FILES ----- [NEW] behaviors\sequences\avianmission\tonauacdoor.behavior [NEW] behaviors\sequences\avianmission\tonauacend.behavior behaviors\sequences\avianmission\tonauacstart.behavior dungeons\missions\avianmissions\avianmission1.json npcs\story\tonauac.npctype DIFFS ----- behaviors\sequences\avianmission\tonauacstart.behavior 2a3 > "description": "", 154a156,166 > "title": "sequentialdialog", > "type": "module", > "name": "sequentialdialog", > "parameters": { > "dialogWaitTime": 4, > "dialogEndWait": 2, > "dialogKey": "dialog.tonauac.start", > "dialogTarget": "player" > } > }, > { 630a643,647 > "parameters": {} > }, > { > "type": "module", > "name": "beamout", dungeons\missions\avianmissions\avianmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] npcs\story\tonauac.npctype 26c26 < "behavior" : "tonauacstart", --- > "behavior" : "tonauacend", 76a77,110 > ] > } > }, > "doorGreeting" : { > "default" : { > "default": [ > "Oh, there you are.", > "You've diverted from the tour quite a bit. You're really not supposed to be here!", > "Neither am I in fact. Let's find a way back." > ] > } > }, > "doorOpened" : { > "default" : { > "default": [ > "This door is inappropriately sized for a big boned bird like me", > "You check this way and I'll try to find a more fitting exit" > ] > } > }, > "giveRelic" : { > "default" : { > "default": [ > "I know what you're up to, this wasn't a tour at all. You want to spread the word of Kluex.", > "Here take this shiny object, it'll help.", > "I'll come with you, not a good tour guide anyway, I can spread the word better when there are people to talk to", > "Come on, I found an exit beamer upper over there" > ] > } > }, > "end" : { > "default" : { > "default": [ > "Here it is. It looks old, I wonder where it will take us. Exciting!"