================================================== > // COMMON TREASURE POOLS > // ============================================================================================== > > // ================================ > // Blank > // ================================ > 9c16,18 < // generic treasure chest contents --- > // ================================ > // Generic Treasure Chests > // ================================ 17,21c26,29 < [0.10, 2], < [0.40, 3], < [0.35, 4], < [0.10, 5], < [0.05, 6] --- > [0.1, 1], > [0.4, 2], > [0.4, 3], > [0.1, 4] 42c50,52 < // weapon treasure chest contents --- > // ================================ > // Generic Weapon Chests > // ================================ 46c56 < {"pool" : "weapon"} --- > {"pool" : "goodWeapon"} 58a69,72 > // ================================ > // Basic Treasure Pool > // ================================ > 62,69c76,86 < {"weight" : 0.4, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "healingItem"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "ore"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "food"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "seed"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "tool"}, < {"weight" : 0.010, "pool" : "instrument"}, < {"weight" : 0.005, "pool" : "costume"} --- > {"weight" : 0.32, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.16, "pool" : "healingItem"}, > {"weight" : 0.16, "pool" : "ore"}, > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "thrownWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "weapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "tool"}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "instrument"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "costume"} 73a91,94 > // ================================ > // Small Chance of Weapon > // ================================ > 83a105,108 > // ================================ > // Generic Valuable Treasure > // ================================ > 87,92c112,117 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "techCard"}, < {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "manipulatorModule"}, < {"weight" : 0.19, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "teleportercore"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["diamond", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.45, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} 97,103c122,128 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "techCard"}, < {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "manipulatorModule"}, < {"weight" : 0.18, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "teleportercore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["diamond", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["diamond", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "autoDrive"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["manipulatormodule", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.11, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "augments"}, > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, 109,117c134,143 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "techCard"}, < {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "manipulatorModule"}, < {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "teleportercore"}, < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "autoDrive"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["diamond", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["diamond", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.33, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.07, "item" : ["manipulatormodule", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.12, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "augments"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "petcollars"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} 120c146 < [4.9, { --- > [3.9, { 122,130c148,155 < {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "techCard"}, < {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "manipulatorModule"}, < {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.14, "item" : "teleportercore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "autoDrive"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["diamond", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["diamond", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["diamond", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["manipulatormodule", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "augments"}, > {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "petcollars"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, 136c161,165 < "autoDrive" : [ --- > // ================================ > // Augments > // ================================ > > "augments" : [ 139,143c168,296 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["autochip", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["autochip", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["autochip", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["autochip", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["autochip", 5]} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment1"} > ] > }], > [1.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment1"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "fireblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "iceblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "electricblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "poisonblockaugment"} > ] > }], > [2.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightaugment1"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "fireblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "iceblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "electricblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "poisonblockaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment2"} > ] > }], > [3.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightaugment1"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "fireblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "iceblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "electricblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "poisonblockaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment2"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "gravityaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "jumpaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "speedaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "swimaugment"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "lightaugment1"}, > > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "fireblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "iceblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "electricblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "poisonblockaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damageaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "energyaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightaugment2"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "gravityaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "jumpaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "speedaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "swimaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment3"} > ] > }], > [5.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "damageaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "energyaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healingaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healthaugment1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "lightaugment1"}, > > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "fireblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "iceblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "electricblockaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "poisonblockaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damageaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "energyaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthaugment2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightaugment2"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "gravityaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "jumpaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "speedaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "swimaugment"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "damageaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "energyaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healingaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "healthaugment3"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "lightaugment3"}, > > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "thornsaugment"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "mobilityaugment"} 148c301,305 < "techCard" : [ --- > // ================================ > // Pet Collars > // ================================ > > "petcollars" : [ 151,153c308,312 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["techchip", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["techchip", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "blanktechcard"} --- > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "bouncycollar"} 155,156c314,362 < }] < ], --- > }], > [1.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "bouncycollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "firebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "icebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "electricbombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "poisonbombcollar"} > ] > }], > [2.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bouncycollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "firebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "icebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "electricbombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "poisonbombcollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar2"} > ] > }], > [3.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bouncycollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "firebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "icebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "electricbombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "poisonbombcollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar2"}, 158,159c364,367 < "manipulatorModule" : [ < [0, { --- > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "obliviouscollar"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { 161,165c369,413 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["mattermodulecomponent", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["mattermodulecomponent", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["mattermodulecomponent", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["mattermodulecomponent", 8]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "manipulatormodule"} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "bouncycollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "firebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "icebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "electricbombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "poisonbombcollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damagecollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingcollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthcollar2"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "obliviouscollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar3"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar3"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar3"} > > ] > }], > [5.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "damagecollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healingcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "healthcollar1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "lightcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "bouncycollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "firebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "icebombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "electricbombcollar"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "poisonbombcollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "damagecollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healingcollar2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "healthcollar2"}, > > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "obliviouscollar"}, > > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "damagecollar3"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healingcollar3"}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "healthcollar3"} 169a418,421 > // ================================ > // $$ Dollar Dollar Bill $$ > // ================================ > 287a540,543 > // ================================ > // Ore Pools > // ================================ > 290c546 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 292,293c548,551 < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "ironore", 4]} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "ironore", 4]} 297c555 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 299,300c557,560 < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "ironore", 4]} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "tungstenore", 4]} 304c564 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 306,308c566,570 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} 312c574 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 314,316c576,580 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 2]} --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "durasteelore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} 320c584 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 322,323c586,588 < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "platinumore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, 326,327c591,592 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "rubiumore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 3]} --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "feroziumore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} 331c596 < "poolRounds" : [[0.85, 1], [0.1, 2], [0.05, 3]], --- > "poolRounds" : [[0.6, 1], [0.3, 2], [0.1, 3]], 333,337c598,664 < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "platinumore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "violiumore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "rubiumore", 4]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "solariumore", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > "richOre" : [ > [0, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "ironore", 15]} > ] > }], > [1.9, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : [ "tungstenore", 15]} > ] > }], > [2.9, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} > ] > }], > [3.9, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.65, "item" : [ "durasteelore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "diamond", 1]} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "violiumore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "feroziumore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "diamond", 2]} > ] > }], > [5.9, { > "poolRounds" : 1, > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "goldore", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : [ "solariumore", 15]}, 342a670,673 > // ================================ > // Tools > // ================================ > 349c680,681 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "torch", 8]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "flare", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "torch", 15]}, 351c683 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "throwingblock", 10]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "throwingblock", 20]}, 353,355c685 < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "bomb", 2]}, < < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "hoe", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "bomb", 3]}, 407a738,741 > // ================================ > // Healing Items > // ================================ > 409c743 < [1, { --- > [0, { 411,413c745,747 < {"weight" : 0.45, "item" : [ "bandage", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.45, "item" : [ "bandage", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "stim"} --- > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : [ "salve", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : [ "salve", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "bandage", 2]} 418,427c752,755 < {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : [ "medkit", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : [ "medkit", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "stim"} < ] < }], < [5.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : [ "nanowrap", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : [ "nanowrap", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "stim"} --- > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : [ "medkit", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : [ "medkit", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "nanowrap", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : [ "nanowrap", 2]} 434a763,770 > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "redstim", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "bluestim", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "greenstim", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "yellowstim", 2]} > ] > }], > [3.9, { > "pool" : [ 439,443d774 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.3, 1], < [0.4, 2], < [0.3, 3] 447a779,782 > // ================================ > // Weapon Pools > // ================================ > 451,457c786,789 < {"weight" : 0.29, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.29, "pool" : "commonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > // large chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 459c791,794 < {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // small chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "commonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "rareGun"} 463a799 > // moderate chance of melee 466c802 < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 467a804 > // moderate chance of guns 470c807,824 < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, > > // small chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarewand"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // moderate chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > > // moderate chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "commonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, 472c826,828 < {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // moderate chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.12, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarewand"} 480,481c836,838 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, --- > // large chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 483,486c840,842 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"}, < < {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // small chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "rareGun"} 490a847 > // moderate chance of melee 492c849 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.18, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 493a851 > // moderate chance of guns 495c853 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.18, "pool" : "rareGun"}, 497,498c855,880 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} --- > // small chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarewand"}, > > // tiny chance of unique weapon or recipe > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // moderate chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > > // moderate chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "rareGun"}, > > // moderate chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarewand"}, > > // small chance of unique weapon or recipe > {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} 506,510c888,929 < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "bomb", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingdagger", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingspear", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingaxe", 5]}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "molotov", 5]} --- > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : ["throwingdart", 20]}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : ["huntingspear", 10]} > ] > }], > [1.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["throwingdagger", 25]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["throwingspear", 10]} > ] > }], > [2.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["throwingknife", 25]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["throwingaxe", 10]} > ] > }], > [3.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["throwingkunai", 25]}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : ["javelin", 10]} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "item" : ["throwingstar", 40]} > ] > }], > [5.9, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : ["molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "item" : ["energyjavelin", 5]} 554,566d972 < // DEPRECATED < // "uniqueMelee" : [ < // [0, { < // "pool" : [ < // {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyesword" } ]}, // TODO: replace old sword < // {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "bonehammer" } ]}, // TODO: replace old sword < // {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "boneaxe" } ]}, // TODO: replace old sword < // {"weight" : 0.0015, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "slavesword" } ]}, // TODO: replace old sword < // {"weight" : 0.0012, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "starcleaversword" } ]} // TODO: replace old sword < // ] < // }] < // ], < 630,634c1036,1043 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram" }, < {"weight" : 1.5, "item" : "gauntlet" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "parasol" } --- > // level 2 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "ropewhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.5, "item" : "gauntlet"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "poisonbow"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "pollenpump"} 639,645c1048,1078 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram" }, < {"weight" : 2.0, "item" : "gauntlet" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower" }, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "remotegrenadelauncher" }, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "wormerang" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "parasol" } --- > // include a chance for these since they're needed for later upgrades > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "boomerang"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "chakram"}, > {"weight" : 0.75, "item" : "gauntlet"}, > > // level 4 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "vinewhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "wormgun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "wormerang"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "gristlegun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "soulseeker"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "electricrailgun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "timepierce"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "eyesword"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "intestinewhip"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "gnomegun"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // level 6 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "supernovaglove"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "astrosabredeluxe"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "energywhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "teslastaff"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "magnorbs"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "tentaclegun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "exmachina"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "energypickaxe"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "evileye"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "remotegrenadelauncher"} 674a1108,1111 > // ================================ > // Seeds > // ================================ > 772a1210,1229 > // ================================ > // Food Chests > // ================================ > > "foodTreasureMedium" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "produce"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.6, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.15, 4], > [0.05, 5] > ], > "allowDuplication" : true > }] > ], > 879a1337,1340 > // ================================ > // Costumes > // ================================ > 883,892c1344 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "bananahead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "captainshead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "coolfezhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "strawberryhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "herocaphead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "bearhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dinosaurhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dress1legs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dress1chest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "winterscarfhead", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "ethnichead", 1]}, 896,898d1347 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerlegs", 1]}, 904a1354,1355 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dress1legs", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dress1chest", 1]}, 909,913d1359 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerback", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerlegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hunterchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hunterlegs", 1]}, 920,922c1366,1369 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratelegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratehead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratechest", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "moneybagshead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "moneybagschest", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "moneybagsback", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "moneybagspants", 1]}, 927,928d1373 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "neoback", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "pixelherodemoback", 1]}, 931d1375 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "plaguedoctorhead", 1]}, 935d1378 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "skullmaskhead", 1]}, 940d1382 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "tvhelmethead", 1]}, 946,949c1388,1389 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardlegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardback", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardchest", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "afrowighead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "bearhead", 1]}, 950a1391 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "captainshead", 1]}, 951a1393,1395 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "coolshadeshead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "clocktophathead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "demonhornshead", 1]}, 952a1397,1403 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dinosaurhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "dreadfulskullhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "electroniumhat", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "toptophathead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "herocaphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "fancaphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "featherhead", 1]}, 953a1405,1408 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "insidioushead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "jesterhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "gagnosehead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "gladiatorhead", 1]}, 957c1412,1413 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "featherhead", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "glasses4head", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "glasses5head", 1]}, 961a1418,1424 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "meercaphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "monitorhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "mughathead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "multicamhat", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "phoenixhat", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "phrygiancaphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "plaguemasterhead", 1]}, 963c1426,1434 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "sharkhead", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "plumeknighthead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "rustyskul", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "skullmaskhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "smartchest", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "smartpants", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "stargazer", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "soulguise", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "summerchest", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "summerpants", 1]}, 964a1436,1438 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "tricornhat", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "tvhelmethead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "uncathat", 1]}, 966,969c1440,1511 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "venetianmaskhead", 1]} < ] < }] < ], --- > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "valkyriehelm", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "venetianmaskhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "visorhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "winterscarfhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "luchadorhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "carrothathead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "thinkingcaphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "boxmanhathead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "scalpionhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "corobocklehead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "faceleechhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "pinkeyeparasitehead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "batterypackAAback", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "paperwingsback", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "tribalfeathersback", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "berethead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "bevhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "sombrerohead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wighead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "gasmaskhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "ironavianhelmethead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "fedorahead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.0001, "item" : [ "doghathead", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Rare Furniture > // ================================ > > "rarefurniture" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wavebed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wavechair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wavedoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wavelight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wavetable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "doombed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "doomchair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "doomdoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "doomlight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "doomtable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "geometricbed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "geometricchair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "geometricdoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "geometriclight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "geometrictable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "opulentbed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "opulentchair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "opulentdoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "opulentlight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "opulenttable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "serenebed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "serenechair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "serenedoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "serenelight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "serenetable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "executivebed", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "executivechair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "executivedoor", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "executivelight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "executivetable", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "carbed", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Instruments > // ================================ 1007a1550,1594 > // ================================ > // Geode Rewards > // ================================ > > "geodeRewards" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cobblestonematerial"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "copperore"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "goldore"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "silverore"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "ironore"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "ironsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "coppersample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "tungstensample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "titaniumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "durasteelsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "diamondsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "feroziumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "aegisaltsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "violiumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "solariumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "prisilitesample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "corefragmentsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "silversample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "goldsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "uraniumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "coalsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "plutoniumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.0025, "item" : "platinumsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodebluesample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodegreensample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodeorangesample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodepurplesample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geoderedsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "geodeyellowsample"} > > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // Tech Chests > // ================================ > 1009a1597,1626 > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "valuableTechTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.4, 1], > [0.4, 2], > [0.2, 3] > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "techTreasure"} > ] > }] > ], > > "techTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "siliconboard"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["smallbattery", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["smallbattery", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["smallbattery", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["wire", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["wire", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : ["wire", 5]} > ] > }] > ], > > "valuableTechTreasure" : [ > [0, { 1011c1628,1629 < {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "blanktechcard"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["techcard", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["techcard", 3]}, 1016a1635,1638 > // ================================ > // Challenge Room Chests > // ================================ > 1021d1642 < {"pool" : "maybeWeaponTreasure"}, 1041d1661 < [0.45, 1], 1043c1663,1664 < [0.1, 3] --- > [0.45, 3], > [0.1, 4] 1046,1048c1667,1686 < {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "valuableTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "valuableTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} > ] > }] > ], > > // ================================ > // End Game Treasure > // ================================ > > "endTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : ["money", 25000]}, > {"item" : "finalpostcard-codex" }, > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"}, > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"}, > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"}, > {"pool" : "valuableTreasure"} 1052c1690 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } treasure\default.treasurechests 200c200 < "rustChest" : [ --- > "foundryChest" : [ 202,203c202,203 < "containers" : [ "rustchest" ], < "treasurePool" : "rustChestTreasure", --- > "containers" : [ "volcanicchest" ], > "treasurePool" : "foundryChestTreasure", 206a207,215 > > "geodeChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "ironchest" ], > "treasurePool" : "geodeChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > 214a224,231 > "scorchedcityChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "scorchedcitychest" ], > "treasurePool" : "scorchedcityChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > 318,441d334 < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "glitchvillageChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "medievalbookcase", "medievalchest", "medievaldesk", "medievalcabinet" ], < "treasurePool" : "glitchVillageLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < "glitchcastleChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "royalbookcase", "royalchest", "royaldesk", "royalcabinet" ], < "treasurePool" : "glitchCastleLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < "glitchsewerChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "medievalbookcase", "medievalchest", "medievaldesk", "medievalcabinet" ], < "treasurePool" : "glitchSewerLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "floranhellChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "floranbookcase", "florancabinet1", "florancabinet2", "florancabinet3" ], < "treasurePool" : "floranHellLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "floranhuntChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "floranbookcase", "florancabinet1", "florancabinet2", "florancabinet3" ], < "treasurePool" : "floranHuntLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "floranvillageChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "floranbookcase", "florancabinet1", "florancabinet2", "florancabinet3" ], < "treasurePool" : "floranVillageLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "avianvillageChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "tribalbookcase1", "tribalbookcase2", "tribalcabinet1", "tribalcloset1" ], < "treasurePool" : "avianVillageLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "aviantempleChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "chestavian1", "chestavian2", "chestmedavian1", "chestmedavian2", "tribalwallcabinet" ], < "treasurePool" : "avianTempleLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "aviantombChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "tribalbookcase1", "tribalbookcase2", "tribalcabinet1", "tribalcloset1" ], < "treasurePool" : "avianTombLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < "apextestChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "techchest", "apexcoolcupboard", "apexcooldesk" ], < "treasurePool" : "apexTestLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "apexlabChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "techchest", "apexcoolcupboard", "apexcooldesk" ], < "treasurePool" : "apexLabLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "apextownChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "techchest", "apexcoolcupboard", "apexcooldesk", "apexcounter1", "apexcounter2" ], < "treasurePool" : "apexTownLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < "avianairshipChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "tribalbookcase1", "tribalbookcase2", "tribalcabinet1", "tribalcloset1" ], < "treasurePool" : "avianAirshipLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "aviantowerChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "tribalbookcase1", "tribalbookcase2", "tribalcabinet1", "tribalcloset1" ], < "treasurePool" : "avianTowerLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "humanbunkerChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "bunkerbookcase", "bunkercabinet1" ], < "treasurePool" : "humanBunkerLore", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], < < "humanprisonChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "bunkerbookcase", "bunkercabinet1" ], < "treasurePool" : "humanPrisonLore", treasure\fossils.treasurepools 0a1,3 > // ============================================================================================== > // FOSSIL GAME REWARDS > // ============================================================================================== 2c5 < "fossils" : [ --- > "fossilshallow1" : [ 5,37c8,129 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossilsingle1", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossilsingle2", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossilsingle3", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossilsingle4", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossilsingle5", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble11", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble12", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble21", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble22", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble31", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble32", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble41", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble42", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble51", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossildouble52", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple11", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple12", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple13", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple21", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple22", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple23", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple31", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple32", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple33", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple41", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple42", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple43", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple51", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple52", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "fossiltriple53", 1]} < ], < "poolRounds" : 1, < "allowDuplication" : true --- > {"weight" : 0.4, "pool" : "smallfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "humanoidfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "largefossil"} > ] > }] > ], > > "fossilshallow2" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "pool" : "smallfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "humanoidfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "largefossil"} > ] > }] > ], > > "fossilBonusTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "autochip"}, > {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "augments"}, > {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "petcollars"}, > {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "instrument"}, > {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "costume"} > ] > }] > ], > > "fossilRareBonusTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "teleportercore"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "autochip"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "augments"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "petcollars"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "instrument"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "costume"} > ] > }] > ], > > "smallfossil" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "amberfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ammonitefossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "eggfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "fernfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "fishfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "mysteriousalienfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "penguinfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "sabertoothfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trackfossil"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trilobitefossil"} > ] > }] > ], > > "humanoidfossil" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "apexfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "apexfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "apexfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "avianfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "avianfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "avianfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "floranfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "floranfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "floranfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "glitchfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "glitchfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "glitchfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "humanfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "humanfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "humanfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "hylotlfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "hylotlfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "hylotlfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "alpacafossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "alpacafossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "alpacafossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "avioscalefossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "avioscalefossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "avioscalefossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "froggfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "froggfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "froggfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.40, "item" : "mysteriousfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "mysteriousfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "item" : "mysteriousfossil3"} > ] > }] > ], > > "largefossil" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomfossil4"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomfossil5"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ophidauntfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ophidauntfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ophidauntfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ophidauntfossil4"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ophidauntfossil5"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trexfossil1"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trexfossil2"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trexfossil3"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trexfossil4"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "trexfossil5"} > ] treasure\hunting.treasurepools 1a2,9 > // ============================================================================================== > // HUNTING TREASURE POOLS, FOR BOW/HUNTING KNIFE > // ============================================================================================== > > // ================================ > // Generic Monsters > // ================================ > 5,6c13,14 < {"weight" : 0.7, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "leather"} --- > {"weight" : 0.6, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : "leather"} 13,15c21,23 < {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.35, "item" : "rawribmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "leather"} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rawribmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : "leather"} 27c35,37 < // UNIQUE MONSTERS --- > // ================================ > // Unique Monsters > // ================================ 32,33c42,43 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 42,43c52,53 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "staticcell"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "staticcell"}, 48c58 < --- > 52,53c62,63 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 62,63c72,73 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 72,73c82,83 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 82,83c92,94 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "stickofram"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "bobotaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "staticcell"}, > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "bobotaf"} 86,87c97,98 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 96,97c107,108 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "livingroot"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "bulbopaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "bulbopaf"} 100,101c111,112 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 110,111c121,122 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 120,122c131,133 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 131,132c142,143 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "crustoiseaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "crustoiseaf"} 135,136c146,147 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 145,146c156,157 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "venomsample"}, 155,157c166,168 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 166,168c177,184 < {"weight" : 0.999, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "gleapaf"} < ] --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "gleapaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false 175,176c191,192 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "rawribmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "rawribmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 185,186c201,202 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "livingroot"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "hypnareaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "hypnareaf"} 189,190c205,206 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 200,201c216,217 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "phasematter"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "ignomeaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "ignomeaf"} 204,205c220,221 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 214,216c230,232 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "iguarmoraf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, > {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "iguarmoraf"} 224,225c240,241 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 235,236c251,252 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "phasematter"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "lumothaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "lumothaf"} 239,240c255,256 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 249,250c265,266 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "livingroot"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "mandrafloraaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "mandrafloraaf"} 253,254c269,270 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 264,265c280,281 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "livingroot"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "miasmopaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "miasmopaf"} 268,269c284,285 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 278,279c294,295 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 288,289c304,305 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, 301,302c317,318 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 311,312c327,328 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "livingroot"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "nutmidgeaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "livingroot"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "nutmidgeaf"} 315,316c331,332 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 325,326c341,342 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "venomsample"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "oculobaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "venomsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "oculobaf"} 329,330c345,346 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 339,340c355,357 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "leather"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 349,350c366,367 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "orbideaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "orbideaf"} 353,354c370,371 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 359c376 < --- > 363c380,381 < {"weight" : 0.999, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 366,369d383 < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] < ], 377,378c391,392 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "peblitaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "peblitaf"} 381,382c395,396 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 391,392c405,406 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 401,402c415,416 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "stickofram"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "pipkinaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "pipkinaf"} 405,406c419,420 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 415,416c429,430 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 425,426c439,440 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "venomsample"}, 435,436c449,450 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, 445,446c459,460 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "pyromantleaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "pyromantleaf"} 449,450c463,464 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 459,460c473,474 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "venomsample"}, 469,470c483,484 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 479,480c493,495 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "stickofram"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "scandroidaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "staticcell"}, > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "scandroidaf"} 483,484c498,499 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 493,494c508,509 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 503,504c518,519 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "scorchionaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "scorchionaf"} 507,508c522,523 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 518,519c533,534 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "phasematter"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "skimbusaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "skimbusaf"} 522,523c537,538 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 532,533c547,548 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, 542,543c557,558 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "venomsample"}, 552,554c567,569 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "venomsample"}, < {"weight" : 0.075, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "venomsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.150, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 563,564c578,579 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "phasematter"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "spookitaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "spookitaf"} 567,568c582,597 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > } ] > ], > > "snuffishHunting" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "snuffishaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 577,578c606,607 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "venomsample"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "sporgusaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "venomsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "sporgusaf"} 581,582c610,611 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 591,592c620,621 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "phasematter"}, 597a627,640 > "gosmetHunting" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "gosmetaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > } ] > ], > 601,602c644,645 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "leather"}, 611,612c654,655 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "tinticaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "tinticaf"} 615,616c658,659 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 625,626c668,669 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 635,636c678,679 < {"weight" : 0.849, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "livingroot"}, 645,646c688,690 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "stickofram"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "triplodaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "staticcell"}, > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "triplodaf"} 649,650c693,694 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 659,660c703,704 < {"weight" : 0.999, "item" : "staticcell"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "voltipaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.998, "item" : "staticcell"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "voltipaf"} 663,664c707,708 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 674,675c718,719 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "phasematter"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "wisperaf"} --- > {"weight" : 0.499, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.002, "item" : "wisperaf"} 678,679c722,723 < [0.8, 0], < [0.2, 1] --- > [0.6, 0], > [0.4, 1] 688,689c732,733 < {"weight" : 0.85, "item" : "alienmeat"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.599, "item" : "alienmeat"}, > {"weight" : 0.400, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 691,694d734 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.20, 0], < [0.80, 1] treasure\monster.treasurepools 2c2,8 < // STANDARD MONSTERS --- > // ============================================================================================== > // MONSTER DROPS > // ============================================================================================== > > // ================================ > // Generic Monsters > // ================================ 7c13 < {"weight" : 0.83, "pool" : "money"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.89, "pool" : "money"}, 9d14 < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, 11,16c16 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.20, 0], < [0.80, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false --- > ] 20c20 < "noMeatMonsterTreasure" : [ --- > "flyingMonsterTreasure" : [ 23,24c23,24 < {"weight" : 0.93, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.89, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, 26,31c26 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.20, 0], < [0.80, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false --- > ] 35,36c30,31 < "weaklingMonsterTreasure" : [ < [1, { --- > "robotTreasure" : [ > [0, { 38,39c33,37 < {"weight" : 0.96, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.59, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "siliconboard"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "smallbattery"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "wire"}, 41,46c39 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.75, 0], < [0.25, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false --- > ] 50,51c43,44 < "flyingMonsterTreasure" : [ < [1, { --- > "robothenbabyTreasure" : [ > [0, { 53,62c46,47 < {"weight" : 0.83, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "rawpoultry"}, < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.20, 0], < [0.80, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false --- > {"weight" : 1.00, "item" : "wire"} > ] 66c51 < "robotTreasure" : [ --- > "robothenTreasure" : [ 69,77c54 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "wire"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.4, 0], < [0.5, 1], < [0.1, 2] --- > {"weight" : 1.00, "item" : "siliconboard"} 79,80c56,60 < }], < [1.9, { --- > }] > ], > > "noMeatMonsterTreasure" : [ > [1, { 82,86c62 < {"weight" : 0.63, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "laserdiode"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "wire"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "circuitboard"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.99, "pool" : "money"}, 88,92d63 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.2, 0], < [0.6, 1], < [0.2, 2] 94,95c65,69 < }], < [3.9, { --- > }] > ], > > "weaklingMonsterTreasure" : [ > [1, { 97,101c71 < {"weight" : 0.48, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "laserdiode"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "wire"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : "circuitboard"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.99, "pool" : "money"}, 105,108c75,78 < [0.1, 0], < [0.6, 1], < [0.3, 2] < ] --- > [0.75, 0], > [0.25, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false 111c81 < --- > 127,128c97,98 < < {"weight" : 0.83, "pool" : "money"}, --- > > {"weight" : 0.89, "pool" : "money"}, 130d99 < {"weight" : 0.06, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, 141c110,112 < // UNIQUE MONSTERS --- > // ================================ > // Generated Monsters > // ================================ 143c114 < "bonebirdTreasure" : [ --- > "generatedGroundMonsterTreasure" : [ 146c117,118 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "bone"} --- > {"weight" : 0.80, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "leather"} 149,164c121,122 < [0.2, 0], < [0.6, 1], < [0.2, 2] < ] < }] < ], < < "potreasure" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "poop"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.35, 0], < [0.65, 1] --- > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] 170,183c128 < "chickentreasure" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "rawpoultry", 2]} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.5, 0], < [0.5, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : true < }] < ], < < "moontantTreasure" : [ --- > "generatedFlyingMonsterTreasure" : [ 186,188c131 < {"weight" : 0.96, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "mattermodulecomponent"}, < {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"} 198,222c141,143 < // MINBOSSES AND BOSSES < < "dreadWreckage" : [ < [0, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bossdreadwingCodex", 1]} < ] < }] < ], < < "bosscrystalCodex" : [ < [0, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystalCodex", 1]} < ] < }] < ], < < "boss2Treasure" : [ < [1, { < "fill" : [ {"item" : "bossshockhopperCodex"}] < }] < ], < < // UNIQUE MONSTER DROPS --- > // ================================ > // Unique Monsters > // ================================ 227,228c148,149 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 238a160,168 > "motherpoptopTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "corefragmentore", 10]}, > {"pool" : "adultpoptopTreasure"} > ] > }] > ], > 242,243c172,173 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "staticcell"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "staticcell"}, 253c183 < --- > 257,258c187,188 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 272,273c202,203 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 287,288c217,218 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 302,303c232,234 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "stickofram"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "staticcell"}, 317,318c248,249 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 332,333c263,264 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 347,349c278,280 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 363,364c294,295 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 378,379c309,310 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 393,395c324,326 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 409c340,341 < {"weight" : 0.999, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 423,424c355,356 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 438,439c370,371 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 453,455c385,387 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "phasematter"}, 469,470c401,402 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 480a413,438 > "ixolingTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "ixolingaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.997, 0], > [0.003, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "kluexsentryTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1, "item" : "kluexsentryaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.993, 0], > [0.007, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > 484,485c442,443 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 499,501c457,459 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "staticcell"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "staticcell"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "phasematter"}, 515,516c473,474 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 530,532c488,490 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "venomsample"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "venomsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "livingroot"}, 546,547c504,505 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 561,562c519,520 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, 576,577c534,535 < {"weight" : 0.90, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "phasematter"} --- > {"weight" : 0.80, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : "phasematter"} 590,591c548,549 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 594,597d551 < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.20, 0], < [0.80, 1] < ], 605,606c559,560 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 620,621c574,576 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "leather"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 635,636c590,591 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 646c601 < --- > 650c605,606 < {"weight" : 0.999, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 664,665c620,621 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 679,680c635,636 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 694,695c650,651 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "stickofram"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "stickofram"}, 709,710c665,666 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 724,725c680,681 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 739,740c695,696 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, 754,755c710,711 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, 769,770c725,726 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 784,785c740,741 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 799,800c755,757 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "stickofram"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "staticcell"}, 814,815c771,772 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 829,830c786,787 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, 844,846c801,803 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "phasematter"}, 860,861c817,818 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "scorchedcore"}, 875,876c832,833 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 890,892c847,849 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "venomsample"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "venomsample"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 902a860,874 > "snuffishTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, > {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "snuffishaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > 906,907c878,879 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "phasematter"}, 921,922c893,894 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "venomsample"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "venomsample"}, 936,937c908,909 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "phasematter"}, 947a920,934 > "gosmetTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "phasematter"}, > {"weight" : 0.001, "item" : "gosmetaf"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > 951,952c938,939 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "leather"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "leather"}, 966,967c953,954 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "hardenedcarapace"}, 981,982c968,969 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "flyingMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 996,997c983,984 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "livingroot"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "livingroot"}, 1011,1012c998,1000 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "stickofram"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "robotTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "stickofram"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "staticcell"}, 1026,1027c1014,1015 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "staticcell"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "staticcell"}, 1041,1043c1029,1031 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "phasematter"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "cryonicextract"}, > {"weight" : 0.100, "item" : "phasematter"}, 1057,1058c1045,1046 < {"weight" : 0.899, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.799, "pool" : "basicMonsterTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.200, "item" : "sharpenedclaw"}, 1069c1057,1151 < // OUTDATED STUFF --- > // ================================ > // Bosses / Minibosses > // ================================ > > "dreadwingDrop" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bossdreadwing-codex", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > "shockhopperDrop" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ {"item" : "bossshockhopper-codex"}] > }] > ], > > "erchiushorrorTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "erchiushorroraf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "erchiuseye"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > > "ixodoomTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "ixodoomaf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "ixodoomclaw"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > > "asranoxTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "asranoxaf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "soluskatana"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > > "kluexavatarTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "kluexavataraf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "kluexstaff"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > > "bigapeTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bigapeaf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "miniknoglauncher"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > > "bonedragonTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bonedragonaf"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "dragonhead"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ] > } ] > ], 1071c1153,1223 < "boss3Treasure" : [ --- > // ================================ > // Old Unique Monsters > // ================================ > > "bonebirdTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "bone"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.2, 0], > [0.4, 1], > [0.2, 2], > [0.2, 3] > ] > }] > ], > > "chickentreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "rawpoultry"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.5, 0], > [0.5, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : true > }] > ], > > "moontantTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "pogolemTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "noMeatMonsterTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "smallRobotTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "robotTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.5, 0], > [0.5, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "largeRobotTreasure" : [ 1073c1225,1233 < "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "dragonbone", 5]}, {"item" : "bossbonedragonCodex"}] --- > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "robotTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 0], > [0.8, 1], > [0.1, 2] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false 1076a1237,1240 > // ================================ > // Outdated > // ================================ > 1079c1243 < "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "endomorphicjelly", 5]}, {"item" : "bossjellyCodex"}] --- > "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "endomorphicjelly", 5]}, {"item" : "bossjelly-codex"}] treasure\questrewards.treasurepools 0a1,3 > // ============================================================================================== > // GENERATED QUEST REWARDS > // ============================================================================================== 3c6 < [1, { --- > [0, { 5,8c8,11 < {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "healingItem"}, < {"weight" : 0.189, "pool" : "food"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "seed"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "tool"} --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "thrownWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "seed"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "tool"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "ore"} 16c19 < [1, { --- > [0, { 18,21c21,29 < {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "weapon"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "thrownWeapon"}, < {"weight" : 0.025, "pool" : "shield"}, < {"weight" : 0.005, "pool" : "instrument"} --- > {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "weapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "shield"}, > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "richOre"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : "techcard"}, > {"weight" : 0.07, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rarefurniture"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "instrument"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "costume"} 29c37 < [1, { --- > [0, { 31,32c39,45 < {"weight" : 0.005, "pool" : "costume"}, < {"weight" : 0.001, "pool" : "valuableTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "costume"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "rarefurniture"}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : ["manipulatormodule", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.07, "item" : ["techcard", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : "upgrademodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "instrument"} 35a49,68 > }] > ], > > "killNpcsHiddenTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "valuableTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : 1, > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "penguinCostume" : [ > [0, { > "fill" : [ > { "item" : "penguinhead" }, > { "item" : "penguinchest" }, > { "item" : "penguinlegs" } > ] treasure\recycle.treasurepools 0a1,3 > // ============================================================================================== > // POOL FOR RECYCLING TELEPORTER CORES FROM BROKEN TELEPORTERS > // ============================================================================================== 5a9,15 > ] > } ] > ], > "techconsole" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "battery", 1 ]} treasure\smashable.treasurepools 2,14c2,10 < "capsuleBig" : [ < [0, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : ["money", 5]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : ["money", 6]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "bandage" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "climbingrope" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "flare" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "torch" } < ] < }] < ], < "capsuleMed" : [ --- > // ============================================================================================== > // SMASHABLES > // ============================================================================================== > > // ================================ > // Capsules, Vases, Pots > // ================================ > > "capsule" : [ 17,19c13,16 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["money", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["money", 4]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bandage" }, --- > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : ["money", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : ["money", 4]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "salve" }, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "bandage" }, 24,27c21,22 < }] < ], < "capsuleSmall" : [ < [0, { --- > }], > [3.9, { 29,31c24,27 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : ["money", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["money", 2]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bandage" }, --- > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : ["money", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : ["money", 6]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "medkit" }, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "nanowrap" }, 97a94,97 > // ================================ > // Misc > // ================================ > 109a110,121 > "smashGeode" : [ > [0, { > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.25, 3], > [0.75, 2] > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.9, "item" : "geode"} > ] > }] > ], > 124a137,140 > // ================================ > // Ore Rocks > // ================================ > 128,142c144 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "copperore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.25, 2], < [0.50, 3], < [0.25, 4] < ] < }] < ], < "copperRock" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "copperore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "copperore"} 151c153 < "silverRockSmall" : [ --- > "copperRock" : [ 154,155c156 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "silverore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "copperore"} 158,160c159,161 < [0.25, 2], < [0.50, 3], < [0.25, 4] --- > [0.25, 8], > [0.50, 10], > [0.25, 12] 164c165 < "silverRock" : [ --- > "silverRockSmall" : [ 167,168c168 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "silverore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "silverore"} 177c177 < "goldRockSmall" : [ --- > "silverRock" : [ 180,181c180 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "goldore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "silverore"} 184,186c183,185 < [0.25, 2], < [0.50, 3], < [0.25, 4] --- > [0.25, 8], > [0.50, 10], > [0.25, 12] 190c189 < "goldRock" : [ --- > "goldRockSmall" : [ 193,194c192 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "goldore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "goldore"} 203,216c201 < "platinumRockSmall" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "platinumore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.25, 2], < [0.50, 3], < [0.25, 4] < ] < }] < ], < "platinumRock" : [ --- > "goldRock" : [ 219,220c204 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "platinumore"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "goldore"} 223,225c207,209 < [0.25, 5], < [0.50, 6], < [0.25, 7] --- > [0.25, 8], > [0.50, 10], > [0.25, 12] 232,233c216 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "diamond"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "diamond"} 244,245c227 < {"weight" : 0.95, "item" : "diamond"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "ore"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "diamond"} 253c235 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } treasure\Missions\apexmission1.treasurepools 26c26 < "apexmissionhead" : [ --- > "apexmission1Rare1" : [ 29,30c29,30 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemohead", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook01codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "apexmission2-codex", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "miniknoghead", 1]} 35c35 < "apexmissionechest" : [ --- > "apexmission1Rare2" : [ 38c38,39 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemochest", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "apexmission3-codex", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "miniknogchest", 1]} 43c44 < "apexmissionpants" : [ --- > "apexmission1Rare3" : [ 46,47c47,48 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemolegs", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook02codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "apexmission4-codex", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "miniknogpants", 1]} 52c53 < "MinidroneTreasure" : [ --- > "apexmission1Rare4" : [ 54,63c55,57 < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.9, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["techchip", 1]} < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.5, 0], < [0.5, 1] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false --- > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "visorhead", 1]} > ] 67c61 < "apexmissionReward" : [ --- > "translator2Pool" : [ 68a63,73 > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "translator2", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > "apexmission1Reward" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "apexmission1-codex", 1]} > ], 70c75 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "blanktechcard", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "techcard", 1]}, 75c80 < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "capturepod", 2]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "capturepod", 1]}, treasure\Missions\floranmission1.treasurepools 26c26 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "gladiatorhead", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "goathead", 1]}, 38c38 < {"item" : [ "floranmission01codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "floranmission2-codex", 1]} 55c55 < {"item" : [ "floranmission02codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "floranmission3-codex", 1]} 64c64 < {"item" : [ "floranmission03codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "floranmission4-codex", 1]} 70a71,73 > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "floranmission1-codex", 1]} > ], 72c75 < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "blanktechcard", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "techcard", 1]}, 93a97,104 > ] > }] > ], > > "florantreasuremask2" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "ethnichead", 1]} treasure\Missions\miningtreasure1.treasurepools 37c37 < "miningtreasurehead" : [ --- > "lunarbaseRare1" : [ 40,41c40 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemohead", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook01codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "spacesuithead", 1]} 46c45 < "miningtreasurechest" : [ --- > "lunarbaseRare2" : [ 49c48,49 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemochest", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "spacesuitchest", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "lunarmission2-codex", 1]} 54c54 < "miningtreasurepants" : [ --- > "lunarbaseRare3" : [ 57,58c57,75 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemolegs", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook02codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "spacesuitlegs", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "lunarmission3-codex", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > "lunarbaseRare4" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "spacesuitback", 1]}, > {"item" : [ "lunarmission4-codex", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > "translator1Pool" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "translator1", 1]} 72a90,92 > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "lunarmission1-codex", 1]} > ], 74,75c94 < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystalCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "blanktechcard", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "techcard", 1]}, 89,97d107 < }] < ], < < "miningtreasureback" : [ < [1, { < "fill" : [ < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemoback", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook03codex", 1]} < ] vehicles\boat\boat.animation 4d3 < 8d6 < 10c8 < "frames" : 4, --- > "frames" : 4, 14,15c12 < }, < --- > }, 17c14 < "frames" : 4, --- > "frames" : 4, 21,22c18 < }, < --- > }, 24d19 < 26c21 < "frames" : 4, --- > "frames" : 4, 30,31c25 < }, < --- > }, 33c27 < "frames" : 4, --- > "frames" : 4, 37,38c31 < }, < --- > }, 40,44c33 < < "sinking" : {}, < < "sunk" : {} < --- > "sinking" : {} 74d62 < 80c68 < "offset" : [-0.5,4.75 ] --- > "offset" : [-0.5, 4.75 ] 85d72 < 89d75 < 95d80 < 101d85 < 107d90 < 111d93 < 115d96 < 120,125d100 < }, < < "sunk" : { < "properties" : { < "image" : "/vehicles/boat/boatforegroundtop.png:sail." < } 127d101 < 132d105 < 142d114 < 146d117 < 152d122 < 158d127 < 164d132 < 168d135 < 173d139 < 178,183d143 < }, < < "sunk" : { < "properties" : { < "image" : "/vehicles/boat/boatforeground.png:hull." < } 185d144 < 200d158 < 202d159 < 213,214d169 < < 218,219d172 < < 230,231d182 < < 235d185 < 262d211 < 266d214 < 297c245 < "burstCount" : 30, --- > "burstCount" : 20, 304c252 < "burstCount" : 30, --- > "burstCount" : 20, 311c259 < "burstCount" : 30, --- > "burstCount" : 20, 325,328c273,277 < "collisionNotification" : [ "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump1.ogg", < "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump2.ogg", < "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump3.ogg" ], < --- > "collisionNotification" : [ > "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump1.ogg", > "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump2.ogg", > "/sfx/tech/hoverbike_bump3.ogg" > ], 330,334c279,283 < < "changeDamageState" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire1.ogg", < "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire2.ogg", < "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire3.ogg" ], < --- > "changeDamageState" : [ > "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire1.ogg", > "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire2.ogg", > "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast_small_fire3.ogg" > ], vehicles\boat\boat.lua 6c6 < self.rockingTimer = 0 --- > self.rockingTimer = 0 13,15c13 < self.maxHealth =1 < self.maxBuoyancy =1 < self.waterFactor=0 --how much water are we in right now --- > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 17,19c15 < self.rockingInterval = vehicle.configParameter("rockingInterval") < self.maxHealth = vehicle.configParameter("maxHealth") < = vehicle.configParameter("protection") --- > self.waterFactor = 0 --how much water are we in right now 21,23c17,19 < self.damageStateNames = vehicle.configParameter("damageStateNames") < self.damageStateDriverEmotes = vehicle.configParameter("damageStateDriverEmotes") < self.materialKind = vehicle.configParameter("materialKind") --- > self.rockingInterval = config.getParameter("rockingInterval") > self.maxHealth = config.getParameter("maxHealth") > = config.getParameter("protection") 24a21,23 > self.damageStateNames = config.getParameter("damageStateNames") > self.damageStateDriverEmotes = config.getParameter("damageStateDriverEmotes") > self.materialKind = config.getParameter("materialKind") 26,29c25,28 < self.windLevelOffset = vehicle.configParameter("windLevelOffset") < self.rockingWindAngleMultiplier = vehicle.configParameter("rockingWindAngleMultiplier") < self.maxRockingAngle = vehicle.configParameter("maxRockingAngle") < self.angleApproachFactor = vehicle.configParameter("angleApproachFactor") --- > self.windLevelOffset = config.getParameter("windLevelOffset") > self.rockingWindAngleMultiplier = config.getParameter("rockingWindAngleMultiplier") > self.maxRockingAngle = config.getParameter("maxRockingAngle") > self.angleApproachFactor = config.getParameter("angleApproachFactor") 31c30 < self.speedRotationMultiplier = vehicle.configParameter("speedRotationMultiplier") --- > self.speedRotationMultiplier = config.getParameter("speedRotationMultiplier") 33,34c32,33 < self.targetMoveSpeed = vehicle.configParameter("targetMoveSpeed") < self.moveControlForce = vehicle.configParameter("moveControlForce") --- > self.targetMoveSpeed = config.getParameter("targetMoveSpeed") > self.moveControlForce = config.getParameter("moveControlForce") 36c35 < mcontroller.resetParameters(vehicle.configParameter("movementSettings")) --- > mcontroller.resetParameters(config.getParameter("movementSettings")) 38,40c37,39 < self.minWaterFactorToFloat=vehicle.configParameter("minWaterFactorToFloat") < self.sinkingBuoyancy=vehicle.configParameter("sinkingBuoyancy") < self.sinkingFriction=vehicle.configParameter("sinkingFriction") --- > self.minWaterFactorToFloat = config.getParameter("minWaterFactorToFloat") > self.sinkingBuoyancy = config.getParameter("sinkingBuoyancy") > self.sinkingFriction = config.getParameter("sinkingFriction") 42,43c41,42 < self.bowWaveParticleNames=vehicle.configParameter("bowWaveParticles") < self.bowWaveMaxEmissionRate=vehicle.configParameter("bowWaveMaxEmissionRate") --- > self.bowWaveParticleNames=config.getParameter("bowWaveParticles") > self.bowWaveMaxEmissionRate=config.getParameter("bowWaveMaxEmissionRate") 45,46c44,45 < self.splashParticleNames=vehicle.configParameter("splashParticles") < self.splashEpsilon=vehicle.configParameter("splashEpsilon") --- > self.splashParticleNames = config.getParameter("splashParticles") > self.splashEpsilon = config.getParameter("splashEpsilon") 48c47 < self.maxGroundSearchDistance = vehicle.configParameter("maxGroundSearchDistance") --- > self.maxGroundSearchDistance = config.getParameter("maxGroundSearchDistance") 51,52c50,51 < self.frontGroundTestPoint={bounds[1],bounds[2]} < self.backGroundTestPoint={bounds[3],bounds[2]} --- > self.frontGroundTestPoint = {bounds[1], bounds[2]} > self.backGroundTestPoint = {bounds[3], bounds[2]} 55c54 < self.ownerKey = vehicle.configParameter("ownerKey") --- > self.ownerKey = config.getParameter("ownerKey") 58,70c57,69 < message.setHandler("store", function(_, _, ownerKey) < < local animState=animator.animationState("base") < < if (animState=="idle" or animState=="sinking" or animState=="sunk") then < if (self.ownerKey and self.ownerKey == ownerKey) then < self.spawnPosition = mcontroller.position() < animator.setAnimationState("base", "warpOutPart1") < local localStorable = (self.driver ==nil) < return {storable = true, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} < end < end < end) --- > message.setHandler("store", > function(_, _, ownerKey) > local animState=animator.animationState("base") > > if (animState == "idle" or animState == "sinking") then > if (self.ownerKey and self.ownerKey == ownerKey) then > self.spawnPosition = mcontroller.position() > animator.setAnimationState("base", "warpOutPart1") > local localStorable = (self.driver == nil) > return {storable = true, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} > end > end > end) 72d70 < --assume maxhealth 74c72 < animator.setAnimationState("base", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("base", "idle") 76c74 < local startHealthFactor = vehicle.configParameter("startHealthFactor") --- > local startHealthFactor = config.getParameter("startHealthFactor") 79c77 < = self.maxHealth --- > = self.maxHealth 82,83c80,81 < end < animator.setAnimationState("base", "warpInPart1") --- > end > animator.setAnimationState("base", "warpInPart1") 86d83 < --set up any damage efects we have... 88,89c85 < < --- > self.maxBuoyancy = mcontroller.parameters().liquidBuoyancy 93,96c89,92 < local sinkAngle=-math.pi*0.4 < < local animState=animator.animationState("base") < local waterFactor = mcontroller.liquidPercentage(); --- > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > vehicle.destroy() > return > end 97a94,95 > local animState = animator.animationState("base") > local waterFactor = mcontroller.liquidPercentage() 99c97 < if (animState=="warpedOut") then --- > if (animState == "warpedOut") then 101,102c99,100 < elseif (animState=="warpInPart1" or animState=="warpOutPart2") then < world.debugText("warping",mcontroller.position(),"red") --- > elseif (animState == "warpInPart1" or animState == "warpOutPart2") then > -- world.debugText("warping",mcontroller.position(),"red") 104d101 < --lock it solid whilst spawning/despawning 106,120c103,109 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) < elseif (animState=="sunk") then < -- world.debugText("sunk",mcontroller.position(),"red") < -- not much here. < local targetAngle=calcGroundCollisionAngle(self.maxGroundSearchDistance) < self.angle = self.angle + (targetAngle - self.angle) * self.angleApproachFactor < < elseif (animState=="sinking") then < world.debugText("sinking",mcontroller.position(),"red") < < self.angle=updateSinking(waterFactor, self.angle,sinkAngle) < < elseif (animState=="idle") then < < world.debugText("idle",mcontroller.position(),"green") --- > mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) > elseif (animState == "sinking") then > -- world.debugText("sinking", mcontroller.position(), "red") > > self.angle = updateSinking(waterFactor, self.angle, -math.pi * 0.4) > elseif (animState == "idle") then > -- world.debugText("idle", mcontroller.position(), "green") 124c113 < self.waterBounds=mcontroller.localBoundBox() --- > self.waterBounds = mcontroller.localBoundBox() 127,128c116,117 < if (waterFactor>0) then < waterSurface=(self.waterBounds[4] * waterFactor) + (self.waterBounds[2] * (1.0-waterFactor)) --- > if (waterFactor > 0) then > waterSurface = (self.waterBounds[4] * waterFactor) + (self.waterBounds[2] * (1.0 - waterFactor)) 131,135c120,121 < self.waterBounds[2] = waterSurface +0.25 < self.waterBounds[4] = waterSurface +0.5 < < world.debugText(string.format("WaterSurface=%s", self.waterBounds[2]),mcontroller.position(),"yellow") < --- > self.waterBounds[2] = waterSurface + 0.25 > self.waterBounds[4] = waterSurface + 0.5 137,138c123 < local facing < local moving --- > -- world.debugText(string.format("WaterSurface=%s", self.waterBounds[2]), mcontroller.position(), "yellow") 140c125 < moving,facing = updateDriving() --- > local moving, facing = updateDriving() 147,148c132,133 < if<=0 then < vehicle.setLoungeEnabled("titanicPose",false) --- > if <= 0 then > vehicle.setLoungeEnabled("titanicPose", false) 149a135 > self.sinkTimer = config.getParameter("maxSinkTime") 153c139 < self.waterFactor=waterFactor --how deep are we in the water right now ? --- > self.waterFactor = waterFactor 160d145 < 168d152 < 171,172d154 < < 196c178 < return moving,facing --- > return moving, facing 200,209c182,187 < < if (mcontroller.onGround()) then < --not floating any more. Must have touched bottom. < animator.setAnimationState("base", "sunk") < < animator.setParticleEmitterActive("bubbles", false) < vehicle.setLoungeEnabled("drivingSeat",false) < < local targetAngle=calcGroundCollisionAngle(self.maxGroundSearchDistance) < currentAngle = currentAngle + (targetAngle - currentAngle) * self.angleApproachFactor --- > self.sinkTimer = self.sinkTimer - script.updateDt() > if self.sinkTimer <= 0 or mcontroller.onGround() then > animator.playSound("changeDamageState") > animator.setParticleEmitterBurstCount("damageShards", config.getParameter("destroyParticleBurstCount")) > animator.burstParticleEmitter("damageShards") > vehicle.destroy() 211,213c189,190 < if (waterFactor> self.minWaterFactorToFloat) then < if (currentAngle~=sinkAngle) then < --- > if (waterFactor > self.minWaterFactorToFloat) then > if (currentAngle ~= sinkAngle) then 216,220c193,199 < local lerpFactor=math.cos(currentAngle) < local finalBuoyancy=(self.maxBuoyancy * lerpFactor) + (self.sinkingBuoyancy* (1.0-lerpFactor)) < mcontroller.applyParameters({ liquidBuoyancy=finalBuoyancy, < liquidFriction=self.sinkingFriction, < frictionEnabled=true}) --- > local lerpFactor = math.cos(currentAngle - sinkAngle) > local finalBuoyancy = (self.maxBuoyancy * (1.0 - lerpFactor)) + (self.sinkingBuoyancy * lerpFactor) > mcontroller.applyParameters({ > liquidBuoyancy = finalBuoyancy, > liquidFriction = self.sinkingFriction, > frictionEnabled = true > }) 232,233c211 < local targetAngle=0 < --- > local targetAngle 245c223 < local windAngle= windMaxAngle * (math.sin(self.rockingTimer / self.rockingInterval * (math.pi * 2))) --- > local windAngle = windMaxAngle * (math.sin(self.rockingTimer / self.rockingInterval * (math.pi * 2))) 249c227 < targetAngle=calcGroundCollisionAngle(self.waterBounds[2]) --pass in the water surtface --- > targetAngle = calcGroundCollisionAngle(self.waterBounds[2]) --pass in the water surface 254d231 < 256c233,237 < local floatingLiquid=mcontroller.liquidId() --- > local floatingLiquid = mcontroller.liquidId() > if (floatingLiquid > 0) then > if (floatingLiquid > #self.bowWaveParticleNames) then > floatingLiquid = 1 --off the end, go to "water" as a default > end 258d238 < if (floatingLiquid>0 and floatingLiquid<=#self.splashParticleNames) then 269,271c249 < < < function updateMovingEffects(floating,moving) --- > function updateMovingEffects(floating, moving) 274d251 < 276c253,257 < local floatingLiquid=mcontroller.liquidId() --- > local floatingLiquid = mcontroller.liquidId() > if (floatingLiquid > 0) then > if (floatingLiquid > #self.bowWaveParticleNames) then > floatingLiquid = 1 --off the end, go to "water" as a default > end 278,279c259 < if (floatingLiquid>0 and floatingLiquid<=#self.bowWaveParticleNames) then < local bowWaveEmitter=self.bowWaveParticleNames[floatingLiquid] --- > local bowWaveEmitter = self.bowWaveParticleNames[floatingLiquid] 281,282c261,262 < local rateFactor=math.abs(mcontroller.xVelocity())/self.targetMoveSpeed < rateFactor=rateFactor * self.bowWaveMaxEmissionRate --- > local rateFactor = math.abs(mcontroller.xVelocity()) / self.targetMoveSpeed > rateFactor = rateFactor * self.bowWaveMaxEmissionRate 285,287c265,266 < local bowWaveBounds=self.waterBounds < -- bowWaveBounds[3]=bowWaveBounds[1]-0.5 < animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion(bowWaveEmitter,bowWaveBounds) --- > local bowWaveBounds = self.waterBounds > animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion(bowWaveEmitter, bowWaveBounds) 289c268 < animator.setParticleEmitterActive(bowWaveEmitter, true) --- > animator.setParticleEmitterActive(bowWaveEmitter, true) 292d270 < 301,302d278 < < 306c282 < --if we have a scared face on becasue of taking damage --- > --if we have a scared face on because of taking damage 312,313c288,289 < damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat",self.damageStateDriverEmotes[damageStateIndex]) --- > damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat", self.damageStateDriverEmotes[damageStateIndex]) 319d294 < 331c306,308 < = - damage --- > > local healthLost = math.min(damage, > = - healthLost 337c314,315 < damage = damage, --- > damageDealt = damage, > healthLost = healthLost, 346,348c324,326 < local damageTakenEmote=vehicle.configParameter("damageTakenEmote") < self.damageEmoteTimer=vehicle.configParameter("damageEmoteTime") < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat",damageTakenEmote) --- > local damageTakenEmote = config.getParameter("damageTakenEmote") > self.damageEmoteTimer = config.getParameter("damageEmoteTime") > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat", damageTakenEmote) 351d328 < 354c331 < local healthFactor = ( / self.maxHealth --- > local healthFactor = ( - damage) / self.maxHealth 357,358c334,335 < local prevDamageStateIndex =util.clamp( maxDamageState - math.ceil(prevhealthFactor * maxDamageState)+1, 1, maxDamageState) < self.damageStateIndex =util.clamp( maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState)+1, 1, maxDamageState) --- > local prevDamageStateIndex = util.clamp(maxDamageState - math.ceil(prevhealthFactor * maxDamageState) + 1, 1, maxDamageState) > self.damageStateIndex = util.clamp(maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState) + 1, 1, maxDamageState) 360c337 < if ((self.damageStateIndex > prevDamageStateIndex) or initialise==true) then --- > if ((self.damageStateIndex > prevDamageStateIndex) or initialise == true) then 363,365c340,341 < --change the floatation < local settingsNameList=vehicle.configParameter("damageMovementSettingNames") < local settingsObject = vehicle.configParameter(settingsNameList[self.damageStateIndex]) --- > local settingsNameList = config.getParameter("damageMovementSettingNames") > local settingsObject = config.getParameter(settingsNameList[self.damageStateIndex]) 367,368c343 < --self.maxBuoyancy =mcontroller.parameters.liquidBuoyancy() < self.maxBuoyancy = 1 --- > self.maxBuoyancy = mcontroller.parameters().liquidBuoyancy 374d348 < --people in the vehicle change thier faces when the vehicle is damaged. 377d350 < --burstparticles. 384,390c357,358 < < local frontDistance = math.min(distanceToGround(self.frontGroundTestPoint),waterSurface) < local backDistance = math.min(distanceToGround(self.backGroundTestPoint),waterSurface) < < < -- world.debugText(string.format("front=%s, back=%s",frontDistance,backDistance),mcontroller.position(),"yellow") < --- > local frontDistance = math.min(distanceToGround(self.frontGroundTestPoint), waterSurface) > local backDistance = math.min(distanceToGround(self.backGroundTestPoint), waterSurface) 393c361 < return 0 --- > return 0 395,397c363 < local groundAngle=-math.atan(backDistance - frontDistance) < < return groundAngle --- > return -math.atan(backDistance - frontDistance) 410c376 < world.debugPoint(intPoint, {255, 255, 0, 255}) --- > -- world.debugPoint(intPoint, {255, 255, 0, 255}) 413c379 < world.debugPoint(endPoint, {255, 0, 0, 255}) --- > -- world.debugPoint(endPoint, {255, 0, 0, 255}) 416d381 < 418,421d382 < < < < vehicles\boat\boat.vehicle 22,23d21 < < 25c23 < "collisionPoly" : [[-2.5, -2], [-5.0, -1], [-5, 1], [1.0, 5.0], [5.0, 1], [5.0, -1], [2.5,-2]], --- > "collisionPoly" : [[-2.5, -2], [-5.0, -1], [-4.5, 1.0], [5.0, 1.0], [5.0, -1], [2.5,-2]], 33,34d30 < < 39c35,36 < "orientation" : "stand" --- > "orientation" : "stand", > "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5] 46c43,44 < "dance" : "titanic" --- > "dance" : "titanic", > "exitBottomOffset" : [0, -0.5] 52c50 < "targetMoveSpeed" : 30, --- > "targetMoveSpeed" : 35, 54c52 < "moveControlForce" : 100, --- > "moveControlForce" : 250, 57c55 < "rockingWindAngleMultiplier": 0.0075, --- > "rockingWindAngleMultiplier": -0.006, 62c60 < "speedRotationMultiplier": 0.01, --- > "speedRotationMultiplier": 0.006, 68,70d65 < < //health and damage < 77,78c72,73 < "liquidFriction" : 30, < "liquidBuoyancy" : 6 --- > "liquidFriction" : 20, > "liquidBuoyancy" : 1.75 82,83c77,78 < "liquidFriction" : 40, < "liquidBuoyancy" : 4 --- > "liquidFriction" : 25, > "liquidBuoyancy" : 1.5 87,88c82,83 < "liquidFriction" : 50, < "liquidBuoyancy" : 3 --- > "liquidFriction" : 30, > "liquidBuoyancy" : 1.0 91,92c86,89 < "sinkingBuoyancy" : 0.75, < "sinkingFriction" : 70, --- > "sinkingBuoyancy" : 0.5, > "sinkingFriction" : 20, > "maxSinkTime" : 10, > "destroyParticleBurstCount" : 25, 100,101d96 < //Platform to stand on < 104c99 < "collision" : [ [-4.5, 0.0], [4.5, 0.0], [4.5, 0.6], [-4.5, 0.6] ], --- > "collision" : [ [-4.5, 0.0], [4.5, 0.0], [4.5, 1.0], [-4.5, 1.0] ], 109,110d103 < < // particle effects. 115,118d107 < < < < 120,122d108 < < < vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbike.animation 460c460 < "headlightSwitchOff" : ["/sfx/objects/floodlights_off.ogg"] --- > "headlightSwitchOff" : ["/sfx/objects/floodlights_off.ogg"], 461a462 > "returnvehicle" : ["/sfx/tech/vehicle_disappear1.ogg"] vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbike.lua 4,27c4,27 < self.levelApproachFactor = vehicle.configParameter("levelApproachFactor") < self.angleApproachFactor = vehicle.configParameter("angleApproachFactor") < self.maxGroundSearchDistance = vehicle.configParameter("maxGroundSearchDistance") < self.maxAngle = vehicle.configParameter("maxAngle") * math.pi / 180 < self.hoverTargetDistance = vehicle.configParameter("hoverTargetDistance") < self.hoverVelocityFactor = vehicle.configParameter("hoverVelocityFactor") < self.hoverControlForce = vehicle.configParameter("hoverControlForce") < self.targetHorizontalVelocity = vehicle.configParameter("targetHorizontalVelocity") < self.horizontalControlForce = vehicle.configParameter("horizontalControlForce") < self.nearGroundDistance = vehicle.configParameter("nearGroundDistance") < self.jumpVelocity = vehicle.configParameter("jumpVelocity") < self.jumpTimeout = vehicle.configParameter("jumpTimeout") < self.backSpringPositions = vehicle.configParameter("backSpringPositions") < self.frontSpringPositions = vehicle.configParameter("frontSpringPositions") < self.bodySpringPositions = vehicle.configParameter("bodySpringPositions") < self.movementSettings = vehicle.configParameter("movementSettings") < self.occupiedMovementSettings = vehicle.configParameter("occupiedMovementSettings") < = vehicle.configParameter("protection") < self.maxHealth = vehicle.configParameter("maxHealth") < < self.smokeThreshold = vehicle.configParameter("smokeParticleHealthThreshold") < self.fireThreshold = vehicle.configParameter("fireParticleHealthThreshold") < self.maxSmokeRate = vehicle.configParameter("smokeRateAtZeroHealth") < self.maxFireRate = vehicle.configParameter("fireRateAtZeroHealth") --- > self.levelApproachFactor = config.getParameter("levelApproachFactor") > self.angleApproachFactor = config.getParameter("angleApproachFactor") > self.maxGroundSearchDistance = config.getParameter("maxGroundSearchDistance") > self.maxAngle = config.getParameter("maxAngle") * math.pi / 180 > self.hoverTargetDistance = config.getParameter("hoverTargetDistance") > self.hoverVelocityFactor = config.getParameter("hoverVelocityFactor") > self.hoverControlForce = config.getParameter("hoverControlForce") > self.targetHorizontalVelocity = config.getParameter("targetHorizontalVelocity") > self.horizontalControlForce = config.getParameter("horizontalControlForce") > self.nearGroundDistance = config.getParameter("nearGroundDistance") > self.jumpVelocity = config.getParameter("jumpVelocity") > self.jumpTimeout = config.getParameter("jumpTimeout") > self.backSpringPositions = config.getParameter("backSpringPositions") > self.frontSpringPositions = config.getParameter("frontSpringPositions") > self.bodySpringPositions = config.getParameter("bodySpringPositions") > self.movementSettings = config.getParameter("movementSettings") > self.occupiedMovementSettings = config.getParameter("occupiedMovementSettings") > = config.getParameter("protection") > self.maxHealth = config.getParameter("maxHealth") > > self.smokeThreshold = config.getParameter("smokeParticleHealthThreshold") > self.fireThreshold = config.getParameter("fireParticleHealthThreshold") > self.maxSmokeRate = config.getParameter("smokeRateAtZeroHealth") > self.maxFireRate = config.getParameter("fireRateAtZeroHealth") 29,30c29,30 < self.onFireThreshold = vehicle.configParameter("onFireHealthThreshold") < self.damagePerSecondWhenOnFire = vehicle.configParameter("damagePerSecondWhenOnFire") --- > self.onFireThreshold = config.getParameter("onFireHealthThreshold") > self.damagePerSecondWhenOnFire = config.getParameter("damagePerSecondWhenOnFire") 32,33c32,33 < self.engineDamageSoundThreshold = vehicle.configParameter("engineDamageSoundThreshold") < self.intermittentDamageSoundThreshold = vehicle.configParameter("intermittentDamageSoundThreshold") --- > self.engineDamageSoundThreshold = config.getParameter("engineDamageSoundThreshold") > self.intermittentDamageSoundThreshold = config.getParameter("intermittentDamageSoundThreshold") 36,37c36,37 < self.maxDamageSoundInterval = vehicle.configParameter("maxDamageSoundInterval") < self.minDamageSoundInterval = vehicle.configParameter("minDamageSoundInterval") --- > self.maxDamageSoundInterval = config.getParameter("maxDamageSoundInterval") > self.minDamageSoundInterval = config.getParameter("minDamageSoundInterval") 40,45c40,45 < self.minDamageCollisionAccel = vehicle.configParameter("minDamageCollisionAccel") < self.minNotificationCollisionAccel = vehicle.configParameter("minNotificationCollisionAccel") < self.terrainCollisionDamage = vehicle.configParameter("terrainCollisionDamage") < self.materialKind = vehicle.configParameter("materialKind") < self.terrainCollisionDamageSourceKind = vehicle.configParameter("terrainCollisionDamageSourceKind") < self.accelerationTrackingCount = vehicle.configParameter("accelerationTrackingCount") --- > self.minDamageCollisionAccel = config.getParameter("minDamageCollisionAccel") > self.minNotificationCollisionAccel = config.getParameter("minNotificationCollisionAccel") > self.terrainCollisionDamage = config.getParameter("terrainCollisionDamage") > self.materialKind = config.getParameter("materialKind") > self.terrainCollisionDamageSourceKind = config.getParameter("terrainCollisionDamageSourceKind") > self.accelerationTrackingCount = config.getParameter("accelerationTrackingCount") 47c47 < self.damageStateNames = vehicle.configParameter("damageStateNames") --- > self.damageStateNames = config.getParameter("damageStateNames") 49,52c49,52 < self.engineIdlePitch = vehicle.configParameter("engineIdlePitch") < self.engineRevPitch = vehicle.configParameter("engineRevPitch") < self.engineIdleVolume = vehicle.configParameter("engineIdleVolume") < self.engineRevVolume = vehicle.configParameter("engineRevVolume") --- > self.engineIdlePitch = config.getParameter("engineIdlePitch") > self.engineRevPitch = config.getParameter("engineRevPitch") > self.engineIdleVolume = config.getParameter("engineIdleVolume") > self.engineRevVolume = config.getParameter("engineRevVolume") 55,57c55,57 < self.damageStatePassengerDances = vehicle.configParameter("damageStatePassengerDances") < self.damageStatePassengerEmotes = vehicle.configParameter("damageStatePassengerEmotes") < self.damageStateDriverEmotes = vehicle.configParameter("damageStateDriverEmotes") --- > self.damageStatePassengerDances = config.getParameter("damageStatePassengerDances") > self.damageStatePassengerEmotes = config.getParameter("damageStatePassengerEmotes") > self.damageStateDriverEmotes = config.getParameter("damageStateDriverEmotes") 63d62 < 72c71 < self.damageEmoteTimer=0.0 --- > self.damageEmoteTimer = 0.0 79c78,80 < --initial state --- > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 > > --initial state 93c94 < self.ownerKey = vehicle.configParameter("ownerKey") --- > self.ownerKey = config.getParameter("ownerKey") 98c99 < animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "idle") 100c101 < local startHealthFactor = vehicle.configParameter("startHealthFactor") --- > local startHealthFactor = config.getParameter("startHealthFactor") 106,107c107,108 < end < animator.setAnimationState("movement", "warpInPart1") --- > end > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "warpInPart1") 110c111 < --setup the store functionality --- > --setup the store functionality 112,122c113,122 < function(_, _, ownerKey) < < if (self.ownerKey and self.ownerKey == ownerKey and self.driver == nil and animator.animationState("movement")=="idle") then < animator.setAnimationState("movement", "warpOutPart1") < switchHeadLights(1,1,false) < return {storable = true, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} < else < return {storable = false, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} < end < end) < --- > function(_, _, ownerKey) > if (self.ownerKey and self.ownerKey == ownerKey and self.driver == nil and animator.animationState("movement") == "idle") then > animator.setAnimationState("movement", "warpOutPart1") > switchHeadLights(1, 1, false) > animator.playSound("returnvehicle") > return {storable = true, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} > else > return {storable = false, healthFactor = / self.maxHealth} > end > end) 125d124 < 128a128,131 > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > vehicle.destroy() > return > end 130c133 < if (animator.animationState("movement")=="invisible") then --- > if (animator.animationState("movement") == "invisible") then 132,133c135 < elseif (animator.animationState("movement")=="warpInPart1" or animator.animationState("movement")=="warpOutPart2") then < --lock it solid whilst spawning/despawning --- > elseif (animator.animationState("movement") == "warpInPart1" or animator.animationState("movement") == "warpOutPart2") then 135c137 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) --- > mcontroller.setVelocity({0, 0}) 164,165c166 < damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 < local dance = self.damageStatePassengerDances[damageStateIndex] --- > damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 167c168,169 < if (dance~="") then --- > local dance = self.damageStatePassengerDances[damageStateIndex] > if (dance ~= "") then 171c173 < --if we have a scared face on becasue of taking damage --- > --if we have a scared face on because of taking damage 177,178c179,180 < damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("passengerSeat",self.damageStatePassengerEmotes[damageStateIndex]) --- > damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("passengerSeat", self.damageStatePassengerEmotes[damageStateIndex]) 182,183c184,185 < damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat",self.damageStateDriverEmotes[damageStateIndex]) --- > damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(healthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat", self.damageStateDriverEmotes[damageStateIndex]) 188d189 < 190,192c191,192 < < local startSoundName="engineStart" < local loopSoundName="engineLoop" --- > local startSoundName = "engineStart" > local loopSoundName = "engineLoop" 195,196c195,196 < startSoundName="engineStartDamaged" < loopSoundName="engineLoopDamaged" --- > startSoundName = "engineStartDamaged" > loopSoundName = "engineLoopDamaged" 199d198 < 201,205c200,203 < if (driverThisFrame ~=nil) then < < --has someone got in ? < if (self.driver==nil) then < animator.playSound(startSoundName) --start sound, plays once. --- > if (driverThisFrame ~= nil) then > --has someone got in ? > if (self.driver == nil) then > animator.playSound(startSoundName) 209,211c207,208 < if (loopSoundName~=self.loopPlaying) then < < if (self.loopPlaying~=nil) then --- > if (loopSoundName ~= self.loopPlaying) then > if (self.loopPlaying ~= nil) then 215,216c212,213 < animator.playSound(loopSoundName, -1) --engine sound, plays forever. < self.loopPlaying=loopSoundName --- > animator.playSound(loopSoundName, -1) > self.loopPlaying = loopSoundName 220c217 < if (self.loopPlaying~=nil) then --- > if (self.loopPlaying ~= nil) then 222c219 < self.loopPlaying=nil --- > self.loopPlaying = nil 230,231c227 < if (self.loopPlaying~=nil) then < --- > if (self.loopPlaying ~= nil) then 245,246c241,242 < animator.setSoundPitch(self.loopPlaying, self.engineRevPitch,self.engineRevTimer) < animator.setSoundVolume(self.loopPlaying, self.engineRevVolume,self.engineRevTimer) --- > animator.setSoundPitch(self.loopPlaying, self.engineRevPitch, self.engineRevTimer) > animator.setSoundVolume(self.loopPlaying, self.engineRevVolume, self.engineRevTimer) 253c249 < self.revEngine=false; --- > self.revEngine = false 263,264c259,260 < animator.setSoundPitch(self.loopPlaying, self.enginePitch,1.5) < animator.setSoundVolume(self.loopPlaying, self.engineVolume,1.5) --- > animator.setSoundPitch(self.loopPlaying, self.enginePitch, 1.5) > animator.setSoundVolume(self.loopPlaying, self.engineVolume, 1.5) 270d265 < 282c277 < if (self.loopPlaying~=nil or (self.onFireThreshold and healthFactor < self.onFireThreshold)) then --- > if (self.loopPlaying ~= nil or (self.onFireThreshold and healthFactor < self.onFireThreshold)) then 285d279 < 288c282 < if (self.damageSoundTimer <= 0.0) then --- > if (self.damageSoundTimer <= 0) then 292c286 < local randomMax = (healthFactor * self.maxDamageSoundInterval) + ((1.0-healthFactor) * self.minDamageSoundInterval) --- > local randomMax = (healthFactor * self.maxDamageSoundInterval) + ((1.0 - healthFactor) * self.minDamageSoundInterval) 295c289 < self.damageEmoteTimer=vehicle.configParameter("damageEmoteTime") --- > self.damageEmoteTimer = config.getParameter("damageEmoteTime") 297c291 < local BackfireMomentum = {0,self.jumpVelocity * 0.5} --- > local BackfireMomentum = {0, self.jumpVelocity * 0.5} 300c294 < self.damageSoundTimer = math.random()*randomMax; --- > self.damageSoundTimer = math.random() * randomMax; 305c299 < rearThrusterFrame = rearThrusterFrame+math.random(3) --- > rearThrusterFrame = rearThrusterFrame + math.random(3) 307,309d300 < < ventralThrusterFrame = ventralThrusterFrame+math.random(3) < animator.setGlobalTag("bottomThrusterFrame", ventralThrusterFrame) 310a302,303 > ventralThrusterFrame = ventralThrusterFrame + math.random(3) > animator.setGlobalTag("bottomThrusterFrame", ventralThrusterFrame) 313d305 < 320c312 < local newHealthFactor = (currentHealth-damage) / self.maxHealth --- > local newHealthFactor = (currentHealth - damage) / self.maxHealth 325c317 < previousDamageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(prevHealthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 --- > previousDamageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(prevHealthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 326a319 > 330c323 < damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(newHealthFactor * maxDamageState))+1 --- > damageStateIndex = (maxDamageState - math.ceil(newHealthFactor * maxDamageState)) + 1 344,345c337,338 < if newHealthFactor<1.0 then < if (self.smokeThreshold > 0.0 and newHealthFactor < self.smokeThreshold) then --- > if newHealthFactor < 1.0 then > if (self.smokeThreshold > 0 and newHealthFactor < self.smokeThreshold) then 351c344 < if (self.fireThreshold > 0.0 and newHealthFactor < self.fireThreshold) then --- > if (self.fireThreshold > 0 and newHealthFactor < self.fireThreshold) then 362d354 < 370,373c362 < < < function switchHeadLights(oldIndex,newIndex,activate) < --- > function switchHeadLights(oldIndex, newIndex, activate) 375c364 < local listOfLists = vehicle.configParameter("lightsInDamageState") --- > local listOfLists = config.getParameter("lightsInDamageState") 381c370 < animator.setLightActive(name,false) --- > animator.setLightActive(name, false) 387c376 < animator.setLightActive(name,activate) --- > animator.setLightActive(name, activate) 398d386 < 401d388 < 403,406c390,393 < local damageTakenEmote=vehicle.configParameter("damageTakenEmote") < self.damageEmoteTimer=vehicle.configParameter("damageEmoteTime") < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat",damageTakenEmote) < vehicle.setLoungeEmote("passengerSeat",damageTakenEmote) --- > local damageTakenEmote = config.getParameter("damageTakenEmote") > self.damageEmoteTimer = config.getParameter("damageEmoteTime") > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("drivingSeat", damageTakenEmote) > vehicle.setLoungeEmote("passengerSeat", damageTakenEmote) 409d395 < 417c403 < return --- > return {} 423c409,411 < = - damage --- > > local healthLost = math.min(damage, > = - healthLost 429c417,418 < damage = damage, --- > damageDealt = damage, > healthLost = healthLost, 437d425 < 467d454 < 479d465 < 484c470 < self.enginePitch=self.engineRevPitch; --- > self.enginePitch = self.engineRevPitch; 486d471 < 505,506c490 < self.revEngine=true; < --- > self.revEngine = true; 517,518d500 < < 520c502 < if (vehicle.controlHeld("drivingSeat","PrimaryFire")) then --- > if (vehicle.controlHeld("drivingSeat", "PrimaryFire")) then 522,523d503 < < 533d512 < 536c515 < self.headlightCanToggle=true; --- > self.headlightCanToggle = true; 539,540c518,519 < if (vehicle.controlHeld("drivingSeat","AltFire")) then < if (self.hornPlaying == false) then --- > if (vehicle.controlHeld("drivingSeat", "AltFire")) then > if not self.hornPlaying then 542c521 < self.hornPlaying=true; --- > self.hornPlaying = true; 545c524 < if (self.hornPlaying == true) then --- > if self.hornPlaying then 547c526 < self.hornPlaying=false; --- > self.hornPlaying = false; 550d528 < 553d530 < 555d531 < 570c546 < updateVisualEffects(,damageThisFrame, self.headlightsOn) --- > updateVisualEffects(, damageThisFrame, self.headlightsOn) 579d554 < 582c557 < power = vehicle.configParameter("explosionDamage"), --- > power = config.getParameter("explosionDamage"), 588c563 < file = vehicle.configParameter("explosionConfig") --- > file = config.getParameter("explosionConfig") 617c592 < updateVisualEffects(, self.terrainCollisionDamage, self.headlightsOn) --- > updateVisualEffects(, self.terrainCollisionDamage, self.headlightsOn) 627c602,603 < damage = self.terrainCollisionDamage, --- > damageDealt = self.terrainCollisionDamage, > healthLost = self.terrainCollisionDamage, vehicles\hoverbike\hoverbikered.vehicle 63c63 < --- > vehicles\mech\mech.lua 8c8 < self.level = vehicle.configParameter("mechLevel", 6) --- > self.level = config.getParameter("mechLevel", 6) 9a10 > self.worldBottomDeathLevel = 5 13,19c14,25 < local mechAimLimit = vehicle.configParameter("mechAimLimit") * math.pi / 180 < local mechHorizontalMovement = vehicle.configParameter("mechHorizontalMovement") < local mechJumpVelocity = vehicle.configParameter("mechJumpVelocity") < local mechFireCycle = vehicle.configParameter("mechFireCycle") < local mechProjectile = vehicle.configParameter("mechProjectile") < local mechProjectileConfig = vehicle.configParameter("mechProjectileConfig") < local offGroundFrames = vehicle.configParameter("offGroundFrames") --- > if mcontroller.position()[2] < self.worldBottomDeathLevel then > vehicle.destroy() > return > end > > local mechAimLimit = config.getParameter("mechAimLimit") * math.pi / 180 > local mechHorizontalMovement = config.getParameter("mechHorizontalMovement") > local mechJumpVelocity = config.getParameter("mechJumpVelocity") > local mechFireCycle = config.getParameter("mechFireCycle") > local mechProjectile = config.getParameter("mechProjectile") > local mechProjectileConfig = config.getParameter("mechProjectileConfig") > local offGroundFrames = config.getParameter("offGroundFrames") 25c31 < mechProjectileConfig.power = root.evalFunction("gunDamageLevelMultiplier", self.level) * mechProjectileConfig.power --- > mechProjectileConfig.power = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", self.level) * mechProjectileConfig.power 73a80,85 > if onGround then > self.groundFrames = offGroundFrames > else > self.groundFrames = self.groundFrames - 1 > end > 79,84d90 < end < < if onGround then < self.groundFrames = offGroundFrames < else < self.groundFrames = self.groundFrames - 1 vehicles\mech\glitchmech\glitchmech.vehicle 9c9 < "animation" : "/vehicles/mech/mech.animation", --- > "animation" : "/vehicles/mech/glitchmech/glitchmech.animation", 34c34 < "mass" : 5, --- > "mass" : 3, 37c37,38 < "ignorePlatformCollision" : true --- > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > "groundForce" : 400 53,54c54,55 < "mechFireCycle" : 0.25, < "mechProjectile" : "standardbullet", --- > "mechFireCycle" : 1.5, > "mechProjectile" : "snowball", 56c57,58 < "power" : 4 --- > "power" : 4, > "speed" : 50 weather\acidrain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/acidrain.png", weather\ash\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/ash.png", weather\clear\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/clear.png", weather\crystalrain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/glowingrain.png", weather\duststorm\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/duststorm.png", 23c22 < }, --- > }, 50c49 < } --- > } weather\embers\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/ember.png", 13c12 < "timeToLive" : 20, --- > "timeToLive" : 5, 26c25 < "timeToLive" : 20, --- > "timeToLive" : 5, 39c38 < "timeToLive" : 20, --- > "timeToLive" : 5, 44c43 < }, --- > }, 52c51 < "timeToLive" : 20, --- > "timeToLive" : 5, weather\fog\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/fog.png", weather\groundmist\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/groundmist.png", weather\hailstones\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/hail.png", weather\meteorshower\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/meteorstorm.png", weather\meteorshower\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/smallmeteorstorm.png", weather\rain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/drizzle.png", weather\rain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/glowingrain.png", weather\rain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/rain.png", weather\rain\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/thunder.png", weather\sandstorm\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/sandstorm.png", weather\snow\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/blizzard.png", weather\snow\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/snow.png", 47c46 < "projectiles" : [ --- > "projectiles" : [ weather\snowstorm\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/blizzard.png", weather\spacedustshower\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/spacedust.png", weather\spacejunk\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/spacejunk.png", 155c154 < }, --- > }, weather\windstorm\ 3d2 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/windstorm.png", 47c46 < } --- > } 54,55c53,54 < < --- > >