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"AsteroidField"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Tier4"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "Tier5"} 753c769,773 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "AncientGateway"} --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "AncientGateway"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "AsteroidField"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Barren"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "Tier5"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "Tier6"} dungeon_worlds.config 21c21,22 < "biome" : "earth" --- > "biome" : "earth", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 45c46,47 < "biome": "forest" --- > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 58c60,61 < "biome": "forest" --- > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 71c74,75 < "biome": "forest" --- > "biome": "forest", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 83c87,88 < "musicTrack" : "/music/ocean-battle1-loop.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/ocean-battle1-loop.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 94c99,100 < 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"environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 204c216,217 < "musicTrack" : "/music/event-horizon.ogg" --- > "musicTrack" : "/music/event-horizon.ogg", > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 217c230,231 < "overrideTech" : ["doublejump"] --- > "overrideTech" : ["doublejump"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 230c244,245 < "overrideTech" : ["dash"] --- > "overrideTech" : ["dash"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] 243c258,259 < "overrideTech" : ["distortionsphere"] --- > "overrideTech" : ["distortionsphere"], > "environmentStatusEffects" : ["dontstarve"] interface.config 49c49 < "breathPos" : [0, 90], --- > "breathPos" : [0, 100], 90c90 < "offset" : [0, -65], --- > "offset" : [0, -80], 93,94c93,94 < "skillIconOffset" : [-20, -84], < "skillTextOffset" : [-9, -89], --- > "skillIconOffset" : [-20, -104], > "skillTextOffset" : [-9, -109], 96,97c96,97 < "progressBarOffset" : [-35, -68], < "portraitOffset" : [-38, -73], --- > "progressBarOffset" : [-40, -86], > "portraitOffset" : [0, -77], 99,100c99,100 < "portraitScissorRect" : [-64, 0, 0, 64], < "portraitMaxSize" : [26, 48] --- > "portraitScissorRect" : [-80, -80, 80, 80], > "portraitMaxSize" : [80, 44] player.config 12,13d11 < "attackGruntChance" : 0.50, < 344,366d341 < { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, < { "item" : "aegisaltrifle" }, < { "item" : "aegisaltshotgun" }, < { "item" : "feroziumrifle" }, < { "item" : "feroziumpistol" }, < { "item" : "feroziumsniper" }, < { "item" : "feroziumrocket" }, < < { "item" : "apexdurasteelstaff1" }, < { "item" : "apexdurasteelstaff2" }, < { "item" : "aviancrystalstaff1" }, < { "item" : "aviancrystalstaff2" }, < { "item" : "floranleafstaff1" }, < { "item" : "floranleafstaff2" }, < { "item" : "glitchglitchstaff1" }, < { "item" : "glitchglitchstaff2" }, < { "item" : "humanplasmastaff1" }, < { "item" : "humanplasmastaff2" }, < { "item" : "hylotlaquastaff1" }, < { "item" : "hylotlaquastaff2" }, < { "item" : "novakidlightstaff1" }, < { "item" : "novakidlightstaff2" }, < 483a459,469 > "defaultCodexes" : { > "glitch" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "human" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "avian" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "apex" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "floran" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "hylotl" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "novakid" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ], > "penguin" : [ "protectorate1", "protectorate2" ] > }, > 538c524 < // "baseValue" : -1.667 // 10 Minute --- > // "baseValue" : -1.667 // 1 Minute terrestrial_worlds.config 304,305c304,305 < "dungeonCountRange" : [1, 1], < "dungeons" : ["naturalcave"] --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [2, 2], > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "naturalcave"], [1.0, "gardengate"]] 316c316,318 < "dungeons" : ["aviannativevillage", "apexcamp", "apexcity", "floranhutvillage", "humancamp", "hylotlcity", "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, "humanbunker"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "avianairship"]] 326c328,330 < "dungeons" : ["aviannativevillage", "apexcamp", "apexcity", "floranhutvillage", "humancamp", "hylotlcity", "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, "humanbunker"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "avianairship"]] 343c347 < "dungeons" : ["hylotloceancity"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "hylotloceancity"], [1.0, "hylotlruinedcity"]] 353c357,359 < "dungeons" : ["aviannativevillage", "apexcamp", "apexcity", "floranhutvillage", "humancamp", "hylotlcity", "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, "humanbunker"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "avianairship"]] 363c369,371 < "dungeons" : ["aviannativevillage", "apexcamp", "apexcity", "floranhutvillage", "humancamp", "hylotlcity", "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, "humanbunker"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, 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"floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, "humanbunker"], [1.0, "floranhuntinggrounds"], [1.0, "glitchcastle"], [1.0, "dungeoncrawler"], [1.0, "humanprison"], [1.0, "aviantemple"], [1.0, "avianairship"]] 429c443,445 < "dungeons" : ["aviannativevillage", "apexcamp", "apexcity", "floranhutvillage", "humancamp", "hylotlcity", "glitchsewer", "apexresearchlab", "apextestchamber", "aviantomb", "aviantower", "humanbunker", "floranhuntinggrounds", "glitchcastle", "humanprison", "aviantemple", "avianairship", "floranhell"] --- > "dungeons" : [[1.0, "aviannativevillage"], [1.0, "apexcamp"], [1.0, "apexcity"], [1.0, "floranhutvillage"], [1.0, "humancamp"], [1.0, "floranhell"], > [1.0, "hylotlcity"], [1.0, "glitchsewer"], [1.0, "apexresearchlab"], [1.0, "apextestchamber"], [1.0, "aviantomb"], [1.0, "aviantower"], > [1.0, 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163,164c169,170 < "timecode" : 10.25, < "zoom" : 2, --- > "timecode" : 9.2, > "zoom" : 1.5, 167c173 < "position" : [483, 258] --- > "position" : [478, 269] 170c176,177 < "timecode" : 12.5, --- > "timecode" : 10.75, > "zoom" : 1.5, 172c179,185 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "frame" : 0, > "position" : [478, 269] > }, > { > "timecode" : 11.5, > "alpha" : 0, > "zoom" : 1.5, 186c199 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 193c206 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 201c214 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 207c220 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 213a227,236 > { > "timecode" : 3, > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/pixels_lost_piano.ogg" > }, > { > "timecode" : 5, > "endTimecode" : 7, > "loops" : -1, > "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" > } cinematics\respawn\glitch\respawn.cinematic 1a2,3 > "letterbox" : false, > "scissor" : false, 11c13 < "timecode" : 0.74995, --- > "timecode" : 0.00, 13,14c15,16 < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "alpha" : 1, > "position" : [476, 270] 17c19 < 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"position" : [478, 269] 164c138 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 167c141 < "position" : [480, 286] --- > "position" : [478, 269] 170c144,145 < "timecode" : 13.75, --- > "timecode" : 11.25, > "zoom" : 1.5, 172c147,153 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "frame" : 0, > "position" : [478, 269] > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "alpha" : 0, > "zoom" : 1.5, 186c167 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 189c170 < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "position" : [478, 253] 193c174 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 196c177 < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "position" : [478, 253] 201c182 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 207c188 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 213a195,204 > { > "timecode" : 3, > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/pixels_lost_piano.ogg" > }, > { > "timecode" : 5, > "endTimecode" : 7, > "loops" : -1, > "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" > } cinematics\respawn\human\respawn.cinematic 1a2,3 > "letterbox" : false, > "scissor" : false, 11c13 < "timecode" : 0.74995, --- > "timecode" : 0.00, 13,14c15,16 < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "alpha" : 1, > "position" : [476, 253] 17c19 < "timecode" : 0.749951, --- > "timecode" : 11.5, 20c22 < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "position" : [476, 253] 23c25 < "timecode" : 12.5, --- > "timecode" : 12, 25,39d26 < "alpha" : 1, < "position" : [480, 270] < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/spotlight2.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 0.74995, < "zoom" : 2, 41,53c28 < "position" : [476, 260] < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.749951, < "zoom" : 2, < "alpha" : 0.6, < "position" : [476, 260] < }, < { < "timecode" : 12.5, < "zoom" : 2, < "alpha" : 1, < "position" : [476, 260] --- > "position" : [476, 253] 73c48 < "alpha" : 0.5, --- > "alpha" : 1, 77c52 < "timecode" : 12.5, --- > "timecode" : 10.5, 79c54 < "alpha" : 0.5, --- > "alpha" : 1, 84a60,61 > "startTime" : 4.5, > "endTime" : 10.5, 86,88d62 < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/pixelslost.png" < } 89a64,70 > "fontSize" : 16, > "text" : "30% of 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--- > "zoom" : 1.5, 157c131 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 160c134 < "position" : [480, 286] --- > "position" : [478, 269] 164c138 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 167c141 < "position" : [480, 286] --- > "position" : [478, 269] 170c144,145 < "timecode" : 13.75, --- > "timecode" : 11.25, > "zoom" : 1.5, 172c147,153 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "frame" : 0, > "position" : [478, 269] > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "alpha" : 0, > "zoom" : 1.5, 186c167 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 189c170 < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "position" : [478, 253] 193c174 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 196c177 < "position" : [480, 270] --- > "position" : [478, 253] 201c182 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 207c188 < "zoom" : 2, --- > "zoom" : 1.5, 213a195,204 > { > "timecode" : 3, > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/pixels_lost_piano.ogg" > }, > { > "timecode" : 5, > "endTimecode" : 7, > "loops" : -1, > "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" > } cinematics\respawn\hylotl\respawn.cinematic 1a2,3 > 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So it was for eaons.", --- > "text" : "Under its influence harmony reigned. So it was for eaons.", 584c592 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 670c678 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 707c715 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 740c748 < "text" : " It fought to blot out all life, and would have succeded, but for the sacrifice of the Cultivator.", --- > "text" : " It fought to blot out all life, and would have succeeded, but for the sacrifice of the Cultivator.", 744c752 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 828c836 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 861c869 < "text" : "But in so doing, the Cultivator exhausted it's power completely.", --- > "text" : "But in so doing, the Cultivator exhausted its power completely.", 865c873 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 949c957 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 1022c1030 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 1059c1067 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 1164c1172 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 1201c1209 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 1238c1246 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "wrapWidth" : 218 cinematics\story\finale\finale.cinematic 0a1 > 1a3,6 > > "skippable" : true, > > 649,674c654 < "position" : [480, 270], < "frame" : 0 < } < ] < }, < < { < "startTime" : 0.6, < "endTime" : 15.0, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finalestars.png:" < } < ], < "animationFrames" : 4, < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 0.0, < "frame" : 0, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1, < "position" : [480, 280] < }, < { < "timecode" : 16.0, < "frame" : 64 --- > "position" : [480, 270] 684c664 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finalestars.png:" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finalestars2.png" 687d666 < "animationFrames" : 4, 691d669 < "frame" : 0, 693,698c671,672 < "zoom" : 1, < "position" : [480, 280] < }, < { < "timecode" : 16.0, < "frame" : 64 --- > "zoom" : 0.5, > "position" : [400, 340] 735,736c709 < "position" : [480, 0], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [480, 0] 741,743c714 < "zoom" : 1, < "position" : [480, 0], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [480, 0] 761,762c732 < "position" : [480, 230], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [480, 230] 766,769c736 < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1, < "position" : [480, 230], < "frame" : 0 --- > "alpha" : 1 787,788c754 < "position" : [480, 150], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [480, 150] 794,795c760 < "position" : [500, 150], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [500, 150] 800,868c765 < // ------------ Esther radio message 1 < { < "startTime" : 4, < "endTime" : 9.5, < "useCamera" : false, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/radiomessagebg.png:" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 0.0, < "alpha" : 1.0, < "zoom" : 1.0, < "position" : [480, 100], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.5, < "frame" : 6 < }, < { < "timecode" : 146.5, < "frame" : 6 < }, < { < "timecode" : 147, < "frame" : 12 < } < ] < }, < { < "startTime" : 4.5, < "endTime" : 9.5, < "useCamera" : false, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" < } < ], < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "This doesn't look good. 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The Ruin... its structure is unstable! 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Return Protector. Live again.", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [34, 21], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "wrapWidth" : 218 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [366.5, 50], > "frame" : 0, > "textPercentage" : 0 > }, > { > "timecode" : 0.3, > "textPercentage" : 0 > }, > { > "timecode" : 2.5, > "frame" : 8, > "textPercentage" : 1 > } > ] > }, > > // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS PICTURES > > { > "startTime" : 124.0, > "endTime" : 300, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/black.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0, > "alpha" : 1, > "zoom" : 5, > "position" : [480, 350], > "frame" : 0 > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 127, > "endTime" : 136, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/credits/novakidcamp.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0, > "alpha" : 0, > "zoom" : 0.5, > "position" : [220, 280] > }, > { > 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BLOOM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AARON BALDWIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AARON TEAGUE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AARON TELFORD > AARON VANDERHOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ABDULAZIZ MUHAMMAD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ACEMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ACYD-SULFURIQUE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM \"JADEIA\" GUERIN > ADAM BRUNO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM DORAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM JONIEC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM ROMERO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM SEEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM SHEARWOOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADAM YOUSIF > ADI BASIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADNAN VELETANLIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ADRIEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AELANNA CESSARA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AELIN <3 SILLYWALKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AGHA DAIVA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AGRIAS FABULA > AGUSTIN MIEREZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AHRISCADA KROW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AHSHA REID ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AIDAN JAMES THIBEAU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AIDAN NAGAO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AIYANA ESPARES > ALAN DIEDRICH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALAN DUNCAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALAN HARGRAVE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALAN WENDL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEC CARVALHO ITZAINA > ALEIXO VIEIRA TEIXEIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEJANDRO ARIZA GUERRERO(LOPEZLP) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEKS \"IMMORTAL HD\" MARCHANT > ALEKSANDER HOLTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALES BLAHYNKA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALESIS NOVIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALESSANDRO SPERINDE' ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX 'SASQUATCH' FLEURY > ALEX APANASENKO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX BATRES (THE BATTERS THAT MATTERS) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX CHARLES ESSENMACHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX CICCARELLI > ALEX GRAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX HOUCHIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX KEDDIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX KING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX LI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX METZGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX PAPADOPOULOS > ALEX RITO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX ROBINSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX SCHEEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX WARREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX ZADES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEX130988 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER BAUER > ALEXANDER BROOMFIELD / TYZZER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER CORSI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER FORTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER FRANZ > ALEXANDER GORMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER GROSSER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER GUSAKOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER HAUG > ALEXANDER HØG LANGENBACH AKA TBS ALEXDK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER IKÄLÄINEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER JOHANSSON > ALEXANDER KHALED ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER M. GREENHAM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER NILSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER SHEPPARD > ALEXANDER VONDISCHENBURG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDER WARMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDRE BUCAMP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXANDRE DOYLE > ALEXANDRE TRÉPANIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXEI OJIMA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXEI SAMOLSKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALEXIS VERHAEGHE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALISON MAZUR > ALISTER MCCONNELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALLEN D. MIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALLEN HUNT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALLEN KANG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALLEN QUINONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALON TORRES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ALPER KILINÇ > ALZHEIMER PENGUIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AMIT ROUTH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AMURA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AMY DEPIRO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AMY KAISER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANA GODOY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDERS AUSTGARDEN > ANDERS KIRKESJØBERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDERS STENSHOLDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDRAES ANDRESEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDRÉ BACKEBY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDRÉ BURLETT > ANDRÉ KUSSMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDRE PARDINI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREA ALBERT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS CARLHOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS FAUL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDRÉAS FORSBERG > ANDREAS GRAF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS LINDNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS PERSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS ROST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREAS SOVIKNES BUNTZ > ANDREAS STEINLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW \"LEEFIZZY\" LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW \"STICK\" BOOTHROYD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW BELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW BUTLER > ANDREW CARLYLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW CARMICHAEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW CONK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW DAYTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW DELEAVEY > ANDREW DITCHBURN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW GOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW HAID II ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW KANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW MACLEOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW MOORE > ANDREW MORETTI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW NICOLAOU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW O'CONNOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW PARKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW ROBARTS > ANDREW SCHAAFSMA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW STEVENS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW WARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW WELLS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW ZEDOLIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDREW ZIELSDORF > ANDREY BABAEV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDY MATTOX ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANDYZAFT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANETTE HARDERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANGUS MCQUARRIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANGUS MILES > ANKE SACHS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANNE MILLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANNETTE TRENGA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANNUKKA KOSONEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTHONY HOOPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTHONY JUTRAS > ANTHONY MARCHISELLO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTHONY PARKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTHONY RUSSELL JR. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTHONY SONNIER > ANTHONY TIBERIUS ROBERGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTOINE PORTET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTOINE-AURAKNIGHT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTON NILSSON (CIRCLEMASTER) > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, > { > "startTime" : 164.28, > "endTime" : 178, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsturtle.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 169.1, > "endTime" : 186, > "text" : " > ANTON RASMUSSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTON SWARTZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTONI JANN PALAZO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTONIO A FELICIANO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANTONIO BARRIENTEZ > ANTONIO BASCETTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ANVIFIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; APIETURE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ARIC NG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ARILD TVEDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ARLON GRAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ARNAUD DOVI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ARTEM MEDVEDEV > ASAF SHAMAA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ASGEIR BJARNI INGVARSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ASHLEY ANGUS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ASHLEY LINNELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ASHLEY TOOMBS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ASHTON RUSSELL > ASKE KÖHLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AUBREY PALHEGYI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AURYNN SHAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AUSTIN K ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AUSTIN LEAPHART ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AVA AGAR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AVALIN SØRENSEN > AVERY SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AVIAKIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AXEL SKRODZKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; AYDEN GOTTLIEB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BADFISH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BAFODAY \"BAFONIGHT\" BARROW > BANDIT PANTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BANNING LYON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BAREND FOUCHÉ VAN ROOYEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BARRET CHIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BARRY CARMICHAEL > BAZIL KOROTKOV(PRECTONK) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BEN ABRAHAM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BEN CHERRINGTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BEN GILL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BEN GLASS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BEN QUISTORFF > BENGT \"MAUHUR\" KARLSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN CORNEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN DEUST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN DRURY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN GARTHUS > BENJAMIN GRAHAM DINWOODIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN KLOTZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENJAMIN MATTEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENOIT CHARRON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BENOIT STELLA > BERIC DENGLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BLACK_SHINE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BLADE GREGORY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BLAIR KUCHELEMA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BLAKE GRANDISON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BLAKE WARREN > BOB-COLIN BALKENHOL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BOBBY LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BOBOTHEEPIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BOBTHEGHOSTDENCHIST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BOURGEAIS CLÉMENT > BRADEN PRICE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRADFORD R MITCHELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRADLEY ADRIAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRADLEY EVERETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRADLEY KNIGHT > BRADLEY MILESKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDEN GREGORY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON \"MAJESTICGLUM\" SCHLINGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON BEAR > BRANDON CATER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON FISHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON JASPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON LEVY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON MAK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRANDON MOORE > BRANDON VANDENHEUVEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRENDAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRENDAN RISBRIDGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRENDON GRIFFIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRENNAN SEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRETT HENSON > BRETT J MORELLINI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN A BROWN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN BUCKLEW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN CALVERT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN CONRAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN JACKSON > BRIAN MOYLES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN NGOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN PULLIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN REHREY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN SEBOK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN THOMPSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRIAN WILSON > BRIANNA MENSCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRITEFIRE, NEKO MAGE/MAID EXTRODINAIRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BROCK GOULLET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRODEN BERRETT > BRODIE HIGASHI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BROOKS MALONE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRUCE ZWYSSIG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRUNO GUERRERO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRYAN CARMICHAEL > BRYAN HARCLERODE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRYAN WALKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BRYCEN L SOTH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; BWANA MCCALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; C DIETZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; C SEAWELL > C.RAVEN STONER-JOLIVET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAILIN MACGOWAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAIN SINOPOULOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAINE C. COPSEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAKE DISPENSER > CAL DARLEY-COLLIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CALE A. HARRISON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CALEB CASSADY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CALEB GEBHART ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CALEB J ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CALLUM BALLANTYNE > CAMERON D. YORK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAMERON OUTRAM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAMERON YZAGUIRRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAPTAIN RHODES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CAREY ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CARL ROSENBAUM > CARL-FREDRIK LIDGREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CARL-OSCAR BÄCKDAHL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CARLOS ALBERTO DA SILVA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CARY STARK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CECIL MCRAE > CEDRIC LE BAHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CESAR GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHAD KAPLUS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHADD RALSTEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHAKRIT DECHSI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHANE > CHANG JIN JEONG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHARLES \"BLU3HAND\" JANS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHARLES DEXTER ABUEG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHARLIE \"REDDIRE\" ABREU > CHARLIE GOODLETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHARLIE VAUGHTERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHARLY FILLON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHORABR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS - BLOODFANGX ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS HOWEY > CHRIS J NENNING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS RAINE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS RIVARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS SORENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS STEWART ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRIS TARDIE > CHRISS ANDRE EIDE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTER NESS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTIAN CARDIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTIAN HEINBRUCH > CHRISTIAN STRÜBEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTIAN WICHTERMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTINA RUSNOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTINE HOLT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOFFER THÖRNQVIST > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, > { > "startTime" : 167.78, > "endTime" : 178, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditschess.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] 2218,2219c4998,4999 < "timecode" : 147, < "frame" : 12 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2223a5004 > 2225,2233c5006,5039 < "startTime" : 34, < "endTime" : 38.5, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/cultivatortalk.png:" < } < ], < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "Protector...", --- > "startTime" : 172.63, > "endTime" : 193, > "text" : " > CHRISTOPH HERRMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPH LINDEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPH OTTO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER \"THEORETIC\" LEE > CHRISTOPHER ALAMSYAH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER BAILEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER BROLINSKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER G VILANO > CHRISTOPHER GREGORY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER HARTWICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER HENDRIKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER KOEPPEL > CHRISTOPHER LAVASSEUR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER NADJ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER NEMCEVIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER NORINE > CHRISTOPHER P ROBBINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER SUNG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHRISTOPHER WATERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHUCK FOSTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CHYANNUIL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CLAY SLOAN > CLAYTON LYNN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CLEMENT THR DELPIERRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CLIFTON KAYANO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CLUSTERFLUX ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CODY H. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CODY IZZO > CODY LEGATES - SP00KY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CODY MARSHALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CODY SABADOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CODY TROBEC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COGNITIVE FORGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLE BELLINGER > COLE NADELKO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLE YOUNG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLIN BOHN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLIN OCHS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLIN ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLLIN MAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COLLIN THOMAS > COLTON LADNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CONNOR NEWMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CONNOR ROBIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CONNY SÖDERSTRÖM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COOPER TEIXEIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COREY MAY > COREY MOSHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; COREY WALKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CORY CLEMENTZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CORY METCALF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CORYCJ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CPL HEININGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CRAIG > CRAIG BORDEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; CRAIG CHRISTENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DA COSTA MARIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAKOTA BEAUDOIN (DAK47922) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAKOTA MIRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAKOTA S. > DAKOTA WEIGEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DALIN SEIVEWRIGHT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DALLAS \"ERR0R\" WAITE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DALTON CHURCHILL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DALTON SCHIPPEL > DAMIAN DELAGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAMIAN ESTRADA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAMIAN HUIZINGA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAMIAN MORRIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAMIEN BONNAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAMIEN DESCLIDES > DAMON BULLARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAN MARTINEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAN MURPHY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAN RUMPZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAN WEIZMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANE OKADA > DANIEL 'AZULOR' WILKIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL BRADDICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL CHEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL D. ZAK \"NEBULANIX\" ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL EDGELL > DANIEL FRANCISCO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL GABRIEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL GRAFMYRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL GULEVICH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL HARMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL HAWKINS > DANIEL J PANDO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL KÖHLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL KOVACS-DA COSTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL KRUIZE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL LAGERMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL MARTIN > DANIEL MEEKINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL MISHLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL ORTAC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL PENDRIGH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL ROD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL ROWELL > DANIEL SULLENBERGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL TRANDEM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL WELCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL WHITFIELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANIEL WILHITE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANNEL DAWSON > DANNY SHAFER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DANY LEMIEUX ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARKKNIGHTPYRO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARKWOLPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARQUIRRIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARREN KHEK > DARTH TRETHON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARYL LAURA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DARYN WHITE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DASH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID \"TWISTED\" NOTTINGHAM > DAVID ALONSO ULLOA MUÑOZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID BAUER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID BROWN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID BUCKLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID COATES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID COLLETT > DAVID COLLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID CORMAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID DEBERRY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID DUNNETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID GARDNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID GASCHET-SCHAPIRA > DAVID GLUBISH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID GRAMLING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID HENDERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID HOFFMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID L. SOSBE JR. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID LIMANTORO > DAVID MARTINIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID MORELL MIGUEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID OUELLETTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID RENFROW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID ROSADA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID SMITH > DAVID STROHMER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAVID. E. I. WHEELER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DAWA SHERPA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DECLAN WATSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DENIZ A. - DERFIZEAU01 > DENNIS BUCHWALD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DENNIS CHRISTENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DENNIS COLLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DENNIS T. GOODEN JR. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DENTEDACE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEREK ARGONZA > DEREK FRANK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEREK WOODARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DERIN BECEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DESERO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DESMOND KIRWAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DESMOND LAMBERT > DEVAUGHN JOHNSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEVIN ANTHONY RENDON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEVIN GARRETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEVIN HUYA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEVIN RIDDLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DEVIN SCHIFFERS > DEXTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DIANE GOBEIL-CZIBORR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DIEGO HANDS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DIEGO SOUTO RODRIGUEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DIMITRI KOCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DING SHUO > ", 2235c5041 < "position" : [34, 21], --- > "position" : [650, 500], 2237c5043,5044 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 2244,2250c5051,5052 < "position" : [366.5, 100], < "frame" : 0, < "textPercentage" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "textPercentage" : 0 --- > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2253,2255c5055,5057 < "timecode" : 2.5, < "frame" : 8, < "textPercentage" : 1 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] 2259,2262c5061,5063 < < { < "startTime" : 38.5, < "endTime" : 45.5, --- > { > "startTime" : 171.3, > "endTime" : 198, 2265c5066 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/cultivatortalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsquill.png" 2268,2274d5068 < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "You've come so far to do what no-one else could.", < "textPosition" : { < "position" : [34, 21], < "vAnchor" : "top", < "desiredWidth" : 218 < }, 2279,2286c5073,5074 < "zoom" : 1.0, < "position" : [366.5, 100], < "frame" : 0, < "textPercentage" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "textPercentage" : 0 --- > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] 2289,2291c5077,5078 < "timecode" : 2.5, < "frame" : 8, < "textPercentage" : 1 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2296d5082 < 2298,2306c5084,5117 < "startTime" : 45.5, < "endTime" : 55.5, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/cultivatortalk.png:" < } < ], < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "You united the six artefacts that I left behind, and in doing so you united the six species.", --- > "startTime" : 176.16, > "endTime" : 198, > "text" : " > DJ EICHENLAUB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DJ_DITZ3 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DMITRIY KUDRYAVTSEV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DMITRY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DMITRY BARABANOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DMITRY EFREMOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOHEE > DOMINIC (VULUNA) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOMINICK 'FIENDQT' DADY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOMINIK HANUSA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOMINIK HORVAT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOMINIK JOHANN > DOMINIK KRESS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DONALD GOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOPE FISH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOROTHY WEBER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DOUGLAS SCHUSTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DR ANDREW I CRAIGIE > DRAKERAYNIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DRAYTON GOODALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DREW BRINK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DREW HANIKA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DROP&KOPU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUAL DEAGLES > DUANE VAN VOORST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUNCAN BOWRING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUNG Q. TRAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DURZIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUSTIN CALLAHAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUSTIN COLLINS > DUSTIN HAMILTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUSTIN KORMOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUSTIN P. OVERTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUSTIN STIRLING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DUY T. NGUYEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DWAYNE BEHRENS > DWAYNE RYDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN AMES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN BAILEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN CHRISTOFFERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN KEANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN KNOX > DYLAN S SCHOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; DYLAN SHIRLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EAX1563 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EBEN WEISMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDUARDO FERNANDES – FAILCAKE > EDVARD ÄRLEBRANT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDVIN GRANSTRÖM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD CHEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD GROHOSKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD LOCKWOOD > EDWARD MALLOY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD MASSEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD PARKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EDWARD TRUSCOTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELIAS URSPRUNG > ELISHA A CHAVEZGAITAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELIXIR_POPOI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELIZABETH ROGERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELLIE SANDERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELLIOTT HALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ELLIS SMITH > ELTTABCLEON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EMERIC MENGIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EMIL \"EMPAZ\" GRAHN SJÖLUND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EMIL LEISNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EMILY CLAMP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EMMA BROCK > EMMANUEL MONTES DE OCA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ENDYRON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ENOCH S CESHKOVSKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ENZO MARTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERI IVONE SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ > ERIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC \"RAHIROS\" PIERCE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC A. UHLS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC BERGMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC CASCKETTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC DOST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC DVORAK > ERIC FALCONE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC FRAWLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC GOLDSMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC HOGAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIC KEENEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK \"GRONKH\" RANGE > ERIK BIEBERSTÄDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK BUTTIG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK KULESZA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK LAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK PARDO VIZOSO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERIK RICHARDS > ERWIN OLDEBESTEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ERWIN SINNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ESPEN SØRENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ESPILONARGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ESTEFANO ISAIAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ETHAN D. PENDERGRAFT > ETHAN SOUTAR-RAU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ETHAN TRAWICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ETHAN WYATT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EUGENE DOZHDEV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EVAN ADAMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EVAN BLACK > EVAN DAWSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EVAN FOOTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EVAN PATTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EVGENY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EXPERTMANDO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EXXION ^#4d4d4d;|^white; EZEKEIAL SHELDON > FABIAN FELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FABIAN GRUBE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FACE POO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FAISAL ALWAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FALAZURE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FARLAND CHEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FEDERICO BO > FELIPE MIGUEL CRIVELATTI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FELIPE TAPIA JR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FELIX \"THEVOIR\" WILSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FELIX EMMRICH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FERMÍN VICENTE > OSAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FERNANDO GALVAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FILIP MOBERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FILIZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FINN JAMIESON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FLORIAN BRÜCKLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FLORIAN GUTBIER > FLORIAN SCHREINER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRANCIS DEMEULES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRANCISCO BENAVIDES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRANCISCO LOURENCO > FRANCISCO PINA PARGANA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRANK (AETHERIA) WENTINK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRANK IAQUINTO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FRASER BRENNAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FREDERIC EßER > FREDERIC MANGUINE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FREDERIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FREDRICK STAVIK-IVERSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FREDRIK HARALD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FUEEE666 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; FWIFFOO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GABE TYLER > GABRIEL - LETALSHADE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GABRIEL ANGEL GUILLEN MARQUEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GABRIEL DALBY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GABRIEL R CONSTANTINE > GAËL MARIOT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GAMEFREAKCC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GARETH \"G-RATH\" JONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GARRETT EDWARDS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GARRETT WENGRENIUK > GARRY MCKEOUGH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GARY SUMMERLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GAUTE AARVIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GAVIN FEATHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEOFF REID ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEOFFREY > GEOFFREY BROCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEOFFREY PENCHUK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEOFFREY SENDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEOFFREY SIEBEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE (CHIA-LIN) HUANG > GEORGE GREGORY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE HAGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE HIPP JR. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE PARKES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE R. JOHNSON JR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GEORGE THOMSON > ", 2308c5119 < "position" : [34, 21], --- > "position" : [650, 500], 2310c5121,5122 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 2317,2323c5129,5130 < "position" : [366.5, 100], < "frame" : 0, < "textPercentage" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "textPercentage" : 0 --- > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2326,2328c5133,5135 < "timecode" : 2.5, < "frame" : 8, < "textPercentage" : 1 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] 2332,2336c5139,5141 < < < { < "startTime" : 55.5, < "endTime" : 65, --- > { > "startTime" : 174.86, > "endTime" : 198, 2339c5144 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/cultivatortalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsglobe.png" 2342,2348d5146 < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "A small part of me lives on in the universe, but these beings may have forgotten what they once were.", < "textPosition" : { < "position" : [34, 21], < "vAnchor" : "top", < "desiredWidth" : 218 < }, 2353,2360c5151,5152 < "zoom" : 1.0, < "position" : [366.5, 100], < "frame" : 0, < "textPercentage" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "textPercentage" : 0 --- > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] 2363,2365c5155,5156 < "timecode" : 2.5, < "frame" : 8, < "textPercentage" : 1 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2370d5160 < 2372,2380c5162,5195 < "startTime" : 65, < "endTime" : 72, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/cultivatortalk.png:" < } < ], < "animationFrames" : 2, < "text" : "So with the last of my energy... Return, Protector. You still have much to do.", --- > "startTime" : 179.69, > "endTime" : 203, > "text" : " > GEORGE YOLLAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GERALD ORBAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GERARD DEL PESCHIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GERMAIN (AURONX) ZEPEDA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GHENT STARSHADOW > GILBERT BRAKONIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GILBERT TURNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GINGERGIANT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GLACIATOR12 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GORDON PETTEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GRAHAM KNOWLES > GRANT FLORATOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GRANT KENTARO CABLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GRATACAP GERAUD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GREGORY LEMACKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GREGORY MULHERN > GRIFFIN BLOMQUIST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GRIM HEARTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GUÐJÓN EINISSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GUILHERME DE OLIVEIRA ZANCHET > GUILHERME TADEU DE ALMEIDA ZAKCZEWISKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GUILLAUME COGUIEC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GUNNAR BAKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; GUY_GREEN > HAKU WUFFAMUTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HALSTEN RUSSELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HAMISH DONALDSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HAMMERLOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HANNA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HARBINGERS OF THE SITH'ARI > HARLEY FAGGETTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HARRISON DAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HARRISON MCCORMICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HARRY JONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HARRY LEE WARREN III > HAYDEN \"MURA\" KILLOH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HAZZA \"LITHON\" ALKAABI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HEBI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HEIKI NAELAPEA-VARIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HEITOR GONÇALVES HATHERLY > HENG JIAN MING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HENNING WACKERNAGEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HENRIC ERIKSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HENRIK BERGVIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HENRIK ENGSTROM > HENRY \"POPMASTER\" CRAIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HIDETAKA NAKAZAWA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HIROYUKI MIYANOIRI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HOGAN LONG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HOWARD GYTON > HSIAO CHING-LIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HUGO LEONEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HULUSI ONUR KUZUCU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HUNTER A. MIDDLETON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HUNTER ALEXANDER LINE > HUNTER DIEDERICHS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HUNTER HYLEMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HYDROLOGIST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HYDROPOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; HYU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAGO ROSA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN DARLINGTON > IAN HESS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN HOLMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN LAMBERT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN NALLY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IAN STONE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ICE QUEEN LAURA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IDE RUSH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IFRIAN > ILAN MEJER (MEJILAN) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ILIA ABRAMKIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ILIA NIKIFOROV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; INGEBRIGT MIDTHJELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; INKARY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IRFAAN 'URFNEN' BODHA > IRINA TALANOVA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IRVIN ROMAY GONZÁLEZ FLORES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ISAAC SPOONER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ISABELLE WANG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ISAIAS \"CY\" ALBA, IV > ISSAC MCNEISH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ITAYAMA AKIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IVAN \"PINGEEE\" NIKIFOROV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IVAN POPELYSHEV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IVAN RODIONOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; IZZY MAXWELL > J ASUNCION GUTIERREZ AVILES (KEYLUS) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACK (JUICE BOX) SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACK BELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACKAL ROLE PLAY > JACKIE HAMILTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACKSON SINGLETON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB & BRITTANY PERREIRA!! :D ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB BEAUCHAMP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB BELVEAL > JACOB BLASIUS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB BRAUGHTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB CANULL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB COFFEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB GREEN-RACETTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB HERSLIP > JACOB LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB MITCHELL (SUPERWECID) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB MYRICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB POITRAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JACOB RILEY HUBBARD > JACQUELINE YAMBAO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAE CANNON (DOOMMASTERAM) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKE ALEXANDER BENDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKE EASTWOOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKE MOSS > JAKE POLGLASE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKE SALLENBACH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKESUIT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAKOB WINKLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES BEATTIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES CARPENDALE > JAMES COLANGELO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES DEL CAMPO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES FORWARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES GLOVER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES HOFFMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES M BRALEY > JAMES MATTHEW PETERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES NAVARRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES O'DONOVAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES OREL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES R TINSLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES SIM > JAMES T POLLOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES WHEELER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMES. LEACH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMIE 'ARCHINA' GREEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAMIE CHEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAN STEINER LORENZO > JAN-ERIC WIKSTRÖM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAN-JAAP KEULEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JANICK BEN EL MEKKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JARED HABECK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JARED HUGHES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JARED KENT > JARED PAGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAROD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JARON HARPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON \"PHOENIXSONG\" WONG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON CARROLL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON CHAN > JASON ESCARPE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON HOPKINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON HUTCHINSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON KENYON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON MCCREARY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON MOORE > JASON PRZEWLOCKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON THOR HALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON ULLOA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JASON WALKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAVIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAY ALDERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAY BAZELY > JAY KANEKOA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAY SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JAYDE ROBSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEAN ALC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEAN-PIERRE MALTESE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEANNE D. ORTIZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEFF KING > ", 2382c5197 < "position" : [34, 21], --- > "position" : [650, 500], 2384c5199,5200 < "desiredWidth" : 218 --- > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 2391,2397c5207,5208 < "position" : [366.5, 100], < "frame" : 0, < "textPercentage" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "textPercentage" : 0 --- > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2400,2402c5211,5213 < "timecode" : 2.5, < "frame" : 8, < "textPercentage" : 1 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] 2406,2409c5217,5219 < < { < "startTime" : 70.2, < "endTime" : 70.8, --- > { > "startTime" : 178.38, > "endTime" : 198, 2412c5222 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaleteleportfx.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditshay.png" 2418,2428c5228,5230 < "alpha" : 0.0, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "position" : [480, 410], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.2, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "position" : [480, 410], < "frame" : 0 --- > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] 2431,2435c5233,5234 < "timecode" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "position" : [480, 950], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2441,2447c5240,5279 < "startTime" : 70, < "endTime" : 70.8, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaleteleportfx2.png" < } < ], --- > "startTime" : 183.22, > "endTime" : 213, > "text" : " > JEFF LEE STANISLAWSKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEFFERY (FFEJERIAH) NELSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEFFERY BOWLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEFFREY JUDKINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEFFREY MCLEOD > JEFFREY O. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JENE F WEIR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JENNY HIGGS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JENS ARNOLD GRAF VON ROIT ZU HOYA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JENS VAN NEYGHEM > JEREMY COURSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEREMY HILLIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEREMY HOLMES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEREMY NEWTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEREMY R. HILTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEREMY VARGO > JEREMY WATSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESPER GRANVIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESPIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSE CLEMENTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSE DANIEL SHERIDAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSE GALE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSE HUI > JESSE STANDARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSICA L BECKSTEAD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JESSICA NUNN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JEZEBEL CHIBI M. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JHETT BLACK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIANING WANG > JIM A OBERLY IV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIMIN HAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIMMY \"BAGEL\" BERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIMMY ASHCRAFT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIMMY BANKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JIMMY HERMANSSON > JIMMY SÖRENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JINSOO KIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOACHIM IDLAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOAKIM S. LARSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOAKIM STIERNSPETZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOÃO MORÃO > JOAQUIN OLSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOE 'JET' TAYLOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOE \"SYDANDISH\" HYLAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOE BALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOE HARRISON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOE TALLEY > JOEL AAZURIN DIORIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEL GUTHRIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEL RIECK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEL SÖDERSTRÖM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEL T ANDERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEY FLEMING > JOEY MONIZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOEY SANDMEYER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHAN HUGO BRAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHANN FRIDRIKSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHANNES MA NYSÆTER > JOHN \"UBER\" PRICE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN D LAGLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN DE BRABANDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN DUNCAN BENANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN H. WESTGATE III > JOHN HENDREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN HONG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN KYPLAIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN LEATHERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN LUU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN MCCARTHY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN OLOFSSON > JOHN PAWLING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN PILSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHN TERRY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHNATHAN LUKE TRACEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOHNNY ANDERSSON > JOHNNY TULLY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JON TOKARZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONAS ALM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONAS HANSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONAS K ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONAS SOLLI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONAS VITTRUP BIEGEL > JONATHAN CARROLL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONATHAN CORNWELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONATHAN MILLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONATHAN NIMMO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONATHAN TOWNER > JONATHAN WISNIEWSKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JONATHON LAWSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORAN JOSEPH-ANGÉLIQUE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN ABBOTT > JORDAN CARTER OLTHOF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN MINAMIMAYE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN SNOW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN SONGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORDAN WILLIAMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JORGE DIAZ > JORGE HERRERA FONT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSÉ CARLOS MATOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSE SANTIAGO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH \"THE FLAGSHIP\" WALLEY > JOSEPH CASTIGLIA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH COOK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH GAFFNEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH LOUVARIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH M PALKA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH MANLEY > JOSEPH MCMEEKEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH SABARRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH SCOMA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH SHEBLE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSEPH SPIGGLE > JOSEPH SWANSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSH \"KOMI\" BRANER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSH BROOM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSH KAATZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA BELTER > JOSHUA BRISBANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA CHALLENOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA CLINEBELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA COLLINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA DYSON > JOSHUA G. (KOOKEH) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA HANCOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA HETCHLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA HILL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA JONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA L. ASHLEY > JOSHUA MICHAEL FRENCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA PARKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA PRUDDEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA R. WEST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA SMITH > JOSHUA WESTMORELAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA WILLIAMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSHUA WREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOSS OBADONKE SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JOURNEY GRANADOS > JUAN ANTONIO \"JOHN BLACKHILL\" GUERRA MONTENEGRO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUAN MIGUEL C. LIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUDD MORRISON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUDY FANKHAUSER > JUHA-PEKKA HILTUNEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIAN DANTE BERTOZZI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIAN G ROLON \"MAJORDOOD\" ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIAN MELONI > JULIAN VONDIERGARDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIEN DERVEEUW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIEN ROUBELAT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIO TEH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JULIUS \"RAINFORCE15\" MERTENS > JUNO DAVID W ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSSI NIEMINEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN AND PAIGE CADILLAC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN BRADLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN DANIELS > JUSTIN DEVORE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN ELEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN ELLIOTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN MOWREY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN SANTAGIULIANA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN STINSON > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, 2451,2468c5283,5286 < "alpha" : 0.0, < "zoom" : 0.15, < "position" : [480, 250], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.2, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "position" : [480, 250], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 0.3, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "position" : [480, 250], < "frame" : 0 --- > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2471,2475c5289,5291 < "timecode" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "zoom" : 0.15, < "position" : [480, 250], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] 2479,2483c5295,5297 < < // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPOST 2 < { < "startTime" : 71, < "endTime" : 78, --- > { > "startTime" : 181.9, > "endTime" : 198, 2486c5300 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaleoutpostbg.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditstools.png" 2492c5306 < "alpha" : 1, --- > "alpha" : 1.0, 2494,2495c5308,5312 < "position" : [480, 350], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [650, -500] > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2499a5317 > 2501,2507c5319,5358 < "startTime" : 75.5, < "endTime" : 80, < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaleoutpostbg2.png" < } < ], --- > "startTime" : 186.75, > "endTime" : 216, > "text" : " > JUSTIN THIBAULT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUSTIN THOMPSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JUUSO PIIPPO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; JYE CROSSLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; K54 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KAI-DANIEL WAGERINGEL > KALEB WATSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KALLE SØNDERBY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KANE ROBERTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KANRATH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KAREN RYEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KARL RICHARD BIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KARSTEN HÖLD > KASUMI TANI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KATHY M KARLSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KAZAKOVA NATALIA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KAZYYK 'TENEK' ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEATON SANDERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEELAN MILLS > KEIL SCHMIT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEISUKE KAGIYA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEITH BLACKARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEITH WINGET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KELLY LABONTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KELLY LEVONYAK > KELLY SCHMITZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEN VISUDHAROMN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENJI BROOKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNET JOHANSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNETH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNETH D BECKSTEAD > KENNETH P CORNING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNETH SCHØNE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNETH TRIPLETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KENNIF LIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEREN GRAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVAN BLAKEY > KEVEN BURGESS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN BÉGIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN BREVIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN CORMIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN JOHNSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN KWON > KEVIN MCKINNON -KORIAL- ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN MUNRO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN SZKIL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KEVIN TAYLOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KHP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIELAN THE REALIST REVIEWER > KIENTERO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIERON DEPLEDGE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIERYN FARRER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIM JIHO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIM LIDERFORS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIM NILSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KIMBERLY GIBBONS > KIRK STEPHENSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KITTEN KIRSTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KITTIE BLACKWELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KLAUDIJUS ŽEKONIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KLAUS \"ORY´HARA\" ANDERSEN > KOBY MOONEY (EPICPANDA65) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KODY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KOLLYNN BLACKPAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KRIS HOLTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KRIS LAFRENIERE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KRISTIAN PETERSON > KRISTOFF STENS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KRISTOFFER BJÆRKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KSENIA KOLEVATOVA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KURODRAMARCHOSIAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KURTIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KURTIS BALL > KYLE FRANZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE GREGORY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE HOBBIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE J ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE MINKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE MORIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE MULLEN > KYLE RODGERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE SKALSKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE SZELUGA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE THORNE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYLE WHITTINGTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; KYRA ZUNDERMÄHNE > KYUNG-SUK KIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; L SCOT KOEPKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LACANAU GEOFFROY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LACHLAN KIPLING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAKOTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LANCE CHEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LANI SMITH > LARRY BOWEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LARS RING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LARS-MARTIN GUNNERSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAURA STEEL - AKA WICKED WITCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAUREN PARKER > LAURI KALANTI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAWRENCE ONG AKA LAWIE (BELGIUM) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAYNE PHILLIP WHITE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LAYTHEN GALE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEAKCIM78 > LEANDRO ALVARO PAIVA DE OLIVEIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEE ARNOLD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEE E DUVALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEE HEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEE JUN-HO (BB) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEFTERI VLAHOS > LEIF A. PITCOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEO ORRING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEONID LYUBIMOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEROY VAN DER LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEVI RALPH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEVIN DEAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LEWIN PARKER > LIAM MOORE (M0RAPTOR98) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LIAM POTTERTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LIAM TAYLOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LINCOLN MAXWELL TRACY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LINDA HOWARD > LINDSEY BARRIENTOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LINUS VAN DE LAARSCHOT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LISA A. CATLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LISA A. O'MARY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LISA HALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LISA MICHAELS > LLERENI MEDINA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LLOYD DANE - LSHARP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LOCHEY WALDEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LOGAN MEYER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LOGAN SMITH > LORD GREGLORIOUS THE GREAT AND WISE AND POWERFUL MAGICAL UNICORN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LORDNIGHTMAR3 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUAN VERZIVOLI > LUC CORBOULD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUCA DI FEDE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUCA FRIGERIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUCAS A. EDWARDS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUCAS ROBERTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUCX > LUIS DUARTE-PINEDA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKA ECKLYPSIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKA KLLP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKAS CHALOUPKA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKE BRESNEHAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKE DALDY-ROWE > LUKE EVAN SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUKE K. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUNARNIGHTMARE9 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LUUK BEENTJES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; LYNDON HARRIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MACKMICK LIDMAN > MAGNUS SKIBENES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAGNUS SLINNING AARSAETHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAKO HAKUO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MALCOLM DONAHOE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MANUEL GERBER > MAOR BORRELY (BIIRDY) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARC CHRISTENER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARC HOFFMANN (AS IISKULLSII) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARC KINDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCEL KÜHL > MARCEL MATZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCO ( MINZIMINZZ ) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCO KLINGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCO LEBLANC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCO PONCE > MARCO SHEK - CRAFTMINE999 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCO STÖLLINGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCUS ALSTRÖM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCUS RØJKJÆR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MARCUS STAHL > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, 2511,2514c5362,5370 < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [480, 350], < "frame" : 0 --- > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] 2518,2522c5374,5376 < < < { < "startTime" : 71, < "endTime" : 80, --- > { > "startTime" : 185.44, > "endTime" : 198, 2525c5379 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaleoutpostesther.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsfootball.png" 2531,2566c5385 < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 1, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 2.0, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 < }, < { < "timecode" : 5, < "alpha" : 1, --- > "alpha" : 1.0, 2568,2569c5387 < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [650, -500] 2572,2577c5390,5437 < "timecode" : 6, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 < }, --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 190.28, > "endTime" : 223, > "text" : " > MARGARETA WESTERBERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; 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MATHEW WADE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATHEW WALLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATHIAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATHIES C HENRIKSEN > MATHIEU THOMAS EBERT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATIAS HOLST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATS ASAKSKOGEN LANDFALD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATS HANSNES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATT LOWUM > MATT NACHAJKO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATT VELEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATT VENZKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATT WHITFIELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW BOSE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW DELOUGHRY > MATTHEW GREEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW HAMPARYAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW HENSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW HEYWOOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW J CISNEROS > MATTHEW JOHNSTONE (WEEGESTOR) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW KRATZER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW MERKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW POXSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW PRUETT > MATTHEW RAYBOURN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW REBELLATO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW RHODES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW SWENA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHEW T CUMMARD > MATTHEW WASSERMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHIAS BERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHIAS HOHEISEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MATTHIAS SCHWARZ > MAX \"MAXZTT\" ZETTLMEIßL (HYLOTL PLAYER) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAX (DUCKEGG) BURNS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAX PERSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAXIMILIAN > MAXWELL MANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MAYUMI YAMAKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MEEPETH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MELISSA BANNERMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHA RAATS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL OGLETREE > MICHAEL 'RICO' MOULDS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL \"SIMMAN\" CLEMENTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL BOX ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL BRADLEY > MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER GAMBRELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAËL CLAVAUD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL DEMAGGIO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL DOAN NGUYEN > MICHAEL GREEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL HAUSMANN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL HEYWOOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL JEFFERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL JOHWI LOVELL > MICHAEL KAGEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL KRAUSE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL KURTZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL M. BURCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL MCCONNELL > MICHAEL MCDONALD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL OFNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL PRINZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL REID ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL RHODES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL RIFFLE > MICHAEL SETO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL SHAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL TURZA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL WINSHIP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHAEL YILEK > MICHEL LANDRY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHEL PRIOR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHELE CAPOBIANCO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHELE COLOMBO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MICHELLE CUSSACK > MICKAEL DA-PONTE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIDDLE MANAGEMENT DINOZORE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIGUEL ANGEL PEREZ ROJAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIGUEL BLANCHETTE > MIKAEL FORSGREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKAEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; INNILÄ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKE HOLST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKE MAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKE MILLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKE POKORNY > MIKHAIL GOLODYAEV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIKI RIBER HEIDRUP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MINH 'PHOXY' C ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MIRA FARAH B ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MITCHELL B BEEMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MITCHELL EARLE > MITCHELL KANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MITCHELL KUTCHUK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MO KARGAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MOHAMMED AL DUGHAITHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MOHAMMED AL-RAFAEI > MOKUNEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MORITZ KRATZER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MORITZ MEIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MORTEN BERGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MOUHAMAD ABDALLAH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MR CONOR WADSWORTH > MR I A THOMAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MR OLIVER A OAKMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MR PATRICK J BURKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MR TREVOR B LLOYD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MR. FANTASY > MR. MATT SCHEFFEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MRSTEETV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MURIEL COET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MWAPUTSA ANDREW STANLEY KURETU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; MYKENZIE GENTILLE > MYLES NEWLING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NAEL MOZER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NAM TRANG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATALIE SHREEVE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATE RUSH (WESIR) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN ADAMS > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ 2579,2583c5439,5443 < "timecode" : 7, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2586,2591c5446,5455 < "timecode" : 8, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 < }, --- > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, > { > "startTime" : 188.96, > "endTime" : 200, > "drawables" : [ 2593,2598c5457,5460 < "timecode" : 9, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 < }, --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditstarget.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ 2600,2601c5462,5463 < "timecode" : 10, < "alpha" : 1, --- > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, 2603,2604c5465 < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [650, -500] 2607,2611c5468,5520 < "timecode" : 11, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 193.81, > "endTime" : 228, > "text" : " > NATHAN BIGGS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN COOPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN ELKINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN FISHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN HOLM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN J CLARKE > NATHAN LAU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN STERGIOU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHAN T. WALSH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHANAËL ANDRÉ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHANIEL \"XIB\" SCHRADER > NATHANIEL K DIETRICH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHANIEL MCLAUGHLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NATHANIEL P HARSCHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEAL HICKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEAR AMAGO > NED ZOOK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEGEMIAS ERMITA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEIL \"TSTRIKE\" COOPER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEIL T. COLTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEILL BOYD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NEKORON > NESTOR MARTIN DE LA FUENTE AROCHA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIC SCHOER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICA 'NISPOTS' ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS \"THE DUDE\" OLSON > NICHOLAS BARTLETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS BYRD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS CARLSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS CRUTCHFIELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS DIPAOLO > NICHOLAS HARTIKAINEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS JOHN JAMES CLARE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICHOLAS MANSER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICK \"KEY\" CEUPPENS > NICK LEVEILLEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICK PETERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICK PLACK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICKOLAS BANNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICO BRAUNE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICOLAI HASEL HANSEN > NICOLAI HØJ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICOLAS CULNARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICOLAS SOGUEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NICOLAS WASSERKAMPF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIEK VON WEIJHROTHER > NIGEL LINDGREN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIGHTFOX071 ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIGHTSUNNY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKITA KOSTYUCHENKO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKITA MIKHAILOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKITA ZUEV > NIKLAS HORNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKLAS NORDENFELT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKLAS PETRILÄ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKLAS SIMONSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NIKOLAS PODRASKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NILS OLE TIMM > NITHILUS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NITROSNWBRDR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NOAH COULTRIP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NOAH RUSNOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NOEL COTTEN-ROWLAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NOKYCHU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; NONONONO > NORITAKA NAMIKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OBBY HODA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ODD LINAS ANGEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ODYSSEYGAMEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLE ALEXANDER GROTH HARBOSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLIVER > OLIVER \"TURBOCHARGE0\" BARTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLIVER ABBOTT-HAWKINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLIVER JONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLIVER VOGELSANGER > OLIVIER GOSSELIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLIVIER POULIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OLOF SKÅRHAG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OMAR BAMAROUF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OMEGARAINBOW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OMYBACON > ØRJAN SOMMERSETH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OSCAR BRADFORD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OVLLA HÆTTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OWEN BESCHERER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; OZYMANDIAS LLEWELLYN > PABLO KESSLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAIGE LARSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAINE PURUGGANAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PARKER GAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PARKER HARB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PARKER SMITH > PARTARIA FLYNN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK \"KEWK\" BOWMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK BOYER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK D WHITESELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK HAEDERLI > PATRICK KECKLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK LARSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK RIFICI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK SHEA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK STRYHN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRICK TROCKI > PATRICK WOOSEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PATRIK MOSER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL FREEMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL G SCOTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL HOCKING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL HONG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL J LOYND > PAUL LOATMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PAUL SCHMIRCHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PEDGUIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PEDRO ANTUNES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PEDRO IGOR DA COSTA CABRAL > PERDRIEL GUILLAUME ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PERIDOTTERURI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PESCENMAN \"FLEXOPANG\" JIMJACKSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER BERGLUND > PETER COXFORD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER FRISKEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER LASKEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER MARSACK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER RASMUSSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETER SPROULL > PETER STÅHLBERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PETRI KAUKUA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PEYDA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHIL BENTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHILIP BERGQUIST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHILIP MALLERY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHILIP SCANLON > PHILIPP CIOSSEK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHILIPPE GUILLOT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PHILLIP LARCOMBE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PIERRE HENRY BRIAL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PIERRE NOËL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; POHL LONGSINE > POJO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; POL LE TUE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PORTRON ALIAS PSYCHOSTARS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PRASANTH KARTHIKEYAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; PRESLEY MADIGAN – BLITZACERUSH > PYTHON AND AILLIEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; QUINTIN T. ACKLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; R SCOTT ASHLOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RACHEL COLLINS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAFAEL SANTIAGO > RAFAEL VELANDO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAFFAELE DENGLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAGE INC CEO/OWNER/MASTER/LORD/AWSOMEPIE HAGUSEN OF DOOM > RAGEILA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAJAN PATEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RANDALL KING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAPIER KAMIGAWA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RASMUS OLESEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RASMUS STÅLNACKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAY > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 2615c5524,5540 < "alpha" : 1, --- > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, > { > "startTime" : 192.42, > "endTime" : 208, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsradio.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, 2617,2618c5542 < "position" : [350, 210], < "frame" : 0 --- > "position" : [650, -500] 2621,2625c5545,5546 < "timecode" : 13, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 1.5, < "position" : [350, 205], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2630,2633c5551,5606 < < < // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS < --- > { > "startTime" : 197.34, > "endTime" : 233, > "text" : " > RAY GIORDANO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAYMOND K DELFA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RAYMOND LEE HARDY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; REBECCA S ^#4d4d4d;|^white; REIJI TSUSAKA (TUSARJA) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RÉMI AUBERT > REMI SINOU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RÉMY THIRIET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RENE PEDRAZA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RESTREDAINTED ^#4d4d4d;|^white; REZLIK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RHONDA WOLF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RHYS KELLIE > RICARD ROVIRA CUBELES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICARDO LAREU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICARDO RAMOS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD A. WINFIELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD ANDREWS > RICHARD BROWN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD CARMODY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD FAILS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD H MOORE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD KROHN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD LASSITTER > RICHARD POSPESEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD PROMCHARD BURNS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICHARD SAMPHIRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICKY LEUNG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RICO C ROBLES > RILEY KOPP ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RILEY PERRYMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RIORU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RIORU ZHEOSKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RJ WILSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROAN VELDWIJK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROB 'ALTIMUS' MACDONALD > ROB CARTER OF CANADA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT TESHINSKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT \"DRAEKON\" SKALA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT ALLEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT ANSKAITIS > ROBERT CARMOSINO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT CURTIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT DAVIES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT J CAMPBELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT J CONNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT J, MOFFITT > ROBERT KRONDORFER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT MARKS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERT RUTHERFORD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBERTO GANDOLA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBIDEAU FAMILY > ROBIN DOLGNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROBIN KLEINSCHMIDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROGELIO GARCIA VELA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROMAIN VENNE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROMAN MASLANKA > ROMAN RIBARIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RON \"KIND OF A BIG DEAL\" BURGUNDY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RONALD JULIAN P. MACAPAGAL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RONALDUS PIETERNELLA > RONAN KURATA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RONNIE PINKOSKI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROOPE RAUHALA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RORY MARKOVIC ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROSS CAMPBELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROSS HULL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROSS WURM > ROSWITHA STROHMEIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROWDY ABBOTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROY BOWMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROY FU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ROY THIMJAHN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RUBEN FLONNE > RUBEN HALVORSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RUFUS RILEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RUSS MICHAEL CABALAR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RUSSELL DECKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RUSSELL THRAILKILL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RY > RYAN BAKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN BUCHANAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN CHRISTIANSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN CLARK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN D. CLEMENTS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN EGESDAHL > RYAN HANSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN JUGAO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN KAYWORK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN KREPS (SORROW) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN MCGRAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN MCKENZIE > RYAN MOTTLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN OLYNYK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN P BENNETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN ROBERTS (SUPMAN) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN SKOREK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; RYAN VALLANCE > RYAN VOVK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SABRINA LINN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAIYA DARKFIRE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAKSIT THAMMATHIWAT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAM COUNSELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAM NEILSON > SAM-PIRUM MEAM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMI-JUKKA PIIPPO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL 'SALEM' WILLIAMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL FULLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL HENDERSON > SAMUEL JOHNSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL KELLY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL T CLEM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL TENGESDAL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAMUEL WEATHERBEE > SANDER JONGBLOETS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAPHIRA NIGHTCLAW ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SARAH GINIS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SASCHA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SAYLOR FIELDER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SCARLETWING > SCHUYLER CEBULSKIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SCOTT 'TEHMORAG' HELLYER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SCOTT ASHMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SCOTT MILLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SCOTTSKI HUDHUD > SEAN BUCHAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN CHADWICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN DONOVAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN MAYPOTHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN MONROE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN NIELSEN > SEAN PELKEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN RYAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN SHAFER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN TORMOEHLEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEAN VON BAYERN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEB FEAST > SEBASTIAN ABELLO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEBASTIAN ALTERYD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEBASTIAN CARMELO COMULADA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEBASTIÁN GONZÁLEZ CACHO > SEBASTIAN MIES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEGOLIA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEKEOL KIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SENECA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SEPH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SERCAN YEMEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SERGEY BELKIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SETH BRANDT > SETH DEESUB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SGT CRISPY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHADOWBANE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHAE BOB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHAFER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHAI GONDZIOLA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHALEEN,SHRIYA > SHANE DRYDEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHANE JONES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHANE MORTISON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHANE PEARSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHANE SOKOLOSKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHANE STANTON > SHAUN A SMITH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHAUN LARSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHAWN MCNAMARA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHER JOSEPH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHINOGIGI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SHINYA INAMOTO > SHRAVAN HOSSAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SILAS VALLEM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SILVELIA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIMON AUNE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIMON FLETCHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIMON HEUSCHNEIDER > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, 2635,2636c5608,5609 < "startTime" : 76.1, < "endTime" : 200, --- > "startTime" : 196.02, > "endTime" : 208, 2639c5612 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/black.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/creditsmushroom.png" 2644,2648c5617,5624 < "timecode" : 0, < "alpha" : 1, < "zoom" : 5, < "position" : [480, 350], < "frame" : 0 --- > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.5, > "position" : [650, -500] > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "position" : [650, 800] 2652a5629,5684 > { > "startTime" : 200.87, > "endTime" : 243, > "text" : " > SIMON KORZUN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIMON LANTHIER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIMON PHILLIPS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SINDRE HOLST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SIR_RACER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SKYE BOWRON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SKYMOMENT > SLIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SONNY STEWART ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SONONA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SOPHIE MÄCHTL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SÖREN PETERS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SOUL OF TERRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SPIRIT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SPUNKIE > SRA MICHAEL SPENCER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STARFISHSR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEFAN \"SCT\" TIHANYI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEFFEN \"CRAZYCLOWN\" SOLBERG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEFFEN KING > STEFFEN STREUBER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEIN-ANDRE CARLSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEPHAN HUMPOLETZKY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STÉPHANE BORDET ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEPHEN DA COSTA > STEPHEN H. R. SHANG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEPHEN HAMER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEPHEN WADDINGTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEPHEN WILKERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVEN BAKKER > STEVEN CUNDIFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVEN DENGLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVEN GÖBEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVEN KOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVEN WAKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STEVO CASTLE > STIG ANDRE NILSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; STINGERKING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SUE TINDELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SUNG JIN KANG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SUPER-SEVEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SURZIRRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SUSAN MAYFIELD > SUZUKI AKIRA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SUZUSHINA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SVEN SPOTTOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; SYAZWI BAHRIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TACKEART ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TAEKUN LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TAIS HANSEN > TAKAYUKI IMAMURA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TANNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TANNER GEUEKE (RIO) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TAREN JORDEN TEAGUE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TASHA EVELLYN BRAIN > TATSUYA YOSHIHARA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TATTERSAIL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TED LACH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TED POLAIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TELEPOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TEMOANA DODIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TENRYS > TERENCE DODSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TERRANCE THIELE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TERRENCE BLAND ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TEX JUSTIN THRESHER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TFKMASTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TFO > THE CACTUSMAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THE POWER OF LARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THEASSASSINATED ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS \"SUSANOKO\" FOLZ > THOMAS BEARER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS BETHEL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS BØRNES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS CHADWICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS DEGLETAGNE > THOMAS FJELLSTROM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS GAO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS GAVLOCK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS GOFF ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS GUSTAVSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS M WHITE > THOMAS MADIGAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS MAYER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS MCNABB ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS MOEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS TAUCHNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMAS WIKSNES > THOMAS WRIGHT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOMMY LARSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THOR JØRGENSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THORHALLUR JOSEFSSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; THORIN GERULLIS > TIAGO AMARO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIANHUA GU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TILO FRÖHNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIM DAVID ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIM REILLY JR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIM STEMPOR > TIMO \"INQUISITO\" SPRINGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIMOTHÉE CLAUDE (CAPITAINETIM) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIMOTHY A KOEHLER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIMOTHY JAMES LOYND > TIMOTHY JOHN SWAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIMOTHY MICHAEL BAKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TIMOTHY RUDY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TITA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TJEN VAN WINSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TK DEWITT > TOASTADAR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOASTYGOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOBIAS BACKES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOBIAS HALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOBIAS STÖBER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOM \"UNDEAD FOGHORN\" FARNBAUER > TOM ABRAHAMS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOM GLENNON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOM W LAWTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOMAS DEGERSTEDT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOMAS PITTER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOMASZ NAGÓRKA > TONY M. CHRISTIE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TONY PINKERTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TONY XU ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TOR STOKKA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TORD BASTIAN AMUNDSEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TORSTEN GUNST > TRAVIS NEIDIG ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TRAVIS VANDER LAAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TREVOR 'SOUNDLESS' GRAVES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TREVOR FITZGERALD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TREVOR J BURNINGHAM > TREVOR JAMES (PASTY) PACKARD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TREVOR WHITMORE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TRISTAN BILLS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TRISTAN ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TRISTIN M & NICHOLAS F > TRON JOHNSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TROPICOOL PHIL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TROY \"WRONGTOWN\" HALL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TROY CARROLL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYE MULDER > TYLER \"MUSTACHE\" BAYLESS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER A YOCKEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER ANOMASIRI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER BURKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER GROVE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER KERCH > TYLER MARTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER PEACH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER R. WIDNER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER S FLEMING ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER SCHOFIELD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLER THRAILKILL > TYLER WEIR ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYLOR JOHNSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYREN HERBERT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; TYT00S ^#4d4d4d;|^white; UMUT GÜÇLÜ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; USIEMON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; UTE GLANZNER > VADIM CHEKUSHKIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VALRAVEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VANCE VANNOORDWYK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VARG N BOLKAN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VASILY GRAZHDANKIN > VAUGHAN MARTIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VEPRIKOV ARTYOM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VESA ALA-LOUVESNIEMI ^#4d4d4d;|^white; VICTOR C. 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MYERS JR. ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WAYNE ROBINSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WAYNE TREMBLAY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WEGAVEOURLIVES(RYAN FAULS) > WENDELL MEADOWS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WESLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WHEEN LIM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WHITE_WALRUS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILL BRAXTON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILL GREEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM B. KERR > WILLIAM BATES ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM BECKER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM BEEBE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM COOK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM GEORGE FROST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM HEILEMAN > WILLIAM KOV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM MCCARRICK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM VICK IV ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WILLIAM WOJTYSIAK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WOO SEOK JANG > WOO YOUNG (RAVIDA), LEE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WOSLIKE ^#4d4d4d;|^white; WREYN S WANIYA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XANDER MONTOVANO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XANDERREH > XANDY FERGUSON (FLAMINGPIXELATIONS) ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XANDZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XANKEK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XENDAVE DAVIDRIEGER ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XIOMARA PILON > XRFLO BEAST ^#4d4d4d;|^white; XU SONGQIAO ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YABIR BIN BAKHIT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YANN AMSELLEM ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YANNICK FERNANDEZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YANNICK LACELLE > YASSIN BUTT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YI HSUEN LIN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YOAN BENHAYOUN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YOBA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YOSHIHIKO OZAWA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YOSHITAKA ICHIKAWA > YOURI KERSTEN ^#4d4d4d;|^white; YURI KIRCOVICH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACC ROSS ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACH HOON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY \"JESTRE\" FRENCH ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY BORDEN > ZACHARY BRADLEY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY GAVLEK ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY I BENNETT ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY K. PETERSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZACHARY PARLIMAN > ZACHERY KOONTZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZAILEN RANSON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZAIN T. AL-AHMARY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZEKE ROBESON ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZEN D. BENEVALTA ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZENKAT > ZIDANE EL SERGANY ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZION SCHELL ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZISHAN MAHMOOD ^#4d4d4d;|^white; ZSHADOWDRAGONZ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; АЛЕКСЕЙ МУСАЕВ > МИХАЙЛОВ АЛЕКСЕЙ ^#4d4d4d;|^white; 2676,2678c5730,5751 < // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE END < < --- > ", > "textPosition" : { > "position" : [650, 500], > "vAnchor" : "top", > "horizontalAnchor" : "mid", > "desiredWidth" : 500 > }, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1.0, > "zoom" : 1.0, > "position" : [0, -500], > "textPercentage" :1 > }, > { > "timecode" : 12, > "textPercentage" : 1, > "position" : [0, 800] > } > ] > }, 2681,2682c5754,5755 < "startTime" : 78, < "endTime" : 78, --- > "startTime" : 201.29, > "endTime" : 498, 2685c5758 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finaletheendclouds.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/finale/finalejapanesenamecred.png" 2691,2694c5764,5766 < "alpha" : 0, < 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"/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 10.25, < "endTimecode" : 12.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 18.25, < "endTimecode" : 20.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" --- > "timecode" : 0.0, > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/finale/tentacle_destruction.ogg" 2827a5933 > 2829,2832c5935,5936 < "timecode" : 24.25, < "endTimecode" : 26.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" --- > "timecode" : 3.0, > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/finale/finale_music.ogg" 2833a5938 > 2835,2836c5940,5941 < "timecode" : 30.25, < "endTimecode" : 32.5, --- > "timecode" : 16.3, > "endTimecode" : 18.5, 2838c5943 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_slow_loop.ogg" 2839a5945 > 2841,2842c5947,5948 < "timecode" : 38.25, < "endTimecode" : 40.5, --- > "timecode" : 34.3, > "endTimecode" : 36.5, 2847c5953 < "timecode" : 46.25, --- > "timecode" : 46.3, 2853,2896c5959,5960 < "timecode" : 54.25, < "endTimecode" : 56.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 62.25, < "endTimecode" : 64.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 70.25, < "endTimecode" : 72.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 78.25, < "endTimecode" : 80.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 86.25, < "endTimecode" : 88.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 94.25, < "endTimecode" : 96.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 102.25, < "endTimecode" : 104.5, < "loops" : -1, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/aichatter1_loop.ogg" < }, < { < "timecode" : 110.25, < "endTimecode" : 112.5, --- > "timecode" : 60.3, > "endTimecode" : 63.3, 2901,2902c5965,5966 < "timecode" : 118.25, < "endTimecode" : 120.5, --- > "timecode" : 79.8, > "endTimecode" : 82, 2907,2908c5971,5972 < "timecode" : 126.25, < "endTimecode" : 128.5, --- > "timecode" : 89.8, > "endTimecode" : 92, 2913,2914c5977,5978 < "timecode" : 134.25, < "endTimecode" : 136.5, --- > "timecode" : 99.8, > "endTimecode" : 102, 2919,2920c5983,5984 < "timecode" : 140.25, < "endTimecode" : 142.5, --- > "timecode" : 109.3, > "endTimecode" : 111.5, 2923,2927d5986 < }, < { < "timecode" : 42, < "endTimeCode" : 156, < "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/esther-story.ogg" dialog\airship.config 16d15 < "Interested in joining our crew?", 30c29 < "All these propellors require so much upkeep!", --- > "All these propellers require so much upkeep!", 33c32 < "Just once I'd like the captain to use my name instead of calling me a swab.", --- > "Just once I'd like the captain to use my name instead of calling me a blaggard.", 45d43 < "Rumor has it that our captain once fought a great tentacled monstrosity!", dialog\alpaca.config 29c29 < "Has something moved in my place of dwelling?", --- > "Has something been moved around in here?", 54c54 < "I dinnae thing I can live here any longer!", --- > "I dinnae think I can live here any longer!", dialog\arrivedhome.config 97c97 < "Optimisitic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you.", --- > "Optimistic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you.", dialog\colourful.config 17c17 < "Frustrated. How can someone like me deserve such conditions?" --- > "Frustrated. Someone like me does not deserve such conditions." 50c50 < "Hardy. None can defeat a Rainbow Rogue in a duel!" --- > "Fearless. No one can defeat a Rainbow Rogue in a duel!" 57c57 < "Foolhardy. The battle begins!", --- > "Foolhardy. This shall not take long!", 60c60 < "Hostile. What fool should bring conflict to a Rainbow Rogue?", --- > "Hostile. What fool brings conflict to a Rainbow Rogue?", 95c95 < "Frustrated. Come closer so I may strike you with my Rainbow sword!" --- > "Frustrated. Come closer so I may strike you with my Rainbow sword!" dialog\combat.config 175c175 < "Happy. A marvelous victoryv!", --- > "Happy. A marvelous victory!", 225c225 < "Sneaky! This is sneaky! How did you dissappear?", --- > "Sneaky! This is sneaky! How did you disappear?", 238c238 < "Enraged. How did you dissappear!?" --- > "Enraged. How did you disappear!?" dialog\converse.config 80c80 < "Nice to make your aquaintance!", --- > "Nice to make your acquaintance!", 82c82 < "Nice to meet you.", --- > "Nice to meet you!.", 204c204 < "Convivial. How nice to make your aquaintance.", --- > "Convivial. How nice to make your acquaintance.", 207c207 < "Cordial. Hello my fine fello.", --- > "Cordial. Hello my fine fellow.", 257c257 < "I just had an interveiw with the Miniknog.", --- > "I just had an interview with the Miniknog.", 357c357 < "Have you seen many worlds, my firend?", --- > "Have you seen many worlds, my friend?", 367c367 < "Your plumage is impressive, my firend.", --- > "Your plumage is impressive, my friend.", 409c409 < "Tell me, Floran, what's your bodycount?", --- > "Tell me, Floran, what's your body count?", 445c445 < "Are you made entirely of metal, my firend?", --- > "Are you made entirely of metal, my friend?", 466c466 < "Good to meet you, fishman.", --- > "Good to meet you, fish man.", 528c528 < "Art enriches existance.", --- > "Art enriches existence.", 587c587 < "I wish you tranquilty in this tempestuous time.", --- > "I wish you tranquility in this tempestuous time.", 624c624 < "I've read several books by human authors, all very impressive. You are an eloquant race.", --- > "I've read several books by human authors, all very impressive. You are an eloquent race.", 628c628 < "Do humans draw much? I get frustratrated if I don't, and can't go a day without sketching.", --- > "Do humans draw much? I get frustrated if I don't, and can't go a day without sketching.", 667c667 < "Are there many depitcions of Kluex? They would be fascinating to see.", --- > "Are there many depictions of Kluex? They would be fascinating to see.", 723c723 < "I've visted Glitch castles - they lack our delicacy of design, but they have grandeur!", --- > "I've visited Glitch castles - they lack our delicacy of design, but they have grandeur!", 777d776 < "Sorry about your lack of feathers.", 785c784 < "Do you know any good jokes? I have to give an after dinner speach in a couple of days.", --- > "Do you know any good jokes? I have to give an after dinner speech in a couple of days.", 812c811 < "Is my plummage ok? I just had a preen but I don't have a mirror.", --- > "Is my plumage ok? I just had a preen but I don't have a mirror.", 823c822 < "I started whisteling at work and everyone joined in. It was like living in a musical.", --- > "I started whistling at work and everyone joined in. It was like living in a musical.", 854c853 < "Let's be penpals.", --- > "Let's be pen-pals.", 873c872 < "I'm so sorry about your homeworld.", --- > "I'm so sorry about your home world.", 898c897 < "I wonder what it would be like to be hairy? Sorry... just thinking outloud.", --- > "I wonder what it would be like to be hairy? Sorry... just thinking out loud.", 921c920 < "You have nice healthy plummage.", --- > "You have nice healthy plumage.", 959c958 < "You Glitch are fascinating indviduals.", --- > "You Glitch are fascinating individuals.", 978c977 < "The Glitch are just amazing, so intircate and fascinating." --- > "The Glitch are just amazing, so intricate and fascinating." 989c988 < "Us Avian aren't inately peaceful, but don't worry, we're not as bad a the Floran.", --- > "Us Avian aren't innately peaceful, but don't worry, we're not as bad a the Floran.", 993c992 < "Have you been in an Avian temple? I'm not sure they'd appeal to the Hylotl aestheic...", --- > "Have you been in an Avian temple? I'm not sure they'd appeal to the Hylotl aesthetic...", 1041c1040 < "My fridge broke. I'm going to have to eat so much mayonaise.", --- > "My fridge broke. I'm going to have to eat so much mayonnaise.", 1249c1248 < "You're one slick fishman.", --- > "You're one slick fish man.", 1615c1614 < "Troubled. I think I might have burried my spade.", --- > "Troubled. I think I might have buried my spade.", 1623c1622 < "Worried. Everytime I bend down my back clanks.", --- > "Worried. Every time I bend down my back clanks.", 1668c1667 < "Intigued. How do you cope with the jiggling of your fleshy shell?", --- > "Intrigued. How do you cope with the jiggling of your fleshy shell?", 1803c1802 < "Analylitical. You have a fish in your pocket.", --- > "Analytical. You have a fish in your pocket.", 1827c1826 < "Intrigued. How do you mantain your incandescence?", --- > "Intrigued. How do you maintain your incandescence?", dialog\crewmember.config 46c46 < "Nothing calms the spirit more than travelling with friends." --- > "Nothing calms the spirit more than traveling with friends." dialog\cultist.config 35c35 < "We'd be better off without your ape kind!" --- > "We'd be better off without you apes around!" 48,49c48,49 < "Humanity would be better off with you bird fanatics!", < "The universe doesn't need your bird kind!" --- > "Humanity would be better off with you birds gone!", > "The universe doesn't need Avian kind!" 77c77 < "You picked the wrong side!" --- > "You picked the wrong side, traitor!" 90c90 < "Crawl back to your oceans!", --- > "Crawl back to your puddle!", 119c119 < "The universe doesn't need glowing sun people!" --- > "The universe doesn't need weird glowing beings!" dialog\deadbeat.config 8,9c8 < "Time to ride!", < "Don't think you can get away that easy!", --- > "You can't get away that easy!", 23d21 < "Time to ride!", 25c23 < "Shall we play a game?!", --- > "Ha ha ha ha ha!", 36c34 < "TWO ENTER, ONE LEAVES!", --- > "Not your day!", 62c60 < "Meet me, face to face!" --- > "Come meet me face to face, you coward!" dialog\eyeguard.config 5c5 < "Aggressive. I SEE YOU AGAIN!", --- > "Aggressive. THERE YOU ARE AGAIN!", 7,9c7,9 < "Intimidating. You have returned face your doom!", < "Hostile. Witness your defeat this time!", < "Angry. I have seen our target again!" --- > "Intimidating. You have returned! Now face your doom!", > "Hostile. I will relish this!", > "Menacing. I have SEEN our target again!" 23c23 < "Angry. I have SEEN our new target!", --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our new target!", 26c26 < "Hostile. Abandon all hope, those who wish to face us!", --- > "Hostile. Abandon all hope, ye that would face us!", 36c36 < "Pleased. Another victory, but more shall come!", --- > "Thoughtful. Another victory, but more shall come.", 46c46 < "Surprised. Have they averted my gaze?!" --- > "Surprised. How have they averted my gaze?!" 53,54c53,54 < "Angry. Our foe has left, but they will surely return!", < "Shocked. Have they left my sight?" --- > "Grim. Our foe has left, but will surely return!", > "Shocked. Are they beyond my sight?" 62,63c62,63 < "Angry. Our foe is a coward, who does not face me directly!", < "Enraged. Come closer, fiend!", --- > "Angry. Our foe is a coward! Face me directly!", > "Enraged. Come closer, fiend!" dialog\eyepatch.config 6c6 < "Respectful. The All-Seeing Knights help those who help us.", --- > "Practical. The All-Seeing Knights help those who help us.", 34c34 < "Observant. You appear to have called for me." --- > "Observant. I SEE you require my presence." 42c42 < "Thankful. Here is a token of my thanks, for providing me with a home." --- > "Grateful. Here is a token of my thanks, for providing me with a home." 53c53 < "Angry. I have SEEN our next target!" --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our target again!" 64c64 < "Angry. I have SEEN our next target!" --- > "Menacing. I have SEEN our next target!" 71,72c71,72 < "Satisfied. Such a battle was acceptable to an All-Seeing Knight.", < "Pleased. This battle has satiated my lust for battle.", --- > "Satisfied. An acceptable battle.", > "Pleased. This joust has satiated my lust for battle. For now.", 81c81 < "Surprised. Have they averted my gaze?!" --- > "Surprised. How have they averted my gaze?!" 89c89 < "Shocked. Have they left my sight?" --- > "Shocked. Are they beyond my sight?" 96c96 < "Frustrated. The foe doesn't wish to face me up close!", --- > "Frustrated. This cowardly foe will not face me up close!", 104c104 < "Contemplative. Perhaps simply OBSERVING the battle is enough.", --- > "Contemplative. Perhaps simply observing the battle is enough.", dialog\gatherer.config 7c7 < "You have need of me? I'm currently gathering supplies." --- > "You have need of me? I've been gathering supplies." 14c14 < "Here's something I found whilst out gathering supplies!", --- > "Here's something I found while I was out gathering supplies!", 16c16 < "Here's a prize from my recent scavenger trip!" --- > "This is for you, from my recent scavenging trip!" 23c23 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!" --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!" 28,29c28,29 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!", < "Life under the Miniknog is too restrained, I prefer to live a simpler life!", --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!", > "Life under the Miniknog is too restrained, I prefer to live with more freedom!", 35c35 < "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some things I find!", --- > "I'm a hunter-gatherer. I'll bring you some of the things I find!", 45c45 < "I will make my swift escape!" --- > "I will escape!" 71c71 < "Is this the safe zone?" --- > "Am I safe now?" dialog\grumble.config 67c67 < "Can you sort out the damge in here?", --- > "Can you sort out the damage in here?", 80c80 < "Despondant. My poor house - the walls are damaged. Could you fix things up?", --- > "Despondent. My poor house - the walls are damaged. Could you fix things up?", 158c158 < "Passive or not, I cannot stand by as you ensconce a second tennant in my home.", --- > "Passive or not, I cannot stand by as you ensconce a second tenant in my home.", 192c192 < "Aggrevated. I need you to fix my home.", --- > "Aggravated. I need you to fix my home.", 221c221 < "Well ain't this place mighty dissapointin'... You fixin' to fix it or what?", --- > "Well ain't this place mighty disappointin'... You fixin' to fix it or what?", dialog\guard.config 35c35 < "What's your buisness here?", --- > "What's your business here?", 59c59 < "Every act has reprocussions.", --- > "Every act has repercussions.", 87c87 < "Just try not to put a cat amongst the pidgeons.", --- > "Just try not to put a cat amongst the pigeons.", 121c121 < "Apex" : { --- > "apex" : { 129c129 < "Hylotl" : { --- > "hylotl" : { 137c137 < "Avian" : { --- > "avian" : { 179c179 < "Apex" : { --- > "apex" : { 183c183 < "You dare defie the Miniknog!? Put your weapon away!", --- > "You dare defy the Miniknog!? Put your weapon away!", 187c187 < "Hylotl" : { --- > "hylotl" : { 192c192 < "I will not coutenance a threat to my people. Stow your weapon!" --- > "I will not countenance a threat to my people. Stow your weapon!" 195c195 < "Avian" : { --- > "avian" : { 233c233 < "This is your absolutey last chance to stow your weapon!" --- > "This is your absolutely last chance to stow your weapon!" 236c236 < "Apex" : { --- > "apex" : { 244c244 < "Hylotl" : { --- > "hylotl" : { 252c252 < "Avian" : { --- > "avian" : { 285c285 < "Apex" : { --- > "apex" : { 290c290 < "Hylotl" : { --- > "hylotl" : { 295c295 < "Avian" : { --- > "avian" : { dialog\merchant.config 83c83 < "Insistant. Return soon!", --- > "Insistent. Return soon!", 236c236 < "Welcoming. Come and veiw my wares!", --- > "Welcoming. Come and view my wares!", 243c243 < "My shop is resplendant with wares. Come and see.", --- > "My shop is resplendent with wares. Come and see.", 293c293 < "Why have you distrupted my shop? Please fix what you have broken.", --- > "Why have you disrupted my shop? Please fix what you have broken.", 321c321 < "Despondant. The walls are damaged and custom is down. Could you fix up the shop?", --- > "Despondent. The walls are damaged and custom is down. Could you fix up the shop?", 342c342 < "My shop is open to the elements, I can't maintain a buisness with damaged walls.", --- > "My shop is open to the elements, I can't maintain a business with damaged walls.", 568c568 < "Optimisitic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you." --- > "Optimistic. This is going very well! Here's a gift to say thank you." dialog\miniknogthreats.config 11c11 < "Glory to Big Ape! Destroy the interloper!", --- > "Glory to Big Ape! Destroy the agitator!", 13c13 < "You won't get in the way of the Miniknog!", --- > "For our glorious leader!", 15,16c15,16 < "Hostiles spotted!", < "Killing you might get me a promotion!" --- > "Hostiles in sight!", > "Kill the dissident, get a promotion!" dialog\mutantminer.config 14c14 < "Rrrrr...", --- > "Rrrrr!", dialog\quest.config 56c56 < "Don't hurt me with that ! Tell I'll comply!" --- > "Don't hurt me with that ! Tell I will comply!" 102c102 < "I am not afraid of !" --- > "I'm not afraid of !" 107,108c107,108 < "Floran not ssscared of !", < "Floran not ssscared you, or !" --- > "Floran not sscared of !", > "Floran not sscared of you, or !" 119c119 < " cannot upset my zen, and neither can you!", --- > " cannot disquiet me, and neither can you.", 137c137 < "Being bribed is pretty satisfying! Please give my thanks to ." --- > "Being bribed is pretty great! Please give my thanks to ." 149c149 < " may be trying to bribe me, but I am thankful anyway!", --- > " may be trying to bribe me, but I'm grateful anyway!", 155,156c155,156 < "Floran doesssn't mind bribes. Say thanksss to !", < "Floran likesss bribes! Say thanksss to ." --- > "Floran doesn't mind bribes. Say thanksss to !", > "Floran likes bribes! Say thanksss to ." 161c161 < "Pleased. This may be a bribe, but give my thanks to .", --- > "Pleased. A bribe! Give my thanks to .", 168,169c168,169 < "My loyalty is easily swayed! Give my thanks to .", < "Gifts can easily sway my alliegance! Give my thanks to ." --- > "My loyalty is swayed! Give my thanks to .", > "Gifts are a potent form of persuasion! Give my thanks to ." 226c226 < "This gift would be suited better on display in my home. Can you put it there for me?" --- > "This gift would look good displayed in my home. Will you put it there for me?" 231c231 < "What a delightful gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can show it off?", --- > "What a lovely gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can enjoy it all the time?", 237c237 < "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's home pleassse?", --- > "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's house please?", 243c243 < "Delighted. What a fitting gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", --- > "Delighted. What a wonderful gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", 250c250 < "You have brought a gift for me. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" --- > "This gift is exquisite. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" 271,272c271,272 < "How kind of ! Please thank them for me.", < "Please report my happiness to for their gift!" --- > "How kind of . Please thank them for me.", > "Please tell how happy this gift has made me!" 278c278 < "Please thank for this gesture!" --- > "What a kind gesture. Please thank for me." 284c284 < "A presssent for Floran! Give thanksss to !" --- > "A present for Floran! Give Floran's thanksss to !" 290c290 < "Thankful. Tell that I appreciate their gift!" --- > "Happy. Tell that I appreciate their gift!" 309c309 < " is a great friend." --- > " is a good friend." 315c315 < " is a trustworthy contact." --- > " is a good friend to me." 327c327 < "Floran hasss decided that isss good friend." --- > "Floran hasss decided that is a good friend." 351c351 < "This gift would look good in my home. Can you place it in there for me?", --- > "This gift would look good in my house. Can you place it in there for me?", 357,358c357,358 < "This is a generous gift - perhaps it should be on display in my home?", < "This gift would be suited better on display in my home. Can you put it there for me?" --- > "This is a generous gift - perhaps it should be on display in my home.", > "This gift would look good displayed in my home. Will you put it there for me?" 363c363 < "What a delightful gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can show it off?", --- > "What a lovely gift! Would you be able to place it in my home, so I can enjoy it all the time?", 369c369 < "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's home pleassse?", --- > "Floran likesss gift! Can you put it in Floran's house please?", 375c375 < "Delighted. What a fitting gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", --- > "Delighted. What a wonderful gift! Perhaps you could place it in my home for me?", 382c382 < "You have brought a gift for me. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" --- > "This gift is exquisite. Would you be able to place it somewhere in my home for me?" 425c425 < "I didn't steal that , I was just borrowing it!", --- > "I didn't steal that , I was simply borrowing it.", 447,448c447,448 < "Fine, I'll pay up. Just don't report this to the MiniKnog!", < "You caught me - I'll pay the fine. Just don't get me in bigger trouble!" --- > "Fine, I'll pay up. Just do not report this to the MiniKnog!", > "You caught me - I will pay the fine. Just don't get me in bigger trouble." 453c453 < "No need to ruffle my feathers any further - I'll pay up!" --- > "There's no need to keep hassling me, I've decided to pay up!" 464,465c464,465 < "Defeated. I guess I should pay the fine, I don't want to get in further trouble!", < "Embarassed. I'll pay the fine - There's no use running." --- > "Defeated. I guess I should pay the fine, I don't want to get into further trouble!", > "Annoyed. I'll pay the fine - What's the use in quibbling?" 492,493c492,493 < "Here is the you need. I hope it serves you well.", < "Here is the that needs!" --- > "Here is the you need. I hope it is what's needed.", > "Here is the that needs." 510c510 < "Welcoming. I hope likes their new !", --- > "Cheerful. I hope likes their new !", 550c550 < "Floran made thisss for you, asss requested!", --- > "Floran made thisss for you, as requested!", 563c563 < "? I can make one of those for you. Here you go." --- > "? I can craft one of those for you. Here, for you." 578c578 < "Fine, can borrow my item. Will you bring it back eventually?", --- > "Fine, can borrow my . Will you bring it back eventually?", 585c585 < " can borrow my , I just hope they give it back..." --- > " can borrow my , I just hope I get it back..." 596,597c596,597 < "Floran can lend , asss long as Floran gets it back ssssoon.", < "Here's the for , Floran doesssn't mind." --- > "Floran can lend , as long as Floran getsss it back ssoon.", > "Here iss the for , Floran doesn't mind lending it." 602c602 < "Generous. Here is my - Just tell to give it back soon!", --- > "Reasonable. Here is my - Just tell to give it back soon.", 609c609 < " can lend my if they have need of it!" --- > " can borrow my if they have need of it!" 624,625c624,625 < "H-here, take my . Just d-don't hurt me!", < " can have my , just don't h-hurt me!" --- > "H-here, take my . Just don't h-hurt me!", > " can have my , just don't hurt me!" 630,631c630,631 < "I know this is extortion, but I value my safety. Take my ...", < "Just take the - I value my safety, okay!" --- > "Extortion is not new to me. Take my ...", > "Just take the - I value my safety." 636,637c636,637 < "Don't ruffle my feathers any more - Just take my !", < "Don't hurt me! J-just take my !" --- > "No need to be so menacing! Just take my !", > "Stop tormenting me and just take the !" 642,643c642,643 < "Floran doesn't want to ssstart fight! Take !", < "Floran will help ! T-take Floran's !" --- > "Floran doesn't want to fight right now! Take .", > "Fine! Floran will help ! Take Floran's !" 649c649 < "Terrified. I don't want to be mad with me - Take my if that's what you want!" --- > "Terrified. Just take my ! can have it!" 655c655 < "Don't upset my zen any further - Take my if you need it!" --- > "Stop terrorising me! Take my if you need it!" 676c676 < "You've secured the materials? Hold steady, I just need to make this...", --- > "You've secured the materials? Wait one moment, I just need to make this...", 682,683c682,683 < "You brought the items? Hold on a moment...", < "You brought the materials? I just need to craft this then, give me a moment..." --- > "You brought the items? Great, hold on a moment...", > "You brought the materials? Let me just craft this then, give me a moment..." 688,689c688,689 < "You brought Floran the thingsss? Give Floran ssshort time to craft!", < "You brought the thingsss for Floran? Floran needsss moment to craft..." --- > "You brought Floran materials! Floran craft now, hold on...", > "Thank you for thingss! Floran just take a moment to craft..." 694,695c694,695 < "Eager. You have brought me the materials - Please give me a moment to craft this...", < "Patient. You brought me the items we need! Please give me a second whilst I craft." --- > "Eager. You have brought me the materials! Hold on one moment...", > "Pleased. You brought me the items we need! Just give me moment to craft this..." 700,701c700,701 < "Thank you for bringing me the items. Please stay calm whilst I craft this for .", < "I am eager to begin crafting. Thank you for bringing the items. Give me a moment..." --- > "Thank you for bringing me the items, I will just take a short time to craft what needs.", > "Thank you so much for bringing the items, I'm eager to begin crafting. Here, give me a moment..." 713c713 < "Here you go! Please take this parcel to for me.", --- > "Here you go! You can take this parcel to for me.", 719,720c719,720 < "Thank you for remaining patient. Here's a parcel - Please deliver it to for me.", < "And I'm finished! Thank you for waiting. Can you take this parcel to for me?" --- > "Thank you for waiting. Here, take this to .", > "I am done! Thank you for waiting. Now, please take this parcel to ..." 731,732c731,732 < "Finissshed! Please take parcel to for Floran.", < "Here is thing! Take it to pleassse." --- > "Finished! Pleasse take parcel to for Floran.", > "Here iss thing! Take it to ." 738c738 < "Satsified. Take this package to for me!" --- > "Satisfied. I have finished! Now please take this package to for me." 743,744c743,744 < "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Can you take this parcel to for me?", < "I'm pleased with my own craftsmanship! Would you be able to deliver the parcel to ?" --- > "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Would you take this parcel to for me?", > "Wonderful! Don't you admire my craftsmanship? Now, could you take the parcel to ?" 765c765 < "You've secured the materials? Hold steady, I just need to make this...", --- > "You've secured the materials? Good. Wait one moment, I just need to make this...", 771,772c771,772 < "You brought the items? Hold on a moment...", < "You brought the materials? I just need to craft this then, give me a moment..." --- > "You brought the items? Great, hold on a moment...", > "You brought the materials? Let me just craft this then, give me a moment..." 777,778c777,778 < "You brought Floran the thingsss? Give Floran ssshort time to craft!", < "You brought the thingsss for Floran? Floran needsss moment to craft..." --- > "You brought Floran materials! Floran craft now, hold on...", > "Thank you for thingss! Floran just take a moment to craft..." 783,784c783,784 < "Eager. You have brought me the materials - Please give me a moment to craft this...", < "Patient. You brought me the items we need! Please give me a second whilst I craft." --- > "Eager. You have brought me the materials! Hold on one moment...", > "Pleased. You brought me the items we need! Just give me moment to craft this..." 789,790c789,790 < "Thank you for bringing me the items. Please stay calm whilst I craft this for .", < "I am eager to begin crafting. Thank you for bringing the items. Give me a moment..." --- > "Thank you for bringing me the items, I will just take a short time to craft what needs.", > "Thank you so much for bringing the items, I'm eager to begin crafting. Here, give me a moment..." 802c802 < "Here you go! Please take this parcel to for me.", --- > "Here you go! You can take this parcel to for me.", 808,809c808,809 < "Thank you for remaining patient. Here's a parcel - Please deliver it to for me.", < "And I'm finished! Thank you for waiting. Can you take this parcel to for me?" --- > "Thank you for waiting. Here, take this to .", > "I am done! Thank you for waiting. Now, please take this parcel to ..." 820,821c820,821 < "Finissshed! Please take parcel to for Floran.", < "Here is thing! Take it to pleassse." --- > "Finished! Pleasse take parcel to for Floran.", > "Here iss thing! Take it to ." 827c827 < "Satsified. Take this package to for me!" --- > "Satisfied. I have finished! Now please take this package to for me." 832,833c832,833 < "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Can you take this parcel to for me?", < "I'm pleased with my own craftsmanship! Would you be able to deliver the parcel to ?" --- > "An exquisite job, if I say so myself! Would you take this parcel to for me?", > "Wonderful! Don't you admire my craftsmanship? Now, could you take the parcel to ?" 852c852 < "Are you here on behalf of ? Here's the parcel, thank you for the goods." --- > "Are you here on behalf of ? Here's the parcel. Thank you for these goods." 857c857 < "Thank you for bringing me the materials. Here is 's order!" --- > "Thank you for delivering this. Here's 's order!" 862c862 < "You brought the sssstuff? Here's 's parcel! Don't lossse it." --- > "Thank you for the sstuff. Here's 's parcel, don't lose it!" 867c867 < "Professional. You brought the materials? Then I can make the trade. Take this parcel to , please." --- > "Wary. This seems like the right stuff... Ok. Let's trade. Take this parcel to ." 872c872 < "I am pleased to carry out this transaction with you. Thank you for the materials. Please take this parcel to ." --- > "I'm pleased that we could carry out this transaction - my thanks for the goods. Please take this parcel to ." 882,883c882,892 < "Thank you, I was so scared! My heart is racing.", < "Is it over? My life was flashing before my eyes!", --- > "Is it over? My life was flashing before my eyes!" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Don't kill me, I have so much to give... Wait, you're saving me? Thank you!", > "I'm still alive? You saved my life! Thank you!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ 885,886c894,900 < "I'm still alive? You saved my life! Thank you!", < "Don't kill me, I have so much to give... Wait, you're saving me? Thank you!" --- > "Thank you! I don't know where I would be now if you had not come along." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you, I was so scared! My heart is racing!", > "You saved me! Thank you so much!" 892c906 < "Floran could have won the fight if Floran had a ssspear, but Floran ssstill appreciates help." --- > "Floran could have won the fight if Floran had a ssspear, but Floran still appreciates help." 897c911,918 < "Relieved. You saved me! You're my you hero!" --- > "Grateful. You saved me! My hero!", > "Relieved. Thank goodness you saved me!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "You saved me! I am forever grateful!", > "Is it.. Is it over? Oh, thank goodness! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 904a926,955 > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Um. I'm still pretty frightened. Can you take me home to ?" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I am very shaken - Please, would you take back to ?" > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I don't feel safe alone right now. Can you take me home to ?" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran doess not want to be alone. Take me home to ." > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Terrified. Um, could you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Don't leave me! Take me home to ." 917a969,986 > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm so lost. Can you take me back to ?", > "I am incredibly lost right now. Would you mind taking me to ?" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I have no idea where I am. Please take me back to .", > "I am so lost. Can you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I always though I had a pretty good sense on direction... I guess not. Would you mind taking me to ?", > "How did I get so lost? Well, I'm glad you found me. Would you take me back to ?" > ] > }, 920,921c989,990 < "Floran is lossst. Could you help Floran get back to ?", < "Floran sssomehow got very lossst. Can you take Floran back to ?" --- > "Floran is lossst. Could you help Floran find ?", > "Floran sssomehow got lost... Please take Floran back to ?" 926,927c995,1002 < "Flustered. I'm appear to be lost. Would you be able to take me back to ?", < "Confused. My conclusion is that I am indeed quite lost. Can you take me back to ?" --- > "Flustered. I appear to be lost. Help me - take me back to ?", > "Confused. I think I might be lost. Er, can you take me back to ?" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Oh, could you take me back to ? I'm hopelessly lost.", > "I wondered will I wandered, and so I wandered off... Please, take me back to ." 938a1014,1028 > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Thanks for the goods, here's 's . Pass on my regards!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Are you here on behalf of ? Here is their . Thank you for these goods." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Thank you for delivering this. Here's 's ." > ] > }, 947a1038,1042 > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm pleased that we could carry out this transaction - my thanks for the goods. Here is 's ." > ] 956a1052,1061 > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Do you have a delivery for Floran?" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Interested. Do you have a delivery for me?" > ] 964a1070,1084 > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Here's your goods. Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "This is yours." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Here's your goods. Enjoy!" > ] > }, 967c1087 < "Here isss your stuff. Floran hopesss you enjoy!" --- > "Here'sss your stuff. Enjoy!" 972c1092,1097 < "Pleased. Here's your goods. Enjoy!" --- > "Cheerful. Here are your goods! Enjoy!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Here are your goods, for you to enjoy." 983a1109,1123 > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Hi! contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Hello. contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Hi! contracted me to help you fight the ." > ] > }, 991c1131,1136 < "Amicible. has contracted me to help you battle the !" --- > "Amicable. has contracted me to aid you in your battle with the !" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Greetings. contracted me to assist you against the ." 1001a1147,1156 > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran surrenders! Put weapon away!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Judicious. I surrender, put away your weapon." > ] 1007a1163,1192 > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Psyche!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Fool." > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Caaaw!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "You fell for Floran's trick!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Triumphant. You fool!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "It is a mistake to trust your enemy." dialog\rebel.config 10c10 < "The Miniknog end here!", --- > "Miniknog devils!", 12c12 < "The Miniknog will be defeated!", --- > "Get them!", dialog\scientist.config 5c5 < "What is freedom, if not another form of slavery?" --- > "The Miniknog is not so easily overcome" 11,13c11,13 < "You must work for the rebels!", < "You will meet a swift end, rebels!", < "Your uprising will fall, rebels!", --- > "Rebel scum!", > "You will meet a swift end at our hands!", > "Your uprising will fall, rebel!", 15c15 < "Insurgents! Do not think you can defeat us!", --- > "Do not think you can defeat us!", 17c17 < "Perish, rebel!", --- > "Perish, vile agitator!", dialog\shroom.config 27c27 < "Haba hoom, sillyflap! swoop bizarra!", --- > "Haba hoom, sillyflap! Hehehe! swoop bizarra!", 36c36 < "Kissface plant! Nab halb squishfish! ", --- > "Kissface plant! Nab halb squishfish! Hahahahahaha!", 54c54 < "Nab! ", --- > "Nab! Nab!", 59c59 < "", --- > "Nabnabnabnabnabnab.", dialog\sniper.config 5c5 < "Intruder!" --- > "Outsider!" 16,17c16,17 < "Get back here, scum! I want to shoot you!", < "Travellers are perfect for target practice!", --- > "Get back here! I wanna to shoot you!", > "Travellers are perfect target practice!", 23,24d22 < "Point gun at... enemy? Instructions unclear.", < "Life just ain't the same without a gun at your side!", 30,37c28,35 < "I'll ssshoot you down!", < "You can't escape my sssights!", < "I'll fill you with holesss, outsider!", < "You aren't fassst enough to outrun my ssshots!", < "You can't hide from me!", < "I have the vantage point, outsssider!", < "I have the better aim, outsssider!", < "You can't ssssurvive in these tunnelsss! You're an outsider!" --- > "Floran shoot outsssider!", > "You can't escape!", > "Floran fill you with holesss!", > "Stranger not fast enough to outrun bulletss!", > "You can't hide from Floran! Floran hunt you down!", > "Outsssider!", > "Floran kill outsssider!", > "You won't sssurvive! Floran won't let you!" dungeons\apex\apexcity\apexendright1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler.dungeon 126c126 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 147c147 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 167c167 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 177c177 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 187c187 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 218c218 < "chance" : 0 --- > "chance" : 1 dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler1b.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler2b.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler3a.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler3b.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawler4a.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlerbase1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlerbase2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlerside1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlerside5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlerside6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\dungeoncrawler\dungeoncrawlersidetunnel.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\hylotlcastlebase1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\hylotlroomtemplate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\hylotlruinedcastle.dungeon 27c27 < "name" : "test", --- > "name" : "room1", 34c34 < "def" : [ "tmx", "test.json" ], --- > "def" : [ "tmx", "room1.json" ], 38c38 < "name" : "test2", --- > "name" : "room2", 45c45 < "def" : [ "tmx", "test2.json" ], --- > "def" : [ "tmx", "room2.json" ], 49c49,60 < "name" : "halltest", --- > "name" : "room3", > "rules" : [ > // [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "doNotConnectToPart", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "room3.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "hall1", 56c67,170 < "def" : [ "tmx", "halltest.json" ], --- > "def" : [ "tmx", "hall1.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roof1", > "rules" : [ > // [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "doNotConnectToPart", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roof1.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roof2", > "rules" : [ > // [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "doNotConnectToPart", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roof2.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roof3", > "rules" : [ > // [ "maxSpawnCount", [2] ] > // [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "doNotConnectToPart", [ "examplepiece" ] ] > // [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roof3.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge0left", > "rules" : [ > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge0left.json" ], > "chance" : 0 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge0right", > "rules" : [ > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge0right.json" ], > "chance" : 0 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge1left", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge1left", "roofedge1right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge1left.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge1right", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge1left", "roofedge1right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge1right.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge2left", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge2left", "roofedge2right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge2left.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge2right", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge2left", "roofedge2right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge2right.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge3left", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge3left", "roofedge3right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge3left.json" ], > "chance" : 1 > }, > { > "name" : "roofedge3right", > "rules" : [ > [ "doNotCombineWith", [ "roofedge3left", "roofedge3right" ] ], > [ "ignorePartMaximumRule" ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "roofedge3right.json" ], dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\hylotltemplate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\avianmissions\avianmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\hylotlmissions\hylotlmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\tentaclemissions\bossroomtest.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] interface\chat\chat.config 3c3 < "offset" : [24, 14], --- > "offset" : [24, 18], 7,8c7,8 < "chatWrapLimit" : 266, < "chatSize" : 6, --- > "chatWrapLimit" : 264, > "chatSize" : 5, 38c38 < "position" : [20, 12] --- > "position" : [20, 10] 42,43c42,43 < "maxWidth" : 245, < "position" : [43, 13], --- > "maxWidth" : 241, > "position" : [44, 13], 49c49 < "position" : [23, 13], --- > "position" : [24, 13], 54c54 < "position" : [4, 70], --- > "position" : [4, 69], interface\cockpit\cockpit.config 129,130c129,130 < "pos" : [208, 120], < "text" : "Threat:", --- > "pos" : [345, 70], > "text" : "Threat", 135c135 < "pos" : [212, 111], --- > "pos" : [340, 59], 168,169c168,169 < "pos" : [208, 98], < "text" : "Surface Analysis:", --- > "pos" : [220, 119], > "text" : "Landing Site Analysis", 176c176 < "garden" : "A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;planet teeming with life.", --- > "garden" : ["A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;planet teeming with life.", "A pleasant ^#76fe68;garden ^white;planet.", "This planet is ^#76fe68;green^white;."], 178,179c178,179 < "forest" : "Dense ^#15ce02;forest ^white;plant life produces plenty of oxygen.", < "desert" : "The majority of the planet's surface is covered in ^#e6c801;desert ^white;with little plant life.", --- > "forest" : ["Dense ^#15ce02;forest ^white;plant life produces plenty of oxygen."], > "desert" : ["The majority of the planet's surface is covered in ^#e6c801;desert ^white;with little plant life."], 181,183c181,183 < "snow" : "The majority of the planet is covered in ^#69f1fd;snow, ^white;with little plant life.", < "savannah" : "An ^#ffe21d;arid ^white;landscape prone to dust storms.", < "ocean" : "The planet's surface is covered in ^#008aff;ocean.", --- > "snow" : ["The majority of the planet is covered in ^#69f1fd;snow, ^white;with little plant life."], > "savannah" : ["An ^#ffe21d;arid ^white;landscape prone to dust storms."], > "ocean" : ["The planet's surface is covered in ^#008aff;ocean."], 185,187c185,187 < "toxic" : " Planet is covered in ^#06ff00;poisonous oceans. ^red;High levels of radiation.", < "jungle" : "Warm and wet climate sustains ^#12a003;tropical ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation.", < "alien" : "Planet is covered in ^#7800ff;alien ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation.", --- > "toxic" : ["Planet is covered in ^#06ff00;poisonous oceans. ^red;High levels of radiation."], > "jungle" : ["Warm and wet climate sustains ^#12a003;tropical ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation."], > "alien" : ["Planet is covered in ^#7800ff;alien ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation."], 189,190c189,190 < "arctic" : "Planet is covered in ^#00ffe4;frigid oceans. ^red;Temp is dangerously low.", < "tundra" : "A ^#61ffe3;frozen ^white;world of ice and snow. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", --- > "arctic" : ["Planet is covered in ^#00ffe4;frigid oceans. ^red;Temp is dangerously low."], > "tundra" : ["A ^#61ffe3;frozen ^white;world of ice and snow. ^red;Temp dangerously low."], 192,195c192,195 < "volcanic" : "Unforgiving ^#e11212;volcanic ^white;terrain. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "midnight" : "Forever ^#e11212;midnight ^white;with no trace of sunlight. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", < "scorchedcity" : "A ^#b24301;scorched city ^white;cooked by its sun. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "magma" : "Planet surface is covered in ^#ff1818;magma. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", --- > "volcanic" : ["Unforgiving ^#e11212;volcanic ^white;terrain. ^red;Temp dangerously high."], > "midnight" : ["Forever ^#e11212;midnight ^white;with no trace of sunlight. ^red;Temp dangerously low."], > "scorchedcity" : ["A ^#b24301;scorched city ^white;cooked by its sun. ^red;Temp dangerously high."], > "magma" : ["Planet surface is covered in ^#ff1818;magma. ^red;Temp dangerously high."], 197,200c197,200 < "moon" : "A rocky, ^#949493;airless^white; world. A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "asteroids" : "A field of uninhabited ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "ancientgateway" : "A strange ^#571cff;gate ^white;of incalculably ancient origin.", < "barren" : "A ^#999966;barren and lifeless^white; world suitable for large scale construction." --- > "moon" : ["A rocky, ^#949493;airless^white; world. A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere."], > "asteroids" : ["A field of uninhabited ^#d7711e;asteroids^white;. ^red;No breathable atmosphere."], > "ancientgateway" : ["A strange ^#571cff;gate ^white;of incalculably ancient origin."], > "barren" : ["A ^#999966;barren and lifeless^white; world suitable for large scale construction."] 205,206c205,206 < "pos" : [208, 38], < "text" : "Day Length:", --- > "pos" : [340, 47], > "text" : "Day Cycle", 208c208 < "color" : [110, 130, 163] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 211,212c211,212 < "pos" : [264, 38], < "text" : "m", --- > "pos" : [344, 35], > "text" : " Sols", 220,221c220,221 < "pos" : [208, 28], < "text" : "Size:", --- > "pos" : [336, 24.5], > "text" : "Planet Size", 223c223 < "color" : [110, 130, 163] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 226,227c226,227 < "pos" : [264, 28], < "text" : "", --- > "pos" : [332, 13], > "text" : " Sectors", 235,236c235,236 < "pos" : [208, 18], < "text" : "Gravity:", --- > "pos" : [224, 36], > "text" : "Geological Analysis", 238c238 < "color" : [110, 130, 163] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 241,242c241,242 < "pos" : [264, 18], < "text" : "x", --- > "pos" : [240, 18], > "text" : "-Placeholder-", 251c251 < "text" : "Hazards:", --- > "text" : "Hazards", 266c266 < "pos" : [343, 120], --- > "pos" : [342, 119], 269c269 < "color" : [ 217, 254, 255 ] --- > "color" : [140, 164, 228] 369,370c369,370 < "position" : [215, 175], < "wrapWidth" : 110, --- > "position" : [205, 193], > "wrapWidth" : 120, 379c379 < "rect" : [ 331, 156, 387, 194 ], --- > "rect" : [ 330, 158, 387, 196 ], interface\objectcrafting\fossilstation.config 155,160d154 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\scripted\mmupgrade\mmupgradegui.config 275c275 < "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate to 150%", --- > "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate by 100%", 278c278 < "tileDamage" : 1.8, --- > "tileDamage" : 2.4, 289c289 < "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate to 200%", --- > "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate by 200%", 292c292 < "tileDamage" : 2.6, --- > "tileDamage" : 3.6, 303c303 < "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate to 250%", --- > "description" : "Increase matter deconstruction rate by 300%", 306c306 < "tileDamage" : 3.4, --- > "tileDamage" : 4.8, 361c361 < "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 1 tile", --- > "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 2 tile", 373c373 < "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 2 tiles", --- > "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 4 tiles", 385c385 < "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 3 tiles", --- > "description" : "Increase effective manipulator range by 6 tiles", interface\scripted\mmupgrade\mmupgradegui.lua 92,98c92,93 < if selectedUpgradeAvailable() then < widget.setText("lblModuleCount", string.format("%s / %s", playerModuleCount, upgrade.moduleCost)) < widget.setButtonEnabled("btnUpgrade", true) < else < widget.setText("lblModuleCount", string.format("%s / --", playerModuleCount)) < widget.setButtonEnabled("btnUpgrade", false) < end --- > widget.setText("lblModuleCount", string.format("%s / %s", playerModuleCount, upgrade.moduleCost)) > widget.setButtonEnabled("btnUpgrade", selectedUpgradeAvailable()) interface\tooltips\shield.tooltip 45c45 < "wrapWidth" : 124, --- > "wrapWidth" : 123, interface\warping\outpostteleporter.config 3c3 < "bookmarkName" : "Outpost", --- > "bookmarkName" : "2 Stop Teleshop", interface\windowconfig\2stopshop.config 142,147d141 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\beamupconfirmation.config 2c2 < "paneLayout" : "/interface/windowconfig/confirmation.config:paneLayout", --- > "paneLayout" : "/interface/windowconfig/warpout.config:paneLayout", 4,5c4,7 < "title" : "Beam back to ship?", < "message" : "Beaming out of this mission will reset your progress for this area. Are you sure you want to warp?", --- > "title" : "Exit Mission", > "subtitle" : "teleport back to your ship", > "icon" : "/interface/warning.png", > "message" : "Leaving this mission will reset your progress for this area. Are you sure you want to teleport?", interface\windowconfig\chatbubbles.config 2c2 < "textColor" : "black", --- > "textColor" : "white", 4c4,5 < "desiredTextWidth" : 200, --- > "textPadding" : [10, 2], > "textWrapWidth" : 100, 12a14,15 > > "partSize" : 10, interface\windowconfig\codex.config 2c2 < "selectText" : "SELECT A CODEX", --- > "selectText" : "Choose a codex", 5,14c5 < "messages" : { < "alreadyKnown" : "Codex already known.", < "learned" : "New codex learned!" < }, < "overlay" : { < "iconOverlay" : { < "image" : "/items/generic/other/codexinhand.png" < } < }, < "inHandImage" : "/items/generic/other/codexinhand.png", --- > 27c18 < "position" : [80, 230], --- > "position" : [91, 230], 36c27 < "position" : [143, 252] --- > "position" : [165, 249] 41c32 < "subtitle" : "^#b9b5b2;Some useful literature ^green;[L]", --- > "subtitle" : "^#b9b5b2;Books found on your travels ^green;[L]", 53c44 < "position" : [0, -10], --- > "position" : [1, 28], 64c55 < "position" : [-1, 26], --- > "position" : [0, 40], 72c63 < "position" : [41, 21] --- > "position" : [49, 21] 76c67 < "rect" : [1, 52, 152, 220], --- > "rect" : [1, 50, 173, 219], 84,85c75,76 < "spacing" : [0, 0], < "memberSize" : [140, 21], --- > "spacing" : [0, -2], > "memberSize" : [162, 21], 92a84,89 > "bookIcon" : { > "type" : "image", > "file" : "", > "position" : [3, 2], > "zlevel" : 1 > }, 95,96c92,93 < "position" : [70, 11], < "hAnchor" : "mid", --- > "position" : [24, 10], > "hAnchor" : "left", 98c95 < "wrapWidth" : 110, --- > "wrapWidth" : 140, 111c108 < "position" : [-1, 24], --- > "position" : [0, 23], 116c113 < "position" : [5, 210], --- > "position" : [7, 216], 119c116 < "wrapWidth" : 144, --- > "wrapWidth" : 160, 124c121 < "position" : [75, 45], --- > "position" : [86, 40], 127a125,130 > "pageLabel" : { > "type" : "label", > "position" : [86, 49], > "hAnchor" : "mid", > "value" : "Page" > }, 133c136 < "position" : [1, 42] --- > "position" : [3, 42] 141c144 < "position" : [95, 42] --- > "position" : [115, 42] 148c151 < "position" : [41, 21] --- > "position" : [49, 20] interface\windowconfig\crafting.config 144,149d143 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftinganvil.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingcampfire.config 144,149d143 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingfarming.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingfood.config 142,147d141 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingfurnace.config 161,166d160 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingfurniture.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingfurniturestore.config 115,120d114 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingmedical.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingmerchant.config 139,144d138 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\craftingnocategories.config 136,141d135 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\inventorstable.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\questlog.config 244c244 < "text" : "In Progress", --- > "text" : "Active", interface\windowconfig\songbook.config 52c52 < "rect" : [5, 94, 155, 222], --- > "rect" : [5, 93, 155, 223], interface\windowconfig\spinningwheel.config 162,167d161 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, interface\windowconfig\wiringstation.config 155,160d154 < "level" : { < "type" : "label", < "position" : [138, 9], < "hAnchor" : "mid", < "value" : "Lvl. 100" < }, items\active\weapons\weapon.lua 236a237,244 > for _, soundName in pairs(stance.playSounds or {}) do > animator.playSound(soundName) > end > > for _, particleEmitterName in pairs(stance.burstParticleEmitters or {}) do > animator.burstParticleEmitter(particleEmitterName) > end > items\active\weapons\arena\bruisersword\bruisersword.activeitem 16c16 < "animation" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/broadsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/combobroadsword.animation", 30a31 > "primaryAbilityType" : "broadswordcombo", 32,35c33 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < < "fireTime" : 1.0, --- > "fireTime" : 1.1, 37,58c35,38 < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockback" : 30, < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true --- > "stepDamageConfig" : [ > { > "baseDamageFactor" : 1.0, > "knockback" : 10 60,67c40,42 < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > { > "baseDamageFactor" : 0.4, > "knockback" : 5 69,76c44,46 < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false --- > { > "baseDamageFactor" : 1.1, > "knockback" : 25 78c48 < } --- > ] 81c51 < "altAbilitySource" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/risingslash/risingslash.altability", --- > "altAbilityType" : "risingslash", items\active\weapons\arena\hunterrifle\hunterrifle.activeitem 48c48 < "projectileParameters" : { --- > "projectileParameters" : { 56c56 < --- > 65c65 < --- > 74c74 < --- > 81c81 < "altAbilitySource" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/piercingshot/piercingshot.altability", --- > "altAbilityType" : "piercingshot", 84c84 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } items\active\weapons\bow\bow.lua 6a7 > self.handGrip = config.getParameter("handGrip", "inside") 33a35,44 > if self.handGrip == "wrap" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(isFrontHand()) > elseif self.handGrip == "embed" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(not isFrontHand()) > elseif self.handGrip == "outside" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(true) > elseif self.handGrip == "inside" then > activeItem.setOutsideOfHand(false) > end > 100a112,115 > end > > function isFrontHand() > return (activeItem.hand() == "primary") == (self.aimDirection < 0) items\active\weapons\melee\meleeweapon.lua 4d3 < require "/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua" items\active\weapons\melee\axe\commonaxe.activeitem 17c17 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/axe.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 22a23 > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", 24,26d24 < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "AxeCleave", < 30,78c28 < "damageSourceKind" : "axe", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [15, 20], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < < "weaponAngle" : [ < [0.7, "linear", -20, 0], < [0.85, "linear", 0, 60], < [0.925, "sin", 60, 55], < [1.0, "cos", 60, 55] < ], < < "armAngle" : [ < [1.0, "sin", -90, 50] < ] < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.75], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } --- > "knockback" : [15, 20] items\active\weapons\melee\axe\fryingpan.activeitem 29c29 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/axe.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 34a35 > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", 36,38d36 < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "AxeCleave", < 43,46c41 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : 15, < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" --- > "knockback" : 15 50,56c45 < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 1.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true --- > "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 1.0] 59,61c48 < "duration" : 0.45, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, --- > "duration" : 0.7, 63d49 < "twoHanded" : false, 65,68c51 < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true, < < "minWindup" : 0.4, --- > "minWindup" : 0.6, 82,89c65 < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 1.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false --- > "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 1.0] items\active\weapons\melee\axe\rareaxe.activeitem 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 20c17 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/axe.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 23,25d19 < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "AxeCleave", 26a21,22 > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", > "primaryAbility" : { 31,78c27 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [15, 20], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < < "weaponAngle" : [ < [0.7, "linear", -20, 0], < [0.85, "linear", 0, 60], < [0.925, "sin", 60, 55], < [1.0, "cos", 60, 55] < 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"armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } --- > "fireTime" : 1.0, > "baseDps" : 11 82,89c52,53 < "altAbilityType" : "shockwave", < "altAbility" : { < "projectileParameters" : { < "power" : 0, < "knockback" : 300, < "knockbackAngle" : 90 < } < }, --- > "altAbilityType" : "greatwave", > "altAbility" : { }, items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\rarebroadsword.activeitem 13c13 < "animation" : "broadsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "combobroadsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 21a19 > "primaryAbilityType" : "broadswordcombo", 23,25d20 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < 29,68c24 < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" 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"primaryAbilityType" : "broadswordcombo", 32,34d51 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < 36,79c53 < "baseDps" : 11, < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockback" : 25, < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } --- > "baseDps" : 11 86,87d59 < "elementalType" : "time", < 115,117c87 < "animationStates" : { < "alt" : "windup" < }, --- > "playSounds" : ["altWindup"], 128,130c98 < "animationStates" : { < "alt" : "fire" < }, --- > "burstParticleEmitters" : ["numerals"], items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\uncommonbroadsword.activeitem 13c13 < "animation" : "broadsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "combobroadsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 21a19 > "primaryAbilityType" : "broadswordcombo", 23,25d20 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < 29,68c24 < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "knockback" : [20, 30], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } --- > "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword" 71c27 < --- > 83c39,43 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 86c46,50 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 89c53,57 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 92c60,64 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire3" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } 108,112c80,84 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/giantsword/giantsword.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/travelingslash/travelingslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkslash/blinkslash.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/traildash/traildash.altability" --- > "giantsword", > "travelingslash", > "blinkexplosion", > "blinkslash", > "traildash" items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\commonhammer.activeitem 16c16 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 19,22d18 < < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "HammerSmash", 23a20,21 > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { 25,83c23 < "baseDps" : [10, 11], < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "hammer", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "knockback" : [40, 50] < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45], < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } --- > "baseDps" : [10, 11] 103,105c43,45 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/uppercut/uppercut.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/physicalshockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/groundslam/groundslam.altability" --- > "uppercut", > "physicalshockwave", > "groundslam" items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\rarehammer.activeitem 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 20,24c17 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], < < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "HammerSmash", --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 25a19,20 > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { 30,31d24 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", 33,84d25 < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45], < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } 128,131c69,72 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "shockwave", > "elementalaura", > "elementalpillar" items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\uncommonhammer.activeitem 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.12 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 20,24c17 < "scripts" : ["hammer.lua"], < < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "HammerSmash", --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 25a19,20 > "primaryAbilityType" : "hammersmash", > "primaryAbility" : { 30,31d24 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "facing", 33,84d25 < }, < "smashMomentum" : [0, -45], < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } 124,127c65,68 < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.altability" --- > "blinkexplosion", > "shockwave", > "elementalaura", > "elementalpillar" items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\commonshortsword.activeitem 13c13 < "animation" : "shortsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "comboshortsword.animation", 21c21 < "aimOffset" : 0.0, --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "shortswordcombo", 23,25d22 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < 27,62c24 < "baseDps" : [6, 7], < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [10, 15], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -15, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } < } --- > "baseDps" : [6, 7] 64d25 < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword.ogg" ], items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\rareshortsword.activeitem 13c13 < "animation" : "shortsword.animation", --- > "animation" : "comboshortsword.animation", 15,18c15 < "animationCustom" : { < // slow down swoosh a bit for elemental < "animatedParts" : { "stateTypes" : { "swoosh" : { "states" : { "slash" : { "cycle" : 0.15 } } } } } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 22c19 < "aimOffset" : 0.0, --- > "primaryAbilityType" : "shortswordcombo", 24,26d20 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < 30,62c24 < "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [10, 15], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.05, < "armRotation" : -15, < "weaponRotation" : -60, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.25], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } --- > "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword" 78c40,43 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 82c47,50 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 86c54,57 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 90c61,64 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } 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true, < "allowRotate" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -135, < "weaponRotation" : 40, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.5], < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : false < } --- > "damageSourceKind" : "shortsword" 77c39,42 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_fire3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_fire3.ogg" ] > } } 80c45,48 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_ice3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_ice3.ogg" ] > } } 83c51,54 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_poison3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_poison3.ogg" ] > } } 86c57,60 < "fireSounds" : [ [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ] ] --- > "animationCustom" : { "sounds" : { > "fire" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_shortsword_electric3.ogg" ], > "fire2" : [ "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_spear_electric3.ogg" ] > } } items\active\weapons\melee\spear\commonspear.activeitem 17c17 < "scripts" : ["spear.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 22,24d21 < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "SpearStab", 25a23,24 > "primaryAbilityType" : "spearstab", > "primaryAbility" : { 29,78c28 < "damageSourceKind" : "spear", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : [25, 35], < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "holdDamageMultiplier" : 0.1, < "holdDamageConfig" : { < "timeoutGroup" : "hold", < "timeout" : 0.5 < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "twoHanded" : false, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : -110, < 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-60, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < } < } --- > "baseDps" : 10.5 92c39 < "altAbilitySource" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/flurry/flurry.altability", --- > "altAbilityType" : "flurry", items\active\weapons\protectorate\tungstenaxe.activeitem 26c26 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/axe/axe.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], 31a32 > "primaryAbilityType" : "axecleave", 33,35d33 < "scripts" : [], < "class" : "AxeCleave", < 39,87c37 < "damageSourceKind" : "axe", < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "knockbackMode" : "aim", < "knockback" : 18, < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.0], < "twoHanded" : false, < < "allowFlip" : true, < "allowRotate" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponOffset" : [0.25, 2.5], 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"idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "weaponOffset" : [-0.125, 0.5], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.8, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 1.75], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true, < < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, < < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 < }, < "preslash" : { < "duration" : 0.025, < "armRotation" : 55, < "weaponRotation" : -45, < "twoHanded" : true, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.4, < "armRotation" : -35, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < "smashTimer" : 1.5, < "weaponOffset" : [0, 2.0], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } --- > "baseDps" : 11.5 99c39 < "altAbilitySource" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/physicalshockwave.altability", --- > "altAbilityType" : "physicalshockwave", items\active\weapons\ranged\gunfire.lua 0a1 > require "/scripts/util.lua" 44a46,49 > if then > util.wait( > end > 96a102 > params.speed = util.randomInRange(params.speed) items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\commonassaultrifle.activeitem 96,100c96,100 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveshot/explosiveshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/bouncingshot/bouncingshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flashlight/flashlight.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/spray/spray.altability" --- > "explosiveshot", > "bouncingshot", > "flashlight", > "grenadelauncher", > "spray" items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\rareassaultrifle.activeitem 116,118c116,118 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/lance/lance.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "lance", > "explosiveburst", > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\uncommonassaultrifle.activeitem 116,118c116,118 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/lance/lance.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "lance", > "explosiveburst", > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\flamethrower\flamethrower.activeitem 57c57 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/fuelairtrail/fuelairtrail.altability" --- > "fuelairtrail" items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\commonmachinepistol.activeitem 32c32 < "projectileParameters" : { --- > "projectileParameters" : { 74c74 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/butt/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/butt/.png", 79c79 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/middle/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/middle/.png", 84c84 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/barrel/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/barrel/.png", items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\raremachinepistol.activeitem 31c31 < "projectileParameters" : { --- > "projectileParameters" : { 94c94 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/butt/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/butt/.png", 99c99 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/middle/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/middle/.png", 104c104 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/barrel/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/barrel/.png", items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\uncommonmachinepistol.activeitem 31c31 < "projectileParameters" : { --- > "projectileParameters" : { 94c94 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/butt/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/butt/.png", 99c99 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/middle/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/middle/.png", 104c104 < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/pistol/barrel/.png", --- > "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/machinepistol/barrel/.png", items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\commonrocketlauncher.activeitem 107,109c107,109 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/homingrocket/homingrocket.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/rocketburst/rocketburst.altability" --- > "homingrocket", > "guidedrocket", > "rocketburst" items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\rarerocketlauncher.activeitem 135c135 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.altability" --- > "guidedrocket" items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\uncommonrocketlauncher.activeitem 127c127 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.altability" --- > "guidedrocket" items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\commonshotgun.activeitem 93,97c93,97 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flashlight/flashlight.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/stickyshot/stickyshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/shrapnelbomb/shrapnelbomb.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/burstshot/burstshot.altability" --- > "flashlight", > "grenadelauncher", > "stickyshot", > "shrapnelbomb", > "burstshot" items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\rareshotgun.activeitem 113c113 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\uncommonshotgun.activeitem 113c113 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher" items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\commonsniperrifle.activeitem 92,96c92,96 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flashlight/flashlight.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveshot/explosiveshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/bouncingshot/bouncingshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/piercingshot/piercingshot.altability" --- > "flashlight", > "grenadelauncher", > "explosiveshot", > "bouncingshot", > "piercingshot" items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\raresniperrifle.activeitem 111,113c111,113 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/markedshot/markedshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher", > "markedshot", > "deathbomb" items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\uncommonsniperrifle.activeitem 111,113c111,113 < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/markedshot/markedshot.altability", < "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.altability" --- > "grenadelauncher", > "markedshot", > "deathbomb" items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\controlprojectile.lua 76,77d75 < animator.setAnimationState("charge", "discharge") < animator.setParticleEmitterActive((self.elementalType or self.weapon.elementalType) .. "charge", false) 88a87,90 > while #storage.projectiles > 0 do > coroutine.yield() > end > 93a96 > self.weapon.aimAngle = 0 95c98 < animator.setAnimationState("charge", "idle") --- > animator.setAnimationState("charge", "discharge") 111,118c114,136 < local projectileId = world.spawnProjectile( < self.projectileType, < activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), < activeItem.ownerEntityId(), < {0, 0}, < false, < {} < ) --- > local fireDirection = world.distance(activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), self:focusPosition())[1] > 0 and 1 or -1 > local pOffset = {fireDirection * (self.projectileDistance or 0), 0} > local basePos = activeItem.ownerAimPosition() > > local pCount = self.projectileCount or 1 > > local pParams = copy(self.projectileParameters) > pParams.power = pParams.baseDamage * config.getParameter("damageLevelMultiplier") / pCount > pParams.powerMultiplier = activeItem.ownerPowerMultiplier() > > for i = 1, pCount do > local projectileId = world.spawnProjectile( > self.projectileType, > vec2.add(basePos, pOffset), > activeItem.ownerEntityId(), > pOffset, > false, > pParams > ) > > if projectileId then > table.insert(storage.projectiles, projectileId) > end 120,121c138 < if projectileId then < table.insert(storage.projectiles, projectileId) --- > pOffset = vec2.rotate(pOffset, (2 * math.pi) / pCount) 140a158,165 > function ControlProjectile:killProjectiles() > for _, projectileId in pairs(storage.projectiles) do > if world.entityExists(projectileId) then > world.sendEntityMessage(projectileId, "kill") > end > end > end > 148c173 < function ControlProjectile:uninit() --- > function ControlProjectile:uninit(weaponUninit) 149a175,177 > if weaponUninit then > self:killProjectiles() > end items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\guidedbolt\guidedbolt.lua 76,91c76 < if self.guideTimer == 0 and #self.guides < self.maxGuides then < local lastGuidePos < if #self.guides == 0 then < lastGuidePos = self:firePosition() < else < lastGuidePos = world.entityPosition(self.guides[#self.guides]) < end < < local aimPosition = activeItem.ownerAimPosition() < < if world.magnitude(aimPosition, lastGuidePos) >= self.guideMinDistance < and not world.lineCollision(aimPosition, lastGuidePos) then < < self:addGuide(aimPosition) < end < end --- > self:tracePath() 156d140 < local boltLength = self.maxBoltLength 161,170c145,146 < local offset = world.distance(thisPos, lastGuidePos) < local dist = vec2.mag(offset) < if dist <= boltLength then < table.insert(self.boltSegments, {lastGuidePos, thisPos}) < lastGuidePos = thisPos < boltLength = boltLength - dist < else < offset = vec2.mul(vec2.norm(offset), boltLength) < table.insert(self.boltSegments, {lastGuidePos, vec2.add(lastGuidePos, offset)}) < boltLength = 0 --- > if world.lineCollision(lastGuidePos, thisPos) or world.magnitude(lastGuidePos, thisPos) > self.guideDistance * 2 then > break 172,173c148,149 < < if boltLength <= 0 then break end --- > table.insert(self.boltSegments, {lastGuidePos, thisPos}) > lastGuidePos = thisPos 184c160 < table.insert(self.lightning, bolt) --- > -- table.insert(self.lightning, bolt) 190c166,199 < function GuidedBolt:addGuide(position) --- > function GuidedBolt:tracePath() > if #self.guides < self.maxGuides and self.guideTimer == 0 then > local lastGuidePos > if #self.guides == 0 then > lastGuidePos = self:firePosition() > else > -- if we've moved too far away from the first guide, try to add guides to the beginning instead > local firstGuidePos = world.entityPosition(self.guides[1]) > local extendOffset = world.distance(self:firePosition(), firstGuidePos) > if vec2.mag(extendOffset) >= self.guideDistance * 1.5 then > local targetPosition = vec2.add(firstGuidePos, vec2.mul(vec2.norm(extendOffset), self.guideDistance)) > > if not world.lineCollision(targetPosition, firstGuidePos) then > self:addGuide(targetPosition, 1) > end > > return > else > lastGuidePos = world.entityPosition(self.guides[#self.guides]) > end > end > > local extendOffset = world.distance(activeItem.ownerAimPosition(), lastGuidePos) > if vec2.mag(extendOffset) >= self.guideDistance then > local targetPosition = vec2.add(lastGuidePos, vec2.mul(vec2.norm(extendOffset), self.guideDistance)) > > if not world.lineCollision(targetPosition, lastGuidePos) then > self:addGuide(targetPosition) > end > end > end > end > > function GuidedBolt:addGuide(position, addToStart) 201,202c210,215 < table.insert(self.guides, projectileId) < self.guideTimer = self.guideMinTime --- > if addToStart then > table.insert(self.guides, 1, projectileId) > else > table.insert(self.guides, projectileId) > end > self.guideTimer = self.guideTime items\active\weapons\staff\generated\commonstaff.activeitem 10a11 > "tooltipKind" : "staff", 16,22d16 < "elementalType" : "electric", < < "primaryAbilityType" : "controlprojectile", < "primaryAbility" : { < < }, < 69a64 > "primaryAbilities" : ["elementrain", "elementshooter", "elementbolt", "elementbouncer"], items\active\weapons\staff\teslastaff\teslastaff.activeitem 10a11 > "tooltipKind" : "staff", items\active\weapons\whip\energywhip.activeitem 31d30 < "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], 33,35c32,39 < "animationScripts" : [ < "/items/active/effects/chain.lua" < ], --- > "chain" : { > "startOffset" : [0.625, 0], > "length" : [3, 12], > "segmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/energybeam.png", > "endSegmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/energybeamend.png", > "segmentSize" : 0.375, > "fullbright" : true > }, 37c41 < "altAbilitySource" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/altabilities/energyorb.altability", --- > "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], 38a43 > "primaryAbilityType" : "whipcrack", 40,42d44 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/whip/whipcrack.lua"], < "class" : "WhipCrack", < 48,51c50 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "damageSourceKind" : "electric", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary", < "timeout" : 0.3 --- > "damageSourceKind" : "electric" 54,96c53 < "projectileType" : "whipcrackelectric", < "projectileConfig" : {}, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.25, < "armRotation" : 100, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "extend" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } --- > "projectileType" : "whipcrackelectric" 99,106c56 < "chain" : { < "startOffset" : [0.625, 0], < "length" : [3, 12], < "segmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/energybeam.png", < "endSegmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/energybeamend.png", < "segmentSize" : 0.375, < "fullbright" : true < }, --- > "altAbilityType" : "energyorb", items\active\weapons\whip\ropewhip.activeitem 26,90d25 < "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], < < "animationScripts" : [ < "/items/active/effects/chain.lua" < ], < < "primaryAbility" : { < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/whip/whipcrack.lua"], < "class" : "WhipCrack", < < "fireTime" : 1.2, < "chainDps" : 0.0, < "crackDps" : 6.0, < < "damageConfig" : { < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "damageSourceKind" : "lash", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary", < "timeout" : 0.3 < }, < < "projectileType" : "whipcrackphysical", < "projectileConfig" : {}, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.25, < "armRotation" : 100, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "extend" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } < }, 97a33,41 > }, > > "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], > > "primaryAbilityType" : "whipcrack", > "primaryAbility" : { > "fireTime" : 1.2, > "chainDps" : 0.0, > "crackDps" : 6.0 items\active\weapons\whip\vinewhip.activeitem 29d28 < "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], 31,33c30,38 < "animationScripts" : [ < "/items/active/effects/chain.lua" < ], --- > "chain" : { > "startOffset" : [0.625, 0.0625], > "length" : [4, 10], > "segmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/vinelink.png", > "endSegmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/vinelinkend.png", > "segmentSize" : 0.375 > }, > > "scripts" : [ "whip.lua" ], 36a42 > "primaryAbilityType" : "whipcrack", 38,40d43 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/whip/whipcrack.lua"], < "class" : "WhipCrack", < 46,49c49 < "statusEffects" : [ ], < "damageSourceKind" : "poisonlash", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary", < "timeout" : 0.3 --- > "damageSourceKind" : "poisonlash" 52,102c52 < "projectileType" : "whipcrackpoison", < "projectileConfig" : {}, < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.25, < "armRotation" : 100, < "weaponRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.625], < < "allowRotate" : true, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "extend" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.1, < "armRotation" : 0, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotationCenter" : [0.0, 0.0], < "weaponOffset" : [-1.3, 0.875], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } < }, < < "chain" : { < "startOffset" : [0.625, 0.0625], < "length" : [4, 10], < "segmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/vinelink.png", < "endSegmentImage" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/vinelinkend.png", < "segmentSize" : 0.375 --- > "projectileType" : "whipcrackpoison" items\active\weapons\whip\whip.lua 5d4 < require "/items/active/weapons/whip/whipcrack.lua" items\buildscripts\abilities.lua 20,21c20 < local sourceKey = abilitySlot .. "AbilitySource" < return getAbilitySourceFromType(abilityType) or config[sourceKey] --- > return getAbilitySourceFromType(abilityType) 54c53,54 < abilitySource = randomFromList(builderConfig[abilitiesKey], seed, abilitySlot .. "AbilitySource") --- > local abilityType = randomFromList(builderConfig[abilitiesKey], seed, abilitySlot .. "AbilityType") > abilitySource = getAbilitySourceFromType(abilityType) items\buildscripts\buildunrandweapon.lua 56a57,60 > if config.primaryAbility then > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityTitleLabel = "Primary:" > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityLabel = or "unknown" > end items\buildscripts\buildweapon.lua 170a171,174 > if config.primaryAbility then > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityTitleLabel = "Primary:" > config.tooltipFields.primaryAbilityLabel = or "unknown" > end items\buildscripts\weaponabilities.config 2,52c2,60 < "flurry" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/flurry/flurry.altability", < "spearcharge" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/charge/charge.altability", < "spearspin" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/spin/spin.altability", < "elementalspin" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/elementalspin/elementalspin.altability", < "barrier" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/barrier/barrier.altability", < "rocketspear" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/spear/rocketspear/rocketspear.altability", < "elementalpillar" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.altability", < "groundslam" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/groundslam/groundslam.altability", < "elementalaura" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.altability", < "uppercut" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/uppercut/uppercut.altability", < "shockwave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.altability", < "physicalshockwave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/hammer/shockwave/physicalshockwave.altability", < "bladecharge" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/bladecharge/bladecharge.altability", < "risingslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/risingslash/risingslash.altability", < "downstab" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/downstab/downstab.altability", < "parry" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/parry/parry.altability", < "giantSword" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/giantsword/giantsword.altability", < "spinslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/spinslash/spinslash.altability", < "superspinslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/spinslash/superspinslash.altability", < "traildash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/traildash/traildash.altability", < "travelingslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/travelingslash/travelingslash.altability", < "blinkexplosion" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.altability", < "blinkslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/blinkslash/blinkslash.altability", < "piercingshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/piercingshot/piercingshot.altability", < "grenadelauncher" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.altability", < "markedshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/markedshot/markedshot.altability", < "bouncingshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/bouncingshot/bouncingshot.altability", < "shrapnelbomb" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/shrapnelbomb/shrapnelbomb.altability", < "rocketburst" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/rocketburst/rocketburst.altability", < "flashlight" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flashlight/flashlight.altability", < "deathbomb" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.altability", < "spray" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/spray/spray.altability", < "homingrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/homingrocket/homingrocket.altability", < "explosiveshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveshot/explosiveshot.altability", < "fuelairtrail" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/fuelairtrail/fuelairtrail.altability", < "burstshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/burstshot/burstshot.altability", < "stickyshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/stickyshot/stickyshot.altability", < "guidedrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.altability", < "controlledrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/guidedrocket/exmachinarocket.altability", < "explosiveburst" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.altability", < "lance" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/lance/lance.altability", < "sparkles" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/sparkles/sparkles.altability", < "energyorb" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/altabilities/energyorb.altability", < "pickslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/pickaxe/pickslash.altability", < "flamethrower" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/altabilities/flamethrower/flamethrower.altability", < "astraltear" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/astraltear/astraltear.altability", < "adaptableammo" : "/items/active/weapons/other/adaptablecrossbow/adaptableammo.altability", < "evileye" : "/items/active/weapons/other/evileye/evileye.altability", < "tentaclegun" : "/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/tentaclegun.altability", < "flamethrowersword" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/broadsword/flamethrowersword/flamethrowersword.altability", < "scouteye" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/altabilities/generic/scouteye/scouteye.altability", --- > // melee weapons > "blinkexplosion" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/generic/blinkexplosion/blinkexplosion.weaponability", > "blinkslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/generic/blinkslash/blinkslash.weaponability", > "scouteye" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/generic/scouteye/scouteye.weaponability", > > "broadswordcombo" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/broadswordcombo.weaponability", > "bladecharge" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/bladecharge/bladecharge.weaponability", > "risingslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/risingslash/risingslash.weaponability", > "downstab" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/downstab/downstab.weaponability", > "parry" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/parry/parry.weaponability", > "giantsword" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/giantsword/giantsword.weaponability", > "spinslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/spinslash/spinslash.weaponability", > "superspinslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/spinslash/superspinslash.weaponability", > "traildash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/traildash/traildash.weaponability", > "travelingslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/travelingslash/travelingslash.weaponability", > "astraltear" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/astraltear/astraltear.weaponability", > "flamethrowersword" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/flamethrowersword/flamethrowersword.weaponability", > "greatwave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/broadsword/greatwave/greatwave.weaponability", > > "spearstab" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/spearstab.weaponability", > "flurry" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/flurry/flurry.weaponability", > "spearcharge" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/charge/charge.weaponability", > "spearspin" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/spin/spin.weaponability", > "elementalspin" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/elementalspin/elementalspin.weaponability", > "barrier" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/barrier/barrier.weaponability", > "rocketspear" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/spear/rocketspear/rocketspear.weaponability", > > "hammersmash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/hammersmash.weaponability", > "elementalpillar" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/elementalpillar/elementalpillar.weaponability", > "groundslam" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/groundslam/groundslam.weaponability", > "elementalaura" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/elementalaura/elementalaura.weaponability", > "uppercut" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/uppercut/uppercut.weaponability", > "shockwave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/shockwave/shockwave.weaponability", > "physicalshockwave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/hammer/shockwave/physicalshockwave.weaponability", > > "shortswordcombo" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/shortsword/shortswordcombo.weaponability", > > "axecleave" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/abilities/axe/axecleave.weaponability", > > // guns > "piercingshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/piercingshot/piercingshot.weaponability", > "grenadelauncher" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/grenadelauncher/grenadelauncher.weaponability", > "markedshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/markedshot/markedshot.weaponability", > "bouncingshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/bouncingshot/bouncingshot.weaponability", > "shrapnelbomb" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/shrapnelbomb/shrapnelbomb.weaponability", > "rocketburst" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/rocketburst/rocketburst.weaponability", > "flashlight" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/flashlight/flashlight.weaponability", > "deathbomb" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/deathbomb/deathbomb.weaponability", > "spray" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/spray/spray.weaponability", > "homingrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/homingrocket/homingrocket.weaponability", > "exmachinarocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/homingrocket/exmachinarocket.weaponability", > "explosiveshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/explosiveshot/explosiveshot.weaponability", > "fuelairtrail" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/fuelairtrail/fuelairtrail.weaponability", > "burstshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/burstshot/burstshot.weaponability", > "stickyshot" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/stickyshot/stickyshot.weaponability", > "guidedrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.weaponability", > "controlledrocket" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/guidedrocket/exmachinarocket.weaponability", > "explosiveburst" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/explosiveburst/explosiveburst.weaponability", > "lance" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/lance/lance.weaponability", 55,56c63,80 < "controlprojectile" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/controlprojectile.altability", < "guidedbolt" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/guidedbolt/guidedbolt.altability" --- > "controlprojectile" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/controlprojectile.weaponability", > "elementrain" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/elementrain.weaponability", > "elementshooter" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/elementshooter.weaponability", > "elementbolt" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/elementbolt.weaponability", > "elementbouncer" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/elementbouncer.weaponability", > "guidedbolt" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/guidedbolt/guidedbolt.weaponability", > > // whips > "whipcrack" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/abilities/whipcrack.weaponability", > "energyorb" : "/items/active/weapons/whip/abilities/energyorb.weaponability", > > // other weapons > "sparkles" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/sparkles/sparkles.weaponability", > "pickslash" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/pickaxe/pickslash.weaponability", > "flamethrower" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/abilities/flamethrower/flamethrower.weaponability", > "adaptableammo" : "/items/active/weapons/other/adaptablecrossbow/adaptableammo.weaponability", > "evileye" : "/items/active/weapons/other/evileye/evileye.weaponability", > "tentaclegun" : "/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/tentaclegun.weaponability" items\generic\crafting\cotton.item 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A tuft of cotton.", < "shortdescription" : "Cotton", --- > "description" : "A tuft of natural cotton fibre.", > "shortdescription" : "Cotton Fibre", items\generic\other\dubloon.item 7c7 < "description" : "A contractual token accepted by Penguin Mercenaries at the Beak Easy.", --- > "description" : "A contractual token accepted by Penguin Mercenaries at the Beakeasy Bar.", items\tools\miningtools\beamaxex.beamaxe 15c15 < "tileDamage" : 5, --- > "tileDamage" : 4.8, leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions 14c14 < [10, 5.5] --- > [10,5.5] 65,75c65,75 < [0, 0.5], < [1, 1.0], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 2.0], < [4, 2.5], < [5, 3.0], < [6, 3.5], < [7, 4.0], < [8, 4.5], < [9, 5.0], < [10,5.5] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 0.5], > [2, 1.0], > [3, 1.5], > [4, 2.0], > [5, 2.5], > [6, 3.0], > [7, 3.5], > [8, 4.0], > [9, 4.5], > [10,5.0] 123c123 < [10, 5.5] --- > [10,5.5] 129,144d128 < [0, 0.0], < [1, 1.5], < [2, 2.0], < [3, 2.5], < [4, 3.0], < [5, 3.5], < [6, 4.0], < [7, 4.5], < [8, 5.0], < [9, 5.5], < [10,6.0] < ], < < // Multiplies item base price by item level. Since the level defaults to < // 1.0, the price multiplier function should always intersect level at 1.0 < "itemLevelPriceMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", 158,219c142,144 < // DEPRECATED < "gunDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 0.5], < [1, 1.0], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 2.0], < [4, 2.5], < [5, 3.0], < [6, 3.5], < [7, 4.0], < [8, 4.5], < [9, 5.0], < [10, 5.5] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "gunLevelEnergyCostPerDamage" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 3], < [1, 2], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 1.2], < [4, 1], < [5, 0.85], < [6, 0.75], < [7, 0.67], < [8, 0.6], < [9, 0.55], < [10, 0.5] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "staffDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 0.5], < [1, 1.0], < [2, 1.5], < [3, 2.0], < [4, 2.5], < [5, 3.0], < [6, 3.5], < [7, 4.0], < [8, 4.5], < [9, 5.0], < [10, 5.5] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "staffLevelEnergyCostPerDamage" : [ "linear", "clamp", < [0, 1], < [1, 1], < [2, 1], < [3, 1], < [4, 1], < [5, 1], < [6, 1], < [7, 1], < [8, 1], < [9, 1], < [10, 1] < ], < < // DEPRECATED < "swordDamageLevelMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", --- > // Multiplies item base price by item level. Since the level defaults to > // 1.0, the price multiplier function should always intersect level at 1.0 > "itemLevelPriceMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", 230c155 < [10, 5.5] --- > [10,5.5] monsters\monster.lua 480a481,489 > function stopAllSounds(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > sound = nil > }) > > animator.stopAllSounds(args.sound) > return true > end > 490,492c499,501 < local musicStagehand = config.getParameter("musicStagehand") < if not musicStagehand then < sb.logInfo("The monster's musicStagehand parameter (a uniqueId) must be configured for startBattleMusic") --- > local musicStagehands = config.getParameter("musicStagehands") > if not musicStagehands then > sb.logInfo("The monster's musicStagehands parameter (a uniqueId) must be configured for startBattleMusic") 495c504,507 < local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(musicStagehand) --- > sb.logInfo("Music stagehand stuff!") > for _,stagehand in pairs(musicStagehands) do > sb.logInfo("inside the music") > local entityId = world.loadUniqueEntity(stagehand) 497,502c509,515 < if entityId and world.entityExists(entityId) then < world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setMusicEnabled", enable) < self.musicEnabled = enable < else < -- Return true to allow spawning of this monster without the stagehand for < -- debugging. --- > if entityId and world.entityExists(entityId) then > world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, "setMusicEnabled", enable) > self.musicEnabled = enable > else > -- Return true to allow spawning of this monster without the stagehand for > -- debugging. > end 503a517 > sb.logInfo("got done") monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.monstertype 3c3 < "shortDescription" : "Ixodoom", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ixodoom", monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.monstertype 50c50 < "windupTime" : 0.25, --- > "windupTime" : 0.5, monsters\crawlers\pulpin\pulpin.monstertype 48a49 > "windupStopForce" : 200, 49a51,52 > "aimAtTarget" : false, > "aimDirection" : [0, 1], monsters\crawlers\snaggler\snaggler.monstertype 50a51 > "invulnerableEffect" : "highprotection", 69a71 > 76c78,81 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "run" : true > } 127,128c132,133 < "walkSpeed" : 4, < "runSpeed" : 12, --- > "walkSpeed" : 2, > "runSpeed" : 8, monsters\crawlers\tintic\tintic.monstertype 52,53c52,53 < "projectileCount" : 5, < "projectileInterval" : 0.04, --- > "projectileCount" : 3, > "projectileInterval" : 0.1, monsters\crawlers\triplod\triplod.monstertype 40d39 < "cooldown" : 2.0, 46c45 < "windupTime" : 0.5, --- > "windupTime" : 2.0, 50c49 < "projectileType" : "lightning2", --- > "projectileType" : "lightpellet", 55c54 < "fireDelay" : 0.3, --- > "fireDelay" : 0.0, 68c67,70 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } 79c81,84 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } monsters\ghosts\ignome\ignome.monstertype 43a44 > "maxYRange" : 1, monsters\ghosts\lumoth\lumoth.animation 15c15 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 61a62 > "zLevel" : 10, 85a87,115 > }, > "bodylit" : { > "properties" : { > "zLevel" : 20, > "transformationGroups" : [ "body" ], > "offset" : [-0.125, -0.375], > "fullbright" : true > }, > "partStates" : { > "body" : { > "idle" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":idle." > } > }, > "fly" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":idle." > } > } > }, > "damage" : { > "stunned" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":hurt." > } > } > } > } 106,107c136,137 < "color" : [200, 200, 150], < "pointLight" : false --- > "color" : [140, 140, 100], > "pointLight" : true monsters\ghosts\lumoth\lumoth.monstertype 7c7 < "parts" : [ "body" ], --- > "parts" : [ "body", "bodylit" ], 39c39 < "name" : "approach-fly", --- > "name" : "approach-swarm", monsters\ghosts\spookit\spookit.monstertype 43c43 < "invulnerableTime" : 4 --- > "invulnerableTime" : 2 monsters\walkers\adultpoptop\adultpoptop.monstertype 61c61 < "winddownTime" : 0.2, --- > "winddownTime" : 0.05, monsters\walkers\anglure\anglure.monstertype 40c40 < "maximumRange" : 10, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, 44a45 > "aimAtTarget" : false, 46a48 > "aimDirection" : [0.7, 0.4], monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.animation 24c24 < "charge" : { --- > "windup" : { 26a27,31 > }, > "charge" : { > "frames" : 8, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "loop" 92c97 < "charge" : { --- > "windup" : { 94a100,104 > } > }, > "charge" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":walk." monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.monstertype 38,39c38,39 < "windupTime" : 0.5, < "windupState" : "idle", --- > "windupTime" : 0.75, > "windupState" : "charge", 41,42c41,42 < "aimAtTarget" : true, < "chargeTime" : 1.0, --- > "aimAtTarget" : false, > "chargeTime" : 1.5, 49c49 < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "idle" monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.animation 13a14,18 > "cycle" : 0.6, > "mode" : "loop" > }, > "run" : { > "frames" : 8, 36c41 < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "cycle" : 0.4, 88a94,98 > "properties" : { > "image" : ":walk." > } > }, > "run" : { monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.monstertype 37,38c37,38 < "maximumRange" : 10, < "windupTime" : 2, --- > "maximumRange" : 20, > "windupTime" : 1.5, 40,42c40,42 < "chargeTime" : [3, 3], < "chargeSpeed" : 20, < "chargeControlForce" : 200, --- > "chargeTime" : 2, > "chargeSpeed" : 16, > "chargeControlForce" : 400, 62c62,64 < "minXRange" : 10 --- > "minXRange" : 10, > "moveState" : "run", > "run" : true monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.animation 26,27c26,28 < "frames" : 3, < "cycle" : 0.25, --- > "frames" : 5, > "cycle" : 0.4, > "mode" : "loop", 126c127 < "offsetRegion" : [ -0.2, 1, 0.2, 2 ], --- > "offsetRegion" : [ -0.2, 1, 0.2, 1 ], monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.frames 8c8 < [ null, "firewindup.1", "firewindup.2", "firewindup.3", "firewindup.4", null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3"], --- > [ null, "firewindup.1", "firewindup.2", "firewindup.3", "firewindup.4", null, "fire.1", "fire.3", "fire.4"], 10a11,14 > }, > "aliases" : { > "fire.2" : "fire.1", > "fire.5" : "fire.3" monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.monstertype 42c42 < "windupTime" : 1.0, --- > "windupTime" : 1.5, 48,50c48,51 < "projectileCount" : 4, < "projectileInterval" : 0.5, < "inaccuracy" : 1, --- > "projectileCount" : 6, > "fireDelay" : 0.2, > "projectileInterval" : 0.4, > "inaccuracy" : 0.4, 56,57c57,58 < < "winddownState" : "" --- > "winddownState" : "idle", > "winddownTime" : 0.5 68c69,70 < "canJump" : false --- > "canJump" : false, > "run" : true 131c133 < "runSpeed" : 5, --- > "runSpeed" : 6, monsters\walkers\crutter\crutter.monstertype 50a51,54 > "fireArc": true, > "projectileSpeed": 50, > "gravityMultiplier": 0.6, > monsters\walkers\fennix\fennix.monstertype 34a35,54 > "name" : "action-leap", > "cooldown" : 0.5, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { 36c56 < "cooldown" : 6.0, --- > "cooldown" : 3.0, 40c60 < "maximumRange" : 10, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, 72c92,93 < "minXRange" : 10 --- > "minXRange" : 10, > "run" : true monsters\walkers\miasmop\miasmop.monstertype 34a35,54 > "name" : "action-leap", > "cooldown" : 0.5, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { 39c59,61 < "maximumRange" : 6, --- > "maximumRange" : 15, > "maxXRange" : 6, > "maxYRange" : 10, 72c94,95 < "canJump" : true --- > "canJump" : true, > "run" : true monsters\walkers\narfin\narfin.monstertype 34a35,54 > "name" : "action-leap", > "cooldown" : 0.5, > "parameters" : { > "minimumRange" : 0, > "maximumRange" : 20, > "maxXRange" : 4, > "windupTime" : 0.3, > "windupState" : "idle", > > "leapVelocity" : 25, > "collisionCheck" : true, > "highArc" : false, > "leapState" : "jump", > "fallState" : "fall", > > "winddownState" : "", > "winddownTime" : 0.2 > } > }, > { npcs\base.npctype 19d18 < "converseChance" : 0.33, npcs\guard.npctype 10a11 > "greetingChance" : 0.67, npcs\villageguard.npctype 11a12,15 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67 > }, > npcs\villager.npctype 10a11,14 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67 > }, > npcs\biome\bonewildling.npctype 14,17c14 < "greeting" : "/dialog/converse.config:greeting", < "converse" : "/dialog/converse.config:converse", < < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", npcs\biome\deadbeatbruiser.npctype 24c24 < { "name" : "deadbeatbruisermaskhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 5] } }, --- > { "name" : "deadbeatbruisermaskhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 5] } }, 34c34 < "deadbeataxe" --- > "npcdeadbeataxe" npcs\biome\savannahchampion.npctype 17c17 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", npcs\biome\savannahguard.npctype 17c17 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", npcs\biome\savannahvillager.npctype 10a11,14 > "behaviorConfig" : { > "greetingChance" : 0.67 > }, > npcs\crew\crewmember.npctype 15d14 < "converseChance" : 1.0, npcs\crew\crewmembermechanic.npctype 54c54 < "primary" : [ "wrench" ] --- > "primary" : [ "npcwrench" ] npcs\crew\crewmemberoutlaw.npctype 130c130,131 < "Helpful. I'll heal you whenever we're on the ship!" --- > "Appreciative. Thank you for allowing me to stay here. I can join you in battle if you ever need me!", > "Thankful. This ship is the ideal place to lay low! If you need backup, I shall be here!" npcs\outpost\lanaoutpost.npctype 37c37 < "At ease, soldier! Maybe information from this outpost will help the fight against the Miniknog!" --- > "Hmm, so this outpost is of great strategic significance? I'll camp out here." npcs\outpost\nuruoutpost.npctype 38c38 < "This place sure is spooky, huh?" --- > "I like thiss place, it's spooky!" npcs\outpost\outpostapexmechanic.npctype 13c13 < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do what I can to keep this place ticking over." 18c18 < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do what I can to keep this place ticking over." 21c21 < "It seems ve are both fortunate to av escaped Big Ape's tyranny." --- > "Welcome my friend! Good to see others have escaped the tyranny of Big Ape." npcs\outpost\outpostapexrefugee.npctype 13c13 < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." --- > "Hello, star traveller! A friendly face is always welcome here." 18c18 < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." --- > "Hello, star traveller! A friendly face is always welcome here." 21c21 < "Another Apex! Did you escape the Miniknog as well?" --- > "We are both free of the Miniknog here!" npcs\outpost\outpostapexscientist.npctype 27c27 < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers and sisters being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." --- > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers and sisters being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." npcs\outpost\outpostavianexplorer.npctype 21c21 < "We Avians should go explore the stars together! There's so many wonderful things to see out there." --- > "Another Avian explorer! Isn't it exciting living among the stars!" npcs\outpost\outpostavianmercenary.npctype 21c21 < "You need not fear the wrath of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." --- > "You need not fear the rancor of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." npcs\outpost\outpostavianrefugee.npctype 13c13 < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" --- > "I almost became an Ascendant for Kluex, but I got scared and fled here. What do I do now?" 18c18 < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" --- > "I almost became an Ascendant for Kluex, but I got scared and fled here. What do I do now?" 21c21 < "Another who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort, friend." --- > "Another Avian who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort." npcs\outpost\outpostfloranexplorer.npctype 13c13 < "Floran enjoysssss travel. Floran wantssss to sssee whole universssse!" --- > "Floran enjoys travel! Floran wants to sssee whole universe!" 18c18 < "Floran enjoysssss travel. Floran wantssss to sssee whole universssse!" --- > "Floran enjoys travel! Floran wants to sssee whole universe!" npcs\outpost\outpostfloranfan.npctype 13c13 < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" --- > "Doess Floran look good in human clothes?" 18c18 < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" --- > "Doess Floran look good in human clothes?" npcs\outpost\outpostfloranhunter.npctype 24c24 < "Only the sstrong get Floran resspect." --- > "Only the sstrong get Floran's respect." 29c29 < "All Floran seek glory in combat. Is that what you sseek?" --- > "All Floran should hunt and ssseek glory. Is that what you're here to do?" 32c32 < "Another Floran. You must undersstand the glory of battle." --- > "Another Floran. You must undersstand the glory of the hunt." npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmechanic.npctype 21c21 < "Friendly. You should come grab some oil with me later." --- > "Friendly. How are you at fixing things up?" npcs\outpost\outposthumanexcon.npctype 13c13 < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." --- > "I've done some stuff in my past I'm not proud of, but the people here have been good to me. I owe them a lot." 18c18 < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." --- > "I've done some stuff in my past I'm not proud of, but the people here have been good to me. I owe them a lot." 21c21 < "A word of advice. If you want to avoid trouble, don't visit any of the USCM prisons. Most of them have been torn apart." --- > "I haven't been on Earth in years, but I was still devastated by the news. The universe is a messy place..." npcs\outpost\outposthumansurvivor.npctype 13c13 < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." --- > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I'm lucky to be here." 18c18 < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." --- > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I'm lucky to be here." 21c21 < "All of humanity, scattered across the universe. How could the USMC have allowed this to happen to us?" --- > "All of humanity, scattered across the universe... What do we do?" npcs\outpost\outposthylotlcurator.npctype 27c27 < "Greetings, friend! I hope this day finds you well." --- > "Greetings! I hope this day finds you well." 32c32 < "Greetings, friend! I hope this day finds you well." --- > "Greetings! I hope this day finds you well." 35c35 < "Greetings, friend! Do you too enjoy scholarly pursuits?" --- > "Greetings, my young friend! Do you too enjoy scholarly pursuits?" npcs\outpost\outposthylotlwarrior.npctype 22c22 < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." --- > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as great warriors, but in reality our fighters are some of the finest around." 27c27 < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." --- > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as great warriors, but in reality our fighters are some of the finest around." 33c33 < "You honour me with your presence, friend." --- > "You honour me with your presence." npcs\story\esther.npctype 34d33 < "arkopening", 45d43 < "arkopening", 54a53,59 > ] > } > }, > "arkOpened" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "The ark is open! You know what awaits, dear." npcs\tenants\scientist.npctype 31c31 < "I feel silly doing research without proper fitting glasses. Such is life as a Hylotl." --- > "I feel silly doing research without properly fitting glasses. Such is life as a Hylotl." npcs\threats\outlawknight.npctype 39a40 > { "name" : "skullmaskhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } }, objects\apex\apexlamp1\apexlamp1.object 52a53,58 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 54d59 < objects\apex\apexlamp2\apexlamp2.object 52a53,58 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, objects\apex\apexlamp3\apexlamp3.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", 25a26 > "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], 40c41,46 < "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 45c51 < "interactive" : false, --- > // "interactive" : false, objects\biome\icesphere\icespherechest\icespherechest.object 17c17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran open ssshivery chest.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran open shivery chessst.", objects\biome\jungle\beanstalk\beanstalk.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Beanstalk grow big, Floran reach sssssky.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Beanssstalk grow big, Floran reach ssky.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush1\junglebush1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush10\junglebush10.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush11\junglebush11.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush12\junglebush12.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush2\junglebush2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is colourful.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This bush sure is green.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush3\junglebush3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush4\junglebush4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush5\junglebush5.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush6\junglebush6.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush7\junglebush7.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush8\junglebush8.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\jungle\junglebush9\junglebush9.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty busssh.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty plantsss.", objects\biome\mushroom\shroombed\shroombed.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "Only good for a single person, because there's not mushroom in this bed. Yeah, I went there.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Only good for a single person, because there's not mushroom in this bed.", objects\biome\mushroom\shroomchair\shroomchair.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "This chair feels spongey and weird.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This chair feels spongy and weird.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "I bet whoever sits here is a fun guy. Yeah, I went there.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I bet whoever sits here is a fun guy.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "This chair is real spongey.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This chair is real spongy.", objects\biome\mushroom\shroomlamp\shroomlamp.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like glowy ssshroom.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran like glow shroom.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription" : "It's a glowin' mushroom! It's makin' the room all cozy.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "It's a glowin' mushroom! It's makin' the room all cosy.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed1\reedseed1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Reedssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed2\reedseed2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Reedssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed3\reedseed3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Reedssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed4\reedseed4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Reedssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", objects\biome\oasis\reedseed5\reedseed5.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Reedssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Reedsss.", objects\biome\prism\prismchair\prismchair.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if sssharp chair would be good weapon...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if sharp chair would be good weapon...", objects\biome\rust\rustbed\rustbed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This bed is practically fallin' apart.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime1\ceilingslime1.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime2\ceilingslime2.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\ceilingslime3\ceilingslime3.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching sssslime.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.", objects\biome\slime\slimechair\slimechair.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Such a ssssilly chair.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Such a sssilly chair.", objects\biome\spring\movingsunflower\movingsunflower.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssun flower.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssunflower.", objects\biome\spring\splendidplant\splendidplant.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran calmed by ssshiny plant.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran calmed by shiny plant.", objects\biome\steamspring\brasslamppost1\brasslamppost1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Tall and sssshiny lamp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tall and shiny lamp.", objects\biome\steamspring\floorgear1\floorgear1.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if metal wheel is sssharp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss if metal wheel is sharp.", objects\biome\steamspring\steamboiler2\steamboiler2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssurprised at how hot thisss issss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssurprised at how hot thisss iss.", objects\biome\steamspring\steamboiler3\steamboiler3.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to pusssh big thing over!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to push big thing over!", objects\biome\tar\tarbed\tarbed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssludge bed is warm.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssludge bed is warm.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal1\tarcrystal1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal2\tarcrystal2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal3\tarcrystal3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal4\tarcrystal4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarcrystal5\tarcrystal5.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Pretty, dark crystalsss.", objects\biome\tar\tarman\tarman.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Tarman sssssticky. Floran avoid ssssticky thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tarman sssticky. Floran avoid sssticky thingss.", objects\biome\tentacle\tentaclespike\tentaclespike.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\biome\volcanic\smokemachine\smokemachine.object 13,20c13,21 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < "avianDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < "floranDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < "glitchDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < "humanDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Smoke machine.", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "Smoke machines are perfect for causing a distraction.", > "avianDescription" : "A machine to produce smoke, but why?", > "floranDescription" : "Sssmoke machine.", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. This machine produces smoke.", > "humanDescription" : "Some sort of smoke machine, perfect for discos!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A smoke machine, how... Atmospheric.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda smoke machine.", > objects\clues\apex\bigapedoll\bigapedoll.object 24c24 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssuspicious of doll.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssuspicious of doll.", objects\clues\glitch\glitchbaronfigure\glitchbaronfigure.object 9,10c9,18 < "description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", < "shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > > "apexDescription" : "I am unsure as to why someone would make this.", > "avianDescription" : "A charming little figure.", > "floranDescription" : "Iss toy?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. A perfect rendition of Glitch noble attire.", > "humanDescription" : "A charming statuette, complete with a little velvet green cape!", > "hylotlDescription" : "A little crude in craftsmanship, but charming in its own way.", > "novakidDescription" : "This lil' figurine sure looks fancy.", 12,20d19 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ objects\clues\glitch\glitchchess\glitchchess.object 12,20c12,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "Chess is a strategic game that few manage to master.", > "avianDescription" : "Someone put much care into making this game piece set.", > "floranDescription" : "Many piecesss for Floran to scatter!", > "glitchDescription" : "Wistful. I miss my time spent playing chess. These pieces are well crafted", > "humanDescription" : "These look like they're custom made pieces.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Someone attempted to recreate specific things with these pieces.", > "novakidDescription" : "I never quite got the hang o' this game.", objects\clues\glitch\glitchhorndisplay\glitchhorndisplay.object 12,20c12,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "This looks like it is used in some sort of ceremony.", > "avianDescription" : "This looks important.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to sound horn!", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Horns like these are used in special ceremonies.", > "humanDescription" : "This horn looks important, why else would it be mounted?", > "hylotlDescription" : "I am unsure why such a instrument is being put on show.", > "novakidDescription" : "Sure this looks important, but how much is it worth?", objects\clues\hylotl\hylotlmusicbox\hylotlmusicbox.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", objects\clues\hylotl\librarycodex\librarycodex.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hassss no time for dusty booksss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hasss no time for dusty booksss.", objects\crafting\farmtable\farmtable.object 34a35 > "novakidDescription" : "This ol' table is full o' tools for foragin'.", objects\crafting\fossilstation\fossilstation.object 30c30 < "floranDescription" : "Floran is curiousss about fossil rocksss. Here Floran can make tools to find fossssils!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran is curiousss about fosssil rockss. Here Floran can make tools to find fosssils!", objects\crafting\furnituretable\furnituretable.object 31a32 > "novakidDescription" : "I can use this to make some good ol' fashioned furniture.", objects\crafting\metalworkstation\metalworkstation.object 36c36 < "floranDescription" : "Floran make sssteel weapon on sssstation.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran make sssteel weapon on ssstation.", 39c39 < "hylotlDescription" : "A crafting station dedicated to creatin' equipment out of metal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A crafting station dedicated to creating equipment out of metal.", objects\crafting\pethealingstation\pethealingstation.object 20,26c20,26 < "apexDescription" : "", < "avianDescription" : "", < "floranDescription" : "", < "glitchDescription" : "", < "humanDescription" : "", < "hylotlDescription" : "", < "novakidDescription" : "", --- > "apexDescription" : "Machines like these are used to heal captured creatures.", > "avianDescription" : "How useful, I can heal any creatures I capture with this.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can keep creaturesss healed with this.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This device can heal any captured creatures.", > "humanDescription" : "I can use this to heal any creature I've captured. Neat!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Such things are useful for ensuring excellent creature health.", > "novakidDescription" : "I can use this here gadget to heal captured creatures.", objects\crafting\pixelcompressor\pixelcompressor.object 30c30 < "floranDescription" : "Floran put ssshinies in sssafe place!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran put shinies in sssafe place!", objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftinganvil\addons\acceleratoraddon\acceleratoraddon.object 11,19c11,17 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "How useful, this will add additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this to add extra equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ussse thisss to add more thingss to replicator.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Using this module will add additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "humanDescription" : "Using this adds extra ranged equipment and armour to the replicator!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This useful module will add additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "novakidDescription" : "This handy ol' module will add even more to the replicator.", objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftinganvil\addons\manipulatoraddon\manipulatoraddon.object 11,19c11,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "How useful, this will add additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this to add extra equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ussse thisss to add more thingss to replicator.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Using this module will add additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "humanDescription" : "Using this adds extra high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This useful module will add additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "novakidDescription" : "This handy ol' module will add even more to the replicator.", > objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftinganvil\addons\separatoraddon\separatoraddon.object 11,19c11,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "How useful, this will add additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this to add extra equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ussse thisss to add more thingss to replicator.", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Using this module will add additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "humanDescription" : "Using this adds extra melee equipment and armour to the replicator!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This useful module will add additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "novakidDescription" : "This handy ol' module will add even more to the replicator.", > objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingfurnace\craftingfurnace.object 30c30 < "floranDescription" : "Furnace flamess hissss, burn. Floran brave it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furnace flamess hisss, burn. Floran brave it.", objects\farmables\automato\automatoseed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", objects\farmables\boneboo\bonebooseed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, flessshy foodsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, fleshy foodsss.", objects\farmables\boneboo\wildbonebooseed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, flessshy foodsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, fleshy foodsss.", objects\farmables\floweryellow\floweryellow.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Yellow flower ssssymbolises youth in Floran culture.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Yellow flower sssymbolises youth in Floran culture.", objects\farmables\kiwi\kiwiseed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Furry, squassshy creature-fruit.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furry, squashy creature-fruit.", objects\farmables\kiwi\wildkiwiseed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Furry, squassshy creature-fruit.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furry, squashy creature-fruit.", objects\farmables\mothtrap\mothtrap.object 11,20c11,18 < < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "This can be used to collect silk fibre, if you leave it long enough.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this to collect silk fibre.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssilly moths, leaving behind preciousss sssilk fibre.", > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Glitch farm moths to make the finest silk.", > "humanDescription" : "Isn't it weird that such a fancy material starts with these little moths?", > "hylotlDescription" : "Using this I can collect silk fibre to weave into silk cloth, a most luxurious material.", > "novakidDescription": "Silk is a bit fancy for the likes of me, but I can sell it!", objects\floran\agaranmushroom\agaranmushroom.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran know your sssecret, little ssshroomy. Floran keep quiet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran know your sssecret, little shroomy. Floran keep quiet.", objects\floran\florangiantpod\giantfloranpod.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't quite know what to do with this thing, except move away.", objects\floran\floranopenpod1\floranopenpod1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm ready for ya, yer varmint.", objects\floran\floranopenpod2\floranopenpod2.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I'm ready for ya, yer varmint.", objects\floran\floranpod1\floranpod1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpod2\floranpod2.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpod3\floranpod3.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Something mighty weird is going on here.", objects\floran\floranpodapex\floranpodapex.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Is this Apex still alive?", objects\floran\florantable1\florantable1.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "Ain't nothing wrong with a simple table.", objects\floran\florantable2\florantable2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran chop meat here. Ssshare with other Floranss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran chop meat here. Share with other Floranss.", objects\floran\huntingpressureplate\huntingpressureplate.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "I betcha something will happen if I step on this.", objects\floran\planttorturedevice\planttorturedevice.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "What is this, some kinda fountain?", objects\fossils\displaystands\fossildisplay1\fossildisplay1.object 19c19 < "floranDescription" : "Empty Sssstand ? Where Fossssssil ?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Empty Ssstand ? Where fosssil ?", objects\fossils\displaystands\fossildisplay3\fossildisplay3.object 19c19 < "floranDescription" : "Fossssil Display isss good.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fosssil Display isss good.", objects\fossils\displaystands\fossildisplay5\fossildisplay5.object 19c19 < "floranDescription" : "Fossssil Display isss good.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fosssil Display isss good.", objects\generators\humangenerator\humangenerator.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshields!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shieldsss!", objects\generic\3dprinter\3dprinter.object 23a24 > "novakidDescription" : "Pixel printing is pretty fancy.", objects\generic\birdsnest\birdsnest.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Eggssss almost meat... Yum, yum!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Eggsss almost meat... Yum, yum!", objects\generic\copperceilinglight\copperceilinglight.object 18c18 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny metal light issn't hot to touch.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metal light issn't hot to touch.", objects\generic\coppershelf\coppershelf.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Hanging metal sshelf.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hanging metal shelf.", objects\generic\durasteelelevator\durasteelelevatorlong.object 14,22c14,21 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "The easiest way to get around a multilevel facility.", > "floranDescription" : "Elevator goesss up and down.", > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. An uninspiring elevator.", > "humanDescription" : "An elevator for getting up and down levels.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A sleek durasteel elevator.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda elevator, useful!", objects\generic\durasteelelevator\durasteelelevatorshort.object 14,22c14,21 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "avianDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "floranDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "glitchDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "humanDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A moving platform.", < "novakidDescription" : "A moving platform.", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy elevator.", > "avianDescription" : "The easiest way to get around a multilevel facility.", > "floranDescription" : "Elevator goesss up and down.", > "glitchDescription" : "Bored. An uninspiring elevator.", > "humanDescription" : "An elevator for getting up and down levels.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A sleek durasteel elevator.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some kinda elevator, useful!", objects\generic\gunchest\gunchest.object 19a20 > "novakidDescription" : "This is some fancy way to store guns.", objects\generic\loudspeaker\loudspeaker.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This here speaker is cracklin' away.", objects\generic\pethouse\pethouse.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssnake usually live in tall grasss. Pet housse unnatural.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssnake usually live in tall grasss. Pet housse unnatural.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This crude house smells of wet dog.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This isn't a conventional house for a crasberry, but it will do.", objects\generic\scarecrow\scarecrow.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sackman sssscare crows and sscare Floran too.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sackman sscare crows and sscare Floran too.", objects\generic\smashcrystal\smashcrystal.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmashy ssshiny!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmashy shiny!", objects\generic\techchest\techchest.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Sspecial sshiny chesst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sspecial shiny chesst.", objects\generic\techchest2\techchest2.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Sspecial sshiny chesst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sspecial shiny chesst.", objects\generic\tungstenchair\tungstenchair.object 16a17 > "novakidDescription" : "This looks mighty uncomfortable.", objects\generic\tvstation\tvstation.object 20c20 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ussssed not sssure how to use thiss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure how to use thiss.", objects\generic\woodencouch2\woodencouch2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssssoft.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssoft.", objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorlong.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel ssssafe using wooden machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feel sssafe using wooden machine.", objects\generic\woodenelevator\woodenelevatorshort.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran feel ssssafe using wooden machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran feel sssafe using wooden machine.", objects\glitch\burlapsack\burlapsack.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. The Glitch use these sacks to store flour.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. This appears to be full of flour.", objects\glitch\crossroadssign\crossroadssign.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Many Glitch are not able to read or write. That could explain this blank sign.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. What could explain this blank sign?", objects\glitch\garagetools\garagetools.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Rudimentary tools like these are commonly used for Glitch repairs.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. Rudimentary tools like these are not useful for much.", objects\glitch\hourglass\hourglass.object 8c8 < "description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This timer never runs out. Like the Glitch, it is stuck in time .", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observation. This timer never runs out.", objects\glitch\juicekeg\juicekeg.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. These juice kegs commonly appear in Glitch inns.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Delighted. Juice kegs always mean merriment is ahead.", objects\glitch\kitchentools\kitchentools.object 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. These tools are for making food. The Glitch contain technology to convert food into energy.", < "humanDescription" : "I wonder how fast a Glitch could chop vegetables.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. These tools are for making food.", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder how fast I could chop vegetables with these?", objects\glitch\medievalcandle\medievalcandle.object 17c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Candlelight, how I've missed it. The Glitch do not yet have electricity.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. Candlelight, how I have missed it.", objects\glitch\medievalchandelier\medievalchandelier.object 17c17 < "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A chandelier. One of the few sources of heat within a Glitch castle.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Comforted. A chandelier, this simple light source feels like home.", objects\glitch\medievalclock\medievalclock.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. The time on this clock never changes. The same is true of all Glitch clocks.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sympathetic. The time on this clock never changes.", objects\glitch\medievaldresser\medievaldresser.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssniff old furniture and Floran get nosse full of dusst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. An old dresser. The Glitch wear clothing to maintain moderate temperatures for optimal operation.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssniff old furniture. Floran get nosse full of dusst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. An old dresser.", objects\glitch\medievalflagpole\medievalflagpole.object 5c5 < "description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "A flag pole. Built to sit on the roof of a castle where it will be seen for miles.", < "avianDescription" : "A flag on a long pole flying a Royal emblem.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A flag pole. Built to sit on a roof where it will be seen for miles.", > "avianDescription" : "A flag on a long pole flying a emblem.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Glitch castles are covered in flags.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Proud. Seeing this atop my home would be pleasing.", objects\glitch\medievalfurnace\medievalfurnace.object 30,31c30,31 < "floranDescription" : "Furnace hass hot fire insssside!", < "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Glitch smithies use these old fashioned furnaces to produce tools and weaponry.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Furnace hass hot fire inssside!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amazed. Smithies like these are used to produce tools and weaponry.", objects\glitch\medievallargecookingpot\medievallargecookingpot.object 28c28 < "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. This pot smells like many of my favourite Glitch meals.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Sentimental. This pot smells like many of my favourite meals.", 31c31 < "novakidDescription" : "A huge couldron. What's cookin'?", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A huge cauldron. What's cookin'?", objects\glitch\medievalstock\medievalstock.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Horrified. Glitch guilty of minor crimes would be placed in stocks like this for other Glitch to throw rotten fruit at.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Horrified. You would not want to have to be put in these.", objects\glitch\medievalswitchlever\medievalswitchlever.object 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "This level is mighty temptin'!", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This lever is mighty temptin'!", objects\glitch\medievalweaponrack\medievalweaponrack.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssswords not ssharp.", < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. These swords are blunt. Likely they have been forgotten. Glitch knights prefer to forge their own swords.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssswords not sharp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. These swords are blunt. Likely they have been forgotten.", objects\glitch\royalbed\royalbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", 13,15c13,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to try out sshiny bed.", < "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A bed built for royalty. The Glitch spare no expense when pampering their monarchs.", < "humanDescription" : "I suspect the Glitch build these beds for royalty.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to try out shiny bed.", > "glitchDescription" : "Identify. A bed built for royalty.", > "humanDescription" : "I suspect this was built for royalty.", objects\glitch\royalbookcase\royalbookcase.object 16,18c16,18 < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Unlike most Glitch, Glitch royalty are capable of reading and writing.", < "humanDescription" : "A golden bookcase. Perhaps Glitch kings are avid readers.", < "hylotlDescription" : "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while Glitch peasants hunger for food?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Many members of royalty are capable of reading and writing.", > "humanDescription" : "A golden bookcase. Perhaps kings are avid readers.", > "hylotlDescription" : "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while peasants hunger for food?", objects\glitch\royalcabinet\royalcabinet.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiney box, what'ss insside!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny box, what'ss insside!", objects\glitch\royalchalice\royalchalice.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Envious. A solid gold chalice. Glitch royalty dine in luxury.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. A solid gold chalice. Royalty dine in luxury.", objects\glitch\royalchest\royalchest.object 16,17c16,17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran want to look inside ssshiny chesst.", < "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Though royal rooms are well guarded, it appears Glitch nobility take every precaution with their valuables.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to look inssside shiny chesst.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observant. Though royal rooms are well guarded, it appears the nobility take every precaution with their valuables.", objects\glitch\royaldesk\royaldesk.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny desk for important metalman.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny desk for important metalman.", objects\glitch\royalthrone\royalthrone.object 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "Glitch royalty appear to surround themselves with gold.", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny metal chair.", < "glitchDescription" : "Educate. Glitch magistrates would sit upon this throne and hand out judgements in civil cases brought before them. Often the judgements were harsh.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Royalty appear to surround themselves with gold.", > "floranDescription" : "Shiny metal chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. A throne such as this is surely fit for royalty.", objects\glitch\royaltoilet\royaltoilet.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sshiny gold water bowl.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny gold water bowl.", objects\glitch\signforge\signforge.object 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Content. A sign for a balcksmith's forge.", < "humanDescription" : "A shop sign for a backsmith's forge.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Content. A sign for a blacksmith's forge.", > "humanDescription" : "A shop sign for a blacksmith's forge.", objects\glitch\signweaponshop\signweaponshop.object 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Weaponssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Surpirsed. I've seen a lot of weapons stores go out of business, since Glitch prefer to make their own weapons.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Weaponsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprised. I've seen a lot of weapons stores go out of business.", objects\glitch\targetdummy\targetdummy.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Recollection. A training dummy. Glitch knights practice their swordplay for the first half of each day.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Recollection. A training dummy. Knights practice their swordplay on these.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "A man filled with straw. Perhaps the Glitch practice combat with these.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A man filled with straw. Perhaps someone practices combat with these.", objects\glitch\trough\trough.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Remark. A trough used for feeding livestock. Many Glitch live entirely off the land.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Remark. A trough used for feeding livestock. Many live entirely off the land.", objects\glitch\villagedoor\villagedoor.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Village Door", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssimple metalman door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Explanation. A simple door you would expect to see a hundred times in a Glitch village.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssimple tree door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Explanation. A simple door you would expect to see a hundred times in any village.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A humble Glitch door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A humble village door.", objects\glitch\wallshackles\wallshackles.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran usse iron ssshackless to hold prey before cooking time.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran usse iron shackless to hold prey before cooking time.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "The Glitch prison system appears to be rather brutal.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The prison system appears to be rather brutal.", objects\glitch\wallshield\wallshield.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Blood red sshield!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Blood red shield!", objects\glitch\wellcover\wellcover.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Dissatisfied. Glitch villagers use wells like this for all of their drinking water. Often the water is dirty or polluted.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Dissatisfied. Villagers use wells like this for all of their drinking water. Often the water is dirty or polluted.", objects\glitch\wheelbarrow\wheelbarrow.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Remark. A Glitch wheelbarrow. Glitch use these large wheelbarrows to drag goods from door to door in an attempt to make a sale.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Remark. A wheelbarrow. Many use these large wheelbarrows to drag goods from door to door in an attempt to make a sale.", objects\glitch\wickerbasket1\wickerbasket1.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basssket!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket2\wickerbasket2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basssket!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket3\wickerbasket3.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basssket!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket4\wickerbasket4.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basssket!", objects\glitch\wickerbasket5\wickerbasket5.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssssmash basssket!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmash basssket!", objects\glitch\woodenstool\woodenstool.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", objects\hoard\barrelgoldfilled\barrelgoldfilled.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran like pot of ssshiny things!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran like pot of shiny things!", objects\hoard\grail\grail.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran drink from ssshiny cup.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran drink from shiny cup.", objects\holiday\goldball\goldball.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick ssshiny ball!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran kick shiny ball!", objects\holiday\redball\redball.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran kick ssshiny ball!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran kick shiny ball!", objects\holiday\stocking1\stocking1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Ssssomething inside?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Sssomething inside?", objects\holiday\stocking2\stocking2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Ssssomething inside?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fuzzy sock. Sssomething inside?", objects\human\barbedwire\barbedwire.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp, ssspiky ssstring.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp, ssspiky ssstring.", objects\human\basictoilet\basictoilet.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny place for ssssmelly business.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny place for sssmelly business.", objects\human\bunkercabinet1\bunkercabinet1.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Dangerousss metal box? Can't be more dangeroussss than Floran!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Dangerousss metal box? Can't be more dangerousss than Floran!", objects\human\bunkerconsole1\bunkerconsole1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Machine with many buttonssss and levers! Tempting, but Floran better not fiddle with thissss...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine with many buttonsss and levers! Tempting, but Floran better not fiddle with thisss...", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "Who knows what these button's and levers do. I ain't findin' out the hard way, that's for sure.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Who knows what these buttons and levers do. I ain't findin' out the hard way, that's for sure.", objects\human\bunkerconsole2\bunkerconsole2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Computer hasss unnecessary amount of buttonssss. Floran baffled.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Computer hasss unnecessary amount of buttonsss. Floran baffled.", objects\human\bunkereyescanner\bunkereyescanner.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Machine wants to sssscan eyes. Floran refussse!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Machine wants to ssscan eyes. Floran refussse!", objects\human\bunkerhandscanner\bunkerhandscanner.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Device for sssscanning hands. Doesn't react to Floran's hand...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Device for ssscanning hands. Doesn't react to Floran's hand...", objects\human\bunkerposter2\bunkerposter2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not ssssure why there's an Apex on this possster. Or maybe hairy human?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not sssure why there's an Apex on this possster. Or maybe hairy human?", objects\human\bunkertable1\bunkertable1.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "This table would be good for sssslicing meat on.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This table would be good for ssslicing meat on.", objects\human\prisonarch\prisonarch.object 7c7 < "description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Human prisoners at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Humans at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", 15,16c15,16 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code of twenty twenty decreed that all prisons have to be elaborately decorated, to keep prisoners happy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Humans seem to treat their prisoners with respect. The Hylotl do the same.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This would go great with my spooky interior decorating skills.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is simple but there is something to be admired in the crafting.", objects\human\prisonbed\prisonbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", 24c24 < "floranDescription" : "This is bed?! Floran feel bad for the prisonerssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This is bed?! Floran feel bad.", 26,27c26,27 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code amendments featured a loophole that only required prison furniture to look nice.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A remarkably uncomfortable bed. Perhaps humans are not as kind to prisoners as I thought.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Sometimes the best way to punish someone is by making them sleep on such a bed.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A remarkably uncomfortable bed. I would not want to end up sleeping here.", objects\human\prisonbench\prisonbench.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A fairly comfortable prison bench.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A fairly comfortable metal bench.", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "A seat for criminals.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A seat for those who have lost their way.", objects\human\prisoncontrolpanel\prisoncontrolpanel.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "It feels strange to be on the operating side of a prison control panel.", < "avianDescription" : "If, for some reason, I ever need to learn how to operate a prison, I'll learn how to use this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It feels strange to be on the operating side of a security control panel.", > "avianDescription" : "This appears to be the way to manage all sorts of security functions.", 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Understanding. This machine controls a variety of prison functions.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Understanding. This machine controls a variety of security functions.", 16,17c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A hands-off approach to prison management.", < "novakidDescription" : "A control panel. Too bad it can't control the prisoners.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A hands-off approach to security management.", > "novakidDescription" : "A control panel. Too bad it can't control the pests.", objects\human\prisoncorner\prisoncorner.object 7c7 < "description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "Human prisoners at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Humans at least have pleasant architecture to look at.", 15,16c15,16 < "humanDescription" : "The penal comfort code of twenty twenty decreed that all prisons have to be elaborately decorated, to keep prisoners happy.", < "hylotlDescription" : "Humans seem to treat their prisoners with respect. The Hylotl do the same.", --- > "humanDescription" : "This would go great with my spooky interior decorating skills.", > "hylotlDescription" : "It is simple but there is something to be admired in the crafting.", objects\human\prisonfile1\prisonfile1.object 21c21 < "floranDescription" : "Ssso many files... This one sssays bad human ssset fire to a Floran! Dessssspicable!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso many files... This one sssays bad human ssset fire to a Floran! Desssspicable!", objects\human\prisonfile2\prisonfile2.object 21c21 < "floranDescription" : "This file cabinet is full of documented crimessss. Humans are a dangeroussss bunch!", --- > "floranDescription" : "This file cabinet is full of documented crimesss. Humans are a dangerousss bunch!", objects\human\prisonmirror1\prisonmirror1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", objects\human\prisonmirror2\prisonmirror2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp mirror shards make for good throwing daggersss.", objects\human\prisonpaper1\prisonpaper1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "\"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\" Floran is ssssure they didn't need reminding.", --- > "floranDescription" : "\"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\" Floran is sssure they didn't need reminding.", objects\human\prisonpaper2\prisonpaper2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran can't read this broken messssaage. Too bad!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can't read this broken messsaage. Too bad!", objects\human\prisonshower\prisonshower.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshower.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shower ssspits rusty water.", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "Ah, the prison shower.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Ah, a shower.", objects\human\prisonshower\prisonshowerdripping.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshower.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shower dripsss rusty water.", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "Ah, the prison shower.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Ah, a shower.", objects\human\prisonsign1\prisonsign1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "A boring ssssign.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A boring sssign.", objects\human\prisonstonesign\prisonstonesign.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "A big rock for a sssshort name. Now Floran wantsss rock with Florans name!", --- > "floranDescription" : "A big rock for a ssshort name. Now Floran wantsss rock with Florans name!", objects\human\prisontoilet\prisontoilet.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Stinky sssseat! Yuck!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Stinky ssseat! Yuck!", objects\human\prisonturbine\prisonturbine.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "I believe these are here so that the USCM can quickly convert the prison into a flying fortress. I may have made this up.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I believe these are here so that the USCM can quickly convert anything into a flying fortress. I may have made this up.", objects\hylotl\arcadesign\arcadesign.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Arcade! Floran enjoyssss winning!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Arcade! Floran enjoysss winning!", objects\hylotl\barstool\barstool.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "A round bar sssstool! Floran can ssspin on it! Dizzy fun.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A round bar ssstool! Floran can ssspin on it! Dizzy fun.", objects\hylotl\classicbannertattered\classicbannertattered.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Old, broken curtain. Not so ssssoft anymore.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Old, broken curtain. Not so sssoft anymore.", objects\hylotl\clubceilinglights\clubceilinglights.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Blue, ssshiny light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Blue, shiny light.", objects\hylotl\clubceilinglightsgreen\clubceilinglightsgreen.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Green, ssshiny light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Green, shiny light.", objects\hylotl\clubceilinglightsred\clubceilinglightsred.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Red, ssshiny light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Red, shiny light.", objects\hylotl\clubceilinglightsyellow\clubceilinglightsyellow.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Yellow, ssshiny light.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Yellow, shiny light.", objects\hylotl\greenredlight\greenredlight.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Red or green makesss no difference. Floran will passss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Red or green makesss no difference. Floran will passs.", objects\hylotl\hylotlbed2\hylotlbed2.object 23,28c23,28 < "apexDescription" : "This bed's a little bit slimy...", < "avianDescription" : "A plain bed.", < "floranDescription" : "Frogman bed. Boring.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It appears the Hylotl like to seriously overstate their species' crafting abilities.", < "humanDescription" : "It's said that the only time the Hylotl stop complaining is when they're asleep. But what about sleep-talkers?", < "hylotlDescription" : "An exquisite Hylotl bed. Many species could learn from this.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This bed is simple without being basic.", > "avianDescription" : "A plain bed, it looks comfortable.", > "floranDescription" : "Flat bed. Boring.", > "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This bed seems almost too simple, but its materials are high quality.", > "humanDescription" : "This bed looks like it has a tradional style that hasn't needed to change.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An exquisite traditional bed. Many species could learn from this.", objects\hylotl\hylotlbutton\hylotlbutton.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 9c9 < "floranDescription" : "Pressss! Pressss!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Presss! Presss!", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassiccabinet1\hylotlclassiccabinet1.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wonderssss who decorated this ugly cabinet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wondersss who decorated this ugly cabinet.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription" : "A funny lookin' cabinet. Do Hylotl consider this pretty?", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A funny lookin' cabinet. Who would consider this pretty?", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicchair\hylotlclassicchair.object 7c7 < "description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 12,14c12,14 < "avianDescription" : "This chair's pretty good for your average Hylotl piece.", < "floranDescription" : "Not even care.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It appears these chairs are for important Hylotl. I guess they have low standards.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This chair is pretty nice, I don't understand why it is for important guests.", > "floranDescription" : "Why isss chair so fancy?", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This chair has been carved with care.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "Such astonishing chairs are reserved only for the most regal of our species.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Such astonishing chairs are reserved only for the most regal individuals.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicdesk\hylotlclassicdesk.object 15,17c15,17 < "floranDescription" : "Big wooden desssssk.", < "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. It is an old desk from a Hylotl library.", < "humanDescription" : "An old, musty library desk.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big wooden desssk.", > "glitchDescription" : "Neutral. It is an old desk.", > "humanDescription" : "An old, musty desk.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicgong\hylotlclassicgong.object 8c8 < "description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It seems the Hylotl favour basic, repeated iconography.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. While the shape impairs the sound, it is pleasing to the eye.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicpainting1\hylotlclassicpainting1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Flessshy warrior would fight better with Floran weaponsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fleshy warrior would fight better with Floran weaponsss.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassictable\hylotlclassictable.object 7c7 < "description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "description" : "A traditional style table.", 13,14c13,14 < "floranDescription" : "Bonelessss table help Floran focussss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Underwhelmed. One cannot imagine such a table in a Glitch fortress.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bonelesss table help Floran focusss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Underwhelmed. One cannot imagine such a table in a fortress.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassictable2\hylotlclassictable2.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman table too fragile for Floran to use for chopping meat.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Old table too fragile for Floran to use for chopping meat.", 17c17 < "novakidDescription" : "A simple Hylotl table. Don't look sturdy to me.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A simple table. Don't look sturdy to me.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicwardrobe1\hylotlclassicwardrobe1.object 15,16c15,16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in wardrobe. Burssst out. Sssurprise frogmen. Fun!", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Oh look. Another lily pad. Who would have guessed?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in wardrobe. Burssst out. Sssurprise friends. Fun!", > "glitchDescription" : "Diplomatic. The lily pad motif is an interesting design choice.", objects\hylotl\hylotlconsole\hylotlconsole.object 17c17 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to pressss all the nice buttonsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wants to presss all the nice buttonsss.", objects\hylotl\hylotldrinks\hylotldrinks.object 9,10c9,10 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", < "description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "It's full of all sorts of Hylotl soft drinks.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's full of all sorts of soft drinks.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Boring over-sweet frogman drinks.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran dissslike over-sweet drinks.", objects\hylotl\hylotlfloorornament\hylotlfloorornament.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. It appears to be an orb with living frog spawn. The Hylotl equivalent of a foetus in a jar. Charming.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. It appears to be an orb with living frog spawn.", objects\hylotl\hylotlkatanarack\hylotlkatanarack.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A rack of Hylotl swords.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sword Rack", --- > "description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "An impressive display of Hylotl weaponry.", --- > "apexDescription" : "An impressive display of traditional weaponry.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "A classic Hylotl weapon, an apprentice trains for years before even forging one.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A classic weapon, an apprentice trains for years before even forging one.", objects\hylotl\hylotllamp\hylotllamp.object 19c19 < "novakidDescription" : "A lamp. Looks very Hylotl indeed.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A lamp. It's okay.", objects\hylotl\hylotllantern1\hylotllantern1.frames 11c11 < "default.default" : "" --- > "default.default" : "default.on" objects\hylotl\hylotllantern1\hylotllantern1.object 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "A paper lantern doesn't seem like the best idea for an underwater species.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A paper lantern doesn't seem like the best idea for fire safety.", 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman lantern dangerousss to Floran. Fire!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Paper lantern dangerousss to Floran. Fire!", 26,27c26,27 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.3, --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], > "direction" : "right", 38c38,43 < "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.ogg" ] > } > }, 43c48 < "interactive" : false, --- > // "interactive" : false, objects\hylotl\hylotllilyclock\hylotllilyclock.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Of course Hylotl clocks are shaped like lily pads.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. What a whimsical shape for a clock.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "A lily pad clock. As a kid I used to have a clock shaped like a cactus.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A lily pad clock. I used to have a clock shaped like a cactus.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco1\hylotllilydeco1.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "Hylotl sure like their lily pads, huh.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco2\hylotllilydeco2.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A decorative set of lily pads. Nice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A decorative lily pad. Nice.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plants. Floran is disssgusted!", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. These lily pads would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "Hylotl sure like their lily pads, huh.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco3\hylotllilydeco3.object 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "Hylotl sure like their lily pads, huh.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilypad\hylotllilypad.object 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A decorative metal lily pad. Nice.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A decorative lily pad. Nice.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid metal plant. Floran is disssgusted!", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This lily pad would make for interesting decoration if it wasn't surrounded by numerous other lily pads.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid plastic plant. Floran is disssgusted!", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Someone is fond of lily pads.", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The beauty of nature meets the harshness of urban sprawl.", < "novakidDescription" : "Hylotl sure like their lily pads, huh.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The beauty of nature meets the harshness of the urban sprawl.", > "novakidDescription" : "Someone sure likes their lily pads, huh.", objects\hylotl\hylotlliquidsensor\hylotlliquidsensor.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "I've heard of these, the Hylotl made these to detect liquid for fancy wiring set-ups.", --- > "humanDescription" : "I've heard of these, these were made to detect liquid for fancy wiring set-ups.", objects\hylotl\hylotlmovieposter1\hylotlmovieposter1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't need big clunky metal robotssss. Floran only need sssstabby knife.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesn't need big clunky metal robotsss. Floran only need ssstabby knife.", 18c18 < "novakidescription" : "A movie featurin' a giant tin man.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A movie featurin' a giant tin man.", objects\hylotl\hylotlmovieposter3\hylotlmovieposter3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Movie called \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\"... Floran sssshould burn thisss!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Movie called \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\"... Floran should burn thisss!", objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting1\hylotlpainting1.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly frogman painting.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Scans indicate a numbered grid below the paint. It's a paint-by-numbers kit.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly wave painting.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. The artist was able to capture the wave perfectly.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "I believe this is a classic Hylotl painting.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This painting of a giant wave sure is impressive.", objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting2\hylotlpainting2.object 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly frogman painting.", < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Scans indicate a numbered grid below the paint. It's a paint-by-numbers kit.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not care for silly mountain painting.", > "glitchDescription" : "Envious. This painting may be a copy, but it is well painted.", 18c18 < "novakidDescription" : "I believe this is a classic Hylotl painting.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This is some kinda classic painting.", objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting3\hylotlpainting3.object 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The subdued strokes of this painting accentuate the tranquility of the scene.", < "novakidDescription" : "I wonder if a carriage could cross a small bridge like this beauty.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The subdued strokes of this painting accentuate the tranquillity of the scene.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder if a wagon could cross a small bridge like this beauty.", objects\hylotl\hylotlplant1\hylotlplant1.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "Is every plant on the Hylotl homeworld fake?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Why would anyone want a fake plant?", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran hat plasssstic plant!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran hat plassstic plant!", objects\hylotl\hylotlpost\hylotlpost.object 6c6 < "lightColor" : [102, 95, 71], --- > "lightColor" : [128, 119, 89], 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Lamp posssst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Lamp possst.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "This post represents an eternal bastion of strength, rising out of the ocean to claim the skies.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This provides an pleasing outside light source.", 36a37,42 > }, > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_on.ogg" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/oillantern_off.ogg" ] > } objects\hylotl\hylotlredalert\hylotlredalert.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Flashy blue siren issss loud.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flashy blue siren isss loud.", objects\hylotl\hylotlshojiscreen\hylotlshojiscreen.object 7c7 < "description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran could poke two holes in sssscreen and peek through!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran could poke two holes in ssscreen and peek through!", objects\hylotl\hylotlshorttable\hylotlshorttable.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "The flimsy legs of this table look as if they could snap at any moment.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This table is set very low, it is unusual.", 14,15c14,15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. One swift kick and this table would fall apart.", < "humanDescription" : "This table wobbles quite easily.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Wary. I am not used to such a low table.", > "humanDescription" : "This table is so low I wouldn't even need a chair. Maybe that is the idea.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2o\hylotlsign2o.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't rightly think I get it.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3b\hylotlsign3b.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This must be pointin' to somethin' interestin'.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3g\hylotlsign3g.object 10c10 < "description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 14c14 < "avianDescription" : "Hylotl food. What a treat. Glad I packed my own lunch.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Reefpods. What a treat. Glad I packed my own lunch.", 16,17c16,17 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Hylotl cuisine is an... acquired taste. One which very few have actually acquired.", < "humanDescription" : "I'd be more enthusiastic about dining Hylotl if they served meat.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Some consider reefpods a delicacy.", > "humanDescription" : "I'd be more enthusiastic about dining here if they served meat.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't sure if I actually like reefpods.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3o\hylotlsign3o.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I haven't got time to be translatin' everythin'!", objects\hylotl\hylotlspeaker\hylotlradio.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Creepy old mussssic box.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Creepy old musssic box.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsupportbeam\hylotlsupportbeam.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", objects\hylotl\hylotlwaterfeature1\hylotlwaterfeature1.object 8c8 < "description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 13c13 < "avianDescription" : "Why do the Hylotl bother with fountains when they're surrounded by water?", --- > "avianDescription" : "This water feature is delightfully peaceful.", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. This fountain is too small and quaint to be of any stature.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Pleased. The sound of the water feature is calming.", objects\hylotl\index\index.object 12c12 < "shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "shortdescription" : "Card Index", 17,20c17,20 < "floranDescription" : "Sssso many tiny pieces of paper. What for?", < "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Glitch do not need to index libraries on tiny cards.", < "humanDescription" : "My heart goes out to the librarian who maintains this fossil.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A glorious monument to Hylotl pedantism.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssso many tiny pieces of paper. What for?", > "glitchDescription" : "Amused. Glitch do not need to index anything on tiny cards.", > "humanDescription" : "My heart goes out to the person who maintains this fossil.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A glorious monument to organisation.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcase\librarybookcase.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", < "shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 13,15c13,15 < "avianDescription" : "An ornate Hylotl bookcase.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssmash bookcase already.", < "glitchDescription" : "Jealous. This bookcase would not look out of place in a Glitch castle.", --- > "avianDescription" : "An ornate bookcase.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssmash bookcase already.", > "glitchDescription" : "Jealous. This bookcase is quite fancy.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A traditional Hylotl bookcase.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A traditional bookcase, it is of course ornately carved.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseg2\librarybookcaseg2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "The Hylotl must spend all their time reading.", < "floranDescription" : "What a wassssste of good weapon wood.", --- > "avianDescription" : "Someone must spend all their time reading.", > "floranDescription" : "What a wassste of good weapon wood.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseg2damage\librarybookcaseg2damage.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasehuge\librarybookcasehuge.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "The Hylotl must document absolutely everything.", --- > "apexDescription" : "The original owner of this must have documented absolutely everything.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Shelvessss good for climbing.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shelvesss good for climbing.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasehugedamage\librarybookcasehugedamage.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Ornate Bookcase", 14c14 < "apexDescription" : "Who would loot a library?", --- > "apexDescription" : "Who would loot a bookcase this huge?", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasel2\librarybookcasel2.object 13,14c13,14 < "avianDescription" : "A good library bookcase is full of stories.", < "floranDescription" : "Jusssst another bookcase.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A good bookcase is full of stories.", > "floranDescription" : "Jussst another bookcase.", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "Are these all Hylotl poetry books?", --- > "humanDescription" : "Are these all poetry books?", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasel2damage\librarybookcasel2damage.object 11c11 < "shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Messssy old bookcase.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Messsy old bookcase.", 19c19 < "hylotlDescription" : "This library has not been maintained to an appropriate standard.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This bookcase has not been maintained to an appropriate standard.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasen2\librarybookcasen2.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A standard library bookcase.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard, if ornate, bookcase.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Library bookssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this in Glitch kingdoms.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Booksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasen2damage\librarybookcasen2damage.object 10,11c10,11 < "description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", < "shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 19c19 < "hylotlDescription" : "Is a library still a library if the books are missing?", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Is a bookcase still a bookcase if the books are missing?", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasen2empty\librarybookcasen2empty.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 12c12 < "apexDescription" : "A standard library bookcase. Many books appear to be missing.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard ornate bookcase. Many books appear to be missing.", 14,15c14,15 < "floranDescription" : "Library bookssss.", < "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this in Glitch kingdoms.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Booksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Upset. There are many bookcases such as this with missing books.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcases1\librarybookcases1.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", < "shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "description" : "A small bookcase.", > "shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 15c15 < "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Every single book... Too much to read... How tedious.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Wistful. I wish I had time to read more books.", 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A bookshelf rich in knowledge. Other species flock to Hylotl grand libraries.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A bookshelf rich in knowledge.", objects\hylotl\ornatetorch\ornatetorch.animation 82c82 < "position" : [0.4, 1.125], --- > "position" : [1.0, 1.0], 92a93 > "position" : [0.25, 0.0], objects\hylotl\plainorbplush\plainorbplush.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This thing is kinda cute I guess.", objects\hylotl\pressuredoor\pressuredoor.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 11c11 < "apexDescription" : "A sturdy pressurized door.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A sturdy pressurised door.", 16,17c16,17 < "hylotlDescription" : "A well-crafted pressurized door.", < "novakidDescription" : "A hefty pressurized door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A well-crafted pressurised door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A hefty pressurised door.", objects\hylotl\quillandink\quillandink.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssticks make for better pensss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssticks make for better pensss.", objects\mission\apexfightlantern\apexfightlantern.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny device for lighting Floran's path.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny device for lighting Floran's path.", objects\mission\bonespike\bonespike.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\mission\checkpoint\checkpoint.object 12,20c12,19 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "This will allow me to continue... Should I fail.", > "avianDescription" : "It seems that if I perish I will return to this point", > "floranDescription" : "Thisss letss Floran live forever!", > "glitchDescription" : "Thoughtful. Can we truly perish if we always respawn?", > "humanDescription" : "Modern technology is amazing, if I die, I'll respawn right here!", > "hylotlDescription" : "Quite interesting, I can live again should I perish via this.", > "novakidDescription" : "I don't quite understand it, but I'll come right back here if I die.", objects\mission\deathwarningmodern\deathwarningmodern.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssign for excitement!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssign for excitement!", objects\mission\freezetrap\freezetrap.object 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "Ice can be dangeroussss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ice can be dangerousss.", 16c16 < "novakidDescription" : "This cryongenic blaster could freeze the paws off a brass monkey.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This cryogenic blaster could freeze the paws off a brass monkey.", objects\mission\glitchmission\glitchalarm\glitchalarm.object 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "This design is simple but effective for alerts.", > "avianDescription" : "If there is cause for it, this bell can be rung to alert others.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can ring thisss, make big noissse!", > "glitchDescription" : "Satisfied. This can be used in an emergency to alert those around you.", > "humanDescription" : "This alarm bell is pretty basic, but it works!", > "hylotlDescription" : "I would be wary trusting the capabilities of this alarm bell.", > "novakidDescription" : "Sometimes the simple designs are the best, this bell will work fine.", > objects\mission\lunarbaselantern\lunarbaselantern.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny device for lighting Floran's path.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny device for lighting Floran's path.", objects\mission\lunarbaselaser\lunarbaselaser.object 21c21 < "floranDescription" : "Giant laser is usssseful!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Giant laser is ussseful!", 25c25 < "novakidDescription" : "A gaint laser cannon. I wonder if I could fire her up...", --- > "novakidDescription" : "A giant laser cannon. I wonder if I could fire her up...", objects\mission\miningverticaldoor\miningverticaldoor.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closessss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closesss.", objects\mission\penguinbasedoor\penguinbasedoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closessss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Hatch opensss... Hatch closesss.", objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike1\ceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike2\ceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike3\ceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike4\ceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike1\groundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike2\groundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike3\groundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike4\groundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike1\desertceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike2\desertceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike3\desertceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike4\desertceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike1\desertgroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike2\desertgroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike3\desertgroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike4\desertgroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike1\greenceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike2\greenceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike3\greenceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike4\greenceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike1\greengroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike2\greengroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike3\greengroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike4\greengroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icespike\icespike.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite3\icestalactite3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite4\icestalactite4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite1\icestalagmite1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite2\icestalagmite2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite3\icestalagmite3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite4\icestalagmite4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike1\magmaceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike2\magmaceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike3\magmaceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike1\magmagroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike2\magmagroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike3\magmagroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike1\savannahceilingspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike2\savannahceilingspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike3\savannahceilingspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike4\savannahceilingspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike1\savannahgroundspike1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike2\savannahgroundspike2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike3\savannahgroundspike3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike4\savannahgroundspike4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssharp and pointy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sharp and pointy.", objects\outpost\coffeemachine\coffeemachine.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "A smelly drinkssss machine.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A smelly drinksss machine.", objects\outpost\customsign\customsign.object 11c11 < "floranDescription" : "Wordss wordsss wordssss", --- > "floranDescription" : "Words wordss wordsss", objects\outpost\filingcabinet\filingcabinet.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "A cabinet with papers, papers, paperssss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A cabinet with papers, paperss, papersss.", objects\outpost\infinityexpress\infinityexpress.object 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "Floran get goods and ssservices in exchange for sssshiny credits.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran get goods and ssservices in exchange for shiny credits.", objects\outpost\number5\number5.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Five! Lookssss like hook.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Five! Looksss like hook.", objects\outpost\outpostairlock\outpostairlock.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", objects\outpost\outpostairlocklarge\outpostairlocklarge.object 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", objects\outpost\outpostbarstool\outpostbarstool.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Bar Stool", --- > "shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", 12c12 < "floranDescription" : "A round bar sssstool! Floran can ssspin on it! Dizzy fun.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A round bar ssstool! Floran can ssspin on it! Dizzy fun.", objects\outpost\outpostlocker\outpostlocker.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wonder what isss insssside locker.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wonder what isss inssside locker.", objects\outpost\penguinbarsign\penguinbarsign.object 18,23c18,24 < /* TODO < "apexDescription" : "A hypnotising lamp.", < "avianDescription" : "This lamp demands to be stared at.", < "floranDescription" : "Is thisss lamp living? It has moving insssides!", < "glitchDescription" : "Calm. This liquid moves in a mesmerising way.", < "humanDescription" : "Reminds me of a bad dream I once had.", --- > > > "apexDescription" : "A hypnotising bar sign.", > "avianDescription" : "This bar sign demands to be stared at.", > "floranDescription" : "Sstubby birds have a bar.", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. Is this broken, or is it by design?", > "humanDescription" : "Ooh, a bar! With penguins!", 25,26c26,27 < "novakidDescription" : "This lamp looks the way I feel. Peculiar.", < */ --- > "novakidDescription" : "Those rowdy birds have got themselves a bar now.", > objects\outpost\shipyardcaptain\shipyardcaptain.object 74c74 < "startErchiusMission" : "I can repair that ship, but I'm going to need some materials. It's gonna take 20 ^orange;erchius crystals^white; to get it running. You better get yourself to the ^green;Erchius Mining Facility.^white;", --- > "startErchiusMission" : "I can fix your FTL with ^orange;Erchius Crystals^reset;. I'll show you where to get some.", objects\outpost\terramart\terramart.object 42c42 < "floranDescription" : "Floran can buy presentss for pet from ssshop!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran can buy presentss for pet from shop!", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateamp\protectorateamp.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "A loud ssssound box.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A loud sssound box.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratebench\protectoratebench.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Bench looks comfortable to ssssit on. If only Floran had time to do ssso.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bench looks comfortable to sssit on. If only Floran had time to do sso.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratebrokenportrait4\protectoratebrokenportrait4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "\"Esther Bright - Former Grand Protector\". Jussst old flesssh person with glassesss!", --- > "floranDescription" : "\"Esther Bright - Former Grand Protector\". Jussst old flesh person with glassesss!", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratecape\protectoratecape.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssome rags on the ground. Maybe Floran can keep?", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssome rags on the ground. Maybe Floran can keep?", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateclock\protectorateclock.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Time isss ticking. Floran should sssspeed up.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Time isss ticking. Floran should ssspeed up.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateextinguisher\protectorateextinguisher.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Fire killer! Floran hatessss fire.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fire killer! Floran hatesss fire.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratefbannertorn1\protectoratefbannertorn1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Broken banner... Floran ssssad to see thisss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Broken banner... Floran sssad to see thisss.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratefbannertorn2\protectoratefbannertorn2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Broken banner... Floran dissslikes thissss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Broken banner... Floran dissslikes thisss.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratelobbychair\protectoratelobbychair.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Floran fell assssleep here once.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran fell asssleep here once.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratelobbytable\protectoratelobbytable.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Clean, white table. Floran can ssssee reflection in it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Clean, white table. Floran can sssee reflection in it.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratelobbytv\protectoratelobbytv.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "TV ssshows people in exciting dissscussion. Too bad volume is off.", --- > "floranDescription" : "TV shows people in exciting dissscussion. Too bad volume is off.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratelobbyvending\protectoratelobbyvending.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Energy drinkssss help Floran ssstudy for exams!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Energy drinksss help Floran ssstudy for exams!", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateportrait1\protectorateportrait1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Old flessshy man. Dead now!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Old fleshy man. Dead now!", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateportrait4\protectorateportrait4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "More wrinkly flesssh people.", --- > "floranDescription" : "More wrinkly flesh people.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateship\protectorateship.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssspace ship! Floran has found essscape vehicle!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssspace ship! Floran has found essscape vehicle!", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage1\protectoratestorage1.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage2\protectoratestorage2.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves full of thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves full of thingsss.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage3\protectoratestorage3.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves full of thingsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves full of thingsss.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage4\protectoratestorage4.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage5\protectoratestorage5.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorage6\protectoratestorage6.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratestorageempty\protectoratestorageempty.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Big ssshelves.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Big shelves.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratewatertank\protectoratewatertank.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Water tank sssseems broken. Floran guesses water is in room below.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Water tank ssseems broken. Floran guesses water is in room below.", objects\ship\apexfuelhatch\apexfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\apexshiplockertier0\apexshiplockertier0.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Sssstorage. It'sss not working.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstorage. It'sss not working.", objects\ship\avianfuelhatch\avianfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.object 30,31c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 39c39,40 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 40a42 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 46a49,59 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/avianportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\brokenapexfuelhatch\brokenapexfuelhatchtier0.object 31,34d30 < < "turninQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], objects\ship\brokenavianfuelhatch\brokenavianfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\brokenfloranfuelhatch\brokenfloranfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\brokenglitchfuelhatch\brokenglitchfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\brokenhumanfuelhatch\brokenhumanfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\brokenhylotlfuelhatch\brokenhylotlfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\brokennovakidfuelhatch\brokennovakidfuelhatchtier0.object 32,35d31 < "turnInQuests" : [ < "shiprepair" < ], < objects\ship\floranfuelhatch\floranfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.object 30,31c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 39c39,40 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 40a42 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 46a49,59 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/floranportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\glitchfuelhatch\glitchfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.object 30,31c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 39c39,40 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 40a42 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 46a49,59 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/glitchportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\humanfuelhatch\humanfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.object 30,31c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 39c39,40 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 40a42 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 46a49,59 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/humanportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\hylotlfuelhatch\hylotlfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.object 29,30c29,30 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 38c38,39 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 39a41 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 45a48,58 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/hylotlportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\novakidfuelhatch\novakidfuelhatch.object 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FLT drive I can explore outside this system.", --- > "humanDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. With fuel for the FTL drive I can explore outside this system.", objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.object 30,31c30,31 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 39c39,40 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 40a42 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 46a49,59 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/novakidportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\techstation\techstation.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\ship\techstation\techstation.object 31,32c31,32 < "frames" : 8, < "animationCycle" : 1.0, --- > "frames" : 32, > "animationCycle" : 3.0, 40c40,41 < "offeredQuests" : [ "gateway1" ], --- > "turnInQuests" : [ "shiprepair" ], > "offeredQuests" : [ "shiprepair", "gateway1" ], 41a43 > "animation" : "/objects/ship/techstation.animation", 47a50,60 > > "chatPortrait" : "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:yell.1", > "dialog" : { > "wakeUp" : [ > [ "*bzzt*", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:yell.1" ], > [ "I am S.A.I.L. Your ship-based artificial intelligence lattice. I manage the maintenance and upkeep of your vessel.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "Earth has been attacked by an unknown alien force.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.1" ], > [ "Casualties are estimated to be between 99-101 percent, with a 1 percent margin of error.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.0" ], > [ "The ships navigation systems were damaged in our escape. Our location is currently unknown.", "/ai/portraits/apexportrait.png:talk.1" ] > ] > }, objects\ship\techstation\techstationlit.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [8, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [32, 1], 7c7 < [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7" ] --- > [ "default.0", "default.1", "default.2", "default.3", "default.4", "default.5", "default.6", "default.7", "default.8", "default.9", "default.10", "default.11", "default.12", "default.13", "default.14", "default.15", "default.16", "default.17", "default.18", "default.19", "default.20", "default.21", "default.22", "default.23", "default.24", "default.25", "default.26", "default.27", "default.28", "default.29", "default.30", "default.31" ] objects\spawner\techstation.lua 9a10,27 > > message.setHandler("activateShip", function() > if not self.dialogTimer then > animator.playSound("shipUpgrade") > self.dialog = config.getParameter("dialog.wakeUp") > self.dialogTimer = 0.0 > object.setOfferedQuests({}) > end > end) > end > > function onInteraction() > if self.dialogTimer then > sayNext() > return nil > else > return config.getParameter("interactAction") > end 24a43,64 > function sayNext() > if self.dialog and #self.dialog > 0 then > if #self.dialog > 0 then > local options = { > drawMoreIndicator = true > } > self.dialogTimer = 4.0 > if #self.dialog == 1 then > options.drawMoreIndicator = false > end > > object.sayPortrait(self.dialog[1][1], self.dialog[1][2], nil, options) > table.remove(self.dialog, 1) > > return true > end > else > self.dialog = nil > return false > end > end > 36a77,85 > end > > if self.dialogTimer then > self.dialogTimer = math.max(self.dialogTimer - dt, 0.0) > if self.dialogTimer == 0 and not sayNext() then > self.dialogTimer = nil > end > else > object.setOfferedQuests(config.getParameter("offeredQuests")) objects\spawner\colonydeed\colonydeed.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssscreen to hang on building wall. Makes sssomeone move into home!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssscreen to hang on building wall. Makes sssomeone move into home!", objects\themed\astronaut\earthmodel\earthmodel.object 8c8 < "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", --- > "description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssad to remember my time on Earth. I misssss it.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssad to remember my time on Earth. I misss it.", objects\themed\astronaut\liftoffseat\liftoffseat.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "It would be fun to lie down while zooming through ssssspace.", --- > "floranDescription" : "It would be fun to lie down while zooming through ssspace.", objects\themed\astronaut\satellite\satellite.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Ssssshiny human space toy.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Shiny human ssspace toy.", objects\themed\astronaut\spaceshuttlebed\spaceshuttlebed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Humanssss used to fly around in these.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Humansss used to fly around in these.", objects\themed\doom\doombed\doombed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This bed sure is comfy for somethin' so spiky.", objects\themed\doom\doomchair\doomchair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This chair sure is comfy for somethin' so spiky.", objects\themed\doom\doomdoor\doomdoor.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This here door is lookin' at me.", objects\themed\doom\doomlight\doomlight.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I don't like the way this light is lookin' at me.", objects\themed\doom\doomswitch\doomswitch.object 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "I just gotta push that button.", objects\themed\doom\doomtable\doomtable.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't sure tables should have eyes.", objects\themed\executive\executivebed\executivebed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This has to be the best darn bed I've slept in.", objects\themed\executive\executivechair\executivechair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This here chair is great for taking a load off.", objects\themed\executive\executivedoor\executivedoor.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This door sure is swish.", objects\themed\executive\executivelight\executivelight.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This light sure is stylish.", objects\themed\executive\executiveswitch\executiveswitch.object 20a21 > "novakidDescription" : "This console sure is swish, I just wanna use it.", objects\themed\executive\executivetable\executivetable.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I could throw some fancy parties at a table like this.", objects\themed\geometric\geometricbed\geometricbed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "Now this is a good place to rest my weary head.", objects\themed\geometric\geometricchair\geometricchair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A darn good place to have a rest.", objects\themed\geometric\geometricdoor\geometricdoor.object 17c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude yet strong door.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A simple yet strong door.", > "novakidDescription" : "This door sure is sturdy.", objects\themed\geometric\geometriclight\geometriclight.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This light will be useful.", objects\themed\geometric\geometricswitch\geometricswitch.object 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "I just wanna push all these buttons.", objects\themed\geometric\geometrictable\geometrictable.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This doesn't look like it should be stable, but it is!", objects\themed\gothic\gothiccouch\gothiccouch.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran think couch ssssmell good.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran think couch sssmell good.", objects\themed\gothic\gothicdoor\gothicdoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran not like sssspooky door.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran not like ssspooky door.", objects\themed\opulent\opulentbed\opulentbed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is one great bed.", objects\themed\opulent\opulentchair\opulentchair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I ain't sure how it's standing up, but it sure is comfy.", objects\themed\opulent\opulentdoor\opulentdoor.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This is one cool door.", objects\themed\opulent\opulentlight\opulentlight.object 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A robust lantern.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A crystal lantern.", 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "I've always wanted a crystal lookin' lamp.", objects\themed\opulent\opulentswitch\opulentswitch.object 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "I just wanna push all those buttons.", objects\themed\opulent\opulenttable\opulenttable.object 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "This Opulent table is exceptionally sleek.", < "avianDescription" : "An immensely sturdy Opulent table.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This opulent table is exceptionally sleek.", > "avianDescription" : "An immensely sturdy opulent table.", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A very well-made Opulent table.", < "humanDescription" : "A cool Opulent table.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A very well-made opulent table.", > "humanDescription" : "A cool floating table.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "This table looks like its floatin'!", objects\themed\outdoor\lamppost1\lamppost1.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Tall and sssshiny lamp.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tall and shiny lamp.", objects\themed\outdoor\lamppost2\lamppost2.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Bright like three moonssss in the sky.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bright like three moonsss in the sky.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifibed\retroscifibed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssstange mechanical pod is for ssssleeping in.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstange mechanical pod is for sssleeping in.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifichair\retroscifichair.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran sssssuspicious of floating chair.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssuspicious of floating chair.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifilight\retroscifilight.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "This sssspotlight is bright.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This ssspotlight is bright.", objects\themed\sea\seabed\seabed.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Easssy to sleep in bed made of sssseaweed.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Easssy to sleep in bed made of ssseaweed.", objects\themed\serene\serenebed\serenebed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can rest easy in this.", objects\themed\serene\serenechair\serenechair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can rest easy in this.", objects\themed\serene\serenedoor\serenedoor.object 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "A sturdy Serene door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A robust Serene door.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A sturdy serene door.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A robust serene door.", > "novakidDescription" : "This door looks pretty secure.", objects\themed\serene\serenelight\serenelight.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "A purdy lookin' light.", objects\themed\serene\sereneswitch\sereneswitch.object 12c12 < "description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "I wanna push all the buttons!", objects\themed\serene\serenetable\serenetable.object 6c6 < "description" : "A hardy Serene table.", --- > "description" : "A hardy serene table.", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "This Serene table is very sleek.", < "avianDescription" : "An immensely sturdy Serene table.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This serene table is very sleek.", > "avianDescription" : "An immensely sturdy serene table.", 15,16c15,16 < "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A very well-made Serene table.", < "humanDescription" : "A cool Serene table.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Approving. A very well-made serene table.", > "humanDescription" : "A cool serene table.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A nice ol' green table.", objects\themed\spooky\spookyclock\spookyclock.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss pretend bat. Not ssssure what rest of it is for.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran likesss pretend bat. Not sssure what rest of it is for.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkdesk\steampunkdesk.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran smellsss burning ssssmell from inside thisss box...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran smellsss burning sssmell from inside thisss box...", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkglobe\steampunkglobe.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to roll wooden planet down hill, and crusssh enemies.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to roll wooden planet down hill, and crush enemiesss.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkshelf\steampunkshelf.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like booksss, but ssshelf is okay I guesss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like booksss, but shelf is okay I guesss.", objects\themed\wave\wavebed\wavebed.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can rest easy in this.", objects\themed\wave\wavechair\wavechair.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "I can rest easy in this.", objects\themed\wave\wavedoor\wavedoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A very sturdy Wave door.", --- > "description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", 16,17c16,18 < "humanDescription" : "A sturdy Wave door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A robust Wave door.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A sturdy wave door.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A robust wave door.", > "novakidDescription" : "A pretty solid lookin' door.", objects\themed\wave\wavelight\wavelight.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "This'll be useful.", objects\themed\wave\waveswitch\waveswitch.object 12c12 < "description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", 21a22 > "novakidDescription" : "I wanna push all the buttons!", objects\themed\wave\wavetable\wavetable.object 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A good ol' blue table.", objects\tiered\tier2door\tier2door.object 18a19 > "novakidDescription" : "Just a door, does the job I guess.", objects\wired\scanner\scanner.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Sssscanning eye on the wall. It's looking at me!", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssscanning eye on the wall. It's looking at me!", parallax\surface\tentacles.parallax 21a22,28 > "kind" : "tentaclefarmountains", > "offset" : [0, 75], > "parallax" : 22, > "fadePercent" : 0.75 > }, > > { particles\shards\tentaclegooshard.particle 11c11 < "collidesForeground" : true, --- > "collidesForeground" : false, particles\shards\tentacleshard.particle 11c11 < "collidesForeground" : true, --- > "collidesForeground" : false, projectiles\activeitems\scouteye\scouteye.projectile 4c4 < "frames" : "eyeball.png", --- > "frames" : "eye.png", 7c7 < "frameNumber" : 8, --- > "frameNumber" : 1, projectiles\activeitems\staff\staffprojectile.lua 5a6,7 > self.controlRotation = config.getParameter("controlRotation") > self.rotationSpeed = 0 9a12,15 > > message.setHandler("kill", function() > projectile.die() > end) 16a23,26 > > if self.controlRotation then > rotateTo(self.aimPosition, dt) > end 26a37,55 > end > > function rotateTo(position, dt) > local vectorTo = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) > local angleTo = vec2.angle(vectorTo) > if self.controlRotation.maxSpeed then > local currentRotation = mcontroller.rotation() > local angleDiff = util.angleDiff(currentRotation, angleTo) > local diffSign = angleDiff > 0 and 1 or -1 > > local targetSpeed = math.max(0.1, math.min(1, math.abs(angleDiff) / 0.5)) * self.controlRotation.maxSpeed > local acceleration = diffSign * self.controlRotation.controlForce * dt > self.rotationSpeed = math.max(-targetSpeed, math.min(targetSpeed, self.rotationSpeed + acceleration)) > self.rotationSpeed = self.rotationSpeed - self.rotationSpeed * self.controlRotation.friction * dt > > mcontroller.setRotation(currentRotation + self.rotationSpeed * dt) > else > mcontroller.setRotation(angleTo) > end projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\fireburstexplosion.config 77c77 < "options" : [ --- > "options" : [ 108c108 < "options" : [ --- > "options" : [ 141c141 < "color" : "blue" --- > "color" : "orange" projectiles\explosions\burstexplosion\poisonburstexplosion.config 126c126 < "color" : "blue" --- > "color" : "green" projectiles\guns\bullets\airburst\airburstbullet.projectile 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstelectric\airburstelectricbullet.projectile 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/electricburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/electricburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstfire\airburstfirebullet.projectile 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/fireburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/fireburstexplosion.config" > } projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstice\airbursticebullet.projectile 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/iceburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/iceburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\bullets\airburstpoison\airburstpoisonbullet.projectile 10,12c10,12 < "action" : "config", < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/poisonburstexplosion.config" < } --- > "action" : "config", > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/burstexplosion/poisonburstexplosion.config" > } 25,26d24 < < projectiles\guns\unsorted\blowdart\blowdart.projectile 5c5 < "physics" : "arrownosticky", --- > "physics" : "gravitybullet", projectiles\guns\unsorted\squirt\squirt.projectile 11c11 < "damagePoly" : [ [-9, 0], [-6, -6], [0, -9], [6, -6], [9, 0], [6, 6], [0, 9], [-6, 6] ], --- > "damagePoly" : [ [-4, 0], [0, 4], [4, 0], [0, -4] ], 16c16 < "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 1 } ], --- > "actionOnReap" : [ { "action" : "liquid", "liquid" : "water", "quantity" : 0.2 } ], projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters.projectile 28,41d27 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 61,74d46 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 94,107d65 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters2", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 < }, < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "biolumcritters1", < "fuzzAngle" : 20, < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.35, < "inheritSpeedFactor" : 1 114c72,73 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "default", > "speed" : 25 projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters1.projectile 4c4 < "bounces" : -1, --- > "bounces" : 0, 12c12 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 10, 15c15,17 < "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" projectiles\npcs\biolumcritters\biolumcritters2.projectile 4c4 < "bounces" : -1, --- > "bounces" : 0, 12c12 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 10, 15c15,17 < "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" projectiles\npcs\crabcanoball\crabcanoball.projectile 8c8 < "speed" : 19, --- > "speed" : 28, 19c19 < "emitters" : [ "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames", "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames" ], --- > "emitters" : [ "fireplasma", "smoke", "flames", "fireplasma", "flames" ], projectiles\npcs\webshot\webshot.projectile 14c14,16 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "default", > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+10" projectiles\unsorted\friendlybubble\friendlybubble.projectile 15c15 < "damageKind" : "slash" --- > "damageKind" : "nodamage" quests\generated\locations.config 2389a2390 > // Mineshaft 2400a2402 > // Apex Test Facility 2427a2430 > // Glitch Fortress 2463c2466 < // THESE NAMES WILL NEED A PASS --- > // Human Prison 2466c2469 < "name" : "entrance of the Human Prison", --- > "name" : "entrance of the Prison", 2470c2473 < "name" : "courtyard of the Human Prison", --- > "name" : "courtyard of the Prison", 2474c2477 < "name" : "cell block of the Human Prison", --- > "name" : "cell block of the Prison", 2478c2481 < "name" : "roof of the Human Prison cell block", --- > "name" : "roof of the Prison cell block", 2483c2486 < // THESE NAMES WILL NEED A PASS --- > // Avian Temple 2503c2506 < // THESE NAMES WILL NEED A PASS --- > // Avian Tomb 2515c2518 < // THESE NAMES WILL NEED A PASS --- > // Floran Hunting Grounds 2519c2522 < "tags" : [ "avian", "friendly" ] --- > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] 2523c2526,2546 < "tags" : [ "avian", "friendly" ] --- > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] > } > }, > > // Floran Canyon > "florancanyon" : { > "entrance1" : { > "name" : "entrance to the overgrown valley", > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] > }, > "entrance2" : { > "name" : "top of the overgrown valley", > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] > }, > "depths1" : { > "name" : "depths of the overgrown cavern", > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] > }, > "depths2" : { > "name" : "depths of the overgrown cavern", > "tags" : [ "floran", "friendly" ] quests\generated\pools\npcthreats.config 76a77,94 > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "dark knights", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "evilknight" > } > ], > > [ > [ "floran" ], > { > "name" : "wild Floran hunters", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "wildhunter" > } > ], > > [ quests\scripts\artifact.lua 36a37 > self.radioMessageTimer = 3.0 53a55,62 > if self.radioMessageTimer then > self.radioMessageTimer = math.max(self.radioMessageTimer - dt, 0.0) > if self.radioMessageTimer == 0 then > player.radioMessage(config.getParameter("missionRadioMessage")) > self.radioMessageTimer = nil > end > end > quests\scripts\main.lua 151a152,154 > if config.getParameter("turnInDescription") then > quest.setObjectiveList({{config.getParameter("turnInDescription"), false}}) > end quests\scripts\portraits.lua 1a2,9 > quest.setParameter("sail", { > type = "noDetail", > name = "S.A.I.L", > portrait = { > { image = string.format("/ai/portraits/%squestportrait.png", player.species()) } > } > }) > 33c41 < end --- > end \ No newline at end of file quests\scripts\story\destroyruin.lua 3a4 > require "/quests/scripts/questutil.lua" 18a20,21 > getArtifact, > openArk, 20d22 < beamOut, 28c30 < storage.stage = 2 --- > storage.stage = 4 51,62c53 < function pointCompassAt(position) < if position then < local direction = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) < quest.setCompassDirection(vec2.angle(direction)) < elseif position == nil then < quest.setCompassDirection(nil) < end < end < < function destroyRuin() < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.destroyRuin, false}}) < --- > function getArtifact() 63a55,64 > if not notifyEsther then > notifyEsther = world.sendEntityMessage(self.estherUid, "notify", {type = "humanArtifact"}) > end > if notifyEsther:finished() then > if notifyEsther:result() then > storage.stage = 2 > player.playCinematic(config.getParameter("artifactCinematic")) > end > notifyEsther = nil > end 70,74c71,72 < function beamOutMessages() < for _,message in pairs(config.getParameter("destructionRadio")) do < player.radioMessage(message) < util.wait(self.messageTime) < end --- > function openArk() > quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.openArk, false}}) 76c74,84 < util.wait(config.getParameter("beamoutWaitTime")) --- > local gateOpen > while storage.stage == 2 do > if not gateOpen then > gateOpen = world.sendEntityMessage(self.gateUid, "isOpen") > end > if gateOpen:finished() then > if gateOpen:result() then > storage.stage = 3 > end > gateOpen = nil > end 78,80c86 < for _,message in pairs(config.getParameter("beamOutRadio")) do < player.radioMessage(message) < util.wait(self.messageTime) --- > coroutine.yield() 83,88c89 < return true < end < < function beamOut() < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.beamOut, false}}) < quest.setCanTurnIn(true) --- > world.sendEntityMessage(self.estherUid, "notify", {type = "arkOpened"}) 90c91,92 < self.messages = coroutine.wrap(beamOutMessages) --- > self.state:set(self.stages[storage.stage]) > end 92,95c94,95 < while storage.stage == 2 do < if self.messages() then < storage.stage = 3 < end --- > function destroyRuin() > quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.destroyRuin, false}}) 96a97 > while storage.stage == 3 do 100,101d100 < player.warp(config.getParameter("warpAction"), "beam") < 112c111 < pointCompassAt(trackEsther()) --- > questutil.pointCompassAt(trackEsther()) quests\scripts\story\gateway1.lua 1a2 > require "/quests/scripts/questutil.lua" 24d24 < talkToSail, 44,80c44,51 < end < < function pointCompassAt(position) < if position then < local direction = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) < quest.setCompassDirection(vec2.angle(direction)) < elseif position == nil then < quest.setCompassDirection(nil) < end < end < < function talkToSail() < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.talkToSail, false}}) < player.enableAiCommand(self.commandDisabled) < < local findTechStation = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.techstationUid, self.compassUpdate) < local trackGate = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.gateUid, self.compassUpdate) < while storage.stage == 1 do < pointCompassAt(findTechStation()) < < -- shipstatus1 command is enabled on using the enginestatus command < if not contains(player.enabledAiCommands(), self.commandDisabled) then < storage.stage = 2 < end < < -- skip ahead if the player visits the gate before talking to sail < local result = trackGate() < if result and world.magnitude(result, mcontroller.position()) < self.gateRadioRange then < player.disableAiCommand(self.commandDisabled) < storage.stage = 3 < end < coroutine.yield() < end < < util.wait(3.0) < < self.state:set(self.stages[storage.stage]) --- > player.addBookmark({ > type = "teleport", > name = "Outpost", > planetName = "", > icon = "outpost", > targetWorld = "instanceworld:outpost", > spawnTarget = "arkteleporter" > }) 88c59 < while storage.stage == 2 do --- > while storage.stage == 1 do 91c62 < storage.stage = 3 --- > storage.stage = 2 102c73 < util.wait(3.0) --- > util.wait(0.5) 110c81 < while storage.stage == 3 do --- > while storage.stage == 2 do 112c83 < pointCompassAt(result) --- > questutil.pointCompassAt(result) 114c85 < storage.stage = 4 --- > storage.stage = 3 135c106 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end quests\scripts\story\human_mission1.lua 83a84,85 > util.wait(3.0) > player.radioMessage(config.getParameter("missionRadioMessage")) 126,129c128 < player.upgradeShip(upgradeShip) < for _,disabledCommand in pairs(config.getParameter("disabledAiCommands", {})) do < player.disableAiCommand(disabledCommand) < end --- > player.upgradeShip(config.getParameter("shipUpgrade")) quests\scripts\story\shiprepair.lua 1a2 > require "/quests/scripts/questutil.lua" 26,27d26 < wakeSail, < getShipStatus, 53,94d51 < function pointCompassAt(position) < if position then < local direction = world.distance(position, mcontroller.position()) < quest.setCompassDirection(vec2.angle(direction)) < elseif position == nil then < quest.setCompassDirection(nil) < end < end < < function wakeSail() < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.wakeSail, false}}) < < local findTechStation = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.techstationUid, self.compassUpdate) < while storage.stage == 1 do < pointCompassAt(findTechStation()) < < if player.shipUpgrades().shipLevel > 0 then < storage.stage = 2 < end < coroutine.yield() < end < < self.state:set(self.stages[storage.stage]) < end < < function getShipStatus() < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.getShipStatus, false}}) < < local findTechStation = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.techstationUid, self.compassUpdate) < while storage.stage == 2 do < pointCompassAt(findTechStation()) < < -- shipstatus1 command is enabled on using the enginestatus command < if contains(player.enabledAiCommands(), self.commandEnabled) then < storage.stage = 3 < end < coroutine.yield() < end < < self.state:set(self.stages[storage.stage]) < end < 99,101c56,58 < while storage.stage == 3 do < quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.collectRepairItems:gsub("", player.hasCountOfItem(self.shipRepairItem) or 0), false}}) < --- > while storage.stage == 1 do > quest.setObjectiveList({{self.descriptions.collectRepairItems, false}}) > quest.setProgress(player.hasCountOfItem(self.shipRepairItem) / self.shipRepairCount) 103c60 < storage.stage = 4 --- > storage.stage = 2 114a72 > quest.setProgress(nil) 122c80 < local findFuelHatch = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.fuelhatchUid, self.compassUpdate) --- > local findTechStation = util.uniqueEntityTracker(self.techstationUid, self.compassUpdate) 124c82 < pointCompassAt(findFuelHatch()) --- > questutil.pointCompassAt(findTechStation()) 128c86 < storage.stage = 3 --- > storage.stage = 1 quests\story\apex_mission1.questtemplate 21a22 > "turnInDescription" : "Return to ^orange;Esther^reset; at the ^orange;outpost^reset;", quests\story\apex_mission2.questtemplate 22a23,27 > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "apexmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for a ^orange;Miniknog Stronghold^reset;. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the location." > }, quests\story\avian_mission1.questtemplate 5c5 < "title" : "^orange;Hunt for the Avian Artifact", --- > "title" : "Hunt for the Avian Artifact", 21a22 > "turnInDescription" : "Return to ^orange;Esther^reset; at the ^orange;outpost^reset;", quests\story\avian_mission2.questtemplate 5c5 < "title" : "^orange;The Temple of Kluex", --- > "title" : "The Temple of Kluex", 22a23,27 > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "avianmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for ^orange;The Great Sovereign Temple^reset;. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the location." > }, quests\story\destroyruin.questtemplate 4c4 < "prerequisites" : [ "arkopening" ], --- > "prerequisites" : [ "glitch_mission2" ], 6c6,7 < "text" : "It's time. Through this gate you should find the Ruin. Destroy it and end this once and for all, dear.", --- > "text" : "For as long as anyone can remember, the grand protector has been granted the use of the ^orange;master manipulator^white;. Imagine how hard it was to convince Leda to let me keep it! > You see, the ^orange;master manipulator^reset; is the ^orange;human artifact^reset;, and I have it right here.", 22a24 > "openArk" : "Open ^orange;the Ark^reset;", 24,25c26 < "beamOut" : "Prepare to be beamed out", < "turnIn" : "Return to ^orange;Esther Bright^reset;" --- > "turnIn" : "Find a way back to the ^orange;outpost^reset;" 27a29 > "artifactCinematic" : "/cinematics/artifacts/humanartifact.cinematic", 29,58c31 < < "destructionRadio" : [ < { < "messageId" : "tentaclemission-destruction1", < "unique" : false, < "senderName" : "Esther Bright", < "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:", < "text" : "You did it! But oh no... the only thing holding this chunk of flesh, bones, and brains together was the kinetic mind power of the Ruin." < }, < { < "messageId" : "tentaclemission-destruction2", < "unique" : false, < "senderName" : "Esther Bright", < "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:", < "text" : "I suggest you finish up whatever business you have there while we try to lock on to you with our teleporters." < } < ], < < "messageTime" : 6.0, < "beamoutWaitTime" : 10, < < "beamOutRadio" : [ < { < "messageId" : "tentaclemission-beamout", < "unique" : false, < "senderName" : "Koichi", < "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/koichi.png:", < "text" : "Hello? I have you locked on. Prepare for beam up..." < } < ], --- > "gateUid" : "monolithgate", quests\story\floran_mission1.questtemplate 5c5 < "title" : "^orange;Hunt for the Floran Artifact", --- > "title" : "Hunt for the Floran Artifact", 21a22 > "turnInDescription" : "Return to ^orange;Esther^reset; at the ^orange;outpost^reset;", quests\story\floran_mission2.questtemplate 22a23,27 > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "floranmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for a ^orange;Floran Hunting Ground^reset;. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the location." > }, quests\story\gateway1.questtemplate 7c7,8 < "text" : "Good job fixing up the ship. Now we can traverse this entire star system. But before we go out there, let me give you a situation report.", --- > "text" : "Good job fixing up the ship. Now we can traverse this entire star system. > The ship's sensors are indicating the ^orange;presence of an object^reset; generating vast amounts of power ^orange;in this star system^reset;. Imaging suggests it may be some kind of ^orange;ancient structure.^reset;", 16c17 < "questStarted" : "questGiver", --- > "questStarted" : "sail", 22,23c23 < "talkToSail" : "Sit through ^orange;S.A.I.L's^reset; ^orange;situation report^reset;", < "findGate" : "Investigate the mysterious space object", --- > "findGate" : "Investigate the ^orange;mysterious space object^reset;", quests\story\glitch_mission1.questtemplate 5c5 < "title" : "^orange;Hunt for the Glitch Artifact", --- > "title" : "Hunt for the Glitch Artifact", 21a22 > "turnInDescription" : "Return to ^orange;Esther^reset; at the ^orange;outpost^reset;", quests\story\glitch_mission2.questtemplate 22a23,27 > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "glitchmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for a ^orange;Miniknog Stronghold^reset;. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the location." > }, quests\story\human_mission1.questtemplate 31c31,37 < "acquireCrystalsCinema" : "/cinematics/coordinates.cinematic", --- > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "humanmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for an ^orange;Erchius Mining Facility^reset;. We should be be able to find the crystals we need there. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the coordinates." > }, > > "acquireCrystalsCinema" : "/cinematics/artifacts/erchiuscrystal.cinematic", 35d40 < "disabledAiCommands" : [ "shipstatus2" ], quests\story\hylotl_mission1.questtemplate 5c5 < "title" : "^orange;Hunt for the Hylotl Artifact", --- > "title" : "Hunt for the Hylotl Artifact", 21a22 > "turnInDescription" : "Return to ^orange;Esther^reset; at the ^orange;outpost^reset;", quests\story\hylotl_mission2.questtemplate 22a23,27 > "missionRadioMessage" : { > "messageId" : "hylotlmissionunlocked", > "unique" : false, > "text" : "-placeholder- I have received coordinates for ^orange;The Grand Library^reset;. ^orange;Use the ship computer^reset; to access the location." > }, quests\story\shiprepair.questtemplate 2a3 > "prerequisites" : [ "bootship" ], 4,5c5,8 < "title" : "The Aftermath", < "text" : "Zzz...", --- > "title" : "Getting up to Speed", > "text" : "I have a self-repair subroutine, but without functioning engines we don't have enough power to activate it. > > The engines might just need a little jump start. If you find any ^orange;Core Fragments^reset; on the planet below, bring them back to me and we can try it out.", 15,16c18 < "questStarted" : "questGiver", < "questComplete" : "questReceiver" --- > "default" : "sail" 20,23c22,23 < "wakeSail" : "Wake ^orange;S.A.I.L^reset;", < "getShipStatus" : "Get a status update from ^orange;S.A.I.L^reset;", < "collectRepairItem" : "Collect ^orange;:^white; /", < "repairShip" : "Put ^orange;^white; in the ship ^green;fuel hatch^white;" --- > "collectRepairItem" : "Collect ^orange;^reset;", > "repairShip" : "Return to ^orange;SAIL^reset; with the ^orange;^reset;" 29d28 < "fuelhatchUid" : "fuelhatch", quests\tutorial\protectorate.questtemplate 4c4 < "title" : "^orange;The Protectorate", --- > "title" : "The Protectorate", 48c48 < "followUp" : "shiprepair" --- > "followUp" : "bootship" radiomessages\missions.radiomessages 267c267,270 < } --- > }, > > > // --------- TENTACLE MISSION -------- 268a272,293 > "tentaclemission-destruction1" : { > "unique" : false, > "senderName" : "Esther Bright", > "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:", > "text" : "-placeholder- You did it! But oh no... the only thing holding this chunk of flesh, bones, and brains together was the kinetic mind power of the Ruin.", > "persistTime" : 2.0 > }, > > "tentaclemission-destruction2" : { > "unique" : false, > "senderName" : "Koichi", > "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/koichi.png:", > "text" : "-placeholder- Get out! It's gonna blow!", > "persistTime" : 2.0 > }, > > "tentaclemission-destruction3" : { > "unique" : false, > "senderName" : "Nuru", > "portraitImage" : "/interface/chatbubbles/nuru.png:", > "text" : "-placeholder- Don't tell them what to do, fish man. They have dealt with situations worse than this before. Wait, look, something is happening." > } scripts\actions\entities.lua 125,126c125 < heading = 0, < facingDirection = 1 --- > heading = 0 134d132 < local facing = BData:getNumber(args.facingDirection) 138a137 > BData:setNumber(output.direction, toEntity[1]) scripts\behavior\decorator.lua 369a370 > self.result = true species\apex.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/apexgrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\avian.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/aviangrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\floran.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/florangrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\glitch.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/glitchgrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\glitchfemalenamegen.config 6,7c6,7 < [ "Clock", "Bolt", "Cog", "Gear", "Screw", "Wire", "Spring", "Latch", "Lock", "Pin", "Shaft", "Coil", "Pump", "Lamp", "Case", "Belt", "Cable", "Truss", "Steel", "Iron", "Gold", "Lead", "Brass", "Kernel", "Oil", "Robo", "Dome", "Chain", "Rivet", "Sprocket", "Key", "Nut", "Brake", "Clip", "Clutch", "Cam", "Hook", "Axle" ], < [ "zap", "clank", "tick", "tock", "beep", "boop", "ding", "grind", "crunch", "snap", "twist", "slip", "chip", "tank", "wrench", "sink", "stop", "catch", "crank", "grip", "shanks", "clamp", "weld", "sight", "swing", "face", "tooth", "foot", "trace", "wind", "blink", "flip", "crimp", "pop", "trim" ] --- > [ "Song", "Sing", "Iron", "Hope", "Star", "Arrow", "Silver", "Charm", "Siege", "Long", "Shine", "Turn", "Brave", "Gold", "Storm", "Farm", "Star", "Free", "Wind", "Swift", "Moon", "Wing", "Spark", "Night", "Sunny", "Bright" ], > [ "bolt", "mate", "heart", "chain", "oak", "quill", "march", "spear", "blade", "knave", "lord", "watch", "shield", "pike", "wall", "rake", "finger", "latch", "mail", "lance", "wire", "nail", "foot", "flower" ] species\glitchmalenamegen.config 6,7c6,7 < [ "Clock", "Bolt", "Cog", "Gear", "Screw", "Wire", "Spring", "Latch", "Lock", "Pin", "Shaft", "Coil", "Pump", "Lamp", "Case", "Belt", "Cable", "Truss", "Steel", "Iron", "Gold", "Lead", "Brass", "Kernel", "Oil", "Robo", "Dome", "Chain", "Rivet", "Sprocket", "Key", "Nut", "Brake", "Clip", "Clutch", "Cam", "Hook", "Axle" ], < [ "zap", "clank", "tick", "tock", "beep", "boop", "ding", "grind", "crunch", "snap", "twist", "slip", "chip", "tank", "wrench", "sink", "stop", "catch", "crank", "grip", "shanks", "clamp", "weld", "sight", "swing", "face", "tooth", "foot", "trace", "wind", "blink", "flip", "crimp", "pop", "trim" ] --- > [ "Stark", "Brass", "Iron", "Rend", "Cleave", "Arrow", "Cog", "Siege", "Long", "Stone", "Turn", "Brave", "Gold", "Storm", "Farm", "Star", "Free", "Wind", "Swift", "Thunder", "Jet", "Spark", "Bronze", "Night" ], > [ "bolt", "mate", "heart", "chain", "oak", "quill", "march", "spear", "blade", "knave", "lord", "watch", "shield", "pike", "wall", "rake", "finger", "latch", "mail", "lance", "wire", "nail", "foot", "hand" ] species\human.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\hylotl.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/hylotlgrunt2.ogg" ] ], species\novakid.species 17d16 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_male1.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_female1.ogg" ] ], species\penguin.species 14d13 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_male2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humanhurt_female2.ogg" ] ], species\shadow.species 12d11 < "gruntNoises" : [ [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ], [ "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt1.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/humangrunt2.ogg" ] ], 36c35 < --- > 38c37 < --- > 48c47 < --- > 58c57 < --- > 184c183 < { "d9c189" : "7d3c1c", "a38d59" : "4d240b", "735e3a" : "2d1606" }, --- > { "d9c189" : "7d3c1c", "a38d59" : "4d240b", "735e3a" : "2d1606" }, stats\monster_primary.lua 36c36 < mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) --- > self.applyKnockback = momentum 38d37 < mcontroller.addMomentum(momentum) 72a72,79 > > if self.applyKnockback then > mcontroller.setVelocity({0,0}) > if vec2.mag(self.applyKnockback) > status.stat("knockbackThreshold") then > mcontroller.addMomentum(self.applyKnockback) > end > self.applyKnockback = nil > end stats\player_primary.lua 0a1,3 > require "/scripts/status.lua" > require "/scripts/achievements.lua" > 12a16,36 > > self.inflictedDamage = damageListener("inflictedDamage", inflictedDamageCallback) > end > > function inflictedDamageCallback(notifications) > for _,notification in ipairs(notifications) do > if notification.killed then > local entityType = world.entityType(notification.targetEntityId) > local eventFields = entityEventFields(notification.targetEntityId) > util.mergeTable(eventFields, worldEventFields()) > eventFields.damageSourceKind = notification.damageSourceKind > > if entityType == "object" then > recordEvent(, "killObject", eventFields) > > elseif entityType == "npc" or entityType == "monster" or entityType == "player" then > recordEvent(, "kill", eventFields) > end > > end > end 118c142 < if curYVelocity < -minimumFallVel then --- > if curYVelocity < -minimumFallVel and not mcontroller.onGround() then 181a206,207 > > self.inflictedDamage:update() tiles\materials\baseboard.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", tiles\materials\brainsblock.material 8c8 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_dirt.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_brains.ogg", tiles\materials\brick.material 12c12 < "health" : 4, --- > "health" : 8, tiles\materials\dermisblock.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightmetal.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_brains.ogg", tiles\materials\jellyblock.material 12c12,13 < --- > "falling" : true, > "cascading" : true, tiles\materials\ornateflooring.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", tiles\materials\ornatewall.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", tiles\materials\ornatewood.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", tiles\materials\shojiscreenpanel.material 12c12 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_wood.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightwood.ogg", tiles\materials\stomachblock.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_rock.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_brains.ogg", tiles\materials\tentacleblock.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_rock.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_brains.ogg", tiles\materials\tentaclepipe.material 11c11 < "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_lightmetal.ogg", --- > "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_brains.ogg", tilesets\packed\huge-objects.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 74, --- > "tilecount" : 75, 581a582,590 > "74" : { > "//description" : "-placeholder-", > "//name" : "bosstentacle", > "//shortdescription" : "Boss Tentacle", > "imagePositionX" : "-160", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "bosstentacle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 585c594 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Ornate Bookcase", 594c603 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Ornate Bookcase", 816a826,828 > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bosstentacle.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\decorative.json 69c69 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", 158c158 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head, it can't run long distances.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", 167c167 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient creature, known for agility and mischief. They have an intelligent look in their eyes.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", 185c185 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", 194c194 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", 203c203 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", 319c319 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make it a tricky foe.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", 355c355 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", 391c391 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", 418c418 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", 458c458 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The top midge is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", 494c494 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", 503c503 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its light body follows the direction of the wind.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", 539c539 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", 2043c2043 < "//description" : "A rack of Hylotl swords.", --- > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", 2045c2045 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sword Rack", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", 2097c2097 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 2309c2309 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 2415c2415 < "//description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", --- > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", 2417c2417 < "//shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", 2472c2472 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", 3568c3568 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 3997c3997 < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 3999c3999 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", 5241c5241 < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", --- > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", 5243c5243 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 6134c6134 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 6648c6648 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 6657c6657 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 6675c6675 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 6791c6791 < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 6888c6888 < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 7303c7303 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7312c7312 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7321c7321 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7330c7330 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7348c7348 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7357c7357 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 7366c7366 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 8077c8077 < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 8644c8644 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 8646c8646 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 8682c8682 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 8691c8691 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 8790c8790 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 8799c8799 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 8815c8815 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 8817c8817 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 9016c9016 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 9018c9018 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 9052c9052 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 9218c9218 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 9220c9220 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 9282c9282 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 9291c9291 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 9300c9300 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 9729c9729 < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", --- > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", 10329c10329 < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", 10439c10439 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 10488c10488 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 10581c10581 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It is not an efficient flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\door.json 36c36 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Wave door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", 209c209 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 410c410 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", 559c559 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", 691c691 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\furniture.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", 327c327 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", 736c736 < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 833c833 < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 1086c1086 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", 1241c1241 < "//description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", 1959c1959 < "//description" : "A hardy Serene table.", --- > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", 2176c2176 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bar Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", 2493c2493 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\light.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 405, --- > "tilecount" : 406, 2996a2997,3005 > "405" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3255c3264,3265 < "object" : "hylotllantern1" --- > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 3423c3433 < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", 4576a4587,4589 > }, > "405" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bluelight.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\other.json 1222c1222 < "//description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 1231c1231 < "//description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\storage.json 606c606 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 1083c1083 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 1085c1085 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 1103c1103 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 1110c1110 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 1112c1112 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\wire.json 249c249 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 251c251 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 258c258 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 260c260 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 267c267 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 269c269 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 276c276 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 278c278 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 287c287 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 788c788 < "//description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", 797c797 < "//description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 1399c1399 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apex.json 1288c1288 < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apexvillage.json 57c57 < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\astronaut.json 20c20 < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", --- > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\commerce.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 155c155 < "//description" : "A hardy Serene table.", --- > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", 1031c1031 < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 1033c1033 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", 1102c1102 < "//description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\door.json 29c29 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", 487c487 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", 514c514 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", 523c523 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 715c715 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Wave door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\electronic.json 20c20 < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 509c509 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitch.json 368c368 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", 654c654 < "//description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", --- > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", 656c656 < "//shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", 869c869 < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 1294c1294 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", 1478c1478 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", 1556c1556 < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitchcastle.json 29c29 < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 307c307 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", 368c368 < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitchvillage.json 22c22 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", 447c447 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\human.json 108c108 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 117c117 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 128c128 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", 135c135 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 170c170 < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", --- > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", 172c172 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 393c393 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 1133c1133 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1142c1142 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1151c1151 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1160c1160 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1169c1169 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1178c1178 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1187c1187 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1243c1243 < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\humanprison.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", 225c225 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 234c234 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 243c243 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 269c269 < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", --- > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", 271c271 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 368c368 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 648c648 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 657c657 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 666c666 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 675c675 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 684c684 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 702c702 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 711c711 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 740c740 < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotl.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 92c92,93 < "object" : "hylotllantern1" --- > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 115c116 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 228c229 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 237c238 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 239c240 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 256c257 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 324c325 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 352c353 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 361c362 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 379c380 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 458c459 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 706c707 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 754c755 < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 798c799 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 800c801 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 824c825 < "//description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", 860c861 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 971c972 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 973c974 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 1032c1033 < "//description" : "A rack of Hylotl swords.", --- > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", 1034c1035 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sword Rack", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", 1051c1052 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 1077c1078 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 1112c1113 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", 1130c1131 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1139c1140 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1148c1149 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1157c1158 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1180c1181 < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 1215c1216 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 1217c1218 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 1224c1225 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 1226c1227 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 1233c1234 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 1235c1236 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 1242c1243 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 1244c1245 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 1269c1270 < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 1271c1272 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", 1476c1477 < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 1681c1682 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 1834c1835 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 1836c1837 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotloceancity.json 20c20 < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 305c305 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 314c314 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 323c323 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 332c332 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 364c364 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 366c366 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 373c373 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 375c375 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 382c382 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 384c384 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 391c391 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 393c393 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 400c400 < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 402c402 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", 800c800 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 802c802 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 1004c1004 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 1066c1066 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotlvillage.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 82c82 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 111c111,112 < "object" : "hylotllantern1" --- > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 134c135 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 149c150 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 158c159 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 160c161 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 169c170 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 176c177 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 187c188 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 196c197 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 214c215 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 311c312 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 313c314 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 346c347 < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 372c373 < "//description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", 392c393 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 408c409 < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 417c418 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 419c420 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 436c437 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 454c455 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 480c481 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\knowledge.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 20c20 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 22c22 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 58c58 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 74c74 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 76c76 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 93c93 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 111c111 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 129c129 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 201c201 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 226c226 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 228c228 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 237c237 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 298c298 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\light.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 324, --- > "tilecount" : 325, 377c377,378 < "object" : "hylotllantern1" --- > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 525c526 < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", 2231a2233,2241 > "324" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 3625a3636,3638 > }, > "324" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bluelight.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\musical.json 145c145 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\nature.json 119c119 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 1541c1541 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 1543c1543 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\outpost.json 337c337 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", 355c355 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", 667c667 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bar Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\pretty.json 186c186 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", 283c283 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its light body follows the direction of the wind.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", 309c309 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 327c327 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 336c336 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 442c442 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 444c444 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 836c836 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 863c863 < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", 915c915 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", 924c924 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", 1004c1004 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The top midge is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", 1083c1083 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 1868c1868 < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 1904c1904 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", 1913c1913 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head, it can't run long distances.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", 1949c1949 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make it a tricky foe.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", 1958c1958 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", 1994c1994 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", 2003c2003 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", 2079c2079 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", 2632c2632 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2650c2650 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2659c2659 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2668c2668 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2677c2677 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2686c2686 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2695c2695 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 2775c2775 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It is not an efficient flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", 3068c3068 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 3143c3143 < "//description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", --- > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", 3145c3145 < "//shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", 3154c3154 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", 3365c3365 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", 3463c3463 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient creature, known for agility and mischief. They have an intelligent look in their eyes.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\serene.json 19c19 < "//description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 55c55 < "//description" : "A hardy Serene table.", --- > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\storage.json 139c139 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 228c228 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 253c253 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 255c255 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 290c290 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 322c322 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 324c324 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 440c440 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 449c449 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 1108c1108 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 1445c1445 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 1447c1447 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 1465c1465 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 1867c1867 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\valuable.json 363c363 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wave.json 20c20 < "//description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", 47c47 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Wave door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wired.json 125c125 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 127c127 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 222c222 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 224c224 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 321c321 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 323c323 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 414c414 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 416c416 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 940c940 < "//description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 967c967 < "//description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", 1004c1004 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 1161c1161 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\apex.json 869c869 < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\generic.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 1694, --- > "tilecount" : 1695, 922c922 < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the homeworld of humanity.", --- > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", 2770c2770 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It is not an efficient flyer. It's a mystery how it's survived as a species.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", 2833c2833 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's greedy and untrustworthy. If disturbed it will give you the angry eye.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", 2941c2941 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head, it can't run long distances.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", 2950c2950 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient creature, known for agility and mischief. They have an intelligent look in their eyes.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", 2972c2972 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It can enter a different plane of existence. When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", 2990c2990 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes it chases its own tail and accidentally sets it on fire.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", 2999c2999 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees to not blow away.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", 3125c3125 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate and can make it a tricky foe.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", 3152c3152 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", 3206c3206 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... is it a machine?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", 3233c3233 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see is the Anglure's light.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", 3269c3269 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The top midge is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", 3314c3314 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Scandroid is on an endless search. For what?\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", 3323c3323 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its light body follows the direction of the wind.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", 3350c3350 < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night the glow can lead explorers astray.\"", --- > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", 4519c4519 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Wave door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", 4586c4586 < "//description" : "A hardy Serene table.", --- > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", 4981c4981 < "//description" : "An Serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", 4990c4990 < "//description" : "A Wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", 6413c6413 < "//description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", --- > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", 6415c6415 < "//shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", 6469c6469 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bar Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", 6572a6573,6581 > "1694" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 12164c12173 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Large Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", 13294c13303 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Airlock", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", 13957c13966 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 14014c14023 < "//description" : "A replica hylotl plant from the hylotl homeworld.", --- > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", 14016c14025 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fake Plant", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", 14036c14045 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 14038c14047 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 14045c14054 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 14047c14056 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 14054c14063 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 14056c14065 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 14063c14072 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 14065c14074 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 14074c14083 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 16701a16711,16713 > }, > "1694" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bluelight.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\glitch.json 115c115 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Village Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", 405c405 < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping the tallest tower of the tallest castle.", --- > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", 731c731 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", 1030c1030 < "//description" : "It's a figurine of an elusive Glitch Baron.", --- > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", 1032c1032 < "//shortdescription" : "Baron Statuette", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", 1084c1084 < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state, much like the Glitch.", --- > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", 1739c1739 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", 193c193 < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", --- > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", 195c195 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Shower", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", 583c583 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 592c592 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 610c610 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", 973c973 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 982c982 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1009c1009 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1018c1018 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1027c1027 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1036c1036 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1045c1045 < "//description" : "Such pretty architecture seems out of place in a prison.", --- > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", 1056c1056 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Control Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", 1877c1877 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\hylotl.json 242c242 < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty hylotl delicacy.", --- > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", 350c350 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 352c352 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 455c455 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 464c464 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 534c534 < "//description" : "A traditional Hylotl table.", --- > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", 572c572 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", 581c581 < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", 605c605 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 607c607 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 720c720 < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", 798c798 < "//description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", --- > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", 800c800 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", 809c809 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", 818c818 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Huge Ornate Bookcase", 827c827 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 836c836 < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", 883c883 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", 935c935 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 937c937 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 944c944 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 946c946 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 953c953 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 955c955 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 962c962 < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty Hylotl sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", --- > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", 964c964 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Liquid Sensor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", 973c973 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 1000c1000 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Button", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", 1103c1103 < "//description" : "A rack of Hylotl swords.", --- > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", 1105c1105 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sword Rack", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", 1122c1122 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 1148c1148 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Codex", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", 1182c1182 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Music Box", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", 1293c1293 < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's another lily pad.", --- > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", 1334c1334,1335 < "object" : "hylotllantern1" --- > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 1337c1338 < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular Hylotl beverages.", --- > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", 1339c1340 < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Vending Machine", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", 1696c1697 < "//description" : "This Hylotl water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", --- > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", 1724c1725 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1750c1751 < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Short Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", 1774c1775 < "//description" : "A screen for modest Hylotl to hide behind while getting changed.", --- > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", 1820c1821 < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurized Support", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", 1827c1828 < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\container.json 994c994 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries. It's only partially filled.", --- > "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", 996c996 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", 1027c1027 < "//shortdescription" : "Library Index", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", 1576c1576 < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", 1583c1583 < "//description" : "A hylotl bookcase made for libraries.", --- > "//description" : "A small bookcase.", 1585c1585 < "//shortdescription" : "Small Library Bookcase", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\loungeable.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Prison Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", 335c335 < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair meant for important Hylotl.", --- > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", 539c539 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", 1436c1436 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bar Stool", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", 1619c1619 < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bench", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", 2026c2026 < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Royal Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", treasure\biome.treasurepools 135d134 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "thornyneedler"}, // TODO: replace old gun 170c169 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowgun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowgun"}, 208c207 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "watergun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "watergun"}, 358,359d356 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "corrosivegun"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienlaser"}, // TODO: replace old gun 521c518 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "pollenpump"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "pollenpump"}, 556c553 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "blowgun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "blowgun"}, 649,654c646,651 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunred-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunblue-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunyellow-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunpurple-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgungreen-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunorange-recipe"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunred-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunblue-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunyellow-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunpurple-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgungreen-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "paintgunorange-recipe"}, 691d687 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "bonepistol"}, // TODO: replace old gun 730d725 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "boulderstaff"}, // TODO: replace old staff 1275c1270 < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "gnomegun"}, // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "gnomegun"}, 1353,1356c1348 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienskullhead"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "boneassault" } ]}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "boneshotgun" } ]}, // TODO: replace old gun < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "bonepistol" } ]} // TODO: replace old gun --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienskullhead"} 1388d1379 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "icechucker"}, // TODO: replace old gun 1454,1455c1445 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bioshroomtable-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "biostaff"} // TODO: replace old staff --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bioshroomtable-recipe"} treasure\dungeon.treasurepools 77a78,108 > "apexbasetreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.25, 0], > [0.50, 1], > [0.25, 2] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "apexbasechesttreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.25, 3], > [0.50, 4], > [0.25, 5] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > 102a134,163 > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "florancanyontreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.25, 0], > [0.50, 1], > [0.25, 2] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "florancanyonchesttreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.70, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.25, 4], > [0.50, 5], > [0.25, 6] treasure\harvest.treasurepools 649c649 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "silk"} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "silkfibre"} treasure\lore.treasurepools 5,19c5,19 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "childrenofkluexCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "groundeddoctrineCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexcommandsCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion01Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion02Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion03Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion04Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion05Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary01Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary02Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary03Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "notesfromthegroundCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "progenitorsCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "thefallCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "villageprayerCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "childrenofkluex-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "groundeddoctrine-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexcommands-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion04-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "kluexdelusion05-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "lasladiary03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "notesfromtheground-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "progenitors-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "thefall-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "villageprayer-codex", 1]}, 35,46c35,46 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "ancientprayerCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "avianhistoryCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "clippedcouncilCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "excommunicationCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "flightlessmandateCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "modernprayerCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "natureofsacrificeCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "notefrompilotCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "rudeawakeningCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "speciesandgodsCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "templecoraleCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "writingoftextsCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "ancientprayer-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "avianhistory-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "clippedcouncil-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "excommunication-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "flightlessmandate-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "modernprayer-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "natureofsacrifice-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 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[ "florviltreetop-codex", 1]}, 314,325c314,325 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog01Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog02Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog03Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog04Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog05Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog06Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerpolicyCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerhumansCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerbeastCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerbustersCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerbookCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerordersCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "bunkerlog04-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ 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{"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook10Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook11Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisonghostsCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook04-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook05-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook06-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook07-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook08-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook09-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook10-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisoncasebook11-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "prisonghosts-codex", 1]}, 368,379c368,379 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerbattlegroundCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerconstructfreeCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerdayoutCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerferryingCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewergrowflyCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerlamentCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerlonelyCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewermecharachnidCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerpoCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerpometheusCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerseveringCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerstrangeCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerbattleground-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerconstructfree-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerdayout-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerferrying-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewergrowfly-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerlament-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerlonely-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewermecharachnid-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerpo-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerpometheus-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewersevering-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "sewerstrange-codex", 1]}, 395,406c395,406 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking01Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking02Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking03Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking04Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking05Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking06Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlecuriousCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlefoldnoteCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleguestCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlemessageCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlemisunderstandingCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleprefixCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking04-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking05-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleking06-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlecurious-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlefoldnote-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleguest-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlemessage-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castlemisunderstanding-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "castleprefix-codex", 1]}, 422,433c422,433 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "deckardnoteCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "outcastscoraleCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "stamppamphletCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "transcript0292Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "transcript0293Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "individualscoraleCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "outcastposterCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "hierarchycoraleCodex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook01Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook02Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook03Codex", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook04Codex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "deckardnote-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "outcastscorale-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "stamppamphlet-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "transcript0292-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "transcript0293-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "individualscorale-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "outcastposter-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "hierarchycorale-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook01-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook02-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook03-codex", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "steelbook04-codex", 1]}, 436c436 < {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "todolistCodex", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 0.08, "item" : [ "todolist-codex", 1]} treasure\monster.treasurepools 63c63 < --- > 79c79 < --- > 162c162 < --- > 584c584 < --- > 1030c1030 < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bossdreadwingCodex", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bossdreadwing-codex", 1]} 1035c1035 < "bosscrystalCodex" : [ --- > "bosscrystal-codex" : [ 1038c1038 < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystalCodex", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystal-codex", 1]} 1045c1045 < "fill" : [ {"item" : "bossshockhopperCodex"}] --- > "fill" : [ {"item" : "bossshockhopper-codex"}] 1130c1130 < --- > 1133c1133 < "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "dragonbone", 5]}, {"item" : "bossbonedragonCodex"}] --- > "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "dragonbone", 5]}, {"item" : "bossbonedragon-codex"}] 1139c1139 < "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "endomorphicjelly", 5]}, {"item" : "bossjellyCodex"}] --- > "fill" : [ {"item" : [ "endomorphicjelly", 5]}, {"item" : "bossjelly-codex"}] treasure\tenants.treasurepools 233d232 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "fleshstaff", 1]}, treasure\missions\miningtreasure1.treasurepools 74c74 < {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystalCodex", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 1, "item" : [ "bosscrystal-codex", 1]}, vehicles\mech\mech.lua 25c25 < mechProjectileConfig.power = root.evalFunction("gunDamageLevelMultiplier", self.level) * mechProjectileConfig.power --- > mechProjectileConfig.power = root.evalFunction("weaponDamageLevelMultiplier", self.level) * mechProjectileConfig.power